la teoria della deriva dei continenti e della tettonica a zolle
la teoria della deriva dei continenti e della tettonica a zolle
CLIL Continent’s grift theory & The plate tectonics theory THIS WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED THANKS TO THE GREAT HELP OF THE ENGLISH TEACHER AND THE SUPPORT OF SCIENCE TEACHER . •The Earth was born 4.6 billions of years ago, after the big Bang . In the beginning it was an incandescent globe. •There was a lot of rains on the Earth, because of the condensation of aqueos steam: by this way the HYDROSPHERE was created. In 1912 ALFRED WEGENER a German geophysicist elaborated the CONTINENT ‘S GRIFT THEORY . He hypothized that the continent are slowly drifting around the Earth. GLOBE EVOLUTION At the beginnig there was only a supercontinent called PANGEA surrounded by the PANTHALASSA , that was formed by the water . After 200 millions of years the Pangea divided into two parts : LAURASIA & GONDWANA . 135 millions of years ago Laurasia & Gondwana separated respectively into NORTH AMERICA and SOUTH AMERICA ,INDIA and EURASIA . Phanthalassa was divided into PACIFIC OCEAN & ATLANTIC OCEAN . Today’s configuration of the lands was reached about one million of years ago. WEGENER’S THEORY PROOFS: 1) Continet’s borders compatibility ; • e. 2) Border’s rocks equality; 3) Presence of “ Mesosaurum” in the SouthernAfrica and SourthenAmerica; 4) Presence of “ Glossopteris” in SouthernAmerica, SouthernAfrica, India, Antartis and Australia Wegener died in 1930 and his theory was believed wrong because he couldn’t explain how the continent’s motions were possible. THE PLATE TECTONICS THEORY The plate tectonics theory was introduced by the scientists MORGAN & MCKENZIE. This theory explains the phenomena that are involved in the Earth’s crust changes such as the seismic activity, the orogeny, the presence of the volcanos on the territory and the formation of the oceanics trenches. The cause of plate movements is in the Earth’s mantle , precisely in the middle layer called the ASTHENOSPHERE where the convective motions occur. Plate’s movement On the Ocean floor During these motions the oceanic crust breaks. The magma rises and form the oceanic ridges. In addition , the ocean floor expands and there is volcanic activity. If the clumps formed by the Earth’s crust slide over next to each other: 1) A transform fault is formed 2) Litosphere neither created or destroied 3) There are earthquakes If the clumps formed by the Earth’s crust approaching to each other , the heavier plate goes in subduction and mountains and volcanoes are formed. OCEANIC PLATES ARE APPROACHING . EFFECTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) Island arcs are formed There are earthquakes There are volcanism Earth's crust is destroied CONTINENTAL PALTES ARE APPROCHING. EFFECTS : 1) A mountain range is formed : this phenomenon is called alpine orogeny 2) Earth’s crust is destroied 3) There are erthquakes CONTINENTAL PLATE & OCEANIC PLATE ARE APPROCHING. EFFECTS : 1) Oceanic trenches are formed 2) There are vulcanism 3) There are erthquakes 4)Earth’s crust is destroied 5)this phenomenon is called coastal orogeny THIS WORK HAS BEEN MADE BY : ANGELA REA CLASSE III D