2013 Medicinal Marijuana Seeds Catalog


2013 Medicinal Marijuana Seeds Catalog
World Best Cannabis Genetics
2013 Medicinal Marijuana Seeds
Relax, you can start to feel better.
You now have access to the best medicinal cannabis genetics the
world has to offer through Medicinal Marijauna Seeds Sales (medicinalmss.com). Browse and select
from our award winning collections of hybrid to pure heritage heirloom strains of only the world’s finest
cannabis genetics. Your satisfaction is ALWAYS Guaranteed.
Medicinal Marijauna Seeds Sales has a strong belief in the healing powers of cannabis-especially
when strains can be selected for their qualities in treating a variety of conditions. We are pleased to
share our world-wide sourced and bred seed vault to those seeking relief from medical conditions or
your personal criteria in deciding what kind of cannabis strains are going to grow in your garden.
Whether you grow outdoors seasonally, in a greenhouse or indoors under lights, we are confident you
will find exacly the qualities in growth and and effects that you seek from our wide variety of pure and
combined cannabis genetics. We have rare land race strains, pure Indicas, exotic Sativas, f1 hybrids,
inbred lines (IBL), feminized seeds, auto-flowering strains and of course our world famous stable of
Cup Winners.
Medicinal Marijuana Seeds Sales does not think any cannabis grower should ever have to settle for
anything less than the absolute BEST strains for their purposes. It doesn’t matter whether you are
selecting for charactersitics such for extreme potency, high yields, fast growth rates, or resistance to
insect and problems-we have what you need. Indoors or Out. Big or Small. We also understand that
some may be limited by budget, and have worked hard to produce a range of pricing without comprimising our bottom line: your absolute satisfaction in the cannabis produced from our genetics. We are
pleased to offer you the world’s best medicnal cannabis genetics.
We are fortunate to have some of the best seed breeders and growers in the world who work with us
closely in developing, evaluating and refining our award winning marijuana strains. If a strain or seeds
do not meet our strict criteria they quite literally become bird seed-we do not accept anything less than
perfection from our crops and do not think you should have to either. In fact, that’s what got us started
many years ago: being sick and tired of low yielding and insect infested clone only strains that lost thier
vigor over scores and scores of cloned replications-with little or no variety to choose from. Starting
crops from seed offers the greatest rewards, and we are sure you will agree. In fact, we GUARANTEE
it :)
Yours Truly, Medicinal Marijuana Seeds Sales
How To Select From Our Strains:
1. Strain Photo-We try and give the
most representative photos possible Remember that there can be
variations in Phenotypes and that
growing climate is an influence.
2. Strain Name- ”What’s in a
name”? Quite possibly, your new
favorite cannabis strain when you
select from us! You are likely to
recognize some of our Cup Winners by name, however, a lot of the
buidling blocks used to make these
winners are also available-so we
advise not making your selections
on name only.
3. SexRegular seeds,in cannabis means
you are likely to get both male
and female specimens. Typically,
you can expect at least half of the
seeds to turn out Female; the sex
that is desired when growing for
medicine. Sometimes it can be
less; your growing conditions can
have an influence also.
Feminized Seeds (100% Female)
are also available. We guarantee
these to be stable, as they are
created through a careful process
to ensure that you do not wind
up with a crop of hermaphrodites
4. Type-Sativa, Indica, Hybrid
(like Kush) or Autoflower. There
are always exceptions to the rules,
however, typically Indica plants will
grow more slowly in size, stay short
and squat and will finsih sooner
than Sativas. Typically their high is
more physical and sedative. Sativas tend to grow very vigorously,
may exhibit some stretch and can
take longer times to mature versus
Indicas. Typically, the effects are
intense, more cerbral and “up”. A
hybrid is a cross or multiple crossbetween these two main types of
cannabis plants. Kush, while having unique properties, tends to rest
inbetween the two poles.
Autoflowering is unique in that after
gaining a few sets of leaves, plants
will begin to bud regardless of
5. Yield-Every grower would prefer to get a heavy yield, however,
some strains do not make that their
first priority. Besides genetics, how
much you will harvest will depend
a lot on many other factors too,
so we offer a generalization about
what you can expect with factors
remaining equal in comparing plant
6. Genetics-Sometimes we will
make a note about the parental
heritage of a particular strain, other
times you may find it blank.
7. Outdoors-With the right climate
ANY selection could be grown
outdoors. However, we make notes
where we can about when a strain
might finish at common Northern Lattitudes. Typically, IndicaDominant strains will finsih earlier
8. Flowering-While this can vary
with phenotype and climate, we
provide you with the apporximate
number of weeks that plants require in the bud phase to reach full
9. Height-This will be relative to
how long your plants recive long
hour days; however, we provide
a gauge of what percentage of
growth increase you might see
after short days have begun to
10. THC Level-this is mostly
predetrmined by the plant’s genetics, although can be influneced
by climate and relative maturity at
harvest. Commonly, we call this
“Potency” because there is more
than just THC at work, for example
CBD and CBN are other active ingedients which influence the effects
11. Notes-Any one of our strains
deserves it’s own book, however,
we try and keep it to “what you
should know”.. Our website: www.
medicinalmss.com may offer longer and more detailed notes and
descriptions of the strains we offer.
Check our photos too;)
BubbaRockstar Kush
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
Good to Very Good
Rockstar X Bubba
Late Oct.
8-9 weeks
Appearance: Dense, rounded tight nugs glistening
with resin with sparse tan hairs.
Aroma: Earthy, citrus, spice with leathery tonesvery complex.
Effects: Comes on fast with a warm glow that
radiates from the centre of the body outwards;
overall, very relaxing and euphoric. Good potential for pain relief. Strong medicine.
Kush Dominant Selections
Rockstar Kush
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
Good to Very Good
Late Oct.
8-9 weeks
Appearance: Round, dense light green crystal
covered nugs
Aroma: Spicy and skunky with hints of sweetness/floral.
Effects: Comes on fast, levels off. Intense physical relaxation, stimulates appetite and provides
long lasting functional effects while assisting in
pain relief. A very “medicinal” strain.
Kush Dominant Selections
OG Kush
The real deal-in relaible and stable FEMALE
ONLY seeds.
Kush Hybrid
True OG Kush explodes in early flowering like a
Sativa, but finishes with compact, rock hard lemon
fuel crystal coated nuggets like an Indica.
The trademark buzz borders on psychadelic on
the mind and provides an extremely long lasting,
intense physical stone; very complex in effect and
bouquet. One of the better yielding Kush strains
you’ll encounter-the new gold standard.
9 weeks
Golden Temple Kush
Kush Hybrid
Appearance: Dark to lime green, very dense,
with a thick coating of resin and few hairs. Very
Aroma: Spicy, citrus hash-fuel like aroma with a
hint of sweetness.
Good to Very Good
End Oct.
8-9 weeks
Effects: Very potent, comes on as a warm glow
that quickly spreads to the mind and body. Very
happy and relaxing. Potentially psychedelic in
Kush Dominant Selections
Mad Kush
Kush Hybrid
Very Good
Kush X Madagascar
Begin End Oct.
8-9 weeks
There are more earthy notes and even hints of a
leather musk type aroma with some sweetness in
Mad Kush over the others-something that stands
out when opening a bag of this connoisseur quality
potent bud.
Appearance: Large, dark green, frosted-looking
Kush buds
Aroma: Spicy, earthy, leathery, with a hint of sweet
hashiness; a connoisseur’s delight!
Effects: Intense high with strong physical effects.
Kush Dominant Selections
JoJo Kush
Kush Hybrid
via JoJo Rizzo (R.I.P.)
Begin Mid Oct.
8-9 weeks
All parts of his indica dominant Kush plant are
covered in a thick mat of trichomes that glisten
with high resin production; very “hashy” all over the
plant. The trim is superb for baking and extracts.
Appearance: Dense, short and resin covered dark
green nugs. All parts of the bud, including bud
leaves are thoroughly encrusted with resin.
Aroma: Very “Kush”, spicy, earthy.
Effects: Intense high with strong physical effects.
Feature: Early Purple Kush-E.P.K.
Early Purple Kush – winner 1st prize for the Medical Marijuana Cup at the
Treating Yourself Medical
Marijuana Expo in Toronto
July, 2010.
Early Purple Kush is made
heavier yielding than the
original Purple Kush by
crossing it with Early Island
Indica. The result is a cannabis strain which is not only
a heavier cropper but which
really piles on the resin and
is more mould resistant in
damper climes when grown
outdoors. A great demonstration of genetic synergy as
the result is definitely greater
than the sum of its parts.
Purple Kush is a renowned
strain all over the world.
That’s because it consistently delivers hard frosty
nuggets with lots of flavor
and aroma for growers and
provides fast, effective and
very calming relief for tokers
that results in a long lasting
buzz that stimulates appetite
and rest.
Until now, Purple Kush
strains are notoriously slow
to grow in the vegetative growth phase and do
-When grown in co2 enriched environment, prefers moderate to
not stack a lot of flowering
strong feedings (2.0EC/1400 ppm) or 1.2 EC without co2 enrichsites on the stem after the
-Moderately warm temperatures are recommended during veg and budding cycle has started.
The bud cycle for Purple
early to peak bud phase, for example 80°F for maximum production and yields. Vivid purples and enhanced aromas when ripened Kush (EPK’s predecessor)
offers modest yields relative
at 65°F.
to the time required to crop
(9 weeks in bloom phase)
hence PK’s higher price tag
at dispensaries and coffee
MMSS’s take on PK was
that it needed to have a larger yield and a faster finish in
budding, with a faster and
more dynamic rate of growth
during the veg phase. A little
more “alert” shaken into the
effects was welcome too, so
relief could be experienced
through the day, cutting
down on nap time required.
The result is the perfect plant
for commercial producer and
medical grower alike. Beautiful, potent, frosty and rock
hard purple kush nuggets
with the soft sweet scent everyone loves on a plant that
produces larger than average
yields (especially in Sea Of
Green methods, where up to
24 plants per square meter
are recommended) in less
Most growers choose the 7
week finishing phenotype
and never look back. Some
growers report they are gaining an extra cycle per year.
We’ve even had some feedback on a pheno that with
the right management, has
been harvested fully mature
at 5 weeks!
Early Purple Kush
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
Very Good
Late Sept.
6-7 weeks
Appearance: Hard, dark purple to light green
medium sized buds; very “purple kush”
Aroma: Pleasant, soft, floral, sweet with a hint of
spice; trademark “purple kush” aroma
Effects: Very relaxing, euphoric, excellent relief
of physical pains, may provide relief for anxiety
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
Fair to Good
Late Oct.
9+ weeks
Very High
Appearance: Very “Kush” looking, light green, firm,
crystal covered nugs with sparse orange hairs. With
cooler finishing temperatures, shows purples and
Aroma: Sweet, sugary flowers with lemon and
earthy fuel; very complex bouquet that shifts as the
buds cure.
Effects: Very potent, physical effects that also
stimulate the brain. When smoked in larger quantities may be trippy or psychedelic; very little “ceiling”
to the effects, and recommended for patients with
higher medicinal cannabis tolerances.
Kush Dominant Selections
Pink Kush
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
10-11 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Very large, solid, resin covered
“OG” nugs; dense carpet of resin glands over all
parts of the bud.
Aroma: Spicy, earthy, complex layers; everything
you can expect in a connoisseur quality Kush
Effects: Strong, long lasting deep narcotic effect;
excellent for pain relief and stimulating appetite
or for encouraging rest and relaxation.
Kush Dominant Selections
Master Kush
Regular or Fem
Kush Hybrid
Very Good-Excellent
Late Oct.
9 weeks
A hardy kush that delivers excllent yields; one of
the best commercial Kush strains.
Appearance: Large, solid tower-like Kush buds
encrusted with resin glands
Aroma: Lemon-pine with a touch of earthy spiceeverything nice!
Effects: Physical and relaxing long-lasting high that
is great for alleviating stress, aches and stimulating
appetite and rest.
Sour Diesel
Regular or Fem
Sativa Hybrid
Very Good-Excellent
10 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Firm, bright green cone shaped nugs
with few hairs and covered with lots of resin; exactly what you want to see in a bud! Purples tones
and other colors are possible too.
Aroma: Very strong, sour funk with earthy and
citrus tones.
Effects: Very “up”, euphoric and “happy” buzz
when enjoyed in moderation. Very little “ceiling”can be trippy or psychedelic when smoked in
excess or as extracts. Caution to inexperienced
tokers: REAL Sour D can be overwhelming.
Sativa Dominant Selections
Regular or Fem
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
3 way cross
10-14 weeks
Very High
Outstanding in both effect and its tongue-coating
taste. The high is super lifting and motivating
when used in moderation.
Although it is very clearly Kush in its bud structure, the general plant structure leans towards
the Thai Father, but surprisingly and positively it
is ready for harvest in 10-14 weeks.
Produces good yields when allowed to grow large
outside or packed in a sea of green set up. The
flavour is distinctively lemon kush.
Sativa Dominant Selections
Love Potion: V2
Sativa Hybrid
10 weeks
Appearance: Large and extremely resinous buds,
small orange to yellow hairs. Some phenotypes
may exhibit purple colorations when cooler conditions occur.
Aroma: Fruity, lemon to dried grape aroma with
hints of earthiness. Excellent bouquet.
Effects: A happy balance of “up”, happy (and possibly amorous) with an overall sense of relaxation.
May prove useful to treat anxiety, aches and pains
and stimulate appetite; great potential for medicinal
Mullimbimby Madness X Nevils Haze #21
Regular or Fem.
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
14 weeks
Appearance: Large, full buds glimmering with resin
and very little leaf; large swollen calyxes
Aroma: Very complex-notes of floral, spice and
earthy sweetness.
Effects: Extremely cerebral and long lasting, bordering on hallucinogenic. Not recommended for
inexperienced tokers; an excellent choice for those
with high tolerance levels
Sativa Dominant Selections
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
Nevils Haze #21 X Early MM
11 weeks
Very heavy yields with outstanding-more like Out-OfThis-World- smoking qualities can be expected from
a crop of this amazing cross. Expect, big wide bushes
with solid tops that finish at around 11 weeks.
Appearance: Long, full buds with very little leaf and
sparkling with resin.
Aroma: Spicy to sweet with many delicious undertones
Effects: Very intense and long lasting “up” high with
some body relaxation.
Sativa Dominant Selections
Sativa Hybrid
NH #21 X Oaxacan
12 weeks
The resulting cross gives about 50% of the females exhibiting a great balance between the two parent plantsan ultimate and balanced sativa dominant strain that
is resistant to moulds and produces good yields in 12
Appearance: Large, full bright green sugary looking buds
of swollen calyxes
Aroma: Sweet candy and fruity flavors with hints of piney
Effects: Intense, focused, trance like high-excellent for
Feature: Kings Crown (King X Vietnam Black)
King is old school Kush
genetics that found
their way into North
America back in the
1980’s by illegal hash
traders-now medicinal
cannabis benefits.
The real deal from
deep in the Hindu Kush
mountain range.
King is one of the most
frosty and dense Kush
buds you can come
across; dark green
solid buds that permeate lemon-pine fuel like
aromas through the air,
even from a distance.
-tight nodes with upright growth; can be planted closely
for increased yields
-fairly easy to grow relative to the qualities exhibited in
the harvest
Kings Crown
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
King X Viet Bl.
9 weeks
Very High
The Vietnam Black
needs little introduction,
it is one of the strongest and best growing
exotic Sativas on the
planet, and is the backbone in producing Cannabis Cup Winners like
Willie Nelson. Kings
Crown stature is fairly
Indica with a slightly
branched and upright
growth patterns. However, you can expect
plants to put on some
stature after starting the
bud phase.
Buds sites form close
together, for a solid foot
long cola when provided with adequate light
levels as a large plant.
Great as a larger plant
when given sufficient
veg time.
Easy to clone is also a
bonus-that is if you can
pick a favorite from the
pack, with them being
all so close in appearance and growth characteristics. Great potential for Sea Of Green
with minimal pruning
and a quick introduction
into budding.
Easy to trim, not a very
leafy plant.
Appearance: Very Kush, large and dense lime green
buds with potential for dark purple to black colorations; extremely resinous.
Aroma: Kush with additions of a very rare and pleasant bouquet from the Viet Black that simply must
be experienced. Flavor and aroma are exceptionalnothing else like it. Coats the mouth and throat.
Effects: Strong all over stone, penetrates deeply;
great for aches, pains and appetite stimulation.
Enough Sativa to keep you going while the Indica
will carry you in for a final gentle landing.
Black Willie
Sativa Hybrid
Willie Nelson x V.B.
11-14 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Silvery to grey due to clusters of
resin coated calyxes with light tan hairs. Looks
deadly and exotic, little or no foliage in buds when
harvested fully mature, almost all calyx.
Aroma: Sweet n Sour, spicy, citrus-fills the room
with an exotic perfume like aroma when smoked or
vaporized; a connoisseur’s delight!
Effects: Seriously strong and long lasting; borders
on psychedelic. May also have narcotic-like qualities.
Sativa Dominant Selections
Harmony x Thai
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
11 weeks
Appearance: Beautiful crystal covered buds. Fairly
compact and firm for the Sativa edge the strain
Aroma: A hint of lemon with earthy overtones; will
impress even the snootiest connoisseur
Effects: Intense, not for the inexperienced. Strong
cerebral high with slight body effects. Very fun
ride, but be prepared and medicate in moderation!
Sativa Dominant Selections
O.Haze X Skunk
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
11 weeks
Appearance: Appearance: Large fluffier buds of
solid calyx liberally encrusted with crystal-a connoisseur’s delight!
Aroma: Exotic forest aroma, very organic and
earthy when properly flushed
Effects: Intense, uplifting cerebral high with little
ceiling. Lots of laughter when smoked in moderation, psychedelic or trippy when smoked in
greater quantities.
Zen Hash Plant
Regular or Fem
Indica Hybrid
Very Good-Excellent
7-9 weeks
Appearance: Dark green and very hard nugs covered in a a thick coating of resin glands with a few
orange to red hairs
Aroma: Skunky to musty with hints of earthiness
and citrus
Effects: Very physical with some mental stimulation. Good possibilities for reducing aches pains,
stimulating appetite and promoting rest
Indica Dominant Selections
Tuna Kush
8-9 weeks
Appearance: Very hard, dark to light green small
extremely resinous buds with few auburn hairs;
every leaf surface is thoroughly covered with jewels of Tuna Kush resin that sticks to your fingers.
Aroma: Very strong, funky, skunky earthy with a
hint of fuel like aroma. May have a slight sweet
undertone with proper care.
Effects: Strong. Relatively physical and narcotic
with a pleasant euphoric sense. Trippy if smoked
in quantity. Makes the best extracts. Creamy!
Indica Dominant Selections
Purple Crown
Indica Hybrid
Good-Very Good
EPK X Viet Bl.
Late Oct.
8-9 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Chunky, bushy plants with dense
resin coated buds; potential to look dark purple
to black and coated in white resin
Aroma: Pungent, dank, sweet, exotic-must be
experienced; very unique
Effects: Strong, head and body-long lasting and
deeply psychoactive stone. Great for whatever
ails you.
Regular or Fem
Indica Hybrid
heritage strain
Late Oct..
8 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Beautiful looking buds, with lots of
“bag appeal”. Dark green, hard, frosty resinous
medium sized buds. King of Buds.
Aroma: Classic pine with complex undertones including spicy lemon and earth tones.
Effects: Knock-out, strong, intense, high-very
“hashy” over the long in duration experience after
toking. Warm and dreamy with great pain-killing
effects and appetite stimulation.
Indica Dominant Selections
Indica Hybrid
Very Good
NL X Skunk
Early Oct.
6-7 weeks
Appearance: Textbook buds. Medium to Dark
green frosted compact buds with orange to brown
Aroma: Slightly pungent, earthy, spicey with a
hint of sweetness.
Effects: Very relaxing and euphoric, stimulates
appetite and balances mood. Good for sleeping if
smoked in larger quantities.
Indica Dominant Selections
G-13 Alpha Dog
Regular or Fem
Appearance: Frosty, compact-very sticky green
Very Good
Aroma: Funky; sweet n sour with earthy tones
Indica Hybrid
G-13 x S.D.
9 weeks
Effects: Strong physical effects and comes on a
little racey at first. Trippy when smoked in quantity.
Feature: Grand Daddy Purple
MMSS’s Grand Daddy
Purple (GDP) gets it’s
legendary origins from
the backwoods of Northern California from none
other than the departed
JoJo Rizzo Historically,
this has been a “clone
only” strain that has circulated for several years
with newer variations
having been bred and
incorporated under the
“GDP” moniker
some height gain in the
bud phase, cutting down
on the time required
in vegetative growth to
finish the plants at BIG
bushy size for large
yields. Likes to grow into
a dense, wide bush with
a slightly dominant and
very huge top cola. For
SOG methods, try two
weeks of veg time spacing plants 9 per square
Given lots of water and
light with moderate
temperatures, the GDP
is a snap to grow and
will astound you with
huge top cola production capability, and does
great trained as a multibranched plant, easily yielding one pound
per plant indoors under
lights with sufficient time
allowed in vegetative
The side branches may
reach near top cola
height and produce
dense, heavy buds also
given strong lighting.
A great producer in every respect, making it an
easy choice for production-minded medical gardeners. Patience
pays with this strain,
as buds will explode in
size, density and essential oil production during the final few weeks
of the budding phase.
Easy to clone.
Grows very vigorous in
both veg and bloom,
and you can expect
Grand Daddy Purple
Regular or Fem
Indica Hybrid
Late Oct..
8 weeks
Appearance: Very large buds of average density in
all phenos and very easy to manicure. Some buds
may be entirely purple, both calyx and leaves with
bright orange hairs showing plenty of white crystals, very striking in appearance. Growers can also
expect lots of excellent material for hashmaking.
Aroma: Dried grape or berry-slightly sweet with
some spicy undertones. Tastes like it smells with a
slightly astringent effect.
Effects: Deep, long lasting but functional buzz.
Slightly euphoric with notable effects for pain relief.
The classic “stone”.
Double Skunk X Skunk
Indica Hybrid
8-9 weeks
Appearance: Lime Green buds with orange to
auburn hairs; lots of calyx, little leaf.
Aroma: Very pungent, road kill with sweet undertones
Effects: Good all over stone, starts off in the
head, finishes in the body.
Indica Dominant Selections
RMG Indica
Indica Hybrid
Very Good
8-9 weeks
Appearance: Chunky, light green buds with large
swollen calyxes.
Aroma: Pungent, acrid, earthy, fuel like with
some sweetness and floral notes
Effects: Comes on as a happy, and
“up”experience leading to body relaxation and
appetite stimulation.
Very Good
Auto-Flowering Selection
Gold x Mango
9 weeks
9 weeks
24-30 cm
Appearance: Long colas, lots of calyx with resin
on smaller bud leaves.
Aroma: Sweet.
Effects: All over, happy euphoric and mild high.
A great day time smoke.
Train Wreck Collection
A male Train Wreck flower has landed on a select
female-you can see the result right below!
Train Wreck is a world famous Sativa Dominant
Strain from Arcata California, USA, that has
made herself famous both indoors and out.
Heavy yields and very high potency levels characterize what people have come to expect when
endeavouring on Train Wreck. Train Wreck
buds are known to be long and full with very
little leaf-looking coated in resin.
Usually, a cutting-only strain, a male has been
carefully and painstakingly bred to isolate a truebreeding male Train Wreck pollen donor.
These are F1 hybrids. The Train Wreck pollen was reserved for plants that stand out from
our world class cannabis genetics-not any plant
makes our cut.
Because these are F1 seeds, you can expect to
see a lot of vigour, getting the best of both parent plants in a stable crop that doesn’t have a
lot of variation from plant to plant.
Cloning from a pack of seeds of this calibre
gives you special plant you will be proud to call
your own.
Train Wreck Collection
O. Haze X Train Wreck
Sativa Hybrid
Good-Very Good
11-14 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Long buds caked with resin on top
of calyxes with very little leaf. Sticky when dry.
Aroma: Slightly floral with unique Train Wreck
aroma. Light on the pallate.
Effects: Very psychoactive and “up” high with
some body buzz too. Connoisseur smoke.
Love Potion X Train Wreck
Late Oct.
9-10 weeks
Appearance: Very frosted looking thick buds; large
swollen calyxes stacked together
Aroma: Sweet leathery musk.
Effects: Happy, euphoric and fun with some physical sedation; potent. Potentially giddy or amorous
Very High
Train Wreck Collection
Golden Temple Kush X Train Wreck
Indica Hybrid
Very Good
9 weeks
Appearance: Rounded, pine cone shaped with
towers of calyxes caked in resin; even small bud
leaves are very resinous.
Aroma: Very pungent, hashy and musky
Effects: An initial “up” surge that tapers off into a
slightly psychedelic and strongly physical experience.
Very High
Train Wreck Collection
Harmony Skunk X Train Wreck
Appearance: Cone shaped buds made of large
swollen calyxes; little to no leaf in final harvest.
Aroma: Funky
9-11 weeks
Effects: An all-over stone, that is great for aches
and pains. Tapers off into euphoric sedation with
enough up to keep you going.....for a while.
Feature: Zen Hash X Sour Diesel
Zen Hash plant is a
coveted strain of a very
potent Indica with a
hint of Sativa to make
it more vigorous and a
heavier producer-without
sacrificing any of the
bag appeal from the
original heritage hash
plant the cross originates from.
Sour Diesel needs little
or no introduction. All of
the crosses that MMSS
has made with this
fabulous pollen donor
plant come out super
vigorous and very potent; occasionally with a
hint of that famous fruity
fuel smell from the Sour
D Daddy.
When combined, the result is a stable and homogenous offspring that
yields the best qualities
of both parent plants in
a potent plant capable of
Zen Hash X Sour D
Late Oct..
8 weeks
high production levels,
whether grown out as a
large bush or trained as
a pole plant for Sea Of
Green styles.
The yields can be better than average while
maintaining top quality potency, flavor and
aroma with this one.
Even the larger fan
leaves get crusted near
the base with a healthy
matting of resin glands.
Buds start off compact
and explode into tight
rotund nugs-a real “big
bud” for a top cola if
allowed to concentrate
energy into developing a
large single top.
Even the satellite buds
that orbit the towering
round cola are fat and
firm. A great choice for
Indica and Kush lovers
Appearance: Large fat nugs-very dense, few hairs,
thick white matting of resin crystals. Hints of purple
and lots fat calyx, little leaf. Awesome “bag appeal”.
Aroma: Pungent, funky, sharp, sour with hints of
earthiness. This one smells strong-in a great way.
Effects: Fairly strong, long lasting relaxing buzz
that can be felt all over. A little bit giggly. May be
good for treating anxiety.
Indica Hybrid
Af. X Pak
8 weeks
Appearance: Hard, compact nuggets, covered in
crystal. Lime green with tinges of purple, not many
hairs. Lots and lots of crystal; even on the leaves.
Aroma: Pungent, sweet and skunky hash
Effects: Heavy, physical and relaxing. Can be a
little “trippy” when smoked in quantity.
Very Good
Hybrid Strains
AfPak X Sour D
Very Good
Late Oct.
9 weeks
Appearance: Firm, spear shaped top colas and
pine-cone shaped buds made up of towers of
calyxes-some very resinous and dense phenos
can be found.
Aroma: Funky, sweet and sour hash.
Effects: Comes on “racey” at first in the head and
tapers off into a relaxing body buzz. Some find it
beneficial for focusing when indulging lightly.
Hybrid Strains
Harmony X Kush
9-11 weeks
Very High
Appearance: Connoisseur quality bud in all phenos; tendency is an exotic “kush”; expect lots of
resin, even “greasy” due to abundance of essential oils and resins
Aroma: Complex bouquet, with floral to leathery
tones. Sometimes hints of citrus or earthy.
Effects: Expect a lot of potency-how far up you
go or how deep into your body will depend on the
pheno you select from. World class genetics.
RockStar X Train Wreck
Good to Very Good
End Oct.
9-10 weeks
Appearance: Tightly packed towers of crystal
covered and super fat looking calyxes-purple hues
Aroma: Hashy floral with dankness
Effects: Starts in the face and finishes in the body;
strong medicine can be found in selections from
this cross.
Hybrid Selections
Pig OG X Train Wreck
Very Good
9 weeks
Appearance: Big nugs and lots of resin-including
all parts of the bud leaves.
Aroma: Strong, musky citrus and some sharpness
Effects: Potent smoke with some knock-down
power. Can be slightly “psychedelic” when
smoked in quantity.
Hybrid Selections
Mendo X Train Wreck
Good-Very Good
Late Oct.
9 weeks
Appearance: Slightly elongated, firm, stacks
of swollen calyxes with very little leaf and few
hairs. Very frosted looking on lime green buds.
Aroma: Exotic and spicy with a hint of fruity
Effects: Good initial “lift off” that lends itself to a
strong body buzz. May be good for stimulating
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