Oct 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School


Oct 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School
Election news
pgs. 4 & 27
Dr. E.P. Week
Scarlett High School
Gracie the dog
pg. 21
Sze Canadian citizenship
pg. 10
220 Canterbury Drive S.W. Calgary AB T2W 1H4
Terry Fox run
pg. 16
October 2015
Welcome Week starts year with many positive reviews
awareness to activities the clubs hold that students are able to take part in. As well, these
On the third week of September, clubs provide more opportunities to students
students participated in a variety of activities to be involved in and around the school commeant to create a lasting sense of community munity. Students were able to see if any of
and involvement between the grades. These the clubs sparked their interest and were able
activities were known as Welcome Week, a to find out what activities they would be able
four-day event to get students excited for the to do if they were to join. To promote the
year ahead. It was also implemented to raise work that the Robotics Club is doing, one
awareness and collect
of the rodonations for Terry Fox
bots that
cancer research.
had been
Beginning on
could be
15, gladiator jousting
seen rolltook place, which ining across
cluded four inflatable
the gym
jousts and the freedom
floor with
to try to push other stua sign that
dents off their podium.
read “Free
Additionally, a bungee
Hugs” on
cord was set up in the
its front,
gym, and two players
during the
Photo by Grace Stone first day of
competed against each
other to see who was Hunter Reboul, Grade 11, participates in the football the events.
bungee cord activity in the main gym on Tuesday
able to make a touchdown first. Each player struggled against the
Many other activities have been
bungee cord to reach their goal.
showcased in the previous Welcome Weeks
The activity on September 16 was that the fundraiser had been run. Some of
the Toonie-for-Terry Barbeque, which was these include motorized go-carts that had
hosted outside the front of the school and been set up for students to race around the
required students to make a minimum $2 do- gym, as well as a game that included inflatnation to receive a free lunch. 150 burgers able horses that students could bounce on.
were barbecued and handed out within the Other events that Welcome Week has run in
first ten minutes of the activity.
past years included activities that revolve
On Thursday, there was a four-on- around sports, such as hockey and basketball
four soccer game with players inside inflat- games. One year, a DJ was hired to play in
able balls, located in the gym. Leadership the school parking lot and students were able
students who had set up the activity before to dance. Students and teachers alike have
lunch enjoyed trying out the inflatable balls enjoyed setting up the activities and bringing
before they were available to the rest of the the school community together.
“Welcome Week is a great opportuThe last day of the activities, on nity to establish school spirit and engage all
September 18, showcased the Terry Fox students at the beginning of the school year,”
says Leadership teacher, Raynell Prince. “It
Throughout the week booths were is awesome being able to support the Terry
set up in the cafeteria foyer to showcase the Fox Run [in] its 35th anniversary.” The gym
clubs that will continue to run throughout the teachers and leadership students organize
year. Some of the clubs that were promoted the event each year, making sure the equipincluded the Environmental club, Robotics ment and resources needed are supplied and
club, Lancer Blast, and the Journalism Club. that students participate. Leadership stuDisplaying the purpose of each club brought dents were actively involved in making sure
By Grace Stone
of those things that I will never regret doing, even though I was very nervous because
watching the people that went on before me
fall made me anxious. I’m glad I followed
through with it. I know it’s better to look
back in life and say, ‘I can’t believe I did
that,’ instead of saying ‘I wish I would have
done that.’ I would love to participate next
year and will encourage other students if
they are reluctant to and give them the final
push to try.” Mehta was also grateful to be
given the opportunity to be involved in the
Scarlett community, as it supports engaging
and cooperative activities. “I am very fortunate to be a part of this school. It always
has fun and innovative ideas to entertain the
Tanvi Sankar, Grade 11, also commented on the events: “Welcome Week is always a blast. This year I thought the hamster
balls were especially fun. I enjoyed watching everybody participate in the game and
I loved being able to try the hamster balls,
it was really cool.” She followed up with,
“Hopefully, if the same activity runs next year, I will make
sure to try it again.” The inflatable ball soccer game that ran
on Thursday was very popular.
Bailey Diao, Grade 11, wished
that she would have been able
to take part in the activity. “I really [wanted] to try the big ball
soccer game with my friends,
but I [couldn’t] because there
[was] no time for us to try it
and we needed to clean up everything after everyone left.”
Additionally, Gareth Johnson,
Photo by Grace Stone Grade 11, shared his opinion:
“Welcome Week was so fun. I
Lancers gear up at the starting line to begin playing the
inflatable four-on-four soccer game on Thursday at lunch would totally recommend people to come out and have some
to stop the other person from scoring. And fun at lunch next year.”
you don’t realize what’s going on, you don’t
Students, as well as teachers that
care. All you’re thinking about is getting that took part in the events were very happy for
ball in the basket. And you can’t breathe,” the experiences of participating in the ache added.
tivities and look forward to Welcome Week
Dona Mehta, Grade 11, was in- 2016. Videos recapping Welcome Week are
volved in Thursday’s activity. “Participating displayed on Scarlett’s website. The FEVER
in the four-on-four inflatable ball game was hopes to see the Scarlett community at the
an unbelievable experience. This was one events next year!
the events ran smoothly, by advertising the
activities and creating posters to inform students about Welcome Week. Additionally,
they collected donations for cancer research
and handed out the water bottles during the
Terry Fox Run.
Welcome Week has had many students attend each year, and last year’s activities raised $7,000. The tradition of Welcome Week has been running for more than
ten years. This year, the school raised funds
ranging from $3,000-$4,000. Jim Bamford
remarked on Welcome Week: “It was a blast.
But I’m kind of glad it’s done so I can get
my lunch hours back.” He also added, “Welcome Week is just about getting some school
spirit going and having the kids involved and
[having] some fun.”
Many students enjoyed what Welcome Week had to offer. One of these students was Hunter Reboul, Grade 11, who
participated in Tuesday’s bungee cord football activity. “It was a lot of fun because
you’re trying to get the ball while trying
Page 2
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Aaron Schmidtke and Grace Stone
Section Editors
Maddie Negery and Megan Miskiman
Ishaan Sahai and Sophia Radford
Layout & Design
Labeeba Mahmood
Kyle Irvine and Kevin Wright
Hailey Payne and Kevin Leske
Riannon Laarz and Terra Li
Fine Arts
Erin Burns and Carissa Feddema
Daniel Nickerson and Maya Smith
Isabel Fernandez
Isabel Fernandez
The Scarlett FEVER represents and
respects a variety of diverse opinions.
Staff Writers
Alexis Bradley, Erin Burns, Carissa Feddema, Chase Glenwright, Grace Stone, Wesley
Hawley-Thomas, Kyle Irvine, Levi Kitsul, Riannon Laarz, Kevin Leske, Terra Li, Megan
Miskiman, Ashley McIntosh, Daniel Nickerson, Madison Negery, Hailey Payne, Sophia
Radford, Ishaan Sahai, Aaron Schmidtke, Nikola Tarbuk, Kevin Wright.
Douglas Brandt, Claire Patterson,
Michelle Finley
The Scarlett FEVER is the product of students in the
Journalism 15, 25, 35 programs. It is produced seven times
per school year and is distributed to the community of
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School.
The FEVER operates primarily on a per-student allotment from
Student Activity Fees, supplemented by advertising revenue.
The newspaper is printed by International Web Express.
The FEVER is now available online.
Access it on the Dr. E.P. Scarlett website at: www.depscarlett.ca.
Click on the “School Info” drop-down menu.
Please contact Claire Patterson at
cjpatterson@cbe.ab.ca or
Telephone 403-281-3366, ext. 2122
Replacement of the current
voting system long overdue
By Ishaan Sahai
The heavily disproportionate results of the
May 2015 United Kingdom General Election
shocked many, intensifying the debate over
whether or not First Past the Post, or FPTP,
the voting system used in most democracies,
including Canada, should be changed. As
the Canadian federal election draws near, it
again becomes relevant to consider the potential merits of a different voting system,
such as Alternative Vote, Mixed Member
Proportional, or the Single Transferable
Vote, all of which are more representative of
the popular vote, with Justin Trudeau having announced that the abolishment of FPTP
would be a priority of a Liberal government.
In the United Kingdom, other than
in the case of the Labour Party, each party
was massively misrepresented in parliament
when their seat numbers are actually compared to the popular vote. The most striking
example is the extremist United Kingdom
Independence Party, which received nearly
13% of the popular vote but only one seat
out of a total of 650, or 0.2%. In certain ridings, Members of Parliament were selected
with less than 30% of the vote, meaning that
they received 100% of the representation of
that particular riding. The results outraged
many, saying that it was FPTP to blame.
In FPTP, the candidate or party with the most
votes in a riding wins the corresponding
seat, with the party with the most seats forming the government. While some say that the
system is simple, fair, logical, inexpensive
at a national scale, providing of regional representation, and that other systems are only
marginally better, if at all, others point out
that it leads to strategic voting, a two-party
system, susceptibility to gerrymandering,
and heavily disproportionate representation
in government.
There have been referendums held
in various jurisdictions on replacing FPTP
with an alternatively-proposed system. In
2011, it was the United Kingdom that held
a referendum over whether FPTP should
be replaced with Alternative Vote. Despite
polls showing a large, double-digit lead for
Yes to AV, deceitful campaigning, lack of
understanding, and some of the drawbacks
of the proposed new voting system, along
with other factors, led to a landslide victory
for No to AV: an astounding 67.9% for No
and only 32.1% for Yes. Some of these same
factors were also present during the 2007 referendum in Ontario for replacing FPTP with
Mixed Member Proportional and the British
Columbian electoral reform referendums in
2005 and 2009. In none of these cases was
there a victory for electoral reform.
In addition to the general election in
the United Kingdom, there have been many
results of past Canadian elections that have
proven to be problematic. In 2011 in Ontario, Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals won 53 seats
with 37% of the vote, but the Progressive
Conservatives, who were only 2 percentage
points behind, won only 37 seats. There have
also been provincial elections in Canada’s
past in which the disparity between seat
numbers and popular vote reached ludicrous
heights. In both the 1935 Prince Edward Island and 1987 New Brunswick provincial
elections, despite having less than 60% of
the popular vote in both cases, the Liberals
won 100% of the seats, and ended up having
to select some of their own MPs to act as opposition.
In this coming election, all three
of the largest federal parties appear to be in
a 3-way tie; however, this might not mean
much when the popular vote is put through
the FPTP system. Throughout the federal
elections of the 1990s, the vote was extraordinarily split up and disproportionate results
reached new heights of ludicrousness. The
infamous 1993 General Election was in part
due to the unpopularity of Prime Minister Kim
Campbell of the Progressive Conservatives,
but it also acts as a textbook example of how
disproportionate FPTP can be. The Liberals
under Jean Chretien won 60% of the seats
- 177 of 295 - with only 41.3% of the popular vote; the Bloc Québécois became official
opposition with 54 seats despite only having
13.5% of the vote; the Reform Party won
less with 52 seats, although they had 18.7%
of the vote; the NDP won 9 with 6.9% of the
vote; and, most shockingly, despite having
a 16% share of the popular vote - more than
the Bloc Québécois - the Progressive Conservatives, who were just in power the last
term, won only 2 seats, or 0.3%. The following election in 1997 also proved to be heavily disproportionate. Over the next decade,
decade, the Reform Party, the Progressive
Conservatives, and the incoming Conservative Alliance, all of which were splitting the
conservative vote, working against themselves by making it easy for a left-leaning
party to form government, would merge
into the present-day Conservative Party
Continued on page 4
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 3
Editorials Header Goes Here!
Canine racism: the controversy over legality of pitbulls
By Madison Negery
First it was the bloodhound, and then the doberman
pincher. Now, the pit bull is being
wrongly labeled a “killer-dog.”
The breed-specific legislation on
the pit bull or the regulation of not
being able to own a dog because of
the breed is ruining the reputation
of the pit bull and causing cases
of extreme abuse and neglect towards the dog. Specifically, the pit
bull terrier has been unjustifiably
labeled as dangerous around the
world, resulting in many restrictions of the breed and a potential
ban in Calgary.
Pit bulls are descendents
of the English bull-baiting dog,
bred with many strong physical
traits and very tolerant behavioural
traits. They were considered one of
man’s best friends until the 1980s
when they became the most-feared
dog in the world. Criminals, gang
members, and abusers trained their
pit bulls to attack and be feared,
ruining the reputation of the breed.
Today, pit bulls are one of the most
abused dogs, and innocent owners and dogs are paying the price.
Pit bulls’ new dangerous label has
them being banned in Belgium,
Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sweden,
parts of the United States, Winnipeg, and Quebec. Currently, groups
and individuals are encouraging a
ban in Calgary as well. These bans
have not solved the dangerous dog
problem because the pit bull is not
the problem: irresponsible owners
Animal Society Canada
states 20 % - 30% of a pit bull’s
behaviour is based on genetics; this
leaves a significant percentage to
environment, nurture, and training
for the outcome of the pit bulls behavior. No standard housedog will
attack if properly trained and cared
for. Pet Connection states 78% of
fatal pit bull violations were dogs
that were used as guard dogs, fighting dogs, for breeding, or were
trained to attack, and that 84%
were owned by reckless owners.
The majority of “deadly” pit bulls
are abused and neglected, causing
an increase in anxiety, separation
anxiety, stress, and fear in the dog.
When any animal is scared it defends itself and attacks. Abuse and
neglect also lead to a dog being
possessive of objects or food and
can cause it to lash out. With the
proper discipline (non-abusive),
training, and proper care, a dog
will not have these problems and
therefore, will not become aggressive. Still, society sees pit bulls as
being big, scary, aggressive, and
One of the common
fears expressed regarding pit bulls
is their locking jaw and easilytriggered temper. These are both
myths. No breed of dog, including
pit bulls has a locking jaw. They
are a strong breed with a strong
bite but they are no different from
the German shepard, Rottweiler,
or labrador. They are also the second most tolerant dog next to the
lab and are considered the “nanny
dog” because of how gentle they
are around children and people
with disabilities. Still, the fear of
pit bulls only increases for many
people. A Calgary Herald article by
Ted Rhodes published on May 13,
2015 states, “There is no reason
anyone needs to own a pit bull,”
and “it is high time for city council to debate a ban on pit bulls.”
Rhodes is, like many others, focusing too much on the breed itself
and not enough on the owners who
are responsible for these attacks.
Breed specific-legislation
is unjust and cruel for these animals. Luckily, people are recognizing this unfair ban on pit bulls and
are standing up for them. A meeting in Newark, Ohio, of the city
council had many citizens arguing
to stop breed-specific legislation
against pit bulls. Also, many sites
such as Pit Bulls for Life are supporting the end of discrimination
on pit bulls and fighting against the
bans. Many groups are especially pit bulls as fight dogs. Fifty of his is proven that the majority of bite
intent on bringing down breed- dogs were rescued and forty-nine and attack incidents are caused by
specific laws and pit bull bans. The of them were successfully rehabili- the owner, is to have stricter reguASPCA (American Society for the tated. These dogs are now in shel- lations on pit bull ownership and
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) ters such as Best Friends or in well- have severe fines or even jail time
says, “there is no evidence that loving families with no aggression for violations like abuse, neglect,
breed-specific laws – which are problems. The testing used to de- dog fighting, training as a guard
costly and
dog, baiting, backyard breeddifficult to
ing, and training a dog to atenforce –
tack. Another possible plan
make comto ensure people and owners
feel safer is to educate owners, children, and parents on
safer for
people and
proper techniques for pit bull
training and to encourage locompanion
cal animal shelters to provide
responsible dog ownership
and dog safety education.
study conBehind the Behavior says
over 70% of pit bull attacks
involve an unneutered male;
by Prince
these dogs are more aggresC o u n t y,
sive and dominant in any
breed, so another solution
MD, who
would be to have pit bulls
o v e r
neutered if they show signs
of aggression. This measure
could also stop backyard
each year
breeding for the pit bull. If
owners cannot afford to neuban, noted
ter a dog showing signs of
that pubaggression there should be
lic safety
a shelter offering cheaper
neutering. Although this opimproved
tion may be a bit costly to
since the
run, it would be far cheaper
start of the
than a pit bull ban or a breedban.
specific law that can cost up
Photo by Madison Negrey
to $200,000 annually. With
Sadly, Despite popular conception, pitbulls can be raised to be friendly dogs these solutions, pit bull agpeople
gression is likely to decrease
still blame the pit bull, which has termine whether or not these fight substantially and also stop unacnot only become the most abused dogs could fit into society was long ceptable and irresponsible owners
breed of dog but also the most and extensive but very successful. from ruining another breeds’ repuabused animal in Canada and the Pit bulls have a high tolerance lev- tation whereas a ban will just feed
United States. Not only are pit el that can be re-attained. Organi- people’s fear about the pit bull.
bulls being abused but they are also zations and shelters are supporting Discriminating and banbeing euthanized because people pit bulls and contributing alterna- ning all pit bulls is cruel to the
fear that once the pit bull attacks, tive solutions to bans and specific breed and their owners and makes
it will always attack, this is also laws and putting a stop to pit bull pit bulls the next dog to go down
counterfactual. Euthanizing is a fears.
with criminals. The alternative somajor problem involving the breed Obviously, banning the lutions provide a much better outbecause the dog can be rehabili- breed is not the answer but there come for everyone including the
tated and trained properly instead are actions that can be taken to end pit bull itself. Do not fear the innoof being killed. For example, Mi- the fear of and abuse of pit bulls. cent dog; fear the owners who turn
chael Vick abused and kept many One of the best strategies, since it it into something else.
Page 4
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
split between the NDP and Liberals in the
Continued from page 2
2011 Federal Election, allowing the lesserof Canada, with Stephen Harper as leader.
prefered party leader, Stephen Harper, to be
More recently, it is the left-leaning
re-elected, which would not have happened
vote that and the Liberals. In the 2011 Fedusing a different voting system, such as Aleral Election, the Conservatives formed a
ternative Vote.
majority government with 166 of 307 seats
The realities of democracy under
and 39.6% of the popular vote, the NDP reFPTP means that there is no point in voting
ceived 103 seats with 30.6%, the Liberals
for a smaller party, such as the Greens, since
only 34 despite having nearly 20%, the Bloc
the party fares no chance of being the most
Québécois 4 with 6.1%, and the Green Party
popular in most ridings, the vote simply does
of Canada got its first seat ever with 3.9%.
not count. Similarly, in most Albertan ridTheoretically, were the seat numbers to be
ings, since a Conservative victory is guaranproportionate to the public vote, the parties
teed, if one is not a Conservative supporter,
should have received 123 seats, 94 seats, 58
the vote just does not count. Instead, people
seats, 19 seats, and 12 seats, respectively,
will tend to strategically vote, abandoning
give or take two. This result would have led
the party they most support to try and stop
to considerably more representation for the
the party that they least support, like in AlLiberals, Bloc Québécois, and Greens. Anberta in 2012, when Liberal and NDP supother recent example of a disproportionate
porters voted Progressive Conservative in an
result is the 2012 Alberta provincial eleceffort to keep out the Wildrose Alliance.
tion. While polls at one point were predict
While there are three major parties
ing a majority for the Wildrose Alliance, the
in the coming federal election, the results
PCs won a landslide number of seats despite
may lead to the emergence of two parties
similar percentages of popular vote for both
over the third-one left and one right. Meanparty.
while, as frequently aforementioned, FPTP
With these
allows for a luexamples in mind,
dicrous allocathere still is support
tion of seats to
for FPTP, as evioccur. In the
denced in the aforecoming federal
referenelection, while
dums. Many say that
all three major
the electoral system is
parties seem to
simple, and that havbe nearly tied
ing fewer parties takwhen it comes
ing up the seats makes
to the popufor a more effective
lar vote, this
government and a
does not carry
stronger opposition
over into the
projections for
extremist parties will
individual ridbe left out of governings,
ment, not being able
at the time of
to take any seats enthis
tirely. As some alterthe least popunative voting systems
lar of the three,
leave out the concept
the Conservaof regional candidates
tive Party, has
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
in ridings, they argue
the largest seat
that FPTP ensures Much like in the past, First Past the Post will likely lead to heavily disproportionate results once again in projection. In
that government must the upcoming federal election, where projected seats are not representative of the projected popular vote addition, theobe accountable to all
retically, it is
regions, which may not occur without rid- more interested in selecting a party to gov- possible for a party to form government in
ings, and for importance to be given to indi- ern an entire nation and solve its issues rath- Canada with just over 5% of the vote. There
vidual candidates’ performance rather than er than choosing an individual to voice the are 20 registered Canadian federal political
just that of the party. In the case of referen- opinions of their constituency. Most people parties, and since a candidate simply needs
dums, political parties and groups will often do not even know the names of their regional more votes than the rest to win, they can
take a stance on electoral systems and begin candidates. Even with that ignored, the prob- technically win with 5% of the vote, the
campaigning for that stance. For example, in lems with FPTP are often exemplified in in- smallest amount needed. Something happenthe 2011 referendum in the United Kingdom dividual ridings where there are more than ing to this degree is highly unlikely, but it
on replacing FPTP with alternative vote, the three major parties; a candidate unsupported should not even be technically possible.
Conservative Party sided with a No to AV by most will end up making all the decisions. There really is not a strong enough
campaign, one which made a large point Other issues with FPTP include its argument to support the retention of FPTP.
about how the money that would be spent susceptibility to gerrymandering; drawing All analysis of the British referendum
on a new voting system would detract from ridings’ borders in a certain way to favour agreed that the entire No to AV campaign
medical care for babies or children dying in a certain candidate or party. The system will was intended to mislead, saying things like,
also always tend to trend towards a two- “Why should certain votes be counted over
Despite the success of anti-elec- party system, usually where both options and over and over again,” and, “It’s always
toral reform campaigns, most of those who are unpopular amongst most. A vote for been that whoever comes in first wins,” often
have true understanding of voting systems any other candidate is a vote against one’s with a picture of a race, pointing to the runare single-minded on the issue-FPTP is a ter- own interests, as it will make it easier for a ner in third place as the winner under AV.
rible system. In a representative democracy, party one disagrees with more coming into This does not even begin to mention them
government is meant to be truly representa- power, like when the left-leaning vote was bringing in dying children in Afghanistan, or
tive of the electorate and what they want.
When a party has a majority government,
they practically have 100% control of the
nation, which is incredibly problematic in
countries with more than two major parties,
such as Canada or the United Kingdom, as it
can easily lead to an unpopular party which
most of the electorate did not want in power
to have full control of the nation, like in the
current case of the Harper Government.
There are cases in which a party receives a much smaller share of the popular
vote than other parties, but still forms government, sometimes even with a landslide
majority. Similarly, extremist parties represent viewpoints of people nonetheless, and
once again, government must always be representative of what the people want. Just because one does not like the United Kingdom
Independence Party does not mean that their
nearly-4 million supporters can have their
opinion completely disregarded. Simply put,
that is plainly undemocratic.
While there may be some merit to
the idea of regional candidates, it is dated
and simply ignores reality; people are far
October 2015
medical care for babies. There is no evidence
that any additional money would go to, say,
their National Health Service, which, ironically, the same party intends to privatize.
The truth is that the Conservatives very well
knew how flawed FPTP was, but it was them
who benefited most from it. Unfortunately,
it was due to this misleading campaign that
democracy lost that day.
There are several other voting systems that can replace FPTP, including Alternative Vote, or AV, sometimes called instant
runoff voting. Here, voters rank their choices
instead of having to give one vote, often strategically. Once election results start to get
counted, the votes of the party with the least
support are transferred to their next-preferred choice. This continues until one party
or candidate has either a majority, or until
only one remains. AV eliminates the need
for voters to abandon their favourite party to
strategically vote, ends up with more agreeable winners, and allows for smaller parties
to grow. It is flawed, however, as FPTP supporters are quick to point out, it shares many
flaws, and will tend to trend toward two parties. In Canada, it may even trend toward
just one, as the more-centrist Liberals are
more likely to have votes transferred over
from the Conservatives and NDP.
A better option is Mixed-Member
Proportional, or MMP, which was proposed
for the Ontario referendum. Here, half of the
seats represent a particular region, and half
do not. Every voter gets two votes. The first
vote is for a local candidate, and acts just
like an election would under FPTP, perhaps
involving strategic voting, and using that
system, half of the seats are filled up. Voters will now also get a second vote to give
to their favourite party, and the other half of
the seats are used to roughly represent the
second votes. Party leaders will have created
a list ranking candidates, and this determines
who will get to be on the council. If a party
receives 41 seats, the party’s top 41 candidates will serve for those seats. Amongst
many advantages, MMP acts as a great help
to political diversity.
The best system, however, is Single
Transferable Vote, or STV, in which ridings
are bigger and have multiple representatives.
100 is divided by the number of representatives for any given riding to give a threshold of the percentage of votes needed for
a candidate to become a representative for
that riding. AV is also used in STV, transferring votes to second choices, and the system
works to maximize happiness for all with
truly proportionate results per riding.
All of these systems are much better than FPTP, a system that the United Nations themselves are against, and groups
such as Fair Vote Canada are lobbying to
change. These systems are already quite
common, used for determining winners and
nominees at the Oscars, political party leaders in Canada, or even at the federal level in
countries like Australia, Germany, and New
Zealand. Some simplicity can be lost and
marginal expenditures can be made in order
to ensure that democracies can truly remain
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
The homework debate continues
By Kevin Leske
For most students, homework can be stressful, agitating,
boring, and is often viewed as a
complete waste of time. The existence of homework may very well
be coming to an end though, or at
least very close to an end. Many
educators and schools are now
no longer assigning homework to
their students. Day by day, more
and more educators are starting to
join this no homework movement.
According to professors and researchers, students should have ten
minutes of homework for the grade
that they are currently in; for example a student in grade 6 should
have 60 minutes of homework and
so on. Even Kindergarteners, who
should not have any homework in
the first place, are working up to 25
minutes a night on homework, according to the National Education
Association’s recommendations.
Researchers have found that this
amount of work at such a young
age has contributed to family
stress and often will not help the
child learn. Etta Kralovec, a University of Arizona associate has
said that homework “Privileges
the already privileged kids…and
disadvantages the already disadvantaged kids.” A survey based
off of feedback from over 500
parents in Rhode Island, suggests
the average student in the first
grade spends almost 30 minutes a
night on homework. That number
increases gradually throughout
the years. Researchers have also
found a difference in the student’s
workload, based off of the parent’s
education background as well as
the family’s racial background.
Some students are gifted in having
well-educated parents, access to the
Internet, and tutors, which means
that they have access to help on
their homework, while other notso-fortunate students may not have
access to the Internet, computers,
and tutors and or they may have to
babysit a younger sibling or help
their sick relative. While many
educators, and parents find homework important and necessary,
many students find it to only cause
stress, and find that the homework
does not actually help them study.
Students do need some degree of
homework to retain information,
ten minutes a night, multiplied by
their grade, of homework at most.
This rule is generally the most effective, as students in grade one,
should not have 30 + minutes of
homework a night. Using this rule,
students are not going to receive
any more homework than what
they actually need and they will
be able to focus on other important
aspects of their lives such as families and friends. Homework should
not cause stress, but rather help the
students study and prepare for any
upcoming tests or quizzes. There
is no reason that homework has to
be any more time-consuming than
it needs to be. When a teacher assigns homework to a student, he or
she should ensure that the student
understands the work and can get
it complete in his or her own time.
The teachers are responsible for
making sure that the amount and
type of homework they are giving
is reasonable and the students are
capable of completing it without
problems. The student however is
responsible for doing the work and
asking any questions that they may
have. Students should not be given
homework for which they did not
have any class time to complete
The student’s parents must ensure
that their child is keeping up with
their homework, as well as providing any support or help for their
child for when they need it. The
parents must ensure that homework
is being completed and they must
make sure that homework comes
before activities with friends. The
parents have the job of keeping
up with the teacher, to make sure
that their son or daughter is doing well in class and is keeping up
with the assignments in class. The
parents must maintain a relationship with all of the student’s teachers, and the parent should always
ask questions that they may have.
Homework can and should be reserved for the purpose of educating students. The student’s workload should not be based off their
parent’s educational background.
Students have to find balance between doing their school work
and participating
in activities with
their friends and
family. Moreover
students should
not receive any
homework until
at least grade 3,
as homework at
such a young age
is not benefiting
the students, the
teachers or the
student’s families. Since homework can be so
stressful, educators need to be
sure that their
student’s workloads are not getting in the way
of their activities with friends
and family. Too
Photo by Kevin Leske
much homework
Nikola Tarbuk, Grade 10, tries to finish his homework not only gets in
the way of the
in the first place though. Teachers student’s lives but it also affects
should be considerate of the other the educators as well. The more
classes the students have before homework the educators hand out,
handing out any assignments that the more time they have to spend
may very well become home- marking the assignments and getwork for the students. Teachers ting them back to the students.
should never give homework just Homework affects just about evfor the sake of giving homework, eryone: the students, the teachers,
but because the students were not the families and so on. Homework
able to complete an assignment, should exist, but should not imin which they had class time for pact a student’s life in any negaor simply because the homework tive way. The amount of homewill benefit the students. Teach- work an educator hands out must
ers are there to help and educate be very minimal and has to benthe student, which means that efit the students; homework should
they have to take the time to give not be viewed as a bad thing.
the students the assistance that
they need.
Page 5
Use of animals for
scientific research
By Terra Li
In the US, an estimated
26 million animals are used
every year for commercial and
scientific testing. Developing
medical treatments, checking the
safety of products that will be on
the market for human use, and
testing biomedical, healthcare,
and commercial uses are some
of the tests in which animals are
and replace animal testing.
A Gallup poll taken in
May 2013 found that 56% of
Americans say medical testing
on animals is morally acceptable
and 39% saying it is morally
wrong. It was found that younger
Americans were more reluctant
to accept animal testing. 47% of
people aged 18-34 say that animal testing is morally acceptable,
Photo By Terra Li
Rabbits are one example of the many species of animals upon which the
scientific community performs research on in commercial laboratories.
used. Animal testing is not new
though, living animals have been
used for research since at least
Those who are in favour
of animal testing argue that it
has given developers the ability
to create numerous life-saving
treatments for both humans and
animals. Moreover, they say
that an alternative method for
researching a complete living
organism with a whole body
system does not seem to be present and strict regulations prevent
animals from being mistreated
in the laboratories. Those who
are against animal testing argue
that it is inhumane and morally
wrong to experiment on animals.
They also argue that animals are
different from human beings so
results may be irrelevant and alternate methods may be available
while 60% of people aged 35-54
and 61% of people aged 55 and
older say it is morally acceptable.
Although the life of
animals does matter, animal
testing has contributed to lifesaving cures and treatments.
Major advances in understanding
and treating conditions such as
tuberculosis, brain injury, malaria, cystic fibrosis, childhood
leukemia, multiple sclerosis,
breast cancer, and many others
were also made through animal research. Anderson Cancer
Center’s animal research facility,
states that “we wouldn’t have a
vaccine for hepatitis B without
chimpanzees,” and says that the
use of chimps is “our best hope.”
On another note, animals are similar to human beings
in many ways. With the help of a
bloodstream and central nervous
Continued on Page 6
Page 6
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
To type or not to type: laptops as a tool in the classroom
By Chase Glenwright
show that computers
should not be banned
from the classroom,
but that the students
should have some
self-restraint around
the use of these technologies. It is doubtful that this can be
Some students
with learning disabilities require a laptop
to take notes, or use
that can help them
with their schoolwork. Although the
studies mainly show
that students can become distracted and
therefore will not
process the information fully, students
still can use laptops
to complete classwork and possibly
be more efficient
than those with pen
and paper. Laptops
Photo by Chase Glenwright
are good for projects
Matt Palmer, Grade 12, is using a laptop for work while Jayde Hancharuk, Grade 12, chooses to use pen and paper
such as large writing
The primary purpose of this study low laptops. Teachers allow laptops expectassignments, essays,
was to examine the relationships between ing that the students will respect the rules of or presentations because they have builtlaptop use and student learning. The level of the classroom and stay focused, but in real- in spelling and grammar checks, and make
in-class laptop use was negatively correlated ity most students become distracted by these other writing tools like a dictionary or theto the amount of time students admitted to so-called learning tools. Granted, laptops saurus easier to use; for example, Google
paying attention to the lectures; 20% of stu- can improve productivity in some students, Docs research tool. It is very useful; it can
dents showed a negative outcome. The level while others need them for word processing automatically cite and reference a page or
of laptop use and how clearly the students in courses such as socials or English.
a picture, making researching a breeze, and
interpreted the information also showed a If laptops are a distraction it can programs such as this can make a valid arnegative correlation with 49% of students be assumed that tablets, Microsoft Surfaces, gument against the accusations of Fried’s
showing this outcome. 21% of students iPads, or any other devices that can down- study.
showed a positive correlation with laptop load apps and games for “after work fun”, Despite opposing arguments, stuuse and course performance.
most of these are probably used during dents can and will become distracted by their
One of the major reasons for a classes. Ours is the generation of technol- electronics if used in the classroom; Fried’s
negative correlation between laptop use and ogy; individuals are constantly connected to study and many others can support this. It
student success is the level of distraction of- technology in some shape or form.
also still remains a fact that students will not
fered by the laptop. Consider how tempting Although laptops and other devices fully retain the information provided if left
is it to check one’s email, or go on Tum- can be useful in the classroom as research- to typing out that information. Laptops are
blr or Facebook if the class is a little less ing tools, or as a dictionary or thesaurus, good tools for other larger projects but the
than engaging. Most teachers do not allow but typing notes on a laptop is not neces- best tool to take notes and retain information
phones in their classrooms, but most will al- sarily the best way to learn. These studies is, and always will be, pen and paper.
Continued from page 5
endangered species from going extinct.
looked after by veterinarians, animal health
Researchers must treat animals technicians, and husbandry specialists to
humanely for the animals’ sake and to ensure the animals’ well-being.
“Many can come to
million may seem
test results. The journal
like a large number,
Nature Genetics states
an agreement that an
if one compares
that, “stressed or crowded
animal’s life is indeed
this number to the
animals produce unreliable
a life, sometimes a life
and must be sacrificed to help number of animals
many phenotypes are only
society develop, and in
used for their meals,
accessible in contented
enriched this case, we must develop this number seems
relatively smaller.
environments, it is in
26 million animals
the best interests of the
researchers not to cut corners or to neglect are being used per year for testing while
welfare issues.” Animals used for testing are people in the United States eat approximately
Multitasking is the bane of all students, but without it they would become lost.
Students who use laptops for their notes during a lecture are always multitasking. They
are trying to make sense of what they are listening to while typing notes that reflect what
they are hearing. A number of studies have
looked into the effects of information retention caused by taking notes longhand on pen
and paper, versus notes being taken on a laptop.
Some studies indicate that students
who use laptops in the classroom are less
successful at processing the information
than students writing out their notes by hand.
A study conducted in 2007 shows that an average of 49% of students that use a laptop do
not fully process and remember the information they are given, which could potentially
lead to lower student grades.
In a 2007 study, by Carrie B. Fried,
137 students from two sections of a general
psychology class at Winona State University, taught by the same teacher, were tested on
in-class laptop use and its effects on student
learning. There were eighty-three freshmen,
forty-one sophomores, nine juniors, and four
seniors; all students signed a consent that
stated that the survey results would not affect their course grades.
Students involved in the study were
given four multiple choice exams and approximately ten homework assignments.
Around 70% of the classes were focused on
lectures with occasional videos and in-class
demonstrations, discussions making up the
last 30%. 89% of the students’ grades for the
study were measured using the four multiple
choice exams designed to measure the students’ understanding of the core concepts as
well as their ability to apply these concepts.
Students were asked to go to the course
website and answer weekly surveys on
various aspects of the class. These surveys
were focused on class attendance, class experience, and laptop use. Weekly surveys
increased the accuracy of responses in the
study through the eyes of the students. As
well, surveys spaced out over longer periods
of time can increase the chance of memory
distortion, and weekly surveys have a better
chance of being more accurate.
all mammals, including human beings, are
descended from a common ancestor and
animals share the same set of organs as
human beings, making animals appropriate
research subjects because of the similarities
they share with humans.
Animals benefit from animal
testing in the long run. If some of the
medicine was not tested on animals, many
animals would have fallen victim to various
diseases such as anthrax, canine parvo virus,
infectious hepatitis virus, feline leukemia,
distemper, tetanus, and rabies. Animal
testing has also been influential in saving
9 billion chickens and 150 million cattle,
pigs and sheep per year. Americans eat more
than 1800 times the number of pigs than the
number used in laboratories, and consume
more than approximately 340 chickens for
every animal used for testing.
In the long run, animal testing
will help the world in a way that testing on
anything else will not. Animals will help the
world grow into a new and advanced era
with new medicine and maybe even better
methods for experimenting. Researching
with the help of animals will help society
discover more and further develop for the
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 7
Donald “Trumps” the US presidential candidate competition and should not run to be the leader of the country
Grace Stone
As the US Presidential
Election nears, entrepreneur Donald Trump increases in popularity among Republican voters as
an eligible nominee to represent
the party. Poll averages recorded
from multiple news broadcasters
such as CBS News, CNN, and Fox
News have shown popularity demographics between Republican
candidates, and regretfully, Trump
is the highest ranked at a 30.2%
popularity rate between 17 other
possible candidates. The runnerup for the place of the Republican nominee in the future general
election is Ben Carson, who generated less than half of the interest Trump has at a 13.4% ranking.
These demographics were noted
www.270towin.com/2016republican-nomination/. As well,
in a separate nationwide poll by
SurveyUSA, Trump is more favourable than each Democrat
competitor he has by an average
of 3.5% between four of the highest competitors: Hilary Clinton,
Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Al
Gore. This makes the possibility of
Trump becoming the US President
very likely, which would be a disaster to the future of the US and
the countries that highly depend on
the US for trade.
The plan that Trump has
for the future of the country is
founded upon racist ideals, immature criticism, and vague promises
that have been supported by weak
evidence as to how he will “make
America great again.” Despite the
skills he may have in business, the
experience Trump has in finance is
different than the experience needed to support the good of a country.
Trump’s proposal on foreign affairs has used the tactic of
blaming other countries for the
past mistakes the US has made in
leading the country to what it is
today. By shifting the blame onto
others, Trump has convinced the
public that the US is still as great
as it always has been, however it
is not the countries’ fault for the
economic problems they have. In
comparison to those candidates
who wish to directly address those
problems, Trump has side-stepped
the issue as well as affirmed his patriotism for the country, without reminding the public of the problems
at hand. One of these issues the
US faces is the low job availability. Trump remarked on this issue
in his presidential speech: “A lot
of people up there can’t get jobs. and he wants to force Mexico to tion down. In his campaign he and would set up tariffs for other
They can’t get jobs, because there pay for it. The actions Trump has wishes to charge the company a countries. This move is very risky
are no jobs, because China has our made regarding this issue is similar 35% tax to import from Mexico and could decrease trade with
jobs and Mexico has our jobs.” He to that of a child rebelling against back into the US. In a speech at an countries that do not wish to pay
follows up with the statement: “I’ll his parents. When faced with this auditorium in Birch Run, Michi- the higher tax, or cause those counbring back our jobs from China, problem, his first action is to put gan, Trump attacked Ford’s de- tries to implement their own tariffs.
from Mexico, from Japan, from so blame solely on the opposing side cisions: “I’ll actually give them If US multinationals do not wish to
many places. I’ll bring back our of the argument, and force that side a good idea. Why don’t we just pay higher taxes, they will most
jobs, and I’ll bring back our mon- to pay for the mistakes they may let the illegals drive the cars and likely move their companies to
ey.” His claim however did not fin- have made in the situation. A ma- trucks right into our country? I’ll countries with lower tariffs, leavish with how he was going to im- ture approach to the feud would say I don’t like this deal, it’s no ing the US with worse relationplement this, but how the current include negotiation, compromise, good for our country, I will do ev- ships globally and still in need of
politicians are “stupid” to allow the and admitting the faults that each erything I can… We’ll end up with domestic jobs. As well, due to the
jobs to be lost in the first place. The side has made in an opportunity to a plant in the United States and North American Free Trade Agreerole of a position extremely high solve the problem. The paper re- we’ll create jobs.” Shutting down ment (NAFTA), implementing
up in the US’s political system
should not be given to a candidate that points his finger and
blames another, rather he or she
should keep looking forward for
a solution.
Another problem the
US faces is illegal immigration
from Mexico. It is a significant
problem as citizens have been
forced to pay billions of dollars
from additional costs created by
illegal immigration. Many immigrants have brought drugs and
crime, although the people who
have cannot be stereotyped as
the projection of every citizen in
Mexico. Trump has commented
as if every Mexican citizen is a
bad person. “[Mexico is] sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those
problems to us. They’re bringing
drugs. They’re bringing crime.
They’re rapists. And some, I
assume, are good people.” The
way in which Trump wishes
to deal with the problem is demeaning, as not every illegal
immigrant is a criminal. Despite
Photo by Grace Stone
the severity of the problem of
illegal immigration in the coun- As it stands, Republican Donald Trump is unfortunately in the running to become next president of the United States
try, the situation should not be
handled by a man with racist ide- ports: “the Mexican government the construction of the Ford’s plant extra tariffs on Mexican imports
als. When asked if he would rather has taken the United States to the in Mexico, and trying to bring back is currently illegal. It would be a
rephrase his offensive statement on cleaners. They are responsible for other multinationals however will waste of time to alter an agreement
illegal immigration from Mexico this problem, and they must pay to not necessarily mean that jobs will that has been working successfully.
Even in the case that
on Fox News, Trump said, “abso- clean it up.” Trump plans to force be created in the US. The wages lutely I can’t change it.” Mexico’s Mexico to pay for the wall by ap- in Mexico are much lower, run- he was able to increase tariffs on
Foreign Relations Department has plying financial pressure to taxa- ning about $8 an hour. It is more Mexican imports, many econocommented on Trump’s actions tion across the border, as well as efficient to produce in Mexico than mists, such as former Federal Rethat they “reflect prejudice, racism, increase fees for work visas, in at- the US, so if companies that have serve Vice Chairman Alan Blinder,
or plain ignorance.” Evidence that tempt to stop illegal immigration set up plants in Mexico were to be believe bringing more jobs into the
further supports that he has a low and increase jobs filled by US em- shut down, those businesses will US is “completely implausible.”
probably not move those factories For one reason, many jobs have
opinion of races other than his own ployees.
Through the act of doing back into domestic territory. If any been taken by technology, and it
include quotes such as: “black guys counting my money! I hate it,” and this, Trump is hoping that many money were to be spent on plants is much more convenient to tell a
businesses will bring back their in the US, it would most likely be computer to do something than pay
“laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Additionally, Trump has multinational companies to the US to upgrade the factories rather than a person that is prone to make misstated in his first platform paper his in favour of not paying more taxes to create more jobs.
takes in the field. “No matter who
rather ambitious plan to stop illegal to ship back to the country. When As well as a 35% tax on becomes president,” economist
immigration in the US. He wishes Ford began construction of new as- Mexican imports, Trump cam- David Autor of the Massachusetts
to build a grand multibillion dollar sembly plants in Mexico, Trump paigned that he would charge a
Continued on page 8
wall on the border of Southern US; wanted them to shut the construc- 25% tariff on Chinese products,
Page 8
Continued from page 7
Institute of Technology said, “I cannot foresee a scenario where 5 million additional
manufacturing jobs... reappear in the US in
the decades ahead.” Even in the scenario that
Trump manages to do what economists believe to be the impossible, immigrants will
still come to the US and seek jobs, and many
foreigners will be more qualified to be hired
for a position than some US citizens, leaving the country with citizens that still do not
have jobs. It is very hard to believe Trump
when he declares that “I will be the greatest
jobs president that God ever created,” if his
plans to do so will probably fail.
Additionally, Trump wishes to
change the tax system by replacing the estate
tax and corporate tax rate with a flat tax. A
flat tax rate means that every income would
pay the same amount of tax, which would
increase taxes on poorer incomes and benefit
the wealthier. This decision was not made
because he truly thought it would benefit the
people, as it does the opposite, but because
he wanted to make better relationships with
the more wealthy. He has repeatedly said
-- Scarlett FEVER
that the rich are not his biggest fans and that
“the people that like me best are poor people
and middle-income people;” however, he
wished to change that for personal gain. It
would be cruel to take money away from
the poor and take less money from the rich
because Trump wanted the more wealthy
to have a higher opinion of him and donate
money to many of his causes. A country is
not a business; he is not deciding the difference between a company going bankrupt or
becoming more successful, he is deciding
the difference between a family struggling in
a low standard of living and a family living
in a good and safe home.
Another decision Trump has made
is to repeal Obamacare if he is elected as
President. He has not made any detail as
to what health care system he will replace
it with however, and only claimed that it
would be “something terrific.” He has been
unclear on his stance about health care and
will not state if he supports universal health
care or the privatization of it. Despite Obamacare helping millions with getting insurance no matter their previous health concerns or gender, Trump wishes to be rid of
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
the program, without considering the benefits it has provided the country. He has not
thought about a better solution in its replacement. In the case that it is repealed, 19 million non-elderly would lose their insurance
by 2016. However, if he truly does think of a
better replacement, many US citizens would
be much more satisfied with their health
care. Although, if Trump does not think of
“something terrific,” or he can not “work out
some sort of a really smart deal with hospitals across the country,” millions of people
would be at higher risk of becoming ill or
dying because of a program that he simply
did not like.
To add another reason to the list
as to why Trump should not be running for
President, he believes ISIS can be defeated
by simply taking their oil—a little source
of their money—and getting it back to the
US. ISIS is funded by more than just revenue from oil because not only are they
fueled by taxation of the country, they are
also stealing any resource that they need,
such as large amounts of money from Iraqi
banks. US General Ray Odierno completely
disagrees with the possible success of the
October 2015
strategy because it does not fix the political
and economic side of the situation, rather
only the short-term outcome. Trump’s broad
statement that “nobody would be tougher on
ISIS” than him is a weak argument, as he is
not able to think of a plan that will actually
help the long term issue.
Many of Trump’s arguments do not
have enough evidence to support that they
will be successful. The ideas he has for the
country are too vague to be relied on. Similarly, he is promising things that will most
likely fail, and these promises are manipulating US citizens into believing Trump can
follow through with what he says. Through
these words Trump has demonstrated signs
of immaturity, which should not be a trait in
the next leader of a country.
The next President should not be a
man who has racist ideals or values personal
gain over the welfare of the people. Trump’s
background in finance should not qualify for
him to be a candidate in the election. When
looking for a solution to the US becoming a
better country, eyes should not be directed at
Canada no longer needs a crown in the political system
By Terra Li
The 63-year and 220-day reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, set a record on September 9, 2015 for being the
longest-reigning female monarch in history
since Queen Victoria, who reigned for 63
years and 216 days. The Queen has been
a stable monarch in the world that changes
frequently. Her selflessness and service has
earned her admiration around the globe, not
just Britain. Canada is one of the Commonwealth realms over which she rules; but the
question of whether or not Canada needs a
monarch continues to be asked.
The queen’s relationship with Canada is unique and has nothing to do with her
reigning over the UK and other dominions.
While Queen Elizabeth II seems like a wonderful woman, she is merely a figurehead.
As the head of legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Canadian government
and every provincial government, she rules
over Canadian parliamentary democracy
and Canada’s constitutional monarchy.
In other words, Canadians know
the queen as the head of state but the governor general performs the duties of the
queen every day and technically deserves
the title of Head of State. The queen herself
has no power except to choose/accept the
governor general who in turn does the work.
Both the head of state and governor general
are largely ceremonial roles and definitely
can be reassigned to elected officials in
The role of governor general is
largely ceremonial but definitely holds more
responsibility in Canada than the queen.
The governor general’s duties include providing royal assent to the legislation, acting
as a commander-in-chief of the Canadian
forces, and appointing senators, the speaker
of the senate, and judges.
some procedure that
The most important duty
would require a difa governor general is asficult constitutional
signed to do is summoning
reform. The question of touching Caand dissolving parliament.
nadian identity also
Again, these are all acts
plagues the issue as
that can be done by a fully
elected representative of
Will Ferguson comistate with no connection
cally notes: “Many
to a foreign power.
Canadian national
Further to her
ists harbor bizarre
ceremonial role, the queen
fear that should we
costs Canadians money.
ever reject royalty,
Canadians pay $1.57 per
we would instantly
person each year to supmutate into Ameriport Her Majesty; this
can, as though the
does not seem like much
Canadian sense of
but when added up, it
self is so frail and
amounts to a bit over $50
delicate a bud, that
million each year. The
the only thing stopBritish pay about $1.32
ping it from being
per person and The Monswallowed whole by
archist League of Canathe U.S is an Engda’s figures show that the
lish lady in a funny
Canadian cost is increashat.” With a fairly
ing. Canadians are now
even and indifferent
paying more per capita to
split among Canadisupport the queen than the
ans on the subject of
British. Per capita bills for
monarchy, citizens
Photo by Terra Li
supporting the royal fami- Canadian currency, with Queen Elizabeth’s face is onc of the last sybmols of the monarchy face significant obly have more than doubled
stacles to motivate
over the past ten years in
the will for a politithe monarchy has been a part of Canada as
Canada. This money spent on supporting a long as Canada has been a country, since cal reform.
In short, some Canadians are afraid
monarch could be used for things that could its beginning as a British colony to the con- benefit the majority like investing on what tinual declaration of Canadian nationhood of losing their identity if Canada got rid of
could fill the whole that the queen would in these more recent years. Canada does not the monarchy and consequently, are relucleave if the monarchy is removed from Ca- need a figurehead or symbol to function as tant to make the effort for change. What Canadian Government.
a country and keep the economy balanced, nadians can do about it is up to them. Get
The reason to have a monarch in though the country is split on whether or ting rid of the monarchy means that there
Canada is merely just for a symbol of tra- not Canada should keep the queen. It is not would be room for another role in its place,
dition for Canada. A monarch symbolizes just something Canadians talk about daily; something different that can better define
Canadian history and heritage; it is true that getting rid of the queen requires a cumber- the identity of Canada and its citizens.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 9
A new position,with a familiar environment: An in depth
interview with the new Assistant Principal, Rob Brown
By Aaron Schmidtke
When a new school year
arrives, changes undeniably accompany it with a hopefulness
that the changes are for the better.
For students, these modifications
are entering a new grade, beginning new classes with new teachers, or the life-altering decision to
change one’s hairstyle; they are all
equally important. When it comes
to teachers or more specifically
Scarlett household name Rob
Brown, a teacher of sixteen years
here at Scarlett, his change this
school year is as straightforward
as his new title: Assistant Principal.
After teaching Social
Studies for his entire sixteenyear tenure at Scarlett, Brown
has transferred into the administration department where he now
serves as the Assistant Principal for the students with the last
name beginning with the letters
O-Z. Before getting into the specifics of the job and everything
in-between, it is necessary to provide a bit of background information on Brown first.
Brown is a born-andraised Calgarian, as are his parents. He has lived in Calgary his
entire life and attended William
Aberhart for his high-school education. His wife of eleven years,
going on twelve, Sandy, is of an
Italian descent. He has two kids,
Matt and Alyssa who are eight
years and three years respectively. Matt plays hockey with the
Bow River Hockey Association
and Alyssa is a beginner to dance.
Both activities are primary sources
of Brown’s entertainment during
his spare time. Another activity he
enjoys doing in his spare time is
watching movies where his favourites include Gladiator, The Hangover and Star Wars.
FEVER: What made you decide to
switch from being the Social Studies teacher to the Assistant Principal?
Brown: Well, I am finishing my
Masters right now. [The part] I
enjoy is actually going and having
the conversations to help organize
and create the learning environment. It’s a different change, but
it’s a nice change and I’m enjoying it.
FEVER: What do you miss about
being a Social Studies teacher?
Brown: I do a lot of supervision
for the extracurricular [activities]
like cheering everybody on and
watching the plays and musicals. I
help out with duty of care, setting
up the exams, stuff like that. So it’s
a busy day, there’s always stuff to
FEVER: Did you not work in a
taught classes in self-esteem, career skills and planning, and employability.
FEVER: Do you have any good
stories from there?
Brown: Probably not that should
be printed, [laughs]. No, but it was
interesting. Every once in a while
something would happen that reminded [myself] that [I am] in a
they need.
When the serious educational talk was over, Brown was
asked to answer five rapid-fire
questions which are the quickest
answer that comes to mind.
FEVER: What is your favourite
sport and favourite team of that
Brown: Hockey and the Calgary
FEVER: What is your favourite city in the world you
have travelled to?
Brown: [long pause, disregarding the rapid-fire aspect] London, England.
FEVER: What is your favourite vegetable and why?
Brown: Brussel sprouts
because everybody hates
FEVER: Who is your favourite superhero?
Brown: Batman.
FEVER: What was your
favourite subject in high
school growing up?
Brown: Social Studies.
From prison to high
school, Brown has always
been well-liked as an individual and teacher. Though
he misses the atmosphere of
the classroom and the buzz
of the students, he nonetheless looks comfortable
in his new position and on
behalf of the FEVER and
Scarlett as a whole, we wish
Photo By Aaron Schmidtke him the best of luck in his
new ventures into the unDespite being very busy working on some documents, Brown takes a moment to look up and strike a pose for the camera
FEVER: One last question.. What
Brown: I miss being in the class- jail or something of the sorts?
room and the kids. It was a lot of Brown: When I was in university, FEVER: How do you think the job do you have to say to all the stufun, we had a lot of laughs, and yes. [I worked] at a jail, the Drum- at the prison helped you prepare dents that you abandoned that had
you as their Social Studies teacher
sometimes [I] don’t recognize heller Medium Security Peniten- for future jobs?
how much fun [I was] having un- tiary. Then I did a contract there af- Brown: Learning can happen ev- on their schedule?
til [I am] not there. I miss that, I’m ter [university] in the summertime erywhere. Sometimes [it is needed] Brown: [Laughs] Come and say
looking forward to trying to find teaching programs.
to also recognize where someone “hi,” I love you all. I’m still here
some ways to be involved with the FEVER: What did you teach as is coming from and try to help out and if anything, make sure to come
students in the school and finding programs and classes there?
any way possible. Anybody can see me because that is the one thing
ways to build on that.
Brown: [I taught] GED stuff where learn, people just need to be given that I would like to stay connected
FEVER: What are a few of your it’s people trying to complete their the environment and flexibility to to. I miss you guys.
responsibilities as Assistant Prin- high school diplomas and I also be able to go to recognize what
Page 10
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Paul Sze passes exam to become a Canadian citizen
By Carissa Feddema
Paul Sze, a dedicated gym teacher
at Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School, has recently become an official Canadian citizen.
Although it required plenty of work, he
completed all the requirements to attain his
citizenship and now Scarlett celebrates with
him on this grand occasion.
Sze first moved to Canada on September 5, 2005. He was born in Liverpool,
England and brought up on the Wirral Peninsula. He lived one hour north of London
in a town called Bedford before moving to
Edmonton, Alberta. From there he moved
to Calgary where he plans to remain. Sze’s
main reasons for coming here was so that he
could start a family as well as be close to the
outdoors. He has been a part of the Scarlet
staff for ten years and counting and will continue teaching gym here for years to come.
To become a citizen of Canada, a
person must fit a certain criteria. People are
able to apply for citizenship if they are eighteen years or older and a permanent resident
of Canada, someone who used to be a Canadian citizen and wants their citizenship back,
or a former or current member of the armed
forces. Those who wish to become citizens
but are considered minors must have a parent or a legal guardian apply for them. The
guardian must already be a citizen or must
also apply with the minor and they both need
to be permanent residents in Canada.
as well as being able to enjoy the standard of ences between Canada and the United King
The procedure for becoming a citi- living here in Canada. He plans on making dom, which is where Sze is originally from.
zenship is fairly straightforward. First, one the most out of living by the mountains and One change that stands out for him is how
must apply by filling out
a form and paying an apis compared to
plication fee. This needs
his old town. Anto be mailed to the Cenother is some of
tralized Intake Office in
the things CanaSydney, Nova Scotia. If
dians enjoy. He is
the application is acceptquoted saying, “I
ed, then the next step for
never experienced
people over fourteen and
mixing syrup with
less than sixty-four years
of age is the citizenship
I am not sure I’ll
test, which consists of
ever get used
to.” Canada’s government,
There are benhistory, and geography.
efits of being a
Canadian citizen.
Sze, the most challengSome of which are
ing part of the citizenship
the ability to travel
process was not the test,
more freely and
but rather getting all the
easily, the right to
paperwork together and
vote and get infilling it out. His family
volved in politics,
and friends showed their
and being able to
support by acting as referwork in any job.
Photo by Carissa Feddema Overall, being a
ences for the application,
attending the ceremony, Paul Sze, a gym teacher at Scarlett, moved from England and recieved his Canadian citizenship citizen means offiand afterwards going out
cially being a part
to Chinatown for Dim Sum. He says he is of being in a place where hard work counts of Canada which is something to be proud
excited to be a citizen because of the ability most.
of. The Lancers would like to congratulate
to travel freely in and out of the country and Naturally, there are a few differ- Sze on his accomplishment.
Hurricane Katrina: remembering the wreckage in N.O.
By Megan Miskiman
With winds up to 201 km per hour,
Hurricane Katrina hit Eastern Northern
America on August 29, 2005. It soon became the costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States, with over $96 billion in damage. Ten years later, many wish
to remember all
those who did not survive, and cherish those
who did.
Katrina initially formed on August
13 about 322 km southeast of the Bahamas.
On August 24, the winds raised up to 65
km/h; subsequently the storm was named
Tropical Storm Katrina. On August 25, Katrina made its way to Southern Florida and
was classified as a Category 1 hurricane. By
the end of the day on August 25, Katrina
passed over Florida and was re-classified as
a tropical storm. On August 26, once the
storm passed over waters, it formed a cyclone which took over the entire Gulf of
Mexico. On August 28, it became a Category 5 hurricane with winds up to 280 km/h.
By August 29, the winds weakened to 193
km/h, and Katrina was once again re-classified as a Category 3 hurricane. It began to
slam into the Louisiana-Mississippi Border
on the morning of August 29. On August
31, Katrina downgraded to a tropical storm
once again, and soon became an extratropical low. By September 1, the storm had been
absorbed by a frontal zone over the eastern
Great Lakes.
The storm’s effects, however,
did not end so quickly. The surging water
smashed into levees and waterfronts, caus-
homes. The National Guard was called to
New Orleans to help with evacuations while
thousands sought refuge in the New Orleans
Convention Centre and the Superdome. The
area soon became one of the
largest displacements of the
United States
since the Great
forcing 1 million citizens in
the Gulf Coast
Region out of
their homes. It
that the floods
people and left
millions more
homeless. The
disaster cost a
total of $98 billion in damages.
hard to
Photo by Megan Miskiman
re-build neighThe Mud River in Moncton Canada represents some areas in New Orelans b o u r h o o d s ;
however, to this
ing 80% of New Orleans and nearby par- day, many communities were never rebuilt
ishes to flood. Flood waters did not abate for because of the horrors brought by Hurricane
weeks and citizens were forced to leave their Katrina.
On August 29, 2015, citizens were
more than blessed to be dancing and celebrating on the streets of New Orleans, the
same streets that just ten years ago were covered in water, rubble, and contained unfortunate residents. Local and national leaders
gathered in the lower part of New Orleans to
place flowers in front of a granite plaque in
memory of the lives lost in the 2005 floods
which followed Hurricane Katrina. Citizens
described the memorial as “beautiful and
quiet.” Across from the Memorial Convention Center, Sally Heller built the “Scrap
House” in 2009. The Scrap House is a sculpture of a torn-down house in a tree. Heller
said she was inspired to make The Scrap
House after seeing many boats and houses in
the trees during the aftermath of Hurricane
To conclude the memorial of Hurricane Katrina, a prayer was said in memory
of all the lives lost during the storm. Over
the course of August 29, 2015, ceremonies
were held, neighbourhoods held block parties and picnics, and New Orleans citizens
mourned over the loss of their family members and friends.
Hurricane Katrina demolished
houses, killed thousands and flooded 80% of
New Orleans; however, ten years later, although the citizens will never forget the horror of the hurricane, the city recognizes their
strength and sense of community this natural
disaster forced them to use.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 11
Welcome Linda Vuong to Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
By Megan Miskiman
Linda Vuong is a new
teacher here at Dr. E.P Scarlett.
What makes her job different from
other teachers in the school is who
she works with: students diagnosed
with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder). Vuong started off her path to
become a teacher as a camp coordinator, working with high-risk students who struggled with choosing
career paths. She then moved on
and became a behavioural therapist for students with ASD. Linda
Vuong started her teaching career
in 2010 at the Janus Academy. She
first started working with students
with autism, and then moved to a
small private school to teach junior
high and high school language arts.
She worked there for three years
before teaching students with ASD
once again. Vuong decided to join
this field of work because she has
a “passion for making an impact
in the lives of young adolescents.”
Because of her unique
deployment, her days are different from the average teacher. Each
day Vuong comes to Scarlett to
work with her four students. “A
lot can happen on an average day
at a CSSI class!” Vuong explains.
“However, an average day would
It is difficult for many students with autism to communicate
what they are thinking and feeling.
Vuong explained that just like a
typical teenager, one of the biggest
difficulties for students with autism
is “fitting in” to social groups. Vuong
stresses how important it is to her to see
the people that her
students become.
She states it as being
one of the highlights
of her job. “Teenagers with ASD are
genuine, compassionate and a pleasure to work with,”
Vuong explains
Photo by Megan Miskiman
that teenagers with
The CSSI team: Tracy Firth, support worker; Melissa Hamilton, support worker’ Linda
are not much
Vuong, teacher; pose with CSSI students Immanuel Mikhail, Kirkland Rowan, Adam Tsang
different from any
consist of ‘community service’ we enjoy class walks as a sensory other average teenager. “Much like
work where students have the op- break and interactive games for any teenager, it takes a team of carportunity to practice daily living fun!” Some might say it is difficult ing people and a lot of love in orskills, a morning meeting where we to do the job Vuong does; however, der to shape a young adolescent.”
practice appropriate social interac- she shows true passion for her job. When asked what she enjoys most
about teaching, Vuong jokingly
replied with “Definitely, the summers off.” She also explains that
for her, even when she leaves the
classroom, she’s still a teacher.
She’s still thinking about her students and she can never stop being
the teacher, and that is one of the
most difficult parts of teaching.
Vuong expresses her relationships
with her students saying, “Because
I get to see my students and interact on a personal level with them
every day, I know my students,
their motivators, dislikes, behaviours and skill levels very well!”
Just like any other person,
Vuong does have a life outside of
school. Aside from her “loooong”
hours, Vuong enjoys spending
time with her one-year old daughter, Leah. She has a very busy life,
tutoring, shopping, eating out, gardening, cooking, baking, knitting,
hiking, doing yoga and working out
whenever she has the chance. The
students here at Scarlett appreciate
the efforts and generosity of Vuong,
a big thank you from all Lancers!
By Sophia Radford
that the town of Irving has a history of Islamaphobia; in March, a
bill was passed preventing Muslim
people from settling disputes in a
tribunal, following the Islam code
called Shariah. The mayor of Irving claimed that imams – worship
leaders of a mosque – were trying
to bypass American laws by setting
up their own court. Mayor Beth Van
Duyne’s anti-Muslim Facebook
comments raised red flags. These
incidents certainly are not the first
examples of what is said to be institutionalized racism in America,
and some believe that this incident
occurred merely because of Mohamed’s Muslim background. “He
just wants to invent good things for
mankind,” Mohamed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told
reporters. “But because his name is
Mohamed and because of September 11, I think my son got mistreated.” Elhassan Mohamed may be
correct; upon seeing Ahmed Mohamed in the interrogation room, a
police officer allegedly said, “Yup.
That’s who I thought it was.”
While all the charges
were dropped, Mohamed was
given a three-day suspension from
his school. The school department
justified the suspension by claiming that the homemade clock went
against the school’s Code of Conduct. A letter was sent home to
Mohamed’s parents that explained
son is guilty of possessing a hoax
bomb if he possesses a device that
is intended to cause anyone to be
alarmed, or a reaction of any type
by law enforcement officers,” The
Irving police chief publicly stated.
Texas Municipal Patrolman’s Association president Heath Wester
passed a similar judgement of the
situation. “I think [Ahmed Mohamed’s] intent was to see how far
he could get with the device and to
see what kind of alarmant he could
get.” Wester said. “And as you can
see now, he’s got what he asked
for. He’s gotten that alarmant. He’s
gotten that excitement or whatever
he was trying to get. He got it.”
The police department
also said that Mohamed was not
“forthcoming” about the device’s
intentions, saying that the teenager
would only tell them that it was a
clock. Authorities in Irving are currently investigating the arrest, and
if the teen’s rights were violated.
“It made me feel like I wasn’t human,” Mohamed admitted of his
Despite this traumatic
event, Mohamed maintains his passion for inventing. He expressed an
interest in showcasing his inventions on Shark Tank, and encouraged other kids to keep building.
“Go for it,” he said. “Don’t let
people change who you are.”
tion amongst peers, ‘workstations’
where students are able to work
on their pre-vocational, vocational
and functional academic skills, and
lastly towards the end of the day
Teenager arrested for bringing homemade clock to school
When 14-year-old Ahmed
Mohamed brought his homemade
clock to school on September 14,
he could not have anticipated the
consequences of that action. Teachers at MacArthur High School in
Irving, Texas were alarmed by
Mohamed’s homemade timepiece
and notified local authorities. Police responded to the call and escorted Mohamed out of the school
in handcuffs. The Muslim boy was
subsequently arrested and detained
for his invention, which resembled
a “hoax bomb.” A photograph of
Mohamed being arrested – while
outfitted in a NASA t-shirt – went
viral on social media sites.
Mohamed brought his
homemade invention to school to
show his engineering teacher, who
praised his device but advised him
not to show it to any other teachers.
In a later class, the clock’s alarm
went off, prompting the teacher to
believe that the device resembled a
bomb. Mohamed was pulled out of
class to be interrogated by teachers
and police officers, was placed in
handcuffs, and transferred to a juvenile detainment centre. He was
questioned without a lawyer or his
parents present.
Mohamed’s arrest soon
made headlines and authorities received extreme criticism. It seems
that they valued the safety of their
students above all else.
Mohamed received an
outpouring of support on social
media, with the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed trending on Twitter.
A host of celebrities also included
their support, with Barack Obama
even extending an invitation to
the White House. “Cool clock,
Ahmed. Want to bring it to the
White House? We should inspire
more kids like you to like science.
It’s what makes America great,”
the President tweeted two days after the incident. Massive names in
technology and science also took to
Twitter to rally behind Mohamed.
Mark Zuckerberg, Hilary Clinton,
and Chris Hadfield, among others,
voiced their support. The Google
Science Fair Twitter page welcomed Mohamed to their event,
tweeting: “Hey Ahmed -- we’re
saving a seat for you at this weekend’s Google Science Fair…want
to come? Bring your clock!” The
CEOs of Reddit and Twitter both
offered the ninth grader an internship. “I am pleased they are part of
the action to get rid of everything
that’s been happening, not just to
me but to other people around the
globe,” Mohamed said of his supporters. The teen icon subsequently
made his rounds, paying a visit to
Google, Comedy Central, Dr. Oz,
and the United Nations to name a
few. Mohamed attended and spoke
at the Social Good Summit. He also
appeared on The Nightly Show
donning his trademark NASA tshirt.
It’s no doubt that this high
schooler’s world has turned upside
in a matter of hours. In a press conference held on September 16, Mohamed addressed the situation and
the support that has been flooding
social media. “So I guess everyone
knows I’m the person who built a
clock and got in a lot of trouble for
it,” the boy opened the conference
with a smile. He told the press that
he was planning to transfer schools
and thanked all his supporters,
also expressing his excitement at
the prospect of meeting Obama.
Mohamed spoke out about Islamaphobia and the challenges kids like
him across the globe face. “I never
thought I’d get this far, but since
I have gone this far, I will try my
best not just to help me, but to help
every other kid in the entire world
who has a problem like this,” the
teen promised.
Law enforcement officials in Irving are still in possession of Mohamed’s clock, the
boy says. The police implied in a
press conference that Mohamed’s
clock was meant to cause suspicion. “The student was taken into
custody for possession of a hoax
bomb. Under Texas law a per-
Page 12
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
NASA finds evidence of liquid water on Martian surface
By Ishaan Sahai
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has found strong evidence of
contemporary liquid salt water on the Martian surface.
Through analyzing the chemical
compositions of streaks on slopes in relatively warm weather, scientists have concluded
in a September 28 paper that seasonal liquid
water forms on the planet in the present day.
Given the theorized vitality of water to the
existence of life, it has marked a milestone
in the search for extraterrestrial life.
“It suggests that it would be possible for life to be on Mars today,” said John
Grunsfeld, NASA science associate administration, at a news conference.
Over the past few years, enough evidence was gathered for the scientific community to assume the theory of water having
previously existed on a warmer Mars to be
true. Findings also led to very strong evidence that plant life once existed on the red
planet, and microbial life was also heavily
Scientists have long hypothesized
that life may exist underneath the Martian
surface, but these recent findings strongly
suggest that microbial life could exist on the
surface itself. The water itself would likely
only form during the summers, when temperatures are easily above the freezing point
of salt water. The water would likely be less
than a centimeter in depth, and would appear
as thin layers of wet soil.
“To actually see liquid water on
the surface of Mars is tantalizingly close to
the building blocks of life,” remarked Chris
Hadfield, Canadian celebrity astronaut and
This is the first time that salt or water was detected in those streaks; however,
because of the large volume of these streaks
when all of Mars is taken into account, there
could be a great deal of water.
The paper was published in the
journal Nature Geoscience. NASA’s Ames
Research Center’s Mary Beth Wilhelm, coauthor, speculated that the water could be
utilized by future human pioneers. Co-author Alfred McEwen, researcher, University
of Arizona in Tucson, wrote that the water
would be much saltier than Earth’s ocean
The researchers are unsure where the water came from, but Wilhelm suggests that
deliquescence—a process involving the salts
absorbing water vapour—may be involved.
The team has doubts, however, as they do
not know if there is enough water vapour in
the Martian atmosphere for the process to
The paper mentioned that some
microbial life is supported on Earth in a
similar way; for certain communities in the
Atacama Desert in Chile, it is essential for
survival. The conditions on Mars, however,
are unlikely to be able to support such Earth
species, as there may not be enough water
in the brines. This does not rule out life on
the surface, but the researchers suggest that
it may be more likely for the life to be found high number of dinosaur-related news stounderground. Fresh water would also be pre- ries prior to the release of Jurassic World.
This discovery is of paramount im
Salts found in this discovery in- portance to the scientific community. While
cluded sodium perchlorate, magnesium extraterrestrial water is important to those
chlorate, and
conditions on
the surface
more stable.
One way in
which they do
this is by expanding the
range of liquid water; the
freezing point
is vastly lowered and the
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
reduced. Water, considered to be of utmost importance to life on Earth, may have been
G e n e r a l l y , discovered on Mars in one of the most important discoveries in recent history
however, the
freezing point of salty water ranges between searching for life outside of Earth, it is also
very important for future manned missions
-23°C and +27°C.
Later in the same week, the highly- to Mars, as well as to the future of Earth itacclaimed Ridley Scott-directed book-to- self, a planet struggling to distribute water
film adaptation The Martian was released. amongst its own people; a problem only esThe media and public found the coincidence calating in the future. Continuing research
amusing, calling it, “free advertising,” with may change the way humans see the rest of
some speculating a deal between scientists the universe.
and Hollywood, drawing parallels to the
The principal of the school, Sheryl
McCorrister, began initial efforts to contact
the family
and have the Harpers enrolled as day students rather than boarders. The “confusion,”
says McCorrister, was a result of the school
not receiving enrollment papers. Harper’s
mother insists that the papers were sent before the June 30 deadline.
Harper and her parents had a meeting with the school on September 22 to discuss her acceptance. The result of the meeting remains inconclusive, and Harper is now
looking for other schooling options in the
A few days after the attack on
Harper, the police released a statement of
what they believe happened that night. The
two men struck up a conversation with
Harper after she was separated from her
friends late that night. The three of them
went for a walk and once under the Midtown Bridge the two men “turned on her”
assaulting her with a weapon. Harper ended up in the river and was left “for dead.”
Harper managed to pull herself onto one of
the banks downstream and was found by a
passer-by around seven the next morning.
She was rushed to hospital in critical condition but was later pronounced to be in stable
Police have expressed gratitude for
the assistance they received from the press
and public to bring the two perpetrators to
justice. Justin Hudson and the teen were
both arrested on November 11, 2014. Superintendent Danny Smyth also thanked the
Harper family for trusting police enough to
take the unusual step of releasing the identity of a sexual assault victim in an attempt
to catch her attackers.
On November 12, 2014, the school
Harper was attending released the following
“Staff and students of Southeast
Collegiate are trying to come to terms with
this horrific assault on one of our own. Many
students were looking forward to the long
weekend, Harper was no different. After
completing the week of scheduled midterms,
she had left the collegiate Friday night with
her parents for a much-deserved rest.”
After administration of Southeast
Collegiate were informed by the Winnipeg
police and the family regarding the discovery of Harper Saturday morning, they began
providing ongoing support to Harper and her
family. In-house counselling support was
made available for staff and students.
“We are extremely thankful [for]
the remarkable progress she has made since
Saturday. We are wishing her a speedy re-
Rinelle Harper denied attendance at Winnipeg school
Chase Glenwright
Rinelle Harper has faced more suffering than any teen should have to endure.
On November 7, 2014 she was the victim of
two attacks led by a twenty-year-old man
and a seventeen-year-old boy. The attackers left her “for dead” on the bank of the
Assiniboine River in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The attackers, Justin Hudson and the teen,
whose name is being withheld because he is
underage, have been charged with attempted
murder, aggravated sexual assault, and sexual assault with a weapon. Currently Harper
faces another issue: in the eleven months of
her recovery from the violent attack against
her, Harper has been eager to get started with
her studies as a grade twelve student; but to
her shock, the school she moved to from her
northern Manitoba home to attend, Southeast Collegiate, has refused her admittance.
The reason given was that the school only
accepts on-reserve students, and the Harper
family no longer qualifies. Their home in
the fly-in-only community of Garden Hill,
Manitoba, burned down while Harper was
being treated in the hospital for the attack
on November 7, 2014. Since then, they are
permanent residents of Winnipeg.
“Rinelle is devastated,” said Julie
Harper. “Her friends, her support system are
all at Southeast.”
covery and hope she returns to school soon.
We are asking for privacy for our staff and
students at this time, while we deal with this
unfortunate event.”
Bruce Harper, Rinelle’s uncle, had
this to say: “I am relieved knowing that
these two predators are off the street. There
are other predators who are still out there.
It would be prudent that the community always keep vigilant.”
The family came to stay with her at Harper’s
bedside while she was recovering. Louise
Spencer, Harper’s great aunt, said that family and friends came to pray for her in the
intensive care unit. “We thought we were
going to lose her at first. It’s amazing. It’s
a miracle. It’s a miracle she survived,” she
said. “Through faith, we prayed for her. A
lot of people came to pray for her.”
The fact that Southeast Collegiate
is denying Harper attendance has raised concerns in the aboriginal community. If Southeast Collegiate wants to keep a good reputation, the meeting that has taken place should
have a good outcome; however, Harper and
family have decided to pursue education
options in the city of Winnipeg. Harper remains a voice for murdered or missing indigenous women, speaking at the Spirits of
Our Sisters in Edmonton on Tuesday evening, September 29.
Page 13
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
English media provides misleading information on Syria
By Grace Stone
Syria is currently ranked “the most
dangerous place in the world for journalists,”
by the Committee to Protect Journalists. For
this reason, retrieving information from the
country is extremely difficult making most
of what is posted on English websites purely
superficial. Most information emerging from
Syria is from YouTube videos and relies on
online sources due to the lack of professional
reporters on the ground, despite the efforts
of those journalists who have risked or given
their lives to find out more about the war in
Syria. Additionally, the Syrian government
has been known to conceal important information from foreigners and even their own
citizens. In 1982, Hafez al-Assad, the son of
the President of Syria, massacred thousands
of Muslim Brotherhood members in the city
of Hama. This devastation was not heard of
for decades, and only recently in 2011 has
the news of the massacre spread globally.
With no guaranteed safety for journalists
who venture out into the nation, reliable information is hard to obtain.
What is clear is that the beginning of protests commenced in March 2011,
when Arab Spring uprisings arose in countries such as Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain,
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria. In the city
of Deraa, a local group protested peacefully for the arrest and reported torture of
fifteen young students after they wrote antigovernment graffiti on a wall. However the
government was angered by the protests
and responded by opening fire on those who
protested, killing four people in the process.
The following day at the funerals of those
lost in the protests, the army shot at their
relatives, killing another person. This news
upset citizens throughout the country as they
wished to have more freedom and better
law throughout Syria; however, when President Bashar al-Assad claimed that he would
make a few changes, the country did not believe him and protests became more violent,
sparking a war between Syrian government
forces and their citizens. In the midst of the
country’s chaos, ISIS became involved and
If the interpretation of what has As the influence of views in Engused the hesitation of order in the govern- ment as an opportunity to gain more land been broadcasted in English-dominated lish are spread throughout the Internet, the
news websites is a reflection of the interests response of English-speakers toward the
and power.
This general description of the war of those on Twitter, then English-speakers situation have differed than the response of
ensuing is only from an English-speaking are much more unaware of the values that those in countries near Syria. Many Faceperspective. Most information that social Arabic-speakers have towards the war, book pages dedicated to help refugees exist
media has covered about the war is in Ara- mostly due to the language barrier. As Arab only as links to articles about more English
bic. In a study from Twitter in 2011 by the is the official language of Syria and twenty- perspectives and places to donate money.
United States Institute of Peace, 60% of the five of its’ neighbouring countries, the most There are many organizations such as Save
tweets with the word Syria tagged have been reliable information would emerge in Ara- The Children and the Syria Relief Charin Arabic, and the
ity, as well as governnumber has inment funds that do help
creased throughrefugees; however, the
out the years. As
awareness that Facebook
English dominates
profiles send out are not
social media as
necessarily the values that
a whole, Araall Syrian refugees share.
bic messages are
English media has mislargely ignored by
lead many to believe that
English reports of
creating online accounts
the situation, and a
in social websites will
vast amount of pomake a positive differtential information
ence in the lives of refuto those who do not
gees. As Arabic-speakers
speak Arabic are
know more about the war,
lost. Similarly, the
many of the Facebook
topics discussed
pages in Arabic are comby both languages
munity organizations that
differ. While Enghave more purpose than
lish speakers mento inform the public of the
tioned President
ongoing situation, but to
criticize the politics and
in 4.28% of their
religious aspects of the
Photo by Grace Stone
regardwar. Through Arabic poing Syria, Arabic Dona Mehta, Grade 11, browses Arabic-speaking Facebook pages dedicated to the war in Syria litical cartoons and video
speakers only menclips in the language,
tioned Obama 0.28% of the time. The statis- bic as that is the language spoken where the those pages have brought more awareness to
tics interpreted that the English tweets had war originated. Since English news media what is wrong and what should be changed
more commonly brought up the topic of US is mainly gaining information from journal- regarding Syria, rather than purely trying to
intervention, which was not as noted in Ara- ists and visual sources, accuracy is limited, help from the sidelines. Facebook and Twitbic. From the top 250 retweets in 2011, most and key factors that may exist in the war that ter both have shared these traits.
Due to the fact that English sites
English-speakers retweeted topics broadcast have not been translated are not known in from news accounts, while Arabic-speakers English-dominated countries such as Cana- cannot delve as deep into the war as those
favoured retweeting Egyptian activists rath- da and the US. Gaining information only in in Arabic, important information regarding
er than news. Additionally, tweets in English English in a country that does not speak the the political and social aspects of the war are
were more centralized on helping Syria, in language has arguably led to misleading in- not accessible to those that do not speak both
comparison to Arabic tweets, which were formation. Arabic-speaking news websites the languages. With the language barrier and
much more broad in discussion about poli- such as Al Jazeera and BBC Arabic would geographical displacement between English
tics, television media, religion and neigh- more accurately portray the views of Syrian and Arabic countries, the existence of misleading information is inevitable.
bouring countries.
Student Vote inspires political awareness among teens
By Sophia Radford
With the federal election coming
up, it is fairly easy to stay informed about
politics. Campaign ads are played before
YouTube videos, signs are posted on the
side of every road, and the news is full of
polls and updates. But as a young Canadian,
it can be more challenging to be correctly
educated on political platforms, and even
more difficult to actually take an interest in
upcoming elections. Student Vote, a Canadian run organization, is hoping to change
Student Vote is a program geared
towards minors in Canada who cannot legally cast a vote. The program parallels a
real election and coincides with federal, pro-
vincial, and municipal elections. Students
participate in “Vote Day,” casting ballots
and voting for real candidates. This opens
up a dialogue for political awareness, forcing students to research political parties and
their leaders. The organization provides
educational resources for teachers, including
videos, lesson plans, worksheets, class activities, and campaign guides. These abundant resources offer students an opportunity
to learn about Canada’s democratic system,
the different political parties, and the issues
specific candidates care about. Throughout
this process, students will be able to actively
engage in the federal election, and will understand the importance of voting.
Voter participation has been declining for
years in all types of elections. In 2011, voter turnout was a near record low with only
61% of eligible voters casting their ballots.
A survey was conducted by Statistics Canada, asking people who did not vote what
prevented them from doing so. 23% of respondents said they were too busy to vote,
and a staggering 28% said they just were not
interested. The rest of non-voters said they
were sick, out of town, or did not support
any of the candidates. This decline in voter
participation has alarmed many people and
evidence suggests that voter turnout will
only continue to decrease.
The real problem with the voting system is the apathy found in Canada’s
youth. By the time a young person turns
eighteen, they lack any interest in voting.
Many youth feel that politicians do not have
their interests at heart. In the eyes of teenagers, politicians are disconnected and distant,
people who care more about getting sponsors than solving a problem. Many youth
are passionate about issues that impact them,
and the social justice movement is sweeping
Canada’s teens. If students take the time to
become informed about the platforms and
promises of candidates, they have the opportunity to have their voices be heard. It
is important for young people to know if
federal candidates share their opinions, and
if so, who those candidates are. Canada›s
youth are the future, and they should be the
Continued on page 14
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Newly crowned Mrs. Universe is
not an average beauty queen
By Wenonah
North Peigan
and substance abuse is higher
in First Nations youth than it is
in Canada’s youth as a whole.
These problems, experts believe
are part of the aftershocks of the
long-term effects of colonization.
superficially only, she fits well as
a pageant queen, beautiful
On August 29th, 2015,
and well-mannered but she
Ashley Callingbull-Burnham beclaims that she is anything but.
come the first Aboriginal and Ca
nadian woman
has been
to win the Mrs.
lauded by
Universe pagher followeant, a contest
ers, First
similar to Miss.
Universe, but
and alike
for breakwoman. Calling the typingbull-Burnical dumb
ham, from Albeauty
berta’s Enoch
queen mold
Cree Nation,
she refuses
to be and
explained that
for speakshe’s not like
other beauty
others like
her, who
Photo by Wenonah North Peigan may
“to be pretty Sharon Justice, Grade 11, shows off her best pageant smile and wave for everyone too small
to be heard.
and shut up.”
Other than being a A survivor of sexual Despite
Callingbull- abuse, Callingbull-Burnham al- bull-Burnham’s
numBurnham who graduated from most immediately called for ber of fans and followers,
the television program at the young Canadians to oust Stephen she is not without opposers.
Northern Alberta Institute for Harper, as Prime Minister and Some have claimed
Technology, is a successful ac- Conservative Leader, as she be- that she is too political, and othtress on APTN’s Blackstone, a lieves that Harper has had an aw- ers have even called for her to
model and motivational speaker. ful record of relations with Cana- be removed from the title, but
She is also heavily in- da’s First Nations people. she does not let it phase her.
volved in charities and other phil- She wrote on her official She has already beanthropic causes. In fact, she Facebook page, “We are in des- gun shattering the typical beauty
began competing in pageants to perate need of a new PM. Fight queen bimbo narrative that is beraise awareness of her causes. for your
Her goal is to one day r i g h t s . ”
establish women and men shel- ters for First Nations people go- She has
ing through hardships and youth u r g e d
centres to provide support to First Nathe young First Nations people t i o n s
that she never had at that age. p e o p l e
Callingbull-Burnham to headgrew up in extreme poverty in ing to the
her Enoch Cree reserve where voting ofshe endured years of sexual fice this
abuse from her step-father for f e d e r a l
years before moving to Ed- election if
monton with her grandparents. they wish
story for their
may seem tragic, unfortu- c u r r e n t
nately it is not an uncommon c i r c u m tale for First Nations people. s t a n c e s
It is reported that 50 to change
percent of First Nations women as
living on reserve have endured b e l i e v e s
Photo edited by Wenonah North Peigan
sexual abuse. The rate for non- First NaFirst Nations women is at 25 t i o n s Mrs. Universe promises to honour her First Nation traditions
percent. First Nation communi- r i g h t s
ties are also at high-risk as up are currently not a priority, “We coming increasingly popular these
to 20 percent of them are living will suffer and our next gen- days and no one is prouder of
without clean drinking water. eration will suffer unless we that than her, “I have a voice for
The rates of alcoholism elect change this October.” change and I’m going to use it.”
Continued from page 13
ones deciding the future leaders.
In retrospect, voting is a
small chore that leads to a better,
fairer Canada. Citizens often complain about the federal leaders, but
if those citizens have never casted a
ballot, they hardly have the right to
Page 14
pledges submitted are mapped, allowing political scientists to track
how many people plan on voting,
and what certain areas value. Educational programming, like Student Vote, is another tactic being
used to increase voter turnout.
Social studies teachers
at Scarlett have implemented this
Photo by Sophia Radford
Student Vote is a program dedicated to promoting healthy voting habits
Photo by Sophia Radford
This Scarlett student represents all Lancers casting a ballot on October 16
criticise the government. A political figure can never please everyone, and elected officials will make
decisions that warrant criticism.
Non-voters had the opportunity to
vote for a leader they wanted, and
they did not. Their vote might have
made a difference. With this year’s
election approaching, the government is urging people not to repeat
the mistakes of the past. CBC’s
“Pledge To Vote” campaign encourages Canadians to promise to
vote on October 19, also prompting citizens to think about what
issues are important to them. The
process into our school. On October 16, students will be given
the opportunity to vote for one of
the candidates running for prime
minister. The data found in these
elections will allow political scientists to analyze what parties young
people support. The benefits of this
program are plentiful; while students will be developing skills that
will produce active citizens later in
life, governments will be able to
understand what the youth value
and what platforms they support.
So get out and vote!
Page 15
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Terry Fox: A man of inspiration lives on in Scarlett students
By Alexis Bradley
Most Canadians know the story of
Terry Fox, the courageous man who attempted to run across Canada to raise money for
cancer research with his prosthetic leg. Fox
started in St. John’s, Newfoundland and ran
for 143 days, ending just outside of Thunder
Bay, Ontario when the Osteosarcoma spread
into his lungs. He died nine months later, but
his legacy continues to live on as schools
across Canada, including Dr. EP Scarlett,
host annual fundraising runs.
Fox suffered from Osteosarcoma,
one of the most common forms of bone
cancer, is overgrown tissue that continues
to spread. It occurs mostly in children and
young adults. Some causes for this cancer
are genetic, when a chromosome is deleted,
subsequently inactivating a tumor-suppressor gene. In other cases it can be caused by
Bone Dysplasia, a childhood disorder affecting the growth of bones; Li-Fraumeni
Syndrome, a rare cancer disposition; or
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive skin condition. The most
common treatment for Osteosarcoma is surgery, as 90% of patients have limb-salvaging
surgery, but there can be complications such
as infection, prosthetic loosening or local tumour reoccurrence.
Fox was twenty-two when he
died, exactly one month before his twentythird birthday on July 28, 1981. He had two
brothers and a sister, and was born in Win-
nipeg, Manitoba. When he was eight, he Marathon of Hope, to raise money for can- bia. He finished in last place. That was the
and his family moved to Surrey, British Co- cer research after seeing how little people day he introduced the Marathon of Hope to
his family. Although the Fox
lumbia, two years later
family was not as supportive
they moved to Port Coat first, they encouraged him
quitlam. He was always
to follow his dream to run
athletic, playing many
across Canada.
different sports, espe On Friday, September 18,
cially for school teams.
all of Scarlett joined in on a
Fox wanted to be on his
walk or run around Canyon
junior high basketball
Meadows Elementary. The
team no matter what
day was full of friends talkthe cost. He eventually
ing and laughing, with teachearned his spot on the
ers joining in to run for cancer
team and played in every
research. In total, the school
In March 1977,
raised just over $3,000 and
Fox felt extreme pain in
still counting. Most students
his knees that soon behad received stickers, that
came unbearable. Soon,
they wrote who they were
he was taken to the hosrunning or walking for. It was
pital where he received
inspiring that everyone came
his diagnosis. His leg
together to support each other.
amputation surgery took
Teachers stood every few feet
place soon after, and
holding numbered signs, enthree weeks after that, he
couraging them to finish the
was already walking on
Photo by Samson Hue
his makeshift leg. Fox
After the walk was finendured sixteen months Shubh Mittal, and Brian Hu, both Grade 10, running for Terry Fox on September 18 ished, tables were set up holdof chemotherapy, where
ing many bottles of water.
he spent most days in a cancer treatment fa- donated. He first hoped to raise $1 million, Students gathered together and talked while
then $10 million, then he ambitiously set his they cooled down from the trip around Can
After reading an article about the goal to raise $1 for every Canadian citizen: yon Meadows. This annual run/walk is one
first amputee to run the New York City $24 million. In 1979, Fox completed a short way that he will live on.
Marathon, Fox became inspired to start the marathon in Prince George, British Colum-
VW to recall 11 million cars following emissions scandal
By Ishaan Sahai
ting this in a September 3 conference call.
Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned on September 23 after the
company revealed that 11 million vehicles
worldwide were involved in addition to the
affected US diesel-powered cars.
“Volkswagen needs a fresh start. I
am clearing the way for this fresh start with
my resignation,” he said. In his resignation
statement, Winterkorn said that he believed
there was no wrongdoing on his own part,
and that he was deeply sorry for breaking
consumer and public trust. He attributed the
scandal to certain individuals, and it was
reported on September 28 that several involved parties were suspended. Volkswagen
Group of America CEO Michael Horn was
also remorseful.
“We’ve totally screwed up. Our
company was dishonest with the
EPA, and the California Air Resources Board, and with all of you,” Horn
The company set aside $10 billion
in Canadian dollars to rectify their actions, although it is unclear if this will
also be utilized for legal fines, which
nearly a dozen governments and government organizations are threatening, including Environment Canada.
The EPA have proposed fines of up to
US $37,500 per vehicle, or about US
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
$18 billion in total. In addition, over
VW sales and stock values have been plummeting.
Following acknowledgement of
purposefully manipulating emissions tests,
Volkswagen has announced plans to refit 11
million vehicles in one of the largest recalls
in history.
This recall is the aftermath of the
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
serving a Notice of Violation on September
18 to the German automaker over intentional
violation of clean air laws through the usage of software in nearly 500,000 VW and
Audi vehicles. The software was designed
to perform very well during emissions tests,
despite failing to comply with US laws in
actuality. The EPA ordered for the company
to fix these emissions, claiming that VW executives discussed written materials admit-
twenty-five class-action lawsuits have been
filed by owners of VW and Audi vehicles,
with mass depreciation of car value.
Many consumers felt personally
cheated. The company’s marketing strategy
and appeal often involves environmental
sustainability, and the betrayal of those values angered many. It is thought that many
died as indirect cause of the high pollution
of Volkswagen’s vehicles. Following the
scandal, many analysts are calling for tighter
regulation of profit-driven companies.
“It makes me despair about corporate morality in general. A company I
have always thought of as being among the
most responsible corporate citizens appears
to have intentionally cheated not only public environmental laws but all the other car
companies that thought they were working
from a common set of rules. It cheated me,”
wrote Don Pittis, journalist.
Affected models include the Jetta,
Beetle, Audi A3, and Golf, all with model
years from 2009-2015, and the 2014 and
2015 Passats. On September 21, VW Canada halted sales, with the recall announced on
September 29. Experts estimate the cost of
the recall, projected for January 2016, to be
over $8.7 billion.
The company itself is facing a variety of repercussions. As of September 28,
Volkswagen’s stock value has plummeted
nearly 40% from prior to the scandal. Sales,
public image, and reputation have also plummeted, with some speculating that the end of
the company is near. Other German companies have also been negatively affected, as
has the nation’s reputation and potentially
the economy.
Prior to his resignation, Winterkorn
was the highest-paid CEO in Germany, although a board meeting discussing his future
was scheduled to take place the week he resigned even prior to the scandal.
Major leaders reacted to the scandal, with many calling for the investigation
of all diesel-powered cars. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged for complete transparency. It appears as though other German
automakers, such as BMW, may be involved
in similar falsification of emissions reports.
Elon Musk disagreed that the scandal will negatively impact perception of
green technologies.
“What Volkswagen is really showing is that we’ve reached the limit of what’s
possible with diesel and gasoline. The time
has come to move to a new generation of
technology,” the Tesla Motors CEO said.
Anger directed against the morality
of a company once known for their relativeinnocence has put VW, and the rest of the
German automaking industry, in hot water.
Having been caught, something they thought
would never happen, may be a fatal blow for
the company and German economy.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 16
Scarlett clubs and extracurriculars provide unmatched opportunities for students to enrich their lives and education
By Ishaan Sahai
in ways that traditional classroom interests. These kinds of clubs al- Meanwhile, Scarlett for
Now over a month into learning cannot allow, let them low for students to become stron- Global Aid allows students to help
the school year, students are fac- acquire new skills, let them get in- ger leaders, increase confidence, make a difference on a much larging boredom from the lack of chal- volved in the school, community, and let them make a difference in er scale, helping local and global
lenge in their lives, only having and student body, and act as assets the school and the world around charities. S4GA is run by teacher
to juggle calculus exams, SATs, they can utilize when applying for them. One such opportunity is the Morgan McGregor, and meets
globalization debates, European post-secondary education.
Scarlett Volunteer Society, which Tuesdays at lunch in Room 121.
history, Victorian literature, the It is up to students what meets Mondays at lunch in the PE A high school graduation
socio-political and cultural impact they wish to gain from extracur- area and stage. While overseen by can potentially be one of the most
of Battlefield Earth, musical instru- riculars. It might be out of wish- Jim Bamford and Raynell Prince, memorable moments of many stuments, sports, and a little bit more. ing to pursue a passion, as clubs the club is actually student-run, dents’ lives, and through joining
Given that they do not have
the Grad Counenough on their plate, it is only
cil, students have
logical for them to join a handful
the opportunity
of clubs to ensure the eradicato have a voice
tion of free time altogether. No
in it. This club
longer will they need to worry
meets in Room
about picking a title on Netflix
278 on Thursdays
or maintaining healthy relationat lunch, and inships with friends; extracurricuterested students
lars can thankfully take care of
can see either
teachers Saymah
Of course, that is not reWanda Williams,
ally true. In fact, one of the many
benefits of picking up extracurriculars is maintaining healthy
Another opporrelationships, and improving
tunity to make
social skills, leadership, and
an impact on the
confidence. While they might be
school and stureasonably time-consuming, that
dent community
does not really have to matter.
is the Principal
While students are
Advisory Group,
learning when they sit and listen
which meets in
to lectures in classrooms of 40
the library, but
students, filling out homework
the submission of
Photo By Stephanie Rip
assignments with relevancy that
an application is
may or may not lead to existen- Becca Havens, Psalm Tesalona, and Leighton Kemna, all Grade 11 are a part of Lancer Blast club required prior to
being able to join.
tial crises, they can truly grow
Leadership students have
through joining extracurriculars. at Dr. E. P. Scarlett widely vary to since meetings always tend to go Academics are fundamental to accommodate for all kinds of in- smoothly when one leaves teenag- the additional opportunity of joining Intramural Club with Raynell
learning and understanding, but terests. It might be out of a desire ers in charge.
The Interact Club is a Prince. Meetings will be held in the
extracurriculars are also vital to the to make a difference and a positive personal development of a student. impact, while many students seem- youth chapter of the Rotary Club, main gymnasium whenever need
During the 2015-2016 ingly join clubs and volunteer for an international association that ed; there will be one intramural
academic year, Dr. E. P. Scarlett is credits, scholarships, and college works to bring positive change to sport per semester lasting for four
providing many opportunities for applications. That is fine, as it is the world. The focus this year is weeks. Three-on-three basketball
students to excel and enrich their somewhat likely that they have human trafficking, and ongoing tournaments will take place in Noeducation through academic, ath- subconscious interest in what they initiatives include making bagged vember, with dodgeball in Decemletic, and extracurricular means, all are doing deep down there some- sandwiches, knitting scarves, and ber. During lunch from Tuesdays
important for the many facets of a where.
holding bake sales for charity. In- through Thursdays, students will
Lancer’s growth. Extracurriculars If students have a genuine teract is run by Caroline Hendry, oversee supervision, setup, and
allow for students to pursue their interest in leadership and volun- and meets Tuesdays at lunch in takedown.
own particular interests, provide teering, or even a pretend one, the Room 104, with new members al- Catering Club is run by
them with opportunities to develop school offers many clubs to fit their ways welcome.
Alphonse Botros, foods teacher,
in the Foods Room. Students can
partake in the club when there is an
event, and those interested should
listen for announcements. The club
can be joined by signing up outside
of the Foods Room.
If advocacy or personal
belief is important to a student, they
can find clubs to match that interest. Students with an interest in the
environment can join the Environment Club, which works to educate
about relevant concerns and takes
initiative to reduce the ecological
footprint of the school. Interested
students can see Ashleigh Young,
teacher; the club meets in Room
145, Tuesdays at lunch. Students
who are able to get an idea of what
the Environment Club is about
from the name are preferred.
Dr. E. P. Scarlett also has
a Gay Straight Alliance, or GSA.
LGBTT students and allies can
join to discuss issues relating to
sexual orientation, gender identity,
discrimination, the history of the
movement, and combatting homophobia and transphobia. Aiming to turn the world into a safer
and more understanding environment, the club has raised awareness in the past through holding
bake sales, movie nights, bringing in guest speakers, and attending important events. The club is
run by Miranda Micic and Alethea
Power, teachers, in Room 154 during lunch every Thursday.
Prayer Club/Lancer Blast
is also available for interested students in Room 115 on Mondays at
lunch; see Douglas Brandt, teacher.
The school also offers
clubs for students with an interest
in visual media and the humanities,
particularly for writing, photography, and speaking. Journalism
Club allows for students to help
contribute to the Scarlett FEVER,
which earns awards at the interna
Continued on page 20
Page 17
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Scott Brash at Spruce Meadows: this is about history
By Megan Miskiman
In 1973, the Southern family (Ronald Southern, Margaret Southern, Nancy
Southern, and Linda Southern-Heathcott)
began the construction of what would soon
become titled as “The Most International
Venue in the World:” Spruce Meadows.
In 1976, the 360-acre show jumping site
in Calgary, Alberta was open to visitors.
Each year, Spruce Meadows receives over
500,000 visitors and has the stable capacity for 1,000 horses. The venue hosts eight
indoor tournaments and six major outdoor
tournaments every year.
Every September, The Masters
takes place at Spruce Meadows. The Masters run from September 9-13 and each day,
about five to six shows take place in different arenas at
Spruce Meadows. Show jumping legends
from all over the world attend this tournament. A few competitors attending the Masters include: two-time Rolex Grand Prix
winner, Olympic gold medalist, and the top
rider in the world, Scott Brash, and his gelding Hello Sanctos from the United Kingdom; Olympic gold medalist Eric Lamaze
and his gelding Coco Bongo from Canada;
“Captain Canada” show jumping legend, Ian
Miller and his gelding Dixon who won the
$1.5 million CP International at the Masters
last year; and Olympic gold medalist Beezie
Madden from the United States. Each year,
the Masters host a show called the CP International which is a 1.6 meter jumping course
with prize money of $1.5 million.
On Sunday, September 13, thousands of people gathered around the Spruce
By Megan Miskiman
Scott Brash and Hello Sanctos in the CP International at Spruce Meadows 2015
Meadows International Ring to watch some
of the finest riders and horses in the world
compete in the CP International Cup. This
time, however, it was not the Canadian riders who had the crowd’s support but
instead, Scott Brash from Peebles, Scot-
land. As Brash and his 13-year-old gelding
Hello Sanctos entered the arena, the crowd
fell silent, almost as to mentally will Brash
and Hello Sanctos over each 1.6 meter jump.
The crowd gasped when Hello Sanctos and
Brash chipped majorly over the third last
jump, expecting the gelding to knock over
the vertical. Hello Sanctos did not disappoint, managing to keep the jump up, Hello
Sanctos galloped to victory. When Brash
and Hello Sanctos flew over the last jump,
the crowd went wild. Brash was the only
rider to go clear in the second round, making
show jumping history.
The 29-year-old competing with
Team Britain may have won the $1.5 million cup, but that was not all. Weeks before,
leading up to the Spruce Meadows Masters,
Brash and Hello Sanctos triumphed in Geneva and Aachen, winning the Rolex Grand
Prix in both arenas. Because of his winnings
in the CP International, Brash became the
first rider in show jumping history to ever
win the Rolex Grand Slam: all three events.
Brash received $500,000 for winning the CP
International plus an ad
ditional €1 million ($1,502,074 CAD) for
winning the Rolex Grand Slam. On Sunday
alone, Brash made just over $2 million in
The 29-year-old is ranked as the
number one show jumper in the world and
his horse Hello Sanctos is undoubtedly the
best horse in the world. Brash contributed
to winning the gold medal for his team at
the 2012 London Olympics, and has continued to have many successes since then.
Brash stated during a press conference that
winning the Rolex Grand Slam is and will
always be his biggest success. Show jumping fans know that this is only the beginning
of this incredible team and they anticipate
many future victories for Scott Brash and
Hello Sanctos.
Blood moon lights up the night skies around the world
By Kyle Irvine
the 21st century, there will be eight tetrads, itual omnipotent Jaguar devoured the moon,
Starting on the afternoon of Sep- making it considerably common. In sharp making it bleed over and to ward it off from
tember 27, and stretching to the cold night
coming down to
on the 28th, an astrological rarity occurred.
Earth. Screaming at
A lunar eclipse took place, during which
the moon to scare it
the Earth moving in between the sun and
off was the solution.
the moon for an entire six-hour period.
In some Chinese traThe result showcased a red-coloured tinted
ditions, ringing bells
moon, although in Calgary the sight was
or in some cases fireven rarer with the cloud cover. Fortunate
ing artillery to create
spectators were able to catch glimpses of
loud noise helped
it through the sea of clouds, provided they
ward off dragons
had stayed to wait and not gone back into
or other wild anitheir comfortable, warm houses.
mals from biting the
A blood moon, also known as a
moon. Some Jewish
lunar eclipse, appears when the moon falls
and Christian leadbehind the Earth in its shadow, and is not
ers have determined
exposed to the sun. As a result of Earth being equally centered between the sun and
Photo by Kyle Irvine
the moon, the moon itself must be a full
the moon
moon. The occurrences of lunar eclipses
are varied, happening commonly and only
months from each other, while others may contrast, the 17th and 18th centuries saw n through the Bible or the
not be as closely spaced. During the 2014- lunar tetrads.
Torah, that the blood
2015 year, a lunar tetrad has taken place Aside from being an exciting and moon appearance is very
separating them; meaning that a set of four relatively rare astrological event, blood significant in prophecy
blood moons have happened consecutively moons have historically been admired or because of Bible verses
with only six months spacing each other. In feared in cultures. The Incans believed a spir- that allude to the Lord’s
coming when the sun turns to darkness and
the moon turns to blood.
Although lunar tetrads are considerably rare, regular lunar eclipses are not nearly as uncommon. The next lunar eclipse to
take place will be on March 23, 2016, showing a Penumbral view. Lunar eclipses have
several different types and phases; a penumbral eclipse refers to the slight darkening of
the moon, when in the umbra (darkest shade)
of Earth’s shadow. A partial eclipse refers to
when the moon is only slightly enveloped in
the shadow of the Earth.
Although Calgary has to say goodbye to the
sight of the blood moon in 2015, eager astrological spectators will be gearing up for
October 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 18
The ongoing crisis over the sovereignty in China’s Tibet
By Kyle Irvine
On September 8, the 50th
anniversary of China’s occupation
of Tibet was marked. Fifty years
of forced containment and possession by China, all for the “good” of
Tibet, as deemed by China and its
people. The anniversary was celebrated in Beijing, China, packed
with adoring crowds and marching
servants of the army. The celebration also included political explanations, trying to reinforce the justification of taking control of Tibet.
During the Chinese civil
wars in 1950, the Tibet region was
suddenly absorbed by the Chinese
in search of territory. In 1951, under the 14th Dalai Lama’s agreement, called the Seventeen Point
Agreement, China gained sovereignty over Tibet. In 1959, there
Tibetans rebelled against the Communist Chinese control of Tibet,
which prompted the Dalai Lama to
flee the region out of fear of being
persecuted, leaving China to do as
it pleased.
In 1965, the Chinese established an autonomous government in Tibet, allowing no alternative. Ever since then China has
occupied the region, made decisions for and taken responsibility
for Tibet.
sheng, described the relationship
between China and Tibet, emphasising the necessary bond and its
army men, middle-class citizens,
and others of the general population. The speech that Zhengsheng
positive effects on
Tibet, in areas such
as living standards,
new infrastructure,
and gross domestic
product. The power
and control that
Beijing exerts over
Tibet is reportedly
what is best for the
Tibetan people.
The Tibetan people, however, have
a slightly different
view of China’s
occupation. Since
were enforced on
the people of Tibet,
over 1.2 million
people have died –
Photo by Kyle Irvine a fifth of the population of Tibet. HisAlthough it desires self-determination, Tibet has been occupied by China since 1965
toric buildings and
During the anniversary positive impacts on the country religious monasteries were savageceremony in Beijing, the top politi- and its people. His awaiting audi- ly pillaged for cultural differences
cal advisor for China, Yu Zheng- ence consisted of school children, and money. Tibetan authorities and
its citizens have repeatedly asked
for the United Nations to aid them
with their rights for sovereignty.
Their pleas, however, have often
fallen on deaf ears. In 2008, during the Beijing Olympics, protestors took to the streets of Beijing
to boycott the Olympic Games and
to draw attention for their desires
of sovereignty. The Dalai Lama refused that he had any involvement
with the protests, and since then,
little has been done or recognized
for Tibetan people.
The Chinese are adamant
their ways and intentions are for
the good of Tibet, though the native people could very well argue
otherwise. Debates and arguments
for the sovereignty of are ongoing,
never quite reaching a conclusion.
These atrocious acts have gone on
for so long unanswered; some human rights activists have filed for
charges against China for genocide
against the Tibetan people, to no
avail. Whether or not some may
find that China has the right to govern over Tibet forcefully, one truth
is clear: Tibetan people want to be
Calgary taking steps for gay rights driving the Pride Bus
By Daniel Nickerson
On August 27 Calgary
Transit released what it called the
Pride Bus, a city bus covered with
a rainbow pattern and the saying “Ride with Pride” on the side.
The Pride Bus, the first of its kind
in Canada, was also a float in the
Pride Parade, which took place
on September 6.
The $9,000
cost of wrapping the bus in these
colours was paid for by Pattison
Signs. Other advertisement on
buses range from upcoming movies to credit cards and jewelry all
of which are from Pattison Signs.
The bus drove on many different
routes while in two weeks of service, each day different from the
last and to be dictated by Calgary
Although the bus received
much praise from supporters of
gay rights, there were those who
disagreed with such a public display and took offense to the Pride
Bus. Jesse Rau, who has worked
with Calgary Transit went so far as
to say, “I’m concerned that if I say
that this bus is against my beliefs
that I might not have a job.” Rau
also stated that Calgary Transit attempted to silence him with what
he calls false accusations after he
protested against the Pride Bus.
Rau has since been fired from his
job after a year of service due to
complaints about him texting and
being on his phone while working.
Rau said that others in his workplace are against the bus as well
but were afraid to speak out lest
Chu came up with the idea and
proposed it to council to show Calgary pride. Chu says “This would
be street art, and put Calgary on
the map, and its being inclusive.”
The brightly-coloured crosswalks
have been featured in all four of
the crosswalks on 17th Avenue and
the crosswalk is in reaction to recent comments he made on Twitter that had many thinking he was
anti-gay. The original crosswalk
has been moved to Macleod Trail
so no taxpayer money was used.
Calgary is becoming more accepting of homosexuals, trans genders, and all others. Some agree
with this change, others believe it
Photo by Chase Glenwright
Photo by Chase Glenwright
The rainbow-coloured Gay-Straight-Alliance banner represents the values
of the gay community and those allies who support them and diversity
they lose their jobs. Rau believes it
is a few people in power at Calgary
Transit trying to force their beliefs
onto him and his co-workers.
Another show of pride in
Calgary is the rainbow crosswalk
or Rainbow Road. Councilor Sean
4th Street SW. This act of pride
will be comparable to Vancouver
and only a few other cities in North
America. In 2013, Vancouver allocated $25,000 to decorate its central gay village. Some are saying
that Chu’s motive for proposing
Gay Pride celebrates the acceptance of LGBTQIA individuals in the city
at 8th Avenue SE outside City Hall.
Director of Pride Calgary, Craig
Sklenar said, “We all agreed it
should be in the most public place
possible, which is right in front of
City Hall.” This endeavour cost
around $8,000 which was partially
paid for by Pride Calgary; a large
sum came from private investors,
is against their religion and a sin.
These movements are becoming
the norm, and Calgary is changing
with the tides to suit everybody’s
needs to eliminate discrimination. Whether people choose to
accept this change is up to them but
pride is here to stay.
Page 19
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
A dangerous path lay for the future of African Lions
By Levi Kitsul
Over two months have passed since
Cecil the Lion was killed in Zimbabwe. Now
the hunter returns to work. Walter Palmer,
dentist in Minnesota, believed to have paid
over $50,000 to hunt a wild African lion.
Palmer, however, did not kill a wild lion.
Cecil was an adult male Panthera
leo bleyenberghi, who roamed Hwange National Park of Zimbabwe. He was still under research at Oxford University when he
was killed just outside the park. Palmer’s
guides, who remain in hiding, knew that he
could not legally kill a lion inside a national
park, so they lured the lion with bait across
the park lines. From there, Palmer shot Cecil with a hunting bow. Cecil did not die instantly. He was injured for an estimated 40
hours before Palmer finished him off with
a rifle. Palmer claims it was a legal trophy
hunt with professional guides, on hunting grounds. “What he’ll tell you is that he
had proper legal permits and he had hired
several professional guides, so he’s not denying that he may be the person who shot
the lion. He is a big-game hunter; he hunts
the world over,” said Palmer’s spokesman.
Social Media exploded when they
heard the news about the lion. Uproars
across all platforms
in twenty-six other
including Instagram,
countries. In OctoTwitter, and Facebook
ber 2014 the US Fish
and Wildlife Services
page threaten Palmer
and the trophy hunting
proposed putting the
African lion under the
was a petition with
Endangered Species
over 100,000 signaAct; this would make
tures for extradition of
it extremely diffiPalmer being debated
cult for Americans to
at the White House,
have licensed hunts. If
before Palmer’s renothing changes, it is
turn. Zimbabwe was
estimated that African
also debating presslions will face extincing poaching charges
tion by the year 2050
against Palmer and the
There are many
land owner the lion
different ways indiwas killed on, but the
viduals can help save
charges were eventuendangered animals
ally dropped. Palmer
claims that he did not
Photo by Levi Kitsul such as Cecil: learn
know the lion was “fa- Aslan and Baruti from the Calgary zoo enjoying a dull afternoon by catching some sleep together about animals at risk,
visit a national wildmous” and he would
as “vulnerable” on the IUCN (International
life refuge, make your
not have killed Cecil if
Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red home wildlife friendly (secure garbage),
he knew.
Almost a century ago, there were list of threatened species. Kenya alone loses scan the road carefully in poor driving conas many as 200,000 wild lions across Af- an estimated 100 of 2000 wild lions every ditions, recycle, never buy products made
rica. Today there is estimated fewer than year due to trophy hunting. At that current from threatened species, and donate to com30,000 in Africa. Lions are currently listed rate, lions will be extinct in Kenya by the panies such as WWF.
year 2030. African lions are already extinct
How to survive 3 years at Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Isabel Fernandez and
Wenonah North Peigan
stressed and have less homework, which is
always a good feeling.
3. Join clubs and take options
that interest you. Joining clubs can be a
great way to make friends that share similar
out with the same people they have known
since kindergarden. The friend choices are
Every year, there are new faces that
5. Do not choose classes based on what
enter the halls of Dr. E.P. Scarlett. Lancers
friends are taking. They may have a comremember their first
pletely different caday of grade 10, full
reer plan, and they
of confusion and
may need mechanics,
wonder. As students
when a certain somemove on, become
one really needs to
grade 11s and eventake biology.
tually grade 12s, stu6. Plan what classes
dents always wish
are needed for an
they knew someideal career. If stuthing when they
dents do not know
began high school,
what career they are
whether it was not
interested in, they
to make friends with
should think about
that one person, nevwhich careers appeal
er to forget picture
to them and decide
day-especially on the
what classes they need
day a student chose
for all of their possible
to wear that outfit.
careers. If students
Here are a few helpare stuck on career
ful tips for Lancers
choices, they should
starting their high
see Mrs. Jones, the caschool careers:
reer counsellor, in the
1. Do not
go in the back hallPhoto by Wenonah North Peigan 7. Don’t go into the
way. Just don’t. Wise Grade 12, Sarah Barnes gives advice to Grade 10, Tristyn Oke on the field after school. back hallway. Also,
It will ruin everydo not reiterate.
body’s life. Traffic on the Deerfoot trail is interests, and with options, you can get cred- 8. The staff are your friends. The staff at
better than this hallway.
its for doing interesting fun activities!
Dr. E.P Scarlett are always willing to help
2. Create and maintain good 4. Try to make new friends. There anybody whenever they need it, whether it
study habits. If students get into the habit of are way more people in high school than be the guidance counsellors switching classfinishing homework right away and staying there ever was in junior high. Making new es or the assistant principals helping students
caught up in class, they will feel way less friends is not that hard, nobody has to hang out with problems, they put the pal in prin-
9. Use class time, wisely. Nobody wants
homework, and a way to avoid wasting precious hours at home is to do it during class.
If the teacher does not give enough time,
then try not to fall behind by doing the work
ASAP; this also leads to less stress.
10. Get involved. School activities are almost always fun and a great way to meet
new people. It also doesn’t hurt to increase
the chances of being in the yearbook pictures.
11. You are only in high school once. Live
for the now, and although everyone will
eventually have to worry about what they
are going to do with their life, nobody wants
to regret missing out on any high school moments.
12. Get your license. Or at least make
friends with someone who drives, it is just
easier that way. Plus, nobody wants to take
public transit, it is so busy.
13. Don’t go in the back hallway. Like, seriously.
14. Take risks. If opportunities arise, seize
them. Nobody wants to be alone when they
are 45, single, with seven cats thinking about
what they didn’t do.
15. Get excited for graduation. Those hair
appointments need to be booked early, they
go fast. Also, who doesn’t love a really fun
once in a lifetime party with really great
16. Don’t be afraid to stand out. Just try
to be the best version possible, and when in
doubt, just say “Bye, haters!”
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 20
Scarlett’s sheepdog, Gracie, improves student morale
By Sophia Radford
emotional disorders and behavior analysis.
When the bell for flex time rings at Gracie was donated to the program and was
1:45 PM, Room 120 is bustling with students just beginning her training during Miller’s
and teachers. A
wave of chatter surges from
one corner of the
eagerly gathering
in the classroom
to spend time with
a special member
of the Scarlett
The reason for all this
Gracie, a oneyear-old Shetland
Scarlett students
have the opportunity to visit any
time of the day.
Photo by Carissa Feddema
“It’s a good place Miller’s joyful dog, Gracie, enjoys playing with the students during the day
to come and just
kind of relax and de-stress,” says Tanya volunteer work, when the two were placed
Miller, a teacher at Scarlett and Gracie’s together. Weekly visits to Scarlett began last
handler. Miller is the Learning Leader of year, when Gracie was 11 weeks old, and
Student Support, working with students who then the decision was made to have Gracie
have obstacles in their lives preventing them work here full time. Our furry friend’s jourfrom doing coursework in the traditional ney is far from over, however. She’s training
way. After volunteering with Pacific As- to be a hearing dog, and will be a part of the
sistance Dogs Society (PADS), Miller was Scarlett community until she’s ready for the
placed with Gracie, who is actually a hear- next step. “She gets to stay until she goes to
ing dog in training. “Gracie was part of my advanced training,” says Miller.
graduate work, and then Mrs. Monfette re- Gracie’s presence here is reaping
ally enjoyed seeing some of the things that multiple benefits, and modern science is
Gracie would do when we’d come in to visit, proving that. Scholars working with Theraso that’s why she’s here this year,” explains py Dogs International, Inc. have proven that
playing with or petting an animal can in
Gracie’s road to being an assistance crease levels of oxytocin, a stress-reducing
dog took much hard work and dedication, hormone in the human body. Spending time
both from the sheepdog and her handler. with a therapy dog also decreases production
Miller volunteered with PADS last year, of the stress hormone cortisol. These horas an extension of her work on advanced monal changes can help nervous, anxious,
Continued from page 16
-tional level. This is separate from the Journalism course, but still entails article writing
and photography. Any students wishing to
join may see Douglas Brandt, Michelle Finley, or Claire Patterson, in Room 122. The
club meets on a need-to-need basis.
A school yearbook is often how
a student will remember school life years
from now, and those interested in capturing
the memories of student life can join Yearbook Club, run by Miranda Micic and Alethea Power, in Room 154 on Thursdays.
On the other hand, those who enjoy
speaking, debating, and critical thinking, or
wish to improve those skills, can join the
Scarlett Speech and Debate Society. Students
in the past have performed very well, and
the club provides a unique experience in its
debate tournaments. The club also includes
Model UN and the Model Legislature, and
and stressed students feel more relaxed. But
it doesn’t take a scientist to realize that interacting with a puppy will positively affect
someone’s mood. Miller says that she has
sensed a definite change in students who
visit Gracie.
It seems that Scarlett is jumping
on a popular bandwagon. Many universities
have implemented “exam dog” programs,
offering an opportunity for students to relax
before testing. The use of these programs
increased student performance on their final examinations. Other institutions, such as
hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and retirement homes, have also begun using therapy
dog programs, and the influx of success stories surrounding these programs prove that
interacting with a dog really is beneficial.
There is an immense amount of data supporting this conclusion. Last year, Grade 12
students at Scarlett were asked to complete
a survey regarding the benefits of Gracie’s
tional, Inc. reported that out of 200 respondents, 92% indicated that visits from therapy
dogs increased their mood. “Pet interaction,
whether active or passive, tends to lower
anxiety levels in subjects, and thus decrease
the onset, severity, or progression of stressrelated conditions,” writes the organization
Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS), in a
brochure describing the health benefits of
companion animals.
Students are invited to come and
visit Gracie during any time of the day, and
the flex time period is an extremely convenient time to do so. “Kids are allowed to pop
by anytime they feel like they need to, if they
need a few minutes to just decompress,”
Miller says, explaining the rules Lancers
need to follow when they decide to play with
the pup. If students feel they need to stop by
and see Gracie during a class period, they
are able to do so, but they need permission
from their teacher. Certain times are more
or less convenient for Gracie, as well.
are encouraged to visit
and ask questions about
Gracie and
the program,
especially if
they have any
regarding the
“GraPhoto by Carissa Feddema cie’s
Gracie the sheepdog enjoys playing with students during Flex Time, giving says
stressed and anxious students a chance to unwind between their busy classes with a smile.
weekly visits. Miller says that the majority kind of energetic sometimes, but she’s also
of the data was in favour of Gracie’s visits. a good cuddler.”
A study conducted by Therapy Dogs Interna-
members plan on attending an event related other extracurricular opportunities include
to the latter at the Provincial Legislature Robotics Club; run by Joseph Michaud,
in Edmonton. Run by Janice Finkbeiner, it teacher; the Scarlett Art Society; and dramatmeets
ic produci
tions. All
are invited
104 and
to join Tu106 on
toring Club,
days at
it be to
work, to be
a n d
helped, or
to help, and
it meets af
ter school
In case
Mona studays
d e n t ’s
We d n e s scheddays.
ule still
Photo by Ishaan Sahai of
is not
Edinf u l l , Darko Gosjic, Grade 10, listens attentively during a debate warmup on burgh/Top
doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients
Gun is run by Michael McKillop, teacher, on a need-to-need basis, and revolves
around awards, scholarship writing, and the
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
On Wednesdays at lunch in Room
120, Lunch n’Learn is held for Grade 12
students to learn about post-secondary planning. Topics include scholarships, applications, admissions, essays, and loans. Interested students can also take initiative to start
a new club or extracurricular at the school.
The definition of education is not
limited to what is taught in classrooms; it
is through extracurriculars and involvement
outside of the classroom that students can
truly enrich themselves...and their college
applications. Dr. E. P. Scarlett’s wide range
of extracurriculars allows for students with
any interest to be able to do that, providing
unmatched opportunities for greater postsecondary potential, personal development,
and excellence.
Page 21
-- Scarlett FEVER
E-sports popularity grows
Terra Li
As the gaming community grows,
the popular game League of Legends does
not fail to bring entertainment to all. Two
teams made of strong champions, each
with a unique design and play style, battle
head-to-head. The fast-paced competitive
RTS and RPG themes of this game make
it fun to play and easy to get hooked on.
With an expanding champion choice and
tuning in with the Counterstrike competitive play. The FPS competitive gaming has
been growing as both Counterstrike and
Call of Duty have been gaining success as
e-sports but keeping their numbers lower
than the other games of different genres.
Video games being a sport can
be somewhat controversial while some
will see the growth in the popularity of esports, and some will limit what a video
Photo by Terra Li
League of Legends merchandise from Otakon 2015; League of Legends makes a lot of money
frequent updates, the game stays interesting enough to play even after a long time.
This popular game continues to
grow amongst gamers and with that, there
is a competitive scene. With over 32 million people globally watching the competitive scenes either live or on a stream, it is
difficult to say this is just a game. Many national teams compete against each other to
win millions of dollars and recognition and
fame for their team as the community grows.
Although League of Legends is
arguably the most popular Multiplayer
Online Battle Arena game (or MOBA
for short), there are many other competitive MOBAs with teams that play against
each other for money and fame. Some of
these include Defence of the Ancients
2, SMITE, StarCraft II, and the newest one on this list, Heroes of the Storm.
Many people believe Heroes of
the Storm is becoming more popular even
though it is still in beta. As Defence of the
Ancients 2 is starting to lose its audience to
other MOBAs, Heroes of the Storm is starting to grow. The League of Legends community is starting to hit a peak and players
may be switching from the MOBA style to
the first person shooter or massively multiplayer online role playing game genres.
E-sports are not only limited to
MOBAs; there are many other games that
are played in the competitive scene like
Counterstrike, which is also gaining popularity but the player base is remaining under that of its competitors. The competitive scene for Counterstrike is a little bit
smaller than the competitive scene League
of Legends has, as 27 million people are
game can do and will never actually reach
the true status as a sport. As John Skipper, ESPN boss declares, “it’s not a sport
— it’s a competition. Chess is a competition. Checkers is a competition; mostly I’m interested in doing real sports.”
It has been recognized through
competitive gaming that gaming is a profession as displayed by the worldwide
tournaments as teams play against each
other for a big amount of money and
fame. Professional gamers can earn up
to millions of dollars through international tournaments and championships.
Professional gamers are often associated with a team. Some well-known
teams include Team Solo Mid, Fnatic, Cloud9, and Counter Logic Gaming.
The money they earn is not tournament
money alone as they also earn money from
a separate team salary and team sponsorship. Some popular sponsors include
Razer, Logitech, and NoScope Gaming.
The amount of money that is
earned through e-sports makes it recognized as an international sport and profession. E-sports more centred around
MOBAs are seemingly more focussed
in Korea while the FPS genre is gaining
more popularity in the European regions.
Whether or not an e-sport can be
classified as a sport, it is hard to deny that
e-sports are indeed gaining popularity as
video games themselves continue to advance. The rise of global tournaments has
grown since 2000. From around 10 tournaments being held in 2000 to approximately
260 in 2010, e-sports have been successfully growing and gaining recognition.
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
sound appealing to some, then a different
fashion trend on the rise might be the correct
fit. Knit dresses have appeared in numerous
popular retail stores such as Zara and American Apparel, as well as on the runways of
Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Sonia Rykiel.
Knit dresses offer a perfect way to transition
into the fall months by incorporating summer hemlines with thick knits. Celebrities
recognized for experimenting with this trend
include singers Rihanna and Beyonce.
The first step in successfully pulling off this trend is to find the perfect knit
dress. Picking a slouchy silhouette exudes
more of a fall feeling while going with a
tighter style of dress is a little reminiscent
of the warmer months. In whatever length or
shape, knit dresses feel modern and stylish
and should be paired with accessories and
shoes to match. Pairing with a simple chain
necklace or a couple of solid color bracelets will add just enough zest to the outfit to
keep it trendy. As for shoes, a simple blockheel oxford or a chic sneaker will match the
dress’ contemporary style perfectly.
The major pitfall to avoid when
September: the month marks school
starting, summer ending, and most importantly, the beginning of a new fashion season. The days of lounging around in denim
cut-offs and flowing summer dresses are
sadly over and now there is cold weather and
dress codes to abide by. It is time for Lancers
to turn their attention from finding the perfect sandals to finding the perfect coat and
with fashion weeks displaying the season’s
top trends all over the world, being stylish
and unique will not be difficult this fall.
The changing of seasons has led
many designers to apply darker colours and
thicker fabrics. Taking inspiration from the
styles of late seventies America, punk-inspired fashions have become a huge success.
From long, black capes at Saint Laurent to
leather pants with lace insets at Rodarte, the
trend has taken the fashion world by storm.
Celebrities have also been taking a liking to
this rebellious side of fashion with supporters including model/socialite Alexa Chung
and model/TV personality Kendall Jenner.
When attempting to pull off this
trend it is easy
to go overboard.
items that can
be purchased
that are decked
out in leather
or spikes is
and too much
hardware can
be very overwhelming.
Try to stick
to one statement
like a unique
leather jacket
or a simplyembellished
mini skirt, in
doing so the
Photo by Cleo Williams
outfit will have A student effortlessly models the punk-inspired trend of combat boots
that gets the point across. Drowning an outfit shopping for a knit or sweater dress is that
in too many similar or overpowering punk- when the dress mixes a baggy silhouette
inspired pieces can make one look sloppy with a short skirt, it can simply look like an
instead of chic.
oversized sweater. Make sure one is able to
Another thing to keep in mind distinguish the dress from an enlarged pullwhen shopping for punk-inspired pieces is over or it could lead to numerous unwanted
that it is better to pay for high quality than to situations.
look for the lowest prices on cheap merchan- The transition from summer to
dise. Investing in staple pieces that will last fall is always full of new and fresh fashion
a long time is a often the best idea, although trends. Many surprises are revealed with the
an easy way to save money is to D.I.Y. (do fall and fashion is no exception. This year
it yourself). Distressing one’s own denim or students can start their fashion exploration
adding pins to bags is a simple way to spice with punk-inspired ensembles and charmup a punk-spirited ensemble.
ing sweater dresses. The year is bound to be
If a closet full of black does not amazing.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 22
Slide the City takes over Calgary during Summer 2015
By Isabel Fernandez
safer, the crew took the slide on the road. Volunteers also have a very in order to go down the slide. If attendees
The next summer, in 2014, the slide busy day when they get to the location of purchase a triple slider, sliders receive a
Slide the City is a phenomenon that went on tour to a few more cities, and as the the slide, either to take tickets, sell mer- mouth guard and a tube with their ticket,
took over summer 2015 in North America event gained more recognition,
that boasts a 1,000-foot slip n’ slide that more and more people showed
anyone can enjoy. Co-founder, John Mal- up to the event. With ticket prices
fatto, came up with the original idea dur- ranging from $15 to $60, depending one of his annual summer parties; when ing on when they are purchased and
he and his friends realized the idea was a how many times the slider wants to
business opportunity that could very well ride; sliders have their choice bemake many people happy, they decided to tween one slide, three slides, or an
create the event in order for as many peo- unlimited day of sliding - which
ple as possible to enjoy slipping n’ sliding. comes with early access to the slide
According to Gretchen Willard, before it opens to everybody else.
communications director for Slide the City, The 2014 summer tour,
“it was inspired by great memories of child- which averaged 4,000 sliders
hood slip and slides.” When Willard was per event, was unimaginable to
asked about the original idea during a press Malfatto, who was also responconference in 2014 she responded that, “one sible for similar events such as the
of the founders of Slide the City hosts an Dirty Dash, a race where people
annual summer party with his friends and run through a muddy obstacle
included a slip and slide to recreate those course that is supposed to commemories. One year, he looked at the hilly bine a “military boot camp and
terrain of the city streets he lives near, and your inner five-year-olds fantasy”
the idea to make a 1,000-foot slide the according to the events website.
whole community could enjoy was born.” The slide takes plenty
The first slide that the group of friends put of effort to set up, along with
together was only 400 feet and, instead of at least 120 volunteers from the
being placed on top of padding as the slide city the slide is visiting. The
is now, it sat on top of carpet. This slide was slide uses 15,000 to 20,000 galPhoto by Isabel Fernandez
the test slide, and was on Main Street in the lons of water, all of which is
slides home city, Salt Lake City, Utah. Af- recycled by either watering loter fixing issues and working through a few cal parks or put back into the
kinks, such as making the slide longer and municipal system after being cleaned. chandise, help run the slide, or keep the and three slides. The best pass to buy is an
event safe for everybody. Volunteers unlimited slider, which comes with unlimalso help with slide set-up and help take ited access to the slide, a t-shirt, a mouth
the slide down at the end of the event. guard, a tube, a temporary tattoo, and a hat.
The tour grew in 2015, expanding When sliders reach the top of the hill, they
into cities in Canada, including Calgary, so find a line that leads to the three lanes the
even more people attended each event. Al- slide offers, and volunteers who are happy to
serious about your success
though there were many cities that the slide dump buckets of water on the sliders while
visited over the summer, some even continu- they are waiting. As sliders walk up the hill
ing into early September, such as Hunstville, to the top, they can see the people that are
Prepare for Provincial Diploma Exams,
Alabama. The slide has had to cancel a few going down the slide. Although it doesn’t
review course content and learn
of its visits due to issues with some cities. appear that riders go very fast, when actually
effective exam writing strategies.
The trip to Portland, Oregon was cancelled sliding down the slide, it is extremely speedy.
because all events that happen in city streets There are many crashes between people,
need to be non-profit, which this event is which only makes the experience more fun.
Register now for January diploma
not. In Los Angeles, California the slide Rachel Esser, grade 12, who atexam preparation courses (DEP).
was cancelled because over 11,000 people tended the event on August 2 had plenty to
signed a petition to cancel the sold-out event say about the amazing day she had sliding
learn more ChinookLearningServices.com
that would waste water during the record- the city, “Slide The City was a super fun exregister
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breaking drought the state is experiencing. perience. The volunteers were all enthusias
When the 1,000-foot water slide tic and fun-loving and made the experience
came to North West Calgary, the two-day even better. At one point they forgot to mark
phenomenon sold out months before the down one of my rides down, so I got to go
actual event, and many people came out a fourth time. The workers were really cool
friend us on facebook
to celebrate on August 1 and August 2. about it and just let it ‘slide.’ All the people
follow us on twitter
The event is organized in the same attending seemed to be enjoying them@ChinookLearning
way in each city, sliders receive an email with selves, and quite a few laughs were shared
details on what time they should come, as between strangers upon colliding with each
they all have a two-hour time slot in order to other or returning flip-flops that fell off at
avoid massive crowds and lines. When slid- some point during the slide. The sun was
ers first arrive at the event, they are directed shining and it was the perfect day for havto stands where volunteers are taking tickets ing some fun on a gigantic slip n slide!”
and giving out backpacks that correspond There is no word yet on any
with which type of ticket people bought. 2016 tour, but it seems that the popu
If attendees purchase a single slider larity of the slide only grows with evpass, they can only go down the slide once. ery city it visits, so there it is very likely
Included in their ticket package is a mouth that there will be another tour next sumguard and an inner tube, which are required mer, hopefully with a stop in Calgary.
diploma exam
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 23
The new St. Patrick’s Island How the word “nerd” came
to be as it is known today
Patrick’s Bridge was wiped out putting the
project on hold until it could be fixed. On
St. Patrick’s Island has been trans- July 31, 2015 the park reopened with the reformed from an unsavoury, questionable design costing $45million.
park to a family oasis. The island has be- The island has many features including a
vantage point with
a seating area at the
island’s westernmost edge called
The Tip, with views
of the river and
downtown Calgary;
a seasonal breach
visitors can wade
into the water and
venture safely onto
a gravel bar when
done; a grassy
knoll, nine metres high, cleverly
named The Rise,
which provides a
perfect setting for
celebrations, perforPhoto By Riannon Laarz
mances and movies
The Simmons Limited building is a popular attraction in the East Village in the park during
summer, and tocome a getaway for children to get away bogganing during winter; a lowland chanfrom busy crowds, technology and to have nel, for seasonal riparian wetland at the heart
a safe place to play without their parents of the island with an elevated boardwalk for
having to hover over them all the time. The no-impact access to the wetland and the Galisland allows visitors from the East Village lery Forest, which has become an important
to come and have a picnic lunch, a family habitat for nesting eagles, owls and songor friend gathering and place for a Sunday birds; and a lookout plaza which is a gathera bike ride. With the Calgary Zoo parking ing place with seating areas, a small amphiright beside the park, families have easy ac- theatre and water features located by the zoo
cess to the park and the East Village.
parking lot. The Island also features a public
The island was always part of Cal- art feature named The Bloom, a 23-metre tall
gary Park. The development to make it an sculpture made of connected streetlights that
enjoyable public space began in the late represent a towering flower. Visitors to the
1890s and gained momentum when construction of a
bridge began to the island in
the early 1900s. Throughout the years, the park became a dangerous place to
visit, as it attracted homelessness, drug activity, and
those with sketchy behaviour. One would not want
to walk through the island
alone and unprotected prior
to the recent remodel.
When the development of the East Village was
proposed, it was not to push
homeless people out, but to
develop the area and bring
it up in economic stature.
Photo by Riannon Laarz
In 2010, Calgary Municipal
Familes scattered along the seasonal brech on a radiant fall day
Land Corporation led an
extensive public engagement program to in- island have mentioned that this is the first
form the city of the master plan for the park’s time that water has passed into St. Patrick’s
redesign. With more than 6,000 Calgarians island in over 60 years.
giving feedback into the vision for the park, If one is ever wondering what to do
the design and landscape of the park became on a lazy Saturday or Sunday why not head
known as “biophilia” that nurtures a bond down to the newly redesigned St. Patrick’s
between people and nature.
island? You may be in for a pleasant sur
When the 2013 flood hit, the St. prise.
By Riannon Laarz
By Hailey Payne
using “nerd” because their younger siblings
There are many words in the had picked it up and passed it on to them.
English language whose meanings have A column in Newsweek was the
changed over time because of the manner second documented use of the word in Ocin which they are used now. They have been tober of 1951 in which it was stated that
wrongly used often enough that many think “In Detroit, someone who once would be
they are correct. The most recent example called a drip on a square is now, regrettais the word “literally” which is defined as bly, a nerd.” It is clear that a word made up
“in a literal or strict sense” but today is of- by Dr. Seuss to name a weird creature was
ten used to stress a point one is trying to now something that was being used negamake. People say the phrase “We were lit- tively to put down people who were differerally killing ourselves
laughing,” which is
technically the incorrect use of the word. The
Oxford English Dictionary changed the meaning of literally to include
figuratively in 2011 to
accommodate for this
misuse of the word.
example is the word
“addict”which did not
always mean someone
Photo by Hailey Payne
who is dependant on
drugs but once, in RoDr Seuss’s “nerd” was seen wandering in the Scarlett library
man times, meant a poor
person who was given as a slave to the peo- ent. After that, the word “nerd” could be
ple owed money to. “Addict” came from found in many instances, and many differthe Latin word addictus which passed on its ent newspapers. It was even used in comdefinition of the poor becoming slaves. The ics; in July of 1954 Blytheville Arkansas
word “awful,” fascinatingly, used to mean Courier News had a comic called “Freckles
the complete opposite of what it means to- and his Friends” by Merill Blosser in which
day. In the 1300s it was short for “full of the text reads, “Obviously this lad is conawe.” In 1730 the word “cute” was a short- sidered a nerd bird -- a true cube, or even
ened version of the word “acute” mean- slightly trapezoidal!” It is interesting to see
ing keenly perceptive and shrewd. It was that people had made shapes, something
then changed to mean pretty, charming, nowadays not so threatening, into an insult.
and dainty by the 1830s. Surprisingly, in A similar word with an intresting
the 14th century the word “nice,” from the history is the word “geek.” In 1916 “geek”
Latin word “nescius” meaning ignorant or was first used to describe circus freaks that
unaware, meant silly or foolish. “Nice” was performed horrific acts such as biting the
associated with negative qualities such as heads off of different small animals and
cowardice. It later began to mean shyness eating live insects. These acts were often
and reserve in the Middle Ages and finally called the “geek show” and showed not
in the 18th century was changed to the posi- necessarily talent but more of a display of
tive meaning that is known today.
willpower. The word “geek” is said to have
The first time the word “nerd” come from the 16th century German word
was documented was in Dr. Seuss’s book “geck” which is defined as “someone who
If I Ran the Zoo in 1950. As many know is a fool or a simpleton.” It is funny to see
from reading the story as a child, the book these descriptions that make one think of
is about a young boy name Gerald McGrew muscular, funny-looking men being called
who visits the zoo and imagines what he geeks while today when someone says
would do with it. Very simply he claims “geek” others usually think of a skinny,
that he will “sail to Ka-Troo And bring smart person that may be just a little bit soback an IT-KUTCH a PREEP and a PROO cially awkward.
a NREKLE a NERD and a SEERSUCK- The word “nerd” used to be a
ER, too!” In the book, the “nerd” is shown monstrous insult but today does not seem
as a grumpy humanoid wearing a black t- to be as much of an insult. Instead people
shirt and messy hair. Some speculate that it have no problem calling themselves this
was based off of the slang word “nert” used word and have used it as just the opposite,
in the 1940s for a crazy person. Teenagers a compliment. Many people have made the
were using the word by 1957 and had ad- words “nerd” and “geek” their own and do
justed the meaning to a comically-obnox- not feel slighted at all when associated with
ious creature in their class or a “square.” It it. After all, the meaning of these words can
is commonly thought that teenagers started and will likely be changed yet again.
Page 24 --
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Gorillas are the answer to communicating with animals
Levi Kitsul
nipulated various signs to fit her thumbs. One often shocked when they hear this fact because the offspring sign language, giving the power of
The gorilla’s name is Koko, and she of her favorite signs is “browse.” Browse to two species look so different; however, the hucannot actually talk. Koko was born in a San Fran- Koko is greens, such as lettuce, cucumbers, man race was once ape.
cisco zoo in 1971 where she first met her life-long and spinach. How she signs browse is by lift- Patterson now owns a sanctuary for
friend, human Penny Patterson. Patterson is a Stan- ing her hand by her eyebrow, because it sounds gorillas in the Santa Cruise Mountains, where
ford graduate student who
she runs an
was working with Koko to
organizaadvance her Ph.D. Pattertion called
son instantly fell in love and
the Gorilla
made a “4-year commitFoundation.
ment” to Koko, and took it
Here, Koko
upon herself to teach Koko
and Ndume,
sign language. In the first six
her potential
months Koko learned how
male mate,
to do basic signs such as,
drink, more, and Koko-love.
around and
Currently Koko is 44 years
play in an
old and knows well over
area that is
1,000 signs.
similar to a
Gorillas weigh,
gorilla’s naton average, 250-500
ural habitat.
pounds. Koko however, is
Koko literally
overweight for an averhand-picked
age female gorilla: She is
300 pounds and only five
a mate; she
feet tall. Having said that,
watched vidshe is one of the smartest
eos of other
Photo by Levi Kitsul
non-humans alive. Koko
gorillas, and
Kakinga a gorilla from the Calgary Zoo enjoying the last few days of fall soaking in the sunshine
fluently signs to herself and
told Patterson
others with, what Patterson calls, GSL (gorilla like browse. Gorillas are much like humans that way; that she wanted him to visit. They honored her
sign language). Gorillas have smaller thumbs they find a way to problem solve, solve puzzles, and request and brought Ndume from a zoo to the
than humans, making some of the signs in hu- communicate feelings and emotions. Human and go- sanctuary. To this day however, they still have not
man sign language very difficult. Koko has ma- rilla DNA is approximately 99% alike. People are had babies. The goal is to have Koko teach her
speech to gorillas, which would be a huge scientific breakthrough for the future of communication through animals. Koko and Ndume
could possibly be the gateway to communicating with other gorillas.
Koko is also famous for her pet cats.
She isone of the first non-humans to keep and
care for a pet. All-ball, her first cat, who did not
have a tail, only lived a few years due to a collision
on a nearby logging road. Koko learned one of life’s
hardest lessons: death. She wept and was depressed
for many months after All-ball passed away; but after time, her wound healed, and Koko moved onto
another cat, Smokey, who also had no tail, and is still
currently Koko’s pet.
There are many animal-human relationships, but none quite like Koko and Patterson’s.
Their relationship is the only one on earth which
involves a human and animal sharing the same language. Koko is not any different than any other
female gorilla, but she was raised with a tool:
the tool of speech. This tool can help humans
better understand animals and their emotions,
if they are exposed to sign language at a young
age. For gorillas to be taught, the species must
be young and domesticated; for this to occur,
they would have to be taken out of their wild habitat, which can cause issues to the wild species.
Animals are meant to be in the wild. But in order
for humans to learn from them, they must be able to
communicate in one form or another.
CalgaryNEXT proposed update to city’s sports venues
By Alexis Bradley
The city has finally addressed its
dilapidated sports arenas. CalgaryNEXT is a
plan to replace the Saddledome and McMahon Stadium and build a new multi-arena. It
is proposed to include a 20,000-seat hockey
and concert arena and a 30,000-seat indoor
multi-sport stadium that will house football,
soccer, and track and field.
Ken King, Calgary Sport and Entertainment Corp. President has said that this
will be a $890 million project, and his hope
is that most of it will be paid by ticket tax,
community revitalization, and the Flames
ownership group. It is planned to be built
right near the Bow River, west of downtown
near Calgary’s current Greyhound station.
Several blocks would be filled by the buildings, and it would be placed right where the
West Village is currently located.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi said that
there would be no profit from the stadium,
the money would just keep moving from
place to place. “But that is no reason to not
build it.” Nenshi always says that public
money should be for public benefit, not for
private profit, and this is a great example of
that notion. “The reason we have public sector investment is precisely because we try to
calculate the social, environmental and external economic benefits in a way the private
sector never would,” Nenshi stated. Despite
the mayor’s statements, it is still
unclear on wether or not Nenshi
supports CalgaryNEXT.
An anonymous grade
10 student who does not support the development of CalgaryNEXT said, “This stadium
is taking our taxpayers money
that can be used for much more
important things.” After being
told what King wanted from the
taxpayers to pay for the stadium,
the student added: “This money
could be going to our education,”
and the student would not budge
to see the other perspective.
Generally speaking, it
would be a good idea to redesign
Calgary’s stadiums. Redevelopment of the Saddledome and McMahon must also be considered.
King mentioned during an interview that there is not much use
for McMahon if CalgaryNEXT is
built. The fate of the Saddledome
Photo by Alexis Bradley
is still under discussion, as the faCalgaryNEXT proposes the Saddledome and McMahon move to the West Village of downtown
cility is widely used for Stampede
events. This new stadium appeals
a year. King says that CalgaryNEXT is a wish to use the new stadium for personal
to sports fans and people who always go to profitable idea; 1/3 of the ticket sales will be profit.
concerts, but the new complex may not be going to pay off the stadium. “We don’t gain The debate rages on as the two
beneficial for the rest of Calgarians. Taxpay- the keys to some underground vault we’re sides clash on CalgaryNEXT.
ers may have to pay money for something going to cash in on. What you see is what
they may not ever use, except maybe once you get.” King says, insisting that he doesn’t
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 25
The return of the federal election season means tough
decisions for Canadians voting on the country’s future
By Erin Burns
the Conservative child-benefit plan and re- more accessible and affordable childcare for even refused to fund programs that Canadi
It is time again for Canada to elect place it with one catered more towards those families in need. Mulcair states that there ans need and claim that there is not any mona Prime Minister, and it is a fierce battle be- who make a household income of less than are not adequate childcare spaces and a sin- ey for healthcare services, education, and
tween candidates this year. Leading the run- $150,000. Trudeau states that, “we will stop gle space can have a bill of up to $2,000 a other necessary services. The Green Party
ning parties are Stephen Harper for the Con- sending cheques to millionaires just because month. The NDP plan is to change this by claims that, “we need to immediately build
servatives, Elizabeth May at the head of the they have children.” He believes the govern- creating one million childcare spaces and those sectors that benefit from the lower
Green Party, Justin Trudeau as the leader of ment should put more effort into providing ensuring that parents pay no more than $15 a Canadian dollar – manufacturing, tourism,
the Liberals, and Tom Mulcair for the New financial help for those who are in lower fi- week. Affordable childcare is also beneficial value-added forest products and cultural inDemocratic Party. Though Harper has been nancial positions.
economically as this way more parents can dustries.” May wants to create more federal
the leader of the Conservatives since 2004, Speaking of children, Trudeau has both work and have affordable, safe care for support and promotion of tourism in order to
and Elizabeth May has been the head of her also taken focus on education, and recogniz- their children. Mulcair does not only have generate more income; she claims that this
party since 2006, not all candidates have es that some groups of people are not getting plans for childcare though, he also has made will benefit all Canadians in the long run.
been at it quite as long. Mulcair has been as much as they deserve. In particular, he has claims that he will improve healthcare. Mul- The Green Party, aside from the
leading the NDPs since 2012 and Trudeau plans to expand education opportunities for cair says that if he becomes Prime Minister economy, also have big plans for the enhas only been the face of the Liberals since indigenous students and has pledged $2.6 he will help five million Canadians access vironment. They are the Green Party, after
2013. Regardless of how long each candi- million towards the expansion of First Na- healthcare by hiring more doctors and creat- all. May feels that by taking action in comdate has been in office though, each of these tions education. He plans to work towards ing more health care facilities. He hopes to batting climate change the economy will
individuals and their parties have big plans improving support for First Nations people, facilitate access to appropriate healthcare for benefit, and vice versa. She says that, “our
for Canada and voters have plenty to take in education as well as in language and cul- all Canadians.
transition to a green, sustainable economy
into consideration.
will create good local jobs, shorter
Harper, recognized by Canacommutes, more livable cities, and
dians as the current Prime Minister, is
cleaner air and water.” On the topic
the Member of Parliament representof environment, May also wishes
ing the riding of Calgary Southwest
to decrease the use of fossil fuels
and has been since 2002. Harper was
by Canadians to virtually none, in
elected Prime Minister in the 2006
order to ensure a cleaner, healthier
Federal Election and then re-elected
in 2011. In this election season he has
Just as importantly, May
made hefty claims in the area of nawants to ensure that Canada has
tional security, but is not quite as congood strong communities, and says
cerned as other candidates about makthat in order to do this, “our nation
ing changes to the economy. Harper
needs a government that will invest
has pledged $10 million towards the
in the fundamental building blocks
Kanishka Project, which is a program
on which our neighbourhoods rely
that researches terrorism in order to
– from healthcare to transit, child
ensure the country’s safety. Harper
care to public parks, bridges to lostates that the conservatives “will also
cal agriculture.” She believes that
create banned travel zones in terroristin turn all of these factors will help
controlled parts of the world to stop
to impact Canadians and create
foreign fighters who return to Canada
more liveable communities.
from launching terrorist attacks.”
There are some definite
Alongside these claims
similarities between the goals of
against terrorism, the Conservatives
each party, but there are also quite
also have plans to protect children.
a few differences and every party
Photo by Erin Burns
Harper has made a plan to make comrepresents a very different future
Candidates get their names out there and campaign with election signs in the ridings that they are representing
munities safer by doubling funding
for Canada. Evidently, most candifor Child Advocacy Centres, which are in ture. Trudeau’s “Real Change” campaign But of course, Mulcair does not just dates have main concerns on strengthening
charge of treating crimes against children. also focuses on creating jobs for younger have plans for the kids; he has made claims the country’s middle class for the benefit of
National security is evidently a much larg- Canadians in order to grow their work ex- for retirees as well. “If you work hard and the economy, protecting the environment for
er concern to Harper than the state of the perience and prepare them for adulthood. play by the rules your whole life, you should a better future, and giving Canada’s children
economy, as he was quoted stating that, “the It seems like Trudeau really has his eye on be able to expect a stable income in retire- a chance to prosper, regardless of the finanfinancial position of the country remains in Canada’s future leaders.
ment — and you deserve a Prime Minister cial positions of their parents. These are all
very strong shape,” which is not quite what Mulcair and the NDP also have who understands that,” Mulcair says. In or- important topics for the government to adother candidates are thinking. The leaders of plans to improve Canada’s middle class. In der to provide adequate pensions, the NDP dress, but each contender for Canada’s next
other parties have each been taking stabs at fact, Mulcair states that this will be his main will have to strengthen the pension plan in Prime Minister has a different approach.
Harper, informing Canadians that his eco- focus if he becomes Prime Minister. “Cre- order to secure it. Mulcair also plans to low- Despite the similarities, each candinomic system just is not working, and insist- ating stable and full-time jobs is the best er the eligibility age back down from 67 to date is tackling these issues in very diverse
ing that they have better ideas.
way to strengthen the middle class and help 65 and put more funding into the Guaranteed ways and it is up to voters to decide which
Trudeau disagrees strongly with families get ahead,” he says. He believes Income Supplement in order to save seniors tactics will benefit Canada the most. Every
Harper’s economic statement and believes that this plan will benefit both the economy from poverty.
party also has their own individual priorities,
Canada can grow the economy by, “strength- overall, and the individual families in need. It seems Harper may be the only and it is again up to the citizens of Canada to
ening the middle class and those hoping to Mulcair feels that too many Canadians do candidate who is not stressing about the fi- decide what the country needs to prioritize.
join it.” He has claimed that it is very impor- not have access to decent jobs that pay them nancial state of the country, because Eliza- Polls have been made to predict who will be
tant that Canada focuses less on the upper adequately, and that this is taking a toll on beth May has plans to change it as well. She the next Prime Minister, but the Liberals,
class and more on improving the lives of the Canada’s economy. He plans to help small states that “deep cuts in the tax rate for large Conservatives, and NDP remain in virtually
members of the nation who are not quite as business owners by lowering the tax rate corporations have led to a hoarding of cash a three-way tie, so anything could happen.
fortunate. As well as those financial plans, from 11% to 9%.
in big business bank accounts.” This money All will be revealed after the election occurs
Trudeau also claims that he will remove Mulcair also has plans to create is not being used, and corporations have on October 19.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
was released, and was published
by HarperTeen. After the trilogy
became popular, the television
network, CW received television
rights for the trilogy and two pilots
were filmed but never picked up
for a full TV series.
In August 14, 2014 she
announced that she will be releasing a fifth novel to the series called
The Heir, which is taken from the
point of view of the daughter of
the two main characters. Cass has
announced that a follow up book
after The Heir would be published,
the title of the book is The Crown
and is to be expected in the sping
2016. In May 2013, it was announced that Cass is working on an
as-yet untitled series that she refers
was private but in fact was public;
Roth called the reviewer names
and both collaborated on ways to
best knock out the negative review
by boosting positive reviews and
manipulating the ranking system
themselves. This situation caused
controversy and sparked the article
by Publishers Weekly, which spoke
out against this practice and this
raised an outcry from many bloggers, reviewers and publications
against the cyberbullying of nonprofessional reviewers, by authors
and agents.
Despite the reviews and
controversy, The Selection is a very
enjoyable for teens.Rbn eading
books like The Selection, readers
will get lost in the drama, love, and
Photo by: Riannon Laarz
All of the novels in Kiera Cass’ series in reverse order from The Selection to the last book The Heir
was released on October 6, 2015.
Kier Cass was born in
South Carolina in May 1981, and is
a graduate of Socastee High School
in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Cass attended Coastal Carolina
University before she decided to
transfer to Radford University to
obtain a degree in history. In 2009,
Cass released her first book The
Siren, which was self-published.
In 2012 the first book in The Selection trilogy called The Selection
to as 238 on her social media platforms. The book is to be published
by HarperCollins.
In January 2012, a review
of the book, The Selection, was
posted on the popular reviewing
site called Goodreads, which gave
Cass’ book one out of five stars. On
the same day that the review was
posted, Cass’ literary agent, Elena
Roth, posted an array of derogatory tweets. Cass believed that a conversation she was having with Roth
Page 26
Longboarding: a fun
sport for all abilities
By Wesley Ethan
This month the FEVER
features New York Times bestselling author, Kiera Cass. Cass
is well- known for her teen fiction
series The Selection and her first
book The Siren.
Cass has also written a
number of novellas including The
Prince which was released in early
2013; the book The Guard, a year
later in 2014; and The Selection
Stories (a combined novella of
The Prince and The Guard). Also
included in her novella collection
is The Queen, released December
2, 2014, and a point-of-view book
called The Favorite from the popular character named Marlee Tames.
The newest novella to her collection entitled Happily Ever After
heartbreak and will want to pick
up the second book to the series
faster than one can imagine. The
way Cass writes her novels puts
whoever reads the books into the
characters’ heads and makes them
feel the pain and the heartbreak
that the characters experience or
the happiness that the character enjoys. Be on the lookout for Cass’
re-release of The Siren coming to
bookshelves on January 26, 2016.
the board. Cruising and carving
are just as they sound: cruising
Longboarding is one around just for fun. And carving
of the best ways to let out frus- can be considered a technique
tration. It makes the rider feel and a style; it is a technique befree from everything, capable of cause it is used as a riding tool to
anything. The adrenaline rush slow down, turn, pump, or just
just cannot be described. Long- for fun. The goal of carving is to
boarding is the art/sport/hobby turn from left to right, right to left
of riding a long skateboard that while moving in a certain direccan range from twenty-four to tion. To get other information,
eighty inches. Longboarding has visit this website: http://www.beits roots in surfing, which is why ginnerlonboarding.com
many longboards resemble surf Cadence
boards. Skateboarding, in gen- Grade 11, is also an avid longeral, evolved
boarder. He can profrom surfing “Longboarding has vide some insight to the
in the seven- its roots in surfing, sport/hobby.
which is why many FEVER: What do you
longboards resemble feel when you go longMuch of the surf boards. Skate- boarding?
success of the
It’s kind of
boarding, in general, Bobinski:
sport comes
like a moment of peace,
from the west evolved from surfing like your moment of
in the seventies.” freedom.
coast, where
skaters would
FEVER: Have you
skate in empty pools. Longboard- ever fallen off?
ing became popular when skate- Bobinski: I have fallen down
boarders began to age because many times.
they became less focused on FEVER: Have you ever broken
tricks; longboards are more stable any bones before?
and durable than skateboards and Bobinski: Thirty-two bones I
used instead for coasting, cruis- have broken.
ing, and racing long distances. FEVER: What is your favourite
Utilizing these longer skateboards style of longboard?
lets anyone, no matter their age or Bobinski: My favourite style is
skill level, enjoy boarding.
downhill and free ride.
Longboards can be very FEVER: Do you have any friends
expensive. The most expensive that board?
ones can range anywhere from Bobinski: I have tons of friends
$400 to $600, while the less ex- that do.
pensive ones range from $200 to FEVER: How long have you
$400. While longboarding can be been longboarding?
expensive and fun, it can also be Bobinski: I have been longboardvery dangerous. Riders need to ing since 2009.
make sure they have brain buck- FEVER: What are your favourite
ets on, as well
longboard brands?
as elbow and “There are many Bobinski: My favourite
riding styles of brands are Land Yachtz,
knee pads; better safe than
Rain, and Original.
such as cruis- FEVER: If you could go
T h e r e ing and carving, anywhere in the world,
are many riding downhill, slalom, where would you go?
styles of longand dancing.” Bobinski: I would go and
boarding such
longboard in British Coas cruising and
lumbia, Iceland or Greencarving, downhill, slalom, and land.
dancing. Downhill boarding is all FEVER: What was your first
about speed, hard carving, drift- longboard?
ing, and sliding. Slalom is also Bobinski: My very first, was a
about speed, but speed is related Land Yachtz switch.
to how fast the rider can carve FEVER: What motivated you to
and weave between cones going start longboarding?
downhill. Dancing is the art of Bobinski: My motivation came
maneuvering the feet and body from the fact that I can’t use
in creative patterns while riding skateboards.
and staying balanced on top of
Page 27
Scarlett FEVER
Bienvenue Josée Lemay
Par Madison Negrey
Cette année Scarlett accueille Jo-
sée Lemay que le programme français ! Josée Lemay est la nouvelle professeur de Math
10AC Français, Études Sociales 10, F.L.A
10, et F.S.L 30. Elle est une professeur très
passionnée et très gentille avec ses élèves. Sa course préférée a enseigner et en général est Math. Elle professeur depuis quinze
années. Pour un an elle travaillait au Branton Junior High, trois à Lester B. Pearson Senior High, et les autres onze au Québec. Elle
a toujours travaillé aux High Schools. Le
français est la première langue de Josée Lemay et elle est née au Rive-Sud de Montréal
au Québec. Elle est très heureuse avec son
travail et aider les élèves. Elle aime beaucoup être enseignante. Elle a toujours voulu
être professeur ; il est écrit dans son sixième
annuaire. Elle dit qu’elle a toujours imaginé
elle-même comme enseignante et qu’elle aimait aider les autres et expliquer les choses.
Sa chose préférée au sujet de l’enseignement est de voir l’amélioration des élèves et
de voir leur développement. Josée Lemay a
des loisirs qui incluent les séries de télévision comme Breaking Bad ou Le Walking Dead. Un de ses loisirs est de rester en
contact avec ses élèves qui sont au Québec.
En plus, elle a trois mini tekels
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Les bénéfices d’immersion
français pour les gens
Par Madison Negrey
gouvernement, les agences de publicité /
L’immersion Français est un journalisme, les cabinets d’avocats, dével-
Photo par Madison Negrey
Lemay’s classes favorise est le Maths
qu’elle aimer beaucoup. Elle adore les
chiens et aime passer du temps avec ses
chiens, comme marcher et jouer avec-eux.
Elle aime Scarlett beaucoup ! Elle dit qu’elle
« se sent accueillie » et « J’adore Scarlett. »
En plus, elle pense que les élèves sont très
gentils et que ça c’est une belle école. Cette
année sera une bonne expérience pour les
élèves dans sa classe et avec une bonne professeur! LaRose rejoint Scarlett
Par Madison Negrey
était Sam Livingston, une école premaire,
Scarlett accueille Véronik LaRose ça c’est la première année qu’elle travaille
que la nouvelle professeur au programme dans une école secondaire. Le français est la
de français ! Elle est la nouvelle professeur langue maternelle de Véronik LaRose et elle
pour Études Sociales 30 et les deux classes est née au Québec. Sa chose préféré à propos
d’Études Sociales 20 dans la salle 127. de enseignement est travailler avec des gens
Toutes ses classes sont en français. Cette an- et être avec les élèves. Elle a toujours voulu
née est la deuxième année qu’elle est ensei- être professeur parce que c’est intéressent
gnante. La première école où elle travaillait pour elle et elle l’aimait l’école quand elle
était jeune. Cette expérience est toute nouvelle pour elle mais elle l’aime et
elle aimer le cours d’Études Sociales. Elle est très heureuse d’être
un professeur maintenant et qu’elle
aime le travail et les gens. Elle avait
quelques loisirs en dehors d’école
qu’incluent le ski en l’hiver. En
plus, elle aime le théâtre et regarder
des pièces. Un autre passe-temps
favori est courir et promener. Elle
dit qu’elle aime Scarlett beaucoup
jusqu’à maintenant et qu’elle aime
les classes. Nous espérons la faire
sentir accueille et lui souhaite une
bonne année avec de bons
Photo par Madison Negrey avoir
élèves !
Véronik LaRose dans sa classe d’Études Sociales
oppement de logiciels, les hôpitaux et cliniques de santé, les banques.
Non seulement le français vous
aide avec la carrière, mais il augmente aussi
la créativité et une plus grande perspective
avec les autres cultures et langues. Ça c’est
pourrait aider les gens avec le voyage aussi.
Plus des parents et gens peuvent voir le bénéfice du français et le croissance des personnes qui parlent français est très grande.
L’immersion française un programme qui a augmente chaque année
depuis son début. Depuis 2006 la popularité d’immersion française et de la langue
française a augmente par 12%. De plus,
aujourd’hui 25% de les gens à la maternelle
sont dans les programmes de français où
il y a douze années qu'il y avait seulement
10%. A ce niveau-là, les nombres des
personnes qui parlent français augmente
5% chaque année. Dr. E.P Scarlett est
une des neufs écoles secondaires avec
l’immersion française
à Calgary. Aussi, 13
écoles elementaires à
Calgary. Ça c'est une
très grand augmentait
pour les écoles de
français depuis 2006.
Maintenant, beaucoup
de gens ne peuvent pas
s'inscrire en français
parce qu'il ne pas
assez d'espace. La
français est grâce aux
toute les bonnes mots à
Photo par Madison Negrey
propos des programmes
Dr. E.P. Scarlett Highschool, un École d’immersion français et leurs avantages. Un
article Canadian Family
par Tim Johnson dit que avoir un cerveau
emplois qu’incluent :
agent de service a la clientèle aérienne, an- bilingue est très bien. Aussi academicinvest
thropologue, représentant du service a cli- dit que un diplome en français est très
entèle bilingue / coordonnatrice bilingue, bénéfique et plus loin d’être utile. Beaucoup
biographe, hôtesse de l’aire, agent de pro- de sites web et journaux ont de bonnes
gramme gouvernementale, avocat, anthro- choses de dire à propos du français. Il y a
pologue linguistique, rédacteur de discours beaucoup de positifs et ne pas beaucoup de
pathologue de discours-langue, rédacteur négatifs.
Les programmes d'immersion
technique, professeur d’université, tra- ducteur, agent de voyage, lexicographe, française sont un très bonne idée et Dr. E.P
Scarlett est chanceux d’être une des écoles
agent de tourisme, et historien.
Aussi le français peut aider avec avec le programme. C'est un programme
obtenir un emploi avec certains organ- populaire et bénéfique pour les gens qui
isations et endroits comme: éducation, prennent-il.
programme où les élèves étudier le même
programme d’études qu’en anglais mais
la langue d’instruction est la français. Les
élèves puerait commencer à la maternelle
ou en septième années. Immersion française est devenue populaire après la Commission Royale en Français en 1969. Après
cet temps les personnes utilise le francais
pour aider leur futur et d’aider notre pays
bilingue. Après les années le français a augmente dans notre pays aussi.
Avec le français comme deuxième
(ou troisième) langue, il y a plus de possibilités d’emplois au Canada et les autres
pays. Quelques emplois ont une nécessite
de parler un autre langue, particulièrement
le français. Les emplois qui ont besoin des
hautes compétences dans une deuxième
langue sont : professeur de langue, traducteur, évaluateur de langue, et citoyenneté et immigration agent. Aussi, le français est très bon avec beaucoup d’autres
October 2015 -- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 28
NBC’s three year show Hannibal eats it’s last supper
By Kevin Wright
who is actually Hannibal. At this time, a new continue they can, or they may just leave over. With the last episode titled, “Wrath of
The character, Hannibal Lecter first villain arises and they need Hannibal’s help it. The main story concluded but there were The Lambs,” perhaps producers are teasing
many unresolved subplots. The show was fans with the similar title to Silence of the
appeared in 1981; he debuted in Thomas to catch him.
Hannibal is played by Mads Mik- praised by critics despite the low ratings.
Lambs and leaving Fannibals all waiting for
Harris’ novel, Red Dragon. The book was followed by three more novels (Silence of kelsen, a famous European actor. In 2006,
the Lambs, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising) Mikkelsen landed a role in Casino Royale
and then was adapted for many films, and as a James Bond villain; this film is univermost recently in the 2013 NBC TV show. sally recognized and hugely boosted his caFor those who do not know, Hannibal is a reer. Later, in 2013 Mikkelsen received the
cannibal who works as a psychiatrist; but role of Hannibal, which he perfectly executhe is not your average cannibal: he is smart, ed in part because of the expert writing and
expensive sets. His depiction of Hannibal
fast, sophisticated, and strong.
In the TV show FBI agent Will trumps all previous actors who played the
Graham, played by Hugh Dancy, is work- part.
These previous actors did not stand
ing on a case of chain murders perpetrated by the Chesapeake ripper. Hannibal is as- a chance against Mikkelsen. He has had
signed to stay with Graham to help maintain more time to develop, has better lines, and
his mental health but only draws him further a quality movie set. The visuals in the show
are extraordinary. The third season was
filmed in Venice and
the scenery is amazing. The best imagery
is Hannibal’s cooking (even though it is
human meat).
He is an expert chef;
Photo by Kevin Wright
each episode he
brings another expert- Often in a suit, Hannibal Lector, of Hannibal, was voted the best-dressed character on television
ly-prepared meal. The
suits Hannibal wears Horror is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is a a reboot. Fuller tweeted that Amazon and
are stunning, which smart, well-cast, and expensive show, with Netflix passed on Hannibal and that they are
portrays him living each episode costing close to $20 million exploring more options, sadly leaving the
a very sophisticated dollars. To put that into context the first continuation of the series unlikely. Fuller’s
expensive lifestyle, Hannibal movie Silence of the Lambs in new show, American God is in production
making him even 1992 had a budget of $19 million. and even if Hannibal is picked up they could
Hannibal Despite the very low ratings, this not start until Fuller finished the first season.
was called the best- show deserves the spotlight more than The dream grows even slimmer
dressed man on TV by AMC’s zombies and A&E’s Norman Bates. as Mikkelsen has recently signed up to act
Photo by Kevin Wright
Esquire and Rolling If you did not get the chance to see it live, the and voice for Kung Fu Panda 3, Star Wars,
A fine, thick cut of red meat is one of Hannibal’s favourite meals
Stone Magazine. The first two seasons are on Netflix and Amazon and Doctor Strange. As well, Fishburne is
into madness. In the first and second season, show clearly spared no expense, purchas- Prime. If one likes complex, well-written moving on and returning to his role in SuGraham and Jack Crawford (Lawrence Fish- ing white truffle, $100 slices of Kobe beef, stories, gore and suspense, then Hannibal perman vs Batman. The real question is
burne) search for the Chesapeake Ripper and and Gucci suits, among other props and cos- will satisfy your TV craving.There could be what network is willing to take on a show
hope for Fannibals yet. In a recent Hanni- that had low viewer ratings. A struggling
notice that all of his victims are missing a tumes.
Unfortunately, due to low viewer bal comic-con interview, executive producer cable network could pick it up and take a
certain internal body part. Graham comes to the conclusion the ripper is eating them. ratings in the second season of Hannibal Bryan Fuller commented, “Yes, I’m very gamble. Perhaps in a time in which zombies
In the third and final season, Crawford and the show was cancelled. The final episode careful to talk about how this is the NBC and vampires were not so popular the show
Graham have to track and catch the suspect wrapped up the story but left it intentionally series finale,” leaving it very open for other would have fared better.
ambiguous, so if the set and crew want to
networks to step up to the plate and take
Page 29
Scarlett FEVER
Fun skill-testing riddles
By Wesley Hawley-Thi\omas
Riddles are a fun way to exercise
one’s brain and stump friends and family.
A simple google search will display many
pages of riddles, a testament to their
popularity. The following riddles come from
a variety of sources, including some from
J.R.R. Tolkien’s popular novel the hobbit.
Give them a shot and see if you are able to
spot the answer!
1. I feel your every move, I know your
every thought,
I’m there from your birth and I’ll see how you rot.
I am your shadow you shall never be free.
Riddle me this. The answer is?
A] reflection
B] life
C] father
2. I have two hands on my face,
I always run but stay in place.
What am I?
A] fridge
B] clock
C] square
D] fish
3. Tear one off and scratch my head.
What once was red is black instead.
What am I?
A] stick
B] human
C] match
D] average Joe
4. What can run but never walks.
Often murmurs.
Never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps?
What am I?
A] gargoyle
B] river
C] horse
D] sloth
5. I am the first in Earth.
The second in heaven,
I appear twice in a week.
You can only see me once a year,
although I am in the middle of the sea.
What am I?
A] whale
B] shark
C] sand
D] ‘E’
6. I can bring tears to your eyes,
resurrect the dead.
I make you smile, and reverse time.
I form in an instant but last a lifetime.
Riddle me this, riddle me that.
You ought to remember me, for I am
anchored in your head.
Riddle me this, what am I?
A] a memory
B] birds
C] brain
D] dawn
7. What has one in every corner,
two in every room,
but there’s only one in the world?
A] ‘O’
B] Atlantis
C] space
D] clone
8. What has roots as nobody sees,
is taller than trees, yet never grows.
Riddle me this the answer is?
A] tree
B] mountain
C] grass
D] people
9. Thirty white horses on a red hill,
first the champ, then they stamp,
then they stand still.
What am I?
A] rocks
B] giants
C] teeth
D] diamonds
10. Voiceless but it cries,
wingless but flutters,
toothless but can bite, mouthless?
But mutters,
What am I?
A] fire
B] water
C] earth
D] wind
11. This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws, iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king. Ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.
A] weapons
B] teeth
C] orcs
D] time
Bonus riddle: there will be no answer key to
this riddle.
A cabin fell out of the sky and landed in the
woods. What happened?
Scan QR Code for answer key
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Ventriloquist wins AGT
By Kevin Leske
On Wednesday, September 16 at
Radio City Music Hall, a British ventriloquist, Paul Zerdin, won America’s Got Talent, claiming the one million dollar prize
and the headline show in Las Vegas. Zerdin
made his way through each round of America’s Got Talent without failing to make the
audience laugh.
Zerdin has had a history in ventriloquism which is what many would expect from a winner of the show. When he
was ten, a family friend made him a puppet theatre in which he would put on small
shows. By the time Zerdin hit his teens, he
was spending half an hour a day practising
talking without his lips moving in front of a
mirror. When he reached the age of twenty,
Zerdin presented the Disney program Rise
and Shine for GMTV. Later Zerdin met
Nigel Lythgoe, who took Zerdin under his
wings and gave him many opportunities
to perform on television and once in front
of her majesty the Queen. Zerdin has been
in the entertainment industry for over 25
In his audition, Zerdin talked
to his puppet Sam about how the judges
were watching Zerdin’s mouth. All four of
the judges had said ‘”yes,” putting Zerdin
through to the judge-cut round. The judge
cuts was a round in which an additional
celebrity judge joined the judging panel
and had the ability to send one contestant
automatically through to the quarter-finals
by pressing the golden buzzer. Zerdin told
the story of Little Red Riding Hood, when
his baby puppet wanted him to change
the wolf to a duck. The puppet repeatedly
yelled “duck” until finally urinating all over
Zerdin. Marlon Wayans, who was the guest
judge on the night, was so impressed with
Zerdin’s performance that he pressed the
golden buzzer, automatically sending Zerdin through to the quarter-finals.
In the quarter-finals Zerdin
wowed the entire audience once again. He
had an argument with his puppet “Sam”
and then attempted to embarrass the puppet. Zerdin left the stage to leave his puppet
siting on a stool alone on stage. The puppet
then looked around and asked the audience
if Zerdin was gone. The entire audience
roared to life once the puppet started talking
and moving on its own. The entire judging
panel gave Zerdin a standing ovation, and
Howard Stern remarked that Zerdin was his
“favourite act of the night.” Zerdin received
enough votes to move onto the next round,
the semi-finals.
In the semi-finals Zerdin decided
to try something different. He asked Howie
Mandel to come and take part in his act.
Mandel sat down and Zerdin placed a mask
that only covered the lower half of Mandel’s face. Zerdin used the same voice that
he did with his other puppets on Mandel.
Zerdin switched places with Mandel, and
Zerdin went to sit in Mandel’s spot on the
judging panel, while Mandel stayed there
on the stage. Zerdin had Mandel struggle
by performing an embarrassing dance in
front of the audience. Heidi Klum, Melanie Brown and Howard Stern all gave the
ventriloquist a standing ovation. Zerdin received enough votes to put him through to
the finals of America’s Got Talent.
In the finals, Zerdin did not let the
pressure get to him and performed just as
well as he did in the previous rounds. Zerdin started off his act talking to his 85-yearold puppet, Albert. Zerdin then had a lady
take Albert back while he talked to his baby
puppet who wanted him to sing a song. Zerdin sang to his puppet and then took his final puppet Sam. He switched voices with
Sam when suddenly Albert came back on a
scooter all by himself. Then all of the puppets, along with Zerdin, all argued about
who should be quiet. Zerdin then ended his
performance after saying “good night” to
the audience.
The finale was a very suspenseful night for all ten of the acts. Flo-Rida
opened up the night performing his song
“I don’t like it, I love it,” along with many
Radio City Music Hall backup dancers. The
finale also featured roast-master Jeff Ross,
gospel singer Yolanda Adams, FreeLusion, Mat Franco, the season nine winner
of America’s Got Talent and the magical legends, Penn and Teller. All of these
people accompanied the acts for one final
performance before the results were announced. For Stern, the finale marked the
end of his time of judging on the show. A
video played that served as a memorial for
the judge which left a few of the audience
members in tears. Leaving America’s Got
Talent for Howard will allow him to spend
more time with family and will also allow
him to start making some decisions regarding his career.
At the results portion of the finale,
all of the acts were as tense as could be, hoping that they would not have to go home.
The results were revealed slowly with two
acts taking the stage at a time; whoever had
more votes remained on the stage while the
other went home. The results kept coming until the last two acts were left on the
stage. Drew Lynch, the stuttering comedian, and Zerdin both stepped forward and
by a mere 1% Paul Zerdin won the tenth
season of America’s Got Talent. Following
in the footsteps of Terry Fator, America’s
Got Talent’s season two winner, Zerdin is
the second ventriloquist to win the show.
While the judges were happy for Zerdin,
they were still shocked by how quickly
some of the acts were eliminated.
Following Zerdin, Drew Lynch took second, the professional regurgitator took
third, Oz Pearlman took fourth, and the
CraigLewis Band took fifth place. Although the other acts may have lost, they
still garnered the attention of many record
companies, TV shows, and other high profile individuals. America’s Got Talent truly
is a win for everyone in the finals.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
As is the case for most
electronic music categories, there
are artists who sit upon the throne,
perched at the pinnacle of talent within the genre. One of the
many titans in the electronic music scene is Feint. Andy Isaac
Hu, going by his alias, Feint, is
an electronic musician by all accounts, creating dozens of tracks
that range from undiscovered to
wildly popular. His career is based
in Manchester UK, where the club
and partying scene is highly appreciated and sought after – an
EDM (Electronic Dance Music)
artist’s dream. Feint began to go
public with his music in 2010,
with a sound that now, compared
to his more recent tracks, sounds
very distinct and near-primitive.
His style has been cultivated over
the course of years, continuously
changing and improving, yet keeping his appreciation for strong
melodies and harmonizing chords.
Feint’s go-to music
The music industry is a
very competitive market, yet still
many new artists are published in
the media each month. Revenue
from sites that stream music such
as YouTube and Vevo are increasing, and businesses are earning
money through different formatting of music sales. For example,
iTunes and CDs serve as different
mediums to listen to music. Many
popular artists are paid very well,
earning millions each year, some
even earning millions per month.
The draw towards fame, money,
and an exciting lifestyle has compelled many to dive into the music
In the Alternative genre,
British indie-pop band Circa
Waves published their first full album Young Chasers on September
18. They first released an EP named
T-Shirt Weather with five different
tracks earlier this year in Febru-
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
genre that he has been mastering
and prefers to work with is Drum
& Bass (shortened to DnB). Although he has gone on record producing some harder-hitting tracks
in genres like dubstep, he almost
exclusively works with DnB.
For some, the distinctions between music genres, let
alone electronic music, makes little to no difference to them. These
distinctions, however, will often
influence the mood, intention,
and message of songs. Emerging from underground clubs in
England during the 1990s, DnB’s
debut ushered in faster tempos,
faster dancing, and a new experience for people enjoying the night
life. Although in the 1990’s, it was
known more commonly as Jungle,
and took great influence from Reggae and Jamaican artists. Eventually, as Jungle became more mainstream, many wanted to expand the
general theme and instrumentals
beyond Reggae-based sounds and
ary, though all of the songs they
first debuted as a band were placed
onto the new album. Throughout
Young Chasers, heavy influence
from The Vaccines has been showcased through the up-beat melodies
displayed by the tracks. Influence
from The Strokes is apparent in the
bands fast-paced guitar composition, and similarity to The Wombats’ sound is portrayed and the
overall influence of many alternative bands creates a fun, stereotypically indie resonance.
On August 27, the band
PLGRMS released their first single “Pieces.” Consisting of the
voices of Australian-born singersongwriters Toma Banjanin and
Jonathan Bowden, the new debut
single consists entirely of haunting electronica and a unique take
on the genre. Many reviewers of
PLGRMS are looking forward to
hearing what other songs the band
so, more sub-genres
began to branch out
and it was eventually dubbed ‘Drum
& Bass’ by the EDM
community. The transition was gradually
made through the efforts of artists, DJ
Radio hosts, message
boards, and more.
Although it is not as
popular as it once
was, DnB still remains a rela-
tive genre in music, video games,
movies, and general media.
Although the history of
DnB is defined, the actual sound
and style of DnB is quite varied.
Typically, DnB is played at a pace
of 170bpm, which is considered
quite fast. The use of strong basslines and predominant break-beats
makes for a rhythmic plethora of
enjoyment for its listeners. The
sub-genre will often decide the
mood of the music. A notable example is Liquid DnB, a style Feint
Page 30
is very familiar with. Liquid DnB
consists of a stronger emphasis
on melody, as opposed to darker
sounding DnB styles. The genre
can come off as soothing and relaxing, despite its quick pace.
Feint has often released
his music through labels such as
Monstercat (3.7 million subscribers on YouTube), an EDM record
label & Liquicity (500, 000 subscribers on YouTube), a Liquid
DnB label. Garnering millions
of views on each release of his,
Feint has successfully captured the
true essence of DnB
and has often been
hailed as the king of
modern DnB. Some
notable songs of
his include “Snake
Eyes”, a fast-pace
hard-hitting track,
“Signs”, a Trap
’n’ Bass track, and
“Lonesong”, a calming holiday theme
Liquid DnB track.
With Feint continuing to create
music at a consistent
speed and a strong
fan base, it is most
likely that his career
will not be stopPhoto by Kyle Irvine
ping anytime soon.
A screen showing FL Studio, a popular music program among amateur and professional artists
is able to produce.
six million streams on Soundcloud. “Is There Somewhere,” “Ghost,”
Another single was pub- The artist Halsey grew “Empty Gold,” and “Trouble.” Her
lished by artist Liss on August 13. in popularity quickly after releas- lyrics are honest and specific to her
The song “Try” was created by a ing an EP track prior to her album life; however, general enough to be
Danish experimental electro-pop BADLANDS to get her audience relatable to most audiences. Raised
group with a bright and energetic vibe. Made of four
members: Søren Holm, Vilhelm Strange, Villads Tyrrestrup, and Tobias Hansen,
Liss is a group for those who
like many genres mixed together in a peculiarly pleasant
Following up to their
first release of three singles
“Lose It,” “Livewire,” and
“Drive,” the London-originated band Oh Wonder released
a self-titled album on September 4. The singles were all included as well on the new album. Josephine Vander Gucht
and Anthony West, a couple
that harmonize soft-indie vocals with synth backgrounds
Photo by Grace Stone
sing the vocals. The resulting
Microphones help to improve the sound quality of musicians and singers alike
product is a jazz-influenced,
relaxing set of songs. The
self-titled album contains fifteen excited for the release of the al- in New Jersey, the twenty-year-old
songs, gaining only positive re- bum. BADLANDS was introduced alternative R&B singer has already
views on iTunes. Seven of their to iTunes on August 28. Her prior toured with Imagine Dragons and
tracks have topped the Hype Ma- EP released in April, Room 93, feaContinued on page 31
chine charts and earned more than tures popular songs “Hurricane,”
Page 31
-- Scarlett FEVER
Continued from page 30 Jimmy Fallon. Her most popuhas been a presence on the Internet. Her sound is comparable to
Lorde with a moodier undertone.
In the Pop genre, Zara
Larsson & MNEK debuted their
first single “Never Forget You”
on September 10 to iTunes. Originally solo artists, Swedish pop
star Larsson and British songwriter MNEK joined together for the
track. On September 17, their music video was released onto YouTube. “Never Forget You” mixes
R&B and pop influences to create
a three-and-a-half minute ballad.
Singer Alessia Cara had
been posting acoustic covers of
songs on YouTube for years until she signed off with Def Jam
Recordings and released the EP
Four Pink Walls on August 26.
The Canadia-born singer and
songwriter from Ontario collected over half a million streams
of her songs in the first week.
Her songs “Seventeen,” “Here,”
“Outlaws,” “I’m Yours,” and
“Four Pink Walls” all encompass
a R&B/pop sound, and have been
compared to artists such as Amy
Winehouse and Lorde. Cara has
been nominated for a number of
awards, recommended by various
magazines, and has been featured
on The Tonight Show starring
lar song on the album is “Here.”
Released on August 1
and September 10 respectively,
singer Myami published her two
singles “Soldier” and “I Oh I.”
Inspired by Mariah Carey, TLC
and Destiny’s Child, Myami’s
vocally-driven tracks combine a
range of melodies with electropop. To follow up the release
of her two singles, the artist
will be releasing her first EP in
Spring 2016 called ARMOUR.
Jarryd James released
his first EP Thirty One on September 3. Two singles were released
prior to Thirty One. “Give Me
Something” was sold on June 16,
and “Do You Remember” in April
21 to Canada. These tracks were
included in his EP album. Born
in Brisbane, Australia, the singer
and producer uses electronica and
soul genres to create a meaningful tribute album in memory of
his father who was the same age
as him when he passed away.
Many more artists debut
each month. To find more musicians that recently have published
their tracks or new news about
the music business, websites
such as spin.com/, rollingstone.
com, billboard.com, nme.com,
and mtv.com have many articles
and reviews on upcoming artists.
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
-- October 2015
Nicholas Cage disappoints again
Grace Stone
Trying to relive one of his
most popular movie series, National Treasure, Nicholas Cage starred
as main character, Lake, in his
most recent movie, Dying of the
Light. Recently released to Netflix
and on DVD in late September, the
film received horrible ratings: on
rottentomatoes.com, only 9% of
critics generally enjoyed the motion picture, and there were no reviews that rated Dying of the Light
as “positive” on metacritic.com.
These reviews were not based on
poor judgement.
The plot surrounds the
rogue adventures of a CIA agent,
Lake, as he continues his revengefueled search for an Islamic terrorist presumed dead by the government. The same terrorist had held
Lake captive twenty years previous to the start of the film. The initial plot is intriguing, however begins to become more indirect when
writer and director of the film, Paul
Schrader, also diagnoses Lake’s
character with dementia. The purpose and message
of the movie, whether it is that
Lake needs to get revenge or manage with a terminal disease, is fad-
ed and neither of the ideas are fully
elaborated on. At the end of the
film, the plot is still not resolved.
If the two themes had been carried
through well, it would be interesting to see the outcome. The idea
of a government-hidden terrorist
has many possibilities; however,
the film only skims the surface of
its potential, and no psychological
parts of the brain are tested like in
National Treasure, which is filled
with hidden meanings keeping the
audience wondering what could
happen next. The entire search for
the terrorist is alarmingly predictable and simple as the obstacles
Lake faces are practically non-existent: between the enemy and the
One of the few redeeming
qualities of the motion picture is
the interesting camera angles and
nice transitions between scenes.
Despite the skill in the technology department, the lack of action
and thrill drowns any intrigue the
cameras might have added. The
most exciting scene in the movie
is the ten-second chase scene between Lake and a terrorist, which
features Cage jogging towards the
enemy. The rest of the film features
awkward, lengthy scenes of Lake
walking down a hallway, his character smelling a fake plant, and his
romantic partner slowly stepping
down stairs. Furthermore, Cage’s
commonly charismatic acting is
more intense due to his dementiainduced mood swings, which do
not translate well into the movie;
it seems that he is simply yelling
at everything. As well, the cliché
script could make any audience
cringe with lines like “nobody can
hide from the reaper,” when Lake
talks about himself. Additionally,
the director follows a simple rule
of “intense music or no music,”
which makes the scenes with no
sound awkward, or in an intense
soundtrack when dull moments occur, such as when Lake sips at his
coffee in a quiet brewery.
Other mistakes the movie
makes include illogical Mac product placement in a house with poverty and editing shots that make
no sense in their sequence. There
is no real emotion between any of
the characters and the movie does
not deserve its’ title of a “psychological thriller.” Overall, this film
is not worth wasting an hour and a
half for.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 32
Comedian talk show host, Colbert, takes on Late Show
Carissa Feddema Stephen Colbert is most
notably known for his position as
host of the Late Show with Stephen
Colbert, an American late night
talk show. He is now taking the
helm of another show, Late Show.
August 1993 was when Late Show
first premiered with David Letterman as host. Letterman kept at it
until his retirement three months
ago. Colbert’s first episode premiered on September 8, 2015
and was a big success in terms of
views. Plenty has changed since
Letterman was host, but some
things remain the same. The show
continues to be held at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York and airs
weeknights on the CBS channel at
11:35 pm eastern daylight time.
Colbert’s first episode
was a hit. Audiences got to hear
his new theme song and see the
new set for the first time, as well
as the renovated Ed Sullivan Theatre dome. To make the premier
even grander, Colbert interviewed
American actor, George Clooney
and former governor of Florida,
Jeb Bush. Colbert also said a few
kind words about his predecessor, Letterman. He made it clear
that he was not going to replace
Letterman, but instead honour his
achievement by doing the best he
can with the show. Jimmy Fallon, host of the Tonight Show and
Colbert’s new rival, was also recognized through a short segment
in which they wished each other a
good show, implying that there are
no hard feelings between the two.
This is not Colbert’s first
time hosting a television show. He
has had previous experience from
his late night talk and news satire
program, The Colbert Report, in
which he played a fictionalized
character of himself with the same
name. His final performance on the
Colbert Report was on December
18, 2014. His character was created for his role on the Daily Show
but he carried it with him throughout his career. For the Late Show
with Stephen Colbert, however, he
has chosen to give up the charac-
ter and be himself. Since his fans
know him as this character, it could
be difficult for him to move on and
night talk show. His only potential obstacle will be his competition. The Tonight Show with Jimmy
rently indicate that Fallon is leading in viewer numbers. However,
CBS says that Late Show had the
most viewers during its opening
week due to Colbert’s incredible debut. The competition between the hosts will continue.
Colbert certainly has big
shoes to fill. Letterman’s career
as a late night talk show host
lasted for more than 30 years.
He has been a part of Late Show
for 22 of those 30 years. Letterman is the longest serving late
night talk show host in American history. He was ranked no.
45 on TV Guide’s 50 greatest
TV stars of all time and has
earned the respect of many who
have watched his show. He will
be remembered for years to
come. This makes the expectaPhoto By Carissa Feddema tions high for the new host. Although some people would say
The success of late night talk shows is often attributed to the comedic hosts
that his challenge is to replace
be known as his true self.
Fallon airs at the same time as the Letterman, others would argue that
Fans of the Colbert Re- Late Show with Stephen Colbert. his real challenge is to replace the
port know that he is more than The two shows are competing for character that he made for himself.
capable of hosting his own late viewers each week. The polls cur- the usually fatal red spiky-shelled
turtle as a protective helmet for
Mario to wear in order to more
easily survive falling enemies. One
enemy can now be placed to pop
out in its place. While the question box was changed negatively,
others such as the cannon can be
To celebrate Nintendo’s 30th anniversary Super Mario
Maker, a new interactive game, has been released
super mushroom to get a bigger
Koopa Troopa.
Nintendo’s popular Super
When starting, only the
Mario Bros. celebrates their 30th
basic components of the game are
anniversary with the release of
available to use, but every day
a new game designed for the
one plays, new components are
Wii U: Super Mario Maker.
unlocked. New sample courses
This new addition to the Mario
are also unlocked at the same
family is full of creative and
time. When creating and editunique possibilities that differ
ing a new level one can instantly
from traditional Mario games.
change to play mode to test out
In Super Mario Maker one can
if that section works. With time,
defy the rules that the previous
the sound effect frog can be unMario games have presented
locked which allows one to insert
in exchange for a game abunobjects like fireworks as well as
dant with new surprises. To acbe able to create new sound efcomplish this imaginative feat,
fects. One can place music boxes
Nintendo has developed a game
in such a way that surrounding
in which the player becomes
objects will hit them creating a
the designer and the player.
song. Once gamers have sucIn typical fashion of creation
cessfully completed designing
games Super Mario Maker has
a level they can then share it by
a tool box at the top which alposting it to the Internet for othlows one to easily put in many
er to see and play. This feature
components into the level such
allows one to have an endless
Photo by Hailey Payne number of levels, a large variety
as bricks, enemies, pipes, and
question boxes.
The controllor of Super Mario Maker allows players to easily place items, set within the levels, and varying
Although this game is
degrees of difficulty, all just a
their creative imaginations free and to make complex levels effortlessly
relatively new, the amount of
click away.
creativity shown in popularly post- can deny famous aspects of Su- changed to shoot coins at Mario. Mario has evolved since
ed levels indicates that the only per Mario Bros. such as changing Another new feature is that shak- its invention; the famous Japanese
limit is one’s imagination. Players the outcome of positive obstacles ing an object or even an enemy will Mario was created by Shigeru Misee objects such as a high-heeled into negative ones and vice versa. transform it; for example, if a boo yamoto and made its first appearshoe that Mario sits in and uses to Famously, when Mario has hit a is shaken it will become a ring of ance in 1981 when he was featured
jump on unsuspecting enemies. An question box a coin or power has boos. One can also combine ob- in Donkey Kong. At that time, Maimpressive invention is the use of always popped out, until now; an jects like a Koopa Troopa with a rio did not have a name and was
By Hailey Payne
simply called “Jumpman.” Since
then, Nintendo has given this beloved character a name and has
launched a series of games starring
Mario, the first of which came to
the US on September 13, 1985.
The name Mario came from Mario
Segale, the owner of the building
that Miyamoto and some of his
friends rented. The group thought
it would be funny to name the
character Mario because neither
Miyamoto or any of his friends
living there had ever actually met
him. To date, Mario has appeared
in over 200 games.
Most reviews declare
this game a huge success and a
must-buy. Blogger, Nerdist gave
Super Mario Maker a 5/5 and felt
that, “Super Mario Maker makes
a player feel like an artist.” Blogger, UPROXX remarks that “The
Wii U was pretty much made for a
game like this” and gives it a 9/10.
GameSpot agrees that, “Super
Mario Maker is a game of joyous
creation and fun surprises,” also
giving this game a 9/10. With all
these positive reviews, it is understandable why people are anxious
to get the game for themselves. Super Mario Bros. 30th anniversary
addition has fans eager to test their
imaginations and try their hand in
this latest trend.
Page 33
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
The thrilling Scorch Trials movie hits theatres now
By Alexis Bradley
After the first installment of The
Maze Runner, based on the best-selling
novel by James Dashner, people everywhere have been waiting for the release of
The Scorch Trials September 18. The film
finally hit theatres, appearing a little over
a year after the first in the series. The plot
starts only ten minutes after The Maze Runner ends, when Thomas and his friends have
escaped from the maze. Just before the first
movie ends, Thomas and his friends have
learned about W.C.K.D., the organization
that trapped them in the maze. The movie
starts right after they are rescued, as the
characters just see how the Earth looks outside of the maze.
Dylan O’Brien, age 24, who plays
Thomas in the film, is widely known for
his rambunctious role as Stiles on Teen
Wolf, as well as the lead role in The First
Time. Other major characters include Newt,
played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Love
Actually); Minho, played by Ki Hong Lee
(Nine Lives of Chloe King); and Theresa,
played by Kaya Scodelario (Skins). The
cast is excellent, and audiences have been
It has been reported that Ed Sheeran
will be taking a long break from music – but
not quite for the reason fans might expect.
The well-loved singer plans to volunteer. The
star wants to put his successful music career
on pause in order to help out in the town in
which he grew up. He plans to spend some
time volunteering for various charities, starting with the Sue Ryder Shop in his hometown of Suffolk, England beginning in October. The Sue Ryder foundation is a charity
that provides hospice care for patients suffering from life-changing medical diagnoses. The foundation states, “We do whatever
we can to be a safety net for our patients and
their loved ones at the most difficult time of
their lives. We see the person, not the condition.” The Sue Ryder Foundation takes exquisite care of their patients in order to ensure them the best and longest lives possible.
The founder of the charity, Sue
Ryder, is a remarkable woman. After World
War II Ryder travelled and lived all around
Europe and visited young men in prisons
serving sentences that far outweighed their
crimes. Ryder also began helping prisoners of German concentration camps and
saving people sentenced to death in Allied
prisons. Ryder helped to heal victims both
physically, by providing medical care, and
Photo by Alexis Bradley
The Scorch Trials movie poster at Cineplex Odeon Chinook Centre
emotionally, by organizing trips for former
prisoners of concentration camps. Ryder
started her charity foundation in 1953, and
waiting to see them together again for a long
period of time. After
watching the movie,
it is clear that it is
much different from
the book. The characters are changed, important plot twists are
taken out, while new
ones are added in.
The film seems to be
a completely different
story from the novel.
The Scorch Trials is
a very fast-paced film,
with plenty of action,
followed by action,
and even more action. There are scenes
that are not relevant
to the plot entirely
but they provide great
entertainment. If people were fans of the
books, they will either
hate the changes per-
at the Sue Ryder Shop in Suffolk are familiar with Sheeran since he grew up in the
small town and are eager to welcome him.
This is not Sheeran’s only connection to a charity shop though; it seems the
star is quite devoted to helping others. After
the 2015 Grammy Awards, the singer donated his entire wardrobe from the night, consisting of eight pieces of clothing, to the St.
Elizabeth Hospice charity shop in Framlingham, England. He also donated eight bags of
clothing to charity shops on another occasion
in 2014, which made the stores over £4,000.
St. Elizabeth Hospice is another charity shop
that uses proceeds to provide hospice care to
Photo by Erin Burns
Charity shops like Value Village are easily accessible and make a difference in so many lives
opened over 600 charity shops, including the
one Sheeran plans to volunteer in, in order
to fund the program. Many of the volunteers
those in need. The foundation cares for over
2,000 people each year, and is glad to have
Sheeran’s support. The manager of the Sue
formed, or love this new concept, especially
how the Cranks, the flare-infected people,
are portrayed.
Even with all of the changes, The
Scorch Trials is still a very good film. The
cast performed well, special effects were
realistic, and the sets were original and fit
the feel of the movie. Wes Ball, the director of the first and second movie, has a very
unique interpretation of the novels.
During opening weekend, the
movie made $30.3 million, which is slightly lower than the $32.5 million The Maze
Runner brought in. Ball has confirmed that
he will be directing the third and final movie
in The Maze Runner trilogy. After the first
movie being filmed in Louisiana, and the
second in New Mexico, the setting of trilogy will really change when The Death Cure
is most likely filmed in Vancouver, B.C.
The next movie will be picked up about a
year after The Scorch Trials, and the whole
cast will be returning.
I highly recommend this movie to
people who enjoy really fast-paced action
scenes. Generally, this movie would be a
solid 7/10. Ryder Foundation, Jacqui Bell, also believes
that this will help to draw more kids towards
the Sue Ryder Foundation and encourage
them to donate to their local charity shops.
All of these donations are a
kind gesture on Sheeran’s part, but charity shops are not the only thing the celebrity is devoting this break from music to.
As well as his work with Ryder’s charity,
Sheeran has purchased a police station in his
home town for £1 million. He is working towards transforming the station into a youth
centre for locals, so Suffolk’s youth have a
place where they feel welcome. Sheeran will
be helping to transform the space into a youth
club, as well as volunteering time there when
it is up and running. Sheeran wants to be a
part of the experience, and he wants to see
his own youth club changing lives for youth
the way one changed his life back in the day.
The singer/songwritwer has claimed he owes
his music career to a youth club, as it was the
one he took part in as a kid that got him interested in music in the first place, and it was
there that he discovered he was good at it.
It seems this singer is dedicated to
helping provide hospice care, because that is
where most of his charity work is focused.
In the past, Sheeran teamed up with Martin
Guitars to create a special edition guitar for
fans to buy, and 100% of his proceeds went
towards East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices,
yet another Suffolk-based charity. The guy
is definitely devoted to making his hometown a great place. Sheeran also makes sure
to spend plenty of time cheering up sick fans
by visiting them in hospitals all around the
world when he has spare time. Although
fans may not be hearing anything new on the
radio from the star for a while – and fans are
sure to miss him – nobody can help but forgive him. He sure has a good excuse, after all.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 34
The Choir strengthens on their excellent annual retreat
By Hailey Payne
their free time, including checkers, having two teams race each other
At the beginning of the ping-pong, and volleyball. That to pass a lifesaver down the line of
each school year, The Dr. E. P. night, everybody worked together people to the end using only toothScarlett Choir takes part in a choir on song selections and enjoyed a picks and other drama exercises.
retreat to
ner, students
C h o i r
were visited
by another
clinician. It
to know
was increde a c h
ible to see
other and
how much
progress the
made during
to grow
that day. All
Photo by Hailey Payne
as a choir.
were amazed
This year
by how much
the Choir
the frozen t-shirt and had to figure out as well as a short act being perRetreat
Choir sound- how to break the ice off of the t- formed.
was held
ed employ- shirt and melt it enough for one of The Choir Retreat was
at River’s
ing the new- their team members to put in on. It a huge success and allowed the
E d g e
learned was a gruelling activity in which Choir to become united. It is someCamp,
techniques. teams got extremely competitive, thing that is looked forward to year
eve- hands were frozen and nails were after year and a highlight of the
Photo by Hailey Payne That
20 min- Grade 12 students Kale Dotzler, Wesley Wright, Lindsey Aston, Ben Whitham, Josh ning students torn. The last hurrah before stu- school year for many. The Choir
utes north Crawford, and Chloe Thiessen, the winning team from the frozen t-shirt competition watched the dents loaded the bus to come home started this experience with only a
Covery fitting was a talent show which featured few rehearsals but returned home
chrane in the heart of Water Valley, relaxation exercise with Choir in- movie Pitch Perfect 2,
which is a beautiful place full of structor Jonathan Bell. After stu- or if members opted out,
rolling hills and has a spectacular dents were split into five groups, they enjoyed their own
view of giant evergreen trees and they were challenged to make a activities until bedtime.
the city on the horizon. The camp short tune including their team co- T h u r s d a y ,
took place from September 22-24, lour and names to present to each the group had to be all
which allowed the Choir enough other. Students then socialized packed and put our bags
time to work diligently but not around a campfire and enjoyed against the main buildbecome drained from the long ex- card games and a snack before bed. ing before breakfast.
Wednesday was a busy Then there was one last
pedition. During this time many friendships grew and individuals day of activity and progress. In choir practice with Bell
who normally might not interact the morning everyone divided into all together to reflect on
and bond were able to do just that. sections (soprano, alto, tenor, and everything the group
In Choir everyone is accepted for bass) and had the pleasure of work- had learned throughout
who they are and quickly brought ing with expert clinicians who the retreat and to dehelped to bring different opinions cide what techniques
into the fold.
After school Tuesday, and exercises to make the songs were going to be applied
September 22, the Scarlett Choir exceptional. After lunch the Choir and where. Then before
arrived at River’s Edge Camp met with different clinicians, the lunch, there were more
and had time to get settled in their tenors and bases were grouped to- team building activites
Photo by Hailey Payne
rooms before dinner. Luckily, gether and the sopranos and altos with the River’s Edge The sopranos and altos rehearsing with an expert clinician, who helped hone the Choir’s
students were all able to share a were together to start putting the personnel.
skills, and provided a growing confidence in their parts as well as helpful techniques
comfortable room with three other parts together. Ensuring that there A popular one
students in the building they called were team-building activities with that students remembered from last the many talented students in choir. with a repertoire of new skills,
The Inn. They were also fortunate the River’s Edge staff, students en- year was a competition where peo- Many sang songs with or without techniques, and an increased conto have many games to play in gaged in fun competitions such as ple were in groups of six and got a also playing a musical instrument fidence.
Page 35
-- FINE ARTS -- Scarlett FEVER
2015 Grade 10 Band Camp
By Chase Glenwright
Band camp is a time for Concert
and Jazz Band students to practice their instruments with the best of the best. Band
camp is not only about playing music but
about bonding and students becoming
closer to their fellow band enthusiasts. Two
full days of clinics, outdoor activities, team
bonding, and rehearsals are included.
This year’s band camp will be held
November 23 to 25 at River’s Edge about
Camp...would have to be the food.”
When asked to provide a negative experience from a previous year at band camp
Brown did not have an example, “I don’t
recall a bad time at band camp to be honest.” Hopefully, this will change the minds
of any students that are having any misgivings about attending. Brown also had this
to say about being nervous: “It’s gonna be
a whole lot of fun … it never crossed my
mind that students got nervous about band
camp.” Band camp is where students be-
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
Scarlett actors transform
into con artists in The Sting
By Erin Burns
Scarlett’s Fine Arts department
started off with a bang for this year’s advanced acting productions with the announcement of the 2015 fall production, The
Sting. This comedic drama is sure to pack
a punch with its exciting plot and nearly
fifty-student cast. The classic show, set in
Chicago during the 1930s, follows aspiring con artist Johnny Hooker as he teams
up with long-time professional Henry Gondorff to take down the mob boss responsible for the murder of their friend Luther
Coleman. Together they arrange what they
say to be the best con ever. This play is
jam-packed with action, drama and wit,
and fit with a cast of both Scarlett newcomers and grade 12 pros. The performance
is sure to thrill students and adults alike.
The casting of Scarlett’s interpretation of The Sting has been posted and students are already starting to bring the show
to life in rehearsals. With a large cast com-
advanced acting program at Scarlett is all
about giving students hands-on experience
with theatre shows and helping people at
many different levels to improve and to experience theatre. This is why the crew of this
year’s fall production includes two grade
12 student directors, Robert Lindgren and
Alun Bain, who are each assistant directors
of one act of the show. Both students, who
have participated in various Scarlett shows
in previous years, will be performing small
roles in the acts that they are not directing.
Other grade 12 students as well
as teachers Erin Crealock and Raymond
McRae are also in charge of stage managing and various parts of the tech crew. Making a theatre show is a highly collaborative
effort and this one is no exception. In order
to create a truly memorable show, extensive
work is required both on stage and behind
the scenes. Putting on a performance is fun
for the students involved but also requires a
high level of commitment. Some members
of The Sting cast with larger parts rehearse
Photo by Chase Glenwright
Grade 12 Concert Band rehearsal with Paul Brown, band teacher, conducting the students
an hour northwest of the city. Band teacher
Paul Brown had this to say about the camp
“River’s Edge camp is an lovely site, it has
large facilities for the band to set up and
stay in…it is basically like a resort or hotel.” Brown and Jonathan Bell, Scarlett’s
two band teachers, are arranging for clinicians to instruct students in their particular
instruments. “Typically we have clinicians
from The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra...and other professional musicians in the
community.” Students generally study and
practice music two or three times a day as
well as one or two rehearsals including a
guest conductor. Students will be working
on music for upcoming concerts.
“The fun of band camp is watching the students truly become…a community of like-minded people, friendships
develop. It’s just generally time well spent
when you are trying to work together as
an ensemble.” This is how music teacher
Brown describes his favourite experience
at band camp.
There is more to band camp than
just music. There are other fun activities to
participate in; for example, Brown fondly
recalls the ping-pong table and how excited
he was to have students “annihilate him”
in a match. Still, there may be something
even better than beating music teachers in
ping pong and playing music. According to
Brown, “the best thing about River’s Edge
come better friends and musicians at the
same time, through lessons from seasoned
experts and each other.
This is most likely not the first
time many of these students have gone to
band camp, but it will be the first time with
the Scarlett band for grade 10 students. “I
think they just like getting away and having a overnight stay somewhere…most
students have tried it or something like it
before,” was Brown’s response to what he
believes the students look forward to the
The students will not only be going to Band camp this school year, but will
also be attending international competitions
to places such as New York, and more local competitions to places such as Whistler.
This year the Grade 10 band will be going
to Edmonton. “The band might also be going on a trip in March…if the Festival dates
work out.” said Jonathan Bell.
The students are only gone for two
days and one night because if they were to
stay any longer the fast pace of high school
could very well “leave them in the dust.”
Band camp is a great chance to
improve one’s playing skills and make new
connections because students will always
remember the good times and friends made
on this excursion.
Photo by Erin Burns
Coan Roik, Grade 12, Kiran Predika, Grade 10, and Zack Friesen, Grade 10, in rehearsal
plete with a range of hardworking students
from all different grades in all different-sized
parts, the show will be one to awe audiences.
The play would also not be complete without
the large tech crew covering all the behindthe-scenes work, and James Jack, the drama
teacher and director in charge of the show.
The tech crew is tasked with preparing sets,
props and costumes as well as stage managing and doing cast members’ makeup and
so much more. Technical theatre students
are often overshadowed by the actors in a
show, although they are a tremendous asset to the performance, no doubt, as there
could not possibly be a show without them.
This is a very interesting show that
is especially great for a school because it has
such a large cast and such a variety of role
sizes. A show this large gives many students
of all different skill levels the opportunity to
participate and gain acting experience. The
every day after school. Students and teachers are working long and hard to create a
show that spectators will be sure to love. It
may be hard work but we are sure that it will
all pay off when showtime comes around.
You can come out and see The Sting
when it comes to life in the Scarlett theatre in
December. Scarlett’s actors will be putting
on two matinee shows Monday, December
7 and Tuesday, December 8, as well as two
evening shows Wednesday, December 9 and
Thursday, December 10 at 7 pm, so be sure
to stop by and experience this thrilling classic along with us then. Much effort goes
into putting on a good theatre show, and cast
and crew will be hard at work for the next
three months to put together a truly unforgettable performance for everyone who comes
to watch, Lancers will not want to miss
it. Come out and support fellow students
and enjoy a great show that will be loved.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 36
Senior Boys Volleyball team currently best in province
By Aaron Schmidtke
The Senior Boys Volleyball team is perennially a competitive force and kicking off this
season was no different. The volleyball season opened up for the
Scarlett Senior Boys September 17
as they hosted a best-of-five series
against the St. Francis Browns.
Each game goes to twenty-five
points, so the first team to win
three sets wins the best-of-five.
The first game was an
absolutely dominating performance by the Lancers. The ball
was staying up with ease, the setter was placing perfectly, and the
spikes were hard and accurate.
Meanwhile on the defensive end,
the Scarlett boys were throwing
a block party. Everything that the
Browns attempted to slam over, the
Lancers at the net would time their
jumps flawlessly and in pairs block
the spike. The game ended 25-15
in favour of the home squad.
The second game was
a completely different story. It
seemed that the previous game
had given the Lancers a false impression of how easy the competition would be. St. Francis began
the second game unquestionably
controlling the pace. Hit after hit,
they were stacking up the score on
Scarlett. Coach Darren Colquhoun
called a time-out to settle his
troops. The score at that point was
8-2. After the time-out, Scarlett did
pick up their competitive level a
bit and managed to get some points
on the board, but their defensive
structure was still suffering, making it 18-9 for St. Francis. At this
moment, the seemingly impossible
happened. Led by two straight aces
by Jacob Reid, which would be
dubbed the “TSN turning point,”
the boys no longer had the look of
frustration in their eyes but rather
determination. The game certainly
was not over yet. The game then
sat at 18-11 and Scarlett went on
a 9-2 run to tie the game at 20-20.
With vision being 20/20, it was
clear Scarlett was not done there.
This remarkable run completely
swayed the momentum in Scarlett’s direction which sparked the
Browns’ coach to call a time-out to
rest and calm his group. The next
point after went to St. Francis giving them the slight edge of 21-20.
The Lancers looked undaunted.
They all patted each other on their
backs and buckled down to score
player Lars Lang aside for his postgame comments, fellow secondyear Senior Ethan Bromley joked,
“Is this the part where I pour the
cooler of Gatorade on his head?”
He then added, “The boys really
pulled hard, and look at the results:
3-0.” After Bromley came in and
gave his two cents, Lars Lang then
had this to add: “The first game
was good; we really brought some
great energy. The second game we
tournament. Jackson Howe received all-star honours and Jacob
Reid won the Most Valuable Player of the tournament. The Lancers
will also be participating in three
more tournaments before Provincials. The first is a tournament in
Spruce Grove on October 9-10,
the second is the Lindsay Thurber
tournament in Red Deer on October 23-24, and the final tournament
they are entered in is the Foothills
Photo By Aaron Schmidtke
Grade twelves Ethan Bromley (left) and Lars Lang (right) hope to become provincial champions this season
five straight points, giving them
the exhilarating win.
After the extraordinary
comeback win of the last game,
the team was extremely motivated
to win their third and to sweep the
best-of-five series. Compared to
the beginning of the last game they
played, the Lancers certainly adjusted and tighten up their defense
giving them their most decisive
victory in the series: 25-13.
As I pulled Senior Boys
lost momentum and were too comfortable. The third game we really
got the energy back in our favour.”
This 3-0 sweep of the
series should come as no surprise
to anybody as the Lancers look as
ready if not more prepared to win
as any competitor in their league.
The Senior Boys already showcased their skill as they won the
preseason tournament dubbed “The
Fall Classic,” and they recently
just won the University of Calgary
tournament in Okotoks, October,
The team has a perfect
mix of senior team experience
and first-year seniors. The team
has twelve players, split perfectly
down the middle with six grade
twelves and six grade elevens.
“Twelve very nice young men that
know each other very well. They
are gelling very well,” said coach
Colquhoun. “They say very encouraging comments to each other
throughout games and practices.
As a coach, that is fantastic news.
Players that get along and respect
each other can accomplish so much
Coach Colquhoun is not
only a coach but a teacher here
at Scarlett, like the majority of
the other sports team’s coaches.
Colquhoun has been a teacher here
at Scarlett for the past twenty years
and teaches primarily Science 30
and Chemistry 30 (insert team
chemistry joke here). Colquhoun’s
coaching career all-time includes
Senior Girls Volleyball for five
years, Junior Boys Volleyball for
eight years, and Senior Boys Volleyball for six years. With his experience and knowledge about the
sport, this makes him the perfect
coach for the Senior Boys team.
Coach Colquhoun acclaims his team this year: “Skill
wise they are exceptional. I see
about half the team going to postsecondary with volleyball which
is quite a high number. Others
are athletic and could be in other
sports than volleyball.” The team
holds extremely high expectations
for themselves. The senior boys
are going to need to continue their
success if they want to fulfill these
expectations. “We should do very
well this year with the goal being
to win Cities then focus on Provincials.”
The Senior Boys will
need to buckle down and keep
playing their game at an extremely
high competitive level. The team
encourages students and family to come watch this incredibly
high-paced volleyball at Scarlett
and when they visit other schools.
“Come to the games if you want to
see some world class high school
volleyball. It is extremely fun to
watch,” finished Colquhoun. Cities
and Provincials seem like a world
away, but if the Senior Boys keep
dominating the floor, it will come
faster than a speeding spike.
Page 37
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Senior Girls Volleyball Success
By Helena Gagnier
In hopes of earning a
spot on the 2015 Senior Girls Volleyball Team, a group of athletes
gathered in Scarlett’s gymnasium
on September 1. After three tryouts, twelve athletes were chosen,
and the hard work and dedication
of the volleyball season began.
Two weeks of practice
later, the Lancers put their skills to
the test in their first tournament of
the year at the University of Calgary on September 11 and 12.
The team preformed well,
earning themselves a spot in the
tournaments gold medal match
against long-time rivals, William
Aberhart Orange. The Lancers
won the first set 25-22, giving them
confidence heading into the next
nesses, and practice accordingly.
The Lancers play has continued to improve steadily, leading
them to be undefeated in league
play. Their first win in league play
was on September 17 against Bishop Grandin, 25-16, 25-14, 25-21.
Again, they were able to
win in three sets while playing St
Mary’s on September 29, with 2513, 25-12, 25-19. On October 1 the
Lancers played Beaverbrook and
had similar success, winning 2518, 28-26, 25-19.
Coach Tyler Spooner has
high hopes for Scarlett’s senior
women’s volleyball team this year.
These hopes are reasonable, as the
Lancers WERE city silver medalists last year, led by co-captains
Hilary Howe and Allisa Dande-
New additions to the team
include Anna Bender, Grade 12,
and Isabel Loewan, Grade 11. Both
Bender and Loewan were recognized for their outstanding play on
the junior team last year, and easily fit into the Senior Girls team
The Lancers are thrilled
to have Spooner as head coach for
the second year in a row, aided by
assistant coaches Jossan Drolet
and Matt Nudd.
The last Senior Girls
Volleyball Team to bring home a
gold City Championship medal for
Scarlett won in 2004. With eleven
out of twelve girls of the 2015 team
in their senior year, the stakes are
high, as this is their last chance to
bring home a City or Provincial
-- October 2015
Junior Boys Volleyball starts strong
By Levi Kitsul and
Carissa Feddema
The Junior Boys’ Volleyball team has had a good start
season ahead of us with some big
games against William Aberhart
and Centennial. I would consider
our team top 3 in Dev 1 Junior
Photo By Ayesha Shaikh and Gerry Prost
Junior Boys Volleyball team poses with coaches in the great Lancer house
Photo by Helena Gagnier
The Senior Girls Volleyball team poses for a picture with their coach Spooner looking forward to a great year
set. Excitement, however, got the
best of the Lancers, leading them
to make many unforced errors,
which ultimately lost them the set
21-25. In the third set, the Lancers
were unable to regain composure,
and lost 9-15, leaving the team
with silver.
The tournament was an
excellent opportunity for the team
to target their strengths and weak-
nault, who both return to the team
this year as seniors. “This team has
the potential to do great things,”
Spooner says.
Returning to the Varsity
team alongside Howe and Dandenault are Linzee Aston, Sarah Janz,
Madison Hayley, Cienna Hewitt,
Helena Gagnier, Mckenna Howard, Carley Chomiak, and Anna
Watt, all Grade 12. Championship banner to hang on
Scarlett’s walls.
The pressure to preform
is on, but the Lancers are well
equipped to handle any obstacle
that may come their way. Their
next home game is on October 20
against Western Redhawks. Be
sure to show your Lancer pride.
Good luck Lancers!
to the season. Currently, the team
is 3-2 in league play. They won
against Saint Mary’s on October
8, lost against Ernest Manning on
October 6, won against Churchill
on October 1, lost against Centennial on September 22, and finally won against Saint Francis
on September 17. The teams that
they have yet to face are Aberhart
on October 15 and Centennial on
October 22 in the Scarlett gym as
well as Western on October 29
which will take place in Western’s gym.
Volleyball can be a complex sport that needs exemplarily
coaching. Coach Raynell Prince
is a gym teacher with more than
just a few tips for the team. Prince
was chosen to coach the team as
she had extensive background in
the sport. The athletes on the team
show promise and improvement
in their skills already in this season. For the outcome of the season, Prince wants for the team to
“walk away from the season with
lots of knowledge about the game
as well enjoying the experience.”
The boys’ have set high standards
and are working hard in practices
to earn a spot in the Division 1
City Championship Final.
FEVER: How is the team gelling
as one?
Prince: Team dynamic is awesome. The boys have great personalities and have really come
together as a team!
FEVER: How do the other teams
stack up against the Lancers?
Prince: We have a challenging
Boys Prairie Division.
FEVER: Are there any other
teams that pose a threat to the
Prince: Not a threat but we will
have great games against Abe and
FEVER: What are some of the
coaching techniques you use?
Prince: Give everyone on my
team playing opportunities to
contribute to our team success!
I give lots of feedback and run
“upbeat multi ball game like”
practices. I ensure all players on
my team understand why they are
doing something and have them
learn all the positions and roles on
the team to ensure they are a wellrounded player.
FEVER: What, in your opinion,
makes a good volleyball player?
Prince: Someone who is eager to
learn, takes feedback and tries to
implement feedback, an athlete
(tall strong coordinated!), and
someone who can easily come on
from making a mistake, someone
who is a great team player and is
able to communicate!
FEVER: If you could change
anything about the team what
would it be? Why?
Prince: Jerseys! Red on Red
hurts my eyes!
Come out to support
the junior boys and show Lancer
pride as they face off against Aberhart on October 15 and Centennial on October 22, both at home.
These games promise to be exciting displays of high-calibre volleyball.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 38
Senior Girls Soccer heads into playoffs undefeated
By Daniel Nickerson
The Scarlett Women’s
Soccer team had an easy win on
Thursday September 17 defeating
Bishop Grandin 6-0. Overall, the
team gave a solid performance and
effort by the whole team to achieve
the win. This was the Lancers first
game since the much-anticipated
game against Bishop Carol was rescheduled due to poor field conditions. The team could not ask for
a better start to what they expect
to be a highly competitive season.
With 4 goals coming in the first
half and 2 in the second, Grandin
was one of the easier teams that
Scarlett will face this season and
the Lancers took advantage and
spent some time learning how to
play with one another since this is
the first time a many of the Lancers
have played with each other. There
are a few players that play on the
same teams like SWU Napoli or
Foothills 99s.
Monday, September 21
the Scarlett girls took on Centennial winning easily 9-1. The first
goal came from Centennial three
minutes into the game, but Scarlett
shot back with 2 goals of their own
when Georgia Tansley in grade 11
scored in the fifth and eighth minute to take the lead. Other players
chipped in on the team effort with
1 goal for Karlie Sauer grade 11, 2
goals from Shyanne Hedegs grade
11, 1 for Taylor Wells, 1 for Hannah Park, grade 11, and 1 for Jullien Ramirez grade 11. With the
regular keeper sick and unable to
play, Park played in net for the
first half letting in 1 goal, Ally Hay
played in second half and keeping
a clean sheet for her time in net.
Overall it was a great team effort
and the team is feeling confident
for their games ahead.
Scarlett’s girls’ soccer
team had another easy win for as
they beat Ernest Manning 3-0 on
Tuesday, September 22 at Earnest
Manning. Everyone was working
together and playing hard to secure
a victory that gives Scarlett a respectable lead over other teams in
20 among the NHL point leaders.
Ryan Kesler is one of the most
aggravating opponents to play
against due to his consistent defensive play and of course his big
mouth. He was playing at one of
the highest paces of his career in
the playoffs this past season. The
playoffs were also a coming-out
party for right winger Jakob Silfverberg as he racked up 18 points
in 16 games. Andrew Cogliano
and new-comer Carl Hagelin are
arguably two of the fastest skaters
in the entire league and could certainly pose a threat to teams on the
penalty kill. Jiri Sekac needs some
more ice time to improve his game
and should be provided with some
with the departures of Emerson
Etem, Kyle Palmieri, and Matt Beleskey from the team. Patrick Maroon is one thick unit at 6’1”, 231
pounds. He plays with an edge but
can provide a net-front presence on
the powerplay and a big blade in
the crease. Chris Stewart will need
to prove that he can consistently
be a top-tier power forward in
the league and will compete with
Maroon for ice time. Surprisingly,
Mike Santorelli received another
low salary and short term contract
despite his fairly steady play over
the past few seasons. Shawn Horcoff and Nate Thompson will compete for the fourth line centre role
which is pivotal for such a deep
team like the Ducks. Tim Jackman
is a great leader and role player that
will look to compete for a regular
spot on the roster.
Defense: Cam Fowler is a solid
top two defensemen who plays in
all situations. Hampus Lindholm
is arguably the best player to come
out of the 2012 NHL Entry Draft
as the sixth overall pick and is only
improving. Sami Vatanen is also
only getting better and is already
quarterbacking the Ducks powerplay. Kevin Bieska is a huge addition for the Ducks; it is true that
he is not as good as he once was,
but he is still an even replacement
for the departed Francois Beauchemin. The Ducks acquired, or rather
robbed the Penguins of, Simon Despres at the trade deadline. Clayton
Stoner plays some hard minutes
and plays a hard, rough game. Josh
Manson is ready to play full-time
NHL minutes as well.
Goaltending: Frederik Andersen is
quickly climbing his way into the
elite goaltender category after his
first full season as the Ducks’ starter. Anton Khudobin is a proven
back-up and can provide a steady
twenty to twenty seven games a
Young Guns: John Gibson is perhaps the most coveted goaltender in the league under the age of
twenty-three and looks like he will
be a star goalie for years to come.
Rickard Rakell had a stellar rookie
campaign last season and will play
increased minutes in different situations this season. Shea Theodore
and Nick Ritchie are both scratching the surface and may very well
play some games this season if
injuries become a problem for the
Ducks but they certainly do not
want to rush them as they are both
anticipated to become stars in the
league one day.
Brass: This may be the last opportunity for Ducks’ Head Coach
Bruce Boudreau as he has failed to
get his team to the Stanley Cup final in his four years with the club.
Those expectations sound a little
unreasonable, but with the Ducks
being a stacked organization, General Manager Bob Murray does not
see it that way. Murray is regarded
as one of, if not the best, General
Manager in the league. A few other
noticeable differences in the Ducks
brass include the firing of Assistant Coach Brad Lauer and the hiring of former Senators coach and
Jack Adams Trophy winner, Paul
MacLean. Former Edmonton Oilers Head Coach Dallas Eakins has
been hired on to head coach the
Ducks American Hockey League
affiliate squad, the San Diego
Overall Assessment: The Ducks
are the odds-on favourites to
win the Stanley Cup entering the
2015-2016 season. Anything less,
as far as they are concerned, will
be a disappointment. 2. Chicago
Blackhawks: Last season (48-286) Third in Central Division – Won
Stanley Cup
Photo by Daniel Nickerson
The Lancers playing Bishop Grandin Thursday, September 17, and Scarlett player Paige Jamieson, Grade 11, holding off a Bishop Grandin player
With Scarlett leading the
Calgary South pool with 6 wins,
33 goals for and only 3 against,
the team has high hopes of going
to City Finals and winning. The
women’s team are currently the
leading team in both the north and
south of Calgary with a total of
18 points, with Bishop Carol the
reigning champions right behind
them in second place with 5 wins
28 goals for and 3 against, Scarlett
leads them by 1 win and 5 goals.
Bishop Carol has been dominating
girls’ soccer for the past few years
but now it is Scarlett’s chance to
bring a championship back to the
school. Scarlett’s women’s soccer
team has never won a city championship before but this might be the
year where we win the finals and
beat out all others.
Top five teams in the West and East Conferences arise
in NHL season preview for the highly anticipated season
By Aaron
As the 2015-2016 National Hockey League season approaches, many are wondering
who will be the playoff contenders
and who will be competing (or not)
for Auston Matthews, the highly
touted Scottsdale native who looks
to be the consensus number one
pick in the 2016 NHL Entry Draft.
NHL teams are evaluated in countless ways in preparing for the season. The five factors that are determined to be the most important
going into each respective team’s
seasons are the team’s offense,
defense, goaltending, young guns
(the team’s younger talent coming
through the system), and the brass
(coaching and management). After
evaluating each factor, the team is
given a final overall assessment
and season prediction. The following rankings are the FEVER’s
predictions of the top five teams in
both the Western Conference and
the Eastern Conference will look
Anaheim Ducks: Last season (5124-7) First in Pacific Division –
Lost in third round
Offense: The Ducks have one of
the most cohesive offensive groups
in the league and it will show this
season. Ryan Getzlaf and Corey
Perry are always the two that lead
the way and both should finish top
Offense: The Blackhawks dynamic group of forwards is led by the
best all-round player in the league
and the Blackhawks captain, Jonathan Toews. However, electrifying right winger Patrick Kane is
likely to lead the team in scoring
if his sexual assault court case is
settled by the beginning of the season. Marian Hossa is one of those
ageless wonders that keeps producing points season after season
as he now enters his seventeenth
season as a pro. The Blackhawks
shocked the hockey world when
they traded their budding superstar power forward, Brandon Saad.
Among the returning players was 6
foot 4 centre Artem Anisimov, who
should be a very impactful player
as the he looks like the best second
line centre they have had in recent
years. Bryan Bickell will continue
to not be worth his contract and
after clearing waivers may not see
many games with the big club. Andrew Shaw, Marcus Kruger, and
Ryan Garbutt are huge parts of the
team’s bottom six group of forwards as they not only help on the
special teams but also play thirteen
to seventeen hard minutes a night.
Viktor Tikhonov will be returning
to North America this season after
a four year absence and should replace some of Kris Versteeg’s minutes. Jeremy Morin, Corey Tropp,
and Andrew Desjardins are all reliable depth forwards.
Continued on page 41
Page 39
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
October 2015
A successful start for the Junior Girls Volleyball team
By Carissa Feddema
The Scarlett Junior Girls Volleyball
team began their season with amazing teamwork and gameplay. The team is looking
good so far and future games look promising.
Tryouts took place at the beginning of the year on September 2, 3, and 4
in the main gym. Those who tried out were
evaluated on a variety of skills including the
basics such as setting, passing, and serving.
They also went over blocking, hitting, defence, and gameplay. Of course, not everyone could make the cut. There were a total
of thirteen girls who made the team and now
serve as representatives of Dr. E.P. Scarlett. Although the competition was high and
chances of making the team were limited,
there was one girl in particular who had a
more severe disadvantage. Irina Korovina,
Grade 10, tried out and made the team even
though she had a leg cast. She proved herself at tryouts and is currently waiting for her
chance to join her team on the court. This is
a very unfortunate mishap but it cannot seem
to stop this volleyball team from doing their
Although the girls who made it
were excited, there was little time to celebrate. The team started practicing right away
on September 8. According to the coach,
Janet Gutterson, “things got really busy really fast.” Their first task was to make sure
everyone got the position they are best suited for; but, with their first tournament only
three practices away, the team could not
spend too much time on that. Volleyball requires plenty of dedication and hard work.
Team members are required to attend practices which are held every day except for
game days, with an occasional Friday off.
Morning practices are held from 7:00 am
to 8:30 am; after school practices are from
3:50-5:30 pm. The team works hard so that
they can improve their volleyball skills. The
main drills they practice are serve receive,
serving, and passing. Coach Guterson says,
“Whoever passes the best and serves the everyone depends on each other. However, paid off in the end.
best does the best.” Those are good words to Jadon Schmidt, Grade 11, believes being Coach Guterson loves what she does.
play by. Although practice can be rough, the part of a community and having the chance She has been coaching Junior Volleyball
team can rest happy knowing they have each to learn a sport is worth it.
for nineteen years. She also coached Senior
others’ backs.
Lancers earned a well-deserved win Volleyball for three years. She says that she
The team has been playing well. in a best of five series against Saint Mary’s likes selecting girls who come from differCoach Gutterson
ent junior high
says they have
schools and help
been improving
them grow as a
ever since day
team. Guterson is
one. It is clear
an athlete herself
these girls love
and always had a
what they do.
passion for basTheir first games
ketball; however,
were part of a
when she was
tournament at
hired at Scarlett,
the University
the school needed
of Calgary on
a volleyball coach
September 11so she took the
12. They won
challenge. Since
then, she has reand lost two,
ally come to love
finishing sixth
the game. Guterout of 16 teams.
son is an impresThey took the
sive coach who
gold at the Lord
knows what she is
doing. The team
tournament on
can trust her to
September 26give them direc25 which they
tion in all their
Photo by Carissa Feddema games. The two
should be proud
Emma Jenson, Grade 10, blocks the ball at the volleyball tournament against St. Mary’s high school
of. Their first
assistant coaches,
Stephanie Maxhowever, did not turn out how they all would on September 29. They won the first, third, well and Stuart Holtan are much appreciated
have hoped. They played at Bishop Grandin and fourth sets. It was an intense match. as well. The effort that these people put into
on September 17 and lost three sets to one. Lancers continued to spike it hard enough their work has helped the team grow stronTheir latest league game took place on Oc- for the Saints to fumble but more often than ger in many ways.
The Junior Girls and their coach set
tober 6 against Ernest Manning. They lost not, Saint Mary’s managed to bring it over three sets to two. Overall, they have played again. This happened quite frequently. The goals for themselves: they hope to qualify
four great league games with two losses and score was tied for most of the game. The for tier one playoffs and be one of the top
two wins. Coach Guterson believes their team must have felt a tremendous amount of four teams in the South Division by the end
greatest competition is yet to come. The pressure near the end of the match. The op- of the season. Their future is looking bright.
team has yet to face William Aberhart and posing team needed one more point and the The girls continue to show passion and dethey are anticipating it will be a tough match. tension was extreme. The Saints were a wor- termination. Anything can happen for this
It is not easy being a part of the vol- thy opponent but the Lancers pulled through devoted, hardworking team. It is exciting to
leyball team. It takes leadership, enthusiasm, and beat them in the final set. The team had see what is yet to come.
hard work and dedication. Every team mem- some really great plays. Their spikes and tips
ber is given plenty of responsibility because were especially honorable; all their effort
Junior Boys Football returns with Lancers’ first victory
By Kevin Wright
After a beautiful night at Shouldice Park the Lancers have returned victorious with few casualties and a score of 2215. Their opponents, the Central Memorial
Rams, dominated the first half but our boys
brought it home in the second half. It was an
enjoyable, exciting and intense game with a
nail -biting ending. Overall they played very
well but lots of practice is yet to come.
In the first quarter the game was
scoreless. the second quarter the Rams
dominated and scored 15 points. in the third
quarter the Lancers had a swift reply, scoring 15 points. In the 4th quarter the lancers
scored again and held off the Rams offence.
It all came down to the last play of the game.
With 15 seconds left, the score was 22-15
with the Rams at the Lancer 4 yard line. The
ball was snapped, the quarter-back stepped
back and threw to his receiver in the end
zone but put high and out of reach. If they
got a touchdown and a two point conversion
the game would have been theirs. The team
was excited and very pleased after the game.
Hopefully this excitement motivates and encourages them to go and win more games.
Linebacker Carson Heins was an
important contributor, scoring two touchdowns and breaking multiple attempted
tackles from the Ram defence. When asked
what the most important part of his team
was, he responded, “The defense.” Now that
they have gotten a taste of victory Carson
thinks that this will be the start of a streak
and that there are more wins to come. Another important name was receiver Hasan
(Buffalo) Choucair and while he didn’t score
any touchdowns, he gave his team plenty of
running yards and was a vital part of their
Photo by Kevin Wright
Student, #41, runs the ball for a big gain against Central Memorial
victory. The coach was thoroughly pleased
with the team’s performance but has im-
played a close game.
portant plans to improve and continue
the Lancers quest for
victory. “We have
lots of work to do
on both the offence
and defence”, he offered. The team has
so much potential and
will improve drastically in future games.
The Rams played
a good game and
were enjoyable to
watch. They had lots
of good plays and got
away with too many
runs. They were a
worthy opponent and
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 40
Cross Country runners warm up for a great season
By Rafa Abbas
As another school year
begins, the Scarlett Cross Country team has kicked off their house
slippers and slipped straight into
their runners. Students have probably seen them in action, leading the
crowd during the Terry Fox Run,
seeing them whiz by in a blur of
red, getting a glance at the back of
their shirts displaying such hilarious quotes as “Does my butt look
fast in this shirt.”
This great team of runners
is hardworking and determined to
leave everyone in the dust when
the City Championships, on October 7, roll around. They train
hard almost every day after school
in preparation for the big race.
Training activities such as running
courses or challenging themselves
with hills are offered every day after school, but a minimum of two
practices per week is all that is required. Runners competed in meets
on September 16, 23, and 30 leading up to the championship. Junior
Girls run three kilometres, Intermediate Girls and Junior Boys run
four kilometers, and Senior Girls
and Intermediate Boys run five
kilometers, while the Senior Boys
run six kilometers. Results for
the meets can be found posted on
the physical education board. The
Lancers have promising things to
say about their progress leading up
to the race.
Stephanie Pye, Grade 11,
beamed: “Even though you run
cross country as an individual, the
support and pride of the Lancers
makes it feel as though you are
running as a team.” If students
have as much Lancer pride as Pye,
then they should definitely show
up at the City Championships to
cheer Scarlett athletes on; or they
should try out for cross country,
as everyone is welcome. “Cross
country is great. Everyone should
do it!” Nina Garrett, Grade 11,
who is on the team for the second
season running, enthusiastically
exclaimed after Terry Fox, despite
her shin splints.
The team is made of
grade tens, elevens and twelves,
girls and boys alike, with the common love for running, staying fit,
and getting that exhilarating rush.
Everyone on the team is extremely
talented and dedicated. Someone
to watch out for is Tyler Kiyonaga,
Grade 12, a speedy and competitive runner. Garret commented on
her teammate’s outstanding ability
in the midst of laughter: “Sometimes I forget he’s even on our
team, he’s just so far ahead. I can’t
see him.” That is definitely how the
other schools felt about the Lancers on October 7, wondering what
the flashes of red were.
The other high schools should be
familiar with Scarlett beating them
by now. Last year Scarlett had ten
remarkable Lancers place above
and including fourth place with
half of those wins in first place.
Scarlett has confidence in this
year’s 47 Lancers to achieve similar results.
Training and prepping the Lancers
to be their very best are coaches
Mark Wyton, Sandra Ullyot, and
Head Coach Lea Marinelli. Marinelli has excellent credentials, with
the highest level of coaching certifications: NCCP Level One Theory
in Field Hockey and in Personal
Coaching. Scarlett athletes are in
very good hands. Marinelli has observed that the large team of 47 has
been bonding nicely so far, with
excellent leadership from Senior
Girls and Boys, encompassing the
team spirit even if it is an individual sport.
Marinelli says: “We are striving
for our own personal best, whilst
the Lancer
team spirit.”
In the end,
the Lancer
prevailed and
students are
proud of the
team and its
is since joining the Jays and is still
struggling to find his swing, but defensively, he is as reliable as they
come; which if we know one thing
about this Jays club, hitting is not a
concern. After acquiring Tulo, the
Jays went on an incredible 23-5
1. Paying the Price
Anthopoulous pulled the
trigger on some massive transactions all season that made the Jays
season a year to remember. The one
deal that made clear to the city of
Toronto, and all around the majors
that they Jays were serious about
making a deep run was landing the
most sought-after trade bait, Cy
Young winner David Price. Price
brought the Jays to the post season
as their number one pitcher going
9-1 with the Jays during the regular
season and a 18-5 record overall
on the season. It is unclear whether
Price will be resigning with the
Jays but it is clear that he has enjoyed his time with the club playing competitive baseball this late in
the season.
These trades
look like a
genius and
rightfully so
the pressure
he was under entering
the season.
season turned
a terrifying
team to face
stretch and
they hope to
continue it
seasons and
to come.
Aquisitions save the Jays
Aaron Schmidtke
Going into the 2015 season, Toronto Blue Jays general
manager, Alex Anthopoulos, was
on the hot seat for his team’s performance over his tenure with the
club. It was believed that if the
Jays did not take a huge step forward this season, he would no longer be employed by the team.
2. Tulo to Toronto
The trade deadline was
a curious time for the Jays. They
were in a state where it did not look
promising for making the post-season, potentially giving the Jays a
Major League worst record missing the playoffs for the twenty-second consecutive time. One huge
move was a swapping of shortstops
among other things, trading Jose
Reyes to the Colorado Rockies for
Troy Tulowitzki. Reyes was usually a solid shortstop, that is when
he was healthy, which was seemingly never. “Tulo” has come into
the Jays lineup and made an impact
immediately. Tulo’s batting has not
been up to par with what it usually
Photo by Rafa Abbas
Lancer gear dosplays their welcoming nature through humorous slogans
Page 41
Continued from page 41
Defense: Duncan Keith proved to the hockey universe that he is just as valuable of a
defenseman as any other in the league. Brent
Seabrook is a huge leader on the ice and in
the dressing room for his team and needs a
long-term extension as his contract is set to
expire on July 1. Trevor Daley is an undervalued acquisition for the Blackhawks as he
is an upgrade on the departed Johnny Oduya.
Niklas Hjalmarsson is a rock on the blueline
and consistently plays against other teams
best players. David Rundblad and Trevor
van Riemsdyk will both get a long look at
camp to determine whether they are suited to
play in the Hawks third pairing. Michal Rozsival is injured to start the year but should
play third pairing minutes.
Goaltending: Corey Crawford gets a bad
break sometimes as many people believe his
success is a product of the team he plays on.
In actuality, Crawford gives the Blackhawks
a chance to win on almost a nightly basis,
all one can really ask from his goaltender.
Back-up goalie, Scott Darling is truly the
darling of the NHL as everyone loves him
due to his Cinderella story of playing in
eight different hockey leagues on his long
journey to the NHL.
Young Guns: Finnish sensation Teuvo Teravainen looks destined to become a star in
this league due to his solid two-way play
and his offense gradually picking up as the
years go by. It will be interesting to see what
he will do with increased minutes this season. Left winger Artemi Panarin lit up the
Kontinental Hockey League last season and
is sure to get his share of games in this year.
Newly acquired forward Marko Dano is a
joy to watch work his magic on the ice and
should challenge for a roster spot all season.
Forwards Kyle Baun, Mark McNeill, and
Ryan Hartman are all close to being NHL
ready and will be high on the recall list in
the Blackhawks affiliate Rockford if injuries
occur with the big club.
Brass: Head Coach Joel Quenneville is regarded league-wide as a top five coach as
he has led the Blackhawks to three Stanley
Cups in the past six seasons; recognized as
a modern day dynasty. Quenneville’s Assistant Coach Kevin Dineen is an undervalued
cog in this fine running machine that is the
Blackhawks. Stan Bowman is the genius architect that constructed these championship
rosters with help of the drafting of former
General Manager Dave Tallon.
Overall Assessment: The last team to win
back-to-back Stanley Cups was the Detroit
Red Wings in 1997 and 1998. It is nearly
impossible in this salary cap era of the
NHL these days, but if hockey experts have
learned anything about this Blackhawks
team is that you can never bet against them.
The Blackhawks should be one of the top
contenders for the Stanley Cup when June
comes around.
Los Angeles Kings: Last season (40-27-15)
Fourth in Pacific Division – Missed playoffs
Offense: Despite the Kings’ group of solid
forwards, it seems their weakness is always
-- Scarlett FEVER
scoring goals; but it is believed that was a result of coaching. The forward group is led by
two-way superstar, Anze Kopitar, who is in
need of a contract renewal which will surely
net him north of $7 million annually for likely
five to seven years. The Kings brought in the
terrifying power forward, Milan Lucic, who
should fit the Kings mould perfectly. Jeff
Carter is the Kings’ best goal-scoring threat
and should be good for 30 goals and around
60 points. Marian Gaborik is also a goalscoring threat but that is when he is healthy;
in his career, Gaborik has only played in
69% of his team’s games. 31% of his seasons there“Duncan Keith
proved to the hock- been missed
ey universe that he due to injury
is just as valuable in his career;
of a defenseman essentially,
as any other in the out of an 82game season,
he averages
only about 57 games. Tyler Toffoli is a
young star for this veteran Kings squad and
should surpass 30 goals this season. Tanner
Pearson needs a bounce-back season after
missing half the season last year. Trevor
Lewis, Dwight King, Kyle Clifford, and Jordan Nolan are all gritty bottom six forwards
capable of handling some harder minutes.
Defense: The Kings’ team defense is perennially one of the league’s best and their
defensemen are usually the ones leading the
charge. Drew Doughty is a top three best defenseman in the NHL and will need a huge
year trying to bring the Kings back to league
royalty. Jake Muzzin is an underrated defender that plays against other teams’ best
players nightly. Alec Martinez, known as
the Stanley Cup winning goal scorer from
2014, plays a simple and steady two-way
game. Christian Ehrhoff is coming in on a
dirt cheap contract in hopes of winning a cup
with the club. With Robyn Regehr retired,
Matt Greene holds the title of being the grizzled, rough-and-tough veteran but is slowing down every year. Brayden McNabb was
a bright spot on the blueline last year and
should be a regular contributor in all situations this season.
Goaltending: Jonathan Quick must be better
this season and he would be the first one to
tell you that. Quick is one of the best goalies
in the league and should almost be guaranteed to have a better season. Jhonas Enroth
was brought in as a reliable back-up to replace Martin Jones. Enroth has been relied
on to play up to forty games in a season so
in a minimized role where he is only expected to contribute a maximum of twenty, he
should excel.
Young Guns: Nick Shore is ready to step
in as a full-time NHLer and should be challenging for a top nine role at training camp.
Derek Forbort and Kevin Gravel are anchoring the blueline in Manchester and should be
ready to play some games if injuries occur.
Jordan Weal is ripping up the minors and
should be ready to make an impact at the
NHL level sooner rather than later.
Brass: There was word around the NHL that
Darryl Sutter had lost control of his team last
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
season and that is the reasoning behind the
disappointing year. Coming into this year,
Sutter will be sure he has complete control
by any means necessary. Dean Lombardi
had to deal with more than most General
Managers in the league last season with three
major legal cases with his players. Lombardi
is still looked at as a top general manager
in the league along with his partner and Assistant General Manager, Rob Blake, who is
sure to have the duties as a full-time General
Manager in upcoming years.
Overall Assessment: After a season to forget, the Kings should rebound and be one of
the best teams in the West and return to their
ways of being one of the hardest opponents
to play against. Hopefully distractions such
as Slava Voynov and Mike Richards will not
be a problem for them this season.
St. Louis Blues: Last season (51-24-7) First
in Central Division – Lost in first round
Offense: David Backes is the real team
leader out of their offensive group but not
for his scoring touch despite always being
good for fifty-five points or more. Vladimir
Tarasenko is a rising superstar with elite vision and goal scoring. Alex Steen has a way
of going about his business that is quiet yet
reliable. Jaden Schwartz is only improving and he is already an all-round stud. Jori
Lehtera is somewhat of an underrated player
because of the skill and defensive prowess
he brings to the table. Paul Stastny needs a
big bounce-back season after a disappointing start to his career as a Blue. The Blues
have an overwhelming amount of skill,
which is what made T.J. Oshie available for
trade. In return, they brought in Troy Brouwer, who brings a physical presence with a
nose for the net. Patrik Berglund will miss
a chunk of the season due to injury but the
Blues should survive just fine without him.
Ryan Reaves, Steve Ott, and Kyle Brodziak
are a few physical guys that will form a solid
fourth line. Scottie Upshall adds some much
appreciated depth as well.
Defense: The Blues defense is led by one of
the top overall defenseman in the NHL, Alex
Pietrangelo. Many would believe it is led by
Kevin Shattenkirk because of his offensive
abilities, but what people need to understand
is that Pietrangelo “...when it comes time
p l a y s for playoff hockey, the
a g a i n s t Blues cannot elevate
the op- their game to the next
best players each and every night. While Pietrangelo
averages nearly 3 more minutes of ice time
a game than Shattenkirk, he also averages
over a minute more of shorthanded time
and a minute less of powerplay time. That
being said, Shattenkirk is an elite offensive
contributor and still should be talked about
among the best defensemen in the league.
If Shattenkirk did not miss time due to injury last season, he was on pace to end the
season top five in points by a defenseman.
Jay Bouwmeester is Pietrangelo’s partner on
the blueline and also plays against the other
team’s top talents but his offense is drying
up. Carl Gunnarsson should be a calming
October 2015
presence to have in the lineup for a full 82
game season. Robert Bortuzzo is a solid
number six defender with size and strength
adding to his game.
Goaltending: The big questions entering the
Blues 2015-2016 season is who will be the
starting goalie and if they need a clear-cut
starter? Brian Elliott is a solid number one
“A” goaltender; this essentially means that
Elliott is a reliable goalie if he is the best
starter out of the two, which should give
him the opportunity to play 45 to 55 games
a year. At this point in his career, Jake Allen can also be dubbed a number one “A”.
Surely, Allen will be a starter within the next
season or two, but until then, he must still
compete with veteran Elliott as the starter.
Young Guns: Petteri Lindbohm was a revelation last season and he came up due to injuries and played a solid twenty-three games.
It is a head-scratcher why he is starting the
year in the minors. Dmitrij Jaskin should
also get a full season in this year and should
play big minutes with the top nine. Ty Rattie
and Robby Fabbri are both close and dominating their respective leagues.
Brass: Unless the Blues make it to the Stanley Cup Final, Ken Hitchcock is likely to
be fired at the end of the season or sooner.
Despite dominating seemingly every regular season, when it comes time for playoff
hockey, the Blues cannot elevate their game
to the next level. It has been like that the last
four seasons. Kirk Muller is a solid assistant
coach that can hopefully help Hitchcock
jump the hurdle this season. General Manager Doug Armstrong is looked at as a trustful and intelligent hockey mind.
Overall Assessment: There are no more excuses for the Blues. If they do not seriously
challenge for the Stanley Cup and become a
dominant playoff force, it will be yet another
disappointing season in St. Louis.
Nashville Predators: Last season (47-2510) Second in Central Division – Lost in
first round
Offense: Since the Predators became a team
in 1998, their problem has always been
goal scoring. Last season, many players put
up encouraging numbers and they hope to
keep it up this year. Filip Forsberg will be
a star for the Preds’ organization for years
to come. James Neal is a pure goal scorer
that can put up over thirty goals when playing with the right supporting cast. Mike Ribeiro and Mike Fisher are both veteran centres that bring different talents to the table
respectively. Craig Smith and Colin Wilson
are younger forwards that still have a lot of
upside. Wilson set a career high in points
last season and Smith taking on more of a
responsible role with the club. Eric Nystrom,
Gabriel Bourque, and Paul Gausted are three
extremely accountable defensive players
that can provide strong penalty-killing abilities and leadership. Cody Hodgson will look
to rebound after a horrific season with the
Buffalo Sabres in which he only had thirteen
points. Steve Moses tore up the Kontinental
Hockey League which resulted in him being
a very sought-after free agent and the Predators were the lucky winners. Moses will be-
Continued on page 42
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Tampa Bay Lightning: Last season (50-24-8) Second in Atlantic
Division – Lost in Stanley Cup
Offense: The Lightning have one
of the most dynamic groups of offense in the league and they are
truly a delight to watch. The charge
is led by captain Steven Stamkos.
Stamkos is a pure-bred goal-scorer
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 42
Offense: The most dynamic goal
Continued from page 41
scorer in the game, Alex Ovechkin,
gin his trek in the AHL however.
is ready to finally lead his team to
Defense: Shea Weber is the anthe Promised Land. Ovechkin gets
chor on the blueline and is one of
matched with one of the best playthe three best defensemen in the
makers in the business, Nicklas
league. Roman Josi is perhaps on
Backstrom. Both players are likely
the best contract in the league from
to finish in the top 15 in scoring.
the Predators’ point of view beT.J. Oshie looks like he is going to
cause he only makes $4 million a
be a great fit on that line as a skilled
season for the next five seasons. If
player as opposed to Troy Brouwer
he was due for a contract at this
last season. Justin Williams is an
stage, he would easily command
experienced winger with three
close to $7 million. Seth Jones
Stanley Cup rings that the Caps
is another up-and-coming star
are bringing in on a great contract.
off of the Predators’ iconic blueEvgeny Kuznetsov is developing
line as he enters his third year as
into a top-two centreman for the
a pro. Ryan Ellis is relied on to
Caps and is looking to improve
play around 20 minutes a game
his offensive numbers. Marcus
and quarterbacks the powerplay.
Johansson is an important piece
Mattias Ekholm is an underrated
of the secondary scoring group
piece of the Predators D-core and
and is good for 20 goals annually.
his ice time should see more difTom Wilson is as tough as nails
ficult minutes this season. Barret
but needs to be more of a scoring
Jackman was a great addition to
threat. Brooks Laich certainly is
the top six to provide experience
not worth his contract but is still
as he enters his thirteenth year
a good penalty killing guy. Jason
as a pro, first as a member of the
Chimera’s skating looks ageless
Predators instead of the St. Louis
as he skates like a young buck but
in reality is 36. Jay Beagle is a
good faceoff guy and team player
Goaltending: The Predators have
no worries in this department.
on the fourth line.
Starting goalie Pekka Rinne is
Defense: John Carlson is improva top five maybe top three goaling year after year and is clawing
tender in the league and has the
his way to the category of elite
ability to steal games every time
defenders. Brooks Orpik’s conhe steps in the blue paint, which
tract looks awful in the long-term
is usually around seventy times a
but short-term is paying off for
year. Carter Hutton does what is
the Caps. Karl Alzner is on a great
needed in the minimal starts he
deal for the Caps and is as solid
of a defensive defenseman as one
Young Guns: Kevin Fiala is an
will find in the league. Matt Nisunbelievably-skilled player and
kanen is a two-way dynamo and
the Preds shocked the hockey
should keep the pace this season
community when they sent him
getting more ice time to replace
down relatively early in training
Mike Green’s gap.
Photo by Aaron Schmidtke
camp. Calle Jarnkrok was stolen
Goaltending: Braden Holtby is
NHL players are ready to lace up their skates, tape their sticks, get the water bottles filled, and bring hard work on the ice
from the Red Wings in a trade and
definitely proving himself to be
will get a full 82-game season in
a top ten goalie in the league and
their top nine. Colton Sissons is that has the capability of scoring men, he elects to use seven. Victor Young Guns: Vladimir Namest- needs another dominant perfora great AHL player and will get over 50 goals and has proven such. Hedman is a top ten defensemen in nikov will surely get some games mance to be talked about among
some games in this year if injuries The biggest story for the Lightning the league and can easily control in this season and is already a re- the top five. He is the second best
this season will be trying to sign the pace of the game playing 22 liable two-way player. J.T. Brown Canadian goaltender behind Carey
Brass: Jack Adams Trophy nomi- Stamkos to an extension in which to 25 minutes a night. Anton Stral- is also NHL-ready and should be Price. Justin Peters, Dan Ellis, and
nee Peter Laviolette enters his is he sure to make over $9 million. man was arguably the best signing pushing for a roster spot at camp. Phillip Grubauer will all compete
second season at the helm in Nash- The Lightning also have 5’9” un- of the past free-agency market as Andrej Sustr and Nikita Nesterov for the backup position.
ville. The players love him and drafted centre Tyler Johnson; what he played extremely hard minutes will rotate duties as the sixth and Young Guns: Andre Burakowsky
they give their complete commit- he lacks in size, he makes up for in and produced solid point totals. Ja- seventh defensemen.
needs some more ice time and spement to him. General Manager Da- skill. Stimulating forwards Nikita son Garrison and Brayden Coburn Brass: Jon Cooper is the best young cial teams minutes but had overall
vid Poile is a sensational hockey Kucherov and Ondrej Palat were make up a very sturdy second pair- up-and-coming coach who gets his had a pretty successful rookie cammind and has been with the club brought up through the Tampa Bay ing that can provide special teams players to play to their highest abil- paign. Michael Latta should have
since they became a team in 1998. system with Syracuse and are only minutes and also shut down other ities under him. Steve Yzerman is a more consistent appearance in
Overall Assessment: The Predators getting better. Valtteri Filppula is teams’ secondary scorers. Matthew one of the smartest general manag- the lineup. Nate Schmidt and Conhave a funny habit of playing very a versatile, responsible, 200 foot Carle is also a good fifth defender ers in the game currently and has nor Carrick are extremely close to
well one season then dropping off player for the Bolts. Ryan Callahan that will give a hard 18 to 20 min- his work ahead of him in the up- being full-time NHLers and will
coming seasons.
challenge for spots in training
the next and so on and so forth. is a leader and has a gritty pres- utes a game.
This season should be different be- ence and scoring touch. Alex Kil- Goaltending: Ben Bishop is a stud Overall Assessment: The Light- camp.
cause they have their young play- lorn was absolutely on fire during that can be relied on in big mo- ning are poised to not take any Brass: Barry Trotz brought new
ers coming into their prime and the Lightning’s playoff run netting ments and always gives his team a step back whatsoever and should life to the Capitals’ team and made
their defense with goaltender grade 18 points in 26 games. Jonathan chance to win. “Big Ben” still has be playing hockey through April, them one of the hardest teams to
play against. Ovechkin’s season
would easily be an “A+”. Howev- Drouin needs a monstrous bounce- his best years ahead. The Bolts’ May, and early June.
er, they are one Rinne injury away back season as he was disappoint- backup goalie, Andrei Vasilevs- Washington Capitals: Last season completely turned around and this
ing last season to say the least; he kiy, is the best goaltending pros- (45-26-11) Second in Metropolitan
from missing the playoffs.
Continued on page 43
CONFERENCE should be getting more ice time pect on the planet right now and Division – Lost in second round
and powerplay minutes. Brian
Boyle, Erik Condra, and Cedric
Paquette are all important depth
players for the bottom six and help
on the penalty kill.
Defense: The Lightning have a very
put-together top six or rather the
“Cooper technique” of a top seven
in where he chooses to use one less
forward in games only giving them
eleven and instead of six defense-
is going to be a star goalie in the
years to come. There are rumours
surrounding the Lightning about
trading one of their goaltenders because they are both young and have
overwhelming potential but there
is certainly no rush. Unfortunately,
Vasilevskiy begins the year on the
injured reserve which sparked the
Lightning to claim Kevin Poulin
off waivers from the Islanders.
Page 43
Continued from page 45
Brass: Barry Trotz brought new life to the
Capitals’ team and made them one of the
hardest teams to play against. Ovechkin’s
season completely turned around and this
is believed to be a result of coaching. Brian
MacLellan made a huge splash in his first
season and a half with him signing Matt Niskanen, Brooks Orpik, and Justin Williams,
and additionally trading for T.J. Oshie.
Overall Assessment: The Capitals are a lock
to be a cup contender, and if Holtby continues to be a force in net they will certainly not
3. New York Islanders: Last season (47-287) Third in Metropolitan Division – Lost in
first round
Offense: The Islanders have an extremely
young crop of forwards that are playing
outstanding as they all come into their own.
John Tavares will be competing for the Art
Ross and Hart trophy given to the league’s
top scorer and league’s most valuable player
respectively. He is undoubtedly a superstar
and will be playing alongside Kyle Okposo,
who compliments Tavares’ game exceptionally. Brock Nelson, Ryan Strome, and Anders Lee are all budding stars in the Isles’
organization and need to keep producing at
high levels in order for the team to succeed.
Mikhail Grabovski needs to stay healthy in
order to be effective. Nikolay Kulemin and
Josh Bailey are both critical two-way players and special teams minute munchers. Matt
Martin, Casey Cizikas, and Cal Clutterbuck
make up arguably the league’s best fourth
line. Steve Bernier as a depth player should
play around 50 or more games.
Defense: The acquisitions of Johnny Boychuk and Nick Leddy solidified the entire
Islanders blueline and are now both signed
to long-term contracts. Travis Hamonic is a
good leader on a great contract and he plays
hard minutes that include shot blocking and
penalty killing. Calvin De Haan is a steady
stay at home defenseman who logs about 18
to 22 minutes a game. Thomas Hickey will
never live up to his draft status but that does
not mean he still cannot be a solid defender
and he has proven that.
Goaltending: Jaroslav Halak had a career
season and kept this young Islanders squad
in some games that they perhaps did not
deserve to be in. Halak topped his previous
season high in wins by eleven; an absolutely
outstanding stat. Thomas Greiss can provide
around 15 to 25 games and give the team
some big performances.
Young Guns: Kirill Petrov will get some
games in if injuries occur and will be competing for a permanent spot in camp. Scott
Mayfield and Ryan Pulock are both close to
being permanent fixtures and will both anchor the Isles’ farm team’s blue line.
Brass: Jack Capuano is a great coach for this
team and is grooming his young stars into
professionals. Doug Weight is a key part of
Capuano’s staff and will be a head coach
in the NHL sooner rather than later. Garth
Snow went from being considered one of the
worst general managers in the league to one
of the most impressive after acquiring Boy-
-- Scarlett FEVER
chuk and Leddy. Snow still needs to prove
himself further to be considered a top general manager yet.
Overall Assessment: With the Islanders being such a young club, do not expect them
to be an all-star squad every night. They
are an exciting team with an overwhelming
amount of skill and potential. They will be
a cup contender for years to come, but this
may not be their year to win it.
4. New York Rangers: Last season (52-237) First in Metropolitan Division – Lost in
third round
Offense: The Rangers offense has plenty of
tools and can fire on all cylinders when they
are on. Derek Stepan with his new contract,
will lead the Rangers this year. Do not expect Rick
“King Henrik Lun- Nash to
dqvist has proved match his
himself as a top five season togoalie in the league tals from
over the past decade. last year
to his
Some may argue he is due
inconsisdestined for the Hock- tent perey Hall of Fame when formances
he retires.”
in recent
years. Derrick Brassard seems to fly under the radar as
a second line centre. Brassard had a great
playoffs and regular season. Mats Zuccarello is small but always finishes among the
best on the team in points. Young stars Chris
Kreider, J.T. Miller, and Kevin Hayes are
all expected to play increased roles five-onfive and on the special team units. Jesper
Fast and Emerson Etem are a couple of other
youngsters that will help the Rangers with
their secondary scoring. Viktor Stalberg and
Jarret Stoll are both coming in on a good dollar and term. They both have a lot to prove.
Tanner Glass and Dominic Moore are competing for fourth line positions.
Defense: The Rangers’ defense is a top five
best in the NHL; led by captain Ryan McDonagh, who had a bit of a disappointing
season but is still considered an elite defender in the league. Keith Yandle can move the
puck as well as anybody in the league among
defenders. Marc Staal and Dan Girardi are
two unbelievable shut-down defensemen. It
is almost unfair for other teams to play them.
Dan Boyle is getting up there in age but can
still move the puck. Boyle needs a rebound
season to prove he is still a top four guy.
Kevin Klein can still bring it for 18 to 22
minutes a night.
Goaltending: “King” Henrik Lundqvist has
proved himself as a top five goalie in the
league over the past decade. Some may argue he is destined for the Hockey Hall of
Fame when he retires. Do not expect him to
take a step back by any means. Antti Raanta
can give the Rangers a solid backup to take
the place of the departed Cam Talbot.
Young Guns: Oscar Lindberg is beginning
the season with the team should be the first
call-up from the farm team if he gets sent
down. Mackenzie Skapski grabbed a couple
of starts last season when Lundqvist was
injured and he should be getting a haul of
starts with the Hartford Wolf Pack. Dylan
McIllrath is also opening eyes throughout
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
the Rangers organization.
Brass: Alain Vigneault is without a doubt
one of the best head coaches in the league
and he will need to continue his success in
his third season with the club. Glen Sather is
finally stepping down as the General Manager of the Rangers after 15 years and Jeff
Gorton is the perfect guy for the job. He
is experienced, educated, and an excellent
hockey mind.
Overall Assessment: The Rangers expectations are to bring Lord Stanley back to
Broadway. Anything less will be insufficient.
5. Montreal Canadiens: Last season (5022-10) First in Atlantic Division – Lost in
second round
Offense: The question of offense always
seems to be asked coming into the Canadiens’ season. This season it looks like the
answer may be that they have enough to be
successful. The twenty-ninth captain in Canadiens history will be Max Pacioretty and
he is coincidentally their best scorer by far.
Alex Galchenyuk will finally be moving to
his natural position of centre this year and
needs to prove he is ready for that challenge.
Brendan Gallagher needs to be more dependable in the offensive department but his
overall play is impressive. Tomas Plekanec
is a very reliable player defensively and
chips in enough offensively as well. Alexander Semin has been said to possess the skill
of a top ten player in the league but the question is always work ethic. He should have
the motivation to be a difference maker this
year after coming in on a great contract. Lars
Eller needs a big season and needs to start
shutting down lines like he is expected to.
Dale Weise is a great utility player who can
play first to fourth line and give 110% every
shift. Torrey Mitchell and Brian Flynn are
both solid fourth liners who can chip in 12 to
15 minutes which includes penalty killing.
Devante Smith-Pelley should have more opportunities this season to play more games
and get more ice time than he did at Anaheim. Tomas Fleischmann is also signed as a
top nine scoring presence.
Defense: The charge on ‘D’ is always led
by P.K. Subban,
who is a top ten
the league who
excels in every
Petry came in at
the Trade Deadline last season
and impressed the
Canadiens staff
and management
which earned him
a 6 year contract
at $5.5 million
per. Andrei Markov is not the
same defenseman
he used to be but
can still move
the puck. Alexei
Emelin and Tom
Gilbert are both
reliable defense-
October 2015
men, but do not be surprised if one of these
guys is not with the team by the end of the
year. Nathan Beaulieu is a bright spot coming through the system and needs a full 82
game season.
Goaltending: The best goaltender on the
planet is poised to have another strong campaign. It seems unlikely he can be as good
as he was last season but it needs to be understood that that sort of season is almost
impossible. Carey Price won the Hart, Jennings, Lindsey, and Vezina trophies last
season and deserved both without hesitation.
Dustin Tokarski looks like he was battled
out of a back-up job in camp by up and comer Mike Condon. Tokarski could be used as
trade bait later in the year while Condon will
get his first taste of action this fall but should
only see a maximum twenty games.
Young Guns: Jarred Tinordi and Greg Pateryn are both NHL-ready and need some ice
time to improve which they will most likely
get in the AHL to start the season. Charles
Hudon is ripping up the AHL and should
have another season to develop and hone his
skills in the minors. Michael Bournival is a
great depth prospect for the Habs and will
get some games in when injuries happen.
Brass: Michel Therrien may not always get
along with his players but he surely gets his
message across successfully. Marc Bergevin
is an extremely intelligent hockey mind that
is building his team the right way.
Overall Assessment: The Canadiens have
come so close the past few seasons that it
has left a bitter taste in their mouth. They are
hungry to bring a cup back to Canada for the
first time since they did it in 1992.
To review, in the West we have the
patient Ducks, the champion Blackhawks,
the rough and tough Kings, the “time to
prove it” Blues, and the defensive Predators.
In the East, we have the exciting Lightning,
the soaring Capitals, the young Islanders,
the gambling Rangers, and the hungry Canadiens. Whether the rankings prove to be
true or not, it is sure to be an extremely competitive season in the West and the East in
their quest for hockey’s ultimate prize: The
Stanley Cup.
October 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Hat Trick Hockey is a column that summarizes the previous
month of NHL Hockey. The section score will highlight a success
or surprise that occurred in the past
month, while Penalty will highlight a flaw. Prospects focuses on
looking to the future.
Looking to expand the
league, the NHL is in the process
of determining the home of at least
one new hockey franchise. There
were many speculations about
which cities would place a bid for
the upcoming expansion. It turns
out that the NHL has allowed Quebec City and Las Vegas to continue
to the last stage of their expansion
bid process. Quebec City used
to have their own franchise, The
Nordiques, but they were moved
to Colorado and are now the Avalanche. One issue is that Quebec
City is one of the smallest major
cities in the world, and during their
time as the Nordiques, the only
smaller city was Green Bay, home
of the NFL’s Green Bay Packers.
Another difficulty for Quebec City
is the language barrier. Eric Lindros refused to go to Quebec, even
though he was drafted by them,
due to the primarily francophone
culture. Still, Quebec City has the
market for a team, and it attracts
more than four million people per
Las Vegas is a different story. The NHL is drawn to
Nevada for one main reason, the
money. Las Vegas is one of the
most popular travel destinations in
the United States and it is primarily
known for casinos and gambling.
In general, it is the wealthy people that spend most of their time
in Vegas. Las Vegas used to have
a hockey team in the ECHL, but
their lease was not renewed and
they no longer exist. While there
has never been a professional team
in Vegas, the market is there and
they have already started a season
ticket drive.
The league provides a
$500 million check to the ownership of the expansion teams, which
is not something many potential
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
owners would turn
down. The new expansion is set to begin no earlier than
the 2017-2018 season. The last major
expansion in the
league was before
the 2000-01 season, when Columbus and Minnesota
joined the league.
There was a minor
franchise relocation in 2011 when
the Atlanta Thrashers became the
Winnipeg Jets.
Another team to watch
going into the next couple of seasons is the Arizona Coyotes, who
could be up for relocation, due
to Arizona having a poor hockey
Off-seasons always bring
disappointment, whether it is a
trade, retirement, or in the case of
this off-season, a number of illegal
incidents. The most discussed of
this off-season is Patrick Kane’s
alleged sexual harassment case.
Kane has yet to be charged by
the police, nor suspended by the
league and the Blackhawks have
said that he will take part in training camp. None of Kane’s teammates have been eager to comment
on the subject. His case is going to
trial in front of a grand jury in the
next couple of weeks.
The real mystery is how
the NHL will react if he is found
guilty. Rumors have been circling
that the Blackhawks are looking to
trade Kane, which would not only
free them of association with him,
but of his large contract.
Kane is not the only
NHLer to be under criminal investigation for illegal actions. Mike
Richards, a member of the LA
Kings, was charged by the Manitoba RCMP for possession of a controlled substance. The Kings have
terminated his contract and he is
a free agent going into the season
starting in October.
Last season, Kings player,
Slava Voynov, pleaded no contest
to domestic violence charges. The
NHL suspended him for the final
72 games of the season. It had been
the plan of the Kings to terminate
his contract going into the 20152016 season; however, Voynov has
recently announced that he will
return to Russia, which will free
the Kings from having to pay the
remaining money on his contract.
NHL fans can expect
some change in major rosters this
season. The Blackhawks will be
an interesting team to watch. Both
Patrick Kane’s, should he continue
to play, and Jonathan Toews’ contracts kick in this season, which led
to many moves in the off-season to
free-up cap space. They sent some
big name players away with the
moves of Brandon Saad to Columbus and Patrick Sharp to Dallas.
While the Blackhawks 2015-16
Page 44
roster will look relatively unrecognizable, they have managed to
keep a few of the core players that
have been together for their three
recent Stanley Cup wins. After the
past two cup wins, fans have seen
some small trades made by Stan
Bowman, and yet the Hawks continue to be a cup contender each
year. This season should not be
much different.
The draft class for the
2015-2016 season is one of the
strongest to be seen in the last decade. While it was almost unanimous that Connor McDavid would
be taken first overall, it was uncertain which team would receive
the honour of drafting this “next
Gretzky.” The Buffalo Sabres
spent their entire season aiming to
finish near the bottom so that they
could have the highest chance of
winning the first pick in the draft
lottery. The Oilers, however, came
out with the first pick selecting
McDavid. The Sabres received
Jack Eichel, McDavid’s American
counterpart. Neither the Oilers nor
the Sabres have been very good in
the past couple of years and now
with the top two rookies, they have
high hopes for the upcoming season.
The NHL season starts on
Wednesday, October 7, featuring
the rivalries of the Montreal Canadiens versus the Toronto Maple
Leafs, and the Calgary Flames taking on the Vancouver Canucks.
Senior Boys Football team looking strong for playoffs
By Daniel Nickerson
With this year’s football
season underway the Lancers are
looking strong as they currently
hold a solid second just behind
Churchill/Bowness in Division
3. The Lancers currently have 5
wins, 164 points for and 38 points
against while Churchill/Bowness
has 5 wins, 204 points for and only
28 points against. The Lancer’s
first game of the season took place
on Friday, September 11 and presented a challenge from John G.
Diefenbaker, who currently sits
right below Scarlett in third place,
with a score of 20-7 in favour of
Scarlett. It was a hard-fought
game, the Lancers played tough
throughout, Diefenbaker only getting a touchdown and a field goal.
The Lancers gave a solid defensive
effort to hold Diefenbaker to a few
points while the offense provided
three touchdowns and two field
In the next game, Scarlett
Photo by Daniel Nickerson
The Senior Boys faced off againt Forest Lawn at Shouldice Park on October 8
faced James Fowler
on Friday, September 18. This game
was an easy win
for the Lancers,
45-6, holding the
other team to just a
single touchdown
and creating easy
points for the offense which easily
broke through the
James Fowler defense several times
to get 45, points
(which is currently
the second most in
the season the first
is Churchill/Bowness with 49 points
in a single game.)
Scarlett’s next game
was another easy
victory as the Lancers
Central Memorial
45-6 on Thursday
September 24.
With City Finals starting October 28th the Lancers are
in a strong position to make it to
the finals or as one of the top three
teams. In 2013-2014 Scarlett won
the Division 3 City Championship.
They have also won in other years,
so the Lancers are looking for a repeat performance of years past. As
one of the top teams, Scarlett has
other schools looking to take them
down a notch and from the current
second placed team.
Head coach Pete McMahon has been coaching for 7
years and has brought past Scarlett teams to City Championships.
He is helped in coaching by some
other teachers along with volunteers from the city of Calgary. The
much-anticipated game between
the Lancers and Churchill/Bowness will take place on Friday, October 16. Churchill/Bowness has
a better point ratio than the Lancers so the winner of this game will
take first place.