
Curriculum Vitae
Data naşterii
Limba maternă
Limbi străine cunoscute
Aptitudini şi competenţe
Aptitudini şi competenţe
Aptitudini şi competenţe
Aptitudini şi competenţe
Permis de conducere
Alte aptitudini şi competenţe
Mortici Cristinel
Strada 8 Martie, Bloc D7A, ap. 13, cod 130056, Târgovişte,
0722-727627 / 0040245-213382,
30 iulie 1968
- 2003-prezent: conf. dr. la Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte, şeful
Catedrei de Matematică
- 2001-2003: lect. dr. la Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte
- 1996-2001: asist. dr. la Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa
- 1993-1994: prep. la Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte
- 1994-1996: asist. la Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte
- 1999: Doctorat în Ecuaţii cu derivate parţiale la Institutul de
Matematică Simion Stoilov al Academiei Române din Bucureşti
- 1993: Absolvent al Facultăţii de Matematică a Universităţii din
- 1987: Absolvent al Liceului Ienăchiţă Văcărescu din Târgovişte
Engleza : citit (foarte bine), scris (foarte bine), vorbit (foarte bine)
Germana: citit (foarte bine), scris (foarte bine), vorbit (bine)
Franceza: citit (foarte bine), scris (bine)
Italiana : citit (foarte bine), scris (bine)
- Muncesc cu persoane într-un mediu multicultural
- Ocup o poziţie în care comunicarea este importantă
- Coordonez şi conduc activitatea colegilor de catedră în calitatea
de Şef al catedrei de Matematică
- Calculator: Office, Latex, Corel
Da, categoria B
(Competenţe care nu au mai fost menţionate anterior)
Conf. Dr. Cristinel MORTICI
A. LUCRARI PUBLICATE IN JURNALE STIINTIFICE 1. Sharp inequalities and complete monotonicity for the Wallis ratio The Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 18 (2011), no. 1. 2. Sharp bounds of the Landau constants Mathematics of Computation, (2010). 3. Product approximations via asymptotic integration The American Mathematical Monthly, 117 (2010), no. 5, 434‐441. 4. New sharp inequalities for approximating the factorial function and the digamma function Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 11 (2010), no. 1. 5. New approximation formulas for evaluating the ratio of gamma functions Mathematical and Computer Modelling, (2010). 6. The proof of Muqattash‐Yahdi conjecture Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 51 (2010), no. 9‐10, 1154‐1159. 7. On the Stirling expansion into negative powers of a triangular numbers Mathematical Communications, (2010). 8. A new Stirling series as continued fraction Numerical Algorithms, (2010). 1118
9. Monotonicity properties of the volume of the unit ball in Rn Optimization Letters, (2010). 10. Sharp inequalities related to Gosper’s formula Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348 (2010), no. 3‐4, 137‐140. 11. On new sequences converging towards the Euler‐Mascheroni constant Computers and Mathematics with Applications, (2010). 12. A class of integral approximations for the factorial function Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010), no. 6, 2053‐
2058. 13. Best estimates of the generalized Stirling formula Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215 (2010), no. 11, 4044‐4048. 14. Improved convergence towards generalized Euler‐Mascheroni constant Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215 (2010), no. 9, 3443‐3448. 15. New approximations of the gamma function in terms of the digamma function Applied Mathematics Letters, 23 (2010), no. 1, 97‐100. 16. Very accurate estimates of the polygamma functions Asymptotic Analysis, (2010). 17. Optimizing the rate of convergence in some new classes of sequences convergent to Euler’s constant Analysis and Applications (Singapore), 8 (2010), no. 1, 99‐107. 18. New sharp bounds for gamma and digamma functions Analele Ştiinţifice ale Univ. A. I. Cuza Iași, 56 (2010), no. 2. 1119
19. A quicker convergence toward the gamma constant with the logarithm term involving the constant e Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 26 (2010), no. 1. 20. An ultimate extremely accurate formula for approximation of the factorial function Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 93 (2009), no. 1, 37‐45. 21 Existence and uniqueness results for nonlinear Cauchy problems of the second order Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 11 (2009), no. 2, 229‐
233. 22. An extension of the Szasz‐Mirakjan operators Analele Stiintifice ale Univ. Ovidius Constanta, 17 (2009), no. 1, 137‐144. 23. Complete monotonic functions associated with gamma function and applications Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 25 (2009), no. 2, 186‐191. 24. Arithmetic mean of values and value at mean of arguments for convex functions ANZIAM Journal, 50 (2008), no. 1, 137‐141. 25. A new type of approximating sequence for the solution of the Cauchy problem consisting of piecewise linear functions Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 24 (2008), no. 2, 83‐90. 26. Nonsmooth perturbations in stochastic differential equations for the Brownian motion process Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 24 (2008), no. 1, 72‐75. 27. The distance between fixed points of some pairs of maps in Banach spaces and applications to differential systems Czehoslovak Mathematical Journal, 56 (2006), no. 2, 689‐695. 1120
28. Approximation methods for solving the Cauchy problem Czehoslovak Mathematical Journal, 55 (2005), no. 3, 709‐718. 29. A coincidence degree for bifurcation problems Nonlinear Analysis ‐ Theory. Methods. Applications, 53 (2003), no. 5, 715‐
721. B. Lucrari in reviste indexate BDI( Zentralblatt; Mathematical
Reviews) sau in reviste recunoscute CNCSIS( categoriile B sau B+)
30. A method for high precision calculations of some special functions
Annals of Oradea University – Mathematics Fascicola, (2010) 31 On the generalized Stirling formula
Creative Mathematics and Informatics, 19 (2010), no. 1 32. A sharp inequality involving the Psi function
Acta Universitas Apulensis Mathematica Informatica, 21 (2010), 41-45. 33. Some inequalities involving arithmetic functions
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, (2010) 34. A lower bound for a quotient of roots of factorials
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova Matematica, 3 (61)
(2009), 64-69 35. New formulas for computing the solidification constant
Metalurgia, 1 (2009), 21-24 1121
36. The speed of convergence of the Riemann sums with applications to Gamma
Scientific Studies and Research Bacău, 19 (2009), no.1, 131-138 37. Folding a square to identify two adjacent sides
Forum Geometricorum, 9 (2009), 99-107. 38. On an inequality of Keckic and Vasic
Automation Computers Applied Mathematics, 18 (2009) , no. 1, 7-11 39. A double inequality involving gamma via the multiplication formula of Gauss
Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 2 (2009), no. 2, 57-62 40. On the eigenvalues of the Laplacian
Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 2 (2009), no. 1, 35-40 41. A construction of an orthogonal basis in some Sobolev space
International Journal on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 50 (2009), no. 2,
227-232 42. The asymptotic analysis of the sequences
International Journal on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 50 (2009), no. 2,
275-282 43. A new formula for computing the casting solidification constant
Recent, Bra•‘˜, 9 (2008), no. 1, 55-58 1122
44. An application of the topological degree theory to nonlinear mechanical systems
on free movements
Transactions on Mathematics and Physiscs, 53 (67) (2008), Fasc. 1, 23-28 45 A numerical construction of an orthogonal basis in the Sobolev space
Studii șiCercetări Ştiinţifice Seria Mat. Universitatea Bacău, 18 (2008), 133140 46. A study of the stationary reactive flow of a fluid cofined in n-dimensional
domains with holes using the fixed point theory
Acta Universitas Apulensis Mathematica Informatica, 16 (2008), 165-169 47. New results in discrete asymptotic analysis
General Mathematics, 16 (2008), no. 4, 179-188 48. The method of the variation of constants for Riccati equations
General Mathematics, 16 (2008), no. 1, 111-116 49. Some separation results by inversion
Creative Mathematics and Informatics, 17 (2008), 142-146 50. Anticommutativity in the ring of square matrices with complex entries
Creative Mathematics and Informatics, 17 (2008), 25-32 51. A method which generates sharp estimations for big factorials
Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 1 (2008), no. 1-2, 71-74. 52. Some new facts in discrete asymptotic analysis
Mathematica Balkanica, 21 (2007), no. 3-4, 301-308 1123
53. A topological technique for reducing the dimension of a class of nonlinear
Analele Universităţii București Matematica, LVI (2007), 53-58 54. On the solving the Riccati equation and its equivalence with a second order
linear equation
Transactions on Mathematics and Physiscs, 52 (66) (2007), Fasc. 2, 51-55 55. Approximating intervals for some bifurcation points via Leray-Schauder theory
Analele Universitatii de Vest Timisoara, Ser. Mat.-Inform. 45 (2007), no. 2,
75-82 56. Nonexistence of nontrivial periodic solutions for semilinear equations
Studia Universitas Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 2 (2006), 63-69 57. A nonsmooth extension for the Bernstein-Stancu operators and an application
Studia Universitas Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 2 (2006), 69-83 58. A new simple proof for an inequality of Cebyshev type
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, 13 (2005), no. 2, 39-44. 59. Orthogonal basis in Sobolev space H01(a,b)
Studia Universitas Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 2 (2004), 89-95 60. Topological degree methods for nonlinear equations defined by Green functions
Romanian Journal of Physiscs, 48 (2003), no. 4, 501-505. 61. An application of degree theory to the problem of forced oscillations of a
Mathematica (Cluj), 45(68) (2003), no. 2, 143-146. 1124
62. A basic decomposition result related to the notion of rank of a matrix and
Analele Stiintifice Universitatea Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. 11 (1) (2003),
125-132 63. A topological method for elliptic problems with Green type nonlinearity
Supl. Analele Universitatea Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. (2003), 211-214. 64. Operators of monotone type and periodic solutions for some semilinear
Mathematical Reports (Bucuresti), 4 (54) (2002), no. 1, 109-121. 65. A contractive method for the problem of the forced oscillations of a pendulum
Mathematical Reports (Bucuresti), 4 (54) (2002), no. 2, 219-223. 66. An application of the degree theory to bifurcation problems with bounded
Mathematical Reports (Bucuresti), 4 (54) (2002), no. 3, 257-264. 67. On the solvability of boundary value problems in Sobolev spaces
Analele Universităţii de Vest Timişoara Seria Matematică-Informatică, 40
(2002), no. 1, 63-69 68. Convergence order for implicit sequences
Delta (Poland), 2 (2001), 4-6 69. On a properness method for free vibrations problem
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2001), no. 1-2, 71-76. 70. The continuation method for linear equations in Hilbert spaces
Analele Universităţii Craiova Seria Matematică Informatică, 28 (2001), 38-42 1125
71. Semilinear equations in Hilbert spaces with quasi-positive nonlinearity
Studia Universitas Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 4 (2001), 89-94 72. On the behaviour of the bifurcations set for nonlinear equations involving
operators of monotone type
Analele Universităţii Craiova Seria Matematică Informatică, 27 (2000), 27-37 73. Lax-Milgram theorem with application to the perturbed Laplace problem with
Dirichlet conditions
Creative Mathematics and Informatics, 9 (1999-2000), 91-96 74. On the solvability of the Cauchy problem
Nieuw Archieff voor Wiskunde, 1 (1999), 21-23 75. A method to compute the speed of convergence based on the inverse derivation
Creative Mathematics and Informatics, 8 (1998-1999), 103-108 76. Linear and nonlinear perturbations for Dirichlet problem
Analele Universitaţii Craiova Seria Matematică Informatică, 26 (1999), 51-58 77. Variational methods for perturbed Laplace problem
Analele Universităţii de Vest Timişoara Ser. Mat.-Inform., 37 (1999), no. 2,
105-111 78. Topological methods for semilinear problems with maximal monotone
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. 7 (1999), 5560 79. A topological degree for A*-proper mappings acting from a Banach space into
its dual
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 15 (1999), no. 1-2, 139-144. 1126
80. Bifurcations for monotone type operators
Analele Stiintifice Universitatea Ovidius Constanta 6 (1998), no. 2, 125-132 81. Coincidence degree for monotone type operators and applications to bifurcation
Analele Stiintifice Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, 6 (1998), 95-102 82. On the unique solvability of semilinear problems with strongly monotone
Libertas Mathematica 18 (1998), 53-57. 83. A contractive method for the proof of Picard theorem
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 14 (1998), no. 2, 179-184 84. The invariance to homotopy of the topological degree in spaces with semi-inner
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 13 (1997), no. 1-2, 94-98. 85. Semilinear equations with strongly monotone nonlinearities
Mathematiche (Catania), LII (1997), 387-39 Lucrari publicate in jurnale: Gazeta Matematica (Bucharest), Revista
Matematica din Timisoara, Revista Minus...
1. Rezolvarea unor ecuatii functionale cu ajutorul sirurilor recurente
Argument, 11(2009), 24-25
2. O schema originala de tip Horner de impartire la polinoame de grad superior
Revista MINUS, 2(2008), no. II, 12-14
3. Lema Cesaro-Stolz in trei cazuri diferite
Revista MINUS, 2(2008), no. II, 23-25
4. Inmultiri care impresioneaza
Revista MINUS, 1(2008), no. I, 11-13 (with Mirela Mortici)
5. Combinatii rationale de numere irationale
Revista MINUS, 1(2008), no. I, 25-28
6. O reciproca a proprietatii de multiplicitate a determinantilor
Revista MINUS, 1(2008), no. I, 31-33
7. O abordare cu lema lui Cesaro a cazurilor de egalitate la limita in inegalitati
Revista MINUS, 1(2008), no. I, 34-37
8. O clasa de functii care admit primitive
Revista de Matematica a Elevilor si Profesorilor din Caras-Severin, 3(2007), 9-11
9. O demonstratie cu arii a teoremei lui Ceva
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 3(2006), 9-10
10. Ecuatia functionala a lui Cauchy in C si izometriile planului
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(2006), 3-6 (with Dan Stefan Marinescu)
11. O demonstratie a teoremei lui Rolle
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(2005), 8-9
12. Legaturi si echivalente intre teoreme celebre de geometrie
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 1(2005), 3-6
13. Metoda trunchierii
Gazeta Matematica, 7-8(2004), 257-263 (with A. Vernescu)
14. Metoda punctelor limita pentru studiul convergentei unor siruri marginite
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(2004), 3-6
15. Ecuatia diofantica ab=cd si aplicatii
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 1(2004), 3-6
16. O legatura neasteptata intre doua probleme de geometrie
Axioma, 12(2004), 5-7
17. Proprietati interesante ale secantelor la 45 de grade in patratul unitate
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 3(2003), 1-7
18. O caracterizare complexa a triunghiurilor echilaterale si aplicatii
Axioma, 7(2003), 1-4 (with Mirela Mortici)
19. O metoda de baza pentru determinarea patratelor perfecte
Revista de Matematica si Informatica din Constanta, 3(2003), 1-4 (with Mirela Mortici)
20. O teorema fundamentala de reprezentare a matricelor de rang r si aplicatii
Gazeta Matematica, 8(2003), 261-269
21. Lema intervalelor inchise incluse
Revista de Matematica din Timsoara, 2(2003), 3-9 (with Titu Andreescu)
22. O ecuatie diofantica cu aplicatii neasteptate
Gazeta Matematica, 1(2003), 8-14 (with Titu Andreescu)
23. Metoda factorului integrant pentru ecuatii omogene
Gazeta Matematica, seria A, 4(1997), 272-274
24. Efectul radacinilor multiple in probleme de divizibilitate
Gazeta Matematica, 5-6(1996), 275-276
25. In legatura cu identitatea lui Hermite
Gazeta Matematica, 10-11(1997), 374-377
26. O proprietate intr-un Inel. Asupra problemei 23492
Gazeta Matematica, 6(1997), 217-218
27. Comportamentul functiilor cu proprietatea lui Darboux in vecinatatea unui punct de
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(2002), 4-8
28. On the form of the complementary sequence
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 1(2000), 1-5
29. Functii polinomiale de tip determinant
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(1999), 7-10
30. O varianta a inductiei matematice
Revista de Matematica din Timisoara, 2(1999), 7-11
31. Monotonia sirului e_n,
Chindia Mathematica, Targoviste, 1(1999), 1-4
32. Viteza de convergenta a unor siruri definite implicit
Chindia Mathematica, Targoviste, 2(1999), 1-5
O metoda pentru calculul puterilor unei matrice de ordinul 2 si Aplicatii
Zinca Golescu Journal, Pitesti, 1(1999), 26-30 (with Mirela Mortici)

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