Fall 2005 - University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Fall 2005 - University of Nebraska–Lincoln
UNL Faculty Women’s Club
Fall 2005 Newsletter
From Our President
elcome all, both current and prospective members, to the 2005-2006 school
year and the UNL Faculty Women’s
Club Fall Newsletter. As I write this, it is July and
I feel that the summer is just beginning, but
plans are well underway to make next year an
exciting one for faculty women.
First, I want to reflect on last year for a moment.
I’m happy to report that we awarded a total of
$4,500 in scholarships for 2005-2006 to three students. These individuals are excellent students,
active in campus affairs, and have a high degree
of need. Jozie Sheffield checked into our scholarship history and discovered that since 1987, the
Faculty Women’s Club has awarded more than
$55,000 in scholarships to UNL students. Congratulations to all of us for doing our part!
Now, I’ll look forward to next year. We will kick
off the year with the Welcome Tea on Wednesday, September 7. This informal get-together is
the chance to meet new and continuing members
and look at information about the Interest
Groups, Tours, and other events.
The highlight of the fall is going to be the Fall
Brunch when UNL’s own U.S. Poet Laureate and
Pulitzer Prize winner, Ted Kooser, will speak.
I invite you to browse this newsletter for more
information on the Fall Brunch, our many Interest
Groups, and other events. Then come to the Welcome Tea to say “hello” and sign up for the activities that interest you.
Best Regards,
Chris Zygielbaum,
UNL FWC President
You’re Invited to the
Fall Tour
Welcome Tea
September 7, 2005
The Faculty Women’s Club Board extends a warm
invitation to all UNL women faculty and administrators, and wives of faculty and administrators to
attend the annual Welcome Tea on Wednesday,
September 7, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, in the Schorr
President’s Suite, Hewit Place, 1155 Q Street.
Joslyn Art Museum
October 12, 2005
Whether you’re new to the University, looking for
new friendships, or a long-standing member you’ll
find this an opportunity to learn more about the
club and our exciting programs for this coming
year. There are many Interest Groups to join and
friendships to be made.
Did you think Pablo Picasso was only a painter and
sculptor? Actually, he was also one of the greatest
printmakers of his time!
Join us for a day tour of priceless Picasso prints
and paintings offered in a special exhibit at the
Joslyn Art Museum. This show includes 80 of Picasso’s prints and a selection of his paintings. Also
featured is a special exhibit of John James Audubon’s Four Legged Mammals of North America.
Eighty Audubon prints recently acquired by Joslyn
will be displayed. You may choose to tour on your
own or join a group tour with a presentation given
to us by docents.
This year we are in for a special treat. Our Couples
Gourmet Group chair, Laura Damuth, and vicechair, Natasha Dzenis, are arranging for delights
and delicacies to be provided by the gourmet
group members!
Access to the Schorr President’s Suite is easy if you
park in the adjacent Que Place Parking. From the
parking garage, enter the suite from the 6th floor.
The outing is scheduled for Wednesday, October
12th, 8:45 AM. Spouses and guests are welcome.
Seating is limited to 49 so make your reservations
early. We will board the bus at 8:45 AM at Westfield Shopping Center in the NORTH parking lot
between CIRCUIT CITY and JC PENNEY’S. The bus
will depart at 9:00 AM, and return to Lincoln at approximately 2:30 PM.
Please join us as we “kick off” the new academic
year. If you have any questions, call Carol Roeth at
The cost is $20, which includes the cost of the bus
ride, and the entrance fee. Lunch is on our own
with reserved seating for our group in Café Durham, located in Joslyn’s lovely glass atrium of the
new Pavilion. The deadline for reservations is September 21st. See reservations form on the facing
page of this newsletter.
If you have any questions, call Lana Etling at 7929388, Margaret Vanderholm at 792-2046, or Carrie
Varner at 476-0888.
John James
Newcomer’s Coffee
September 23, 2005
Are you a new faculty member or the wife of a new
faculty member? Please join us for a casual gettogether. We do enjoy meeting new people and
sharing our experiences with those who are new and
wish guidance in their moving to a new community.
Many long-lasting friendships have started with our
Newcomer’s Group. Please join us!
With Ted Kooser
Friday, September 23rd, 1:00 PM
At the home of
Carol Roeth, 7501 Sherman St.
November 9, 2005
Join us for a very special time with Ted Kooser, a
professor of English at UNL and the current U.S.
Poet Laureate, as he reads selections of his poetry.
His most recent collection of poems, Delights &
Shadows, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. He lives
near Garland, Nebraska, with his wife Kathleen
Rutledge, editor of the Lincoln Journal Star.
Call Carol at 327-9466 for directions or with any
questions you may have.
Don’t Miss the Fall Events!
Our annual Fall Brunch will be held Wednesday, November 9, 2005, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM at The
Nebraska Club, 233 S. 13th Street in the U.S. Bank
building, 20th floor. There is self-paid public parking available on levels A and B of the U.S. Bank
building. Additional parking is also available at the
Cornhusker Garage with a connecting walkway.
Mark your
calendar and
send in your
reservations today.
Fall Brunch with Ted Kooser
Fall Tour to Joslyn Art Museum
Enclosed is check for $______ for _____ reservations
Enclosed is check for $______ for _____ reservations
Name _______________________________________
Name _______________________________________
Street Address________________________________
Street Address________________________________
City, State, & Zip _____________________________
City, State, & Zip _____________________________
Phone _______________________________________
Phone _______________________________________
Guests ______________________________________
Guests ______________________________________
Please return this form along with your check for
$14.00 per reservation, payable to Faculty Women’s
Club by November 2, 2005, to: Linda O’Neill, 7500
Stevens Ridge Road, Lincoln, NE 68516.
Please return this form along with your check for
$20.00 per reservation, payable to Faculty Women’s
Club by September 21, 2005, to: Carrie Varner, 1947
South Street, Lincoln, NE 68502
Your Help is Needed
UNL Homecoming Elections
Homecoming elections will be held on Thursday, October 6th. FWC has volunteered to staff
three sites to earn money for our scholarship
fund: City Campus, East Campus Union, and
Campus Recreational Center.
Meals-on-Wheels volunteers are always needed,
especially substitutes. The commitment requires two volunteers to spend 1 to 1½ hours
delivering lunch meals to the elderly and disabled. FWC is responsible for a route on Monday and Tuesday of each week. If you can volunteer as a
regular (only one day per month) or for an occasional oncall delivery, please call Janet Martin at 488-6821.
There will be three shifts at each location: 8:00 AM until
noon; noon until 4 PM and 4 PM until 8:00 PM. A total of
33 volunteers are needed. You may sign up at the Welcome Tea or call Marti Paquette at 472-4250 if you would
like to assist in this fun activity.
Please contact Lovell Moser at 489-7978 when
one of our members needs a note of cheer, congratulations or condolence. We want to keep in
touch and we need your assistance.
Our 2005-2006 Scholarship Winners
The FWC Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that three students have
been chosen as recipients of $1,500 scholarships for the 2005-2006 academic year.
Jessica Ritter from West Point, Nebraska, is a Horticulture Major, earning a 3.892 GPA.
Some of Jessica’s involvements at the University include her participation in UCARE (Undergraduate Creative
Activities and Research Experience) in the Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, as well as serving as a Student
Assistant in the UNL Plant Pathology Department. Her volunteer activities range from helping with many CASNR
programs, Clinton Elementary School, ACE Learning Community, Navigators, and participation in several intramural sports. She is a member of five academic honor societies, and has won the Graduate Women in Science
Undergraduate Award at UNL.
Sophia Steinbeisser from Sidney, Montana, is an Accounting Major, earning a 3.805 GPA.
Sophia is a student in the UNL Honors Program, and serves as a member of the Honors Program Advisory Board.
In self-financing 100% of her college degree, she is currently employed as both an Intramural Sports Staff Assistant as well as a Basketball and Softball Official. Her volunteer activities include serving as an Honors Program
Peer Mentor, English Conversation Partner, Cather Circle (student women’s mentoring), Kappa Delta Academic
Mentor, assisting with Special Olympics and Relay for Life, as well as several on-campus philanthropies.
Brian Hernandez from Scottsbluff, Nebraska, is a Journalism Major, earning a 3.631 GPA.
Brian is actively involved in journalism as a Copy Editor/Sports Reporter for the Daily Nebraskan, has served as
both the Inventory Program Specialist and Dean’s Assistant in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, and as a staff writer for Nebraska Blueprint Magazine. On campus he participates in the Honors Program,
NU Connections, Students of Color Advisory Committee, Student Government, Diversity Enhancement Team, and
as a Campus Tour Guide, among other activities. Off campus, Brian has been a volunteer for Meals On Wheels,
Matt Talbot Soup Kitchen, assisted in political campaigning, and recruited with the Big Red Road Show in
Committee Members
ASUN Elections
Marti Paquette
5929 Fieldcrest Way (12)
Lovell Moser
7411 Otoe Ct. (06)
Emeriti Membership
Idonna Florell
501 Lakewood Dr. (10)
General Membership
Maria Eisenhauer
3811 S. 32nd Pl. (02)
Holly Beermann
Left to right: Deanna Sincovec, LaVerne Bish, Gail
O’Hanlon, Carol Roeth, and Chris Zygielbaum. Not pictured: Josephine Sheffield and Lana Etling.
Christine Read
5401 South 67th St. (16)
Faculty Women’s Club Officers
Chris Zygielbaum
6601 Pinecrest Drive (16)
President Elect/Corresponding Secretary
Gail O’Hanlon
3233 Sherman Place (06)
Second Vice-President/Newcomers Liaison
Carol Roeth
7501 Sherman Street (06)
Interest Groups
Nikki DeFrain
3205 East Pershing Rd (02)
Vicki Hoffmann
7500 N. Hampton Rd. (06)
Linda O’Neill
7500 Stevens Ridge Rd. (16)
Priscilla Henkelman
Sheryl Hudgins
Carol Riefler
Gail Keown
5949 Arrowwood Rd. (26)
Priscilla Henkelman
Meredith McGowan
Third Vice-President/Hostess Chairperson
Deanna Sincovec
4630 Pioneer Greens Court (26)
Spring Luncheon
Kay Rockwell
1411 Kingston Rd. (06)
Natasha Dzenis
Sheryl Hudgins
Jill Richmond
Janis Shepard
Deanna Sincovec
Recording Secretary
Josephine Sheffield thospsheffield@email.msn.com
3024 Sheridan Blvd (02)
LaVerne Bish
735 Lancashire Court (10)
Margaret Vanderholm
Rt. 1 Box 113, Hickman, 68372
Lana Etling
Carrie Varner
Past President/Advisor
Lana Etling
5600 Olive Creek Road, Firth, 68358
LaVerne Bish
FWC Interest Groups
There’s plenty of action going on in our Interest Groups. We make lasting friendships, and share fun and rewarding activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to sign up for one of more groups at the Welcome Tea, Newcomers Welcome Coffee, or by calling the appropriate chairperson. Remember — You must have a 2005-2006 paid membership in the Faculty Women’s Club to be eligible to participate in any Interest Group.
Arts and Crafts: Each month the group meets to make a craft item. The project is completed during the meeting time.
Daytime Group: Meets the Third Friday of the month at 10:30 AM
Co-Chairs: Kathi Seiler (488-1593) and Carol Riefler (489-1432)
Evening Group: Meets the First Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
Co-Chairs: Debbie Raddatz-Portnoy (420-1766) and Marion Carr (484-5450)
Bridge: Groups gather together monthly to play bridge and enjoy each other’s company. All the bridge groups are open
for new or substitute members.
Bridge I (daytime): Meets the First Thursday of the month at 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Chair: Rita Weeks (483-6911)
Bridge II (daytime): Meets the Second Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Chair: Jean Wiebeck (489-1409)
Bridge (evening): Meets the First Thursday, at 7:00 PM
Chair: Ilene Hames ( 474-6298)
Bridge Marathon: Meets once a month when members of the bridge groups gather together
to play marathon bridge. October thru April.
Chair: Mary Schkade (421-6676)
Bunco: This is a new Interest Group opportunity. This group needs 12 women and a few substitutes to get together for
a daytime and/or evening session of fun and relaxation (or stimulation) to play Bunco. If you’ve never played before or just want to add another Bunco game to the calendar, here’s your chance! No experience is necessary to
play this exciting game of chance. Dates, times, and places will be decided. Call Linda O’Neill (484-8849).
Collectors: A different collection is featured every month. Each meeting offers a fun and educational experience. You
do not need to be a collector to join. Meets most months on the fourth Thursday at 9:30 AM.
Co-Chairs: Eileen Rudd (489-5622) and Norma Sturgeon (484-0460)
Couples Gourmet: Various themes are selected for a meal each month. The host for each month then selects the recipes around each theme which the members use to prepare the entrees to share with each other to make a complete meal. Singles are welcome, too. Meets monthly on a Saturday night which will be determined by the group.
Co-Chairs: Laura Damuth (423-2056) and Natasha Dzenis (423-2607)
Culinary Arts: Everyone brings a dish of their choice from a monthly theme selected by the
group at the first meeting.
Daytime: Meets the Third Wednesday at 11:45 AM
Chair: Meredith Patterson (420-7548)
Evening: Meets the Second Thursday at 7:00 PM
Chair: Chris Wilhelm (489-5802)
Faculty Dinner-Dance Club: Now in its 93-year tradition, the Faculty Dinner-Dance Club offers fine dining, conversation, and when the lights are turned low, dancing to a variety of wonderful music by a live band.
The optional dinner starts at 6:30 PM and dancing starts at 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM. Dances are held
one Saturday each month. The cost is $80 per couple per year or $50 per couple per semester.
September 24th will be our first dance at East Campus Union with the band Gold Dust. Novice
members are most welcome and a non-member couple may attend one dance at no charge. So
mark your calendar and try us out!
Co-Chairs: Charles & Kay Lamphear (466-9376) or Vern & Colleen Martin (467-2420).
Meals on Wheels: Volunteers are needed to deliver hot meals to the elderly and individuals with disabilities. This requires 1 to 1½ hours of service on a Monday or a Tuesday every month.
Chair: Janet Martin (488-6821)
Newcomers: A social group for women during their first three years at UNL to get acquainted with
each other and to learn a little more about UNL Faculty Women’s Club, the University and the
City of Lincoln. We meet socially for lunch, shopping, coffees in homes — even a couples’
night in the winter. We are a fun bunch! The annual Newcomer Coffee will be held on September 23rd, at 1:00 PM in Carol’s home at 7501 Sherman Street.
Chair: Carol Roeth (327-9466)
Piecemakers (Quilters): Members meet in each other’s homes to quilt on their projects and for lessons. Learners are
most welcome. Meets Tuesday mornings 10:00 AM to noon.
Chair: Linda Gosey (783-2902)
Play Group: Play time is provided for the youngsters and companionship for their moms.
Chair: Alicia Admiraal (476-6230)
Town and Gown Investment Club: This group of educated investors is open for new members this year, and is always
open for visitors. It meets the Third Thursday at 7:00 PM, year round.
President: Marceil Dreier (466-1629) and Vice President: Noreen Goebel (421-8983)
Travel Groups: For couples and singles who like to travel themselves, or hear about other people’s adventure in traveling. Come and share travel tips, experiences, and enjoy slides or digital pictures from around the world as well
as friendship. New members are welcome in any of the three groups.
Travel I: Meets on the Third Sunday at 7:00 PM.
Co-Chairs: Sharon Sawyers (489-2006) and Jan Jensen (489-7496)
Travel II: Meets on the Fourth Sunday at 2:00 PM.
Chair: Mary Lou Pritchard (486-2428)
Travel III: Meets on the Fourth Sunday at 7:00 PM.
Chair: Betty Brindle (328-8454)
Join FWC and See What You’re Missing!
Annual membership is only $15.00 and it not only helps support the club’s many wonderful activities and events, but
most importantly, provides scholarships to a number of very talented and deserving UNL students who might not otherwise receive assistance. Even if you are unable to attend the club’s events, the support you show by submitting the
$15.00 dues is greatly appreciated.
REMEMBER, your membership dues is a must for participation in our Interest Groups and only paid members receive our
Winter Newsletter and information about our Spring Luncheon and other events.
Send your $15.00 check made payable to UNL Faculty Women’s Club, along with this form to LaVerne Bish, 735
Lancashire Ct., Lincoln, NE 68510, or, if you prefer, you may make payment at the Welcome Tea or at the first
meeting of any Interest Group. Payment is due by October 1, 2005, so begin or renew your membership today!
Name____________________________________________________ Department __________________________
Spouse __________________________________________________
Department __________________________
Street Address__________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________
Telephone_______________ (h) ________________ (w) Do you want to be telephoned for meetings? _____ (Y,N)
Your Email Address ____________________________________________ (for FWC use only)
Emeriti _____
Newcomer _____
Regular ______ (check one)
Do you want a 2005-2006 membership list? If so, please add $1.50 to your dues. ________(Y,N)
UNL Faculty Women’s Club
2005-2006 Calendar
September 7, 2005
Welcome Tea
November 9, 2005
Fall Brunch with Ted Kooser
Schorr Presidential Suite
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Reservations deadline 11/02/2005
The Nebraska Club
10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
September 23, 2005
Newcomer’s Coffee
Home of Carol Roeth
1:00 PM
October 6, 2005
Homecoming Elections
February 8, 2006
Lunch and Tour of the Governor’s Mansion
Details to be announced in Winter Newsletter
March 8, 2006
Lunch at Art Chicks and Tour of Art Gallery
Three 4-hour shifts of volunteers
8:00 AM, 12 noon, and 4:00 PM
Louisville, Nebraska
Details to be announced in Winter Newsletter
October 12, 2005
Fall Tour to Joslyn Art Museum
April 12, 2006
FWC Spring Luncheon
Fashions Around the World
Reservations deadline 9/21/2005
8:45 AM to 2:30 PM
Details to be announced in Winter Newsletter