be aspiring - Happy Science Kauai


be aspiring - Happy Science Kauai
Sharing these universal teachings of Truth by Master Ryuho Okawa
be aspiring
How to Attain Happiness Through Your Efforts
welcome to…
Happy Science Monthly – our
worldwide publication in English that
includes teachings of universal Truth
that have already awakened many,
regardless of color, creed, background
or faith, to true happiness. Each issue
contains the latest insights into the
world of Happy Science such as
news stories, events and members’
life-changing experiences, and the
sharing of our vast collection of
Master Okawa’s teachings. We hope
you enjoy this issue, and can join us
on this journey to create a better
world during this extraordinary age of
The Happy Science Monthly Team
What is Happy Science?
Founded in 1986, in Japan, Happy Science is a rapidly
growing worldwide movement started by Master
Ryuho Okawa for the happiness of humanity. We
have a passion for improving people’s lives through
seminars, charities, and various activities by the
spreading of universal Truth.
welcome | about happy science monthly
contents in this issue
Happy Science Monthly 232
a ticket to happiness
pg. 4
turn life’s difficulties into treasure
pg. 6
contemplation Points
a ticket to happiness
pg. 16
member interview
from Hawaii
pg. 18
from around the world
pg. 22
japanese lesson
instructor’s interview
pg. 26
about happy science monthly | contents
A Ticket
to Work is exciting.
When you are confronted with problems and
difficulties, you may well want to complain and say,
“Why do I need to go through such a tough time?”
Once you have managed to accomplish your work
With wisdom, courage, and effort,
Your sense of fulfillment will be exceptional.
You will feel as if you have climbed to the top of a
mountain where there is a beautiful view,
And you will feel a refreshing breeze touching your
a guide for the mind | a ticket to happiness
Japanese original title “Kofuku no Kiippu” Copyright Ryuho Okawa 2011 © English
© English
This happiness will not be granted
To those who have never racked their brains
And worked so hard.
There certainly is a reward for your efforts.
This being the case,
Don’t think of hard work as a labor.
Think of it as a ticket to happiness.
Don’t pity yourself nor seek sympathy from others.
Stand up with determination
And do what you have to do.
You can make yourself happy.
translation Happy Science 2012 ©
a ticket to happiness | a guide for the mind
World Teacher Ryuho Okawa
World Teacher and Founder of Happy Science Ryuho
Okawa was born on July 7th 1956, in Tokushima, Japan.
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he joined
a Tokyo-based trading house. While working at its New
York headquarters, he studied finance at the Graduate
Center of the City University of New York. On March 23rd
1981, he achieved Great Enlightenment, and awakened to
the hidden part of his consciousness, El Cantare, whose
mission is to bring happiness to all humanity. In 1986 he
established Happy Science to convey the Truth. He has
published over 1,000 books, many of which have sold
millions of copies, including The Laws of the Sun.
Turn Life’s Difficulties
into Treasures
Master Ryuho
Okawa’s Teachings
Extract from the booklet, Living in Times of Light
How can we generate enough happiness so that this world
abounds with it? Of course there is no doubt that each person must
take the first step to realize this for him- or herself, and that what
each of you think will eventually transform the world. What is
necessary is that each person is filled with happiness, and is willing
to share that happiness with others.
There are steps to follow. Firstly, you should never be the sort
of person who creates unhappiness instead of happiness. A “creator
of unhappiness” is a person who makes others depressed. If you
have contact with a person like this, little by little your sense of
happiness will fade, until you feel quite depressed.
lecture | turn life’s difficulties into treasures
What are the characteristics of this type of person? Their words
are the biggest problem. A person who creates unhappiness is
always pessimistic and complaining; he believes that tomorrow
will be worse than today. On meeting people like this, you feel
increasingly low. Also, they tend to believe that everyone in the
world is out to persecute or betray them. If you keep company
with people like this, you will undoubtedly become more and
more gloomy.
When you look at others you can easily see this, but check to
see that you are not generating similar negative feelings. If you are
not usually so pessimistic, there may be certain times of the year or
in a life when you succumb to feelings of unhappiness. The very
moment you feel trapped by such negativity, you should make up
your mind to fight.
Even if you really are suffering because of some misfortune,
you need to know that by merely complaining, focusing on
the depressing circumstances and begging to be pitied, you are
behaving in a mediocre way. If you really wish to improve yourself
turn life’s difficulties into treasures | lecture
and lead others to happiness, you must not behave like this. Even if
you are surrounded by sorrow and pain, can you not even manage
a smile? Can you not try and see something good or positive in the
difficulties you face?
In fact, in difficult circumstances, there are many hidden keys
to the path of victory. It would not be too much to say that in the
midst of such setbacks, as well as in more ordinary times and in
our days of glory, we are rich in the raw materials that propel our
lives forward.
From my own experience, most of the ideas I lay before
you were discovered when I faced my hardest times, not the
happy ones. My own experiences in breaking through difficult
conditions contributed to my gaining confidence.
It is in hardship that we are, in fact, surrounded by an
abundance of life’s treasures. Surrounded by piles of treasure,
you complain that you have been buried alive and are unable to
move freely. But shine some light around you and look at what
lecture | turn life’s difficulties into treasures
“ T he main purpose of our life in this world
is to discipline and refine the soul.
you will find. There are piles of diamonds, heaps of treasure. You
are actually surrounded by these treasures, right here and now,
but if the light has gone out, you cannot see that you are so very
blessed in that situation.
Now, let us consider the significance of our life on earth.
The main purpose of our life in this world is to discipline and
refine the soul. Through numerous incarnations, we have always
looked for the best way to continue the soul’s progress, and each
time we are born on earth we choose a different environment.
We have selected different professions, different circumstances,
turn life’s difficulties into treasures | lecture
and different relationships,
for example, those who have
been wealthy in previous lives
are born into poor families
and vice versa, and those who
were healthy in past lives are
born with illnesses. We are
born into this world with
the supreme assignment of
spiritual advancement, by
even a single step forward.
Because this is the case,
in difficult times you should
think, “I am now being
given this rare opportunity to
improve my soul. This means I have found the very purpose of
this life.” You must not avoid your task. If you were to complain
about it, I would say, “You have been given the map for the
treasure hunt and you have been walking, searching for treasure
and following the map. Now there is a pile of treasure right in
front of you. What are you complaining about?”
Particularly if you are faced with the greatest difficulty of
your life, it is the greatest opportunity that has been prepared
for the refinement of your soul. This is the most important part
of the book of problems prepared specially for your life, so for
the sake of your soul training, you should not avoid facing this
lecture | turn life’s difficulties into treasures
Each person is faced with the problems that are most
appropriate to his or her soul. The level of the problem you face
is neither higher nor lower than the level of development of your
soul. No matter what troubles befall you, they are problems
that you can solve or, more precisely, problems that only you
can solve. When problems appear right in front of you, they are
showing you the significance of your life and the purpose of your
soul training in this lifetime.
Once you have finished a certain task in your training,
you will never have to do that same assignment again. Other
problems that you have not yet solved will arise. If you solve the
problems in this life easily, it means you have passed through
them and the next time you are born into this world, you will
not have to solve the same problems again; instead, you will help
others to solve them.
turn life’s difficulties into treasures | lecture
This process explains how souls advance. Now let me give
you some basic advice; if you are in an environment where it is
not surprising that you are complaining, I would like you to stop
and think for just a moment before you start complaining. You
should say to yourself: “This problem appearing before me is
showing me the nature of my soul and my mission in this life; I
can see the purpose of my life without asking a clairvoyant about
“ Y ou should say to yourself: “This problem
appearing before me is showing me the nature
of my soul and my mission in this life; I
can see the purpose of my life without asking a
clairvoyant about it.
lecture | turn life’s difficulties into treasures
At this critical point you must not give up. Never. At this
very moment you must summon your courage. If you feel as if
you were standing in the middle of a meadow like the ancient
Japanese mythical hero Yamato Takeru, surrounded by fire that
is licking its way toward you, you need to mow down the grass
around you using a sword that has magical powers. Then the
wind will shift, the fire will turn, and start to move toward the
enemy, missing you. You need to make a courageous decision.
I wonder how many people create unhappiness through
their lack of courage. It is intolerable to watch these people. As
the fire comes toward them, they start to run, afraid they will
be completely burnt and as a result, the flames spread further.
Instead of turning your back on the fire, you have to stop it on
the spot. You must stand your ground and stop the flames; you
must be resolute in solving your problems.
turn life’s difficulties into treasures | lecture
Sometimes you can actually solve a problem. Even if you
cannot, the fact that you have tackled a difficult problem head-on
will be a great experience for you, and to be sure, you will learn
valuable lessons through the experience. No one else has exactly
the same experiences as you. The lessons you learn through the
process of solving your own problems are the treasures you can
take back to heaven with you when you leave this world.
Some of you may still half doubt what I say, but I can assure
you that in the eighteen years since I awakened and began to
experience the world of spirit, not a single day has passed when I
do not talk with those in the other world, the world beyond this.
As a man who communicates every day with the inhabitants of
the other world, I can assure you with 100% conviction that the
spirit world exists. This is the truth, I am not lying or joking.
The other world really does exist.
From the other world, you incarnate into this world, live for
decades and then inevitably, you must leave this world. After you
actually pass over, your soul mates, friends from past lives and
your deceased parents will come to meet you. You will have a
pleasant time discussing the experiences you had on earth, and
the lessons you learned through difficulties and problems.
Many angels will come and say to those of you who tackled
your problems courageously, “You did very well. You fought
patiently under difficult conditions.” In this way you will discuss
your journey in this world.
No matter whether you are healthy or sick in the decades
you are here, you will all leave this world. Even if you have a
lecture | turn life’s difficulties into treasures
high social status or a lot of money, you will not be exempted.
Those who study medicine will not escape either. Everyone will
inevitably leave this world. When you leave, the only thing you
can take with you is your mind and soul. The most important
question is which parts of your soul you have corrected and
refined, what lessons you have learned and integrated.
You will have to leave behind all your personal belongings.
In the other world, there are no houses or real estate; you cannot
take your bank account with you to heaven. All you can take is
your mind and soul. Now that you understand the truth of this,
I am sure you will realize what you should do. No matter what
human relationships, circumstances, or work you are involved in,
you should concentrate on refining your soul.
To do this, you need to put an end to any negative ways of
thinking. You should stop entertaining pessimistic ideas that hurt
or trouble others and you should stop talking in a negative way.
This is the first piece of advice.
turn life’s difficulties into treasures | lecture
A Ticket to Happiness
Contemplation Points...
THE GUIDE FOR THE MIND are words we can think deeply upon
and live by. This month’s theme is on “A Ticket to Happiness.”
You may be confronted with problems and
When you face these problems with courage and solve with
wisdom, you will feel a great sense of fulfillment.
This makes work exciting and the same rule goes with life.
People who put effort and work hard will
attain happiness that is immeasurable.
So, it is important to always try hard and
never give up.
The result will be clear and you will feel very content.
contemplation points | a ticket to happiness
So, even when you are in the midst of your
problems, you must be determined that a
path will open.
When you are walking this path, you are already
heading to true happiness.
So, happiness is something you must attain through
your own efforts.
A Ticket to Happiness
Reflect on your current challenges and problems you are
Contemplate on how you can make yourself happy.
Members Interview from Hawaii
Lucia Birgado
Hawaii Local Temple
Bev. Mercado
Hawaii Local Temple
Bev. and Lucia enjoy studying the teachings of Happy Science
together in Hawaii. We have interviewed how they met Happy
Science and how they are deepening their faith.
Bev.’s Story
Bev. met Happy Science in 2002. She attended one of the
meditation workshops and had a spiritual experience.
“When I was closing my eyes, I saw a circle of light coming
from heaven and I felt I was protected by this light. Soon, my
hands felt very warm. It was my first experience, so I was very
When she attended another meditation workshop, she had a
mystical experience again.
special report | member interview
has the po
to fundam
entally ch
ange us.
You should
never give
up hope.
There is a
way throu
When one
gh everyth
door close
s, another
one alway
Healing Y
s opens."
“It was a meditation where you reflect on people or
events that had made you angry. I was reflecting on my past and
I remembered a time when I was attending a catholic school.
I was given a grade D in my Religion class and as a result, my
qualification for entering a national scholorship program was
taken away. I started to reflect on the anger I had toward the
teacher that had given me the D, and soon my hips started
to tingle and a thought came to my mind. “I was thinking it
wasn’t my fault all this time, but maybe I was being arrogant.
Maybe it was a lesson to teach me to be more humble.” At that
moment, the anger that I had been holding on for many years
disappeared and the tingling in my hips went away.
After this experience, Bev. decided to join Happy Science.
Lucia’s Story
Lucia met Happy Science when she unexpectedly found one of
the books written by Master Ryuho Okawa.
“I was having problems with human relationships. I was
trying to take care of my friend by having her stay at my house,
but she was disrespectuful and soon I didn’t want to go back
home. I was keeping my emotions to myself to the point where
member interview | special report
people ask me if I was having depression.
One day, I found the book ‘Healing Yourself ’ at a bookstore
and bought it and started reading it in my car. Once I started
reading, I couldn’t stop and ended up reading the entire book.
There was contact information of the Hawaii Local Temple
on the last page, so I called and headed straight to the temple.
That was March 2012.
How They Study
“Bev. gave me the back numbers of the Happy Science
Monthlies. I was so happy; I am reading it over and over again.
I grew up being close to religion and faith, but I always had
doubts about not having clear explanation of heaven and hell
and only accepting their own religious teachings. Master has
answered perfectly about the existence of guardian angels and
the dimensions of the other world as well as the true meaning
of ‘love’. These are things I wanted to know about all my life. The more I studied the teachings, the more positive and happy
Every book by Master is a treasure.
‘Healing Yourself’ is the book Lucia
unexpectedly picked up at the
bookstore. She was waiting in line to
buy another book, when this book
caught her eye. Lucia reads this over
and over and underlines the parts
that are important and writes notes
of her thoughts. “Every book is an
important treasure.”
special report | member interview
I became. There were many hardships in my life, but when I
found out that my guardian angel had always protected me and
guided me to the right path, my tears kept on running down my
cheeks. ”
Bev. is sharing the wisdom she attained through the ten years
with Lucia. Bev. says, “I am very happy to have a ‘dharma
friend’, who we can learn the teachings together.” Lucia
continues, “I take notes of what Bev. and other dharma friends
have done and taught me.”
Bev. was present for the memorable moment of Master Okawa’s
first overseas lecture in 2007.
“I felt very honored to be living and being a disciple of Master
in the same age. I have watched the lecture “Be Positive” that
Master lectured in Hawaii many times. Every time, I learn
something new. I am very thankful for this.”
Lucia says, “After reading the book, attending the seminar, and
deepening the studies, I can feel Master’s words engraving in
my soul. Right now, I just want to continue learning Master’s
teachings. I am filled with joy and happiness!.”
I sing my song of gratitude to Master.
Bev. sings and plays the ukulele. She has
performed many songs including the theme
song for Hawaii. In 2005, she went to Japan to
perform at Chubu Shoshinkan (Temple) and
Seichi Shikoku Shoshinkan (Temple). “The
only things I can offer Master are my songs. I
am very honored to be able to perform at the
Temples in Japan. “
member interview | special report
Uniting people
through faith
The movie "The Mystical Laws"
Spreading around the World
“The Mystical Laws” was shown in movie theatres in Brazil!
There was a press screening on May 4th, where many medias
attended. The showing of the movie started from May 9th to
May 18th in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. They were picked
up in over 80 medias such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs.
On May 13th – 15th, there was the screening of the movies,
“The Final Judgement” and “The Mystical Laws” at the
Japan FilmFest Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany. The
participants were very interested in Japanese animation and
many were moved by the messages of the movies.
happy science news
“The Mystical Laws” was aired on
MuchTV in Taiwan on May 19th and
on Koten TV on 25th. At the end of
the movie, they showed the contact
information of the Taiwan Local Temple,
and many called. Some even called to ask
how they can buy the DVD.
Book Fair in Nepal
Happy Science participated in one of the biggest book fair
in Kathmandu, Nepal from May 24th to June 1st. About
100,000 people attend this book fair and Happy Science had
a booth selling Master’s books translated in Nepali language.
Book Fair in Russia
VES Publication Company, the publisher of Ryuho Okawa books,
exhibited a booth at the St. Petersburg Book Fair in Russia. Many
people came to the booth and the Russian version of the books
“Invincible Thinking”, “The Laws of Happiness”, “The Laws of
the Sun”, and “The Golden Laws” were all sold out by the third
day. Since the booth was so popular, they have been approved to
have a booth for the Moscow Book Fair in September.
happy science news
Books Published in Africa
For the first time, English books
“Invincible Thinking”, “Unshakable
Mind”, and “The Laws of Success” have
been published in Africa. The president of
a large Publishing Company Moran has
commented saying; “I saw love and God
from the author’s message. The future of
this country depends on educating the young
ones to become creative.” Also the CEO of the
mobile company have quoted Master Okawa’s
book, “Invincible Thinking” and was picked up
on the local business newspaper.
In South Africa, they conducted a seminar at a
large bookstore for this exciting event.
Ryuho Okawa Book Corner
completed in Thailand
Happy Science supported the reconstruction of the Wat
Chulamanee School library in Ayutaya, Thailand after the
flood in 2011. The construction has finally completed and
in the library it has a Ryuho Okawa Book Corner. In this
space, people can study and read the books. Over 216 books
in English and Thai were donated.
happy science news
3rd Year Anniversary of Brazil
Shoshinkan (Temple)
On May 20th, Brazil Shoshinkan held the ceremony for the 3rd
Year Anniversary. The prayer hall was filled with attendees and
there were even members that came from Peru. The theme of the
ceremony was “Prosperity from Faith” and everyone pledged for
the success of Brazil Shoshinkan and of South America.
Seminar held in San Francisco and
Los Angeles
Mr. Kimura, Head Minister of
Happy Science USA, conducted
a lecture “Science of Happiness
- Love Unites the World“ in San
Francisco and lecture “Change
Your Destiny - Let your Inner Self Shine”
in Los Angeles. Many people attended and
they were introduced to the core teachings
of Happy Science. Mr. Kimura is planning to
continue his lectures in America throughout
this year.
“The teachings of Happy Science
are life lessons for a much happier
“Mr. Kimura is a very good
presenter. It was a powerful and
convincing lecture.”
happy science news
Let's Learn Japanese
Here, we will teach Japanese language, Japanese culture, and
introduce Happy Science Japanese classes around the world!
Let’s have a conversation in Japanese!
Today's Lesson: [~arimasu]=There is / are X (nonliving things)
Kore wa Master
Okawa no hon
There is /are many of them.
These are books written by
Master Okawa.
Eigo no hon o
dozo. DVD mo
Arigato gozaimasu.
Thank you very much.
Please take the English
book. There is / are DVDs
as well.
With Ms
KANJI~Kanji from a Drawing~
<How to Read> <Meaning>
take, chiku
Japanese Traditional Event in July: 七夕(tanabata)
The Star Festival is celebrated on July 7th. It is based
on the combination of the faith toward an ancient
Japanese goddess (Tanabatatsume) and the festival of
stars. This is how the Star Festival was adopted among
the commoners. The two stars, Altair and Vega, were
likened to two people in love. The day they meet
every year, July 7th, on opposite sides of the Milky
Way, became known as the day your wish comes true.
That is how Japanese people developed the custom
of writing their wishes on a strip of paper or set up
bamboo branches with colorful decorations.
Grand O
Interview with Nepalese Japanese Language Instructor!
In this issue, we have interviewed Lama Shyam Krishna, who taught a Japanese
Language class at Shinjuku Temple. We asked how he feels about spreading the
truth and teaching Japanese language.
Lama Shyam Krishna From Nepal
2007.10 - Came to Japan. Studied at Japanese Language School in Fukuoka
2008.11 - Became a devotee member at Happy Science
2009.4 - Enrolled in a 4 year University in Tokyo
2010.10- Started teaching Japanese Language class at Shinjuku Temple
2011.1 - Won 1st Place at HS Japanese Language Speech Contest
2013.4 - Started running a Nepalese Restaurant with his friend
Q: How
With Ms. Matsuo
did you meet
Happy Science?
I was very spiritual and at times, I could hear or see spirits, which
led to problems like insomnia. I started Hinduism and went to
other religions to pray and it was slowly being solved, but I still
had this problem when I came to Japan. My friend took me to
Ogoori Temple in Fukuoka and taught me the merits of The
Dharma of the Right Mind. I was praying to God Shiva, but
after I started praying to El Cantare, my problem was gone. I felt
certain that El Cantare is the supreme god.
Q: What inspired
Shinjuku Temple?
you to start teaching Japanese
I felt I wasn’t able to understand the teachings very
well due to the lack of my Japanese language skill.
I was frustrated with this, and wished there was a
place I could study the teachings and enhance my
Japanese language skills. This is the beginning. I
think that if I was able to study the teachings in
Japanese and explain it in my own language to the
people of my country, it will make Happy Science
into a global religion faster.
Q: What
Japanese Class at Shinjuku
is your future dream?
I want to become a staff and let everyone know in the
world about Lord El Cantare. Also, I believe that without
the support of my dharma friends, I would not be the
person I am right now. I want to spread this joy and
happiness to many people and contribute to the progress
Grand Opening of Nepalese
of Japan, Nepal and the world.
Open Recruitment for EFL Teacher
at Happy Science University (tentative name)
what is this about?
Happy Science Academy is seeking a Golden
full-time teacher (associate professor/
lecturer) of EFL who will belong to
Happy Science University (tentative
name). Happy Science Academy is an
educational corporation established by
Happy Science. Happy Science University
is being scheduled to open in April 2015.
Application Materials
fOfficial application form and the
list of achievement of research and
education (please email: univ@ for the
official application form)
fCopies of five major and recent
publications including books,
monographs and/or articles
fDegree certificate of last attended
who is eligible?
f Applicants should have a Ph.D.
or Master degree in English
Education (TESOL, TEFL,
English Philology, etc.) or in
a relevant field or equivalent
f Applicants should have at least
three-years experience of teaching
English at institutions of higher
fApplicants should be native
speaker of English or have native
fluency of the language and be
able to adequately communicate
in Japanese to work with faculty
colleagues and office staff
f Applicants should possess a will-
f An essay on your goals in teach-
ing, to be approximately 1000 words
in English
ingness to cooperate with faculty
members in various administrative
and academic committees for the
faculties and university regarding
fA video footage (about 5 minutes)
f Applicants should understand
of your English class or self-introduction
the educational policy of Happy
Science University
Selection Process
Successful candidates will have an interview
and/or demonstration of teaching in Japan.
Documents of successful candidates will
be scrutinized by the council of Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology in Japan.
Work Location
4427-1 Hitotsumatsu Aza Nakase Hei,
Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba, Japan
Deadline of Application
July 15, 2013
Full-time (Non-tenured)
4 year term
Anyone who is interested in applying, please contact us below.
Preparatory Office for Establishing Happy Science University
2-10-8 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052, Japan
please feel free to
contact us
Happy Science Worldwide
T 6F 1-6-7 Togoshi, Shinagawa, Tokyo, 142-0041, Japan
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[ 1-212-343-7972 FAX 1-212-343-7973 l
T 1590 E. Del Mar Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106, U.S.A.
[ 1-626-395-7775 FAX 1-626-395-7776 l
ATLANTA T 1893 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, GA 30324, USA
[ 1-404-963-6781
T 12208 N 56th St., Temple Terrace, FL 33617
[ 813-914-7771 FAX 813-914-7710 l
NEW JERSEY T 725 River Road, Suite 200, Edgewater, NJ 07020
[ 1-201-313-0127 FAX 1-201-313-0120 l
T 525 Clinton St., Redwood City, CA 94062, U.S.A.
[ /FAX 1-650-363-2777 l
T 1221 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 920, Honolulu, HI 96814, U.S.A.
[ 1-808-591-9772 FAX 1-808-591-9776 l
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T 55 Cowey Road, Durban 4001, South Africa
[ 031-2071217 FAX 031-2076765 l
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[ 234-816-0070-558
T Plot877 Rubaga Road, Kampala, P.O.Box34130,Kampala
[ +256-78-4728-601
T 28 Samora Machel Street, Asylum Down, Accra, Ghana
[ 233-30703-1610
T No. 149, “Freight House”, UnionPlace, Colombo 2 Sri Lanka
[ 94-112-300464
T Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No-9, Battisputali, Gaushala, Surya Bikram Gynwali Marga,
House No.1941, Kathmandu [ 977-0144-71506 l
T LGL Bldg, 2nd Floor, Kadalagaham cor, Rizal Ave. Taytay, Rizal, Philippines
[ 63-2-571-0686
T Between Soi 26-28, 710/4 Sukhumvit Rd.,Klongton,Klongtoey,Bangkok 10110
[ 66-2-258-5750 FAX 66-2-258-5749 l
T 162-17 Sadang3-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
[ 82-2-3478-8777 FAX 82-2-3478-9777 l
T No.89, Lane 155, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City 105, Taiwan
[ 886-2-2719-9377 FAX 886-2-2719-5570 l
T Unit A, 3/F-A Redana Centre, 25 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay
[ 85-2-2891-1963
T 110 Robinson Road #10-00, Singapore 068901
[ 65 6837 0777/ 6837 0771 FAX 65 6837 0772 l
T No.22A, Block 2, Jalil Link, Jalan Jalil Jaya 2, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
[ 03-89987877
T 516 Pacific Highway, Lane Cove North, NSW 2066, Australia
[ 61-2-9411-2877 FAX 61-2-9411-2822 l
T 11 Nicholson Street, Bentleigh, VIC 3204
[ 61-3-9557-8477 FAX 61-3-9557-8334 l
T 409A Manukau Road, Epsom 1023, Auckland, New Zealand
[ 64-9-630-5677 FAX 64 9 6305676 l
T Av. Insurgentes Sur #1443, Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Mexico 03920, D.F.
T R. Domingos de Morais 1154, Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo, SP - CEP 04009-002
[ 55-11-5088-3800 FAX 55-11-5088-3806 l
Other contacts can be found via our global website:
You must love beyond the difference
of all religions, all nations, and all races.
You are originally one.
* Master Ryuho Okawa *
[“Happy Attitude” lecture in Los Angeles]
Membership & Faith in El Cantare
At Happy Science, faith is fundamental. It is our connection
to God and without it we cannot truly make spiritual
progress. All our members have faith in El Cantare,
the supreme spirit whose mission is to bring
happiness to all of humanity.
If you would like to become a member or
find out more, please contact your local temple.
*All new members receive a basic prayer book with three prayers inside:
Dharma of the Right Mind | Prayer to the Lord | Prayer to Guardian & Guiding Spirits
(Available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Finnish and Nepali)
“ wish
This book has been written with the fundamental
to help create your future, the future of
this country and the future of the world.”
k of
★ The Road to Victory
★ Introduction to the
Success Theory
★ I Will Never Say Die
★ Live Positively
★ The Power to Create
the Future
★ The Resurrection of
Your Hopes
You can get your copy from your local temple.
Please contact your local temple for more information.