arch 2013 - Fraserburgh Old Parish Church


arch 2013 - Fraserburgh Old Parish Church
The Claik o’ the Kirk
The Magazine of Fraserburgh Old Parish Church
March 2013
Resurfacing Centre Car Park
December 2012
A job well done
parking spaces will
be marked out once weather permits
Details inside
Regular ‘What’s On’
Worship at 11am & 6pm
Crèche & AK Club for children
Covenanters for teens, 7/15pm
Playgroup, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Senior Badminton,
Playgroup, Anchor Boys, Junior Section BB’s, Hand Bell Choir.
Playgroup, Junior Badminton, 3rd A Guides
Lunch Club, Wednesday Club, Guild (all fortnightly) Men’s Fellowship (Monthly)
Playgroup, , Choir Practice, Girls’ Brigade (all sections.)
Playgroup, BB Company Section.
We meet every Sunday for worship at 11am and 6pm. Family Service last Sunday of each month
Every Sunday is special but the following are a bit different….
Will parents please note that on Family Service days youth church all attend the morning service
Some special services over next 4 months
3 11am& 6 pm Holy Communion
6th Guild – William Johnstone – Every Picture.
10th Faithlie Home Service 3pm All welcome.
13th – Wednesday Club - Looking up with Anita.
Men’s Fellowship – Sir Lewis Ritchie
14 – Guild Presbyterial Council Meeting – Maud Savoch Church 7.30pm
20th Guild – Choir
26th Anchor Boy’s Parents Night
Anna and helpers would welcome
27th Wed Club – Lochpots School Choir
babies and toddlers, during Sunday
morning worship. Helpers are also
31st – Family Service .
needed for the
crèche if you
27 Nursery Buttery Morning
would like to
28 Family Service
help tel Anna
Carle 517439
1st Guild Presbyterial Council Coffee Evening Church Centre 7.30pm
10 Company Section Parents Night
12th 18th Christian Aid Week
22nd – Session Meeting 7.30
26th Family Service
Easter Services
2 11am& 6 pm Holy Communion
Faithlie Home Service 3pm All welcome
8th Congregational Picnic
9th Prizing Giving
The pipes are hot and burny!!
A reminder that when the church
heating is on the pipes beneath the
pews can get very hot and it is easy
for youngsters to get burned if they
touch them. Will all adults please be extra vigilant
(OPC unless stated)
Friday 1/8/15 March 12-1pm Lunches in United Reformed
28th March Maundy Thursday 7pm Communion in Old
Parish Church
29th March Good Friday 12-3pm Reflections on words
from the cross
West Parish Church
Good Friday 7pm Worship United Reformed Church
Easter Sunday 6.30am Walk of the Cross from Beach Café
Followed by breakfast at OPC centre11am Easter Day
Family service and Sacrament of Baptism Evening Worship
Minister Letter
I am writing this on Shrove Tuesday, the day when many will enjoy the old Christian
tradition of eating pancakes. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday but unlike some
Christian denominations it is not our practice to sprinkle ashes on our heads so I will
give that one a miss!
We are now entering the period of Lent, a 6 weeks period leading up to Easter, when
Christians are invited to make extra time to reflect on their faith and to give thanks
for the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many ways of focusing our
minds during this time and I encourage us all to make a regular space in our lives to
read some scripture, consider the teachings of Jesus, and reflect on how we put
them into practice in our daily lives.
In our protestant reformed tradition the centrality of scripture is an essential and important part of our faith.
Regular study of, and reflection on the Word helps us to become increasingly aware of the absolute
Sovereignty of God in our lives. When people depart from the Lord’s teachings that is when trouble looms.
We are in the midst of a time of trouble and concern for the Kirk occasioned by a ‘departure’ from the Word.
As you know there is much ongoing debate at present over the question of practicing homosexual ministers
in the Kirk. This may be the presenting issue of the day but behind it is a much bigger concern – is the
Church of Scotland in danger of departing from the authority of Scripture and bowing the knee to the culture
of the day where anything goes?
The issue is already causing rift and separation. The minister, office bearers and vast majority of members of
three Churches - The Tron Glasgow, Hilton Aberdeen and Gilcomston Aberdeen - have this past 12 months
left the Church of Scotland. All three are well respected for their Bible based teachings and in each case feel
they can no longer be part of a denomination that does not follow what they see as the clear teachings of
Many others, including myself, feel it is better to remain in the Kirk and argue the case for adherence to
Scriptural authority from within. I am not going to again rehearse the arguments for this stance in this letter
but I do though want to make all aware that this important matter will be discussed again at this Year’s
General Assembly in May. I ask and urge us all to pray that the Commissioners to Assembly (they are the
people who will vote first on the matter) will earnestly seek the Lord’s mind on this matter and vote
For now though I return to Lent and Easter. I was reminded of the story of the wee boy who went to Church
at Christmas and gazed in wonder at the baby Jesus in the manger. His next visit to Kirk was Palm Sunday;
and when he saw a picture of Jesus on a donkey exclaimed loudly “my gosh - hasn’t he grown up quickly in
3 months”.
The baby Jesus has grown into a man (although we believe some 33 years elapsed between his birth and
Palm Sunday!). He is the Son of God who assumed human form, associated with men and women, and went
to the cross on our behalf. He is the Saviour who rose from the dead fulfilling the promise that we may all
have eternal life. This is the Jesus I invite you to reflect on over the next few weeks and I wish you all well
as you continue on your faith journey
Peter Park
Parish Minister
General Assembly 19 – 26 May 2013
Our Minister will be attending as a
Commissioner and services on both Sundays and
pastoral care for the week will be taken by
Dorothy Mair. Thanks in advance to Dorothy for
again helping her Church and we are looking
forward to her being with us again.
Monthly House Group
Meets 31 Grattan
last Monday each
month at 7.30 pm
March, April, May
and June.
All welcome.
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One morning, a minister decided it was a perfect
day for a game of Golf. However, it was a Sunday,
so he called in sick instead of holding his service.
As he prepared to tee off, Saint Peter had a word
with Him Upstairs. “You are not going to let him
get away with this, are you?” he asked. The Lord
smiled as he looked down on the
minister, who was taking his
drive at the first hole. The ball
cleared the bunkers and the
rough, before dropping gently
onto the green and into the hole.
He had made a hole in one! “But
I thought you were going to
punish him?” gasped Saint Peter.
God smiled and said: “I have. I mean, who can he
Happy 40th Anniversary
Elder Colin McRae and his wife Margaret celebrated there
Ruby anniversary They have 4 children Mandy ,David, Colin
and Nicola and 3 grandchildren.
The flower calendar for 2013 is now filling up.
Anyone wishing to provide flowers in the
sanctuary should insert their
in the chosen date.
Many thanks to all
who have provided
flowers during
the year.
Happy Birthday
Congratulations to Mrs Helen Nelson of
Kinnaird House on celebrating her 96th
£579.21 Was collected for the Archie
Foundation at the Christmas Eve
service .
Thank you
Used Stamps
We Welcome any used stamps to the small
box in the north narthex or the larger box in
the session room Or handed to any elder. Or
the Church Office. Thanks again for your support.
Alan Eddie
Painter & Decorator
In our December claik I mention that there
would be Christmas cards and notlets for
sale at our Christmas fete Christine
Mitchell sold all the cards which we thank
her for, she also took orders. But due to
time and printing issue she could only have
53 packs of cards ready An estimated
amount is 320 individual cards were
printed. “Is this something you would like
it see in the future” Please contact me with
you answers
I would like to thank Elder Isobel Park and
Christine Mitchell for giving up there time
and talents.
52 Queens Road
Tel 514808
For a quality finish and a
reliable and friendly
If you or anyone you know
would like the
Minister to
visit them in
please let the
Minister know.
Dreams do sometimes come true. For a few years the tar at the front of the Church Centre has been pretty awful, with
large holes everywhere. An accident waiting to happen! The Guild Committee decided that would be the project. After
informing everyone and Session about our intentions,
I asked for three local firms to give me quotes. That was really difficult as they all promised to come but never did. I
the end, I phoned Sievwright Brothers. What a difference, within four days they were down to measure up and then I
received the quote. It was a lot more than the Guild could afford, but our Knights in Shining armour came to our rescue.
The Thrift Shop, the Badminton Club and the Church Centre all said they would be happy to contribute.
So I phoned Sievwrights and said yes! We had to wait our turn before the firm managed to come out to us, but boy!
when they came, they did a cracking job! There were three men for 2½ days, digging up and getting the ground ready
for the tar. Then a day later, it was all hands on deck to tar the car park. They have made an excellent job and I would
like to say a huge Thank You to all the men who worked so hard to make it just perfect. The finished job is just great.
We are really, really happy now. Sievwright’s will be back soon to complete the car park by putting on the white lines.
A huge Thank you! to all the Ladies of the Guild for all the wonderful work that they put in to make something like this
happen, and to Mary Simpson and Mary May and all the helpers from the Thrift Shop for all their generous donation,
also to Cath Roskell and Tommy Whyte and all the badminton crew for their very generous donation, and finally to the
Church Centre for giving me the remainder of the money.
I think that everyone will agree that it’s a job very well done. I would just like to say a Huge Thank You! to everyone
who so willingly helped in any way to make our Church Centre a safe place for everyone.
God Bless you all.
Beldy Blackhall x
P.S. I wish to thank most sincerely, the kind person who donated (anonymously), £2.000. Two Thousand Pounds! to
the Old Parish Church Woman’s Guild. This meant we could complete the re-tarring of the Church Centre Car-park.
Without this magnificent sum of money the whole project might have been delayed. Our Grateful Thanks, and God
Bless you.
Beldy xxx
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Wednesday 6th February 2013
Annual Organisational Quiz
On a very wet and windy Wednesday evening, all the various groups
from the Church arrived. The mood was electric! Lovely to hear
everyone laughing, and having a good catch-up. Everyone was in
good form. After the usual business of the Guild, the Quiz started.
Our very own Mrs Sheila Watt very kindly made up and asked the
questions. Job very well done Sheila! Thank You. We had a few
guests for the evening, so Helen Birnie very kindly drew the teams ,
then helped her mum Freda Young do the scoring. Thanks Helen
and Freda! Good of you.
Guild Quiz Winners - Annette Milne &
Chris West of the Girls' Brigade
Every single one of our Contestants did really well. It’s so different,
being on stage and being watched by lots of people. When you are in the audience, you think you know the
answers, but up on stage, it’s a different ball game. I must say that all the adults commented about how smart
and polite all our young ones were. A real credit to your parents, and also to your Church, and your Organisations. So very well done!
After some stiff Competitions, it was down to the Final, between:Girls Brigade: - Mrs Annette Milne and Mrs Chris West.
Broch Bells: - Rev Peter Park and Mrs Marie Park.
It was a very close contest, but Girls Brigade were the Winners, with Broch Bells second. The Wednesday
Club won the Shield last year, and the Wednesday Club said, “It was nice for someone else to win,” so that
was nice. As I said at the start of the evening, the Quiz is about getting us all together, and just a bit of fun.
So Very Well done to one all! Hope to see you all back next year.
There were Teams from:Covenanters
Wednesday Club AK Club
Anchor Boys
Broch Bells
Coffee Lounge
Girls Brigade Boys Brigade
I have to thank Annette Milne for wrapping the prizes so nicely. After a lovely cup of tea, everyone went
their separate ways home.
God Bless you all
Beldy xx
Girls' Brigade Christmas Party
Explorers & Juniors enjoying their Icecream
Girls Brigade had a buttery morning on sat the 23th February it raised.£742.00. Captain Annette
Milne ,officers and helpers would like to thank all who went along and supported them.
Remembrance Services Sunday 11th November 2012
The Old Parish again hosted the British Legion Service of
Remembrance in the Church thereafter at the town War
Both services were well attended with some 440 in the Church
and during the service colours were paraded by the Legion,
Royal Air Force Association, Scouts, Cubs and Air Cadets
The Parade then marched behind the Legion Pipe Band to the
Memorial where a large crowd had already gathered.
At both services the 2 minute silence was well respected and
thanks are due again to the Salvation Army buglers and Pipe
Major Denise Buchan for their musical input on the day.
RBL Pipe Band lead the Parade
The Congregation stands for the Colours
Christian Aid Week May 12-18th………………………….
We are again inviting donations for Christian Aid
and Elders will be delivering Gift envelopes to
members in May. If any non member wishes to
make a donation then envelopes will also be
available at the Church Centre.
Once again we ask that these be returned to the Church and invite tax
payers to consider giving through the Gift Aid scheme ( details of how to
do this will be on your envelope)
There is an audio loop system for
the hard of
hearing. Turn your aids to the ‘T’
setting. Also, large
print bulletins are
available from Elders.
The Coffee Lounge
Alan Cruickshank
Open Mon to Sat 10 am 4 pm
(Closed Wed)
Joiner, Glazier and
Building Contractor
Morning coffees and Afternoon teas
with home-bakes
Serving Lunches from 12 noon 1-45pm
Tel: 01346 516100/Fax 516005
Mobile: 07889777912
Legacy Donations
Mrs Jean Wadsworth
We are delighted to say that we have now settled all payments for our stained glass
windows. We received grants of £24,000 and a VAT refund of a further £12,000 and
were able to fund the balance from this generous legacy. After settling all costs we
still have £80,000 remaining from the legacy. The Session has decided that this now
be put into a Church refurbishment Fund and this will allow us to consider some
much needed repair and replacement work to the Church buildings.
Miss Rita Duncan
We are also delighted to have received a legacy from the estate of the late Miss Rita Duncan of
£25,000. Session has decided that for the time being this be set apart in a Reserve Fund
Concert 24 March 6 pm
Christmas Tree and Nativity Scene with all the
Advent Candles lit in the back ground
The Social committee are
having a concert in the
church. The theme will be
Easter and various
organisation will be taking
part. Please come along and
take a friend all Well come.
Taken from the magazine of Moreton Presbyterian Church
An elder widow and widower had been dating for five years. He finally asked her to marry him and she immediately said “yes”. But the next morning he couldn’t remember what her answer had been. In depression, he
decided to phone her. “This is really embarrassing “, he began, “but when I asked you to marry me yesterday,
well this morning I just couldn’t remember what your answer was.”
“Oh, I ‘am so glad you called,” she said “I remember saying “yes” to someone, but I couldn’t remember who it was!”
Covenanter Claik
By Ronnie Birnie
Carol Singing
The Covenanters enjoyed an evening carol
singing on Monday 17th December, visiting
a number of homes throughout the town as well as paying a
visit to the residents of Faithlie Home in Lochpots Road.
£195 was raised for Christian Aid and the group would like to
thank all those who gave so generously.
Secret Santa
The Covenanters pictured at Faithlie Home where they
entertained the residents with Christmas Carol singing
Celebrating Burns
The group held a Burns
Night recently and enjoyed
an evening of fine Scottish
fare followed by
entertainment and dancing.
Members of the group took turns to do a ‘party
piece’ which included highland dancing from
Lisa, a Burns ballad from Nicola and poems
from Rachel, Jordan and Isla. Dancing in the
hall included the ‘Gay Gordons’, ‘Boston Two
Step’ and ‘Strip the Willow’ and the evening
ended with the singing of ‘Auld Lang Syne’!
Silver Sword Award
Rachel Noble
received her Silver
Sword Award
recently and is
pictured with
leader Ronnie
Birnie. Rachel is a
regular reader in
church and very
rarely misses a
Sunday evening
group meeting. She is always very willing to
take part and help in all group activities and
thoroughly deserves her award.
Santa pictured with the Covenanters at their Christmas
Party night
The Covenanters enjoyed a Secret Santa Christmas Party
on the last meeting of 2012. There were lots of games and
party food and of course the evening was rounded off by
a very special visitor!
Come and join us!
If you are aged twelve or over and would like to join the fun
then please come along to the Church Centre Sunday night at
7/15pm where you will be made most welcome. Feel free to
bring a friend!
Ronnie Birnie
Thrift Shop
83 High Street
Our Church shop,
providing a
valuable service to the community.
Open Mon to Sat (10 to 4)
(Closed Wed)
Well done Rachel!
Volunteers are always welcome
(One morning or Afternoon weekly or fortnightly)
Xmas Bazaar raised a fantastic £3,000. God Bless you all. By Beldy Blackhall x
Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Once again time to
arrange our annual Xmas Bazaar. As usual everyone was only
too glad to help out, which is wonderful. This year we had a
few changes as some people could not manage. Our own
Church Secretary:-Christine Mitchell manned the Christmas
Stall, which was very nice, Christine enjoyed it, she could not
believe how generous people were for her Stall. Hopefully
Christine will be back next year.
Cath and Brian had a change this year, instead of Brick-a
Brack, they had an Adult Lucky Dip Stall, which proved very
popular, plus books CD’s and video’s, which also went down
very well. Cath said that the idea came from our own Dorothy
Mari & Rev Peter Park at the Bazaar
Mair, so Dorothy, well done again! What would we do without
Dorothy? It’s good to have new ideas. The other stalls also did very well, and a huge Thank you to all the stall
holders for all their hard work. Thank you to one and all.
As usual, the big hit of the day was Ronnie and his Covenanters with special guest: - Santa. Santa was queued
out all the time. He did us proud. Santa is really very busy but he always manages to come along to our
Bazaar. Dorothea’s husband Steven took all the photos which were great, so thanks to Steven West as well.
The bairn’s faces are a picture when they see Santa. The special chimney that the parcels come down from is
fascinating. The Grotto and everything in it was made by Ronnie, his Helpers and the Covenanters. Good job
guys, It’s beautiful.
This was
The Guild Ladies, and others, did a wonderful job of feeding
the five thousand. As usual, it’s all hands on deck to make
soups, puddings, etc. Thank you to everyone who donated, as
usual your generosity is greatly appreciated, we would never
manage without so
much special people.
Robert Ferguson did
a great job in the
sink, washing all the
dishes, helped by our
own Louise Ritchie.
L-R Rev George Noble and Elder Bruce Buchan Empty The two of them did
their plates.
a wonderful job, a
behind the scenes job that is so important. Robert said his hands Elder Robert Ferguson taking time out for a
photo. with Louise Ritchie and Elder Beldy
were all sookit.
All in all, the day was a great success, but it’s all thanks to everyone
who helped in any way,
plus all the people who
came and dined and spent
their money. It would not
be a Bazaar without them.
.Elder Jimmy Muirhead tries his luck
Santa with first customer
Just like to start by saying that our Annual Xmas Party would not be possible if it were
not for our own Mrs Lorna Wallace.
Lorna always put’s in a whole lot of work behind the scenes to make sure that everything runs smoothly, so Thank You Lorna!
About 60 ladies got all dressed up, and met in the Golf Club at 7.30 for a meal. Everyone looked
lovely. I have to thank Gladys and her Staff for an excellent meal. It was lovely to hear all the
ladies chatting and laughing. It’s so nice to all be together. After our meal, we went into the Lounge
and played a few fun games. Everyone joined in and had a wonderful time. We then sang a few
Xmas songs, with Phyllis playing the music, and Freda leading us in song. Thank you ladies, for
your talents!
After all the fun we had a very special guest: - Santa. I have to thank Alison and Lynne for making
up our games and wrapping all the presents. Thanks to both of you girls. Zandra took photos of all
the ladies receiving their presents from Santa. Thank you Zandra. Some of our ladies could not
manage to come to our party, some were ill and some do not like to go out at night.
All the ladies do a wonderful job when we are fundraising for the church. They all deserve a bit of
fun, so ladies, to you all, Peaceful New Year!
All too soon, it was time to go home, so safe journey home everyone, as it was a very frosty night.
Looking forward to next year.
God Bless Everyone.
Beldy Blackhall xx
Some of the group photos
Burns Supper, Wednesday 23rd January 2013. By Tom Duthie
Isobel Blackhall welcomed the large audience, speakers and
performers and opened with a prayer. The haggis was carried
in by Louise Ritchie accompanied by Denise Buchan on the
pipes and applauded by everyone. Thereafter Sandy Noble
addressed the haggis in a suitably vigorous fashion and all
present sat down to a superb meal of haggis, neeps, mince and
tatties, followed by trifle, then tea and black bun.
Top Table R-L Annette Mile, Denise Buchan,
Sandy Noble , James Bicocchi and Stan Williams
In turn, James Bicocchi stood up to deliver a thoughtful and
meaningful tribute to Burns that included the poet’s family
background, education, and affairs of the heart. Burns was
an exceptional poet, but also an exceptional human being, one
who could rub shoulders with the best in the land but who was
also very much aware of the plight of the ordinary working
man and women and the importance of nature in our lives.
Now it was the turn of Stan Williams, the author of “Penny
Lane Is In My Ears And In My Eyes” to propose a toast to the lassies. In the process we were all thoroughly involved,
amused, and educated as we tried to keep up with Stan’s brilliant and well researched lead-up to the toast. In one of his
approaches Stan played the vocal parts of two people in a domestic argument dealing with how complicated a tirade of
words can be and how in the end the outcome is relatively simple. At this stage, when we thought that he had made his
point, Stan, in a strong and tuneful voice, sang a few verses of
La donna e mobile which refers to the so-called fickleness of women. In her reply to the toast to the lassies, Annette
Milne drew on her past experience in the role and succeeded in giving a strong defence of the fair sex. Result - a draw.
The entertainment for the rest of the evening was given by “The Belly Band.”A quick reference to the internet reveals
that a belly band is worn about the belly, as a harnessed horse, or an infant, to protect the navel. Also, Belly Band was
an alternative rock band formed in 1991 by former “Throwing Muses” members Tanya Donnely and Fred Abong, but
the actual band on the night consisted of five men that included our own Ken Ramsey and Kenny Sim. During the
concert the band used a drum, a fiddle, two guitars, a keyboard, an accordion, and a mouth organ. The band opened with
their favourite Burns song, “A Man’s a Man For a That” Ken Ramsey encouraged the audience to join in the singing
and song sheets were passed round the tables Then all enjoyed singing songs such as “Aint Misbehaving”, Glen Coe”,
“Over the sea to Skye”, “Loving Teddy Bear”, “Mary Lou”, and “Stornoway” to name but a few. In the end the clock
had the final say and the concert ended at approximately 10.30 pm.
Isobel thanked the piper, the Ladies of the Guild for preparing and serving the meal, Alan for laying out the chairs and
tables, Sandy, James, Stan, Annette, and a particular thank you to the five members of the Belly Band.
The evening ended with “Auld Lang Syne”
Above L-R, the Belly Band, Kenny Sim, Bob
Watson, Ian Sutherland, Jim Reilly and Ken
top middle Sandy Noble, Right top Annette
Milne, botton middle James Bicocchi and right
botton Stan Williams
By Dorothy Mair
Hi everyone from the hot sunshine state of Florida where I am
wintering away from the north-east Scottish cold. It was very hot over Thanksgiving and
Christmas and now we are looking forward to a warm and sunny Easter and the celebrations we have here.
This includes a Good Friday outdoor service by an old mahogany tree which I drape in purple. I then bang in
large nails into the trunk, reminding us of the nails in Christ’s hands.
Easter morning will be celebrated at the poolside with over 150 people as the sun rises in the skies and the
mocking birds start to sing. We then share Communion as many denominations but united in our faith and the
power of Easter resurrection. It is a very moving service, followed by an Easter
breakfast which we all enjoy, tasting tropical fruits and juice and coffee.
Living here is both fun and exhausting at times as there is always so much to do and
to see. As you read this, we will have had Broch visitors staying with us – Alfie and
Isobel Park – and I will have photos and adventures to relate to you in my next news.
Keep an eye open for the next edition of “The Claik”.
In February we were privileged to see the famous British actor, David Payne, doing a
one man performance of the apostle Paul. For almost 1 ½ hours he spoke from his prison, using Scripture in
conversational mode as if speaking to Luke who was outside
the locked door of his cell.
These brought the words of Paul to life and the entire audience
sat spellbound listening to him. Isn’t it great that people like
David Payne can allow us to see Scripture as a living and
breathing aid to our everyday living.
Paul says to us all as he writes to the believers at Philippi – a
timely reminder that we still have work to do for Christ, no
matter how young or how old we are. At this Easter, let’s remember Paul’s words to us all in the Auld Kirk :
“If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful
labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! ”
Philippians 1 : 22
Every year the Guild Ladies put in something to make up a hamper,
which is sold at the Xmas Bazaar and at the Xmas Card table. A little
from everyone makes a fantastic hamper. This year we had one huge
hamper, plus two smaller ones. Thanks to Louise Ritchie for making
them up. They are lovely. Thanks to all the card volunteers for selling
raffles, without your help we would not manage.
It is our main fundraiser for the Guild. The fantastic sum of £985 was
raised. Then Isobel Bruce, Margaret Noble and myself got Gordon
Cumming to draw the raffle in the Coffee Lounge:1st Prize:- Jean Ferguson
2nd Prize:- Mary Scott
3rd Prize:- Carol Neilson
Thank you to everyone who donated and well done to the winners. Hope you enjoy them.
I would just like to say Happy and Peaceful New Year to everyone.
Beldy Blackhall x
Christmas Mail
By Tom Duthie
There are records dating back to 1988, but it is thought that the Chistmas Mail service
started a few years before that as a fund raiser for the local church. In any case, it was
the Old Parish Kirk that was the first in Fraserburgh and district to supply a service of
collecting and delivering items of mail.
For the recent 2012 Christmas Mail there were 63 volunteers to receive and “sort”the
mail and 132 volunteers to deliver the Mail as “Posties”. Most of the volunteers were
church members although quite a number were not church members.
Last year 19,825 items of mail were received and delivered to addresses in Fraserburgh, Rosehearty, Sandhaven,
Inverallochy, Cairnbulg, St Combs, and the Memsie areas. The sum of £3,024 was raised from the mail items alone,
while there were £266.70 in donations. In addition the Guild will benefit by the sum of.£985. Expenses were limited to
In September 2003 it was urgently necessary to seek new members to help organise the Christmas Mail that year when it
was realised that there was nobody to continue with the good work. Ray and Eric Simpson agreed to do this and in turn
asked Tom Duthie to help when it was realised that some computer skills were required. So the new committee
consisted of Eric, Ray, Tom, and two long standing members, Jim and Joyce Main, who had been continually on the
committee since the start of the Mail. Gordon Young was welcomed to the committee during this period and his
contribution has been very much appreciated. The experience of Jim and Joyce was crucial in the period from 2003 until
they retired a few years later. Towards the end of 2012 the committee gave the Kirk Session a year’s notice that they
wished to retire, but that they would still organise the 2012 Christmas Mail, and would welcome potential new members
to attend committee meetings in respect of the 2012 Mail. The new members of the Organising Committee are Helen
Birnie, Isobel Blackhall, Margaret Noble, Yvonne Ferguson, and Gordon Young who will bring with him his knowledge
of the system. Wherever possible, it is to be hoped that members, and non-members of the Old Parish Kirk, will rally
round the new organising committee when the 2013 process begins in September/October this year.
Put simply, the system depends on three databases and three accompanying form letters, allowing the organisers to
contact Elders, Sorters, and Posties in the process of meeting the needs of the Mail operation.
Note that our records indicate that the Mail has sorted and delivered more than 1,103,222 items of mail over the years
since 1988, earning in the process £103, 924.
James loves
the choirs new
Just a quick update on how the choir is getting on.
We had our first concert since we returned from our
summer break at the West Church ladies lunch club in the
St.Andrews Hall in September ( our first for them), and just
into the new year we were also invited to sing for the ladies
probus club in the south church hall.
It’s a first singing for a non-religious organisation,
although a few of their members seem to be associated with
different churches, and in particular Mrs. McMahon from
the catholic church, was very complimentary about our
performance during her vote of thanks at the end of the
So a big thank you goes out to both organisations for
receiving us so well.
We do of course have our own annual auld kirk guild
concert coming up in March, followed by our final concert of the year at the URC guild in April.
With all these programmes on the tv about choirs, we might have expected some new recruits would want to join our
ranks, so if you’re interested, don’t be shy, just speak to James or any of the other choir members, to see whats involved.
You don’t have to be able to read music, you just need to get reasonable sounds coming out of your mouth. Its not
rocket science you know, and it makes you feel good.
We use a cd/tape player at our practices on Thursday
evenings, and also for our various concerts.
The machine however has been crackling a wee bit lately,
and we recently decided to get funds together to purchase a
replacement one.
We don’t generate much funds other than the kind
donations we get from organisations we do concerts for, but
we have to acknowledge the very generous donation by the
NU TO U (Thrift Shop) who have kindly supplemented
what monies we had to enable us to go ahead with
purchasing a new machine, which we unveiled at our
practice on the 31st January.
So many thanks to our Mary May for arranging the
additional funds, and for our Anne Rae in buying the
machine for us and even negotiating a 10% discount.
As they say, every little helps.
Some of the choir practising for the church service.
James Buchan
7th February 2013
Dear Auld Kirk,
The O.P.C. D.V.D. Awards
Well Isobel and I have lost our Crown at the Guild Quiz night. The winners were the Girls Brigade.
My old friend Chris West and Annette Milne (whose husband taught me how to make skirlie.) One
of the questions was, “What was the top record of 1953?” I should have known it because that was
the Coronation Year, and one of my favourite songs. “I Believe” sung by Frankie Lane, and The
Batchelors took out a recent edition. Also that was the year I saw one of my best films “A man
called Peter”, and that brings me on to my D.V.D. Awards.
Last year Heather Ritchie, Isobel Park and I were changing videos into
D.V.D’s. Heather did the technical work; Isobel did the transporting and the
cover work, while she and I did the checking. This involved watching videos
made a number of years ago, which was fine for me, as I knew everyone on
the screen. Now I only watched half of the videos, but I came up with a First,
Second and Third, for my Awards.
Before that I would like to tell you about that film “A Man called Peter”,
because it also is on D.V.D. and in the Reference Room. It is the true story about a young man
from the Glasgow area who got fed up with his education, threw his books away and went for a long
walk in the fog. He fell over tree roots and was flat on his face when the fog cleared and there was
a very deep chasm in front of him. Then and there, he gave his life to God and he knew his destiny.
He went to America and became a Minister and eventually became a Minister to the Senate in
Washington. He died when he was only 44, but his wife published his Sermons and wrote his life
story, which was made into a film with Richard Todd in the title role. It affected many people, all
over the world, including me and in the “Life and Work”, a few years ago, a former Moderator of the
Church of Scotland, said this film also changed his life.
Back to my Awards, well in Third Place I put “The Covenanters American Night” 1997 for Pleasure.
In Second Place “The Millennium Parade and Picnic” for Fun and Happiness, and my No.1 goes to
“A Day in the Life of the Bugle Band” 1998 for Precision, Pleasure and Pride.
Thank you to the Guild for a lovely evening, a warm welcome, a great tea, and for all you do for the
O.P.C., and for your part in the Church Centre Car Park, last year.
Love Marion
The Sentence
How they cried for Him
When his freedom was denied
Some looked on with scorn
As he was sentenced to be crucified
The road was long and cruel
As they led him to the hill
He bore a load of the sins of the world
And yet he loved them still
How they cried for Him
When they pierced his side
Blood flowed in a river of pain
And still the love for them
Shone in his eyes again
And as he took his last breath
Even in death, he never left us
For he rose again and is alive
And we believe that evermore
Our souls will survive
Mary Ritchie
3-35 High Street
AB43 9AP
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Congregational Record
“In his resurrection is our hope”
Nov 2012
George Scott (Scottie) Broadsea Fraserburgh
One day we will all die. We
De c
are like water that spill on
Alick Thomson Birnie Place Fraserburgh
the ground Nobody can
Catherine Cruickshank St Modems Care Home Fraserburgh
Sandy Lee Hillcrest Fraserburgh
gather it up again. However,
God does not take away
people’s lives . sometimes
people separate themselves
from God. But God's plan is
Jan 2013
always to bring people back
Helen West Faithlie home Fraserburgh
Richard Wemyss Queens Road Fraserburgh
to himself
2 Samuel 14:14
** Denotes Member.
If we have omitted any entries from the congregational
record please accept our apologies and inform the editor
we will include these in our next edition.
Editor Zandra Todd
The late George (Scottie) Scott
Scottie was an Elder in the Old Parish and his funeral service
was held in the church on 6th December 2012……..
The service was conducted by a family friend, The Rev James
McMillan from Peterhead, who paid a fine and fitting tribute
to Scottie’s memory
Session Clerk: Mr Ronnie Birnie:01346 519462
The Editor would like to thank all who
contributed items for this issue and
Andrew West for the photos..
Manse: Rev Peter B Park:01346 515332
Zandra Todd 3 Hatton Cottages
Techmuiry Strichen Fraserburgh
Church Office: 01346 510139
Email address:
Articles can be sent to above, or Church
Office .
“Claik” Items for June 2013 must be
handed in by 5 May 2013
Contact Numbers
web address:
Scottish Charity Number:013119
Dennis Gordon
Electrical Ltd
Electrical Contractor &
68 High Street
Tel 518561
Large selection of light
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Moments Bridal
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AB43 9DA
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