advertising primer 2016
advertising primer 2016
ADVERTISING PRIMER 2016 You can clearly only market your shop online ... ... but in combination with promotional letters, you can boost your sales. More information at: Boost your sales. CONTENTS Switzerland Data on Switzerland Economic data European comparison 2 3 4 Advertising expenditure Media market Switzerland Media in Europe Social media comparison – Intermedia comparison 5 6 7 8 Media Market Media Data Magazines14 Daily-, Sunday-, Financial-, Business-Press 16 Newspaper/Magazines Combinations 18 Television – Digital advertising displays 20 Internet – Online 22 Cinema – AdScreens in public transports 24 Radio25 Out-of-home – Posters 26 Direct advertising 27 Studies Official Swiss media studies Media terms – Internet/Online Glossary 28 32 Map of WEMF regions Swiss population data 34 36 Addtional data All data given according to the sources indicated. No responsibility is accepted for their accuracy. State: December 16, 2015. For additional copies of the Ringier Advertising Primer please see (also with download). Contact Ringier AG Publishing Media Dufourstrasse 23 CH-8008 Zurich 2 DATA ON SWITZERLAND Geography Surface Total Cultivated area Floor surface sq. km % 41,285100.0 14,817 35.9 12,931 31.3 Politics Swiss Confederation: Administrative units (federalistic): Form of government: Surface Unproductive surface Populated area sq. km 10,459 3,079 % 25.3 7.5 founded in 1291, Federal State since 1848 26 cantons (6 of them are half-cantons) direct democracy Political levels and partiesParties State: 2015 Seats SVP SP FDP CVP others Federal Council Collegial board 72221 Parliament Council of States cantonal repres. 46 5 12 13 13 3 National Council people repres. 2006543332831 Resident population(Dec. 31, 2014, STATPOP. Structural survey 2013) Total m8,238 Private households m Foreign nationals % 24.3 Single-person-h/h% Population density p. / sq. km. 206 Family h/h with children % Male m4,074 Couples without children % Female m4,164 Ø no. of persons/h/h Urban (agglomerations) % 83.9 Ø no. of children per woman Non-urban% 16.1 Language(Structural survey 2013, 15+) German64.5% Italian8.3% French22.6% Romansh0.5% Civilian status(STATPOP 2014) % Unmarried43.6 Married43.1 Widowed4.9 Divorced8.1 3,541 35.1 34.5 27.5 2.25 1.50 Other20.1% Religions(Structural survey 2012, 15+) Roman Catholic Church Protestant Church Other churches/religious communities No religious affiliation/no reply % 38.0 26.1 12.4 23.5 Population of the 10 major urban areas ( Dec. 31, 2014, in 1000) Zurich1,315.7 Lucerne224.7 Geneva570.2 St. Gallen 164.9 Basle537.1 Lugano150.5 Berne406.9 Winterthur136.6 Lausanne402.9 Zoug125.0 Source: STATPOP, according to SFSO typology 2012; Employment Aged 15+ Full-time (more than 90%) Part-time (up to 90%) Total MenWomenTotal 1000 % 1000 % 1000 % 2045 84.1 857 40.8 2903 64.0 387 15.9 1245 59.2 1632 36.0 2433100.0 2102100.0 4535100.0 Source: SFSO/Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS) 2014. 3 ECONOMIC DATA Gross domestic product(at current market price) Total nom. (CHF bn) Index (2000 = 100 = 458,779) 201220132014 623,943 136 634,854 138 642,256 146 Swiss consumer price index(annual average, basis december 2010 = 100) Food and non-alcoholic beverages 97,4 98,5 99,5 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 102,1 103,4 104,4 Clothing and footwear 88,9 85,6 84,5 Housing and energy 102,5 102,6 103,7 Furnishing, household maintenance 97,0 95,4 94,5 Health care 99,999,098,1 Transportation 98,397,496,3 Communication 99,497,194,9 Recreation and culture 94,5 94,5 94,6 Education and courses 102,0 103,8 105,4 Restaurants and hotels 102,2 103,0 103,7 Other goods and services 100,5 101,1 100,3 Total index 99,399,199,0 Car ownership No. in millions Index (2000 = 100 = 3.545.247) 4.255 120 4.321 122 4.384 124 Source: Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Household income structure ( Ø 2009–2011) Quota h/h in % Ø no. of persons Income monthly h/h (gross in CHF) Employed61.22.43 10,987.– Self-employment/Farmer11.32.65 10,782.– Pensioner25.11.52 5,878.– Household expenditure(2013, all h/h, in %, per month) Food and non-alcoholic beverages 7.1 Restaurants and hotels Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 1.2 Other goods and services Clothing and footwear 2.5 Consumption expenditure Housing and energy 16.8 Social-/health insurance, insurances Furnishing, houshold maintenance 3.0 Taxes, fees Health2.9 Contributions and other transfers Transportation8.7 Compulsory transfer expenditure Communication2.1 Total household expenditure Entertainment, recreation and culture 6.7 Source: HBS 2015 (Household Budget Survey), Swiss Federal Statistical Office, 6.4 3.2 60.4 21.2 13.9 4.4 39.6 100.0 EUROPEAN COMPARISON 4 CHDE FRGB ITAT Surface area 1000 sq. km 41357544244301 84 Population(Dec. 31, 2014 / Jan. 1, 2015) Total million 8.23881.17466.35364.76760.796 8.585 No. of households million 3.54139.71328.09128.07625.768 3.768 Household-size Ø pers. Age groups up to 15 years% 14.9 13.1 18.6 17.6 13.9 14.3 15–24 years 11.610.811.912.7 9.811.9 25–49 years 36.233.632.333.935.035.5 50–64 years 19.721.719.318.219.920.0 65–79 years 12.715.412.312.815.013.3 80 years and older4. Population density 1 p./sq. km 206227116265199102 Labour force 1 million 4.842.029.232.525.5 4.4 1 Unemployment rate % Gross domestic product ( at current market price, 2014) Total EUR bn 528.82915.72132.52253.31613.9 329.3 Index (prev. year = 100) 102.5103.4100.8110.3100.4102.0 Per Capita (PPS) EUR43,20034,00029,40030,00026,40034,900 Index (prev. year = 100) 100.5104.0103.5102.4100.4102.3 Employment in economic sectors ( 2014, 15–64 years, in %) Agriculture/forestry Industry/craft 20.628.120.618.726.925.9 Services 76.070.476.579.869.569.7 Advertising expenditure ( 2012) 2 Classical media USD bn 5.66023.43312.49019.378 7.280 4.178 Index (prev. year = 100) 96.7 91.6 90.6 100.9 77.5 90.8 Per capita USD 712292191305123497 Split by media(in%) 2 Newspapers Magazines TV Radio Cinema Outdoor advertising Internet 26.330.210.218.413.938.4 18.517.714.3 6.0 9.113.0 28.722.233.826.652.722.9 9.94.812. 11.920.721.037.013.813.4 Sources: Eurostat 2015 (Data 2014); 1 UBS – Switzerland in Figures 2015; 2 Western Europe Market & Mediafact 2013. ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE 5 Net advertising turnover Switzerland CHF million (without production cost) 2012 2013 2014 ±% 13/14 Daily newspapers 819718689−4,1 Regional weeklies 183 168 158 −6,0 Sunday newspapers 152146132−9,7 Total dailies / weeklies / Sunday news press 11541032 978 −5,2 Of which: sales/subscriptions 863 785 731 −6,9 Of which: free newspapers 291247248+0,4 Magazines general interest 352 324 308 −4,9 Financial and business press 48 43 42 −1,8 Special interest weeklies and monthlies 118 112 107 −4,7 Trade press 111104100−3,9 Total Press 178316151536 −4,9 Television (advertising seconds) 674 698 718 +2,9 Radio (advertising seconds) 109 115 111 −2,7 Television + Radio (sponsoring) 90 93 93 ±0,0 Cinema 262628 +7,7 Teletext 543 −16,7 AdScreen 677 −1,4 Total electronic medias 910 942 960 +1,9 Outdoore (analogue/digital) + public transports 417 415 426 +2,7 Directories 214208217+4,1 Direct marketing (distribution costs incl.) 1017 1086 1059 −2,6 Other medias 164817101702 −0,5 Total net advertising turnover Switzerland 4341 4267 4197 −1,7 Internet (classical online advertising) 1 170186210 +12,9 Search engine-/affiliatemarketing, online classifieds 2 403456513 +12,5 Source: Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz; 1 MediaFocus; 2 Estimation MediaFocus. The largest advertising sectors ( 2014) Total Index Media split (in %) Product groups CHF 1000PY = 100 NP MA TP TV RA PO CI TX ON Car market 363,517 102 326223624106 Trade, wholesalers 258,007 112 363711617001 Travel, hotels 209,225 103 2529617614102 Economic campaigns 161,969 112 44404433002 House, furniture 161,507 104 3713 6171410 0 0 1 Art/cultural events 160,601 101 524281514301 Fresh products+convenience 150,937 105 121625938001 Chocolate, sweets 129,353 98 3608009001 Nonprofit campaign 124,658 99 447324217202 Online services 122,535 124 412034340016 Mobile 111,447 84 294042118204 Insurances 108,124 111 1953472122010 OTC pharmaceutical product 108,046 116 213166503000 Watches, jewellery 103,900 98 2830124221004 Non-alcoholic beverages 84,830 108 611165114102 Commercial services, consulting 81,958 90 3231641210015 Fashion, sport 4 81,500 97 2818622590012 Finance 4 81,245 91 3613319118108 4 Food products 73,139 115 1823536116001 Construction, industry 4 71,415 99 1646107613001 NP = Daily-/Weekly-/Sunday-Newspapers, MA = Magazines/Financial-/Businesspress, TP = Trade press/Special inter. TV = Television, RA = Radio, PO = Out-of-home/Digital adv. spaces, CI = Cinema, TX = Teletext, ON = Online advertising. 4 Image, Internet, PS. Source: MediaFocus, MEDIA MARKET SWITZERLAND Switzerland’s largest publishers Turnover (in CHF m) Ringier AG Tamedia AG NZZ-Mediengruppe AZ Medien Somedia Basler Zeitung Medien 6 2012 2013 2014 ±% 13/14 1,088 1,026 989 −3.9 1,052 1,069 1,115 +4.2 519 482471−2.3 252 242 248 +2.3 136 128129+0.6 175 126 54 −57.1 Source: Annual reports 2014. Media budget(Swiss households media expenditure) Expenditure (in CHF m) 2012 2013 2014 ±% 13/14 Press subscribtions 1,139 1,129 1,124 −0.4 Press sales 470 458 414 −9.6 Press total1,6091,5871,538 −3.1 1 Books 860 875 832−4.9 Cinema248218205−6.0 Radio535538545+1.3 Television2,7502,7582,931 +6.3 Consumer electronics1,0631,0581,095 +3.5 IT and telecoms 3,934 3,508 3,282 −6.4 Total10,99910,54210,428 −1.1 Expenditure by category 2014 Content Access Hardware of 10,428 in CHF m % in CHF m % in CHF m % % Press 1,538 31.4 14.7 Books 832 17.0 8.0 Cinema 205 4.2 2.0 Radio 50410.3 411.35.2 Television 855 17.5 1,220 253.1 85626.428.1 Consumer Electronics 482 9.9 61318.910.5 IT and telecoms 476 9.7 1,077 46.9 1,729 53.4 31.5 Total 4,892100.02,297100.0 3,239100.0100.0 ± 2013/14 in % −3.3 +11.9 −5.6 Category definition Content: Household spending on media (subscriptions, sales per copy, books, TV and radio licence fees, sound carriers, DVD’s, games, Internet downloads, etc.), fixed network and addet value services. Access: Household spending on media access (cable network charges, broadband connection). Hardware: Household spending on access equipment (Receiving sets, hardware for desktop and mobile systems, smartphones, tablets). Estimate; 2 Radio and TV share. Source: Swiss Media Association, 1 7 MEDIA IN EUROPE CHDE FRGB ITAT Population(Dec. 31, 2014 / Jan. 1, 2015) Population mio.8,23881,17466,35364,76760,796 8,585 Population (15+) mio.7,01170,54053,87953,36852,345 7,357 No. of h/holds mio.3,54139,71328,09128,07625,768 3,768 Print Daily reach newspaper 1% Weekly reach magazines 1% Monthly reach mag. 1% 767312272673 8357923546… 836797706576 TV Daily reach 1% 608780798664 Weekly reach 1%8493969797… No. of TV h/holds mio. 3.538.027.226.324.5 3.5 % 959398969896 Cable h/holds % 56481516 656 1 Ø viewed per day min.141242239215260169 Radio Daily reach 1% 857782795682 Weekly reach 1%9885916689… No. of Radio h/holds mio. 3.437.221.526.424.3 3.7 % 91928610099100 Commercial stations no. 47381 17362258115 Ø daily listening 1min. 125248145187191194 Cinema Monthly reach 1% 192067131211 No. of cinema screens 5504,6173,5832,8463,249 565 Outdoor Weekly reach 1%80……989870 Sitesno. 89,240296,979123,943132,803152,392124,409 Internet Weekly reach 1 %836074805070 Monthly reach 1% 866476805573 H/h. with Internet ac. 2 % 918983907381 Usage e-commerce 2 % 626149721543 Usage e-banking 2 % 544958572648 H/h. with broadband ac. 2% 86 8777887179 Int. usage smartphone 2 % 645659693565 Int. usage tablet 2% 283644502238 Facebook user 3 mio.3,629,032,039,028,0 3,5 of wich mobile user 3 mio.2,9924,0724,9633,9324,08 2,91 Persons (14+); 2 Persons 16–74 years, past three months; 3 User 13+ (State Oct. 31, 2015). Figures in italic not revised. 1 Sources: Eurostat 2015; Western Europe Market & Mediafact 2013; NET-Metrix-Base 2015-1; 8 SOCIAL MEDIA COMPARISON Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Platform and characteristics of users Social network for all age groups and social strata. Interest in all topics and sectors. Digital platform for sharing short messages. All age groups. Has not yet found its way to the majority of the population. Audio-visual platform for sharing photos and videos. Popular among young users. Video clip portal. All age groups, all social strata. Heavy users are often very young. Used as a video network. Figures 3.6 m users, of whom 80% are also mobile users. 48% female, 52% male. User numbers in 15-50 age group stagnating slightly. Increase among the over 50s. Around 228,000 users in Switzerland, of whom 43,000 in the German-speaking regions. 870,000 active users, of whom 490,000 in the German-speaking regions. 51% female, 49% male. 3.8 m active users, 50% via mobile channels. Platform strengths Wide reach, efficient advertising forms, differences in pages (company pages, profiles, groups). Good, meaningful analytical tools available. High speed, use of hashtags has established itself. Provides easy access to opinion leaders. Active users. Aesthetically pleasing environment. Mobile medium. Possible to share photos in other social networks as well. Wide reach, efficient advertising forms, links to Google and Google+. Platform weaknesses Advertising increasingly Limited to 140 Videos limited to max. dominant, news feed characters. Takes com- 15 sec. Hardly any data algorithms reduces the paratively long to build available. reach of posts. up the community. Difficult to achieve viral effects within the platform. Professional video production is costly. Types of posts Text, photo, video, link, photo album, event, notifications, milestone, apps. Photo, video. Video (with text in the description). Advertising offer forms Post reach, page Follower ads, website promotions, website clicks, Tweet interacclicks, app installations, tions, app installations, event promotion, lead/ leads, video ads. video ads. Bookable via Bookable via Twitter Facebook Ads Manager. Ads Manager. Photos with embedded link, carousel ads, videos, lead ads. Advertising in the form of photos/videos between posts possible. Bookable via Facebook Ads Manager. Pre/post rolls, banner ads via the video, display ads around the video. Automated booking via the Google network. Followers, retweets, likes, replies, post reach, link clicks, comments. All views, view duration, subscribers, ratings, comments, embed videos, playback locations, favourites, social shares. Key performance Page likes, post reach, indicators engagement (likes, comments, shares, clicks), clicks on links, hashtags. Text, link, videos, images. Mentions, retweets, favourites, followers, following, reach, clicks on links, hashtags. Sources: Facebook Ads Manager; Twitter Ads Manager; Google AdWords 9 INTERMEDIA COMPARISON Magazines Newspapers (daily/weekly) Type and characteristics of the medium Entertainment and information medium for a wide range of target groups. Mass media in general interest field with wide range of entertainment and advice on coping with everyday life. Special-interest titles with high level of thematic competency. Zeitgeist- and trend-oriented. Up-to-the-minute, everyday medium with high information content. Chronicles recent events with commentaries, orientation aid, entertainment and features. Strong reader loyalty with high credibility and mostly local and regional interest. Main audience emphasis General interest magazines appeal to broad groups of the population, while the wide range of magazines facilitates specific appeal to socio-demographically and psychographically distinct target groups. Broad, geographically defined population groups. Main emphasis on the population aged over 25. Free newspapers from the age of 14. Larger publications tend to aim at the agglomerations, upper professional and educational levels. Encounter target person/medium High acceptance owing to conscious leisuretime consumption. Reading medium with high concentration and multiple consumption. Identification with publication and content. Consumption not restricted by place or time. Contact particularly in the morning. Expectations of information result in intensive and regular media consumption. Perfect identification with titles chosen consciously. Mostly bought by subscription. Commuter press mainly distributed in boxes. Quantitative media efficiency, reach and frequency Advertising in general interest publications ensures high reach and contacts. Well-balanced coverage and rapid high average number of contacts. 8 to 9 publications throughout Switzerland, each with around 6 ads for 70% to 80% reach and 6 to 7 OTS. High reach and average number of contacts in the main circulation areas. Rapid growth of reach with broad list of publications or combinations. Approx. 27 regional or 10 to 13 supraregional/national newspapers throughout Switzerland required, each with 6 ads necessary for 80% to 85% reach and 5 to 6 OTS. Options available From small advertisement format to dominant, multi-page presence. Ads can be placed in related editorial copy, permitting a direct thematic link. Various speciality ads such as gatefolds, inserts, samples, teaser strips and issue-based sponsorship, crossmedia, etc. Promotion offers for iPad-/tablet editions. Special issues are increasingly theme-specific. From classifieds through double-page spreads to multi-page advertisements. Many format variations and broad colour options to attract attention. Positioning in special topics and event sections. Opportunities to give brochure inserts higher profile. Crossmedia-offers for advertising on the Internet, mobile, etc. Advertising rates Full page advertisement 4-colour approx. CHF 16,000 to 25,000 for high-reach publications. Reduced rate for b/w ads in individual cases. Full page advertisement 4-colour approx. CHF 10,000 to 25,000. Price range for mid-size to large dailies. Big combinations over 60,000. Many combination offers with 5 to 25% reductions. Good value offers on small and classifieds ads. Weekend “2 for 1”-offers. Criteria for media Suitable for in-depth and complex messages. selection Demonstrating life experiences, cultivating brand image and loyalty. Reach or contactbased basic advertising, also for crossmedia campaigns. Suitable for up-to-the-minute offers, messages that should be communicated rapidly, regional or retailer-oriented campaigns and advertising with high text content. Also suitable for cultivating image and brand loyalty. Basic medium at national, regional and local level, also for crossmedia campaigns. Sources: MediaTrendJournal.; O. Meier Medienmarketing. 10 INTERMEDIA COMPARISON Special interest and trade press Out-of-home advertising Type and characteristics of the medium Medium for professional development. High level of expertise in specialist area. In some cases «obligatory» in order to keep up to date in fast-changing sectors. High degree of expertise in special interest segments. May be a magazine or a newspaper. Outdoor advertising medium with a direct, broad impact and strong out-of-home presence. Target areas in urban setting. Good geographical positioning. Additional focussing according to target groups and events. Main audience emphasis Specifically targets clearly defined professional target groups and members of trade associations. Emphasis on committed specialists and opinion leaders who are hungry for knowledge. Reaches all age groups away from home. In particular young, mobile target groups that are difficult to reach. Distinctions can be made between pedestrians, public transport users, car drivers, and people on the way to work, going shopping or on leisure time. Encounter target person/medium Reading medium with high concentration and multiple consumption as well as high circulation in companies. Identification with publication and content. Consumption not restricted by time or place. Intensive reader identification with titles bought on subscription. Rapid, frequent contact with passers-by on busy streets and squares, at public transport stops, in railway stations, airports, shopping centres, POS, filling stations, car parks, sports venues, trade fair locations, etc. Very wide reach within short time. High level of acceptance. Quantitative media efficiency, reach and frequency Run size depends on specialist area. Usually between 2,000 and 10,000 copies. Comprehensive coverage of defined business target groups. Generally high to very high reach in specialist area (may be 80% or more) and high OTS thanks to regular use. Rapid presence and a fast-growing reach ensure high brand recognition among the general public. 70% reach with an average of approx. 20 contacts and 1400 GRPs. Recall average of 50%, depending on subject (APG|SGA Poster Performance Index PPI). Options available Mostly full page and part page. Occasionally only in black-and-white and two colours. Relevant placement means ads can be tied in to topics covered in publication. Many brochure inserts, sometimes including samples. Advertising and PR may flow seamlessly into each other, depending on the sector. Extensive rubric and small ad markets in some cases, as well as reader services and cross-media offers. National standard formats, networks and individual areas. Analogue: F4, F12, F24, F200, F400LT. Digital: eBoards, ePanels, Rail Beamer, TrafficMediaScreen. Special formats such as mega/big posters, public transport advertising (hanging displays, transparencies, traffic boards, ground adhesive advertising, vehicle body wraps, etc.) Flexible booking: 7, 14 or 21 days. Advertising rates Highly dependent on the run size. Generally between CHF 2,000 and CHF 5,000 for blackand-white pages and between CHF 5,000 and CHF 10,000 for 4-colour pages. Large circulation trade publications tend to cost more. Special interest segments less expensive. Posters: rates on the basis of SPR+ performance values (APG|SGA). CPM from approx. CHF 6 to 15 depending on format and area. Investment in national posting approx. CHF 442,450 gross (e.g. conurbations F12 Big27, 924 sites, 14 days). Staggered campaign discount from 18 to 46%. Additional lastminute discount and discounts linked to annual investment. Criteria for media Suitable for targeting particular specialist selection groups. Rational and emotional presentation of advertising messages in a professional environment. For B2B use and for optimizing reach to particular target groups. Suitable for short advertising messages, introducing, positioning, anchoring and updating brands or images. Offers via advertising stimuli shortly before the purchase decision. Builds recognition fast. Enhanced impact thanks to appropriate format mix and reinforcement by further analog/digital out-of-home media. Sources: MediaTrendJournal; O. Meier Medienmarketing. 11 INTERMEDIA COMPARISON TV Cinema Type and characteristics of the medium Mass medium for entertainment and information with audio-visual experience. By choosing broadcast time, the channel and the main axis of the broadcast, it is possible to address a particular target group. Regional TV for regional and local campaigns with programming repeated throughout the day. Internet TV for location-independent or delayed viewing. An entertainment medium for young target groups, families and increasingly also best agers. Intensive audio-visual experience. Dominance on large screen. Strong possibility for identification and high recall value. Main audience emphasis Total population with emphasis dependent on channel, language area, time of broadcast and programme environment. Reaches mainly senior viewers. Swiss advertising windows and stations serving a specific language region tend to focus on younger users than public sector broadcasters. 46% of cinema audiences are between 14 and 34 years, 33% are between 35 and 54 years. Main emphasis among urban, active groups of people with above-average education and a wide range of interests. Encounter target person/medium Multi-sense (picture, sound, movement) appeal in familiar home atmosphere. Highest consumption between 7 pm and 10.30 pm. Different levels of interest and acceptance in anticipation of given programmes. Risk of distraction and zapping. Considerable attentiveness to films. No distractions thus intensive exposure to the advertising message. Evokes a suggestive atmosphere. Relaxed, positive and accepting mood – also towards advertising. Cinema advertising cannot be zapped away. Quantitative media efficiency, reach and frequency Very different ratings depending on the channel, the time of broadcasting and the programme environment. Reach increases quickly with high frequency (significant cumulation effect). For cumulative ratings of 70% and 3 to 4 OTS you need about 20 to 30 spots on several channels during primetime. High transparency of performance. A package of all national cinemas for 1 week can reach some 10% of all 14 to 34 year olds. Rapidly increasing reach over a period of several weeks,but low average contacts. 4-week campaign in all Swiss cinemas achieves – depending on period – around 20% reach and 1.4 OTS among 14 to 34 years olds. Options available TV spots from 5 sec. to 6 min. Plus 2-3 spots per block and reminder spots. Special forms of advertising such as single spots, split-screen, sponsorship, exclusive spots, product placement, «power break» during sports broadcasts, etc. Swiss advertising windows: Spot length 5 sec. or more, ad breaks. No advertising windows in Ticino. National targeting: GeoFocus (regional/national cinema-booking with one spot). Audience targeting: spot-booking for individual target groups. Movie targeting: FilmFocus (booking by genre or film). Local: GeoFocus local, CineFix, CineMotion, etc. Advertising rates SRF1 primetime 20 sec.: CHF 1,500 to 25,000. Swiss advertising windows 30 sec. (7 pm to 10.30 pm): CHF 1,000 to 6000 according to day and time. Regional TV: differing rate cards depending on channel and number of repeats. Uniform CPMs per week/sec. GeoFocus: CHF 12.00 (regional/national). Audience targeting: CHF 13.90. Movie targeting: from CHF 17.50 to 19.50. Minimum 3 to 4 weeks, variabel and depending on contacts. Format: minimum 30 sec. Recommendation/local advertising: CPM from CHF 10.20 to 11.50. Criteria for media Suitable for building recognition fast, selection demonstration, emotion and argument-based advertising. Basic medium on national and language region level, also for crossmedia campaigns. No alcohol or tobacco advertising (except wine, champagne and beer). Suitable for young target groups. Mood and image advertising. Anchoring of messages, brands and images. Crossmedia through promotions, television, online and adscreens in lobby. Cine-picture and Cine-motion: suitable for local/regional advertising (retailer support). 12 INTERMEDIA COMPARISON Radio Direct marketing Type and characteristics of the medium Popular information and entertainment medium, though usage can be superficial. Often used as background noise. Private radio usage depending on reception areas. Marketing medium which may or may not be personalized. High information capacity and broad range of possible formats. Increasing coverage problems with unaddressed direct marketing campaigns owing to spread of «no advertising» mailbox stickers. Can be circumvented using leaflet inserts in newspapers and magazines or addressed direct mailings. Main audience emphasis Private broadcasters demonstrating trend towards younger (15 to 49 years) listeners in their respective reception areas. Consumption mainly during the day. Peak times: morning, midday and early evening. Unaddressed: Broad sections of the population. Heads of households generally have first contact. Addressed: Target group selection options are broad. Data protection imposes conditions on address management. Encounter target person/medium Often switched on while the listener is doing other things at the same time (work at the office, at home, driving the car). Acoustic (language, sound effects and music) appeal and regular consumption. Used at home and at work. Acceptance of unaddressed blanket mailings is lower. Acceptance of addressed mailings depends on subject and quality of approach. Chance of direct contact, low dispersion loss. Good response opportunities. Quantitative media efficiency, reach and frequency Local and regionally targeted reach. 53% of people listen to local radio for at least 61 min. 25 German- and 13 French-speaking local radio stations, each with a frequency of 20 spots per week necessary for 50–60% reach and 4 to 5 OTH. Little general research data available. 51% of households are reachable (49% have «no advertising» stickers). Addressed direct mailings give almost 100% reach. Multiple contacts possible. Options available Mostly 15 to 20 seconds commercial spots that can be broadcast according to individual timing and programme environment requirements. Wide range of bundling options for buying time with several private stations. Sponsorship available for entire radio programming spectrum. Sponsorship also possible on SRG radio channels (SRF/RTS/RSI). Unaddressed: Approx. 2.0 million private households, most of which are served by private distributors. Good geographical targeting. High volume of leaflets and brochures on individual weekdays. Addressed: Address lists available for the most varied target groups. Wide differences in quality and price depending on whether private or business addresses. Advertising rates 30 second spots on «average» private radio station between CHF 180 and 1,200 (CHF 6 to 40 per second). Rates higher during prime time. Pool discounts up to 20% if advertiser buys package of broadcasters. Unaddressed: General distribution to all households in Switzerland: CHF 211,500 for up to 25g. Distribution costs per 1000 copies: CHF from 88.– to 158.– (A,B,C-Post locations). Addressed: Costs for private addresses (approx. 6 m.) per 1000, between CHF 210 and 600, depending on address requirements. Business addresses (approx. 700,000) CHF 240 per 1000. Criteria for media Suitable for up-to-the-minute offers, campaigns selection and rapid appeal. Often used as complementary medium at local and regional level, also for crossmedia campaigns. No alcohol or tobacco advertising (except wine, champagne and beer). Suitable for local/regional special offers (unaddressed) and clearly defined target groups (addressed). Text-rich messages, samples, catalogues. Personal approach. Often used in business-to-business segment. Sources: MediaTrendJournal; O. Meier Medienmarketing. 13 INTERMEDIA COMPARISON Online Mobile phone Type and characteristics of the medium Interactive individual communication tool. Everyday medium for young target groups. Extensive range of options and a reach that is still increasing. Used as an information medium and for e-mail use. Growing acceptance as a sales channel. Established sales channel. Available at short notice. In the social media, millions of dialogues are generated daily on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Interactive, individual “always on” medium with high entertainment, information and interaction potential. Growing acceptance as a sales channel. A communication instrument not restricted to specific locations or times, with options for direct use and impact monitoring. Main audience emphasis Targets 13 to 60 year olds. Segmentation options according to web offer and technical criteria (URL, domain, browser, Internet access, time, keyword, etc.). Focus on 14 to 50 year olds. Personal device for dialogue, work, information and entertainment used by all sectors of the population. Segmentation possibilities according to mobile sites, operating system (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc.), device type, language, browser, time, keywords and location. Encounter target person/medium Professional use during office hours as well as large private use. High degree of involvement via interactivity and individual information and news procurement around the clock. Use as Internet TV and/or via Internet mobile phones (smartphones and tablets/e-book readers). A mobile phone offers a direct personal link to target groups showing a high level of interest and acceptance. Reaches the target audience at all times and in all places and allows instant interaction. Use of online (Internet) and streaming content in the form of audio and video material and games. Quantitative media efficiency, reach and frequency Over 80% of the 14-60 age group use the Internet. Precise records can be produced for the individual advertising images (AdImpressions), page views called up (Page Impressions), as well as number of visits (visits), reach (unique users), the time spent on the site (use time) and the number of clicks. Mobile phone penetration over 90%. Smartphone owners: approx. 75%. More than 60% use mobile Internet services. Precise recording of ad impressions, page impressions, numbers of visitors and numbers of clicks generated. NET-Metrix measurement available. Options available Standard: full banner, skyscraper, leaderboard, rectangle, floating ad, roadblock, wallpaper. Also: video ads, expandable formats, interstitial, ad appeal, etc. Other forms include search engine marketing, classifieds , netwsletter and e-mail marketing. Campaigns on differently themed web offers and portals. Various forms of performance and affiliate marketing. Display advertising in the form of banners in apps and on mobile portals. Special formats such as prestitial, interstitial and rich media. Other formats: Search engine marketing, Google AdWords, classifieds, performance marketing. Plus SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, mobile games, QR-cordes, augmented reality. Advertising rates Rates (CPM/CPT) vary between CHF 10 and CHF 180 per 1000 ad impressions. E.g. FullBanner or Skyscraper CHF 30 to CHF 80. Also cost-per-click, cost-per-lead or cost-per-sale for affiliate marketing. Advertising rates (CPM) vary between CHF 40 and 180 per thousand ad impressions, e.g. banner/leaderboard CHF 40 to CHF 100; interstitial/ prestitial CHF 90 to 190; alternatively, cost per click or cost per lead. Criteria for media Suitable for branding, response campaigns selection and product and service offers requiring high information content. Use as a single medium or parallel to classic media. Suitable as a distribution channel to intensify interactive dialogue/ response and for competitions. Suitable for response campaigns and young target groups. Often in addition to classic online campaigns. Frequently used in cross-media in combination with offline/online. Strongly dialogue-oriented. Short lead times mean it is best suited to promotions, competitions, and event announcements. 14 MAGAZINES 15 Publication Category MethodCirculation of issue 1 Reach cRR % 1000 Structure M W Cost full page b/w 4-c CPM b/w 4-c German part Annabelle Beobachter Bolero Brigitte (split Switzerland) Cosmopolitan (split Switzerland) Freundin (split Switzerland) Geo (split Switzerland) Gesundheitstipp GlücksPost Ktipp Magazin, Das (supplement) NZZ Folio (supplement) Reader’s Digest Schweiz Schweizer Familie Schweizer Illustrierte Schweizer LandLiebe Style Tele TVstar TV täglich (supplement) TV2 TVvier Weltwoche, Die 100.0 46685050 women fortnightly 66,121 4.7 2181981 info/counseling fortnightly 295,566 18.2 8514753 women/fashion monthly, 10 × per year 34,031 0.7 32 32 68 women fortnightly (30,000) 2.0 92 12 88 women monthly (32,000) 2.9 134 16 84 women fortnightly (20,000) 1.5 69 7 93 topics monthly (46,000) 12.4 578 52 48 health 11 × per year 62,595 2 9.3 4353268 women weekly 152,791 8.8 4092773 2 consumer fortnightly253,103 19.8 9244951 news/topics weekly 355,340 3 12.7 5934852 topics monthly 156,994 8.0 375 56 44 digest magazine monthly 55,840 4.0 187 41 59 family magazine weekly 189,388 13.9 651 35 65 glossy magazine weekly 173,205 15.3 713 38 62 natur/topics 6 × per year 200,110 13.0 606 25 75 women monthly, 10 × per year 158,371 6.3 296 25 75 tv guide weekly 126,817 9.2 4314951 tv guide fortnightly 85,545 4.2 1974555 tv guide weekly (510,000) 11.6 540 38 62 4 444 tv guide fortnightly 15,715 4 444 tv guide monthly 26,877 news/topics weekly 65,139 5.0 2346337 18,900 18,900 86.60 86.60 23,830 23,830 28.02 28.02 10,570 10,570 328.18 328.18 9,600 9,600 104.58 104.58 12,500 12,500 93.51 93.51 10,670 10,670 154.85 154.85 16,990 16,990 29.38 29.38 12,900 12,900 29.68 29.68 12,900 12,900 31.56 31.56 22,400 22,400 24.24 24.24 29,596 29,596 49.94 49.94 24,680 24,680 65.76 65.76 9,980 9,980 53.50 53.50 18,870 18,870 29.00 29.00 26,310 26,310 36.89 36.89 21,200 21,200 34.97 34.97 18,200 18,200 61.48 61.48 10,900 10,900 25.32 25.32 5,900 5,900 29.93 29.93 18,650 18,650 34.53 34.53 2,5002,500 2,5002,500 15,400 15,400 65.78 65.78 French part Bon à Savoir Bolero F 4 Elle (split Switzerland) Femina (supplement) Guide TV (supplement) L’Hebdo L’illustré Marie Claire (split Switzerland) Paris Match (split Switzerland) Reader’s Digest Suisse Télétop matin (supplement) TV8 consumer 11 × per year 96,696 2 women/fashion monthly, 10 × per year 18,527 women fortnightly (20,000) women weekly 124,675 tv guide weekly 146,588 news/topics weekly 39,766 glossy magazine weekly 74,901 women monthly (30,000) glossy magazine fortnightly (30,000) digest magazine monthly 18,121 tv guide weekly 126,432 tv guide weekly 63,958 100.0 15254951 23.7 3614555 3.4 52 16 84 2.7 41 14 86 19.3 2943367 12.6 192 45 55 11.3 1725347 20.9 3184060 3.9 59 9 91 3.9 59 33 67 4.1 63 39 61 20.2 307 47 53 14.4 2204159 13,000 13,000 35.97 35.97 10,370 10,370 199.52 199.52 6,200 6,200 152.54 152.54 22,990 22,990 78.30 78.30 12,850 12,850 66.90 66.90 13,500 13,500 78.53 78.53 18,700 18,700 58.74 58.74 8,200 8,200 138.74 138.74 6,200 6,200 104.83 104.83 4,750 4,750 75.38 75.38 18,550 18,550 60.36 60.36 7,800 7,800 35.43 35.43 Italian part Illustrazione Ticinese (free) Ticinosette (supplement) family magazine monthly 131,905 3 tv guide weekly 63,212 100.0 293 49 51 48.0 1414555 36.3 106 42 58 7,150 10,945 50.75 77.69 9,785 9,785 91.95 91.95 Gross domestic rates in CHF as at 1.1.2016, excl. VAT, for bookings from Switzerland; 1 Distributed circulation (print+replica), certified by WEMF/KS; not certified circulation are in parentheses; 2 Circulation attestet; 3 Distributed free paper, certified by WEMF/KS; 4 not evaluated in MACH Basic; 4 Values from «Edelweiss». Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2; WEMF circulation bulletin 2015; publishers declaration. DAILY-, SUNDAY-, FINANCIAL-, BUSINESS-PRESS Publication Place of publication 16 17 Method Circulation of issue 1 Reach cRR % 1000 Structure M W Cost full page b/w 4-c CPM b/w 4-c Daily newspapers German part 20 Minuten c. ed. (free) Zurich Mon–Fri 447,552 2 Basler Zeitung N Basle Mon–Sat 50,237 BZ Berner Zeitung/Bund c. ed. Berne Mon–Sat 146,152 Blick Zurich Mon–Sat 157,671 Blick am Abend c. ed. (free)Zurich Mon–Fri 281,204 2 Neue Luzerner Zeitung c. ed. Lucerne Mon–Sat 122,401 Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH) Zurich Mon–Sat 110,854 Nordwestschweiz, Die c.ed. N Aarau Mon–Sat 161,012 St. Galler Tagblatt c. ed. St. Gallen Mon–Sat 122,745 Südostschweiz, Die c. ed. Chur Mon–Sat 79,172 Tages-Anzeiger Zurich Mon–Sat 162,894 100.0 46685050 31.4 14685743 2.8 130 49 51 7.3 339 50 50 13.7 6426238 14.3 6695347 6.32945248 5.8 269 62 38 8.1 376 50 50 5.82714753 3.51625149 9.8 4575545 47,000 47,000 32.02 32.02 18,700 18,700 144.25 144.25 19,920 27,998 58.84 82.70 26,200 26,200 40.84 40.84 22,900 22,900 34.23 34.23 20,900 20,900 71.20 71.20 19,580 19,580 72.71 72.71 20,950 26,850 55.74 71.43 21,100 21,100 77.85 77.85 12,500 12,500 77.16 77.16 29,040 29,040 63.59 63.59 French part 20 Minutes c. ed. (free) 24 heures c. ed. Le Matin Le Temps Tribune de Genève Zurich Mon–Fri 187,018 2 Lausanne Mon–Sat 61,117 Lausanne Mon–Sat 44,815 Lausanne Mon–Sat 36,802 Geneva Mon–Sat 41,213 100.0 15254951 34.7 5305347 11.5 175 50 50 19.4 2965941 6.1 945743 7.9 120 50 50 21,725 21,725 41.03 41.03 13,420 23,580 76.74 134.84 11,580 11,580 39.10 39.10 13,500 13,500144.22 144.22 7,980 13,840 66.35 115.07 Italian part 20 minuti (free) Corriere del Ticino plus La Regione Zurich Mon–Fri 33,117 2 Lugano/Muzzano Mon–Sat 47,774 Bellinzona Mon–Sat 31,876 100.0 2934951 29.8 885248 42.8 125 52 48 32.9 975545 5,200 5,200 59.36 59.36 5,890 9,165 46.93 73.03 5,167 8,052 53.54 83.43 Sunday newspapers 3 NZZ am Sonntag Schweiz am Sonntag c.ed. SonntagsBlick SonntagsZeitung Zentralschweiz am Sonntag c. ed. Le Matin Dimanche Il Caffè (free) Zurich Aarau/Chur Zurich Zurich Lucerne Lausanne Locarno Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Financial and business press 3 Bilanz Finanz und Wirtschaft Handelszeitung Bilan L’Hebdo PME Magazine Zurich Zurich Zurich Lausanne Lausanne Zurich fortnightly 2 × per week weekly fortnightly weekly monthly Gross domestic rates in CHF as at 1.1.2016, excl. VAT, for bookings from Switzerland; 1 Distributed circulation (print+replica), certified by WEMF/KS; 2 Distributed free paper, certified by WEMF/KS; 3 Net reach in the linguistic region. Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2; WEMF circulation bulletin 2015; publishers declaration. 126,855 190,176 184,089 182,192 96,623 123,806 57,397 2 8.9 417 55 45 7.8 366 53 47 14.7 6865842 13.3 6225347 4.7 220 53 47 30.3 463 52 48 31.7 935149 24,120 24,120 26,750 26,750 26,870 26,870 30,029 30,029 15,000 15,000 33,600 33,600 8,510 8,510 57.83 57.83 73.16 73.16 39.19 39.19 48.28 48.28 68.20 68.20 72.61 72.61 91.53 91.53 47,302 25,172 38,229 10,550 39,766 18,556 2.7 1267030 2.0 92 79 21 2.1 997426 3.2 486931 11.3 1725347 4.2 656436 14,900 14,900118.00 118.00 9,900 13,440 107.80 146.35 9,500 13,500 95.83 136.18 8,910 8,910185.24 185.24 13,500 13,500 78.53 78.53 8,550 8,550132.44 132.44 NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINES COMBINATIONS Publication 18 19 MethodCirculation Reach cRR of issue % 1000 1 Structure M W Cost full page b/w 4-c CPM b/w 4-c 81,828 81,828 43.56 43.56 51,912 51,912 35.99 35.99 78,13184,466 65.71 71.04 68,232 74.43 74.43 Total Switzerland KombiNation Swiss Family A weekly 593,316 Schweizer Illustrierte, SonntagsBlick, L’Hebdo, L’illustré, TV8, Il Caffè KombiNation Swiss Women weekly 464,855 Schweizer Illustrierte, GlücksPost, L’illustré, TV8 100.0 64874951 29.0 1879 46 54 German part Cityplus 4 N Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 537,042 Nordwestschweiz, Die, c.ed. N, Neue Luzerner Ztg. c. ed., NZZ (CH), St. Galler Tb. c. ed., Schaffh. NR N Metropool Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 359,283 Basler Zeitung, Berner Zeitung BZ c. ed., Tages-Anzeiger Millionenkombi weekly/ fortnightly507,928 Beobachter, Tele, TVstar PowerDay 2 Mon–Fri 438,875 Blick, Blick am Abend c. ed. 3 PowerDay+ Mon–Fri 438,875 Blick, Blick am Abend c. ed., (Maxiboard fix) Tele Kombi weekly/ fortnightly 212,362 Tele, TVstar Zeitungspool 1, Der Mon–Sat 58,278 Bieler Tagblatt, Freiburger Nachrichten N, Walliser Bote N ZRZ Zürcher Regionalzeitungen c. ed. N Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat 104,026 Der Landbote N, Zürcher Oberländer c. ed. N, Zürcher Unterländer N, Zürichsee-Ztg. c. ed. N 100.0 46685050 25.5 11895149 French part Arc Presse Mon–Sat 37,872 L’Express, L’Impartial, Journal du Jura Romandie Combi Mon–Sat 134,104 Arc Presse, La Liberté, Le Nouvelliste, Le Quotidien Jurassien Romandie MAX weekly 178,625 L’Hebdo, L’illustré, TV8 Top 2 Romandie Mon–Sat 102,330 La Tribune de Genève, 24 heures c. ed. Top Matin Mon–Sat/Sun 168,621 Le Matin, Le Matin Dimanche 100.0 15254951 6.4 985050 10,900 20,250111.00 206.22 22.3 3405149 22,900 36,500 67.36 107.36 German and French part Bijou Mon–Sat 29,917 Bieler Tagblatt, Journal du Jura NZZ BusinessCombi Mon–Sat 147,656 Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH), Le Temps 100.0 61934951 1.2 755050 11,120 11,120147.50 147.50 6.0 3726040 30,080 30,080 80.78 80.78 Italian part BiTop Ticino Mon–Sat 79,650 Corriere del Ticino plus (Corriere del Ticino/Giornale del Popolo), la Regione 100.0 2934951 59.8 1755149 10,504 16,356 59.86 93.21 Gross domestic rates in CHF as at 1.1.2016, excl. VAT, for bookings from Switzerland; 1 Distributed circulation (print+replica), certified by WEMF/KS; 2 20% combi discount by booking both titles in consecutive editions; 3 20% combi discount on print, 30% on online (Maxiboard fix);4 Total Audience 2015-2: net reach cumulated from MACH Basic 2015-2 and NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1 (UUpD, weboffer users per day.) Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2; WEMF circulation bulletin 2015; publishers declaration. 22.2 19.6 1443 917 37 52 63 48 68,232 27.6 12884753 34,130 34,130 26.51 26.51 25.1 11735743 39,280 39,280 33.49 33.49 4 4 4 34.8 41624 58 42 55,03055,030 33.8933.89 12.9 15,120 25.03 604 48 52 15,120 25.03 2.7 1285347 12,012 17,248 93.69 134.54 4.8 2234555 27,210 27,210121.82 121.82 36.6 5574357 33,000 33,000 59.20 59.20 19.3 2945050 20,380 35,615 69.31 121.12 39.7 6055347 44,020 44,020 72.76 72.76 20 TELEVISION Coverage Persons in TV-households 1 Universe TV-households 1 Homes with 1 TV 2 Cable connection 2 IPTV 2 Satellite dish 2 1000 1000 % % % % CH de-CH fr-CH it-CH 731751721806 339 33242369797158 93929495 60645148 34294543 1012 611 Sources: 1 TV panel Mediapulse 2015 (persons 3+). 2 Mediapulse Establishment Survey 2014. Advertising possibilities and general frameworks Price criteria Depending on the following criteria: season, time of broadcast and programme environment, length, number of viewers, CPT of the target group, etc. Nonlinear pricing 20/30 sec. commercial as a neutral basis f. analysing prices of sev. market pr. Offers Classic commercials in the form of TV spots with no given spot length, long spots, mono-block, reminder spots and special forms such as powerbreaks, event spots, sponsorship with billboards, etc. Prohibited advertising Advertising for tobacco, alcoholic beverages (except wine and beer), over-thecounter medicines, political and religious advertising, etc. Time of advertising Daytime 02:00 to 16:59 h, access 17:00 to 18:59 h, primetime 19:00 to 22:59 h, late 23:00 to 01:59 h. National channels Reach/day 1MS 1Price CPP, 20" % %sec. 2 15–49 3 German part of Switzerland ( universe 4,559,000, 15+) SRF 1 43.4 SRF zwei 28.3 SRF info 17.1 Tele Regio Combi 14.2 TeleZüri 7.5 3plus 8.1 4plus 4.6 Foreign channels Kabel eins CH Pro Sieben CH RTL CH RTL II CH Sat.1 CH Super RTL CH (20:15–23:00),5 VOX CH 9.3 13.3 18.1 11.8 13.7 4.9 12.0 CPP, 20" 15–59 4 20.05111.832727.–1749.– 9.55 26.301883.–1657.– 1.83 19.151991.–1681.– 1.79 100.52 1886.– 1558.– 0.90 82.071970.–1907.– 1.79 26.001778.–1631.– 0.7 24.401511.–1446.– 1.85 17.00 1729.– 1540.– 3.57 64.60 2018.– 2333.– 6.00 68.302099.–1983.– 2.84 30.60 1703.– 1744.– 4.09 39.001964.–1842.– 5, 5, 0.6411.411399.– 1389.– 3.63 32.901761.–1526.– French part of Switzerland ( universe 1,562,000, 15+) RTS Un 48.320.9559.021016.–679.– RTS Deux 26.3 6.77 6.61719.–589.– TF 1 CH 30.6 11.47 49.12 788.– 628.– M6 CH 25.1 8.9457.10816.–737.– Italian part of Switzerland ( universe 300,000, 15+) RSI LA 1 56.6 RSI LA 2 35.9 22.61 7.86 14.13 3.61 113.– 107.– 93.– 98.– Mediapulse TV panel, 1rst sem. 2015 (24h, Mon-Sun), persons 15+ (guests incl.), Overnigth 7+; 2 Ø Rates 1rst sem. 2016 CHF, 15+, Ø 24 h, gross, excl. VAT; 3 Pricing target group 15 to 49, 1rst sem. 2016, Ø 24 h, gross; 4 Pricing target group 15 to 59, 1rst sem. 2016, Ø 24 h, gross. 1 Sources:; MediaWizzard. TELEVISION – DIGITAL ADVERTISING DISPLAYS 21 Regional TV channels (Values in the licence area) Universe Reach per day 1 Price sec. 2Reception persons 3+ 1000 persons % area 3 German part of Switzerland TeleBärn Telebasel Tele M1 Tele 1 Tele Top TSO (Tele Südostschweiz) TVO (Tele Ostschweiz) 1,198,900 93.2 7.8 76.00BE/SO/FR 508,00060.011.830.75 BS/BL/AG 1,146,000 103.7 9.1 68.– AG/SO 854,000 50.9 6.0 59.– LU/ZG/SZ 1,596,000 30.7 1.9 23.– ZH/TG/SH 268,000 16.3 6.1 20.– GR/SG/GL 586,000 36.2 6.2 41.– SG/AR/AI French part of Switzerland Canal 9 (fr/de) Canal Alpha La télé Léman bleu TeleBielingue (fr/de) 342,000 26.9 7.9 30.–VS/VD 335,00033.810.125.– NE/JU 928,000 37.0 4.0 27.– VD/FR 475,000 29.3 6.2 30.– GE/VD 251,000 15.1 6.0 24.– BE/SO/FR Italien part of Switzerland TeleTicino 339,00057.016.87.50 TI Mediapulse TV panel, 1rst sem. 2015, persons 3+ (guests incl.) ; 2 Ø Rates 2nd sem. 2015 in CHF, excl. VAT; Rate example before/after News; 3 Main reception area. 1 Sources: Mediapulse AG Belcom AG DOOH(Digital Out-of-home) Touchpoint Amscreen BP Amscreen Socar Aperto Shops CanalPoste Media Markt melectronics Migrol/Shell gas pump migrolino Neo Shoping Centers Tamoil gas pump TPG Pub (public transport) Valora Shops Goldbach Media AG Publisuisse gross r./w reach/w GRP/w OTS rate 10” 10”-CPM 1000%% week gross 74 1.0 1.46 1.46 1,856 25.00 48 0.6 0.95 1.581,21125.00 92 3.0 1.80 0.602,02422.00 303 5.9 5.95 1.018,15826.88 172 2.8 3,37 1.203,43720.00 326 3.6 6.39 1.776,51420.00 273 4.0 5.35 1.22 6,827 25.00 193 7.7 3.78 0.494,24322.00 615 2.5 12.10 4.83 45,710 74.33 72 0.7 1.41 2.02 1,803 25.00 736 4.3 14.44 3.36 16,360 22.22 160 3.5 3.13 0.903,99225.00 Rates 2015 in CHF, excl. VAT. Univers: D/F-CH, Online population 5.098 mio., 15-74 years. Source: GfK-Study «DOOH Audience Measurement 2015»; Goldbach Media AG; Other digital advertising displays locations screens gross r./w rate 10” 10”-CPM Network CH 1000weekgross Digital Shopping Media 7 41 452 15,689 34.70 Healthcare and Beauty Channel 450 450 630 6,466 10.75 Lobby cinema − Cine Ad Screens 21 380 77 2,688 35.00 Rates 2015 in CHF, excl. VAT. Source: providers declaration;;; INTERNET – ONLINE 22 Internet users ( Switzerland/CL) Universe BA 1Structure Affinity- NA 2Structure Affinity 1000 1000 %Index 1000 %Index Total 6487 5670100.0 100 5363100.0 100 Men 32032918 51.5 1042807 52.3 106 Women 32842752 48.5 962556 47.7 94 14 to 19 years 521515 9.1113513 9.6119 20 to 29 years 98097317.211495917.9118 30 to 39 years 1045 1034 18.2 113 1003 18.7 116 40 to 49 years 1234 1182 20.8 110 1134 21.1 111 50 years + 2707 1966 34.7 83 1754 32.7 78 Broadest audience (BA): people who used Internet at least once in the past 6 months; Narrowest audience (NA): people who used Internet once per week or more. 1 2 Source: NET-Metrix-Base 2015-1. Websites UUpW 3 Time spent UUpM 4 Time spent % 1000h:min % 1000 h:min CPM 5 de-CH(universe 4,201,000) (de-CH)34,914651:1149,720903:4430.– Blick Online 29,912581:1046,419483:2330.– tagesanzeiger.ch13,5 5680:3126,010921:1330.– Neue Zürcher Zeitung 11,1 4670:1624,010080:3445.– Blick am Abend 9,8 4110:0819,8 8310:1840.– 6,0 2540:2013,8 5810:4035.– Nordwestschweiz Netz 5,4 2280:1513,4 5620:2720.– 4,2 1750:24 9,4 3960:4940.– 3,7 1570:32 8,1 3401:0839.– 3,4 1430:0410,6 4450:0650.– 3,1 1300:40 6,2 2621:2945.– St. Galler 2,8 119 0:08 7,3 305 0:15 35.– Luzernerzeitung.ch2,7 1130:17 6,0 2530:3435.– 2,6 1080:05 7,5 3150:0750.– fr-CH(universe 1,361,000) (fr-CH) 27,3 3721:0646,0 6262:5735.– 15,4 2100:3830,0 4091:2835.– 10,5 1420:1722,5 3060:3735.– Tribune de Genève9,6 1300:2621,3 2900:5235.– Le Temps 5,3 720:1214,0 1900:2140.– Le Nouvelliste 4,0 550:2210,3 1400:4025.– it-CH(universe 244,000) ( it-CH) 39,6 971:0557,0 1393:2340.– 17,3 420:5231,3 762:0850.– Corriere del Ticino14,0 340:2227,4 670:5040.– Il Caffè 6 40.– Unique User per Week: people who used a website at least once within a week; 4 Unique User per Month: people who used a website at least once within a month; 5 Rectangle 300 x 250 pixel, Run of site; Rates 2nd sem. 2015 in CHF, excl. VAT. 6 No NET-Metrix-Profile data for 2015-2. Evaluation NET-Metrix-Audit 11-2015: Unique Clients: 16,000; Visits: 26,906; Page impressions: 62,899. 3 Sources: NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-2; Goldbach Audience (Switzerland) AG, 23 INTERNET – ONLINE Mobile Internet Use(Mobile-Sites/-Apps) Access to Unique Clients Visits Page Impr. 100010001000 Mobile-Sites de-CH fr-CH 20 Minuten Basler Zeitung Berner Zeitung Blick Online Blick am Abend Neue Zürcher Zeitung Tages-Anzeiger 20 Minutes 24 Heures Le Matin Le Temps Tribune de Genève 1,826 9,519 38,130 219 807 3,209 224 640 2,619 1,966 18,998 249,155 743 3,095 9,843 1,101 3,426 7,233 835 3,47515,610 970 3,23616,842 815 3,746 10,004 380 989 3,172 722 3,248 14,586 373 876 1,228 453 1528 5,291 Mobile-Apps (Group) de-CH fr-CH 20 Minuten Basler Zeitung Berner Zeitung Blick News Blick am Abend Neue Zürcher Zeitung 20 Minutes 24heures Le Matin Tribune de Genève 1,548 55,227 654,285 631,4508,830 39 8132,916 373 14,517244,085 67 8299,938 1151,7009,239 488 18,377 204,818 801,3206,510 185 6,293 56,792 82 1,555 7,443 Source: NET-Metrix-Mobile (Interview periode November 2015). Crossmedia(Press and Web offer) Press title Web Reach cum. Press & Web 1 2 Performance in 1000 cRR UUpD Gross reach Net r. 20 Minuten c. ed. – D/F-CH, 2,090 1,105 3,195 2,770 Blick, Blick a.A. c. ed., So-Blick Blick Online, 1,537 705 2,242 1,996 So-Blick Blick Online 704 656 1,360 1,255 Blick Blick Online 663 6561,3191,217 Blick am Abend c.ed. 669 95 764 750 Schweizer Illustrierte 713 29 742 737 Tages-Anzeiger 457205662625 az Nordwestschweiz c.ed.Nordwestschweiz Netz 376 47 423 414 NZZ (CH) NZZ Online 274143417402 BZ/Bund c. ed. Newsnet Bern 339 82 421 398 Neue Luzerner Ztg. 294 31 325 315 Le Matin (Mon-Sat) 296121417389 24 Heures c. ed. 175 67 242 228 Tribune de Genève 120 71 191 179 Le Temps 102 13115114 Corriere d.T. p. + Replica 125 18 143 135 1 cRR: MACH Basic 2015-2, Press title users; 2 UUpD: NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, Weboffer users per day. Source: Total Audience 2015-2, Universe: D/F/I-CH, age 14+. CINEMA – ADSCREENS IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTS 24 Advertising film Screens Ø Visitors Ø Rate per week p/week 1" 130" 1 Geo-Focus / National Pools Swiss-German part Swiss-French part Swiss-Italian part Total Switzerland Key cities (without conurbations) Basle Berne Biel Geneva Lausanne Lucerne St. Gallen Zurich 328 182,585 2,191 65,730 13885,568 1,02630,804 188,461 1013,045 484 276,614 3,319 99,581 2113,540 3222,448 2110,775 3827,540 2623,081 2118,760 31 18,843 6043,548 162 4,874 269 8,081 129 3,879 330 9,914 276 8,309 225 6,753 226 6,783 52215,677 FilmFocus / IndividualFocus Contacts FilmFocus 30" 2 IndividualFocus 30" 3 from 100,00058,50752,018 from 250,000139,408128,440 from 500,000275,976265,222 ineFix¦CF / CineSound¦CS / CineMotionEasy¦CME / CineMotion¦CM C CFCS/CME CM Costs/4 weeks 7" no tone 10" 4 15" with t. Swiss-German part65,05292,932139,492 Swiss-French part30,65943,79866,085 Swiss-Italian part3,1294,4706,706 Total Switzerland 98,841141,201212,282 Rates 2016 in CHF gross, excl. VAT. 1 CPT GeoFocus: 12.00/sec; 2 CPT FilmFocus: 17.90/sec; 3 CPT Individual Focus: 17.00/sec; 4 no animated with ton or animated no ton. Souce: WerbeWeischer Schweiz GmbH, AdScreens in public transports Screens Vehicles Gr. r/day Rate 10” Rate 10” Traffic network − public transport 1000 p/day p/week Total Switzerland3,2422,2281,1339,28052,642 Berne400314161 1,700 10,755 Basle/Mittelland938557286 3,510 22,131 Eastern part706505291 2,770 17,478 Central part303219 75920 5,796 Grisons334305 80740 4,698 Valais136123 43470 2,997 French part613329241 3,040 19,161 Ticino606024260 1,683 Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT. Sources: Transport Services declaration; 25 RADIO Station Region Canton Time slot Net reach Ø-Price per sec. (mo–fr) in the linguistic area prime time 2 normal % 1000 1 German part of Switzerland ( universe 4,830,000) Argovia AG Basilisk BL/BS BeO BE Oberland Bern 1 BE Canal 3 (de) BE Seeland Central Zentralschweiz Energy Basel BS/BL Energy Bern BE Energy Zürich ZH FM 1 SG/AI/AR/TG Freiburg (de) FR Munot SH Neo 1 BE/LU Pilatus LU/ZG/NW/OW Planet 105 ZH Radio 1 ZH/GL/SH Radio 24 ZH/GL/SH Radio 32 SO Radio Südostschweiz GR Radio Top ZH/SG/TG/SH Rottu VS Sunshine ZG/SZ/LU Zürisee ZH/GL/SH 33.8932.08 4,3 207 24.1123.04 2,5 118 17.67 16.15 1,6 75 20.33 20.15 2,1 103 9.72 9.40 0,7 31 24.7823.92 4,3 208 20.67 20.00 2,3 109 24.78 23.54 2,3 110 36.78 34.62 5,5 266 30.40 29.67 4,8 233 8.74 8.67 0,9 43 9.078.71 0,7 33 6.92 6.630,9 42 33.0631.58 4,3 205 13.72 12.501,5 71 21.78 21.38 2,4 118 39.67 37.77 5,7 274 23.89 23.38 2,7 131 20.83 20.501,9 90 27.33 26.77 3,2 156 10.019.73 0,8 37 17.7816.85 2,3 111 27.0025.62 4,3 207 French part of Switzerland ( universe 1,608,000) Canal 3 (fr) BE Seeland Chablais VS Fribourg (fr) FR Lausanne FM VD/GE One FM GE/VD RFJ – Fréquence Jura JU/NE Rhône FM VS RJB – Jura Bernois JU Rouge FM VD/GE RTN NE Yes FM GE/VD 6.03 5.99 12.9612.61 18.87 17.99 26.94 25.81 24.67 22.77 11.83 11.32 16.09 15.74 7.75 7.59 27.00 25.46 18.26 17.43 13.11 12.62 Italian part of Switzerland ( universe 304,000) Fiume Ticino TI Radio 3i TI Pools JPA–BNJ Pool (RFJ¦RJB¦RTN) JU/NE 6.206.2011,4 35 8.208.2018,4 56 32.17 30.89 Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT; 1 Mediapulse Radio panel, first 6 month 2015, mon–sun, 24 h, p. (15+). 2 Primetime: Ø 06:00–08:59 ¦ 11:00–13.59 ¦ 16:00–18.59. Sources:, 0,3 4 3,1 50 4,2 68 7,3 117 6,2 100 JPA–BNJ Pool 3,8 61 JPA–BNJ Pool 7,0 112 JPA–BNJ Pool 4,0 65 7,5 121 26 OUT-OF-HOME – POSTERS APG|SGA Net City F12 7 days 15 most important Cities Net Citystar F200L 7 days 15 most important Cities Panels Reach % Contact Rate Panels Reach % Contact Rate CC 3 1 sum gross CC 4 2 sumgross Geneva 6070 2,089,200 23,1506980 3,775,800 38,500 Lausanne 3672 1,076,300 13,9505081 2,513,000 27,150 Neuenburg 1768 444,600 4,7001974 684,400 6,900 Freiburg/Fribourg 1863 343,900 5,2002276 814,800 9,050 Sitten/Sion 1463 234,900 3,4502059 250,400 5,150 Lucerne 3172 968,800 10,9004485 2,178,100 20,550 Zoug 1764 311,200 5,1502069 450,500 7,100 St. Gallen 2775 783,600 9,7002872 1,029,100 12,800 Chur 1481 266,500 3,5501685 480,200 5,450 Basle 5967 1,395,300 20,3008083 3,283,700 40,300 Berne 4065 1,140,100 14,7505174 1,918,800 27,950 Schaffhausen 1668 395,300 4,3001667 532,500 5,850 Winterthur 3363 553,800 10,3503575 992,800 15,200 Zurich 102 602,517,700 38,550 120 774,930,500 63,550 Lugano 1780 522,200 4,9001988 979,100 8,150 Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT; Target area: major urban areas; persons (15+); Rates based on SPR+ performance values; All nets F12, F200 and F200L (backlit posters) APG|SGA can be booked 7, 14 or 21 days; 1 Contact class 3: min. 3 weighted campaign contacts per week in the target area; 2 Contact class 4: min. 4 weighted campaign contacts per week in the target area. Source: APG|SGA Partner- & Product Management, Clear Channel Zurich Basle,3 Berne,3 Geneva and urban area,3 Lausanne and urban area,3 Lucerne and urban area Winterthur St. Gallen Ticino F12 7 days 14 days F200 7 days 14 days 12049,71580,733 6021,42035,596 20 7,72012,374 20 7,45812,249 2510,55717,253 20 7,69312,740 40 17,399 28,588––– 4017,47728,722 3011,86719,633 30 13,627 22,586 20 8,246 13,814 3012,25519,905 20 7,53012,417 24 9,12314,569 20 7,04311,445 40 16,195 26,253––– Rates 2016 in CHF; 3 Alcohol and tobacco adv. not allowed. Source: Clear Channel Schweiz AG, SBB RailPoster Contact Rate Rate Rail network No. RP 4 sum 5 14 days 28 days SBB long distance services (IC/ICN/IR) 600 24,775 55,70795,241 S-Bahn Zurich 400 29,424 37,138 63,494 S-Bahn Basle 75 8,077 6,963 11,905 S-Bahn Eastern part 75 9,689 6,963 11,905 S-Bahn Zug/Lucerne 90 7,217 8,356 14,286 S-Bahn Grisons 75 2,485 6,963 11,905 S-Bahn Vaud 50 5,991 4,642 7,937 S-Bahn Geneva 45 3,102 4,178 7,143 S-Bahn Ticino 75 3,089 6,963 11,905 Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT. 4 RailPoster 65x31 cm, by 50% occupancy; 5 Cs in mio./month for 3 contacts per journey and 50% occupancy; based on the SBB RailPoster use study 2014. Source: 27 DIRECT ADVERTISING Unadressed direct mail advertising CH de-CH fr-CH it-CH Rate per Rate H/holds%%% 1000 1total 1 Private locations – A-locations (city) 503,891 57,1 39,9 2,9 88.00 44,342 – B-locations (conurbation) 1,144,87271,622,1 6,398.00 112,197 – C-locations (rural) 18,742 97,5 2,5 – 118.00 2,212 Post-locations Standard p. (rural) 338,055 65,1 29,2 5,8 Ø 156.22 52,811 Total Switzerland 2,005,560 67,1 27,6 5,3 Ø 105.21 211,562 Rates 2015 in CHF, excl. VAT; 1 Printed matter 1 to 25g and up to formats 250 × 353 × 20 mm. Source: DMC, PromoPost Unaddressed direct advertising delivery by the Swiss Post. PromoPost Standard / Standard plus: delivery nationwide 5 times a week together with addressed mail. PromoPost Selective: delivery to letterboxes and P.O. boxes, business customers, single-/multi-family homes, farms. PromoPost Saturday Delivery. List prices Standard/Standard Plus A-location B-location C-location Weight 1–25 g127.50137.50157.50 Up to every further 25 g 20.– 20.– 20.– Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT; Specifications per 1000 items (up to format B4, 20 mm thick and 500 g weight). Source: Die Schweizerische Post, PostMail, Addressed direct mail advertising Company addresses Target group addresses CHF 850.–/p.m. (company name, post. address, trade code) Company profiles CHF 1860.–/p.m. (Target gr. address + named contact, job titles, company size, etc.) Number of addresses Drugstores and pharmacies Wholesalers Crafts Manufacturing companies Hotels and restaurants Doctors Graphic designers, graphic design studios CH de-CH fr-CH it-CH 1,999 1,130 702 167 93,42663,38520,380 9,661 122,17691,74024,687 5,749 67,80854,91210,269 2,627 46,744 30,589 12,854 3,301 44,00134,1898,5191,293 4,840 3,371 1,208 261 Company addresses with decision-makers CEO / Owner and manager Purchase manager Financial manager Marketing director/advertising director Sales director Women managers 500,522 354,738 116,021 29,763 82,11362,67216,374 3,067 150,422 115,921 28,335 6,166 145,857 112,620 27,269 5,968 138,314 106,501 26,025 5,788 217,763158,13647,89611,731 Private addresses (from CHF 150.– to 400.–) Women (adult) Men (adult) E-mail adresses women E-mail adresses men Occupants of single-familiy houses Apartement owners 2,697,574 2,642,110 1,031,767 1,202,063 1,907,280 272,885 2,016,780 1,998,704 883,588 1,027,091 1,470,943 246,893 Rates 2016 in CHF, excl. VAT, per 1000 addresses; for unlimited use within 12 months. Schober Information Group (Schweiz) AG, or 592,415 559,150 129,285 152,214 373,892 18,556 88,379 84,256 18,894 22,758 62,445 7,436 OFFICIAL SWISS MEDIA STUDIES Universe MACH Basic 2015-2 MACH Consumer 2015 CH/CL 6,487,000 persons (14+) de-CH4,668,000 72.0% fr-CH 1,525,00023.5% it-CH 293,000 4.5% CH/CL 6,487,000 persons (14+) de-CH4,668,000 72.0% fr-CH 1,525,00023.5% it-CH 293,000 4.5% 28 Sample selection Two-stage, structured according to phone numbers and geographically stratified random selection of phone numbers. 1st stage: Random selection of households (incl. unregistered landline and mobile phone numbers).. 2nd stage: Random selection of one or more target persons per household, depending on the size of the household. The structure of the MACH Consumer sample corresponds to that of the MACH Basic. After a first wave of the interview (MACH Basic) the interviewees will decide whether to answer a written questionnaire about consumption habits or not. One to two days after the MACH Basic telephone interviews, the survey material will be delivered. Sample size CH/CL 19,420 interviews (weighted) de-CH13,976 fr-CH 4,565 it-CH 879 CH/CL 9,279 interviews (weighted) de-CH6,678 fr-CH 2,181 it-CH 420 (cumulative interviews MACH-Consumer survey years 2014 and 2015). Interviewing technique Two-stage interview in the area’s official Swiss language (Ger, Fr, It): Phase 1: Phone-based recruitment interview; Phase 2: Main interview: phone interview with people who do not use the Internet (CATI); Internet users: random allocation to interview modes CATI or CAWI (50:50). Written interviews following the MACH Basic interview. Questionnaire Personal characteristics – Sex, age, level of education, residence, place of work, interest sectors Data on employment – Employment, independent or employed – Position/profession, workplace Household characteristics – Size and composition of the household – Household income, people with income The survey includes the following topics: – Activities/hobbies/education/courses – Beverage – Directories/IN-publications – Cars/mobility/travel – Fashion/clothes – Finances/insurance/health insurance – Food/cooking/nutrition – Health/body care/cosmetics – Housecleaning/homecare products – Household appliances – Housing/furnishing/do-it-yourself – Information attitudes/advertising/directories – Products for children/pets – Shopping habits – Smoking Media About 320 newspapers, magazines, combinations of titles and complete editions About 160 newspapers, magazines, combinations of titles and complete editions Interview period April 14 to March 15 Socio-demographic/media: 04/14 to 03/15 Consumer data: 04/13 to 04/15 Published October 2015 (next publication: April 2016) October 2015 (next publication: October 2016) Source/issuer WEMF AG, WEMF AG, For the publication of consumer data, two survey years are combined. OFFICIAL SWISS MEDIA STUDIES Universe MA Leader 2015 MACH Radar 2015 Leaders Top-leaders CH 6,487,000 persons (14+) de-CH4,668,000 72.0% fr-CH 1,525,00023.5% it-CH 293,000 4.5% 436,000 executives de-CH: 76.3%, fr-CH: 23.7% 151,000 executives de-CH: 75.0%, fr-CH: 25.0% 29 Sample selection 1. Potential leaders are selected via an address pool which is tailored to the overall population and supplemented by randomly generated addresses. 2. Leaders: minimum annual income CHF 100,000. 3. Top leader: minimum annual income CHF 140,000, Executive superior function. In terms of methodology, the MACH Radar study is based on the MACH Basic and MACH Consumer studies. Socio-demographic, geographical, media and consumer information is taken over from MACH Consumer and completed with the Radar psychograph from DemoSCOPE. The latter is performed as part of the MACH Basic CATI/CAWI interviews using a psychographic test. Sample size Leaders Top-leaders CH/CL 9,279 interviews (weighted) de-CH: 6,678, fr-CH: 2,181, it-CH: 420 (cumulative interviews MACH-Consumer/ MACH Radar survey years 2014 and 2015) Interviewing technique Two-stage interview. Screening interview: Search for people who meet the leader definition criteria (selection questions: professional group, income; mailing questions: postal address, e-mail address). Main interview: Once the leader selection has successfully been made, the link for completing the online questionnaire within the specified timeframe is sent out by e-mail. MACH Basic: phone/online interviews MACH Consumer: written interviews MACH Radar: psychographic test in context of the MACH Basic interview Questionnaire – Print quantitative (extended user circle, reach) and qualitative data on the use of 25 print media titles – Internet: Broadest audience (BA) and Narrow audience (NA), frequency of use, use of Internet/Web offers and Apps – Function of different media – Date on operating and professional domain – Professional decision-making authority – Business investment intents – Travel activities and training – Socio-demographic characteristics – Living situation, special interests – Possession of and intention to purchase luxury goods –Shopping attitudes – Statements of financial investments and investment behavior Personal characteristics – Psychographic profile – Socio-demographics (age, sex, life phase, etc.) – Consumer data according MACH Consumer Media – Print media, approx. 100 newspapers, magazines and combinations of titles Analysis options – precise psychological definition of target groups – analysis of 500 brands and 20 consumer sectors in terms of usership data Interview period September to December 2014 Socio-demographic/media: 04/14 to 03/15 Consumer data: 04/13 to 04/15 Psychographics: 04/14 to 03/15 Published April 2015 (next publication: Spring 2017) October 2015 (next publication: Autumn 2016) Source/issuer WEMF AG, WEMF AG, 3,249 interviews (weighted) de-CH: 2,479, fr-CH: 770 1,125 interviews (weighted) de-CH: 844, fr-CH: 281 OFFICIAL SWISS MEDIA STUDIES Universe Mediapulse TV panel Mediapulse Radio panel CH 7,317,000 persons (3+) de-CH5,172,000 70.7% fr-CH 1,806,00024.7% it-CH 339,000 4.6% CH 6,773,000 persons (15+) de-CH4,830,000 71.3% fr-CH 1,608,00023.7% it-CH 304,000 4.5% CL 31,000 0.5% 30 Sample selection Representative selected panel-households (random/quota) equipped with a TV and computer. Representative, random/quota. Sample size de-CH 1,000 households fr-CH 600 households it-CH 270 households Ø 2.2 persons per household 26,052 panellists aged 15 and above, twice a year in Switzerland and CL, during 7 days and with measuring checks (watch) = 369,380 days of measurement, twice a year. Interviewing technique Measurement of live and delayed TV usage (+7days) by means of a PeopleMeter installed on the television set based on the “audiomatching” principle (recognition of TV channel by comparison of audio tracks in panel household with those in all the channels referenced by the evaluation centre). In addition, TV consumption on all fixed and mobile computers in the household (laptops, desktops) is assessed using the the VirtualMeter software. Method of electronic measurement in 20-second intervals of estimated radio use, devices used, etc. – de-CH 650 persons – fr-CH 252 persons – it-CH 100 persons – rm-CH 16 persons – CL 10 persons …wearing a Mediawatch twice a year for 7 consecutive days. Interview period Daily (24 hours) Daily (24 hours) Source/issuer Mediapulse AG für Medienforschung Mediapulse AG für Medienforschung MA Strategy – Basic/Consumer 2015 MACH Cinema – Basic/Consumer 2015 Inter-media study Switzerland. The MA Strategy offers indications to the following media: Print, Cinema, TV, Radio, Out-of-home, Videotext, Internet (web offers), Directories, Direct mail and make the planning and optimisation of the media-mix in an easy-to-use format possible. The measuring unit is the “RUS Regular usership”, namely those people who use a given medium with a given frequency. MACH Cinema is part of the MACH research system, but is produced as a separate intramedia study for the cinema sector (two issues are published): MACH Cinema Basic with all the target group characteristics of MACH Basic as well as contact totals and weekly coverage of the cinema pools. MACH Cinema Consumer which also includes all the target group characteristics of MACH Consumer. Purpose of the study Sample selection All data for all media and target groups are taken from the MACH Basic and the MACH Consumer. The usage data of the participating web offers are collated under the NET-MetrixProfile study and merged into the MA Strategy Basic data. Linking of sales and survey data from – Number of cinema visits per person and location in the past 6 months from the MACH basic survey – ProCinema’s ticket sales statistics Interview period see MACH Basic/MACH Consumer see MACH Basic/MACH Consumer ProCinema statistics (Ø 2012−2013−2014) Publication yearly, November yearly, October Source/issuer WEMF AG, WEMF AG, OFFICIAL SWISS MEDIA STUDIES 31 NET-Metrix-Base NET-Metrix-Audit NET-Metrix-Base supplies basic data on the size and structure of Internet users in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This study covers socio-demographic characteristics and contains information relevant to Internet use, such as Internet user groups, location and frequency of Internet use and the use of Web offers, etc. The usage data (traffic) of over 200 web offer and networks are gathered, certified and published as part of the NET-Matrix-Audit, in line with international standards. The traffic includes the use of the entire web offer incl. all measured elements such as mobile sites and apps. Trend module: NET-Metrix-Base is supplemented with current trend data on use of mobile devices, social media and streaming offers. The NET-Metrix-Audit publication comprises the following traffic key values: unique clients (devices/browsers/apps), visits, use time and page impressions. Interviewing technique The results are based on some 19,000 annual phone and online interviews (CATI/CAWI) and are representative of those members of the population who are over the age of 14 and living in private households in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Script-based measurement (SZM tag/scalable central measurement process) which records and counts the requests on a Web offer in real time and allows an exact evaluation to be made. Interview period continuous continuous Publication twice a year publikation monthly Source/issuer NET-Metrix AG NET-Metrix AG NET-Metrix-Profile NET-Metrix-Mobile NET-Metrix-Profile gives a detailed picture of user structures (socio-demographic and other target group information) and the most important performance data for over 100 web offers, 60 mobile offers and 15 networks. The data lend themselves to target group analyses and provide the basis for planning online advertising campaigns. The usage data (traffic) of over 100 mobile offers and networks are gathered, certified and published as part of NET-Metrix-Mobile in the form of mobile sites and apps. Interviewing technique User details of NET-Metrix-Audit, completed by 25,000 onsite interviews each survey wave. Script-based measurement (SZM tag/scalable central measurement process), based on the NET-Metrix-Audit study. Interview period continuous continuous Published twice a year monthly Source/issuer NET-Metrix AG NET-Metrix AG Purpose of the study Purpose of the study The mobile publication is an independent, not-for-profit study and comprises the following traffic key values: unique clients (devices/ browsers/apps), visits and page impressions. 32 MEDIA TERMS Affinity: D egree of suitability of a title to cover a target group. Ratio of the reach within the target group to the total readership of a title. Net reach: The sum of contacts in the audience of a media that is reached at least once during a specific period of time. Broadest readership (BRS): .All surveyed persons who have read or glanced through at least one issue of a publication over a given time. Intramedia comparison: P erformance comparison of the same media type regarding reach, contacts, costs, etc. CATI: C omputer assisted telephone interviewing. MS: M arket share. CAWI: C omputer assisted web interviewing. Media Selection: S election of media, based on media analyses and supported by system evaluations. Cost-per-point (CPP): C ost of reaching 1% of the target group calculated on basis of 30 sec. commercials. CPT/TCP: C ost-per-thousand readers or thousandcontacts price based on insertion cost (insertion cost/ readers × 1000). Crossmedia: T he coordination of the content and timing of campaigns involving several media. cRR: c alculatet Recent Readership Demographic characteristics: D escription of certain properties, mainly of social and economic nature, of persons, e.g. sex, age, income. Dual readers: P rint media-readers who additionally read another publication. Evaluation: T he assessment of given media plans by reach, contact costs and other criteria. External overlapping: O verlapping within usership of two or more media. Gross reach: T he sum of all of the actual or potential contacts between individuals and a medium. Gross rating points (GRP):A measure of advertising impact. One rating point is one percent of the audience. Net reach × OTS = GRP. Intermedia comparison: P erformance comparison of different media types regarding coverage, communication, technical and economic criteria. Internal overlapping: R eader intersection of several issues of a title. Opportunity to see (OTS): A measure of the number of chances an average member of the target audience will have of being exposed to an advertisement in an advertising campaign. Reach net: P ercentage of target persons being reached by an advertising medium. Projection: R each in absolute figures. Extrapolation of the random sample study to the universe. Ranking: E valuation of individual media by reach, cost/performance ratio, affinity and other criteria. Readers per copy (RpC): T he entire readership of one issue of a title, divided by the print run for that title. Readers per issue (RPI): C alculation of one issue of a title based on the frequency of the publication. Representativity: T he random sample proportionally reflects the population. Sample: P artial sampling of the population. Structure: C omposition or segmentation of a universe by subgroups, e.g. composition of the total population by age groups. Target group: A group of persons defined by demographic, consumer and lifestyle factors. Universe: T otality of all persons represented by the random sample of a study. INTERNET/ONLINE GLOSSARY 33 Ad impressions:Ad impressions a measurement used to count the basic advertising units delivered by a web offer. They indicate the number of times a particular advertisement is shown in a specified period. NET-Metrix-Base:General Internet usage in the broadest and narrowest sense. General use/at work/ at home as well as individual and socio-demographic features. Cost-per-click (CPC):CPC is a pricing model whereby the amount paid by the advertiser depends on the number of times users click on the advertisement. NET-Metrix-Profile:This study includes characteristic features of web offer users such as socio-demographic details, interest in particular topics and Internet usage. Cost-per-lead (CPL):CPL is a pricing model whereby the amount paid by the advertiser depends on the number of qualified leads, e.g. when a customer subscribes to a newsletter, requests a catalogue, etc. Cost-per-order (CPO):CPO is a pricing model whereby the advertiser pays only if an order is placed in response to the advertisement. CPM/TCP:CPM (cost-per-mille) stands for cost-per-thousand ad impressions, and TCP for thousand-contact price. Accounting system for banner advertising. Expandable ad:Advertising format such as skyscrapers or medium rectangles, which expand when the user hovers the mouse over them. Floating ad/layer ad:Advertisements that appear above the content and disappear after a certain time or when the “close” button is activated. Frequency capping:Frequency capping restricts the number of times a specific user is shown a particular advert per unit of time (day, hour, etc.). Landing page:Landing pages are specially designed websites that appear when the user clicks on an online advertisement. Leaderboard:A leaderboard is a horizontal advert that is placed prominently at the top of the page on a website. Microsites:Microsites are themed, independent websites used for advertising campaigns. NET-Metrix:Delivers certified access data (page impressions, visits, use time, unique clients) in relation to web offers. NET-Metrix-Audit:Measures «unique user» reach as a basis for media planning. Page impressions:Number of requests to view a single page of an Internet site. Preroll ad/Postroll ad:Avertising display connected before or after a video clip. Rectangle:A rectangle is a rectangular advertising format. It attracts attention because it is included in the content area. Run of site (ROS):Run of site means that an advertisement may appear in any section of the entire website. Share of voice (SOV):Share of voice is a unit of measurement that expresses advertising contacts as a percentage of a defined total market. Skyscraper:Skyscrapers are vertical advertisements. These traditional advertising spaces are usually placed on the right-hand side of the website. Targeting:Targeting refers to an advertising strategy that aims to reach only a pre-defined target group of users. Unique client:The number of unique clients corresponds to the number of PCs (clients) from which a web offer is accessed. Unique user (per day/week/month):The number of unique users is the key figure expressing the total number of individuals reached via the Internet. It indicates how many different users viewed an Internet site in a given period. Use time:Average duration of a visit to a web offer. Visits:Connected activity by a visitor to a web offer. A visit is considered to have ended if no activity has taken place for 30 minutes. 34 MAP OF WEMF REGIONS 35 Schaffhausen 42 Basel Brugg Liestal Baden Lenzburg 31 Delémont 14 Olten 32 Zofingen Langenthal Grenchen La Chaux-de-Fonds Bern Uzwil Pfäffikon 41 Wohlen Jona Rapperswil Pfäffikon-Lachen Einsiedeln Zug 24 21 34 Yverdon 12 27 Schwyz 61 28 Chur Davos Interlaken 15 Vevey Buchs Thun 29 22 Lausanne 11 St. Gallen Stans 25 Fribourg Arbon Rorschach Heerbrugg-Altstätten 26 Wetzikon Rüti Luzern 33 13 Wil Zürich Solothurn Burgdorf 44 Romanshorn Aarau Biel Neuchâtel Le Locle Winterthur 43 Kreuzlingen Frauenfeld Amriswil Montreux Monthey Sierre Sion 51 23 Brig Visp Bellinzona Locarno Genève Martigny 16 • Cities Urban areas Lugano Mendrisio Chiasso Regions and Economic areas 1 French part 11Geneva 12Vaud 13Neuchâtel 14Jura 15Fribourg 16Bas-Valais 2 Alps and prealps 21 Lucerne, OW, NW 22 Berner Oberland 23Oberwallis Source: WEMF AG. 24Zug 25 Uri, Schwyz 26 St. Gallen, AI, AR 27Glarus 28 Bündner Unterland 29 Bündner Oberland 3 Western plateau 31Basle 32Solothurn 33 Berner Seeland 34 Berner Mittelland 4 Eastern plateau 41Aargau 42Schaffhausen 43Zurich 44Thurgau 5 Italian part 51Ticino 6 Country of Liechtenstein 61 Country of Liechtenstein Inhabitants/Households Inhabitants Private hh Inhab./hh Basis 2014 1000% 1000% Ø ◾ 1 French part 2,017.4 24.5 853.8 23.9 2.36 ◾ 2 Alps and prealps 1,851.2 22.5 797.3 22.3 2.32 ◾ 3 Western plateau 1,710.220.8774.821.72.21 ◾ 4 Eastern plateau 2,300.227.9 1, ◾ 5 Italian part 358.7 4.4 144.5 4.0 2.48 Switzerland total 8,237.7100.0 3,577.7100.0 2.30 Source: SFSO Swiss Labour Force Survey; 36 SWISS POPULATION DATA In 1000 CH % de-CH% fr-CH% it-CH% Total Structure in % 6487 4668 1525 293 100 72.0 23.5 4.5 Sex Men Women 320349.4231849.7 74148.6 14348.7 328450.6235050.3 78351.4 15051.3 Age groups 14 to 19 years 20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 to 49 years 50 to 59 years 60 years and older 5208.03677.91328.7 217.3 98015.1 71015.2 23215.2 3813.0 104516.1 74716.0 25416.7 4415.1 123419.0 88819.0 28918.9 5819.8 103215.9 75416.1 23115.2 4615.8 167525.8120425.8 38625.3 8529.0 Education Obligatory Middle High 138521.4 90119.3 40926.8 7525.6 321949.6243552.2 64442.2 13947.5 188329.0133228.5 47231.0 7926.9 Employment Full time 273542.2201043.0 61340.2 11338.5 Part-time 136521.0102822.0 29319.2 4415.0 Training/apprenticeship4767.33086.61439.4 258.6 Not working 191129.5132328.3 47631.2 11138.0 Professional status Independent 4877.53477.41177.7 237.9 Executive (employed) 136521.0106622.8 26217.2 3712.5 Employed 223334.4161334.6 52334.3 9733.1 Household income(monthly/gross) Up to CHF 3999.– 107616.6 69014.8 31120.4 7525.6 CHF 4000.– to 7999.– 269841.6190540.8 65442.9 13847.2 CHF 8000.– and more 271341.8207344.4 55936.7 8027.3 Household management H/holds management, yes 514179.2370379.3120579.1 23279.1 H/holds mangement, alone 243137.5172236.9 60239.5 10636.1 Household size 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons and more 122918.9 87518.7 29719.5 208032.1156233.5 43328.4 113217.5 78516.8 28318.6 124919.3 88118.9 30920.3 796 12.3 565 12.1 202 13.3 Residence Urban Non urban 476773.5339872.8112073.4 24984.9 172026.5127027.2 40526.6 4415.1 Source: MACH Basic 2015-2, WEMF AG, 5719.3 8529.0 6421.7 5920.2 29 9.8 WEMF FACTS & FIGURES FOR YOUR MOBILE dow nloa d now With the free «WEMF Facts & Figures» app you can check out and compare print media circulation and readership figures for newspapers and magazines anytime, anywhere. It’s the simplest way to keep track of the Swiss print media scene. WEMF Bachmattstrasse 53 – CH-8048 Zürich Tel. +41 43 311 76 76 Fax +41 43 311 76 77 – great reasons to place an ad It’s been scientifically tested and proven – if you want to draw attention, raise awareness, create affinity, call for action and be flexible, then an ad is the right choice. Order a free brochure with the most important results from the study by sending an email to