Catalogue - Kiwi Auctions
Catalogue - Kiwi Auctions
KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Antique Bottles, Advertising, Collectables, Whisky & Brewery Advertising Memorabilia February 16th 2014 KIWI AUCTIONS LTD 13 Summermist Drive Howick Auckland 2013 New Zealand Telephone (NZ only) 0800 782 584 Telephone: (intl) +64 21 944 759 Fax:+64 9 533 3584 Web Email: TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. This is a minimum bid Absentee Auction, all bids will be handled as if you were present at the Auction, you can submit your bids by telephone, fax, email or by post using the bidding form enclosed. The Auction will be conducted under the terms and conditions of the New Zealand Auctioneers Association and the also under the terms below. 2. Guarantee, We guarantee the descriptions of all items in this catalogue. Any item found to have damage or faults not GHVFULEHGPD\EHUHWXUQHGIRUDIXOOUHIXQGZLWKLQGD\VRIWKHFORVHRIWKHVDOH+RZHYHUDQ\PDQXIDFWXULQJÀDZWKDWGRHV QRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHWUDFWPRQHWDULO\IURPWKHYDOXHRIWKHLWHPEHLQJVROGZLOOQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUDUHIXQG 3. 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References :KLVN\*DORUH:*%ODNHPDQ%ORRP¿HOG Collecting NZ Ginger Beers (BB), Bruce Baldwin 1=&RORXUHG*ODVV6\SKRQV7*7UHYRU*DW¿HOG Antique Bottles & Containers of Christchurch, Donaldson, Hume, Costello NZ Beer Bottles (TH), Tom Hartill Capital Thirst, Peter Fisher Collecting Doulton Kingsware, Jocelyn Lukins Royal Doulton Figurines, Jean Dale, Charlton Catalogue 12th Edition Bottles & Containers of Wanganui Rangitikei Districts, Francis Wilson 1 2 3 4 7 8 Stoneware Whisky Jugs References to Whisky Galore 1. SIMPSON WGB543, 6.25ins tall, cobalt blue top with handle and pouring spout, Henry Simpson OVL Scotch Whisky, with Ocean Liner pictures to both sides, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$600 2. WATSONS WGB463, 7ins tall, art deco shaped, Watsons Scotch, picture of house with smoke rising from chimney, Shelley 3DVWHOORSPUDUHHDUO\ÀDVNVRPHOLJKW staining to body, Good R$900 3. MINNEHAHA WGB370, 7.25ins tall, Blue Print, Minnehaha Martindale & Johnson Philadelphia, great pictorial of an Indian 6TXDZEHVLGHZDWHUIDOOQRSP¿QH crazing, Very Good R$900 4. DAWSON WGB115, 7.5ins tall with handle & pouring spout, Sepia Print, P Dawson Perfection Special, Port Dundas pm, potstone to front near base, Very Good R$200 9 5 10 11 6 12 5. THORNES? 8.5ins tall, with handle & pouring spout, picture of Lion Rampant with Thistle decoration, same trademark as Thornes Whisky?, Port Dundas Pm, Very Good R$200 6. ROSSLYN WGB525, 7ins tall, Blue Print, Rosslyn Distillery Old Scotch Malt Whisky, no pm, Very Good R$250 7. GRANTS 8.75ins tall, all over Art Nouveaux decoration, Grants Liqueur, Royal Doulton and Distillers pm, Mint R$300 8. DEWAR WGB127, 5.5ins tall, John Dewar & Sons Perth, Royal Warrant to the Queen, Doulton Lambeth Silicon Glaze, minor chip to inner rim, Good R$75 9. DOULTON ART WARE 8.25ins tall, with handle, Art Nouveaux decoration, green majolica style colouring, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$100 1 Reverse Lot 10 10. GLENDARROCH WGB190, 8ins tall, Auld Lang Syne verse and pictures to front, to rear Glendarroch Sma Still William Gillies Glasgow, not seen this version in Black print before, Very Rare, Kennedy pm, Very Good R$450 11. AULD LANG SYNE LQVWDOOÀDWVLGHGÀDVNZLWKKDQGOH)RU Auld Lang Syne to front and William Gillies Glasgow to rear, no pm, minor base edge chip, Good R$150 12. GREYBEARD WGB420, 8ins tall, Midland Pottery version, , Very Good R$125 13 14 15 16 19 20 13. CONNOISSEUR LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNWLWOHG7KH Connoisseur, picture of Gent expertly studying a glass of wine, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$400 14. MONARCH OF THE GLEN 7.5ins tall, brown version, with stag horn style handle, picture of famous image Monarch of the Glen, Dewars Whisky printed to rear, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$600 15. HUNTSMAN FOX LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNZLWKWKH Sporting Squire image to front and a FURXFKLQJ)R[RQWKHWRSKLVWDLOIRUPLQJ WKHORRSKDQGOH¿QHFUD]LQJSURIHVVLRQDO repair to handle, Very Good R$400 16. TONY WELLER LQVWDOOIXOOPRGHOOHG.LQJVZDUH)ODVN ¿JXUHRI7RQ\:HOOHUZLWKKLVZKLSQRW original), Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$900 17. TONY WELLER LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUHPLQLDWXUH)ODVN IXOOPRGHOOHG¿JXUHRI7RQ\:HOOHU5R\DO Doulton pm, professional repair to minor chip on rim of hat, Very Good R$500 21 22 17 18 23 24 23. PIED PIPER 18. PICKWICK PROPOSES TOAST LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNSLFWXUH LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNWKH9HU\5DUH of the Pied Piper, professional repair to teardrop shape, embossed Mr. Pickwick hairline in base of handle, Very Good Proposes a Toast, to rear, Royal Doulton R$200 pm, professional repair to minor lip chip, we have only had this once on offer in 16 24. PETER DAWSON years! 4ins tall, handled water jug in Kingsware R$2500 colours, applied yellow words Peter Dawsons Scotch, with yellow Harebells to 19. WATCHMAN the rear, Hancock pm, Very Good LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNRULJLQDO R$100 silver stopper, transfer picture of Watchman holding a pike horizontally 25. ATKINSON to front, Royal Doulton pm, professional 4.5ins tall, Atkinsons Ales, to one side repair to minor inner rim chip, Very Good and to other picture of a Gent toasting a R$175 glass, original gold trim to rim and handle, Causton pm, Very Good 20. WATCHMAN R$75 LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNWUDQVIHU picture of Watchman holding pike 26. BEGG vertically to front, Royal Doulton pm, 5.5ins tall, John Beggs Scotch Whisky, Mint elaborate pictures of the Lochnagar R$300 Distillery to front and large bottle of John %HJJ:KLVN\WRVLGHV)LHOGLQJSP¿QH 21. COACHMAN crazing and minor professional rim repair, 10.75ins tall to top of stopper, Kingsware Rare early pictorial Jug, Very Good )ODVNIXOOPRGHOOHG¿JXUHRIWKH R$600 Coachman, head becomes the stopper and has a silver collar, Royal Doulton pm, 27. BENMORE professional repair to cloak collar and rim 4ins tall, Benmore Scotch Whisky, with of hat, Very Good FRDWRIDUPVWP¿QHFUD]LQJ5R\DO R$600 Winton pm, Very Good R$50 22. WATCHMAN LQVWDOO.LQJVZDUH)ODVNRULJLQDO 28. BEGGING DOGS plated silver stopper, transfer picture of LQVWDOO%XFKDQDQV$VN)RU,W%ODFN Watchman carrying pike on his shoulder to & White, Begging Dogs picture, Made in front, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good England pm, Very Good R$250 R$150 2 28 25 26 37 32 30 27 34 31 29 35 36 33 38 29. RUNNING DOGS 5ins tall, Buchanans Black & White, running dogs to one side and seated dogs to other, has BUCHANANS BLACK & WHITE under spout with chequered border, James Green Nephew pm, minor ding on base edge, Very Good R$125 30. RUNNING DOGS 4ins tall, Buchanans Black & White, running dogs to one side and seated dogs to other, has Buchanans Black & White under spout with chequered border, James Green Nephew pm, , Very Good R$175 31. TALE OF THE HUNT 8ins tall, Buchanans Special Red Seal Scotch Whisky, detailed picture titled Tale 2I7KH+XQWGLVWLOOHUVPDUNVWREDVH¿QH crazing and light marks, Very Good R$1750 32. HUNT SCENE 7.75ins tall, Buchanans Special Red Seal Scotch Whisky coloured picture of Hunt 6FHQH)UDQN%HDUGPRUH&RWREDVH rim repairs, Very Good R$1200 39 40 33. GOOD SPIRITS 6.75ins tall, Buchanans Black & White picture of two dogs playing tug of war, WLWOHG*22'63,5,76)UDQN%HDUGPRUH & Co to base, prof rim repair, light wear. Good R$1750 38. BUTLERS 3.5ins tall, red jug with black print, Butlers Wolverhampton with picture of a Gent toasting, Wade Regicor pm, Very Good R$50 34. BLACK & WHITE 6ins tall, Enamel Ware jug, Black & White Whisky, JBC to base, minor wear, best condition we have seen!, Very Good R$450 39. BARCLAY 4ins tall, blue body with embossed words, Barclays Ales Stout And Lager, modelled character style jug depicting Samuel Johnson, made by Ashtead Potteries, Very Good R$125 35. HOUSES PARLIAMENT 4ins tall, green top with blue print, Buchanans Special Scotch Whiskies As Supplied To The Houses Of Parliament, +DPPHUVOH\SP¿QHFUD]LQJLVDOLWWOH dirty, light wear, Good R$600 36. RUNNING DOGS 4ins tall, Buchanans Black & White, running dogs to one side and seated dogs to other, with chequered border, James Green Nephew pm, Very Good R$75 37. JOHN BEGG 5ins tall, white body, black print Take A Peg Of John Begg with Coat of Arms to both sides. Shelly pm, original gold trim to ULPKDQGOHWLQ\ÀHDELWHRIIVSRXW9HU\ Good R$150 3 41 42 40. BOMBAY 6ins tall, green print Bombay Dry Gin, with picture of Queen Victoria, crazing, Wade PDM pm, Very Good R$50 41. BOMBAY 2.5ins tall, green print Bombay Dry Gin, Wade Regicor pm, Rare miniature, Very Good R$50 42. OLD BUSHMILLS 3ins tall, yellow/blue print, Old Bushmills, J A Campbell pm, Rare early Irish jug, Very Good R$75 43 44 45 46 47 52 49 50 48 53 54 51 58 59 60 53. DAWSON 4ins tall, bright yellow body, Peter Dawson Scotch Whisky, made in England pm, Very Good, great Deco shape R$60 55 56 43. BAILIE NICOL JARVIE 5.75ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, green bands, Bailie Nicol Jarvie, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$400 44. BULLOCH LADE 3.5ins tall, bright yellow body, Bulloch Lade BL, picture of a Highlander under spout, James Green Nephew pm, minor nick off spout edge, Good R$75 45. CUTTY SARK 3ins tall, green body, Cutty Sark Scots Whisky, picture of the Cutty Sark, SPA Milano pm, Very Good R$45 46. CLAYMORE 5.5ins tall, blue print Claymore Rare Old Scotch Whisky to both sides with crossed swords tm. Made in England pm. Very Good R$175 47. CLAYMORE 4.5ins tall, green print, Greenlees Bros Claymore Scotch Whisky, with Crown and crossed swords, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$400 57 48. CLAYMORE 6.5ins tall, green print, Greenlees Bros Claymore Scotch Whisky, with Crown and crossed swords, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$400 49. COATES 6.5ins tall, Coates & Co Original 3O\PRXWK*LQWPRID)ULDUWREDVH blue trim to rim and handle has worn, inner rim chip, Good R$75 50. COATES 6.5ins tall, 2 tone Stoneware, Coates & &R2ULJLQDO3O\PRXWK*LQWPRID)ULDU Royal Doulton pm, professional repair to minor rim chip, Very Good R$375 51. CHARRINGTON 7ins tall, full Toby Jug, Toby Ale Charrington, to base, Wade Regicor pm, Very Good R$75 52. TOBY 4.5ins tall, green print, Toby Stout to one side and Toby Ale to other, picture of Toby Jug, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$60 4 54. DANDIE DINMONT 5.5ins tall, Dandie Dinmont, picture of the Dandie Dinmont dog to sides, gold trim WRULPKDQGOH¿QHFUD]LQJ:DGH Distillers marks to base, Very Good R$75 55. DEWARS LQVWDOOPRGHOOHGKHDGRI)DWKHU Christmas, Dewars, to front, John Humphreys Pottery, Mint R$50 56. DEWARS 3.5ins tall,, Dewars White Label Whisky, Minton pm, light wear, dirty crazing, Good 5 57. ENCORE 6ins tall, single sided print Encore Scotch :KLVN\)LHOGLQJSPKDLUOLQHRIIULPDW rear, Good R$50 58. FLOWERS LQVWDOOFRSSHUOXVWUHJOD]H)ORZHUV3DOH Ale, picture of Shakespeare, Associated 3RWWHULHV+&:SP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good R$125 61 62 63 64 67 68 65 66 69 70 71 72 69. KINGS RANSOM 7.75ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, Kings Ransom Around The World, coat of Arms for Whiteleys of Leith, Doulton Lambeth pm, an early jug in Very Good condition! R$350 73 74 75 59. GLENRENNIE 4.25ins tall, stoneware jug, under spout Reaney & Greaves Bradford Scotch Whisky Blenders, to shoulders in relief GLENRENNIE, Lovatt pm, an early rare jug, Very Good R$75 64. HOUSE OF LORDS 6.5ins tall, two tone stoneware, words in sepia, House Of Lords Whisky Royal Gordon Distillery Grantown, to sides, Port Dundas pm, minor rim chip repaired, Good R$150 60. GLENMORANGIE 6ins tall, yellow body, Glenmorangie Single Highland Malt Whisky, picture of Distillery to sides, Buchan pm, Mint R$100 65. HAIG 3.5ins tall, two tone stoneware, black print Haigs Glenleven Old Scotch to sides, Lovatt pm, Mint R$75 61. GRANTS LQVWDOODOORYHUEOXHZKLWHÀRUDO decoration with black print, Grants Standfast Whisky, to sides, HCW pm, Mint R$125 66. KGIV 4.25ins tall, bright orange body, King George IV Old Scotch Whisky, with Crown tm, Made in England pm, Very Good R$75 62. GRANTS 3.75ins tall, orange body, Grants Whisky, to sides & Coat of Arms under spout, Clifton Cottle pm, early deco jug, Very Good R$75 67. KGIV 4.75ins tall, King George Iv Old Scotch Whisky, with picture of the King, no pm, Very Good R$75 63. HEATHER DEW 4ins tall, Heather Dew Scotch Whisky, Associated Potteries pm, Very Good R$60 68. KING GEORGE IV 4.25ins tall, under spout King George Iv Old Scotch Whisky, to sides, colourful Lawson Woods pictures, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$200 5 70. LANGS 3.5ins tall, Langs Scotch Whisky, picture of a Butler with large bottle of Langs on a tray, Made in Belgium pm, rare small size, Very Good R$75 71. LANGS 5.5ins tall, Langs Scotch Whisky, picture of a Butler with large bottle of Langs on a tray, Wade Regicor pm, crazing, Very Good R$75 72. LANGS 3.5ins tall, yellow body, Langs Supreme Scotch Whisky, picture of the Distillery, Made in Belgium pm, rare small size, Very Good R$75 73. McNISH 3.75ins tall, tartan body with green background, Mcnish Doctors Special Whisky, Dudson Bros Handley England pm, light wear to bottom section, Good R$75 74. McNISH 7.5ins tall, Victorian shaped jug, blue body, Mcnishs Doctors Special Whisky, Dunn Bennett pm, gold gilding virtually intact, a stunning early jug, Very Good R$1250 75. McNISH 3.25ins tall, tartan side panels with McNISH, & to front Mcnishs Special Scotch Whisky, Dunn Bennett pm, Very Good R$75 79 76 77 82 88 83 89 76. McCALLUMS 6ins tall, pink body, words, Mccallums Whisky Is Perfection, Chieftain, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$200 77. MITCHELLS & BUTLERS 4.5ins tall, Mitchells & Butlers Glenbarry Old Scotch Glenlivet, dirty crazing, no pm, Good R$75 78. OLD MULL LQVWDOOPLQLDWXUHMXJ2OG0XOO)LQH Old Whisky, gold trim to rim & handle, Church mark to base, Mint R$40 79. MANN CROSSMAN 4ins tall, Mann Crossman & Paulin Ltd to sides with elaborate farmyard scene, Shorter Bros Elephant Pottery pm, Very Good R$125 80. MARTELL 6.25ins tall character style jug, Cognac 0DUWHOO%UDQG\FRPLFDO¿JXUH6DQGODQG pm, Very Good R$75 80 81 78 85 84 91 90 81. OFFILERS 3.75ins tall, neat deco shape, under spout 2I¿OHUV$OHVWRVLGHVFRORXUHGSLFWXUHRI King George VI & Queen Elizabeth 1937, no pm, Very Good R$125 82. OTARDS 6.5ins tall, dark cobalt blue body, Otards )LQH2OG%UDQG\WRVLGHV2WDUG'XSX\ & Co Cognac, to front with Coat of Arms, early impressive jug, James Green Nephew pm, Very Good R$300 83. PLAYERS 4.5ins tall, Players Please to sides, tm under spout, Very Good R$40 84. POTHEEN 5.25ins tall, stoneware jug, Drink Reaney & Greaves Potheen Perfection In Whisky, to sides and in raised letters to neck Potheen, Lovatt pm, Unusual & Rare, Very Good R$175 6 86 92 87 93 85. ROSS’S 5ins tall, Jasper Ware body, white raised decoration and words Ross’s Belfast Ginger Ale to one side only, Tunstall pm, Very Good R$125 86. SIMONDS 6ins tall, Simonds Reading Pale Ales & Stout, with orange Hop Leaf tm, Minton pm, light wear, Good R$75 87. STRONACHIE 7.25ins tall, Stronachie Distillery Perthshire Scotland with a picture of the distillery on one side, The Real Sandy MacDonald Scotch Whisky Distillers to other, Royal Doulton pm, crazing, Hard to get a good one!, Very Good R$1000 88 SCOTIA ROYALE 3ins tall, maroon bodied miniature jug, Scotia Royale 21 Years Old, Eagle tm, Buchan pm, Mint R$45 94 95 96 97 100 101 89. THORNES 5.5ins tall, brown body cream print Thornes Whisky to sides and under spout picture of 2 Gents seated smoking and drinking, Langley Ware, Early Rare, Very Good R$150 90. THOM & CAMERON 5ins tall, single sided Thom & Cameron 5H9DWWHG2OG+LJKODQG:KLVN\*ODVJRZ no pm, previously unrecorded version, sliver chip off spout, Good R$200 91. THROGMORTON 6ins tall, 3 way pourer with Throgmorton 6FRWFK:KLVN\$VN)RU*ROG&UHVWZLWK Coat of Arms to sides, picture of Butler to front, no pm, one Crown tm has worn *ROG*LOW9HU\*RRG R$175 92. VAT 10 4.5ins tall, Vat 10 Ten Years Old, picture of large dog under spout A Large Irish, $UNORZSP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$75 93. WHITE HORSE 5ins tall, hunting scene in blue and white, White Horse Whisky with scene of horse and carriage to one side, White Horse Whisky Estab 1742 to the other, Shelly SP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$700 94. WELSH ALE 4ins tall, stoneware jug with modelled Greyhound handle, raised letters Thompson & Co Welsh Ale, Doulton Lambeth pm, age crazing, Very Good R$75 98 99 102 103 95. JW 15ins tall, Johnnie Walker in red under spout and to sides picture of JW playing Golf, The Whisky That Goes With A Swing, Gleneagles to base, Very Good R$125 96. JW 2 5.25ins tall, character jug style of JW, Johnnie Walker Red to base, Importer marks to base, Very Good R$75 97 JW 3 7.5ins tall, black body with gold print Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch 12 Years Old, Wade PDM & Importers marks to base, Very Good R$60 98. JW 4 7.5ins tall, black body with gold print Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch 12 Years Old, Wade PDM & Importers marks to base, Very Good R$60 99. JW 5 5.5ins tall, black body with gold print Johnnie Walker Black Label, Moulin de Loup pm, Very Good R$125 100. WALKERS 6ins tall, the rarest of all Johnnie Walker Jugs, this is the square version, only 1 other known, Walkers Kilmarnock Whisky to 2 sides & Old Highland Whisky John Walker & Sons Kilmarnock to other 2, James Green Nephew pm, feint hairline off rim and star hairline to body, Good R$1500 7 104 105 101. WATNEY 4ins tall, copper lustre body, Watneys Ale To Sides And Watney Coombe Reid Stag Brewery London under spout, Bursley Ware pm, Very Good R$60 102. WHITBREAD 5.5ins tall, stoneware jug, words under spout Whitbreads Ale & Stout In Bottle, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$75 103. WATSONS LQVWDOODOORYHUÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQ Watsons, to front & No 10 Scotch, to sides, Distillers pm, light wear to bulbous area, Very Good R$250 104. WHITE HORSE 6ins tall, yellow body red print White Horse, Moulin De Loups pm, Rare Variation, Very Good R$75 105. YOUNGER 4.5ins tall, WM YOUNGER NO 3 SCOTCH ALE, with picture of Mr Younger, Royal Doulton pm, crazing, Good R$50 109 106 112 107 113 106. YOUNGER 3.25ins tall, Wm Younger Scotch Ale, with picture of Mr Younger, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$75 107. WORTHINGTON LQVWDOOIXOO¿JXUDOMXJRID0D\RU holding a bottle of Worthington Pale Ale behind his back, Beswick pm, has some SDLQWÀDNLQJWRUHDU*RRG R$40 108. USHERS 10.25ins tall to top of Crown stopper, Andrew Usher Distillers Edinburgh, made for the Coronation of King Geo V & Queen Mary 1911, Copeland Spode, Very Good R$125 109. USHERS LQVWDOOODUJHNLFNXSZLWKUHGÀDVKHG colour showing words in white enamel Ushers Whisky, impressive, Very Good R$90 110. MUNROS LQVWDOOODUJHNLFNXSZLWKUHGÀDVKHG colour showing words in white enamel Munros Dalwhinnie Whisky, impressive, Very Good R$90 110 111 108 114 115 111. SANDY MACDONALD 5.25ins tall, applied handle, Red & Blue print Sandy Macdonald Scots Whisky, Very Good R$50 112. JOHN HAIG 12ins dia chrome plated tray, John Haigs Whiskies, elaborate Coat of Arms to centre, minor wear, Very Good R$30 113. YOUNGER 12ins dia wood grain effect tray, Wm <RXQJHU(GLQEXUJK&RU¿HOGPDNHUHDUO\ tray, Very Good R$30 114. JOHNNIE WALKER 13ins dia, solid copper tray, embossed Johnnie Walker, with large striding JW picture, hole to top, Good R$30 115. WATNEY 16.5ins dia brass effect with raised decoration of a glass of Watneys and hop decoration, Very Good R$30 116. TURNBULLS 18 x 12ins printed tin sign, Turnbulls Standard Scotch Whisky, with large bottle of whisky, minor outer edge wear, and light surface wear, Good R$75 8 116 117. JOHNNIE WALKER 19 x 13ins original 1930s era Celluloid sign, Johnnie Walker, with multi coloured picture of Johnnie playing Golf, a very rare early sign, Good R$75 118. BARNETT & FOSTER ½ Gallon copper measuring jug with riveted handle, impressed Half Gallon to body, has brass embossed plate to inner ULP%DUQHWW)RVWHU1LDJDUD:RUNV London N Eagle Wharf Road, Very Good R$150 119. MACKENZIE 5ins square by 2ins tall match striker, The Best Scotch Whisky Is Shipped By Peter Mackenzie, to 2 sides and Stag & Doe tm WRRWKHU)LHOGLQJSP9HU\*RRG R$100 120. WHITBREADS 5ins dia by 4ins tall match striker, in the shape of a horizontal barrel, Whitbreads Stout In Bottle, modelled bottles to each end, minor base edge & inner rim edge chip, Very Good R$75 Close up 124 118 117 119 122 120 121 123 126 127 128 129 128. GRANTS 5.5ins square, bone china, Special Invercauld Scotch Whisky, Picture of Castle in trees, no pm, Early & Rare, Very Good R$125 130 131 121. WHITBREADS 5ins dia by 4ins tall match striker, in the VKDSHRIDYHUWLFDOEDUUHO$VN)RU$6PDOO Whitbreads, modelled bottles to each end, some marks/wear, Very Good R$75 122. STONES 4ins dia match striker, Stones Ginger Wine, Distillers marks to base, Very Good R$50 123. WOODS RUM 6.5 x 7.5ins match striker, Woods 100 Old Navy Rum to sides, picture of HMS Thunderer to centre, to base limited edition 58/3000, Very Good R$50 132 124. WHISKY GALORE 12 x 8.5ins hard back, 247 pages in full colour, Whisky Galore by Alan Blakeman 3DXO%ORRP¿HOGSXEOLVKHG0DUFK 2010, a must have for all stoneware Whisky Jug collectors, Mint unused copy R$50 126. GLEN ROSSIE 4ins dia, stoneware ashtray, Glen Rossie Whisky Seven Years Old Est 1814, Doulton Lambeth pm, Very Good 127. DEWARS 6.5 x 3ins, six sided match striker, Blue print Dewars White Label, with Thistle decoration, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good, a Rare Early item R$200 9 129. BAILIE NICOL JARVIE 2.5ins dia x 3ins tall, match striker Bailie Nicol Jarvie Scotch Whisky to top rim, Nicol Anderson Glasgow & London, in shield to one side and picture of Scotsman titled The Bailie Ma Conscience to other, Wedekind pm, light wear, very Good R$125 130. YOUNGER LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUH<RXQJHUV7DUWDQ Get Younger Every Day, best condition example I’ve ever seen, near Mint! R$75 131. McEWANS LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUH0FHZDQV Export The Best Buy In Beer, stunning condition, near Mint R$125 132. BASS 14ins tall plus pendulum wooden clock, 1RZ2SHQ)RU$%DVVGHFRUDWLYHDQG complete, Very Good R$50 134 135 136 137 138 139 140. CARSON BB52, Carson & Co Palmerston North, ODUJHVL]HQRSPPLQRUÀHDELWHWRULP edge at side, Very Good R$150 141. COLES BB67, Coles Aerated Waters Whangarei, impressed W to rear, Very Good R$200 142. DANKS BB72, DANKS BROS DARGAVILLE, Govancroft 1 pm, Very Good R$200 143. DIXONS BB83, Dixons Palmerston North, no pm, Very Good R$650 140 Stone Ginger Beers Ref Collecting NZ Ginger Beers Baldwin 134. ALVA BB4, Alva Mineral Water Co Ltd Auckland, Govancroft pm, Very Good R$250 135. ASKEW %%7$$VNHZ)HLOGLQJ%OXHWRS Bourne 08 Denby pm, Very Good R$400 136. BARRY BB27, D J Barry Gisborne, Price 21 Bristol pm, Very Good R$30 141 142 137. BAKER BB13, H Baker Marton, Pearson pm, Very Good R$250 138. BELL BB31, Bell & Co Palmerston N and )HLOGLQJ1=UDUHYHUVLRQQRSPPLQRU inner rim nick at rear, original stopper, Very Good R$2000 139. BENNETT BB38, Bennett & Son Dunedin, Bourne 12 pm, original stopper, Very Good R$250 10 144. HILL BB155, T Hill Hawera, Doulton 4 Lambeth pm, Very Good R$650 145. HUIA BB166, The Huia Aerated Water Co Danniverke & Masterton, Price 16 Bristol pm, Very Good R$125 146. HANDLEY BB149, Handleys Original YY Ginger Beer, Bourne 25 Denby, Very Good R$60 147. HEMSLEY BB150, Hemsley Bros Dunedin, Green Top, Govancroft 1 pm, light wear, Good R$150 143 144 145 146 152 149 150 148. HODREN B161, W H W to one side in diamond border, Ye Beste Ginger Beer Walter Hodren Steam Works Wanganui, cork stopper, Very Good R$350 149. HYDE BB169, A Hyde Te Awamutu and Taumarunui to one side and Hydes &HOHEUDWHG)HUPHQWHG6WRQH*LQJHU%HHU to rear, Pearson pm, inner rim chipping and hairline to one side above Hydes, Good R$75 151 150. INNES BB176, C L Innes Auckland and Hamilton, Govancroft 1 pm, Very Good R$40 151. KIA ORA %%.LD2UD0LQHUDO:DWHU&R Auckland, no pm, minor base edge chip at rear, cork stopper, Very Good R$250 152. LANE BB189, Lane & Co Ye Olde English Brewed Ginger Beer Dunedin, Bourne 7 Denby pm, Cork stopper version, minor nibbles to shoulder edge, Rare, Good R$150 11 147 153 148 154 153. LEWIS BB207, Walter Lewis Cordial Makers Wanganui, Maui Bros pm, glaze wear to top edge, Good R$125 154. LONG BARDEN %%/RQJ%DUGHQ1HZ=HDODQG Maui Bros pm, Very Good R$125 155 156 158 157 164 161 162 163 155. JOHNSONS BB177, Return to Johnsons Aerated Water :RUNV7DLKDSH%DUQHWW)RVWHUPDNHU Very Good R$400 159. PIKE & WATERS 1 BB265, Pike & Waters Ginger Beer New Plymouth, Price 15 Bristol pm, Very Good R$175 156. KINKADE BB184, Kinkade & Harkness Glasgow St Wanganui, Port Dundas pm, inner rim chip at rear, Very Good R$150 160. PHOENIX BB260, Phoenix Aerated Water Co Wellington & Petone, Bourne pm, light wear & crazing, Rare, Good R$400 157. MARTIN BB235, H Martin Brewed Stone Ginger Beer Gisborne, Green Top, Bourne 20 Denby pm, light wear, Good R$400 161. PAUL BB254, James Paul New Plymouth, Cork Stopper, Bourne 1 Denby, Very Good R$100 158. NICHOLLS BB251, Nicholls Ginger Beer Ponsonby Road Auckland, Blue Top, original stopper, Bourne 8 Denby pm, Very Good 5 ± 162. PIKE & WATERS 2 BB264, Pike & Waters Ginger Beer New Plymouth, Bourne K Denby pm, Cork Stopper, Very Good R$175 12 159 160 165 166 163. RIGHTON BB282, A Righton Genuine Brewed Ginger Beer Whakatane, Bourne 27 Denby pm, Very Good R$175 164. RUNDLE BB286, Rundle & Son New Plymouth, Cork Stopper, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good R$175 165. SCOTT BB295, A C Scott Ye Olde English Ginger Beer, Blue Top, Pearson pm, Original Stopper, Very Good R$125 166. SHARPE BB296, Sharpe Bros Ye Olde Style Ginger %HHU$XVW1=RULJLQDOVWRSSHU)RZOHU Sydney pm, Very Good R$150 167 168 170 169 171 172 167. STANDARD BB309, The Standard Brewery Magpie Brand Palmerston North, impressed 26, Very Good R$275 168. SLATER BB302, E H Slater Home Brewed Ginger %HHU)LHOGLQJ3HDUVRQSPRULJLQDO stopper, Very Good R$225 169. WHITE BB357, A W White Brewed Ginger Beer Pahiatua, Maui Bros pm, Very Good R$200 173 170. INNES 1 Gallon stone jar, C L Innes Hamilton & Waihi, Pearson pm, wire handle, Very Good, Very Rare R$500 171. GREY MENZIES 1 gallon stone jar, metal handle, Grey 0HQ]LHV1HZ=HDODQGGRXEOHVLGHG transfers, Pearson pm, chip to spigot & large body hairline to side, display well R$50 172. SHARPE 1 gallon stone jar, wire handle, Sharpe %URV+\JLHQLF%UHZHUV1HZ=HDODQG 13 174 Stour Ware Timaru pottery, Very Good R$50 173. CAMPBELL EHRENFRIED 2 gallon stone jar, no handle, impressed on shoulder The Campbell Ehrenfried Co Ltd Auckland, Stiff Lambeth pm, an early Rare Auckland brewery jar, Very Good R$200 174. INNES 2 Gallon stone jar, C L Innes Hamilton, Pearson pm, wire handle, Very Good, Very Rare R$700 177 175 179. GREY MENZIES 6oz Aqua Internal Thread, Grey & 0HQ]LHV1HZ=HDODQGHQWZLQHGOHWWHUV tm, Kilner Bros maker, original stopper, Mint R$30 176 175. MILSOM 2 gallon Ginger Beer shape stone jar with handle & bung hole to rear, Henry Milsom Ye Olde English Ginger Beer Ashburton, Bourne Denby pm, chip off rim to side, Very Rare & desirable, Good R$1250 176. POSWILLO 2 gallon Ginger Beer shaped stone jar, wire handle, bung hole to rear, J Poswillo )DPRXV*LQJHU%HHU&LGHU%OHQKHLP 1=%RXUQH'HQE\SPPLQRUPDUNVWR side, Very Good, the only known example to exist! R$2500 177. MALONE 2 gallon stone jar, black print to shoulder Malone & Co Stratford 54, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good, Very Rare R$300 178. BROWN CAMPBELL Massive 5 gallon capacity stone jar, impressed to shoulder Brown Campbell & Co Auckland, Doulton Lambeth pm, Very Good, Very Rare example of Auckland early Brewery history, started in 1840, merged with Ehrenfried in 1878 R$300 180. HYDE 6oz Aqua Internal Thread, A Hyde Te Awamutu & Taumarunui, entwined letters tm, Riley makers, Very Good R$45 181. BELL 10oz Aqua Internal Thread, Bell & Co 3DOPHUVWRQ11=%HOOWPWREDVHOLJKW wear and minor nick to bottom of collar, Good R$45 182. WANGANUI 10oz Mid Green Internal Thread, Wanganui Aerated Water Co Wanganui W A W Co, M 179 to base, pinhead nick off rim, Very Good R$35 183. McLACHLAN 15oz Emerald Green Internal Thread, J McLachlan Wanganui, 4 to base, Very Good R$100 184. RICHDALE 15oz Emerald Green Internal Thread, A Richdale Wanganui, Kilner Bros maker, Very Good R$100 185. SCOTT 12oz Dark Green Internal Thread, A C Scott Auckland, J K & S makers, minor nick to bottom of collar, Very Good R$60 178 14 182 179 180 183 185 181 191 188 189 184 190 188. WELLS & WINCH 15oz Mid Green Internal Thread, Wells & Winch Biggleswade, Very Good 190. ROBINSON 8oz Light Green Internal Thread, ChCh64/4, J Robinson & Sons Linwood &KULVWFKXUFK1=.%/WGPDNHU9HU\ Good R$75 197 198 186. SCOTT 12oz Light Green Internal Thread, A C Scott Auckland, S to base, Very Good R$75 187. WANGANUI 10oz Olive Green Internal Thread, Wanganui Aerated Water Co Wanganui W A W Co, minor nick to bottom of collar, original stopper, Very Good R$35 187 192 189. THOMSON LEWIS 10oz Green Internal Thread, Thomson Lewis Wellington Wanganui Petone & 2WDNL)RXQWDLQWP&6&RPDNHUV original stopper, Very Good R$45 196 186 191. BARRETT ELLERS 8oz near Black Internal Thread, Trade Mark B & E London, with internal stopper tm, light wear, Very Good R$30 192. GILBERD 8oz Dumpy Dark Olive Green Internal Thread, Gilberd & Co Napier 1895, A 126 to base, medium chip off rim edge, Good R$25 193. UNION BREWERY 10oz Reliance Patent 4 Codd, Union Brewery and Aerated Water Co Waipawa, 15 193 194 195 Dan Rylands maker, crate wear and burst bubble to base edge, Good R$45 194. GRIFFITHS R]WHDU&RGG*ULI¿WKV&R 6SULQJ¿HOG5G&KULVWFKXUFK3LQH7UHHWP Riley Maker, CHCH36/11, Very Good R$45 195. MURAT Dumpy Codd, P H Murat & Co Manchester, DG to base, Very Good R$75 196. HANDLEY 10oz 2 tear Codd, Wm Handley Auckland Canon tm, Trident mark to base, nice whittled glass, Very Good R$75 197. BLAIR 10oz 4 tear Codd, Blair & Co Dargaville, KB makers, crate wear and all over sickness, needs a polish R$20 198. BRUNSELL 10oz 2 tear Codd, C J Brunsell Picton, W %6PDNHU9HU\5DUHNQRZQ0LQW R$125 199 200 201 208 209 210 199. DODSON R]WHDU&RGG):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP no maker, only known example, Very Rare, minor wear, Good R$125 202 203 204 205 206 211 212 213 214 215 205. O’LEARY 10oz 2 tear Codd, T O’Leary Blenheim, Rylands Patent Sage Groove 4 maker, light wear, Good R$60 200. DODSON R]WHDU&RGG):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP 00HOERXUQH9HU\*RRG R$75 206. O’LEARY 10oz 4 dimple Codd, T O’Leary Blenheim, Ross Bros Sydney maker, light wear, Very Good R$60 201. DODSON R]WHDU&RGG):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP Rylands Safe Groove 4 maker, 2 known examples, light wear, Very Good R$100 207. O’LEARY 10oz 2 tear Codd, T O’Leary Blenheim, 1023 to base, scuff marks to rear, Good R$60 202. DODSON R]GLPSOH&RGG):'RGVRQ %OHQKHLP00HOERXUQHPLQRUZHDU Very Good R$75 203. DODSON 10oz 2 tear Codd, Dodson & Co Cordial Makers Blenheim, Rylands 4 maker, light wear, Very Good R$75 204. MARLBOROUGH 10oz 2 tear Codd, Marlborough Brewery Co Ltd Blenheim, no maker, Very Good R$75 208. BRUNSELL 6oz 2 tear Codd, Brunsell Bros Picton, WB & S makers, Very Good, Only known example of this version R$175 209. O’LEARY 6oz 2 tear Codd, T O’Leary Blenheim, Codd Patent 4 maker, Very Good, possibly only known example R$150 210. O’LEARY 6oz 2 tear Codd, T O’Leary Blenheim, Alexander maker, Very Good, possibly only known example R$150 211. DODSON R]WHDU&RGG):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP Cannington Shaw maker, Very Good, A Rated R$125 16 207 216 212. DODSON R]WHDU&RGG):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP Rylands 4 maker, Very Good R$75 213. DODSON 6oz 2 tear Codd, Dodson & Co Cordial Makers Blenheim, Rylands 4 maker, Very Good R$75 214. MARLBOROUGH 6oz 4 tear Codd, Marlborough Brewery Co Ltd Blenheim, AGM maker, Very Good R$60 215. MARLBOROUGH 6oz 2 tear Codd, Marlborough Brewery Co Ltd Blenheim, M maker, Very Good R$60 216. FARMAR R]WHDU&RGG)7)DUPDU%OHQKHLP )7)WREDVH9HU\*RRG R$60 217. FARMAR R]WHDU&RGG)7)DUPDU%OHQKHLP )7)WREDVH9HU\*RRG R$60 218. FULLER R]WHDU&RGG3DWHQW-)XOOHUHDUO\ original Codd, light wear, Very Good R$250 223 217 227 218 219 228 229 219. FULLER R]WHDU&RGG3DWHQW-)XOOHUHDUO\ original Codd with loads of seed bubbles, Very Good R$250 220. GREY 6oz Lamont Patent, J Grey Auckland, Lumb maker, professionally polished to high standard, the only known example, Very Good R$400 221. GRAY 10oz Lamonts Patent, J Gray Auckland in slug panel, glass vanes patent style VWRSSHU/DPRQWV3DWHQWWRUHDUÀDW bottom, only known example of this very rare miss spelt? Auckland patent, all over dullness R$900 222. LEE EVANS 10oz Lamont Patent, Lees & Evans Reliance Christchurch, Anchor tm, John Lamont maker, nice whittled glass, ChCh44/8, Very Good R$30 223. SCHWEPPES Blob top emerald green soda, Schweppes, with soda fountain tm, JK maker, light wear, Good R$50 224. CATLEY Blob top amber soda, Catley Abbey Natural Seltzer, picture of the Abbey, Kilner maker, Very Good R$50 220 221 231 232 225. HENDERSON 10oz blob top soda, Henderson Balclutha, letter H in diamond to centre, E B & Co maker, scuff marks, Good, Very Rare R$250 226. RAYNER R]%UHI¿W3DWHQW$5D\QHU%OHQKHLPQR maker, Very Rare, Very Good R$300 227. POWLEY KEAST THRS28, 26oz applied ring seal top, Powley & Keast The Moa Bottling, this is the small print large Moa version, nice whittled glass, Very Good R$200 228. MOFFETT 26oz Crown Top, ABM, Moffett & Co ,QYHUFDUJLOO1=ODUJH$QFKRUWP$*0 1=PDNHUYHU\XQXVXDOVKDSHQRWVHHQ before, Very Good, Very Rare R$200 229. MOFFETT TH216 26oz Aqua Spun top version, 0RIIHWW&R,QYHUFDUJLOO1=ODUJH Anchor tm, no maker, Very Good, Very Rare R$200 17 225 226 222 233 230 224 234 230. KIA ORA 10oz Crown Top, ABM, Kia Ora Mineral :DWHU&R/WG$XFNODQG1=PDNHU9HU\ Good R$40 231. THOMSON’S Similar to TH334, but a previously unrecorded 12oz version, Applied Top, Dark Olive, whittled glass, Thomson’s Purity, with Cross tm to centre, words written vertically, no maker, Very Rare, very Good R$500 232. FITZGERALD R]5HG$PEHU&URZQ7RS$%0') )LW]JHUDOG&RUGLDO0DNHU7H$ZDPXWX $*01=PDNHUV9HU\*RRG R$75 233. INNES TG78, 40oz Pink Pyramid Soda Syphon, C L Innes Auckland & Hamilton, entwined letters tm, original top, minor ding to side near base, Very Good R$75 234. NATHAN 11.25ins tall, massive pickle jar, aqua, ABM, L D Nathan & Co Ltd Ostrich Brand Manufacturers Auckland, with striding Ostrich tm, KB makers, Very Rare, Very Good R$1500 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 245 246 235. IRVINE STEVENSON 2lb applied roll top jam jar, Irvine Stevenson Jams 2lb Nett to shoulder and St George Preserving Works Dunedin, picture of St George on horseback tm, M maker, Very Good R$30 236. IRVINE STEVENSON 2lb applied roll top jam jar, Irvine Stevenson Jams 2lb Nett to shoulder and St George Preserving Works Dunedin, SLFWXUHRI6W*HRUJHRQKRUVHEDFNWP1= maker, Very Good R$30 237. KIRKPATRICK 2lb applied top roll top jam, Kirkpatrick & Co Jams Nelson to shoulder, and K Brand Registered, with large K to front, M maker, Very Good R$25 238. MENNIE & DEY 2lb applied top roll top jam, Mennie & Dey Auckland to shoulder, rare variation, no maker, Very Good R$40 247 242 241. NAILSEA 15ins long, Nailsea Glass Rolling Pin, great early Victorian household item, pontilled to one end, Very Good R$100 242. PICKLE Light green applied top pickle jar, with embossed fruit to body, a very unusual HDUO\*ROG¿HOGVHUDSLFNOHQRPDNHU Very Good R$75 243. NATHAN Pickle jar, aqua, applied top, L D Nathan & Co Ltd Ostrich Brand Manufacturers Auckland, with striding Ostrich tm, no maker, Very Good R$40 244. WAVERLEY 1 pint clear glass milk bottle, ABM, Waverley Dairy Company Ltd, with Crescent moon and star tm, To be 5HWXUQHGRUSDLG)RUWRUHDU0)*&2 maker, light internal wear, Good R$60 239. TYER 2lb applied top roll top jam, Tyer & Sons Jams to shoulder and Excelsior Brand with entwined letters tm, BGW maker, internal wear, Good R$40 245. MENNIE & DEY 1lb stoneware jam jar, two tone, impressed WRERWWRP0HQQLH'H\$XFNODQG1= hard to get one of these in Mint condition! R$45 240. 2 MILKS 2 x 600ml Milk bottles, screen printed )OHPLQJV*RRGQHVVIURPWKH*UDLQ and Use It Don’t Lose It Support Home Delivery, light crate wear R$30 246. MATT THOMPSONS 8ins dia x 4ins tall, ceramic pudding bowl, Matt Thompsons English Plum Pudding, with Christmas Holly decorations, Adams SP¿QHKDLUOLQHWRVLGH5DUHXQXVXDO not seen before, Good R$125 18 243 244 247. PECKS 1lb stoneware cheese pot, two tone, Pecks Archer Brand Stilton Cheese London, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good R$45 248. ANTHONY THATCHER R]DSSOLHGWRS*ROG¿HOGV$QWKRQ\ Thatcher design, arch panels all around, light overall wear, minor ding on base edge, Good R$75 249. GOLDFIELDS LQVWDOOLFHEOXHFRORXUÀXWHGULEVWR neck, plain body, light wear, Good R$45 250. S & P 8ins tall. Blue green Christmas tree style oil, embossed to base S&P Patent Applied )RU9HU\*RRG R$45 251. GREEN PICKLE 11.5ins tall, stunning apple green colouring, Cathedral Style Pickle, smooth base, applied tooled lip, a Very Rare Pickle in this colour way, Mint condition! R$950 252. TALL PICKLE Massive 13.25ins tall, blue aqua colouring, Cathedral Style pickle with lattice work to 3 smooth base, panels, applied tooled lip, Mint R$600 248 249 250 251 254 255 256 252 261 257 258 259 260 257. ODOL 6ins tall, milk glass bottle, glazed labels, 2GROZLWKLQVWUXFWLRQVWRUHDUIDGHG Patent to base, some wear and marks, unusual, Good R$25 265 266 267 268 253. CATHEDRAL 11.25ins tall, Cathedral Pickle, aqua, applied tooled lip, smooth base, 4 arched recessed panels, Mint R$300 254. ROWS 5.25ins tall, ice blue, “Rows Embrocation )DUPHUV)ULHQGDQ$XVWUDOLDQYHWHULQDULDQ cure, light internal haze, Very Good R$25 255. BOOTS Dumpy blob top cork stoppered GB, Old )DVKLRQHG%UHZHG*LQJHU%HHU%RRWV Cash Chemists, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good R$30 256. HOCKINS 5.75ins tall, ceramic Inhaler, all over blue & white decoration, Hockins Acme Inhaler, with directions for use, original ceramic top and tubes, Very Good R$150 258. MAW SON 7.5ins tall, ceramic Inhaler, all over grey blue mottled decoration, Improved Earthenware Inhaler Manufactured by S Maw Son & Thompson London, directions for use to rear, no pm, Very Good R$60 259. INHALER 6.75ins tall, ceramic Inhaler, Improved ,QKDOHU)RU+RW:DWHU,QIXVLRQV1230 Very Good R$45 260. DR NELSONS 5.5ins tall, ceramic Inhaler, Dr Nelson’s Improved Inhaler, Boots Chemist, no pm, Very Good R$45 261. MINI FEEDERS 2 miniature glass feeders, one embossed CB with dose measure, the other London Maker Reg with dose measures to rear, VKHDUOLSPLQRUFKLS*RRG R$30 262. no lot 19 253 263 264 263. HALL 2ins tall, clear glass dose measure, E W Hall Herbalist 152 Armagh St Christchurch, with Thistle tm, WT & Co maker, measures to rear, Very Rare Christchurch pictorial measure, Mint R$125 264. LEWIS 5ins long, aqua miniature Hamilton, James Lewis London, with Key tm, all over light wear, Good R$75 265. ROOKE’S 7ins tall, cobalt blue, Dr Rooke’s Pale Newfoundland Cod Liver Oil, no maker, Very Good R$45 266. SOLYPTOL 4.75ins tall, cobalt blue footed pot, ZKLWHHQDPHOZULWLQJ6RO\SWROVROXEOH HXFDO\SWXVRLOLVDWUDGHPDUNRI)+ )DXOGLQJ&R6RXWK$XVWUDOLDQXPHURXV chipping to rim edge R$40 267. CARBOLIC 6.5ins tall, cobalt blue, Carbolic Acid Poison, with raised ribs to front, D embossed on base, light wear, Good R$25 268. ADMIRALTY 6.25ins tall, cobalt blue hexagonal shape, Poison with upwardly pointing arrow, Very Good R$45 273 269 270 271 274 275 276 272 285 282 279 280 281 283 284 mark to front, Good R$50 269. CARROTINE 5.75ins tall, cobalt blue round shape, Dennis Louth Carrotine, 16331 to base, Very Good R$30 276. SCHWEPPES 11.25ins tall, conical shaped green bottle, applied top, Schweppes Ltd, with Coat of Arms tm, EB makers, Very Good R$75 270. STAFFORD’S 5.5ins tall, cobalt blue round ink with pouring spout, Stafford’s Ink Made in The USA, light wear, Good R$20 277. FISH’S LQVWDOODTXDDSSOLHGWRS)LVK¶V 6DUVDSDULOOD7KRPDV)LVKZDVD&KHPLVW on the corner of Shortland & Princess St $XFNODQGDURXQGQXPHURXV adverts for his compound of Sarsaparilla appear in The Herald newspaper around this time. This is the only known example of this bottle to exist, has been polished, Good R$1000 271. MASTER INK 10.5ins tall cobalt blue master ink, with SRXULQJVSRXWÀXWHGSDQHOV9HU\*RRG R$45 272. INK 6ins tall, cobalt blue with pouring spout, VPRRWK¿QLVKQRPDNHUHDUO\,QNERWWOH Very Good R$40 273. SMITH 2 tone stoneware, impressed to shoulder, H A Smith Wine & Spirit Merchant Newport, Price Bristol pm, base edge chips to rear, Good R$25 274. CAUDLE LQVWDOOODUJHUYHUVLRQVWRQHZDUHÀDVN Miss Prettyman to one side and Mr & Mrs Caudle to rear, impressed Stephen Green London to base, Very Good R$200 275. GOLDEN CROSS 11ins tall, unusual shaped stoneware bottle, The Preservitas Co London Golden Cross Brand, Preservitas was a butter preserving agent, chip to shoulder, staining DQGUXVWPDUNV5DUHXQLGHQWL¿HGSRWWHUV 278. RUSSIAN LQVWDOOIXOO¿JXUDORIDVHDWHGEHDUGDUN green, applied top, nice early Bitters, Very Good R$75 279. LONDON Pint sized amber Warners Safe Cure London, safe tm, light wear/haze, Good R$45 280. 4 CITIES Pint sized red amber, double collar, Warners Safe Cure 4 Cities version, light wear, lots of bubbles, Good R$30 281. REMEDIES Pint sized red amber Warners Safe Remedies Melbourne, safe tm, minor chip to base edge at rear, light wear, Good R$100 20 277 278 286 282. AVH 11ins tall, olive green sealed Gin, A van Hoboken & Co Rotterdam to 2 panels, seal to shoulder AVH, very good R$40 283. TREE OF LIFE LQVWDOODTXDIUHHEORZQ&DODEDVKÀDVN Tree of Life to one panel and Wheat Sheaf to other, large open pontil, Very Good, a UDUHKLVWRULFDO86$ÀDVN R$175 284. REID 8.5ins tall, blob top cork top olive green beer, W B Reid Newcastle, A10 to base, minor marks, Good R$25 285. NZ POTTERY +DUG%DFN5HIHUHQFH%RRN1HZ=HDODQG Pottery Gail Henry, 1999 edition, Reed Publishing, Very Good, a must have UHIHUHQFHWRDO1=SRWWHU\FROOHFWRUV R$45 286. POT-LIDS Hard Back Reference Book, The Price *XLGHWR3RW/LGV$%DOOQGHGLWLRQ 1991, Very Good R$25 287. NZ GOLD SILVER Hard Back Reference Book, Gold & Silversmithing in Nineteenth & Twentieth &HQWXU\1HZ=HDODQG:LQVRPH Shepherd, 1995, well documented history and must have reference book, Very Good R$45 288. EMU 39.5 x 27ins Enamel Sign, Emu Brand Australian Burgundy, large Emu bird tm, light wear & some outer edge damages, Pat Enamel Co makers, large and impressive sign, Rare R$4000 287 289 290 288 294 292 291 293 298 299 292. RADAM’S 1 Gallon cream glazed with handle, Wm Radams Microbe Killer 111 Oxford ST )DFWRU\1R/RQGRQJUHDWSLFWXUHRID bloke hitting a skeleton with a club as tm, Doulton Lambeth pm, minor potstones and glaze marks, Very Good R$125 300 289. CARLING 18.5 x 12.5ins tinplate sign, Carlings Ale, Lawson Woods character picture titled Nine Pints of the Law, made for the Brewing Corporation of America, light scratch to centre, Very Good R$300 290. DUFFYS 2.75ins oval tin plate mirror, Take Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey when you are not well, Get Duffy’s and keep well, picture of a scientist studying, some foxing to mirror, Rare early item, Good R$50 291. WHITTOME 1 Gallon 2 tone stone jar, no handle, Whittome Stevenson & Co Ltd, no pm, ORRNVOLNH+XWVRQ¿QHKDLUOLQHWRULJKW side, Good R$45 293. HAND BASIN 9.5 x 6.75ins travellers sample hand basin, marked Johnson Bros Hanly Ltd inside, ZLWKÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQVFDOORSVKHOOVKDSHG impressed soap holders, chip to corner and hairline to front edge, Rare, Good R$750 294. TOILET 5.5ins tall, travellers sample toilet, marked Invictas Johnson Bros Hanly Ltd Hanly LQVLGHZLWKÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQLQVLGHDQG outside, bottom section approx ½ inch from base broken off and restuck, vent pipe at rear also repaired, Good R$400 295. DOULTON 5ins tall, autumn leaf design, bulbous shape, Royal Doulton marks to base, Artist initials EG, Very Good R$45 296. SQUEERS 9.25ins tall, Doulton Lambeth buff slipcast VWRQHZDUH¿JXUH0U6TXHHUVPDGHLQ 1912 designed by Leslie Harradine, book value $1500, has had a repair to feet, looks like broken off and repaired, Good R$150 21 295 296 297 297. DIGGER LQVWDOO5R\DO'RXOWRQ¿JXUH 'LJJHU1HZ=HDODQG+1GHVLJQHG E\(:/LJKW.KDNL*UHHQ colour, book value $6500, has been broken at ankles and hat chipped, now professionally repaired, Very Good R$450 298. MARK V MARSHALL 10.5ins tall, Royal Doulton Stoneware, large raised decoration of Thistles in rich blues, marked to base Art Union of London, signed initials MVM, Marshall was one of the very best artists during the Lambeth period, hairline across base of handle, Good R$150 299. CANDLE HOLDER 6ins tall, Royal Doulton stoneware candle VWLFNKROGHUEUDVVPHWDO¿WWLQJVDUWLVW LQLWLDOVWREDVH0%0DXG%RZGHQDOO over brown mottled decoration with raised blue decoration, Very Good R$100 300. HUTSON 7.25ins tall, blue green majolica glaze, VWRUDJHMDUOLGDEVHQWPLQRULQWHUQDOULP chips, impressed marks to front P Hutson & Co, Very Good R$100 304 301 302 305 306 307 308 314 312 313 315 316 306. TOOTLES LQVWDOOERQHFKLQD5R\DO'RXOWRQ¿JXUH Tootles, designed by Leslie Harradine, ±ERRNYDOXH0LQW R$40 307. TINKER BELL 4.75ins tall, bone china Royal Doulton ¿JXUH7LQNHU%HOOGHVLJQHGE\/HVOLH +DUUDGLQH±ERRNYDOXH Mint R$40 317 318 310 303 320 311 309 319 301. FOLLY 9ins tall, bone china Royal Doulton ¿JXUH)ROO\+1GHVLJQHGE\/HVOLH +DUUDGLQHERRNYDOXH broken in 2 parts and professionally repaired, Very Good, Very Rare R$300 302. THE LITTLE MISTRESS 5.75ins tall, bone china Royal Doulton ¿JXUH7KH/LWWOH0LVWUHVV+1 GHVLJQHGE\/HVOLH+DUUDGLQH± 1949, book value $700, minor chip to bonnet professionally repaired, Very Good R$125 308. BRUNSWICK 6ins tall, stoneware, Brunswick Black for Stoves Grates & General Ironwork James Storer Glasgow, Very Good R$45 309. WILLIAM IV 7ins tall, Rockingham glazed reform ÀDVNPRGHOOHGKHDGDQGLPSUHVVHG ZRUGV³:,//,$0,97+¶65()250 CORDIAL”, Joseph Thompson Hartstone Pottery Derby to rear, professional rim repair, Very Good R$50 310. BOOT 6.5ins tall, cobalt blue glazed stoneware ERRWÀDVNKDVODEHOIRU'LFNHQV6FRWFK Whisky Newark, no pm, light wear, Very Good R$45 303. MONICA LQVWDOOERQHFKLQD5R\DO'RXOWRQ¿JXUH Monica, HN1458, designed by Leslie +DUUDGLQH±ERRNYDOXH 311. DOULTON IMPROVED 9.25ins tall, stoneware hot water bottle, Mint 'RXOWRQV,PSURYHG)RRW:DUPHURULJLQDO R$100 Doulton stopper, light wear, Very Good R$45 304. SARA 7.25ins tall, bone china Royal Doulton 312. DOULTON THERMETTE ¿JXUH6DUD+1GHVLJQHGE\0 9ins tall, stoneware hot water bottle, 'DYLHV±ERRNYDOXH Doultons Thermette Bed Warmer, original Mint Doulton stopper, light wear, Very Good R$75 R$75 305. TOMORROW’S DREAMS 313. WEST BROS 6.5ins tall, bone china Royal Doulton 10.25ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, West ¿JXUH7RPRUURZ¶V'UHDPV+1 GHVLJQHGE\33DUVRQV±ERRN %URV%DWWHUVHD)RRWZDUPHUVWRSSHUQRW original, Very Good value $200, Mint R$40 R$50 22 321 322 314. BUNGALOW 10ins tall, stoneware The Bungalow )RRWZDUPHU'HQE\6WRQHZDUHSLFWXUHRI a Bungalow, original stopper, Very Good R$75 315. ADAPTABLE 7.75ins tall, stoneware, The Adaptable Hot Water Bottle & Bed Warmer The Old )XOKDP3RWWHU\9HU\*RRG R$50 316. POISON LQVWDOOERQHFKLQDÀDVNLQWKHVKDSHRI a Skeleton, great detail, Poison impressed WRIURQWFRUNVWRSSHUHGÀDVN*HUPDQ\ factory marks to base, Mint R$125 317. ROSS 4.25ins dia, lidded bone china box, lid is a reproduction of the Ross & Sons Genuine Bears Grease Perfume, Coalport maker, Mint R$75 318. SENIOR’S 2.5ins dia, pot lid, Seniors Carbolic Tooth Paste, with detailed picture of a Kiwi bird, OLJKWGLUW\FUD]LQJQRWEHHQFOHDQHG Very Good R$200 319. HALE’S LQVGLDSRWOLG&HOHEUDWHG+HDO$OO Ointment Mrs Ellen Hale’s Walworth London, classic lid, Very Good R$175 320. GORGONA 3.5ins dia, pot lid, Gorgona Anchovy Paste Army & Navy London, Very Good R$40 321. KELLER 2ins tall, mini jam pot, James Keller Dundee Marmalade Only Prize Medal for Marmalade London 1862, crazing, Very Good R$45 322. POTTED MEAT LQVGLDSRWOLG+RPH0DGH3RWWHG Meats Army & Navy London, chip to ÀDQJHHGJH9HU\*RRG R$40