sponsorship package - Quest Food Exchange
sponsorship package - Quest Food Exchange
Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala March 2012 {SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE} Quest Food Exchange’s mission is to reduce hunger with dignity, build community, and foster sustainability. Working together with food suppliers, social service agencies and stakeholder partnerships, Quest offers affordable, healthy food to those facing barriers to obtain this basic necessity of life. The success of Quest’s social enterprise model is highly dependent on the company’s relationship with its stakeholders. Quest strives to increase awareness for its cause, raise funds, and reinforce maintenance of reciprocal relationships with partners in the community. [The Quest Mission] Quest is British Columbia's largest not-for-profit food exchange program. We offer access to and a choice of affordable, healthy food to those who face barriers to this basic necessity of life. With the assistance of our food vendor and social service agency partners, as well as other stakeholders, we have fine-tuned our social enterprise model to become a hub of food redistribution in the Lower Mainland. Our programs are seen as essential to marginalized individuals as they transition from food bank reliance to self-sufficiency. Reduce Hunger with Dignity Without the basic necessity of sufficient food, people face many avoidable difficulties. People with fixed low incomes weaken and become prone to disease; children cannot learn productively and single-parent families cannot escape the cycle of poverty. Quest rescues food from every branch of the local food industry that might otherwise go to waste unnecessarily. Food is then sorted, processed, and redistributed to organizations and people who need it most. Currently, Quest helps by providing food assistance to individuals and families in the Lower Mainland through our partnered Social Service Agencies, and our four food distribution programs that include three low-cost food stores, gift certificates, bulk food purchases and our community kitchen which is under construction. We encourage a healthy and balanced lifestyle by providing nutritious recipes and encouraging clients to make their own meals with ingredients available for purchase in our stores. Build Community Quest partners with an ever-increasing number of social service agencies in their respective focused communities. We help their clients access healthy, affordable food in a dignified manner, thus enabling agencies to focus on their core development programs. Quest builds communities of like-minded individuals by working with social service agency partners such as Neighborhood Houses, Shelters, Food Banks, Churches, Schools, HIV/ AIDS organizations, Hospices, Mental Health Organizations, Employment Training Programs, Recovery Homes, and Seniors’ centers. By taking care of the food needs of their clientele, Quest enables these agencies to focus their time, energy, and funding on their respective core strengths. This allows them to maximize the positive impact they can have on the needs of the community. Foster Sustainability By redistributing surplus food, Quest is not only feeding people, but is also reducing loss and waste from various branches of the supply chain. Since its outset, Quest has been environmentally-minded. In 2005, we worked with Eco-Action Canada effectively reducing our Greenhouse Emissions, and further reduced our waste by composting and recycling. Quest aims to reduce all food waste to zero. Through our “Zero Waste Project”, EcoAction Canada contributed to transform non-consumable solid food waste into livestock feed and compost for use by local farmers and community gardens. We also divert all non-organic materials such as food packaging to community services who have better use for certain items or are equipped with programs to safely process them, ultimately reducing landfill waste and harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. [Background] The Beginning: 1989 – 1992 The humble beginnings of Quest Food Exchange started in 1989, when a youth group from Saint James Anglican Church delivered sandwiches to homeless people in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). The public responded positively and the volunteers were inspired to continue their street outreach program. Quest Outreach Society: 1992 – 2006 In 1992, the program known as “The Quest” became incorporated as “Quest Outreach Society”. By 1995, Quest was serving breakfast to 300 - 450 people each day. Lunch or evening dinners were also served six times a week from three locations in the downtown core of Vancouver. In 1997, Quest realized there was enough unwanted food available to support our program and many other agencies as well. This allowed us to refocus our vision on becoming the medium between suppliers of unwanted food and Social Service Agencies that could use and distribute it. By 2002, thousands of people every month were aided by Quest through our hot sit-down meals and food distribution to more than seventy Social Service Agencies and emergency food hampers for families in need. Quest Food Exchange: 2006 – Present In 2006, Quest thrived with only ten full-time employees, multiple volunteers and 290 suppliers. With this, we were able to open a new commercial kitchen for Vancouver’s DTES. At this time, we received no government funding; running projects entirely on private donations and foundation grants. By this time, Quest’s food recovery model was adjusted to focus on low-cost food stores. In October of 2009, with great thanks to VanCity and its members, Quest has transitioned from our East Georgia warehouse to our very own building at 2020 Dundas Street. This property is an essential component of our expansion targets and better meets our operational needs. Primarily, the Dundas site offers a considerably larger area, which Quest can devote to its warehousing and operational activities. This provides Quest with more than double the amount of space to expand warehousing and food distribution capacity. In addition, the site has two docking bays, which increase delivery and distribution efficiency, and has surface parking at the rear of the building for Quest’s vehicles. In July of 2011, Quest's Hastings location moved three blocks east, occupying a street-front retail space at the brand new United Gospel Mission building. Presently, we operate three low-cost food stores at 611 East Hastings and 2020 Dundas in Vancouver, and 1-13890 104th Ave in Surrey. The Community Kitchen is set to re-open soon at our Dundas location. [Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala] [Event Mission] The Quest “Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala” will recognize and celebrate representatives of the food, funding, and social service agency partnerships who help contribute to the success of the Quest program. The event also aims to raise awareness about Quest's mandate, its mission, and impact on the community as well as attracting other individuals who may not have heard about the food programs. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for Quest programs and thank the key partners, as well as educate attendees on the full Quest model and key programs being or recently launched. In addition to speakers presenting their involvement and commitment to Quest, program information stations will be highlighted around the room with ambassadors available to discuss in detail with interested attendees. Guests will leave the event with a deeper understanding of Quest, an increased awareness of the impact it makes in the community, hopefully a deeper commitment to the organization, and a stronger determination to support Quest reach its goals. [Sauder School of Business] Student Involvement With the Gala The Quest “Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala” will be planned and executed by a team of five students from the Sauder School of Business currently enrolled in a project management course. This event provides a chance for Quest to develop relationships within the UBC community and offer these students with a chance to apply what they learn in the classroom to real world situations. Apart from the Gala event, our ongoing projects give our volunteers access to invaluable workshops and on-the-job training programs in order to promote increased self-esteem and ability to make empowering choices. For some, Quest has been an opportunity to gain practical work experience to get back into the job market. [Demographics] Quest's partners are integral to every aspect of our operations. They donate their food, time, skills and expertise, and money to help our community access food in a caring, responsible, sustainable way. The Gala delegates will consist of representatives from our food vendors, financial contributors, In-kind donors, Social Service Agencies and volunteers. We also hope to attract students and faculty members from universities in British Columbia as well as representatives from other organizations who are not yet familiar with our cause to raise awareness and show how developing relationships with Quest can help raise the standard of living in some of our impoverished communities by breaking away barriers that so many face in obtaining food, the most basic necessity for life. [Details of the Event] [Opening Dinner] The gala will host our anticipated 200 guests with a sit-down dinner, where attendees can enjoy their dinner while having the opportunity to network with other delegates. We hope to provide Platinum sponsors with the opportunity to provide presentations and speeches about their companies’ corporate social responsibility initiatives with respect to their valued involvement with Quest Food Exchange. Live entertainment will also be planned for our attendees’ enjoyment. [Speeches, Presentations, and Testimonials] Educating our guests about our social enterprise model, food programs and specifically how our cause with the help of our partners is benefiting communities in the lower mainland will be the highlight of the gala. As a result, a large portion of the evening will be planned for our company representatives, sponsors and partners to provide speeches and presentations about Quest Food Exchange’s mission, food programs, and how the community has benefited from our cause. No group of people can provide better insight about social value created by our programs than our dear clients, and thus we will invite some of our clients to provide testimonials to our delegates about their experience with Quest and how it has impacted their lives. [Information Ambassadors] In addition to speakers presenting their involvement with Quest, program information stations will be around the room with ambassadors discussing in detail with interested attendees. This will not only provide more information to current partners, but introduce Quest and its mandate to individuals and organizations that want to get involved in our cause. [Silent Auction] The gala will also provide a chance for delegates to bid on prizes in a silent auction, the prize being awarded to the highest bidder. All funds raised from the silent auction portion of the gala will be an additional aid for delivery of our various food programs. [Why Your Involvement is Important] The success of Quest Food Exchange’s social enterprise business model is highly dependent on the company’s relationship with key stakeholders such as food vendors, social service agency partners, and donors. To ensure the strengthening of existing partnerships and establishment of new ones to meet Quest’s needs in the foreseeable future, the company must continually strive to increase awareness, raise funds, and reinforce the desire of partners to be mutually involved in achieving the above mentioned social objectives. We hope this gala will become an annual event, and its success greatly depends on the amount of funds raised as well as our initiative to further raise awareness about our programs and operations. We are working closely with the UBC student team to ensure that the gala will be a huge success in terms of us being able to show our appreciation by celebrating our partnerships and associations with individuals and organizations that are detrimental to our success, and by establishing new contacts for possibility of creating new partnerships in the near future. Finally, the gala can prove to be a great environment not only for your own brand recognition and community involvement, but for letting other delegates know how your relationship with us has helped your company achieve its corporate social responsibility initiatives and how it has the possibility of providing less fortunate individuals lead a healthy life by achieving food security with dignity. v [How to Get Involved] [Monetary Donations] Monetary contributions are of utmost importance for the gala, as we will not be able to hold the “Reduce Hunger With Gala” event without the generosity of sponsoring individuals and organizations. The donated funds will be used by the student team to execute the planned gala event for us, so that we may have a chance to ensure we continue to grow our organization and more importantly our cause. By strengthening our relationships with our current partners and associates, by being introduced to prospective partners and donors, and by further educating attendees about our cause, we can ensure the continuous success of our programs in helping even more clients break through the ever increasing barriers to the basic necessities of life. Donations for the gala are donations for our future success and sustainability. Please view our sponsorship packages that follow. [$1,000+: Quest Platinum Sponsorship Package] Benefits offered to our Platinum Sponsors are: • Opening Dinner Speech by your company’s representative about your company and its involvement with Quest Food Exchange. • 2 passes and seats to the Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala. • Acknowledgment of Your Quest Platinum Sponsorship during opening remarks. • Top Logo placed on event pass sent to prospective guests. • Top logo placed on delegate material. • Acknowledgment of your Quest Platinum Sponsorship in media publication. [$500-$1000:Quest Gold Sponsorship Package] Benefits offered to our Gold Sponsors are: • 1 Pass and seat to the Reduce Hunger With Dignity Gala. • Acknowledgment of your Gold Sponsorship during opening remarks. • Second rank Logo placed on event pass sent to prospective guests. • Second rank logo placed on delegate material. • Short presentation by your representative about your company and its involvement with Quest Food Exchange. [$250-$500:Quest Silver Sponsorship Package] Benefits offered to our Silver Sponsors are: • Acknowledgment of your Silver Sponsorship during opening remarks. • 2” Logo placed on delegate material. [Package Selection] As the date for the gala has been set for the last week of March, we have a short amount of time to raise the necessary funds. To tell us that you wish to sponsor the event, send an email to the project manager Jason H. Safinia at jasonsafinia@hotmail.com carbon copied to Ms. Pardeep Khrod at Quest at pkhrod@questoutreach.org , or contact Quest Food Exchange directly at (604)6820186. Please be sure to indicate the package you wish to select. Quest Platinum Package- $1000+ Quest Gold Package- $500-$1000 Quest Silver Package-$250-$500 Please make your cheques payable to “Quest Outreach Society”. Other Methods of Payment: Please visit the following link and follow the instructions on how to pay online. Be sure to state “for Reduce Hunger With Dignity” Gala: https://www.canadahelps.org/DonationDetails.aspx?cookieCheck=true We thank you for your generous contribution.