March 2015 Price List - Beverage Journal, Maryland and
March 2015 Price List - Beverage Journal, Maryland and
Wholesaler Directory Brand Index & Price List March 2015 Washington, DC Lanterna Distributors 1125 Desoto Rd Baltimore MD 21223 877-890-9020 Fx 877-890-9021 Page 29MD Bacchus Importers, Ltd. 2800 V St Washington DC 20018 800-525-9699 Fx 410-633-0507 Page 18DC Constantine Wines 9001 Mendenhall Ct Columbia MD 21045 410-309-9463 Fx 410-309-9462 Page 22DC Washington Wholesale 2800 V St NE Unit E Washington DC 20018 202-832-5600 Orders 202-281-3700 Fx 202-832-3629 Page 72DC Premium Distributors 3500 Fort Lincoln Dr NE Washington DC 20018 202-526-3900 Fx 202-526-7417 Page 31DC CRAFT WINE & SPIRITS 5909 Blair Rd NW Ste 3014 Washington DC 20011 202-803-6070 Page 27MD D O P S, Inc. 2625 D Evarts St Washington DC 20018 301-839-8650 Fx 301-839-8658 Page 28DC Southern Wine & Spirits 3145 V St NE Washington DC 20018 202-269-4680 Page 38DC Winebow 1111 16the St NW Ste 121 Washington DC 20036 202-835-3061 Fx 202-835-3064 Cust Serv. 800-445-0620 Page 77DC Prestige Beverage Group 500 Emerson St NE Washington DC 20017 410-439-1602 Page 32DC Republic National Distributing Co 4235 Sheriff Rd NE Washington DC 20019 Cust. Serv. 202-388-8200 202-388-8400 Page 34DC Journal Classifieds Master Inventory Professionals SPACE SAVER WINE RACK FEBRUARY&MARCHSPECIAL The AFFORDABLE Inventory Company D.C/VA (301)735-7720 Features: BALTIMORE ➤Frontfacingsare313/16".Will holdthelarger750mlwine andchampagnebottles.Holds 22cases,11bottlesacrossand 12bottlesdownoneachside. (410)752-3554 ➤Topfacingstiltbottlesupfor labeldisplayandeasyread- ability. ACCUCOUNT INVENTORY ➤Increasetradeupsandimpulse buying. ➤Rackiscompletelyfreestanding. TiltBarExtensionShelf 410-861-9979 (office) 443-794-7408 (cell) WWW.ACCUCOUNTINV.COM WE INCLUDE 5 PAGE PRINTOUTS OF YOUR INVENTORY In Business For 37 Years ➤Uniquedesignfoldsflatforeasy shipping.Savesover50%on freight. ➤Noassemblyrequired. F.O.B.Tulsa J264-22WineRack 49" high X 49" wide X 171/2" deep $179. 00 COMPLETE AS SHOWN SAVEOVER$60.00 8PriceExtrusions& 2TiltBarsIncluded Call 1-800-536-5566 To Place Your Order Today! Whitco Sales • Tulsa, Oklahoma Visit our Website: Beverage Journal March 2015 1DC Beer Domestic 21st Amendment...................... DOPS Abita........................................ DOPS Allagash................................... DOPS Anderson Valley ...................... DOPS Bar Harbor............................... DOPS Bear Republic.......................... DOPS Blue Point................................ DOPS Brooklyn................................... DOPS Coney Island............................ DOPS Duclaw..................................... DOPS Geary....................................Bacchus Great Divide............................. DOPS Green Flash............................. DOPS Jolly pumpkin........................... DOPS Mad River................................ DOPS Miller.................................... Premium Moylans................................... DOPS North Coast............................. DOPS River Horse.............................. DOPS Rogue...................................... DOPS Saint Louis............................... DOPS Schafly..................................... DOPS Shmaltz.................................... DOPS Smuttynose.............................. DOPS Troegs..................................... DOPS Unita........................................ DOPS Victory...................................... DOPS White Birch........................... Prestige Imported Achel........................................ DOPS Alfa(Greece)......................... Prestige Ass Kisser Ales..................... Prestige Auststiner Brau..................... Prestige Ayinger...................................... W.W. Baird........................................ DOPS Batemans................................ DOPS Beerlao................................. Prestige Belhaven.................................. DOPS Black Sheep............................ DOPS Blanche de Namur..................... W.W. Blaugies................................... DOPS Bruton................................... Prestige Caledonian.............................. DOPS Cantillon................................... DOPS Chimay.................................... DOPS Coniston.................................. DOPS Dampfbier....................... Constantine De Proef Brewmasters............ DOPS De Ranke................................. DOPS Dekonick.................................. DOPS Delirium................................... DOPS Eggenberg............................... DOPS Estrella Galicia......................... DOPS Export 33.............................. Prestige Fantome.................................. DOPS Fischer................... Republic National Gaffel....................................... DOPS Gosser..................................... DOPS Green’s Ale................................ W.W. Green’s Gluten Free.................. W.W. Greene King............................ DOPS Haand Bryggeriet..................... DOPS Hacker Pschorr...... Republic National Het Anker................................. DOPS Hook & Ladder...................... Prestige Hook Norton............................ DOPS James Boag’s....................... Prestige Jerome Belgian............... Constantine Jever........................................ DOPS Kasteel..................................... DOPS Keo(Greece)......................... Prestige Kerkom Bink............................ DOPS Klein Duimpie.......................... DOPS Konig....................................... DOPS Kulmbacher............................. DOPS Lefebvre................................... DOPS Liefmans.................................. DOPS Lindemans Fruit......................... W.W. Maccabee (Israel)...................... W.W. Mahrs....................................... DOPS Malheur.................................... DOPS Marathon(Greece)................ Prestige Maredsous............................... DOPS Marstons.................................. DOPS Melbourne Apricot...................... W.W. Melbourne Strawberry............... W.W. Menebrea.............................Bacchus Mikkeller.................................. DOPS 2DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Beer Moosebacher........................... DOPS Moretti.................... Republic National Moritz....................................... DOPS Murphy’s................ Republic National Nogne-O.................................. DOPS Norrebro.................................. DOPS Oranjeboom.......................... Prestige Orval.......................................... W.W. Palma Louca............................ DOPS Paulaner................ Republic National Pinkus........................................ W.W. Quilmes................................ Prestige Ridgeway................................. DOPS Rochefort................................... W.W. Salopian................................... DOPS Sam Smith................................. W.W. San Miguel............................ Prestige Sapporo................. Republic National Slaapmutske............................ DOPS Spaten Bier............ Republic National St. Ambroise............................ DOPS St. Peters................................. DOPS Sterkens.................................. DOPS Timmermans............................ DOPS Traquair..................................... W.W. Trois Monts...........................Bacchus Volkan............................. Constantine Weihenstephan........................ DOPS Wells & Youngs........................ DOPS Westmalle.................................. W.W. Wychwood............................... DOPS Xingu....................................... DOPS Zatec.......................................... W.W. Malt Boones.................. Republic National Dog Bite...............................Southern Earthquake..........................Southern Four Loko............................Southern Jeremiah Weed...................Southern Mikes “On the Rocks”..........Southern Mikes Hard Beverage..........Southern Parrot Bay............................Southern Parrot Bay Pouches.............Southern Seagram’s Escapes.............Southern Seagram’s Escapes Pouches.Southern Smirnoff Black Ice................Southern Smirnoff Ice.........................Southern Smirnoff Mixed Drinks.........Southern Seagram’s Smooth..............Southern Cider Ace.......................................... DOPS Alpenglow................................ DOPS Aspall....................................... DOPS Clos Normando........................ DOPS Duche de Longueville...........Bacchus Eden Ice Cider......................Bacchus Istagei...................................Bacchus Original Sin.............................. DOPS Poma....................................Bacchus Possmann.................................. W.W. Trabanco..............................Bacchus Non-Alcohol Jerry’s...................................... DOPS Wine Alsace Albert Boxler......................... Prestige Dom. Weinbach....................Bacchus Hugel..................... Republic National Josmeyer..............................Bacchus Schlumberger........ Republic National American 3 Blind Moose........ Republic National Acrobat.................. Republic National Antica..................... Republic National Ariel Vineyards...... Republic National Benziger................ Republic National Big House.............. Republic National Big Yellow.............. Republic National Black Box............... Republic National Blackstone............. Republic National Cakebread............. Republic National Calistoga Estates... Republic National Carpe Diem........... Republic National Ch. Ste. Michelle... Republic National Wine Clos Du Bois.......... Republic National Clos Duval............. Republic National Col Solare.............. Republic National Conn Creek........... Republic National Cribari.................... Republic National Cypress................. Republic National Dom. Carneros...... Republic National Dominus................ Republic National Ehlers Estate......... Republic National Erath...................... Republic National Estancia................. Republic National Far Niente.............. Republic National Faust...................... Republic National Ferrari-Coppoia..... Republic National Foley Estates......... Republic National Fourvines............... Republic National Franciscan............. Republic National Freestone.............. Republic National Frog’s Leap............ Republic National Grgich Hills............ Republic National Groth...................... Republic National Hawk Crest............ Republic National Hayman and Hill.... Republic National Heritage................. Republic National Hogue.................... Republic National J Lohr Estates........ Republic National Jordan.................... Republic National Joseph Phelps....... Republic National Kenwood................ Republic National King Estate............ Republic National La Terre................. Republic National Lake Sonoma........ Republic National Landmark............... Republic National Le Mistral............... Republic National Lincourt.................. Republic National Luna...................... Republic National Merryvale............... Republic National Mount Veeder........ Republic National Napanook.............. Republic National Nathanson Creek... Republic National Nickel & Nickel....... Republic National Night Harvest......... Republic National Northstar................ Republic National Painter Bridge........ Republic National Papio..................... Republic National Parducci................. Republic National Paso Creek............ Republic National Paul Masson Carafe.Republic National Paul Masson Table.Republic National Prevail.................... Republic National Quintessa.............. Republic National R. Mondavi Private Selection.Republic National R. Mondavi Winery.Republic National Ravenswood.......... Republic National Raymond............... Republic National Rex Goliath............ Republic National Ridge..................... Republic National Sebastiani.............. Republic National Sequoia Grove....... Republic National Silver Oak.............. Republic National Simi........................ Republic National Snoqualmie............ Republic National Spring Valley.......... Republic National St. Francis............. Republic National St. Supery.............. Republic National Stags Leap Wine Cellars..... Republic National Steele.................... Republic National Swanson................ Republic National Talus...................... Republic National Taylor Cellars......... Republic National Toasted Head........ Republic National Travis..................... Republic National Twin Fin................. Republic National Twomey................. Republic National Van Duzer.............. Republic National Vendange.............. Republic National Wattle Creek.......... Republic National Wild Horse............. Republic National Wild Oak................ Republic National Wines That Rock... Republic National Woodbridge........... Republic National Zen of Zin.............. Republic National American Sparkling Andre..................... Republic National Beringer Blush........................... W.W. Cooks.................... Republic National Dom. Carneros...... Republic National Dom. Ste. Michelle.Republic National Wine Grand Panax......... Republic National Hardys Sparkling... Republic National Iron Horse.................................. W.W. Le Domaine........... Republic National Mirabelle...............................Bacchus Mumm Napa.......... Republic National Mumm’s................. Republic National Roederer Estate.... Republic National Schramsberg........................Bacchus Sweet Cakes............................. W.W. Teavine.......................................Craft Woodbride............. Republic National Argentina Achaval Ferrer........................... W.W. Acordeon................................... W.W. Aduentus.............................Southern Alamos................... Republic National Alberto Furque........................... W.W. Aleph....................................... DOPS Alfredo Roca......................... Prestige Alma Negra..........................Winebow Altocedro.............................. Prestige Altos De Las Hormigas.........Bacchus Altos de San Isidro...............Bacchus Alunco............................. Constantine Anoro....................................Bacchus Antigal..................................Southern Antonietti...............................Bacchus Argento................................Southern Artes Del Sol.......... Republic National Baja Tanga...................... Constantine Baqueano....................... Constantine Ben Marco............................Bacchus Bodega Colome......................... W.W. Bodega Cuarton Dominio.......... W.W. Bodegas................ Republic National Bodegas Caro......................Southern Bodegas Chacra.... Republic National Bodegas Renacer................Winebow Bodesa Norton........................... W.W. Budini....................................Bacchus Buenas Ondas................ Constantine Callia...................... Republic National Carlos Basso.................. Constantine Casablanca “Nimbas”.......... Republic National Catena.................................Winebow Chento....................................... W.W. Cigar Box........................ Constantine Coliman.......................... Constantine Colores Del Sol.......................... W.W. Conquista.............. Republic National Coquena...............................Bacchus Crios De Susana Balbo........Bacchus Cruz Andina........... Republic National Cuma...................................Southern Dirigutti.................................Bacchus Diseno................... Republic National Domingo Molina....................Bacchus Durigutti................................Bacchus Durigutti.......................... Constantine Eagles Rock........................Southern El Colectivo..........................Southern El Libre.................................Bacchus Elm Tree............................... Prestige Elvira Callei..................... Constantine Enrique Foster...................... Prestige Ernesto Catena.....................Bacchus Espiritu.................................. Prestige Fabre Montmayou.......... Constantine Felipe Rutini.........................Southern Filus.....................................Southern Finca “El Origen”... Republic National Finca Flinchman.... Republic National Finca Las Nubes...................Bacchus Gascon Malbec...... Republic National Genio....................................Bacchus Graffigna................ Republic National Graffito..................................Bacchus Hermanos.............................Bacchus High Note.............................Winebow Inacayal..................................... W.W. Kaiken........................................ W.W. La Posta del Vinatero...........Bacchus La Yunta......................... Constantine Lamadrid winery................... Prestige Layer Cake..........................Southern Los Haroldos.................. Constantine Lote 44...................................... W.W. Luca......................................Bacchus Wine Lunta....................................Bacchus M. Torino................ Republic National Mapema................................Bacchus Marcus James....... Republic National Marraso...............................Southern Martino............................ Constantine Mendel..................................Bacchus Michel Torino.......................Southern Monte Lomas........................... DOPS N Malbec............... Republic National Navarro Correas........................ W.W. Nieto....................................Winebow Nomade................................Bacchus Palo Alto................ Republic National Pascual Toso............................. W.W. Prodigo.................................Bacchus Recuerdo..............................Bacchus Reginato...............................Bacchus Revolution Wine Co..............Bacchus Richard Santos............... Constantine Ruta........................................... W.W. Salenttein............... Republic National San Telmo.................................. W.W. Santa Ana.............. Republic National Septima...............................Southern Sottano...................................... W.W. Sur De Los Andes.................... DOPS Susana Balbo.......................Bacchus Tacuil Davalos......................Bacchus Tamari........................................ W.W. Tercos............................. Constantine Terrazas..................................... W.W. Tierra Brisa..........................Southern Tierra Secreta............................ W.W. Tikal......................................Bacchus Tilia......................................Winebow TintoNegro............................Bacchus Tolentino.................................... W.W. Trivento.................. Republic National Trumpeter............................Southern Yacochuya............................Bacchus Yellow + Blue........................Bacchus Zolo....................................... Prestige Argentina Sparkling Alma Negra..........................Winebow Bodega Norton.......................... W.W. Pascual Toso............................. W.W. Tapiz..................................... Prestige Armenia Zorah.............................. Constantine Australia 19 Crimes.................................. W.W. 2 Up.....................................Winebow 3 Trees............................ Constantine Ad Lib..................................Southern Alicia White............ Republic National Alpha Box Dice............... Constantine Angroves............... Republic National Annie’s Lane.............................. W.W. Anthropology.......................Southern Ass Kisser............................. Prestige Ballast Stone........................ Prestige Banrock Station..... Republic National Barossa................. Republic National Barossa Jack.......................Southern Betts & Scholl............................ W.W. Black Opal................................. W.W. Black Swan............ Republic National Bleasdale..............................Bacchus Boxhead......................... Constantine Brothers In Arms..................Southern Brothers in Arms........................ W.W. Campbell’s...........................Winebow Cape Barren........................Winebow Cape Mentelle........................... W.W. Chambers............................Winebow Charles Cimicky.............. Constantine Choclate Box........................ Prestige Chook............................. Constantine Clarendon Hills...... Republic National Clos Otto......................... Constantine Coldstream Hill.......................... W.W. Cullen..................................Winebow D’arenberg...........................Winebow De Bortoli.............................Southern Deakin Estate........ Republic National Deakin Estate............................ W.W. Dom. Wachau......................Southern Duck Duck Goose................. Prestige SHOPPINGNETWORK SHOPPING NETWORK For More Information Contact: Feb.08 ShopNet 1/3/08 2:47 PM Page 1 The Beverage Network 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 600 New York, NY, 10016 Lauren Howery 212.571.3232, Ext. 7932 E-mail: shopping network SHOPPING NETWORK What’s New ? SHOPPINGNETWORK Page Unit Dimensions 1/12 Page 1/3 Page (2 3/8” x 2 3/8”) (2 3/8” x 9 7/8”) 1/6 Page 1/2 Page (2 3/8” x 4 7/8”) (7 1/4” x 4 7/8”) 1/4 Page Full Page (3 1/2” x 4 7/8”) (8 1/4” x 10 7/8”) New Site. Better Experience. For More Information Contact: The Beverage Network 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 600 The Beverage Network New York, NY, 10016 116 John Street, 23rd floor, New York, NY 10038 For More Information Contact: Lauren Howery 212.571.3232, Ext. 103 E-mail: Jennifer Kong 212.571.3232, Ext. 114 E-mail: Page Unit Dimensions 1/12 Page 1/3 Page (2 3/8” x 2 3/8”) (2 3/8” x 9 7/8”) 1/6 Page 1/2 Page (2 3/8” x 4 7/8”) Page Unit 1/4 Page Dimensions (3 1/2” x 4 7/8”) (7 1/4” x 4 7/8”) 1/12 Page (2 3/8” x 2 3/8”) Apr13 ShopNet.indd 4 Full Page (8 1/4” x 10 7/8”) Not a member?JOIN NOW ONLINE or call us at 212-571-3232 or email: BevNetFractional_1_4_Ad.indd 1 2/23/12 3:39:29 PM 3/11/13 1:44 PM 1/6 Page (2 3/8” x 4 7/8”) 1/4 Page (3 1/2” x 4 7/8”) 1/3 Page (2 3/8” x 9 7/8”) 1/2 Page (7 1/4” x 4 7/8”) Full Page (8 1/4” x 10 7/8”) Beverage Journal March 2015 3DC Wine Wine Earthworks............................Bacchus Eder.....................................Southern Faldo...................... Republic National Felsner.................................Southern Firefly...................................Southern First Drop........................ Constantine Flametree....................... Constantine Flegenheimer.................. Constantine Four Sisters.......................... Prestige Foxhorn................. Republic National Game Set Match............. Constantine Giaconda..............................Bacchus Glaetzer.......................... Constantine Glaetzer-Dixon................ Constantine Gorge ...................................... DOPS Grant Burge..........................Bacchus Green Point............................... W.W. Greg Norman............................. W.W. Groiss..................................Southern Groom Wines.......................Winebow Grooner...............................Southern Hardy’s.................. Republic National Harkamp..............................Southern Harkham Windara........... Constantine Havoc & Mayhem........... Constantine Heggies................................Bacchus Henschke..............................Bacchus Hentley Farm.................. Constantine Hill-Smith..............................Bacchus Holme Estate.................. Constantine Imprimata........................ Constantine Ink Berry..............................Southern Innocent Bystander..............Winebow Jacob’s Creek........ Republic National Jansz....................................Bacchus Jim Barry..............................Bacchus Jindalee...............................Southern John Duval...........................Winebow John’s Blend........................Southern Kaesler........................... Constantine Kangarilla Road...................Winebow Knappstein...........................Southern Kracher................................Southern Kurtz.....................................Bacchus Langmeil...............................Bacchus Leasingham........... Republic National Leeuwin Estates..................Winebow Lilly Pilly.......................... Constantine Lindemans................................. W.W. Little Boomey......... Republic National Little Penguin............................. W.W. Lucky Country............................ W.W. Luke Lambert.................. Constantine Madfish................................. Prestige Madison Ridge................ Constantine Massena......................... Constantine McGuigan Brothers.................. DOPS McWilliams Hanwood Estates.Republic National Mesh.....................................Bacchus Misfits............................. Constantine Molly Dooker.........................Bacchus Mosswood...................... Constantine Mr. Riggs........................ Constantine Noon............................... Constantine Nugan...................................Bacchus Ochota Barrels................ Constantine Oliverhill................................Bacchus Oxford Landing.....................Bacchus Oz............................................ DOPS Penal......................................... W.W. Penfolds..................................... W.W. Penley Estate......................Winebow Petaluma.............................Southern Peter Lehman............................ W.W. Pewsey Vale.........................Bacchus Philip Shaw..........................Southern R.L. Buller.............................Bacchus Razor’s Edge......... Republic National Red Bank..............................Bacchus Red Dust............................... Prestige Red Head Studio............ Constantine Red Knot.................................... W.W. Reilly’s..................................Bacchus Reynolds................ Republic National Ringbolt................................Bacchus Robert Oatley........ Republic National Rockbare.............................Winebow Rocland Estate..................... Prestige Rolling..................................Southern Rosemount................................ W.W. Royal Ass Kisser................... Prestige Running with the Bulls..........Bacchus Rusden.................................Bacchus Rusden........................... Constantine Seppeltsfield.........................Bacchus Shadow Chaser.............. Constantine Shinas Estate................. Constantine Shingleback............................... W.W. Shoofly.................................Winebow Small Gully..................... Constantine Some Young Punks........ Constantine Springseed Wine Organic.Constantine St. Hallett.............................Southern Steeple Jack......................... Prestige Sticks...................................Winebow Stonemason......................... Prestige Stump Jump........................Winebow Tahbilk.................................. Prestige Tait........................................Bacchus Taltarri.................... Republic National Tea Lake.................................... W.W. Teal Lake................................... W.W. Terlato-Chapoutier................Bacchus The Landing Place..................... W.W. Thomas Goss................. Constantine Three Trees.................... Constantine Tintara................... Republic National Turkey Flat...................... Constantine Twin Breaks............................. DOPS Two Hands............................Bacchus Vasse Felix...........................Bacchus Viottolo............................ Constantine Winners Tank.................. Constantine Wolf Blass.................................. W.W. Woop Woop.................... Constantine Wyndham Estate... Republic National Y Series................................Bacchus Yalumba................................Bacchus Yarra Yering.........................Southern Yellow Tail.................................. W.W. Yeringberg...........................Southern Zantho.................................Southern Zonte’s Footsteps........... Constantine Zontes Footstep...................Southern Australia Sparkling 4DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Bleasdale..............................Bacchus De Bortoli.............................Southern Greg Norman............................. W.W. Wolf Blass.................................. W.W. Yellow Tail.................................. W.W. Yellowglen................................. W.W. Austria Achs.....................................Winebow Alphart..................................Bacchus Anton Bauer.......................... Prestige Anton Iby..............................Bacchus Brandl...................................Bacchus Domaine Boyar............... Constantine Fritz Joseph.........................Winebow Gesellman...........................Winebow Grooner................. Republic National Hillinger................................. Prestige Kirchmayr.............................Bacchus Kracher.................................Bacchus Lackner-Tinnacher................Bacchus Lagler....................................Bacchus Langmann....................... Constantine Laurenz.................................Bacchus Leth......................................Bacchus Lustig.............................. Constantine Marc Aurel...........................Winebow Paul Direder.......................... Prestige Pfaffl...................... Republic National Strauss................................. Prestige Wimmer-Czerny....................Bacchus Wolfgang............... Republic National Austria Sparkling Szigeti..................................Winebow Weingut Albert Gesselman..Winebow Brazil Lidio Carraro........................Winebow Summer Breeze.............. Constantine Bulgaria Vini.................................. Constantine California 24 Knots..............................Winebow 3 Girls................................... Prestige Wine 337 Cabernet Sauvignon..... Republic National 7 Deadly Zins........................Bacchus A.Rafanelli...................... Constantine Abundance.............................. DOPS Acacia........................................ W.W. Addax............................. Constantine Alderbrook............................Bacchus Alexander Valley Vineyards..Bacchus Altamura..............................Winebow ALTVS.................................Southern Amapola Creek ...................Southern Ambullneo.............................Bacchus Ampelos Cellars..................Winebow Amuse Brouche...................Winebow Ancien............................. Constantine Anderson’s Conn Valley.......... DOPS Aquinas.................. Republic National Arcadian......................... Constantine Archston.................................... W.W. Argus....................................Bacchus Arnold Palmer .....................Southern Artesa..................................Southern Artezin....................................... W.W. Atlas Peak ..........................Southern Atrea....................................Winebow Au Summet..........................Winebow Aubert Wines.................. Constantine Auctor............................. Constantine August West.........................Bacchus Auto Moto.............. Republic National Avalon...................................Bacchus Axial........................................... W.W. Axios............................... Constantine Axis............................................ W.W. B Side.................... Republic National Babcock.......................... Constantine Bacio Divino Cellars....... Constantine Backhouse............................ Prestige Bandits................... Republic National Barefoot Cellars..... Republic National Barnett Vineyards................Winebow Barnwood.................................. W.W. Baron Herzog............................ W.W. Be.............................................. W.W. Bearboat.................................... W.W. Beaulieu..................................... W.W. Beckstoffer...................... Constantine Behrens & Hitchcock...... Constantine Behrens Family............... Constantine Bel Arbors.................................. W.W. Belle Glos.................................. W.W. Belle Glos............................Winebow Ben Hogan...........................Winebow Bennett Family........................... W.W. Bennett Lane............................. W.W. Beringer..................................... W.W. Bernardus............................Southern Besitos............................ Constantine Big Red Monster........................ W.W. Biltmore Estates .................Southern Black Ink.................................... W.W. Blackbird Vineyards..............Bacchus Blitz.......................................Bacchus Block Nine............................Bacchus Blossom Hill............................... W.W. Blue Jean..............................Bacchus Blue Rock............................Winebow Blue Wing Vineyard................... W.W. Bogle.............................. Constantine Bohemian Highway.................... W.W. Bon Family...................... Constantine Bond............................... Constantine Bonny Doon..........................Bacchus Bonterra..................................... W.W. Bota Box................ Republic National Bouchaine............................Southern Bouchaine.................................. W.W. Brandlin..................................... W.W. Brazin.................... Republic National Breggo..................................Bacchus Brewer Clifton.......................Bacchus Bridlewood............. Republic National Bucatini................................. Prestige Buehler.................................Bacchus Buena Vista ........................Southern Burly.....................................Bacchus Butterfly Kiss.............................. W.W. C.R. Cellars By Ck Mondavi .Southern Cade....................................Winebow Cain......................................Bacchus Wine Wine Calistoga Cellars ................Southern Callaway .............................Southern Cambridge & Sunset...... Constantine Cambridge Estate........... Constantine Camelot................. Republic National Cameron Hughes................. Prestige Cameron Hughes...................... W.W. Cameron Hughes...................... W.W. Campion..............................Winebow Canyon Oaks.......................Winebow Cardiff..................................Winebow Carlo Rossi............ Republic National Carmenet............... Republic National Carne Humana.......................... W.W. Carneros Creek....................Bacchus Castle Rock.........................Winebow Caymus..................................... W.W. Caymus Vineyards..............Winebow CC............................................. W.W. Cedar Knoll .........................Southern Cellar 8...................................... W.W. Ch. Julien.............................Winebow Ch. Souverain............................ W.W. Ch. St. Jean............................... W.W. Chalk Hill Winery ................Southern Chalone..................................... W.W. Chamisal..............................Winebow Chamisal Vineyards..............Bacchus Charles Krug .......................Southern Chasing Lions......................Winebow Chasseur........................ Constantine Cheap Wine.................... Constantine Cherry on the Top...................... W.W. Cherry Pie ...........................Southern Chimney Rock........................... W.W. Christain Brothers...................... W.W. Cigar.......................................... W.W. Cinnabar......................... Constantine Civello .................................Southern Ck Mondavi .........................Southern Clark Claudon................. Constantine Clayhouse ...........................Southern Cliff Lede..............................Bacchus Cline.....................................Bacchus Clos Lachance.....................Southern Clos Pegase.........................Bacchus Coastal Ridge .....................Southern Coastal Vines........ Republic National Cocoa Vino .........................Southern Colby......................................... W.W. Consilience.............................. DOPS Constant......................... Constantine Conundrum................................ W.W. Conundrum..........................Winebow Cotes du Soleil............... Constantine Coupe de Foudre.................Winebow Crane Lake............ Republic National Crescendo................................. W.W. Cultivate Wines ...................Southern Cuvaison.................................... W.W. Cycles Gladiator...................... DOPS Dancing Bull.......... Republic National Daniel Gehrs................... Constantine Daou ...................................Southern David Arthur.................... Constantine Davis Bynum............................. W.W. Davis Family.........................Bacchus Decoy........................................ W.W. Del Dotto Vineyards........ Constantine Delicato.................. Republic National DeLoach............................... Prestige Detert.............................. Constantine Diatom..................................Bacchus Discoveries Winery .............Southern Dog House............. Republic National Dom. Chandon.......................... W.W. Dom. Eden...................... Constantine Dom. Napa............ Republic National Don Sebastiani & Sons... Constantine Dos Lagos...................... Constantine Douglas Hill ........................Southern Dracula Vineyards................ Prestige Dry Creek................................ DOPS Duckhorn................................... W.W. Dumol...................................Bacchus Dunn Vineyards....................... DOPS Dynamite................................... W.W. Eagle Glen...................... Constantine Earthquake...........................Bacchus Earthstone................................. W.W. Echelon ...............................Southern Edge............................... Constantine Edge Hill...............................Bacchus Edna Valley................................ W.W. Educated Guess .................Southern Egelhoff.......................... Constantine Eighteen Eighty One ...........Southern Elements .............................Southern Emblem................................Bacchus Emerald Bay........................Winebow Emeritus...............................Bacchus Emma Pearl............................... W.W. Emmolo..................................... W.W. Emmolo...............................Winebow Engel Family................... Constantine Ensemble................................... W.W. Entwine................................Southern Eos .....................................Southern Epiphany.................................. DOPS Eppa.......................................... W.W. Eppa ...................................Southern Erna Schein.................... Constantine Esser Vineyards........................ W.W. Estrella................... Republic National Etude......................................... W.W. Exitus.................................... Prestige Failla....................................Winebow Federalist................................... W.W. Fess Parker............................. DOPS Fetzer........................................ W.W. Fiddlehead Cellars................... DOPS Firestone .............................Southern Fisher....................................Bacchus Fisticufs.......................... Constantine Fleur de California................Bacchus Flirt............................................. W.W. Flo .......................................Southern Flock...................... Republic National Flora Springs ......................Southern Fog Crest ............................Southern Folie a Deux.......... Republic National Fontanella............................Winebow Foodies ...............................Southern Forefront...............................Bacchus Forefront..............................Winebow Forest Glen............ Republic National Forestville.............. Republic National Formation............................. Prestige Fortitude...............................Bacchus Four Vines............................Bacchus Four Vines............................Bacchus Fox Brook.............................Bacchus Frank Family Vnyds.............. Prestige Freeman...............................Bacchus Frei Brothers.......... Republic National Frey................................ Constantine Frisson............................ Constantine Frog’s Leap...........................Bacchus Fuse................................ Constantine Gallo Estates......... Republic National Gallo of Sonoma.... Republic National Gallo Single vineyards......... Republic National Garnet .................................Southern Gary Farrell .........................Southern Gauthier Select Vineyards .. Southern Geyser Peak .......................Southern Ghost Pines........... Republic National Girard......................................... W.W. Girasole Vineyards .............Southern Girl Go Lightly............................ W.W. Glass Mountain.......................... W.W. Gloria Ferrer.............................. W.W. Gnarly Head.......... Republic National Goldeneye................................. W.W. Grand Archer........................Bacchus Gravelly Ford.......................Winebow Gravity Hills ........................Southern Grayson Cellars....................Bacchus Great American.......................... W.W. Greg norman............................. W.W. Groth.......................................... W.W. Guarachi.................................... W.W. Gundlach Bundschu.............Bacchus Hacienda............... Republic National Hahn........................................ DOPS Hall Winery................................ W.W. Hangtime..............................Bacchus Hanna...................................Bacchus Hanna........................................ W.W. Hanzell..................................Bacchus Harlan Estate.................. Constantine COMPUTERIZE YOUR STORE Customizable POS Systems For Any Size Store Starting at $ 1,548 SPT-4700 BUNDLE $ 2,199 1,999 NOW $ KEEP YOUR EXISTING CREDIT CARD PROCESSOR OR Save $$$ BY LETTING US MATCH YOUR RATE! FREE installation * FREE training * FREE liquor database • • • • • • Fast Cash Buttons for Speedy Checkout Scan Barcodes or Use Hot Buttons Easy Payout for Lotto Shift Report, Z-Report, End of Day Report Track Inventory and Process Credit Cards U.S. Based Phone Tech Support | 866-909-7277 Jan15_POS_Ad.indd 1 Beverage Journal March 2015 5DC 1/15/15 11:15 AM Wine Harlow Ridge ......................Southern Hayes Ranch ......................Southern Hayes Valley...............................Craft Healdsburg Ranches...........Winebow Heitz..................................... Prestige Herman Story................. Constantine Hess Collection.......................... W.W. Hestan............................ Constantine Hewitt......................................... W.W. Hey Mambo.................... Constantine Hidden Ridge ......................Southern Hideaway Creek........................ W.W. High Flyer............................Winebow Hirsch Vineyards.................Winebow Home Grown Farms ...........Southern Honig....................................Bacchus Hook & Ladder.....................Winebow Hope & Grace......................Winebow Hope Family Estates................. W.W. Horseplay.............. Republic National Hourglass....................... Constantine Hundred Acre ......................Southern Huntington............................... DOPS Husic.....................................Bacchus I’M.........................................Bacchus Iconoclast.................................. W.W. If You See Kay ....................Southern Incognito...............................Bacchus Indian Valley......................... Prestige Inspire........................................ W.W. Iron Horse.................................. W.W. Ironstone.................................... W.W. Irony....................... Republic National J C Cellars............................Bacchus J Vineyards..........................Winebow J. Arthur Cellars....................Bacchus J. Davies...............................Bacchus J. Pedroncelli........................... DOPS Jack Nicklaus........................Bacchus Jacuzzi Family Vineyards.....Bacchus Jade Mountain........................... W.W. Jaden...................................Winebow James Cole..........................Winebow James Mitchell ....................Southern Jargon.................... Republic National Jarvis.............................. Constantine Jcb Cellars ..........................Southern Jekel.......................................... W.W. Jellybean ............................Southern Joe Blow................ Republic National Joel Gott................ Republic National Jones Family.................. Constantine Joseph Carr............................... W.W. Joseph Family................ Constantine Josh Cellars............................... W.W. JR wines..............................Winebow Jumper Canyon......................... W.W. Justin ..................................Southern Kalaris............................. Constantine Karly........................................ DOPS Kathryn hall................................ W.W. Kendall Jackson.... Republic National Kenward Family Vineyards...Bacchus Kenzo........................................ W.W. King Fish................ Republic National Kite Tail...................................... W.W. Kobalt............................. Constantine Kuleto .................................Southern Kumbaya..............................Bacchus Kunde Estate Winery................. W.W. La Marea........................ Constantine Ladera.................................Winebow Ladera ................................Southern Laetitia....................................... W.W. Lail.................................. Constantine Lander Jenkins.....................Bacchus Landmark ............................Southern Larkin...................................Winebow Laurier ................................Southern Layer Cake .........................Southern Le P’tit Payson................ Constantine Leaping horse............................ W.W. Leaping Lizzard.................... Prestige Leese Fitch..................... Constantine Legend of The Vine................... W.W. Levy & McClellan............ Constantine Liberty Creek......... Republic National Lincourt................................Southern Line 39.................................. Prestige Linn.......................................Bacchus Littorai............................. Constantine 6DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Wine Livingston Cellars.. Republic National Lockwood ...........................Southern Long Meadow.......................Bacchus Longboard............................ Prestige Longboard Vineyards..........Winebow Loredona............... Republic National Los Hermanos........................... W.W. Lost Angel ...........................Southern Louis M Martini...... Republic National Lucky Star.............................Bacchus Ludwig Wine Co .................Southern Luke Donald.........................Bacchus Luna Vineyards ...................Southern Lyeth..................................... Prestige Lynmar.................................Winebow M. Trinchero........... Republic National Macmurray Ranch.Republic National MacPhail.................................... W.W. Mad Housewife............... Constantine Madi Sangria......... Republic National Madrigal..................................... W.W. Magnolia Grove......................... W.W. Malibu Family Wine Estate........ W.W. Mara....................................Winebow Marc Mondavi’S The Divining Rod ... Southern Mariah........................................ W.W. Mark Herold.................... Constantine Markham.................................... W.W. Martinelli...............................Bacchus Martinelli..............................Winebow Mason...................................Bacchus Masut.................................... Prestige Matchbook............................Bacchus Mathis............................. Constantine McBride..................................... W.W. Medusa.................................Bacchus Meiomi....................................... W.W. Menage a Trois...... Republic National Mendelson............................... DOPS Mer Soleil................................... W.W. Mer Soleil.............................Winebow Meridan...................................... W.W. Merus ..................................Southern Mettler...................................... DOPS Mia’s Playground... Republic National Michael David.......................Bacchus Michael Mondavi...................Bacchus Michel- Schlumberger..... Constantine Migration.................................... W.W. Mirassou................ Republic National Monkey Business........... Constantine Montagna........................ Constantine Monterey Vineyard.................... W.W. Montevina.............. Republic National Montpellier............. Republic National Moo Buzz........................ Constantine Moon Mountain.......................... W.W. Morgan................................Winebow Morlet.............................. Constantine Morro Bay ...........................Southern Moshin..................................... DOPS Moss Roxx............................ Prestige Mossback.............................Bacchus Mount Eden.................... Constantine Murietta’S Well ...................Southern Murphy Goode....... Republic National Nadia......................................... W.W. Napa Cellars.......... Republic National Napa Creek........... Republic National Napa Landing .....................Southern Napa Ridge .........................Southern Neal Family..................... Constantine Newman’s Own..... Republic National Newton...................................... W.W. Neyers.................................Winebow Nine Points................................ W.W. Norman.................................... DOPS Novy.....................................Bacchus Oberon..................................Bacchus Once Upon a Vine..................... W.W. One Hope............................Southern Onth Edge ..........................Southern Orogeny..................................... W.W. Ottomino .............................Southern Ozv....................................... Prestige Painted Hills............................... W.W. Palmaz ................................Southern Palmina.................................Bacchus Paraduxx................................... W.W. Parallel............................ Constantine Wine Parcel 41.............................Winebow Parker Station.......................... DOPS Parry Cellars................... Constantine Patianna...............................Bacchus Patz & Hall............................Bacchus Pavi................................. Constantine Pennywise...................... Constantine Pepperwood Grove.Republic National Peter Vella............. Republic National Peterson Winery .................Southern Pharamoans........................Winebow Philip Togni........................... Prestige Pine Ridge............................Bacchus Pine Ridge...........................Winebow Pinot Patch...........................Bacchus Plumpjack Winery................Winebow Plungerhead................... Constantine Pomagria ............................Southern Pomelo.................................Bacchus Poppy Wine ........................Southern Predator................................Bacchus Pride.....................................Bacchus Priest Ranch........................Winebow Pro Players...........................Bacchus Provenance............................... W.W. Quail Ridge............ Republic National Quickfire.................................... W.W. Quickfire.................................... W.W. Rabbit Ridge................... Constantine Ramey..................................Bacchus Rancho Zabaco..... Republic National Raymond Vineyards ...........Southern Reata....................................Bacchus Red Car Wines.....................Bacchus Red Rock............... Republic National Redtree................................. Prestige Redwood Creek..... Republic National Regusci Winery...................Winebow Relic................................ Constantine Renwood ............................Southern Retro Cellars................... Constantine Reuling........................... Constantine Revana........................... Constantine Roar......................................Bacchus Robert Craig................... Constantine Robert Foley................... Constantine Robert Hall............................ Prestige Rochioli.................................Bacchus Rock Rabbit..........................Bacchus Rock Wall....................... Constantine Rockaway.................................. W.W. Rodney Strong........................... W.W. Rombauer Vineyards...........Winebow Rosenblum................................ W.W. Round Hill.............................Bacchus Routestock............................Bacchus Row Eleven ........................Southern Rudd.....................................Bacchus Russian Hill Estate Winery..Winebow Rutherford Estate...................... W.W. Rutherford Hill............................ W.W. Rutherford Vnyds.................. Prestige Saddleback................................ W.W. Saintsbury................................ DOPS Saintsbury.................................. W.W. Salmon Creek .....................Southern Salvestrin........................ Constantine Sanctuary.................................. W.W. Sanford...................................... W.W. Sanguis................................Winebow Santa Barbara........................... W.W. Saracina Vineyards.............Winebow Sarah’s Vineyard....................... W.W. Sawbuck...............................Bacchus Saxum..................................Bacchus Sbragia Family Vineyards.......... W.W. Schramsberg........................Bacchus Schweiger....................... Constantine Scott Family..........................Bacchus Screw Kappa Napa.Republic National Sea Ridge.............. Republic National Sean Thackrey.....................Bacchus Sebastiani ...........................Southern Seducer..................................... W.W. Semler....................................... W.W. Semper (Beckstoffer)...... Constantine Sequana.................................... W.W. Seven Daughters....................... W.W. Seven Sinners.....................Winebow Shadow Brook ....................Southern Shafer...................................Bacchus Wine Shannon Ridge ...................Southern Showket.......................... Constantine Siduri....................................Bacchus Signorello........................ Constantine Silver Ridge........... Republic National Silverado Vineyards................... W.W. Simple Life............................ Prestige Sin Que Non........................Winebow Sinatra Family Estates.........Winebow Sivas-Sonoma...................... Prestige Skinny Vines.............................. W.W. Sledgehammer.......................... W.W. Small Vines................................ W.W. Smith & Hook........................... DOPS Smoking Loon........ Republic National Snap Dragon............................. W.W. So Be It...................................... W.W. Solaris........................................ W.W. Sonata..................................Bacchus Sonoma Coast........................... W.W. Sonoma Cutrer.......................... W.W. Sonoma Junction....................... W.W. Sonoma Vineyards.................... W.W. Speedy Creek................. Constantine Spellbound............................Bacchus Spire.......................................... W.W. Split Creek Farms................Winebow Spottswoode.........................Bacchus St Clement................................. W.W. St. Amant.............................Winebow Stag’s Leap Winery................... W.W. Staglin Family.......................Bacchus Staglin Family Vineyards.....Winebow Star Angel.................................. W.W. Stark Raving.............................. W.W. Steltzner...............................Bacchus Sterling Vineyards..................... W.W. Sticky Beak..........................Winebow Stillman Street......................Bacchus Stoen Cellars by beringer.......... W.W. Stratton Lummis .................Southern Stuhlmuller............................Bacchus Summers..............................Bacchus Sutter Home.......... Republic National Switchback Ridge........... Constantine Tablas Creek.........................Bacchus Tamas Estate ......................Southern Tangley Oaks........................Bacchus Taz............................................. W.W. Tensley.................................Bacchus Terlato Family.......................Bacchus The “Crusher”........ Republic National The “Show”............ Republic National The Calling................................ W.W. Thomas Fogarty...................... DOPS Three Pears..........................Bacchus Tin Roof................. Republic National Tisdale................... Republic National Tolosa...................................... DOPS Tor.........................................Bacchus Travis.................................... Prestige Trefethen..............................Bacchus Trentadue................................ DOPS Tres Sabores.......................Winebow Trim................................ Constantine Trinchero Main Street.......... Republic National Trinity Oaks........... Republic National True Earth.............. Republic National Trueblood Winery................. Prestige Truffle .................................Southern Truth............................... Constantine Turley...................................Winebow Turning Leaf.......... Republic National Tutu................................ Constantine Twenty Bench......................Winebow Twisted.................. Republic National Two Sisters .........................Southern Txt Cellars ..........................Southern Tyler Florence.......................Bacchus Uppercut.................................... W.W. Vampire................................ Prestige Vanishing Poimt......................... W.W. Varner............................. Constantine Vermeil ................................Southern Viader................................... Prestige Vin Parfait.................................. W.W. Vinavera.................................... W.W. Vine Cliff .............................Southern Vineyard 518 By Wattle Creek .......... Southern Wine Vineyard 7 & 8................ Constantine Vinum Cellars .....................Southern Volunteer.............................Winebow Von Strasser.........................Bacchus Voss......................................Bacchus Walt........................................... W.W. Walton (Egelhoff)............ Constantine Wattle Creek .......................Southern Wayne Gretzky ...................Southern Wente .................................Southern Wes Mar..............................Winebow Westside Red............................ W.W. Wheelhouse..........................Bacchus Whiplash...............................Bacchus Whispering Peak..................... DOPS White Knight................... Constantine White Oak ...........................Southern Wild Hog............................... Prestige William Hill............. Republic National Wilson Daniels......................Bacchus Wily Jack................................... W.W. Windmill................................Bacchus Windsor Sonoma....................... W.W. Wolf Family Estate.......... Constantine Women Of The Vine ...........Southern Woodwork.................................. W.W. Worthy............................ Constantine X Y Zin ................................Southern Yellow + Blue........................Bacchus ZD................................... Constantine Zin 91.................................... Prestige Zinsane........................... Constantine Zipz Selections.......................... W.W. California Sparkling Andre..................... Republic National Ballatore................ Republic National Biltmore...............................Southern Cooks.................... Republic National Crane Lake................................ W.W. Dom. Chandon.......................... W.W. Douglass Hill........................Southern Eden Roc............... Republic National Gloria Ferrer.......... Republic National Gloria Ferrer.............................. W.W. Hacienda............... Republic National Iron Horse.................................. W.W. JCB Cellars..........................Southern JFJ........................................ Prestige Korbel........................................ W.W. Laetitia....................................... W.W. Laurier.................................Southern Le Domaine........... Republic National Piper Sonoma........ Republic National Piper Sonoma............................ W.W. Rocar...................................Southern Roederer Estate.... Republic National Salmon Creek......................Southern Schramsberg........................Bacchus Tott’s...................... Republic National Wente Vineyards... Republic National Calvados Ch. De Breuil.......................Winebow Canada Magnotta............................... Prestige Mission Hill..........................Winebow Neige.................................... Prestige Chile 1865....................................Southern 35 South..............................Southern Albamar.......................... Constantine Alfasi.......................................... W.W. Alma de Chile....................... Prestige Almaviva.................................... W.W. Altair............................... Constantine Andes Peak........... Republic National Arboleda..............................Southern Armador................................... DOPS Cabo De Hornos..................Southern Calcu.............................. Constantine Casa Lapostolle......................... W.W. Casa Silva...........................Southern Castilo De Molina................Southern Chilcas.................................. Prestige Chilensis............................... Prestige Cigar Box........................ Constantine Concha a Toro....... Republic National Cono Sur..............................Bacchus Cousino Macul.....................Winebow CYT Frontera......... Republic National KEEP YOUR SPIRITS MOVING. When running a retail liquor store, having exceptional business services in place is essential for keeping track of your operations AND your customers. Liquor POS is the all-in-one software system designed exclusively for beverage retailers. With more than 3500 installations and over 20 years of experience in the industry, our point of sale system helps you track sales, inventory, and deposits. Direct integration to card processing, makes checkout speedy and convenient for your customers. Keep your spirits moving and your customers coming back with: • Full touch screen capability • FREE 15,000 item database • Ten available price levels • Frequent buyer program • Gift Baskets To learn more, call 800.565.6675 or visit today. A Company Beverage Journal March 2015 7DC Wine Wine Wine Domus Aurea.................. Constantine Dos Pasos............................ Prestige Emiliana Eco.......... Republic National Eq......................................... Prestige Erasmo.................. Republic National Escudo Rojo.......... Republic National Gato Negro..........................Southern Gryphus...............................Southern Ha Sod.................................. Prestige Haras..................... Republic National In Situ................................... Prestige Laura Hartwig.......................Bacchus Leyda...................................Winebow Llai............................................. W.W. Los Vascos..........................Southern Luis Felipe Edwards.Republic National Maquis............................ Constantine Maycas.................. Republic National Montegras.............. Republic National Montes....................................... W.W. Morande............................... Prestige Natura.................... Republic National Novas.................... Republic National Orzada..................................... DOPS Oveja Negra......................... Prestige Pacific Bay................................. W.W. Penalolen........................ Constantine Peralillo........................... Constantine Perez Cruz...........................Southern Pionero................................. Prestige Ritual..................... Republic National Root 1..................................Winebow S.C. Vistana........... Republic National Santa Alicia.............................. DOPS Santa Carolone...... Republic National Santa Ema................................. W.W. Santa Rita.............. Republic National Sena....................................Southern Sierra Batuco........................ Prestige Sunrise.................. Republic National Tabali.............................. Constantine Tarapaca.................................... W.W. Terranoble............................Winebow Veramonte............. Republic National Vina Chocolain.....................Bacchus Vina Falernia........................Bacchus Vina Punta Alto.....................Bacchus Von Siebenthal.....................Bacchus Walnut Crest.......... Republic National Xplorador............... Republic National Yellow + Blue........................Bacchus Apaltagua....................... Constantine Talinay............................ Constantine Chile Sparkling Ch. Bellegrave................ Constantine Ch. Blaignan........................Winebow Ch. Bonnet-Huteau..............Winebow Ch. Branaire.......... Republic National Ch. Branon..................... Constantine Ch. Carbonnieux............. Constantine Ch. Cazenove .....................Southern Ch. Chartreuse d’Hosten..... Republic National Ch. Cheval...................... Constantine Ch. Clerc Milon............... Constantine Ch. Clinet........................ Constantine Ch. Clos du Moulin......... Constantine Ch. Cos de Estoumal...... Constantine Ch. Coustaut.........................Bacchus Ch. Coutet ..........................Winebow Ch. Croix Martelle................. Prestige Ch. D’Epire..........................Winebow Ch. D’Yquem.................. Constantine Ch. D’Aqueria........ Republic National Ch. D’Aussieres ..................Southern Ch. D’Esclans .....................Southern Ch. de Beaucastel................Bacchus Ch. de Campuget................. Prestige Ch. De Jau ..........................Southern Ch. de la Noe........................ Prestige Ch. De la Rouliere.......... Constantine Ch. De Lascaux...................Winebow Ch. De Marjolet.....................Bacchus Ch. de Pez............. Republic National Ch. des Tourettes........... Constantine Ch. des Touretttes (Verget).Constantine Ch. Du Seuil........................Winebow Ch. Ducasse .......................Winebow Ch. Ducru Beaucaillou......... Republic National Ch. Ducru Beaucillou...... Constantine Ch. Fieuzal..................... Constantine Ch. Fombrauge...... Republic National Ch. Freynelle.......................Winebow Ch. Frombrauge.... Republic National Ch. Fuisse...........................Southern Ch. Gloria.............. Republic National Ch. Grand Puy Ducasse...... Republic National Ch. Grand Puy Lacoste....... Republic National Ch. Graville Lacoste............Winebow Ch. Guiraud........... Republic National Ch. Haut Bages Liberal.. Constantine Ch. Haut Baillan......................... W.W. Ch. Haut Bailly................ Constantine Ch. Haut Beausejour.Republic National Ch. Haut Bergeron................Bacchus Ch. Haut Bergey............. Constantine Ch. Haut Brion....... Republic National Ch. Haut Colombier.............Winebow Ch. Haut Colomibier.Republic National Ch. Haut Peyruguet.Republic National Ch. Hosanna.......... Republic National Ch. L’Aulee...........................Bacchus Ch. La Croix Bellevue .........Winebow Ch. La Croix-St.Pierre.... Constantine Ch. La Fleur........... Republic National Ch. La Fleur ........................Winebow Ch. La Gaffeliere............ Constantine Ch. La Gardine ...................Southern Ch. La Nerthe .....................Southern Ch. la Roque......................... Prestige Ch. La Violette................ Constantine Ch. Laribotte.......... Republic National Ch. Laribotte........................Winebow Ch. Larose Gruaud..............Winebow Ch. Lascombes...... Republic National Ch. Latour Martilac......... Constantine Ch. Laujac............................ Prestige Ch. Le Doyenne..... Republic National Ch. Les Croisille............. Constantine Ch. Listran............. Republic National Ch. Loudenne........ Republic National Ch. Lynch Bages....................... W.W. Ch. Lynch Bages............ Constantine Ch. Lynch Moussaas...... Constantine Ch. Magdelaine..... Republic National Ch. Malartic Lagraviere.. Constantine Ch. Maligny........................... Prestige Ch. Meyney........... Republic National Ch. Minuty................................. W.W. Ch. Mont Redon.... Republic National Ch. Montfaucon...................Winebow Ch. Montrose.................. Constantine Ch. Moulin Favre ................Southern Ch. Mouton Rothschild... Constantine Ch. Palmer...................... Constantine Ch. Palmer............. Republic National Ch. Palmer...................... Constantine Ch. Paloumey......................Winebow Ch. Pape Clement.Republic National Ch. Pape Clement.......... Constantine Ch. Pavie........................ Constantine Ch. Pavillon De Boyrein.......Winebow Ch. Pavillon Rouge.Republic National Ch. Pellehaut.................. Constantine Ch. Petit Manou...................Winebow Ch. Phelan Segur.. Republic National Ch. Picque Caillou...............Winebow Ch. Pilet................................ Prestige Ch. Pillebourse Virecourt.....Winebow Ch. Pontet Canet............ Constantine Ch. Preuillac.......... Republic National Ch. Renard Modesir............Winebow Ch. Rol Valentin.............. Constantine Ch. Romassan....... Republic National Ch. Routas...................... Constantine Ch. Saint Andre...................Winebow Ch. Saint Sulpice ................Southern Ch. Selle................ Republic National Ch. Simard............................Bacchus Ch. St Andre Corbin.Republic National Ch. St. Pierre.................. Constantine Ch. Suduiraut.................. Constantine Ch. Taillefer............ Republic National Ch. Thieuley.......... Republic National Ch. Thivin ...........................Winebow Ch. Tour De Termes.............Winebow Ch. Trimoulet......... Republic National Ch. Trinquevedel.................Winebow Ch. Trois Croix ....................Southern Ch. Trois Moulins.................Winebow Ch. Vielle Tour LaRose... Constantine Ch. Villa Bel Air...... Republic National Chalet Pouilly.................. Constantine Chanson...............................Bacchus Chapoutier............................Bacchus Charles De Fere...................Bacchus Charme Idea................... Constantine Chateau Pech-Latt................ Prestige Chateau Veredus..................Bacchus Chatelaine............................Bacchus Chave...................................Bacchus Chene Bleu..........................Winebow Christian Moreau... Republic National Christian Moreau.................Southern Christophe Buisson.............. Prestige Christophe Pacalet .............Winebow Clos Clementine...................Bacchus Clos de Fine.........................Bacchus Clos de Truffieres.................Bacchus Clos La Coutale...................Winebow Clos St Magdeleine.............. Prestige Complices De Loire.............Winebow Croix de Mai................... Constantine Dauvissat..............................Bacchus Delamotte.............................Bacchus Delaporte..............................Bacchus Didier Champalou................Winebow Dme de l’Hermitage..............Bacchus Dme des Gandines...............Bacchus Doamine De Durban............Winebow Dom de la Guilloterie............Bacchus Dom des Herbauges.............Bacchus Dom Gouron.........................Bacchus Dom Graillot..........................Bacchus Dom Labranch Laffont..........Bacchus Dom Michaud.......................Bacchus Dom. A & P De Villaine........Winebow Dom. Arnoux........................Winebow Dom. Arretxea......................Winebow Dom. B. Defaix....................Winebow Dom. Bott-Geyl ...................Winebow Dom. Bourgrier..................... Prestige Dom. Brunet........................Winebow Dom. Catherine Auther .......Winebow Dom. Catherine La Goeuil...Winebow Dom. Cazes............................... W.W. Dom. Cedric Bardin..............Bacchus Dom. Chanrion ...................Winebow Dom. Charles Joguet...........Winebow Dom. Chignard....................Winebow Dom. Chotard....................... Prestige Dom. Clavel.................... Constantine Dom. Costal.......................... Prestige Gato Negro..........................Southern Coolers Bartles & Jaymes... Republic National Cyprus Keo Brand............................Winebow Denmark Kijafa....................................Southern France Abbaye Sylva Plana.............Bacchus Adam...................................Winebow Alter Ego de Palmer....... Constantine B & G......................................... W.W. Baron Herzog............................ W.W. Barons De Rothschild..........Southern Bernard Diochon .................Winebow Bernard Morey......................Bacchus Berthier.................................Bacchus Betts & Scholl............................ W.W. Borie la Vitarelle...................Bacchus Bouchard.............................. Prestige Boulard.................. Republic National Brunel........................................ W.W. Bruno Clair............................Bacchus Cadet d’OC............ Republic National Campuget.................................. W.W. Castel des Maures..................... W.W. Caves De Lugny..................Southern Ch Le Raz.............................Bacchus Ch Saint Jean.......................Bacchus Ch. & Estate.............................. W.W. Ch. Argadens.................. Constantine Ch. Auguste.................... Constantine Ch. Baret........................ Constantine Ch. Behere............ Republic National 8DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Wine Dom. Crochet......................Winebow Dom. D’Aupilhac..................Winebow Dom. D’Olivette.................... Prestige Dom. de Bernier...................Bacchus Dom. De Courcel....................... W.W. Dom. De Cristia.............. Constantine Dom. de Durban................... Prestige Dom. De Fabregues.............Bacchus Dom. De Fontsainte.............Winebow Dom. de L’hyverniere............ Prestige Dom. de la Biche..................Bacchus Dom. De la Bouysse.............Bacchus Dom. De La Chanteleuserie.Winebow Dom. De La Saraziniere .....Winebow Dom. De la Vieille Julienne...Bacchus Dom. De La Villaudiere Reverdy....... Winebow Dom. Dorices........................Bacchus Dom. Du Grollet......................... W.W. Dom. Du Joncier..................Winebow Dom. Du Mage...... Republic National Dom. Du Roumane......... Constantine Dom. Du Salvard.................. Prestige Dom. Du Salvard.................Winebow Dom. Dupeuble ...................Winebow Dom. Faiveley......................Southern Dom. Follin-Arbelet............... Prestige Dom. Francois Chidaine......Winebow Dom. Francois Jobard.........Winebow Dom. Gachot-Monot............Winebow Dom. Galevan.......................Bacchus Dom. Givaudan.....................Bacchus Dom. Graillot.........................Bacchus Dom. Gramenon..................Winebow Dom. Graveirette.................Winebow Dom. Gros Nore’..................Winebow Dom. Guy Breton.................Winebow Dom. Guy Roulot.................Winebow Dom. Hippolyte-Reverdy.....Winebow Dom. Jaeger Defaix.............Winebow Dom. Jean Chartron............Winebow Dom. Jean-Louis Chave.......Bacchus Dom. Kuentz-Bas ...............Winebow Dom. La Cadette.................. Prestige Dom. La Cadette.................Winebow Dom. La Courtade...............Winebow Dom. La Croix d’Aline..... Constantine Dom. Laroche.......................Bacchus Dom. Laroque......................Winebow Dom. Laurent Cognard.............. W.W. Dom. Leccia.........................Winebow Dom. Leflaive........................Bacchus Dom. Leroy..................... Constantine Dom. Les Pallieres..............Winebow Dom. Maestracci..................Winebow Dom. Meyer-Fonne .............Winebow Dom. Michael Vincent.......... Republic National Dom. Michel Bregeon..........Winebow Dom. Michel Niellon................... W.W. Dom. Minet..........................Winebow Dom. Montrius.....................Winebow Dom. Ostertag ....................Winebow Dom. Pascal Bellier........ Constantine Dom. Perrin..........................Bacchus Dom. Philippe Colin................... W.W. Dom. Philippe Faury............Winebow Dom. Pietri Geraud......... Constantine Dom. Puydeval...... Republic National Dom. R. Chevillon................Winebow Dom. Ramonet.......................... W.W. Dom. Reuilly........................Winebow Dom. Reverdy-Ducroux.......Winebow Dom. Robert Denogent .......Winebow Dom. Robert-Dengent.......... Prestige Dom. Roumier........................... W.W. Dom. Sang Des Cailloux.....Winebow Dom. Savary........................Winebow Dom. Sequin Manuel...........Winebow Dom. Singla.......................... Prestige Dom. St. Martin De La Garrigue........ Winebow Dom. Taupenot-Merme........Winebow Dom. Terrebrune................... Prestige Dom. Thevenet....................Winebow Dom. Trevallon....................Winebow Dom. Vougeraie.................... Prestige Dom. Weinbach....................Bacchus Domane Comte de Monsepy............. Constantine Domane du Petit Puits.... Constantine Wine Domane Schieferkopf..... Constantine Dopff & Irion.......................... Prestige Dubos Freres......... Republic National Dumangin....................... Constantine Ed Hardy............................... Prestige Eric Montintin........................ Prestige Eric Texier.............................Bacchus Ermitage..............................Winebow Estandon........................ Constantine Etienne Sauzet.....................Bacchus Ey.......................... Republic National Fat Bastard..........................Winebow Fortant De France. Republic National Francois Carillon...................Bacchus French Rabbit....................... Prestige George Duboeuf........................ W.W. Gerard Bertrand ..................Southern Gratien & Meyer...................Bacchus Guy Saget ...........................Southern Hecht & Bannier .................Southern Helfrich.................. Republic National Henri Boillot.................... Constantine Henri Brunier.......................Winebow Henri Gouges.......................Bacchus Henri Milan...........................Bacchus Henri Perrusset..................... Prestige HobNob..................................... W.W. Hugel..................... Republic National Hugel ..................................Southern J Lasalle............................... Prestige Jaboulet-Perrin.....................Bacchus Jacky Piret............................Bacchus Jacques Frelin................ Constantine Jacques Prieur....... Republic National Janvier Pascal.....................Winebow Jean Luc Colombo.Republic National Jean Marc Boillot..................Bacchus JL Chave Selections.............Bacchus Jolivet.................... Republic National Joseph Drouhin.................... Prestige Joseph Matrot.......................Bacchus Joseph Mellot................. Constantine Josmeyer..............................Bacchus Josmeyer..............................Bacchus Jp Chenet.............. Republic National Kermit Lynch......................... Prestige Kermit Lynch........................Winebow Korus......................................... W.W. L’Aujardiere..........................Winebow L’ostel.................... Republic National L’Orval ................................Southern La Baume.............. Republic National La Fleur Du Roy..................Winebow La Pouissie............ Republic National La Tour Vieille......................Winebow La Vielle Ferme....................Bacchus Laboure Roi........... Republic National Ladoucette............. Republic National Langlois Chateau..................Bacchus Laurent Tribut.......................Bacchus Leon Beyer .........................Southern Leroy............................... Constantine Les Champs Clos................. Prestige Les Deux Rives .................Southern Les Petits Grains ................Southern Les Tours ............................Southern Liger-Belair...........................Bacchus Lillet........................................... W.W. Louis Armond........................ Prestige Louis Bernard....................... Prestige Louis Carillon........................Bacchus Louis Jadot............ Republic National Louis Laurent........................ Prestige Louis Michel..........................Bacchus Louis Roederer...... Republic National Louis Vallon.................... Constantine Lucien Albrecht ...................Southern M. Sorrel................ Republic National Mahler-Besse .....................Southern Maison J.J. Vincent.............Southern Manciat...................................... W.W. Marc Bredif............ Republic National Marc Roman .......................Southern Marcel Lapierre..................... Prestige Marcel Lapierre....................Winebow Marius........................................ W.W. Mark Kreydenweiss..............Bacchus Marquis De La Tour.Republic National Marquis de Sauval................... DOPS Mas Bruguiere......................Bacchus Mas de Gouderau.................Bacchus BY THE NUMBERS SPECIAL SPIRITS EDITION: American Whiskey and Flavored Spirits Make Waves pirits were up in 2014, in a multitude of ways, according the annual briefing by the Distilled Spirits Council (DISCUS). “Consumer interest in industry innovations and premium products from distilled spirits producers of all sizes contributed to another year of steady growth in 2014,” DISCUS reported. Supplier sales of spirits overall were up 4% in revenue, to $23.1 billion, fueled by 2.2% growth in volume compared to 2013, reaching 210 million cases in total. DISCUS estimates that overall retail sales of distilled spirits in the U.S. market is nearly $70 billion, supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs and producing over $20 billion in tax revenues. A Strong Sales Driver: All Whiskies Revenue Growth by Price Segment (900K) Whiskey 0 Vodka/Rum All Flavors Source: DISCUS MSDB Flavor is still growing…just not in vodka. CATEGORIES CLOSER-UP $433 $351 $145 ($31) Premium $12-$18 0 Value <$12 Super Premium $30+ High End $18-$30 Source: DISCUS MSDB Maybe it’s the improving economy. Maybe Americans are just drinking more AND better. This much is certain: higher-end products are driving profits. Whiskey is hot…and getting hotter! Compound annual growth rate has been accelerating since 2010. 7.3% 2014 6.2% 2013 3.8% 2012 1.7% 2011 1.9 M $900 Million in New Supplier Revenue 2014 Incremental Supplier Revenues (millions) Several key factors have contributed to the industry’s continued growth, most notably the continued fascination with American whiskies, both in the U.S. and abroad, and innovations in the flavored whiskey category. Premiumization across all spirits categories has continued to interest consumers, reported DISCUS President and CEO Peter H. Cressy, and the growth of small distilleries and an improved regulatory and tax environment resulted in expanded market access and a relatively low number of state tax threats. Tech advances also contributed to increased sales, with apps such as Drizly and Minibar highlighting consumer demand for convenience, and social media continuing to engage members of the spirits community. 2.8 M 9-Liter Cases S Growth in Flavored Segments: 2014 Compound Annual Growth Rate DISCUS Chief Economist David Ozgo highlighted the latest U.S. category data. Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey volumes were up a robust 7.4% to over 19 million cases, generating $2.7 billion in revenue. Both Irish Whiskey and Single Malt Scotch continued their rapid growth with volumes up 9.1% and 6.4% respectively; Cognac was up an impressive 11.7% in volume, 15.4% in revenue; and Tequila volume grew 5.0% in volume and slightly less in revenue. Ozgo also reported that while Flavored Vodka sales were off, traditional Vodka volumes were up 3.7%. Perhaps the most important general trend of all moving forward is the reality that higher-end spirits are today’s rising stars at the cash register. Revenue from “Value” products (SRP $12 or less) actually fell by 1.3%, amounting to a backslide of $31 million. Revenue from “Premium” ($12-$18) products grew 3.1% and accounting for an incremental boost of $145 million. In the “High End” ($18-$30), revenues jumped 5.8%, bringing in $433 million more than in 2013. And at the $30+ “Super Premium” level, supplier sales revenue jumped 5.1%, yielding a windfall of $325 million. ■ Source: Beverage Information Group Handbooks, DISCUS MSDB Beverage Journal March 2015 9DC Wine Mas Gabinele......................Winebow Mas la Chevaliere.................Bacchus Menorval.................................. DOPS Michel Lynch.......... Republic National Michel Olivier.................. Constantine Michel Reddde....... Republic National Michel Torino......... Republic National Michelle Redde...... Republic National Mongeard-Mugneret.............Bacchus Monmousseau......................... DOPS Moreau.................. Republic National Moret......................................... W.W. Morey......................................... W.W. Morey-Blanc.........................Bacchus Moueix................... Republic National Mouton Cadet........ Republic National Nicholas Potel......................Southern Nicolas.................................. Prestige Nicolas Idiart................... Constantine Nicolas Joly..........................Bacchus Nicolas Perrin.......................Bacchus Nicolas Potel.......... Republic National Oliver Leflaive......................Southern Olivier Leflaive....... Republic National Origine.................................Winebow Pascal Jolivet......... Republic National Pascal Jolivet ......................Southern Patch Block................................ W.W. Patient Cottat........................Bacchus Patrice Magni........................Bacchus Paul Barra............................. Prestige Paul Jaboulet......... Republic National Paul Jaboulet ......................Southern Pavillon Blanc........ Republic National Perrin Reserve....... Republic National Petit Bistro............. Republic National Philippe Gonet......................Bacchus Pichot....................................Bacchus Pierre Breton........................ Prestige Pierre Morey.........................Bacchus Pierre Sparr..........................Bacchus Piggy Bank................................ W.W. Ponsot..................................Bacchus Potel - Aviron ......................Southern Prunier Cognac........................ DOPS Quenard...............................Winebow Ragotiere..............................Bacchus Regis Bouvier......................Winebow Regnard................. Republic National Rene Junot............ Republic National Rerserve St. Martin.................... W.W. Rob Skalli.............. Republic National Robert Kacher Selections.......... W.W. Roland Lavanturex............... Prestige Roquete...............................Winebow Rothschild.............. Republic National Salon....................................Bacchus Sauvion...................................... W.W. Seltz......................................Bacchus Serafin....................................... W.W. Sidewise............................... Prestige Sipp Mack.............................Bacchus Sirius............................... Constantine St. Roche ............................Southern Superbe...............................Winebow T. Morey................................Bacchus Tardieu-Laurent....................Bacchus Telegramme.........................Winebow Thomas...................................... W.W. Trimbach.................................... W.W. V. Morey...............................Bacchus Veuve Moisans..................... Prestige Vieux Telegraphe.................Winebow Villa Ponciago .....................Southern Vincent Girardin....................Bacchus Walden.................................Bacchus William Fevre.......................Southern France Sparkling Adam...................................Winebow Alfred Gratien.......................Bacchus Ambroise................................... W.W. Arman De Brignac.Republic National Boizel.............................. Constantine Bollinger................................Bacchus Bossard- Thuaud............ Constantine Bottex..................................Winebow Bouvet................... Republic National Champange Ayala...............Southern Champange de Rothschild..Southern Charles De Fere...................Bacchus Charles Heidsieck.. Republic National 10DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Wine Charles Heidsieck...................... W.W. Charles Lafitte......................Bacchus Delamotte.............................Bacchus Demoiselle............................Bacchus Deutz.................................... Prestige Didier Champalou................Winebow Dom. de Bernier...................Bacchus Dom. Perignon........................... W.W. Doquet....................................... W.W. Ed Hardy............................... Prestige Ehrhart....................................... W.W. Estandon........................ Constantine Fleury....................................Bacchus Gerard Bertrand...................Southern Gosset................... Republic National Heidsieck..............................Bacchus Henriot.................................Southern J Lasalle............................... Prestige J. Dumangin Fils............. Constantine Jacques Selosse....................... W.W. Jaillance................................ Prestige JJ Vincent............................Southern Krug........................................... W.W. Lallier.............................. Constantine Lamiable.................................... W.W. Lanson.................................Southern Laurent Perrier.....................Southern Lorval......................................... W.W. Louis Roederer...... Republic National Lucien Albrecht....................Southern Moet & Chandon........................ W.W. Nicolas Fevillatte... Republic National Paul Louis............................Winebow Perrier Jouet.......... Republic National Philipponnat Champagne.......... W.W. Pierre Morlet................... Constantine Piper Heidsieck.......................... W.W. Piper-Heidsieck..... Republic National Pol Roger............... Republic National Pol Roger Champagne........Southern Pommery..............................Bacchus Pop by Pommery..................Bacchus Rene Mure................................. W.W. Ruinart....................................... W.W. Saint-Hilaire.........................Southern Salon....................................Bacchus Serge Faust.................... Constantine St. Reine............................... Prestige Taittinger................ Republic National Veuve Clicquot........................... W.W. Veuve de Vernay....................... W.W. Veuve Moisans..................... Prestige Vollereaux............................Southern Germany A. Diehl - Pfalz ....................Southern Affentaler................................... W.W. Albrecht Duerer......................... W.W. Anything Goes........................... W.W. Bex.......................................Bacchus Black forest girl.......................... W.W. Black Tower ........................Southern Blue Fish................ Republic National Blue Nun .............................Southern Carl Reh .............................Southern Christmann...........................Bacchus Clean Slate............ Republic National Clean Slate..........................Winebow Clusserath............................Bacchus Devil’S Rock .......................Southern Dr. H. Thanisch ...................Southern Dr. Thanisch................... Constantine Egon Muller ........................Southern Franz Keller............................... W.W. Friedrich-Wilhelm..................... DOPS Kesseler................................Bacchus Kreuznacher........................Winebow Kuehn...................................Bacchus Kuhling Gillot........................Bacchus Langenbach........... Republic National Lucashof............................... Prestige Markus Molitor........................... W.W. Melsheimer...........................Bacchus Melsheimer...........................Bacchus Moselland................................ DOPS Nebel.............................. Constantine Nuernberger Markt.................... W.W. Numburger Gluhwein................. W.W. Oh Schist ............................Southern Possman.................................... W.W. Relax......................................... W.W. Ress.......................................... W.W. Wine Roemerhof................................. W.W. Romerhof................................... W.W. S A Prum................ Republic National Schloss Reinhartshausen.... Republic National Schloss Schonborn .............Southern Schloss Vollrads........................ W.W. Schmitt Sohne........................... W.W. Sichel-Sohne......... Republic National St. Ludwin - Bernkastler .....Southern St. Urbans-Hof...................... Prestige Starling Castle...................... Prestige Stefan Breuer................. Constantine Stock and Stein....................Bacchus Stone Fruit ..........................Southern Superstition................................ W.W. Thom Schmitt............................ W.W. Urban.................................... Prestige von Hessen...........................Bacchus Weber.................... Republic National Weingarten................................ W.W. Wittman ..............................Southern Wurtz....................................Bacchus Germany Sparkling Blue Nun................ Republic National Deinhard................ Republic National Henkel Trocken...... Republic National Leonard Kreusch.................Southern Greece Alexakis.......................... Constantine Alpha Estate................... Constantine Cavino.................................Winebow Ch. Mercouri........................Winebow Dom. Karydas................. Constantine Dom. Porto Carras...............Winebow Dom. Spiropoulos................Winebow Dom. Vassiliou.....................Winebow Douloufakis..................... Constantine Elios........................................... W.W. Gai’A Wines.........................Winebow Harlaftis-Athanassiadi..........Winebow Hatzi-Michalis Estate...........Winebow Malamatina..........................Winebow Palivou................... Republic National Pavlidis Winery....................Winebow Santo.............................. Constantine Sigalas............................ Constantine Skouras.......................... Constantine Thimipoulos Vineyards........Winebow Tsantali........................... Constantine Zoe................................. Constantine Greece Sparkling Dom. Spiropoulos................Winebow Hungary Bodegas Oremus..................Bacchus Dom. Disznoko...... Republic National Egri Bikavar.......................... Prestige Egri Bikavar........... Republic National Marika................................... Prestige Peter’s Hill............. Republic National Royal Tokay..........................Bacchus Tokaji Aszu............................ Prestige Idaho Ste Chapelle........................Southern Idaho Sparkling Ste Chapelle........................Southern India Sula...................................... Prestige Islands Argyros................................Winebow Emery Winery......................Winebow Gentilini Winery...................Winebow Myrto....................................Winebow Samos Brand.......................Winebow Sitia Brand...........................Winebow Israel Barkan....................................... W.W. Binyamina.................................. W.W. Dalton................................... Prestige Dalton.................... Republic National Galil...................................... Prestige Gamla........................................ W.W. Gilgal.................................... Prestige Golan.................................... Prestige Segals........................................ W.W. Tabor..................................... Prestige Wine Tabor...................... Republic National Teperberg.............. Republic National Tibor Galil.............. Republic National Tishbi Winery........................ Prestige Yarden.................................. Prestige Yatir........................................... W.W. Italy 642......................................Southern A Mano.................. Republic National Adessa................... Republic National Aemelia.................................... DOPS Alario....................................Bacchus Allegrini................................Winebow Altanuta..................................... W.W. Altemasi................. Republic National Altesino................................Winebow Alturis.................................... Prestige Ambo.................................... Prestige Aneri Prosecco...... Republic National Angel Juice............ Republic National Angelini.................................... DOPS Anselmi.................. Republic National Anterra....................................... W.W. Antinori.................. Republic National Antoniolo...............................Bacchus Argentiera.................................. W.W. Argiolas................................Winebow Argusto.................. Republic National Arnaldo Caprai......................Bacchus Attems..................................Bacchus Aurelio Settimo............... Constantine Azzuri ..................................Southern Banfi...................... Republic National Barbi.......................................... W.W. Baron Fini.................................. W.W. Barone Ricasoli.................... Prestige Barrymore.............................Bacchus Bartenura................................... W.W. Batasiolo............................... Prestige Bava ...................................Southern Belguardo.............. Republic National Bellagio.................. Republic National Bellavista..............................Bacchus Bellini....................................Bacchus Belmondo ...........................Southern Benito Ferrara.......................Bacchus Bera.....................................Winebow Berlucchi...............................Bacchus Bertani................... Republic National Bibbiano................................Bacchus Bibi Graetz............................Bacchus Biondi-Santi ........................Southern Bisceglia..............................Winebow Boccadigabbia......................Bacchus Bogoni..................................... DOPS Bollini..................... Republic National Bongiovanni..........................Bacchus Borgo Boschetto............. Constantine Borgo Maddalena.................Bacchus Borgo Reale.......................... Prestige Borgo Valle................................ W.W. Borgogno..............................Bacchus Bortolotti...............................Bacchus Bortoluzzi..............................Bacchus Boscarelli..............................Bacchus Boschis.................................Bacchus Botromagno.........................Winebow Brancaia.................................... W.W. Brolio......................................... W.W. Bruno Giacosa......................Bacchus Bruno Grimaldi................ Constantine Bruno Rocca.........................Bacchus Bucci.....................................Bacchus Ca Bianca ...........................Southern Ca Donini.............................Southern Ca Rome..............................Bacchus Ca’ Bolani.............. Republic National Ca’ Del Bosco.......................Bacchus Ca’Bolani................................... W.W. Ca’Montini............................Southern Cabreo................... Republic National Cacchiano....................... Constantine Cadonini................ Republic National Caldora ..............................Southern Campanile................................. W.W. Campillo................. Republic National Campo Mare.......... Republic National Candoni................. Republic National Canei..................... Republic National Canei ..................................Southern Canella.................................Bacchus Wine Canonica a Cerreto..............Bacchus Cantina del Taburno.............Bacchus Cantina Di Montalcino ........Southern Cantina Santadi....................Bacchus Cantine del Notaio................Bacchus Capanna......................... Constantine Capezzana................................ W.W. Caposaldo............. Republic National Carlo Giacosa.......................... DOPS Carpene Malvolti...................... DOPS Casabella.............................Southern Casal Thaulero..................... Prestige Casiasno.................................... W.W. Castellani............... Republic National Castellare............................Winebow Castello Banfi........ Republic National Castello D’albola.... Republic National Castello del Poggio.................... W.W. Castello Di Bossi.................Winebow Castello di Farnetella............Bacchus Castello di Gabbiano................. W.W. Castello di Monastero................ W.W. Castello di Nerve....................... W.W. Castello di Querceto.................. W.W. Castello Monaci ..................Southern Castelluccio........... Republic National Castillo De Molina.. Republic National Catullio..................................... DOPS Cavallina..............................Southern Cavallotto..............................Bacchus Cavicchioli ..........................Southern Cavit...................... Republic National Cecchi.................... Republic National Ceci................................ Constantine Cella...................... Republic National Cennatoio.................................. W.W. Centare................................Southern Ceretto..................................Bacchus Ceretto....................................... W.W. Cignale.................................Bacchus Cinciole.................................Bacchus Citra....................... Republic National Clelia Romano......................Bacchus Clemente................................. DOPS Cocci Grifone........................Bacchus Col D’orcia............. Republic National Col Mesian...................... Constantine Colavita...................................... W.W. Collalbrigo.............................Bacchus Collavini................. Republic National Colle Seco............................ Prestige Collefrisio.............................. Prestige Colombara................................. W.W. Concilio................................Southern Conte Brandolini.... Republic National Conterno Fantino..................Bacchus Contini..................................Bacchus Contratto................ Republic National Coppo...................................Bacchus Corino...................................Bacchus Correggia..............................Bacchus Corte Giara..........................Winebow Corte Rugolin........................... DOPS Corte Sant’Alda....................Bacchus Cortese................................Winebow Cos.......................................Bacchus Costanti................................Bacchus Costantini..............................Bacchus Cusumano................................. W.W. Danzante..............................Bacchus De Angelis............................Bacchus Della Robbia.............................. W.W. Della Scala........................... Prestige Dessilani................ Republic National Di Majo Norante...................Winebow Dievole ................................Southern Diomede............................... Prestige Domenico Clerico.................Bacchus Donnafugata.........................Bacchus Donnatella Cinelli Colombini...... W.W. Dromos.................. Republic National Duca di Salaparuta.Republic National Ducarosso ..........................Southern e. Pira & Figli........................Bacchus Ecco Domani......... Republic National Edoardo Sobrino............. Constantine Einaudi..................................Bacchus Elio Altare.............................Bacchus Encyclopedia......... Republic National Entrée.................... Republic National Falchini.................. Republic National Wine Falesco ...............................Southern Fantinel.................................Bacchus Fantino..................................Bacchus Farnese................................Bacchus Fastelli..................................... DOPS Fattoria Dell’ugo........................ W.W. Fattoria La Torre........................ W.W. Fazi Battaglia......... Republic National Felsina..................................Bacchus Fenocchio....................... Constantine Fessina................................Winebow Feudo Arancio........................... W.W. Feudo Di Butera.... Republic National Fiorini....................................Bacchus Fletcher........................... Constantine Florio...................... Republic National Folonari................................Southern Fontaleoni.............................Bacchus Fonterutoli.............. Republic National Foradori................................Bacchus Foradori................................Bacchus Formentini............................Southern Foti........................................Bacchus Franz Haas..........................Winebow Frescobaldi...........................Bacchus Fuedi San Gregorio.Republic National Fuligni...................................Bacchus Gaja......................................Bacchus Galardi.................................Winebow Gancia................... Republic National Gattavecchi............ Republic National Gia........................................Bacchus Giacosa...............................Winebow Gini.......................................Bacchus Gini................................. Constantine Giorgio & Gianni .................Southern Giovello.................................... DOPS Goosebump............................... W.W. Grappa Di Brunello.Republic National Gravner.................................Bacchus Guidalberto............ Republic National Guido Porro.......................... Prestige Hoffstatter.............................Bacchus House Jam..........................Southern I Greppi........................... Constantine Il Bastardo............................ Prestige Il Borro..................................Bacchus Il Feuduccio..........................Bacchus Il Molino de Grace................Bacchus Il Palazzone..........................Bacchus Il Pazazzino..........................Bacchus Il Piaggione........................... Prestige Il Poggione............. Republic National Il Sogno................................Bacchus Ippolioto..................................... W.W. Italo....................................... Prestige Jacopo Biondi......................Southern Jermann................................Bacchus Kool Jazz ............................Southern Kris......................................Winebow L’oc Ciuca.................................. W.W. La Bastarda.......................... Prestige La Battistina............................. DOPS La Braccesca......... Republic National La Caplana..................... Constantine La Carraia............................Winebow La Fuga................. Republic National La Lastra.................................... W.W. La Maialina...........................Bacchus La Marchesa........................Winebow La Monica.............. Republic National La Moradina..........................Bacchus La Ragose............. Republic National La Scolca.............................Southern La Serena.............................Bacchus La Tancia.............................. Prestige La Valentina............................... W.W. La Viarte............................... Prestige La Villa....................................... W.W. La Vis......................................... W.W. La Vite Lucente.....................Bacchus LaCorte...................................... W.W. Lagaria..................................Bacchus Lamberti ..............................Southern Lamborghini............................... W.W. Layer Cake .........................Southern Le Chuise ...........................Southern Le Macioche.........................Bacchus Le Pupille.............................Winebow Le Ragose...........................Southern Le Terrazze...........................Bacchus Wine Leone De Castris.................Winebow Les Cretes............................Bacchus Librandi................................Winebow Lisini.....................................Bacchus Livernano.............................Winebow Livio Felluga.............................. W.W. Livon........................................ DOPS Loduca....................................... W.W. Lombardo ...........................Southern Luce Della Vite.....................Bacchus Lucignano.............................Bacchus Luigi Pira...............................Bacchus Luigi Righetti.............................. W.W. Lungarotti.............................Southern Macchiole.............................Bacchus Maculan...............................Winebow Madonna...............................Bacchus Malabalia..............................Bacchus Marchesi.................................... W.W. Marchesi Antinori............ Constantine Marchesi Di Barolo .............Southern Marco Negri............................... W.W. Marenco................................ Prestige Martini & Rossi.......................... W.W. Marziano Abbonna ..............Southern Masciarelli....................... Constantine Masi....................... Republic National Massolino.............................Bacchus Mastroberardino..................Winebow Matane..................................Bacchus Mauro Molino........................Bacchus Mauro Molino.................. Constantine Mazzoni................................Bacchus Medici Ermite........................Bacchus Melini...................................Southern Mezza Corona........................... W.W. Michele Chiarlo...... Republic National Mimosa.................................Bacchus Mineo By Pellegrino ............Southern Minini.............................. Constantine Mirabile.................................Bacchus Moletierre..............................Bacchus Mommy’s Time Out.................. DOPS Monastero............................Winebow Monchieoro Carbone...........Winebow Monrosso................................... W.W. Monsanto................................... W.W. Monte Antico.........................Bacchus Monte Baldo........................Southern Montefresco.................... Constantine Montemassi........... Republic National Montenisa.............. Republic National Montevetrano.......................Winebow Monti....................................Winebow Morgante.............................Winebow Movia....................................Bacchus Murgo...................................Bacchus Nardi...................... Republic National Nino Franco ........................Southern Nino Negri.................................. W.W. Nobilissima................................ W.W. Noilly Prat.................................. W.W. Nozzole.................. Republic National Nuschese..............................Bacchus Oggi....................... Republic National Opici..................................... Prestige Oppida Aminea....................Southern Ornellaia...............................Bacchus Pala........................................... W.W. Palagetto................................. DOPS Palladio................................Winebow Paolo Toscano........................... W.W. Pasqua................................. Prestige Pellegrino............... Republic National Pellegrino.............................Southern Perlage........................... Constantine Pertimali di Livio Sassetti.Constantine Peter Zemmer....................... Prestige Piaggia..................................Bacchus Piazzo...................................... DOPS Piccini .................................Southern Piccini Buon Appetito ..........Southern Pico Maccario................. Constantine Pieropan...............................Bacchus Pighin..................... Republic National Pinnacoli..............................Southern Placido................... Republic National Placido Primavera. Republic National Planeta.................. Republic National Plozner.................................Bacchus Podere Brizio........................Bacchus Wine Podere Orma........................Bacchus Poderi Aldo Conterno..... Constantine Poggio.................................. Prestige Poggio Al Tesoro..................Winebow Poggio Anima................. Constantine Poggio Antico........................Bacchus Poggio Argentiera.................Bacchus Poggio Scalette...................Winebow Poliziano................ Republic National Pratesi.................................Winebow Prelius...................................Bacchus Prima Perla .........................Southern Primaterra.............................Bacchus Primavera.............. Republic National Primo Amore.......... Republic National Princic..................................Winebow Principato............... Republic National Principessa............ Republic National Principessia Gavia.Republic National Principi di Butera....................... W.W. Puiatti...................................Southern Punta Crena......................... Prestige Quattro Mani.........................Bacchus Querciabella.......... Republic National Radikon................................Bacchus Randazzo.............................Bacchus Rapitala................. Republic National Rashi......................................... W.W. Re Manfredi.........................Southern Reale....................................Bacchus Remo Farina.............................. W.W. Renato Ratti.......................... Prestige Rendola..................................... W.W. Renoto................... Republic National Renzo Masi........................... Prestige Revello..................................Bacchus Reversanti............................Bacchus Ricasoli.................. Republic National Riondo..................................... DOPS Riunite................... Republic National Roberto Voerzio...................Winebow Rocca Albino.........................Bacchus Rocca Della Macie.Republic National Rocca di Montemassi................ W.W. Ronchi............................ Constantine Ronco dei Tassi..... Republic National Roncus...................................... W.W. Rosalie Sendebach Imports.............. Constantine Rubbia Al Colle Maremma...Southern Ruffino................... Republic National Saccardi................. Republic National Salcheto................. Republic National Salicutti................................Winebow Salviano................. Republic National San Filippo............................Bacchus San Leonino .......................Southern San Patignano....... Republic National San Polo..............................Winebow San Quirico..........................Winebow San Valentino.......................Bacchus Sansonina............................Winebow Sant’Helena..........................Bacchus Santa Anastasia....................Bacchus Santa Lucia...........................Bacchus Santa Margherita....................... W.W. Santa Martina........ Republic National Santa Sofia................................ W.W. Santi....................................Southern Santini .................................Southern Sartori.................... Republic National Sassicaia............... Republic National Savinano.................................... W.W. Seghesio...............................Bacchus Serego Alighieri..... Republic National Serrapetrosa.............................. W.W. Shardana..............................Bacchus Si.........................................Southern Silvia Nardi............ Republic National Silvio Giamello...................... Prestige Soldera.................. Republic National Soleto...................................Bacchus Spaletti................... Republic National Spasso ................................Southern Speri.....................................Bacchus Spessa................... Republic National Stella....................................Winebow Stellina del Notte....................... W.W. Straccali................. Republic National Strozzi........................................ W.W. Tasca D’Almerita..................Winebow Wine Taurino.................................Winebow Tavignano.............................Bacchus Tedeschi............................... Prestige Tenuata Di Ghizzano ..........Southern Tenuta Collosorbo.................Bacchus Tenuta di Biserno..................Bacchus Tenuta Rapitala ...................Southern Terlano....................................... W.W. Terrabianca...........................Bacchus Terrale.................... Republic National Terre....................................Winebow Terre....................................Winebow Terre Di Talamo...................Winebow Terre Nere.............................Bacchus Terredavino................................ W.W. Terriccio................. Republic National Teruzzi & Puthod... Republic National Terzavia................................Bacchus Tiefenbrunner......................Winebow Tintero.................................. Prestige Tiziano....................................... W.W. Tolaini........................................ W.W. Tolloy......................................... W.W. Tor Calvano........... Republic National Tormaresca............ Republic National Torre di Monte........ Republic National Torre Rosazza....... Republic National Torresella................................... W.W. Toscolo.................................Bacchus Tramin.................................Winebow Travaglini................................... W.W. Tre Rose .............................Southern Trexenta.................................... W.W. Tua Rita...............................Winebow Uccelliera..............................Bacchus Umberto Fiore .....................Southern Val Di Suga .........................Southern Valdipiatta............................Winebow Valdo ...................................Southern Valentini................................Bacchus Valiano ................................Southern Valle Reale..........................Winebow Vallone....................................... W.W. Vanilla Vine .........................Southern Velenosi................................Bacchus Verdi...................... Republic National Vesevo.................................Southern Via Veneto ..........................Southern Viberti................................... Prestige Vicara.................... Republic National Vignamaggio.......... Republic National Viicolo........................................ W.W. Villa Baglio............................ Prestige Villa Bella.............................Southern Villa Cerna............. Republic National Villa Crespina .....................Southern Villa Del Borgo.....................Southern Villa Fiori.................................... W.W. Villa Geggiano...................... Prestige Villa Mathilde........................Bacchus Villa Pillo..............................Winebow Villa Pozzi.................................. W.W. Villa Russiz...........................Bacchus Villa Sandi.................................. W.W. Villa Sparina.........................Bacchus Villa Sparina................... Constantine Villa Trasqua................... Constantine Vinosia..................................Bacchus Vistorta.................. Republic National Vitiano..................................Winebow Viticcio............................ Constantine Vitovska................................Bacchus Voga ...................................Southern Volpaia..................................Bacchus Volpi....................... Republic National Zaccagnini ..........................Southern Zebo....................................Southern Zenato.................................Winebow Zonin.......................................... W.W. Italy Sparkling 071......................................Southern Bartenura................................... W.W. Bellavista..............................Bacchus Bellavista............... Republic National Bellini....................................Bacchus Bera.....................................Winebow Borgo Magredo....................Southern Canella.................................Bacchus Cascina................................Southern Cinzano................. Republic National Collalbrigo.............................Bacchus Wine Enza.......................................... W.W. Ferrari.................... Republic National Fizz 56....................................... W.W. Folonari.................. Republic National Giacosa...............................Winebow Lamberti...............................Southern Martini & Rossi.......................... W.W. Nino Franco.........................Southern Pasqua................................. Prestige Rashi...................................Southern Rotari......................................... W.W. Santa Margherita....................... W.W. Santini..................................Southern Stllina di Notte........................... W.W. Tasca D’Almerita..................Winebow Tosti....................... Republic National Valdo....................................Southern Venegazzu............. Republic National Verdi...................... Republic National Villa Crespia .......................Southern Voga....................................Southern Voveti......................................... W.W. Zardetto...............................Winebow Zefiro...................................Winebow Zonin......................................... W.W.. Japan Akadama................................... W.W. Akadema Plum...... Republic National Akita Seishu-Dewatsuru......Winebow Aladdin............................ Constantine Asahi...................... Republic National Benihana............... Republic National Chova Plum............................... W.W. Fuki........................ Republic National Gekkeikan.................................. W.W. Gekkeikan Draft......................... W.W. Hakkaisan.............. Republic National Hakuryu.......................... Constantine Hakusan.................................... W.W. Hinomaru Jozu-Manabito....Winebow Horin Sake................................. W.W. Ichishima........................ Constantine Ischishima Shuzo................Winebow Kagatobi......................... Constantine Kakurei........................... Constantine Kamotsuru............. Republic National Kikusui................... Republic National Kiminoi............................ Constantine Kinsen.................... Republic National Kinshihai......................... Constantine Kirinzan........................... Constantine Kizakura.......................... Constantine Kobai......................................... W.W. Koji........................................ Prestige Komachi................. Republic National Kudoki............................. Constantine Manotsuru....................... Constantine Matsunoi......................... Constantine Meibo Yawanotsu...................... W.W. Midorikawa..................... Constantine Minogaqa........................ Constantine Mirin................................ Constantine Musashino...................... Constantine Naba Shoten........................Winebow Niigata Sake Selections.. Constantine Nishimoto Selections...... Constantine Rokkasen........................ Constantine Sake.......................................... W.W. Satsuma................ Republic National Sawanotsuru................... Constantine Shimizu...................................... W.W. Sho Chiku Bai........ Republic National Sudo Honke........... Republic National Suzuki Shuzoten-Hideyoshi.Winebow Takenotsuyu.......... Republic National Tenju Shuzo.........................Winebow Tokuri.............................. Constantine Yuza............................... Constantine Kosher Alfasi.......................................... W.W. B. Herzog................................... W.W. Bartenura................................... W.W. Carmel....................................... W.W. Ch. De La grave........................ W.W. Corner Creek........................ Prestige Fortant................... Republic National Galil Mountain....................... Prestige Gilgal.................................... Prestige Golan.................................... Prestige Golan......................................... W.W. Beverage Journal March 2015 11DC Wine Grinalda.......................... Constantine Ha Sod.................................. Prestige Hagafen..................................... W.W. Harkham......................... Constantine Kedem....................................... W.W. Kesser....................................... W.W. Manischewitz......... Republic National Mogen David......... Republic National Mt Marona............. Republic National Rashi......................................... W.W. Square One.......................... Prestige Teal lake.................................... W.W. Weinstock.................................. W.W. Yarden.................................. Prestige Yarden....................................... W.W. Lebanon Massaya..............................Winebow Madeiras Cossarts................ Republic National Crossart Gordon..................Winebow Leacock’s.............................Winebow Marsala Colombo.................................... W.W. Florio...................... Republic National Italian Swiss........... Republic National Pelligrino................ Republic National Santini Marsala...... Republic National Maryland Boordy Vineyard................... Prestige Deep Creek..........................Bacchus Great Shoals......................... Prestige Mexico Jubileo............................ Constantine Villa Montefiori................ Constantine Moldova Sparkling Exclusiv.................................... W.W. New Jersey Tomasello.................................. W.W. New York Bully Hill...............................Southern Cisco...................... Republic National Gino Monte..........................Southern Hazlitt...................................Southern Kedem....................................... W.W. Kesser....................................... W.W. Manischewitz......... Republic National MD 20/20............... Republic National Millbrook Winery..................Winebow Mogen David......... Republic National Ravines Wine Cellars..........Winebow Richard’s................ Republic National Senor Sangria....................... Prestige Taylor Dessert........ Republic National Taylor Table........... Republic National The Grapes of Roth.............Winebow Vino Casata........... Republic National Wiemer.................................Bacchus Wolffer.................................Winebow New York Sparkling J. Roget................. Republic National Kedem....................................... W.W. Taylor..................... Republic National Wolffer.................................Winebow New Zealand 900 Grapes................................ W.W. Allan Scott............. Republic National Alpha Domus........................... DOPS Auntsfield........................ Constantine Babich...................................... DOPS Bird.......................................... DOPS Black Grape............................... W.W. Brancott................. Republic National Cameron Hughes................. Prestige Chasing Venus.....................Bacchus Clifford Bay..........................Southern Cloudy Bay............ Republic National Cloudy Bay................................ W.W. Cooper’s Creek...................Winebow Dashwood............................Southern Escarpment..........................Bacchus Felton Road..........................Bacchus Fernlands..............................Bacchus Flying Kiwi............................... DOPS Giesen.................................. Prestige Glazebrook..........................Southern 12DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Wine Goldwater............................Southern Goose Bay................................. W.W. Greenlip..................................... W.W. Highfield................................... DOPS Huia......................................... DOPS Jolivet Metis.........................Southern Kumeu River.........................Bacchus Lobster Reef................... Constantine Loveblock.................................. W.W. Lynskeys.................................. DOPS Makara.................................Southern Manu........................................ DOPS Matahiwi Estate.............. Constantine Matua......................................... W.W. Mohua...................................Bacchus Mount Nelson.......................Bacchus Mt Beautiful..........................Winebow Mt. Difficulty.................... Constantine Nautilus.................................Bacchus New Harbor............................... W.W. Nine Walks................................ W.W. Omaka Springs.......................... W.W. Opawa..................................Bacchus Over the Edge......................Bacchus Palliser..................................Bacchus Pegasus Bay........................Bacchus Pencarrow............................Bacchus Peregrine..............................Bacchus Purr Productions..................Winebow Ribbonwood.........................Southern Riverside................ Republic National Sacred Hill................................. W.W. Selaks............................. Constantine Sherwood.............................Bacchus Sileni........................................ DOPS Sileni..................................... Prestige Silver Birch............ Republic National Soho..................................... Prestige Spinyback................................ DOPS Squealing Pig............................ W.W. Stoneleigh.............. Republic National Sunday Mountain.................. Prestige Te’Kairanga..........................Southern The crossings............................ W.W. The Ned................................Bacchus Tiki.................................. Constantine Tiki Sound....................... Constantine Tohu...................................... Prestige True & Daring................. Constantine Twin Islands..........................Bacchus Vavasour..............................Southern Vinoptima..............................Bacchus Voss Estate...........................Bacchus Voss Estates.......... Republic National Wairaw River........................Bacchus Walnut Block................... Constantine Wild Rock.............. Republic National Wither Hill............................Southern Yealands..............................Winebow Non-Alcohol Ariel....................... Republic National Inglenook St Regis.Republic National Sutter Home Fre’... Republic National North Carolina Biltmore...............................Southern Duplin Cellars............................ W.W. Oregon Adelsheim.............................Bacchus Alchemist........................ Constantine Alexana........................... Constantine Apolloni................................. Prestige Archery Summit....................Bacchus Archery Summit...................Winebow B2............................................ DOPS Beaux Freres............................. W.W. Belle Pente.............................. DOPS Bergstrom............................. Prestige Bergstrom Wines.................Winebow Bridgeview Vineyards..........Southern Brittan Vineyards............ Constantine Chehalem.............................Bacchus Chemistry.............................Bacchus Cloudline............................... Prestige Dobbes Family Estate.........Winebow Dom. Drouhin....................... Prestige Dom. Serene........................Bacchus Elk Cove.................................. DOPS Elouan....................................... W.W. Erath...................... Republic National Wine Firesteed...............................Bacchus Flying Fish............. Republic National Four Graces..........................Bacchus High Hook Vineyards...........Winebow Ken Wright...........................Winebow King Estate............ Republic National Kings Ridge.................... Constantine Lachini Vineyards................Winebow Lange................................... Prestige Lemelson..............................Bacchus Montinore.............................. Prestige Pacifica ...............................Southern Panther Creek................ Constantine Planet Oregon......................Bacchus Ponzi.....................................Bacchus Primarius................................... W.W. Rex Hill.................. Republic National Road’s End...........................Bacchus Rockblock.............................Bacchus Roessler.................................... W.W. Sokol Blosser............................. W.W. Solena..................................Bacchus Soter.....................................Bacchus Soter.....................................Bacchus Spring Valley.......... Republic National Stoller...................................Bacchus Torii Mor................................Bacchus Underwood..................... Constantine Van Duzer.............. Republic National Wallace Brook......................Bacchus Walnut City..................... Constantine Willakenzie...........................Bacchus Willamette valley........................ W.W. Witness Tree............................ DOPS Zivo....................................... Prestige Pennsylvania Chaddsford Winery..............Southern Four Quarter’s Mead............ Prestige Port Black Opal............. Republic National Christian Brothers...................... W.W. Churchill................. Republic National Churchill Port.......................Southern Croft....................... Republic National Delaforce............... Republic National Dows....................................Winebow Ficklin................................... Prestige Fonseca................. Republic National Harvey’s..................................... W.W. Heitz..................................... Prestige Italian Swiss........... Republic National Langtry.................................. Prestige Osborne................. Republic National Presidential..........................Southern Presidential................................ W.W. Quinta Do Portal................... Prestige Ramos Pinto.......... Republic National Sandeman............. Republic National Sheffield Cellars.... Republic National St. Amant.............................Winebow Taylor-Fladgate...... Republic National Wisdom & Warter.. Republic National Portugal Altano...................................Bacchus Arca Nova................................ DOPS Aveleda.................. Republic National Aveleda........................... Constantine Calamares...........................Southern Calheiro................................Bacchus Casal Garcia................... Constantine Casal Garcia.......... Republic National Chryseia..............................Winebow Churchill’s Still Wine............Southern Cockburn’s................................. W.W. Domini................... Republic National Dourum................................Winebow Dows....................................Winebow Esteio...................................Southern Feist......................................... DOPS Foz De Arouce.....................Winebow Garrida.................................Winebow Gazela................... Republic National Grinalda.......................... Constantine J Portugal Ramos................Winebow Lagoalva..............................Winebow Lancers.................. Republic National Malhadinha Nova.................. Prestige Mateus.................................Southern Monte D’Oiro.......................Winebow Wine Mouchao......................... Constantine Muxagat...............................Winebow Orlana................................... Prestige Perequita............... Republic National Pombal De Vesuvio.............Winebow Quinta De Azevedo..............Southern Quinta De Roriz...................Winebow Quinta do Alqueve..................... W.W. Quinta Do Portal................... Prestige Quinta Do Possadouro........Winebow Rozes...................................Bacchus Vinhas Altas.........................Southern Warres..................................Bacchus Wine & Soul.........................Winebow Xisto....................... Republic National Russia Nazdorovya........... Republic National Sangria Beso del Sol......................... Prestige Sherry Bodegas Grant.....................Bacchus Bodegas Maestro Sierra.......Bacchus Cesar Florido........................Bacchus Christian Brothers...................... W.W. Domecq................. Republic National Dry Sack................ Republic National Dry Sack............................... Prestige Emilio Lustau......... Republic National Hartley & Gilisons...................... W.W. Harvey’s..................................... W.W. Italian Swiss........... Republic National J.C. Gutierrez.......................Bacchus Lustau...................................Bacchus Maesto Sierra.......................Bacchus Osborne................. Republic National Savory and James...............Southern Sheffield Cellars.... Republic National Taylor..................... Republic National Waterbury.............. Republic National Wisdom & Warter.. Republic National Slovenia Egervin-Egri........... Republic National South Africa African Passion..................... Prestige Backsberg.............. Republic National Bellingham............. Republic National Beyerskloof............ Republic National Black Pearl...........................Bacchus Bob’s African.......... Republic National Boschendahl.......... Republic National Cathedral Cellars.................. Prestige Durbanvill Hills.....................Southern Edgebaston..........................Bacchus Englebrecht Els....................Bacchus Ernie Els...............................Bacchus Essay....................................Bacchus Fairview................................Bacchus Fleur Du Cap......... Republic National Glen Carlou............................... W.W. Goats do Roam....................Bacchus Groot Constantia... Republic National Guardian Peak......................Bacchus Hamilton Russell...................Bacchus KWV..................................... Prestige L’Avenir.................................Bacchus La Bonnheur.......... Republic National La Capra...............................Bacchus Nederberg............................. Prestige Neil Ellis................................Bacchus Obikwa.................................. Prestige Plaisir De Merle.................... Prestige Roberts Rock......... Republic National Rust en Vrede.......................Bacchus Savanha..............................Winebow Southern Rights....................Bacchus Spice Route..........................Bacchus Stromhoeck........... Republic National The Grinder.......................... Prestige Tokara................................... Prestige Two Oceans.........................Southern Vergelegen............ Republic National Winery of Good Hope................ W.W. Zonnenbloem........................ Prestige Spain A Coroa.................................Bacchus Abadia Retuerta....................Bacchus Abadia Retuerta..... Republic National Alba Rosa.............................Bacchus Wine Aldeasona............................Winebow Alion......................................Bacchus Alta marca................................. W.W. Ameztoi.................................Bacchus Amizade................................Bacchus Amizade................................Bacchus Anciano...................................... W.W. Anima Negra........................Winebow Antonio Barbadillo................... DOPS Argueso ..............................Southern Artadi....................................Bacchus Artazuri.................................Bacchus As Laxas.................................. DOPS Barahonda............................Bacchus Barbadillo................................... W.W. Barco di Piedra.....................Bacchus Baron De Ley ......................Southern Bassus....................................... W.W. Biniagual............................... Prestige Black Elk.....................................Craft Blanco Nieva........................... DOPS Bobal.............................. Constantine Bodegas................ Republic National Bodegas Berroja...................Bacchus Bodegas Chivite............. Constantine Bodegas Enguera.................Bacchus Bodegas Godelia..................Bacchus Bodegas Indiano...................Bacchus Bodegas La Cartjua..............Bacchus Bodegas Leda......................Bacchus Bodegas Licinia....................Bacchus Bodegas Londono................Bacchus Bodegas Mauro....................Bacchus Bodegas Naveran.................Bacchus Bodegas Pazo Galegos........Bacchus Bodegas Roda....... Republic National Bodegas Rugvino.................Bacchus Bodegas San Isidro..............Bacchus Bodegas Tinto Lena................ DOPS Bodegas Vega Sicilia............Bacchus Bodegas Vizcarra Ramos.....Bacchus Bodegas y Vinedos......... Constantine Brisas Do Mar .....................Southern Bujanda...............................Winebow Cal Blanca............................Bacchus Campo....................................... W.W. Campo Eliseo.......................Bacchus Campo Viejo.......... Republic National Campos de Celtas................Bacchus Campos de Luz....................Bacchus Campos de Risca.................Bacchus Campos Reales.............. Constantine Canals Canals ....................Southern Capafons-Osso.....................Bacchus Capuchina...................... Constantine Casa Marin...........................Bacchus Casa Solar............. Republic National Casamaro.............................Bacchus Castaneda............................ Prestige Casteller...............................Bacchus Casteller...............................Bacchus Castillo de Monseran................. W.W. Castillo del Baron.................Bacchus Catillo Real................................ W.W. Cavas Jaume Serra.Republic National Cellar Vilafranca...................Bacchus Cellars Melis.........................Bacchus Chapillon......................... Constantine Chivite Gran Fuedo.Republic National Cillar De Silos .....................Southern Cims de Porrera...................Bacchus Clos Figueras.......................Bacchus Clos Martinet........................Bacchus Clos Mogador.......................Bacchus Clos Nelin.............................Bacchus Codorniu.................................... W.W. Comenge..............................Bacchus Concordia............................. Prestige Conde de Hervias.................Bacchus Conde De Valdemar.Republic National Condes De Albarei.Republic National Condesa De Laganza.......... Republic National Convento San Francisco.....Winebow Cruz Garcia........... Republic National Cruz Garcia.........................Southern Cune.....................................Bacchus Cuzcurrita............................Winebow D Ventura..............................Bacchus Dominio de Bibei..................Bacchus Dominio de Fontana.............Bacchus Wine Dominio de la Vega Crianza.............. Constantine Don Olegario......... Republic National Ed Hardy............................... Prestige El Burro...................................... W.W. El Coto................... Republic National El Seque...............................Bacchus Elios ....................................Southern Emilio Lustau........................Bacchus En Fuego.............................. Prestige Encyclopedia......... Republic National Enrique Mendoza................Winebow Faustino................. Republic National Ferreiro.................................Bacchus Fillaboa.................................Bacchus Finca Antigua......... Republic National Finca Antigua.......................Winebow Finca De Arantei..................Winebow Finca De Arentei .................Southern Finca la Emperatriz...............Bacchus Finca Valpiedra....................Winebow Fontana................................ Prestige Fra Guerau............ Republic National Fra Guerau................................ W.W. Francesc Sanchez Bas........Winebow Franco Espanolas ...............Southern Fusero.................................. Prestige Glorioso................. Republic National Gran Familia.............................. W.W. Granbazan............................Bacchus Grand Feudo......... Republic National Gurrutxaga............................Bacchus Hermanos Villar....................Bacchus Hidalgo................................Winebow Hornilos Ballesteros..............Bacchus Infinitus.................. Republic National Istaegi...................................Bacchus Itsas Mendi..........................Winebow Jean Leon.............. Republic National Joan d’Anguera....................Bacchus Joan Esteve..........................Bacchus Labastida.............................Winebow Ladera Sagrada....................Bacchus Las Hermanas........................... W.W. Las Moradas De San Martin Initio .... Southern Laurona................................Bacchus Legaris, Do Ribera Del Deuro .......... Southern Licia.....................................Winebow Lo Nuevo ............................Southern Los Dos...............................Winebow Luberri..................................Bacchus Luis Alegre............................ Prestige Lustau.................... Republic National Mad Dog & Englishmen....... Republic National Mad Dogs And Englishmen.Winebow Malumbres............................Bacchus Mano del Brujo.......................... W.W. Mantel Blanco .....................Southern Mar De Frades........................... W.W. Mar Y Sol.............................. Prestige Marques D’ Arienzo.Republic National Marques de Caceras............Bacchus Marques de Grinon.................... W.W. Marques De Grinon.............Winebow Marques de Irun...................Bacchus Marques De Murrietta................ W.W. Marques de Riscal.Republic National Marques De Riscal .............Southern Marques Murrieta.. Republic National Marquis De Riscal. Republic National Mas de L’Abundancia...........Bacchus Mas Sorrer............................Bacchus Matarredonda.......................Bacchus Matarromera......................... Prestige Maximo ...............................Southern Mermelada ..........................Southern Mia............................................. W.W. Monjardin.............................Winebow Montecillo.............. Republic National Morlanda.................................... W.W. Muscanti...............................Bacchus Museum...............................Southern Nita.......................................Bacchus Notro...................... Republic National Numanthia Terme...................... W.W. Ochoa...................................... DOPS Oliver Conti..........................Winebow Oroya......................................... W.W. Wine Osborne................. Republic National Ostatu...................................Bacchus Pago Casa Gran................... Prestige Palacios Remondo...............Bacchus Panarroz............................... Prestige Pedro Romero......................... DOPS Pena Roble................................ W.W. Penelope Sanchez.................... W.W. Perelada...............................Bacchus Picos ...................................Southern Piqueras .............................Southern Pirineos................................Winebow Pittacum ..............................Southern Plaza Real............................Bacchus Poema................... Republic National Portia..................... Republic National Pour Favor ..........................Southern Protos..................................Winebow Pucho...................................Bacchus Quinta da Muradella.............Bacchus R.O.Q................................... Prestige Radio Boca .........................Southern Raimat ................................Southern Ramon Bilbao............................ W.W. Realeza................. Republic National Red Guitar............. Republic National Remelluri..............................Bacchus Rene Barbier......... Republic National Rene Barbier............................. W.W. Resalte...................................... W.W. Riva Rey...............................Bacchus Roda...................... Republic National Rojo Mojo.................................. W.W. Romate Sherry ...................Southern San Leon ............................Southern Savory And James ..............Southern Scala Dei Priorat .................Southern Senoria de Barahonda..........Bacchus Somoza...............................Winebow Spanish Sons......................Winebow Spanish Vines .....................Southern Sumarroca............................... DOPS Tapena....................................... W.W. Terras Gauda ......................Southern The Spanish Quarter ..........Southern Tio Pepe .............................Southern Torres.................................... Prestige Trabanco..............................Bacchus Traslanzas...........................Winebow Tres barcos................................ W.W. Tribal Wines.........................Winebow Ucella....................................Bacchus United Wineries.................... Prestige Uriondo.................................Bacchus Valdelosfrailes...................... Prestige Valdubon.................................... W.W. Vall Llach..............................Bacchus Vaza........................................... W.W. Vega barcelona.......................... W.W. Venus de Universal...............Bacchus Vina Herminia.......................Bacchus Vina Magana........................Bacchus Vina Mein..............................Bacchus Vina Pomal..........................Southern Vina Salceda......... Republic National Vina Sastre...........................Bacchus Vinos Pinol............................Bacchus Vinos Sin-Ley.......................Bacchus Vinos Torremoron.................Bacchus Vinyes Domenech................Bacchus Vionta........................................ W.W. Volteo......................................... W.W. Xarmant................................Bacchus Ya......................................... Prestige Yellow + Blue........................Bacchus Za Za......................................... W.W. Zarate...................................Bacchus Spain Sparkling Casteller...............................Bacchus Codorniu..............................Southern Cristalino................ Republic National Cristalino Rose...... Republic National Freixenet................ Republic National Freixenet.................................... W.W. Giacosa...............................Winebow Joan Esteve..........................Bacchus Mia............................................. W.W. MPX.....................................Southern Muscanti...............................Bacchus Paul Cheneau......................Southern Perelada...............................Bacchus Wine Segura Vindas....... Republic National Segura Viudas........................... W.W. Ya......................................... Prestige Switzerland Ch. D’Auvernier.................... Prestige Gillard................................... Prestige J & P Testuz.......................... Prestige Texas Llano Estacado............... Constantine Uruguay Pueblo del sol....................... Prestige Bodega Bouza................ Constantine Virginia Albemarle............................Southern Horton...................................... DOPS Kluge...................................Southern Kluge Estate.............................. W.W. Washington Arch Terrace......................... Prestige Badger Mountain............ Constantine Betz Winery.........................Winebow Buried Cane.........................Southern Cadaretta.............................Southern Canoe Ridge.............................. W.W. Canvasback............................... W.W. Ch. Ste. Michelle... Republic National Chocolate Cellar........................ W.W. Chocolate Shop......................... W.W. Christopher Michael........ Constantine Coco Rosso............................... W.W. Columbia Crest...... Republic National Columbia Valley Reserve....Southern Cote Bonneville....................Bacchus Delile Cellars............................. W.W. Delille Cellars.......................Winebow Doyenne.................................... W.W. Dusted Valley........................Bacchus Flying Fish...........................Winebow For A Song...................... Constantine Frostbitten............................Southern Goose Ridge........................Southern Gorman Winery...................Winebow Grand Ciel................................. W.W. Hedges.................................Bacchus Hedges...................................... W.W. Independent Producers........Bacchus Leonetti Cellars....................Winebow Northstar................ Republic National Pacifica ...............................Southern Plow & Stars.............................. W.W. Sagelands.................................. W.W. Skyfall........................................ W.W. Snoqualmie............ Republic National Stimson Estate...... Republic National Stone Cap............................Southern Three Rivers........................Southern Washington Hills........................ W.W. Waterbrook................................ W.W. Wild Meadows........................... W.W. Wilder........................................ W.W. Woodward Canyon......... Constantine Washington Sparkling Dom. Ste. Michelle.Republic National Liquor Absinthe DCD Green Villain......................Craft Grand Absente.....................Southern Kubler........................................ W.W. La Muse Verte............................Craft Mata Hari..............................Bacchus Vieux Carre................................ W.W. Aguardente Blanco DeVale........................... W.W. Aperitif Aalborq.................. Republic National Cinzano................. Republic National Cynar......................................... W.W. Dubonnet................................... W.W. Pernod................... Republic National Ricard.................... Republic National Wincarnis............... Republic National Liquor Arack Askalon................................Southern Armagnac Artez Bas VSOP 100% Folio.....Craft Bas Armagnac................ Constantine Brillat Savarin............................ W.W. Castarede.............................Bacchus Cerbois.................................Bacchus Cles des Ducs......................Bacchus Dartigalongue.............................Craft Delord Armagnac 25yrs..............Craft Dom. Grasse............................. W.W. Marie Duffau...............................Craft Robert Kacher Selections.......... W.W. St. Viviant.................................. W.W. Tariquet..................................... W.W.. Bitters Angostura.................................. W.W. BarKeep................................Bacchus Scrappy’s....................................Craft The Bitter Truth.....................Bacchus Blends Club 400................ Republic National Heaven Hill................................ W.W. Imperial.................. Republic National Imperial...................................... W.W. Seven Crown............................. W.W. Bottled in Bond Henry McKenna 100.................. W.W. Old Fitzgerald............................ W.W. Old Forester............................... W.W. Bourbon 1792 Ridgemont.... Republic National A.H. Hirsch..........................Winebow Ancient Age........... Republic National Baker’s 107°.......... Republic National Barterhouse............................... W.W. Basil Hayden’s 80°.Republic National Benchmark............ Republic National Berkshire.............................Winebow Bib & Tucker................... Constantine Black Maple Hill....................Bacchus Blue State.................................. W.W. Booker’s................ Republic National Breckenridge..............................Craft Buffalo Trace......... Republic National Bulleit......................................... W.W. Cabin Still.................................. W.W. Colorado Gold............................Craft Domaine Charbay.................Bacchus Early Times................................ W.W. Elijah Craig................................ W.W. Evan Williams Black.................. W.W. Ezra Brooks........... Republic National FEW Spirits.................................Craft Fighting Cock............................. W.W. Filibuster...............................Bacchus Four Roses............ Republic National Gentleman Jack......................... W.W. Heaven Hill Ultra Deluxe........... W.W. Henry McKenna......................... W.W. Hibiki Whiskey....... Republic National J R Ewing.................................. W.W. J.B. Stetson Kentucky.........Southern James E Pepper Kentucky Bourbon.. Southern Jeffersons Reserve.................... W.W. Jeremiah Weed......................... W.W. Jim Beam............... Republic National Jim Beam Black..... Republic National Johnny Drum........................Bacchus Kentucky Bourbon Distillers..Bacchus Kentucky Gentleman.Republic National Kentucky Tavern.... Republic National KFB....................................... Prestige Knob Creek............ Republic National Lost Prophet.............................. W.W. Low Gap...............................Bacchus Maker’s Mark......... Republic National MRDC Cody Road......................Craft Old Blowhard............................. W.W. Old Charter............ Republic National Old Crow................ Republic National Old Fitzgerald............................ W.W. Old Forester............................... W.W. Old Grand Dad...... Republic National Old Pogue............................Winebow Old Pogue Distillery..............Bacchus Liquor Old Rip Van Winkle.Republic National Old Taylor.............. Republic National Old Van Winkle...... Republic National Old Whiskey River...............Southern Paramount Kentucky Velvet.Southern Parker’s..................................... W.W. Prichard’s..............................Bacchus Prime Fitzgerald........................ W.W. Rebel Yell............... Republic National Red Stag by Jim Beam........ Republic National Red State................................... W.W. Rhetoric..................................... W.W. Rod & Rifle..................... Constantine Stillbrook................ Republic National Ten High................ Republic National Virginia Gentleman.Republic National Wathens............................... Prestige Weller.................... Republic National Widow Jane............................... W.W. Wild Turkey............ Republic National Wild Turkey Kentucky Spirit.Republic National Wild Turkey Rare Breed...... Republic National Wild Turkey Russul Reserve.Republic National Woodford Reserve..................... W.W. Bourbon (Single Barrel) Blanton’s................ Republic National Eagle Rare............. Republic National Elijah Craig................................ W.W. Elmer T. Lee.......... Republic National Evan Williams............................ W.W. Fitz 1849.................................... W.W. Hancock................. Republic National Henry McKenna......................... W.W. Rock Hill................ Republic National Bourbon (Small Batch) Elijah Craig................................ W.W. Old Fitzgerald 12yr.................... W.W. Brandy Adega Velha................... Constantine Busnel Calvados..................Southern Calvados.................................... W.W. Capel Picsco........................Southern Cardinal Mendoza...............Southern Carmel.................................Southern Catoctin Creek......................Bacchus Christian Brothers...................... W.W. Clear Creek..........................Bacchus Coronet VSQ............................. W.W. Dupont Calados......................... W.W. E & J Cask & Cream.Republic National E & J V.S............... Republic National E & J V.S.O.P......... Republic National E & J XO................ Republic National Fluid Dynamics.....................Bacchus Fundador............... Republic National Germain Robin.....................Bacchus Gilbert Calvados........................ W.W. Golles..................................Winebow Gran Duque D’alba............... Prestige Gran Duque d’Alba.Republic National Grand Prix...........................Southern Jacopo Poli..........................Southern Jacques Cardin.......................... W.W. Jacquins..............................Southern Kedem....................................... W.W. Keo Brand............................Winebow Korbel.................... Republic National Koval Distillery......................Bacchus LaCaptive............................. Prestige Lepanto...............................Winebow Massenez............................. Prestige Metaxa....................................... W.W. Meukow................. Republic National Mr. Boston 5 Star... Republic National Osborne................. Republic National Paramount...........................Southern Paul Giraud................................ W.W. Paul Masson.......... Republic National Pere Magloire......................Southern Presidente............. Republic National Raynal....................................... W.W. Rikaloff VSOP........ Republic National Romate Solera.....................Southern Royal Crest 5 Star.Republic National Rubi.....................................Southern Soberano.............................Winebow Beverage Journal March 2015 13DC Liquor St. Remy.................................... W.W. Stock 84 VSOP...... Republic National Torres.................................... Prestige Tres Cepes............ Republic National Villa Zarri.............................Winebow Cachaca Agua Luca................................. W.W. Boca Loca............................. Prestige Cuca Fresca.........................Bacchus Leblon........................................ W.W. Samba Brasil............................. W.W. Calvados Chauffe Coeur VSOP.................Craft Daron....................................Bacchus Canadian Whiskey Bison Ridge.......................... Prestige Black Velvet........... Republic National Canadian Club....... Republic National Canadian Mist............................ W.W. Collingwood............................... W.W. Crown Royal.............................. W.W. Crown Royal Reserve................ W.W. Fireball Cinnamon. Republic National Forty Creek............ Republic National Mac Naughton....... Republic National Order of Merit............................ W.W. Pendleton.................................. W.W. Revel Stoke............................... W.W. Seagram V O............................. W.W. Seagram V O Gold.................... W.W. Sinfire........................................ W.W. Tangle Ridge.......... Republic National Windsor Canadian.Republic National Cocktails Bacardi...................................... W.W. Bailey’s...................................... W.W. Bartenders...........................Southern Captain Morgan......................... W.W. Caribbean Wave................... Prestige Christian Brothers PA. Dutch..... W.W. Club........................................... W.W. Cuca Fresca.........................Bacchus El Jimador New Mix................... W.W. Evan Williams Eggnog............... W.W. Jack Dainel’s............................. W.W. James River Sweet Tea.......Southern Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea........ W.W. Jose Cuervo Authentics............. W.W. Paramount Long Island Iced Tea....... Southern Sandy Bottom....................... Prestige Smartini Cocktail................... Prestige Smirnoff..................................... W.W. Southern Comfort...................... W.W. Stinky Gringo.......................Southern T.G.I. Friday............................... W.W. VNC........................................... W.W. Cognac A. Hardy................. Republic National Alize....................... Republic National Ansac......................................... W.W. Antarctica.............................Southern Ch. Montifaud......................Winebow Chalfonte ............................Southern Conjure................................Southern Courvoisier Exclusif.Republic National Courvoisier VS....... Republic National Courvoisier VSOP. Republic National Courvoisier XO...... Republic National D’Usse....................................... W.W. Davidoff..................................... W.W. Delamain............... Republic National Frapin.................... Republic National Fussigny.................................... W.W. Gilles Brisson........................Bacchus Giorgio G.............................. Prestige Grosperrin.............................Bacchus Hardy...................................Southern Hennessy................................... W.W. Jean Fillioux................................Craft Kelt.......................................Bacchus Landy......................................... W.W. Larressingle........... Republic National Leopold Raffin........................... W.W. Maison Brillet.......................Southern Maison Rouge.....................Southern Maison Rougue..... Republic National Maison Surrene...................Winebow 14DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Liquor Maison Surrenne..................Bacchus Marnier...................................... W.W. Martell.................... Republic National Pierre Ferrand....... Republic National Raynal....................................... W.W. Remy Martin.............................. W.W. Salignac................. Republic National Coolers Champale............................Southern Cordials (Liqueurs) 22 Marquis................................. W.W. 99 Bananas............................... W.W. 99 Black Berries........................ W.W. Aalborg.................. Republic National Adult Chocolate......................... W.W. After Shock............ Republic National Agavero..................................... W.W. Aguardiente Cristol.Republic National Alize de France...... Republic National Allens...................................Southern Amarula Cream...................Southern Ancho Reyes............................. W.W. Arak Razzouk......................Southern Argiolas................................Southern Argiolas (Italy)......................Winebow Aromatique..................... Constantine Arquediente Cristal..............Southern Avellino................................. Prestige Averna..................................Bacchus Averna..................................Bacchus B & B......................................... W.W. Barenjager................................. W.W. belle Paire............................Southern Benedictine................................ W.W. Berentzen Appel........................ W.W. Berentzen Apple Liqueur..... Republic National Black Haus................................ W.W. Bols............................................ W.W. Bols............................................ W.W. Borsci...................................Southern Botticelli Cappucino.............Southern Boulaine...............................Southern Brady’s Irish Cream................... W.W. Breckenridge Bitters Liqueur......Craft Cafe Lolita............. Republic National Caffo..................................... Prestige Caledonia Distillery...............Bacchus Caprinatura (Italy)................Winebow Cartron....................................... W.W. Castello Mio............................... W.W. Celtic Crossing.......................... W.W. Ch. Montifaud (France)........Winebow Chambord Liqueur..................... W.W. Chartreuse...........................Southern Cherry Heering...... Republic National Choco-Lat ...........................Southern Christian Brothers Liqueur......... W.W. Cinerator Liqueur....................... W.W. Citronge..................................... W.W. Clear Creek..........................Bacchus Cointreau................................... W.W. Copa De Oro Coffee.................. W.W. D’ Aristi Xtabentun (Mexico).Winebow Danziger Lachs.......................... W.W. De Kuyper.............. Republic National DeKuyper............... Republic National Di Saronno Amaretto................. W.W. Dimmi...................................Bacchus Dolce..................... Republic National Dom. De Canton........................ W.W. Dooley’s................. Republic National Doomkaat Schnapps................. W.W. Drambuie................................... W.W. Drumgray..............................Bacchus Eden Ice Cider......................Bacchus EROTIQUE.................................Craft Esprit de June.......................Bacchus Evan Williams............................ W.W. Everglo................................Southern EVOL Sugar Free................Southern Extase.................... Republic National F. Meyer (France)................Winebow Fair Café..............................Southern FEW Malort.................................Craft Forbidden Secret Dark Choc.Southern Frangelico.................................. W.W. Fruit Lab...............................Bacchus Fultons....................................... W.W. Gaetano................. Republic National Liquor Liquor Galliano..................................... W.W. Glayva................... Republic National Godiva Liqueur.......................... W.W. Goldschlager............................. W.W. Gozio..................... Republic National Gran Gala.............. Republic National Grand Absenthe..... Republic National Grand Marnier........................... W.W. Grand Sabra........................Southern Green Mountain Distillery.....Bacchus Griottini................................. Prestige Guyot Cream De Cassis...... Republic National H B Pastig.............. Republic National Heering................................. Prestige Henri Bardouin Pastis..........Southern Hiram Walker......... Republic National Hiram Walker Triple Sec...... Republic National Hpnotiq...................................... W.W. Inga......................................Bacchus Intrigue.................................. Prestige Irish Manor Cream...............Southern Irish Mist.................................... W.W. Jacquins..............................Southern Jade Absinthe............................ W.W. Jagermeister.............................. W.W. Kahlua................... Republic National Kalani (Mexico)....................Winebow Kamora.................. Republic National Kapali..................... Republic National Kedem Slivovitz......................... W.W. Kijafa....................................Southern Killepitsch.................................. W.W. Kirschwasser............................. W.W. Koval.....................................Bacchus Le Tourment........... Republic National Lemoncella............ Republic National Leroux.................... Republic National Leroux.................... Republic National Licor 43...................................... W.W. Liquore Amaretto & Coffee........ W.W. Llords...................................Southern Lucid Absinthe........................... W.W. Luxardo (Italy)......................Winebow Mae De Ouro......... Republic National Mancini’s................ Republic National Mandarine Napoleon...... Constantine Maria Brizard............................. W.W. Massenez............................. Prestige Mathilde................................Bacchus MehKong Thai ....................Southern Merlet.................................... Prestige Metaxa....................................... W.W. Midori..................... Republic National Molinari.................. Republic National Montebello............. Republic National Montezuma................................ W.W. Mr. Boston................................. W.W. Nassua Royale.......................... W.W. Nava.......................................... W.W. Navip Slivovitz........................... W.W. Nocello Liqueur...... Republic National Nonino....................................... W.W. Nuvo Sparling Liqueur............... W.W. Opal Sambuca.....................Southern Pages Parfait Amour (France).Winebow Pages Vedrenne Verveine Du Velay.. Winebow Pallini......................................... W.W. Pama Pomegranate................... W.W. Party Star Jello Shots..........Southern Pasquale Vena............... Constantine Pasquale Vena............... Constantine Patron XO.................................. W.W. Peligroso.................................... W.W. Pellegrino Lemoncello.........Southern Perle De Brillet....... Republic National Philippe de Bourgogne........ Republic National Phillips....................................... W.W. Pimm’s....................................... W.W. Pisa......................................Southern Praline Liqueur...... Republic National Prichard’s..............................Bacchus Punt E Mes............ Republic National Pur Spirits Blossom: Elderflower.Craft Pur Spirits Spice: Blood Orange.Craft Pur Spirits Williams: Pear...........Craft Qream........................................ W.W. Ragin Red 101pf..................Southern Ramazzotti ..........................Southern Rebel Yell 101........ Republic National Rinquinquin..........................Southern Romana Black........................... W.W. Romana Sambuca..................... W.W. Root Organic Liqueur................ W.W. Royal Combier.....................Southern Royal Montaine....................Southern Rum Chata..........................Southern Rum Jumbie........................Southern RumChata................................. W.W. Rumpleminze............................. W.W. Sabra...................................Southern Sabra Chocolate-Orange Liqueur.W.W. Sabra Coffee............................. W.W. Samballa................ Republic National Schladerer................................. W.W. Schonauer................................. W.W. Sethenay (France)...............Winebow Soho Lychee.......... Republic National Solerno...................................... W.W. Sorbetta (Long Island).........Winebow Southern Comfort...................... W.W. St. George Absinthe............Southern St. Germain............................... W.W. Stirrings Liqueur........................ W.W. Stock Triple Sec..... Republic National Strega.................... Republic National Stunna.................................Southern Suze.....................................Bacchus Tequila Rose.......... Republic National The Bitter Truth.....................Bacchus Tia Maria................ Republic National Tic Tac.................................. Prestige Tippy Co.................................... W.W. Torres Orange....................... Prestige Trader Vics................................ W.W. Travis Hasse.............................. W.W. Tres Leches............................... W.W. Trimbach.................................... W.W. Tuaca......................................... W.W. Vaccari....................................... W.W. Vandermint................................ W.W. Varnelli..................................Bacchus Veev....................................Southern Versinthe................ Republic National Vieux Carre................................ W.W. Villa Massa................................ W.W. Voyant Chai Crème Liqueur.Southern Whidbey’s.............. Republic National Wild Africa............................. Prestige Wild Turkey American Honey.Republic National Xante.................................... Prestige XILLI...........................................Craft Yukon Jack................................ W.W. Zwack........................................ W.W. Corn Whiskey Ole Smokey............................... W.W. Tuthilltown Hudson.................... W.W. Cream Ashbourne Irish Cream.............. W.W. Bailey’s...................................... W.W. Brogan’s.................................... W.W. Carolans................ Republic National Devonshire Irish Cream............. W.W. Emmett’s.................................... W.W. Feeney’s Irish Cream.Republic National Lemoncello Gioia..................... DOPS McGuires............... Republic National St. Brendan’s Irish Cream... Republic National Egg Nog Holly Nog................................... W.W. Old New England.................Southern Overbrook............................Southern Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog.Southern Santa Clara........................... Prestige Gin Alaska Distillery Bristol Bay........Craft Ashby......................................... W.W. Barr Hill.................................Bacchus Barton.................... Republic National Beefeater............... Republic National Berkshire.............................Winebow Blackwood’s..........................Bacchus Bluecoat..................................... W.W. Boddles...................................... W.W. Bols Genever............................. W.W. Liquor Bombay..................................... W.W. Boodles.................. Republic National Boomsma.............................Bacchus Boosma................................Bacchus Booth’s....................................... W.W. Botanist...................................... W.W. Bowman’s.............. Republic National Brokers...................................... W.W. Brokers...................................... W.W. Brokers Gin.............................. DOPS Bruichladdich.......................Winebow Bruichladdich The Botanist.. Southern Bulldog.................................Southern Burnett’s.................................... W.W. Cadenhead Old Raj.............Winebow Caorunn Scottish Gin..........Southern Catoctin Creek......................Bacchus Citadelle................. Republic National City of London................ Constantine Cold River.............................Bacchus Copley Gin...........................Southern Crystal Palace....... Republic National Crystal Palace........................... W.W. Damrak...................................... W.W. Darnley’s View......................Bacchus DCD White Tiger........................Craft Death’s Door .......................Southern Edinburgh Gin......................Southern Farmers Organic........................ W.W. Craft Wine & Spirits 202-803-6070 FEW Spirits American.................Craft FEW Spirits Barrel Aged.............Craft FEW Spirits Standard Issue 114°.Craft Fifty Pounds London Dry.....Southern Fleischmann’s............................ W.W. Founding Farmers..................... W.W. G’Vine...................................Bacchus Gabriel Boudier .................... Prestige Genevieve...........................Winebow Georgi..................................Southern Gilbey’s.................. Republic National Gordons..................................... W.W. Great Lakes Distillery...........Bacchus Green Mountain....................Bacchus Hendrick’s.................................. W.W. Junipero...............................Winebow Kimnoff................................Southern Krahn....................................Bacchus Langley’s................................... W.W. Magellan..............................Southern Martin Miller’s....................... Prestige McCalls................................. Prestige McCormick............. Republic National Metropolis.................................. W.W. New Amsterdam.... Republic National No. 3....................................Winebow Nolet Reserve............................ W.W. Odesse.................. Republic National Old Raj............................ Constantine Paramount...........................Southern Plymouth................ Republic National Popov........................................ W.W. Prairie........................................ W.W. Right Gin.................................... W.W. Rubinoff...............................Southern Ruble...................................Southern Sacred............................ Constantine Seagrams.............. Republic National SW4......................................Bacchus Tanqueray.................................. W.W. The Bitter Truth.....................Bacchus Liquor Tru Organic Spirits................Bacchus Uncle Val’s...................... Constantine Vir Gin........................................ W.W. Grain Alcohol Gem Clear................................. W.W. Wasmunds Malt......................... W.W. Wasmunds Rye......................... W.W. XXX Shine................................. W.W. Grappa Allegrini................................Winebow Altesino................................Winebow Castellare............................Winebow Chiarlo Barolo........ Republic National Clear Creek..........................Bacchus Fantinel.................................Bacchus Gaja......................................Bacchus Inga......................................Bacchus Jacopo Poli..........................Southern Katsaros (Greece)...............Winebow Massenez............................. Prestige Nardini.................................Southern Nardini.................................Winebow Nonino....................................... W.W. Ornellaia...............................Bacchus Pasquale Vena............... Constantine Pellegrino ...........................Southern Poli.......................................Winebow Sassicaia............... Republic National Varvaki.................................Winebow Villa Sandi Grappa..................... W.W. Zardetto...............................Winebow Zenato.................................Southern Zenato.................................Winebow Irish Whiskey Black Bush................................. W.W. Bunratty Potcheen...............Southern Bushmill’s.................................. W.W. Bushmill’s Malt........................... W.W. Clontarf...................................... W.W. Connemara............ Republic National Danny Boy............................ Prestige Feekin........................................ W.W. Finians....................................... W.W. Greenore Single Grain......... Republic National Irish Manor...........................Southern Jameson................ Republic National John L. Sullivan...................Southern Kilbeggan............... Republic National Knappouge Castle..................... W.W. McFadden............................. Prestige Michael Collins.......................... W.W. Midleton Rare........ Republic National Millars..................................Southern Powers................... Republic National Red Breast............. Republic National The Knot.................................... W.W. Tullamore Dew.......................... W.W. Tyrconnel.............. Republic Nationall Mexcal Alipus....................................Bacchus El Buho................................. Prestige Encantado................................. W.W. Los Nahuales........................Bacchus Marca Negra................... Constantine Mezcalero.............................Bacchus Sombra.................................Bacchus Moonshine Belmont Farms...........................Craft Ouzo Giokarinis.............................Winebow Katsaros..............................Winebow Mitilini...................................Winebow Thraki...................................Winebow Pisco Gran Sierpe..........................Bacchus Kappa........................................ W.W. La Diablada............................... W.W. Macchu...................................... W.W. Payet.............................. Constantine Rum 10 Cane..................................... W.W. 7 Fathoms.............................Bacchus Admiral Nelson...... Republic National Admiral Nelson.......................... W.W. Amrut.................................... Prestige Angostura.............................Bacchus Liquor Appleton................ Republic National Atlantico...............................Southern Bacardi (Puerto Rico)................ W.W. Banks Five Island Rum........Winebow Barbancourt.........................Southern Berkshire.............................Winebow Black Beard Spiced Rum.....Southern Blackheart.................................. W.W. Blue Chair Bay........................... W.W. Boca Chica (Puerto Rico)....Southern Brinley................................... Prestige Brugal.................... Republic National Brugal........................................ W.W. Burnett’s.................................... W.W. Captain Morgan Parrot Bay....... W.W. Caribaya..............................Southern Cartavio................................Bacchus Castillo....................................... W.W. Chairman Reserve..................... W.W. Clement................................ Prestige Cockspur Rum......................... DOPS Coconut Jack......... Republic National Conch Republic..... Republic National Coruba................... Republic National Crusoe..................................Bacchus Cruzan 9 Spiced.... Republic National Cruzan Black Strap.Republic National Depaz.................... Republic National Diplomatico........................... Prestige Dogfish Head.......................Southern Dominican Club...................Southern Don Pancho............................... W.W. Don Q..................................Southern Dos Maderas........................ Prestige El Dorado.............................Southern English Harbor.....................Winebow Fernandes “19” (Trinidad)....Southern Flor De Cana......... Republic National Flor de Cana.............................. W.W. Gosling’s 151 (Bermuda)........... W.W. Gosling’s Dark & Light (Bermuda).W.W. Governor General...................... W.W. Great Lakes Distillery...........Bacchus Jacquins..............................Southern Kirk & Sweeney.............. Constantine Koloa Premium Hawaiian...........Craft Kraken................... Republic National Kraken....................................... W.W. Lady Bligh Spiced Rum.......Southern Lola Belle................................... W.W. Malibu.................... Republic National Marti Mojito.............................. DOPS Metropolis.................................. W.W. Mount Gay................................. W.W. Myers’s (Jamaican)................... W.W. Oronoco Platinum...................... W.W. Palo Viejo ...........................Southern Pampero (Venezuela)................ W.W. Paramount...........................Southern Pitu Cachaca.......................Southern Plantation............... Republic National Port Royal.............. Republic National Prichard’s..............................Bacchus Puncheon Rum....................Southern Pussers................................Southern Pyrat.......................................... W.W. Rhum Barbancourt..............Southern Rhum Barbancourt .Republic National Rhum JM..............................Bacchus Rhum St. James...................Bacchus Rico Bay (Puerto Rico).............. W.W. Ron Abuelo..........................Southern Ron Barcelo.........................Southern Ron Castillo (Puerto Rico)......... W.W. Ron del Barralito...................Bacchus Ron Diaz............................... Prestige Ron Matusalem..... Republic National Ron Matusalem......................... W.W. Ron Rico................ Republic National Ron Roberto........................Southern Ron Viejo.............................Southern Ron Zacapa Centenario............ W.W. Rum Chata..........................Southern Rum Jumbie........................Southern Sailor Jerry................................ W.W. Samaroli...............................Bacchus Sammy’s Beach......................... W.W. Sammy’s Beach Bar............Southern Santa Teresa........................Bacchus Sea Wynde................................ W.W. Seco Herrerano...................Southern Liquor South Sea............................. Prestige St. Lucia..................................... W.W. Stroh.......................................... W.W. Trader Vics................................ W.W. Venado.................. Republic National Westerhall.............................Bacchus Wrey & Nephew..... Republic National Zaya....................... Republic National Rye Black Maple Hills..................Bacchus Bulleit......................................... W.W. Catoctin Creek......................Bacchus Colorado Gold ...........................Craft FEW Spirits.................................Craft High West.............................Bacchus Jim Beam............... Republic National Liquor Matsunoi......................... Constantine Midorikawa..................... Constantine Minogaqa........................ Constantine Mirin................................ Constantine Momokawa..........................Southern Momokawa..........................Southern Moonstone...........................Southern Mukune.................................Bacchus Murai Family........................Southern Musashino...................... Constantine Niigata Sake Selections.. Constantine Nishimoto Selections...... Constantine Rihaku..................................Bacchus Rock Sake...........................Southern Rokkasen........................ Constantine Sabe....................................Southern Sawanotsuru................... Constantine Takatenjin.............................Bacchus Tenaka Kuni..........................Bacchus Tokuri.............................. Constantine Ty Ku......................................... W.W. Wanokawa...........................Southern Yoshinogawa.......................Southern Yuza............................... Constantine Schnapps Bols............................................ W.W. Llords...................................Southern Rumpleminz............................... W.W. Wide Eye.............................Southern Scotch RNDC proudly introduces Kinsey Rye. Kinsey.................... Republic National Masterson’s.................... Constantine Craft Wine & Spirits 202-803-6070 MRDC Cody Road......................Craft Old Overholt.......... Republic National Prichard’s..............................Bacchus R I.......................... Republic National Rittenhouse Rye........................ W.W. Rod & Rifle..................... Constantine Wasmund’s...........................Bacchus Whistlepig Farm....................Bacchus Wild Turkey............ Republic National Sake Aladdin............................ Constantine Ama no To............................Bacchus Draft Sake.................................. W.W. Fukucho................................Bacchus G Sake.................................Southern Gekkeikan.................................. W.W. Ginga Shizuku......................Bacchus Ginginga...............................Bacchus Hakuryu.......................... Constantine Hakusan.................................... W.W. Horin Premium........................... W.W. Ichishima........................ Constantine Kagatobi......................... Constantine Kakurei........................... Constantine Kiminoi............................ Constantine Kinshihai......................... Constantine Kirinzan........................... Constantine Kizakura.......................... Constantine Kudoki............................. Constantine Manotsuru....................... Constantine 100 Pipers................................. W.W. Aberfeldy................................... W.W. Ambassador........................Southern Antiquary................................... W.W. B & L.......................................... W.W. Ballantine............... Republic National Bank Note....................... Constantine Benromach...........................Bacchus Bernheim Wheat Whiskey......... W.W. Big Smoke..................................Craft Black & White............................ W.W. Black Bottle...........................Bacchus Black Bull....................................Craft Black Prince.........................Southern Buchanan’s................................ W.W. Bunnahabhain......................Bacchus Chieftain’s Range................. Prestige Chivas Regal......... Republic National Clan MacGregor........................ W.W. Cluny...................................Southern Cluny......................................... W.W. Coventry..............................Southern Crawford.................................... W.W. Cutty Sark.................................. W.W. Deanston..............................Bacchus Dewar’s “12”.............................. W.W. Dewars White Label.................. W.W. Dimple Pinch............................. W.W. Edradour............................... Prestige Famous Grouse......................... W.W. Georgia Moon Com Whiskey..... W.W. Golden Piper .......................Southern Gordon & MacPhail..............Bacchus Grand Macnish..................... Prestige Grand Macnish....................Southern Grant’s....................................... W.W. Great King Street....................... W.W. Hanky Bannister..................Southern Heather Glen............................. W.W. Highland Park............................ W.W. Highland Piper Private Label.Southern Inverhouse............. Republic National J & B.......................................... W.W. James Alexander ................Southern John Barr.............................Southern John Begg................................. W.W. Johnnie Walker.......................... W.W. King George.............................. W.W. Lauder’s................. Republic National Lauders...................................... W.W. Ledaig...................................Bacchus Macallan.................................... W.W. Mackinlay’s Shackleton.......Southern Martin’s V.V.O............................ W.W. Monkey Shoulder....................... W.W. Murray McDavid...................Bacchus Old Parr..................................... W.W. Old Smuggler.......................Southern Penderyn............... Republic National Peter Dawson............................ W.W. Liquor Pigs Nose............................Southern Port Ellen................................... W.W. Robert Burns........................ Prestige Royal Lochnagar....................... W.W. Samaroli...............................Bacchus Scoresby Rare........................... W.W. Sheep Dip............................Southern Shine White Whiskey................. W.W. Smokehead.......................... Prestige Storm-Pure Blended............Southern Tamdhu...................................... W.W. Teacher’s highland Cream... Republic National Tobermory.............................Bacchus Trybox........................................ W.W. Tuthilltown Hudson Corn Whiskey.W.W. Usher’s...................................... W.W. Vat Gold..................................... W.W. Wemyss................................Bacchus White Horse.............................. W.W.. Scotch (Single Malt) 100 Pipers................................. W.W. A.D. Rattray.................... Constantine Aberlour................. Republic National Amrut.................................... Prestige anCnoc................................Southern Ardbeg....................................... W.W. Ardmore................. Republic National Arran...................... Republic National Auchentoshan........ Republic National Auchroisk................................... W.W. Bal Blair...............................Southern Balvenie..................................... W.W. Benriach..............................Winebow Bowmore............... Republic National Brora.......................................... W.W. Bruichladdich.......................Southern Bruichladdich.......................Winebow Bunnahabhain......................Bacchus Caol Ila...................................... W.W. Cardhu....................................... W.W. Clan Macgregor......................... W.W. Clear Creek..........................Bacchus Cluny......................................... W.W. Clynelish.................................... W.W. Compass Box............................ W.W. Convalmore............................... W.W. Cragganmore............................. W.W. Dalwhinnie................................. W.W. Deanston..............................Bacchus Duncan Taylor.............................Craft Duncan Taylor......................Winebow Glen Garioch......... Republic National Glen Grant............. Republic National Glen Moray................................ W.W. Glen Spey.................................. W.W. Glendronach........................Winebow Glenfarclas............ Republic National Glenfiddich................................. W.W. Glengoyne...........................Southern GlenKinchie............................... W.W. Glenlivet................. Republic National Glenmorangie............................ W.W. Glenrothes............. Republic National Haig Club................................... W.W. Hazelburn....................... Constantine Inchmurrin............................Winebow Isle of Jura...........................Southern Kilkerran..............................Winebow Kilkerran......................... Constantine Kininvie...................................... W.W. Ladyburn.................................... W.W. Lagavulin................................... W.W. Laphroaig............... Republic National Ledaig...................................Bacchus Lismore................................. Prestige Littlemill................................Winebow Lonach.................................Winebow Longrow.......................... Constantine MacGavins Highland...........Southern McClellands........... Republic National Murray McDavid...................Bacchus Oban.......................................... W.W. Octomore.............................Winebow Old Pultney..........................Southern Port Charlotte............................ W.W. Royal Lochnagar....................... W.W. Scapa.................... Republic National Signatory.............................. Prestige Singleton.................................... W.W. Slieve Foy............................Winebow Beverage Journal March 2015 15DC Liquor Speyburn.............................Southern Springback Campbeltown....Winebow Springbank..................... Constantine Talisker...................................... W.W. The Dalmore........................Southern Tobermorey...........................Bacchus Tomatin...................................... W.W. Tomintoul.............................Southern Tomitoul..................................... W.W. Tormore................. Republic National Tuthilltown Hudson.................... W.W. Schochu Kai.......................................Southern Tombo..................................Southern Tennessee Whiskey Gentleman Jack......................... W.W. George Dickel #12..................... W.W. George Dickel #8....................... W.W. George Dickel Special Reserve.W.W. Jack Daniel’s Country Cocktails.W.W. Jack Daniels.............................. W.W. Tequila 1800.......................................... W.W. 123 Organic..........................Bacchus 1800 Authentic Margarita R TD......... Republic National Agavero................. Republic National Agavero Tequila Liqueur......Southern Alma de Agave ...................Southern Ambhar................................Southern Antiguo Tequila.......................... W.W. Aquariva.................................... W.W. Asom Broso.......................... Prestige Azul........................ Republic National Azunia...................................Bacchus Cabo Wabo............ Republic National Cabrito....................................... W.W. Cactus Jack............................... W.W. Camarena.............. Republic National Casa Dragones....................Southern Casa Noble............ Republic National Casa Pacific.................... Constantine Casamigos................................. W.W. Cazadores................................. W.W. Centinela................................... W.W. Charbay................................Bacchus Charbay................................Bacchus Chinaco...............................Winebow Corazon................. Republic National Corralejo................ Republic National Corzo......................................... W.W. Deleon....................................... W.W. Don Diego............................Southern Don Eduardo............................. W.W. Don Julio.................................... W.W. Don Roberto........................Southern Dos Manos..................... Constantine El Jimador.................................. W.W. El Mayor................ Republic National El Mezcalito.......................... Prestige El Olvido............................... Prestige El Tequileno.........................Southern El Tesoro................ Republic National El Ultimo............................... Prestige El Zarco................. Republic National ElConquistador.......................... W.W. Excellia.................................Bacchus Fidencio Mezcal......................... W.W. Gran Centenario.... Republic National Gran Centenario........................ W.W. Herencia Mexicana......... Constantine Herradura.................................. W.W. Hornitos................. Republic National Illegal Mezcal.......................Southern Jose Cuervo.............................. W.W. Kah......................................Southern La Arenita............................Southern LaCerteza.................................. W.W. Lunazul...................................... W.W. Maestro Dobel........................... W.W. Maestro Dobel “Diamond”... Republic National Margaritaville......... Republic National Matador..................................... W.W. Milagro....................................... W.W. Monte Alban........... Republic National Montelobos Mezcal.................... W.W. Montezuma............ Republic National Ocho.......................................... W.W. 16DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Liquor Old Mexico...........................Southern Oro Azul................................ Prestige Partida................... Republic National Patron........................................ W.W. Peligroso.................................... W.W. Pepe Lopez............................... W.W. Pierde Almas............................. W.W. Rancho Alegre...................... Prestige Riazul......................................... W.W. Sauza.................... Republic National Sauza Generations.Republic National Siembra Azul.......................Winebow Siete Leguas.......... Republic National Sombra.................................Bacchus Tanteo........................................ W.W. Tenampa Azul............................ W.W. Tierras....................................... W.W. Topaz..................... Republic National Tromba.......................................Craft Two Fingers............................... W.W. Vida.....................................Southern Zarco......................................... W.W. USDA Organic American Harvest Vodka........... W.W. Prairie Gin.................................. W.W. Prairie Vodka............................. W.W. Sage Liqueur............................. W.W. Snap.......................................... W.W. Vermouth Boissiere................ Republic National Carpano Antico...... Republic National Casa Mariol.......................... Prestige Cinzano................. Republic National Kedem Kosher........................... W.W. Leonardini............................Southern Leonardini............................Southern Martini & Rossi.......................... W.W. Noilly Prat.................................. W.W. Sacred............................ Constantine Santini..................................Southern Stock...................... Republic National Tribuno.................. Republic National Vodka 360........................ Republic National 26000 Vodka.......................Southern 4 Orange.................................... W.W. 42 Below.................................... W.W. Absolut................... Republic National Alaska Distillery..........................Craft Americana ..........................Southern Arctic.......................................... W.W. Barr Hill.................................Bacchus Barton.................... Republic National Beluga.................................Southern Belvedere.................................. W.W. Berkshire (Massachussets).Winebow Birwell’s..................................... W.W. Black Lab..............................Bacchus Blackleaf (Organic)......... Constantine Blue Angel...........................Southern Blue Ice................................. Prestige Boomerang..........................Southern Boru........................................... W.W. Bowman’s.............. Republic National Breckenridge..............................Craft Burnett’s.................................... W.W. Cape North..........................Southern Chambord.................................. W.W. Charbay................................Bacchus Chopin.................................Southern Cold River.............................Bacchus Crop........................................... W.W. Crop Organic............................. W.W. Crystal Head.......... Republic National Crystal Palace....... Republic National Cupcake................ Republic National Czar Red..............................Bacchus DC............................................. W.W. Death’s Door .......................Southern Devils Springs .....................Southern Dog Watch............................ Prestige Dogfish Head.......................Southern Double Cross.......................Southern Double Cross.......................Southern Dutch Craft........................... Prestige Effen...................... Republic National Emperor................................ Prestige Eristoff....................................... W.W. Exclusiv..................................... W.W. Fair Quinoa..........................Southern Liquor Finlandia Vodka......................... W.W. Firefly..................... Republic National Firestarter ...........................Southern Fleischman’s.......... Republic National Fris......................... Republic National Georgi..................................Southern Gilbey’s.................. Republic National Green Moon Absinthe.......... Republic National Green Mountain....................Bacchus Grey Goose............................... W.W. Grey Goose L’Orange................ W.W. Gruven............................ Constantine Hammer and Sickle.............Southern Hangar One........... Republic National Hangar One............................... W.W. High West.............................Bacchus Idol........................................ Prestige Imperia................... Republic National Integre.................................Southern Ion.......................................Southern Ivanabitch.............. Republic National Jacquins..............................Southern James River Plantation........Southern Jean-Marc XO....... Republic National Jeremiah Weed......................... W.W. Jewel of Russia...................Southern Kai.......................................Southern Kamchatka............. Republic National Kauffman.............................. Prestige Kedem....................................... W.W. Ketel One................................... W.W. Ketel One Citroen...................... W.W. Kopper Kettle Vodka...................Craft Kutskova..............................Southern Level...................... Republic National Little Black Dress....................... W.W. Liv (Long Island)..................Winebow Mark One.............................. Prestige McCormick............. Republic National Metropolis.................................. W.W. Moon Mountain.......................... W.W. Ocean Vodka.......................Southern Odesse.................. Republic National Olifant..................................Southern Paramount...........................Southern Pearl ..................... Republic National PermaFrost Vodka......................Craft Pinnacle................. Republic National Platinum 7x............ Republic National Popov........................................ W.W. Prairie........................................ W.W. Prairie Organic....... Republic National Pravda.................................Southern Purgatory “Hemp Seed”..............Craft Purity...................................Southern Reyka........................................ W.W. Rokk.......................................... W.W. Ropa.......................................... W.W. Rubinoff...............................Southern Ruble...................................Southern Ruskova..................................... W.W. Russian Standard.. Republic National Sabra......................................... W.W. Sacred............................ Constantine Skyy....................... Republic National Skyy Infusions....... Republic National Sloop Betty............ Republic National Sloop Betty Honey.Republic National Smirnoff..................................... W.W. Smirnoff Black........................... W.W. Sobieski..................................... W.W. Square One.......................... Prestige St. Petersburg................. Constantine Stalingrad............................Southern Stolichnaya................................ W.W. Stravinsky - Rye .................Southern Svedka................... Republic National Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea.. Republic National Tanqueray Sterling..................... W.W. Teaka......................................... W.W. The Bay..................................... W.W. The Tall Blonde.....................Bacchus Three Olives.............................. W.W. Tito’s.......................................... W.W. Tru Organic Spirits................Bacchus U’Luvka................................Southern Ultimate..................................... W.W. Ursus......................................... W.W. UV.............................................. W.W. Liquor V-2.......................................Southern Vampyre............................... Prestige Van Gogh............... Republic National Van Hoo.......................... Constantine Vellicoff...................................... W.W. Vermont Spirits.....................Bacchus Versailles.............................. Prestige Vesica Potato Vodka.Republic National Vladimir................................. Prestige Vox ....................... Republic National Winter Palace....................... Prestige Wodka..................................Bacchus Wolfschmidt........... Republic National Yazi............................................ W.W. Zelko...................... Republic National Zodiac..................................Southern Zu.............................................. W.W. Zubrowka................................... W.W. Zyr.......................................Southern Whiskey Alaska Outlaw.............................Craft American Spirit...........................Craft Black Maple Hill....................Bacchus Breakout 8yr Rye.................Southern Cabin Fever............................... W.W. Catoctin Creek......................Bacchus Clear Creek Distillery............Bacchus Clyde May’s.........................Southern Coldcock.................................... W.W. Copper Fox................................ W.W. DCD Apple-achain Shine............Craft DCD Butterscotch Shine.............Craft DCD Cock Lighting.....................Craft DCD Hot Mama Whiskey............Craft DCD Moonshine.........................Craft DCD Peach Shine......................Craft DCD Stump House.....................Craft DCD Tiger Fire...........................Craft Death’s Door White.............Southern Filibuster...............................Bacchus Founding Farmers..................... W.W. Girvan........................................ W.W. Gold Crown........................... Prestige Great Lakes Distillery...........Bacchus High West.............................Bacchus Jailers Tennessee................Southern RNDC proudly introduces Kinsey 7 year Whiskey. Kinsey.................... Republic National Kopper Kettle VA........................Craft Koval.....................................Bacchus Lovell Brothers................ Constantine Low Gap .............................Winebow MB Roland Distillery.............Bacchus Michters................................... DOPS Old Potrero..........................Winebow Paramount Preferred Brookside Res. Southern Pine Barren..........................Winebow Prichard’s..............................Bacchus R.J. Hodges’s .....................Southern Red Shot............................... Prestige Rod & Rifle..................... Constantine Stranahan’s............................... W.W. Wasmund............................. Prestige Wasmund’s Whisky..............Bacchus Wasmunds................................. W.W. Whistlepig.............................Bacchus Whiskey (Blended) Hot Stuff..................................... W.W. Phillips Union............................. W.W. Piehole....................................... W.W. Liquor Stranahans Colorado................. W.W. Everything Else Energy Drinks 5 Hour..................................Southern Red Bull................. Republic National Rhino’s.................................Southern Miscellaneous Angostura Bitters....................... W.W. Castellare Olive Oil..............Southern Clement................................ Prestige Cocktail Crate Lavander Bloom..Craft Cocktail Crate Old Fashioned.....Craft Cocktail Crate Smokey Hops......Craft Cocktail Ginger Bee....................Craft Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut......... Southern Daily’s Lime Juice & Grenadine.W.W. Dailys Bar Mix............................ W.W. Fat & Juicy Bloody Mary Mix......Craft Gem Clear Grain 190................ W.W. Gio Sparkling Coffee...........Southern Giroux Grenadine................Southern Giroux Lime Juice................Southern Haleys’ Corker Wine Preservation..... Bacchus Herradura Agave Nectar............ W.W. Holland House........................... W.W. IBC Rootbeer.......................Southern Kedem Nonalcohol.................... W.W. Ketel One Tom Olives................ W.W. Leblon Caipirinha Natural Mix... W.W. Leone de Castris Olive Oil...Southern Librandi Olive Oil.................Southern Major Peters........................Southern Mr. & Mrs. “T” Bloody Mary........ W.W. Mr. & Mrs. “T” Margarita Salt..... W.W. Mr. & Mrs. “T” Mixes.................. W.W. Riedel Glassware.................Bacchus Rose’s Grenadine...................... W.W. Rose’s Lime Juice..................... W.W. Santa Barbara Olives.............. DOPS Saranac Ginger Beer...........Southern Saranac Root Beer..............Southern Saranac Sparkling Organics.Southern Smirnoff Bloody Mary Mix.......... W.W. Sportoletti Olive Oil..............Southern Stirrings Bar Ingredients............ W.W. Stirrings Bar Solutions............... W.W. Stirrings Mixers.......................... W.W. Stirrings Rimmers...................... W.W. Tasca D’Almer Olive Oil.......Southern Tropicana.............................Southern Viuda de Sanchez................ Prestige Wine Life Preservation System......... Bacchus Olive Oil Allegrini................................Southern Altesino................................Southern Pertimali................................Bacchus Tea Barton........................................ W.W. Water Bandoit Sparkling................Southern Cape Grim...................... Constantine Deer Park............................Southern Evian....................................Southern Ferrarelle Mineral................. Prestige Fever Tree............................Bacchus Fiji........................................Southern Highland Springs..................Bacchus Natia Mineral........................ Prestige Nestle...................................Bacchus Panna..................................Southern Perrier...................................Bacchus Q-Tonic........................... Constantine San Pellegrino......................Bacchus Saratoga.................................. DOPS Voss Water............ Republic National Beverage Journal March 2015 17DC 2800 V STREET, WASHINGTON, DC 20018 TEL 410.633.0400 | FAX 410.633.0507 WWW.BACCHUSIMPORTERSLTD.COM Clos de Tart ARGENTINA Altos de las Hormigas (mdg) Antonietti Ben Marco (vc) Budini (vc) Crios de Susana Balbo (vc) Dirigutti Dona Paula (vb) Ernesto Catena Genio Goulart Lamadrid La Posta del Vinatero (vc) Los Cardos (vb) Luca (vc) Luigi Bosca Mapema (vc) Mendel Nomade Paul Hobbs Argentina. Reginato Susana Balbo (vc) Tacuil Davalos Tikal (vc) Yellow+Blue AUSTRALIA Canonbah Bridge (emp) Barossa Old Vine Wine Co. Jim Barry (neg) Bleasdale (ss) Branson Wines Cat Amongst the Pigeons Craneford (ss) Earthworks Final Cut (emp) Gemtree Giaconda (neg) Gotham Grant Burge (wd) Heggies (neg) Henschke (neg) Jansz (neg) Koltz Koonowla (ss) Kurtz Family (ss) Langmeil (neg) Margan Family (ss) Marquee Maxwell Mesh (neg) Mollydooker (bac) Nashwauk Nugan (ss) Oliverhill (ss) Oxford Landing (neg) Passing Clouds (ss) Pewsey Vale (neg) Poonawatta (epi) Puppeteer Red Bank (neg) R.L. Buller (ss) Ross Estate (ss) Rusden Sheep’s Back (emp) Stalking Horse 16DC Beverage Journal February 2012 18DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Tait (ss) Terlato Chapoutier Two Hands Vasse Felix (neg) Water Wheel (ss) Whip Hand Wildberry Wirra Wirra (wd) Yalumba (neg) AUSTRIA Alphart (ds) Anton Iby Brandl Lackner-Tinnacher (ds) Lagler (ds) Laurenz Leth (ds) Sonnenmulde (ds) Wimmer-Czerny (ds) CANADA Peller (ter) CHILE Cono Sur (vb) Vina Aromo Vina Chocolain (ds) Vina Falernia FRANCE ALSACE Mark Kreydenweiss (wd) Domaine Sipp Mack (bac) Domaine Weinbach (vb) Josmeyer Albert Seltz BEAUJOLAIS Mommessin (boi) BORDEAUX Bealieu “Comtes de Tastes” (sig) Ch. Bienfaissance Ch. Coustaut Ch. Fontebride (cc) Fougeres (sig) Ch. Haut Bergeron (cc) Ch. Tour des Laurets (ter) Lucia St. Emilion (sig) Ch. Monbousquet Ch. Pavie Decesse Ch. Pavie Macquin (sig) Ch. Pavie Pelan Cotes de Francs (sig) Ch. Roc de Cambes Ch. Rocher Corbin Heritage de Thieuley (sig) Ch. Tertre de Launay (cc) BURGUNDY Jean Marc Boillot (vb) Chanson Louis Carillon (vb) Bruno Clair (vb) Faiveley (wd) Vincent Girardin (vb) Henri Gouges (vb) Dominique Laurent Domaine Leflaive (wd) Liger-Belair (vb) Thierry Matrot (vb) Mommessin Mongeard-Mugneret (vb) Bernard Morey (vb) Pierre Morey (wd) Morey-Blanc (wd) Ponsot (vb) Etienne Sauzet (vb) CHABLIS Dauvissat (vb) Louis Michel (vb) Laurent Tribut (vb) CHAMPAGNE Alfred Gratien Bollinger (ter) Charles de Fere (boi) Delamotte (wd) Demoiselle (vra) Diamant (vra) Heidsieck (vra) Jean Louis (boi) Laurent Perrier Pierre Peters (tt) Salon (wd) LOIRE Dme de Bernier (vb) Berthier (vb) Dme de la Biche (vb) Dme Bourillon (cc) Chatelaine (cc) Patient Cottat (vb) Delaporte (vb) Dme Dorices (cc) Dme Gouron Langlois Chateau (ter) Alphonse Mellot Dme Michaud Moulin D’Argent Jean Pabiot Pichot (vb) Ragotiere (vb) MACONNAIS Faiveley Mommessin (boi) Dme. De la Collonge RHONE Dme Lucien Barrot (cc) Ch. De Beaucastel Chasse du Pape (vra) Chave JL Chave Chapoutier Dme Graillot (cc) Laurus (vra) Dme Lises Patrice Magni Dme Vieille Julienne (cc) Dme Perrin Dme St Gayan (cc) Tardieu-Laurent Marc Kreydenweiss (wd) SOUTHERN FRANCE Bertrand-Berge Chapoutier Dme. Gasqui Coume del Mas Dme Mas de Bellevue (cc) Negly Pink Flamingo (vra) Puech-Haut Henri Milan Tardieu-Laurent La Vieille Ferme Ch. La Raz Clos des Truffiers Wild Pig (vra) HUNGARY Bodegas Oremus (cc) Royal Tokay Wine Co (wd) ITALY ABRUZZI LOMBARDY Bellavista (emp) Ca’ Del Bosco (ter) MARCHES Boccadigabbia (mdg) Bucci (emp) Cocci Grifone (mdg) Moroder (ds) Le Terrazze (mdg) Tavignano (mdg) Velenosi (ds) PIEDMONT Alario (mdg) Elio Altare (mdg) Bongiovanni (emp) Boschis (mdg) Bricco Mondalino (emp) Ca Rome (emp) Cavallotto (mdg) Domeico Clerico (mdg) Conterno Fantino (emp) Corino (mdg) Correggia (mdg) Einaudi (emp) Famiglia Anselma (dsc) Matane Santa Lucia (mdg) Gaja (ter) Gancia (boi) Marcarini (emp) Mario Marengo (mdg) Massolino (ds) e. Pira & Figli (mdg) Luigi Pira (mdg) Poderi Colla (emp) Revello (mdg) Rocca Albino (mdg) Seghesio (mdg) Villa Sparina (ds) CAMPANIA SARDINIA Farnese (emp) Quattro Mani (ds) ALTO ALDIGE Hofstatter (ds) Kettmeir (Ter) San Valentino (mdg) APULIA De Angelis (mdg) Clelia Romano (mdg) Benito Ferrara (mdg) Moletierre (mdg) Cantina del Taburno (mdg) Villa Matilde (emp) FRIULI Borgo Maddalena (ds) Bortoluzzi (emp) Gravner Jermann (emp) Movia (ds) Plozner (emp) Castello di Rubbia (ds) Villa Marija (ds) Villa Russiz (emp) Vitovska GENERAL Il Sogno Nuschese Villa Sandi Maretima LATIUM Costanti (emp) Farnetella (bac) Felsina (bac) Fontaleoni (mdg) Frescobaldi (fol) Fuligni (emp) Gagliole(ter) Gracciano Della Seta (mdg) Il Borro (ds) Il Palazzino (emp) Lisini (emp) Luce della Vite (fol) Lucignano (mdg) Le Macioche (mdg) Marchese Pancrazi (emp) Macchiole (ds) Monte Antico (emp) Ornellaia (fol) Pepestrino (bac) Pertimali (mdg) Poggio Antico (emp) Poggio Argentiera (emp) San Leonino (wd) Scopetone (mdg) Strozzi(ds) Terrabianca (emp) Teruzzi & Puthod (emp) Toscolo (emp) Tuttobene (wd) Uccelliera (mdg) Villa la Selva (emp) UMBRIA Adanti (ds) Castello di Corbara (vb) Il Palazzone (mdg) VENETO SICILY Bellini (emp) Canella (emp) Collalbrigo (ds) Corte Sant’ Alda (ds) Danzante (fol) Gini (mdg) Pieropan (emp) Speri (emp) Baglio di Pianetto (ter) Cos (ds) VALLE D’AOSTA Cantina Santadi (emp) Shardana (emp) Contini (ds) Donnafugata(fol) Gestipars (mdg) Gurrida (ds) Masserie Pisari (mdg) Murgo (ds) Santa Anastasia (emp) Terra Etna Rossa (mdg) TRENTINO Lagaria (emp) TUSCANY Ambra (mdg) Boscarelli (emp) Calbello (emp) Capannelle (emp) Cignale (emp) Cinciole (mdg) Collosorbo (mdg) Les Cretes (ds) JAPAN – SAKE Voices in the Mist (vc) Well of Wisdom (vc) Divine Droplets (vc) Dreamy Clouds (vc) Hawk in Heavens (vc) Heaven’s Door (vc) Moon on Water (vc) Root of Innocence (vc) Shrine of Village (vc) Southern Beauty (vc) Wandering Poet (vc) Costanti (mdg) Beverage Journal February 2012 17DC Beverage Journal March 2015 19DC NEW ZEALAND Chasing Venus (crew) Clifford Bay Felton Road (wd) Foxes Island Fromm (mea) Konrad (ss) Kumeu River (wd) Main Divide (mea) Mount Nelson Mohua Nautilus (mea) Palliser Estate (neg) Pegasus Bay (mea) Peregrine Peter Howland Sauvignon Republic (wd) Seven Terraces (mea) Voss Estates (mea) PORTUGAL Quinta do Portal (cc) Rozes (vra) SOUTH AFRICA Black Pearl Bilton Englebrecht Els Ernie Els (vb) Essay Fairview (vb) Goats do Roam (vb) Guardian Peak Hamilton Russell (vb) Neil Ellis (vb) Rust en Vrede (vb) Sauvignon Republic (wd) SPAIN ALICANTE Yellow+Blue BASQUE Ameztoi Bodegas Berroja (ole) Gurrutxaga Uriondo Xarmant (dm) CASTILLA Y LEON Bodegas Leda (cc) Marques de Irun (cc) Bodegas Mauro (cc) Pucho (dm) CARINENA Campos de Luz GALICIA Ferreiro (dm) Lagar de Cervera (cc) Vina Mein Vina Caneiro Zarate 18DC Beverage Journal February 2012 20DC Beverage Journal March 2015 GENERAL RUEDA Fillaboa Perelada Vinos Sin Ley (ole) Hermanos Villar (ole) Casamaro (dm) Marques de Irun JEREZ SONMONTANO JC Gutierrez Lustau Maestro Sierra Olvena JUMILLA TERRE ALTA Vinos Pinol (ole) Campos de Risca TORO LEVANTE Campo Eliseo Matarredonda Bodegas Vega Sicilia Luberri Rottlan Torra (dm) MADRID Licinia Vinos Sin-Ley MONTSANT Capafons-Osso Joan D’Anguera (dm) Laurona (cc) Mas de L’Abundancia NAVARRA Vina Magana PENEDES Casteller (ole) Joan Esteve (dm) Bodegas Naveran (ole) PRIORAT Cims de Porrera (cc) Clos Figueras (cc) Clos Martinet (cc) Clos Mogador (cc) Rottlan Torra (dm) RIBERA DEL DUERO Alion Bodegas Burgos (ole) Clos Nelin Comenge Hornillos Ballesteros (ole) Vega Sicilia Vinos Torremoron (ole) Vina Sastre (dm) RIOJA Bodegas Aldeanueva (ole) Bodegas Rugvino Bodegas Londono Biurko (dm) Marques de Caceres Ostatu (dm) Palacios Remondo Perelada La Rioja Alta Rivarey Vina Herminia VALDEORRAS Ladera Sagrada VALENCIA Bodegas Enguera Vinos Sin Ley YECLA Barahonda (ole) Castillo del Baron (cc) US WINES CALIFORNIA Adelsheim Alderbrook Alexander Valley Ambullneo Argus Audelssa Avalon Blackbird Blue Jean Breggo Brewer Clifton Buehler Cade Cain Carina Cellars Carneros Creek Cline Cellars Cliff Lede Clos Pegase (wd) Corison J. Davies (wd) Dumol Dutton Goldfield Earthquake Emblem Etude Firestone Fisher (wd) Fleur de Carneros Fox Brook Gainey (wd) Girard (wd) Grayson Cellars Gundlach-Bundschu (wd) Hangtime (fol) I’M (fol) Incognito Jacuzzi JC Cellars Lancaster Lander Jenkins Lockwood Lucky Star Marietta Mason Matchbook (cre) Medusa (fol) Merus Michael David Miner Mossback (cre) Morgan Novy Oberon (fol) Palmina Patz & Hall Pavilion Pomelo Pride Ramey Red Car Rock Rabbit Rock Round Hill Roth Rochioli Rudd Rutherford Ranch Rutz Sauvignon Republic (wd) Sawbuck (cre) Schramsberg (wd) Scott Family Shadow Canyon Shafer Siduri Silverado (wd) Spellbound (fol) Spottswoode Stuhlmuller Summers Tangley Oaks Tablas Creek Tensley Terlato Family Tor Trefethen Voss Windmill Windsor Sonoma MARYLAND Deep Creek – MD NORTH CAROLINA OREGON Adelsheim Chehalem Firesteed Ponzi (wd) Roads End Rockblock Dme Serene Solena Soter Stoller Torii Mor Willakenzie (wd) WASHINGTON Cayalla (Firesteed) Hedges BEER Geary’s Firestone Menebrea Trois Monts SPIRITS ARMAGNAC Alchemist Castarede Cerbois Ch. St Aubin Cles des Ducs Dartigalongue BOURBON Black Maple Hill BRANDY Clear Creek CALVADOS Daron COGNAC Gilles Brisson Hemery Kelt GIN Krahn Tru Organic Spirits Crusoe Boudier Mathilde Santa Teresa Drumgray READY TO DRINK Cuca Fresca RUM Cartavio Cuca Fresca Rhum St. James Ron del Barralito Santa Teresa Westerhall Murray McDavid Charbay RYE Black Maple Hill High West SCOTCH Clear Creek Alchemist Bunnahabhain Deanston Ledaig Murray McDavid Tobermory TEQUILA Charbay Oro Azul Pepe Zevada VODKA High West Death’s Door Tru Organic Spirits Green Mountain Blue Ice Charbay The Tall Blonde Black Lab Cold River WATER Highland Springs Nestle Panna San Pellegrino RIEDEL GRAPPA Clear Creek Inga LIQUERS Clear Creek Fruit Lab Inga Biltmore Estate Beverage Journal February 2012 19DC Beverage Journal March 2015 21DC Constantine Wines Phone: (410) 309-Wine (9463) Fax: (410) 309-9462 ARGENTINA Luke Lambert Alunco Massena - Barossa Baja Tanga - Mendoza Misfits Wine Company Baqueano - Patagonia Buenas Ondas - Organic Moondarra – Gippsland Mosswood Carlos Basso – Altamira Cigar Box Coliman Mr. Riggs - McLaren Vale / Langhorne Nashwauk - McLaren Vale / Langhorne Noon Domus Area Durigutti – Mendoza Elvira Callei – Lujan de Cuyo Ochota Barrels Old Plains Piping Shrike Fabre Montmayou Pirie – Tasmania La Yunta – La Rioja Red Head Studio - McLaren Vale Los Haroldos Martino Shadow Chaser Shinas Estate – Victoria Richardo Santos Tercos Small Gully - Barossa Some Young Punks – Clare Valley Springseed Wine - McLaren Vale (certified organic) ARMENIA 3 Trees – South Australia Zorah - Yeghegnadzor Thomas Goss Turkey Flat - Barossa Winners Tank Woop-Woop – South Australia AUSTRALIA SPARKLING The Chook – McLaren Vale / Langhorne Eternity – South Eastern Australia STILL Zonte’s Footstep – Langhorne Creek Alpha Box & Dice - McLaren Vale Langmann Charles Cimicky - Barossa The Chook – McLaren Vale / Langhorne Lustig Clos Otto (Boxhead) BULGARIA Corrina Rayment Dandelion Eternity (Sparkling) – South Eastern Australia Domaine Boyar Targovishte Vini AUSTRIA First Drop – Barossa Flametree Winery – Margaret River Flegenheimer Game Set Match Glaetzer CALIFORNIA Glaetzer-Dixon Harkham Windara – Hunter The Auctor – Paso Robles Axios - Napa Valley Havoc & Mayhem Babcock- Santa Barbara Hently Farm - Barossa T. Beckstoffer Wines Holme Estate – Mount Benson Imprimata Lilly Pilly – New South Wales Behrens and Hitchcock - Napa Behrens Family - Napa Besitos 22DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Altamura - Napa Arcadian- Santa Barbara Aubert Wines Constantine Wines Phone: (410) 309-Wine (9463) Bogle Parry Cellars - Napa Bond –Napa Pavi – Napa Bon Family –Sonoma Valley Chasseur -Sonoma Pennywise – Napa Phaedrus – Napa Cheap Wine Plungerhead Cinnabar - Santa Cruz Mountains Rabbit Ridge Vineyards - Sonoma Clark Claudon – Napa Relic Constant – Diamond Mountain Reuling Vineyards Daniel Gehrs Revana – Napa David Arthur-Napa Robert Craig - Napa Detert - Napa Robert Foley - Napa Domaine Eden - Santa Cruz Mountains Dos Lagos - Napa Edge Egelhoff- Napa Engel Family Rock Wall - Kent Rosenblum Erna Schein – Napa Fisticuffs (Hourglass)- Napa Frey (Organic-No Sulfites Added) Fuse – Napa Harlan Estate-Napa Herman Story Wines Hestan Vineyards - Napa Hey Mambo – Napa Hourglass - Napa Jones Family Vineyards Fax: (410) 309-9462 Salvestrin – Napa Schweiger – Napa / Spring Mountain Semper (Beckstoffer) - Russian River Valley Showket – Oakville Signorello - Napa Cotes du Soleil Switchback Ridge – Napa Trim Truth Tutu (Hourglass) Varner – Santa Cruz Vineyard 7 & 8 – Spring Mountain Joseph Family - Sonoma Walton (Egelhoff) - Napa White Knight Kalaris Family Estate Wolf Family Estate - Napa Kobalt - Napa Lail Vineyards-Napa Worthy - Napa Valley Zinsane – Paso Robles Leese-Fitch Le Lapin – Paso Robles Levy & McClellan - Napa Z.D.-Napa Littorai Albamar Mad Housewife Mark Herold Wines Altair Apaltagua – Colchagua Valley Martin & Weyrich- Paso Robles Mathis – Sonoma Valley Michel Schlumberger Monkey Business – Napa Calcu – Colchagua Valley Cigar Box Domus Aurea Maquis - Colchagua Valley Montagna – Pritchard Hill Ochagavia Gran Reserva Moo Buzz Morlet – Napa/Sonoma Mount Eden Vineyards - Santa Cruz Mountain Neal Family Vineyards – Napa Parallel –Napa Penalolen - Maipo Valley Peralillo – Colchagua Valley CHILE Tabali – Limari Valley Talinay – Limari Valley Beverage Journal March 2015 23DC Constantine Wines Phone: (410) 309-Wine (9463) FRANCE BORDEAUX Extensive Bordeaux list, please inquire BURGUNDY Chalet Pouilly Domaine Leroy Henri Boillot Lallier Leroy CHAMPAGNE Boizel J. Dumangin Fils Lallier Pierre Morlet Serge Faust - Vandiers SPARKLING Bossard-Thuaud LANGUEDOC Fax: (410) 309-9462 GREECE Alexakis - Crete Alpha Estate Antonopoulos Vineyards – Peloponnese Domaine Karydas - Naoussa Dyo Filoi – Macedonia Ikaria – Aegean Islands Ktima Mitravelas – Nemea Lazaridi Sigalas – Santorini Skouras-Argos Tsantali ITALY Aurelio Settimo Borgo Boschetto – Fruiuli Bruno Grimaldi – Piedmont Cacchiano Capanna Ceci – Emilia Romagna Col Mesian - Veneto Domaine La Croix d’Aline Collalbrigo Fenocchio–Piedmont LOIRE Fratta Pasini Gini – Tuscany Chateau de la Malonniere Chateau de la Rouliere Domaine Pascal Bellier Joseph Mellot RHONE Domaine de Cristia Domaine du Roumane SOUTHERN FRANCE Chateau des Tourettes (Verget) Chateau Les Croisille – Cahors (Organic) Chateau Pellehaut - Cotes de Gascone Estandon - Provence Jacques Frelin GERMANY Dr Thanisch Stefan Breuer 24DC Beverage Journal March 2015 I Greppi – Tuscany La Caplana La Querciolina (Pertimali-Sassetii) - Tuscany Maremmalta Masciarelli Minini-Veneto Montefresco Panzanello Perlage - Veneto (Organic) Pertimali di Livio Sassetti - Tuscany Pico Maccario – Piedmont Poderi Aldo Conterno – Piedmont Poggio Anima Ronchi Sciarpa – Veneto Edoardo Sobrino Taurino Tenuta Oliveto Vini Ariola Constantine Wines Phone: (410) 309-Wine (9463) Viticcio – Tuscany Volpetti Fax: (410) 309-9462 PORTUGAL SPARKLING Casal Garcia JAPAN Niigata Sake Selections: STILL Hakuryu Ichishima Aveleda Casal Garcia Kakurei Grinalda (Kosher) Kiminoi Kinshihai Kirinzan Mouchao Pessoa da Vinha Quinta do Encontro Manotsuru Matsunoi SPAIN Midorikawa Minogawa Bodegas Chevite - Navara Campos Reales – La Mancha Musashino Nishimoto Sake Selections: Dominio de la Vega Crianza (Bobal) El Convento - Priorat Protos – Ribera Duero Kizakura Sawanotsuru Rokkasen Aladdin Kagatobi Kudoki Yuza Shu Yuzu Shu Homare Tokuri Ikkon URUGUAY Bodega Bouza WASHINGTON STATE Badger Mountain For a Song Woodward Canyon Mirin MEXICO Jubileo Villa Montefiori NEW ZEALAND Auntsfield (New Zealand’s 1st winery) Lobster Reef Mt Difficulty Selaks-Marlborough Tiki Sound Walnut Block - Marlborough OREGON Alexana Brittan Vineyards Panther Creek Beverage Journal March 2015 25DC Constantine Wines Phone: (410) 309-Wine (9463) MIXERS Q Tonic LIQUEUR Mandarine Napoleon - Belgium Pasquale Vena – Italy ULTRA PREMIUM SPIRITS ARMAGNAC Bas Armagnac BRANDY Adega Velha GIN City of London Old Raj Sacred Uncle Val’s RUM Banks Kirk & Sweeny RYE (American) Masterson’s 26DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Fax: (410) 309-9462 SCOTCH BLENDED SCOTCH Bank Note SINGLE MALT A.D Rattray Hazelburn (Springbank) Longrow (Springbank) Springbank TEQUILA Casa Pacific -100% Agave Dos Manos -100% Agave Herencia Mexicana -100% Agave VODKA Gruven – Poland St. Petersburg - Russia Van Hoo – Belgium CRAFT WINE & SPIRITS LLC. American Whiskey Alaska Outlaw Whiskey 750ml Dark Corners Moonshine 750ml Dark Corners Stump House 750ml Kopper Kettle Whiskey 750ml Virginia White Lighting 750ml *NEW* Virginia Lighting Moonshine 750 ml Flavored White Whiskey DCD Apple-achain Shine 750ml DCD Butterscotch Shine 750ml DCD Peach Shine 750ml DCD Cock Lighting or Tiger Fire 750ml Premium Rum Koloa Premium Hawaiian Coconut Rum 750ml Koloa Premium Hawaiian Dark Rum 750ml Koloa Premium Hawaiian Spice Rum 750ml Bourbon Breckenridge Bourbon 750ml FEW Spirits Bourbon 750ml Cody Road Bourbon 750ml Louis Redmond Bourbon 750ml *NEW* Colorado Gold Bourbon 750ml Single Malt Scotch from Duncan Taylor *Blair Athol *Bladnoch*Caol Ila *Bruichladdich*Bunnahabhain *Cameronbridge*Cragganmore *Dailuaine*Glen Grant*Imperial *Glenlossie*Macduff*Glen Moray *North British*Glentauchers **the Macallan French Single Malt Whisky Armorik Single Malt Classic 750ml Armorik Single Malt DM 750ml American Craft Vodka Breckenridge Vodka 750/1.75 PermaFrost Potato Vodka 750ml Purgatory “Hemp” Vodka 750ml *NEW* Kopper Kettle Vodka 750ml Blended Scotch from Duncan Taylor Black Bull 40y Black Bull 12y Black Bull Kyloe Big Smoke Blended Scotch 46.6% Big Smoke Blended Scotch 60% Flavored Vodka Alaska Distillery Birch Syrup 750ml Alaska Distillery Blackberry 750ml Alaska Distillery Blueberry 750ml Alaska Distillery Buzz Honey 750ml Alaska Distillery Cranberry 750ml Alaska Distillery Fireweed 750ml Alaska Distillery Raspberry 750ml Alaska Distillery Rhubarb 750ml Alaska Distillery Smoked Salmon 750ml American Single Malt FEW Single Malt Whiskey Scrappy’s of Seattle Cocktail Bitters 5oz bottles Aromatic, Cardamom, Celery Chocolate, Firewater, Grapefruit Orange, Lavender, Lime, Orleans *NEW* Scrappy’s Sample Packs Classic & Exotic Craft Gin Alaska Distillery Bristol Bay Gin 750ml FEW Spirits American Gin 750ml FEW Spirits Barrel Aged Gin 750ml FEW Spirits Standard Issue 114° 750ml Liqueur Breckenridge Bitters 750ml Pur Spirits Blossom: Elderflower 375ml/750ml Pur Spirits Spice: Blood Orange 375ml/750ml Pur Spirits Williams: Pear 375ml/750ml *NEW* XILLI 750ml Absinthe La Muse Verte Absinthe 750ml Malort *NEW* FEW Anguish & Regret Rye Whiskey FEW Spirits Rye 750ml Cody Road Rye 750ml *NEW* Colorado Gold Rye 750ml Armagnac Marie Duffau Napoleaon 750ml Marie Duffau Hors d’Age 750ml Delord Armagnac 25yrs 750ml Artez Bas Armagnac 100% Folio *NEW* Dartigalongue Armagnac Vintages available Cognac Jean Fillioux La Pouyade - Cep d’Or -Tres Vieux 750ml Calvados Chauffe Coeur VSOP 750ml Wines Hayes Valley Central Coast Meritage 750ml Central Coast Merlot 750ml Central Coast Sauvignon Blanc 750ml Monterey County Chardonnay 750ml American Sparkling Wine *NEW* Teavine 355 / 750ml Mixers Fat & Juicy Bloody Mary Mix 32oz Fat & Juicy Margarita Mix 32oz Cocktail Crate Mixers Old Fashioned, Ginger Bee, Lavender Bloom Sriracha Margarita 375ml Premium Tequila Tromba Blanco Tromba Reposado Tromba Anejo WWW.CRAFTWS.COM Call: 202-803-6070 Beverage Journal March 2015 27DC D O P S J. Jeffrey Dieringer Michael O’Marra Les Sunderland 2611 Evarts St. NE Washington, DC 20018 Washington Metro Area (301) 839-8650 FAX: 301-839-8658 AUSTRALIA FOREFATHERS JEALOUS BITCH OZ ARGENTINA 1919 ALEPH CASA DE CAMPO GARDEL GOLDSCHMIDT MONTE LOMAS SUR DE LOS ANDES CALIFORNIA ANDERSON’S CONN VALLEY BASS CREEK BIN 36 BONESHAKER BROWNSTONE CAL NATURALE CHEAP BASTARD CYCLES GLADIATOR DANCING GRAPE DONATI FAMILY DRY CREEK DUNN VINEYARDS EPIPHANY ETC FAT MONK FESS PARKER FOREFATHERS FORTRESS FOUR SPOT FRIENDS.RED GOLDSCHMIDT HAHN HAVENSCOURT HEAVYWEIGHT HOWLING MOON HYBRID JESSIES GROVE LAKE SONOMA LASTORIA LUCIENNE LUCINDA & MILLIE MANZONI ESTATE MCNAB RIDGE METTLER FAMILY NAPA BY NAPA PEDRONCELLI PELTIER STATION PESSAGNO WINERY RAYWOOD REGIO ROCK LOBSTER SERAFINA CELLARS SILVER PEAK VINEYARDS SMITH & HOOK SMITH MADRONE STEELHEAD STONEY RIVER CHILE ARMADOR BABOR CASA VIVA HOLA AMIGO OOPS FLORIDA CHOCO NOIR FRANCE 2000 BORDEAUX 2003 BORDEAUX CHATEAU BASTOR CHATEAU VALCOMBE DOMAINE BAUMANN DOMAINE MAGELLAN DOMAINE DU MARGALLEAU DOMAINE NAUDET DOMAINE DES NUGES DOMAINE PIAUGIER DOMAINE SEGUINOT-BORDET MAISON CHAMPY MONMOUSSEAU GERMANY FRIEDRICH-WILHELM KLOSTER MOSELLAND RESSI STEINHAUS ITALY CALICE CASA AL VENTO DAD’S DAY OFF FASTELLI GARDA GIOVELLO GREGGIANO PONTIGNANO INSIEME LE CHIANTIGIANE MOMMYS TIME OUT NANDO ONE GLASS PIETRA MAJELLA PIAZZO RIONDO SANTA MARINA SAN NICOLA TANTO TUFFO VIVA MOSCATO JAPAN GREEN RIVER SAKE MOLDOVA CHOCOLATO NEW ZEALAND BABICH BOULDER BANK FANTAIL HUIA HUNKY DORY KONO SPINYBACK OREGON TOAD HOLLOW B2 BELLE PENTE ELK COVE HENRY WINE ESTATE LEFT COAST CELLARS WITNESS TREE TOLOSA PORTUGAL STRIPED BASS SWEET SUNSET SWEET VINES THOMAS FOGARTY TRENTADUE TRUCHARD VALLEY OF THE MOON VILLA SAN JULIETTE QUINTA DO INFANTADO SOUTH AFRICA BARISTA BON CAP BOUCHARD FINLAYSON 28DC Beverage Journal March 2015 GROOT CONSTANTIA (CANADA) LIONS LAIR REYNEKE McAUSLAN (CHIINA) ROBERTSON RUSTENBERG SAVANHA WINERY YANJING SPAIN KRUSOVICE SANTOS SANGRIA TERREO SANGRIA TORITO BRAVA (ENGLAND) BLACK SHEEP VIRGINIA HORTON SPIRITS 22 VODKA BLUERIDGE DEWAR RATTRAY DISTILLERY 209 DON CAMILO DOS MANOS GIOIA LUISA HERENCIA MEXICANO MARQUIS DE SAUVAL MARTI MOJITO MENORVAL CALVADOS MICHTERS PANCHO PRUNIER TENOCH TONALA TRES MANOS STALLION ZAPOPAN (CZECH REPUBLIC) GREENE KING LAVERSTOKE PARK FARM ST. PETERS WELLS & YOUNGS WYCHWOOD (GERMANY) GAFFEL / JEVER KONIG MOOSBACHER WEIHENSTEPHAN (INDIA) GODFATHER (ISRAEL) GOLD STAR MALKA (ITALY) NA BIRETTA CRAFT MICRO BREWS (FRANCE) ST. SYLVESTRE ATLANTIC BREWING (ME) BAR HARBOR (ME) (GREAT BRITAIN) MARSTONS ELYSIAN (WA) GREEN FLASH (CA) IRON FIST BREWING (MEXICO) DAY OF THE DEAD 21 ST AMENDMENT (CA) LANCASTER BREWING LEFT COAST BREWING MAD RIVER (CA) MOYLANS (CA) NEW PLANET (Gluten Free) NO-LI NORTH COAST (CA) SCHAFLY SEA DOG SHIPYARD SHMALTZ UINTA (UT) IMPORTED BEER (AUSTRIA) EGGENBERG GOSSER (BELGIUM) BRUNEHART DELIRIUM HET ANKER LEFEBVRE MALHEUR RINCE COCHON STERKENS TIMMERMANS (BRAZIL) PALMA LOUCA XINGU MEXICALI (SCOTLAND) BELHAVEN (SPAIN) LA SOCARRADA MATEO & BERNABE MORTIZ CIDER ORIGINAL SIN CLOS NORMAND (FR) ASPALL MAELOC NON-ALCOHOL BLOODY BOLD BLOODY MARY MIX JERRY’S POWELL MAHONEY OLIVES SANTA BARBARA OLIVE COMPANY WATER SARATOGA 1125 Desoto Rd, Suite C Baltimore Maryland 21223 Brand Phone: 1.877.890.9020 Subregion Brand Brand Subregion Subregion Alsace Italy and Sardegna, continued California, continued Bliss Vineyards Mendocino Dom. Camille Braun Alsace Poderi Colla Piedmont Clarksburg Alsace Dom. Emile Beyer Colli Orientali del Friuli Blue Plate Poggio Bello Bridge 1904 by V. Arroyo Napa Valley Premio Various Argentina Mendocino Brutocao Bodega Monteviejo Mendoza Principiano Barolo Various Mendoza Dante Robino Rocca Bernarda Colli Orientali del Friuli Chime Various El Supremo Mendoza Senesi Aretini Chianti Colli Senesi Cyprus Daniel Santa Lucia Highlands Festivo Mendoza Solonio Lazio Drew Various Novecento Mendoza Spadafora Sicilia Enos Dry Creek Valley Tenuta Sant’Anna Veneto Australia Fritz Underground Cellars Various Dandelion Vineyards Various Terre di Poggio Abruzzo Fulcrum Various Pyren Vineyards Pyrenees, Victoria Veglio Piedmont Petaluma Gap Kastania Villa Girardi Valpolicella Chile Petaluma Gap Cuevas del Sur Central Valley Villa Giustiniani Prosecco, Asolo Keller Estate Russian River Valley L’Olvieto San Nicolas Central Valley Vinchio-Vaglio Serra Piedmont Various La Rochelle by Steven Kent Virna Barolo France Livermore Valley Albert Bichot Burgundy Lineage by Steven Kent Viva Diva Veneto Lost Canyon by Fritz Various Château de la Négly Languedoc South Africa Russian River Valley Château Haut Riot Bordeaux Cape Grace Western Cape Matias Midsummer Cellars Napa Valley Château Hyot Bordeaux Slowine Elgin Moshin Vineyards Various Château L’Etoile de Clotte St. Emilion Spain Various Château la Gravière Lalande-de-Pomerol Abelis Carthago On Point by Fulcrum Toro Russian River Valley Château la Violette Pomerol Origine Arbucala by Valduero Toro Posh California Château le Gay Pomerol Arocho Catalunya Château Montviel Pomerol Sea Mist Russian River Valley Austum Rueda Spaghetti Red California Château Sainte Eulalie Minervois Bodega Ignacio Marín Cariñena Livermore Valley Châteaufort de Roquetaillade Bordeaux Bracamonte Ribera del Duero Steven Kent Winery Terra Sávia Organic Mendocino Collin-Bourisset Burgundy Canals Canals Cava California Dom. du Clos Frantin by Albert Bichot Burgundy Xanthos by Balius Cava Duran by Ramón Canals Cava Chateauneauf-de-Pape Costers del Ros Dom. du Grand Tinel Priorat Pacific Northwest Cougar Crest Walla Walla Valley Dom. Henri Poiron—Dom. des Quatre Routes Muscadet Dinarells Empordà Covington Cellars Columbia Valley Dom. Long-Depaquit by Albert Bichot Burgundy Earth 3.0 La Mancha David Hill Willamette Valley Dom. Raspail-Ay Gigondas Esteban Martín Cariñena Desert Wind Wahluke Slope Dom. Roger & Christophe Moreaux Sancerre Federico Paternina Rioja Duck Pond Willamette Valley Dom. Thierry Delaunay Touraine Heredad Peñalosa Rueda Eye of the Needle Columbia Valley Domaine du Pavillon by Albert Bichot Burgundy Jesus Diaz Madrid Columbia Valley Ferme de Gicon Côtes du Rhône Lar de Paula Haystack Needle by Eye of the Needle Rioja Columbia Valley Le Bosquet du Sanglier Côtes du Rhône LomAlta Utiel-Requena Hightower Cellars Red Mountain Le Dog Vin de Pays d’Oc Los Trovadores Kiona Vineyards Montsant Columbia Valley Le Grand Courtâge Sparkling - Burgundy Maragda Murray by Hightower Empordà Columbia Valley Reserve de la Saurine Vin de Pays du Gard Marfil Alella Alella, Catalunya Pomum Cellars Vignerons Laudun-Chusclan Two Vintners Columbia Valley Rhone Valley Mas Blanc Priorat Mont Paral Cava Germany and Hungary Various Luscious Vines Various Château Hellha Tokaj Montecastillo Priorat Virginia Lily Rheinhessen Pago de los Capellanes Ribera del Duero Prince Michel Rapidan River Virginia Saint Josef Rheinhessen Pagos de Araíz Navarra West Whitehill West Virginia Schlink Haus Nahe Parra Family Organics La Mancha Perla Real Jumilla Italy and Sardegna Bricco dei Guazzi Piedmont Reserva de la Tierra Montsant Cantina Mesa Sardegna Señorío da Vila Ribeiro Cantine Sant’Agata Piedmont Tamaral Ribera del Duero Capanne Ricci Montalcino Valduero Ribera del Duero Capolino Perlingieri Campania Ventoso Vines Manchuela Cara Mia Veneto Vi Novell Empordà Castello di Magione Umbria Viña Altaba Manchuela Chiarle Piedmont Viña Cuesta Colorá La Mancha Conti di Colloredo Veneto Yunquera by Valduero Ribera del Duero Corte del Sole Valpolicella Classico Zaleo Ribera del Guadiana Damiani Chianti California Girlan Trentino-Alto Adige 99 Vines California Grignano Chianti Albini Russian River Valley Il Marroneto Montalcino Balius Napa Valley Illuminati Abruzzo Bench Various Italo Cescon Veneto Benessere Napa Valley Lavorata Sicilia Martoccia Montalcino Orlando Abrigo Barbaresco DC Portfolio Sheet Oct!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 of 1 Beverage Journal March 2015 29DC THE FIND A new neck graphic declares Southern Comfort’s unique position as a “category of one." SPOTTING TRENDS AS THEY HAPPEN RYE SUCCESS IS ATTRACTING BIG BRAND ATTENTION Could 2015 be the Year of Rye? Two beloved labels that earned their followings via other styles of whiskey are now in the rye biz as well. Jim Beam Pre-Prohibition Style Rye (SRP $22.99) is bottled at 90 proof for a distinct, spicy flavor and long, soft finish; it is designed to enjoy on its own or in any rye whiskey cocktail. Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Rye— 10 years in the making, notes Master Distiller Chris Morris—is the third permanent line extension to join the bourbon-driven portfolio. With a base of 53% rye, this new offering is balanced and refreshingly subtle (even at 90.4 proof), with a distinct emphasis on spice; SRP is $37.99. Jim Beam Pre-Prohibition Rye is available nationwide. Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Rye rolled out in February to CA, CO, DC, GA, IL, KY, LA, MA, NY, NJ, OR, PA, TX, VA and WA. 90 proof. | IS VODKA OUT TO BRUNCH? Vodka, the ever-malleable spirit, continues to explore new flavor frontiers. No surprise: Pinnacle continues to be a leader in the innovation department. Their latest brings a brunch experience to store shelves, both sweet and savory, in the form of Pinnacle Mimosa and Pinnacle Habanero, charting a new course after the recent wave of confectionary flavors. SRP for both expressions is $12.99/750ml. 60 PROOF ● 30DC Beverage Journal March 2015 SOUTHERN COMFORT DOUBLES UP ON INNOVATION Southern Comfort has a new flavor AND a new look. Caramel Comfort is the latest release from Southern Comfort, and with it comes revamped packaging for the company’s entire portfolio. Rolling out in March, the brand’s largest packaging evolution in nearly a decade keeps the iconic fluted shoulders recognized by consumers, while the flavored entries take on especially bold typography. As for the new family member, U.S. Brand Director Jennifer Powell notes, “Caramel is a versatile and emerging flavor which appeals to both men and women. This new flavor entry can be used in cocktails, as a stand-alone chilled shot or even in dessert drinks.” SRP $16.99; 55 proof. Svedka is another brand pushing vodka in new directions. Svedka Grapefruit Jalapeño (SRP $12.99) goes outside the box with a fusion of sweet and spicy-hot; Svedka 100 Proof ($15.35)—the brand’s first venture in the 100-proof category—is a grain neutral spirit formulation with a smooth, clean taste. Both new Svedka expressions are also available in 50ml, 375ml, 1L and 1.75L. ● 70 PROOF 70 PROOF ● Beverage Journal January 2012 67DC Beverage Journal March 2015 31DC PRESTIGE BEVERAGE GROUP 175 R STREET NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 PHONE: (410) 439-1602 FAX: (410) 379-1935 TOLL FREE: 1-800-762-0662 INFO@PRESTIGEBEVERAGE.COM ARGENTINA ALFREDO ROCA ALTOCEDRO ELM TREE ENRIQUE FOSTER GAMELA LAMADRID WINERY ZOLO AUSTRALIA BALLAST STONE CHOCOLATE BOX FOUR SISTERS MADFISH RED DUST STEEPLE JACK STONEMASON TAHBILK CALIFORNIA 3 GIRLS AUSTERITY BACKHOUSE CAMERON HUGHES CASTORO CELLARS DELOACH VINEYARDS EMERALD BAY EXITUS FRANK FAMILY VNYDS HEITZ CELLARS INDIAN VALLEY INTO ZIN JFJ WINERY KIMMEL VINEYARDS LEAPING LIZARD LINE 39 LYETH MAGGIO MASUT VINEYARD MOSS ROXX OZV PAPAPIETRO & PERRY RAYWOOD VINEYARDS REDTREE ROBERT HALL WINERY RUTHERFORD VINTNERS SIMPLE LIFE SIVAS-SONOMA TRAVIS VAMPIRE VINEYARDS VIADER WILD HOG VINEYARD CANADA MAGNOTTA NEIGE CHILE ALMA DE CHILE CHILCAS CHILENSIS DOS PASOS FLORIA HA SOD IN SITU MORANDE OVEJA NEGRA PIONERO QUASAR SIERRA BATUCO FRANCE ALBERT BOXLER BOUCHARD AINE & FILS CASTEL CHAMPAGNE DEUTZ CHATEAU DE CAMPUGET CHATEAU DE MALIGNY 32DC Beverage Journal March 2015 FRANCE CHATEAU FONTANES CHATEAU LA ROQUE CHATEAU LANCYRE CHATEAU PECH-LATT CHATEAU ST BAULERY CLOS ST MAGDELAINE COCHE-DURY COMMANDERIE DE LA BARGEMONE DOMAINE ABBATUCCI DOMAINE ARENA DOMAINE BOURGRIER DOMAINE CHOTARD DOMAINE COSTAL DOMAINE DE L'HYVERNIERE DOMAINE DU PEGAU DOMAINE LE PIVE DOMAINE LEON BARRAL DOMAINE TROTEREAU DOMAINE VOUGERAIE DOPFF & IRION DUVAL LEROY ED HARDY ERIC MONTINTIN FORTANT FRENCH RABBIT HENRI PERRUSSET J LASALLLE JEAN CLAUDE BOISSET JOSEPH DROUHIN KERMIT LYNCH LA NOBLE LAMBERT DE SEYSSEL LE CIRQUE LES CHAMPS CLOS LES DARONS LOUIS ARMOND LOUIS BARRUOL LOUIS BERNARD LOUIS LAURENT M. CHAPOUTIER MEADOWSWEET MEYER FONNE NICOLAS PAUL BARA PENYA PIERRE BONIFACE PIERRE BRETON PUYDEVAL REGIS BOUVIER ROLAND LAVANTUREUX SELECTION LAURENCE FERAUD SIDEWISE VILLA DES ANGES GERMANY LUCASHOF ST URBANS-HOF STARLING CASTLE URBAN GRAPPA CARPENE HUNGARY MARIKA TOKAJI ASZU INDIA SULA ISRAEL GALIL MOUNTAIN GILGAL GOLAN TISHBI WINERY YARDEN ITALY AMBO ANGELINI ANGELINI ESTATES BARONE RICASOLI BATASIOLO BEVIAMO BORGO REALE CALINI CANTINE VALPANE CASAL THAULERO COLLE SECCO CORTE GARDONI DELLA SCALA DIOMEDE ED HARDY FATTORIA DE BASCIANO FATTORIA MORETTO GIUSEPPE QUINTARELLI GUIDO PORRO IL BASTARDO IL PIAGGIONE ITALO KERMIT LYNCH LA BASTARDA LA TANCIA LA TUNELLA LA VIARTE LIVON MI AMORE MONTASOLO PETER ZEMMER PIAZZO POGGIO DI SOTTO POGGIO IL CASTELLARE PUNTA CRENA RENATO RATTI RENZO MASI RIOFAVARA SESTI SILVIO GIAMELLO TAVERNELLO TEDESCHI TINTERO VILLA BAGLIO VILLA GEGGIANO VILLA PUCCINI JAPAN HAKUTSURU KOJI MARYLAND GREAT SHOALS WINERY NEW YORK STATE SENOR SANGRIA NEW ZEALAND ALPHA DOMUS BIRD CAMERON HUGHES GIESEN SILENI SUNDAY MOUNTAIN TOHU OREGON APOLLONI CLOUDLINE WINERY DOMAINE DROUHIN LANGE WINERY MONTINORE VINEYARDS ZIVO PENNSYLVANIA FOUR QUARTERS MEAD PORTUGAL ORLANA QUINTA DO PORTAL SCOTCH PEBBLE BEACH ROBERT BURNS SHERRY/PORT/APERITIF DRY SACK HEITZ CELLARS KWV QUINTA DO PORTAL SOUTH AFRICA AFRICAN PASSION CATHEDRAL CELLARS KWV NEDERBURG OBIKWA PLAISIR DE MERLE THE GRINDER TOKARA ZONNEBLOEM SPAIN BINIAGUAL CAPA CASA MARIOL CASTANEDA CONCORDIA ED HARDY EL CIRCULO LAS VALLES LUIS ALEGRE MATARROMERA PAGO CASA GRAN PANARROZ R.O.Q. TORRES UNITED WINERIES YA ZORITA SPARKLING WINE CARPENE ED HARDY GILGAL WINES GRENELLE JAILLANCE JFJ WINERY JULES BERTIER PIERRE BONIFACE PROSECCO2 RENE BRIAND SOMMARIVA TAVERNELLO YA SWITZERLAND CHATEAU D'AUVERNIER GILLIARD J & P TESTUZ URUGUAY PUEBLO DEL SOL VIRGINIA BOXWOOD WINERY WASHINGTON STATE ARCH TERRACE BOURBON BUCK BOURBON KFB PRESTIGE BEVERAGE GROUP 175 R STREET NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 PHONE: (410) 439-1602 FAX: (410) 379-1935 TOLL FREE: 1-800-762-0662 INFO@PRESTIGEBEVERAGE.COM BOURBON WATHENS BRANDY ASBACH DOMINIQUE GRAN DUQUE D'ALBA MASSENEZ TORRES COCKTAIL SMARTINI DISTILLED CANE SPIRIT TIC TACK GIN MARTIN MILLER MC CALL'S VIR GIN WHISKY BISON RIDGE COPPER FOX GOLD CROWN MCFADDEN RED SHOT WASMUND NON-ALCOHOLIC CLEMENT TILTED PALM VIUDA DE SANCHEZ BEER 33 EXPORT ASS KISSER ALES AUGUSTINER BRAU SAN MIGUEL WHITE BIRCH BREWING GRAPPA MASSENEZ LIQUEUR ASBACH AVELLINO CAFFO EL ULTIMO AGAVE GRIOTTINI HEERING MASSENEZ CRÈME MERLET MOTHER'S O'REILLY RUSSO SANTA CLARA TORRES WILD AFRICA XANTE RUM AMRUT BRINLEY CLEMENT DIPLOMATICO DOS MADERAS MARAUDA RON DIAZ SOUTH SEA SCOTCH AMRUT DUGGAN'S DEW EDRADOUR LISMORE SIGNATORY TEQUILA/MEZCAL ASOM BROSO EL BUHO EL MEZCALITO EL ULTIMO AGAVE RANCHO ALEGRE VODKA DOG WATCH DUTCH CRAFT EMPEROR MARK ONE VAMPYRE VERSAILLES VLADIMIR WINTER PALACE Beverage Journal March 2015 33DC 70DC Beverage Journal February 2012 34DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Beverage Journal February 2012 71DC Beverage Journal March 2015 35DC 72DC Beverage Journal February 2012 36DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Confusing Mark-Up and Gross Profit Can Bankrupt You MARK-UP/GROSS PROFIT CONVERSION MARK-UP is the percentage you earn on the COST of an item you sell. GROSS PROFIT is the percentage you earn on the SELLING PRICE of the item. Confuse them and you get an overoptimistic view of your business. MARK-UP – How to Compute It: A brand costs you $75 a case and brings in $90 - -$15 above cost. Divide your earnings ($15) by your cost ($75) and you get a mark-up on cost of 20%. When you relate earnings to sales, think only of Gross Profit. In terms of sales, Mark-Up has no meaning. Gross Profit tells you what you earn-retain--on each $1 of sales to pay you business expenses. Anything left over is net profit. GROSS PROFIT – How to Compute It: The same brand costs you $75 and brings in $90-$15 above cost. Divide your earnings ($15) by your selling price ($90) and you get a gross profit on selling of 16.7% -16.7 cents on each $1.00 of sales – to pay expenses. NOTE: Mark-Up percentages below are converted to Gross Profit percentages by rounding to nearest 1/10 of 1%. Mark-Up Gross Profit 10% added to cost is 9.09% profit on selling price 11% added to cost is 9.91% profit on selling price 12% added to cost is 10.71% profit on selling price 13% added to cost is 11.51% profit on selling price 14% added to cost is 12.28% profit on selling price 15% added to cost is 13.04% profit on selling price 16% added to cost is 13.79% profit on selling price 17% added to cost is 14.53% profit on selling price 18% added to cost is 15.25% profit on selling price 19% added to cost is 15.97% profit on selling price 20% added to cost is 16.67% profit on selling price 21% added to cost is 17.36% profit on selling price 22% added to cost is 18.03% profit on selling price 23% added to cost is 18.70% profit on selling price 24% added to cost is 19.35% profit on selling price 25% added to cost is 20.00% profit on selling price 26% added to cost is 20.63% profit on selling price 27% added to cost is 21.26% profit on selling price 28% added to cost is 21.88% profit on selling price 29% added to cost is 22.48% profit on selling price 30% added to cost is 23.08% profit on selling price 31% added to cost is 23.66% profit on selling price 32% added to cost is 24.24% profit on selling price 33.33% added to cost is 25.00% profit on selling price 34% added to cost is 25.37% profit on selling price 35% added to cost is 25.93% profit on selling price 36% added to cost is 26.47% profit on selling price Mark-Up Gross Profit 37% added to cost is 27.00% profit on selling price 38% added to cost is 27.53% profit on selling price 39% added to cost is 28.06% profit on selling price 40% added to cost is 28.57% profit on selling price 41% added to cost is 29.08% profit on selling price 42% added to cost is 29.58% profit on selling price 43% added to cost is 30.07% profit on selling price 44% added to cost is 30.56% profit on selling price 45% added to cost is 31.03% profit on selling price 50% added to cost is 33.33% profit on selling price 55% added to cost is 35.48% profit on selling price 60% added to cost is 37.50% profit on selling price 65% added to cost is 39.39% profit on selling price 66.66% added to cost is 40.03% profit on selling price 70% added to cost is 41.18% profit on selling price 75% added to cost is 42.86% profit on selling price 80% added to cost is 44.45% profit on selling price 85% added to cost is 45.95% profit on selling price 90% added to cost is 47.37% profit on selling price 95% added to cost is 48.72% profit on selling price 100% added to cost is 50.00% profit on selling price 150% added to cost is 60.00% profit on selling price 200% added to cost is 66.67% profit on selling price 250% added to cost is 71.43% profit on selling price 300% added to cost is 75.00% profit on selling price 350% added to cost is 77.78% profit on selling price 400% added to cost is 80.00% profit on selling price 32MD Beverage Journal December 2011 Beverage Journal March 2015 37DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 1 American Blended Whiskey American Corn Whiskey Aquavit Bitters Bourbon Whiskey Brandy - Calvados Brandy - Imported Canadian Whisky Cocktails Cognac Cordials & Liqueurs - Domestic Cordials & Liqueurs - Premium Domestic Cordials & Liqueurs - Imported Egg Nog Gin - American Gin - Imported Irish Whisky Mezcal Moonshine Rum - Domestic Rum - Imported Rye Whiskey Scotch Whisky - Blended Scotch Whisky - Single Malt Shochu / Soju Single Malt Whisky Specialty Distilled Spirits Tequila Vodka - American Vodka - Premium Domestic Vodka - Premium Imported Non-Alcoholic Ginger Beer Bitters Energy Drinks Mixers Sparkling N/A Wines Conditions of Sale SPARKLING WINE BEAU JOIE CHAMPAGNE DE ROTHSCHILD DRAPPIER F. ROCKEFELLER & SONS HENRIOT LANSON POL ROGER VOLLEREAUX DE BORTOLI WILLOWGLEN WINE MEN OF GOTHAM CARNAVAL BILTMORE DOUGLASS HILL LAURIER ONEHOPE - Benefits Charities ROCAR SALMON CREEK XXIV KARAT GATO NEGRO CLOS DU NOUYS GERARD BERTRAND JCB CELLARS LUCIEN ALBRECHT 38DC Beverage Journal March 2015 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PIERRE CHAINIER SAINT-HILAIRE 071 BELLENDA - Veneto CASCINA CAVICCHIOLI LAMBERTI LUNA DI LUNA MASOTTINA PICCINI RUGGERI SARACCO - Piedmonte STLTO VALDO VOGA CANALS CANALS MPX PAUL CHENEAU PERE VENTURA VILARNAU TRUMP WINERY WINES OF THE WORLD - DOMESTIC CALIFORNIA A CRISP ADOBE ROAD ALTITUDE PROJECT AMAPOLA CREEK - Sonoma County AMBERHILL ANDREW MURRAY VINEYARDS ARNOLD PALMER ASYLUM - Lodi ATLAS PEAK - Napa Valley AU BON CLIMAT - Central Coast AU CONTRAIRE - Sonoma Coast AUDELSSA - Sonoma County B CELLARS - Napa Valley B. R. COHN - Sonoma Valley BELL WINE CELLARS - Napa Valley BERNARDUS - Carmel Valley BETTER THAN THAT BIEN NACIDO VYDS - Santa Maria BILTMORE ESTATES BRADFORD MOUNTAIN BUENA VISTA CALIFORNIA SQUARE CALISTOGA CELLARS - Napa Valley CALLAWAY - Temecula CEDAR KNOLL - Napa Valley CHARLES KRUG - Napa Valley CHERRY PIE - Carneros CHERRY TART - by Cherry Pie CIVELLO - by Row Eleven CK MONDAVI C.R. CELLARS BY CK MONDAVI CLENDENEN - Central Coast COASTAL RIDGE COCOA VINO COLBY CONCRETE - Lodi COUP DE GRACE - Lodi CULTIVATE WINES CURTIS WINERY - Santa Barbara DARCIE KENT DAOU - Paso Robles DISCOVERIES VINEYARDS DOUBLE DECKER DOUGLAS HILL E11EVEN - by Andrew Murray E16 EDUCATED GUESS - Napa Valley ENTWINE *Food Network Exlusive!* EOS - Paso Robles FALCONE VINEYARDS - Paso Robles FIREFALL - El Dorado FIRESTONE ESTATE- Santa Barbara FLO FLORA SPRINGS - Napa Valley 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 FOG CREST - Sonoma, Russian River GARNET GARY FARRELL - Sonoma County GAUTHIER SELECT VINEYARDS GEYSER PEAK - Sonoma GIRASOLE VINEYARDS - Mendocino GRAVITY HILLS - Paso Robles HARASZTHY - Sonoma HARLOW RIDGE - Lodi HAYES RANCH HEALDSBURG RANCHES HERITANCE - Napa Valley HIDDEN RIDGE - Sonoma County HIGHER GROUND - Monterey HOME GROWN FARMS JARHEAD ICI LA BAS INSPIRED J WILES J.W. MORRIS JCB CELLARS - Sonoma County JELLYBEAN JUSTIN - Paso Robles LANDMARK - Sonoma County LAURIER LAYER CAKE LINCOURT - Santa Rita Hills LOCKWOOD - Monterey LOST ANGEL LUNA VINEYARDS - Napa Valley MAGNOLIA COURT - Central Coast MARC MONDAVI’S THE DIVINING ROD MORRO BAY MURIETTA’S WELL - Livermore Valley NAPA LANDING - Napa Valley NAPA RIDGE - Napa Valley ONE HOPE - 50% of the profits from these wines benefit charities to support these causes PALI - Santa Barbara PALMAZ - Napa Valley PAPER BOY PARIPASO - Paso Robles PETERSON WINERY - Sonoma County PLAYTIME - Lake County POPPY WINE PULL - Paso Robles QUADRANT - Paso Robles RANCHO SISQUOC - Santa Barbara RAYMOND VINEYARDS RED BRICK CELLARS RENWOOD ROTTA - Paso Robles ROW ELEVEN RUSACK VINEYARDS - Santa Barbara SALMON CREEK SHADOW BROOK SHANNON RIDGE - Mendocino SIOT SIP SMASHBERRY - Paso Robles SOLOMON HILLS VYDS - Santa Maria STACK WINES STRATTON LUMMIS THE LIGHT GRAPE THE MAGICIAN - by Row Eleven THE PESSIMIST - Paso Robles THE WINERY SF - North Coast TOWER 15 - Paso Robles TWISTED CEDAR TXT CELLARS VIGILANCE - Lake County VINE CLIFF - Napa Valley VML (Virginia Marie Lambrix) - Sonoma WATTLE CREEK - Sonoma County WAYNE GRETZKY - Sonoma County WENTE VINEYARDS - Livermore Valley WHITE OAK 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 2 WOLFGANG PUCK WOMEN OF THE VINE X Y ZIN ZIN-PHOMANIAC - Lodi ZIPZ IDAHO STE CHAPELLE MAINE HONEYMAKER MARYLAND ST MICHAELS WINERY NEW YORK STATE BULLY HILL HAZLITT HOUSE JAM OHIO MEIER’S OREGON BRIDGEVIEW VINEYARDS EVENING LAND WINDY BAY PENNSYLVANIA CHADDSFORD WINERY VIRGINIA TRUMP WINERY WASHINGTON STATE GOOSE RIDGE - Columbia Valley HOUSE WINE PENDULUM - Columbia Valley STONECAP - Columbia Valley WATERBROOK WINES OF THE WORLD - IMPORTED ARGENTINA ADUENTUS ANDES CROSSING ANTIGAL ARGENTO ASTICA BODEGAS CARO - JOINT VENTURE W/ ROTHSCHILD-LAFITE & CATENA BUDEGUER CALDEN EAGLE’S ROCK FELIPE RUTINI FILUS GAUCHEZCO - Mendoza LAYER CAKE LUIGI BOSCA MICHEL TORINO MOUNTAIN DOOR - Mendoza NIETO SENETINER SUA TOMERO TUCUMEN TIERRA BRISA TRUMPETER VISTALBA AUSTRALIA ANTHROPOLOGY BANROCK STATION BELLA RIVA - Victoria BROTHERS IN ARMS DE BORTOLI GOTHAM HARDY’S INK BERRY JOHN’S BLEND LAYER CAKE PETALUMA PHILIP SHAW ROLLING ST HALLETT - Barossa Valley STALKING HORSE 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 SXS TINTARA - McLaren Vale WILLIAM HARDY WILLOWGLEN WINE MEN OF GOTHAM AUSTRIA DOMAINE WACHAU EDER FELSNER GROISS GROONER HARKAMP ZANTHO ZVY-GELT BRAZIL AURORA CELLARS CARNAVAL CHILE 1865 35 SOUTH ALFIN CABO DE HORNOS CASTILLO DE MOLINA EPICA SAN PEDRO GATO NEGRO LOS VASCOS MASCARA DE FUEGO PEREZ CRUZ P.K.N.T. TERRA ANDINA CROATIA MARASKA DENMARK KIJAFA FRANCE 1749 by Pierre Chanier - Loire Valley BARONS DE ROTHSCHILD - LAFITE BIRTHDAY CAKE VINEYARDS BOUCHARD PERE & FILS - Burgundy CAVES DE LUGNY - Burgundy CH. CAZENOVE - Bordeaux CH. D’AUSSIERES - LAFITE - Corbieres CH. D’ESCLANS - Provence CH. DE CENAC ALBATROS CH. DE CORCELLES CH. DE JAU - Languedoc CH. DE MALENGIN CH. DE SEUIL CH. FUISSE - Burgundy CH. LA GARDINE - Rhone Valley CH. LA NERTHE - Rhone Valley CH. LA RABOTINE CH. REDORTIER CH. SAINT SULPICE - Bordeaux CH. SOUSSANS CH. TROIS CROIX - Bordeaux CH. VALENTIN CHRISTIAN MOREAU - Burgundy CLOS DU NOUYS - Loire DOMAINE DIRLER-CADE DOMAINE DU DEFFENDS DOMAINE DU RAIFAULT DOMAINE DUBREUIL-FONTAINE DOMAINE FAIVELEY - Burgundy DOMAINE ROMAIN COLLET DOWNTON ABBEY GERARD BERTRAND - Languedoc GUY SAGET - Loire HECHT & BANNIER - Languedoc HUGEL - Alsace ICE CREAM CELLARS LE CAPRICE DE CLEMENTINE LES HOSPICES - Loire LES TOURS - Languedoc L’ORVAL - Languedoc 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 LUCIEN ALBRECHT - Alsace MAHLER-BESSE - Bordeaux MAISON BELLE CLAIRE - Provence MAISON TRENEL MARC ROMAN - Languedoc NICHOLAS POTEL - Burgundy OLIVER LEFLAIVE - Burgundy PASCAL JOLIVET - Loire PAUL JABOULET - Rhone Valley PIERRE HENRI GADAIS POTEL - AVIRON - Beaujolais ROC DE CHATEAUVIEUX - Loire SACHA LICHINE - Vin de France SAINT-HILAIRE ST. ROCHE - Rhone Valley STEPHANE AVIRON - Burgundy VILLA PONCIAGO - Beaujolais VINCENT - Burgundy WILLIAM FEVRE - Burgundy GERMANY A. DIEHL - PFALZ BLACK TOWER BLUE NUN CHRISTKINDL DR. H. THANISCH OH SCHIST SCHLEINITZ SCHLOSS SCHONBORN ST. LUDWIN - BERNKASTLER STONE FRUIT WEIXELBAUM HUNGARY 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 CHATEAU DERESZLA ITALY 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 071 - Sparkling Wines 642 - Toscana AZZURRI BAVA - Piedmonte BELLA BELLINA BELLENDA - Veneto BERSANO - Piedmonte BIONDI-SANTI - Toscana CA BIANCA CA DONINI - Trentino CA’MONTINI - Trentino CALDORA - Abruzzo CANEI CANTINA Di MONTALCINO - Toscana CANTINE CELLARO - Sicilia CASABELLA - Emilia Romagna CASCINA CASTELLO MONACI CAVICCHIOLI CENTARE - DUCA Di CASTELMONTE CONCILIO - Trentino DA LUCA - Veneto DIEVOLE DINARI - DUCA Di CASTELMONTE - Sicilia DOGLIOTTI DONNA CRISTINA - Lazio - Roma DUCA Di CASTELMONTE NOTORIOUS DUCAROSSO FARMERS OF WINE FATTORIA DEI BARBI FEUDO ZIRTARI FLORENTINO FOLONARI - Veneto FORMENTINI - Collio FORTETO DELLA LUJA GIANFRANCO BOVIO - Piedmonte GIORGIO & GIANNI HOUSE JAM - Emilia - Romagna IF YOU SEE KAY IL MACCHIONE - Toscana JACOPO BIONDI - SANTI KETTMEIR - Alto Adige 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Beverage Journal March 2015 39DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 3 LA CHIARA - Piedmonte LA SCOLCA- Piedmonte LADY LOLA LAMBERTI LAMOLE LAYER CAKE LE CHUISE LE RAGOSE - Veneto LOMBARDO LUNA DI LUNA LUNGAROTTI - Umbria LUPI REALI MARCHESI Di BAROLO - Piedmonte MARZIANO ABBONA MELINI - Estates MELINI - Toscana MINEO BY PELLEGRINO MONTE BALDO - Veneto NINO NEGRI OPPIDA AMINEA - Campania - Napoli PELLEGRINO - Sicilia PICCINI - Toscana PINNACOLI - Taranto - Puglia PRIMA PERLA PUIATTI - Friuli RAMONA SINGER RE MANFREDI - Basilicata RECCHIA - Veneto RUBBIA AL COLLE MAREMMA - Toscana RUGGERI SAN LEONINO - Toscana SANTI - Veneto SARACCO - Piedmonte SASSOREGALE SI SPASSO STLTO TENUATA DI GHIZZANO - Toscana TENUTA ORMANNI TENUTA RAPITALA TO LIFE TREROSE - Toscana VAL DI SUGA - Toscana VALDO VALIANO - Toscana VESEVO - Campania VIA VENETO VILLA BELLA - Veneto VILLA CRESPINA - Franciacorta Lombardy 40DC Beverage Journal March 2015 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 VILLA DEL BORGO - Friuli VILLADORIA - Piedmonte VOGA ZACCAGNINI ZEBO NEW ZEALAND DASHWOOD GLAZEBROOK GOLDWATER ESTATE HARBOR TOWN HAY MAKER MAKARA - Marlborough MUD HOUSE RIBBONWOOD WAIPARA HILLS WITHER HILL YEALANDS PORT CHURCHILL’S PORT PRESIDENTIAL QUINTA DA ROMANEIRA PORTUGAL CALAMARES CASALEIRO CHURCHILL’S - Still Wine ESTEIO MATEUS QUINTA DA ROMANEIRA QUINTA DE AZEVEDO SAKE FUDO MYOO G FIFTY SAKE G SAKE KASUMI TSURU KIBO MOMOKAWA MOONSTONE MURAI FAMILY SAKEMOTO ROCK SAKE SABE TY KU YOSHINOGAWA YUKI NO BOSHA SHERRY GONZALEZ BYASS TIO PEPE 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 SOUTH AFRICA DURBANVILLE HILLS FLAGSTONE HOUSE OF MANDELA M’HUDI NEDERBURG ONE WORLD PLACE IN THE SUN SEVEN SISTERS TWO OCEANS SPAIN ABUELA SANGARITA ARGUESO BERONIA - Rioja BRISAS DO MAR CANALS CANALS CASA PRIMICIA CASTRO MARTIN CILLAR DE SILOS CINCO JOSES CRUZ GARCIA - REAL SANGRIA ALTOZANO FRANCO ESPANOLAS LAYER CAKE LO NUEVO LVP SANGRIA MANTEL BLANCO MARQUES DE RISCAL MAXIMO MIA SANGRIA ONTANON PERE VENTURA POUR FAVOR ROMATE SHERRY SLICES SANGRIA SPANISH VINES VILARNAU VINAS DEL VERO - Somontano URUGUAY GARZON 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 4 American Blended Whiskey Bird Dog Apple Whiskey 379568 6 750ML 379571 6 375ML 379537 60 50ML Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey 329250 4 1.75L 298828 6 750ML 301155 6 375ML 331071 24 200ML 323259 60 50ML Bird Dog Chocolate Whiskey 379569 6 750ML 379531 6 375ML 379575 60 50ML Bird Dog Hot Cinnamon Whiskey 329253 4 1.75L 329269 6 750ML 329251 6 375ML 331078 24 200ML 329259 60 50ML Bird Dog Maple Whiskey 336320 4 1.75L 336329 6 750ML 336324 6 375ML 336323 24 200ML 336327 60 50ML Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 329264 4 1.75L 329277 6 750ML 329263 6 375ML 331069 24 200ML 329268 60 50ML Bird Dog Peppermint Moonshine 366064 6 750ML 366065 6 375ML Chicken Cock Cherry Bounce Whiskey 70° 353823 12 750ML Chicken Cock Cinnamon Whiskey 86° 332222 12 750ML Chicken Cock Root Beer Whiskey 86° 332218 12 750ML Chicken Cock Spiced Whiskey 86° 332219 12 750ML Chicken Cock Tri-Pack (4/3-packs) 335852 4 750ML Jailers Tennessee Whiskey 305818 6 750ML R.J. Hodge’s Whiskey 322668 6 1.75L 322666 12 1.0L Sam Houston American Whiskey 307506 6 750ML Westward Oregon Straight Malt Whiskey 328286 6 375ML Whitetail Carmel Flavored Whiskey 298833 6 750ML 301154 6 375ML 331095 24 200ML 323193 60 50ML Whitetail Carmel Whisky 4/12 Packs 018665 4 100ML Wild Flame Blueberry Whisky 66° 346060 12 1.0L Wild Flame Cinnamon Whisky 66° 346055 12 1.0L Wild Flame Cherry Whisky 66° 346056 12 1.0L Wild Flame Coconut Whisky 66° 346057 12 1.0L Wild Flame Honey Whisky 66° 346058 12 1.0L Wild Flame Peach Whisky 66° 346059 12 1.0L American Corn Whiskey Pink Lightning Corn Whiskey 80° 361915 6 750ML Silver Lightning Corn Whiskey 99° 343675 6 750ML Semper Fi Corn Whiskey 111° 367176 6 750ML Aquavit Krogstad Festlig Aquavit 314109 6 750ML Krogstad Gamle Aquavit 328667 6 750ML Bitters Aroma Bitters Kit 12/5 Packs 361186 12 20mL Celery Bitters 336100 12 4oz Creole Bitters 336103 12 4oz Jerry Thomas Own Bitters 336106 12 4oz Lemon Bitters 336107 12 4oz Old Time Aroma Bitters 336101 12 4oz Orange Bitters 045152 12 4oz Bourbon Whiskey Bird Dog Bourbon 80° 346731 4 1.75L 346904 6 750ML 346755 6 375ML 346906 24 200ML 346757 60 50ML Breaker Bourbon 90° 343666 6 750ML Calumet Farm Bourbon 86° 345950 6 750ML Duke Small Batch Bourbon 88 361247 6 750ML J.B. Stetson Kentucky Bourbon 311436 12 750ML Jesse James American Outlaw Bourbon 330866 6 1.75L 330865 12 1.0L 311605 12 750ML Jesse James Outlaw Honey Whiskey 70° 334752 12 750ML Jesse James Outlaw Spiced Whiskey 70° 336516 12 750ML Lexington Finest Kentucky Whiskey 324105 6 750ML 324102 6 375ML 324103 12 200ML Local Choice Black Cherry Bourbon 340886 12 750ML Brandy - Calvados Busnel Calvados Fine 208936 12 750ML Busnel Calvados VSOP 011417 12 750ML Busnel Calvados 12 yr 062932 12 750ML Pere Magloire Calvados VSOP 96434 12 750ML Brandy - Imported Capel Pisco Alto de Carmen 264950 12 750ML Capel Pisco Reservado 220561 12 750ML Cardenal Mendoza Brandy 221027 6 750ML Cardenal Mendoza Brandy Carta Real 095591 3 750ML Cardenal Mendoza Brandy Non Plus Ultra 309922 1 750ML Ch la Nerthe “Fine” du Pape 325978 6 750ML Control C Pisco Premium 193287 6 750ML Romate Solera Reserva 264954 6 1.0L 264955 6 750ML 322661 24 200ML Canadian Whisky Atomic Red Hot Cinnamon Whisky 355155 6 1.75L 355153 12 1.0L 355150 12 750ML 381285 48 100ML Atomic Red Hot Traveller PET 381284 12 750ML Atomic Red Hot PET 12/10 Packs 381227 12 50ML Chymes Canadian Whisky 80° 307119 6 1.75L 166463 12 1.0L 307121 24 375ML 307122 48 200ML Cocktails VitaFrute Organic Superfruit Cocktails Coconut Colada 352484 12 750ML Cosmo 320688 12 750ML Lemonade 320684 12 750ML Margarita 320692 12 750ML Cognac Antarctica Godet White Cognac 304619 6 750ML 304621 96 50ML Camus Cognac VS Elegance 254000 6 1.0L 324460 12 750ML Camus Cognac VSOP Elegance 350555 6 750ML 300372 12 375ML Camus Cognac XO Elegance 173692 12 750ML Camus Cognac VSOP Borderies 339985 6 750ML Camus Cognac XO Borderies 102440 12 750ML Camus Cognac Extra Elegance 322514 2 1.75L 320349 6 750ML Conjure Cognac 278691 6 750ML 278692 12 375ML 298836 24 200ML Conjure Cognac 8/15 Packs 166673 8 50ML Normandin-Mercier Cognac Vielle Fine 073089 6 750ML Normandin-Mercier Pineau Charentes Blanc 251583 6 750ML Normandin-Mercier Pineau Charentes Rose 334530 6 750ML Rockefeller Cognac VS 333390 6 750ML Rockefeller Cognac VSOP 333391 6 750ML Rockefeller Cognac XO 333387 6 750ML Twenty Grand Vodka Infused Cognac 80° 331063 4 1.75L 331058 6 750ML 331059 6 375ML 346182 24 200ML 346183 48 100ML Twenty Grand Vodka Inf Cognac Black 100° 337976 4 1.75L 337981 6 750ML 337983 6 375ML 346179 24 200ML 346181 48 100ML Beverage Journal March 2015 41DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 5 Cordials & Liqueurs - Domestic Allens 101° Baddass Banana Schnapps 337344 12 750ML 337346 24 375ML 337347 48 200ML Allens 101° Bitch’n Banana Schnapps 374327 48 100ML Allens 101° Grindin’ Grape Schnapps 337356 12 750ML 337349 24 375ML 337351 48 200ML 337354 48 100ML Allens 101° Manic Mango Schnapps 337363 12 750ML 337357 24 375ML 337364 48 200ML 337365 48 100ML Allens 101° Peppermint Schnapps 321455 12 750ML Allens 101° Raggin’ Red Hot Cinnamon 321461 12 750ML Allens 101° Whipped Cream Schnapps 337378 12 750ML 337371 24 375ML 337370 48 200ML 337372 48 100ML Allens Amaretto 339341 6 1.75L 321459 12 1.0L Allens Anisette 321454 12 1.0L Allens Banana Liqueur 321451 12 1.0L Allens Black Raspberry 321463 12 1.0L Allens Blue Curacao 321466 12 1.0L Allens Butterscotch Schnapps 321468 12 1.0L Allens Coconut Liqueur 339312 12 1.0L Allens Coffee Liqueur 358865 12 1.0L Allens Crème De Cocoa Dark 321453 12 1.0L Allens Crème De Cocoa White 321452 12 1.0L Allens Crème De Menthe Green 321450 12 1.0L Allens Crème De Menthe White 321449 12 1.0L Allens Hot Cinnamon Schnapps 321465 12 1.0L Allens Melon Liqueur 321460 12 1.0L Allens Orange Curacao 321448 12 1.0L Allens Peach Schnapps 339343 6 1.75L 321458 12 1.0L Allens Peppermint Schnapps 321467 12 1.0L Allens Pomegranate Liqueur 339314 12 1.0L Allens Sour Apple Schnapps 321464 12 1.0L Allens Triple Sec 339322 6 1.75L 321462 12 1.0L Allens Whipped Cream Liqueur 339330 12 1.0L Choco-Lat Deluxe Chocolate Liqueur 321472 12 750ML Llord’s Amaretto 135116 6 1.75L 031385 12 1.0L Llord’s Anisette 032642 12 1.0L Llord’s Apricot 033730 12 1.0L 42DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Llord’s Banana 032660 12 1.0L Llord’s Biscotti 323840 12 1.0L Llord’s Black Raspberry 032883 12 1.0L Llord’s Blackberry 032641 12 1.0L Llord’s Blue Curacao 033469 12 1.0L Llord’s Butterscotch 034716 12 1.0L Llord’s Crème de Cassis 074203 12 1.0L Llord’s Cocoa - Dark 031452 12 1.0L Llord’s Cocoa - White 031453 12 1.0L Llord’s Coconut 135190 12 1.0L Llord’s Coffee 235101 6 1.75L 033761 12 1.0L Llord’s Cosmo 135133 12 1.0L Llord’s Dutch Cream 042675 12 1.0L Llord’s Elderflower 323839 12 1.0L Llord’s Green Mint 031449 12 1.0L Llord’s Hazelnut 074204 12 1.0L Llord’s Melon 000863 12 1.0L Llord’s Orange Curacao 135187 12 1.0L Llord’s Peach 135191 6 1.75L 032644 12 1.0L Llord’s Peppermint 321439 6 1.75L 032643 12 1.0L Llord’s Pomegranate 321500 12 1.0L Llord’s Root Beer 074201 12 1.0L Llord’s Sambuca 321436 12 1.0L Llord’s Sour Apple 094586 12 1.0L Llord’s Triple Sec 135189 6 1.75L 032640 12 1.0L Cordials & Liqueurs - Premium Domestic 79 Gold Carmel Spirit 79° 373761 6 750ML 373763 96 50ML Avellino Liqueur 62° 371965 6 750ML Caribaya Rum Cream Liq 30° 346953 12 750ML EVOL Sugar Free Liqueur 74° 313845 12 750ML Fabrizia Blood Orange Liqueur 54° 353610 6 750ML Fabrizia Limoncello 54° 236808FABRIZIA 6 750ML Dark Mocha Cream 30° 143824 6 750ML House Spirits Coffee Liqueur 40° 322747 12 375ML Le Sutra Sparkling Blueberry 30° 341413 6 750ML 341414 12 375ML Le Sutra Sparkling Grape 30° 341415 6 750ML 341418 12 375ML Le Sutra Sparkling Peach 30° 341428 6 750ML 341430 12 375ML Le Sutra Sparkling Strawberry 30° 341431 6 750ML 341432 12 375ML Mr. Katz Rock & Rye 65° 372037 6 750ML Smoke Liqueur 52° 339072 12 750ML Smoke Liqueur 52° 12/10 Packs 343245 12 50ML St Elder Elderflower Liqueur 40° 334407 12 750ML St Elder Elderflower 10/12 Packs 366417 10 50ML Tres Leches Cream Liqueur 34° 300925 6 1.0L 298827 6 750ML 299332 6 375ML Tres Leches Cream Liq 5/12 Packs 333206 5 50ML Twenty Grand Rose Liqueur 70° 346148 4 1.75L 346171 6 750ML 346173 6 375ML 346175 24 200ML 346176 48 100ML Veev Acai Spirit 70° 358046 6 750ML VitaFrute Organic Superfruit Cocktails 30° Cosmo 320688 12 750ML Lemonade 320684 12 750ML Margarita 320692 12 750ML Cordials & Liqueurs - Imported Aggazzotti Modena Nocino Riserva 80° 186982 6 750ML Amarula Cream 34° 200746 12 1.0L 200753 12 750ML Aveze Gentiane Liqueur 40° 320846 6 1.0L Belle Paire 60° 236149 12 750ML Berentzen Apple Liqueur 40° 377706 6 750ML 363849120 50ML Berentzen Pear Liqueur 30° 363177 6 750ML 245536120 50ML Berentzen White Apple Liqueur 50° 370463 6 750ML Berentzen Wild Cherry Liqueur 32° 363178 6 750ML Berentzen Bushel & Barrel 60° 363622 6 750ML 363896120 50ML Berentzen Icemint Schnapps 100° 363179 6 750ML 363894120 50ML Chartreuse Green 110° 031660 12 750ML 187939 12 375ML Chartreuse Green VEP 108° 275017 6 1.0L Chartreuse Yellow 80° 031658 12 750ML 188105 12 375ML Chartreuse Yellow VEP 84° 348342 6 1.0L Combier Creme de Abricot 34° 365193 6 750ML Combier Crème de Cassis 40° 122150 6 750ML 314767 12 375ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 6 Combier Creme de Framboise 40° 322377 6 750ML 322375 12 375ML Combier Crème de Fruits Rouge 40° 254877 6 750ML 314770 12 375ML Combier Crème de Mure 40° 291765 6 750ML 314769 12 375ML Combier Crème de Pamplemousse 32° 292225 6 750ML 314768 12 375ML Combier Crème de Peche 40° 127740 6 750ML 314773 12 375ML Combier Elicser 76° 328050 12 375ML Combier Kummel 76° 322387 6 750ML Combier Liqueur d’ Orange 80° 304446 6 1.0L 255371 12 750ML Combier Rouge Cherry Liqueur 34° 294399 6 750ML Royal Combier Grand Liqueur 76° 166375 6 1.0L 294400 6 750ML Cristal Aguardiente 60° 158891 6 1.75L 158892 12 750ML 320724 24 375ML Cristal Sin Azucar 60° 322644 6 1.75L 322645 12 750ML 309337 24 375ML Dorda Double Chocolate Liqueur 36° 324079 6 750ML 018867 60 50ML Fair Café Liqueur 44° 302957 12 375ML Fair Goji Liqueur 44° 302958 12 375ML Boudier Creme de Cassis 40° 342520 12 750ML 323935 12 375ML Boudier Creme de Framboises 40° 323939 12 750ML 323945 12 375ML Boudier Creme de Peches 40° 342519 12 750ML Boudier Ginger Liqueur 36° 358697 12 750ML Boudier Hibiscus Liqueur 40° 358646 12 750ML Boudier Maraschino Liqueur 60° 358692 12 750ML Boudier Pomegranate Liqueur 48° 358695 12 750ML Glayva Scotch Liqueur 70° 028488 6 750ML Henri Bardouin Pastis 90° 011344 12 750ML Killepitsch Herbal Liqueur 84° 333271 12 750ML Pomegranate Infused Tequila Liqueur 38° 119788 6 750ML Pomegranate Inf Tequila Liq 10/12 Packs 326566 10 50ML Magno Toro Brandy 80° 361236 12 750ML 361868 24 200ML 361890 50 50ML Magno Toro Solera Reserva 80° 361238 12 750ML 361866 24 200ML 361896 50 50ML Maraska Maraschino Liqueur 64° 079917 6 750ML Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 80° 071786 6 750ML Mekhong Thai Liqueur 70° 133342 12 750ML Opal Sambuca Bianca 80° 264475 6 750ML Opal Sambuca Nera 80° 026275 6 750ML Pellegrino Lemoncello 64° 038775 6 750ML 063588 10 50ML Naranja Orange Liqueur 80° 378554 12 1.0L Ramazzotti Amaro 60° 022747 6 750ML Ramazzotti Sambuca 76° 023981 12 750ML Rinquinquin 30° 046989 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Liqueur 60° 151268 6 750ML Sean’s Irish Cream 34° 325246 6 1.75L 325243 12 1.0L 325245 12 750ML Sean’s White Chocolate Irish Cream 34° 325247 12 750ML Strega Lemoncello 60° 322652 12 1.0L Strega Liqueur 80° 220577 12 750ML Strega Sambuca 84° 220869 12 750ML Tatratea Original Tea Liqueur 104° 328979 6 750ML Tatratea Bohemian Tea Liqueur 124° 328982 6 750ML Tatratea Citrus Tea Liqueur 64° 328981 6 750ML Tatratea Outlaw Tea Liqueur 144° 328986 6 750ML Tatratea Peach Tea Liqueur 84° 328980 6 750ML Ty Ku Citrus Liqueur 34° 315193 6 750ML 333595 12 375ML 330056 60 50ML Egg Nog Old New England - 30° 111781 6 1.75L 111787 12 1.0L 111784 12 750ML 111783 24 375ML 142824 48 200ML Old New England Chocolate - 30° 111782 12 1.0L 142826 12 750ML Old New England Pumpkin Spice - 30° 325463 12 750ML Overbrook - 30° 111788 6 1.75L 142828 12 750ML 111786 24 375ML 142827 48 200ML Gin - American Aviation Gin 84° 314106 6 750ML Chief Gowanus New Netherland Gin 88° 343591 6 750ML DDC Premium Gin 361324 12 750ML Georgi Gin 80° 135202 6 1.75L 135203 12 1.0L 135204 12 750ML 135205 24 375ML 138059 48 200ML Kimnoff Gin - 80° 321541 6 1.75L 321540 12 1.0L 321539 12 750ML 321538 24 375ML 321537 48 200ML 321536 48 100ML Chief Gowanus New Netherland Gin 88° 343591 6 750ML Dorothy Parker Gin 88° 249839 6 750ML Perry’s Tot Gin 114° 251336 6 750ML Rubinoff - 80° 321607 6 1.75L 321606 12 1.0L Ruble - 80° 321609 6 1.75L 321608 12 1.0L Seacret’s Handcrafted Gin 361658 12 1.0L 361660 12 750ML Gin - Imported Caorunn Scottish Gin 262033 6 750ML Copley - France 321476 6 1.75L 324981 12 1.0L 321474 12 750ML Darnley’s View London Dry Gin 138083 6 750ML Edinburgh Gin 145326 6 750ML Fifty Pounds London Dry Gin 170001 6 750ML Boudier Saffron Gin 322350 12 750ML Magellan Gin 046832 6 750ML Master’s Selection London Dry Gin 362383 6 750ML Ungava Canadian Gin 370916 6 750ML Irish Whisky Donegal Estates Irish Whiskey 355559 12 1.0L 355564 12 750ML Kennedy Irish Whiskey Original 369306 6 750ML Kennedy Irish Whiskey Chilied 369327 6 750ML Kennedy Irish Whiskey Honeyed 369329 6 750ML Kennedy Irish Whiskey Limed 369330 6 750ML Kennedy Irish Whiskey Spiced 369331 6 750ML West Cork Irish Whiskey 369328 6 750ML West Cork Irish Whiskey 10 y.o. 369332 6 750ML Mezcal El Silencio Mezcal 80° 351519 6 750ML El Silencio Mezcal Espandin 86° 373200 6 750ML Ilegal Mezcal Joven 289576 6 750ML Ilegal Mezcal Reposado 289579 6 750ML 308274 24 200ML Ilegal Mezcal Anejo 289575 6 750ML 308275 24 200ML Wild Shot Mezcal Silver 304433 6 750ML Wild Shot Mezcal Reposado 304434 6 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 43DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 7 Moonshine Bird Dog Peppermint Moonshine 366064 6 750ML 366065 6 375ML Full Throttle Apple S’loonshine 70° 348668 12 750ML Full Throttle Blackberry S’loonshine 70° 348671 12 750ML Full Throttle Peach S’loonshine 70° 348659 12 750ML Full Throttle Strawberry S’loonshine 70° 348673 12 750ML Full Throttle Vanilla S’loonshine 70° 348674 12 750ML Full Throttle Platinum S’loonshine 80° 348675 6 750ML Ole Smoky Original Moonshine 100° 153563 12 750ML Ole Smoky Apple Pie 40° 308490 12 750ML Ole Smoky Blackberry Moonshine 40° 324770 12 750ML Ole Smoky Charred Moonshine 105° 356965 12 750ML Ole Smoky Charred Harley-Davidison 103° 381064 12 750ML Ole Smoky Cherries Moonshine 100° 153566 12 750ML Ole Smoky Hunch Punch Lightning 80° 366150 12 750ML Old Smoky Lemon Drop Moonshine 40° 346506 12 750ML Ole Smoky Lemon Drop Lightning 80° 366151 12 750ML Ole Smoky Peach Moonshine 40° 320401 12 750ML Ole Smoky Pineapple Moonshine 40° 367140 12 750ML Ole Smoky Shine Nog Moonshine 35° 371075 6 750ML Ole Smoky Strawberry Moonshine 40° 346507 12 750ML Ole Smoky Strawberry Lightning 80° 366152 12 750ML Ole Smoky Sweet Tea Moonshine 40° 360888 12 750ML Ole Smoky Watermelon Moonshine 40° 360887 12 750ML Ole Smoky White Lightning 100° Stillhouse Original Moonshine 80° 358253 6 750ML Stillhouse Apple Crisp Moonshine 40° 358247 6 750ML Stillhouse Coconut Moonshine 40° 358235 6 750ML Stillhouse Peach Tea Moonshine 40° 358249 6 750ML Stillhouse Red Hot Moonshine 69° 358248 6 750ML Tim Smith’s Climax Moonshine 90° 342375 6 750ML Tim Smith’s Grape Moonshine 79° 355420 12 375ML Rum - Domestic DDC Spiced Rum 361330 12 750ML Local Choice Pixie Rum 340890 12 750ML Ron Virgin Coconut Bold 70° 343877 6 1.75L 343895 12 750ML Ron Virgin Spiced Black 94° 343903 6 1.75L 343904 12 750ML Seacret’s Spiced Rum 361665 12 1.0L 361666 12 750ML Seacret’s White Rum 361663 12 1.0L 361664 12 750ML 44DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Rum - Imported Atlantico Rum Platino 347815 6 1.0L 309528 6 750ML Atlantico Rum Reserve 309531 6 750ML Atlantico Rum Private Cask 221604 6 750ML Cabana Cachaca Brazilian Rum 186350 6 1.0L 186351 6 750ML Caribaya White 224895 6 1.75L 322693 12 1.0L Caribaya Gold 224893 6 1.75L 356849 12 1.0L Caribaya Spiced Rum 322911 12 1.0L Caribaya Banana 322909 12 1.0L Caribaya Pineapple 138041 6 1.75L 138052 12 1.0L Caribaya Coconut 138255 6 1.75L 138051 12 1.0L Caribaya Mojito 323096 6 1.75L 323095 12 1.0L Caribaya Rum Cream Liq 30° 346953 12 750ML Gran Anejo Gold Rum 12 y.o. 376257 12 750ML Dominican Club Silver 311974 12 750ML Dominican Club Gold 311973 12 750ML Dominican Club Anejo 311971 6 1.75L 311970 12 750ML Phraya Gold Rum - Thailand 324388PHRAYA 6 750ML Pussers British Navy Rum 84° 264951 12 1.0L 264952 6 750ML Pussers British Navy Rum 15 y.o. 80° 236794 6 750ML Pussers Hip Flask (8/6 Packs) 322656 8 200ML Pussers Mini Ship Decanter 244052120 50ML Ron Abuelo Anejo 241776 6 1.75L 241777 12 1.0L 297410 12 750ML 321229 24 375ML Ron Abuelo Anejo 12/12 Packs 167014 12 50ML Ron Abuelo Anejo 7 y.o. 297412 12 750ML Ron Abuelo Anejo 12 y.o. 297413 12 750ML Ron Abuelo Centuria 232370 6 750ML Ron Barcelo Blanco 323829 12 1.0L 323424 12 750ML Ron Barcelo Dorado 323832 12 1.0L 323831 12 750ML Ron Barcelo Anejo 323427 6 1.75L 323830 12 1.0L 323425 12 750ML Ron Barcelo Gran Anejo 369264 6 1.75L 323428 12 750ML Ron Barcelo Gran Platinum 369265 6 1.75L 323833 12 750ML Ron Barcelo Imperial 323430 6 750ML Ron Barcelo Imperial 30 y.o. 323649 3 750ML Ron Cortez Rum Oro 366896 12 1.0L Ron Cortez Rum Blanco 366897 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - White 142831 6 1.75L 142830 12 1.0L 142829 12 750ML Ron Roberto - Gold 142836 6 1.75L 142833 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - 151 Gold 142842 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - Dark 142841 6 1.75L 142840 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - Spiced 142837 6 1.75L 142835 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - Coconut 142844 6 1.75L 142843 12 1.0L Ron Roberto - Lemon 142846 6 1.75L Ron Viejo de Caldas - 3 y.o. 322663 6 1.75L 322662 12 750ML Ron Viejo de Caldas - 8 y.o. 264960 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Coconut 241778 6 1.75L 241779 12 1.0L 166829 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Coconut 12/12 Packs 161550 12 50ML Rum Jumbie Mango 241787 6 1.75L 241895 12 1.0L 166827 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Mango 12/12 Packs 161552 12 50ML Rum Jumbie Passion Fruit 365365 12 1.0L 333268 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Pineapple 241901 6 1.75L 241902 12 1.0L 166830 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Pineapple 12/12 Packs 241904 12 50ML Rum Jumbie Vanilla 241913 6 1.75L 241914 12 1.0L 166828 12 750ML Rum Jumbie Vanilla 12/12 Packs 161558 12 50ML Seco Herrerano 321230 6 1.75L 297414 12 750ML Screech Newfoundland Rum 80° 130870 12 750ML Screech Honey Rum 70° 363241 12 750ML Screech Spiced Rum 70° 363246 12 750ML The Real McCoy Rum 3 y.o. 371859 6 750ML The Real McCoy Rum 5 y.o. 371857 6 750ML The Real McCoy Rum 12 y.o. 371856 6 750ML Rye Whiskey Breakout 8yr Rye Whiskey 133709 6 750ML James Oliver Rye Whiskey 100° 353882 12 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 8 Scotch Whisky - Blended Black Prince - Blended Scotch 80° 321279 6 1.75L 321278 12 1.0L Cluny - Blended Scotch 023331 6 1.75L 023332 12 1.0L 023333 12 750ML Golden Piper Blended Scotch 321704 6 1.75L 321703 12 750ML Grand Macnish Scotch 018439 6 1.75L 018441 12 750ML Grand Macnish 150th Anniversary 355001 6 1.75L 325487 12 750ML Grand Macnish 12 y.o. Bourbon & Sherry Cask 316505 12 750ML Grand Macnish 15 y.o. Sherry Cask 336626 6 750ML Hankey Bannister 132858 6 1.75L 204630 6 750ML Highland Reserve 12 Year - Pure Blended Malt 315195 6 750ML John Barr Red Finest Scotch 179680 6 1.75L 179683 12 750ML John Barr Gold Select Scotch 112106 6 1.75L 112109 12 750ML John Barr Black Reserve Scotch 112099 6 1.75L 112102 12 750ML Mackinlay’s Shackleton Rare Old Malt 309357 6 750ML Old Smuggler - Blended Scotch 263502 6 1.75L 263503 12 1.0L 264311 12 750ML Pig’s Nose 193559 6 750ML Sheep Dip 254097 6 750ML Sheep Dip Islay Blended 374339 6 750ML The Feathery Blended Scotch 374167 6 750ML Wemyss The Hive 8 y.o. 341710 6 750ML Wemyss The Hive 12 y.o. 341739 6 750ML Wemyss Spice King 8 y.o. 166311 6 750ML Wemyss Spice King 12 y.o. 341718 6 750ML Wemyss Peat Chimney 8 y.o. 308183 6 750ML Wemyss Peat Chimney 12 y.o. 341746 6 750ML Scotch Whisky - Single Malt anCnoc 12 y.o. 288308 6 750ML anCnoc 16 y.o. 288312 6 750ML anCnoc 22 y.o. 348703 6 750ML anCnoc Flaughter Ltd. Ed. 366516 6 750ML anCnoc Rutter Ltd. Ed. 366518 6 750ML anCnoc Peter Arkle 320466 6 750ML anCnoc Peter Arkle 3rd Release 342315 6 750ML Balblair 1997 288317 6 750ML Balblair 2002 350181 6 750ML Balblair 2003 379452 6 750ML Balblair 1999 379451 6 750ML Balblair 1991 288316 6 750ML Balblair 1990 379446 6 750ML Balblair 1989 167668 6 750ML Balblair 1983 379444 3 750ML Drumguish Highland Single Malt 167563 6 1.75L 107318 12 750ML Glencadam Highlands 10 y.o. 375775 6 750ML Glencadam Highlands 15 y.o. 375788 6 750ML Glencadam Highlands 21 y.o. 375790 6 750ML Glengoyne 10 y.o 220780 6 750ML Glengoyne 12 y.o 344375 6 750ML Glengoyne 15 y.o 344376 6 750ML Glengoyne 18 y.o 343355 6 750ML Glengoyne 21 y.o 162763 6 750ML Isle of Jura 10 y.o. 004679 6 750ML Isle of Jura 16 y.o. 072431 6 750ML Isle of Jura 21 y.o. 262458 6 750ML Isle of Jura Prophecy 294754 6 750ML Isle of Jura Superstition 151722 6 750ML MacGavins Highland 167464 6 750ML MacGavins Speyside 167573 6 750ML Old Pulteney 86° 12 y.o. 184160 6 750ML Old Pulteney 92° 17 y.o. 175091 6 750ML Old Pulteney 92° 21 y.o. 175089 6 750ML Old Pulteney 85° 35 y.o. 370377 3 750ML Old Pulteney Navigator 92° 346441 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Aberlour 1989 253336 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Auchentoshan 1983 182646 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Bunnahabbain 1988 234818 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Glenlivet 1977 129537 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Highland Park 1985 130268 6 750ML Scott’s Selection Littlemill 1984 253347 6 750ML Speyburn Bradan Orach 319181 6 1.75L 228546 6 750ML Speyburn Single Island Malt 86° 10 y.o. 041743 6 1.75L 228547 6 750ML Speyburn Single Malt 92° 25 y.o. 330209 3 750ML The Dalmore 12 y.o. 037179 6 750ML The Dalmore 15 y.o. 242984 6 750ML The Dalmore 18 y.o. 291896 6 750ML The Dalmore Cigar Malt 255391 6 750ML The Dalmore King Alexander 242986 6 750ML Shochu / Soju Tombo Shochu/Soju 193555 12 750ML Ty Ku Soju 237092 6 750ML 238161 12 375ML 330059 60 50ML Single Malt Whisky Lark Tasmanian Single Malt 86° 245744 6 750ML Lark Single Malt Distillers Edition 92° 325417 6 750ML Lark Single Malt Cask Strength 116° 325416 6 750ML Specialty Distilled Spirits Premium Grain Spirit Whisky 376165 12 750ML Graves Alcohol 151° 197618 6 1.75L 012919 12 750ML 012918 24 375ML Tequila Ambhar Platinum 256087 6 750ML Ambhar Reposado 256088 6 750ML Ambhar Anejo 256085 6 750ML Casa Dragones Blanco 360271 3 750ML Casa Dragones 16 100% Agave 294410 3 750ML Clase Azul Plata 188539 6 750ML 313373 6 375ML 267391 12 200ML Clase Azul Reposado 249203 4 1.75L 122928 6 750ML 150019 6 375ML 197948 12 200ML Clase Azul Anejo 346754 3 750ML Exodo Tequila Silver 355133 6 750ML Exodo Tequila Coconut 355151 6 750ML Exodo Tequila Peach 355156 6 750ML Exodo Tequila Orange 355157 6 750ML Exodo Tequila Lime 355152 6 750ML Exodo Tequila Watermelon 355154 6 750ML Grand Mayan Tequila Silver 373771 6 750ML Grand Mayan Tequila Utra Aged 373764 6 750ML Hacienda Vieja Blanco 264723 6 1.75L 325402 12 1.0L 264725 12 750ML Hacienda Vieja Reposado 167456 6 1.75L 325405 12 1.0L 167452 12 750ML Hacienda Vieja Don Felix Anejo 325414 6 750ML Local Choice Lime Tequila 340882 12 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 45DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 9 Old Mexico Tequila Blanco (80% Agave) 142823 6 1.75L 142822 12 1.0L Bar 142821 12 750ML Old Mexico Tequila Oro (80% Agave) 142811 6 1.75L 142810 12 1.0L Bar 142809 12 750ML 337941 24 375ML 337933 48 200ML Oro Azul Tequila Blanco 099873 6 750ML Oro Azul Tequila Reposado 099872 6 750ML Oro Azul Tequila Anejo 099869 6 750ML Pura Vida Tequila Silver 312269 6 750ML Pura Vida Tequila Reposado 379174 6 750ML Pura Vida Tequila Anejo 312268 6 750ML Pura Vida Tequila Extra Anejo 312272 6 750ML Ranchero Silver Tequila 325412 6 1.75L 325411 12 1.0L 325408 12 750ML Ranchero Gold Tequila 325410 6 1.75L 325409 12 1.0L 325407 12 750ML Tres Sietes Silver 366614 6 750ML Tres Sietes Reposado 366620 6 750ML Tres Sietes Anejo 366622 6 750ML Wyland Series Dolphin 367846 6 750ML Wyland Series Shark 367852 6 750ML Wyland Series Penguin 367839 6 750ML Trianon Tequila Blanco 370541 6 750ML Trianon Tequila Reposado 370542 6 750ML Trianon Tequila Anejo 370539 6 750ML Vodka - American Georgi Vodka - 80° 135194 6 1.75L 135195 12 1.0L 135196 12 750ML 135197 24 375ML 135199 48 200ML 135200 48 100ML Georgi Vodka 6/20 Packs 135206 6 50ML Georgi Blue 100° 135225 6 1.75L 135224 12 1.0L 135223 12 750ML 138056 24 375ML 138053 48 200ML 323097120 50ML Georgi Apple 322133 6 1.75L 322132 12 1.0L Georgi Blueberry 322147 6 1.75L 322145 12 1.0L 322155 12 750ML 322154 24 375ML 322153 48 200ML 46DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Georgi Bubble Gum 149640 6 1.75L 149649 12 1.0L 149650 12 750ML 149651 24 375ML 149652 48 200ML Georgi Candy Cane 149653 6 1.75L 149848 12 1.0L 149855 12 750ML 149857 24 375ML 162352 48 200ML Georgi Cherry 224897 6 1.75L 322137 12 1.0L 149648 12 750ML 149637 24 375ML 149636 48 200ML Georgi Coconut 322178 6 1.75L 322179 12 1.0L 322180 12 750ML 322181 24 375ML 322182 48 200ML Georgi Expresso 322140 6 1.75L 322139 12 1.0L 322150 12 750ML 322149 24 375ML 322148 48 200ML Georgi Grape 322135 6 1.75L 322134 12 1.0L 149635 12 750ML 149634 24 375ML 149633 48 200ML Georgi Lemon 224898 6 1.75L 135219 12 1.0L Georgi Orange 322129 6 1.75L 135228 12 1.0L 135227 12 750ML 135226 24 375ML 138054 48 200ML Georgi Peach 136767 12 1.0L 135230 12 750ML 135229 24 375ML Georgi Popcorn 322198 12 1.0L Georgi Raspberry 322136 6 1.75L 135222 12 1.0L 135221 12 750ML 135220 24 375ML 138062 48 200ML Georgi Vanilla 322131 6 1.75L 135214 12 1.0L Georgi Waffle 323721 12 1.0L Georgi Watermelon 322199 6 1.75L 322200 12 1.0L 322202 12 750ML 322204 24 375ML 322205 48 200ML Georgi Whipped Cream 322183 6 1.75L 322184 12 1.0L 322185 12 750ML 322186 24 375ML 322187 48 200ML Kimnoff Vodka - 80° 321532 6 1.75L 321531 12 1.0L 321530 12 750ML 321529 24 375ML 321527 48 200ML 321489 48 100ML Poland Springs Vodka 307103 12 1.0L Rubinoff Vodka 321593 6 1.75L 321592 12 1.0L 156440 12 750ML 142849 24 375ML 142848 48 200ML 142847 48 100ML Rubinoff Blue Raspberry 337051 6 1.75L Rubinoff Blueberry 336869 6 1.75L Rubinoff Cake 337053 6 1.75L Rubinoff Cherry 321602 6 1.75L Rubinoff Citrus 321601 6 1.75L 321600 12 1.0L Rubinoff Cream Soda 336916 6 1.75L Rubinoff Grape 321599 6 1.75L 321598 12 1.0L Rubinoff Green Apple 321603 6 1.75L Rubinoff Key Lime 337242 6 1.75L 337226 12 1.0L Rubinoff Lemonade 336919 6 1.75L Rubinoff Mango 321605 6 1.75L 321604 12 1.0L Rubinoff Orange 321597 6 1.75L 321596 12 1.0L Rubinoff Peach 336955 6 1.75L Rubinoff Pink Lemonade 338233 6 1.75L 338234 12 1.0L Rubinoff Raspberry 321595 6 1.75L 321594 12 1.0L Rubinoff Root Beer Float 337054 6 1.75L Rubinoff Salted Carmel 337052 6 1.75L Rubinoff Vanilla 336974 6 1.75L Rubinoff Watermelon 336876 6 1.75L Rubinoff Whipped Cream 337243 6 1.75L 337253 12 1.0L Ruble Vodka - 80° 321617 6 1.75L 321616 12 1.0L 321615 12 750ML 321614 24 375ML 321613 48 200ML Vodka - Premium Domestic American Star Vodka 343672 6 750ML American Star Caviar Lime Vodka 350222 6 750ML American Star Ghost Chile Vodka 367600 6 750ML American Star Strawberry Vodka 360108 6 750ML Black Momma Vodka 80° 371122 6 750ML Black Momma Chai Tea Vodka 40° 371120 6 750ML Black Momma Green Tea Vodka 40° 371112 6 750ML Black Momma Peach Tea Vodka 40° 371114 6 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 10 Black Momma Pomegranate Tea 40° 371116 6 750ML Black Momma Sour Sop Tea Vodka 40° 371110 6 750ML Blue Ice “G” Multi-grain Vodka 321575 6 1.75L 323925 12 1.0L 321579 12 750ML 359046 12 375ML 359047 24 200ML Blue Ice “G” Vodka 10/12 Packs 321581 10 50ML Blue Ice “G” Blue Raspberry 366541 12 750ML 366543 12 375ML 366545 24 200ML Blue Ice “G” Island Coconut 366549 12 750ML 366636 12 375ML 366637 24 200ML Blue Ice “G” Sweet Peach 366752 12 750ML 366750 12 375ML 366747 24 200ML Blue Ice Potato Vodka 321574 6 1.75L 323923 12 1.0L 292339 12 750ML 292338 24 50ML Blue Ice Wheat Vodka 323926 6 1.75L 321584 6 750ML Blue Ice Wheat Vodka 6/10 Packs 357957 6 50ML Blue Ice Vodka Creme Brulee 359080 12 750ML DDC Premium Vodka 361332 12 750ML Devils Springs Vodka 160° 135174 12 1.0L 135175 12 750ML Fuzzy’s Vodka 322903 3 1.75L 322895 6 1.0L 300851 6 750ML 330334120 50ML Fuzzy’s Vodka Checkered Flag LTD 080825 3 1.75L 080826 6 750ML Grand Touring Vodka 318541 6 750ML Grand Touring Coconut Vodka 318473 6 750ML Grand Touring Watermelon Vodka 318474 6 750ML Ion Vodka 166471 6 1.0L 308293 6 750ML James River Plantation - Sweet Tea 315996 6 1.75L 315999 12 750ML Kas’Tell Vodka 340799 12 750ML Local Choice Espresso Vodka 340891 12 750ML Pomacai Pomegranate Acai Vodka 359563 6 750ML Seacret’s Vodka 361661 12 1.0L 361662 12 750ML Volstead Vodka 84° 339035 6 750ML Zing Vodka 80° 325355 12 750ML Zing Red Velvet Vodka 70° 325358 12 750ML Vodka - Premium Imported Beluga Noble Russian Vodka 341513 3 1.75L 360321 6 1.0L 341514 6 750ML Beluga Noble Vodka 4/12 Packs 357554 4 50ML Beluga Gold - Leather Box 341511 6 750ML Chopin - Polish Potato Vodka 306356 6 1.75L 124145 6 1.0L 124143 6 750ML 124146 12 375ML Chopin - Potato Vodka PET 5/12 Packs 275793 5 50ML Chopin - Polish Rye Vodka 306850 3 1.75L 306848 6 1.0L 306849 6 750ML Chopin - Rye Vodka Olives Co-Pack 273436 6 750ML Chopin - Rye Vodka PET 5/12 Packs 275927 5 50ML Chopin - Polish Wheat Vodka 262174 3 1.75L 262172 6 1.0L 262173 6 750ML Chopin - Wheat Vodka PET 5/12 Packs 325853 5 50ML Chopin Sample Pack 269347 12 375ML Chopin Single Distillate Series Potato Vodka 338152 3 375ML Rye Vodka 338150 3 375ML Wheat Vodka 338146 3 375ML Young Potato 2011 Vodka 338141 3 375ML Young Potato 2012 Vodka 338148 3 375ML Double Cross Vodka 220017 6 750ML Double Cross Vodka 10/6 Packs 333668 10 50ML Empire Rockefeller Vodka - France 333377 12 750ML Fair Quinoa Vodka 345477 6 750ML 302956 12 375ML Firestarter Vodka 314943 6 750ML Golia Vodka 376995 6 1.75L 376996 6 1.0L 377005 6 750ML Hammer & Sickle Russian Vodka 308270 2 1.75L 308269 4 1.0L 308272 6 750ML Integre French Straight Vodka 321481 6 1.75L Integre French Citrus Vodka 321482 6 1.75L Integre French Raspberry Vodka 321483 6 1.75L Jewel of Russia Classic 323200144 50ML Jewel of Russia Classic Red Seal Gift 323204 12 1.0L Jewel of Russia Classic Red Seal Berry Infusion 322829 12 1.0L 323199144 50ML Jewel of Russia Ultra Black Label 323205 12 1.0L Jewel of Russia Ultra Painted Bottle 345817 6 1.0L Kru 82° Vodka - France 332740 6 1.75L 332741 4 1.0L 332743 12 750ML Kutskova Russian Vodka 163839 6 1.75L 171097 12 1.0L 016046 12 750ML Kutskova Russian 10/12 Packs 089025 10 50ML Magic Moments Grain Vodka 371056 12 750ML 371057100 50ML Magic Moments Chocolate Vodka 371052 12 750ML 371055100 50ML Magic Moments Green Apple Vodka 371054 12 750ML 371053100 50ML Magic Moments Lemongrass-Ginger 375957 12 750ML 375958100 50ML Magic Moments Orange Vodka 375953 12 750ML 375954100 50ML Magic Moments Peach Vodka 375955 12 750ML 375956100 50ML Olifant - Holland 224420 6 1.75L 321564 12 1.0L 224421 12 750ML Olifant Flavored Vodka - Citron 321557 12 1.0L Olifant Flavored Vodka - Orange 321559 12 1.0L Olifant Flavored Vodka - Raspberry 321562 12 1.0L Olifant Flavored Vodka - Vanilla 321558 12 1.0L Primo Malbec Vodka 373772 6 750ML Purity Vodka 301994 3 1.75L 310935 6 1.0L 301995 6 750ML Purity Vodka 5/12 Packs 301996 5 50ML Purus Organic Wheat Vodka 359506 6 750ML 359754120 50ML Twenty Grand Vodka 80° 365515 6 750ML 365514 6 375ML Twenty Grand Vodka Infused Cognac 80° 331063 4 1.75L 331058 6 750ML 331059 6 375ML 346182 24 200ML 346183 48 100ML Twenty Grand Vodka Inf Cognac Black 100° 337976 4 1.75L 337981 6 750ML 337983 6 375ML 346179 24 200ML 346181 48 100ML Twenty Grand Rose Liq (Vodka & Champ.) 346148 4 1.75L 346171 6 750ML 346173 6 375ML 346175 24 200ML 346176 48 100ML U’Luvka Vodka 144601 2 1.75L 144598 3 1.75L 144600 6 750ML 144602 24 100ML U’Luvka Vodka Gift Sets 144608 6 750ML Voli Light Vodka Original 320168 6 1.75L 321134 6 1.0L 323484 6 750ML 350453120 50ML Beverage Journal March 2015 47DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 11 Voli Light Vodka Espresso Vanilla 328277 6 1.0L 324162 6 750ML 324172120 50ML Voli Light Vodka Lemon 320171 6 1.75L 324163 6 1.0L 324155 6 750ML 324487120 50ML Voli Light Vodka Mango Coconut 320162 6 1.0L 317419 6 750ML 322486120 50ML Voli Light Vodka Orange Vanilla 320169 6 1.75L 323117 6 1.0L 324173 6 750ML 324168120 50ML Voli Light Vodka Raspberry Cocoa 324179 6 1.0L 324171 6 750ML 324175120 50ML Wasabe Vodka/Sake Blend 123496 6 1.0L Wyborowa Polish Vodka 000267 6 1.75L 362666 6 1.0L 362664 6 750ML Yacht Club Vodka 322943 6 750ML ZYR Vodka- Russia 267364 3 1.75L 286275 6 1.0L 095185 6 750ML 161297120 50ML Non-Alcoholic Ginger Beer Russian Ginger Beer 6/4 Packs 372546 6 12OZ Bitters Aroma Bitters Kit 12/5 Packs 361186 12 20mL Celery Bitters 336100 12 4oz Creole Bitters 336103 12 4oz Jerry Thomas Own Bitters 336106 12 4oz 48DC Beverage Journal March 2015 Lemon Bitters 336107 12 4oz Old Time Aroma Bitters 336101 12 4oz Orange Bitters 045152 12 4oz Energy Drinks 5 Hour Extra Strength Berry 323215216 1.93OZ 5 Hour Grape 244249216 1.93OZ 5 Hour Pomegranate 239386216 1.93OZ 5 Hour Regular Berry 239384216 1.93OZ Mixers Major Peters Bloody Mary Regular 036117 6 64OZ 203003 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Bloody Mary The Works 242460 6 64OZ 323048 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Bloody Mary Hot & Spicey 036123 6 64OZ 323047 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Sweet & Sour Mix 036108 6 64OZ 323050 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Grenadine 077713 6 1.0L Major Peters Lime 077714 6 1.0L Major Peters Margarita Mix 036091 6 64OZ 323049 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Pina Colada 036097 6 64OZ 108292 12 33.8OZ Major Peters Strawberry Daiquiri 036102 6 64OZ 323051 12 33.8OZ Sparkling N/A Wines Meier’s Sparkling Apple 092331 12 750ML Meier’s Sparkling Burgundy 039009 12 750ML Meier’s Sparkling Pink Catawba 039022 12 750ML Meier’s Sparkling Pink Juice 092329 12 750ML Meier’s Sparkling White Catawba 039014 12 750ML Meier’s Sparkling White Grape 038277 12 750ML Meier’s Spumante 039026 12 750ML Conditions of Sale All merchandise at prevailing prices is subject to availability. Invoices not paid within two (2) weeks after due dates established by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division for payment are subject to one and a half (1 1/2%) percent per thirty days late payment charges. For less than full case bottle cost, add the following: 1.5L and larger — $1.20 1.0L — $1.49 100mL - 750mL — $1.35 50mL — $0.40 All payments made on delinquent accounts apply first to late payment charge, and the balance, if any, to delinquent balance. There will be service charge of $30.00 for all returned checks. Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 12 SPARKLING WINE 319426 295587 299819 346240 371716 Brut Special Cuvee Brut Special Cuvee Brut Rose Special Cuvee Demi-Sec “Sugar King” Demi-Sec Rose “Sugar King” Blanc de Blanc Brut Brut Rose 051562 011578 330358 051651 Carte Blance Brut Carte d”OR Brut Rose Brut Signature Blanc de Blanc 122671 168496 122669 091685 229770 193932 282304 264741 036186 245263 238187 238189 312871 041910 141150 040502 040290 093700 324744 198415 324746 370966 316619 316617 316671 230518 DRAPPIER Brut NV NV NV NV 04 HENRIOT Blanc de Blanc Souverain Brut Millesime Brut Rose Brut Souverain Cuvee des Enchanteleurs NV 05 NV NV 98 LANSON Alain Ducasse Brut Brut NV Black Label Brut Vintage Gold Label Demi Sec NV Ivory Label Extra Age Blanc de Blanc Extra Age Brut Extra Age Rose Noble Cuvee Brut Rose NV Rose Label Rose NV Pink Bottle NV NV 02 00 POL ROGER Brut NV Brut NV Brut NV Brut Blanc de Blanc Brut Pure Brut Rose Winston Churchill Cuvee Brut Cuvee 04 02 NV 04 SPARKLING AUSTRALIA DE BORTOLI Sparkling Brut 333440 02 VOLLEREAUX Brut Brut Rose Cuvee Margurite Sparkling Brut 191043 257883 1 6 6 6 6 WILLOWGLEN 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 Sparkling Brut Spk Red Moscato Spk White Moscato Brut Pas De Deux CALIFORNIA BILTMORE DOUGLASS HILL Sparkling LAURIER 301171 287881 Brut Brut 318916 Brut - Childhood Hunger 221012 Sparkling 151613 151622 Brut Brut 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 361889 368820 361878 Grand Cuvee Grand Cuvee Rose 750ML 296108 Brut Rose Vouvray Brut NV ROCAR SALMON CREEK NV NV XXIV KARAT CHILE GATO NEGRO FRANCE CLOS DU NOUYS 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 316648 12 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 332377 316567 357242 357244 Code Rouge Bl de Bl Cremant Rose Cremant T. Jefferson Cremant Rose T. Jefferson 342873 283007 342898 283014 Brut #21 Brut #21 Rose #69 Rose #69 096132 128344 Cremant Brut Cremant Rose Brut 6 12 24 12 12 12 6 1.5L 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 275494 275492 Seduction Brut Seduction Brut Rose 057587 064689 Blanc de Blanc Brut Blanc de Blanc Semi Sweet 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 241376 276145 Prosecco DOC Raboso Moscato Rose 336982 336988 336976 Prosecco Miraval Extra Dry Prosecco San Fermo Rose Spumante Brut 312416 Moscato D’Asti 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML LUCIEN ALBRECHT NV NV PIERRE CHAINIER NV NV SAINT-HILAIRE ITALY 071 08 07 BELLENDA - Veneto CASCINA CAVICCHIOLI 359902 360741 329311 364873 Prosecco Sparkling Rose Sparkling White Spumante 226366 226367 Sparkling Prosecco Sparkling Rose 358519 Prosecco 355845 355851 NV 10 12 12 JCB CELLARS 750ML 750ML 12 12 GERARD BERTRAND 750ML 12 12 750ML 12 24 750ML 187ML ONEHOPE - Benefits Charities 12 12 12 12 6 WINE MEN OF GOTHAM BRAZIL CARNAVAL 3.0L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 F. ROCKEFELLER & SONS 325764 326911 320268 320269 99 NV NV NV CHAMPAGNE DE ROTHSCHILD 236802 236801 236799 335401 CHAMPAGNE - FRANCE BEAU JOIE 316649 LAMBERTI LUNA DI LUNA MASOTTINA Prosecco Treviso Brut Prosecco Treviso X-Dry 12 750ML 12 750ML 12 24 750ML 187ML 12 24 12 750ML 187ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 750ML 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 49DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 13 355850 Rose Cuvee X-Dry 12 PICCINI 322841 Prosecco 217289 115358 360797 Prosecco Argeo Prosecco Giall’Oro Prosecco Giustino B. 295892 073117 Moscato D’Asti Moscato D’Asti 354772 289516 296773 154223 348416 193092 267925 311046 339129 194881 314623 316057 316058 179276 STLTO Prosecco VALDO Brut DOC Brut DOC Cuvee de Boj Marca Oro Rose Prosecco Cuvee Fontadovre Prosecco Gift Prosecco Oro Puro MPX Rose Cupatge D’Honor Tresor Brut Reserve Tresor Brut Rose 12 12 375ML 750ML 12 750ML NV NV 12 12 750ML 750ML NV 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML NV NV 10 NV NV VILARNAU Blanc de Blanc Brut Reserve 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 187ML PERE VENTURA Brut Brut Rosado 12 12 6 12 12 24 PAUL CHENEAU 338677 338439 338431 750ML 750ML 187ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML SPAIN CANALS CANALS Classic Brut Reserva Brut 12 12 24 6 12 6 12 6 VOGA Prosecco Sparkling Pinot Grigio Sparkling Pinot Grigio Brut Blanc de Blanc Lady of Spain 327115 071025 NV NV 12 SARACCO - Piedmonte 038597 138878 324412 324327 RUGGERI VIRGINIA TRUMP WINERY 08 07 12 12 750ML 750ML WINES OF THE WORLD - DOMESTIC CALIFORNIA 341016 A CRISP Chardonnay ADOBE ROAD 342787 324519 313076 231419 350571 Cab Sauv Knights Valley Pinot Noir RRV Pinot Noir Sonoma Redline Zinfandel Dry Creek 341224 341225 352298 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot 308035 323487 314978 261206 356426 10 07 09 NV 09 ALTITUDE PROJECT 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML AMAPOLA CREEK - Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay RRV Syrah Zinfandel Monte Rosso 50DC Beverage Journal March 2015 06 08 10 08 11 6 6 6 6 6 AMBERHILL 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 248722 248721 Secret Blend Red Secret Blend White 10 10 349345 349186 349187 212596 349183 Esperance GSM Grenache Terra Bella RGB White Blend Syrah Les Tous Jours Syrah Watch Hill 182057 182056 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay 367095 Zinfandel 12 12 ANDREW MURRAY VINEYARDS 11 11 12 11 11 ARNOLD PALMER 10 08 ASYLUM - Lodi 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML ATLAS PEAK - Napa Valley 11 06 06 06 750ML 750ML 357037 308206 308207 308208 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mt Cabernet Sauvignon Mt Veeder Cabernet Sauvignon Spring Mt 6 6 6 6 297890 231423 373419 012522 252192 350630 344848 357835 283825 Chardonnay Nacido Chardonnay Alamos Chardonnay Sta Barbara Pinot Blanc / Gris Pinot Noir Knox Alex Pinot Noir Sta Barbera Pinot Noir La Bauge Pinot Noir Isabelle Pinot Noir Bien Nacido 08 09 13 10 09 12 09 11 07 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 377830 Pinot Noir 09 6 750ML AU BON CLIMAT - Central Coast Barham Mendelsohn AU CONTRAIRE - Sonoma Coast 362613 362614 Chardonnay Pinot Noir 13 12 283939 292938 283950 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Summit Red 322800 310795 310602 309134 Caldwell’s Syrah Petite Sirah Sangiovese Syn3rgy Cab Sauv 264925 158456 314960 327249 261687 Blend 23 (Chard/SB/Viog) Blend 24 (Cab/Sang/Syrah) Blend 25 (Cab/Syrah) Brut Rose Blend 26 (100% Cab) 12 12 AUDELSSA - Sonoma County 07 06 07 12 6 12 B CELLARS - Napa Valley 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 09 08 09 08 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 11 08 08 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Special Blends 09 B. R. COHN - Sonoma Valley 356016 355988 354297 324555 158124 018879 Cab Sauv Gold Label Cab Sauv Olive Hill Chardonnay Sangiacomo Merlot Pinot Noir RRV Zinfandel Sonoma 12 10 11 09 10 10 6 6 6 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 364143 Cabernet Sauvignon 13 12 750ML 347862 336718 316912 160018 379128 346768 334103 269675 318994 318993 Silver Label Series - North Coast BELL WINE CELLARS - Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Yountville Claret Sauvignon Blanc Syrah Canterbury 10 11 09 11 6 12 12 12 12 BERNARDUS - Carmel Valley Chardonnay Marinus Pinot Noir - Monterey Pinot Noir - Pisoni Pinot Noir - Rosella 12 09 07 09 09 12 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 14 065960 381483 381486 346349 10 BETTER THAN THAT Red Blend White Blend Pinot Noir 10 BILTMORE ESTATES California Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Sur Lies Holiday White Merlot Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir Red Blend Riesling Sauvignon Blanc White Blend White Zinfandel 267139 257893 Cabernet Sauvignon Alex Vly Pinot Noir Russian River 191043 257883 Brut Pas De Deux 341512 348374 340195 Red Field Blend Zinfandel Dry Creek Zinfandel Grist Reserve 09 09 Sparkling 12 12 6 12 12 11 BUENA VISTA Carneros Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir The Count Red Blend The Count Red Blend 310362 314807 345030 314806 314804 313518 310363 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Lengendary Badge Red Merlot Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Zinfandel 11 11 12 Sonoma 10 12 10 10 10 CALIFORNIA SQUARE 354547 374759 354544 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Red Blend 265500 Sauvignon Blanc 12 13 12 10 145349 306043 145350 145369 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Sauvignon Blanc 360929 360930 Red Blend White Blend Hybrid Blends 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML Cabernet Sauvignon 11 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 CHARLES KRUG - Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Cab Sauv Howell Mtn Cabernet Sauvignon VS Chardonnay Generations Merlot Pinot Noir Carneros Sauvignon Blanc 11 11 10 12 11 11 12 13 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 CEDAR KNOLL - Napa Valley 12 6 6 12 6 12 6 12 Pinot Noir Stanley Ranch 366666 367641 Chardonnay Pinot Noir 240029 White Wine 6 13 13 12 12 CIVELLO - by Row Eleven 10 CK MONDAVI 366646 083605 083607 003321 303446 138626 278921 083609 050689 083615 366645 137730 137478 278955 137477 303445 137553 140340 137731 278435 Blonde Five Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Moscato Pinot Grigio Scarlet Five Sauvignon Blanc White Zinfandel Zinfandel Blonde Five Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Scarlet Five Merlot Moscato Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc White Zinfandel Zinfandel 066106 066105 380374 Fortissimo Fortissimo Red Blend 359222 324934 168688 160041 324935 Chardonnay Le Bon Climat Nebbiolo Pinot Noir Le Bon Climat Sauvignon Blanc Syrah / Viognier 095156 095151 095158 104934 078655 095157 095154 095169 315537 104089 121943 78675 164121 301541 301540 301491 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio White Zinfandel Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Moscato Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir White Zinfandel Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot White Zinfandel 149480 277376 149481 Chocolate Chocolate Cherry Chocolate Mint 304331 Red Blend 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML CLENDENEN - Central Coast 08 03 07 10 05 COASTAL RIDGE 10 COCOA VINO COLBY CONCRETE - Lodi 380120 Zinfandel Old Vines 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 355297 Red Blend 13 11 Copa Cabana Copa Cabana Double Blind Pinot Grigio Dream Walking Chardonnay The Feast Red 10 09 4.0L 1.5L 750ML 6 6 6 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML COUP DE GRACE - Lodi CULTIVATE WINES 750ML 750ML 750ML 4 6 12 12 750ML 12 C.R. CELLARS BY CK MONDAVI 750ML 235738 315370 243418 243494 243526 12 CHERRY TART - by Cherry Pie 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML CALISTOGA CELLARS - Napa Valley CALLAWAY - Temecula 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CHERRY PIE - Carneros 750ML 369827 BRADFORD MOUNTAIN 238406 314238 018726 336952 346704 343589 363924 332436 342653 353947 342652 342654 359016 12 BIEN NACIDO VYDS - Santa Maria 191044 257851 350466 257873 257885 247953 378522 321433 257897 378518 300075 365995 Sauvignon Blanc 12 750ML 4 12 12 12 12 3.0L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 51DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 15 243419 235740 279624 The Gambler Malbec Wonderlust Chardonnay Wonderlust Chardonnay 334721 253041 253044 081177 081178 Grenache Mourvedre Rousanne Syrah Viognier 065830 041379 164879 Cuvee Red Blanc Rose 12 4 12 CURTIS WINERY - Santa Barbara 09 Heritage Series DARCIE KENT 292118 292169 292284 343686 301164 274787 292752 293383 317410 346136 343688 Cab Sauv Madden Ranch Chardonnay West Pinnacles Gruner Veltliner Rava Blackjac Merlot Picazo Petite Sirah Madden Ranch Pinot Noir Rava Blackjack Sauv Blanc Rava Blackjack Chardonnay De Mayo Merlot Crown Block Pinot Noir Monterey Red Blend Crown Block 344914 365353 300622 346544 375152 300626 368225 361204 300623 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Celestus Red Celestus Red Mayote Estate Merlot Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Seventeen-Forty Rsv Syrah 381305 371088 361342 361202 359236 Chardonnay Chemin de Fleur Grenache Blanc Reserve Chardonnay Rose de Famille 168248 168246 168245 168243 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Moscato Pinot Grigio 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 13 09 11 12 09 12 12 08 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 09 09 11 10 DAOU - Paso Robles Whites DISCOVERIES VINEYARDS 12 12 12 12 DOUBLE DECKER 313224 313222 Pinot Grigio Red Blend 224928 224929 224058 279760 224059 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio Shiraz 349194 349202 349199 Big Bottom Red Pinot Noir Unplugged White 359037 359040 359039 359041 359036 359042 Chardonnay Bacigalupi Pinot Noir Bowland Ranch Pinot Noir Sonoma Pinot Noir The West End Pinot Noir Trenton 1880 RRV Pinot Noir Upper Bench 173960 261680 373695 355872 341648 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Hypothesis Cab Sauv Merlot Pinot Noir DOUGLAS HILL 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 52DC Beverage Journal March 2015 ENTWINE *Food Network Exlusive!* 239871 239869 239855 239867 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Pinot Grigio Merlot 036023 035969 314017 027343 370048 035972 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Muscat Canelli Petit Sirah Tears of Dew Moscato Zinfandel 318161 336719 326858 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Syrah 359033 359034 Grenache Blanc Zinfandel 034316 072059 072178 034318 072055 202602 EOS - Paso Robles 09 08 12 08 10 11 10 FIREFALL - El Dorado 11 10 Chardonnay Riesling Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Syrah 10 09 FLO 313649 341749 313648 Chardonnay Moscato Red Blend 242412 367455 342195 358347 312549 358496 332709 358537 Barrel Fermented Chardonnay Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chardonnay Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Trilogy 12 12 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 323848 377570 323849 323850 Estate Chardonnay Estate Pinot Noir Laguna West Chardonnay Laguna West Pinot Noir 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML FLORA SPRINGS - Napa Valley 10 12 10 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 FOG CREST - Sonoma, Russian River 12 10 GARNET 371319 267992 243457 347429 Chardonnay Monterey Chardonnay Sonoma Pinot Noir Monterey Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast 369830 362053 370273 Chardonnay Russian River Pinot Noir Hallberg Pinot Noir Russian River Hillside Riesling 09 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 GAUTHIER SELECT VINEYARDS 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 066316 285750 064643 073064 074637 343247 Chardonnay Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir 333623 330636 Red Blend White Blend 352201 285552 Cab Sauv “Walking Tree” Chardonnay “Water Bend” 10 12 GEYSER PEAK - Sonoma Core Varietals Appellation Series 11 08 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML Uncensored - Mix & Match 11 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 GARY FARRELL - Sonoma County 315801 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML FIRESTONE ESTATE- Santa Barbara Estate Series 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 FALCONE VINEYARDS - Paso Robles 12 12 12 EDUCATED GUESS - Napa Valley 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 E11EVEN - by Andrew Murray E16 750ML 3.0L 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 16 351656 354855 308209 Pinot Noir “Pluto’s Fury” Red Blend “Tectonic” Sauv Blanc “River Ranches” 12 11 10 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 356582 379130 355381 Meritage Reserve Alexander Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Red Blend “Devil’s Inkstand” 09 10 11 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 285624 285626 285625 352745 313321 321280 285623 285627 285622 Pinot Noir Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Hybrid Red Merlot Muscat Canelli Pinot Blanc Sangiovese Zinfandel 336571 293213 Sherpa Zinfandel Vertigo Chenin / Riesling 306012 313877 Zinfandel Amador Zinfandel Old Vine Lodi 134502 134518 134509 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Pinot Noir 144690 144689 144691 GIRASOLE VINEYARDS - Mendocino 10 10 HARASZTHY - Sonoma HARLOW RIDGE - Lodi 11 HAYES RANCH Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot 375901 340064 Chardonnay RRV Pinot Noir RRV 360306 360338 Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Russian River Valley 11 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML HERITANCE - Napa Valley 10 12 12 HIDDEN RIDGE - Sonoma County 377500 369832 Cab Sauv 55% Slope Cab Sauv Impass Mtn 377278 Pinot Noir 12 09 6 6 HIGHER GROUND - Monterey 12 HOME GROWN FARMS 316695 Barbera 368942 130871 321053 Chardonnay Red Reserve Red 324939 324941 237062 289286 Chardonnay Victoria Chardonnay Victoria Pinot Noir Reveles Pinot Noir Reveles 345981 Red Blend 11 JARHEAD 13 08 06 ICI LA BAS 07 08 06 07 INSPIRED J WILES Chardonnay Pinot Blanc Pinot Noir 11 11 J.W. MORRIS Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 HEALDSBURG RANCHES Coastal Series Cabernet Sauvignon Chard Slightly Oaked Merlot Zinfandel 369860 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 GRAVITY HILLS - Paso Robles 375899 377212 375902 375903 344990 331769 345586 Reserves 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 1.5L 222361 369863 222362 369864 249407 369865 369691 369866 172601 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chardonnay Merlot Merlot Moscato Moscato White Zinfandel White Zinfandel 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 283022 332374 366071 Chardonnay #81 Pinot Noir #7 Rose #5 Cotes de Provence 342873 283007 342898 283014 Brut #21 Brut #21 Rose #69 Rose #69 236780 312918 312916 312915 312921 313846 312920 Bubbles Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Moscato Moscato Rose Red Blend 360949 354322 064277 357130 348720 347450 324426 064502 311732 311722 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Isosceles Isosceles Rsv Wood Box Justification Obtuse Sauvignon Blanc Savant Syrah 319298 160351 319299 336608 354838 347770 166630 Damaris Reserve Chard Grand Detour Pinot Noir Grand Detour Pinot Noir Overlook Chardonnay Overlook Chardonnay Overlook Pinot Noir Steel Plow Syrah 323846 080042 095055 301171 287881 Merlot Chardonnay Pinot Noir Brut Brut 351438 299866 321425 185453 280308 185452 367139 145498 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Garnacha Malbec Pinot Noir Primitivo Sea of Stones Red Shiraz Barossa Valley 345951 343539 359968 253020 Chardonnay Courtney Vyd Chardonnay Steel Pinot Noir Lindsay Sauvignon Blanc Santa Ynez 055483 055484 326188 183409 055488 251799 055487 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Liquid Velvet Red Malbec Merlot Pinot Noir Block 7 Sauvignon Blanc JCB CELLARS - Sonoma County 10 10 13 Sparkling JELLYBEAN JUSTIN - Paso Robles 12 12 11 11 09 12 11 12 10 10 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML LANDMARK - Sonoma County 10 10 10 11 12 12 09 LAURIER 10 LAYER CAKE 12 11 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 375ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 24 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 187ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML LINCOURT - Santa Rita Hills 10 12 12 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 12 LOCKWOOD - Monterey 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 53DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 17 LOST ANGEL 234085 234089 228212 344823 313497 313498 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Mischief Moscato Pinot Noir Ruckus 342440 312361 312368 363867 342257 363883 Cabernet Sauvignon Lunatic Red Lunatic White Merlot Pinot Grigio Sangiovese 350749 350750 350739 350748 350751 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 313330 313333 367105 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Divine Red 185650 185649 301432 Cabernet Sauvignon Split Oak V Chardonnay Split Oak Vnyd Sauvignon Blanc Split Oak LUNA VINEYARDS - Napa Valley 12 09 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 MAGNOLIA COURT - Central Coast 12 12 12 12 12 MARC MONDAVI’S THE DIVINING ROD MORRO BAY The Spur Red The Whip White 180784 323707 Merlot Sauvignon Blanc 092472 092475 089396 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot 12 13 Zero Manipulation Red Blend Zinfandel Dry Creek Zinfandel Tradizionale 358075 Red Blend 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 238835 238723 238737 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay St. Lucia Highland Pinot Noir 343794 343795 343792 343793 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet / Merlot Chardonnay Merlot 343791 343787 343790 Red Blend Copper Label Red Blend Platinum Label White Blend Gold Label 372907 330765 318050 372771 334256 320997 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir Riesling Sauvignon Blanc 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML NAPA LANDING - Napa Valley 12 12 NAPA RIDGE - Napa Valley 10 377071 326492 360231 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 12 12 12 NV 11 PALI - Santa Barbara 365420 326271 349812 356069 353216 378494 339788 326526 Chardonnay Charm Acres Pinot Noir Alphabets Pinot Noir Bluffs Pinot Noir Fiddlestix Pinot Noir Huntington Pinot Noir Riviera Pinot Noir Shea Pinot Noir Summit 355346 334886 357589 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Cab Sauv Library Pack(08/09) 340213 340188 Chardonnay Red Blend 243790 309192 314310 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Rose 13 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 PALMAZ - Napa Valley 10 11 PAPER BOY 54DC Beverage Journal March 2015 11 11 PLAYTIME - Lake County POPPY WINE PULL - Paso Robles 12 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML QUADRANT - Paso Robles 12 12 12 RANCHO SISQUOC - Santa Barbara 11 10 09 12 11 11 RAYMOND VINEYARDS Family Classic 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Cabernet Sauvignon 13 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 376434 041637 340285 045047 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Sauvignon Blanc 12 11 11 09 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 309911 362337 305997 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford 07 11 06 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 364726 127243 292972 127246 356357 Cabernet California Chardonnay Field Blend Merlot Sauvignon Blanc 13 09 10 07 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 292011 Cabernet Sauvignon 12 750ML 12 750ML 10 10 12 12 750ML 750ML 10 12 750ML 08 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 378143 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PARIPASO - Paso Robles 12 10 11 750ML 750ML ONE HOPE - 50% of the profits from these wines benefit charities to support these causes Brut - Childhood Hunger Cabernet Sauvignon - Autism Chardonnay - Breast Cancer Merlot - AIDS Research Pinot (Noir) for Paws - ASPCA Pinot Noir Rsv - Clean Water Red Blend - Support Troops Sauvignon Blanc - Environment Zinfandel - U.S. Military PETERSON WINERY - Sonoma County 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 MURIETTA’S WELL - Livermore Valley 378033 367038 318916 306069 306070 306071 334351 329967 346368 306072 306073 12 12 12 12 12 12 318243 Napa Reserves Generations “R” Collection Sommelier Selection 10 RED BRICK CELLARS Tough Dame Cab Sauv RENWOOD Amador County 320889 319978 Zinfandel Dry Creek Zinfandel Old Vines 319979 Zinfandel Grandpere 056718 380881 Syrah Zinfandel 750ML 750ML 351254 360985 360842 360987 351241 360839 Black Monukka Red Blend Rose White Blend Zinfandel Estate Zinfandel Osso Balena 750ML 750ML 750ML 373903 352575 357772 Pinot Noir Napa Pinot Noir Santa Maria Pinot Noir Vinas 3 Proprietary Red Label ROTTA - Paso Robles NV 13 13 09 13 ROW ELEVEN 13 11 11 Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 18 361242 354852 321888 Chardonnay Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Syrah 320869 320870 325154 325153 320871 081009 081008 081010 116138 269897 081011 081004 088536 081006 116814 237429 081007 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir White Zinfandel Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir White Zinfandel Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir White Zinfandel 11 10 12 10 SALMON CREEK Reserves Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Chardonnay Rsv Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio White Zinfandel 360529 364863 258652 180024 180023 380814 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Petit Sirah Sauvignon Blanc Wrangler Red Blend Zinfandel High Elevation 324588 327452 350566 343161 347867 12 12 SHADOW BROOK 265413 265412 265411 265410 265409 368081 368813 12 11 12 6 12 RUSACK VINEYARDS - Santa Barbara 336802 327857 335676 327855 360791 360793 Pinot Noir Vinas 3 Pinot Noir Russian River Rose 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 24 24 24 24 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 187ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 6 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L SHANNON RIDGE - Mendocino Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay 12 13 SIOT SIP Moscato 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 13 13 6 6 750ML 750ML 11 12 750ML SMASHBERRY - Paso Robles Central Coast Red Central Coast White 12 12 SOLOMON HILLS VYDS - Santa Maria Chardonnay Pinot Noir 11 10 STACK WINES 333400 333402 333411 333403 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Charisma Red Blend Pinot Grigio 326092 379362 152920 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Riddler Red Blend Lot 3 STRATTON LUMMIS 13 THE LIGHT GRAPE 328843 328838 Chardonnay Rose 368829 Red Blend Lot 13 300567 314313 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay 375ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 187ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 THE MAGICIAN - by Row Eleven 12 THE PESSIMIST - Paso Robles 10 11 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 365678 Red Blend 13 359701 359694 359700 359702 359704 360907 359697 359698 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot People’s Blend Pinot Noir People’s Blend Viognier Merlot 363890 365411 350150 353583 Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Sauvignon Blanc The Jetty Red Blend The Swell Red Blend 374811 374812 374810 370980 370979 374809 370978 370981 Zinfandel 12 THE WINERY SF - North Coast 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 TOWER 15 - Paso Robles 11 13 11 11 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Merlot Moscato Petite Petit Sauvignon Blanc 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Zinfandel 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML TWISTED CEDAR TXT CELLARS 313837 313835 311440 311438 311437 311439 CYA Shiraz GR8 Cabernet Sauvignon LMAO Pinot Grigio LOL Riesling OMG Chardonnay WTF Pinot Noir 282024 268897 109769 243209 282026 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Cimarron Red Petite Sirah Sauvignon Blanc 380732 158379 Cabernet Sauvignon Oakville Chardonnay Carneros 370203 340077 341518 340080 360023 Chardonnay Gewurztraminer Pinot Noir Rose of Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 252881 347367 284785 Cabernet Sauvignon Alex Vly Sauvignon Blanc Triple Play Rhone Blend 331677 336583 No. 99 Cabernet Sauvignon No. 99 Chardonnay VIGILANCE - Lake County 12 12 12 12 12 VINE CLIFF - Napa Valley 12 09 6 6 VML (Virginia Marie Lambrix) - Sonoma 13 11 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 WATTLE CREEK - Sonoma County 12 12 12 12 WAYNE GRETZKY - Sonoma County 08 10 12 12 WENTE VINEYARDS - Livermore Valley Single Vineyard 004313 362977 375354 Riva Ranch Chardonnay Charles Wetmore Cab Riva Ranch Pinot Noir 351371 144300 144744 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot 004178 004334 004270 069911 004269 Riverbank Riesling Louis Mel Sauv Blanc Morning Fog Chardonnay Sandstone Merlot Southern Hills Cab Sauv 12 12 Nth Degree 11 10 08 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML Estate Grown Mix & Match 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 55DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 19 WHITE OAK 009938 016584 357606 069810 322669 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Chardonnay Russian River Merlot Napa Sauvignon Blanc Russian River Syrah Napa 369886 369888 369889 369890 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Red Blend Sauvignon Blanc 09 WOLFGANG PUCK WOMEN OF THE VINE Allison Crowe 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 07 09 09 10 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 288328 288324 Cab Sauv Paso Robles Chardonnay Santa Barbara 07 07 12 12 750ML 750ML 288327 296483 Napa Rojo Tempranillo Paso Robles 03 09 12 12 750ML 750ML 288322 Cab Sauv Mt Veeder 06 12 750ML 288325 Zinfandel Mendocino 06 12 750ML 288321 Syrah Napa Valley 06 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 24 24 24 24 187ML 187ML 187ML 187ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Signature Dorothy Schuler Signature Markette Fourmeaux Signature Carol Shelton Signature Heidi Barrett X Y ZIN 368166 350695 Old Vines Reserve 345166 Zinfandel Old Vines 359263 358864 358862 358937 13 11 ZIN-PHOMANIAC - Lodi 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Grigio Chardonnay Soft Chenin Blanc Soft Huckleberry Soft Red Soft White Riesling Ice Wine 197569 122678 198521 171071 Cabernet Sauvignon Gewurztraminer Riesling Riesling 338751 360924 338750 338752 338709 IDAHO STE CHAPELLE Chateau Series 197570 122679 230936 128501 287074 293478 378994 379003 378999 379002 ZIPZ 07 08 09 Winemakers Selection Blueberry Mead Dry Mead Lavender Mead Semi Sweet Mead 06 08 07 06 MAINE HONEYMAKER MARYLAND ST MICHAELS WINERY Sweet Wines Gollywobbler Red Gollywobbler Peach Gollywobbler Pink Gollywobbler White Gollywobbler Black 56DC Beverage Journal March 2015 338759 338761 338760 338764 338755 338762 353871 338757 289205 289201 301632 296482 Signature Signe Zoller 338754 360926 338765 Bubbly Wobbler Sparkling Anchors Away Rose Semi-Sweet Chocolate Zin NV Dry Whites Long Splice (Seyval/Chard) St Michaels White (Vidal) Pinot Gris Sauv Blanc Stoney Oak Rsv Chardonnay (unoaked) Oakey Dokey Chardonnay 11 Dry Reds Island Belle Sangiovese Maryland Merlot 11 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 375ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 3 6 12 6 6 3 12 6 12 12 3 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 3 6 12 6 12 12 12OZ 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 187ML 1.5L 3.0L 750ML 187ML 750ML 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 187ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 187ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 6 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML NEW YORK STATE BULLY HILL 074491 199844 279906 199842 199843 193838 075760 199800 037547 172439 148404 036911 037546 037545 199789 038115 199785 036910 199886 171422 199793 American Riesling Growers Red Riesling Growers Riesling Niagra Banty Red Chardonnay Felicity Fishmarket White Fusion Red Goat White Le Goat Blush Love My Goat Red Meatmarket Red Ravat 51 Blanc Seasons White Seyval Blanc Sweet Walter Red Sweet Walter Rose Sweet Walter White Traminette 10 362861 361054 335823 229169 128272 298285 128281 335827 128280 298286 275771 225487 311965 128285 128284 258365 338357 172275 172278 128279 311964 175479 172279 258364 338365 128286 Cider Tree Sparkling Cider 6/4 Cider Tree Sparkling Cider Bramble Berry Party Pouch Bramble Berry Bramble Berry Bramble Berry 6/4pk Cabin Fever Cabin Fever Party Pouch Cabin Fever Cabin Fever 6/4pk Holiday Red Cat Holiday White Cat Red Cat Party Pouch Red Cat Red Cat Red Cat 6/4pk Red Cat Fizz Riesling Homestead Reserve Riesling Semi Dry Schooner Red White Cat Party Pouch White Cat White Cat White Cat 6/4pk White Cat Fizz White Stag 374345 374346 Chillin’ White Smooth Red HAZLITT HOUSE JAM OHIO 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 038963 072675 318084 072655 Haut Sauternes Ruby Port #44 Sinful Sangria Sherry Cream #44 MEIER’S Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 20 OREGON BRIDGEVIEW VINEYARDS 063145 063142 Gewurztraminer Pinot Noir 262973 262974 063141 262979 262982 025301 063146 325921 320983 320981 320984 320982 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvigon/Merlot Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Gris Pinot Noir Riesling Semi Sparkling Riesling Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Riesling 320988 Pinot Noir 10 09 12 12 750ML 750ML 08 08 07 08 09 08 09 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 4 4 4 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 12 750ML Blue Moon Restaurant Wines EVENING LAND 371443 347977 347823 366583 Chardonnay Seven Springs Pinot Noir Eola Amity Hills Pinot Noir Seven Springs Pinot Noir Williamete Valley 330347 Pinot Noir 218861 342321 218685 350030 320798 218909 218375 350140 218686 Holiday Spirit Niagara Niagara Sangri-La Sangria Sangri-La Sangria Spiced Apple Spring Wine Sunset Blush Sunset Blush 12 11 11 12 WINDY BAY 12 PENNSYLVANIA 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML CHADDSFORD WINERY 325144 349749 354501 327212 327220 327221 Chardonnay Cru Meritage New World Red Rose Sauvignon Blanc 327115 071025 327249 Blanc de Blanc Brut Reserve Brut Rose VIRGINIA TRUMP WINERY 08 Sparkling 08 07 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 6 12 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML WASHINGTON STATE GOOSE RIDGE - Columbia Valley 144776 243830 080820 291329 G3 Cabernet Sauvignon G3 Chardonnay G3 Merlot G3 Red Blend 327668 233246 323042 336864 319847 323512 288791 348365 348362 360935 371707 352282 360936 362420 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML House Wine White House Wine Red Fish House Sauv Blanc Market Moscato Mountain Merlot Originals Riesling Steakhouse Cab Sauv 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay House Wine Red Malbec Riesling Sauvignon Blanc 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L HOUSE WINE Bag-in-Box Mix & Match PENDULUM - Columbia Valley Red Table Wine 12 12 STONECAP - Columbia Valley 176804 176796 188760 188729 176795 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Riesling Syrah 374270 202488 331102 351774 222728 222726 222725 209399 285071 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Merlot Pinot Gris Riesling Sangiovese Rose Sauvignon Blanc Syrah 359530 319691 333426 368027 222729 205015 Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Chardonnay Rsv Malbec Rsv Merlot Rsv Melange Blanc Melange Noir WATERBROOK 13 10 11 11 11 12 12 Reserves 11 10 10 11 10 09 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML WINES OF THE WORLD - IMPORTED ARGENTINA 342298 312403 Classico Mediterraneo 270284 Malbec ADUENTUS 08 ANDES CROSSING 10 ANTIGAL 344092 344095 291407 281426 324032 344066 Cabernet Sauvignon Uno Cab Sauv Uno Wood Box Malbec One Malbec Uno Malbec Uno Wood Box Torrontes Uno 306165 304451 253634 376454 164753 304540 304452 150093 Bonarda Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Classic Chardonnay Reserva Malbec Malbec Reserve Pinot Grigio Torrontes Reserve 298800 139260 298801 139261 298404 139259 152865 139262 183976 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chardonnay Malbec Malbec Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz Torrontes 330574 149975 357970 346799 346801 346788 ARGENTO ASTICA 6 6 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 6 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML BODEGAS CARO - JOINT VENTURE W/ ROTHSCHILD-LAFITE & CATENA Amancaya Cabernet/Malbec Aruma Malbec Caro Cab Sauv/Malbec 11 10 BUDEGUER Cuatromil Cabernet Sauvigon Rsv Chardonnay Rsv Malbec Rsv 10 13 10 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 57DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 21 Patrimonio 346800 Malbec 346961 346963 346965 346966 Chardonnay Malbec Malbec Special Rsv Torrontes Special Rsv 296188 296189 322646 09 CALDEN EAGLE’S ROCK Malbec Pinot Noir Torrontes 09 08 FELIPE RUTINI 368240 174412 372942 368233 368222 368234 033870 372708 Apartardo Grand Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Coleccion Chardonnay Encuentro Encuentro Barrell Blend Malbec Encuentro Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Coleccion 361046 280951 306861 Malbec Reserve Malbec Torrontes FILUS 09 11 09 07 14 11 6 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML GAUCHEZCO - Mendoza 343548 296488 308032 262175 343544 306654 306653 Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Malbec Gauchezco Malbec Oro Malbec Plata Malbec Reserva Malbec Rose Torrontes 185453 367139 Malbec Sea of Stones Red 08 09 LAYER CAKE 10 LUIGI BOSCA Icons 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 331933 334139 353993 331931 331890 331946 331908 374950 331930 Cab Sauv Bouchet Chardonnay Gala 1 Red Gala 2 Red Gala 3 White Gala 4 Red Icono Malbec DOC Lujan de Cuyo Malbec Verdot 08 11 11 10 11 10 08 12 09 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 331929 331905 374034 333246 376376 331907 105618 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Pinot Noir Riesling Sauvignon Blanc Syrah 10 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 234356 105603 105611 104002 105612 105613 111773 190377 105614 Estate Wines - Mix & Match Finca La Linda - Mix & Match Bonarda Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Rose Syrah Tempranillo Torrontes Viognier MICHEL TORINO Colleccion 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 369428 369427 Malbec Torrontes 270348 265766 367448 367450 Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec Tannat Torrontes 367189 238419 Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec 368754 368756 361909 368758 362303 231373 345779 368760 368755 Bonarda Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Camila Malbec Malbec Camila Malbec Don Nicanor Malbec Terroir Blend Pinot Noir Torrontes 346939 346946 Sweet Red Sweet White 191009 191010 320637 320638 191008 Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec Malbec Gran Reserva Petite Verdot Reserva Torrontes 340777 340779 340776 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec 175906 175907 180815 175908 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Merlot 034401 044135 044136 372750 174417 276916 174418 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Malbec Malbec/Syrah Pinot Noir Torrontes 376431 191006 297494 Corte A Red Blend Corte B Red Blend Corte C Red Blend 220143 Shiraz Don David Mix & Match 11 NIETO SENETINER 09 SUA TOMERO TUCUMEN TIERRA BRISA 11 TRUMPETER VISTALBA 11 AUSTRALIA ANTHROPOLOGY BANROCK STATION 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 6 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 274648 274650 274651 274652 274656 274657 274658 274661 338767 274666 274663 Cabernet Sauvignon BiB Chardonnay BiB Merlot BiB Shiraz BiB Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Moscato Pink Moscato Shiraz Shiraz / Cab Sauv 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 24 24 250ML 250ML 6 750ML RTD Bellini’s Mix & Match Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec Malbec Rose 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 336550 336541 Peach Bellini Strawberry Bellini 369429 Cabernet Sauvignon 12 750ML 325770 Red Blend 58DC Beverage Journal March 2015 750ML 750ML MOUNTAIN DOOR - Mendoza 377510 368795 249396 Cuma Organic 12 12 BELLA RIVA - Victoria Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 22 325762 6 BROTHERS IN ARMS 062886 331431 Shiraz/Cabernet #6 Noble Fuckeliana 234225 257346 145496 237506 230518 Chardonnay Petite Syrah Pinot Grigio Shiraz Sparkling Brut 325757 325760 319478 319476 Chardonnay Shiraz Sweet Escape Red Sweet Escape White 281503 281431 750ML 12 6 750ML 375ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Vat 9 Cabernet Sauvignong Vat 10 Pinot Noir 12 12 750ML 750ML 312914 299816 312917 299818 267278 Moscato Pinot Grigio Pink Moscato Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 323224 339630 21 Year Old Boys Tawny Port Willowglen Tawny Port 6 6 750ML 750ML 322675 322414 Pinot Noir Shiraz / Viognier 6 6 750ML 750ML 326098 326096 326095 326097 354993 Cab Sauv McLaren Vale Shiraz Barossa Valley Shiraz Langhorne Creek Shiraz McLaren Vale Shiraz Rsv Barossa Valley 12 12 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 11 DE BORTOLI 09 08 10 08 Day Trippers Deen Vat Series Emeri Fortified Gulf Station GOTHAM 11 HARDY’S Hardy’s Stamp 136886 136887 136889 136890 136888 278071 234002 284664 284500 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Riesling Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Shiraz 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 035051 292359 014068 Chardonnay Pinot Noir Shiraz 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML Nottage Hill - Mix & Match 052377 Whiskers Blake Tawny Port 189925 Shiraz / Cabernet 172785 Cabernet Sauvignon No.28 145498 335943 063081 275029 286126 173290 173291 White Blend Port INK BERRY 10 JOHN’S BLEND 01 LAYER CAKE Shiraz Barossa Valley Chardonnay Picadilly Riesling Chardonnay #11 Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet / Merlot Chardonnay PETALUMA 10 06 PHILIP SHAW 06 07 ROLLING 05 06 12 750ML 12 750ML 6 173297 Shiraz 07 343961 184725 365308 279788 182704 001523 Blackwell Shiraz Eden Valley Riesling Faith Shiraz Gamekeepers Red Blend (GST) Old Block Shiraz Poachers Blnd Sem / Sauv 326103 Shiraz McLaren Vale 333396 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz 327954 327948 Chardonnay Shiraz 325764 Sparkling Brut 10 12 WILLIAM HARDY WILLOWGLEN 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML WINE MEN OF GOTHAM Brut Cuvee Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Moscato Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz Shiraz Grenache 750ML 6 12 12 12 6 12 TINTARA - McLaren Vale 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 10 10 12 12 750ML 750ML 13 12 09 09 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 1.0L 750ML 12 6 1.0L 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML AUSTRIA DOMAINE WACHAU 067878 104316 Gruner Terrass Riesling Federspiel 368642 368640 256987 256985 Gruner Veltliner Ferspiel Gruner Veltliner Smaragd Riesling Federspiel Riesling Smaragd 197415 321236 Gruner Veltliner Gr. Velt. Lossterrassen 237433 334328 Gruner Veltliner Gruner Velt Alte Reben 265725 Gruner Veltliner 323232 Sauvignon Blanc Steil 750ML Blaufrankisch Muskat St. Laurent Zweigelt 12 750ML 325869 Zweigelt 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 04 SXS 197688 197837 116547 040603 12 12 11 10 13 STALKING HORSE 339582 372289 333440 333455 334461 333472 333465 326100 326104 333444 12 ST HALLETT - Barossa Valley EDER FELSNER 09 10 GROISS 10 GROONER HARKAMP 06 ZANTHO ZVY-GELT BRAZIL AURORA CELLARS 336434 336428 336426 Chardonnay Tannat Rsv Pinot Noir 326911 320268 320269 Sparkling Brut Spk Red Moscato Spk White Moscato CARNAVAL Beverage Journal March 2015 59DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 23 CHILE 368141 382353 380515 354139 368120 Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Malbec Sauvignon Blanc Syrah 320722 158468 320721 158471 Cabernet Sauvignon Cab / Merlot Organic Merlot Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 346944 346945 Malbec/Cab Sauv Sauv Blanc/Moscato 276208 Cabernet Sauvignon 321361 321357 321356 321349 321360 321359 321354 321358 Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Chardonnay Malbec Merlot Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz 335145 335132 366161 335149 335150 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Malbec Red Blend Sauvignon Blanc 1865 35 SOUTH 09 08 09 10 ALFIN CABO DE HORNOS 07 CASTILLO DE MOLINA 08 09 08 08 10 08 EPICA SAN PEDRO GATO NEGRO 322300 145696 220798 145695 220804 220847 285846 322301 322302 150198 145697 221319 381148 284608 291173 150199 220800 150200 309033 381147 322299 221318 322298 322303 322304 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet / Merlot Cabernet / Merlot Cabernet / Merlot Cabernet / Shiraz Carmenere Carmenere Chardonnay Chardonnay Chardonnay Fruity White Malbec Malbec Merlot Merlot Moscato Moscato Red Velvet Sauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Syrah Syrah 296108 Brut Rose 354882 017822 033436 365043 033439 172043 033438 Cabernet Sauvignon Le Dix Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Reserve Chardonnay Rose Sauvignon Blanc 275012 355853 333524 333523 12 12 12 13 11 Sparkling LOS VASCOS 11 09 10 11 11 MASCARA DE FUEGO Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 60DC Beverage Journal March 2015 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 323212 323214 PEREZ CRUZ Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere 06 06 P.K.N.T. Gold Collection 259793 234104 323711 Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Carmenere Rsv Chardonnay Rsv 170771 170772 170773 170774 178182 170776 Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 318321 318322 318320 333132 318323 Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Malbec Moscato D’Asti Sauvignon Blanc Silver Series TERRA ANDINA CROATIA MARASKA 069921 Cherry Wine Kosher 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 223421 Cherry Wine Cordial 316647 Sauvignon Blanc 4 6 12 4 6 12 6 6 12 4 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 4 6 12 6 12 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 3.0L 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 311342 164871 381112 030338 310959 320459 030323 365033 Ch de Cosse Sauternes Ch Moulin du Duhart DBR RSV Medoc DBR RSV Speciale Blanc DBR RSV Speciale Pauillac DBR RSV Speciale Pauillac DBR RSV Speciale Rouge DBR RSV Speciale St Emilion 12 750ML 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 343864 329257 329256 355061 359023 334860 359025 359001 359682 308826 359667 360166 308839 264151 308670 317045 334870 308846 316145 334970 251313 317149 334957 359091 359027 359002 335000 10 DENMARK KIJAFA FRANCE 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 12 750ML 1749 by Pierre Chanier - Loire Valley 12 BARONS DE ROTHSCHILD - LAFITE 09 08 09 10 09 10 10 12 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 BIRTHDAY CAKE VINEYARDS *** Mix & Match *** Cake Batter White Coffee Cake Red Cheesecake White Strawberry Shortcake 12 12 12 12 BOUCHARD PERE & FILS - Burgundy Reds Beaune Clos de la Mousse Beaune Clos St Landry Beaune Clos St Landry Beaune Greves L’Enfant Jesus Beaune Greves L’Enfant Jesus Beaune Marconnets Beaune Marconnets Beaune Teurons Chambolle Musigny Chateau Rouge Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin Le Corton Nuits St Georges Les Cailles Nuits St Georges Les Cailles Nuits St Georges Les Cailles Pinot Noir Reserve Pommard Cru Pommard Cru Santenay Savigny Beaune Lavieres Savigny Les Beaune Volnay Caillerets Ancienne 12 11 12 12 12 09 12 12 09 09 09 10 11 09 10 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 24 308842 334969 Whites 359077 251311 334863 359088 349117 Aloxe Corton Bourg Blanc Chardonnay Rsv Corton Charlemagne Meursault Les Clos Pouilly Fuisse 261676 076794 LeCote Blanche Macon Villages Les Charmes Macon-Lugny 278433 Bordeaux Superieure 309664 169048 325155 277987 373060 349755 373059 373244 347895 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 06 12 CH. D’AUSSIERES - LAFITE - Corbieres Blason d’Aussieres Val De L’Ours Chardonnay Ch D’Aussieres Val De L’Ours Cab / Syrah 09 08 09 06 12 12 12 12 CH. D’ESCLANS - Provence Whispering Angel Rose Whispering Angel Rose Whispering Angel Rose Whispering Angel Rose 14 13 14 14 3 12 12 24 CH. DE CENAC ALBATROS Malbec CH. DE CORCELLES 015066 291425 050285 291424 Cotes du Roussillon Rouge Jaja de Jau Sauv Blanc Jaja de Jau Rose Jaja de Jau Rouge 377915 Montagne St. Emilion 12 09 08 09 CH. DE MALENGIN 09 CH. DE SEUIL Graves Blanc Graves Rouge 11 09 314661 314635 359166 314666 337151 Julienas Conseillere P Fuisse Combettes P Fuisse Les Clos Pouilly Fuisse V.V. Tete de Cru 11 Sancerre Blanc Sancerre Rouge 11 13 10 09 11 14 CH. LA RABOTINE 11 10 CH. REDORTIER 000529 338237 Beaumes-de-Venise Rouge Gigondas 344471 007681 Bordeaux Blanc Bordeaux Rouge 348586 Margaux 322391 Fronsac 09 09 09 1.5L 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML CH. TROIS CROIX - Bordeaux 09 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 CH. SAINT SULPICE - Bordeaux CH. SOUSSANS 750ML 750ML CH. LA NERTHE - Rhone Valley Chateauneuf du Pape Rouge Chateauneuf du Pape Blanc Chateauneuf du Pape Cuvee Chateauneuf du Pap Clos Dom. De la Renjarde CDR Pet. Fontaine Cotes Du Rhone Prieure Montazargues Rose 750ML 750ML 12 CH. LA GARDINE - Rhone Valley Chateauneuf du Pape 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML CH. FUISSE - Burgundy 10 10 12 10 11 750ML 750ML 12 CH. DE JAU - Languedoc 341645 345577 331425 334521 12 09 11 12 12 12 12 CH. CAZENOVE - Bordeaux Brouilly 367285 365798 319589 167392 319061 317743 380751 09 11 CAVES DE LUGNY - Burgundy 356597 358109 Volnay Clos des Chenes Volnay Vosne Romanee Sucho 12 750ML 336634 CH. VALENTIN Haut-Medoc 06 371538 337659 314620 338103 324312 Chablis Chablis Clos Hospices Chablis Les Clos Chablis Vaillon Moreau Chablis Valmur 316648 323894 323892 Vouvray Brut Vouvray Demi Sec Vouvray Sec 348589 348575 319837 Edelzwicker Reserve Gewurztraminer Estate Riesling Kessler 336554 ChampsdelaTruffiere 377908 334512 374146 374145 357875 12 CHRISTIAN MOREAU - Burgundy 13 11 11 11 08 12 6 6 12 6 CLOS DU NOUYS - Loire 6 12 12 DOMAINE DIRLER-CADE 11 11 10 12 12 12 DOMAINE DU DEFFENDS 10 12 DOMAINE DU RAIFAULT Chinon Cuvee Tradtion 12 DOMAINE DUBREUIL-FONTAINE Bourg Blanc Les Crenilles Corton Bressandes Pernand-Blanc Clos Berthet Pernand-Rouge Clos Berthet 11 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 DOMAINE FAIVELEY - Burgundy Reds 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 018616 337077 360329 314348 337304 314647 338181 337309 338186 336833 337079 377765 314389 245261 337656 Blagny Piece Sous Bois Bourgogne Rouge Bourgogne Rouge Bourgogne Rouge Chambertin Clos de Beze Gevrey Chambertin Gevrey Chamb Cazetiers Latricieres Chambertin Mazis Chambertin Mercurey Clos Myglands Mercurey La Framboise Mercurey Rouge Nuits St George Nuits St George Porets Nuits St George Porets 11 11 12 10 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 13 10 10 11 6 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 337135 360327 314418 314364 306982 339939 337140 350374 337146 341670 Bourgogne Aligote Bourgogne Blanc Bourgogne Blanc Chablis Les Clos Macon Villages Mercurey Blanc Mercurey Clos Rochette Mercurey Clos Rochette Meursault Montagny Blanc 11 12 10 10 10 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 314107 327487 Chablis Les Pargues Chablis Montmains 349174 349162 Blanc Claret Whites DOMAINE ROMAIN COLLET 10 10 DOWNTON ABBEY 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML GERARD BERTRAND - Languedoc AOC Terroir 158236 310635 345663 Corbieres Languedoc Rouge Minervois 158237 254072 323865 260835 Banyuls Banyuls 1951 Rivesaltes 1945 Maury 1929 10 11 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 51 45 29 6 1 1 1 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Banyuls Beverage Journal March 2015 61DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 25 Estates and Domains 243522 241084 355339 236703 350581 310636 305353 255865 138914 310633 Ch.Hospitalet Blanc Ch.Hospitalet Rouge Cotes des Roses Rose Domaine Cigalus Blanc Domaine Cigalus Rouge Fitou Gris Blanc Rose La Forge La Forge Saint Chinian 337418 369280 243521 243472 La Clape Les Aspres Pic St. Loupe Tautavel 249995 249996 343692 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Naturae 09 11 08 NaturaeSulfiteFree Reserve Speciate Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Syrah Rose Viognier 332377 316567 357242 357244 Code Rouge Bl de Bl Cremant Rose 6 Cremant Rose T. Jefferson 151779 289523 353132 377464 289524 294209 310494 368974 Dom Della Perrier Sancerre Les Clissas D’Or Muscat Serre Pinot Noir Pinot Noir Le Petite Perriere Sauv Blanc Le Domaine Saget Pouilly Fume Marie Beauregard Chinon Marie Beauregard Vouvray Sparkling NV 10 750ML 12 GUY SAGET - Loire 08 08 09 13 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML HECHT & BANNIER - Languedoc 071103 335930 374286 327401 259990 321177 349771 291065 Bandol Cotes de Provence Rose Cotes du Roussillon Faugeres Languedon Rouge Languedon White Minervois Rose 080277 325379 080266 157912 337350 085274 Gentil Gewurztraminer Pinot Blanc Amours Pinot Gris Pinot Gris Riesling Alsace 09 11 10 10 11 11 HUGEL - Alsace 09 11 08 09 11 08 ICE CREAM CELLARS *** Mix & Match *** Dutch Chocolate Red Espresso Red Raspberry Ripple Red French Vanilla White 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML LE CAPRICE DE CLEMENTINE 314008 Rose 368045 352230 Sancerre Blanc Sancerre Rouge 188250 09 Grand Terrior 241102 158229 166085 158231 357241 158235 158230 329258 329260 329261 329252 10 11 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 12 LES HOSPICES - Loire 13 11 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML LES TOURS - Languedoc CertifiedEnvironmentallyFriendly Sauvignon Blanc 62DC Beverage Journal March 2015 07 12 750ML L’ORVAL - Languedoc 052086 052087 052088 052089 180031 180032 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chardonnay Pinot Noir Pinot Noir 096132 128344 294358 339103 168962 089861 283054 089862 196602 089848 Cremant Brut Cremant Rose Brut Cuvee Henry Riesling Gewurztraminer Gewurztraminer Maria Pinot Blanc Balthazar Pinot Gris Cecile Pinot Gris Romanus Pinot Noir Amplus Riesling 323852 Cheval Noir 6 12 6 12 6 12 LUCIEN ALBRECHT - Alsace NV NV 07 12 09 09 09 10 05 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 MAHLER-BESSE - Bordeaux 09 12 MAISON BELLE CLAIRE - Provence 377683 377665 377673 Rose Rose Rose 328963 073443 056911 Chiroubles Cote-de-Brouilly Beaujolais Macon-Villages 163301 334365 163302 Malbec Rose Terret White MAISON TRENEL 10 11 11 10 Bourgogne Pinot Noir Gevrey Chambertin Macon-Villages Blanc Macon-Villages Blanc Nuits St. George Pouilly Fuisse 023916 371751 066279 337331 359153 302695 337329 337115 375783 294914 337113 357327 307823 344654 Bourgogne Aligote Bourgogne Blanc Setilles Bourgogne Cuvee Margot Chassagne Montrachet Chassagne Mont Clos St Marc Chassagne Mont Morgeots Meursault Meursault Charmes Meursault Poruzots Puligny Montrachet Puligny Montrachet Puligny Montrachet Puligny Mont. Folatieres Rully Les Cloux 006054 231023 295779 358836 357084 370989 376283 Attitude Sauvignon Blanc Pouilly Fume Pouilly Fume Sancerre Sancerre Sancerre Caillottes Sancerre Chene Marchand 343189 162584 283452 370104 322370 158710 322496 237356 145568 310550 Beaumes de Muscat Cht Pape Cedres Rouge Cht Pape Terre Ferme Crozes Herm Jalets Crozes Herm Thalabert Domaine Ray Roure Red Gigondas La Chapelle La Chapelle St Joseph La Croix 07 11 12 06 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 OLIVER LEFLAIVE - Burgundy 12 11 12 07 11 11 07 08 11 12 09 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PASCAL JOLIVET - Loire 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PAUL JABOULET - Rhone Valley 10 08 09 11 10 07 09 09 09 09 750ML 1.5L 750ML 375ML NICHOLAS POTEL - Burgundy 242395 164348 322767 336013 187099 336011 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 12 MARC ROMAN - Languedoc 10 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 3 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 26 353278 085599 118101 007581 334518 Muscadet Saint-Fiacre 316655 316659 Pinot Noir Vouvray 11 12 08 09 10 09 12 12 12 12 ROC DE CHATEAUVIEUX - Loire 12 12 SACHA LICHINE - Vin de France 356308 356307 356309 Red Blend #8 Rose Single Blend White Blend #5 150209 150210 313487 La Poule Blanche Le Coq Rouge Le Poussin Rose Chicken Wines SAINT-HILAIRE Blanc de Blanc Brut Blanc de Blanc Semi Sweet 08 07 Cotes du Rhone Lirac 12 346896 Fleurie Rsv 12 11 11 11 VINCENT - Burgundy Cremant de Bourgogne JJ Bourgogne Blanc Pouilly Fuisse Marie Antoinett 12 Chablis Chablis Bougros Chablis Bougros Chablis Bouguerots Chablis Champs Royaux Chablis Champs Royaux Chablis Champs Royaux Chablis Domaine Chablis Fourchames Chablis Monte de Tonne Chablis Vaillons Chablis Vaulorent Chablis Vaulorent 321233 288890 288889 321232 Dornfelder Dry Gewurztraminer Kabinett Riesling Medium Dry Spatburgunder 09 09 12 11 12 09 13 13 11 12 12 11 12 GERMANY A. DIEHL - PFALZ 09 09 09 09 BLACK TOWER 239070 170841 018453 039280 039281 Dornfelder Pinot Noir Pinot Grigio Riesling Rivaner Rivaner 351096 351097 320726 Authentic White Authentic White Riesling BLUE NUN 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML WILLIAM FEVRE - Burgundy 301654 305550 359069 335617 360349 154712 374134 378754 335620 358986 358985 336132 359684 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 VILLA PONCIAGO - Beaujolais 11 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML STEPHANE AVIRON - Burgundy Beaujolais Village Chenas V.V. Julienas V.V. Morgon Cote du Py V.V. 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 ST. ROCHE - Rhone Valley 337339 337342 337343 337340 318341 222582 348309 12 12 12 12 POTEL - AVIRON - Beaujolais Cote de Brouilly V.V. Cote de Brouilly V.V. Fleurie V.V. Julienas V.V. 376259 019558 08 09 10 10 PIERRE HENRI GADAIS 066270 138378 250829 222605 057587 064689 Vacqueyras Les Cypres Parallel 45 Red Parallel 45 Rose Parallel 45 White 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 1.0L 750ML 1.0L 750ML 12 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 6 12 4 1.5L 750ML 3.0L 220849 337496 Riesling Sweet Red 309598 Christkindl Gluhwein 336702 321234 Badstube Riesling Kabinett Sofia’sRiesling 321542 Riesling Mosel CHRISTKINDL DR. H. THANISCH 10 08 OH SCHIST 12 SCHLEINITZ 274463 275497 Riesling Dry QBA Riesling QBA 374868 329985 Riesling Estate Riesling Spatlese 274462 321239 249368 Riesling Auslese Riesling Kabinett Riesling Spatlese 321618 Riesling 321240 Gruner Veltliner Alte Reben 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 1.0L 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML SCHLOSS SCHONBORN 12 09 12 12 ST. LUDWIN - BERNKASTLER 09 11 08 STONE FRUIT WEIXELBAUM 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML 6 6 6 12 12 500ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML HUNGARY 353142 340720 346687 333045 379735 CHATEAU DERESZLA Aszu 5 Puttonyos Tokaji Dry Tokaji Semi-Dry Petit Castel Mt Hermon Moscato 07 10 ITALY 071 - Sparkling Wines 241376 276145 Prosecco DOC Raboso Moscato Rose 361271 Maremma Rosso 642 - Toscana 11 AZZURRI 322846 322845 322837 322836 322853 322851 322855 322839 322838 322840 Chardonnay Chardonnay Chianti DOCG Chianti DOCG Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Nero D’Avola Pinot Grigio Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir 294534 294535 326549 294527 294536 294538 322388 264595 326980 302483 Barbera D’Asti - Stradivario Barbera D’Asti - Libera Barolo Barolo Contrabasso Chardonnay Thou Blanc Dolcetto Contravento Gavi di Gavi Moscato D’Asti Moscato D’Asti Rosetta Malvasia 364110 364113 364112 Moscato Aranciata (Orange) Moscato Fragolata (Strawberry) Moscato Limonata (Lemon) 336982 336988 336976 Prosecco Miraval Extra Dry Prosecco San Fermo Rose Spumante Brut 08 08 09 09 08 08 08 10 10 08 BAVA - Piedmonte 03 07 06 03 10 09 11 11 11 BELLA BELLINA BELLENDA - Veneto Beverage Journal March 2015 63DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 27 033976 320524 243384 017770 010712 017771 BERSANO - Piedmonte Barbera Barbaresco Barolo Dolcetto Gavi di Gavi DOCG Moscato 10 09 07 11 BIONDI-SANTI - Toscana Tenuta Greppo 004663 313920 Brunello di Montalcino Annata Rosso di Montalcino 182851 320667 167763 182853 298915 Barbera d’Asti Barolo Brachetto D’Aqui Gavi di Gavi Moscato D’Asti 004217 059907 004219 059906 002112 001893 004220 001760 167567 117590 08 07 CA BIANCA 08 10 12 11 CA DONINI - Trentino *** Mix & Match *** Chardonnay Chardonnay Merlot Merlot Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Pinot Grigio Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir 09 08 09 08 09 10 10 08 CA’MONTINI - Trentino Aristicratico Pinot Grigio 12 CALDORA - Abruzzo 132795 116261 132796 116262 Chardonnay Montepulciano Sangiovese Trebbiano 062210 097037 024012 097033 022699 097030 024014 Lambrusco Mellow Peach Mellow Peach Mellow Rose Mellow Rose Mellow White Mellow White 264494 294543 Chianti Rosso di Montalcino 10 09 CANEI 07 08 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 6 6 CANTINE CELLARO - Sicilia Luma Bianco Luma Nero D’Avola 295106 321021 321017 324311 Bonarda Frizzante Mont’Arquato Barbera Mont’Arquato Chardonnay Gutturnio Ris Bonarda/Barb 12 12 CASABELLA - Emilia Romagna 08 08 05 CASCINA Moscato D’Asti CASTELLO MONACI 274973 355029 316508 295235 188242 188241 188240 Artas Primitivo Artas Primitivo Fiano Salento Kreos Rose Liante Salentino Maro Negroamaro Piluna Primitivo 310533 310532 312646 359902 360741 Lambrusco Lambrusco Robanera Abboccado Prosecco Sparkling Rose 64DC Beverage Journal March 2015 09 11 10 12 08 10 CAVICCHIOLI NV 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 CANTINA Di MONTALCINO - Toscana 347009 347011 312416 12 12 12 12 12 12 329311 364873 313186 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 12 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 11 Inzolia Chardonnay Nero D’Avola 264570 294628 264561 294631 321069 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Chardonnay Pinot Grigio Manci Vyd Pinot Noir Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 334595 Sangiovese 269207 303008 310789 276224 287805 287804 294590 335754 12 12 6 CENTARE - DUCA Di CASTELMONTE Sicily 297611 297612 08 CONCILIO - Trentino 09 07 DA LUCA - Veneto DIEVOLE Broccato Red Devolino DOCG Chianti La Vendemma Chianti Class Novecento Chianti Class 06 07 08 06 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML DINARI - DUCA Di CASTELMONTE - Sicilia Grillo Nero D’Avola Syrah Tripudium 07 07 09 DOGLIOTTI 381145 Barolo 301438 182973 Desires Rose Essence Merlot 321076 321074 321070 321071 294594 306810 321072 Marsala Fine DOC Dry Marsala Fine DOC Sweet Marsala Fine DOC Sweet Marsala Fine DOC Dry Nero D’Avola Notorious Moscato Notorious Passito di Pantelleria - Ipsus 221305 Chianti Riserva 366069 1.5L 750ML Sparkling White Spumante Vigna Del Christo 09 12 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML DONNA CRISTINA - Lazio - Roma 08 08 12 12 DUCA Di CASTELMONTE NOTORIOUS DUCAROSSO FARMERS OF WINE Red Table Wine FATTORIA DEI BARBI 261802 305816 361910 320457 300468 074198 332575 006850 Brunello di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino Brunello Montalcino Vigna Fior Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Brusco di Barbi Morellino di Scansano Rosso di Montalcino 324413 324139 Inzolia / Chardonnay Nero D’Avola / Syrah 263934 325241 263933 325242 Dry Vermouth Dry Vermouth Sweet Vermouth Sweet Vermouth 365258 286942 286940 356795 097322 081326 081316 118340 085981 Montepulciano D’Abruzzo BiB Pinot Grigio BiB Pinot Noir BiB Toscana Rosso BiB Bardolino Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chianti Merlot 04 06 08 05 04 07 11 08 FEUDO ZIRTARI FLORENTINO FOLONARI - Veneto 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 375ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 500ML 12 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 1.0L 750ML 1.0L 750ML 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 28 003153 304099 081357 128267 097320 97321 081325 081317 118341 085980 164105 081315 128258 090379 003154 97323 FORMENTINI - Collio 4223 312641 312644 Pinot Grigio Friulano Sauvignon Blanc 331410 348588 334529 Brachetto Passito Pian Sogni Le Grive Rosso Moscato PAssito Piasa Rischei 075628 344237 Barbera D’Alba Il Ciotto Barolo Rocchettevino 321893 323857 308507 321889 308511 308505 308506 10 10 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML FORTETO DELLA LUJA 11 06 6 12 6 GIANFRANCO BOVIO - Piedmonte 12 08 GIORGIO & GIANNI Angel - Nero D’Avola Nero - Negroamaro Nero - Negroamaro PG- Pinot Grigio PG - Pinot Grigio Sweet Red - Lambrusco Sweet Red - Lambrusco 10 08 10 10 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 HOUSE JAM - Emilia - Romagna 313160 Lambrusco 370611 Red Blend 348581 Montepulciano Moscato Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir Soave Valpolicella Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chianti Merlot Moscato Pinot Grigio Pinot Noir Bardolino Montepulciano Valpolicella IF YOU SEE KAY 12 08 Braccale Sassoalloro Schiodone III Millenio 359242 345390 083342 Muller Thurgau Pinot Bianco Pinot Grigio 150208 Gavi di Gavi 10 08 97 KETTMEIR - Alto Adige 13 12 750ML 12 750ML 750ML 1.5L 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 LA SCOLCA- Piedmonte Gavi White Label Gavi de Gavi Black Label Gavi de Gavi Black Label Rugre Spumante 324617 379901 PG / Moscato PG / Moscato 12 12 10 LADY LOLA LAMBERTI 226366 226367 Sparkling Prosecco Sparkling Rose 324300 366778 376871 Chianti Classico DOCG Chianti Classico Riserva Chianti Campolungo Rsv 185452 Primitivo LAMOLE 09 09 10 LAYER CAKE 750ML 6 6 1 LA CHIARA - Piedmonte 340341 356197 310804 252191 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L JACOPO BIONDI - SANTI 323016 316582 157632 750ML 750ML 6 IL MACCHIONE - Toscana Vino Nobile Montepulciano 375ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 12 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 324750 164716 316253 Brunello Brunello Riserva Rosso Di Montalcino 047106 306903 232705 363500 Amarone Valpolicella Cabernet Sauvignon Reciotto Valpolicella 221262 221260 320715 Dry Marsala Sweet Marsala Sweet 421 LE CHUISE 06 01 09 LE RAGOSE - Veneto 06 08 07 09 LOMBARDO 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 500ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML LUNA DI LUNA *** Mix & Match All Sizes! *** 003296 003285 065928 048012 Chardonnay / Pinot Grigio Chardonnay / Pinot Grigio Merlot / Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot / Cabernet Sauvignon 358519 Prosecco Sparkling Private Collection 144734 316916 Pinot Grigio Valpolicella Ripasso 067898 041471 064485 Pinot Grigio IGT Rubesco Torre di Giano 322380 322381 Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Trebbiano D’Abruzzo 317475 091937 245824 362276 364386 237275 373454 373418 304436 373414 318512 373417 310437 275854 001071 285795 352333 183421 Arneis Barbera Maraia Barbera Ravera Barbera Ruvei Barbaresco Barolo Barolo Cannubi Barolo Cannubi Barolo Chinato Barolo del Comune Barolo Coste Di Rose Barolo Sarmassa Barolo Riserva Barolo Riserva Dolcetto D’Alba Madonna Gavi Gavi Di Gavi Black Label Moscato D’Asti 352007 358575 373421 339879 348065 326488 373423 Barbera D’Alba Rinaldi Barolo Terlo Ravera Barolo Terlo Ravera Bricci Barone Nebbiolo Papa Celso Dogliani Dolceto Pressenda Barolo Pressenda Barolo 134018 360246 297348 Chianti San Lorenzo Chianti Selvanella Chianti Terrarossa Issassi 024837 085912 081502 374119 088803 297389 Chianti Borghi d’Elsa Chianti Borghi d’Elsa Chianti DOCG Flask Chianti Rsv Orvietto Classico Seco Rose 10 LUNGAROTTI - Umbria LUPI REALI 6 12 6 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 750ML 12 6 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML MARCHESI Di BAROLO - Piedmonte 11 07 09 12 11 08 10 10 NV 10 07 10 00 01 10 08 12 10 MARZIANO ABBONA 12 09 10 11 12 08 10 MELINI - Estates 08 08 MELINI - Toscana 07 10 09 11 10 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 12 12 12 12 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 65DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 29 270455 270454 299669 294622 299668 294623 299667 294625 297610 294626 MINEO BY PELLEGRINO Dry Marsala Sweet Marsala 12 12 MONTE BALDO - Veneto Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chardonnay Merlot Merlot Pinot Grigio / Garganega Pinot Grigio / Garganega Ca’Brione Bianco Cinque Stelle Fracia Valtellina Inferno La Tense Sasella Quadro Sfursat Nino Negri Valt 322972 322973 297121 Caracena Falanghina Greco Giardini Arimei Dessert Wine 10 10 09 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 OPPIDA AMINEA - Campania - Napoli PELLEGRINO - Sicilia Marsala Superiore Dry Marsala Superiore Sweet Moscato di Pantelleria Moscato di Pantelleria Passito di Pantelleria Passito di Pantelleria 347636 349759 084641 062005 062009 063902 072681 341026 355092 322825 173816 322841 329103 071111 Brunello Brunello Riserva Chianti DOCG Chianti DOCG Chianti Wicker Chianti Classico DOCG Chianti Riserva Memoro Bianco Memoro Rosato Memoro Rosso Pinot Grigio Prosecco Rosso di Toscana BIB Sasso Al Poggio 09 10 12 10 PICCINI - Toscana 08 07 08 10 08 08 Primitivo di Manduria 321935 Prosseco PRIMA PERLA PUIATTI - Friuli 378699 378700 378697 378698 246764 073996 378703 Archetipi Ribolla Gialla CUR Traminer Aramatico FUN Sauvignon Blanc LUS Ribolla Gialla Pinot Grigio Zuccole Sauvignon Blanc Zuccole VUJ Friulano 344425 344426 Pinot Grigio Sangiovese / Merlot 375583 Aglianco del Vulture 13 13 13 13 10 10 13 RAMONA SINGER 11 Amarone Ca’Bertoldi Valpolicella Classico 07 Prosecco Argeo 66DC Beverage Journal March 2015 04 RUGGERI NV 115358 360797 Prosecco Giall’Oro Prosecco Giustino B. 087297 Chianti Classico DOCG 342306 306495 084574 242632 296179 167515 002388 295892 073117 325765 273637 NV 12 SANTI - Veneto Amarone Moscato Pinot Grigio Proemio RoseInfinito Soave Classico Valpo-Ripasso 08 10 10 06 10 09 SARACCO - Piedmonte Moscato D’Asti Moscato D’Asti Pinot Nero 09 SASSOREGALE Sangiovese SI Si Pinot Grigio Si Soave 111795 111796 345949 345906 Pinot Grigio Pinot Grigio 354762 354771 354772 Merlot Pinot Grigio Prosecco 750ML 750ML 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 3.0L 750ML 246159 Il Ghizzano Chianti Classico 12 750ML 6 750ML 12 12 6 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 375ML 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML SPASSO 12 12 11 11 Rosso Toscana STLTO Chianti Classico Chianti Risverva Julius Sangiovese 340340 180585 298317 133540 180587 180584 Alto Nero D’Avola Campo Reale Hugonis (Nero D’Avola/Cab) Nadir Syrah Nuar(Nero D’Avola/Pinot Noir) Piano Maltese 380226 380230 Red Blend BiB White Blend BiB 198172 378695 378696 Rosso di Montepulciano Rosso di Montepulciano Simposio Vino Nobile 323367 378707 378709 378710 378708 Brunello di Montalcino Brun Mont Poggio Granchio Brun di Mont Vigna Del Lago Brun di Mont Vigna Spuntali Rosso di Montalcino 289516 296773 154223 348416 193092 311046 Brut DOC Brut DOC Cuvee de Boj Marca Oro Rose Prosecco Cuvee Fontadovre Prosecco Oro Puro Chianti Classico Chianti Classico Rs Poggio Teo Aglianico 6 750ML 12 750ML 103996 09 TENUTA ORMANNI 05 04 TENUTA RAPITALA 10 08 07 08 08 TO LIFE TREROSE - Toscana 11 09 VAL DI SUGA - Toscana 07 09 09 09 12 VALDO VALIANO - Toscana 07 05 06 VESEVO - Campania 08 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 375ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 12 6 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML TENUATA DI GHIZZANO - Toscana 294544 294548 322979 053773 291850 303572 12 6 SAN LEONINO - Toscana 315739 293467 RUBBIA AL COLLE MAREMMA - Toscana Olpaio (Cab/Sauv/Merlot) 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 500ML RE MANFREDI - Basilicata RECCHIA - Veneto 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 6 6 6 PINNACOLI - Taranto - Puglia 251206 217289 09 09 09 13 10 10 056198 077053 318314 148478 357484 141443 294599 09 NINO NEGRI 375452 367129 362462 309577 367130 360054 340533 376614 154092 09 09 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 6 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 3 3 3.0L 3.0L 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 24 6 12 6 6 750ML 187ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 30 247854 09 VIA VENETO 294639 367826 367819 366147 Pinot Grigio La Corona I Muri Negroamaro I Muri Primitivo Primitivo Vigne Vecchie 321081 335621 294632 294643 321083 321080 294637 330587 Amarone Classico Amarone Classico Amarone Classico Frascatoro Montemezzano - 100% Corvina Pinot Grigio (Vigna di Pesina) Valpolicella Ripasso Valpolicella Ripasso Villa Cordivigo 294618 196000 056851 158406 112472 306334 375735 369954 Chronicon Blanco Montepulciano Pinot Grigio Riesling 232006 Moscato 146908 382302 379063 371689 293674 1 6 6 12 6 1 12 6 3.0L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 3.0L 750ML 750ML 12 12 VILLADORIA - Piedmonte Prosecco Sparkling Pinot Grigio Sparkling Pinot Grigio 331796 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 09 10 339129 194881 314623 323634 09 06 750ML 12 12 12 6 VILLA DEL BORGO - Friuli Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Grigio Pinot Grigio Dolce Rosso Merlot Moscato Pinot Grigio Red Fusion 338710 338716 06 07 00 06 09 Brolese Rose (Pinot N/Chard) 304479 320372 220166 165369 122647 358043 361181 353227 11 12 VILLA CRESPINA - Franciacorta Lombardy Barolo Barbaresco Barbera Tardoc Bricco Magno 026939 11 VILLA BELLA - Veneto 335595 375334 322818 321989 111398 123697 Falanghina 09 11 11 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 24 15 15 15 15 15 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 24 750ML 750ML 187ML 14 13 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML NV 12 750ML Sparkling ZACCAGNINI 08 NEW ZEALAND Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Noir DASHWOOD 10 09 GLAZEBROOK Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 11 GOLDWATER ESTATE Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc 11 13 HARBOR TOWN HAY MAKER 12 12 12 Sauvignon Blanc MUD HOUSE Sauvignon Blanc 12 13 13 14 RIBBONWOOD 11 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML MAKARA - Marlborough Pinot Gris Pinot Noir Central Otago Pinot Noir Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 VOGA ZEBO 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML WAIPARA HILLS 371664 371663 Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 14 14 337679 376694 Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 367084 368324 368338 Pinot Gris Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 367389 367388 Pinot Noir Sauvignon Blanc 367384 Sauvignon Blanc S1 WITHER HILL 11 14 YEALANDS Single Vineyard 13 13 Single Block 13 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 9 9 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 9 500ML 500ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 500ML 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML PORT CHURCHILL’S PORT 287102 287103 297287 282546 342193 118966 284909 347211 343742 287104 10 yr old Tawny 20 yr old Tawny Crusted Port Finest Character Late Bottle Vintage Vintage Port Vintage Port Vintage Port Vintage Port White Port 014093 014094 014095 014096 017041 014089 014090 014097 10 Year Old Tawny 20 Year Old Tawny 30 Year Old Tawny 40 Year Old Tawny Late Bottled Vintage Ruby Tawny White 348782 348786 348798 348799 348800 Fine Ruby Port Fine Tawny Port Tawny Port 10yr Tawny Port 40yr Port LBV 05 03 07 11 11 PRESIDENTIAL QUINTA DA ROMANEIRA 07 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML PORTUGAL 264320 Vinho Verde 347221 Reserva CALAMARES CASALEIRO CHURCHILL’S - Still Wine 356362 314625 363696 Douro Estate Red Douro Estate Rose Touriga Nacional 313500 Vinho Verde 069294 069344 069450 069476 Rose Rose White White 348780 316223 381261 Branco Douro White Tinto Douro Red Douro Reserva 348772 Tinto Douro Red 316243 11 12 11 ESTEIO 11 MATEUS 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 12 6 12 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML QUINTA DA ROMANEIRA Tinto Douro Red 12 08 11 Licieras Sino da Romaneira 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 67DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 31 348782 348786 348798 348799 348800 268104 Ports Fine Ruby Port Fine Tawny Port Tawny Port 10yr Tawny Port 40yr Port LBV Vinho Verde 07 QUINTA DE AZEVEDO 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML SAKE 018855 018849 340499 340512 FUDO MYOO Junmai Ginjo Nigori Genshu G FIFTY SAKE Junmai Ginjo Genshu Junmai Ginjo Genshu 171052 166662 G Joy Sake G Joy Sake 188869 188467 188945 Kimoto Extra Dry Kimoto Extra Dry Kimoto Extra Dry 367929 Junmai Sake Can G SAKE KASUMI TSURU KIBO MOMOKAWA 226718 048940 226719 046863 46864 046865 235766 Diamond Diamond Pearl Pearl Ruby Silver Momo/Moon Sampler 3-pack 194956 017305 194955 016707 Junmai Ginjo Junmai Ginjo Nigori Ginjo Nigori Ginjo 175930 226723 088583 226720 096916 226724 088586 Coconut Lemongrass Coconut Lemongrass Pear Pear Plum Plum Raspberry Organic MOONSTONE MURAI FAMILY 176855 176736 176851 176743 176850 176742 176739 176738 176849 176741 182081 Daiginjo Daiginjo Nigori Genshu Nigori Genshu Sugidama Cedar Sugidama Cedar Tokubetsu Honjozo Tokubetsu Honjozo Tanrei Junmai Tanrei Junmai Murai Sampler 3-packs 331390 331400 Junmai Junmai 287020 287021 166109 166108 Cloud Cloud Junmai Daiginjo Junmai Daiginjo 299016 299018 Double Barrel Sake Kumosabe Nigori 68DC Beverage Journal March 2015 SAKEMOTO ROCK SAKE SABE 12 12 300ML 300ML 6 12 750ML 300ML 6 12 750ML 300ML 6 12 6 720ML 300ML 1.8L 12 180ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 300ML 750ML 300ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 300ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 300ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 249984 307442 307440 Junmai Junmai Junmai 234212 309100 TY KU Silver Series - Premium 3 6 12 1.8L 720ML 330ML Junmai Ginjo Junmai Ginjo 6 12 720ML 330ML 311023 311027 Junmai Daiginjo Junmai Daiginjo 6 6 720ML 330ML 317514 315354 Coconut Nigori Coconut Nigori 6 12 720ML 330ML 325121 Sake 4/3 Pack (Blk/Silv/Coco) 4 330ML 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 720ML 300ML 720ML 1.8L 720ML 720ML 300ML 6 12 720ML 720ML 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 375ML 375ML 375ML 12 12 6 750ML 375ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML Black Series - Super Premium White Series - Ultra Premium Coconut Sake Combo Pack YOSHINOGAWA 285405 340218 285408 308654 285404 264167 279275 Echigo Junmai Echigo Junmai Gokujo Ginjo Gensen Karakuchi Gensen Karakuchi Winter Warrior Winter Warrior 182554 240447 Akita Komachi Daiginjo YRC Junmai Ginjo 321035 325494 325499 321032 356312 320781 121724 316486 315548 316487 Alfonso Dry Oloroso Cristina Oloroso Abocado Leonor Palo Cortado Nectar Pedro Ximenez Solera 1847 Cream Vina AB Amontillado Apostoles Medium Del Duque Amontillado Matusalem Cream Noe Pedro Ximenez 750ML 300ML 750ML 300ML 750ML 300ML 750ML 074001 099432 323568 Sherry Fino Sherry Fino Sherry Fino en Rama 171786 Sauvignon Blanc 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 4 720ML 300ML 720ML 300ML 720ML 300ML 720ML 300ML 720ML 300ML 300ML 327046 327044 327041 330614 Dragon Tree Red Longitude Red Noon Gun White Rumour Mill Viognier 314616 314613 332745 332744 314617 314618 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Chenin Blanc Pinotage Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz 12 12 720ML 300ML 239985 239979 Cabernet Sauvignon Rsv Chardonnay Rsv 12 12 12 12 750ML 375ML 750ML 375ML 192356 188723 Pinotage Sauvignon Blanc 6 6 750ML 750ML 093092 093094 015400 093093 Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Lyric Pinotage YUKI NO BOSHA SHERRY GONZALEZ BYASS TIO PEPE SOUTH AFRICA DURBANVILLE HILLS 10 FLAGSTONE 09 11 12 HOUSE OF MANDELA Royal Reserves 08 09 M’HUDI NEDERBURG Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 32 057427 066436 380359 380362 380363 Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz Brew Master Red Motorcycle Marvel Red Young Airhawk Sauv Blanc 298868 291324 298604 Chenin Blanc Pinotage Shiraz 317032 317030 317031 Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz 192244 258184 258183 334952 188721 192242 258186 Bukettraube - Odelia Cabernet Sauvignon - Carol Merlot - June Moscato Pinotage Shiraz - Dawn Sweet Rose - Twena Sauvignon Blanc - Vivian 178326 171205 320371 310132 171210 171217 162339 048410 320366 310190 046590 046592 Cabernet/Merlot Chardonnay Moscato Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz Cabernet/Merlot Chardonnay Moscato Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc Shiraz 324976 324977 Blackberry Watermelon 312676 Amontillado 170963 340757 173335 146025 ONE WORLD PLACE IN THE SUN SEVEN SISTERS Crianza Gran Reserva Reserva Tempranillo 159314 Godello 316057 316058 339142 332020 Classic Brut Reserva Brut Peraj Ha’Abib Peraj Petita TWO OCEANS SPAIN ABUELA SANGARITA ARGUESO NV BERONIA - Rioja 06 BRISAS DO MAR 11 CANALS CANALS NV NV 11 11 CASA PRIMICIA 323078 323084 323094 249393 323093 323079 323087 Cofradia Garnacha Graciano Julian Madrid Rsv Mazuelo Tempranillo Crianza Tinto 341050 Albarino 312663 13 13 13 Tempranillo 306109 Chardonnay 221299 320717 Real Sangria Real Sangria 05 08 08 07 08 08 CASTRO MARTIN 12 CILLAR DE SILOS 09 CINCO JOSES 10 12 12 6 6 6 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 221079 221078 220589 295140 221040 Real Sangria 6/4pk Real Sangria Real Sangria White Sangria White Sangria 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 315934 315936 315938 Tempranillo Tempranillo/Cab Sauv Verdejo/Sauv Blanc 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 047545 047542 264468 47546 47544 47541 Crianza Diamante Gran Reserva Reserva Royal Red Royal White 321425 Garnacha 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 1.5L 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 750ML 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 750ML 12 CRUZ GARCIA - REAL SANGRIA 4 12 ALTOZANO FRANCO ESPANOLAS 10 LAYER CAKE 10 LO NUEVO 319463 317683 317700 360657 317697 317682 317681 Covello Albarino Cruzada Merlot Lunares Verdejo L’Opaco Red Blend Sorbo A Sorbo Garnacha Tanto Monta Tempranillo Vilata Monastrell-Syrah 353174 353176 Pink Sangria Red Sangria 312697 Verdejo LVP SANGRIA MANTEL BLANCO 11 MARQUES DE RISCAL 360901 355161 240303 355158 363483 160183 221254 382802 Baron de Chirel Rsv Gran Reserva Proximo Rioja Reserva Rioja Reserva Rose Rueda White Sauvignon Blanc 334901 178189 178188 Garnacha Tempranillo Viura 360340 Sangria 12/4 Packs 06 05 08 08 MAXIMO MIA SANGRIA ONTANON 319466 337254 319360 319361 325947 319465 332308 330454 319356 319357 Arteso Crianza Clarete Crianza Ecologica Gran Reserva Reserva Teon Crianza Teon Roble Vetiver Blanco Vetiver Rosado 07 338677 338439 338431 Cupatge D’Honor Tresor Brut Reserve Tresor Brut Rose 306116 306117 Red White 750ML 231931 316961 Cream Fino 3.0L 1.0L 323559 323556 White Sangria Red Sangria 01 04 PERE VENTURA 10 NV NV POUR FAVOR ROMATE SHERRY SLICES SANGRIA 6 6 12 6 12 187ML 1.5L 750ML 1.5L 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 12 750ML 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 375ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 187ML 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 6 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML 6 6 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML Beverage Journal March 2015 69DC Southern Wine & Spirits of Maryland, LLC. Spirits & Wines 3125-3145 V Street NE, Washington, DC 20018 Local 410-369-1750 Eastern Shore 800-544-8464 Order Dept 800-886-9463 Fax 410-369-1799 Order Dept Hours of Operation 8:30-4:45 Page 33 323558 323560 323561 Rose Sangria Spk White Sangria Spk Rose Sangria 306119 306121 306120 227048 227050 159319 159315 Amarte Mas Albarino Encender Rioja Luz Eterna Priorat Tempranillo Tempranillo Crianza Verdejo Vina Broco 324412 324327 004006 356098 SPANISH VINES Brut Brut Rosado 05 09 06 11 11 VILARNAU 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 750ML 12 12 750ML 750ML VINAS DEL VERO - Somontano Chardonnay Crianza 70DC Beverage Journal March 2015 12 12 750ML 750ML 356297 Garnacha Syrah 358451 Secastilla 07 12 750ML 6 750ML Miranda de Secastilla 355616 Garnacha Blanca 12 750ML 355617 Garnacha Tinto 12 750ML URUGUAY GARZON 376343 Albarino Rsv 13 12 750ML 376341 Sauvignon Blanc 13 12 750ML 376338 Tannat 12 12 750ML How to Figure Gross Profits Experience has proven that few business people know the difference between MARK-UP and GROSS PROFIT, and thus cannot figure profits properly. Keep the following schedule before you and you will find it worth many dollars in the course of a year. MARK-UP – is the percentage of the amount you earn on COST. GROSS PROFIT – is the percentage of the amount you earn on SELLING PRICE. HOW TO FIGURE IT – A brand costs you $50.00 a case and sells for $75.00 a case, or $25.00 above your cost. Divide the cost ($50.00) in to your earnings ($25.00) and you will get a percentage of 50%...This is your MARK-UP on COST. HOW TO FIGURE IT – a brand costs you $50.00 a case and sells for $75.00 a case, or $25.00 above your cost. Divide the SELLING PRICE ($75.00) into your earnings ($25.00) and you get a percentage of 33 1/3. This is your Gross Profit on Selling Price. This means that you earn 33 1/3 cents on each $1.00 in sales to apply to your expense of operation, which ultimately will show your net profit. Mark-Up Gross Profit 5% added to cost is 4.75% profit on selling price 10% added to cost is 9% profit on selling price 15% added to cost is 13% profit on selling price 20% added to cost is 16.33% profit on selling price 25% added to cost is 20% profit on selling price 30% added to cost is 23% profit on selling price 35% added to cost is 26% profit on selling price 45% added to cost is 31% profit on selling price 50% added to cost is 33.33% profit on selling price 55% added to cost is 35.5% profit on selling price 60% added to cost is 37.5 % profit on selling price 70% added to cost is 41% profit on selling price 80% added to cost is 44.5% profit on selling price 85% added to cost is 46% profit on selling price 90% added to cost is 47.5% profit on selling price 100% added to cost is 50% profit on selling price Beverage Journal December 2011 105MD Beverage Journal March 2015 71DC Main Office: (202) 832-5600 Order Dept: (202) 281-3700 Fax: (202) 832-3629 2800 V Street N.E. Unit E Washington, DC 20018 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Page 1 ALL STAR DIVISION BOURBON Spirit EARLY TIMES 354 OLD FORESTER 86° OLD FORESTER 100° WOODFORD DOUBLE OAKED WOODFORD RESERVE WHISKEY CANADIAN WHISKEY CANADIAN MIST COLLINGWOOD KENTUCKY WHISKEY EARLY TIMES EARLY TIMES FIRE EATER SCOTCH WHISKEY ABERFELDY 12 YR, 21 YR CUTTY SARK DEWAR’S 12YR, 15YR, 18YR DEWAR’S HIGHLANDER HONEY DEWAR’S SIGNATURE DEWAR’S WHITE LABEL FAMOUS GROUSE FINEST, 12YR, GOLD RESERVE THE BLACK GROUSE HIGHLAND PARK 12YR, 15YR, 18YR, 25YR, 30YR, & 40YR, CASK SCOTCH SINGLE MALT MACALLAN FINE OAK 10YR, 15YR, 17YR, 21YR & 30YR; SHERRY OAK 12YR, 18YR, 25YR, & 30YR. TENNESSEE WHISKEY GENTLEMEN JACK RARE JACK DANIEL’S BLACK JACK DANIEL’S FIRE JACK DAINEL’S HONEY JACK DANIEL’S RYE UNAGED JACK DANIEL’S SINGLE BARREL JACK DANIEL’S SINATRA SELECT TEQUILA ANTIGUO TEQUILA ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSADO CAZADORES ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSADO CORZO ANEJO, REPOSADO, SILVER DON EDUARDO ANEJO, REPOSADO, SILVER EL JIMADOR ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSADO HERRADURA ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSADO HERRADURA HACIENDA CRISTORO HERRADURA SELECT SUPREMA PEPE LOPEZ GOLD PEPE LOPEZ WHITE CLEAR SPIRIT REMY MARTIN V 80° DOMESTIC VODKA LITTLE BLACK DRESS ORIGINAL, BLACKCHERRY VANILLA, BLUEBERRY POMEGRANATE, PINEAPPLE HONEY IMPORTED VODKA 42 BELOW KIWI FRUIT 42 BELOW MANUKA HONEY 42 BELOW PASSIONFRUIT 42 BELOW PURE CHAMBORD FINLANDIA 80° FINLANDIA COCONUT FINLANDIA CRANBERRY FINLANDIA GRAPEFRUIT FINLANDIA LIME FINLANDIA MANGO FINLANDIA RASPBERRY FINALNDIA TANGERINE GREY GOOSE 80° GREY GOOSE CHERRY NOIR GREY GOOSE LA POIRE GREY GOOSE LE’CITRON GREY GOOSE LE MELON GREY GOOSE L’ORANGE RUM BACARDI 8 BACARDI 151° BACARDI ANEJO BACARDI ARCTIC GRAPE BACARDI BIG APPLE BACARDI BLACK RAZZ BACARDI COCO BACARDI DRAGON BERRY BACARDI GOLD BACARDI GRAN MELON BACARDI LIMON BACARDI LIMITADA RESERVA BACARDI MANGO FUSION BACARDI O BACARDI OAKHEART SPICED BACARDI PEACH RED BACARDI PINEAPPLE FUSION BACARDI ROCK COCONUT BACARDI SELECT BACARDI SOLERA BACARDI SUPERIOR BACARDI TORCHED CHERRY BACARDI WOLF BERRY BRUGAL 1888 BRUGAL ANEJO BRUGAL BLANCO EXTRA DRY BRUGAL EXTRA VIEJO CASTILLO GOLD CASTIILLO SILVER MOUNT GAY BLACK 100° BLACK BARREL ECLIPSE AMBER 80°, ECLIPSE NAUTICAL LTD EDITION ECLIPSE SILVER EXTRA OLD SEVEN TIKI SPICED COGNAC & IMPORTED BRANDY D’USSE VSOP REMY MARTIN RARE EDITION 1965 REMY MARTIN VS, REMY MARTIN VSOP, REMY MARTIN XO REMY 1738, REMY MARTIN LOUIS XIII, ST REMY BRANDY GIN BOMBAY BOMBAY SAPPHIRE BOMBAY SAPPHIRE EAST BOTANIST ISLAY DRY OXLEY 72DC Beverage Journal March 2015 IMPORTED CORDIALS B&B DOM BENEDICTINE CHAMBORD COINTREAU, COINTREAU NOIR, DI SARONNO AMARETTO DRAMBUIE METAXA OUZO, 5 STAR, 7 STAR GRAND FIN, PRIVATE RESERVE PASSOA LIQUEUR PONCHE KUBA ST GERMAIN TUACA Wine DOMESTIC CORDIALS SOUTHERN COMFORT 70° SOUTHERN COMFORT 100° SOUTHERN COMFORT BLACK CHERRY SOUTHERN COMFORT CARAMEL 55 SOUTHERN COMFORT LIME 55° CACHACA LEBLON PREPARED COCKTAILS BACARDI COCKTAILS MOJITO CLASSIC MOJITO LIGHT PINA COLADA PINA COLADA LIGHT STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI LIGHT BACARDI PARTY DRINKS BAHAMA MAMA HURRICANE ISLAND ICE TEA MAI TAI RUM RUNNER ZOMBIE JACK DANIEL’S RTD JACK DANIEL’S & COLA JACK DANIEL’S & DIET COLA JACK DANIEL’S & GINGER COUNTRY COCKTAILS JACK DANIEL’S BERRY PUNCH BLACK JACK COLA DOWN HOME PUNCH DOWNHOME LITE PUNCH LYNCHBURG LEMONADE WATHERMELON PUNCH CALIFORNIA BEARBOAT SONOMA-CUTRER FRANCE DOMAINE DU GROLLET RENE JUNOT ITALY MARTINI & ROSSI BIANCO MARTINI & ROSSI DRY VERMOUTH MARTINI & ROSSI SWEET VERMOUTH MARTINI & ROSSI ROSSO MARTINI ROSATO VERMOUTH NOILLY PRAT DRY VERMOUTH NOILLY PRAT SWEET VERMOUTH SPARKLING WINE CALIFORNIA KORBEL BLANC DE NOIR KORBEL BRUT, EXTRA-DRY KORBEL BRUT ORGANIC KORBEL CHARDONNAY KORBEL NATURAL KORBEL ROSE KORBEL SWEET CUVEE KORBEL SWEET ROSE PIPER SONOMA FRANCE CHARLES HEIDSIECK PIPER HEIDSIECK ITALY MARTINI & ROSSI ASTI MARTINI & ROSSI ROSE MARTINI & ROSSI PROSECCO MARTINI MOSCATO D’ASTI Non-Alcoholic HERRADURA AGAVE NECTAR LEBLON CAIPIRINHA NATURAL MIXES Main Office: (202) 832-5600 Order Dept: (202) 281-3700 Fax: (202) 832-3629 2800 V Street N.E. Unit E Washington, DC 20018 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Page 2 PATRIOT (ON) / Gold (OFF) Spirit ARMAGAC ST. VIVIANT VS ABSINTHE KUBLER VIEUX CARRE BOURBON CABIN STILL 80° ELIJAH CRAIG 12 YR, 18 YR, 20YR EVAN WILLIAMS 1786, BLACK, CHERRY RESERVE, HONEY RESERVE EVAN WILLIAMS SINGLE BARREL FIGHTING COCK 6 YR 103° HEAVEN HILL ULTRA DELUXE HENRY MCKENNA J R EWING JEFFERSONS RESERVE OLD FITZGERALD 12 YR 90°, PRIME PARKER’S WIDOW JANE WHISKEY BLENDED WHISKEY GRANT’S HEAVEN HILL BLEND SHINE WHITE WHISKEY CANADIA WHISKEY PENDLETON SINFIRE GRAIN WHISKEY BERNHEIM WHEAT COPPER FOX RYE FOUNDING FARMER’S RYE GEORGIA MOON CORN, LEMONADE, PEACH HUDSON CORN OLE SMOKY CORN TRYBOX SERIES NEW MAKE WASMUNDS MALT XXX SHINE HERBAL COLDCOCK HERBAL WHISKEY IRISH WHISKEY CLONTARF IRISH BLEND KNAPPOUGE CASTLE MICHAEL COLLINS THE KNOT TULLAMORE DEW RYE WHISKEY HUDSON PIKESVILLE RITTENHOUSE RYE, 21 YR, 23 YR SCOTCH SINGLE MALT 100 PIPERS BALVENIE, 12YR, 14YR, 15YR, 17YR CLAN CLUNY COMPASS BOX GLENFIDDICH, 12YR, 15YR, 18YR, 30YR GRANT'S PREMIUM TOMINTOUL SCOTCH WHISKEY GREAT KING STREET HEATHER GLEN MONKEY SHOULDER TEQUILA AQUARIVA BLANC, REPOSADO CACTUS JACK DELEON ANEJO, ANEJO EXTRA, DIAMANTE, REPOSADO LA CERTEZA ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSD LUNAZUL ANEJO, BLANCO, REPOSADO MILAGRO ANEJO, SILVER, REPOSADO PATRON ANEJO, SILVER, REPOSADO PATRON GRAN PLATINUM RIAZUL ANEJO, PLATA, REPOSADO TANTEO TIERRAS TWO FINGERS WHITE & GOLD COGNAC & IMPORTED BRANDY ANSAC JACQUES CARDIN KEDEM BRANDY LANDY VS, VSOP, XO, DESIRE, DRAMA MARNIER XO RAYNAL VSOP, XO DOMESTIC BRANDY CORONET V.S.Q. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AMBER, FROST CHRISTIAN BROTHERS VS, VSOP IMPORTED GIN BOLS GENEVER BROKERS DAMRAK HENDRICK’S GIN LANGLEY’S No. 8 RIGHT GIN DOMESTIC GIN ASHBY’S BLUECOAT BURNETT'S FARMER’S ORGANIC FOUNDING FARMER’S GIN VIR GIN IMPORTED VODKA 44 NORTH BORU 80°, EXCLUSIV VODKA & FLAVORS KEDEM VODKA LUKSUSOWA REYKA RUSKOVA SOBIESKI 80° BISON GRASS, CYNNAMON, CYTRON, ESPRESSO, KARAMEL, ORANGE, RASPBERRY, VANILLA STOLICHNAYA 80° & 100°, ELIT, GOLD STOLICHNAYA FLAVORS APPLIK, BLACKBERRY, BLUEBERRY, CHOCOLATE KOKO, CHOCOLATE RAZBERI, CITROS, CRANBERRY, HOT JALAPENO, OHRANJ, ERSIK, RAZBERI, SALTED KARAMEL, STICKI HONEY. STRAZBERI, VANIL, WHITE POMEGRANIK ULTIMAT DOMESTIC VODKA 4 ORANGE VODKA 44 NORTH BURNETT’S (FLAVORED) CROP ORGANIC, CUCUMBER, TOMATO ROPA VODKA THE BAY VODKA VELICOFF TITO'S HANDMADE VODKA YAZI RUM ADMIRAL NELSON CHERRY SPICED, SPICED, COCO BLACKHEART BLUE CHAIR BAY BURNETT’S COCONUT, GOLD, SPICED, WHITE CHAIRMANS RESERVE DON PANCHO 8 YR, 18YR, & 30YR GOSLING GOLD, DARK, 151, SWIZZLE PYRAT CASK 23, XO RESERVE RICO BAY DARK, LIGHT, SPICED SAILOR JERRY SPICED NAVY RUM SAMMY’S BEACH BAR SEA WYNDE ST LUCIA STROH 80° ORGANIC SPIRIT AMERICAN HAREST ORGANIC SAGE LIQUEUR SNAP ORGANIC LIQUEOR GRAIN ALCOHOL WASMUND’S MALT WASMUND’S RYE IMPORTED CORDIALS BARENJAGER, HONEY BOLS GENEVER BRADYS IRISH CREAM CELTIC CROSSING DANZIGER LACHS DOMAINE DE CANTON DOORNKAAT SCHNAPPS GALLIANO GOZIO HPNOTIQ, HPNOTIQ HARMONIE JADE ABSINTHE JAGERMEISTER KEDEM SLIVOVITZ KILLEPITSCH LIQUEUR LAZZARONI LICOR 43 LUCID ABSINTHE MARIA BRIZARD MONTEZUMA TRIPLE SEC NAVIP SLIVOVITZ PALLINI LIMONCELLO, ORANGECELLO, PEACHELLO PAMA POMEGRANATE PATRON CITRONGE LIME, CITRONGE ORANGE, DARK COCOA, XO CAFÉ, XO INCENDIO SCHLADERER SCHONAUER APFEL SOLERNO VACCARI VANDERMINT VILLA MASSA LIMONI PISCO LA DIABLADA PISCO MACCHU PISCO PORTON DOMESTIC CORDIALS ADULT CHOCOLATE MILK, LIMEADE BOLS ADVOKAT, ACAI, AMARETTO, ANISETTE BANANA, BLACK RASBERRY COFFEE LIQUEUR, CREME DE BANANA CREME DE CASSIS, CREME DE CACAO BROWN CREME DE CACAO WHITE, CREME DE MENTHE GREEN, CREME DE MENTHE WHITE CREME DE NOYEAUX, CREME DE STRAWVERRY, CURACAO (BLUE,ORANGE), GENEVER, MELON, RASPBERRY, SLOE GIN, STRAWBERRY, SWEET TEA, TRIPLE SEC AMERICAN DAILY’S RTD CALIFORNIA BEL ARBOR BOHEMIAN HIGHWAY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS SHERRIES FETZER VINEYARDS STONE CELLARS BY BERINGER WEINSTOCK ZIPZ Z SELECTIONS WASHINGTON CHOCOLATE CELLAR CHOCOLATE SHOP AUSTRALIA LANDING PLACE LITTLE PENGUIN ROSEMOUNT TEAL LAKE CHILE PACIFIC BAY FRANCE CHATEAU DE LA GRAVE LILLET RED LILLET WHITE GERMANY NURNBURGER GLUHWEIN IRELAND O’MARA’S IRISH CREAM JAPAN GEKKEIKAN BLACK & GOLD, DRAFT, HORIN PREMIUM, NIGORI, PLUM, SILVER, ZIPANG HAKUSAN, HAKUSAN PLUM WINE KOBAI PLUM SPARKLING WINE EXCLUSIV VEUVE DE VERNAY YELLOWGLEN APERITEF DUBONNET BLANC, ROUGE Beer BOLS BRANDYS APPLE, APRICOT, BLACKBERRY, CHERRY, PEACH BOLS SCHNAPPS BUTTERSCOTCH, PEACH, PEPPERMINT, PUMPKIN, CINNAMON, ROOTBEER, SOUR APPLE, POMEGRANATE CASTELLO MIO CHRISTIAN BROTHERS HONEY LIQUEUR CINERATOR EVAN WILLIAMS FULTONS HARVEST PUMPKIN LIQUEOR ROOT ORGANIC LIQUEOR SABROSO TRAVIS HASSE APPLE PIE LIQ CHERRY PIE LIQ AYINGER BLANCHE DE NAMUR GREEN'S ALE LINDEMAN'S MACCABEE MELBOURNE ORVAL ALE PINKUS ROĆHEFORT SAM SMITH TRAQUAIR WESTMALLE ZATEC VIEUX CARRE EGG NOG Wine Cider CHRISTIAN BROTHERS EGG NOG EVAN WILLIAMS EGG NOG POSSMANN AGUA LUCA ALTAR MIXER AUGUSTURA BITTERS DAILY’S MIXER HOLLAND HOUSE MR & MRS “T” ROSE’S CACHACA PREPARED COCKTAILS VNC COCKTAIL Non Alcoholic Beverage Journal March 2015 73DC Main Office: (202) 832-5600 Order Dept: (202) 281-3700 Fax: (202) 832-3629 2800 V Street N.E. Unit E Washington, DC 20018 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Page 3 PLATINUM DIVISION Spirit ARMAGAC ST. VIVIANT VS BOURBON JEFFERSONS RESERVE WHISKEY BLENDED WHISKEY GRANT’S HOT STUFF CINNAMON STRANAHANS COLORADO CANADIAN WHISKEY REVEL STOKE GRAIN WHISKEY GIRVAN 25YR HUDSON CORN OLE SMOKY CORN STRANAHAM’S IRISH WHISKEY CLONTARF IRISH BLEND KNAPPOUGE CASTLE MICHAEL COLLINS THE KNOT TULLAMORE DEW RYE WHISKEY HUDSON SCOTCH SINGLE MALT BALVENIE, 12YR, 14YR, 15YR, 17YR, 25YR CLAN CLUNY GLENFIDDICH, 12YR, 15YR, 18YR, 30YR GRANT'S PREMIUM KININVIE 23YR LADYBURN SCOTCH WHISKEY MONKEY SHOULDER TEQUILA 1800 1800 COCONUT, 1800 REPOSADO CASAMIGOS ANEJO BLANCO REPOSADO GRAN CENTENARIO ANEJO LEYENDA PLATA REPOSADO JOSE CUERVO BLACK, GOLD, SILIVER JOSE CUERVO TRADITIONAL, JOSE CUERVO RES DE LA FAMILIA MAESTRO DOBEL MILAGRO ANEJO, SILVER, REPOSADO MONTELOBOS MEZCAL JOVEN TENAMPA AZUL SILVER REPOSADO TIERRAS ZARCO GOLD SILVER COGNAC & IMPORTED BRANDY JACQUES CARDIN LANDY VS, VSOP, XO, DESIRE, DRAMA RAYNAL VSOP, XO IMPORTED GIN BOLS GENEVER BOODLES DAMRAK HENDRICK’S GIN IMPORTED VODKA BORU 80° EXCLUSIV BERRY, CHERRY, LIMON, ORANGE, PEACH, PINEAPPLE, XO BRANDY LUKSUSOWA 74DC Beverage Journal March 2015 SOBIESKI 80° BISON GRASS, BLACK CHERRY, CYNNAMON, CYTRON, ESPRESSO, KARAMEL, LEMON MERINGUE, ORANGE, RASPBERRY, TOASTED COCONUT, VANILLA STOLICHNAYA 80° & 100°, ELIT, GOLD STOLICHNAYA FLAVORS APPLIK, BLACKBERRY, BLUEBERRY, CHOCOLATE KOKO, CHOCOLATE RAZBERI, CITROS, CRANBERRY, HOT JALAPENO, OHRANJ, ERSIK, RAZBERI, SALTED KARAMEL, STICKI HONEY. STRAZBERI, VANIL, WHITE POMEGRANIK THREE OLIVES THREE OLIVES DUDE LEMON-LIME BERRY BUBBLE CAKE CHERRY CHOCOLATE CITRUS, GRAPE LOOPY MANGO ORANGE, POMERGRANATE PURPLE RANGTANG, RASPBERRY ROOT BEER SMORES SUPER COLA TRIPLE SHOT ESPRESSO VANILLA, WATERMELON WHIPPED CREAM, VODKA 4 ORANGE VODKA BIRDWELL’S HANGAR ONE STRAIGHT MAINE WILD BLUEBERRY CHIPOTLE CHILE RASPBERRY FRASER RIVER SPICED PEAR, HANKBIRDWLL UV VODKA UV 80°, APPLE, BLUE RASPBERRY, CAKE, CANDY BAR, CHOCOLATE CAKE, CHERRY, CITRUS, COCONUT, GRAPE, ORANGE, PINK LEMONADE, SALTY WATERMELON, SRIRACHA, SUGAR CRUSH, VANILLA, WHIPPED CREAM RUM GOSLING GOLD, DARK, 151, SWIZZLE FLOR DE CANA KRAKEN BLACK SPICED LOLA BELLE RON MATUSALEM 15YR GRAN RESERVA CLASSICO PLATINO SAILOR JERRY SPICED NAVY RUM ORGANIC SPIRIT AMERICAN HAREST ORGANIC PRAIRIE GIN PRAIRIE VODKA SAGE LIQUEUR SNAP ORGANIC LIQUEOR IMPORTED CORDIALS AGAVERO TEQUILA LIQUER AGAVERO ORANGE LIQUER BARENJAGER, HONEY, PEAR, TEA BOLS GENEVER BRADYS IRISH CREAM CELTIC CROSSING GALLIANO GOZIO JAGERMEISTER LICOR 43 MARIA BRIZARD PALLINI LIMONCELLO, ORANGECELLO, PEACHELLO SOLERNO VACCARI VILLA MASSA LIMONI PISCO LA DIABLADA PISCO MACCHU PISCO EGG NOG HOLLY NOG DOMESTIC CORDIALS ADULT CHOCOLATE MILK, LIMEADE ANCHO REYES LIQ BOLS ADVOKAT, ACAI, AMARETTO, ANISETTE BANANA, BLACK RASBERRY COFFEE LIQUEUR, CREME DE BANANA CREME DE CASSIS, CREME DE CACAO BROWN CREME DE CACAO WHITE, CREME DE MENTHE GREEN, CREME DE MENTHE WHITE CREME DE NOYEAUX, CREME DE STRAWVERRY, CURACAO (BLUE,ORANGE), GENEVER, MELON, RASPBERRY, SLOE GIN, STRAWBERRY, SWEET TEA, TRIPLE SEC BOLS BRANDYS APPLE, APRICOT, BLACKBERRY, CHERRY, PEACH BOLS SCHNAPPS BUTTERSCOTCH, PEACH, PEPPERMINT, PUMPKIN, CINNAMON, ROOTBEER, SOUR APPLE, POMEGRANATE CASTELLO MIO ROOT ORGANIC LIQUEOR RUMCHATA TIPPY COW TRADER VICS LIQUEUR CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA WHITE CHOCOLATE TRAVIS HASSE APPLE PIE LIQ CHERRY PIE LIQ PREPARED COPCKTAILS 1800 ULTIMATE READY TO DRINK BLUEBERRY MARGARITA MARGARITA PINEAPPLE MARGARITA POMEGRANATE MARGARITA SKINNY MARGARITA JOSE CUERVO AUTHENTICS MARGARITA LIME, MARGARITA LIGHT LIME, MARGARITA STRAWBERRY, GOLDEN MARGARITA, TEAGARITA, WATERMELON MARGARITA, WILD BERRY LIGHT UV PINK LEMONADE RTD VNC COCKTAIL Wine AMERICAN DAILY’S RTD CALIFORNIA BARON HERZOG NEW YORK KEDEM KESSER AUSTRALIA YELLOW TAIL CHILE ALFASI FRANCE BARON HERZOG LILLET RED LILLET WHITE GERMANY ANYTHING GOES FUNF MARKUS MOLITOR RELAX SCHLOSS VOLLRADS SCHMITT SOHNE SUPERSTITION THOMAS SCHMITT ISRAEL BARKAN BINYAMINA GAMLA SEGALS YATIR ITALY BARTENURA JAPAN GEKKEIKAN BLACK & GOLD, DRAFT, HORIN PREMIUM, NIGORI, PLUM, SILVER, SUZAKU, ZIPANG HAKUSAN, HAKUSAN PLUM WINE KOBAI PLUM SPAIN RENE BARBIER TAPENA SPARKLING BARTENURA FREIXENET APERITEF DUBONNET BLANC, ROUGE Non Alcoholic DAILY’S MIXER Other CASA DEL SOL ICED COFFEE GOSLINGS STORMY GINGER BEER Main Office: (202) 832-5600 Order Dept: (202) 281-3700 Fax: (202) 832-3629 2800 V Street N.E. Unit E Washington, DC 20018 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Page 4 PREMIER HOUSE (ON) and Fine Wine (OFF) Spirit ARMAGNAC GRASS BAS 3 STAR, VSOP, XO TARIQUET COGNAC & IMPORTED BRANDY DUPONT CALVADOS PAUL GIRAUD IMPORTED CORDIALS NONINO GRAPPA NONINO AMERICAN Wine SWEET CAKES CALIFORNIA ARTEZIN BE BEARBOAT BELLE GLOS BERINGER BLUSH, CHEESECAKE, COLLECTION, BERINGER FOUNDERS, RESERVE, PORT BENNETT FAMILY BLACK INK BLUE WING VINEYARD BONTERRA BOUCHAINE BRANDLIN CAMERON HUGHES CARNE HUMANA CAYMUS CC CELLAR NO. 8 CHATEAU ST. JEAN CHERRY PIE CHIMNEY ROCK CIGAR COLBY CONUNDRUM CUVAISON DAVIS BYNUM DECOY DUCKHORN VINEYARDS EMMA PEARL EMMOLO EPPA ETUDE FEDERALIST FETZER FLIRT GIRARD GLASS MOUNTAIN GLORIA FERRER GOLDENEYE GREG NORMAN GROTH GUARACHI HALL WINERY HESS COLLECTION HIDEAWAY CREEK ICONOCLAST INSPIRE IRON HORSE JEKEL JOSEPH CARR JOSH CELLARS KATHRYN HALL KENZO ESTATE KITE TAIL KUNDE ESTATE WINERY LAETITIA LOS HERMANOS MACPHAIL MADRIGAL MAGNOLIA GROVE MARKHAM MEIOMI MER SOLEIL MERIDIAN MIGRATION NADIA NINE POINTS PARADUXX QUICKFIRE ROCKAWAY RODNEY STRONG RUTHERFORD HILL SAINTSBURY SANCTUARY SANFORD SANTA BARBARA SBRAGIA FAMILY VINEYARDS SEDUCER SEVEN DAUGHTERS SILVERADO VINEYARDS SKINNY VINES SLEDGEHAMMER SO BE IT SOUVERAIN SPIRE ST. CLEMENT STAGS LEAP STAR ANGEL TAZ THE CALLING VANISHING POINT VIN PARFAIT WALT WINDSOR SONOMA NEW JERSEY TOMASELLO NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN CELLARS OREGON BEAUX FRERES ELOUAN PRIMARIUS ROESSLER SOKOL BLOSSER WILLAMETTE VALLEY WASHINGTON STATE CANOE RIDGE CANVASBACK CHOCOLATE SHOP COCO ROSSO DELILLE CELLARS DOYENNE AIX GRAND CIEL HEDGES SAGELANDS SKYFALL WASHINGTON HILLS WATERBROOK WILD MEADOWS WILDER ARGENTINA ACHAVAL FERRER ACORDEON ALBERTO FURQUE BODEGA COLOME BODEGA CUARTO DOMINIO BODEGA NORTON CHENTO FINCA INACAYAL KAIKEN LOTE 44 PASCUAL TOSO RUTA SOTTANO TAMARI TIERRA SECRETA TOLENTINO AUSTRALIA 19 CRIMES BLACK OPAL GREG NORMAN LINDEMANS LUCKY COUNTRY PENFOLDS PETER LEHMANN PIGGY BANK RED KNOT SHINGLEBACK WOLF BLASS YELLOW TAIL CHILE MONTES SANTA EMA FRANCE BARTON & GUESTIER BENJAMIN PORT GEORGES DUBOEUF HOBNOB KORUS MARIUS PATCH BLOCK ROBERT KACHER SELECTIONS ALSACE EHRHART BURGUNDY CHAUVENET-CHOPIN CHRISTOPHE CORDIER CLAUDE DUGAT LECHENEAUT MANCIAT PONCET XAVIER MONNOT MARC MOREY ALBERT MOROT DENIS POMMIER LOIRE, RHONE VALLEY CORBILLIERES DOMAINE JAMET LA QUILLA PORTIER SAUVION THOMAS & FILS PROVENCE AND SOUTHWEST CANTARELLES D'OR ET DE GUEULES DOMAINE CAZES GOURNIER GRANDE CASSAGNE MAS DES GUIOT MAS DE BRESSADES MAS CARLOT MAS LAVAIL PETITE CASSGNE POUY SAINT ANTOINE SAINT E EUGENIE TARIQUET RHONE BRUNEL CHAPOUTIER FONDRECHE FONT DU VENT SANTA DUC GERMANY AFFENTALER ALBRECHT DUERER BLACK FOREST GIRL FRANZ KELLER NUERNBERGER MARKT POSSMANN ROEMERHOF WEINGARTEN WEINHAUS RESS GREECE ELIOS ISRAEL SEGAL’S ITALY BARON FINI CA’BOLANI CAMPANILE CASTELLO D’ALBOLA CASTELLO DEL POGGIO CASTELLO DI GABBIANO CASTELLO MONASTERO CASTELLO DI QUERCETO COLAVITA DELLA ROBBIA FEUDO ARANCIO GOOSEBUMP LUIGI RIGHETTI MARCHESI MARCO NEGRI NOBILISSIMA PALA PRINCIPI DI BUTERA ROCCA DI MONTEMASSI SANTA MARGHERITA TIZIANO TOLLOY TORRESELLA VALLONE VILLA POZZI ZONIN MARSALA COLOMBO NEW ZEALAND 900 GRAPES BLACK GRAPE GOOSE BAY GREENLIP LOVEBLOCK MATUA NINE WALKS OMAKA SPRINGS SQUEALING PIG THE CROSSINGS PORTUGAL COCKBURN’S QUINTA DO ALQUEVE SOUTH AFRICA GLEN CARLOU WINERY OF GOOD HOPE SPAIN ALTA MARCA ANCIANO BARBADILLO BASSUS CASTILLO DE MONSERAN CASTILLO REAL EL BURRO FRA GUERAU GRAN FAMILIA LAS HERMANAS ORGANIC MANGO DEL BRUJO MAR DE FRADES MORLANDA OROYA PENA ROBLE PENELOPE SANCHEZ POQUITO RAMON BILBAO RESALTE ROJO MOJO TRES BARCOS VALDUBON VAZA VEGA BARCELONA VIONTA VOLTEO ZA ZA SPARKLING WINE BODEGA NORTON BRUT CHARLES HEIDSIECK DOQUET EHRHART ENZA FIZZ 56 GLORIA FERRER GREG NORMAN IRON HORSE LAETITIA PASCUAL TOSO PIPER HEIDSIECK PIPER SONOMA ROTARI SANTA MARGHERITA SEGURA VIDUDAS TORRESELLA VOVETI WOLF BLASS ZONIN PROSECCO SAKE AMERICAN PACIFIC ARAMASA SUISEN BISHONEN DAIGOMI FUKUNISHIKI HARUSHIKA HITORIMUSUME ICHINOKURA ICHINOKURA TARA KAIKA KAZENOICHIRIN KODEN MADONOUME HANASAIKA MAIBO AICHIPREFECTURE MASUMI MEIBO YAWANOTSUKI MINENO HAKOBI ONIKOROSHI OTOKOYAMA SANSUI HYOGO PERFECT SHIMIZU NO MAI SAKE SHIRATAKI SUISHIN TENPAI VODKA TSUKASA BOTAN UTAMARO WATATAKE DAIGINJO WATATAKE ONIKORASHI Beverage Journal March 2015 75DC Main Office: (202) 832-5600 Order Dept: (202) 281-3700 Fax: (202) 832-3629 2800 V Street N.E. Unit E Washington, DC 20018 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Page 5 PINNACLE HOUSE (ON) / (OFF) BOURBON Spirit B&L SCOTCH BULLEIT JEREMIAH WEED BLENDED, CHERRY WHISKEY BOURBON BARTERHOUSE LOST PROPHET OLD BLOWHARD RHETORIC BLENDED WHISKEY CABIN FEVER MAPLE PIEHOLE SEAGRAM’S 7 CROWN, DARK HONEY, SPICED, ORCHARD APPLE, STONE CHERRY CANADIAN WHISKEY CROWN ROYAL CROWN ROYAL, BLACK, EXTRA RARE, EXTRA RARE BLUE, CASK 16, MAPLE FINISHED, REGAL APPLE, SPECIAL RESERVE SEAGRAM VO, VO GOLD IRISH WHISKEY TEQUILA DELEON ANEJO, PLATINUM, REPOSADO DON JULIO 1942, ANEJO, SILVER, REPOSADO, REAL PELIGROSO ANEJO, REPOSADO, SILVER COGNAC & IMPORTED BRANDY HENNESSY BLACK, VS, VSOP, XO HENNESSY PARADIS, RICHARD GIN BOOTH’S 90° GORDON’S NOLET TANQUERAY 94.6°, TANQUERAY NO. TEN TANQUERAY MALACCA, RANGPUR VODKA BELVEDERE PURE BLACK RASPBERRY, BLOODY MARY, CITRUS, ORANGE, PINK GRAPEFRUIT, INTENSE, INTENSE UNFILTER, IX, LEMON TEA, WILD BERRY CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY BUCHANAN’S 12YR, 18YR OLD BLACK & WHITE DIMPLE PINCH 15 YR J&B RARE JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK, BLUE, GOLD, J WALKER PLATINUM DOUPLE BLACK, GREEN, RED, SWING KING GEORGE OLD PARR 12 YR SCOTCH PORT ELLEN 30 YR, 34 YR VAT 69 WHITE HORSE SCOTCH SINGLE MALT ARDBEG AUCHROISK BRORA 35YR CAOL ILA 10 YR, 12 YR, 18 YR CARDHU CLYNELISH 14 YR. CONVALMORE 36 YR CRAGGANMORE 12 YR, 21YR DALWHINNIE 15 YR. GLEN SPEY GLENMORANGIE GLEN MORAY GLENKINCHIE 10YR, 15YR, 18YR, 20YR, 25YR LAGAVULIN 16 YR. MORTLACH RARE OLD OBAN 14 YR, 32 YR ROSEBANK 21 YR ROYAL LOCHNAGAR SINGLETON 12 YR STRATHMILL 25 YR TALISKER 10YR, 12 YR, 18YR, 20YR, 25YR, 30YR TENNESSEE WHISKEY GEORGE DICKEL #8 , #12, 9 YR BARREL GEORGE DICKEL CASCADE HOLLOW 76DC Beverage Journal March 2015 BOURBON STYLE, LIGHTNING LEMONADE PEACH CHERRY, BLUEBERRY, CINNA SUGAR, CITRUS, COCONUT, CRANBERRY, FLUFFED MARSHMALLOW, GRAPEFRIUT RUBY RED, GREEN APPLE , ICED CAKE, KISSED CARAMEL, LEMON SORBET, LIME, MANGO, MANGO SORBET, MELON, ORANGE, PASSION FRUIT, PEACH, PEAR, PINEAPPLE, PINEAPPLE COCONUT SORBET, POMEGRANATE, RASPBERRY, RASPBERRY SORBET, ROOTBEER FLOAT, SOUR APPLE, SOUR PUNCH, SOUR WATERMELON, STRAWBERRY, STRAWBERRY SORBET, VANILLA, WATERMELON, WHIPPED CREAM, WHITE GRAPE, WHITE PEACH SORBET, WILD HONEY POPOV 80° ROKK APPLE, BASE, CITRUS, ORANGE, RASPBERRY TANQUERAY STERLING URSUS BLUE RASPBERRY, GREEN APPLE, ORIGINAL, PUNCH RUM 10 CANE CAPTAIN MORGAN 100° CAPTAIN MORGAN LIME BITE CAPTAIN MORGAN PARROT BAY CARIBBEAN WHITE, CITRUS MOJITO, COCONUT, KEY LIME, LONG ISL ICED TEA, GRAPEFRIUT, MANGO, MANGO MOJITO, ORANGE, PASSION FRUIT, PINEAPPLE, STRABERRY CAPTAIN MORGAN PRIVATE STOCK CAPTAIN MORGAN SILVER, SPICED, BLACK SPICED MYERS’S ORIGINAL DARK, PLATINUM, RON ZACAPA CENTENARIO 23 YR ORONOCO PLATINUM PAMPERO ANIVERSARIO RON ZACAPA CENTENARIO XO TATTOO BY CAPTAIN MORGAN ARGENTINA NAVARRO CORREAS SAN TELMO TERRAZAS AUSTRALIA CAPE MENTELLE CHOCOLATE, CAPPUCCINO, MOCHO WHITE CHOCOLATE GOLDSCHLAGER GRAND MARNIER CENTENAIRE, CENTCINQUANTENAIRE, QUINTESSENCE, CHERRY, RASPBERRY PEACH, TITANIUM PELIGROSO CINNAMON LIQUEUR PIMM’S CUP #1, CUP #6 ROMANA BLACK SAMBUCA ROMANA SAMBUCA RUMPLEMINZE SCHNAPPS STIRRINGS LIQUEURS APPLE, ESPRESSO, GINGER, PEACH, POMGRANATE, TRIPLE SEC YENI RAKI YUKON JACK 100° YUKON JACK 70° JACAPPLE, WICKED HOT, PISCO RYE WHISKEY SCOTCH WHISKEY BLACK HAUS GODIVA GODIVA KETEL ONE, CITROEN, ORANJE MOON MOUNTAIN SMIRNOFF 80°, SMIR 90°, SMIR 100° SMIRNOFF ESPRESSO 100° SMIRNOFF SPICED ROOT BEER 100° SMIRNOFF TWIST FLAVORS HAIG CLUB CARAMEL, CHOCOLATE CHERRY, COFFEE, HAZELNUT, MINT CHOCOLATE, SALTED CARAMEL, VANILLA CINNAMON ZWACK AMARETTO, COCO, PEACH, PINEAPPLE, RED BERRY GORDON’S JEREMIAH WEED SWEET TEA SCOTCH SINGLE GRAIN WHISKEY BAILEYS IRISH CREAM & FLAVORS CIROC BLACK BUSH BUSHMILLS 80°, HONEY BUSMILLS MALT 10 YR, 16 YR, 21 YR BULLEIT 95 STRAIGHT RYE DEORGE DICKEL STRAIGHT RYE CORDIALS CHILE ALMAVIVA FRANCE CHATEAU & ESTATE CHATEAU MINUTY BURGUNDY DOM JEAN GRIVOT GERARD CHAVY PULIGNY MONTRACHET TOLLOT-BEAUT CHORY ITALY STELLINA DEL NOTTE NEW ZEALAND CLOUDY BAY NEW HARBOR SPAIN CAMPO NUMANTHIA TERME KAPPA PISCO PREPARED COCKTAILS CAPTAIN MORGAN CITRUS MOJITO, COCONUT MUDSLIDE, COCONUT PINA COLADA, LONG ISLAND ICED TEA, MANGO MOJITO, ORANGE PINEAPPLE DREAM, TROPICAL PUNCH CLUB COKTAILS SMIRNOFF GRAND COSMOPOLITAN, MOJITO, POMEGRANATE MARTINI, SAVANNAH TEA, TUSCAN LEMONADE Wine CALIFORNIA ACACIA BEAULIEU VINEYARDS (BV) BELCRÈME DE LYS BUTTERFLY KISS CHALONE CHALONE GAVILAN DOMAINE CHANDON DYNAMITE ENSEMBLE GIRL GO LIGHTLY GREAT AMERICAN WINE COMPANY JADE MOUNTAIN LEGEND OF VINE MCBRIDE NEWTON ONCE UPON A VINE OROGENY PROVENANCE ROSE “N” BLUM ROSENBLUM ROSENBLUM CHATEAU LA PAWS SNAP DRAGON STARK RAVING STERLING VINEYARDS UPPERCUT VELVET CRUSH WILY JACK WOODWORK SPARKLING WINE CALIFORNIA DOMAINE CHANDON NAVARRO CORREAS ROSE “N” BLUM FRANCE DOM PERIGNON KRUG MOET & CHANDON RUINART VEUVE CLICQUOT ITALY STLLINA DI NOTTE PROSECCO Non-Alcoholic SMIRNOFF BLOODY MARY MIX STIRRINGS MIXERS 1111 16th Street NW, Suite 121 Phone: (202) 835-3061 Washington, DC 20036 Order Board / Customer Service Fax: (202) 835-3064 David Bonin - Sales Manager Phone: (800) 445-0620 Fax: (800) 870-1193 NEYERS HANNES SABATHI CHAMPAGNE FLEURY CHAMPAGNE PAHLMEYER HEINRICH LANSON PARCEL 41 LOIMER CHAMPAGNE MOURTADIER PHARAOHMOANS RUDI PICHLER PHILIPPONNAT PINE RIDGE PRAGER PLUMPJACK WINERY STADT KREMS BERA (ITALY) PRIEST RANCH STEINFELD BOTTEX (FRANCE) PULIDO WALKER WIENINGER DIDIER CHAMPALOU (FRANCE) REGUSCI WINERY COMPLICES DE LOIRE(FRANCE) ROMBAUER VINEYARDS FALESCO (ITALY) RUSSIAN HILL WINERY WEINGUT ALBERT GESELLMAN (AUSTRIA) SANGUIS GIACOSA (ITALY) SARACINA VINEYARDS GRUBER (AUSTRIA) SEGHESIO COUSINO MACUL JUVE Y CAMPS (SPAIN) SEVEN SINNERS LEDYA PAUL LOUIS (FRANCE) SINATRA FAMILY ESTATES ROOT 1 DOMAINE SPIROPOULOS (GREECE) SINE QUA NON TERRANOBLE SZIGETI (AUSTRIA) SPLIT CREEK FARMS TASCA D'ALMERITA (ITALY) ST. AMANT WOLFFER ESTATE (LONG ISLAND) STAGLIN FAMILY VINEYARDS DOMAINE CATHERINE AUTHER ZARDETTO (ITALY) STICKYBEAK DOMAINE BOTT-GEYL ZEFIRO (ITALY) TRES SABORES DOMAINE KUENTZ-BAS ZENATO (ITALY) TURLEY DOMAINE MEYER-FONNE TWENTY BENCH DOMAINE OSTERTAG SPARKLING WINES CALIFORNIA 24 KNOTS BRAZIL CANADA MISSION HILL CHILE FRANCE ALSACE WES MAR BEAUJOLAIS/MACONNAIS ALTAMURA NEW YORK DOMAINE GUY BRETON AMPELOS CELLARS FORGE CELLARS DOMAINE CHANRION AMUSE BOUCHE MILLBROOK WINERY DOMAINE CHIGNARD ATREA RAVINES WINE CELLARS DOMAINE ROBERT DENOGENT AU SOMMET WOLFFER BERNARD DIOCHON BELLE GLOS OREGON DOMAINE DUPEUBLE BLACKBIRD VINEYARDS ARCHERY SUMMIT MARCEL LAPIERRE BLUE ROCK BERGSTROM WINES CHRISTOPHE PACALET CADE DOBBES FAMILY ESTATE JEAN PIERRE MICHEL CAMPION HIGH HOOK VINEYARDS MATHIEU PAQUET CANYON OAKS LACHINI VINEYARDS DOMAINE DE LA SARAZINIERE CARDIFF KEN WRIGHT DOMAINE THEVENET CASTLE ROCK WASHINGTON STATE CHATEAU THIVIN CHAMISAL FLYING FISH DOMAINE DES VALANGES CHASING LIONS GORMAN WINERY VERGET CHATEAU JULIEN MARK RYAN WINERY CONUNDRUM MERCER CANYONS COUP DE FOUDRE MERCER WINE ESTATES DIRTY PURE BORDEAUX CHATEAU LES ARROMANS ARGENTINA CHATEAU BLAIGNAN CHATEAU CAMBON DE LA PELOUSE C. DONATIELLO ALMA NEGRA CHATEAU COLOMBIER EMERALD BAY CATENA CHATEAU LA CROIX DE CABUT EMMOLO EL ENEMIGO CHATEAU COUTET ENVOLVE HIGH NOTE CHATEAU DOMEYNE FAILLA NIETO CHATEAU DUCASSE FONTANELLA RECUERDO CHATEAU FERRIERE FOREFRONT BODEGAS RENACER CHATEAU LA FLEUR GRAVELLY FORD TILIA HIGH FLYER CHATEAU LAGRANGE AUSTRALIA CHATEAU FONBADET HOOK & LADDER 2 UP CHATEAU FREYNELLE HOPE & GRACE CAMPBELL'S CHATEAU GRAND PUY DUCASSE HULLABALOO CHAMBERS CHATEAU GRAVILLE LACOSTE JAYSON CULLEN CHATEAU KIRWAN JOURNEYMAN D'ARENBERG CHATEAU L'ECUYER JR WINES JOHN DUVAL CHATEAU LARIBOTTE LADERA GROOM WINES LAROSE DE GRUAUD LONGBOARD VINEYARDS INNOCENT BYSTANDER CHATEAU LA GURGUE LYNMAR LEEUWIN ESTATES CHATEAU HAUT BAGES MAISONRY PENLEY ESTATE CHATEAU MONGRAVEY MARA SHOOFLY CHATEAU MOULIN HAUT MARTINELLI STICKS MEIOMI LIDIO CARRARO CHATEAU PETIT MANOU AUSTRIA CHATEAU PICQUE CAILLOI MER SOLEIL ACHS CHATEAU TOURNEFEUILLE MINISTRY OF THE VINTERIOR WEINGUT ALBERT GESSELLMAN CHATEAU TROIS MOULINS MORGAN WINERY FRITZ JOSEF LA FLEUR DU ROY Beverage Journal March 2015 77DC CHATEAU PALOUMEY SOUTHWEST FRANCE UMBRIA CHATEAU PAVILLON DE BOYREIN DOMAINE ARRETXEA LA CARRAIA CHATEAU RENARD MONDESIR CLOS LA COUTALE STELLA CHATEAU ROUMIEU LACOSTE DOMAIME ETXEGARA CHATEAU SAINT ANDRE DE CORBIN VENETO GERMANY CROTE GIARA LE SEC DE RAYNE VIGNEAU CLEAN SLATE MACULAN CHATEAU VIRECOURT PILLEBOURSE HAVEMYER SANSONINA KREUZNACHER ZENATO BURGUNDY DOMAINE A&P DE VILLAINE VERTIKAL JAPAN REGIS BOUVIER HUNGARY DOMAINE LA CADETTE DOBOGO DOMAINE JEAN CHARTRON ITALY DOMAINE R. CHEVILLON ABRUZZO DOMAINE B. DEFAIX MONTI DOMAINE JAEGER DEFAIX VALLE REALE SUZUKI SHUZOTEN-HIDEYOSJI NABA SHOTEN ALTO ADIGE DOMAINE SAVARY KRIS DOMAINE TAUPENOT-MERME TIEFENBRUNNER DOMAINE SEGUIN MANUEL TRAMIN PORTUGAL ALENTEJO PUGLIA DOMAINE LECCIA BOTROMAGNO DOMAINE MAESTRACCI GIANFRANCO FINO NIGATA ICHISHIMA SHUZO CORSICA LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON AKITA SEISHU-DETATSURU HINOMARU JOZU-MANABITO DOMAINE GACHOT-MONOT DOM BRUNET AKITA TENJU SHUZO J PORTUGAL RAMOS BEIRAS FOZ DE AROUCE LEONE DE CASTRIS DAO TERRE GARRIDA DOMAINE D'AUPILHAC BASILICATA CHATEAU DES DEUX ROCS BISCEGLIA ERMITAGE FAT BASTARD DUORO CHRYSEIA CALABRIA DOW'S CAMPANIA MUXAGAT LIBRANDI DUORUM DOMAINE DE FONTSAINTE MAS GAGINELE GALARDI QUINTA DO PASSADOURO JADIX MASTROBERARDINO POMBAL DO VESUVIO DOMAINE LAROQUE MONTEVETRANO PRAZO DE RORIZ DOMAINE ST. MARTIN DE LA GARRIGUE CHATEAU DE LASCAUX EMILIA-ROMAGNA ESTREMADURA LA TOUR VIEILLE SUPERBE WINE & SOUL CASTELLUCCIO FRIULI MONTE D'ORIO LAZIO LAGOALVA PRINCIC RIBATEJO LES VIGNES LOIRE FALESCO SPAIN L'AUJARDIERE MARCHE DOMAINE MICHEL BREGEON FAZI BATTAGLIA ALICANTE ENRIQUE MENDOZA DIDIER CHAMPALOU MOLISE DOMAINE DE LA CHANTELEUSERIE DI MAJO NORANTE DOMAINE CHIDAINE CAMPO DE BORJA LOS DOS PIEMONTE CASTILLA/LA MANCHA COMPLICES DE LOIRE BERA FINCA ANTIGUA DOMAINE CROCHET CASTELLO DI NEIVE MARQUES DE GRINON CHATEAU D'EPIRE CERETTO DOMAINE HIPPOLYTE-REVERDY CORTESE EMPORDA OLIVER CONTI PASCAL JANVIER GIACOSA DOMAINE CHARLES JOGUET LA MARCHESA DOMAINE MINET MONCHIERO CARBONE ORIGINE ROBERTO VOERZIO DOMAINE REUILLY SERRADENARI DOMAINE REVERDY-DUCROUX VILLA REMOTTI DOMAINE DU SALVARD PROVENCE EXTREMADURA MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN ILLES BALEARS (MALLORCA) ANIMA NEGRA SARDEGNA ARGIOLAS DOMAINE LA COURTADE NAVARRA MONJARDIN SICILIA DOMAINE GUEISSARD FESSINA DOMAINE GRANDPRE MORGANTE DOMAINE GROS NORE' TASCA D'ALMERITA PAS DU CERF TERRE JEAN MARIE REVERDY RHONE JEREZ HIDALGO PAIS VASCO ITSAS MENDI PRIORAT FRANCESC SANCHEZ-BAS RIAS BAIXAS TOSCANA ALTESINO LICIA FINCA DE ARANTEI HENRI BRUNIER CASTELLARE DOMAINE DE DURBAN CASTELLO DO BOSSI DOMAINE PHILIPPE FAURY LE PUPILLE DOMAINE CATHERINE LA GOEUIL LIVERNANO BUJANDA DOMAINE DU JONCIER MONASTERO FINCA VALPIEDRA DOMAINE GRAMENON PALLADIO LABASTIDA CHATEAU MONTFAUCON POGGIO SCALETTE DOMAINE MONTIRIUS PRATESI DOMAINE LES PALLIERES RESTA DEL MARTIN ROQUETTE SALICUTTI ROXANICH DOMAINE SANG DES CAILLOUX SAN POLO BRUNO TRAPAN TELEGRAMME SAN QUIRICO CHATEAU TRINQUEVEDEL TENIMENTI D'ALLESSANDRO AGRINA VIEIUX TELEGRAPHE TUA RITA MILIJAN JELIC VALDIPIATTA VINO BIDIMIR SAVOIE QUENARD 78DC Beverage Journal March 2015 VILLA POLLO RIBERA DEL DUERO CONVENTO SAN FRANCISCO RIOJA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STOBI WINERY CROATIA REPUBLIC OF SERBIA GREECE ATTICA GRAPPA ALTESINO HARLAFTIS CASTELLARE HATZI-MICHALIS ESTATE NARDINI DOMAINE VASSILIOU POLI PELOPONNESE CAVINO ZARDETTO ZENATO GAI'A WINES ANISE CH. MERCOURI MASSAYA (LEBANON) DOMAINE SPIROPOULOS RUSSIAN SPIRITS NORTHERN GREECE SAMOGON COTES DE MELITON ARGIOLAS (ITALY) MALAMATINA LIQUEUR/CORDIALS DOMAINE PORTO CARRAS DRAMA PAVLIDIS WINERY CAPRINATURA (ITALY) HUM LIQUEUR (U.S.) KATSAROS (GREECE) MACEDONIA THYMIOPOULOS VINEYARDS ISLANDS SORBETTA (NEW YORK) SOREL (BROOKLYN) STOUPAKIS (GREECE) CEPHALONIA GENTILINI OUZO GIOKARINIS RHODES EMERY WINERY KATSAROS MITILINI CRETE KARAVITAKIS STOUPAKIS KAZANISTO THRAKI MYRTO CACHACA SAMOS PITU' SAMOS MEZCAL SANTORINI ARGYROS DEL MAGUEY MARCA NEGRA GAI'A WINES TEQUILA CYPRUS KEO FORTALEZA PUEBLO VIEJO LEBANON MASSAYA SAN MATIAS SIEMBRA AZUL NEW ZEALAND PISCO COOPER'S CREEK CAMPO DE ENCANTO GREYWACKE PISCO PAYET JULES TAYLOR RUM MT. BEAUTIFUL BERKSHIRE (MASSACHUSETTS) YEALANDS DENIZEN (CARRIBEAN) SOUTH AFRICA PRIVATEER (MASSACHUSETTS) CEDERBERG BOURBON FAIRVALLEY BERKSHIRE (MASSACHUSETTS) MADEIRA LEACOCK'S FIVE FATHERS (KENTUCKY) MCKENZIE PORTO DOW'S OLD POGUE ROUGH RIDER (LONG ISLAND) WINE & SOUL WHISKEY CALVADOS PINE BARREB CHATEAU DU BREUIL SINGLE MALT SCOTCH GIN BANK NOTE BERKSHIRE DUNCAN TAYLOR CITY OF LONDON CADENHEADS MCKENZIE HAZELBURN OLD RAJ LONGROW VERMOUTH DEL PROFESSORE SPRINGBANK CAMPBELTOWN STRONACHIE VODKA TULLIBARDINE BERKSHIRE (MASSACHUSETTS) LIV (LONG ISLAND) GLASSWARE STOLZLE LONDON VODKA BRANDY GOLLES (AUSTRIA) KEO (CYPRUS) VILLA ZARRI (ITALY) COGNAC BACHE GABRIELSEN Beverage Journal March 2015 79DC The Washington, DC Beverage Journal is the official trade magazine serving the licensed beverage industry of the District of Columbia. The Washington editions includes the wholesaler product listings of the licensed beverage wholesalers in the market. 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