Evergreen Extravaganza
Evergreen Extravaganza
December 2013 NEW RESIDENT CLUB OF CAPE CORAL NRC WEBSITE www.capecoralnewresident.com Evergreen Extravaganza Holiday Dinner Dance Featuring “Live Wire” high energy 6 pc dance band No shorts or tt-shirts please! December 13th, 5:305:30-10:00 P.M. CHOICE OF: PRIME RIB/au jus (Average cut 12 ounces) FLOUNDER Stuffed with crabmeat CHICKEN FRANCAISE Sauteed boneless chicken breast Lemon, butter, white wine and tarragon KEY LIME PIE Dinners served with: Tossed Salad, dinner rolls, twice baked potato casserole, and fresh steamed broccoli Catered by Personal Touch Catering Mark your calendars now! This dance comes earlier in the month than our dances usually do! We will have beer, wine, and soda while it lasts and feel free to BYOB! $25 for members / $30 for guests, Limited seating! Deadline to sign up is Friday, December 6 at 4 PM! (See p. 6 for further information.) 1 December 2013 New Resident Club of Cape Coral November Activities in Pictures Game Night Tealdome Golf 2 December 2013 NRC UPCOMING EVENTS Reminder; Please try to sign up for events as early as possible so the chairperson for the event can plan on how many members will be attending. Finding a space for this huge fun filled club is not an easy task, and we don’t want anyone left out. Important: If you sign up for an event and cannot attend, please make sure to cancel with the appropriate Chairperson, as restaurants and other venues plan their staffing according to the number of members who will be attending. Tealdome GOLF Tuesday’s, Every week join your NRC friends for a round of golf at Hunter’s Run. During the winter, play every Tuesday with a 11:30 AM shotgun start. Call Steve or Cheryl Teal at 239-541-8432 Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, 9:00 AM: Monthly Membership Meeting at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. Wed. Dec. 4th @ 7pm Dixie Roadhouse 1023 SE 47th Terrace; Ladies Drink FREE till Midnight; Line Dance lesson at 7:30 and 8:30; Bring Appetizers. (Important—be sure to sign up at the General Meeting or contact Bob Spearman, Activity Chair. (contact info on pg. 5) We will need to know how many plan to attend to confirm the reservation Wed., Dec. 4th, 4:00 PM: Sunset Celebration, the first Wednesday of every month at the Yacht Club. Music on the beach plus lots of vendors. Bring lawn chairs and enjoy our famous sunsets. For info to become a vendor, please call the Yacht Club at 574-0806. Monday, Dec. 9th, 7:00-9:00 PM: New Members’ Social at the home of Sheri McIver. This social serves as a welcome and orientation to new members each month. Please RSVP to Sheri McIver at : Tel: 817-798-6500 or by email: sheri.mciver28@gmail.com Tuesday, Dec 10, 6:00 PM: Game Night Game night will be held at Nemo’s Restaurant at Bowland Cape Coral, 42 Mid Cape Terrace. Come join in the fun by bringing your own playing card games or board games to share with NRC friends. Happy Hour rates till 7PM & 15% off menu items. (Important—be sure to sign up at the General Meeting or contact Bob Spearman, Activity Chair. (contact info on pg. 5) We will need to know how many plan to attend to confirm the reservation Thursday, Dec 19, 4:30 PM: Cocktails on the Cape @ Micelis 3930 Pine Island RD N.W., Matlacha; Live Band: (Lost Boys) Rich Lancaster starts at 5 pm. (Important—be sure to sign up at the General Meeting or contact Bob Spearman, Activity Chair. (contact info on pg.5) We will need to know how many plan to attend to confirm the reservation - We expect over 100 to attend. December 19th, 12 PM: Ladies’ Luncheon (See details on page 11) Saturday, December 21st, Social Club Bell, Bows & Mistletoe Dance: See p 13 for details. December Men’s Breakfast. For date and place, contact information on page 7 Tuesday, Dec. 10th, Wed. Dec. 18th, Royal Bocce Ball , Veterans Park, 4140 Coronado, 3-5 PM. Bring your bocce ball set if you have one. Haven’t played before? Come and learn the fun of bocce ball and having fun with old and new friends! For dates call or email Robin Rollinger, contact info pg. 5. 3 4 16 23 30 22 29 6 p.m. Game Night Member Social 15 10 9 7 PM New 8 11;30 a.m. Golf p.3 31 11;30 a.m. Golf p. 3 24 11:30 a.m. Golf p. 3 17 Bocce Ball, 3-5pM 11:30 Golf 3 9:00 AM Yacht ClubGeneral Mtg. Tue 2 Mon 1 Sun 4PM Sunset New Year! Happy Jan. 1 25 Bocce Ball, 3-5pM 18 11 7PM Celebration Dixie Roadhouse 4 Wed 13 6 Fri Bowland Bowling Cape Jan.2 9:45 am 26 9:45 AM Bowling Cape Bowland Cocktails on the Cape, 5PM 19 Ladies Luncheon 12 pm 27 20 10:00PM Dinner Bowling Bowland Dance , 5:30- 12 9:45 AM Bowling Bowland 5 9:45 AM Thu Social Club 28 Dinner Dance, pg 13 21 14 7 Sat New Resident Club December 2013 December 2013 December 2013 BOARD 93 CONTACTS President Anne Kiefer info@capecoralnewresident.com dr.annekiefer@gmail.com 913-406-3722 Activity Chair Bob Spearman bob_spearman@yahoo.com 239-989-1420 1st VP/Membership Chair Toni Swanson tcswan21@gmail.com 678-687-7957 Newsletter Chair Pat Johnson patjohn132003@yahoo.com 239-424-8298 2nd VP Hospitality Chair Sheri McIver sheri.mciver28@gmail.com 817-798-6500 Cathy Coreyscorey9718@aol.com 913-284-6546 Secretary Ann Banash ahbanash@gmail.com 239-673-8985 Reservations Chair Joan Thompson joanibeme@aol.com 239-945-4290 Treasurer Jo Anne Makowski jmakowski0@hotmail.com 239-471-0754 Photo Historian Dennis Banash drbanash@gmail.com 239-673-8985/413-863-8539 AM Refreshment Bill Dye gailadye@gmail.com 810-252-8913 Luncheon Chair Joyce Girard grammyjoy3@centurylink.net 239-540-2728 PM Refreshment Gina Yebba gyebba@yahoo.com 978-502-7120 Past President Advisor Robin Rollinger fabartz@yahoo.com 239-541-7201 Publicity Chair Sara Miller sjmiller311@gmail.com 913-620-4215 Prior Club Officer Advisor Vanessa Miller Raffle Chair Elaine Carmack elainecarmack@yahoo.com 239-800-2653 blondiev1960@comcast.net 913-226-1876 5 December 2013 NRC NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS NRC supports Gift of Sight program (OneSight). Please bring used eyeglasses to the New Resident Club’s monthly meeting - a Gift of Sight box is provided on the activities table for your donation. The Gift of Sight Program (now OneSight) conducts clinics in developing countries where doctors and trained volunteers provide free eye exams and recycled eyewear to thousands of people in need. For more information, log on to: www.onesight.org. WE NEED YOU - YES, YOU! Please volunteer to help with the duties of the club! Sign up to Be a Greeter at the Dinner Dance or Monthly Membership Meeting! Look for the Volunteer Signup Sheets on the tables! Perhaps you have time to stay a few minutes after the dance to Help Clean Up. If you have a knack for design, please Help Decorate for the next Dinner Dance! If you can help, see 2nd Vice President Vanessa Miller at the General Meeting, or at: blondie1960@comcast.net ter for distribution to those in need. Please drop your donations in the box at the Yacht Club. All donations will be taken to the Cape Coral Caring Center for distribution. The wooden box is large and white, marked with RED lettering, “Helping Those That Help Themselves”. It is located inside the Yacht Club doors. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Welcome to Paradise. The New Resident Club was established in 1967 by Helen Peck to give newcomers the opportunity to exchange ideas and friendship, and the tradition continues today. Membership is open to all residents, partnered or single, who have lived in Cape Coral for three years or less. September is open to all residents, regardless of length of residency. The two year membership fee is $35 per person. Our monthly membership meeting is held the first Tuesday of each month at 9:15am, with coffee and a light snack at 9am. Please join us by visiting our meeting, or contacting our 1st Vice President Toni Swanson NRC Graduates As a New Resident Club graduate you are welcome to attend all NRC meetings, activities and events. You will continue to get updates on all that is happening with the NRC through our e-mail system. You may opt out of receiving these emails or update changes to your contact information at: tcswan21@gmail.com info@capecoralnewresident.com. Dinner Dance Info NRC GRADUATES After your membership in the NRC expires, you have the option to join the Cape Coral Social Club. The information for this companion organization can be found at: www.capecoralsocialclub.org. NRC is a Caring Center drop-off. Just a reminder that the New Resident Club has a continuous giving program which collects canned goods and nonperishables for the Cape Coral Caring Cen6 Contact Joan Thompsom for tickets and table reservations: joanibeme@aol.com or 239945-4290. You can now pay online by credit card. Go to capecoralnewresident.com and follow the PayPal instructions. Indicate your entrée choice and group name with which you wish to be seated. Sign up also at CC Yacht Club, Crystal’s Hallmark in Coralwood Shopping Center (239-574-2255) or Razzle Dazzle, 1335 Cape Coral Pkwy E. (239-945-7549). Payment by CHECK ONLY at these locations. December 2013 NRC NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION NRC MEMBERS Mens Breakfast PAY FOR ALL YOUR EVENTS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. The men’s breakfast will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 9-11AM at For your convenience would like to announce Bob Evans, 2414 Del Prado the addition of Pay Pal to our website. You will now be able to use your credit/debit/pay pal accounts for all events/membership fees. Just jump on the website and you’ll see it on the right hand side. Please RSVP to Bud: (808) 551-5174 or www.capecoralnewresident.com janetjreiter@gmail.com Come join in the fun! Please indicate which activity you are paying for; if it is the dinner dance, please indicate your food choice. **Tip to New Members** Please direct any questions to:info@capecoralnewresident.com Get your own personalized business cards to exchange when meeting new friends— fun to look at and easy to keep! The following is a letter we received from the Cape Coral Caring Center regarding the food we collect and send to them. Thanks to all who participate. See pg. 6. OPEN LETTER TO ALL This letter is to acknowledge your club for your generosity in providing the food donation to the Cape Coral Caring Center. We checked in over 134 pounds of food that was collected by your group for those in need. You can be assured that your donation will be used to help those that are in need, right here in our community. The Cape Coral Caring Center strives to give healthy and nutritious food to our clients and are able to do just that with your thoughtful food donation. We give our neighbors in need kind words of encouragement as well as a shopping cart full of food and your generosity makes that possible. Last year we distributed over 83 tons of food and we are on track to be well over that amount this year. Thank you again for your generous donation. Sincerely, Wendy Wootton Operations Manager 7 December 2013 THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS! The New Resident Club gives special thanks to the local businesses below for their various contributions and support. To ensure continued support of our club from these businesses, please redeem gift certificates or coupons promptly. Patronize these businesses and let them know we appreciate their support. Thank you! A Cut Above 1112A SE 47th Terr. 549-8850 Bert’s Bar & Grill 4271 Pine Island Rd., Matlacha 282-3232 The Cape Hair Care 2924 Del Prado Blvd 239-542-2777 Alfonso’s Barber Shop 4720 SE 15th Ave. #119 549-7117 Bob Evans 2414 Del Prado Blvd. S. 573-9422 Cape Barber Shop Capri Center, 4711 Coronado 239-257-2082 Alien Sportfishing Charter aliensportfishing@yahoo.com 297-6404 Bonefish Grill 900 SW Pine Island Rd 574-1018 Anthony’s on the Blvd. 1303 Del Prado Blvd. S. 772-5900 Bowland 42 Mid Cape Terrace 772-1661 Anytime Fitness 3 locations 549-3488 Anytimefitness.com Bubba’s Roadhouse & Saloon 2121 SW Pine Island Rd. 282-5520 Apollo Pharmacy 447 Cape Coral Pkwy E, 541-8794 Bumble Bee’s Florist 3512 Del Prado Blvd. S. 945-2233 Ariani's Ristornati Italiano 1529 SE 15th Terrace (239) 772-8000 Brew Babies Bistro & Wine Bar 1520 Lafayette Street 542-2224 Back Streets Sports Bar & Pizzeria 915 SE 47th Terr., 945-7555 Blind Gallery Chris & Kathyryn Barger 206-1238 Carefree Boat Club 5828 Cape Harbor Dr. #203 888-505-2582 Carmine Street NY Pizza & Mussels 3422 Del Prado, 573-0888 Ceno Grill 1715 Cape Coral Pkwy. W. 301-523-9500 Chicago Pizza 1341 SE 47th Terr. 945-2262 Cinco Amigos 547 Pine Island Rd. N. Ft. Myers 656-1388 Country Club Exhaust 928 Country Club Blvd. 574-3999 CAE Associates Language Tutors 540-8454 Calusa Queen Burnt Store Marina 941-301-8687 8 Dogs Day Delight 1318 Lafette St 471-0414 December 2013 THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS! Dolphin Key Resort 1502 Miramar Street (239) 540-8454 George’s Complete Auto Repair 4804 Coronado Pkwy. 542-1588 Le Chocolatier 601 Del Prado Blvd N #3 239-573-6677 Don Anthony’s Pizza 3812 Skyline Blvd. 542-8434 Hair Gallery Salon & Day Spa 3006 Del Prado Blvd. S. 549-3120 Lobster Lady 1715 Cape Coral Pkwy. W. 471-0136 Downtowner Car Wash 1009 Del Prado Blvd. S. 772-2277 Hal’s Angels Charter & Tours 945-7797 Lolli’s Jewelry 3326 Del Prado Blvd. S. 549-2111 Dunkin Donuts 904 Cape Coral Pkwy. E. 540-7070 High Maintenance Salon Day Spa, MMadd Hatter Men’s Hair Salon 730 SW 4th St. (behind 5785 Cape Harbour Dr Suite 205 Foster’s Grille) 242-0410 549-9211 Edible Arrangements 2522 Santa Barbara Blvd. 574-FRUIT (3784) Edward Jones Co, Sam Mazzotti Financial Advisor,2104 Del Prado Blvd. Unit 4, 772-7575 El Tarasco Mexican Restaurant 728 SW Pine Island Rd 673-6371 Elite Nails 2301 Del Prado Blvd 239-573-0611 Euro Hair Studio-Jodi Roberts 1715 Cape Coral Parkway, #1 440-8240 FancyNancy 5781 Cape Harbour Dr. Myfancynancy.com First Round Draft Bar & Grille 1217 Del Prado Blvd. S. 673-9010 Ford’s Garage 1719 Cape Coral Pkwy E. 239-540-3673 Hunters Run Golf Club 1006 SE 4th Place 574-4454 Maria’s Italian Restaurant 1224 SE 46th Lane 945-6006 Independence at Home Service info@ihsservices.biz 540-3884 Massage Therapy Pam Maciejewski LMT 4706 SE 9th Pl. 549-4094 Island Girl Errands islandgirlerrands@hotmail.com 245-7613 Islands at Cape Harbour Marina 5785 Cape Harbour Drive 542-6226 Italian/American Club 4725 Vincennes Blvd. 542-6515 Merrick Seafood 1229 SE 47th Terr. 542-8080 Miceli’s Restaurant 3930 Pine Island Rd. NW 282-8233 Misto Bar & Grill 231 Del Prado Blvd., S 673-9799 J. P. Auto Care 915 Country Club 239-242-8414 Monkey Bar & Steakhouse 1402 Lafayette Street 549-8800 Keller Koczara CPAs 4636-A SE 9th PL Moorings Seafood 1326 SE 16th Place 851-9141 945-9111 9 December 2013 Thanks to our Supporters Nevermind Awesome Bar & Eatery Razzle Dazzle Boutique 927 Cape Coral Parkway E 1335 Cape Coral Pkwy. E. nevermindbareatery@gmail.com 945-7549 The “O” Bar 304 Del Prado Blvd. S. 673-9003 Reds 850 Lafayette Street 239-257-2786 Outback Steakhouse 1642 Pine Island Rd. 772-5454 Regal Tire & Car Care 2112 Del Prado Blvd. S. 574-2121 Palmetto Pine Country Club 1940SW 9th Court 574-7262 Richee B’s 16th Pl. Experience 4703 SW 16th Pl. 541-8759 Paradise Boat Rental 3013 Del Prado Blvd. S. 645-4217 Select Technology Services LLC Sandro Grima Paradise Pizza 841 Lafayette St. 239-945-1555 Stevie Tomato’s Sports Bar 814 SW Pine Island Rd. 573-7877 Paradise Tiki Hut 1502 Miramar Street (239) 540-8454 Stuff-A-Bagel 3310 Del Prado Blvd. S. 549-3400 Perico’s Grill 2401 Hancock Bridge Pkwy 829-0606 Tastefully Simple Wendy Hendricks 239-292-6400 Pignoli on the Harbour 5785 Cape Harbour Drive 541-0800 The Joint 5785 Cape Harbour Dr #108 542-0123 Premier Auto Service 3916 Chiquita Blvd. S. 471-7049 Tire Kingdom 4503 Del Prado Blvd. S. 945-0031 Totally You (Terrie) 1404 Del Prado Blvd 941-662-6870 Wicked Dolphin Rum 131 SW 3rd PL 239-242-5244 Woody’s Surfside Island Grille 2408 Surfside Blvd. 282-9166 Vogue Hair Studio 1219 Cape Coral Pkwy E. 945-6717 Please clip and use the coupon below! Use it when patronizing a local business! Thank you! 214-8222 10 Your business has just been patronized by a member of the: NEW RESIDENT CLUB of Cape Coral! Please give this card to your Manager or owner to find out how you can generate more business from our 800+ active members! Call Elaine Carmack/Raffle Chair at 239239-800800-2653 December 2013 December 2013 Ladies Outback Steakhouse Pine Island Rd. Cape Coral December 19, 2013 Choice of: *The Bloomin Burger with Aussie Fries *Fettuccine Alfredo with vegetables *Grilled Salmon with Seasoned Rice *6 oz. Sirloin Steak with Garlic Mashed Potatoes $17cash only Includes tax and tip, choice of non-alcoholic beverage (CASHBAR), Bushman Bread and Butter, menu choice and dessert. RSVP with menu choice to Joyce Girard at grammyjoy3@centurylink.net or 239-540-2728 by Dec.12.th. Restaurant capacity is 120 so if we reach that number reservations will be closed. ATTENTION!!! In the spirit of this holiday season, I would like to do something different at the December ladies luncheon. I am asking every lady who attends the luncheon to bring in an item from their home to be used as our raffle prizes. It can be anything that is in "like new" condition but maybe you are not using it or want it any longer. We will still sell raffle tickets but will donate the money we collect to the Cape Coral Caring Center. Here’s the deal. Bring a gift, buy a ticket. No gift, no ticket. Everyone that brings a gift will go home with a gift. Here is a chance for you to re-gift those items that have been taking up space in your closet. If you have any questions email or call Joyce Girard (grammyjoy3@centurylink.net or 239-540-2728) **Please bring a canned good(s) for the Cape Coral Caring Center. November at Misto’s 11 December 2013 AREA CLUBS DOMINOES CLUB Call for information and schedule. Contact Susan Zanni, 239- 945-7484 CAPE ACTIVITIES ANTIQUE CAR CLUB 239-574-8041 hotchilirods@aol.com GARDEN CLUB OF CAPE CORAL: Contact: Kathy Woodlock, 239-242-6303. BOATING CLUBS THE CAPE CORAL CRUISE CLUB contact cpahrens@centurylink.net or Larry Mitchell 239-560-2823 KIWANIS CLUB OF HARNEY POINT meets every Wed. at 11:45 am at The Dog, 3522 Del Prado Blvd. S. Cape Coral. New members welcome. For more information, contact Zelma Slusser at 542-1741 or email: zslusser@comcast.net. SHORE LEAVE CRUISE CLUB, CAPE CORAL Contact Randy or Lisa Benlon 913-515-3330 Tom Irlbeck bearintheair01@gmail.com MOTORCYCLE CLUB CAPE CORAL POWER SQUADRON BOATING, SAFETY COURSES AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 239-549-9754 EXERCISE — ALL TYPES OF WATER PROGRAMS: Shallow and deep water aerobics, arthritis & fibromyalgia water exercises. For pricing and information contact: The Yacht Club 542-3903 NBS BOATING CLUB Jean VanHouse 239-542-3965 FISHING CLUBS THE REEL ANGLERS FISHING CLUB Contact: www.rafc.us TARPON HUNTERS FISHING CLUB 3rd Thurs., 7:30 pm, Yacht Club www.CapeCoralTarponHunters.com CAPE CORAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Contact: Donna Bradish, Director, or Janine Barnes, Manager, 574-0206 or visit Leememorial.org/volunteer. CAPE CORAL R/SEA HAWKS Radio control airplane and model building club. The R/Sea Hawks operate an air park at 1030 NW 28th St, Information can be found at Anyone wishing to join or be on the email list should send their name, email and phone number seahawks.org or send email to to: Joan Schaller, RealtorJoan@gmail.com flyseahawks@embarqmail.com. CHESS CLUB: Meets Tuesday, 5:30 - 8:00 PM. Contact: Rob Cheyne, 239-443-8947 NEW BOOK CLUB STARTING! Contact Karen: Karen@solgard.com SINGLE FRIENDS CITY OF CAPE CORAL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS for programs such as burrowing owl nest monitoring, 2nd Thursday of the month, plus weekly activities canal watch, police department volunteers, park main- contact: Pat Gruss, 574-1922 or Eileen Smith, 574tenance etc. For more information, go to 5386 www.capecoral.net and search for volunteer. 12 December 2013 AREA CLUBS CAPE ACTIVITIES Cape Coral Social Club invites the New Resident Club of Cape Coral to a Dinner and Dancing MEALS ON WHEELS Call 239-242-9331 Dixie Roadhouse Night Holiday Ham w/ raisin sauce or Vegetarian Holiday Fettuccine, with our favorite Band: Come join our ever-growing dance. Wed. Dec. 4th @ 7pm Dixie Roadhouse 1023 SE 47th Terrace; Ladies Drink FREE till Midnight; Line Dance lesson at 7:30 and 8:30; Bring Appetizers. (Important—be sure to sign up at the General Meeting or contact Bob Spearman, We will need to know how many plan to attend to confirm the reservation Erich Free beer and wine while it lasts, no soda Saturday, December 21st, 5:30pm till 10pm. $25.00 (paypal $0.90 extra) Please sign up and pay at NRC general meeting. Bob Spearman 239-989-1420 (bob_spearman@yahoo.com) NRC OR www.capecoralsocialclub.org, Crystal’s Hallmark, Yacht Club, Rhythem in Motion Dance Studio BY NOON Dec. 19th! Indicate seating choice. Questions? Call Flo Shepherd at 841-1043. Contact Bob Spearman, Activity Chair (See p. 5 for contact info) Like to Walk? I am interested in establishing a Slow Paced Under A Mile Walking Club in the SW. I thought we would meet at my house one day a week and go for a nice walk around Cape Harbour. It would be in the morning around 9:00 a.m.. Time to be established. Please clip the coupon below and use it whenever you patronize a business located in Cape Coral. Marjorie Adams NEW RESIDENT CLUB of Cape Coral! Your business has just been patronized by a member of the: Please give this card to your Manager or owner to find out how you can generate more business from our 800+ active members! Let’s get together… yeah, yeah, yeah! Want to start your own club? (Golfing, bowling, scrabble, cards, fishing, tennis, etc.) Call or email Bob Spearman. See page 5 for contact information.. Call Elaine Carmack/Raffle Chair at 239239-800800-2653 13 December 2013 Dec.2011/Jan.2012: The Stone Crabs Reporter: Lori Voelker We had a reunion at Woody’s welcoming back our snowbirds. It was great to see everyone and get a chance to catch-up. Stone Crabs took up the largest table at the Ladies Luncheon and we had a few winners on the raffles. Our December Christmas party will be held at Jan and Bill Kramer on December 14th starting at 3:00. Remember to bring a gift for the “Dirty Santa” gift exchange and a dish to share. Happy Holidays! February 2012: The Royal Palms Reporter: Anne Kiefer/Wieghard The snowbirds are coming back! We had so much fun visiting on Woody's deck. Loved catching up & loved the autumn sunshine! All members had visited family members across the US, with a birth in Hawaii coming up for one. Many of us are working on this FL as a pelican thing! March/April 2012: Palm Breezes Reporter: Lori Apt/Rick Ziemba upon closer examination, the ladies realized that the firemen were the hunky actors from television's popular show "Chicago Fire". Suddenly the background music took on a different beat and fire- fighting equipment was being discarded. Then uniforms started getting removed and the ladies were treated to a floor show resembling the Chippendale Dancers. As I heard, the food was excellent, but the floor show was even better! Who knows what surprises Santa Claus may bring? May/June 2012: Sand Dollars Reporter: Dan Lyons As a chilly wind blows through our paradise, one can only imagine the real wind chill up North!As we get back into the 80’s, the thaw sets in, and the fun just kept on coming for the Sand Dollars throughout this past month.An early press time will limit the reporting for the pot-luck graciously hosted by Jutta and Lu in their new abode. Let me just guess that the good times rolled, toasts were made, and the slight evening chill warmed the hearts of all of those in attendance. Cocktails on the Cape saw a stalwart group of Sand Dollars in attendance at Perico’s . Reports were that the food, drinks, and service were very, very good – the company is never bad either! The Men’s Breakfast Club continues to grow in size. Looks like nothing is off limits as far as events that group may be undertaking in the future! We may as well have some good fun there, because we’ll never match the class of the Ladies’ Luncheons – always well attended by our group.The venue was finally set and the Sand Dollars gathered to wish a Happy Birthday to one of our own, Bernadette Able - - - “Happy ?? th” !!!! A lady never tells – a gentleman never asks! We sincerely hope that everyone had a safe and memorable Thanksgiving and/or Hanukkah knowing that we’re all thankful for a family, friends, our health, and our great country.From the Sand Dollars, please enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season with those you love. November finds the Palm Breezes without another "monthly" pot luck. Thanks go to Harriet who is trying to maintain some form of cohesiveness with a Palm Breezes Ladies Luncheon on a monthly basis. This month saw about 15 ladies enjoying an excellent repast at Misto's on DelPrado Blvd. I understand that an exciting time was had by all with the surprise entertainment. Since we were approaching Thanksgiving, a special guest presentation was provided by Chef Guy Fieri of Food Network fame. His live demonstration consisted of how to deep fry a 24 lb. turkey safely. He had a specially constructed stage at the front of the room and was regaling the ladies with tales of flaming oil burning down garages, cars and sides of houses. His purpose was to show how this tasty bird can be deep fried safely. As luck would have it, as he was preparing to lower the large bird into the hot oil, it slipped off of his specially constructed lowering device and dropped into the pot with a huge splash. Flaming oil flew throughout his stage area. Fortunately, Guy had the local fire department July/August 2012: The CoCo Nutz standing by. Within five seconds, fully suited firemen Reporter: Ray Kurka rushed in and quickly extinguished the blaze. However, Nothing to report 14 December 2013 September 2012: 5:00 O’Clock Somewhere Reporter: Carol Shultz The 5 O'Clockers have been busy again this month. A big thank-you goes out to Barb for hosting a fabulous November pot luck. The monthly birthday gathering was a big hit at the McIver's place. Happy Birthday once again to Carl and Sue (who flew in from MN). The ladies got together for lunch at Cenos and a great time was had by all. Congrats to our very own Sheri for a successful first coffee social and meeting as a board member. November being the month of Thanks, I would like to take a moment to thank the NRC. Through this group I have met many wonderful people and am having the time of my life. So glad we found you! Follow our lead, get out and have some fun in the sun, a margarita (or 2) cuz it 5 O'Clock somewhere. October 2012: The Coco Locos Reporter: Pam Baxter The Coco Locos have been having a fun time getting together on Saturdays and some Sundays for brunch. In October we celebrated our one year anniversary of meeting through the NRC. We had a great turnout and a good time at the Ingoldsby home for our get together. We appreciate our coordinator Jim Marlowe and his wife Pam for all they have done for us. We have been meeting on Mondays at Paradise Bar for wings and beers and good times. We're glad to have our snow birds return for more fun in the sun. comes back to you many times over. You are one in a million and appreciated very much!! We most certainly could not have done it without you! December 2012: Birds in Paradise Reporter: Joan Thompson This month certainly has kept the Birds on the wing! Many of the Birds flocked to the “Tropical Blast” which can only be described as a BLAST! Rum punch, steel drum music, good ‘fortunes,’ lively dance music and great friends made for another grand slam by Vanessa and Mark Miller. It was terrific to FINALLY meet Rosemarie Morelli’s other half, Phil, it feels like we have known you forever already. Donna Milbee, Michael Urban, PJ Newman and I enjoyed dinner at Fords Garage and then sang the night away at ‘Mama Mia.’Katie and James Balaban celebrated their first anniversary with a lovely party complete with sumptuous food, ‘wish lanterns,’ and a ‘HUGE’ fireworks display (compliments of the Coconut Festival, but we will let Katie and James continue to think the display was just for them!) Wishing you both many more years of wedded bliss. Welcome back Phyllis Rogul and Paul May! Audrey and Bill Borchardt, Toni Swanson and I attended Cocktails on the Cape at Perico’s where we enjoyed a libation or two, and some good music and Mexican food. We even moved the dance party out to the patio at the end of the evening. November 2012: The Dreamers Reporter: Cathy Baker November represents our one year anniversary with the club and one another. What a year it has been. We began our group with about 45 members. We have lost a few a long the way but there are 37 Dreamers still going strong! A year ago, I don't think we realized what joining the New Residence Club would mean to each of us. The friends we have become in this short space of time is just incredible I would like to take this opportunity to thank our phenomenal leader Debbie Merz for all her time, energy and commitment to all of us. Without her, we Dreamers would not be living the dream here in Cape Coral to the fullest. She has kept us on the go doing fabulous and fun things this entire year and I don't foresee our good times slowing down any time soon! Thank you Debbie - you are one terrific lady. I hope the endless kindness and caring you show others ~ 15 The Mexican theme continued to our monthly potluck hosted by Melody and Larry Putz. It is great to see that Donna Childs and Dick Meiners have returned south after their summer of travel. In additional to many traditional Mexican dishes, Jim Quintenz brought along his famous Mexican pizza (wink wink) and dinner was followed by a spirited game of Taboo. Thank you Melody and Larry for a fun evening. Donna Milbee and Michael Urban took a boatload of Birds out for a lunch cruise to Matanza Inn. The crew consisted of PJ Newman, Toni Swanson, Gina Yebba, Janet and Bud Reiter, and Donna’s friend Sandy. I heard there was a potential mutiny when PJ took the wheel, but all returned safely to port. Many of us are counting the days until Debbi Shafer and Anthony Baglio’s honeymoon cruise and all of the fun that will ensue. We are happy to report that Jane Manske stayed clear Typhoon Haiyan during her recent trip with her daughter to Viet Nam and Laos. We eagerly await the return of the rest of our snowbirds, but understand that Marie and Joe Hauser are delayed awaiting the birth of their grandchild. That certainly is an excellent reason to stay north this time of year. The Birds In Paradise wish everyone the Peace, Love and Joy of Hanukah and Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. December 2013 walking around to see what the local vendors were selling the Flamingos all went into the main tent where music, Janet Anderson (a friend of the Aquaholics) hosted the October dancing and drinking was going on nonstop. The musicians flew over from Germany to perform and they were Bunco Night. 13 ladies played. Diane Palmquist won the most games and tied for the most buncos. She relinquished the excellent. After a long day they all headed home in bunco prize to the other winner, a friend of Janet's. The least- bumper to bumper traffic, knowing that they will be back win prize was also awarded to a friend of Janet's. The next again next year for another fun day of German culture. January 2013: Aquaholics Reporter: Donna Clark day, 7 ladies headed for Sanibel. We spent a few hours on Bowmans Beach. Activities included long walks, finding great shells and spotting many dolphins playing very close to shore. At 1 PM, we arrived at the Mucky Duck on Captiva for lunch. Really cute place, great food and fabulous service. It was a terrific day with a great group of girls. 6 of us went to Fort Myers Beach for a second beach day. Same as the last trip except we did some shopping and we went to Doc Fords for lunch. 1 man joined us. Dolphins entertained again. Laurie and Marty Scruggs and Bill and Donna went to the Dinner Dance. Donna and Marty both won raffle prizes. Music and food was great. 19 Aquaholics attended the November General Meeting. Novelle Pallanich and Donna Clark each won a raffle prize. Returning snowbirds present were Novelle, Robert and Pam DePizzol, Linda Mason, and Paula and Todd Russell.Many of our group are taking classes at Inspiration Studio. 7 of us had a great time learning copper tooling making mermaids, fish and dragonflies. The monthly potluck was hosted by Richard and Mary Lusis. The food and company were both terrific. Howard Nutt presented activities. Diane Palmquist has planned a dinner at Bahama Breeze on Wednesday, December 18th as a holiday substitute for potluck. Patty Arenburg hosted the November Bunco game. 12 girls gathered for a fun night of the dice game. Linda Paganucci won the most games. She also had the most buncos, but gave that prize to Diane Palmquist for the next largest amount of buncos. JoAnne Howanietz won the prize for the most games lost! The month of October was ended by yet another great costume party hosted by non-other than Dennis & Karen Corlett. They have become quite the party givers in our group. Everyone had to wear a costume and prizes were given out. There were monsters & zombies, hippies, a flapper, Cleopatra and even Fred and Wilma Flintstone. There was even a doctor thankfully his services were not need. There was a contest for the best costume a hippie and Wilma Flintstone took home prizes for the best customs. March/April/May 2013: Coral Reefers Reporter: Ellen Russell Only one very important note for our group "The Coral Reefers".............SAVE THE DATE - - DECEMBER 28TH IS OUR GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY.Our leader JoAnn will be forwarding details as the date approaches. Hope everyone can attend. The more the merrier! June/July 2013: Knotty Nauticals Reporter: Evelyn Ferguson Although the Knotty’s sent the Corey’s off to the Ozarks on vacation, Cathy managed to keep us well-informed. Information continued to flow to us thru Connie. Thanks David Taub organized a trip for the group to Boca Grande on Connie! This month’s “Caring about your Community” award the CalusaQueen. 15 members took the hour long boat ride to goes to Louis & Tundi. They did their part to help make this Gaspirilla Island. Some rented golf carts to get around the year’s Oktoberfest a success by volunteering three hours of island and others chose to walk. We viewed the lighthouse their Saturday to sell pretzels. Also, another abandoned Cape museum, the Gaspirilla Inn, galleries and shops. Lunch was Coral property received a face lift. Tundi began giving three enjoyed at Temptations and an ice cream dessert was enjoyed hours every Wednesday to the Caring Center. You’ll find her at the Pink Pony. The ride home into the wind was wet and at the reception desk. Our “field trip” this month was to a wild! It has been my pleasure reporting our activities to you. Nautical Flea Market in Placida. Nine Knotty’s enjoyed Paula Russell will be taking over for the time she is here this exploring the art market and had a delicious lunch in a local season. Go girl! seafood restaurant. Every month the Knotty’s explore a new restaurant. This month Connie chose Pignoli’s. Eleven of us February 2013: Flamingos Gone Wild enjoyed good food, good times, good fun. The Knotty fishing guru – Louis – got the catch of his life this month. He reeled Reeporter: Lauren Verduyn in a 33 lb. Cobia. Good eating! With the football season in The German American October Fest gave a few of the Flamingos with a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. full swing, our November potluck supper was a Tailgate party at the Fergusons. The game of the day was the undefeated Joe & Karen Mosso, Ed & George-Ann O'Connor joined Deb Daly and Barbara Sacher and spent a few hours eating Chiefs @ Denver. Family life is important. Several Knotty’s left paradise to enjoy family and old friends. Welcome back to knockwurst, potato pancakes, funnel cakes and of course paradise Joyce & Phil, Diana, Cathy & Steve. We’re glad your drinking beer. Well almost all drank beer, we all know that back! George-Ann is strictly a wine person. After eating and 16 December 2013 already adding their familiarity and creativity to generate new adventures and events for the membership. We would love to have extra feedback for some male geared activities so as to not overlook the interests of ALL Socialites, men and women alike. August/Sept. 2013: Surfside Socialites Reporter: Cheryl Rhine Surfside Socialites doing what they do best – getting around, mingling and enjoying the Cape. The October Happy Hour at Rumrunners united a friendly group of Socialites along the waterfront for Happy Hour at Rum Runners Grille. We enjoyed light beverages and scrumptious "lite bite" $5.00 appetizers while passing boats and the sunset glistened in the background. The restaurant hospitality was exceptional. Sharing good conversation and getting to know each other. We are looking forward to more joining us at next happy hour. Afterwards, some of us even traveled over to neighboring restaurant, The Joint, to capture the sounds of their Tuesday evening band. After all we are "Socialites" - please share the enjoyment with us next time. October 2013: Partying Pirates Reporter: Kathy Gelso We had 20 attendees for the Surfside Socialites ladies luncheon for November. Rumrunners treated us very well and set up 3 large tables at their expansive windows overlooking the boater's canal. The food was excellent, as was Rumrunner's service. We asked the attendees to sit at tables with people that they were not well acquainted with in order to get to know new peooster new relationships. We had 5 new attendees that had not attended a previous Surfside Socialites ladies luncheon and they added a great deal to the conversation and enjoyment of the day. Marge made a suggestion that we hold monthly luncheons at Rumrunners and everyone agreed. The next luncheon will be held on 12/18/13. Socialite ladies, make your reservations now. As our group is finding our sea legs so to speak, we have begun joining in some of the many activities the NRC has to offer. For November, a few of us went to the Sunset Celebration and even though there wasn’t a sunset to see, it was just nice to sit and relax on the beach. A few more people tried their skill at Line Dancing at Dixie Roadhouse. Some of the group joined the many other NRC members who went to Cocktails on the Cape. Our Partying Pirates Pot Luck this month was held at the home of John and Amy Hickel. Many thanks to them for hosting it. The food and the conversation were terrific. A bunch of the group went on the Franklin Locks boat tour out of Fort Myers. Just think, this was all done in the first part of November! We have started planning our future events and get togethers and plan on being busy, busy, busy. Mid-November, 11 Socialites participated in a Bonefish Grill “Appetizer Excursion”. The restaurant hosted a variety of delectable hors d'oeuvre including: their signature Bang Bang Shrimp; Bang Bang Chicken (both tossed in a creamy spice sauce); Ahi Tuna Sashimi w/ wasabi & pickled ginger; Thai Coconut Shrimp; Saucy Shrimp in lime tomato garlic sauce; and Bacon Wrapped Atlantic Sea Scallops with chutney and mango salsa. And that was only the beginning. Complimentary wine was offered and in lieu of dessert, a few ladies savored the taste of Winter White Cosmos. The only thing we missed was the “slab of beef”. Service was exceptional as could be expected for this wonderful encounter. All this food and fun at no cost …just the price of word of mouth P.R. We invite everyone to visit Bonefish Grill in the near future for their own dining experience. In addition to the Activities Committee members who were recognized last month, we want to acknowledge several new volunteers to the committee: Maureen Connor, Karen Morris, Cheryl Rhine Hughes, Marge Adams. They are The Socialites Memento Committee has formed to fashion a unique logo and memento to symbolize the group name. Rusty Shunk, Judi Shunk, Rose Jones, Steve Moore, and Philip Dunn under the Chair of Rusty Shunk are hard at work on the production of our memento shirt. Much thanks to members of the committee for their creativity and contribution. Keep an eye out for our group in the next few weeks to see how we will be branded. ple and November 2013: Tropical Transplants Reporter: Wendy O’Brien What a great group we have! Our very first potluck was held at Tom and Vickie Ramey's lovely home on Friday, November 15th. We are all still getting to know each other so this was a wonderful opportunity to socialize and become better acquainted. At the potluck we decided on our group name. There were some excellent choices but we finally chose -- Tropical Transplants. Selection of shirts and mascot will be decided upon soon. Since many "Transplants" will be traveling in December, our next potluck is scheduled for January. We look forward to many fun times together this winter once we are all transplanted back in Cape Coral. Happy Holidays and safe travels to all.. 17 December 2013 COCKTAILS ON THE CAPE Miceli’s Restaurant 3930 Pine Island RD N.W., Matlacha Thursday, December 19th Come early for best seating Live Band: (Lost Boys) Rich Lancaster starts at 5 pm Important, please sign up at general meeting we expect over 100 to attend Contact Bob Spearman: 239-989-1420 or bob_spearman@yahoo.com November at Perico’s 18 December 2013 NRC MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello NRC members! The tradition of our great club continues! The installation of Board 93 occurred at the October dance and we have had our first general meeting. I am excited to report that the board has been working hard, but also takes seriously what NRC is all about: Having fun! I would like to take a moment to introduce you to board 93. Sheri McIver has been welcoming new members into her home for a social. Toni Swanson has done an amazing job of welcoming folks and keeping our membership database up to date. We have had 50+ new members at the social, and 10 more expressed interest to Sara Miller at the Sunset Celebration. Our club is growing, due to it's long successful tradition and reputation. Our little piece of paradise continues to attract people. Bob Spearman continues the tradition of providing fun activities for the club, and thinking of ways to make it better. Denny Banash is snapping your photo if you are attending an NRC function. Elaine Carmack is recruiting raffle items and holding raffles; we all know how much energy she has! Bill Dye is the board member serving you breakfast at the general meeting. I am so happy to have former board members, Ann Banash (secretary), and Pat Johnson (this newsletter) & Sara Miller (publicity) serving on the board with their experience. Joann Makowski (treasurer) has a great sense of humor that makes her fun to work with. Since I am writing this in mid- November the ladies luncheon is in preparatory steps under Joyce Girard; I am sure it will be a success. It is always amazing the buzz we women make when we are together. We love to visit! I hear the men are enjoying the rewards of the same gender visiting at the breakfast. The December dance is coming up! It is headed one last time by Vanessa Miller. It sounds like an over the top holiday festivity. Cathy Corey will head up the Jan dance. Joan Thompson has been busy taking Dec dance reservations, and Gena Yebba will be working hard on food & libations for you! HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS TO ALL OF NRC! Anne Kiefer President of the NRC Board 93 19 December 2013 NEW RESIDENT CLUB OF CAPE CORAL A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION WELCOMING NEW RESIDENTS SINCE 1967 NRC WEBSITE www.capecoralnewresident.com New Resident Members—November ‘13 20
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