76 Annual - St. Clair County 4
76 Annual - St. Clair County 4
76th Annual TABLE OF CONTENTS Admission Order Form Admissions Adult Exhibit Rules Adult Classes Animal Science Archery Archery Safety Arts Beautify the Fairgrounds Beef Beef Pre Entry Bee Keeping Billboard Contest Cake Decorating Camping Application Cats Cavies Clover Sprouts Club Records Collections Council Members Crafts Creative Writing Crops Dairy Dairy Foods Dairy Pre-Entry Dog Pre-Entry Dogs Entry Form Exhibitor of the Year Fair Board Directors Farm Equipment Maneuvering Fiber Flower Garden Folk Patterns Food Preparation Food Preservation Goat Pre-Entry Goats Gun Safety Holiday Decorations Home & Family Development Horse Judging Schedule & Classes Horse Project Ground Rules Horse Rules Jr. Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations 79 7 67 70 53 60 60 46 66 15 77 55 66 46 79 43 23 68 57 59 6 48 59 50 14 44 74 75 40 82 66 5 65 50 52 47 44 45 78 17 60 48 58 35 29 31 11 King/Queen Livestock Buyers Livestock Care Agreement Livestock Dress Code Livestock Drug Testing Authorization Livestock Rules & Regulations Llamas Natural Resources Open Class Horses Passport to Understanding Pedal Tractors Pet Parade Photography Pigeons Pocket Pets Poultry Poultry Pre-Entry Public Speaking & Demonstration Rabbits Rabbits/Cavies Pre-Entry Form Registration Checklist Rules & Regulations for Exhibitors Safety Safety Rules Scarecrows Science & Technology Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts Set up & Check in Times Sewing Sheep Shooting Sports Show Ring Code of Ethics Special 4-H Exploration Spring Achievement Sweepstakes Showmanship Swine Talent Show Teen Leadership Trash Barrel Veal Vegetables Walking Fleece-Breed Sheep Walking Fleece Pre-Entry Form Woodworking 69 12 81 81 81 9 43 54 30 59 67 65 49 22 28 20 76 65 23 75 80 7 57 7 58 53 48 4 44 16 61 9 68 64 67 19 67 57 65 16 51 51 74 47 GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR EXHIBITORS! Project Area Set-Up Project Areas Bring in Animals/Projects Beef/Prospect Beef Dairy Saturday @ 12 p.m. Saturday @ 12 p.m. Dogs Agility/Obedience Dogs Jr. Handling Goats Horses (including Gymkhana) Llamas/Alpacas Poultry/Pigeons Rabbits Sheep Still Exhibit Bldg.* Swine Veal Walking Fleece Thursday @ 6 p.m. -----Saturday @ 10 a.m. Friday @ 6 p.m. Saturday @ 10 a.m. Friday @ 6:30p.m. Saturday @ 11 a.m. Saturday @ 10 a.m. Friday @ 7 p.m. Saturday @ 10 a.m. Saturday @ 12 p.m. Saturday @ 12 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. or Monday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday Saturday Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Sunday between 4-8 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Sunday between 3-6 p.m. Sunday between 2-7 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Check individual project area Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. Sunday between 1-6 p.m. *If you have any questions regarding Still Exhibit Bldg. Set-up please contact Raemi Kunath (810) 765-7101 or kunath@homesgalore.com IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO BRING IN YOUR PROJECT ANIMALS WITHIN THESE HOURS, CONTACT YOUR SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013 Cover Design Winner – Kristy Richardson Hardy 2nd Place – Monica Gasowski – Rockin’ Riders Become a Fan, join us on Facebook @ St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Fair FAIR BOARD DIRECTORS There are currently 18 Fair Board Directors which volunteer their time to put on a successful county fair year after year. These Directors are elected for a three year term and sit on many committees that provide for all of the services and infrastructure that is required to put on the county fair. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY CO-TREASURERS Raemi Kunath Bernie Dudek Chris Ruemenapp Linda Cook & Barb Treaster DIRECTOR & TERM EXPIRED COMMITTEES Michelle Bailey / 2014 Auction (810)300-2302; michelletimbailey@gmail.com PHONE / EMAIL Bob Blumerich / 2015 Auction (810) 395-2117 H, lblumerich@hotmail.com Linda Cook / 2015 Personnel; Sponsorship; Auction; Awards; Sponsorship(C) (810) 385-7735 H; (586) 260-7735 C eandlcook@greatlakes.net Bernie Dudek / 2014 Awards (C); Auction; Entertainment (586) 727-1632 bernd@massnet1.net Scott Hill / 2013 Auction; Facilities (810) 479-6957 C; taz80819902@hotmail.com Raemi Kunath / 2014 Awards; Sponsorship (C); Personnel; Publicity (C); Auction; Facilities; Entertainment (810) 765-4811 H; (810) 765-7101W kunath@homesgalore.com Al Leone / 2015 Entertainment(Crater); Facilities (C); Personnel (586) 727-8562 H; (586) 217-1660 C; aleone@rscontracting.com Dan McCue / 2013 Facilities; Personnel; Entertainment (Crater) (810) 367-3325 H dmcc441@cs.com Kent Renn / 2014 Entertainment(Crater); Facilities (C) (810) 751-7442 C Chris Ruemenapp / 2013 Awards; Personnel (C); Publicity; Auction; Sponsorship (586) 321-5017 C chrisruemenapp@hotmail.com Rick Ruemenapp / 2014 Facilities; Auction (C); Personnel (586) 321-7808 C Rickruemenapp@stclaircounty4hfair.org Jeff Schelske / 2015 Facilities; Personnel (810) 956-8837; jschelske62@gmail.com Lori Schott / 2013 Publicity; Sponsorship (810) 387-2479 H; lssocks800@yahoo.com Mike Tomasek / 2012 Entertainment; Publicity; Sponsorship (810) 765-4801H; mgtomasek@hotmail.com Barbara Treaster / 2013 Publicity; Personnel (810) 765-3117 H; barbtreaster@comcast.net Rob Usakowski/2015 Auction (810) 637-1537; rusak5@hotmail.com Ed Wilcox / 2014 Sponsorship; Facilities (586) 292-0192 C; (586) 757-5505 H EdwardWilcox@centerline-elec.com Donna Wojtysiak / 2013 Awards; Entertainment (C) (810) 395-2290 H/W; (810) 543-5355 C Meetings: Monthly Meetings are held 2nd Monday of every month @ 7 P.M. at Goodells County Park. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WISHES TO EXTEND A BIG THE COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS, & THE LOCAL 4-H LEADERS Their Support Makes This Fair A Success! We appreciate the assistance and cooperation provided by the following: 2012 Fair Clerks 2012Fair Judges 2012 Fair Superintendents Achatz Catering Active Tree Service American European Foods Amist Concessions Armada Fair Board Associated Design Services Bertossi Bulldozing Blue Water Boiler & Mech.Inc. Blue Water Lift Truck Blumerich Farms Bolday’s Dairy Farm Center Line Electric Chippewa Party Shoppe Cloverdale Equipment Country Crossing Emmett Fire Department Foster Blue Water Oil Fountain Family Great Lakes Power & Lighting Greenia’s Service Center Hammar Contracting Homes Galore Real Estate Insulation Plus Jones Equipment Rental K/E Electic Supply Kenockee Twp. Fire & Rescue M-21 Small Engine Michigan CAT Mini Mobile MSU Extension Support Staff O’Connor Auctioneer Quinlan, Bryon & Joyce Regional Realty Richmond/Lenox EMS Richmond New Holland RS Contracting St. Clair County DHIA St. Clair County 4-H Council Skerbeck’s Stu Brown Builder’s Sunshine Pool, Spas & Tanning TNT Equipment Treaster Photo Restoration Tri-City Accounting & Tax Service Tri-County Equipment United Rentals West Side Auto Parts WestHaven Baptist The St. Clair County Agricultural Society, sponsors of the 4-H Fair, and the volunteers and youth participants would like to take this opportunity to thank the many business firms that have supported this fair year after year, and also the many advertisers that are participating for the first time in 2012. ST. CLAIR COUNTY 4-H COUNCIL Meetings are the Third Monday of the Month in Jan., March, May, July, Sept., and Nov. 7 p.m. Community Bldg., County Park, Goodells. November meeting is the annual Pot Luck Dinner – meeting at the MSU Extension Office Bldg. Conf. Room Sponsors: Spring Achievement 4-H Leader Advisory Group providing direction to the County 4-H Program TERM EXPIRES 2013 TERM EXPIRES 2014 TERM EXPIRES 2015 Dale Avery Jackie Avery Denise Czostkowski Donna Sill Crystal Sovey JoLee VanTroostenberghe Tim Warchuck Mike Whitenight Tom Whitenight Sr. Jessie Aguinaga Steve Aguinaga Jenny Fox Peggy Gregg Connie Murray Christine Ruemenapp Betty Stephens Linda Thueme Rob Usakowski Raemi Kunath Allen Leone Cindy Leone Kim Newberry Katrena Doughty Jeff Schelske Megan Tomasek Ashleigh Usakowski Cathie Usakowski HONORARY LIFETIME MEMBERS: Dave & Della Fiedler; Elaine Neiman; Richard Sullivan; Alfred & Doris Stuever; Donna Wojtysiak 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page SAFETY RULES 1. No dogs or any other animals not affiliated with the fair allowed in the county park (including campgrounds). 2. All animals to be led to and follow designated walkways to and from the show rings, practice rings and trailers. 3. No animals in spectator area. 4. No horses in stalls with fuse box. 5. No spectators during the loading and unloading of animals. 6. Unload in designated area only and follow traffic pattern. 7. All spectators and fair participants must wear shoes in County Park at all times. 8. Spark plug disconnected in engines projects. 9. All exhibitors should carry some type of liability and hospitalization insurance. 10. No removal of still exhibits before 8 a.m. (pick up by 10 a.m.) or animals before 6 a.m. Sunday at end of the fair. 11. Exhibitors not following rules may be denied participation in next year’s fair. 12. The Fair Board carries a general insurance policy for the fair. Exhibitors and spectators are largely responsible for their projects and self while at the fair. In the event of a problem, report to the fair office immediately and fill out an Incident Report Form. 13. Designated security agency, will enforce rules. 14. All fair superintendents have the right to dismiss any exhibitor if he/she becomes a hazard to himself/herself or other exhibitors. 15. All animals to be tied properly. All dogs must be on a leash for dog show, pet parade and Ultimate Air Dogs Competition. 16. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages allowed in county park or campgrounds. 17. No unauthorized solicitation in County Park. 18. No motorized vehicles, bicycles, scooters, skate boards, or rollerblades allowed in county park or campgrounds. 19. No parking around barns. 20. All deliveries to barns must be made between 11 p.m. and 9 a.m. each day. No vehicles allowed behind barns between 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Move your vehicle to parking lot after unloading. 21. No unauthorized vehicles in county park/campgrounds. 22. In the event of inclement weather, seek shelter at the designated areas on the park map. ADMISSIONS Admission is $5/per person. Children 8 and under are always free. OR, Purchase a package of six daily admission tokens for $40. Each daily admission token admits one car and all occupants (if purchased by and including Sunday, July 21, 2013.) There are six unique tokens in the package, one unique to each day of the week to be retained for reentry. OR, Package of six daily admission tokens for $50 if purchased on Monday, July 22, 2013 at the entrance gate. There are six unique tokens in the package, one unique to each day of the week. OR, Purchase a daily token for $15 at the gate (July 22-July 27) during the fair. Each daily admission token admits one car and all occupants on the date purchased. Daily admission tokens can be purchased ahead by mail. NOTE: This must be IN our office by July 08, 2013 Send $40 (make checks payable to SCC Ag. Society) and SASE (selfaddressed stamped envelope) with $1 postage attached 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK RULES & REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS CONDUCT POLICY Anyone participating in a 4-H activity, who is caught in the act of theft or vandalism, or caught with illegal drugs, alcohol or under the influence of, who is involved in such act as unsportsmanlike conduct, foul language or animal abuse, may be dismissed from the county park. Premium monies will be forfeited and if it is determined by the 4-H staff, leaders, or persons in charge of the activity that the offense warrants it, the offender may be turned over to the proper authorities. 1. Rules found in this premium list take precedence over similar regulations appearing in publications published or revised previous to June 1st. 2. An exhibitor can enter an unlimited number of classes in most departments unless otherwise noted. However, the exhibitor will receive premium money only on the top three ratings in each department, and will be paid only once in each class. 3. Eligibility: To participate as a youth, exhibitors must have reached their eighth birthday as of January 1 of the current year; Upper age limit is exhibitors who have reached their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year. Fair age will be determined as of January 1 of the current year. If you were born in: (Age as of Jan. 1) 2004 you are 8 years old 2003 you are 9 years old 2002 you are 10 years old 2001 you are 11 years old 2000 you are 12 years old 1999 you are 13 years old 1998 you are 14 years old 1997 you are 15 years old 1996 you are 16 years old 1995 you are 17 years old 1994 you are 18 years old. 1993 you are 19 years old. Clover Sprout age is determined as of January 1 of the current year. If you were born in: (Age as of Jan. 1) 2007 you are 5 years old 2006 you are 6 years old 2005 you are 7 years old. 4. Enrollment: 4-H and Youth exhibitors must be properly enrolled, registered and entered with the fair office. Each exhibitor must turn in Entry Form, Livestock Drug Form, Livestock Care Agreement, and any Pre-Entry Forms by July 1st. For paperwork deadlines, please refer to individual project areas, along with the Livestock Rules & Regulations. 5. Each exhibitor will assume all risk in taking his exhibit to the fair. If exhibits are brought in before exhibit time, you must properly label your exhibit and leave in proper exhibit area. The Fair Board carries a general insurance policy for the fair. Exhibitors and spectators are largely responsible for their projects and self while at the fair. In the event of a claim, please report to the fair office immediately. 6. Exhibitors will be provided with exhibit tags. 7. Market sale animals released 6 a.m. Sunday. All other livestock will be released at 6 a.m. Sunday of the fair, or at Fair Board’s discretion. Still exhibits released between 8 & 10 a.m. Sunday. NOTICE : EXHIBITS NOT PICKED UP ON SUNDAY MORNING BY 10:00 A.M. WILL BE TAKEN TO THE FAIR OFFICE IN MARYSVILLE. THE FAIR OFFICE IN MARYSVILLE WILL BE OPEN ON A SATURDAY SEVERAL WEEKS AFER FAIR FOR A SECOND CHANCE PICKUP. EXHIBITS WILL BE DESTROYED AFTER THAT DATE.All exhibitors exhibiting livestock, dairy, poultry, and rabbits must clean and help dismantle pens when removing exhibits. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 8. Any livestock or still exhibit project that is not pre-registered will not be allowed to show. 9. Exhibits leaving before release time will forfeit all premiums. 10. No unauthorized solicitation in county park. 11. Exhibitors may not show the same project in multiple counties, or in the same project area in multiple counties. 12. Premiums: a. Premiums will be mailed to exhibitors after the fair. Exhibitors will be paid on the basis of their A & B. Only three classes per department will be paid. Funds to pay premiums come from the St. Clair County Agricultural Society and payment may be subject to fair receipts and may be prorated. b. Exhibitors with livestock, including poultry or rabbits must clean their pen or stall at the end of the fair. Superintendents will withhold premiums from exhibitors who do not clean their respective pens or stalls. c. Persons not turning in Entry Forms will not receive premiums. Premiums are not paid for Best of Class or Championship Classes. Entry forms are due July 1st. d. Premium check discrepancies must be settled with the Society within 60 days of the date checks are issued. e. The Society reserves the final and absolute right to mind all matters, questions or differences. It further reserves the right to amend or add to these rules, and in the case the receipts of the fair are insufficient to pay premiums and expenses, the Society may prorate sums on all awards. 13. Every article or animal upon the grounds will be under control of the Society. While the Society provides this precautionary measure for the protection of all exhibits and articles brought upon the grounds, it will not be responsible for loss, theft, injury or damage by fire, lightning, wind or any other act to such animal or article on exhibition or display, and upon which condition all entries are accepted. 14. The Society cannot be held responsible for mistakes in this book or on the web site and we reserve the right to make corrections where and when they appear. 15. RIBBON GUIDELINES: a. Each exhibit will receive a rating ribbon, A, B or C. b. Grand and Reserve ribbons awarded in all project areas, if warranted. c. Grand Champion, Reserve Champion and Best of Class ribbons can only be awarded to A rated exhibits. d. Animal/Livestock projects will receive placing ribbons, 1st 10th. e. EXHIBITORS ARE INELIGIBLE FOR ANY CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES/AWARDS IN THE PROJECT AREA IN WHICH A DEADLINE WAS MISSED. 16. TROPHY GUIDELINES: a. Trophies will be awarded at the judge's discretion. b. All trophies awarded must be sanctioned by the St. Clair County Agricultural Society. c. The Society reserves the right to revoke any/all awards, if deemed necessary. 5. All exhibits of livestock and the area occupied by them must be kept in good order by the exhibitor as directed by the superintendent in charge. Each exhibitor and/or exhibitor's group is responsible for their own cleaning equipment such as rakes, forks, shovels, feed dishes, water buckets, hoses & wheelbarrow. 6. Market sale livestock released Sunday 6 a.m. Animals will not be released before this time unless express permission has been granted from the Society. 7. Each exhibitor must provide his own hay, straw, wood chips, sawdust & feed for their project animals at the fair. 8. Exhibitors are responsible for the immediate removal of any deceased animals from the county park. 9. Animals exhibiting any of the following conditions, symptons, or behaviors shall not be permitted to enter the show: a. Animals showing no evidence of being dehorned. b. Male animals over four months of age except those permitted in the respective division classes. c. Stags (market steers, lambs, hogs). d. External parasites: lice, ticks, mange or other obvious disease or unthrifty animals. e. Failure to lead or be handled by the exhibitor in or out of the show ring. (All species at halter, collar, or lead strap. Judge’s discretion.) 10. Each exhibitor is required to read and sign the “Livestock Care Agreement” found in this book and on the web site. 11. Ten placing ribbons will be offered in each class. 12. Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons will be awarded when classes warrant it. 13. Refer to individual project areas for check in times of animals. 14. Check out time will be Sunday at 6:00 a.m., unless otherwise specified. Livestock sold at the Junior Livestock Sale will be released at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday. 15. All livestock projects must be registered by a date set by the Fair Board, found in the 'Rules & Regulations' section of this book. Animals not registered will not be allowed to show. 16. All sheep and lambs MUST be tagged with an official USDA identification tag prior to May 1st. Market lambs MUST have all nonUSDA identifying tags removed from the ears of their lambs. LIVESTOCK 1. Youth between 4-H ages of 5-7 can enter in the fair as Clover Sprouts. 2. Projects restricted to still exhibits that can be displayed in the green building. 3. No live livestock or animals may be exhibited. 4. No premiums awarded-only exhibitor ribbons will be awarded. 1. Exhibitors must fit, show and take care of their own animals at the fair. 2. Ear Tags, tattoo markings, ear notches or color markings must correspond to the registration papers. 3. All state sanitary and health regulations must be met, and will be checked prior to unloading animals. 4. All livestock exhibitors must help set up & tear down pens prior to and after the fair. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK OPEN CLASSES 1. All general rules apply to open class exhibitors. 2. All health requirements same as for 4-H and youth exhibitors. 3. Ribbons and rosettes will be awarded for all places listed for each class unless otherwise specified. 4. Exhibitors must fill out entry form and submit them by July 1st. Exhibitors showing in Open Horse show must fill out premium statement on day of show with name, address & social security number, or checks will not be mailed. 5. Open class saddle horses should not be at County Park until 7 a.m. Saturday. CLOVER SPROUT CLASSES 1. Ten placing ribbons will be offered in each class. 2. Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons will be awarded when classes warrant it. 3. Refer to individual project areas for check in times of animals. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 4. Check out time will be Sunday at 6:00 a.m., unless otherwise specified. Livestock sold at the Junior Livestock Sale will be released at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday. 5. All livestock projects must be registered by a date set by the Fair Board, found in the 'Rules & Regulations' section of this book. Animals not registered will not be allowed to show. 6. All sheep and lambs MUST be tagged with an official USDA identification tag prior to May 1st. Market lambs MUST have all nonUSDA identifying tags removed from the ears of their lambs. Furthermore, any information obtained in the practice of illegal alteration of an animal will be turned over to the proper authorities for criminal prosecution. THIS IS A ONE STRIKE AND YOU ARE OUT POLICY! Exhibitor will forfeit any premium, awards, or auction proceeds, and will be prohibited from further competition at shows in the United States, as well as being subject to criminal prosecution if proven guilty. The following is a listing of guidelines all exhibitors must follow to enter livestock at organized competitive events: 1. All exhibitors must have viable proof (Junior division) of ownership BEEF available to prove length of time animals have been owned. Market Dairy steers for first year exhibitors in the beef project. Beef animals animals (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats) must be owned and under with horns and/or warts will not be permitted to be shown. exhibitors daily care according to established rules and regulations for GOATS the fair or livestock exposition. This also includes all small market Not limited to the number an exhibitor may show. Dairy goats shown for animals (rabbits and poultry). The official ownership date is the date exhibit shall not have horns except Pygmy and Angora goats. Champion shown on the bill of sale, unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor, in whether must sell at auction. A dairy goat may be shown by only one which calving or birth records must be shown. (Local rules may 4-H exhibitor. determine ownership requirements for non-market animals). Market goats must be owned by May 1st of current year with exception Registered breeding livestock must show the exhibitor as the sole owner of kids born after that date. of the animal on the breed association papers or certificates. 2. No exhibitor may show an animal which has been previously sold at DAIRY an auction or sale as a market animal through another fair, livestock show, whether or not there is an actual change of ownership Dairy classes are for female animals only. Animals old enough to be (progressive level shows excluded). Any method used to misrepresent dehorned will not be allowed to show with horns. A limit of three animals per exhibitor with approval of Leader, Barn Superintendent and the age of an animal for a class in which it is shown is deceptive and considered illegal. Showing an animal for another individual by claiming Show Superintendent. ownership in order to show in a specific livestock class or event is prohibited. False ownership is illegal. RETAG POLICY FOR REPLACEMENT ANIMALS 3. Junior exhibitors are expected to feed, water, care for bedding, All replacement animals are ineligible for Grand or Reserve Champion cleaning and groom their animals while at the fair or livestock show. market animal awards. Exhibitors may replace a steer in the event of death or injury/illness that (Individual consideration will be given in extenuating circumstances.) Adults will not be allowed to physically assist in the preparation of the is irreversible and documented by a vet on or before April 30. Proper animal while at the show. Verbal instruction will be allowed, but no contacts must be made with the superintendents and the replacement physical assistance is permitted. Physical assistance may be rendered animal form completed and turned into the Fair Board, Livestock Sale by other junior aged members in good standing in 4-H and FFA Committee, and the project superintendent. Exhibitors may replace a market lamb, goat, hog, or veal in the event of programs. Any violations of this rule may result in immediate death or injury/illness that is irreversible and documented by a vet on or disqualification from the show. 4. Treating an animal internally or externally, with any irritant, counterbefore May 31st. Proper contacts must be made with superintendents irritant, or other substance used to artificially change the conformation and the replacement animal form completed and turned into the Fair or appearance of an animal for show is considered unethical, inhumane, Board, Livestock Sale Committee, and project superintendent. and is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the use of graphite, powders, hemp, artificial hair coloring, common products such as fly spray, ointment or liniment used to the point that it is irritating, (unless SHOW RING CODE OF ETHICS required to reduce edema at time of calving) or similar type products. The use of dyes, spray paint or other artificial coloring which result in This code of ethics applies to anyone exhibiting animals at livestock altering an animal’s true and natural appearance and/or color is shows in the United States. It includes Junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. All classes prohibited. Adding false hair or hair-like material, fleece or skin at any of livestock offered at the livestock event are included; Cattle, (Beef and point, spot or area of the animal’s body is illegal and will result in immediate disqualification. Any liquid or substance not considered part Dairy), Goats, (Angora, Boer, dairy, meat, cashmere), Equine, (Donkey, of an accepted and normal diet for livestock is deemed illegal and Horses, Mules) Llamas and other specialty animals, Poultry, Rabbits, inhumane. For example: the use of alcoholic or carbonated beverages Sheep, Swine, and any other livestock classes offered. This "Show Ring as a drench or filler, etc. Code of Ethics" will be enhanced with additional rules and regulations 5. The use of tranquilizers, sedatives, or depressants which alter the which individual fairs and livestock shows impose on the local, county, physical or physiological state of the animal is illegal. Exceptions to this state, regional, and national levels. rule would be a licensed, certified veterinarian's treatment for a The following practices or procedures are unacceptable and are defined recognized disease or injury, or recommendation for tranquilizing as being deceptive, fraudulent, unethical, and inhumane in the care, breeding animals in heat that might compromise the safety of others. fitting, preparation and showing of all classes of livestock. The use of The drugs must be approved by The Food and Drug Administration for any illegal drugs is prohibited. Legal or illegal substances used to phenol use in meat producing animals. All exhibitors shall advise show typically alter the appearance of an animal entered in livestock events is management of any drugs and/or medications administered to an prohibited (see rule #4). Use of illegal drugs is considered a animal that might be detected at the time of showing or at meat premeditated act! inspection. The name of the drug, its purpose, the person who administered the drug, time and date of administration shall be presented to show management prior to the showing and sale of the 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page animal. Failure to report this information to the show management will result in severe penalty and/or disqualification. Any use of drugs or substances not approved by the Food and Drug Administration is strictly prohibited. All animals entered into livestock competition shall be subject to testing for foreign substances that exceed acceptable levels established by the FDA, FSIS, USDA, or EPA. During the livestock events, in the case of animals requiring treatment, all medications shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian and the livestock superintendent shall be notified. 6. Surgery, injection or insertion of foreign material OR AIR under the skin and/or into the flesh of an animal to change the natural contour, conformation or appearance of an animal’s body is illegal. This includes vegetable oil, silicon or any other substance used to alter the shape of the animal. Acceptable practices of physical preparation which are allowed include, clipping of hair, trimming of hooves, de-horning, or removal of ancillary teats. 7. The balancing of the udder by abnormal means that includes the use of a mechanical contrivance or the injection of fluid or drugs, setting the teats and/or occluding (sealing the ends) with a mechanical contrivance or with the use of a chemical preparation is illegal. Treating or massaging the udder or its attachments with an irritant or counterirritant is prohibited. 8. The use of inhumane fitting, showing and/or handling practices or devices shall not be tolerated. For example, breaking of tails, striking of the animal to cause swelling or for bracing purposes, use of an electrical contrivance, or use of overly severe bits is not acceptable. 9. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives or show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. 10. At the time an animal is sold at auction at the livestock show, the exhibitor shall be held directly responsible for animals that are rejected at a processing center due to the presence of foreign residues. The seller may be liable to the buyer for an amount equal to three times the purchased price and may also be liable for attorney’s fees and civil penalties. Show Management may share acceptable intelligence and evidence information with FDA and USDA. If for any reason, any part of 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK a meat animal carcass must be removed by the FDA or USDA inspectors, the market price will be discounted. 11. Show management reserves the right to require animal health certificates. Health inspections and diagnostic tests may be made before or after animals are on the livestock show premises for exhibitor and animal safety, or to regulate disease control procedures which may become necessary in emergencies as determined by animal health officials. Any violation of "The Show Ring Code of Ethics" or specific rules as designated by individual fairs and livestock shows will result in forfeiture of premiums and awards, disqualification, and may result in probationary status and/or loss of eligibility for future participation in organized livestock competition. Possible civil penalties may be imposed by the proper authorities based on evidence provided by the livestock show of exhibitors in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic act/or the animal mistreatment, neglect, and abandonment laws that apply on the local, state, and national levels. The decision of the livestock show management will be final. Other cooperating shows, (The International Association of Fairs and Expositions, The American Livestock Show and Rodeo Managers Association, and Western Fairs Association) will be notified of the action taken by the show management, which may affect the eligibility of the individual, group, or sponsoring organization for participation at other shows who are also members of these organizations. By making entry in this livestock show or event you are verifying you have read The Show Ring Code of Ethics and understand the consequences of and penalties involved for illegal, unethical, inhumane, and unfair practices of competition. You also verify that you and your family may be prohibited from future participation in organized fairs and livestock shows in the United States, and could face possible criminal prosecution and/or civil penalties if implicated in any of the aforementioned acts. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 10 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE RULES & REGULATIONS Auction Sale – Thursday, July 25, 2013 Order of Sale: Sheep, Beef, Goats, Veal, Poultry, Rabbits, and Swine Buyer’s Dinner: 4-7 p.m.; Livestock Sale: 2:00 p.m.; Silent Auction: 2-7 p.m. 1. All market animals must be tagged at a place and time designated each year by the Junior Livestock Sale Committee in order to be eligible for showing and sale. In the event your market animal loses an ear tag provided by the St. Clair County 4-H Fair, it is the exhibitors’ responsibility to contact their Superintendent. It is the Superintendent's responsibility to ensure that no market animal enters the county park at fair time without proper St. Clair County 4-H Fair identification. 2. All market livestock are to be shown and sold only by the registered owner. 3. Champion individual and champion pens of hogs and lambs must be sold. 4.. Livestock sold at the Jr. Livestock Sale will be released Sunday at 6 a.m. or at The Society’s discretion. Livestock not selling must stay at the county park until hour of release for all livestock. 5. It shall be the responsibility of all project exhibitors to get their animals to the sale area. 6. Exhibitors must be present to sell their animals. Exceptions must be brought to Fair Board. 7. Exhibitors with animals properly consigned who later refuse to sell their animal will be prohibited from participation for the present and ensuing years’ sale. Project credits and premium awards will also be forfeited. 8. Exhibitors may only sell their livestock by private treaty upon completion of the Jr. Livestock Sale on Thursday. Exhibitors selling or listing for sale prior to the completion of the livestock sale will be considered the same as members consigned and refusing to sell as far as the rules are concerned. 9. The exhibitors of the animals sold at the county fair will turn over to the Committee a percentage of the sale price of their animal or animals. The funds of the Committee thus collected will be used to pay for livestock sale expenses. 10. Animals not shown on show day cannot be sold in the sale unless approved by the Livestock Committee. 11. Any animal not placing Grand Champion or Reserve Champion of the entire show will be placed in the sale order according to the placing. The sale placing will be determined by the Livestock Committee. 12. Animals entered in market class will be weighed as they are unloaded. This will be their sale weight. 13. Market animals excluded from the livestock sale are prohibited from soliciting and advertising their animals until the conclusion of the sale. 14. Each buyer will receive a Buyers' Ribbon or Plaque. Purchasers of Grand Champion animals will be awarded a plaque at the sale. Pictures will be taken of all owners, animals and their buyers. Expense of the picture will be borne by the owner/seller. 15. All resales become property of the Jr. Livestock Sale Committee to be resold for market. Proceeds will go to the Jr. Livestock Sale Fund unless otherwise specified. No animal is to be sold through the 4-H Livestock Auction twice. 16. All sales are final. 17. Those desiring not to sell must notify the superintendent in writing by the show conclusion of their judging day that they wish to withdraw from the sale. No animals may be withdrawn after this date and hour. 18. Overweight hogs to be sold last in the sale order. WHOLESOME MEAT ASSURANCE PROGRAM 1. Prohibited are the uses of any non-approved chemicals or the improper use of any approved chemicals. 2. Any animal is subject to examination or tests to determine if a substance has been administered to alter its conformation and/or temper. 3. Exhibitors of all market animals must certify their compliance with manufacturer's pre-market withdrawal periods specified for any medication, drug, pesticide, or feed additives administered. 4. If any carcass is deemed unacceptable and therefore condemned for any reason by the USDA meat inspection standards, the exhibitor will not receive payment and if applicable, sale monies will be returned to the buyer. Further, if any animal tests positive for or is condemned because of a violative residue, the following actions will be taken: a. All awards will be forfeited. However, the rankings of animals in the show ring will remain unchanged. b. A violative residue finding will result in permanent disqualification from exhibiting at the fair. 5. All tests will be conducted at the time of show. 6. Drug related protests: a. The St. Clair County Agricultural Society/Livestock Sale Committee will accept protests as a means of initiating a drug testing procedure. Forms are available in the fair office. Those making the protest will assume all initial costs for the test. 7. "The Livestock Drug Testing Authorization" must be completed and turned in to each species superintendent prior to the show for all exhibitors in the market livestock project. 8. Each market livestock exhibitor will be required to read and sign the Livestock Drug Testing Authorization Form found in the center of this book and on the web site. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 11 2012 LIVESTOCK SALE BUYERS Alger Clarence Shaffer Birmingham Romualdo Ancog. Algonac Br ian Beaver Star Modernization Berlin Blumerich Farms Allenton BMV Transport Bob/Louanne Blumerich Byron Vollen Belle Arbor Show Cattle Dan/Crystal Jurczyszyn Ed Miller Almont Family Farm & Home Novak’s Yard Service, Inc. Anchorv ille Carrothers Lajuana Clancy Applegate April Cutler Armada Alton/Donna Marcath Armada Grain Ballard & Sons Electric Fox Farms Greenwood Energy Center Krause Vet. Clinic Mary/Karl Grettenberger Avoca Acme Acres Andrew/Mary Schrand Carolyn Richards Cassandra/Tom Hackstock Craig Hillis/Tracy Barth Dan Cowhy Excavating Dennis/Terri VanCamp Fargo Market Gayle Rowbotham Hamilton Farm Bureau Jackie Ward Jay Rowbotham Jeanne Criger Keith’s Home Repair Kyle/Jennifer Peters Midwest Metal Cons. Preston Beef Farms Rob/Pauline Rutkofske Sunr ise Stores Tom/Tracy Vincent Bear Lake Bayside Custom Canvas Richard Lutz 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Bloomfield Ron Johnson Brown City Brower Farms Brown City Elevator Capac CSB Bank Dale/Jackie Avery James/Veronica Stanley Louie’s Family Restaurant Mary Vamvas McConnell State Farm Michael Pillsbury Randy Schultz Casco Township Bob/Pam Wesolowski Halpin Family James/Susan Krol Leo/Veronica Dupuis Macomb Tire, Inc. Oakwood Farms R. S. Contracting Robert Clancy Contracting Thueme Hog Farm Tranchida Farrier Service Cass City Delong Cattle Company Weiss Equipment Chesterfield Township Larry/Jackie Whitenight Rosseel’s Farm & Garden China Beier Farms John/Marsha Westerman Michael/Kim Tomasek Niles Bouler Clinton Township Best Tool & Eng. Co. Jeanette Malinowski Jeff/Katie Genaw Clyde Township Blue Water Tent Rentals Moeller Investment Columbus A Plus Angus Farms All Needs Acct. & Inv. All Saints–Memphis K of C Caleb Kimberly Columbus (cont.) Charles/Dorothy Winn Child Evang. Fellowship CTS Financial Inc. Hackstock Construction L & M Brown Farms Michael/Victoria Modrich Michelle Wronski NuTech Seed Ralph/Jodi Beaufait Richmond Glass Co. Team Angus Farm Ted Wessel Winn Heritage Farms Wortman Farms Cottrellville Michael Heck Croswell Eastern Michigan Bank Fleming’s Helena Chemical Johnson Farm Noll Dairy Farm Inc. Rhett/Barb Hurley Dearb orn Cindi/John Fjelstad Leslie Cardwell East China Charlotte Boulier Brian/Corey May Karen Cedar Mary Gillman Emmett Chr istine Knoblock Dale/Laura Stade Duane Jurn Edward/Donna Wojtysiak Greenia’s Serv. Center Hillis Concrete & Masonry Pat/Lynn Bolday Siegel Sand & G ravel, Inc. Verellen Properties, LLC Fair Haven Bluewater Boiler & Mech. Brent/Janell Whitenight Bryant/Ashley Sebastian Connie Zarb Ira Chiropractic Joe/Theresa Whitenight John/Annette Parrish Josephine/Jessica Parrish Michael Shmina Nick/Annie Clancy Rick/Mary Ruemenapp www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Fair Haven (cont.) Sonny Zarb Fort Gratiot Art Hayes Chris Pennington Dr. Scott Alcott James Willis Jason/Julie Modrich Judge Cindy Lane Margo Allen Mar k DeVooght Mary Somogy Michael West Rob/Julie Patterson Scott/Connie Hill Simasko Law Office Tom/Janeen Loughren Fort Wayne, IN Jo-Ann Schaffer Goodells 3-R Manufacturing Amber Bailey Bob Hewitt Ed & Kim Lichota Gary Green George/DeAnna Clark Kassie/Kim Piotrowski Marshall Farms Sulkowski Seeds Tim Bailey Jr. Tim Bailey Sr. Wronski Farms Goodrich Thomas Gagnon Hancock Lynn Makela Harper Woods Brad Hanson Harrison Township Joe Cushing Imlay City Joanne Stewart Ray Long Jeddo Country Corner Hair Salon Jason/Jodi/David Veldman Kristie Lamb Accounting Lamb Dairy Farm Sirena Rogers Kenockee Township Keuning Construction Lichota Farms Nuss Farms Page 12 2012 LIVESTOCK SALE BUYERS Kimball Township Alex & Sons Tr ee Service B & K Construction Gentle Giant Rabbitry Greg VanCamp Jonathan Perkins Kingston Ruggles Beef Farm Lakeport Gary/Nancy Klemmer Lapeer Amy Schelske Lenox Township John/Karen Knapp Prosper Tech. Mach & Tool Lexington Bud’s Lawn Care Lincoln Park Mark/Ruth Kramer Mason Hall’s Trucking Nicole Hall Melvin Crop Production Services Memphis David Rushing Doug/Cheryl Newton Marty Cook Minden City Peck Family & Farm New Baltimore Brian/Koren Treppa Magnum Tool New Haven Frank MacKenzie North Branch Dick Coulter, Inc. North Street Betty Simpson Lynn Br ian/Karen Carrier Steve/Jessie Aguinaga Chris Richmond Macomb Township Dave/Lynda Genaw Larry Obrzut Jenny Frazier Rachel Thompson Lewis Farms Steven/Mary Hadley McKenzie Concrete, Inc. Thomas/Teresa Wesolowski Mike/Valer ie Fusee Madison Heights Sandy Schott Ilene O’Neil Okemos Marine City Chainsaw Charlie Delightfully Clean Don/Terri Dewey LTC Enterprizes Lisa Uppleger Patrick Phelan Tax Time The Sweet Tooth Tom Whitenight Zimmer Chiropractic Marlette Marlette Livestock Williams and Associates Marysville Clubhouse Tents Folske Trucking Joseph Radatz Scott/Jamie Whitenight Wayne Remy 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Russsell/Lindsey Laforte Oxford Jadon Enterprises John Manzella Peck Johnston’s Meats Pigeon Agri Valley Communication Agri-Valley Services Port Hope Tom McCormick Port Huron Bob McConnell Brad Driscoll Cargill Salt/Mid City Carolyn Mitchell Cynthia S. Platzer Daniel Roberts David Forester, CPA DRI LLC John Adair Kroger Port Huron (cont.) Kroger North Linda Dewey Mark Smith Marwood Manor Patrick Parcell Port Huron Hospital Richard MacGregor Seedguy Hydroseeding State Farm Insurance Stifel Nicolaus Tallmer Bank William Sullivan Ray Mike Harrington Schmidt Farms Richmond Active Tree Belle River Credit Union Erin Groeneveld, D.D.S Family Farm & Home Foster Oil Heinz Chiropractic Howell Vet Care Center Riley Richard Jurczystyn Terry Rakes Romeo Richard Tucker Richard/Tina Tucker Jr. Ruth Shade Tree Dairy Supplies St. Clair Abraham Gaffney,pc Barb Eves Dave Murphy Gary Ellery Jan/Pete Mudri Kevin’s Lawn Care Melanie Heitz Pete Ries St. Clair Shores Service Floor Covering Sandusky Green Stone TNT Equipment Tri County Equipment Shelb y Twp. Dr. Fred Lichota Perman Ind. Smiths Creek Bob/Kathie Duckworth www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Smiths Creek (cont.) Farm Bureau/Mike Butler Fast Freight Express Frazer & Sons Farm Kimball Fire Associates Russ Jackson Sullivan Farm Tim Warchuck Wadhams Rd. Animal Clin. South Lyon George Spiers United Sorters of America Troy Patty Landrith Ubly M.G. Trucking Wales Township Charlet Sinda Gaffney Farms Susan Thornhill Warren Laura Schultz Satterlund Supply Washington Advanced Vision Center Whittemore Barb Ashmor e Wilmore, KY Gail Marie Master – Roc Wixom Barb Winters Kelley Cerny Yale Ace Hardware Anthony/Kim Aguinaga C’Roy’s Carl’s Septic Service Comfort Prosthetics Dan LauwersLatina Stade Hilltop Storage Main Street Dentistry Prostaff Physical Regional Realty Robert Creutz Ruth Smith Seros Glass State Farm Ins-Andy Wilder Vinckier Foods-Wadhams Vinckier Foods-Yale Yale Steel, Inc. Page 13 DEPARTMENT 2 - YOUTH DAIRY Superintendent: Donna Wojtysiak (810) 543-5355 Asst. Superintendents: Duane Stuever (810) 395-7369 Brian Shinavier, (810) 987-3507 Premiums: A=$6; B=$4; C=No Premium Judging: Friday, 10:00 a.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Learn the importance of economics in a dairy operation and gain knowledge of breeding, feeding, and management. Set Up: Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Check In: Sunday between 1-6 p.m. or Monday 8-11 a.m. Pre-Entry Form Required, See Form Section of Website/Fair Book See "Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement" Classes combined or divided at Superintendent's discretion. SECTION 1 - SHOWMANSHIP Class 01 - 14 yr. olds. & over ( Senior) Class 02 - 12 & 13 yrs. (Junior) Class 03 - 10 & 11 yrs. (Intermediate) Class 04 - 8 & 9 yrs. (Young) Overall Showmanship (Grand and Reserve Champion and 1st alternate picked.) SECTION 2 - HOLSTEIN Breed Place Ribbons Given Class 06 - Junior Calf, born since 3-1-13 Class 07 - Intermediate Calf, born since 12-1-12, but before 2-28-13 Class 08 - Senior Calf, born since 9-1-12, but before 11-30-12. Class 09 - Summer Yearling, born since 6-1-12, but before 8-31-12. Class 10 - Junior Yearling, born since 3-1-12, but before 5-31-12. Class 11 - Intermediate Yearling, born since 12-1-11, but before 2-28-12. Class 12 - Senior Yearling, born since 9-1-11, but before 11-30-11 **Junior Champion & Reserve (winners of Classes 6 - 12) No premiums, at judge's discretion. Class 14 - Junior 2 Year Old Cow, born since 6-1-11, but before 8-31-11. Class 15 - 2 Year Old Cow, born since 9-1-10, but before 5-31-11. Class 16 - 3 Year Old Cow, born since 9-1-09 but before 8-31-10. Class 17 - 4 Year Old & Over Cow, born before 8-31-09. Note: Senior yearlings in production will show in 2 year old class. **Senior Champion & Reserve (winners of Classes 14 - 17) No premiums, at judge's discretion. **Grand & Reserve Champion - No Premiums Class 20 - Dairy Herd-2 animals; a cow and her daughter or granddaughter, or a combination of daughter and/or granddaughter. SECTION 3 - BROWN SWISS Class 21 - Junior Calf, born since 3-1-13. Class 22 - Intermediate Calf, born since 12-1-12, but before 2-28-13. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 23 - Senior Calf, born since 9-1-12, but before 11-30-12. Class 24 - Summer Yearling, born since 6-1-12, but before 8-31-12. Class 25 - Junior Yearling, born since 3-1-12, but before 8-31-12. Class 26 - Senior Yearling, born since 9-1-11, but before 2-28-12. Class 27 - 2 year old Cow, born since 9-1-10, but before 8-31-11. Class 28 - 3 year old Cow, born since 9-1-09, but before 8-31-10. Class 29 - 4 year old Cow, born before 8-31-09. Note: Senior yearlings in production will show in 2 year old class. **Grand & Reserve Champion (winners of Classes 21-29) No Premiums, at judge's discretion. Class 31 - Dairy Herd-2 animals; a cow and her daughter or granddaughter, or a combination of daughter and/or granddaughter. SECTION 4 –GUERNSEY Same classes as Brown Swiss SECTION 5 – JERSEY Same classes as Brown Swiss – Breed Place Ribbons given. SECTION 6 – AYRSHIRE Same classes as Brown Swiss SECTION 7 - RAILBIRD JUDGING No Premiums. Division 1 - 19 yrs. and under Division 2 - Over 20 yrs. The class to be selected by the superintendent. SECTION 8 - ADDITIONAL CLASSES All breeds shown together. Class 32 - Best udder of show. Class 33 - First Year Showman Award. No premiums. Class 35 - Milk Production-This class is for all 4-H dairy cattle with production records regardless of breed. Bring forms DH1-230, DH1-210. Production records announced at show. Required for this class are completed record or extended record of 90 days or more expressed on a mature equivalent basis. No trophy. SECTION 9 - CLUB HERDSMANSHIP No Premiums A cash donation in memory of James Sutermeister is given to Peggy Clark to be used to support and keep the dairy show going. SECTION 10 - COVER DESIGN CONTEST Category A - Hand Drawn (No Premiums) Category B - Computer Drawn (No Premiums) Contest open to all dairy cattle members, one design may be entered in each category. No copyrighted characters, design should be simple, neat and to the point. The following title must be used: St. Clair County 4-H & Youth Fair Dairy Show Friday, July 26, 2013 Cover size must be 5.5 inches wide by 8.5 inches long with a .5 inch margin on all sides. Design must be on white paper with black ink. Do not fold. Print name, address, and club on back of entry. Send by July 1st to: Donna Wojtysiak, 13177 Bryce Road, Emmett, MI 48022 www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 14 DEPARTMENT 4 - YOUTH BEEF Co-Superintendents: Bob Blumerich, (810) 441-2424; Dan Jurczyszyn, (810) 650-9742 Premiums: A=$6.00; B=$4.00; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about beef cattle: economics in a livestock operation, breeding, feeding, meat quality assurance and management. Set Up: Saturday at 12:00 p.m.(noon) Check In: Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. See "Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. " Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. Each entrant may exhibit only one market steer. 2. Heifers can show in showmanship, if exhibitor has no market steer. Prospect beef will only be allowed in showmanship is exhibitor does not have steer or heifer. Steer will be your primary choice and only may be switched out with permission of the superintendent. 3. All animals must be tied with suitable rope halter and neck rope. 4. Showmanship classes to be divided at Superintendent’s discretion. 5. Steers will be weighed as they are unloaded, must unload in gated area. No walking in from parking lot. 6. Coloring agents (paint, dye, etc) may only be used below the flank. Changing the color pattern of the animal is strictly prohibited. 7. No forced administration of fluids to create gut will be allowed. Please read The National Show Ring Code of Ethics. 8. Steers will be evaluated for marketability for the sale. Those exhibitors determined to have "no-sale" animals will be notified by 5 p.m. Wednesday of the fair. 9. It is highly recommended to have rubber mats or pieces of plywood under the front legs of cattle. All mats and sand must be covered with straw at all times. Exhibitors should also have milk crate or wooden box to hold water pail fastened to wall. 10. Every youth may have limited assistance in clipping and grooming by a Leader, parent, and other active St. Clair County 4H Beef project youth only. Eligible helpers must be willing to help everyone not just one youth. Assistance will be allowed as a show how, not by doing. The older you are the less assistance you get. Violation may result in the disqualification of the entry and exhibitor. 11. Starting March 1, 2007, all cattle moving to a show, sale, or exhibition are required to have an official radio frequency device (RFID) ear tag. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 12. In January each youth will weigh-in and tag a primary steer, with an option to weigh-in and tag one (1) extra steer per family. No youth can take someone else's primary steer. If you don't tag an extra steer, you still have the re-tag policy. 13. At least two people (Leaders/Parents) from each club must be with beef during Sunday load outs to help load beef. Must be available at 6 AM Sunday. 14. No wheelbarrows in beef barn walk ways during Sunday morning while loading of beef. 15. Home Grown Class Market Class must be bred and raised on the exhibitor’s farm. 16. Dairy steers for first year exhibitors in the beef project will be allowed. New in 2013 Prosepect Beef: 1. A prospect beef calf (feeder calf) is an immature male bovine animal, usually not over seven months of age that has been raised on a diet of milk, milk replacers, grains and/or roughage. 2. As part of the calf’s diet, calf may receive milk from cow (run on cow), but must be weaned by the time of fair. 3. All prospect calves need to be castrated and dehorned and fully healed before the fair to be exhibited. If there are signs of horns, only 1 inch maximum will be allowed. No swelling, signs of decay, trauma, drainage, etc. allowed. 4. Prospect beef will not be sold at Livestock Auction. 5. Prospect beef can be shown in Showmanship, only if the child does not have a steer or heifer. 6. Prospect beef will be weighed in on Sunday at the same time as beef steers. The maximum weight is 600 lbs. 7. Exhibitor will show animal like a steer. 8. Prospect calves may be a beef, dairy, or dairy-beef crossbred to exhibit in the show. If planning on showing as a fair steer the following year it can only be a beef breed. 9. Classes will be divided at the discretion of the superintendent. 10. An RFID tag must be in the animals ear. 11. Prospect beef will be shown along with Breeding Stock during the beef show. SECTION 1 - BREEDING STOCK All breeds shown together Class 05 - All Breeding Stock females 12 months and younger Class 06 - All Breeding Stock females over 12 months Class 07 - Cow and calf **Grand and Reserve Champion Female SECTION 2 - SHOWMANSHIP Class 01 - Senior, 15-18 yrs. old Class 02 - Junior, 13-14 yrs. old Class 03 - Intermediate, 11-12 yrs. old Class 04 - Young, 8-10 yrs. old **Overall Showmanship. No Premiums. (Grand and Reserve Champion and 1st Alternate picked.) SECTION 3 - RATE OF GAIN All projects entered automatically. Rate of Gain cash award donated by the Livestock Committee. 1st Place = $50.00 SECTION 4 - CLUB HERD To be shown between showmanship and market class, Wednesday evening. Three steers are to be selected by each www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 15 participating club (from within the club) with four possible showmen (3 to exhibit and an additional as herdsman). Clubs with two or fewer steers may merge with another club to compete in this class. $25 cash award. 3. Maximum weight of 125 pounds at May weigh in. There will be no maximum weight at fair. However there is a minimum of 180 pounds. Exhibitors having calves that are either over or under weight will have the option of participating in showmanship with their calf or removing the calf from the SECTION 5 - MARKET STEER CLASS fairgrounds. If the exhibitor decides to participate in All breeds shown together showmanship, the calf must remain on the fairgrounds until Class 10 - Market Steer. Will be split at the discretion of the Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Underweight calves will not be permitted to Superintendent. All steers will be shown in this class. show in the market classes. Underweight calves may be sold at Class 11 – Home breed steers, must be bred and raised on auction. exhibitor’s farm. 4. Veal calves are to be exhibited like a beef animal with no **Grand Champion, Reserve Champion and 3rd Best. show stick. Exhibitors are to wear a dark colored jeans or slacks SECTION 6 - CLUB AWARDS and should be in a collared shirt or blouse and leather boots or Best Decorated Club - Club with the best decorations for the shoes. Hats, T-shirts, club shirts, shorts, tennis shoes and gum week of the fair (Plaque). All clubs entered. $25 cash award chewing are unacceptable and will not be allowed in the show Best Educational Display - Judged on the best educational ring. The show halter should be clean, neat, properly adjusted display as a Club (Plaque). All clubs entered. $25 cash award and in good repair. The halter should either be leather or nylon Clean Barn Award - Cash award given to the club that keeps their web (flat strap). Please read "The Show Ring Code of Ethics". area of the barn the cleanest all week. $25 cash award 5. Classes may be divided at the discretion of the supt. 6. The exhibitor should be able to handle the calf to its best SECTION 7 – PROSPECT BEEF advantage. This includes preventability, cleanliness of exhibitor Class 15 – Prospect Beef- to be divided at superintendent’s and calf, ability to lead the calf, and keep it under control in the discretion. show ring. Inability to do so may result in a lower rating. 7. Exhibitors may exhibit and sell only one veal calf. Each family may tag an additional veal calf which may be substituted upon death or illness of original veal calf. Those not tagging an additional calf are subject to the re-tag policy. 8. All medications must be discontinued prior to the date DEPARTMENT 4- YOUTH BEEF VEAL specified on container. Each exhibitor in veal and their parent Superintendents: will be required to sign the Livestock Drug Testing Auth. form. Dan Jurczyszyn, (810) 650-9742 9. Exhibitors may show a veal calf that is a bull or heifer. Asst. Superintendent: Bob Blumerich, (810) 441-2424 Castrated calves are not permitted. Premiums: A=$3.00; B=$2.00; C=No Premium 10. It is highly recommended that exhibitors bring water from Judging: Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. home for their animal. Location: Beef Arena 11. Exhibitors are responsible for any veterinarian bills. Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about veal: economics in a livestock SECTION 10 – SHOWMANSHIP operation, breeding, feeding, meat quality assurance and Class 01 - Senior, 15 yrs. & over management. Class 02 - Junior, 11-14 yr. olds Set Up: Saturday at 12::00 p.m. (noon) Class 03 - Young, 8-10 yr. olds Check In: Sunday between 1-6 p.m. **Overall Showmanship. No Premiums. (Grand and Reserve Veal calves must be tagged on the first Saturday in May from Champion and 1st Alternative picked.) 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon at Goodells County Park. SECTION 11 - VEAL MARKET CLASS See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Class 05 - Market veal calf Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Class 06 - Under weight calves Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care **Grand and Reserve Champion Veal Calf Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. ” SECTION 12 - RATE-OF-GAIN Fair Exhibit Requirements: Rate-of-Gain cash award donated by the Junior Livestock Sale 1. A veal calf is an immature bovine animal, usually not over four Committee. 1st Place - $20. (4) months of age, that has been raised only on milk or milk replacers, which makes the color of its meat a light grayish-pink. DEPARTMENT 6 - YOUTH SHEEP Each exhibitor in veal and their parent will be required to sign a Superintendents: Chris Ruemenapp (586) 321-5017; certificate stating that the calf has only been fed a strict diet of Theresa Whitenight (586) 725- 3086; milk or milk replacers. Alan Thueme (586) 727-1008; 2. All calves should be housed on bedding of wood chips or Ashley Sebastian, (586) 242-7554; sawdust. Straw or other edible products should never be used. Premiums: A=$3; B=$2; C=No Premiums 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 16 Judging: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about sheep: economics in a livestock operation, breeding, meat quality assurance and management. Set Up: Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Check in: Sunday between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. " Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. Lambs may not be castrated after June 1st. 2. Market lambs may not exhibit with butt wool, meaning wool longer on the butt than the balance of the market lamb. 3. No muzzles on lambs at any time. 4. Pens to be bedded with natural material (wood shavings, straw, etc.). No carpets. 5. While in the show ring the lamb to be shown with all four feet on the ground or ring surface. 6. While at the fair, lambs are to be monitored while in a stand to insure they do not step off surface. Humane handling. 7. Water must be available in pens at all times except 12 hours prior to entering show ring. 8. No liquid feeding of lambs. 9. All lambs/sheep must have the mandated scrappies tag. 10. Lambs will be double tagged. Notification must be made to the superintendent that the lamb lost one of their tags before the second tag falls out or the market lamb will not be eligible for grand or res. champion market lamb or pen. 11. All breeder tags must be removed at May weigh-in. 12. Exhibitor must notify Supt. of what individual lamb they will be showing at final weigh-in/check-in date. 13. All market lambs must have an average daily gain of .4 lbs. per day or greater in order to be eligible for the market lamb class and the livestock sale. Market lambs not meeting this requirement will be exhibited in a feeder lamb class and not be eligible for auction at the fair. Lambs must also meet this minimum weight of 90 lbs. on July 21, 2013. Calculating this out, 78 days from the May 4th weigh in to the July 21st fair dates, your lamb must gain at least 31 pounds, in order to be eligible for the market lamb class and sale. 14. Exhibitors may tag no more than 2 market lambs. 15. Exhibitors must own their market lambs by May 1st. 16. Market lambs must have project animals tagged on the mandatory date and site. SECTION 1 – SHOWMANSHIP Class 01 – Senior Showmanship, 15 yrs. old & over Class 02 – Junior Showmanship, 13-14 yr. olds Class 03 – Intermediate Showmanship, 11-12 yrs. Class 04 – Young Showmanship, 8-10 yrs. May be shown in halter. **Overall Grand Showmanship. No Premiums. (Grand and Reserve Champion and 1st Alternative picked.) Champions to 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK compete with champions from walking fleece for sweepstakes showmanship eligibility. SECTION 2 - HOMEGROWN MARKET LAMBS Class 15 - Homegrown Individual Market Lamb - all breeds, weighing over 90 lbs. bred and raised on the exhibitors farm. (Lambs exhibiting in this class must also be shown in a class under Section 3.) Ewes and wethers to show in the same class. SECTION 3 - MARKET LAMBS (All Breeds Shown Together - Ewe or Wether only) You must be an exhibitor to assist in Class 16 & 18. Class 16 - Market Lambs-WETHERS, All Breeds, Must be 90 lbs. and over. **Grand and Reserve Champion Market Lamb- Wether Class 18 - Individual Market Lambs- EWES, All Breeds, Lambs weighing 90 lbs. or over. **Grand and Reserve Champion Market Lamb -Ewe **Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lamb (to be chosen from grand/reserve from Class 16 & 18 Class 20 - Individual Feeder Lamb, All Breeds, Lambs weighing 89 lbs. or less. Classes can be split at the discretion of the superintendents. SECTION 4 – BREEDING SHEEP-Meat Breeds Only **Lambs entered in Class 18 cannot be shown in breeding sheep classes Class 21 – Aged Ewe (2yrs. and older) Class 22 – Lamb and Yearling Ewe (1 month to under 2 yrs. old) Class 24 – Ram Lamb (under 1 year) **Grand/Reserve Breeding Sheep SECTION 5 - RATE-OF-GAIN Rate-of-Gain Contest - Cash Prize, 1st: $20 and trophy. All market projects entered automatically. SECTION 6 - Best Decorated Club(to be combined with Walking Fleece) Cash award. All clubs entered automatically. Announced at end of Sheep Show. DEPARTMENT 8 - YOUTH GOATS Superintendents: Crystal Sovey, (586) 405-6553, email casovey@gmail.com; Kristy Hardy; Emily Sovey; Megan Tomasek Judging: Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about goats: economics in a livestock operation, breeding, feeding, quality assurance and mgt. Set up: Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Check in: Sunday 1-6 p.m. Pre-Entry Form Required, See Form Section of Website/Fair Book www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 17 See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. " Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. All market goats must be weighed and tagged. MARKET GOATS MUST HAVE BEEN BORN ON OR AFTER JAN. 1ST OF THE CURRENT YEAR. Market goats must be owned by May 1st with exception of kids born after that date. Market Goats and all other goat pre-entry forms due July 1st. 2. All animals entering the fairgrounds will be subject to a health examination before unloading. 3. Exhibitors will be required to bring their own gate latches. 4. No bucks are allowed. (Exception made for dams nursing kids under 8 wks . of age. Dam must be exhibited in a class.) No companion animals are allowed. All goats must be exhibited in a class. 5. Limit of one goat per class. (EXCEPTION DAM AND DAUGHTER) The EXHIBITOR who is showing the DAUGHTER is the exhibitor for the dam and daughter class. Both the dam and daughter must be shown in their RESPECTIVE breed class. 6. Showmanship attire for all classes: white collared shirt, white, black or khaki pants; protective footwear - regardless of breed being exhibited. 7. Exhibitors are required to bring their own equipment and milk stands. Premiums withheld for using other exhibitors milk stands, etc. All stands are to be kept in the tack pens. 8. Goats released Sunday 6 a.m. Premiums will be withheld if exhibitor does not clean out pens and help with tear down. 9. Classes can be divided or combined at the Judge's discretion. 10. Dairy goats 2 and older that ARE NOT CURRENTLY IN MILK must be shown in Class 13- Dry Does and older. 11. There will not be a mandatory milk out for the show. 12. All water pails must be secured with a gate latch to the pen. 13. All grain must be stored in a goat proof tight lid container. 14. Each exhibitor is required to do 1 hours of barn duty. 15. Straw only bedding for goats. NO shavings. 16. Animals are to be shown by one exhibitor. No sharing of animals. 17. Hay feeders are required and are to be securely attached to the pen. ABSOLUTELY NO FEEDING OF HAY OR GRAIN ON THE GROUND. 18. All dairy goat breeds will be shown together. 19. All grain feeders must be removed from pens by 10:00am. 20. All body shaving of goats is to be done at home. Touch ups may be done in your club tack pen, under the beef tent, or on the west side of the goat tent. You are responsible for cleaning up all hair. 21. All goats are required to have official identification tattoos and corresponding registration papers (registration applications are NOT ACCEPTED) or must be tagged with official USDA scrappie tag prior to unloading as stated in Livestock Rules and Regulations. 22. Exhibitors must provide their own materials to keep small goats in their pen. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 23. To qualify for herdsmanship judging, all decorating must be finished by 10 p.m. Monday evening. 24. Exhibitors with Pygmy and Angora Goats that have horns must provide materials for their animal pen(s) to prevent the horns on the animal from getting stuck in the fencing and to prevent them from injuring goats in adjoining pens. Dairy Goats and Market Goats are not allowed to have horns. 25. The exhibitor is responsible for all the care and feeding and grooming of their animals while at fair. Parents and leaders are allowed to help hold the animal white the exhibitor grooms the animal. SECTION 1 – SHOWMANSHIP Showmanship judging information: Exhibitors entering the Goat Project Area must participate in Showmanship. Pygmy goat showmanship will be judged in accordance with the National Pygmy Goat Association Scorecard. Dairy Goats and Market Goats will be judged in accordance with the American Dairy Goat Association Scorecard. Class 01 - Senior Showmanship, 15 yrs. & older Class 02 - Junior Showmanship, 13 & 14 yrs. old Class 03 - Intermediate Showmanship, 11 & 12 yrs. old Class 04 - Youth Showmanship, 8-10 yrs. old Class 05 – First year showman – any age **Overall Showmanship (Grand, Reserve and first alternate picked.) SECTION 2 - DAIRY GOATS: STANDARD & NIGERIAN Class 08 - Milking Doe under 2 yrs. Class 09 - Milking Doe 2 yrs. and under 3 Class 10 - Milking Doe 3 yrs. and under 4 Class 11 - Milking Doe 4 yrs. and under 5 Class 12 - Milking Doe 5 yrs. and older Class 13 – Dry Does age 2 and older **Grand & Reserve Champion Senior Doe (All breeds) No Premiums Class 15 - Best udder of show (ribbons only, no premiums) Class 16 - Junior Doe Kid (born April 1 – April 30 of current year) Class 17 - Intermediate Doe Kid (born between March 1st- 31st, this year) Class 18 - Senior Doe Kid (born Jan. 1-Feb. 28, this year) Class 19 - Junior Yearling (born June 1 - Dec. 31, last year) Class 20 - Senior Yearling (born Jan. 1 - May 31, last year) **Grand & Reserve Junior Champion Doe (All breeds) No Premiums **Overall Grand and Reserve Champion from Sr. & Jr. Champions Class 25 - Dam and daughter (One daughter & one dam) SECTION 3 - MARKET GOATS Class 26 - Market Animal (45 lbs. and up) Class 27 - Feeder Animal (44 lbs. and under) Class 28 - Rate of Gain All projects entered automatically. First Place=$10 award donated by Jr. Livestock Sale Committee. **Grand & Reserve Champion Market Goat SECTION 4 - PYGMY GOATS Class 31 - Doe 5 yrs. and older Class 32 - Doe 4 yrs. and under 5 yrs. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 18 Class 33 - Doe 3 yrs. and under 4 yrs. Class 34 - Doe 2 yr. and under 3 yrs. Class 35 – Doe 1 yr and under 2 yrs. – freshened once. **Grand & Reserve Senior Champions (No Premiums) Class 39 - Best udder (ribbons only, no premium) Class 40 – Junior Doe Kid (born bet. April 1 - April 30 curr. year) Class 41 - Intermediate Doe Kid (born between March 1 – March 31 current year) Class 42 - Senior Doe Kid (born between Jan. 1 – February 29 of current year) Class 43 – Junior Yearling (never freshened, born between June 1 –December 31 of last year) Class 44 – Senior Yearling (never freshened, born between Jan. 1 – May 31 of last year. Class 45 - Senior unfreshened yearling (never freshened19 months - 2 years) **Grand & Reserve Junior Champion (No Premiums) Class 48 - Dam and Daughter (one daughter and one dam) **Overall Grand & Reserve Champion (Sr. Doe and Jr. Doe) SECTION 5 - ANGORA GOATS Premium, no trophy Class 55 - Aged Doe (over 2 yrs.) Class 56 - Yearling Doe Class 57 - Doe Kid (under 1 yr.) Class 58 - Wether (All ages) Rick Ruemenapp cell (586) 321-7808 Email: RickRuemenapp@stclaircounty4hfair.org Premiums: A=$3; B=$2; C=No Premiums Swine Record Book: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. Location: Beef Arena Set Up: Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Check In: Sunday, between 1:00-6:00 p.m. Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about swine: economics in a livestock operation, breeding, feeding, meat quality assurance and management. All HOGS must be tagged on weigh-in day, first Saturday in May. Record Book/Animal Science Project: Required of all exhibitors of market swine in order to show/sell and must be turned in by July 1. Books available at the Fair Office, Website or 4-H office See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization" Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All hogs must be in place by 6 p.m. on Sunday. 2. Completed stall cards must be in place above each pen by Monday 10 a.m. of the fair. SECTION 6 - COSTUME & HERDSMANSHIP 3. Each club must designate a person responsible to hang up the Class 64 - Costume – Following Show buyers cards above their clubs pens on Thursday after Class 65 - Herdsmanship (no premium & no trophy) will be completion of the auction. judged after the costume class approximately 1 hour after the 4. All body clipped hogs must follow state guidelines of at least show. ADGA Herdsmanship score card will be used. All clubs 1/2 inch of hair or exhibitor will not be allowed to show or sell. automatically entered. The winning club gets to have their choice 5. All hogs to be fed & barn cleaned by 10 am & 7 pm daily. of pens in the tent for the following year. Following costume 6. Any animal that presents to unload and is dirty or have dirty class. unreadable ear tags will be asked to pull their trailer forward, SECTION 7 - PET WETHER clean them out, wash the animals and re-enter the line to unload. Proper bedding is a must to keep animals clean and free Not for market goats from injury during transport. Class 72 - Jr. Pet Wether (under 1 year) 7. All homemade feeders or waterers made of PVC pipe or PVC Class 75 - Sr. Pet Wether (1 yr. and over) like materials are to be no more than 12 inches above the top of **Grand & Reserve. Champion Wether st nd (1 and 2 place winners from Jr. Pet Wether and Sr. Pet Wether the pens. The pens are 34 inches tall. 8. Assistants for classes where both pigs are being shown must competing) be a 4-H member of 4-H age. SECTION 8 – BEST GOAT IN SHOW 9. All non SCC Fair and USDA tags will be removed upon weigh-in Best Goat in Show – Trophy Only at the fair. (Grand Champion Winners from Dairy, Pygmy/Boer, Angora, and 10. Hogs must weigh between 220 and 280 to be shown in Pet Wether Class Competing) market classes, otherwise they will be shown in over and under weight class. 11. Exhibitors may tag and show a maximum of 2 hogs. Exhibitors may show 1 barrow and 1 gilt or 2 of the same sex. 12. Exhibitors may not show at other shows 45 days prior to fair DEPARTMENT 10 - YOUTH SWINE to avoid the spread of swine diseases. THE SWINE PROJECT IS A TERMINAL PROJECT. ALL SWINE WILL BE PROCESSED AT THE END OF FAIR. Superintendents: Bernie Dudek, cell (810) 488-0361 Email: bernd@massnet1.net 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK SECTION 1 - SWINE RECORD BOOK Swine Record Books are mandatory in order to show/sell. Swine Record Book or entry in Animal Science Dept. related to www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 19 swine. Record Books available at May weigh-in. Afterwards they will be available at the Fair Office/Extension 4-H Office/Website. Class 01 - 1st-3rd yr. swine members. Due July 1st to the Fair Office. **(Grand, Reserve and Best of Class will be awarded ) Class 02 - 4th yr. and up swine members. Due July 1st to the Fair Office. **(Grand, Reserve and Best of Class will be awarded) SECTION 2 - SWINE SHOWMANSHIP Classes may be combined at the discretion of the Superintendent. Class 04 - 8 yrs. old Class 05 - 9 yrs. old Class 07 - 10 yrs. old Class 08 - 11 yrs. old Class 10 - 12 yrs. old Class 11 - 13 yrs. old Class 13 - 14 yrs. old Class 14 - 15 yrs. old Class 16 - 16 yrs. old Class 17 - 17 yrs. old Class 19 - 18 yrs. old Class 20 – 19 yrs. old **Grand & Reserve Champion Swine Showman SECTION 3 - MARKET SWINE INDIVIDUAL Class 34 - Individual Barrow Market Hog (Weight 220-280) Classes divided according to weight: a. Feather weight, Medium-Lightweight, Heavy-Lightweight *Grand and Reserve Champion; Light weight (no premium) b. Light-Medium weight, Small weight, Medium weight, Heavy-Medium weight *Grand and Reserve Champion; Medium weight (no premium) c. Light-Heavyweight, Medium-Heavyweight, Heavyheavyweight, Large-weight *Grand and Reserve Champion; Heavyweight (no premium) **Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Barrow Market Hog (Selected from division champions and reserves above.) Class 35 - Individual Gilt Market Hog (Weight 220-280) Classes divided according to weight: a. Featherweight, Medium-Lightweight, Heavy-Lightweight *Grand and Reserve Champion; Light weight (no premium) b. Light-Medium weight, Small weight, Medium weight, Heavy-Medium weight *Grand and Reserve Champion Medium weight (no premium) c. Light-Heavyweight, Medium-Heavyweight, Heavyheavyweight, Large-weight *Grand and Reserve Champion Heavyweight (no premium) **Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Gilt Market Hog (Selected from division champions and reserves above **Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Hog (Selected from the Grand and Reserve Champion Barrow and Gilt classes) SECTION 5 - FEEDER PIGS Class 46 - Feeder Pigs – Weigh under 220 lbs. at weigh-in 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK All feeder pigs will be transported by the fair to processors for a fee of $20 per hog. Owners are responsible for paying this fee and designating what processor by Friday at Noon in the Fair Office. There will be no self pickup. SECTION 6 - OVERWEIGHT HOGS Class 47 - Overweight Hogs - Weight over 280 limit at weigh in. All hogs over the 280 maximum will be evaluated for marketability. All overweight hogs that are eligible to sell will be sold at the end of the sale order. SECTION 7 - COVER DESIGN CONTEST Category A: Hand Drawn (No Premiums.) Category B: Computer Drawn (No Premiums.) Contest open to all swine members, one design may be entered in each category. No copyrighted characters, design should be simple neat and to the point. The following title must be used: St. Clair County 4-H & Youth Fair Swine Show 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Design must fit a 8.5 by 11. piece of paper with a .5 inch margin on all sides. Must be black ink on white paper. DO NOT FOLD. Print name, address, and club on back of entry and send by July 1st to: Fair Office P.O. Box 325 Marysville, MI 48040 SECTION 9 CLUB AWARDS Clean Barn Award - $25 cash award given to the club that keeps their area of the barn the cleanest all week. Best Decorated Club - Club with the best decorations for the week of the fair ($25 Cash Award) Best Educational Display - Judged on the best educational display as a club ($25 Cash Award) DEPARTMENT 12 - YOUTH POULTRY: POULTRY Superintendent: Don Walker, (248) 514-2838; Pamela Walker, (810) 305-1151 Kay Smith; Jackie Ward (Market Poultry) Premiums: A=$2.50; B=$1.50; C=No Premiums Project Record Book/Poultry Science Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: All judging on Monday, at 9:00 a.m. Location: Poultry Barn Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about poultry/pigeons: economics in a poultry operation, breeding, feeding, meat quality assurance and management. Set up: Friday at 6:30 p.m. Check In: Sunday ONLY from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Pre-Entry Form Required. See Forms Section of Fair Book or Website www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 20 record books are to be turned in by July 1st. Proof of hatch date should be stapled to the back of the project record book. 11. Exhibitor must be present to weigh-in their birds and coop in their own birds. 12. All exhibitors participating in market poultry projects will be responsible to sign up to work the silent auction wagon, poultry pick up table, and various other duties related to the livestock sale and processing and market project birds. Failure to sign and fulfill duties will result in loss of awards, premiums and right to sell. Fair Exhibit Requirements 13. All exhibitors are responsible for own feed and water cups 1. Exhibitors must be present during judging. (see #3), feed and bedding (pine shavings ONLY, NO CEDAR). 2. There is no limit on the number of entries. Except market 14. Judging for showmanship using one bird, any breed, sex/age. classes, one entry per species, pending sufficient cage space. 15. Judges decisions are final. 3. Exhibitors must have feed and water containers that are un16. Poultry exhibits check out Sunday at 8 A.M. SHARP spillable and hang on the cage. It is highly recommended that 17. Some Classes may be combined, or split (if greater than 10) exhibitors use ½ gal plastic feed & water cups for turkeys, geese, 18. Birds will be judged by A. P. A. and A. B. A. Book of market chicken pens and large breed ducks; 1 gt. or larger plastic Standards. feed & water cup for egg production and 1 pt. for bantam SECTION 1 - STANDARD BREEDS chicken and bantam ducks. See pictures below: Class 1 - American (Examples; Jersey Giants, Reds, Rocks, Wyandottes) Class 2 - Asiatic (Examples; Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans) Class 3 - English (Examples; Australops, Cornish, Dorking, Orpingtons, Sussex) Class 4 - Mediterranean (Examples; Ancona, Andalusian, Leghorns, Minorca) Available for purchase @ http://www.cutlersupply.com Class 5 - Continental (Examples; Continental, Hamburgs, Polish, French, Houdans, Faverolles, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche) *Feeders and waters NOT allowed: fountain waters of any Class 6 - All Other Standard Breeds (Examples; Games, Modern kind, cut plastic cups, paper ice cream container, any container Old English, Oriental, Malays, Sumatras, Sultans Frizzles, that cannot be made un-spillable and to hang from the cage. Aracanas, Ameraucanas, Etc.) All other Standard Breeds are accepted in this class 4. Birds must be fed and watered at least twice per day. Cages Class 7 - Barnyard Classic (Examples: Isa Brown, Crossed Prod. must also be cleaned daily NO LATER THAN 10 A.M. Breeds, Golden Comets, any cross breed bird, etc.) 5. Birds should be dusted with commercial poultry dusting **Grand/Reserve Champion large fowl awarded, if warranted. powder before the fair. Birds found to be infested with mites, or dirty, etc., will not be allowed to enter. All poultry must be clean SECTION 2 - BANTAMS BREEDS Class 8 – Rosecomb clean legged (Examples; Hamburgs, to enter. 6. Egg Production: An entry consists of a dozen eggs. Eggs should Rosecombs, Sebrights, Wyandottes) be brought to the Poultry Barn the day of judging with exhibitor Class 9 – Single Comb Clean Legged (Examples; Frizzles, Leghorns, Reds Rocks) tag attached. Class 10 - Feather Legged (Examples; Brahmas, Silkies, Sultans, 7. Poultry Science: Exhibits should be brought to the Poultry Barn the day of judging. Exhibitors must be present for interview Cochin, Mille Fleur, Favorelles) Class 11 - Game (Examples; Old English & Modern Games) during judging. Class 13 All Other Comb Clean Leg (Examples; Ameraucanas, 8. Meat Production: Grand Champion and Reserve Champion will be sold at the Junior Livestock Auction. All other meat pens Araucanas, Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubalayas, Houdans, La Fleche, Malays, Polish, Shamos, Sicilian, may be sold through silent auction held during Jr. Livestock Buttercups, Sumatras & Yokohamas) Auction. 9. All market poultry exhibitors selling through Silent Auction are Class 14 - Barnyard Classic Any cross/breed Bantams **Grand/Reserve champion bantam chicken awarded, if responsible for making sure their photo is taken by noon on Monday, and included in auction display. Clean up after auction warranted. and when market animals are shipped for processing is the SECTION 3 - EGG PRODUCTION CHICKENS responsibility of the exhibitor. 10. All meat pens are required to bring a record book. These are Co-Superintendents: Kay Smith; Jackie Ward Egg Laying contest winners will be determined by number of eggs available from the Extension 4-H office or Fair Office. Project laid by Friday 5:00 pm. Ties will be broken by Sat. 12:00 noon. Record Book: Required of all exhibitors of market birds in order to show/sell and must be turned by July 1. Books available at the Fair Office, Website or 4-H Office Proof of hatch date must be stapled to the back of the project record book. See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. " 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 21 Class 15 - Hens-Two laying hens, any Standard breed Educational exhibit, display, poster or notebook or combination relating to poultry science. Exhibitors must be present for SECTION 4 – EGGS interview during judging. Class 17 - 1 dozen eggs, uniform color and size- Brown Class 51 - Sr. Division, 15 and older Class 18 – 1 dozen eggs, uniform color and size-white Class 52 - Jr. Division, 12 - 14 years old Class 19 – 1 dozen eggs, uniform color and size – any other color. Class 53 - Young Division, 11 & under Class 20 - 1 dozen eggs, uniform color and size – any other **Grand/Reserve champion awarded, if warranted. (bantam or duck) SECTION 11 - POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP **Grand/Reserve champion eggs, if warranted. Class 55 - Sr. Division, 15 and older SECTION 5 – SHOW DUCKS Class 56 - Jr. Division, 12 - 14 years old Class 19 - Heavy Breeds (Exs: Muscovy, Pekin, Rouens, Class 57 - Young Division, 11 & under Aylesbury) **Overall Showmanship, Grand/Reserve champion awarded, if Class 20 – Medium Breeds (Exs.: Cayuga, Buff, Swedish, Crested) warranted. Class 21 – Light Breeds (Examples; Runners, Khaki Cambells, Magpies) SECTION 12 - POULTRY RECORD BOOK - (MEAT BIRDS) Class 22 - Bantams (Examples; Calls, Mallards, East Indies, Class 60 - Sr. Division, 15 and older Mandarins, Carolina-wood) Class 61 - Jr. Division, 12 14 years old **Grand/Reserve champion duck awarded, if warranted. Class 62 - Young Division, 11 and under Record books must include proof of hatch date. Receipt should SECTION 6 – SHOW GEESE be stapled to the back of the project book. Do not use page Class 25 – Heavy Breeds (Examples; African, Embden, Tulouse) protectors or folders. Report covers are allowed. Class 26 – Medium Breeds (Examples; American Buff, Pilgrim, **Grand/Reserve Champion awarded, if warranted. Sebastopol, Pomeranians) Class 27 – Light Breeds (Exs: Canada, Egyptian, Chinese, Roman) SECTION 13 - CLUB AWARD **Grand/Reserve champion Goose awarded, if warranted. Club displays must show club participation! Superintendent must be notified of club participation by July 1st. Section in the SECTION 7 – SHOW TURKEY barn will be put aside for clubs interested in making a display. Class 30 - Any breed turkey (any sex) Displays will be judged and awards given. $25 cash award SECTION 8 - MEAT PRODUCTION Entries are limited to 1 (one) pen per species. Proof of hatch date is required/staple to back of project record book to be turned in on July 1. Exhibitor must be present for judging. Class 32 – Chickens-Three birds to a pen seven weeks of age at show time (not to be hatched before June 3rd) Class 33 – Ducks- Two birds to a pen, eight weeks of age at show time, heavy breeds only.(not to be hatched before May 27th) Class 34 – Geese- Two birds to a pen, fourteen weeks of age at show time, heavy breeds only.(not to be hatched before April th 15 ) Class 35 – Turkeys-Hens: Two birds to a pen, sixteen weeks of age at show time.(not to be hatched before April 1st) Class 36 – Turkeys-Toms: Two birds to a pen, sixteen weeks of age at show time. (not to be hatched before April 1st) **Grand/Reserve champions awarded, if warranted. ***Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Turkey (selected form the Grand and Reserve Champion Hen and Tom Classes) will be sold at live auction. All other market poultry will sell in the silent auction. SECTION 9 - GAME BIRDS Class 37 - Pheasant Class 38 - Quail Class 49 – Guinea **Grand/Reserve champion game bird awarded, if warranted. DEPARTMENT 12 - YOUTH POULTRY: PIGEONS Superintendent: Betty Stephens, (810) 765-5953 (Pigeons only) Premiums: A=$2.50; B=$1.50; C=No Premiums Pigeon Science Premium: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 9:00 a.m. Location: Poultry Barn Set up: Friday at 6:30 p.m. Check In: Sunday ONLY from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Pre-Entry Form Required. See Forms Section or Website, use Poultry Form See "Livestock Rules & Regulations and Livestock Care Agreement Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors can sign up for Poultry Showmanship. 2. Exhibitors must be present to be interviewed during judging in order to be eligible for Grand/Reserve. 3. There is no limit on number of entries. Note: follow class guidelines. 4. Exhibitors must have feed & water containers that are nonspillable hung or fastened to the cage. 5. Birds must be fed and watered at least twice per day. Cages must also be cleaned daily. SECTION 10 - POULTRY SCIENCE 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 22 6. Birds should be dusted with commercial poultry dusting powder before the Fair. Birds found to be infested with mites, dirty, etc, will not be allowed to enter. 7. Judges decisions are final. 8. All pigeons must be clean to enter. 9. Pigeon exhibits check out same as poultry. SECTION 14 – PIGEONS Class 65 - Utility - One bird in respective breed (Example: King, Runt Strasser, etc.) Note: All breeds shown together. Class 66 - Fancy - One bird in respective breed (Example: Fantail, Pouter's, Modena, etc.) Note: All breeds shown together. Class 67 - Flying - One bird in respective breed (Example: Homer Rollers, Tipplers, etc.) Note: All breeds shown together. **Grand/Reserve Champion Pigeon awarded, if warranted or Best of Class. Pre-Entry Form Required. See Fair Book or Website for form Record Book: Required of all exhibitors in order to show/sell and must be turned in to the Fair Office or 4-H Office by July 1st. Books available at the Fair Office, Website or 4-H office See " Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors; Retag Policy; Show Ring Code of Ethics; Junior Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations; Wholesome Meat Assurance Program; Livestock Care Agreement; Livestock Dress Code; and Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. " ** Animals leaving before release time will forfeit all premiums except for #9 below and market animals sent out for processing. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All rabbits/cavies must be owned by the 4-Her exhibiting them by May 1st, 2012. For those rabbits/cavies under the age of 69 days the doe/sow kindling the litter must be owned by the 4-Her by May 1st, 2012. SECTION 15 - PIGEON SCIENCE 2. Entry fee of $2.00 per rabbit/cavy (meat pen considered one) Educational exhibit, display, poster or notebook or combination will be due at time of check in. relating to poultry or pigeon science. Exhibitors must be present 3. Bedding and pellets will be provided for the week of the fair. for interview during judging. 4. Exhibitors must fit, show and take care of their own animals at Class 70 - Sr. Division, 15 and older the fair. Class 71 - Jr. Division, 12-14 yrs. old 5. Those exhibiting will be limited to one entry per class. Class 72 - Young Division, 11 & under 6. All rabbits must have a legible and permanent ear marking in Grand/Reserve Champion, if warranted their left ear at the time of check-in. Cavy must have the required ear tag at the time of check-in. 7. Rabbits/Cavy will be judged by A.R.B.A. standards, except Section 179. 8. No breeding of show rabbits/cavies at the County Park during DEPARTMENT 14 – YOUTH RABBITS/CAVIES Fair. 9. The superintendent may request that any rabbit/cavy showing Superintendent: Rob & Cathie Usakowski, (810) 637-1537 signs of illness or disease be removed from the County Park as Assistant Superintendent: Scott Hill Assistant for Silent Auction: Spencer Mollan; Ashleigh Usakowski soon as it is possible to prevent spread of illness. 10. No locks allowed on cages. Assistant for Fun Classes: Taylor Usakowski/Iris Spencer 11. Meat pens or rabbits are not to be over 69 days of age, not Cavy Superintendent: Becky Thielman, (248) 514-2838 over 5 lbs. each, and cared for by the exhibitor in that time. Does Premiums: A= $2.50; B= $1.50; C=No Premiums must be bred 100 days or less before judging. Meat pen must be Rabbit Science/Record Book Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No of the same breed and variety, and as identical as possible. premiums Grand & Reserve meat pens will be sold at the livestock auction. Judging: Rabbit Science, Monday at 2:30 p.m. Pens receiving A ratings are eligible to sell in the small animal Location: Rabbit Barn, then displayed in Still Exhibit Barn after silent auction on Thursday. Notation must be made in the judging, if space permits record books at check-in if a member does not wish their pen Showmanship: Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in Rabbit Barn sold if it receives an A rating. Those not wishing to sell their Cavy Showmanship: Tuesday following Rabbit Showmaship in pens must tell the clerk at check-in. Rabbit Barn 12. Fryer Class rabbits are not to be over 69 days of age & not to Breeding Stock & Market Class: Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Cavy Breeding Stock: Tuesday following Cavy Showmanship in be over 5 lbs. Fryer rabbits must be cared for by exhibitor. A single fryer rabbit cannot be shown in the meat pen. A fryer Rabbit Barn Fun Classes: Thursday at 11:00 a.m. for Costume Class in Rabbit rabbit must be a commercial breed, and of any variety. Does must be bred 100 days or less before judging. Grand & Reserve Barn. fryers will be sold at the livestock auction. Fryers receiving A Skill-A-Thon: Friday 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ratings are eligible to sell in the small animal silent auction on Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or Thursday. Notation must be made in the record books at checkmore of the following about rabbits/cavies: economics in in if a member does not wish their fryer sold if it receives an A rabbitry operation, breeding, feeding, meat quality assurance rating. Those not wishing to sell their fryer must tell the clerk and management. at check-in. Set Up: Saturday prior to fair at 11:00 a.m. 13. Roaster Class: All rabbits entered in this class must be under Check In: Sunday, between 2 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Cavies will six months of age. Minimum weight over five pounds with check in on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 23 maximum weight at eight pounds. Grand & Reserve roasters will be sold at the livestock auction. Roasters receiving A ratings are eligible to sell in the small animal silent auction on Thursday. Notation must be made in the record books at check-in if a member does not wish their roaster sold if it receives an A rating. Those not wishing to sell their roaster must tell the clerk at check-in. 14. Stewer Class: All rabbits entered in this class must be six months of age and over. Minimum weight over eight pounds. Grand & Reserve stewers will be sold at the livestock auction. Stewers receiving A ratings are eligible to sell in the small animal silent auction on Thursday. Notation must be made in the record books at check-in if a member does not wish their stewer sold if it receives an A rating. Those not wishing to sell their stewer must tell the clerk at check -in. 15. Any rabbit/cavy that is used as a showmanship rabbit/cavy must be owned by the exhibitor and must be shown in their breed class unless okayed by the Superintendent. 16. A Best of Breed ribbon will be awarded in each breed section if warranted by the judge. Small Best of Breed trophies will be awarded to the breeds with three or more entries (excluding Section 179). 17. A Best of Variety & Best Opposite of Variety will be selected in each breed variety. From those variety winners a best and best opposite sex of breed will be chosen. A Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex of breed will be selected in each breed. These selections will determine which animal will represent their breed in the championship classes. 18. All rabbit/cavy exhibitors are responsible for set up and clean up fair week. Set up will be on Sat. before the fair at 11 a.m. 19. Rabbits/cavies must be removed from barn between 8 - 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning. However, any rabbit/cavy found leaving the barn/fair-grounds before 8 a.m. Sunday will lose their rabbit/cavy premiums. 20. Barn duty is required for all rabbit/cavy clubs & independent rabbit/cavy exhibitors. Each is asked to sign up for a specific time during fair week on the board posted near the judging tables. A listing of what is expected of those on duty will be posted in the same location. 21. Each exhibitor must submit their Pre-Entry form to register for cage space and sizes by July 1st. Members may be restricted to a maximum number of cages, depending upon the number of entries and the number of available cages as determined by the Superintendent based on cage reservation numbers. Club leaders should contact the Superintendent by July 14th, to verify club cage counts. 22. Entry Form Help for Breed Classes: Dept. is 14 Rabbits, Section number is the breed of your rabbit (see list beginning on next page), class number tells the sex and age of your rabbit (found immediately before the breeds listing). Also, list your showmanship, progeny, fun classes, etc. the doe and the offspring must be owned by the exhibitor. All breeds will show together. Class 9 - Commercial Breeds (6 classes). **Grand/Reserve Commercial Breeds Progeny Class 10 - Fancy Breeds (4 classes). **Grand/Reserve Fancy Breeds Progeny SECTION 201 – MEAT Must be bred and cared for by exhibitor. Meat pens, fryers, and roasters cannot be bought from separate breeders. Official weights will be taken at check-in and overweight and/or underweight animals will not be exhibited in market classes. Market animals not meeting the required weight guidelines may be sold at auction as a non-qualifying animal. Class 15 - Meat Pen, consisting of 3 rabbits. **Meat Pen Grand/Reserve Champion Class 18 - Fryer Class: Consisting of 1 rabbit. **Grand/Reserve Champion Fryer Class 21 - Roaster Class: Consisting of 1 rabbit. **Grand/Reserve Champion Roaster Class 24 - Stewer Class: Consisting of 1 rabbit **Grand/Reserve Champion Stewer SECTION 203 - SHOWMANSHIP Class 29 - Novice, 8 and 9 yrs. old Class 30 - Young, 10 and 11 yrs. old Class 31 - Intermediate, 12 and 13 yrs. old Class 32 - Junior, 14 and 15 yrs. old Class 33 - Senior, 16 yrs. and older **Overall Showmanship (Grand/Reserve Champion & 1st Alternate) 1. There will be three judges for showmanship. They will judge three different classes simultaneously, when either of them has completed their class they will move to the next available age division. 2. Overall Grand and Overall Reserve Champion and 1st Alternate will be picked. The top two showmen will compete in Sweepstakes Showmanship on Saturday. SECTION 375 CAVY SHOWMANSHIP Class 29 – Novice, 8and 9 yrs. old Class 30 - Young, 10 and 11 yrs. old Class 31 - Intermediate, 12 and 13 yrs. old Class 32 - Junior, 14 and 15 yrs. old Class 33 - Senior, 16 yrs. and older **Overall Showmanship (Grand/Reserve Champion)*Not eligible for Sweepstakes. SECTION 204 – RABBIT/CAVY SCIENCE-12 YRS & UNDER Exhibits must be in place at the judging tables in the Rabbit Barn on Monday of the fair by 2 p.m. They will be judged Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Exhibitor must be interviewed as part of SECTION 200 – PROGENY the exhibit. Interviews will be limited to a maximum of ten A doe and one of her 3-6 months of age offspring show together minutes. Clubs wishing to incorporate their members rabbit on the table for this class. Additionally each must be exhibited in science projects as part of their club decorations and display, their respective breeding stock classes the day of the show. Both may do so after the projects are judged on Monday, however, club science displays will only be considered as the educational 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 24 display for a club when judged for the barn decoration contest and are not eligible to be shown in this section. Class 37 – Rabbit Poster (14"x22" or 28"x22") Class 38 – Rabbit Display (tabletop) - No larger than 3'x3' Class 39 – Rabbit Notebook Class 40 – Cavy Poster (14” x 22” or 28” x 22”) Class 41 – Cavy Display (tabletop) –No larger than 3’ x 3’ Class 42- - Cavy Notebook (**Grand/Reserve Champion Rabbit/Cavy Science 12 yrs. & under SECTION 205 - RABBIT CAVY SCIENCE 13-15 YRS OLD Exhibits must be in place at the judging tables in the Rabbit Barn on Monday of the fair by 2 p.m. They will be judged Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Exhibitor must be interviewed as part of the exhibit. Interviews will be limited to a maximum of ten minutes. Clubs wishing to incorporate their members rabbit science projects as part of their club decorations and display, may do so after the projects are judged on Monday, however, club science displays will only be considered as the educational display for a club when judged for the barn decoration contest and are not eligible to be shown in this section. Class 41 - Poster (14"x22" or 28"x22") Class 42 - Display (tabletop) - No larger than 3'x3' Class 43 - Notebook Class 44 – Cavy Poster (14” x 22” or 28” x 22”) Class 45 – Cavy Display (tabletop) –No larger than 3’ x 3’ Class 46- - Cavy Notebook **Grand/Reserve Champion Rabbit/Cavy Science 13-15 yrs. old SECTION 206 - RABBIT SCIENCE 16 YRS AND OLDER SCIENCE Exhibits must be in place at the judging tables in the Rabbit Barn on Monday of the fair by 2 p.m. They will be judged Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Exhibitor must be interviewed as part of the exhibit. Interviews will be limited to a maximum of ten minutes. Clubs wishing to incorporate their members rabbit science projects as part of their club decorations and display, may do so after the projects are judged on Monday, however, club science displays will only be considered as the educational display for a club when judged for the barn decoration contest and are not eligible to be shown in this section. Class 45 - Poster (14"x22" or 28"x22") Class 46 - Display (tabletop) - No larger than 3'x3' Class 47 - Notebook Class 48 – Cavy Poster (14” x 22” or 28” x 22”) Class 49 – Cavy Display (tabletop) –No larger than 3’ x 3’ Class 50- - Cavy Notebook **Grand/Reserve Champion Rabbit/Cavy Science 16-19 yrs. old pages should remain in order when placed in the binder, and should not be placed in page protectors. Class 49 - 12 yrs. old and under Class 50 - 13 15 yrs. old Class 51 - 16 yrs. and older **Grand/Reverse Champion Rabbit/Cavy Record Book. SECTION 208 - FUN CLASSES No premiums. Sign up week of fair in the rabbit barn. Costumed rabbit and owner. Judged on costume and appearance Adult showmanship Skill-a-thon – Youth & Adult Divisions Quiz Bowl – Youth & Adult Divisions(teams arranged that day) Decorations: Decorations for the club displays should not inhibit air flow through the cages. The Superintendent will remove items which inhibit air flow. Clubs are evaluated throughout the week with results announced at the Saturday awards program. All educational wall décor will be limited to 3’6” wide x 5’ tall. Class 53 - Best Decorated Large Club Display. Clubs are judged on educational display, decorations and cleanliness of area. All clubs entered automatically. Displays must be in place by Tuesday of the fair. $25 cash award. Class 54 - Best Decorated Small Club Display. Clubs are judged on educational display, decorations and cleanliness of area. All clubs entered automatically. Displays must be in place by Tuesday of the fair. Plaque awarded. No premium. SECTION 1 - 186 BREEDING STOCK (See listing below for the section number for your particular breed). Class 01 - Senior Buck, 6 months of age and over Class 02 - Senior Doe, 6 months of age and over Class 03 - Intermediate Buck, 6-8 months of age (Commercial Breeds only) Class 04 - Intermediate Doe, 6-8 months of age (Commercial Breeds only) Class 05 - Junior Buck, under 6 months of age Class 06 - Junior Doe, under 6 months of age **Grand & Reserve Commercial Breeds (6 classes). No Premiums. **Grand & Reserve Fancy Breeds (4 classes). No Premiums. **Overall Best of Show Rabbit SECT# 1 The Rabbit/Cavy Project Record Book is required of all exhibitors 2 3 in order to show/sell and must be turned into the Fair or 4-H office by July 1st. Record books are available after January 1st at 4 the 4-H Extension Office. Project record books are to be housed 5 in a 1” ring, white presentation binder with clear front overlay. The first page of the record book should be inserted into the presentation portion of front cover of the binder. Record book SECTION 207 – RABBIT/CAVY RECORD BOOK 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK BREED American American American Fuzzy Lop American Fuzzy Lop American Sable www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 VARIETY Blue White Broken Pattern Solid Pattern Standard Page 25 SECT# 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 BREED Angora (English) Angora (English) Angora (French) Angora (French) Angora (Giant) Angora (Satin) Angora (Satin) Belgian Hare Beveren Beveren Beveren Britannia Petite Britannia Petite Brittannia Petite Brittannia Petite Brittanina Petite Californian Champagne D'Argent Checkered Giant Checkered Giant Chinchilla (American) Chinchilla (Giant) Chinchilla (Standard) Cinnamon Cream D' Argent Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dwarf Hotot English Spot English Spot English Spot English Spot English Spot English Spot English Spot Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Flemish Giant Florida White Harlequin Harlequin Havana Havana Havana Havana Himalayan Himalayan Himalayan 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK VARIETY Colored White Colored White White Colored White Standard Black Blue White Black Black Otter Chestnut Agouti Ruby Eyed White Sable Marten Standard Standard Black Blue Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Black Blue Chocolate Gray Steel Tortoise Standard Black Blue Chocolate Gold Gray Lilac Tortoise Black Blue Fawn Light Gray Sandy Steel Gray White Standard Japanese Magpie Black Blue Broken Chocolate Blue Black Chocolate SECT# 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 176 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 BREED Himalayan Hotot (Blanc de) Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly Lilac Lop (English) Lop (English) Lop (French) Lop (French) Lop (Holland) Lop (Holland) Lop (Mini) Lop (Mini) Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Rex Mini Satin Mini Satin Mini Satin Mini Satin Mini Satin Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 VARIETY Lilac Standard Agouti Any other variety Broken Shaded Self Tan Pattern Standard Broken Pattern Solid Pattern Broken Pattern Solid Pattern Broken Pattern Solid Pattern Broken Pattern Solid Pattern Black Blue Blue Eyed White Broken Group Castor Chinchilla Chocolate Himalayan Lilac Lynx Opal Otter Red Sable Point Seal Tortoise White White Chinchilla Opal Red Siamese Black Blue Chocolate Lilac Ruby Eyed White Blue Eyed White Sable Point Siamese Sable Siamese Smoke Pearl Tortoise Shell Chestnut Chinchilla Lynx Opal Squirrel Otter Sable Marten Page 26 SECT# 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 177 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 178 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 179 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 BREED Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarf New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Palomino Palomino Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rex Rhinelander Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Satin Silver Silver Silver Silver Fox Silver Marten Silver Marten Silver Marten Silver Marten 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK VARIETY Silver Marten Smoke Pearl Marten Tans Fawn Himalayan Orange Steel Broken Black Broken Red White Golden Lynx Black Blue Broken Chocolate Blue Eyed White Ruby Eyed White Amber Black Otter Blue Broken Group Californian Caster Chinchilla Chocolate Lilac Lynx Opal Red Sable Seal White Standard Black Blue Broken Group Californian Chinchilla Chocolate Copper Otter Red Siamese White Black Brown Fawn Black Black Blue Chocolate Sable SECT# BREED VARIETY 170 Tan Black 171 Tan Blue 172 Tan Chocolate 173 Tan Lilac 174 Thrianta Standard 175 Mixed Breed* 179 Mini Rex Silver Marten 177 Netherland Dwarf Blue Tort 178 Rhinelander Blue 180 Mini Rex Smoke Pearl 181 Mini Satin Black 182 Mini Satin Blue 183 Brittania Petit Broken *Participant can only be a 1st year rabbit exhibitor. Mixed breeds show as a fancy (4 class) breed. They are not eligible for Fancy Grand or Reserve Championship. SECTION 301-380 CAVY BREEDING STOCK (See listing below for the section number for your particular breed). Class 01 – Senior Boar, over 6 months of age or weight over 32 ounces Class 02 – Senior Sow, over 6 months of age or weight over 32 ounces Class 03 – Intermediate Boar, up to 6 months of age or weight over 22 ounces; maximum weight of 32 ounces Class 04 – Intermediate Sow, up to 6 months of age or weight over 22 ounces; maximum weight of 32 ounces Class 05 – Junior Boar, up to 4 months of age, minimum weight 12 ounces; maximum weight 22 ounces Class 06 – Junior Sow, up to 4 months of age, minimum weight 12 ounces; maximum weight 22 ounces SECT# 301 302 303 304 307 308 309 310 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 327 328 329 330 334 BREED Abyssinian Abyssinian Abyssinian Abyssinian Abyssinian Abyssinian Satin Abyssinian Satin Abyssinian Satin American American American American American American Satin American Satin American Satin American Satin Coronet Coronet Coronet Coronet Peruvian www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 VARIETY Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Tan Pattern Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Page 27 SECT# 335 336 337 340 341 342 343 346 347 348 349 353 354 355 356 359 360 361 362 365 366 367 368 371 372 373 374 377 378 379 380 BREED Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Satin Peruvian Satin Peruvian Satin Peruvian Satin Silkie Silkie Silkie Silkie Silkie Satin Silkie Satin Silkie Satin Silkie Satin Teddy Teddy Teddy Teddy Teddy Satin Teddy Satin Teddy Satin Teddy Satin Texel Texel Texel Texel White Crested White Crested White Crested White Crested VARIETY Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked Self Agouti Solid Marked DEPARTMENT 14 - YOUTH RABBITS: POCKET PETS Superintendent: Sarah Driscoll, (810) 887-9136 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of one or more of the following about pocket pets: economics in a pet operation, breeding, feeding and care. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors may bring live animals, birds, fish, etc. to judging, but it is not required. 2. No live animals will be left on the Fairgrounds, only exhibits. 3. Each exhibit must include: a. At least one good picture of the pet and owner. b. A Pocket Pets Report Form. c. An exhibit, poster, notebook, or combination of these on the pet, its care and feeding, and information on the type of animal it is. Poster size 14" x 22". d. Exhibit must include at least one point of information pertinent to the pet. 4. Exhibitors must help set up and clean up. 5. Pet must be alive. 6. Suggested display; cage, photo album/diary, small keepsakes, mobile, photo wreath. 7. Exhibitors limited to two (2) per Section. SECTION 500 – PETS Class 01 - Birds Class 02 - Cats Class 03 - Dogs Class 04 - Fish Class 05 - Gerbils Class 06 - Hamsters Class 07 - Mice Class 08 - Insects Class 09 - Rats Class 10 - Reptiles Class 11 - Other **Grand & Reserve Champion Awarded. ***Cavies are shown under rabbits. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 28 ST. CLAIR COUNTY 4-H & YOUTH FAIR HORSE PROJECT GROUND RULES 1. Leaders and parents are responsible for their members obeying these rules. 2. Authority of the Fair Superintendents is to be respected at all times. 3. Stall cards with member’s name, emergency contact number, and club must be visible on the stall of the project animal. 4. No riding or sitting on horses in or around the barns. NOTE: Members may ride in show/practice ring, or other designated areas assigned by superintendents and the Ag. Society only. 5. Shoes or boots must be worn for stable work. No bare feet in the barns. 6. Aisle ways must be kept clear at all times. 7. Please watch for fire hazards. NO SMOKING IN THE BARNS!!! 8. Animals are to be bathed in the designated wash area only. 9. NO riding of horses up or down hill. This is a park rule. 10. Members are to lead their horses to and from rings by the proper routes. Stay within fenced areas. 11. No animal is to be taken into parking, camping, or spectator areas at any time. The exception if for those who are showing out of trailers, but they must follow the proper routes to and from show and practice rings. 12. One rider on a horse. NO DOUBLE RIDING. 13. All riders MUST wear boots. No riding barefoot or in shoes, at any time. 14. Use courtesy in the practice ring. Travel in the direction which personnel designate, or direction majority are traveling. Faster moving animals keep to the inside; those at slower speeds keep to the rail. Ring personnel will be obeyed, or you will not be allowed in the practice ring. Keep the gate closed. 15. When you have finished exercising your horse, leave the ring and dismount. If you must adjust your tack, do it outside the ring. NOTE: Your horse must be properly tacked in the practice ring. No riding in halters. It’s mandatory that all participants wear protective helmets in the practice ring. 16. Absolutely NO rough riding or racing is permitted. 17. During assigned time for bareback riding in the practice ring, anyone using a saddle will not be permitted to canter/lope. 18. Members must enter classes with proper attire and tack per discipline. Check your state rule book for further details. 19. There will be no grooming or hoof blackening on the blacktop, or on the hill in front of the barns. Grooming may only be done on the grass between, or in back of the barns. 20. No lunging of horses other than in designated areas. 21. ALL PARTICIPANTS IN HUNTER (BOTH OVER FENCES, AND ON THE FLAT) AND GYMKHANA CLASSES ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR PROPERLY FITTING PROTECTIVE RIDING HELMETS, WITH THE GUARD SECURED. THE HELMETS MUST MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) MUST BE MANUFACTURED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A PARTICIPANT IN THE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OF THE SAFETY EQUIPMENT INSTITUTE (SEI), AND MUST BEAR THE SEIT CERTIFICATION LABEL. 22. Application for early releases must be on file with the fair board per their deadline. Emergency releases must be cleared by the Fair Board. First rule infraction will result in a verbal warning. Second infraction of same rule, you are done showing for the day. Third infraction of same rule, you are done showing for the week. Your project animal will remain on the grounds for the remainder of fair and you are responsible for its care. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 29 DEPARTMENT 15 OPEN CLASS HORSES CLASS LIST 1. Pre-Registration: July 26, 2013 @ Red Barn 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 2. 3. Show Date: July 27, 2013; Classes Begin at 8:00 a.m. 4. Location: Goodells County Park, Goodells, MI 5. Contact Information: Billie Nugent (810) 824-9968, email: mbnugent@juno.com 6. 7. Website: www.scc4hhorseleaders.org 8. 9. ENTRY FEES 10. $5.00/Class 11. $10.00/Sweepstakes Class 12. 13. PAYBACK SWEEPSTAKES 14. 1st Place $20 1st Place 50% 15. 2nd Place $10 2nd Place 30% 16. 3rd Place $ 8 3rd Place 20% 17. 18. 19. LEGEND 20. Same horse/rider combination not to ride in any 21. other class 22. Sweepstakes awarded $50 + 50% of entry fees 23. 24. Only Paybacks awarded 25. 26. RULES AND REGULATIONS: 27. • 4-H youth will use their same back number from the fair 28 classes. 29. • Age as of January 1st, 2013. 30. • All individuals leading the exhibitor and horse must be 18 31. years of age or older. 32. • All Lead Line exhibitors must wear a helmet. • All open class horses are not to be on the grounds until 7AM. 33. 34. • Back numbers are to be worn in the ring by all exhibitors. 35. • Judge’s decision is final. 36. • Negative Coggins required. 37. • No refunds for scratched or no-show classes 38. • Open class horses are not permitted in the horse barns. 39. • Open classes are for horses and ponies, both grade and 40. registered, or horseman of St. Clair and adjoining counties. • SEI helmets required for all participants of 4-H age. [19 years 41. 42. of age and younger]. 43. • Stallions may only be shown by exhibitors 18 and older. 44. • State 4-H Horse Rules apply. Halter [2 & Under] Western Halter Mares [3 & Over] Western Halter Stallions & Gelding [3 & Over] Showmanship [13 yrs. old & Under] Showmanship [14 – 17yrs. old] Showmanship [18 yrs. old & Over] Showmanship Sweepstakes (Open) English Halter (Open) Lead Line [8 yrs. & Under] • English Equitation Walk/Trot [13 yrs. old & under] English Equitation Walk/Trot [14 yrs. old & over] English Equitation [13 yrs. old & Under] English Equitation [14 – 17 yrs. old] English Equitation [18 yrs. old & over] English Pleasure Walk/Trot [13 yrs. old & under] English Pleasure Walk/Trot [14 yrs. old & over] English Pleasure [13 yrs. old & under] English Pleasure [14 – 17 yrs. old] English Pleasure [18 yrs. old & over] English Pleasure Sweepstakes [Open] Western Horsemanship Walk/Trot [13 yrs. old & under] Western Horsemanship Walk/Trot [14 yrs. old & over] Western Horsemanship [13 yrs. old & under] Western Horsemanship [14 – 17 yrs. old] Western Horsemanship [18 yrs. old & over] Western Pleasure Walk/Trot [13 yrs. old & under] Western Pleasure Walk/Trot [14 yrs. old & over] Western Pleasure [13 yrs. old & under] Western Pleasure [14 – 17 yrs. old] Western Pleasure [18 yrs. old & over] Western Pleasure Sweepstakes [Open] Indiana Flags [13 yrs. old & Under] Indiana Flags [14 – 17 yrs. old] Indiana Flags [18 yrs. old & Over] Cloverleaf [13 yrs. old & Under] Cloverleaf [14 – 17 yrs. old] Cloverleaf [18 yrs. old & Over] Cloverleaf Sweepstakes (Open) Down & Back [13 yrs. old & Under] Down & Back [14 – 17 yrs. old] Down & Back [18 yrs. old & Over] Pole Bending [13 yrs. old & Under] Pole Bending [14 – 17 yrs. old] Pole Bending [18 yrs. old & over] LUNCH BREAK WILL BE ANNOUNCED DISCLAIMER The St. Clair County Open Horse Show operates under the Michigan Equine Activity Liability Act. The St. Clair Country 4-H Fair, St. Clair County Open Horse Show, its affiliates, and/or individuals assisting at this show will not be individually or collectively responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any person, horse, or property in connection with this show. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 30 all times. A senior exhibitor is NOT considered an adult representative. A parent, guardian, or leader must supervise practice riding. Bareback practice is limited to the day of showing that class. DEPARTMENT 16 - YOUTH HORSE & PONY E. Overt coaching will be penalized. http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/cyf/youth/horse/horserules.html GENERAL REQUIREMENTS-EXHIBITORS & ANIMALS Horse Superintendents: Sue Cook (810)367-.6471 ; F. STALLS: Cindy Leone (586)727-8562; Kathy Mikulski (586)727-9779 1. The Horse Superintendents must approve all stall Judging: See Horse Judging Schedule changes. Set-up: Friday @ 6p.m.., Check-in: Sunday 4-8 p.m. 2. No electrical appliances of any kind (fans, etc.) are to Location: Horse Ring A & B be placed in stalls. Premiums: A=$6, B=$4, C=No Premiums, will pay up to 3 A 3. No hay bags are to be left in stalls overnight. ratings 4. No haul-in animals allowed in barns. Objective: Gain an appreciation of the horse industry by learning 5. Only exhibitor registered to a project animal is allowed about horse management, care, feeding, health, riding styles and to ride that project animal. (NO ADULTS, TRAINERS, techniques. OTHER PARTICIPANTS OR SPECTATORS) In the event of Record Book: Required of all exhibitors in order to show. Must an emergency situation parents or trainers may ride be completed according to guidelines and turned in at Horse project animal after clearing it with a Horse Leaders Meeting in May. Books available at the Fair Office, Superintendent. Website or 4-H office. G. NO night riding *See “Livestock Rules & Regulations” & “Livestock Care Agreement” H. Show officials reserve the right to spot-check at any time to verify compliance with helmet rule. If the helmet comes off the GENERAL FAIR RULES – If a situation arises that is not head while in a class it is an automatic disqualification. specifically covered by these rules, you should refer to the state guidelines, "The Horse and Pony Project Show Rules & I. Back Numbers-Exhibitors must display a visible number(s) in Regulations Book", issued through Michigan State University, all classes. Any exhibitor failing to display a number(s) or and available at the County Extension Office or on the following displaying the wrong number(s) is disqualified web site: A. The project animals’ age is determined as of January 1st of Attention Exhibitors: Located in the front of this book is a list of the current year. Safety Rules & Regulations for Exhibitors. This information should be read, in addition to the Horse & Pony Rules & B. Project animals may be shown by siblings, limit two siblings Regulations. per project animal. They may show in the same section, but NOT in the same class. All participants wanting to show in the horse project during fair must be in a registered 4-H club by May 1st of current year. If not C. No exhibitor may show in the same animal project in multiple registered in a 4-H club they may show in the Open Horse Show counties. on Saturday. NO EXCEPTIONS! D. Horses in all classes must be serviceably sound, or they will be excused from the ring at the judge’s discretion. The Fair Superintendent(s) will handle any rule not printed in the Fair or State Rulebooks. E. Exhibitor should own or have under continual care, as much as A. IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT ALL HORSE possible, their project animal. Feed and care should start May 1 SUPERINTENDENTS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO PULL ANY and continue through fair. HORSE/RIDER FROM ANY RING AT ANY TIME FOR EXHIBITING UNSAFE CONDITIONS! SAFETY RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED AT REGISTRATION & DEADLINE REQUIREMENTS: ALL TIMES. All horses must have a negative coggins test to participate in B. Rules & regulations listed in Fair book, by Fair Board, shall Fair. The original coggins must be shown at check-in. Test must apply, in addition to the following guidelines. have occurred during current calendar year. (Note: Calendar C. Failure to comply with any of the rules, requirements, registration requirements or deadlines, and/or failure to provide stall duties and trophy sponsor money may result in the ineligibility from any or all of the following: Championship Classes, High Point Awards, and Premium Paybacks. D. Every club must have an adult representative at the fair at 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK year is defined as December 1st of current year through the 31st of the following December.) A. Following is a deadline schedule for turning in required forms, documentation, etc. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 31 April Leader’s meeting-It is highly recommended that all horse IDs be collected by leaders, checked for completeness and turned in at this meeting. May 1st – Project animal must be registered by this date, by turning in a Fair Horse Photo ID form. This form is available through Fair Web Site and Horse Leader’s Assn website. It must be turned in with an identifying photo of the project animal. All photos must be clear, bright enough, and show all distinctive markings. There should be no tack or rider in the photo, except for the halter and lead. No other photos will be accepted. Failure to register project animal by these guidelines will disqualify exhibitor from premiums and any championships. May Leader’s Meeting – Project Record Books must be completed and turned in ribbons may be awarded in fitting and showing classes. Participation ribbons will be given for participation classes. B. Each animal in each class will be rated A, B, or C C. Following is the chart of how points will be assigned for placing. These points apply to all participants, for all high points. Grand Champion 10 points Reserve Champion 9 points First place 6 points Second place 5 points Third place 4 points Fourth place 3 points Fifth place 2 points Sixth place 1 point July 1st - deadline for exhibitors to sign-up for fair, by turning in D. The judge's decision is final. a fair entry/medical treatment authorization form and Livestock Care Agreement to the Fair Office or Extension office. E. Championship Classes: 1. Novice, Walk/Trot & Participation exhibitors are A. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER DEADLINE. excluded. 2. Only 1st & 2nd place exhibitors from regular classes are B. These forms are located in the fair book. eligible. C. All horse classes to be competed in must be listed on this 3. It is at the discretion of the judge whether there will be a form including project record book. This document will be the ride off or not. Riders should expect to perform any final authority on class sign-up for exhibitors’ judging, awards tests listed in the current rulebook, at the judge's and premiums. discretion. NOTE - if an exhibitor 8-12 years old qualifies for a championship class, and is riding bareback, where July Leader's Meeting - Project animals can be changed up to loping or cantering is required, it is parent's/leader's Horse Leaders meeting in July with a vet certificate and/or discretion whether the exhibitor is able to enter and ride written letter from leader stating safety concerns. Horse the class and remain safe. Superintendents and Fair Board must approve these changes. No 4. Championships for Gymkhana Classes will be decided by classes can be changed or added after July 1st sign up, unless the fastest times for each division. approved by horse superintendents and reflect changes in 5. Championships for trail, e/w riding, reining, dressage, project animal or safety concerns. Any exhibitor changing their hunter over fences and equitation over fences will be project animal after May 1st is not eligible for championship determined by individual high points according to judge’s classes or high-point awards. scorecards. Check-In / Out-Horses may be checked in between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Sunday before Fair. Horses must be unloaded in the parking lot off the pavement, lead across the crosswalk and stop for inspection at the red barn. Original negative Coggins and helmets must be presented for inspection at this time. Once your helmet is inspected, the ID you will be given must be attached at all times to designate that your helmet has been inspected. Ponies and minis will be measured and tagged at this time. Horses must be checked out Sunday after Fair starting at 6:00 a.m. and no later than 11:00 a.m. A barn manager must check each exhibitor’s stall before horses are removed from grounds. Exceptions will be made only in an extreme emergency. Anyone leaving early without written permission from Fair Board and horse superintendent may not be eligible for premiums the current year or stalls the following year, and may be subject to any further discipline as the Society deems appropriate. AWARDS: A. Ten place ribbons will be awarded in each class. Rating 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK F. Traveling Trophies – All Overall & Hi-point trophies and the Sportsmanship Trophy are considered “Traveling Trophies”. These trophies are presented at the presentation parade on the final day of competition. They must be returned prior to the parade of the next years fair. Each trophy winner will receive a recognition award. Any traveling trophy won by the same exhibitor 3 consecutive years is retired to that exhibitor excluding novice and walk/trot divisions. G. Overall Fitting & Showing and Equitation: 1. Novice, walk/trot & participation exhibitors are excluded. 2. There is an overall championship class for the Fitting & Showing division, and the Equitation division. All Junior & Senior Grand Champion winners (no Reserves) in these divisions will be eligible to participate in these classes. These points are not included in the high-point youth. 3. The grand and reserve champions from Overall Showmanship must participate in Sweepstakes on www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 32 Saturday of fair. H. Hi-Point Trophies: All hi-point trophies are awarded to the individual accumulating the most points in that division, excluding horse project record books, according to the following lists of classes. 1. Hi-Point English: Fitting & Showing; Dressage; English Equitation; English Pleasure; Hunter Hack; Equitation over Fences; Hunter Over Fences; Trail; Bareback; English/Western Riding. 2. Hi-Point Gymkhana: Barrel Bending; Pole Bending; Cloverleaf; Speed & Action; Keyhole; Indiana Flag Race 3. Hi-Point Pony: Fitting & Showing; Pony Pleasure; Pony Horsemanship; Pony Bareback; Trail; Pony English Equitation; Pony English Pleasure 4. Hi-Point Western: Fitting & Showing; Western Pleasure; Western Horsemanship; Trail; Bareback; Reining; English/Western Riding. 5. High – Point Novice: (Classes specified as Novice) Novice Fitting & Showing, Novice Western Pleasure, Novice Western Horsemanship, Novice English Pleasure, Novice English Equitation, Novice Bareback, Novice Trail, Novice Dressage. 6. High-Point Walk/Trot: (Classes specified as Walk/Trot) WT Fitting & Showing, WT English Equitation, WT English Pleasure, WT Western Horsemanship, WT Western Pleasure, WT Bareback (English or Western), WT Trail, WT Dressage 7. High-Point Mini: Mini Showmanship, Mini Pleasure Driving, Mini Obstacle Driving, Mini In-hand Trail, Mini In hand Jumping. 8. Hi-Point Youth: This is awarded to the exhibitor accumulating the most points throughout the fair. This hipoint includes all youth, all seats, horse or pony. 9. In the event that 2 or more exhibitors accumulate the same total of points the award will be shared equally. I. SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD: 1. Voted on by exhibitors during fair week. CLASS SIGN-UP GUIDELINES: A. Exhibitors can select only ONE class in each Section (Example: All Fitting & Showing is under one Section). Please refer to the guidelines below for further explanations. The section numbers are shown in the Horse Class Schedule. B. Novice riders can only enter classes designated “Novice” on the class lists C. Walk/Trot riders can only enter classes designated “Walk/Trot”. D. Classes will not be held for any exhibitor who has not previously requested a tack change. There is a 3-minute allowance from the time the first horse enters the ring until the class is closed .For Gymkhana classes, no class will be stopped or held open. If you are not there, ready to ride, you will be disqualified. Additional information regarding class sign up: 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 1. DRESSAGE riders. a. Introduction to dressage is a class for beginning 3 gait b. No 3-gait rider should enter Walk/Trot or Novice Dressage. c. Rider and horse combinations attaining a score of 50% or better must enter a higher-level class the following year. 2. ENGLISH/WESTERN RIDING The state guidelines requires performing at least 4 flying lead changes. For the Advance class exhibitors need to perform 4 or more flying lead changes or be disqualified. For the Simple class all lead changes may be simple. For both advance and simple, failure to change leads when called for will result in disqualification. 3. HUNTER HACK & OVER FENCES All horses competing will be lined up at one side of the arena for instructions prior to start of class. Individual jump patterns to be completed before flat phase. Baby Green Hunter Hack and Crosspoles are classes designated for beginning jumpers. Exhibitors showing in any baby green jumping classes cannot show in regular classes. 4. GYMKHANA Gymkhana classes are classified as 3 gait classes. All walk/trot and novice exhibitors are excluded. 5. WESTERN PLEASURE P/S Western Pleasure includes all Gaited, Arabs, Half Arabs, Saddlebreds, and Morgans. 6. BAREBACK EQUITATION a. Riders may enter ONE bareback class, either western or English. b. Ages 12 & under, all novice, and all walk/trot classes will walk & jog/trot. Only ages 13 & over will be required to lope or canter. 7. PONIES: Ponies must measure 56 inches or less at the withers. Shod ponies will be allowed ½ inch for the thickness of shoes. If you have an animal that falls under this height, and wish to show as a pony exhibitor, you must have your animal measured & tagged at haul-in. If you wish to show in your age group instead of the pony division, you do not need to have your animal measured. However, you are then not eligible to show in the designated pony classes. You will have to show in your age group for all classes. 8. WALK/TROT CLASSES: a. Open to any age rider with horse/pony who is unable to lope/canter in a class situation. b. The same guidelines apply to all walk/trot classes that apply to regular classes, except that, at no time shall a walk/trot rider canter or lope. Doing so could mean a disqualification from that class. c. Any Walk/Trot class will be split if there are more than 15 entries. Any Walk/Trot class can be split, or combined, by the fair superintendent. Splits will be done by ages only. d. If a rider chooses to enter ANY Walk/Trot class, that www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 33 rider is no longer eligible, and CANNOT enter any class that requires three gaits. They MUST enter ONLY classes designated Walk/Trot and are not eligible for Championships. e. Once the same horse/rider combination has competed for 2 years in the walk/trot division, they must move up to three gate classes. f. Once an exhibitor wins the High Point walk/trot trophy, that exhibitor must move up to three gate classes. 10. NOVICE CLASSES: a. The Novice classes are for exhibitors competing in their first or second year at the 3rd gait regardless of the animal being shown. Exhibitors choosing to compete as “Novice” may not enter any class that is not designated as “Novice”. b. Novice exhibitors are not eligible for any Championships. c Once an exhibitor has competed for 2 years in the Novice division, they must move up to their regular age group the following year. d. Once an exhibitor has won the High-Point Novice trophy, that exhibitor must move up to their regular age group the following year. 11. MINI CLASSES: a. The current maximum height for minis is 38 inches. Minis are required to be a minimum age of 3 to show in driving classes. b. AMHR rules apply to mini classes. Additional information available on the following website: www.shetlandminiature.com under the rulebook link. 12. PARTICIPATION CLASSES: Are for 8 yr. olds and consist of showmanship, trail, western pleasure, western horsemanship, English pleasure, and English equitation. Participation ribbons will be given as awards. a. For showmanship, each participant must be assisted by either an adult or older youth volunteer who is on the ground holding the halter and lead. b. For riding classes, walk/trot will be the only gate allowed with adult volunteers in the ring with the children at all times. c. Exhibitors must be 8 yrs. old by January 1st of current year and can only ride in those classes designated “participation”. CLASSES ON FOLLOWING PAGES. ARRANGED BY THE DAY THAT THEY ARE SHOWN. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 34 DEPARTMENT 16 - HORSE AND PONY JUDGING Classes will be run in the order they are listed Judging Begins at 9:00 AM Monday, July 22, 2013 RING 1 RING 2 *May only show in ONE Fitting and Showing Class* *Walk/Trot and Novice Division can only show in that division* SECTION 1 – FITTING & SHOWING: WESTERN SECTION 1 – FITTING & SHOWING: ENGLISH Class 101: Class 102: Class 103: Class 104: Class 105: Class 106: Class 107: Class 108: Class 109: Class 110: Class 111: Class 112: Class 113: Class 114: Class 115: Class 116: Class 117: Class 118: Class 119: Class 120: Class 121: Class 122: Class 123: Class 124: Pony (any seat; any age) Mini (any seat; any age) 18 yrs. & older 17 yrs. old 16 yrs. old 15 yrs. old Sr. Grand & Reserve Western 14 yrs old 13 yrs. old 12 yrs. old 11 yrs. old 9-10 yrs. old 8 yrs. old Participation (any seat) Jr. Grand & Reserve Western English 17 yrs. & over English 15 & 16 yrs. old English 12 – 14 yrs. old English 11 yrs & under Sr. Grand & Reserve English Jr. Grand & Reserve English Novice 14 yrs. & under (any seat) Novice 15 yrs. & over (any seat) Walk/Trot 8-12 yrs old (any seat) Walk/Trot 13 yrs. & over (any seat) Class 125 - OVERALL FITTING & SHOWING GRAND CHAMPION SECTION 1 – FITTING & SHOWING: HORSELESS HORSE Class 130: Class 131: Class 132: Class 133: Fitting/Showing all ages Grooming all ages Pattern Design all ages Book with Interview all ages SECTION 2- DRIVING Class 126: Class 127: Class 128: Class 129: Mini Pleasure Driving (all ages) Grand & Reserve Mini Obstacle Driving (all ages) Grand & Reserve FUN CLASSES after all other classes, if time permits. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 35 DEPARTMENT 16 - HORSE AND PONY JUDGING (Cont’d) Judging Begins at 9:00 AM Tuesday, July 23, 2013 RING 1 (Trail Ring Split) RING 2 SECTION 3-TRAIL SECTION 5-WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP Class 201: Class 202: Class 203: Class 204: Class 205: Class 206: Class 207: Class 208: Class 209: Class 210: Class 211: Class 212: Class 213: Class 214: Class 215: Class 216: Class 217: Class 218: Class 224: Class 225: Class 226: Class 227: Class 228: Class 229: Class 230: Class 231: Class 232: Class 233: Class 234: Class 235: Class 236: Class 237: Class 238: Class 239: Class 240: Class 241: Mini in Hand Trail (all ages) Grand & Reserve 14 yrs. old 13 yrs. old 11 & 12 yr. olds 9 & 10 yrs. old 8 yr. olds Participation (any seat) Novice Trail - 15 yrs & over Novice Trail - 14 yrs & under Walk/Trot - 11 & 12 yr. olds Walk/Trot – 13 yrs. & over Walk/Trot – 9-10 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 18 yrs. & over 17 yrs. old 16 yrs. old 15 yrs. old Sr. Grand & Reserve 18 yrs. & over 17 yrs. old 16 yrs. old 15 yrs. old Sr. Grand & Reserve 13 &14 yrs. old 11 & 12 yrs. old 9 & 10yrs. old 8 yrs. old Participation Jr. Grand & Reserve Novice - 15 yrs. & over Novice - 14 yrs. & under Walk/Trot - 13 yrs. & over Walk/Trot – 11 & 12 yr. olds Walk/Trot – 9-10 yr. olds Pony – 13 yrs. & over Pony – 12 yrs. & under Pony - Grand &Reserve SECTION 4 - ENGLISH/WESTERN RIDING SECTION 6 - REINING Class 219: Class 220: Class 221: Class 222: Class 223: Class 242: 15 yrs. & over Class 243: 14 yrs. & under Class 244: Grand & Reserve 15 yrs. & over (Advance) 14 yrs. & under (Advance) Grand & Reserve Simple Sr. (15 yrs. & over) Simple Jr. (14 yrs. & under) 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 36 DEPARTMENT 16 - HORSE AND PONY JUDGING (Cont’d) Judging Begins at 9:00 AM Wednesday, July 24, 2013 RING 1 RING 2 SECTION 8 - ENGLISH PLEASURE SECTION 10 - ENGLISH EQUITATION Class 304: Class 305: Class 306: Class 307: Class 308: Class 309: Class 310: Class 311: Class 312: Class 313: Class 314: Class 315: Class 316: Class 317: Class 318: Class 322: Class 323: Class 324: Class 325: Class 326: Class 327: Class 328: Class 329: Class 330: Class 331: Class 332: Class 333: Class 334: Class 335: Class 336: Pony (all ages) 8 yr. olds Participation 9 & 10 yr. olds. 11 & 12 yr olds 13 & 14yrs. old Jr. Grand & Reserve Novice 14 yrs. & under Novice 15 yrs. & over Walk/Trot (any English seat) 12 yrs. & over Walk/Trot (any English seat) 9- 11 yr. olds 15 yrs. old 16 yrs. old 17 yrs. old 18 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve SECTION 11 - BARREL BENDING Class 337: Class 338: Class 339: Class 340: Class 341: Class 342: 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve LUNCH Pony (all ages) 15yrs. old 16 yrs. old 17yrs. old 18 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve Novice 14 yrs. & under Novice 15 yrs. & over Walk/Trot 12 yrs. & over (any seat) Walk/Trot 9-11 yr olds. (any seat) 8 yr. olds Participation 9 & 10 yr. olds 11 & 12 yrs. old 13 & 14 yrs. old Jr. Grand & Reserve SECTION 14 - CLOVERLEAF Class 355: Class 356: Class 357: Class 358: Class 359: Class 360: 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve SECTION 12 - POLE BENDING SECTION 15 - SPEED & ACTION Class 343: Class 344: Class 345: Class 346: Class 347: Class 348: Class 361: Class 362: Class 363: Class 364: Class 365: Class 366: 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve SECTION 13 - INDIANA FLAG RACE SECTION 16 - KEYHOLE Class 349: Class 350: Class 351: Class 352: Class 353: Class 354: Class 367: Class 368: Class 369: Class 370: Class 371: Class 372: 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 12 yrs. & under 13 & 14 yr. olds Jr. Grand & Reserve 15 & 16 yr. olds 17 yrs. & over Sr. Grand & Reserve www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 37 DEPARTMENT 16 - HORSE AND PONY JUDGING (Cont’d) Judging Begins at 9:00 AM Thursday, July 25, 2013 RING 1 RING 2 SECTION 17 - DRESSAGE SECTION 17 – DRESSAGE Class 401: Class 402: Class 403: Class 404: Class 405: Class 407: Class 408 Intro. To Dressage 14 yrs. & under (Test B) Class 409: Intro. To Dressage 15 yrs. & over (Test B) Class 410: Walk/Trot 12 yrs. & under (Test A) Class 411: Walk/Trot 13 yrs. & over (Test A) Class 412: Novice 14 yrs. & under (Test A) Class 413: Novice 15 yrs. & over (Test A) First Level Training Level, Test One 14 yrs. & under Training Level, Test One 15 yrs. & over Training Level, Test Two Training Level, Test Three Grand & Reserve SECTION 18 - BAREBACK EQUITATION Class 414: Class 415: Class 416: Class 417: Class 418: Class 419: Class 420: English 17 yrs. & over English 15 & 16 yr. olds English 13 & 14 yr. olds English 12 yrs. & under Grand & Reserve English Novice English (any seat, any age) Walk/Trot English (any seat, any age) LUNCH SECTION 19 - WESTERN PLEASURE SECTION 18 - BAREBACK EQUITATION (cont.) Class 440: Ponies 52”-56” Class 441: Ponies under 52” Class 442: Pony Grand & Reserve Class 443: 8 yr. olds Participation Class 444: 9 & 10 yr. olds Class 445: 11 & 12 yrs. old Class 446: 13 & 14 yrs. old Class 447: P/S Western Pleasure (all ages) (See West. Pleasure guidelines) Class 448: Jr. Grand & Reserve Class 449: Walk/Trot 11 & 12 yr. olds Class 450: Walk/Trot 13 yrs. & over Class 451: Walk/Trot 9-10 yr. olds Class 452: Novice 15 yrs. & over Class 453: Novice 14 yrs. & under Class 454: 15 yrs. old Class 455: 16 yrs. old Class 456: 17 yrs. old Class 457: 18 yrs & over Class 458: Sr. Grand & Reserve Class 421: Western 18 yrs. & over Class 422: Western 17 yrs. old Class 423: Western 16 yrs. old Class 424: Western 15 yrs. old Class 425: Sr. Grand & Reserve Class 426: Western 14 yrs. old Class 427: Western 13 yrs. old Class 428: Western 11 & 12 yr. olds Class 429: Western 9-10 yr. olds Class 430: Jr. Grand & Reserve Class 431: Pony Bareback 13 yrs. & over (any seat) Class 432: Pony Bareback 12 yrs. & under (any seat) Class 433: Grand & Reserve Pony Class 434: Western Novice 14 yrs. & under Class 435: Western Novice 15 yrs. & over Class 436: Western Walk/Trot 13 yrs. & over Class 437: Western Walk/Trot 11 & 12 yr. olds Class 438: Western Walk/Trot 9-10 yr olds. Class 439: Overall Equitation Champion **Can only ride ONE bareback class 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 38 DEPARTMENT 16 - HORSE AND PONY JUDGING (Cont’d) Judging Begins at 9:00 AM Friday, July 26, 2013 RING 1 RING 2 (Begins after section 21) SECTION 20 - HUNTER OVER FENCES SECTION 21 - HUNTER HACK - Up to 2’ vertical fence Class 501: Class 502: Class 503: Class 504: Class 505: Class 506: Class 509: Class 510: Class 511: Class 512: Class 513: Class 514: Mini Jumping (all ages) Grand & Reserve Beginner Horse & Pony (X-rails & low 18”) Intermediate Horse & Pony (Up to 2’3”) Advanced Horses & Ponies (2’3” – 2’9”) Grand & Reserve 17 yrs. & over 15 & 16 yr. olds 14 yrs. & under Grand & Reserve *Baby Green Hunter Hack 15 yrs. & over* *Baby Green Hunter Hack 14 yrs & under* SECTION 22 - EQUITATION OVER FENCES SECTION 20 - HUNTER OVER FENCES Class 515: Beginner Horse & Pony (X-rails & low 18”) Class 507: *Baby Green Horse & Pony (Crosspoles) – 15 yrs. & over Class 516: Intermediate Horse & Pony (Up to 2’3”) Class 517: Advanced Horses & Ponies (2’3” – 2’9”) Class 518: Grand & Reserve SECTION 23 – HORSE PROJECT RECORD BOOK Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Class 900: Class 901: Class 902: Class 903: Horseless Horse, all ages Novice, 1-2 yrs Intermediate, 3-5 yrs Senior, 6 yrs. & up Requirements: 1. Books available online or at MSU Extension on Grand River Ave., Port Huron. 2. Books must be completed per guidelines and turned in at the May horse leaders meeting. 3. Books will be judged using score sheet. 4. Placing will be given to top ten scores in each division. Divisions are based on the number of years in the project, including the current one. 5. No interview required. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 508: *Baby Green Horse & Pony (Crosspoles) 14 yrs & under* *May not ride in any other over fence class AWARDS (Fair High Point Trophies) Class 904: Class 905: Class 906: Class 907: Class 908: Class 909: Class 910: Class 911: Class 912: Class 913: Class 914: Class 915: Class 916: Cleanest Barn Large Club Cleanest Barn Small Club Best Decorations Large Club Best Decorations Small Club Walk Trot Novice Mini Pony Gymkhana Western English Sportsmanship Youth www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 39 DEPARTMENT 22 YOUTH - DOGS/CATS: DOGS Superintendent: Barb Hahn, 810.765.5616, bhahn0616@sbcglobal.net Assistant Superintendent: Heather Warn, 810.329.3660 Premiums: A = $3.OO; B=$2.00; C = No Premiums Leader Dog/Record Book Premiums: A = $2.00; B = $1.25; C = No Premiums Judging: Saturday, Before Fair, 8:00 a.m. Check In: Saturday, Before Fair, 7:30 a.m. Location: North Side Petting Farm Area Setup: Thursday, Before Fair, 6:00 p.m. Objective: Gain knowledge in dog handling/training, grooming, dog health and care; gain knowledge and appreciation of service/leader dog programs. Pre-Entry Form Required. Complete Dog Pre-Entry Form, in fair book and in the Forms section of the web site. A photocopy of shot records for each dog must accompany preentry. Deadline July 1. NEW FOR 2013: A poster is required as part of the project record book. It can not be used as an entry in Class 43 – Poster Display. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Dogs will be leashed and under handler’s control when on fairgrounds. Pinch/prong collars may be worn by dogs shown by 1st yr exhibitors with supt.’s permission. No Grand or Reserve will be awarded to handlers using prong collars in the ring. 2. Vaccinations required are a completed set of DHPP-CPV and rabies given no longer than 3 yrs. from the date of show. If you give your own shots, photocopy box that shot came in along with date given to include with entry. 3. Any dog, with a physical disability, such as the loss of a leg or eye, will be allowed to show, if a statement of fitness is provided by your veterinarian. Please send with pre-entry form. 4. Failure to be a responsible owner at Fair may result in forfeit of awards. Dogs are to remain in the immediate area of the show. Under no circumstances are they to enter livestock areas or buildings. All dog droppings must be picked up. 5. Exhibitors with females in season must contact Superintendent prior to day of show. All females in season must wear pants while on show grounds. 6. Participants are limited to showing 2 dogs. Dogs must be 5 months of age or older for all activities except Agility. Dogs must be 10 months of age or older to show in Agility. If youth need to share a dog, it must be approved by the superintendent. Members may show only one dog in Showmanship. 7. Classes will be divided by age or combined if size warrants and at the Superintendent’s discretion. 8. No 4-H Dog leader or parent is to interfere with the judging process. All grooming, warming up, etc. on day of Fair to be done by the participant. Adults are NOT to question ring stewards about scores, placemats, ring time, etc. These questions are to be asked by youth when appropriate. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 9. Once a dog has been excused from a class by the judge for lameness or aggressive behavior, it may not be shown in any other class. 10. DRESS CODE: Any clothing which draws undue attention to one’s self, or clothing that may distract other handlers, spectators, or the judges), is unacceptable. Halter tops, low cut blouses or sweaters, shorts, hats, mini-skirts, denim of any type, style or color, and bare midriffs are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Skirt/culottes shorter than fingertip length are not recommended. Flat shoes such as tennis shoes, should be worn by all exhibitors. Sandals, high heels or boots are not recommended. Long hair should be tied hack. Jewelry that makes noise or interferes with handling should be avoided, No clothing with club name, personal identification, club or business advertising logos or other printed words or sayings will be allowed. If at any time the judge feels your attire is not appropriate, in any of the classes, it may reflect on your placing. (Showmanship dress should include for boys dress slacks and shirt and tie. Showmanship dress for girls should include either dress or skirt or pants no shorter than fingertip length and appropriate top.) 11. CANINE DRESS CODE: Head halters or collars, harnesses of any type, bark collars, electric training collars, Flexi type retractable leashes, and chain link leashes are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Agility requires a buckle collar or the dog may run without a collar. Obedience and Rally: collars can include training collars or buckle collars and require a 6 foot leash of either leather or fabric. Showmanship: martingales with lead clip or a single collar/lead unit, training type collars or buckle collars are acceptable. No tags may be hanging from collar or leashes. First year only: Obedience, Rally and on the show grounds a pinch collar is allowed but no Grand or Reserve will be awarded to these exhibitors. 12. Scores from last year’s Fair are used to determine classes to enter this year. This is a youth centered activity where A and B classes are designated by the handler's experience. “A” classes are for exhibitors who are competing at a level for the first time with their first dog. “B” classes are for exhibitors who have competed at the “A” level previously. Youth may skip “A” classes in any venue if they believe their level of experience gives them an unfair advantage in potential placing. Scores and proper entry level are available from the Supt. You are on your Honor regarding your level of competition. If an exhibitor competes in the wrong class they may have to forfeit any awards won. 13. Obedience and Rally exercises will follow those for Intermediate rally which is the Advanced course/signs done on lead. Scoring will be based on current AKC rules for these venues. Rally signs will be those adopted by AKC for use after April 2012. 14. Agility exercises, rules and scoring will be those of the 4-H Dog Programming Committee available from the MSU Extension office. Quick Judging Reference in this booklet is the first reference for rules. Deviation: Beginner class will be performed off lead. 15. Showmanship Judging is based on the information provided in the Jr. Showmanship book available from the MSU Extension office. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 40 16. Ribbons and trophies will be presented the day of show for Showmanship. Ribbons for all other classes will be presented the day of show, but trophies will be presented at the Awards Presentation on Saturday of Fair. Grand and reserve placements will be announced during Fair Week and preented at the Awards Presentation on Saturday of Fair. 17. All Judges decisions are final. SECTION 1 - DOG OBEDIENCE Obedience: General Information For the purposes of Fair move-ups, 180 points is a qualifying score. The Superintendent may waive the rules regarding move-ups in selected cases when unusual circumstances may prevent the handler from advancing to the next level. The exhibitor needs to discuss this with the superintendent, before Pre-Entry date, if the exhibitor believes an exception needs to be made. Equipment: collar (no tags) and 6 foot leash. A grooming evaluation will be included in the evaluation of the dog. All judges’ decisions are final. trophy. Grand Champion trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring dog in each class: Beginner Novice, Pre Novice, Novice, Graduate Novice, etc. Ties will be settled by a runoff per AKC procedure. Trophy presentation on Saturday of Fair at Awards Presentation. A High-In-Trial trophy will be awarded from all Obedience entries. Ties will be resolved by using the score from the Heel and Figure 8 exercise.. All judges’ decisions are final. Individual score sheets will be available after classes are completed Grand and reserve placements and High in Trial will be announced during Fair Week and presented at the Awards Presentation on Saturday of Fair. SECTION 2 -SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES Equipment: As appropriate for dog to be shown in AKC conformation class. Classes will be combined at the discretion of the Superintendent. Class 13 - 8 years old Class 14 - 9 years old Class 15 - 10 years old Description of the Beginning Novice exercises are available on Class 16 - 11 years old the SCC 4-H and Youth Fair website and the MSU Extension Class 17 - 12 years old website. Dog and handler move up automatically after 1 Class 18 - 13 years old qualifying score unless handler opts to show for exhibition Class 19 - 14 years old only (no placements). Class 20 - 15 years old Class 01 – Beginning Novice A Class 21 - 16-19 years old Class 02 – Beginning Novice B Class 22 - Champions - A class for exhibitors who have had experiences in Showmanship outside the 4-H venue or have Class 03 – Pre Novice A been exceptionally successful at previous fairs may enter this Class 04 – Pre Novice B class. Class 05 - Novice A Class 06 - Novice B – An experienced handler may choose to Awards skip Beginner Novice and Pre-Novice and start at this level. Premium ribbons will be awarded. There will be 1st - 10th place Jump heights for Advanced classes are those required by ribbons and 1st place trophies for each classes where the judge current AKC rules and are available from the Supt. feels they are warranted. A trophy will be presented for Grand Class 07 - Graduate Novice A Champion. Class 08 - Graduate Novice B Selection of Grand and Reserve Champion and Alternates Class 09 - Upper Level obedience Following selection of Grand Champion, the second place dog Class 10 - Brace Class - Two dogs coupled or uncoupled, from that class will be brought back for further judging. handled by one handler doing any obedience level excercises. Following selection of Reserve Champion, next placing dog Costume/theme for youth and/or dogs encouraged. Not from that class will be brought back for judging for alternates eligible for HIT (2). Awards will be given the day of show. Judges decisions are Class 11 - Team Class - Four dogs, four handlers doing final. Those selected for Sweepstakes Showmanship must have excercises from any obedience level except Beginner Novice. reached a 4-H age of 12. All exercises will be executed at the same time except the recall. For the recall, all dogs will be left at the same time, Fun Classes – Adult Showmanship called individually and finished at the same time. Four dogs Sign up on day of Show. must participate; the four dogs must be noted at the time of Two classes: Experienced – showed a dog in Juniors or breed entry, an alternate 5th dog may be listed. Costume/theme for either as adult or 4-Her. Amateur – never showed before youth and/or dogs encouraged. Not eligible for HIT.Class 12 competitively. Veteran’s Obedience - For dogs aged 7 years or older as of July 1 who do not wish to compete in higher levels of obedience. SECTION 3 – AGILITY The exercises will be those of the Novice class. They are not General Information: eligible for HIT. Grand and Reserve trophies will be awarded. Equipment: buckle collar. Handler and dog must be familiar with equipment. Walk through without dog will be done at the Awards beginning of each class and as necessary so all participants Premium ribbons will be awarded. Each class will receive have a walk through before their run. Any questions please ribbons for 1st through 10th placements and a 1st place 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 41 contact the Superintendent. A qualifying score is a total of 85 points or more. All judges’ decisions are final. Beginning Agility - This level is done off lead with jump heights of 8” and long jump 16” wide. Handlers will be allowed to jump with their dogs. The Superintendent may waive the rules regarding off lead performance in selected cases under unusual circumstances. The exhibitor needs to discuss this with the Superintendent, before Pre-Entry date, if the exhibitor believes an exception needs to be made. Class 23 - Beginning Agility A Class 24 - Beginning Agility B Intermediate Agility - For dogs who qualified in Beginning Agility. The dog performs the entire run off lead. Handler is required to know dog's height at withers. Class 26 - Intermediate Agility A Class 27 - Intermediate Agility B Advanced Agility - For dogs who qualified in Intermediate Agility. This level is done off lead and jump heights depend on the dog’s height at the withers. Handler is required to know dog's height at withers. Class 29 - Advanced Agility A Class 30 - Advanced Agility B Class 31 - Veteran’s Agility: For dogs aged 7 years old or older as of July 1 who do not wish to compete in Advanced Agility. The exercises will be those of Intermediate Agility. Awards Premium ribbons will be awarded. There will be 1st - 10th place ribbons and 1st place trophies for each class.. The judge’s decisions are final. Score sheets will be available after presentation of awards. Grand Champion trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring handler with a qualifying score in each level. Trophies will be presented at the Awards Ceremony. Grand and reserve placements will be announced during Fair Week and presented at the Awards Presentation on the Saturday of Fair. Novice Rally Class 33 - Novice Rally A Class 34 - Novice Rally B Intermediate Rally – The course will be constructed from any of the Novice and Advanced exercises, but will be done on leash. Class 35 - Intermediate Rally Novice A Class 36 - Intermediate Rally Novice B Rally Advanced - Same signs and course but performed off lead. Class 37 - Advanced Rally A Class 38 - Advanced Rally B Excellent Rally – Includes all signs and performed off lead Class 39 - Excellent Rally A Class 40 - Excellent Rally B Awards Premium ribbons will be awarded. There will be 1st - 10th place ribbons and 1st place trophies for each class. Awards will be given at the show. The judge’s decisions are final. Score sheets available after presentation of awards. Grand Champion and Reserve will be awarded to the high scoring teams as in obedience. Grand and reserve placements will be announced during Fair Week and presented at the Awards Presentation on Saturday of Fair. Trophies will be presented at Awards Presentation. Fun Classes – Adult Rally Sign up on day of show. Two classes: Experienced-showed a dog in Rally or obedience either as adult or 4-Her; Amatuer-has not shown competitively. SECTION 5 - LEADER DOG/SERVICE DOG General Rules: Puppies are evaluated on suitability to become a Leader Dog/Service dog. Evaluation will cover approximately ten (10) exercises. Separate score sheets will be used for Leader Dog NEW: Tunnels and Jumps Class – This is a fun class for those and Service Dog puppies. who are not quite ready for Beginner Agility. It will consist of Leader Dog puppies may be shown in only one Leader 10 obstacles: tunnels, chutes and upright jumps only. No Dog/Service Puppy class and one Showmanship class. contact obstacles, no broad jump, the tire jump may be used at Service Dog puppies (CCI and PWC) may be shown in one the judge’s choice. There will be no ribbons, trophies, or Leader Dog/Service Dog Puppy class, one Showmanship and an premiums, but entrants will be placed and each entrant will Obedience Class. receive a stuffed toy. Class 41 - Leader Dog Puppy SECTION 4 - RALLY Class 42 - Service Dog Equipment: See obedience. Class 43 - Leader/Service Dog already accepted by an Novice Rally and Intermediate Rally are done on-leash with organization. Exhibit poster 22”x28” or 22”x 14” or notebook unlimited encouragement. Leaders and youth are encouraged showing information on the organization, requirements, and to download Obedience/Rally rules from AKC website as there pictures of your puppy’s life with your family, etc. have been many changes. For purposes of Fair move-ups, 80 points are required. Dog SECTION 6 – DISPLAYS and handler move up after 1 qualifying score unless they Class 46 - Dog Project Record Book choose to show for exhibition only as in obedience. This year, This is mandatory for anyone entering a dog in the 4-H Dog 2013 only, youth may enter the same class as last year due to Show and preferred for all who are currently training. Materials the introduction of new signs at all levels. for the Record Book are available from the MSU Extension Office, the Fair Board Office, individual leaders and online at 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 42 the MSU Extension website. The completed project is due July 1 at the superintendent’s home or Fair Board Office. Youth are encouraged to include previous years project record books and other information about their training experience in the notebook. Project record books are to be housed in a 1” white ring presentation binder with clear overlays on the front, spine and back covers. Originality and creativity in this presentation is encouraged. An interview is part of the project book. The interview will be held during the dog show on Saturday. All Project Record Books will be displayed at Fair and will be evaluated in 3 groupings. They will be placed first through 5th in their category. Grand and Reserve will be awarded. Novice 1 or 2 years in project, Intermediate - 3 to 5 years in project, Senior 6 or more years in project. Grand and reserve books will be displayed at Fair. Reminder: If you have not included the information for Project Record Books on your Fair Entry Form you can not be considered for Grand or Reserve. Class 47 - Dog Care/Training Poster Display This class may be entered by any 4-Her whether or not they are currently training a dog. Criteria for judging: accurate information, presentation of information in legible fashion, creativity, originality, neatness. Posters are to be brought to the dog show. An interview will be held following project record book interviews. Entries will be divided as project record books. Grand and Reserve will be awarded and displayed at Fair.. DEPARTMENT 22 – YOUTH DOG/CATS: CATS Superintendent: Linda Cook, (810) 385-7735 Email: eandlcook@greatlakes.net Premiums: A=$2.00; B=$1.50; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Location: Visitors’ Center Objective: Gain knowledge about care, feeding, health management and proper handling of cats. Fair Exhibit Requirements: Cat Show Judging Guidelines Cats & Kittens will be judged according to the following: Condition of Cat/Kitten: a. Eyes clear & moist b. Ears free of parasites & dirt c. Hair/coat not dull and patchy, free of tangles d. Nails clipped or declawed. e. Body build nice hefty feel, firm & weighty body, strong limbs, not deformed. f. Personality relaxed, outgoing, friendly. SECTION 10 - SHOWMANSHIP Showmanship Judging will be based on the following: Questions & Answers, Proper Handling, Class 01 - Senior Showmanship 14 yrs. old. & over Class 02 - Junior Showmanship 12 & 13 yr. olds Class 03 - Intermediate Showmanship 10 & 11 yr. olds Class 04 - Young Showmanship 8 & 9 yr. olds **Grand/Reserve Champion Showmanship DEPARTMENT 26 - YOUTH CAMELIDS Superintendent: Mike & Kim Tomasek, (810) 765-4801 Email: mgtomasek@hotmail.com Premiums: A=$3; B=$2; C=No Premiums Judging: Friday, 3:00 p.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Gain knowledge and appreciation about the importance of one or more of the following about llamas & alpacas: economics in a livestock operation, breeding, feeding, product or management. Set up: Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Check in: Sunday between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. See "Livestock Rules & Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement" Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Cat must be owned by exhibitor or exhibitor’s family and in the exhibitor’s possession by April 1st of current year. 2. Exhibitor must train and care for their cat exhibit. 3. Exhibitors shall exhibit no more than one (1) cat/kitten. 4. Cats are required to be brought to the fair in a carrier suitable for the size of the cat on judging day. Upon completion of judging, all cats will be removed from the county park. 5. Rabies inoculations, feline panleukopenia (distemper), feline rhinotracheitis, calici and chlamydia psittaci are recommended. 6. All cats must have their nails clipped. (A safety factor for exhibitor and judge) 7. Exhibitor attire should be neat and clean. 8. Noticeably pregnant or nursing cats, and kittens under four months of age are ineligible for show. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 9. Female cats in season are eligible for show and should be kept in a carrier away from the show ring. 1. All llamas and alpacas must be checked in by Sunday at 6 pm. Llamas or alpacas may be shown by more than one exhibitor, but no llama or alpaca may be shown more than once in each class. SECTION 1 - SHOWMANSHIP Class 2 - Sr. Showmanship, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 3– Intermediate Showmanship, Ages 12 and 13 yr. olds Class 4 - Jr. Showmanship, Ages 8 to 11 yr. olds **Grand Champion Showmanship - Grand/Reserve SECTION 2 - PUBLIC RELATIONS Class 2 - Sr. Public Relations, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 3 - Intermediate Public Relations, Ages 12 and 13 yr. olds Class 4 - Jr. Public Relations, Ages 8 to 11 yr. olds **Grand Champion Public Relations - Grand/Reserve www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 43 SECTION 3 – PACK Class 2 – Senior Pack, Ages 14yrs. and older Class 3 - Intermediate Pack, Ages 12 and 13 yr. olds Class 4 - Jr. Pack, Ages 8 to 11 yr olds **Grand Champion Pack - Grand/Reserve DEPARTMENT 60 - YOUTH NEEDLE WORK: SEWING Superintendent: Cathy Fielitz, (810) 367-6639 Premiums: A=$2.00; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 9:30 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To learn sewing techniques and information about fabrics in order to construct a garment that is of quality construction in such a manner that the wearer wants to be seen in that apparel. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All clothing must be cleaned and pressed. 2. Must be present for an interview. 3. May exhibit one project in each section. 4. It is recommended that sewers should not wear their garments prior to exhibit. SECTION 1 – WEARABLE ARTICLE, OUTFIT OR ENSEMBLE Class 1 - Beginner Class 2 - Intermediate Class 3 – Advanced SECTION 2 – NON-WEARABLE (such as quilts, pillows, wall hangings, throws or stuffed animals) Class 5 - Beginner Class 6 - Intermediate Class 7 – Advanced SECTION 3 - KITS Class 9 - Any kit or pre-printed panel DEPARTMENT 61–YOUTH CULINARY ARTS: DAIRY FOODS 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. All exhibits must be on fairgrounds by Noon, Monday of fair. 2. Projects should relate to dairy foods. (i.e. a history of nutritional value, how to prepare, etc.) 3. Interview required. SECTION 20 (8-11 YEARS) Class 01 - Poster (22" x 28") Class 02 - Display (Table Top) Class 03 - Action Display (Demonstration) 5-10 minutes Class 04 – Notebook SECTION 21 (12-13 YEARS) Class 06 - Poster (22"x 28") Class 07 - Display (Table Top) Class 08 - Action Display (Demonstration) 5-10 minutes Class 09 – Notebook SECTION 22 (14 YEARS AND OVER) Class 11 - Poster (22"x 28") Class 12 - Display (Table Top) Class 13 - Action Display (Demonstration) 5-10 minutes Class 14 - Notebook DEPARTMENT 61 - YOUTH CULINARY ARTS: FOOD PREPARATION Superintendents: Linda Dewey, (810) 982-3841; Sara Tait, (810) 710-0267 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge about basic principles of preparing food. Fair Exhibit Requirements SUGGESTED SEWING PROJECTS **Youth learn one new skill a year: Beginner - any age first year sewer; elastic waists, buttons, hooks and eyes, snaps. Intermediate - any age 2nd or 3rd year sewer; zippers, buttons and buttonholes. Advanced - any age 4 years or more experience sewing; matching plaids, stripes, nap or lining. Superintendent: Kristie Lamb, (810) 327-6135 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday, 12:00 Noon Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge of dairy products, nutritional value, product history and product preparation, along with the ability to organize and present information (either verbally or visually). 1. Exhibitor must accompany exhibit and be interviewed. 2. All exhibits will be destroyed at the Fairgrounds. 3. More than one entry may be made, but only one entry per class. 4. All food exhibits must be brought in covered or wrapped. 5. Any exhibit which requires refrigeration; or, cream, custard or lemon fillings will not be permitted. 6. All recipes must be from scratch - no mixes - including pie fillings. 7. All exhibits should have a copy of the recipe. Nutritional value of the recipe is suggested and will be required for ages 12 and up. 8. All entries exhibited on plates must be on 6" paper plates and covered PLUS one individually wrapped for the judge. 9. One line will be formed, and exhibitors will be judged on a first come, first serve basis. They will follow the directions of the line clerk as to when to approach the next available judge. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 44 10. The panel of judges will interview exhibitors as they come, not per class. 11. Exhibitors will bring all baked goods, and be interviewed for all items by the same judge. 12. Interviews will take place any time from 1 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. No exhibitors will be allowed in line after 2:30 pm. 13. Exhibitors may go to the Still Exhibit Barn to seek the results of their projects (after 5 p.m.) or sooner if judging is completed. 14. Exhibits of whole cakes, bread and pies will have a piece taken for display, unless Grand, Reserve or Best of Class awarded, then the whole cake, bread or pie will be displayed. 15. Exhibitor should have exhibitor tag filled out with project. SECTION 10 –DROPPED COOKIES Class 01 - Dropped and Shaped Cookies, Ages 8 - 11 Class 02 - Dropped and Shaped Cookies, Ages 12 - 13 Class 03 - Dropped and Shaped Cookies, Ages 14 & Over *Exhibit 3 in each class. SECTION 7 – BAR COOKIES Class 04 - Bar Cookies - Ages 8 -11 Class 05 - Bar Cookies - Ages 12 -13 Class 06 - Bar Cookies - Ages 14 & Over *Exhibit 3 in each class SECTION 11 – CAKES Class 08 - Three cake squares, unfrosted.* Class 09 - Three plain unfrosted cupcakes.*(cupcake papers allowed) Class 10 - Three frosted cupcakes.*(cupcake papers allowed) Class 11 – Cakes SECTION 12 - BREADS Class 13 - Quick Bread - 1 large loaf (not small ones) or 3 muffins.* Class 14 - Entire loaf of Bread (do not use bread machines) SECTION 8 – ROLLS OR COFFEE CAKES Class 15 - Three Yeast Rolls. Class 16 - Coffee Cake (bring whole cake) Class 17 - Sweet Rolls or Donuts - Exhibit 3 SECTION 23 – FOREIGN PASTRIES Class 18 - Foreign pastries. SECTION 13 – PIES Class 20 - Fruit Pies (bring whole pie) Class 21 - Fruit Tarts (3 small tarts)*Exhibit 3 plus one individually wrapped for the judge. SECTION 14 - INTERNATIONAL FOODS Exhibit report or display containing: Copy of recipe, nutritional value. Why is it typical for the country? Where did the recipe come from (heritage)? What seasonings, spices, ways of cooking? Picture of finished product in a display or booklet. State name of food, country, or ethnic group it represents. Class 23 - 8-12 yrs. of age Class 24 - 13 yrs. & older SECTION 15 - EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS Class 26 - Ages 8-12 yrs. old Class 27 - Ages 13 yrs. & older. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT 61 - YOUTH CULINARY ART FOOD PRESERVATION Superintendent: Sandy Schott, (810) 334-5666 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 11:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn the basic principles of food preservation following reputable guidelines: University recommended guidelines or Ball Blue Book guidelines. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors must accompany exhibit and be interviewed. 2. Each Jar should be labeled as follows; Product, Name, Address, Age, Section, Class, Contents, Date and Recipe. 3. Exhibits may be made in either pint or quart jars. The jars should be of uniform type. 4. Select section and class numbers that correspond with your exhibit. 5. The "ACTION" exhibit may be an educational display (i.e., use of poster 14" x 22", props, etc.) or an actual exhibit of the finished product used in such a way that the 4-H member can actually show and explain what he or she has "done" and "learned". The "ACTION" exhibit is different from a demonstration as it would emphasize showing WHAT rather than HOW. This doesn't mean that the HOW would not be included, the primary objective would be to make the audience aware of WHAT the member has been doing and learning in 4H club work. 6. If displaying jars in a basket - please limit the basket height to less than 9 1/2 inches tall. SECTION 1 - ACTION EXHIBIT - FREEZING An educational exhibit explaining some phase of freezing foods (method, equipment used, wrap, container, etc.) If notebooks or workbooks are used, they must be accompanied by a poster or other descriptive items. Class 01 - 8 - 11 Yrs. Class 02 - 12 - 13 Yrs. Class 03 - 14 and Over SECTION 2 - ACTION EXHIBIT/PRESERVATION An educational exhibit explaining the process of food preservation (such as canning, drying or other). Class 05 - 8 - 11 Yrs. Class 06 - 12 - 13 Yrs. Class 07 - 14 and Over SECTION 3 - CANNING Class 09 - Three jars, 3 kinds of fruit Class 10 - Three jars, 3 kinds of tomatoes (includes tomato juice and can use canned goods from fall) Class 11 - Three jars, each a different product Class 12 - Pickles, 3 jars, each a different kind Class 13 - Jam, Jellies or preserves, 3 jars, 3 different fruits (Different size jelly jars are acceptable in this class.) www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 45 Class 14 - Three jars, 3 different vegetables "A pressure cooker should be used where applicable - refer to current Ball Blue Book for guidelines." SECTION 4 – FOOD GIFTS IN A JAR Class 15 – Desserts (Cookies, Cakes, etc.) Class 16 – Soups Class 17 – Other *Please attach a copy of the recipe on a 3 x 5 index card or a piece of paper. DEPARTMENT 61 - YOUTH CULINARY ARTS: CAKE DECORATING Superintendent: Kathy Sinnott, (810) 364-3755 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday, 9:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge in procedure and techniques, utilizing the knowledge to create a finished decorated cake. Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. Exhibitors must accompany exhibit and be interviewed. 2. Decorated Cakes to be set up by sections before judging. Judges will go to the cakes. 3. Cakes may be made from a mix. 4. Decorated cakes must be made of all edible decorations except for wedding cakes which may have plastic or other material for their dividers and top ornaments. Decorated cakes and gingerbread houses are to be exhibited on a board covered with foil. If not, they will be judged, but given one grade lower. No candy, sugar or coconut on decorated cakes, unless homemade. No crackers. Frosting must be homemade. 5. Boards should not exceed 2 inches beyond cake. 6. Gingerbread/Confection may use store bought candy. 7. Cakes using more than one layer may use hidden supports. SECTION 5 – CAKE DECORATING Class 01 - Cut-out cakes Ages 8 -9 Class 02 - Cut-out cakes Ages 10 -11 Class 03 - Cut-out cakes Ages 12 -13 Class 04 - Cut-out cakes Ages 14 and over Class 05 - Decorated cakes Ages 8 -9 Class 06 - Decorated cakes Ages 10 - 11 Class 07 - Decorated cakes Ages 12 -13 Class 08 - Decorated cakes Ages 14 and over Class 09 - Form pan cakes Ages 8 -9 Class 10 - Form pan cakes Ages 10-11 Class 11 - Form pan cakes Ages 12 - 13 Class 12 - Form pan cakes Ages 14 and over Class 13 - Decorated confections: Candy, gingerbread houses, etc. Ages 8 -9 Class 14 - Decorated confections: Candy, gingerbread houses, etc. Ages 10-11. Class 15 - Decorated confections: Candy, gingerbread houses, etc. Ages 12-13. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 16 - Decorated confections: Candy, gingerbread houses, etc. Ages 14 and over. Class 17 - Wedding cakes - All ages. Class 18 – Fondant cakes Ages 8-9 Class 19 - Fondant cakes Ages 10 - 11 Class 20 - Fondant cakes Ages 12 -13 Class 21 - Fondant cakes Ages 14 and over SECTION 6 – EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY Class 23 - Ages 8 - 12 yrs. old Class 24 - Ages 13 and over. DEPARTMENT 62 - YOUTH FINE ARTS: ARTS Co -Superintendents: Linda Cook, (810) 385-7735 Email: eandlcook@greatlakes.net; Heather Stull, (586) 306-3244 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge of different techniques, mediums and procedures which are reflected in the creation of a completed art project. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Two (2) exhibits allowed per class and may not consist of more than one article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. 2. Exhibitor will be interviewed. 3. Drawings must be matted on a firm surface. Acceptable material can be matting board, card stock, foam board or stiff poster board. Matting should be a minimum of two inches larger than the actual artwork. The artwork can be matted between 2 pieces of matting or can be mounted on a single piece of matting. 4. Each exhibit must be a project that has never been exhibited before and completed in current year. 5. It is not necessary to matt an oil painting. SECTION 1 - (8-10 Yrs.) Class 01 - Painting - Acrylic/Tempra/Oil Class 02 - Water Color Class 03 - Charcoal Drawing Class 04 - Pencil Drawing (No. 2 pencil not recommended) Class 05 - Ink Drawing (ball point pen not recommended) Class 06 - Chalk/Pastels Drawing Class 07 - Mixed Media/Other Class 08 – Sculptures SECTION 2 - (11-13 Yrs.) Class 09 - Painting - Acrylic/Tempra/Oil Class 10 - Water Color Class 11 - Charcoal Class 12 - Pencil Drawing (No. 2 pencil not recommended) Class 13 - Ink Drawing (ball point pen not recommended) Class 14 - Chalk/Pastels Drawing Class 15 - Mixed Media/Other Class 16 – Sculptures www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 46 SECTION 3 - (14 Yrs. & Up) Class 17 - Painting - Acrylic/Tempra/Oil Class 18 - Water Color Class 19 - Charcoal Drawing Class 20 - Pencil Drawing (No. 2 pencil not recommended) Class 21 - Ink Drawing (ball point pen not recommended) Class 22 - Chalk/Pastels Drawing Class 23 - Mixed Media/Other Class 24 - Sculptures DEPARTMENT 62 - YOUTH FINE ARTS: WOODWORKING Superintendent: Paul Schott, (810) 712-1200 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To learn proper tool usage (including safety techniques), reading patterns and finishing techniques in order to construct an item. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibits will be evaluated on construction and design of the project, knowledge of the material and tools used, and an interview. 2. Judges will take into consideration the age appropriateness of the project and number of years in the project area. SECTION 5 – Outdoor (Bird Houses & Feeders, Mailboxes, etc.) Class 1 - 8-11 years old Class 2 - 12-14 years old Class 3 - 15 years and older SECTION 6 – SMALL WOOD ITEM (smaller than a bread box) Class 4 – 8-11 years old Class 5 – 12-14 years old Class 6 – 15 years and older SECTION 7 – FURNITURE (shelving, table, chair, cupboard, etc.) Class 7 – 8-11 years old Class 8 – 12-14 years old Class 9 – 15 years old and older SECTION 8 – WOOD BURNING Class 10 – 8-11 years old Class 11 – 12 -14 years old Class 12 – 15 years and older SECTION 9 – CARVING (animals, human, autos, etc.) Class 13 – 8-11 years old Class 14 – 12-14 years old Class 15 – 15 years old SECTION 10 – KITS Class 16 – 8-11 years old Class 17 – 12-14 years old Class 18 – 15 years old 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT 63 - YOUTH FOLK ARTS: FOLK PATTERNS Superintendent: Veronica Dupuis, (586) 405-3103 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To gain knowledge and appreciation for traditions, skills and folklore that surrounds our families, communities and world places and people. 4-H Folk Patterns includes learning about traditions, skills and folklore in our families, communities, schools, 4-H groups and regions. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All exhibits must remain at the fair until Sunday, 8 a.m. 2. An interview is required for all exhibits. 3. A protective see-through covering is recommended during fair week for items that may get soiled. 4. Select a class that corresponds with project area. 5. A project notebook will be required for each exhibit. Judging will be conducted by the number of years in project area: 1st year Project 2nd & 3rd year Project 4 or more years in Project Report Form (from Extension 4-H Office) Available SECTION 1 –INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITS Class 01 - Folk Skills/Crafts Class 02 - Family Folklore (genealogy) Class 03 - Food ways (customs of food production, preservation, preparation, presentation, marketing, and folklore). Class 04 - Photography (historical sites, craftsmanship, events/festivals in your community) Class 05 - Documented Interview Class 06 - Historical clothing Class 07 - Heritage Gardening Class 08 - Heritage Artifacts/Collections Class 09 - Community Folklore Class 10 - Folk Games and Toys Class 11 - Livestock/Animal Lore Class 12 - Architecture/Buildings/Shelters Class 13 - Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Lore Class 14 - Indian Lore Class 15 - Ethnic Celebrations Class 16 - Occupational Traditions Class 17 - Folk Medicine Class 18 - Any other not listed above SECTION 2 –CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT Christmas Tree Ornament to be used for the Michigan 100th Anniversary Tree at the Festival of Trees. Create a Christmas ornament that has special meaning or represents personal or club background and/or heritage of 4-H. Complete a one-page description of the meaning and/or history depicted on the ornament. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 47 NOTE: The ornament and one page description will not be returned to you. Class 01 - Individual Class 02 - Club, No Premiums Objective: To learn different techniques and creative ways to display pictures and mementos that tells a story about the participant or a topic close to the participant’s interest. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitor will be interviewed. 2. Neatness, creativity, age and year in project will be considered during judging. 3. Any subject is acceptable with any style of scrapbooking. Superintendent: Kathy Renn, (810) 394-6294 4. You may show your book again next year. The second year Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums you must make the previous evaluation sheet part of your book Judging: Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and place it where your project ended. Judging will continue Location: Still Exhibit Barn from that point. A minimum of 5 new pages. Objective: Gain knowledge of different techniques, mediums 5. Paper crafts projects should utilize various papers, tools and and procedures which are reflected in the creation of a techniques to create unique hand-crafted greeting cards, gift completed craft project. tags or other projects. 6. Five gift tags should be shown; they can be related or Fair Exhibit Requirements different subjects. They should be displayed on 8 ½ x 11 1. One exhibit allowed per class and may not consist of more than 1 article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. paper/posterboard. 7. Three greeting cards should be shown; they can be related 2. Exhibitor will be interviewed. 3. Kits will be evaluated using different criteria than those not or different subjects. 8. Any paper craft that is not a greeting card, gift tag or scrap made from a kit. "Kit" must be indicated on entry tag. 4. Each exhibit must be a project that has never been exhibited books may be entered in the other category, for example, bookmarks or postcards. before. DEPARTMENT 63 - YOUTH FOLK ARTS: CRAFTS 5. Painted shirts must be exhibited on a hanger. 6. Jewelry may be taken home after judging. If you take your project home you must leave a framed picture of the item for display. SECTION 10 – SCRAPBOOKING SECTION 5 - (8-10 Yrs.) SECTION 11 - PAPER CRAFTS Class 01 - Scrap & Ecology Class 02 - Needlework Class 03 - Shirt Painting / Decorating Class 04 - Other Class 05 – Jewelry Class 6 - Greeting Cards 8-11 years Class 7 - Greeting Cards 12-14 years Class 8 - Greeting Cards 15 yrs & older Class 9 - Gift Tags 8-11 years Class 10 - Gift Tags 12-14 years Class 11 - Gift Tags 15 yrs & older Class 12 - Other 8-11 years Class 13 - Other 12-14 years Class 14 - Other 15 yrs. & older SECTION 6 (11-13 Yrs.) Class 06 - Scrap & Ecology Class 07 - Needlework Class 08 - Shirt Painting / Decorating Class 09 - Other Class 10 – Jewelry SECTION 7 (14 Yrs. & Up) DEPARTMENT 63 - YOUTH FOLK ARTS: HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Class 11 - Scrap & Ecology Class 12 - Needlework Class 13 - Shirt Painting / Decorating Class 14 - Other Class 15 – Jewelry DEPARTMENT 63 - YOUTH FOLK ARTS: SCRAPBOOKING & PAPER CRAFTS Superintendent: Lindsey LaForte (586) 801-3763 Premium: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 9:30 a.m. (note new time) Location: Still Exhibit Barn 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 1 - 8-11 years Class 2 - 12-14 years Class 3 - 15 years & older Superintendent: Vicki Ruemenapp (586)405-2928 Email: vicrue68@gmail.com Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 1:30 p.m. (Note new time) Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge of different techniques, mediums and procedures which are reflected in the creation of a completed decoration project along with history/background behind a holiday. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors must be present for interview. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 48 2. Holiday decorated trees may be set up in project area Sunday from 1-6:00 p.m. 3. Exhibitors must provide at least a 10ft heavy duty extension cord with any holiday decoration that is lighted. Please label your extension cord for return. 4. Do not leave items of value on premises. 5. One exhibit allowed per class. 6. Exhibitors are encouraged to bring a wreath stand to display their wreath. 7. Exhibitors are encouraged to limit the height of holiday trees to 4 ft.. 8. Please let us know if you decide not to show your projects at the last minute, so we don’t keep the judge waiting. SECTION 1 PRINTS *ONE ENTRY PER CLASS **Plain white or black poster board 16"x 20. **Print must be standard size 3.5"x 5", or 4"x 6". **All Black & White Photos or All Color Photos, no mixing of photos 8-10 yrs. old Class 01 - Representative exhibit consisting of 5 unrelated pictures Class 02 - Representative exhibit consisting of 5 pictures on any related series of events. SECTION 15 - (8-12 years old) 11-13 yrs. old Class 04 – Representative exhibit consisting of 5 unrelated pictures. Class 05 - Representative exhibit consisting of 5 pictures on any related series of events. SECTION 16 - (13-18 years old) 14 yrs. and older Class 07 - Representative exhibit consisting of 5 unrelated pictures. Class 08 - Representative exhibit consisting of 5 pictures on any related series of events. Class 1 - Holiday decorated tree Class 2 - Holiday decorated wreath Class 3 - Holiday decorated centerpiece Class 4 - Holiday decoration (other) Class 7 - Holiday decorated tree Class 8 - Holiday decorated wreath Class 9 - Holiday decorated centerpiece Class 10 - Holiday decoration (other) SECTION 2 -ENLARGEMENTS Requirements for Enlargements are: 1. Enlargements entered (black & white, or color) must be 8"x 10" in size. 2. All enlargements must be mounted on plain white or black DEPARTMENT 64-YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHY 11"x 14" poster board, preferably mounted with dry mounting Superintendents: Linda Thueme, (586) 727-1008, or rubber cement. Mount enlargements so that the short side lthueme@comcast.net of the picture corresponds with the short side of the board. No Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No premium foam board. Judging: Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. 3. Each exhibitor may enter only one print in each of the Location: Still Exhibit Barn classes listed below or a total of five prints maximum. Objective: Gain knowledge of different techniques, mediums Class 10 - Landscape - black & white or color print, 8-10 yrs. and procedures which are reflected in the creation of a Class 11 - Landscape - black & white or color print, 11 -13 yrs. completed photography project. Class 12 - Landscape - black & white or color print, 14 yrs and Fair Exhibit Requirements older. 1. New beginning in 2010, we only accept poster board. No Class 13 - People - black & white or color print, 8-10 yrs. foam board and no writing on pictures or board. Place your 5 x Class 14 - People - black & white or color print, 11 - 13. 7 or 8 x 10 on a piece of poster board, then cut a border of 1 Class 15 - People - black & white or color print, 14 yrs. & older. inch around all four sides of the photo. Class 16 - Still Life (Table top set-up, close up of flowers, etc.) 2. All exhibitors will exhibit by age groups. Black & white, or color print, 8-10 yrs. 3. All mounting/poster boards should have entry tag attached Class 17 - Still Life (Table top set-up, close up of flowers, etc.) on FRONT with string. Black & white, or color print, 11 - 13. 4. Type of camera and lens MUST be noted on back of board or Class 18 - Still Life (Table top set-up, close up of flowers, etc.) entry tag. Black & white, or color print, 14 yrs. and older. 5. Exhibitors enter exhibits Tuesday of the fair, 9 a.m., and Class 19 - Pets & Animals; black & white or color print, 8-10 yrs. judging will begin immediately. Class 20 - Pets & Animals; black & white or color print, 11-13 6. Select section and class numbers which correspond with the yrs. type of photography project you are taking. Class 21 - Pets & Animals; black & white or color print, 14 yrs 7. Fair exhibits must be new photographs not previously and older. exhibited. Class 22 - Portraits - black & white or color print, 8 - 10 yrs. 8. Interview required. Class 23 - Portraits - black & white or color print, 11 13 yrs. 9. Digital prints must be unaltered, printed as the subject was Class 24 -Portraits - black & white or color print, 14 yrs. & older. photographed without enhancements. Class 27 - Picture of Goodells Fair, All Ages 10. Photographs displayed on one board must be all black & white or all colored. No mixing of photographs. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 49 DEPARTMENT 66 - YOUTH AGRICULTURE: CROPS Superintendents: Rod and Karyn McCue, (810) 367-3970 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premium Judging: Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge about appropriate growing techniques and production practices for local growing zone. In addition, gain knowledge in one or more of the following areas: weed, insect or disease identification and/or management. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. An exhibitor enrolling in the crops project for this year’s fair may exhibit their crop from last year’s fair, but may not show the same exact crop for more than two years in a row. 2. State variety of grain on exhibitor's tag. Attach exhibitors tag to project. 3. Loose grains must be in the size stated and must be free of all foreign material. 4. All exhibits must be checked in Tuesday of the Fair by 10 am. 5. Judging of crops will start at 10 a.m. Tuesday of Fair. Exhibitors should be with exhibit while being judged. 6. Select section number and class number which correspond with type crops project you are taking. 7. All square bales require the entire bale. 8. Only one entry per class per exhibitor. With a limit of 3 entries. SECTION 1 - FORAGE CROPS Class 01 - Alfalfa hay, square bale, 1st cutting Class 02 - Alfalfa hay, square bale, 2nd cutting Class 03 - Hay, mixed variety, square bale, 1st cutting Class 04 - Hay, mixed variety, square bale, 2nd cutting Class 05 - Hay, round bale, 1st cutting Class 06 - Hay, round bale, 2nd cutting Class 07 - Straw, round bale Class 08 - Straw, square bale Class 09 - Silage, alfalfa, 1peck Class 10 - Silage, mixed variety, 1peck Class 11 - Silage, corn, 1 peck Class 12 - Corn, high moisture, shelled, 1 peck Class 13 - Any forage crop not listed; call superintendent SECTION 2 - GRAINS AND SEEDS Class 18 - Alfalfa, 2 quarts Class 19 - Beans, soy, 1 peck Class 20 - Beans, white navy, 1 peck Class 21 - Beans, specialty, 1 peck Class 22 - Clover, 2 quarts Class 23 - Corn, shelled, 1 peck Class 24 - Corn, yellow dent, 10 ears Class 25 - Corn, white, 10 ears Class 26 - Corn, best 3 stalks Class 29 - Popcorn, 1 pint Class 30 - Oats, 1 peck 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 31 - Wheat, red, 1 peck Class 32 - Wheat, white, 1 peck Class 33 - Any grain or seed not listed; call superintendent Class 34 - Sheaf of Oats, 3 inches in diameter and tied Class 35 - Sheaf of Wheat, 3 inches in diameter and tied Class 36 - Any sheaf of grain not listed, 3 inches” in diameter and tied SECTION 3 - OTHER PRODUCTS Class 40 - Decorative Corn, 5 ears Class 41 - Honey, 1 pint Class 42 - Maple Syrup, 1 pint Class 43 - Sugar Beets, 3 beets topped and tied Class 44 - Largest Sugar Beet, topped SECTION 4 - CROP SCIENCE PROJECTS Class 48 - Twenty mounted crops or weeds and their seeds properly identified Class 49 - Exhibit showing crops grown in MI and their uses Class 50 - Educational exhibit of plant growth Class 51 - Educational exhibit showing marketing channels of a crop from producer to consumer Class 52 - Educational exhibit of weeds, insect or disease control Class 53 - Educational exhibit of chemical uses on crops DEPARTMENT 66 - YOUTH AGRICULTURE: FIBER Superintendent: Beth Sawdon, (810) 294-3561, email: themenagerie@ymail.com Premiums: A= $2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge in identification of fiber characteristics as well as proper sheering recommendations and wrapping and tying techniques. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Wool fleece is to be placed in an open, clear plastic bag. Llama, angora and mohair exhibited loose in an open clear plastic bag. No Red Plastic twine 2. All fleece/wool must be from exhibitors own animal. 3. Full fleece must be shown to receive maximum credit. DO NOT include neck, head, stomach, leg or backend wool. 4. Llama and Alpaca barrel fleece only. 5. Fleece must be dry to avoid felting. 6. List all resources used for any information. This includes books, magazines, web sites, newsletters, etc. 7. Interview required for all exhibits. SECTION 10 – FLEECE Class 01 - Alpaca Fleece Class 02 - Fine/Medium - wool Class 03 - Long/Coarse - wool Class 04 - Colored/Any Other - wool Class 07 - Angora Rabbit Fleece www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 50 Class 08 - Llama Fleece Class 09 - Kid Mohair Fleece Class 10 - Yearling Mohair Fleece Class 11 - Aged Mohair Fleece SECTION 16 – WOOL BREEDS - Ewes Class 06 – Aged Ewe – 2 yrs. and older Class 07 – Yearling Ewe – 1 year and under 2 years Class 08 – Ewe Lamb – under 1 year **Grand & Reserve Champion SECTION 11- PRODUCT OF FLEECE Please make note if a kit is used. Class 10 - Product of Fleece 11 & under Class 11 - Product of Fleece 12-14 Class 12 - Product of Fleece 15 and over SECTION 17 – WOOL BREEDS - RAMS Class 09 – Yearling Ram – 1 year and under 2 years Class 10 – Ram Lamb – under 1 year **Grand & Reserve Champion SECTION 12 – EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT Class 13 - Project Notebook relating to the science/product of fiber Class 14 – Poster Class 15 – Display Class 16 – Other (tools, equipment, etc. with written information to explain the process DEPARTMENT 66 - YOUTH AGRICULTURE: WALKING FLEECE Superintendents: Crystal Sovey, (586) 725-6506, email casovey@gmail.com; and Roxanne Mills, (810) 395-7716, SECTION 18– WOOL BREEDS - WETHERS Class 11 –Wether - 1 Year and older Class 12 – Wether Lamb – under one year **Grand & Reserve Champion SECTION 19 – BEST OF FLEECE ON HOOF Class 13 – All exhibitors may enter, only one entry per exhibtor **Overall Grand Champion Trophy SECTION 20 - CLUB AWARDS (to be combined with Sheep) Plaque No premiums, all clubs exhibiting at the fair are entered. Best decorated display, judged on area & decorations during fair. $25 cash award. email: hymnotesfarm@yahoo.com Premiums: A=$3; B=$2; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 2:00 a.m. Location: Beef Arena Objective: Gain knowledge about the importance of confirmation fiber and sheep management. Set Up: Saturday at 12:00 p.m. Check in: Sunday between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. Pre-Entry Form Required, See Form Section of Website/Fair Book See "Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement" Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All lambs/sheep must have mandated scrappies tags. 2. Grand/Reserve Champion Showman will compete against top showmen in Sheep Department for eligibility for Sweepstakes Showmanship 3. No rams over 2 years allowed on fairgrounds. 4. Exhibitors are required to bring their own gate latches, hay feeders and water buckets. 5. Animals may be shown in a halter. 6. Showmanship attire: dark pants, collared shirt and protective footwear. 7. Judging will be 60% conformation and 40% wool (except best “Fleece on Hoof” which is judged 100% on wool). 8. Classes may be divided/combined at the Superintendent’s discretion. SECTION 15 - SHOWMANSHIP Class 01 – Sr. Showmanship, 15 yrs. & older Class 03 – Intermediate Showmanship, 12-14 yr. olds Class 04 – Young Showmanship 8-11 yr. olds. **Grand & Reserve Champion 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT 67 - YOUTH FLORICULTURE: VEGETABLE GARDEN Superintendents: Jerry & Denise Czostkowski, (810) 367-6429 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To gain knowledge about appropriate plant growing techniques, zone appropriate selections, garden maintenance and pest control in order to maximize the quality and quantity of the vegetable being grown. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Each exhibit should include exhibitors name, age, year in project, and class – as well as list vegetable displayed, giving the variety name also. 2. Exhibitors must raise their own vegetables to exhibit. 3. All exhibits must be on the fairgrounds Tuesday of the fair by 9:00 a.m. 4. Judging of vegetables will start at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday of the fair. Exhibitors will remain with exhibit while being judged. 5. All boxed exhibits must be lined with white paper. 6. Beginner Garden Project Ages 8 - 11. One kind of vegetable exhibited. 7. Junior Garden project Ages 12 and 13. Three kinds of vegetables exhibited or one box exhibit, or a commercial package of the crop grown if it is a commercial garden project. 8. Senior Garden project Ages 14 and over. A box exhibit of at least 6 (but not more than 10) different kinds of vegetables, www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 51 or for a commercial garden project, or both, or commercial package of the crop grown. 9. One entry per class. 10. SUGGESTED EXHIBITS - (HOME GARDEN): The number of specimens of one kind and variety of vegetable to exhibit is: 1 SPECIMEN: broccoli (bunch); cabbage; cantaloupe; cauliflower; celery (plant); egg plant; leeks (bunch); green onions (bunch); pumpkin; winter squash; watermelon. 3 SPECIMENS: rutabagas; summer squash; zucchini. 5 SPECIMENS: beets; carrots; sweet corn; cucumbers; kohlrabi; okra; dry onions; parsnips; peppers; potatoes; radishes; salsify; sweet potatoes; tomatoes (except cherry); turnips. 12 SPECIMENS: green or wax beans; lima beans; brussel sprouts; peas; cherry tomatoes. 11. SUGGESTED EXHIBITS - (COMMERCIAL GARDEN): The minimum number of specimens of one kind of vegetable to exhibit is: 3 SPECIMENS: leeks (5 per bunch); large pumpkins; large wintersquash; large watermelons. 5 SPECIMENS: broccoli (bunches); cabbage; cantaloupe; cauliflower; celery (plants); egg plant; green onions (bunches); pie pumpkins; medium size winter squash; ice box watermelons. 12 SPECIMENS: beets; carrots; sweet corn; slicing cucumbers; kohlrabi; okra; dry onions; parsnips; peppers; potatoes; radishes; rutabagas; salsify; summer squash; sweet potatoes; tomatoes (except cherry); turnip. One box (16 x 10 x 4 in.): green and wax beans; lima beans; brussel sprouts; peas. Class 18 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 8 - 11 exhibit of 1 bunch (FRESH) Class 19 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 14 - 18 exhibit of 6 or more bunches (DRIED) Class 20 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 12 - 13 exhibit of 3 bunches (DRIED) Class 21 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 8 - 11 exhibit of 1 bunch (DRIED) SECTION 1 – VEGETABLE GARDEN-BEGINNER PROJECT DEPARTMENT 68 - YOUTH HORICULTURE: FLOWER GARDEN SECTION 2 – VEGETABLE GARDEN-JUNIOR PROJECT Superintendent: Ann Hernandez, 982-5538(home) 3574417(cell) Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 1:00 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To gain knowledge about appropriate plant growing techniques, zone appropriate selections, garden maintenance and pest control in order to maximize the quality and quantity of the flower/indoor plant being grown. Class 01 - Tray exhibit of one kind of vegetable. Class 03 - Three tray exhibits of 3 kinds of vegetables. Class 04 - Box exhibit of at least 6 (no more than 10) kinds of vegetables. Class 05 - One vegetable commercial pkg. - Commercial Project. SECTION 3 – VEGETABLE GARDEN – SENIOR PROJECT SECTION 6 – CONTAINER GARDEN Class 23 - Vegetable grown in portable container. Class 24 - Herbs grown in portable container. SECTION 7 – EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT(on poster 22" x 28") Class 26 - Ages 8-11 yr. olds Class 27 - Ages 12-13 yr. olds Class 28 - Ages 14 yrs. & over (Correlate your exhibit with your garden project.) SECTION 8 – VEGETABLE & FRUIT SCULPTURE 1. Vegetables/Fruits may by purchases or homegrown. 2. No more than 3 entries may be made in this dept. 3. Exhibit must be made of all edible decorations. Class 30 - Sculpture Note to Exhibitors: Please refer to guide, "Selecting Vegetables for Exhibits"(4H1175) available at the MSU Extension Office and Fair Exhibit Requirements listed here, for basis of judging. Class 07 - Box exhibit of at least 6 (but not more than 10) kinds of vegetable. Class 08 - One vegetable commercial pkg. - Commercial Project. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Flowers exhibited in Section 1, Class 01 - 07 must be raised Class 09 - Vegetable basket, organically grown. by the exhibitor. Also, in Section 2, class 10 and 12. SECTION 4 – NOVELTY CLASS 2. Flowers need not necessarily be raised by the exhibitors in Class 11 - Largest Vegetable - By weight (other than tomato) Section 2, class 11, 13 through 15. Class 12 - Largest Tomato - Weight 3. Each exhibit must be labeled with kind and variety name. Class 13 - Largest General Vegetable Length not including stem 4. Classes 01 - 08, Section 1, are to be exhibited in a stable length (no display tray) bottle or jar and will not be judged for arrangement. Class 14 - Most Unusual Vegetable 5. Arrangements and indoor gardening classes will be judged on arrangement, relationship to the container and quality of SECTION 5 – FRESH & DRIED HERBS the flowers and foliage used. Class 16 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 14 - 18 exhibit of 6 6. Select section and class numbers which correspond with the or more bunches (FRESH) type of flower garden project you are taking. Class 17 - Display of cut herbs, labeled Ages 12 - 13 exhibit of 3 7. All live flower arrangements must be made at the fair, in the bunches (FRESH) designated area between 9 - 1 p.m., Monday. 8. Interviews will be conducted. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 52 9. No protected or endangered flowers may be used. 10. In flower arrangements, the container shall be used to compliment the flowers. Emphasis is to be placed on the flowers. Objective: Learn basic animal anatomy, physiology, sanitation and/or causes of disease and immunology. Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. Exhibitors must be present for interview. 2. Projects are to be in place by judging time and must remain Class 01 - 1 annual flower with foliage in place until Sunday, 8 a.m. Class 02 - 3 annual flowers (all the same) with foliage 3. Poster Board size 14"x 22" or 22"x 28" only. Tabletop Class 03 - 1 perennial flower with foliage (over 3 1/2" diam.) Display size no larger than 3'x 3'. Class 04 - 3 perennial flowers (all the same) with foliage (under 4. Grand & Reserve Champion awarded in each of 3 age 3 1/2" diam.) divisions. Class 05 - Gladiolas - Best Specimen bloom - 1 spike (in stable 5. Any use of pre-published material must be given proper container) credit, including magazine articles (and the magazine it came Class 06 - 1 Dahlia with foliage from), and web information (including web site name and Class 07 - 3 Dahlias with foliage (under 3 1/2" diam.) address), books (people who taught you; ex-leaders, vet, Class 08 - Daylilies, 1 scape (flowering stalk) breeders). SECTION 1 - Horse Science SECTION 2 - FLOWER ARRANGEMENT SECTION 2 - Dairy Science Class 10 - Flower Arrangement 8-13 yrs. (using fresh flowers SECTION 3 - Beef Science grown by member) Class 11 - Flower Arrangement 8-13 yrs. (using purchased fresh SECTION 4 - Goat Science SECTION 5 - Swine Science flowers) SECTION 6 - Sheep Science Class 12 - Flower Arrangement 14 yrs. and over (using fresh SECTION 7 - Dog Science flowers grown by member) SECTION 8 - Veal Science Class 13 - Flower Arrangement 14 yrs. and over (using SECTION 9 - Cat Science purchased flowers) SECTION 10 - Llama/Alpaca Science Class 14 - Most Unusual Live Flower Arrangement Class 15 - Arrangements of Live Wildflowers. See requirement Class 01 - Poster: Ages 15 and over Class 02 - Display: Ages 15 and over No. 9. Class 03 - Notebook: Ages 15 and over Class 16 - Dried Flower Arrangement (can be made off Class 04 - Poster: Ages 12-14 fairgrounds) Class 05 - Display: Ages 12-14 Class 17 - Silk Flower Arrangement with Artificial Flowers (can Class 06 - Notebook: Ages 12-14 be made off fairgrounds) Class 18 - Artificial Flower Arrangement (plastic, paper or other Class 07 - Poster: Ages 11 and under Class 08 - Display: Ages 11 and under - can be made off fairgrounds) Class 09 - Notebook: Ages 11 and under SECTION 3 - INDOOR/OUTDOOR GARDEN SECTION 1 - FLOWER GARDEN (Classes 20, 22 and 23: Projects must be owned and cared for, for at least 3 months prior to Fair. Class 21: Projects must be owned and cared for, for at least 6 weeks prior to the Fair.) Class 20 - Houseplants - This class includes both flowering and foliage plants that live in a house year-round. Class 21 - Dish Gardens, Container Garden, Terrariums, or planters - one only. Class 22 - Hanging plants Class 23 - Cacti Project must have been grown in container for at least 2 months prior to fair. DEPARTMENT 69 - YOUTH SCIENCES: ANIMAL SCIENCE Superintendent: Beth Sawdon, (810) 294-3561, email: themenagerie@ymail.com Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT 69 - YOUTH SCIENCE: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Superintendent: Bryant Sebastian, (810) 278-1021, bryantmsebastian@gmail.com Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No premium Judging: Monday at 2:30 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To increase ones knowledge about information related to science, astronomy, rockets, computers and certain engines and then to apply that knowledge into a project either in the form of a display, poster, notebook or similar creation. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors must be present for interview. 2. Projects are to be in place by judging time and must remain in place until Sunday, 8 a.m. 3. Poster Board size 14"x 22" or 22"x 28" only. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 53 Class 11 - Create a Spreadsheet project. Class 12 - Create a computerized presentation (i.e. Microsoft Power point) Class 13 - Write a report on the history of computers and SECTION 20 –SCIENCE EXHIBIT/DEMONSTRATIONS Projects can be an educational exhibit of some phase of science computer language. Class 14 - Write a report on specific application software. including astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, or any other branch of science. Projects can either be on a poster board, in Class 15 - Write a report on imaginary software & what a booklet, or a constructed article illustrating what the member function and purpose the software would serve and who would use it. has learned about science. Class 16 - Create your own web page. SCIENCE PROJECTS Class 17 – Create a media presentation (i.e., iMovie, Class 01 - Ages 8-12 yr. olds Garageband, etc.) Class 02 - Ages 13 yrs. and older Class 18 - Any other computer project not previously listed. MODELS (Rockets, Spaceships or Airplanes) SECTION 22 – SMALL ENGINES All models must include a one page project story by the 2 and 4 Cylce Engines exhibitor on the model, what they learned about it and how Class 19 - Ages 8 – 12 yrs. old they built it. Class 20 – 13 yrs. and older Class 03 - Ages 8-12 yr. olds Class 21 – Club Project Class 04 - Ages 13 yrs. and older 4. Entries should be limited to one per category, unless entries are significantly different. DEMONSTRATIONS Demonstrations should be presented in front of the judges using proper lab safety procedures, and should not last any longer than five minutes. There must be a report of the demonstration explaining how the demonstration was performed and what was learned from the demonstration. Class 05 – Ages 8-12 yr. olds Class 06 – Ages 13 yrs. and older Automotive Class 22 Ages 8 – 12 yrs. old Class 23 - Ages 13 yrs. and older Class 24 - Club Project SECTION 23 – ELECTRICAL Class 25 – Ages 8-12 yrs. old Class 26 – Ages 13 yrs. and older Class 27 – Club Project SECTION 21 – COMPUTERS An exhibit must include a poster and/or booklet which displays (hard copy) results of the computer project. Included in this will be an explanation of the hardware (computer, modem, printer, etc) and software programs used to create the project. The explanation should also show the steps used in designing the project. Please be sure to explain the purpose that the project can serve (i.e. A database for correspondence to a group for a specific purpose, a spreadsheet and maybe graphing to show the relationship between animal feedings and weight gain, etc). Internet Sites must have a sample of the printouts of the Web pages with the complete URL addresses, along with an explanation of why this site is interesting and/or useful. The website should be fully functional and accessible should the internet be available during judging. DEPARTMENT 70 - YOUTH NATURAL RESOURCES Superintendent: Sally Lichota, (810) 325-1600 Assistant Superintendent: Mary Petz, (810) 327-6234 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 1:00 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn what natural resources are; how & why they exist; how they interrelate with each other, the environment & people; Also to provide an opportunity for youth to learn more about the science of entomology, beekeeping, conservation and conservation topics. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All exhibits must be at Fairgrounds by 1 p.m. on Tuesday of the fair. They will be judged Tuesday afternoon. A laptop pc computer will be available during judging equipped 2. Select section and class that corresponds with the project with Microsoft Office programs, DVD playing capabilities and you are taking. internet. The project file should be brought in on a flash drive 3. Exhibitor must be interviewed as part of the exhibit. or compact disc. All presentations should be printed out on a 4. Each exhibit must include, and index; List of References used hard copy should there be a malfunction of hardware or and a Project Story. software. 5. Call Extension 4-H office for project books for forestry, Class 07 - Create any graphic project. wildflowers, birds, mammals and fish. Project books will be Class 08 - Create an original computerized drawing (CAD, subject to fee. landscaping, etc.) 6. Once exhibitor is judged, leave judging area. Class 09 - Create a Word Processing project. 7. Use poster size 22"x 28" or 22"x 14" when preparing Class 10 - Create a Database project. projects. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 54 8. Projects must be completed by exhibitor, including insect collection. 9. Individual projects ages 8-10 may be expanded upon. Need complete new project for ages 11-18. SECTION 1 – CONSERVATION Class 01 - Individual - basic conservation project - 8-10 yrs. Class 02 - Individual - basic conservation project - 13-18 yrs. Class 03 - Club - basic conservation project Class 04 - Individual - threatened or endangered natural resources project. Class 05 - Club - threatened or endangered natural resources project. Class 06 - Individual - recycling project (includes composting projects). Class 07 - Club - recycling project (includes composting projects) SECTION 2 – WATER Class 09 - Individual project - 8-10 yrs. Class 10 - Individual project - 11-18 yrs. Class 11 - Club project SECTION 3 – SOIL Class 13 - Individual project - 8-10 yrs. Class 14 - Individual project - 11-18 yrs Class 15 - Club project SECTION 4 – AIR Class 17 - Individual project, 8-10 yr olds Class 18 - Individual project, 11 yrs. & over Class 19 - Club project SECTION 5 – PLANTS Class 21 - Forestry I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 22 - Forestry II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 23 - Forestry III, 14 yrs. & over Class 24 - Advanced study Class 25 - Club project Tree Planting Class 27 - Individual project, 8-10 yr olds. Class 28 - Individual project, 11yrs. & over-18 yr. olds Class 29 - Club project Wildflowers Class 31 - Wildflowers I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 32 - Wildflowers II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 33 - Wildflowers III, 14 yrs. & over SECTION 6 – WILDLIFE Birds Class 35 - Birds I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 36 - Birds II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 37 - Birds III, 14 yrs. & over Class 38 - Bluebird study Mammals Class 40 - Mammals I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 41 - Mammals II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 42 - Mammals III, 14 yrs. & over Fish 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 44 - Fish I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 45 - Fish II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 46 - Fish III, 14 yrs. & over Class 47 - Advanced Study Marine Biology Class 49 - Marine Biology I, 8-10 yr. olds Class 50 - Marine Biology II, 11-13 yr. olds Class 51 - Marine Biology III, 14 yrs. & over Class 52 - Advanced Study SECTION 7 – CHALLENGE Class 54 - Individual Project Class 55 - Club Project SECTION 8 – ENTOMOLOGY 1. All exhibits must be checked in at fairgrounds by 1 p.m. on Tuesday of the fair. 2. A standard exhibit box should be 18"x 24" x 3 1/2". Select section and class number that corresponds with the project you are taking. 3. Use of proper insect pins. Contact Superintendent for source. 4. Suggested use of Peterson's Guide for labeling of insects. Need to include date specimen was obtained and order it represents on tag. Class 57 - Entomology I; 15 or more adult, labeled insects representing as many orders as possible. Maximum credit is given for 8 orders. Ages 9-11 Class 58 - Entomology II; 30 or more adult, labeled insects representing as many orders as possible. Maximum credit is given for 11 orders. Ages 12 - 14 Class 59 - Entomology III; 60 or more adult, labeled insects representing as many orders as possible. Maximum credit given for 14 orders. Ages 15 - 16 Class 60 - Entomology IV; 90 or more adult or immature insects suitably preserved and labeled in two standard exhibit boxes, in as many orders as possible. Ages 17 - 19 Class 61 - Plastic Embedments I; Exhibit 15 to 25 embedments. Class 62 - Plastic Embedments II: Exhibit 40 or more embedments. SECTION 9 - ENTOMOLOGY (EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY) Class 65 - 8 -12 yr. olds Class 66 - 13 yrs. and over DEPARTMENT 65– BEEKEEPING Co-Superintendent: Jacqueline Rabine (248) 930-4125 Co-Superintendent: Lori Warchuck (810) 989-6935 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To learn about bees, hives, basic beekeeping techniques, and bee products. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Members must attend at least 70 percent of hive checks in their area, and fill in hive observation sheets for each visit. 2. Members may only exhibit one item in each class. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 55 3. Members must keep honey from one hive separate in order to show in classes 1-9. 4. Project book is due with observation sheets by fair entry deadline. 5. No honey or product will be shown from diseased hives. 6. Each entry will be labeled with exhibit tag. SECTION 1 – EXTRACTED HONEY -Water content above 18.6% will be disqualified -Honey must be from one hive (not mixed) -Honey must be bottled by exhibitor -Honey should be submitted in glass jars Class 01 – Light Honey – 1-4 years in project Class 02 – Light Honey – 5 or more years Class 03 – Amber Honey – 1-4 years in project Class 04 – Amber Honey – 5 or more years Class 05 – Dark Honey – 1-4 years in project Class 06 – Dark Honey – 5 or more years Class 27 – Votive candles (one pair molded pure beeswax candles) – 5 years or more Class 28 – Novelty beeswax (a single or coordinated set of any size or shape, pure beeswax) – 1-4 years in project Class 29 – Novelty beeswax (a single or coordinated set of any size or shape, pure beeswax) – 5 years or more Class 30 – Novelty candles (single or set, any size or shape, pure beeswax, must have a wick may be painted or decorated) – 1-4 years in project Class 31 – Novelty candles (single or set, any size or shape, pure beeswax, must have a wick may be painted or decorated) – 5 years or more SECTION 4 – COSMETICS Class 35 – Hand cream/lotion (one jar 2 oz. to 4 oz.) – 1-4 years in project Class 36 – Hand cream/lotion (one jar 2 oz. to 4 oz.) – 5 years or more Class 37 – Soap bars (2 bars) – 1-4 years in project Class 38 – Soap bars (2 bars) – 5 or more years SECTION 2 – HONEY COMB/SPREADS Class 10 – Sections (One box or round section or cut comb) – 1- Class 39 – Lip balm (2 jars, tins, or tubes at least .25oz each) – 1-4 years in project 4 years in project Class 11– Sections (One box or round section or cut comb) – 5 Class 40 – Lip balm (2 jars, tins, or tubes at least .25oz each) – 5 or more years or more Class 12 – Creamed honey (May use up to 20% purchased SECTION 5 – PREPARED FOOD starter, 80% of the honey must be from managed hive) – 1-4 years in project Class 45 – Baked good (recipe must use at least 3 tablespoons Class 13 – Creamed honey (May use up to 20% purchased of honey) – 1-4 years in project starter, 80% of the honey must be from managed hive) – 5 or Class 46 – Baked good (recipe must use at least 3 tablespoons more years of honey) – 5 or more years Class 14 - Chunk honey (One cylindrical or square) – 1-4 years Class 47 – Non-cooked food (ex: a salad with honey in the in project dressing) 1-4 years in project Class 15 - Chunk honey (One cylindrical or square) – 5 years or Class 48 – Non-cooked food (ex: a salad with honey in the more dressing) – 5 or more years Class 16 - Frame of honey (One frame of capped honey, frame Class 49 – Beverage (non-alcholic, recipe must have ½ removal date should be noted in project book) – 1-4 years in tablespoon per 12 oz. serving) – 1-4 years in project project Class 50 – Beverage (non-alcholic, recipe must have ½ Class 17 - Frame of honey (One frame of capped honey, frame tablespoon per 12 oz. serving) – 5 or more years removal date should be noted in project book) – 5 or more years SECTION 6 – DISPLAY Class 55 – Photos – 1-4 years in project SECTION 3 – BEESWAX Class 56 – Photos - 5 or more years Class 20 – Beeswax single block (sample of 2 oz. must be from a -Photos must relate to beekeeping: can be close up, scenic or portrait; Must be a set of 5 to 8 photos; Must be mounted and single hive) 1-4 years in project Class 21 – Beeswax single block (sample of 2 oz. must be from a labeled with date and type of camera Class 57 – Poster or Collage – 1-4 years in project single hive) – 5 or more years Class 58 – Poster or Collage – 5 or more years Class 22 – Jar candle (one beeswax candle in a glass jar) – 1-4 -Poster or collage -must have some aspect of beekeeping as it’s years in project primary focus; No larger than 22” x 28” Class 23 – Jar candle (one beeswax candle in a glass jar) – 5 Class 59 – Entomology – displays of mounted bees – 1-4 years years or more in project Class 24 – Taper candles (one pair, poured or dipped, pure Class 60 – Entomology – displays of mounted bees – 5 or more beeswax candles) – 1-4 years in project years Class 25 – Taper candles (one pair, poured or dipped, pure beeswax candles) – 5 years or more -Entomology - Three worker bees and three drone bees Class 26 – Votive candles (one pair molded pure beeswax mounted on pins, displayed suitable to hang; Label each bee’s candles) – 1-4 years in project brand, coloration, date collected and size; must be preserved and mounted for entomology display (wings should be spread) 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 56 Class 61- Decorated bee hive – 1-4 years in project Class 62- Decorated bee hive – 5 or more years -Decorated bee hives -If hive is housing bees pictures may be submitted showing all 4 sides of the hive; Decorations should not affect the functionality of the hive 2. Select section and class numbers which correspond with your project year – Pictures are welcomed (with labels as to what, when, where and why). 3. Members may use State Awards portfolio in lieu of report form. 4. May use Power Point presentation during interview for pictures. Must indicate this use on report form. SECTION 5 – LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT 71 - YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS: CLUB RECORDS Superintendent: Kelly Thueme, (810) 367-6387 Premiums: A=$2.50; B=$1.50; C=No Premiums; (Individual Records only) Judging: Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn to organize and keep accurate records of personal learning experiences & accomplishments. Class 01 - 11-13 years. Class 02 - 14 yrs. and older **Grand & Reserve Champion awarded, if warranted. SECTION 6 – COMMUNITY SERVICE Class 05 - Club Community Service, no premiums. Class 06 – Individual SEC TION 7 – Achievement Class 07 – 11-13 yrs. old Class 08 – 14 yrs. old & older SECTION 8 – CITIZENSHIP Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. Awards will be based on neatness, originality, and correctness of the records. 2. Participants are not limited to completion of only the record book. Additional information, photos, memorabilia, etc. is encouraged to be incorporated into scrapbook. SECTION 1 - CLUB RECORDS Class 01 - Club Scrapbook (No premiums.) SECTION 2 - INDIVIDUAL RECORDS Class 03 - Secretaries Book Class 04 - Treasurers Book Class 05 - Historians Book Class 06 - Personal Record Book* Class 07 - Livestock Record Book* Class 08 – State Award Book *Members record book required. Available from Extension 4-H office Class 09 – 9-12 yrs. old Class 10 – 13-15 yrs. old Class 11 – 16- 19 yrs. old Class 12 – Group or club DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS: SAFETY Superintendent: Ashley Sebastian, (586) 246-7554 ashleylsebastian@gmail.com Premiums: A=$2;B=$1.25;C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge of general safety tips to be used in home, farm, fire or bicycle use situations. Fair Exhibit Requirements DEPARTMENT 71 - YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS: TEEN LEADERSHIP & ACHIEVEMENT 1. Exhibitors should be with exhibit while being judged. 2. All educational exhibits must be 14"x 22"(example: half sheet of poster board). 3. Projects will be judged on total content of safety tip(s) offered and exhibitor’s knowledge of topic demonstrated during the interview. Included will be: Does the exhibit catch the reader’s attention? Are the tips understandable? Is the point clear? Superintendent: Betty Simpson, (810) 985-8010 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday, 10:00 to 12:00 p.m (noon). Location: Community Building Objective: Develop individual skills and a confidence in assuming new roles in a group and work with younger members as a leader in a project or activity. To give recognition SECTION 1 - BICYCLE SAFETY Class 01 - Educational exhibit, Ages 8 – 11 yr. olds for outstanding accomplishments in 4-H work. Class 02 - Educational exhibit, Ages 12 – 13 yr. olds Fair Exhibit Requirements Class 03 - Educational exhibit Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 04 - Educational exhibit, Club Project. No Premiums. 1. Report Forms must be brought on Sunday to Fair Office in the Community Building. Forms are available at the Fair Office SECTION 2 – FIRE or 4-H Extension Office and on-line. Class 06 - Educational exhibit, Ages 8 – 11 yr. olds Class 07 - Educational exhibit, Ages 12 – 13 yr. olds 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 57 Class 08 - Educational exhibit, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 09 - Educational exhibit, Club Project. No Premiums SECTION 3 – HOME Class 11 - Educational exhibit, Ages 8 – 11 yr. olds Class 12 - Educational exhibit, Ages 12 – 13 yr. olds Class 13 - Educational exhibit, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 14 - Educational exhibit, Club Project. No Premiums. SECTION 4 – FARM Class 16 - Educational exhibit, Ages 8 – 11 yr. olds Class 17 - Educational exhibit, Ages 12 – 13 yr. olds Class 18 - Educational exhibit, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 19 - Educational exhibit, Club Project No Premiums. SECTION 5 – OTHER Class 21 – Educational exhibit, Ages 8 – 11 yr. olds Class 22 - Educational exhibit, Ages 12 – 13 yr. olds Class 23 - Educational exhibit, Ages 14 yrs. and older Class 24 - Educational exhibit, Club Project. No Premiums DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECT - HOME & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Superintendent: Jacqueline Rabine, (248) 930-4125 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gaining knowledge around family issues and living that improve quality of family life or esthetically pleasing improvements to family surroundings. Class 15 - Ages 8 - 11 Decorative Arrangement - A decorative arrangement. Class 16 - Ages 12 & Over - Your Home: Activity Centers, Display or model. Class 17 - Ages 12 & Over - Home Design: Background unit Display or model. Class 18 - Ages 12 & Over - Home Improvement. Suggestions: Arranging Furniture - Scale model room arrangement. Class 19 - Ages 12 & Over - Home Improvement Suggestions: Color schemes for your rooms - Display or model. Class 20 - Ages 12 & Over - Home Design: Refinished piece of furniture/accessory. (Before pictures helpful) Class 21 - Ages 8 - 11- Decorated Chair or Bench. These will be set up on display. (Before pictures helpful) Class 22 - Ages 12 & Up - Decorated Chair or Bench. These will be set up on display. (Before pictures helpful) Club Project - Decorated Chair or Bench. These will be set up on display. (Before pictures helpful) DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS - SCARECROWS Superintendent: Linda Draves, (810) 765-4019 Premiums: A=$2.00; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Gain knowledge and share creativity for designing and assembling a scarecrow. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All exhibits are to be in place by 9:30 a.m., Tuesday. 2. Entry must be between 4 and 5 feet tall (from base to top including any headgear) and between 2 and 3 feet wide, at Fair Exhibit Requirements widest point, and must stand alone on its own base. Guidelines 1. Exhibitors must be present for interview. for base construction available from fair office. (Those entries 2. Exhibitor should bring project at time of judging. Projects not meeting the size requirements will be ineligible for placing.) must remain in place until Sunday, 8 a.m. 3. Judged on creativity, uniqueness or originality, SECTION 10 - LANDSCAPING attractiveness, good use of materials, color, movement & noise Display no bigger than 22 x 28 of scarecrow. Class 01 - Landscaping using flowers, shrubs & trees, Age 8-11 4. Scarecrows should NOT contain items of value. Class 02 - Landscaping using flowers, shrubs & trees, Age 12-13 5. May be individual, club, or group entry. One entry per class. Class 03 - Landscaping using flowers, shrubs & trees, Age 14-Up 6. Interview required. Class 04 - Landscaping using vegetable gardens, Ages 8 - 11 7. Fair Board reserves the right to display project throughout Class 05 - Landscaping using vegetable gardens, Ages 12 - 13 the fairgrounds. Fair Board accepts no responsibility for Class 06 - Landscaping using vegetable gardens, Ages 14 & up damage or loss to project. SECTION 11 - THE FAMILY SECTION 15 Educational poster and/or booklet. Class 08 - Living in a Family Class 09 - Toddler and Preschooler Class 10 - When You Take Care of Children Class 11 - Living With Myself and Others Class 12 - Dating, Marriage, or Family Life Class 1 - 8-13 years old Class 3 - 14-18 years old Class 5 - Group/Club, No premiums Class 7 - All Ages, Best representation of a traditional Scarecrow (as in The Wizard of Oz). Class 8 - First Year Showman; No premiums SECTION 12 - HOME DESIGN Class 14 - Ages 8 - 11 Beginning Color - Table cover with single dish. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 58 DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS - PASSPORT TO UNDERSTANDING Superintendent: Laurie Murphy, 384-6995 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday at 1:00 p.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn about heritage from any state or another country. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Exhibitors will be interviewed. 2. All family tree projects to be shown on small poster board for security. Make sure all photos and articles are firmly secured on boards. Do not leave valuable items on premises. 3. If more than five per division, classes may be divided into age groups; 8-11, 12-13, 14 and over. 4. No grand or reserve ribbon will be given unless warranted. SECTION 20 – OUR HERITAGE Class 01 - Exhibit items about any state (individual) Class 02 - Exhibit items about any state - (club) Class 03 - Tracing your Family Tree *Example: Family Trips in any state (places you went & things you’ve seen, any souvenirs). Family reunions (in your family) & how far they traveled to attend. SECTION 21 – INTERNATIONAL CITIZENSHIP Class 05 - Exhibit items or articles about a foreign country (individual) Class 06 - Exhibit items or articles about a foreign country (club) *Example: Foreign Exchange students that have stayed at your house. What is their history? *Example: Enter your trip to another country, what you saw, how different was it from your country and your ways. DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS - CREATIVE WRITING Superintendent: Kimberley Radatz, (810) 531-0459 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to Noon Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn to express your thoughts in the form of poetry, prose, fiction, history and journalism, using proper English language words and form. Fair Exhibit Requirements: 1. All exhibitors must be present for an interview. 2. All writing compositions must be final, original works. 3. ALL ENTRIES ARE DUE SUNDAY IN THE FAIR OFFICE OR IN STILL EXHIBIT BLDG. ON MONDAY OF THE FAIR BY NOON FOR JUDGES TO REVIEW. 4. All stories are not to be over four (4) typed pages, with a minimum font size of 12 pt.(final draft) Written (printed) book format also acceptable. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 5. All writings should be in a folder with entry tag on front indicating your name and class. Without folder grade will be lowered one grade. 6. Creative Writing is judged only on the content of the story or poem-not on the covers! However, all writings should be neat and readable. 7. If an exhibitor fails to turn in entry by due date, they will be able to submit their entry in person on Wednesday, go through an interview; however, no premium will be paid but a placing ribbon will be awarded. Exhibitor will be ineligible for Grand, Reserve and Best of Class awards. 8. One entry per class. SECTION 25 - SHORT STORIES (FICTION) Class 01 - Ages 8-10 Class 02 - Ages 11-13 Class 03 - Ages 14 and over SECTION 26 – POEM Class 05 - Ages 8-10* Class 06 - Ages 11-13* Class 07 - Ages 14 and over* *Submit one poem only. SECTION 27 - SHORT STORIES NON-FICTION AND NEWS FEATURES Class 09 - Ages 8-10 Class 10 - Ages 11-13 Class 11 - Ages 14 and Over SECTION 28 – OTHER Class 13 - Ages 8-10 Class 14 - Ages 11-13 Class 15 - Ages 14 and over DEPARTMENT 72 – YOUTH EDUCTIONAL PROJECTS - COLLECTIONS Superintendent: Raemi Kunath, (810) 765-7101 Email: kunath@homesgalore.com Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Location Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Learn to compile and organize specific items of interest for display. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. More than one entry may be made, but only one entry per class. 2. All projects must remain on grounds until Sunday at 8 a.m., or premiums will be withheld. 3. Exhibitors must be interviewed. 4. Collection report form is required, which may be obtained from the Extension 4-H office, or the Fair Office. 5. Do not set up any collections prior to judging. SECTION 30 Class 01 - Baseball Cards, Stamps and Coins Class 02 - Buttons, Pins, Key Rings, Match Books, Pencils, and Stickers www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 59 Class 03 - Miniature Cars and Trucks, Miniatures, Models Class 04 - Animals and Others **Grand/Reserve Champions Awarded Award Ceremony will be approximately 4:30 p.m. (after all poster judging is completed.) Objective: Develop safe and effective shooting sports habits and favorable conservation attitudes. DEPARTMENT 72 - YOUTH EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS - GUN SAFETY THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP DATES – NO EXCEPTIONS! 3-D Target Shoot: June 22nd, Sign in at 8:00 a.m. Shoot Superintendent: Tim Warchuck, (810) 367-6956 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday of Fair at 1:00 p.m. Posters or notebook MUST be turned in at the time of the county shoot. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Develop safe and effective shooting sports habits and favorable conservation attitudes. begins at 8:30 a.m. Location: 4 Square Sportsmen Club Target Shoot: June 30th, Sign in at 8:00 a.m. Shoot begins at 9:00 a.m. Location: Goodells County Park, North Side of park Fair Exhibitor Requirements 1. Exhibitor must accompany exhibit and be interviewed. If exhibitor cannot be present for interview, he/she must contact the Superintendent. 1. Exhibitor must accompany exhibit and be interviewed. If exhibitor cannot be present for interview, he/she must contact 2. All exhibits must remain at the fairgrounds until 8 a.m. on Sunday of the fair. the Superintendent. 3. Safety Poster: Poster board size: 14"x 22" (half sheet of 2. To be eligible for the St. Clair Co. 4-H Youth Rifle, Trap and poster board). Poster on some phase of Archery Safety. One B-B Gun Shoot, an exhibitor must either exhibit a gun safety poster, size 14" x 22" (half sheet of poster board) or a project poster per exhibitor. Ages 11 - 19 may choose between submitting a poster or 4-H project records booklet. Posters can record book (ages 11-19) at either Spring Achievement or at not have any 3-D objects. the St. Clair County 4-H Gun Shoot. All safety posters and 4. Target Size for Target Shoot: The standard N.A.A. 48" target record books must have a fair exhibit tag attached to them will be used. Scored 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Everyone will when handed in on the day of the shoot. Poster must be on shoot 30 arrows at 30 yds. and 30 arrows at 20 yds., (the longer some phase of Gun Safety. One poster per exhibitor. Poster distance first). There will be 5 rounds of 6 arrows and 6 cannot have any 3-D objects. 3. All shooting sports and archery targets and safety posters practice arrows at each distance. A total of 60 scoring arrows and 12 practice arrows will be shot. (Each member should that are not picked up will be discarded at 10:00 a.m. on have at least 9 arrows in case of breakage or loss, arrows must Sunday. 4. 8 year olds will show as clover sprouts and will be awarded be marked or identifiable.) Open class target size will shoot the smaller 10 ring on the 122 cm face at 30 yards. Open class will participation ribbon only. shoot a 60 cm face target at 20 yards. SECTION 35 – SAFETY Target Size for 3-D Target Shoot: Exhibitor will shoot at near POSTER on some phase of gun safety. full-size silhouette animal targets. A 30 station walk-through Class 01 - Ages 9-11 range. Targets will be positioned approx. 0-25 yards away. Class 02 - Ages 12-14 Limited time to shoot one arrow at each target. Scoring will be Class 03 - Ages 15 & older based on 10-point and 8-point scoring rings in the vital area Class 04 – Age 8 (participation only) (lung, liver, double-lung). Arrows outside the scoring ring will receive 5 points. Arrows completely missing the target will be 4-H PROJECT RECORD BOOK scored as a “0”. There may be a 3-D Target Shoot range fee. Class 05 - Ages 9-11 Requirements and Rules to Participate at County Shoot: Class 06 - Ages 12-14 **All equipment will be inspected by Range Officers prior to Class 07 - Ages 15& older competition. Class 08 – Age 8 (participation only) a. To be eligible for the Target and/or 3-D Target archery shoot, an exhibitor must exhibit an archery safety poster or project records booklet. This must be turned in at time of DEPARTMENT 73 - YOUTH DEMONSTATION your first shoot. b. Exhibitors age is determined as of January 1st of the ARCHERY SHOOT & BOW SAFETY current year. 3-D Shoot participants must be 9-19 year of Superintendents: Kim Carrier (810) 325-1210 and age and be experienced in shooting. Target Shoot Jennifer Fox (810) 384-6561 brian_jen@peoplepc.com participants must be 8-19 years of age. Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums c. 8 yr. olds will participated as clover sprouts and will be Judging: Poster Judging Monday, 1:00 p.m. Poster must be awarded participation ribbon only turned in by participant at time of first archery project shoot. d.. Rules governing this shoot are taken from the State One required per participant. Shoot Rules, obtained from the Extension 4-H office. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Fair Exhibit Requirements 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 60 e. Bow - Recurve, Long or Compound bows are to be used. Instinctive - Bow without sights or bow marks. Sighted sights or bow marks added to the bow. Maximum draw weight allowed for Target Class is 60 lbs. Maximum Draw weight allowed for 3-D Shoot is 65 lbs. and maximum stabilizer of 12 inches can be used – 3D ONLY. f. 3-D shooter each must have a minimum of 6 arrows. Only target points or bullet shaped points are permitted for all classes. Target shooter each must have a minimum of 9 arrows. NO telescopic sights, lazers and/or non-electronic range finders will be allowed in any class. NO field glasses or telescopes may be used in the 3-D shoot. g. Overdraws will be allowed, EXCEPT arrow tip must extend to beyond bow grip pivot point (Tip of arrow cannot be drawn back past center of pivot point of bow.) h. Open Classes ONLY: Release aids are allowed (except for back tension release aids will not be allowed). i. Range Officer: will control the Target Shoot with a whistle. 2 Whistle Blasts Step to the shooting line. 1 Whistle Blast - Begin shooting. 3 Whistle Blasts Retrieve arrows. 4 or more Whistle Blasts Emergency, let down bow, put arrow back in quiver. Wait for instruction from range officer. Check the conduct of shooting and scoring which includes making decisions on questionable arrows. j. Any discrepancy while scoring must be brought to the range officers attention before pulling the arrows. k. FINGER PROTECTION & ARM GUARDS ARE MANDATORY. Each shooter must have their own safety protection. (Gloves, shooting tabs, or tape to draw, holdback and release the string are permitted, provided they are smooth with no device to help hold and/or release the string. l. Archery shoot score sheets will be scored, graded and given to exhibitor at time of interview of poster. State Shoot Eligibility: Grand/Reserve of eligible age class. Alternates determined by points and class standing. State age for shoot is age as of January 1st of the current year. Exhibitors eligible at age 10-19 for Target and 12-19 for 3-D Bow Hunting. Those qualifying for the State Shoot should review state rules since state shoot rules may differ slightly from county shoot rules. m. No binoculars at the shooting line – TARGET ONLY SECTION 1 Class 01 - Safety Poster, 9-11 yrs. Class 02 - Safety Poster, 12-14 yrs. Class 03 - Safety Poster, 15 yrs. and over Class 04 – Safety Poster, 8 yrs. (participation only) Class 05 - 4-H Project Records Book, 12-14 yrs. Class 06 - 4-H Project Records Book, 15 yrs. and over SECTION 2 – TARGET Class 07 – Long or Recurve Bow, 8 yrs. (participation only) Class 08 - Long or Recurve Bow, 9 - 11 yrs. Class 09 - Long or Recurve Bow, 12 - 14 yrs. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 10 - Long or Recurve Bow, 15 yrs. and over SECTION 3 – TARGET Class 11 – Compound Bow (no sights), 8 yrs. (participation only) Class 12 - Compound Bow (no sights), 9 - 11 yrs. Class 13 - Compound Bow (no sights), 12 - 14 yrs. Class 14 - Compound Bow (no sights), 15 yrs. and over SECTION 4 – TARGET) Class 15 – Sighted Bow, 8 yrs. (participation only) Class 16 - Sighted Bow, 9 - 10 yrs. Class 17 - Sighted Bow, 12 - 14 yrs. Class 18 - Sighted Bow, 15 yrs. and over SECTION 5 - TARGET Class 19 - 8 yrs. (participation only) Class 20 - Beg. Open Class, 9-11 yrs. Class 21 - Jr. Open Class, 12-14 yrs. Class 22 - Sr. Open Class, 15 yrs. & over SECTION 6 - 3-D TARGET Class 23 - Instinctive Bow, 9-11 yrs. Class 24 - Jr. Instinctive Bow, 12 - 14 yrs. Class 25 - Sr. Instinctive Bow, 15 yrs. & over SECTION 7 - 3-D TARGET Class 26 - Sighted Bow, 9 - 11 yrs. Class 27 - Jr. Sighted Bow, 12 - 14 yrs. Class 28 - Sr. Sighted Bow, 15 yrs. & over SECTION 8 - 3-D TARGET Class 29 - Beg. Open Class, 9 - 11 yrs. Class 30 - Open Class, 12 - 14 yrs. Class 31 - Open Class, 15 yrs. & over DEPARTMENT 73 - YOUTH DEMONSTATIONS GUN SHOOTING SPORTS Superintendent: Joe Provost (810) 367-6222 Co-Superintendent: Tim Warchuck, (810) 367-6956; Jeff Schelske (810) 956-8837; Ken Fountain, (586) 850-9173 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP DATES – NO EXCEPTIONS! Judging Shoot: Saturday, June 29th at 8:00 a.m. Location: Blue Water Sportsman’s Club, 4866 Ravenswood Check in: Ages 12-19 sign up at 8 am, ages 8-11 at 9:30 am. Silhouette, Muzzleloading and 5-Stand: Saturday, June 22nd at 8:00 a.m. at Four-Square Sportsman’s Club All other Shooting Events: Saturday, June 29th at 8:00 a.m. at Blue Water Sportsman’s Club Safety Posters: Safety poster or record book is required for all classes. See Department 72. Judging will be Monday of Fair at 1:00 p.m. in the Still Exhibit Barn. Exhibitors must be present for interview in order for the poster or record book to be judged and to qualify for grand or reserve. Award Ceremony will be Monday of fair, approximately 4:30 p.m. (after all poster judging is completed.) www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 61 Posters or notebooks MUST be turned in at the time of the county shoot. Objective: Develop safe and effective shooting sports habits and favorable conservation attitudes. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Both boys and girls age 9 and up may compete at the county level. Targets will be scored, graded, judged and displayed at the fair. *8 yr. olds will show as clover sprouts and will be awarded participation ribbons only. 2. Select section and class number that corresponds with your projects. 3. Copies of state shoot regulations are at the Extension 4-H Office and available on line at http://web1.msue.msu.edu/msue/cyf/youth/shootisp.html. 4. To be eligible for the St. Clair Co. 4-H Youth Rifle, Trap and B-B Gun Shoot, an exhibitor must either exhibit a gun safety poster or a project record book at either Winter Achievement or at the St. Clair County 4-H Fair. All safety posters and record books must have a exhibit tag attached to them when handed in on the day of the shoot. Poster must be on some phase of Gun Safety. One poster per exhibitor. Poster cannot have any 3-D objects. 5. State Shoot Eligibility: Grand/Reserve of eligible age class. Alternates determined by points and class standing. Must be registered, check with Supt. for deadline. State age for shoot is your age as of Jan. 1st. - Must be 9 years old for B-B gun, 12 yrs. old for other disciplines. TO COMPETE AT THE STATE SHOOT. 6. All guns will be left in cases until you are at shooting stations. 7. All guns will get a safety check at shooting stations. 8. Please do not compete if you do not have a 4-H shooting leader. 9. No reloads for shotguns - factory loads only. 10. The first safety violation by any youth will incur a warning. A second violation will mean instant disqualification. 11. County rules will follow State 4-H Rules. 12. B-B gun & Air (pellet) rifle: Eye protection is mandatory. 13. Rifle, Trap and Skeet event: Eye and ear protection is mandatory. 14. All shooting sports and archery targets and safety posters that are not picked up will be discarded at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. See Department 72. SECTION 10- SMALLBORE RIFLE SILHOUETTE TARGETS: 1/5 scale metallic silhouettes will be used. COURSE OF FIRE: Seniors: 10 chickens at 40 yrds. standing position ; 10 pigs at 60 yrds. kneeling position; 10 turkeys at 77 yrds. cross stick position; 10 rams at 100 yrds. bench postion. Juniors: 10 chickens at 40 yrds. standing position; 10 pigs at 60 yrds. kneeling position; 10 turkeys at 77 yrds. bench or cross stick position; optional 10 rams at 100 yrds. bench position. Time Limits : 15 seconds ready time and 2 ½ minutes firing per bank at 5 targets. Equipment : Any safe .22 long rifle with any sights that do not project an image on the target or operate the trigger. Scope limit to 9 power max. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Scoring: Targets must be knocked down in order to be scored as hits. Targets not knocked down or hit out of order will be scored as misses. Shoot offs using cross sticks at 50 yrds (using rams then turkeys progressing in revise with targets). Safety poster or record book required for all classes. See Dept. 72. Class 9 – Ages 10-14 Class 10 – Ages 15 yrs and older SECTION 11 - RIFLE SHOOT Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports State Tournament Rules (http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/4h state shooting sports tournament rules) and NRA Small-bore Rifle Rules apply to this section. NRA rule books are available from the NRA Program Materials Center, (800) 336-7402, item# CR 16750 or online at http://materials.nrahg.org/go/. FIELD RIFLE - will be .22 caliber rim fire (no .22 Magnum rifles), capable of single loading. Weight not to exceed 7.5 lbs., trigger pull will be 2 lbs., or more. Sights may be open or peep style only. The front sight must be permanently mounted, not capable of changing inserts. The rear sight must NOT be capable of micrometer adjustment. Open iron and adjustable peep sights are permitted. NO telescopic sights, slings, palm rests, adjustable butt plates, or specialized shooting coats, pants, shoes, etc. are permitted. TARGET RIFLE will be .22 caliber rimfire target rifle (no .22 Magnum rifles). See NRA small bore rifle rule 3.2, for complete equipment specifications. NO telescopic sights. Anyone wishing to use a sporting rifle in the target class may do so. Open chamber indicators (O.C.I.) will be used. 30 shots per contestant at 50 foot target; A32 targets: Sighter shots will be fired and checked before each round 10 shots prone position - 10 minutes 10 shots kneeling position -10 minutes 10 shots standing position -15 minutes Safety poster or record book required for all classes. See Department 72. *Class 12 - Field Shoot - Sporting 9-11yrs. (NEED NOTE FROM YOUR LEADER) Class 13 - Field Shoot - Sporting 12-14 yrs. Class 14 - Field Shoot - Sporting 15 yrs. and older. A17 Targets: Sighter shots will be fired and checked before each round 10 shots prone position - 10 minutes 10 shots kneeling position -10 minutes 10 shots standing position -15 minutes Safety poster or record book required for all classes. See Department 72. *Class 15 - Rifle Shoot - Target 9-11 (NEED NOTE FROM YOUR LEADER) Class 16 - Rifle Shoot - Target 12-14 yrs. Class 17 - Rifle Shoot - Target 15 yrs. and older *Not eligible for state shoot SECTION 12 - TRAP SHOOT Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports State Tournament Rules (http://4h.msue.edu/4h/4 h state shooting sports tournament rules and ATA Official Trapshooting Rules & www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 62 Regulations apply to this section. These rules can be downloaded at www.shootata.com/pdfs/Rulebook2007.pdf shooting sports tournament rules) and National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules apply to this section. These can be TRAP SHOOT - ammunition must be either trap load, sport load downloaded from www.odcmp.com/3p.htm. or their equivalent. The event will have two rounds of 25 shots AIR RIFLE: Rifle must be 0.177 cal. Open chamber indicators each. Competition will be on an ATA trap range from the 16yard stand. The scores for first and second place will be broken (O.C.I.) will be used. Multi-pump rifles will be limited to 3 by a sudden death shoot off. Field loads (over 3 drams & 1 1/8 pumps. No telescopic sights are permitted. Slings are allowed in the prone and kneeling positions only. The sling must be oz shot) are illegal for trap shooting. Safety poster or record worn only ove the upper part of the left arm (right are for a left book required for all classes. 50 rounds of shot will be used. handed competitor) and from there connected to the fore-end Class 18 - 11-14 yrs. of the rifle stock. Class 19 – 15 yrs. and older SPORTER AIR RIFLE: The Sporter Air Rifle is intended to be a SECTION 13 - 5 STAND SPORTING CLAYS low cost, entry-level rifle without specialized modifications. Muzzle velocity of 600 fps or less. Maximum weight is 7.5 lbs. EVENT: Sporting clays course as set by the management. COURSE OF FIRE: 50 Targets consisting of 25 targets on each of Minimum trigger pull is 1.5 lbs., adjustable butt and comb of stock allowed but cannot be changed during competition. two sporting clays layouts using mixed targets of the Purchase price (price that is available to junior shooting managements choice and placement. programs through a manufacturer’s special marketing SHOOT-OFFS: 5 pairs as arranged by the shooting program) not to exceed.$525.00. Only sights manufactured for management. and sold with the Sporter air rifles are permitted. Sights for the TIME LIMITS: Shooters will fire in an expeditious manner, front sight apertures or inserts may be used in approved avoiding unnecessary delay. Sporter air rifle front sights; different sized apertures may be EQUIPMENT: Any shotgun 12 gauge or smaller, firing a shot charge not to exceed 1 1/8 ounces, with shot no larger than US used in different positions. An adjustable iris or adjustable aperture may not be used in the front or rear sight. Metal 7 fine or smaller than US 9 fine at a velocity approximating front sight bases may be substituted for plastic Daisy 1200 feet per second; chokes tubes may be changed between XSV40/AA T200 front sight bases. Sporter Clothing: Shooting Stands only. Safety poster or record book required for all jackets and special shooting pants are not permitted. Any classes. ordinary glove or shooting glove is permitted. Approved Class 21 - 11- 14 yrs. Sporter Rifles (include, but are not limited to the following: Class 22 – 15 yrs. older AirForce Air Guns Edge, Crosman CH2000, and CH2009, Daisy SECTION 14 - B-B GUN CONTEST M853/753/953/853CM/888/887/XSV40 Valiant and the Air Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports State Arms T200). Tournament Rules (http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/4 h state PRECISION: Any type of .177 caliber pneumatic, spring air, shooting tournament rules) and NRA BB Gun Rules apply to this compressed air or C02 rifle with a muzzle velocity of 600 fps or section. NRA rule books are available from the NRA Program less that conforms to the specification of National Standard Materials Center, (800) 336-7402, item # CR 16410 or on-line at Three Position Air Rifle Rules 4.4/4.5/4.6/and 4.7 may be used. http://materials.nrahq.org/go/. Safety poster or record book required for all classes. See B-B GUNS - may be spring, gas, or pneumatic operated. Barrels Department 72. 30 shots per contestant at 10 meter range: may be smooth bore or rifled. Rifling in the guns may be 10 shots prone position - 1 target, 10 minutes equivalent to that of Daisy 845, but not of greater precision. 10 shots kneeling position - 1 target, 10 minutes Multi-pump BB guns are limited to 1 pump. Open iron and 10 shots standing position - 1 target, 10 minutes adjustable peep sights are permitted. NO telescopic sights. Half-slings are allowed. Ordinary sports or casual clothing must Class 28 – 9-11 yrs.- Sporting For State shoot must reached be worn. No padded or unusually heavy clothing is permitted. their 10th birthday by Jan. 1, 2013. Class 29 – 12-14 yrs. - Sporting No pads, braces, or elastic bandages will be allowed, without Class 30 – 15 yrs. and older - Sporting the approval of the superintendent. Ammunition will be a Class 31 – 8 yr (participation only) round B-B. Safety poster or record book required for all Class 32 - Precision Ages 11-14 yrs. classes. See Department 72. Class 33 - Precision Ages 15 yrs. and older 10 shots prone position - 1 target, 10 minutes 10 shots sitting position - 1 target, 10 minutes SECTION 16 - SKEET SHOOT Class 24 – 9-11 yrs. Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports State Class 25 – 12-14 yrs. Tournament Rules http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/4 h state Class 26 – 15 yrs. and older shooting sports tournament rules, and National Skeet Shooting Class 27 – 8 yr (participation only) Association, P. O. Box 67, Friendship, Indiana 47021, will apply. Download at SECTION 15 - AIR (Pellet) RIFLE http://www.nmlra.org/pdfs/webrangerruleBook5-10.dpf Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting State Tournament Rules (http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/ 4 h state 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 63 SKEET SHOOT - ammunition must be either skeet load, sport load or their equivalent. The event will have two rounds of 25 shots each. Tie scores for first and second place will be broken by a sudden death shoot-off. Field loads (over 3 drams & 1 1/8 oz. shot) are illegal for skeet shooting. Safety poster or record book required for all classes. See Department 72. Class 35 - 11-14 yrs. Class 36 – 15 yrs. and older SECTION 17 – MUZZLE LOADING RIFLE Unless specified herein, Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports State Tournament Rules http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/4 h state shooting sports tournament rules and National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, P.O. Box 67, Friendship, Indiana 47021 will apply. Download at http://www.nmlra.org/pdfs/webRangerruleBook5-10.pdf All contestants must be accompanied by Leader, Coach or parent. Safety poster or record book required for all classes. Class 38 - 11 - 14 yrs. Traditional Muzzle Loading Rifle. (Caplock or Flintlock with OPEN SIGHTS) Class 39 – 15 yrs. and older. Traditional Muzzle Loading Rifle. (Caplock or Flintlock with OPEN SIGHTS) Class 40 - 11 - 14 yrs. Open Class Muzzle Loading Rifle. (Caplock, Flintlock, or In-line with TELESCOPE) Class 41 – 15 yrs. and older. Open Class Muzzle Loading Rifle. (Caplock, Flintlock, or In-line with TELESCOPE) MUZZLE LOADING RIFLE EQUIPMENT 1. Any caliber muzzle loading long gun may be used, but the weight of the rifle must be 10 lbs. or less. 2. Contestants will use their own sporting firearms, black powder or Pyrodex, projectiles, patches, and shooting bag or pouch. 3. Only pre-measured charges may be used from a powder horn or powder can (WITH POUR SPOUTS). NO PLASTIC OR GLASS CONDIMENT CONTAINERS. NO PELLETIZED POWDER. 4. No powder horns or powder cans will be allowed on the firing line (except as needed by flintlock shooters for priming powder). These items will be allowed only at the loading bench. 5. Sights must be open or telescopic; peep sights and shades are prohibited. Sights may be stationary or adjustable. Telescopic sights allowed only in Open Class Competition. 6. The following are prohibited: Schutzen type butt plate, adjustable butt plates, palms, and slings. 7. Set triggers and double triggers will be allowed. 8. Range rods with palm savers required for all loading of guns. 9. Any time guns are empty range rod must be down barrel. 10. No smokeless powder will be allowed on the range. 11. All range rods will have a scribed line to show a seated load. 12. Granulated powder permitted, no pellets. NO PELLETIZED POWDER WILL BE ALLOWED. 13. Contestants may use spotting scopes or binoculars as long as they do not interfere with other participants. 14. In the Traditional Muzzle Loading Rifle competition, only traditional flintlock or caplock muzzle loading rifles with metallic sights may be used with a “patched round ball” only. No sabots or conical bullets will be allowed. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 15. In the Open Class Muzzle Loading Rifle competition, any caliber in-line muzzle loading rifles with or without a scope or any caliber traditional flintlock or caplock muzzle loading rifle with a scope may be used. Sabots, conical bullets, or “patched round balls” may be used. 16. Sabots and conical bullets allowed in the Open Class only. TARGETS, RULES, AND COURSE OF FIRE 1. Standard NMLRA Targets (such as 1 or 2 buffalo targets, 6 bull targets) will be used at the discretion of the Range Officer. Standard range rules will be followed and targets will be scored from the center of the target to the center of the ball hole. 2. Ten (10) shots per contestant in standing position on two targets - 20 minutes per target - 5 shots per target. 3. Five (5) shots will be taken at 25 yards, and 5 shots at 50 yards. Buffalo target @ 50 yards and 6 bull targets at 25 yards. Sight-in shots will be fired at 25 yard target only. 4. Procedures for Loading: All loading will be done at a loading bench; the loading bench(es) will be located along a loading line, well in back of the firing line. No caps will be put on the nipples, no flintlocks primed until the shooter is on the firing line. Spectators and coaches will be kept behind the spectator line, well in back of the loading line. NO SMOKING ALLOWED IN THE VICINITY OF THIS EVENT. 5. Procedures for Handling Misfires or Hangfires: All misfires will be handled by the Range Officer (and/or assistants). A shooter with a misfire should call the Range Officer at once while keeping the barrel pointed downrange at all times. DEPARTMENT 73 - YOUTH DEMONSTRATION SPRING ACHIEVEMENT Superintendent: Alycia Schott, (810) 357-6389 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Monday, between 10 – 11 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: To see and appreciate other project successes and gain knowledge of other project opportunities available. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. All exhibits must have been shown and awarded a Gold Seal at Spring Achievement. 2. All exhibits must be clean and orderly to be displayed. 3. All exhibits must remain on exhibit until 8 a.m. on Sunday. 4. You must sign in. 5. A protective see-through covering is recommended during fair week for items that may get soiled. 6. Must have name tag and gold seal ribbons on exhibits. SECTION 20 - GOLD SEAL PROJECTS Class 01 - All Spring Achievement Gold Seal Projects. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 64 DEPARTMENT 73 – YOUTH DEMONSTRATION PUBLIC SPEAKING & DEMONSTRATION Superintendent: KristyHardy, (810) 334-7844, klrhardy@gmail.com Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums No premiums in Section 27 Judging: Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Location: Schoolhouse Objective: Gain skills and personal growth in verbal presentations through the vehicle of speeches, demonstrations and illustrated talks. Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Participants can present any topic, but cannot enter with the same presentation used in other areas. 2. Rules and scoring will be based on state level. Guidelines available from Extension 4-H office. 3. All exhibitors will participate by age groups as follows: Senior: 14 yrs. & over Intermediate: 11 - 13 yr. olds Young: 8 - 10 yr. olds 4. Only one entry per class. 5. All exhibitors should meet with superintendent at 3 p.m. to sign up for a judging time. 6. Exhibitor will prepare an outline or copy of speech for the judge. 7. Equipment available: podium, tables, electrical outlet. Additional equipment must be provided by exhibitor. SECTION 25 - PUBLIC SPEAKING Class 01 - Public Speaking – Senior (7-10 minutes) Class 02 - Public Speaking – Intermediate (5-7 minutes) Class 03 - Public Speaking – Young(3-5 minutes) SECTION 26 – DEMONSTRATION Class 05 - Demonstration – Senior (9-12 minutes) Class 06 - Demonstration – Intermediate (6-9 minutes) Class 07 - Demonstration – Young (4-6 minutes) Objective: Gain knowledge about technique and safety involving use of some farm equipment (tractor with trailer and lawn mower with trailer) SECTION 30 –MANEUVERING Class 01 - 8-12 yrs. - Lawn mower with trailer Class 02 - 13-14 yrs. - Lawn mower with trailer Class 03 - 15 & over - Lawn mower with trailer Class 04 - 13-14 yrs. - Tractor with trailer Class 05 - 15 & over - Tractor with trailer DEPARTMENT A - TRASH & RECYCLING BARRELS Superintendent: Cindy Potter, 395-2487 Awards: 1st=$25; 2nd=$15; 3rd=$10 Fair Requirements 1. Clubs may enter up to two 55 gallon barrels. Clubs are responsible for obtaining barrels. Barrels may be plastic, but must measure the same diameter at the top as at the bottom. No club names on barrel. 2. Any type of permanent decorating materials (i.e. paint) may be used to decorate the barrel. 3. Barrels must be registered in the fair office and placed in front of the Community Center Bldg., and numbered with an official registration number from the office by 2 p.m. Monday. 4. Award winners will be announced during Opening Ceremonies. 5. No individual premiums will be awarded. 6. All trash barrels become the property of the Fair after they are registered for the contest. Recycling barrels are property of the club entering the barrels. 7. Recycling barrels should have a cover, suggesting locking, should encourage only recyclable cans and/or bottles. 8. Recycling barrels: Clubs must empty barrels throughout the week and can keep and retain proceeds from returnables. SECTION 27 - TEAM DEMONSTRATION No premiums. Class 09 - Team Demonstration – Senior (10-12 minutes) Class 10 - Team Demonstration – Intermediate (8-10 minutes) Class 11 - Team Demonstration – Young (6-8 minutes) DEPARTMENT 73 - YOUTH DEMONSTRATION FARM EQUIPMENT MANEUVERING Superintendent: Dale Avery, ( 810) 395-2566 Premiums: A=$2; B=$1.25; C=No Premiums Judging: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Location: To be announced 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT B - PET PARADE Superintendent: Dave & Della Fiedler, (810) 982-4167 Premiums: None. Judging: Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Location: Beef Arena Registration: One-half hour before Pet Parade. Guidelines A Pet Parade open to all youth will be held Saturday of the fair starting at 3 p.m. Pets cannot include animals already exhibited at the fair. Animals must be under control and paraded by carrying or leading around a ring. Age is determined on January 1st of the current year. Participation www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 65 ribbons awarded, but no premiums paid. Class may be split or combined at the discretion of Pet Parade Superintendent. 1. Judging by a panel of 3, using 1-10 scale, rating individually (winner - best average). 2. Pet does not have to be owned by exhibitor. 3. Pet can only be shown once. 4. Child can only show once. 5. No swine of any kind may enter the fairgrounds unless moved directly to a slaughter facility from the fairgrounds. SECTION 1 Pet Handler 4 yrs. or younger Pet Handler 5 and 6 years Pet Handler 7 and 8 years Pet Handler 9 to 19 years Most unusual pet Pet with longest tail Best costumed pet & owner Best trick DEPARTMENT D - EXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR Clerk: Ed Wilcox; edwardwilcox@centerline-elec.com Award: Traveling trophy & $150 Cash Prize sponsored by St. Clair County 4-H Leaders Council Entry Deadline: Saturday of Fair, 9:00 a.m. in Community Bldg. Office Judging: Saturday 1. Must exhibit in at least five (5) different project areas. 2. One (1) of those project areas must include an animal project, but all five (5) project areas cannot be animal projects. Example: Vegetables, Photography, Flowers, Crops & Swine. 3. No spring achievement projects are included towards this award. 4. Team project: Each person will receive 1/2 of the team points. Example: If a two-person team demonstration in Public Speaking got a grand champion, each person gets 1 1/2 points. 5. Exhibitor can only use three (3) awards in any given project in accumulating points. Example: An exhibitor receiving five Grand, Reserve or Best of Class, or a combination of those, may only use the highest three placing in any given project area. 6. Exhibitors must fill out the Exhibitor of the Year application form and turn it into the fair office in the Community Bldg. no later than Saturday of the fair, by 9:00 a.m. Any exhibitor not turning in their form, or turning a form in late, will be eliminated from consideration. Any project areas judged after Saturday of the fair, 9:00 a.m., may be added to the exhibitor's form, at the exhibitor's request at the conclusion of the project area judging. Exhibitor of the Year application forms will be verified prior to the award being announced. 7. Exhibitor of the Year application forms will be available at the fair office in the Community Building during the week of the fair. 8. Exhibitor of the Year can only be won once by an individual. POINTS: 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK DEPARTMENT E - BEAUTIFY THE FAIRGROUNDS CONTEST Superintendent: Debbie Shinavier Awards: 1st=$20; 2nd=$15; 3rd=$10 Judging: Monday Fair Exhibit Requirements SECTION 2 Guidelines GRAND CHAMPION = 3 points RESERVE CHAMPION = 2 points BEST OF CLASS/BREED/VARIETY = 1 point 1. Open to all 4-H clubs and individuals in the county. 2. Container to be provided by the exhibitor. Container should compliment the area it is to be used in. 3. Containers should be moveable. Example; box, barrel, wheelbarrow, watering can. 4. Placement of containers is on a first come, first serve basis. Fair Office to be notified of location of container by noon on Monday of the fair. 5. Planters to be in place by 8 a.m., Monday of the fair and remain in place until 8 a.m. on Sunday. 6. Section A - Container using incorporation of fair theme. Section B - Container not incorporating fair theme. 7. Award winners will be announced during Opening Ceremonies. Judging Criteria: 1. Container compatible to location placed. 2. Flowers and arrangements fresh, healthy, and complimentary to container and location. 3. Overall appearance of entry. DEPARTMENT F - BILLBOARD CONTEST Superintendent: Ed Wilcox edwardwilcox@centerline-elec.com Awards: 1st=$75; 2nd=$60; 3rd=$50; 4th=$40; 5th=$30; All other new billboards = $20, All re-hangs=$10 Judging: July Objective: This contest was initiated to help the Fair Board and 4-H and promote the fair around the county. Requirements: Each group may enter 2 NEW billboards. 1. Billboards must be at least 3' tall and 5' wide but are encouraged to be larger. 2. Billboards must be made of a permanent material such as plywood, paint, etc. 3. Billboards advertising the fair must include name of the fair, dates and location of the fair. 4. Billboards advertising the Livestock Sale must include the name of the Event , the Date and the Location of the Event 5. Incorporation of current year’s fair theme is encouraged but not mandatory. 6. Billboards must be posted in a prominent location in the county, and very visible by passing cars, by July 1st. They must be positioned at least 33 feet from edge of road, on private property, per the SCC Road Commission, 388-4026. Billboards www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 66 must be taken down within two weeks from the close of the fair or award will not be paid. 7. Billboards will be judged on creativity, design and their effectiveness in promoting the fair, i.e. if they are in a location where many people will be able to see them. 8. Clubs need to submit a billboard registration form for new boards. Include one picture of the billboard after it has been posted showing it clearly, and its location, to the fair office by 4 p.m. on July 1st. 9. Billboard registration forms are available at the fair office. 10. Winners will be announced at Opening Ceremonies. 111. Billboards from previous years may be used again if they are still in good shape. The dates will need to be changed. Rehangs only need to be listed on a sheet of paper with the clubs name, location of board and a brief description of the board. NO PICTURE IS NEEDED for re-hangs. A $10 premium will be paid on each re-hang, but will not be eligible for the placing in the current year's awards. Section 1- Billboards Class 1 : Fair Class 2: Livestock DEPARTMENT H - TALENT SHOW Superintendent: Melanie Heitz, 810.326.0966 mheitz@arenet.net Premiums: No premiums. Awards: Place ribbons and Participation ribbons. Trophies for top two overall performances Judging: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Location: Entertainment Tent Registration: Registration forms avail. at Ext. 4-H office/Fair/Website Registration Deadline: Tuesday of Fair, 6:00 p.m., Fair Office (Goodells Co. Park) Guidelines 1. The talent show will include the following categories: Vocal, Instrumental, Dance, and Variety Act. 2. Age requirement: 5 - 19 yrs 3. Performances may be solo, duet, or group. a. There will be 1st place ribbons in each category. b. Grand and Reserve trophies for overall top performances. DEPARTMENT G - SWEEPSTAKES 4. Judges decisions are final. 5. Length of performance for Vocal, Instrumental and Dance SHOWMANSHIP not more than 4 minutes. Variety act may not be longer than 5 Superintendents: Raemi Kunath, (810) 765-7101 Email: minutes. kunath@homesgalore.com 6. Set up time for any performance not more than 2 minutes. Premiums: No premiums 7. Tapes/CD's must be brought to Entertainment Tent stage by Judging: Saturday at 12:00 Noon 6 p.m. on Wed. NO KARAOKE. Location: Beef Arena 8. Content of all performances must be family oriented. Registration: Grand and Reserve Champion Showmanship 9. Entry forms must be turned in at the Community Bldg. no exhibitors in each species must confirm their participation by later than Tuesday of the fair, by 6 p.m. Friday at 3:00 p.m. at the fair office. 10. Late entries will be accepted if schedule and time allows, Fair Exhibit Requirements but will not be eligible for top awards. 1. All Grand and Reserve Champion Showman from Beef, 11. All possible efforts will be made to accommodate those Dairy, Goats, Sheep, Swine, Horses, Poultry, Veal, Rabbits, exhibitors also showing in the beef project. It is the Dogs, and Llamas are eligible and required to compete. If participant’s responsibility to contact the Talent Show Supt. to Grand and Reserve showman in a species is showing in another make show arrangements and be put on the schedule to species, the alternate in that species will be determined to be perform at a convenient time. the next eligible showman. 12. There will be a tentative schedule posted on Wednesday of 2. First Place Overall Sweepstakes Showman will be awarded a the fair, 3 p.m. in the Community Bldg. Members showing beef $50 Savings Bond and a traveling trophy. will be listed separately and added to the schedule when they 3. Superintendent and/or their assistants from each species come. We will need everyone’s cooperation and are encouraged to attend and assist in preparation of the understanding with the scheduling because of the beef show. contest. 13. Judging will be based on the following criteria: 4. All contestants shall wear dark colored slacks or blue jeans, a. Appearance - appropriate attire for family fair. light colored or white shirt and appropriate shoes. No hats. b. Stage presence, talent & presentation 5. Highest total score wins (in case of tie, the tie will be broken by oral questions). 6. No horse bits - only halters will be used. DEPARTMENT K - PEDAL TRACTORS 7. In concern over safety of the exhibitor, an age limit of 11 Superintendent: Crystal Topor, (810) 384-1321 and older will be allowed. Premiums: None 8. Exhibitors must confirm that they will show, by 3 p.m. Friday, in fair office. Study guides may be checked out from the Judging: Wednesday and Friday Registration: 5:00 p.m. prior to event, Pull begins at 5:30 p.m. fair office for use during the week. Location: Visitors’ Center Plaza Ages: OPEN TO AGES 4-11 YEARS OLD. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 67 DEPARTMENT L – SPECIAL 4-H SPECIAL EXPLORATION Superintendent: Karen Carrier, (810) 324-2044 and Cherri Morris, (810) 982-6398 Founders of the Club in 1997: Linda Liverance & Dawn Reckker Premiums: No premiums Judging: Monday, starts at 12:30-3:00 p.m. Location: Visitors’ Center Objective: This department was designed to meet the needs of all people of abilities or disabilities. No premiums are paid, however, all participants will receive a ribbon Fair Exhibit Requirements 1. Judging will be by appointment only. The interview will last for approximately 10 - 15 minutes. 2. Parent or guardian must be present at the time of judging. 3. Projects will be displayed in the Still Exhibit Bldg. for the entire duration of the fair. 4. Projects to be brought in the day of judging. 5. All projects must remain on fairgrounds until Sunday at close of fair with the exception of small animals. Projects will be picked up by the superintendents and returned to the exhibitor at a later date. 6. Small animals will be judged and taken home the same day. Exhibitor must have animals under control at all times on fairgrounds. Animals must be leashed, caged, etc. 7. Older exhibitors (20+) must show all projects at the Visitors’ Center. DEPARTMENT M - CLOVER SPROUTS Superintendents: Kim Tomasek, Megan Tomasek, (810) 7654801 metomasek@live.com Premiums: None Judging: Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Location: Still Exhibit Barn Objective: Youth ages 5-7 will exercise their expression self in becoming comfortable with talking to others while explaining knowledge they have learned about a self interest project. Project Requirements 1. Youth ages 5-7 years can enter in the fair as a Clover Sprout. 2. Projects restricted to exhibits in the Still Exhibit Building. 3. No livestock or animals may be exhibited. 4. No premium awarded - only exhibitor ribbon. 5. Children with multiple projects will be judged by 1 person in a very relaxed interview. All projects will be judged at this time. 6. Parents are encouraged to be supportive; however, the interview is with the child only. 7. Projects limited to three (3). SECTION 1 Class 01 - Clover Sprouts 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 68 DEPARTMENT N – FAIR COURT Superintendent: Evelyn Weber and Nicole Weber, (586) 7279269 Premiums: King/Queen: $50; 1st Runner Up: $25; Court: $10. Fair Court Requirements and Expectations 1. Applicants must be between the ages of 15 to 19 years (4-H age). 2. Be an active youth in the St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Fair and in their community. 3. Be willing and able to serve as hosts or hostesses throughout fair week by attending daily functions during the duration of the St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Fair. Daily events include, but are not limited to the following: Opening Night, Auction, Awards Ceremony, Judging of Projects (Livestock Shows, Sweep-stakes), Public Attractions, Radio Appearances, and Entertainment Tent Activities 4. Fair Court members are expected to display appropriate behavior that represents the SCC 4-H and Youth Fair at all times, be positive role models and follow the 4-H code of conduct. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Fair Court Selection Process 1. Interested youth should obtain an application at fair office or www.stclaircounty4hfair .org. 2. Applications should include letters of recommendations from 4-H leaders, and other adults that have witnessed your involvement in the 4-H Fair. 3. Submitted applications must be dropped off at the Fair Office or post marked by July 1st. Mailing address: St. Clair County Agricultural Society, PO Box 325, Marysville, MI 48040. 4. Applicants will be contacted by superintendent with details of interview session that will be held on the second Tuesday of July. 5. All applicants will have a 5 minute interview with a panel of judges. 6. Scoring on application, letters of recommendation and interview will determine the Fair Court members (up to 5 girls and 5 boys). 7. An introduction meeting and King/Queen interviews will be held second Wednesday of July. 8. The King and Queen will be announced at the opening ceremonies Monday of Fair. www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 69 Superintendents: Linda Thueme (586) 727-1008; Raemi Kunath (810) 765-4811; Chris Ruemenapp (586) 321-5017 Judging: Monday, no interviews. Location: Demonstration Hall 2. Size must be reasonable. 3. No re-exhibition of projects. 4. All exhibits may not consist of more than one article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. 5. If the work was original (not from a kit) please make a note on your entry tag. 6. All clothing must be cleaned and pressed. It is recommended that sewers should not wear their garments prior to exhibit. Guidelines for all Open Departments SECTION 1 – YARN WORK GENERAL OPEN CLASS (ADULT) EXHIBITOR INFORMATION 1. Entry tags are pre-printed and given when projects are brought in. 2. The exhibitor may enter in as many departments as they wish, with a maximum of 10 exhibits per exhibitor. 3. Exhibitors must have reached or exceeded their 20th birthday by January 1 of the current year in order to be eligible to show in the adult exhibitor category. 4. The SCC Agricultural Society reserves the right to refuse any entry. Management reserves the right to determine whether an article is worthy of exhibition. 5. Entry tags must be attached to exhibit, they are pre-printed and given when projects are brought in. 6. Exhibitors must furnish the fair office with their entry form by July 1st. Entry forms will not be processed if all information requested is not filled in completely. Forms must not be postmarked any later than July 1st. 7. All precautions will be taken to safeguard all exhibits. It is distinctly understood that in no case shall the SCC Agricultural Society or its agents be held responsible for loss or injury of any person or articles while participating in or exhibiting at the fair. 8. Exhibits must be placed in the exhibit barn on Sunday before fair, between 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and receive a claim check for each exhibit. Judging will take place on Monday, with the exception of Creative Writing, with the exhibit barn opening for exhibition at 6 p.m. Exhibitor presence is not required during the judging, and the barn will be closed to spectators during the judging process. 9. All articles must be claimed on Sunday after fair, between 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., by using the claim ticket process. Unclaimed articles will become the property of SCCAS. 10. The SCC Agricultural Society reserves the final and absolute right to mind all matters, questions or differences. It further reserves the right to amend or add to these rules. 11. Each exhibit will receive a rating ribbon, A, B, or C. Grand and Reserve Champion and Best of Class ribbons will be awarded in all project areas, if warranted. Grand, Reserve and Best of Class ribbons can only be awarded to A rated exhibits. 12. Exhibitors are subject to any and all applicable rules as outlined in the premium book. 13. Exhibits must remain on exhibition until Sunday at 8:00 a.m. when they're released. Future exhibition eligibility may be jeopardized if rules are violated. DEPARTMENT 40 – OPEN NEEDLEWORK Guidelines for Department 40 – Open Needlework 1. No more than one entry may be made in each class, with a maximum of six projects in Department 40. May exhibit one project in Sections 4, 5 and 6. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 01 - Crocheting Class 02 - Crocheting, handspun yarn Class 03 - Knitting Class 04 - Knitting, handspun yarn Class 05 - Machine knitted item Class 06 - Rug Hooking, braided, woven Class 07 - Weaving/Spinning Class 08 – Other SECTION 2 - THREAD WORK Class 20 - Embroidery, cross stitch, counted cross stitch Class 21 - Needlepoint Class 22 – Other SECTION 3 – QUILTING Class 30 - Hand quilted item, wearable Class 31 - Hand quilted item, non wearable Class 32 - Machine quilted item, wearable Class 33 - Machine quilted item, non wearable Class 34 - 6 inch quilt block, unfinished edges SECTION 4 – WEARABLE ARTICLE, OUTFIT OR ENSEMBLE Class 40 - Wearable article, outfit or ensemble that has been sewn SECTION 5 – NON WEARABLE ARTICLE (pillow, wall hangings, throws or stuffed animal) Class 50 - Non-wearable article that has been sewn SECTION 6 – SEWING KITS Class 60 - Any kit or pre-printed panel that has been sewn DEPARTMENT 41 – OPEN CULINARY ARTS (FOODS) Guidelines for Department 41 – Open Culinary Arts 1. No more than six entries may be made this department. 2. Size must be reasonable. 3. No re-exhibition of projects. 4. No mixes or commercially prepared foods can be used. 5. For safety and health purposes, all perishable entries with the exception of decorated cakes will become the property of the fair. 6. All food preparation entries, with the exception of pies and decorated cakes, are to be exhibited on paper plates or board squares, placed in a zip-lock bag with the entry tag attached. 7. Decorated cakes to be set up www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 70 8. Decorated cakes may be made from a mix 9. Decorated cakes must be made of all edible decorations except for wedding cakes which may have plastic or other materials for their dividers and top ornaments. No candy on decorated cakes, unless homemade. No crackers. Frosting must be homemade. 10. Decorated cakes are to be exhibited on a board covered with foil. If not, they will be judged, but given one grade lower. SECTION 1 – COOKIES Class 01 - Dropped cookies Class 02 - Shaped cookies Class 03 - Rolled cookies Class 04 - Bar cookies *Exhibit 3 cookies in each class SECTION 2 – CAKES Class 20 - Three cake squares, unfrosted Class 21 - Three plain unfrosted cupcakes (cupcake papers allowed) Class 22 - Three frosted cupcakes (cupcake papers allowed) Class 23 - Cakes SECTION 3 – BREADS Class 30 - Quick bread one loaf or 3 muffins Class 31 - Yeast bread (do not use bread machine) Class 32 - Three yeast rolls Class 33 - Coffee cake Class 34 - Sweet rolls or donuts (exhibit 3) Class 35 - Foreign pastries DEPARTMENT 42 – OPEN FINE ARTS Guidelines for Department 42 – Open Fine Arts 1. No more than three entries may be made in this department. 2. Size must be reasonable. 3. No re-exhibition of projects. 4. All exhibits may not consist of more than one article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. 5. If the work was original (not from a kit) please make a note on your entry tag. 6. Drawings must be matted on a hard surface, framing will not be considered in the judging (Section 4.) 7. Do not put glass in frames. SECTION 1 – CERAMICS Class 01 - Ceramic item, exhibitor cleaned greenware Class 02 - Ceramic item, exhibitor purchased bisque Class 03 - Plaster item Class 04 - Porcelain item, exhibitor cleaned greenware Class 05 - Porcelain item, exhibitor purchased bisque SECTION 2 – SCRAP & ECOLOGY ART Class 20 - Scrap & Ecology SECTION 3 – PAINTING Class 30 - Painted shirt Class 31 - Painted item, such as furniture SECTION 4 – FINE ART SECTION 4 – PIES Class 40 - Fruit pies Class 41 - Fruit tarts (exhibit 3) SECTION 5 – CAKE DECORATING Class 51 - Cut-out cakes Class 52 - Decorated cakes Class 53 - Form pan cakes Class 54 - Decorated confections, candy, gingerbread houses, etc. Class 55 - Wedding cakes SECTION 6 – CANNED FRUITS & VEGETABLES Class 40 - Painting- Acrylic/Tempra/Oil Class 41 - Water Color Class 42 - Charcoal drawing Class 43 - Pencil drawing (#2 Pencil not recommended) Class 44 - Ink drawing (ballpoint pen not recommended) Class 45 - Chalk/Pastel drawing * *ONLY 1 EXHIBIT PER CLASS-LIMIT OF 3 IN THE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 43 – OPEN FOLK ARTS Guidelines for Department 43 – Open Folk Arts Class 60 - Three jars; 3 kinds of fruit Class 61 - Three jars; 3 kinds of tomatoes (includes tomato juice) Class 62 - Three jars; each a different product Class 63 - Three jars; pickles, each a different kind Class 64 - Three jars; 3 kinds of jam, jellies or preserves Different size jelly jars are acceptable in this Section. Each jar should be labeled as follows: Product, name, address, section, class, contents, date. Exhibits may be made in either pint or quart jars. The jars should be of uniform type. Do not use artificial coloring or bleaching agents. All canned goods to be preserved in the last 12 months. 1. No more than three entries may be made in this department. 2. Size must be reasonable. 3. No re-exhibition of projects. 4. All exhibits may not consist of more than one article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. 5. If the work was original (not from a kit) please make a note on your entry tag. SECTION 7 – FOOD GIFTS IN A JAR SECTION 2 – HOLIDAY DECORATION Class 65 – Desserts (Cookies, Cakes, etc.) Class 66 – Soups Class 67 – Other *Please attach a copy of the recipe on a 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 index card. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK SECTION 1 – FELTING Class 01 – Hand felted item from any fiber. Class 02 – Machine felted item from any fiber *Please indicated on your tag the source of fiber used. Class 20 - Tree, small, handmade, not ceramic Class 21 - Wreath Class 22 - Centerpiece Class 23 – Other www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 71 SECTION 3 – SCARECROW Class 30 – Scarecrow (One entry in this class.) All exhibits must be between 4 and 5 feet tall (from base to top including any headgear) and between 2 and 3 feet wide, at widest point, and must stand alone on its own base. Judged on creativity, uniqueness, attractiveness, good use of materials, and color. Scarecrows should not contain items of value. SECTION 4 – WOODWORKING Class 40 - Woodworking project with a finished surface (Handcrafted) Class 41 - Woodworking project with an unfinished or rustic surface. (Handcrafted) Class 42 - Refinished furniture (indoor/outdoor) DEPARTMENT 44 – OPEN PHOTOGRAPHY Guidelines for Department 44 – Open Photography 1. Two inch border on pictures. No matting. 2. No foam board and no writing on pictures. No framing. Use only poster board. 3. Black and white or unprofessionally processed pictures only. Prints from a digital camera printed by exhibitor would be considered unprofessionally processed pictures. 4. List on back of poster board the type of camera and lens. 5. Exhibits must be new photographs not previously exhibited. 6. One entry per class. 7. Digital prints must be unaltered, printed as the subject was photographed without enhancements. SECTION 1 - 5x7 PRINT Class 01 - Black and White Print Class 02 - Color Print Class 08 - China, single item Class 09 - Furniture, small Class 10 - Games, toys Class 11 - Glass (carnival, colored, depression, cut, pressed, etched) Class 12 - Household Implements (flat irons, washboards, etc.) Class 13 - Indian artifacts Class 14 - Jars, dated and others Class 15 - Kitchenware (wooden, metal, bowls, Utensils, etc.) Class 16 - Lamps, lanterns Class 17 - Quilts, spreads or linen bedding Class 18 - School items Class 19 - Tools (farm, miscellaneous, woodworking) Class 20 - Other (please identify on entry form) DEPARTMENT 46 – OPEN AGRICULTURE Guidelines for Department 46 – Open Agriculture 1. Loose grain must be in peck size container. 2. Select section number and class number that corresponds with type of crop you are exhibiting. 3. Must be new exhibit, no re-exhibiting of project will be allowed. SECTION 1 – CROPS Class 01 - Navy beans, 1 Peck Class 02 - Corn, 1 Peck shelled Class 03 - Wheat, 1 Peck Class 04 - Oats, 1 Peck Class 05 - Barley, 1 Peck Class 06 - Soybeans, 1 Peck Class 07 - Other small grains, 1 Peck please specify type exhibited Class 08 - Sugar beets, 3 beets, topped and tied together SECTION 2 - 8x10 PRINT Class 04 - Black and White Print Class 05 - Color Print DEPARTMENT 47 – OPEN FLORICULTURE Guidelines for Department 47 – Open Floriculture DEPARTMENT 45 – OPEN ANTIQUES Guidelines for Department 45 – Open Antiques 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No more than three entries may be made in this dept. Size must be reasonable. No re-exhibition of projects. Antiques should not be less than 50 years old. No exhibitions of weapons, sharp objects or knives. SECTION 1 – ANTIQUES Class 01 - Accessories (handbags, gloves, shoes, boots, hats) Class 02 - Advertising items (signs, bottles, tin containers) Class 03 - Books (fiction, non-fiction, Bibles, cookbooks, poetry) Class 04 - Bottles (milk, cream, pop, medicine) Class 05 - Butter churn Class 06 - Copper, brass, iron Class 07 - Crockery, pottery 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK l. No more than three entries may be made in this dept. 2. Size must be reasonable. 3. No re-exhibition of projects. 4. All exhibits may not consist of more than one article or piece unless permanently attached or affixed. 5. Exhibits in Section 3 must be cared for at least 6 weeks prior to exhibition. SECTION 1 – LIVE FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Class 01 - Flower arrangement using fresh flowers grown by exhibitor. Class 02 - Flower arrangement using purchased flowers Class 03 - Arrangement of live wildflowers SECTION 2 – DRIED/SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Class 04 - Dried flower arrangement Class 05 - Silk flower arrangement www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 72 SECTION 3 – INDOOR/OUTDOOR GARDEN Class 06 - Houseplants, both flowering and foliage plants. Class 07 - Dish gardens, container gardens, terrariums or planters. Class 08 - Hanging plants Class 09 – Cacti DEPARTMENT 48 – OPEN HORTICULTURE Guidelines for Department 48 – Open Horticulture DEPARTMENT 50 - CREATIVE WRITING OR MEMORY BOOKS SECTIONS 1-4 (CREATIVE WRITING) Additional guidelines a. All writing compositions must be final, original works b. Entries are to be dropped off on Sunday. Results will be posted in exhibit area on Wednesday by 4:00 p.m. c. All stories are not to be over 4 pages, with a minimum font size of 12 pt. (final draft) d. All writings should be in a folder with entry tag on front indicating your name and class. Without folder, exhibit will be lowered one rating. e. Creative writing is judged only on the content of the story or poem, not on the covers. However, all writings should be typed. f. One entry per class in Sections 1-6. 1. No more than three entries may be made in this department. 2. Size of display container must be reasonable. 3. Must be home grown to exhibit in Sections 1-3 4. Not judged on type of container used, only on vegetables that SECTION 1 – SHORT STORIES FICTION are presented in Sections 1-3. Class 50 - Short Story, Fiction SECTION 1 – VEGETABLE GARDEN Class 01 - Exhibit three different kinds of vegetables Class 02 - Exhibit six different kinds of vegetables Class 03 - Display of cut herbs-labeled exhibit of three bunches (Fresh) Class 04 - Display of cut herbs-labeled exhibit of 6 bunches SECTION 3 – VEGETABLE CONTAINER GARDEN Class 05 - Vegetable grown in portable container Class 06 - Herbs grown in portable container SECTION 4 –VEGETABLE/FRUIT SCULPTURE Class 07 - Sculpture Vegetables/Fruits may be purchased or homegrown. Exhibit must be made of all edible decorations. DEPARTMENT 49 – FARM DECORATION Class 01 – Weather Vane : Must be constructed of only recyclable materials. No items of value to be used in construction. Must attach to a 3 foot pipe or post for display (you provide the pipe or post). Not to exceed 3 feet In diameter. Limit one entry in this class. Class 02 – Wind Chime : Use any unbreakable materials to construct. No glass. Must be hangable. Limit one entry in this class. Class 03 – Decorated Float: Using a child’s wagon construct a float that is representing some aspect of the St. Clair County 4-H Fair in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the fair. No items of value to be used. No glass. Must be able to roll on its wheels. Size should not be greater than 4’ x 3’. Limit one entry in this class. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Class 60 – Poem SECTION 3 – SHORT STORY NON FICTION SECTION 2 – FRESH & DRIED HERBS SECTION 1 – FARM DECORATION SECTION 2 – POEM Class 70 - Short Story, non fiction SECTION 4 – CREATIVE WRITING OTHER Class 80 – Other SECTION 5 – SCRAPBOOK Class 90 - Scrapbook (No more than one entry in this class) SECTION 6 – GREETING CARDS To be placed in a Ziploc type bag. Limit of two entries in this section Class 01 – Handmade Class 02 – Machine Made (such as cricket or print shop) ENTRY DEADLINE: JULY 1st No entries will be accepted after July 1 Mail entry form to: Fair Office, PO Box 325, Marysville, Michigan 48040. After hours drop box located at 1328 Michigan Ave, Marysville, Corner of Michigan and Huron Avenue www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 73 WALKING FLEECE SHEEP PRE-ENTRY FORM - DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the 'Entry Form' and turn in to Fair Office by July 1st. Club Name Member's Name: ____________________________________or Independent:____________________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ HOW MANY PENS?_________________________ Email:___________________________________________________ Breed of Sheep Age of Sheep Sex of Sheep Every member/exhibitor is responsible for the cleaning, feeding and watering of the animals in their pens prior to 10 a.m. each morning and being sure their sheep has a water supply after 7 p.m. each day. Every member/exhibitor will clean their animal pens when leaving on Sunday!! If needed, I hereby authorize medical treatment (state name & address to receive bill if there is a fee) or am stating alternate instructions: _____________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER DAIRY PRE-ENTRY FORM - DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the 'Entry Form' and turn in to Fair Office by July 1st. Member's Name:___________________________________ Birth Date ___________ 4-H Age:_______ Address: ____________________________________Club: _____________________ City:________________________________________Phone: (____)_______________ Showmanship Class: ___________________________________ First Year Showman t-shirt size_______ Using Milking Machine:____________ Animals Name: ___________________________________________________________ Sire: _____________________________Dam:____________________________________ Birthdate: ________________________ Breed: __________________________________ Classes Entering: Class Name_________________________________Class Name _________________________________ Class Name _________________________________Class Name _________________________________ If you have a cow in the production class, bring DHIA sheet no later than Wednesday of the fair. Every member will help with set up on Saturday before fair and Sunday after fair clean-up!! Phone number and name of owner if different from exhibitor: ___________________________ PLEASE USE ONE FORM FOR EACH ANIMAL 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 74 DOG PRE-ENTRY FORM - DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the 'Entry Form' and turn in to Fair Office by July 1st. Member's Name:_________________________Birth Date & Age:___________________________ Club: __________________________________Leader’s Name: ____________________________ Jr. Handling Class:________________________Phone Number:_____________________________ Dog’s Name:__________________ Breed:_____________Age:_______ Sex:_______ E-mail or phone # where you can be reached during fair____________________________________ Obedience Class:_________________________ Rally Class ____________________________ Agility: ___________________ Dog’s Height at Withers__________________ I have read all the rules and have entered the correct classes based on my experience. SIGNATURE ___________________________________________ ATTACH PHOTOCOPY OF SHOT RECORDS AS INDICATED IN DOG DEPT. RABBITS/CAVIES PRE-ENTRY FORM - DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the 'Entry Form' and turn in to Fair Office by July 1st. Club Name Member's Name: ____________________________________or Independent:____________________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ HOW MANY CAGES? Breed Classes Market Classes Do NOT include market class rabbits in breed class counts Maximum of 1 entry in each class of the 4 market classes Small Medium Large Fryer Stewer Roaster Meat Pen All 4-Class Int 6 –Class Flemish Giants-Sr 6 –Class juniors Sr 6 – Class Giant Chins –Sr. Every member/exhibitor is responsible for the cleaning, feeding and watering of the animals in their pens prior to 10 a.m. each morning and being sure their rabbits have a water supply after 7 p.m. each day. Every member/exhibitor will clean their animal pens when leaving on Sunday!! If needed, I hereby authorize medical treatment (state name & address to receive bill if there is a fee) or am stating alternate instructions: _____________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 75 POULTRY PRE-ENTRY FORM - DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the 'Entry Form' and turn in to Fair Office by July 1st. PIGEONS NEED TO BE ON A SEPARATE FORM Members Name:___________________________________Parents Name: ________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Club:_____________________________________Phone Number:______________________ Email:___________________ Birthdate:___________________________ Age (as of January 1________________________ Competing in Showmanship? Yes or No NOTE: All Birds must coop-in: Sunday, prior to fair between 3-6 p.m. All exhibitors MUST sign up for barn duty at time of check in. Birds must be provided adequate feed & water and pens are to be kept CLEAN and DRY at all times. Are you bringing Fancy or Show Birds (Use this Pre-Entry form for all Fancy Poultry including pigeons, pheasant, quail and guinea) Please research your breed and variety to ensure your birds are placed in the correct class. Large or Bantam Name of Breed Variety (color) Cock Hen Cockrell Pullet Total Fancy Birds Are you participating in Egg Laying Contest (2 standard hens) Check here if yes Are you bringing Market Pens Check Here Geese Ducks Turkeys Indicate- Hen(s) Tom(s) Chickens Total # of birds Entered_______________ THIS FORM IS FOR PENS FOR YOUR POULTRY PROJECTS-PARTICIPANTS STILL NEED TO FILL OUT THE PREMIUM FORM FOR CLASSES IN THE FAIR BOOK Every member will clean their animal pens when leaving on Sunday!! 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 76 BEEF STEERS, BEEF PROSPECT AND BEEF BREEDING STOCK Due July 1st to Fair Office Name _______________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ Club______________________________________Phone _________________________________________ Email_____________________________________Parent’s Names__________________________________ Number of Stalls for: Beef Steers __________________________ Breeding Heifer_______________________ Cow Calf Pair_________________________ Prospect Beef________________________ Are you planning on bringing a grooming chute? Yes or No Are you planning on bringing a generator? Yes or No Each member is responsible to help load steers on Sunday at 6:00 a.m. Stalls must be cleaned out and also all the tack areas. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 77 GOAT PRE-ENTRY FORM DUE JULY 1 Mail To: Fair Office Note: Exhibitor must also fill out the Entry form and turn into Fair Office by July 1 Member's Name:_____________________________________ Birthdate: ____________ 4-H Age:________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (____)_____________Club: __________________________Email:_____________________________ Showmanship – mandatory for all exhibitors including market animals Registration number, tattoo, microchip, or tag number or name of animal being used in the showmanship class_______________________________________ Showmanship class number – (please check only one) Class 1: 15 yrs. and older _______ Class 3: 11 – 12 yr. olds_________ Class 5: First year showman – any age_________ Class 2: 13 – 14 yr. olds_________ Class 4: 8 – 10 yr. olds __________ Animal Classes – limit one animal per class except for dam and daughter class. The exhibitor who owns the daughter is the exhibitor in the dam and daughter class. Daughter and dam must have been shown in a breed class. Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ Section_________Class________Animal Name_______________________Animal Birthdate___________________ INFORMATION FROM THIS FORM WILL BE USED IN THE PROGRAM. PLEASE LIST EACH CLASS THAT YOU WILL BE EXHIBITING IN INCLUDING DAM & DAUGHTER, BEST UDDER, COSTUME CLASS, AND SHOWMANSHIP. THE BASE DATE FOR COMPUTING THE AGE OF THE ANIMAL IS THE DAY OF THE SHOW. Each exhibitor will be responsible for cleaning out their animal pens before leaving on Sunday. Each exhibitor is required to bring their own milk stands and equipment. If needed, I hereby authorize medical treatment (state name & address to receive bill if there is a fee) or am stating alternate instructions: _________________________________________ Signature of Owner ______________________ Date MANDATORY HEALTH CHECK FOR GOATS. All goats entering the county park will be subject to a health check BEFORE UNLOADING. Any animal exhibiting signs of a possible contagious disease will be barred from the fair. The remaining animals that were transported with the suspect animal could also be banned if the health and well being of the other animals would be jeopardized. If there is a dispute regarding the health check, a check by a veterinarian, at the owner's expense, will make the final decision. If any of the diseases or conditions listed below is found at the entry examination or during the fair, the animal will not be admitted to the goat barn/tent. 1. Abscess 6. Foot Rot 2. Pink Eye 7. Mastitis 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 3. Pneumonia 8. Sore Mouth 4. Ringworm 9. Diarrhea www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 5. Mange or External Parasites 10. Horns or Scurs over 2 inches Page 78 FAIR CAMPING APPLICATION & ADMISSION PASS ORDER FORM CAMPING APPLICATION - DUE JULY 1, 2013 1. Parent/Guardian who signed the camping application is responsible for campsite at all times and limited to Fair affiliated people. 2. Campsite is only to be occupied by registered campers, with ADULT (21 yrs. and older) supervision at all times. 3. Generators can be operated from 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. 4. Campfires will be allowed only by authorization of the SCC Parks & Recreation, weather permitting. 5. Only one vehicle may be parked in camping vicinity. Additional vehicles must purchase a separate admission pass and park in designated parking facilities. Admission pass must be displayed in each vehicle at all times while in the campground. No unauthorized motorized vehicles, rollerblades, scooters, bicycles or skateboards permitted. 6. Campers must clean up campsite during and after Fair, dispose of own trash, and return fire pit to its original state. If picnic tables are desired, supply your own, none provided. 7. Campsites must be quiet from midnight to 7:00 a.m. All campers must be at their campsites by midnight. 8. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the campground or fairgrounds. 9. Destruction of county property is prohibited. 10. Dogs are not allowed in the campground or fairgrounds. 11. The camping area will be determined at the sole discretion of the SCC Agricultural Society, and is subject to change due to restrictions placed upon the Society by the County of St. Clair. 12. A separate application must be submitted for each campsite. A different adult must register for each campsite. Persons wishing to camp near each other, MUST submit their applications together and state their request. 13. Camping Superintendents will be available on Sunday, July 21st, Noon to 3 p.m. to assign camping lots. No campers or vehicles are to arrive prior to Saturday. Parking passes & camping fee receipt will be mailed by fair office, you must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope with $1 postage attached. 14. Camping applications/fees are DUE NO LATER THAN JULY 1st. Any received after this date, will be filled on an as available basis only. 15. NO DUMPING OF GRAY OR BLACK WATER TANKS ON THE FAIRGROUNDS. 16. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE RULES WILL LEAD TO EXPULSION FROM THE CAMPGROUNDS. IN CASE OF EXPULSION, FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED. 17. THE SCC AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY ANY CAMPING APPLICATION. I agree to abide by the rules and will stay at my site each night of the Fair. Signed:________________________________Printed Name:___________________________ Are You A Vendor (purchasing Commercial Exhibit Space)? Yes No Lot #: __________(office use only) Name: ____________________________________________ Camper _________ Size of unit__________________ or Tent ____________ Address: ___________________________________________Phone :_______________________ 4-H Club:_________________________ Generator: YES or NO (please circle one) Campsite @ $70.00/each, which includes one camping auto pass Extra admission pass(es) @ $40.00/each, (no admittance to Campgrounds with these passes). X $40.00 EACH Total Enclosed Make checks payable to “SCC Ag. Society” – Please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope with $1 postage attached Return to: Fair Office, P.O. Box 325, Marysville, MI 48040 Campsites are to be left as they were found, no campfire residue and no litter, including small snippets of paper. IF NO SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE IS ENCLOSED WITH $1 POSTAGE ATTACHED THEN PERMITS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP FROM THE CAMPING SUPERINTENDENT ON SUNDAY, JULY 21st FROM NOON – 3 P.M. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 79 Please use this checklist to make sure that you have all necessary requirements for the project areas that require additional materials. All requirements must be turned into the Fair Office by July 1st unless otherwise indicated. ***This checklist is just a guide, all exhibitors are responsible to read project area description and rules for further regulations. Weigh in is required for Beef Steers the last week of January; Weigh in or mandatory tagging for Sheep, Veal, Goats, and Swine is first Saturday in May Beef (Steers, Breeding Stock, Prospect) Pigeons (Do not combine with Poultry) - St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules & Regulations and Livestock Care Agreement -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement Dairy Poultry -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement Dogs -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -Record Book -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -Photocopy of dog shot records -Record Book Rabbits/Cavies -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -Record Book Goats Sheep -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement Gun Shooting Sports/Archery Bow -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -Record Book -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Safety Poster – Deadline County Shoot date Horse and Pony Swine -Fair Horse Photo Id Form- May 1 st -Record Book – May Leader’s Meeting -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form (July 1st) -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement (July 1st) Veal Llamas (Youth Camelids) -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Pre-Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK -St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Entry Form -Livestock Rules and Regulations & Livestock Care Agreement Walking Fleece www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 80 LIVESTOCK CARE AGREEMENT By signing below, I agree to provide humane treatment to my livestock project animals. This includes but is not limited to proper feeding, watering, and cleaning of pens throughout the entire fair week. In the event the superintendent notes improper care of cleanliness of my pen, I accept the following consequences which will occur: If a superintendent deems there's a violation in rules on cleanliness and/or general care for livestock, the superintendent will place a red tag on the pen. Exhibitors are to rectify the outstanding problems immediately, but not later than three hours after the red tag notification is placed on the pen. I further agree to clean my pen (s) and feed and water my livestock prior to 10 a.m. each day of the fair. I further agree to clean my pen (s) as necessary throughout the day, and feed and water my livestock by 7 p.m. each day. Definition of clean pen: Swine/Rabbits/Poultry: Removing all wood chips from the pen and replacing them with dry wood chips. Abundant bedding to absorb spilled water and urine. Equine/Sheep/Goats/Beef/Veal: Remove any wet or dirty bedding in the pen and replace with dry bedding. Abundant bedding to absorb spilled water and urine. I further agree to provide all necessary bedding materials for my pen, as well as feed for my livestock during the week of the fair. I further agree to provide all necessary equipment for the barn, such as a wheel barrow, fork, rake, buckets, feed containers, waterers, crocks, broom, and any other equipment necessary to keep my pen (s) clean and my livestock fed and watered properly. Barns are closed between 11:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m. LIVESTOCK DRESS CODE Beef/Sheep/Swine/Veal/Market Goat/Poultry/Rabbits Exhibitors will show their livestock projects in dark colored jeans or slacks and should be in a collared shirt or blouse and leather boots or shoes (unless otherwise specified). Hats, T-shirts, club shirts, shorts, tennis shoes and gum chewing are unacceptable and will not be allowed in the show ring. Failure to sign this form will result in your inability to exhibit your steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit at the St. Clair County 4-H & Youth Fair. LIVESTOCK DRUG TESTING AUTHORIZATION STEERS - SHEEP - SWINE - GOATS - VEAL - POULTRY - RABBIT EXHIBITORS I assert my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit has not been given any form of tranquilizer and/or muscle building agents and/or controlled substances. I/we agree to the following: That the St. Clair County Jr. Livestock Association/St. Clair County Agricultural Society is authorized to obtain urine/blood/hair samples from my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit in order to perform necessary testing for substances as described above. I/we further agree that said urine/blood/hair samples may be sent to a facility authorized to do said testing at the expense of the Jr. Livestock Association/St. Clair County Agricultural Society. I/we further agree that if said test results are positive for above described substances, I/we agree to the following: 1. That I/we will reimburse the Jr. Livestock Sale Association/St. Clair County Agricultural Society for the fees associated with all past and/or future tests for my animal (s). 2. That I/we will withdraw our steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit from the show, sale or any other activities involved in the fair, and immediately remove my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit from the county park. 3. If I/we do not voluntarily withdraw my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit from the show, sale or any other activities involved in the fair, that the St. Clair County Agricultural Society will demand that said animal(s) is/are removed from the county park and that I/we will abide by their decision. 4. That if my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit is found to test positive from the substances described above, that I/we may choose to obtain a second test at my/our expense at the labs designated by the Jr. Livestock Association/St. Clair County Agricultural Society. 5. If my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit has been sold before the test results are available and the test results are shown to be positive for the substances described above, I will allow the Jr. Livestock Sale Association/St. Clair County Agricultural Society to review said results. 6. If the test results that I/we have obtained are positive for the substances described above, and the sale of the animal(s) has previously occurred, I will forfeit those funds for the sale of my animal(s), and those funds will be immediately returned to the buyer. 7. If my steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit has been found to test positive for substances described above, I will agree not to exhibit a steer/sheep/swine/market goat/veal/poultry/rabbit at any future St. Clair County 4-H & Youth Fair. FAILURE TO SIGN THIS FORM WILL RESULT IN YOUR INABILITY TO EXHIBIT YOUR STEER/SHEEP/SWINE/MARKET GOAT/VEAL/POULTRY/RABBIT AT THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY 4-H & YOUTH FAIR. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO THE "LIVESTOCK CARE AGREEMENT", THE "LIVESTOCK DRESS CODE" (IF APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT AREA) AND THE "LIVESTOCK DRUG TESTING AUTHORIZATION". Signed: ______________________________________ Dated: _____________Signed: ______________________________________ Dated: _____________ EXHIBITOR PARENT/GUARDIAN This signed form must accompany entry form to be received by the Fair Office no later than July 1st. 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 81 ST. CLAIR COUNTY 4-H YOUTH FAIR ENTRY FORM DEADLINE FOR ALL FORMS IS JULY 1ST. NOTHING WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE Every exhibitor must complete an entry form. Incomplete or ineligible forms will not be accepted, nor returned. Additional forms, attached are necessary if exhibiting in that department. All market livestock exhibitors must complete the Livestock Care Agreement/Drug Authorization Form. NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY & ZIP: IS THIS YOUR FIRST YEAR EXHIBITING AT THE FAIR? YES NO IS THIS A NEW ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? EXHIBITOR # YES (1 Initial of last name & last 4 digits of Social Security#) Email Address: AGE ON 1/1/13: 4-H CLUB: BIRTH DATE: PARENT/GUARDIAN: ST DEPT. SECT. CLASS DESCRIPTION (ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE!) NO LIVESTOCK TAG/HORSE BACK # THIS IS MANDATORY EXHIBITOR ENTRY STATEMENT: I have read and understand, consent to, and agree to abide by the Show Ring Code of Ethics, Rules & Regulations for Exhibitors, Jr. Livestock Sale Rules & Regulations, Wholesome Meat Assurance Program, Livestock Care Agreement, Livestock Dress Code & Livestock Drug Testing Authorization. MEDICAL TREATMENT AUTHORIZATION: I do hereby authorize the St. Clair County Agricultural Society to seek this participant medical treatment for minor injuries or medical problems. In the event of serious injury or illness, the parent or person designated will be contacted. Treatment will proceed before contacting the parent/person designated only if the situation is urgent and does not permit delay. Signed by Exhibitor_____________________________ Signed by Parent/Guardian:_____________________________ PROJECT EXHIBITOR TAGS, to be completed by the exhibitor, are currently available. They may be requested from the Extension 4-H Office, Fair Office, and fairgrounds office during fair set-up and throughout the week. RETURN TO: SCCAS FAIR OFFICE P. O. BOX 325 MARYSVILLE, MI 48040 4-H & YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM BOOK QUESTIONS: (810) 364-9100 OFFICE LOCATION: 1328 MICHIGAN, MARYSVILLE www.stclaircounty4hfair.org or (810) 364-9100 Page 82