June 2016 - Northwest Rural Public Power District
June 2016 - Northwest Rural Public Power District
Hay Springs, NE 69347 June 2016 Locally Owned Furniture Store Offers Large Variety The furniture business has pretty much been a way of life for Jo Hill the past 32 years, although she studied horticulture and worked in newsprint management for three newspapers. She and her late husband Tyson purchased Tom & Jerry’s Furniture in 1985 in Hastings. “We bought Freed’s Fine Furnishings in downtown Chadron in 1997 and then built the new building south of Wal Mart in 2002,” said Hill. “In the late 70s we lived in Chadron and Tyson commuted to Alliance for Burlington Northern, we were saving for our own business and Doug Bruce mentioned he needed a partner for Tom & Jerry’s in Hastings.” The partnership dissolved and Tyson kept the Chadron location because he loved the area and the people in the community. The Hills operated the store together until Tyson’s sudden death in 2010. “Weathering the waves of sadness — and building a new life withJo Hill, owner of Bruce-Hill Furniture, located just south of out Tyson — was the biggest challenge I’ve ever Wal-Mart. faced,” explained Hill. “I was able to take time in family and travel. “Angela has remained keenly aware my life when our daughter, Tashia, stepped up and ran the that no matter what furniture we sell or the services we business for me for three months. Tyson ran a very tight provide, it starts with people,” said Hill. “We have a great ship with his business so stepping in was easy; filling his crew on board, from the start of a sale to the final delivery shoes was a different story. He had lots of furniture friends with Vickie Fritzler and Pete Baumgarten on the sales we would come to know as the Bruce Hill Furniture famifloor and Joe Bracha and Steve Marr on delivery. ly.” Hill’s granddaughter, Sophie, also helps promote the Today, because of her right hand person, Angela furniture business. Now 13, she has been cutting comMartinez, Hill can now take more time away to be with her mericals for her grandma’s business since she was very young. Bruce Hill Furniture carries a large selection of name brand furniture including: LaZBoy, Broyhill, Lane, Best Craft, Best Home Furnishings, Flexsteel, Ashley Furniture, Serta, Liberty, Spring Air, Wolfcraft, Sunny Designs to name a few. If you can’t find the perfect piece of furniture on the floor, special orders are welcome. “Special orders are a big part of our business. It depends on the company’s production line as to how long it will be ready to ship. Some take three weeks, others take eight weeks,” said Hill. Once you have selected your home furnishings, Bruce-Hill offers free delivery within a 60 mile radius. Bruce Hill offers a large selection of recliners and “However, we have delivered in all surrounding states,” if you can’t find just the right one, they can most likeadded Hill. ly order the perfect one for you. (Continued on Page 2) NORTHWEST RURAL FEATURE Bruce-Hill Furniture-(Continued from Page 1) The Hills have two children. Their son Jason lives in Lincoln where he owns a pest control business in the Lincoln area with his wife Jenny and their daughter Sophie. Hill’s daughter, Tashia, is a senior auditor for a major banking company and lives in Milwaukee, Wisc. with her husband Ray. In Hill’s spare time she loves to travel especially to visit her children, however last year she took it a step further. “I bought an Airstream camper trailer last year. I drove out to California with my Golden Retriever and brought it back and it’s truly been riveting,” said Hill. Her retriever’s name is Alpha so she named her new trailer AlphaStream. “Sophie, Alpha and I made our maiden voyage to Wyoming, Colorado back to Nebraska and then to Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin.” This year her plans are to boondock off the grid in Colorado and make another trip to the Pacific Coast, mainly the Oregon area with family and friends. While she’s traveling around, she still keeps the furniture store in mind and pops into a furniture store here and there to see how they do things differently than she does to bring back ideas with her. “I hope folks realize they don’t have to drive hours or One of the last Hill family photos of Tyson and Jo Hill with their children, Tashia and Jason. The Bruce-Hill Furniture “family”, front row from left, Joe Covalt, Pete Baumgarten, Steve Marr; back, Angela Martinez, Joe Bracha and Vickie Fritzler. Insert: Jo Hill, owner. even hundreds of miles to find quality furniture,” noted Hill. “Stop in and browse the store, we have so much to look at, you will definitely find something that shouts out “that’s me! I’ve got to have it.” Customers don’t have to worry about a high-pressure sales person bugging you as you look, that doesn’t happen at Bruce Hill. “Enjoy BHF delivery service with placement exactly where you want it. They will even remove your old furniture. We’re always getting in new furniture,” said Hill. And when she isn’t at the store or traveling, she puts her horticulture expertise to work in her lawn and garden. “I have a passion for vegetable gardening and trying new plants in the landscape so as long as the grasshoppers stay at bay I will continue,” laughed Hill. “ I grow my own hops for home beer brewing and hope to squeeze in a few beer fests a long the way,” she ended. Bruce-Hill Furniture is open Monday thru Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m..They typically have extended hours during the holiday seasons. Also, to see some of what Bruce Hill offers, visit: BRUCEHILLCHADRON.COM. For more information, call 308-432-5536 or 1-800-682-5106. SMARTHUB e The Sertvic tha Matters 432-4889 • Chadron 130 Horseshoe Drive (888) 432-4889 • Carpet & Furniture • Walls • Drapes • Wood & Tile Floors • Smoke & Water Restoration • Pet Odor Removal • Duct Cleaning • Air Mold Sampling FREE ESTIMATES ••• Larry & Audrey Sloan 2-A Northwest Rural P.P.D. It's hard not to be excited when you see all that SmartHub can do for you! • "Bill & Pay" • "My Usage" • "District News" • "Contact Us" • “Outage Map” Go to nrppd.com and look for the SmartHub link in the bottom right corner. Your Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016 NORTHWEST RURAL NEWS Along The Garden Path How About Those Dandelions? Everywhere you go this year, the topic seems to be about the massive number of dandelions that we have. They seem to have overwintered extremely well. A friend asked me if I could convince people that they are beautiful. Ask any toddler carrying a bouquet to mom and the child will tell you that they are beautiful. Dandelion is most often thought of as a pesky weed that likes to take over our lawn and gardens, golf courses and meadows; however, they are an excellent food and herbal medicine. There are plenty of reasons why we should like the dandelion. First of all, dandelions are the first food source for the bees and many of the birds. I watched a group of small Lark Sparrows joyfully eating the seeds on a white puffy dandelion head last week. They would try to walk up the stalk which would push it down - and then, they would eat the seeds. Really quite comical! The bees have a difficult time in early spring to find enough food and dandelions serve to be a real asset. We need more dandelions! Second, dandelion has a very rich source of betacarotene which we convert into Vitamin A. It is also rich in Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Dandelion also contains the B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium and Vitamin D. It has more protein than spinach and has been eaten for thousands of years as a healthy food source. Medicinally, people have used the dandelion to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders and depression. Dandelion acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, and balances the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It can increase the release of stomach acid and bile to aid digestion, especially of fats. Kidney - This weed-like 'superfood' is a diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water by increasing urine production. This inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system too. Dandelion also replaces some of the potassium lost in the process. Antioxidants - Every part of the dandelion plant is rich in antioxidants that prevent free-radical damage to cells and DNA, slowing down aging process in our cells. Harvesting & Using Dandelion Due to potential pesticides and pollutants, I only recommend harvesting dandelion from your lawn if you live away June 2016 Northwest Rural P.P.D -by Karen Runkle, Master Gardener from high traffic areas and are certain the lawn hasn't been sprayed in several years. Dandelion greens taste best when using the small, young leaves - note that these leaves show up before the telltale flowers. By the time the yellow flowers have arrived, the leaves are large and bitter. Dandelion greens can be added raw to salads or sautéed with a little garlic and oil. Alternatively, they can be hung upside down until the leaves are dry and then stored for up to a year for use in tea. The root has great medicinal properties as well as the leaves. If you are after dandelion root, look for the largest plants. I've found it easiest to harvest the roots after a rainfall when the ground is still soft and the roots come out whole. To improve the flavor of the roots, roast them in 200 degrees for an hour or two until they have browned. You may then grind them up using a high-powered blender or coffee grinder. Store the powder in an airtight glass jar for up to six months. Add your powdered blend to smoothies or make a cup of coffee following the directions below. The roasted root tastes a bit like coffee and chocolate. Roasted Dandelion Root "Coffee" Add 1-2 tablespoons to almond or coconut milk along with a dash of stevia. Blend and pour over ice for a delicious natural and highly therapeutic iced beverage……..Or steep 1 to 2 tablespoons of roasted dandelion grounds in 1 cup of hot water for hot dandelion coffee. If you prefer not to harvest your own dandelion roots, you might opt for dandelion teas or powders from a health food store. So, as you look across your field at the dandelions this year, you can either consider it a curse or a blessing of a bountiful crop of healthy living. It depends upon whether you think "your cup is half-full or half-empty." Central Office 218 S. Gibson Hay Springs 1-800-752-9584 (308) 638-4432 www.westplainsco.com GRAIN L.L.C. Your Touchstone Energy Partner Page 3-A NORTHWEST RPPD NEWS NRPPD Featured Employee: Tyler Potts Editor’s Note: Over the course of this next year, Northwest Rural will feature their employees. Tyler Potts, Journeyman Tyler Potts joined Northwest Rural Public Power District crew seven years ago this month on June 4, 2009. Potts was born in Norfolk, Neb. and moved to Hartington in 1991 where he graduated from high school in 2006. He enrolled in Northeast Community College in Norfolk where he graduated in 2009. Prior moving to Hay Springs, Potts was employed at a Tyler Potts well company and construction business while he was attending high school and college. He says his favorite part about working at Northwest is working with co-workers Darren Drabbels and John Hessler. Potts likes living in a small community and enjoys hunting and fishing whenever he gets the chance. He is also a member of Post 239 Sons of the American Legion and the Knights of Columbus. HILLS TIRE & SUPPLY On Farm Tire Repair Exhaust • Brake Repair Wheel Alignment • Shock Absorbers Hobbies: Hunting and fishing Mentors: Dad and Grandpa Favorite Food: All of it! Favorite Music: Country and rock Mike Waugh - Manager 1072 W. 6th St.• (308) 432-3850 • Chadron Hay Springs Lumber & Hardware Company 130 N. Main • (308) 638-4404 Complete Builders Supply, Sentry Hardware, Free Estimates “Satisfaction Guaranteed” Page 4-A Northwest Rural P.P.D. Your Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016 NORTHWEST RPPD NEWS NRPPD Featured Employee: Cale Anderson Cale Anderson, Journeyman Cale Anderson just celebrated his three year employment anniversary on May 29, 2013. Anderson’s apprenticeship will be up in November 2016. His original job duties included climbing poles and gathering materials. The son of Mary and Tim Anderson, was born and raised in Littleton, Colo. He Cale Anderson graduated from Heritage High School in 2008. Following high school, he attended Chadron State College for a year, and then transferred to WNCC where he graduated in 2013. Prior to becoming a lineman, he was employed at UPS, Bomgaars and Silvey Enterprises. Anderson enjoys working with the guys and gals at NRPPD. “They treat you like family,” said Anderson. One Christi’s Creative Scents 129 N. Main • Hay Springs 308-430-0123 soyscentedcandles.com cchilliker.scentsy.us youravon.com/chilliker Christi Hilliker, Owner Farm, Ranch & Land * Qualified Buyers If you are considering selling please contact Philip Rosfeld, Broker (308) 432-6828 Day or (308) 430-5151 Evening www.WesternViewRealEstate.com June 2016 Northwest Rural P.P.D. of his favorite parts about Northwest is “turning lights back on after a storm turned them off”. His most memorable moment since his employment was working on his first storm job for another co-op in Custer, S.D. The former Coloradan says he likes the Northwest Nebraska scenery, noting “the best views are out there”. In Anderson’s spare time he enjoys camping, hunting and fishing. Hobbies: Camping, Hunting and Fishing Mentors: Dad and Grandpa Favorite Food: Free! Steak and mashed potatoes Favorite Music: Country Contact Phone Numbers are Important Please contact Northwest Rural Public Power District to verify or update office personnel with the best phone number to contact you with. Seems more and more phone numbers on file are not operable or valid. Having your current phone number on file allows the District to make contact with you as the need arises. There can be a multitude of reasons for making contact: planned outages, troubleshooting a particular line, billing questions, cattle on the road, or service change out questions. You can see and understand the importance of having your current home or business phone number on file with the District. Northwest Rural “Cares About the Consumer” (308) 638-4445 Your Touchstone Energy Partner Page 5-A NRPPD Area Activity Calendar is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity. Post Playhouse, Nebraska Performance Times: Sunday 2 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday 8 p.m. For Ticket Information Call: 308-432-6360 or visit: www.postplayhouse.com Beauty and the Beast JUNE: 3, 4, 5*, 7, 14, 22, 26* JULY: 6, 21, 24*, 27*, 30 -10 a.m. AUGUST: 3*, 10 - 10 a.m., 10*, 12, 14* * = 2 matinee The Addams Family Opens June 10, 2016 Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice Opens June 3 Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice Book by Linda Woolverton The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed to his former self. But time BAR J STEAKHOUSE Serving Certified Angus Beef Only Open Thurs-Fri.-Sat. Nights 5 p.m.-9 p.m. The Addam Family features an original story, and it’s every father’s nighmare. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, had grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family -- a man her parents have never met. And if that weren’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before -- keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents. JUNE: 10, 11, 12*, 15, 21, 24, 29 JULY: 5, 15*, 17*, 22, 28, 30* AUGUST: 6*, 13* * = 2 p.m. matinee PRIME RIB SPECIAL - FRIDAY & SATURDAY Lunch Served Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 4580 • Hay Springs 119 N. Main • (308) 638-4 Owners - Don & Mary Vannatta WAHLSTROM FORD, INC. “The Value Store’’ Robert Wahlstrom Adam Smith Misty Hickstein Page 6-A E. Hwy. 20 Chadron (308)432-5533 JAMIE ROES • JERRY TURMAN • JERRY PIERCE 920 E. Third - Chadron Toll Free: 1-888-363-3636 • 432-3636 www.tommyscarlot.com tommyscarlot@hotmail.com Northwest Rural P.P.D. Your Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016 Legally Blonde bits, and French people. Did we mention the bevy of beautiful show girls? Opens June 17, 2016 Music and Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin Book by Heather Hach Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture JULY: 8, 10*, 12, 14, 19, 23, 27, 29 AUGUST: 3, 6, 9, 22 * m = 2 p.m. matinee A fabulously fun international award-winning musical based on the adored movie, Legally Blonde: The Musical, follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles sterotypes, snobbery, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This action-packed musical explodes on the stage with memorable songs and dynamic dances. Equal parts hilarious and heart-warming, this musical is so much fun it should be illegal! Opening July, 1, 2016 JUNE: 17, 18, 19*, 23, 25, 28, JULY: 9, 13, 16, 20, 23*, 31* AUGUST: 2, 5, 12* * m = 2 p.m. matinee; Monty Python’s SPAMALOT Opens July 8, 2016 Music by John Du Prez Book and lyrics by Eric Idle Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Spamalot retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful show girls, not to mention cows, killer rab- Your Panhandle Area Bee Keeper “Proudly Serving the Sheridan County area for Over 20 Years” Bees • Honey Pollination Hay Springs Kander & Ebb’s CABARET Book by Joe Masteroff Based on the play by John Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood Music by John Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb Cabaret is an award winning classic of the American musical theatre repertoire. Musical numbers include “It Could Please Me More,” Willkommen,” “Cabaret,” “Don’t Tell Mama,” and “Two Ladies.” The scene is a night club in Berlin, as the 1920s are drawing to a close. The Master of Ceremonies welcomes the audience to the show and assures them that, whatever their troubles, they will forget them at the Cabaret. On the train to Berlin we find Cliff, a young American writer, and Ernst, a German who surprises Cliff by putting his briefcase among Cliff’s luggage at the German border. History is in the process of being made. JULY: 1,2, 3*, 9*, 13*, 16*, 20*, 22*, 26, 30 AUGUST: 4, 7*, 13 * m = 2 matinee, Your Local Ag Loan Specialist Part of Your Past, Part of Your Future. ~Independent and Strong~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member FDIC 308-638-7535 (308) 282-0050 • Gordon • 134 N. Main Strong Insurance, Inc. “All Forms of Insurance’’ 224 Main Street Gordon, NE 69343 (308) 282-0560 June 2016 Northwest Rural P.P.D. HAIL REPAIR • Paintless Dent Removal • Paint Chip & Scratch Repair • Headlamp Restoration • Glass Chip & Scratch Repair Tim Kicker • (308) 430-2650 • Chadron A Touchstone Energy Partner Page 7-A NRPPD SAFETY Electrical Safety and Your Older Home Residential electrical wiring changed during the 20th century as new appliances appeared on the scene and electricity evolved from a luxury to a mainstay. Although most older home electrical systems have been upgraded over the years, safety shortcomings may still exist. Since a third of American homes were built more than 50 years ago, home buyers and folks living in older homes should be aware of potential wiring hazards. Each year, household wiring and lighting cause an estimated 28,600 home fires resulting in 950 injuries, 220 deaths and nearly $1.1 billion in property damage, according to the National Fire Protection Association. “Residential electrical systems are seldom inspected after they are installed,” explains John Drengenberg, consumer affairs manager for Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. “Homeowners should not assume all is well simply because fuses aren’t blowing, circuit breakers aren’t tripping or they’re not receiving shocks. Inside the walls, wire insulation could be cracking and crumbling, especially if wires are drawing more current than they were designed to handle.” To avoid such hazards, consumers should understand the limits of home wiring systems. Often, this depends when the home was built or if the electrical system was upgraded. In other cases, though, telltale signs may indicate a problem. “Anytime you received a shock from an electrical appliance, outlet or wall switch in your home, it’s a warming that you should talk with a qualified electrician,” Drengenberg cautions. “If a fuse blows or a circuit breaker trips right after you replace or reset it, you have trouble somewhere. Flickering or dimming lights could mean loose connections, overloaded circuits, improper wiring or arcing and sparking inside walls.” Source: Underwriters Laboratories Safety Tips Follow these safety tips to identify and prevent electrical hazards. • Regularly check all cords, outlets, switches and appliances for signs of damage or wear. • Extension cords are for temporary use only. • Be sure that outlets are not overloaded with too many devices. • Look and listen for warning signs of an electrical problem such as outlets and switches that are warm and making crackling, sizzling or buzzing sounds. • Always replace and label fuses or circuit breakers with the correct size and amperage. • Keep the electrical panel accessible so you can quickly shut off power in an emergency. • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home. Place alarms inside each bedroom and outside each sleeping area. Test them once a month, change the batteries at least once a year, and replace the alarm itself every ten years. “Like Us” on Facebook! Northwest Rural Public Power Young’s Repair, Inc. Major to Minor Mechanical Work Tractors, Truck, & Car Repair • Vehicle & Farm Tires • Batteries • Oil • Grease • Bolts SERVICE CALLS • HAULING 308-638-7443 5631 Hwy. 87 • Hay Springs youngsrepairinc@gpcom.net Page 8-A Northwest Rural P.P.D. Your Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016 NORTHWEST RURAL NEWS Reecippe Corneer Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style • • • • • 4 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon white pepper • • • • • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 onions, quartered 2 (4 lb.) whole chickens In a small bowl, mix together salt, paprika, onion powder, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Remove and discard giblets from chicken. Rinse chicken cavity, and pat dry with paper towel. Rub each chicken inside and out with spice mixture. Place 1 onion into the cavity of each chicken. Place chickens in a resealable bag or double wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 4 to 6 hours. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Place chickens in a roasting pan. Bake uncovered for 5 hours, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F. Let the chickens stand for 10 minutes before carving. Tip: Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier. * June 2016 * * * * Northwest Rural P.P.D. Burrito Pie • • • • • 2 lbs. ground beef 1 onion, chopped 2 teaspoons minced garlic 1 (2 oz.) can black olives, sliced 1 (4 oz.) can diced green chili peppers • • • • • 1 (10 oz.) can diced tomatoes with green chile peppers 1 (16 oz.) jar taco sauce 2 (16 oz.) cans refried beans 12 (8 inch) flour tortillas 9 ounces shredded Colby cheese Add all ingredients to list Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large skillet over medium heat, saute the ground beef for 5 minutes. Add the onion and garlic, and saute for 5 more minutes. Drain any excess fat, if desired. Mix in the olives, green chile peppers, tomatoes with green chile peppers, taco sauce and refried beans. Stir mixture thoroughly, reduce heat to low, and let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Spread a thin layer of the meat mixture in the bottom of a 4 quart casserole dish. Cover with a layer of tortillas followed by more meat mixture, then a layer of cheese. Repeat tortilla, meat, cheese pattern until all the tortillas are used, topping off with a layer of meat mixture and cheese. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is slightly brown and bubbly. * * * * * Happy Father’s Day! A Touchstone Energy Partner Page 9-A NORTHWEST RURAL SAFETY NRPPD Announces 2016 Scholarship Winners Northwest Rural Public Power District Science major and recently recognized the 2016 scholarship recipiremain an active ents at their April Board Meeting. The scholarmember of the ship committee selected very worthy students Honors Program, into for the scholarships provided through Northwest which I have been Rural. accepted at all The student applications were selected schools applied. Her based on ACT scores, grade point average, plan is to practice motivation and or leadership qualities, goals, Physical Therapy in character, financial need and care taken in an underserved ruralpreparing the application. This program is Nebraska community. designed to recognize and encourage the Jayden is the Jayden Garrett, a Chadron 2016 graduachievements of rural students residing within of ate, is presented a $1000 Basin Electric scholar- daughter Northwest Rural’s Service Area. ship certificate by NRPPD Board Chairman Lee Christopher and Julie THE FIRST APPLICANT selected for this Ahrens. Garrett. year’s Basin Electric $1000 scholarship is * * * * Jayden Garrett, a 2016 Chadron graduate. * At Chadron High, Garrett served as captain of varsity volleyball and basketball in which they were able to The two $500 scholarships were awarded to a qualify for three state tournaments. She also participated Hemingford and a Chadron High School student. in track in which she placed at State and earned a first Brooke Roes, daughter of Jamie and Sandy Roes, place at Best of the West. Academically, she was a top plans to attend Chadron State College this fall and major member of the Math Club for two years. She was nomiin business. nated by the Health Professions Club for the National At CHS, she served as an officer for the Future Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine. She was a founding Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and Future Farmers member and secretary of the Future Farmers of (Continued on Page 11) American Chapter, Treasurer of Student Council and Class President. She managed to maintain all these activities and honors after suffering a severe volleyball injury which required a four-hour-long surgery. “Throughout eight Propane Delivery months of recovery and continuous adversity through a subsequent pelvic stress fracture and bone contusion, I Tank Rentals & Sales experienced the hope and health, both psychological Ask About Our and physiological, provided by physical therapists,” said “KEEP FULL PROGRAM” Garrett. Through her experience she developed a passion for physical therapy and an overwhelming compas3579 Robbie Beguin, Owner (308) 360-3 sion for others. Her future goal is to obtain a Doctor of Hwy. 20 & 280th Lane - Gordon Physical Therapy degree by beginning with an Exercise beguinpropane@gpcom.net BEGUIN PROPANE Carports • Buildings • Garages Wreck-A-Mended Body Works YOU DREAM IT WE BUILD IT! Free Estimates • Custom Painting Starting at 595 12’x21’x5’ $ (308) 282-2005 Dennis & Sharon Persons Steve & Valli Petersen (308) 638-7453 701 South Main • Gordon Hay Springs Page 10-A Northwest Rural P.P.D. A Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016 2016 Scholarship Winners-John Manning is the second recipient for the Tri-State $500 Scholarship. Manning lives west of Marsland and is the son of T.J. and Tori Manning. At Hemingford High, Manning participated in football , basketball and track all four years. He was a member of FFA in which he was involved in the Impact leadership workshop, ag management, livestock judging and was a agronomy state qualifier his sophomore year. Manning plans to attending South Dakota State and major in Agricultural Business. “My goals and aspirations are to attend a four year college then come home to help operate the family ranch,” said Manning. Building a Deck? Planting a Tree? Chadron 2016 graduate, Brooke Roes, is presented a $500 scholarship certificate by NRPPD Board Chairman Lee Ahrens. A federally mandated national “Call Before You Dig” number, 811 was created to help protect you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. (Continued from Page 10) of America. She was an Interact member, participated on the golf team in which she qualified for state, cross country, volleyball, National Honor Society, musical, and Math Club. . Roes is currently a waitress at Fryday’s and was a wrangler at Chadron State Park last summer. Community involvement has included catechist instructor, Catholic Youth Program and Vacation Bible School to mention a few. Deluxe Electric Grill &Model Cover 9359W Reg. $221+ tax Now 185 $ $ Plus Tax Includes Durable Cover (Assembly $10) • Deluxe grill with all standard features • Food view window and rotisserie included • Sleek, new cart is designed for corrosion resistance and easy clean-up • Pair of extra-sturdy, one-piece tubular steel legs and shelf supports • Sturdy wire lower shelf Northwest Rural Public Power District Cares About the Consumer (308) 638-4445 or 1-800-847-0492 5613 S. Hwy. 87 • Hay Springs June 2016 Northwest Rural P.P.D. A Touchstone Energy Partner Page 11-A NORTHWEST RURAL NEWS Bits ën Pieces... Things I learned from my Father... • Buy high quality tools, so you only have to buy them once. • Keep a change of clothes at the office. • Never hit anyone unless they are an immediate threat. • Every hat should serve a purpose. • Never take her to the movies on the first date. • Learn to wet shave. • Nothing looks more badass than a well-tailored suit. • Shave with the grain on the first go-around. • Always look a person in the eye when you talk to them. • Buy a plunger before you need a plunger. • Exercise makes you happy. Run, lift and play sports. • Brush your teeth before you put on your tie. • A small amount of your paycheck should go directly to your savings account every month. • Call Mom and Dad every week. • Never wear a clip-on tie. • Give a firm handshake. • Compliment her shoes. • Never leave a pint unfinished. • If you aren’t confident, fake it. It will come around. • You can’t tell the size of the man by the size of things that bother him. • Be conscious of your body language. • The only reason to ever point a gun at someone is if you intend to shoot them. Period. • Always stand to shake someone’s hand. • Never lend anything you can’t afford to lose. • Ask more than you answer. Everybody likes to talk about themselves. • Manliness is not only being able to take care of yourself, but others as well. • Go with the decision that will make a good story. • When you walk, look straight ahead, not at your feet. • Find your passion and figure out how to get paid for it. • No matter their job or status, everyone deserves your respect. • The most important thing you can learn is personal responsibility. Bad things happen; it’s your job to overcome them. • Always go out in public dressed like you’re about to meet the love of your life. • Don’t change yourself to make someone else happy. • Do whatever you want to do, but be the best at it. • No one is on their deathbed wishing they spent more time at work. ___________ Flowers, Vegetables, Jam & Jellies! You can find it all at Lil' Ladybug" HOURS: Tues.-Sat. 9-6 p.m.; Sundays 2-6 p.m. Lil Ladybug Greenhouse & Garden Fresh from the Earth! E-mail: runkle@haysprings.net Or visit www.LittleLadybugGardens.com 12-A Call or E-mail for more info. Karen Runkle at 232-4474 or 308-763-1843 4283 460th Road Hay Springs, NE 69347 Northwest Rural P.P.D. Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday- Friday Service Calls After Hours: Please call 800-847-0492 if your call is long distance or 638-4445 for the local Hay Springs area at all times. We have an answering service that answers these numbers on a 24hour basis - after hours, Saturday, Sundays and holidays. Please state legal description, account number or meter number where the outage is and your phone number when you call. Public Power District South on Hwy. 87 • P.O. Box 249 Hay Springs, NE 69347 web page: http://www.nrppd.com OFFICERS President: Lee Ahrens, Marsland Vice President: Wayne Cobb, Merriman Secretary: Bruce Troester, Marsland Treasurer: Robert Rickenbach, Chadron Tri-State Director: Gary Fuchser, Gordon Board Members: Mike Van Buskirk, Hay Springs Terry Terrell, Hay Springs Manager: CHANCE BRISCOE Office Manager: Arlene Lahaye Office (308) 638-4445 Fax 638-4448 Consumer/Marketing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Les Tlustos Publisher/Editor Advertising Rep. . . . . . . . .Cindy Peters Hip-Hop (308) 638-7132 Your Touchstone Energy Partner June 2016
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