Spring 2015 - AmeriCU Credit Union
Spring 2015 - AmeriCU Credit Union
News from AmeriCU Credit Union AmeriNews SPRING 2015 AmeriCU is celebrating Credit Union Youth Month by encouraging children to SAVE! Throughout April, deposit $50 or more into a new or existing youth account, and receive a free Moonjar and Storybook. Moonjars help children learn to balance saving, spending, and sharing in the ancient custom of placing hopes and dreams in a jar. April is also National Child Abuse Prevention month. So in the spirit of sharing, for each $50 youth account deposit, AmeriCU will donate $5 to a local National Children’s Alliance Child Advocacy Center: The Child Advocacy Center of Northern New York in Watertown, the Ryan McMahon Child Advocacy Center in Syracuse, or the Oneida County Child Advocacy Center in Utica. Each child will receive a pinwheel to “plant” in our “Pinwheels for Prevention Garden”. www.americu.org | 800.388.2000 AmeriNews Spring 2015 A smart choice for your local financial needs. Board of Election Update REMINDER: The 65th Annual Membership Meeting of AmeriCU Credit Union was held Monday, March 9, 2015 in the Richard A. Smith It is important to know the contribution limit and deadline for each calendar year, which are as follows: Learning Center at the Griffiss Financial Center. Accomplishments of 2014 and plans for 2015 were highlighted in the Annual State of the Credit Union presentation delivered by Board Chairman, John A. Stevenson. Results of the Board of Directors’ election were announced. The 2015 Slate of Officers is as follows: The 2015 Members of the Supervisory Committee are: John A. Stevenson, Chairman Robert J. Angelhow, Chairman George C. Bauer, III, Vice Chairman Luis M. Marina, Member Terri Tulowiecki, Chief Financial Officer Laura Fleck, Member Sharon L. Miazga, Recording Officer Ann S. Tyler, Director Joseph J. Turczyn, Director Copies of AmeriCU’s 2014 Annual Report are available online at www. americu.org, in our Financial Centers or by calling 1.800.388.2000. Charles S. Sorrento, Director IRA contribution limits for 2014: HSA contribution limits for 2014: $5,500: 49 and under Single limit is $3,300 $6,500: 50 and above Family limit is $6,550 Deadline: April 15, 2015 Deadline: April 15, 2015 For the 2015 calendar year, the IRA contribution totals remain at: HSA contribution limits for 2015: $5,500: 49 and under Family limit is $6,650 $6,500: 50 and above Over 55 catch up contribution for 2014 and 2015 is $1,000 Prepare and e-file your federal return, JUST $29.95 ezTaxReturn.com/americu Service offered by Hamilton Associates, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of AmeriCU Credit Union. Single limit is $3,350 Visit any AmeriCU Financial Center to speak to a Member Financial Advisor and we will be happy to review options with you! Let’s begin together. * 60 MONTH | NO CLOSING COSTS AmeriCU Awards Ten $1,000 Scholarships At AmeriCU, we believe it pays to invest in education. Every year for more than 20 years, AmeriCU has recognized members for academic excellence, by giving ten $1,000 scholarships. At AmeriCU, we are proud to recognize the achievements of students in pursuit of their dreams. We believe this is part of our commitment to being an active, involved, and caring member of the communities that our members call home. This year, we had 52 applications (27 high school, 25 college) submitted for the scholarship committee’s consideration. We are proud to see our applicants’ achievements attained both within the classroom and within our neighborhoods. Congratulations to our scholarship winners! Serena Capsello CHARLES W. BAKER HIGH SCHOOL Angela Cataldo ELMIRA COLLEGE Christopher Clappin EAST SYRACUSE MINOA HIGH SCHOOL Riley Corcoran Jordan General DUKE UNIVERSITY Michaela Kinnetz ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH STUDIES Jacqueline Neverette V.V.S. HIGH SCHOOL ALTMAR-PARISH-WILLIAMSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Liam Traynor Lyndsy Davis Katie Weiss SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY ONEIDA HIGH SCHOOL ALFRED UNIVERSITY *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Special promotional rate effective 2/1/15; rates and terms vary by individual’s overall credit history and underwriting factors and are subject to change. Estimated monthly payment of $177.47 per $10,000.00 based on a maximum 60 month term. Equal Housing Lender. Membership restrictions apply. www.americu.org | 800.388.2000 THE FAST, STRESS-FREE WAY TO E-FILE YOUR TAXES! talk about savings. say hello to the Sprint Credit Union Member Discount. Consumers Save 10% 15% or On select regularly priced Sprint monthly service. Plus, waived activation & upgrade fees (up to $36 in savings each). Learn more • Call: 877.SAVE.4.CU • Visit: www.SprintStoreLocator.com • Click: LoveMyCreditUnion.org/Sprint Be sure to mention this code for your discount • Consumer: NACUC_ZZM • Business: NACUC_ZDS_ZZM Credit union membership validation is required. Credit approval req. Early Termination Fee (sprint.com/etf): After 14 days, up to $350/line. IL Discount: Available for eligible company employees or org. members (ongoing verification). Discounts subject to change according to the company's agreement with Sprint and are available upon request for monthly svc charges on select plans. Discount only applies to data buy-ups/addons for Unlimited, My Way and Framily plans, Talk 450, and primary line on Talk Share 700. Other Terms: Offers and coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks/plans. Restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com or www.lovemycreditunion.org/Sprint. ©2014 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. 2014 Sprint Item #800-20 Equal Housing Lender. Membership restrictions apply. Federally insured by NCUA. Businesses Save ©2014 CU Solutions Group 091614 3528 A smart choice for your local financial needs. Upcoming AmeriCU Events APRIL JUNE Utica Wine & Chocolate Festival Utica Auditorium, Utica Saturday, April 18th | 3PM-9PM Admission: $20 in advance ($25 at the door) AmeriCU Credit Union is the naming sponsor of the seventh annual Wine & Chocolate Festival. AmeriCU’s guest, the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund, will be attending the event, and $1 for every bottle of wine sold will be donated to the Fund on behalf of AmeriCU. www.uticawineandchocolate.com Taste of Syracuse Clinton Square, Syracuse Friday, June 5th + Saturday, June 6th | 11AM - 11PM Admission: FREE! AmeriCU will have two tents! One is with the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund, and one is our new “Military Appreciation” tent! And new this year, Saturday is “Salute to the Troops Day” with special deals for members of our armed forces! Watch the website for details! www.tasteofsyracuse.com Defensive Driving Course 231 Hill Road, Griffiss Office, Learning Room 158 Tuesday, April 21st + Wednesday, April 22nd | 6PM-9PM Cost is $35 for members ($25 if you are under 25) and $40 for nonmembers. You must attend both nights. To register or to learn more, contact AmeriCU Services, LLC at 1.800.352.9699. Relay for Life NYS School for the Deaf, Rome Saturday, June 6th – Sunday, June 7th | 12PM AmeriCU is again proud to help sponsor and have a team in the Rome Relay for Life! Stop by our area Rome Financial Centers to see how you can support the American Cancer Society! www.RelayForLife.org North Country Heart Run/Walk Jefferson Community College, Watertown Saturday, April 25th | 8AM-1PM AmeriCU is again proud to help sponsor and have a team in the North Country Heart Run/Walk! All proceeds benefit the American Heart Association. www.heart.org AUSA and FMWR Riverfest Alexandria Bay Thursday, June 18th | 10AM- 4PM Riverfest celebrates soldiers and their families with a relaxing day on the St. Lawrence River in beautiful Alexandria Bay. AmeriCU is honored to help serve approximately 5,000 troops and their families lunch at this event! www.oneausa.org Rome Home & Recreation Expo Kennedy Arena, Rome Saturday, April 25th | 9AM-5PM Sunday, April 26th | 10AM-4PM Admission: FREE! AmeriCU Credit Union is a sponsor of and exhibitor at the 40th Annual Rome Home & Recreation Expo. AmeriCU Mortgage Executives and Financial Center staff will be onsite to answer questions for our members. www.romechamber.com MAY Relay for Life Oneida High School, Oneida Saturday, May 30th | 2PM – Sunday, May 31st | 2PM AmeriCU is again proud to help sponsor and have a team in the Madison County Relay for Life! Stop by our Oneida financial center to see how you can support the American Cancer Society! www.RelayForLife.org www.americu.org | 800.388.2000 Salute to the Troops Tribute Concert MountainFest, Fort Drum Wednesday, June 24th | 5PM-10PM For the fourth consecutive year, we are proud to present the AmeriCU Salute to the Troops Tribute concert to honor the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, for their valiant service to our country. As in years past, the concert will feature a major national country recording artist TBA (Jake Owen ‘12, Craig Morgan ‘13, and Chris Cagle & Gloriana ‘14) with local favorites Scars ‘N Stripes opening. The concert is FREE and open to the public with fireworks following. Learn more at www.americu.org. 0301-014_M103
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