Minimizing the number of ADMs with and without traffic grooming
Minimizing the number of ADMs with and without traffic grooming
Minimizing the number of ADMs with and without traffic grooming: complexity and approximability Shmuel Zaks Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1/169 Minimizing the number of ADMs with and without traffic grooming: complexity and approximability Prudence Wong – Liverpool Michele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, Luca Moscardelli - L’Aquilla Mordechai Shalom, Shmuel Zaks - Technion Bertinoro, 5/5/08 2/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – appproximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 3/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 4/169 1.1. Basics Optical networks - 1st generation the fiber serves as a transmission medium Electronic switch Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Optic fiber 5/169 Optical networks - 2nd generation Routing in the optical domain Two complementing technologies: - Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM): Transmission of data simultaneously at multiple wavelengths over same fiber - Optical switches: the output port is determined according to the input port and the wavelength Bertinoro, 5/5/08 6/169 lightpaths ADM OADM Bertinoro, 5/5/08 7/169 Directed: Symmetric: Undirected: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 λ4 λ3 λ2 λ1 Optic Fiber λ4 λ3 λ2 λ1 Optic Fiber λ4 λ3 λ2 λ1 Optic Fiber 8/169 OADM (optical add-drop multiplexer) Optical switch lightpath Bertinoro, 5/5/08 9/169 ADM (add-drop multiplexer) Electronic device at the endpoints of lightpaths Bertinoro, 5/5/08 10/169 Where can we save? an ADM can be shared by two lightpaths 2 ADMs Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1 ADM 11/169 0 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 12/169 lightpaths p1 Valid coloring w( p1 ) ≠ w( p2 ) p2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 13/169 Traffic grooming low capacity requests can be groomed into high capacity wavelengths (colors). colors can be assigned such that at most g lightpaths with the same color can share an edge g is the grooming factor Bertinoro, 5/5/08 14/169 lightpaths - with grooming g=2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Valid coloring 15/169 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 16/169 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 17/169 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 18/169 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 19/169 1.2. Cost functions We are given lightpaths we want to get a coloring S such that cost(S) is minimal. What is cost(S) ? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 20/169 1.2. Cost functions 1. number of wavelengths #colors = 4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 21/169 2. Switching cost OADM ADM α#ADMs + β#OADMs Bertinoro, 5/5/08 22/169 ADM OADM α#ADMs + β#OADMs = 12α + 8β Bertinoro, 5/5/08 23/169 but number of OADMs is fixed, so … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 24/169 2. number of ADMs #ADMs = 12 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 25/169 #ADMs=12 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 #ADMs=9 26/169 Trade-off between #colors and #ADMs #ADMs=12 #ADMs=9 #colors=4 #colors=3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 27/169 #ADMs=8 #ADMs=7 #colors=2 #colors=3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 28/169 With grooming #ADMs=9 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 g=2 #ADMs=8 29/169 1.3. Problems in this talk Minimize the number of ADMs with and without grooming Complexity special networks, general networks Approximation algorithms on-line Bertinoro, 5/5/08 30/169 1.4. Problems not covered Other cost functions (e.g., OADM+ADM) Design the placement of ADMs in a network to cope with a family of demands Given pairs to connect, design a routing and a coloring more … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 31/169 1.5. References General references Minimizing # of ADMs Gerstel, Lin, Sasaki, 1998 Traffic grooming Gerstel, Ramaswamy, Sasaki, 1998 Zhu, Mukherjee, 2003 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 32/169 Complexity NP-complete of minADM g=1: ring – Eilam, Moran, Z., 2002 g>1: ring – Chiu, Modiano, 2000 fixed g, path, ring - Shalom, Unger, Z. , 2006 star, fixed g>3 ( poly for g=1,2) Shalom, Flammini, Monaco, Moscardelli, Z., 2007 Inapproximability OPT+Nα ,α<1 – impossible Eilam, Moran, Z. 2002 NoPTAS Amini, Perennes, Sau, 2007 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 33/169 Approximation General topology 3 OPT + N 5 Eilam, Moran, Z., 2002 Calinescu, Frieder, Wan, 2002 N 1 O PT + (1 + ε ) ( 0 ≤ ε ≤ ) 2 +2 Calinescu, Frieder, Wan, 2002 Ring 3 10 2 +ε 7 10 7 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Calinescu, Wan , 2002 Shalom, Z. , 2004 Epstein, Levin, 2004 34/169 Traffic Grooming Ring ln g Flammini, Moscardeli, Gianpierro, Shalom, Z. 2005/6/7 On-line 7 4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Shalom, Wong, Zaks, 2007 35/169 Misc Bermond, Coudert, 2003 Bermond, Braud, Coudert, 2005 Shalom, Z. , 2005 Bermond, Coudert, Munoz, Sau, 2006 Munoz, Sau, 2008 More … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 36/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Groomin – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 37/169 2.1 approximation ratio N: # of lightpaths ALG: #ADMs used by the algorithm OPT: #ADMs used by an optimal solution ALG ≤ 2N N ≤ OPT ALG ≤ 2 x OPT Bertinoro, 5/5/08 38/169 R: # of lightpaths ALG: #ADMs used by the algorithm OPT: #ADMs used by an optimal solution w/out grooming: N ≤ ALG ≤ 2N N ≤ OPT ≤ 2N ALG ≤ 2 x OPT Bertinoro, 5/5/08 w/ grooming: N/g ≤ ALG ≤ 2N N/g ≤ OPT ≤ 2N ALG ≤ 2g x OPT 39/169 2.2 Basic relation Cycles are good, chains are bad N lightpaths cycles chains #ADMs = N + #chains Bertinoro, 5/5/08 40/169 #ADMs = N + #chains In the approximation algorithms there are two common techniques for saving ADMs: Eliminate cycles of lightpaths Find matchings of lightpaths Bertinoro, 5/5/08 41/169 2.3 Note Min ADM problem: (cost=#ADMs) Connections are good, chains are bad N lightpaths N=13 cost(S) = N + chains=13+6=19 Every path costs 1 ADM cost(S) = 2N-savings=26-7=19 Every connection saves 1 ADM Bertinoro, 5/5/08 42/169 2.4 a basic lemma Assume that an optimal solution S* saves x ADMs, and a solution S saves y ADMs cost(S*) Lemma : if y ≥ then k 1 cost(S) ≤ (2 - )cost(S*) k cost(S*) for example : if y ≥ then 2 3 cost(S) ≤ cost(S*) 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 43/169 Optimal solution S* saves x ADMs a solution S saves y ADMs y≥ cost(S*) N ≥ k k cost(S) = 2N - y cost(S*) = 2N - x N N N 2N 2N 2N - y cost(S) 1 k k k = ≤ ≤ = = 2cost(S*) 2N - x 2N - x 2N -N N k 2N - Bertinoro, 5/5/08 44/169 2.5 notaton D0(S) – lightpath not sharing any ADM D1(S) – lightpath sharing ONE ADM D2(S) – lightpath sharing BOTH ADMs N=25 lightpaths d0(S) = 2 d1(S) = 4 d2(S) = 19 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 d0(S) + d1(S) + d2(S) = 25 = N 45/169 2.6 a basic tool Solution S=chains + cycles d0 (S) + d1 (S) + d2 (S) = N 2d0 (S) + d1 (S) = N + d0 (S) - d2 (S) #ADMs = N + #chains S – ALG, S* - OPT co st(S ) - co st(S * ) = # c h a in s(S ) - # ch a in s(S * ) = = d0 (S) + 2d (S) + d1 (S) -2#chains(S*) d1 (S) - #chains(S*) = 0 2 2 N + d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) = 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) 1 N(1 + ) 2 N 46/169 cost(S)-cost(S*) = d (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) 1 N(1 + 0 ) 2 N We define: ε(S) = and get d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2 #chains(S*) N 1 cost(S) = cost(S*) + N(1 + ε(S)) 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 47/169 2.7 example D0(S) – lightpath not sharing any ADM D1(S) – lightpath sharing ONE ADM D2(S) – lightpath sharing BOTH ADMs N=25 lightpaths d0(S) = 2 d1(S) = 4 #ADMs=29 d2(S) = 19 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 d0(S) + d1(S) + d2(S) = 25 = N 48/169 N=25 suppose #chains(S*)=2, cost(S*)=25+2=27 ε(S) = d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2 #chains(S*) 2 -19 - 4 25 =− 21 25 N = d0(S) = 2 d2(S) = 19 1 25 21 cost(S) = cost(S*) + N(1 +ε(S)) = cost(S*) + (1 - ) = 2 2 25 cost(S*) +2 = 29 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 49/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 50/169 3.1 line Bertinoro, 5/5/08 51/169 Greedy coloring Bertinoro, 5/5/08 52/169 1st cost function: Number of colors 1. In any coloring #_of_colors ≥ max_load 2. In the greedy coloring #_of_colors = max_load 3. Hence this is optimal Bertinoro, 5/5/08 max load = 4 53/169 2nd cost function: Number of ADMs (no grooming) 1. At each point any coloring can save ≤ min{left,right} ADMs 2. The greedy coloring saves min{left,right} ADMs 3. Hence it is optimal left=3, right=2, can save at most min{2,3}=2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 54/169 3nd cost function: Number of ADMs (with grooming) APX – hard any g > 1 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 55/169 3.2 minADM is NP-complete for a ring minADM Input: a graph, a set of lightpaths, t>o. Output: can the lightpath be colored such that #ADMs ≤ t ? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 56/169 Coloring of an interval graph Always possible with max load Bertinoro, 5/5/08 k=4 57/169 Coloring of a circular arc graph Bertinoro, 5/5/08 58/169 Coloring of a circular arc graph Not always possible with max load Bertinoro, 5/5/08 59/169 Coloring of a circular arc graph Input: circular arc graph G, k>o. Output: can the arcs be colored by ≤ k colors? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 60/169 Coloring of a circular arc graph Input: circular arc graph G, k>o. Output: can the arcs be colored with ≤ k colors? G minADM Input: a graph, a set of lightpaths, t>o. Output: can the lightpath be colored such that #ADMs ≤ t ? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 61/169 Given an instance of the circular arc graph problem, construct an instance H of minADM: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 62/169 Claim: can color G with ≤ k colors iff can color H with ≤ k colors iff can color H with #ADMs ≤ N. G Bertinoro, 5/5/08 H 63/169 Claim: can color H with ≤ 3 colors iff can color H with #ADMs ≤ 13 Assume a coloring with ≤ 3 colors … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 64/169 Claim: can color with ≤ 3 colors iff can color the lightpaths with ≤ 13 ADMs Assume a coloring with ≤ 13 ADMs … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 65/169 Note: impossible to color in 2 colors impossible to color with 5 ADMs Bertinoro, 5/5/08 66/169 3.3 minADM with grooming is NP-complete for a star path of length 1 path of length 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 67/169 Star, g=1 ( trivial ) path of length 1 path of length 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 68/169 Star, g=2 The number of used ADM is exactly equal to the lower bound of needed ADM: 1 n node 0 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 2 0 i ⎡ n ⎤ ⎢∑ yi ⎥ ⎢ i= 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥+ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ n ∑ i= 1 xi paths of length 2 yi paths of length 1 ⎡ xi+yi ⎢ ⎢⎢ 2 ⎤ ⎥ ⎥⎥ nodes 1,…,n 69/169 Star, g≥3 - NP-complete Sketch for g=3: 3-Exact Cover ⇒ Edge Partition into 3-regular graphs ⇒ Star grooming, g=3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 70/169 3-Exact Cover: Input: set A of size 3n, and a collection S of subsets of A of size 3 each. Output: are there n subsets in the collection S that cover A? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 71/169 Edge Partition into 3-regular graphs: Input: undirected graph G = (V,E). Output: can E be partitioned into subsets E1,…,Em , each inducing a 3-regular subgraph G=(Vt,Et), t=1,…,m ? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 72/169 3-Exact Cover ⇒ Edge Partition into 3-regular graphs ⇒ Star grooming, g=3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 73/169 sets elements Bertinoro, 5/5/08 74/169 3-Exact Cover ⇒ Edge Partition into 3-regular graphs ⇒ Star grooming, g=3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 75/169 4 1 4 G S 3 1 0 3 2 2 Claim: there exists a solution using at most 2|E|/3 ADMs iff the edges of G can be partitioned into 3-regular graphs. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 76/169 4 5 5 3 1 1 4 0 3 2 2 δ=2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 g=2 77/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 78/169 4.1 basic algorithm PIM( ) eliminate short cycles, then find matchings Preprocessing: While there is a cycle C of length ≤ do: Remove (the lightpaths of) C from the instance Processing: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Designate each lightpath as a chain Do Build the matching graph M of the chains Find a maximum matching MM of M Combine chains according to MM Until M has no edges 79/169 The running time of the algorithm is exponential in due to the preprocessing phase By removing the preprocessing phase ( =1) we obtain algorithm PIM(1) Recall: 1 cost(S) = cost(S*) + N(1 +ε(S)) 2 d (S) - d2 (S) -2 #chains(S*) ε(S) = 0 N Bertinoro, 5/5/08 80/169 algorithm PIM( ) N P IM ( ) = O P T + (1 + ε ) 2 0 ≤ ε ≤ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1 + 2 81/169 Need to prove: ε(S) = d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2 #chains(S*) N ≤ 1 +2 We will show: N d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2 #chains(S*) ≤ d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 82/169 N d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 Take S*: in the example : 38 lightpaths, 5 chains, 3 cycles Bertinoro, 5/5/08 83/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 preprocessing stage of S: eliminate cycles of size ≤ The lightpaths that we used are colored red: in the example : 10 lightpaths are used to form cycles in S Bertinoro, 5/5/08 84/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 So, after preprocessing stage of S: in S* we have the following lightpaths: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 85/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 Now the algorithm is doing MM,MM,MM,… We show that already after the first MM we are ok. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 86/169 N d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 We show that in the remaining lightpaths there is a MM’ ≤ MM that is ok. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 87/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 d0 (S) - number of isolated lightpaths in the example : d0 (S) = 8 1 for each odd path and forBertinoro, each5/5/08 odd cycle 88/169 N d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 d0 (S) = d0 (odd cycles) + d0 (odd chains) Show: d0 (odd cycles) ≤ N +2 d0 (odd chains) ≤ d2 (S) + #chains(S*) Which implies N d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 89/169 N d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ +2 N d0 (odd cycles) ≤ +2 Since there are at most N lightpath left, and each odd cycle is of size at least +2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 90/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 d0 (odd chains) ≤ d2 (S) + #chains(S*) 1. Original chain of S* that was untouched 1 here is matched with 1 here Bertinoro, 5/5/08 91/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 d0 (odd chains) ≤ d2 (S) + #chains(S*) 2. A a chain of S* that was partitioned into t parts t-1 here are matched with t-1 here 1 here is matched with 1 here Bertinoro, 5/5/08 92/169 d0 (S) - d2 (S) - #chains(S*) ≤ N +2 d0 (odd chains) ≤ d2 (S) + #chains(S*) 3. A a cycle S* that was partitioned into t parts Each 1 here is matched with at least 1 here Bertinoro, 5/5/08 93/169 4.2 basic algorithm without preprocessing PIM(l) Preprocessing: While there is a cycle C of length ≤ do: Remove (the lightpaths of) C from the instance Processing: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Designate each lightpath as a chain Do Build the matching graph M of the chains Find a maximum matching MM of M Combine chains according to MM Until M has no edges 94/169 Without preprocessing: 1 ε≤ 5 1 cost(S) = cost(S*) + N(1 +ε(S)) 2 3 PIM(1) ≤ OPT + N 5 This is optimal. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 95/169 x w a d b e c u v x a x d w v x e x b u c Bertinoro, 5/5/08 96/169 A solution A Partition of P into feasible chains and cycles Feasible Æ 1-colorable x d u Bertinoro, 5/5/08 w a b e c v 97/169 PIM(3) x w a d b u x a e c v x d w v x e x b u c Cost=5 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 98/169 PIM(1) x d u Bertinoro, 5/5/08 w a b e c v 99/169 x w a d e b c u v x a x d w Cost = 8 v x e x b u c = OPT + 3 = = OPT + 0.6x5 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 100/169 Lower Bound The performance of PIM(1) can be as 3 bad as PIM(1) ≤ OPT + N 5 ... Bertinoro, 5/5/08 101/169 Upper bound d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) Recall: ε(S) = N and 1 cost(S) = cost(S*) + N(1 + ε(S)) 2 to show that 3 PIM(1) ≤ OPT + N 5 we prove that ε(S) ≤ 1/5 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 102/169 Orient the chains and cycles of S*. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 103/169 Let LAST be the set of nodes which are last elements of the chains according to this orientation. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 104/169 ε(S) = d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) 1 ≤ N 5 show : N d0 (S) - d2 (S) -2#chains(S*) ≤ 5 or N d0 (S) ≤ d2 (S) + #chains(S*) + 5 By mapping a path in D0(S) to either Bertinoro, 5/5/08 a path of D2(S) or to a chain or to a cycle of size ≥ 5 105/169 The Mapping As the p graph ∈ Dis0 (finite, S ) this process continues until p is mapped, or we re-encounter a node. In this case: q1 q2 q3 q0=p 9C = {qi} 9Map p to C q If If q q is is not in the D be last (S) in then: node Dthe (S), of otherwise a path of the S* algorithm then: would Otherwise, Otherwise, q is is the next next node node in in q q ’s ’s path/cycle path/cycle in in S* S* If 1 can q 20 is the 2q last node 0exactly of a path of S* then: 3 1 2 0 If Otherwise q 2 is in D q (S) has then: one neighbor q in G . q can not be in D (S), otherwise the above path would 1 2 1 2 S 9return 3 0 ) to the matching. add the edge (q ,q 0 Obviously q2 is not1path in Dof 9p”=q 9p’=q be an augmenting the maximum matching 0(S). 9p’=q 2 0 9p”=q 2 1 Itfound is easy tothe see that |C| is odd. We also show that |C| by algorithm. 9map to p’ > 3. 9map 9map p p to to p” p’ 9map pp to p” 9return 9return 9return 9return Bertinoro, 5/5/08 106/169 4.3 extension of analysis Improved analysis of Algorithm PIM ( ) N P IM ( ) = O P T + (1 + ε ) 2 1 1 ≤ ε ≤ . 2 + 3 1 .5 + 3 ( p r e v io u s ly : 0 ≤ ε ≤ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1 ) + 2 107/169 ∈ GS Lower bound ∉ GS +2 nodes +1 nodes Bertinoro, 5/5/08 All the possible edges between the two cycles are in the conflict graph There are no feasible cycles of length <= . The matching leaves only one isolated node, therefore maximum. The matching can not be extended to a bigger solution, because of the conflict edges. 108/169 +2 nodes +1 nodes d0(S)=1 d2(S)=0 chains(S*)=0 N=2 +3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 1 ε= 2 +3 109/169 Upper bound ε(S) = Bertinoro, 5/5/08 d0 (S) - d0 (S) +2#chains(S*) 1 ≤ . 1.5 + 3 N 110/169 Comb. Matching Lemma of -odd -one even cycles cycles even Comb. cycles lemma with odd color cycles The Matching I1 I Max ind. odd cycles I2 ID Bertinoro, 5/5/08 D1 D D2 Other odd cycles ED E E2 Even cycles 111/169 The Evenmaximality cycles, one ofcolor: I implies: |ID|≤|E |D1D|≤|I | 2| At least 2 cycles per isolated node, therefore at least 2 +3 (≥ 3/2 ( +2)) nodes per isolated node. The Matching - Analysis I I1 D1 D D2 I2 ID Bertinoro, 5/5/08 ED E E2 112/169 ≥ ( +2)/3 “purple” nodes (Lemma 1) ≥ (3/2)( +2) nodes ≥ (1/2)( +2)/3) white nodes (Lemma 2) The Matching - Analysis I I1 D ≥ +2 nodes D2 E E2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 113/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 114/169 5.1 algorithm Algorithm Input: Graph G, set of lightpaths P, g > 0 Step 1: Choose a parameter k = k(g). Step 2: Consider all subsets of P of size ≤ k ⋅ g If a subset A is 1-colorable (i.e., any edge is used at most g times) then weight[A]=endpoints(A) S ← S ∪ {A} Bertinoro, 5/5/08 115/169 S – collection of all legal sets of at most kg lightpaths, each with its switching cost. Step 3: COVERÅ an approximation to the Minimum Weight Set Cover of S Step 4: Convert COVER to a PARTITION Output: the coloring induced by PARTITION Bertinoro, 5/5/08 116/169 Legal coloring For any fixed g, the number of subsets constructed in the first phase is O ng ik ( ) Bertinoro, 5/5/08 117/169 5.2 analysis: ln(g)-approximation for a ring Legal coloring A ⊂ B , B is 1-colorable ⇒ A is 1-colorable (⇒ correctness). (and cost(A) ≤ cost(B).) Bertinoro, 5/5/08 118/169 ALG = cost(PARTITION) ≤ weight(COVER) ≤ ≤H k ⋅g weight(MINCOVER) ≤ (1 +ln(k ⋅ g))weight(SC) for every set cover SC. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 119/169 A L G = cost(PA R T IT IO N ) ≤ ≤ (1 + ln(k ⋅ g)) w eigh t(S C ) Lemma: There is a set cover SC, s.t.: ⎛ 2g ⎞ weight(SC) ≤ ⎜ 1 + ⎟ O PT k ⎠ ⎝ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 120/169 Conclusion: ALG = cost(PARTITION) ≤ weight(COVER) ≤ ≤H k ⋅g weight(MINCOVE R) ≤ (1 + ln(k ⋅ g))weight(SC ) ≤ ⎛ 2g ⎞ (1 + ln(k ⋅ g)) ⋅ ⎜ 1 + ⋅ OPT ⎟ k ⎠ ⎝ ALG For k = g ln g : ≤ 2lng + o(lng) OPT Bertinoro, 5/5/08 121/169 5.3 proof of lemma Lemma: There is a set cover SC, s.t.: ⎛ 2g ⎞ weight(SC) ≤ ⎜ 1 + ⎟ O PT k ⎠ ⎝ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 122/169 Use OPT to build SC Consider OPT x - a color of OPT. Px - paths colored x. endpoints(Px) - the set of ADMs operating at wavelength x. (assume |endpoints(Px)|= m ⋅ k) Partition endpoints(Px) into m sets of k consecutive nodes in the example: k=5, m=4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 123/169 M=4 k=5 S1 k S2 k k k Sm weight[S] i ≤ k + g ≤ k ⋅g {paths starting at S1}, {paths starting at S2}, …, {paths starting at Sm} Each of these sets was in S ! All these sets, for all colors, cover A Bertinoro, 5/5/08 124/169 weight[S] i ≤k+g m ∑ weight[S] ≤ m(k + g) i=1 i ( OPTx = m ⋅ k) ⎛ g⎞ weight[S] ∑ i ≤ OPTx ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎝ k⎠ i=1 m w/o the assumption we have: ⎛ 2g ⎞ weight[S] ∑ i ≤ OPTx ⎜ 1 + ⎟ k ⎠ ⎝ i=1 m ⎛ 2g ⎞ weight[S] ∑∑ i ≤ OPT ⎜ 1 + ⎟ k ⎠ ⎝ x i =1 m Bertinoro, 5/5/08 125/169 5.4 trees undirected: ALG ≤ 2ln(δ g) OPT directed: ALG ≤ 2lng OPT Bertinoro, 5/5/08 126/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. Grooming – approximation 6. ADMs - On-line 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 127/169 6.1 on-line On-line problem Input arrives one at a time, and a decision is made (and cannot be changed). In the minADM problem: lightpaths arrive one at a time, and need to be colored. Competitive analysis An on-line algorithm A is c-competitive if A(I) ≤ c OPT(I) for any input sequence I. (A(I) and OPT(I) are #ADMs used by A and by an optimal offline algorithm OPT.) Bertinoro, 5/5/08 128/169 6.2 algorithm ALG When a new path arrives: 1. if closes a unicolor cycle- assign same color 2. if any endpoint colored - assign same color 3. else (no side colored) - assign a new color #ADMs=7 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 129/169 When a new path arrives: 1. if closes a unicolor cycle - assign same color 2. if any endpoint colored - assign same color - assign a new color 3. else (no side colored) 2 1 2 2 3 3 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 3 2 130/169 6.3 Results Theorem: ALG is 7/4-competitive on any topology. This is optimal even for a ring. Theorem: ALG is 3/2-competitive on a path. This is optimal. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 131/169 6.4 ALG ≥ 7/4 even for a ring ALG: ADM=7 OPT: ADM=4 ALG ≥ 7/4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 132/169 6.5 any algorithm for a path ≥ 3/2 k paths k=12 x=6 k-1 spaces: x between same color k-1-x between different colors Bertinoro, 5/5/08 133/169 So far: any algorithm uses 2k ADMs now – a short path at each gap of diffferent colors (k-1-x such gaps) k=12, x=6, 12-1-6=5 Any algorithm uses at least one more ADM for each (ALG uses exactly one) So: any algorithm Bertinoro, 5/5/08 ≥ 2k + (k-1-x) ADMs 134/169 So far: use ≥ 2k + (k-1-x) ADMs now – two long paths at each of the k gap of same color Any algorithm must use 2 ADMs for each So: any algorithm ≥ 2k + (k-1-x) + 4x = = 3k+3x-1 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 ADMs 135/169 We showed: any algorithm uses ≥ 3k+3x-1 ADMs OPT: the short paths ≤ 2k ADMs for the long paths 2x ADMs OPT ≤ 2k + 2x any algorithm/OPT ≥ 3/2 – 1/(2k) Bertinoro, 5/5/08 136/169 6.6 ALG for a path ≤ 3/2 Optimal solution S* saves x ADMs Our solution S saves y ADMs Lemma : x y≥ ≥ k 1 ⇒ cost(S) ≤ (2 - )cost(S*) -> k Proo f : cost(S) - cost(S*) = (2N - y) - (2N - x) = =x-y≤ ≤x- ⇒ x 1 1 1 N cost( S * ) = x (1 - ) ≤ ) ≤ ) (1 (1 ≤ ≤ k k k k 1 c ost(S) ≤ cost(S* )(2 ) ≤ k Bertinoro, 5/5/08 Note : x ≤ N ≤ cost(S*) 137/169 ≥ Lemma : if y ≥ x then k 1 cost(S) ≤ ≤ (2 - )cost(S*) k We show that ⇒ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 x y≥ ≥2 3 cost(S) ≤ ≤ cost(S*) 2 138/169 Claim: x y≥ ≥2 optimal S* – max matching at each point Bertinoro, 5/5/08 139/169 For the proof choose a specific S* savings of S Bertinoro, 5/5/08 (y) savings of S* (x) 140/169 a b c a came before b c map 1-1 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 141/169 Savings of S* (x) savings of S (y) ≥≥ 2 x y≥ ≥ 2 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 142/169 6.7 ALG is 7/4-competitve for any topology 1. cost(S) - cost(S*) = = N/2 + (d0(S)-d2(S)-2chains(S*))/2 2. d0(S) ≤ d2(S) + chains(S*) + N/2 Combining, we have 3 cost(S) - cost(S*) ≤ N ≤ cost(S*) 4 7 cost(S) ≤ cost(S*) 4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 143/169 d0(S) ≤ d2(S) + chains(S*) + N/2 orient S* for u ∈ D0(S) 1. if u is last in some chain of S*, map u to this chain 2. else S* u u’ i. u’ ∈ D0(S) contradiction ii. u’ ∈ D1(S) map u to {u, u’} iii. u’ ∈ D2(S) map u to u’ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 144/169 6.8 lower bound of 7/4 , even for a ring Case a: 7/4=1.75 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 145/169 Case b: Case b1: 6/3 = 2 Case b2: 5/3 = 1.67 any algorithm ≥ 1.67 Exercise: Bertinoro, 5/5/08 any algorithm ≥ 1.75- ε 146/169 6.9. a simpler lower bound of 7/4 7/ (not for a ring) A B E D C EFG F G H K M BDG so: BDG Bertinoro, 5/5/08 147/169 A B E D C EFG F Bertinoro, 5/5/08 G H K M BDG 148/169 A B E D C EFG F G H BDG EABDG GFEAB #ADMS=7 #OPT=4 K M Competitive Ratio: 7/4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 149/169 A B E D C EFG F G H K M BDG BAE #ADMS=6 #OPT=3 Competitive Ratio: 6/3 > 7/4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 so: BAE 150/169 A B E D C EFG F G H BDG BAE EFKMHG K M so: EFKMHG Bertinoro, 5/5/08 151/169 A B E D C EFG F G H BDG BAE EFKMHG K Bertinoro, 5/5/08 M 152/169 A B E D C EFG F G H BDG BAE EFKMHG EABDCHG #ADMS=9 #OPT=5 K M Competitive Ratio: 9/5 > 7/4 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 153/169 A B E D C EFG F G H BDG BAE EFKMHG K M Hw: finish this case Bertinoro, 5/5/08 154/169 A B E D C EFG F G H K M BDG BAE Hw: finish this case Bertinoro, 5/5/08 155/169 1. Model, problems 2. Warm up examples 3. Complexity 4. ADMs - Approximation 5. ADMs - On-line 6. Grooming - approximation 7. Open problems Bertinoro, 5/5/08 156/169 Open Problems Closing gaps between lower and upper bounds Extension to other topologies (e.g., on-line, ring of size n) Extension and traffic patterns Trade-offs between w,#ADM,g Complexity, inapproximability Bertinoro, 5/5/08 157/169 Placement of the ADMs Routing and coloring Other traffic grooming models More cost functions (OADMs) and criteria (average cost, #savings) Wavelength conversion On-line and dynamic networks Game theory ... Bertinoro, 5/5/08 158/169 Open Problems Closing gaps between lower and upper bounds, Extension to other topologies (e.g., on-line, ring of size n), Extension and traffic patterns, Trade-offs between w,#ADM,g, Complexity, inapproximability, Placement of the ADMs, Routing and coloring, Other traffic grooming models, More cost functions (OADMs) and criteria,(average cost, #savings), Wavelength conversion, On-line and dynamic networks, Game theory, . . . Bertinoro, 5/5/08 159/169 Open Problems Closing gaps between lower and upper bounds, Extension to other topologies (e.g., on-line, ring of size n), Extension and traffic patterns, Trade-offs between w,#ADM,g, Complexity, inapproximability, Placement of the ADMs, Routing and coloring, Other traffic grooming models, More cost functions (OADMs) and criteria (average cost, #savings), Wavelength conversion, On-line and dynamic networks, Game theory, … Bertinoro, 5/5/08 160/169 Questions ? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 161/169 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 162/169 First lecture in Mathematics Clearly 1+1=2 But this is a complicated way to write this. Hereby we suggest some improvement. Bertinoro, 5/5/08 163/169 Step 1 1 = ln e and 1 = sin α + cos α 2 2 and 2 = ∞ ∑ n=0 Bertinoro, 5/5/08 ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠ n 164/169 So 1+1=2 can be simplifid as ∞ ⎛1⎞ ln e + sin α + cos α = ∑ ⎜ ⎟ n =0 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 2 n which is clearly more intuitive Bertinoro, 5/5/08 165/169 Step 2 1 = cosh( q ) * 1 − tanh ( q ) 2 and ⎛ 1⎞ e = lim ⎜ 1 + ⎟ z →∞ z⎠ ⎝ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 z 166/169 So 1+1=2 can be further simplifid as ⎛ ⎛ 1⎞ ln⎜lim⎜1+ ⎟ ⎜ z→∞⎝ z ⎠ ⎝ z Bertinoro, 5/5/08 2 ∞ ⎞ cosh(q)* 1− tanh (q) 2 2 ⎟⎟ +sin α + cos α = ∑ n 2 n=0 ⎠ 167/169 Step 3 0!= 1 and (X ) − (X ) T −1 hence ( ) − (X ) ⎛ ⎜ X ⎝ Bertinoro, 5/5/08 −1 T T −1 =0 −1 T ⎞ ⎟!= 1 ⎠ 168/169 So eventually ⎛ ⎛⎛ T ln⎜lim⎜⎜ X ⎜ z→∞⎝⎝ ⎝ 1+1=2 ( ) −( X ) −1 −1 T 2 ⎞ 1⎞ ⎟!+ z ⎟ ⎠ ⎠ gets its final form: 2 ∞ ⎞ − cosh( q )* 1 tanh (q) 2 2 ⎟ +sin α +cos α = ∑ n ⎟ 2 n=0 ⎠ Now, decide for yourself: 1. which of the forms is the simplest. 2. which of the forms will make your career faster? 3. which of the forms will mostly impress your boss/boyfriend/girlfriend/mother? Bertinoro, 5/5/08 169/169
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