Poster - EMBO I EMBL Symposia
Poster - EMBO I EMBL Symposia
Structure and Dynamics of Protein Networks EMBO | EMBL Symposium 13 –16 October 2011 Heidelberg | Germany EMBL Advanced Training Centre SPEAKERS Patrick Aloy François Nédélec Institute for Research in Biomedicine, ES European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE Chris Bakal Garry Nolan The Institute of Cancer Research, UK Stanford School of Medicine, US Philippe Bastiaens Lucas Pelkmans MPI for Molecular Physiology, DE University of Zurich, CH Martin Beck Natasa Przulj European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE Imperial College London, UK John Briggs European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE Iain Cheeseman Whitehead Institute and Department of Biology, MIT, US Suzanne Gaudet Harvard Medical School, US Tom Kirchhausen Harvard Medical School/CBRI, US Tanja Kortemme Aurelien Roux University of Geneva, CH Philip Selenko Leibniz Institute of Molecular Pharmacology (FMP Berlin), DE Jussi Taipale University of Helsinki, FI Eva Wolf Max Planck Institut of Biochemistry, DE Peter Wright The Scripps Research Institute, US ORGANIZERS Anne-Claude Gavin European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE Marko Kaksonen European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE Giulio Superti-Furga Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, AT University of California, San Francisco, US Ben Lehner CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain Marino Zerial Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, DE Additional speakers will be selected from abstracts. CONTACT
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