November 2001 Newsletter


November 2001 Newsletter
Through the Lens
The official newsletter of the Wasatch Camera Club
November 2001
Enjoying Photography Together
It was a good month. The weather was good and there didn’t seem to be enough time to do all we had
planned for the Grand Staircase fieldtrip.There was a big turnout for both of the lighting workshops. The
hands-on portion on Saturday gave everyone the chance to practice what they had learned the night
before. Most found that “doing” is a lot different than just learning, plus it’s a lot more fun. A big thanks to
those who put in their time and talents to make these activities successful.
We are having another competition this month. I would encourage you to use these competitions as a
learning experience as well as a time to show your work. Besides enjoying the photographs, try judging
each picture yourself. Did you like the picture? Why? What score would you have given it? Did you not
like the picture? What didn’t you like about it? Was the picture mediocre? What would you have done different if you had taken it? Is there anything that could be done to make it better? There is a lot of learning
that can be done during competitions. Think about composition, lighting, visual impact and whether the picture is technically correct.
Another way to learn is by have your entries critiqued. See what others think. Is there something constructive you can learn? If there is, use it. Above all, remember that it is what you like that really counts.
Use the competitions to help you develop your own photographic style. Competing in competitions is
another way that we can enjoy photography together.
-Fred Holley
Calendar of Events
Monthly club meeting. Open competition. Assigned subject. “Reflections”
Fieldtrip “Little Sahara”
Workshop “Flash photography”
Monthly club meeting. Sideshow, treats, good company.
Fieldtrip “Torch Light Parade” at Snowbird ski resort.
Monthly club meeting. Open competition. Assigned subject. “Animals”
Hospitality Report – October
by Stuart O’Hare
Wow! What a couple months it has been for new members and guests. We know that last month’s article
left some people out – hopefully we can make it up this time! At our November meeting, let’s give a BIG
WASATCH CAMERA CLUB HELLO to our new members – Fred Tull, Steve & Craig Beck, Bobbi Whitney,
Brett Duval, John Riffle, and Trina Steffensen all from Salt Lake City; Autumn Morton from Kearns,
Hospitality Report – October(continued)
Michael and his son Patrick Flaherty from Park City. Our guests were, Leng Lee from Draper, Dwane &
Virginia Williams from Roy,Tami Mathews from N. Ogden and Janell Roesner, Alexander Fisher, John
Beckstead all from Salt Lake City.
If our new members would please stop by the Hospitality Desk on their way in next month, we have name
badges for you and will assign a club member to help you become acquainted with others and walk you
through the sign-up process for the November competition.
Again, a hearty WELCOME to one and all.
Competition Committee Report
Competition Rules Change
by Barbara Richards and Dennis VanDuren
The Competition Rule change passed by the Board of Directors on October 4, 2001, and announced at the
October 11th meeting, is printed below. A complete revision of the Rules has also been sent to Pete
Iccabazzi for the Website and to Stuart O’Hare for the New Member packet. If you would like a complete
copy and can’t access the website, please contact the Secretary, Marge Odell ( All
previously won competition points will remain in effect for the current year. If you have questions, feel free
to contact one of us. The rule changes have to do with entry numbers and has been revised as follows:
Rule 2.) Members can enter up to a total of 4 images in each month of competition, in either Slides or
any type Print, but no more than 2 images may be in one category. The images may be in any of the categories in the Open Class and any of the categories in the Assigned Class. Ties for First Place in the various
categories will be broken while ties for lower places will remain as ties with all images involved in a tie
receiving the same ribbon and points.
Hand colored black and white is considered black and white.
A few reminders:
Some of the Competition Committee members have requested that we remind both old and new members
of some of the rules to expedite the sign-in process for both prints and slides. We are extracting part of
the revised Rules of Competition as a reminder of what the WCC rules are.
Rule 4.) Print image size must fit within 8” and 16” in one dimension and 10” and 20” in the other dimension, and, with the exception of Panorama Prints, may be any size that fits within these bounds. This is to
allow for “square,” “full-frame,” “panorama,” and other “non-standard” sized entries. Maximum print image
size will be 16” x 20”. Panorama formats are eligible. A typical panorama dimension is 6” x 17”. (The 6
inch dimension is an allowable exception to the above 8 inch minimum.) Youth Class will have no minimum
size. Mounts may be larger than 16” x 20”. Prints must be mounted. “Over-mats” (white or colored) are
permitted. “Flush Mounts” are permitted. Frames are not allowed.
Competition Committee Report - (continued)
Comments: We strongly urge new members and any one who is unfamiliar with how to put a slide in the
tray correctly, to let the Competition Committee person at the slide sign-in table place your slide in the
tray. Although not included in the Rule, if you have a gummed label on the slide, please be sure that it is
affixed so that it doesn’t come off in the projector. Thanks.
Rule 5.) Entries must be identified.
a) Slides: as you view the slide, put a dot in the bottom left corner; write your name (not initials) and the
photo’s title on the back.
b) Prints: write your name (not initials), the photo’s title and an arrow pointing toward the top on the back
of the mount board.
c) Photo titles must appear on all entries.
Rule 9.) If members desire to have their image “critiqued” they will place a letter “C” next to the entry’s
listing on the sign-up sheet.
Assigned categories for competition next year:
At the October meeting the members voted on what they would like for the Assigned Categories for the
next club year, which begins May 1, 2002. They will be sequenced by month at a later date after the
Competition, Workshop and Field Trip Committees have an opportunity to plan their programs for next
year. The objective is to have all three of these activities support each other.
The selected categories are listed according to the number of votes received.
1. Old Things/Antiques or Rusted
2. Rivers/Oceans/Water
3. Doors and Windows
4. Still Life
6. Patterns
Workshop Committee Report
Our November workshop will be: FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY with Andy & Marilyn Shearer and Brady
Donley(a new member you’ll soon meet). The workshop date will be Friday, November 30th from 7-10pm.
There will be a sign up sheet at the November meeting. More details will be listed on the Website and sent
out to those who sign-up as they become available. Marilyn, Brady Donley and I have visited regarding the
Flash Photography Workshop agenda and feel it is best to focus on the small hand held or on camera
strobes rather than studio lights. While the principles are the same the cost and complications are significantly greater with studio lights. We hope to provide you a good working knowledge of your camera/flash
unit as well as building upon the things you learned in the Lighting Workshop if you were able to attend.
Our plan will be to try to focus on the basic things that will be of the most practical use to you, particularly
with the holiday season coming. Please contact Brenda, Marilyn or me if you have suggestions. WE would
welcome your comments. Brady will be a big help and you can talk to him about printing as well.
Workshop Committee Report - (continued)
Photography Basics Class
By Brenda Mason
The Club’s first Photography Basics Class was held last Winter. When and if it is to be taught again, it is
now the responsibility of the Workshop Committee. If it is to be held again, it will be a four-consecutiveweek evenings class. We need to know how many would be interested and who would be willing to assist
in the instruction. If held, it will be limited to members who are Youth or Novice Class Photographers, no
guests. Please contact Brenda Mason with an indication of your interest.
Also, you MUST be a current paid member to attend the workshops - this is one of your many club membership benefits.
Thank you - Brenda Mason 424-9798 or
A word of THANKS AND PRAISE to Andy and Marilyn Shearer for the PHENOMENAL October Lighting
More thanks
Marilyn and I want to recognize the important role Brenda has played in all of the workshops this year. In
our case she found a location (free), coordinated almost everything, provided valuable input on the syllabus
and agenda, communicated with the members and spent time helping others rather than doing much photography herself. Marilyn and I certainly appreciate the help she gave us.
-Andy Shearer.
Computer-Based Photography Workshops
By Brenda Mason,Workshop Committee Chair
(Pete Iccabazzi, Conrad Grams and Wes Odell contributed to this article)
The WCC Workshop Committee feels that if the Club is to be a leading camera/photography club, it is
important that we cover Photoshop-related subjects. Therefore, the Workshop Committee is planning a
series of sessions to start this winter and continue as part of the Workshop repertoire for as long as there
is an interest in covering various levels of Photoshop-related techniques. i.e., this is not a series of workshops that will start and end during the current club year. Since Photoshop is not applicable to all members, it is felt that its coverage can best be done in a Workshop environment instead of as a Club Meeting
Program. There are three basic types of workshops being proposed. We are very confident that
there will be interest in I and II, but uncertain about III. Once we have this information, we will create a
schedule and publish it in the Newsletter, after which time the Photoshop Workshops will be available for
sign-ups. We need your comments.We need to know how many are interested, therefore, please email or
phone me, Brenda Mason, at or 424-9798. Digital-camera techniques will not be covered. These workshops are blind as to the type camera one uses.(The word “digital” is not used anywhere
in the following discussion.)
Photoshop I - A one-evening demonstration of the basic Photoshop capabilities, but not including “computer manipulation.” Only some of the basics that can be performed in a chemical color darkroom will be
demonstrated. Attendees may bring one negative or slide that will be scanned, enhanced, and printed.
Limited ONLY to those who have never seen Photoshop in operation, and who don’t have access to a
Photoshop on the computer. This will be a “show and tell session” for those who have no knowledge of
Photoshop. Several sessions will be held concurrently, and each one will be limited to six members, no
guests. The emphasis will be on color rather than black and white images. Contact Brenda Mason with an
indication of your interest.
Photoshop II - A series of very specialized technology-related Photoshop Workshop sessions led by Pete
Iccabazzi, conducted by a series of member-instructors, and programmed to cover only one aspect of
Photoshop in detail each session. These will be held from time to time as interest and instructor skill is
available. The topics are intended to be narrow enough that they can be covered in depth in single-evening
sessions. Limited to: 1) Those who have a solid working knowledge of Photoshop. and 2)6 - 10 members
(no guests) each session, the size being largely dependent on the location for the workshop. We have identified the following topics and would like to know which ones you are interested in and which ones you feel
you could teach. Are there others you suggest? We see this as the beginning of a continuing series of indepth Workshop Sessions that would be repeated as time goes on. Please respond to Brenda Mason.
Photoshop Settings and file formats
In depth use of color correction tools (Brightness/Contrast, Hue, Levels, Curves, Saturation,Variations)
Selections (Magic Wand, Lasso, Pen Tool, Clipping Paths, Selective Color)
Adjustment Layers
Color Management (profiling)
Image formats for the web
Photo Retouching
Image Modes (RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Bitmap, Index )
Photoshop III - A number of “Interest Groups” will be organized which will be self-sustaining regarding content and frequency of occurrence. The number of members in each Interest Group will be limited to eight
or fewer and will be organized around skill levels and common equipment in the use of Photoshop. It is
anticipated that each group will conduct a round table discussions on topics of their choosing related to
Photoshop techniques. An initial meeting will be held to organize the Interest Groups as closely to geographic lines as possible. Limited to those who have a working knowledge of Photoshop. Contact Brenda
Mason with an indication of your interest.
Program Committee Report
By Jim Black
October Program Thanks
What a great program last month. “Take pictures just to take pictures” Terry Martin made this and many
other great points in his discussion of creativity and expression with our cameras. How often do we actually do this? I think as photographers and artists we can forget how refreshing it can be to shoot something
Program Committee Report (continued)
just because it means something to us. Not thinking about all the rules we’ve been told or what someone
else might think, what will the judges like? Who cares just take the picture!
Terry expressed some wonderful comments regarding our club and it’s members. He also would be willing
to do a workshop in the future if the interest was there. I would like to thank Terry on behalf of the club
for taking the time to share with us his twenty years of knowledge and creative experience.
Christmas Program
The Christmas slide show is fast approaching. Everyone pick out those two field trip or workshop slides
that you just have to show. If you have not been able to get out on the field trips this year feel free to
show what ever you would like. Lets try and keep it down to two, we want to have enough time to socialize and meet some new people. Thanks!!
Field trip Committee Report
By Brent Halliday
Little Sahara Sand Dunes Field Trip November 10th
Little Sahara Sand Dunes is located 115 miles Southwest of Salt Lake City in between Nephi and Delta. The
state park has approximately 124 square miles of sand with various areas allowing and disallowing all terrain
vehicles.Temperatures will be cooler in November, expect 30-40 degrees in the morning and 40-50 degrees
during the day. This will be a one day field trip, therefore, being at the dunes before sunrise is highly recommended. Carpools are encouraged since it takes about an hour and forty-five minutes to drive there. We
will announce a meeting place for members to meet for carpools. You will find many photo opportunities
at Little Sahara from wind blown waves in the sand, to desert brush and flowering plants. Be prepared to
protect your equipment from the sand by bringing plastic bags to keep lenses and other photo gear in.
December Field Trip Torch Light Parade
We will be photographing the torch light parade at Snowbird ski resort on New Year’s Eve. The torch light
parade starts at 5:30 and lasts approximately one hour. After the torch light parade there will be some fireworks. This event will not last too long so those of you who have plans for New Year’s Eve should still be
able to participate. We will be meeting at the park and ride lot at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon
prior to the parade to car pool up the canyon. If Snowbird resort is not convenient, other resorts have
planned torch light parades as well. This list includes Alta, Solitude and Park City.
Jacob Sherman Dallon was born on October 2, 2001 at 12:30 p.m. He weighed 8 pounds and 7 ounces and
was 21 inches long. I’m looking forward to taking lots of pictures of him and our other little boy, Adam.
See everyone soon,
-Debbie Dallon
Bonnie Fowler said to say “thank you” to the club members and friends who have patronized her shop. She
also said that she would like to do something for the club year end , and she offered 10% off to members.
Borge B. Andersen & Associates
234 South 200 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
fax: 801-521-4664
Mon.- Fri. 7:30-5:30, Sat. 9:00-1:00
For your photo finishing and digital
Who Are We?
Presented by the Hospitality Committee
We have had many requests for pictures and a little biographical sketch of the Board of Directors and
Committee Chairs. What better way to accomplish this project other than the newsletter. Each month,
several members of the Board of Directors will be presented via a thumbnail photo and a short biographical sketch.
This month we lead off with our President, Fred Holley, our Vice-President, Leslie Davis, and our Immediate
Past President,Wes Odell.
WCC President – Fred Holley
All my life I have envied those with artistic ability.Then I discovered photography. I love nature, exploring, and photography. Utah is a great place to live
and a great state to photograph..
I am from the Ogden area and moved to Salt Lake about twenty years ago. I
manage an HVAC wholesale business in Orem.
I am self taught in photography and started getting serious in 1993. After a
few years I thought I was getting pretty good and one way to find out was to
join a club. I am one of the original members of the club. I consider myself a
landscape and nature photographer but also enjoy the challenge of other
types as well. It has been a great experience to associate and photograph
with others who have the same passion for photography.
-Fred Holley
WCC Vice-President – Leslie Davis
My first camera, a Brownie, came to be mine when I was eight years old and
I’ve never looked back. Through the Kodak Instamatic, the Olympus OM-1
and now the automatic age of a Canon Elan 7E, I’ve never lost my desire to
go out and find the next “right” answer on film. The Camera Club provides
a new dimension and expansion to what I’ve always done and I’m grateful for
the challenge.
I was born in Southern California before it was wall-to-wall people. Escaping
30 years ago, I lived for a year on the Oregon Coast, did a stint in the Army
and (lucky for me) ended up in Utah, which has been home for 27 years. I
have two daughters, Emilie and Casey, and I’ve worked at Evans and
Sutherland in the IT Department for nearly 15 years. The computer is my
logical side - the camera is my artistic outlet. Anywhere outdoors is my favorite place to be. Luckily, my
husband understands my film disease and exhibits great patience in important moments. Lately, I’ve started
taking engagement, bridal and family portraits and am enjoying it greatly.The weddings I don’t like as much STRESS! Life is one big learning project and I’m always ready to be in class.
Thanks to you all for your contributions.
-Leslie Davis
Wes Odell, Immediate Past President
Following a degree at Utah in Engineering and graduate work at Stanford, I
spent my career at IBM and in the emerging computer software industry in
administration, finance, operations and marketing.
After finally retiring from the software industry in 1981, I decided to continue
working for a while and taught both Marketing and Management at the university level and then formed a consulting practice related to the marketing
of software.
Finally, fully retired in 1994, I have been heavily involved in local environmental
advocacy issues including some that are related to the 2002 Games, and have
tried to find time to pursue my life-long interest in Photography.
– Wes Odell
Next month, we will profile our Secretary and Treasurer. Stay tuned and happy shooting.
Notice from the editor: Please have all Newsletter items in to Norm by 5:00pm on the
24th of each month. Thanks. Norm Funk
For Sale:
Medium format camera:
Mamiya M645. Includes metered prism finder, 80mm lens, 120 film insert and motordrive. $500 or $425
without the motor drive.
Studio lighting: Photogenic 400ws powerpack with 2 heads. Includes cords and reflectors. Nice starting studio set. $250 2 JTL Exelight T-400 monolights. $225 ea or $450 for both.
Contact: Dan Neilson 572-6069 email:
For Sale:
“I still have 4 (four) window mounts, very similar to the Leonard Lee Rue Groofwin, only 80 bucks cheaper.
They were manufactured right here in Utah. I have sold several of them to people from North Carolina to
California, and also some Club members. Everyone has been very pleased with them.They really are great,
and for $100.00 (Leonard Rue’s run $180), what a great price.They would make an excellent Christmas gift
also !! Contact Scott at 281-4458.”