Foundations of Linux Networking - Micro Focus International Wiki


Foundations of Linux Networking - Micro Focus International Wiki
Foundations of Linux
UNIX/Linux Introduction and UNIX/Linux Foundations
Preparation course for Linux administrator exams from:
CompTIA Linux+ 2004 objectives
Linux Professional Institute Certification Level 1 (LPIC1)
Everything you need for the Linux part of the CLE exam.
Enlight Certification (like ECDL).
What makes this course unique?
This five-day course (one plus four) is intended for an
audience with a basic knowledge of Windows networking and
offers a fast-track approach with clear objectives.
A broad overview of Linux provides the perfect start.
The lab sessions comprise at least 50% of the course.
Provides general instruction in installing and managing the
Linux Operating system, basic configuration of the services
and demonstration of Windows interoperability.
Proprietary statement
This book has come into position on the order of and in
cooperation with OVEC-ICT B.V./GmbH Education.
First edition 2004/8. ISBN 90-808955-1-2
Copyright © 2004 by 2A-Infonet. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied,
stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express
prior consent of the publisher. This manual, and any portion
thereof, may not be copied without the express written
permission of 2A-Infonet and OVEC-ICT B.V./GmbH.
Foundations of Linux Networking
Robert Zondervan is an
independent Certified
Technical Trainer of
CompTIA and member
of the LATP Training
and Certification
Advisory Council. He
has been an
ICT consultant since
1985 and has a clear
outlook on IT and in
the distance.
He is also certified as a trainer and (master) engineer for:
Red Hat
Linux Professional Institute (LPIC1)
Cisco Systems
(Linux+, A+, Network+,
IT Project+, Security+, CTT+)
(Open Water Self Contained
Underwater Breathing
Apparatus Instructor).
Robert developed many successful courses and teaches them to
system and network administrators in a wide range of measure
work and certification tracks.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? can be sent to
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
2A-Infonet makes no representations or warranties with respect
to the contents or use of this manual, and specifically disclaims
any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for any particular purpose.
2A-Infonet has attempted to supply trademark information
about company names, products, and services mentioned in this
manual. The following list of trademarks was derived from
various sources.
Further, 2A-Infonet reserves the right to revise this publication
and to make changes in its content at any time, without
obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or
Novell, Inc. Trademarks
NetWare, the N-Design, and Novell are registered trademarks of
Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. CAN, CDE,
CNI, NAEC, and Novell Authorized Education Center are service
marks and CNE is a registered service mark of Novell, Inc. in the
United States and other countries. ConsoleOne, DirXML, and
eDirectory are trademarks of Novell, Inc. GroupWise is a
registered trademark of Novell, Inc. Hot Fix and IPX is a
trademark of Novell, Inc. NDS, Novell eDirectory Services and
NDPS are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. NetWare is a
registered service mark of Novell, Inc. in the United States and
other countries. NLM and Novell Certificate Server are
trademarks of Novell, Inc. Novell Client, Novell Cluster Services,
and Novell Distributed Print Services are trademarks of Novell,
Inc. ZENworks is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc.
Further, 2A-Infonet makes no representations or warranties with
respect to any software, and specifically disclaims any express
or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any
particular purpose.
This Training Manual is published solely to instruct students in
the use of Linux. Although third-party application packages are
used in 2A-Infonet training courses, these are for demonstration
purposes only and shall not constitute an endorsement of any of
these software applications.
Further, 2A-Infonet does not represent itself as having any
particular expertise in these application software packages and
any use by students of the same shall be done at the student’s
own risk.
Other Trademarks
AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices. Java is a
trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in
the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered
trademark of Linus Torvalds. Lotus Notes is a registered
trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Pentium is a
registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Solaris is a registered
trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. The Norton AntiVirus is a
trademark of Symantec Corporation. Tru64 is a trademark of
Digital Equipment Corp. UNIX is a registered trademark of the
Open Group. Windows and Windows NT are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Foundations of Linux Networking .......................................... 1
What makes this course unique? ....................................... 1
Proprietary statement ...................................................... 1
Author ........................................................................... 2
Disclaimer ...................................................................... 3
Trademarks .................................................................... 4
CONTENTS ......................................................................... 5
COURSE INFORMATION ..................................................... 14
Target audiences for this course...................................... 14
Certification .................................................................. 14
Other CompTIA certifications .......................................... 15
Enlight certification........................................................ 15
Relationship to other courses in the Linux curriculum......... 16
Objectives of the Linux Informational Workshop................ 16
Objectives of the Foundations of Linux Networking training 17
What is the prerequisite knowledge?................................ 17
What is the structure of the course? ................................ 17
Required ...................................................................... 18
Team ....................................................................... 19
Hardware ................................................................. 19
Internet access ......................................................... 19
Agenda ........................................................................ 19
Instructor tips for the five-day course .......................... 23
Instructor tips for the self-study course ........................ 25
LABS ............................................................................... 26
VMware as an option ..................................................... 28
MODULE 1 PLANNING ........................................................ 35
SECTION 1 Linux Introduction......................................... 37
Objectives ................................................................ 37
Introduction.............................................................. 37
Objective 1 Describe the history of Linux ...................... 37
Objective 2 Identify why Linux is not on every desktop .. 39
Objective 3 Identify reasons why Linux has the fastest
increasing market share of all operating systems........... 41
Objective 4 Identify the most well known Linux
distributions.............................................................. 45
Objective 5 Describe Linux licensing .............................47
Objective 6 Identify hardware requirements ..................49
Lab 1 Linux boot from CD ...............................................50
Linux boot from CD ....................................................51
Try the Internet connection .........................................52
Assessment test ........................................................54
SECTION 2 Desktop Managers and FHS ............................59
Introduction ..............................................................59
Objective 1 Describe well known Desktop Managers .......59
Objective 2 Identify the free Ximian products ................64
Objective 3 Identify the commercial Ximian products......65
Objective 4 Describe the benefits of Ximian Desktop and
Novell Linux Desktop ..................................................66
Objective 5 Describe the File system Hierarchy Standard 67
Lab 2 Desktop Managers.................................................68
Prepare VMware.........................................................70
From Knoppix to Windows...........................................71
From another Linux distribution to Windows ..................75
Purpose of the File system Hierarchy Standard ..............80
Assessment test ........................................................83
SECTION 3 Education and Services ..................................89
Introduction ..............................................................89
Objective 1 Describe Linux education and major
Objective 2 Describe Linux interoperability with Windows99
Lab 3 Windows and Linux network ................................. 103
Checking the TCP/IP settings..................................... 104
Remote Linux terminal using Secure SHell (SSH) ......... 105
Windows applications in Linux using WINE .................. 107
Terminal Server client .............................................. 108
Samba in Knoppix .................................................... 108
Samba on Red Hat or SuSE with NNLS........................ 109
Assessment test ...................................................... 111
Summary................................................................ 113
SECTION 4 NNLS ......................................................... 115
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Objectives .............................................................. 115
Introduction............................................................ 115
Objective 1 Identify the features of NNLS ................... 115
Assessment test ...................................................... 125
Summary ............................................................... 126
MODULE 2 INSTALLATION................................................ 127
SECTION 5 PC Start Scheme......................................... 130
Objectives .............................................................. 130
Introduction............................................................ 130
Objective 1 Describe the PC boot strap procedure........ 130
Objective 2 Identify the first Linux boot process .......... 133
Assessment test ...................................................... 134
Summary ............................................................... 135
SECTION 6 Methods of Installation ................................ 136
Objectives .............................................................. 136
Introduction............................................................ 136
Objective 1 Describe CD or USB installation ................ 136
Objective 2 Describe Network installation ................... 137
Objective 3 Describe unattended installation ............... 137
Assessment test ...................................................... 139
Summary ............................................................... 140
SECTION 7 Devices ..................................................... 142
Objectives .............................................................. 142
Introduction............................................................ 142
Objective 1 Locate the hardware resources being used. 143
Objective 2 Describe how peripherals are identified ..... 144
Objective 3 Describe how disks are identified .............. 145
Assessment test ...................................................... 146
Summary ............................................................... 147
SECTION 8 Partitioning and Boot Loaders ....................... 148
Objectives .............................................................. 148
Introduction............................................................ 148
Objective 1 Implement partitioning ............................ 148
Objective 2 Implement boot loaders LILO and GRUB .... 151
Assessment test ...................................................... 154
Summary ............................................................... 156
SECTION 9 File systems ............................................... 158
Objectives .............................................................. 158
Introduction............................................................ 158
Objective 1 Identify the most common file systems...... 158
Objective 2 Describe journaling file systems ................ 159
Objective 3 Describe automatic mounting ................... 160
Objective 4 Implement manual mount ........................ 161
Objective 5 Implement formatting.............................. 162
Objective 6 Describe and implement shortcuts (links)... 164
Assessment test ...................................................... 165
Summary................................................................ 167
SECTION 10 Packages .................................................. 169
Objectives............................................................... 169
Introduction ............................................................ 169
Objective 1 Implement the Red Hat Package Manager .. 170
Objective 2 Describe the Debian Package Manager....... 172
Objective 3 Create a tarball....................................... 173
Objective 4 Describe how to compile source code......... 174
Objective 5 Describe the use of libraries ..................... 175
Lab 10 Partitioning and installation ................................ 176
VMware configuration ............................................... 176
Check out the partition scheme.................................. 177
Red Hat installation .................................................. 179
Debian installation ................................................... 183
Choice of installation (SuSE) ..................................... 187
Assessment test ...................................................... 192
Summary................................................................ 194
MODULE 3 CONFIGURATION ............................................. 196
SECTION 11 Graphical Interface .................................... 198
Objectives............................................................... 198
Introduction ............................................................ 198
Objective 1 Describe the XFree86 project.................... 198
Objective 2 Configure the graphical interface............... 199
Lab 11 XFree86 ........................................................... 200
X Configuration filename........................................... 200
X Configuration file contents...................................... 201
Back-up the X configuration ...................................... 201
Change the X configuration ....................................... 202
Assessment test ...................................................... 203
Summary................................................................ 204
SECTION 12 Environment Variables ............................... 206
Objectives............................................................... 206
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Introduction............................................................ 206
Objective 1 List the environment variables.................. 206
Objective 2 Set the environment variables.................. 207
Lab 12 Variables ......................................................... 209
List the environment variables .................................. 209
Make a variable ....................................................... 210
Assessment test ...................................................... 211
Summary ............................................................... 212
SECTION 13 Network Client .......................................... 214
Objectives .............................................................. 214
Introduction............................................................ 214
Objective 1 Describe the basics of TCP/IP ................... 214
Objective 2 Check the TCP/IP configuration ................ 218
Objective 3 Configure DNS for the client..................... 219
Objective 4 Configure IP for the client ........................ 220
Objective 5 Locate the network configuration files ....... 224
Lab 13 Client .............................................................. 225
Check TCP/IP .......................................................... 225
TCP/IP configuration files.......................................... 227
Change the IP configuration ...................................... 228
Assessment test ...................................................... 229
Summary ............................................................... 231
SECTION 14 Services Configuration ............................... 234
Objectives .............................................................. 234
Introduction............................................................ 234
Objective 1 Describe the Internet Super Daemon ........ 235
Objective 2 Describe and configure Samba ................. 237
Objective 3 Describe and configure the NIS client ........ 238
Objective 4 Describe and configure NFS ..................... 239
Objective 5 Describe and configure Apache ................. 240
Objective 6 Describe and configure Sendmail .............. 241
Objective 7 Describe and configure POP ..................... 242
Objective 8 Describe and configure FTP ...................... 243
Lab 14 Services........................................................... 244
Make a Samba user ................................................. 245
Samba ................................................................... 246
NFS ....................................................................... 248
NFS CD share.......................................................... 249
Sendmail ................................................................ 250
Apache ................................................................... 253
Automatic mounting ................................................. 254
FTP ........................................................................ 255
Assessment test ...................................................... 256
Summary................................................................ 258
SECTION 15 Kernel ...................................................... 262
Objectives............................................................... 262
Introduction ............................................................ 262
Objective 1 Find the kernel ....................................... 263
Objective 2 Get information about the running kernel ... 264
Objective 3 Describe how to customize the kernel ........ 266
Objective 4 Describe how to rebuild the kernel ............ 267
Assessment test ...................................................... 270
Summary................................................................ 272
MODULE 4 ADMINISTRATION............................................ 274
SECTION 16 Printers .................................................... 276
Objectives............................................................... 276
Introduction ............................................................ 276
Objective 1 Describe the purpose of LPD..................... 277
Objective 2 Describe the purpose of LPR ..................... 278
Objective 3 Describe the purpose of LPC, LPQ, LPRM .... 278
Objective 4 Describe and implement CUPS .................. 279
Objective 5 Describe the purpose of NDPS and iPrint .... 280
Lab 16 Printers............................................................ 282
Printer creation........................................................ 282
Hold the CUPS printer............................................... 283
Print to a local printer............................................... 283
Print to a network CUPS printer ................................. 284
Print from Windows to Linux...................................... 286
Assessment test ...................................................... 287
Summary................................................................ 288
SECTION 17 Commands ............................................... 292
Objectives............................................................... 292
Introduction ............................................................ 292
Objective 1 Use the shell .......................................... 293
Objective 2 Use commands ....................................... 294
Objective 3 Implement wild cards .............................. 296
Objective 4 Get help................................................. 297
Objective 5 Locate files............................................. 299
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Objective 6 Implement handling text files, piping,
redirection and command line concatenation............... 301
Objective 7 Create and run a script ............................ 304
Objective 8 Use vi as an editor .................................. 306
Lab 17 Shell and scripts ............................................... 308
Basic commands...................................................... 308
Get help ................................................................. 309
Text files ................................................................ 311
Scripting................................................................. 314
Assessment test ...................................................... 315
Summary ............................................................... 317
SECTION 18 Remote Administration .............................. 322
Objectives .............................................................. 322
Introduction............................................................ 322
Objective 1 Describe the concept of remote X ............. 323
Objective 2 Identify characteristics of telnet................ 324
Objective 3 Implement SSH and remote X .................. 325
Lab 18 Remote control ................................................. 326
Secure remote administration ................................... 326
Setup an X Terminal Server ...................................... 330
Assessment test ...................................................... 335
Summary ............................................................... 336
SECTION 19 Users & Groups......................................... 338
Objectives .............................................................. 338
Introduction............................................................ 338
Objective 1 Identify default users and groups.............. 338
Objective 2 Implement user management .................. 339
Objective 3 Implement group management ................ 343
Objective 4 Handle a multi-user environment.............. 343
Lab 19 Users & groups ................................................. 345
Users and groups..................................................... 345
Advanced user command.......................................... 349
Assessment test ...................................................... 350
Summary ............................................................... 352
SECTION 20 Files and Permissions................................. 354
Objectives .............................................................. 354
Introduction............................................................ 354
Objective 1 Describe file permissions ......................... 354
Objective 2 Describe SUID, SGID and sticky bit........... 357
Objective 3 Implement file and directory permissions ... 359
Objective 4 Implement file management..................... 361
Objective 5 Use back-up/restore commands................ 364
Lab 20 File management and security ............................ 366
Setting up directories ............................................... 367
Unzip...................................................................... 368
Assessment test ...................................................... 370
Summary................................................................ 372
MODULE 5 MAINTENANCE ................................................ 376
SECTION 21 Start & Stop ............................................. 378
Objectives............................................................... 378
Introduction ............................................................ 378
Objective 1 Describe the UNIX System V boot ............. 378
Objective 2 Describe the startup scripts ...................... 379
Objective 3 Use login messages ................................. 382
Objective 4 Start and stop services ............................ 382
Lab 21 Start/stop ........................................................ 385
Chkconfig................................................................ 385
Startup script .......................................................... 388
No GUI boot ............................................................ 389
Assessment test ...................................................... 390
Summary................................................................ 392
SECTION 22 File system Maintenance ............................ 396
Objectives............................................................... 396
Introduction ............................................................ 396
Objective 1 Identify if defragmentation is needed ........ 396
Objective 2 Implement disk checking ......................... 396
Lab 22 File system maintenance .................................... 397
Check disk and Convert to a journaling file system....... 397
Assessment test ...................................................... 399
Summary................................................................ 400
SECTION 23 Task Schedulers ........................................ 402
Objectives............................................................... 402
Introduction ............................................................ 402
Objective 1 Use command at ..................................... 402
Objective 2 Use command cron.................................. 403
Lab 23 Task schedulers ................................................ 405
Using at .................................................................. 405
Using cron............................................................... 406
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Assessment test ...................................................... 407
Summary ............................................................... 408
SECTION 24 Troubleshooting ........................................ 410
Objectives .............................................................. 410
Introduction............................................................ 410
Objective 1 Use status tools & commands................... 410
Objective 2 Locate errors.......................................... 414
Objective 3 Describe the logging service..................... 415
Objective 4 Document the installation ........................ 416
Objective 5 Check for disk space ............................... 418
Objective 6 Prevent hardware errors .......................... 419
Objective 7 Recover from an unknown root password... 420
Objective 8 Recover from a failed system boot ............ 421
Lab 24 Status tools...................................................... 422
Remote logging ....................................................... 422
Find ....................................................................... 423
Some system info commands.................................... 424
Assessment test ...................................................... 426
Summary ............................................................... 428
SUMMARY CARDS ........................................................... 431
ANSWERS ...................................................................... 432
GLOSSARY ..................................................................... 432
LPIC1 and Linux+ Test Tips .............................................. 432
INDEX ........................................................................... 433
Target audiences for this course
The five-day course can be divided into one day plus four
subsequent days. On the first day all the general information of
Linux (history, future and its potential) will be discussed.
Therefore the target audience on the first day will be much
The first day is called “Linux Informational Workshop –
UNIX/Linux Introduction” and the target audiences are:
Starting Linux users
IT staff
IT managers
(Future) Linux administrators
The target audiences for the last four days (“UNIX/Linux
Foundations”) are:
(Future) Linux administrators
Any person who wants to study for specific follow-up
courses from Red Hat, SuSE, LPI or for Novell CLP and CLE.
This course provides preparation for the CompTIA Linux+ exam.
The two LPIC1 exams cover almost exactly the same objectives
as Linux+, but the LPI exams are completely different. To be
adequately prepared for the LPI exams candidates need to learn
everything in this manual including all the command line
switches! There are some important test tips in the appendix.
The Linux+, LPI, Red Hat, SuSE and Novell certification tracks
are discussed in section 3 Education and Services.
The multiple-choice exams are delivered worldwide through:
§ Pearson Vue
( or
§ Thomson Prometric
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Other CompTIA certifications
CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) delivers
certifications for system administrators with six to twelve
months of experience. It is always a good idea to start a
certification track from Novell or Microsoft with a preparation
course for a CompTIA exam.
CompTIA exams cover all of the basic knowledge of a product or
environment in just one exam:
for Windows systems administration
(one hardware and one software exam).
Network+ for network administration.
for UNIX/Linux administration.
for internet- and web technologies
(after Network+).
Security+ for security (after Network+).
Relationship to other courses in the
Linux curriculum
Foundations of Linux Networking is the best starting point for
every Linux certification track provided that the audience has
the required Windows networking knowledge.
The Linux+, LPI, Red Hat, SuSE and Novell certification tracks
are discussed in Section 3 Education and Services.
Objectives of the Linux
Informational Workshop
The Linux Informational Workshop is in the first four sections of
the Foundations of Linux Networking book. The workshop
delivers a global overview and first acquaintance of the
framework of the history and future of Linux:
There are also many more, see:
A+ is a perfect starting point for anyone who wants to begin an
IT Certification Track like CNE, MCSA, MCSE or Linux.
Robert Zondervan has also developed two courses for A+.
Course manuals are available at
Enlight certification
The Enlight certification is based on this course manual. Schools
can use this course manual to let students do all of the labs by
themselves and subsequently track the theory results per
student by using the web based Enlight exams. Schools may
also administer their own exams and certify their students;
ECDL certification for Office is an example of this. As a form of
exam quality control, new Linux Enlight Exam questions or
comments may be submitted to If these are
justified, new questions will be added and inappropriate
questions will be changed or removed.
Linux properties.
Linux versions and distributions.
Linux services.
Linux certifications and education.
Licenses and indemnification program.
Influence on management and costs.
Windows interoperability labs.
Comparison of Linux with Windows, Novell
Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS) and
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Objectives of the Foundations of
Linux Networking training
The first day of the five-day course is called the Linux
Informational Workshop and the objectives of the first day are
mentioned above. The objectives for Foundations of Linux
Networking are:
Basics for Linux Administration.
Overview of Linux and the services.
Basics for Linux+, LPI, Red Hat, SuSE and Novell
certification tracks and Enlight certification.
Information required for the Linux part of the Novell CLE
Many labs to practice the objectives.
What is the prerequisite knowledge?
Global knowledge of Windows networking is required for the first
day: the Linux Informational Workshop.
For the remaining part of the Foundations of Linux Networking
course is knowledge at the level of CompTIA A+ or MCSA
What is the structure of the course?
The training can be delivered in three different ways:
Self-study or competence directed education in schools. The
main goal of this course is doing the labs. Every lab points
to the corresponding theory module(s) and the exercises
have comments explaining the theory.
Commercial class education like a five-day Novell or
Microsoft course. This comprises a slide show containing
several questions to encourage class co-operation. The
answers to the questions are provided on the next slide(s).
Mix of class education and self-study.
The exercises in the labs are an important part of becoming
acquainted with Linux. The majority of the required knowledge
is explained in the lab modules.
The course will be available in English and Spanish. The exams
are available in several languages, but not in Dutch.
For the commercial class education a beamer or other means of
presentation of the slide show is required together with a
whiteboard and an instructor PC.
For the competence directed education at schools and for the
commercial class education, one or more installed Linux
distributions are required before the class starts.
For the first day the students and instructor work with
computers that have been completely installed. For details you
can check the requirements mentioned at the beginning of each
Knoppix CD.
Windows XP (for desktop sharing) or a Terminal Server.
Red Hat (9) with Ximian Desktop 2 Professional installed.
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 with NNLS installed.
For the remaining days the ISO-files or CD’s from several
distributions are required for installation:
Knoppix CD
Red Hat 9 or a Fedora version.
SuSE Professional, Standard or Enterprise Server.
VMware is not necessary, but could be very helpful. The labs
start with a short introduction in VMware. There is a free 30-day
version available at
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
The virtual machines that are already installed for the classroom
setup are available at Ovec (See for contact info).
Teams can be introduced to do the exercises on one computer.
For commercial education one computer per person is
On the first day of the Linux Informational Workshop the
schedule is tight. The instructor may have to use a whip to
move people from their coffee to the computer!
The first day is comprised of a continuing mix of theory and
The remaining four days can be taught in two ways:
One network PC per team (a team can be one person).
A running DHCP server to give the Knoppix boot an
automatic IP configuration with Internet connection.
The exercises can be performed on a PC with a Pentium Pro
processor and will subsequently (e.g. Red Hat Fedora Core 1)
520MB-5.3GB hard disk space
64 MB RAM (text), minimal 192 MB RAM for GUI
Pentium Pro (and subsequently AMD64)
Theory in the morning and labs in the afternoon. The
advantage is that students can do the labs at their own
pace. Fast students can do the extra exercises or the same
exercises again in another distribution. Students don’t fall
asleep after the lunch.
Alternating theory and labs. The advantage of this system is
that students do not have to listen the whole morning.
Concentration is focused on small sessions.
The first of these two methods, with lab practice for the
complete afternoon is very much appreciated by students.
256MB RAM or more is recommended.
For running NNLS at least 512MB is required, but NNLS is not
necessary to do the exercises.
Internet access
If an Internet connection is not available, only a small part of
the exercises will not work. This is not a problem.
For schools, the total of five days can be divided into small parts
of 2 hours each. Usually a five-day course is stretched over one
Commercial class education
Every module (see Contents) is intended to be completed in one
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Example agenda:
Day 1
Module 1 Planning
Section 1 Linux Introduction
Lab 1 Knoppix
Section 2 Desktop Managers and FHS
Lab 2 Desktop Managers and FHS
Section 3 Education and Services
Lab 3 Windows & Linux network
Section 4 NNLS and closure
Module 2 Installation
Section 5 PC Start Scheme
Section 6 Methods of installation
Section 7 Devices
Section 8 Partitioning and boot loaders
Section 9 File systems
Section 10 Packages
Lab 10 Partitioning and installation of
Red Hat, Debian and/or choice (SuSE or
Day 3
Day 4
Module 4 Administration
Section 16 Printers
Section 17 Commands
Section 18 Remote Administration
Section 19 Users & Groups
Section 20 Files and Permissions
Section 14 Services configuration
Section 15 Kernel
Day 2
Module 3 Configuration
Section 11 Graphical interface
Section 12 Environment variables
Section 13 Network client
Services (continued)
Shell & scripts
Remote control
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Day 5
Module 5 Maintenance
Section 21 Start & Stop
Section 22 File system Maintenance
Section 23 Task Schedulers
Section 24 Troubleshooting
Lab 19 Users & groups
Lab 20 File Management and security
Lab 21 Start/stop
Lab 22 File system maintenance
Lab 23 Task schedulers
Lab 24 Status tools
Show stopper
Fast students
Only the fast students in the five-day course should do the
exercises with the remark ‘if time permits’.
If the students are very fast then they may do optional exercises
Instructor tips for the five-day course
The agenda is also on the last slide(s) (Press the <End> key).
Not all the theory in classroom
Using the slide show on the five-day course makes it possible to
teach the course without opening the book, but it is not
necessary to show all the slides. The necessary theory to get a
good impression of basic Linux administration is mixed in the
afternoon exercises. It is essential to do lots of exercises, at
least 50% of the time in the classroom. This will provide a
practical way to learn the theory.
Normal pace students
To save time, students may skip sections with the remark ‘if
time permits’ and go directly to the answer section of labs:
Lab 11 XFree86
Lab 12 Variables
Lab 13 Client
Lab 14 Services
Install the downloadable Cygwin/X for Windows.
Install the downloadable Mozilla Firefox, one of the fastest
Internet browsers.
Install a downloadable Sendmail patch.
Install (the downloadable) Ximian Desktop.
Show stopper
Towards the end of the five-day course, the instructor can finish
the course with a show stopper e.g.:
A demo of one of the last exercises.
A demo of PXE boot of Knoppix clients.
Any promised topic during the course.
Summary and evaluation of the course.
Exam preparation
If students want to successfully prepare for the exam(s), they
have to read the complete course manual afterwards and must
be able to answer all assessment tests correctly.
The LPI exam candidates have to learn the commands including
the switches. The Linux+ candidates only have to recognize the
purpose of the commands.
Test tips are included in the appendix of this manual.
On the last day, students are encouraged to practice with a
selection of the labs that were most interesting to them.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Instructor tips for the self-study course
For self-study or for competence directed education in schools
this course is designed to let students work according to the
following scheme.
The course agenda should take about 10 days instead of 5 days:
e.g. 72 hours (18 times 4 hours).
If available, first do the lab of the section
Read the theory of the section
Do the assessment test of the section
Repeat this section scheme until the end of the module
Do the Enlight Test per module.
The Enlight exams are covered in the assessment tests included
in this course manual.
If a computer with a Linux distribution is not available, there are
two other options to perform the exercises. Lab 10 will let you
install your own distributions on any PC with or without Windows
and with or without VMware.
Choose one distribution to perform the labs 11-24. This will
simplify learning. Advanced and fast students can do the
same exercises in different distributions.
Different Linux distributions are used during the first four labs:
Knoppix (CD or ISO from
Red Hat 9 with Ximian Desktop.
SuSE Linux Enterprise Edition version 8 with Novell
Nterprise Linux Services 1.0 (NNLS) installed.
The virtual machines that are already installed can be
ordered at Ovec ICT BV/GmbH. (See for
contact info.)
A 30-day licensed, fully functional VMware WS Trial
version can be downloaded from
Ovec can also distribute the VMware software package with
educational licenses. (See for contact info.)
If you are not entitled to educational licenses you can order
VMware Workstation with (5 + 5 %) discount at with referral code: VMRC-ROBZON047
Option 1 requirements
If you have a computer with Windows already installed and a
free Linux bootable CD like Knoppix ( This will
prevent you from losing any Windows data during your first
Linux experience. Don’t let it be a bad one! The minimal
machine requirements for Knoppix 3.3 are:
Intel CPU (486).
20 MB RAM for text mode.
96 MB RAM for graphic mode.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Bootable CD-ROM drive.
SVGA compatible video card
Mouse (PS/2 or USB)
Hard drive not required!
Network card is recommended
VMware as an option
The first option will not let you practice all of the exercises.
VMware with option 2 will give you these opportunities.
VMware offers a great solution for practicing. Increasingly more
companies are also using the virtual machines in a production
environment. However, whilst a VMware Workstation is a
possibility, the VMware GSX or ESX Server software offer better
performance and scalability.
Option 2 requirements
If you have a Windows host PC with a commercial VMware
Workstation package (or a free 30-day Try Out version) and are
running a Linux guest on it, you can use the Knoppix CD. You
can also use the Linux download ISO file. There is no need to
create the real Linux CD or CD’s.
If you have a Linux host PC, you can use the Linux version of
VMware (The Linux version of VMware Workstation uses a
different license from the Windows version.)
You will need to add the guest RAM requirements in addition to
the requirements for VMware (
On the first day it is recommended to have Red Hat or SuSE
with Ximian Desktop available.
A DVD with virtual machines of SuSE SLES8 plus NNLS and Red
Hat 9 plus Ximian Desktop is available for order at Ovec. (See for contact info)
Naturally, you can use Virtual PC, but since Microsoft took over
the Connectix Company, they are not promoting the use of
A very worthwhile manual about VMware is available for on-line
purchase at
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
The minimal VMware Workstation 4 requirements are:
Bridged networking
Intel 32-bit 400MHz x86 CPU
o Intel Celeron, Pentium II, III, 4, Xeon
o AMD Athlon (MP/XP), Duron, Opteron
100MB hard drive on Windows hosts.
20 MB hard drive on Linux hosts.
Possible Windows hosts:
o Windows Server 2003
o Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack(s)
o Windows XP Pro/Home with SP1
o Windows 2000 with Service Pack(s)
o Windows NT WS4 SP6a
o Windows NT Server 4 SP6a
Possible Linux hosts:
o Red Hat 7.0-9.0 and RHAS 2.1
o SuSE 7.3-8.2 and SLES8
o Mandrake 8.2 and 9.0
o And many other unsupported Linux distributions
The following definitions are being used in VMware.
A host is the base machine where VMware is installed and
running. The host operating system is Windows or Linux (see
the requirements in Option 2).
A guest is a virtual machine. You can run several guests at the
same time, as long as your host has the total amount of RAM
required to be used by all of the running virtual machines.
The use of the virtual network card in the guest has several
configuration options. Bridged, Host only or NAT.
In Bridged mode your VMware guest is using the physical
Ethernet adapter of your host. The physical adapter can be a
WiFi connection, but does not have correct host-guest
communication. Provided that the correct TCP/IP settings are
configured, the guest can communicate with all of the physical
machines on the network or the Internet. The guest must have
a unique IP address, different from the host, but in the same
network address range. The Vmnet1 and Vmnet8 adapters are
not used when networking in Bridged Mode.
If the guest is Windows, it can spread viruses (Worms) via
the bridged network adapter to the whole network!
If the guest is Linux, it is very unlikely that a virus will
spread through a bridged network adapter or any other type
of network adapter.
In this way, you are able to experience a safe way to connect to
the Internet, visit malicious web sites and read your e-mail
without becoming infected by a virus, even if you have Windows
on your host pc! Nobody will be able to take control of your
computer. All without anti virus software and without installing
critical updates every now and then (more now)!
These advantages are not just a feature of VMware. They are
features of Linux!!! VMware is just one way of experiencing all
kinds of Linux distributions and versions in a Windows
Naturally, you must know a little bit about what you are doing.
Do not make downloaded files available to Windows computers
without completing an up to date anti-virus check!
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Foundations of Linux Networking
Host only networking
Important keys
After installation of VMware, you will have two extra Network
Adapter Cards on your host called VMware Network Adapter
VMnet1 and VMnet8. The VMnet1 adapter is the host only
adapter. The VMnet8 adapter is the interface connected to the
host via NAT (Network Address Translation).
If you are working in a virtual machine you have to release the
mouse before you can switch to the guest or to another host.
You can use:
If you are using the Host only network option of VMware:
This is because <Ctrl-Alt> has a special meaning in Linux
(switch terminals) we will change this in Lab 2 into
It is possible to communicate with all the other hosts
running on the same guest.
It is possible to have two-way communication between the
guest and the hosts.
It is possible to run guests in a network on a single host
computer, which is not connected to a network.
It is not possible for the hosts to communicate with other
machines on the network.
For successful communication between the host(s) and the
guest, the IP addressing must be unique and in the same
network address range of the VMnet1 adapter. The other
adapter(s) on the host must be in a different network
address range or must be disabled!!!
If you want to use <Ctrl-Alt-Del> in a host you have to
press: <Ctrl-Alt-Insert> or <Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Insert>.
Virtual hardware
Every virtual machine, also known as a guest, has the same
type of virtual hardware. It doesn’t matter if the host has a
3com card, not a SCSI-controller or a Multipech sound card. All
the guests have the following virtual hardware as an option,
independent of the host hardware. VMware Workstation 4.5 has
the following Virtualization layer for every guest operating
To release the mouse.
Floppy drive(s) attached to a real floppy or an image file.
Up to 3.6 GB of RAM per machine (total 4 GB).
Up to four IDE-disks or CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives, mounted
to a physical CD or an ISO file.
CD-Recordable or Rewritable based on SCSI or IDE.
LSI Logic LSI53C10xx Ultra 160 SCSI controller.
Mylex (BusLogic) BT-958 SCSI adapter.
Up to seven SCSI-disks.
VMware SVGA video card.
AMD PCnet-PCI II Ethernet card
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Foundations of Linux Networking
All the guests can be configured with one ore more virtual or
real SCSI and/or IDE disks. Even if the host has only one disk.
These virtual disks are files on the host. The complete virtual
machine is stored in a folder (directory) and can be copied to
other computers or to another folder for back-up purposes.
Although there are many more VMware options to discuss, like
Snapshot and Revert, the ones mentioned are the most
important and not self-explanatory items.
VMware Labs
The next installation is another of the possibilities being used in
the first four labs:
§ VMware with three Linux guests
§ Windows host or guest with Terminal Server or XP Remote
Desktop Connectivity.
KNOPPIX bootable CD (e.g. version 3.3)
o Bridged networking.
o Has Open Office installed by default.
o To be installed in Lab 2 as an optional exercise.
o Has a user called knoppix, no password.
Red Hat (e.g. version 9)
o with Ximian Desktop 2 Professional and Ximian
OpenOffice installed.
o Terminal Server Client Package installed.
o With a normal user installed (e.g. beavis with
password butthead).
o Default run level 3.
o Bridged networking.
SuSE Server (e.g. SLES8)
o NNLS installed (free downloadable version from
o Host only networking
The same guest can be duplicated to every
computer. In host only mode SLP (Service
Location Protocol) will not publish all
duplicate services on the network.
o With a normal user installed (e.g. beavis with
password butthead).
o Default run level 3.
The Windows host or guest is being used for the demonstration
of Windows networking with Linux (Samba and Open SSH).
© 2004 version 1.001
Module 1
Module 1
In this module the history and possible future of
Linux will be reviewed. Linux will be compared to
Windows networking. This will be done via a global
overview, using exercises from the Knoppix CD,
and Linux distributions that have already been
At the end of this module you will be able to plan
the use of Linux in your own environment.
Module 1 is also called Linux Informational
Workshop and contains four sections:
Section 1 Linux introduction.
Lab 1 introduces Linux with a Knoppix CD
Section 2 Desktop Managers and the File
system Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
Lab 2 shows how to connect from Linux to
Section 3 Education and Services.
Lab 3 shows how to connect from Windows to
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services
Foundations of Linux Networking
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Foundations of Linux Networking
SECTION 1 Linux Introduction
In this section you will learn about the history of Linux and the
reasons why the Linux operating system has a fabulous future.
Describe the history of Linux
Identify why Linux is not on every desktop
Identify reasons why Linux has the fastest increasing market
share of all operating systems
Identify the most well known Linux distributions
Describe Linux licensing
Identify hardware requirements
Linux is not yet on every desktop, but it is already on many
servers. Linux is one of the most reliable cost-effective
platforms for delivering secure, non-stop access to network and
information resources and host business-critical, open sourceenabled programs and services.
Objective 1 Describe the history of Linux
In the short history of Linux there are some historical marks:
GNU and the Free Software Foundation
Linus Torvalds
GNU and the Free Software Foundation
In 1984 GNU was launched as a project to
develop a free version of UNIX. Richard Stallman
wanted legal protection for the sources in order to
keep them free and available. He wrote the
manifesto for GNU, which received some later
Section 1 Linux introduction
Section 1 Linux introduction
clarifications. The Free Software Foundation was founded in
1985 and is a sponsor of GNU.
GNU uses the Gnu as a logo, but the G should
be pronounced like the G in Guh-new. It
generally means GNU’s Not Unix; that is a
serious joke. UNIX is mostly used as a server
and has many flavors and uses expensive enduser license agreements. Yes, it is more
expensive then you will see on most desktops.
The GNU Operating System was almost complete in 1990, the
only thing it was missing was a UNIX kernel.
Any software developer who publishes the sources of software
can use GNU’s General Public License. This guarantees that:
§ Software is copyrighted to the author
§ Software source must be freely available. This is the reason
why it is called copyleft license instead of copyright license.
For distribution and support it is allowed to send a bill.
§ Anyone may change sources as long as the sources remain
public under the same license.
GNU’s Lesser GPL is a license that allows
non-free programs to be linked to GPL
libraries. This makes it possible to sell
software add-ons for free products.
More about GNU is available at
Linus Torvalds
Like Jacques Cousteau for the diving world,
like Elvis for Priscilla,
that’s Linus for Linux.
You see Linus in the picture (right) at Novell
BrainShare 2004 in Salt Lake City. Linus is a
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Foundations of Linux Networking
Fin who speaks Swedish as his native language.
In 1991, Linus started an open source project to create a free
version of minix, a UNIX flavor. Linus used his first name as an
example to register Linux© as the name for his free GNU
version of his minix compatible kernel. In 1994 Linux kernel
version 1.0 was ready. In conjunction with the GNU software
Linux is a complete operating system.
Linus is still releasing new Linux kernels. In fact, Linux is only
the kernel! A Linux distribution is a kernel plus many GNU or
non-GNU add-ons.
Linus Torvalds chose Tux (Torvalds UNIX) as the
official mascot for Linux. Tux is designed and
produced by Larry Ewing. You can say that some of
the characteristics of the penguin are symbolic for
Is lovely on the outside
Survives in cruel environments
Works together with lots of others
Objective 2 Identify why Linux is not on
every desktop
Although major cities and companies have decided to make the
step to use Linux, Linux actually has a very low market share on
end-user desktops for the following reasons:
Nerd image
Many distributions
Linux myths
Windows interoperability issues
Section 1 Linux introduction
Nerd image
Linux has more than 1000 commands and this number is
increasing. Many years ago, in the times before Windows,
universities claimed the near future for UNIX. Developers are
enthusiastically using Linux.
Many distributions
One of the problems is the enormous amount of applications,
variations on commands and different commands in
distributions. As a solution distributors made choices and added
less packages to the kernel: not 10 browsers, 10 text editors, …
But there are more than 180 distributions listed on
This is one of the additional advantages of Linux, because any
school or company can pick up the sources of one distribution
and tailor it for their own personal benefit.
Linux myths
No longer true, but were an item in the past. Some myths are:
The Linux developer community consists of a bunch of spare
time hobbyists. No professional company would rely on this
There is a lack of hardware driver support. The Linux
installation takes you through lots of difficult installation
questions. You have to check your system and know all the
hardware being used including interrupts, IO ports, memory
addresses and DMA channels.
The reality is that most Linux installations are running flawlessly
and that hardware is being detected by Plug and Play. Only the
newest hardware does not yet have Linux drivers (modules) .
You can search for these on the Internet and expect some
successful hits.
Windows interoperability issues
Microsoft Office is a clear market leader for applications on the
desktop. If you interchange files with Office users you want to
use the file without problems in Linux. OpenOffice should be the
Section 1 Linux introduction
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Foundations of Linux Networking
answer from the open source community. One of the issues is
the prohibited use of Microsoft fonts in Linux. Your Windows
presentation will look different in Linux. The solution is the use
of compatible Agfa fonts. The Agfa fonts are inside the Ximian
Desktop Professional Edition. The Ximian Desktop delivers many
more benefits which will be discussed in another section.
There are many knowledgeable (and certified) Windows
administrators, but there is a lack of Linux knowledge in many
IT departments. The educational road map for Linux came from
many documents and forums from the Internet and from very
specialized courses. The comparison to Windows and Windows
Knowledge was hardly ever made (what is Windows)? The
number of modern Linux courses is increasing and professional
certification can be obtained. You will learn more about
education and certification in a later section.
Objective 3 Identify reasons why Linux has
the fastest increasing market share of all
operating systems
Although we have read a lot of reasons why Linux is not very
often used on the desktop, it is the operating system with the
fastest growing market share. There are many reasons for Linux
to be a success, e.g.:
The new meaning of Open Source
Apache websites
Open Source projects
Professional support
High Availability solutions and support
Automatic installation
Update services
Success stories
Ximian Desktop with compatible Agfa fonts
More Linux administrators, education and certification
Section 1 Linux introduction
Section 1 Linux introduction
The new meaning of Open Source
The open source community has proven that they deliver
reliable software. Open source software has a long history of
reliability. Linux is using a very stable kernel.
Apache websites
The Apache project (Apache server is A patchy server) is now
one of the most successful in the world. More then 60 percent of
the websites are using Apache as a stable and fast web server.
Open Source projects
For every type of application it is possible for a developer to join
a project or to open a new project. Source code is shared with
others and is constantly updated to a better version. Some
applications come with a Linux and a Windows version (like
OpenOffice). Open source projects can be seen on the following
Professional support
Offering support, paying for a non-free Linux version, was the
biggest injection for the market share ever.
Some Linux distributors became professional companies, e.g.
SuSE and Red Hat, and offer subscriptions for support. The
companies have their own professional developers, but still work
together with the open source community. Remember that once
a source is published under the GNU GPL it has to remain both
open source and be publicly available.
Companies like IBM and HP are delivering servers with Linux
installed and offer professional support for the Linux operating
Novell offers professional services and support for Linux.
There is no dependency on spare time hobbyists.
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Foundations of Linux Networking
Many companies are migrating servers from UNIX or Windows to
Linux. The expensive UNIX servers and support are being
especially heavily migrated. IBM gave a presentation at Novell
BrainShare in April 2004 where they published the results of
some research. The results where spectacular: Linux was
installed on 90% of their sold blade servers. IBM has never seen
a growth of a market share for an operating system like the
growth of Linux. They expect 35% of the server market to be
using Linux in the year 2006.
The big wave of e-mail viruses, Trojans and fatal web site visits
are made for Windows targets and not for Linux. Some people
think that if Linux would be very popular then the viruses would
be Linux viruses, but Linux is more secure by nature:
No e-mail viruses, because there is no (visual basic)
scripting in Linux.
The user using Linux is a secure normal user, not an
administrator (root user). Login in as root can be done in
another session (<Ctrl-Alt-Fx>) or in another shell (using
the command su -). Windows could also be more secure if
you logon as a normal user and do administration tasks
using the Run as option.
The current directory is not in the search PATH. One of the
benefits is that downloaded Trojans and viruses cannot be
executed by accident if the Trojan has the same name as an
official program.
When a security breach is reported to an open source project,
then you can expect 10 solutions in half an hour. You have
probably heard of another operating system where the critical
update was released 9-11 months after the discovery of the
security hole.
Section 1 Linux introduction
Section 1 Linux introduction
High Availability solutions and support
Novell, IBM, HP, SuSE and Red Hat are examples of companies
who deliver high availability solutions for Linux. Solutions like
server clustering, volume managers and software RAID.
Automatic installation
PC’s can be automatically installed with the use of imaging
software. Apart from imaging with software like ZEN, Ghost or
Drive Image, there are ways to do an automatic installation
using a PXE, CD, USB or network installation. With Red Hat you
can create a Kickstart diskette, which is being used for an
unattended installation.
Update services
To keep the software secure or to install a new or better
version, it is possible to use an update service. The well-known
distributions offer free update services, even SuSE and Red Hat.
But for the commercial server solutions, the Enterprise Servers,
a subscription for updates is needed per server.
Success stories
Big companies lower their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by
using Linux. Some success stories are found on the following
Linux offers central management, stability and offers almost no
security vulnerabilities. Potential security issues that could be a
problem are resolved in very short times.
Governments support the use of Linux. There is a worldwide
governmental move to use Open Source Software.
Ximian Desktop with compatible Agfa fonts
Ximian offers a better version of OpenOffice then The Agfa fonts offer better MS Office file format
compatibility. The Agfa Fonts are demonstrated in the labs. The
Ximian Desktop 2 Professional Edition costs $99,- and includes
several other packages and one year update services.
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Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 1 Linux introduction
More Linux administrators, education and certification
Linux certification is becoming more well known. More
administrators are starting to learn Linux (more about education
and certification in Section 3).
The name of the company is Gesellschaft für Software- und
System Entwicklung mbH. The SuSE logo is a
chameleon (gecko) called Geeko the Gecko.
In February 2003, Siemens Business Systems predicted a 20%
desktop market share in the year 2008.
SuSE offers commercial versions with support
and free versions like the Live Evaluation CD and a free FTP
installation. The Live Evaluation CD can boot a PC without losing
the installed operating system. SuSE offers the possibility to
install a free release of the newest desktop version on a PC
using an Internet FTP server like or your own FTP,
NFS, HTTP, Samba or TFTP-server. Instructions (README.FTP)
and the 23MB bootable installation CD or floppies can be found
on or on a mirror
site. SuSE also has some commercial workstation and server
versions. The commercial versions are workstation and server
editions and those editions are sold with support.
The market share of Linux is not increasing because of an anti Microsoft movement. Microsoft will still have an 80% desktop
market share. According to many people, including the general
manager of Red Hat (in 2003) Linux is not the best operating
system for home users yet. The newest drivers and most fun
software are made for Windows. There are many Windows
applications and the best support for the home user is the
Objective 4 Identify the most well known
Linux distributions
The most well known Linux distributions are:
Red Hat
Red Hat
Fedora is the hat crafted by the New York Hat
Company in Manhattan. Red Hat version 10 is
renamed ‘Fedora’. This is a symbolic change of
name because Red Hat does not want to support the older
versions like 7, 8 and 9 anymore. Red Hat leaves the support for
the older versions to the open source community. Red Hat
wants to develop and support only the newest free Fedora
version and their own commercial versions. The commercial
versions are workstation and server editions and those editions
are sold with support.
Section 1 Linux introduction
On January 13, 2004 Novell finalized the
acquisition of SuSE. Novell uses SuSE and
Red Hat server editions as a stable server environment for their
services and promote SuSE as the preferred desktop.
Debian is named as the source of the Linux community. The
Debian distribution is not known for the easy installation, but
has the biggest open source developer community and every
part of the GNU Debian distribution is free. You can download all
the Debian ISO files (CD images) and install computers with the
CD’s. You can also use a free installation via the Internet. See
There are many more Linux distributions. Mandrake is one of the
most famous Red Hat flavors. Slackware and Knoppix offer a
very complete bootable practice CD. Knoppix is a Debian flavor.
The free ISO downloads can be found on many mirror sites such
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
It is good practice to check the downloads with md5sum(.exe)
and compare the checksum with the one mentioned at the
original distributor. This practice:
Checks the correct download.
Protects against Trojans on mirror site ISO’s.
Objective 5 Describe Linux licensing
Linux sources are free and available. You can compile the
sources yourself and use the software, even the commercial
Red Hat versions. Compiling will lose the support, but is allowed.
Most Linux distributions are free and downloadable, but support
is available for a subscription fee. The commercial Linux
distributions offer not only support, but you will find extra LGPL
software, which is not free.
It is interesting to see the following e-mail correspondence with
SuSE Linux AG:
Verzonden: woensdag 30 juni 2004 12:19
Aan: Robert Zondervan
Onderwerp: Re: Ticket [20040621430021711] Produktinformation:
SUSE LINUX Personal/Prof [...]
Dear Mr Zondervan,
Thank you for your inquiry to our SUSE PreSales Service and
your interest in SUSE LINUX.
Section 1 Linux introduction
Free lending and copying of the original data media and the
free dissemination of the copies are also permitted.
Lending of the original data media and the transfer of copies
in exchange for a monetary fee, benefits in kind, or services
constitute a violation of the SUSE license. This includes the
sale of copied data media containing SUSE LINUX and the
installation within the scope of another service.
From the legal standpoint, the transfer with a sold machine
is construed as a transfer for value. For this purpose, OEM
licenses are available for companies.
Information on the copyright regulations is provided on CD1
of your product in
and /
/COPYRIGHT and / (general license information)
The eligibility for the free installation support which is
obtained together with a purchased version is limited to the
first installation on one machine.
Additional installations are not eligible for free support.
The right to free support ends at the latest 30/60/90 days
following the release of the successor version.
There is a small cloud in the sky for the free Linux versions. SCO
claims stolen UNIX code. SCO wants additional licensing
(money) for every Linux computer in use. Novell says they
never sold the Linux code when they sold Open Caldera Linux to
SCO. If you buy SuSE Linux Enterprise Server it comes with a
legal indemnification program.
You wrote:
I would like to know if it is a legal problem to buy one
version and install it on every desktop in the company.
Of course there would be no support, but would it be
SUSE LINUX Personal and SUSE LINUX Professional may be
installed on several machines for personal or business use.
Section 1 Linux introduction
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 1 Linux introduction
Objective 6 Identify hardware
Lab 1 Linux boot from CD
Linux is known for its ability to use older hardware. This can be
true for non-graphical applications like routers, mail and web
servers, but if you want to compete with Windows on the
desktop, than you need the same hardware as Windows.
Theory modules
Hardware compatibility
Almost every distribution has a Hardware Compatibility List
(HCL). Hardware incompatibility or difficult installations are not
an issue anymore. Built-in win-modems could be a problem. The
win-modems depend on heavy Windows software, not just a
simple driver. There are almost no Linux win-modem drivers
(components database)
Hardware detection
Hardware is automatically detected during boot or when plugged
in. The hardware detection service during boot is called kudzu
(Red Hat) or hwscan (SuSE).
Example requirements
Red Hat Fedora Core 1 needs:
§ 520MB-5.3GB hard disk space
§ 64MB RAM (text mode) or minimal 192 MB (GUI mode)
§ Pentium Pro and subsequently (AMD64)
Boot a live Linux version from CD and/or VMware.
Without harming the existing Operating System that
possibly exists on the hard disk.
Get a first impression of Linux.
Make a safe connection to the Internet without getting a
virus or security hazard on the host pc.
Some hardware compatibility lists are:
Section 1 Linux introduction
Linux bootable CD like Knoppix ( A SuSE
Live Eval CD ( could be used, but is not
recommended, because the examples use Knoppix.
PC with Ethernet card and connection to a network with a
gateway or proxy server to Internet. Only a small proportion
of the exercises cannot be completed if there is no Internet
connection available.
DHCP-server in the network or in VMware to get a valid IP
address, DNS and/or gateway.
Alternative for the Knoppix CD
Windows NT/2000/XP or Linux host machine with VMware
installed (
The downloaded ISO-file ( of the Knoppix
CD installed as a bootable CD.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 1 Linux introduction
The Task bar contains the following items. Just try them:
Linux boot from CD
Boot a live Linux version from CD and/or VMware.
Without harming the existing Operating System that
possibly exists on the hard disk.
Get a first impression of Linux.
Boot your host or guest from the Knoppix CD
Try the Internet connection
Make a safe connection to the Internet without getting a
virus or security hazard on the host pc.
If your network has an Internet connection and a DHCP-server,
you should now be able to connect to the Internet. If your
network has a proxy server without an automatic discovery
option, you may have to configure the Internet access yourself.
Ask your instructor about this situation during your class. The
next paragraphs will explain the Konqueror and Mozilla settings.
The manual proxy server
settings can be
configured in the
following way:
The Knoppix boot from CD will display a screen like above. This
is an X Window (not Windows) environment.
Section 1 Linux introduction
Settings menu
Configure Konqueror
Proxy-icon on the left
Manually specified
Setup button, e.g.
o http://proxy
o Port: 80 and the same address for all protocols.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Edit menu
Manual …, e.g.
o Port: 80
Section 1 Linux introduction
Assessment test
Using Linux is the safest way your computer can connect to
the big bad Internet (without Windows, without Internet
Explorer, without Active X, even though Windows is on the
Try the Knoppix CD at home! There are many options not yet
explored. You can even prepare for your Linux exams using
Section 1 Linux introduction
What is true about GNU? (Select the 3 best answers)
a. GNU is founded to create a free UNIX operating
b. Linus Torvalds founded GNU.
c. GNU offers a copyleft license for software
d. GNU software can be copied, changed and installed
without licensing costs.
What is the meaning of GPL?
a. General Protection License.
b. General Public License.
c. GNU Policy License.
d. Generic Policy Limit.
Which are true? (Select the 2 best answers)
a. Only hobbyists develop Linux software.
b. Linux installations always take a long time because
of the lack of hardware driver support.
c. OpenOffice is a free alternative for MS Office.
d. Ximian Desktop offers compatible MS fonts for
Which web sites are dedicated to publish open source
software projects? (Select the 3 best answers)
are true about Linux? (Select the 2 best answers)
Linux is written by Richard Stallman.
The Linux Project is founded by Linus Torvalds.
Linux is a complete operating system.
Linux is a GNU kernel.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
What companies offer professional Linux support? (Select
the 4 best answers)
a. IBM
b. HP
c. Red Hat
d. SuSE
e. Microsoft
f. Sun
g. Debian
Section 1 Linux introduction
In 1984 Richard Stallman
founded the GNU GPL that
Describe the history of
True or false? Linux desktops connected to the Internet do
need security patches.
True or false? Linux can be automatically installed without
user intervention.
True or false? Linux updates services could be free.
Copyright to the author
Source must be freely
Source may be changed
by everyone
GPL may not be broken
LGPL allows linking of
commercial non-free
10. True or false? Some Linux distributions from SuSE are free
and can be installed via an Internet FTP server.
In 1991-1994 Linus
Torvalds founded the GNU
GPL Linux kernel project
and delivers kernel
version 1.0
Identify why Linux is
not on every desktop
Linux has some problems
coming on the desktop,
because of
Section 1 Linux introduction
© 2004 version 1.001
Many distributions,
commands and switches
Linux myths, like
Spare time hobbyism
Lack of driver support
No MS Fonts in
Lack of administrators
Foundations of Linux Networking
The market share is
increasing, because of
Some of the most well know
distributions are
Identify reasons why
Linux has the fastest
increasing market share
of all operating systems
The new meaning of
Open Source:
Stable kernel
Reliable, no unknown
security breaches
Apache websites are
market leader
Open Source projects
offer lots of software
Professional support
Migration from UNIX
servers to Linux
Migration from other
servers to Linux
Linux is more secure
then Windows by nature
High Availability
solutions and support
Automatic installation
Update services
Lower TCO, central
Success stories
Ximian Desktop with
compatible Agfa fonts
More Linux
education and
Identify the most well
known Linux
Section 1 Linux introduction
Describe Linux licensing
Linux sources are free
downloadable and
compilation and changing of
the source is allowed. Some
distributions only offer
support if the customer
bought the support and did
not compile the source
themselves, like
§ Red Hat
§ SuSE
The older Red Hat versions
and the newest Fedora
versions are free.
Identify hardware
Although there are Linux
distributions that fit on one
diskette and a 486 CPU with
32MB can be a fast router
and firewall, a modern
graphical desktop PC needs
more hardware. Fedora
Core 1 needs
Section 1 Linux introduction
Red Hat
Slackware, …
© 2004 version 1.001
At least a Pentium Pro
64 MB RAM text based
192MB RAM with GUI
Foundations of Linux Networking
SECTION 2 Desktop Managers and
This section explains the use of different Desktop Managers and
the use of the standard directory structure of the Linux file
system (File system Hierarchy Standard FHS).
Describe well known Desktop Managers
Identify the free Ximian products
Identify the commercial Ximian products
Describe the benefits of Ximian Desktop
Describe the File system Hierarchy Standard
This section explains why the Ximian Desktop makes the
difference for the Linux market share on the desktop.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Configuration utilities
There are utilities available to change the configuration file.
When there are video problems, there is a high chance that the
utilities are started automatically. Some utilities are:
redhat-config-xfree86 (X should not run)
sax2 in yast2
Most of the X configuration utilities also are available in the GUI
Display Managers
Display Managers provides the GUI logon. Well-known Display
Managers are:
K (Kool) Display Manager (K is a bended X)
GNOME Display Manager
X Display Manager (The original)
Objective 1 Describe well known Desktop
The X server Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Linux is the
result of the XFree86 open source project. X has several parts:
Video card configuration
Configuration utilities
Display Managers
Window Managers
Desktop Managers
Video card configuration
X is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the user, the
application library for applications and controls the video card.
The video card is managed by a module (driver). The display
driver settings of X can be changed in the configuration file
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Figure: xdm display manager
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
In the Display Manager there often is a choice to select the
Desktop Manager.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Desktop Managers
Desktop Managers offer an extra application library for
programmers and a complete user desktop environment with a
Start menu. The result is that applications may require a certain
Desktop Manager.
Desktop Managers makes use of a Window Manager to position
a window on the screen. Well known open source Desktop
Managers are:
Figure: gdm logon screen with opened Session menu
(Ximian Desktop offers a login choice: GNOME, KDE or Ximian
Desktop on GNOME)
Window Managers
The Window Manager runs on top of X as an X client and
controls the layout of a window on the screen.
K Desktop Environment
GNU Network Object Model Environment
Ximian Desktop on GNOME
You don't need to start your desktop in KDE in order to be able
to run KDE applications. If you have the KDE libraries installed
(the kdelibs package), you can run these applications from the
GNOME menus or start them from a GNOME terminal. The other
way around is more difficult, because there is no single package
of GNOME libraries.
Window Managers are twm (the XFree86 default minimalistic
Window Manager), fvwm, amiwm, icewm, windowmaker,
afterstep, sawfish, enlightenment, kwm, and countless others.
There is a Window Manager for every taste.
Window Managers are used to launch, position and show a
graphical application.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
X can be started with one of the following commands:
Objective 2 Identify the free Ximian
(No GUI logon)
The X font server (xfs) will be started in the background.
The Ximian Company with Rupert the Ximian as
their logo has a very good image in the open
source community. Ximian produces very stable
and professional tools with a very intuitive user
On September 25, 2003, Novell acquired Ximian.
Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza are co-founders of Ximian
and both became Vice-Presidents at Novell.
Figure: Nat Friedman
Miguel de Icaza
(At Novell BrainShare 2004 in Salt Lake City)
Miguel de Icaza also is:
Most Linux systems start in run level 3 or 5:
Run level 3: Character mode (for most servers)
Run level 5: Graphical mode (for desktops)
The initiator of the GNOME Project.
Leader of the Mono project ( The
project for developing a leading cross platform
.NET application environment (Mono is Spanish for monkey).
More about managing run levels in Section 21 Start & Stop.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Some free Ximian GNU open source tools are:
Ximian Desktop
Red Carpet
Novell Evolution
Ximian Desktop
A leading desktop on top of the GNOME Desktop Manager.
Ximian Desktop offers a customized OpenOffice version, using
MS Office file formats and shortcuts.
Red Carpet
Red Carpet offers free automatic updates for the
Ximian Desktop and the underlying Linux version.
Check the web site for the supported Linux
distributions. Three GNU, Red Hat, and SuSE
versions are currently supported. Several other distributions
offer support for Ximian, but not the other way around.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Professional Edition includes a one-year Red Carpet Express
subscription. Annual upgrade protection is offered for a small
Red Carpet Express
Red Carpet Express is a priority, high-bandwidth
software download.
Red Carpet Enterprise
Novell ZENworks Linux Management server for
automated package update management
Objective 4 Describe the benefits of Ximian
Desktop and Novell Linux Desktop
Some benefits of the Ximian Desktop are:
Special OpenOffice edition with Agfa Fonts for MS
Robust support for Windows file formats
Novell Evolution with Exchange 2000 and 2003 Connector
Mozilla-based Web browser and popular plug-ins
1 year Red Carpet Express subscription
Novell Evolution
Evolution is a Personal Information Manager (PIM)
client and offers e-mail and group calendaring like
Outlook. Evolution has a free built-in connector to
MS Exchange (formerly $69.-).
Objective 3 Identify the commercial Ximian
The Windows interoperability features made Ximian Desktop the
ideal choice for organizations using Linux Desktops within a
mixed Windows/Linux computing environment.
Some paid products of Ximian are:
Ximian Desktop (XD2) Professional Edition
Red Carpet Express
Red Carpet Enterprise
Ximian Desktop evolved in the new Novell Linux Desktop. Novell
Linux Desktop (first release end of 2004) offers a complete
Open Office desktop with commercial options to natively run
MS Office (with CodeWeavers CrossOver Office) and is ready to
compete with the Windows desktop.
Ximian Desktop (XD2) Professional Edition
The $99.- version of the Desktop (check has OpenOffice included
with the MS compatible Agfa Fonts. The Agfa Fonts make the
Office documents much more compatible with MS Office. The
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Objective 5 Describe the File system
Hierarchy Standard
The File system Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is the standard way
of outlining the location of set files and directories on a Linux
FHS gives Linux software developers and administrators the
ability to locate files on a Linux system regardless of the
distribution. This allows distribution independent software.
Examples for FHS directories are:
is the directory for all configuration files.
is used to add empty directories for accessing
(mounting) disks such as floppies, CD-ROMs and
remote shares.
Disks do not get a drive letter. Remote and local disks are
mounted to an empty directory. The empty directory, called
mount point, may be anywhere under /, the root directory.
SuSE uses /media instead of /mnt.
Mounting comes from the sixties, when tapes had to be attached
to the computer.
The FHS standard can be used to plan the file system for
increased space in partitions:
Lab 2 Desktop Managers
At the end of this lab you will be able to use a crashed computer
by starting up with the Knoppix CD, make a connection to a
Windows server, and edit or create your Office documents in the
Windows server home directory.
Theory modules
The purpose of the FHS directories is explained at the end of the
next lab.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Desktop Managers
Ximian Desktop
File system Hierarchy Standard
User file server. Needs a bigger /var directory for messages,
logs, user data and mail
Application server. Needs a bigger /usr, /var and /opt.
Logging or Back-up server. Needs a bigger /var.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Login as a normal user and only switch to the root account
when necessary.
Get a first impression of KDE in the X environment.
Find the network card configuration and change the IP
Discover how to make a connection from Linux to a Windows
Notice the forward slash (/) instead of the backslash (\)
used in directories and Windows computer names.
See why drive letters to remote machines are not necessary.
Get a first impression of the incompatible fonts in
OpenOffice (without Ximian) using a Presentation.
See the different Display Managers (Graphical logons):
o kdm
o gdm
Notice that a Display Manager is being used for choosing a
type of Desktop Manager (session type) and to logon.
The same objectives exercised in different Linux
Get a first impression of the compatible fonts in OpenOffice
when Ximian is installed.
Browse through the standard directory structure of a Linux
system and read the purpose of every directory.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Prepare VMware
Knoppix distribution (bootable CD from
At least one Red Hat or SuSE version of Linux installed with
OpenOffice, KDE, GNOME and Ximian Desktop 2 Professional
(with Agfa fonts). This distribution should startup in run
level 3.
A Windows classroom computer (e.g. a Windows Server with
Terminal Server enabled) with:
o A share called Demoshare available for Everyone.
o A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (not the Linux
Impress version of a presentation) in the
Demoshare. To look at some slides of the
PowerPoint presentation to get a font and style
o A user called knoppix without a password on the
Windows classroom computer.
o Investigate the IP address for the Windows
computer to inform the students.
o You may have to change the digitally sign option of
the Windows 2003 Terminal Server:
Local Security Settings or Default Domain
Controller Security Settings
Local Policies
Security Options
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign
communications (always): Disabled.
Instead of changing the terminal server you
could change the Linux client signing option.
The instructor will assign the unique IP numbers to be used
for the Knoppix and Ximian distribution. This will make the
Windows classroom computer available for communication.
The instructor will provide the password for the root
account (the default Linux system administrator, the super
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
This first exercise is for VMware classrooms only.
Start VMware; change the VMware configuration and
create/start a virtual machine.
Create a new Knoppix virtual machine:
Version: Other Linux
Bridged Networking
Buslogic SCSI adapter.
New Virtual disk, type SCSI, 4GB.
The hard drive is not needed and can be removed after the
virtual machine is created with the option Edit virtual machine
Change the VMware hot keys to <Ctrl-Shift-Alt> (Edit menu,
Preferences, Hot keys). The normal hot keys <Ctrl-Alt> will
interfere with terminal switching in Linux. Open (not start) the
two other existing virtual machines in VMware, if they are not
already present.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Change the IP address and subnet mask to a static
number assigned by the instructor.
Connect from Linux to Windows using the following
From Knoppix to Windows
Login as a normal user and only switch to the root account
when necessary.
Get a first impression of KDE in the X environment.
Find the network card configuration and change the IP
Discover how to make a connection from Linux to a Windows
Notice the forward slash (/) instead of the backslash (\)
used in directories and Windows computer names.
See why drive letters to remote machines are not necessary.
Get a first impression of incompatible fonts in OpenOffice
(without Ximian) using a Presentation.
Start the Knoppix machine. You will automatically logon as a
normal user called knoppix. During the following exercises you
will temporarily switch to the super user account, always called
root, to do some administration. This should become the normal
way to administer a Linux computer.
Never login and start applications as root! In some
distributions you will get a warning that this is not the
correct behavior (a message or a red screen with warnings).
You could compromise the system when you connect to the
Internet as root.
Do some menu browsing and try to find the next
menu items in the KDE desktop:
i. Word processor
ii. Calculator
iii. Spreadsheet
iv. Command prompt terminal (shell)
v. Network card configuration.
Windows is using Server Message Blocks (SMB) as a protocol.
The protocol contains NetBIOS commands. The Windows file
system is also called CIFS (Common Internet File System).
Open a terminal and try the connection to Windows with the
smbclient –L IP¦pcname –U knoppix
smbclient –L –U knoppix
List all the available shares for the user.
Connect as a User called knoppix.
or pcname of the destination Windows computer.
Is the name of a user, which must be available
on the destination Windows computer.
There is no password for the user knoppix on the Windows
machine. The instructor will provide the correct destination IP
address or pcname. The command will show the Windows share
information like the workgroup. You can ignore the possible
name resolving errors.
Make a directory called remotesmb: mkdir remotesmb
This will create an empty directory /home/knoppix/remotesmb,
which will be used as local mount point for the remote
Use the command: ls
to list the contents of the current directory (like DIR in Windows
or DOS). You should see the directory remotesmb.
Switch to the root account: su -
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Make a connection from Linux to Windows with the following
command (Type the next two lines as one command line and
replace IP with the IP address given by the instructor):
Start OpenOffice (Impress) and open the .ppt file found in the
/home/knoppix/remotesmb mount point directory.
mount –t smbfs –o username=knoppix
//IP/Demoshare /home/knoppix/remotesmb
Use <F9> to start the slide show. You will notice a different font
and style as used by PowerPoint.
Stop the application (<Escape> to stop the show and <Alt-F4>
to close the application).
Type of the local or remote file system.
Samba (Windows) file system.
Connect as a Windows user which must be
available on the destination Windows computer.
IP address, e.g., or pcname of the
remote Windows computer.
Name of the remote share on the Windows
Name of the local empty directory where the
contents of the remote Windows share will be
You may notice some name resolution errors, but you can check
the results with the command:
Mount shows all the local and remote mount points in use.
Display the remote shared files on the Windows computer with
the command:
ls /home/knoppix/remotesmb
List files (like DIR in Windows or DOS.)
Drive letters for remote connections are not being used in
Linux! Local directories function as a mount point for remote
You can logout as root and close the terminal with the command
exit (twice).
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
kdm logon screen in Red Hat:
From another Linux distribution to
See the different Display Managers (Graphical logons):
o kdm
o gdm
Notice that a Display Manager is being used to choose a
type of Desktop Manager (session type) and to logon.
The same objectives as exercise 2 with Knoppix, but using
another Linux distribution.
Get a first impression of the compatible fonts in OpenOffice
when Ximian is installed.
Start the second Linux distribution, e.g. Red Hat with Ximian
Desktop. You will start in run level 3: the text oriented logon
(Run level 5 would start the Display Manager, the graphical
logon, automatically after system boot.)
gdm logon screen with opened Session menu
(Ximian Desktop installed on Red Hat offers a login choice:
GNOME, KDE or Ximian Desktop on GNOME.):
Login as root and go to the Graphical User Interface,
Gnome Display Manager, with the command gdm.
Logon with a normal user account, e.g. beavis with
the password butthead. Ignore possible errors about
the sound device.
The command kdm would not show the Ximian Desktop. The
Ximian Desktop is build on top of Gnome.
The alternative command startx is available for normal user
accounts, unlike the commands kdm or gdm, which are root
only commands. Startx would not allow you to logon as a
different user, but would go to the default graphical desktop
Possible session types are: KDE, Gnome, Ximian Desktop.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Do some menu browsing and try to find the following menu
items in the Ximian desktop:
i. Word processor
ii. Calculator
iii. Spreadsheet
iv. Command prompt terminal (shell)
v. Network card configuration.
Change the IP address and subnet mask to a static number
assigned by the instructor.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
This will create an empty directory /mnt/remotesmb, which will
be used as local mount point for the remote connection.
Use the command: ls /mnt
to list the contents of the current directory (like the DIR
command in Windows or DOS). You should see the directory
remotesmb between the other default mount points of the
Switch to the root account: su -
Connect from Linux to Windows using the following
Windows is using Server Message Blocks (SMB) as a protocol.
The protocol contains NetBIOS commands. The Windows file
system is also called CIFS (Common Internet File System).
Open a terminal and try the connection to Windows with the
smbclient –L IP¦pcname –U knoppix
smbclient –L –U knoppix
List all the available shares for the user.
Connect as a User called knoppix.
or pcname of the destination Windows computer.
Is the name of a user, which must be available
on the destination Windows computer.
There is no password for the user knoppix on the Windows
machine. The instructor will provide the correct destination IP
address or pcname. The command will show the Windows share
information like the workgroup. You can ignore the possible
name resolving errors.
Make a directory called remotesmb in the /mnt directory:
mkdir /mnt/remotesmb
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Make a connection from Linux to Windows with the following
command (Type the next two lines as one command line and
replace IP with the IP address given by the instructor):
mount –t smbfs –o username=knoppix
//IP/Demoshare /mnt/remotesmb
Type of the local or remote file system.
Samba (Windows) file system.
Connect as a Windows user which must be
available on the destination Windows computer.
IP address, e.g., or pcname of the
remote Windows computer.
Name of the remote share on the Windows
Name of the local empty directory where the
contents of the remote Windows share will be
You may notice some name resolution errors, but you can check
the results with the command:
Mount shows all the local and remote mount points in use.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Display the remote shared files on the Windows computer with
the command:
ls /mnt/remotesmb
Purpose of the File system Hierarchy
List files (like the DIR command in DOS.)
You can logout as root and close the terminal with the command
exit (twice).
Start OpenOffice (Start, Programs, Office, Presentation) and
open the .ppt file in the /mnt/remotesmb directory.
Use <Ctrl-F2> to start the slide show.
You will notice the same font and style as used by
PowerPoint, because Ximian Desktop 2 Professional is
installed with the compatible Agfa fonts!
You can close the application (<Escape> to stop the show and
<Alt-F4> to close the application).
Browse through the standard directory structure of a Linux
system and read the purpose of every directory.
Locate a File Manager in one of the Linux machines and verify
the existence of the following directories. If time permits, check
the same on the other distributions.
Configuration files. If a product uses several files, they are
in a subdirectory under /etc. Generally configuration files are
called product.conf.
Special link files that reference hardware, e.g.
is the floppy controller.
/dev/hda is the first IDE drive.
/dev/hdb is the second IDE drive.
/dev/sda is the first SCSI drive.
Contains program files.
Contains executables for all users.
Everybody has this in their $PATH.
/usr/sbin Like /usr/bin, but for root only.
Only root should have this in $PATH.
Dynamic libraries.
Support for static files accessed from /usr/bin
and /usr/sbin.
/usr/share/doc and /usr/share/man
Manuals, documentation, examples, etc. The
share directory name is used because it contains
platform independent information. Novell puts
To keep mount points available after a reboot the
configuration file /etc/fstab file needs to be changed. This
will be covered in Section 9 File systems in Foundations of
Linux Networking.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
their own man files (manual pages) in
/opt/novell/man. They would become
available if you use the command (in
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/novell/man
Used for optional or local software.
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Like /usr/local. Used for optional or local software.
Novell uses this directory for NNLS (Novell Nterprise Linux
Services) installation. In fact Novell uses several opt
Like /usr/lib, but for boot files and kernel modules only.
Like /usr/bin, but for necessary boot programs only. This
directory is included in the search path for users.
Like /usr/sbin, but for necessary system boot programs
only. This directory is included in the search path for root,
the system administrator.
Like /dev does not include real files. Used to monitor or
change the options in the running kernel. The /sys directory
is added since the Linux 2.6 kernel.
For files that are variable in size, like log files. Should be on
a separate partition to prevent system crashes.
The directory where the kernel image resides.
Stores temporary files created by running applications.
Contains the home directories of the users. Should also be
on a separate partition, because of the always-growing size.
This is the root user’s home directory.
/mnt (standard) or /media (SuSE)
Contains the mount points, empty directories, for
local devices and remote file systems. New
directories, mount points, should be created here. What are
the default mount points?
The FHS (File system Hierarchy Standard) is part of LSB (the
Linux Standard Base). LSB committed an ISO certification
(International Organization for Standardization).
The mission statement of LSB is to develop and promote a set of
standards that will increase compatibility among Linux
distributions and enable software applications to run on any
compliant system.
The LSB web site is
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
What is included in the Ximian Desktop? (Select three
a. PowerPoint
b. OpenOffice
c. Support for Windows file formats
d. Evolution
e. KDE
What open source project software can be used to start a
.NET application
a. Ximian Desktop
b. OpenOffice
c. Mono
d. Evolution
e. KDE
What open source project software can be used to connect
to Exchange?
a. Ximian Desktop
b. OpenOffice
c. Evolution
d. Mono
e. KDE
In what directory are the configuration files?
a. /etc
b. /dev
c. /var
d. /home
e. /boot
Assessment test
What is the name and location of the X configuration file?
a. /etc/x.conf
b. /etc/xf86config
c. /etc/X11/Xf86config
d. /etc/X11/XF86Config
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
What is the Display Manager?
a. gdm
b. xf86config
c. sax2
d. GNOME and Ximian Desktop
e. twm
What is the Window Manager?
a. gdm
b. xf86config
c. sax2
d. GNOME and Ximian Desktop
e. twm
What is the Desktop Manager?
a. gdm
b. xf86config
c. sax2
d. GNOME and Ximian Desktop
e. twm
What command will start the X server? (Select three
a. startx
b. gdm
c. kdm
d. KDE
10. In what directory are the log files?
a. /etc
b. /dev
c. /var
d. /home
e. /boot
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
X is the Graphical User
Interface (GUI). The display
settings can be changed by
Describe well known
Desktop Managers
configuration file
sax2 in yast2
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
The free Ximian products
Identify the free Ximian
Identify the commercial
Ximian products
The most well known
Desktop Managers are
The non-free Ximian
products are
Display Managers provide a
GUI logon, e.g.
Describe the benefits of
Ximian Desktop
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Ximian Desktop
Professional Edition
Red Carpet Express
Red Carpet Enterprise
(Novell ZENworks Linux
Some features included in
the Ximian Desktop are
Ximian Desktop on
Ximian Desktop with
optimized OpenOffice
Red Carpet for
automatic updates
Novell Evolution with
GroupWise and
Exchange connectors
Special OpenOffice
edition with Agfa Fonts
for MS compatibility
Robust support for
Windows file formats
Novell Evolution with
Exchange 2000 and
2003 Connector
Mozilla-based Web
browser and popular
1 year Red Carpet
Express subscription
Foundations of Linux Networking
Gives Linux administrators
the ability to locate files on
a Linux system regardless
of the distribution
Describe the File system
Hierarchy Standard
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
Standard of outlining the
location of set files and
directories on a Linux
Example directories are
/mnt (or /media)
NNLS uses e.g.
§ /opt
§ /opt/novell
§ /opt/novell/bin
§ /opt/novell/product/bin
§ /var/opt/novell
§ /var/opt/novell/log
§ /etc/opt/novell
Section 2 Window Managers and FHS
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
SECTION 3 Education and Services
This section shows the road maps for education and certification
and compares Windows services with the Linux counterparts.
Describe Linux education and major certifications
Describe Linux interoperability with Windows
In this section you can learn about Linux certifications and think
about choosing one for yourself and/or see which level is
suitable for your support personnel. In the second part you will
see an overview of the Linux services compared to the Windows
networking environment.
Objective 1 Describe Linux education and
major certifications
You can plan an educational roadmap and become Linux
certified by doing exams offered by several companies:
CompTIA Linux+
Red Hat
All exams, except the ones for Red Hat, can be done via Pearson
Vue ( or Thomson Prometric (
Red Hat offers registration for exams via their own web sites.
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
Section 3 Education and Services
CompTIA Linux+
There is only one exam (XK0-002) to become certified. The
2004 objectives describe a Linux junior administrator with
6-12 months of experience (
The road map to Linux+ requires global knowledge on the level
of CompTIA A+ Core (PC hardware), A+ OST (Windows
software) and CompTIA Network+.
This course manual Foundations of Linux Networking covers
most exam topics. This is a five-day course that can be
completed in one plus four days. The first day can be used to
show Linux to managers, decision makers or just to get a global
The Linux+ candidate has to recognize the purpose of the
commands and does not have to remember the options and the
switches. In real life you can look up the meaning of switches by
sitting in front of your keyboard.
Exam objectives or passing scores may change, but as of writing
of this course manual the Linux+ objectives are:
Score 100-900, pass: 655 (73%), 90 minutes, 94 questions,
( 6%)
( 8%)
The Linux+ exam is the ideal first (or only) exam for every
educational roadmap and this manual can get you there.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
The Linux Professional Institute offers certification in three levels
( Each level holds two exams. LPI has the
structure and organization of an open source project. Linux
developers design their own exams (oh dear).
LPI Certification level 1 (LPIC1)
§ Junior level administration
§ One exam: 117-101-DPKG or 117-101-RPM (Choose the
Debian or Red Hat Package Manager. Most of the candidates
choose the RPM version)
§ And exam 117-102
The exams are focused on the command line. Not
all the questions are multiple-choice. Some
questions are open and you may have to type a
command including the switch(es)!
This five-day course manual Foundations of Linux Networking
covers most exam topics. The LPIC1 objectives are almost
exactly the same as for Linux+, but you have to know almost
everything and learn the switches!
You can get extra expertise by attending another course and/or
take time to practice everything you learn in this course.
You can start to learn for the Linux+ exam and then continue
with LPIC1.
LPI Certification level 2 (LPIC2)
§ Intermediate level administration
§ Exams 201 and 202
LPI Certification level 3 (LPIC3)
§ Senior level administration
§ (Exams 301 and 302)
§ Still in development
Section 3 Education and Services
Section 3 Education and Services
Red Hat
And now something completely different!
Red Hat is one of the first who offers performance
based practical exams. Only hands-on practical skills
are tested. There are no theory exams.
Red Hat offers three levels of exams.
Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT)
§ Administration level
§ Installation of Linux
§ Administration of printers and users
§ Exam: half a day
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
§ Engineer level
§ Installation and maintenance of services
§ “Most mature and respected program in the Linux space”
§ Exam: whole day
Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA)
§ Master-level program for Enterprise Architects
Course roadmap
Preparing for these certifications can be done with several Red
Hat courses, but if you start with this five-day course
Foundations of Linux Networking you will have had all the prerequisites and can prepare for the Red Hat exams by doing the
following courses:
Foundations of Linux Networking
RHCT course
RHCE course
RHCA courses
courses of 4 days)
If you have a Red Hat Certification you have really proved to
have mastered the necessary skills (without spending hours
cramming commands and switches)!
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
SuSE is a founding member of the German LPI (oh
dear). SuSE certification has been completely revised
in February 2004. The LPI C1 and C2 exams were
integrated in new SuSE certifications (Please learn all
the switches). Every level has an extra SuSE theory exam.
Section 3 Education and Services
The SuSE course roadmap to certification is described in the
following schema. You can check the web site (
for changes.
The great performance based exams of Red Hat and Novell have
been proven to deliver the necessary level of expertise and not
what we call paper engineers.
In April 2004, Jack Messman, Chairman of the Board of Novell,
announced at Novell BrainShare in Salt Lake City that all future
Novell exams would move to practical exams (Novell Practicum)
to ensure a high level of certified engineers. This philosophy is
already partly implemented at SuSE, recently acquired by
Novell. The new SuSE Certified Linux Professional (CLP) is
canceled per 1-1-2005 and transferred to Novell CLP.
SuSE offers seven courses (16 days) to get to LPIC1 level.
SuSE offers another five courses (14 days) to get to LPIC2 level.
Starting with this five-day course Foundations of Linux
Networking would make some SuSE courses obsolete.
After this five-day Foundations course you can choose the above
Workstation Administrator (WS) or Network Administrator (Net)
track to prepare for the SuSE exams or to get the necessary
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 3 Education and Services
Roadmap for Novell Certified Linux Professional (CLP)
In the Training/Testing Path are four courses:
Novell’s newest Linux certifications are, like Red Hat, very
prestigious. Candidates only have to do a performance based
practical exam (Practicum). There is no theory exam.
There are two certification levels:
§ Novell CLP (Certified Linux Professional)
§ Novell CLE (Certified Linux Engineer)
Novell CLP
The Novell Certified Linux Professional (Novell CLP) is an entrylevel certification for Linux administrators.
Linux Fundamentals
Linux Administration
Advanced Linux Administration
Migrating to SuSE Linux
Course 3036 Linux Fundamentals
Introduces open source standards and common knowledge and
skills needed in all Linux distributions. Attendees gain the
essential skills required to log in to a multi-user Linux
environment, navigate the SUSE Linux file system and
manipulate files, work within shells and execute shell script
commands, control processes running on the SUSE LINUX
Server, and more.
Those new to Linux and Linux administration
Course 3037 Linux Administration
Teaches administrative skills common to an entry-level
administrator or help desk technician in an enterprise
environment. Attendees learn to conduct common, entry-level
system administration tasks, such as performing a Linux server
installation into a network environment, granting user and group
permissions, managing users and groups, managing software
applications, troubleshooting the SUSE LINUX file system,
managing printers, configuring the network, and more.
Those familiar with Linux and new to administration
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Comparison to course Foundations of Linux Networking
The first two courses (3036 & 3037) can be replaced by this
course Foundations of Linux Networking, if attendees have
the required Windows Networking knowledge.
Candidates can continue with course 3038 Advanced Linux
Course 3037 Linux Administration is also a good option, if
candidates require more practical skills.
Course 3038 Advanced Linux Administration
Presents advanced administrative skills common to mid-to
senior-level administrators in an enterprise environment.
Attendees learn how to apply security to network users and
resources, manage and compile the Linux kernel, manage
network clients, implement an FTP server, manage and
configure Web servers, use OpenLDAP to manage network data,
manage mail and messaging services, and troubleshoot network
processes and services.
Those having basic Linux administrative experience
Course 3019 Migrating to SuSE Linux
Presents advanced administrative skills necessary for operating
SUSE LINUX for those who already have Linux knowledge and
administrative experience with other distributions of Linux.
Attendees learn the specifics of SUSE LINUX at an accelerated
pace. This course assumes the attendees already have a solid
understanding of Linux and Linux administration.
Advanced Linux Administrators or those have previous Linux
certifications such as LPIC1, RCHT, or RHCE
Length of course: 3 days
Novell CLE
Novell Certified Linux Engineer. During the launch of the
practical exam in April 2004 at BrainShare Salt Lake City only
16 of the 99 candidates achieved certification. The exam tests 2
kinds of practical skills:
Section 3 Education and Services
Linux administration part
NNLS part (Novell services on a Linux server)
Many candidates failed because they did not fully prepare for
either the Linux or the NNLS part.
Three candidates who passed the exam in the early stage are
Certified Instructors from the Netherlands:
Rob Bastiaansen
Sander van Vugt
Robert Zondervan
Robert analyzed the Linux part of the CLE exam and integrated
everything you need to now in the labs of this Foundations of
Linux Networking course.
Roadmap for Novell Certified Linux Engineer (CLE)
If you already are a Novell CNE:
Foundations of Linux Networking
Novell course 3015 NNLS
(5 days)
(5 days)
If you are not familiar with Novell services you can do a CNE
track or at least do (before 3015):
Section 3 Education and Services
Novell course 3017 Fundamentals of eDirectory
© 2004 version 1.001
(5 days)
Foundations of Linux Networking
Objective 2 Describe Linux interoperability
with Windows
Using Linux in a Windows server environment is not a real issue.
Many Windows services could be implemented on a Linux
machine. The Linux and Windows services could work together.
The following Windows services are checked for availability in
File server
Routing and firewall
Proxy server
Web server
Mail server
WIN32 applications
Domain or Active Directory
File server
Some file server services in Linux are:
An FTP file server is available and uses daemons like ftp, pureftp or vsftpd (very secure ftp daemon).
Routing and firewall
Forwarding (routing) can be enabled on every Linux machine. A
frequently used firewall daemon is called iptables. The former
version of iptables is called ipchains.
Proxy server
An HTTP proxy server is available on Linux. The daemon is
called squid.
Web server
The standard web server for Linux is called Apache. The name of
the daemon is httpd.
Windows file servers use the following upper layer protocols:
Server Message Blocks (SMB)
Common Internet File System (CIFS)
The SMB protocol is the reason why the Linux server for
Windows clients is called the Samba server. The daemon is
called smb.
The default file server in a UNIX/Linux environment is called the
NFS server (Network File System). The daemon is called:
§ nfs
(Red Hat) or
§ nfsserver (SuSE)
The Dynamic Host Control Protocol server (DHCP) uses a
daemon called dhcpd.
Applications are called packages and often haven a file
extension of .rpm/.deb/.tar
Section 3 Education and Services
The Domain Name System server (DNS) uses a daemon called
named. The DNS server sometimes is referred to as a BIND
server (Berkeley Internet Name Domain).
Services are called daemons in UNIX/Linux.
Section 3 Education and Services
Mail server
The most well-known mail servers on Linux are:
§ sendmail
§ postfix
These open source services can be installed on every Linux
distribution, but then you should download and install the
(complete) project software yourself.
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
WIN32 applications
Applications on a Windows Terminal Server can accessed from a
Linux machine with the Terminal Server RDP or ICA client
package installed.
WIN32 applications may run on a Linux machine. Some options
The free Linux WINE package (
The non-free WineX package which includes DirectX
Mono, the open source cross platform .NET application
environment (
Commercial package from
VMware (, but a Windows OS license is
needed in every Windows VMware session!
Novell Linux Desktop has WINE installed or uses the
CodeWeavers solution as an option. With CodeWeaver
CrossOver Office you can run MS Office natively in Linux.
The Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux (PAM) is a
system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of
applications and services on the Linux system. The library
provides a stable general Application Programming Interface
(API) that privilege granting programs, such as login and su,
defer to perform standard authentication tasks.
Section 3 Education and Services
Domain or Active Directory
A Windows Domain or Active Directory offers one account for all
Windows desktops in the company and worldwide availability
through a partitioned and replicated database.
One of the Linux counterparts is the Network Information
Service (NIS), formerly known as Yellow Pages, but that name is
no longer permitted. The daemon still uses the yp in the name.
There is a major security problem in the design of NIS. If you
bring your own computer; login as root; connect to a NIS
domain; you can switch (su) to any user account without being
bothered to enter a password.
Some solutions are OpenLDAP or Novell eDirectory.
Novell eDirectory can:
Replace a NIS domain
Replace Windows Domains and Active Directory
Synchronize with Domains and Active Directory
NetWare servers are not necessary to implement eDirectory.
PAM enables a simple configuration change to a Linux client via
/etc/pam.conf in order to make use of other authentication
databases such as a Windows Domain, Active Directory, NIS and
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 3 Education and Services
Lab 3 Windows and Linux network
Theory modules
Checking the TCP/IP settings
Interoperability with MS Windows on page 99.
Use TCP/IP troubleshooting commands in Linux.
Use a remote terminal connection from Windows to Linux
using Open SSH (Secure Shell).
Start a WIN32-application in Linux using WINE.
Start a Terminal Server client session from Linux to
Create a share on Linux for Windows client usage.
Use TCP/IP troubleshooting commands in Linux.
Start a command prompt terminal session in Knoppix and use
the following commands:
To show the IP addresses being used, like
IPCONFIG in Windows. The eth0 section is
the first external Ethernet card. The lo
section is the loopback adapter.
To check name resolving and the DNS server
in use.
cat /etc/resolv.conf
To check the DNS configuration file which
shows the DNS server in use.
To check IP connectivity. Change to an existing destination IP
address or hostname. Stop ping with
To check IP connectivity with added hop
(gateway/router) information, like TRACERT
in Windows. Change to an
existing IP address or hostname.
Knoppix with WINE installed (by default).
Red Hat and/or SuSE version of Linux installed with
Terminal Server Client Package.
A Windows share called Demoshare.
The following files placed in the Demoshare:
o Windows Sol.exe (Winmine.exe or Freecell.exe)
o Windows Notepad.exe
o Putty.exe (hundreds of downloads of Putty.exe are
available via Google).
A Windows Shared XP Desktop or Windows Terminal Server.
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Remote Linux terminal using Secure SHell
Use a remote terminal connection from Windows to Linux
using Open SSH (Secure Shell).
Section 3 Education and Services
Putty only needs:
§ Host Name (or destination IP address of your Linux host).
§ SSH radio button.
§ Open button.
If the setup is correct Putty will display the following window:
Start SSH Server in the Knoppix – Services menu. The
SSH server is a character oriented Terminal Server like
telnet, but SSH uses a secure channel.
Use PUTTY.EXE from Windows to Linux to test the SSH terminal
connection. Putty.exe is available in the Windows Demoshare or
just find it via Google. You found the IP address ( of
your Linux computer with the ifconfig command.
Hit Yes or No for the key question to get a remote login
Logon as user Knoppix. Do an ls command and logout after a
successful connection and stop PuTTY.
SSH is being used for secure remote maintenance of Linux
machines. The key is being used to encrypt the
communication and provides the secure channel.
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 3 Education and Services
Windows applications in Linux using WINE
Terminal Server client
Start a WIN32-application in Linux using WINE.
Start a Terminal Server client session from Linux to
Start WINE in the Knoppix distribution. Do not use
WINE will prompt for first time use. Read the statements and
Configure Wine. Next, next, next …, and then from the prompt:
cd remotesmb
(remotesmb is the local mount point in the knoppix home
directory connected to the Windows Demoshare mounted in
Lab 2.)
You need to share an XP Desktop (using the Windows
System icon in the Control Panel) or have a Terminal
Server available. Find out the destination Windows IP
address and try the connection:
Start a Terminal Server client session in Red Hat. A Terminal
Server client is available in the Accessories menu or you can use
the command tsclient in a command shell.
With a Terminal server you can start almost every Windows
application ‘in Linux’.
The following commands will start the Windows applications:
wine sol.exe
Samba in Knoppix
Windows programs like sol.exe and Notepad will work in
WINE! Not all Windows applications will run in Wine, but it is
a good start. The next compatibility step should be tsclient,
codeweavers or VMware.
WINE is a free open source project available for any Linux
Create a share on Linux for Windows client usage.
Start Samba Server in the Knoppix – Services menu.
Share everything. Make a connection from the Windows
platform by using the Run command: \\KnoppixIP.
Change KnoppixIP to the IP address of the Knoppix PC,
e.g. \\
You can connect as user Knoppix with no password.
The Linux Samba server is known as a faster Windows
server than Windows.
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Samba on Red Hat or SuSE with NNLS
On SuSE (with NNLS installed)
o /etc/init.d/novell-smb stop
o /etc/init.d/novell-smb start
If time permits. Samba is also covered in lab 14 Services.
Create a share on Linux for Windows client usage.
If time permits use the directions below to create a public
Samba share off the /tmp directory on Red Hat and/or SuSE. If
you ever think of doing a Linux exam, do the next exercise
using the command prompt and vi (visual) as the editor. The vi
editor is hopeless, but:
vi is the best and fastest editor for an experienced
vi is available in every Unix and Linux distribution,
knowledge of vi will give you credits on Linux exams.
Section 3 Education and Services
If you want to start Samba automatically after a
system boot, you can use the YaST menu, System
section, Runlevel editor (or e.g. the command
chkconfig novell-smb on).
Make a connection from the Windows platform using the Run
command: \\IP.
IP address of the Linux computer with the Samba share.
You can connect as a user, like beavis with password butthead
or just without filling out a user account.
TIP: Use the Basic vi improved Summary Card.
General directions:
Locate smb.conf
Edit the smb.conf file and remove all the semi colons (;) or
hashes (#) in the [tmp] section.
(Re)start the Samba server:
Red Hat
service smb stop
service smb start
If you want to start Samba automatically after a
system boot, you can use the System menu,
Administrator Settings, Services (or e.g. the
command chkconfig smb on).
Section 3 Education and Services
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Assessment test
What are Linux file server services? Select 3 answers
a. Samba
b. NFS
c. DNS
e. FTP
f. iptables
What is Apache?
a. named
b. dhcpd
c. bind
d. httpd
e. proxy server
What is squid?
a. named
b. dhcpd
c. bind
d. web server
e. proxy server
What is the daemon name of the BIND server?
a. named
b. dhcpd
c. bind
d. dns
e. httpd
What is postfix?
a. mail server
b. dhcpd
c. bind
d. web server
e. proxy server
Section 3 Education and Services
Section 3 Education and Services
True/false? WIN32 applications can run natively in Linux.
What package can run .NET applications?
What services offers a central account database? Select 3
a. NIS
b. eDirectory
c. Active Directory
d. NFS
e. ipchains
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 3 Education and Services
The following examples are
Linux services which can be
mixed or interchanged with
Best start for every Linux
certification is
Describe Linux
education and major
Describe Linux
interoperability with
Foundations of Linux
Major certifications are from
CompTIA Linux+
LPI C1, C2 (and C3)
Red Hat with
SuSE with Certified
Novell CLE
WIN32 applications can run
on Linux with the following
example options
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
File servers
Samba (Windows)
Routing and firewall
Proxy server (Squid)
Web server (Apache)
Mail server (Sendmail
and Postfix)
Novell eDirectory can
synchronize or replace
NT Domains and Active
© 2004 version 1.001
Terminal Server Client
The free WINE package
The commercial WINEX
package (DirectX)
Mono (.NET application
Codeweavers package
Foundations of Linux Networking
This section shows why the statement made by Linus Torvalds
at BrainShare 2004 in Salt Lake City that ‘Novell makes the
difference’ makes sense.
Open Enterprise Server
The Open Enterprise server ships/delivers at the end of 2004. All
Novell customers with a maintenance contract or upgrade
protection will receive the new server(s) in one package:
Identify the features of NNLS
Novell has already acquired SuSE and Ximian. Novell also made
some extra donations to the open source community with
projects like YaST, Evolution Connector for Exchange and
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
NetWare 6.5
plus additional
Linux 2.6
Full version of
SuSE Linux
Server 9
NNLS 1.0
services plus
management tools to allow coexistence
Novell became the biggest Linux company in the world and the
result is synergy for both the Linux desktop and also for the
Linux servers.
Not only is SuSE Linux is supported. Ximian and NNLS also
support Red Hat desktops and servers. Future versions are likely
to include Connectiva, Turbo Linux, Debian and MandrakeSoft.
The customer will be able to personalize their own choice of
features in NetWare and/or Linux.
Features of the Open Enterprise Server are:
Objective 1 Identify the features of NNLS
Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS) offers licensed solutions
for a Windows, NetWare and Linux world on a Linux server. The
supported servers are selected editions of SuSE and Red Hat.
iFolder—Anywhere file access
NNLS has three versions:
eDirectory—Directory services
iPrint—Point and click printing
Virtual Office—Productivity portal
Directory integration/security
Open Enterprise Server
NNLS 2.0
NNLS 1.0
Enterprise file services (NSS)
Clustering and high availability
(Apache, MySQL,Perl/PHP)
iManager—Common management
© 2004 version 1.001
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
New additional features of Open Enterprise Server are:
Common Information Management (CIM)
RPM package management for NetWare
Mapped-drive support for Linux from a Novell client
Novell iPrint client on a Linux desktop
Migration, directory management and upgrade utilities
NNLS 2.0
The Open Enterprise solution for a Red Hat server. NNLS 2.0 will
be shipped in 2005.
NNLS 1.0
NNLS 1.0, which is currently available, offers selected NetWare
and Windows integration solutions for a Linux server (Selected
Red Hat and SuSE servers):
iManager and iMonitor web management
DirXML (Nsure Identity Manager)
Red Carpet Enterprise (ZENworks Linux Management)
Virtual Office
Versions of SuSE and NNLS for evaluation purposes are
downloadable from
eDirectory (formerly known as Novell Directory Services (NDS))
has previously been described as an alternative or integration
tool (meta directory) for:
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
iManager and iMonitor web management
Linux, NetWare and Windows servers, services and eDirectory
are managed by web tools called iManager and iMonitor.
DirXML (Nsure Identity Manager)
DIRXML is the link for connecting and synchronizing eDirectory
with databases, files and other Directories.
NDS eDirectory
with DirXML
Examples of possibilities for synchronization include:
NT Domains
Active Directory
eDirectory (other trees)
PeopleSoft, SAP, DB2, MS SQL, MySQL, SUN, LDAP, …
NT Domains
Active Directory
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
eGuide is a web portal offering:
§ eGuide
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
Delta sync
Only changes in files are synchronized between the local and the
remote iFolder.
One address book with connections to many LDAP servers
Possibility to launch applications
(Delta sync does not really work on MS Office files. Office always
saves (copies) a complete new file when you are editing)
Jeff’s iFolder
(multi LDAP connector)
Jeff’s iFolder
at Home
Jeff’s iFolder
iFolder is an integrated open source solution formerly
proprietary from Novell which offers an Internet home directory
for users.
Users can access their iFolder directory with a:
§ browser or
§ synchronization client.
Jeff’s iFolder
From Browser
Purpose of iFolder
Protect sensitive company data stored on employee’s
iFolder offers a safe store on the Internet.
1 out of 1000 laptops are stolen.
10% are targeted for their data.
The iFolder client can synchronize the iFolder directory with a
local directory. Synchronizing and storing is encrypted with a
pass phrase. The administrator has an option to enable pass
phrase recovery. If this was not enabled before the pass phrase
was lost, then data is unrecoverable.
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
Red Carpet Enterprise (ZENworks Linux Management)
ZENworks Linux Management is used to:
iPrint offers:
Automatic installation of printer drivers by using ZENworks
Automatic installation of printer drivers by using a web
browser mapping tool. Users can select a printer with point
and click. The administrator can create the map in a few
IPP:// protocol for printing over the Internet.
Clients and drivers for all kinds of Windows versions.
Open Enterprise Server ships with a Linux client.
distribute packages
distribute updates
through a centrally managed server
The complete ZENworks suite offers central management,
application distribution and policy enforcement for:
The NetMail server (formerly NIMS) offers e-mail and agenda.
The NetMail server is optimized for many users on a single
server (2-200,000 users).
The users are integrated with eDirectory.
Users can access the NetMail server with a web browser or with
a POP3/IMAP client.
GroupWise for Linux is not a part of NNLS. GroupWise is a
GroupWare solution with more options then NetMail.
An example of how GroupWise or NetMail can be used is
described below for a university setting:
Students have a NetMail account
Personnel have a GroupWise account
NetMail can be used as a fast e-mail server by some Internet
Service Providers (ISP’s).
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
Virtual Office
Virtual Office is a web portal built in exteNd Director, a Novell
solution to build customized web portals to many mini’s,
mainframes, databases,….
Vitual Office is a web portal to:
password management
webmail (NetMail)
Team discussions
Team calendar
Team chat
The Virtual Teams can be created and administered by the
users. Users can invite others to become a member of a team.
Free study kits
There are 2 free study kits available called Understanding
Nterprise Linux Services:
Figure: Virtual Office web portal
One for Linux Professionals
One for Novell Professionals
The url is:
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
© 2004 version 1.001
Foundations of Linux Networking
Assessment test
What is a characteristic of iFolder?
a. Global file access
b. Point and click printing
c. Productivity portal
d. Directory service
Novell Nterprise Linux
Services (NNLS 1.0) offers
the following licensed
solutions for a Windows,
NetWare and Linux world on
a Linux server
Identify the features of
What is a characteristic of Virtual Office?
a. Global file access
b. Point and click printing
c. Productivity portal
d. Directory service
What is a characteristic of DirXML?
a. Global file access
b. Directory integration/security
c. Productivity portal
d. Directory service
What is a characteristic of NSS?
a. Global file access
b. Enterprise file services
c. Clustering
d. AMP
e. iManager
What is a high availability solution?
a. Global file access
b. Enterprise file services
c. Clustering
d. AMP
e. iManager
True/false? Apache MySQL Perl/PhP (AMP) makes
implementation of many open source software available on
Linux and NetWare 6.5 servers.
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
Section 4 Novell Nterprise Linux Services (NNLS)
© 2004 version 1.001
Web based
administration with
iManager and iMonitor
Nsure Identity Manager
Red Carpet Enterprise
(ZENworks Linux
Virtual Office web portal
Module 2
Modules 2-5 are not in this PDF. The contents and
the agenda (page 21-23) of the complete course
are at the beginning of this file.
Foundations of Linux
for LPIC1
Modules 1-5 and 6-10 are available via
Foundations of Linux Networking