2013 Incentive Plan Bonus Opportunities


2013 Incentive Plan Bonus Opportunities
WELCOME to year six of the Stantec Wellness Program. Whether you are signing up for the program again or
accepting the challenge for the first time, we congratulate you on your decision to take ownership of your
health. As in previous years, this program remains voluntary.
Privacy and confidentiality are major concerns for everyone in today’s environment. Your wellness provider,
Kersh Health, is bound by PIPEDA to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. Kersh Health
and Stantec take your privacy very seriously.
We strongly encourage you to read through this Program Guide completely. You will find step-by-step
instructions and details on the Wellness Program. Your Incentive Plan is described in detail and all wellness
activities and goals are clearly defined. Should you ever have a question about the program, we want to help,
call Kersh at (800) 467-3005.
Good luck in your upcoming wellness journey!
Stantec and Kersh Health
Kersh Health
2600 Technology Drive, Suite 100
Plano, TX 75074
Toll Free Number: (800) 467-3005
Fax Number: (469) 241-2599
Important Note:
2013 Wellness Program Dates: 1/1/2013 — 10/31/2013
Please read this entire guide for details on the 2013 program.
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Current Employees
To enroll in the 2013 Wellness Program you must complete the Qscore
Please follow the instructions below to enroll in the plan.
1. Use your Kersh Identification (KID) number to log on to
www.KershHealth.com and set up an online account (if you do not
already have one).
2. Required: Complete your Qscore Assessment online. Print your
Qscore Certificate of Completion if you are attending onsite
testing. The Qscore Assessment is available between
September 24—November 29, 2012.
3. Optional: Complete Biometric Testing. Attend on-site Biometric
Testing (if applicable). You will need to bring your Qscore Certificate
of Completion with you to testing. If you are unable to attend on-site
testing you may go to your own physician and have the test
completed. Have your physician complete and submit the Biometric
Testing Form located on StanNet by August 31, 2013.
Important Note:
Enrollment in the 2013 Wellness Program is available for all benefiteligible.
Enrollment Requirement: Complete your Qscore Assessment online at
www.KershHealth.com between September 24—November 29, 2012.
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New Hires/Status Changes/Qualified Life Events
October 1, 2012 or later
This section only applies to employees who are new hires or have status changes or have qualified life events
on October 1, 2012 or later. Please follow the instructions below to enroll in the 2013 Wellness Program.
1. Call Kersh at (800) 467-3005 to obtain the Promo Code and ask if a Kersh Identification (KID) number has
been assigned.
2. Set up an online account.
A. Individuals with a KID Number:
Use your KID number to log on to www.KershHealth.com and set up an online
B. Individuals without a KID Number:
Create an account at www.kershwellness.com/stantec. Your Stantec Employee ID
is required.
Log on to www.KershHealth.com with the User ID and password you just
3. Complete your Qscore online at www.KershHealth.com within 31 days of your hire/status change/life
qualifying event date. You are enrolled in the Wellness Program once you have completed your online
Qscore Assessment.
Starting November 30, 2012 you will need a Promo Code to gain access to the Qscore Assessment. Please call
Kersh to obtain this code at (800) 467-3005.
Your personal Qscore Report will be immediately posted online at www.KershHealth.com and will be
automatically updated if biometrics are submitted.
A Kinetic Activity Monitor (KAM) will be mailed to your home.
Follow the incentive plan on page 7, 8, and 9.
Important Note:
Your 2014 Wellness Spending Account (WSA)/Health Care Spending Account
(HCSA) contribution will be based on your level of participation in the 2013
wellness program. Your Incentive Plan is pro-rated based on your hire/status
change/life event date.
Please refer to the pro-rated incentive plan found on page 9 in this guide.
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Understanding the Qscore
Health can be difficult to gauge. Our bodies are complex organisms, made up of almost 100 different organs
and trillions of cells. Each day we make decisions and encounter situations that can help or hurt our health,
and often the impact of these decisions goes unnoticed until it’s too late.
That’s why Kersh has created the Qscore. Here is how it works:
1. First, you complete a short health assessment to help us understand more about you.
2. Once we receive your assessment, we combine it with your biometrics (if applicable) to generate your
3. Each participant receives a Qscore between 1—100. This number represents where you are in line to see a
doctor. An individual with a lower Qscore will be towards the front of the line to see a doctor and will
need medical attention before an individual with a higher Qscore.
4. Each participant will also receive an Optimum Qscore. This represents where you could be in the line if
changes were made to your lifestyle (i.e. stop smoking, lowered cholesterol level, began exercising).
Note: You will immediately receive a Qscore after completing your Qscore Assessment online. Your Qscore
will be updated with your biometric results (if applicable) once received. You will receive an email notifying
you of this update.
Qscore Report
Your customized Qscore Report will be available online immediately after
completion of the online Qscore Assessment. As biometric results (if applicable) are received, your report
will be updated. Kersh will notify you by email once your report has been updated. To view your report,
please follow the instructions below.
1. Log on to www.KershHealth.com and click on the Qscore icon on the left side of your screen.
2. Scroll down to Step 2 and click “View Your Qscore Report”.
Inside your Qscore Report you will find your current Qscore, your Optimum Qscore, and an overall health
summary broken down into 6 categories.
The Qscore Report has been color coded to help you quickly identify areas where improvement is
needed. Pay special attention to caution and danger areas.
In each category, suggestions are given on how to improve your health. As improvements are made in
each of these categories, your overall Qscore will increase and bring you closer to your Optimum Qscore.
Throughout this guide you will see programs and tools which have been designed to help you improve
your Qscore and your overall health.
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Current Employees:
During the annual enrollment process, on-site testing will be performed at most work locations. Biometric
Testing is optional, however it is highly encouraged. Testing takes about 15 minutes and all results are
confidential. The tests consist of:
Blood Pressure
Blood Lipids
Blood Sugar
Remember to fast at least 8 hours before testing, however, you may continue to drink water and take your
prescribed medications
Bring your Qscore Certificate of Completion with you to testing
Testing dates will be posted around your office and on StanNet
If you are unable to attend on-site biometric testing, you may use the Biometric Testing Form located on
StanNet to report results from testing conducted at your physician’s office.
New Hires/Status Change/Life Events after October 1, 2012:
Biometric results may be submitted to Kersh for bonus incentive points by using the Biometric Results Form
found on StanNet. The deadline to submit biometric results for the 2013 program is August 31, 2013.
Biometric “Test Out” Bonus Opportunity
Biometric “Test Out” gives you the opportunity to earn Gold status points for the 2013
program year (gold level contribution applied in January 2014) by obtaining optimal
biometric results for ALL items listed below.
Total Cholesterol: <5.17 mmol/l 
HDL: >=1.55 mmol/l
LDL: <2.59 mmol/l
Triglycerides: <1.69 mmol/l
Glucose: <5.5 mmol/l
Blood Pressure: <120/80
*BMI: <25
You may choose to provide Kersh with a full set of updated biometric results performed by your physician
through August 31, 2013. Results must be submitted on the Biometric Testing Form located on StanNet.
*If all results fall within optimal level with the exception of BMI then your doctor may submit your Body Fat %. This % must qualify
as normal for your gender and age category. Contact Kersh for further details if you fall into this category.
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2013 Incentive Plan
New Hires after January 1, 2013: Refer to the pro-rated incentive plan on page 9
Wellness Activities
Current Employees: Complete the online Qscore Assessment from September 24—November 29, 2012. (Required)
New Hires/Status Changes/Life Events: Complete the online Qscore Assessment within 31 days from the qualifying
event. (Required)
2 pts
Complete Biometric Testing by August 31, 2013.
20 pts
Education: Read and take a quiz on one Health Article per quarter online at www.KershHealth.com or participate in
While all participants may contact Kersh to participate in Q-Quest, Kersh will contact those with a Qscore of 60 or less.
Those participating in Q-Quest will receive credit by working with an assigned Health Coach/Registered Dietitian.
Quarter dates are as follows: January 1—March 15, March 16—May 31, June 1—August 15, August 16—October 31
8 pts
(2 pts per
article or call/
Exercise: Wear and dock your KAM or manually log activity online January—October.
Tier 1: 15—25 KAM points per day or manually log activity for at least 15 days per month = 6 points per month
Tier 2: 26—30 KAM points per day for at least 15 days per month = 9 points per month
Tier 3: 31+ KAM points per day for at least 15 days per month = 12 points per month
Goals in Action: Participate in one or more goals and submit your completion form online at www.KershHealth.com.
 Be Tobacco Free. Submit form identifying no tobacco use. Categories include never using tobacco, being tobacco
free for the last 6 months or more, OR completing a Tobacco Cessation Program this program year = 4 incentive
 Manage Your Weight. Complete the Right Weigh Advanced Program (by invitation only) or submit your
completion form for the Right Weigh Basic Program OR log your weight at least once per week for a minimum of
12 weeks in the online Weekly Weigh-In = 4 incentive points
 Improve Your Qscore. Submit form identifying three goals to help improve your Qscore. You may call and request
to speak to a Health Coach to help identify goals = 4 incentive points
120 pts
(6, 9, or 12
pts/ month)
12 pts
(4 pts/
20 pts
(10 pts/
Wellness Challenges: Participate and meet identified goals for each challenge.
 KAM Challenge: Month of March 2013 (10 pts)
 Nutrition Challenge: Month of July 2013 (10 pts)
Prevention: Complete and submit forms online at www.KershHealth.com by October 31, 2013. Forms will be available
online beginning January 1, 2013.
 Dental Check-Up (4 pts)
 Exams between November 1, 2012—October 31, 2013 will be accepted.
 Annual Physical or Well-Woman Exam (4 pts)
 Exams between September 1, 2012—August 31, 2013 will be accepted.
Bonus Opportunities: Additional details found on page 8 of guide.
 Biometric Test-Out
 Green Light Events
8 pts
(4 pts/form)
Canada 2013 Incentive Tier Level
Wellness Level
120 + Points
80—119 Points
<=79 Points
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Bonus opportunities described on next page!
2013 Incentive Plan Bonus Opportunities
Bonus Opportunities
Bonus Points
Biometrics “Test Out”. Obtain optimal results in ALL of the following biometrics and receive Gold level
points for the 2013 program year, providing WSA/HCSA contributions in 2014.
Blood Pressure: <120/80
BMI: <25
Total Cholesterol: <5.7 mmol/l
HDL: >=1.55 mmol/l
120 pts
LDL: <2.59 mmol/l
Triglycerides: <1.69 mmol/l
Glucose: <5.5 mmol/l
Green Light Events. Participate in one or more activities and log participation details online at
www.KershHealth.com. This must be a registered, organized group fitness event with results verifying
participation. Event must occur between November 1, 2012—October 31, 2013.
 Sprint Distance = 20 points
 Olympic Distance = 40 points
 ITU Long Course = 55 points
 Half Marathon = 45 points
Community Walk/Run:
 5K = 4 points
Half Iron-Man or Middle Distance = 65 points
Ultra Distance = 120 points
Full Marathon = 90 points
10K = 8 points
Stantec “Cool Commute” Challenge = 4 points
 Cycling, walking, or other self-propelled mode. Stantec will provide list to Kersh after challenge is
Other Event
 Points will be determined based on length of course, time of race, and intensity.
Once submitted, Green Light Events will be reviewed by Stantec Wellness Committee. Incentive Points
will be awarded once audit is complete.
Incentive points are updated nightly on www.KershHealth.com. Report any discrepancies immediately to
Kersh at (800) 467-3005.
Green Light Event Submission Instructions
Log on to www.KershHealth.com and click the “Green Light Events”
tab to submit your Green Light Event. It is important to complete all
required sections in order for your Green Light Event to be approved.
Example to the right shows a proper submission.
Green Light Events will be reviewed on a monthly basis by the Stantec
Wellness Committee. An approval or declined notice will appear once
audit is complete and incentive points will be awarded accordingly.
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2013 Pro-Rated Incentive Plan
New hires after January 1, 2013:
If your new hire/status change/life event date falls after January 1, 2013 then you will need to follow the
2013 Pro-Rated Incentive Plan shown below.
To begin, determine which month your new hire/status change/life event date occurred. Next, determine
how many points you will need to obtain the status level you are striving to achieve.
For example, if I am a new hire who was hired on March 5, 2013, I would need to earn 73 incentive points
by the end of the wellness program year, October 31, 2013, in order to receive Gold status for 2014.
If your hire date falls in the month of: January
February March
2013 Points Needed for 2014 Gold
2013 Points Needed for 2014 Silver
2013 Points Needed for 2014 Bronze
September—December 2013 New Hires:
Review wellness enrollment details in your new hire benefit information. When
you enroll you will receive Silver level incentive, paid in January 2014. You are
considered an active participant for 2014. Refer to the full incentive plan in your
2014 benefit guide.
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KAM Device
The Kinetic Activity Monitor (KAM) is an accelerometer designed to
measure human activity. Rather than tracking steps, the KAM records the intensity, duration and frequency
of your daily activity. Monthly exercise incentive points are earned by reaching your daily KAM goals. There
are three tiers that can be achieved.
Incentive Points
Tier 1
15—25 KAM points per day for at least 15 days/month
6 pts/month
Tier 2
26— 30 KAM points per day for at least 15 days/month
9 pts/month
Tier 3
31+ KAM points per day for at least 15 days/month
12 pts/month
Achieve all 15 days within a tier to receive the incentive points for that tier.
If the minimum Tier 1 is not met then you will receive 0 pts for that month.
KAM credit awarded for ANY reason (broken KAM, lost KAM, disability) will only be
credited at Tier 1 level.
 Contact KAM customer service immediately if your KAM is broken or lost.
Proper way to wear KAM Device: The KAM should be worn on the waist, in-line with the knee. During an
activity where your hips are stationary, i.e. using a stationary bike or elliptical trainer, the KAM should be
worn on the shoe or sock. The KAM is not waterproof. For activities not monitored by the KAM, i.e. swimming
or weight lifting, you may log your activities using the Activity Log. See KAM Device Alternative section below.
New Wellness Participants: New participants who enroll by November 29, 2012 will receive their KAM
device in the mail by end of December. New participants who enroll after November 29, 2012 will receive
their KAM device approximately 2 weeks after completing the online Qscore Assessment.
KAM Customer Service: (877) 525—5526 or Email: support@KershHealth.com
KAM Device Alternative
We encourage you to wear the KAM device as your method of measuring your activity level; however,
logging your activity online is an available option.
Below are a few items to know regarding logging activity:
Activity may be logged online at www.mykamunity.com.
Activity can only be logged for the prior 60 days.
The highest tier possible for logged activity is Tier 1.
KAM points and logged activity in the same day will not be added together.
45 minutes or more of daily activity needs to be logged to receive tier 1 credit.
Please note: The KAM Challenge requires the use of the KAM device.
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Quarterly Education Incentive Points may be earned by all participants the following two ways beginning
January 1, 2013:
1. Health Articles: Read and take a quiz on one health article per quarter. These articles can be accessed by
logging on to www.KershHealth.com and clicking the health article tab found on the left side of the screen.
2. Q-Quest: Speak quarterly with your Health Coach/Registered Dietitian to develop a road map to move
your current Qscore closer to your Optimum Qscore. Individuals who have a Qscore of 60 or below will be
contacted by Kersh; however, all participants may participate in Q-Quest.
Quarter dates are as follows:
January 1—March 15
March 16—May 31
June 1—August 15
August 16—October 31
Reminder: Q-Quest is available to all participants. Please call and make your personal appointment today!
(800) 467-3005
Challenges: There are two wellness challenges being offered during the 2013 program year. An email will
be sent approximately one week before the challenge is set to begin. This email will contain all details
surrounding the challenge and the minimum criteria that must be met in order to earn incentive points.
KAM Challenge: Month of March 2013
Nutrition Challenge: Month of July 2013
Prevention: Incentive points will be awarded for individuals who submit proof of the following annual
exams on www.KershHealth.com beginning January 1, 2013:
Annual Physical or Well-Woman Exam: Exam valid between September 1, 2012—August 31, 2013
Dental Check-Up: Exam valid between November 1, 2012—October 31, 2013
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Goals in Action
Goals in Action Overview
Participate in one or more of the Goals in Action to earn incentive points. Submission forms are located at
1. Be Tobacco Free: Earn 4 incentive points by meeting one of the following Tobacco Free criteria and
documenting online at www.KershHealth.com.
 Never used tobacco.
 Being tobacco free for at least the last 6 months.
 Complete a Tobacco Cessation Program this program year.
2. Manage Your Weight: Earn 4 incentive points by participating in one of the following programs/challenges:
 Right Weigh Advanced: This program is by invitation only. Credit will be awarded by your assigned
Registered Dietitian at time of completion.
 Right Weigh Basic: Participate in the online, self-paced program and document completion online at
 Weekly Weigh-In: Obtain a better understanding of your weight fluctuations by logging your weight
once a week for a minimum of 12 weeks online at www.KershHealth.com.
3. Improve Your Qscore: Earn 4 incentive points by identifying 3 goals to help improve your Qscore.
 Document goals online at www.KershHealth.com. You may call and request to speak to a Health
Coach to help identify goals.
Weight Management Program: Right Weigh
Right Weigh is a FREE, innovative, and effective 12-week weight management program. The Right
Weigh program was designed by medical professionals to teach individuals how to Think, Eat, and
Move their way to decreased weight and optimized health. There are two versions to this program:
Basic and Advanced.
Right Weigh Basic is available to all wellness participants. This self-paced program can be started at any
time throughout the program year online at www.KershHealth.com. Earn 4 Goals in Action incentive
points once you complete this program by submitting the completion form online.
Right Weight Advanced is by invitation only and gives the participant an opportunity to work
one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian throughout a 12-week course. Our first session will begin in
January and additional sessions will roll out approximately every six weeks throughout the program
year. You will be contacted if you have been selected to participate in Right Weigh Advanced.
Participation is voluntary. Four Goals in Action incentive points will be awarded by your Registered Dietitian once you have completed the program.
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Submission Details
Form Name
Submission Option
Qscore Assessment
Current employees: November 29, 2012
Online only
New hires/status changes: 31 days from hire date
Biometric Testing
August 31, 2013
On-site testing: Automatic submission
Biometric Testing Form: Available on StanNet.
Quarter 1: March 15, 2013
Quarter 2: May 31, 2013
Quarter 3: August 15, 2013
Quarter 4: October 31, 2013
Articles: Online only at “Education” tab
Q-Quest: Submitted by Health Coach
October 31, 2013
KAM: Dock at least every 45 days
Activity Logging: Online only at least every 60
Goals in Action: Tobacco
October 31, 2013
Online only at “Forms” tab
Goals in Action: Manage
Your Weight
Right Weigh Advanced October 31, 2013
Right Weigh Basic
October 31, 2013
Weekly Weigh-In
12 weekly submissions by Oct 31
Submitted by Registered Dietitian
Online only at “Forms” tab
Online only at “Challenge” tab
Goals in Action: Improve
Your Qscore
October 31, 2013
Online only at “Forms” tab
 KAM Challenge
 Nutrition Challenge
Last day to dock: April 7, 2013
Submit form by August 15, 2013
KAM docking only
August 31, 2013
Online only at “Forms” tab beginning January
 Annual Physical or
Well Woman Exam
 Dental Check-Up
 Biometric Test-Out
 Green Light Events
October 31, 2013
August 31, 2013
October 31, 2013
On-site testing or Biometric Testing Form
Online only at “Green Light Events” tab
Check your incentive points online at www.KershHealth.com at any time. Points are updated nightly.
Call Kersh right away if you think there is a discrepancy.
Toll Free Number: (800) 467-3005
Fax Number: (469) 241-2599
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