ROLL CALL: - City of Pico Rivera
ROLL CALL: - City of Pico Rivera
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 ROLL CALL: Gregory Salcido, Mayor David W. Armenta, Mayor Pro Tempore Bob J. Archuleta, Councilmember Gustavo V. Camacho, Councilmember Brent A. Tercero, Councilmember Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber 6615 Passons Blvd. Next Resolution No. 6785 Next Ordinance No. 1091 Next Agreement No. 14-1563 COMMISSIONERS SCHEDULED TO BE PRESENT: Ruben Garcia, Planning Commission Pat Saucedo, Parks & Recreation Commission INVOCATION: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: • • Paramedic Assessment Unit Service – Los Angeles County Fire Department Certificate of Recognition - 2014 Pico Rivera Dons Gremlin Division Undefeated SGVJAAFC League and Conference Champions PLEASE TURN OFF ALL PAGERS AND/OR PHONES WHILE MEETING IS IN SESSION AND PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TEXTING DURING THE MEETING **************************************************************************************************** In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the City of Pico Rivera is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for a person with a disability. Please call the City Clerk’s office at (562) 801-4389, if special accommodations are necessary and/or if information is needed in an alternative format. Special requests must be made in a reasonable amount of time in order that accommodations can be arranged. 01-13-2015 Agenda City Council Page 2 of 6 PUBLIC HEARING: 1. First Reading and Public Hearing – (1) Zone Reclassification No. 316 for a Request to Change the Zone Classification for 6605 Rosemead Boulevard from Professional and Administrative (P-A) to General Commercial (C-G) to Allow the Construction of an 81-Room, 43,700 Square Foot Extended Stay Hotel with Subterranean Parking and (2) Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program. (1300) a. Open Hearing b. Memo from City Manager c. Written Communication(s) d. Oral Communication(s) e. Close Hearing f. Recommendation: 1. Adopt resolution approving Zone Reclassification No. 316 and Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program; and 2. First reading and introduction of ordinance amending Zoning Map of the City of Pico Rivera. Resolution No. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND A ZONE RECLASSIFICATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6605 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD TO CHANGE THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY AS AN EXTENDED-STAY HOTEL AS SHOWN ON ATTACHMENT “A” AND FURTHER DESIGNATED HEREIN AS ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 Ordinance No. ______ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A ZONE RECLASSIFICATION FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY AS AN EXTENDED-STAY HOTEL AS SHOWN ON ATTACHMENT “A” AND FURTHER DESIGNATED HEREIN AS ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 (FIRST READING AND INTRODUCTION) 1st PERIOD OF PUBLIC COMMENTS - IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK ON ANY LISTED AGENDA ITEMS, PLEASE FILL OUT A GREEN PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FORM AND PROVIDE IT TO THE STAFF MEMBER AT THE BACK TABLE BEFORE THE MEETING STARTS. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residency for the record. You have three (3) minutes to make your remarks. In accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a 01-13-2015 Agenda City Council Page 3 of 6 question for clarification; 3) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 4) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; and 5) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. City Council members cannot comment on items that are not listed on a posted agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: All items listed on the Consent Calendar may be acted on by a single motion without separate discussion. Any motion relating to a Resolution or Ordinance shall also waive the reading of the titles in full and include its adoption as appropriate. If discussion or separate vote on any item is desired by a Councilmember or staff, that item may be pulled from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. 2. Minutes: • City Council regular meeting of December 9, 2014 Recommendation: Approve • Planning Commission meeting of November 3, 2014 Recommendation: Receive and file 3. 10th Warrant Register of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year. Check Numbers: 264776-265050; 265053-265124 Special Check Numbers: 264774-264775; 265051-265052 Recommendation: Approve 4. Acceptance of the California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Grant Program. (700) Recommendation: 1. Approve resolution to accept funds under the California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention Grant Program (CalGRIP) through the Office of the California Board of State and Community Corrections and authorize the City Manager to execute appropriate agreement. (700) Resolution No. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO ACCEPT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS THROUGH THE CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) GRANT PROGRAM 5. Change in Order of Business for City Council Meetings in Regard to Public Comment. (100) Recommendation: 1. Adopt resolution changing the Order of Business for City Council meetings. Resolution No. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6262, RULE 10 – ORDER OF BUSINESS 01-13-2015 Agenda City Council Page 4 of 6 6. Parks and Recreation Commission Appointments. (300) Recommendation: 1. Adopt resolution approving City Council appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Resolution No. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING CITY ELECTORS: ANTHONY CORONA, JOHN R. GARCIA, JOSEPH A. PALOMBI, AND PATRICIA SAUCEDO TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR A ONE YEAR TERM SAID TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 2015 7. Treasurer’s Report – September 30, 2014. (700) Recommendation: 1. Receive and file Quarterly Treasurer’s Report for the quarter ending September 30, 2014. 8. Mayor’s Appointments. (100) Recommendation: 1. Confirm the Mayor’s appointments to various Boards, Agencies and Committees. 9. Traffic Safety Improvements Citywide (CIP No. 21251) – Authorization to Advertise for Construction. (500) Recommendation: 1. Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Traffic Safety Improvements Citywide (CIP No. 21251); Federal Project No. SRTSL5351(025); and 2. Authorize the City Clerk to publish the Notice Inviting Bids. 10. Whittier Boulevard Street Rehabilitation Project, Van Norman Road to Paramount Boulevard, Phase 1 (CIP 21246), and Whittier Boulevard Billboard Installation, Phase II (CIP No. 21246) – Authorization to Advertise for Construction. (500) Recommendation: 1. Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Whittier Boulevard Street Rehabilitation Project from Van Norman Road to Paramount Boulevard, Phase I (CIP No. 21246); Federal Project No. STPL-5351(029); and 2. Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Whittier Boulevard Billboard Installation and Painting of Underpass Bridge, Phase II (CIP No. 21246) and 3. Authorize the City Clerk to publish the Notice Inviting Bids. 11. City Hall Parking Lot Expansion and Security Improvements – Capital Improvement Project (CIP) No. 21304. (500) Recommendation: 1. Approve Concept Plan and Estimate. 01-13-2015 Agenda City Council Page 5 of 6 12. Amendment No. 1 to Maintenance Agreement No. 14-1550 with Marina Landscaping Inc. for Landscaping Maintenance Services. (500) Recommendation: 1. Approve Amendment No. 1 with a six-month extension to Maintenance Services Agreement No. 14-1550 with Marina Landscape Inc., maintenance services for the Passons Boulevard Grade Separation, Passons Boulevard viewing area, and Pico Rivera Library for a semiannual amount of $57,108 and authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 in a form approved by the City Attorney; and 2. Appropriate $57,108 in General Fund to Public Works Street Division, Account No. 010-4200-44500. Agreement No. 14-1550-1 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS PULLED FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION: LEGISLATION: 13. Consideration of Repealing Presence Restrictions for Sex Offenders. (200) Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that the City Council introduce for first reading an ordinance repealing Section 9.44.020 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, regarding limitations where registered sex offenders may be present. Ordinance No. _____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PICO RIVERA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.44.020 RELATING TO LOITERING BY SEX OFFENDERS (FIRST READING AND INTRODUCTION) MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY MEETINGS: NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: 2ND PERIOD OF PUBLIC COMMENTS - THIS TIME IS RESERVED FOR COMMENTS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ALREADY OR THAT ARE NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. PLEASE FILL OUT A BLUE PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FORM AND PROVIDE IT TO THE STAFF MEMBER AT THE BACK TABLE BEFORE THE MEETING STARTS. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residency for the record. You have three (3) minutes to make your remarks. ADJOURNMENT: 01-13-2015 Agenda City Council Page 6 of 6 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk, for the City of Pico Rivera, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing notice was posted at the Pico Rivera City Hall bulletin board, Pico Rivera website, Pico Rivera Post Office and Parks: Smith, Pico and Rivera and full agenda packets distributed to the Pico Rivera County Libraries, which are available for the public to view on this 9th day of January 2015. Dated this 9th, day of January 2015 Anna M. Jerome, CMC City Clerk SB343 NOTICE In compliance with and pursuant to the provisions of SB343 any public writing distributed by the City Clerk to at least a majority of the City Council Members regarding any item on this regular meeting agenda will be available on the back table at the entrance of the Council Chamber at the time of the City Council meeting and at the counter of City Hall at 6615 Passons Boulevard, Pico Rivera, California during normal business hours. To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: FIRST READING AND PUBLIC HEARING - (1) ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 FOR A REQUEST TO CHANGE THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION FOR 6605 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN 81-ROOM, 43,700 SQUARE FOOT EXTENDED STAY HOTEL WITH SUBTERRANEAN PARKING AND (2) ADOPTION OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MONITORING PROGRAM Recommendations 1. Adopt Resolution approving Zone Reclassification No. 316 and Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program; and, 2. First reading and Introduction of Ordinance amending Zoning Map of the City of Pico Rivera. Fiscal Impact: No impact. Recommendation: After holding the public hearing, adopt the attached Resolution approving Zone Reclassification No. 316 and adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program, subject to conditions of approval. Description: At its November 3, 2013 meeting, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit allowing the construction of an 81-room four-story extended-stay hotel at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard. Construction of the hotel project is contingent on City Council approval of a Zone Reclassification to change the zone designation for the property from Professional and Administrative (P-A) to General Commercial (C-G) as well as adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program. The developers, R3 Real Estate Developers, a family-owned operator of independent and 1 COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO – MTG. OF JAN 13, 2014 ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 Page 2 of 3 franchised hotels and motels, plus commercial and residential properties within the Los Angeles County area, have obtained a franchising contract with InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) to operate the proposed extended-stay hotel under the ‘Candlewood Suites’ brand. IHG is one of the largest hotel companies with brands including Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo and others. IHG describes the proposed Candlewood Suites as a mid-scale hotel brand which offers amenities conducive to extended stays with the average stay being 14 nights. All rooms are ‘suites’ and contain a fully equipped kitchen, living space, and a desk. Zone Reclassification: The proposed Zone Reclassification will change the property’s zoning from P-A to C-G; this zone change is necessary in order to allow development of the site as an extendedstay hotel. The P-A zone currently applies to only three properties in the area consisting of (1) the subject property, (2) the adult residential facility to the north, and (3) the office building to the north. All of the properties to the south and east of the site, along Rosemead Boulevard up to Washington Boulevard, are zoned as C-G. The P-A zone is intended to allow the development of business office complexes and does not provide the flexibility to attract other uses which may be better suited for the neighborhood. The C-G zone allows office uses as well as a variety of other uses, providing flexibility for the site. The proposed zone change will result in consistency with the C-G zoning of all commercial properties to the south and east, along Rosemead Boulevard. The General Plan Land Use Element designates the subject site for Commercial (C) development under both the current P-A zoning and the proposed C-G zoning. The General Plan designation for this property will not change as a result of the approval of this Zone Reclassification. A hotel development is permitted within the C-G zone, subject to approval of a conditional use permit, and is consistent with the uses in the surrounding area. The proposed project is consistent with the goals of the General Plan. Description of Extended-Stay Hotel Development: The approved hotel development consists of the construction of a an 81-room, 43,700 square foot four-story extended stay hotel with three levels of subterranean parking at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard. Rooms range from 345 square feet to 612 square feet in size. The hotel development will be 42 feet in height and have a modern-contemporary style of architecture characterized by simplification of forms and utilizing various materials for articulation such as natural wood, glass, cement plates, composite metal panels, and poured in place concrete. The building shall feature a variety of finishes in taupe, dark brown, orange, and other neutral tones. The ground level offices and lobby will cover approximately 5,300 square feet with the second, third, and fourth floors having 12,800 square feet each. The building shall have a total floor area of 43,700 COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO – MTG. OF JAN 13, 2014 ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 Page 3 of 3 square feet, exclusive of the three-levels of subterranean parking. The developer will be submitting a minor modification to the CUP approval to modify the driveway, parking structure entrance, and to add a conference room to the lobby area; there will be no change to the floor area of the hotel. Surrounding Properties: The project site is bounded by Professional and Administrative (P-A) zoning to the north, General Commercial (C-G) zoning to the south and east, and Single-Family (S-F) zoning to the west. Specifically, the surrounding land uses include an adult residential facility for mentally disabled adults to the north, a 47-unit motel to the south, a liquor store and a 100-unit motel to the east, and a single-family residential neighborhood to the west. Environmental Review: Following an Initial Study and environmental assessment of possible adverse impacts, the project was determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because of the inclusion of certain mitigation measures that lessened potential adverse impacts to a level of less than significant. Therefore, the Planning Division has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration with mitigation measures and monitoring program in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Conclusion: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving Zone Reclassification No. 316 and approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, subject to conditions of approval. Renè Bobadilla RB:BM:GN:em Attachments: 1) Draft Resolution for Zone Reclassification No. 316 and adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program 2) Draft Ordinance for Zone Reclassification No. 316 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND A ZONE RECLASSIFICATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6605 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD TO CHANGE THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY AS AN EXTENDED-STAY HOTEL AS SHOWN ON ATTACHMENT “A” AND FURTHER DESIGNATED HEREIN AS ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 WHEREAS, existing Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 534, was adopted on April 1, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Pico Rivera conducted a public hearing on the matter of Zone Reclassification No. 316 to change the zone designation from Professional and Administrative (P-A) to General Commercial (C-G) for property located at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard at a legally noticed public hearing held on November 3, 2014; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1225 recommending approval to the City Council for Zone Reclassification No. 316; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera conducted a public hearing for the zone reclassification at a legally noticed public hearing held on January 13, 2015 and recommended that the Pico Rivera City Council adopted Zone Reclassification No. 316 and adopt the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan; and, WHEREAS, Zone Reclassification No. 316 is part of a project to construct an 81room, 43,700 square foot four-story extended-stay hotel with three levels of subterranean parking (the “Project”); WHEREAS, pursuant to provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines, Title 14 California Code of Regulations Section 15063, and following an Initial Study and environmental assessment of possible adverse impacts, the Project was determined not to have a significant effect on the environment with the inclusion of certain mitigation measures that will lessen potential adverse impacts to a level of less than significant; WHEREAS, the Planning Division has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration with mitigation measures and monitoring program and has duly noticed and circulated 1A RESOLUTION NO. ______ Page 2 of 5 all relevant documents in accordance with the provisions of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the mitigation measures and monitoring plan have been incorporated as conditions of CUP No. 716 adopted November 3, 2014 by the Planning Commission. There is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the public agency that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera that: SECTION 1. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an Initial Study was prepared to determine whether the Project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of the Initial Study, it has been determined that the Project may have a potential significant effect on the environment which may be mitigated to a level that is less than significant and therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and adopted herein. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared and said mitigation measures have been incorporated as a condition of CUP No. 716. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated in accordance with CEQA Guideline § 15105(b). The Pico Rivera City Council hereby finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration as adequate to assess the environmental impacts of the Project, based on the findings contained herein and finds, on the basis of the whole record, that there is no substantial evidence that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment and that the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the City Council’s independent judgment and analysis. The full record is available for review in the Community and Economic Development Department. The Pico Rivera City Council further adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. The City Council hereby FINDS that the approval of said Zone SECTION 2. Reclassification No. 316 will not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the general public. SECTION 3. The City Council finds that Zone Reclassification No. 316 shall be approved for the following reasons and findings: a) The proposed zone reclassification is necessary to provide a more viable and uniform development in order to increase the potential attractiveness of the site to quality tenants. The property has remained vacant for over thirty (30) years and is now planned to be developed with an 81-room four-story extended-stay hotel. b) The proposed zone reclassification is fully consistent with the goals and objectives set forth in the General Plan and will not result in conditions or RESOLUTION NO. ______ Page 3 of 5 circumstances contrary to the public health, safety or welfare. Both the C-G and P-A zones fall under the Commercial land use designation in the General Plan, which is intended to provide appropriately located areas for a broad range of general retail, offices, markets, restaurants and other commercial services. c) The proposed zone reclassification will not result in conditions or circumstances contrary to the public health, safety or welfare. Development of the site requires the approval of a Conditional Use Permit and is subject to environmental review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Conditional Use Permit No. 716 for the proposed extended-stay hotel has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the regularly scheduled meeting of November 3, 2014. This conditional use permit finds that the proposed development will not have a significant effect on the environment due to the inclusion of certain mitigation measures that will lessen potential adverse impacts to a level of less than significant. Planning Division has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration with mitigation measures and monitoring program and has duly noticed and circulated all relevant documents in accordance with the provisions of CEQA; d) The proposed zone reclassification is adequate in size and is compatible in use with the surrounding properties since both existing and proposed zones allow for commercial land uses. The reclassification of the property to allow the construction of an extended stay-hotel is consistent with the existing zoning of directly adjacent properties; the lot to the south is currently developed with a 47room motel. SECTION 4. If any part of this Resolution or its application is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Resolution shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and enter this Resolution into the book of original resolutions and it shall become effective immediately upon its approval. [SIGNATURES ON PAGE 4] RESOLUTION NO. ______ Page 4 of 5 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2015 by members of the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera, voting as follows: ________________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk ________________________________ Arnold Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment "A" The property is legally described as that portion of Rancho Paso de Bartolo, in the City of Pico Rivera, County of Los Angles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 pages 204 and 205 and in book 23 pages 55 and 56 of miscellaneous records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of Rosemead Boulevard, formerly Rivera and Barlow Road, 30 feet wide, as described in the deed recorded in Book 4438 Page 33 of Deeds, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, distant south 33°01’10” West 134.74 feet from the first angle point in said northwesterly line northerly of center street; thence North56°58’50” West 226.32 feet; thence north 33°05’00” East 140.35 feet; thence South 56° 49 East 225.87 feet to said northwesterly line of Rosemead Boulevard; thence South 29° 31’30” West 5.04 feet to said angel point; thence South 33°01’ 10” West 134.74 feet to the point of beginning. Except that portion of said land described in the deed to the State of California recorded February 18, 1949 as document No. 3275-R of Torrens. APN: 6370-013-014. No Scale N Attachment 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A ZONE RECLASSIFICATION TO CHANGE THE ZONE DESIGNATION FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY AS AN EXTENDED-STAY HOTEL AS SHOWN ON ATTACHMENT “A”AND FURTHER DESIGNATED HEREIN AS ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 WHEREAS, Section 18.62.230 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code authorizes the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera, upon receipt of Resolution from the Planning Commission of the City of Pico Rivera, upon holding a public hearing, upon hearing all testimony, upon examination and review of the investigative and staff reports and upon conclusion of public hearing to make such determinations and findings of fact as deemed necessary in the best interests of all parties involved and approval Planning Commission recommendation to approve Zone Reclassification to change a zoning designation; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera conducted a public hearing to consider a Zone Reclassification to change the zoning designation from Professional and Administrative (P-A) to General Commercial (C-G) for property located at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard; and WHEREAS, Zone Reclassification No. 316 is part of a project to construct an 81room, 43,700 square foot four-story extended-stay hotel with three levels of subterranean parking (the “Project”) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera has carefully considered all pertinent testimony and the staff report offered in the case as presented at the public hearing; and, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. In accordance with Section 18.66.040 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, the Zone Classification of the herein described property at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard as more particularly described in Attachment “A” are hereby placed in the General Commercial (C-G) zoned district, and further designated herein as Zone Reclassification No. 316 The Zone Reclassification shall be in accordance with the SECTION 2. provisions of the Zoning Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera by Ordinance No. 534, adopted April 7, 1975. 1B ORDINANCE NO. _______ Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an Initial Study was prepared to determine whether the Project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of the Initial Study, it has been determined that the Project may have a potential significant effect on the environment which may be mitigated to a level that is less than significant and therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan was prepared and adopted by City Council Resolution concurrently herewith. SECTION 4. The City Council further finds that the proposed zone reclassification is consistent with the spirit and integrity of the Municipal Code as to the intent of Chapters 18.28 which describes the intent, purpose and applicability of the General Commercial (C-G) zone. SECTION 5. The City Council finds that Zone Reclassification No. 316 is consistent with the General Plan in that the zone change will facilitate a more viable and uniform development of the site in order to increase its potential attractiveness to quality tenants. SECTION 6. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, and section by section and does hereby declare that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable, and if, for any reasons, any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance. The SECTION 7. City Council hereby finds that there are not newspapers of general circulation published and circulated within the City. The City Clerk shall therefore cause this Ordinance to be posted in five public places within the City as specified in the Pico Rivera Municipal Code within fifteen days of its final passage and this Ordinance shall take effect thirty days following its final passage. [SIGNATURES ON PAGE 3] ORDINANCE NO. _______ Page 3 of 5 th APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13 day of January, 2015 by members of the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera, voting as follows: Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk ______ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glassman, City Attorney AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ORDINANCE NO. _______ Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT “A” The property is legally described as that portion of Rancho Paso de Bartolo, in the City of Pico Rivera, County of Los Angles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 pages 204 and 205 and in book 23 pages 55 and 56 of miscellaneous records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of Rosemead Boulevard, formerly Rivera and Barlow Road, 30 feet wide, as described in the deed recorded in Book 4438 Page 33 of Deeds, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, distant south 33°01’10” West 134.74 feet from the first angle point in said northwesterly line northerly of center street; thence North56°58’50” West 226.32 feet; thence north 33°05’00” East 140.35 feet; thence South 56° 49 East 225.87 feet to said northwesterly line of Rosemead Boulevard; thence South 29° 31’30” West 5.04 feet to said angel point; thence South 33°01’ 10” West 134.74 feet to the point of beginning. Except that portion of said land described in the deed to the State of California recorded February 18, 1949 as document No. 3275-R of Torrens. APN: 6370-013-014. ATTACHMENT “A” No Scale [SIGNATURES ON PAGE 5] N ORDINANCE NO. _______ Page 5 of 5 ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 6605 Rosemead Boulevard Zone Reclassification from Professional and Administrative (P-A) to General Commercial (C-G) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. ___1226_________ Signed______ Benjamin A. Martinez, Planning Commission Community and Economic Development Director ADOPTED_November 3, 2014_______ (Date) CITY COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. _____________ ORDINANCE NO. _____________ Signed______ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk ADOPTED_______________ (Date) Tuesday, December 9, 2014 A Regular Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber, Pico Rivera City Hall, 6615 Passons Boulevard, Pico Rivera, California. Mayor Tercero called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on behalf of the City Council. PRESENT: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Salcido, Tercero ABSENT: None COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Fred Zermeno, Planning Commission John Garcia, Parks & Recreation Commission INVOCATION: Commissioner Garcia PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Zermeno SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 1. City Council Reorganization. a. Office of Mayor of Pico Rivera City Clerk Jerome called for nominations for the Office of Mayor. Councilmember Armenta nominated Mayor Pro Tem Salcido. Noting no further nominations, City Clerk Jerome closed the nomination period. Mayor Pro Tem Slacido was nominated and selected to serve as Mayor of the City of Pico Rivera pursuant to a 5-0 vote. AYES: NOES: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Salcido, Tercero None b. Office of Mayor Pro Tempore of Pico Rivera Mayor Salcido called for the nominations for the Office of Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilmember Archuleta nominated Councilmember Armenta. Noting no further nominations, Mayor Salcido closed the nomination period. Councilmember Armenta was nominated and selected to serve as the Mayor Pro Tempore of the City of Pico Rivera pursuant to a 5-0 vote. 2 12-09-14.CityCouncilMinutes Page 2 of 6 AYES: NOES: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Tercero, Salcido None Outgoing Mayor Tercero received a commendation from Assistant Fire Chief Jackson and a scroll certificate from Sheriff’s Captain Castellanos. Mr. Tercero thanked City Council and City Staff for the opportunity to serve the community and to grow as a leader. He also commented on what he learned from each individual council member during his term as Mayor. Newly selected Mayor Salcido presented outgoing Mayor Tercero with a scrapbook highlighting the events and accomplishments of the City during his term as Mayor. Council members commented on Mr. Tercero’s role as Mayor stating his strong leadership skills, his contribution and service to the community and overall great job. Mayor Salcido stated that it is an honor for him to serve as the Mayor of Pico Rivera and emphasized his passion for the City and vowed to do his best as Mayor. Recessed the City Council meeting at 6:20 p.m. for a reception. Reconvened the City Council meeting at 6:39 p.m. 1ST PERIOD OF PUBLIC COMMENT – AGENDA ITEMS ONLY: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: 2. Minutes: • Approved City Council regular meeting of November 12, 2014 • Received and filed Planning Commission meeting of October 20, 2014; and • Received and filed Sister City Commission meeting of November 3, 2014 3. Approved 9th Warrant Register of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year. Check Numbers: 264381-264555; 264558-264773 Special Check Numbers: 264556-264557 4. Traffic Signal Improvements Citywide, CIP No. 21242 – Amendment No. 1 to Professional Service Agreement with Vali Cooper & Associates, Inc. (500) (700) 1. Approved Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement No. 141528 with Vali Cooper & Associates, Inc. to revise the scope of services and fees in accordance with the proposed scope of work and fee proposal dated November 18, 2014. Agreement No. 14-1528-1 12-09-14.CityCouncilMinutes Page 3 of 6 5. Rosemead Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge Rehabilitation and Beautification Project, CIP 21240 – Authorization to Bid. (500) 1. Approved revised Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Rosemead Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge Rehabilitation and Beautification Project, CIP No. 21240, and authorized the City Clerk to publish Notice Inviting Bids. 6. Vehicle Replacements. (700) 1. Authorized the replacement of eight pool vehicles from the City’s fleet with six leased and two purchased Toyota Prius C models; and 2. Authorized the City Manager to negotiate final terms and executed lease and/or purchase agreement with Longo Toyota in a form approved by the City Attorney and oversee the disposition of displaced vehicles. 7. Amendment to Agreement No. 92-505 Regarding Street Sweeping and Bus Shelter Maintenance Services – Nationwide Environmental Services (NES). (500) This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar for further discussion and clarification. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, seconded by Councilmember Archuleta to approve Consent Calendar Items No. 2 through 6. Motion carries by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Tercero, Salcido None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS PULLED FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION: 7. Amendment to Agreement No. 92-505 Regarding Street Sweeping and Bus Shelter Maintenance Services – Nationwide Environmental Services (NES). (500) City Manager Bobadilla made reference to the copy of the supplemental agreement City Council had before them for review stating that there was a slight change to the agreement. He stated that the change is to the CPI Calculation payment, if the payment results in a negative number, it remains at zero and that was the only change to the agreement. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, seconded by Councilmember Archuleta to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 92-505-13 amending the current contract term of seven years, expiring on January 1, 2017 for street sweeping and bus shelter maintenance services. Motion carries by the following roll call vote: Agreement No. 92-505-13 AYES: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Salcido 12-09-14.CityCouncilMinutes Page 4 of 6 NOES: Tercero LEGISLATION: 8. Appointment of Representative to the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District Board of Trustees. (100) Motion by Councilmember Tercero, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to appoint Bob J. Archuleta Trustee to the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District for a two-year term, effective January 5, 2015. AYES: NOES: Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Tercero, Salcido None MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY MEETINGS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Councilmember Camacho asked staff, in regard to the Pedestrian Bridge, to look into additional funding for lighting and signage. OLD BUSINESS: Councilmember Archuleta congratulated staff on the success of the Tree Lighting event. 2ND PERIOD OF PUBLIC COMMENTS - THIS TIME IS RESERVED FOR COMMENTS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ALREADY OR THAT ARE NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. PLEASE FILL OUT A BLUE PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FORM AND PROVIDE IT TO THE STAFF MEMBER AT THE BACK TABLE BEFORE THE MEETING STARTS. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residency for the record. You have three (3) minutes to make your remarks. Roddie Rodriguez, President of the Pico Rivera Concerned Citizens Committee: • Addressed City Council to thank them for the declarations with regard to Mr. Belmonte and congratulated newly selected Mayor Salcido and the entire City Council for being a well-organized team and making great improvements to the City of Pico Rivera. Alexis Hernandez and El Rancho Teen Court representatives: • Addressed the City Council to speak of the progress and involvement of the Teen Court and to invite City Council to the January Teen Court session. Recessed to Housing Assistance Agency at 6:55 p.m. 12-09-14.CityCouncilMinutes Page 5 of 6 ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT Reconvened from Housing Assistance Agency at 6:56 p.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT Recessed to Closed Session at 6:57 p.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT Reconvened from Closed Session at 7:40 p.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT CLOSED SESSION(S): a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) Consideration of Initiation of Litigation – One Matter City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman stated that direction was given to the City Attorney, no final action was taken and that there was nothing further to report. b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) Significant Exposure to Potential Litigation – One Matter City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman stated that direction was given to the City Attorney, no final action was taken and that there was nothing further to report. c. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Pico Rivera Mid-Mangers Association v. City of Pico Rivera (Public Employees Relations Board Matter) City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman stated that authorization was given to the City Attorney to enter into a settlement agreement, no final action was taken and that there was nothing further to report. d. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Jeff Tracy, Inc. dba Land Forms Construction vs. City of Pico Rivera Case No. VC063151 City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman stated that direction was given, no final action was taken and that there was nothing further to report. 12-09-14.CityCouncilMinutes Page 6 of 6 ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Salcido adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:43 p.m. objection it was so ordered. AYES: NOES: There being no Archuleta, Armenta, Camacho, Tercero, Salcido None ________________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct report of the proceedings of the City Council regular meeting dated December 9, 2014 and approved by the City Council on January 13, 2015. ________________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, November 3, 2014 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Garcia at 6:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 6615 Passons Boulevard, Pico Rivera, CA. STAFF PRESENT: Benjamin A. Martinez, Director Julia Gonzalez, Deputy Director Guille Nuñez, Senior Planner ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Celiz, Elisaldez, Garcia, Gomez, Zermeno ABSENT: None. FLAG SALUTE: Led by Commissioner Elisaldez APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 20, 2014 Motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Elisaldez and seconded by Commissioner Celiz: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Celiz, Elisaldez, Garcia, Gomez, Zermeno None None None PUBLIC HEARING: PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 716 AND ZONE RECLASSIFICATION NO. 316 – A REQUEST TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN 81-ROOM, 43,700 SQUARE FOOT EXTENDED STAY HOTEL WITH SUBTERRANEAN PARKING AT 6605 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND TO CHANGE THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION FOR SUCH PROPERTY FROM PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE (P-A) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) Project Location: 6605 Rosemead Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660 2A Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 2 of 10 Applicant: Aram Alajajian Alajajian/Marcoosi Architects. Inc. 320 Arden Avenue, Suite 120 Glendale, CA 91203 Senior Planner Guille Nuñez presented the public hearing. The proposal is to develop a vacant lot at 6605 Rosemead Boulevard into an extended stay hotel under the Candlewood Suites brand. The hotel is proposing to build 81 rooms ranging from 345 square feet to 612 square feet. The total floor area is 43,700 square feet for the entire four floor building and three subterranean levels of parking. The building is proposed to be 42 feet high with a modern contemporary architectural style. This project was first introduced to the Planning Commission at the March 3, 2014 meeting. At that time, some residents and hoteliers presented a petition with 17 signatures opposing the project. Some of the concerns voiced were traffic impacts and parking, noise, types of clientele for the facility, and privacy of the residents. The closest structure is 55 feet from the back of the hotel inclusive of a 35 foot buffer space between the hotel and the residential property lines. The architect is proposing to install mature landscaping. The project will have 84 parking stalls which meets the parking requirements per the municipal code. Parking requires one parking per unit, plus parking for the office and lobby areas. A traffic study was conducted that projected an increase of 2.5 percent along Rosemead Boulevard. The traffic impact report recommended right hand turns in and out only. To address noise concerns, the conditions of approval include a requirement that all the air conditioning units meet the City’s noise ordinance of sixty decibels. If there are any noise issues, the courtyard hours will be adjusted. To address security issues, the applicant will install a video surveillance system in the driveway, the courtyard areas, and the lobby, and must be accessible to the Sheriff’s station. The videos are required to be retained for a minimum of thirty days. A detailed security plan will also be submitted to the Sheriff’s department for approval and must be done before the hotel’s grand opening. Staff prepared a mitigated negative declaration and find that any potential impacts can and will be mitigated. Therefore, staff is recommending approval and adoption of the mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring, and also recommending approval of the conditional use permit and recommending that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council to approve zone reclassification number 316. If the conditional use permit is approved by the Planning Commission, the zone Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 3 of 10 reclassification must be approved by the City Council. Commissioner Elisaldez asked if the air conditioning units would be in-room air conditioners or window-mounted units. Senior Planner Nuñez answered that the air conditioners would be window-mountedso that the occupants can turn them off when they are not being used and turn them on when they return to the room. Chairperson Garcia asked where the 60 decibels is measured from. Senior Planner Nuñez responded that the decibel reading is measured at the nearest residential property line. Commissioner Gomez asked if the Angels Motel next door had outdoor air conditioning units. Senior Planner Nuñez responded that she was uncertain of where their units are located. There being no further questions, Chairperson Garcia opened the public hearing. Consultant Nick Inzunza spoke on behalf of the Patel family, the developers, with regards to their experience in development, in the hospitality market and why they chose this location. Aram Alajajian, project architect, thanked staff who worked on this project with the architects. Mr. Alajajian provided a brief overview of the design elements of the proposed hotel. He stated that the first floor will have the glass storefront, visible along Rosemead Boulevard. The air conditioning units will be screened and will blend in, not exposing anything outside. The interiors will be all natural wood colors and stone flooring. Mr. Alajajian went through a slideshow and described how the hotel would look. Rich Carlson, Regional Director of Development for IHG, Inter Continental Hotels Group, spoke on IHG. IHG is the largest hotel company in the world by number of rooms. Hilton and Marriott are the largest competitors to IHG. The hotel rooms have an extended stay averaging 14 nights. 80% of the guests are business travel, and 20% are on leisure travel. Mr. Carlson went through a slideshow showing what the different hotels in different markets look like. The architectural design of the hotel buildings complement their surroundings, while the inside of the structure has prototype rooms. The ‘Cupboard’ is a small convenience store found in all Candlewood Suites hotels. Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 4 of 10 Occupants can prepare foods in their rooms or use the outdoor grills. The expectation is that this business will draw from a wider radius to the surrounding cities, for sales, physicians from the Presbyterian hospital, and various industrial areas nearby. The market and the site are appropriate for the community. The ownership group has done a great job in guest satisfaction as well as in financial strength. Mr. Raj Patel with R3 Real Estate Developers stated he grew up in Downey, and has seen the growth in Pico Rivera and believes in the City. This high name hotel will service the local businesses. This high quality hotel is quality controlled every quarter and a weekly update for the employees. This hotel will benefit the local economy. Most of the hotels employees will be residents from the City of Pico Rivera. Chairperson Garcia asked if there were any questions for the applicants. Commissioner Gomez asked if the various cities that the hotels are currently in are similar in size to Pico Rivera. Mr. Patel responded that they had a project in La Puente, which is similar in size and that hotel has been a success, as well as North Hollywood. Commissioner Gomez asked how long the hotel has been in La Puente. Mr. Patel responded the hotel has been in La Puente for four years. Commissioner Elisaldez asked if someone could speak in depth on the security of the hotel. Mr. Patel stated that this hotel is an interior corridor hotel. There are no stairs located outside. All doors have electronic key cards, including the front door, which guests will need to swipe in order to open past certain hours. The security cameras have the tapes for about thirty days. The hotel is staffed 24 hours, with a security patrol. If security patrol is not enough, the hotel chain will have a night security guard, whatever is needed to ensure safety. Chairperon Garcia asked how you enter the parking garage, as well as what lighting or surveillance cameras are near the parking entrance. Mr. Patel responded that they have high quality color cameras that can read the license plates of the cars coming in. If they are guests, they can swipe their key, and they can get to the floor in which there room is located, and if they do not have a key, they can only get to the lobby area. The elevator is located in the parking area. Commissioner Zermeno asked how the IHG Rewards program works. Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 5 of 10 Mr. Patel responded that there are over 83 million rewards members worldwide. The members earn points for every stay. Commissioner Zermeno asked what percentage of the membership is anticipated to be coming into the City. Mr. Patel responded that 60% of the hotel business will be pre-booked. Commissioner Gomez asked how patrons would have access into the building. Mr. Patel responded that the patrons would be able to enter through the front doors if the doors are locked after hours. The front desk staff has view of the door and can buzz the patrons in. Mr. Alajajian stated that the design of the parking area is set up with parking at the street level of the driveway for guests. Elevator doors open at the level of the lobby so whoever enters the elevator will automatically stop at the lobby; staff at the registration desk will have a clear view of everyone who is exiting from the elevator. The floor planning of the hotel is conducive to safety. Chairperson Garcia opened the public hearing for further comments. City Attorney John Lam recommended segregating the comments between proponents and opponents. The first group to speak were the speakers proposing the Candlewood Suites. David Yoon, resident of 9050 Carron Drive #333, Pico Rivera, stated that he strongly recommended the Candlewood Suites, which would add revenue and create jobs that the City needs. Mr. Yoon states that as a competitor and property manager of a nearby complex, he and his staff will highly recommend Candlewood Suites to additional tenants. Mr. Yoon manages the apartment complex, California Villages, behind King Taco along Carron DriveS. Commissioner Gomez asked how many employees they would be hiring and if they would be within Pico Rivera. Mr. Patel responded that the hotel would have between 15 and 20 employees, and another 5 additional periodic employees, and most of these employees will be within the City. Jose Medina, resident of 4318 Deland Avenue. Mr. Medina is the location manager at the Funeraria Del Angel Morrows, a nearby funeral home. Mr. Medina stated his business would be recommending the families that they service to the local Candlewood Suites. Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 6 of 10 Paola Portillo, resident of Downey, has firsthand seen the progress that Pico Rivera has made. Pico Park is a beautiful park to what it was years ago. Ms. Portillo is an employee of Jersey Mike’s Subs and feels that this hotel is a great opportunity for the City and the residents. Chairperson Garcia asked those individuals in opposition of the hotel to speak. Howard Patel, whose family owns the Angels Motel, south of this project, spoke in opposition of the hotel. Mr. Patel stated that the air conditioners are loud and at the Angels Motel the air conditioners face inward. With this project, the air conditioners will be heard and will only get louder with time. Mr. Patel stated that there are over 200 rooms at the nearby motels: a Best Value Inn, the Angels Motel, and the Knights Inn. Mr. Patel does not feel that the City needs more rooms in the City. Mr. Patel would like to know how many Candlewood Suites are in Los Angeles County. Mr. Patel also brought up an issue with Pico Rivera Gardens and the safety of the patrons due to the panhandling in the area. Arthur Castanon, resident of 6515 Manzanar Avenue, spoke in regards to the problems the residents have already with the Pico Rivera Gardens that is in his area. Mr. Castanon believes that the Candlewood Suites would bring in more people to the area and increase the panhandling problems. Christina Griffin, resident of 6539 Guild Drive, asked when this project was addressed to the Planning Commission and if bids from other hotels are still being received. Ms. Griffin also spoke on the panhandlers throughout the mall area. Ms. Griffin is not sure if she is for or against this project. Ms. Griffin feels if there is no gate at the front of the parking structure, that the homeless will be going into the parking structure to sleep. Tim Lin, manager for the Knights Inn, stated that he does not believe that anyone would want to stay at a hotel surrounded by motels and a liquor store. Mr. Lin has a concern if the applicant is building the hotel to sell to an investor or run it. At the rate the Candlewood Suites will be charging, no one will be paying that amount to stay in Pico Rivera. This is not a tourist area, and the hotel will eventually have to lower their rates to the nearby hotels rates and the hotels will eventually lose business. Alice Aguilera, resident of 6543 Guild Drive, lives behind the proposed hotels location. Ms. Aguilera stated that she has not seen nice hotels around residential areas. Ms. Aguilera also addressed the problem with the residents of Pico Rivera Gardens and with panhandlers in general. Ms. Aguilera hopes the Planning Commission will take the nearby residents into consideration and their concerns for safety. Yagnesh Bhakta, resident of 9118 Slauson Avenue, owner of the Rivera Inn, spoke on his concerns with the project. The hotels in the area are running at about 60 percent occupancy. Mr. Bhakta and the existing hoteliers will continue losing their business Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 7 of 10 when there is currently no demand for additional hotel rooms in the area. Usha Patel, resident of Pico Rivera, owner of the Townhouse Motel, 4634 S. Rosemead Boulevard, open for almost 34 years spoke in opposition of the hotel. Customers cannot afford their 40 to 45 dollar rates, how will they be able to afford the higher rates from Candlewood Suites. Ms. Patel also feels the City should address the homeless increase in the City. Philip Aguilera, resident of 6543 S. Guild Drive, spoke on the homeless issue in the City. Mr. Aguilera stated the panhandlers are harassing the younger residents of the City. Henrietta Saavedra, whose mother Rose Franco, resides at 6522 Manzanar Avenue. Ms. Franco’s property abuts the proposed hotel site. The rehab center residents look out the windows and stare down at the neighbor’s backyards. Ms. Saavedra feels this site is not safe and will bring more crime to the area. Arthur Cruz, resident of 6538 Manzanar Avenue, would like to know the timeframe of the construction. Mr. Cruz feels the City should address the issues with the rehab facility and the construction that will take place for the new hotel. Reef Coleman, marketing director of Jersey Mike’s Subs, believes that something to revamp the City might bring in more growth and higher value. Mr. Coleman feels the construction may also bring in more jobs. Eric Moya, resident of 6532 Manzanar Avenue, spoke in opposition of this project. Ms. Moya lives behind the proposed site and feels the residents do not have any privacy. Ms. Moya does not see how this hotel would benefit the residents. Mr. Carlson stated that the owner will answer some of the questions that were addressed by the residents, but none of the issues that were brought up will deter the applicants from coming to Pico Rivera. Mr. Patel stated that the Gardens is a problem but hoteliers have dealt with similar problems. The Saharan Motel on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood had a residential facility move next door. The hotel hired additional security staff and spoke to the management to avoid issues. Chairperson Garcia asked how long the construction was proposed to take. Mr. Patel the construction should be completed between 9 to 12 months. Chairperson Garcia asked if the developers are prepared to take the measures listed in the Environmental Impact Report. Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 8 of 10 Mr. Patel responded that they would comply with these measures. Chairperson Garcia asked on the security on preventing homeless from entering the parking structures. Mr. Patel stated that they would hire a security guard or additional staff to prevent the homeless from trespassing. Commissioner Zermeno stated that he was disappointed in the remarks made in opposition of the project due to how they spoke about Pico Rivera. Commissioner Zermeno stated he is proud of this city and that the City does not have a homeless problem. There are homeless in the City, but there are panhandlers and homeless in every City. At this time it was motioned to close the public hearing by Commissioner Celiz, seconded by Commissioner Gomez. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Celiz, Elisaldez, Garcia, Gomez, Zermeno None None None Commissioner Zermeno addressed his disappointment with how the public was portraying the City in their comments. He indicated that they should be proud of their City, and not portray it as a crime-ridden or panhandling community nor should residents say that Pico Rivera is not good enough for a quality hotel. Instead we should focus on new opportunities for growth and look for ways to improve our community. Commissioner Celiz addressed her concern with how the public was addressing the City. Commissioner Celiz has been a resident of the City since 1973. Commissioner Celiz stated everyone should be proud of the City and the growth of the City. Commissioner Celiz stated the growth is making our City a better place and what is best for the community. This project is an investment and we should be proud of the businesses coming to the City. Commissioner Elisaldez believes this project is a great opportunity for the City and agrees with the other Commissioners that the residents should be proud of the City. Commissioner Gomez also stated how the City has grown and improved. The structure will benefit the appearance of the area and better the community. Chairperson Garcia stated that no one is guaranteeing anything. Chairperson Garcia stated that as long as people are willing to invest in our City, we as residents should Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 9 of 10 have a why not attitude rather than a fear of change. disappointed to hear of the vision of Pico Rivera. Chairperson Garcia was Commissioner Elisaldez thanked the residents who came and spoke on the project for caring enough to show up to express their views. Chairperson Garcia feels the issues brought up by the residents will be taken into consideration and heard by the applicants. It was then motioned to approve the conditional use permit no. 716 and zone reclassification no. 316 by Commissioner Celiz, seconded by Commissioner Elisaldez. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Celiz, Elisaldez, Garcia, Gomez, Zermeno None None None PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Director Martinez stated that the Planning Commission meetings will be televised beginning in December. Director Martinez also requested the Planning Commissioners attend the Shake, Rattle and Roll Business Expo on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Deputy Director Gonzalez stated that the City Council Agendas are going digital and therefore, Deputy Director Gonzalez will be requesting signatures to digitize from the Chairperson and City Attorney. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS: PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Tuesday, October 28, 2014 – Commissioner Zermeno stated that the General Plan was approved by City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Chairperson Garcia confirmed his attendance. Chairperson Garcia thanked the Planning Department staff on their hard work on the public hearing report. Planning Commission Minutes November 3, 2014 Page 10 of 10 Commissioner Elisaldez thanked Planning Commissioners for taking a stand and approving this project. There being no further business the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:58p.m. _______________________________________ Ruben L. Garcia, Chairperson ATTEST: ____________________________________ Benjamin A. Martinez, Secretary Planning Commission Director of Community and Economic Development 3 PAYROLL REGISTER P/P 11/28/14 - 12/12/14 Pay Date: 12/18/14 VOID ACH CKS VOID CKS Scrap: 393361 393415 SPECIAL CKS CKS 393362 - 393414 39,925.72 39,925.72 ACH 393416 - 393625 251,839.19 251,839.19 TOTAL 291,764.91 PAYROLL REGISTER P/P 12/12/14 - 12/26/14 Pay Date: 01/01/15 VOID ACH CKS VOID CKS Scrap: 393626 393676 SPECIAL CKS CKS 393627 - 393675 36,672.40 36,672.40 ACH 393677 - 393890 253,229.92 253,229.92 TOTAL 289,902.32 City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/01/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 01, 2014 Payment Type ALL 09:54am Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 421 WHITTIER FERTILIZER COMPANY 1 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 9441 KRUSE RO WAP 264775 12/01/14 4,000.00 Claim# General Description 341796 NES DEBRIS TRANSFER SERVICE FROM 10/06/14 THRU 11/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 284130 10/31/14 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 4,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/01/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 01, 2014 Payment Type ALL 09:54am Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 1 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 1 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7860 A & G FENCE & SUPPLY SALES WAP 264777 12/04/14 109.00 Claim# General Description 341891 FENCE SCREEN FOR RIVERA PARK PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 14567 10/27/14 109.00 0.00 109.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-43400-00000000 109.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7455 AFLAC ATTN: REMITTANCE PROCESSING WAP 264778 12/04/14 4,005.54 Claim# General Description 341859 AFLAC EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 4,005.54 0.00 4,005.54 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20807-00000000 4,005.54 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15564 AIRGAS WEST WAP 264779 12/04/14 187.63 Claim# General Description 341892 WELDING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 9033127879 10/30/14 187.63 0.00 187.63 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 187.63 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16202 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. WAP 264780 12/04/14 811.00 Claim# General Description 341798 SPECIAL EVENT INSURANCE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL & TREE LIGHTING EVENT ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 287366 11/20/14 811.00 0.00 811.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44700-00000000 811.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 01:49pm Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4009 ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN WAP 264781 12/04/14 8,900.00 Claim# General Description 341816 CITY ATTY RETAINER FEE FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32989 O 12/2014 12/01/14 8,900.00 0.00 8,900.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0700-44500-00000000 8,900.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0700-44500-00000000 8,900.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4437 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC, LLC 1 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC WAP 264782 12/04/14 385.00 Claim# General Description 341800 40-INCH LONG STAINLESS STEEL SNAPLOCK STRAPS FOR HOLIDAY LIGHTPOLE BANNER INSTALLATION PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8023-14 11/05/14 385.00 0.00 385.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44100-00000000 385.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4437 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC, LLC 1 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC WAP 264783 12/04/14 253.00 Y Claim# General Description 341799 100 PC SPECIAL DESIGN PR CALIFORNIA LAPEL PIN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8029-14 11/24/14 253.00 0.00 253.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8000-42600-00000000 253.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15570 AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE C WAP 264784 12/04/14 316.76 Claim# General Description 341853 LIFE INSURANCE EMPLOYEE PAID FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 316.76 0.00 316.76 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20807-00000000 316.76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15981 AMERICAN SECURITY FORCE INC WAP 264785 12/04/14 342.00 Claim# General Description 341801 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 5557 GL Distribution 010-0350-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/01/14 133.00 Gross Amount Description 133.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 133.00 Claim# General Description 341802 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5593 11/06/14 209.00 0.00 209.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 209.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17653 ATKINSON, ANDELSON, LOYA, RUUD & R WAP 264786 12/04/14 4,943.93 Claim# General Description 341803 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33123 O 460799 GL Distribution 010-0800-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0800-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/30/14 1,300.95 Gross Amount Description 1,300.95 Amount 1,300.95 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,300.95 Claim# General Description 341804 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33123 O 462885 10/31/14 3,642.98 0.00 3,642.98 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-44500-00000000 3,642.98 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0800-44500-00000000 3,642.98 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 8168 BOB MURRAY & ASSOCIATES 1 BOB MURRAY & ASSOCIATES WAP 264787 12/04/14 5,576.75 Claim# General Description 341805 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR RECRUITMENT BROCHURE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5970 10/16/14 5,576.75 0.00 5,576.75 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 5,576.75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 82 BSN SPORTS SPORTS SUPPLY GROUP WAP 264788 12/04/14 407.38 Claim# General Description 341806 LIGHTWEIGHT RUBBER MEDICINE BALL PAK AND DOUBLE SIDED MEDICINE BALL RACK FOR SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33110 O 96493581 11/14/14 407.38 0.00 407.38 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44100-00000000 407.38 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8220-44100-00000000 407.38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15555 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM WAP 264789 12/04/14 65.07 Claim# General Description 341845 PERS LONG TERM CARE P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814 12/04/14 65.07 0.00 65.07 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20825-00000000 65.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5971 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. WAP 264790 12/04/14 358.04 Claim# General Description 341893 TONER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount MV66031 07/01/14 358.04 0.00 358.04 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-5310-42200-00000000 358.04 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13463 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WAP 264791 12/04/14 250.00 Claim# General Description 341854 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814-VH 12/04/14 250.00 0.00 250.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 250.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17133 MARIA B CISNEROS WAP 264792 12/04/14 72.00 Claim# General Description 341807 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES #8650 & #8653 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8650 11/12/14 48.00 0.00 48.00 8653 11/12/14 24.00 0.00 24.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 72.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15924 COMPLETE PRINTING SOLUTIONS, INC. WAP 264793 12/04/14 351.25 Claim# General Description 341808 PRINTING SERVICES CIP #21260 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 23310 11/06/14 351.25 0.00 351.25 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021260 264.05 010-4010-44100-00000000 87.20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5761 SEIU LOCAL 721 - COPE ATTN: CONTRO 1 SEIU LOCAL 721 - COPE ATTN: ACCOU WAP 264794 12/04/14 46.47 Claim# General Description 341840 COPE CONTRIBUTION P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814 12/04/14 46.47 0.00 46.47 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20826-00000000 46.47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13174 COSBY OIL COMPANY 1 COSBY OIL COMPANY, INC. WAP 264795 12/04/14 7,345.23 Claim# General Description 341795 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FROM 11/01/14-11/10/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32936 O CL40152 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 550-4920-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4370-43100-00000000 550-4920-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/10/14 3,257.57 Gross Amount Description 2,606.06 651.51 Amount 2,606.06 651.51 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 3,257.57 Claim# General Description 341902 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FROM 11/11/14-11/20/14 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 6 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32936 O CL40648 11/20/14 4,087.66 0.00 4,087.66 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 3,270.13 550-4920-43100-00000000 817.53 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4370-43100-00000000 3,270.13 550-4920-43100-00000000 817.53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1246 CULLIGAN WATER OF BELLFLOWER 3 CULLIGAN OF SANTA ANA LOCKBOX PRO WAP 264796 12/04/14 48.50 Claim# General Description 341809 WATER SOFTENING SERVICE AT SENIOR CENTER FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 929621 10/31/14 48.50 0.00 48.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44500-00000000 48.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16485 DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES WAP 264797 12/04/14 2,908.34 Claim# General Description 341858 DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 2,908.34 0.00 2,908.34 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 2,908.34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2515 DERIAN/PARTY WAREHOUSE WAP 264798 12/04/14 57.78 Claim# General Description 341810 ROUND TABLE COVERS FOR THE SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112514 11/25/14 57.78 0.00 57.78 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-45280-00000000 57.78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16959 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LP WAP 264799 12/04/14 2,558.60 Claim# General Description 341811 TEMPORARY FENCING FROM 08/08/14 TO 08/08/15 AT PASSONS & RIVERA STREETS CIP #20053 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 33014 O 0000308736 11/19/14 2,558.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00020053 2,558.60 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00020053 2,558.60 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 2,558.60 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17439 DOWNSTREAM SERVICES, INC. WAP 264800 12/04/14 6,525.00 Claim# General Description 341812 SEWER LIFT STATION OPERATION MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF FARMLAND,CLARINDA AND BERKSHIRE LOCATIONS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32916 O 10277 11/06/14 6,525.00 0.00 6,525.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 6,525.00 PO Liquidation Amount 019-6310-44500-00000000 6,525.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 118 ECONOMY MAIL SERVICE WAP 264801 12/04/14 178.47 Claim# General Description 341813 MAIL SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32931 O 112214 11/22/14 178.47 0.00 178.47 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3110-44500-00000000 178.47 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3110-44500-00000000 178.47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10810 EL RANCHO HIGH SCHOOL C/O RAY ELLI 7 EL RANCHO HIGH SCHOOL ATTN: CHORA WAP 264802 12/04/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 341814 MUSICAL PERFORMANCE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL & TREE LIGHTING EVENT ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount C2014 11/25/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 200.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10717 EXTRA SPACE STORAGE WAP 264803 12/04/14 274.00 Claim# General Description 341820 MONTHLY STORAGE SPACE RENTAL FEE FOR CHRISTMAS BASKET'S UNIT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111814 11/18/14 274.00 0.00 274.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-44100-00000000 274.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16547 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE/E WAP 264804 12/04/14 2,970.31 Claim# General Description 341860 EYE MED VISION CARE FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 2,970.31 0.00 2,970.31 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 2,827.80 010-0900-41900-00000000 142.51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17543 GUSTAVO FLORES TERESA FLORES WAP 264805 12/04/14 74.48 Claim# General Description 341909 DEPOSIT REFUND Reinstated from claim# 340066 (REPLACE CK #264421) PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5048 09/18/14 74.48 0.00 74.48 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 74.48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15584 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD WAP 264806 12/04/14 205.00 Claim# General Description 341852 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814-JG 12/04/14 205.00 0.00 205.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 205.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 969 FUN EXPRESS 1 FUN EXPRESS LLC WAP 264807 12/04/14 504.00 Claim# General Description 341821 SUPPLIES FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL AND TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 668503036-01 11/13/14 504.00 0.00 504.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44100-00000000 504.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17663 XOCHITL GARCIA WAP 264808 12/04/14 50.00 Claim# General Description 341822 REFUND FOR COURSE #8271 AND OVERPAYMENT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1058354.002 06/23/14 50.00 0.00 50.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20101-00000000 50.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17404 GENERAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT COMPAN WAP 264809 12/04/14 4,782.00 Claim# General Description 341897 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33061 O 14999 10/31/14 4,782.00 0.00 4,782.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44500-00000000 4,782.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-44500-00000000 4,782.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16920 GILBERT WHOLESALE FLOWERS WAP 264810 12/04/14 159.14 Claim# General Description 341824 FLOWERS FOR TEEN FUNDRAISER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 15701 11/20/14 159.14 0.00 159.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29984-00000000 159.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15712 GOLFLINKS CONSULTING WAP 264811 12/04/14 6,000.00 Claim# General Description 341823 MONTHLY MANAGEMENT FEE FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1214 12/01/14 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 570-8440-46200-00000000 6,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10700 HEALTH NET WAP 264812 12/04/14 4,069.26 Claim# General Description 341848 MEDICAL PREMIUM GROUP C FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 4,069.26 0.00 4,069.26 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 4,069.26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 163 HEALTHFIRST-NORTH MEDICAL GROUP WAP 264813 12/04/14 336.00 Claim# General Description 341825 DRUG SCREENING/PHYSICALS FOR CITY PERSONNEL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1456-110286 11/07/14 336.00 0.00 336.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44400-00000000 336.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14542 MARY HERNANDEZ WAP 264814 12/04/14 165.00 Claim# General Description 341826 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8542 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8542 11/12/14 165.00 0.00 165.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 165.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2531 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS & ASSOCIATE WAP 264815 12/04/14 751.17 Claim# General Description 341894 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR AUDIT SERVICES-TRANSACTION TAX SALES QTR 2 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 0022938-IN GL Distribution 010-0800-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 56.17 Gross Amount Description 56.17 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 56.17 Claim# General Description 341895 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR CAFR 2013-14 STATISTICAL REPORTS PACKAGE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 0020930-IN 11/14/14 695.00 0.00 695.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-44100-00000000 695.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 01:49pm Page 11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17661 HUNTINGTON HARBOR PHILHARMONIC COM WAP 264816 12/04/14 905.00 Claim# General Description 341896 ADMISSION FOR HUNTINGTON HARBOR CRUISE OF LIGHTS ON 12/20/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112414 11/24/14 905.00 0.00 905.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8290-44100-00000000 905.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15844 YOLANDA KARRAA WAP 264817 12/04/14 7,350.00 Claim# General Description 341911 ACCOUNTING SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33099 O 113014 11/30/14 7,350.00 0.00 7,350.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-44500-00000000 6,750.00 090-0800-44500-00000000 300.00 095-0800-44500-00000000 300.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0800-44500-00000000 6,750.00 090-0800-44500-00000000 300.00 095-0800-44500-00000000 300.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15543 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LOS AN 9 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LOS A WAP 264818 12/04/14 140.00 Claim# General Description 341837 ALL CITIES HOLIDAY RECEPTION ATTENDEES G.CAMACHO,D.ARMENTA,B.ARCHULETA AND R.BOBADILLA PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2980 11/19/14 140.00 0.00 140.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44800-00000000 105.00 010-0200-44800-00000000 35.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15547 MCNEILL SOUND & SECURITY SYSTEMS 2 SSD SYSTEMS WAP 264819 12/04/14 1,085.00 Claim# General Description 341836 SECURITY MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FOR VARIOUS PARK SITES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 1057312 10/13/14 1,085.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8000-44500-00000000 55.00 010-8100-44500-00000000 105.00 010-8101-44500-00000000 210.00 010-8104-44500-00000000 195.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,085.00 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 12 010-8108-44500-00000000 50.00 010-8111-44500-00000000 85.00 010-8220-44500-00000000 190.00 010-8109-44500-00000000 195.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13809 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER WAP 264820 12/04/14 63.09 Claim# General Description 341869 DENTAL PREMIUM GROUP C EMPLOYEES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 63.09 0.00 63.09 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 63.09 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2716 MIRACLE PLAYGROUND SALES 2 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT CO WAP 264821 12/04/14 613.78 Claim# General Description 341898 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PARTS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 21787 10/30/14 613.78 0.00 613.78 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44100-00000000 613.78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15796 NUFIC WAP 264822 12/04/14 316.78 Claim# General Description 341867 EMPLOYEE PAID AD&D LIFE INSURANCE FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 316.78 0.00 316.78 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20807-00000000 316.78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1266 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WAP 264823 12/04/14 364.96 Claim# General Description 341899 FUEL ADJUSTMENT FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32994 O 26241 10/31/14 364.96 0.00 364.96 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 364.96 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44500-00000000 364.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1266 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WAP 264824 12/04/14 215.00 Y Claim# General Description 341900 CUSTOM COLOR GRAFFITI ABATEMENT PAINT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32994 O 26243 11/15/14 215.00 0.00 215.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44640-00000000 215.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44640-00000000 215.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17159 ALEX NUNEZ DJ RUSH ENTERTAINMENT WAP 264825 12/04/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 341901 DJ SERVICES FOR ADAPTIVE DANCE ON 12/05/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112414 11/24/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8115-44500-00000000 200.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1380 OFFICE DEPOT WAP 264826 12/04/14 7,711.80 Claim# General Description 341915 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735041994001 GL Distribution 010-0100-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/17/14 209.55 Gross Amount Description 209.55 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 209.55 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/17/14 60.45 Gross Amount Description 60.45 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 60.45 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/07/14 11.57 Gross Amount Description 11.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 11.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/07/14 49.49 Gross Amount Description 49.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 49.49 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 417.37 Gross Amount Description 417.37 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 417.37 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/14/14 148.47 Gross Amount Description 148.47 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 148.47 Claim# General Description 341916 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735383240001 GL Distribution 010-0100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341917 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733792145001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341918 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733792265001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341919 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733929515001 GL Distribution 010-3200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341920 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735069971001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341922 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736334653001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 010-3200-42200-00000000 010-4033-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 15 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/23/14 996.57 Gross Amount Description 338.83 328.87 328.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 996.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/23/14 186.99 Gross Amount Description 63.57 61.71 61.71 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 186.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/24/14 59.15 Gross Amount Description 59.15 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 59.15 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/02/14 153.44 Gross Amount Description 153.44 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 153.44 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/02/14 48.31 Gross Amount Description 48.31 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 48.31 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/03/14 27.89 Gross Amount Description 27.89 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 27.89 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 341923 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736335403001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 010-3200-42200-00000000 010-4033-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341924 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736558054001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341925 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733141422001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341926 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733141507001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341927 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733141508001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341928 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 735403674001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 10/20/14 -567.96 Gross Amount Description -567.96 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm 0.00 -567.96 Page 16 Claim# General Description 341929 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736341391001 GL Distribution 550-4930-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/22/14 215.00 Gross Amount Description 215.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 215.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/23/14 576.69 Gross Amount Description 576.69 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 576.69 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/23/14 32.73 Gross Amount Description 32.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 32.73 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/27/14 -126.21 Gross Amount Description -126.21 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -126.21 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 37.63 Gross Amount Description 37.63 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 37.63 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 42.46 Gross Amount Description 42.46 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 42.46 Claim# General Description 341930 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736602494001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341931 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736602563001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341932 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736628710001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341934 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738078960001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341935 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738079386001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341936 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733344210001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/03/14 16.52 Gross Amount Description 16.52 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 16.52 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/03/14 50.49 Gross Amount Description 50.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 50.49 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/15/14 68.34 Gross Amount Description 68.34 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 68.34 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/16/14 56.82 Gross Amount Description 56.82 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 56.82 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 334.36 Gross Amount Description 334.36 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 334.36 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/28/14 117.92 Gross Amount Description 117.92 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 117.92 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 33.80 Gross Amount Description 33.80 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 33.80 Page 17 Claim# General Description 341937 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 733344583001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341938 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735261857001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341939 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735262067001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341940 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736756246001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341941 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736756445001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341942 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734103039001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 18 Claim# General Description 341943 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734103845001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 19.24 Gross Amount Description 19.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 19.24 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 36.72 Gross Amount Description 36.72 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 36.72 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/16/14 231.31 Gross Amount Description 231.31 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 231.31 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/17/14 38.45 Gross Amount Description 38.45 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 38.45 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/17/14 133.58 Gross Amount Description 133.58 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 133.58 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 319.99 Gross Amount Description 319.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 319.99 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 738062129001 10/30/14 112.70 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 112.70 Claim# General Description 341944 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734103846001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341945 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735684675001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341946 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735685476001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341947 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735685477001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341948 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738061285001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341949 OFFICE SUPPLIES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 010-8000-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 19 112.70 Claim# General Description 341950 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 737463957001 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/28/14 860.16 Gross Amount Description 860.16 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 860.16 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/09/14 246.39 Gross Amount Description 246.39 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 246.39 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 660.02 Gross Amount Description 660.02 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 660.02 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 164.99 Gross Amount Description 164.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 164.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/09/14 14.47 Gross Amount Description 14.47 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 14.47 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/09/14 246.39 Gross Amount Description 246.39 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 246.39 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 341951 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734111390001 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341952 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734112068001 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341953 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734112069001 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341954 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734112070001 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341955 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734131046001 GL Distribution 010-8111-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341957 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 735007044001 GL Distribution 010-8102-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 10/14/14 20.19 Gross Amount Description 20.19 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm 0.00 20.19 Page 20 Claim# General Description 341958 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735007451001 GL Distribution 010-8102-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/14/14 221.56 Gross Amount Description 221.56 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 221.56 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/14/14 26.57 Gross Amount Description 26.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 26.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 123.19 Gross Amount Description 123.19 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 123.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 135.29 Gross Amount Description 135.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 135.29 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 44.55 Gross Amount Description 44.55 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 44.55 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 14.29 Gross Amount Description 14.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 14.29 Claim# General Description 341959 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 735007452001 GL Distribution 010-8102-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341960 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738194348001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341961 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738194797001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341962 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 737812532001 GL Distribution 010-5310-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341963 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 737816796001 GL Distribution 010-5310-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341964 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 737816797001 GL Distribution 010-5310-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 7.03 Gross Amount Description 7.03 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 7.03 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/08/14 611.89 Gross Amount Description 611.89 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 611.89 Page 21 Claim# General Description 341965 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 734131535001 GL Distribution 010-8111-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 341966 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 734131536001 10/08/14 164.99 0.00 164.99 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8111-42200-00000000 164.99 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17496 RAFAEL ORNELAS HERNANDEZ GRUPO ORN WAP 264830* 12/04/14 375.00 Claim# General Description 341870 LIVE BAND PERFORMANCE AT SENIOR CENTER DANCE ON 12/10/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 12_10_14 11/13/14 375.00 0.00 375.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-45280-00000000 375.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 913275 PESTICIDE APPLICATORS PROFESSIONAL WAP 264831 12/04/14 45.00 Claim# General Description 341871 PAPA MEMBERSHIP FOR M.RIOS FOR 2015 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111014 11/10/14 45.00 0.00 45.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-42600-00000000 45.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6084 PARS WAP 264832 12/04/14 300.00 Claim# General Description 341914 PARS TRUST ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 30129 11/10/14 300.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-41501-00000000 300.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 300.00 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 22 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16954 PASSAGE ENTERTAINMENT WAP 264833 12/04/14 975.00 Claim# General Description 341903 PROFESSIONAL SOUND AND LIGHTING FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 12062014APE 09/29/14 975.00 0.00 975.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 975.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10784 POSTMASTER - WHITTIER POST OFFICE WAP 264834 12/04/14 2,916.67 Claim# General Description 341797 POSTAGE WATER BILLS-PERMIT 259 FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 12/2014 12/01/14 2,916.67 0.00 2,916.67 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4930-42100-00000000 2,916.67 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16546 PLIC - SBD GRAND ISLAND WAP 264835 12/04/14 6,525.35 Claim# General Description 341862 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP - DPO FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 6,525.35 0.00 6,525.35 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 6,482.55 010-0900-41900-00000000 42.80 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12228 PRMPCEA PR MGRS PROFSNL & CONFID E WAP 264836 12/04/14 455.00 Claim# General Description 341868 MID-MGMT, PROFNL& CONFIDL EMPL ASSOC DUES, AND SERV FEE-PAYER P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814 12/04/14 455.00 0.00 455.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20812-00000000 455.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 23 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15585 LETICIA REYES 1 LETICIA REYES WAP 264837 12/04/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 341873 STARTING CHANGE FOR 2014 FALL DANCE RECITAL ON 12/13/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 100814 10/08/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-10210-00000000 200.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1175 ROBERT KLEIN PRINTERS WAP 264838 12/04/14 49.50 Claim# General Description 341874 BUSINESS CARDS FOR B.MARTINEZ PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8014149 10/30/14 49.50 0.00 49.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3100-42400-00000000 49.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2120 ROUSSELLE COMPANY, INC WAP 264839 12/04/14 730.00 Claim# General Description 341875 EXTERMINATION SERVICE AT VARIOUS PARK SITES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2014-002225 11/20/14 115.00 0.00 115.00 2014-002223 11/20/14 45.00 0.00 45.00 2014-002222 11/20/14 65.00 0.00 65.00 2014-002221 11/20/14 65.00 0.00 65.00 2014-002220 11/20/14 55.00 0.00 55.00 2014-002218 11/20/14 65.00 0.00 65.00 2014-002217 11/20/14 55.00 0.00 55.00 2014-002216 11/20/14 115.00 0.00 115.00 2014-002215 11/20/14 85.00 0.00 85.00 2014-002214 11/20/14 65.00 0.00 65.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8000-44500-00000000 65.00 010-8100-44500-00000000 425.00 010-8108-44500-00000000 65.00 010-8220-44500-00000000 175.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12745 SAMBA HOLDING INC WAP 264840 12/04/14 250.00 Claim# General Description 341876 DRIVER RECORD MONITORING SERVICE FOR 10/2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5403-201410 10/31/14 250.00 0.00 250.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44400-00000000 250.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 57 SEIU LOCAL 721 CTW, CLC ATTN: CONT 1 SEIU LOCAL 721 CTW, CLC ATTN: ACC WAP 264841 12/04/14 1,866.13 Claim# General Description 341855 UNION DUES DIRECTORS,FT,PT & NON MEMBER FEE PAYER P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814 12/04/14 1,866.13 0.00 1,866.13 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20812-00000000 1,866.13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4452 CINDY SHEA dba MARIACHI DIVAS WAP 264842 12/04/14 1,500.00 Claim# General Description 341838 PERFORMANCE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33118 O 10085 11/20/14 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 1,500.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8102-44500-00000000 1,500.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 357 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY 1 SMART & FINAL WAP 264843 12/04/14 683.17 Claim# General Description 341817 SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR DANCE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 130949 GL Distribution 010-8220-45280-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/25/14 186.41 Gross Amount Description 186.41 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 186.41 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 481.58 Claim# General Description 341818 SUPPLIES FOR REACH THANKSGIVING DINNER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 128320 11/20/14 481.58 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44100-00000000 481.58 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 25 Claim# General Description 341819 SUPPLIES FOR STAFF AGENDA MEETING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 130917 11/25/14 15.18 0.00 15.18 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8000-42200-00000000 15.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 264844 12/04/14 5,264.63 Claim# General Description 341906 ELEC. SVC. - VARIOUS LOCATIONS BILL DATED 11/20/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 3003442085/112014 11/20/14 200.32 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 200.32 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 200.32 Claim# General Description 341908 ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR PARKS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112014 11/20/14 5,064.31 0.00 5,064.31 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 5,064.31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13960 SOCAL TENTS & EVENTS, LLC DBA SOCA WAP 264845 12/04/14 1,443.20 Claim# General Description 341878 CANOPY RENTALS FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33117 O 14224-1 11/12/14 1,443.20 0.00 1,443.20 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 1,443.20 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8102-44500-00000000 1,443.20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13960 SOCAL TENTS & EVENTS, LLC DBA SOCA WAP 264846 12/04/14 370.60 Y Claim# General Description 341877 CHAIR AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER RENTAL FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 14224-2 11/13/14 370.60 0.00 370.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 370.60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5403 SOURCE GRAPHICS WAP 264847 12/04/14 775.45 Claim# General Description 341879 TONER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 67440 11/05/14 775.45 0.00 775.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0400-42400-00000000 775.45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15538 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY WAP 264848 12/04/14 6,067.11 Claim# General Description 341866 LIFE, SHORT-TERM & LONG-TERM DISABILITY PREMIUM FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 6,067.11 0.00 6,067.11 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20808-00000000 6,067.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9343 STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE WAP 264849 12/04/14 1,553.60 Claim# General Description 341861 SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/04/14 1,553.60 0.00 1,553.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20807-00000000 1,553.60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10877 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT WAP 264850 12/04/14 716.03 Claim# General Description 341843 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814-MG 12/04/14 264.46 0.00 264.46 112814-LM 12/04/14 241.00 0.00 241.00 112814-SR 12/04/14 210.57 0.00 210.57 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 716.03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15582 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT OF JUSTIC WAP 264851 12/04/14 608.00 Claim# General Description 341880 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 059478 GL Distribution 010-0350-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/03/14 256.00 Gross Amount Description 256.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 256.00 Claim# General Description 341881 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 065252 11/05/14 352.00 0.00 352.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 352.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6690 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE ATTN: AFRS 3 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE ATTN: ANN WAP 264852 12/04/14 11,195.00 Claim# General Description 341883 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE FOR WASTE WATER COLLECTION FOR PERIOD OF 07/01/14-06/30/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount WD-0105032 11/12/14 11,195.00 0.00 11,195.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 11,195.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6690 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE ATTN: AFRS 4 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE ATTN: DRI WAP 264853 12/04/14 21,848.00 Y Claim# General Description 341882 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE FOR STORM WATER FOR PERIOD OF 07/01/14-06/30/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount WD-0103214 11/12/14 21,848.00 0.00 21,848.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-6300-44100-00000000 21,848.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5056 TECHNO FIT WAP 264854 12/04/14 231.00 Claim# General Description 341884 REUPHOLSTER FITNESS EQUIPMENT AT SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32309 11/20/14 231.00 0.00 231.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-43300-00000000 231.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17662 THE ICEMAN, INC. WAP 264855 12/04/14 5,285.50 Claim# General Description 341829 SNOW AND SLED RUN SERVICE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33124 O 14045 11/04/14 5,285.50 0.00 5,285.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 5,285.50 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8102-44500-00000000 5,285.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6173 UNITED STATES TREASURY IRS / ACS S 4 U S TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SER WAP 264856 12/04/14 35.00 Claim# General Description 341856 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 11/28/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112814-PG 12/04/14 35.00 0.00 35.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 35.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17665 MARTIN VERDUZCO WAP 264857 12/04/14 650.00 Claim# General Description 341885 TRACKLESS TRAIN RIDE SERVICE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 4565 11/19/14 650.00 0.00 650.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 650.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10727 VERNOLA'S TOW SERVICE WAP 264858 12/04/14 150.00 Claim# General Description 341886 RELOCATION OF STORAGE CONTAINER FROM PICO PARK TO RIVERA PARK PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 43621 11/26/14 150.00 0.00 150.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8111-44100-00000000 150.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17667 VOBECKY ENTERPRISES WAP 264859 12/04/14 565.78 Claim# General Description 341910 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5086 12/03/14 565.78 0.00 565.78 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 565.78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9010 BARBARA WADE 1 BARBARA WADE WAP 264860 12/04/14 245.93 Claim# General Description 341887 REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES INCURRED AT FUTURE MEDIA CONCEPTS TRAINING FROM 11/14/14-11/21/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111714 11/17/14 245.93 0.00 245.93 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0400-44800-00000000 245.93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1706 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY WAP 264861 12/04/14 3,685.71 Claim# General Description 341888 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 74926559 GL Distribution 010-8100-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 992.46 Gross Amount Description 992.46 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 992.46 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/07/14 734.15 Gross Amount Description 734.15 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 734.15 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 973.03 Gross Amount Description 973.03 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 973.03 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 341889 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 74929781 GL Distribution 010-8220-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341890 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 74945462 GL Distribution 010-8100-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341904 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 30 74929827 11/07/14 986.07 0.00 986.07 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-43400-00000000 986.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2385 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2 WILLDAN WAP 264862 12/04/14 270.00 Claim# General Description 341905 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 09/29/14-10/24/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32995 O 00318237 10/30/14 270.00 0.00 270.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4000-44500-00000000 270.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4000-44500-00000000 270.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 207 L A COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT WAP 264863 12/04/14 837,817.24 Claim# General Description 341830 PRISONER MAINTENANCE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32912 O 151408WM GL Distribution 010-3400-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3400-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 856.35 Gross Amount Description 856.35 Amount 856.35 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 856.35 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,074.07 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 6,224.32 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 341831 HELICOPTER SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32912 O 151300NH GL Distribution 010-3400-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3400-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/24/14 1,074.07 Gross Amount Description 1,074.07 Amount 1,074.07 Claim# General Description 341832 PSP SPECIAL INVESTIGATION/BIKE PATROL FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32912 O 151632NH GL Distribution 010-3400-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3400-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 6,224.32 Gross Amount Description 6,224.32 Amount 6,224.32 Claim# General Description 341833 ENTERTAINMENT AND RETAIL SECURITY FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 32912 O 151634NH GL Distribution 010-3400-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3400-44500-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 11/17/14 3,404.29 Gross Amount Description 3,404.29 Amount 3,404.29 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm 0.00 3,404.29 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,662.40 Page 31 Claim# General Description 341834 NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH DEDICATED CAR FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32912 O 151633NH GL Distribution 010-3400-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3400-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 4,662.40 Gross Amount Description 4,662.40 Amount 4,662.40 Discount Amt Claim# General Description 341835 GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32912 O 151374NH 11/05/14 821,595.81 0.00 821,595.81 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3400-44500-00000000 793,460.77 010-3400-43800-00000000 13,483.60 010-3400-43900-00000000 14,651.44 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3400-43800-00000000 13,483.60 010-3400-43900-00000000 14,651.44 010-3400-44500-00000000 793,460.77 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16248 NASA SERVICES INC. WAP 264864 12/04/14 135,835.45 Claim# General Description 341815 RUBBISH ASSESSMENT FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33062 O 11/2014 12/01/14 135,835.45 0.00 135,835.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-21200-00000000 135,835.45 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0000-21200-00000000 135,835.45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 264865 12/04/14 37,441.22 Y Claim# General Description 341907 ELECTRIC SVC - VARIOUS LOCATIONS BILLING DATED 11/22/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 112214 11/22/14 37,441.22 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 5,175.48 550-4920-44200-00000000 21,310.29 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 37,441.22 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 32 010-4000-44200-00000000 10,408.07 590-8430-44200-00000000 0.00 019-6310-44200-00000000 547.38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/04/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 04, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:49pm Page 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 86 1,175,433.78 1,025,721.96 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 86 1,175,433.78 1,025,721.96 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11993 1ST JON INC 1 1ST JON INC. WAP 264867 12/11/14 91.00 Claim# General Description 342068 MONTHLY PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTAL FROM 11/04/14-12/01/14 FOR THE COMMUNITY GARDENS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount A-29425 11/04/14 91.00 0.00 91.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-44500-00000000 91.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16448 ABM BUILDING SOLUTIONS, LLC WAP 264868 12/11/14 8,563.00 Claim# General Description 342089 HVAC MAINTENANCE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32959 O 038196 11/19/14 8,563.00 0.00 8,563.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44500-00000000 8,563.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-44500-00000000 8,563.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10726 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES 1 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES, INC. WAP 264869 12/11/14 6,308.35 Claim# General Description 341991 FINAL INVOICE PAYMENT TO CLOSE OUT CONTRACT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1400925941 09/08/14 6,308.35 0.00 6,308.35 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 5,046.68 550-4920-44500-00000000 1,261.67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5489 ARAMARK 2 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES WAP 264870 12/11/14 875.17 Claim# General Description 341992 UNIFORM RENTALS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 530187547 GL Distribution 010-4200-44500-00000000 550-4920-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 291.19 Gross Amount Description 232.95 58.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 291.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 291.19 Gross Amount Description 232.95 58.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 291.19 Claim# General Description 341993 UNIFORM RENTALS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 530204657 GL Distribution 010-4200-44500-00000000 550-4920-44500-00000000 Claim# General Description 341994 UNIFORM RENTALS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 530221820 11/27/14 292.79 0.00 292.79 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 234.23 550-4920-44500-00000000 58.56 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12407 ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. FORMERL WAP 264871 12/11/14 13,399.42 Claim# General Description 341996 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21297 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33080 O 1801768 GL Distribution 550-7340-44500-00021297 PO Liquidation 550-7340-44500-00021297 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 4,124.00 Gross Amount Description 4,124.00 Amount 4,124.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,124.00 Claim# General Description 341997 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21264 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33078 O 1802010 11/24/14 9,275.42 0.00 9,275.42 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-7340-44500-00021264 9,275.42 PO Liquidation Amount 550-7340-44500-00021264 9,275.42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6145 AUTO ZONE WAP 264872 12/11/14 349.34 Claim# General Description 341998 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32981 O 5219006620 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/15/14 -182.69 Gross Amount Description -182.69 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -182.69 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 19.40 Gross Amount Description 19.40 Amount 19.40 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 19.40 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 281.28 Gross Amount Description 281.28 Amount 281.28 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 281.28 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 47.69 Gross Amount Description 47.69 Amount 47.69 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 47.69 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/24/14 130.81 Gross Amount Description 130.81 Amount 130.81 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 130.81 Claim# General Description 341999 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #259 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32981 O 5219061357 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342000 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #259 AND SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32981 O 5219061299 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342004 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #259 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32981 O 5219062806 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342005 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #262 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32981 O 5219082529 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342006 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #262 AND SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 4 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32981 O 5219083713 11/25/14 52.85 0.00 52.85 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 52.85 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4370-43100-00000000 52.85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17565 BMC LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, INC. WAP 264873 12/11/14 7,270.07 Claim# General Description 342007 PARKS LANDSCAPE MOWING SERVICE FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33063 O 028106 10/31/14 7,270.07 0.00 7,270.07 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44500-00000000 7,270.07 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4350-44500-00000000 7,270.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 82 BSN SPORTS SPORTS SUPPLY GROUP 4 BSN SPORTS, INC WAP 264874 12/11/14 969.97 Claim# General Description 342008 REPLACEMENT BBQ GRILLS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 96491069 11/13/14 969.97 0.00 969.97 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44100-00000000 969.97 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15563 CALIFORNIA CLEANING SYSTEMS WAP 264875 12/11/14 556.65 Claim# General Description 342009 PRESSURE WASHER BROOM PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 34851 GL Distribution 010-4370-43300-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 174.38 Gross Amount Description 174.38 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 174.38 Claim# General Description 342010 PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 34858 11/14/14 382.27 0.00 382.27 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43300-00000000 382.27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13855 CLEANSOURCE, INC. 3 CLEANSOURCE WAP 264876 12/11/14 929.44 Claim# General Description 342011 TRASH BAGS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2871378-00 11/04/14 929.44 0.00 929.44 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-43400-00000000 929.44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1068 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF SAN BERNARD WAP 264877 12/11/14 340.00 Claim# General Description 342012 WATER SAMPLE TESTING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 939555 11/13/14 340.00 0.00 340.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44500-00000000 340.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6582 LUIS COBIAN SR. WAP 264878 12/11/14 265.80 Claim# General Description 342013 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8647 12/03/14 22.20 0.00 22.20 8554 12/03/14 48.60 0.00 48.60 8557 12/03/14 81.00 0.00 81.00 8644 12/03/14 114.00 0.00 114.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 265.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17069 COLANTUONO,HIGHSMITH & WHATLEY, PC WAP 264879 12/11/14 7,992.81 Claim# General Description 342121 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR AUGUST 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33088 O 27537 GL Distribution 550-4920-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/08/14 84.50 Gross Amount Description 84.50 Amount 84.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 84.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 938.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 6,170.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 457.51 Claim# General Description 342122 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR AUGUST 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33088 O 27538 GL Distribution 550-4920-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/08/14 938.50 Gross Amount Description 938.50 Amount 938.50 Claim# General Description 342123 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33088 O 27659 GL Distribution 550-4920-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/02/14 6,170.50 Gross Amount Description 6,170.50 Amount 6,170.50 Claim# General Description 342124 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33088 O 27984 GL Distribution 550-4920-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/04/14 457.51 Gross Amount Description 457.51 Amount 457.51 Claim# General Description 342125 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33088 O 27983 12/04/14 341.80 0.00 341.80 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-46910-00000000 341.80 PO Liquidation Amount 550-4920-46910-00000000 341.80 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17112 JUAN COLLAZO ALEXIS E. COLLAZO WAP 264880 12/11/14 73.06 Claim# General Description 342128 DEPOSIT REFUND Reinstated from claim# 334051 (REPLACE CK #260335) PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 4878 01/10/14 73.06 0.00 73.06 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 73.06 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1235 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPT OF PUBL WAP 264881 12/11/14 472.94 Claim# General Description 342014 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE THROUGH OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount RE-PW-14110603344 11/06/14 472.94 0.00 472.94 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44655-00000000 472.94 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15580 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AGRIC COMMR/ WAP 264882 12/11/14 1,329.70 Claim# General Description 342090 PEST CONTROL AT VARIOUS CITY PARK SITES FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32960 O 871K 11/26/14 1,329.70 0.00 1,329.70 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44500-00000000 1,329.70 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4350-44500-00000000 1,329.70 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17068 DATA TICKET INC WAP 264883 12/11/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 342103 TICKET PROCESSING FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32942 O 57398 12/08/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3200-44500-00000000 200.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3200-44500-00000000 200.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 8855 CHRISTIAN DELGADO WAP 264884 12/11/14 161.63 Claim# General Description 342015 MCSA TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120814 12/08/14 161.63 0.00 161.63 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44800-00000000 161.63 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2515 DERIAN/PARTY WAREHOUSE WAP 264885 12/11/14 26.39 Claim# General Description 342016 BROWN BAG EVENT SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111914 11/19/14 26.39 0.00 26.39 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0200-44800-00000000 26.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17564 GUZ F MELITON DIEGOS AUTO REPAIR 1 DIEGOS AUTO REPAIR WAP 264886 12/11/14 14,168.50 Claim# General Description 342017 ENGINE REPAIRS FOR UNIT #296 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33066 O 14413 GL Distribution 550-4920-43100-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/15/14 6,249.63 Gross Amount Description 6,249.63 Amount 6,249.63 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 6,249.63 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 859.26 Gross Amount Description 859.26 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 859.26 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 463.77 Gross Amount Description 463.77 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 463.77 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 820.85 Gross Amount Description 820.85 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 820.85 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 974.89 Gross Amount Description 974.89 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 974.89 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 41.75 Gross Amount Description 41.75 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 41.75 Claim# General Description 342018 SHOCK REPLACEMENT ON UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14699 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342019 BRAKE SERVICE FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14700 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342020 REPLACEMENT TIRES FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14702 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342021 ENGINE MAINTENANCE FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14683 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342022 SMOG CHECK FOR UNIT #225 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14728 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 10 Claim# General Description 342023 STEERING REPAIRS FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14731 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/15/14 648.04 Gross Amount Description 648.04 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 648.04 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/15/14 731.57 Gross Amount Description 731.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 731.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 41.75 Gross Amount Description 41.75 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 41.75 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 814.44 Gross Amount Description 814.44 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 814.44 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 980.73 Gross Amount Description 980.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 980.73 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/19/14 978.50 Gross Amount Description 978.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 978.50 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 14787 11/25/14 563.32 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 563.32 Claim# General Description 342024 STEERING REPAIRS FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14720 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342025 SMOG CHECK FOR UNIT #297 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14734 GL Distribution 550-4920-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342026 FUEL PUMP REPLACEMENT FOR UNIT #211 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14743 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342027 RADIATOR REPLACEMENT FOR UNIT #211 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14751 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342028 REAR SEAT REPLACEMENT FOR UNIT #228 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 14766 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342029 SMOG CHECK & REPAIRS FOR UNIT #271 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 11 010-4370-43100-00000000 563.32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 116 DUNN-EDWARDS CORP WAP 264887 12/11/14 2,239.77 Claim# General Description 341995 SMITH PARK PAINT SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 2085158130 GL Distribution 010-4340-43430-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 326.02 Gross Amount Description 326.02 Discount Amt 6.52 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 326.02 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 208.94 Gross Amount Description 208.94 Discount Amt 4.18 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 208.94 Claim# General Description 342030 SMITH PARK PAINT SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 2085157572 GL Distribution 010-4340-43430-00000000 Claim# General Description 342129 GRAFFITI ABATEMENT PAINT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2085157878 11/10/14 1,704.81 34.10 0.00 1,704.81 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 1,704.81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4997 LORRAINE DURAN 2 LORRAINE DURAN WAP 264888 12/11/14 251.40 Claim# General Description 342031 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8616 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8616 11/25/14 251.40 0.00 251.40 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 251.40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14929 KNICKO ASKARI DBA ELITE CUSTOMS CO WAP 264889 12/11/14 5,000.00 Claim# General Description 342126 EMERGENCY SERVICE SEWAGE CLEAN-UP AT 7077 PICO VISTA RD PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount EC-9733-1 11/26/14 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 5,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17445 ENGINEERS SALES SERVICE CO., INC. WAP 264890 12/11/14 7,345.09 Claim# General Description 342091 SEWER PUMP PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32979 O 11394 10/09/14 7,345.09 0.00 7,345.09 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 7,345.09 PO Liquidation Amount 019-6310-44500-00000000 7,345.09 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15578 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS WAP 264891 12/11/14 617.66 Claim# General Description 342032 PIO PICO PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8923060 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 521.21 Gross Amount Description 521.21 Amount 521.21 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 521.21 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/10/14 29.11 Gross Amount Description 29.11 Amount 29.11 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 29.11 Claim# General Description 342092 STREAMLAND PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8804766 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342093 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32958 O 8909447 10/31/14 67.34 0.00 67.34 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44645-00000000 67.34 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44645-00000000 67.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 969 FUN EXPRESS 1 FUN EXPRESS LLC WAP 264892 12/11/14 91.55 Claim# General Description 342130 HALLOWEEN SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 666654539-01 10/06/14 91.55 0.00 91.55 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44100-00000000 91.55 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14667 GREEN GIANT LANDSCAPE, INC. WAP 264893 12/11/14 6,489.75 Claim# General Description 342033 RETENTION RELEASE FOR CIP #20053 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32923 C 1135-2 10/09/14 6,489.75 0.00 6,489.75 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00020053 6,489.75 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00020053 6,489.75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 916 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 2 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS WAP 264894 12/11/14 5,180.05 Claim# General Description 342094 MONTHLY TECHNICAL SOFTWARE ASSISTANCE FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount MN003613 07/21/14 5,180.05 0.00 5,180.05 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44500-00000000 5,180.05 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12539 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, WAP 264895 12/11/14 910.29 Claim# General Description 342034 EMERGENCY ABSORBENT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 9133601912 GL Distribution 010-4200-44635-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/10/14 791.18 Gross Amount Description 791.18 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 791.18 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 9133746557 11/16/14 119.11 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 119.11 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 119.11 Claim# General Description 342035 SUGGESTION BOXES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16377 HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL CORPORATION 1 HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL CORPORATIO WAP 264896 12/11/14 1,438.18 Claim# General Description 342036 BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32965 O 27730115-001 11/11/14 1,438.18 0.00 1,438.18 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44100-00000000 1,438.18 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44100-00000000 1,438.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1023 HOME DEPOT 3 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES DEPT. WAP 264897 12/11/14 3,156.43 Claim# General Description 341968 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 8064831 GL Distribution 010-4340-43430-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43430-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/28/14 168.65 Gross Amount Description 168.65 Amount 168.65 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 168.65 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/29/14 617.57 Gross Amount Description 617.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 617.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 124.87 Gross Amount Description 124.87 Amount 124.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 124.87 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 34.19 Gross Amount Description 34.19 Amount 34.19 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 34.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 118.90 Gross Amount Description 118.90 Amount 118.90 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 118.90 Claim# General Description 341969 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 7055715 GL Distribution 010-4200-43500-00000000 Claim# General Description 341970 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 6060020 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341971 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 6060116 GL Distribution 010-4200-44635-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44635-00000000 Claim# General Description 341972 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 5060174 GL Distribution 010-4340-43430-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43430-00000000 Claim# General Description 341973 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 2050467 GL Distribution 019-6310-44500-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/03/14 62.62 Gross Amount Description 62.62 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 62.62 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/03/14 170.69 Gross Amount Description 170.69 Amount 170.69 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 170.69 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/04/14 76.42 Gross Amount Description 76.42 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 76.42 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/04/14 46.96 11/04/14 89.67 Gross Amount Description 136.63 Amount 136.63 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 0.00 Net Amount 46.96 89.67 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/04/14 54.89 Gross Amount Description 54.89 Amount 54.89 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 54.89 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 32954 O 1201465 11/04/14 98.78 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-43400-00000000 98.78 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4350-43400-00000000 98.78 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 98.78 Page 16 Claim# General Description 341974 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 2060599 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341975 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 1042580 GL Distribution 010-8109-43500-00000000 Claim# General Description 341976 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 1060754 1060782 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341977 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 1201461 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341978 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 17 Claim# General Description 341979 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 0061015 GL Distribution 010-8100-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 60.13 Gross Amount Description 60.13 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 60.13 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 251.90 Gross Amount Description 251.90 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 251.90 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 57.72 Gross Amount Description 57.72 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 57.72 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 182.08 Gross Amount Description 182.08 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 182.08 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/19/14 405.31 Gross Amount Description 405.31 Amount 405.31 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 405.31 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/19/14 79.00 Gross Amount Description 79.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 79.00 Claim# General Description 341980 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 2070782 GL Distribution 010-4200-43500-00000000 Claim# General Description 341981 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 1572919 GL Distribution 010-4200-43500-00000000 Claim# General Description 341982 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 8052138 GL Distribution 010-4200-44660-00000000 Claim# General Description 341983 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 6052429 GL Distribution 010-4200-44640-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44640-00000000 Claim# General Description 341984 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 6202106 GL Distribution 010-8102-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 341985 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32954 O 5593325 GL Distribution 010-4340-43410-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43410-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 68.46 Gross Amount Description 68.46 Amount 68.46 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 68.46 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/25/14 84.46 Gross Amount Description 84.46 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 84.46 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 85.87 Gross Amount Description 85.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 85.87 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 65.79 Gross Amount Description 65.79 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 65.79 Page 18 Claim# General Description 341986 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 0573484 GL Distribution 019-6310-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 341987 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 9053272 GL Distribution 010-8100-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 341988 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 5050186 GL Distribution 010-8111-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 341990 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 7052302 11/18/14 151.50 0.00 151.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-43400-00000000 87.95 010-8111-44100-00000000 63.55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14453 HOSEPOWER USA WAP 264899* 12/11/14 517.74 Claim# General Description 342037 WATER DIVISION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 69025383-00 GL Distribution 550-4920-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/11/14 58.17 Gross Amount Description 58.17 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 58.17 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 35.87 Gross Amount Description 35.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 35.87 Claim# General Description 342038 SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 69025686-00 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342039 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 69025691-00 11/18/14 423.70 0.00 423.70 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 423.70 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 3907 ANNA JEROME WAP 264900 12/11/14 118.27 Claim# General Description 342041 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY CLERK WORKSHOP ON 11/19/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112014 11/20/14 118.27 0.00 118.27 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0300-44800-00000000 118.27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12106 JM DIAZ INC DBA JMD WAP 264901 12/11/14 7,430.00 Claim# General Description 342040 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR JULY 2014 CIP #21251 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33023 O 007R(14-095) GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00021251 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00021251 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/31/14 7,300.00 Gross Amount Description 7,300.00 Amount 7,300.00 Claim# General Description 342088 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR AUGUST 2014 CIP #21251 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 7,300.00 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 20 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33023 O 008(14-125) 08/31/14 130.00 0.00 130.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021251 130.00 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021251 130.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14157 KALI SPACE SOLUTIONS, INC. WAP 264902 12/11/14 2,890.00 Claim# General Description 342095 REMOVAL OF ADMINISTRATION WALL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33129 C 30213 11/21/14 2,890.00 0.00 2,890.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44100-00000000 2,890.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-44100-00000000 2,890.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6851 LOWE'S WAP 264903 12/11/14 815.47 Claim# General Description 342055 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902421 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/03/14 43.85 Gross Amount Description 43.85 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 43.85 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 41.78 Gross Amount Description 41.78 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 41.78 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 32.79 Gross Amount Description 32.79 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 32.79 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 10.19 Gross Amount Description 10.19 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 10.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/10/14 15.38 Gross Amount Description 15.38 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 15.38 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/10/14 -15.38 Gross Amount Description -15.38 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -15.38 Claim# General Description 342056 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902796 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342057 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902813 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342058 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901923 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342059 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901041 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342060 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901043 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342061 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901045 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/10/14 13.73 Gross Amount Description 13.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13.73 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 21.91 Gross Amount Description 21.91 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 21.91 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 94.04 Gross Amount Description 94.04 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 94.04 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 58.70 Gross Amount Description 58.70 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 58.70 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 206.91 Gross Amount Description 206.91 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 206.91 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/24/14 134.34 Gross Amount Description 134.34 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 134.34 Page 22 Claim# General Description 342062 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902773 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342063 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902903 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342064 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 902484 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342065 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901279 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342066 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 901487 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342067 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 902388 11/24/14 157.23 0.00 157.23 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 157.23 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 23 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 902412 MANERI SIGN INC 1 MANERI SIGN CO. INC WAP 264904 12/11/14 15,899.74 Claim# General Description 342042 SPEED LIMIT SIGNS CIP #21291 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33092 O 89648 11/10/14 15,899.74 0.00 15,899.74 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021291 15,899.74 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021291 15,899.74 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17356 MARINA WAP 264905 12/11/14 6,567.00 Claim# General Description 342099 LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 CIP #20053 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33073 O 114037-01 GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00020053 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00020053 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/30/14 2,189.00 Gross Amount Description 2,189.00 Amount 2,189.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 2,189.00 Claim# General Description 342100 LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR OCTOBER 2014 CIP #20053 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33073 O 114037-02 10/31/14 4,378.00 0.00 4,378.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00020053 4,378.00 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00020053 4,378.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11721 GENEVIE MARTINEZ 1 GENEVIE S MARTINEZ WAP 264906 12/11/14 72.24 Claim# General Description 342043 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120414 12/04/14 72.24 0.00 72.24 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-43200-00000000 72.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15547 MCNEILL SOUND & SECURITY SYSTEMS 2 SSD SYSTEMS WAP 264907 12/11/14 8,375.15 Claim# General Description 342096 WATER PLANT #6 SECURITY SERVICES FROM 06/23/14-07/31/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33130 O 1035665 GL Distribution 550-4900-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4900-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/04/14 206.99 Gross Amount Description 206.99 Amount 206.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 206.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,084.08 Claim# General Description 342097 WATER PLANT SECURITY SERVICES FROM 08/01/14-10/31/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33130 O 1035735 GL Distribution 550-4900-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4900-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/13/14 4,084.08 Gross Amount Description 4,084.08 Amount 4,084.08 Claim# General Description 342098 WATER PLANT SECURITY SERVICES FROM 11/01/14-01/31/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33130 O 1051259 10/13/14 4,084.08 0.00 4,084.08 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4900-44500-00000000 4,084.08 PO Liquidation Amount 550-4900-44500-00000000 4,084.08 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17547 MORROW-MEADOWS CORPORATION WAP 264908 12/11/14 9,880.00 Claim# General Description 342044 ELECTRICAL PANEL REPLACEMENT AT PLANT #1 CIP #21264 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33051 O 214222 11/25/14 9,880.00 0.00 9,880.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-7340-44500-00021264 9,880.00 PO Liquidation Amount 550-7340-44500-00021264 9,880.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 25 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16954 PASSAGE ENTERTAINMENT WAP 264909 12/11/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 342045 SNOW FLAKE LIGHTING FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 12062014LRPE 11/26/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 200.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17669 MELVIN AGUILAR PAZOS WAP 264910 12/11/14 110.00 Claim# General Description 342046 REIMBURSEMENT FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT NO. 2014-1398 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1000133 11/06/14 110.00 0.00 110.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-31900-00000000 110.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15579 PEP BOYS-REMITTANCE DEPT WAP 264911 12/11/14 75.61 Claim# General Description 342101 SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1018349 11/13/14 75.61 0.00 75.61 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 75.61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12103 PICO RIVERA CINEMAS, LLC 2 PICO RIVERA CINEMAS WAP 264912 12/11/14 812.50 Claim# General Description 342047 REFUND FOR WINTER CAMP FIELD TRIP ON 12/30/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 123014P 11/25/14 812.50 0.00 812.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8101-44100-00000000 812.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 912657 PICO RIVERA FOUNDATION INC WAP 264913 12/11/14 10,000.00 Claim# General Description 342131 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33131 O 42800 09/03/14 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 634-0500-44500-00000000 10,000.00 PO Liquidation Amount 634-0500-44500-00000000 10,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 283 PICO WATER DISTRICT 2 PICO WATER DISTRICT WAP 264914 12/11/14 11,812.48 Claim# General Description 342084 WATER SVCS - VARIOUS PARKS SERVICE 10/15/14-11/14/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 120114 GL Distribution 010-4350-44200-00000000 010-4350-44200-00001694 010-4000-44200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/01/14 8,120.22 Gross Amount Description 7,883.37 84.17 152.68 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 8,120.22 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 3,663.20 Claim# General Description 342085 WATER SVC - VARIOUS ISLAND AND CITY PROPERTY 10/16/14-11/17/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 120114 GL Distribution 010-4200-44200-00000000 550-4920-44200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/01/14 3,663.20 Gross Amount Description 3,658.90 4.30 Claim# General Description 342086 WATER SVC - REDEVELOPMENT PROPERTY 10/16/14-11/17/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/01/14 29.06 0.00 29.06 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 29.06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 287 PLUMBING AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WAP 264915 12/11/14 1,265.85 Claim# General Description 342048 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1144560.001 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/01/14 376.43 Gross Amount Description 376.43 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 376.43 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/03/14 809.49 Gross Amount Description 809.49 Amount 809.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 809.49 Claim# General Description 342049 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1146093.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Claim# General Description 342102 STREAMLAND PARK PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32953 O S1146089.001 11/03/14 79.93 0.00 79.93 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43440-00000000 79.93 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-43440-00000000 79.93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2755 GEORGE QUEZADA DBA: QUALITY COPIER WAP 264916 12/11/14 480.00 Claim# General Description 342050 KONICA 7085 BILLED COPIES FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32978 O 1847-14 GL Distribution 010-3110-43300-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-3110-43300-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/21/14 80.00 Gross Amount Description 80.00 Amount 80.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 80.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 400.00 Claim# General Description 342051 KONICA 920 BILLED COPIES FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 32978 O 1846-14 11/21/14 400.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3110-43300-00000000 400.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3110-43300-00000000 400.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1861 RALPH'S GROCERY CO 4 RALPHS CUSTOMER CHARGES WAP 264917 12/11/14 119.85 Claim# General Description 342001 REACH PROGRAM THANKSGIVING FEAST SUPPLIES FOR VARIOUS SITES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 252387 11/20/14 119.85 0.00 119.85 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44100-00000000 119.85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2027 ROSEMEAD ELECTRIC WHOLESALE WAP 264918 12/11/14 1,287.99 Claim# General Description 342104 WATER DIVISION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32951 O 33160 GL Distribution 550-4920-44100-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/24/14 81.75 Gross Amount Description 81.75 Amount 81.75 Discount Amt 1.64 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 81.75 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 784.54 Gross Amount Description 784.54 Amount 784.54 Discount Amt 15.69 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 784.54 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/12/14 392.27 Gross Amount Description 392.27 Amount 392.27 Discount Amt 7.85 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 392.27 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 32951 O 33215 11/26/14 29.43 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43410-00000000 29.43 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-43410-00000000 29.43 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 29.43 Claim# General Description 342105 LIGHTS FOR TENNIS COURTS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32951 O 33177 GL Distribution 010-4340-43410-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43410-00000000 Claim# General Description 342106 LIGHTS FOR STREAMLAND PARK PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32951 O 33188 GL Distribution 010-4340-43410-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43410-00000000 Claim# General Description 342107 CITY HALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2120 ROUSSELLE COMPANY, INC WAP 264919 12/11/14 240.00 Claim# General Description 342108 EXTERMINATION SERVICE AT CITY HALL FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2014-001954 10/16/14 240.00 0.00 240.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44100-00000000 240.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15726 RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF CALIFORNIA, 2 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC. WAP 264920 12/11/14 660.02 Claim# General Description 342109 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #107 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 95474599 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/10/14 163.22 Gross Amount Description 163.22 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 163.22 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 66.25 Claim# General Description 342110 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNITS #201,#207 AND SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 95851228 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 66.25 Gross Amount Description 66.25 Claim# General Description 342111 REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #107 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 95857871 11/18/14 430.55 0.00 430.55 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 430.55 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1690 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PUBLISHING CO 9 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY NEWSPAPER GROU WAP 264921 12/11/14 6,938.19 Claim# General Description 342052 LEGAL ADS FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32962 O 0010564666 0010565179 GL Distribution 010-0300-42300-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0300-42300-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/05/14 1,875.82 09/05/14 593.50 Gross Amount Description 2,469.32 Amount 2,469.32 Claim# General Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 0.00 Net Amount 1,875.82 593.50 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 30 342112 LEGAL ADS FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32962 O 0010582780 10/14/14 519.80 0.00 519.80 0010583111 10/14/14 391.10 0.00 391.10 0010584449 10/17/14 2,860.65 0.00 2,860.65 0010586760 10/24/14 697.32 0.00 697.32 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0300-42300-00000000 4,468.87 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0300-42300-00000000 4,468.87 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 344 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY WAP 264922 12/11/14 790.64 Y Claim# General Description 342087 WATER SERVICE FOR SAN GABRIEL PKWY MEDIAN 10/29/14-11/26/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/01/14 790.64 0.00 790.64 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 790.64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5349 L & M FOOTWEAR DBA SHOETERIA WAP 264923 12/11/14 147.14 Claim# General Description 342053 SAFETY SHOES FOR A.RUBIO PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 85704 11/28/14 147.14 0.00 147.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3200-44100-00000000 147.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 357 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY 1 SMART & FINAL WAP 264924 12/11/14 77.75 Claim# General Description 342002 HOLIDAY FESTIVAL SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 134462 GL Distribution 010-8102-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/02/14 41.20 Gross Amount Description 41.20 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 41.20 Claim# General Description 342003 CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION MEETING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 115299 12/06/14 36.55 0.00 36.55 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44100-00000000 18.28 010-0200-44100-00000000 18.27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 369 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY WAP 264925 12/11/14 2,633.16 Claim# General Description 342069 GAS SVC - ORANGE ST/RIO HONDO PARK 10/29/14-12/02/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 0861698294-1114 11/01/14 82.97 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 82.97 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 82.97 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4.62 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 123.74 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 313.23 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 294.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 90.04 Claim# General Description 342070 GAS SVC - 5016 PASSONS BLVD 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 14907817648-1114 11/01/14 4.62 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 4.62 Claim# General Description 342071 GAS SVC-6016 ROSEMEAD SMITH PARK 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 1134067649-1114 11/01/14 123.74 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 123.74 Claim# General Description 342072 GAS SVC - 6615 PASSONS CITY HALL 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 0252067200-1114 11/01/14 313.23 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 313.23 Claim# General Description 342073 GAS SVC - 6767 PASSONS REC CNTR 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 06930672008-1114 11/01/14 294.87 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 294.87 Claim# General Description 342074 GAS SVC - 8751 COFFMAN RIO VISTA PK 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 01890678004-1114 11/01/14 90.04 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 90.04 Claim# General Description 342075 GAS SVC - VETERANS MEMORIAL FLAME FOR 10/28/14-12/01/14 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 10295430853-1114 11/01/14 713.30 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 713.30 Discount Amt Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 713.30 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 10.75 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 251.26 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 585.33 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 116.45 Page 32 Claim# General Description 342076 GAS SVC - 9122 WASHINGTON BLVD (HISTORICAL SOCIETY) 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 1323066950-1114 11/01/14 10.75 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 10.75 Claim# General Description 342077 GAS SVC - 9200 MINES SR CTR 10/28/14-12/02/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 17220675007-1114 11/01/14 251.26 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 251.26 Claim# General Description 342078 GAS SVC - 9528 BEVERLY BLVD PICO PARK COMPLEX 10/27/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 15320716739-1114 11/01/14 585.33 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 585.33 Claim# General Description 342079 GAS SVC - 9530 SHADE LANE RIVERA PK 10/28/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 15120631005-1114 11/01/14 116.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 116.45 Claim# General Description 342080 GAS SVC - 9633 BEVERLY RD CITY YARD 10/27/14-12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 03560718003-1114 11/01/14 46.60 0.00 46.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 46.60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9331 TALX CORPORATION 2 TALX CORPORATION DBA TALX, EQUIFA WAP 264926 12/11/14 216.19 Claim# General Description 342117 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1723564 12/08/14 216.19 0.00 216.19 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-5310-44500-00000000 216.19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17664 TIME MASTERS WAP 264927 12/11/14 150.85 Claim# General Description 342120 TIME STAMP REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 14112612LA 11/26/14 150.85 0.00 150.85 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0300-42200-00000000 150.85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11027 TIME WARNER CABLE 1 TIME WARNER CABLE WAP 264928 12/11/14 145.26 Claim# General Description 342083 CABLE INTERNET CONNECTION AT RIO HONDO PARK 12/05/14-01/04/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120514 11/26/14 145.26 0.00 145.26 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44300-00000000 145.26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11027 TIME WARNER CABLE 1 TIME WARNER CABLE WAP 264929 12/11/14 105.97 Y Claim# General Description 342082 CABLE INTERNET CONNECTION FOR EOC 12/08/14-01/07/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120814 12/01/14 105.97 0.00 105.97 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4230-44920-00000000 105.97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17670 SERGIO VAZQUEZ TORRES WAP 264930 12/11/14 789.50 Claim# General Description 342118 CITY YARD SECURITY MONITOR RELOCATION PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1107 11/25/14 789.50 0.00 789.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44100-00000000 789.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9655 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 VERIZON WIRELESS WAP 264931 12/11/14 2,681.45 Y Claim# General Description 342081 COMMUNICATION SVCS FOR 10/22/14-11/21/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 9735882455 11/21/14 2,681.45 0.00 2,681.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-44300-00000000 2,577.06 690-8105-44300-00000000 104.39 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 421 WHITTIER FERTILIZER COMPANY 1 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 9441 KRUSE RO WAP 264932 12/11/14 4,000.00 Claim# General Description 342127 NES DEBRIS TRANSFER SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 3RD,10TH,17TH AND 24TH,2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 285387 11/30/14 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 4,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16770 TTG ENGINEERS WAP 264933 12/11/14 25,425.00 Claim# General Description 342054 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 06/28/14-07/25/14 CIPS #21284 AND #21285 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33125 O 00091929 GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00021284 210-7300-44500-00021285 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00021284 210-7300-44500-00021285 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/08/14 13,500.00 Gross Amount Description 6,750.00 6,750.00 Amount 6,750.00 6,750.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13,500.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 990.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,485.00 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 5,400.00 Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,050.00 Claim# General Description 342113 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 10/26/13-11/22/13 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33094 O 00086461 GL Distribution 010-4010-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4010-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/09/13 990.00 Gross Amount Description 990.00 Amount 990.00 Claim# General Description 342114 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 06/28/14-07/25/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33094 O 00091918 GL Distribution 010-4010-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4010-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/08/14 1,485.00 Gross Amount Description 1,485.00 Amount 1,485.00 Claim# General Description 342115 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 07/26/14-08/22/14 CIPS #21284 AND #21285 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33125 O 00092797 GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00021284 210-7300-44500-00021285 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00021284 210-7300-44500-00021285 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/08/14 5,400.00 Gross Amount Description 2,700.00 2,700.00 Amount 2,700.00 2,700.00 Discount Amt Claim# General Description 342116 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 08/23/14-09/26/14 CIPS #21284 AND #21285 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 33125 O 00093832 10/13/14 4,050.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 36 210-7300-44500-00021284 2,025.00 210-7300-44500-00021285 2,025.00 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021284 2,025.00 210-7300-44500-00021285 2,025.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 68 WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT OF SO WAP 264934 12/11/14 116,140.48 Claim# General Description 342119 GROUNDWATER PRODUCTION AND ASSESSMENT FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33056 O 3853-1014 10/31/14 116,140.48 0.00 116,140.48 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 116,140.48 PO Liquidation Amount 550-4920-44100-00000000 116,140.48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/11/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 11, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:47pm Page 37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 67 336,934.90 275,011.68 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 67 336,934.90 275,011.68 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11993 1ST JON INC 1 1ST JON INC. WAP 264936 12/17/14 91.00 Claim# General Description 342208 MONTHLY PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTAL FROM 12/02/14-12/29/14 FOR THE COMMUNITY GARDENS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount A-29919 12/02/14 91.00 0.00 91.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-44500-00000000 91.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16448 ABM BUILDING SOLUTIONS, LLC WAP 264937 12/17/14 7,855.00 Claim# General Description 342309 HVAC MAINTENANCE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32959 O 036016 09/10/14 7,855.00 0.00 7,855.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44500-00000000 7,855.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-44500-00000000 7,855.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17668 ADVANCED OFFICE SERICES & IMAGING WAP 264938 12/17/14 67.28 Claim# General Description 342209 COPIER/PRINTER MAINTENANCE FOR RICOH MPW2400 PLOTTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount AR519402 12/09/14 67.28 0.00 67.28 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4010-44100-00000000 67.28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16473 LIVIER AGUIAR LUIS AGUIAR 1 LIVIER AGUIAR WAP 264939 12/17/14 4,544.00 Claim# General Description 342211 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1002483 11/18/14 4,544.00 0.00 4,544.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 4,544.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10291 ALL AMERICAN PRIVATE SECURITY 2 ALL AMERICAN PRIVATE SECURITY WAP 264940 12/17/14 273.00 Claim# General Description 342310 SENIOR GO GETTERS CHRISTMAS EVENT SECURITY GUARDS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 38923 12/08/14 273.00 0.00 273.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 570-0000-29994-00000000 273.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4437 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC, LLC 1 AMERICAN EMBLEMATIC WAP 264941 12/17/14 3,812.49 Claim# General Description 342330 SNOWBALL TOSSING TARGETS FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL EVENT ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 8030-14 GL Distribution 010-8102-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 195.80 Gross Amount Description 195.80 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 195.80 Claim# General Description 342357 CAMP T-SHIRTS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33132 C 8034-14 12/02/14 3,616.69 0.00 3,616.69 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8101-44100-00000000 3,616.69 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8101-44100-00000000 3,616.69 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15981 AMERICAN SECURITY FORCE INC WAP 264942 12/17/14 19.00 Claim# General Description 342219 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5627 12/01/14 19.00 0.00 19.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 19.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12407 ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. FORMERL 4 ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. WAP 264943 12/17/14 13,806.60 Claim# General Description 342220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21275 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33080 O 1802548 GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00021275 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00021275 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/04/14 6,507.50 Gross Amount Description 6,507.50 Amount 6,507.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 6,507.50 Claim# General Description 342311 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21264 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33078 O 1802544 12/04/14 7,299.10 0.00 7,299.10 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7340-44500-00021264 7,299.10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 292 AUTO-CHLOR SYSTEM WAP 264944 12/17/14 172.65 Claim# General Description 342312 MONTHLY DISWASHER RENTAL & MAINTENANCE AT SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32900 O 144100300977 12/01/14 172.65 0.00 172.65 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44500-00000000 172.65 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8220-44500-00000000 172.65 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 45 BISHOP COMPANY 1 BISHOP COMPANY WAP 264945 12/17/14 320.46 Claim# General Description 342331 WATER DIVISION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 382050 10/02/14 320.46 0.00 320.46 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 320.46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15795 BOOST CONFERENCE DBA ENOKI EVENTS, 1 BOOST COLLABORATIVE ATTN: BOOST R WAP 264946 12/17/14 450.00 Claim# General Description 342221 REGISTRATION FOR 2015 BOOST CONFERENCE FOR C.WEST PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount BOOST2015-1 12/04/14 450.00 0.00 450.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44800-00000000 450.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17691 SHEINA CABANAS WAP 264947 12/17/14 196.00 Claim# General Description 342332 REFUND FOR PARKING CITES #31124543 AND #31112483 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 31124543 07/28/14 98.00 0.00 98.00 31112483 07/09/14 98.00 0.00 98.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-32200-00000000 196.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15555 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM WAP 264948 12/17/14 65.07 Claim# General Description 342364 PERS LONG TERM CARE P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/18/14 65.07 0.00 65.07 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20825-00000000 65.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7849 ZORAIDA CALTITLA WAP 264949 12/17/14 380.00 Claim# General Description 342222 CASH ADVANCE FOR GIFT CARDS FOR EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON ON 12/18/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121114 12/11/14 380.00 0.00 380.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44800-00000000 380.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5971 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. WAP 264950 12/17/14 320.69 Claim# General Description 342314 TONER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount QV81347 11/19/14 320.69 0.00 320.69 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-5310-42200-00000000 320.69 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9199 CENTURY ROOTER 1 CENTURY ROOTER WAP 264951 12/17/14 300.00 Claim# General Description 342223 BACKFLOW TESTING & REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 173514 11/18/14 300.00 0.00 300.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 300.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13463 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WAP 264952 12/17/14 250.00 Claim# General Description 342373 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214-VH 12/18/14 250.00 0.00 250.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 250.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17673 DANIEL CHOI WAP 264953 12/17/14 9,939.36 Claim# General Description 342224 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1002844 11/20/14 9,939.36 0.00 9,939.36 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 9,939.36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2361 CITY OF SANTA FE SPRINGS PO BOX 21 WAP 264954 12/17/14 9,353.19 Claim# General Description 342225 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32945 O 5606 11/12/14 9,353.19 0.00 9,353.19 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44655-00000000 9,353.19 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44655-00000000 9,353.19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13313 COMLOCK SECURITY GROUP WAP 264955 12/17/14 883.16 Claim# General Description 342333 SUPPLIES FOR CITY ID'S PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32944 O 645653 11/26/14 883.16 0.00 883.16 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44100-00000000 883.16 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-44100-00000000 883.16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5761 SEIU LOCAL 721 - COPE ATTN: CONTRO 1 SEIU LOCAL 721 - COPE ATTN: ACCOU WAP 264956 12/17/14 46.47 Claim# General Description 342359 COPE CONTRIBUTION P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/18/14 46.47 0.00 46.47 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20826-00000000 46.47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17140 NEFTALI CORTEZ DBA NATIONWIDE COST WAP 264957 12/17/14 7,724.00 Claim# General Description 342226 REIMBURSEMENT FOR FEES COLLECTED FOR REGISTRATION OF FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33031 O PRM12-A 12/10/14 7,724.00 0.00 7,724.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-46921-00000000 7,724.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0000-46921-00000000 7,724.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13174 COSBY OIL COMPANY 1 COSBY OIL COMPANY, INC. WAP 264958 12/17/14 2,168.14 Claim# General Description 342355 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FROM 11/21/14-11/30/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32936 O CL40979 11/30/14 2,168.14 0.00 2,168.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 1,734.51 550-4920-43100-00000000 433.63 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4370-43100-00000000 1,734.51 550-4920-43100-00000000 433.63 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17689 JAVIER CUEVAS JR WAP 264959 12/17/14 68.00 Claim# General Description 342334 REFUND FOR PARKING CITE #70733 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 70733 06/28/14 68.00 0.00 68.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-32200-00000000 68.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17654 IMELDA DELGADO WAP 264960 12/17/14 294.42 Claim# General Description 342227 REIMBURSEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON PRIZES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121114 12/11/14 294.42 0.00 294.42 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44800-00000000 294.42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13793 EBERHARD EQUIPMENT, INC. WAP 264961 12/17/14 120.44 Claim# General Description 342335 BATTERY FOR KUBOTA TRACTOR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 54620 11/25/14 120.44 0.00 120.44 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43300-00000000 120.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15098 EMPIRE PIPE CLEANING & EQUIP INC WAP 264962 12/17/14 12,229.39 Claim# General Description 342228 SEWER MAIN MAINTENANCE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32917 O 9751 GL Distribution 019-6310-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 019-6310-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 11,399.39 Gross Amount Description 11,399.39 Amount 11,399.39 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 11,399.39 Claim# General Description 342229 EMERGENCY CALL OUT SERVICE TO BREAK SEWER LINE STOPPAGE NEAR NAN ST AND LOCHINVAR ON 11/26/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32917 O 9761 12/01/14 830.00 0.00 830.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 830.00 PO Liquidation Amount 019-6310-44500-00000000 830.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17635 ENVIRO COMMUNICATION, INC. WAP 264963 12/17/14 8,500.00 Claim# General Description 342230 MONTHLY SERVICE RETAINER FOR JANUARY 2015 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33111 O PR-01-15 12/02/14 8,500.00 0.00 8,500.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 590-7320-44500-00021303 8,500.00 PO Liquidation Amount 590-7320-44500-00021303 8,500.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15578 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS WAP 264964 12/17/14 1,865.44 Claim# General Description 342231 STOCK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8928357 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 140.43 Gross Amount Description 140.43 Amount 140.43 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 140.43 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 461.05 Gross Amount Description 461.05 Amount 461.05 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 461.05 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/11/14 355.11 Gross Amount Description 355.11 Amount 355.11 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 355.11 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/11/14 637.28 Gross Amount Description 637.28 Amount 637.28 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 637.28 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 66.50 Gross Amount Description 66.50 Amount 66.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 66.50 Claim# General Description 342232 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8928358 GL Distribution 010-4200-44645-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44645-00000000 Claim# General Description 342233 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8946604 GL Distribution 010-4200-44645-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44645-00000000 Claim# General Description 342234 STOCK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8946605 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342235 PIO PICO PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8957799 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 10 Claim# General Description 342236 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32958 O 8974812 11/18/14 205.07 0.00 205.07 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44645-00000000 205.07 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44645-00000000 205.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17686 CHRISTINA FLORES WAP 264965 12/17/14 52.27 Claim# General Description 342286 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5097 12/12/14 52.27 0.00 52.27 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 52.27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15689 JOSE A. FLORES DBA EL OASIS SEAFOO WAP 264966 12/17/14 2,062.50 Claim# General Description 342244 CATERING SERVICE FOR EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON ON 12/18/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2299 11/06/14 2,062.50 0.00 2,062.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44800-00000000 2,062.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15584 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD WAP 264967 12/17/14 205.00 Claim# General Description 342371 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214-JG 12/18/14 205.00 0.00 205.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 205.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17690 JACQUELINE V GONZALES WAP 264968 12/17/14 98.00 Claim# General Description 342336 REFUND FOR PARKING CITE #311124511 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 311124511 07/23/14 98.00 0.00 98.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-32200-00000000 98.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17677 FERNANDO GUERRERO WAP 264969 12/17/14 46.91 Claim# General Description 342277 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5088 12/12/14 46.91 0.00 46.91 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 46.91 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17685 GW SAN DIEGO PROPERTIES LLC WAP 264970 12/17/14 63.64 Claim# General Description 342285 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5096 12/12/14 63.64 0.00 63.64 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 63.64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16871 HYDRO SCIENTIFIC WEST RONALD A NAU WAP 264971 12/17/14 19,979.00 Claim# General Description 342237 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR SCADA PROJECT UPGRADES CIP #21288 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33017 O 1755 11/26/14 19,979.00 0.00 19,979.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7340-44500-00021288 19,979.00 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7340-44500-00021288 19,979.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17683 ANDREW JIMENEZ CARMINA N JIMENEZ WAP 264972 12/17/14 72.42 Claim# General Description 342283 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5094 12/12/14 72.42 0.00 72.42 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 72.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17684 MICHAEL JOHNSON WAP 264973 12/17/14 22.17 Claim# General Description 342284 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5095 12/12/14 22.17 0.00 22.17 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 22.17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15694 LA CONSULTING INC. WAP 264974 12/17/14 988.33 Claim# General Description 342317 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21254 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33006 O 0013735 12/01/14 988.33 0.00 988.33 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7320-44500-00021254 988.33 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7320-44500-00021254 988.33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13522 LASERCARE TECHNOLOGIES INC. WAP 264975 12/17/14 149.11 Claim# General Description 342318 MAINTENANCE KIT FOR PRINTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount AR88037 12/02/14 149.11 0.00 149.11 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-5310-42200-00000000 149.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17672 LOZOYA CORP WAP 264976 12/17/14 5,082.69 Claim# General Description 342239 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 981245 07/30/14 5,082.69 0.00 5,082.69 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 5,082.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17674 MARCO CONTRACTORS INC WAP 264977 12/17/14 10,000.00 Claim# General Description 342240 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1001150 11/12/14 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 10,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14219 MICHAEL G MAXFIELD WAP 264978 12/17/14 300.00 Claim# General Description 342319 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR THE DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE OF THE PROFILE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33065 O 2014-11 11/17/14 300.00 0.00 300.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0400-44500-00000000 300.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0400-44500-00000000 300.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17442 MDM CONSTRUCTION INC WAP 264979 12/17/14 8,700.00 Claim# General Description 342241 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 998584 10/29/14 8,700.00 0.00 8,700.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 8,700.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14475 THERESA J. MERCURIO WAP 264980 12/17/14 88.20 Claim# General Description 342242 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8590 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8590 12/08/14 88.20 0.00 88.20 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 88.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17671 MITCHELL GENERAL CONTRACTORS WAP 264981 12/17/14 9,000.00 Claim# General Description 342243 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 983773 08/11/14 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 9,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17695 FRANCISCO MONTANO WAP 264982 12/17/14 63.60 Claim# General Description 342356 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5098 12/12/14 63.60 0.00 63.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 63.60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17676 LINDA MORALES WAP 264983 12/17/14 20.03 Claim# General Description 342276 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5087 12/12/14 20.03 0.00 20.03 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 20.03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7743 SONIA MOREIRA WAP 264984 12/17/14 196.00 Claim# General Description 342337 REFUND FOR PARKING CITE #12151075 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 12151075 03/18/14 196.00 0.00 196.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-32200-00000000 196.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14444 NETWORX CORPORATION WAP 264985 12/17/14 59.97 Claim# General Description 342322 QUARTERLY SUBSCRIPTION FEE FOR GOLDEN AGE ENTERTAINMENT FOR DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2015 AT THE SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 63745 12/01/14 59.97 0.00 59.97 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44100-00000000 59.97 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17679 TRUC NGUYEN SAM TRAN WAP 264986 12/17/14 55.73 Claim# General Description 342279 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5090 12/12/14 55.73 0.00 55.73 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 55.73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1380 OFFICE DEPOT WAP 264987 12/17/14 24,704.99 Claim# General Description 342132 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718467072001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 94.85 Gross Amount Description 94.85 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 94.85 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 3.51 Gross Amount Description 3.51 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 3.51 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/25/14 156.04 Gross Amount Description 156.04 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 156.04 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/31/14 97.24 Gross Amount Description 97.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 97.24 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/28/14 340.98 Gross Amount Description 115.93 112.52 112.53 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 340.98 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 17.59 Gross Amount Description 17.59 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 17.59 Claim# General Description 342133 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718467108001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342134 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724257424001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342135 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 722041024001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342136 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724649684001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 010-3200-42200-00000000 010-4033-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342137 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718170871001 GL Distribution 010-0300-42200-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 17 Claim# General Description 342138 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718518013001 GL Distribution 550-4930-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 15.62 Gross Amount Description 15.62 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 15.62 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 41.35 Gross Amount Description 41.35 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 41.35 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 35.98 Gross Amount Description 35.98 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 35.98 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 136.70 Gross Amount Description 136.70 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 136.70 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/29/14 73.62 Gross Amount Description 73.62 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 73.62 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/29/14 13.70 Gross Amount Description 13.70 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13.70 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 724641622001 07/25/14 70.65 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 70.65 Claim# General Description 342139 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718519647001 GL Distribution 550-4930-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342140 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720594114001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342141 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720594199001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342142 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 721795105001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342143 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 721795252001 GL Distribution 010-0200-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342144 OFFICE SUPPLIES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 550-4900-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 18 70.65 Claim# General Description 342145 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724647188001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/25/14 1.82 Gross Amount Description 1.82 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1.82 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/01/14 56.87 Gross Amount Description 56.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 56.87 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/12/14 277.15 Gross Amount Description 277.15 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 277.15 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/15/14 757.58 Gross Amount Description 757.58 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 757.58 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/15/14 67.73 Gross Amount Description 67.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 67.73 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 150.77 Gross Amount Description 150.77 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 150.77 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 342146 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718512572001 GL Distribution 010-0350-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342147 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720016921001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342148 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720017053001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342149 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720310911001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342150 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720311020001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342151 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 719970044001 GL Distribution 550-4930-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 07/15/14 576.69 Gross Amount Description 576.69 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm 0.00 576.69 Page 19 Claim# General Description 342152 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720758977001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/17/14 237.81 Gross Amount Description 237.81 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 237.81 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/17/14 26.57 Gross Amount Description 26.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 26.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/17/14 85.56 Gross Amount Description 85.56 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 85.56 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/10/14 -808.78 Gross Amount Description -808.78 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -808.78 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/15/14 496.73 Gross Amount Description 496.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 496.73 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/15/14 394.50 Gross Amount Description 394.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 394.50 Claim# General Description 342153 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720759106001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342154 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720759110001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342155 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719716838001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342156 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719987020001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342157 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719988359001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342158 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719988482001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 362.99 Gross Amount Description 362.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 362.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/15/14 4.39 Gross Amount Description 4.39 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4.39 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/22/14 216.98 Gross Amount Description 216.98 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 216.98 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 817.14 Gross Amount Description 817.14 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 817.14 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 635.49 Gross Amount Description 635.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 635.49 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 116.02 Gross Amount Description 116.02 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 116.02 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/30/14 58.05 Gross Amount Description 58.05 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 58.05 Page 20 Claim# General Description 342159 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719988483001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342160 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720424024001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342161 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720481736001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342162 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720623135001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342163 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 720626684001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342164 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 722032894001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 21 Claim# General Description 342165 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 722033047001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/30/14 43.99 Gross Amount Description 43.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 43.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 208.88 Gross Amount Description 208.88 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 208.88 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 635.49 Gross Amount Description 635.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 635.49 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 147.13 Gross Amount Description 147.13 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 147.13 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/11/14 -547.78 Gross Amount Description -547.78 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -547.78 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 -142.99 Gross Amount Description -142.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -142.99 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 719789926001 07/16/14 -125.09 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -125.09 Claim# General Description 342166 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724102708001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342167 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724103608001 GL Distribution 010-8230-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342168 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724159568001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342169 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719470309001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342170 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719789421001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342171 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 010-8220-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 22 -125.09 Claim# General Description 342172 CREDIT FOR RETURNED MERCHANDISE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 719790372001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/16/14 -125.09 Gross Amount Description -125.09 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount -125.09 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/30/14 483.08 Gross Amount Description 483.08 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 483.08 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/23/14 940.49 Gross Amount Description 940.49 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 940.49 Invc Dt Gross Amount 06/30/14 6,877.19 Gross Amount Description 6,877.19 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 6,877.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/03/14 417.68 Gross Amount Description 417.68 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 417.68 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/08/14 15.33 Gross Amount Description 15.33 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 15.33 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 342173 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 722051363001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342174 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 724179008001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342176 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718532185001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342177 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718532408001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342178 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718532409001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342179 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 718532410001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 07/03/14 245.78 Gross Amount Description 245.78 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm 0.00 245.78 Page 23 Claim# General Description 342180 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718532411001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/08/14 74.57 Gross Amount Description 74.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 74.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 07/03/14 3,282.87 Gross Amount Description 3,282.87 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 3,282.87 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 125.50 Gross Amount Description 125.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 125.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 1.10 Gross Amount Description 1.10 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1.10 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 59.96 Gross Amount Description 59.96 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 59.96 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 42.58 Gross Amount Description 42.58 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 42.58 Claim# General Description 342181 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 718532642001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342182 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 739088213001 GL Distribution 010-0100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342183 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 739088213002 GL Distribution 010-0100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342184 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 740018094001 GL Distribution 010-0100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342185 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 736558187001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342186 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 741663560001 GL Distribution 010-3100-42200-00000000 010-3200-42200-00000000 010-3300-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 591.78 Gross Amount Description 201.20 195.28 195.30 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 591.78 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 505.92 Gross Amount Description 505.92 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 505.92 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 3.00 Gross Amount Description 3.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 3.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 224.08 Gross Amount Description 224.08 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 224.08 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/24/14 63.70 Gross Amount Description 63.70 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 63.70 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 988.37 Gross Amount Description 988.37 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 988.37 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 741129993001 11/18/14 70.15 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 70.15 Page 24 Claim# General Description 342187 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738762703001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342188 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738763010001 GL Distribution 010-0800-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342189 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738718491001 GL Distribution 010-5310-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342190 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742062656001 GL Distribution 010-0350-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342191 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 741120594001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342192 OFFICE SUPPLIES By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 010-4000-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 25 70.15 Claim# General Description 342193 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742738315001 GL Distribution 550-4900-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 348.04 Gross Amount Description 348.04 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 348.04 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 13.98 Gross Amount Description 13.98 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13.98 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 219.99 Gross Amount Description 219.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 219.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 72.58 Gross Amount Description 72.58 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 72.58 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 64.00 Gross Amount Description 64.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 64.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 148.81 Gross Amount Description 148.81 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 148.81 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 342194 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742846336001 GL Distribution 010-4000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342195 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742846561001 GL Distribution 010-4000-44200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342196 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738849466001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342197 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 740951457001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342198 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 740953266001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342199 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 740953267001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 11/18/14 15.72 Gross Amount Description 15.72 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm 0.00 15.72 Page 26 Claim# General Description 342200 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 740953268001 GL Distribution 690-8105-42200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 19.79 Gross Amount Description 19.79 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 19.79 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 167.57 Gross Amount Description 167.57 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 167.57 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 27.98 Gross Amount Description 27.98 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 27.98 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 201.74 Gross Amount Description 201.74 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 201.74 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 7.84 Gross Amount Description 7.84 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 7.84 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 28.06 Gross Amount Description 28.06 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 28.06 Claim# General Description 342201 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738848465001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342202 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738848733001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342203 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738848734001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342204 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738848735001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342205 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742637595001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342206 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742638059001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 121.04 Gross Amount Description 121.04 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 121.04 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 18.60 Gross Amount Description 18.60 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 18.60 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 135.29 Gross Amount Description 135.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 135.29 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/07/14 135.29 Gross Amount Description 135.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 135.29 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 242.94 Gross Amount Description 242.94 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 242.94 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 12.38 Gross Amount Description 12.38 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 12.38 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 25.29 Gross Amount Description 25.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 25.29 Page 27 Claim# General Description 342207 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742638060001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738194348002 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342212 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 738194348003 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342213 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742678540001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342214 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742678799001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342215 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 742678800001 GL Distribution 010-8220-42200-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 28 Claim# General Description 342216 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 740953269001 GL Distribution 690-8105-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 1,644.19 Gross Amount Description 1,644.19 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,644.19 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 259.59 Gross Amount Description 259.59 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 259.59 Claim# General Description 342258 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 741966442001 GL Distribution 010-8000-42200-00000000 Claim# General Description 342261 OFFICE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 741966819001 11/26/14 36.72 0.00 36.72 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8000-42200-00000000 36.72 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15847 ONWARD ENGINEERING WAP 264993* 12/17/14 2,295.00 Claim# General Description 342245 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 07/09/14-10/13/14 CIP #21232 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33005 C 2701 11/11/14 2,295.00 0.00 2,295.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021232 2,295.00 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021232 2,295.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7539 OVERLAND, PACIFIC, & CUTLER, INC. 3 OVERLAND PACIFIC & CUTLER, INC. WAP 264994 12/17/14 1,153.75 Claim# General Description 342246 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR OCTOBER 2014 CIP #20053 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32996 O 1410199 11/18/14 1,153.75 0.00 1,153.75 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00020053 1,153.75 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00020053 1,153.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 907320 PDQ EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTER WAP 264995 12/17/14 380.75 Claim# General Description 342338 GENERATOR RENTAL,DELIVERY,PICK-UP AND FUEL FOR VETERAN'S DAY EVENT ON 11/11/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 458310 11/25/14 380.75 0.00 380.75 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 380.75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6102 SANDRA PENA WAP 264996 12/17/14 86.00 Claim# General Description 342323 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CAKE FOR CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111314 11/13/14 86.00 0.00 86.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44100-00000000 86.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7564 PHOENIX GROUP INFORMATION SERVICES WAP 264997 12/17/14 2,582.12 Claim# General Description 342339 TICKET PROCESSING FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33086 O 102014155 11/24/14 2,582.12 0.00 2,582.12 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-44500-00000000 2,582.12 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3235-44500-00000000 2,582.12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17681 WAYNE POLLARD WAP 264998 12/17/14 73.45 Claim# General Description 342281 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5092 12/12/14 73.45 0.00 73.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 73.45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12228 PRMPCEA PR MGRS PROFSNL & CONFID E WAP 264999 12/17/14 455.00 Claim# General Description 342387 MID-MGMT, PROFNL& CONFIDL EMPL ASSOC DUES, AND SERV FEE-PAYER P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/18/14 455.00 0.00 455.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20812-00000000 455.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17692 JACQUELINE LUZ RECCA WAP 265000 12/17/14 173.00 Claim# General Description 342340 REFUND FOR PARKING CITE #311124674 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 311124674 08/20/14 173.00 0.00 173.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-32200-00000000 173.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1334 RED WING SHOE STORE WHITTIER MARKE WAP 265001 12/17/14 150.00 Claim# General Description 342251 SAFETY SHOES FOR T.VEGA PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8240000001656 11/07/14 150.00 0.00 150.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44930-00000000 150.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1175 ROBERT KLEIN PRINTERS WAP 265002 12/17/14 39.60 Claim# General Description 342324 BUSINESS CARDS FOR J.GUERRA PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8014205 12/09/14 39.60 0.00 39.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-5310-42200-00000000 39.60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17682 TEODORO ROSALES ANGELICA CARILLO WAP 265003 12/17/14 27.63 Claim# General Description 342282 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5093 12/12/14 27.63 0.00 27.63 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 27.63 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15404 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC WAP 265004 12/17/14 13,695.00 Claim# General Description 342390 SUCCESSOR AGENCY SERVICES FOR AUGUST 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33140 O 0030229 GL Distribution 851-0501-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 851-0501-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/31/14 2,211.25 Gross Amount Description 2,211.25 Amount 2,211.25 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 2,211.25 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 5,481.25 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,512.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,490.00 Claim# General Description 342391 SUCCESSOR AGENCY SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33140 O 0030257 GL Distribution 851-0501-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 851-0501-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/30/14 5,481.25 Gross Amount Description 5,481.25 Amount 5,481.25 Claim# General Description 342392 SUCCESSOR AGENCY SERVICES FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33140 O 0030353 GL Distribution 851-0501-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 851-0501-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 4,512.50 Gross Amount Description 4,512.50 Amount 4,512.50 Claim# General Description 342393 SUCCESSOR AGENCY SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 33140 O 0030411 11/30/14 1,490.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 851-0501-44500-00000000 1,490.00 PO Liquidation Amount 851-0501-44500-00000000 1,490.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17680 JOHN RYAN WAP 265005 12/17/14 35.38 Claim# General Description 342280 DEPOSIT REFUND PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5091 12/12/14 35.38 0.00 35.38 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-0000-12100-00000000 35.38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2757 S & J SUPPLY CO, INC WAP 265006 12/17/14 1,197.48 Claim# General Description 342257 WATER DIVISION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32889 O S100045399.001 11/12/14 1,197.48 0.00 1,197.48 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 1,197.48 PO Liquidation Amount 550-4920-44100-00000000 1,197.48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4239 SALGADO TIRE SERVICE WAP 265007 12/17/14 231.00 Claim# General Description 342252 TIRE FOR UNIT #254 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 6304 GL Distribution 010-4370-43100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 88.00 Gross Amount Description 88.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 88.00 Claim# General Description 342253 TIRE FOR UNIT #214 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 6409 11/25/14 143.00 0.00 143.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 143.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17056 JOCELYN SANCHEZ WAP 265008 12/17/14 963.00 Claim# General Description 342358 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR VARIOUS COURSES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Reinstated from claim# 341341 (REPLACE CK #264535) PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 8679 8671 8670 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 Gross Amount 196.20 243.00 163.80 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 0.00 196.20 0.00 243.00 0.00 163.80 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 33 8676 8677 11/03/14 93.60 0.00 93.60 11/03/14 266.40 0.00 266.40 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 963.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 57 SEIU LOCAL 721 CTW, CLC ATTN: CONT 1 SEIU LOCAL 721 CTW, CLC ATTN: ACC WAP 265009 12/17/14 1,868.18 Claim# General Description 342374 UNION DUES DIRECTORS,FT,PT & NON MEMBER FEE PAYER P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/18/14 1,868.18 0.00 1,868.18 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20812-00000000 1,868.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5349 L & M FOOTWEAR DBA SHOETERIA WAP 265010 12/17/14 1,026.38 Claim# General Description 342254 SAFETY SHOES FOR VARIOUS CITY PERSONNEL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 85446 GL Distribution 010-4200-44930-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/18/14 739.75 Gross Amount Description 739.75 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 739.75 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/28/14 149.76 Gross Amount Description 149.76 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 149.76 Claim# General Description 342255 SAFETY SHOES FOR L.RAMOS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 85703CD GL Distribution 010-3235-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342256 SAFETY SHOES FOR J.ROMO PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 85833 12/05/14 136.87 0.00 136.87 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44100-00000000 136.87 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 357 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY 1 SMART & FINAL WAP 265011 12/17/14 447.37 Claim# General Description 342321 REACH PROGRAM CRAFT & CULINARY SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 138644 12/11/14 447.37 0.00 447.37 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44100-00000000 447.37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265012 12/17/14 1,432.57 Y Claim# General Description 342348 ELECTRIC SVC BILL DATED 12/09/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120914 12/09/14 1,432.57 0.00 1,432.57 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 1,432.57 210-7300-44500-00020053 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10877 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT WAP 265013 12/17/14 716.03 Claim# General Description 342362 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214-MG 12/18/14 264.46 0.00 264.46 121214-LM 12/18/14 241.00 0.00 241.00 121214-SR 12/18/14 210.57 0.00 210.57 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 716.03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15582 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT OF JUSTIC WAP 265014 12/17/14 32.00 Claim# General Description 342259 FINGERPRINTING SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 070679 12/04/14 32.00 0.00 32.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 32.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 8059 BERNADETTE M. STERLING WAP 265015 12/17/14 408.00 Claim# General Description 342260 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8593 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8593 12/04/14 408.00 0.00 408.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 408.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17243 STETSON ENGINEERS, INC WAP 265016 12/17/14 12,295.81 Claim# General Description 342262 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR JULY 2014 CIP #21274 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33025 O 2501-05 GL Distribution 550-7340-44500-00021274 PO Liquidation 550-7340-44500-00021274 Invc Dt Gross Amount 08/26/14 4,426.35 Gross Amount Description 4,426.35 Amount 4,426.35 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 4,426.35 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 7,405.02 Claim# General Description 342263 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR AUGUST 2014 CIP #21274 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33025 O 2501-06 GL Distribution 550-7340-44500-00021274 PO Liquidation 550-7340-44500-00021274 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/29/14 7,405.02 Gross Amount Description 7,405.02 Amount 7,405.02 Claim# General Description 342264 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 CIP #21274 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33025 O 2501-07 11/04/14 464.44 0.00 464.44 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-7340-44500-00021274 464.44 PO Liquidation Amount 550-7340-44500-00021274 464.44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17675 SUN SMART COMMERCIAL WAP 265017 12/17/14 10,000.00 Claim# General Description 342265 REFUND FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 953201 03/19/14 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29848-00000000 10,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 36 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17633 SUPERIOR COURT OF CA, COUNTY OF LA WAP 265018 12/17/14 12,978.50 Claim# General Description 342342 SURCHARGE FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS FOR 11/2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33120 O 11/2014 12/04/14 12,978.50 0.00 12,978.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3235-44540-00000000 12,978.50 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3235-44540-00000000 12,978.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15576 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS WAP 265019 12/17/14 14.61 Claim# General Description 342266 HERBICIDE SPRAYER PARTS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1713349 11/12/14 14.61 0.00 14.61 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44645-00000000 14.61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15810 THE SAUCE CREATIVE SERVICES SERGIO WAP 265020 12/17/14 460.90 Claim# General Description 342341 CUSTOM DESIGNED METALS FOR BOXING SUPERSTARS MEET AND GREET EVENT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1309 09/17/14 460.90 0.00 460.90 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44100-00000000 460.90 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11027 TIME WARNER CABLE 1 TIME WARNER CABLE WAP 265021 12/17/14 99.41 Claim# General Description 342345 CABLE INTERNET CONNECTION AT CITY HALL (PUBLIC INFO) - 12/16/14-01/15/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120414 12/04/14 99.41 0.00 99.41 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44300-00000000 99.41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11027 TIME WARNER CABLE 1 TIME WARNER CABLE WAP 265022 12/17/14 1.09 Y Claim# General Description 342354 CABLE INTERNET CONNECTION FOR EOC 12/16/14-01/15/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120414 12/04/14 1.09 0.00 1.09 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4230-44920-00000000 1.09 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17688 TKE ENGINEERING INC WAP 265023 12/17/14 325.00 Claim# General Description 342315 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2014-410 11/07/14 325.00 0.00 325.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4010-44500-00000000 325.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15548 U HAUL WAP 265024 12/17/14 63.18 Claim# General Description 342267 PROPANE FOR MECHANIC SHOP PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 4278945 11/15/14 63.18 0.00 63.18 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 63.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6173 UNITED STATES TREASURY IRS / ACS S 4 U S TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SER WAP 265025 12/17/14 35.00 Claim# General Description 342375 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION P/E 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214-PG 12/18/14 35.00 0.00 35.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-20816-00000000 35.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15557 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE CMRS-TMS ACCT# WAP 265026 12/17/14 2,400.00 Claim# General Description 342316 POSTAGE FOR MAIL METER 12/2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 122014 12/01/14 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3110-42100-00000000 2,400.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 398 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT WAP 265027 12/17/14 76.50 Claim# General Description 342268 NEW TICKETS FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1120140498 12/04/14 76.50 0.00 76.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44500-00000000 76.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15535 US BANK CORPORATE TRUST SERVICES 5 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTE WAP 265028 12/17/14 7,974.41 Claim# General Description 342307 MONTHLY CREDIT CARD STATEMENT FOR BILLING ENDING 11/26/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 112614 11/26/14 7,974.41 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0200-42600-00000000 1,400.00 010-3100-44100-00000000 9.75 010-3100-44100-00000000 36.56 630-5400-44100-00000000 -177.65 010-3100-44100-00000000 138.00 010-3100-44800-00000000 49.00 010-3200-44800-00000000 65.00 010-3100-44100-00000000 115.00 010-3100-44100-00000000 150.00 690-8105-44100-00000000 233.53 010-8230-44800-00000000 356.00 010-8000-43500-00000000 239.80 010-8000-44800-00000000 99.44 010-0820-43500-00000000 228.83 010-0200-44100-00000000 65.94 010-8102-44100-00000000 65.37 010-8102-44100-00000000 120.00 010-0820-44900-00000000 333.20 120-0400-47300-00000000 299.00 010-0100-44800-00000000 77.99 010-0100-44800-00000000 929.59 010-8220-45280-00000000 33.78 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 7,974.41 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 39 010-8290-44100-00000000 400.00 010-8102-44100-00000000 150.71 010-8102-44100-00000000 69.70 010-8102-44100-00000000 118.05 010-8102-44100-00000000 92.00 010-8230-42400-00000000 75.00 010-8000-44800-00000000 118.17 010-0200-44800-00000000 425.00 010-0100-44100-00000000 65.00 010-0200-44100-00000000 74.79 010-0100-44100-00000000 74.79 010-0100-44800-00000000 550.00 010-0100-44800-00000000 442.16 010-0200-44800-00000000 442.16 010-0100-44800-00000000 8.75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 150 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 2 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265030* 12/17/14 931.95 Y Claim# General Description 342351 PHONE SVC - TELEMETER LINES 11/25/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 111914 11/19/14 931.95 0.00 931.95 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-44300-00000000 931.95 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 3 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265031 12/17/14 104.83 Y Claim# General Description 342346 ISDN / DSL LINES - VARIOUS LOCATIONS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 112214 11/22/14 104.83 0.00 104.83 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44300-00000000 104.83 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 5 VERIZON BUSINESS WAP 265032 12/17/14 95.25 Claim# General Description 342320 LONG DISTANCE BILLING FOR STATEMENT ENDING 12/10/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 62059271 12/10/14 95.25 0.00 95.25 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-44300-00000000 95.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9655 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 VERIZON WIRELESS WAP 265033 12/17/14 140.56 Y Claim# General Description 342352 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR 11/13/14-11/23/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 9736080469 11/23/14 140.56 0.00 140.56 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44300-00000000 0.00 010-0820-44300-00000000 0.00 010-0200-44300-00000000 140.56 010-3400-44300-00000000 0.00 550-4920-44200-00000000 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 9655 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 VERIZON WIRELESS WAP 265034 12/17/14 127.24 Y Claim# General Description 342353 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR 11/20/14-11/23/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 9736019442 11/23/14 127.24 0.00 127.24 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44300-00000000 127.24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5219 VULCAN MATERIALS CO WESTERN DIVISI WAP 265035 12/17/14 1,204.39 Claim# General Description 342271 ASPHALT & EMULSION PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32956 O 70583569 GL Distribution 010-4200-44605-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44605-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/07/14 827.99 Gross Amount Description 827.99 Amount 827.99 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 827.99 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/07/14 226.37 Gross Amount Description 226.37 Amount 226.37 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 226.37 Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) Claim# General Description 342272 ASPHALT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32956 O 70583568 GL Distribution 010-4200-44605-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44605-00000000 Claim# General Description 342273 ASPHALT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Invc Dt Gross Amount City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 41 32956 O 70607578 11/26/14 150.03 0.00 150.03 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44605-00000000 150.03 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44605-00000000 150.03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1706 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY WAP 265036 12/17/14 2,909.82 Claim# General Description 342325 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 74977643 GL Distribution 010-8100-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/05/14 964.45 Gross Amount Description 964.45 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 964.45 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/05/14 975.84 Gross Amount Description 975.84 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 975.84 Claim# General Description 342326 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 74977613 GL Distribution 010-8100-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342327 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 74977575 12/05/14 969.53 0.00 969.53 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8100-43400-00000000 969.53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 413 WECK LABORATORIES INC WAP 265037 12/17/14 1,450.00 Claim# General Description 342274 WATER SAMPLE TESTING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# W4K1110 GL Distribution 550-4920-44100-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 150.00 Gross Amount Description 150.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 150.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 800.00 Gross Amount Description 800.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 800.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/17/14 250.00 Gross Amount Description 250.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 250.00 Claim# General Description 342275 WATER SAMPLE TESTING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# W4K1124 GL Distribution 550-4920-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342288 WATER SAMPLE TESTING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# W4K1125 GL Distribution 550-4920-44100-00000000 Claim# General Description 342289 WATER SAMPLE TESTING PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount W4K1584 11/24/14 250.00 0.00 250.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 250.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 43 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 421 WHITTIER FERTILIZER COMPANY 1 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 9441 KRUSE RO WAP 265038 12/17/14 4,407.48 Claim# General Description 342290 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 282382 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/28/14 699.60 Gross Amount Description 699.60 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 699.60 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/04/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 29.15 Gross Amount Description 29.15 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 29.15 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/12/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/12/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Claim# General Description 342291 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 283999 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342292 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284209 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342293 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284210 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342294 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284219 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342295 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284529 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342296 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284532 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 33.00 Gross Amount Description 33.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 33.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 33.00 Gross Amount Description 33.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 33.00 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 324.50 Gross Amount Description 324.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 324.50 Page 44 Claim# General Description 342297 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284538 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342298 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284540 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342299 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284543 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342300 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284547 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342301 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284555 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342302 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284567 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 45 Claim# General Description 342303 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284574 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/14/14 129.80 Gross Amount Description 129.80 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 129.80 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/19/14 259.60 Gross Amount Description 259.60 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 259.60 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/25/14 10.78 Gross Amount Description 10.78 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 10.78 Claim# General Description 342304 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 284952 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342305 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 285127 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342306 GROUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 285167 11/26/14 292.05 0.00 292.05 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-43400-00000000 292.05 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2385 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2 WILLDAN WAP 265040* 12/17/14 14,429.86 Claim# General Description 342308 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 09/29/14-10/24/14 CIP #21242 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33021 O 00612946 GL Distribution 210-7300-44500-00021242 PO Liquidation 210-7300-44500-00021242 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 1,419.05 Gross Amount Description 1,419.05 Amount 1,419.05 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,419.05 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13,010.81 Claim# General Description 342328 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR 09/29/14-10/24/14 CIP #21277 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 33082 O 00513195 11/21/14 13,010.81 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021277 13,010.81 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021277 13,010.81 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4009 ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN WAP 265041 12/17/14 28,391.36 Claim# General Description 342217 LEGAL FEES FOR AUGUST 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32989 O 2014-08 GL Distribution 010-0700-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0700-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/30/14 27,445.26 Gross Amount Description 27,445.26 Amount 27,445.26 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 27,445.26 Claim# General Description 342218 LEGAL FEES FOR AUGUST 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2014-08B 10/30/14 946.10 0.00 946.10 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7310-44500-00021218 624.00 210-7310-44500-00021219 302.60 210-7310-44500-00021246 19.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17101 CALL & JENSEN, APC WAP 265042 12/17/14 67,984.44 Claim# General Description 342394 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32991 O 74016 GL Distribution 010-0700-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0700-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 09/30/14 43,902.86 Gross Amount Description 43,902.86 Amount 43,902.86 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 43,902.86 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 23,374.07 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 707.51 Claim# General Description 342395 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR OCTOBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32991 O 74710 GL Distribution 010-0700-46910-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0700-46910-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 23,374.07 Gross Amount Description 23,374.07 Amount 23,374.07 Claim# General Description 342396 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 32991 O 75206 11/30/14 707.51 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0700-46910-00000000 707.51 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 47 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0700-46910-00000000 707.51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15712 GOLFLINKS CONSULTING WAP 265043 12/17/14 85,882.42 Claim# General Description 342398 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121114 12/11/14 85,882.42 0.00 85,882.42 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 570-0000-13307-00000000 85,882.42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1455 KABBARA ENGINEERING BILL KABBARA WAP 265044 12/17/14 44,864.37 Claim# General Description 342238 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 06/01/14-08/31/14 CIP #21246 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33016 O 1220 11/07/14 44,864.37 0.00 44,864.37 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021246 44,864.37 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021246 44,864.37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13400 PROJECT PARTNERS INC WAP 265045 12/17/14 50,247.34 Claim# General Description 342247 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 09/29/14-10/31/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33107 O 6837 GL Distribution 019-6310-44500-00000000 550-4920-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 019-6310-44500-00000000 550-4920-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 17,733.72 Gross Amount Description 14,343.45 3,390.27 Amount 14,343.45 3,390.27 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 17,733.72 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 13,845.00 Claim# General Description 342248 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 09/28/14-10/31/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33107 O 6835 GL Distribution 550-4920-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 10/31/14 13,845.00 Gross Amount Description 13,845.00 Amount 13,845.00 Claim# General Description 342249 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33107 O 6858 GL Distribution 550-4920-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 550-4920-44500-00000000 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/28/14 7,020.00 Gross Amount Description 7,020.00 Amount 7,020.00 Discount Amt Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL Discount Used 0.00 02:00pm Page 48 Net Amount 7,020.00 Claim# General Description 342250 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33107 O 6857 11/28/14 11,648.62 0.00 11,648.62 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 019-6310-44500-00000000 3,042.55 550-4920-44500-00000000 8,606.07 PO Liquidation Amount 019-6310-44500-00000000 3,042.55 550-4920-44500-00000000 8,606.07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17434 PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, WAP 265046 12/17/14 73,784.22 Claim# General Description 342329 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR OCTOBER 2014 CIP #21242 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32903 O PAYEST#3 11/29/14 73,784.22 0.00 73,784.22 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021242 73,784.22 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021242 73,784.22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 49 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265047 12/17/14 78,765.36 Claim# General Description 342343 ELECTRIC SVC - AL NATIVIDAD CENTER BILL DATED 12/04/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 3014476922-120414 12/04/14 271.24 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 271.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 271.24 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 2,219.02 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 56,224.86 Claim# General Description 342344 ELEC SVC - 9530 SHADE LN RIVERA PARK 12/04/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 3008697259-120414 12/04/14 2,219.02 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 2,219.02 Claim# General Description 342347 ELEC SVC - STREET LIGHT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 04 12/09/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 120914 GL Distribution 545-2000-44200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/09/14 56,224.86 Gross Amount Description 56,224.86 Claim# General Description 342350 ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR PARKS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/12/14 20,050.24 0.00 20,050.24 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 20,050.24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265048 12/17/14 46,218.61 Y Claim# General Description 342349 ELECTRIC SVC - VARIOUS LOCATIONS BILLING DATED 12/12/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121214 12/12/14 46,218.61 0.00 46,218.61 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 5,720.23 550-4920-44200-00000000 32,143.49 010-4000-44200-00000000 8,177.12 590-8430-44200-00000000 177.77 019-6310-44200-00000000 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15327 URS CORPORATION WAP 265049 12/17/14 43,893.17 Claim# General Description 342269 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 CIP #21276 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33084 O 6104791 12/04/14 43,893.17 0.00 43,893.17 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021276 43,893.17 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021276 43,893.17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1590 VASQUEZ & COMPANY LLP CERTIFIED PU 1 VASQUEZ & COMPANY LLP WAP 265050 12/17/14 27,217.50 Claim# General Description 342270 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33041 O 2141090 12/05/14 27,217.50 0.00 27,217.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-44500-00000000 27,217.50 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0800-44500-00000000 27,217.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/17/2014 to 99/99/9999 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 17, 2014 Payment Type ALL 02:00pm Page 51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 108 817,369.08 479,410.70 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 108 817,369.08 479,410.70 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Gloria Candelaria (gcandelaria) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/29/2014 to 12/29/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Jan 06, 2015 Payment Type ALL 03:13pm Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17699 ERNIE JOHNSON GOLF CLASSIC WAP 265052 12/29/14 1,500.00 Claim# General Description 342493 SPONSOR GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR EL RANCHO HIGH SCHOOL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 122014 12/29/14 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0330-45200-00000000 1,500.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/29/2014 to 12/29/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Jan 06, 2015 Payment Type ALL 03:13pm Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 1 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 1 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 7860 A & G FENCE & SUPPLY SALES WAP 265054 12/30/14 493.77 Claim# General Description 342444 RIVERA PARK FENCE REPAIR SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 14679 11/21/14 493.77 0.00 493.77 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-43400-00000000 493.77 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2227 A K MILLER AUTO SALES JOHN LUFKIN WAP 265055 12/30/14 50.00 Claim# General Description 342445 SMOG CHECK FOR UNIT #258 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5910 10/28/14 50.00 0.00 50.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 50.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10800 MARIA ARMENTA WAP 265056 12/30/14 489.00 Claim# General Description 342446 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES #8537 & #8540 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8537 12/10/14 378.00 0.00 378.00 8540 12/10/14 111.00 0.00 111.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 489.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6145 AUTO ZONE WAP 265057 12/30/14 27.99 Claim# General Description 342447 BRAKE PADS FOR UNIT #230 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32981 O 5219074281 11/20/14 27.99 0.00 27.99 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 27.99 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4370-43100-00000000 27.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17565 BMC LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, INC. WAP 265058 12/30/14 1,000.00 Claim# General Description 342448 PARAMOUNT/MINES LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 028136 11/30/14 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44500-00000000 1,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15420 STEVEN SAMUELIAN DBA, CALIFORNIA C WAP 265059 12/30/14 22,354.84 Claim# General Description 342494 MONTHLY RETAINER FOR 08/15/14-08/31/14 09/01/14-09/30/14-10/01/14-10/31/14 11/01/14-11/30/14-12/01/14-12/31/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33148 O 643 09/26/14 12,454.84 0.00 12,454.84 672 10/31/14 4,950.00 0.00 4,950.00 749 11/30/14 4,950.00 0.00 4,950.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0200-44500-00000000 22,354.84 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0200-44500-00000000 22,354.84 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 648 CENTRAL BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST WAP 265060 12/30/14 4,259.29 Claim# General Description 342402 RECYCLED WATER FOR 10/2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount RIV-NOV14 12/10/14 4,259.29 0.00 4,259.29 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 4,259.29 550-4920-44100-00000000 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 736 CINTAS CORP 2 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT WAP 265061 12/30/14 110.00 Claim# General Description 342412 SHREDDING SERVICE FOR 10/22/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32940 O DG35534417 10/31/14 110.00 0.00 110.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0300-44500-00000000 110.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0300-44500-00000000 110.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17133 MARIA B CISNEROS WAP 265062 12/30/14 48.00 Claim# General Description 342449 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8651 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8651 12/16/14 48.00 0.00 48.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 48.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17067 CITITECH SYSTEMS INC WAP 265063 12/30/14 200.00 Claim# General Description 342450 SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING/CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2014-17111 10/06/14 200.00 0.00 200.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44100-00000000 200.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5159 CITY OF SOUTH GATE ATTN: FINANCE D WAP 265064 12/30/14 1,000.00 Claim# General Description 342492 ANNUAL SEWC ASSESSMENT FOR FY 14-15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 005391 09/25/14 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4900-42600-00000000 1,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 13855 CLEANSOURCE, INC. 3 CLEANSOURCE WAP 265065 12/30/14 534.83 Claim# General Description 342452 CITY HALL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2876464-00 12/01/14 534.83 0.00 534.83 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4000-44100-00000000 534.83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6582 LUIS COBIAN SR. WAP 265066 12/30/14 246.00 Claim# General Description 342453 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR VARIOUS COURSES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8648 12/15/14 48.60 0.00 48.60 8555 12/15/14 48.60 0.00 48.60 8558 12/15/14 97.20 0.00 97.20 8645 12/15/14 51.60 0.00 51.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 246.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17701 CSMFO WAP 265067 12/30/14 110.00 Claim# General Description 342496 MEMBERSHIP DUES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 122014 12/30/14 110.00 0.00 110.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-42600-00000000 110.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1246 CULLIGAN WATER OF BELLFLOWER 3 CULLIGAN OF SANTA ANA LOCKBOX PRO WAP 265068 12/30/14 48.50 Claim# General Description 342413 WATER SOFTENING SERVICE FOR THE SENIOR CENTER FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 931439 11/30/14 48.50 0.00 48.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44500-00000000 48.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 786 CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP 1 CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP WAP 265069 12/30/14 381.02 Claim# General Description 342414 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT RENEWAL FOR PERFORATION MACHINE FROM 12/10/14-12/09/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1228808 11/12/14 381.02 0.00 381.02 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3110-43300-00000000 381.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 8972 CYPRESS LOCK & KEY 1 CYPRESS LOCK AND SAFE WAP 265070 12/30/14 173.00 Claim# General Description 342455 RIVERA PARK GYM DOOR REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 18076 11/17/14 173.00 0.00 173.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 173.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4382 DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L WAP 265071 12/30/14 925.93 Claim# General Description 342415 SECURITY APPLICATION PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32984 C XJJKKMF45 09/11/14 925.93 0.00 925.93 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-43500-00000000 925.93 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8220-43500-00000000 925.93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 116 DUNN-EDWARDS CORP WAP 265072 12/30/14 170.67 Claim# General Description 342456 RIVERA PARK PAINT SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 2085158394 11/18/14 170.67 3.41 0.00 170.67 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43430-00000000 170.67 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 11866 EAGLE PORTABLES INC WAP 265073 12/30/14 330.00 Claim# General Description 342416 PORTABLE RESTROOM SERVICE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 3590 11/13/14 330.00 0.00 330.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 330.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15578 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS WAP 265074 12/30/14 795.75 Claim# General Description 342457 PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8985249 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 116.29 Gross Amount Description 116.29 Amount 116.29 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 116.29 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/20/14 235.93 Gross Amount Description 235.93 Amount 235.93 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 235.93 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/25/14 23.01 Gross Amount Description 23.01 Amount 23.01 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 23.01 Claim# General Description 342458 PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 8985250 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342459 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32958 O 9001799 GL Distribution 010-4200-44645-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44645-00000000 Claim# General Description 342460 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32958 O 9017062 12/02/14 420.52 0.00 420.52 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44645-00000000 420.52 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44645-00000000 420.52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16523 DILMA LEONOR FERNANDEZ WAP 265075 12/30/14 103.20 Claim# General Description 342461 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8698 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 8698 12/11/14 103.20 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 103.20 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 103.20 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1630 FOLEY SERVICES, INC WAP 265076 12/30/14 644.00 Claim# General Description 342417 ANNUAL AUDIT ASSURANCE PROGRAM AND DOT D & A ANNUAL RENEWAL PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 212147 12/04/14 644.00 0.00 644.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44500-00000000 644.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1565 FOOD 4 LESS COMPANY 2 FOOD 4 LESS CUSTOMER CHARGES WAP 265077 12/30/14 195.76 Claim# General Description 342401 THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR SITES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 222788 11/20/14 79.18 0.00 79.18 222877 11/20/14 58.29 0.00 58.29 222925 11/20/14 58.29 0.00 58.29 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44100-00000000 195.76 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17187 MIRIAM GARCIA WAP 265078 12/30/14 132.00 Claim# General Description 342462 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8567 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8567 12/15/14 132.00 0.00 132.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 132.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15606 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCI WAP 265079 12/30/14 595.00 Claim# General Description 342442 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOR 12/01/14--11/30/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 0116001-15 12/22/14 595.00 0.00 595.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-42600-00000000 595.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15606 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCI 1 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC WAP 265080 12/30/14 505.00 Claim# General Description 342419 2013-14 CAFR APPLICATION FEE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121814 12/18/14 505.00 0.00 505.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0800-44100-00000000 505.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 10931 GRAFFITI TRACKER, INC. 2 GRAFFITI TRACKER WAP 265081 12/30/14 1,500.00 Claim# General Description 342420 GRAFFITI TRACKING SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33116 O 2807 12/10/14 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3230-44500-00000000 1,500.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3230-44500-00000000 1,500.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 155 GRAINGER 2 GRAINGER WAP 265082 12/30/14 1,233.28 Claim# General Description 342463 STORAGE RACK PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 9594625684 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 330.30 Gross Amount Description 330.30 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 330.30 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/26/14 736.10 Gross Amount Description 736.10 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 736.10 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/01/14 151.73 Gross Amount Description 151.73 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 151.73 Claim# General Description 342464 STORAGE CABINETS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 9605975318 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342465 GLOVES FOR FACILITIES CREW PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 9607271765 GL Distribution 010-4340-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description 342466 SENSOR BATTERIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 9 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 9607271773 12/01/14 15.15 0.00 15.15 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 15.15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15571 GRIFFITH AIR TOOL, INC WAP 265083 12/30/14 420.31 Claim# General Description 342467 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33850 11/25/14 420.31 0.00 420.31 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-43300-00000000 420.31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15526 LYDIA Y. HERNANDEZ WAP 265084 12/30/14 30.00 Claim# General Description 342468 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8598 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8598 12/12/14 30.00 0.00 30.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 30.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16603 INTOXIMETERS INC. WAP 265085 12/30/14 138.50 Claim# General Description 342421 ALCO SENSOR FST REPAIR PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33115 C 484606 12/05/14 138.50 0.00 138.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3400-44100-00000000 138.50 PO Liquidation Amount 010-3400-44100-00000000 138.15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17560 WARD M. JOY DBA W.M.J. COMMUNICATI WAP 265086 12/30/14 311.10 Claim# General Description 342488 RE-ROUTING OF WIRES FOR CITY HALL MOVES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1210 11/21/14 311.10 0.00 311.10 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44100-00000000 311.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16787 CYNTHIA A. LA HAYE WAP 265087 12/30/14 4.80 Claim# General Description 342422 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES IN NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 11/2014 11/06/14 4.80 0.00 4.80 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 4.80 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17666 LUSTRE-CAL CORPORATION WAP 265088 12/30/14 224.00 Claim# General Description 342423 PRE-PRINTED LABELS (ASSET INVENTORY) PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33127 C 003376 12/09/14 224.00 0.00 224.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 690-8105-44100-00000000 224.00 PO Liquidation Amount 690-8105-44100-00000000 224.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15547 MCNEILL SOUND & SECURITY SYSTEMS 2 SSD SYSTEMS WAP 265089 12/30/14 1,235.00 Claim# General Description 342425 SECURITY MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FOR VARIOUS PARK SITES FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 33093 O 1063537 GL Distribution 010-8000-44500-00000000 010-8100-44500-00000000 010-8101-44500-00000000 010-8104-44500-00000000 010-8108-44500-00000000 010-8109-44500-00000000 010-8111-44500-00000000 010-8220-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-8000-44500-00000000 010-8100-44500-00000000 010-8104-44500-00000000 010-8108-44500-00000000 010-8109-44500-00000000 010-8111-44500-00000000 010-8220-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/12/14 1,085.00 Gross Amount Description 55.00 105.00 210.00 195.00 50.00 195.00 85.00 190.00 Amount 55.00 105.00 195.00 50.00 195.00 85.00 190.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,085.00 Claim# General Description 342426 SECURITY MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FOR AL NATIVIDAD CENTER FOR DECEMBER 2014 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 11 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33093 O 1062308 11/12/14 150.00 0.00 150.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-44500-00000000 150.00 PO Liquidation Amount 010-8220-44500-00000000 150.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16676 NEOPOST USA, INC. 1 NEOPOST USA INC. WAP 265090 12/30/14 172.20 Claim# General Description 342427 POSTAGE METER RENTAL FROM 01/01/15-03/31/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 52289021 12/02/14 172.20 0.00 172.20 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3110-43300-00000000 172.20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12972 NETWORK INNOVATION ASSOCIATES WAP 265091 12/30/14 417.00 Claim# General Description 342428 EOC SATELLITE SERVICES FOR JANUARY 2015 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 11473 12/05/14 417.00 0.00 417.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-3230-44920-00000000 417.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15542 OROMILL LUMBER, INC WAP 265092 12/30/14 33.81 Claim# General Description 342469 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 186250 11/12/14 33.81 0.00 33.81 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43400-00000000 33.81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 907320 PDQ EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTER WAP 265093 12/30/14 1,568.12 Claim# General Description 342429 PORTABLE RESROOMS & SERVICE FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVAL ON 12/06/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 459973 12/06/14 1,568.12 0.00 1,568.12 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44500-00000000 1,568.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15579 PEP BOYS-REMITTANCE DEPT WAP 265094 12/30/14 43.60 Claim# General Description 342470 SHOP STOCK SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1018718 12/04/14 43.60 0.00 43.60 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4370-43100-00000000 43.60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 287 PLUMBING AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WAP 265095 12/30/14 1,512.32 Claim# General Description 342471 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1146332.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 152.33 Gross Amount Description 152.33 Amount 152.33 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 152.33 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/05/14 223.20 Gross Amount Description 223.20 Amount 223.20 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 223.20 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 242.66 Gross Amount Description 242.66 Amount 242.66 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 242.66 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/06/14 186.94 Gross Amount Description 186.94 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 186.94 Claim# General Description 342472 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1146333.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Claim# General Description 342474 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1146418.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Claim# General Description 342475 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# S1146410.001 GL Distribution 010-4350-43400-00000000 Claim# General Description CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 13 342476 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1146701.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/13/14 113.07 Gross Amount Description 113.07 Amount 113.07 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 113.07 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/21/14 185.82 Gross Amount Description 185.82 Amount 185.82 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 185.82 Claim# General Description 342477 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32953 O S1147209.001 GL Distribution 010-4340-43440-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4340-43440-00000000 Claim# General Description 342478 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32953 O S1147212.001 11/21/14 408.30 0.00 408.30 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-43440-00000000 408.30 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4340-43440-00000000 408.30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1334 RED WING SHOE STORE WHITTIER MARKE WAP 265096 12/30/14 147.14 Claim# General Description 342479 SAFETY SHOES FOR A.RAICH PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8240000001683 11/22/14 147.14 0.00 147.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44930-00000000 147.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16975 KRISTY V REYNOSO 1 KRISTY V REYNOSO WAP 265097 12/30/14 345.00 Claim# General Description 342430 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES #8571 & #8564 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8571 12/11/14 180.00 0.00 180.00 8564 12/11/14 165.00 0.00 165.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 345.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16517 ROAD TO CALIFORNIA WAP 265098 12/30/14 440.00 Claim# General Description 342432 TICKETS FOR ROAD TO CALIFORNIA QUILT SHOW ON 01/23/15 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121614 12/16/14 440.00 0.00 440.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8290-44100-00000000 400.00 090-0410-44500-00009105 40.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6586 JUAN ROSALES WAP 265099 12/30/14 180.00 Claim# General Description 342480 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES #8524 & #8527 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8524 12/10/14 72.00 0.00 72.00 8527 12/10/14 108.00 0.00 108.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 180.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 2757 S & J SUPPLY CO, INC WAP 265100 12/30/14 211.14 Claim# General Description 342481 WATER DIVISION TOOLS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32889 O S100045973.001 11/25/14 211.14 0.00 211.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44100-00000000 211.14 PO Liquidation Amount 550-4920-44100-00000000 211.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12745 SAMBA HOLDING INC WAP 265101 12/30/14 250.00 Claim# General Description 342433 DRIVER RECORD MONITORING FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 5403-201411 11/30/14 250.00 0.00 250.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44400-00000000 250.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1690 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PUBLISHING CO 9 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY NEWSPAPER GROU WAP 265102 12/30/14 3,332.79 Claim# General Description 342434 LEGAL ADS FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32962 O 0010594221 11/07/14 598.19 0.00 598.19 0010594998 11/11/14 1,699.15 0.00 1,699.15 0010598704 11/21/14 1,035.45 0.00 1,035.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0300-42300-00000000 3,332.79 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0300-42300-00000000 3,332.79 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 6289 FRANCISCO SIGALA 1 FRANCISCO SIGALA WAP 265103 12/30/14 237.00 Claim# General Description 342443 TUITION ADVANCE FOR CLASS AT MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount TA165 12/10/14 237.00 0.00 237.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0350-44910-00000000 237.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 14927 LUZ SILVA WAP 265104 12/30/14 105.00 Claim# General Description 342436 CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSE #8530 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 8530 12/09/14 105.00 0.00 105.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8107-44510-00000000 105.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265105 12/30/14 238.38 Claim# General Description 342407 ELECTRIC SVC-HISTORICAL SOCIETY BILL DATED 12/16/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 121614 GL Distribution 010-4350-44200-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/16/14 59.03 Gross Amount Description 59.03 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 59.03 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 27.21 Claim# General Description 342408 8640 COFFMAN PICO HM ELECTRIC SERVICE 121614 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 121614 GL Distribution 010-4200-44200-00001237 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/16/14 27.21 Gross Amount Description 27.21 Claim# General Description 342411 ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR PARKS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121614 12/16/14 152.14 0.00 152.14 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4350-44200-00000000 152.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265106 12/30/14 203.28 Y Claim# General Description 342409 ELECTRIC SVC BILL DATED 12/16/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121614 12/16/14 203.28 0.00 203.28 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 203.28 210-7300-44500-00020053 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265107 12/30/14 1,153.54 Y Claim# General Description 342410 ELECTRIC SVC - VARIOUS LOCATIONS BILLING DATED 12/15/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 121514 12/15/14 1,153.54 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44200-00000000 573.02 550-4920-44200-00000000 0.00 010-4000-44200-00000000 0.00 590-8430-44200-00000000 0.00 019-6310-44200-00000000 580.52 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,153.54 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 360 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY ATTN: MILL 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON WAP 265108 12/30/14 2,492.10 Y Claim# General Description 342482 ELECTRICAL PANEL REPAIR AT PLANT #1 CIP #21264 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 191280 12/08/14 2,492.10 0.00 2,492.10 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-7340-44500-00021264 2,492.10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 12039 SPECIALIZED ELEVATOR CORPORATION WAP 265109 12/30/14 290.16 Claim# General Description 342483 MONTHLY ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 39467 11/01/14 290.16 0.00 290.16 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4340-44100-00000000 290.16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17556 TED TAN WAP 265110 12/30/14 90.00 Claim# General Description 342439 DEPOSIT REFUND FOR PAP #14-19 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 993651 10/02/14 90.00 0.00 90.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 990-0000-29119-00000000 90.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 15402 STAR-DUST TOURS INC. DBA THE BUS WAP 265111 12/30/14 2,755.00 Claim# General Description 342437 TRANSPORTATION FOR EXCURSION ON 12/07/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32876 O 12-7-14-A GL Distribution 090-0410-44500-00009105 PO Liquidation 090-0410-44500-00009105 Invc Dt Gross Amount 12/07/14 1,092.50 Gross Amount Description 1,092.50 Amount 1,092.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,092.50 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,662.50 Claim# General Description 342438 TRANSPORTATION FOR EXCURSION ON 12/13/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount 32876 O 12-13-14-AB 12/13/14 1,662.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 090-0410-44500-00009105 1,662.50 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 18 PO Liquidation Amount 090-0410-44500-00009105 1,662.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17700 THE PIN CENTER WAP 265112 12/30/14 550.00 Claim# General Description 342495 LAPEL PINS WITH CITY LOGO PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 1214006 12/01/14 550.00 0.00 550.00 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0100-44100-00000000 550.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 150 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 2 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265113 12/30/14 516.51 Y Claim# General Description 342406 PHONE SVC - TELEMETER LINES 12/07/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120714 12/07/14 516.51 0.00 516.51 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-44300-00000000 516.51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 3 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265114 12/30/14 8,065.41 Claim# General Description 342400 TELEPHONE BILL FOR STATEMENT ENDING 12/04/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120414 12/04/14 8,065.41 0.00 8,065.41 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0900-44300-00000000 8,065.41 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 3 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265115 12/30/14 304.73 Y Claim# General Description 342403 INTERNET SERVICES AT CITY YARD PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120414 12/04/14 304.73 0.00 304.73 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44200-00000000 304.73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 3 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265116 12/30/14 53.44 Y Claim# General Description 342404 ISDN / DSL LINES - VARIOUS LOCATIONS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120714 12/07/14 53.44 0.00 53.44 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0820-44300-00000000 53.44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 152 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 3 VERIZON CALIFORNIA WAP 265117 12/30/14 53.44 Y Claim# General Description 342405 SENIOR CENTER METRO TAP LINE - BILL DATED 12/01/14 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 120114 12/01/14 53.44 0.00 53.44 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 090-0410-44500-00009105 53.44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 5219 VULCAN MATERIALS CO WESTERN DIVISI WAP 265118 12/30/14 600.55 Claim# General Description 342485 ASPHALT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32956 O 70604450 GL Distribution 010-4200-44605-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44605-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/24/14 152.25 Gross Amount Description 152.25 Amount 152.25 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 152.25 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/30/14 224.15 Gross Amount Description 224.15 Amount 224.15 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 224.15 Claim# General Description 342486 ASPHALT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32956 O 70611463 GL Distribution 010-4200-44605-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44605-00000000 Claim# General Description 342487 ASPHALT PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 70611464 11/30/14 224.15 0.00 224.15 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 550-4920-44605-00000000 224.15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 1706 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY WAP 265119 12/30/14 876.03 Claim# General Description 342440 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR CENTER PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 74986208 12/10/14 876.03 0.00 876.03 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8220-43400-00000000 876.03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17696 WHEELING PARK COMMISSION OLEBAY NA WAP 265120 12/30/14 1,797.26 Claim# General Description 342441 EVENT MANAGEMENT SCHOOL FOR E.LEE PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 121114 12/11/14 1,797.26 0.00 1,797.26 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-8102-44800-00000000 1,797.26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 429 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES WAP 265121 12/30/14 2,843.81 Claim# General Description 342489 TRAFFIC CONES PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32955 O 0155961 GL Distribution 010-4200-44635-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-4200-44635-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 11/30/14 1,934.75 Gross Amount Description 1,934.75 Amount 1,934.75 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 1,934.75 Claim# General Description 342490 ROAD CLOSED SIGNS PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32955 O 0155942 11/30/14 909.06 0.00 909.06 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-4200-44650-00000000 909.06 PO Liquidation Amount 010-4200-44650-00000000 909.06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 4009 ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN WAP 265122 12/30/14 51,187.69 Claim# General Description 342399 CITY ATTY RETAINER FEE FOR JANUARY 2015 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# 32989 O 01/2015 GL Distribution 010-0700-44500-00000000 PO Liquidation 010-0700-44500-00000000 Invc Dt Gross Amount 01/01/15 8,900.00 Gross Amount Description 8,900.00 Amount 8,900.00 Discount Amt Discount Used 0.00 Net Amount 8,900.00 Claim# General Description 342491 LEGAL FEES FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32989 O 2014-0943898 11/12/14 42,287.69 0.00 42,287.69 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0700-46910-00000000 42,287.69 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0700-46910-00000000 42,287.69 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 16248 NASA SERVICES INC. WAP 265123 12/30/14 135,835.45 Claim# General Description 342397 RUBBISH ASSESSMENT FOR DECEMBER 2014 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 33062 O 12/2014 01/01/15 135,835.45 0.00 135,835.45 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 010-0000-21200-00000000 135,835.45 PO Liquidation Amount 010-0000-21200-00000000 135,835.45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vend# Vendor Name Remit# Payee Bank Check# Chk Date Check Amount Sep 17469 VALI COOPER & ASSOCIATES, INC. WAP 265124 12/30/14 36,372.50 Claim# General Description 342484 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR OCTOBER 2014 CIP #21242 PO# Stat Contract# Invoice# Invc Dt Gross Amount Discount Amt Discount Used Net Amount 32932 O 140029A00104 11/07/14 36,372.50 0.00 36,372.50 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 210-7300-44500-00021242 36,372.50 PO Liquidation Amount 210-7300-44500-00021242 36,372.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera Payment History. Bank WAP Payment Dates 12/30/2014 to 12/30/2014 Check/ACH#'s 0 to 999999 Dec 30, 2014 Payment Type ALL 01:15pm Page 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paid Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 71 296,294.94 261,341.82 0.00 Paid by ACH: ACH Count ACH Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payments: Payment Count Payment Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 71 296,294.94 261,341.82 0.00 Void Checks: Check Count Check Total PO Liquidation Total Backup Withholding Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 8.2.1 N*APR700 By Georgina Maldonado (gmaldonado) City of Pico Rivera 13:47:55 Dec 4 2014 Page 1 Void Checks Bank Code Check# Check Dt WAP WAP WAP WAP 264776 264827 264828 264829 ** Grand Total 4 records listed 12/04/14 12/04/14 12/04/14 12/04/14 Stmt Dt VOID VOID VOID VOID Check Amount Vendor 0.00 0.00 1380 0.00 1380 0.00 1380 -------------0.00 Void Amount Void Date 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------0.00 12/04/14 12/04/14 12/04/14 12/04/14 City of Pico Rivera 13:45:26 Dec 11 2014 Page 1 Void Checks Bank Code Check# Check Dt WAP WAP 264866 12/11/14 264898 12/11/14 ** Grand Total 2 records listed Stmt Dt VOID VOID Check Amount Vendor 0.00 0.00 1023 -------------0.00 Void Amount Void Date 0.00 0.00 -------------0.00 12/11/14 12/11/14 City of Pico Rivera 13:59:09 Dec 17 2014 Page 1 Void Checks Bank Code Check# Check Dt WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP 264935 264988 264989 264990 264991 264992 265029 265039 ** Grand Total 8 records listed 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 Stmt Dt VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID Check Amount Vendor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------0.00 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 15535 421 Void Amount Void Date 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------0.00 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 12/17/14 City of Pico Rivera 17:12:12 Dec 29 2014 Page 1 Void Checks Bank Code Check# Check Dt WAP 265051 12/29/14 ** Grand Total 1 record listed Stmt Dt VOID Check Amount Vendor 0.00 -------------0.00 Void Amount Void Date 0.00 -------------0.00 12/29/14 City of Pico Rivera 12:13:58 Dec 30 2014 Page 1 Void Checks Bank Code Check# Check Dt WAP 265053 12/30/14 ** Grand Total 1 record listed Stmt Dt VOID Check Amount Vendor 0.00 -------------0.00 Void Amount Void Date 0.00 -------------0.00 12/30/14 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: ACCEPTANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) GRANT PROGRAM Recommendation: Approve resolution to accept funds under the California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention Grant Program (CalGRIP) through the Office of the California Board of State and Community Corrections and authorize City Manager to execute appropriate agreement. Fiscal Impact: The acceptance of this $330,130 grant will not impact the General Fund. Funding requires a dollar-for-dollar match of the funds awarded to the recipient (cash or in-kind). The source of matching funds will be primarily in-kind utilizing existing staff time and operating costs associated with the project. Background: In August 2014, the California Board of State and Community Corrections announced it was seeking applications for funding under the California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2014-15. This grant program furthers the California Board of State and Community Corrections efforts to prevent or reduce gang violence. Upon the release of this funding opportunity, City staff, in collaboration with the El Rancho Unified School District and Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Department partnered on the submission of the 2014/15 CalGRIP grant application. These organizations were chosen as partners based on the successful past involvement and leadership activities in Pico Rivera, which includes the implementation of the recently completed Healthy School Healthy Families grant. This past November 2014, the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) notified the City that it was selected to receive 2014/15 CalGRIP grant funding in the amount of $330,130. These funds are to be used exclusively to implement violence reduction and intervention programs in the City. 4 Council Agenda Report – Meeting of 1/13/15 ACCEPTANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) GRANT PROGRAM Page 2 of 2 This grant, as submitted to the BSCC will result in the following: Hiring of two Gang Unit Officers (1-ERUSD, 1- Sheriff’s) Development of a Boys & Girls Club Development of a Restorative Justice Progam Professional Development Aggression Replacement Training program (ART) G.R.E.A.T (gang resistance education and training) Program While Pico Rivera will serve as the lead agency, a number of organizations will be involved in this effort, each of which will enter appropriate agreements or MOU’s with the City. Upon approval of the attached resolution, the awarded projects will begin January 2015 and end December 31, 2017. René Bobadilla RB:RC:sp Attachments: Resolution Agreement Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO ACCEPT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS THROUGH THE CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Pico Rivera desires to reduce gang violence in the city and surrounding areas, and the California Board of State and Community Corrections has made funds available for 2014-2015 through the California Gang Reduction Intervention and Prevention grant program (hereafter referred to as CalGRIP); WHEREAS, the City of Pico Rivera was awarded a (3) three-year $330,130 grant by the California Board of State and Community Corrections for the CalGRIP program, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Approves receiving funds from the California Board of State and Community Corrections for funds through the CalGRIP grant program; and SECTION 1: Certifies that the City of Pico Rivera understands that any grant funds awarded to the City of Pico Rivera through the CalGRIP grant program shall be matched by the City of Pico Rivera with in-kind services and budgeted funds in accordance with the grant guidelines, and SECTION 2: Appoints the City Manager, or designee, to execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to agreements, amendments, payment requests and so forth, which may be necessary for the completion of the CalGRIP grant program. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _________ day of ________________2015. _______________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________ Anna Jerome, City Clerk _______________________________ Arnold Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4A Attachment 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION, INTEVENTION, AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) PROGRAM This Grant Agreement is between, the State of California, Board of State and Community Corrections, hereafter referred to as “BSCC” And City of Pico Rivera An entity duly organized, existing and acting pursuant to the laws of the State of California, Hereafter referred to as the “Grantee” The parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. PROJECT SUMMARY The California Gang Reduction, Intervention, and Prevention (CalGRIP) Program provides grants to cities using a local collaborative effort to reduce gang activity through the use of evidence-based prevention, intervention and suppression activities. Each grant city must designate a lead agency to serve as the implementing agency to administer the grant and coordinate all agencies and community based organizations (CBOs) participating in the project. SECTION 2. ASSURANCES A. Grantee agrees to comply with all conditions of this Grant Agreement, all standard Grant Agreement conditions as contained in Exhibit A, all required assurances as contained in Exhibit B, general terms and conditions as contained in Exhibit C, and all budget items and conditions as contained in the Application for Funding/Grant Proposal, attached hereto and made part of this Grant Agreement. B. Grantee agrees to comply with the financial and administration requirements set forth in the most current edition of the BSCC’s Grant Administration and Audit Guide, Federal and State Grants. SECTION 3. PROJECT OFFICIALS A. The BSCC's Executive Director or designee shall be the BSCC's representative for administration of the Grant Agreement and shall have authority to make determinations relating to any controversies that may arise under or in connection with the interpretation, performance, or payment for work performed under this Grant Agreement. Disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. B. The Grantee’s project officials shall be those identified as follows and as specified in Section 1 of the Application for Funding/Grant Proposal: 4B City of Pico Rivera Page 1 of 3 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Sections 1-9 Authorized officer with legal authority to sign: NAME: Rene Bobadilla TITLE: City Manager ADDRESS: 6615 Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 TELEPHONE: (562) 801-4379 FAX: (562) 801-4765 EMAIL: Designated financial officer authorized to receive warrants: NAME: Yolanda Kara TITLE: Financial Officer ADDRESS: 6615 Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 TELEPHONE: (562) 801-4392 FAX: (562) 801-4765 EMAIL: C. Either party may change its project representatives upon written notice to the other party. SECTION 4. DATA COLLECTION Grantees will be required to participate in the collection of data on a common set of variables (and using one or more common data collection instruments). These variables will be reviewed during the grantee orientation meeting. It is anticipated that grantees will be required to submit this common set of variables on a quarterly basis. Data elements may include demographic and other background information, program status information, level and intensity of program services information, and short-term and intermediate-term outcome information. Grantees will also be required to conduct a “Project Evaluation and Outcome” Report as outlined in section III of the Request for Proposal. SECTION 5. QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORTS A. Grantee will submit quarterly progress reports in a format prescribed by the BSCC. These reports will describe progress made on program goals and objectives, include required project measures, and shall be submitted according to the following schedule: Reporting Periods 1. January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015 2. April 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015 3. July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015 4. October 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 Due (No Later Than): April 30, 2015 July 31, 2015 October 31, 2015 January 31, 2016 Additional Reports 1. Project Evaluation and Outcome Plan April 20, 2013 Note: the Final Project Evaluation and Outcome Report, covering all three years of the CalGRIP grant, will be due at the conclusion of the three year grant period, on February 15, 2018. City of Pico Rivera Page 2 of 3 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Sections 1-9 SECTION 6. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL INVOICES A. The Grantee shall be paid in arrears by submitting an invoice (Form 201) to the BSCC that outlines actual expenditures claimed for the reporting period. An invoice is due to the BSCC even if grant funds are not expended or requested during the reporting period. Due dates for invoices shall follow the schedule in Section 5. SECTION 7. GRANT AMOUNT AND LIMITATION In no event shall the BSCC be obligated to pay any amount in excess of the grant award. Grantee waives any and all claims against the BSCC, and the State of California on account of project costs that may exceed the sum of the grant award. SECTION 8. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS This Grant Agreement is valid and enforceable only if sufficient funds are made available by the Legislature. Grantee agrees that the BSCC’s obligation to pay any sum to the Grantee under any provision of this agreement is contingent upon the availability of sufficient funds. SECTION 9. BUDGET 1. Salaries and Benefits CASH IN-KIND TOTAL MATCH MATCH $61,730 $20,000 $0 $81,730 2. Services and Supplies $19,933 $15,000 $8,000 $42,933 3. Professional Services $189,197 $191,740 $18,800 $399,737 $67,000 $30,900 $0 $97,900 $0 $3,960 $0 $3,960 $33,000 $0 $0 $33,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 8. Other $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 TOTAL $330,130 $303,330 $26,800 $660,260 LINE ITEM 4. CBO Contracts (min. 20% of grant funds) 5. Indirect Costs 6. Evaluation/Data Collection 7. Fixed Assets/Equipment City of Pico Rivera GRANT FUNDS Page 3 of 3 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Sections 1-9 EXHIBIT A CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION, INTERVENTION, AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) PROGRAM STANDARD CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is not assignable by the Grantee, either in whole or in part, without the consent of the BSCC and the State of California in the form of a formal written amendment. ARTICLE 2. AMENDMENT No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties and approved as required. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated in this Agreement is binding on any of the parties. ARTICLE 3. PROJECT COSTS The BSCC’s Grant Administration and Audit Guide, Federal and State Grants outlines eligible and ineligible project costs, as well as match and project income requirements. Grantee is responsible for ensuring that all invoices contain only eligible project costs. ARTICLE 4. GRANTEE'S GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY Grantee is responsible for the project activities identified in the original Application for Funding/Grant Proposal submitted to BSCC. Review and approval by the BSCC is solely for the purpose of proper administration of grant funds, and shall not be deemed to relieve or restrict the Grantee’s responsibility. ARTICLE 5. GRANTEE ASSURANCES AND COMMITMENTS A. Compliance with Laws and Regulations This Grant Agreement is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Grantee shall at all times comply with all applicable State laws, rules and regulations, and all applicable local ordinances. B. Fulfillment of Assurances and Declarations Grantee shall fulfill all assurances, declarations, representations, and statements made by the Grantee in the Application for Funding/Grant Proposal, documents, amendments, approved modifications, and communications filed in support of its request for grant funds. City of Pico Rivera Page 1 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A C. Use of Grant Funds 1) Grantee is responsible for ensuring that invoices submitted to the BSCC claim actual expenditures for eligible project costs. The BSCC Grant Administration and Audit Guide, Federal and State Grants outlines eligible and ineligible project costs. Grantee shall, upon demand, remit to the BSCC any grant funds not expended for eligible project costs or an amount equal to any grant funds expended by the Grantee in violation of the terms, provisions, conditions or commitments of this Grant Agreement. 2) Grant funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and may not replace (supplant) non-State/grant funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Potential supplanting will be the subject of grant monitoring. Violations can result in a range of penalties (e.g. recoupment of monies provided under this grant, suspension of future program funding through BSCC grants, and civil/criminal penalties). D. Permits and Licenses Grantee agrees to procure all permits and licenses necessary to complete the project, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary or incidental to the due and lawful proceeding of the project work. E. Contracting Requirements In accordance with the provisions of this Grant Agreement, the Grantee may contract with consultants for services needed to implement and/or support program activities. Grantee agrees that in the event of any inconsistency between the Grant Agreement, its Exhibits and Grantee’s agreement for services with a contractor, the Grant Agreement and its Exhibits will prevail. Grantee shall ensure that the contractor complies with all requirements of the Grant Agreement, including those related to records in Article 8. Grantee assures that for any contract awarded by the Grantee, such insurance and fidelity bonds, as is customary and appropriate, will be obtained. Grantee agrees to place appropriate language in all contracts for work on the project requiring the Grantee’s contractors to: 1) Books and Records Maintain adequate fiscal and project books, records, documents, and other evidence pertinent to the contractor’s work on the project in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Adequate supporting documentation shall be maintained in such detail so as to permit tracing transactions from the invoices, to the accounting records, to the supporting documentation. These records shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3) years after the acceptance of the final grant project audit under the Grant Agreement, and shall be subject to examination and/or audit by the BSCC or designees, state government auditors or designees, or by federal government auditors or designees. City of Pico Rivera Page 2 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A 2) Access to Books and Records Make such books, records, supporting documentations, and other evidence available to the BSCC or designee, the Department of General Services, the Department of Finance, the Bureau of State Audits, and their designated representatives during the course of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years after acceptance of the final grant project audit. The Contractor shall provide suitable facilities for access, monitoring, inspection, and copying of books and records related to the grant-funded project. 3) Non-discrimination Clause During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with all Federal and State statutes relating to non-discrimination, including but not limited to prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition, age or marital status. ARTICLE 6. GRANTEE'S GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY Grantee is responsible for the project activities identified in the original Application for Funding/Grant Proposal submitted to BSCC. Review and approval by the BSCC is solely for the purpose of proper administration of grant funds, and shall not be deemed to relieve or restrict the Grantee’s responsibility. ARTICLE 7. PROJECT ACCESS Grantee shall ensure that the BSCC, or any authorized representative, will have suitable access to project activities, sites, staff and documents at all reasonable times during the grant period. ARTICLE 8. RECORDS A. The Grantee shall establish an official file for the project. The file shall contain adequate documentation of all actions taken with respect to the project, including copies of this Grant Agreement, approved program/budget modifications, financial records and required reports. B. The Grantee shall establish separate accounting records and maintain documents and other evidence sufficient to properly reflect the amount, receipt, and disposition of all project funds, including grant funds and any matching funds by the Grantee and the total cost of the project. Source documentation includes copies of all awards, applications, approved modifications, financial records and narrative reports. C. Personnel and payroll records shall include the time and attendance reports for all individuals reimbursed under the grant, whether they are employed full-time or part-time. Time and effort reports are required for consultants (contractors). D. The grantee shall maintain documentation of donated goods and/or services, including the basis for valuation. E. Grantee agrees to protect records adequately from fire or other damage. When records are stored away from the Grantee’s principal office, a written index of the location of records stored must be on hand and ready access must be assured. City of Pico Rivera Page 3 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A F. All Grantee records relevant to the project must be preserved a minimum of three (3) years after closeout of the grant project and shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, examination, monitoring, copying, excerpting, transcribing, and auditing by the BSCC or designees. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records must be retained until the completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular threeyear period, whichever is later. ARTICLE 9. ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS A. Grantee agrees that accounting procedures for grant funds received pursuant to this Grant Agreement shall be in accordance with generally accepted government accounting principles and practices, and adequate supporting documentation shall be maintained in such detail as to provide an audit trail. Supporting documentation shall permit the tracing of transactions from such documents to relevant accounting records, financial reports and invoices. B. The BSCC reserves the right to call for a program or financial audit at any time between the execution of this Grant Agreement and 60 days following the end of the grant period. At any time, the BSCC may disallow all or part of the cost of the activity or action determined to not be in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement, or take other remedies legally available. ARTICLE 10. CHANGES A. Grantee shall immediately advise the BSCC of any significant problems or changes that arise during the course of the project. B. No change or modification in the project will be permitted without prior written approval from the BSCC. Changes may include modification to project scope, changes to performance measures, compliance with collection of data elements, and other significant changes in the budget or program components contained in the Application for Funding. Changes shall not be implemented by the project until authorized by the BSCC. C. Under no circumstances will any budget item changes be authorized which would cause the project to exceed the amount of the grant award identified in this Grant Agreement. Further, in no event shall changes be authorized for the Indirect Costs/Administrative Overhead line item that would result in that item exceeding ten percent (10%) of the grant award. City of Pico Rivera Page 4 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A ARTICLE 11. DISBURSEMENT The Grantee shall be paid in arrears on invoices submitted to the BSCC on the forms or processes determines by the BSCC, certifying the accuracy of the reports in accordance with generally accepted governmental accounting principles and BSCC regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures. ARTICLE 12. WITHHOLDING OF GRANT DISBURSEMENTS A. The BSCC may withhold all or any portion of the grant funds provided by this Grant Agreement in the event that the Grantee has materially and substantially breached the terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement. B. At such time as the balance of state funds allocated to the Grantee reaches five percent (5%), the BSCC shall withhold that amount as security, to be released to the Grantee upon compliance with all grant provisions, including: 1) submittal and approval of the final invoice; 2) submittal and approval of the final progress report; 3) submittal and approval of any additional required reports; and 4) submittal and approval of the final audit. C. The BSCC will not reimburse Grantee for costs identified as ineligible for grant funding. If grant funds have been provided for costs subsequently discovered to be ineligible, the BSCC may either withhold an equal amount from future payments to the Grantee or require repayment of an equal amount to the State by the Grantee. D. In the event that grant funds are withheld from the Grantee, the BSCC’s Executive Director or designee shall notify the Grantee of the reasons for withholding and advise the Grantee of the time within which the Grantee may remedy the failure or violation leading to the withholding. ARTICLE 13. TERMINATION A. This Grant Agreement may be terminated at any time by the BSCC, where it appears that there will be lack of grant funds available to fulfill this Grant Agreement, provided that after such termination, the Grantee shall be entitled to an amount that equals the eligible project costs that have been incurred by the Grantee prior to such termination. B. This Grant Agreement may be terminated after the award of the Grant Agreement but prior to completion of the project, by the BSCC, upon action or inaction by the Grantee that constitutes a material and substantial breach of this Grant Agreement. Such action or inaction by the Grantee includes but is not limited to: 1) Substantial alteration of the scope of the grant project without the prior written approval of the BSCC; 2) Refusal or inability to complete the grant project in a manner consistent with the Application for Funding/Grant Proposal or approved modifications; City of Pico Rivera Page 5 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A 3) Failure to provide the required local match share of the total project costs. 4) Failure to meet prescribed assurances, commitments, Grant Agreement, and recording, accounting, auditing, and reporting requirements. C. Prior to terminating the Grant Agreement under this provision, the BSCC shall provide the Grantee at least 30 days written notice stating the reasons for termination and effective date thereof. The Grantee may appeal the termination decision in accordance with Article 14. ARTICLE 14. DISPUTES A. Grantee shall continue with the responsibilities under this Agreement during any dispute. B. The Grantee may appeal a BSCC staff decision on the basis of alleged misapplication, capricious interpretation of the regulations, policies and procedures, or substantial differences of opinion concerning the proper application of regulations, policies or procedures. C. If the Grantee is dissatisfied with an action of BSCC staff, the Grantee may appeal to the Deputy Director of the Corrections Planning and Programs Division of the BSCC. Such appeals shall be filed within 30 calendar days of the notification of action with which the Grantee is dissatisfied. The appeal shall be in writing, and shall: State the basis for the dissatisfaction; State the action being requested of the Deputy Director; and, Include any correspondence/documentation related to the cause for dissatisfaction. D. The Deputy Director will review the correspondence and related documentation and render a decision on the appeal within 30 calendar days, except in those cases where the Grantee withdraws or abandons the appeal. The procedural time requirement may be waived with the mutual consent of the Grantee and the Deputy Director. E. The Deputy Director may render a decision based on the correspondence and related documentation submitted by the Grantee and may consider other relevant sources of information deemed appropriate. The decision of the Deputy Director shall be in writing and shall provide the rationale for the decision. F. If the Grantee is dissatisfied with the decision of the Deputy Director, the Grantee may file a request for review by the BSCC Executive Director. Such a request shall be filed within 30 calendar days after receipt of the Deputy Director’s decision. The requested review shall be in writing, and shall: City of Pico Rivera State the basis for the dissatisfaction; State the action being requested of the Executive Director; and Include any correspondence/documentation related to the appeal. Page 6 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A G. The Executive Director, after reviewing the appeal and the correspondence related to the review, may decide the matter on the record or request additional information. After a decision is made by the Executive Director, notice of the decision shall be mailed to the Grantee. The decision of the Executive Director shall be final. ARTICLE 15. WAIVER The parties hereto may waive any of their rights under this Grant Agreement unless such waiver is contrary to law, provided that any such waiver shall be in writing and signed by the party making such waiver. City of Pico Rivera Page 7 of 7 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14, Exhibit A EXHIBIT B CALIFORNIA GANG REDUCTION, INTERVENTION, AND PREVENTION (CALGRIP) PROGRAM GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. INDEMNIFICATION Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the State, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by the Grantee in the performance of this Grant Agreement. 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Grantee, and the agents and employees of the Grantee, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in independent capacities and not as officers, employees, or agents of the State. 3. RECYCLING CERTIFICATION The Grantee shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury, the minimum, if not exact, percentage of recycled content, both post consumer waste and secondary waste as defined in the Public Contract Code, Sections 12161 and 12200, in materials, goods, or supplies offered or products used in the performance of this Agreement, regardless of whether the product meets the required recycled product percentage as defined in the Public Contract Code, Sections 12161 and 12200. Grantee may certify that the product contains zero recycled content (PCC 10233, 10308.5, 10354). 4. NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE Grantee and its subcontractors shall comply with all Federal and State statutes relating to nondiscrimination, including but not limited to prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition, age, or marital status. 5. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. City of Pico Rivera Page 1 of 2 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14 Exhibit B 6. CHILD SUPPORT COMPLIANCE ACT For any agreement in excess of $100,000, the Grantee acknowledges that: A. The Grantee recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully comply with all applicable State and Federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including, but not limited to, disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment orders, as provided in Chapter 8 (commencing with section 5200) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the Family Code. B. The Grantee, to the best of its knowledge, shall fully comply with the earnings assignment orders of all employees and is providing the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry maintained by the California Employment Development Department. 7. UNENFORCEABLE PROVISION In the event that any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable or held to be unenforceable, then the parties agree that all other provisions of this Agreement have force and effect and shall not be affected thereby. 8. UNION ACTIVITIES For all agreements, except fixed price contracts of $50,000 or less, the Grantee acknowledges the applicability of Government Code Section 16645 through Section 16649 to this Agreement and agrees to the following: a. No State funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing. b. Grantee will not, for any business conducted under this Agreement, use any State property to hold meetings with employees or supervisors, if the purpose of such meetings is to assist, promote or deter union organizing, unless the State property is equally available to the general public for holding meetings. c. If Grantee incurs costs, or makes expenditures to assist, promote or deter union organizing, Grantee will maintain records sufficient to show that no reimbursement from State funds has been sought for these costs, and that Grantee shall provide those records to the Attorney General upon request. 9. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE Grantees shall comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 as outlined in Government Code Section 8350 et seq. 10. CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CLAUSES All certifications signed and submitted by the Grantee for the calendar year 2014/15 contract shall remain in effect for this Grant Agreement, which commences calendar year 2014/15. City of Pico Rivera Page 2 of 2 Grant Agreement BSCC 842-14 Exhibit B STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD AGREEMENT STD 213 (Rev 06/03) AGREEMENT NUMBER BSCC 842-14 REGISTRATION NUMBER 1. This Agreement is entered into between the State Agency and the Contractor named below: STATE AGENCY'S NAME BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CONTRACTOR'S NAME CITY OF PICO RIVERA 2. The term of this Agreement is: January 1, 2015 3. The maximum amount of this Agreement is: through December 31, 2015 $ 330,130.00 THREE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS 4. The parties agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the following exhibits which are by this reference made a part of the Grant Agreement. Sections 1 through 9 3 pages Exhibit A – California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Program Standard Conditions Exhibit B – California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Program General Terms and Conditions *Exhibit C – General Terms and Conditions 7 pages 2 pages GTC 610 Items shown with an Asterisk (*), are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this agreement as if attached hereto. These documents can be viewed at IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto. California Department of General Services Use Only CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR’S NAME (if other than an individual, state whether a corporation, partnership, etc.) CITY OF PICO RIVERA DATE SIGNED(Do not type) BY (Authorized Signature) PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING Rene Bobadilla, City Manager ADDRESS 6615 Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGENCY NAME BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS BY (Authorized Signature) DATE SIGNED(Do not type) PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING Exempt per: William J. Crout, Deputy Director ADDRESS 600 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA 95811 4C To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: CHANGE IN ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS IN REGARD TO PUBLIC COMMENT Recommendation: Adopt resolution changing the Order of Business for City Council meetings. Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact. Discussion: At the Mayor’s request, staff is proposing to change the order of business for City Council meetings by eliminating the second period of public comment and keeping with only one period of public comment as previously adopted by Resolution 3270 by City Council on December 15, 1986. Resolution 6262, adopted April 24, 2007 added another public comment period to provide for non-agenda items at the end of the agenda. The proposed change will incorporate under public comment both agenda and non-agenda items and will also add language to item (g) Consent and Legislative action. All other requirements in regard to public comments would remain the same pursuant to Ordinance 1020 adopted by City Council on March 21, 2006 which removed the requirement for individual speakers to provide their personal addresses at the podium and reduce oral communications by individuals to three minutes. If approved, the changes would be effective at the second meeting of January 2015 which would be Tuesday, January 27, 2015. René Bobadilla RB:AJ Attachment: 1) Resolution 5 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6262, RULE 10 – ORDER OF BUSINESS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 6262, adopted April 24, 2007, established the rules for the conduct of City Council proceedings, and WHEREAS, There is interest in amending Resolution No. 6262, Rule 10 – Order of Business. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Rule 10 of Section 3 of City Council Resolution No. 6262, is hereby amended to read as follows: Rule 10. be as follows: Order of Business. The order of business of the City Council shall (a) Roll call (b) Invocation (c) Flag Salute (d) Public hearings (e) Oral communication on agenda and non-agenda items (f) Reading, correcting, approving minutes of previous meeting (g) Consent and Legislative Action (h) Reports (i) Old business (j) New business (k) Adjournment SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be effective January 27, 2015. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this Resolution and it shall thereupon be in full force and effect. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _________ day of January 2015. ________________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk ________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney 5A To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 27, 2015 Subject: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution approving City Council appointments to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact. Discussion: The current terms of office for all Parks & Recreation Commissioners expired in December 2014. To continue with the work of this Commission and to facilitate future meetings, the City Council is being asked to consider the submitted appointments. The members of the Parks & Recreation Commission are appointed to one-year terms in accordance with the provisions of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code. The City Council has the option of reappointing the existing members or appoint other individuals of their choosing to serve on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Staff has received the names submitted by the City Council members which are included on the attached Resolution and provided for City Council approval. René Bobadilla RB:AJ Attachment: 1) Resolution 6 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING CITY ELECTORS: ANTHONY CORONA, JOHN R. GARCIA, JOSEPH A. PALOMBI, AND PATRICIA SAUCEDO TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR A ONE YEAR TERM SAID TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 2015. WHEREAS, Section 2.53.010 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code creates the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 2.53.020 of said code provides for the appointment of a Parks and Recreation Commission of five members who shall be qualified electors of the City; and WHEREAS, City Council Ordinance No. 1036 provides for the appointment of Parks and Recreation Commissioners for specified terms; and WHEREAS, Mayor Gregory Salcido has recommended the appointment of Anthony Corona to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, Mayor Pro Tempore David Armenta has recommended the reappointment of John R. Garcia to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Bob J. Archuleta has recommended the reappointment of Joseph A. Palombi to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Brent A. Tercero has recommended the reappointment of Patricia Saucedo to the Parks and Recreation Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following individuals are hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission: Anthony Corona Joseph A. Palombi John R. Garcia Patricia Saucedo Said term shall commence on January 13, 2015 and expire on December 8, 2015 or at the time a successor is appointed, whichever is later. SECTION 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. 6A RESOLUTION NO. ______ Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption and passage of this resolution and it shall thereupon be in full force and effect. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _________ day of January, 2015. __________________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk _________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: TREASURER’S REPORT – SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 Recommendations: Receive & file Quarterly Treasurer’s Report for the quarter ending September 30, 2014. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact from this item. Discussion: Attached is the Investment Report for the quarter ending September 30. Pooled Cash and Investments this quarter totaled $31,820,134 consisting of $3,592,739 in demand deposit accounts and $28,227,395 in the State Local Agency Fund (LAIF). The City also had $6,915,447 of bond investments for a total cash and investments of $38,735,581. All investments are maintained in accordance with California Government Code Section 53601 and the City’s investment policy. All idle funds are invested in LAIF which provide the highest liquidity should the City need to withdraw its funds. The Director of Finance certifies that the funds are invested to provide sufficient cash flow for a period of three months. Rene Bobadilla RB:LT Attachment 1 – Treasurer’s Report for Quarter Ending September 30, 2014. 7 Attachment 1 7A 7B 7C To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS Recommendation: Confirm the Mayor’s appointments to various Boards, Agencies and Committees. Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact. Discussion: Each year, following the City Council reorganization meeting, the incoming Mayor is charged with assigning members of the City Council to represent the City Council on various Boards, Agencies, Committees, etc. Staff then notifies the appropriate affected agencies. The attached list shows the Mayoral appointments and is presented for City Council’s confirmation. René Bobadilla RB:AJ Attachment: 1) 2015 List of Mayoral appointments 8 Mayor’s Appointments 2014 Attachment 1 City-related Committees (Not Council Appointed) Members are not appointed by Council, but the Mayor annually assigns a liaison from the City Council membership Delegate/Alternate Contact Current History and Heritage Society 8655 Holbrook Avenue, Pico Rivera, CA Celia Galindo 90660 562-948-2408 Salcido & Tercero Tom Perez Christmas Baskets Committee 562-942-2029 Council Liaison Appointments to Other Jurisdictions Agency Name Contact League of California Cities - Los Kristine Guerrero Angeles Chapter League Staff *Los Angeles County City Selection Lee Millen Committee Committee of Mayors Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce Carlos Cruz 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 12noon Contract Cities Association Exec. Board, 1st Wed. of the month, Sam Olivito 6:00 p.m. Director's Board, 3rd Wed. of the month, 6:00 p.m. Gateway Cities Council of Governments Genny Cisneros 1st Wed. of the month, 5:30 p.m. *Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Kim Compton 2nd & 4th Wed. of the month, 1:30 p.m. South East Area Social Services Funding Authority (SASSFA) Alma Martinez 4th Thurs. of the month, 12:00 noon Gustavo & Archuleta Delegate/Alternate Stipend Armenta & Tercero None Tercero & Camacho None Tercero None Archuleta & Camacho None Camacho & Archuleta None Tercero & Archuleta $100 Salcido & Armenta $150 per meeting per District Tercero & Archuleta None Jonathan Shull Camacho & Armenta None unless elected by board to serve on one of Executive Boards $250 Exe. Board $125 Claims Board Cathy Kyle Armenta & Camacho $225 Truc Dever Archuleta & Camacho $100 quarterly Southeast Water Coalition Gladis Deras Camacho & Tercero $150 Oversight Board Ad Hoc Committees (January 2014) Anna Jerome Tercero & Camacho None Contact Fiscal Year Budget Parks and Recreation Planning Library Operations Sports Arena Complex Development City Manager Evaluation Committee Solid Waste Committee Recycled Water Committee Economic Development Transportation Golf Course Public Safety Committee Housing Ad Hoc Successor Agency Oversight Board City Manager Mayor Delegate/Alternate Salcido & Tercero Salcido & Tercero Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor City Manager Salcido & Archuleta Salcido & Armenta Tercero & Camacho Salcido & Tercero Salcido & Camacho Archuleta & Camacho Camacho & Tercero Salcido & Armenta Camacho & Archuleta Camacho & Archuleta Tercero & Camacho California Joint Powers Insurance Authority 8081 Moody Street 4th Wed. of the month, 5:30 p.m. South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) 3rd Thurs. of the month, 2:00 p.m. Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District * Mayor is the required delegate 8A To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS CITYWIDE (CIP NO. 21251) – AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION Recommendation: 1) Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Traffic Safety Improvements Citywide (CIP No. 21251); Federal Project No. SRTSL-5351(025); and 2) Authorize the City Clerk to publish the Notice Inviting Bids. Fiscal Impact: $938,600 Safe Routes To School (SRTS)-Federal Grant Funds There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of the recommended actions. Discussion: The Traffic Safety Improvements Project (CIP No. 21251), Safe Route To School Program Federal Project No. SRTSL 5351 (025), is in the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Program. This project consists of pedestrian safety improvements at the locations shown in the Vicinity Map in Enclosure 1 and as follows: 1. Construction of a new traffic signal at two intersections: (1) Rosemead Boulevard and Terradell Avenue, and (2) Rosemead Boulevard and Olympic Boulevard. 2. Installation of nine flashing stop sign beacons at three intersections along Passons Boulevard near schools. 3. Construction of approximately 1,500 linear feet of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, including new and upgraded ADA curb access ramps 4. Installation of 83 new high visibility striped school crosswalks citywide (Enclosure 2). On January 28, 2014, the City Council awarded the design contract for this Project. The design phase is now complete and the Project is ready for bid and construction. 9 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT – MTG. OF 01-13-15 TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS CITYWIDE, CIP NO. 21251 AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION Page 2 of 2 This project is entirely funded with Federal and State grant funds. Caltrans issued the E-76 notice on November 26, 2014 approving expenditure of grant funds for the construction of the project. The estimated schedule for construction is: Authorization to Advertise……. Bid Opening……………………... Award Construction……………. Construction…………………….. January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015 to July 2015 Plans and specifications for the Project are available for review in the Public Works Department. René Bobadilla RB:JE:JL:lg Enc. 1) 2) Vicinity Map List of High Visibility Striped School Crosswalks 9A Enclosure 2 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL HIGH VISIBILITY CROSSWALK LOCATIONS Street Cross Street Approach of Crosswalk Lindsey Avenue Balfour Street East Lindsey Avenue Coolhurst Avenue East Cosgrove Street Citronell Avenue South Cosgrove Street Lemoran Avenue North Harrell Street Sandoval Avenue North Harrell Street Sandoval Avenue West Hasty Avenue Florpark Street North Hasty Avenue Florpark Street East Florpark Street Sideview Drive South Florpark Street Songfest Drive South Klindale Avenue Hamden Street West Klindale Avenue Florpark Street East Orange Avenue Roma Street East Orange Avenue Nova Street South Orange Avenue Nova Street East Orange Avenue Sunglow Avenue West Orange Avenue Sunglow Avenue South Orange Avenue Sunglow Avenue East Orange Avenue Terradell Street West Orange Avenue Terradell Street East Orange Avenue Charlesworth Rd West Orange Avenue La Docena Lane West Orange Avenue La Docena Lane East Orange Avenue Maxine Street South Orange Avenue Maxine Street East Orange Avenue Homestead Street East Shade Lane Sideview Drive North Shade Lane Sideview Drive West Deland Avenue Harrell Street North Deland Avenue Harrell Street South Durfee Avenue Banta Road West Durfee Avenue Banta Road East Durfee Avenue Tilmont Street East Terradell Street Cravell Avenue North Terradell Street Cravell Avenue South Terradell Street Sheridell Avenue South Terradell Street Coral Lane North Terradell Street Serapis Avenue West Terradell Street Serapis Avenue South Acacia Avenue Creeland Street North Acacia Avenue Creeland Street South Acacia Avenue Olympic Boulevard North Acacia Avenue Olympic Boulevard South Acacia Avenue Olympic Boulevard East Page 1 of 2 9B Enclosure 2 No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL HIGH VISIBILITY CROSSWALK LOCATIONS Street Cross Street Approach of Crosswalk Paramount Boulevard Elba Boulevard East Coffman and Pico RoadMaris Avenue East Coffman and Pico RoadMaris Avenue West Coffman and Pico RoadManzanar Avenue East Coffman and Pico RoadRedbird Drive West South Coffman and Pico RoadRedbird Drive Coffman and Pico RoadNoroco Drive West Coffman and Pico RoadCrossway Drive East Coffman and Pico RoadCrossway Drive West Rex Road Lindsey Avenue North Rex Road Lindsey Avenue South Rex Road Citronell Avenue North Rex Road Citronell Avenue South Rex Road Citronell Avenue East Rex Road Passons Boulevard North Rex Road Passons Boulevard West Rex Road Passons Boulevard East Washington Boulevard Loch Alene Avenue North Washington Boulevard Loch Alene Avenue West Washington Boulevard Loch Alene Avenue South Washington Boulevard Loch Alene Avenue East Passons Boulevard Bert Street East Passons Boulevard Canford Street West Passons Boulevard Foxbury Way East Passons Boulevard Danbridge Street North Passons Boulevard Danbridge Street West Passons Boulevard Loch Lomond Drive North Passons Boulevard Loch Lomond Drive West Passons Boulevard Loch Lomond Drive East Passons Boulevard Loch Avon Drive East Passons Boulevard Almo Street West Passons Boulevard Glencannon Drive East Passons Boulevard Havenwood Street East Passons Boulevard Reichling Lane North Passons Boulevard Reichling Lane West Passons Boulevard Townley Drive East Passons Boulevard Bexley Drive East Loch Lomond Drive Kilgary Drive South Loch Lomond Drive Lemoran Avenue South Page 2 of 2 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: WHITTIER BOULEVARD STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT, VAN NORMAN ROAD TO PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD, PHASE I (CIP NO. 21246) AND WHITTIER BOULEVARD BILLBOARD INSTALLATION, PHASE II (CIP NO. 21246) - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION Recommendation: 1) Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Whittier Boulevard Street Rehabilitation Project from Van Norman Road to Paramount Boulevard, Phase I (CIP No. 21246); Federal Project No. STPL-5351(029); and 2) Approve Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Whittier Boulevard Billboard Installation and Painting of Underpass Bridge, Phase II (CIP No. 21246); and 3) Authorize the City Clerk to publish the Notice Inviting Bids. Fiscal Impact: $763,343 (Surface Transportation Program Local (STPL) Federal Grant Funds) $536,657 (Proposition C, State Local Return Funds) $1,300,000 Total Construction Costs There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of the recommended actions. Discussion: The Whittier Boulevard Street Rehabilitation Project (CIP No. 21246), Federal Project No. STPL-5351 (029), is in the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Program. The first phase of the project will address infrastructure and safety issues on Whittier Boulevard, from Van Norman Road to Paramount Boulevard. The Project will enhance the corridor with a unique gateway concept that will include an entrance City monument, roadway medians with landscaping, safety lighting, and pavement rehabilitation. Phase II of the project will consist of the installation of a billboard for westbound traffic, repainting of the Union Pacific Railroad grade separation bridge and artistic enhancements on the wing walls (Enclosure 1, Vicinity Map). The two projects will be advertised at the same time since construction coordination will need to take place during the installation of the foundation of the billboard and pavement rehabilitation. 10 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT – MTG. OF 01-13-15 WHITTIER BOULEVARD STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT, VAN NORMAN ROAD TO PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD, PHASE I (CIP NO. 21246) AND WHITTIER BOULEVARD BILLBOARD INSTALLATION, PHASE II (CIP NO. 21246) - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION Page 2 of 2 On September 24, 2013, the City Council awarded the design contract for the Project. The design phase is now complete and the Project is ready for bid and construction. On April 8, 2014, the City Council approved the recommendation of the Transportation Ad Hoc Committee to advance Design Concept No. 2 of the billboard. This project is entirely funded with Federal and State grant funds. Caltrans issued the E-76 notice on September 9, 2014 approving expenditure of grant funds for the construction of the project. The estimated schedule for construction is: Authorization to Advertise……. Bid Opening……………………... Award Construction……………. Construction…………………….. January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015 to July 2015 Plans and specifications for this project are available for review in the Public Works Department. René Bobadilla RB:JE:JL:lg Enc. 1) Vicinity Map 10A To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: CITY HALL PARKING LOT EXPANSION AND SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS – CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) NO. 21304 Recommendation: Approve Concept Plan and Estimate Fiscal Impact: Estimated total costs aggregate to approximately $220,000. Staff is in discussions with the Sheriff’s Department to share in the costs. The City’s share will come from the General Fund and a request to appropriate that amount will come to City Council at a later date, once discussions have concluded and the amount is known. Discussion: During peak business hours, the parking lot at City Hall is inadequate to provide sufficient parking for patrons, City and Sheriff vehicles, and personal vehicles for City and Sheriff Department employees. In addition, the lack of fencing along the rear of the property on Citronell Avenue poses security issues and the lack of a controlled access gate from Citronell Avenue creates traffic circulation issues through the parking lot. The proposed project, as shown in Enclosure 1, includes the following improvements: 1. Construction of 330 lineal feet of 8-foot high wrought iron fence along Citronell Avenue. The new fence extends from the existing fence located between City Hall and El Rancho High School and ends at the existing driveway. 2. Construction of a motorized sliding wrought iron gate at the existing driveway on Citronell Avenue. Access will be controlled by a wireless Automatic Vehicle Identification system for access by city and Sheriff Department employees. 3. Construction of an enclosed and secured parking lot for Sheriff Department employees within the existing gravel lot located at the corner of Citronell Avenue and Wampler Street. The parking lot requires construction of asphalt pavement and striping for 31 new parking spaces secured by an 8-foot high concrete block wall and two motorized and secured entry sliding wrought iron gates with a solid screen. 11 COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO – MTG. OF 01-13-15 CITY HALL PARKING LOT EXPANSION AND SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS – CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) NO. 21304 Page 2 of 2 4. Construction of additional parking lot lighting, limited landscape modifications, storm water treatment facilities, and sidewalk reconstruction. The concept design was designed by the City’s Public Works Engineering Division. The engineering plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) will also be prepared by Engineering Division staff as an added savings to the total project cost. The project is anticipated to be completed by June 2015. René Bobadilla RB:JE:JL:lg Enc. 1) Parking Lot Site Plan PROJECT LIMITS 11A To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NO. 14-1550 WITH MARINA LANDSCAPING INC. FOR LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE SERVICES Recommendation: 1) Approve Amendment No. 1 with a six-month extension to Maintenance Services Agreement No. 14-1550 with Marina Landscape Inc., maintenance services for the Passons Boulevard Grade Separation, Passons Boulevard viewing area, and Pico Rivera Library for a semi-annual amount of $57,108 and authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No.1 in a form approved by the City Attorney. 2) Appropriate $57,108 in General Fund to Public Works Street Division, Account No. 010-4200-44500 Fiscal Impact: $57,108 (General Fund, FY 14-15 Operating Budget) Discussion: Marina Landscaping Inc. (Marina) was the subcontractor that installed the landscaping and irrigation when the Passons Underpass was constructed. A maintenance period was included in the contract for the construction of the project and expired in September 2014. At that time, the Public Works Department did not have adequate staffing or training to take over the maintenance of this drought tolerant landscaping requiring the continuation of the contracted services. Three fee proposals were solicited and Marina submitted the lowest bid at a monthly cost of $4,378. The City Manager executed a service contract with Marina that will expire on January 30, 2015. Marina Landscape provides landscape maintenance services that include weeding, mowing, edging, litter pick up and disposal, fertilizing, tree trimming, adjustment of irrigation systems as well as replacement of vandalized and distressed plants. The monthly fee covers all labor and material costs associated with the contract services. Currently, Public Works Department does not have the trained staff required to maintain this type of landscaping and irrigation system. Furthermore, the City is in the process of taking over the maintenance of similar landscaping and irrigation at the new Pico Rivera Library. The recommended contract amendment with Marina continues the maintenance service for the Passons Grade Separation and adds the maintenance of 12 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT – MTG. OF 01/13/15 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NO. 14-1550 WITH MARINA LANDSCAPING INC. FOR LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 2 of 2 the library as well as the additional landscaping installed at the northeastern corner of Passons Boulevard and Rivera Road adjacent to the grade separation. Approval of Amendment No. 1 will extend the service agreement six months, through July 31, 2015. This will provide Public Works staff the time to work closely with Marina staff to develop the proper training to take over the landscape maintenance beginning in August 2015. Marina continues to deliver quality services and has revised their fee to include the new Pico Rivera Library and additional landscaping on Passons Boulevard adjacent to the grade separation. They will provide these services per the fee structure attached (Exhibit A to Enclosure 1) for the term of the extended agreement. The added facilities results in an increase in the monthly fee of $5,140 for a new total monthly fee of $9,518. In the near future, the County will be reimbursing the City surplus construction funds for the construction of the Pico Rivera Library since the project was completed for less than the budgeted amount. The surplus funds can be used for future maintenance, improvements, and other operating costs for the library. Once the funds are reimbursed, they will be applied toward landscape maintenance, general maintenance, and related costs. René Bobadilla RB:JE:JL:lg Enc. 1) Amendment No.1 to Maintenance Services Agreement No. 14-1550 ENCLOSURE 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MARINA LANDSCAPE, INC., AGREEMENT NO. 14-1550 THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. 14-1550 FOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES WITH MARINA LANDSCAPE, INC., (“Amendment No. 1"), effective as of the date specified in paragraph 5 hereof, is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF PICO RIVERA (“CITY”), and MARINA LANDSCAPE INC., (“CONTRACTOR”). RECITALS A. CITY and CONTRACTOR (collectively referred to as the “PARTIES”) have previously executed that certain Agreement for Maintenance Services, Agreement No. 14-1550 (“Agreement”) relating to maintenance services in the City of Pico Rivera. B. The PARTIES desire to amend said Agreement as set forth herein, pursuant to Section 3.a and Section 5 of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. MODIFICATION OF SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR. The Scope of Services to be performed by CONTRACTOR, as set forth in the Agreement shall be modified as follows: Contractor to provide landscape maintenance services at the Passons Boulevard grade separation and Pico Rivera Library as set forth in the CONTRACTOR’s Proposal to City dated January 6, 2015, attached hereto as Exhibit “A-1”. 2. TIME FOR COMPLETION OF MODIFIED WORK AND SERVICES. CONTRACTOR shall undertake and complete the modified work and services set forth in Exhibit “A-1”, within 10 working days upon issuance of Notice to Proceed. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Amendment No. 1, this modification in no way affects, nor should it be construed to affect, the timing of any aspect of the work included in the Agreement, particularly the deadlines contained therein. “Expiration Date” defined in Section 3.a is hereby amended as follows: SECTION 3. TERM shall expire on July 31, 2015 Revised 3/2011 12A 3. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR’S COMPENSATION. The compensation to be paid by CITY to CONTRACTOR for the modified work and services identified in this Amendment No. 1 shall be as follows: Total compensation in accordance with the CONTRACTOR’s Fee Proposal dated January 6, 2015 for an amount not to exceed $57,108 (Fifty Seven Thousand One Hundred Eight Dollars and no cents). 4. EFFECT OF AMENDMENTS. Except as modified herein, either expressly or by necessary implication, the terms and provisions of the Agreement between the CITY and CONTRACTOR shall remain in full force and effect. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. Unless otherwise specified herein, this Amendment No. 1 shall become effective as of the date set forth below on which the last of the parties, whether CITY or CONTRACTOR, executes this Amendment No. 1. [End of Amendment No.1. Signatures to follow.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to be executed and attested by their respective officers hereunto duly authorized. “CITY” CITY OF PICO RIVERA “CONTRACTOR” MARINA LANDSCAPE INC. ______________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor _________________________________ Title: _____________________________ Dated: ________________________ Dated: ____________________________ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM ___________________________ Anna M. Jerome, City Clerk _________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney Revised 3/2011 Exhibit "A" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT To: Mayor and City Council From: Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney Meeting Date: January 13, 2015 Subject: CONSIDERATION OF REPEALING PRESENCE RESTRICTIONS FOR SEX OFFENDERS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council introduce for first reading an ordinance repealing Section 9.44.020 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, regarding limitations where registered sex offenders may be present. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of this action is minimal. BACKGROUND: On April 28, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1055 enacting residency restrictions and presence/loitering restrictions on registered sex offenders. This ordinance was challenged in August 2009 by a registered sex offender, and the City Attorney’s office prevailed on behalf of the City of Pico Rivera in defending the ordinance based on the status of California law at that time. However, since that time California courts interpreting similar ordinances have invalidated “presence restrictions”, or those portions of ordinances which prohibit sex offenders from physically being present (versus establishing residency) within proximity to sensitive uses such as parks. DISCUSSION: Several cases before the California Courts of Appeal have recently held that the California Legislature has preempted the field of regulation of sex offenders, thus limiting the extent to which cities and counties may enact local regulations of where registered sex offenders may reside and be present. (See People v. Jean Pierre Cuong Nguyen (January 10, 2014) 222 Cal.App. 4th 1168; see also People v. Godinez ( 2014) 2014 WL 99188 ( non-published)). 13 Consideration of Repealing Presence Restrictions for Sex Offenders January 13, 2015 Page 2 of 3 In particular, the presence restrictions enacted by the City of Irvine, which are similar in nature to the current ordinance previously adopted by the City of Pico Rivera, have been held to be pre-empted by the " Sex Offender Punishment, Control, and Containment Act of 2006". (People v. Nguyen 2014) 222 Cal.App. 4th 1168, 1181). The court of appeal has held that this and other state laws regarding sex offenders evidences intent by the California legislature to fully occupy the field of sex offender regulation and the regulation of the daily lives of sex offender registrants, thereby preempting efforts by local governments to exclude sex offenders from city parks and other places. On March 18, 2013, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Hon. Peter Paul Espinoza issued an Order imposing a stay on the enforcement of residency restrictions of paroled registered sex offenders in the County of Los Angeles.( See In re Harold P. Brown, Quoc Thai Pham, Arthur Lee Neal, Sr., and Bernard Harper( LASC Case Nos. PV000533, PV000512, PV000712, and PV000722)). In light of that order, the restrictions of Penal Code section 3003. 5( b) requiring paroled sex offenders to reside at least 200 feet from any public or private school, or park where children regularly gather may not be enforced in Los Angeles County until further order of the Court. The issue presented in these consolidated cases is similar to the issue now on appeal before the California Supreme Court in In re William Taylor( 2012) 209 Cal.App4th 210 (review granted), where the Court ofAppeal held that enforcement of residency restrictions under Penal Code section 3003. 5(b) was unconstitutional. Nothing in the recent case law or court order in In re Brown affects the ability of the Los Angeles County Sherriff to continue to accept the registration of sex offenders as required under state law. The recent developments in this matter does however cast doubt on the enforceability of the presence/ loitering restrictions enacted by the Pico Rivera City Council in 2009 by enacting ordinance 1055 regarding the Local Regulation of Sex Offenders. Such ordinance placed limitations on the places where registered sex offenders could reside as well as be present in relation to "child safety zones." The Nguyen court recently held that the California Legislature declared its intent to create a standardized statewide system to identify, assess, monitor, and contain known sex offenders when it passed the " Sex Offender Punishment, Control, and Containment Act of 2006," thereby pre- empting the entire field of regulation of sex offender regulation and the regulation of the daily lives of sex offender registrants.( People v. Nguyen( 2014) 222 Ca1.App.4`" 1168, 1181). On October 22, 2014, registered sex offender Frank Lindsay filed a lawsuit against the City of Pico Rivera regarding the presence/loitering restrictions in PRMC section 9.44. Mr. Lindsay seeks declaratory relief that the Pico Rivera presence/ loitering restrictions are invalid. Consideration of Repealing Presence Restrictions for Sex Offenders January 13, 2015 Page 3 of 3 As the body of case law regarding enforcement of local sex offender regulation has changed since Ordinance 1055 was adopted in April 2009, the ability of the City of Pico Rivera and other local governments to adopt and enforce such local regulations has been diminished. At this time, the current state of the law does not allow for section 9.44.020 to be enforced. By repealing section 9.44.020 regarding presence/loitering restrictions, this issue of settled law before the court in the Lindsay case will be moot and the matter will be dismissed. Repealing section 9.44.020 will avoid expending resources on attorneys' fees to defend the current litigation on an issue where the case law is presently significantly against the position taken by the City. As for the residency restrictions in the remainder of chapter 9.44, whether the City may enforce such restrictions depends on the outcome of California Supreme Court' s decision in In re Taylor, expected in March 2015. CONCLUSION: The City Council should repeal PRMC section 9.44.020 and enter into a settlement agreement with plaintiff in the matter of Lindsay v. City of Pico Rivera consistent with direction previously provided by the City Council in closed session. Respectfully submitted: Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman City Attorney Attachments: 1) Ordinance Repealing PRMC Section 9.44.020 Attachment 1 ORDINANCE NO.________ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PICO RIVERA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.44.020 RELATING TO LOITERING BY SEX OFFENDERS WHEREAS, in April 2009, the City of Pico Rivera adopted Ordinance No. 1055 to establish a local regulation of sex registered sex offenders; WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1055 established Section 9.44.020 the Pico Rivera Municipal Code which prohibits a registered sex offender from loitering within a child safety zone, defined as “any area located within three hundred feet from the nearest property line of a child care center, public or private school (grades K through 12), park, public library, commercial establishment that provides a child’s playground either in or adjacent to the establishment, a location that holds classes or group activities for children, and/or any school bus stop”; WHEREAS, the California Legislature passed the "Sex Offender Punishment, Control, and Containment Act of 2006," in which the Legislature declared its intent to create a standardized statewide system to identify, assess, monitor, and contain known sex offenders; WHEREAS, the California Court of Appeal has held that the "Sex Offender Punishment, Control, and Containment Act of 2006" and other state laws regarding the registration of sex offenders and limitations of where sex offenders may travel evidences intent by the California legislature to fully occupy the field of sex offender regulation and the regulation of the daily lives of sex offender registrants, thereby preempting efforts by local governments to exclude sex offenders for city parks and other places. (People v. Jean Pierre Cuong Nguyen (January 10, 2014) 222 Cal.App.4t" 1168, 1181; see also People v. Godinez (2014) 2014 WL 99188 (non-published)); and WHEREAS, the Pico Rivera City Council desires to amend the Pico Rivera Municipal Code to be consistent with current state law by repealing section 9.44.020 as it pertains to limitations on where registered sex offenders may be present. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICO RIVERA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pico Rivera Municipal Code section 9.44.020 is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reasons held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the invalidity of the 13A Ordinance No. _______ Page 2 of 2 remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. APPROVED and ADOPTED this ____ day of January 2015 at the City of Pico Rivera, California. _____________________________ Gregory Salcido, Mayor ATTESTED: By: ____________________________________ Anna Jerome, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ____________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman City Attorney AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN:
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