March 2014 - First United Methodist Church


March 2014 - First United Methodist Church
March 2014
Leighton’s Levity
Have you ever heard the expression, “God don’t make no junk!”?
8:00 AM Sundays
9:15 AM Bible Study
Sunday School for all
ages – Sept. - May
10:30 AM Sundays
5:30 PM
“We are God’s
People Sharing the
Love of Christ!”
“And God saw everything that He had made, and found it very good.”
And He said: This is a beautiful world that I have given you. Take good
care of it; do not ruin it. It is said: Before the world was created, the Holy
One kept creating worlds and destroying them. Finally He created this one,
and was satisfied. He said to Adam: This is the last world I shall make. I
place it in your hands: hold it in trust.
A Jewish Prayer
Lent is a time to be reminded of Holy Places. The Irish call them “thin
places” where humans and God are closer. Holy Places are created when
we spend it with God in pray and quiet. They can be outside or inside. We
should all have Holy Places in our daily lives that allow us access to God.
We can then be reminded of the amazing gift of creation as well. Time
spent with God allows us to reconnect with the amazing creation that God
has made in each one of us as well. As the prayer reminds us, take good
care of it; don’t ruin it. May this season of Lent help you find your Holy
Place with God.
Rev. Leighton Mekeal
Senior Pastor
Debbie Hull
Minister of Congregational
Have you seen the video with the four year old boy out shoveling the
Care and Development
snow with his plastic snow shovel? He’s been shoveling for about 10
T. J. Jackson
Music Director
Kathy Trevino
Director of Operations
Billie Lockhart
Ginny Gingrich
Ray Garcia
Erik Elliott
Sound Technicians
Sage Stevenson
Nursery Coordinator
Ray Garcia
Erik Elliott
Clayton Garner
Ginger Jansson
Newsletter Editor
Lydia Pyle
Parish Nurse
minutes and is getting really frustrated and really cold. He stops and finally looks up to the sky and shouts “JESUS, MAKE IT WARM!”
I have thought that several times this winter but had never actually
expressed it vocally. With all the troubles in this world I thought Jesus
had more important things to worry about than my being
cold. Philippians 4:6-7 states “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying,
pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting
God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you
down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the
center of your life.”
Why is it we think Jesus doesn’t want to know that we are too hot or
cold, have too much snow or rain or we are just frustrated with life? We
just pray for the big things in our lives. Jesus wants to be a part of every
aspect of our life. It is simple. Instead of worrying, pray. We may or
may not get the answer for which we are looking or the timeline that we
want. I’m sure the weather did not get warm the second the young boy
finished his prayer but I know his prayer will be answered.
So what may we learn from this young child? Take everything to God
in prayer. Whether it is big or small, God can handle it. Sometimes we
can talk to God in silent prayer and sometimes we just need to scream it
out. At times the prayer can be a long conversation with God and at
other times it is simple “Make it Warm!”
May we all stop worrying and let God know our concerns, and soon
God’s peace will come and “settle us down.”
Shalom, Rev. Deb
Don’t let your worries get the best of you.
Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.
The Education Commission is now taking applications for scholarships for
the 2014-2015 school year. Applications may be found in the file holder on the
desk in the front office. All applications must be returned by Sunday, March
30th at noon. If you have any questions, please call Debbie @ 353-5522.
Lent Bible Studies
Two bible studies beginning in March
Forgiveness: Written by Marjorie Thompson, author of the book Soul Feast. This
class will be led by Leighton Mekeal and will meet Wednesday mornings at
10 AM (BEGINS MARCH 5). “Forgiving others and humbly asking for forgiveness are
central disciples for all Christian believers. Using biblical examples and real-life situations, Thompson illustrates each chapter’s theme in an informative and engaging
way. With clarity, insight and sensitivity, this book is the perfect resource for examining both our ability to forgive and our own need for forgiveness.”
Final Words: Written by Adam Hamilton, author of 24 Hours That Changed the
World. This class will be led by Debbie Hull and will meet on Monday evenings at
7 PM (BEGINS MARCH 10).“Hamilton explored Jesus’ final words as seen and heard
through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross. Each chapter
begins with the biblical account followed by a first person story as might
have been told from the viewpoint of one of the characters at the cross. It
explores the meaning of Jesus’ dying words for our lives today.”
UMW Awareness Update
The executive committee of First United Methodist Church of Greeley United Methodist Women would like to let you know what is happening in the new year of 2014.
This year is another event for UMW around the world - Assembly 2014 is happening
April 25-27 in Louisville, Kentucky. Assembly is held every four years and offers over 75
workshops on various subjects that help our women grow in various areas; for example - service and justice advocacy, how to grow spiritually, leadership skills and what the Bible says
about justice for women. Assembly is attended by UMW members, friends and mission partners from around the world.
Our unit will be sending baby quilts/blankets and prayer shawls again as we did in
2010. We have enough for a large box to be sent by March 1st and will be sending any others
with our two members attending the event. If you wish to participate leave
your contribution with our office staff.
Another event which will impact us directly is the 2014 Mission U (the
new name for School of Mission) for the Rocky Mountain Conference, which
we will host in July. Please watch for more information on this as we get
closer to the date.
Gifts' Clinic Nurse Practitioner News
So many of you have visited the Giftz Clinic and have been treated to a “Chair Massage.”
April Woods, Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) has been kind enough to share her gifts
and talents with us by offering “Chair Massage.”
What is massage? Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your
skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearms, and elbows. Massage may range from
light stroke to deep pressure.
There are many different types of massage, including these common types:
Swedish massage. This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading,
deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize you.
Deep massage. This massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the
deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage
from injuries.
Sports massage. This is similar to Swedish massage, but it's geared toward people involved in sport activities to help prevent or treat injuries.
Trigger point massage. This massage focuses on areas of tight muscle fibers that can
form in your muscles after injuries or overuse.
Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions
and situations. Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrated that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Some studies have found massage may
also be helpful for:
* Digestive disorders
*Insomnia related to stress
*Soft tissue strains and injuries
*Paresthesia and nerve pain
*Sports Injuries
*Temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ)
Massage may not be appropriate if:
Bleeding disorders or take blood-thinning medication
Burns, open or healing wounds
Deep vein thrombosis
Severe osteoporosis
Severe thrombocytopenia
Discuss the pros and cons of massage with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or
have cancer or unexplained pain.
Some forms of massage can leave you feeling a bit sore the next day. But massage
shouldn't ordinarily be painful or uncomfortable. If any part of your massage doesn't feel
right or is painful, speak up right away. Most serious problems come from too much
pressure during massage. Despite its benefits, massage isn't meant as a replacement
for regular medical care. Let your doctor know you're trying massage and be sure to
follow any standard treatment plans you have (Mayo Clinic, January 30, 2013).
Blessings, Lydia Pyle, FNP
Giftz Calendar
March 5, 2014
March 9, 2014
Table Massage
Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 am, Giftz Clinic
Chair Massage, 9-11 am, Giftz Clinic
Table Massage
Table Massage
Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 am, Giftz Clinic
Chair Massage, 9-11 am, Giftz Clinic
Table Massage
March 12, 2014
March 19, 2014
March 23, 2014
March 26, 2014
April has been offering table massage and has agreed to offer additional services. If you
have enjoyed your table massage, she offers massage with hot stones. You may want to add
a Foot Detox or Paraffin Wax Dip (hands) to your massage package. April can be contacted
at 970-599-9418 to schedule your appointment.
Table Massage (1 hour)
Table Massage with Hot Stones (1 ½ hour)
Parrafin Wax (30 minutes)
Foot Detox (30 minutes)
Come and join us for our new mid week worship service. We will begin with a light
dinner, the main dish will be provided. You bring a dish to share. This will be followed
by a variety of worship activities...discussion topics, games, bible study, or worship in
the sanctuary with the young adults. We begin at 5:30 and should be done
by 7pm. Hope to see you all there!
“I Didn’t Know That!”
Luella and I have been going through the historical cabinets for a couple of
months now, and never know what to put in the newsletter. (Luella wants to
make it perfectly clear that she does not write these articles. I wonder what that mean? ) Anyway this month it’s all about the Boys Scouts, who have claimed our building on a weekly basis forever - well, for a while at least.
The first recorded charter for Troop 5 was in 1924. 32 boys signed up. This charter lasted
until 1955, when the Troop failed to register for 1956, perhaps because a lack of leadership. A
plea in the church bulletin was made on October 30, 1955. Leadership was found and Troop 5
would have had 45 years of recorded charters (if not for the 1956 problem). The troop disbanded in the mid-seventies.
In the 1980’s Troop 245 was organized and chartered with eight boys. The troop, with the
support of the church and good leadership has grown to over 50 boys. Many Eagle awards
have been presented to Troop 245 members.
I was wondering if there was anything you ever wondered about. You know, an “I don’t
know that” fact. Let either Luella or myself (Nancy) know and we’ll see what we can find.
Luella Kinnison and Nancy Morgan (history seekers)
Happy Birthday!
Barb Newton
Dale Mikkelson
Dorothy March
Helen Schump
Ruth Roden
Margaret Ream
Ed Stromberger
Ralph Boehner
Betty Baney
Cliff Kahl
Don Ficken
Conference Apportionment
Caring & Evangelism
Membership Activity
Board of Trustees
Happy Anniversary
Ralph & Lou McElrath 03/17 65 years
Joe & Anita Warmbrod 03/31 57 years
Thursday, March 20th, noon
On Thursday, March 20th, at noon we will be watching Captain Phillips "In this exciting adventure based on true events that made international headlines, Tom Hanks
portrays Capt. Richard Phillips, who is taken hostage by Somali pirates after they hijack his cargo ship, and the U.S. Navy's efforts to rescue him." It should
be an exciting movie.
So as always, bring your lunch and I will bring the drinks as we sit back
and watch a movie! See you there.
~ Deb
Thank You
We would like to thank our church family for your prayers, meals, & visits. We appreciate the support given to Jeannie this past year.
God Bless You,
Keith & Jeannie Merriman
Keith Merriman has been placed under Hospice at home. Please continue to pray &
give them your support.
United Methodist Men
The Methodist Men had their first meeting on Jan. 21. A meal was provided followed by devotions and a good
discussion on service projects, activities and good fellowship that would honor and glorify Jesus Christ. The group
decided to have a meeting every other month in room 312, or have a project or activity that would be considered a
meeting for that month. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm in room 312. A meal will be provided and we will be planning and organizing for our first service project in May. The men will be recognizing the
women in the church to a meal and program in May. We need all the men to prayerfully consider helping make this
project successful. You are invited to come to the meeting in March to help out. We hope to see you on March 18
at 6:30 pm in room 312.
Just show up or contact Rod Poeschl, 352-9303, Ed Bowker, 352-2200, or Arvon Engel, 353-5283.
A Meditation From A Church Library Mouse
I was delighted to see the Hymn # 519, “Lift Every Voice and Sing!”, listed in the bulletin today (February 16,
2014). It was written in 1921: a joint effort of two brothers, words by James Weldon Johnson and music by J.
Rosamunde Johnson. Yes, the composer is also a man, though "Rosamunde" is usually a woman's name. In my
opinion, this is a timeless combination of important words and music, rarely found in the more modern pages of our
United Methodist Hymnal.
This song came to be called the "National Anthem" of the Civil Rights Movement. "We Shall Overcome" is also
in our hymnal and is much better known, as it lends itself to a "marching beat" and is heard much more often in TV
programs of the era of protest marches. Please take time to sit down and read its words, "Lift Every Voice and
Sing !," and perhaps sing it to yourself ? I predict it will "grow on you" and its influence will spread even more
widely. It was featured in the inauguration of our current president in 2008 and has a prominent place in the Broadway Musical, "Having Our Say", of several years ago.
We have two books, among others, in our church library which tell the stories behind many of our hymns. One
has the charming title, "Our Hymnody" for older hymns and a newer one is there to accompany our current Hymnal. Drop in and use our card catalog to locate any books you may wish to borrow. My Coworker and skilled library cataloger, Jean Wilson and I, try to be in the library every Wed. from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. to chat with you and
"talk books". Our UMW ladies are our best readers and they also have a rack of books to share with you - let us
show you how to join in that reading path. As we shout "Books Forever ", do come see us..
Sincerely yours,
Mary Jane Niemann and Jean Wilson (aka called: " The Church Library Mice.")
First United Methodist Church has been a sustaining partner with Rise for many
years. Together we have been able to serve many people in our community! We thank you for your belief in our mission and your steadfast support.
As part of our Relief Program, we receive a grant each year from the Energy Outreach of Colorado to
provide utility bills assistance. Volunteers meet with clients to facilitate this process. We are always
looking for new volunteers that have a heart to work with the underserved in our community.
If you have 3-5 hours a month and would like to join us to help our mission, please contact
Conchetta Robinson at: or 303/995-6083. Training will be provided.
March 2 - "Lord It Is Good" Matthew 17:1-9
Sermon Series: Grace Upon Grace
March 9 - "By Grace You Are Saved" Ephesians 2:1-10
March 16 - "Do You Want To Be Well?" John 5:1-18
March 23 - "Even The Crumbs" Mark 7:24-30
March 30 - "Today Salvation Has Come" Luke 19:1-9