Accelerated Reading Quiz List - Estherville Lincoln Central
Accelerated Reading Quiz List - Estherville Lincoln Central
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Quiz No. 43532 EN 103833 EN 18751 EN 61265 EN 14796 EN 133355 EN 39863 EN 8251 EN 15901 EN 661 EN 53513 EN 73618 EN 73619 EN 73620 EN 73621 EN 73622 EN 73623 EN 73624 EN Title Author Book Points Level 1 Is One Tudor, Tasha 2.1 0.5 10 Little Rubber Ducks Carle, Eric 2.4 0.5 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents Wardlaw, Lee 3.9 5.0 12 Again Corbett, Sue 4.9 8.0 13th Floor: A Ghost Story, The Fleischman, Sid 4.4 4.0 14 Cows for America Deedy, Carmen Agra 4.1 0.5 145th Street: Short Stories Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 6.0 18-Wheelers (Cruisin') Maifair, Linda Lee 5.2 1.0 18th Century Clothing Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 1.0 18th Emergency, The Byars, Betsy 4.7 4.0 1900-20: Linen & Lace Mee, Sue 7.3 1.0 1900s (American History by Decade), The Durrett, Deanne 7.5 1.0 1910s (American History by Decade), The Durrett, Deanne 7.0 1.0 1920s (American History by Decade), The Farshtey, Gregory T. 7.1 1.0 1930s (American History by Decade), The Nardo, Don 7.4 1.0 1940s (American History by Decade), The Nardo, Don 7.8 1.0 1950s (American History by Decade), The Durrett, Deanne 7.0 1.0 1960s (American History by Decade), The Gresko, Jessica A. 6.6 1.0 74919 EN 73625 EN 73626 EN 5976 EN 73627 EN 15902 EN 15903 EN 523 EN 65532 EN 34791 EN 34787 EN 11592 EN 53518 EN 30629 EN 55093 EN 53519 EN 166 EN 103355 EN 8001 EN 9001 EN 53520 EN 1968 Democratic Convention, The McGowen, Tom 8.9 1.0 1970s (American History by Decade), The Woog, Adam 7.8 1.0 1980s (American History by Decade), The Hirschmann, Kris 7.0 1.0 1984 8.9 17.0 1990s (American History by Decade), The Woog, Adam 7.0 1.0 19th Century Clothing Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 19th Century Girls and Women Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 0.5 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Verne, Jules 10.0 28.0 2000 Presidential Election, The Landau, Elaine 7.7 1.0 2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur C. 9.0 12.0 2010: Odyssey Two Clarke, Arthur C. 7.8 13.0 2095 Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 20s & 30s: Flappers & Vamps, The Blackman, Cally 7.4 1.0 26 Fairmount Avenue De Paola, Tomie 4.4 1.0 3 Days Off Morgenstern/Rosner 5.0 3.0 40s & 50s: Utility to New Look, The Reynolds, Helen 7.6 1.0 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie 5,000 Miles to Freedom: Ellen & William Fradin, Judith Bloom Craft's Flight...Slavery 4.6 4.0 7.6 4.0 50 Below Zero Munsch, Robert N. 2.4 0.5 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The Seuss, Dr. 4.0 1.0 60s: Mods & Hippies, The Powe-Temperley, Kitty 7.8 1.0 Orwell, George 41482 EN 31170 EN 53521 EN 53522 EN 116237 EN 76205 EN 8851 EN 11001 EN 25366 EN 81642 EN 6030 EN 30662 EN 17601 EN 101 EN 16743 EN 86479 EN 86635 EN 8951 EN 54088 EN 73397 EN 18652 EN $66 Summer, The Armistead, John 4.3 6.0 6th Grade Nickname Game, The Korman, Gordon 4.3 3.0 7.7 1.0 7.4 1.0 70s: Punks, Glam Rockers, & New Gilmour, Sarah Romantics, The 80s & 90s: Power Dressing to Sportswear, Lomas, Clare The 9/11 Terror Attacks, The Bodden, Valerie 8.9 1.0 97 Ways to Train a Dragon McMullan, Kate 3.3 2.0 A.B.C. Murders, The Christie, Agatha 6.1 9.0 "A" Is for Africa Onyefulu, Ifeoma 4.5 0.5 A. Philip Randolph and the Labor Movement Cwiklik, Robert 6.0 1.0 Abduction! Kehret, Peg 4.7 6.0 Abduction, The Newth, Mette 6.0 8.0 Abe Lincoln Grows Up Sandburg, Carl 7.6 6.0 Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White House North, Sterling 8.4 4.0 Abel's Island Steig, William 5.9 3.0 Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution Bober, Natalie S. 8.4 14.0 Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 5.0 Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows, The Dadey, Debbie 4.0 1.0 Abominable Snowman, The Antonopulos, Barbara 5.2 1.0 About the B'nai Bagels Konigsburg, E.L. 4.7 5.0 Abracadabra Kid: A Writer's Life, The Fleischman, Sid 6.2 7.0 Abraham Lincoln D'Aulaire, Ingri/Edgar Parin 5.2 1.0 14051 EN Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln (Encyclopedia of 866 EN Presidents) 54155 Abraham Lincoln (In Their Own Words) EN 19038 Abraham Lincoln's World EN 29341 Abraham's Battle EN 17651 Absent Author, The EN 39788 Absolutely Lucy EN 11577 Absolutely Normal Chaos EN 117771 Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time EN Indian, The 12573 Absolutely True Story...How I Visited EN Yellowstone..., The 17501 Abuela EN 17701 Abuela's Weave EN 41984 abuelita Fina y sus sombrillas SP maravillosas, La 108588 Abundance of Katherines, An EN 41280 academia muy austera, Una SP 47094 Accept No Substitutes! The History of EN American Advertising 5251 Acceptable Time, An EN 5252 Ace Hits the Big Time EN 6001 Ace: The Very Important Pig EN 69402 Achoo! The Most Interesting Book You'll EN Ever Read about Germs 1671 Acid Rain (Earth Watch) EN Stefoff, Rebecca 8.6 5.0 Hargrove, Jim 7.9 2.0 Sullivan, George 5.3 2.0 Foster, Genevieve 7.8 17.0 Banks, Sara Harrell 5.3 2.0 Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Cooper, Ilene 2.7 1.0 Creech, Sharon 4.7 7.0 Alexie, Sherman 4.0 6.0 Roberts, Willo Davis 5.1 6.0 Dorros, Arthur 2.5 0.5 Castañeda, Omar S. 5.2 0.5 Sáenz, Benjamin Alire 4.9 0.5 Green, John 5.6 10.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.7 6.0 Mierau, Christina 9.2 3.0 L'Engle, Madeleine 4.5 11.0 Murphy, Barbara 4.2 6.0 King-Smith, Dick 5.2 3.0 Romanek, Trudee 6.6 1.0 Morgan, Sally 5.8 0.5 5253 EN 8452 EN 102 EN 34991 EN 18801 EN 17602 EN 73952 EN 19816 EN 76892 EN 36046 EN 11701 EN 1 EN 82223 EN 6301 EN 17551 EN 8501 EN 50004 EN 9301 EN 7651 EN 35819 EN 7653 EN 52587 EN Acorn People, The Jones, Ron 5.6 2.0 Across America on an Emigrant Train Murphy, Jim 7.8 3.0 Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 6.6 10.0 Across the Great River Hernández, Irene Beltran 4.3 5.0 Across the Lines Reeder, Carolyn 6.3 10.0 Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary... Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 Act I, Act II, Act Normal Weston, Martha 4.7 5.0 Acting Up Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Actual Size Jenkins, Steve 2.8 0.5 Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary Pope 4.6 4.0 Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me Johnston, Julie 4.8 8.0 Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet 6.5 9.0 Adaptation and Survival Glass, Susan 6.4 1.0 Addie's Dakota Winter Lawlor, Laurie 4.6 4.0 Addie's Forever Friend Lawlor, Laurie 3.7 2.0 Addie's Long Summer Lawlor, Laurie 4.0 5.0 Addition and Subtraction Jacques, Caron/St. 6.2 1.0 Addition Annie Gisler, David 1.1 0.5 Addy Learns a Lesson Porter, Connie 3.9 1.0 Addy's Little Brother Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 Addy's Surprise Porter, Connie 4.4 1.0 Addy's Wedding Quilt Porter, Connie 4.2 1.0 7652 EN 59601 EN 76059 EN 7701 EN 451 EN 9541 EN 20251 EN 18327 EN 13601 EN Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story De Paola, Tomie 3.3 0.5 Adjectives (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.6 0.5 Adventure in Legoland Matas, Carol 3.8 2.0 Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 2.0 Adventures of Boone Barnaby, The Cottonwood, Joe 3.5 6.0 Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Pilkey, Dav 4.3 1.0 Adventures of Connie and Diego, The Garcia, Maria 3.1 0.5 Twain, Mark 6.7 18.0 Twain, Mark 6.7 12.0 Twain, Mark 6.6 18.0 Banks, Lynne Reid 5.0 4.0 Doyle, Arthur Conan 8.8 16.0 Pilkey, Dav 2.5 0.5 McLean/Wiseman 6.2 4.0 Williams, Ursula Moray 6.1 6.0 Twain, Mark 8.0 12.0 Twain, Mark 8.1 12.0 Heinrichs, Ann 3.9 0.5 Woods, Bob 6.7 1.0 Buckley Jr., James 6.1 1.0 Buckley Jr., James 6.0 1.0 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Bloomsbury), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Great 900 EN Illustrated Classis 501 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The 16733 Adventures of King Midas, The EN 13602 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes EN (Claremont), The 64111 Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, The EN 21748 Adventures of the Greek Heroes EN 70491 Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse EN 13603 Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Bloomsbury), EN The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged), 502 EN The 76060 Adverbs (The Magic of Language) EN 89271 AFC East EN 89272 AFC North EN 89273 AFC South EN 89274 EN 117425 EN 18049 EN 46024 EN 60982 EN 73887 EN 17201 EN 24026 EN 24025 EN 24027 EN 62125 EN 25125 EN 16752 EN 6401 EN 351 EN 74433 EN 352 EN 59348 EN 47402 EN 353 EN 14651 EN 39862 EN AFC West Walters, John 6.7 1.0 Afghanistan Adams, Simon 8.6 1.0 Afghanistan (Cultures of the World) Ali, Sharifah Enayat 8.8 4.0 Africa Foster, Leila Merrell 3.6 0.5 Africa Fowler, Allan 2.3 0.5 Africa Dream Greenfield, Eloise 2.5 0.5 Africa (Eyewitness) Ayo, Yvonne 8.3 1.0 African-American Astronauts Jones/Tripp 5.1 0.5 African-American Aviators Jones, Stanley P. 4.5 0.5 African-American Inventors II Henderson, Susan K. 4.9 0.5 African-Americans in the Colonies (We the People) Williams, Jean Kinney 6.5 1.0 African-Americans in the Old West McGowen, Tom 5.7 1.0 African-Americans in the Thirteen Colonies Kent, Deborah 6.9 0.5 After Fifth Grade, the World! Mills, Claudia 5.6 4.0 After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret I. 3.8 8.0 After the Last Dog Died Bredeson, Carmen 6.7 2.0 After the Rain Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 8.0 After the Rain: Virginia's Civil War Diary Osborne, Mary Pope 4.6 2.0 After the Storm Brooke, Lauren 4.3 5.0 Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 4.0 Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 Again, Josefina! Tripp, Valerie 4.2 0.5 19769 EN 26911 EN 30904 EN 69241 EN 87326 EN 115389 EN 201 EN 74605 EN 5901 EN 36333 EN 12701 EN 77198 EN 71739 EN 48410 EN 24029 EN 8503 EN 74909 EN 14702 EN 7801 EN 109348 EN 24745 EN Against the Rules Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 Aggie and Will Brimner, Larry Dane 1.2 0.5 Aggressive In-Line Skating (Extreme Sports) McKenna, Anne T. 5.1 0.5 Agnes Parker...Girl in Progress O'Dell, Kathleen 4.0 4.0 Agnes Parker...Happy Camper? O'Dell, Kathleen 3.9 4.0 O'Dell, Kathleen 3.6 4.0 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.3 5.0 Romanek, Trudee 6.9 1.0 Aida Price, Leontyne 5.1 0.5 Air Crashes (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 8.2 1.0 Air Pollution (Images) Lopez, Gary 7.4 0.5 Airborn Oppel, Kenneth 5.1 15.0 Airplanes Tiner, John Hudson 6.3 0.5 Airplanes (Machines at Work) Rogers, Hal 2.1 0.5 Airplanes of World War II Masters, Nancy Robinson 5.0 0.5 Ajeemah and His Son Berry, James 4.4 2.0 Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer 3.5 7.0 Al Gore: United States Vice President Burford, Betty 8.4 4.0 Alabama (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.8 3.0 Alabama Moon Key, Watt 4.1 11.0 Alabama (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.6 1.0 Agnes Parker...Keeping Cool in Middle School Agony of Alice, The Aha! The Most Interesting Book...About Intelligence 44384 EN 67591 EN 5051 EN 20708 EN 7802 EN 24746 EN 104345 EN 2487 EN 68889 EN 100523 EN 82210 EN 651 EN 5401 EN 14975 EN 452 EN 72296 EN 69678 EN 65576 EN 5451 EN 17503 EN 76849 EN 7301 EN Aladdin & the Magic Lamp Trussell-Cullen, Alan 3.5 0.5 Alamo, The McGowen, Tom 6.6 1.0 Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron 3.3 5.0 Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora 4.5 7.0 Alaska (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.3 3.0 Alaska (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.4 1.0 Albert Pujols Horn, Geoffrey M. 4.7 1.0 Albertina the Practically Perfect Fowler, Susi Gregg 3.2 1.0 Alchemy Mahy, Margaret 6.1 10.0 Alcohol Powell, Jillian 8.1 1.0 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Allred, Alexandra Powe 6.3 1.0 Aldo Applesauce Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 2.0 Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna 4.8 2.0 Alejandro's Gift Albert, Richard E. 5.0 0.5 Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen 3.2 1.0 Alex Rodriguez (Awesome Athletes) Christensen, Joe 5.1 0.5 Alex Ryan, Stop That! Mills, Claudia 4.9 5.0 Alex: The Life of a Child Deford, Frank 6.6 10.0 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Viorst, Judith 3.7 0.5 Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Lionni, Leo 3.0 0.5 Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone Webster, Christine 6.5 1.0 Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday 3.4 0.5 Viorst, Judith 18050 EN 13339 EN 30109 EN 8504 EN 11575 EN 17751 EN 5052 EN 503 EN 52290 EN 11451 EN 14704 EN 32934 EN 30109 SP 31159 EN 83602 EN 29850 EN 13401 EN 18951 EN 5339 EN 73762 EN 10651 EN Algeria (Cultures of the World) Kagda, Falaq 9.9 4.0 Algonquian (Native American People), The D'Apice, Rita/Mary 6.7 1.0 Alice and Greta Simmons, Steven J. 4.0 0.5 Alice in April Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.5 5.0 Alice In-Between Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 5.0 Alice in Lace Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 5.0 Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 6.0 Carroll, Lewis 7.8 10.0 Carroll, Lewis 7.4 5.0 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.1 5.0 Alice Walker: Author of the Color Purple Kramer, Barbara 6.6 3.0 Alicia, My Story Appleman-Jurman, Alicia 6.1 25.0 Alicia y Greta Simmons, Steven J. 4.0 0.5 Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary 5.3 2.0 Alien Androids Assault Arizona Rand, Johnathan 4.3 4.0 Alien Astronauts (Secrets of the Unexplained) Blackwood, Gary L. 7.7 1.0 Alien Spring, An Schraff, Anne 3.7 2.0 Alien, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 4.0 Aliens Ate My Homework Coville, Bruce 4.8 5.0 Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o'-lanterns Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Unabridged) Alice the Brave 113608 EN 11402 EN 11404 EN 117411 EN 302 EN 61250 EN 34798 EN 6601 EN 7202 EN 726 EN 62847 EN 251 EN 2 EN 31128 EN 50401 EN 24951 EN 20052 EN 31565 EN 5254 EN 14876 EN 125338 EN 45798 EN Aliens (World of Horror) Hamilton, John 7.4 1.0 Alison Goes for the Gold Connor, Catherine 5.5 1.0 Alison Saves the Wedding Connor, Catherine 4.9 1.0 All About Gases Riley, Peter 6.0 1.0 All About Sam Lowry, Lois 4.0 3.0 All About Turkeys Arnosky, Jim 5.1 0.5 All Alone in the Universe Perkins, Lynne Rae 4.8 4.0 All but Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 5.0 All by Myself Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 All Creatures Great and Small All Kinds of People: What Makes Us Different All New Jonah Twist, The All-of-a-Kind Family Herriot, James 6.8 26.0 Waters, Jennifer 2.3 0.5 Honeycutt, Natalie Taylor, Sydney 3.8 4.9 3.0 5.0 All-Star Fever Christopher, Matt 4.2 1.0 All That Remains Brooks, Bruce 5.5 5.0 All the Days of Her Life McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 5.0 All the Money in the World Brittain, Bill 3.7 4.0 All Things Wise and Wonderful Herriot, James 6.7 26.0 All Together Now Bridgers, Sue Ellen 5.7 10.0 Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad Brill, Marlene Targ 3.3 0.5 Alligators Hudak, Heather C. 4.9 0.5 Alligators and Crocodiles (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.2 2.0 59284 EN 119254 EN 7134 EN 70012 EN 937 EN 41128 EN 453 EN 151 EN 61284 EN 68921 EN 133676 EN 14501 EN 27477 EN 1803 EN 88443 EN 64469 EN 6204 EN 124753 EN 31160 EN 5452 EN 6903 EN 11751 EN Alligators & Crocodiles (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 Alligators (Second Series) Harris, Tim 5.0 1.0 Almost Famous Getz, David 3.9 5.0 Almost Home Baskin, Nora Raleigh 3.9 5.0 Almost Lost Almost Lost...Anonymous Teenager's Life on the Streets Almost Starring Skinnybones Along Came a Dog Sparks, Beatrice 5.4 6.0 Anonymous 5.9 10.0 Park, Barbara deJong, Meindert 4.0 5.7 3.0 5.0 Alphabeasts Edwards, Wallace 2.1 0.5 Alphabet of Dinosaurs, An Dodson, Peter 4.5 0.5 Alpine and Freestyle Skiing Burns, Kylie 6.9 1.0 Always Prayer Shawl, The Oberman, Sheldon 3.0 0.5 Always Room for One More Leodhas, Sorche Nic 4.3 0.5 Alzheimer's Disease (Venture Book) Landau, Elaine 9.9 3.0 Amanda Pig and the Really Hot Day Van Leeuwen, Jean 2.2 0.5 Amazing Arctic Animals Glassman, Jackie 3.7 0.5 Amazing Bone, The Steig, William 3.9 0.5 Amazing Creatures Huggins-Cooper, Lynn 5.3 0.5 Amazing Frecktacle, The Venokur, Ross 5.1 3.0 Amazing Grace Hoffman, Mary 3.5 0.5 Amazing Gracie Cannon, A.E. 3.8 6.0 Amazing Impossible Erie Canal, The Harness, Cheryl 6.0 0.5 49598 EN 57740 EN 65132 EN 16728 SP 16728 EN 25848 EN 11145 EN 20253 EN 12760 EN 44562 EN 5453 EN 10501 EN 10502 EN 72206 EN 10503 EN 20001 EN 27400 EN 17605 EN 70782 EN 85049 EN 124950 EN Amazing Schemes Within Your Genes Balkwill, Fran 7.0 1.0 Amazing Women Athletes Bryant, Jill 7.5 2.0 Amazon Adventure Hanson, Ed 4.0 1.0 Ambar en cuarto y sin su amigo Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Amber Brown Goes Fourth Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue Danziger, Paula 4.0 2.0 Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Amber Brown Sees Red Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip 6.7 26.0 Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.5 0.5 Amelia Bedelia and the Baby Parish, Peggy 2.0 0.5 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm Parish, Herman 2.4 0.5 Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Parish, Peggy 1.8 0.5 Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Amelia Earhart Lowe, David 5.6 0.5 Amelia Earhart: Courage in the Sky Kerby, Mona 4.6 1.0 Amelia Earhart: More Than a Flier Lakin, Patricia 4.3 0.5 Amelia Earhart (People We Should Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.0 0.5 Amelia Earhart: The Legend of the Lost Aviator 6.4 1.0 Tanaka, Shelley 103118 EN 89065 EN 29330 EN 136799 EN 71203 EN 2409 EN 44140 EN 63830 EN 63831 EN 43044 EN 21095 EN 24668 EN 24988 EN 65807 EN 59690 EN 52260 EN 20523 EN 20524 EN 69054 EN 2222 EN 15352 EN Amelia's Most Unforgettable Embarrassing Moments Moss, Marissa 4.3 1.0 Amelia's Sixth-Grade Notebook Moss, Marissa 4.5 2.0 Amelina Carrett Duey, Kathleen 5.5 4.0 5.8 1.0 6.1 1.0 America Is Under Attack: 9/11/2001: The Brown, Don Day the Towers Fell America's Deserts: Guide to Plants and Wallace, Marianne D. Animals America's Early Settlers Jordan, Shirley 4.6 2.0 America's Paul Revere Forbes, Esther 6.6 2.0 America Under Attack: Primary Sources Roleff, Tamara L. 8.3 6.0 America Under Attack: September 11, 2001 Stewart, Gail B. 8.3 4.0 American Alligator, The Francis, Dorothy 2.9 0.5 American Computer Pioneers Northrup, Mary 6.2 3.0 American Curl Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.8 0.5 American Fairy Tales Philip, Neil 6.7 7.0 American Flag: Moments in History, The Jordan, Shirley 5.5 2.0 American Flag, The Ferry, Joseph 7.6 1.0 American Flag, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 3.5 0.5 American Indian Families Miller, Jay 4.7 0.5 American Indian Festivals Miller, Jay 4.4 0.5 9.0 6.0 4.1 1.0 4.5 0.5 American Plague...Yellow Fever Epidemic Murphy, Jim of 1793, An American Revolution: Moments in Jordan, Shirley History, The American Saddlebred Horse, The Wilcox, Charlotte 76999 EN 70185 EN 5454 EN 18462 EN 69053 EN 59349 EN 78248 EN 87624 EN 27164 EN 106210 EN 29501 EN 50379 EN 52902 EN 71846 EN 3 EN 71847 EN 117403 EN 24030 EN 73958 EN 20206 EN 14712 EN American Spring: Sofia's Immigrant Diary, Lasky, Kathryn An 5.3 2.0 American Tall Tales Osborne, Mary Pope 6.1 3.0 Amigo Baylor, Byrd 3.6 0.5 Amistad: A Long Road to Freedom Myers, Walter Dean 7.4 3.0 Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 6.0 Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.9 5.0 Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.1 7.0 Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.3 7.0 Among the Flowers (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 3.0 0.5 Among the Free Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.6 7.0 Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 5.0 Among the Impostors Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.9 5.0 Amos: An American Badger Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.4 1.0 Amos and the Alien Paulsen, Gary 3.4 1.0 Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth 6.5 5.0 Amos Gets Married Paulsen, Gary 3.5 1.0 Amphibians Snedden, Robert 6.2 1.0 Amphibious Ships (Land and Sea) Green, Michael 5.1 0.5 Amulet of Samarkand, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 19.0 Amy's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.1 1.0 Amy Tan: Author of the Joy Luck Club Kramer, Barbara 7.1 3.0 32896 EN 16873 EN 5053 EN 5001 EN 454 EN 202 EN 6302 EN 354 EN 4448 EN 17202 EN 47095 EN 47096 EN 47097 EN 17203 EN 64935 EN 17204 EN 4449 EN 4450 EN 17205 EN 4451 EN 47099 EN 5054 EN Anansi the Spider McDermott, Gerald 2.8 0.5 Anastasia, Absolutely Lowry, Lois 4.7 4.0 Anastasia Again! Lowry, Lois 4.5 5.0 Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst Lowry, Lois 4.2 3.0 Anastasia at Your Service Anastasia Krupnik Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois 4.3 4.5 5.0 3.0 Anastasia on Her Own Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 Anastasia's Chosen Career Ancient Agriculture: From Foraging to Farming Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 7.3 2.0 Ancient China (Eyewitness) Cotterell, Arthur 8.4 1.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 7.3 2.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 7.5 2.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 7.6 2.0 Hart, George 8.0 1.0 Ancient Governments (Reading Essentials Shniderman, Nancy in Social Studies) 6.4 1.0 Ancient Greece (Eyewitness) Pearson, Anne 7.8 1.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 7.5 2.0 Woods, Michael/Mary 8.3 2.0 Ancient Rome (Eyewitness) James, Simon 8.1 2.0 Ancient Transportation: From Camels to Canals Woods, Michael/Mary 7.7 2.0 Ancient Warfare: From Clubs to Catapults Woods, Michael/Mary 7.7 2.0 And Condors Danced 6.1 9.0 Ancient Communication: From Grunts to Graffiti Ancient Computing: From Counting to Calendars Ancient Construction: From Tents to Towers Ancient Egypt (Eyewitness) Ancient Machines: From Wedges to Waterwheels Ancient Medicine: From Sorcery to Surgery Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 4 EN 5255 EN 5402 EN 9002 EN 14544 EN And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph 4.8 8.0 And One for All Nelson, Theresa 5.2 6.0 And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz, Jean 5.3 1.0 And to Think That I...Mulberry Street Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 Andre Agassi: Star Tennis Player Knapp, Ron 6.4 2.0 857 EN Andrew Jackson (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Osinski, Alice 7.8 2.0 16001 EN Andrew Jackson (United States Presidents) Judson, Karen 7.6 3.0 867 EN Andrew Johnson (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Kent, Zachary 7.6 2.0 Andrew's Loose Tooth Munsch, Robert N. 2.8 0.5 Android, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Andy and the Lion Daugherty, James 3.6 0.5 Andy Finds a Way Stuart, Jesse 4.4 2.0 Angel Child, Dragon Child Surat, Michele Maria 2.8 0.5 Angel for Solomon Singer, An Rylant, Cynthia 4.7 0.5 Angel of Hope McDaniel, Lurlene 4.9 6.0 Angel of Mercy McDaniel, Lurlene 4.9 6.0 Angel on the Square Whelan, Gloria 5.6 8.0 Angel's Command: A Tale from the Castaways...Flying Dutchman, The Jacques, Brian 5.2 15.0 Angel's Mother's Baby Delton, Judy 4.0 3.0 Angel's Mother's Wedding Delton, Judy 5.0 4.0 Angela's Airplane Munsch, Robert N. 3.0 0.5 Angelfish Yep, Laurence 4.5 7.0 49476 EN 18953 EN 28782 EN 21762 EN 5455 EN 7654 EN 44545 EN 32674 EN 53467 EN 68070 EN 5204 EN 455 EN 8002 EN 48318 EN 14841 EN 34737 EN 16744 EN 29812 EN 59285 EN 59286 EN 4240 EN 31505 EN 1468 EN 28558 EN 20302 EN 727 EN 1469 EN 25256 EN 4239 EN 43102 EN 81631 EN 1470 EN 4235 EN 49696 EN 4236 EN Angels Don't Know Karate Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Angels of Mercy Kuhn, Betsy 7.1 3.0 Angels Watching over Me McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 4.0 Angola (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.3 3.0 Animal Champions 1 (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.8 0.5 Animal Champions 2 (Wildlife Ed.) Elwood/Shaw 5.8 0.5 Animal Ears Schwartz, David M. 2.7 0.5 Animal Experimentation and Testing: A Pro/Con Issue Woods, Geraldine 7.6 2.0 Animal Eyes Schwartz, David M. 2.8 0.5 Animal Fact/Animal Fable Simon, Seymour 4.3 0.5 Animal Family, The Jarrell, Randall 5.4 3.0 Animal Farm Orwell, George 7.3 5.0 Animal Feathers & Fur Schwartz, David M. 2.6 0.5 Animal Feelings (Secret Life of Animals) Funston, Sylvia 6.4 1.0 Animal Feet Schwartz, David M. 2.9 0.5 Animal Geography: Australia Mattern, Joanne 4.9 1.0 Animal Lives Freeman, Marcia S. 2.3 0.5 Animal Mouths Schwartz, David M. 2.9 0.5 Animal Noses Schwartz, David M. 2.6 0.5 Animal Rights: Yes or No? Owen, Marna 8.9 3.0 Animal Skin & Scales Schwartz, David M. 3.1 0.5 1471 EN 5403 EN 59287 EN 40780 EN 56579 EN 43151 EN 56580 EN 56581 EN 56582 EN 18851 EN 13952 EN 56734 EN 56583 EN 63462 EN 63463 EN 74514 EN 14713 EN 43111 EN 29998 EN 76850 EN 77199 EN Animal Tails Schwartz, David M. 2.5 0.5 Animal, the Vegetable and John D Jones, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 Animal Wonders (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.0 0.5 Animals and the Seasons: The Cycle of Nature Riha, Susanne 5.3 1.0 Animals Are Poisonous (How & Why?) Pascoe, Elaine 3.4 0.5 Animals Eat the Weirdest Things Swanson, Diane 6.6 3.0 Animals Grow New Parts (How & Why?) Pascoe, Elaine 3.2 0.5 Animals Hatch from Eggs (How & Why?) Pascoe, Elaine 3.4 0.5 Animals Hide Pascoe, Elaine 3.3 0.5 Animals in Winter Bancroft/VanGelder 2.5 0.5 Animals of the Ice and Snow Gordon, Anne 5.2 0.5 Animals on the Trail with Lewis and Clark Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 7.4 2.0 Animals Prepare for Winter Pascoe, Elaine 3.3 0.5 Pascoe, Elaine 4.0 0.5 Pascoe, Elaine 4.4 0.5 Ann and Seamus Major, Kevin 4.8 1.0 Ann Richards: Politician, Feminist, Survivor Siegel, Dorothy Schainman 6.9 3.0 Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm Stevens, Carla 3.2 1.0 Anna Is Still Here Vos, Ida 3.3 4.0 Annapolis Stein, R. Conrad 6.9 1.0 Anne Elizabeth's Diary: A Young Artist's True Story Rector/Krull 5.5 2.0 Animals with Backbones (A Kid's Guide to the...Things) Animals Without Backbones (A Kid's Guide to the...Things) 36905 EN 8453 EN 81109 EN 13605 EN 551 EN 13606 EN 203 EN 6652 EN 13607 EN 5256 EN 6653 EN 6654 EN 113365 EN 652 EN 12503 EN 84204 EN 8692 EN 50480 EN 19203 EN 46025 EN 60983 EN 29986 EN Anne Frank: A Hidden Life Pressler, Mirjam 8.5 8.0 Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary VanDerRol/Verhoeven 6.8 3.0 Anne Frank (People to Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.4 0.5 Anne of Avonlea (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.7 15.0 Anne of Avonlea (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 8.6 16.0 Anne of Green Gables (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.7 18.0 Anne of Green Gables (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 7.3 17.0 Anne of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 6.0 16.0 Anne of the Island (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.4 13.0 Anne of the Island (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 6.3 12.0 Anne of Windy Poplars Montgomery, L.M. 5.9 14.0 Anne's House of Dreams Montgomery, L.M. 6.1 13.0 Rylant, Cynthia 3.0 0.5 Miles, Miska 4.4 0.5 Hamilton, John 6.3 1.0 Annie Oakley Saves the Day! DiVito, Anna 2.4 0.5 Annie's Promise Levitin, Sonia 4.3 7.0 Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems Sierra, Judy 3.6 0.5 Antarctica Cowcher, Helen 3.2 0.5 Antarctica Foster, Leila Merrell 3.7 0.5 Antarctica Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 Anteaters Kite, Lorien 6.3 0.5 Annie and Snowball and the Dress-up Birthday Annie and the Old One Annie Oakley (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) 60706 SP Antes de ser libres Alvarez, Julia 5.6 8.0 355 EN Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave Hamilton, Virginia 5.8 7.0 Ants (Second Series) Beer, Amy-Jane 5.0 1.0 Anwar el-Sadat: A Man of Peace Rosen, Deborah 7.0 4.0 Any Which Wall Snyder, Laurel 5.1 7.0 Anybodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.6 7.0 Anyone but Me Krulik, Nancy 3.5 1.0 Anything to Win Miklowitz, Gloria D. 4.6 5.0 Anywhere But Here Dueck, Adele 4.6 4.0 Apache Helicopter: The AH-64 Pitt, Matthew 5.8 0.5 Apache, The Santella, Andrew 4.6 0.5 Apaches (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.1 1.0 Apes (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 6.6 0.5 Apollo Moonwalkers (Giant Leaps), The Kallen, Stuart A. 6.1 1.0 Appaloosa Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 4.9 0.5 Apples to Oregon Hopkinson, Deborah 4.1 0.5 Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker, The DeFelice, Cynthia 5.2 5.0 April Fool's Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Schiller, Melissa 2.5 0.5 April Fools' Day from the Black Lagoon Thaler, Mike 3.8 0.5 April Morning Fast, Howard 6.1 9.0 Apt. 3 Keats, Ezra Jack 2.6 0.5 Aquamarine Hoffman, Alice 5.6 1.0 119255 EN 846 EN 130071 EN 78853 EN 59779 EN 6031 EN 29322 EN 54036 EN 54195 EN 13340 EN 59288 EN 27806 EN 10551 EN 81197 EN 15810 EN 74707 EN 122337 EN 728 EN 7655 EN 58249 EN 85094 EN 10552 EN 74708 EN 17206 EN 69011 EN 106501 EN 64834 EN 58952 EN 5651 EN 68348 EN 69982 EN 74940 EN 124765 EN 5257 EN 5456 EN 5055 EN 18001 EN 26998 EN 20102 EN 7803 EN 36941 EN Aquarium (I Like to Visit), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 1.4 0.5 Arabian Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 4.9 0.5 Arbor Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Bennett, Kelly 2.0 0.5 Archeology (Eyewitness) McIntosh, Jane 8.9 1.0 Archer's Goon Jones, Diana Wynne 4.8 12.0 Archer's Quest Park, Linda Sue 4.6 5.0 Architect (How Do I Become An...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 5.9 0.5 Arctic Memories Ekoomiak, Normee 4.2 0.5 Arctic Patrol Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Woodford, Chris 7.5 2.0 Berger, Melvin 4.6 1.0 Hopkins, Ellen 6.7 1.0 Are We Running out of Energy? Dorion, Christiane 8.4 2.0 Are You in the House Alone? Peck, Richard 4.9 6.0 Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. 1.6 0.5 Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Blume, Judy 3.6 4.0 Argentina (Cultures of the World) Gofen, Ethel Caro 9.4 3.0 Argentina (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 7.7 3.0 Arilla Sun Down Hamilton, Virginia 3.8 10.0 Arizona (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Arizona Cardinals Nichols, John 6.6 1.0 Arctic Tundra and Polar Deserts (Biomes Atlases) Are Mountains Growing Taller? Questions...Changing Earth Are We Alone? The Case for Extraterrestrial Life 27895 EN 24747 EN 106408 EN 14988 EN 7804 EN 24748 EN 131790 EN 29539 EN 18051 EN 17208 EN 57716 EN 81367 EN 24600 EN 104434 EN 504 EN 18752 EN 5341 EN 42449 EN 54675 EN 59973 EN 139060 EN Arizona Cardinals, The Italia, Bob 5.7 0.5 Arizona (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.7 1.0 Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony 5.0 12.0 Arkadians, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 8.0 Arkansas (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Arkansas (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.5 1.0 Arlington National Cemetery Burrows, Jennifer 6.1 0.5 Armageddon Summer Yolen/Coville 5.2 9.0 Armenia (Cultures of the World) Dhilawala, Sakina 9.1 3.0 Arms & Armor (Eyewitness) Byam, Michele 8.9 1.0 Army Ant Parade Sayre, April Pulley 2.3 0.5 Around the Poles (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 6.7 1.0 Around the Track: Race Cars Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.3 0.5 Around the World Coy, John 2.8 0.5 Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 9.6 12.0 Arrow over the Door, The Bruchac, Joseph 5.2 2.0 Arrow to the Sun McDermott, Gerald 2.7 0.5 Art of Keeping Cool, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 7.0 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex Colfer, Eoin 6.2 12.0 68990 EN 109333 EN 87709 EN 123436 EN 20003 EN 80153 EN 74850 EN 16965 EN 85110 EN 1948 EN 204 EN 1949 EN 66524 EN 34903 EN 10451 EN 16967 EN 27485 EN 16968 EN 9106 EN 11156 EN 16973 EN Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin 5.0 10.0 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Colfer, Eoin 5.3 13.0 Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin 5.7 12.0 Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox Colfer, Eoin 5.6 13.0 Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest Brown, Marc 3.0 1.0 Arthur and the New Kid Brown, Marc 1.9 0.5 Arthur and the School Pet Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur and the True Francine Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur Breaks the Bank Brown, Marc Tolon 2.0 0.5 Arthur, Clean Your Room! Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur, for the Very First Time MacLachlan, Patricia 4.2 3.0 Arthur in a Pickle Brown, Marc 2.1 0.5 Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Arthur Lost and Found Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 Arthur's April Fool Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Baby Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Arthur's Back to School Day Hoban, Lillian 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Birthday Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc 2.9 0.5 Arthur's Christmas Cookies Hoban, Lillian 2.6 0.5 Arthur's Computer Disaster Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 9755 EN 9051 EN 2509 EN 49398 EN 12759 EN 28221 EN 16969 EN 7302 EN 79075 EN 7303 EN 7304 EN 41956 EN 82152 EN 11157 EN 16970 EN 79076 EN 44362 EN 16971 EN 21260 EN 81237 EN 44363 EN Arthur's Eyes Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Arthur's Family Vacation Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Fire Drill Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur's First Kiss Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur's First Sleepover Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Funny Money Hoban, Lillian 3.1 0.5 Arthur's Halloween Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Arthur's Halloween Costume Hoban, Lillian 2.6 0.5 Arthur's Homework Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 Arthur's Loose Tooth Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 Arthur's Lost Puppy Brown, Marc 1.9 0.5 Arthur's Mystery Babysitter Brown, Marc 1.9 0.5 Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Nose Brown, Marc 1.6 0.5 Arthur's Off to School Brown, Marc 2.0 0.5 Arthur's Perfect Christmas Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur's Pet Business Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur's Reading Race Brown, Marc 1.5 0.5 Arthur's Science Fair Trouble Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur's Teacher Moves In Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 10453 EN 5502 EN 16972 EN 34597 EN 10454 EN 88499 EN 21245 EN 16974 EN 124931 EN 13343 EN 66745 EN 62174 EN 17754 EN 29780 EN 59702 EN 46026 EN 102995 EN 82179 EN 47357 EN 101886 EN 30837 EN Arthur's Thanksgiving Brown, Marc 3.1 0.5 Arthur's Tooth Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Arthur's TV Trouble Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 Arthur's Underwear Brown, Marc 2.9 0.5 Arthur's Valentine Brown, Marc 2.5 0.5 Arthur Tells a Story Brown, Marc Tolon 1.8 0.5 Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur Writes a Story Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 Artillery Adams, Simon 7.8 1.0 Arts and Crafts (Native American Culture) Sonneborn, Liz 7.6 2.0 Arts & Crafts (Eye Openers) Nathan, Emma 3.5 0.5 As Far as I Can See: Meg's Prairie Diary McMullan, Kate 3.8 2.0 As Long as There Are Mountains Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 5.3 6.0 Ashanti to Zulu Musgrove, Margaret 4.9 0.5 Ashes of Roses Auch, Mary Jane 4.4 8.0 Asia Foster, Leila Merrell 3.7 0.5 Assassin Myers, Anna 5.2 8.0 Assassin Cavendish, Grace 5.8 6.0 Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 7.3 1.0 At First Sight Sparks, Nicholas 5.5 13.0 At Her Majesty's Request Myers, Walter Dean 7.1 3.0 66886 EN 5457 EN 24620 EN 32578 EN 32577 EN 27167 EN 24623 EN 10249 EN 24624 EN 53833 EN 67679 EN 27888 EN 104806 EN 36942 EN 27896 EN 27860 EN 8952 EN 6655 EN 79889 EN 60962 EN 65533 EN At the Crossing Places Crossley-Holland, Kevin 4.4 12.0 At the Crossroads Isadora, Rachel 1.9 0.5 At the Farm (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.6 0.5 At the Plate with...Mark McGwire Christopher, Matt 6.3 3.0 At the Plate with... Sammy Sosa Christopher, Matt 6.8 3.0 At the Pond (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.5 0.5 At the Seashore (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.8 0.5 At the Sound of the Beep Sachs, Marilyn 4.5 5.0 At the Zoo (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.8 0.5 Athletes and Actors Ganeri, Anita 4.9 0.5 Athletes with Disabilities Kent, Deborah 7.5 1.0 Atlanta Braves (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.4 1.0 Atlanta Braves, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 Atlanta Falcons Nichols, John 6.7 1.0 Atlanta Falcons, The Italia, Bob 5.3 0.5 Atlanta Hawks (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.8 1.0 Atlantis: The Missing Continent McMullen, David 5.0 1.0 Attaboy, Sam! Lowry, Lois 4.6 3.0 Attack of the Tagger Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.4 2.0 Attack on America: The Day the Twin Towers Collapsed Gow, Mary 7.1 2.0 Attack on Pearl Harbor, The McGowen, Tom 7.1 1.0 67441 EN 33626 EN 24031 EN 62311 EN 75415 EN 6451 EN 76164 EN 6402 EN 41280 EN 46027 EN 60985 EN 6851 EN 28703 EN 18002 EN 82228 EN 18003 EN 729 EN 21637 EN 103834 EN 72867 SP 17209 EN Attack on the Pentagon on September 11, Gard, Carolyn 2001, The 7.7 1.0 Attack, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 4.0 ATV Racing McAuliffe, Bill 4.6 0.5 ATV Riding (Radsports Guides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 4.7 1.0 ATVs (Wild Rides!) Savage, Jeff 4.4 0.5 Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky Ringgold, Faith 4.1 0.5 Aunt Lucy Went to Buy a Hat Low, Alice 1.7 0.5 Aunt Morbelia and the Screaming Skulls Carris, Joan 4.1 4.0 Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony 6.7 6.0 Australia Fox, Mary Virginia 3.7 0.5 Australia Fowler, Allan 2.6 0.5 Australia (Children of the World) Martin, Michael 6.3 1.0 Australia (Country Fact Files) Allison, Robert J. 7.7 1.0 Australia (Cultures of the World) Rajendra, Vijeya/Sundran 9.3 3.0 Australia (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 5.9 1.0 Austria (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.3 3.0 Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The Gaines, Ernest J. 4.6 13.0 Autumn Journey Cummings, Priscilla 4.4 5.0 Avalon High Cabot, Meg 5.1 10.0 ¡Ay, Caramba! Bock, Lee 2.8 0.5 Aztec, Inca & Maya (Eyewitness) Baquedano, Elizabeth 7.9 1.0 128683 EN 128684 EN 21841 EN 14656 EN 7455 EN 10653 EN 7458 EN 9009 EN 9046 EN 653 EN 7479 EN 32426 EN 18659 EN 84922 EN 7481 EN 7491 EN 86992 EN 84923 EN 7239 EN 86993 EN 5 EN 84205 EN B-1B Lancers David, Jack 4.9 0.5 B-52 Stratofortresses David, Jack 4.7 0.5 B. Bear Scouts and the Ice Monster, The Berenstain, Stan 4.4 1.0 B. Bear Scouts in Giant Bat Cave, The Berenstain, Stan 4.4 1.0 B. Bears and the Big Road Race, The Berenstain, Stan 1.7 0.5 B. Bears and the Dress Code, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0 B. Bears and the Drug Free Zone, The Berenstain, Stan 4.4 1.0 B. Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, Berenstain, Stan The 1.8 0.5 B. Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, The Berenstain, Stan 1.1 0.5 B. Bears and Too Much TV, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears Blaze a Trail, The Berenstain, Stan 2.3 0.5 B. Bears by the Sea, The Berenstain, Stan 1.5 0.5 B. Bears' Christmas Tree, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5 B. Bears Clean House, The Berenstain, Stan 2.0 0.5 B. Bears Forget Their Manners, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.3 0.5 B. Bears Learn About Strangers, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5 B. Bears' New Pup, The Berenstain, Stan 1.8 0.5 B. Bears Play T-Ball, The Berenstain, Stan 1.9 0.5 B. Bears Ready, Get Set, Go!, The Berenstain, Stan 1.2 0.5 B. Bears' Seashore Treasure, The Berenstain, Stan 2.2 0.5 B Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 4.3 2.0 Baa-Choo! Weeks, Sarah 2.0 0.5 34730 EN 36037 EN 77351 EN 205 EN 5343 EN 8506 EN 32548 EN 59290 EN 128495 EN 46616 EN 19834 EN 6103 EN 19398 EN 206 EN 2128 EN 41739 EN 18399 EN 7002 EN 108419 EN 135282 EN 115228 EN 140023 EN Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The Making of a Freedman, Russell Champion 7.4 5.0 Babe & Me Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Babe Ruth and the Ice Cream Mess Gutman, Dan 2.3 0.5 Babe, the Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 5.6 3.0 Babushka Baba Yaga Polacco, Patricia 4.4 0.5 Baby MacLachlan, Patricia 4.0 2.0 Baby Alicia Is Dying McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 6.0 Baby Animals 2 (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.0 0.5 Baby Bug Dishes Goldish, Meish 4.6 0.5 Baby in the House Marx, David F. 1.2 0.5 Baby Rattlesnake Ata/Moroney 3.0 0.5 Baby Sister for Frances, A Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5 Baby-sitters at Shadow Lake Martin, Ann M. 3.7 5.0 Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0 Baby Whale's Journey London, Jonathan 3.5 0.5 Baby Whales Drink Milk Esbensen, Barbara Juster 3.5 0.5 Baby Zoo, The McMillan, Bruce 5.7 0.5 Babyface Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 5.0 Babymouse: Beach Babe Holm, Jennifer L. 2.0 0.5 Babymouse: Burns Rubber Holm, Jennifer L. 2.2 0.5 Babymouse: Camp Babymouse Holm, Jennifer L. 2.0 0.5 Babymouse: Cupcake Tycoon Holm, Jennifer L. 2.2 0.5 133095 EN 112304 EN 143694 EN 125727 EN 104175 EN 120806 EN 104176 EN 110444 EN 118041 EN 127816 EN 32493 EN 77973 EN 152 EN 65776 EN 9997 EN 18753 EN 32219 EN 27543 EN 41281 EN 72738 EN 144761 EN Babymouse: Dragonslayer Holm, Jennifer L. 2.6 0.5 Babymouse: Heartbreaker Holm, Jennifer L. 2.0 0.5 Babymouse: Mad Scientist Holm, Jennifer L. 2.6 0.5 Babymouse: Monster Mash Holm, Jennifer L. 1.9 0.5 Babymouse: Our Hero! Holm, Jennifer L. 2.0 0.5 Babymouse: Puppy Love Holm, Jennifer L. 1.8 0.5 Babymouse: Queen of the World! Holm, Jennifer L. 2.2 0.5 Babymouse: Rock Star Holm, Jennifer L. 1.9 0.5 Babymouse: Skater Girl Holm, Jennifer L. 2.2 0.5 Babymouse: The Musical Holm, Jennifer L. 2.1 0.5 Bachelor Girl MacBride, Roger Lea 5.4 6.0 Back-up Quarterback Robins, Eleanor 2.7 1.0 Back Yard Angel Delton, Judy 4.3 2.0 Backboard Fever Bee, Clair 5.4 9.0 Backfield Package Dygard, Thomas J. 5.8 6.0 Backward Bird Dog, The Wallace, Bill 3.8 3.0 Backwater Bauer, Joan 5.1 6.0 Backyard Bandit Mystery Lewis, Beverly 2.6 1.0 Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony 6.4 4.0 Bad Boys Palatini, Margie 2.7 0.5 Bad Kitty Meets the Baby Bruel, Nick 3.6 1.0 17657 EN 52261 EN 45799 EN 9352 EN 14989 EN 30338 EN 24393 EN 83945 EN 456 EN 37001 EN 49835 EN 27871 EN 36943 EN 31070 EN 6 EN 457 EN 11703 EN 124475 EN 29867 EN 29532 EN 29804 EN 207 EN Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron 3.2 1.0 Bald Eagle, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 4.0 0.5 Bald Eagles (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.6 2.0 Ball Book, The Hillert, Margaret 1.0 0.5 Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen 5.8 7.0 Ballad of the Civil War, A Stolz, Mary 4.0 1.0 Ballet Maurer, Tracy M. 4.8 0.5 Ballet: Pointe by Pointe Mitchell, Missy 6.8 1.0 Ballet Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 5.7 9.0 Ballooning (World of Sports) Willard, Keith 7.6 1.0 Baloney (Henry P.) Scieszka, Jon 2.7 0.5 Baltimore Orioles (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 5.6 1.0 Baltimore Ravens Nichols, John 6.8 1.0 Balto and the Great Race Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 6.3 2.0 Bambi Banana Twist Salten, Felix Heide, Florence Parry 4.9 5.1 6.0 3.0 Band of Angels, A Thompson, Julian F. 6.0 11.0 Hunt, Joni Phelps 6.3 1.0 Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 1.0 Bandit's Moon Fleischman, Sid 4.2 3.0 Bangladesh (Cultures of the World) Whyte, Mariam 9.4 3.0 Banner in the Sky Ullman, James Ramsey 5.1 11.0 Band of Bears: The Rambling Life of a Lovable Loner, A Bandannas, Chaps, and Ten-Gallon Hats (Life in the Old West) 132723 EN 125308 EN 21100 EN 131361 EN 116582 EN 36594 EN 14934 EN 10894 EN 7251 EN 35640 EN 57285 EN 14545 EN 9003 EN 75101 EN 5353 EN 10652 EN 28913 EN 5931 EN 17705 EN 6253 EN 17706 EN Banshee, The Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 Barack Obama De Medeiros, Michael 6.0 0.5 Barbara McClintock: Nobel Prize Geneticist Fine, Edith Hope 7.2 3.0 Barbarians! Kroll, Steven 6.4 1.0 Barfing in the Backseat: How I Survived My Family Road Trip Winkler, Henry 4.8 4.0 Bark, George Feiffer, Jules 1.3 0.5 Barking Ghost, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Barn, The Avi 3.9 2.0 Barney's Horse Hoff, Syd 2.2 0.5 Barrel in the Basement, The Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.2 4.0 Barry Bonds Dougherty, Terri 5.7 1.0 Barry Sanders: Star Running Back Aaseng, Nathan 6.5 2.0 Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. 3.2 0.5 Baseball (A True Book) Kennedy, Mike 4.9 0.5 Baseball Fever Hurwitz, Johanna 5.0 2.0 Baseball Flyhawk Christopher, Matt 3.6 2.0 Baseball (Game Plan) Owens/Helmer 6.5 2.0 Baseball in April and Other Stories Soto, Gary 5.1 4.0 Baseball in the Barrios Horenstein, Henry 4.9 0.5 Baseball Pals Christopher, Matt 3.0 1.0 Baseball Saved Us Mochizuki, Ken 3.9 0.5 10507 EN 5056 EN 5354 EN 34809 EN 75102 EN 121937 EN 52512 EN 20672 EN 29497 EN 61898 SP 72881 EN 131796 EN 119670 EN 133123 EN 26456 EN 119374 EN 59291 EN 17210 EN 10232 EN 65534 EN 45188 EN Baseball Star, The Arrigg, Fred 3.2 0.5 Basement Baseball Club, The Kelly, Jeffrey 4.8 6.0 Basket Counts, The Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 Basketball: A History of Hoops Stewart, Mark 8.7 10.0 Basketball (A True Book) Kennedy, Mike 5.3 0.5 Basketball Bats Hicks, Betty 2.6 1.0 Basset Hounds Meister, Cari 3.4 0.5 Bat Boy & His Violin, The Curtis, Gavin 4.1 0.5 Bat Six Wolff, Virginia Euwer 5.1 8.0 batalla de El Alamo, La Weber, Valerie 5.5 1.0 Batley Needs Glasses Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.0 0.5 Bats Rodriquez, Cindy 5.4 0.5 Bats Lockwood, Sophie 5.8 1.0 Bats Bekkering, Annalise 4.0 0.5 Bats (Naturebooks) George, Michael 3.7 0.5 Bats (Second Series) Beer, Amy-Jane 4.7 0.5 Bats (Wildlife Ed.) Wood/Rink 5.2 0.5 Battle (Eyewitness) Holmes, Richard 9.1 1.0 Battle for the Castle, The Winthrop, Elizabeth 4.4 6.0 Battle of Cantigny, The McGowen, Tom 7.2 1.0 Battle of Gettysburg (We the People), The Burgan, Michael 6.2 0.5 69273 EN 122983 EN 12390 EN 109536 EN 62849 EN 153 EN 47946 EN 106387 EN 8206 EN 27760 EN 131390 EN 53371 EN 75011 EN 107550 EN 6352 EN 154 EN 9004 EN 31368 EN 9005 EN 45442 EN 60893 EN 82602 EN Battle of Jericho, The Draper, Sharon M. 4.7 10.0 Battle of the Labyrinth, The Riordan, Rick 4.1 12.0 Battlefields and Burial Grounds Echo-Hawk, Roger/Walter 9.8 2.0 Be a Better Babysitter Buckley, Annie 4.6 0.5 Be a Good Sport! Waters, Jennifer 2.5 0.5 Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days! Manes, Stephen 4.2 1.0 Be Good to Eddie Lee Fleming, Virginia 3.6 0.5 Be My Neighbor Ajmera, Maya 5.0 0.5 Beach Party Stine, RL 3.9 5.0 Beagles Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 Beagles Gagne, Tammy 4.6 0.5 Bean Schwartz, David M. 3.3 0.5 Beanpole Park, Barbara 5.2 5.0 Beans Baker's Best Shot Torrey, Richard 2.7 0.5 Beans on the Roof Byars, Betsy 2.4 1.0 Bear Called Paddington, A Bond, Michael 4.7 4.0 Bear Detectives, The Berenstain, Stan 2.2 0.5 Bear (Endangered Animals & Habitats), The Barghusen, Laura 10.2 3.0 Bear Scouts, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.3 0.5 Bear Shadow/Moonbear's Shadow Asch, Frank 2.8 0.5 Bear Snores On Wilson, Karma 2.2 0.5 Bear Stays Up for Christmas Wilson, Karma 2.7 0.5 67066 EN 9632 EN 62060 EN 9006 EN 9008 EN 9007 EN 59292 EN 5057 EN 13854 EN 12469 EN 5207 EN 51860 EN 18803 EN 124754 EN 20692 EN 28911 EN 6604 EN 105398 EN 109321 EN 116444 EN 42615 EN Bear Wants More Wilson, Karma 2.2 0.5 Beardance Hobbs, Will 5.7 8.0 Bears (Animals I See at the Zoo) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.2 0.5 Bears' Christmas, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.9 0.5 Bears' Picnic, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.9 0.5 Bears' Vacation, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.0 0.5 Bears (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 6.1 0.5 Bearstone Hobbs, Will 5.0 6.0 Beast and the Halloween Horror Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Beast Feast Florian, Douglas 4.4 0.5 Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.9 1.0 Beast Under the Wizard's Bridge, The Strickland, Brad 5.4 6.0 Beasties, The Sleator, William 4.8 6.0 Beastly Birds and Bats Huggins-Cooper, Lynn 5.3 1.0 Beastly Tales: Yeti, Bigfoot and the Loch Yorke, Malcolm Ness Monster 5.1 0.5 Beasts Ross, Stewart 6.0 1.0 Beat the Turtle Drum Greene, Constance C. 4.1 3.0 Beating Heart: A Ghost Story Jenkins, A.M. 4.6 3.0 Beatrice Letters, The Snicket, Lemony 6.4 1.0 Beautiful Ballerinas Adelman, Heidi 5.4 0.5 Beautiful Christmas Tree, The Zolotow, Charlotte 4.0 0.5 552 EN 7003 EN 30521 EN 139586 EN 119375 EN 65076 EN 39557 EN 8507 EN 73592 EN 82086 EN 82864 EN 76301 EN 10754 EN 5208 EN 77207 EN 71285 EN 119256 EN 356 EN 304 EN 66720 EN 60706 EN 553 EN Beauty Wallace, Bill 4.0 5.0 Beauty McKinley, Robin 6.2 11.0 Beauty and the Beast Brett, Jan 5.3 0.5 Beavers Wiseman, Blaine 4.6 0.5 Beavers (Second Series) Goddard, Jolyon 5.5 1.0 Because of Anya Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.6 3.0 Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 3.0 Becca's Story Forman, James D. 7.0 9.0 Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground Beckham, David 6.0 22.0 Becoming a Citizen Hamilton, John 5.8 0.5 Becoming Naomi Leon Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.4 6.0 Bed Bugs (Sparklers Aqua) Thompson, Lisa 3.4 0.5 Bed-Knob and Broomstick Norton, Mary 4.8 6.0 Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russell 2.7 0.5 Bee-Man of Orn (Revised/Illustrated), The Stockton, Frank R. 5.7 1.0 Bee Tree, The Polacco, Patricia 3.9 0.5 Bees (Second Series) James, Joyce 4.8 1.0 Beetles, Lightly Toasted Beezus and Ramona Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Cleary, Beverly 5.7 4.8 5.0 3.0 Before the Creeks Ran Red Reeder, Carolyn 6.5 14.0 Before We Were Free Alvarez, Julia 5.6 8.0 Beggar Queen, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 9.0 5258 EN 6303 EN 554 EN 18754 EN 109373 EN 13799 EN 24473 EN 78840 EN 16922 EN 113223 EN 5931 SP 18052 EN 18053 EN 84520 EN 62091 EN 155 EN 106196 EN 15791 EN 54093 EN 10755 EN 6403 EN 18755 EN Begonia for Miss Applebaum, A Zindel, Paul 6.6 7.0 Behind Rebel Lines Reit, Seymour 5.7 3.0 Behind the Attic Wall Cassedy, Sylvia 4.9 9.0 Behind the Bedroom Wall Williams, Laura E. 4.4 4.0 Behind the Curtain: An Echo Falls Mystery Abrahams, Peter 4.1 9.0 Behind the Lines Holland, Isabelle 4.9 6.0 Behind the Wheel: Cars Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.0 0.5 Behind You Woodson, Jacqueline 4.1 3.0 Being Danny's Dog Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.6 5.0 Being Teddy Roosevelt Mills, Claudia 4.1 2.0 Beisbol en abril y otras historias Soto, Gary 5.1 4.0 Belarus (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 8.8 4.0 Belgium (Cultures of the World) Pateman, Robert 9.0 4.0 Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands Needham, Ed 8.4 1.0 Belize Jermyn, Leslie 9.5 4.0 Bella Arabella Fosburgh, Liza 4.4 4.0 Bella at Midnight Stanley, Diane 6.0 9.0 Belle Prater's Boy White, Ruth 4.4 5.0 Belle Teal Martin, Ann M. 4.8 6.0 Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 14.0 Bells of Christmas, The Hamilton, Virginia 3.5 1.0 Belonging Place, The Little, Jean 4.5 5.0 2444 EN 208 EN 59781 EN 114570 EN 43244 EN 63879 EN 54112 EN 23997 EN 32590 EN 54158 EN 873 EN 5355 EN 72259 EN 72260 EN 5319 EN 30658 EN 45922 EN 8953 EN 61929 EN 64499 EN 209 EN 14133 EN Ben Affleck (Galaxy of Superstars) Wellman, Sam 7.5 2.0 Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 6.9 3.0 Ben Franklin and His First Kite Krensky, Stephen 2.5 0.5 Ben Roethlisberger Zuehlke, Jeffrey 4.0 0.5 Ben's Trumpet Isadora, Rachel 2.2 0.5 Ben Stiller (Real-Life Reader Biography) Bankston, John 6.5 1.0 Bend in the Road, A Sparks, Nicholas 5.3 14.0 Benito's Bizcochitos Baca, Ana 3.5 0.5 Benjamin Banneker (Journey to Freedom) Maupin, Melissa 4.3 0.5 Benjamin Franklin (In Their Own Words) Roop, Peter/Connie 5.4 2.0 Benjamin Harrison (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Clinton, Susan 7.7 2.0 Benjy the Football Hero Van Leeuwen, Jean 4.0 4.0 Benny and Babe Colfer, Eoin 4.4 8.0 Benny and Omar Colfer, Eoin 4.0 8.0 Benny Uncovers a Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.8 2.0 Beowulf: A New Telling Nye, Robert 5.6 3.0 Bermuda Triangle Donkin, Andrew 5.4 0.5 Bermuda Triangle, The Collins, Jim 5.1 1.0 Bermuda Triangle (X Science), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 4.9 0.5 Bernie Magruder & the Pirate's Treasure Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 Berries Goodman Neville, Emily Cheney 4.4 5.0 Bess's Log Cabin Quilt Love, D. Anne 3.7 2.0 6452 EN 68912 EN 253 EN 8207 EN 6209 EN 5458 EN 80687 EN 84317 EN 305 EN 62831 EN 28926 EN 28927 EN 28930 EN 10212 EN 77978 EN 32295 EN 20205 EN 82839 EN 458 EN 5404 EN 15093 EN 20057 EN Best Bad Thing, The Uchida, Yoshiko 4.9 4.0 Best Book of Bikes, The Pinchuk, Amy Ruth 6.1 2.0 Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.1 2.0 Best Friend, The Stine, R.L. 3.6 4.0 Best Friends Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.1 1.0 Best Friends for Frances Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5 Best Halloween Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.4 2.0 Best Is Yet to Come, The Mazer, Anne 3.7 2.0 Best-Laid Plans of Jonah Twist, The Honeycutt, Natalie 3.5 3.0 Best Mud Pie, The Quinn, Lin 1.1 0.5 Best of the Best in Basketball, The Rutledge, Rachel 7.1 2.0 Best of the Best in Figure Skating, The Rutledge, Rachel 7.5 2.0 Best of the Best in Tennis, The Rutledge, Rachel 7.4 2.0 Best School Year Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.4 3.0 Best Week Ever, The Robins, Eleanor 2.4 1.0 Best Wishes Rylant, Cynthia 3.6 0.5 Beth's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.2 1.0 Betrayal Finney, Patricia 5.5 5.0 Betsy and the Boys Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 Betsy and the Circus Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 3.0 Betsy and the Great World Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.4 10.0 Betsy in Spite of Herself Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.5 10.0 59782 EN 63086 EN 459 EN 7 EN 49738 EN 55191 EN 57717 EN 59375 EN 85620 EN 73250 EN 87139 EN 8053 EN 22663 EN 89803 EN 10932 EN 8553 EN 58634 EN 28273 EN 60309 EN 5058 EN 21314 EN 5315 EN Betsy Ross and the Silver Thimble Greene, Stephanie 2.3 0.5 Betsy Ross (In Their Own Words) Roop, Peter/Connie 5.4 2.0 Betsy's Busy Summer Betsy-Tacy Haywood, Carolyn Lovelace, Maud Hart 3.7 4.0 3.0 3.0 Betty Doll Polacco, Patricia 4.3 0.5 Between Friends Garrigue, Sheila 3.2 4.0 Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book Stadler, Alexander 3.1 0.5 Beware and Stogie Haas, Jessie 3.7 1.0 Beware! It's Friday the 13th McMullan, Kate 3.3 1.0 Beware of Dog Balaban, Bob 6.7 4.0 Beware of Mad Dog! Weeks, Sarah 4.3 3.0 Beware the Fish! Korman, Gordon 4.8 5.0 Beware the Gingerbread House Rodda, Emily 4.1 4.0 Beyoncé Horn, Geoffrey M. 4.5 0.5 Beyond the Burning Time Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 8.0 Beyond the Chocolate War Cormier, Robert 5.7 10.0 Beyond the Deepwoods Stewart/Riddell 4.9 7.0 Beyond the Divide Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 12.0 Beyond the Sea of Ice: The Voyages of Henry Hudson Goodman, Joan Elizabeth 6.1 1.0 BFG, The Dahl, Roald 4.8 6.0 Bicycle for Rosaura, A Barbot, Daniel 2.7 0.5 Bicycle Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 2681 EN 2202 EN 30906 EN 41797 EN 7357 EN 460 EN 104663 EN 7208 EN 10205 EN 5902 EN 59293 EN 101286 EN 44976 EN 60878 EN 138069 EN 9010 EN 87498 EN 59202 EN 103 EN 29469 EN 7358 EN 87220 EN Bicycle Stunt Riding! Catch Air Hayhurst, Chris 6.0 1.0 Bicycles Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.0 0.5 Big-Air Snowboarding (Extreme Sports) McKenna, Anne T. 4.1 0.5 Big Bad Beans Lewis, Beverly 2.9 1.0 Big Balloon Race, The Coerr, Eleanor 2.6 0.5 Big Base Hit Hughes, Dean 3.7 1.0 Big Bend National Park Hall, Margaret 3.5 0.5 Big Bird's Copycat Day Lerner, Sharon 1.7 0.5 Big Bug Book Facklam, Margery 5.8 1.0 Big Cats Simon, Seymour 5.8 1.0 Big Cats (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 6.0 0.5 Big Chickens Helakoski, Leslie 2.6 0.5 Big Dogs Altman, Linda Jacobs 4.5 0.5 Big Freeze (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.7 0.5 Big-Game Hunting: Bears, Elk, and Other MacRae, Sloan Large Animals 4.7 0.5 Big Honey Hunt, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.7 0.5 Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe Platt, Kin 2.2 0.5 Big Mouth and Ugly Girl Oates, Joyce Carol 5.1 8.0 Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.6 9.0 Big Red Barn Brown, Margaret Wise 2.4 0.5 Big Snow, The Hader, Berta/Elmer 4.3 0.5 Big Surprise in the Bug Tank Horowitz, Ruth 2.8 0.5 48665 EN 6656 EN 28000 EN 16909 EN 29774 EN 32379 EN 119257 EN 24053 EN 9011 EN 62953 EN 12458 EN 29669 EN 14714 EN 14715 EN 14716 EN 81110 EN 82091 EN 50131 EN 7657 EN 24523 EN 75698 EN Big Trouble in Little Twinsville Levy, Elizabeth 3.5 2.0 Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will 5.1 8.0 Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella Johnston, Tony 3.3 0.5 Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Biggest Bear, The Ward, Lynd 3.9 0.5 Biggest Klutz in Fifth Grade, The Wallace, Bill 4.1 4.0 Bighorn Sheep (Second Series) Jackson, Tom 4.4 0.5 Bighorn Sheep, The Mattern, Joanne 4.5 0.5 Bike Lesson, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.6 0.5 Bikes: From Start to Finish Englart, Mindi Rose 5.6 0.5 Bill Reaver, Chap 4.4 6.0 Bill Clinton (Overcoming Adversity) Kelly, Michael 10.3 4.0 Bill Clinton: United States President Cole, Michael D. 8.5 3.0 Bill Cosby: Actor and Comedian Schuman, Michael A. 7.7 3.0 Bill Gates: Billionaire Computer Genius Dickinson, Joan D. 6.9 3.0 Bill Gates (People to Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.3 0.5 Bill of Rights, The Hamilton, John 5.9 0.5 Bill of Rights (We the People), The Burgan, Michael 7.5 1.0 Bill Peet: An Autobiography Peet, Bill 6.9 3.0 Billions of Balls Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.1 0.5 Billy Beast: Seriously Silly Stories Anholt, Laurence 4.7 0.5 29187 EN 5002 EN 5059 EN 146336 EN 36398 EN 72173 EN 125432 EN 40225 EN 117404 EN 56584 EN 5060 EN 80690 EN 68286 EN 28637 EN 59294 EN 24436 EN 56585 EN 24630 EN 16649 EN 80853 EN 79908 EN Billy the Kid (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) Hamilton, John 6.1 1.0 Bingo Brown and the Language of Love Byars, Betsy 4.3 4.0 Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover Byars, Betsy 4.5 3.0 Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories, The Seuss, Dr. 3.6 1.0 Birchbark House, The Erdrich, Louise 6.1 7.0 Birches Frost, Robert 4.5 0.5 Bird Hamilton, Lynn 5.1 1.0 Birding (Nature Company Guides) Editors, Time-Life 9.3 10.0 Birds Snedden, Robert 5.9 1.0 Birds Build Nests Pascoe, Elaine 3.2 0.5 Birds' Christmas Carol, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas 7.3 2.0 Birds: How to Choose and Care for a Bird Jeffrey, Laura S. 4.9 1.0 Birds: Nature's Magnificent Flying Machines Arnold, Caroline 5.2 0.5 Birds of Prey Penny, Malcolm 6.3 1.0 Birds of Prey (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Birds (Rourke Guide to State Symbols) Cooper, Jason 4.7 1.0 Birds Use Their Beaks Pascoe, Elaine 3.5 0.5 Birds (Young Scientist Concepts & Projects) Green, Jen 6.0 1.0 Birthday Basket for Tia, A Mora, Pat 2.4 0.5 Birthday in the Barrio Dole, Mayra L. 3.3 0.5 Birthday Pony Haas, Jessie 3.0 1.0 21846 SP 139587 EN 119376 EN 11405 EN 46777 EN 23997 SP 44136 EN 13610 EN 505 EN 119377 EN 8 EN 117989 EN 210 EN 68676 EN 136817 EN 8510 EN 34760 EN 62805 EN 53559 EN 30633 EN 730 EN 104 EN 18756 EN Bisa Bea, Bisa Bel Machado, Ana Maria 3.8 2.0 Bison Tomljanovic, Tatiana 4.8 0.5 Bison (Second Series) Beer, Amy-Jane 5.5 0.5 Bite of the Gold Bug: A Story of the Alaskan Gold Rush, The DeClements, Barthe 4.0 1.0 Bizarre Birds (Watts Library) Miller, Sara Swan 5.8 1.0 bizcochitos de Benito, Los Baca, Ana 3.5 0.5 Black and White Macaulay, David 3.4 0.5 Black Arrow (Bloomsbury), The Stevenson, Robert Louis 9.0 15.0 Black Arrow, The Stevenson, Robert Louis 9.0 14.0 Black Bears (Second Series) Jackson, Tom 5.1 1.0 Black Beauty (Unabridged) Sewell, Anna 7.7 11.0 Black Book of Secrets, The Higgins, F.E. 5.9 9.0 Black Cauldron, The Black Diamond: The Story of the Negro Baseball Leagues Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 7.0 McKissack, Pat 7.7 4.0 Black Elk's Vision: A Lakota Story Nelson, S.D. 5.0 1.0 Black Gold Henry, Marguerite 5.2 5.0 Black Hands, White Sails McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 8.0 5.0 Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War Bowden, Mark 7.3 23.0 Black Heroes of the American Revolution Davis, Burke 7.7 2.0 Black Is Brown Is Tan Adoff, Arnold 2.9 0.5 Black Like Me Black Pearl, The Griffin, John Howard O'Dell, Scott 7.0 5.4 11.0 4.0 Black Stallion and Flame, The Farley, Walter 6.4 6.0 10556 EN 10557 EN 75018 EN 56002 EN 601 EN 65965 EN 10558 EN 65966 EN 11591 EN 105 EN 555 EN 6304 EN 80120 EN 27669 EN 140170 EN 656 EN 13344 EN 32494 EN 11150 EN 556 EN 25079 EN 5259 EN 112112 EN Black Stallion and Satan, The Farley, Walter 5.4 7.0 Black Stallion and the Girl, The Farley, Walter 6.0 8.0 Black Stallion Challenged!, The Farley, Walter 5.6 9.0 Black Stallion Mystery, The Farley, Walter 5.5 8.0 Black Stallion Returns, The Farley, Walter 6.1 8.0 Black Stallion Revolts, The Farley, Walter 5.3 10.0 Black Stallion's Blood Bay Colt, The Farley, Walter 6.0 12.0 Black Stallion's Filly, The Farley, Walter 5.8 10.0 Black Stallion's Ghost, The Farley, Walter 6.6 7.0 Black Stallion, The Black Star, Bright Dawn Farley, Walter O'Dell, Scott 5.2 4.3 7.0 4.0 Black Suits from Outer Space DeWeese, Gene 5.4 5.0 Black Water MacHale, D.J. 4.6 17.0 Black Whiteness Burleigh, Robert 4.4 0.5 Black Widow Spiders Britton, Tamara L. 4.1 0.5 Blackberries in the Dark Jukes, Mavis 3.6 1.0 Blackfoot (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 7.5 1.0 Blackwater Bunting, Eve 3.6 3.0 Blackwater Swamp Wallace, Bill 4.2 5.0 Blair's Nightmare Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.3 8.0 Blasting Off: Rockets Then and Now Otfinoski, Steve 5.6 0.5 Bless the Beasts & Children Swarthout, Glendon 6.3 6.0 Blind Colt, The Rounds, Glen 5.9 2.0 107317 EN 73359 EN 54094 EN 18757 EN 20257 EN 109522 EN 127745 EN 63020 EN 60879 EN 122249 EN 119390 EN 51119 EN 14937 EN 106127 EN 88590 EN 80632 EN 19817 EN 142078 EN 9522 EN 61382 EN 34713 EN Blind Faith Wittlinger, Ellen 4.5 10.0 Blind Hunter, The Rodanas, Kristina 4.7 0.5 Blister Shreve, Susan 5.4 4.0 Blizzard: Colorado, 1886 Duey/Bale 5.0 4.0 Blizzard Disaster, The Kehret, Peg 4.6 4.0 Blizzard of the Blue Moon Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Blizzard on Blue Mountain, The Gregory, Kristiana 4.1 2.0 Blizzard's Wake Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.9 8.0 Blizzard (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.6 0.5 Blizzards! Charlesworth, Eric 2.3 0.5 Blizzards Woods, Michael 5.6 1.0 Blizzards (Natural Disasters) Allen, Jean 5.3 1.0 Blob That Ate Everyone, The Stine, R.L. 3.0 2.0 Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Carbone, Elisa 5.3 7.0 Blood Red Horse Grant, K.M. 6.3 13.0 Blood Secret Lasky, Kathryn 5.2 9.0 Blood Sport Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Bloodsucking Beasts Regan, Lisa 6.7 1.0 Bloody Country Collier, James/Christopher 5.2 6.0 Bloody Jack: Being an Account...Ship's Boy Meyer, L.A. 5.6 11.0 Bloomability Creech, Sharon 5.2 7.0 7658 EN 80832 EN 461 EN 10274 EN 6453 EN 5306 EN 557 EN 74528 EN 8511 EN 79493 EN 156 EN 63801 EN 106 EN 26563 EN 9 EN 36230 EN 105617 EN 73831 EN 5459 EN 125350 EN 72882 EN 15478 EN 32582 EN Bloomers! Blumberg, Rhoda 5.8 0.5 Blossom Culp and the Sleep of Death Peck, Richard 5.8 6.0 Blossom Promise, A Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.0 Blowing Bubbles with the Enemy Jackson, Alison 4.3 4.0 Blubber Blume, Judy 3.8 4.0 Blue Bay Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.9 2.0 Blue-Eyed Daisy, A Rylant, Cynthia 4.6 2.0 Blue Girl Lynn, Jodi 5.0 7.0 Blue Heron Avi 4.0 5.0 Blue Jasmine Sheth, Kashmira 4.4 6.0 Blue Moose Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 4.4 0.5 Blue or Gray? A Family Divided Connell, Kate 4.4 1.0 Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin 6.8 17.0 Blue Whales (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.7 0.5 Blue Willow Gates, Doris 6.5 6.0 Blue Willow Conrad, Pam 5.4 1.0 Blue Wings Farley, Terri 5.6 7.0 Blue Wolf Creedon, Catherine 4.8 6.0 Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert 4.1 0.5 BMX Hudak, Heather C. 5.7 1.0 Bo Bo's Big Imagination Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.3 0.5 Bo Jackson Kramer, Jon 4.4 1.0 Bo Jackson: A Biography Gutman, Bill 6.7 5.0 15674 EN 14717 EN 29691 EN 26929 EN 11569 EN 6657 EN 9304 EN 20533 EN 24343 EN 68862 EN 49436 EN 17558 EN 16731 EN 7042 EN 30503 EN 11007 EN 18054 EN 5534 SP 128666 EN 5652 EN 12995 EN Boas (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.9 0.5 Bob Dole: Legendary Senator Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski 8.2 4.0 Bob Dole: Politician Wertime, Marcia 9.3 5.0 Bob's Vacation Rau, Dana Meachen 1.2 0.5 Bobbin Girl, The McCully, Emily Arnold 4.2 0.5 Bobby Baseball Smith, Robert Kimmel 3.9 5.0 Bobby's Zoo Lunn, Carolyn 1.1 0.5 Bobsledding and the Luge (A True Book) Brimner, Larry Dane 4.6 0.5 Body Blues: Weight and Depression Weeldreyer, Laura 6.9 1.0 Body Language (Communicating) Hossell, Karen Price 6.2 1.0 Bogeyman Cuento, A Hayes, Joe 3.7 0.5 Bogeymen Don't Play Football Dadey/Jones 3.4 1.0 Boggart and the Monster, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 7.0 Boggart, The Cooper, Susan 6.1 8.0 Bold Journey: West with Lewis and Clark Bohner, Charles 5.5 6.0 Bolivia (Children of the World) Martin, Michael 6.5 1.0 Bolivia (Cultures of the World) Pateman, Robert 8.5 4.0 bolsillo para Corduroy, Un Freeman, Don 3.7 0.5 Bombad Jedi Valois, Rob 4.2 1.0 Bombay Boomerang, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.7 6.0 Bomber Planes Schleifer, Jay 4.9 0.5 24032 EN 116238 EN 10757 EN 137672 EN 16189 EN 11600 EN 48941 EN 12498 EN 52388 EN 58193 EN 6658 EN 106101 EN 29870 EN 6353 EN 731 EN 55702 EN 11590 EN 6906 EN 7659 EN 18758 EN 5003 EN Bombers of World War II Masters, Nancy Robinson 5.0 0.5 Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, The Bodden, Valerie 8.6 1.0 Bone Breath and the Vandals Kehret, Peg 4.8 3.0 Bone-Chilling Myths O'Shei, Tim 4.2 0.5 Bone Detectives: How Forensic Anthropologists Solve Crimes.., The Jackson, Donna M. 7.8 2.0 Bones in the Cliff, The Stevenson, James 4.1 2.0 Bones: Our Skeletal System Simon, Seymour 6.5 0.5 Booford Summer, The Smith, Susan Mathias 3.9 3.0 Book! Book! Book! Bruss, Deborah 2.2 0.5 Book of North American Owls, The Sattler, Helen Roney 6.7 1.0 Book of Three, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 7.0 Book Thief, The Zusak, Markus 5.1 18.0 Boomtowns of the West (Life in the Old West) Kalman, Bobbie 6.2 1.0 Boonsville Bombers, The Herzig, Alison Cragin 3.1 1.0 Born Free Adamson, Joy Born in the Breezes: The Seafaring Life of Lasky, Kathryn Joshua Slocum 7.3 9.0 6.0 1.0 Born to Trot Henry, Marguerite 4.9 7.0 Borning Room, The Fleischman, Paul 5.0 3.0 Borreguita and the Coyote Aardema, Verna 3.1 0.5 Borrowers Afield, The Norton, Mary 6.4 7.0 Borrowers Afloat, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 20060 EN 10 EN 120431 EN 27861 EN 53469 EN 76853 EN 27881 EN 109098 EN 14752 EN 29556 EN 10897 EN 75416 EN 904 EN 5301 EN 131391 EN 9543 EN 17761 EN 6454 EN 48513 EN 6501 EN 6105 EN Borrowers Aloft, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 Borrowers, The Norton, Mary 5.3 5.0 Boston Celtics Frisch, Aaron 3.0 0.5 Boston Celtics (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.0 1.0 Boston Jane: An Adventure Holm, Jennifer L. 4.9 8.0 Boston Massacre, The Santella, Andrew 6.7 1.0 Boston Red Sox (America's Game) Italia, Bob 6.5 1.0 Boston Red Sox, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 Both Sides of Time Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 7.0 Bound for America Haskins/Benson 8.4 2.0 Bound for Oregon Leeuwen, Jean Van 5.3 6.0 Bow Hunting Weintraub, Aileen 5.0 0.5 Boxcar Children and the Campout Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.5 2.0 Boxcar Children, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Boxers Gagne, Tammy 4.9 0.5 Boy Dahl, Roald 6.0 6.0 Boy and His Bear, A Graham, Harriet 5.2 7.0 Boy and the Ghost, The Souci, Robert D. San 4.3 0.5 Boy at War: A Novel of Pearl Harbor, A Mazer, Harry 3.8 3.0 Boy-Crazy Stacey Martin, Ann M. 3.9 3.0 Boy in the Drawer, The Munsch, Robert N. 2.7 0.5 109203 EN 77556 EN 20743 EN 112582 EN 80955 EN 5460 EN 77974 EN 17024 EN 404 EN 54491 EN 751 EN 79637 EN 131877 EN 29999 EN 6305 EN 558 EN 70572 EN 47340 EN 126990 EN 8210 EN 36834 EN 36835 EN Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boyne, John 5.8 7.0 Boy Meets Girl Cabot, Meg 5.6 11.0 Boy Next Door, The Quin-Harkin, Janet 4.5 6.0 Boy Next Door, The Dower, Laura 4.2 4.0 Boy No More, A Mazer, Harry 3.5 4.0 Boy of the Three-Year Nap, The Snyder, Dianne 3.7 0.5 Boy of Their Dreams Robins, Eleanor 2.3 1.0 Boy Soup or When Giant Caught Cold Lesynski, Loris 4.0 0.5 Boy Who Ate Dog Biscuits, The Sachs, Betsy 2.6 1.0 Boy Who Cried Bigfoot, The Greenburg, Dan 3.2 1.0 Boy Who Drank Too Much, The Greene, Shep Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John Davies, Jacqueline James Audubon, The Boy Who Invented TV: The Story of Philo Krull, Kathleen Farnsworth, The 3.6 5.0 4.4 0.5 5.5 0.5 Boy Who Lost His Face, The Sachar, Louis 4.0 6.0 Boy Who Owned the School, The Paulsen, Gary 5.5 2.0 Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Sleator, William 4.7 7.0 Boy Who Saved Baseball, The Ritter, John H. 4.4 7.0 Boy Who Swallowed a Rainbow, The Romain, Trevor 3.9 0.5 Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired a Pinkney, Andrea Davis Nation 2.9 0.5 Boyfriend, The Stine, R.L. 3.7 4.0 O'Hara, Megan 5.4 1.0 Sateren, Shelley Swanson 4.9 1.0 Boyhood Diary of Charles Lindbergh, 1913-1916, The Boyhood Diary of Theodore Roosevelt, 1869-1870, The 12369 EN 127616 EN 109197 EN 74690 EN 85846 EN 10248 EN 6018 EN 60374 EN 76302 EN 6404 EN 110260 EN 30777 EN 51236 EN 82087 EN 61811 EN 16535 EN 17512 EN 59146 EN 27971 EN 8653 EN 6907 EN Boys Against Girls Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 4.0 Boys Are Dogs Margolis, Leslie 4.2 6.0 Boys Are Yucko! Hines, Anna Grossnickle 3.6 4.0 Boys in Control Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 4.0 Boys of San Joaquin, The Smith, D.J. 5.0 7.0 Boys Start the War, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.6 4.0 Boys' War, The Murphy, Jim 7.6 3.0 Bracelet, The Uchida, Yoshiko 4.0 0.5 Brad the Wonder Baby (Sparklers Green) Bates, Di 2.4 0.5 Brady Fritz, Jean 5.6 8.0 Braid, The Frost, Helen 4.6 3.0 Brain-in-a-Box Matthews, Steve 3.2 0.5 Brain: Our Nervous System, The Simon, Seymour 6.3 0.5 Branches of Government Hamilton, John 5.8 0.5 Brass Instruments (Music Makers) Sharth, Sharon 3.7 0.5 Brave Bear and the Ghosts Dominic, Gloria 3.6 0.5 Brave Irene Steig, William 3.9 0.5 Brave Little Seamstress, The Osborne, Mary Pope 4.0 0.5 Brave Margaret San Souci, Robert D. 4.6 0.5 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 7.5 11.0 Brave, The Lipsyte, Robert 4.2 5.0 31053 EN 12597 EN 18004 EN 82229 EN 110098 EN 58824 EN 6306 EN 41702 EN 7179 EN 124537 EN 47404 EN 18955 EN 54159 EN 48990 EN 5507 EN 29193 EN 123440 EN 25368 EN 76894 EN 25297 EN 752 EN Bravest Blacksmith, The Owens, Thomas S. 2.9 1.0 Brazil (Country Fact Files) Morrison, Marion 8.4 1.0 Brazil (Cultures of the World) Richard, Christopher 8.1 3.0 Brazil (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 5.6 1.0 Bread and Roses, Too Paterson, Katherine 4.9 9.0 Bread Is for Eating Gershator, David/Phillis 2.1 0.5 Bread Winner, The Whitmore, Arvella 4.1 5.0 Breadwinner, The Ellis, Deborah 4.5 4.0 Break with Charity, A Rinaldi, Ann 4.7 8.0 Breaking Dawn Meyer, Stephenie 4.8 28.0 Breaking Free Brooke, Lauren 4.6 4.0 Breaking the Ice Lowell, Melissa 4.5 4.0 Breaking Through Jiménez, Francisco 5.3 7.0 Breathing Earth, The Massa/Carabella/Fornasari 8.1 1.0 Bremen-town Musicians, The Gross, Ruth B. 2.2 0.5 Brett Favre Dougherty, Terri 6.3 1.0 Brett Favre Krumenauer, Heidi 6.4 1.0 Brett Favre: Leader of the Pack Gutman, Bill 6.3 1.0 Brian's Hunt Paulsen, Gary 5.9 3.0 Brian's Return Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 Brian's Song Blinn, William 5.1 3.0 11704 EN 42800 EN 44925 EN 88003 EN 11 EN 13402 EN 19009 EN 56807 EN 12 EN 132762 EN 10283 EN 125940 EN 54840 EN 84521 EN 18005 EN 6307 EN 14753 EN 13 EN 39795 EN 43510 EN 48122 EN 71193 EN Brian's Winter Paulsen, Gary 5.9 5.0 Briar's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.9 9.0 Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies, The Dadey/Jones 4.2 1.0 Bridesmaid, The Abbott, Hailey 4.5 8.0 Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 Bridge to the Moon Schraff, Anne 4.5 2.0 Bright Island Robinson, Mabel L. 6.1 10.0 Bright Lights and Shadowy Shapes Waters, Jennifer 2.2 0.5 Brighty of the Grand Canyon Henry, Marguerite 5.6 7.0 Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z., The Messner, Kate 4.2 7.0 Bringing Nettie Back Wilson, Nancy Hope 4.8 4.0 Brisingr Paolini, Christopher 7.8 45.0 Bristle Face Ball, Zachary 5.3 8.0 Britain and the British Ganeri, Anita 7.5 1.0 Britain (Cultures of the World) Fuller, Barbara 10.0 4.0 Broccoli Tapes, The Slepian, Jan 4.0 6.0 Broken Blade, The Durbin, William 5.8 5.0 Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5.0 10.0 Brookfield Days Wilkes/Henson 4.4 1.0 Brooklyn Bridge Curlee, Lynn 8.2 1.0 Brooklyn Bridge: They Said It Couldn't Be St. George, Judith Built, The 8.0 4.0 Broom Mates 2.9 0.5 Palatini, Margie 18312 EN 6406 EN 86339 EN 5061 EN 76851 EN 16736 EN 47986 EN 29554 EN 75013 EN 67388 EN 31058 EN 29188 EN 36944 EN 27900 EN 116946 EN 10758 EN 7147 EN 24916 EN 46556 EN 36617 EN 49269 EN Brother Anansi and the Cattle Ranch Sauza/Rohmer, De Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message Seattle, Chief from Chief Seattle Brother's Journey: Surviving a Childhood Pelzer, Richard B. of Abuse, A 3.3 0.5 4.4 0.5 5.8 11.0 Brothers of the Heart Blos, Joan W. 6.0 6.0 Brown v. Board of Education Good, Diane L. 7.1 1.0 Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters Coville, Bruce 4.6 4.0 Bubble Buster (Sparklers Blue) Horsfield, Alan 2.7 0.5 Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 Buddies Park, Barbara 4.7 5.0 Buds and Blossoms: A Book About Flowers Blackaby, Susan 3.2 0.5 Buffalo Before Breakfast Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Buffalo Bill Cody (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) Hamilton, John 6.6 1.0 Buffalo Bills Nichols, John 7.2 1.0 Buffalo Bills, The Italia, Bob 5.6 1.0 Buffalo Bills, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 Buffalo Brenda Pinkwater, Jill 4.4 7.0 Buffalo Gal Wallace, Bill 4.8 6.0 Buffalo Hunt Freedman, Russell 6.4 1.0 Bug Faces Murawski, Darlyne A. 4.5 0.5 Bugs for Lunch Facklam, Margery 2.5 0.5 Building Beavers Martin-James, Kathleen 2.7 0.5 43776 EN 357 EN 48295 EN 18055 EN 24344 EN 8455 EN 24054 EN 123368 EN 26590 EN 6606 EN 67000 EN 13857 EN 4866 EN 30907 EN 254 EN 25293 EN 6708 EN 5710 EN 49116 EN 11011 EN 18006 EN 28890 EN Building Big Macaulay, David 9.3 5.0 Building Blocks Voigt, Cynthia 4.2 5.0 Building (Make It Work!) Haslam/Glover 6.3 1.0 Bulgaria (Cultures of the World) Stavreva, Kirilka 8.9 4.0 Bulimia Nervosa: The Secret Cycle of Bingeing and Depression Burby, Liza N. 6.9 1.0 Bull Run Fleischman, Paul 5.3 2.0 Bulldog, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.0 0.5 Bulldogs Gagne, Tammy 4.5 0.5 Bulldozers (Machines at Work) Eick, Jean 2.7 0.5 Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Fritz, Jean 6.8 4.0 Bumblebee Flies Anyway, The Cormier, Robert 5.6 10.0 Bumps in the Night Allard, Harry 2.9 0.5 Bungee Jumping (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.2 0.5 Bungee Jumping (Extreme Sports) Glaser, Jason 4.5 0.5 Bunnicula Howe, Deborah/James 4.2 2.0 Bunyans, The Wood, Audrey 5.1 0.5 Buried in Ice Beattie/Geiger 6.6 3.0 Buried Secrets Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 Buried Treasures of New England Jameson, W.C. 8.9 9.0 Burma (Children of the World) Knowlton/Sachner 5.4 1.0 Burma (Cultures of the World) Yin, Saw Myat 8.6 4.0 Burnin' Rubber Sullivan, George 6.3 1.0 106349 EN 211 EN 83001 EN 25296 EN 45556 EN 732 EN 82924 EN 26746 EN 5318 EN 77030 EN 484 EN 100574 EN 29189 EN 9012 EN 59295 EN 17211 EN 46558 EN 65778 EN 26239 EN 81652 EN 28773 EN 10759 EN Burning Bridge, The Flanagan, John 6.3 12.0 Burning Questions of Bingo Brown, The Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.0 Burning, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.4 6.0 Burning Up Cooney, Caroline B. 5.0 8.0 Swanson, Diane 7.5 1.0 Brown, Dee 7.9 27.0 Burying the Sun Whelan, Gloria 5.6 5.0 Bus Ride, The Miller, William 3.2 0.5 Bus Station Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.6 2.0 Busy Ants Nelson, Kristin L. 2.3 0.5 Busybody Nora Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 1.0 But, Excuse Me, That Is My Book Child, Lauren 2.6 0.5 Butch Cassidy (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) Hamilton, John 6.0 1.0 Butter Battle Book, The Seuss, Dr. 3.9 0.5 Butterflies (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 6.2 0.5 Butterfly & Moth (Eyewitness) Whalley, Paul 8.6 1.0 Butternut Hollow Pond Heinz, Brian J. 3.9 0.5 Buzzer Basket Bee, Clair 5.6 7.0 Buzzing Rattlesnakes Berman, Ruth 2.2 0.5 By My Brother's Side Barber, Tiki 2.8 0.5 By Secret Railway Meadowcroft, Enid LaMonte 6.1 8.0 By the Great Horn Spoon! Fleischman, Sid 5.1 6.0 Burp! The Most Interesting Book You Will Ever Read About Eating Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 8855 EN 212 EN 27747 SP 158 EN 78020 EN 18101 EN 5311 EN 14 EN 107066 EN 18804 EN 5914 EN 13345 EN 2485 SP 14550 EN 25369 EN 34743 EN 18301 SP 53784 EN 5004 EN 5062 EN 88407 EN 7805 EN By the Pricking of My Thumbs Christie, Agatha 7.2 11.0 By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 9.0 caballo llamado Libertad, Un Ryan, Pam Muñoz 4.5 3.0 Cabin Faced West, The Fritz, Jean 5.1 3.0 Cabin on Trouble Creek Van Leeuwen, Jean 4.5 6.0 Cabinetmakers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.9 1.0 Caboose Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 Caddie Woodlawn Brink, Carol Ryrie 6.0 8.0 Caddy Ever After McKay, Hilary 5.2 5.0 Cage, The Sender, Ruth Minsky 3.7 6.0 Cages Kehret, Peg 4.5 5.0 Cahuilla (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 7.4 1.0 Cajas de cartón Jiménez, Francisco 5.3 4.0 Cal Ripken, Jr.: Star Shortstop Savage, Jeff 6.0 2.0 Cal Ripkin, Jr.: Baseball's Iron Man Gutman, Bill 6.1 1.0 Caldecott Celebration, A Marcus, Leonard S. 6.5 1.0 Caldo, caldo, caldo Bertrand, Diana Gonzales 3.3 0.5 Caleb's Story MacLachlan, Patricia 2.9 2.0 Calico Bush Field, Rachel 6.2 9.0 Calico Captive Speare, Elizabeth George 6.0 9.0 Calico Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.3 0.5 California (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 27887 EN 18102 EN 2925 EN 55555 EN 65800 EN 69363 EN 24749 EN 15 EN 10924 EN 14136 EN 76303 EN 55192 EN 107 EN 87145 EN 43032 EN 14938 EN 8512 EN 135331 EN 146217 EN 132133 EN 129254 EN 139109 EN California Angels (America's Game) Cole, Jack 6.4 1.0 California (Celebrate the States) Altman, Linda Jacobs 7.7 2.0 California Condor (Endangered in America), The Silverstein/Nunn 8.6 2.0 California Condor: Flying Free Graves, Bonnie 3.7 1.0 California Gold Rush: Moments in History Jordan, Shirley 4.9 2.0 California Gold Rush, The Uschan, Michael V. 7.7 2.0 California (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.1 1.0 Call It Courage Sperry, Armstrong 6.2 3.0 Call Me Ahnighito Conrad, Pam 4.4 0.5 Call Me Francis Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.5 3.0 Call Me George (Sparklers Gold) Saxby, Claire 3.1 0.5 Call Me Ruth Sachs, Marilyn 5.1 5.0 Call of the Wild, The London, Jack 8.0 7.0 Callahan Cousins: Summer Begins, The Carey, Elizabeth Doyle 5.8 9.0 Callie: A Great Gray Owl Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.6 1.0 Calling All Creeps! Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 4.9 8.0 Calvin Coconut: Dog Heaven Salisbury, Graham 2.8 2.0 Calvin Coconut: Kung Fooey Salisbury, Graham 2.9 2.0 Calvin Coconut: The Zippy Fix Salisbury, Graham 2.9 2.0 Calvin Coconut: Trouble Magnet Salisbury, Graham 2.8 2.0 Calvin Coconut: Zoo Breath Salisbury, Graham 2.8 2.0 Calvin Coolidge (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 17663 Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the EN Haunted House 5210 Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the EN Monkey House 17660 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe EN Ruth Baseball 7605 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus EN Clown 7606 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the EN Dinosaur Bones 17664 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the EN Monster Movie 17665 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen EN Corn Popper Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen 308 EN Diamonds 18708 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the EN Television Dog 14661 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O. EN 17662 Cam Jansen...Gold Coins EN 18056 Cambodia (Cultures of the World) EN 59333 Camel Family (Wildlife Ed.), The EN 15830 Camp Murphy EN 47101 Campaign Politics: What's Fair? What's EN Foul? 131826 Camping EN 63203 Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? Questions and EN Answers About Weather 63204 Can Snakes Crawl Backward? Questions EN and Answers About Reptiles 5405 Can't You Make Them Behave, King EN George? 65475 Can You Guess My Name? Traditional EN Tales Around the World 879 EN Kent, Zachary 7.3 2.0 Adler, David A. 3.5 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.9 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.9 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.2 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Sheehan, Sean 10.1 4.0 Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 3.6 4.0 Kowalski, Kathiann M. 10.6 3.0 Lundgren, Julie K. 5.4 0.5 Berger, Melvin 4.6 1.0 Berger, Melvin 4.7 1.0 Fritz, Jean 5.6 1.0 Sierra, Judy 4.9 2.0 63205 EN 28704 EN 119378 EN 64920 EN 20014 EN 8556 EN 5211 EN 72868 SP 102041 EN 47405 EN 6033 EN 63118 EN 5461 EN 34624 EN 35816 EN 108880 EN 71681 EN 72761 EN 34629 EN 54477 EN 733 EN Can You Hear a Shout in Space? Questions...Space Exploration Berger, Melvin 5.3 1.0 Canada (Country Fact Files) Sylvester, John 7.1 1.0 Canada Goose (Second Series) Beer, Amy-Jane 4.9 0.5 Canada (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 5.9 1.0 Canary Caper, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Candidate for Murder, A Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.1 7.0 Candy Corn Contest, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 Canela y el aguacero de abril Johnson, Amy Crane 2.7 0.5 Cannibals, The Lawrence, Iain 4.6 8.0 Canyon Winter Morey, Walt 4.6 7.0 Canyons Paulsen, Gary 5.5 5.0 Capitol (Symbols, Landmarks, and Monuments), The Britton, Tamara L. 5.5 0.5 Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr 3.1 0.5 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 5.2 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.9 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 Kipling, Rudyard 8.0 9.0 Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants Captain Underpants and the Preposterous...Potty People Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part 1...Nostril Nuggets Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part 2...Robo-Boogers Captain Underpants...Invasion...Cafeteria Ladies...Outer Space Captain Underpants...Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Captains Courageous 70101 EN 131417 EN 10290 EN 56885 EN 6968 EN 6967 EN 6971 EN 18329 EN 19998 EN 35995 EN 19998 SP 18329 SP 18330 SP 64910 EN 86191 EN 63667 EN 36945 EN 27899 EN 43665 EN 7702 EN 7703 EN Capture, The Lasky, Kathryn 4.8 7.0 Captured Valois, Rob 4.6 0.5 Car, The Paulsen, Gary 4.8 6.0 Card Tricks (Games Around the World) Klingel/Noyed 4.0 0.5 Careers as a Rock Musician Hopkins, Del/Margaret 8.4 7.0 Careers in the Restaurant Industry Lee, Richard/Mary Price 8.7 4.0 Careers in Trucking Schauer, Donald 10.3 5.0 Carlos and the Cornfield Stevens, Jan Romero 4.3 0.5 Carlos and the Skunk Romero Stevens, Jan 4.8 0.5 Carlos and the Squash Plant Romero Stevens, Jan 4.2 0.5 Carlos y el zorrillo Romero Stevens, Jan 4.8 0.5 Carlos y la milpa de maíz Romero Stevens, Jan 4.4 0.5 Carlos y la planta de calabaza Romero Stevens, Jan 4.6 0.5 Carlsbad Caverns (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Kras, Sara Louise 5.6 1.0 Carnival at Candlelight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Carnivorous Carnival, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Carolina Panthers Nichols, John 7.2 1.0 Carolina Panthers, The Italia, Bob 6.8 1.0 Caroline & Her Sister Wilkes/Henson 4.1 1.0 Caroline Zucker Gets Even Bradford, Jan 4.2 2.0 Caroline Zucker Meets Her Match Bradford, Jan 3.8 2.0 462 EN 43804 EN 105213 EN 16 EN 132932 EN 15106 EN 6607 EN 5406 EN 78383 EN 34924 EN 8956 EN 43089 EN 62260 EN 53074 EN 120220 EN 62261 EN 7704 EN 7661 EN 72269 EN 34921 EN 53075 EN 6257 EN Carp in the Bathtub, The Cohen, Barbara 3.9 0.5 Carpe Jugulum Pratchett, Terry 5.0 15.0 Carrot Soup Segal, John 1.8 0.5 Carry on, Mr. Bowditch Latham, Jean 4.1 8.0 Cars Becker, Ann 4.2 0.5 Cartoonist, The Byars, Betsy 4.2 3.0 Carver Radin, Ruth Yaffe 3.7 1.0 Case for Jenny Archer, A Conford, Ellen 3.0 1.0 Case of Camp Pom-Pom, The Alexander, Heather 3.1 1.0 Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Ancient Astronauts, The Gallagher, I.J. 5.7 1.0 Case of the Bad-Luck Bike Ride Across Iowa, The Francis, Dorothy 2.9 2.0 Case of the Bear Scare, The Preller, James 3.0 1.0 Case of the Bicycle Bandit, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Bizarre Bouquets: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.4 6.0 Case of the Buried Treasure, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Case of the Car-Barkaholic Dog, The Erickson, John R. 4.8 3.0 Case of the Cat's Meow, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.3 0.5 Case of the Cat with the Missing Ear...Smithfield, D.V.M., The Emerson, Scott 6.8 6.0 Case of the Christmas Snowman, The Preller, James 3.0 1.0 Case of the Class Clown, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Cool-Itch Kid, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 1.0 53076 EN 62262 EN 10656 EN 86636 EN 159 EN 7722 EN 53077 EN 64112 EN 34920 EN 7705 EN 54817 EN 20258 EN 7706 EN 18759 EN 110638 EN 53078 EN 28733 EN 10657 EN 78215 EN 7707 EN 104964 EN Case of the Detective in Disguise, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Case of the Disappearing Dinosaur, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 4.8 3.0 Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Berends, Polly 4.0 1.0 Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox, The Erickson, John R. 5.1 3.0 Case of the Ghostwriter, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Golden Key, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Case of the Great Sled Race, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Halloween Ghost, The Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 Case of the Haunted Scarecrow, The Preller, James 3.0 1.0 Case of the Haystack Kitties, The Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 Case of the Hooking Bull, The Erickson, John R. 5.3 3.0 Case of the Kidnapped Collie, The Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 Case of the Left-Handed Lady: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.0 7.0 Case of the Marshmallow Monster, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Measled Cowboy, The Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 Case of the Midnight Rustler, The Erickson, John R. 5.5 3.0 Case of the Million-Dollar Mystery, The Preller, James 3.5 1.0 Case of the Missing Cat, The Erickson, John R. 4.8 3.0 Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 6.6 6.0 Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting, The Erickson, John R. Case of the Double Trouble Detectives, The Case of the Elevator Duck, The 34926 EN 7708 EN 124698 EN 78987 EN 75653 EN 34925 EN 34922 EN 62263 EN 34923 EN 35389 EN 5908 EN 78103 EN 44218 EN 10658 EN 20260 EN 27709 EN 5005 EN 5006 EN 6805 EN 34810 EN 47662 EN Case of the Mummy Mystery, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Erickson, John R. 5.1 3.0 Springer, Nancy 7.3 6.0 Case of the Perfect Prank, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Case of the Race Against Time, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Case of the Runaway Dog, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Case of the Secret Valentine, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Sneaker Sneak, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Spooky Sleepover, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Stinky Science Project, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Case of the Twisted Kitty, The Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 Case of the Two Masked Robbers, The Hoban, Lillian 2.5 0.5 Case of the Vampire Cat, The Erickson, John R. 5.0 3.0 Case of the Vampire Vacuum Sweeper, The Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 Case of the Vanishing Fishhook, The Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 Cassie Binegar MacLachlan, Patricia 4.3 3.0 Cassie Bowen Takes Witch Lessons Hines, Anna 3.8 4.0 Cast of Criminals Dixon, Franklin W. 4.5 4.0 Cast Two Shadows Rinaldi, Ann 4.1 9.0 Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Jacques, Brian 5.4 12.0 Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse, The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The 9545 EN 17212 EN 5932 EN 160 EN 9259 EN 6387 EN 17050 EN 213 EN 10760 EN 17213 EN 67414 EN 31393 EN 9013 EN 11458 EN 9014 EN 6455 EN 86010 EN 603 EN 72887 EN 76212 EN 73733 EN 60580 EN Castle Macaulay, David 7.9 1.0 Castle (Eyewitness) Gravett, Christopher 7.7 1.0 Castle in the Air Jones, Diana Wynne 6.0 11.0 Castle in the Attic, The Winthrop, Elizabeth 4.9 6.0 Castle Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Castle of Llyr, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 7.0 Castle (Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections) Platt, Richard 6.0 0.5 Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The Danziger, Paula 3.9 4.0 Cat Burglar on the Prowl Kehret, Peg 4.6 3.0 Cat (Eyewitness) Clutton-Brock, Juliet 7.3 1.0 Cat for You: Caring for Your Cat, A Blackaby, Susan 2.1 0.5 Cat in the Family, A Birr, Uschi 8.3 3.0 Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Cat Running Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.6 7.0 Cat's Quizzer, The Seuss, Dr. 2.7 0.5 Cat That Was Left Behind, The Adler, C.S. 4.3 4.0 Cat Traps Coxe, Molly 0.4 0.5 Cat Walk Stolz, Mary 4.3 3.0 Cat Who Barked, The Sargent, Dave/Pat 0.6 0.5 Cat Who Brought Down the House, The Braun, Lilian Jackson 6.0 8.0 Cat Who Came for Tacos, The Helmer, Diana Star 2.3 0.5 Cat Who Came to Breakfast, The Braun, Lilian Jackson 6.0 11.0 9858 EN 9861 EN 17 EN 16708 EN 5357 EN 11406 EN 67389 EN 15676 EN 47219 EN 8693 EN 463 EN 45161 EN 80691 EN 130320 EN 5212 EN 58202 EN 73516 EN 59376 EN 48485 EN 108 EN 8604 EN 61636 EN Cat Who Knew a Cardinal, The Braun, Lilian Jackson 6.0 10.0 Cat Who Moved a Mountain, The Braun, Lilian Jackson 6.1 11.0 Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Coatsworth, Elizabeth 5.9 2.0 Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 7.1 30.0 Catch That Pass! Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Catcher with a Glass Arm Christopher, Matt 3.7 2.0 Catching Sunlight: A Book About Leaves Blackaby, Susan 3.5 0.5 Caterpillars (Naturebooks) Merrick, Patrick 4.3 0.5 Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Macaulay, David 7.3 1.0 Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, Karen 6.4 8.0 Catnapping Caper, The Anderson, Mary 4.1 2.0 Cats Have Kittens Dolbear/Primm 3.1 0.5 Cats: How to Choose and Care for a Cat Jeffrey, Laura S. 4.6 1.0 Cats (Second Series) Goddard, Jolyon 5.4 1.0 Catwings Le Guin, Ursula K. 4.3 0.5 Caught By the Sea: My Life on Boats Paulsen, Gary 6.3 3.0 Caught in the Rebel Camp: Frederick Douglass Jackson, Dave/Neta 6.1 5.0 Cavern of the Fear Rodda, Emily 5.1 5.0 Caves Llewellyn, Claire 3.5 0.5 5.3 4.0 6.9 0.5 6.1 1.0 Cay, The Taylor, Theodore Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Twain, Mark County, The Celebrating a Quinceañera: A Latina's 15th Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane Birthday Celebration 660 EN 82224 EN 72642 EN 28005 EN 47102 EN 35163 EN 18 EN 7148 EN 67592 EN 34800 EN 108634 SP 12642 EN 8331 EN 25481 EN 9761 EN 255 EN 11407 EN 30240 EN 74920 EN 69018 EN 8456 EN 65779 EN Celery Stalks at Midnight, The Howe, James 4.0 2.0 Cells Glass, Susan 6.6 1.0 Cells (Universes Large and Small) Ball et al., Jackie 6.7 2.0 Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella San Souci, Robert D. 3.7 0.5 Censorship or Freedom of Expression? Day, Nancy 10.3 3.0 Center Court Sting Christopher, Matt 3.9 3.0 Centerburg Tales McCloskey, Robert 6.0 5.0 Centerfield Ballhawk Christopher, Matt 3.7 1.0 Central Pacific Railroad, The Evans, Clark J. 7.4 1.0 Century for Young People, The Jennings/Brewster 7.6 12.0 Cerditos Barbé-Julien, Colette 4.4 0.5 César Chavez: Farm Worker Activist Holmes, Burnham 7.2 5.0 César Chavez (Hispanics of Achievement) Rodríguez, Consuelo 8.4 4.0 Chain Letter Pike, Christopher 5.2 8.0 Chair for My Mother, A Williams, Vera B. 3.4 0.5 Chalk Box Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 Challenge at Second Base Christopher, Matt 3.8 2.0 Challenger Disaster, The Bredeson, Carmen 7.7 1.0 Challenger Disaster, The McNeese, Tim 8.4 1.0 Challenger, The Farley, Terri 5.0 7.0 Champions Littlefield, Bill 7.3 5.0 Championship Ball Bee, Clair 5.2 7.0 10109 EN 7662 EN 6408 EN 20698 EN 62879 EN 5407 EN 55813 EN 5408 EN 5409 EN 117412 EN 47189 EN 14553 EN 70186 EN 46084 EN 559 EN 20 EN 5063 EN 27108 EN 115222 EN 88697 EN 107039 EN 78185 EN Changeover, The Mahy, Margaret 6.2 11.0 Changes for Addy Porter, Connie 4.1 1.0 Changes for Felicity Tripp, Valerie 4.1 1.0 Changes for Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Changes for Kaya: A Story of Courage Shaw, Janet 5.3 2.0 Changes for Kirsten Shaw, Janet 3.9 1.0 Changes for Kit: A Winter Story Tripp, Valerie 5.0 1.0 Changes for Molly Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Changes for Samantha Tripp, Valerie 3.9 1.0 Changing Sounds Riley, Peter 5.9 1.0 Chaparral (Biomes of the World) Ricciuti, Edward R. 7.7 2.0 Charles Barkley: Star Forward Knapp, Ron 5.6 2.0 Charles Dickens and Friends Williams, Marcia 4.7 1.0 Charles Schulz Woods, Mae 4.7 0.5 Charley Skedaddle Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Beatty, Patricia Dahl, Roald 5.2 4.8 7.0 5.0 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Dahl, Roald 4.4 5.0 Charlie Anderson Abercrombie, Barbara 2.5 0.5 Charlie Bone and the Beast Nimmo, Jenny 4.5 9.0 Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny 4.6 10.0 Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 71302 EN 27862 EN 19 EN 69074 EN 6977 EN 45111 EN 128375 EN 17762 EN 73251 EN 86639 EN 78186 EN 43011 EN 14986 EN 214 EN 55928 EN 6908 EN 119832 EN 101314 EN 101318 EN 139565 EN 75685 EN 86804 EN Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny 4.7 9.0 Charlotte Hornets (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.2 0.5 Charlotte's Web White, E.B. 4.4 5.0 Charm Bracelet, The Rodda, Emily 4.3 2.0 Charmed Singer, Marilyn 4.5 7.0 Charmed Life Jones, Diana Wynne 4.8 9.0 Chasing Lincoln's Killer Swanson, James L. 7.5 6.0 Chasing Redbird Creech, Sharon 5.0 7.0 Chasing the Dream Baglio, Ben M. 5.4 4.0 Chasing the Falconers Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 Chasing Vermeer Balliett, Blue 5.4 6.0 Chato and the Party Animals Soto, Gary 3.0 0.5 Chato's Kitchen Soto, Gary 3.6 0.5 Cheaper by the Dozen Gilbreth, Ernestine/Frank 6.0 10.0 Cheating Lessons Cappo, Nan Willard 4.6 8.0 Checking on the Moon Davis, Jenny 4.5 7.0 Cheer All-Stars: Best of the Best Jones, Jen 4.8 0.5 Cheer Basics: Rules to Cheer By Jones, Jen 4.8 0.5 Cheer Squad: Building Spirit and Getting Along Jones, Jen 5.2 0.5 Cheerleading Wells, Don 5.3 0.5 Cheerleading for Fun! Gruber, Beth 5.4 1.0 Cheese-Colored Camper, A Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 59296 EN 66746 EN 13733 EN 16056 EN 13346 EN 871 EN 52903 EN 83613 EN 13347 EN 100143 EN 36946 EN 132314 EN 27917 EN 116949 EN 27834 EN 27870 EN 104807 EN 27878 EN 104808 EN 13348 EN 53372 EN Cheetahs (Wildlife Ed.) Wood/Jenson 5.3 0.5 Chef (How Do I Become A...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 5.7 0.5 Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid Gorman, Carol 4.3 3.0 Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons Pringle, Laurence 9.5 2.0 Cherokee (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.8 1.0 Chester A. Arthur (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Simon, Charnan 8.4 2.0 Chester: A Raccoon Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.4 1.0 Chestnut Soldier, The Nimmo, Jenny 5.2 8.0 Cheyenne (Native American People), The Lodge, Sally 8.1 1.0 Chicago Bears Frisch, Aaron 2.5 0.5 Chicago Bears Nichols, John 6.8 1.0 Chicago Bears Kelley, K.C. 3.6 0.5 Chicago Bears, The Italia, Bob 5.8 1.0 Chicago Bears, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 Chicago Bulls (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.5 1.0 Chicago Cubs (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 5.9 0.5 Chicago Cubs, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Chicago White Sox (America's Game) Italia, Bob 6.2 1.0 Chicago White Sox, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 Chickasaw (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 6.6 1.0 Chicken 3.0 0.5 Schwartz, David M. 88484 EN 29958 EN 27276 EN 6108 EN 81088 EN 76304 EN 102691 EN 110708 EN 118067 EN 64816 EN 80240 EN 36564 EN 13403 EN 358 EN 29791 EN 13349 EN 12697 EN 45399 EN 15904 EN 44763 EN 49528 EN Chicken Boy Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.1 5.0 Chicken Little Kellogg, Steven 3.8 0.5 Chicken Little Giles, Jenny 3.0 0.5 Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia 3.7 0.5 Chickens (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.6 0.5 Chickosaurus Rex (Sparklers Aqua) Harvey, Pam 3.1 0.5 Chicks with Sticks: It's a Purl Thing Lenhard, Elizabeth 5.0 11.0 Chicks With Sticks: Knit Two Together Lenhard, Elizabeth 4.9 11.0 Chicks with Sticks (Knitwise) Lenhard, Elizabeth 5.2 11.0 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (America's Leaders), The DeJohn, Heather 7.2 1.0 Chihuahuas Stone, Lynn M. 4.3 0.5 Child Called "It", A Pelzer, Dave 5.8 5.0 Ellis, Mary 3.7 1.0 Yep, Laurence 5.5 10.0 Hunter, Edith Fisher 5.5 3.0 Child Rearing (Native American Culture) Wood, Leigh 6.5 2.0 Child's Alaska, A Murphy, Claire 5.7 0.5 Child's Calendar, A Updike, John 3.6 0.5 Child's Day, A Kalman/Everts 5.0 1.0 Child's Story, The Dickens, Charles 4.6 0.5 Children of a New Century Schott, Jane A. 4.6 0.5 Child Care: Yeow! I'm in Charge of a Human Being! Child of the Owl Child of the Silent Night 5064 EN 6456 EN 47155 EN 47220 EN 6660 EN 49533 EN 49534 EN 7859 EN 49535 EN 34727 EN 47156 EN 47157 EN 49536 EN 606 EN 47221 EN 49537 EN 18468 EN 107848 EN 47158 EN 20328 EN 15905 EN Children of Green Knowe, The Boston, L.M. 5.3 6.0 Children of Promise Tedrow, T.L. 4.9 6.0 Children of the Civil Rights Era Welch, Catherine A. 4.9 0.5 Children of the Civil War Ransom, Candice F. 4.1 0.5 Children of the Dust Bowl Stanley, Jerry 6.8 2.0 Children of the Dust Days Coombs, Karen Mueller 4.3 0.5 Children of the Emancipation King, Wilma 5.3 0.5 Children of the Fire Robinet, Harriette Gillem 4.0 4.0 Children of the Frontier Whitman, Sylvia 3.8 0.5 Children of the Gold Rush Murphy/Haigh 6.1 1.0 Children of the Indian Boarding Schools Littlefield, Holly 5.4 1.0 Children of the Orphan Trains Littlefield, Holly 5.3 0.5 Children of the Relocation Camps Welch, Catherine A. 4.1 0.5 Children of the River Crew, Linda 4.3 8.0 Children of the Settlement Houses Arnold, Caroline 4.9 0.5 Children of the Trail West Littlefield, Holly 4.2 0.5 Children of the Wild West Freedman, Russell 6.9 2.0 Children of the Wolf: A Novel Yolen, Jane 5.7 4.0 Children of the World War II Home Front Whitman, Sylvia 5.3 0.5 Children of Topaz: The Story of a Japanese-American..., The Tunnell/Chilcoat 7.6 3.0 Children's Clothing of the 1800s Schimpky/Kalman 5.4 0.5 27930 EN 57174 EN 9546 EN 18008 EN 73826 EN 73826 SP 46862 EN 29255 EN 59297 EN 7663 EN 117426 EN 28705 EN 18009 EN 64911 EN 82230 EN 63003 EN 10220 EN 16885 EN 19977 EN 19977 SP 5462 EN Children's Homer, The Colum, Padraic 6.9 9.0 Children We Remember, The Abells, Chana Byers 2.1 0.5 Childtimes: A Three Generation Memoir Greenfield/Little 5.0 4.0 Chile (Cultures of the World) Winter, Jane Kohen 9.4 3.0 Chiles for Benito Baca, Ana 3.7 0.5 Chiles para Benito Baca, Ana 3.7 0.5 Chilly Charlie Rau, Dana Meachen 1.2 0.5 Chimney Sweeps Giblin, James Cross 6.5 1.0 Chimpanzees (Wildlife Ed.) Elwood, Ann 5.8 0.5 Chin Yu Min and the Ginger Cat Armstrong, Jennifer 4.4 0.5 China Teichmann, Iris 8.5 1.0 China (Country Fact Files) Charley, Catherine 7.8 1.0 China (Cultures of the World) Ferroa, Peggy 8.0 4.0 Hanks/Lobell 8.4 1.0 Mattern, Joanne 6.1 1.0 Marx, David F. 2.4 0.5 Chino, El Say, Allen 3.6 0.5 Chinye: A West African Folk Tale Onyefulu, Obi 3.9 0.5 Chiquita and Pepita: The City Mouse and Bishop, Dorothy Sword the Country Mouse 2.5 0.5 Chiquita y Pepita: Dos ratoncitas Bishop, Dorothy Sword 2.6 0.5 Chita's Christmas Tree Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 2.5 0.5 China (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) China (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Chinese New Year (Rookie Read-About Holidays) 15509 EN 6308 EN 5215 EN 40843 EN 256 EN 5260 EN 28149 EN 55317 EN 5261 EN 89694 EN 5979 EN 29679 EN 14554 EN 14555 EN 257 EN 55193 EN 44702 EN 7664 EN 42929 EN 58025 EN 20214 EN 20223 EN Chocolate by Hershey: A Story About Milton S. Hershey Burford, Betty 5.9 1.0 Chocolate-Covered Ants Manes, Stephen 3.1 3.0 Chocolate Fever Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.2 1.0 Chocolate: From Start to Finish Woods, Samuel G. 5.3 0.5 Chocolate Touch, The Catling, Patrick 4.7 2.0 Chocolate War, The Cormier, Robert 5.4 8.0 Choctaw (Native American People), The Sherrow, Victoria 6.5 1.0 Chomps, Flea, and Gray Cat (That's Me!) Wallace, Carol 3.6 2.0 Choosing Sides Cooper, Ilene 4.4 6.0 Choppers Armentrout, David 4.6 0.5 Chosen, The Potok, Chaim 6.6 15.0 Chris Burke: Actor Geraghty, Helen Monsoon 7.7 3.0 Chris Mullin: Star Forward Sullivan, Michael J. 6.0 2.0 Chris Webber: Star Forward Knapp, Ron 6.1 2.0 Christina's Ghost Wright, Betty Ren Christmas After All: The Diary of Minnie Lasky, Kathryn Swift 4.1 3.0 5.4 5.0 Christmas Carol (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles 6.7 5.0 Christmas Day Kitten, The Herriot, James 4.3 0.5 Christmas Gift, The Jiménez, Francisco 4.5 0.5 Christmas in Camelot Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Christmas in Colonial and Early America Editors, World-Book 7.6 2.0 Christmas in Mexico World-Book-Editors 7.8 2.0 10457 EN 20227 EN 20212 EN 12696 EN 11163 EN 20228 EN 29933 EN 14543 EN 14887 EN 43747 EN 61184 EN 45857 EN 6409 EN 63612 EN 6457 EN 102894 EN 54161 EN 29692 EN 7105 EN 6109 EN 850 EN Christmas in Noisy Village Lindgren, Astrid 3.9 0.5 Christmas in Switzerland Klobuchar, Lisa 8.1 2.0 Christmas in the American Southwest Hughes, Ellen 8.0 2.0 Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in McKissack, Patricia C. the Quarters 5.4 1.0 Christmas in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.8 0.5 Christmas in Ukraine Hughes, Ellen 8.1 3.0 Christmas Long Ago from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 4.5 0.5 4.8 1.0 4.5 0.5 3.7 3.0 Christmas (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.4 0.5 Christmas Sonata, A Paulsen, Gary 4.4 1.0 Christmas Spurs, The Wallace, Bill 4.6 4.0 Christmas Tapestry Polacco, Patricia 4.2 0.5 Christmas with Ida Early Burch, Robert 5.1 5.0 Christopher Columbus McCormick, Lisa Wade 2.2 0.5 Christopher Columbus (In Their Own Words) Roop, Peter/Connie 4.8 2.0 Christopher Reeve: Actor & Activist Finn, Margaret L. 8.7 5.0 Christy Marshall, Catherine 6.2 29.0 Chrysanthemum Henkes, Kevin 3.3 0.5 Chuck Yeager: First Man to Fly Faster than Sound Gaffney, Timothy R. 6.9 4.0 Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Cohn, Janice Hate, The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, Wojciechowski, Susan The Christmas Rat, The Avi 68549 EN 36947 EN 27915 EN 27890 EN 74710 EN 12497 EN 21246 EN 12707 EN 28787 EN 54030 EN 21203 EN 71278 EN 51023 EN 39560 EN 72868 EN 68863 EN 309 EN 2485 EN 117413 EN 74934 EN 59118 EN CIA: Central Intelligence Agency, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 6.2 1.0 Cincinnati Bengals Nichols, John 6.6 1.0 Cincinnati Bengals, The Italia, Bob 5.5 0.5 Cincinnati Reds (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.2 1.0 Cinco de Mayo (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Wade, Mary Dodson 2.3 0.5 Cinder Edna Jackson, Ellen 4.5 0.5 Cinder-Elly Minters, Frances 3.1 0.5 Cinderella Perrault, Charles 5.5 0.5 Cinderella Brown, Marcia 5.1 0.5 Cinderella 2000 Jukes, Mavis 4.0 4.0 Cinderella Penguin or, The Little Glass Flipper Perlman, Janet 4.0 0.5 Cinderella's Dress Willard, Nancy 4.6 0.5 Cinderella Skeleton San Souci, Robert D. 5.2 0.5 Cindy Ellen: A Wild Western Cinderella Lowell, Susan 5.0 0.5 Cinnamon and the April Shower Johnson, Amy Crane 2.7 0.5 Ciphers and Codes (Communicating) Hossell, Karen Price 7.2 2.0 Circle of Gold Boyd, Candy Dawson 4.0 3.0 Circuit, The Jiménez, Francisco 5.3 4.0 Circuits & Conductors Riley, Peter 6.6 1.0 Circulatory System, The Glass, Susan 6.2 1.0 Cirque Du Freak Shan, Darren 4.8 7.0 121970 EN 114414 EN 69274 EN 6661 EN 62925 EN 59046 EN 55553 EN 12644 EN 74921 EN 16104 EN 118422 EN 31087 EN 114147 EN 4521 EN 24551 EN 44894 EN 100401 EN 28118 EN 80406 EN 87480 EN 119184 EN City of Ashes Clare, Cassandra 5.0 18.0 City of Bones Clare, Cassandra 5.0 20.0 City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne 5.0 9.0 City of Gold and Lead, The Christopher, John 6.5 8.0 City of the Beasts Allende, Isabel 7.8 15.0 City of the Rats Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 5.9 1.0 6.8 1.0 Civil Rights Movement (Black History), Kallen, Stuart The Civil Rights Movement (Black History & Kallen, Stuart A. the Civil Rights), The Civil Rights Movement in America, The Landau, Elaine 7.5 1.0 Civil War: A House Divided (American War), The Kent, Zachary 7.5 3.0 Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) Cosson, Jody 7.2 2.0 Civil War Artist Morrison, Taylor 6.0 0.5 Civil War Doctor: The Story of Mary Walker Joinson, Carla 9.4 4.0 Civil War Drummer Boy, A Sateren, Shelley Swanson 6.6 1.0 Civil War: Moments in History Jordan, Shirley 4.0 1.0 Civil War on Sunday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 Clabbernappers Bailey, Len 5.8 8.0 Clamshell Boy: A Makah Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.2 0.5 Clara Barton: Spirit of the American Red Cross Lakin, Patricia 4.6 0.5 Clarice Bean Spells Trouble Child, Lauren 5.3 4.0 Clash of the Sky Galleons Stewart, Paul 7.3 14.0 310 EN 83154 EN 406 EN 83155 EN 36461 EN 87221 EN 81845 EN 20776 EN 49347 EN 19328 EN 6502 EN 6503 EN 19366 EN 6504 EN 6506 EN 6507 EN 6508 EN 108873 EN 146037 EN 138134 EN 121948 EN 36948 EN Class Clown Class Election from the Black Lagoon, The Class President Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 2.0 Thaler, Mike 3.3 0.5 Hurwitz, Johanna 4.3 2.0 Class Trip from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.2 0.5 Class Trip to the Cave of Doom McMullan, K.H. 2.7 1.0 Class Trip to the Haunted House Jones, Marcia Thornton 4.0 1.0 Classical and Opera Brasch, Nicolas 7.7 1.0 Classroom at the End of the Hall, The Evans, Douglas 4.6 3.0 Classroom Games (Historic Communities) Kalman/Levigne 5.8 1.0 Claudia and Crazy Peaches Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Claudia and Mean Janine Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Claudia and the Bad Joke Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Claudia and the Clue in the Photograph Martin, Ann M. 5.0 5.0 Claudia and the Genius of Elm Street Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Claudia and the Middle School Mystery Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Claudia and the New Girl Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Clementine Pennypacker, Sara 4.5 2.0 Clementine and the Family Meeting Pennypacker, Sara 3.9 2.0 Clementine, Friend of the Week Pennypacker, Sara 4.2 2.0 Clementine's Letter Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 Cleveland Browns Nichols, John 6.7 1.0 27898 EN 109099 EN 27835 EN 27889 EN 4364 EN 45430 EN 44278 EN 16579 EN 14608 EN 41848 EN 41849 EN 9565 EN 6059 EN 14611 EN 79924 EN 6979 EN 18531 EN 11408 EN 49793 EN 66469 EN 2675 EN Cleveland Browns, The Italia, Bob 5.8 1.0 Cleveland Browns, The Stewart, Mark 5.9 1.0 Cleveland Cavaliers (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.0 1.0 Cleveland Indians (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.1 1.0 Click! Mitchell, Barbara 5.1 1.0 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 Cliff-Hanger Skurzynski/Ferguson 4.9 5.0 Cliffhanger Press, Skip 3.8 1.0 Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford Gets a Job Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 Clifford Goes to Hollywood Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford's Family Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford the Big Red Dog Bridwell, Norman 1.2 0.5 Clifford the Small Red Puppy Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clique, The Harrison, Lisi 4.9 7.0 Clock, The Collier, James/Christopher 4.5 6.0 Clockwork or All Wound Up Pullman, Philip 5.7 2.0 3.7 1.0 7.6 1.0 Close to Home: A Story of the Polio Weaver, Lydia Epidemic Clothing and Jewelry (Discovering World Macdonald, Fiona Cultures) Cloud Dance Locker, Thomas 2.2 0.5 Clouds, Rain, and Snow (Weather Watcher's Library) Galiano, Dean 6.5 1.0 5463 EN 132912 EN 121758 EN 5603 EN 5604 EN 5605 EN 5606 EN 5607 EN 903 EN 5608 EN 5654 EN 5609 EN 5610 EN 6807 EN 5612 EN 19673 EN 6309 EN 71849 EN 128655 EN 9547 EN 69568 EN Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Barrett, Judi 4.3 0.5 Clover Twig and the Magical Cottage Umansky, Kaye 3.8 7.0 Clue at the Bottom of the Lake, The Gregory, Kristiana 4.2 2.0 Clue in the Crumbling Wall, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Clue in the Diary, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 Clue in the Jewel Box, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Clue in the Old Album, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Clue in the Old Stagecoach, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 6.0 Clue of Emily's Locket, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 0.5 Clue of the Black Keys, The Keene, Carolyn 4.8 5.0 Clue of the Broken Blade, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Clue of the Broken Locket, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 Clue of the Dancing Puppet, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 Clue of the Hissing Serpent, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Clue of the Tapping Heels, The Keene, Carolyn 4.9 5.0 Clue on the Silver Screen, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Clues in the Woods Parish, Peggy 3.4 2.0 Coach Amos Paulsen, Gary 3.4 1.0 Coach Hyatt Is a Riot! Gutman, Dan 3.4 1.0 Coach That Never Came, The Beatty, Patricia 4.6 6.0 Coalition of Lions, A Wein, Elizabeth E. 5.7 7.0 24033 EN 1411 EN 125524 EN 41782 EN 8694 EN 85819 EN 7665 EN 407 EN 753 EN 59204 EN 145738 EN 116239 EN 32595 EN 28891 EN 72561 EN 5915 EN 24055 EN 18010 EN 61897 SP 61896 SP 66467 SP 15906 EN Cobras George, Linda 4.0 0.5 Cobras (Great American Muscle Cars) Ethan, Eric 4.5 0.5 Cocker Spaniels Stone, Lynn M. 5.0 0.5 Cockroach Cooties Yep, Laurence 3.7 3.0 Coco Grimes Stolz, Mary 4.3 2.0 Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two Bruchac, Joseph 6.4 9.0 Coffin on a Case Bunting, Eve 3.7 2.0 Cold and Hot Winter, The Cold as Ice Hurwitz, Johanna Levy, Elizabeth 4.4 3.8 3.0 5.0 Cold Fire Pierce, Tamora 5.6 13.0 Cold, Hard Facts...Science and Medicine in Colonial America, The Raum, Elizabeth 5.4 0.5 Cold War, The Bodden, Valerie 9.7 1.0 Colin Powell (Journey to Freedom) Passaro, John 4.6 0.5 Collecting Basketball Cards Owens, Tom 6.7 2.0 Collecting Data: Pick a Pancake Burstein, John 3.1 0.5 Collidescope Chetwin, Grace 4.8 8.0 Collie, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.9 0.5 Colombia (Cultures of the World) DuBois, Jill 9.2 3.0 colonia de Jamestown, La Knowlton, MaryLee 5.0 1.0 colonia de Plymouth, La Williams, Gianna Polacco 5.6 1.0 colonia de San Agustín, La Crewe, Sabrina 5.2 1.0 Colonial Crafts Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 0.5 49348 EN 15907 EN 64488 EN 63803 EN 4522 EN 29926 EN 15908 EN 2350 EN 2356 EN 2353 EN 2357 EN 2359 EN 2358 EN 2352 EN 2351 EN 2363 EN 2360 EN 2361 EN 2362 EN 2354 EN 49248 EN Colonial Home (Historic Communities) Kalman/Crossingham 5.7 1.0 Colonial Life Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Colonial Life (American Voices From) Stefoff, Rebecca 8.6 5.0 Burt, Barbara 4.6 1.0 O'Hara, Megan 6.1 1.0 Colonial Times from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 3.8 0.5 Colonial Town: Williamsburg, A Kalman, Bobbie 6.2 0.5 Colony of Connecticut, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.0 0.5 Colony of Delaware, The Whitehurst, Susan 4.8 0.5 Colony of Georgia, The Coleman, Brooke 5.0 0.5 Colony of Maryland, The Coleman, Brooke 5.1 0.5 Colony of Massachusetts, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.3 0.5 Colony of New Hampshire, The Whitehurst, Susan 4.6 0.5 Colony of New Jersey, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.5 0.5 Colony of New York, The Whitehurst, Susan 4.7 0.5 Colony of North Carolina, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.1 0.5 Colony of Pennsylvania, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.4 0.5 Colony of Rhode Island, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.3 0.5 Colony of South Carolina, The Whitehurst, Susan 5.4 0.5 Colony of Virginia, The Coleman, Brooke 6.0 0.5 Color of His Own, A Lionni, Leo 2.3 0.5 Colonial Life: The Adventures of Benjamin Wilcox Colonial Quaker Girl: The Diary of Sally Wister, A 43814 EN 7806 EN 24750 EN 27875 EN 74542 EN 4334 EN 7043 EN 13350 EN 12998 EN 8558 EN 43778 EN 7310 EN 114830 EN 30845 EN 9358 EN 162 EN 49776 EN 65781 EN 11560 EN 161 EN 109033 EN 117476 EN Color of Magic, The Pratchett, Terry 6.4 11.0 Colorado (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.7 3.0 Colorado (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Colorado Rockies (America's Game) Italia, Bob 6.2 0.5 Colorful Captivating Coral Reefs Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 6.0 0.5 Colors of Mexico Olawsky, Lynn Ainsworth 5.8 0.5 Colt Springer, Nancy 5.0 4.0 Comanche (Native American People), The Lodge, Sally 8.7 1.0 Combat Helicopters Schleifer, Jay 5.0 0.5 Come a Stranger Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 11.0 Come All You Brave Soldiers: Blacks in the Revolutionary War Cox, Clinton 8.9 7.0 Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 Come Juneteenth Rinaldi, Ann 4.3 7.0 Come On, Rain! Hesse, Karen 3.6 0.5 Come Play with Me Hillert, Margaret 1.2 0.5 Come Sing, Jimmy Jo Paterson, Katherine 4.7 8.0 Come What May Brooke, Lauren 4.5 5.0 Comeback Cagers Bee/Farley 5.7 7.0 Comeback Challenge, The Christopher, Matt 5.1 4.0 Comeback Dog, The Thomas, Jane Resh 4.9 1.0 Comeback of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 Comets and Asteroids Graham, Ian 5.8 0.5 37017 EN 25259 EN 26737 EN 43733 EN 108288 EN 78570 EN 19941 EN 34741 EN 41985 SP 108669 SP 108670 SP 108671 SP 108673 SP 10209 SP 57342 EN 128222 EN 57348 EN 29659 EN 4663 EN 4694 EN 4704 EN Comets and Meteors (Our Solar System) Kerrod, Robin 6.5 1.0 Comets, Meteors, and Asteroids Simon, Seymour 6.4 0.5 Comfort Creek McDonald, Joyce 5.2 7.0 Coming Home Brooke, Lauren 4.3 4.0 Coming of Hoole, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.2 6.0 Coming on Home Soon Woodson, Jacqueline 2.9 0.5 Commander Toad in Space Yolen, Jane 3.3 0.5 Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Blumberg, Rhoda 7.9 3.0 Como en mi tierra Miller, Elizabeth 1.5 0.5 Cómo funcionan las palancas Mezzanotte, Jim 3.6 0.5 Cómo funcionan las poleas Mezzanotte, Jim 3.9 0.5 Cómo funcionan las rampas, las cuñas y los tornillos Mezzanotte, Jim 4.0 0.5 Cómo funcionan las ruedas y los ejes Mezzanotte, Jim 4.1 0.5 Como una alondra MacLachlan, Patricia 3.2 1.0 Competitive Basketball for Girls Gettelman, Elizabeth 6.0 1.0 Competitive Skateboarding Cefrey, Holly 6.0 1.0 Competitive Volleyball for Girls Manley, Claudia B. 7.3 1.0 Composite Guide to Auto Racing, The Wukovits, John F. 7.8 2.0 Composite Guide to Baseball, The Macht, Norman L. 7.2 2.0 Composite Guide to Basketball, The Tuttle, Dennis 7.0 2.0 Composite Guide to Football, The Tuttle, Dennis 7.5 2.0 4705 EN 4706 EN 4707 EN 4701 EN 8458 EN 24345 EN 40844 EN 311 EN 4555 EN 64500 EN 26591 EN 108635 SP 4523 EN 86349 EN 122298 EN 67491 EN 63966 EN 48991 EN 62478 EN 76062 EN 7807 EN Composite Guide to Hockey, The Muskat, Carrie L. 7.4 2.0 Composite Guide to Soccer, The Wukovits, John 8.5 2.0 Composite Guide to Tennis, The Muskat, Carrie 7.8 2.0 Composite Guide to Track & Field, The Macht, Norman L. 7.7 2.0 Compost Critters Lavies, Bianca 6.9 0.5 Compulsive Eating: Feeding the Hunger Inside Ward, Christie L. 6.9 1.0 Computer Animation: From Start to Finish Woods, Samuel G. 6.1 0.5 Computer Nut, The Computer Programmer (Career Exploration) Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Wallner, Rosemary 6.2 1.0 Con-fidence Strasser, Todd 4.1 4.0 Concrete Mixers (Machines at Work) Eick, Jean 2.4 0.5 Conejitos Barbé-Julien, Colette 4.6 0.5 Confederate Girl, A Steele/Todd 4.7 1.0 Confessions of a Closet Catholic Littman, Sarah 5.5 7.0 Confessions of a Serial Kisser Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.7 8.0 Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Maguire, Gregory 6.2 15.0 Congress, The LeVert, Suzanne 8.2 0.5 Coniferous Forest, The Massa/Carabella 8.8 2.0 Coniferous Forests (Biomes) Cefrey, Holly 4.0 0.5 Conjunctions (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.8 0.5 Connecticut (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.6 3.0 24751 EN 130076 EN 64936 EN 20593 EN 59693 EN 82092 EN 72693 EN 74941 EN 118423 EN 5262 EN 86565 EN 5969 EN 140633 EN 111450 EN 12927 EN 12928 EN 12981 EN 104029 EN 24034 EN 12211 EN 21 SP Connecticut (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.1 1.0 5.6 1.0 Conrad Elroy, Powder Monkey: The Role Cunningham, Alvin Robert 5.5 of the Navy in...Civil War 1.0 Constitution (A True Book), The Quiri, Patricia Ryon 5.1 0.5 Constitution, The Marcovitz, Hal 8.7 1.0 Constitution, The Hamilton, John 6.1 0.5 Constitution (World Almanac Library of American Government), The Horn, Geoffrey M. 8.8 2.0 Consumption and Waste Bledsoe, Karen E. 7.2 1.0 Contemporary United States (1968Present) Lynne, Douglas 7.6 2.0 Contender, The Lipsyte, Robert 4.5 5.0 Convicts, The Lawrence, Iain 4.7 8.0 Cookcamp, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Cookie Wilson, Jacqueline 4.4 9.0 Cool Rocks Kompelien, Tracy 4.9 0.5 Coping with Bias Incidents Moe, Barbara 7.2 6.0 Coping with Changing Schools Smith, Sandra Lee 4.9 5.0 Coping with Suicide Smith, Judie 7.7 7.0 Copper Sun Draper, Sharon M. 5.2 11.0 Copperheads George, Linda 4.0 0.5 Copperheads (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 3.8 0.5 coraje de Sarah Noble, El Dalgliesh, Alice 3.9 1.0 Conquest! Can You Build a Roman City? Bruce, Julia 4136 EN 16762 EN 12709 EN 48486 EN 24035 EN 60645 EN 5464 EN 13803 EN 63410 EN 63119 EN 45962 SP 464 EN 64366 SP 43255 EN 18057 EN 17214 EN 89430 EN 24036 EN 47360 EN 50188 EN 131797 EN Coral (Marine Life for Young Readers) Swartz, Stanley L. 2.1 0.5 Coral Reef: A City That Never Sleeps Cerullo, Mary M. 7.5 1.0 Coral Reef (Images) George, Michael 6.4 0.5 Coral Reefs Llewellyn, Claire 3.9 0.5 Coral Snakes George, Linda 4.2 0.5 Coraline Gaiman, Neil 5.1 5.0 Corduroy Freeman, Don 3.5 0.5 Corn Is Maize: The Gift of the Indians Aliki 4.2 0.5 Corner of the Universe, A Martin, Ann M. 4.5 6.0 Corps of Discovery (Lewis & Clark), The Hamilton, John 7.2 1.0 ¡Corre, perro, corre! Eastman, P.D. 1.0 0.5 Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Cosechando esperanza: La historia de César Chávez Brimner, Larry Dane 2.9 1.0 Krull, Kathleen 5.6 0.5 Cosmos Coyote and William the Nice Heynen, Jim 5.2 12.0 Costa Rica (Cultures of the World) Foley, Erin 9.6 4.0 Costume (Eyewitness) Rowland-Warne, L. 8.4 1.0 Cottonmouth Club, The Marcum, Lance 5.7 11.0 Cottonmouths George, Linda 3.8 0.5 Cottontail Rabbits Gallagher, Kristin Ellerbusch 2.4 0.5 Cougar Kittens Miles, Victoria 3.0 0.5 Cougars Rodriquez, Cindy 5.4 0.5 139589 EN 8957 EN 12778 EN 4322 EN 15804 EN 41243 EN 43256 EN 80434 EN 6355 EN 21 EN 64921 EN 17765 EN 115985 EN 4524 EN 6909 EN 9360 EN 17215 EN 29333 EN 14790 EN 24917 EN 84512 EN Cougars Tomljanovic, Tatiana 4.4 0.5 Could UFOs Be Real? Koss, Larry 6.7 1.0 Count of Monte Cristo (Abridged), The Dumas, Alexandre 8.8 34.0 Count Your Way Through Korea Haskins, Jim 5.4 0.5 Countdown Mikaelsen, Ben 4.6 8.0 Countdown to the Year 1000 McMullan, K.H. 3.5 2.0 Counterfeit Son Alphin, Elaine Marie 5.6 7.0 Counting Coconuts Silvano, Wendi 3.0 0.5 Courage at Indian Deep Thomas, Jane Resh 5.6 4.0 Courage of Sarah Noble, The Courage on the Oregon Trail (Reading Essentials...Studies) Dalgliesh, Alice 3.9 1.0 Francis, Dorothy 3.5 1.0 Cousins in the Castle Wallace, Barbara Brooks 6.0 7.0 Cover-Up: Mystery at the Super Bowl Feinstein, John 4.9 10.0 Covered Wagon Girl, A Steele/Hodgson 5.3 1.0 Coverup Bennett, Jay 2.8 3.0 Cow That Got Her Wish, The Hillert, Margaret 1.7 0.5 Cowboy (Eyewitness) Murdoch, David H. 7.7 1.0 Cowboy Ghost Peck, Robert Newton 4.5 5.0 Cowboys Ross, Stewart 6.7 1.0 Cowboys of the Wild West Freedman, Russell 6.7 2.0 Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa Silverman, Erica 2.3 0.5 11410 EN 81089 EN 18404 EN 16539 EN 43729 EN 24057 EN 116293 EN 109637 EN 43537 EN 27540 EN 80464 EN 215 EN 110627 EN 13941 EN 20105 EN 18662 EN 66888 EN 114114 EN 29784 EN 14993 EN 67447 EN Cowgirl Megan Magraw, Trisha 4.9 1.0 Cows (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.4 0.5 Coyote: A Trickster Tale from the American Southwest McDermott, Gerald 2.6 0.5 Coyote and the Grasshoppers Dominic, Gloria 3.6 0.5 Coyote Autumn Wallace, Bill 4.1 5.0 Coyote, The Mattern, Joanne 4.3 0.5 Coyotes Webster, Christine 4.3 0.5 Coyotes (New Naturebooks) Lee, Sandra 4.5 0.5 Crab Moon Horowitz, Ruth 4.4 0.5 Crabby Cat Caper, The Lewis, Beverly 2.7 1.0 Crack in the Line, A Lawrence, Michael 5.5 8.0 Cracker Jackson Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam Kadohata, Cynthia 4.9 9.0 Crackerjack Halfback Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Cradle Will Fall, The Clark, Mary Higgins 5.1 13.0 Cranberry Summer Devlin, Wende/Harry 3.7 0.5 Crandalls' Castle Wright, Betty Ren 4.6 5.0 Crane Stone, Jeff 4.8 8.0 Crane Wife, The Bodkin, Odds 3.2 0.5 Crash Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 4.0 Crash of United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, The Buell, Tonya 8.1 1.0 17363 EN 43055 EN 14759 EN 8513 EN 5465 EN 16409 EN 25435 EN 8958 EN 13351 EN 70125 EN 142626 EN 80287 EN 124756 EN 27664 EN 25438 EN 27545 EN 137673 EN 6356 EN 22 EN 35338 EN 921 EN 108313 EN Crashes & Collisions (Race Car Legends) Benson, Michael 6.3 2.0 Crazy Creatures of Australia and New Zealand Mattern, Joanne 3.9 0.5 Crazy Horse Electric Game, The Crutcher, Chris 5.5 10.0 Crazy Lady! Conly, Jane Leslie 3.8 5.0 Cream of Creature from the School Cafeteria Thaler, Mike 2.7 0.5 Creative Fire Editors, Time-Life 10.1 11.0 Creature in the Teacher Pike, Christopher 4.4 3.0 Creatures of Mystery Fortman, Jan 4.7 1.0 Creek (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 7.3 1.0 Creek, The Holm, Jennifer L. 4.9 8.0 Creepy Backyard Invaders Owen, Ruth 5.3 0.5 Creepy Condors of California Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 Creepy Crawlers Huggins-Cooper, Lynn 5.6 1.0 Creepy, Crawly Caterpillars Facklam, Margery 6.1 1.0 Creepy Creature, The Pike, Christopher 4.2 3.0 Creepy Sleep-Over, The Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 Creepy Urban Legends O'Shei, Tim 4.0 0.5 Cricket and the Crackerbox Kid Ferguson, Alane 4.1 4.0 Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George Crime Science: How Investigators ...Track Bowers, Vivien Down the Bad Guys Crisis Four McNab, Andy 4.9 4.0 7.2 2.0 5.6 12.0 Crispin: At the Edge of the World 4.8 7.0 Avi 58513 EN 101361 EN 5656 EN 14390 EN 53622 EN 5615 EN 8860 EN 116562 EN 12779 EN 49740 EN 11706 EN 69267 EN 7552 EN 76666 EN 13352 EN 32813 EN 29329 EN 21985 SP 73561 EN 53793 EN 18058 EN Crispin: The Cross of Lead Avi 5.0 7.0 Criss Cross Perkins, Lynne Rae 5.5 7.0 Crisscross Shadow, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Crocodile Family Book, The Deeble/Stone 5.6 1.0 Crocodiles and Alligators Simon, Seymour 6.3 1.0 Crooked Banister, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Crooked House Christie, Agatha 5.8 9.0 Crooked Kind of Perfect, A Urban, Linda 3.9 4.0 Cross and the Switchblade, The Wilkerson, David 6.2 11.0 Cross-Country Cat Calhoun, Mary 3.9 0.5 Crossing, The Paulsen, Gary 5.8 3.0 Crossroads of Twilight Jordan, Robert 7.1 45.0 Crow Boy Yashima, Taro 3.9 0.5 Crow-Girl: The Children of Crow Cove, The Bredsdorff, Bodil 5.2 4.0 Crow (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 6.5 1.0 Crown of Swords, A Jordan, Robert 6.6 47.0 Crush Conford, Ellen 4.1 3.0 Cruzando el Pacífico Soto, Gary 5.5 4.0 Crying Rocks, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 4.5 7.0 Crystal Prison, The Jarvis, Robin 5.7 10.0 Cuba (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.4 4.0 18304 EN 7666 EN 9603 EN 17807 EN 18304 SP 5753 EN 80853 SP 65911 EN 112061 EN 10659 EN 129632 EN 7213 EN 88630 EN 78252 EN 85628 EN 7709 EN 9604 EN 20063 EN 142559 EN 114759 EN 113797 EN Cuckoo Ehlert, Lois 2.6 0.5 Cuckoo Child, The King-Smith, Dick 5.7 3.0 Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Cuckoo's Child, The Freeman, Suzanne 4.4 8.0 Cucú Ehlert, Lois 2.6 0.5 Cult of Crime Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Cumpleaños en el Barrio Dole, Mayra L. 3.9 0.5 Cup Crazy Korman, Gordon 4.8 4.0 Cupid Chronicles, The Paratore, Coleen Murtagh 3.8 5.0 Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Curious Garden, The Brown, Peter 4.4 0.5 Curious George Visits the Zoo Rey, Margret 2.6 0.5 Buckey, Sarah Masters 5.0 4.0 Meyer, L.A. 5.7 21.0 Stewart, Paul 5.4 12.0 Curse of the Incredible Priceless Corncob, Erickson, John R. The 4.9 3.0 Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Stine, R.L. 4.0 3.0 Curse of the Ruins Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 Cursed Grounds Stern, Steven L. 5.6 0.5 Curtain Went up, My Pants Fell down, The Winkler, Henry 4.8 4.0 Curveball 4.8 2.0 Curse of Ravenscourt: A Samantha Mystery, The Curse of the Blue Tattoo...Faber, Midshipman and Fine Lady Curse of the Gloamglozer, The Wallace, Rich 116075 EN 131497 EN 15909 EN 44857 EN 411 EN 54182 EN 12768 EN 7667 EN 29805 EN 16975 EN 16976 EN 16979 EN 80682 EN 103077 EN 735 EN 88453 EN 85656 EN 8568 SP 47222 EN 47103 EN 47104 EN 4444 EN Custom Bikes Armentrout, David 5.5 0.5 Custom Cars: The Ins and Outs of Tuners...and Other Muscle Cars McCollum, Sean 5.2 1.0 Customs and Traditions Kalman/Everts 5.7 1.0 Cut McCormick, Patricia 4.6 5.0 Cybil War, The Byars, Betsy 4.2 3.0 Cycling (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.1 0.5 Cyclops Doesn't Roller-Skate Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent Peet, Bill 4.6 0.5 Czech Republic (Cultures of the World) Sioras, Efstathia 9.5 4.0 D.W. All Wet Brown, Marc 1.4 0.5 D.W. Flips Brown, Marc 1.5 0.5 D.W. Thinks Big Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Da Wild, Da Crazy, Da Vinci Scieszka, Jon 3.6 1.0 Dad, Jackie, and Me Uhlberg, Myron 3.8 0.5 Daddy-Long-Legs Webster, Jean 6.1 6.0 Daddy Longlegs Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.1 0.5 Daddy's an Alien St-Aubin, Bruno 2.0 0.5 Dador, El Lowry, Lois 5.7 7.0 Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village 1868 Terry, Michael Bad Hand 7.1 1.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Athens Kotapish, Dawn 7.1 1.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Baghdad 7.3 1.0 7.7 1.0 Kotapish, Dawn Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Beijing Baldwin, Robert F. 47105 EN 47106 EN 47107 EN 47108 EN 4445 EN 47109 EN 47110 EN 4446 EN 4447 EN 13354 EN 106282 EN 45702 EN 6260 EN 135321 EN 14865 EN 100748 EN 124661 EN 122734 EN 17364 EN 100144 EN 36949 EN Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Cairo Barghusen, Joan 7.3 1.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Istanbul Bator, Robert 7.6 2.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Jerusalem 6.6 1.0 7.3 1.0 7.3 1.0 7.1 1.0 Slavik, Diane Daily Life in Ancient and Modern London Toht, Betony/David Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Mexico Cory, Steve City Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Toht, Patricia Moscow Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Paris Hoban, Sarah 7.1 1.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Rome Barghusen, Joan 7.9 1.0 Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Timbuktu Brook, Larry 7.4 1.0 Daily Life (Native American Culture) McCall, Barbara 6.5 2.0 Dairy Queen: A Novel Murdock, Catherine Gilbert 5.3 10.0 Daja's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.7 8.0 Dakota Dugout Turner, Ann 3.3 0.5 Dakota Fanning: Talented Actress Tieck, Sarah 3.6 0.5 Dakota Spring Love, Dorothy Anne 3.6 2.0 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Savage, Jeff 4.0 0.5 Dale Earnhardt Jr. Gigliotti, Jim 5.6 1.0 Dale Earnhardt Jr. (Capstone Press) Doeden, Matt 3.2 0.5 Dale Earnhardt (Race Car Legends) Benson, Michael 6.3 2.0 Dallas Cowboys LeBoutillier, Nate 2.7 0.5 Dallas Cowboys Nichols, John 7.1 1.0 132315 EN 140407 EN 27906 EN 104809 EN 27836 EN 111839 EN 59874 EN 21008 EN 75686 EN 754 EN 28138 EN 45118 EN 528 EN 49272 EN 65133 EN 14798 EN 88624 EN 107351 EN 13404 EN 5916 EN 15079 EN 6810 EN Dallas Cowboys Kelley, K.C. 3.6 0.5 Dallas Cowboys Roselius, J. Chris 5.7 1.0 Dallas Cowboys, The Italia, Bob 5.8 1.0 Dallas Cowboys, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Dallas Mavericks (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.5 1.0 Dalmatians MacAulay, Kelley 4.0 0.5 Dalmatians (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 2.5 0.5 Dan Marino: Star Quarterback Kennedy, Nick 5.9 2.0 Dance for Fun! Craig-Quijada, Balinda 6.4 1.0 Dancing Carl Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Dancing Drum: A Cherokee Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.8 0.5 Dancing in Cadillac Light Holt, Kimberly Willis 5.1 6.0 Dandelion Wine Bradbury, Ray 6.0 10.0 Dandelions: Stars in the Grass Posada, Mia 2.6 0.5 Danger at 20 Fathoms Hanson, Ed 4.6 1.0 Danger at the Fair Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 Danger at the Zoo: A Kit Mystery Ernst, Kathleen 4.7 4.0 Danger! Boys Dancing! Weeks, Sarah 4.3 3.0 Danger Canyon Sorenson, Margo 3.1 2.0 Danger in Quicksand Swamp Wallace, Bill 4.3 5.0 Danger on Midnight River Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 Danger on the Diamond Dixon, Franklin W. 4.2 4.0 5657 EN 78841 EN 14298 EN 75439 EN 6458 EN 78940 EN 19198 EN 24351 EN 23 EN 65528 EN 83161 EN 10766 EN 6060 EN 31157 EN 5007 EN 10407 EN 43033 EN 465 EN 58677 EN 45721 EN 18760 EN 121639 EN Danger on Vampire Trail Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Danger! Wizard at Work McMullan, Kate 3.4 1.0 Danger Zone Klass, David 5.2 9.0 Dangerous Dolls of Delaware Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 Dangerous Ground Skurzynski, Gloria 4.6 5.0 Dangerous Path, A Hunter, Erin 5.9 12.0 Dangerous Skies Staples, Suzanne Fisher 5.8 9.0 7.6 1.0 7.7 4.0 Dangers of Diet Drugs and Other WeightBarrett, CeCe loss Products, The Daniel Boone Daugherty, James Daniel Boone and the Cumberland Gap Santella, Andrew 6.2 1.0 Daniel, Half Human: And the Good Nazi Chotjewitz, David 5.0 9.0 Daniel's Story Matas, Carol 4.9 5.0 Danny and the Dinosaur Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 Danny's Desert Rats Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.4 4.0 Danny, the Champion of the World Dahl, Roald 4.7 6.0 Danzig Passage Thoene, Bodie 5.7 27.0 Daphne: A Trumpeter Swan Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.5 1.0 Daphne's Book Hahn, Mary Downing 4.2 6.0 Darby Fuqua, Jonathon Scott 4.8 7.0 Dare Halvorson, Marilyn 4.4 8.0 Daring to Be Abigail Vail, Rachel 4.2 3.0 Dark Day in the Deep Sea Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 66894 EN 109 EN 43476 EN 119907 EN 24982 EN 10203 EN 64595 EN 7855 EN 110412 EN 82929 EN 13405 EN 48136 EN 88648 EN 70046 EN 35635 EN 32586 EN 29670 EN 14558 EN 25566 EN 84206 EN 63090 EN Dark Horse, The Sedgwick, Marcus 4.3 5.0 Dark Is Rising, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 13.0 Dark Portal, The Jarvis, Robin 5.3 10.0 Dark River Hunter, Erin 4.3 10.0 Dark Side of Nowhere, The Shusterman, Neal 5.8 8.0 Dark Stairs, The Byars, Betsy 3.9 3.0 Dark Sunshine Farley, Terri 5.0 7.0 Dark-Thirty, The McKissack, Patricia C. 4.6 4.0 Dark Water Rising Hale, Marian 5.9 7.0 Darkest Hour, The Hunter, Erin 6.3 12.0 Darkest Secret, The Schraff, Anne 3.6 2.0 Darkness Before Dawn Draper, Sharon M. 4.8 8.0 Daughter of the Mountains Rankin, Louise 6.1 8.0 Daughter of the Wind Cadnum, Michael 7.2 9.0 Dave at Night Levine, Gail Carson 3.6 8.0 David Duval (Sports Superstars) Cain, Anthony B. 5.5 0.5 David Letterman (Pop Culture Legends) Lefkowitz, Frances 8.3 5.0 David Robinson: Star Center Macnow, Glen 5.5 2.0 David's Search Nixon, Joan Lowery 3.8 2.0 Davy Crockett: A Life on the Frontier Krensky, Stephen 4.6 0.5 Davy Crockett (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.2 2.0 75673 EN 103835 EN 19367 EN 6511 EN 6512 EN 19362 EN 19327 EN 6513 EN 19317 EN 6515 EN 49752 EN 70102 EN 130218 EN 82031 EN 5466 EN 78105 EN 359 EN 86562 EN 127350 EN 55606 EN 19728 EN Davy Crockett (Tall Tales) Brimner, Larry Dane 4.8 0.5 Dawn Hunter, Erin 5.1 11.0 Dawn and the Halloween Mystery Martin, Ann M. 4.5 4.0 Dawn and the Impossible Three Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Dawn and the Older Boy Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Dawn and the Surfer Ghost Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Dawn and Whitney, Friends Forever Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Dawn on the Coast Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Dawn's Big Move Martin, Ann M. 3.7 3.0 Dawn's Wicked Stepsister Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Day Eddie Met the Author, The Borden, Louise 3.9 0.5 Day Everything Tasted Like Broccoli, The Greenburg, Dan 3.9 1.0 Day-Glo Brothers, The Barton, Chris 6.0 0.5 Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish, Gaiman, Neil The 2.8 0.5 Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The Noble, Trinka Hakes 2.2 0.5 Day My Butt Went Psycho!, The Griffiths, Andy 4.7 7.0 Day No Pigs Would Die, A Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 4.0 Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue Lester, Julius 4.8 4.0 Day of the Black Blizzard, The Ransom, Candice 3.0 0.5 Day of the Dead Johnston, Tony 2.6 0.5 Day of the Dinosaur Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 55227 EN 20015 EN 74145 EN 109342 EN 59580 EN 20064 EN 12648 EN 67493 EN 6061 EN 1454 EN 107133 EN 87397 EN 65951 EN 15816 EN 5410 EN 5751 EN 8959 EN 5707 EN 20016 EN 5702 EN 8809 EN Day of the Dinosaurs (A Cartoon History of the Earth), The Bailey, Jacqui 5.7 0.5 Day of the Dragon King Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Day of the Iguana Winkler, Henry 4.1 4.0 Day of the Scarab Fisher, Catherine 4.8 12.0 Day's Work, A Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 Daydreamer, The McEwan, Ian 5.4 4.0 Days of Courage: The Little Rock Story Kelso, Richard 5.6 2.0 Days of Jubilee: The End of Slavery in the McKissack, United States Patricia/Fredrick 8.2 4.0 Days with Frog and Toad Lobel, Arnold 2.5 0.5 Daytime and Nighttime Animals Behm, Barbara J. 2.2 0.5 Dead Connection Price, Charlie 4.7 8.0 Dead-End Job Grant, Vicki 3.2 2.0 Dead Girls Don't Write Letters Giles, Gail 4.0 3.0 Dead Letter: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Dead Man in Indian Creek, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.9 4.0 Dead on Target Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 Deadly Diamonds, The Swinburne, Laurence 4.5 1.0 Deadly Doubles Keene, Carolyn 5.1 4.0 Deadly Dungeon, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Deadly Intent Keene, Carolyn 4.7 5.0 Deadly Rose Lorimer, Janet 3.6 1.0 44281 EN 5917 EN 32561 EN 57209 EN 8056 EN 30305 EN 43464 EN 42805 EN 110714 EN 51775 EN 24 EN 8515 EN 45491 EN 86817 EN 64360 EN 529 EN 26990 EN 59119 EN 15817 EN 755 EN 5065 EN 5217 EN Deadly Waters Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.4 5.0 Dealing with Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 5.5 8.0 Woodruff, Elvira 5.2 3.0 Mazer, Norma Fox 4.5 7.0 Dear Bruce Springsteen Major, Kevin 4.5 4.0 Dear Children of the Earth Schimmel, Schim 3.3 0.5 Dear Ellen Bee: A Civil War Scrapbook of Lyons/Branch Two Union Spies 5.6 5.0 Dear God, HELP!!! Love, Earl Park, Barbara 3.7 3.0 Dear John Sparks, Nicholas 5.5 13.0 Dear Lovey Hart, I am Desperate Conford, Ellen 6.5 5.0 Dear Mr. Henshaw Dear Napoleon, I Know You're Dead, But... Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 5.0 Dear Whiskers Nagda, Ann Whitehead 3.3 1.0 Dear Zoe: A Novel Beard, Philip 5.2 8.0 Cleary, Brian P. 3.5 0.5 Gunther, John 8.0 8.0 Death of the Iron Horse Goble, Paul 4.5 0.5 Death on the Amazon Zindel, Paul 5.3 4.0 Death's Door: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Byars, Betsy 3.7 3.0 Deathwatch White, Robb 6.0 7.0 December Rose, The Garfield, Leon 6.3 9.0 December Secrets Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Dear Austin: Letters from the Underground Railroad Dear Bill, Remember Me? And Other Stories Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely: What Is an Adverb? Death Be Not Proud 560 EN 62480 EN 18961 EN 43415 EN 40562 EN 18808 EN 114624 EN 37003 EN 14941 EN 145764 EN 116294 EN 59334 EN 61078 EN 138070 EN 51125 EN 16710 EN 32492 EN 100506 EN 127583 EN 14560 EN 7808 EN December Stillness Hahn, Mary Downing 5.1 6.0 Deciduous Forests (Biomes) Cefrey, Holly 4.1 0.5 Decision, The Applegate, K.A. 4.5 4.0 Declaration of Independence, The Mazer, Anne 4.3 2.0 Declaration of Independence (We the People), The Burgan, Michael 5.9 0.5 Deenie Blume, Judy 4.2 5.0 Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.0 7.0 Deep-Sea Fishing (World of Sports) Hook, Sue Vander 6.4 1.0 Deep Trouble II Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Deep Zone Green, Tim 4.9 7.0 Deer Webster, Christine 4.0 0.5 Deer Family (Wildlife Ed.), The Biel, Timothy Levi 5.3 0.5 Deer: Graceful Grazers Sullivan, Jody 3.1 0.5 Deer Hunting MacRae, Sloan 4.8 0.5 Deer Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Frahm, Randy 4.9 0.5 Deerslayer, The Cooper, James Fenimore 11.2 44.0 Defenders, The McGovern, Ann 5.6 3.0 Defiance Hobbs, Valerie 4.0 3.0 Defying Gravity: Surviving Extreme Sports Callery, Sean 5.7 0.5 Deion Sanders: Star Athlete Savage, Jeff 5.2 2.0 Delaware (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.7 2.0 24752 EN 30025 EN 86691 EN 59391 EN 129142 EN 64937 EN 29809 EN 66046 EN 11209 EN 1500 EN 47257 EN 48145 EN 18059 EN 100145 EN 36950 EN 27908 EN 109101 EN 27855 EN 20384 EN 44334 EN 49701 EN Delaware (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 Delicious Hullabaloo Mora, Pat 2.9 0.5 Deliver Us from Normal Klise, Kate 4.1 6.0 Deltora Book of Monsters, The Rodda, Emily 6.9 2.0 Demigod Files, The Riordan, Rick 4.3 3.0 Hurwitz, Sue 8.0 1.0 Heale, Jay 9.0 4.0 Demolition Derby Cars (Wild Rides!) Savage, Jeff 5.0 0.5 Demolition Derby (MotorSports) Savage, Jeff 5.0 0.5 Demolition Derby (Race Car Legends) Huff, Richard 7.2 2.0 Demon in My View Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.4 4.0 Demon in the Teahouse, The Hoobler, Dorothy/Thomas 5.3 6.0 Denmark (Cultures of the World) Pateman, Robert 9.3 3.0 Denver Broncos LeBoutillier, Nate 2.7 0.5 Denver Broncos Nichols, John 7.0 1.0 Denver Broncos, The Italia, Bob 5.6 1.0 Denver Broncos, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 Denver Nuggets (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.8 1.0 Departure, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Derek Jeter (Sports Heroes) Covert, Kim 4.2 0.5 Derek Jeter: Surefire Shortstop Schnakenberg, Bob 6.1 1.0 Democracy (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Democratic Republic of the Congo (Cultures of the World) 561 EN 67318 EN 47192 EN 70121 EN 17217 EN 14385 EN 65134 EN 72247 EN 5321 EN 74927 EN 24485 EN 12710 EN 29835 EN 60311 EN 87991 EN 24037 EN 107300 EN 82887 EN 36951 EN 27909 EN 132603 EN Desdemona-Twelve Going on Desperate Keller, Beverly 5.0 5.0 Desert Animals Auch, Alison 2.3 0.5 Desert (Biomes of the World) Ricciuti, Edward R. 7.9 2.0 Desert Dancer Farley, Terri 5.2 7.0 Desert (Eyewitness) MacQuitty, Miranda 7.7 1.0 Desert Fox Family Book, The Laukel, Hans Gerold 5.5 0.5 Desert Ordeal Hanson, Ed 4.2 1.0 Desert Racers (Roaring Rides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 6.0 1.0 Deserted Library Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Deserts Hurwitz, Jane 5.7 1.0 Deserts Owen, Andy 3.1 0.5 Deserts (Images) George, Michael 6.7 0.5 7.6 2.0 7.0 1.0 Deserts of the Southwest (Ecosystems of Ruth, Maria Mudd North America), The Despite All Obstacles: La Salle...Conquest Goodman, Joan Elizabeth of the Mississippi Destiny of Linus Hoppe, The Bondoux, Anne-Laure 4.6 5.0 Destroyers (Land and Sea) Green, Michael 4.8 0.5 Detective Camp Roy, Ron 4.0 2.0 Detective LaRue: Letters from the Investigation Teague, Mark 5.4 0.5 Detroit Lions Nichols, John 6.5 1.0 Detroit Lions, The Italia, Bob 5.6 0.5 Detroit Lions, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 27853 EN 27874 EN 118943 EN 30501 EN 6998 EN 8516 EN 109067 EN 24670 EN 6608 EN 113492 EN 6310 EN 117767 EN 28770 EN 116574 EN 101233 EN 113950 EN 147741 EN 133167 EN 119441 EN 127979 EN 140879 EN Detroit Pistons (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.1 1.0 Detroit Tigers (America's Game) Italia, Bob 5.7 1.0 Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900) Robinson, Tom 7.8 2.0 Devil in Vienna, The Orgel, Doris 4.4 8.0 Devil's Arithmetic, The Yolen, Jane 4.6 6.0 Devil's Bridge DeFelice, Cynthia 4.7 3.0 Devilish Johnson, Maureen 4.4 8.0 Devon Rex Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.8 0.5 Dew Drop Dead Howe, James 4.3 4.0 Dexter the Tough Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.2 3.0 Diamond Champs, The Christopher, Matt 4.5 2.0 Diamonds in the Shadow Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 8.0 Dian Fossey: Befriending the Gorillas Freedman, Suzanne 7.7 3.0 Diary of a Fly Cronin, Doreen 3.2 0.5 Diary of a Spider Cronin, Doreen 2.5 0.5 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Kinney, Jeff 5.8 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Kinney, Jeff 5.4 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Kinney, Jeff 5.5 3.0 72276 EN 530 EN 6061 SP 110 EN 63207 EN 9015 EN 130662 EN 8345 EN 163 EN 28524 EN 6980 EN 74935 EN 26593 EN 9763 EN 51659 EN 7197 EN 27953 EN 10247 EN 35832 EN 8561 EN 30747 EN 13804 EN Diary of a Worm Cronin, Doreen 2.8 0.5 Diary of a Young Girl, The Días con Sapo y Sepo Dicey's Song Did Dinosaurs Live in Your Backyard? Questions...Dinosaurs Frank, Anne Lobel, Arnold Voigt, Cynthia 6.5 2.5 5.0 14.0 0.5 11.0 Berger, Melvin 4.9 1.0 Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Seuss, Dr. 3.5 0.5 Diego: Bigger than Life Bernier-Grand, Carmen T. 5.3 1.0 Diego Rivera Cockcroft, James 8.6 4.0 Different Dragons Little, Jean 3.7 3.0 Different Kind of Hero, A Blakeslee, Ann R. 4.4 5.0 Different Season, A Klass, David 5.6 10.0 Digestive System, The Glass, Susan 5.8 1.0 Diggers (Machines at Work) Eick, Jean 2.3 0.5 Digging Up Dinosaurs Aliki 3.6 0.5 Dim Sum for Everyone! Lin, Grace 1.3 0.5 Dinah for President Mills, Claudia 4.6 3.0 Dinah Forever Mills, Claudia 5.3 5.0 Dinah in Love Mills, Claudia 4.9 5.0 Dingoes at Dinnertime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack Kerr, M.E. 4.8 6.0 Dinorella: A Prehistoric Fairy Tale Edwards, Pamela Duncan 3.5 0.5 Dinosaur Bones Aliki 3.7 0.5 27408 EN 7365 EN 17218 EN 27417 EN 10660 EN 45678 EN 6311 SP 132933 EN 13845 EN 13848 EN 6311 EN 55728 EN 13846 EN 13849 EN 59298 EN 216 EN 5360 EN 79465 EN 51126 EN 73379 EN 8960 EN 20069 EN Dinosaur Connection, The Wilde, Buck 6.1 0.5 Dinosaur Days Milton, Joyce 2.6 0.5 Dinosaur (Eyewitness) Norman/Milner 7.6 1.0 Dinosaur Girl Devereux, Susan 3.8 0.5 Dinosaur Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 Relf, Pat 7.0 2.0 Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 Dinosaurs Becker, Ann 4.2 0.5 Dinosaurs: A Closer Look Dixon, Dougal 6.7 1.0 Dinosaurs: All Shapes and Sizes Dixon, Dougal 6.3 1.0 Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 Dinosaurs Destroy Detroit Rand, Johnathan 4.5 3.0 Dinosaurs: Giants of the Earth Dixon, Dougal 6.6 1.0 Dinosaurs: The Fossil Hunters Dixon, Dougal 7.2 1.0 Dinosaurs (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Dirt Bike Racer Christopher, Matt 4.0 4.0 Dirt Bike Runaway Christopher, Matt 5.3 5.0 Dirt Bikes Doeden, Matt 2.5 0.5 Dirt Bikes (Wild Rides!) Parr, Danny 4.2 0.5 Dirt Eaters, The Foon, Dennis 4.7 10.0 Disappearances Fuchs, Carol 4.9 1.0 Disappearing Acts Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Dinosaur Named Sue: The Story of the Colossal Fossil, A Dinosaurios al atardecer 5658 EN 47845 EN 6312 EN 26641 EN 82211 EN 145739 EN 36255 EN 68500 EN 66251 EN 7710 EN 134432 EN 72883 EN 63208 EN 6459 EN 120476 EN 72884 EN 65984 EN 104857 EN 63210 EN 68964 EN 63211 EN Disappearing Floor, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Discover the Destroyer Applegate, K.A. 4.1 5.0 Discovery of the Americas, The Maestro, Betsy/Giulio 6.3 0.5 Discovery, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Disease Prevention Allred, Alexandra Powe 6.9 1.0 Dish on Food and Farming in Colonial America, The Fajardo, Anika 4.6 0.5 Dissidents Shusterman, Neal 5.4 7.0 Dive from Clausen's Pier, The Packer, Ann 5.4 22.0 Diving Dolphins Waxman, Laura Hamilton 2.3 0.5 Divorce Express, The Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 Django: World's Greatest Jazz Guitarist Christensen, Bonnie 4.0 0.5 Do All Ducks Quack? Sargent, Dave/Pat 0.9 0.5 Do All Spiders Spin Webs? Questions and Berger, Melvin Answers About Spiders 4.8 1.0 Do Bananas Chew Gum? 4.2 5.0 Do Buses Eat Kids? Poems About School Salas, Laura Purdie 3.0 0.5 Do Frogs Have Tails? Sargent, Dave/Pat 0.9 0.5 Do I Have To? Kids Talk About Responsibility Loewen, Nancy 4.2 0.5 Do Not Open This Book! Muntean, Michaela 2.6 0.5 Do Penguins Get Frostbite? Questions...Polar Animals Berger, Melvin 5.1 1.0 Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? Coyle, Carmela LaVigna 1.9 0.5 Do Stars Have Points? Questions...About Stars and Planets Berger, Melvin 4.8 1.0 Gilson, Jamie 63212 EN 62175 EN 48946 EN 63213 EN 102988 EN 108006 EN 74668 EN 62064 EN 5511 EN 8655 EN 18107 EN 63214 EN 7711 EN 14983 EN 607 EN 14773 EN 67415 EN 164 EN 101885 EN 79606 EN 8057 EN 138814 EN Do Tarantulas Have Teeth? Questions...Poisonous Creatures Berger, Melvin 4.7 1.0 Do the Funky Pickle Spinelli, Jerry 4.0 3.0 Berger, Melvin 5.3 1.0 Berger, Melvin 4.5 1.0 Do You Know the Monkey Man? Butler, Dori Hillestad 3.8 7.0 Doberman Pinschers Stone, Lynn M. 4.4 0.5 Dobry Shannon, Monica 5.6 6.0 Doctor Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 2.0 0.5 Doctor De Soto Steig, William 3.6 0.5 Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris 8.2 36.0 Doctors, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.6 1.0 Does It Always Rain in the Rain Forest? Questions...Forests Berger, Melvin 5.2 1.0 Does Third Grade Last Forever? Schanback, Mindy 3.3 2.0 Pilkey, Dav 3.4 0.5 Wallace, Bill 4.2 4.0 Dog (Eyewitness) Clutton-Brock, Juliet 7.1 1.0 Dog for You: Caring for Your Dog, A Blackaby, Susan 2.1 0.5 Dog on Barkham Street, A Stolz, Mary Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray, Martin, Ann M. A 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.0 Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs, The Redmond, Shirley Raye 3.6 0.5 Dog Who Wouldn't Be, The Mowat, Farley 7.9 10.0 Doggie Duties Armentrout, David 4.2 0.5 Do Tornadoes Really Twist? Questions...Tornadoes & Hurricanes Do Whales Have Belly Buttons? Questions...Whales and Dolphins Dog Breath: The Horrible Trouble with Hally Tosis Dog Called Kitty, A 51279 EN 18761 EN 80692 EN 145430 EN 27754 EN 360 EN 61739 EN 58230 EN 5008 EN 41789 EN 8517 EN 102542 EN 258 EN 32050 EN 55017 EN 72787 EN 43034 EN 125170 EN 59299 EN 17563 EN 48379 EN 6411 EN Dogs Gibbons, Gail 3.6 0.5 Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis 3.8 5.0 Dogs: How to Choose and Care for a Dog Jeffrey, Laura S. 4.7 1.0 Dogs in the Dead of Night Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 Dogs (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 3.9 0.5 Dogsong Paulsen, Gary 5.2 5.0 Dogteam Paulsen, Gary 3.2 0.5 Doing Time Online Siebold, Jan 3.9 2.0 Doll in the Garden, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.8 4.0 Doll People, The Martin, Ann M. 4.0 5.0 Doll's House, The Godden, Rumer 4.5 4.0 Doll with the Yellow Star, The McDonough, Yona Zeldis 5.0 2.0 Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.3 5.0 Dolphin Luck McKay, Hilary 4.8 5.0 Pringle, Laurence 7.8 1.0 Pfeffer, Wendy 4.9 0.5 Dolphins Francis, Dorothy 3.2 0.5 Dolphins Skog, Jason 7.1 1.0 Dolphins and Porpoises (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 6.3 0.5 Dolphins at Daybreak Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 Dolphins (Naturebooks) Stahl, Dean 4.2 0.5 Dominic Steig, William 5.6 3.0 Dolphin Man: Exploring the World of Dolphins Dolphin Talk: Whistles, Clicks, and Clapping Jaws 18060 EN 77975 EN 13407 EN 13408 EN 11412 EN 466 EN 8059 EN 54478 EN 18809 EN 44157 EN 62176 EN 62177 EN 62178 EN 62179 EN 756 EN 77109 EN 72788 EN 757 EN 11583 EN 5263 EN 58609 EN 17808 EN Dominican Republic (Cultures of the World) Foley, Erin 10.0 4.0 Don't Blame Me Robins, Eleanor 2.6 1.0 Don't Blame the Children Schraff, Anne 3.4 2.0 Don't Bug Me Sorenson, Margo 3.0 2.0 Don't Call Me Beanhead! Wojciechowski, Susan 4.2 1.0 Don't Call Me Toad! Shura, Mary Francis 4.9 3.0 Don't Care High Korman, Gordon 6.1 9.0 Don't Count on Dracula Greenburg, Dan 3.4 1.0 Don't Die, My Love McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 7.0 Don't Forget Me! Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Don't Get Caught Driving the School Bus Strasser, Todd 3.9 3.0 Don't Get Caught In the Girls Locker Room Strasser, Todd 3.7 2.0 Don't Get Caught in the Teachers' Lounge Strasser, Todd 3.9 2.0 Strasser, Todd 4.1 2.0 Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0 Don't Know Much About the Presidents Davis, Kenneth C. 6.5 1.0 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 Don't Look Behind You Duncan, Lois 6.2 9.0 Don't Make Me Smile Park, Barbara 3.8 3.0 Don't Rent My Room! Angell, Judie 3.6 5.0 Don't Whistle in School: The History of America's Public Schools Feldman, Ruth Tenzer 8.5 3.0 4.9 4.0 Don't Get Caught Wearing the Lunch Lady's Hairnet Don't Hurt Laurie! Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey Haddix, Margaret Peterson 48324 EN 102177 EN 5499 SP 66664 EN 74922 EN 34837 EN 25 EN 39900 EN 59350 EN 54585 EN 18532 EN 112573 EN 11864 EN 75666 EN 5411 EN 104043 EN 59351 EN 86798 EN 61267 EN 77858 EN 101056 EN 5616 EN Don't You Know There's a War On? Avi 3.6 4.0 Mora, Pat 4.2 0.5 Sendak, Maurice 3.4 0.5 Donner Party, The Werther, Scott P. 5.1 1.0 Donner Party, The Wachtel, Roger 6.4 1.0 Door in the Lake, The Butts, Nancy 4.9 5.0 Door in the Wall, The deAngeli, Marguerite 6.2 4.0 Dork in Disguise Gorman, Carol 4.2 4.0 Dork on the Run Gorman, Carol 4.1 5.0 Dot the Fire Dog Desimini, Lisa 2.3 0.5 Double Act Wilson, Jacqueline 4.1 4.0 Double Check Rose, Malcolm 5.2 7.0 Double Dabble Surprise, The Lewis, Beverly 2.9 1.0 Double-Digit Club, The Bauer, Marion Dane 4.7 4.0 Double Dog Dare Gilson, Jamie 4.0 3.0 Double Dragon Trouble McMullan, Kate 3.4 2.0 Double Dutch Draper, Sharon M. 4.9 7.0 Double Fake Wallace, Rich 4.2 3.0 Double Fudge Blume, Judy 3.6 5.0 Double Helix Werlin, Nancy 5.0 9.0 Double Identity Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 8.0 Double Jinx Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman...a Great Big Heart Donde viven los monstruos 6460 EN 16913 EN 5264 EN 41622 EN 48519 EN 114455 EN 130031 EN 86936 EN 11413 EN 7006 EN 30843 EN 24999 EN 758 EN 119381 EN 134026 EN 118267 EN 562 EN 62975 EN 531 EN 32497 EN 9016 EN 9017 EN Double Life of Pocahontas, The Fritz, Jean 5.9 4.0 Double Play at Short Christopher, Matt 5.0 4.0 Dove Graham, Robin Lee 6.6 10.0 Dovey Coe Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.4 6.0 Down a Dark Hall Duncan, Lois 5.3 7.0 Down and out Down Under Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea Jenkins, Steve 6.0 0.5 Down the Rabbit Hole Abrahams, Peter 4.3 10.0 Downhill Megan Magraw, Trisha 5.2 2.0 Downriver Hobbs, Will 4.9 8.0 Downsiders Shusterman, Neal 7.2 11.0 Downtown Mazer, Norma Fox 4.3 7.0 Downwind Moeri, Louise 5.6 5.0 Downy Woodpecker (Second Series) Jackson, Tom 5.2 1.0 Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! Gutman, Dan 3.4 1.0 Dr. Carbles Is Losing His Marbles! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders Brittain, Bill 4.6 4.0 Dr. Franklin's Island Halam, Ann 5.0 10.0 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis 9.5 5.0 Dr. Jekyll, Orthodontist Greenburg, Dan 2.9 1.0 Dr. Seuss's ABC Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book Seuss, Dr. 4.0 0.5 29212 EN 8961 EN 10689 EN 84392 EN 34928 EN 50943 EN 10029 EN 9805 EN 17365 EN 14663 EN 29324 EN 73398 EN 7041 EN 113579 EN 32818 EN 82162 EN 14458 EN 6666 EN 110905 EN 83013 EN 7669 EN Dr. Seuss (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.9 0.5 Dracula and Other Vampire Stories Kudalis, Eric 4.5 0.5 Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Dracula Doesn't Play Kickball Dadey, Debbie 3.9 1.0 Dracula Doesn't Rock and Roll Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 Dracula Is a Pain in the Neck Levy, Elizabeth 3.9 1.0 Dracula (Unabridged) Stoker, Bram 6.6 25.0 Drag Racing (MotorSports) Smith, Jay 4.5 0.5 Drag Racing (Race Car Legends) Cockerham, Paul W. 7.3 2.0 Dragon in the Family, A Koller, Jackie French 4.2 1.0 Dragon in the Ghetto Caper, The Konigsburg, E.L. 4.9 4.0 Dragon of Doom, The Coville, Bruce 3.3 1.0 Dragon of the Lost Sea Yep, Laurence 5.8 6.0 Dragon of the Red Dawn Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Dragon Reborn, The Jordan, Robert 5.8 38.0 Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia 4.9 16.0 Dragon's Blood Yolen, Jane 5.8 8.0 Dragon's Boy, The Yolen, Jane 5.8 3.0 Dragon's Eye: The Dragonology Chronicles, The Steer, Dugald A. 5.6 7.0 Dragon's Nest Rodda, Emily 5.4 5.0 Dragonfly's Tale Rodanas, Kristina 4.5 0.5 5412 EN 28900 EN 40914 EN 7136 EN 12769 EN 105750 EN 7712 EN 14879 EN 6914 EN 111 EN 79466 EN 68877 EN 87560 EN 59047 EN 70015 EN 62759 EN 134635 EN 46136 EN 132136 EN 18266 EN 105197 EN Dragonling, The Koller, Jackie French 4.0 1.0 Dragons and Demons: Myths of China, Japan, and India Ross, Stewart 4.9 1.0 Dragons and Dinosaurs Gentle/Perry 4.9 0.5 Dragons Are Singing Tonight, The Prelutsky, Jack 5.8 0.5 Dragons Don't Cook Pizza Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Dragons Don't Throw Snowballs Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 Dragons of Blueland, The Gannett, Ruth Stiles 4.9 1.0 Dragonslayers, The Coville, Bruce 4.6 3.0 Dragonsong McCaffrey, Anne 6.8 9.0 Dragonwings Yep, Laurence 5.3 10.0 Dragsters Doeden, Matt 2.2 0.5 Draw Me a Star Carle, Eric 1.4 0.5 Dread Locks Shusterman, Neal 4.8 6.0 Dread Mountain Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 Dreadful Acts Ardagh, Philip 6.1 4.0 Dreadful Future of Blossom Culp, The Peck, Richard 5.2 6.0 Dreadful, Smelly Colonies: The Disgusting...Colonial America, The Raum, Elizabeth 4.8 0.5 Dream Snow Carle, Eric 2.5 0.5 Dream Stealer, The Fleischman, Sid 3.8 1.0 Dream-Weaver Lawrence, Louise 6.3 9.0 Dreamhunter: Book One of the Dreamhunter Duet Knox, Elizabeth 5.9 16.0 70878 EN 65581 EN 62752 EN 113528 EN 18762 EN 48729 EN 29666 EN 259 EN 105850 EN 141364 EN 10893 EN 25258 EN 16017 EN 4625 EN 60881 EN 117555 EN 49642 EN 108647 EN 87321 EN 64315 EN 11628 EN Dreaming in Black & White Jung/Bell 4.4 2.0 Dreaming in Color, Living in Black and White (Abridged) Holliday, Laurel 6.2 7.0 Dreamland Lake Peck, Richard 5.3 6.0 5.7 18.0 4.5 4.0 Dreamquake: Book Two of the Knox, Elizabeth Dreamhunter Duet Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary Lasky, Kathryn of...Immigrant Girl Dreams: Mind Movies of the Night Tull, Mary Herd 6.9 2.0 Drew Carey (Overcoming Adversity) Gaines, Ann Graham 7.6 3.0 Drinking Gourd, The Monjo, F.N. 3.0 0.5 Drita, My Homegirl Lombard, Jenny 3.9 4.0 Drive to the Hoop Maddox, Jake 3.7 1.0 Driver's Ed Cooney, Caroline B. 4.6 7.0 Drop of Water, A Wick, Walter 5.8 0.5 Drought Maker, The Bacon, Ron 3.0 0.5 Drought (Natural Disasters) Jennings, Terry 6.1 1.0 Drought (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.6 0.5 Droughts Park, Louise 6.3 1.0 Drowned Ammet Jones, Diana Wynne 5.7 12.0 Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama, A Schlitz, Laura Amy 4.7 11.0 Drowned Wednesday Nix, Garth 5.9 13.0 Drowning Anna Mayfield, Sue 3.5 5.0 Drugs and the Media Lee, Richard/Mary Price 6.2 1.0 100186 EN 100527 EN 78066 EN 21349 EN 705 EN 100187 EN 7854 EN 77201 EN 131317 EN 51128 EN 108535 EN 59300 EN 43035 EN 29783 EN 65782 EN 106859 EN 71852 EN 6722 EN 32995 EN 130813 EN 105949 EN Drugs Explained: The Real Deal on Alcohol, Pot, Ecstasy, & More Mezinski, Pierre 6.7 2.0 Drugs (Smart Apple Media) Rees, Jonathan 7.8 1.0 Drum, Chavi, Drum! Dole, Mayra L. 3.1 0.5 Drummer Hoff Emberley, Barbara 4.7 0.5 Drums Boyd, James 7.9 25.0 Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Sonnenblick, Jordan 5.9 8.0 Drylongso Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 1.0 Duck for President Cronin, Doreen 3.9 0.5 Duck for Turkey Day Jules, Jacqueline 2.6 0.5 Duck Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Frahm, Randy 4.9 1.0 Duckling Ugly Shusterman, Neal 5.1 8.0 Ducks, Geese & Swans (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 Dudley: A Florida Manatee Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.6 0.5 Duffy and the Devil Zemach, Harve/Margot 4.9 0.5 Dugout Jinx Bee, Clair 5.7 9.0 Dunc and the Greased Sticks of Doom Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 Dunc and the Haunted Castle Paulsen, Gary 3.3 1.0 Dunc's Halloween Paulsen, Gary 4.2 2.0 Duncan the Dancing Duck Hoff, Syd 2.6 0.5 Dunderheads, The Fleischman, Paul 3.0 0.5 Dunk Under Pressure Wallace, Rich 4.5 2.0 51787 EN 759 EN 21578 EN 14057 EN Duplicate, The Sleator, William 4.7 6.0 Durango Street Bonham, Frank 4.6 7.0 Dustland Hamilton, Virginia 4.7 7.0 Ellis, Rafaela 9.0 5.0 Hargrove, Jim 7.9 2.0 Blackwood, Gary L. 5.3 10.0 Mills, Claudia 5.0 4.0 Alvarez, Carlos 4.0 0.5 Wiles, Deborah 4.5 6.0 Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 10.0 Hudak, Heather C. 4.6 0.5 Harris, Tim 5.3 1.0 Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Farmer, Nancy 4.7 12.0 Sattler, Helen 8.3 3.0 Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 2.0 Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 2.0 Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 2.0 Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 2.0 Gunby, Lise 5.3 3.0 Kalman, Bobbie 6.3 3.0 Dwight D. Eisenhower: 34th President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower (Encyclopedia of 883 EN Presidents) 9633 Dying Sun, The EN 6461 Dynamite Dinah EN 131689 EA-6B Prowlers EN 85982 Each Little Bird That Sings EN 78075 Eagle Strike EN 125341 Eagles EN 119261 Eagles (Second Series) EN 59301 Eagles (Wildlife Ed.) EN 11713 Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The EN 8463 Earliest Americans, The EN 15910 Early Artisans EN 15911 Early Christmas EN 15912 Early City Life EN 15913 Early Family Home EN 15914 Early Farm Life EN 15915 Early Health and Medicine EN 15916 EN 15917 EN 15918 EN 15919 EN 15920 EN 15921 EN 54162 EN 15922 EN 15923 EN 102746 EN 37018 EN 48297 EN 117414 EN 70914 EN 30324 EN 6412 EN 69279 EN 111952 EN 77718 EN 51896 EN 18763 EN Early Loggers and the Sawmill Adams, Peter 5.4 1.0 Early Pleasures and Pastimes Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 4.0 Early Schools Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 2.0 Early Settler Children Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 1.0 Early Settler Storybook Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 3.0 Early Stores and Markets Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 2.0 Early Sunday Morning: The Pearl Harbor Denenberg, Barry Diary of Amber Billows 5.6 3.0 Early Travel Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 2.0 Early Village Life Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 Earth Taylor-Butler, Christine 2.4 0.5 Earth and Moon (Our Solar System) Kerrod, Robin 6.9 1.0 Earth (Make It Work!) Baker/Haslam/Parsons 6.6 1.0 Earth, Moon & Sun Riley, Peter 5.7 1.0 Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, The Mackler, Carolyn 5.3 8.0 Earth (Starting with Science), The Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt 4.6 0.5 Earth to Matthew Danziger, Paula 4.1 4.0 Earthdance: How Volcanoes ... Shake Our Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt Restless Planet 6.6 2.0 Earthquake! Rooney, Anne 8.1 1.0 Earthquake! Ring, Susan 3.1 0.5 Earthquake in the Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Earthquake: San Francisco, 1906 Duey/Bale 4.6 4.0 13756 EN 61640 EN 107461 EN 117556 EN 28907 EN 139566 EN 11714 EN 71134 EN 61189 EN 5413 EN 29836 EN 77979 EN 11585 EN 24346 EN 100528 EN 116960 EN 75700 EN 18061 EN 26 EN 27 EN 5414 EN 28 EN Earthquake Terror Kehret, Peg 4.6 4.0 Earthquakes Simon, Seymour 6.5 0.5 Earthquakes Woods, Michael 6.2 1.0 Earthquakes Park, Louise 6.5 1.0 Earthquakes (Closer Look At) Pope, Joyce 6.5 1.0 Earthquakes (Earth Science) Nault, Jennifer 5.0 0.5 Earthshine Nelson, Theresa 5.1 7.0 East Pattou, Edith 6.1 16.0 Easter Marx, David F. 2.7 0.5 Easter Cat, The deJong, Meindert 5.0 3.0 Eastern Forest (Ecosystems of North America), The Fielding, Eileen 6.6 1.0 Easy Way, The Robins, Eleanor 2.5 1.0 Eat Your Poison, Dear Howe, James 4.0 3.0 Eating Disorder Survivors Tell Their Stories Chiu, Christina 6.4 1.0 Eating Properly Rees, Jonathan 7.5 1.0 Eclipse Meyer, Stephenie 4.5 22.0 Eco-Wolf and the Three Pigs Anholt, Laurence 3.9 0.5 Ecuador (Cultures of the World) Foley, Erin 9.9 4.0 Eddie and Gardenia Eddie and the Fire Engine Haywood, Carolyn Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 4.2 3.0 3.0 Eddie's Blue-Winged Dragon Adler, C.S. 4.4 4.0 Eddie's Green Thumb Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 7713 EN 51862 EN 563 EN 117963 EN 10030 EN 114833 EN 18011 EN 27004 EN 217 EN 64912 EN 58527 EN 6210 EN 11110 EN 6020 EN 29688 EN 8332 EN 49436 SP 63442 EN 89884 EN 13547 EN 8464 EN 17616 EN Eddie's Menagerie Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 3.0 Edison Mystery, The Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 Edith Herself Howard, Ellen 4.4 3.0 Edward's Eyes MacLachlan, Patricia 3.1 2.0 Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-theMoon Marigolds, The Zindel, Paul 4.2 2.0 Eggs Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 4.0 Egypt (Cultures of the World) Pateman, Robert 8.6 4.0 Egypt (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.8 2.0 Egypt Game, The Egypt (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.4 7.0 Hanks, Stephen 7.3 1.0 Egyptian Box, The Curry, Jane Louise 5.6 6.0 Egyptian Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley 4.5 0.5 Egyptian Pyramid, An Morley, Jacqueline 7.5 1.0 Eighty-Eight Steps to September Marino, Jan 4.1 5.0 Ekaterina Gordeeva (Overcoming Adversity) Hill, Anne E. 7.4 4.0 El-Cid Koslow, Philip 9.6 4.0 ¡El Cucuy! Hayes, Joe 3.7 0.5 El Dorado Adventure, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.6 6.0 Eldest Paolini, Christopher 7.0 36.0 Eleanor Cooney, Barbara 4.7 0.5 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery Freedman, Russell 7.8 6.0 Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World Faber, Doris 6.8 1.0 85050 EN 82231 EN 74952 EN 81356 EN 13985 EN 14388 EN 48050 EN 62065 EN 16627 EN 59302 EN 44961 EN 77176 EN 120111 EN 7670 EN 2194 EN 117751 EN 48799 EN 119262 EN 17769 EN 67821 EN 5009 EN Eleanor Roosevelt (People We Should Brown, Jonatha A. Know) Elections & Political Parties ( Smalley, Carol Parenzan Social Studies) 3.4 0.5 7.6 1.0 Electricity and Magnetism Karpelenia, Jenny 5.7 1.0 Electronics (21st Century Science) Butterfield, Moira 8.5 1.0 Elephant (Eyewitness) Redmond, Ian 7.8 1.0 Elephant Family Book, The Douglas-Hamilton, Oria 5.3 1.0 Elephant Quest Lewin, Ted/Betsy 5.4 0.5 Elephants (Animals I See at the Zoo) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.5 0.5 Elephants (In the Wild) Robinson, Claire 3.1 0.5 Elephants (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 Elevator Family, The Evans, Douglas 4.0 1.0 Eleven Myracle, Lauren 4.1 6.0 Eleven Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.1 4.0 Eleven Kids, One Summer Martin, Ann M. 4.2 5.0 Eli: A Black Bear Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.0 0.5 Elijah of Buxton Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.4 12.0 Elizabeth Arden: Beauty Empire Builder Shuker, Nancy 7.6 4.0 Elk (Second Series) Jackson, Tom 4.9 0.5 Ella Enchanted Levine, Gail Carson 4.6 8.0 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed Chodos-Irvine, Margaret 2.6 0.5 Ellen Tebbits Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 76306 EN 26919 EN 59651 EN 73056 EN 20515 EN 7714 EN 31095 EN 102017 EN 80728 EN 14665 EN 69357 EN 32506 EN 32593 EN 118427 EN 102129 EN 11715 EN 9263 EN 44813 EN 6262 EN 8260 EN 14561 EN Ellie and the Magic Computer (Sparklers Green) Beaumont, Jeanette 3.0 0.5 Elliot Drives Away Curtis, Matt 2.5 0.5 Ellis Island Marcovitz, Hal 8.0 1.0 Ellis Island: A Primary Source History...America Houghton, Gillian 10.1 2.0 Ellis Island (A True Book) Quiri, Patricia Ryon 4.9 0.5 Elmer and the Dragon Gannett, Ruth Stiles 4.6 1.0 Eloise (The Absolutely Essential Eloise) Thompson, Kay 4.6 1.0 Elsewhere Zevin, Gabrielle 4.3 9.0 Elsina's Clouds Winter, Jeanette 2.1 0.5 Elves Don't Wear Hard Hats Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Elvis Presley (Trailblazers of the Modern World) Brown, Adele Q. 6.8 1.0 Elvis the Turnip and Me Greenburg, Dan 3.3 1.0 Carey, Charles W. 5.9 1.0 Stille, Darlene 6.5 2.0 Emergency Quarterback Wallace, Rich 4.4 2.0 Emergency Room Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 6.0 Emily Arrow Promises to Do Better This Year Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.6 1.0 Emily of Deep Valley Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.1 8.0 Emily's Runaway Imagination Cleary, Beverly 6.1 6.0 Emmitt Smith: Finding Daylight Cox, Ted 4.9 0.5 Emmitt Smith: Star Running Back Savage, Jeff 5.2 2.0 Emancipation Proclamation (Journey to Freedom), The Emergence of Modern America (18901930), The 118263 EN 27475 EN 18811 EN 21548 EN 19819 EN 53840 EN 89070 EN 24939 EN 64838 EN 28292 SP 86891 SP 86892 SP 18334 SP 86893 SP 86894 SP 86895 SP 6313 EN 18964 EN 6313 SP 5415 EN 7716 EN Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat Jonell, Lynne 4.7 9.0 Emperor and the Kite, The Yolen, Jane 4.6 0.5 Emperor Mage Pierce, Tamora 5.8 10.0 Emperor Penguin's New Clothes, The Perlman, Janet 4.5 0.5 Emperor's Shield, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Emperors and Gladiators Ganeri, Anita 4.6 0.5 Empire Strikes Back, The Glut, Donald F. 6.9 9.0 Empty Envelope, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 EMS Worker (How Do I Become An...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 5.0 0.5 En el lugar de las alas Almond, David 3.5 5.0 En Japón Zocchi, Judy 3.9 0.5 En México Zocchi, Judy 4.5 0.5 En mi familia Lomas Garza, Carmen 4.7 0.5 En Nigeria Zocchi, Judy 4.5 0.5 En Suiza Zocchi, Judy 3.9 0.5 En Turquía Zocchi, Judy 4.4 0.5 Encounter Yolen, Jane 4.2 0.5 Encounter, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Encuentro Yolen, Jane 4.2 0.5 Ency. Brown Boy Detective Sobol, Donald J. 4.1 1.0 Ency. Brown Finds the Clues Sobol, Donald J. 4.3 2.0 7715 EN 7718 EN 7719 EN 18716 EN 40626 EN 36379 EN 10661 EN 44897 EN 7717 EN 36377 EN 10664 EN 18717 EN 10662 EN 20264 EN 131929 EN 10877 EN 81646 EN 110253 EN 59303 EN 28441 EN 361 EN Ency. Brown...Mysterious Handprints Sobol, Donald J. 4.5 1.0 Ency. Brown Shows the Way Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 Ency. Brown Solves Them All Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown...Dead Eagles Sobol, Donald J. 4.3 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Keeps the Peace Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Lends a Hand Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Strange but Sobol, Donald True Crimes 5.3 3.0 Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown...Secret Pitch Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 2.0 Encyclopedia Brown...Sleeping Dog Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown, Super Sleuth Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 2.0 Encyclopedia Brown Tracks Them Down Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 End of the Beginning...Small Snail (and an Avi Even Smaller Ant), The 3.8 1.0 End, The Snicket, Lemony 7.3 9.0 Endangered Animals (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott 5.5 16.0 Endless Steppe, The Hautzig, Esther 6.3 10.0 Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor Encyclopedia Brown...Case of the Treasure Hunt Encyclopedia Brown...Case of the Two Spies 108710 EN 58225 EN 87374 EN 81357 EN 76013 EN 80161 EN 74942 EN 106230 EN 75464 EN 609 EN 29960 EN 114456 EN 146085 EN 68550 EN 5265 EN 74404 EN 41390 EN 14786 EN 80594 EN 6609 EN 21107 EN Endymion Spring Skelton, Matthew 6.3 13.0 Enemy at Green Knowe, An Boston, L.M. 5.8 6.0 Enemy Spy Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.5 3.0 Energy (21st Century Science) Oxlade, Chris 8.3 1.0 Energy: Heat, Light, and Fuel Stille, Darlene 3.1 0.5 Energy (Science Around Us) Stille, Darlene R. 5.1 0.5 Energy Sources Bledsoe, Karen E. 7.0 1.0 England's Jane: The Story of Jane Austen Locke, Juliane 8.6 4.0 English Roses, The Madonna 4.3 0.5 Enormous Egg, The Butterworth, Oliver 5.0 6.0 Enormous Potato, The Davis, Aubrey 1.7 0.5 Enter Three Witches Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 10.0 Environmental Disasters Duke, Shirley 6.1 1.0 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 7.5 1.0 Episode of Sparrows, An Godden, Rumer 5.9 11.0 Eragon Paolini, Christopher 5.6 25.0 Ereth's Birthday Avi 4.7 5.0 Erie Canal, The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 7.6 1.0 Erie Canal, The Thompson, Linda 7.7 1.0 Erin McEwan, Your Days Are Numbered Ritchie, Alan 4.9 6.0 Ernest Hemingway: Writer and Adventurer Yannuzzi, Della A. 7.2 3.0 74943 EN 46103 EN 13000 EN 71682 EN 79911 EN 5934 EN 5266 EN 18965 EN 109453 EN 70853 EN 10772 EN 44286 SP 44286 EN 46878 EN 46879 EN 46880 EN 46881 EN 46883 EN 46884 EN 98 SP 62771 EN Erosion Castleman, Virginia 6.0 1.0 Ersatz Elevator, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Escape from Fire Mountain Paulsen, Gary 4.1 1.0 Escape from Memory Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 8.0 Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Warren, Andrea Orphan...American Boy 6.2 4.0 Escape from Slavery Rappaport, Doreen 5.0 3.0 Escape from Warsaw Serraillier, Ian 5.5 6.0 Escape, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini Fleischman, Sid 6.6 5.0 Escaping the Giant Wave Kehret, Peg 4.7 4.0 Esio Trot Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Esperanza renace Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 Essential Boating for Teens Thompson, Luke 5.3 1.0 Essential Camping for Teens Hooks, Kristine 5.3 1.0 Essential Deer Hunting for Teens Ceaser, Jonathan 5.5 1.0 Essential Fishing for Teens Fitzgerald, Ron 4.8 1.0 Essential Hiking for Teens Hooks, Kristine 6.1 0.5 Essential Snowmobiling for Teens Payan, Gregory 5.8 1.0 estanque del mirlo, El Speare, Elizabeth George 5.7 9.0 Estela's Swap O'Neill, Alexis 3.1 0.5 72564 EN 15 SP 29810 EN 555 SP 25782 EN 362 EN 67589 EN 117427 EN 18063 EN 118057 EN 46028 EN 13356 EN 8562 EN 125558 EN 77766 EN 118059 EN 63434 EN 11761 EN 64913 EN 5066 EN 109454 EN 84978 EN Estimating: How Many Gollywomples? Burstein, John 2.6 0.5 Esto es coraje Sperry, Armstrong 6.2 3.0 Estonia (Cultures of the World) Spilling, Michael 9.7 4.0 Estrella Negra, Brillante Amanecer O'Dell, Scott 4.3 4.0 Eternal Enemy, The Pike, Christopher 4.6 6.0 Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito, The Garrigue, Shelia 4.2 5.0 Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys Stein, R. Conrad 7.0 1.0 Ethiopia Campbell, Andrew 8.5 1.0 Ethiopia (Cultures of the World) Gish, Steven 8.8 3.0 Eulalia! Jacques, Brian 6.0 18.0 Europe Foster, Leila Merrell 3.7 0.5 European Invasion (Native American Culture), The McCall, Barbara 7.0 2.0 Eva Dickinson, Peter 6.3 10.0 Eve of the Emperor Penguin Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Even More Quick/McGrath 2.8 0.5 Ever-After Bird, The Rinaldi, Ann 4.1 6.0 Everest Book One: The Contest Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 Everglades George, Jean Craighead 4.0 0.5 Everglades (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Kras, Sara Louise 5.5 1.0 Everlasting Hills, The Hunt, Irene 6.1 9.0 Everlost Shusterman, Neal 5.6 12.0 Every Boy's Got One Cabot, Meg 5.5 10.0 43404 EN 73252 EN 6264 EN 18397 EN 9311 EN 6610 EN 133937 EN 75292 EN 48071 EN 11531 EN 6891 EN 6358 EN 18764 EN 84222 EN 32507 EN 106861 EN 8867 EN 130075 EN 67002 EN 82234 EN 100529 EN Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Mazer, Anne 4.4 2.0 Every Dog Has His Day Balaban, Bob 5.8 4.0 Every Dog Has His Day Erickson, John R. 4.9 3.0 Everybody Cooks Rice Dooley, Norah 3.8 0.5 Everybody Says Dobkin, Bonnie 1.2 0.5 Everyone Else's Parents Said Yes! Danziger, Paula 4.3 3.0 Everything for a Dog Martin, Ann M. 5.4 7.0 Everything New Under the Sun Mazer, Anne 3.5 2.0 Everything on a Waffle Horvath, Polly 5.8 5.0 Everything...Stress Ayer, Eleanor H. 5.5 1.0 Everything You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases Woods, Samuel G. 5.5 1.0 Everywhere Brooks, Bruce 5.2 2.0 Evie Peach Duey, Kathleen 4.8 4.0 Evil Elves, The Coville, Bruce 3.8 1.0 Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids Greenburg, Dan 3.1 1.0 Evil Star Horowitz, Anthony 4.7 13.0 Evil Under the Sun Christie, Agatha 7.3 9.0 Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The Kelly, Jacqueline 5.3 12.0 Executioner, The Bennett, Jay 3.4 4.0 Executive Branch (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Smalley, Carol Parenzan 8.2 1.0 Exercise Goodger, Beverley 7.9 1.0 24347 EN 120567 EN 24671 EN 118424 EN 66502 EN 67666 EN 39761 EN 17220 EN 2410 EN 6964 EN 60791 EN 6723 EN 47453 EN 138815 EN 564 EN 33628 EN 58372 EN 130571 EN 10665 EN 54933 EN 54557 EN Exercise Addiction: When Fitness Becomes an Obsession Kaminker, Laura 6.3 1.0 Exile Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 Exotic Shorthair Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 4.0 0.5 Expansion and Reform (Early 1800s-1861) Casciato, Daniel 7.2 2.0 Experiments with Gravity (A True Book) Tocci, Salvatore 5.0 0.5 Experiments with Motion (A True Book) Tocci, Salvatore 4.7 0.5 Exploding Ants: Amazing Facts About How Animals Adapt Settel, Joanne 6.4 1.0 Explorer (Eyewitness) Matthews, Rupert 8.5 1.0 Explorers to the New World: Moments in Jordan, Shirley History 4.9 2.0 Exploring Careers in Nursing Heron, Jackie 9.2 8.0 Exploring Caves: Journeys into the Earth Aulenbach/Barton/Delano 6.9 1.0 Exploring the Bismarck Ballard, Robert D. 6.6 2.0 Exploring the Earth with John Wesley Powell Ross, Michael Elsohn 7.0 2.0 Exploring the Solar System Tourville, Amanda Doering 5.8 1.0 Exploring the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. 6.6 3.0 Exposed, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Extra Cheese, Please! Mozzarella's Journey from Cow to Pizza Peterson, Cris 4.4 0.5 Extra Credit Clements, Andrew 5.3 5.0 Hanel, Wolfram 4.0 0.5 Altman, Susan 8.9 11.0 Alter, Judy 8.7 13.0 Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Hat, The Extraordinary African-Americans: From Colonial to...Times Extraordinary Explorers and Adventurers 28238 EN 54559 EN 41134 EN 119699 EN 71061 EN 127585 EN 16337 EN 16338 EN 26642 EN 30908 EN 32375 EN 32815 EN 7720 EN 78852 EN 42788 EN 8518 EN 930 EN 136867 EN 43036 EN 82068 EN 68551 EN Extraordinary Life: The Story of a Monarch Butterfly, An Pringle, Laurence 7.2 2.0 Extraordinary Women Athletes Hasday, Judy L. 9.1 13.0 Extraordinary Women of the American West Alter, Judy 8.9 12.0 Extras Westerfeld, Scott 5.1 12.0 Extreme Dive Under the Antarctic Ice, An Matsen, Brad 4.8 1.0 Extreme Lunch: Life and Death in a Food Piper, Ross Chain 4.9 0.5 Extreme Skateboarding (Extreme Sports) Ryan, Pat 4.4 0.5 Extreme Snowboarding (Extreme Sports) Ryan, Pat 4.6 0.5 Extreme, The Applegate, K.A. 4.1 3.0 Extreme Wakeboarding (Extreme Sports) McKenna, Anne T. 4.3 0.5 Eye of the Great Bear Wallace, Bill 4.3 5.0 Eye of the World, The Jordan, Robert 5.9 49.0 Eyeballs for Breakfast Ragz, M.M. 4.0 4.0 Eyes Like Willy's Havill, Juanita 5.0 3.0 Eyes of Kid Midas, The Shusterman, Neal 6.0 6.0 Eyes of the Amaryllis, The Babbitt, Natalie 5.0 3.0 Eyes of the Dragon, The King, Stephen 5.6 12.0 Eyes on the Goal Coy, John 3.3 4.0 Ezra: A Mountain Lion Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.4 1.0 Ezra Jack Keats (Children's Illustrators) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.2 0.5 FAA: Federal Aviation Administration, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 7.0 1.0 119228 EN 40318 EN 131388 EN 5267 EN 47400 EN 5268 EN 8519 EN 130425 EN 59759 EN 87110 EN 5010 EN 87230 EN 7721 EN 80498 EN 736 EN 47111 EN 53562 EN 109084 EN 565 EN 132462 EN 60137 EN 17990 EN Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School, The Fleming, Candace 3.9 4.0 Fables Lobel, Arnold 4.2 1.0 Fabumouse School Adventure, A Stilton, Geronimo 4.2 1.0 Face at the Edge of the World Bunting, Eve 4.2 6.0 Face First, A Cummings, Priscilla 4.8 6.0 Face on the Milk Carton, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.8 6.0 Face to Face Bauer, Marion Dane 5.3 6.0 Face to Face with Wild Horses Momatiuk, Yva 5.3 1.0 Faces in the Water Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 6.0 7.0 Facts About Alcohol, The Gottfried, Ted 9.4 3.0 Facts and Fiction of Minna Pratt MacLachlan, Patricia 5.7 4.0 Fade to Black Flinn, Alex 3.7 5.0 Faded Love Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 Datlow/Windling 5.5 20.0 Bradbury, Ray 5.2 7.0 Kendall, Martha E. 8.1 3.0 Fair Weather Peck, Richard 4.7 4.0 Fairest Levine, Gail Carson 4.1 8.0 Fairy Rebel, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.2 3.0 Fairy School Dropout Badger, Meredith 4.9 2.0 Faith Copeland, Lori 5.0 10.0 Faith and the Electric Dogs Jennings, Patrick 4.1 3.0 Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm, The Fahrenheit 451 Failure Is Impossible! The History of American Women's Rights 63107 EN 118186 EN 16746 EN 12376 EN 24995 EN 25211 EN 82417 EN 100576 EN 120169 EN 63022 EN 5709 EN 70563 EN 14514 EN 610 EN 13357 EN 8563 EN 760 EN 5903 EN 77249 EN 467 EN 29656 EN 6212 EN Faith Hill (Star Tracks) Wheeler, Jill C. 5.8 1.0 Faith Ringgold Venezia, Mike 5.3 0.5 Faithful Elephants Tsuchiya, Yukio 4.4 0.5 Faithful Friend, The San Souci, Robert D. 5.2 0.5 Falcon's Egg Gray, Luli 5.5 4.0 Falcon's Feathers, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 Falcon's Malteser, The Horowitz, Anthony 4.3 6.0 Falcondance Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.1 8.0 Fall Leaves Change Colors Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner 3.1 0.5 Falling into Place Greene, Stephanie 4.1 3.0 False Moves Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Fame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia O'Connor, Barbara 4.3 3.0 Strickland, Michael/Dorothy 4.0 0.5 Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.4 7.0 Family Life (Latino Life) Villaseñor, Isabel 6.8 1.0 Family of Strangers Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.9 6.0 Family Picture Hughes, Dean 4.8 7.0 Family Pictures Garza, Carmen Lomas 4.3 0.5 Family Reunion Cooney, Caroline B. 5.2 6.0 Family Under the Bridge, The Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.7 3.0 Famous Finishes (Race Car Legends) Gaines, Ann Graham 6.2 2.0 Fancy Feet Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.1 1.0 Families: Poems Celebrating the African American Experience Family Apart, A 47408 EN 74608 EN 5011 EN 60658 EN 109874 EN 17813 EN 37019 EN 117478 EN 68575 EN 25230 EN 363 EN 130323 EN 56808 EN 10649 EN 112 EN 29065 EN 6462 EN 10114 EN 100050 EN 40034 EN 85212 EN 761 EN Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them Rowling, J.K. 8.8 2.0 Fantastic Flights: One Hundred Years of Flying on the Edge O'Brien, Patrick 6.0 1.0 Fantastic Mr. Fox Dahl, Roald 4.1 1.0 Fantastic Voyage Asimov, Isaac 6.0 10.0 Far from Normal Klise, Kate 4.4 6.0 Far North Hobbs, Will 5.3 9.0 Far Planets (Our Solar System) Kerrod, Robin 6.2 1.0 Far Planets, The Graham, Ian 5.5 0.5 Far Side of Evil (Revised Edition), The Engdahl, Sylvia Louise 8.1 17.0 Faraway Summer Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 3.0 Farewell to Manzanar Houston, Jeanne 6.7 7.0 Farm Birds (Second Series) John, Katie 5.8 1.0 Farm Friends Scott, Janine 1.8 0.5 Farm Team Weaver, Will 4.5 8.0 Farmer Boy Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.2 9.0 Farms Richardson, Adele 6.0 0.5 Farthest-Away Mountain, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5.2 4.0 Farthest Shore, The Guin, Ursula K. Le 6.1 10.0 Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life!, Myracle, Lauren The 4.0 5.0 Fast Break (Scoreboard) Wright, Bob 2.7 0.5 Fast Company Wallace, Rich 3.9 2.0 Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff Myers, Walter Dean 4.8 7.0 77980 EN 14817 EN 114463 EN 68161 EN 57588 EN 5712 EN 54117 EN 29848 EN 762 EN 31207 EN 26657 EN 17311 EN 31544 EN 68552 EN 65535 EN 11464 EN 12555 EN 113352 EN 83949 EN 59048 EN 6414 EN Fastest Runner, The Robins, Eleanor 2.6 1.0 Fat Chance Newman, Lesléa 5.2 8.0 Fat Girl, The Sachs, Marilyn 3.9 6.0 Fat Kid Rules the World Going, K.L. 4.7 8.0 Fat Men From Space Pinkwater, Daniel 4.9 1.0 Fatal Ransom Keene, Carolyn 4.3 4.0 Fatality Cooney, Caroline B. 5.7 7.0 Blackwood, Gary L. 7.2 1.0 Peck, Richard 4.8 6.0 Father's Arcane Daughter Konigsburg, E.L. 5.0 4.0 Father Water, Mother Woods Paulsen, Gary 6.2 6.0 Fattest, Tallest, Biggest Snowman Ever, The Ling, Bettina 2.5 0.5 Favorite Greek Myths Osborne, Mary Pope 6.1 2.0 FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 6.8 1.0 FBI, The De Capua, Sarah 8.2 1.0 Fear Place, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 5.0 Fearsome Fish (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 4.8 0.5 Feathers Woodson, Jacqueline 4.4 4.0 Feel the Beat! Dancing in Music Videos Cutcher, Jenai 7.0 1.0 Felicity Discovers a Secret Tripp, Valerie 4.5 0.5 Felicity Learns a Lesson: A School Story Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Fateful Forebodings (Secrets of the Unexplained) Father Figure 34678 EN 6416 EN 6415 EN 52591 EN 5218 EN 136920 EN 737 EN 68548 EN 65783 EN 13305 EN 261 EN 59626 EN 64938 EN 42961 EN 27539 EN 111880 EN 66465 SP 101503 EN 70127 EN 105177 EN 65784 EN Felicity's Dancing Shoes Tripp, Valerie 4.7 0.5 Felicity's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 Felicity Saves the Day: A Summer Story Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 Felicity Takes a Dare Tripp, Valerie 4.4 0.5 Felita Mohr, Nicholasa 3.6 2.0 Felix Takes the Stage Lasky, Kathryn 4.4 2.0 Fellowship of the Ring, The FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.1 29.0 Binns, Tristan Boyer 7.2 1.0 Fence Busters Bee, Clair 5.4 9.0 Ferrari: The Legend (Car Classics) Haines, Shirley/Harry 6.8 1.0 Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge Wallace, Bill 4.4 4.0 Festival of Bones, The San Vicente, Luis 4.3 0.5 Feudalism (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Hurwitz, Jane 7.2 1.0 Fever, 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse 4.4 7.0 Fiddlesticks Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution Naden, Corinne J. 9.3 5.0 fiebre del oro en California, La Crewe, Sabrina 5.5 1.0 Field Day from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.6 0.5 Field Guide, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.2 1.0 Field Trip to Niagara Falls Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 Fiery Fullback Bee, Clair 6.0 8.0 64437 EN 54574 EN 6314 EN 74068 EN 12996 EN 24039 EN 53379 EN 566 EN 13942 EN 5659 EN 8911 EN 20534 EN 126673 EN 29424 EN 35295 EN 112575 EN 65435 EN 32527 EN 5361 EN 55930 EN 17770 EN Fiesta Femenina : Celebrating Women in Mexican Folktale Gerson, Mary-Joan 5.8 2.0 Fifth Elephant, The Pratchett, Terry 5.0 16.0 Fifth Grade Magic Gormley, Beatrice 4.5 4.0 Figgs & Phantoms Raskin, Ellen 5.2 4.0 Fighter Planes Schleifer, Jay 5.7 0.5 Fighter Planes of World War II Masters, Nancy Robinson 4.8 0.5 Fighting Fish Schwartz, David M. 3.2 0.5 Fighting Ground, The Avi 4.2 4.0 Fighting Tackle Christopher, Matt 4.7 3.0 Figure in Hiding, A Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Figure in the Shadows, The Bellairs, John 4.8 5.0 Figure Skating (A True Book) Brimner, Larry Dane 4.8 0.5 Final Battle, The Farshtey, Greg 5.7 3.0 Final Cut, The Bowen, Fred 4.3 2.0 Final Freedom, The Wallace, Bill 4.5 5.0 Final Lap Rose, Malcolm 5.1 7.0 Final Reckoning, The Jarvis, Robin 6.6 14.0 Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye Lowry, Lois 4.8 7.0 Finding Buck McHenry Slote, Alfred 3.5 6.0 Finding My Voice Lee, Marie G. 4.9 6.0 Finding Walter Turner, Ann 4.5 5.0 53195 EN 76313 EN 6999 EN 86445 EN 18064 EN 70122 EN 18765 EN 56618 EN 28502 EN 71298 EN 14765 EN 16985 EN 13410 EN 111259 EN 20111 EN 87157 EN 104749 EN 77166 EN 64839 EN 103208 EN 32819 EN Fine, Fine School, A Creech, Sharon 3.3 0.5 Fine Line (Sparklers Aqua), The Lindquist, Rowena Cory 3.0 0.5 Fine White Dust, A Rylant, Cynthia 4.2 3.0 Fink's Funk! Weeks, Sarah 4.1 3.0 Finland (Cultures of the World) Lee, Tan Chung 8.8 4.0 Fire and Ice Hunter, Erin 5.4 11.0 Fire: Chicago, 1871 Duey/Bale 5.0 4.0 Fire Engines (Emergency Vehicles) Ethan, Eric 2.7 0.5 Fire in Their Eyes Beil, Karen Magnuson 6.3 1.0 Fire Next Time, The Baldwin, James 8.1 4.0 Fire on the Wind Crew, Linda 4.7 5.0 Fire Pony, The Philbrick, Rodman 4.9 5.0 Fire! Raging Destruction Bondar, Barbara 4.2 1.0 Fire Star d'Lacey, Chris 4.8 12.0 Fire, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.5 6.0 Fire Within, The D'Lacey, Chris 4.1 7.0 Firebirds Rising: An...Original Science Fiction and Fantasy November, Sharyn 5.0 20.0 Firefighter Parks, Peggy J. 6.4 1.0 Firefighter (How Do I Become A...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 4.9 0.5 Firefly Farley, Terri 5.5 7.0 Fires of Heaven, The Jordan, Robert 6.5 56.0 118241 EN 13411 EN 63237 EN 44131 EN 78111 EN 13739 EN 105860 EN 64289 EN 127006 EN 16862 EN 5012 EN 70717 EN 79477 EN 67593 EN 16544 EN 117405 EN 17222 EN 5219 EN 80693 EN 4138 EN 119152 EN Firestar's Quest Hunter, Erin 5.5 19.0 Firewatch Sorenson, Margo 3.0 2.0 Firewing Oppel, Kenneth 5.0 12.0 Fireworks, Picnics, and Flags Giblin, James Cross 7.7 3.0 Firmament Bowler, Tim 5.0 14.0 First Civilizations (History of Everyday Things), The Caselli, Giovanni 8.3 2.0 First Collier, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 6.0 First Day in Grapes Pérez, L. King 3.2 0.5 First Dog Fala Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth 5.1 0.5 First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers Shea, George 2.9 0.5 First Four Years, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.8 4.0 First Part Last, The Johnson, Angela 4.7 3.0 First Rider's Call Britain, Kristen 6.6 29.0 First Thanksgiving, The Santella, Andrew 7.0 1.0 First Woman and the Strawberry Dominic, Gloria 3.6 0.5 Fish Snedden, Robert 6.2 1.0 Fish (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Fish Face Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Fish: How to Choose and Care for a Fish Jeffrey, Laura S. 4.8 1.0 Fish (Marine Life for Young Readers) Swartz, Stanley L. 1.8 0.5 Fishing Klein, Adam G. 4.9 0.5 132495 EN 26240 EN 43015 EN 74532 EN 113 EN 74597 EN 50150 EN 24437 EN 73554 EN 145001 EN 13392 EN 114 EN 5660 EN 6046 EN 48299 EN 132418 EN 5904 EN 53684 EN 14791 EN 47366 EN 111953 EN 27706 EN Fishing Lundgren, Julie K. 4.5 0.5 Fishing Bears Berman, Ruth 1.9 0.5 Fishing in the Air Creech, Sharon 3.4 0.5 Five-Finger Discount DeClements, Barthe 4.1 4.0 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Sidney, Margaret 7.9 13.0 Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Albom, Mitch 4.7 6.0 Five Smooth Stones: Hope's Diary Gregory, Kristiana 4.4 2.0 Flags (Rourke Guide to State Symbols) Cooper, Jason 6.6 1.0 Flame/Fall of a Kingdom Bell, Hilari 6.1 13.0 Flat Broke Paulsen, Gary 5.1 3.0 Flat Stanley Brown, Jeff 4.0 1.0 Fledgling, The Langton, Jane 5.0 6.0 Flickering Torch Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.0 5.0 Flight #116 Is Down Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 7.0 Flight (Make It Work!) Haslam/Challoner 6.3 2.0 Flight of the Phoenix LaFevers, R.L. 4.2 3.0 Flight: The Journey of Charles Lindbergh Burleigh, Robert 3.5 0.5 Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.8 8.0 Floating House, The Sanders, Scott Russell 5.0 0.5 Floating Jellyfish Martin-James, Kathleen 2.6 0.5 Flood! Ganeri, Anita 6.7 1.0 Flood Disaster, The Kehret, Peg 4.9 4.0 18766 EN 60882 EN 127555 EN 4626 EN 146086 EN 7809 EN 73501 EN 27873 EN 24753 EN 5013 EN 10265 EN 69075 EN 117406 EN 738 EN 24438 EN 165 EN 101038 EN 48167 EN 143889 EN 105950 EN 145162 EN 20459 EN Flood: Mississippi, 1927 Duey/Bale 5.2 4.0 Flood (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.5 0.5 Floods! Sweeney, Alyse 2.1 0.5 Floods and Tidal Waves (Natural Disasters) Jennings, Terry 6.1 1.0 Floods, Dams, and Levees Mattern, Joanne 5.9 1.0 Florida (America the Beautiful) Stone, Lynn M. 8.0 3.0 Florida Fog Phantoms Rand, Johnathan 3.4 2.0 Florida Marlins (America's Game) Italia, Bob 6.9 1.0 Florida (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.3 1.0 Flossie and the Fox McKissack, Patricia C. 3.2 0.5 Flour Babies Fine, Anne 4.9 6.0 Flower Fairies, The Rodda, Emily 4.2 2.0 Flowers Snedden, Robert 6.2 1.0 Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel 5.8 13.0 Flowers (Rourke Guide to State Symbols) Cooper, Jason 5.5 1.0 Flunking of Joshua T. Bates, The Shreve, Susan 5.1 2.0 Flush Hiaasen, Carl 5.0 9.0 Flutes (Music Makers) Harris, Pamela K. 3.2 0.5 Flutter: The Story of Four Sisters and One Moulton, Erin E. Incredible Journey 4.5 6.0 Fly by Night Hardinge, Frances 7.1 19.0 Fly Guy vs. the Flyswatter! Arnold, Tedd 2.1 0.5 Fly Named Alfred, A Trembath, Don 4.8 5.0 40035 EN 32172 EN 58680 EN 29320 EN 54046 EN 48949 EN 32047 EN 468 EN 54119 EN 81846 EN 32731 EN 47346 EN 23387 EN 28792 EN 8818 EN 26377 EN 6315 EN 13358 EN 49794 EN 15924 EN 4392 EN Flying Circus Thomas, Earl W. 3.6 1.0 Flying Flea, Callie, and Me, The Wallace, Bill/Carol 3.5 2.0 Flying Free: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary Wyeth, Sharon Dennis 3.3 1.0 Flying Ghosts Matheson, Shirlee Smith 4.4 6.0 Flying Gunship: The AC-130 Spectre Fitzpatrick, Kevin J. 5.9 1.0 Flying Machine Nahum, Andrew 7.9 1.0 Flying Solo Fletcher, Ralph 3.9 3.0 Fog Magic Sauer, Julia 6.1 4.0 Fog, The Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 7.0 Folk, Country, and Reggae Brasch, Nicolas 7.7 1.0 Folk Keeper, The Billingsley, Franny 5.3 6.0 Follow My Leader Garfield, James B. 4.5 6.0 Follow That Bus! Hutchins, Pat 5.3 2.0 Follow the Drinking Gourd Winter, Jeanette 4.3 0.5 Follow Your Dream White, Nancy 4.0 1.0 Followers, The Bunting, Eve 4.5 1.0 Following the Mystery Man Hahn, Mary Downing 5.1 6.0 Food & Cooking (Latino Life) Clavin, Tracy 5.6 1.0 Food (Discovering World Cultures) Macdonald, Fiona 7.3 2.0 Food for the Settler Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 3.0 Food in Grandma's Day Weber/Jackson 4.8 0.5 75714 EN 18671 EN 75701 EN 9018 EN 75103 EN 124560 EN 5363 EN 115892 EN 54512 EN 2219 EN 112391 EN 59760 EN 5661 EN 58056 EN 8762 EN 18812 EN 29356 EN 17282 EN 71307 EN 117415 EN 74944 EN Foods from the Farm Weber, Rebecca 2.5 0.5 Fool of the World and the Flying Ship: A Russian Tale, The Ransome, Arthur 4.7 1.0 Foolish Jack and the Bean Stack Anholt, Laurence 3.9 0.5 Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. 0.6 0.5 Football (A True Book) Kennedy, Mike 5.4 0.5 Football Double Threat Peters, Stephanie True 4.6 2.0 Football Fugitive Christopher, Matt 4.5 2.0 Football Genius Green, Tim 4.8 7.0 Football Nightmare Hirschfeld, Robert 4.7 3.0 Football's Fallen Hero: The Jack Trice Story Jones, Steven L. 4.8 2.0 Football Stars Buckman, Virginia 5.8 1.0 Footprints at the Window Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 6.0 7.0 Footprints Under the Window Dixon, Franklin W. 6.1 5.0 For All Time Cooney, Caroline B. 5.7 8.0 For Always Bunting, Eve 3.9 1.0 For Better, for Worse, Forever McDaniel, Lurlene 4.5 5.0 For Mike Sykes, Shelley 3.9 6.0 For the Love of the Game: Michael Jordan Greenfield, Eloise and Me 3.5 0.5 For This Land: Meg's Prairie Diary McMullan, Kate 3.6 2.0 Forces & Friction Riley, Peter 6.1 1.0 Forecasting Schley, William F. 6.1 1.0 106398 EN 8522 EN 65135 EN 111954 EN 41664 EN 73953 EN 28908 EN 59064 EN 27724 EN 112353 EN 14814 EN 75443 EN 111914 EN 6359 EN 15515 EN 26596 EN 17366 EN 15925 EN 19671 EN 6360 EN 27750 EN Foreshadowing, The Sedgwick, Marcus 4.5 8.0 Forest Lisle, Janet Taylor 4.7 5.0 Forest Fire Hanson, Ed 4.0 1.0 Forest Fire! Ganeri, Anita 6.4 1.0 Forest in the Clouds, The Collard, Sneed B. 5.2 0.5 Forest of Secrets Hunter, Erin 5.8 11.0 Forests (Closer Look At) Hall, Cally 6.5 1.0 Forests of Silence, The Rodda, Emily 5.0 4.0 Forever Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.8 1.0 Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Brashares, Ann 4.4 11.0 Forged by Fire Draper, Sharon M. 4.7 5.0 Forget Me Not Lynn, Jodi 4.9 6.0 Forging the Sword Bell, Hilari 6.9 20.0 Forgotten Door, The Key, Alexander 5.0 5.0 Forgotten Voyager: The Story of Amerigo Alper, Ann Fitzpatrick Vespucci 6.4 2.0 Forklifts (Machines at Work) 2.4 0.5 Formula One Racing (Race Car Legends) Huff, Richard 6.9 2.0 Fort Life Kalman/Schimpky 6.2 0.5 Fortune-Teller's Secret, The Keene, Carolyn 4.6 4.0 Fortune-Tellers, The Alexander, Lloyd 4.6 0.5 Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule Robinet, Harriette Gillem 4.3 5.0 Eick, Jean 5364 EN 17223 EN 82212 EN 28638 EN 13815 EN 134636 EN 106978 EN 118078 EN 60711 EN 5416 EN 11465 EN 6361 EN 74077 EN 17523 EN 40703 EN 18577 EN 6214 EN 10518 EN 9019 EN 31415 EN 218 EN Forward Pass Dygard, Thomas J. 6.4 7.0 Fossil (Eyewitness) Taylor, Paul D. 8.2 1.0 Fossils Karpelenia, Jenny 6.9 1.0 Fossils and Bones Pirotta, Saviour 7.2 1.0 Fossils Tell of Long Ago Aliki 3.6 0.5 Foul, Filthy American Frontier: The Disgusting...Out West, The Schwartz, Heather E. 5.1 0.5 Foundling Cornish, D.M. 6.6 12.0 Kreidler, Mark 7.9 15.0 Loewen/Bancroft 6.7 3.0 Fourth-Grade Celebrity Giff, Patricia Reilly 5.6 3.0 Fourth Grade is a Jinx McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.4 4.0 Fourth Grade Rats Spinelli, Jerry 2.6 2.0 Fourth Grade Wizards, The DeClements, Barthe 3.8 3.0 Fox and His Friends Marshall, Edward 2.0 0.5 Fox Be Nimble Marshall, James 2.0 0.5 Fox Busters, The King-Smith, Dick 7.0 4.0 Fox in a Trap Thomas, Jane Resh 4.8 2.0 Fox in Love Marshall, Edward 1.8 0.5 Fox in Socks Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Fox on Wheels Marshall, Edward 1.9 0.5 Fox Steals Home, The Christopher, Matt 4.5 4.0 Four Days to Glory: Wrestling with the Soul...American Heartland Four to the Pole: The American Women's...Antarctica, 1992-93 7266 EN 119673 EN 26465 EN 116473 EN 8566 EN 44287 EN 50016 EN 85983 EN 84522 EN 28710 EN 18012 EN 26064 EN 34559 EN 8336 EN 31440 EN 14562 EN 533 EN 8962 EN 10666 EN 35401 EN 75644 EN Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, The Spier, Peter 2.7 0.5 Foxes Lockwood, Sophie 5.8 1.0 Foxes (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.5 0.5 Foxes (New Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 4.0 0.5 Foxman, The Paulsen, Gary 4.9 3.0 Foxy Griffith, Helen V. 4.3 4.0 Fractions and Decimals Jacques, Caron/St. 6.5 1.0 Framed! Rose, Malcolm 5.0 6.0 France and the French Ganeri, Anita 6.9 1.0 France (Country Fact Files) Bussolin, Veronique 7.2 1.0 France (Cultures of the World) Gofen, Ethel Caro 9.0 4.0 Frances Hodgson Burnett: Beyond the Secret Garden Carpenter/Shirley 5.7 3.0 Francine, Believe It or Not Brown/Krensky 3.2 1.0 Francisco Goya Richardson, Martha 9.7 3.0 Frank Lloyd Wright: Visionary Architect Wright, David K. 8.2 4.0 Frank Thomas: Star First Baseman Spiros, Dean 5.9 2.0 Frankenstein Frankenstein and Other Stories of Manmade Monsters Shelley, Mary 12.4 17.0 Kudalis, Eric 4.1 0.5 Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Frankenstein Doesn't Slam Hockey Pucks Dadey/Jones 4.0 1.0 Frankenstein Doesn't Start Food Fights 4.0 1.0 Dadey/Jones 7723 Frankenstein Moved in on the Fourth Floor Levy, Elizabeth EN 130816 Frankie Pickle and the Closet of Doom Wight, Eric EN 82850 Franklin and the New Teacher Bourgeois/Jennings EN Franklin D. Roosevelt (Encyclopedia of 881 EN Osinski, Alice Presidents) 14723 Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Four-Term Schuman, Michael A. EN President Franklin Pierce (Encyclopedia of 864 EN Simon, Charnan Presidents) 30704 Franklin's Christmas Gift Bourgeois, Paulette EN 140209 Frankly, Frannie Stern, AJ EN 130980 Franny Parker McKinnon, Hannah Roberts EN 5331 Freak the Mighty (The Mighty) Philbrick, Rodman EN 5067 Freaky Friday Rodgers, Mary EN 73465 Freaky Green Eyes Oates, Joyce Carol EN 262 EN Freckle Juice Blume, Judy 104908 Freddy Adu Savage, Jeff EN 6064 Frederick Lionni, Leo EN 32592 Frederick Douglass (Journey to Freedom) Passaro, John EN 67270 Free Again Farley, Terri EN 103765 Free Baseball Corbett, Sue EN 4525 Free Black Girl Before the Civil War, A Steele/Graves EN 29996 Freedom Crossing Clark, Margaret Goff EN 107660 Freedom Riders: John Lewis & Jim Bausum, Ann EN Zwerg...Civil Rights Movement 3.4 1.0 3.5 1.0 2.4 0.5 7.7 2.0 7.6 3.0 8.8 2.0 3.1 0.5 4.5 2.0 4.3 5.0 5.5 5.0 4.4 4.0 5.0 7.0 3.1 0.5 4.2 0.5 3.1 0.5 4.3 0.5 5.0 7.0 4.3 5.0 6.9 1.0 4.6 5.0 7.8 3.0 8468 EN 52592 EN 106043 EN 52423 EN 4864 EN 82201 EN 16581 EN 65786 EN 51132 EN 8337 EN 18673 EN 18673 SP 6037 EN 127587 EN 364 EN 5417 EN 5981 EN 13412 EN 27406 EN 315 EN 63615 EN 118475 EN Freedom's Children Levine, Ellen 6.3 8.0 Freedom's Wings: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary Wyeth, Sharon Dennis 3.0 1.0 Freeglader Stewart, Paul 6.4 13.0 Freestyle Moto-X (Radsports Guides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 5.2 1.0 Freestyle Water Skiing (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.3 1.0 Freewalker Foon, Dennis 5.5 13.0 Freeze Frame Bricker, Sandra D. 4.2 1.0 Freshman Quarterback Bee, Clair 5.4 8.0 Freshwater Fishing (The Great Outdoors) Hopkins, Ellen 4.6 0.5 Frida Kahlo 8.4 4.0 Frida Maria: A Story of the Old Southwest Lattimore, Deborah Nourse 3.3 0.5 Frida María, un cuento del sudoeste de antes Lattimore, Deborah Nourse 3.3 0.5 Friday Night Lights Bissinger, H.G. 8.0 19.0 Fried! When Lightning Strikes Barnham, Kay 5.1 0.5 Friedrich Richter, Hans Peter 4.7 5.0 Friend Like That, A Slote, Alfred 3.3 4.0 Friendly Persuasion, The West, Jessamyn 6.1 12.0 Friendship: Come Along on a Cruise Higman, Anita 3.2 1.0 Friendship in Action Hanifin, Erin 4.8 0.5 Friendship, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 Frightful's Daughter George, Jean Craighead 3.4 0.5 Frightful's Daughter Meets the Baron Weasel George, Jean Craighead 4.3 0.5 Garza, Hedda 2114 EN 16637 EN 114099 EN 5512 EN 6116 EN 5467 EN 42405 EN 6065 EN 5513 EN 69337 EN 52395 EN 115637 EN 138626 EN 119263 EN 46350 EN 18870 EN 1663 EN 1661 EN 16887 EN 29483 EN 118216 EN Frightful's Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.7 8.0 Frindle Clements, Andrew 5.4 2.0 Friskative Dog, The Straight, Susan 4.5 3.0 Frog and Toad All Year Lobel, Arnold 2.6 0.5 Frog and Toad Are Friends Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 Frog and Toad Together Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 Frog Face and the Three Boys Trembath, Don 4.6 4.0 Frog Prince Continued, The Scieszka, Jon 3.2 0.5 Frog Prince, The Tarcov, Edith 2.8 0.5 Frog Princess, The Allchin, Rosalind 4.2 0.5 Frog Went A-Courtin' Langstaff, John 2.7 0.5 Frognapped Sage, Angie 4.6 3.0 Frogs and Toads Lundgren, Julie K. 3.6 0.5 Frogs (Second Series) Harris, Tim 4.9 1.0 From Acorn to Oak Tree Kottke, Jan 1.6 0.5 From Caterpillar to Butterfly Heiligman, Deborah 2.9 0.5 From Caterpillar to Butterfly (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 2.7 0.5 From Egg to Chicken (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 2.6 0.5 From Miss Ida's Porch Belton, Sandra 4.4 1.0 From One Experience to Another Weiss, Jerry/Helen 4.7 8.0 From Seed to Dandelion Weiss, Ellen 2.5 0.5 1662 EN 2411 EN 29 EN 59208 EN 48980 EN 7033 EN 40628 EN 24040 EN 11114 EN 113238 EN 13413 EN 167 EN 32686 EN 414 EN 5220 EN 88919 EN 44160 EN 102520 EN 69057 EN 82088 EN 8868 EN 117407 EN From Seed to Sunflower (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 3.0 0.5 From Smoke Signals to Email Jordan, Shirley 4.8 2.0 4.7 5.0 5.7 23.0 From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Konigsburg, E.L. Frankweiler From the Two Rivers: Part One of The Eye Jordan, Robert of the World From the Water to the Land Massa et al., Renato 7.6 1.0 Front Porch Stories at the One-Room School Tate, Eleanora E. 4.2 2.0 Frontier Family Wilkes/Henson 3.9 1.0 Frontier Fort: Fort Life on the Upper Mississippi, 1826 O'Hara, Megan 3.8 0.5 Frontier Fort on the Oregon Trail, A Steedman, Scott 6.2 1.0 Frontline Marines: Fighting in the Marine Payment, Simone Combat Arms Units 7.0 1.0 Frozen Face, The Schraff, Anne 4.0 3.0 Frozen Fire Houston, James 4.9 5.0 Frozen Stiff Shahan, Sherry 4.8 5.0 Fudge Graeber, Charlotte 3.7 3.0 Fudge-a-Mania Blume, Judy 3.3 3.0 Fugitive Factor, The Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 Full Moon Fever Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 Full Service Weaver, Will 4.5 7.0 Full Tilt Shusterman, Neal 5.0 7.0 Funding the Nation Hamilton, John 6.0 0.5 Funerals Are Fatal (After the Funeral) Christie, Agatha 6.3 11.0 Fungi Snedden, Robert 6.9 1.0 7568 EN 69049 EN 7724 EN 72888 EN 49783 EN 8338 EN 46858 EN 7671 EN 219 EN 12513 EN 16034 EN 12718 EN 14767 EN 101235 EN 79707 EN 15926 EN 220 EN 6265 EN 28734 EN 26595 EN 53942 EN 74756 EN Funny Little Woman, The Mosel, Arlene 3.6 0.5 Further Adventures of Gobbolino and the Little Wooden Horse, The Williams, Ursula Moray 6.1 6.0 Further Adventures of Hank the Cowdog Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 Fuzzy Bunny, The Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.3 0.5 G Is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book Schwartz, David M. 5.4 1.0 Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dolan, Sean 10.0 5.0 Gadget, The Zindel, Paul 4.5 4.0 Gadget War, The Duffey, Betsy 3.7 1.0 Gaffer Samson's Luck Walsh, Jill Paton 4.7 4.0 Gail Devers Gutman, Bill 5.4 1.0 Gail & Me King, Virginia 3.3 0.5 Galaxies (Images) George, Michael 6.6 0.5 Gallows Hill Duncan, Lois 6.9 9.0 Game Day Barber, Tiki 3.4 0.5 Game of Sunken Places, The Anderson, M.T. 4.6 8.0 Games From Long Ago Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 1.0 Gammage Cup, The Kendall, Carol 5.9 8.0 Garbage Juice for Breakfast Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 1.0 Garbage Monster from Outer Space, The Erickson, John R. 4.3 3.0 Garbage Trucks (Machines at Work) Eick, Jean 2.2 0.5 Garden of Abdul Gasazi, The Van Allsburg, Chris 4.0 0.5 Garden of Angels McDaniel, Lurlene 4.9 8.0 115804 EN 14668 EN 55730 EN 108667 EN 29340 EN 44063 EN 221 EN 241 SP 30 EN 27807 EN 24041 EN 15927 EN 49705 EN 71576 EN 82225 EN 10667 EN 222 EN 8567 EN 13753 EN 82213 EN 50017 EN 5468 EN Garden of the Purple Dragon Wilkinson, Carole 5.4 12.0 Gargoyles Don't Drive School Buses Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Gargoyles of Gaylord Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 Gases Mezzanotte, Jim 2.8 0.5 Gate in the Wall, The Howard, Ellen 5.7 5.0 Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois 5.0 7.0 Gathering of Days, A gato tuerto, El Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon Blos, Joan W. Fox, Paula Mukerji, Dhan Gopal 6.7 5.4 6.5 5.0 7.0 6.0 Gemini Spacewalkers (Giant Leaps), The Kallen, Stuart A. 5.8 1.0 General Store: A Village Store in 1902 O'Hara, Megan 3.0 0.5 General Store, The Kalman, Bobbie 6.4 1.0 Genetic Engineering: Progress or Peril? Tagliaferro, Linda 10.7 3.0 Genetic Engineering (Science Issues) Stoyles/Pentland/Demant 7.0 1.0 Genetics Glass, Susan 7.3 1.0 Genies Don't Ride Bicycles Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Gentle Ben Morey, Walt 4.8 8.0 Gentlehands Kerr, M.E. 5.0 6.0 Gentleman Outlaw and Me, Eli: A Story of Hahn, Mary Downing the Old West, The 5.5 7.0 Geologic Time Karpelenia, Jenny 6.4 1.0 Geometry Jacques, Caron/St. 5.9 1.0 George and Martha Marshall, James 2.7 0.5 40591 EN 1513 EN 14060 EN 10776 EN 8348 EN 82899 EN 86455 EN 14061 EN 65752 EN 25896 EN George and Martha, One Fine Day 2.4 0.5 George Bush (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Kent, Zachary 7.4 2.0 George H.W. Bush: 41st President of the United States Stefoff, Rebecca 9.1 6.0 George's Marvelous Medicine Dahl, Roald 4.0 2.0 George Santayana Carter, David 8.9 4.0 George vs. George: The American Revolution...Both Sides Schanzer, Rosalyn 7.5 2.0 George Washington Mara, Wil 2.6 0.5 Falkof, Lucille 8.7 5.0 Wheeler, Jill C. 5.6 1.0 Carey, Charles W. 6.9 1.0 Kent, Zachary 7.5 2.0 Fritz, Jean 4.1 0.5 Woodruff, Elvira 5.0 6.0 Foster, Genevieve 8.0 17.0 Allen, Thomas B. 7.9 4.0 Kent, Zachary 8.5 3.0 Spilling, Michael 10.0 4.0 Ball, Jacqueline A. 5.3 1.0 Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Sipiera, Paul P. 8.6 2.0 Collins, David R. 9.6 5.0 George Washington: 1st President of the United States George Washington Carver (Breaking Barriers) George Washington Carver (Journey to Freedom) George Washington (Encyclopedia of 851 EN Presidents) 5418 George Washington's Breakfast EN 12477 George Washington's Socks EN 19037 George Washington's World EN 75828 George Washington, EN Spymaster...Revolutionary War 7810 Georgia (America the Beautiful) EN 18065 Georgia (Cultures of the World) EN 9915 Georgia O'Keeffe: Painter of the Desert EN 24754 Georgia (Portrait of America) EN 887 EN Gerald Ford (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 14062 Gerald R. Ford: 38th President of the EN United States Marshall, James 7268 EN 139603 EN 15359 EN 123370 EN 140117 EN 84523 EN 28711 EN 18013 EN 7725 EN 7726 EN 121761 EN 127909 EN 123673 EN 48051 EN 49472 EN 24907 EN 63240 EN 61515 EN 71270 EN 15573 EN 105851 EN Geraldine's Blanket Keller, Holly 1.7 0.5 Gerbil Koopmans, Carol 4.6 1.0 German Shepherd, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.8 0.5 German Shepherds Gagne, Tammy 5.3 0.5 German Shepherds Mathea, Heidi 4.1 0.5 Germany and the Germans Ganeri, Anita 7.0 1.0 Germany (Country Fact Files) Flint, David 7.3 1.0 Germany (Cultures of the World) Fuller, Barbara 9.7 3.0 Germy Blew It Jones, Rebecca C. 3.7 3.0 Germy Blew It-Again! Jones, Rebecca C. 3.6 3.0 Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery Stilton, Geronimo 5.1 1.0 Geronimo's Valentine Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent Stilton, Geronimo 3.6 1.0 Gershon's Monster: A Story for the Jewish Kimmel, Eric A. New Year 3.6 0.5 Get Dressed, Robbie Morton/Martín 2.4 0.5 Get on Board: The Story of the Underground Railroad Haskins, Jim 7.7 4.0 Get Out of Bed! Munsch, Robert 2.7 0.5 Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.0 0.5 Get to Work, Hercules! McMullan, Kate 3.7 4.0 Get Up and Go! The History of American Whitman, Sylvia Road Travel 7.9 3.0 Get Well Soon or Else! 4.5 3.0 Weeks, Sarah 116583 EN 32742 EN 77736 EN 102423 EN 25109 EN 29811 EN 29586 EN 9553 EN 53435 EN 5662 EN 30654 EN 13414 EN 5014 EN 20113 EN 18767 EN 89269 EN 78009 EN 44288 EN 145415 EN 28295 EN 6364 EN Getting Air Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Getting Near to Baby Couloumbis, Audrey 5.1 6.0 Getting Ready to Race Ring, Susan 2.9 0.5 Getting to First Base with Danalda Chase Beam, Matt 4.7 7.0 Gettysburg Address, The Richards, Kenneth 6.0 1.0 Ghana (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 8.8 4.0 Ghana (Major World Nations) Barnett, Jeanie M. 9.1 2.0 Ghost Abbey Westall, Robert 5.1 7.0 Ghost and Mrs. Hobbs, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.9 5.0 Ghost at Skeleton Rock, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.8 6.0 Ghost Belonged to Me, The Peck, Richard 5.8 6.0 Ghost Boy, The Schraff, Anne 3.2 2.0 Ghost Brother Adler, C.S. 4.2 5.0 Ghost Canoe Hobbs, Will 5.9 8.0 Ghost Cave Steiner, Barbara 4.3 6.0 Ghost Children, The Bunting, Eve 3.9 5.0 Ghost Eye Bauer, Marion Dane 5.0 2.0 Ghost Horses Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.5 5.0 Ghost Hunters Martin, Michael 5.5 0.5 Ghost in Room 11, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.0 2.0 Ghost in the House, A Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 5.0 70209 EN 9634 EN 32352 EN 31178 EN 5419 EN 6418 EN 29503 EN 23291 EN 29339 EN 29388 EN 26732 EN 10668 EN 101892 EN 82273 EN 7727 EN 101953 EN 50392 EN 5814 EN 5869 EN 139440 EN 17566 EN Ghost in the Machine, The Woodbury, Mary 4.3 7.0 Ghost in the Mirror, The Bellairs, John 5.3 6.0 Ghost in the Noonday Sun, The Fleischman, Sid 4.9 5.0 Ghost in the Tokaido Inn, The Hoobler, Dorothy/Thomas 5.1 7.0 Ghost in the Window, A Wright, Betty Ren 5.5 5.0 Ghost inside the Monitor, The Anderson, Margaret J. 5.1 4.0 Ghost Liners: Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships Ballard, Robert D. 7.0 1.0 Ghost Named Wanda, A Greenburg, Dan 3.9 1.0 Ghost of a Chance Roberts, Laura Peyton 4.6 7.0 Ghost of a Hanged Man Vande Velde, Vivian 5.1 2.0 Ghost of Fossil Glen, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.9 5.0 Ghost of Popcorn Hill, The Wright, Betty Ren 3.5 1.0 Ghost of Raven Hill/The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Rodda, Emily 4.1 7.0 Ghost of Sir Herbert Dungeonstone, The McMullan, Kate 3.4 1.0 Ghost on the Hill, The Maccarone, Grace 3.6 1.0 Ghost's Grave, The Kehret, Peg 5.0 6.0 Ghost Sitter, The Griffin, Peni R. 4.8 4.0 Ghost Stories of Old Texas Fowler, Zinita 6.8 3.0 Ghost Stories of Old Texas, Vol. II Fowler, Zinita 6.2 2.0 Ghost Tale for Christmas Time, A Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 2.0 Ghost Town at Sundown Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 32726 EN 120507 EN 51216 EN 20074 EN 145416 EN 28892 EN 8967 EN 6611 EN 10669 EN 10250 EN 58130 EN 113609 EN 5068 EN 8523 EN 76900 EN 64513 EN 8968 EN 8966 EN 50194 EN 127854 EN 61923 EN Ghost Town Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Ghost Towns Parvis, Sarah 5.1 0.5 Ghost Towns of the American West Bial, Raymond 7.2 1.0 Ghost Wore Gray, The Coville, Bruce 4.7 5.0 Ghostly Encounters Garbe, Suzanne 5.1 0.5 Ghosts Roden, Katie 7.0 1.0 Ghosts and Poltergeists Meier, Gisela 5.2 1.0 Ghosts Beneath Our Feet Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 4.0 Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips Dadey/Jones 3.4 1.0 Ghosts Don't Get Goose Bumps Woodruff, Elvira 4.7 4.0 Ghosts Don't Ride Wild Horses Dadey/Jones 4.1 1.0 Ghosts & Goblins Hamilton, Sue 6.5 1.0 Ghosts I Have Been Peck, Richard 5.7 9.0 Ghosts of Mercy Manor, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.8 5.0 Ghosts of Now, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.2 6.0 Ghosts of Rathburn Park, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.6 7.0 Ghosts of the Deep Cohen, Daniel 7.0 3.0 Ghosts of War, The Cohen, Daniel 6.5 3.0 Ghosts (Strange Science) Funston, Sylvia 7.3 1.0 Ghosts: The Unsolved Mystery McCormick, Lisa Wade 3.7 0.5 Ghosts (X Science) Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 4.8 0.5 127088 EN 75703 EN 137677 EN 20018 EN 43037 EN 49276 EN 37020 EN 125592 EN 134024 EN 739 EN 36697 EN 107535 EN 21840 EN 29328 EN 29327 EN 7728 EN 18345 EN 18450 EN 74533 EN 111477 EN 5269 EN Ghostsitters Sage, Angie 4.8 3.0 Ghostyshocks and the Three Scares Anholt, Laurence 3.1 0.5 Ghoulish Ghost Stories Axelrod-Contrada, Joan 4.8 0.5 Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Giant Lizards Louise, Sara 4.0 1.0 Giant Octopuses Zuchora-Walske, Christine 2.7 0.5 Giant Planets (Our Solar System) Kerrod, Robin 6.7 1.0 Giant Problem, A DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.3 2.0 Giant-Slayer, The Lawrence, Iain 4.8 11.0 Giants in the Earth Rolvaag, O.E. 8.4 28.0 Gib and the Gray Ghost Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.4 9.0 Gideon the Cutpurse Buckley-Archer, Linda 6.3 17.0 Gift for Abuelita: Celebrating the Day of the Dead, A Luenn, Nancy 3.3 0.5 Gift for Beth, A Pfeffer, Susan Beth 3.9 2.0 Gift for Jo, A Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.3 2.0 Gift for Mama, A Hautzig, Esther 4.2 1.0 Gift from Papá Diego, A Sáenz, Benjamin Alire 3.6 0.5 Gift Horse Levin, Betty 4.7 5.0 Gift Horse Farley, Terri 5.1 7.0 Gift of Imagination: The Story of Roald Dahl Gelletly, LeeAnne 8.4 5.0 Gift of Magic, A Duncan, Lois 6.0 7.0 46150 EN 6612 EN 5015 EN 116416 EN 80490 EN 35331 EN 46620 EN 58465 EN 43749 EN 7569 EN 100077 EN 116584 EN 107136 EN 31 EN 59166 EN 56122 EN 125171 EN 62067 EN 26467 EN 48382 EN 59304 EN Gift of the Crocodile: A Cinderella Story, Sierra, Judy The 4.4 0.5 Gift of the Girl Who Couldn't Hear, The Shreve, Susan 4.9 2.0 Gift of the Pirate Queen, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 5.0 4.0 Gifted Sister: The Story of Fanny Mendelssohn Shichtman, Sandra H. 7.8 4.0 Gifts Le Guin, Ursula K. 5.6 9.0 Gigantic Turnip, The Tolstoy, Aleksei 3.8 0.5 Giggle Belly Sakelaris, Page 1.1 0.5 Giggle, Giggle, Quack Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 Giggler Treatment, The Doyle, Roddy 3.7 1.0 Gilberto and the Wind Ets, Marie Hall 2.8 0.5 Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator Allison, Jennifer 6.5 10.0 Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata Allison, Jennifer 6.5 12.0 Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake Allison, Jennifer 6.3 12.0 Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor 6.0 9.0 Gingerbread Cohn, Rachel 6.1 7.0 Giraffe: World's Tallest Animal, The Paige, Joy 1.5 0.5 Giraffes Helget, Nicole 7.1 1.0 Giraffes (Animals I See at the Zoo) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.5 0.5 Giraffes (Naturebooks) Markert, Jenny 4.2 0.5 Giraffes (Naturebooks, Revised Edition) Markert, Jenny 4.4 0.5 Giraffes (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.7 0.5 120782 EN 223 EN 29363 EN 9554 EN 50151 EN 8765 EN 15809 EN 68826 EN 85875 EN 5221 EN 5069 EN 42818 EN 48376 EN 18768 EN 48673 EN 36832 EN 109064 EN 65664 EN 44298 EN 84371 EN 20267 EN Girl, Barely 15: Flirting for England Limb, Sue 4.8 8.0 Girl Called Al, A Greene, Constance C. 3.8 3.0 Girl Death Left Behind, The McDaniel, Lurlene 3.8 4.0 Girl from Yamhill, A Cleary, Beverly 6.5 11.0 Girl in Blue Rinaldi, Ann 5.0 9.0 Girl in the Painting, The Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Girl Named Disaster, A Farmer, Nancy 5.1 14.0 Girl Named Zippy: Growing Up Small in Mooreland, Indiana, A Kimmel, Haven 6.1 12.0 Girl Who Invented Romance, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.5 6.0 Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The Goble, Paul 4.1 0.5 Girl Who Owned a City, The Nelson, O.T. 4.7 7.0 Girl Who Struck Out Babe Ruth, The Patrick, Jean L.S. 3.0 0.5 Girl with 500 Middle Names, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson 3.8 2.0 Girl with the Silver Eyes, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 7.0 Girlhearts Mazer, Norma Fox 4.3 8.0 Girlhood Diary of Louisa May Alcott, 1843-1846, The Graves, Kerry A. 5.0 1.0 Girls: A Novel, The Lansens, Lori 6.3 19.0 Girls Don't Have Cooties Krulik, Nancy 2.9 1.0 Girls Get Even, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 4.0 Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Brashares, Ann 4.5 10.0 Girls' Revenge, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 5.0 43785 EN 115177 EN 43786 EN 168 EN 8568 EN 26745 EN 5469 EN 104664 EN 48492 EN 117006 EN 88220 EN 6463 EN 74760 EN 74953 EN 65665 EN 18110 EN 74945 EN 58515 EN 21232 EN 60138 EN 69245 EN Girls Think of Everything: Stories of...Inventions by Women Thimmesh, Catherine 7.4 2.0 Giuseppe Verdi and Italian Opera Schoell, William 8.7 4.0 Freedman, Russell 8.5 3.0 Greenwald, Sheila 3.8 1.0 Lowry, Lois 5.7 7.0 Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Swamp, Chief Jake Morning Message 3.3 0.5 Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel 2.6 0.5 Glacier National Park Hall, Margaret 3.9 0.5 Glaciers Llewellyn, Claire 3.3 0.5 Glaciers Sepehri, Sandy 6.4 0.5 Glaciers (Science Matters) Webster, Christine 4.4 0.5 Glass Angels, The Hill, Susan 5.7 2.0 Glass Café, The Paulsen, Gary 5.6 2.0 Glass: From Beads to Bottles to Windowpanes Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 4.7 1.0 Glasses for D.W. Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Glassmakers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.2 0.5 Global Warming Bledsoe, Karen E. 7.0 1.0 Gloria Rising Cameron, Ann 3.9 1.0 Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Blériot, The Provensen, Alice/Martin 2.6 0.5 Glory Copeland, Lori 5.2 11.0 Glory Lynn, Jodi 5.5 7.0 Give Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of Independence Give Us a Great Big Smile, Rosy Cole Giver, The 7108 EN 4860 EN 45962 EN 73954 EN 8066 EN 66048 EN 124041 EN 71385 EN 81091 EN 130324 EN 763 EN 69394 EN 34929 EN 29997 EN 6464 EN 28901 EN 45240 EN 77533 EN 125559 EN 169 EN 77790 EN 170 EN Go Ask Alice Anonymous 5.6 7.0 Go-Carts (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 Go, Dog. Go! Eastman, P.D. 1.2 0.5 Go for the Gold, Atalanta! McMullan, Kate 3.8 4.0 Go Jump in the Pool Korman, Gordon 5.0 5.0 Go-Karts (Wild Rides!) Savage, Jeff 4.6 0.5 Go Long! Barber, Tiki 4.9 5.0 Go to Sleep, Groundhog! Cox, Judy 2.1 0.5 Goats (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.5 0.5 Goats (Second Series) Russell, Jane 5.5 1.0 Goats, The Cole, Brock 3.9 6.0 Goblin Wood, The Bell, Hilari 5.5 11.0 Goblins Don't Play Video Games Dadey/Jones 4.2 1.0 Goblins in the Castle Coville, Bruce 4.5 5.0 Godmother Tree, The Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth 5.5 3.0 Gods and Giants: Myths of Northern Europe Ross, Stewart 5.3 1.0 Goggles! Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Going for the Record Swanson, Julie A. 3.9 7.0 3.0 1.0 4.4 6.0 Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain and the Blume, Judy Great One Going Home Mohr, Nicholasa Going West Schumacher, Stef 2.6 0.5 Gold Cadillac, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 17714 EN 29871 EN 59111 EN 662 EN 15085 EN 49120 EN 20305 EN 71853 EN 20316 EN 15360 EN 27764 EN 123372 EN 27854 EN 114312 EN 57720 EN 64174 EN 41983 EN 52317 EN 82165 EN 75105 EN 61907 EN Gold Coin, The Ada, Alma Flor 3.9 0.5 Gold Rush (Life in the Old West), The Kalman, Bobbie 6.1 1.0 Gold-Threaded Dress, The Marsden, Carolyn 4.6 1.0 Golden Bird, The Stolp, Hans 4.0 1.0 Golden Compass, The Pullman, Philip 7.1 19.0 Golden Daffodils Gould, Marilyn 4.0 4.0 Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Colum, Padraic Before Achilles, The 7.3 13.0 Golden Ghost Farley, Terri 5.0 7.0 Golden Goblet, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 6.3 11.0 Golden Retriever, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.8 0.5 Golden Retrievers Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Golden Retrievers Larrew, Brekka Hervey 5.0 0.5 Golden State Warriors (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.5 1.0 Golden Tree, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 6.0 Goldie Locks Has Chicken Pox Dealey, Erin 2.2 0.5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Marshall, James 3.1 0.5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Mata, Marta 2.5 0.5 Golem Wisniewski, David 4.3 0.5 Golem's Eye, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 24.0 Golf (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.5 0.5 Golf (World of Sports) Frisch, Aaron 6.6 1.0 121613 EN 224 EN 534 EN 76265 EN 8823 EN 8525 EN 6466 EN 15837 EN 567 EN 6517 EN 764 EN 52623 EN 706 EN 16952 EN 29943 EN 32 EN 115900 EN 61516 EN 6465 EN 6316 EN 63000 EN 8524 EN 75293 EN Gollywhopper Games, The Feldman, Jody 3.9 6.0 Gone-Away Lake Gone with the Wind Enright, Elizabeth Mitchell, Margaret 5.3 7.1 7.0 71.0 Gooby Goop (Sparklers Gold) Stitt, Christopher 2.7 0.5 Good-Bye and Hello Abbott, Jennie 4.2 1.0 Good-bye, Billy Radish Skurzynski, Gloria 5.8 5.0 Good-bye, Chicken Little Byars, Betsy 4.4 3.0 Good-bye, My Lady Street, James 5.7 8.0 Good-Bye, My Wishing Star Grove, Vicki 5.2 4.0 Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Good-Bye Tomorrow Miklowitz, Gloria D. 4.3 5.0 Good Dog, The Avi 3.7 5.0 Good Earth, The Buck, Pearl S. McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 6.8 19.0 3.6 3.0 Borden, Louise 3.5 0.5 Good Master, The Seredy, Kate Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from Schlitz, Laura Amy a Medieval Village 4.4 5.0 5.6 2.0 Good Morning, Gorillas Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Good Neighbors Tedrow, T.L. 4.4 8.0 Good Night, Mr. Tom Magorian, Michelle 4.8 12.0 Good Night's Sleep, A Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 Good, the Bad, and the Goofy, The Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 Good Things Come in Small Packages Mazer, Anne 3.5 2.0 Good Grief...Third Grade Good Luck, Mrs. K.! 67215 EN 20019 EN 58699 EN 12785 EN 7137 EN 7218 EN 80121 EN 122752 EN 114248 EN 73116 EN 28321 EN 64604 EN 31366 EN 34637 EN 48052 EN 59305 EN 54129 EN 105737 EN 105752 EN 60417 EN 147515 EN Good Women of a Well-Blessed Land: Women's Lives...America Miller, Brandon Marie 7.2 3.0 Good Work, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 5.0 Goodbye, Mr. Chips Hilton, James 6.5 3.0 Goodbye, Vietnam Whelan, Gloria 5.2 4.0 Goodnight Moon Brown, Margaret Wise 1.8 0.5 Goody Hall Babbitt, Natalie 4.9 5.0 Goof-Off Goalie Hicks, Betty 2.5 1.0 Gooney the Fabulous Lowry, Lois 3.8 2.0 Goose Girl, The Hale, Shannon 5.9 14.0 Goose's Gold, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 Goosed! Wallace, Bill 3.5 2.0 Gorilla (Endangered Animals & Habitats), Ake, Anne The 9.0 3.0 Gorilla Walk Lewin, Ted/Betsy 5.7 0.5 Gorillas Simon, Seymour 6.0 0.5 Gorillas (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 6.0 0.5 Gospel According to Larry, The Tashjian, Janet 5.6 5.0 Gossamer Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 Gotcha! Gotcha Back! Krulik, Nancy 3.6 1.0 Gourmet Zombie, The Zindel, Paul 5.1 4.0 Grace at Christmas Hoffman, Mary 4.0 0.5 39557 SP 42819 EN 6216 SP 116 SP 104665 EN 64914 EN 7138 EN 7570 EN 17315 EN 41984 EN 171 EN 35383 EN 10229 EN 25288 EN 916 EN 16191 EN 71135 EN 73057 EN 71753 EN 50635 EN 5983 EN 2102 EN Gracias a Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 3.0 Graduation of Jake Moon, The Park, Barbara 4.5 4.0 gran capoquero, El gran Gilly Hopkins, La Cherry, Lynne Paterson, Katherine 3.8 4.6 0.5 5.0 Grand Canyon National Park Hall, Margaret 4.0 0.5 Grand Canyon (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Kras, Sara Louise 5.8 1.0 Grand Escape, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 4.0 Grandfather's Journey Say, Allen 3.6 0.5 Grandfather Tang's Story Tompert, Ann 3.7 0.5 Sáenz, Benjamin Alire 2.9 0.5 Carlson, Natalie 4.7 2.0 Mutén, Burleigh 4.5 2.0 Grandpa's Mountain Reeder, Carolyn 5.3 7.0 Grandpa's Teeth Clement, Rod 3.9 0.5 Granny Dan Steel, Danielle 6.0 11.0 Granny the Pag Bawden, Nina 5.3 7.0 Granny Torrelli Makes Soup Creech, Sharon 4.2 2.0 Grant and Lee at Appomattox: A Primary Houghton, Gillian Source History...War 9.4 2.0 Grape Thief Franklin, Kristine L. 4.2 8.0 Grapes of Math: Mind-Stretching Math Riddles, The Tang, Greg 3.3 0.5 Grapes of Wrath, The Steinbeck, John 4.9 25.0 Graphic Designer Sotnak, Lewann 6.3 1.0 Grandma Fina and Her Wonderful Umbrellas Grandmother for the Orphelines, A Grandmothers' Stories: Wise Woman Tales from Many Cultures 8526 EN 47195 EN 29668 EN 29530 EN 568 EN 10910 EN 59577 EN 75342 EN 132496 EN 61473 EN 469 EN 18720 EN 10939 EN 18721 EN 115 EN 62004 EN 6467 EN 9020 EN 6468 EN 118428 EN 50133 EN 130959 EN Grasshopper Summer Turner, Ann 3.6 4.0 Grassland (Biomes of the World) Ricciuti, Edward R. 7.9 2.0 8.8 4.0 Tanaka, Shelley 6.6 1.0 Arnosky, Jim 5.1 2.0 Cross, Gillian 4.7 9.0 Great Ancestor Hunt: The Fun of Finding Perl, Lila Out Who You Are, The 8.3 4.0 Great and Terrible Beauty, A Bray, Libba 5.1 14.0 Great Battles of the Civil War Marsico, Katie 6.4 1.0 Great Blue Yonder, The Shearer, Alex 5.1 8.0 Great Brain at the Academy, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.8 6.0 Great Brain Does It Again, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.0 5.0 Great Brain Is Back, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.0 4.0 Great Brain Reforms, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.1 6.0 Great Brain, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.2 7.0 Great Chicken Debacle, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.7 3.0 Great Christmas Kidnapping Caper, The Leeuwen, Jean Van 4.9 3.0 Great Day for Up! Seuss, Dr. 0.8 0.5 Great Debate, The Tedrow, T.L. 4.4 9.0 Great Depression and World War II (1929Gitlin, Marty 1945), The 7.8 2.0 Great Depression (We the People), The Burgan, Michael 6.3 0.5 Great Egyptian Grave Robbery, The Pennypacker, Sara 4.4 1.0 Grateful Dead (Pop Culture Legends), The Piccoli, Sean Graveyards Of The Dinosaurs: What ... Prehistor Creatures Gray Boy Great American Elephant Chase, The 14532 EN 8969 EN 116 EN 32498 EN 32812 EN 28639 EN 119066 EN 6216 EN 29833 EN 102018 EN 100281 EN 6021 EN 6469 EN 65803 EN 11414 EN 16915 EN 6470 EN 59494 EN 25153 EN 27546 EN 16584 EN Great Fire, The Murphy, Jim 7.6 4.0 Great Ghosts Cohen, Daniel 4.7 1.0 Great Gilly Hopkins, The Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 Great-Grandpa's in the Litter Box Greenburg, Dan 3.4 1.0 Great Hunt, The Jordan, Robert 5.5 40.0 Great Journeys Chrisp, Peter 6.6 1.0 Great Joy DiCamillo, Kate 3.0 0.5 Great Kapok Tree, The Cherry, Lynne 3.8 0.5 Great Lakes (Ecosystems of North America), The Katz, Sharon 7.4 1.0 Great Lakes Ghost Ship Rand, Johnathan 4.1 3.0 Great Lakes, The Thompson, Linda 7.7 1.0 Great Little Madison, The Fritz, Jean 7.7 6.0 Great Mom Swap, The Haynes, Betsy 5.6 5.0 Great Moments at the Olympics Mattern, Joanne/James 5.9 2.0 Great Quarterback Switch, The Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 Great Redwall Feast, The Jacques, Brian 4.9 0.5 Great Rescue Operation, The Leeuwen, Jean Van 4.0 4.0 Great Ships, The O'Brien, Patrick 6.4 1.0 Great Turkey Walk, The Karr, Kathleen 4.5 6.0 Great TV Turn-Off, The Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 Great UFO Frame-Up, The Horton, Randy 4.5 1.0 28255 EN 6068 EN 13513 EN 18014 EN 64915 EN 11118 EN 67396 EN 67494 EN 100146 EN 36952 EN 132316 EN 140410 EN 27916 EN 116951 EN 470 EN 73961 EN 9021 EN 19786 EN 36548 EN 53382 EN 32024 EN Great Wall of China, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 3.8 0.5 Great White Man-Eating Shark, The Mahy, Margaret 4.8 0.5 Great White Sharks: The Ocean's Most Deadly Killers Martin, James 5.1 0.5 Greece (Cultures of the World) DuBois, Jill 8.6 3.0 Greece (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Lobell, Jarrett A. 8.6 1.0 Greek Temple, A MacDonald, Fiona 7.4 1.0 Green and Growing: A Book About Plants Blackaby, Susan 3.3 0.5 Green Angel Hoffman, Alice 5.2 3.0 Green Bay Packers Frisch, Aaron 2.7 0.5 Green Bay Packers Nichols, John 7.0 1.0 Green Bay Packers Kelley, K.C. 3.5 0.5 Green Bay Packers Reischel, Rob 5.8 1.0 Green Bay Packers, The Italia, Bob 5.7 1.0 Green Bay Packers, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Green Book, The Walsh, Jill Paton 5.5 2.0 Green Dog: A Mostly True Story, The Staples, Suzanne Fisher 5.3 4.0 Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr. 1.5 0.5 Green Mansions Hudson, W.H. 7.8 15.0 Green Rider Britain, Kristen 5.9 23.0 Green Snake Schwartz, David M. 3.5 0.5 Green Thumb Thomas, Rob 6.0 7.0 54805 EN 11466 EN 114627 EN 88381 EN 82278 EN 71754 EN 7372 EN 10670 EN 47196 EN 33 EN 114116 EN 81705 EN 76340 EN 15928 EN 15687 EN 2924 EN 14391 EN 116475 EN 225 EN Greenish Eggs and Dinosaurs Greenburg, Dan 3.3 1.0 Greenwitch Cooper, Susan 5.3 6.0 Gregor and the Code of Claw Collins, Suzanne 5.0 12.0 Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods Collins, Suzanne 4.8 10.0 Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Collins, Suzanne 4.7 8.0 Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne 4.8 8.0 Gregory, the Terrible Eater Sharmat, Mitchell 2.8 0.5 Gremlins Don't Chew Bubble Gum Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Grenada Pang, Guek-Cheng 8.3 3.0 Grey King, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 9.0 Grief Girl: My True Story Vincent, Erin 4.2 10.0 Grim Grotto, The Snicket, Lemony 6.5 8.0 Grim Tuesday Nix, Garth 6.0 10.0 Gristmill, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 0.5 Grizzlies (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.5 0.5 Grizzly Bear (Endangered in America), The Silverstein/Nunn 8.5 2.0 Grizzly Bear Family Book, The Hoshino, Michio 5.7 0.5 Grizzly Bears Stevens, Kathryn 4.9 0.5 Rockwood, Joyce 4.3 3.0 Kent, Zachary 7.6 2.0 Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 6.8 3.0 Peak, Lizabeth 10.2 4.0 Groundhog's Horse Grover Cleveland (Encyclopedia of 872 EN Presidents) 25571 Growing Up in Coal Country EN 116887 Growth Disorders EN 114333 EN 9665 EN 1414 EN 26921 EN 71434 EN 18066 EN 17568 EN 48153 EN 2427 EN 2428 EN 2413 EN 2421 EN 2415 EN 2416 EN 136660 EN 133227 EN 22695 EN 79195 EN 507 EN 40275 EN 52906 EN Gruesome Ghouls of Grand Rapids Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 Gruff Brothers, The Hooks, William 2.8 0.5 GTOs (Great American Muscle Cars) Ethan, Eric 4.9 0.5 Guard the House, Sam! Simon, Charnan 1.4 0.5 Guardian, The Sparks, Nicholas 5.1 19.0 Guatemala (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.7 4.0 Guide Dog Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.0 2.0 Guide Dog Puppy Grows Up, A Arnold, Caroline 5.5 1.0 Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat Mill, Jean S. 7.5 2.0 Guide to Owning a Birman Cat Commings, Karen 8.5 3.0 Guide to Owning a Chihuahua Sisco, Roberta 7.5 2.0 Guide to Owning a Labrador Retriever Burrows, Richard T. 7.9 3.0 Guide to Owning a Pomeranian Ellmann, Vikki 7.7 2.0 Guide to Owning a Poodle Dib, Pierre 7.6 2.0 Guinea Dog Jennings, Patrick 3.7 4.0 Guinea Pig Foran, Jill 5.4 1.0 Guitar Highway Rose Lowry, Brigid 4.1 7.0 Guji Guji Chen, Chih-Yuan 3.0 0.5 Gulliver's Travels (Unabridged) Swift, Jonathan 13.5 25.0 Gunfighters of the Old West Editors, Time-Life 8.9 11.0 Gus: A Beaver Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.5 1.0 46280 EN 87588 EN 54185 EN 71517 EN 24430 EN 14139 EN 74543 EN 17816 EN 41286 SP 74946 EN 367 SP 82246 EN 107850 EN 70292 EN 61136 EN 27416 EN 47982 EN 18067 EN 21011 EN 26288 EN 8527 EN 471 EN Guts: The True Stories Behind Hatchet and Paulsen, Gary the Brian Books 6.5 4.0 Guys Write for Guys Read Scieszka, Jon 6.2 9.0 Gymnastics (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.6 0.5 Gymnastics for Fun! Gruber, Beth 5.7 1.0 Gymnastics (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 5.3 0.5 Gypsy Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.2 8.0 H Is for Hawkeye: An Iowa Alphabet Pierce, Patricia A. 6.6 0.5 Habibi Nye, Naomi Shihab 5.2 8.0 habitación de los reptiles, La Snicket, Lemony 6.4 5.0 Habitat Destruction Bledsoe, Karen E. 7.3 1.0 hacha, El Paulsen, Gary 5.7 7.0 Hachiko Waits Newman, Lesléa 4.7 2.0 Hail! Hail! Camp Dragononka! McMullan, Kate 3.4 3.0 Hailstones and Halibut Bones: Adventures O'Neill, Mary in Color 4.4 0.5 Hairdo! What We Do and Did to Our Hair Swain, Ruth Freeman 5.4 0.5 Hairy Little Critters Wilde, Buck 5.0 0.5 Hairy Question (Sparklers Blue), A Edwards, Hazel 2.1 0.5 Haiti (Cultures of the World) Cheong-Lum, Roseline Ng 9.4 4.0 Hakeem Olajuwon: Star Center Torres, John Albert 7.0 2.0 Hakeem Olajuwon: Tower of Power Rekela, George R. 6.6 1.0 Half-A-Moon Inn, The Fleischman, Paul 5.7 3.0 Half Magic Eager, Edward 5.0 5.0 105928 EN 365 EN 51282 EN 108882 EN 101504 EN 56490 EN 8528 EN 125436 EN 57751 EN 32510 EN 4858 EN 5367 EN 59978 EN 6421 EN 6367 EN 14533 EN 508 EN 6069 EN 74454 EN 17527 EN 6004 EN 7674 EN Half-Moon Investigations Colfer, Eoin 4.2 9.0 Halfback Tough Dygard, Thomas J. 5.1 7.0 Halloween Gibbons, Gail 2.8 0.5 Halloween Fraidy-Cat Klein, Abby 3.3 1.0 Halloween Party from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.4 0.5 Halloween Tree, The Bradbury, Ray 4.7 4.0 Halsey's Pride Hall, Lynn 5.3 5.0 Hamster Foran, Jill 5.0 1.0 Handful of Dirt, A Bial, Raymond 7.0 0.5 Hang a Left at Venus Greenburg, Dan 3.2 1.0 Hang Gliding (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 Hang Tough, Paul Mather Slote, Alfred 3.7 5.0 Hanging on to Max Bechard, Margaret 3.3 5.0 Hank the Cowdog and Monkey Business Erickson, John R. 4.8 3.0 Hannah Whelan, Gloria 4.3 1.0 Hannah in Between Rodowsky, Colby 5.1 6.0 Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates Dodge, Mary Mapes 8.2 14.0 Hansel and Gretel Lesser, Rika 4.3 0.5 Hansel and Gretel (Retold) Marshall, James 3.9 0.5 Hanzel and Pretzel Thaler, Mike 3.0 0.5 Happily After All Stevenson, Laura 4.1 9.0 Happy Birthday, Addy Porter, Connie 4.3 1.0 28893 EN 20697 EN 5016 EN 52593 EN 5017 EN 5515 EN 57406 EN 5018 EN 9022 EN 40593 EN 112709 EN 316 EN 67320 EN 28795 EN 11415 EN 19123 EN 65787 EN 20786 EN 45869 EN 9808 EN 75417 EN Happy Birthday, Everywhere! Erlbach, Arlene 5.6 0.5 Happy Birthday, Josefina! Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Happy Birthday, Kirsten! Shaw, Janet 4.0 1.0 Happy Birthday, Kit! A Springtime Story Tripp, Valerie 4.7 1.0 Happy Birthday, Molly! Tripp, Valerie 3.5 1.0 Happy Birthday, Moon Asch, Frank 2.6 0.5 Happy Birthday, Ronald Morgan! Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.1 0.5 Happy Birthday, Samantha! Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Happy Birthday to You! Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Happy Easter, Little Critter Mayer, Mercer 2.3 0.5 Happy Lion, The Fatio, Louise 3.9 0.5 Happy Orpheline, The Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.8 2.0 Happy Pets, Healthy Pets Auch, Alison 2.4 0.5 Hard Ball Weaver, Will 4.4 7.0 Hard Drive to Short Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Hard-to-See Animals Fowler, Allan 3.3 0.5 Hardcourt Upset Bee, Clair 4.8 7.0 Hardy Boys: Ghost Stories, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Harlem Myers, Walter Dean 3.6 0.5 Young, Jesse 5.2 0.5 Preszler, Eric 4.4 0.5 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles (Motorcycles) Harley-Davidson Motorcycles (Wild Rides!) 112938 EN 7318 EN 134351 EN 7318 SP 9635 EN 14815 EN 226 EN Harmless Reinhardt, Dana 5.0 8.0 Harold and the Purple Crayon Johnson, Crockett 3.0 0.5 Johnson, Crockett 3.4 0.5 Johnson, Crockett 1.9 0.5 Harper & Moon Ross, Ramon 4.6 6.0 Harriet and the Promised Land Lawrence, Jacob 2.4 0.5 Fitzhugh, Louise 4.5 8.0 Petry, Ann 6.6 9.0 Sullivan, George 5.1 2.0 Paulsen, Gary 5.7 5.0 Gackenbach, Dick 2.5 0.5 Rowling, J.K. 6.7 14.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.9 34.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.8 32.0 Rowling, J.K. 7.2 29.0 Rowling, J.K. 7.2 44.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.7 18.0 Rowling, J.K. 5.5 12.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.7 18.0 Rowling, J.K. 5.7 14.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.6 13.0 Hargrove, Jim 7.9 2.0 Harold at the North Pole: A Christmas...with the Purple Crayon Harold y el lápiz color morado Harriet the Spy Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the 366 EN Underground Railroad 62182 Harriet Tubman (In Their Own Words) EN 5332 Harris and Me EN 28785 Harry and the Terrible Whatzit EN 32081 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets EN 116230 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EN 40670 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire EN 89154 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince EN 69785 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix EN 32082 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban EN 26759 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone EN 32082 Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban SP 32081 Harry Potter y la cámara secreta SP 26759 Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal SP Harry S. Truman (Encyclopedia of 882 EN Presidents) 17528 EN 64366 EN 172 EN 6220 EN 6317 EN 367 EN 70123 EN 88920 EN 7970 EN 5019 EN 86351 EN 88008 EN 25450 EN 31059 EN 81838 EN 8914 EN 51450 EN 9636 EN 113610 EN 18259 EN 109532 EN 123780 EN Harry the Dirty Dog Zion, Gene 3.1 0.5 Krull, Kathleen 5.6 0.5 Clifford, Eth 4.4 3.0 Harvey's Marvelous Monkey Mystery Clifford, Eth 4.3 3.0 Harvey's Wacky Parrot Adventure Clifford, Eth 4.3 3.0 Hatchet Paulsen, Gary 5.7 7.0 Hatching Magic Downer, Ann 7.2 9.0 Hatchling, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.0 7.0 Hats are for Watering Horses Christian, Mary Blount 4.8 0.5 Hattie and the Wild Waves Cooney, Barbara 4.6 0.5 Hattie on Her Way Clark, Clara Gillow 5.3 5.0 Haunted St. George, Judith 5.3 6.0 Haunted Cave, The Pike, Christopher 4.2 3.0 Haunted Hotel, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Haunted House Parish, Peggy 3.1 2.0 Haunted Houseful Hitchcock, Alfred 5.9 10.0 Haunted Houses (The Mystery Library) Netzley, Patricia D. 9.5 3.0 Haunted Igloo, The Turner, Bonnie 4.3 5.0 Haunted Places Hamilton, John 6.5 1.0 Haunted Summer Wright, Betty Ren 4.0 2.0 Haunted Toolshed, The Keane, Dave 4.5 2.0 Haunting in New Hampshire Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez Harvey's Horrible Snake Disaster 26664 EN 78960 EN 13416 EN 125601 EN 27963 EN 47411 EN 173 EN 19018 EN 4393 EN 7811 EN 24755 EN 104666 EN 17718 EN 109613 EN 74758 EN 7044 EN 49706 EN 75444 EN 58948 EN 117 EN 9127 EN 32538 EN Haunting of Cassie Palmer, The Alcock, Vivien 4.8 5.0 Haunting of Granite Falls, The Ibbotson, Eva 6.1 7.0 Haunting of Hawthorne, The Schraff, Anne 3.8 3.0 Haunting of Hillside School, The Gregory, Kristiana 4.1 2.0 Have Space Suit Will Travel Heinlein, Robert A. 5.9 12.0 Have Wheels, Will Travel Mazer, Anne 4.0 3.0 Have You Seen Hyacinth Macaw? Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.6 3.0 Have You Seen Tom Thumb? Hunt, Mabel Leigh 7.1 8.0 Having Fun in Grandma's Day Weber/McNamara 4.4 0.5 Hawaii (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.5 3.0 Hawaii (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.1 1.0 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Hall, Margaret 3.6 0.5 Hawk, I'm Your Brother Baylor, Byrd 3.6 0.5 Hawks Sharth, Sharon 4.4 0.5 Hawksong Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.9 9.0 Haymeadow, The Paulsen, Gary 5.4 6.0 Hazardous Waste Sites Kowalski, Kathiann M. 8.9 2.0 Head over Heels Korman/Mantell 4.6 2.0 Damon, Duane 7.6 3.0 Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.3 8.0 Headless Horseman, The Standiford, Natalie 2.8 0.5 Heads, I Win Hermes, Patricia 3.7 4.0 Headin' for Better Times: The Arts of the Great Depression Headless Cupid, The 70512 EN 11469 EN 20680 EN 69060 EN 84828 EN 12886 EN 740 EN 8571 EN 32049 EN 13843 EN 51238 EN 14468 EN 6983 EN 77515 EN 86799 EN 70405 EN 74954 EN 106285 EN 60883 EN 11417 EN 11419 EN Heads or Tails? Exploring Probability Through Games Heads or Tails: Stories from the Sixth Grade Roza, Greg 4.8 0.5 Gantos, Jack 4.6 6.0 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 3.0 Hear the Wind Blow: A Novel of the Civil Hahn, Mary Downing War 4.5 8.0 Hearing (Our Senses) 3.6 0.5 7.2 1.0 6.3 19.0 Healing of Texas Jake, The Woodward, Kay Hearing the Pitch: Evaluating All Kinds of Frisch, Carlienne Advertising Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The McCullers, Carson Heart of a Champion Deuker, Carl 4.2 8.0 Heart of a Chief, The Bruchac, Joseph 4.7 6.0 Heart of a Tiger Arnold, Marsha 4.3 0.5 Heart: Our Circulatory System, The Simon, Seymour 7.2 0.5 Heart's Blood Yolen, Jane 5.3 9.0 Heartbeat Mazer, Norma/Harry 3.6 5.0 Heartbeat Creech, Sharon 5.0 2.0 Heartbreak Bronco Farley, Terri 5.1 6.0 Heartland Siebert, Diane 5.3 0.5 Heat Karpelenia, Jenny 5.1 1.0 Heat Lupica, Mike 5.3 9.0 Heat Wave (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.9 0.5 Heather at the Barre Sinykin, Sheri Cooper 4.5 1.0 Heather, Belle of the Ball Sinykin, Sheri Cooper 4.1 1.0 11418 EN 27949 EN 20079 EN 5420 EN 509 EN 13620 EN 62559 EN 7729 EN 61517 EN 18723 EN 55814 EN 56620 EN 88393 EN 6518 EN 5020 EN 265 EN 100963 EN 138575 EN 472 EN 62184 EN 62186 EN 106410 EN Heather Takes the Reins Sinykin, Sheri Cooper 4.6 1.0 Heaven Johnson, Angela 4.7 3.0 Heaven to Betsy Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.8 10.0 Hedgehogs in the Closet Carris, Joan 4.2 4.0 Heidi Spyri, Johanna 8.2 16.0 Heidi (Bloomsbury) Spyri, Johanna 8.2 17.0 Heir Apparent Vande Velde, Vivian 5.6 11.0 Helen Keller Graff, Stewart 4.1 1.0 Helen Keller and the Big Storm Lakin, Patricia 2.7 0.5 Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark Hurwitz, Johanna 3.7 0.5 Helen Keller (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.3 2.0 Helicopters (Emergency Vehicles) Ethan, Eric 2.9 0.5 Hello, Goodbye Window, The Juster, Norton 3.4 0.5 Hello, Mallory Martin, Ann M. 3.7 3.0 Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 4.0 Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Gilson, Jamie 4.0 4.0 Help! A Vampire's Coming! Klein, Abby 3.1 1.0 Help! I Have a Hermit Crab Armentrout, David 4.6 0.5 Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library Help! I'm Trapped in a Professional Wrestler's Body Clifford, Eth 4.0 2.0 Strasser, Todd 3.8 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in a Vampire's Body Strasser, Todd 3.5 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in My Camp Counselor's Body Strasser, Todd 3.7 3.0 28296 EN 13793 EN 62188 EN 66130 EN 18724 EN 66131 EN 66132 EN 76209 EN 85213 EN 39899 EN 266 EN 24965 EN 68254 EN 6070 EN 17529 EN 16390 EN 87210 EN 6119 EN 13396 EN 32441 EN 19222 EN Help! I'm Trapped in My Sister's Body Strasser, Todd 3.4 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in My Teacher's Body Strasser, Todd 3.6 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in Obedience School Strasser, Todd 3.3 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in Obedience School Again Strasser, Todd 3.5 2.0 Help! I'm Trapped in Santa's Body Strasser, Todd 3.4 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in the First Day of Summer Camp Strasser, Todd 3.7 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in the President's Body Strasser, Todd 4.1 3.0 Help! It's Parents Day at DSA McMullan, Kate 3.5 2.0 Help! Somebody Get Me out of Fourth Grade! Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 Henny Penny Galdone, Paul 3.2 0.5 Henry and Beezus Cleary, Beverly 4.6 4.0 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night 2.2 0.5 Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Rylant, Cynthia 63722 EN 9477 EN 7320 EN 15000 EN 12753 EN 7572 EN 10522 EN 417 EN 418 EN 663 EN 67956 EN 85052 EN 34 EN 35 EN 36 EN 6472 EN 473 EN 14923 EN Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Henry and Mudge: The First Book of Their Adventures Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Henry and Ribsy Cleary, Beverly Henry and the Clubhouse Cleary, Beverly Henry and the Paper Route Cleary, Beverly Henry Ford: Automobile Manufacturer and Temple, Bob Innovator 4.6 5.1 5.3 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.8 0.5 Henry Ford (People We Should Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.0 0.5 Henry Huggins Henry Reed, Inc. Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service Cleary, Beverly Robertson, Keith Robertson, Keith 4.7 5.5 5.1 3.0 8.0 6.0 Henry Reed's Journey Robertson, Keith 5.5 7.0 Robertson, Keith 5.6 7.0 Hamilton, Virginia 4.6 3.0 Clinton, Susan 8.2 2.0 Kline, Suzy 3.5 2.0 Kline, Suzy 2.8 0.5 Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Wyss, Thelma Hatch 4.4 4.0 Snow, Alan 4.9 11.0 Martin, Ann M. 3.4 4.0 Henry Reed's Think Tank Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales... Herbert Hoover (Encyclopedia of 880 EN Presidents) 318 EN Herbie Jones 108681 Herbie Jones and the Second Grade EN Slippers 20022 Hercules Doesn't Pull Teeth EN 569 EN Here at the Scenic-Vu Motel 107302 Here Be Monsters EN 20349 Here Come the Bridesmaids! EN 474 EN 106411 EN 10119 EN 82163 EN 18312 SP 41459 EN 227 EN 10207 EN 88487 EN 510 EN 6318 EN 51680 EN 71688 EN 11174 EN 5470 EN 56434 EN 11578 EN 101305 EN 45321 EN 8870 EN 5665 EN 28640 EN Here Comes Zelda Claus...Holiday Disasters Hall, Lynn 4.6 3.0 Here Lies the Librarian Peck, Richard 5.1 4.0 Here's to You, Rachel Robinson Blume, Judy 4.3 6.0 Here Today Martin, Ann M. 4.9 9.0 hermano Anansi y el rancho del ganado, El Rohmer, Harriet 3.5 0.5 Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich, A Childress, Alice 5.6 5.0 Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin 7.0 15.0 Hero of Bremen Hodges, Margaret 4.9 0.5 4.0 3.0 7.4 11.0 Blos, Joan W. 4.9 1.0 Pallotta, Jerry 3.5 0.5 Pallotta, Jerry 3.8 0.5 Hey, Al Yorinks, Arthur 2.1 0.5 Hey! Get Off Our Train Burningham, John 2.4 0.5 Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge? Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 Hey, New Kid! Duffey, Betsy 3.1 1.0 Hi, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 1.5 0.5 Hiccup the Seasick Viking Cowell, Cressida 4.6 0.5 Hickory Dickory Death Christie, Agatha 6.7 9.0 Hidden Harbor Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Hidden Past, The Hicks, Peter 7.7 1.0 Heroes Don't Run: A Novel of the Pacific Mazer, Harry War Heroes, The Kingsley, Charles Heroine of the Titanic, The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book, The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Multiplication Book, The 32916 EN 53629 EN 30502 EN 50393 EN 6671 EN 741 EN 67225 EN 37 EN 102037 EN 19775 EN 68287 EN 40037 EN 110101 EN 131827 EN 129594 EN 7374 EN 14726 EN 26469 EN 48383 EN 59306 EN 10036 EN 49694 EN Hidden Talents Lubar, David 4.2 7.0 Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist's Microscope Kramer, Stephen 7.0 1.0 Hide and Seek Vos, Ida 3.6 4.0 Hideout, The Kehret, Peg 4.8 4.0 Hideout, The Bunting, Eve 4.1 4.0 Hiding Place, The TenBoom, Corrie 6.4 13.0 High Heat Deuker, Carl 4.2 10.0 High King, The Alexander, Lloyd 6.1 11.0 High Rhulain Jacques, Brian 5.5 15.0 High Stakes Keene, Carolyn 4.8 6.0 High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 High Time in New York Mullin, Penn 2.7 0.5 Higher Power of Lucky, The Patron, Susan 5.9 5.0 Hiking Lundgren, Julie K. 5.0 0.5 Hilary Duff: Life in the Spotlight Markarian, Margie 6.1 1.0 Hill of Fire Lewis, Thomas P. 2.9 0.5 Hillary Rodham Clinton: Activist First Lady Stacey, T.J. 6.5 3.0 Hippos (Naturebooks) Markert, Jenny 4.2 0.5 Hippos (Naturebooks, Revised Edition) Markert, Jenny 3.9 0.5 Hippos (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.5 0.5 Hiroshima Hersey, John 8.4 9.0 History of Basketball for Girls and Women: From...Leagues, A Lannin, Joanne 8.5 6.0 2111 EN 1437 EN 61478 EN 81602 EN 61479 EN 61480 EN 81603 EN 61481 EN 81604 EN 61482 EN 81605 EN 81612 EN 81613 EN 61483 EN 81590 EN 61485 EN 81591 EN 61486 EN 61487 EN 81592 EN 81593 EN History of Counting, The Schmandt-Besserat, Denise 6.6 1.0 History of Nascar (Race Car Legends), The Mcguire, Ann 7.5 2.0 History of the Anaheim Angels, The Stewart, Wayne 6.8 0.5 History of the Arizona Cardinals, The Gilbert, Sara 6.2 0.5 History of the Arizona Diamondbacks (Revised Edition), The Nichols, John 6.5 0.5 History of the Atlanta Braves, The Stewart, Wayne 6.7 0.5 History of the Atlanta Falcons, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.9 0.5 History of the Baltimore Orioles, The Nichols, John 6.9 0.5 History of the Baltimore Ravens, The Nichols, John 6.8 0.5 History of the Boston Red Sox, The Frisch, Aaron 6.1 0.5 History of the Buffalo Bills, The Nichols, John 6.6 0.5 History of the Carolina Panthers, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.8 0.5 History of the Chicago Bears, The Frisch, Aaron 6.4 0.5 History of the Chicago Cubs, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 History of the Cincinnati Bengals, The Gilbert, Sara 6.6 0.5 History of the Cincinnati Reds, The Stewart, Wayne 6.3 0.5 History of the Cleveland Browns, The Gilbert, Sara 6.6 0.5 History of the Cleveland Indians, The Stewart, Wayne 6.4 0.5 History of the Colorado Rockies, The Stewart, Wayne 6.3 0.5 History of the Dallas Cowboys, The Hawkes, Brian 6.6 0.5 History of the Denver Broncos, The Schmalzbauer, Adam 6.7 0.5 81594 EN 61488 EN 61489 EN 81606 EN 61490 EN 81607 EN 81608 EN 81609 EN 81610 EN 61491 EN 61492 EN 81595 EN 61493 EN 61494 EN 81611 EN 81614 EN 81615 EN 81616 EN 81596 EN 61498 EN 81617 EN History of the Detroit Lions, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Detroit Tigers, The Stewart, Wayne 6.5 0.5 History of the Florida Marlins (Revised Edition), The Nichols, John 6.6 0.5 History of the Green Bay Packers, The Nichols, John 6.8 0.5 History of the Houston Astros (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 6.3 0.5 History of the Houston Texans, The Nichols, John 7.0 0.5 History of the Indianapolis Colts, The Hawkes, Brian 6.4 0.5 History of the Jacksonville Jaguars, The Hawkes, Brian 6.6 0.5 History of the Kansas City Chiefs, The Hawkes, Brian 6.4 0.5 History of the Kansas City Royals, The Stewart, Wayne 6.6 0.5 History of the Los Angeles Dodgers, The Stewart, Wayne 6.7 0.5 History of the Miami Dolphins, The Schmalzbauer, Adam 6.9 0.5 History of the Milwaukee Brewers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.2 0.5 History of the Minnesota Twins, The Frisch, Aaron 6.3 0.5 History of the Minnesota Vikings, The Frisch, Aaron 6.9 0.5 History of the New England Patriots, The Bell, Lonnie 6.4 0.5 History of the New Orleans Saints, The Bell, Lonnie 6.2 0.5 History of the New York Giants, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.5 0.5 History of the New York Jets, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.7 0.5 History of the Oakland Athletics, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Oakland Raiders, The Frisch, Aaron 7.1 0.5 81618 EN 81619 EN 81597 EN 61501 EN 81598 EN 61502 EN 61503 EN 81620 EN 81621 EN 81599 EN 61505 EN 81600 EN 61506 EN 81601 EN 5705 EN 5223 EN 107303 EN 7109 EN 87191 EN 9880 EN 38 EN History of the Philadelphia Eagles, The Schmalzbauer, Adam 6.8 0.5 History of the Pittsburgh Steelers, The Schmalzbauer, Adam 6.7 0.5 History of the San Diego Chargers, The Schmalzbauer, Adam 6.9 0.5 History of the San Diego Padres (Revised Goodman, Michael E. Edtion), The 6.5 0.5 History of the San Francisco 49ers, The Bell, Lonnie 6.6 0.5 History of the San Francisco Giants, The Frisch, Aaron 6.3 0.5 History of the Seattle Mariners (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 7.0 0.5 History of the Seattle Seahawks, The Gilbert, Sara 6.7 0.5 History of the St. Louis Rams, The Bell, Lonnie 6.2 0.5 Goodman, Michael E. 6.8 0.5 Nichols, John 6.8 0.5 History of the Tennessee Titans, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 History of the Texas Rangers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.8 0.5 History of the Washington Redskins, The Goodman, Michael E. 7.0 0.5 Hit and Run Holiday Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Hit-Away Kid, The Christopher, Matt 3.8 1.0 Hit the Road Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 7.0 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Adams, Douglas 6.6 8.0 Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 7.8 6.0 Hits and Misses Keene, Carolyn 5.2 7.0 Hitty: Her First Hundred Years Field, Rachel 7.1 11.0 History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, The History of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (Revised Edition), The 45561 EN 511 SP 511 EN 5224 EN 7730 EN 71518 EN 28916 EN 5368 EN 43807 EN 59167 EN 28081 EN 13360 EN 66749 EN 20270 EN 102394 EN 31442 EN 116240 EN 81578 EN 6319 EN 765 EN 15929 EN 72951 EN Hmm? The Most Interesting Book You Will Ever Read About Memory hobbit, El Hobbit, The Swanson, Diane 7.3 1.0 Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.6 6.6 16.0 16.0 Hobie Hanson, You're Weird Gilson, Jamie 4.5 5.0 Hoboken Chicken Emergency, The Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 4.9 2.0 Hockey for Fun! Will, Sandra 6.1 1.0 Hockey (Game Plan) Owens/Helmer 6.7 1.0 Hockey Machine, The Christopher, Matt 4.8 3.0 Hogfather Pratchett, Terry 4.7 14.0 Hole in My Life Gantos, Jack 5.7 7.0 Holes Sachar, Louis 4.6 7.0 Holidays & Celebrations (Latino Life) Goring, Ruth 5.9 1.0 Holidays (Eye Openers) Nathan, Emma 3.7 0.5 Holly, Reindeer, and Colored Lights Barth, Edna 6.6 2.0 Holly's Story McDaniel, Lurlene 4.5 6.0 Holocaust Rescuers: Ten Stories of Courage Lyman, Darryl 7.9 3.0 Holocaust, The Bodden, Valerie 8.4 1.0 Holy Enchilada! Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 Home at Last DeVries, David 4.7 6.0 Home Before Dark Bridgers, Sue Ellen 6.0 7.0 Home Crafts Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 0.5 Home for Navidad Ziefert, Harriet 3.4 0.5 68623 EN 107473 EN 4394 EN 65788 EN 101383 EN 6473 EN 368 EN 107308 EN 18113 EN 39 EN 28894 EN 49795 EN 29866 EN 118 EN 103771 EN 29814 EN 24987 EN 27031 EN 18068 EN 26738 EN 5666 EN 65789 EN Home for Pearl Squirrel: A Solomon Raven Story, A Johnson, Amy Crane 3.9 0.5 Home Is Where the Heart Is Mazer, Anne 3.9 2.0 Home Life in Grandma's Day Weber/Lewis 4.8 0.5 Home Run Feud Bee, Clair 5.5 7.0 Home Sweet Home Carey, Elizabeth Doyle 5.5 7.0 Home to the Prairie Tedrow, T.L. 4.4 7.0 Homecoming Voigt, Cynthia 4.4 16.0 Homefront Gwaltney, Doris 4.0 10.0 Homemakers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.8 1.0 Homer Price McCloskey, Robert 6.6 4.0 Homerun Heroes: McGwire and Sosa Stewart, Mark 6.8 1.0 Homes (Discovering World Cultures) Macdonald, Fiona 7.3 2.0 Homes of the West (Life in the Old West) Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 1.0 Homesick, My Own Story Fritz, Jean 5.1 6.0 Homework Machine, The Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 Honduras (Cultures of the World) McGaffey, Leta 8.8 4.0 Honey Makers, The Gibbons, Gail 4.8 0.5 Hong Kong (Cities of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 6.7 1.0 Hong Kong (Cultures of the World) Kagda, Falaq 8.9 4.0 Honus and Me Gutman, Dan 4.3 3.0 Hooded Hawk Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 6.1 6.0 Hoop Crazy Bee, Clair 6.5 9.0 64320 EN 14622 EN 419 EN 420 EN 766 EN 29880 EN 29878 EN 29879 EN 29881 EN 5471 EN 61464 EN 31662 EN 9023 EN 13752 EN 60139 EN 73389 EN 44672 EN 28150 EN 50114 EN 71429 EN 26643 EN 108883 EN Hoop Girlz Bledsoe, Lucy Jane 4.0 4.0 Hoop Stars Kramer, S.A. 3.6 0.5 Hooples' Horrible Holiday, The Hooples on the Highway Hoops Manes, Stephen Manes, Stephen Myers, Walter Dean 4.2 4.3 4.6 4.0 3.0 7.0 Hooray for Beekeeping! Kalman, Bobbie 4.3 0.5 Hooray for Dairy Farming! Kalman, Bobbie 4.4 0.5 Hooray for Orchards! Kalman, Bobbie 4.7 0.5 Hooray for Sheep Farming! Kalman, Bobbie 4.3 0.5 Hooray for the Golly Sisters! Byars, Betsy 2.4 0.5 Hoot Hiaasen, Carl 5.2 9.0 Hooway for Wodney Wat Lester, Helen 3.1 0.5 Hop on Pop Seuss, Dr. 1.5 0.5 Hope Gaeddert, LouAnn 4.8 5.0 Hope Copeland, Lori 4.5 9.0 Hope in My Heart: Sofia's Immigrant Diary: Book One Lasky, Kathryn 4.6 2.0 Hope Was Here Bauer, Joan 5.1 6.0 Hopi (Native American People), The Freedman, Suzanne 6.2 1.0 Hopscotch (Games Around the World) Jaffe, Elizabeth Dana 4.4 0.5 Horace the Horrible: A Knight Meets His Koller, Jackie French Match 2.6 0.5 Hork-Bajir Chronicles, The Applegate, K.A. 4.3 5.0 Horowitz Horror Horowitz, Anthony 4.6 6.0 6270 EN 6271 EN 59788 EN 20023 EN 15298 EN 88159 EN 6272 EN 74425 EN 146744 EN 20024 EN 82270 EN 69043 EN 18725 EN 109524 EN 44905 EN 54479 EN 44204 EN 487 EN 20665 EN 6273 EN 105753 EN Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Horrible Harry and the Dragon War Kline, Suzy 3.3 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom Kline, Suzy 2.8 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Dungeon Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Horrible Harry and The Goog Kline, Suzy 3.0 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Green Slime Kline, Suzy 3.3 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Holidaze Kline, Suzy 3.5 1.0 Horrible Harry and the June Box Kline, Suzy 3.6 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet Kline, Suzy 3.4 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Mud Gremlins Kline, Suzy 3.5 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Purple People Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Horrible Harry and the Triple Revenge Kline, Suzy 3.0 1.0 Horrible Harry at Halloween Kline, Suzy 3.2 1.0 Horrible Harry Goes to Sea Kline, Suzy 3.3 1.0 Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon Kline, Suzy 2.9 1.0 Horrible Harry in Room 2B Kline, Suzy 3.2 0.5 Horrible Harry Moves up to Third Grade Kline, Suzy 3.2 1.0 Horrible Harry's Secret Kline, Suzy 2.8 0.5 Horrible Harry Takes the Cake Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 4223 EN 8529 EN 53383 EN 612 EN 17225 EN 75936 EN 7222 EN 19602 EN 75688 EN 30664 EN 81093 EN 80695 EN 5472 EN 9024 EN 36254 EN 8572 EN 65136 EN 53273 EN 87582 EN 267 EN 117628 EN 17818 EN Horrible Spookhouse, The Stridh, Kicki 4.4 0.5 Horror at the Haunted House Kehret, Peg 5.2 5.0 Horse Schwartz, David M. 3.4 0.5 Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. 5.8 8.0 Horse (Eyewitness) Clutton-Brock, Juliet 7.6 1.0 Horse Hooves and Chicken Feet: Mexican Philip, Neil Folktales 5.8 3.0 Horse in Harry's Room, The Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 Horse Shy Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 4.0 Horseback Riding for Fun! Gruber, Beth 5.2 1.0 Horsecatcher, The Sandoz, Mari 6.8 10.0 Horses (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.5 0.5 Horses: How to Choose and Care for a Horse Jeffrey, Laura S. 4.9 1.0 Horton Hatches the Egg Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Horton Hears a Who! Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Hostage Roberts, Willo Davis 5.4 5.0 Hostage, The Taylor, Theodore 5.2 6.0 Hostages Hanson, Ed 4.3 1.0 Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony 6.9 6.0 Priceman, Marjorie 2.9 0.5 Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 3.0 Hot Hand Lupica, Mike 5.0 4.0 Hot Zone, The Preston, Richard 7.3 16.0 Hot Air: The Mostly True Story...First Hot-Air Balloon Ride Hot and Cold Summer, The 5906 EN 14863 EN 5984 EN 25835 EN 18769 EN 63084 EN 34579 EN 20618 EN 58951 EN 228 EN 40 EN 47131 EN 61393 EN 12786 EN 76226 EN 19569 EN 77132 EN 664 EN 20914 EN 80960 EN 5070 EN 9882 EN Houdini Box, The Selznick, Brian 5.0 0.5 Hound Heaven High, Linda Oatman 5.2 5.0 Hound of the Baskervilles (Unabridged), The Doyle, Arthur Conan 8.3 11.0 Hour of the Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 House at Pooh Corner, The Milne, A.A. 4.8 4.0 House Called Awful End, A Ardagh, Philip 6.3 4.0 House for Hermit Crab, A Carle, Eric 3.7 0.5 House in the Snow, The Engh, M.J. 4.6 4.0 House Is a House for Me, A Hoberman, Mary Ann 2.6 0.5 House of Dies Drear, The House of Sixty Fathers, The Hamilton, Virginia DeJong, Meindert 4.8 5.5 9.0 6.0 House of Stairs Sleator, William 6.3 7.0 House of the Scorpion, The Farmer, Nancy 5.1 15.0 House of the Seven Gables (Unabridged), Hawthorne, Nathaniel The 11.0 22.0 House of Wings, The Byars, Betsy 4.5 4.0 House on East 88th Street, The Waber, Bernard 3.8 0.5 House on Falling Star Hill, The Molloy, Michael 6.2 14.0 House on Hackman's Hill, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.6 4.0 House on Mango Street, The Cisneros, Sandra 4.5 3.0 House on the Gulf, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.9 8.0 House on the Hill, The Dunlop, Eileen 6.2 8.0 House with a Clock in Its Walls, The Bellairs, John 5.0 6.0 613 EN 5312 EN 27880 EN 27894 EN 27842 EN 66252 EN 82089 EN 65168 EN 20379 EN 20467 EN 5973 EN 65985 EN 63215 EN 11768 EN 68813 EN 43230 EN 69985 EN 58060 EN 17317 EN 16713 EN 60543 EN House Without a Christmas Tree, The Rock, Gail 4.9 3.0 Houseboat Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.4 3.0 Houston Astros (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.6 1.0 Houston Oilers, The Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 Houston Rockets (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.2 1.0 Hovering Hummingbirds Jango-Cohen, Judith 2.4 0.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law Hamilton, John 5.4 0.5 How Angel Peterson Got His Name Paulsen, Gary 6.0 3.0 How Animals See Things Fowler, Allan 2.9 0.5 How Come the Best Clues Are Always in Bailey, Linda the Garbage? 3.9 5.0 How Could You Do It, Diane? Pevsner, Stella 3.9 6.0 How Could You? Kids Talk About Trust Loewen, Nancy 3.9 0.5 How Do Bats See in the Dark? Questions...Night Creatures Berger, Melvin 4.8 1.0 How Do Birds Find Their Way? Gans, Roma 3.9 0.5 How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? Yolen, Jane 1.7 0.5 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? Yolen, Jane 1.6 0.5 How Do Frogs Swallow with Their Eyes? Berger, Melvin Questions...Amphibians 4.8 1.0 How Do I Love Thee McDaniel, Lurlene 4.4 6.0 How Do You Lift a Lion? Wells, Robert E. 3.7 0.5 How Green Was My Valley Llewellyn, Richard 5.7 28.0 How Hockey Works: The Science of Hockey Thomas, Keltie 6.5 2.0 71622 EN 32509 EN 77705 EN 14950 EN 80148 EN 31574 EN 32166 EN 54480 EN 7873 EN 108669 EN 18678 EN 4478 EN 17319 EN 85138 EN 116272 EN 108670 EN 12699 EN 108671 EN 49486 EN 9025 EN 88564 EN How I Became a Pirate Long, Melinda 3.1 0.5 How I Fixed the Year 1000 Problem Greenburg, Dan 3.5 1.0 How I Found the Strong: A Civil War Story McMullan, Margaret 4.9 4.0 How I Learned to Fly Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0 How I Live Now Rosoff, Meg 6.7 8.0 How I Saved Hanukkah Koss, Amy Goldman 4.6 2.0 How I Survived Being a Girl Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.0 5.0 How I Went from Bad to Verse Greenburg, Dan 3.5 1.0 How It Feels to Live with a Physical Disability Krementz, Jill 6.1 5.0 How Levers Work Mezzanotte, Jim 3.1 0.5 Bunting, Eve 3.1 0.5 Bramwell, Martyn 7.4 1.0 How Much Is a Million? Schwartz, David M. 3.4 0.5 How Not to Babysit Your Brother Hapka, Cathy 2.6 0.5 How Not to Start Third Grade Hapka, Cathy 2.9 0.5 How Pulleys Work Mezzanotte, Jim 3.4 0.5 How Rabbit Tricked Otter: And other Cherokee... Ross, Gayle 4.8 1.0 How Ramps, Wedges, and Screws Work Mezzanotte, Jim 3.5 0.5 How Tall, How Short, How Faraway Adler, David A. 4.4 0.5 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Seuss, Dr. 3.0 0.5 How To Be a Pirate: By Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Cowell, Cressida 6.5 5.0 How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story How Maps Are Made (Maps & Mapmakers) 14990 EN 58682 EN 174 EN 16737 EN 9456 EN 14951 EN 115455 EN 127694 EN 127695 EN 127696 EN 127697 EN 127698 EN 127699 EN 78100 EN 108672 EN 108673 EN 268 EN 5021 EN 25451 EN 28081 SP 15996 EN 30652 EN How to Be Cool in the Third Grade Duffey, Betsy 3.5 1.0 Nickerson, Sara 4.6 9.0 Rockwell, Thomas 3.5 2.0 How to Fight a Girl Rockwell, Thomas 4.6 2.0 How to Hide a Butterfly Heller, Ruth 3.6 0.5 How to Kill a Monster Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 How to Steal a Dog O'Connor, Barbara 4.0 5.0 How to Survive a Flood Doeden, Matt 4.4 0.5 How to Survive a Tornado Martin, Michael 4.7 0.5 How to Survive an Earthquake Montgomery, Heather 4.6 0.5 How to Survive Being Lost at Sea O'Shei, Tim 4.7 0.5 How to Survive in the Wilderness O'Shei, Tim 4.5 0.5 How to Survive on a Deserted Island O'Shei, Tim 4.8 0.5 How to Train Your Dragon by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Cowell, Cressida 6.6 5.0 How Water Changes Mezzanotte, Jim 2.8 0.5 How Wheels and Axles Work Mezzanotte, Jim 3.1 0.5 How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge Chaikin, Miriam 3.7 1.0 Howliday Inn Howe, James 4.0 4.0 Howling Ghost, The Pike, Christopher 4.2 3.0 Hoyos Sachar, Louis 4.6 7.0 Huberta the Hiking Hippo Cox, Daphne 5.0 0.5 Humbug Mountain Fleischman, Sid 4.2 4.0 How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found How to Eat Fried Worms 6320 EN 110597 EN 53384 EN 59307 EN 27414 EN 128685 EN 9026 EN 41 EN 42 EN 320 EN 18015 EN 9315 EN 65790 EN 66253 EN 130078 EN 6922 EN 44300 EN 28732 EN 79239 EN 119154 EN 131828 EN 5668 EN Hummer Gruenberg, Linda 4.4 6.0 Hummer Maurer, Tracy Nelson 6.3 0.5 Hummingbird Schwartz, David M. 3.3 0.5 Hummingbirds (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.8 0.5 Humphrey Gibson, Marie 3.1 0.5 Humvees David, Jack 4.8 0.5 Hunches in Bunches Seuss, Dr. 2.9 0.5 Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Hundred Dresses, The Hundred Penny Box, The Smith, Dodie Estes, Eleanor Mathis, Sharon Bell 5.4 5.4 3.9 7.0 1.0 1.0 Hungary (Cultures of the World) Esbenshade, Richard S. 10.5 4.0 Hungry Billy Goat, The Milios, Rita 1.6 0.5 Hungry Hurler: The Homecoming Bee, Clair 5.3 6.0 Hungry Ladybugs Jango-Cohen, Judith 2.4 0.5 Hunt! Can You Survive the Stone Age? Bruce, Julia 5.3 1.0 Hunt for Red October, The Clancy, Tom 6.3 25.0 Hunted, The Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.4 5.0 Hunter in the Dark Hughes, Monica 5.0 7.0 Hunters in the Sky Prescott, Jennifer 3.7 0.5 Hunting Klein, Adam G. 5.2 0.5 Hunting Lundgren, Julie K. 5.4 0.5 Hunting for Hidden Gold Dixon, Franklin W. 6.3 6.0 46667 EN 66254 EN 104775 EN 13966 EN 13361 EN 7731 EN 111955 EN 60884 EN 117557 EN 4627 EN 2673 EN 43 EN 35197 EN 901 EN 10276 EN 9027 EN 117629 EN 6984 EN 5270 EN 8530 EN 78847 EN 32746 EN Hunting: Have Fun, Be Smart Weaver, Jack 7.5 1.0 Hunting Sharks Nelson, Kristin L. 2.8 0.5 Hunting the Hunter Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 Hunting with My Camera Enting, Brian 5.2 0.5 Huron (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 7.1 1.0 Hurray for Ali Baba Bernstein Hurwitz, Johanna 5.1 3.0 Hurricane! Rooney, Anne 7.8 1.0 Hurricane (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.9 0.5 Hurricanes Park, Louise 6.1 1.0 Hurricanes and Tornadoes (Natural Disasters) Jennings, Terry 6.3 1.0 Hurricanes (Weather Watcher's Library) Galiano, Dean 7.8 1.0 Hurry Home, Candy deJong, Meindert 5.0 7.0 Hush Little Baby Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 8.0 I Am an Apple Marzollo, Jean 1.0 0.5 I Am Lavina Cumming Lowell, Susan 6.2 6.0 I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 I Am Not Joey Pigza Gantos, Jack 5.3 8.0 I Am Regina Keehn, Sally M. 4.4 8.0 I Am the Cheese Cormier, Robert 5.2 7.0 I Am the Universe Corcoran, Barbara 4.1 4.0 I Am Too Absolutely Small for School Child, Lauren 3.2 0.5 I, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 74070 EN 614 EN 65986 EN 9028 EN 9029 EN 18261 EN 74147 EN 9030 EN 5473 EN 5271 EN 5421 EN I and You and Don't Forget Who: What Is Cleary, Brian P. a Pronoun? I Be Somebody Irwin, Hadley 44 EN I, Juan de Pareja 767 EN 32035 EN 8660 EN 33036 EN 9371 EN 10122 EN 13537 EN 475 EN 9316 EN 9317 EN I Know What You Did Last Summer Borton de Treviño, Elizabeth Duncan, Lois I Know Why I Brush My Teeth 3.0 0.5 4.3 5.0 I Can Do It! Kids Talk About Courage Loewen, Nancy 3.9 0.5 I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today Seuss, Dr. 2.9 0.5 I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! Seuss, Dr. 2.2 0.5 I Can't Believe I Have to Do This Alford, Jan 4.8 5.0 I Got a "D" in Salami Winkler, Henry 4.4 4.0 I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 I Have a Sister - My Sister Is Deaf Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse 3.3 0.5 I Heard the Owl Call My Name Craven, Margaret 6.0 6.0 I, Houdini Banks, Lynne Reid 6.2 5.0 6.5 7.0 4.7 7.0 Rowan, Kate 2.9 0.5 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya 6.7 13.0 I Left My Sneakers in Dimension X Coville, Bruce 5.5 5.0 I Like Things Hillert, Margaret 1.0 0.5 I'll Be Seeing You Clark, Mary Higgins 5.4 14.0 I'll Be Seeing You McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 4.0 I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers Moore, Lilian 3.5 1.0 I Love Cats Matthias, Catherine 1.3 0.5 I Love Fishing Dobkin, Bonnie 0.7 0.5 77126 EN 29531 EN 74617 EN 665 EN 139514 EN 2922 EN 17624 EN 7574 EN 83121 EN 5422 EN 20115 EN 8470 EN 25295 EN 10525 EN 7000 EN 36426 EN 70278 EN 14849 EN 75106 EN 75035 EN 9318 EN 421 EN I'm Too Fond of My Fur! Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 I Miss You, I Miss You! Pohl/Gieth 5.8 11.0 I.Q. Goes to the Library Fraser, Mary Ann 3.7 0.5 I Speak English for My Mom Stanek, Muriel 2.8 0.5 I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916 Tarshis, Lauren 3.9 1.0 I Thought I Heard Baker, Alan 2.5 0.5 I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy...Girl Hansen, Joyce 5.0 5.0 I Took My Frog to the Library Kimmel, Eric A. 2.5 0.5 I Walk in Dread: The Diary of Deliverance Fraustino, Lisa Rowe Trembley...Trials 6.3 8.0 I Want to Go Home! Korman, Gordon 4.3 6.0 I Want to Live McDaniel, Lurlene 4.4 3.0 I Was a Teenage Professional Wrestler Lewin, Ted 5.5 3.0 I Was a Third Grade Science Project Auch, Mary Jane 3.7 2.0 I Was So Mad Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 I Will Call It Georgie's Blues Newton, Suzanne 4.7 9.0 I Wonder Hoban, Tana 1.6 0.5 I Wonder Why I Blink Avison, Brigid 4.6 0.5 Ice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.3 8.0 Ice Hockey (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.3 0.5 Ice Hockey (Watts Library) Kennedy, Mike 7.0 1.0 Ice Is...Whee! Greene, Carol 0.3 0.5 Ice Magic Christopher, Matt 4.8 2.0 66049 EN 30831 EN 117001 EN 5272 EN 61643 EN 115275 EN 88382 EN 18069 EN 10931 EN 72302 EN 79913 EN 12657 EN 43587 EN 666 EN 7812 EN 24756 EN 60464 EN 13419 EN 117243 EN 9031 EN 9032 EN Ice Storms Ylvisaker, Anne 5.1 0.5 Ice Story: Shackleton's Lost Expedition Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 7.8 4.0 Ice to Steam: Changing States of Matter Johnson, Penny 4.4 0.5 Iceberg Hermit, The Roth, Arthur 6.4 8.0 Icebergs and Glaciers Simon, Seymour 5.5 0.5 Icebound Land, The Flanagan, John 6.8 13.0 Icefire d'Lacey, Chris 4.4 10.0 Iceland (Cultures of the World) Wilcox, Jonathan 8.5 4.0 Iceman Lynch, Chris 5.3 6.0 Ichiro Suzuki (Awesome Athletes) Dougherty, Terri 5.0 0.5 Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun...Save the World Hannigan, Katherine 5.3 5.0 Ida B. Wells: Antilynching Crusader Haynes, Richard M. 8.3 6.0 Fradin, Dennis/Judith 8.3 7.0 Burch, Robert 4.8 4.0 Idaho (America the Beautiful) Kent, Zachary 8.2 3.0 Idaho (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Iditarod: Story of the Last Great Race, The Young, Ian 3.9 0.5 Iditarod: The Greatest Win Ever, The Devine, Monica 3.5 1.0 If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period Choldenko, Gennifer 3.0 5.0 If I Ran the Circus Seuss, Dr. 3.9 0.5 If I Ran the Zoo Seuss, Dr. 4.1 0.5 Ida B. Wells: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement Ida Early Comes over the Mountain 79154 EN 9319 EN 81724 EN 43706 EN 8970 EN 768 EN 25181 EN 175 EN 126509 EN 6072 EN 9570 EN 29210 EN 18476 EN 2482 EN 75270 EN 75271 EN 18477 EN 18478 EN 52594 EN 110965 EN 75273 EN 75274 EN If I Should Die Before I Wake McDaniel, Lurlene 3.8 3.0 If I Were an Ant Moses, Amy 2.0 0.5 If Only I Had a Green Nose Lucado, Max 3.1 0.5 If That Breathes Fire, We're Toast! Stewart, Jennifer J. 4.4 4.0 If UFOs Are Real Koss, Larry 5.6 1.0 If Winter Comes Hall, Lynn 6.4 4.0 If You Come Softly Woodson, Jacqueline 4.0 4.0 If You Didn't Have Me Nilsson, Ulf 4.2 3.0 If You Give a Cat a Cupcake Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Give a Moose a Muffin Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Numeroff, Laura 2.7 0.5 If You Give a Pig a Pancake Numeroff, Laura 2.5 0.5 If You Grew up with Abraham Lincoln McGovern, Ann 4.4 1.0 If You Hopped Like a Frog Schwartz, David M. 3.4 0.5 If You Lived at the Time of the American Moore, Kay Revolution 6.1 1.0 If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War Moore, Kay 5.7 1.0 If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Levine, Ellen Francisco Earthquake 5.1 1.0 If You Lived in Colonial Times 4.1 1.0 5.8 1.0 5.1 1.0 McGovern, Ann If You Lived in Williamsburg in Colonial Brenner, Barbara Days If You Lived When There Was Slavery in Kamma, Anne America If You Lived with the Hopi Kamma, Anne 5.1 1.0 If You Lived with the Indians of the Northwest Coast Kamma, Anne 5.5 1.0 75275 EN 18479 EN 17321 EN 14818 EN 83302 EN 107386 EN 47329 EN 60905 EN 42602 EN 18480 EN 105721 EN 18481 EN 5022 EN 139604 EN 7813 EN 18114 EN 24757 EN 42587 EN 68901 EN 8531 EN 112906 EN If You Lived with the Iroquois Levine, Ellen 5.9 1.0 If You Lived with the Sioux Indians McGovern, Ann 4.6 1.0 If You Made a Million Schwartz, David M. 4.1 0.5 If You Please, President Lincoln Robinet, Harriette Gillem 5.1 5.0 If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand: Poems About School Dakos, Kalli 4.9 1.0 If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 McGovern, Ann 4.2 1.0 If You Should Hear a Honey Guide Sayre, April Pulley 3.1 0.5 If You Take a Mouse to School Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Take a Mouse to the Movies Numeroff, Laura 2.1 0.5 4.9 1.0 5.9 1.0 If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island Levine, Ellen 6.4 1.0 Iggie's House Blume, Judy 3.5 3.0 Iguana Simon, Elizabeth 4.9 1.0 Illinois (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 Illinois (Celebrate the States) Brill, Marlene Targ 6.8 2.0 Illinois (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.8 1.0 Illusion, The Applegate, K.A. 3.6 3.0 Illustrated Man, The Bradbury, Ray 4.4 10.0 Illyrian Adventure, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.5 5.0 Imagine Harry Klise, Kate 3.4 0.5 If You Traveled on the Underground Levine, Ellen Railroad If You Were There When They Signed the Levy, Elizabeth Constitution 76307 EN 49544 EN 25971 EN 64922 EN 67635 EN 5423 EN 27162 EN 8696 EN 35296 EN 75428 EN 86891 EN 28923 EN 83186 EN 4868 EN 24431 EN 129295 EN 86892 EN 18334 EN 10292 EN 34749 EN 86893 EN Imagine That! (Sparklers Green) Best, Elizabeth 2.6 0.5 Immigrant Children Whitman, Sylvia 4.7 0.5 Immigrant Kids Freedman, Russell 6.9 1.0 Immigrants and Neighbors (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Owens, Thomas S. 3.5 1.0 Impossible Journey, The Whelan, Gloria 5.2 6.0 Impy for Always Koller, Jackie French 3.5 1.0 In a Tree (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.8 0.5 In-Between Days, The Bunting, Eve 3.9 3.0 In Care of Cassie Tucker Ruckman, Ivy 4.7 5.0 In Darkness, Death Hoobler, Dorothy/Thomas 5.2 6.0 In Japan Zocchi, Judy 3.4 0.5 In-line Skating Chalmers, Aldie 6.2 0.5 In-Line Skating Riley, Gail Blasser 5.6 1.0 In-Line Skating (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 In-Line Skating (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 5.0 0.5 In Memory of Gorfman T. Frog Donovan, Gail 4.2 4.0 In Mexico Zocchi, Judy 3.4 0.5 In My Family Lomas Garza, Carmen 4.7 0.5 In My Father's House Rinaldi, Ann 4.4 10.0 In My Hands Opdyke/Armstrong 6.0 11.0 In Nigeria Zocchi, Judy 3.7 0.5 129899 EN 44148 EN 29831 EN 34740 EN 59450 EN 86894 EN 15930 EN 30669 EN 24619 EN 5225 EN 615 EN 24621 EN 32149 EN 27166 EN 20709 EN 18770 EN 36665 EN 24622 EN 51312 EN 27165 EN 40040 EN In Our Mothers' House Polacco, Patricia 4.3 0.5 In Search of the Grand Canyon Fraser, Mary Ann 6.9 1.0 In Search of the Maiasaurs Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 7.1 1.0 In Search of the Spirit Hamanaka/Ohmi 6.4 1.0 In Spite of Killer Bees Johnston, Julie 5.3 10.0 In Switzerland Zocchi, Judy 3.3 0.5 In the Barn Kalman, Bobbie 5.4 0.5 In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World Hamilton, Virginia 4.5 3.0 In the Desert (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.7 0.5 In the Dinosaur's Paw Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 In the Face of Danger Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.0 6.0 In the Forest (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 3.1 0.5 In the Forests of the Night Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 5.4 4.0 In the Garden (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.5 0.5 In the Hand of the Goddess Pierce, Tamora 5.2 7.0 In the Language of Loons Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 4.8 3.0 In the Line of Fire: Presidents' Lives at Stake St. George, Judith 7.3 3.0 In the Meadow (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 2.7 0.5 In the Night Kitchen Sendak, Maurice 2.5 0.5 In the Park (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 3.0 0.5 In the Running (Scoreboard) Boga, Steve 3.0 1.0 11175 EN 20117 EN 229 EN 86895 EN 110569 EN 17322 EN 119 EN 58590 EN 44205 EN 58196 EN 230 EN 63008 EN 28712 EN 18016 EN 64923 EN 117482 EN 10881 EN 18482 EN 231 EN 6729 EN 7814 EN 27843 EN In the Small, Small Pond Fleming, Denise 2.0 0.5 In the Stone Circle Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 4.1 6.0 In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Lord, Bette Bao 4.6 4.0 In Turkey Zocchi, Judy 4.1 0.5 Incantation Hoffman, Alice 5.0 4.0 Inch by Inch Lionni, Leo 1.8 0.5 Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan 7.2 9.0 Inclined Planes and Wedges Walker, Sally M. 3.6 0.5 Incredible Animal Adventures George, Jean Craighead 6.1 1.0 Blumberg, Rhoda 7.8 3.0 Burnford, Sheila 7.6 5.0 Marx, David F. 3.0 0.5 India (Country Fact Files) Ganeri, Anita/Jonardon 7.0 1.0 India (Cultures of the World) Srinivasan, Tadhika 9.3 4.0 India (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 6.4 1.0 India (Smart Apple Media) Ganeri, Anita 7.0 1.0 Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison Lenski, Lois 5.4 10.0 Indian Chiefs Freedman, Russell 7.3 5.0 Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 6.0 Indian Winter, An Freedman, Russell 7.5 2.0 Indiana (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Indiana Pacers (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.2 1.0 Incredible Journey of Lewis and Clark, The Incredible Journey, The Independence Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) 24758 EN 36953 EN 140424 EN 27893 EN 58061 EN 81579 EN 18017 EN 71683 EN 100861 EN 46428 EN 17226 EN 117408 EN 59308 EN 59309 EN 56587 EN 56588 EN 74928 EN 24349 EN 36524 EN 73354 EN 76063 EN Indiana (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Indianapolis Colts Nelson, Julie 6.4 1.0 Indianapolis Colts Peloza, Brian 6.2 1.0 Indianapolis Colts, The Italia, Bob 5.6 0.5 Indigo Hoffman, Alice 5.8 2.0 Indigo's Star McKay, Hilary 4.9 7.0 Indonesia (Cultures of the World) Mirpuri, Gouri 9.3 3.0 Inkheart Funke, Cornelia 5.4 23.0 Inkspell Funke, Cornelia 5.6 29.0 Inline Skating (Radical Sports) Bizley, Kirk 6.6 1.0 Insect (Eyewitness) Mound, Laurence 8.2 1.0 Insects Snedden, Robert 6.1 1.0 Insects 1 (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.9 0.5 Insects 2 (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.1 0.5 Insects Grow and Change Pascoe, Elaine 3.7 0.5 Insects Visit Flowers Pascoe, Elaine 3.4 0.5 Inside a Star Hopkins, Ellen 6.1 1.0 Inside Eating Disorder Support Groups Moe, Barbara 6.3 1.0 Inspirations: Stories About Women Artists Sills, Leslie 6.5 2.0 Interference Powder Korelitz, Jean Hanff 4.9 5.0 Interjections (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 2.8 0.5 42399 EN 49848 EN 7008 EN 65098 EN 63661 EN 5424 EN 28435 EN 67278 EN 24475 EN 73676 EN 73677 EN 74199 EN 73680 EN 74200 EN 73681 EN 73682 EN 29482 EN 13362 EN 54197 EN 16650 EN 113692 EN International Space Station, The Branley, Franklyn M. 4.7 0.5 Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 1.0 Interstellar Pig Sleator, William 5.6 8.0 Interview with the Vampire Rice, Anne 6.9 22.0 Into the Blue Baglio, Ben M. 5.4 4.0 Into the Dream Sleator, William 4.9 4.0 Into the Ice: The Story of Arctic Exploration Curlee, Lynn 7.8 1.0 Into the Wild Hunter, Erin 5.6 10.0 Into the Wind: Sailboats Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.5 0.5 Into Wild Africa Pascoe, Elaine 5.8 1.0 Into Wild Borneo Pascoe, Elaine 5.3 0.5 Into Wild Brazil Pascoe, Elaine 6.0 1.0 Into Wild Galápagos Pascoe, Elaine 6.1 1.0 Into Wild India Pascoe, Elaine 6.3 1.0 Into Wild Madagascar Pascoe, Elaine 5.8 1.0 Into Wild Panama Pascoe, Elaine 6.0 1.0 Intrepid Polly McDoodle, The Woodbury, Mary 4.5 4.0 Inuit (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 6.6 1.0 Inuit, The Santella, Andrew 4.7 0.5 Invasion, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 5.0 Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Words and Pictures, The Selznick, Brian 5.1 4.0 17820 EN 87510 EN 73502 EN 5622 EN 31060 EN 476 EN 10037 EN 29345 EN 14672 EN 6924 EN 7815 EN 24759 EN 72762 EN 5474 EN 76854 EN 18018 EN 117428 EN 18019 EN 18020 EN 5425 EN 24058 EN Invincible Louisa Meigs, Cornelia 8.0 10.0 Invisible Hautman, Pete 4.6 4.0 Invisible Iguanas of Illinois Rand, Johnathan 3.7 3.0 Invisible Intruder, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Invisible Island, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Invisible Lissa Honeycutt, Natalie 4.4 5.0 Invisible Man, The Wells, H.G. 7.7 9.0 Invisible Polly McDoodle, The Woodbury, Mary 4.5 5.0 Invisible Stanley Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Invitation to the Game Hughes, Monica 4.7 6.0 Iowa (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.3 3.0 Iowa (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.2 1.0 Iqbal D'Adamo, Francesco 5.1 4.0 Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard 2.2 0.5 Iran-Contra Scandal, The Petersen, Christine 8.7 1.0 Iran (Cultures of the World) Rajendra/Kaplan 8.4 3.0 Iraq Ponsford, Simon 6.7 1.0 Iraq (Cultures of the World) Hassig, Susan M. 8.4 3.0 Ireland (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 9.1 4.0 Irish Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.8 7.0 Irish Setter, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.8 0.5 73503 EN 17776 EN 57338 EN 77859 EN 13363 EN 69987 EN 769 EN 124770 EN 114459 EN 130453 EN 80820 EN 6121 EN 21110 EN 80435 EN 18771 EN 12658 EN 81654 EN 45 SP 9594 EN 45 EN 5475 EN 5071 EN Iron Insects Invade Indiana Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 Iron Ring, The Alexander, Lloyd 4.8 10.0 Ironman Triathlon, The Scheppler, Bill 7.8 1.0 Ironwood Tree, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.3 1.0 Iroquois (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.2 1.0 Berger, Melvin 4.8 1.0 Bunting, Eve 3.9 4.0 Is Our Climate Changing? Rooney, Anne 8.7 2.0 Is That a Sick Cat in Your Backpack? Strasser, Todd 4.4 3.0 Is That an Unlucky Leprechaun in Your Lunch? Strasser, Todd 4.9 3.0 Is That True? Kids Talk About Honesty Nettleton, Pamela Hill 4.0 0.5 Is Your Mama a Llama? Guarino, Deborah 1.6 0.5 Isaac Asimov: Master of Science Fiction Judson, Karen 8.3 3.0 Isabel and the Hungry Coyote Polette, Keith 3.1 0.5 Isabella: A Wish for Miguel Newman, Shirlee P. 4.3 2.0 Isadora Duncan: Revolutionary Dancer Sandomir, Larry 7.8 6.0 Ish Reynolds, Peter H. 2.1 0.5 isla de los delfines azules, La O'Dell, Scott 5.4 6.0 Island Christmas, An Joseph, Lynn 3.6 0.5 Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott 5.4 6.0 Island of the Skog, The Kellogg, Steven 3.5 0.5 Island on Bird Street, The Orlev, Uri 4.6 7.0 Is a Dolphin a Fish? Questions and Answers About Dolphins Is Anybody There? 29302 EN 74987 EN 10579 EN 5273 EN 20791 EN 117009 EN 75125 EN 84314 EN 117429 EN 18021 EN 116241 EN 60568 EN 18679 EN 19146 EN 11420 EN 11719 EN 77976 EN 77516 EN 6222 EN 71271 EN 55323 EN Island Scrapbook, An Wright-Frierson, Virginia 4.9 0.5 Island Stallion Races, The Farley, Walter 5.8 9.0 Island Stallion, The Farley, Walter 5.8 8.0 Island, The Paulsen, Gary 5.7 8.0 Islander, The Rylant, Cynthia 5.3 1.0 Islands Sheehan, Thomas F. 5.8 0.5 Isle of Illusion, The Rodda, Emily 5.3 5.0 Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily 5.2 6.0 Israel Gallagher, Michael 8.2 1.0 Israel (Cultures of the World) DuBois, Jill 9.0 4.0 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, The Hanel, Rachael 9.1 1.0 It Came from Beneath the Bed! Howe, James 4.1 1.0 It Could Always Be Worse Zemach, Margot 3.7 0.5 It Could Still Be a Mammal Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 It Goes Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Gilson, Jamie 2.9 1.0 It Happened to Nancy Anonymous 5.4 9.0 It Is Not a Date Robins, Eleanor 2.3 1.0 It Only Looks Easy Swallow, Pamela Curtis 4.0 5.0 It's a Dog's Life Erickson, John R. 4.8 3.0 It's a Dog's Life Balaban, Bob 6.1 4.0 It's a Fair Day, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2.8 0.5 2122 EN 7732 EN 36624 EN 83799 EN 76221 EN 49411 EN 46 EN 66629 EN 86758 EN 47263 EN 5274 EN 76308 EN 146462 EN 84524 EN 28714 EN 18022 EN 105488 EN 110580 EN 770 EN 26068 EN 478 EN 6038 EN It's All Greek to Me Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 It's an Aardvark-Eat-Turtle World Danziger, Paula 3.8 3.0 It's Disgusting and We Ate It Solheim, James 6.0 1.0 It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 It's Itchcraft! Greenburg, Dan 3.6 2.0 It's Justin Time, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2.8 0.5 It's Like This, Cat Neville, Emily Cheney 4.7 5.0 It's Magic! Korman/Sinclair 4.7 2.0 It's Music to My Ears Mazer, Anne 3.6 2.0 It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back Armstrong/Jenkins to Life 6.7 15.0 It's Not the End of the World Blume, Judy 3.4 4.0 It's Payback Time (Sparklers Green) Weeks, Jan 2.8 0.5 It's Snowing! Gibbons, Gail 4.1 0.5 Italy and the Italians Needham, Ed 7.7 1.0 Italy (Country Fact Files) Allen, Derek 8.0 1.0 Italy (Cultures of the World) Winter, Jane Kohen 9.3 4.0 Ivy and Bean Barrows, Annie 3.2 1.0 Barrows, Annie 3.6 1.0 Voigt, Cynthia 4.9 12.0 J.R.R. Tolkien: Master of Fantasy Collins, David R. 6.4 2.0 J. T. Wagner, Jane 4.6 1.0 Jack Homes, A.M. 4.7 9.0 Ivy and Bean and the Ghost That Had to Go Izzy, Willy-Nilly 73392 EN 6122 EN 34710 EN 27948 EN 47236 EN 102231 EN 6925 EN 60720 EN 40653 EN 9525 EN 81111 EN 68162 EN 10211 EN 36954 EN 27907 EN 125222 EN 120 EN 7046 EN 47458 EN 19546 EN 44930 EN Jack Adrift: Fourth Grade Without a Clue Gantos, Jack 4.9 6.0 Jack and the Beanstalk Kellogg, Steven 4.1 0.5 Jack on the Tracks Gantos, Jack 5.1 6.0 Jack's Black Book Gantos, Jack 4.8 6.0 Jack's New Power Gantos, Jack 4.3 8.0 Jack's Run Smith, Roland 4.8 7.0 Jackaroo Voigt, Cynthia 5.6 14.0 Jacket, The Clements, Andrew 4.1 1.0 Jackie & Me Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Jackie Robinson Sabin, Francene 5.6 0.5 Jackie Robinson (People to Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.2 0.5 Jackie's Wild Seattle Hobbs, Will 4.6 8.0 Jackson Jones and the Puddle of Thorns Quattlebaum, Mary 3.2 2.0 Jacksonville Jaguars Nelson, Julie 7.6 1.0 Jacksonville Jaguars, The Italia, Bob 6.6 1.0 Jacksonville Jaguars, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Jacob Have I Loved Paterson, Katherine 5.7 8.0 Jacob's Rescue: A Holocaust Story Drucker, Malka 4.5 3.0 Jacques Cousteau (A&E Biography) DuTemple, Lesley A. 7.3 3.0 Jaguar Smith, Roland 4.5 8.0 Jaguar's Jewel, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 13307 EN 48384 EN 68626 SP 139767 EN 50946 EN 60714 EN 51897 EN 54845 EN 18023 EN Jaguar: The King of the Cats (Car Classics) Craven, Linda/Jerry 6.2 0.5 Jaguars (Naturebooks) Woods, Theresa 4.3 0.5 Jaimito Pijama Brennan, Kevin 3.0 0.5 Jake Couloumbis, Audrey 4.0 4.0 Jake Drake, Bully Buster Clements, Andrew 3.5 1.0 Jake Drake, Class Clown Clements, Andrew 3.4 1.0 Jake Drake, Know-It-All Clements, Andrew 4.1 2.0 Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet Clements, Andrew 4.3 2.0 Jamaica Sheehan, Sean 10.2 3.0 Lillegard, Dee 7.4 1.0 Dahl, Roald 4.8 4.0 Brill, Marlene Targ 7.5 2.0 Wade, Linda R. 7.2 1.0 Richman, Daniel A. 8.9 5.0 Hasday, Judy L. 8.5 4.0 Lindop, Edmund 8.2 2.0 Lillegard, Dee 7.6 2.0 Clinton, Susan 7.2 2.0 Fitz-Gerald, Christine Maloney 5.9 2.0 Jacobs, Paul Samuel 5.6 7.0 Sievert, Terri 4.0 0.5 Brontë, Charlotte 7.9 33.0 James A. Garfield (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 232 EN James and the Giant Peach James Buchanan (Encyclopedia of 865 EN Presidents) 888 EN James Carter (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 14068 James E. Carter: 39th President of the EN United States 29677 James Earl Jones (Overcoming Adversity) EN 17472 James K. Polk, Abraham Lincoln, EN Theodore Roosevelt James K. Polk (Encyclopedia of 861 EN Presidents) James Madison (Encyclopedia of 854 EN Presidents) James Monroe (Encyclopedia of 855 EN Presidents) 29484 James Printer: A Novel of Rebellion EN 101424 James Stewart: Motocross Great EN 709 EN Jane Eyre (Unabridged) 870 EN 14727 EN 41791 EN 133241 EN 28715 EN 18024 EN 64924 EN 65529 EN 133409 EN 233 EN 29662 EN 7877 EN 81849 EN 110598 EN 122737 EN 17369 EN 32584 EN 30251 EN 12659 EN 107387 EN 2901 EN 272 EN Jane Goodall: Protector of Chimpanzees Meachum, Virginia 7.8 3.0 Janitor's Boy, The Clements, Andrew 5.4 4.0 January's Sparrow Polacco, Patricia 4.4 1.0 Japan (Country Fact Files) Baines, John 7.1 1.0 Japan (Cultures of the World) Shelley, Rex 9.6 3.0 Japan (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 6.1 1.0 Japanese American Internment Camps Sakurai, Gail 7.2 1.0 Japanese Ninja Surprise, The Pennypacker, Sara 4.2 1.0 Jar of Dreams, A Uchida, Yoshiko 5.0 4.0 Jarretts (Race Car Legends), The Huff, Richard 6.6 1.0 Jayhawker Beatty, Patricia 5.0 7.0 Jazz and Blues Brasch, Nicolas 7.4 1.0 Jeep Maurer, Tracy 6.3 0.5 Jeff Gordon Doeden, Matt 2.9 0.5 Jeff Gordon (Race Car Legends) Brinster, Richard 6.0 2.0 Jeff Gordon (Sports Superstars) Cain, Anthony B. 4.8 0.5 Jeff Gordon: Star Race Car Driver Steenkamer, Paul 5.7 2.0 Jefferson Davis: Confederate President Potter, Robert R. 6.2 5.0 Jeffrey's Ghost and the Fifth-Grade Dragon Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Jellies George, Twig C. 3.4 0.5 Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.1 4.0 Konigsburg, E.L. 4.5 3.0 Jelly Belly Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth,...and Me, 176 EN Elizabeth 5940 EN 14868 EN 144412 EN 109552 EN 1434 EN 5918 EN 21014 EN 29190 EN 6520 EN 19332 EN 6521 EN 6523 EN 7733 EN 4857 EN 15479 EN 29686 EN 29665 EN 15480 EN 14569 EN 120214 EN 6321 EN Jennifer Murdley's Toad Coville, Bruce 4.6 4.0 Jennifer-the-Jerk Is Missing Gorman, Carol 3.6 4.0 Jeremy Bender vs. the Cupcake Cadets Luper, Eric 4.7 6.0 Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life Mass, Wendy 4.5 11.0 Jeremy Mayfield (Race Car Legends) Bonner, Mike 6.5 2.0 Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher Coville, Bruce 4.9 4.0 Jerry Rice: Star Wide Receiver Thornley, Stew 6.3 2.0 Jesse James (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) Hamilton, John 6.5 1.0 Jessi and the Superbrat Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Jessi and the Troublemaker Martin, Ann M. 4.2 3.0 Jessi Ramsey, Pet-Sitter Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Jessi's Secret Language Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Jester in the Backcourt Hallowell, Tommy 4.4 3.0 Jet Skiing (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 Jim Abbott Kramer, Jon 4.8 1.0 Jim Abbott: Major League Pitcher Macht, Norman L. 7.0 4.0 Jim Carrey (Overcoming Adversity) Hughes, Mary 7.9 3.0 Jim Eisenreich Gutman, Bill 5.1 1.0 Jim Kelly: Star Quarterback Roth, Leo 5.2 2.0 Jim & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 6.0 Jim Ugly Fleischman, Sid 4.3 3.0 122738 EN 68626 EN 31540 EN 36902 EN 116746 EN 14992 EN 6370 EN 21610 EN 34738 EN 32565 EN 5023 EN 32583 EN 120121 EN 45124 EN 29525 EN 852 EN 12660 EN 32585 EN 14073 EN Jimmie Johnson Doeden, Matt 2.9 0.5 Jimmy Jammers Brennan, Kevin 3.0 0.5 Jimmy Spoon and the Pony Express Gregory, Kristiana 5.3 3.0 Jingo Pratchett, Terry 4.9 15.0 Jinx Cabot, Meg 4.7 9.0 Jip: His Story Paterson, Katherine 5.3 7.0 Jo and the Bandit Roberts, Willo Davis 6.2 9.0 Jo's Boys (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa May 8.8 18.0 Joan of Arc Morpurgo, Michael 5.5 6.0 Joan of Arc Stanley, Diane 6.9 1.0 Job for Jenny Archer, A Conford, Ellen 3.1 1.0 Joe DiMaggio: Young Sports Hero Dunn, Herb 4.8 3.0 Joe Mauer Zuehlke, Jeffrey 4.1 0.5 Joey Pigza Loses Control Gantos, Jack 4.9 7.0 Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos, Jack 4.9 5.0 John Adams (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Brill, Marlene Targ 7.3 2.0 John Brown: Militant Abolitionist Potter, Robert R. 6.5 5.0 John Elway (Sports Superstars) Temple, Bob 5.0 0.5 Falkof, Lucille 8.4 5.0 Kent, Zachary 7.4 2.0 Cole, Michael D. 8.8 4.0 John F. Kennedy: 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy (Encyclopedia of 884 EN Presidents) 14729 John F. Kennedy: President of the New EN Frontier 12457 EN 67112 EN 14730 EN 79229 EN John Henry Lester, Julius 4.0 0.5 John Henry (Tall Tales) Balcziak, Bill 3.8 0.5 John Lennon: The Beatles and Beyond Wright, David K. 7.8 3.0 John Philip Duck Polacco, Patricia 4.3 0.5 Kent, Zachary 7.7 2.0 Lillegard, Dee 7.5 1.0 Pratchett, Terry 4.4 6.0 York, Carol Beach 4.5 1.0 Kellogg, Steven 4.4 0.5 Lindbergh, Reeve 4.5 0.5 Dolan, Sean 9.2 5.0 Christopher, Matt 4.0 2.0 Proimos, James 2.3 0.5 Forbes, Esther 5.9 13.0 Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.0 1.0 Webster, Christine 5.5 0.5 Bach, Richard 5.6 1.0 South, Coleman 9.1 4.0 West, Alan 5.9 1.0 Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 Tripp, Valerie 4.6 1.0 Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 John Quincy Adams (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 860 EN John Tyler (Encyclopedia of Presidents) 104427 Johnny and the Dead EN 7734 Johnny Appleseed EN 6073 Johnny Appleseed EN 66490 Johnny Appleseed EN 29673 Johnny Cash (Pop Culture Legends) EN 477 EN Johnny Long Legs 76927 Johnny Mutton, He's So Him! EN 47 EN Johnny Tremain 2204 Joker EN 133233 Jonas Brothers, The EN 26734 Jonathan Livingston Seagull EN 18070 Jordan (Cultures of the World) EN 25377 Jose Marti: Man of Poetry, Soldier of EN Freedom 17625 Josefina Learns a Lesson EN 17626 Josefina's Surprise EN 20696 Josefina Saves the Day EN 856 EN 35829 EN 5072 EN 44831 EN 50162 EN 76348 EN 55208 EN 27944 EN 42452 EN 64753 EN 31189 EN 44832 EN 34709 EN 32210 EN 27945 EN 6672 EN 29761 EN 48 EN 5073 EN 63120 EN 13397 EN 1675 EN 234 EN Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Taback, Simms 1.7 0.5 Josie Gambit, The Shura, Mary Francis 4.8 4.0 Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 5.0 Myers, Walter Dean 5.2 4.0 Murphy, Jim 5.9 6.0 Philbrick, Rodman 5.7 4.0 Murphy, Jim 5.7 6.0 Rinaldi, Ann 4.9 5.0 Levine, Ellen 5.3 5.0 Myers, Walter Dean 5.0 4.0 Durbin, William 6.0 4.0 Myers, Walter Dean 5.0 4.0 Durbin, William 5.9 5.0 Denenberg, Barry 5.6 4.0 Journey MacLachlan, Patricia 3.8 2.0 Journey Back, The Reiss, Johanna 3.5 6.0 Journey from Peppermint Street deJong, Meindert 5.0 8.0 Journey Home Uchida, Yoshiko 5.3 4.0 Journey Home (Lewis & Clark), The Hamilton, John 6.5 1.0 Journey into Terror Wallace, Bill 4.2 5.0 Journey of a Butterfly (Lifecycles), The Scrace, Carolyn 3.3 0.5 Journey Outside Steele, Mary 5.7 5.0 Journal of Augustus Pelletier: The Lewis & Clark Expedition, The Journal of Biddy Owens: The Negro Leagues, The Journal of Brian Doyle: A Greenhorn...Whaling Ship, The Journal of Douglas Allen Deeds: The Donner Party Expedition, The Journal of James Edmond Pease: A Civil War Union Soldier, The Journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce: A Pilgrim Boy, The Journal of Jedediah Barstow: An Emigrant on the Oregon Trail, The Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy, The Journal of Otto Peltonen: A Finnish Immigrant, The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier, The Journal of Sean Sullivan: A Transcontinental Railroad Worker, The Journal of William Thomas Emerson: A ...War Patriot, The 71435 EN 31208 EN 80492 EN 369 EN 17777 EN 535 EN 17627 EN 77134 SP 10038 EN 21631 EN 44753 EN 82235 EN 82071 EN 48375 EN 70047 SP 108424 EN 89010 EN 56498 EN 138802 EN 125144 EN 80135 EN 70047 EN Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 7.0 Journey to an 800 Number Konigsburg, E.L. 4.7 5.0 Journey to Jericho O'Dell, Scott 4.5 1.0 Journey to Jo'burg Naidoo, Beverley 4.6 2.0 Journey to Nowhere Auch, Mary Jane 4.6 7.0 Journey to the Center of the Earth Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience..., A Verne, Jules 9.9 17.0 Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 4.0 joven y el mar, El Philbrick, Rodman 4.2 5.0 Joy in the Morning Smith, Betty 4.9 13.0 Joyride Olson, Gretchen 3.8 6.0 2.6 0.5 7.6 1.0 Juan Bobo Goes to Work: A Puerto Rican Montes, Marisa Folktale Judicial Branch (Reading Essentials in Smalley, Carol Parenzan Social Studies), The Judy Blume Wheeler, Jill C. 4.4 0.5 Judy Moody McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 Judy Moody adivina el futuro McDonald, Megan 2.7 1.0 Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days McDonald, Megan 3.3 2.0 Judy Moody Declares Independence McDonald, Megan 3.4 2.0 Judy Moody Gets Famous! McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 Judy Moody, Girl Detective McDonald, Megan 3.5 2.0 Judy Moody Goes to College McDonald, Megan 3.7 1.0 Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In! McDonald, Megan 3.2 2.0 Judy Moody Predicts the Future McDonald, Megan 3.1 1.0 62253 SP 62253 EN 56498 SP 56892 EN 55530 EN 273 EN 423 EN 11720 EN 12520 EN 49 EN 17778 EN 73767 EN 6426 EN 18772 EN 7323 EN 5519 EN 6322 EN 8472 EN 84388 EN 53385 EN 60140 EN 14150 EN Judy Moody salva el planeta McDonald, Megan 3.0 1.0 Judy Moody Saves the World McDonald, Megan 3.6 1.0 ¡Judy Moody se vuelve famosa! McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 Juggling (Games Around the World) Jaffe, Elizabeth Dana 3.8 0.5 Julia Roberts (Star Tracks) Wheeler, Jill C. 5.4 1.0 Julian's Glorious Summer Julian, Secret Agent Cameron, Ann Cameron, Ann 3.1 3.1 1.0 1.0 Julie George, Jean Craighead 5.0 6.0 Julie Krone Gutman, Bill 4.6 1.0 Julie of the Wolves George, Jean Craighead 5.8 6.0 Julie's Wolf Pack George, Jean Craighead 5.7 6.0 Juliet Dove, Queen of Love Coville, Bruce 5.0 7.0 Juliet Fisher and the Foolproof Plan Honeycutt, Natalie 3.6 3.0 Juliet: Midsummer at Greenchapel Kirwan/Marshall 5.4 2.0 Julius Hoff, Syd 2.1 0.5 Jumanji Van Allsburg, Chris 3.9 0.5 Jumbo Blumberg, Rhoda 4.8 0.5 Jump at de Sun: The Story of Zora Neale Hurston Porter, A.P. 5.9 2.0 Jumping Kangaroos Levine, Michelle 2.2 0.5 Jumping Spider Schwartz, David M. 3.6 0.5 June Copeland, Lori 4.8 9.0 Junebug Mead, Alice 3.5 3.0 34797 EN 54972 EN 20237 EN 28504 EN 17227 EN 5574 EN 107304 EN 57153 EN 80959 EN 61519 EN 68705 EN 112907 EN 73514 EN 80075 EN 64031 EN 100621 EN 6323 EN 9266 EN 14676 EN 14677 EN 32900 EN Junebug and the Reverend Mead, Alice 3.4 5.0 Jungle Book (Book I) (Unabridged), The Kipling, Rudyard 7.5 9.0 Jungle Book (Books I & II), The Kipling, Rudyard 7.4 20.0 Jungle Dogs Salisbury, Graham 3.7 4.0 Jungle (Eyewitness) Greenaway, Theresa 7.8 1.0 Jungles (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.2 0.5 Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader (at last!) Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I Mean It! Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B...Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May) Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime 6324 EN 14678 EN 17570 EN 44907 EN 24936 EN 49412 EN 17571 EN 31061 EN 44908 EN 17572 EN 12775 EN 28323 EN 14571 EN 8349 EN 47370 EN 7009 EN 36417 EN 6075 EN 8423 EN 26930 EN 7274 EN Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Almost a Flower Girl Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 Junior Seau: Star Linebacker Savage, Jeff 5.8 2.0 Junipero Serra Dolan, Sean 9.9 4.0 Jupiter (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 6.8 1.0 Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 7.3 20.0 Just a Bully Mayer, Gina/Mercer 2.6 0.5 Just a Dream Van Allsburg, Chris 3.6 0.5 Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln Fritz, Jean 2.9 0.5 Just a Little Different Dobkin, Bonnie 1.2 0.5 Just a Mess Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed 87420 EN 41500 EN 68459 EN 771 EN 10246 EN 34884 EN 36420 EN 7228 EN 142134 EN 59052 EN 8771 EN 41985 EN 84885 EN 7158 EN 9320 EN 105494 EN 11176 EN 7229 EN 7276 EN 40597 EN 7277 EN Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book Morales, Yuyi 3.2 0.5 Just a Toy Mayer, Gina/Mercer 2.5 0.5 Just Add Water...and Scream! Greenburg, Dan 3.7 1.0 Just as Long as We're Together Blume, Judy 3.7 7.0 Just Call Me Stupid Birdseye, Tom 4.5 5.0 Just Ella Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.5 6.0 Just Go to Bed Mayer, Mercer 2.0 0.5 Just Going to the Dentist Mayer, Mercer 2.4 0.5 Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln Polacco, Patricia 4.2 0.5 Just Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.2 0.5 Just Like Everyone Else Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Just Like Home Miller, Elizabeth I. 1.5 0.5 Just Like Lizzie Jones, Jasmine 4.1 2.0 Just Like Martin Davis, Ossie 5.2 8.0 Just Like Me Neasi, Barbara 0.7 0.5 Just Listen Dessen, Sarah 4.9 15.0 Just Lost! Mayer, Gina 2.6 0.5 Just Me and My Babysitter Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 Just Me and My Dad Mayer, Mercer 1.4 0.5 Just Me and My Mom Mayer, Mercer 2.2 0.5 Just Me and My Puppy Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 7278 EN 83036 EN 7279 EN 20231 EN 7675 EN 21577 EN 177 EN 139386 EN 235 EN 119424 EN 125312 EN 76909 EN 28139 EN 146266 EN 18773 EN 59310 EN 7816 EN 36955 EN 27897 EN 125223 EN 27879 EN 120953 EN Just My Friend and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 Just Plain Cat Robinson, Nancy K. 3.7 3.0 Just Shopping with Mom Mayer, Mercer 1.7 0.5 Just So Stories (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard 6.4 5.0 Just Tell Me When We're Dead Clifford, Eth 4.3 3.0 Justice and Her Brothers Hamilton, Virginia 4.7 9.0 Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World Walter, Mildred Pitts 3.9 3.0 Justin Bieber: Singing Sensation Tieck, Sarah 3.3 0.5 Justin Morgan Had a Horse Henry, Marguerite 5.8 5.0 Justin Timberlake Tracy, Kathleen 6.2 1.0 Justin Timberlake De Medeiros, James 5.6 0.5 K is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo Andreae, Giles 2.3 0.5 Ka-ha-si and the Loon: An Eskimo Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.4 0.5 Kai: Ninja of Fire Farshtey, Greg 4.8 1.0 Kai: The Lost Statue Welch, Leona Nicholas 4.5 2.0 Kangaroos (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 6.3 0.5 Kansas (America the Beautiful) Kent, Zachary 8.5 3.0 Kansas City Chiefs Nelson, Julie 6.8 1.0 Kansas City Chiefs, The Italia, Bob 5.8 1.0 Kansas City Chiefs, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 Kansas City Royals (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.3 1.0 Kansas City Royals, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 24760 EN 24042 EN 131208 EN 24043 EN 24045 EN 24044 EN 7113 EN 9417 EN 19255 EN 21016 EN 9819 EN 12473 EN 80429 EN 84286 EN 72382 EN 78908 EN 78909 EN 78910 EN 78911 EN 9321 EN 41555 EN Kansas (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.4 1.0 Karate Blocks (Martial Arts) Schwartz/Conley 4.9 0.5 Karate Kick Peters, Stephanie 4.6 3.0 Karate Kicks (Martial Arts) Schwartz/Conley 4.9 0.5 Karate Punches (Martial Arts) Schwartz/Conley 5.2 0.5 Karate Strikes (Martial Arts) Schwartz/Conley 5.1 0.5 Karen Killilea, Marie 6.7 14.0 Karen's Haircut Martin, Ann M. 3.0 1.0 Karen's Magician Martin, Ann M. 3.2 1.0 Karl Malone: Star Forward Rekela, George 7.1 2.0 Kart Racing (MotorSports) Smith, Jay 4.5 0.5 Kate Shelley: Bound for Legend San Souci, Robert D. 5.7 0.5 Kathleen, Please Come Home O'Dell, Scott 4.4 6.0 Kathleen's Story McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 7.0 Kathleen: The Celtic Knot Parkinson, Siobhán 5.1 4.0 Katie and the Mustang: Book Four Duey, Kathleen 5.1 4.0 Katie and the Mustang: Book One Duey, Kathleen 4.7 4.0 Katie and the Mustang: Book Three Duey, Kathleen 5.1 4.0 Katie and the Mustang: Book Two Duey, Kathleen 4.5 4.0 Katie Can McDaniel, Becky 2.0 0.5 My Story Tarbox, Katherine 6.1 9.0 9322 EN 9323 EN 50 EN 16934 EN 62887 EN 62889 EN 62890 EN 62888 EN 54187 EN 46429 EN 13420 EN 37004 EN 70019 EN 7150 EN 76314 EN 20081 EN 68983 EN 80064 EN 63009 EN 106873 EN 60569 EN Katie Couldn't McDaniel, Becky 1.0 0.5 Katie Did It McDaniel, Becky 1.2 0.5 Katie John Calhoun, Mary 4.2 4.0 Kavik: The Wolf Dog Morey, Walt 4.9 7.0 Kaya and Lone Dog: A Friendship Story Shaw, Janet 4.8 2.0 Kaya's Escape! A Survival Story Shaw, Janet 4.7 2.0 Kaya's Hero: A Story of Giving Shaw, Janet 4.9 2.0 Kaya Shows the Way: A Sister Story Shaw, Janet 4.6 2.0 Kayaking, Canoeing, Rowing, and Yachting (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.0 0.5 Kayaking (Radical Sports) Revell, Phil 6.0 1.0 Kayaking: Riding the Rapids Beurskens, Sarah 3.9 1.0 Kayaking (World of Sports) Bach, Julie 6.6 1.0 Keep a Lid on It, Pandora! McMullan, Kate 3.4 3.0 Keep Ms. Sugarman in the Fourth Grade Levy, Elizabeth 3.5 2.0 Keep (Sparklers Gold), The Coleman, Mandy 3.9 0.5 Keeper of the Light Pfitsch, Patricia Curtis 4.6 6.0 Keeper of the Night Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.4 5.0 Keeper, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 7.0 Keeping Clean Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 Keeping Cool Carey, Elizabeth Doyle 5.4 9.0 Keeping Faith Daniels, Lucy 5.2 4.0 74947 EN 20677 EN 72566 EN 117416 EN 11421 EN 11422 EN 65770 EN 77768 SP 25379 EN 21017 EN 8267 EN 20243 EN 1501 EN 7817 EN 24761 EN 18025 EN 6615 EN 274 EN 44341 EN 33006 EN 5226 EN Keeping Our Food and Water Safe Bledsoe, Karen E. 7.3 1.0 Keeping Quilt (Revised Edition), The Polacco, Patricia 4.4 0.5 Keeping Track of Time: Go Fly a Kite! Burstein, John 2.3 0.5 Keeping Warm Riley, Peter 5.6 1.0 Keisha Leads the Way Reed, Teresa 5.0 2.0 Keisha, the Fairy Snow Queen Reed, Teresa 4.9 1.0 Kelly Clarkson (Young Profiles) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.5 0.5 Kelly, el gritón Sweetland, Nancy Rose 2.7 0.5 Ken Griffey, Jr.: Baseball's Best Gutman, Bill 5.7 1.0 Ken Griffey, Jr.: Star Outfielder Macnow, Glen 5.7 2.0 Ken Griffey, Jr.: The Kid Reiser, Howard 5.5 0.5 Kennedy Assassinated! The World Mourns Hampton, Wilborn 6.6 2.0 Kenny Irwin Jr. (Race Car Legends) Gaines, Ann Graham 6.1 2.0 Kentucky (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.8 3.0 Kentucky (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Kenya (Cultures of the World) Pateman, Robert 8.1 3.0 Kestrel, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 9.0 Kevin Corbett Eats Flies Hermes, Patricia 3.6 5.0 Kevin Garnett (Sports Heroes) Molzahn, Arlene Bourgeois 4.4 0.5 Key to the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.8 8.0 Key to the Treasure Parish, Peggy 3.2 2.0 5369 EN 119700 EN 27962 EN 178 EN 7676 EN 60489 EN 20340 EN 11423 EN 32020 EN 18774 EN 512 EN 106864 EN 109862 EN 106865 EN 88597 EN 44931 EN 24908 EN 74762 EN 5024 EN 11820 EN 131395 EN 131396 EN Keystone Kids Tunis, John R. 5.2 7.0 Kickoff! Barber, Tiki 4.3 5.0 Kid from Tomkinsville, The Tunis, John R. 5.4 8.0 Kid in the Red Jacket, The Park, Barbara 3.9 3.0 Kid Power Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.1 4.0 Kid's Clothes: From Start to Finish Woods, Samuel G. 5.0 0.5 Kid Who Invented the Popsicle, The Wulffson, Don L. 7.4 2.0 Kid Who Only Hit Homers, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Kidnap at the Catfish Cafe Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.5 2.0 Kidnap Kids Strasser, Todd 3.6 4.0 Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis 7.6 14.0 Kidnapped Book One: The Abduction Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 Kidnapped Book Three: The Rescue Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 Kidnapped Book Two: The Search Korman, Gordon 5.0 4.0 Kidnapped Colt Farley, Terri 5.1 6.0 Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Kidnappers: A Mystery, The Roberts, Willo Davis 4.8 5.0 Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.5 8.0 Cool, Joyce 5.0 6.0 Freedman, Russell 7.5 2.0 Kids' Guide to Military Vehicles, The Simons, Lisa M. Bolt 5.2 0.5 Kids' Guide to Monster Trucks, The O'Hearn, Michael 4.7 0.5 Kidnapping of Courtney Van Allen & What's-Her-Name, The Kids At Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor 8971 EN 13519 EN 772 EN 64218 EN 30500 EN 29969 EN 29335 EN 29334 EN 128826 EN 27923 EN 82290 EN 51 EN 6325 EN 30667 EN 9033 EN 28151 EN 2196 EN 74071 EN 35432 EN 479 EN 669 EN 52597 EN Killer Bees Blau, Melinda 5.5 1.0 Nielsen, Nancy 4.8 0.5 Duncan, Lois 4.8 8.0 Kim: Empty Inside Sparks, Beatrice 5.5 6.0 Kim/Kimi Irwin, Hadley 4.3 6.0 Kim (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard 7.7 18.0 Kin: Mana's Story, The Dickinson, Peter 4.6 6.0 Kin: Po's Story, The Dickinson, Peter 5.2 6.0 Kind of Friends We Used to Be, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.8 6.0 King of Dragons, The Fenner, Carol 5.4 7.0 King of the Middle March Crossley-Holland, Kevin 4.2 12.0 King of the Wind Henry, Marguerite 5.4 5.0 King's Equal, The Paterson, Katherine 5.2 1.0 King's Fifth, The O'Dell, Scott 5.5 10.0 King's Stilts, The Seuss, Dr. 4.1 0.5 Kiowa (Native American People), The Sherrow, Victoria 6.7 1.0 Kip: A Sea Otter Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.8 0.5 Kira-Kira Kadohata, Cynthia 4.7 7.0 Kirsten and the New Girl Shaw, Janet 4.5 1.0 Kirsten Learns a Lesson Kirsten's Surprise Shaw, Janet Shaw, Janet 4.0 3.9 1.0 1.0 Kirsten Snowbound! Shaw, Janet 3.5 0.5 Killer Whales: The Orcas of the Pacific Ocean Killing Mr. Griffin 8828 EN 19754 EN 28514 EN 30793 EN 37032 EN 37033 EN 84337 EN 59026 EN 15931 EN 67802 EN 77204 EN 123941 EN 138576 EN 5426 EN 6326 EN 236 EN 6327 EN 17228 EN 36463 EN 108711 EN 8532 EN Kiss and Make Up Turner, T.P. 4.3 1.0 Kiss and Tell Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 Kissing Doorknobs Hesser, Terry Spencer 4.4 5.0 Kissing Hand, The Penn, Audrey 2.7 0.5 Kit Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 Kit's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.4 2.0 Kit's Tree House Tripp, Valerie 4.6 1.0 Kitchen Science (Science and Scientists) Pentland/Stoyles 6.0 1.0 Kitchen, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 0.5 Kitten (My Pet) Head, Honor 3.7 0.5 Kitten's First Full Moon Henkes, Kevin 2.3 0.5 Kitten That Won First Prize: And Other Animal Stories, The Baglio, Ben M. 4.2 4.0 Kitty Care Armentrout, David 4.1 0.5 Kitty from the Start Delton, Judy 5.3 3.0 Kitty in High School Delton, Judy 4.8 3.0 Kneeknock Rise Babbitt, Natalie 4.4 2.0 Knight at Dawn, The Osborne, Mary Pope 2.9 1.0 Knight (Eyewitness) Gravett, Christopher 7.7 1.0 Knight for a Day McMullan, K.H. 3.4 2.0 Knights of the Hill Country Tharp, Tim 5.3 10.0 Knights of the Kitchen Table Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 20119 EN 670 EN 103124 EN 818 EN 125172 EN 59311 EN 26471 EN 72304 EN 14200 EN 13520 EN 536 EN 47947 EN 2195 EN 18026 EN 7186 EN 131791 EN 65536 EN 29227 EN 14874 EN 55732 EN 15524 EN 19369 EN Knots in My Yo-Yo String: The Autobiography of a Kid Knots on a Counting Rope Spinelli, Jerry 6.0 5.0 Martin Jr., Bill 2.8 0.5 Knowledge Is Power Mazer, Ann 3.7 2.0 Knute Rockne: Young Athlete VanRiper, Guernsey 3.5 3.0 Koalas Hanel, Rachael 7.0 1.0 Koalas and Other Australian Animals (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 Koalas (Naturebooks) Lee, Sandra 3.4 0.5 Kobe Bryant (Awesome Athletes) Pyle, Lydia 5.4 0.5 Kokopelli's Flute Hobbs, Will 5.3 6.0 Martin, James 5.4 0.5 Heyerdahl, Thor 8.0 14.0 Brown, Tricia 4.6 0.5 Kooski: A Gray Wolf Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.2 1.0 Korea (Cultures of the World) DuBois, Jill 9.0 3.0 Korean Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley 4.1 0.5 Korean War Memorial Burrows, Jennifer 5.4 0.5 Korean War Veterans Memorial, The Stein, R. Conrad 7.0 1.0 Koya DeLaney and the Good Girl Blues Greenfield, Eloise 4.4 3.0 Kraken, The Reed, Don C. 5.2 8.0 Kreepy Klowns of Kalamazoo Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 Kristi Yamaguchi: Artist on Ice Donohue, Shiobhan 6.6 1.0 Kristy and the Missing Fortune Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Komodo Dragons: Giant Lizards of Indonesia Kon-Tiki Konnichiwa! I am a Japanese-American Girl 6526 EN 6528 EN 6529 EN 6530 EN 6531 EN 6532 EN 55533 EN 29806 EN 26071 EN 114322 EN 63011 EN 15365 EN 140118 EN 111577 EN 105489 EN 114394 EN 61332 EN 53387 EN 71342 EN 71343 EN 71344 EN Kristy and the Mother's Day Surprise Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Kristy and the Snobs Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Kristy and the Walking Disaster Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Kristy's Big Day Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Kristy's Great Idea Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 Kristy's Mystery Admirer Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Kurt Warner Dougherty, Terri 5.8 1.0 Kuwait (Cultures of the World) Shea, Maria O' 9.4 4.0 L. Frank Baum: Royal Historian of Oz Carpenter/Shirley 7.2 4.0 L8r, g8r Myracle, Lauren 4.2 9.0 Labor Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Bredeson, Carmen 2.5 0.5 Labrador Retriever, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.4 0.5 Labrador Retrievers Mathea, Heidi 3.9 0.5 6.6 3.0 5.7 4.0 LaDainian Tomlinson: All-Pro on and off Ellenport, Craig the Field Ladies First: Women Athletes Who Made Rappoport, Ken a Difference Lady Friday Nix, Garth 6.0 10.0 Lady Knight Pierce, Tamora 5.6 16.0 Ladybug Schwartz, David M. 3.3 0.5 Lake Erie (Land and Water) Ylvisaker, Anne 4.4 0.5 Lake Huron (Land and Water) Ylvisaker, Anne 4.3 0.5 Lake Michigan (Land and Water) Ylvisaker, Anne 4.3 0.5 58062 EN 59066 EN 71345 EN 71346 EN 110599 EN 13314 EN 44301 EN 5025 EN 44585 EN 6389 EN 6474 EN 117964 EN 28641 EN 110600 EN 109648 EN 31641 EN 4624 EN 773 EN 11474 EN 18071 EN 370 SP 9324 EN Lake of Secrets Littke, Lael 4.4 6.0 Lake of Tears, The Rodda, Emily 5.4 4.0 Lake Ontario (Land and Water) Ylvisaker, Anne 4.6 0.5 Lake Superior (Land and Water) Ylvisaker, Anne 4.6 0.5 Lamborghini Maurer, Tracy Nelson 5.7 0.5 Lamborghini: The Fastest (Car Classics) Haines, Shirley/Harry 6.4 0.5 Lampfish of Twill, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.8 6.0 Land I Lost: Adventures of a Boy in Vietnam, The Nhuong, Huynh Quang 6.1 4.0 Land of Dreams Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.5 6.0 Land of Hope Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.5 6.0 Land of Promise Tedrow, T.L. 4.3 7.0 Land of the Silver Apples, The Farmer, Nancy 5.0 17.0 Land Predators Stidworthy, John 6.7 1.0 Land Rover Maurer, Tracy 6.4 0.5 Landon Donovan Buckley Jr., James 6.0 0.5 Landry News, The Clements, Andrew 6.0 4.0 Jennings, Terry 6.5 1.0 Oneal, Zibby 3.9 6.0 Lantern in Her Hand, A Aldrich, Bess Streeter 6.4 14.0 Laos (Cultures of the World) Mansfield, Stephen 8.9 3.0 largo invierno, El Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 10.0 Larry and the Cookie McDaniel, Becky 1.2 0.5 Landslides and Avalanches (Natural Disasters) Language of Goldfish, The 110632 EN 18327 SP 32734 EN 6594 SP 19 SP 121 EN 619 EN 77439 EN 105652 EN 109784 EN 75368 EN 82274 EN 60570 EN 117772 EN 16917 EN 13624 EN 620 EN 88520 EN 130543 EN 16868 EN 10933 EN 85215 EN Larry: The King of Rock and Roll Dart, Iris Rainer 4.5 4.0 Las aventuras de Connie y Diego García, Maria 3.5 0.5 Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane 5.5 0.5 Wexo, John Bonnett White, E.B. Knight, Eric Lewis, C.S. 5.7 4.4 5.4 5.6 0.5 5.0 9.0 7.0 Last Chance Texaco, The Hartinger, Brent 4.5 6.0 Last Dance McDaniel, Lurlene 3.9 3.0 Last Dragon, The De Mari, Silvana 6.5 14.0 Last Fairy-Apple Tree, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 Last Holiday Concert, The Clements, Andrew 5.4 4.0 Last Hope Daniels, Lucy 5.2 4.0 Last Knight, The Bell, Hilari 6.1 12.0 Last Man's Reward, The Patneaude, David 4.2 5.0 Last of the Mohicans (Bloomsbury), The Cooper, James Fenimore 11.6 18.0 Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, The Edwards, Julie Andrews 4.4 8.0 Last of the Sky Pirates, The Stewart, Paul 5.7 12.0 Last Olympian, The Riordan, Rick 4.3 13.0 Last One in Is a Rotten Egg Kessler, Leonard 2.0 0.5 Last Safe Place on Earth, The Peck, Richard 4.4 5.0 Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery Feinstein, John 4.8 9.0 Las Posadas: An Hispanic Christmas Celebration Las serpientes (Zoobooks) Las telarañas de Carlota Lassie Come-Home Last Battle, The 10224 EN 14596 EN 72072 EN 6475 EN 115808 EN 137661 EN 69886 EN 5754 EN 18313 SP 157 EN 16424 EN 24563 EN 26786 EN 15053 EN 26788 EN 56193 EN 56195 EN 56196 EN 15063 EN 18817 EN 18072 EN Latchkey Dog, The Auch, Mary Jane 3.7 2.0 Later, Gator Yep, Laurence 4.0 3.0 4.3 0.5 4.9 1.0 Latino Legends: Hispanics in Major Silverstone, Michael League Baseball Laura Ingalls Wilder: Growing Up...Little Giff, Patricia Reilly House Lawn Boy Paulsen, Gary 4.3 2.0 Lawn Boy Returns Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 Lawyer Parks, Peggy J. 7.6 1.0 Lazarus Plot, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 lazo a la luna, Un Ehlert, Lois 2.3 0.5 Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Leadership Editors, Time-Life 10.9 8.0 Leap into the Unknown: Albert Einstein Sorenson, Margo 2.7 2.0 Levchuck, Caroline M. 5.0 0.5 Mosher, Kiki 4.0 0.5 Hovanec, Erin M. 4.0 0.5 Jones, Brenn 5.0 0.5 Jones, Brenn 4.5 0.5 Jones, Brenn 4.7 0.5 Strazzabosco, Jeanne 3.9 0.5 Leaving Fishers Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.2 8.0 Lebanon (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.0 4.0 Learning About Charity from the Life of Princess Diana Learning About Compassion from the Life of Florence Nightingale Learning About Creativity from the Life of Steven Spielberg Learning About Love from the Life of Mother Teresa Learning About Resilience from the Life of Lance Armstrong Learning About Teamwork from the Lives of Hillary and Norgay Learning About the Work Ethic from the Life of Cal Ripken, Jr. 100752 EN 128439 EN 103607 EN 19978 SP 15481 EN 59211 EN 43406 EN 36035 EN 58706 EN 30741 EN 107902 EN 75589 EN 6328 EN 30337 EN 15082 EN 123053 EN 30542 EN 7115 EN 87214 EN 5476 EN 16727 EN LeBron James Savage, Jeff 4.0 0.5 LeBron James: I Love Challenges! Sandler, Michael 4.6 0.5 LeBron James: King of the Court Sibila, Tom 3.5 0.5 lechera y su cubeta, La DeHoogh, Eugenia 2.3 0.5 Lee Trevino Kramer, Jon 5.2 1.0 Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search...USS Indianapolis Nelson, Pete 8.3 11.0 Left-Handed Shortstop Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.7 3.0 Lefty Carmichael Has a Fit Trembath, Don 4.5 7.0 Legacy: Making Wishes Come True, The McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 6.0 Legend Days Highwater, Jamake 5.9 6.0 Legend of Bass Reeves...Most Valiant Marshal in the West, The Paulsen, Gary 5.8 6.0 Legend of Buddy Bush, The Moses, Shelia P. 4.6 5.0 Legend of Jimmy Spoon, The Gregory, Kristiana 5.0 5.0 Legend of Luke, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 Legend of Red Horse Cavern, The Paulsen, Gary 3.5 1.0 Legend of Skull Cliff, The Gregory, Kristiana 4.1 2.0 Legend of Sleepy Hollow...Rip Van Winkle (Great...Classics), The Irving/Kelly 4.8 3.0 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving/Rackham 11.0 3.0 Legend of Spud Murphy, The Colfer, Eoin 3.8 1.0 Legend of the Bluebonnet, The Paola, Tomie De 4.2 0.5 Legend of the Poinsettia, The Paola, Tomie De 3.6 0.5 82236 EN 18783 SP 276 EN 143651 EN 114227 EN 59380 EN 13522 EN 26472 EN 101275 EN 102551 EN 72873 EN 13759 EN 62073 SP 135283 EN 10672 EN 75356 EN 32549 EN 80821 EN 28172 EN 28167 EN 28168 EN Legislative Branch (Reading Essentials in Smalley, Carol Parenzan Social Studies), The 6.9 1.0 Lejos del polvo Hesse, Karen 5.3 3.0 Lemming Condition, The Arkin, Alan 4.3 1.0 Lemonade Crime, The Davies, Jacqueline 4.5 3.0 Lemonade War, The Davies, Jacqueline 4.1 4.0 Snicket, Lemony 7.3 3.0 Martin, James 4.8 0.5 Lemurs (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.9 0.5 Leo the Lightning Bug Drachman, Eric 3.4 0.5 Leon and the Champion Chip Kurzweil, Allen 4.9 9.0 Leon and the Spitting Image Kurzweil, Allen 4.9 8.0 Leonardo da Vinci Stanley, Diane 6.8 1.0 leones marinos, Los Macken, JoAnn Early 3.5 0.5 Leprechaun in Late Winter Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 2.0 Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 Lesson for Martin Luther King Jr., A Patrick, Denise Lewis 2.2 0.5 Let Him Live McDaniel, Lurlene 5.0 5.0 Let's Get Along! Kids Talk About Tolerance Nettleton, Pamela Hill 4.4 0.5 Let's Go Fishing for a Living Travis, George 4.4 0.5 Let's Go Fishing in a Tournament Travis, George 3.9 0.5 Let's Go Fishing on the Ice Travis, George 3.8 0.5 Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography Lemurs and Other Animals of the Madagascar Rain Forest 13823 EN 7735 EN 237 EN 57919 EN 8917 EN 30611 EN 5970 EN 41272 EN 8533 EN 26634 EN 108039 EN 58591 EN 73061 EN 67594 EN 40564 EN 52599 EN 68627 EN 72655 EN 75568 SP 44166 EN 142993 EN Let's Go Rock Collecting Gans, Roma 3.7 0.5 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Erickson, John R. 4.7 3.0 Let the Circle Be Unbroken Taylor, Mildred D. 5.7 15.0 Lethal Gorilla, The Zindel, Paul 5.7 5.0 Letter, the Witch, and the Ring, The Bellairs, John 4.7 6.0 Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt, A DeYoung, C. Coco 4.7 3.0 Letters from a Slave Girl Lyons, Mary E. 5.1 4.0 Letters from Camp Klise, Kate 6.1 5.0 Letters from Rifka Hesse, Karen 4.2 4.0 Letters from the Inside Marsden, John 4.7 5.0 Letting Go of Lisa McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 5.0 Levers Walker, Sally M. 3.3 0.5 Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Primary Source...Discovery, The Orr, Tamra 8.4 2.0 Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Webster, Christine 6.5 1.0 Lewis and Clark Expedition (We the People), The Quiri, Patricia Ryon 5.0 0.5 Lewis and Clark (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.5 2.0 Lewis Cardinal's First Winter: A Solomon Johnson, Amy Crane Raven Story 3.2 0.5 Lexington and Concord Uschan, Michael V. 8.8 2.0 Lexington y Concord Crewe, Sabrina 5.9 1.0 Liar Liar Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.0 Liar, Liar Paulsen, Gary 5.8 3.0 36620 EN 5026 EN 18073 EN 39875 EN 59696 EN 52262 EN 17324 EN 24962 EN 13777 EN 85095 EN 18636 EN 27493 EN 18027 EN 19199 EN 24986 EN 34982 EN 109087 EN 39666 EN 12725 EN 46006 EN 67207 EN Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Korman, Gordon 3.2 1.0 Libby on Wednesday Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.3 8.0 Liberia (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 9.7 4.0 Liberty Curlee, Lynn 8.5 1.0 Liberty Bell, The Marcovitz, Hal 7.5 1.0 Liberty Bell, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 3.5 0.5 Librarian Who Measured the Earth, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.8 0.5 Library Card, The Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 4.0 Library Dragon, The Deedy, Carmen Agra 4.8 0.5 Library (I Like to Visit), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 1.2 0.5 Library Lil Williams, Suzanne 4.0 0.5 Library, The Stewart, Sarah 3.3 0.5 Libya (Cultures of the World) Malcolm, Peter 8.3 3.0 Life and Death of Crazy Horse, The Freedman, Russell 7.2 6.0 Life and Times of the Honeybee, The Micucci, Charles 5.2 0.5 Life and Words of Martin Luther King Jr., Peck, Ira The 5.2 2.0 Life as We Knew It Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.7 14.0 Life Cycles (Life Processes) Wallace, Holly 5.9 1.0 Life (Images) George, Michael 7.6 0.5 Life in a Colonial Town Isaacs, Sally Senzell 3.9 0.5 7.7 2.0 Life in a Grassland (Ecosystems in Action) Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 46007 EN 49361 EN 49362 EN 19156 EN 68332 EN 122006 EN 65915 EN 46010 EN 15932 EN 46011 EN 29864 EN 29865 EN 68335 EN 7034 EN 6927 EN 17822 EN 74955 EN 118252 EN 122 EN 10901 EN 117417 EN Life in a Hopi Village Isaacs, Sally Senzell 4.1 0.5 Life in a Longhouse Village Kalman, Bobbie 6.7 1.0 Life in a Plains Camp Kalman, Bobbie 6.4 1.0 Life in a Pond Fowler, Allan 3.0 0.5 Life in San Francisco's Chinatown Isaacs, Sally Senzell 4.5 0.5 Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk), The Winkler, Henry 4.9 5.0 Life of Pi Martel, Yann 5.7 16.0 Life on a Pioneer Homestead Isaacs, Sally Senzell 3.9 0.5 Life on a Plantation Kalman, Bobbie 6.3 1.0 Life on the Oregon Trail Isaacs, Sally Senzell 3.9 0.5 Life on the Ranch (Life in the Old West) Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 1.0 Life on the Trail (Life in the Old West) Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 1.0 Life on the Underground Railroad Isaacs, Sally Senzell 4.8 0.5 Life's a Funny Proposition, Horatio Polikoff, Barbara Garland 4.1 3.0 Life Without Friends White, Ellen Emerson 3.9 8.0 Lifted Up by Angels McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 6.0 Light Karpelenia, Jenny 5.7 1.0 Light in the Cellar: A Molly Mystery, The Buckey, Sarah Masters 4.7 4.0 Light in the Forest, The Richter, Conrad 5.5 5.0 Light on Hogback Hill, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.6 4.0 Light & Seeing Riley, Peter 6.1 1.0 24046 EN 5308 EN 26933 EN 89885 EN 74929 EN 326 EN 742 EN 73956 EN 101687 EN 111919 EN 13769 EN 17781 EN 86676 SP 238 EN 52263 EN 34862 EN 8346 EN 14386 EN 52 EN 75913 EN 63093 EN 20711 EN Lighthouse: Living in a Great Lakes Lighthouse, 1910 to 1940 O'Hara, Megan 4.6 0.5 Lighthouse Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 Lightning Liz Brimner, Larry Dane 1.1 0.5 Lightning Thief, The Riordan, Rick 4.7 13.0 Lights in the Sky Hopkins, Ellen 6.4 1.0 Like Jake and Me Lilies of the Field Jukes, Mavis Barrett, William 2.9 5.4 0.5 3.0 Lily B. on the Brink of Cool Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 5.6 7.0 Lily B. on the Brink of Love Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 4.9 6.0 Lily B. on the Brink of Paris Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 5.6 5.0 Lily Cupboard, The Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey 2.9 0.5 Lily's Crossing Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.6 5.0 límite de los Montes Negros, El Carman, Patrick 5.9 9.0 Lincoln: A Photobiography Freedman, Russell 7.7 5.0 Lincoln Memorial, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 4.0 0.5 Lincoln's Little Girl Trump, Fred 8.1 6.0 Linda Ronstadt Amdur, Melissa 8.5 4.0 Lion Family Book, The Hofer/Ziesler 5.1 0.5 Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Lewis, C.S. 5.7 6.0 Lionboy Corder, Zizou 5.7 12.0 Lionclaw: A Tale of Rowan Hood Springer, Nancy 5.1 4.0 Lioness Rampant Pierce, Tamora 5.0 11.0 125173 EN 18727 EN 26569 EN 48389 EN 59312 EN 108675 EN 743 EN 6617 EN 106310 EN 9325 EN 18074 EN 108632 EN 72885 EN 59313 EN 25227 EN 9379 EN 59535 EN 108633 EN 5477 EN 28141 EN 14476 EN Lions Hanel, Rachael 6.8 1.0 Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Lions (Naturebooks) Lee, Sandra 4.0 0.5 Lions (Naturebooks, Revised Edition) Lee, Sandra 4.1 0.5 Lions (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.8 0.5 Liquids Mezzanotte, Jim 2.9 0.5 Lisa Bright and Dark Neufeld, John 4.6 5.0 Lisa's War Matas, Carol 3.8 3.0 Listen! Tolan, Stephanie S. 5.4 6.0 Listen to Me Neasi, Barbara 1.6 0.5 Lithuania (Cultures of the World) Kagda, Sakina 8.3 3.0 Little Bears Guidoux, Valérie 4.8 0.5 Little Big Cat Sargent, Dave/Pat 0.6 0.5 Little Cats (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.8 0.5 Little Clearing in the Woods Wilkes, Maria D. 5.3 8.0 Little Cowboy and the Big Cowboy, The Hillert, Margaret 1.1 0.5 Little Critter's the Trip Mayer, Mercer 0.8 0.5 Little Ducks Royer, Anne 4.7 0.5 Little Engine That Could, The Piper, Watty 3.5 0.5 Little Firefly: An Algonquian Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.8 0.5 6.0 2.0 Little Folk: Stories from Around the World Walker, Paul Robert 44755 EN 29331 EN 18728 EN 179 EN 29332 EN 9595 EN 53 EN 5230 EN 7377 EN 537 EN 6533 EN 108634 EN 10673 EN 123 EN 124 EN 78833 EN 108635 EN 19464 EN 6124 EN 18240 EN 9381 EN 75704 EN 180 EN Little Gold Star: A Spanish American Cinderella Tale San Souci, Robert D. 4.6 0.5 Little House by Boston Bay Wiley, Melissa 5.4 5.0 Little House in Brookfield Wilkes, Maria D. 5.4 7.0 Little House in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 5.0 Little House in the Highlands Wiley, Melissa 5.5 7.0 Little House on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger Lea 4.2 8.0 Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4.9 8.0 Little House, The Burton, Virginia Lee 4.2 0.5 Little Island, The MacDonald, Golden 3.6 0.5 Little Men Alcott, Louisa May 8.1 19.0 Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Little Pigs Barbé-Julien, Colette 4.7 0.5 Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare Beer, Hans de 2.2 0.5 Little Prince, The Little Princess (Unabridged), A Saint-Exupery, Antoine de Burnett, Frances 5.0 6.0 2.0 11.0 Little Rabbit Goes to School Horse, Harry 2.9 0.5 Little Rabbits Barbé-Julien, Colette 5.0 0.5 Little Red-Cap Grimm, Brothers 3.8 0.5 Little Red Hen, The Galdone, Paul 2.9 0.5 Little Red Riding Hood Ernst, Lisa Campbell 4.2 0.5 Little Red Riding Hood Hillert, Margaret 1.1 0.5 Little Red Riding Wolf Anholt, Laurence 4.0 0.5 Little Riders, The Shemin, Margaretha 5.4 2.0 72889 EN 18729 EN 327 EN 77205 EN 513 EN 5907 EN 47827 EN 7736 EN 82530 EN 7737 EN 20028 EN 7738 EN 20029 EN 7739 EN 6227 EN 5231 EN 46549 EN 44820 EN 17370 EN 8473 EN 14477 EN 30311 EN Little Tadpole, The Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.3 0.5 Little Town at the Crossroads Wilkes, Maria D. 5.3 8.0 Little Town on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.4 9.0 Little Vampire Does Kung Fu! Sfar, Joann 2.8 0.5 Little Women (Part I and II) (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa May 7.9 33.0 Littlejim Houston, Gloria 5.0 5.0 Littles and the Big Storm, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 Littles and the Lost Children, The Peterson, John 4.2 2.0 Littles and the Terrible Tiny Kid, The Peterson, John 4.2 2.0 Littles and the Trash Tinies, The Peterson, John 3.7 1.0 Littles Give a Party, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 Littles Go Exploring, The Peterson, John 3.5 1.0 Littles Go to School, The Peterson, John 3.5 1.0 Littles Have a Wedding, The Peterson, John 3.4 1.0 Littles Take a Trip, The Peterson, John 3.6 2.0 Littles, The Peterson, John 3.3 1.0 Lives of Christopher Chant, The Jones, Diana Wynne 5.8 13.0 Lives of Extraordinary Women Krull, Kathleen 8.5 3.0 Lives of the Athletes Krull, Kathleen 7.9 3.0 Lives of the Musicians Krull, Kathleen 6.9 3.0 Lives of the Writers Krull, Kathleen 7.2 3.0 Living with Dinosaurs Lauber, Patricia 5.2 1.0 82256 EN 41273 EN 2845 EN 36486 EN 277 EN 124932 EN 83749 EN 78550 EN 72886 EN 231 SP 136 SP 31788 SP 73761 EN 11723 EN 57315 EN 61930 EN 5074 EN 44168 EN 23315 EN 64368 EN 6534 EN 5523 EN Lizabeth's Story: A Cape Light Novel Tamar, Erika 3.7 4.0 Lizard Flanagan, Supermodel?? Gorman, Carol 3.9 5.0 Lizard Man of Crabtree County, The Nolan, Lucy 3.3 0.5 Lizard Meets Ivana the Terrible Scott, C. Anne 4.1 2.0 Lizard Music Pinkwater, Daniel 4.9 5.0 Lizards Chancellor, Deborah 6.2 1.0 Lizards in the Lunch Line Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy Schmidt, Gary D. 5.9 10.0 Lizzy Lightning Bug Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.2 0.5 llave mágica, La Lloro por la tierra Banks, Lynne Reid Taylor, Mildred D. 4.6 5.7 6.0 10.0 lluvia, La Saunders-Smith, Gail 2.0 0.5 Loamhedge Jacques, Brian 5.3 19.0 Loch Zindel, Paul 5.4 6.0 Loch Ness Monster (Unsolved Mysteries: Delrio, Martin The Secret Files), The 7.8 1.0 Loch Ness Monster (X Science), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 4.3 0.5 Locked in Time Duncan, Lois 6.5 10.0 Locker 13 Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 Lockie Leonard, Scumbuster Winton, Tim 4.2 4.0 Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline 4.7 2.0 Logan Likes Mary Anne! Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China Young, Ed 3.5 0.5 58889 EN 34971 EN 20083 EN 8474 EN 5372 EN 8697 EN 6476 EN 27940 EN 370 EN 131421 EN 59055 EN 47989 EN 13871 EN 130216 EN 11425 EN 77720 EN 10127 EN 109069 EN 134434 EN 122999 EN 7678 EN Long and Uncertain Journey: The 27,000Goodman, Joan Elizabeth Mile Voyage...da Gama, A 6.7 1.0 Long-Arm Quarterback Christopher, Matt 4.7 3.0 Long Patrol, The Jacques, Brian 6.0 15.0 Long Road to Gettysburg, The Murphy, Jim 7.6 2.0 Long Shot for Paul Christopher, Matt 4.0 2.0 Long Spikes Arnosky, Jim 6.9 3.0 Long Stretch at First Base Christopher, Matt 3.5 2.0 Long Way from Chicago, A Peck, Richard 5.0 5.0 Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 10.0 Look at Lucy! Cooper, Ilene 3.4 1.0 Look Before You Leap! Mazer, Anne 3.7 3.0 Look Out! Look Out! Tractor About! (Sparklers Blue) Dalgleish, Joan 2.2 0.5 Look Out, Washington, D.C.! Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.8 1.0 Look to the Stars Aldrin, Buzz 7.2 1.0 Look Who's Playing First Base Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Looking at Clouds Ring, Susan 2.8 0.5 Looking for Home Ferris, Jean 4.8 6.0 Looking Glass Wars, The Beddor, Frank 6.7 12.0 Looking Like Me Myers, Walter Dean 2.6 0.5 Looks George, Madeleine 6.5 10.0 Loop the Loop Dugan, Barbara 3.7 0.5 9034 EN 43407 EN 47860 EN 32817 EN 744 EN 10674 EN 20130 SP 113207 EN 27844 EN 27877 EN 27845 EN 59382 EN 17782 EN 106502 EN 65137 EN 48148 EN 86061 EN 66731 EN 16675 EN 31515 EN 538 EN 14745 EN Lorax, The Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Lord Brocktree Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 Lord God Made Them All, The Herriot, James 6.6 20.0 Lord of Chaos Jordan, Robert 6.7 65.0 Lord of the Flies Golding, William 5.0 9.0 Loretta and the Little Fairy Scheidl, Gerda Marie 3.0 0.5 loro en el horno, El Martínez, Víctor 6.1 7.0 Los Angeles Dodgers, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 LosAngeles Clippers (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 LosAngeles Dodgers (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.6 1.0 LosAngeles Lakers (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.3 1.0 Loser Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 5.0 Losers, Inc. Mills, Claudia 4.6 5.0 Lost and Found Jeffers, Oliver 2.9 0.5 Lost at Sea Hanson, Ed 4.1 1.0 Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family, The Pelzer, Dave 5.1 9.0 Lost Bullet Rose, Malcolm 5.1 6.0 Lost City of Faar, The MacHale, D.J. 4.9 17.0 Lost City of the Jedi, The Davids, Paul/Hollace 5.9 3.0 Lost Flower Children, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.3 3.0 Lost Horizon Hilton, James 9.5 12.0 Lost in Cyberspace Peck, Richard 3.9 4.0 8113 EN 6471 EN 7740 EN 6737 EN 17998 EN 371 EN 110601 EN 14823 EN 7818 EN 24762 EN 100283 EN 6477 EN 5427 EN 8831 EN 19759 EN 47412 EN 115987 EN 52616 EN 2494 EN 8019 EN 51137 EN Lost in the Barrens Mowat, Farley 6.6 9.0 Lost in the Blinded Blizzard Erickson, John R. 4.9 3.0 Lost in the Dark Unchanted Forest Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 Lost Wreck of the Isis, The Ballard, Robert D. 6.9 3.0 Lost Years of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. 5.1 12.0 Lottery Rose, The Hunt, Irene 5.6 7.0 Lotus Maurer, Tracy Nelson 5.8 0.5 Louis Armstrong: Young Music Maker Millender, Dharathula H. 5.6 4.0 Louisiana (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.4 3.0 Louisiana (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.1 1.0 Louisiana Purchase, The Thompson, Linda 7.8 1.0 Love Flute Goble, Paul 4.0 0.5 Love, from the Fifth-Grade Celebrity Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.7 3.0 Love in Bloom Abbott, Jennie 4.3 1.0 Love Notes Keene, Carolyn 4.9 4.0 Love, Ruby Lavender Wiles, Deborah 4.2 4.0 Love, Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry 3.8 8.0 Love That Dog Creech, Sharon 4.5 1.0 Love Ya Like a Sister Ouriou/Johnston 6.1 10.0 Love You Forever Munsch, Robert N. 3.4 0.5 Lowriders (Wild Rides!) Parr, Danny 4.5 0.5 35045 EN 73555 EN 44932 EN 31426 EN 126098 EN 89000 EN 181 EN 52908 EN 88575 EN 109210 EN 82842 EN 25563 EN 76309 EN 59514 EN 87167 SP 47413 EN 40085 EN 88626 EN 75045 EN 110420 EN 18075 EN Luba and the Wren Polacco, Patricia 4.0 0.5 Lucinda's Secret DiTerlizzi/Black 3.9 1.0 Lucky Lottery, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Lucky Me! Papademetriou, Lisa 2.5 0.5 Lucky One, The Sparks, Nicholas 5.0 14.0 Lucky Stars Frank, Lucy 3.3 8.0 Lucky Stone, The Clifton, Lucille 4.4 1.0 Lucy: A Virginia Opossum Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.6 1.0 Lucy Rose: Big on Plans Kelly, Katy 4.9 4.0 Lucy Rose: Busy Like You Can't Believe Kelly, Katy 5.1 4.0 Lucy Rose, Here's the Thing About Me Kelly, Katy 5.1 4.0 Lucy's Wish Nixon, Joan Lowery 3.8 2.0 Lucy the Magnificent (Sparklers Gold) Morgan, Damian 2.8 0.5 Lumber Camp Library Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 4.4 1.0 Luna, lunita lunera Argueta, Jorge 3.3 0.5 Lunch at the Zoo: What Zoo Animals Eat Altman, Joyce and Why 7.0 1.0 Lunch Bowl (Scoreboard), The Boga, Steve 2.5 1.0 Lunch Money Clements, Andrew 5.2 6.0 Lunch Money and Other Poems About School Shields, Carol Diggory 3.5 0.5 Lunchbox and the Aliens Fields, Bryan W. 4.9 5.0 Luxembourg (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Patricia 9.5 4.0 29995 EN 20386 EN 14076 EN Lydia, Queen of Palestine Orlev, Uri 4.6 6.0 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Waber, Bernard 4.6 0.5 8.7 5.0 8.3 2.0 5.2 0.5 4.4 10.0 3.7 0.5 4.5 0.5 4.8 7.0 4.0 2.0 8.7 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.1 0.5 3.2 0.5 8.7 5.0 5.0 9.0 4.0 3.0 3.7 1.0 4.7 4.0 5.0 1.0 4.8 1.0 Lyndon B. Johnson: 36th President of the Falkof, Lucille United States Lyndon B. Johnson (Encyclopedia of 885 EN Hargrove, Jim Presidents) 139593 Lynx Wiseman, Blaine EN 125 EN M.C. Higgins, the Great Hamilton, Virginia 131692 M109A6 Paladins Alvarez, Carlos EN 128686 M2A2 Bradleys David, Jack EN 6930 Machine Gunners, The Westall, Robert EN 57363 Mackinaw City Mummies Rand, Johnathan EN 18076 Madagascar (Cultures of the World) Heale, Jay EN 74984 Made You Look Roberts, Diane EN 5478 Madeline Bemelmans, Ludwig EN 21259 Madeline's Rescue Bemelmans, Ludwig EN 29672 Madonna (Pop Culture Legends) Claro, Nicole EN 17824 Maestro, The Wynne-Jones, Tim EN 46283 Maggie Marmelstein for President Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman EN 8775 Maggie the Freak Bunting, Eve EN 5428 Maggie, Too Nixon, Joan Lowery EN 8776 Magic Morgan, Michael EN 8973 Magic and Magicians Burgess, Michael EN 18340 EN 9268 EN 21261 EN 6329 EN 4685 EN 77942 EN 480 EN 32286 EN 5479 EN 15107 EN 32287 EN 14631 EN 21658 EN 15109 EN 34856 EN 8681 EN 32285 EN 9597 EN 15114 EN 10880 EN 5480 EN Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes Argueta, Manlio 4.3 0.5 Magic Finger, The Dahl, Roald 3.1 0.5 Magic Fish, The Littledale, Freya 2.2 0.5 Magic Hat of Mortimer Wintergreen, The Levoy, Myron 4.2 5.0 Magic Johnson (Basketball Legends) Frank, Steven 6.9 2.0 Magic Key, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 Magic of the Glits, The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip, The Adler, C.S. 5.5 3.0 Cole, Joanna 4.4 0.5 Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, The Cole, Joanna 3.7 0.5 Magic School Bus Blows Its Top, The 3.7 0.5 4.3 1.0 3.1 0.5 3.2 0.5 3.2 0.5 Magic School Bus Gets Programmed, The Cole/White 4.3 0.5 Magic School Bus Hops Home, The Cole/Relf 2.7 0.5 Magic School Bus in the Arctic, The Cole/Schreiber 4.1 0.5 Magic School Bus in the Time of Dinosaurs, The Cole, Joanna 3.8 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive, The Cole, Joanna 3.9 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane, The Cole, Joanna 4.3 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside the Earth, The 3.6 0.5 Cole/Herman Magic School Bus Explores the Senses, Cole, Joanna The Magic School Bus Gets Ants in Its Pants, Cole/Beech The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet: A Book Cole/West About Warm and..., The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten, The Cole/Relf Cole, Joanna 5481 EN 5482 EN 6076 EN 11381 EN 54495 EN 32284 EN 15112 EN 41470 EN 24530 EN 56895 EN 53438 EN 622 EN 46550 EN 72345 EN 11478 EN 66631 EN 7819 EN 15176 EN 24763 EN 13423 EN 54848 EN Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body, The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System, The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor, The Cole, Joanna 4.6 0.5 Cole, Joanna 3.7 0.5 Cole, Joanna 4.0 0.5 Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, The Cole/Relf 3.1 0.5 Magic School Bus Sees Stars, The Cole/White 3.3 0.5 Magic School Bus Takes a Dive, The Cole/White 4.4 0.5 Magic School Bus Ups and Downs, The Cole/Mason 3.3 1.0 Magic Steps Pierce, Tamora 5.7 9.0 Magic Tricks and More Higman, Anita 2.9 0.5 Magic Tricks (Games Around the World) Klingel/Noyed 4.3 0.5 Magical Worlds of Harry Potter, The Colbert, David 8.0 5.0 Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. 5.4 6.0 Magicians of Caprona, The Jones, Diana Wynne 5.2 10.0 Magnetism: From Pole to Pole Cooper, Christopher 6.3 1.0 Magnificent Mummy Maker, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 4.0 Maiden Voyage: The Story of the Statue of Krensky, Stephen Liberty 5.7 1.0 Maine (America the Beautiful) Harrington, Ty 8.4 3.0 Maine Coon Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.9 0.5 Maine (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Maitland's Kid Schraff, Anne 3.7 2.0 Maizie High, Linda Oatman 4.6 4.0 9466 EN 6281 EN 5524 EN 6330 EN 87583 EN 16178 EN 76310 EN 72567 EN 29660 EN 56173 EN 481 EN 41281 SP 11028 EN 18028 EN 29792 EN 74917 EN 10129 EN 482 EN 6536 EN 28019 EN 6077 EN 41015 EN Make Lemonade Wolff, Virginia Euwer 5.0 5.0 Make Like a Tree and Leave Danziger, Paula 4.5 3.0 Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert 4.1 0.5 Make Way for Sam Houston Fritz, Jean 7.0 4.0 Makeovers by Marcia Mills, Claudia 4.7 5.0 Making Friends on Beacon Street Bates, Dianne 3.7 0.5 Making Friends with Samson (Sparklers Green) Peters, Alison 2.8 0.5 Making Maps: Where's the Party? Burstein, John 2.4 0.5 Making of a Race Car (Race Car Legends), Huff, Richard The 7.4 1.0 Making Origami Animals Step by Step LaFosse, Michael G. 4.3 0.5 Making the Team Hughes, Dean 3.6 2.0 mal principio, Un Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Malaysia (Children of the World) Knowlton/Sachner 5.7 1.0 Malaysia (Cultures of the World) Munan, Heidi 8.6 4.0 Malcolm X Adoff, Arnold 4.6 1.0 Malcolm X Graves, Renee 7.8 1.0 Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary Myers, Walter Dean 8.0 6.0 Maldonado Miracle, The Taylor, Theodore 4.5 5.0 Mallory and the Trouble with Twins Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Mama and Papa Have a Store Carling, Amelia Lau 4.1 0.5 Mama, Do You Love Me? Joosse, Barbara M. 2.3 0.5 Mama Elizabeti Stuve-Bodeen, Stephanie 3.7 0.5 7679 EN 5275 EN 17229 EN 117409 EN 5276 EN 113611 EN 48133 EN 17091 EN 7680 EN 8536 EN 70103 EN 77196 EN 131798 EN 26474 EN 16740 EN 47990 EN 122568 EN 69677 EN 5075 EN 133234 EN 103611 EN Mama, Let's Dance 3.9 5.0 Mama's Going to Buy You a Mockingbird Little, Jean 4.5 8.0 Mammal (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.8 1.0 Mammals Snedden, Robert 6.0 1.0 Man in the Woods, The Wells, Rosemary 5.2 8.0 Man-Made Horrors Hamilton, John 6.5 1.0 Pelzer, Dave 5.9 15.0 Platt, Richard 6.0 0.5 Man out at First Christopher, Matt 3.6 1.0 Man Who Loved Clowns, The Wood, June Rae 5.1 7.0 Man Who Made Time Travel, The Lasky, Kathryn 6.4 1.0 Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The Gerstein, Mordicai 3.7 0.5 Manatees McKenzie, Precious 5.0 0.5 Manatees (Naturebooks) McDonald, Mary Ann 3.6 0.5 Mandie and Her Missing Kin Leppard, Lois Gladys 4.9 6.0 Mandy Made Me Do It (Sparklers Blue) Weeks, Jan 2.6 0.5 Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau Berne, Jennifer 4.3 0.5 Mango-Shaped Space, A Mass, Wendy 4.7 9.0 Maniac Magee Spinelli, Jerry 4.7 5.0 Manning Brothers, The Howse, Jennifer 5.4 0.5 4.0 0.5 Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness, A Man-of-War (Stephen Biesty's CrossSections) Hermes, Patricia Mannings: Football's Famous Family, The Worthington, J.A. 9884 EN 15177 EN 5483 EN 8475 EN 32203 EN 5945 EN 53394 EN 4482 EN 28642 EN 57596 EN 16162 EN 34728 EN 6478 EN 14733 EN 18775 EN 7168 EN 17371 EN 29680 EN 21020 EN 8269 EN 47123 EN Mansion in the Mist, The Bellairs, John 6.0 6.0 Manx Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.6 0.5 Many Moons Thurber, James 4.5 0.5 Many Thousand Gone Hamilton, Virginia 6.9 3.0 Many Troubles of Andy Russell, The Adler, David A. 3.7 3.0 Many Waters L'Engle, Madeleine 4.7 10.0 Maple Tree Schwartz, David M. 3.5 0.5 Mapping the Planets and Space (Maps & Mapmakers) Bramwell, Martyn 7.8 1.0 Mapping the Unknown Chrisp, Peter 6.1 1.0 Mara, Daughter of the Nile McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 6.7 14.0 Marcella McShane, Owen 3.4 0.5 Margaret Bourke-White Rubin, Susan Goldman 7.7 3.0 Maria: A Christmas Story Taylor, Theodore 4.4 2.0 Marian Wright Edelman: Fighting for Children's Rights Old, Wendie C. 8.3 3.0 Marie: Summer in the Country Greene, Jacqueline D. 4.7 2.0 Mariel of Redwall Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 Mario Andretti (Race Car Legends) Prentzas, G.S. 6.6 2.0 Mario Lemieux: Ice Hockey Star Klein, Jeff Z. 8.0 4.0 Mario Lemieux: Star Center Rappoport, Ken 6.1 2.0 Mario Lemieux: Super Mario Cox, Ted 4.7 0.5 mariposa (English), La Jiménez, Francisco 4.6 0.5 61314 EN 1502 EN 32581 EN 32588 EN 21021 EN 5669 EN 70586 EN 7681 EN 106771 EN 28453 EN 47372 EN 53916 EN 21122 EN 54189 EN 75689 EN 24432 EN 12790 EN 49322 EN 26076 EN 86464 EN 61192 EN Mark Brunell: Star Quarterback Steenkamer, Paul 5.6 2.0 Mark Martin (Race Car Legends) Mello, Tara Baukus 6.0 1.0 Mark McGwire: A Biography Hall, Jonathan 7.5 4.0 Mark McGwire (Sports Superstars) Temple, Bob 4.2 0.5 Mark Messier: Star Center Sullivan, Michael J. 6.2 2.0 Mark on the Door, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Mark Twain at Work! Goldsmith, Howard 2.4 0.5 Market Square Dog, The Herriot, James 4.4 0.5 Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog Grogan, John 6.9 15.0 Marlfox Jacques, Brian 5.7 17.0 Mars (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 7.1 1.0 Marshes and Swamps Gibbons, Gail 4.4 0.5 Martha Stewart: Successful Businesswoman Meachum, Virginia 8.1 3.0 Martial Arts (A True Book) Knotts, Bob 4.8 0.5 Martial Arts for Fun! Carter, Kevin 6.4 1.0 Martial Arts (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 5.3 0.5 Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury, Ray 6.2 9.0 Martin Luther King Day Lowery, Linda 4.1 0.5 Martin Luther King, Jr. Darby, Jean 6.8 3.0 Martin Luther King Jr. Mara, Wil 3.1 0.5 2.7 0.5 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Rookie ReadMarx, David F. About Holidays) 85054 EN Martin Luther King Jr. (People We Should Brown, Jonatha A. Know) Martin Luther King, Jr.: Young Man with 813 EN Millender, Dharathula H. a Dream 57412 Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Rappaport, Doreen EN Martin Luther King, Jr. 10784 Martin the Warrior Jacques, Brian EN Martin Van Buren (Encyclopedia of 858 EN Hargrove, Jim Presidents) 53960 Marvelous Land of Oz, The Baum, L. Frank EN 24531 Marvelous Marbles Stevens, Beth Dvergsten EN 9035 Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Seuss, Dr. EN Now! 31069 Marvin Redpost: A Flying Birthday Cake? Sachar, Louis EN 43661 Marvin Redpost: A Magic Crystal? Sachar, Louis EN 9269 Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's Sachar, Louis EN House 28330 Marvin Redpost: Class President Sachar, Louis EN 9270 Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl? Sachar, Louis EN 6331 Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? Sachar, Louis EN 44914 Marvin Redpost: Super Fast, Out of Sachar, Louis EN Control! 6332 Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me? Sachar, Louis EN 6540 Mary Anne and Too Many Boys Martin, Ann M. EN 6544 Mary Anne's Bad-Luck Mystery Martin, Ann M. EN 6542 Mary Anne Saves the Day Martin, Ann M. EN 6543 Mary Anne vs. Logan Martin, Ann M. EN 103638 Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Fitzgerald, Stephanie EN 3.1 0.5 6.7 4.0 3.4 0.5 5.5 14.0 8.2 2.0 8.0 7.0 3.2 0.5 1.1 0.5 3.2 1.0 3.1 1.0 2.9 1.0 3.4 1.0 2.8 1.0 2.8 1.0 3.6 1.0 2.7 1.0 4.4 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 1.0 13872 EN 13875 EN 8020 EN 28328 EN 54 EN 60647 EN 60648 EN 60649 EN 58029 EN 7820 EN 24764 EN 26394 EN 77767 EN 77767 SP 7821 EN 24765 EN 18683 EN 55 EN 139031 EN 113612 EN 56 EN 49687 EN Mary Marony and the Chocolate Surprise Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Mary Marony, Mummy Girl Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Mary of Mile 18 Blades, Ann 4.1 0.5 Mary on Horseback Wells, Rosemary 4.2 1.0 Mary Poppins Travers, P.L. 6.1 6.0 Mary Poppins Comes Back Travers, P.L. 5.2 8.0 Mary Poppins in the Park Travers, P.L. 4.8 7.0 Mary Poppins Opens the Door Travers, P.L. 5.1 7.0 Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Country Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 6.0 Maryland (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.6 3.0 Maryland (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 Mask, The Bunting, Eve 4.1 1.0 Mason Moves Away Johnson, Amy Crane 2.6 0.5 Mason se muda Johnson, Amy Crane 2.6 0.5 Massachusetts (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.7 3.0 Massachusetts (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 Master Maid: A Tale of Norway Shepard, Aaron 4.2 0.5 Master Puppeteer, The Paterson, Katherine 5.4 7.0 Masters of Disaster Paulsen, Gary 6.5 3.0 Masters of Horror Hamilton, Sue 6.6 1.0 Matchlock Gun, The Math Book for Girls and Other Beings Who Count, The Edmonds, Walter D. 5.1 1.0 Wyatt, Valerie 5.1 1.0 12474 EN 59367 EN 45125 EN 70136 EN 5429 EN 5429 SP 123717 EN 124664 EN 80164 EN 76017 EN 114297 EN 43058 EN 6050 EN 80675 EN 142026 EN 72349 EN 5525 EN 80822 EN 29696 EN 13484 EN 14734 EN Math Curse Scieszka, Jon 3.7 0.5 Math for All Seasons: Mind-Stretching Math Riddles Tang, Greg 3.5 0.5 Math Rashes and Other Classroom Tales Evans, Douglas 4.6 3.0 Math-terpieces: The Art of ProblemSolving Tang, Greg 3.5 0.5 Matilda Dahl, Roald 5.0 6.0 Matilda (Spanish) Dahl, Roald 5.0 6.0 Matt Kenseth Doeden, Matt 3.0 0.5 Matt Kenseth Keith, Ted 5.6 1.0 Matter and Material (Science Around Us) Stille, Darlene R. 4.8 0.5 Matter: See It, Touch It, Taste It, Smell It Stille, Darlene 2.8 0.5 Matthew Jackson Meets the Wall Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.0 1.0 Mattie: A Brown Pelican Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.6 1.0 Mattimeo Jacques, Brian 5.2 18.0 Max for President Krosoczka, Jarrett J. 2.3 0.5 Max's Chocolate Chicken Wells, Rosemary 1.9 0.5 Maxx Comedy: The Funniest Kid in America Korman, Gordon 4.7 4.0 May I Bring a Friend? deRegniers, Beatrice Schenk 2.7 0.5 May I Help You? Kids Talk About Caring Nettleton, Pamela Hill 4.1 0.5 Maya Angelou (Overcoming Adversity) Loos, Pamela 7.5 3.0 Maya (First Book), The Greene, Jacqueline D. 7.1 1.0 Maya Lin: Architect and Artist Malone, Mary 8.4 3.0 8538 EN 67595 EN 116909 EN 55733 EN 59067 EN 72383 EN 9036 EN 83375 EN 61466 EN 58775 EN 49255 EN 34673 EN 625 EN 21846 EN 12380 SP 372 EN 71260 EN 39876 EN 5974 EN 51063 EN 16593 EN 71437 EN Mayfield Crossing Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux 4.3 2.0 Mayflower Compact, The Whitcraft, Melissa 6.8 1.0 Mayflower Treasure Hunt Roy, Ron 4.1 2.0 Mayhem on Mackinac Island Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 Maze of the Beast, The Rodda, Emily 5.0 4.0 McBroom and the Big Wind Fleischman, Sid 3.8 0.5 McElligot's Pool Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 Me and Katie (the Pest) Martin, Ann M. 3.4 3.0 Me and My Little Brain Fitzgerald, John D. 5.0 6.0 Me and My Mummy Greenburg, Dan 3.5 1.0 Me and My Place in Space Sweeney, Joan 3.4 0.5 Me and Rupert Goody O'Connor, Barbara 4.5 3.0 Me and the Terrible Two Conford, Ellen 4.2 3.0 Me in the Middle Machado, Ana Maria 4.3 2.0 Me llamo María Isabel Ada, Alma Flor 4.9 1.0 Me, My Goat, and My Sister's Wedding Pevsner, Stella 3.7 6.0 Me Oh Maya Scieszka, Jon 3.6 1.0 Me Tarzan Byars, Betsy 4.6 2.0 Me Two Ryan, Mary C. 4.8 6.0 Mealworms: Raise Them, Watch Them, See Them Change Mason, Adrienne 4.9 0.5 Mean Waters Woodson, Frank 3.9 1.0 Meanest Doll in the World, The Martin/Godwin 4.6 5.0 68259 EN 19888 EN 81580 EN 65537 EN 17478 EN 81361 EN 62064 SP 9557 EN 11122 EN 7682 EN 6430 EN 17632 EN 62893 EN 425 EN 37031 EN 426 EN 427 EN 10131 EN 25088 EN 42572 EN 10675 EN 45690 EN Meanest Hound Around, The Wallace, Carol 3.4 3.0 Meanest Thing to Say, The Cosby, Bill 2.2 0.5 Measle and the Wrathmonk Ogilvy, Ian 5.6 6.0 Medal of Honor, The Wachtel, Roger 7.6 1.0 Medical Causes Stone, Tanya Lee 8.3 2.0 Medicine (21st Century Science) Kerrod, Robin 8.7 2.0 médico (La gente de mi comunidad), El Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 2.0 0.5 Medieval Castle, A MacDonald, Fiona 7.8 1.0 Medieval Cathedral, A MacDonald, Fiona 8.5 1.0 Meet Addy Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 Meet Felicity Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Meet Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.1 2.0 Meet Kaya: An American Girl Shaw, Janet 4.2 1.0 Meet Kirsten Shaw, Janet 3.8 1.0 Meet Kit Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 Meet Molly Meet Samantha Tripp, Valerie Adler, Susan S. 4.2 3.8 1.0 1.0 Meet the Austins L'Engle, Madeleine 5.3 8.0 Meet the Boxcar Children Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.3 0.5 Meet the Dudleys in Colonial Times Loeper, John J. 5.2 1.0 Meet the Molesons Bos/James 2.4 0.5 Meeting Dolphins: My Adventures in the Sea Dudzinski, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 9273 EN 570 EN 14682 EN 29317 EN 55021 EN 5670 EN 117440 EN 63012 EN 32482 EN 46849 EN 514 EN 28152 EN 71855 EN 13317 EN 66636 EN 47373 EN 27804 EN 107765 EN 106376 EN 115901 EN 131446 EN 123159 EN Meg Mackintosh...Mystery in the Locked Landon, Lucinda Library Megan's Island Roberts, Willo Davis 3.5 1.0 5.0 7.0 Megan's Masquerade Magraw, Trisha 5.7 2.0 Melanie Bluelake's Dream Dorion, Betty 4.5 6.0 Melisande Nesbit/Lynch 5.1 1.0 Melted Coins, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac Zevin, Gabrielle 4.6 10.0 Memorial Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Cotton, Jacqueline S. 3.7 0.5 Memory Mahy, Margaret 6.3 11.0 Memory Boy Weaver, Will 4.4 5.0 Men of Iron Menominee (Native American People), The Pyle, Howard 9.0 13.0 Ricciuti, Edward R. 6.8 1.0 Meow Means Mischief Nagda, Ann Whitehead 3.3 2.0 Mercedes: The First and the Best (Car Classics) Haines, Holly 6.8 1.0 Merchant of Death, The MacHale, D.J. 5.0 18.0 Mercury and Venus (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 6.8 1.0 Mercury Seven (Giant Leaps), The Kallen, Stuart A. 5.8 1.0 Mercy Watson Fights Crime DiCamillo, Kate 2.6 0.5 Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes DiCamillo, Kate 3.2 0.5 Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig DiCamillo, Kate 2.8 0.5 88160 EN 17577 EN 571 EN 16910 EN 515 EN 5526 EN 5430 EN 6333 EN 16872 EN 46850 EN 19672 EN 18976 EN 77348 EN 62221 EN 9326 EN 26934 EN 9327 EN 46625 EN 9328 EN 26935 EN 74956 EN 71706 EN Mercy Watson to the Rescue DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 Meriwether Lewis: Boy Explorer Bebenroth, Charlotta M. 4.3 4.0 Mermaid Summer, The Hunter, Mollie 6.1 5.0 Mermaids Don't Run Track Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The Pyle, Howard 8.6 21.0 Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 Merry Christmas from Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 3.9 2.0 Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell! McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 5.6 5.0 Message from the Match Girl, A Lisle, Janet Taylor 4.0 3.0 Message in a Bottle Sparks, Nicholas 5.5 14.0 Message in the Haunted Mansion, The Keene, Carolyn 4.4 5.0 Message, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Messenger Lowry, Lois 4.9 5.0 Messengers of Rain and Other Poems from Lee, Claudia M. Latin America 5.8 1.0 Messy Bessey McKissack, Patricia C. 2.0 0.5 Messy Bessey and the Birthday Overnight McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 2.3 0.5 Messy Bessey's Closet McKissack, Patricia C. 1.7 0.5 Messy Bessey's Family Reunion McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 2.4 0.5 Messy Bessey's Garden McKissack, Patricia C. 0.8 0.5 Messy Bessey's School Desk McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 2.5 0.5 Metal: From Safety Pins to Statues Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 5.1 1.0 Metamorphosis (World of Wonder) Hoff, Mary 6.3 0.5 18029 EN 27012 EN 64925 EN 15982 SP 131694 EN 80436 SP 83202 SP 60558 SP 83203 SP 64 SP 71965 EN 100147 EN 36956 EN 27901 EN 109104 EN 27849 EN 133124 EN 89671 EN 4676 EN 14580 EN 128441 EN Mexico (Cultures of the World) Reilly, Mary Jo 9.6 3.0 Mexico (Enchantment of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 7.2 2.0 Mexico (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 5.6 1.0 México: su gente Kalman, Bobbie 6.6 1.0 MH-53J Pave Lows Alvarez, Carlos 4.0 0.5 Mi amigo, Víctor Bertrand, Diane Gonzales 2.8 0.5 Mi casa Ancona, George 3.1 0.5 Mi diario de aquí hasta allá Pérez, Amada Irma 4.0 0.5 Mi escuela Ancona, George 3.3 0.5 Mi rincón en la montaña George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 Mia Hamm Armentrout, David 4.8 0.5 Miami Dolphins LeBoutillier, Nate 2.6 0.5 Miami Dolphins Nelson, Julie 6.7 1.0 Miami Dolphins, The Italia, Bob 6.0 1.0 Miami Dolphins, The Stewart, Mark 6.0 1.0 Miami Heat (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.6 1.0 Mice Tait, Leia 3.9 0.5 Mice Pascoe, Elaine 5.0 1.0 Michael Jordan (Basketball Legends) Dolan, Sean 8.4 2.0 Michael Jordan: Star Guard Knapp, Ron 5.9 2.0 Michael Phelps: Anything Is Possible! Goldish, Meish 5.2 0.5 42398 EN 103608 EN 7822 EN 73511 EN 24766 EN 11480 EN 68470 EN 77703 EN 13737 EN 57 EN 5076 EN 116694 EN 87627 EN 75430 EN 68471 EN 483 EN 6372 EN 118248 EN 7741 EN 46188 EN 17578 EN 81581 EN Michelangelo Stanley, Diane 7.3 1.0 Michelle Wie: She's Got the Power! Dean, Cynthia A. 3.5 0.5 Michigan (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 Michigan Mega-Monsters, The Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 Michigan (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Mick Harte Was Here Park, Barbara 4.5 2.0 Mickey & Me Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Mid-Semester Night's Dream, A Meacham, Margaret 3.3 3.0 Middle Ages, The Caselli, Giovanni 8.2 2.0 Middle Moffat, The Estes, Eleanor 4.6 6.0 Middle School Blues Kassem, Lou 3.7 5.0 Middle School Is Worse Than Meatloaf: A Holm, Jennifer L. Year Told Through Stuff 4.7 1.0 Midnight Hunter, Erin 6.0 12.0 Midnight Blue Fisk, Pauline 4.1 8.0 Midnight for Charlie Bone Nimmo, Jenny 4.8 10.0 Midnight Fox, The Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 Midnight Horse, The Fleischman, Sid 4.2 1.0 Midnight in Lonesome Hollow: A Kit Mystery Ernst, Kathleen 4.6 4.0 Midnight in the Dollhouse Stover, Marjorie 4.6 4.0 Midnight Mystery, The Lewis, Beverly 3.0 1.0 Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 Midnight Over Sanctaphrax Stewart, Paul 5.1 10.0 27413 EN 62978 EN 27401 EN 77513 EN 82237 EN 76199 EN 8330 EN 5484 EN 5305 EN 125315 EN 124781 EN 129598 EN 130561 EN 19978 EN 71828 EN 863 EN 73256 EN 57150 EN 26736 EN 6334 EN 80738 EN Midnight Pig, The Krueger, Carol 3.8 1.0 Midnight Predator Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.1 7.0 Midnight Rescue Kerr, Robin 4.0 0.5 Midsummer Night's Dork, A Gorman, Carol 3.8 6.0 Midwest (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Purcell, Martha Sias 5.9 1.0 Mighty Jackie: The Strike-Out Queen Moss, Marissa 4.0 0.5 Miguel de Cervantes Goldberg, Jake 9.4 4.0 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Burton, Virginia Lee 4.4 0.5 Mike's Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.0 2.0 Miley Cyrus Howse, Jennifer 5.3 0.5 Miley Cyrus Tieck, Sarah 3.8 0.5 Miley Cyrus: Music and TV Superstar Anderson, Sheila 5.3 1.0 Miley Ray Cyrus Schwartz, Heather E. 5.1 0.5 Milkmaid and Her Pail, The De Hoogh, Eugenia 2.6 0.5 Milkweed Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 7.0 Millard Fillmore (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Casey, Jane Clark 8.4 2.0 Millicent Min, Girl Genius Yee, Lisa 5.8 8.0 Million Dollar Kick, The Gutman, Dan 4.7 5.0 Million Dollar Shot, The Gutman, Dan 4.2 3.0 Million Fish...More or Less, A McKissack, Patricia C. 4.0 0.5 Millions Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.0 6.0 6128 EN 26986 EN 27876 EN 27848 EN 77676 EN 2118 EN 1814 EN 47414 EN 35636 EN 47415 EN 47416 EN 87513 EN 6479 EN 73504 EN 24767 EN 27856 EN 135403 EN 27885 EN 109106 EN 36957 EN 140451 EN Millions of Cats Ga'g, Wanda 3.5 0.5 Milton Hershey Chocolate King Town Builder Simon, Charnan 4.8 0.5 Milwaukee Brewers (America's Game) Italia, Bob 6.2 0.5 Milwaukee Bucks (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.1 1.0 Mimmy and Sophie All Around the Town Cohen, Miriam 2.9 0.5 Mind's Eye Fleischman, Paul 3.4 2.0 Mind Tools (Venture Book) Bortz, Fred 9.6 4.0 MindBenders: Stories to Warp Your Brain Shusterman, Neal 5.2 5.0 Mindquakes: Stories to Shatter Your Brain Shusterman, Neal 5.2 5.0 MindStorms: Stories to Blow Your Mind Shusterman, Neal 5.9 5.0 MindTwisters: Stories to Shred Your Head Shusterman, Neal 5.5 5.0 Minister's Daughter, The Hearn, Julie 5.6 11.0 Minn of the Mississippi Holling, Holling Clancy 5.6 3.0 Minnesota Mall Mannequins Rand, Johnathan 4.3 4.0 Minnesota (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Minnesota Timberwolves (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.5 1.0 Minnesota Twins Kelley, K.C. 3.8 0.5 Minnesota Twins (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 5.7 1.0 Minnesota Twins, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Minnesota Vikings Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 Minnesota Vikings Gitlin, Marty 6.3 1.0 67139 EN 27891 EN 125224 EN 12663 EN 16647 EN 11427 EN 110893 EN 41559 EN 745 EN 59 EN 102971 EN 5027 EN 6335 EN 9969 EN 26395 EN 83205 SP 41284 EN 924 EN 32505 EN 278 EN 44950 EN 78071 EN Minnesota Vikings (Great Sports Teams), Grabowski, John F. The 7.9 4.0 Minnesota Vikings, The Italia, Bob 6.1 1.0 Minnesota Vikings, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Minorities Today Katz, William Loren 8.8 4.0 Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman Schroeder, Alan 3.6 0.5 Miracle at the Plate Christopher, Matt 4.1 2.0 Miracle on 49th Street Lupica, Mike 4.7 8.0 Miracle's Boys Woodson, Jacqueline 4.3 3.0 Miracle Worker, The Miracles on Maple Hill Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The Gibson, William Sorensen, Virginia 5.2 4.9 4.0 7.0 DiCamillo, Kate 4.4 2.0 Mirandy and Brother Wind McKissack, Patricia C. 3.6 0.5 Mirette on the High Wire McCully, Emily Arnold 3.6 0.5 Miriam's Well Ruby, Lois 5.2 10.0 Mirror Planet, The Bunting, Eve 3.6 1.0 Mis amigos Ancona, George 3.3 0.5 Miserable Mill, The Snicket, Lemony 6.2 5.0 Misery King, Stephen 5.6 12.0 Misfortune Cookie, The Greenburg, Dan 3.3 1.0 Mishmash Cone, Molly 4.2 2.0 Mishmash and the Substitute Teacher Cone, Molly 4.2 2.0 Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel Connor, Leslie 4.5 0.5 146312 EN 79640 EN 126 EN 110169 EN 135631 EN 102956 EN 59434 EN 83264 EN 59745 EN 139562 EN 21393 EN 6130 EN 5234 EN 5028 EN 84980 EN 117089 EN 59764 EN 774 EN 5671 EN 8539 EN 6673 EN 110222 EN Miss Child Has Gone Wild! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Miss Daisy Is Crazy! Gutman, Dan 4.3 1.0 Miss Hickory Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin 5.9 4.0 Miss Holly Is Too Jolly! Gutman, Dan 4.0 1.0 Miss Laney Is Zany! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Miss Lazar Is Bizarre! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10 Finchler, Judy 2.4 0.5 Miss Malarkey's Field Trip Finchler/O'Malley 2.7 0.5 Miss Malarkey Won't Be in Today Finchler, Judy 2.1 0.5 Miss Mary Is Scary! Gutman, Dan 3.3 1.0 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Allard, Harry 3.0 0.5 Miss Nelson Is Back Allard, Harry 2.7 0.5 Miss Nelson Is Missing! Allard, Harry 2.7 0.5 Miss Rumphius Cooney, Barbara 3.8 0.5 Miss Small Is off the Wall! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Miss Suki Is Kooky! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Miss Switch to the Rescue Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.2 4.0 Missing Duffy, James 4.2 5.0 Missing Chums, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, The George, Jean Craighead 4.6 4.0 Missing May Rylant, Cynthia 5.3 3.0 Missing Monkey-Eye Diamond, The Keane, Dave 5.1 2.0 46482 EN 51330 EN 5277 EN 63177 EN 7824 EN 80595 EN 5431 EN 24768 EN 47741 EN 59706 EN 7825 EN 6480 EN 73505 EN 24769 EN 63121 EN 25216 EN 13792 EN 52921 EN 70137 EN 78975 EN 117441 EN Missing Mummy, The Roy, Ron 4.0 1.0 Missing Piece Meets the Big O, The Silverstein, Shel 2.4 0.5 Missing Since Monday Martin, Ann M. 4.3 5.0 Mission of Honor Clancy/Pieczenik/Rovin 5.2 19.0 Mississippi (America the Beautiful) Carson, Robert 8.0 3.0 Mississippi and West, The Thompson, Linda 7.9 1.0 Mississippi Bridge Taylor, Mildred D. 4.2 1.0 Mississippi (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.7 1.0 Mississippi River: A Journey Down the Father of Waters Lourie, Peter 6.5 1.0 Mississippi Trial, 1955 Crowe, Chris 5.5 9.0 Missouri (America the Beautiful) Sanford, William 7.3 3.0 Missouri Homestead Tedrow, T.L. 5.3 7.0 Missouri Madhouse Rand, Johnathan 3.5 3.0 Missouri (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Missouri River (Lewis & Clark), The Hamilton, John 6.2 1.0 Mister and Me Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.1 2.0 Mister Fred Pinkwater, Jill 3.9 5.0 Mister Fudge & Missy Moran Schraff, Anne 3.9 3.0 Mister Monday Nix, Garth 5.9 12.0 Mister Seahorse Carle, Eric 2.5 0.5 Mistik Lake Brooks, Martha 4.4 6.0 60 SP 60 EN 8700 EN 6336 EN 7331 EN 100777 EN 6131 EN 48476 EN 44052 EN 84417 EN 373 EN 11280 EN 46430 EN 61 EN 34596 EN 485 EN 101040 EN 69127 EN 77847 EN 5029 EN 675 EN 5235 EN 20629 EN Misty de Chincoteague Misty of Chincoteague Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite 5.3 5.3 4.0 4.0 Misty's Twilight Henry, Marguerite 5.4 3.0 Mitch and Amy Cleary, Beverly 6.2 6.0 Mitchell Is Moving Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.8 0.5 Mitten: An Old Ukrainian Folktale, The Tresselt, Alvin 3.9 0.5 Mitten, The Brett, Jan 3.9 0.5 Mixed Magics Jones, Diana Wynne 5.6 6.0 Mixed-Up Chameleon, The Carle, Eric 1.8 0.5 Mmm, Cookies! Munsch, Robert 2.4 0.5 Moccasin Trail McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5.8 12.0 Model Crime, A Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 Modern Olympic Games Middleton, Haydn 7.4 1.0 Moffats, The Estes, Eleanor 5.2 6.0 Molly Bannaky McGill, Alice 4.8 0.5 Molly Learns a Lesson Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Byng, Georgia 5.2 12.0 Byng, Georgia 5.5 12.0 Molly Moon Stops the World Byng, Georgia 5.3 11.0 Molly's Pilgrim Cohen, Barbara 3.0 0.5 Molly's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 3.6 1.0 Molly Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Mom, You're Fired! Robinson, Nancy K. 3.8 2.0 104934 EN 66255 EN 53918 EN 53396 EN 8477 EN 64939 EN 60907 EN 29813 EN 100596 EN 76936 EN 6932 EN 29945 EN 8974 EN 9615 EN 57606 EN 54250 EN 7742 EN 13877 EN 5947 EN 125397 EN 9824 EN Mommy, Carry Me Please! Cabrera, Jane 2.2 0.5 Monarch Butterflies Waxman, Laura Hamilton 2.5 0.5 Monarch Butterfly Gibbons, Gail 3.4 0.5 Monarch Butterfly Schwartz, David M. 3.6 0.5 Monarchs Lasky, Kathryn 6.8 1.0 Monarchy (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Hurwitz, Jane 6.7 1.0 Monday's Troll Prelutsky, Jack 6.0 0.5 Mongolia (Cultures of the World) Pang, Guek-Cheng 8.7 4.0 Monkey Stone, Jeff 4.3 5.0 Monkey Baby Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan 1.6 0.5 Monkey See. Monkey Do. DeClements, Barthe 4.1 5.0 Monster Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 5.0 Monster at Loch Ness Berke, Sally 4.6 1.0 Monster Blood III Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Monster Garden, The Alcock, Vivien 4.2 5.0 Monster Goose Sierra, Judy 4.0 0.5 Monster in the Third Dresser Drawer and other stories..., The Smith, Janice Lee 3.9 1.0 Monster Rabbit Runs Amuck! Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.8 1.0 Monster's Ring, The Coville, Bruce 3.9 2.0 Monster Truck Racing Spalding, Lee-Anne T. 5.0 0.5 Monster Truck Racing (MotorSports) Johnston, Scott 4.2 0.5 11221 EN 139704 EN 29657 EN 79468 EN 72253 EN 51138 EN 113613 EN 28902 EN 10676 EN 5432 EN 54106 EN 12570 EN 7826 EN 24770 EN 66466 EN 104776 EN 87256 EN 113227 EN 77128 EN 27882 EN 6933 EN Monster Truck Wars (MotorSports) Savage, Jeff 5.1 0.5 Monster Trucks Wiseman, Blaine 4.1 0.5 Monster Trucks and Tractors (Race Car Legends) Mead, Sue 7.8 1.0 Monster Trucks (Horsepower) Doeden, Matt 2.5 0.5 Monster Trucks (Roaring Rides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 5.3 1.0 Monster Trucks (Wild Rides!) Schaefer, A.R. 4.2 0.5 Monsters Hamilton, Sue 6.9 1.0 Monsters and Magic: Myths of North and Ross, Stewart South America 4.8 1.0 Monsters Don't Scuba Dive Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 Monsters of Marble Avenue, The Gondosch, Linda 2.9 1.0 Monsters of Morley Manor, The Coville, Bruce 5.3 7.0 Monsters of the Deep Pirotta, Saviour 6.7 1.0 Montana (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.3 3.0 Montana (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.7 1.0 Montgomery Bus Boycott (Events That Shaped America), The Crewe/Walsh 7.1 1.0 Montmorency and the Assassins Updale, Eleanor 6.0 15.0 Montmorency on the Rocks: Doctor, Aristocrat, Murderer? Updale, Eleanor 6.3 12.0 Montmorency's Revenge Updale, Eleanor 5.2 10.0 Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? Updale, Eleanor 7.4 8.0 Montreal Expos (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.2 1.0 Monument, The Paulsen, Gary 4.9 3.0 78976 EN 10133 EN 58707 EN 36556 EN 47391 EN 71690 EN 5882 EN 18313 EN 117479 EN 102753 EN 34805 EN 24900 EN 13631 EN 36008 EN 74696 EN 10677 EN 374 EN 36031 EN 129309 EN 86801 EN 100080 EN Moo Who? Palatini, Margie 1.7 0.5 Moon by Night, The L'Engle, Madeleine 5.5 11.0 Moon Is Down, The Steinbeck, John 5.1 5.0 Moon of Two Dark Horses Keehn, Sally M. 4.4 7.0 Moon (Planet Library), The Kerrod, Robin 5.8 1.0 Moon (Revised Edition), The Simon, Seymour 4.4 0.5 Moon Rock Heist, The Meador, Nancy 4.8 4.0 Moon Rope: A Peruvian Folktale Ehlert, Lois 2.3 0.5 Moon, The Graham, Ian 5.5 0.5 Moon, The Chrismer, Melanie 2.4 0.5 Moonbear's Bargain Asch, Frank 2.9 0.5 Moondance Asch, Frank 2.8 0.5 Moonfleet (Bloomsbury) Falkner, J.M. 8.5 15.0 Moongame Asch, Frank 2.6 0.5 Moonhorse Osborne, Mary Pope 2.4 0.5 Moonlight Madness Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 Moonlight Man, The Fox, Paula 5.1 6.0 Moonlight Man, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.7 5.0 Moonlight on the Magic Flute Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Moonrise Farley, Terri 5.1 5.0 Moonrise Hunter, Erin 5.8 11.0 44712 EN 11597 EN 87167 EN 15500 EN 139594 EN 24059 EN 14877 EN 375 EN 114096 EN 46068 EN 44623 EN 18776 EN 13844 EN 61016 EN 15373 EN 6674 EN 29956 EN 18077 EN 46095 EN 68865 EN 5485 EN Moonshine Blackwood, Gary L. 5.3 6.0 Moonstone, The Collins, Wilkie 7.6 34.0 Moony Luna Argueta, Jorge 2.9 0.5 Moorchild, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5.5 9.0 Moose Winnick, Nick 4.8 0.5 Moose, The Hemstock, Annie 4.6 0.5 Moose Tracks Casanova, Mary 4.7 3.0 More Adventures of the Great Brain More Horowitz Horror: More Stories You'll Wish You'd Never Read Fitzgerald, John D. 5.2 6.0 Horowitz, Anthony 4.5 6.0 More Monsters in School Godfrey, Martyn 3.1 1.0 More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution, A Maestro, Betsy 5.8 0.5 More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.7 1.0 More Than Anything Else Bradby, Marie 3.3 0.5 More, the Merrier, The Mazer, Anne 3.3 2.0 Morgan Horse, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.3 0.5 Morning Girl Dorris, Michael 4.9 2.0 Morning Is a Long Time Coming Greene, Bette 6.4 10.0 Morocco (Cultures of the World) Seward, Pat 10.0 4.0 Morris's Disappearing Bag Wells, Rosemary 2.4 0.5 Morse Code (Communicating) Hossell, Karen Price 7.0 2.0 Moses the Kitten Herriot, James 4.8 0.5 109416 EN 133125 EN 146073 EN 6337 EN 6688 EN 676 EN 25562 EN 10788 EN 127487 EN 32547 EN 12664 EN 5486 EN 105653 EN 74957 EN 18684 EN 125351 EN 4863 EN 51139 EN 24433 EN 61911 EN 9826 EN Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom Weatherford, Carole Boston 4.0 0.5 Mosquitoes Webster, Christine 4.5 0.5 Mosquitoes Are Ruining My Summer! And...Silly Dilly Camp Songs Katz, Alan 3.2 0.5 Moss Gown Hooks, William 4.2 0.5 Mossflower Jacques, Brian 5.1 17.0 Most Beautiful Place in the World, The Cameron, Ann 4.2 1.0 Most Beautiful Roof in the World, The Lasky, Kathryn 6.7 1.0 Mostly Michael Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.2 6.0 Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg, Philbrick, Rodman The 5.6 7.0 Mother, Help Me Live McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 5.0 Mother Jones: Labor Crusader Hawxhurst, Joan 7.3 6.0 Mother, Mother I Want Another Polushkin, Maria 1.7 0.5 Mother, Please Don't Die McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 3.0 Motion Karpelenia, Jenny 5.1 1.0 Motley the Cat Amoore, Susannah 5.1 0.5 Moto X Hudak, Heather C. 6.0 1.0 Motocross (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.2 0.5 Motocross Cycles (Wild Rides!) Schaefer, A.R. 4.5 0.5 Motocross (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 4.5 0.5 Motocross (World of Sports) Frisch, Aaron 6.8 1.0 Motorcycle Racing (MotorSports) Dregni, Michael 4.7 0.5 17373 EN 48817 EN 131499 EN 44555 EN 130960 EN 64926 EN 28924 EN 4856 EN 2679 EN 46431 EN 24434 EN 65138 EN 53263 EN 13424 EN 26475 EN 48391 EN 102337 EN 74918 EN 6481 EN 5309 EN 74930 EN Motorcycles (Race Car Legends) Savage, Jeff 7.5 2.0 Motorcycles (Speed!) Morse, Jenifer Corr 6.9 0.5 Motorcycles: The Ins and Outs of Superbikes...Other Motorcycles Young, Jeff C. 5.6 1.0 Motown and Didi: A Love Story Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 7.0 Mount Rushmore Calamity, The Pennypacker, Sara 4.4 1.0 Mount Rushmore (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Owens, Thomas S. 6.0 1.0 Mountain Biking Richards, Brant 5.8 0.5 Mountain Biking (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.3 0.5 Mountain Biking! Get on the Trail Hayhurst, Chris 6.2 1.0 Mountain Biking (Radical Sports) Bizley, Kirk 6.3 1.0 Mountain Biking (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 4.8 0.5 Mountain Blizzard Hanson, Ed 3.9 1.0 Mountain Born Yates, Elizabeth 5.6 4.0 Mountain Climbing: Scaling the Heights Devine, Monica 3.5 1.0 Mountain Lions (Naturebooks) Gouck, Maura 4.4 0.5 Mountain Lions (Naturebooks, Revised Edition) Gouck, Maura 4.3 0.5 Mountain Mare Farley, Terri 5.6 7.0 Mountain Men Santella, Andrew 6.3 1.0 Mountain Miracle Tedrow, T.L. 4.1 8.0 Mountain Top Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.6 2.0 Mountains Hurwitz, Jane 1.0 6.3 24501 EN 117011 EN 81376 EN 63122 EN 5582 EN 32550 EN 182 EN 17579 EN 115226 EN 5278 EN 7333 EN 775 EN 121665 EN 8577 EN 20279 EN 47242 EN 4368 EN 9037 EN 78591 EN 103837 EN 126512 EN 146355 EN Mountains Owen, Andy 3.3 0.5 Mountains Sheehan, Thomas F. 5.4 0.5 Mountains (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 7.0 1.0 Mountains (Lewis & Clark), The Hamilton, John 6.2 1.0 Mountains (New True Books) Stone, Lynn M. 3.5 0.5 Mourning Song McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 4.0 Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Cleary, Beverly 5.1 3.0 Mouse Called Wolf, A King-Smith, Dick 5.3 2.0 Mouse Island Marathon, The Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 Mouse Rap, The Myers, Walter Dean 5.3 5.0 Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold 2.4 0.5 Moves Make the Man, The Brooks, Bruce 5.4 11.0 Moving Day Cabot, Meg 5.0 6.0 Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Head, Ann 5.3 10.0 Mr. Ape King-Smith, Dick 5.5 3.0 Mr. Beans Hyde, Dayton O. 6.6 6.0 Mr. Blue Jeans: A Story About Levi Strauss Weidt, Maryann N. 6.2 1.0 Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Seuss, Dr. 1.8 0.5 Mr. Cool Wilson, Jacqueline 2.6 0.5 Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet! Gutman, Dan 3.7 1.0 Mr. Harrison Is Embarrassin'! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 87383 EN 79641 EN 53459 EN 19057 EN 119702 EN 112348 EN 58 EN 14426 EN 16867 EN 18777 EN 126993 EN 11481 EN 7335 EN 66057 EN 101364 EN 124641 EN 62 EN 132890 EN 45513 EN 35624 EN 7684 EN Mr. Hynde Is out of His Mind Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! Gutman, Dan 4.4 1.0 Mr. Lincoln's Way Polacco, Patricia 3.7 0.5 Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers Winnick, Karen 2.7 0.5 Mr. Louie Is Screwy! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mr. Macky Is Wacky! Gutman, Dan 3.7 1.0 Mr. Popper's Penguins Atwater, Richard/Florence 5.6 3.0 Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Zolotow, Charlotte 2.3 0.5 Mr. Revere and I Lawson, Robert 7.5 5.0 Mr. Sunny Is Funny! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.0 4.0 Mrs. Brice's Mice Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 Mrs. Claus Doesn't Climb Telephone Poles Dadey/Jones 3.5 1.0 Mrs. Cooney Is Loony! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Mrs. Dole Is out of Control! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (The Secret of NIMH) O'Brien, Robert C. 5.1 8.0 Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mrs. Jeepers' Monster Class Trip Dadey/Jones 4.4 1.0 Mrs. Jeepers' Secret Cave Dadey/Jones 4.0 1.0 Mrs. Katz and Tush Polacco, Patricia 3.1 0.5 105639 EN 137825 EN 572 EN 109528 EN 63 EN 34688 EN 36025 EN 83937 EN 78818 EN 902 EN 118271 EN 115027 EN 83938 EN 121150 EN 101365 EN 109319 EN 17328 EN 11222 EN 10983 EN 130156 EN 5030 EN 76311 EN Mrs. Kormel Is Not Normal! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mrs. Lizzy Is Dizzy! Gutman, Dan 3.7 1.0 Mrs. Mike Freedman, Benedict 5.3 16.0 Mrs. Patty Is Batty! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 3.0 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm MacDonald, Betty 4.9 4.0 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic MacDonald, Betty 5.5 5.0 Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth McGhee, Alison 2.4 0.5 Mrs. Wishy-washy Cowley, Joy 1.0 0.5 Mrs. Yonkers Is Bonkers! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Ms. Coco Is Loco! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Ms. Hannah Is Bananas! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Ms. LaGrange Is Strange! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Ms. Todd Is Odd! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Much Bigger Than Martin Kellogg, Steven 2.5 0.5 Mud Racing (MotorSports) Savage, Jeff 4.8 0.5 Muddy Banks Tolliver, Ruby 4.6 7.0 Mudshark Paulsen, Gary 6.3 2.0 Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters Steptoe, John 4.3 0.5 Mug Shots (Sparklers Aqua) Dineen, Anne 3.7 0.5 429 EN 8301 EN 11826 EN 11828 EN 11829 EN 11834 EN 11835 EN 50031 EN 113614 EN 41947 EN 10644 EN 8478 EN 13986 EN 573 EN 108289 EN 43939 EN 376 EN 10134 EN 7743 EN 5703 EN 72254 EN 48959 EN Muggie Maggie Muhammad Ali (Black Americans of Achievement) Multicultural Portrait of America's Music, A Multicultural Portrait of Labor in America, A Multicultural Portrait of Learning in America, A Cleary, Beverly 4.5 1.0 Rummel, Jack 8.4 4.0 Press, David P. 9.2 5.0 Woodburn, Judith 9.2 4.0 Press, Petra 10.5 4.0 Multicultural Portrait of the Railroads, A Tuttle, Liza 8.8 4.0 Multicultural Portrait of World War II, A Wright, David K. 9.5 4.0 Multiplication and Division Jacques, Caron/St. 5.7 0.5 Mummies Ollhoff, Jim 6.0 1.0 Mummies, Bones, & Body Parts Wilcox, Charlotte 6.4 1.0 Mummies in the Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 Mummies & Their Mysteries Wilcox, Charlotte 6.8 1.0 Mummy (Eyewitness) Putnam, James 7.4 1.0 Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt, The Bellairs, John 5.3 6.0 Mummy with No Name, The Stilton, Geronimo 3.7 1.0 Moses, Brian 3.2 0.5 Hilgartner, Beth 5.0 8.0 Murder in a Pig's Eye Hall, Lynn 5.5 4.0 Murder in the Middle Pasture Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 Murder on Ice Keene, Carolyn 4.6 5.0 Muscle Cars (Roaring Rides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 6.0 1.0 Muscles: Our Muscular System Simon, Seymour 6.7 0.5 Munching, Crunching, Sniffing, and Snooping Murder for Her Majesty, A 85096 EN 49796 EN 60495 EN 17231 EN 10940 EN 17783 EN 29927 EN 74215 EN 110602 EN 61005 EN 15376 EN 280 EN 118513 EN 102538 EN 55688 EN 14954 EN 64452 EN 75951 EN 40138 EN 127 EN 59765 EN 75952 EN Museum (I Like to Visit), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 1.7 0.5 Music and Dance (Discovering World Cultures) Morris, Neil 7.8 2.0 Music CDs: From Start to Finish Englart, Mindi Rose 5.7 0.5 Music (Eyewitness) Ardley, Neil 8.0 1.0 Music from a Place Called Half Moon Oughton, Jerrie 4.5 5.0 Music of Dolphins, The Hesse, Karen 3.4 3.0 Musical Instruments from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 4.1 0.5 Musician Parks, Peggy J. 7.0 1.0 Mustang Maurer, Tracy 6.2 0.5 Mustang Moon Farley, Terri 5.1 7.0 Mustangs and Wild Horses Stewart, Gail B. 4.9 0.5 Mustard Graeber, Charlotte 3.1 1.0 Mutant Mammoths of Montana Rand, Johnathan 4.5 4.0 My 13th Season Roberts, Kristi 4.4 4.0 My Apron Carle, Eric 1.8 0.5 My Best Friend Is Invisible Stine, R.L. 2.8 2.0 My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers...Martin Luther King Jr. Farris, Christine King 5.0 0.5 My Brother (Meet the Family) Auld, Mary 1.5 0.5 My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Diary Osborne, Mary Pope 4.3 2.0 My Brother Sam Is Dead My Chimp Friday: The Nana Banana Chronicles Collier, James/Christopher 4.9 7.0 Mundis, Hester 4.7 6.0 My Dad (Meet the Family) Auld, Mary 1.5 0.5 105872 EN 574 EN 6934 EN 60558 EN 45514 EN 46311 EN 108132 EN 17785 EN 486 EN 516 EN 83205 EN 56929 EN 75953 EN 9616 EN 109343 EN 83202 EN 28793 EN 18778 EN 9782 EN 20085 EN 28086 EN 75954 EN My Dad's a Punk: 12 Stories About Boys and Their Fathers My Daniel Bradman, Tony 4.6 9.0 Conrad, Pam 4.7 5.0 My Darling, My Hamburger Zindel, Paul 5.0 4.0 My Diary from Here to There Pérez, Amada Irma 4.0 0.5 My Dog, Cat Crisp, Marty 4.8 2.0 My Dog, My Hero Byars/Duffey/Myers 4.1 1.0 My Dog's a Scaredy-Cat: A Halloween Tail Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 My Dog Skip Morris, Willie 7.1 5.0 My Father's Dragon My Friend Flicka Gannett, Ruth Stiles O'Hara, Mary 5.6 6.0 1.0 15.0 My Friends Ancona, George 3.0 0.5 My Grandma, Major League Slugger Greenburg, Dan 3.4 1.0 My Grandparents (Meet the Family) Auld, Mary 1.8 0.5 My Hairiest Adventure Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 My Haunted House Sage, Angie 5.0 2.0 My House Ancona, George 2.8 0.5 My Life as a Fifth-Grade Comedian Levy, Elizabeth 3.6 5.0 My Life in Dog Years Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 My Little Island Lessac, Frane 3.6 0.5 My Lone Star Summer Love, D. Anne 4.0 4.0 My Louisiana Sky Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.6 5.0 My Mom (Meet the Family) Auld, Mary 1.7 0.5 46724 EN 7685 EN 44169 EN 53418 EN 53418 SP 12380 EN 5077 EN 73830 EN 60559 EN 7234 EN 8428 EN 71657 EN 80436 EN 62979 EN 46626 EN 183 EN 11383 EN 83203 EN 44373 EN 79131 EN 85142 EN My Monster Mama Loves Me So Leuck, Laura 3.0 0.5 My Mother Got Married Park, Barbara 3.7 4.0 My Name Is Evil Stine, R.L. 3.2 4.0 My Name is Jorge: On Both Sides of the River Medina, Jane 3.3 0.5 My Name is Jorge (Spanish) Medina, Jane 4.3 0.5 My Name Is Maria Isabel Ada, Alma Flor 4.9 1.0 My Name Is Not Angelica O'Dell, Scott 4.8 4.0 My Name Is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton Stilton, Geronimo 3.2 1.0 My Nana's Remedies Rivera-Ashford, Roni Capin 2.9 0.5 My New Boy Phillips, Joan 1.0 0.5 My New York Jakobsen, Kathy 4.1 0.5 My Not-So-Terrible Time at the Hippie Hotel Graham, Rosemary 5.5 7.0 My Pal, Victor Bertrand, Diane Gonzales 2.8 0.5 My Perfect Life Sheldon, Dyan 4.6 7.0 My Pinkie Finger Franco, Betsy 1.0 0.5 My Robot Buddy Slote, Alfred 3.6 1.0 My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother Polacco, Patricia 3.3 0.5 My School Ancona, George 2.8 0.5 My Season with Penguins: An Antarctic Journal Webb, Sophie 6.9 1.0 My Secret Boyfriend McDaniel, Lurlene 4.1 3.0 My Secret Bully Ludwig, Trudy 3.4 0.5 102132 EN 44821 EN 64 EN 75955 EN 85374 EN 65003 EN 11482 EN 11483 EN 5433 EN 184 EN 5374 EN 5031 EN 74931 EN 8978 EN 8977 EN 113801 EN 6821 EN 116470 EN 8979 EN 79594 EN 5625 EN 53440 EN My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 Osborne, Mary Pope 5.5 4.0 George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 My Sister (Meet the Family) Auld, Mary 1.8 0.5 My Sister's Keeper Picoult, Jodi 5.3 18.0 My Teacher Ate My Homework Greenburg, Dan 3.4 1.0 My Teacher Flunked the Planet Coville, Bruce 5.0 5.0 My Teacher Fried My Brains Coville, Bruce 4.8 4.0 My Teacher Is an Alien Coville, Bruce 5.3 3.0 My Trip to Alpha I Slote, Alfred 4.3 1.0 My Underrated Year Powell, Randy 4.6 6.0 My War with Goggle-Eyes Fine, Anne 5.0 6.0 Mysteries in Space: Cosmic Puzzles Hopkins, Ellen 6.9 1.0 Mysteries of People and Places Emert, Phyllis 6.5 3.0 Mysteries of the Mind Lawless, Joann 6.0 1.0 Mysterious Benedict Society, The Stewart, Trenton Lee 5.6 18.0 Mysterious Caravan, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 Mysterious Cheese Thief, The Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 Mysterious Detectives Psychics Wilcox, Tamara 6.5 1.0 Mysterious Island, The Verne, Jules 10.8 41.0 Mysterious Mannequin, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Mysterious Matter of I.M. Fine, The Stanley, Diane 4.5 6.0 My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck My Side of the Mountain 12618 EN 19356 EN 5672 EN 11428 EN 9275 EN 47490 EN 5317 EN 5329 EN 9276 EN 80061 EN 8980 EN 5316 EN 9278 EN 5673 EN 10647 EN 8981 EN 5633 EN 8922 EN 8541 EN 5676 EN 9279 EN Mysterious Microbes (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 5.7 0.5 Mystery at Claudia's House, The Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Mystery at Devil's Paw Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Mystery at the Ballpark, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Mystery at the Dog Show, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.0 2.0 Mystery at Wolf River, The Shura, Mary Francis 4.6 4.0 Mystery Behind the Wall Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.5 2.0 Mystery Cruise, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Mystery Horse, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 Mystery in Arizona Campbell, Julie 5.5 7.0 Mystery in Peru: The Lines of Nazca McMullen, David 4.8 1.0 Mystery in the Sand Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 3.0 Mystery in Washington, D.C., The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.0 2.0 Mystery of Cabin Island, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Mystery of Pony Hollow, The Hall, Lynn 4.2 1.0 Mystery of Stonehenge, The Lyon, Nancy 5.5 1.0 Mystery of the 99 Steps, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 Mystery of the Blazing Cliffs, The Carey, M.V. 5.2 5.0 Mystery of the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.9 7.0 Mystery of the Desert Giant Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 6.0 Mystery of the Hidden Beach, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 8924 EN 29832 EN 9280 EN 29527 EN 43051 EN 40047 EN 8926 EN 9283 EN 28315 EN 9284 EN 8928 EN 5678 EN 11429 EN 10678 EN 40048 EN 5679 EN 19725 EN 10679 EN 9285 EN 5304 EN 19724 EN Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale, The Brandel, Marc 4.7 5.0 Mystery of the Lascaux Cave Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 7.4 1.0 Mystery of the Lost Village, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.1 2.0 Mystery of the Mammoth Bones, The Giblin, James Cross 8.0 3.0 Mystery of the PB & J Jam, The Cosson, M.J. 2.5 1.0 Mystery of the Pirates' Treasure Thomas, Earl W. 3.3 1.0 Mystery of the Purple Pirate, The Arden, William 5.4 5.0 Mystery of the Purple Pool, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.0 2.0 Mystery of the Queen's Jewels, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.1 2.0 Mystery of the Singing Ghost, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.6 2.0 Mystery of the Smashing Glass, The Arden, William 4.9 5.0 Mystery of the Spiral Bridge, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.6 2.0 Mystery of the Stolen Music, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Mystery of the Strange Creature Thomas, Earl W. 3.3 1.0 Mystery of the Whale Tattoo Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Mystery on Makatunk Island Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 Mystery on Stage, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 Mystery on the Ice, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Mystery Ranch Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 Mystery with a Dangerous Beat Dixon, Franklin W. 5.0 4.8 27418 EN 8982 EN 88290 EN 5529 EN 5530 EN 13367 EN 10789 EN 330 EN 24958 EN 64479 EN 430 EN 13878 EN 7627 EN 7628 EN 7629 EN 5237 EN 32169 EN 9286 EN 678 EN 7630 EN 13879 EN 7631 EN Myth or Mystery? Weber, Rebecca 5.1 0.5 Mythical Beasts Marx, Doug 5.4 1.0 Naked Mole Rat Letters, The Amato, Mary 4.3 6.0 Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs De Paola, Tomie 3.4 0.5 Napping House, The Wood, Audrey 2.8 0.5 Narragansett (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 7.2 1.0 Nasty, Stinky Sneakers Bunting, Eve 3.3 2.0 Nate the Great Nate the Great and Me: The Case of the Fleeing Fang Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.0 0.5 Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.4 0.5 Nate the Great and the Big Sniff Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.4 0.5 Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.1 0.5 Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Lost List Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 Nate the Great and the Missing Key Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Monster Mess Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 Nate the Great and the Musical Note Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Phony Clue Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 Nate the Great and the Pillowcase Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.5 0.5 Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 7632 EN 9287 EN 13880 EN 13881 EN 7633 EN 74866 EN 40706 EN 29407 EN 7634 EN 8479 EN 540 EN 49364 EN 49365 EN 64352 EN 12666 EN 74948 EN 19771 EN 113615 EN 52576 EN 75717 EN 13368 EN Nate the Great and the Sticky Case Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 Nate the Great and the Stolen Base Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.5 0.5 Nate the Great Goes down in the Dumps Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 Nate the Great Goes Undercover Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.4 0.5 Nate the Great on the Owl Express Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 Nation Torn, A Ray, Delia 8.1 3.0 National Velvet Bagnold, Enid 5.5 11.0 Nations of the Plains Kalman, Bobbie 6.6 1.0 Native Homes Kalman, Bobbie 6.6 1.0 Native Nations of the Western Great Lakes Smithyman/Kalman 6.9 1.0 Native North American Stories Hull, Robert 5.2 1.0 Natural Disasters Hopkins, John 5.7 1.0 Natural Enemies Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 Nature on the Rampage Hamilton, Sue 5.6 1.0 Nature's Green Umbrella: Tropical Rain Forests Gibbons, Gail 5.4 0.5 Navajo Code Talkers (We the People) Santella, Andrew 6.8 0.5 Navajo (Native American People), The Stan, Susan 7.3 1.0 37021 EN 117480 EN 7827 EN 82867 EN 24771 EN 75445 EN 8983 EN 78930 EN 109534 EN 14735 EN 6621 EN 11032 EN 18030 EN 74936 EN 18078 EN 5238 EN 7828 EN 24772 EN 69120 EN 124240 EN 78562 EN Near Planets (Our Solar System) Kerrod, Robin 7.1 1.0 Near Planets, The Graham, Ian 5.7 0.5 Nebraska (America the Beautiful) Hargrove, Jim 8.9 3.0 Nebraska Nightcrawlers Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 Nebraska (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.5 1.0 Need for Speed Korman/Rees 4.3 2.0 Nefertiti: The Mystery Queen Holmes, Burnham 5.0 1.0 Neighborhood Mother Goose, The Crews, Nina 3.8 0.5 Neighborhood Stink, The Keane, Dave 5.3 2.0 Neil Armstrong: The First Man on the Moon Kramer, Barbara 7.1 3.0 Nekomah Creek Crew, Linda 3.9 5.0 Nepal (Children of the World) Knowlton/Sachner 6.4 1.0 Nepal (Cultures of the World) Burbank, Jon 8.1 3.0 Nervous System, The Glass, Susan 6.0 1.0 Netherlands (Cultures of the World) Seward, Pat 9.3 4.0 Nettie's Trip South Turner, Ann 3.6 0.5 Nevada (America the Beautiful) Lillegard, Dee 8.7 3.0 Nevada (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.7 1.0 Never Die Easy Payton/Yaeger 6.4 16.0 Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs Applegate, Katherine 2.9 1.0 Never Mind! A Twin Novel Avi/Vail 3.6 5.0 133438 EN 54937 EN 8836 EN 32500 EN 70165 EN 18734 EN 100148 EN 36958 EN 27902 EN 104813 EN 7829 EN 24773 EN 27857 EN 24774 EN 36459 EN 5886 EN 7831 EN 24775 EN 108713 EN 36959 EN 140453 EN Never Smile at a Monkey: And 17...Important Things to Remember Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust Jenkins, Steve 6.3 0.5 Meltzer, Milton 8.2 11.0 Never Too Late Turner, T.P. 4.0 1.0 Never Trust a Cat Who Wears Earrings Greenburg, Dan 3.0 1.0 Never War, The MacHale, D.J. 4.4 14.0 New Dawn on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger Lea 5.3 9.0 New England Patriots LeBoutillier, Nate 2.8 0.5 New England Patriots Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 New England Patriots, The Italia, Bob 5.4 1.0 New England Patriots, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 New Hampshire (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.6 3.0 New Hampshire (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.1 1.0 New Jersey Nets (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.3 1.0 New Jersey (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.5 1.0 New Kid at School, The McMullan, K.H. 3.3 1.0 New Life, New Land Crawford, Ann Fears 2.9 0.5 New Mexico (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 New Mexico (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 New Moon: A Novel Meyer, Stephenie 4.7 20.0 New Orleans Saints Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 New Orleans Saints Howell, Brian 5.6 1.0 27892 EN 116953 EN 127158 EN 7583 EN 15698 EN 63013 EN 7832 EN 18120 EN 100149 EN 36960 EN 132319 EN 27913 EN 116954 EN 36961 EN 27904 EN 27858 EN 27884 EN 73506 EN 24776 EN 27883 EN 104814 EN New Orleans Saints, The Italia, Bob 6.0 0.5 New Orleans Saints, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 New Padawan, The Stevens, Eric 3.9 1.0 New Road! Gibbons, Gail 4.1 0.5 New World Monkeys (Naturebooks) Patton, Don 5.5 0.5 New Year's Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.0 0.5 New York (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 New York (Celebrate the States) Schomp, Virginia 7.2 2.0 New York Giants LeBoutillier, Nate 2.7 0.5 New York Giants Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 New York Giants Kelley, K.C. 3.6 0.5 New York Giants, The Italia, Bob 5.7 1.0 New York Giants, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 New York Jets Nelson, Julie 6.7 1.0 New York Jets, The Italia, Bob 5.7 0.5 New York Knicks (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.4 1.0 New York Mets (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.3 1.0 New York Ninjas Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 New York (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.2 1.0 New York Yankees (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.1 1.0 New York Yankees, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 18079 EN 28253 EN 45515 EN 13369 EN 89275 EN 89276 EN 89277 EN 89278 EN 70566 EN 7687 EN 120566 EN 18080 EN 70022 EN 66633 EN 101690 EN 104012 EN 18031 EN 5279 EN 45419 EN 28643 EN 377 EN New Zealand (Cultures of the World) Smelt, Roselynn 9.8 4.0 News About Dinosaurs, The Lauber, Patricia 4.8 0.5 Next Stop, New York City! Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.9 1.0 Nez Perce (Native American People), The Howes, Kathi 6.0 1.0 NFC East Welsh, Nick 6.5 1.0 NFC North Woods, Bob 6.8 1.0 NFC South Logan, Jim 6.3 1.0 NFC West Walters, John 6.0 1.0 Niagara Falls, or Does It? Winkler, Henry 4.3 3.0 Nibble, Nibble, Jenny Archer Conford, Ellen 3.5 1.0 Nic Bishop Frogs Bishop, Nic 4.8 0.5 Nicaragua (Cultures of the World) Kott, Jennifer 8.7 4.0 Nice Shot, Cupid! McMullan, Kate 4.2 4.0 Nick's a Chick Korman/Selman 4.4 1.0 Nicky Deuce: Welcome to the Family Schirripa, Steven R. 3.4 4.0 Nicola and the Viscount Cabot, Meg 6.8 10.0 Nigeria (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 9.0 4.0 Night Wiesel, Elie 4.8 4.0 Night Before Christmas, The Moore, Clement Clarke 4.3 0.5 Night Creatures Penny, Malcolm 6.3 1.0 Night Cry Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 6.0 2905 EN 40657 EN 78556 EN 5032 EN 27941 EN 5280 EN 11551 EN 53492 EN 105864 EN 10680 EN 628 EN 13760 EN 52181 EN 378 EN 20127 EN 7191 EN 32511 EN 6675 EN 541 EN 9638 EN 26918 EN 9993 EN Night Flier Ring, Elizabeth 3.9 0.5 Night Hoops Deuker, Carl 4.5 8.0 Night I Flunked My Field Trip, The Winkler, Henry 4.2 4.0 Night Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 5.0 Night Journeys Avi 4.9 4.0 Night Kites Kerr, M.E. 4.3 6.0 Night of Fear Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 Night of the Living Gerbil Levy, Elizabeth 3.8 1.0 Night of the New Magicians Osborne, Mary Pope 4.0 2.0 Night of the Ninjas Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 Night of the Twisters Ruckman, Ivy 4.7 4.0 Night Room, The Goldman, E.M. 4.1 7.0 Night Sky (Looking at Stars) Kerrod, Robin 4.5 0.5 Night Swimmers, The Night Terrors: Stories of Shadow and Substance Byars, Betsy 4.3 3.0 Duncan, Lois 4.6 6.0 Night the Bells Rang, The Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 4.8 1.0 Night the White Deer Died, The Paulsen, Gary 5.7 3.0 Night the Whole Class Slept Over, The Pevsner, Stella 5.3 5.0 Night to Remember, A Lord, Walter 7.0 8.0 Night Without Stars, A Howe, James 3.9 5.0 Nightingale, The Andersen, Hans Christian 4.7 0.5 Nightjohn Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 124431 EN 2501 EN 6989 EN 114461 EN 66159 EN 18779 EN 123054 EN 89055 EN 111543 EN 105311 EN 114395 EN 4520 EN 34930 EN 53082 EN 117965 EN 11430 EN 9625 SP 6338 EN 65987 EN 5487 EN 66634 EN Nightmare at the Book Fair Gutman, Dan 4.3 5.0 Nightmare Hour Stine, R.L. 3.5 4.0 Nightmare Mountain Kehret, Peg 4.6 5.0 Nightrise Horowitz, Anthony 4.7 15.0 Nights in Rodanthe Sparks, Nicholas 6.1 8.0 Nightwalkers Morris, Judy K. 4.5 4.0 Santopolo, Jill 4.8 4.0 Rifkin, L. 4.9 10.0 Rifkin, L. 4.6 9.0 Rifkin, L. 4.5 9.0 Nineteen Minutes Picoult, Jodi 6.0 29.0 Nineteenth-Century Schoolgirl, A Graves, Kerry A. 5.4 1.0 Ninjas Don't Bake Pumpkin Pies Dadey/Jones 4.1 1.0 Ninth Nugget, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Nixie's Song, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.2 2.0 No Arm in Left Field Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 ¡No bajes al sótano! Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 No Coins, Please Korman, Gordon 5.1 6.0 No Fair! Kids Talk About Fairness Loewen, Nancy 3.9 0.5 No Fighting, No Biting! Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.6 0.5 No Girly-Girls Allowed! Korman/Sinclair 4.8 2.0 Niña, the Pinta, and the Vanishing Treasure, The Nine Lives of Romeo Crumb: Life One, The Nine Lives of Romeo Crumb: Life Three, The Nine Lives of Romeo Crumb: Life Two, The 11894 EN 65791 EN 16196 EN 5077 SP 32176 EN 80838 EN 54517 EN 47991 EN 8481 EN 5281 EN 17541 EN 19585 EN 115396 EN 18825 EN 29343 EN 31391 EN 66952 EN 8785 EN 59314 EN 18639 EN 239 EN 10911 EN No Grown-Ups Allowed Lewis, Beverly 2.8 1.0 No-Hitter Bee, Clair 5.7 8.0 No Jumping on the Bed! Arnold, Tedd 4.5 0.5 No me llamo Angélica O'Dell, Scott 4.8 4.0 No Mirrors in My Nana's House Barnwell, Ysaye M. 2.7 0.5 No More Magic Avi 3.7 4.0 No More Nasty MacDonald, Amy 4.6 5.0 No More Worries (Sparklers Blue) Best, Elizabeth 2.6 0.5 No Place to Be: Voices of Homeless Children Berck, Judith 6.4 4.0 No Promises in the Wind Hunt, Irene 5.6 8.0 No Roses for Harry! Zion, Gene 3.2 0.5 No Such Things Peet, Bill 4.9 0.5 No Talking Clements, Andrew 5.0 4.0 No Time to Cry McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 4.0 No Turning Back Naidoo, Beverley 5.1 6.0 No Way Out Ruckman, Ivy 4.8 6.0 Noah's Ark Pinkney, Jerry 3.3 0.5 Nobody Knows but Me Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Nocturnal Animals (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.9 0.5 Noisy Nora Wells, Rosemary 2.6 0.5 Noonday Friends, The Stolz, Mary 4.8 6.0 Nora: Maybe a Ghost Story Greene, Constance C. 4.2 4.0 83496 EN 46029 EN 17232 EN 28549 EN 7833 EN 24777 EN 7834 EN 112718 EN 24778 EN 629 EN 82238 EN 81377 EN 67223 EN 18081 EN 36700 EN 8930 EN 14520 EN 68636 EN 79109 EN 240 EN 76269 EN 8542 EN Norby and the Queen's Necklace Asimov, Janet 5.6 6.0 North America Fox, Mary Virginia 3.9 0.5 North American Indian (Eyewitness) Murdoch, David H. 8.5 1.0 North by Night: A Story of the Underground Railroad Ayres, Katherine 4.8 6.0 North Carolina (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.5 3.0 North Carolina (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.0 1.0 North Dakota (America the Beautiful) Herguth, Margaret 8.4 3.0 North Dakota Night Dragons Rand, Johnathan 4.5 4.0 North Dakota (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.1 1.0 North to Freedom Northeast (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Holm, Anne 5.7 9.0 Purcell, Martha Sias 6.5 1.0 Northern Forests (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 6.5 1.0 Northern Light, A Donnelly, Jennifer 4.5 13.0 Norway (Cultures of the World) Kagda, Sakina 9.7 3.0 Nory Ryan's Song Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.3 5.0 Nose for Trouble, A Kjelgaard, Jim 5.3 7.0 Not a Copper Penny in Me House Gunning, Monica 3.9 0.5 Not as Crazy as I Seem Harrar, George 4.3 7.0 Not for a Billion Gazillion Dollars Danziger, Paula 4.6 3.0 Not-Just-Anybody Family, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 Not My Future (Sparklers Gold) Stitt, Christopher 2.8 0.5 Not-So-Jolly Roger, The Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 34771 EN 7014 EN 14881 EN 13426 EN 185 EN 76065 EN 118496 EN 32553 EN 7015 EN 89049 EN 100020 EN 6181 EN 120825 EN 49720 EN 379 EN 109702 EN 2163 EN 88654 EN 53921 EN 70868 EN 82214 EN 27872 EN Notebook, The Sparks, Nicholas 5.5 8.0 Nothing But the Truth Avi 3.6 4.0 Nothing But Trouble, Trouble, Trouble Hermes, Patricia 3.6 4.0 Nothing Is for Free Sorenson, Margo 3.0 2.0 Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade DeClements, Barthe 3.7 4.0 Nouns (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.4 0.5 November Blues Draper, Sharon M. 4.6 11.0 Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 5.0 Now Is Your Time! Myers, Walter Dean 8.3 9.0 Now You See It, Now You Don't Mazer, Anne 3.9 2.0 Now You See Them, Now You Don't Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 Nuclear Energy (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 6.1 0.5 Nuclear Jellyfish of New Jersey Rand, Johnathan 4.5 3.0 Nuclear Power: Promise or Peril? Daley, Michael J. 10.8 5.0 Number the Stars Numbers In a Row: An Iowa Number Book Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 Pierce, Patricia A. 6.6 1.0 Numbers (Math Links) Patilla, Peter 3.5 0.5 Nurse Matilda: The Collected Tales Brand, Christianna 6.5 10.0 Nursery Crimes Geisert, Arthur 3.1 0.5 Nursery Tales Around the World Sierra, Judy 4.6 2.0 Nutrition Allred, Alexandra Powe 5.9 1.0 Oakland Athletics (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.1 1.0 100150 EN 36962 EN 27905 EN 47199 EN 74932 EN 5583 EN 8342 EN 19538 EN 132851 EN 29966 EN 10294 EN 8665 EN 20376 EN 7898 EN 125398 EN 24048 EN 115075 EN 14100 EN 130958 EN 120217 EN 133419 EN Oakland Raiders Frisch, Aaron 2.8 0.5 Oakland Raiders Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 Oakland Raiders, The Italia, Bob 6.2 1.0 Ocean (Biomes of the World) Ricciuti, Edward R. 8.0 2.0 Oceans Hurwitz, Jane 5.5 1.0 Oceans (New True Books) Carter, Katharine Jones 3.4 0.5 Octavio Paz Roman, Joseph 9.3 3.0 Octopus: Phantom of the Sea, The Cerullo, Mary M. 7.5 1.0 Odd and the Frost Giants Gaiman, Neil 5.0 2.0 Odd Velvet Whitcomb, Mary E. 4.1 0.5 Oddballs Sleator, William 6.2 3.0 Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John 4.5 4.0 Of Mice and Rats Fowler, Allan 3.2 0.5 Of Nightingales That Weep Paterson, Katherine 6.2 7.0 Off-Road Racing Spalding, Lee-Anne T. 5.3 0.5 Off-Road Truck Racing McAuliffe, Bill 4.5 0.5 Off Season, The Murdock, Catherine Gilbert 5.8 11.0 Officer Buckle and Gloria Rathmann, Peggy 3.4 0.5 Officer Spence Makes No Sense! Gutman, Dan 3.3 1.0 Oggie Cooder Weeks, Sarah 5.1 3.0 Oggie Cooder, Party Animal Weeks, Sarah 5.1 3.0 86173 EN 73507 EN 74428 EN 72867 EN 433 EN 9038 EN 102369 EN 9039 EN 9040 EN 146854 EN 7835 EN 24779 EN 142863 EN 62711 EN 13370 EN 7836 EN 67596 EN 24780 EN 29796 EN 21764 EN 24593 EN Ogres Don't Hunt Easter Eggs Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Ogres of Ohio Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 Oh, Baby! Krulik, Nancy 3.0 1.0 Oh, Crumps! Bock, Lee 2.8 0.5 Oh Honestly, Angela! Robinson, Nancy 3.7 2.0 Oh Say Can You Say? Seuss, Dr 4.0 0.5 Oh Say, I Can't See Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 Oh, the Places You'll Go! Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Seuss, Dr. 1.8 0.5 Oh, What a Christmas! Garland, Michael 2.8 0.5 Ohio (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.5 3.0 Ohio (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Oil Spill! Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico Landau, Elaine 5.3 1.0 Oil Spills (Our Planet in Peril) Powell, Jillian 7.2 1.0 Ojibwe (Native American People), The Stan, Susan 6.7 1.0 Oklahoma (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Oklahoma City National Memorial, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.9 1.0 Oklahoma (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Ol' Paul, the Mighty Logger Rounds, Glen 5.9 3.0 Old Ben Stuart, Jesse 3.9 1.0 Old-Fashioned Girl (Unabridged), An Alcott, Louisa May 8.2 18.0 67590 EN 23969 EN 10681 EN 5994 EN 65 EN 15933 EN 9644 EN 73394 EN 82156 EN 49130 EN 59315 EN 66 EN 78755 EN 71432 EN 7116 EN 9041 EN 25561 EN 64927 EN 7016 EN 55209 EN 128 EN 67 EN Old Ironsides Wachtel, Roger 7.0 1.0 Old Man and His Door, The Soto, Gary 3.5 0.5 Old Man and the Bear, The Hanel, Wolfram 4.0 0.5 Old Man and the Sea, The Hemingway, Ernest 5.1 4.0 Old Mother West Wind Burgess, Thornton 5.2 3.0 Old-Time Toys Schimpky/Kalman 5.1 0.5 Old Turtle Wood, Douglas 3.8 0.5 Old Turtle and the Broken Truth Wood, Douglas 4.5 0.5 Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.2 7.0 Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle, The MacDonald, Margaret Read 3.3 0.5 Old World Monkeys (Wildlife Ed.) Elwood, Ann 5.9 0.5 Old Yeller Gipson, Fred 5.0 5.0 Olive, My Love Walsh, Vivian 2.7 0.5 Olive's Ocean Henkes, Kevin 4.7 4.0 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 11.3 33.0 On Beyond Zebra Seuss, Dr. 4.2 0.5 Tanaka, Shelley 4.4 1.0 Owens, Thomas S. 3.7 1.0 Voigt, Cynthia 5.6 15.0 On-Line Spaceman and Other Cases, The Simon, Seymour 5.2 2.0 On My Honor On the Banks of Plum Creek 4.7 4.6 2.0 8.0 On Board the Titanic: What It Was Like When the Great Liner Sank On Both Sides of the Civil War (Reading Essentials...Studies) On Fortune's Wheel Bauer, Marion Dane Wilder, Laura Ingalls 75775 EN 40636 EN 8483 EN 14599 EN 7017 EN 630 EN 29793 EN 24599 EN 24597 EN 55222 EN 116078 EN 46312 EN 5033 EN 118645 EN 46288 EN 42443 EN 25349 EN 29236 EN 14799 EN 18780 EN 44952 EN On the Banks of the Amazon Allen, Nancy Kelly 3.8 0.5 On the Banks of the Bayou MacBride, Roger Lea 5.4 6.0 On the Brink of Extinction Arnold, Caroline 7.0 1.0 On the Bus with Joanna Cole: A Creative Autobiography Cole, Joanna 5.8 1.0 On the Devil's Court Deuker, Carl 4.9 9.0 On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.5 6.0 On the Frontier with Mr. Audubon Brenner, Barbara 5.1 3.0 On the High Seas: Ships Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.3 0.5 On the Road: Trucks Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 3.9 0.5 On the Shuttle: Eight Days in Space Bondar, Barbara/Roberta 8.0 2.0 On the Tracks Armentrout, David 4.8 0.5 On the Trail of Sacagawea Lourie, Peter 6.7 1.0 On the Way Home Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 3.0 On Thin Ice Krulik, Nancy 3.5 2.0 On Tide Mill Lane Wiley, Melissa 5.6 6.0 On Top of Concord Hill Wilkes, Maria D. 5.4 7.0 On with the Show Thompson, Gare 3.4 0.5 Once a Mouse... Brown, Marcia 3.2 0.5 Once on This Island Whelan, Gloria 5.4 6.0 Once on This River Wyeth, Sharon Dennis 4.4 5.0 Once Upon a Farm Artley, Bob 7.4 4.0 62564 EN 34745 EN 77977 EN 143648 EN 11432 EN 241 EN 776 EN 5488 EN 9042 EN 46627 EN 34742 EN 19539 EN 109088 EN 26938 EN 121602 EN 18781 EN Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean 5.7 8.0 One Belfast Boy McMahon, Patricia 5.0 1.0 One Date Too Many Robins, Eleanor 2.3 1.0 One Day and One Amazing Morning on Orange Street Rocklin, Joanne 5.2 5.0 One Day in the Alpine Tundra George, Jean Craighead 5.5 1.0 One-Eyed Cat One Fat Summer Fox, Paula Lipsyte, Robert 5.4 4.2 7.0 6.0 One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny 3.5 0.5 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Seuss, Dr. 1.7 0.5 One Glad Man Bowdish, Lynea 1.5 0.5 One Good Apple Paladino, Catherine 8.7 1.0 One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale Demi 4.6 0.5 One-Handed Catch Auch, MJ 4.2 8.0 One Happy Classroom Simon, Charnan 1.0 0.5 One Hen: How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference Milway, Katie Smith 4.6 0.5 4.6 4.0 2.5 0.5 3.6 0.5 4.0 4.0 5.1 4.0 5.1 5.0 7.7 1.0 One Hundredth Thing About Caroline, The Lowry, Lois One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, Blume, Judy The 124298 One Is a Feast for Mouse: A Thanksgiving Cox, Judy EN Tale 49141 One Missing Finger Trembath, Don EN 5239 One of the Third Grade Thonkers Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds EN 78317 One of Those Hideous Books Where the Sones, Sonya EN Mother Dies 2481 One-Room School Bial, Raymond EN 679 EN 15934 EN 777 EN 2920 EN 74817 EN 68 EN 14862 EN 58659 EN 28456 EN 64495 EN 11586 EN 116295 EN 81112 EN 69358 EN 77523 EN 62265 EN 101326 EN 45031 EN 59316 EN 83610 EN 913 EN 380 EN 746 EN 5078 EN One-Room School, A Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 1.0 One Thing for Sure One, Two, and Three: What Does Each One See? Gifaldi, David 4.2 6.0 Lacoe, Addie 2.0 0.5 One Witch Leuck, Laura 3.1 0.5 Onion John Krumgold, Joseph 4.5 8.0 Only Alien on the Planet, The Randle, Kristen D. 4.6 8.0 Only You Can Save Mankind Pratchett, Terry 3.9 5.0 Op-Center Clancy, Tom 6.6 15.0 Opening of the West (American Voices From), The Stefoff, Rebecca 7.7 4.0 Operation: Dump the Chump Park, Barbara 3.9 3.0 Opossums Webster, Christine 3.9 0.5 Oprah Winfrey (People to Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.3 0.5 Oprah Winfrey (Trailblazers of the Modern World) Blashfield, Jean F. 6.9 1.0 Oracle Betrayed, The Fisher, Catherine 4.8 10.0 Orange Outlaw, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Danziger, Paula 2.7 0.5 Levine, Stuart P. 10.4 5.0 Shaw/Wexo 6.2 0.5 Nimmo, Jenny 4.7 5.0 Helm, Thomas Cresswell, Helen Guest, Judith 5.6 5.6 4.1 12.0 8.0 9.0 Kaye, M.M. 6.4 4.0 Orange You Glad It's Halloween, Amber Brown? Orangutan (Endangered Animals & Habitats), The Orangutans (Wildlife Ed.) Orchard of the Crescent Moon/Emlyn's Moon Ordeal By Sea Ordinary Jack Ordinary People Ordinary Princess, The 7837 EN 24781 EN 80596 EN 70516 EN 5222 EN 6393 EN 27859 EN 63664 EN 24984 EN 20089 EN 18487 EN 69857 EN 108632 SP 59317 EN 15100 EN 488 EN 6482 EN 13371 EN 48743 EN 16784 EN 63805 EN Oregon (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.2 3.0 Oregon (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.2 1.0 Oregon Trail, The Thompson, Linda 7.4 1.0 4.4 0.5 4.5 3.0 Origami: Identifying Right Angles in Linde, Barbara M. Geometric Figures Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, Erickson, John R. The Original Freddie Ackerman, The Irwin, Hadley 6.0 6.0 Orlando Magic (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.6 1.0 Orp Goes to the Hoop Kline, Suzy 3.5 2.0 Orphan of Ellis Island, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 5.0 Orphan Runaways Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story Warren, Andrea 6.1 2.0 Osama bin Laden (Heroes and Villains) Loehfelm, Bill 9.4 5.0 Ositos Guidoux, Valérie 4.6 0.5 Ostriches & Other Ratites (Wildlife Ed.) Elwood, Ann 5.6 0.5 Other Side of Dark, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.0 6.0 Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Blume, Judy 3.5 4.0 Otis Spofford Cleary, Beverly 4.6 4.0 Ottawa (Native American People), The McCall/Howes 6.5 1.0 Our Big Home: An Earth Poem Glaser, Linda 2.8 0.5 Our Natural Homes Collard, Sneed B. 5.6 0.5 Our New Life in America Thompson, Gare 3.2 1.0 35294 EN 46628 EN 6007 EN 28954 EN 44826 EN 15232 EN 68897 EN 5079 EN 19540 EN 11728 EN 102396 EN 65964 EN 43789 EN 18782 EN 14996 EN 18783 EN 102721 EN 59793 EN 15097 EN 100602 EN 76086 EN Our Only May Amelia Holm, Jennifer L. 4.8 7.0 Our Raspberry Jam Marx, David F. 2.0 0.5 Our Sixth-Grade Sugar Babies Bunting, Eve 3.9 4.0 Our Space Program Bredeson, Carmen 8.0 1.0 Our Strange New Land: Elizabeth's Diary...Virginia,1609 Hermes, Patricia 3.2 2.0 Our Teacher's in a Wheelchair Powers, Mary Ellen 3.7 0.5 Our Time on the River Brown, Don 4.8 4.0 Out from This Place Hansen, Joyce 4.6 5.0 Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille Freedman, Russell 6.7 2.0 Out of Nowhere Sebestyen, Ouida 4.5 6.0 Out of Order Hicks, Betty 4.1 4.0 Out of Sight, Out of Mind Mazer, Anne 3.2 2.0 Out of Sight: Pictures of Hidden Worlds Simon, Seymour 6.6 1.0 Out of the Blue Ellis, Sarah 4.1 4.0 Out of the Dark Wright, Betty Ren 4.8 4.0 Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen 5.3 3.0 Out Standing in My Field Jennings, Patrick 4.3 5.0 Out to Lunch Krulik, Nancy 3.6 1.0 Outcast of Redwall Jacques, Brian 6.3 15.0 Outcast, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 6.0 Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.5 9.0 17585 EN 73784 EN 631 EN 16933 EN 28232 EN 28234 EN 381 EN 129 EN 63094 EN 17831 EN 7635 EN 34690 EN 5532 EN 59261 EN 77722 EN 139595 EN 680 EN 26573 EN 59318 EN 6084 EN 20090 EN 8343 EN Outer Space Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Springer, Nancy 5.2 4.0 Kjelgaard, Jim 6.6 8.0 Outrageously Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 5.0 Outside and Inside Birds Markle, Sandra 4.9 0.5 Outside and Inside Sharks Markle, Sandra 5.2 0.5 Outsiders, The Over Sea, Under Stone Hinton, S.E. Cooper, Susan 4.7 5.4 7.0 12.0 Over the River Moranville, Sharelle Byars 5.1 6.0 Over the Water Casey, Maude 5.7 9.0 Owen Henkes, Kevin 2.4 0.5 Owen Foote, Frontiersman Greene, Stephanie 4.7 2.0 Owl Moon Yolen, Jane 3.2 0.5 Owl Service, The Garner, Alan 3.7 6.0 Owls Ring, Susan 2.5 0.5 Owls Winnick, Nick 4.5 0.5 Owls in the Family Mowat, Farley 5.0 3.0 Owls (Naturebooks) George, Michael 3.5 0.5 Owls (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.1 0.5 Ox-Cart Man Hall, Donald 4.5 0.5 P.S. Longer Letter Later Danziger/Martin 4.5 5.0 Pablo Picasso Selfridge, John 9.2 3.0 Outlaw Princess of Sherwood: A Tale of Rowan Hood Outlaw Red 47894 EN 30025 SP 29228 EN 24782 EN 9530 EN 56931 EN 50948 EN 31152 EN 73315 EN 64110 EN 6483 EN 5533 EN 28322 EN 79469 EN 29521 EN 16980 EN 79552 SP 18032 EN 15377 EN 41702 SP 18082 EN Pablo's Tree Mora, Pat 2.3 0.5 Pachanga deliciosa Mora, Pat 3.1 0.5 Pacific Crossing Soto, Gary 4.6 4.0 Pacific Islands (Portrait of America) Kristen, Katherine 7.8 1.0 Pack Trip Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 4.0 Paddington at Work (Revised Edition) Bond, Michael 6.2 4.0 Paddington Goes to Town Bond, Michael 6.1 4.0 Paddington Helps Out Bond, Michael 5.4 3.0 Paddington Takes the Air Bond, Michael 6.4 4.0 Paddington Takes the Test Bond, Michael 6.2 4.0 Paddle-to-the-Sea Holling, Holling Clancy 5.4 1.0 Pain and the Great One, The Blume, Judy 3.1 0.5 Paint Brush Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.8 1.0 Paintball Sievert, Terri 4.1 0.5 Painters of the Caves Lauber, Patricia 5.8 1.0 Painting the Black Deuker, Carl 4.4 9.0 Pájaro Verde Hayes, Joe 3.7 0.5 Pakistan (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.4 3.0 Palomino Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 4.8 0.5 pan de la guerra, El Ellis, Deborah 4.4 4.0 Panama (Cultures of the World) Hassig, Susan M. 8.3 4.0 9330 EN 62266 EN 59319 EN 1966 EN 8032 EN 74958 EN 18083 EN 29849 EN 120493 EN 11730 EN 382 EN 20130 EN 125198 EN 59320 EN 110405 EN 8787 EN 7018 EN 18784 EN 65139 EN 14481 EN 78250 EN 681 EN Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza Eberts, Marjorie 2.5 0.5 Panda Puzzle, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Pandas (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me Carle, Eric 2.2 0.5 Paper Bag Princess, The Munsch, Robert N. 3.8 0.5 Paper: From Books to Boxes Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 5.2 1.0 Gascoigne, Ingrid 10.2 4.0 Blackwood, Gary L. 7.7 1.0 Sandler, Michael 4.2 0.5 Zindel, Paul 6.0 11.0 Paterson, Katherine 4.2 5.0 Parrot in the Oven Martínez, Víctor 6.1 7.0 Parrots Hanel, Rachael 7.2 1.0 Parrots (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.9 0.5 Part of Me: Stories of a Louisiana Family Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.7 6.0 Part of the Dream, A Bunting, Eve 4.1 1.0 Party's Over, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.2 6.0 Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight Paterson, Katherine 6.0 3.0 Pass, The Hanson, Ed 4.3 1.0 Passager Yolen, Jane 5.1 2.0 Peck, Richard 4.9 6.0 Flournoy, Valerie 3.7 0.5 Papua New Guinea (Cultures of the World) Paranormal Powers (Secrets of the Unexplained) Pararescuemen in Action Pardon Me, You're Stepping on My Eyeball! Park's Quest Past Perfect, Present Tense: New and Collected Stories Patchwork Quilt, The 32814 EN 108633 SP 5489 EN 74658 EN 52603 EN 61645 EN 71482 EN 12668 EN 9331 EN 13372 EN 100597 EN 64033 EN 78985 EN 43523 EN 11433 EN 65163 EN 80561 EN 7119 EN 15829 EN 24472 EN 10682 EN Path of Daggers, The Jordan, Robert 6.8 37.0 Patitos Royer, Anne 4.4 0.5 Patrick's Dinosaurs Carrick, Carol 3.3 0.5 Paul Revere and the Bell Ringers Winter, Jonah 3.3 0.5 Paul Revere (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.6 2.0 Paul Revere's Ride Longfellow/Rand 5.6 0.5 Paul Revere's Ride (We the People) Raatma, Lucia 6.2 0.5 Paul Robeson: A Voice of Struggle Holmes, Burnham 8.4 6.0 Paul the Pitcher Sharp, Paul 1.8 0.5 Pawnee (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 7.1 1.0 Pay the Piper Yolen, Jane 4.9 5.0 Peace Like a River Enger, Leif 6.3 18.0 Pearl and Wagner: Three Secrets McMullan, Kate 2.2 0.5 Pearl Harbor Krensky, Stephen 5.8 0.5 3.5 1.0 6.4 1.0 Pearl Harbor is Burning! A Story of World Kudlinski, Kathleen V. War II Pearl Harbor Warriors: The Bugler, the Nicholson, Dorinda M. Pilot, the Friendship Pearl Harbor (We the People) Santella, Andrew 6.6 1.0 Pearl, The Steinbeck, John 7.1 4.0 Pearls of Lutra Jacques, Brian 6.1 18.0 Pedaling Along: Bikes Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 3.3 0.5 Peddler's Dream, A Shefelman, Janice Jordan 4.2 0.5 18123 EN 60459 EN 7638 EN 10683 EN 13884 EN 122349 EN 59068 EN 88005 EN 14387 EN 125199 EN 62071 EN 59321 EN 7838 EN 24783 EN 108040 EN 6624 EN 62956 EN 63123 EN 101791 EN 36028 EN 44962 EN Peddlers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.5 1.0 Pedro Martinez (Sports Heroes) Schaefer, A.R. 4.3 0.5 Pee Wee Christmas, A Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 Pee Wees on First Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 Pee Wees on Skis Delton, Judy 3.7 1.0 Peeled Bauer, Joan 4.2 7.0 Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword, The Mazer, Anne 3.8 2.0 Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters...Interesting Boy, The Birdsall, Jeanne 4.7 8.0 Penguin Family Book, The Somme/Kalas 5.8 0.5 Penguins Hanel, Rachael 7.6 1.0 Penguins (Animals I See at the Zoo) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.4 0.5 Penguins (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.8 0.5 Pennsylvania (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.5 3.0 Pennsylvania (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.6 1.0 Penny from Heaven Holm, Jennifer L. 4.0 7.0 Pennywhistle Tree, The Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.8 4.0 Pens: From Start to Finish Englart, Mindi Rose 5.4 0.5 Pentagon (Symbols, Landmarks, and Monuments), The Britton, Tamara L. 5.7 0.5 Penultimate Peril, The Snicket, Lemony 7.4 7.0 People Spier, Peter 3.9 0.5 People Could Fly: American Black Folktales, The Hamilton, Virginia 4.3 4.0 69395 EN 778 EN 16345 EN 16346 EN 16347 EN 16348 EN 80066 EN 73213 EN 327 SP 61801 EN 64516 EN 101802 EN 18445 EN 7390 EN 106187 EN 104 SP 34832 EN 779 EN 87995 EN 18340 SP 2120 EN 16433 EN People in Pineapple Place, The Lindbergh, Anne 5.2 5.0 People Like Us Cohen, Barbara 3.9 6.0 People of Africa and Their Food, The Burckhardt, Ann L. 3.9 0.5 People of China and Their Food, The Burckhardt, Ann L. 3.8 0.5 People of Mexico and Their Food, The Burckhardt, Ann L. 4.2 0.5 People of Russia and Their Food, The Burckhardt, Ann L. 3.8 0.5 People of Sparks, The DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 11.0 Peppermints in the Parlor Wallace, Barbara Brooks 6.0 7.0 pequeña ciudad en la Pradera, La Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.4 9.0 Percussion Instruments (Music Makers) Grace, Kayla 4.1 0.5 Perfect Place: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary, Hermes, Patricia A 3.8 2.0 Perfect Shot, The Alphin, Elaine Marie 6.1 14.0 Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea, The Junger, Sebastian 7.4 13.0 Perfect the Pig Jeschke, Susan 3.3 0.5 Peril at King's Creek: A Felicity Mystery Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 6.1 4.0 perla negra, La O'Dell, Scott 5.4 4.0 Perloo the Bold Avi 4.9 7.0 Permanent Connections Bridgers, Sue Ellen 6.2 11.0 Permanent Rose McKay, Hilary 4.7 6.0 perros mágicos de los volcanes, Los Argueta, Manlio 5.7 0.5 Perry: A Pronghorn Antelope Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.3 1.0 Perseverance Editors, Time-Life 10.0 7.0 140174 EN 15178 EN 82215 EN 47086 EN 47087 EN 47088 EN 47089 EN 47092 EN 47093 EN 18084 EN 109337 EN 5434 EN 24568 EN 107536 EN 83056 EN 489 EN 517 EN 16869 EN 34834 EN 13428 EN 30640 EN 54809 EN Persian Cats Britton, Tamara L. 4.1 0.5 Persian Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Personal Hygiene Allred, Alexandra Powe 5.8 1.0 Personal Tour of a Shaker Village, A Capek, Michael 6.0 1.0 Personal Tour of Camden Yards, A Young, Robert 6.5 1.0 Personal Tour of Ellis Island, A Young, Robert 6.4 1.0 Personal Tour of Hull-House, A Edge, Laura B. 5.8 1.0 Personal Tour of Monticello, A Young, Robert 5.6 1.0 Personal Tour of Old Ironsides, A Young, Robert 6.2 1.0 Peru (Cultures of the World) Falconer, Kieran 9.3 4.0 Peskie Spell, The Rodda, Emily 4.6 2.0 Pet-Sitting Peril, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.8 7.0 Pete Ramsey and the John Thing Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.2 2.0 Peter and the Shadow Thieves Barry, Dave 5.3 16.0 Peter and the Starcatchers Barry, Dave 5.2 13.0 Peter and Veronica Peter Pan Sachs, Marilyn Barrie, James M. 4.6 7.2 5.0 8.0 Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Petey Mikaelsen, Ben 4.8 6.0 Pets: Never Dance with a Tree Frog Higman, Anita 3.4 1.0 Petunia Duvoisin, Roger 3.1 0.5 Peyton Manning Buckley Jr., James 5.6 0.5 10684 EN 64322 EN 130 EN 31075 EN 53847 EN 57674 EN 27847 EN 36963 EN 140412 EN 27903 EN 27869 EN 131 EN 11036 EN 18033 EN 11733 EN 27851 EN 82216 EN 107896 EN 48195 EN 575 EN 18785 EN 77530 EN Phantom in the Mirror, The Erickson, John R. 5.1 3.0 Phantom of 86th Street, The Zindel, Paul 4.5 4.0 Phantom Tollbooth, The Juster, Norton 6.7 7.0 Phantoms Don't Drive Sports Cars Dadey/Jones 4.0 1.0 Pharaohs and Embalmers Ganeri, Anita 4.5 0.5 Pheasant Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Martin, Michael 4.9 0.5 Philadelphia 76ers (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.2 1.0 Philadelphia Eagles Nelson, Julie 6.6 1.0 Philadelphia Eagles Robinson, Tom 6.1 1.0 Philadelphia Eagles, The Italia, Bob 5.8 1.0 Philadelphia Phillies (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.0 1.0 Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe. Greene, Bette 5.0 4.0 Philippines (Children of the World) Sherwood, Rhoda 6.6 1.0 Philippines (Cultures of the World) Tope, Lily Rose R. 8.9 3.0 Phoenix Rising Hesse, Karen 4.0 6.0 Phoenix Suns (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.9 1.0 Physical Activity Allred, Alexandra Powe 5.5 0.5 Pianos: From Start to Finish Currie, Stephen 5.9 0.5 Pianos (Music Makers) Harris, Pamela K. 3.5 0.5 Pick of the Litter Auch, Mary Jane 4.2 5.0 Pick-Up Sticks Ellis, Sarah 4.4 4.0 Pickle Patch Bathtub, The Kennedy, Frances 4.7 0.5 444 EN 9957 EN 86674 EN 46629 EN 13532 EN 19959 EN 20904 EN 29433 EN 43253 EN 28439 EN 20901 EN 57566 EN 19958 EN 29427 EN 11038 EN 29431 EN 29432 EN 17636 EN 19751 EN 84893 EN 61467 EN Pickle Puss Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.1 1.0 Pickle Song, The DeClements, Barthe 3.9 4.0 Picklemania Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 3.0 Pickles in My Soup Pearson, Mary E. 2.2 0.5 Pickup Trucks (Rollin') Koons, James 4.0 0.5 Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln, A Adler, David A. 3.8 0.5 Picture Book of Amelia Earhart, A Adler, David A. 5.0 0.5 Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin, A Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Picture Book of George Washington, A Adler, David A. 4.1 0.5 Picture Book of George Washington Carver, A Adler, David A. 5.2 0.5 Picture Book of Harriet Tubman, A Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Picture Book of Jesse Owens, A Adler, David A. 5.0 0.5 Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr., A Adler, David A. 3.8 0.5 Picture Book of Paul Revere, A Adler, David A. 5.3 0.5 Picture Book of Rosa Parks, A Adler, David A. 5.1 0.5 Picture Book of Thomas Alva Edison, A Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson, A Adler, David A. 4.5 0.5 Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a McKissack, Patricia C. Slave Girl, A 4.6 5.0 Picture of Guilt, The Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 Picture This Jones, Jasmine 4.4 2.0 Pictures of Hollis Woods Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.4 5.0 107292 EN 89126 EN 74659 EN 46261 EN 41817 EN 8580 EN 780 EN 8033 EN 81094 EN 9639 EN 11386 EN 576 EN 16719 EN 11434 EN 116249 EN 6937 EN 31226 EN 56089 EN 10201 EN 10201 SP 242 EN 8685 EN Pieces of Georgia Bryant, Jennifer 5.6 4.0 Pig Latin: Not Just for Pigs! McMullan, Kate 3.4 2.0 Pigeon Hero! Redmond, Shirley Raye 2.5 0.5 Piggins Yolen, Jane 3.1 0.5 Piggy Party Lewis, Beverly 2.7 1.0 Pigman's Legacy, The Zindel, Paul 5.7 6.0 Pigman, The Zindel, Paul 5.5 6.0 Pigs Munsch, Robert N. 2.6 0.5 Pigs (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.4 0.5 Pigs Might Fly King-Smith, Dick 6.0 4.0 Pigsty Teague, Mark 2.8 0.5 Pike River Phantom, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 5.0 Pilgrim's Progress, The Bunyan, John 10.4 21.0 Pilgrim Village Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 Pilgrims of Rayne, The MacHale, D.J. 4.3 22.0 Pilot Down, Presumed Dead Phleger, Marjorie 7.0 8.0 Pilot's Wife, The Shreve, Anita 5.6 12.0 Pilots (Working Together) Mattern, Joanne 1.8 0.5 Pinata Maker, The Ancona, George 5.1 0.5 piñatero, El Ancona, George 5.1 0.5 Pinballs, The Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Pink and Say Polacco, Patricia 3.8 1.0 20656 EN 17686 EN 17687 EN 49418 EN 32476 EN 28477 EN 16389 EN 20036 EN 6696 EN 30515 EN 30514 EN 43410 EN 25833 EN 9387 EN 15378 EN 24569 EN 4526 EN 24049 EN 34739 EN 29925 EN 64940 EN Pinky and Rex Howe, James 3.1 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Bully Howe, James 3.2 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Double-Dad Weekend Howe, James 3.6 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Just-Right Pet Howe, James 3.5 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Mean Old Witch Howe, James 2.9 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the New Baby Howe, James 3.2 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the New Neighbors Howe, James 3.0 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the School Play Howe, James 3.3 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee Howe, James 3.2 0.5 Pinky and Rex Get Married Howe, James 2.9 0.5 Pinky and Rex Go to Camp Howe, James 3.5 0.5 Pinky Pye Estes, Eleanor 5.9 9.0 Pinocchio Collodi, Carlo 5.3 6.0 Pinocchio Hillert, Margaret 1.2 0.5 Pinto Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 5.1 0.5 Pioneer Days: Moments in History Jordan, Shirley 4.1 1.0 Pioneer Farm Girl, A Bunkers/Hodgson 5.7 1.0 Pioneer Farm: Living on a Farm in the 1880s O'Hara, Megan 3.4 0.5 Pioneer Girl: Growing Up on the Prairie Warren, Andrea 6.2 3.0 Pioneer Life from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 4.0 0.5 Pioneer Pilots and Flying Aces of World War I (Reading..Studies) Purcell, Martha Sias 6.1 1.0 49370 EN 18739 EN 27684 EN 27680 EN 18740 EN 69 EN 32697 EN 124933 EN 56740 EN 17234 EN 32357 EN 14248 EN 43547 EN 31127 EN 43108 EN 28644 EN 10685 EN 9291 EN 5282 EN 29658 EN 80823 EN Pioneer Recipes (Historic Communities) Kalman/Hale 6.3 1.0 Pippi Goes on Board Lindgren, Astrid 5.3 4.0 Pippi Goes to School Lindgren, Astrid 4.6 0.5 Pippi Goes to the Circus Lindgren, Astrid 4.5 0.5 Pippi in the South Seas Lindgren, Astrid 5.4 3.0 Pippi Longstocking Lindgren, Astrid 5.2 4.0 Pippi's Extraordinary Ordinary Day Lindgren, Astrid 4.4 0.5 Piranhas Chancellor, Deborah 6.2 1.0 Pirate Diary: The Journal of Jake Carpenter Platt, Richard 6.4 2.0 Pirate (Eyewitness) Platt, Richard 7.5 1.0 Pirate's Son, The McCaughrean, Geraldine 5.7 10.0 Pirates Ross, Stewart 7.4 1.0 Pirates Ahoy! McKay, Hilary 3.8 0.5 Pirates Ahoy! Dixon, Franklin W. 2.9 1.0 Pirates and Privateers in the New World Jordan, Shirley 5.6 2.0 Pirates and Treasure Pirotta, Saviour 7.0 1.0 Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses Dadey/Jones 3.9 1.0 Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 Pistachio Prescription, The Danziger, Paula 3.8 5.0 Pit Crew (Race Car Legends), The Mello, Tara Baukus 6.6 1.0 Pitch In! Kids Talk About Cooperation Nettleton, Pamela Hill 4.1 0.5 65793 EN 27868 EN 100151 EN 36964 EN 132321 EN 27911 EN 109109 EN 70236 EN 29344 EN 632 EN 8334 EN 7688 EN 42969 EN 21030 EN 47376 EN 132 EN 25244 EN 29338 EN 4238 EN 17235 EN 1472 EN 1473 EN Pitchers' Duel Bee, Clair 6.0 9.0 Pittsburgh Pirates (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 5.9 0.5 Pittsburgh Steelers LeBoutillier, Nate 2.9 0.5 Pittsburgh Steelers Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers Kelley, K.C. 3.6 0.5 Pittsburgh Steelers, The Italia, Bob 5.9 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 Place for Zero: A Math Adventure, A LoPresti, Angeline Sparagna 3.8 0.5 Place Not Home, A Wiseman, Eva 4.9 6.0 Place to Belong, A Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.9 6.0 Placido Domingo Stefoff, Rebecca 8.7 4.0 Plain Girl Sorensen, Virginia 4.8 4.0 Plain Truth Picoult, Jodi 5.7 22.0 Plains Outbreak Tornadoes Sherrow, Victoria 7.3 1.0 Planet Earth (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 6.8 1.0 Planet of Junior Brown, The Hamilton, Virginia 5.1 7.0 Planets in Our Solar System, The Branley, Franklyn M. 3.4 0.5 Planning the Impossible Jukes, Mavis 4.1 5.0 Plant Blossoms Schwartz, David M. 2.9 0.5 Plant (Eyewitness) Burnie, David 7.5 1.0 Plant Fruits & Seeds Schwartz, David M. 2.7 0.5 Plant Leaves Schwartz, David M. 2.8 0.5 67397 EN 67398 EN 4237 EN 5435 EN 51031 EN 121421 EN 56591 EN 63471 EN 63618 EN 74959 EN 6087 EN 42444 EN 54035 EN 85097 EN 9531 EN 32546 EN 9334 EN 18741 EN 67597 EN 48439 EN 6374 EN Plant Packages: A Book About Seeds Blackaby, Susan 2.5 0.5 Plant Plumbing: A Book About Roots and Blackaby, Susan Stems 2.9 0.5 Plant Stems & Roots Schwartz, David M. 2.9 0.5 Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The McArthur, Nancy 4.1 4.0 Planting a Rainbow Ehlert, Lois 2.6 0.5 Planting the Trees of Kenya: The Story of Nivola, Claire A. Wangari Maathai 5.9 0.5 Plants Eat Insects Pascoe, Elaine 3.3 0.5 Plants Without Seeds (A Kid's Guide to the...Things) Pascoe, Elaine 4.6 0.5 Plantzilla Nolen, Jerdine 3.4 0.5 Plastics: Bags, Boats, Bottles, and Brushes Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 5.2 1.0 Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Play to the Angel Dahlberg, Maurine F. 4.7 6.0 Players Sweeney, Joyce 4.7 7.0 Playground (I Like to Visit), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 1.1 0.5 Playing Beatie Bow Park, Ruth 5.8 9.0 Please Don't Die McDaniel, Lurlene 4.5 5.0 Please, Wind? Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Pleasing the Ghost Creech, Sharon 3.0 2.0 Pledge of Allegiance, The Webster, Christine 7.9 1.0 Plows (Machines at Work) Rogers, Hal 2.2 0.5 Plum Tree War, The Pryor, Bonnie 4.6 4.0 102751 EN 62453 EN 40566 EN 71138 EN 62190 EN 5534 EN 27409 EN 59168 EN 106425 EN 74149 EN 18034 EN 14389 EN 24060 EN 77037 EN 6587 EN 18742 EN 59322 EN 5240 EN 56627 EN 69887 EN 5436 EN Pluto Taylor-Butler, Christine 2.2 0.5 Plymouth Colony, The Riehecky, Janet 7.9 1.0 Plymouth Colony (We the People), The Santella, Andrew 5.4 0.5 Pocahontas Bruchac, Joseph 6.3 7.0 Pocahontas (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.1 2.0 Pocket For Corduroy, A Freeman, Don 3.7 0.5 Pocket Full of Posies, A Trussell-Cullen, Alan 5.4 0.5 Point Blank Horowitz, Anthony 4.8 8.0 Poison Ivy Koss, Amy Goldman 5.7 5.0 Poisonous Pythons Paralyze Pennsylvania Rand, Johnathan 3.6 2.0 Poland (Cultures of the World) Heale, Jay 8.6 4.0 Polar Bear Family Book, The Larson/Kalas 5.1 1.0 Polar Bear, The Hemstock, Annie 4.7 0.5 Polar Bears Cotton, Jacqueline S. 2.5 0.5 Polar Bears (Creative Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.1 0.5 Polar Bears Past Bedtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Polar Bears (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 Polar Express, The Van Allsburg, Chris 3.8 0.5 Police Cars (Emergency Vehicles) Ethan, Eric 2.3 0.5 Police Officer Parks, Peggy J. 7.4 1.0 Polly Panic Shura, Mary Francis 4.7 4.0 55735 EN 28153 EN 17236 EN 47472 EN 43096 EN 131392 EN 11548 EN 6545 EN 82804 EN 81852 EN 18686 EN 27474 EN 9640 EN 25094 EN 14795 EN 29505 EN 55433 EN 82226 EN 10759 SP 133126 EN 13323 EN Poltergeists of Petoskey Rand, Johnathan 3.5 3.0 Pomo (Native American People), The Freedman, Suzanne 6.4 1.0 Pond & River (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Pond Watching with Ann Morgan Ross, Michael Elsohn 7.5 2.0 Pony Express: Heroes in the Saddle, The Jordan, Shirley 4.3 1.0 Poodles Gagne, Tammy 4.9 0.5 Pool of Fire, The Christopher, John 7.0 8.0 Poor Mallory! Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Poor Stainless: A New Story About the Borrowers Norton, Mary 5.0 1.0 Pop and Rock Brasch, Nicolas 7.4 1.0 Popcorn at the Palace McCully, Emily Arnold 3.7 0.5 Popcorn Book, The De Paola, Tomie 4.3 0.5 Popcorn Days & Buttermilk Nights Paulsen, Gary 5.1 4.0 Poppleton Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Poppy Avi 4.5 4.0 Poppy and Rye Avi 4.3 5.0 Popsicle Journal, The Trembath, Don 4.4 5.0 Populations and Ecosystems Glass, Susan 6.0 1.0 ¡Por la gran cuchara de cuerno! Fleischman, Sid 5.1 6.0 Porcupines Webster, Christine 4.2 0.5 6.9 1.0 Porsche: Fast and Beautiful (Car Classics) Haines, Shirley/Harry 27852 EN 18085 EN 135326 EN 6498 EN 118425 EN 63556 EN 6026 EN 48512 EN 29834 EN 24570 EN 70 EN 490 EN 28546 EN 88222 EN 83021 EN 76066 EN 15850 EN 83042 EN 52909 EN 61193 EN 5034 EN 11435 EN Portland Trail Blazers (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.3 1.0 Portugal (Cultures of the World) Heale, Jay 9.1 4.0 Portuguese Water Dogs Wheeler, Jill C. 4.0 0.5 Possum Magic Fox, Mem 3.0 0.5 Post-War United States (1945-Early 1970s) Gitlin, Marty 7.7 2.0 Pot That Juan Built, The Andrews-Goebel, Nancy 6.2 0.5 Potato Kid, The Corcoran, Barbara 4.1 6.0 Power of UN, The Etchemendy, Nancy 4.8 5.0 Prairie (Ecosystems of North America), The Ormsby, Alison 7.5 1.0 Prairie Meeting Baxter, Linda 3.5 1.0 Prairie School Prairie Songs Lenski, Lois Conrad, Pam 4.0 5.3 7.0 5.0 Prayer for Owen Meany, A Irving, John 7.7 42.0 Precipitation (Science Matters) Purslow, Frances 4.5 0.5 Premonitions Watson, Jude 3.8 7.0 Prepositions (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.9 0.5 Present from Aunt Skidoo, The Elliott, Jane 3.5 0.5 President's Daughter, The Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker 3.9 5.0 Presidential Pet "Tails" Muldoon, Kathleen M. 3.5 1.0 Presidents' Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.1 0.5 Pressure Play Hughes, Dean 3.6 1.0 Pressure Play Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 29500 EN 102674 EN 1455 EN 714 EN 68627 SP 518 EN 634 EN 104732 EN 13638 EN 17545 EN 57421 EN 577 EN 44873 EN 66430 EN 131626 EN 6339 EN 77012 EN 11436 EN 23626 EN 41124 EN 71118 EN 44391 EN Pretender, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Pretties Westerfeld, Scott 5.7 13.0 Prickly and Soft Animals Behm, Barbara J. 2.2 0.5 Pride and Prejudice (Unabridged) Austen, Jane 12.0 27.0 primer invierno de Luis, el cardenal, El Johnson, Amy Crane 3.2 0.5 Prince and the Pauper (Abridged), The Prince Caspian Twain, Mark Lewis, C.S. 9.3 5.7 12.0 7.0 Princess Academy Hale, Shannon 6.0 10.0 Princess and Curdie (Claremont), The MacDonald, George 8.2 10.0 Princess and the Pea-ano, The Thaler, Mike 2.7 0.5 Princess and the Pizza, The Auch, Mary Jane 4.2 0.5 Princess Ashley Peck, Richard 4.8 7.0 Princess Diaries, The Cabot, Meg 5.7 9.0 Princess Furball Huck, Charlotte 4.7 0.5 Princess Hyacinth (The Surprising Tale of Heide, Florence Parry a Girl Who Floated) 3.4 0.5 Princess in the Pigpen, The Thomas, Jane Resh 4.9 4.0 Princess Knight, The Funke, Cornelia 4.3 0.5 Princess Megan Magraw, Trisha 5.3 1.0 Princess Smartypants Cole, Babette 3.6 0.5 Princess Test Levine, Gail Carson 4.0 1.0 Princess & the Pauper, The Brian, Kate 5.1 10.0 Princess & the Pea, The Trussell-Cullen, Alan 2.6 0.5 6236 EN 123 SP 49722 EN 81841 EN 82659 EN 24047 EN 51142 EN 781 EN 16720 EN 8582 EN 44964 EN 77849 EN 76067 EN 78015 EN 109458 EN 16687 EN 59034 EN 15380 EN 27415 EN 24050 EN 104013 EN 104045 EN Principal's New Clothes, The Calmenson, Stephanie 3.2 0.5 principito, El Saint-Exupery, Antoine de 5.0 2.0 Prisons: Inside the Big House Hjelmeland, Andy 9.2 3.0 Private Peaceful Morpurgo, Michael 5.2 7.0 Privilege of Youth: A Teenager's Story...Friendship, The Pelzer, Dave 6.9 9.0 Pro Stock Car Racing Mara, William P. 4.7 0.5 Pro Stock Cars (Wild Rides!) Dubois, Muriel L. 4.4 0.5 Probably Still Nick Swansen Wolff, Virginia Euwer 4.6 6.0 Profiles in Courage Kennedy, John F. 11.4 13.0 Promise, The Westall, Robert 5.0 7.0 Promise, The Koller, Jackie French 3.8 1.0 Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed America Robinson, Sharon 7.0 2.0 Pronouns (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.6 0.5 Prophecy of the Stones, The Bujor, Flavia 6.3 12.0 Prophecy, The Bell, Hilari 4.9 5.0 Prophets of the Dark Side Davids, Paul/Hollace 6.6 3.0 Protecting Wildlife (Our World Our Future) Dalgleish, Sharon 5.6 1.0 Przewalski's Horse Wilcox, Charlotte 4.3 0.5 PS I Love You, Gramps Jones, Linley 3.8 0.5 PT Boats (Land and Sea) Green, Michael 4.4 0.5 Ptolemy's Gate Stroud, Jonathan 5.7 20.0 Public Enemies Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 82282 EN 12792 EN 13374 EN 47311 EN 11 SP 7839 EN 18086 EN 24784 EN 58594 EN 7238 EN 67826 EN 103231 EN 73358 EN 42649 EN 14482 EN 72880 EN 121630 EN 14143 EN 698 EN 9335 EN 635 EN 18491 EN Public Enemy Number Two Horowitz, Anthony 4.1 6.0 Pudd'nhead Wilson Twain, Mark 8.3 9.0 Pueblo (Native American People), The D'Apice, Mary 7.4 1.0 Pueblo Storyteller Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane 5.2 1.0 puente hasta Terabithia, Un Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 Puerto Rico (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.3 3.0 Puerto Rico (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 8.9 4.0 Puerto Rico (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.7 1.0 Pulleys Walker, Sally M. 3.6 0.5 Pumpkin Pumpkin Titherington, Jeanne 2.4 0.5 Punctuation Takes a Vacation Pulver, Robin 3.9 0.5 Punished! Lubar, David 3.6 1.0 Pupniks: The Story of Two Space Dogs Lubka, S. Ruth 4.9 0.5 Puppets Burkholder, Kelly 3.0 0.5 Puppies, Dogs and Blue Northers Paulsen, Gary 6.0 2.0 Puppy for Bobby, A Sargent, Dave/Pat 1.0 0.5 Puppy Power Cox, Judy 2.9 1.0 Purely Rosie Pearl Cochrane, Patricia A. 5.2 5.0 Purple Climbing Days Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 1.0 Purple Is Part of a Rainbow Kowalczyk, Carolyn 1.1 0.5 Pushcart War, The Merrill, Jean 6.5 6.0 Pyramid Macaulay, David 7.5 1.0 17238 EN 14878 EN 10584 EN 47474 EN 36676 EN 107041 EN 143316 EN 40715 EN 133 EN 682 EN 5437 EN 11734 EN 1456 EN 56775 EN 61526 EN 66758 EN 87605 EN 47419 EN 379 SP 18395 SP 106822 EN 28261 EN Pyramid (Eyewitness) Putnam, James 7.4 1.0 Quake! Cottonwood, Joe 4.0 4.0 Quarter Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 5.1 0.5 Queen Latifah Ruth, Amy 7.0 3.0 Queen of Attolia, The Turner, Megan Whalen 6.7 14.0 Queen of Babble Cabot, Meg 4.8 12.0 Queen of the Falls Van Allsburg, Chris 5.7 1.0 Queen's Own Fool Yolen/Harris 6.0 12.0 Queenie Peavy Quentin Corn Burch, Robert Stolz, Mary 5.6 4.8 5.0 4.0 Quest for Queenie, The Ball, Brian 4.1 1.0 Question of Trust, A Bauer, Marion Dane 5.1 4.0 Quick and Slow Animals Behm, Barbara J. 2.0 0.5 Quick as a Cricket Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Quicksand (Wonders of the World) Hirschmann, Kris 6.7 1.0 Quid Pro Quo Grant, Vicki 4.8 6.0 Quidditch Through the Ages Rowling, J.K. 8.2 2.0 ¿Quién cuenta las estrellas? Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 ¿Quién es de aquí? Knight, Margy Burns 5.3 0.5 Quillan Games, The MacHale, D.J. 4.7 22.0 Quinceanera: Celebrating Fifteen King, Elizabeth 6.4 1.0 63095 EN 6008 EN 125437 EN 19590 EN 67417 EN 71 EN 116296 EN 4151 EN 4942 EN 5035 EN 116297 EN 109646 EN 129427 EN 57352 EN 74173 EN 27805 EN 131500 EN 31378 EN 76852 EN 28769 EN 5036 EN Qwerty Stevens, Stuck in Time with Benjamin Franklin Gutman, Dan 5.2 4.0 R-T, Margaret & the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie 4.2 7.0 Rabbit Foran, Jill 5.2 1.0 Rabbit and the Moon Wood, Douglas 3.8 0.5 Rabbit for You: Caring for Your Rabbit, A Blackaby, Susan 2.4 0.5 Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert 6.4 3.0 Rabbits Bekkering, Annalise 3.8 0.5 Rabbits in Space Noonan, Diana 1.9 0.5 Rabbits (Naturebooks) Sharth, Sharon 3.7 0.5 Rabble Starkey Lowry, Lois 5.3 7.0 Raccoons Hurtig, Jennifer 3.9 0.5 Raccoons (New Naturebooks) Merrick, Patrick 4.7 0.5 Race Across America, The Stilton, Geronimo 4.0 1.0 Race Car Drivers: Life on the Fast Track Cefrey, Holly 6.3 1.0 Race for the Sky:The Kitty Hawk Diaries of Johnny Moore Gutman, Dan 5.4 6.0 Race to Space (Giant Leaps), The Kallen, Stuart A. 6.7 1.0 Racecars: The Ins and Outs of Stock Cars...and Open-Wheelers McCollum, Sean 4.9 1.0 Racecourse for Andy, A Wrightson, Patricia 5.1 6.0 Landau, Elaine 7.4 1.0 Ravage, Barbara 8.8 4.0 Pitts, Paul 4.4 5.0 Rachel Carson and the Environmental Movement Rachel Carson: Protecting Our Environment Racing the Sun 19726 EN 683 EN 5037 EN 25064 EN 6340 EN 53848 EN 29869 EN 7020 EN 80741 EN 12735 EN 15586 EN 31891 EN 6990 EN 9336 EN 81113 EN 87381 EN 16646 EN 8091 EN 109459 EN 47201 EN 79115 EN Racing to Disaster Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 Racso and the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie 5.0 8.0 Radio Fifth Grade Korman, Gordon 4.7 5.0 Rage of Fire Skurzynski/Ferguson 4.8 4.0 Ragtime Tumpie Schroeder, Alan 4.2 0.5 Raiders and Traders Ganeri, Anita 4.6 0.5 Railroad (Life in the Old West), The Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Rain Catchers, The Thesman, Jean 4.1 6.0 Rain Dance Farley, Terri 5.4 5.0 Rain Forest (Images) George, Michael 6.8 0.5 Rain Forests (Endangered People and Places) Oldfield, Sara 7.1 1.0 Rain Makes Applesauce Scheer, Julian 2.5 0.5 Rain Player Wisniewski, David 3.8 0.5 Rain! Rain! Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Rain (Weather Around You) Ganeri, Anita 3.0 0.5 Raina's Story McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 6.0 Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! Pfister/James 3.7 0.5 Rainbow Valley Montgomery, L.M. 7.6 14.0 Rainbow Wand, The Rodda, Emily 4.6 2.0 Rainforest (Biomes of the World) Ricciuti, Edward R. 7.6 2.0 Rainy Days with Bear Hull, Maureen 1.9 0.5 12793 EN 138577 EN 81927 EN 336 EN 72 EN 491 EN 186 EN 134 EN 32142 EN 285 EN 492 EN 29068 EN 6341 EN 48441 EN 5283 EN 131487 EN 29284 EN 105865 EN 73 EN 73 SP 45881 EN 182 SP 124934 EN 10686 EN 6677 EN Raisin in the Sun (Unfilmed Original Screenplay), A Hansberry, Lorraine 4.9 6.0 Raising Rabbits Armentrout, David 4.7 0.5 Rakkety Tam Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 Ralph S. Mouse Ramona and Her Father Ramona and Her Mother Ramona Forever Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 5.1 5.2 4.8 4.8 5.6 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 Ramona's World Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 Ramona the Brave Ramona the Pest Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 4.9 5.1 3.0 4.0 Ranching Wrobel, Scott 6.8 0.5 Randall's Wall Fenner, Carol 4.6 2.0 Randy Moss (Sports Superstars) Temple, Bob 5.1 0.5 Ransom Duncan, Lois 4.9 7.0 Ransom Note Blues, The Santopolo, Jill 4.5 3.0 Rapunzel Zelinsky, Paul O. 4.6 0.5 Rapunzel, the One with All the Hair Mass, Wendy 5.1 6.0 Rascal Rascal, mi tremendo mapache North, Sterling North, Sterling 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 Rat Teeth Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.4 3.0 ratoncito de la moto, El Cleary, Beverly 5.1 4.0 Rats Chancellor, Deborah 5.2 1.0 Rats on the Range Marshall, James 4.0 1.0 Rats, Spiders and Love Pryor, Bonnie 4.1 3.0 24571 EN 59323 EN 7642 EN 89053 EN 71264 EN 66532 EN 29683 EN 128143 EN 47420 EN 58065 EN 27937 EN 28919 EN 28921 EN 34746 EN 8984 EN 286 EN 72386 EN 18829 EN 51294 EN 519 EN 70399 EN 55842 EN Rattlesnake Necklace, The Baxter, Linda 3.6 1.0 Rattlesnakes (Wildlife Ed.) Brust/Dorn 5.9 0.5 Raven McDermott, Gerald 2.5 0.5 Raven's Gate Horowitz, Anthony 4.4 10.0 Ravenmaster's Secret: Escape from the Tower of London, The Woodruff, Elvira 5.2 7.0 Ray Charles Mathis, Sharon Bell 4.3 1.0 Ray Charles: Voice of Soul Ritz, David 7.6 4.0 Ray & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 4.0 Reach for the Stars Mazer, Anne 4.1 2.0 Reach for Tomorrow McDaniel, Lurlene 4.4 5.0 Reaching Dustin Grove, Vicki 5.6 7.0 Read for Your Life Read-Magazine-Editors 5.6 5.0 Read into the Millenium Read-Magazine-Editors 4.7 4.0 Real American Girls Hoobler, Dorothy/Thomas 5.7 2.0 Real Ghosts Cohen, Daniel 5.6 2.0 Real Thief, The Steig, William 6.1 1.0 Reality Bug, The MacHale, D.J. 4.5 15.0 Realms of the Gods, The Pierce, Tamora 5.9 10.0 Reasons for Seasons, The Gibbons, Gail 4.2 0.5 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Wiggin, Kate Douglas 8.1 13.0 Rebel Roberts, Willo Davis 5.8 6.0 Recess Queen, The O'Neill, Alexis 3.0 0.5 9790 EN 74949 EN 13641 EN 7021 EN 68141 EN 6394 EN 6375 EN 76356 EN 16566 EN 82252 EN 122453 EN 26484 EN 5284 EN 102693 EN 89429 EN 68585 EN 60015 EN 5038 EN 17835 EN 59488 EN 7129 EN Rechenka's Eggs Polacco, Patricia 4.0 0.5 Records and Oddities Hopkins, John 5.7 1.0 Red Badge of Courage (Bloomsbury), The Crane, Stephen 8.0 8.0 Red Cap Wisler, G. Clifton 5.4 6.0 Red Card Hale/LaBrot 4.9 4.0 Red-Dirt Jessie Myers, Anna 4.2 3.0 Red Dog Wallace, Bill 4.4 5.0 Red Feather Filly Farley, Terri 5.1 6.0 Red Hawk and the Sky Sisters Dominic, Gloria 4.5 0.5 Red Kayak Cummings, Priscilla 4.9 8.0 Red Necklace, The Gardner, Sally 5.8 14.0 Red Pandas (Naturebooks) Rutten, Joshua 3.7 0.5 Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John 6.1 6.0 Red Rider's Hood Shusterman, Neal 4.8 7.0 Red Ridin' in the Hood: And Other Cuentos Marcantonio, Patricia Santos 4.4 4.0 Red Riding Hood Marshall, James 3.2 0.5 Red Rose Box, The Woods, Brenda 4.9 5.0 Red Sails to Capri Weil, Ann 3.4 4.0 Red Scarf Girl Jiang, Ji-li 5.0 8.0 Red-Tail Angels: The Story of the Tuskegee Airmen...World War II McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 9.3 5.0 Redwall Jacques, Brian 5.6 16.0 53618 EN 64916 EN 19727 EN 42929 SP 18345 SP 109353 EN 27919 EN 117252 EN 103300 EN 5537 EN 287 EN 5285 EN 20700 EN 6626 EN 7022 EN 6678 EN 58543 EN 60559 SP 68621 EN 493 EN 110604 EN 46314 EN Redwall Winter's Tale, A Jacques, Brian 4.9 1.0 Redwood (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Kras, Sara Louise 5.4 1.0 Reel Thrills Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 5.0 regalo de Navidad, El Jiménez, Francisco 4.5 0.5 regalo de Papá Diego, Un Sáenz, Benjamin Alire 3.8 0.5 Klise, Kate 6.1 4.0 Klise, Kate 5.8 2.0 Klise, Kate 6.0 3.0 Klise, Kate 5.9 3.0 Relatives Came, The Rylant, Cynthia 4.1 0.5 Reluctant Dragon, The Grahame, Kenneth 6.5 1.0 Reluctant God, The Service, Pamela F. 6.3 9.0 Reluctant Pitcher, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Reluctantly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 6.0 Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 9.0 Remarkable Voyages of Captain Cook, The Blumberg, Rhoda 8.2 4.0 Rembrandt's Hat Blackaby, Susan 2.4 0.5 remedios de mi nana, Los Rivera-Ashford, Roni Capin 2.9 0.5 Remember Me? Glass, Sue 3.4 0.5 Remember Me to Harold Square Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 Remember the Alamo Temple, Teri 6.5 1.0 Remember the Ladies: 100 Great American Women Harness, Cheryl 7.2 1.0 Regarding the Bathrooms: A Privy to the Past Regarding the Fountain: A Tale in Letters, of Liars, and Leaks Regarding the Sink: Where, Oh Where, Did Waters Go? Regarding the Trees: A Splintered Saga Rooted in Secrets 14966 EN 578 EN 13738 EN 65689 EN 7744 EN 101800 EN 77860 EN 63439 EN 17240 EN 41286 EN 117410 EN 7121 EN 7199 EN 75126 EN 46860 EN 74 EN 74937 EN 13433 EN 13435 EN 2238 EN 103380 EN 10687 EN Remembering Mog Rodowsky, Colby 5.5 6.0 Remembering the Good Times Peck, Richard 4.5 6.0 Renaissance and the New World, The Caselli, Giovanni 8.5 2.0 Renegade, The Farley, Terri 5.1 7.0 Rent a Third Grader Hiller, B.B. 4.3 3.0 Replay Creech, Sharon 4.2 4.0 Report Card, The Clements, Andrew 4.9 5.0 Report to the Principal's Office Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 4.0 Reptile (Eyewitness) McCarthy, Colin 7.6 1.0 Reptile Room, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Reptiles Snedden, Robert 6.2 1.0 Rescue Meltzer, Milton 7.7 7.0 Rescue Josh McGuire Mikaelsen, Ben 4.4 9.0 Rescue, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 Rescue, The Sparks, Nicholas 5.4 15.0 Rescuers, The Sharp, Margery 6.3 4.0 Respiratory System, The Glass, Susan 6.1 1.0 6.1 6.0 5.5 6.0 Retold American Classics (Vol. I) Retold Classic Myths (Vol. I) Perfection-LearningEditorial Perfection-LearningEditorial Retold Classic Myths (Vol. III) Uhls, Jim 5.1 5.0 Return of Buddy Bush, The Moses, Shelia P. 4.6 4.0 Return of Rinaldo, the Sly Fox, The Scheffler, Ursel 3.4 0.5 16598 EN 18744 EN 11437 EN 132029 EN 383 EN 5286 EN 9622 EN 56400 EN 384 EN 59059 EN 44172 EN 35629 EN 25231 EN 6484 EN 75021 EN 36460 EN 8543 EN 12626 EN 118426 EN 64496 EN 43682 EN 34685 EN Return of the Eagle, The Buchanan, Paul 4.5 1.0 Return of the Great Brain, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.5 6.0 Return of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt 4.7 4.0 Return of the Homework Machine Gutman, Dan 4.7 4.0 Return of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 5.0 Return of the King, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.2 22.0 Return of the Mummy Stine, R.L. 3.8 3.0 Return of the Vampire, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.9 5.0 Return to Bitter Creek Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.8 6.0 Return to Del Rodda, Emily 4.9 4.0 Return to Ghost Camp Stine, R.L. 2.6 2.0 Return to Gone-Away Enright, Elizabeth 5.8 6.0 Return to Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. 7.4 7.0 Return to Howliday Inn Howe, James 5.8 3.0 Revealers, The Wilhelm, Doug 3.7 7.0 Revenge of the Dragon Lady McMullan, K.H. 3.1 1.0 Revenge of the Wizard's Ghost, The Bellairs, John 5.8 5.0 Revolting Reptiles (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 5.2 0.5 Lüsted, Marcia Amidon 8.1 2.0 Beller, Susan Provost 8.9 3.0 Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.5 1.0 Reward for Josefina, A Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Revolution and the New Nation (1750Early 1800s) Revolutionary War (American Voices From), The 59324 EN 7840 EN 24785 EN 78846 EN 7745 EN 187 EN Rhinos (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.7 0.5 Rhode Island (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.7 3.0 Rhode Island (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.1 1.0 Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 6.0 Ribsy Cleary, Beverly 5.0 4.0 Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.5 2.0 Lillegard, Dee 7.4 2.0 Frankl, Ron 7.8 2.0 Miller, William 4.0 0.5 Weber, Jane 5.1 0.5 Kehret, Peg 4.1 2.0 Mata, Marta 2.5 0.5 Jensen, Dorothea 5.4 7.0 Simon, Seymour 6.1 0.5 Ryan, Pam Muñoz 4.5 3.0 Otfinoski, Steven 4.0 0.5 Baglio, Ben M. 5.3 4.0 Hicks, Kelli 5.6 0.5 Paulsen, Gary 6.8 3.0 Keith, Harold 6.1 14.0 Robins, Eleanor 2.5 1.0 Chancey, Pam 6.3 1.0 Rich Mitch Richard Nixon (Encyclopedia of 886 EN Presidents) 17374 Richard Petty (Race Car Legends) EN 21304 Richard Wright and the Library Card EN 68628 Riches of Rangoberra, The EN 11489 Richest Kids in Town, The EN 41983 Ricitos de oro y los tres osos SP 5039 Riddle of Penncroft Farm, The EN 18493 Ride the Wind: Airborne Journeys of EN Animals and Plants 27747 Riding Freedom EN 24474 Riding the Rails: Trains Then and Now EN 63666 Riding the Storm EN 133239 Riding Waverunners EN 14483 Rifle, The EN 75 EN Rifles for Watie 77981 Right Kind of Win, The EN 83954 Right Moves: Preparing for Dance EN Competitions, The 8092 EN 10688 EN 135 EN 54488 EN 14484 EN 32736 EN 87142 EN 112568 EN 75834 EN 6376 EN 58241 EN 73789 EN 54873 EN 40205 EN 115640 EN 24051 EN 6238 EN 27402 EN 7023 EN 74933 EN 24504 EN Rilla of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 7.9 16.0 Rinaldo, the Sly Fox Scheffler, Ursel 4.1 0.5 Ring of Endless Light, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.2 11.0 Ringo Saves the Day! Clements, Andrew 1.9 0.5 Rio Grande Stories Meyer, Carolyn 6.0 7.0 Rip Van Winkle Irving/Moses 6.6 1.0 Rise of a Hero Bell, Hilari 6.4 18.0 Rise of the Black Wolf, The Benz, Derek 6.1 12.0 Rising Storm Hunter, Erin 6.1 11.0 Risk N' Roses Slepian, Jan 4.2 6.0 River at Green Knowe, The Boston, L.M. 5.9 5.0 River Between Us, The Peck, Richard 4.9 5.0 River of Blue Fire Williams, Tad 6.9 44.0 River of Life Miller, Debbie S. 3.4 0.5 River of Wind, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 River Patrol Boats (Land and Sea) Green, Michael 4.7 0.5 River Ran Wild, A Cherry, Lynne 4.7 0.5 River Runners Belcher, Angie 4.2 0.5 River, The Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 Rivers Hurwitz, Jane 6.0 1.0 Rivers Owen, Andy 2.8 0.5 89886 EN 243 EN 42791 EN 5953 EN 25476 EN 53962 EN 110129 EN 75123 EN 2355 EN 70869 EN 80499 EN 58141 EN 8333 EN 136102 EN 74551 EN 520 EN 53070 EN 4862 EN 46432 EN 37005 EN 139575 EN 2680 EN Rivers of Zadaa, The MacHale, D.J. 4.5 18.0 Road from Home, The Kherdian, David 5.7 9.0 Road to Camlann, The Sutcliff, Rosemary 6.8 6.0 Road to Memphis, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.5 12.0 Road to Nowhere Pike, Christopher 4.3 8.0 Road to Oz, The Baum, L. Frank 7.2 7.0 Road to Paris, The Grimes, Nikki 4.3 4.0 Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Roanoke: The Lost Colony Coleman, Brooke 4.9 0.5 Roanoke: The Lost Colony: An Unsolved Yolen, Jane Mystery from History 5.6 0.5 Roar of the Crowd, The Wallace, Rich 4.2 2.0 Robert and the Great Pepperoni Seuling, Barbara 3.4 1.0 Roberto Clemente Gilbert, Thomas 7.2 4.0 Roberto & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Robin Hood (Abridged) Creswick/Wyeth 5.9 2.0 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel 12.3 27.0 Robots Don't Catch Chicken Pox Dadey/Jones 4.2 1.0 Rock Climbing (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 6.5 1.0 Rock Climbing (Radical Sports) Champion, Neil 6.1 1.0 Rock Climbing (World of Sports) Ryan, Pat 7.2 1.0 Rock Cycle (Earth Science), The Ostopowich, Melanie 5.3 0.5 Rock & Ice Climbing! Top the Tower Roberts, Jeremy 5.6 1.0 15083 EN 82217 EN 14784 EN 139573 EN 40227 EN 132424 EN 104667 EN 125620 EN 125623 EN 125625 EN 15084 EN 101385 EN 136 EN 76 EN 13324 EN 14392 EN 11127 EN 11128 EN 18035 EN 64917 EN Rock Jockeys, The Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 Rocks and Minerals Karpelenia, Jenny 6.1 1.0 Rocks and Minerals (Eyewitness) Symes, R.F. 8.3 1.0 Rocks (Earth Science) Ostopowich, Melanie 5.0 0.5 Rocks & Fossils (Nature Company Guides) Editors, Time-Life 11.4 14.0 Rocks, Minerals, and Soil Meredith, Susan Markowitz 5.2 0.5 Rocky Mountain National Park Hall, Margaret 3.7 0.5 Rodeo Barrel Racers Stone, Lynn M. 5.8 0.5 Rodeo Ropers Stone, Lynn M. 5.6 0.5 Rodeo, The Stone, Lynn M. 6.3 0.5 Rodomonte's Revenge Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 Roll Call Rose, Malcolm 4.9 6.0 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Roller Skates Rolls-Royce: Leader in Luxury (Car Classics) Roman Empire and the Dark Ages (History of Everyday Things), The Taylor, Mildred D. Sawyer, Ruth 5.7 6.3 10.0 8.0 Craven, Linda/Jerry 6.6 1.0 Caselli, Giovanni 8.4 2.0 Roman Fort, A MacDonald, Fiona 7.6 1.0 Roman Villa, A Morley, Jacqueline 6.8 1.0 Romania (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 10.3 4.0 7.8 1.0 5.4 3.0 6.7 3.0 Rome (Reading Essentials in Social Lobell, Jarrett A. Studies) Romeo and Juliet Together (and Alive) at 494 EN Avi Last 21131 Ron Howard: Child Star & Hollywood Kramer, Barbara EN Director 5538 EN 889 EN 14080 EN 18786 EN 15103 EN 5380 EN 5040 EN 106750 EN 17546 EN 5080 EN 8671 EN 5081 EN 102969 EN 14693 EN 86499 EN 32594 EN 138660 EN 21314 SP 28889 EN 21292 EN 62973 EN Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Giff, Patricia Reilly 1.9 0.5 Kent, Zachary 7.7 2.0 Robbins, Neal E. 8.8 6.0 Ronia, The Robber's Daughter Lindgren, Astrid 5.6 7.0 Rookie Arrives, The Dygard, Thomas J. 5.2 6.0 Rookie of the Year Tunis, John R. 5.0 6.0 Rookie Star Hughes, Dean 3.9 2.0 Room One: A Mystery or Two Clements, Andrew 5.1 4.0 Rooster's Off to See the World Carle, Eric 3.3 0.5 Root Cellar, The Lunn, Janet 5.2 10.0 Roots Haley, Alex 7.4 48.0 Roots in the Outfield Zirpoli, Jane 3.7 4.0 Rosa Giovanni, Nikki 4.9 0.5 Rosa Parks Greenfield, Eloise 4.0 0.5 Rosa Parks Mara, Wil 2.5 0.5 Rosa Parks (Journey to Freedom) Summer, L.S. 4.8 1.0 Rosa's Bus: The Ride to Civil Rights Kittinger, Jo S. 4.6 0.5 Rosaura en bicicleta Barbot, Daniel 2.7 0.5 Roscoe: A North American Moose Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.3 1.0 Rose Blanche Innocenti et al., Roberto 3.2 0.5 Rose for Melinda, A McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 5.0 Ronald Reagan (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Ronald W. Reagan: 40th President of the United States 51490 EN 78608 EN 29678 EN 59439 EN 73323 EN 685 EN 15382 EN 131393 EN 6140 EN 60044 EN 17836 EN 31028 EN 73395 EN 22372 EN 18591 EN 58913 EN 49788 EN 89146 EN 22373 EN 105172 EN 5082 EN Rose in Bloom Alcott, Louisa May 8.6 17.0 Rose's Story Tamar, Erika 4.2 5.0 Roseanne (Overcoming Adversity) Gaines, Ann Graham 8.2 4.0 Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat 0.6 0.5 Rosie Stories, The Voigt, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Rosy's Romance Greenwald, Sheila 3.8 1.0 Rottweiler, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.7 0.5 Rottweilers Gagne, Tammy 4.6 0.5 Rough-Face Girl, The Martin, Rafe 4.0 0.5 Roughing It Twain, Mark 9.8 30.0 Roughnecks Cochran, Thomas 4.8 9.0 Round and Round the Money Goes Berger, Melvin/Gilda 3.2 0.5 Rowan and the Ice Creepers Rodda, Emily 5.4 8.0 Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal Rodda, Emily 4.5 5.0 Rowan and the Travelers Rodda, Emily 4.4 4.0 Rowan and the Zebak Rodda, Emily 5.1 6.0 Rowan Hood: Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest Springer, Nancy 5.2 5.0 Rowan Hood Returns: The Final Chapter Springer, Nancy 5.6 5.0 Rowan of Rin Rodda, Emily 4.7 5.0 Roxie and the Hooligans Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.3 2.0 Royal Pain, A Conford, Ellen 4.7 5.0 8327 EN 70201 EN 58208 EN 59850 EN 43040 EN 94 SP 59566 EN 47421 EN 89662 EN 123695 EN 106154 EN 25068 EN 782 EN 44303 EN 75706 EN 109202 EN 121379 EN 65673 EN 5041 EN 8544 EN 29337 EN 5287 EN Ruben Blades Marton, Betty 8.8 4.0 Ruby Electric Nelson, Theresa 4.4 8.0 Ruby Holler Creech, Sharon 4.3 6.0 Ruby's Beauty Shop Wells, Rosemary 2.2 0.5 Rudy: A Bobcat Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.4 1.0 rueda en el tejado, Una De Jong, Meindert 4.7 10.0 Rufferella Gill-Brown, Vanessa 3.7 0.5 Rufus M. Estes, Eleanor 5.2 8.0 Ruins of Gorlan, The Flanagan, John 7.0 12.0 Rule the Schooll Knudson, Mike 4.3 3.0 Rules Lord, Cynthia 3.9 4.0 Rules of the Road Bauer, Joan 5.0 6.0 Rumble Fish Hinton, S.E. 4.1 3.0 Rumpelstiltskin Problem, The Vande Velde, Vivian 5.7 4.0 Rumply Crumply Stinky Pin: Seriously Silly Stories Anholt, Laurence 4.6 0.5 Runaway Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.7 9.0 Runaway Friend: A Kirsten Mystery, The Ernst, Kathleen 4.5 4.0 Runaway Racehorse, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Runaway Ralph Cleary, Beverly 5.3 4.0 Runaway to Freedom Smucker, Barbara 5.0 5.0 Runaways, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.4 10.0 Runner, The Voigt, Cynthia 5.0 9.0 82090 EN 26719 EN 14775 EN 14531 EN 35033 EN 62567 EN 44921 EN 18036 EN 82232 EN Running for Office Hamilton, John 5.7 0.5 Running Girl: The Diary of Ebonee Rose Mathis, Sharon Bell 4.0 1.0 Running Loose Crutcher, Chris 5.2 7.0 Running out of Time Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 7.0 Running the Road to ABC Lauture, Denize 4.2 0.5 Runt Bauer, Marion Dane 4.8 3.0 Russell Sprouts Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 1.0 Russia (Cultures of the World) Torchinsky, Oleg 9.6 4.0 Mattern, Joanne 6.2 1.0 Kent, Zachary 7.3 2.0 Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker 3.5 3.0 White/Cunningham 5.4 11.0 Avi 3.6 2.0 Kurtz, Jane 5.4 5.0 Hesse, Karen 3.8 1.0 Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.0 2.0 Nix, Garth 7.3 9.0 Krensky, Stephen 3.0 0.5 Italia, Bob 7.1 1.0 Shore, Laura Jan 5.7 11.0 Coerr, Eleanor 4.1 1.0 Deegan, Paul J. 6.5 1.0 Russia (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Rutherford B. Hayes (Encyclopedia of 869 EN Presidents) 25055 Ruthie's Gift EN 6940 Ryan White: My Own Story EN 337 EN S.O.R. Losers 72267 Saba: Under the Hyena's Foot EN 12454 Sable EN 295 SP sabor a moras, Un 17837 Sabriel EN 65668 Sacagawea and the Bravest Deed EN 27846 Sacramento Kings (Inside the NBA) EN 5083 Sacred Moon Tree, The EN 436 EN Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes 4901 Saddam Hussein (War in the Gulf) EN 70099 EN 130079 EN 4867 EN 37006 EN 5540 EN 10793 EN 124935 EN 62665 EN 4477 EN 105278 EN 21133 EN 19994 EN 19994 SP 54636 EN 75424 EN 18062 EN 47824 EN 17734 EN 686 EN 15998 EN 84529 EN Sahara Special Codell, Esmé Raji 4.2 4.0 Sail! Can You Command a Sea Voyage? Bruce, Julia 5.7 1.0 Sailboarding (ActionSports Library) Italia, Bob 5.4 0.5 Sailing (World of Sports) Bach, Julie 6.6 1.0 Saint George and the Dragon Hodges, Margaret 5.6 0.5 Salamandastron Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 Salamanders Hibbert, Clare 6.0 1.0 MacBain, Jenny 8.1 2.0 Wilson, Lori Lee 8.8 4.0 Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen Best, Cari 4.3 0.5 Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space Camp, Carole Ann 8.1 3.0 Salsa Colón-Vilá, Lillian 2.7 0.5 Salsa (Spanish) Colón-Vilá, Lillian 2.5 0.5 Salsa Stories Delacre, Lulu 5.0 2.0 Saltwater Fishing Salas, Laura Purdie 4.7 0.5 Salvador (Cultures of the World), El Foley, Erin 10.6 3.0 Sam and the Firefly Eastman, P.D. 1.7 0.5 Sam and the Lucky Money Chinn, Karen 3.6 0.5 Sam, Bangs & Moonshine Ness, Evaline 3.6 0.5 Sam's Glasses Basser, Megan 4.0 0.5 Sam's Letters to Jennifer Patterson, James 4.7 6.0 Salem Witch Trials: A Primary Source History...Massachusetts, The Salem Witch Trials (How History Is Invented), The 46631 EN 54443 EN 26941 EN 78582 EN 495 EN 687 EN 34682 EN 61474 EN 68572 EN 44716 EN 48079 EN 28507 EN 34513 EN 61273 EN 32155 EN 28508 EN 115049 EN 29199 EN 32587 EN 12670 EN 6485 EN 47673 EN Sam's Pet Simon, Charnan 1.3 0.5 Sam Samurai Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 Sam the Garbage Hound Simon, Charnan 1.2 0.5 Sam Walton: Department Store Giant Dougherty, Terri 7.4 2.0 Samantha Learns a Lesson Samantha's Surprise Adler, Susan S. Schur, Maxine Rose 4.3 3.9 1.0 1.0 Samantha's Winter Party Tripp, Valerie 4.2 0.5 Same Stuff as Stars, The Paterson, Katherine 4.3 8.0 Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.3 9.0 4.6 8.0 4.9 9.0 Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Draanen, Wendelin Van Mary Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Draanen, Wendelin Van Mummy Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.6 6.0 Sammy Keyes and the Runaway Elf Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.4 7.0 Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.0 9.0 Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.2 8.0 Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.1 7.0 Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.4 10.0 Sammy Sosa Dougherty, Terri 5.0 0.5 Sammy Sosa (Sports Superstars) Flynn, Gabriel 4.5 0.5 Samuel Adams: Grandfather of His Country Farley, Karin Clafford 8.0 6.0 Samuel's Choice Berleth, Richard 4.4 1.0 Samurai Castle (Inside Story), A Macdonald, Fiona 7.2 1.0 106131 EN 27850 EN 36966 EN 27910 EN 27867 EN 100152 EN 36967 EN 27912 EN 116957 EN 40060 EN 27866 EN 120960 EN 11837 EN 106781 EN 45708 EN 31174 EN 9613 SP 17591 EN 36297 EN 83687 EN 83182 EN 5467 SP Samurai Shortstop Gratz, Alan 4.9 9.0 San Antonio Spurs (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.6 1.0 San Diego Chargers Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 San Diego Chargers, The Italia, Bob 5.9 1.0 San Diego Padres (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.4 1.0 San Francisco 49ers LeBoutillier, Nate 2.7 0.5 San Francisco 49ers Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 San Francisco 49ers, The Italia, Bob 5.6 1.0 San Francisco 49ers, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 San Francisco Adventure Mullin, Penn 3.2 1.0 San Francisco Giants (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 6.4 1.0 San Francisco Giants, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Sand and Fog: Adventures in Southern Africa Brandenburg, Jim 7.3 1.0 Sand Dollar Summer Jones, Kimberly K. 4.6 6.0 Sandry's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.5 9.0 Sang Spell Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.2 7.0 Sangre de monstruo Stine, R.L. 4.1 3.0 Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors Dadey, Debbie 3.6 1.0 Santa Claus from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 3.8 0.5 Santa Paws and the New Puppy Edwards, Nicholas 5.9 5.0 Santa's Stuck Greene, Rhonda Gowler 2.0 0.5 Sapo y Sepo, inseparables Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 6116 SP 5512 SP 385 EN 137 EN 137 SP 25237 EN 103588 EN 14588 EN 11388 EN 121961 EN 47381 EN 77 EN 28718 EN 18037 EN 117430 EN 6342 EN 6438 EN 68682 EN 13991 EN 55023 EN 17789 EN 61803 EN 64984 EN 579 EN Sapo y Sepo son amigos Sapo y Sepo, un año entero Sarah Bishop Sarah, Plain and Tall Sarah, sencilla y alta Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold O'Dell, Scott MacLachlan, Patricia MacLachlan, Patricia 2.9 2.6 4.9 3.4 3.4 0.5 0.5 7.0 1.0 1.0 Sarny: A Life Remembered Paulsen, Gary 4.6 5.0 Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Satchel Paige: The Best Arm in Baseball McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 3.6 0.5 Saturday Market Grossman, Patricia 4.2 0.5 Saturday Night Dirt Weaver, Will 4.7 5.0 Saturn (Planet Library) Kerrod, Robin 7.0 1.0 Saucepan Journey Unnerstad, Edith 5.6 8.0 Saudi Arabia (Country Fact Files) Honeyman, Susannah 7.5 1.0 Saudi Arabia (Cultures of the World) Janin, Hunt 9.0 4.0 Saudi Arabia (Smart Apple Media) Senker, Cath 7.4 1.0 Savage Sam Gipson, Fred 5.7 8.0 Save Queen of Sheba Moeri, Louise 5.8 4.0 Saving Grace Cummings, Priscilla 4.9 8.0 Saving Jessica McDaniel, Lurlene 4.5 4.0 Saving Lilly Kehret, Peg 5.1 5.0 Saving Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 6.0 Saxophones (Music Makers) Sharth, Sharon 3.8 0.5 Say Cheese, Medusa! McMullan, Kate 3.8 4.0 Say Goodnight, Gracie Deaver, Julie Reece 3.8 6.0 74595 EN 12488 EN 35264 EN 78988 EN 89887 EN 9624 EN 6681 EN 716 EN 544 EN 137681 EN 12628 EN 18787 EN 18788 EN 25470 EN 17592 EN 77709 EN 12311 EN 29934 EN 4395 EN 2490 EN 6289 EN 69219 EN Say What? Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.1 1.0 Saying Goodbye Lee, Marie G. 4.9 7.0 Saying It Out Loud Abelove, Joan 3.5 4.0 Scarebird, The Fleischman, Sid 3.9 0.5 Scarecrow and His Servant, The Pullman, Philip 5.3 6.0 Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, The Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Scariest Night, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 5.0 Scarlet Letter (Unabridged), The Scarlet Pimpernel (Unabridged), The Hawthorne, Nathaniel Orczy, B. Emma 11.7 8.0 14.0 15.0 Scary Folktales Kopp, Megan 4.1 0.5 Scary Spiders (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 5.3 0.5 Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Schwartz, Alvin Bones 4.3 2.0 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.1 1.0 Scavenger Hunt Pike, Christopher 4.5 8.0 Schernoff Discoveries, The Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 School at Crooked Creek, The Lawlor, Laurie 4.0 2.0 School for Pompey Walker, A Rosen, Michael J. 5.6 1.0 School from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 3.3 0.5 School in Grandma's Day Weber/Jenkins 5.1 0.5 School of Wizardry Doyle/Macdonald 5.9 5.0 School's Out Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 2.0 School Skeleton, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 29226 EN 11439 EN 35305 EN 50395 EN 116008 EN 5310 EN 18125 EN 49371 EN 80744 EN 83753 EN 73230 EN 74923 EN 86813 EN 42785 EN 386 EN 29690 EN 9043 EN 57920 EN 58595 EN 4861 EN 60938 EN School Spirit Hurwitz, Johanna 5.0 3.0 School Spirit Sabotage Levy, Elizabeth 3.9 1.0 School Spirits Tunnell, Michael O. 4.8 4.0 School Story, The Clements, Andrew 5.2 5.0 Schooled Korman, Gordon 4.9 6.0 Schoolhouse Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 3.0 Schoolmasters, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.1 1.0 Schoolyard Games (Hisotric Communities) Kalman/Levigne 5.5 1.0 Schwa Was Here, The Shusterman, Neal 5.0 9.0 Science Fair from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.8 0.5 Scooby-Doo! and the Howling Wolfman Gelsey, James 3.5 1.0 Scopes Trial, The Graves, Renee 8.1 1.0 Scorpia Horowitz, Anthony 5.0 12.0 Scorpion Shards Shusterman, Neal 6.1 10.0 Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean 3.7 6.0 Scott Hamilton (Overcoming Adversity) Brennan, Kristine 8.7 4.0 Scrambled Eggs Super! Seuss, Dr. 4.4 0.5 Scream Museum, The Zindel, Paul 5.6 5.0 Screws Walker, Sally M. 3.5 0.5 Scuba Diving (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 6.5 1.0 Sea Critters Earle, Sylvia A. 5.1 0.5 48682 EN 49590 EN 62073 EN 41398 EN 105933 EN 81202 EN 59325 EN 66058 EN 6627 EN 16512 EN 131799 EN 43041 EN 717 EN 6486 EN 59326 EN 68777 EN 59327 EN 29425 EN 783 EN 86519 EN 5042 EN 28633 EN Sea Feather Szymanski, Lois 4.5 2.0 Sea Horses (Nature Watch) Walker, Sally M. 6.3 1.0 Sea Lions Macken, JoAnn Early 1.3 0.5 Sea Monsters Don't Ride Motorcycles Dadey/Jones 4.0 1.0 Sea of Monsters, The Riordan, Rick 4.6 9.0 Sea of Trolls, The Farmer, Nancy 4.7 16.0 Sea Otters (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.9 0.5 Sea Serpents Don't Juggle Water Balloons Dadey/Jones 3.9 1.0 Sea Star Orphan of Chincoteague Henry, Marguerite 4.8 4.0 Sea Stars (Animals Without Bones) Cooper, Jason 3.8 0.5 Sea Turtles Rodriquez, Cindy 5.5 0.5 Sea Turtles: Creatures of Mystery Francis, Dorothy 2.9 0.5 Sea-Wolf (Unabridged), The London, Jack 8.1 18.0 Seabird Holling, Holling Clancy 5.1 2.0 Seabirds (Wildlife Ed.) Brust, Beth Wagner 6.2 0.5 Seabiscuit: An American Legend Hillenbrand, Laura 7.5 21.0 Seals and Sea Lions (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.3 0.5 6.0 9.0 4.7 5.0 Seaman: The Dog Who Explored the West Karwoski, Gail Langer with Lewis and Clark Seance, The Nixon, Joan Lowery Search for Belle Prater, The White, Ruth 4.8 5.0 Search for Delicious, The Babbitt, Natalie 5.4 4.0 Search for Gold, The Barber, Nicola 7.2 1.0 188 EN 28634 EN 28645 EN 32376 EN 28635 EN 14144 EN 28636 EN 74673 EN 28542 EN 24506 EN 17241 EN 11580 EN 17993 EN 100034 EN 74950 EN 27865 EN 36968 EN 27921 EN 27837 EN 55830 EN 54815 EN Search for Grissi, The Shura, Mary Francis 5.0 4.0 Search for Lost Cities, The Barber, Nicola 7.3 2.0 Search for Riches, The Langley, Andrew 6.2 1.0 Search for Snout, The Coville, Bruce 5.6 6.0 Search for Sunken Treasure, The Barber/Ganeri 7.4 2.0 Search for the Shadowman Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.9 4.0 Search for Tombs, The Ganeri, Anita 7.7 1.0 Searching for Anne Frank: Letters from Amsterdam to Iowa Rubin, Susan Goldman 6.8 5.0 Searching for Candlestick Park Kehret, Peg 4.5 5.0 Seas and Oceans Owen, Andy 3.1 0.5 Seashore (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Season for Goodbye, A McDaniel, Lurlene 4.4 5.0 Season of Comebacks, A Mackel, Kathy 3.8 3.0 Season of the Sandstorms Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Seasons and Patterns Hopkins, John 5.7 1.0 Seattle Mariners (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.3 1.0 Seattle Seahawks Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 Seattle Seahawks, The Italia, Bob 5.4 0.5 Seattle Supersonics (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 7.1 1.0 Second Escape of Arthur Cooper, The Stowe, Cynthia M. 3.6 3.0 Second-Grade Star Alberts, Nancy 3.1 2.0 68291 EN 8843 EN 116565 EN 40661 EN 67499 EN 19661 EN 5084 EN 26942 EN 11045 EN 78 EN 75663 EN 18690 EN 9641 EN 78525 EN 27748 EN 30691 EN 101387 EN 5043 EN 5641 EN 5682 EN 21572 EN Second Helpings McCafferty, Megan 5.7 16.0 Second Look, A Abbott, Jennie 4.0 1.0 Second-String Center Wallace, Rich 4.3 2.0 Second Stringer Dygard, Thomas J. 5.8 6.0 Second Summer of the Sisterhood, The Brashares, Ann 4.3 11.0 Secret at Solaire, The Keene, Carolyn 4.9 4.0 Secret City, U.S.A. Holman, Felice 4.8 8.0 Secret Code, The Rau, Dana Meachen 1.1 0.5 Secret Funeral of Slim Jim the Snake, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.8 4.0 Secret Garden, The Burnett, Frances Hodgson 6.3 13.0 Secret Identity Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.3 2.0 Secret in the Matchbox, The Willis, Val 3.1 0.5 Secret Keeper, The Whelan, Gloria 5.4 7.0 Secret Language of Girls, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.2 5.0 Secret Letters from 0 to 10 Morgenstern, Susie 5.2 4.0 Secret Life of Amanda K. Woods, The Cameron, Ann 5.0 5.0 Secret of Cacklefur Castle, The Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 Secret of Gumbo Grove, The Tate, Eleanora E. 4.6 7.0 Secret of Mirror Bay, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Secret of Pirates' Hill, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Secret of Platform 13, The Ibbotson, Eva 5.8 7.0 121760 EN 14487 EN 6790 EN 5683 EN 79 EN 11440 EN 5684 EN 40061 EN 5044 EN 5686 EN 116944 EN 109472 EN 40063 EN 52625 EN 5921 EN 30651 EN 104719 EN 5689 EN 5438 EN 21575 EN 28774 EN Secret of Robber's Cave, The Gregory, Kristiana 3.9 2.0 Secret of Sarah Revere, The Rinaldi, Ann 3.7 7.0 Secret of Shady Glen, The Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 Secret of Skull Mountain, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Secret of the Andes Clark, Ann Nolan 4.7 5.0 Secret of the Attic, The Sinykin, Sheri Cooper 4.7 1.0 Secret of the Caves, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Secret of the Devil's Triangle Thomas, Earl W. 3.2 1.0 Secret of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5.2 5.0 Secret of the Old Mill, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 Secret of the Painted House, The Bauer, Marion Dane 2.8 1.0 Secret of the Rose, The Thomson, Sarah L. 5.5 10.0 Secret of the Unknown Ghost Thomas, Earl W. 3.2 1.0 Secret School, The Avi 4.1 3.0 Secret, Silent Screams Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.8 6.0 Secret Soldier, The McGovern, Ann 4.1 1.0 Secret Star Farley, Terri 5.6 6.0 Secret Warning, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Secret Window, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 4.0 Secrets Ferguson, Alane 4.1 6.0 Secrets at Hidden Valley Roberts, Willo Davis 5.0 6.0 5701 EN 106188 EN 85867 EN 36580 EN 113821 EN 112318 EN 103099 EN 112319 EN 105299 EN 109048 EN 105536 EN 114396 EN 127650 EN 29830 EN 82218 EN 5758 EN 77537 EN 44955 EN 19828 EN 56592 EN 70129 EN Secrets Can Kill Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 Secrets in the Hills: A Josefina Mystery Ernst, Kathleen 4.8 4.0 Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving Walker, Sally M. the...H.L. Hunley 8.2 4.0 Secrets of Animal Flight, The Bishop, Nic 5.6 1.0 Greenburg, Dan 4.9 3.0 Greenburg, Dan 5.2 3.0 Greenburg, Dan 4.4 2.0 Greenburg, Dan 5.0 3.0 Greenburg, Dan 4.6 2.0 Greenburg, Dan 5.1 3.0 Greenburg, Dan 4.6 2.0 Greenburg, Dan 5.0 2.0 de Winter, James 5.0 0.5 Secrets of the Ice Man Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 8.0 1.0 Sedimentary Rocks Karpelenia, Jenny 6.7 1.0 See No Evil Dixon, Franklin W. 4.6 5.0 See You Down the Road Whitney, Kim Ablon 4.6 8.0 See You Later, Gladiator Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 Seedfolks Fleischman, Paul 4.3 2.0 Seeds Travel Pascoe, Elaine 3.2 0.5 Seeing Stone, The DiTerlizzi/Black 4.0 1.0 Secrets of Dripping Fang: Book 7: Please Don't Eat the Children Secrets of Dripping Fang: Book Five: The Shluffmuffin...History Secrets of Dripping Fang: Book One: The Onts Secrets of Dripping Fang: Book Six: Attack of the Giant Octopus Secrets of Dripping Fang: Book Three: The Vampire's Curse Secrets of Dripping Fang...Four: Fall of the House of Mandible Secrets of Dripping Fang...Treachery and Betrayal at Jolly Days Secrets of Dripping Fang... When Bad Snakes Attack Good Children Secrets of Sport: The Technology That Makes Champions 56401 EN 15808 EN 11145 SP 2454 EN 100532 EN 5288 EN 19828 SP 10095 EN 13375 EN 75007 EN 5289 EN 54159 SP 35809 EN 29807 EN 27922 EN 545 EN 65530 EN 79891 EN 15936 EN 62454 EN 69365 EN Seeing Stone, The Crossley-Holland, Kevin 4.3 10.0 Sees Behind Trees Dorris, Michael 5.2 4.0 ¿Seguiremos siendo amigos? Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Selena (They Died Too Young) Jones, Veda Boyd 7.2 2.0 Self-Esteem Powell, Jillian 7.3 1.0 Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag, A Korman, Gordon 6.0 10.0 Semillas Fleischman, Paul 4.3 2.0 Seminole Indians, The Koslow, Philip 7.6 1.0 Seminole (Native American People), The Brooks, Barbara 6.1 1.0 Seminole, The Takacs, Stefanie 5.1 0.5 Send No Blessings Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 9.0 Senderos fronterizos Jiménez, Francisco 5.3 7.0 Sending of Dragons, A Yolen, Jane 5.9 8.0 Senegal (Cultures of the World) Berg, Elizabeth L. 9.2 3.0 Sentries Paulsen, Gary 5.4 5.0 Separate Peace, A Knowles, John 6.9 10.0 September 11, 2001 Santella, Andrew 6.8 1.0 Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave Rumford, James His People Writing 3.7 0.5 Settler Sayings Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Settling of Jamestown, The Riehecky, Janet 7.6 1.0 Settling of St. Augustine, The Riehecky, Janet 7.2 2.0 5290 EN 12478 EN 16735 EN 52327 EN 5291 EN 74685 EN 41063 EN 5292 EN 65531 EN 784 EN 6028 EN 45882 EN 57121 EN 5293 EN 32532 EN 13438 EN 80 EN 14962 EN 17767 EN 32816 EN 70570 EN 82164 EN Seven Days to a Brand-New Me Conford, Ellen 4.9 4.0 Seven Spiders Spinning Maguire, Gregory 5.5 4.0 Seven Strange & Ghostly Tales Jacques, Brian 5.8 6.0 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Curlee, Lynn 8.2 1.0 Seventeen Against the Dealer Voigt, Cynthia 6.3 11.0 Seventeen & In-Between DeClements, Barthe 4.5 5.0 Seventeen Wishes Gunn, Robin Jones 5.3 6.0 Seventeenth Summer Daly, Maureen 5.9 14.0 Seward's Folly Whitcraft, Melissa 7.7 1.0 Sex Education Davis, Jenny 4.6 5.0 Shades of Gray Reeder, Carolyn 5.3 6.0 Shadow Cendrars/Brown 3.2 0.5 Shadow Club Rising, The Shusterman, Neal 5.7 7.0 Shadow Club, The Shusterman, Neal 5.5 7.0 Shadow in the North Pullman, Philip 5.6 13.0 Shadow Man, The Schraff, Anne 3.7 3.0 Shadow of a Bull Wojciechowska, Maia 5.2 5.0 Shadow of the Red Moon Myers, Walter Dean 4.4 5.0 Shadow on the Snow/Danger on Panther Peak Wallace, Bill 3.9 4.0 Shadow Rising, The Jordan, Robert 5.9 54.0 Shadow Tree Lynn, Jodi 5.4 7.0 Shadowgate Rodda, Emily 4.7 6.0 75127 EN 11738 EN 8489 EN 118250 EN 59769 EN 81 EN 8438 EN 68614 EN 101237 EN 11130 EN 28290 EN 75707 EN 546 EN 15075 EN 18789 EN 10636 EN 74244 EN 9044 EN 25387 EN 8277 EN 14590 EN 8584 EN Shadowlands, The Rodda, Emily 5.3 5.0 Shadowmaker Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.0 7.0 Shadows of Night Bash, Barbara 5.1 0.5 Shadows on Society Hill: An Addy Mystery Coleman, Evelyn 4.1 4.0 Shadows on the Wall Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.7 6.0 Shadrach DeJong, Meindert 4.9 5.0 Shaka Stanley, Diane 5.5 1.0 Shakespeare Bats Cleanup Koertge, Ron 3.8 2.0 Shakespeare's Secret Broach, Elise 4.0 6.0 Shakespeare's Theater Morley, Jacqueline 7.0 1.0 Shakespeare Stealer, The Blackwood, Gary L. 5.2 7.0 Shampoozel: Seriously Silly Stories Anholt, Laurence 5.0 0.5 Shane Schaefer, Jack 5.5 7.0 Shannon: A Chinatown Adventure Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.7 1.0 Shannon: The Schoolmarm Mysteries Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.9 2.0 Shape-Changer Brittain, Bill 4.0 3.0 Shape Game, The Browne, Anthony 2.8 0.5 Shape of Me and Other Stuff Seuss, Dr. 1.7 0.5 Shaquille O'Neal: Basketball Sensation Gutman, Bill 5.4 1.0 Shaquille O'Neal: Shaq Attack Cox, Ted 4.2 0.5 Shaquille O'Neal: Star Center Macnow, Glen 5.7 2.0 Sharing Susan Bunting, Eve 3.7 3.0 59328 EN 5294 EN 17242 EN 114218 EN 59386 EN 102775 EN 43042 EN 40228 EN 59329 EN 47557 EN 6834 EN 57931 EN 59215 EN 68683 EN 81926 EN 139645 EN 132841 EN 21033 EN 13376 EN 32552 EN 10941 EN Sharing the World with Animals (Wildlife Elwood, Ann Ed.) 6.1 0.5 Shark Beneath the Reef George, Jean Craighead 5.3 7.0 Shark (Eyewitness) MacQuitty, Miranda 7.3 1.0 Shark Girl Bingham, Kelly 3.5 4.0 Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark McGovern, Ann 4.9 1.0 Shark Pup Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.6 0.5 Sharks! Francis, Dorothy 3.1 0.5 Sharks & Rays (Nature Company Guides) Editors, Time-Life 10.4 16.0 Sharks (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 Shattered Dreams: The Story of Mary Todd Lincoln Collins, David R. 6.8 3.0 Shattered Helmet, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 Shattered Mirror Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 5.9 6.0 Shattered Sky Shusterman, Neal 6.4 25.0 Shatterglass Pierce, Tamora 5.8 14.0 Shattering, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 5.0 Shaun White Wiseman, Blaine 5.4 0.5 Shaun White (Second Series) Kennedy, Mike 4.9 1.0 Shawn Kemp: Star Forward Thornley, Stew 6.3 2.0 Shawnee (Native American People), The Fulkerson, Chuck 6.9 1.0 She Died Too Young McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 5.0 She Flew No Flags Manley, Joan 5.5 9.0 14864 EN 45372 EN 30300 EN 81095 EN 26861 EN 55548 EN 31193 EN 24196 EN 15383 EN 5439 EN 113961 EN 59070 EN 52554 EN 125528 EN 5440 EN 13758 EN 9338 EN 13439 EN 74868 EN 11131 EN 73786 EN She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head! Lasky, Kathryn 4.9 0.5 She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Bernall, Misty Cassie Bernall 6.6 5.0 Sheeba Noonan, Diana 3.6 0.5 Sheep (Animals That Live on the Farm) Macken, JoAnn Early 1.4 0.5 Sheepherding Dogs Rounding Up the Herd McGinty, Alice B. 3.4 0.5 Shel Silverstein 3.6 0.5 6.5 3.0 4.0 0.5 Meister, Cari Shelter Dogs: Amazing Stories of Adopted Kehret, Peg Strays Sheryl Swoopes: All-Star Basketball Burby, Liza N. Player Shetland Pony, The Stewart, Gail B. 4.7 0.5 Shh! We're Writing the Constitution Fritz, Jean 7.1 1.0 Shield of Stars Bell, Hilari 5.6 10.0 Shifting Sands, The Rodda, Emily 5.2 4.0 Shih Tzus Temple, Bob 4.3 0.5 Shih Tzus Stone, Lynn M. 4.3 0.5 Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.4 4.0 Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 5.0 Shine, Sun! Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Shining Mark, The Schraff, Anne 4.2 3.0 Shining Star McDonald, Megan 2.3 0.5 Ship Macaulay, David 7.9 1.0 Ship of Fire Cadnum, Michael 7.5 7.0 18126 EN 71742 EN 25962 EN 24314 EN 46291 EN 19806 EN 5085 EN 46634 EN 73771 EN 57144 EN 18127 EN 340 EN 11441 EN 78680 EN 19949 EN 119938 EN 4396 EN 85098 EN 5690 EN 11442 EN 8585 EN Shipbuilders, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.1 1.0 Ships & Boats Tiner, John Hudson 6.4 0.5 Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Armstrong, Jennifer 7.3 6.0 Shipwreck Season Hill, Donna 4.3 6.0 Shipwrecked! The True Adventures of a Japanese Boy Blumberg, Rhoda 7.4 2.0 Shock Jock Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Shoebag James, Mary 4.7 4.0 Shoelaces Lieurance, Suzanne 1.3 0.5 Shoeless Joe Kinsella, W.P. 6.2 13.0 Shoeless Joe and Me Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Shoemakers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.5 0.5 Shoeshine Girl Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 Shoot for the Hoop Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 Shooter Myers, Walter Dean 4.8 5.0 Shooting Star: A Novel About Annie Oakley, A Klass, Sheila Solomon 4.5 5.0 Shooting the Moon Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.3 4.0 Shopping in Grandma's Day Weber/Crawford 5.0 0.5 Shopping Mall (I Like to Visit), The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 1.4 0.5 Shore Road Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Shortstop from Tokyo Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Show Me the Evidence Ferguson, Alane 4.8 5.0 88030 EN 5910 EN 52160 EN 106224 EN 45883 EN 45331 EN 83028 SP 15179 EN 80243 EN 24062 EN 42594 EN 108861 EN 40065 EN 9833 EN 19730 EN 291 EN 5243 EN 130080 EN 62455 EN 78969 EN 84829 EN Show Way Woodson, Jacqueline 3.8 0.5 Shrek! Steig, William 3.9 0.5 Shrinking Violet Best, Cari 4.2 0.5 Shug Han, Jenny 4.0 7.0 Shy Charles Wells, Rosemary 2.3 0.5 Shy Mama's Halloween Broyles, Anne 4.3 0.5 ¡Sí, se puede! Cohn, Diana 4.0 0.5 Siamese Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.4 0.5 Siberian Huskies Stone, Lynn M. 4.5 0.5 Siberian Husky, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.7 0.5 Sickness, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Side Effects Koss, Amy Goldman 4.5 5.0 Side Kick (Scoreboard) Boga, Steve 2.7 1.0 Sidecar Motorcycles (Motorcycles) Young, Jesse 5.1 0.5 Sidetracked to Danger Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 Sidewalk Story Mathis, Sharon Bell 3.3 1.0 Sideways Stories from Wayside School Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 Siege! Can You Capture a Castle? Bruce, Julia 5.5 1.0 Siege of the Alamo, The Riehecky, Janet 7.8 2.0 Siege, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 6.0 Sight (Our Senses) Woodward, Kay 4.1 0.5 114862 EN 68866 EN 138 EN 73399 EN 78012 EN 22228 EN 5647 EN 718 EN 67229 EN 67632 EN 10251 EN 44292 EN 58863 EN 18839 EN 785 EN 439 EN 639 EN 31561 EN 18128 EN 21734 EN 43043 EN 21136 EN 244 EN Sight, The Hunter, Erin 4.9 12.0 Sign Language (Communicating) Hossell, Karen Price 6.0 1.0 Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George 4.9 5.0 Sign of the Chrysanthemum, The Paterson, Katherine 5.6 5.0 Sign of the Qin Bass, L.G. 8.1 17.0 Sign of the Seahorse, The Base, Graeme 6.5 1.0 Sign of the Twisted Candles, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Silas Marner Eliot, George 9.7 14.0 Silent Boy, The Lowry, Lois 5.1 6.0 Silent Spring Carson, Rachel 11.5 19.0 Silent Storm, The Garland, Sherry 5.5 9.0 Silent to the Bone Konigsburg, E.L. 5.4 7.0 Silly Story of Goldie Locks and the Three Maccarone, Grace Squares, The 2.4 0.5 Silmarillion, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 7.9 21.0 Silver Silver Silver Chair, The Silver Packages: An Appalachian Christmas Story Mazer, Norma Fox Whelan, Gloria Lewis, C.S. 3.4 4.5 5.7 7.0 1.0 8.0 Rylant, Cynthia 4.1 0.5 Silversmiths, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.5 0.5 Silverwing Oppel, Kenneth 4.7 9.0 Simon: A Red Fox Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.2 1.0 Jeffrey, Laura S. 6.8 3.0 O'Dell, Scott 4.9 4.0 Simon Wiesenthal: Tracking down Nazi Criminals Sing Down the Moon 18038 EN 77009 EN 133792 EN 63472 EN 49768 EN 580 EN 5693 EN 13377 EN 18301 EN 57417 EN 41650 EN 41651 EN 70173 EN 36464 EN 104413 EN 45212 EN 29535 EN 786 EN 85878 EN 6343 EN 53483 EN 20916 EN Singapore (Cultures of the World) Layton, Lesley 9.2 3.0 Singer of All Songs, The Constable, Kate 6.2 13.0 Singing Sensation Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 Single-Celled Organisms (A Kid's Guide to the...Things) Pascoe, Elaine 4.9 0.5 Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue 6.6 6.0 Singularity Sleator, William 4.9 7.0 Sinister Signpost, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Sioux (Native American People), The Brooks, Barbara 6.3 1.0 Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup Bertrand, Diane Gonzales 3.1 0.5 4.2 0.5 3.8 0.5 4.3 0.5 Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone Neuschwander, Cindy 4.1 0.5 Sir Lancelot, Where are You? McMullan, K.H. 3.0 1.0 Sir Thursday Nix, Garth 6.5 12.0 Sir Walter Ralegh and the Quest for El Dorado Aronson, Marc 8.2 8.0 Sirena Napoli, Donna Jo 3.9 5.0 Sister of the Quints Pevsner, Stella 3.9 6.0 Sister of the South, The Rodda, Emily 5.5 6.0 Sister Yessa's Story Greenfield, Karen 4.0 0.5 Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Brashares, Ann 4.5 9.0 Sisters Paulsen, Gary 5.4 1.0 Sir Cumference and...Great Knight of Neuschwander, Cindy Angleland...Math Adventure Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi: A Neuschwander, Cindy Math Adventure Sir Cumference and the First Round Table: Neuschwander, Cindy A Math Adventure 72270 EN 104622 EN 106219 EN 105934 EN 11594 EN 69392 EN 12674 EN 26945 EN 18834 EN 32551 EN 53478 EN 245 EN 5086 EN 581 EN 44958 EN 116466 EN 5385 EN 79407 EN 125352 EN 125522 EN 133194 EN 4869 EN Sisters Club, The 3.6 3.0 Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, Buckley, Michael The 5.2 9.0 Sisters Grimm: The Problem Child, The Buckley, Michael 5.0 9.0 Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects, The Buckley, Michael 5.4 9.0 Sisters, Long Ago Kehret, Peg 4.6 5.0 Sitting Bull (In Their Own Words) Roop, Peter/Connie 5.1 2.0 Sitting Bull: Sioux Leader Bodow, Steven 7.3 5.0 Six Empty Pockets Curtis, Matt 2.5 0.5 Six Months to Live McDaniel, Lurlene 4.6 4.0 Sixteen and Dying McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 5.0 Gallo, Donald R. 4.9 6.0 DeClements, Barthe 4.3 4.0 Sixth Grade Secrets Sachar, Louis 3.7 5.0 Sixth-Grade Sleepover Bunting, Eve 4.2 4.0 Skateboard Renegade Christopher/Mantell 4.3 3.0 Skateboard Stars Kelley, K.C. 5.1 0.5 Skateboard Tough Christopher, Matt 4.5 3.0 Skateboarding Doeden, Matt 2.4 0.5 Skateboarding Wiseman, Blaine 5.8 1.0 Skateboarding Mattern, Joanne 3.6 0.5 Skateboarding Craats, Rennay 5.2 0.5 Skateboarding (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.5 0.5 Sixteen: Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You McDonald, Megan 128226 EN 61913 EN 189 EN 74938 EN 79259 EN 17245 EN 69602 EN 52617 EN 10690 EN 28292 EN 20535 EN 4865 EN 70883 EN 342 EN 76674 EN 118093 EN 110490 EN 89239 EN 132804 EN 7163 EN 18790 EN 16732 EN Skateboarding Today and Tomorrow Hasan, Heather 6.2 1.0 Skateboarding (World of Sports) McAuliffe, Bill 6.2 1.0 Skates of Uncle Richard, The Fenner, Carol 4.3 1.0 Skeletal and Muscular Systems, The Glass, Susan 5.9 1.0 Skeletal System, The Arnold, Caroline 4.3 0.5 Skeleton (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.9 1.0 Skeleton Key Horowitz, Anthony 4.9 10.0 Skeleton Man Bruchac, Joseph 4.8 3.0 Skeletons Don't Play Tubas Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 Skellig Almond, David 3.5 4.0 Skiing (A True Book) Brimner, Larry Dane 5.2 0.5 Skiing on the Edge (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 6.0 1.0 Skinny-Dipping at Monster Lake Wallace, Bill 4.2 6.0 Skinnybones Park, Barbara 4.1 3.0 Skippyjon Jones Schachner, Judy 3.3 0.5 Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones Schachner, Judy 3.5 0.5 Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble Schachner, Judy 3.8 0.5 Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse Schachner, Judith 3.8 0.5 Skippyjon Jones: Lost in Spice Schachner, Judy 3.5 0.5 Skirt, The Soto, Gary 3.7 1.0 Skull Island Sims, Lesley 4.9 4.0 Skull of Truth, The Coville, Bruce 4.7 6.0 116298 EN 119675 EN 59330 EN 25917 EN 10691 EN 6836 EN 28470 EN 2685 EN 24901 EN 10209 EN 40229 EN 5335 EN 82 EN 116242 EN 26862 EN 107475 EN 100082 EN 20207 EN 1457 EN 7242 EN 138476 EN Skunks Bekkering, Annalise 4.1 0.5 Skunks Lockwood, Sophie 6.2 1.0 Skunks and Their Relatives (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.8 0.5 Sky: A True Story of Courage During World War II Ippisch, Hanneke 6.5 3.0 Sky Babies Delton, Judy 3.4 1.0 Sky Blue Frame, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.2 4.0 Sky Tree: Seeing Science Through Art Locker, Thomas 2.9 0.5 Skydiving! Take the Leap Roberts, Jeremy 5.9 1.0 Skyfire/Moonbear's Skyfire Asch, Frank 1.6 0.5 Skylark MacLachlan, Patricia 3.2 1.0 Skywatching (Nature Company Guides) Editors, Time-Life 9.5 11.0 Slake's Limbo Holman, Felice 6.4 4.0 Slave Dancer, The Fox, Paula 6.0 6.0 Slave Trade, The Hanel, Rachael 8.6 1.0 Sled Dogs Speeding Through Snow McGinty, Alice B. 3.3 0.5 Sleeping Beauty: The One Who Took the Mass, Wendy Really Long Nap 5.1 5.0 Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie Lubar, David 3.8 9.0 Sleeping Ugly Yolen, Jane 3.5 0.5 Sleepy and Busy Animals Behm, Barbara J. 2.0 0.5 Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet 0.8 0.5 Sleepy Hollow Sleepover Roy, Ron 3.5 2.0 70886 EN 86174 EN 124760 EN 57765 EN 72848 EN 138578 EN 10928 EN 59600 EN 5957 EN 49332 EN 45305 EN 114252 EN 85479 EN 106465 EN 138071 EN 16150 EN 109339 EN 80373 EN 84830 EN 5704 EN 121944 EN Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley, The Murray, Martine 5.0 7.0 Slime Wars, The Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 Slimy Sliders Huggins-Cooper, Lynn 5.9 1.0 Slinky, Scaly, Slithery Snakes Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 5.2 0.5 Slippery Slope, The Snicket, Lemony 7.1 9.0 Slithering Snakes and How to Care for Them Armentrout, David 5.1 0.5 Slot Machine Lynch, Chris 4.7 8.0 "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth Carle, Eric 2.8 0.5 Sluggers Sullivan, George 6.8 3.0 Slugs (Early Bird Nature Books) Fredericks, Anthony D. 3.5 0.5 Slump Jarzyna, Dave 4.2 4.0 Sly the Sleuth and the Food Mysteries Napoli, Donna Jo 2.5 2.0 Sly the Sleuth and the Pet Mysteries Napoli, Donna Jo 2.6 1.0 Sly the Sleuth and the Sports Mysteries Napoli, Donna Jo 2.7 1.0 Small-Game Hunting: Rabbits, Squirrels, and Other Small Animals MacRae, Sloan 4.6 0.5 Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Kehret, Peg 5.2 4.0 Small White Scar, A Nuzum, K.A. 5.1 5.0 Smarter than Squirrels Nolan, Lucy 2.9 1.0 Smell (Our Senses) Woodward, Kay 3.5 0.5 Smile and Say Murder Keene, Carolyn 4.8 4.0 Smiles to Go Spinelli, Jerry 3.3 5.0 100534 EN 10202 EN 83 EN 11595 EN 448 EN 106099 EN 34744 EN 82811 EN 120294 EN 7164 EN 62074 EN 124936 EN 15439 EN 59331 EN 15590 EN 40852 EN 9045 EN 440 EN 28079 EN 9389 EN 787 EN 8934 EN Smoking Anderson, Judith 8.6 1.0 Smoky Night Bunting, Eve 2.4 0.5 Smoky the Cow Horse James, Will 6.5 13.0 Smugglers' Island Avi 4.0 5.0 Snaggle Doodles Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.6 1.0 Snake Stone, Jeff 4.4 5.0 Snake Scientist, The Montgomery, Sy 6.4 1.0 Snakecharm Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.5 7.0 Snakehead Horowitz, Anthony 5.4 14.0 Snakes Simon, Seymour 5.9 0.5 Snakes Macken, JoAnn Early 1.3 0.5 Snakes Wood, Selina 6.1 1.0 Snakes (Nature Watch) Schnieper, Claudia 6.0 1.0 Snakes (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.9 0.5 Snapshot: America Discovers the Camera Czech, Kenneth P. 8.3 3.0 Sneakers: From Start to Finish Woods, Samuel G. 5.3 0.5 Sneetches and Other Stories, The Seuss, Dr. 3.4 0.5 Snot Stew Wallace, Bill 3.2 2.0 Snow Shulevitz, Uri 1.6 0.5 Snow Baby, The Hillert, Margaret 1.0 0.5 Snow Bound Mazer, Harry 4.7 5.0 Snow Dog Kjelgaard, Jim 7.4 8.0 9340 EN 69020 EN 12738 EN 76146 EN 54126 EN 85 EN 81114 EN 12739 EN 75708 EN 139 EN 133682 EN 36562 EN 83183 EN 28925 EN 4859 EN 71521 EN 46434 EN 2678 EN 24435 EN 61914 EN 40853 EN 5313 EN Snow Joe Greene, Carol 0.3 0.5 Snow Pony, The Lester, Alison 6.0 8.0 Snow Queen, The Andersen, Hans Christian 4.8 1.0 Snow Spider, The Nimmo, Jenny 4.6 4.0 Snow, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.9 6.0 Snow Treasure McSwigan, Marie 5.3 5.0 Snow (Weather Around You) Ganeri, Anita 3.2 0.5 Snow White and Rose Red Grimm, Brothers 5.3 0.5 Snow White and the Seven Aliens Anholt, Laurence 4.1 0.5 Snowbird, The Calvert, Patricia 5.2 7.0 Snowboard Gustaitis, Joseph 6.1 1.0 Snowboard Maverick Christopher, Matt 4.8 4.0 Snowboard Twist George, Jean Craighead 3.7 0.5 Snowboarding McKenna, Lesley 6.0 1.0 Snowboarding (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 Snowboarding for Fun! Gruber, Beth 4.7 1.0 Snowboarding (Radical Sports) Fraser, Andy 5.9 1.0 Snowboarding! Shred the Powder Hayhurst, Chris 6.3 1.0 Snowboarding (Sports Challenge) Armentrout, David 4.5 0.5 Snowboarding (World of Sports) McAuliffe, Bill 6.1 1.0 Snowboards: From Start to Finish Stone, Tanya 5.2 0.5 Snowbound Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.4 3.0 20387 EN 31196 EN 27678 EN 65071 EN 24052 EN 84938 EN 132051 EN 51146 EN 133195 EN 6092 EN 78419 EN 17641 EN 387 EN 44561 EN 80126 EN 10239 EN 47386 EN 75108 EN 7894 EN 34973 EN 64941 EN 190 EN Snowbound: The Tragic Story of the Donner Party Lavender, David 6.1 2.0 Snowdrops for Cousin Ruth Katz, Susan 4.5 6.0 Snowflake Bentley Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 4.4 0.5 Snowmen at Night Buehner, Caralyn 3.0 0.5 Snowmobile Racing Mara, William P. 4.6 0.5 Snowmobiles Doeden, Matt 2.4 0.5 Snowmobiles Tieck, Sarah 3.6 0.5 Snowmobiles (Wild Rides!) Dubois, Muriel L. 4.3 0.5 Snowmobiling Wiseman, Blaine 5.7 1.0 Snowy Day, The Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 So B. It Weeks, Sarah 5.0 6.0 Denenberg, Barry 4.4 3.0 Watkins, Yoko Kawashima 4.7 6.0 So Much to Live For McDaniel, Lurlene 5.1 4.0 So Yesterday Westerfeld, Scott 5.3 9.0 Soap! Soap! Don't Forget the Soap! Birdseye, Tom 3.6 0.5 Soaring Bald Eagles Martin-James, Kathleen 2.3 0.5 Soccer (A True Book) Kennedy, Mike 5.3 0.5 Soccer Circus Gilson, Jamie 4.0 4.0 Soccer Scoop Christopher, Matt 5.2 3.0 Shniderman/Hurwitz 7.2 1.0 Cleary, Beverly 5.2 2.0 So Far from Home: The Diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl So Far from the Bamboo Grove Socialism and Communism (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Socks 32159 EN 6690 EN 69393 EN 32591 EN 47392 EN 55204 EN 20135 EN 46856 EN 71237 EN 71237 SP 11598 EN 108676 EN 117418 EN 72346 EN 388 EN 26663 EN 18087 EN 18321 SP 14976 EN 78497 EN 7157 EN Soft Rain Cornelissen, Cornelia 4.3 3.0 Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman? McKissack, Patricia C. 7.0 5.0 Sojourner Truth (In Their Own Words) Roop, Peter/Connie 5.4 2.0 Sojourner Truth (Journey to Freedom) Spinale, Laura 4.5 1.0 Solar System (Planet Library), The Kerrod, Robin 5.8 1.0 Soldier Boys Hughes, Dean 5.4 7.0 Soldier's Heart Paulsen, Gary 5.7 2.0 Soldier X Wulffson, Don L. 5.7 7.0 Soledad Sigh-Sighs González, Rigoberto 2.9 0.5 Soledad Suspiros González, Rigoberto 2.9 0.5 Solid Gold Kid, The Mazer, Norma/Harry 4.9 7.0 Solids Mezzanotte, Jim 3.1 0.5 Solids & Liquids Riley, Peter 6.3 1.0 Ballard, Carol 5.5 1.0 Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 11.0 Solution, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Somalia (Cultures of the World) Hassig, Susan M. 8.7 4.0 sombrero del tío Nacho, El Rohmer, Harriet 2.6 0.5 Some Smug Slug Edwards, Pamela Duncan 3.3 0.5 Some Things Never Change Mazer, Anne 3.2 2.0 Somebody and the Three Blairs Tolhurst, Marilyn 2.2 0.5 Solids, Liquids, and Gases: From Ice Cubes to Bubbles Solitary Blue, A 83305 EN 58704 EN 126779 EN 788 EN 11050 EN 789 EN 10252 EN 8041 EN 20041 EN 5958 EN 20136 EN 9341 EN 16957 EN 49260 EN 146841 EN 10594 EN 61177 EN 68867 EN 5490 EN 14695 EN 30631 EN 30632 EN Somebody Catch My Homework Harrison, David L. 3.7 0.5 Someone Dies, Someone Lives McDaniel, Lurlene 5.0 5.0 Someone for Mr. Sussman Polacco, Patricia 3.4 0.5 Someone Is Hiding on Alcatraz Island Bunting, Eve 4.1 4.0 Someone to Count On Hermes, Patricia 4.1 6.0 Someone to Love Me Eyerly, Jeannette 5.2 6.0 Someone Was Watching Patneaude, David 4.5 6.0 Something Good Munsch, Robert N. 2.6 0.5 Something Queer at the Library Levy, Elizabeth 3.0 0.5 Something Upstairs Avi 4.1 3.0 Sometimes I Think I Hear My Name Avi 3.7 4.0 Sometimes Things Change Eastman, Patricia 1.5 0.5 Somewhere Between Life and Death McDaniel, Lurlene 4.9 5.0 Somewhere in the World Right Now Schuett, Stacey 2.6 0.5 Son of Neptune, The Riordan, Rick 4.7 17.0 Son of the Black Stallion Farley, Walter 6.1 11.0 Son of the Mob Korman, Gordon 4.8 8.0 Sonar (Communicating) Hossell, Karen Price 6.6 1.0 Song and Dance Man Ackerman, Karen 4.0 0.5 Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Song Lee and the "I Hate You" Notes Kline, Suzy 3.3 0.5 Song Lee and the Leech Man Kline, Suzy 2.8 1.0 9296 EN 16568 EN 29782 EN 191 EN 84962 EN 13441 EN 9623 SP 5087 EN 45888 EN 14987 EN 69122 EN 14492 EN 7880 EN 74960 EN 84 EN 192 EN 292 EN 5045 EN 343 EN 27704 EN 496 EN 62197 EN 36018 EN 72821 EN Song Lee in Room 2B Kline, Suzy 3.0 1.0 Song of the Hermit Thrush Dominic, Gloria 3.4 0.5 Song of the Swallows Politi, Leo 4.6 0.5 Song of the Trees Song of the Water Boatman: And Other Pond Poems Taylor, Mildred D. 3.8 1.0 Sidman, Joyce 5.0 0.5 Song to Sing, A Schraff, Anne 3.9 3.0 ¡Sonríe y muérete! Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 Sons from Afar Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 13.0 Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella Story San Souci, Robert D. 4.4 0.5 Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Willard, Nancy 4.8 0.5 Sorcery & Cecelia or the Enchanted Chocolate Pot Wrede, Patricia C. 6.7 13.0 SOS Titanic Bunting, Eve 4.5 6.0 Soul of the Silver Dog, The Hall, Lynn 6.0 4.0 Sound Karpelenia, Jenny 4.8 1.0 Sounder Soup Soup and Me Armstrong, William H. Peck, Robert Newton Peck, Robert Newton 5.3 4.4 4.3 3.0 2.0 3.0 Soup for President Peck, Robert Newton 4.0 3.0 Soup on Ice Peck, Robert Newton 4.7 3.0 Soup on Wheels Peck, Robert Newton 3.9 2.0 Soup's Hoop Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 3.0 Soup's Uncle Peck, Robert Newton 5.1 3.0 Sour Land Armstrong, William H. 5.7 4.0 South Africa Britton, Tamara L. 5.0 0.5 117431 EN 18039 EN 64928 EN 46030 EN 102133 EN 7841 EN 24786 EN 86304 EN 7842 EN 24787 EN 28719 EN 82239 EN 28720 EN 105853 EN 82240 EN 7691 EN 9795 EN 15537 EN 12740 EN 53979 EN 26403 EN South Africa Gallagher, Michael 8.1 1.0 South Africa (Cultures of the World) Rosmarin, Ike 9.1 3.0 South Africa (Reading Essentials in Social Mattern, Joanne Studies) 6.1 1.0 South America Fox, Mary Virginia 3.8 0.5 South by Southeast: A Diamond Brothers Horowitz, Anthony Mystery 3.9 5.0 South Carolina (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.4 3.0 South Carolina (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.2 1.0 South Carolina Sea Creatures Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 South Dakota (America the Beautiful) Lepthien, Emilie U. 8.7 3.0 South Dakota (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.7 1.0 Southeast Asia (Country Fact Files) Rigg, Jonathan 7.6 1.0 Southeast (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Purcell, Martha Sias 6.6 1.0 Southern Africa (Country Fact Files) Middleton, Nick 8.4 1.0 Southpaw Wallace, Rich 4.3 2.0 Southwest (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Purcell, Martha Sias 6.4 1.0 Space Brat Coville, Bruce 3.7 1.0 Space Case Marshall, Edward 2.8 0.5 Space Challenger: The Story of Guion Bluford Haskins/Benson 6.9 1.0 Space Exploration (Images) George, Michael 6.8 0.5 Space (Great Inventions) Williams, Brian 7.7 2.0 Space People, The Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 67598 EN 7692 EN 27809 EN 11490 EN 27808 EN 127651 EN 138143 EN 141694 EN 84525 EN 28721 EN 18040 EN 6380 EN 15937 EN 7895 EN 18791 EN 32480 EN 43944 EN 13378 EN 75109 EN 106651 EN 6241 EN Space Race, The McNeese, Tim 7.4 1.0 Space Rock Buller, Jon 2.4 0.5 Space Shuttles (Giant Leaps) Kallen, Stuart A. 6.5 1.0 Space Station Seventh Grade Spinelli, Jerry 4.8 8.0 Space Stations (Giant Leaps) Kallen, Stuart A. 6.6 1.0 Space Tourist: A Traveler's Guide to the Solar System Atkinson, Stuart 5.1 0.5 Spaceheadz Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 Spaceheadz Book #2 Scieszka, Jon 4.4 3.0 Spain and the Spanish Needham, Ed 7.9 1.0 Spain (Country Fact Files) Selby, Anna 7.4 1.0 Spain (Cultures of the World) Kohen, Elizabeth 10.0 4.0 Spanish Kidnapping Disaster, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.7 5.0 Spanish Missions Kalman/Nickles 6.6 1.0 Sparrow Hawk Red Mikaelsen, Ben 4.2 6.0 Sparrows in the Scullery Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.9 7.0 Speak Anderson, Laurie Halse 4.5 7.0 Speak English for Us, Marisol! English, Karen 2.6 0.5 Speaking Two Languages (Latino Life) Boswell, Bethanie 5.9 1.0 Special Olympics (A True Book) Kennedy, Mike 6.2 0.5 Specials Westerfeld, Scott 6.1 12.0 Spectacular Stone Soup Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 83072 EN 133683 EN 20536 EN 6992 EN 8546 EN 41515 EN 25472 EN 88772 EN 64285 EN 13978 EN 25054 EN 31063 EN 31072 EN 28308 EN 51288 EN 124937 EN 9342 EN 56593 EN 41585 EN 59332 EN 64942 EN Specter, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 3.9 6.0 Speed Skating Gustaitis, Joseph 6.1 1.0 Speed Skating (A True Book) Brimner, Larry Dane 4.5 0.5 Speeding Bullet Shusterman, Neal 6.6 8.0 Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull, The Bellairs, John 5.6 6.0 Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini Lalicki, Tom 7.4 2.0 Spellbound Pike, Christopher 4.7 8.0 Sphere of Secrets, The Fisher, Catherine 4.5 11.0 Spider and the Fly, The Howitt/DiTerlizzi 4.8 0.5 Spider and the King, The Krueger, Carol 3.1 0.5 Spider Boy Fletcher, Ralph 3.9 5.0 Osborne, Mary Pope 4.4 2.0 Osborne, Mary Pope 4.1 2.0 Spider Storch's Teacher Torture Willner-Pardo, Gina 3.4 1.0 Spiders Gibbons, Gail 3.9 0.5 Spiders Wood, Selina 6.6 1.0 Spiders and Webs Lunn, Carolyn 1.8 0.5 Spiders Spin Silk (How & Why?) Pascoe, Elaine 3.5 0.5 Spiders Spin Webs Winer, Yvonne 2.9 0.5 Spiders (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.2 0.5 Spies of the American Revolution (Reading...Social Studies) Purcell, Martha Sias 6.4 1.0 Spider Kane and the Mystery at Jumbo Nightcrawler's Spider Kane and the Mystery Under the May-Apple 14247 EN 26241 EN 32944 EN 63809 EN 35612 EN 14776 EN 13379 EN 1668 EN 120511 EN 125399 EN 89701 EN 79473 EN 2656 EN 64829 EN 8283 EN 6707 EN 8284 EN 8285 EN 6710 EN 6713 EN 69342 EN Spies & Traitors Ross, Stewart 7.6 1.0 Spinning Spiders Berman, Ruth 2.3 0.5 Spirit Horse Ackerman, Ned 6.0 5.0 Spirit of a New Nation, The Connell, Kate 4.9 1.0 Spirit of the Maasai Man, The Berkeley, Laura 4.8 0.5 Spirit Seeker Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.6 7.0 Spiritual Life (Native American Culture) Sherrow, Victoria 7.5 2.0 Splish Splash Splosh! (Wonderwise) Manning/Granstrom 3.7 0.5 Spooky Cemeteries Williams, Dinah 5.2 0.5 Sport Bike Racing Spalding, Lee-Anne T. 4.9 0.5 Sportbikes Armentrout, David 4.8 0.5 Sports Cars (Horsepower) Doeden, Matt 2.6 0.5 Sports Cars (Off to the Races) Sessler, Peter/Nilda 4.5 0.5 Sports (Eye Openers) Nathan, Emma 3.5 0.5 Sports Great Barry Sanders Knapp, Ron 5.6 1.0 Sports Great Bo Jackson Knapp, Ron 5.1 2.0 Sports Great Bobby Bonilla Knapp, Ron 5.6 1.0 Sports Great Cal Ripken, Jr. Macnow, Glen 5.0 1.0 Sports Great Charles Barkley Macnow, Glen 5.5 1.0 Sports Great David Robinson Aaseng, Nathan 6.8 2.0 Sports Great Donovan McNabb Steenkamer, Paul 5.1 2.0 6725 EN 6727 EN 6731 EN 8286 EN 8287 EN 6733 EN 6734 EN 8289 EN 6735 EN 6738 EN 6739 EN 8290 EN 8291 EN 6740 EN 13381 EN 27749 EN 47945 EN 41024 EN 65431 EN 6242 EN 12997 EN Sports Great Hakeem Olajuwon Knapp, Ron 5.4 2.0 Sports Great Herschel Walker Benagh, Jim 5.2 2.0 Sports Great Isiah Thomas Knapp, Ron 5.1 2.0 Sports Great Jerry Rice Dickey, Glenn 4.8 2.0 Sports Great Jim Abbott Savage, Jeff 5.8 1.0 Sports Great Joe Montana Kavanagh, Jack 6.3 2.0 Sports Great John Elway Fox, Larry 6.8 2.0 Sports Great Kirby Puckett Aaseng, Nathan 6.1 2.0 Sports Great Larry Bird Kavanagh, Jack 5.4 1.0 Sports Great Magic Johnson Haskins, Jim 6.6 2.0 Sports Great Michael Jordan Aaseng, Nathan 6.3 2.0 Sports Great Nolan Ryan Lace, William W. 6.1 2.0 Sports Great Orel Hershiser Knapp, Ron 4.9 1.0 Sports Great Patrick Ewing Kavanagh, Jack 5.8 2.0 Sports (Latino Life) Jensen, Jeffry 6.5 1.0 Spotlight on Cody Duffey, Betsy 3.3 1.0 Spring Hirschi, Ron 3.0 0.5 Spring Thaw Schnur, Steven 3.6 0.5 Spy Cat Kehret, Peg 4.6 5.0 Spy on Third Base, The Christopher, Matt 3.8 1.0 Spy Planes Schleifer, Jay 5.6 0.5 87181 EN 86695 EN 82284 EN 57921 EN 6941 EN 26242 EN 5923 EN 28016 EN 89285 EN 116300 EN 138819 EN 18041 EN 905 EN 27886 EN 113209 EN 100153 EN 36965 EN 27918 EN 74720 EN 19368 EN 6547 EN Spy X: Hide and Seek Lerangis, Peter 4.2 3.0 Spy X: Proof Positive Lerangis, Peter 4.0 3.0 Spy X: The Code Lerangis, Peter 3.9 3.0 Square Root of Murder, The Zindel, Paul 5.0 4.0 Squashed Bauer, Joan 5.5 8.0 Squeaking Bats Berman, Ruth 2.0 0.5 Squeaky Wheel, The Smith, Robert Kimmel 3.7 6.0 Squids Will Be Squids Scieszka, Jon 3.8 0.5 Squirrels Murray, Peter 5.7 1.0 Squirrels Diemer, Lauren 4.1 0.5 Squirrels Lundgren, Julie K. 4.2 0.5 Sri Lanka (Cultures of the World) Wanasundera, Nanda P. 8.3 3.0 Sss Sss 2.2 0.5 St. Louis Cardinals (America's Game) Sehnert, Chris W. 5.9 0.5 St. Louis Cardinals, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 St. Louis Rams LeBoutillier, Nate 2.5 0.5 St. Louis Rams Nelson, Julie 6.8 1.0 St. Louis Rams, The Italia, Bob 5.6 1.0 Bredeson, Carmen 2.0 0.5 Martin, Ann M. 4.9 4.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 St. Patrick's Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Stacey and the Mystery at the Empty House Stacey's Emergency 19326 EN 6548 EN 19333 EN 133668 EN 58030 EN 57147 EN 54446 EN 15384 EN 109355 EN 25224 EN 102425 EN 68258 EN 23559 EN 73321 EN 88510 EN 36529 EN 80746 EN 64929 EN 35287 EN 83952 EN 18891 EN Stacey's Lie Martin, Ann M. 4.2 5.0 Stacey's Mistake Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Stacey vs. the BSC Martin, Ann M. 3.5 3.0 Stage Fright Cabot, Meg 5.0 6.0 Stage Fright on a Summer Night Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Stallion in the Storm Baglio, Ben M. 4.9 4.0 Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Lovell, Patty 3.5 0.5 Standardbred Horse, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.8 0.5 Standing Against the Wind Jones, Traci L. 4.8 6.0 Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of Catharine Carey... Osborne, Mary Pope 5.1 4.0 Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time Yee, Lisa 3.8 9.0 Stanley, Flat Again! Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Stanley in Space Brown, Jeff 3.9 1.0 Stanley's Christmas Adventure Brown, Jeff 3.2 1.0 Star Cloak, The Rodda, Emily 4.6 2.0 Star in the Storm Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.4 4.0 Star of Kazan, The Ibbotson, Eva 6.1 16.0 Star-Spangled Banner: The Flag and Its Anthem, The Owens, Thomas S. 6.1 1.0 Star Split Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 7.0 Star Turns: Dancing on Broadway Derezinski, Amelia 6.5 1.0 Stargazers Gibbons, Gail 3.8 0.5 41562 EN 106251 EN 25463 EN 6381 EN 42977 EN 117477 EN 12741 EN 56967 EN 50388 EN 52610 EN 82233 EN 64930 EN 14787 EN 76855 EN 59697 EN 52264 EN 344 EN 27526 EN 9625 EN 5717 EN 82227 EN Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry 4.2 6.0 Starlight Hunter, Erin 5.9 12.0 Starlight Crystal, The Pike, Christopher 4.7 6.0 Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself Blume, Judy 4.4 8.0 Starry, Starry Night McDaniel, Lurlene 4.2 6.0 Stars and Galaxies Graham, Ian 5.9 0.5 Stars (Images) George, Michael 6.3 0.5 Stars of the Sea (Rookie Read-About Science) Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Starting School Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 2.0 Hermes, Patricia 3.2 2.0 Smalley, Carol Parenzan 6.6 1.0 Owens, Tom 6.2 1.0 Statue of Liberty, The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 8.1 1.0 Statue of Liberty, The Landau, Elaine 7.7 1.0 Statue of Liberty, The Marcovitz, Hal 8.1 1.0 Statue of Liberty, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 3.6 0.5 Stay Away from Simon! Carrick, Carol 3.8 1.0 Stay! Keeper's Story Lowry, Lois 6.4 5.0 Stay out of the Basement Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 Stay Tuned for Danger Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 Staying Alive: Regulation and Behavior Glass, Susan 6.2 1.0 Starving Time: Elizabeth's Diary, Book Two, The State and Local Government (Reading Essentials...Social Studies) Statue of Liberty (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The 8588 EN 7693 EN 7860 EN 7694 EN 31524 EN 50161 EN 44593 EN 18228 EN 31557 EN 7193 EN 15807 EN 13949 EN 29684 EN 29671 EN 6629 EN 14592 EN 14738 EN 85058 EN 29667 EN 5088 EN 76312 EN Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Crutcher, Chris 5.2 9.0 Staying Nine Conrad, Pam 3.9 1.0 Steal Away Armstrong, Jennifer 4.5 6.0 Stealing Home Stolz, Mary 4.1 3.0 Denenberg, Barry 6.2 3.0 Ayres, Katherine 4.5 6.0 Stealing Thunder Casanova, Mary 4.6 4.0 Stegosaurus: The Plated Dinosaur Riehecky, Janet 3.7 0.5 Stella Louella's Runaway Book Ernst, Lisa Campbell 3.7 0.5 Stellaluna Cannon, Janell 3.5 0.5 Step by Wicked Step Fine, Anne 4.2 4.0 Stephanie's Ponytail Munsch, Robert N. 3.0 0.5 Stephen Hawking: Revolutionary Physicist McDaniel, Melissa 9.4 4.0 Stephen King (Pop Culture Legends) Keyishian, Amy/Marjorie 8.0 4.0 Stepping on the Cracks Hahn, Mary Downing 4.7 8.0 Steve Young: Star Quarterback Knapp, Ron 5.9 2.0 Steven Spielberg: Hollywood Filmmaker Meachum, Virginia 8.7 3.0 Steven Spielberg (People We Should Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.4 0.5 Steven Spielberg (Pop Culture Legends) Ferber, Elizabeth 9.3 5.0 Sticks and Stones and Skeleton Bones Gilson, Jamie 4.1 4.0 Sticky Fingers (Sparklers Green) Costain, Meredith 2.6 0.5 Stealing Home: The Story of Jackie Robinson Stealing South: A Story of the Underground Railroad 121642 EN 107295 EN 86218 EN 582 EN 7165 EN 125401 EN 9834 EN 72257 EN 19755 EN 32926 EN 106191 EN 49389 EN 293 EN 5491 EN 83089 EN 18837 EN 25052 EN 6012 EN 9343 EN 2484 EN 70024 EN 47114 EN Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express McDonald, Megan 3.7 1.0 Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker McDonald, Megan 3.2 1.0 Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid McDonald, Megan 3.0 1.0 Stinker from Space Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, The Service, Pamela F. 5.1 2.0 Scieszka, Jon 3.4 0.5 Stock Car Racing Greve, Tom 5.1 0.5 Stock Car Racing (MotorSports) Dregni, Michael 4.7 0.5 Stock Cars (Roaring Rides) Maurer, Tracy Nelson 5.5 1.0 Stolen Affections Keene, Carolyn 4.6 5.0 Stolen Ponies Betancourt, Jeanne 3.6 1.0 Stolen Sapphire: A Samantha Mystery, The Buckey, Sarah Masters 5.2 4.0 Stone Bench in an Empty Park Janeczko, Paul B. 3.2 0.5 Stone Fox Gardiner, John Reynolds 4.0 1.0 Stone Soup Brown, Marcia 3.3 0.5 Stone Soup McGovern, Ann 3.1 0.5 Stones in Water Napoli, Donna Jo 4.2 7.0 Stonewalkers, The Alcock, Vivien 4.7 4.0 Stonewords: A Ghost Story Conrad, Pam 4.7 4.0 Stop-Go, Fast-Slow McLenighan, Valjean 1.9 0.5 Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy Sones, Sonya 4.8 1.0 Stop That Bull, Theseus! McMullan, Kate 3.6 3.0 Stop This War! American Protest of the Conflict in Vietnam Galt, Margot Fortunato 8.5 3.0 8986 EN 70025 EN 109866 EN 50390 EN 58636 EN 18893 EN 5441 EN 18792 EN 30634 EN 5492 EN 16171 EN 71544 EN 71545 EN 5493 EN 71546 EN 125127 EN 16310 EN 7695 EN 5046 EN 506 EN 125128 EN Stories of Mummies and the Living Dead Kudalis, Eric 4.3 0.5 Storm Catchers Bowler, Tim 4.4 8.0 Storm Thief Wooding, Chris 5.8 13.0 Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 7.0 Stormchaser Stewart/Riddell 5.4 11.0 Storms Simon, Seymour 5.7 0.5 Stormy Kjelgaard, Jim 6.9 6.0 Stormy, Misty's Foal Henry, Marguerite 4.7 6.0 Story, A Story, A Haley, Gail E. 4.2 0.5 Story About Ping, The Flack, Marjorie 4.3 0.5 5.7 0.5 7.1 1.0 Story of Amy Johnson: Pioneering Woman Stott-Thornton, Janet Aviator, The Story of Coca-Cola (Built for Success), Bell, Lonnie The Story of Disney (Built for Success), The Richardson, Adele 6.9 1.0 Story of Ferdinand, The Leaf, Munro 3.7 0.5 Story of Ford (Built for Success), The Bell, Lonnie 6.6 1.0 Story of Google, The Gilbert, Sara 8.4 1.0 Story of Jackie Robinson: Bravest Man in Davidson, Margaret Baseball, The 5.4 2.0 Story of Johnny Appleseed, The Aliki 3.9 0.5 Story of Jumping Mouse, The Steptoe, John 3.8 0.5 Story of King Arthur and His Knights, The Pyle, Howard 9.4 21.0 Story of McDonald's, The 8.4 1.0 Gilbert, Sara 71547 EN 30507 EN 71548 EN 14855 EN 27407 EN 71549 EN 125131 EN 5177 EN 5186 EN 5191 EN 18894 EN 5200 EN 44830 EN 31527 EN 102146 EN 12467 EN 76346 EN 55739 EN 8987 EN 389 EN 29758 EN Story of Microsoft (Built for Success), The Richardson, Adele 7.3 1.0 Story of My Life, The Keller, Helen 6.8 12.0 Story of Nike (Built for Success), The Frisch, Aaron 7.6 1.0 Story of Ruby Bridges, The Coles, Robert 4.4 0.5 Story of Small Fry, The Vaughan, Marcia 3.9 0.5 Story of Sony (Built for Success), The Frisch, Aaron 8.2 1.0 Story of Starbucks, The Gilbert, Sara 7.6 1.0 Story of the Little Bighorn, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.7 1.0 Story of the Persian Gulf War, The Foster, Leila Merrell 7.8 1.0 Story of the San Francisco Earthquake, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.6 1.0 Story of the White House, The Waters, Kate 4.6 0.5 Story of Wounded Knee, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.4 1.0 Stowaway Hesse, Karen 6.1 11.0 Stowaway: A Tale of California Pirates, The Gregory, Kristiana 5.4 3.0 Stowaway Solution, The Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 Stranded at Plimoth Plantation 1626 Bowen, Gary 6.4 1.0 Strange Attractors Sleator, William 5.3 6.0 Strange Spirits of St. Ignace Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 Strange Stories of Life Lawless, Joann 5.3 1.0 Stranger at Green Knowe, A Boston, L.M. 6.4 7.0 Stranger Came Ashore, A Hunter, Mollie 6.2 6.0 41400 EN 58530 EN 52024 EN 69065 EN 6942 EN 86 EN 390 EN 9836 EN 111559 EN 48081 EN 6093 EN 5442 EN 40068 EN 10890 EN 140 EN 193 EN 59373 EN 32523 EN 194 EN 41632 EN 102992 EN 57356 EN 116079 EN Stranger in Right Field Christopher, Matt 4.0 1.0 Stranger Next Door, The Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 Stranger, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.5 5.0 Stranger, The Van Allsburg, Chris 3.7 0.5 Stranger with My Face Duncan, Lois 6.1 9.0 Strawberry Girl Streams to the River, River to the Sea Lenski, Lois O'Dell, Scott 4.8 4.8 6.0 7.0 Street Bikes (Motorcycles) Young, Jesse 5.3 0.5 Street Love Myers, Walter Dean 5.4 2.0 Street Magic Pierce, Tamora 5.8 11.0 Strega Nona: An Old Tale Retold and Illustrated De Paola, Tomie 3.9 0.5 Strider Cleary, Beverly 4.8 3.0 Strike Zone Wright, Bob 2.6 0.5 Striking Out Weaver, Will 3.8 8.0 String in the Harp, A Striped Ice Cream Strong Right Arm: The Story of Mamie "Peanut" Johnson, A Bond, Nancy Lexau, Joan 5.2 3.5 17.0 2.0 Green, Michelle Y. 5.1 3.0 Strong to the Hoop Coy, John 2.5 0.5 Stuart Little White, E.B. 6.0 3.0 Stuck in Neutral Trueman, Terry 5.7 4.0 Stumptown Kid Gorman, Carol 3.7 7.0 Stunt Performers: Life Before the Camera Turner, Cherie 7.0 1.0 Stunts, Tricks, and Jumps 4.8 0.5 Armentrout, David 81195 EN 49295 EN 7696 EN 11443 EN 73411 EN 17842 EN 73801 EN 5924 EN 18088 EN 34674 EN 136792 EN 113746 EN 6693 EN 30508 EN 391 EN 49792 EN 13443 EN 392 EN 76983 EN 87 EN 109457 EN 54200 EN Stupendous Dodgeball Fiasco, The Repka, Janice 4.7 6.0 Sturdy Turtles Martin-James, Kathleen 2.3 0.5 Sub, The Petersen, P.J. 3.0 1.0 Submarine Pitch, The Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 Submariners: Life in Submarines Wingate, Brian 6.9 1.0 Subtle Knife, The Pullman, Philip 6.2 16.0 Subway Mouse, The Reid, Barbara 2.5 0.5 Such Nice Kids Bunting, Eve 3.8 3.0 Sudan (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 8.7 3.0 Suitcase Walter, Mildred Pitts 4.8 2.0 Summer According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. 4.3 5.0 Summer Ball Lupica, Mike 5.3 10.0 Summer I Shrank My Grandmother, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.7 4.0 Summer of Fear Duncan, Lois 5.6 9.0 Summer of My German Soldier Greene, Bette 5.2 9.0 Summer of Riley, The Bunting, Eve 3.8 4.0 Summer of Shame Schraff, Anne 4.4 3.0 Summer of the Monkeys Rawls, Wilson 4.8 13.0 Summer of the Sea Serpent Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 1.0 Summer of the Swans, The Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 Summer of the War Whelan, Gloria 5.0 6.0 Summer Olympics (A True Book), The Knotts, Bob 5.4 0.5 24950 EN 88010 EN 35652 EN 29973 EN 790 EN 52187 EN 19549 EN 117481 EN 50816 EN 78328 EN 27404 EN 53401 EN 16569 EN 5544 EN 345 EN 112311 EN 14885 EN 81115 EN 34239 EN 110651 EN 80352 EN 63872 EN Summer Reading Is Killing Me! Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 Summer School! What Genius Thought That Up? Winkler, Henry 4.7 4.0 Summer Sisters Blume, Judy 4.8 12.0 Summer Song Masters, Susan Rowan 4.8 4.0 Summer to Die, A Lowry, Lois 5.3 5.0 Sun (Looking at Stars) Kerrod, Robin 4.5 0.5 Sun & Spoon Henkes, Kevin 4.9 3.0 Sun, The Graham, Ian 5.3 0.5 Sun, the Wind, and the Rain, The Randell/Smith/Giles 1.2 0.5 Sunbird, The Wein, Elizabeth E. 5.7 7.0 Sunday Horse, The Gibson, Marie 3.8 0.5 Sunflower Schwartz, David M. 3.4 0.5 Sunflower's Promise Dominic, Gloria 4.2 0.5 Sunken Treasure Gibbons, Gail 4.2 0.5 Sunny-Side Up Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.3 1.0 Sunset Hunter, Erin 5.5 11.0 Sunset of the Sabertooth Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Sunshine (Weather Around You) Ganeri, Anita 3.4 0.5 Sunwing Oppel, Kenneth 5.3 11.0 Super Bowl: 40 Years of Amazing Games, Christopher, Matt The 6.7 3.0 Super Sports Star Daunte Culpepper Thornley, Stew 4.2 0.5 Super Sports Star Jason Kidd Thornley, Stew 4.6 1.0 50050 EN 80360 EN 50053 EN 58782 EN 66280 EN 443 EN 78565 EN 57922 EN 46439 EN 5302 EN 120833 EN 76856 EN 2398 EN 8794 EN 19820 EN 86700 EN 43744 EN 47667 EN 60652 EN 84368 EN 26645 EN Super Sports Star Kevin Garnett Thornley, Stew 3.8 0.5 Super Sports Star Randy Moss Thornley, Stew 4.2 1.0 Super Sports Star Tim Duncan Thornley, Stew 4.0 0.5 Super Storms Simon, Seymour 3.8 0.5 Super Trucks (Fast Forward) Graham, Ian 6.5 0.5 Superfudge Blume, Judy 3.4 4.0 Supernaturalist, The Colfer, Eoin 4.8 9.0 Surfing Corpse, The Zindel, Paul 5.0 4.0 Surfing (Radical Sports) Bizley, Kirk 6.4 1.0 Surprise Island Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 Surprises According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. 4.4 4.0 Surrender at Appomattox, The McGowen, Tom 6.9 1.0 Survival at Big Shark Key Francis, Dorothy 3.3 2.0 Survival Camp Bunting, Eve 3.8 1.0 Survival of the Fittest Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Surviving Aunt Marsha Laguna, Sofie 4.6 5.0 Surviving Brick Johnson Myers, Laurie 3.5 1.0 Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Warren, Andrea Camps 6.1 4.0 Surviving the Applewhites 5.5 7.0 Survivors: True Stories of Children in the Zullo, Allan Holocaust 6.4 8.0 Suspicion, The 4.2 3.0 Tolan, Stephanie S. Applegate, K.A. 67633 EN 2914 EN 12471 EN 32079 EN 55331 EN 65140 EN 125200 EN 18793 EN 73214 EN 66635 EN 81657 EN 141 EN 6398 EN 54073 EN 54193 EN 125003 EN 119940 EN 13645 EN 521 EN 642 EN 5336 EN 18043 EN Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Patterson, James 4.7 6.0 Swallows in the Birdhouse Swinburne, Stephen R. 4.4 0.5 Swamp Angel Isaacs, Anne 5.0 0.5 Swamp: Bayou Teche, Louisiana, 1851 Duey/Bale 5.2 4.0 Swamp Monsters Don't Chase Wild Turkeys Dadey/Jones 3.9 1.0 Swamp, The Hanson, Ed 4.2 1.0 Swans Helget, Nicole 6.9 1.0 Swarm, The Whitman, John 5.0 3.0 Swear to Howdy Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.8 4.0 Sweet Charity Daniels, Lucy 5.2 4.0 Sweet Tooth Palatini, Margie 2.3 0.5 Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Hamilton, Virginia 3.8 8.0 Swiftly Tilting Planet, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.2 10.0 Swimming Randolph, Joanne 4.9 1.0 Swimming and Diving (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.3 0.5 Swimming with Sharks Hicks, Betty 2.8 1.0 Swindle Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 10.0 14.0 9.7 4.6 23.0 3.0 Swiss Family Robinson (Bloomsbury), Wyss, Johann The Swiss Family Robinson (Unabridged), The Wyss, Johann Switcharound Lowry, Lois Switching Well Griffin, Peni 6.4 9.0 Switzerland (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 9.4 4.0 109346 EN 20230 EN 29342 EN 88044 EN 5494 EN 18089 EN 8590 EN 140176 EN 15180 EN 73260 EN 791 EN 102338 EN 37008 EN 53575 EN 18090 EN 47205 EN 18091 EN 9390 EN 108322 EN 52022 EN 84354 EN 643 EN Sword in the Grotto, The Sage, Angie 4.3 2.0 Sword in the Stone, The White, T.H. 7.5 16.0 Sword of the Samurai Kimmel, Eric A. 4.6 2.0 Sword That Cut the Burning Grass: A Samurai Mystery, The Hoobler, Dorothy 5.4 6.0 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William 4.0 0.5 Syria (Cultures of the World) South, Coleman 9.4 4.0 T-backs, T-shirts, Coat, and Suit Konigsburg, E.L. 5.4 6.0 Tabby Cats Britton, Tamara L. 4.1 0.5 Tabby Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.3 0.5 Tabby in the Tub Baglio, Ben M. 4.3 4.0 Tackle Without a Team Christopher, Matt 4.1 3.0 Tackling Dad Levy, Elizabeth 3.7 4.0 Tae Kwon Do (World of Sports) Olson, Marcy 8.8 1.0 Taggerung Jacques, Brian 5.2 19.0 Tahiti (Cultures of the World) Cheong-Lum, Roseline Ng 8.8 4.0 Taiga (Biomes of the World) Kaplan, Elizabeth 7.6 2.0 Taiwan (Cultures of the World) Moiz, Azra 9.6 4.0 Take a Walk, Johnny Hillert, Margaret 2.4 0.5 Takedown Wallace, Rich 4.3 2.0 Takeoffs and Landings Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.9 6.0 Taking Care of Moses O'Connor, Barbara 4.3 3.0 Taking Care of Terrific Lowry, Lois 5.3 5.0 47422 EN 24477 EN 6943 EN 10145 EN 27405 EN 70401 EN 5911 EN 68496 EN 719 EN 126574 EN 82424 EN 113967 EN 74674 EN 14494 EN 294 EN 28275 EN 67497 EN 5089 EN 7697 EN 74702 EN 8442 EN 34841 EN Taking Chances Brooke, Lauren 4.2 5.0 Taking Off: Planes Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.9 0.5 Taking Sides Soto, Gary 4.4 4.0 Taking Terri Mueller Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 7.0 Taking to the Air Lowe, David 5.5 0.5 Tale of Despereaux, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.7 5.0 Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, The Paterson, Katherine 5.6 0.5 Hunt, Angela Elwell 4.0 0.5 Dickens, Charles 9.7 27.0 Winkler, Henry 4.9 4.0 Talent Show from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.2 0.5 Talented Clementine, The Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 Tales from Silver Lands Finger, Charles J. 6.2 10.0 Vande Velde, Vivian 5.3 3.0 Blume, Judy 3.3 3.0 Green, Roger Lancelyn 7.2 8.0 Talkin' About Bessie: The Story of Aviator Grimes, Nikki Elizabeth Coleman 6.1 1.0 Talking Earth, The George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 Talking Eggs, The San Souci, Robert D. 4.4 0.5 Talking T. Rex, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Talking Walls Knight, Margy Burns 6.4 0.5 Talking with Adventurers Cummings, Pat/Linda 7.1 3.0 Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale, The Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged), A Tale of Two Tails, A Tales from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of Ancient Egypt 8493 EN 44800 EN 47138 EN 24594 EN 583 EN 6631 EN 584 EN 36969 EN 27920 EN 21573 EN 54074 EN 124938 EN 18092 EN 65214 EN 18794 EN 18795 EN 27541 EN 43088 EN 13790 EN 295 EN 84831 EN 7145 EN Talking with Artists Cummings, Pat 5.9 3.0 Talking with Artists: Volume Three Cummings, Pat 5.6 3.0 Talking with Artists: Volume Two Cummings, Pat 5.5 3.0 Tall Shadow: A Navajo Boy Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.9 2.0 Tallahassee Higgins Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 6.0 Tamarack Tree, The Clapp, Patricia 4.9 7.0 Taming the Star Runner Hinton, S.E. 4.7 6.0 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, The Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 Tangerine Bloor, Edward 4.3 13.0 Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Black, Michael A. 5.9 1.0 Tanks Adams, Simon 8.2 1.0 Tanzania (Cultures of the World) Heale, Jay 8.9 3.0 Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends Clements, Andrew 2.0 0.5 Tarantula in My Purse and 172 Other Wild George, Jean Craighead Pets, The 5.4 3.0 Tarantula Shoes Birdseye, Tom 4.3 4.0 Tarantula Toes Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 Hopkins, Ellen 4.4 2.0 Byars, Betsy 3.9 3.0 Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.0 2.0 Taste (Our Senses) Woodward, Kay 4.1 0.5 Taxi Cat and Huey LeRoy, Gen 3.8 3.0 Tarnished Legacy: The Story of the Comstock Lode Tarot Says Beware: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Taste of Blackberries, A 139647 EN 139648 EN 7647 EN 69889 EN 12757 EN 83176 EN 346 EN 106696 EN 75448 EN 108323 EN 28917 EN 28918 EN 26777 EN 26778 EN 26779 EN 26780 EN 26781 EN 26782 EN 26783 EN 26784 EN 12489 EN Taylor Lautner Yasuda, Anita 5.5 0.5 Taylor Swift Yasuda, Anita 5.3 0.5 Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 1.9 0.5 Teacher Parks, Peggy J. 7.0 1.0 Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 2.4 0.5 Peck, Richard 4.7 6.0 Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 3.0 Team Moon Thimmesh, Catherine 7.5 2.0 Team Player Korman/Mantell 4.5 2.0 Teammates Barber, Tiki 3.1 0.5 Schnakenberg, Robert 7.0 3.0 Gutman, Bill 6.7 3.0 Teamwork: The Charlotte Sting in Action Owens, Tom 4.0 0.5 Owens, Tom 3.8 0.5 Owens, Tom 4.2 0.5 Owens, Tom 4.1 0.5 Owens, Tom 3.8 0.5 Owens, Tom 4.5 0.5 Owens, Tom 4.0 0.5 Teamwork: The Utah Starzz in Action Owens, Tom 4.2 0.5 Tears of a Tiger Draper, Sharon 4.3 4.0 Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts, The Teacher's Pet Teammates: Karl Malone and John Stockton Teammates: Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen Teamwork: The Cleveland Rockers in Action Teamwork: The Houston Comets in Action Teamwork: The Los Angeles Sparks in Action Teamwork: The New York Liberty in Action Teamwork: The Phoenix Mercury in Action Teamwork: The Sacramento Monarchs in Action 82254 EN 75651 EN 80686 EN 75066 EN 70633 EN 57991 EN 7244 EN 74951 EN 66574 EN 32298 EN 30796 EN 11841 EN 61391 EN 47206 EN 48996 EN 585 EN 9521 EN 32897 EN 20388 EN 65795 EN 79098 EN Technical Foul Wallace, Rich 4.1 2.0 Teddy Roosevelt: The People's President Gayle, Sharon 4.3 0.5 Teen Idol Cabot, Meg 5.2 9.0 Teen Runaways (Teen Issues) Veladota, Christina 9.7 3.0 Teenage Mermaid Schreiber, Ellen 4.4 4.0 Teeny Tiny Woman, The Robins, Arthur 2.8 0.5 Teeny Tiny Woman, The O'Connor, Jane 2.2 0.5 Telescopes: Exploring the Beyond Hopkins, Ellen 7.5 1.0 Tell a Lie and Your Butt Will Grow Greenburg, Dan 3.7 1.0 Tell Me a Story London, Jonathan 3.7 0.5 2.2 0.5 8.7 2.0 Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Dunbar, Joyce Sleep Tell Them We Remember: The Story of Bachrach, Susan the Holocaust Telling Christina Goodbye McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 5.0 Temperate Forest (Biomes of the World) Kaplan, Elizabeth 7.9 2.0 Temperate Forest, The Fornasari/Massa 8.8 2.0 Ten Kids, No Pets Ten Mile Day and the Building of the Transcontinental Railroad Martin, Ann M. 4.4 5.0 Fraser, Mary Ann 6.1 0.5 Ten, Nine, Eight Bang, Molly 1.3 0.5 Ten Queens: Portraits of Women of Power Meltzer, Milton 8.9 6.0 Ten Seconds to Play! Bee, Clair 5.6 8.0 Tending to Grace Fusco, Kimberly Newton 4.2 4.0 7843 EN 24788 EN 36970 EN 15385 EN 75110 EN 10948 EN 26994 EN 102295 EN 30706 EN 49726 EN 35953 EN 134638 EN 73522 EN 73508 EN 18796 EN 111149 EN 119136 EN 8937 EN 17159 EN 8990 EN 55741 EN Tennessee (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.7 3.0 Tennessee (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Tennessee Titans Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 Tennessee Walking Horse, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.8 0.5 Tennis (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.4 0.5 Tent, The Paulsen, Gary 4.9 2.0 Tenth Good Thing About Barney, The Viorst, Judith 2.8 0.5 Tequila Worm, The Canales, Viola 4.6 6.0 Terrell Davis (Jam Session) Dougherty, Terri 5.3 0.5 Terrell Davis: TD Savage, Jeff 5.6 1.0 Terrell Davis: Toughing It Out Stewart, Mark 6.6 1.0 Terrible, Awful Civil War: The Disgusting...Bloodiest War, The Olson, Kay Melchisedech 5.3 0.5 Terrible Times Ardagh, Philip 6.6 5.0 Terrible Tractors of Texas Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 Terrible, Wonderful Tellin' at Hog Hammock, The Siegelson, Kim 5.1 2.0 Terrier Pierce, Tamora 4.5 19.0 Terrifying Toys of Tennessee Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 Terror at the Zoo Kehret, Peg 4.6 5.0 Terror in the High Sierras Wright, Bob 2.8 1.0 Terror in the Tropics: The Army Ants Lisker, Tom 5.5 1.0 Terror Stalks Traverse City Rand, Johnathan 3.7 3.0 18838 EN 81269 SP 393 EN 7844 EN 18131 EN 24789 EN 27863 EN 74961 EN 18044 EN 27019 EN 9141 EN 24906 EN 84343 EN 64034 EN 63016 EN 58614 EN 133652 EN 12500 EN 88783 EN 103301 EN 792 EN 11444 EN Terrorist, The Cooney, Caroline B. 5.2 6.0 tesoro en la calle Oro, El Byrd, Lee Merrill 3.0 0.5 Tex Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 Texas (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Texas (Celebrate the States) Bredeson, Carmen 7.8 2.0 Texas (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.5 1.0 Texas Rangers (America's Game) Italia, Bob 5.8 0.5 Textiles: Smooth as Silk, Bumpy as Burlap Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 4.9 1.0 Thailand (Cultures of the World) Goodman, Jim 8.8 3.0 Thailand (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 7.8 2.0 Thank You, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.6 0.5 Thank You, Jackie Robinson Cohen, Barbara 4.4 4.0 Thanks to Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.6 1.0 Thanksgiving on Thursday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 3.0 0.5 7.0 3.0 Thanksgiving (Rookie Read-About Marx, David F. Holidays) Thar She Blows: American Whaling in the Currie, Stephen Nineteenth Century That Doggone Calf Wallace, Bill 3.9 4.0 That Horse Whiskey! Adler, C.S. 4.8 5.0 That New Animal Jenkins, Emily 2.7 0.5 That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles Mazer, Anne 3.8 2.0 That Was Then, This Is Now Hinton, S.E. 4.6 5.0 Theater Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 5.8 11.0 69687 EN 34748 EN 875 EN 36667 EN 29323 EN 5090 EN 349 EN 6945 EN 32749 EN 9047 EN 10641 EN 20375 EN 497 EN 8142 EN 13992 EN 6443 EN 37035 EN 9048 EN 121374 EN 63446 EN 14871 EN 34822 EN Then There Were Five Enright, Elizabeth 5.3 9.0 Theo Harrison, Barbara 6.7 5.0 Theodore Roosevelt (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Kent, Zachary 7.6 2.0 Theodore Roosevelt Takes Charge Whitelaw, Nancy 8.2 5.0 There Goes the Neighborhood Lupini, Valerie 5.0 5.0 There's a Bat in Bunk Five Danziger, Paula 3.8 4.0 There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Sachar, Louis 3.4 5.0 There's a Girl in My Hammerlock Spinelli, Jerry 3.5 5.0 There's a Hair in My Dirt Larson, Gary 5.2 0.5 There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 There's an Owl in the Shower George, Jean Craighead 4.3 3.0 These Birds Can't Fly Fowler, Allan 2.8 0.5 These Happy Golden Years Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.6 10.0 They Called Her Mrs. Doc Oke, Janette 5.6 10.0 They Never Came Home Duncan, Lois 5.2 7.0 They're All Named Wildfire Springer, Nancy 4.3 3.0 They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? McManus, Patrick F. 7.1 11.0 Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Seuss, Dr. 3.4 0.5 Thief in the Theater: A Kit Mystery, A Buckey, Sarah Masters 5.1 4.0 Thief Lord, The Funke/Latsch 4.8 13.0 Thief of Always, The Barker, Clive 4.8 6.0 Thief of Souls Shusterman, Neal 6.7 14.0 15792 EN 88 EN 793 EN 109163 EN 58220 EN 125277 EN 28896 EN 586 EN 69262 EN 56857 EN 63258 EN 54501 EN 8095 EN 40145 EN 52410 EN 587 EN 61280 EN 15595 EN 588 EN 75451 EN 5714 EN 69609 EN Thief, The Turner, Megan Whalen 6.0 11.0 Thimble Summer Thin Air Enright, Elizabeth Getz, David 5.7 3.8 5.0 4.0 Things Hoped For Clements, Andrew 4.7 6.0 Things Not Seen Clements, Andrew 4.5 9.0 Things That Are Clements, Andrew 4.3 5.0 Scott, Nina Savin 6.7 2.0 Duncan, Lois 5.5 9.0 Third Wish, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 Thirteen Colonies (We the People), The Nobleman, Marc Tyler 6.0 1.0 Thirteen Never Changes Wilson, Budge 4.5 4.0 Greenburg, Dan 3.5 1.0 Korman, Gordon 4.5 3.0 McKissack Jr., Fredrick L. 4.6 5.0 This Is the Tree Moss, Miriam 3.5 0.5 This Island Isn't Big Enough for the Four of Us! Greer, Gery 4.6 4.0 This Isn't About the Money Warner, Sally 5.2 5.0 Whitman, Sylvia 8.3 3.0 Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 This Rocks! Korman/Selman 4.6 2.0 This Side of Evil Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 This Whole Tooth Fairy Thing's Nothing But a Big Rip-Off! Grambling, Lois G. 3.0 0.5 Thinking Kid's Guide to Successful Soccer, The Third Eye, The This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall This Generation of Americans: A Story...Civil Rights Movement This Land Is Your Land: The American Conservation Movement This Place Has No Atmosphere 40146 EN 69398 EN 66070 EN 40147 EN 853 EN 1774 EN 12678 EN 8044 EN 10597 EN 16843 EN 77391 EN 8675 EN 34676 EN 32037 EN 11445 EN 52627 EN 5495 EN 44665 EN 27496 EN 30523 EN 9583 EN Thomas: 1778-Patriots on the Run Pryor, Bonnie 4.8 4.0 Thomas Edison (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.4 2.0 Thomas Edison to the Rescue! Goldsmith, Howard 2.2 0.5 Thomas in Danger Pryor, Bonnie 5.0 4.0 Hargrove, Jim 7.3 2.0 Meltzer, Milton 9.0 10.0 Thomas Paine: Revolutionary Author Farley, Karin Clafford 7.4 5.0 Thomas' Snowsuit Munsch, Robert N. 3.5 0.5 Thoroughbred Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. 4.7 0.5 Those Remarkable Women of the American Revolution Zeinert, Karen 8.8 4.0 Thought of High Windows, The Kositsky, Lynne 4.8 6.0 Thread That Runs So True, The Stuart, Jesse 6.0 16.0 Three Against the Tide Love, D. Anne 3.8 5.0 Three Bears, The Galdone, Paul 3.6 0.5 Three Cheers for Keisha Reed, Teresa 4.9 1.0 Three Days Napoli, Donna Jo 3.9 5.0 Three Ducks Went Wandering Roy, Ron 2.8 0.5 Three Little Kittens Galdone, Paul 1.6 0.5 Three Little Pigs, The Kellogg, Steven 4.5 0.5 Three Little Pigs, The Marshall, James 3.3 0.5 Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, The Trivizas, Eugene 4.6 0.5 Thomas Jefferson (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Thomas Jefferson: The Revolutionary Aristocrat 547 EN 106505 EN 48718 EN 65856 EN 11446 EN 84531 EN 6344 EN 101388 EN 27479 EN 36565 EN 31297 EN 31284 EN 31281 EN 31296 EN 31293 EN 31295 EN 31294 EN 31283 EN 31282 EN 31298 EN 31529 EN Three Musketeers (Unabridged), The Dumas, Alexandre Three of Diamonds: A Diamond Brothers Horowitz, Anthony Mystery 11.3 42.0 4.1 7.0 Three Pigs, The Wiesner, David 2.3 0.5 Three Silly Girls Grubb, The Hassett, John/Ann 3.2 0.5 Three Terrible Trins King-Smith, Dick 5.1 2.0 Three Weeks with My Brother Sparks, Nicholas 6.0 16.0 Three Wishes Clifton, Lucille 3.3 0.5 Through a Ruby Window: A Martha's Vineyard Childhood Klein, Susan 7.0 8.0 Through Grandpa's Eyes MacLachlan, Patricia 3.2 0.5 Through My Eyes Bridges, Ruby 5.9 2.0 Through the Decades: The 1900s Woog, Adam 9.9 5.0 Through the Decades: The 1910s Uschan, Michael V. 10.2 7.0 Through the Decades: The 1920s Hanson, Erica 9.9 4.0 Through the Decades: The 1930s Press, Petra 9.7 4.0 Through the Decades: The 1940s Uschan, Michael V. 9.8 5.0 Through the Decades: The 1950s Kallen, Stuart A. 8.9 3.0 Through the Decades: The 1960s Holland, Gini 10.3 6.0 Through the Decades: The 1970s Stewart, Gail B. 9.5 4.0 Through the Decades: The 1980s Kallen, Stuart A. 10.0 5.0 Through the Decades: The 1990s Kallen, Stuart A. 10.1 5.0 Through the Hidden Door Wells, Rosemary 4.7 8.0 32503 EN 114798 EN 46639 EN 78526 EN 29326 EN 29972 EN 7881 EN 71144 EN 60888 EN 2676 EN 14593 EN 18093 EN 86521 EN 794 EN 6044 EN 45151 EN 45130 EN 32580 EN 81117 EN 30275 EN 62075 EN Through the Medicine Cabinet Greenburg, Dan 3.2 1.0 Throwing Like a Girl Mackey, Weezie Kerr 4.3 9.0 Thunder Doesn't Scare Me! Bowdish, Lynea 1.0 0.5 Thunder from the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.2 5.0 Thunder Ice Acheson, Alison 4.9 5.0 Thunder on the Tennessee Wisler, G. Clifton 5.3 5.0 Thunder Rolling in the Mountains O'Dell, Scott 4.6 4.0 Thunder Rose Nolen, Jerdine 5.4 0.5 Thunderstorm (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 3.7 0.5 Thunderstorms and Lightning (Weather Watcher's Library) Galiano, Dean 6.2 1.0 Thurman Thomas: Star Running Back Savage, Jeff 6.1 2.0 Tibet (Cultures of the World) Levy, Patricia 9.2 4.0 Tiger Stone, Jeff 5.0 6.0 Tiger Eyes Blume, Judy 4.1 6.0 Tiger in the Well, The Pullman, Philip 5.9 20.0 Tiger Math: Learning to Graph From a Baby Tiger Nagda/Bickel 4.9 0.5 Tiger Rising, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.0 3.0 Tiger Woods: A Biography Gutman, Bill 6.8 5.0 Tiger Woods (People to Know) Brown, Jonatha A. 3.5 0.5 Tiger Woods: Star Golfer Lace, William W. 6.5 2.0 Tigers Macken, JoAnn Early 1.4 0.5 125201 EN 31073 EN 59335 EN 498 EN 16745 EN 52912 EN 5338 EN 29689 EN 39892 EN 9896 EN 77253 EN 17794 EN 10206 EN 14873 EN 85879 EN 12799 EN 48314 EN 70044 EN 32554 EN 18840 EN 13444 EN Tigers Hanel, Rachael 6.4 1.0 Tigers at Twilight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Tigers (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.5 0.5 Tight End Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 Till Death Do Us Part McDaniel, Lurlene 4.4 5.0 Tilly: A River Otter Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.4 1.0 Tiltawhirl John Paulsen, Gary 5.0 4.0 Tim Allen (Overcoming Adversity) Wukovits, John F. 7.5 3.0 Time Bike, The Langton, Jane 5.8 5.0 Time Bomb Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 7.0 Time Capsule, The McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 5.0 Time Cat Alexander, Lloyd 4.7 5.0 Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.5 6.0 Time for Dancing, A Hurwin, Davida Wills 4.2 9.0 Time Hackers, The Paulsen, Gary 5.2 3.0 Time Machine (Unabridged), The Wells, H.G. 7.4 6.0 Time (Make It Work!) Haslam/Glover 6.3 1.0 Time to Dance: Virginia's Civil War Diary, A Osborne, Mary/Will 5.1 2.0 Time to Die, A McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 5.0 Time to Let Go McDaniel, Lurlene 4.8 5.0 Time Trap Sorenson, Margo 3.1 2.0 8548 EN 34817 EN 21645 EN 9469 EN 23629 EN 45894 EN 66071 EN 37034 EN 114711 EN 18797 EN 14854 EN 66096 EN 20098 EN 109868 EN 7123 EN 116579 EN 65649 EN 720 EN 48151 EN 7124 EN 13445 EN Time Windows Reiss, Kathryn 4.8 9.0 Timeline Crichton, Michael 5.2 21.0 Timothy Goes to School Wells, Rosemary 2.4 0.5 Timothy of the Cay Taylor, Theodore 5.0 5.0 Tiny Seed, The Carle, Eric 2.7 0.5 Tipi: A Center of Native American Life, The Yue, David/Charlotte 6.7 2.0 Tippy Lemmey McKissack, Patricia C. 3.0 1.0 Tisha Specht, Robert 5.1 19.0 Titan's Curse, The Riordan, Rick 4.2 10.0 Titanic: April 14, 1912 Duey/Bale 4.8 4.0 Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara 4.3 5.0 Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale Black, Holly 5.3 10.0 Tituba of Salem Village Petry, Ann 5.4 10.0 To Be a King Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 To Be a Slave Lester, Julius 6.9 5.0 To Catch a Mermaid Selfors, Suzanne 5.0 8.0 To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers Old, Wendie 5.4 1.0 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 5.6 15.0 To Live Again McDaniel, Lurlene 4.9 4.0 To Sir, with Love Braithwaite, E.R. 7.5 10.0 To Slay the Dragon Schraff, Anne 3.7 2.0 48127 EN 28897 EN 63125 EN 24476 EN 6345 EN 8495 EN 9559 EN 7746 EN 80068 EN 78066 SP 59838 EN 109786 EN 51163 EN 29971 EN 110122 EN 50165 EN 29674 EN 89 EN 17742 EN 74924 EN 246 EN 110408 EN To Space & Back Ride/Okie 6.3 1.0 To the Bottom of the Sea Sullivan, George 8.9 3.0 To the Pacific (Lewis & Clark) Hamilton, John 6.4 1.0 To the Rescue: Firetrucks Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 3.8 0.5 To the Top Kramer, S.A. 4.2 0.5 To the Top of the World Brandenburg, Jim 7.0 1.0 To Walk the Sky Path Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 5.0 Toad for Tuesday, A Erickson, Russell 4.4 1.0 Toad Rage Gleitzman, Morris 5.2 4.0 ¡Toca, Chavi, toca! Dole, Mayra L. 3.1 0.5 Today Was a Terrible Day Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 0.5 Together Again Carey, Elizabeth Doyle 6.2 9.0 Tolerance: Celebrating Differences Wandberg Ph.D., Robert 6.5 1.0 Toliver's Secret Brady, Esther Wood 4.7 4.0 Tom Brady Wheeler, Jill C. 4.9 0.5 Tom Cringle: Battle on the High Seas Hausman, Gerald 6.2 7.0 Tom Cruise (Overcoming Adversity) Powell, Phelan 8.5 3.0 Tom's Midnight Garden Pearce, Philippa 6.1 9.0 Tomas and the Library Lady Mora, Pat 2.7 0.5 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The Wachtel, Roger 8.0 1.0 Tombs of Atuan, The LeGuin, Ursula K 5.9 7.0 Tomorrow, the River Gray, Dianne E. 6.0 8.0 36551 EN 17743 EN 31065 EN 76946 EN 72309 EN 75302 EN 77982 EN 9345 EN 104736 EN 8680 EN 44569 EN 15938 EN 10693 EN 48829 EN 195 EN 589 EN 54422 EN 36062 EN 21034 EN 11239 EN 21036 EN 21037 EN Tomten, The Lindgren, Astrid 3.9 0.5 Tonight Is Carnaval Dorros, Arthur 3.8 0.5 Tonight on the Titanic Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 Tony Hawk (Amazing Athletes) Braun, Eric 4.2 0.5 Tony Hawk (Awesome Athletes) Murray, Julie 5.0 0.5 Too Close for Comfort Mazer, Anne 3.5 2.0 Too Late Robins, Eleanor 2.5 1.0 Too Many Balloons Matthias, Catherine 1.2 0.5 Too Many Secrets Wright, Betty Ren 4.3 3.0 Too Many Tamales Soto, Gary 3.4 0.5 Too Young to Die McDaniel, Lurlene 5.2 5.0 Tools and Gadgets Kalman, Bobbie 5.7 0.5 Tooter Pepperday Spinelli, Jerry 2.9 1.0 Toothpaste: From Start to Finish Stone, Tanya Lee 5.4 0.5 Toothpaste Millionaire, The Toothpick Merrill, Jean Ethridge, Kenneth 5.0 5.2 3.0 4.0 Top 10 African-American Men's Athletes Savage, Jeff 6.8 1.0 Top 10 American Men's Olympic Gold Medalists Knapp, Ron 6.5 1.0 Top 10 American Women Sprinters Molzahn, Arlene Bourgeois 6.5 1.0 Top 10 Baseball Base Stealers Bjarkman, Peter C. 7.5 1.0 Top 10 Baseball Hitters Deane, Bill 6.1 1.0 Top 10 Baseball Home Run Hitters Deane, Bill 6.5 1.0 52814 EN 9839 EN 9840 EN 21039 EN 30278 EN 2533 EN 11240 EN 4852 EN 124095 EN 123120 EN 123121 EN 124096 EN 53740 EN 9844 EN 9845 EN 21042 EN 30282 EN 11241 EN 124097 EN 124098 EN 2532 EN Top 10 Baseball Legends Torres, John Albert 6.3 1.0 Top 10 Baseball Pitchers Sullivan, Michael J. 5.2 1.0 Top 10 Basketball Centers Knapp, Ron 5.9 1.0 Top 10 Basketball Power Forwards Savage, Jeff 6.0 1.0 Top 10 Basketball Scoring Small Forwards Aaseng, Nathan 6.4 1.0 Top 10 Basketball Shot-Blockers Young, Jeff C. 6.5 1.0 Top 10 Basketball Slam Dunkers Bjarkman, Peter C. 7.8 1.0 Top 10 Big Men Sehnert, Chris W. 7.4 2.0 Top 10 Birds for Kids Mead, Wendy 4.5 1.0 Top 10 Cats for Kids Rau, Dana Meachen 4.4 1.0 Top 10 Dogs for Kids Gaines, Ann Graham 4.8 1.0 Top 10 Fish for Kids Rau, Dana Meachen 5.1 1.0 Top 10 Football Legends Hunt, Donald 6.5 1.0 Top 10 Football Receivers Thornley, Stew 6.0 1.0 Top 10 Football Rushers Lace, William W. 4.9 1.0 Top 10 Hockey Goalies Spiros, Dean 5.8 1.0 Top 10 In-Line Skaters Savage, Jeff 6.1 1.0 Top 10 Nascar Drivers Riley, Gail Blasser 5.4 1.0 Top 10 Reptiles and Amphibians for Kids Gaines, Ann Graham 5.0 1.0 Top 10 Small Mammals for Kids Gaines, Ann Graham 4.8 1.0 Top 10 Sports Bloopers and Who Made Them Savage, Jeff 6.2 1.0 30284 EN 130759 EN 30309 EN 196 EN 72548 EN 11448 EN 2396 EN 11397 EN 14598 EN 69414 EN 65141 EN 4595 EN 60889 EN 44095 EN 127562 EN 108237 EN 117563 EN 2674 EN 27864 EN 27838 EN 18383 EN Top 10 Women Gymnasts Green, Septima 7.4 1.0 Top of the Order Coy, John 3.4 4.0 Jenkins, Steve 5.6 0.5 Gardiner, John Reynolds 4.0 2.0 Top Secret Files of Mother Goose, The Gosling, Gabby 3.4 0.5 Top Wing Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 Tops (and Other Spinning Toys) Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.2 0.5 Tops & Bottoms Stevens, Janet 3.2 0.5 Tornado Byars, Betsy 3.2 1.0 Tornado! Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt 7.3 1.0 Tornado Hanson, Ed 4.0 1.0 Tornado! The Strongest Winds on Earth Graf, Mike 3.5 1.0 Tornado (Wild Weather) Chambers, Catherine 4.2 0.5 Tornadoes Simon, Seymour 6.4 0.5 Tornadoes Martin, Justin McCory 2.4 0.5 Tornadoes Woods, Michael 6.0 1.0 Tornadoes Park, Louise 6.0 1.0 Tornadoes (Weather Watcher's Library) Galiano, Dean 6.9 1.0 Toronto Blue Jays (America's Game) Joseph, Paul 6.1 1.0 Toronto Raptors (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.9 0.5 Tortilla Factory, The Paulsen, Gary 2.7 0.5 Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest, The Top Secret 59945 EN 59945 SP 43455 SP 43455 EN 84895 EN 11540 EN 84838 EN 590 EN 11449 EN 65796 EN 45132 EN 63892 EN 693 EN 139706 EN 5443 EN 70520 EN 17847 EN 54107 EN 127653 EN 30427 EN 40671 EN 146342 EN Tortillas and Lullabies Reiser, Lynn 2.7 0.5 Tortillas y cancioncitas Reiser, Lynn 2.1 0.5 Tortillitas para mamá Griego 2.8 0.5 Tortillitas para Mama and other Nursery Rhymes al., Griego et 2.8 0.5 Totally Crushed! Thorpe, Kiki 4.2 2.0 Totally Disgusting! Wallace, Bill 3.7 2.0 Touch (Our Senses) Woodward, Kay 4.0 0.5 Touch the Moon Bauer, Marion Dane 5.2 2.0 Touchdown for Tommy Christopher, Matt 3.3 2.0 Touchdown Pass Bee, Clair 5.4 8.0 Touching Spirit Bear Mikaelsen, Ben 5.3 9.0 Touching the Waves Baglio, Ben M. 5.1 4.0 Tough to Tackle Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 Tough Tractors Wiseman, Blaine 3.6 0.5 Tough Winter, The Lawson, Robert 6.2 4.0 Tour de France: Solving Addition Problems...Regrouping, The Saviola, Joseph A. 4.8 0.5 Tournament Upstart Dygard, Thomas J. 5.4 7.0 Tower at the End of the World, The Strickland, Brad 5.2 5.0 Toxic! Killer Cures and Other Poisonings Hodge, Susie 5.0 0.5 Toy Deer of the Florida Keys Francis, Dorothy 3.4 1.0 Toys! Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions Wulffson, Don L. 6.8 3.0 Toys Come Home Jenkins, Emily 3.7 2.0 108832 EN 54202 EN 42682 EN 647 EN 18251 EN 86872 EN 5393 EN 70167 EN 43097 EN 45194 EN 6296 EN 14597 EN 24068 EN 16083 EN 71747 EN 31156 EN 121380 EN 16939 EN 20142 EN 81365 EN 64037 EN Toys Go Out Jenkins, Emily 4.0 2.0 Track and Field (A True Book) Knotts, Bob 4.5 0.5 6.0 0.5 5.3 2.0 Track & Field: Middle and Long Distance Hughes, Morgan Runs Tracker Paulsen, Gary Tracks in the Snow Bledsoe, Lucy Jane 4.2 3.0 Trading Cards: From Start to Finish Smith, Ryan A. 7.2 0.5 Trading Game, The Slote, Alfred 3.3 5.0 Trading Places with Tank Talbott Butler, Dori Hillestad 3.4 4.0 Trail of Tears: An American Tragedy, The Barrett, Tracy 5.0 1.0 Trail of Tears (We the People), The Burgan, Michael 6.0 0.5 Trail of the Screaming Teenager, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.6 1.0 Train to Somewhere Bunting, Eve 2.8 0.5 Training Planes of World War II Masters, Nancy Robinson 4.8 0.5 Trains Lowe, David 5.5 0.5 Trains Tiner, John Hudson 6.3 0.5 Traitor Among the Boys, A Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.7 4.0 Traitor in Williamsburg: A Felicity Mystery Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 5.7 4.0 Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold Fritz, Jean 7.5 7.0 Transall Saga, The Paulsen, Gary 4.3 8.0 Transportation (21st Century Science) Kerrod, Robin 7.6 2.0 Trap, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.8 6.0 109094 EN 27935 EN 5091 EN 57582 EN 110607 EN 66903 EN 49382 EN 80501 EN 4397 EN 72409 EN 64933 EN 41487 EN 19729 EN 7039 EN 16042 EN 522 EN 9898 EN 20294 EN 6634 EN 81269 EN 65994 EN Trap, The Smelcer, John 6.2 5.0 Trapped Between the Lash and the Gun Whitmore, Arvella 4.3 5.0 Trapped in Death Cave Wallace, Bill 4.2 5.0 Trapped in the Museum of Unnatural History Greenburg, Dan 3.3 1.0 Trappers & Mountain Men Suen, Anastasia 5.7 1.0 Trapping, Fishing, and Plant Food Wilson, Patrick 6.4 1.0 Travel in the Early Days (Historic Communities) Kalman/Calder 5.9 1.0 Travel Team Lupica, Mike 5.4 11.0 Traveling in Grandma's Day Weber/Baker 4.9 0.5 4.6 5.0 3.5 1.0 Traveling on into the Light and Other Brooks, Martha Stories Traveling on the Freedom Machines of the Owens, Thomas S. Transportation Age Treacherous Love Sparks, Beatrice 5.4 6.0 Treasure at Dolphin Bay, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Treasure Bird, The Griffin, Peni 5.2 5.0 Treasure Hunting Pascoe, Gwen 3.4 0.5 Treasure Island Stevenson, Robert Louis 8.3 12.0 Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn, The Bellairs, John 5.2 7.0 Treasure of Bessledorf Hill, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 Treasure of Green Knowe Boston, L.M. 5.8 7.0 Treasure on Gold Street, The Byrd, Lee Merrill 2.8 0.5 4.3 0.5 Treat Me Right! Kids Talk About Respect Loewen, Nancy 41793 EN 58920 EN 17248 EN 548 EN 5314 EN 16200 EN 36582 EN 16866 EN 5092 EN 18698 EN 24439 EN 18323 EN 11494 EN 13384 EN 18231 EN 74765 EN 82814 EN 62101 EN 65798 EN 45717 EN 63024 EN Tree by Leaf Voigt, Cynthia 5.5 8.0 Tree Castle Island George, Jean Craighead 4.0 7.0 Tree (Eyewitness) Burnie, David 7.4 1.0 Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A Smith, Betty 5.8 23.0 Tree House Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 Tree in the Ancient Forest, The Reed-Jones, Carol 5.5 0.5 Tree Is Growing, A Dorros, Arthur 4.2 0.5 Tree Is Nice, A Udry, Janice May 2.2 0.5 Tree of Freedom Caudill, Rebecca 6.1 10.0 Trees of the Dancing Goats, The Polacco, Patricia 4.2 0.5 Trees (Rourke Guide to State Symbols) Cooper, Jason 5.7 1.0 Trek, The Jonas, Ann 1.5 0.5 Trespassers, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.5 7.0 Tribal Law (Native American Culture) Prentzas, Scott 7.8 2.0 Triceratops: The Horned Dinosaur Riehecky, Janet 4.0 0.5 Trickster's Choice Pierce, Tamora 5.8 19.0 Trickster's Queen Pierce, Tamora 5.9 21.0 Trinidad & Tobago Sheehan, Sean 9.0 3.0 Triple-Threat Trouble Bee, Clair 5.3 8.0 Tris's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.5 9.0 Triss Jacques, Brian 5.8 17.0 108519 EN 78855 EN 61476 EN 8939 EN 36472 EN 36568 EN 48997 EN 81379 EN 74939 EN 81380 EN 197 EN 76274 EN 40114 EN 591 EN 24595 EN 59394 EN 105729 EN 198 EN 145085 EN 10650 EN 62761 EN 14538 EN Troll Bridge: A Rock 'n' Roll Fairy Tale Yolen, Jane 4.5 7.0 Troll Fell Langrish, Katherine 4.5 9.0 Troll King, The Vornholt, John 5.5 8.0 Trolley to Yesterday, The Bellairs, John 5.9 7.0 Trolls Don't Ride Roller Coasters Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 Trolls, The Horvath, Polly 5.4 5.0 Tropical Forest, The Massa/Davenport 8.7 1.0 Tropical Grasslands (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 6.7 1.0 Tropical Rain Forests Hurwitz, Jane 6.0 1.0 Tropical Rainforests (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 6.3 1.0 Trouble for Lucy Stevens, Carla 3.8 1.0 Trouble for Tom (Sparklers Gold) Weeks, Jan 3.3 0.5 Trouble in the Black Hills Mullin, Penn 3.1 1.0 Trouble River Trouble's Daughter: Story of Susanna Hutchinson, Indian Captive Byars, Betsy 4.9 3.0 Kirkpatrick, Katherine 4.8 8.0 Trouble with Babies, The Freeman, Martha 3.0 2.0 Trouble with Tink, The Thorpe, Kiki 4.3 2.0 Trouble with Tuck, The Taylor, Theodore 5.5 4.0 Troublemaker Clements, Andrew 4.7 3.0 Troubling a Star L'Engle, Madeleine 5.1 12.0 Trout and Me Shreve, Susan 4.9 4.0 Trout Summer Conly, Jane Leslie 4.3 7.0 21046 EN 133623 EN 11245 EN 20561 EN 131502 EN 58971 EN 88386 EN 5093 EN 9506 EN 84 SP 90 EN 142 EN 48196 EN 78879 EN 11495 EN 6549 EN 35982 EN 6744 EN 111956 EN 13446 EN 108238 EN 117564 EN Troy Aikman: Star Quarterback Spiros, Dean 6.3 2.0 Truce: The Day the Soldiers Stopped Fighting Murphy, Jim 8.2 2.0 Truck and Tractor Pulling (MotorSports) Savage, Jeff 4.9 0.5 Trucks (A True Book) Stille, Darlene R. 4.4 0.5 Trucks: The Ins and Outs of Monster Trucks...and Other Trucks Young, Jeff C. 5.6 1.0 True Adventures of Grizzly Adams, The McClung, Robert M. 7.7 8.0 True Believer Sparks, Nicholas 5.8 15.0 True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The Avi 5.3 8.0 True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon 3.0 0.5 Trueno Trumpet of the Swan, The Trumpeter of Krakow, The Armstrong, William H. White, E.B. Kelly, Eric 5.3 4.9 7.1 3.0 6.0 10.0 Trumpets (Music Makers) Harris, Pamela K. 3.8 0.5 Truth About Forever, The Dessen, Sarah 5.2 16.0 Truth About Sixth Grade, The McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.3 5.0 Truth About Stacey, The Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Truth About the Moon, The Bess, Clayton 3.5 0.5 Truth About Unicorns, The Giblin, James Cross 7.8 3.0 Tsunami! Rooney, Anne 7.8 1.0 Tsunami! Death Wave Sorenson, Margo 4.4 1.0 Tsunamis Woods, Michael 5.4 1.0 Tsunamis Park, Louise 6.3 1.0 102698 EN 61809 EN 247 EN 7698 EN 248 EN 32262 EN 44730 EN 14146 EN 18600 EN 18538 EN 65472 EN 47211 EN 40569 EN 61397 EN 18094 EN 18045 EN 138072 EN 132908 EN 592 EN 26742 EN 47143 EN 26715 EN TTYL Morgan, Melissa J. 4.5 5.0 Tubas (Music Makers) Temple, Bob 3.2 0.5 Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie 5.0 4.0 Tuck Triumphant Taylor, Theodore 5.1 5.0 Tucker's Countryside Selden, George 4.9 5.0 Tucket's Gold Paulsen, Gary 5.2 3.0 Tucket's Home Paulsen, Gary 5.2 2.0 Tucket's Ride Paulsen, Gary 4.8 3.0 Tuesday Cafe, The Trembath, Don 4.7 4.0 Tulip Touch, The Fine, Anne 4.4 4.0 Tundra Animals (Animals of the Biomes) Butz, Christopher 5.0 1.0 Tundra (Biomes of the World) Kaplan, Elizabeth 7.9 2.0 Tundra (First Reports) Gray, Susan H. 4.7 0.5 Tune in Anytime Cooney, Caroline B. 4.8 6.0 Tunisia (Cultures of the World) Brown, Roslind Varghese 8.7 4.0 Turkey (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 8.6 4.0 Turkey Hunting MacRae, Sloan 4.9 0.5 Turkey Trouble Silvano, Wendi 2.3 0.5 Turn Homeward, Hannalee Beatty, Patricia 4.9 7.0 Turn of the Century Jackson, Ellen 5.4 1.0 Turnabout Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.3 7.0 Turnabout Shop, The Rodowsky, Colby 5.0 4.0 28145 EN 133236 EN 18842 EN 59336 EN 80566 EN 15076 EN 199 EN 69829 EN 113861 EN 47427 EN 18449 EN 200 EN 593 EN 91 EN 5971 EN 11743 EN 101659 EN 109322 EN 70402 EN 56472 EN 18798 EN 5695 EN Turquoise Boy: A Navajo Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.9 0.5 Turtle Hamilton, Lynn 5.4 1.0 Turtle on a Fence Post Wood, June Rae 4.9 9.0 Turtles (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.5 0.5 Tuskegee Airmen (We the People), The Brooks, Philip 6.9 1.0 Tut, Tut Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 TV Kid, The Byars, Betsy 4.3 3.0 TV Reporter (How Do I Become A...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 5.5 0.5 Twelve Myracle, Lauren 4.0 6.0 Yolen, Jane 5.4 6.0 Mazer, Harry 4.8 8.0 Bishop, Claire Huchet Nelson, Theresa Bois, William Pene du 4.0 5.6 6.8 2.0 7.0 6.0 Twenty Pageants Later Cooney, Caroline B. 4.9 6.0 Twice Taken Pfeffer, Susan Beth 3.9 7.0 Twilight Meyer, Stephenie 4.9 18.0 Twilight Hunter, Erin 5.5 11.0 Twilight Struggle: The Life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, A Harrison/Terris 8.8 6.0 Twins Cooney, Caroline B. 4.9 5.0 Twins, the Pirates, and the Battle of New Orleans, The Robinet, Harriette Gillem 4.5 4.0 Twisted Claw, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.0 5.0 Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast Twelve Shots: Outstanding Short Stories About Guns Twenty and Ten Twenty-Five Cent Miracle, The Twenty-One Balloons, The 16748 EN 594 EN 47830 EN 53512 EN 9297 EN 5548 EN 124053 EN 8797 EN 6247 EN 32693 EN 59073 EN 76315 EN 117634 EN 5708 EN 5295 EN 721 EN 18232 EN 68302 EN 65538 EN 61931 EN 29574 EN 6649 EN Twisted Summer Roberts, Willo Davis 5.4 7.0 Twisted Window, The Duncan, Lois 6.2 8.0 Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 Twister Trouble Schreiber, Ann 3.9 1.0 Twits, The Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Two Bad Ants Van Allsburg, Chris 4.7 0.5 Two Bobbies: A True Story of Hurricane Katrina...Survival Larson, Kirby 4.2 0.5 Two Different Girls Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Two Dog Biscuits Cleary, Beverly 3.2 0.5 Two for Stew Numeroff/Saltzberg 2.1 0.5 Two Heads Are Better Than One Mazer, Anne 3.6 2.0 Two Hours with Tilly (Sparklers Aqua) Peters, Alison 2.7 0.5 Two-Minute Drill Lupica, Mike 5.1 4.0 Two Points to Murder Keene, Carolyn 4.3 4.0 Two Towers, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.3 23.0 Two Years Before the Mast Dana, Richard Henry 7.7 26.0 Tyrannosaurus: The Tyrant Lizard Riehecky, Janet 4.6 0.5 U.S. Capitol, The Schaefer, Lola M. 4.0 0.5 U.S. Presidential Inaugurations Santella, Andrew 6.8 1.0 UFOs (X Science) Gorman, Jacqueline Laks 4.8 0.5 Uganda (Major World Nations) Creed, Alexander 8.6 2.0 Ugh Yorinks, Arthur 2.7 0.5 86097 EN 65244 EN 18095 EN 868 EN 7596 EN 63126 EN 32681 EN 52629 EN 12470 EN 18321 EN 11132 EN 16725 EN 73118 EN 57123 EN 58930 EN 107175 EN 11744 EN 26762 EN 28240 EN 68620 EN 11450 EN Uglies Westerfeld, Scott 5.2 13.0 Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool, The Gray, Margaret 6.0 4.0 Ukraine (Cultures of the World) Bassis, Volodymyr 9.6 3.0 Ulysses S. Grant (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Kent, Zachary 7.4 2.0 Umbrella Yashima, Taro 4.0 0.5 Uncharted Lands (Lewis & Clark) Hamilton, John 6.4 1.0 Uncivil War, The Klass, Sheila Solomon 4.2 4.0 Uncle Daddy Fletcher, Ralph 3.5 3.0 Uncle Daney's Way Haas, Jessie 4.6 4.0 Uncle Nacho's Hat Rohmer, Harriet 2.4 0.5 Uncle Sam Wants You! Military Men & Women of WW II Whitman, Sylvia 7.5 3.0 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher 9.3 32.0 Uncommon Faith Krisher, Trudy 5.9 12.0 Under a War-Torn Sky Elliott, L.M. 4.8 10.0 Under, Over, by the Clover: What Is a Preposition? Cleary, Brian P. 3.2 0.5 Under the Baseball Moon Ritter, John H. 4.7 9.0 Under the Blood-Red Sun Salisbury, Graham 4.0 8.0 Under the Lemon Moon Fine, Edith Hope 2.9 0.5 Under the Royal Palms Ada, Alma Flor 6.6 3.0 Under the Stars Baglio, Ben M. 4.8 4.0 Undercover Tailback Christopher, Matt 4.1 3.0 145509 EN 27163 EN 18994 EN 26410 EN 92 EN 80142 EN 132725 EN 78926 EN 18749 EN 8994 EN 18699 EN 80953 EN 28722 EN 82242 EN 24064 EN 24065 EN 28723 EN 24066 EN 24067 EN 17848 EN 25067 EN Underdogs, The Lupica, Mike 5.2 9.0 Underfoot (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 3.0 0.5 Underground, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Undersea People, The Bunting, Eve 3.7 0.5 Understood Betsy Fisher, Dorothy 5.9 8.0 Undertaker's Gone Bananas, The Zindel, Paul 6.5 8.0 Unfinished Angel, The Creech, Sharon 4.4 3.0 Unicorn, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides Dadey, Debbie 3.6 1.0 Unidentified Flying Objects Collins, Jim 5.9 1.0 Uninvited Guest and Other Jewish Holiday Jaffe, Nina Tales, The 6.0 2.0 Uniquely Iowa 7.3 1.0 United Kingdom (Country Fact Files), The Flint, David 8.7 1.0 United Kingdom (Reading Essentials in Social Studies) Mattern, Joanne 6.2 1.0 United States Air Force, The Green, Michael 4.8 0.5 United States Army, The Green, Michael 5.5 0.5 United States (Country Fact Files), The Baines, John 7.3 1.0 United States Marine Corps, The Green, Michael 5.7 1.0 United States Navy, The Green, Michael 5.1 0.5 Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman, The Plummer, Louise 5.0 6.0 Unprotected Witness, The 3.6 4.0 Horton, Loren N. Stevenson, James 78083 EN 20647 EN 77275 EN 249 EN 115274 EN 114228 EN 43270 EN 5047 EN 549 EN 9395 EN 51685 EN 20297 EN 138073 EN 394 EN 46194 EN 143 EN 44437 EN 47395 EN 5912 EN 29808 EN 89806 EN 131792 EN Untamed Farley, Terri 5.1 6.0 Until Angels Close My Eyes McDaniel, Lurlene 4.0 5.0 Unwilling Umpire, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Up a Road Slowly Hunt, Irene 6.6 8.0 Up Close: Elvis Presley Hampton, Wilborn 7.0 5.0 Up Close: Johnny Cash Neimark, Anne E. 7.5 5.0 Up Country Carter, Alden R. 4.1 10.0 Up from Jericho Tel Konigsburg, E.L. 5.7 7.0 Up from Slavery Washington, Booker T. 8.2 13.0 Up, Up, and Away Hillert, Margaret 1.0 0.5 Up, Up, Down Munsch, Robert N. 2.1 0.5 Upchuck and the Rotten Willy Wallace, Bill 3.7 3.0 MacRae, Sloan 4.6 0.5 Siegal, Aranka 5.5 10.0 Upside-Down Day, The Lewis, Beverly 2.8 1.0 Upstairs Room, The Reiss, Johanna 2.9 6.0 Uptown Collier, Bryan 2.8 0.5 Kerrod, Robin 6.9 1.0 Bash, Barbara 5.6 0.5 Uruguay (Cultures of the World) Jermyn, Leslie 8.9 3.0 Usher Horn, Geoffrey M. 4.8 1.0 USS Arizona Memorial Robins, Maureen Picard 6.7 0.5 Upland Hunting: Pheasant, Quail, and Other Game Birds Upon the Head of the Goat Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (Planet Library) Urban Roosts: Where Birds Nest in the City 7845 EN 27839 EN 24790 EN 13386 EN 68989 EN 14600 EN 15596 EN 20050 EN 7747 EN 105174 EN 61200 EN 5246 EN 119911 EN 59071 EN 119015 EN 80082 EN 64126 EN 113616 EN 140194 EN 61477 EN 5444 EN Utah (America the Beautiful) McCarthy, Betty 8.4 3.0 Utah Jazz (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 7.0 1.0 Utah (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.5 1.0 Ute (Native American People), The Doherty, Craig/Katherine 6.8 1.0 Utterly Me, Clarice Bean Child, Lauren 5.5 3.0 Utterly Yours, Booker Jones Duffey, Betsy 4.0 3.0 V Is for Victory: American Home Front During World War II Whitman, Sylvia 7.7 2.0 Vacation Under the Volcano Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Valentine Frankenstein Twohill, Maggie 3.6 2.0 Valentine's Day Disaster Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 Valentine's Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.6 0.5 Valentine Star, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 Valley of the Giant Skeletons Stilton, Geronimo 4.1 1.0 Valley of the Lost, The Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 Vampire Brat Sage, Angie 5.4 3.0 Vampire's Vacation, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Vampire State Building Levy, Elizabeth 3.8 2.0 Vampires Hamilton, John 6.6 1.0 Vampires Hamilton, S.L. 5.2 0.5 Vampires: A Collection of Original Stories Yolen/Greenberg 5.3 8.0 Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots 3.8 1.0 Dadey/Jones 27840 EN 13447 EN 7026 EN 34747 EN 722 EN 18233 EN 56775 SP 18046 EN 9900 EN 85059 EN 32589 EN 72310 EN 66766 EN 87 SP 76069 EN 7846 EN 24791 EN 297 EN 83073 EN 36015 EN 34578 EN 5720 EN Vancouver Grizzlies (Inside the NBA) Italia, Bob 6.9 0.5 Vandal, The Schraff, Anne 3.4 3.0 Vandemark Mummy, The Voigt, Cynthia 4.6 8.0 Vanishing Brooks, Bruce 5.8 3.0 Vanity Fair Thackeray, William M. 12.4 66.0 Velociraptor: The Swift Hunter Riehecky, Janet 4.3 0.5 Veloz como el grillo Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 Venezuela (Cultures of the World) Winter, Jane Kohen 9.0 4.0 Vengeance of the Witch-Finder, The Bellairs, John 5.5 6.0 Brown, Jonatha A. 3.5 0.5 Flynn, Gabriel 4.3 0.5 Pyle, Lydia 5.2 0.5 Venus Williams (Stars of Sport) Boekhoff/Kallen 6.7 1.0 verano de los cisnes, El Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 Verbs (The Magic of Language) Heinrichs, Ann 3.6 0.5 Vermont (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.4 4.0 Vermont (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.4 1.0 Veronica Ganz Sachs, Marilyn 4.9 4.0 Veronica the Show-off Robinson, Nancy K. 3.4 3.0 Very Busy Spider, The Carle, Eric 1.3 0.5 Very Clumsy Click Beetle, The Carle, Eric 2.8 0.5 Very Deadly Yours Keene, Carolyn 4.4 4.0 Venus and Serena Williams (People We Should Know) Venus and Serena Williams (Sports Superstars) Venus & Serena Williams (Awesome Athletes) 81647 EN 5496 EN 84877 EN 13776 EN 36523 EN 69713 EN 63017 EN 78770 EN 69831 EN 19834 SP 82517 EN 15939 EN 15940 EN 107239 EN 18047 EN 88780 EN 74925 EN 64931 EN 131793 EN 15098 EN 17249 EN Very Far Away from Anywhere Else Le Guin, Ursula K. 5.4 3.0 Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Carle, Eric 2.9 0.5 Very Lizzie Christmas, A Jones, Jasmine 4.3 2.0 Very Lonely Firefly, The Carle, Eric 2.4 0.5 Very Quiet Cricket, The Carle, Eric 3.0 0.5 Very Worst Monster, The Hutchins, Pat 2.7 0.5 Veterans Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Cotton, Jacqueline S. 3.5 0.5 Veterinarian Parks, Peggy J. 7.2 1.0 Veterinarian (How Do I Become A...?) Englart, Mindi Rose 5.6 0.5 Viborita de Cascabel Ata/Moroney 3.0 0.5 Victoria and the Rogue Cabot, Meg 6.8 9.0 Victorian Christmas Kalman, Bobbie 5.7 0.5 Victorian Home, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 0.5 Victory Cooper, Susan 5.9 8.0 Vietnam (Cultures of the World) Seah, Audrey 9.1 4.0 Vietnam Era, The Schomp, Virginia 8.7 5.0 Vietnam Memorial, The De Capua, Sarah 7.2 1.0 Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Reading Essentials...Studies), The Owens, Thomas S. 6.2 1.0 Vietnam War Memorial Burrows, Jennifer 5.5 0.5 View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.9 7.0 Viking (Eyewitness) Margeson, Susan M. 6.2 1.0 59610 EN 24935 EN 5696 EN 53089 EN 64918 EN 48687 EN 595 EN 6487 EN 110608 EN 7847 EN 18133 EN 24792 EN 723 EN 17599 EN 79927 EN 29485 EN 2137 EN 15941 EN 41488 EN 18996 EN 49472 SP 13740 EN Viking It and Liking It Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Viking Symbol Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.7 5.0 Vikings Don't Wear Wrestling Belts Dadey/Jones 4.1 1.0 Vikings (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The Hanks/Lobell 7.6 1.0 Vile Village, The Snicket, Lemony 6.7 7.0 Village by the Sea, The Fox, Paula 4.7 4.0 Village of Blue Stone, The Trimble, Stephen 6.0 1.0 Viper Maurer, Tracy 6.0 0.5 Virginia (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.2 3.0 Virginia (Celebrate the States) Barrett, Tracy 7.8 2.0 Virginia (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.3 1.0 Virginian, The Wister, Owen 6.3 21.0 Virtual Cody Duffey, Betsy 3.1 1.0 Virtual Vampires of Vermont Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 Virtually Perfect Gutman, Dan 4.1 3.0 Visit to Mexico, A Alcraft, Rob 3.2 0.5 Visiting a Village Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 0.5 Visiting Miss Caples Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 4.6 5.0 Visitor, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 4.0 Vístete, Robertito Morton/Martín 2.4 0.5 Voice on the Radio, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.6 6.0 6635 EN 8496 EN 111957 EN 20299 EN 13448 EN 28647 EN 17250 EN 47350 EN 48509 EN 105836 EN 107472 EN 117565 EN 139576 EN 75114 EN 77861 EN 82093 EN 102148 EN 52124 EN 649 EN 5094 EN 25892 EN 93 EN Voices after Midnight Peck, Richard 4.3 6.0 Voices from the Fields Atkin, S. Beth 5.4 2.0 Volcano! Ganeri, Anita 7.0 1.0 Volcano Disaster, The Kehret, Peg 5.1 3.0 Volcano! Dome of Fire Bondar, Barbara 4.9 1.0 Volcano, Earthquake and Hurricane Arnold, Nick 6.9 1.0 Volcano & Earthquake (Eyewitness) VanRose, Susanna 7.7 1.0 Volcanoes Simon, Seymour 5.1 0.5 Volcanoes Llewellyn, Claire 3.7 0.5 Volcanoes Wood, Lily 4.1 0.5 Volcanoes Woods, Michael 6.4 1.0 Volcanoes Park, Louise 6.4 1.0 Volcanoes (Earth Science) Nault, Jennifer 5.3 0.5 Volleyball (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.2 0.5 Vote for Larry Tashjian, Janet 5.8 7.0 Voting in an Election Hamilton, John 5.8 0.5 Vox Stewart, Paul 6.3 13.0 Voyage of the Beagle, The Darwin, Charles 13.4 48.0 Voyage of the "Dawn Treader", The Lewis, C.S. 5.9 9.0 Voyage of the Frog, The Paulsen, Gary 6.0 5.0 6.5 5.0 5.7 11.0 Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of White, Ellen Emerson Margaret Ann Brady Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, The Lofting, Hugh 28648 EN 118152 EN 16989 EN 29863 EN 27476 EN 5697 EN 106290 EN 9346 EN 596 EN 49302 EN 70429 EN 10696 EN 74079 EN 31726 EN 2677 EN 84974 EN 47352 EN 47354 EN 47356 EN 5296 EN 45201 EN Voyages of Exploration Arnold, Nick 6.6 1.0 Vulture View Sayre, April Pulley 1.1 0.5 Wagon Train 911 Gilson, Jamie 3.3 3.0 Wagon Train (Life in the Old West), The Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 1.0 Wagon Wheels Brenner, Barbara 2.6 0.5 Wailing Siren Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Wait for Me Na, An 4.3 5.0 Wait, Skates! Johnson, Mildred D. 0.8 0.5 Wait Till Helen Comes Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 5.0 Waiting Alligators Muñoz, William 2.8 0.5 Waiting for Sarah McBay/Heneghan 5.1 5.0 Waiting for the Whales McFarlane, Sheryl 4.7 0.5 Wake Me at Midnight DeClements, Barthe 3.9 4.0 Wake Me in Spring Preller, James 2.2 0.5 Wakeboarding! Throw a Tantrum Hayhurst, Chris 6.0 1.0 Wakeboarding (To the Extreme) Peterson, Christine 2.1 0.5 Walk in the Deciduous Forest, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.1 0.5 Walk in the Prairie, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.2 0.5 Walk in the Tundra, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.3 0.5 Walk in Wolf Wood, A Stewart, Mary 5.4 6.0 Walk to Remember, A Sparks, Nicholas 5.8 8.0 10299 EN 14496 EN 79953 EN 15090 EN 43916 EN 74926 EN 32248 EN 14739 EN 16648 EN 82893 EN 32247 EN 20520 EN 36678 EN 124671 EN 80824 EN 16950 EN 32495 EN 5095 EN 64932 EN 795 EN 30505 EN 550 EN Walk Two Moons Creech, Sharon 4.9 9.0 Walking Stones, The Hunter, Mollie 6.3 5.0 Walking Through the Dark Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.2 7.0 Walking Up a Rainbow Taylor, Theodore 5.8 12.0 Walkingsticks (Insects) Frost, Helen 1.7 0.5 Wall Street Whitcraft, Melissa 7.2 1.0 Wall, The Bunting, Eve 2.4 0.5 Walt Disney: Creator of Mickey Mouse Cole, Michael D. 8.1 3.0 Walt Disney: Young Movie Maker Hammontree, Marie 3.8 3.0 Walt Whitman: Words for America Kerley, Barbara 5.4 0.5 Walter the Baker Carle, Eric 3.7 0.5 Wampanoags, The Flanagan, Alice K. 5.3 0.5 Wanderer, The Creech, Sharon 5.2 6.0 Want to Be a NASCAR Driver? Woods, Bob 5.6 1.0 Want to Play? Kids Talk About Friendliness Nettleton, Pamela Hill 3.8 0.5 Wanted! Cooney, Caroline B. 5.2 6.0 Wanted Dead or Alive: The True Story of McGovern, Ann Harriet Tubman 3.8 1.0 Wanted...Mud Blossom Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 Helmer, Diana Star 3.4 1.0 Miklowitz, Gloria D. 4.6 5.0 War of Jenkins' Ear, The Morpurgo, Michael 5.0 7.0 War of the Worlds, The Wells, H.G. 9.1 11.0 War Between Bosses and Workers (Reading...Social Studies), The War Between the Classes, The 57224 EN 298 EN 8099 EN 7700 EN 18998 EN 124939 EN 878 EN 115641 EN 124940 EN 7848 EN 7849 EN 24794 EN 64934 EN 64943 EN 68303 EN 24793 EN 100154 EN 36971 EN 27914 EN 106722 EN 27841 EN War on Villa Street, The Mazer, Harry 3.8 5.0 War with Grandpa, The Smith, Robert Kimmel 3.9 3.0 War with Mr. Wizzle, The Korman, Gordon 4.6 7.0 Warm as Wool Sanders, Scott Russell 4.9 0.5 Warning, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Warplanes Adams, Simon 8.2 1.0 Warren G. Harding (Encyclopedia of Presidents) Wade, Linda R. 7.2 1.0 Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans Hunter, Erin 5.5 5.0 Warships Adams, Simon 8.4 1.0 Washington (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Washington, D.C. (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 9.0 3.0 Washington, D.C. (Portrait of America) 6.8 1.0 Thompson, Kathleen Washington, D.C. (Reading Essentials in Owens, Thomas S. 6.3 Social Studies) Washington Is Burning! The War of 1812 Cunningham, Alvin Robert 6.0 (Reading...Studies) 1.0 1.0 Washington Monument, The Schaefer, Lola M. 4.5 0.5 Washington (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.2 1.0 Washington Redskins LeBoutillier, Nate 2.6 0.5 Washington Redskins Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 Washington Redskins, The Italia, Bob 5.7 0.5 Washington Wax Museum Rand, Johnathan 4.1 3.0 Washington Wizards (Inside the NBA) Joseph, Paul 6.2 1.0 6248 EN 7349 EN 16875 EN 940 EN 25069 EN 26243 EN 77746 EN 88223 EN 82219 EN 12749 EN 395 EN 102515 EN 138074 EN 6017 EN 749 EN 11552 EN 31228 EN 70206 EN 149683 EN 32283 EN 29239 EN 21047 EN Watch Out! Man-Eating Snake Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.0 0.5 Watch Out, Ronald Morgan! Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 0.5 Watchdog and the Coyotes Wallace, Bill 3.7 2.0 Watcher's: Last Stop Lerangis, Peter 5.0 5.0 Watcher, The Howe, James 4.8 4.0 Watchful Wolves Berman, Ruth 2.0 0.5 Watching the Weather Freeman, Marcia 1.3 0.5 Water Cycle (Science Matters), The Purslow, Frances 4.5 0.5 Water Cycle, The Karpelenia, Jenny 5.6 1.0 Water (Images) Markert, Jenny 5.9 0.5 Water Sky George, Jean Craighead 4.7 7.0 Water Sprites, The Rodda, Emily 4.7 2.0 Waterfowl Hunting MacRae, Sloan 4.5 0.5 Sharpe, Susan 4.6 4.0 Adams, Richard 6.2 25.0 Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, The Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 Wave, The Strasser, Todd 5.2 5.0 Way a Door Closes, The Smith, Hope Anita 4.0 1.0 Way of the Ninja West, Tracey 2.8 0.5 Way Things Never Were, The Finkelstein, Norman H. 8.9 4.0 Way to Start a Day, The Baylor, Byrd 3.5 0.5 Wayne Gretzky: Star Center Fortunato, Frank 7.2 3.0 Waterman's Boy (Trouble at Marsh Harbor) Watership Down 11497 EN 5247 EN 58693 EN 76775 EN 65995 EN 4378 EN 101142 EN 101143 EN 88530 EN 101144 EN 88531 EN 101146 EN 88532 EN 101147 EN 56743 EN 67222 EN 14758 EN 5297 EN 14299 EN 57584 EN 18135 EN Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis 3.4 4.0 We Are Patriots: Hope's Revolutionary War Diary Gregory, Kristiana 4.4 2.0 We Like Kites Berenstain, Stan 1.2 0.5 We Live Here Too! Kids Talk About Good Loewen, Nancy Citizenship 4.1 0.5 We'll Race You, Henry Mitchell, Barbara 4.7 1.0 We're from Brazil Lynch, Emma 3.1 0.5 We're from China Lynch, Emma 3.3 0.5 We're from India Parker, Victoria 3.4 0.5 We're from Indonesia Lynch, Emma 3.1 0.5 We're from Japan Parker, Victoria 3.3 0.5 We're from Kenya Lynch, Emma 3.2 0.5 We're from Mexico Parker, Victoria 3.2 0.5 We're from Pakistan Lynch, Emma 3.1 0.5 We Rode the Orphan Trains Warren, Andrea 6.4 4.0 7.3 3.0 8.4 3.0 We Shall Overcome: The History Finlayson, Reggie of...Movement (People's History) Weapons & Warfare: From the Stone Age Meltzer, Milton to the Space Age Weasel DeFelice, Cynthia 5.0 4.0 Weather (Eyewitness) Cosgrove, Brian 7.6 1.0 Weather Words and What They Mean Gibbons, Gail 3.5 0.5 Weavers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.2 1.0 29785 EN 36462 EN 85688 EN 74177 EN 5248 EN 114653 EN 63085 EN 25464 EN 8598 EN 78776 EN 15388 EN 24352 EN 54204 EN 125529 EN 2738 EN 7748 EN 7029 EN 32750 EN 6684 EN 34732 EN 9626 EN Weaving of a Dream, The Heyer, Marilee 4.7 0.5 Wedding for Wiglaf?, A McMullan, K.H. 3.1 1.0 Wedding Planner's Daughter, The Paratore, Coleen Murtagh 4.9 5.0 Wedding, The Sparks, Nicholas 5.7 11.0 Wednesday Surprise, The Bunting, Eve 2.8 0.5 Wednesday Wars, The Schmidt, Gary D. 5.9 12.0 Week in the Woods, A Clements, Andrew 5.5 7.0 Weekend Pike, Christopher 4.9 8.0 Weekend Was Murder!, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.1 7.0 Weeping Werewolf, The Coville, Bruce 3.9 1.0 Weight Lifting (Extreme Sports) Lund, Bill 4.6 0.5 Weight-Loss Programs: Weighing the Risks and Realities Drohan, Michele 7.0 1.0 Weightlifting (A True Book) Knotts, Bob 4.9 0.5 Weimaraners Stone, Lynn M. 4.4 0.5 Weird Walkers:12 of Nature's Most Amazing Animals Fredericks, Anthony D. 6.7 1.0 Weird Wolf Cuyler, Margery 3.4 1.0 Weirdo, The Taylor, Theodore 4.6 8.0 Welcome Comfort Polacco, Patricia 4.5 0.5 Welcome Home, Jellybean Shyer, Marlene 5.3 5.0 Welcome to Addy's World, 1864 Sinnott, Susan 6.5 1.0 Welcome to Camp Nightmare Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 34731 EN 34736 EN 34733 EN 34734 EN 34735 EN 55130 EN 10937 EN 18900 EN 150087 EN 60655 EN 113617 EN 140195 EN 8996 EN 10697 EN 597 EN 5096 EN 76858 EN 82241 EN 18799 EN 7850 EN 24795 EN 144 EN Welcome to Felicity's World, 1774 Gourley, Catherine 5.6 1.0 Welcome to Josefina's World, 1824 Pierre, Yvette La 6.2 1.0 Welcome to Kirsten's World, 1854 Sinnott, Susan 5.7 1.0 Welcome to Molly's World, 1944 Gourley, Catherine 5.5 1.0 Welcome to Samantha's World, 1904 Gourley, Catherine 5.9 1.0 Welcome to the River of Grass Yolen, Jane 4.5 0.5 Well: David's Story, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.3 3.0 Well Wished Billingsley, Franny 5.8 6.0 Wellspring of Magic Fields, Jan 4.6 3.0 Wenny Has Wings Carey, Janet Lee 4.2 5.0 Werewolves Ollhoff, Jim 5.7 1.0 Werewolves Hamilton, S.L. 5.1 0.5 Werewolves and Stories About Them Kudalis, Eric 4.0 0.5 Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 West Against the Wind Murrow, Liza Ketchum 4.6 8.0 West from Home Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.7 4.0 West Point Kimmel, Heidi 8.1 1.0 Purcell, Martha Sias 6.2 1.0 Murphy, Jim 5.2 6.0 West Virginia (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.0 3.0 West Virginia (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 7.1 1.0 Westing Game, The Raskin, Ellen 5.3 8.0 West (Reading Essentials in Social Studies), The West to a Land of Plenty: The Diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi 396 EN 50170 EN 81382 EN 13987 EN 12592 EN 59931 EN 59337 EN 4527 EN 8498 EN 51936 EN 29892 EN 13831 EN 63229 EN 11135 EN 11136 EN 11137 EN 11139 EN 11140 EN 9560 EN 9561 EN 67747 EN Westmark Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 6.0 Westward to Home: Joshua's Diary Hermes, Patricia 3.1 1.0 Wetlands (Habitats) Snedden, Robert 7.1 1.0 Whale (Eyewitness) Papastavrou, Vassili 6.6 1.0 Whalers, The Chrisp, Peter 6.0 1.0 Whales Simon, Seymour 5.5 0.5 Whales (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 Whaling Captain's Daughter, A O'Hara, Megan 4.7 1.0 Whaling Days Carrick, Carol 6.1 0.5 What a Trip, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2.6 0.5 What Are Food Chains and Webs? Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 0.5 What Color Is Camouflage? Otto, Carolyn 4.3 0.5 What Do Sharks Eat for Dinner? Questions...About Sharks Berger, Melvin 5.4 1.0 What Do We Know...Amazonian Indians? Lewington, Anna 6.2 1.0 What Do We Know...Aztecs? Defrates, Joanna 6.4 0.5 What Do We Know...Celts? Martell, Hazel 6.1 1.0 What Do We Know...Greeks? Pearson, Anne 5.7 0.5 What Do We Know...Plains Indians? Taylor, Colin 6.3 1.0 What Do We Know...Romans? Corbishley, Mike 5.8 0.5 What Do We Know...Vikings? Martell, Hazel 5.2 1.0 What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? Jenkins/Page 3.0 0.5 6346 EN 5698 EN 63653 EN 13832 EN 15541 EN 29891 EN 29890 EN 29895 EN 29894 EN 29893 EN 41750 EN 15819 EN 42986 EN 63230 EN 116251 EN 53820 EN 6488 EN 47115 EN 17346 EN 9347 EN 36042 EN What Eric Knew Howe, James 3.9 3.0 What Happened at Midnight Dixon, Franklin W. 5.8 5.0 What Happened to Lani Garver Plum-Ucci, Carol 5.1 15.0 What Happened to the Dinosaurs? Branley, Franklyn M. 4.3 0.5 What I Had Was Singing: The Story of Marian Anderson Ferris, Jeri 6.5 2.0 What Is a Biome? Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 0.5 What Is a Life Cycle? Kalman, Bobbie 5.4 0.5 What Is a Living Thing? Kalman, Bobbie 3.3 0.5 What Is a Mammal? Kalman, Bobbie 4.8 0.5 What Is the Animal Kingdom? Kalman, Bobbie 4.9 0.5 What Is the World Made Of? Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner 3.7 0.5 What Jamie Saw Coman, Carolyn 5.4 3.0 What Janie Found Cooney, Caroline B. 4.8 6.0 What Makes an Ocean Wave? Questions...Ocean Life Berger, Melvin 5.1 1.0 What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya 5.1 5.0 What My Mother Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya 5.3 3.0 What's Cooking, Jenny Archer? Conford, Ellen 3.2 1.0 What's Cooking? The History of American Whitman, Sylvia Food 8.2 3.0 What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah? Wells, Robert E. 4.1 0.5 What's in a Box? Boivin, Kelly 1.9 0.5 What's in a Name Wittlinger, Ellen 4.7 6.0 26884 EN 5445 EN 24596 EN 25169 EN 63671 EN 8997 EN 9996 EN 36465 EN 94 EN 58597 EN 13449 EN 5497 EN 77311 EN 34867 EN 12485 EN 28649 EN 77010 EN 5048 EN 18845 EN 18846 EN 5498 EN What's Inside the Ocean? Kosek, Jane Kelly 4.8 0.5 What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Fritz, Jean 5.5 1.0 What's the Trick? Walsh, Caroline E. 3.4 2.0 What's the Weather Today? Fowler, Allan 2.2 0.5 What Would Joey Do? Gantos, Jack 5.1 8.0 Whatever Happened to Amelia Earhart? Blau, Melinda 4.9 1.0 Whatever Happened to Janie? Cooney, Caroline B. 4.7 7.0 Wheel of Misfortune McMullan, K.H. 3.5 2.0 Wheel on the School, The De Jong, Meindert 4.7 10.0 Wheels and Axles Walker, Sally M. 3.3 0.5 When a Hero Dies Schraff, Anne 3.7 3.0 When Bluebell Sang Ernst, Lisa Campbell 3.5 0.5 When Bugs Were Big...Tetrapods Stalked Bonner, Hannah the Earth 6.4 1.0 When Clay Sings Baylor, Byrd 4.3 0.5 When Cows Come Home Harrison, David 2.0 0.5 When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth Theodorou, Rod 6.7 1.0 When Freedom Comes: Hope's Revolutionary War Diary Gregory, Kristiana 5.1 2.0 When Grandfather's Parrot...Court Allen, Linda 4.4 1.0 When Happily Ever After Ends McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 5.0 When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Kerr, Judith 5.7 9.0 When I Was Young in the Mountains Rylant, Cynthia 3.6 0.5 116718 EN 10300 EN 59112 EN 14852 EN 20146 EN 29508 EN 29254 EN 750 EN 796 EN 5967 EN 15599 EN 7248 EN 17648 EN 34759 EN 69994 EN 5446 EN 69995 EN 67232 EN 19194 EN 10698 EN 8549 EN 29772 EN When Is a Planet Not a Planet? The Story Scott, Elaine of Pluto 6.6 1.0 When No One Was Looking 5.4 9.0 When Objects Talk: Solving a Crime with Friedlander/Phillips Science 7.2 3.0 When Pigs Fly Wood, June Rae 5.9 8.0 When She Was Good Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 5.0 When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really, Bang, Molly Angry 1.4 0.5 When the Boys Ran the House Carris, Joan 4.0 3.0 When the Legends Die When the Phone Rang Borland, Hal Mazer, Harry 5.2 3.3 13.0 5.0 When the Road Ends Thesman, Jean 4.2 6.0 When This Cruel War Is Over: The Civil War Home Front Damon, Duane 7.7 3.0 When Will I Read? Cohen, Miriam 2.3 0.5 When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Denenberg, Barry Civil War Diary of... 6.6 3.0 When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.5 6.0 Berger, Melvin 4.7 1.0 Fritz, Jean 5.8 2.0 Berger, Melvin 5.2 1.0 Where I'd Like to Be Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.4 6.0 Where Land Meets Sea Fowler, Allan 3.2 0.5 Where's Molly? Waas, Uli 2.9 0.5 Where the Broken Heart Still Beats Meyer, Carolyn 6.1 7.0 Where the Buffaloes Begin Baker, Olaf 5.7 0.5 Where Did the Butterfly Get Its Name? Questions...Moths Where do you Think You're Going...Columbus? Where Have All the Pandas Gone? Questions...Endangered Species Wells, Rosemary 35986 EN 28454 EN 145 EN 95 EN 5499 EN 5447 EN 6347 EN 48260 EN 5699 EN 146 EN 25080 EN 15848 EN 598 EN 9349 EN 6995 EN 17550 EN 74154 EN 7749 EN 147 EN 72204 EN 44728 EN 40124 EN 59699 EN Where the Forest Meets the Sea Baker, Jeannie 3.0 0.5 Where the Heart Is Letts, Billie 5.0 13.0 Where the Lilies Bloom Where the Red Fern Grows Cleaver, Vera/Bill Rawls, Wilson 5.2 4.9 6.0 11.0 Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice 3.4 0.5 Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Fritz, Jean 5.9 1.0 Which Way Freedom? Hansen, Joyce 4.5 5.0 Which Witch? Ibbotson, Eva 6.2 7.0 While the Clock Ticked Dixon, Franklin W. 5.7 5.0 Whipping Boy, The Whirling Around: Helicopters Then and Now Fleischman, Sid 3.9 2.0 Otfinoski, Steve 5.4 0.5 Whirly Birds Hodge, Judith 6.5 0.5 Whisper Goodbye Morrison, Dorothy 4.6 6.0 Whisper Is Quiet, A Lunn, Carolyn 0.5 0.5 Whispers from the Dead Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.4 6.0 Whistle for Willie Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 Whistle, the Grave, and the Ghost, The Strickland, Brad 5.1 6.0 White Bird Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.8 1.0 White Fang (Unabridged) London, Jack 8.4 19.0 White Fang (Unabridged) London, Jack 7.4 13.0 White Fox Chronicles: Escape, Return, Breakout, The Paulsen, Gary 4.8 6.0 White House Mystery Mullin, Penn 2.4 0.5 White House, The Marcovitz, Hal 7.4 1.0 77070 EN 52265 EN 397 EN 21576 EN 30649 EN 96 EN 17746 EN 77713 EN 79262 EN 25139 EN 5706 EN 83391 EN 101956 EN 18395 EN 7195 EN 9350 EN 46715 EN 8600 EN 599 EN 119760 EN 13983 EN 5298 EN White House, The Braithwaite, Jill 3.4 0.5 White House, The Binns, Tristan Boyer 3.1 0.5 White Mountains, The Christopher, John 6.2 7.0 White Romance, A Hamilton, Virginia 3.5 6.0 White Snow Bright Snow Tresselt, Alvin 4.2 0.5 White Stag, The Seredy, Kate 6.6 2.0 White Stallion of Lipizza Henry, Marguerite 5.5 5.0 White Star: A Dog on the Titanic Crisp, Marty 4.7 4.0 White-Tailed Deer Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 3.7 0.5 White Water Petersen, P.J. 3.9 3.0 White Water Terror Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 White Wolf, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Whittington Armstrong, Alan W. 4.9 5.0 Who Belongs Here? An American Story Knight, Margy Burns 5.3 0.5 Who Comes with Cannons? Beatty, Patricia 4.8 5.0 Who Is Coming? McKissack, Patricia C. 0.6 0.5 Who Is Frances Rain/The Haunting of Frances Rain Buffie, Margaret 4.2 6.0 Who Killed My Daughter? Duncan, Lois 7.3 15.0 Who Knew There'd Be Ghosts? Who Ordered This Baby? Definitely Not Me! Brittain, Bill 4.5 4.0 Winkler, Henry 4.8 4.0 Who Pushed Humpty? Dunnit, H.O.O. 2.5 0.5 Who Put That Hair in My Toothbrush? Spinelli, Jerry 3.5 7.0 59074 EN 72751 EN 11749 EN 29868 EN 13450 EN 446 EN 6447 EN 146858 EN 145035 EN 148151 EN 147816 EN 145036 EN 145034 EN 8499 EN 29663 EN 24545 EN 131801 EN 9642 EN 101901 EN 61530 EN 46331 EN Who Ran My Underwear up the Flagpole? Spinelli, Jerry 5.0 4.0 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book? Child, Lauren 4.5 0.5 Who's There? Tolan, Stephanie S. 4.9 7.0 Who Settled the West? (Life in the Old West) Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Who Stole the Bases? Sorenson, Margo 3.2 2.0 Who Stole the Wizard of Oz? Avi 3.6 2.0 Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway? Avi 2.7 3.0 3.9 0.5 3.4 0.5 4.1 0.5 3.5 0.5 3.8 0.5 4.1 0.5 Who Would Win? Hammerhead vs. Bull Pallotta, Jerry Shark Who Would Win? Killer Whale vs. Great Pallotta, Jerry White Shark Who Would Win? Komodo Dragon vs. Pallotta, Jerry King Cobra Who Would Win? Lion vs. Tiger Pallotta, Jerry Who Would Win? Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Pallotta, Jerry Bear Who Would Win? Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Pallotta, Jerry Velociraptor Whole New Ball Game, A Macy, Sue 7.8 4.0 Whoopi Goldberg (Overcoming Adversity) Gaines, Ann Graham 8.4 3.0 Whooping Crane, The Graves, Bonnie 2.9 0.5 Whooping Cranes McKenzie, Precious 5.2 0.5 Whose Side Are You On? Moore, Emily 3.9 4.0 Why Did She Have to Die? McDaniel, Lurlene 4.0 3.0 Why Do Cats Meow? Holub, Joan 3.1 0.5 Why Do Volcanoes Blow Their Tops? Questions...Earthquakes Berger, Melvin 5.3 1.0 52171 EN 5448 EN 5550 EN 2475 EN 121000 EN 41287 EN 6348 EN 44745 EN 82035 EN 42400 EN 16797 EN 29191 EN 78963 EN 5097 EN 34729 EN 71857 EN 59338 EN 131881 EN 59339 EN 27964 EN 18847 EN Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? Questions and Answers About...Body Berger, Melvin 4.5 1.0 Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? Fritz, Jean 5.7 0.5 Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Aardema, Verna 4.0 0.5 Why Not, Lafayette? Fritz, Jean 6.7 3.0 Wicked Velociraptors of West Virginia Rand, Johnathan 4.3 3.0 Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Widow's Broom, The Allsburg, Chris Van 4.7 0.5 Wigmakers, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 6.3 0.5 Wild About Books Sierra, Judy 4.1 0.5 Wild and Swampy Arnosky, Jim 5.2 0.5 Wild Babies Simon, Seymour 5.2 0.5 Wild Bill Hickok (Heroes & Villains of the Wild West) Hamilton, John 6.0 1.0 Wild Boy: A Tale of Rowan Hood Springer, Nancy 5.1 3.0 Wild Children, The Holman, Felice 5.3 6.0 Wild Colorado, The Maurer, Richard 7.7 4.0 Wild Culpepper Cruise, The Paulsen, Gary 3.1 1.0 Wild Dogs (Wildlife Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.8 0.5 Wild Girl Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.3 4.0 Wild Horses (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 6.2 0.5 Wild Kid, The Mazer, Harry 3.1 2.0 Wild Magic Pierce, Tamora 4.9 9.0 24598 EN 61019 EN 53511 EN 28646 EN 70049 EN 600 EN 89424 EN 29084 EN 41517 EN 12691 EN 30645 EN 14740 EN 103640 EN 7598 EN 5449 EN 21141 EN Wild on Wheels: Motorcycles Then and Now Otfinoski, Steven 4.3 0.5 Wild One, The Farley, Terri 4.9 7.0 Wild Whale Watch, The Moore, Eva 4.0 1.0 Wild, Wild West, The Pirotta, Saviour 6.6 1.0 Hermes, Patricia 3.5 2.0 Dygard, Thomas J. 5.2 6.0 Wildest Heart, The Farley, Terri 5.4 6.0 Wildflowers (Let's Investigate) Fell, Derek 7.8 0.5 Jackson, Donna M. 7.4 1.0 Dewey, Jennifer Owings 5.5 1.0 Will I Have a Friend? Cohen, Miriam 2.1 0.5 Will Rogers: Cowboy Philosopher Malone, Mary 7.1 3.0 Will Smith Stewart, Mark 5.2 1.0 Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species Wright, Alexandra 5.3 0.5 Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Fritz, Jean 5.8 1.0 Willa Cather: Writer of the Prairie Wooten, Sara McIntosh 7.1 3.0 Fitz-Gerald, Christine Maloney 6.3 2.0 Casey, Jane Clark 8.8 2.0 Kent, Zachary 7.5 2.0 Zolotow, Charlotte 3.6 0.5 Aliki 5.5 0.5 Wild Year: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary, The Wilderness Peril Wildlife Detectives: How Forensic Scientists...Nature, The Wildlife Rescue: The Work of Dr. Kathleen Ramsay William Henry Harrison (Encyclopedia of Presidents) William Howard Taft (Encyclopedia of 876 EN Presidents) William McKinley (Encyclopedia of 874 EN Presidents) 5500 William's Doll EN 25981 William Shakespeare and the Globe EN 859 EN 32556 EN 77929 EN 32710 EN 32910 EN 8690 EN 121315 EN 100996 EN 97 EN 13757 EN 9998 EN 5098 EN 13650 EN 524 EN 14528 EN 81118 EN 5099 EN 34852 EN 46448 EN 40127 EN 102634 EN 6349 EN 8682 EN William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream Coville, Bruce 7.1 1.0 William Shakespeare's Hamlet Coville, Bruce 5.5 1.0 William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Coville, Bruce 6.7 1.0 Willie and the Rattlesnake King Clark, Clara Gillow 5.8 5.0 Willie, the Frog Prince Adler, C.S. 4.1 5.0 Willoughbys, The Lowry, Lois 5.2 4.0 Willow Run Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.2 4.0 Willow Whistle, The Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the Fastest Woman Meigs, Cornelia 6.8 5.0 Krull, Kathleen 5.1 0.5 Wind Blows Backward, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.9 10.0 Wind in the Door, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.0 7.0 Wind In the Willows (Bloomsbury), The Grahame, Kenneth 8.4 11.0 Wind in the Willows (Unabridged), The Grahame, Kenneth 8.2 11.0 Wind Is Not a River, The Griese, Arnold A. 5.0 3.0 Wind (Weather Around You) Ganeri, Anita 3.5 0.5 Windcatcher Avi 4.0 3.0 Window on the West Lawlor, Laurie 8.7 5.0 Windsurfing (Radical Sports) Barker, Amanda 6.0 1.0 Windy City Whirl Mullin, Penn 2.9 1.0 Wing Nut Auch, Mary Jane 4.4 6.0 Wing Shop, The Woodruff, Elvira 3.7 0.5 Wingman on Ice Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 9968 EN 107945 EN 148 EN 34860 EN 5049 EN 12493 EN 123557 EN 10225 EN 81588 EN 113016 EN 17650 EN 2206 EN 20537 EN 69580 EN 398 EN 59264 EN 27403 EN 61234 EN 31568 EN 6849 EN 7851 EN 24796 EN Winners and Losers Hoffius, Stephen 4.3 5.0 Winnie at Her Best Jacobson, Jennifer Richard 4.1 1.0 Winnie-The-Pooh Milne, A.A. 4.6 3.0 Winning Adler, C.S. 4.4 4.0 Winning of Miss Lynn Ryan, The Cooper, Ilene 4.6 3.0 Winning Stroke, The Christopher, Matt 4.9 4.0 Winning Words: Sports Stories and Photographs Smith Jr., Charles R. 3.5 2.0 Winter Camp Hill, Kirkpatrick 5.0 4.0 Winter Danger Steele, William O. 4.8 4.0 Winter Knights, The Stewart, Paul 7.2 13.0 Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary..., The Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 Winter of the Stone Woman, The Baxter, Linda 3.5 2.0 Winter Olympics (A True Book), The Brimner, Larry Dane 5.8 0.5 Winter Prince, The Wein, Elizabeth E. 6.0 9.0 Winter Room, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Winter's Heart Jordan, Robert 6.6 40.0 Winter Survival Wilde, Buck 4.5 0.5 Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod Paulsen, Gary 6.0 10.0 Wintering Durbin, William 6.1 7.0 Wipeout Dixon, Franklin W. 6.1 5.0 Wisconsin (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 7.9 3.0 Wisconsin (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.5 1.0 73512 EN 499 EN 72358 EN 39907 EN 43530 EN 79146 EN 43427 EN 65080 EN 52931 EN 98 EN 500 EN 73326 EN 79916 EN 46551 EN 59858 EN 29408 EN 113618 EN 10700 EN 149 EN 6448 EN 40991 EN 797 EN 41105 EN Wisconsin Werewolves Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 Wish Giver, The Brittain, Bill 4.4 4.0 Wish List, The Colfer, Eoin 4.0 7.0 Wish, The Levine, Gail Carson 3.5 5.0 Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs Hearne, Betsy 4.6 3.0 Wishing Moon Tunnell, Michael O. 5.4 10.0 Witch Family, The Estes, Eleanor 5.4 6.0 Witch Herself, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.1 6.0 Witch of Banneker School, The Schraff, Anne 3.4 3.0 Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Witch of Fourth Street, The Speare, Elizabeth George Levoy, Myron 5.7 4.8 9.0 3.0 Witch's Wishes Vande Velde, Vivian 4.9 2.0 Witch Twins and the Ghost of Glenn Bly Griffin, Adele 4.5 2.0 Witch Week Jones, Diana Wynne 5.0 10.0 Witch Who Wanted to Be a Princess, The Grambling, Lois G. 3.6 0.5 Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches, The Low, Alice 2.7 0.5 Witches Hamilton, John 6.5 1.0 Witches Don't Do Backflips Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Witches of Worm, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.7 6.0 Witches, The Dahl, Roald 4.7 5.0 With This Ring Wells, Marian 5.7 10.0 With You and Without You Martin, Ann M. 4.1 5.0 Without Remorse Clancy, Tom 6.0 40.0 54110 EN 73383 EN 5100 EN 52310 EN 74601 EN 75667 EN 41975 EN 85881 EN 59539 EN 32579 EN 5972 EN 6350 EN 16645 EN 64038 EN 27926 EN 18850 EN 25063 EN 21422 EN 109219 EN 11499 EN 34927 EN Witness Hesse, Karen 5.0 2.0 Wizard Named Nell, A Koller, Jackie French 4.3 5.0 Wizard of Earthsea, A LeGuin, Ursula K. 6.7 9.0 Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The Baum, L. Frank 7.0 7.0 Wizard's Apprentice, The Koller, Jackie French 4.3 5.0 Wizard's Scepter, The Koller, Jackie French 4.4 5.0 Wizard's Statue, The Doyle/Macdonald 5.8 5.0 Wizard Test, The Bell, Hilari 4.9 5.0 Wizards Don't Wear Graduation Gowns Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 WNBA: Stars of Women's Basketball Ponti, James 7.6 4.0 Wolf by the Ears Rinaldi, Ann 4.3 9.0 Wolf Child Nolan, Dennis 5.1 1.0 Wolf Rider: A Tale of Terror Avi 3.6 5.0 Wolf's Chicken Stew, The Kasza, Keiko 2.7 0.5 Wolf Shadows Casanova, Mary 4.8 3.0 Wolf-Speaker Pierce, Tamora 5.1 10.0 Wolf Stalker Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.1 5.0 Wolf Watch Winters, Kay 2.3 0.5 Wolfcry Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 6.0 8.0 Wolfling, The North, Sterling 5.6 7.0 Wolfmen Don't Hula Dance Dadey/Jones 4.1 1.0 125343 EN 99 EN 45815 EN 59340 EN 73566 EN 20710 EN 26491 EN 15391 EN 15392 EN 15393 EN 15394 EN 2069 EN 2070 EN 2072 EN 2071 EN 36673 EN 36293 EN 106236 EN 62668 EN 6949 EN 5250 EN Wolves Hudak, Heather C. 4.5 0.5 Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The Aiken, Joan 6.5 7.0 Wolves (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.5 2.0 Wolves (Wildlife Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.7 0.5 Wolving Time, The Jennings, Patrick 5.5 6.0 Woman Who Rides Like a Man, The Pierce, Tamora 5.5 8.0 Wombats (Naturebooks) Berendes, Mary 3.6 0.5 Women Explorers in Africa McLoone, Margo 4.2 0.5 Women Explorers in Asia McLoone, Margo 4.2 0.5 Women Explorers in North and South America McLoone, Margo 4.4 0.5 Women Explorers in Polar Regions McLoone, Margo 4.4 0.5 Women Explorers of the Air McLoone, Margo 4.6 1.0 Women Explorers of the Mountains McLoone, Margo 4.6 1.0 Women Explorers of the Oceans McLoone, Margo 4.5 1.0 Women Explorers of the World McLoone, Margo 4.5 1.0 Women of Hope: African Americans Who Hansen, Joyce Made a Difference 7.8 1.0 Women of the West (Life in the Old West) Kalman/Lewis 6.0 1.0 Langley, Wanda 7.1 4.0 Adams, Colleen 9.1 1.0 Wonder Vail, Rachel 4.6 4.0 Wonder Kid Meets the Evil Lunch Snatcher Duncan, Lois 4.0 1.0 Women of the Wind: Early Women Aviators Women's Suffrage: A Primary Source History of the...America 19506 EN 6449 EN Wonder's Yearling Campbell, Joanna Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, Cameron, Eleanor The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), 525 EN Baum, L. Frank The 146551 Wonderstruck Selznick, Brian EN 53405 Wood Frog Schwartz, David M. EN Woodrow Wilson (Encyclopedia of 877 EN Osinski, Alice Presidents) 17498 Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lindop, Edmund EN Harry S. Truman 5307 Woodshed Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler EN 6950 Woodsong Paulsen, Gary EN 61810 Woodwind Instruments (Music Makers) Reid, Elizabeth EN 399 EN Words by Heart Sebestyen, Ouida 6400 Words of Stone Henkes, Kevin EN 49562 Working Children Saller, Carol EN 4470 Working in Health Care and Wellness Lee, Barbara EN 4473 Working in Sports and Recreation Lee, Barbara EN 35675 Worksong Paulsen, Gary EN 67946 World According to Dog: Poems and Teen Sidman, Joyce EN Voices, The 77182 World According to Humphrey, The Birney, Betty G. EN 48085 World at Her Fingertips: The Story of Dash, Joan EN Helen Keller, The 63408 World of Architectural Wonders, The Corbishley, Mike EN 34722 World of King Arthur and His Court, The Crossley-Holland, Kevin EN 4.9 6.0 6.3 6.0 7.0 7.0 5.4 4.0 3.2 0.5 7.8 2.0 9.1 2.0 4.3 5.0 5.6 5.0 3.9 0.5 4.6 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 0.5 7.0 3.0 6.6 2.0 3.1 0.5 5.5 1.0 4.2 4.0 7.9 8.0 7.5 1.0 7.5 3.0 6489 EN 67399 EN 104968 EN 12638 EN 32380 EN 5399 EN 64497 EN 131794 EN 64498 EN 131795 EN 64944 EN 7750 EN 81843 EN 54205 EN 13998 EN 59265 EN 105862 EN 32512 EN 5913 EN 69397 EN 81116 EN World's Fair, The Tedrow, T.L. 4.5 8.0 World's Largest Plants: A Book About Trees, The Blackaby, Susan 2.9 0.5 World's Oldest Living Dragon McMullan, Kate 3.7 2.0 World's Wild Places, The Morgan, Sally 6.8 1.0 World's Worst Fairy Godmother, The Coville, Bruce 3.9 2.0 World Series Tunis, John R. 4.9 7.0 World War I (American Voices From) Ruggiero, Adriane 7.6 4.0 World War I Memorial Robins, Maureen Picard 6.4 0.5 World War II (American Voices From) Ruggiero, Adriane 7.5 4.0 World War II Memorial Robins, Maureen Picard 7.3 0.5 World War II: Women in Uniform ( Social Studies) Purcell, Martha Sias 6.8 1.0 Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve, The Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 Wrath of Mulgarath, The DiTerlizzi/Black 4.4 2.0 Wrestling (A True Book) Ditchfield, Christin 5.8 0.5 Wrestling Basics (New Action Sports) Savage, Jeff 5.1 0.5 Wrestling with Honor Klass, David 5.3 8.0 Wright 3, The Balliett, Blue 5.7 7.0 Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, The Sobol, Donald J. 4.5 3.0 Freedman, Russell 7.7 4.0 Sullivan, George 5.9 2.0 Brown, Jonatha A. 3.3 0.5 Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane, The Wright Brothers (In Their Own Words), The Wright Brothers (People to Know), The 35976 EN 17800 EN 150 EN 74223 EN 102014 EN 19599 EN 724 EN 7852 EN 24797 EN 133243 EN 117956 EN 85882 EN 75734 EN 75734 SP 28154 EN 14149 EN 8550 EN 77122 EN 72313 EN 57424 EN 44671 EN 122576 EN Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation, The Reynolds, Quentin 4.9 4.0 Wringer Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 5.0 Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine 4.7 7.0 Writer Parks, Peggy J. 6.7 1.0 Writing Kind of Day: Poems for Young Poets, A Fletcher, Ralph 4.6 0.5 Wump World, The Peet, Bill 5.3 0.5 Wuthering Heights (Unabridged) Bronte, Emily 11.3 23.0 Wyoming (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Wyoming (Portrait of America) Thompson, Kathleen 6.5 1.0 Wyrm King, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.4 3.0 Wyvernhail Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia 5.9 7.0 X'ed-Out X-Ray, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Xochitl and the Flowers Argueta, Jorge 4.0 0.5 Xóchitl, la Niña de las Flores Argueta, Jorge 4.0 0.5 Yakama (Native American People), The Ricciuti, Edward 7.3 1.0 Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family Namioka, Lensey 4.5 3.0 Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear Namioka, Lensey 4.6 3.0 Yankee Girl Rodman, Mary Ann 3.7 6.0 Yao Ming (Awesome Athletes) Pyle, Lydia 5.1 0.5 Year at Maple Hill Farm, The Provensen, Alice 3.7 0.5 Year Down Yonder, A Peck, Richard 4.5 4.0 Year Nick McGowan Came to Stay, The Sparrow, Rebecca 4.7 6.0 43754 EN 77133 EN 798 EN 699 EN 68782 EN 11500 EN 27927 EN 400 EN 725 EN 5450 EN 5700 EN 5303 EN 106044 EN 86483 EN 104668 EN 64919 EN 77768 EN 29815 EN 9049 EN 83028 EN 799 EN 32508 EN 44 SP Year of Miss Agnes, The Hill, Kirkpatrick 4.5 3.0 Year of Secret Assignments, The Moriarty, Jaclyn 5.9 12.0 Year of the Gopher, The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Houston, Gloria 5.6 4.2 8.0 0.5 Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague Brooks, Geraldine 6.9 17.0 Year the Wolves Came, The Rice, Bebe Faas 4.7 3.0 Year with Butch and Spike, A Gauthier, Gail 4.7 7.0 Year Without Michael, The Yearling, The Pfeffer, Susan Beth Rawlings, Marjorie 4.3 5.0 7.0 19.0 Yellow Bird and Me Hansen, Joyce 4.0 5.0 Yellow Feather Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Yellow House Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 3.0 Yellow Star Roy, Jennifer Rozines 4.3 3.0 Yellow Yacht, The Roy, Ron 3.9 1.0 Yellowstone National Park Hall, Margaret 3.7 0.5 Yellowstone (Reading Essentials in Social Kras, Sara Louise Studies) 5.5 1.0 Yelly Kelly Sweetland, Nancy Rose 2.7 0.5 Yemen (Cultures of the World) Hestler, Anna 8.6 4.0 Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Yes, We Can: Janitor Strike in L.A. Cohn, Diana 3.8 0.5 Yesterday's Daughter Calvert, Patricia 6.0 6.0 Yikes! Grandma's a Teenager Greenburg, Dan 3.1 1.0 Yo, Juan de Pareja Borton de Treviño, Elizabeth 6.5 7.0 56900 EN 82444 EN 14840 EN 131398 EN 101957 EN 30748 EN 14880 EN 9630 EN 46861 EN 80831 EN 105767 EN 2116 EN 64194 EN 82362 EN 9050 EN 110362 EN 79894 EN 6639 EN 800 EN 14853 EN 82465 EN Yo-Yo Tricks (Games Around the World) Klingel/Noyed 3.9 0.5 Yoga Silas, Elizabeth 6.1 2.0 Yolonda's Genius Fenner, Carol 4.8 6.0 Yorkshire Terriers Gagne, Tammy 4.6 0.5 You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah! Rosenbloom, Fiona 4.6 5.0 You Are Special Lucado, Max 3.0 0.5 You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Danziger, Paula Brown 3.5 1.0 You Can't Scare Me Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 You Don't Know Me Klass, David 6.4 11.0 You First! Kids Talk About Consideration Nettleton, Pamela Hill 4.1 0.5 You Never Did Learn to Knock: 14 Stories...Girls & Their Mothers Mooney, Bel 4.4 8.0 You're a Brave Man, Julius Zimmerman Mills, Claudia 4.8 4.0 You're a Good Sport, Miss Malarkey Finchler/O'Malley 2.9 0.5 You're All My Favorites McBratney, Sam 3.0 0.5 You're Only Old Once! Seuss, Dr. 5.2 0.5 4.8 7.0 1.9 0.5 You're the Best! 14 Stories About Hollyer, Belinda Friendship You Read to Me, I'll Read to You...Stories Hoberman, Mary Ann to Read Together You Shouldn't Have to Say Good-bye Hermes, Patricia 3.9 4.0 You've Been Away All Summer You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? You Wouldn't Want to Be a Civil War Soldier! Hayes, Sheila 4.2 5.0 Fritz, Jean 6.4 3.0 Ratliff, Thomas 6.0 1.0 82467 EN 82468 EN 82469 EN 82470 EN 82471 EN 82472 EN 82475 EN 82488 EN 82490 EN 82491 EN 82492 EN 82493 EN 10600 EN 100 EN 77134 EN 29325 EN 44568 EN 9643 EN 5927 EN 47117 EN 47118 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Mammoth Hunter! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Medieval Knight! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pirate's Prisoner! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Polar Explorer! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pyramid Builder! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator! You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Colonist! You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Pioneer! You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy! You Wouldn't Want to Be in a Medieval Dungeon! Malam, John 4.7 0.5 Macdonald, Fiona 5.3 0.5 Malam, John 4.3 0.5 Green, Jen 5.0 0.5 Morley, Jacqueline 5.7 0.5 Malam, John 4.5 0.5 Morley, Jacqueline 4.5 0.5 Morley, Jacqueline 4.5 0.5 Stewart, David 5.9 0.5 Macdonald, Fiona 5.5 0.5 Graham, Ian 5.3 1.0 You Wouldn't Want to Be Sick in the 16th Senior, Kathryn Century! 5.7 0.5 Young Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter 6.7 6.0 Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze Lewis, Elizabeth 6.4 10.0 Young Man and the Sea, The Philbrick, Rodman 4.5 5.0 Young Pioneers Lane, Rose Wilder 4.9 4.0 Young Unicorns, The L'Engle, Madeleine 6.5 11.0 Your Mother Was a Neanderthal Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 Your Move, J.P.! Lowry, Lois 4.9 4.0 Your Travel Guide to Ancient Egypt Day, Nancy 7.3 3.0 Your Travel Guide to Ancient Greece Day, Nancy 6.9 2.0 You Wouldn't Want to Be on Apollo 13! 47119 EN 47120 EN 47121 EN 47122 EN 1666 EN 5299 EN 130564 EN 124787 EN 133237 EN 47998 EN 57152 EN 862 EN 18096 EN 59341 EN 250 EN 44383 EN 43054 EN 86638 EN 5300 EN 18048 EN 13784 EN Your Travel Guide to Ancient Mayan Civilization Day, Nancy 7.2 2.0 Your Travel Guide to Civil War America Day, Nancy 6.0 2.0 Your Travel Guide to Colonial America Day, Nancy 6.5 2.0 Your Travel Guide to Renaissance Europe Day, Nancy 6.5 2.0 Yum-Yum! 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