MAY 2016 - Idlewild Presbyterian Church
MAY 2016 - Idlewild Presbyterian Church
THE IDLEWILD Welcome to Our Community of Faith! CHIMES A NEWSLETTER FOR THE CONGREGATION AND FRIENDS OF IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN MEMPHIS MAY 2016 We’re glad to have Doris Hurdle on staff It is with joy that we welcome Doris Hurdle as our new Director of Operations. A native of Memphis, Doris received her Bachelor of Business Administration from LeMoyne-Owen College and then her Master of ScienceHuman Resources Administration from Central Michigan University. She started her professional career as the Program Director/Administrative Manager at St. Jude Hospital, where she managed and directed the human resources and operational functions for eight clinical/research divisions. She then served as the Director of Guest Services and External Relations at the Regional Medical Center, and also was the Talent Strategy and Staffing Advisor for the Shelby County Schools. As you can see, she has a wealth of talent and experience in the areas we are looking for. In addition to all of this, she is a personable, pleasant person. We are glad to have her on board! Many thanks to Melissa Grimes, Steve Valentine and Todd Taylor, who served on the search committee and spent many hours interviewing applicants. PENTECOST Inside The Chimes... PW Honoree Barbara Denley ............... 2 Shari Gross joins the staff ...................... 2 Plant sale report: Awesome! ................. 2 Pastor Steve: Something to Ponder ....... 3 More Idlewild donors ........................... 4 Summer choir is almost here ................. 6 Special dates & meetings ....................... 6 Transitions ............................................ 6 The Back Fence ..................................... 7 Gifts to the church ................................ 7 Summer Camp! VBS! Yoga Camp! ........ 8 Follow me… Donate the gift of life Our spring blood drive will be held Sunday morning, May 1, in the gym. Blood drives are vital to our community’s health. As we strive to follow Jesus during Easter, this is a way to support this particular need. If you haven’t signed up ahead of time, don’t worry — just come by the gym that morning. For more information or to volunteer, feel free to contact Chalmers Valentine, Adult Forum: A Conversation with Dr. Leanne Van Dyk In the adult forum on Sunday, May 1, Dr. Leanne Van Dyk will give a presentation on “The Gifts of God for the People of God: Why Sacraments Matter.” The forum is 9:40-10:40 a.m. Sunday, May 1, in the T.K. Young Room. Leanne Van Dyk is the 10th president of Columbia Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the PC(USA). She grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan and taught theology at both San Francisco Theological Seminary and at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) 1750 Union Memphis TN 38104 Office 901-726-4681 Fax 725-4535 Recreation 725-4165 Children’s Center 725-7941 MINISTERIAL & PROGRAM STAFF Staff emails & phone extensions can be found at At the Presbyterian Women’s gathering on April 19, Barbara Denley was honored as a lifetime. Moderator Sarah Brandon participated in the installation of new officers for the coming year, including Lucy Townsend as 2016-17 moderator. Shari Gross is on the team for recreation We welcomed Shari Gross to our staff in April. Shari is serving as a part-time Interim Recreation and Fellowship Director. As a church member, Shari is on both the Outreach Leadership Team and the team that is visioning the future of Recreation Ministry. Shari is helping coordinate fellowship events as we move towards a broader view of “re-creation,” and she will be recruiting people who want to get involved and make our programs better than ever! Please welcome Shari—and prayerfully consider where you might want to join in recreation and fellowship. Jacob Pierce, our Assistant Recreation Director/Interim Athletic Director, continues his great work by coordinating all athletics and sports facilities. This year’s plant sale was a terrific success The plant sale in April raised whopping $4,500 for GrowMemphis! (That’s $1,000 more than last year.) Dozens of community gardens, including our McMerton Garden in Binghampton, are supported byGrowMemphis. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who the sale such a success. And many thanks to our McMerton garden leaders and helpers, who are changing a community. Correction: In last month’s Chimes, the plant sale photo was of Clare Stallings, Minna Glenn & Jim Levernier (not Carl Awsumb). Our apologies to Jim. Stephen R. Montgomery Pastor Anne H.K. Apple Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care & Evangelism Margaret Burnett Associate Pastor for Outreach Ministry Rebekah Abel Lamar Associate Pastor for Christian Formation Denton McLellan Parish Associate Corinne Nienhuis Parish Assistant Walt Tennyson Parish Associate Stephen R. Haynes Theologian in Residence Barry Oliver Director of Music Ministry Jacob Pierce Interim Director of Athletics Elizabeth Houston Director of Children’s Ministry Frank Kelly Director of Youth Ministry Latrice Toombs Children’s Center Executive Director Cheryl Ward Kindergarten Director Doris Hurdle Director of Operations The Mission of Idlewild Presbyterian Church is to pursue, personify, and practice as Presbyterians the good news of reconciliation and salvation in Christ through worship, education, fellowship, and outreach. DEADLINE FOR THE JUNE CHIMES IS MAY 15 The Idlewild Chimes is a publication of Idlewild Presbyterian Church (USA), 1750 Union Ave., Memphis TN 38104. The newsletter is published monthly, September–June, to inform members and friends of church programs, news and events. The Chimes newsletter is online at Editor: Ginny Moore, IDLEWILDCHURCH .ORG Calendar | Registrations | Giving Bulletins | Sermons Member News & Resources LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Idlewild Presbyterian Church 2 Something to Ponder It’s May, and it’s time for commencement addresses, graduation speeches, and wisdom imparted to the (mostly ) young. So for my pastor’s page I’m yielding to some advice from the sometimes irreverent (Do any of you remember his “Seven Dirty Words They Don’t Say on Television”?), but at times very wise comedian George Carlin: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. A letter to the congregation from Pastor Steve Montgomery We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things. We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete. Remember to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. Remember, to say, ‘I love you’ to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away. Blessings, 3 Thanks to more than 360 (and counting) generous donors, almost $10 million has been raised to support the future of Idlewild. The More Idlewild building committee has been formed and planning is underway for renovations to the original building, to the Jones building and for a welcoming entry connecting the two buildings; Think Mid-Century Modern Architecture + A New Way of Thinking = A 21st Century Jones Building! The enhancements will enable Idlewild to serve the congregation, the city and the thousands who benefit from the reach of the church. Stay tuned for timing and progress reports! Thanks to the generosity of the following donors, as of April 18. Mary Lou Adams Tommy & Buff Adams Albert & Kathie Alexander Kacey Alexander Mackey Alexander Julia Allen Ray & Louise Allen Doug & Elizabeth Alrutz Anna Vance Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Ed & Wendy Ansbro Abigail Apple Ed & Margaret Apple Jim & Anne H.K. Apple Ward & Linda Archer in memory of Ward & Louise Archer Marybelle Arnett Carl & Pan Awsumb Richard & Toni Baer Rick & Jackie Baker Alan & Jo Blair Balsam Mills & Laurie Barbee Gary Beard Ed & Sally Beasley Josh & Dolores Bell Elizabeth Valentine Bennett Regina Benson Steve & Catherine Berger Taylor & Alison Berger David & Dara Bigger Terry & Carol Bishop Delano & Lynette Black Brian & Kelly Blair Kirk & Anne Craig Bobo Jean Borkert John Boughter & Jennifer Valli David & Sarah Bourland Barron Boyd & Carol DeForest Chad Braddock Denby & Sarah Brandon Ray & Dana Brandon Carole Branyan Lucie Bridgforth The Estate of Madelyn Brock Hopie & Debbie Brooks Anne Willins Brown Jack & Susan Brown Jody & Lisa Brown Keith & Cary Brown Mike & Gwen Bruno Hal Brunt Larry & Susan Bryan Peggy Burch 4 Sonia Burnett Bill & Chipsy Butler Howard & Loring Byers Mony & Teresa Caldwell Geoff Calkins Susan Callison Charles Cannon John & Maggie Cannon Louise Cannon Marty Cannon in memory of Dr. Bland Cannon and in honor of Louise Cannon Nancy Carlile Doug & Sissy Carpenter Marius & Mimi Carriere Byron Carson Ted & Ann Cashion James Cason Kenny & Laura Charbonnet Chirag & Mandy Chauhan David & Mary Jane Claassen Mac & Ashley Coffield Jim Cole Keith & Katie Cole George & Harriette Coleman John & Dorothy Collier Jerry Conway Stansill & Anne Covington Allen Cox Matthew Cox Craig & Kristin Croone Andrew & Molly Crosby Lee & Lucy Cummings DeLois Cunningham Ray & Marilyn Curle Skip & Faye Daniel Adrienne Davis Camille Deaderick Mike & Blanche Deaderick Martin Donaldson Earle Donelson Lewis Donelson John & Jane Dulin Dan & Virginia Dunaway Jerald & Martha Duncan Buddy & Peggy Lee Eddins Daniel Edwards & Kimberly Belles-Edwards Susan Elliott Madeleine Latham Elmer in honor of Peggy McClure Charlie & Ruth Emerick The Estate of Lois Emerick Jeff & Sherry Emerson George Ensminger Dare Estok George Eubanks John & Ann Fain Andrew Falls Cherry Falls Tommy & Lindsay Farnsworth Lane Faughnan Jim & Anne Ferguson Joseph & Anne Fisher Greg Fletcher Steele & Megan Ford The Family of Lee & Andrea Franks Hugh & Margaret Fraser The Estate of Catherine Freeburg Lynda Freeland Jim & Brannan Galyean Mary Jane Gentry Kevin & Whitney Getman Ted & Robyn Gibboney Bill & Julia Gibbons Will Gibbons Jim & Kathryn Gilliland Jim & Lucia Gilliland Tandy Gilliland Alan & Minna Glenn Molly Glover Janice Donelson Goddard Steve & Leslie Goodwin Justin & Ashley Gordon William & Camille Gotten Estes Gould Meg Gould Wellford Gould Gabriella Graziano Janie L. Greenwood Tom & Melissa Grimes Chuck & Betsy Gross Forrest & Shari Gross Ellis & Jenny Haddad Emily Haizlip Josh & Llewellyn Hall Larry Hardy Jeff & Cathy Harris Jimmy & Grace Harwood Debi Havner Jimmy & Sarah Haygood Steve & Alyce Haynes Adam & Lindsey Henson Steve & Marilyn Hergenrader Wil & Sally Hergenrader Ed & Heather Hettinger Catherine Higdon Dennis Higdon Jim & Nancy Higgason June Hildebrand Chick & Andi Hill Natalie Hoepp Debbie Hogan Jason & Betsy Hood Jody & Ginger Hopkins Elizabeth Houston Walter & Nancy Howell Joe & Charlotte Hoyle Sallie Hughes Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser Humphreys Jr. James Humphreys Jody Hunter Buzzy Hussey Pitt & Barbara Hyde Deke & Jill Iglehart Peggy Ivy Kathy James Jay & Judy Jenkins Powell & Harriette Jenkins Albert & Trinh Johnson Kim & Judy Johnson Mackie Johnson Epps & Stephanie Jones Henry & Carol Jones John & Anne Jones Jonathan & JoAnn Jones Lynn Jones Mark Jones Mike & Chris Jones Sissy Jones Walk & Nancy Jones in honor of five generations at Idlewild Will Jones in honor of Mark Jones Charles & Barbara Key Thor & Dawn Kvande Joe Lackie Ashley & Rebekah Abel Lamar Jake & Frances Lawhead Josh Lawhead Eb & Camille LeMaster The LeMaster Class Paul & Amanda LeMay Jim Levernier Cherisa Lewis Jamie & Jeni Linkous Bob & Lola Llewellyn Dr. & Mrs. William Long A Group of Longtime Members Sam & Kathy Love Lindsay Lucas Perre Magness Lisa Mallory Jim Manire Michael Manire (continued on the next page) Bill & Mary Mann Sammy Ann Marshall Anne Latham Martin in honor of Peggy McClure David & Lisa Martin John & Karen Matthews Mary Lou McCaa Murry & Kirk McClintock Chris & Paul McClure Don & Peggy McClure Donald & Michelle McClure in honor of Peggy McClure Stuart McClure in honor of Peggy McClure The Estate of Claude McCord June White McCormick in memory of George & Anita White Lola McCrarey Charlie & Janie McCrary Marion Latham McDonald in honor of Peggy McClure Ed & Mimi McDugle Stephen & Mary McIntosh Gwen McLaughlin Denton & Mary Allie McLellan Scott & Katie McLeod Tina McMinn W.T. Mealor Diane Meess Thomas & Catherine Mercer Lee Meyers Eric & Michelle Miller John & Debbie Monroe Steve & Patti Montgomery Sumita Montgomery The Estate of Houston Moore Bruce & Beth Moore Libby Moore Jamie Moore Jim Moore Josh Moore Mary Margaret Moore Sam Moore Retha Moore Scott & Cindy Moore Tom & Carolyn Morris Matt & Emily Mulqueen Patrick & Kristen Murphy Frank & Mary Muscari William Myers & Catie Jane Berger Ralph & Pat Neely Rosemary Nelms Kurt & Vicki Nelson Lloyd & Terry Nelson Mike & Betty Nelson Jenny Nevels Art & Corinne Nienhuis Buddy Nix Barry Oliver Brent Orr & Julie Markham Jim & Ruth Owen Tommy & Allison Wellford Parker in honor of Judge Harry Wellford and in memory of Katherine Wellford Julia Patterson Margie Peeler Michael & Melissa Peeler Cameron & Emily Peyton John Pharis John Phelps John Pickens & Suzy Satterfield Debbie Pittman Josh & Amy Poag Ray & Sally Podesta John & Trish Pontius Jack & Judy Powell in memory of Gladys Justice Jimmy & Barbara Powell Alicia Powers Paul & Barbara Presley Kate Wellford Pritchard in memory of Katherine Potts Wellford Meredith Pritchartt Niel & Sarah Prosser Shirley Prothro Buddy & Ellie Prude Joy White Pruett in memory of George & Anita White Allen Queen & Heather Gregg Jim & Julie Raines Woody & Marilyn Ray Mitchell & Mary Katherine Redd Michael & Melissa Reddoch Martha Jane Reed Mary Reed James Reichmuth & Julie Caskey in honor of Mark Jones Eugene Reyneke Maizie Rhea David & Donna Rhodes Celia Ridley Pete & Lauren Riley Ann Wingate Roane Bill & Sally Roberds Jane Roberts Emily Rodda Thad & Stephanie Rodda Tom & Lee Anne Roehm Elizabeth Rouse Jonathan Rowe David & Nancy Ruch Laura Russell Marion Samuel Julie Saxon Pat & Mary Lee Schaefer David & Pam Schnell Linda Scholl R.J. & Shirley Schroeder Andrew & Carol Seamons Carl & Judy Sebelius Alan Sefton Mary Sharp Anne Shaw Nelly Shearer Betty Louis Sheppard Scott and Deede Sherman Beth Simpson John & Louise Slater Bryan & Courtney Smith Bayard & Lisa Snowden Donn & Faye Southern Bob & Beth Spencer Dan & Kathy Springfield Clare Stallings Jack Stevens John & Anne Stokes Don & Lisa Street Henry & Lois Strock Joellyn Sullivan Parker & Patricia Suttle Owen & Jeannie Tabor Jr. Owen & Margaret Tabor Patrick & Amanda Tamburrino Nate & Becky Taylor Phil & Pat Taylor Todd & Allison Burr Taylor Janice Templeton Scott & Anne Bradley Thomas Fred and Ann Thomason John & Sally Thomason Jeff & Nancy Thompson Lorraine Titus Steve & Maury Tower Jim & Lucy Townsend Bill & Carole Troutt Larry & Shari Tucker Gretchen Gassner Turley Bob & Shirley Turner Steve & Amy Turner Michael L. & Madeline W. Valentine in memory of Barbara W. Valentine Michael L. & Madeline W. Valentine Steve & Chalmers Valentine Kyle & Courtnay Veazey Frankie Wade Vicki Walk Ray Ward & Carol Good Jan Wardle Sue Ellen Watson Bruce & Joyce Webber Beasley & Adele Wellford in honor of Judge Harry Wellford & in memory of Katherine Wellford Buck & Jennifer Wellford Judge Harry Wellford in memory of Katherine Wellford Walker & Diane Wellford Jess & Mary Lee Wesberry Ben & Kristin Wescott Michael West Russ & Cheryl Westlake Barry & Jan White Jerre White in memory of George & Anita White John & Gina White Joyce White Wayne White in memory of George & Anita White Mark & Lane Whitehead Tom & Sandie Whittington Bob & Lisa Wilder Mike & Gay Williams Sue Reid Williams Page & Gail Williamson Betty Anne Wilson Drew & Anne Wilson Gib & Nancy Wilson Mydelle Wilson Mark & Jan Valentine Wiygul Jason Wolfkill & Margaret Burnett Trevor & Allison Yant Elsie Yeates Scott & Ruth Young David & Ginny Zanca Peter & Elizabeth Zanca Although the March 31 active fundraising deadline has passed, commitments will continue to be accepted. Here’s how to pledge: Pick up an MI pledge card at church and place it in the offering plate. Pledge and get information online. Or send your pledge amount and full name to WWW.IDLEWILDCHURCH.O RG/MOREIDLEWILD 5 Get ready to sing with the summer choir From June 5 to August 28, the choir will be in summer mode. The choir will not have mid-week rehearsals, but will rehearse Sunday mornings at 10:00 to prepare for the 11:00 service. If you would like to join the choir, but have been unable to attend rehearsals, this is an opportunity for you to participate. Please contact Barry Oliver to find out more about the choir experience and make sure materials are ready when you arrive. SUNDAY, MAY 1 Transitions in Our Church Family New Members Jimmy Humphreys Dusty Lemley Matt & Emily Mulqueen (Oskar & Dylan) Mary Edith Walker New Babies Rowan Cash Armstrong son of Rhea & Mike Armstrong born March 13, 2016 Zoey Ann Brooks daughter of Michael & Danielle Brooks born April 1, 2016 Jackson Randolph Buckner son of Colin & Sam Buckner born March 16, 2016 Anna Lane Lockard daughter of Ruth & Jake Lockard born March 2, 2016 Baptized in the Faith Matthew Justin Lohman son of Justin & Kathy Lohman William Morris Riley son of Peter & Lauren Riley Wedding Catie Jane Berger & William Myers Restored to the Roll Carolyn Elizabeth Hays Jones Thomas Eugene Jones Dismissed from Roll Elizabeth Ann Thompson to First Congregational Church Bill & Fran Coley to Germantown Presbyterian 6 Loss in the Church Family Ruth Wood Bowen September 14, 1920 — April 8, 2016 Removed from the Roll Mary Engler Adcox Carter William Aldinger Laura Lee Smith Boswell Shane Michael Boswell Laura Kathryn Bristow Robert Bristow Suzanne Brown S. Toof Brown, Jr. Michael John Walter Bryan Nancy Crick Campbell William David Campbell Michael Phillip Cannito Rachel Elizabeth Carter Taylor Caruthers Christina Michelle Drewery Jerald Marshall Duncan. Jr. Ann Dwyer Beverly Evans Lawrence E. Evans Kimberly Farmer Finch Candice Michelle Spencer Fleming Troy Elise Fink Frederick Susan Jett Gaither Chris Gandy Kacie Lynn Garbus John Dustin Geer Kenneth Ralph Goff Lelia Bell Green William Thomas Keckler Nancy Ragsdale Kensinger Zillah King Laurie Langston Robert Edward Langston Carla Jennings Mabie Mary Elinor McCain Shellie Grier McCain, Jr. Staten Spencer McKenny Amanda Erin White Meredith Sharon Moss Katharine Emery Wardwell Thomas Roane Waring Sharon Wims Dates to remember May 1 ........................................... Blood Drive May 1 ....... Adult Forum with Leanne Van Dyk May 1 .........................Adopt-A-School Potluck May 3 ............................................ PW Circles May 5 ........................... Ascension of the Lord May 8 ............................Confirmation Sunday May 8 ....................................... Mother’s Day May 12 ..........................June Chimes Deadline May 15 ............................................. Pentecost May 15 .................................... Church Potluck May 16 ......................... Hutchison Graduation May 22 .................................... Trinity Sunday May 22 .......................... Summer classes begin May 22 .......Presbytery Faith Stories Gathering May 18–25 ....................................... Cuba trip May 25 ..................Kindergarten Family Picnic May 26 ........ Idlewild Elementary Completion May 30 ..................... Memorial Day observed Offices, Kindergarten, Daycare Closed May 31 .......................... Summer Camp begins May 31 ............................................RBI begins June 1-2 .... QUEST Hiking & Heifer Ranch Trip Committee Meetings Scheduled as of April 19. If you have questions, pease check with your committee chair or church office . May 1 ...... 12:00pm .......... Diaconate & Session (Confirmand Faith Statements) May 2 ...... 6:00pm ......... Congregational Care May 3 ...... 6:30pm.......................... IC3 Board May 4 ...... 8:30am ................................... OLT 5:30pm....................... Stewardship May 9 ...... 6:30pm.........................Evangelism May 10 ..... 5:30pm............... Worship & Music May 11 ...... 5:30pm.............. Budget & Finance May 15 .... 12:00pm ................... Cuba Meeting May 17 ....10:00am ..... PW Coordinating Team May 18 ..... 6:30pm............................... Session May 25 .... 5:00pm ........... House & Properties May 26 .... 8:00am ........................... Personnel The Back Fence Submit your family news to Jenni Brooks at Griffin Hood was inducted into Grace-St. Luke’s Honor Society. Stephanie Jones just released her first book, Upstyle Your Furniture, and was featured in the April edition of RSVP. Julia Mathews won 2nd place in the art category at the Rhodes College Russian Olympics. Janie McCrary’s poem “Brancacci Chapel” was published in the Christian Century magazine. Joyce Webber delighted the Rebekah Circle members when they met at her home in April, by playing hymns on her own home organ. Thanks to Brin and Dale Baucum for their generous gift to our partner church, Juan G. Hall Presbyterian Church, in Cardenas. The lovely communion chalice and serving plate will be a part of the celebration when eight church members visit Cuba this month. The Cuba Committee is grateful to Dale and Brin for sharing their creative talents with such enthusiasm! Bailey Wilson ran the Boston Marathon on April 18. We offer condolences in these recent deaths in our extended church family: m Brian Blair’s stepfather, Robert Foreman m Jerry Cunningham’s mother, Martha Stepro m Anne Ferguson’s mother, Joanie Waterman m Dale Gartrell, former member m William Myers’s grandmother, Imogene Myers m Craig Stauffer’s father, Norris Stauffer Is your church pledge current? Please remain mindful of keeping your pledge payment current. The church must be mindful of good stewardship the whole year round. Thank you! If you have any questions about your pledge or contributions, please contact Tonya Moses at 726-4681 ext. 29 or Memorials MADELYN BROCK Pan & Carl Awsumb Pamela Nicholson Coats JIM EIKNER Jo Ann Acuff Anonymous Pan & Carl Awsumb Mr. & Mrs. George D. Barnes Carol Beachey & Don Voth Jeff Bossert Susan Callison Roger K. Chisholm Pamela Nicholson Coats Jim Cole & Suzanne Henley Jayne & Dr. Kyle Creson Larry & Elaine Creson Adrienne Davis Blanche & Mike Deaderick Martha Fields Anne & Joseph Fisher Dot & Dick Fisher Camille & William Gotten Larry Hardy Ann R. Held Jody Hunter Buzzy Hussey & Hal Brunt Lisa Isbell John & Anne Jones Peggy & Bill Carrington Jones Natalie & Davant Latham Camille & Eb LeMaster Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Llewellyn Dr. & Mrs. William Long Maggie & Milton Lovell Buddy Nix Kate Wellford Pritchard Meredith Pritchartt Maizie Rhea Elizabeth Rouse Susan & Chuck Schadt Phil & Fran Shannon Anne Shaw Beth Simpson Larry & Shari Tucker Dan & Teresa Vaccaro Page & Gail Williamson Betty Anne Wilson ROSCOE FEILD Anna Vance Anderson Blanche & Mike Deaderick Dick & JJ Doughtie Julia & Bill Gibbons Mary Sharp Faye & Donn Southern Betty B. Stewart NELL STODDARD GEE Martha Flautt & family NATHALIE MANIRE Pan & Carl Awsumb HOWARD MONTGOMERY Pan & Carl Awsumb THOMAS SOUTHERN Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dulin JOANIE WATERMAN Anne Shaw Beth Simpson Richard & Trish Spore The Women’s ChristCare Group Honoraria MARY LOU ADAMS Betty Louis Sheppard PEGGY McCLURE Paul & Christine McClure STEVE MONTGOMERY Gayle S. Rose 7 THE IDLEWILD CHIMES IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1750 UNION AVENUE MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 38104 Make summer fun! Idlewild Summer Camp is a fullday program for children age 512. We serve nutritious snacks and promote physical well-being through outside play. There is a wide variety of fun events and activities. Older campers also enjoy hands-on community service projects. Camp staff works closely with parents to meet the needs of each family. Camp is 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Monday–Friday, May 31–August 5 (closed Memorial Day and July 4th). Please call 725-7941 or visit childrenscenter for details. Kids Yoga Camp after VBS During the week of VBS, June 13-16, we will again have the popular Kids Yoga Camp led by Tasha Wellence, who is certified to teach children’s yoga. It’s for rising first through rising fifth graders. Yoga will begin immediately after VBS, from 12:00 to 2:30. Cost is $50. Children should bring a healthy sack lunch from home. Bottled water provided. Call recreation at 725-4165 to register. Space is limited to 15. 8 VBS Surf Shack is June 13-16 VBS registration is open until June 5 for 3-year-olds through rising fifth graders. In vacation Bible school’s “Surf Shack,” children will learn about God’s mission in the world, encounter God’s awesomeness through Bible stories and learn how we are meant to experience adventure each day. There’s an “ocean” of excitement with music, crafts, science activities, Bibles stories and games. Older MAD campers have hands-on mission projects too. VBS is 9:00 to noon, June 13-16. No cost. RBI! RBI! RBI! RBI baseball/softball camp is May 31July 21, 9:00 to noon, for boys & girls ages 4-16. There’s no charge, and lunches are free. RBI is at Jesse Turner Field this year. For info call recreation at 725-4165 or visit VBS volunteers needed Teens and adults who love children are needed to help with Bible school. Contact Elizabeth Houston, 726-4681 or
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