Fall/Winter 2014 - Clayton Dabney Foundation


Fall/Winter 2014 - Clayton Dabney Foundation
Annual Newsletter
Fall/Winter 2014
Clayton Dabney’s
Dan Bower’s Approved
for Clinical Trial
young children who had
recurrent ependymomas
that had failed to respond to
surgery, radiation therapy and
chemotherapy with Sirolimus,
an Bowers, M.D. is a pediatric oncologist at Children’s
an inhibitor of a well-known
Medical Center in Dallas and an Associate Professor at
cancer growth promoting
In This Issue
Clayton’s Celebration............... 3
Kissed by an Angel................... 6
Kid’s Golf Classic....................... 8
Halo Group...............................14
UT Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Bowers specializes in
pathway called mTOR.
children’s brain tumors and spinal cord cancers. He is also a
Surprisingly, both of these children’s tumors nearly completely
member of the Clayton Dabney Board of Directors and serves
disappeared. Furthermore, both children had essentially no
as Chair of the Review Committee, the group that reviews and
side effects from the Sirolimus. Upon further investigation, we
approves case referrals that Clayton Dabney
identified that the mTOR pathway was often
receives from across the country. We are proud
active in childhood ependymomas.
to announce that Dr. Bowers has been awarded
Everolimus is a more potent inhibitor of
a grant from Novartis Pharmaceuticals to begin
mTOR than Sirolimus. This drug has already
an exciting new clinical trial.
been proven safe and effective for certain
types of kidney cancer in adults and a rare
type of childhood brain tumor called a
Novartis Approves
Clinical Trial for
Ependymoma Study
pendymoma is the third most common form of childhood
brain tumor and most often occurs in children less than 5
subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. If we
can prove that Everolimus has activity against
ependymomas, this will be the first effective
chemotherapy drug for this disease and could
result in substantial improvements for children
with ependymomas.
Over the past 18 months, we have developed a pilot study
years of age. Fortunately, most children with ependymomas
examining the activity of Everolimus for 18 children with
will be cured following surgery and radiation therapy.
recurrent ependymomas. We have applied for and been
Chemotherapy does not improve the prognosis for children with
awarded a grant for $295,000 from Novartis Pharmaceuticals
ependymomas, and therefore chemotherapy is rarely utilized
to support this study. UT Southwestern and Children’s Medical
for children with newly-diagnosed ependymomas. At time of
Center will be the lead study center for this clinical trial. If
recurrence, children are often treated with additional surgery,
this study demonstrates that activity, we plan to submit an
radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, treatment
application for a much larger study of Everolimus for both
for recurrent ependymoma is rarely effective and most children
newly diagnosed and recurrent ependymomas to the Children’s
die from the cancer.
Oncology Group, the organization that conducts national
A few years ago, in an act of desperation, we treated two
clinical trials in the United States.
Chairman’s Message
It is hard to believe that my two-
members. Each year they set the bar higher and higher
year tenure as Chairman of this
through innovative and unique fundraising initiatives along
great foundation is coming to an
with critical program support for desperate families in the
end. It has been an incredible two
Houston area losing precious children to cancer. We also
years and I am honored to have
have some extraordinary individuals who lead outside
had this opportunity. First and
fundraising events for Clayton Dabney that I would like to
foremost, I would like to thank you,
thank and recognize: Ralph Eads (Caliente Invitational in
our donor communities in Dallas, Houston and throughout
Houston); Mike Burress and Steve Burke (Crawfish Boil in
Texas, and the foundations who provide financial support
Dallas); and Buck Weatherby (Red-Mix Charity Classic in
from across the country. Your continued support validates
Dallas). Thank you all for your selfless efforts on behalf of
that the mission of Clayton Dabney serves a necessary
Clayton Dabney.
and critical need in our shared community. Next, I would
Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer made some
like to thank the board members of Clayton Dabney for
significant changes in the past two years. Through the
their support over the past two years. I am proud of what
generosity of our donor communities and the careful
we have accomplished together and applaud their hard
stewardship of those funds, Clayton Dabney has a healthy
work and dedication. I am also grateful to Renee Lange,
reserve that is being used to expand our core program,
President of our Houston Affiliate and her fellow board
Medicine of the Heart. In 2014,
Continued on Page 15
President’s Letter
2014 has been another
extraordinary year for CDF
raise awareness and financial support for CDF.
I am profoundly thankful to the dedication and efforts
Houston thanks to the support
of our Houston board who continue to eagerly rise to
of our donors, board members
each opportunity they are given to make a difference in
and community partners. We
the lives of families who are facing the devastating loss
kicked off the year with a fabulous
of a child to cancer. We consider it a privilege to help
Kissed by an Angel Fiesta at the
these families build everlasting memories. The vision
home of Paige and Todd Johnson, which was chaired by
and motivation demonstrated by the board will allow us
Sissy Roberts and board liaison, Mimi Marix. The event
to involve even more of the Houston community in the
raised record funds for KBA in Houston and educated
coming years and allow us to help even more families here
many new community members about the foundation.
in Houston and across the country.
Special thanks to Lisa and Ralph Eads who again made
I am excited to announce that Rex Whiteside will assume
a remarkable impact for CDF Houston with the second
the role of President of the Houston board in 2015. Rex
Caliente tennis tournament. Their generosity and passion
and his wife, Kristi, have been dedicated supporters of
were simply infectious, which was demonstrated by the
CDF for many years. With his leadership, we are sure to
many friends and tennis enthusiasts who came together to
bring to life our vision for the future.
Leadership Transition at Clayton Dabney
Clayton Dabney is pleased to announce that Maggie Graham will take over as Chairman of the Board of Directors
beginning January 1st, 2015 through December 31st, 2016. We are also excited to announce that Rex Whiteside will
take over as President of the Houston Affiliate Board of Directors for the same term.
Maggie Graham –
Chairman of the Board 2015-2016
Rex Whiteside – President,
Houston Affiliate Board 2015-2016
Maggie Graham has been involved
Rex Whiteside graduated from the
with Clayton Dabney since 2004.
SMU Cox School of Business and
She has served on the Kissed by an
has been in the financial services
Angel and Kids Golf committees,
industry for over 20 years. Rex lives
and helped co-chair Clayton’s
in Houston with his wife Kristi and
Celebration. Maggie is the Program Chair, overseeing
their two children. He and Kristi both sit on the board of
the gift box and the crafting program. Maggie is married
CDF and have been active supporters since 2008. The
to John Graham and they have two grown children. She
Whiteside family has a strong sense of community and
taught preschool for over 10 years and now helps manage
are active in a number of organizations such as the Young
3G Oil & Gas. Maggie is a member of the Junior Charity
Survivors Coalition, Texas Children’s Ambassadors and
League, a volunteer at Children’s Medical for almost 10
Post Oak Baseball.
years, and is a supporter of the USO.
New Faces at CDF
Kristin Rodriguez –
Development Director
Emily Price –
Development Assistant
Kristin joined CDF in
Emily grew up in San
Kaylie Peska –
Marketing Coordinator
and Executive Assistant
August 2014 as the
Antonio and graduated
Kaylie joined CDF
Houston Development
from the University
in February 2013 as
Director. She is a native Houstonian and
of Texas in 2011 with a degree in
the Executive Assistant in our Dallas
lifelong Longhorn fan. After attending
Corporate Communications. She stayed
office. She received her degree in Mass
the University of Texas, she spent two
in Austin for two years following college
Communication from Sam Houston State
years in Chicago. Following her return to
to work with Young Life, then moved
University, where she enjoyed producing
Houston, Kristin worked at the Muscular
to Houston to marry her husband
an award winning nightly newscast
Dystrophy Association for two years and
Matt in the fall of 2013. Emily works in
and being an active member of Zeta
then spent six years with the American
Clayton Dabney’s Houston office as the
Tau Alpha. Prior to joining CDF, Kaylie
Heart Association where she was Vice
Development Assistant. In her spare
worked in the healthcare industry in
President of Social Events. She and
time, she and her husband are Young
Texas and Arizona. She then decided to
her husband, Dan, have two daughters,
Life leaders at Lamar High School and
follow her heart and join the non-profit
ages 6 and 2. She spends much of her
members at Grace Bible Church.
sector. Kaylie enjoys travelling abroad
spare time volunteering at her daughter’s
and college football.
school and enjoying the great outdoors
with her family.
Clayton’s Celebration
Happy Birthday, Clayton Dabney Style!!
This past February 26th, on what would have been Clayton Dabney’s 25th birthday, more than 200 guests gathered at
the Dallas Country Club to celebrate the birthdays of the more than 2,700 children Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer
has served since the inception of the foundation in 1995. It was a glorious and blustery February day that began with
birthday games for guests in the foyer that included a cake walk and a wine toss. As guests entered the ballroom they
were seated and served the chef’s special birthday party lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup, perfect for a chilly
winter’s day. Guest were then treated to music and more fun and games with headliner and kid’s party specialist, Eddie
Coker. Luncheon speakers included a welcome by Clayton Dabney Chairman, Bob Carter, special guest Shelby Dabney
(Clayton’s mom) and Patrick Leavey, M. D., pediatric oncologist at Children’s Medical and Clayton Dabney board member.
The luncheon ended with guests singing Happy Birthday to all our angels and then taking the table balloons out to the
terrace and releasing them into the gorgeous winter sky.
Net proceeds exceeded $50,000 benefiting Clayton Dabney. We would like to recognize and thank Leslie Ficke, Maggie
Graham and Lee Rury for organizing this event, and the many volunteers, sponsors and attendees of the lunch.
Underwriters and Sponsors
Suzanne McGee
Trish Alessio
Ellen & John McStay
Dr. Robert W. Baird
Jenny & Adam Saphier
Susie Barnett
Betty Bullington/Mersina Stubbs
Mary Sue Cullins/Frances Templeton
Ann & John Delatour
Mary Anne Dunne/Kathleen Neely
Claire Emanuelson
Maggie Graham
Katherine Klingaman
Martha & Donnie Miller
Arlis & Beverly Parkhurst
Randa & Doug Roach
Brooksie Braden
Stacey & Dan Branch
Carmen & Bradford Bright
Tonya Brown
Sarah Carr
Dee & Dodge Carter
Kathy Crow
Junior & Ed Esquivel
Kathryn Etcheverry
Leslie & Brian Ficke
Sheryl & Bruce Ficke
Ola & Randall Fojtasek
Elizabeth & Jeff Fronterhouse
Carol & Gifford Touchstone
Janet & Joel McCarty
JoAnne & Eddy Moore
Pam & Jeff Ellerman
Martina Goff
Michelle & Roger Johnson
Stephanie Mercer
Kristy Robinson
Kathy & Bill Shuford
Marilyn Smith
Mona & Grey Stogner
Elisa & Stephen Summers
Mary & Mike Terry
Lisa Walker
Lori Whitlow
Kissed by an Angel Houston
ouston’s 8th annual Kissed by an Angel was a spectacular event. More than 200 women attended the flirty, “Fiesta”
themed evening at the home of Paige and Todd Johnson. With mariachi music in the background, the lovely ladies
dined on Mexican food from the legendary El Patio while spouses of special underwriters served as “waiters”, keeping
the evening festive well in to the night. Event chairs Paige Johnson and Sissy Roberts raised record breaking net funds of
$160,000 for CDF. They, along with CDF, would like to thank all of the underwriters, committee members and contributors
who made this an evening to celebrate.
Underwriters and Sponsors
Host Committee
Host: Paige Johnson
Chair: Sissy Roberts
Committee Names
Gina Aaronson
April Abello
Laurie Allen
Annie Amante
Kelley Anderson
Caroline Bailey
Sheri Bailey
Ellie Bale
Cissy Beeler
Nini Bekhradi
Maureen Berry
Gina Bhatia
Heidi Binet
Gayleen Breeding
Martha Britton
Jennifer Brown
Marlo Bruce
Laurie Bruce Maddox
Shana Burrow
LT Cameron
Anne Carl
Kara Childress
Evans Christ
Michele Clements
Carrie Colbert
Lisa Cook
Martha Crawford
Flora Crosswell
Leah Crosswell
Hilda Curran
Carla Dawson
Jill Deutser
Tricia Dewhurst
Sara Dodd
Elizabeth Dukes
Krista Dumas
Lisa Eads
Pepper Edens
Courtnay Elias
Cindy Farmer
Shawnna Fatjo
Susan Finnegan
Laura Fondren
Courtney Fortney
Ellie Francisco
Lauren Friedman
Eleni Fuller
Ruth Gay
Tracy Gay
Anita Gaylor
Andi Alyse Jewelry
April Abello
Laurie Allen
Kelley and Eric Anderson
Back Row Antiques
Sheri Bailey
Cissy Beeler
Elisabeth Bickham
Heidi Binet
Claire Boyles
Jill Brown-Brown
Anne and Noble Carl, III
Kara Childress
Jill Deutser
Tricia Dewhurst
Jennifer Ducote
Elizabeth Dukes
Susan Finnegan
Ellie Francisco
Eleni Fuller
Merrill Hafner
Terri Havens
Natalie Horlock
Marjorie Jacobe
Ally Jafarnia
Lisa Kurtz
Liz Lockwood
Paula Mentz
Cristin Miller
Kelli Mize
Suzanne Montague
Alix Nakfoor
Suzanne and Bill O’Donnell
Gail Orr
Christina Papandreou
Joy M. Randall
Angie Reckling
Jackie and Al Richey
Shanna Schanen
Helen Schmidt
Kate Scott
Carson Seeligson
Raquel Segal
Celina Stabell
Joan Stedman
Aliyya Stude
Marcy E. Taub
Janna Webber
Randa Weiner
Anne Marie Wood
Joy and Doug Yeager
Salli Youtt Design
Cherub Angel
Karol Barnhart
Gina Bhatia
Amber Bretches
Camp Lonehollow
Michele Clements
Krista and Cameron Dumas
Sally Giammalva
Cami and John C. Goff
Susan Gray
Carol Gunn
Diana Woodman Hammett
Mindy Hildebrand
Holthouse Foundation for Kids
Susan Josey
Marie Louise Kinder
Paige and Tilman Fertitta/
Landry’s, Inc.
Shelli M. Lindley
Amy and Todd Mueller
The C N and Maria
Papadopoulos Charitable
Mary Tere B. Perusquia
Eliza Lovett Randall
Randa Roach
Veronica Selinko-Curran
Kelly Smith
Mary Stanton Smith
Karen Susman
Beth Tilney
Stephanie Tsuru
Kristi Whiteside
Kim Wind
Seraphim Angel
Back Row Antiques
Julie Baker
Carrie Colbert
Leah Crosswell
Hilda Curran
Paula Cutts
Laura Fondren
Katherine and Scott Galloway
Sheri and Wayne Gross
Stephanie Hamilton
Sheri C. Henriksen
Renee Lange
Rachel Lawrence/Heather
Mimi Marix
Christiana McConn
Susie McGee
Melanie Meeks
Susanna Moldawer
Shannon O’Brien
Janis Priest
Elise Reckling
Amy Shaper
Mary Eliza Shaper
Laura Sheffield
Christi Smith
JoLynn Towns
Beth Watt
Emily Weingeist
Mary Whalley
Jenifer Young
Guardian Angel
Lisa Eads
Paige and Todd Johnson
Cherie Lindley
Carolyn C. Light/Jeanne W. Moses
Sissy and Grady Roberts
Melissa and Doug Schnitzer
Aimee and Wynne Snoots
Special Thanks
Lisa Rydman/Spec’s
Sally Giammalva
Lesli Giannukos
Kate Gibson
Susan Gray
Amy Greenwood
Marnie Greenwood
Mary Margaret Greer
Sheri Gross
Carol Gunn
Mary Elizabeth
Marci Hamilton
Stephanie Hamilton
Katherine Hatcher
Terri Havens
Amanda Hellman
Sheri C. Henriksen
Beth Harrell
Laura Herring
Christine Hoffer
Jill Holstead
Lindsay Holstead
Courtney Hopson
Natalie Horlock
Kay House
Melissa Ison
Marjorie Jacobe
Ally Jafarnia
Kathy Johnson
Laura Kelsey
Blake Kunetka
Lisa Kurtz
Sima Ladjevardian
Gina Lamme
Renee Lange
Ashley Langley
Rachel Lawrence
Susanne Maida
Mimi Marix
Christiana McConn
Susan McConn
Susie McGee
Clare McLeroy
Emily Mecom
Paula Mentz
Amy Miller
Cristin Miller
Kelli Mize
Susanna Moldawer
Molly Montgomery
Lauren Morgan
Patti Morgan
Amy Mueller
Alix Nakfoor
Shannon O’Brien
Kathleen Panus
Christina Papandreou
Allison Parsley
Jana McHenry
Pam Pierce
Missy Pitts
Janis Priest
Joy Randall
Angie Reckling
Elise Reckling
Randa Roach
Lisa Rowe-Bates
Helen Schmidt
Melissa Schnitzer
Kim Schuenemann
Carson Seeligson
Raquel Segal
Marlee Sikes
Amy Shaper
Laurel Shaper
Mary Eliza Shaper
Laura Sheffield
Lori Shellist
Celina Stabell
Mary Stanton Smith
Annette Stephens
Melinda Stevenson
Aliyya Stude
Karen Susman
Courtney Swanson
Jolynn Towns
Stephanie Tsuru
Beth Watt
Ellen Wagnon
Kristi Whiteside
Tee Wickman
Christine Williams
Kiki Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Kim Wind
Robin Wombwell
Ann Marie Wood
Jenifer Young
Salli Youtt
Nicole Zarr
Almost a WASHOUT!
For the first time in its seven-year history, the
At the conclusion of the tournament, the players
Kid’s Golf Classic & Splash Bash was nearly a rain
headed to the Las Colinas pool for the Splash Bash
out! On June 9th, all eyes were on the sky as dark
and Awards ceremony. Awards were presented to the
clouds rolled in early. Heavy showers rolled across
top teams and fundraisers. DJ specialist, Bill Cody
the fairways of Las Colinas Country Club but by 10am
and his Party Time Machine kept the party rocking
the skies were clearing and the rains had ended
throughout the afternoon.
leaving cooler temperatures in what turned out to be
Net proceeds to Clayton Dabney were $30,000
a beautiful summer day, perfect for GOLF!! Sixteen
this year! We would like recognize and thank Audrey
teams went head-to-head in the 9 Hole Classic
Schmit and Dinah Donham for chairing the event for
battling long fairways and tough pin placements.
the second consecutive year and to all the volunteers,
Underwriters and Sponsors
The Scott Dabney
The Saphier Family
The Schmit Family
Best Ever, again!
No one could have imagined a tournament better than
2013, but thanks to the hard work co-chairs, Joe Young
and Tony Click, the 2014 tournament now holds the honor
Centers, led by John Delatour that took home the low
gross trophy.
Net proceeds to Clayton Dabney amounted to
of, BEST EVER! Another sold-out field marched across
$130,000. We would like to recognize and thank Joe
the rolling fairways and slippery greens of the Honors Golf
and Tony for chairing the tournament for the second
Club in Carrollton, hacking their way to the finish. But at
consecutive year and to all the volunteers, sponsors and
the end of the day, it was our title sponsor team, Regency
golfer that played this year.
The Great Ball Drop
BENEFITING THE Clayton Dabney Foundation for kids with cancer
Title Sponsor
Major Sponsors
Granite Properties • Barry Brown & Jim Batjer • Maura & Tim Costello • Benchmark Title
Randa and Doug Roach • Frontier Investment Mgmt. • Lincoln Property Company
Hole Sponsors
Scott Dennis & Doug Thompson • Cottonwood Creek Capital • Brownlie & Braden
Dexter & Company • Folsom Properties • Blue Star Land • Jones Lang LaSalle • Red Steel Company
Condon, Thornton, Sladek, Harrell, LLP • Metroplex General Contractors • KDC • Legacy Texas Bank
Republic Title • Capital One Bank • HFF, LLP • TH Wealth Management • Cawley Partners
TXU Energy • John Young • CBRE • Ben E Keith Foods • Debbie & Jack Breard
Compass Datacenters • Mario Sinacola & Sons
Special Sponsors
The Crescent • Tier REIT • Rusty Taco • Kuby’s Meat Market • Chief Partners • Jeff Walter
Joe W. Fly Company • Jason’s Deli • MAPP Construction • Dicks Last Resort
Uber • Vintage Interests • Golfsmith
The second Caliente Invitational was held on May 2nd and 3rd at River Oaks
Country Club. It was once again an outstanding event, doubling last year’s
contributions and netting $135,000 for Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer.
The event’s success is attributable to Lisa and Ralph Eads, whose generosity
and enthusiasm led the charge for the big tournament. The festivities kicked
off the night before at the beautiful home of Lisa and Michael Holthouse with
the Men’s Calcutta Event, where the men heard the official preview stats and
introductions of each tennis
pro. Men picked teams to
win and bought mulligans
with the hopes of increasing
their own chances. The
following day the courts were raked, the weather was perfectly clear and
surprisingly cool, and the competition was fierce. The presence of tennis pros
like Mark Philippoussis, a Singles Finalist at the US Open and Wimbledon,
and Jim Courier, consecutive winner of the French Open and the Australian
Open and finalist at the US Open and Wimbledon, made the stakes high to
impress. Mark Knowles and Rex Whiteside were victorious on day one and
Danny Weingeist and Knowles had the victory on day two. The victories were
celebrated that evening with a fabulous fiesta at the Eads’ home. The Clayton
Dabney Foundation would like to thank Lisa and Ralph with their incredible
generosity and vision that made this tournament possible so that we can help
more families facing the devastating loss of a child.
Crawfish Boil
What Dat?
Four Years.
1800 lbs. of crawfish.
1600+ guests.
$55,000 net proceeds raised for Clayton Dabney
for Kids with Cancer.
Dat is what!
Thanks again to Boil organizers and hosts,
Chandra and Mike Burress along with Steve Burke. This year was another
amazing success for the annual Crawfish Boil with picture-perfect Spring
weather, plump and spicy crawfish, grilled chicken and burgers with all
the fixin’s, and great friends, old and new. Net proceeds for 2014 were
$15,000 to Clayton Dabney.
Redi-Mix Charity Classic
The 19th Annual Red-Mix Charity Classic was held this past October at the
Trophy Club in Roanoke and Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer was the
beneficiary for the fifth consecutive year. This year boasted the largest field
of players in tournament history with more than 200 golfers spread across
two courses on a spectacular late October morning. Clayton Dabney would
like to thank Buck Weatherby and all the good people at Red-Mix and US
Concrete for their tireless efforts in putting on a first-class tournament once
again. This year our socks were blown off when we were presented a check
in the amount of $140,000 in tournament proceeds!!
The HALO Group was created for young professionals to support the mission of Clayton Dabney for Kid with
Cancer by providing unique opportunities to strengthen and expand financial assistance, awareness and advocacy
of families struggling with the loss of a child to cancer. HALO Group offers three membership levels beginning with
our most committed membership opportunity as a Trustee Member that includes several priority status incentives.
Other membership levels include the Active member and the Social Member. Visit the Clayton Dabney website (www.
claytondabney.org) and click on the HALO tab to find more information on membership.
In 2014, the HALO Group continued its tradition of franchise fundraising events and raised more than $25,000 for
Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer.
Chairman’s Message
Continued from Page 2
Lastly, I have the privilege to announce some exciting
we have increased the number
news for next year. 2015 will mark the 20th year of
of families served by 15% and
service for Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer. This
we expect to end the year
is an amazing milestone for Clayton Dabney and we
having served 325 terminally-ill
will celebrate throughout the year. I am also proud to
children with last wishes, gifts,
announce that plans are underway for an endowment
family travel, special events and
Leadership Transition at CDF, and a year-end celebration of
financial assistance with household bills. This expansion
our 20 years to thank you, our donor community that made
will continue over the next five years with the hope of
this all possible. It will be quite a year and I wish incoming
doubling our program services. To ensure that we are
Chairman, Maggie Graham, the best of luck as she takes
prepared for this expansion, the Dallas and Houston
the reins in January. I would also like to wish incoming
boards, led by the consultants at the Center for Non Profit
President of the Houston Affiliate board, Rex Whiteside the
Management, participated in a joint effort to create a
best of luck as well as he takes over for Renee Lange.
Three-Year Operating Plan that put in place new policies
and procedures that will provide the structure to achieve
our long-range goals.
Thank you once again and I wish everyone a happy,
healthy and safe Holiday Season.
Bob Carter
CDF Giving Opportunities
Dallas, TX
Permit No. 1177
6500 Greenville Ave. Suite 342
Dallas, TX 75206
Phone: 214-361-2600
Fax: 214-217-5199
Email: admin@claytondabney.org
The Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids
with Cancer provides needy families, with
children in the last stages of terminal
cancer, assistance in creating “Everlasting
The assistance is arranged through the
parents and is anonymous to the child.
•13,500 children are diagnosed with a new
malignancy each year.
•28% of these children (3,780) will not
survive their disease.
•40% of these children (1,512) live in
financially needy households.
•Clayton Dabney will serve 325 terminallyill children in 2014 across the US and spend nearly $700,000 on last wishes, gifts, special events,
family travel and financial assistance with household bills.
•In 2015, Clayton Dabney will celebrate its 20th anniversary as a foundation serving terminally-ill
children and their families.