May - the Soledad HOA Website
May - the Soledad HOA Website
Soledad Newsletter May 2015 A publication of the Soledad Homeowners Association, Las Campanas, Green Valley, Arizona In This Issue: Presidents Message In Sympathy Welcome Neighbors Community Links GVC Report pg. 1 pg. 1 pg. 1 pg. 2 pg. 2 Buffelgrass Information Calendar Highlights Spring “Chicken” Fling Soledad Committees Note from the Editor pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 5 pg. 5 President’s Message: I think you will all agree that we have had a fun and productive season in Soledad. Kudos to our Social Committee, June, Barb P, Anita, Robin, Terri, Connie, Rose, and Anna. Barb is going off the Committee but Bonnie and Cindy Henkel are joining the Social Committee for the coming year. Also, kudos to Anna on her stellar job as our Newsletter Editor! If there are any things you would like to see the Board accomplish during the next year, please let us know. Also, as many of you may be traveling this summer, don’t forget that we have volunteer airport drivers to take you or pick you up. Our next Board Meeting is Tuesday, May 5 at Las Campanas. Happy Cinco de Mayo! Everyone travel safe, stay well, have fun and live your dreams. See you in the Fall! Thao Tiedt, President , on behalf of your Board of Directors. “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…” Dr Betty Dillon Formerly of 1082 W Mountain Stone Dr Vicki Heppner Formerly of 445 N Mountain Brook Dr Al Mertel Formerly of 1062 W Mountain Stone Dr Marie and Tom Oliver 1132 W Mountain Stone Drive Art and Jan Anderson 947 W Mountain Stone Drive Board of Directors Thao Tiedt, Pres. 398-5443 Fred Dippold, VP 393-0973 Joe Gulvezan, Treas. 777-7655 John Grand, Sec. 398-4792 Randy Estes, at Large 648-7386 ______________________ Association Manager: Linda Hansen Cadden Community Management 648-6730 ___________________ Newsletter Editor: Anna Tometczak 777-7128 Webmaster: Charlie Wolff 838-0886 Soledad Newsletter Community Links Las Campanas Community Association Green Valley Council - GVC Green Valley Recreation - GVR Green Valley Chamber of Commerce Pima County May 2015 Summary of the March & April BOR GVC meeting from Gunnar: Blaine Nisson, OLLI Pres. gave an interesting presentation of what Olli is all about. It is a learning avenue for retired people who want to learn about various subjects that are taught in colleges. It does not involve degrees, just information. There are courses offered here, and the cost is reasonable. Law Enforcement & Fire Sheriff's Auxiliary Pima County Sheriff -- Green Valley Green Valley Fire Department Local News & Weather Arizona Daily Star Green Valley News Green Valley Weather Utilities There were reports of progress of road repair in Green Valley. Also a phone number, 648-1936 was given to report potholes, traffic signals, buckled sidewalks, illegally dumped trash etc. Round table discussions followed with HOA reps and GVC. A subject that was ventilated at length was information about your HOA to prospective buyers. That included introduction to new home buyers to the HOA of their choice, Governing Documents, welcoming new home owners to their HOA, etc. Waste Management Tucson Electric Power Community Water Southwest Gas Local Services Green Valley Library Friends in Deed The Preferred Vendors program was established and is a referral network to link homeowners with trustworthy businesses, vendors and service providers so that both will benefit from a job well done. Curently there are 144 vendors on the list. For any referral requests or recommendations from your experience contact Program Director at 520-444-6760 or email Valley Assistance Services Casa Community Services Please refer to the link for the GVC on upcoming events/workshops/flyers. Pima Council on Aging Buffelgrass Information Buffelgrass has become an invasive weed not just growing in the desert but in our washes, arroyos, yards, and along side roads. It weakens nearby plants by outcompeting them for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Buffelgrass is fire-adapted and it grows back from burned roots. It is a thick messy clump of grass with fluffy reddish-purple seed stalks. Our Buffelgrass “Buffel Buster Committee’ learned how to identify, remove, and spray this noxious weed. They continue to be diligent in keeping the “Buffelgrass” out of Soledad. If you think that you might have some growing in or around your property, don’t try to dig/destroy/spray it yourself, notify John Grand at 398-4792 or Resource: 2 Soledad Newsletter May 2015 Calendar Highlights Found on Soledad Website A web-based Google calendar provides easy access to Soledad events. To access the Soledad calendar type the Soledad website into your browser's address line--- or just click on this live link now. On the sites front page click on "Members Only" in the stack on the left side. (The password is Soledad2009, case sensitive.) Click on "Calendar.” When the Calendar screen comes up, scroll down until you see the familiar monthly view. For any event, click on “details” for further information, venue, and directions/map. Social and Communications Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each meeting-month (meeting place rotates). Call Anita Nicholls for time and venue information. Meeting-months are January, February, March, April, October, and November. ARC-Architectural Review Committee: Next meeting as needed. If you need permissions for property modifications or have questions, contact Linda Hansen at Cadden Management, 648-6730. Mah Jongg; Mexican Trains; Ladies Bridge; and Couples Bridge: All are welcome. Contact information below. Morning Mexican Train (first Monday of the month): Contact B onnie MacLean fo r information, 529-9536 Afternoon Mexican Train (first Wednesday of the month): Contact Jeannie Stewart for information, 399-2247 Afternoon Women’s Bridge (first and third Tuesday of the month) and Evening Couples Bridge (usually fourth Tuesday of the month): Contact Shar Reams for information, 207-8104 Mah Jongg (Friday): Contact Lyn Day for infor m ation, 396 -3036 HOA Board Meetings for 2015- first Tuesday of January, March, May, September and November at 1:00pm. All neighbor s ar e encou r aged to attend. (Note: Ther e a r e five (5) Board of Directors’ meetings per year in the following months: January, March (annual meeting), May, September, and November.) HOA Message Board--Watch for the message (sandwich) board that appears often at the Soledad entrance monument. Meetings and event reminders are noted there for your convenience. Do you want to find out about what is going on, voice a concern, or become more involved in “your” HOA? Volunteer and attend a Board Meeting! The next Soledad HOA Board meeting is Tuesday, May 5 at 1:00 at Las Campanas GVR 3 Soledad Newsletter Spring “Chicken” Fling 4 May 2015 Soledad Newsletter May 2015 Soledad HOA Committees: Below are the members of Soledad’s committees for the coming year. You may want to save this list for future reference. It will become a regular part of the Soledad Newsletter, too. Architectural Review Committee: Randy Estes (B oar d Liaison and Chair ), Lyn Day, Jo e Gulvezan, Jerry Lowe, Steve Mallahan. (Send design requests to Linda Hansen at Cadden Mgt.) Landscape/Maintenance Contact person: Tony Day 396 -3036 Work times and calls for volunteers are posted as needed on the announcement board at the entry monument. (Thanks to all the volunteers who give their time, energy and resources to this effort. Because of you Soledad avoids hiring a landscape company which really helps control our annual HOA costs.) Social & Communications Committee: The S&CC has no fo r m al chair . Mem ber s take turns taking minutes, hosting and running meetings. Committee meets 2nd Wednesday at 4pm in October, November, January, February, and March. Members volunteer to be in charge of our various events with help from the whole committee and spouses. Anita Nicholls Anna Tometczak Bonnie MacLean Cindy Henkel Connie Eshelman 520-603-3385 777-7128 529-9536 393-1312 630-408-4828 June May Robin Lowe Rose Estes Terri Anderko Thao Tiedt (Board Liaison) 203-7720 701-200-2777 648-7386 207-0066 398-5443 Sandwich Board contact person: Rose Estes 648-7386. Please allow at least 7-10 days’ notice prior to when the board needs to be displayed at the Monument entrance so that a poster can be made or in case there are multiple events that need to be displayed at the same time. Note from the Editor: Thank you to Anita Nicholls who contributed the photos from the Spring Chicken Fling, Connie Eshelman and Robin Lowe for sharing their photos of their beautiful blooming cacti that I included in this issue. The next HOA event is the annual Soledad BBQ in October. The next Soledad Newsletter will not be until September, unless there is some spontaneous summer event planned for those of us still around. Whether you are staying in the Desert Southwest or are traveling throughout the country you may experience a variety of weather related dangers, so safe travels, stay cool, stay informed, stay hydrated, good Health of body, mind and spirit! ~anna, RN Social Committee & Communications Policy: The purpose of an HOA newsletter is a simple tool for circulating critical association information and building bridges between neighbors that will strengthen the whole association. It may include when available, HOA Board Meeting reminders, information of HOA coming Social events, features, profiles and photos of board and committee members, recaps and photos of past events and residents, HOA meeting minutes, GVC reports/updates, reminders of upcoming volunteer opportunities to assist the Landscaping Committee. Articles or statements that can be judged by any reasonable person to be political, opinion pieces, or potentially contentious will not to be included in the newsletter. Any doubts on forwarded information, the Newsletter Editor will consult the board through the president before publishing. 5
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