System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B SUPPLEMENTAL AIRPLANE MAINTENANCE MANUAL DA 42 NG RETROFIT INSTALLATION OF AUSTRO ENGINE E4-B This supplemental AMM is approved in conjunction with the Optional Design Change Advisory OÄM 42-171 and OÄM 42-176 and is valid in conjunction with the basic DA 42 NG Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM), Doc. No. 7.02.15. The limitations and information contained herein either supplement or, in the case of conflict, override those in the AMM. Doc. No. : 7.02.15-O03 Date of Issue : 01-Jun-2009 Design Change Advisory : OÄM 42-171 and OÄM 42-176 The technical information contained in this document has been approved under the authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.052. DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES GMBH N.A. OTTO-STR. 5 A-2700 WIENER NEUSTADT AUSTRIA System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 COVER Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 01 – INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1 1. General................................................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 03 – GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRPLANE ..........................................1 3. Equipment Data ..................................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 05 – TIME LIMITS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKS .............................................1 Section 05-20 – Scheduled Maintenance Checks............................................................1 Maintenance Practices – Maintenance Checklist DA 42 NG...........................................1 4. Maintenance Checklist Zones................................................................................................ 1 7. Maintenance Check Flight Report.......................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 11 – PLACARDS AND MARKINGS......................................................................1 Section 11-20 – Exterior Placards and Markings.............................................................1 1. General................................................................................................................................... 1 Section 11-30 – Interior Placards and Markings ..............................................................1 2. Description ............................................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 22 – AUTO FLIGHT...............................................................................................1 Section 22-11 – KAP 140 Autopilot ...................................................................................1 1. General................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Description ............................................................................................................................. 1 Maintenance Practices ...................................................................................................201 1. General............................................................................................................................... 201 2. Remove/Install the Flight Control Computer ...................................................................... 201 3. Remove/Install the KCM 100 Configuration Module.......................................................... 203 5. Remove/Install the Roll Servo............................................................................................ 205 6. Remove/Install the Roll Servo Clutch ................................................................................ 206 7. Remove/Install the Pitch Servo.......................................................................................... 208 8. Remove/Install the Pitch Servo Clutch............................................................................... 209 9. Remove/Install the Pitch Trim Servo.................................................................................. 211 10. Remove/Install the Pitch Trim Servo Clutch ...................................................................... 212 11. Adjust the Bridle Cable Tension......................................................................................... 213 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 CONTENTS Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM 12. Adjust the Servo Clutch Torques ...................................................................................... 214 13. Mechanical Test of the Autopilot System.......................................................................... 215 CHAPTER 31 – INDICATING SYSTEMS................................................................................1 Section 31-10 – Instrument and Control Panels ..............................................................1 2. Instrument Panel Description ................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 52 – DOORS..........................................................................................................1 Section 52-10 – Canopy and Passenger Door .................................................................1 2. Canopy Description and Operation........................................................................................ 1 3. Passenger Door Description and Operation .......................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 92 – WIRING DIAGRAMS .....................................................................................1 1. General................................................................................................................................... 1 Page 2 01 Jun 2009 CONTENTS Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 01 – INTRODUCTION 1. General This Supplemental AMM supplies the information necessary to do the maintenance of a DA 42 NG previously manufactured as a DA 42 with subsequent installation of Austro Engine E4-B engines. The information contained in this Supplemental AMM is to be used in conjunction with the complete DA 42 NG AMM, Doc. No. 7.02.15. Further, use the following manuals in conjunction with the Airplane Maintenance Manual, and the related Service Bulletins (if the KAP 140 A/P is installed): − The Honeywell Flightline Maintenance Manual Bendix/King KAP 140 Flight Control System, Manual Number 006-15574-0002. − The Honeywell Installation Manual Bendix/King KAP 140 Flight Control System, Manual Number 006-00991-0006. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 01-00-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 01-00-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 03 – GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRPLANE 3. Equipment Data In any case, the parts must have exactly those part numbers shown in the Equipment List in Chapter 6 of the − Airplane Flight Manual, Doc. No. 7.01.15-E, latest revision, or − Airplane Flight Manual Supplement O03, Doc. No. 7.01.15-E-O03, latest revision, or − Airplane Flight Manual Supplement A13, Doc. No. 7.01.15-E-A13, latest revision (if the KAP 140 A/P is installed). ATA Chapter 22 Equipment/System Manufacturer/Address Autopilot System Honeywell International Inc. (if KAP 140 A/P is installed): One Technology Center Direct Shipping Approved yes 23500 West 105th Street Olathe, Kansas 66061 USA Tel: (913) 712-0400 Fax: (913) 791-1302 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 03-00-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 03-00-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 05 – TIME LIMITS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKS Section 05-20 – Scheduled Maintenance Checks Maintenance Practices – Maintenance Checklist DA 42 NG 4. Maintenance Checklist Zones C. Cabin (3) Flight Control System in Cabin Interval Inspection Items, Flight Control System in Cabin Note: 100 200 1000 2000 Time Initials The mechanical check of the KAP 140 autopilot system (if installed) is not mandatory. It is however recommended to do this check at the times shown below. 14. Do a mechanical check of the KAP 140 autopilot system (if installed). X X 1yr. Refer to Section 22-11 of this Supplemental AMM. (5) Miscellaneous Items in Cabin Inspection Items, Cabin, Miscellaneous 4. If the sun visors (OÄM 42-101 or OÄM 42-142) are installed: 100 200 1000 2000 Time X X Initials X − Check for obvious damage. − Check press-studs for lack of retention force. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 05-20-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 7. Maintenance Check Flight Report MAINTENANCE CHECK FLIGHT DA 42 NG (See Maintenance Checklist for Applicability) Supplemental O03 Page AIRCRAFT Registration: Pilot: Airdrome: Date: Take-Off: Landing: Findings Functional Check, Flight Behavior N/A NO YES ON GROUND, ENGINES ON If KAP 140 A/P is installed: Altimeters (G1000 and backup), autopilot: QNH adjustment. CRUISE (in accordance with AFM) Autopilot ( if KAP 140 A/P is installed): ‒ Wings level mode. ‒ HDG mode. ‒ NAV mode (if required). ‒ ALT / VS preselect and hold. ‒ CWS (control wheel steering) button. ‒ Disconnect (red button). Page 2 01 Jun 2009 05-20-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 11 – PLACARDS AND MARKINGS Section 11-20 – Exterior Placards and Markings 1. General Canopy/Door Operation Placards if MÄM 42-097 Is Not Carried Out: Figure 1: Exterior Placards and Markings - MÄM 42-097 Not Carried Out Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 11-20-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 11-20-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Section 11-30 – Interior Placards and Markings 2. Description On LH canopy Frame if the KAP 140 A/P Is Installed: Limitations for KAP 140 Autopilot System: Engine Power (LH & RH) is limited to max. 80% Load Indication during Autopilot Operation. Do not use AP during single engine operation. Autopilot DISC during take-off and landing. Maximum speed for autopilot operation is 180 KIAS. Minimum speed for autopilot operation is 90 KIAS. Minimum Altitude for Autopilot Operation: Cruise, Climb, Descent and Maneuvering : 800 feet AGL Approach (130 KIAS or less) : 200 feet AGL Approach (above 130 KIAS) : 250 feet AGL Departure : 200 feet AGL Figure 1: Interior Placards and Markings – KAP 140 A/P Installed Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 11-30-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM Canopy/Door Operation Placards if MÄM 42-097 Is Not Carried Out: Figure 2: Exterior Placards and Markings - MÄM 42-097 Not Carried Out Page 2 01 Jun 2009 11-30-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 22 – AUTO FLIGHT Section 22-11 – KAP 140 Autopilot 1. General This Section tells you about the KAP 140 autopilot system that is installed in the DA 42 NG. Refer to Section 22-10 in the AMM, Doc. No. 7.02.15, latest revision if the GFC 700 autopilot system is installed. 2. Description The KAP 140 autopilot system is a digital flight control system that provides roll, pitch, and pitch trim steering with altitude preselect. The system has the following components (refer to Figure 1): − KC 140 flight control computer (FCC). − KCM 100 configuration module. − Turn coordinator with autopilot pick-off. − KS 271C roll servo. − KS 270C pitch servo. − KS 272C pitch trim servo. − KM 275 and KM 277 servo mounts. − Coupling to the Garmin G1000 integrated cockpit system (ICS). Heading input is supplied for the KAP 140 autopilot by the Garmin G1000 integrated cockpit system (ICS). Refer to Section 31-40 in the AMM for more data about the ICS. The KAP 140 roll axis features include wing leveler, heading select, and VOR/LOC intercept and tracking. The KAP 140 is also coupled to the ICS for navigation information. Roll rate information is derived from the turn coordinator. Pitch axis features include vertical speed, glideslope and altitude hold along with the optional altitude preselect. Pitch information is derived from a pressure sensor and accelerometer. Internal monitors keep constant track of the KAP 140’s status and provide for automatic shutdown of the autopilot or trim system in the event of a malfunction. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM Figure 1: KAP 140 Autopilot System Schematic Diagram Page 2 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM A. of Austro Engine E4-B Bendix/King KAP 140 Flight Control Computer Figure 2 shows the Bendix/King KAP 140 flight control computer. It is located in the instrument panel, at the bottom. The Bendix/King KAP 140 has the following annunciators on the front panel, above the AP button: − 'P' (pitch axis) annunciator. It indicates failure of the pitch axis and will either disengage the autopilot or does not allow engagement of the pitch axis. The 'P' annunciator may illuminate with the autopilot disengaged. This condition can occur during maneuvering flight when g thresholds are exceeded. The autopilot monitor will not allow engagement during illumination. − 'R' (roll axis) annunciator. It indicates failure of the roll axis and will disengage the autopilot or does not allow engagement. The Bendix/King KAP 140 controls the following annunciator on the ICS alerts panel (also see Section 31-40 in the AMM): − TRIM FAIL annunciator. It illuminates whenever the automated pre-flight self test detects a pitch trim fault or a continuous monitoring system detects a pitch trim fault in flight. Refer to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES for proper response to a pitch trim fault. The Bendix/King KAP 140 has a display which shows the following: − Pitch and roll mode displays. Displays the active pitch modes (VS, ALT, ARM, ALT, GS ARM, GS) and roll modes (ROL, HDG, NAV ARM, NAV, APR ARM, APR, REV ARM, REV). Also displayed will be a flashing AP annunciation (5 seconds) at each autopilot disconnect, accompanied by an aural alert (for 2 seconds). − PT (pitch trim) annunciation. It indicates the direction of required pitch trim. With electric trim installed, the annunciation simply provides status to the autopilot request for auto trim. A solid indication represents the lowest demand level for trim, whereas a flashing annunciation implies a greater demand. A solid PT annunciation without an arrow head is an indication of a pitch trim fault. During MET operation, this annunciation can be caused by a stuck MET switch. If the stuck switch fault clears, trim operation will resume. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 3 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM Figure 2: Bendix/King KAP 140 Flight Control Computer Page 4 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B ALERT (altitude alert) annunciation. − It illuminates continuously in the region of from 200 to 1000 feet from the selected altitude if the airplane was previously outside of this region. − It flashes for two seconds the first time the airplane crossed the selected altitude. − If flashes continuously in the 200 to 1000 feet region if the airplane was previously inside of this region (i.e., at the selected altitude). Associated with the visual alerting is an aural alert (5 short tones) which occurs 1000 feet from the selected altitude upon approaching the altitude and 200 feet from the selected altitude on leaving the altitude. − Altitude alert/vertical speed/baro setting display. Normally the altitude alerter selected altitude is displayed. If the UP or DN button is pushed while in VS hold, the display changes to the command reference for the VS mode in FPM for 3 seconds. If the BARO button is pushed, the display changes to the autopilot baro setting in either IN HG or HPA for 3 seconds. The flight control computer has these controls on the front panel: − Rotary knobs. These are used to set the altitude alert reference altitude; or may be used immediately after pressing the BARO button, to adjust the autopilot baro setting to match that of the airplane’s altimeter when manual adjustment is required. − AP (autopilot engage/disengage) button. When pushed, it engages the autopilot if all logic conditions are met. The autopilot will engage in the basic roll (ROL) mode which functions as a wing leveler and in the vertical speed (VS) hold mode. The commanded vertical speed may be displayed manually in the upper right corner of autopilot display area if either UP or DN button is pressed. The captured VS will be the vertical speed present at the moment of AP button press. When pressed again, it will disengage the autopilot. − HDG (heading) mode selector button. When pushed, it will select the 'heading' mode, which commands the airplane to turn to and maintain the heading selected by the heading bug on the HSI. A new heading may be selected at any time and will result in the airplane turning to the new heading. The button can also be used to toggle between HDG and ROL modes. This button may be used to engage the autopilot. − NAV (navigation) mode selector button. When pushed, will select the navigation mode. The mode provides automatic beam capture and tracking of VOR, LOC or GPS as selected for presentation on the HSI. NAV mode is recommended for enroute navigation tracking. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 5 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM − APR (approach) mode selector button. When pushed, it will select the navigation mode. The mode provides automatic beam capture and tracking of VOR, GPS, LOC, and glideslope (GS) on an ILS, as selected for presentation on the ICS. APR mode tracking sensitivity is recommended for instrument approaches. − REV (back course approach) mode selector button. When pushed, it will select the back course approach mode. This mode functions identically to the approach mode except that the autopilot response to LOC signals is reversed. − ALT (altitude hold) mode select button. When pushed, it will select the altitude hold mode. This mode provides capture and tracking of the selected altitude. The selected altitude is the altitude at the moment the ALT button is pressed. If the ALT button is pressed with an established VS rate present, there will be approximately a 10 % (of VS rate) overshoot, with the airplane returned positively to the selected altitude. − UP/DN (vertical trim) buttons. The action of these buttons is dependent upon the vertical mode present when pressed. If VS mode is active, the initial button stroke will bring up the commanded vertical speed in the display. Subsequent immediate button strokes will increment the vertical commanded either up or down at the rate of 100 ft/min per button press, or at the rate of approximately 300 ft/min per second if pressed continuously. If the ALT mode is active, incremental button strokes will move the altitude hold reference altitude either up or down by 20 feet per press, or if held continuously will command the airplane up or down at the rate of 500 ft/min, synchronizing the altitude hold reference to the actual airplane altitude upon button release. (Note that the altitude hold reference is not displayed. The display will continue to show the altitude alert reference.) − ARM (altitude arm) button. It toggles altitude arming on or off. When ALT ARM is annunciated, the autopilot will capture the altitude alert displayed altitude (provided the airplane is climbing or descending in VS to the displayed altitude). ALT hold arming when the autopilot is engaged is automatic upon altitude alert altitude selection via the rotary knobs. Note that the alert functions are independent of the arming process, thus providing full time alerting, even when the autopilot is disengaged. − BARO (baro set) button. When pushed and released, it will change the display from the altitude alert selected altitude to the baro setting display (either IN HG or HPA) for 3 seconds. If pushed and held for 2 seconds, it will change the baro setting display from IN HG to HPA or vice versa. Once the baro setting display is visible, the rotary knobs may be used to manually adjust the baro setting if the system configuration does not employ automatic correction. Page 6 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B The flight control computer is connected to these controls on the control sticks: − AP DISC (autopilot disconnect) switch on pilot’s and co-pilot’s stick. When pressed, it will disengage the autopilot, and interrupt electric trim power. − Manual electric trim switches on the pilot’s stick. When both switches are pressed in the same direction, they will activate pitch trim in the selected direction. If only one switch is moved, the trim system will not operate. If one switch fails or is moved and held for 3 seconds, the trim monitoring system will detect a switch failure resulting in a PT annunciation on the autopilot display and the disabling of the electric trim system. Autopilot power will have to be cycled to clear the fault. Use of manual electric trim during autopilot operation will disengage the autopilot. − CWS (control wheel steering) mode button on the pilot’s stick. When pressed and held, it disengages the pitch, roll and pitch trim clutches allowing the pilot to maneuver the airplane by hand. Pressing the CWS button will also sync the autopilot ALT or VS commands to the actual altitude or vertical speed present at the time the button is released. B. KCM 100 Configuration Module The data which is specific to the DA 42 NG (for example: gain settings) is stored in the KCM 100 configuration module. C. KS 271C Roll Servo The roll servo is located behind the rear main bulkhead on the right side. It is mounted on a mounting plate which is made from sheet aluminum. Two aluminum clamps connect a bridle cable to the aileron push-rod. D. KS 270C Pitch Servo The pitch servo is located aft of the baggage compartment frame. It is mounted on a mounting plate which is made from sheet aluminum. Two aluminum clamps connect a bridle cable to the elevator push-rod. E. KS 272C Pitch Trim Servo The pitch trim servo is located under the co-pilot's seat. It is mounted on a mounting plate which is made from sheet aluminum and mounting bracket which is made from GFRP. Servo movement is transmitted to the trim wheel through a chain gear on the servo, a cardan shaft, and a chain gear next to the trim wheel on the right side. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 7 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 8 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Maintenance Practices 1. General These Maintenance Practices tell you how to install the components of the KAP 140 autopilot system. They also tell you how to test and adjust the KAP 140 autopilot system. 2. Remove/Install the Flight Control Computer A. Remove the Flight Control Computer Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Open the AUTOPILOT circuit breaker. (2) Put a 3/32 Allen wrench into the access hole for the locking screw. Engage the screw. (3) Turn the screw counter-clockwise until the unit disengages from the mounting rack. CAUTION: DO NOT PULL ON THE KNOBS. DO NOT PRY THE FACE-PLATE. IF YOU PULL ON THE KNOBS, OR PRY THE FACE-PLATE, YOU CAN DAMAGE THE UNIT. CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH THE CONNECTOR CARD AT THE REAR OF THE UNIT. THE ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE ON YOUR BODY CAN DAMAGE THE UNIT. (4) Pull gently on the sides of the unit to remove it from the mounting rack. (5) Install the protective covers on the rear connectors of the flight control computer. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 201 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B B. Install the Flight Control Computer Detail Steps/Work Items (1) Remove the protective covers from the connectors on the replacement unit. (2) Slide the unit into the rack. Engage the locking screw so that the latch front lobe touches the rack. (3) Turn the locking screw clockwise so that the rear lobe engages the mounting rack. CAUTION: Key Items/References DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN THE LOCKING SCREW. YOU CAN DAMAGE THE LOCKING MECHANISM. (4) Continue to turn the screw until the unit is fully installed in the mounting rack. (5) Close the AUTOPILOT circuit breaker. (6) Check and adjust the servo “nulls”. (7) Do a test of the autopilot system: Refer to the Installation Manual for the KAP 140 Flight Control System. − Set the ELECT. MASTER switch to ON. − Set AV. MASTER switch to ON. − Observe selftest of the flight control computer. If no error message appears, the system is operative. − Set AV. MASTER to OFF. − Set ELECT. MASTER switch to OFF. Page 202 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM 3. of Austro Engine E4-B Remove/Install the KCM 100 Configuration Module A. Remove the KCM 100 Configuration Module Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Open the AUTO PILOT circuit-breaker. Instrument panel, right side. (2) Remove instrument panel cover. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. (3) Remove the KCM 100: − Remove the two screws that attach the KCM 100 to the mounting rack. − Disconnect the electric cable. − Move the configuration module free of the instrument panel. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 203 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B B. Install the the KCM 100 Configuration Module Detail Steps/Work Items CAUTION: Key Items/References WHEN A NEW CONFIGURATION MODULE IS INSTALLED, YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT IT HAS THE PART NUMBER WHICH IS SHOWN IN THE EQUIPMENT LIST IN CHAPTER 6 OF THE AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL. IF A NEW CONFIGURATION MODULE IS INSTALLED, A COMPLETE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE INCLUDING SOFTWARE UPLOAD IS NECESSARY. (1) Put the KCM 100 in place on the instrument panel. Connect the electric cable and engage the two locking screws. (2) Install the instrument panel cover. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. (3) Close the AUTO PILOT circuit breaker. Instrument panel, right side. (4) Do a test of the autopilot system: − Set the ELECT. MASTER switch to ON. − Set AV. MASTER switch to ON. − Observe self-test of the flight control computer. If no error message appears, the system is operative. − Set AV. MASTER to OFF. − Set ELECT. MASTER switch to OFF. Page 204 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM 5. of Austro Engine E4-B Remove/Install the Roll Servo A. Remove the Roll Servo Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the passengers seat. (2) Disconnect the connector from the servo. (3) Remove the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and the clutch. (4) Remove the servo clear of the airplane. B. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. Hold the servo. Install the Roll Servo Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Put the servo in place on the mounting plate. (2) Install the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and clutch. (3) Connect the connector to the servo. (4) Do a test of the autopilot system: − Set ELECT. MASTER switch to ON. − Set AV. MASTER switch to ON. − Observe self-test of the flight control computer. If no error message appears, the system is operative. − Set AV. MASTER switch to OFF. − Set ELECT. MASTER switch to OFF. (5) Install the passengers seat. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. 22-11-00 Page 205 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 6. Remove/Install the Roll Servo Clutch A. Equipment Item Cable tension gauge. B. Quantity Part Number 1 Commercial. Remove the Roll Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items (1) Remove the roll servo. (2) Release the clamps which connect the bridle cable to the aileron push-rod. (3) Remove the bridle cable. (4) Remove the 2 screws which attach the clutch to the mounting plate. (5) Remove the clutch clear of the airplane. Page 206 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Key Items/References Refer to Paragraph 5. Hold the clutch. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B C. Install the Roll Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the pilot's seat or the co-pilot's seat. (2) Put the clutch in place on the mounting plate. (3) Install the 2 screws which attach the clutch to the mounting plate. (4) Center the aileron control system with a rigging pin at one control stick. Refer to Section 27-10 in the AMM. (5) Center the capstan. The recess for the ball in the middle of the bridle cable must be in the uppermost position. (6) Install bridle cable to capstan. The ball in the middle of the bridle cable must engage in the recess on the capstan. Wrap bridle cable around capstan one turn to each side. (7) Connect the ends of the bridle cable to the aileron pushrod with the clamps. Tighten clamps lightly to allow adjustment (see next step). (8) Using a small plastic hammer, move the clamps along the pushrod to adjust the bridle cable tension. Adjust tension to 89 ±22 N (20 ±5 lbf). Measure cable tension with cable tension gauge. (9) Tighten the clamps. (10) Remove the rigging pin from the control stick. (11) Install the front seat which was removed. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. (12) Install the roll servo. Refer to Paragraph 5. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM to give access for the rigging pin. 22-11-00 Page 207 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 7. Remove/Install the Pitch Servo A. Remove the Pitch Servo Detail Steps/Work Items (1) Remove the trim/cover from the front face of the baggage compartment and remove the lower access panel from the baggage compartment insert. (2) Disconnect the connector from the servo. (3) Remove the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and the clutch. (4) Remove the servo clear of the airplane. B. Key Items/References Hold the servo. Install the Pitch Servo Detail Steps/Work Items (1) Put the servo in place on the mounting plate. (2) Install the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and clutch. (3) Connect the connector to the servo. (4) Do a test of the autopilot system: Key Items/References − Set ELECT. MASTER switch to ON. − Set AV. MASTER switch to ON. − Observe selftest of the flight control computer. If no error message appears, the system is operative. − Set AV. MASTER switch to OFF. − Set ELECT. MASTER to OFF. (5) Install the baggage compartment lower access panel and install the trim/cover to the front face of the baggage compartment. Page 208 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM 8. of Austro Engine E4-B Remove/Install the Pitch Servo Clutch A. Equipment Item Cable tension gauge. B. Quantity Part Number 1 Commercial. Remove the Pitch Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the pitch servo. (2) Release the clamps which connect the bridle cable to the elevator pushrod. (3) Remove the bridle cable. (4) Remove the 2 screws which attach the clutch to the mounting plate. (5) Remove the clutch from the airplane. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 Refer to Paragraph 7. Hold the clutch. 22-11-00 Page 209 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B C. Supplemental AMM Install the Pitch Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the pilot's seat or the co-pilot's seat. (2) Put the clutch in place on the mounting plate. (3) Install the 2 screws which attach the clutch to the mounting plate. (4) Center the elevator control system with a rigging pin at one control stick. Refer to Section 27-30 in the AMM. (5) Center the capstan. The recess for the ball in the middle of the bridle cable must be in the uppermost position. (6) Install bridle cable to capstan. The ball in the middle of the bridle cable must engage in the recess on the capstan. Wrap bridle cable around capstan one turn to each side. (7) Connect the ends of the bridle cable to the elevator push-rod with the clamps. Tighten clamps lightly to allow adjustment (see next step). (8) Using a small plastic hammer, move the clamps along the push-rod to adjust the bridle cable tension. Adjust tension to 89 ± 22 N (20 ±5 lbf). Measure cable tension with cable tension gauge. (9) Tighten the clamps. (10) Remove the rigging pin from the control stick. (11) Install the front seat which was removed. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. (12) Install the pitch servo. Refer to Paragraph 7. Page 210 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM to give access for the rigging pin. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM 9. of Austro Engine E4-B Remove/Install the Pitch Trim Servo A. Remove the Pitch Trim Servo Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the co-pilot's seat. (2) Dis-connect the connector from the servo. (3) Remove the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and the clutch. (4) Remove the servo clear of the airplane. B. Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. Hold the servo. Install the Pitch Trim Servo Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Put the servo in place on the mounting plate. (2) Install the 2 screws which attach the servo to the mounting plate and clutch. (3) Connect the connector to the servo. (4) Do a test of the autopilot system: The upper forward screw also holds the chain adjuster. Ensure proper chain tension. − Set ELECT MASTER switch to ON. − Set AVIONICS MASTER switch to ON. − Observe self-test of the flight control computer. If no error message appears, the system is operative. − Set AVIONICS MASTER switch to OFF. − Set ELECT MASTER switch to OFF. (5) Install the co-pilot's seat. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 Refer to Section 25-10 in the AMM. 22-11-00 Page 211 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 10. Remove/Install the Pitch Trim Servo Clutch A. Remove the Pitch Trim Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items CAUTION: Key Items/References DO NOT APPLY STRONG FORCES TO THE CARDAN SHAFT. THE UPPER CARDAN JOINT CONNECTS TO A PART WHICH IS WEAK BY DESIGN TO GIVE OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN AN EMERGENCY LANDING. (1) Remove the pitch trim servo. (2) Remove the screw which holds the cap to the capstan. (3) Remove the cap from the capstan. (4) Release chain tension with chain adjuster. (5) Remove the chain from the chain gear. (6) Remove the 2 screws which attach the clutch and the chain adjuster to the mounting plate. B. Refer to Paragraph 9. On the chain gear next to the servo. Hold the clutch and the chain adjuster. Install the Pitch Trim Servo Clutch Detail Steps/Work Items (1) Put the clutch and the chain adjuster in place on the mounting plate. (2) Install the 2 screws which attach the clutch and the chain adjuster to the mounting plate. (3) Install the chain to the chain gear. (4) Put the cap in place on the capstan. (5) Install the screw which holds the cap to the capstan. (6) Install the pitch trim servo. Page 212 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Key Items/References Refer to Paragraph 9. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 11. Adjust the Bridle Cable Tension A. Equipment Item Cable tension gauge. B. Quantity Part Number 1 Commercial. Adjustment Procedure Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Loosen the bolts in the clamps which connect the bridle cable to the pushrod. Do not remove the bolts. Loosen just enough so that the next step can be done. (2) Using a small plastic hammer, move the clamps along the pushrod to adjust the bridle cable tension. Adjust tension to 89 ±22 N (20 ±5 lbf). Measure cable tension with cable tension gauge. (3) Tighten the bolts in the clamps which connect the bridle cable to the pushrod. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 213 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 12. Adjust the Servo Clutch Torques A. Equipment Item Goodrich slip clutch test stand. B. Quantity Part Number 1 20-9855-03. Adjustment Procedure Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Remove the clutch from the airplane. Refer to this Section. (2) Install the clutch assembly on the slip clutch test stand. Refer to the equipment manufacturers' documentation. (3) Measure clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) clutch torque, adjust if necessary. Refer to the equipment manufacturers' documentation. The correct clutch torques are: (4) Remove the clutch assembly from the slip clutch test stand. (5) Install the clutch to the airplane. Page 214 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Roll servo 2.03 ±0.23 Nm (18 ±2 Pitch servo 3.39 ±0.34 Nm (30 ±3 Pitch trim servo 4.07 ± 0.45 Nm (36 ±4 Refer to this Section. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B 13. Mechanical Test of the Autopilot System Do this check at the intervals given in Section 05-10. Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items/References (1) Check bridle cable tension for the roll servo, adjust if necessary. Refer to this Section. (2) Check bridle cable tension for the pitch servo, adjust if necessary. Refer to this Section. (3) Check the clutch torque settings for the roll servo, adjust if necessary. Refer to this Section. (4) Check the clutch torque settings for the pitch servo, adjust if necessary. Refer to this Section. (5) Check the clutch torque settings for the pitch trim servo, adjust if necessary. Refer to this Section. (6) Perform Pitot and static system leak tests. Refer to Section 34-10 in the AMM. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 22-11-00 Page 215 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 216 01 Jun 2009 22-11-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 31 – INDICATING SYSTEMS Section 31-10 – Instrument and Control Panels 2. Instrument Panel Description The landing gear and flap control switches are located on each side of the autopilot control panel, if the KAP 140 autopilot is installed. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 31-10-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 31-10-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 52 – DOORS Section 52-10 – Canopy and Passenger Door 2. Canopy Description and Operation Figure 1 shows the canopy locking mechanism if MÄM 42-097 is not carried out. A handle on the left of the canopy operates two locking bolts. The handle has a spring assisted over-center lock which holds the handle in the closed position. The locking bolts are at the bottom rear corners of the canopy. The handle has two parts. The inner handle is black and has a double lever. The outer handle is red and attaches to the inner handle with two roll pins. A connecting rod attaches to the rear of the double lever. The other end of the connecting rod attaches to the inside of the left locking bolt. A teleflex cable attaches to the front of the double lever. The teleflex cable goes inside the front of the canopy frame to the right locking bolt. If you pull the canopy handle away from the canopy frame, these things happen: − The double lever turns to pull the connecting rod and the teleflex cable. − The connecting rod pulls the left locking bolt forward. − The teleflex cable pulls the right locking bolt forward. The forward movement of the locking bolt operates the door unlocked warning micro-switch in the left side fuselage shell. The canopy can be pushed up and forward to open. With the canopy fully closed, push the canopy handle towards the canopy frame. This engages the locking bolts in the fuselage holes. The spring assisted over-center lock holds the handle in the closed position. The right locking bolt operates the micro-switch for the DOOR warning caption. When the handle is flush with the canopy frame, the canopy is locked. Push up on the rear of the canopy frame to make sure that it is locked. A key operated lock can be used to secure the canopy in the closed position when the airplane is parked. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 52-10-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM Figure 1: Canopy Locking Mechanism, MÄM 42-097 Not Carried Out Page 2 01 Jun 2009 52-10-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM 3. of Austro Engine E4-B Passenger Door Description and Operation Figure 2 shows the passenger door installation and locking mechanism if MÄM 42-097 is not carried out. The passenger door is a CFRP molding with inner and outer frames. The frames bond together with thickened resin. Each part of the frame has layers of carbon cloth and one layer of glass cloth. Areas of high stress have extra layers of carbon cloth. Mounting bushes for the handle and locking bolts bond to the inside of the frame with thickened resin. The door has a acrylic glass window. A special flexible adhesive bonds the window to the door frame. A flexible filler seals the small gap between the edge of the window and the frame. Two hinges attach the door to the top of the fuselage near the center-line. The hinges bolt to the door frame. The front hinge can be removed from inside of the cabin in an emergency. With the front hinge removed, the passenger door can be forced open from the top. A gas strut attaches to a bracket at the rear of the door and to the fuselage. The gas strut holds the door open. A door unlocked warning caption on the ICS display operates when the door is unlocked. A handle on the left of the door operates two locking bolts. The locking bolts are at the bottom front and rear corners of the door. The handle has two parts. The inner handle is black and has a double lever. The outer handle is red and attaches to the inner handle with two roll pins. A long connecting rod attaches to the rear of the double lever. The other end of the long connecting rod attaches to the inside of the rear locking bolt. A safety lock is fitted to prevent accidental movement of the handle. You must lift the safety handle before you can operate the black handle from inside the passenger compartment. To operate the red handle from the outside you must push the button next to the red handle to lift the inner safety lock. A short connecting rod attaches to the front of the double lever. The short connecting rod goes to the front locking bolt. If you pull the canopy handle away from the canopy frame, these things happen: − The double lever turns to pull the both of the connecting rods. − The long connecting rod pulls the rear locking bolt forward. − The short connecting bolt pulls the front locking bolt aft. The aft movement of the locking bolt operates a micro switch for the warning caption located on the ICS. The door can be pushed up and out to open. Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 52-10-00 Page 3 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation of Austro Engine E4-B Supplemental AMM With the door fully closed, push the door handle towards the door frame. This engages the locking bolts in the fuselage holes. The forward locking bolt operates the door unlocked micro switch. When the handle is flush with the door frame, the door is locked. Push outwards on the bottom of the door frame to make sure that it is locked. A key operated lock can be used to secure the door in the closed position when the airplane is parked. Page 4 01 Jun 2009 52-10-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Figure 2: Passenger Door, MÄM 42-097 Not Carried Out Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 52-10-00 Page 5 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 6 01 Jun 2009 52-10-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B CHAPTER 92 – WIRING DIAGRAMS 1. General Title Drawing No. Rev. No. No. of Sheets Schematic, KAP 140 Wiring D64-9222-10-01 - 1 Schematic, G 1000 D64-9231-60-02 - 6 Schematic, LH ECU D64-9277-40-02x01 - 2 Schematic, RH ECU D64-9277-40-03x01 - 2 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 92-00-00 Page 1 01 Jun 2009 System O03 DA 42 NG Retrofit Installation Supplemental AMM of Austro Engine E4-B Intentionally left blank. Page 2 01 Jun 2009 92-00-00 Doc. # 7.02.15-O03 Rev. 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F 8 P1401 11 27 2 COMPASS VALID HDG/CRS REF HDG DATUM N/C BARO SET 16 TRANSPONDER REF. 35 8 N/C 22060B22 22061B22 22062B22 A1 11 A4 14 N/C N/C 37 BP 1 CHASIS GROUND 15 BP 4 22010A22N 47 48 BARO REF SUPPLY 22106A22WH 22106A22BL 22107A22WH 22107A22BL 6 23 TACH + TACH - 22101A22WH 22101A22BL 22307A22WH 22307A22BL TRIM SENSE + TRIM SENSE - 22065B22 22066B22 22067B22 B2 34 B4 20 C1 21 3 5 C2 C4 22068B22 22063B22 22064B22 B1 33 A2 13 P2414 REF D60-9231-60-02 J2414 P2414 26 35 36 37 38 39 40 57 56 55 54 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 DIMENSIONS REF D60-9231-60-02 METRIC 22012A22WH 22012A22OR 22012A22BL 22014A22N 22015A22 34 MIDDLE MARKER SENSE 20 AURAL ALERT AUDIO POWER GROUND DC POWER IN SP IP GS10 IP GS11 IP GS11 IP GS12 GS IP 11 22030A22 22018A22 REF D60-9231-60-01 (GMA 1347) 22000A20 22014A22N 22002A20N 22015A22 22022A22WH 22022A22BL 22023A22N IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS ROLL RATE + ROLL RATE RATE VALID B A TURN COORDINATOR C E D J3492 5 4 DATA JACK AVIONICS BUS J2414 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 7 6 2 DECIMAL 1DECIMAL DECIMAL ANGLE RAD u0,25 u0,5 u1 u1° u0,5 DIMENSION TOLERANCES FINISH IN MICROMETER 3.2 A3 FORMAT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION SOLID EDGE V18 5 D64-9222-10-01.dft FILENAME SOFTWARE: THIS DRAWING WAS PRODUCED USING INTERCHANGEABLE PART NO CLASSIFICATION: NONE DE-S-10-00003 IP GS9 22306A22N 22305A20N 22107A22WH 22107A22BL 22103A22N 22102A20N 22106A22WH 22106A22BL 22101A22WH 22101A22BL 22104A22 22105A22 22307A22WH 22307A22BL APPROVED: SYSTEM: MANUF.: STRESS: QA: CHECKED: DRAWN Aircraft Zeillinger N/A N/A N/A N/A Kowarsch Moise Industries GmbH Diamond P2403 22028B22 22030B22N 22027B22 22026B22 22029B22N 22025B22 22016D20 22071A20 22205B22N 22204B20N 22200B20 54 36 34 35 26 16 25 29 30 39 37 38 40 41 3 2 1 2 ROLL SERVO CMD REF ROLL CLUTCH ROLL SERVO CMD ROLL SERVO VALID ROLL SERVO KS 271C 3 4 J2210 white green black 2 3 SIGN DATE 18.05.09 PITCH SERVO KS 270C TRIM VOLTAGE + TRIM VOLTAGE - TRIM SENSE TRIM SENSE + P TACH A TACH + N SIGNAL GROUND C POWER GROUND R J H SERVO AMP POWER E SERVO CLUTCH POWER D SERVO CMD REF L PITCH SERVO CMD K PITCH SERVO VALID F PITCH CLUTCH R J A TRIM DISABLE M TRIM CLUTCH L TRIM SERVO CMD D SERVO CMD REF H SERVO AMP POWER E SERVO CLUTCH POWER N SIGNAL GROUND C POWER GROUND 2 SCALE NTS SH D64-9222-10-01 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA CODE DA 42 NG 1 01 01 Confidential OF - REV APPROVAL N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM SW CWS SW TRIM INTERUPT AP DISC SW 1 18.05.09 SEE TB DATE Schematic, KAP 140 Wiring DWG.ORIG. TITLE PROJECT DN ARM PITCH TRIM SERVO KS 272C red J2230 J2205 UP SERVO AMP POWER SERVO CLUTCH POWER AP DISC SW COPILOT´S STICK E H N SIGNAL GROUND C POWER GROUND 1 6 5 7 8 P2205 K F J2220 D L REVISION DESCRIPTION OÄM 42-171 FIRST RELEASE P2207 22072A20 J2207 ALL ZONE 2 Diamond Aircraft Industries 22107B22WH 22107B22BL 22103B22N 22102B20N 22106B22WH 22106B22BL 22101B22WH 22101B22BL 22104B22 22105B22 22100B20 22307B22WH 22307B22BL 22304B22BL 22301B22 22303B22 22304B22WH 22306B22N 22305B20N 16 15 12 13 14 19 20 21 01 SH 22201B22 22202B22 22203B22WH 22203B22BL 3 8 4 1 22302B20 25 26 27 22027A22 22028A22 22030A22N P2406 P2403 - REV BACK PLATE VIEWED FROM REAR 3 7 24 DEPARTMENT 4 J2403 4 9 22025A22 22026A22 22029A22N 22032A20 28 1 22032B20 J2406 50 49 53 17 15 42 43 44 J2403 22016C20 22205A22N 22204A20N 22203A22WH 22203A22BL 22201A22 22202A22 5A AUTOPILOT AP.WRN. RH MAIN BUS 2A GS IP 12 4 3 2 1 22301A22 22303A22 22104A22 22105A22 4 2 SONALERT 22012A22WH 22012A22OR 22012A22BL 3 CFG ENABLE 4 CFG CLOCK 5 CFG DATA CFG +5V 1 2 GROUND P1001 KCM 100 J3472 GMA 1347 22304A22WH 22304A22BL + 22008A22 22009A22 6 J3471 22304A22WH 22304A22BL REF D60-9231-60-01 - 7 22026A22 22027A22 22028A22 22051B22 22301A22 22303A22 PITCH SERVO CMD 7 SERVO CMD REF 24 PITCH SERVO VALID 28 PITCH CLUTCH 8 BP 1 TRIM VOLTAGE + TRIM VOLTAGE - TRIM FAIL ANNUN 44 TRIM CLUTCH 1 TRIM SERVO CMD 32 SERVO CMD REF 36 TRIM UP TRIM DOWN ARM MIDDLE MARKER GAIN 22 27 25 22009A22 38 26 22052B22 22058B24WH 22058B22BL 31 12 G/S FLAG + G/S FLAG - GPS SELECT BP 1 22057B24WH 22057B24BL 17 9 10 22069B24OR 22069B24BL 22069B24WH 22056B22 22053B22 CRS DATUM G/S + UP G/S + DN J1402 22055B24WH 22055B24BL 24 25 NAV DEV + LT NAV DEV + RT BP 3 22054B24WH 22054B24BL 7 22 23 ILS ENERGIZE NAV + FLAG NAV - FLAG 22203A22BL 9 26 5 1 18 19 22031A22 22018A22 33011A22 22000A20 22032A20 22025A22 22201A22 22202A22 22203A22WH 22012A22WH 22012A22OR 22012A22BL 22020A22WH 22020A22OR 22020A22BL 22019A22 22021A22N 22008A22 22022A22WH 22022A22BL 22023A22N 22002A2ON 22040A22N 22041A22N 22042A22N AP DISC CWS ROLL SERVO VALID CLUTCH LO ROLL SERVO CMD ROLL SERVO CMD REF BP 2 SONALERT DRIVE 20 AP ALERT POWER 14 PANEL LIGHT HI 12 AP PRIMARY POWER 16 CHASIS GROUND 15 ROLL RATE + 21 ROLL RATE - 3 RATE VALID 10 BP 3 TXD RS 232 28 RXD RS 232 29 BP 2 AURAL ALERT AUDIO 6 CFG ENABLE 13 CFG CLOCK 30 CFG DATA 8 CONFIG +5 VOLT 4 BP 2 BP 2 STRAP 1 31 STRAP 2 32 STRAP 5 17 BP 3 POWER GROUND 35 KAP 140 AP CONTROLLER Confidential A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 7 6 AIRCRAFT GROUND COAXIAL CABLE WIRE SPLICE CONNECTION GARMIN (SHIELD BLOCK) GROUND REFER TO DOC. 190-00313-09 N/C = NO CONNECTION S TWISTED SHIELDED 4 CONDUCTOR SHIELD FLOATS TWISTED SHIELDED 4 CONDUCTOR SHIELD TERMINATED TO GROUND P/N E10422 (22 GAUGE) E10424 (24 GAUGE) 392404 (24 GAUGE) DRAWING NUMBER 190-00313-00 190-00313-04 190-00313-02 190-00313-01 8 REV 2 PIN 35 29 7 REV 2 UNITS HAVE SERIAL NUMBERS LESS THAN 46901600 REV 3 UNITS HAVE SERIAL NUMBERS OF 46901600 OR GREATER PIN NAME CAN BUS 1 TERMINATION CAN BUS 2 HI REV 3 PIN 34 32 21. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PIN DIFFERENCES IN REV 2 AND REV 3 GIA P603: DIMENSIONS 6 2 DECIMAL 1DECIMAL DECIMAL ANGLE RAD u0,25 u0,5 u1 u1° u0,5 DIMENSION TOLERANCES FINISH IN MICROMETER 3.2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM A3 FORMAT METRIC FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION 21. FOR GROUNDING PROCEDURE REFER TO GARMIN DOCUMENTS 190-00313-00 AND 190-00313-04. ADDITIONAL FOR IFR OPERATION, REFER TO GARMIN DOCUMENT 190-00313-09. 19. RELATED DOCUMENTS 190-00295-27 UNIT INTERCONNECT SUMMARY. 190-00295-28 UNIT POWER. 190-00295-29 INTERCONNECT. 10. FOR TRIM FAIL OUTPUT: GROUND = ACTIVE = TRIM FAIL, OPEN = INACTIVE = TRIM OK 9. FOR FAN FAIL OUTPUT: OPEN = ACTIVE = FAN FAIL, GROUND = INACTIVE = FAN OK DESCRIPTION INSTR SHEET, OAT PROBE INSTR SHEET, GMU44 INSTR SHEET, CONFIG MODULE INSTR SHEET, THERMOCOUPLE 8. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OAT PROBE, GMU44, GND HARNESS, CONFIGURATION MODULES, AND THERMOCOUPLES. MANUFACTURER PIC WIRE AND CABLE PIC WIRE AND CABLE ELECTRONIC CABLE SPECIALIST 7. USE AIRCRAFT GRADE CATEGORY 5 ETHERNET CABLE. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SHIELD GROUNDS MUST BE MADE TO THE RESPECTIVE UNIT BACKSHELLS. ALL OTHER GROUNDS SHOULD BE TERMINATED TO AIRCRAFT GROUND AS CLOSE TO THE RESPECTIVE UNIT AS POSSIBLE. TWISTED SHIELDED 3 CONDUCTOR SHIELD FLOATS TWISTED SHIELDED 3 CONDUCTOR SHIELD TERMINATED TO GROUND TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR SHIELD FLOATS TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR SHIELD TERMINATED TO GROUND TWISTED SHIELDED SINGLE CONDUCTOR SHIELD FLOATS TWISTED SHIELDED SINGLE CONDUCTOR SHIELD TERMINATED TO GROUND 4. SYMBOL DESIGNATIONS 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL WIRES ARE 24 GAUGE MINIMUM. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SHIELDED WIRE MUST CONFORM TO MIL-C-27500 OR EQUIVALENT 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL STRANDED WIRE MUST CONFORM TO MIL-W-22759/16 OR EQUIVALENT NOTES: 8 SOLID EDGE V18 5 D64-9231-60-02.dft FILENAME SOFTWARE: THIS DRAWING WAS PRODUCED USING INTERCHANGEABLE PART NO CLASSIFICATION: NONE DE-S-10-00003 IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS 5 4 APPROVED: SYSTEM: MANUF.: STRESS: QA: CHECKED: DRAWN Aircraft Zeillinger N/A N/A N/A N/A Kowarsch Moise Industries GmbH Diamond DEPARTMENT 4 - REV ZONE ALL ALL SH 3 SIGN DATE 15.05.09 OÄM 42-171 FIRST RELEASE 2 SCALE 1:1 SH 1 01 06 Confidential OF - REV APPROVAL N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt D64-9231-60-02 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA CODE DA 42 NG 1 15.05.09 SEE TB DATE Schematic, G1000 DWG.ORIG. TITLE PROJECT REVISION DESCRIPTION 2 Diamond Aircraft Industries 3 A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 23017A22 J2413 34102B24BL 69 38 39 RS 232 OUT 2 RS 232 IN 2 7 34102B24WH 68 AIRCRAFT GROUND S S 5A J2414 34102A24BL Industries GmbH 5 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt 24 Aircraft 34100B22 34101B22N 23 34100A22 GS AVB 3.2 23013A24BL 18 19 23013A24WH 17 34101A22N 23013B24BL 23013B24WH 34102A24WH 11 9 23301B20N 16 23301A20N 10 23300B20 DA 42 NG 23302A24BL 7 8 23302A24WH TITLE 53V 0.499 Ω 20W 34100E22 P2301 1 2 S S S S S S J2301 MARKER ANTENNA 34000E22 S AIRCRAFT POWER 1 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 POWER GROUND 31 29 76 2P605 62 59 2P603 61 59 POWER GROUND AIRCRAFT POWER 1 MAIN RS 232 OUT 7 MAIN RS 232 IN 7 SIGNAL GROUND VOR/LOC DIGI AUDIO OUT AIRCRAFT POWER 1 2P602 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 POWER GROUND 19 30 COM DIGITAL AUDIO OUT COM MIC DIGITAL AUDIO IN NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS SPEAKER VOICE ALERT DIGITAL AUDIO OUT MAIN RS 232 OUT 7 MAIN RS 232 IN 7 SIGNAL GROUND VOR/LOC DIGI AUDIO OUT POWER GROUND AIRCRAFT POWER 1 COM DIGITAL AUDIO OUT COM MIC DIGITAL AUDIO IN 17 13 14 2P601 69 62 59 1P603 61 59 1P602 76 29 1P605 13 14 POWER GROUND POWER GROUND 30 31 17 COM MIC AUDIO IN LO COM AUDIO OUT LO COM AUDIO OUT HI COM MIC KEY COM MIC AUDIO IN HI NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS MIDDLE MARKER GAIN AURAL ALERT AUDIO HONEYWELL KC 140 19 8 10 9 4 7 1P601 38 P1402 6 P1401 3 4 3 Schematic, G1000 23008B24BL 6 P2414 23008B24WH 44 45 43 23008A24BL P2404 53V 0.499 Ω 20W SEE SHEET 6 4 23008A24WH J2404 J3482 15 Diamond 6 34890B400 P3482 23211A24 23300A20 PROJECT P3481 Diamond Aircraft Industries GS IP-16 AVIONICS BUS GPS/NAV 2 GS IP-12 5A CROSS SIDE NAV DIGI AUDIO IN COM 2 23302B24BL AVIONICS BUS 48 CROSS SIDE COM DIGI AUDIO IN S 23302B24WH 23008A24BL 47 23008A24WH J3481 49 50 20 23012A24BL 19 23012B24BL 23211B24 23012A24WH 18 23012B24WH CROSS SIDE COM MIC DIGI AUD OUT S 34890A400 GS IP-7 34002A24BL 23011A22N 34002A24WH 16 17 15 34002B24BL 38 34002B24WH 34000B22 34001B22N 37 34000A22 34001A22N GS AVB 23210A24BL 3.2 23210A24WH 53 54 52 41 59 5A GS IP-2 LH MAIN BUS GPS/NAV 1 23200B20 23201B20N 23210B24BL 27 26 23210B24WH 23201A20N 23200A20 23203A24BL 46 23203A24WH 42 78 MKR ANTENNA HI MKR ANTENNA LO S S 5A GS IP-2 LH MAIN BUS COM 1 SPKR AUDIO OUT HI 29 VOICE ALERT DIGITAL AUDIO IN S S S 45 23203B24BL 8 44 23203B24WH SPKR AUDIO OUT LO 7 71 AIRCRAFT GROUND 6 28 ON SIDE NAV DIGI AUDIO IN RS 232 IN 1 9 ON SIDE COM DIGI AUDIO IN RS 232 OUT 1 8 ON SIDE COM MIC DIGI AUDIO OUT 14 53 POWER GROUND 34 POWER P3472 7 8 MIDDLE MARKER SENSE ON SIDE COM AUDIO LO ON SIDE COM AUDIO IN HI 23202A24WH 23202A24BL 7 P2413 6 23202B24BL 27 ON SIDE COM MIC S 100 Ω 10W 26 23018A22 23010A22 ON SIDE COM MIC AUDIO OUT HI 22009A22 22009A22 +28 V ANR TIP POWER 23202B24WH 22008A22 22008A22 AUDIO AVIONICS 5A BUS 5 20 P3471 6 UNSWITCHED AUDIO IN 2 HI GMA1347 AUDIO PANEL 7 CODE 2 SCALE 1:1 SH D64-9231-60-02 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. 2 1 02 1 06 Confidential OF - REV A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 15 16 19 39 DME AUDIO IN HI DME AUDIO IN LO UNSWITCHED AUDIO IN 1 HI UNSWITCHED AUDIO IN LO 7 35 36 PROJECT 17 18 37 MUSIC IN 1 LEFT MUSIC IN 1 RIGHT MUSIC IN 1 LO ADF AUDIO IN HI ADF AUDIO IN LO 23025B24WH 23025B24OR 23025B24BL 56 57 76 MUSIC IN 2 LEFT MUSIC IN 2 RIGHT MUSIC IN 2 LO S S S 5A Aircraft Industries GmbH Diamond 34430A24WH 34430A24BL 34300A24WH 34300A24BL 34206A24WH 34206A24BL GS IP-6 23400A22 23403A22N 23016A24WH 23016A24OR 23016A24BL J2414 6 Diamond Aircraft Industries DATA LINK AVIONICS BUS S S S 23002A24WH 23002A24BL 23002A24OR 23007A24WH 23007A24OR 23007A24BL 23005A24WH 23005A24OR 23005A24BL 23006A24WH 23006A24BL 23004A24WH 23004A24BL J2413 27 23003A24WH 23003A24OR 23003A24BL 69 70 71 COPILOT PHONE AUDIO LT OUT HI COPILOT PHONE AUDIO RT OUT HI COPILOT PHONE AUDIO OUT LO J2403 8 40 9 10 23015A24WH 23015A24BL 50 COPILOT MIC KEY IN S 49 51 COPILOT MIC AUDIO IN HI COPILOT MIC AUDIO IN LO +28 V ANR S S 67 68 48 PASS PHONE L OUT HI PASS PHONE R OUT HI PASS PHONE AUDIO LO OUT S 65 66 PASS 2 MIC AUDIO IN HI PASS 2 MIC AUDIO IN LO S 46 47 23014A24WH 23014A24BL 23001A24WH 23001A24OR 23001A24BL 42 43 44 36 47 51 23 29 30 1 3 45 47 46 48 26 28 29 48 53 54 14 13 12 11 18 50 19 20 24 51 25 33 21 22 23 17 15 16 5 49 6 7 57 55 56 4 PASS 1 MIC AUDIO IN HI PASS 1 MIC AUDIO IN LO 1 2 3 9 10 11 S J2405 51 PILOT PHONE AUDIO LT HI OUT PILOT PHONE AUDIO RT HI OUT PILOT PHONE AUDIO LO OUT S PILOT HAND MIC J2403 29 23000A24WH 23000A24BL 23000A24OR 23026A24WH 23026A24BL 23026A24OR 34411B22 PILOT MIC KEY IN S CR 900 28 30 P3471 +28 V ANR TIP POWER 34412A22 34413A22 6 PILOT MIC AUDIO IN HI PILOT MIC AUDIO IN LO GMA1347 AUDIO PANEL 7 34430B24WH 34430B24BL 34300B24WH 34300B24BL 34206B24WH 34206B24BL 23400B22 23403B22N 23016B24WH 23016B24OR 23016B24BL 23025B24WH 23025B24OR 23025B24BL 23003B24WH 23003B24OR 23003B24BL 23015B24WH 23015B24BL 23002B24WH 23002B24BL 23002B24OR 23007B24WH 23007B24OR 23007B24BL 23005B24WH 23005B24OR 23005B24BL 23006B24WH 23006B24BL 23004B24WH 23004B24BL 23001B24WH 23001B24OR 23001B24BL 23014B24WH 23014B24BL 23000B24WH 23000B24BL 23000B24OR 34411A22 5 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG P2414 P2413 P2403 P2405 P2403 5 TITLE 4 3 P1 N C P631 2 3 P2 35 20 19 18 17 P691 P692 22 P2 OPTIONAL AVIDYNE 9900BX TAS AUDIO AUDIO GROUND OPTIONAL HONEYWELL KN 63 DME AUDIO HI AUDIO LO AUDIO OUT HI AUDIO OUT LO OPTIONAL BECKER RA 3502-(01) ADF RECEIVER REF D60-9234-50-01 AIRCRAFT POWER POWER GROUND AUDIO LEFT AUDIO RIGHT AUDIO OUT LO GDL 69 DATA LINK OPTIONAL CO-PILOT PHONE CO-PILOT MIC PASS #2 PHONE PASS #1 PHONE PASS #2 MIC PASS #1 MIC PILOT PHONE PILOT MIC OPTIONAL GOODRICH WX-500 STORMSCOPE ANTENNA INHIBIT 3 4 3 Schematic, G1000 CO-PILOT PTT VHF - 6T (AAE) 1 2 1 2 PILOT PTT 4 CODE 2 SCALE SH D64-9231-60-02 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. 2 1 03 1 06 Confidential OF - REV A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F 8 7 8 RS 485 2 A RS 485 2 B 11 16 74 75 77 76 +12V TRANSDUCER POWER DIGITAL IN 1A DIGITAL IN 2A DIGITAL IN 4A DIGITAL IN 3A 74 46 47 62 63 14 ANALOG IN 10 HI ANALOG IN 5 HI ANALOG IN 5 LO ANALOG IN 6 HI ANALOG IN 6 LO +10V TRANSDUCER POWER 45 12 ANALOG IN 4 LO TRANSDUCER LO (GND) 24332B24BL 36 24332A24BL 30112A22 30114A22 30115A22N SIGNAL GROUND 32 30111A22N 30110A22 24332B24WH 35 24332A24WH 31270A22 27307A22N 43 DISCRETE IN* 20 SIGNAL GROUND 78 8 30422A20 13 TRANSDUCER POWER OUT LO 44 30117A22BL 47 ANALOG / CURR MON IN 1A HI 30117A22WH ANALOG/CURR MON IN 2 A HI 46 ANALOG/CURR MON IN 2 A LO 7 REF D60-9227-30-01 J2418 30117B22WH 30117B22BL 19 20 18 REF D60-9231-00-02 38 24332B24OR 37 24332A24OR P2418 31 33 24331B24BL 30 24331A24BL 24331B24OR 24331B24WH 32 24331A24OR 24331A24WH 31031A22BL 31031A22WH 31030A22BL 31030A22WH 30113A22N S GS IP-1 3A HI GS IP-1 GS IP-1 HEATER Aircraft Industries GmbH Diamond DE- ICE POWER 1,5 - 192 OHMS DE-ICE FLUID LEVEL OUT LO OUT HI V+ RH ALT AMPS SENSOR OUT LO OUT HI V+ LH ALT AMPS SENSOR RH BUS VOLTS LH BUS VOLTS GS IP-18 PROJECT NOT POWERED 28V (POWERED) REF D60-9230-30-01 HEATER STALL WARNING HEATER AMPS SENSOR GS IP-18 3A 3A REF D60-9230-30-01 28004D22WH 28004D22OR 28004D22BL 28002D22WH 28002D22OR 28002D22BL 28003D22WH 28003D22OR 28003D22BL 28001D22WH 28001D22OR 28001D22BL 74002D22 74000D22 PITOT HEAT AMPS SENSOR 37 34 P2401 P2400 P2420 P2419 6 Diamond Aircraft Industries 2 P3024 BLK 3 1 WHT 2 BLK 3 P7751 RED WHT 2 1 P7750 RED 1 GS IP-1 3A HI 28004C22WH 28 31 35 36 28 28004C22BL 28004C22OR 25 27 30 14 26 37 34 29 28002C22OR 28002C22WH 16 3A P2415 3A J2401 8 36 35 17 28002C22BL 30013A22 DISCRETE IN* 3 76 P702 P2422 15 3A DISCRETE IN* 2 71 4 J2422 30012A22 SIGNAL GROUND 19 SIGNAL GROUND DISCRETE IN *1 70 44 11 TRANSDUCER LO (GND) ANALOG IN 4 HI 42 43 ANALOG IN 3 HI ANALOG IN 3 LO S S S 72 ANALOG IN 9 HI S 51 31014A22BL 31014A22WH 50 31015A22BL 31015A22WH ENGINE TEMP ANALOG IN 8 HI S J2415 28004A22WH 30011A22 28004B22WH 28 31 28004B22BL 28004B22OR 30 28002B22WH 29 28002A22WH 17 14 28004A22BL 28002B22OR 16 28002A22OR 28004A22OR 28002B22BL 15 28002A22BL ENGINE TEMP ANALOG IN 8 LO ANALOG IN 7 HI P2404 26 28003B22WH 26 28003A22WH 28003C22WH 28 29 27 29 28003C22BL 28003C22OR 17 28003B22BL 28003B22OR 5 7 28001C22OR 28001C22WH 6 28001C22BL 28 14 28001B22WH J2400 24 GEA RS 485 1 B 23 GEA RS 485 1 A 27 16 28001B22OR P2421 6 6 NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS 24 GEA RS 485 1 B 2P603 J2420 J2419 NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS 6 23 GEA RS 485 1 A 1P603 74002C22 74000C22 17 15 28001B22BL GS IP-16 P2422 P2421 28003A22BL 14 J2421 77011C24BL 56 57 77011C24WH 55 P2402 77010C24BL 5A 77010C24WH 28 32 50 ENG INST LH MAIN BUS J2422 J2421 12 74002B22 74000B22 11 P2413 P2404 P2402 7 28003A22OR 28001A22WH 16 28001A22OR J2404 J2402 15 30010A22 S S S S S 32 50 J2413 J2404 J2402 28001A22BL REF D60-9231-00-01 77011A24BL 77011A24WH 64 49 48 ENGINE TEMP ANALOG IN 7 HI ENGINE TEMP ANALOG IN 7 LO 66 ANALOG IN 8 HI P701 37 42 SIGNAL GROUND TRANSDUCER PWR OUT LO DISCRETE IN 19A 6 RS 485 1 B S 5 RS 485 1 A P702 77010A24BL 20 POWER GROUND S 77010A24WH 35 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 77015A22 77016A22N 37 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 74002A22 74000A22 24 22 P701 ANALOG IN 2 HI ANALOG IN 1 HI GEA71 ENGINE/AIRFRAME Confidential 5 28V (STARTER POWERED) 3A 4 2 1 3 J2804 1 2 3 J2802 4 2 1 3 1 2 3 J2806 1 2 3 J2805 FUEL LEVEL LEFT LONG RANGE GROUND OUT HI EXCITATION 5 TITLE FUEL LEVEL RIGHT LONG RANGE GROUND OUT HI EXCITATION N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG 28V 28V 28004E22WH 28004E22OR 28004E22BL OUT HI EXCITATION FUEL LEVEL RIGHT GROUND 28003E22WH 28003E22OR 28003E22BL OUT HI 1 J2803 EXCITATION FUEL LEVEL LEFT GROUND STARTER NOT POWERED 28V (STARTER POWERED) STARTER NOT POWERED 2 3 J2801 RH START INITIATE LH START INITIATE 49 31027A22N 5 1 TEST J2415 32033A22N 26104A22N 43 41 42 40 41 10 22 33 25 24 40 6 5 37 38 39 51 52 43 5 20 25 32 12 11 37 38 39 P2415 P2404 4 3 31027B22N 31026B22 31025B22N 31038B22 77404B22 26103B22 26101B22 31022B22 31006B22 31037B22 31034B22 31017B22N 31016B22 31200B22WH 31200B22BL 77403B22 26102B22 26100B22 31002B22 31004B22 31036B22 31032B22 31019B22N 31018B22 31300B22WH 31300B22BL Schematic, G1000 SIGNAL GROUND 34 31026A22 31038A22 77404A22 REF LH 4 REF D60-9232-00-01 2 26103A22 26101A22 31022A22 31006A22 31037A22 GS IP-11 31035A22N 31034A22 GS IP-xx 31009A22N 31025A22N DISCRETE IN 4 A 63 J2404 32033A22N 26104A22N REF 31007A22 D64-9227-40-03x01 31017A22N 31016A22 31200A22WH 31200A22BL 5 1 TEST DISCRETE IN 3 A 62 41 30 28 58 S 77403A22 REF RH 4 REF D60-9232-00-01 2 26102A22 26100A22 31002A22 31004A22 31036A22 GS IP-10 31033A22N 31032A22 GS IP-xx 31008A22N REF 31005A22 D64-9227-40-02x01 31019A22N 31018A22 31300A22WH 31300A22BL SIGNAL GROUND 33 DISCRETE IN 18 A DISCRETE IN 16 A DISCRETE IN 14 A ANALOG IN 4 A HI 71 36 SIGNAL GND DISCRETE IN 8 A 65 51 DISCRETE IN 6 A CURR MON IN 4 A LO 50 32 CURR MON IN 4 A HI 61 SIGNAL GND 39 DISCRETE IN 2 A 54 55 SIGNAL GROUND 40 29 27 56 66 35 ANALOG IN 2A HI ANALOG IN 2A LO DISCRETE IN 17 A DISCRETE IN 15 A DISCRETE IN 13 A ANALOG IN 3 A HI DISCRETE IN 7 A SIGNAL GND 64 CURR MON IN 3 A LO DISCRETE IN 5 A 48 31 60 52 53 38 CURR MON IN 3 A HI SIGNAL GND DISCRETE IN 1 A ANALOG IN 1A HI ANALOG IN 1A LO SIGNAL GROUND S 3 P2402 J2402 4 ENGINE / AIRFRAME P702 GEA71 J2811 J2810 J2422 J2421 37 38 1 2 1 2 41 4 22 33 25 24 40 6 5 39 37 38 51 4 43 5 20 25 32 12 11 39 J2419 J2420 31038C22 31027C22N 31026C22 31025C22N CODE 10 9 23 24 25 10 9 11 12 13 8 4 26 9 P2401 P2419 J2420 8 4 26 9 31037D22 77404D22 26103D22 26101D22 31022D22 ON SCALE LOW REF D60-9228-11-01 SH 1 04 LOW 28V 28V RELAY NOT POWERED Confidential 06 - REV RELAY NOT POWERED 28V (POWERED) OF RH ENGINE WATER OK FIRE RH ENGINE FIRE OK RH START REQUEST FAIL RH ALT WARNING OK RH AUX FUEL XFER (MOTOR) TO AUX FUEL VALVE REF D60-9228-11-01 OK AUX FUEL LEVEL RIGHT LOW LOW 28V 28V 28V (POWERED) MAIN FUEL LEVEL RIGHT OK RIGHT FUEL TEMP SENSOR LOW LH ENGINE WATER OK FIRE LH ENGINE FIRE OK LH START REQUEST FAIL LH ALT WARNING OK LH AUX FUEL XFER (MOTOR) TO AUX FUEL VALVE REF D60-9228-10-01 OK AUX FUEL LEVEL LEFT LOW D64-9231-60-02 RH FUEL XFR SWITCH OFF OFF 1 LEFT FUEL TEMP SENSOR 1 MAIN FUEL LEVEL LEFT OK REF D60-9228-10-01 2 2 1 J3102 31016D22 31017D22N 28011A20 ON 1 J3110 31200D22WH 31200D22BL 77403D22 26102D22 26100D22 31002D22 28010A20 2 2 J3109 1 31019D22N J3101 31018D22 31300D22WH 31300D22BL LH FUEL XFR SWITCH P2420 28015B22 TO AUX FUEL RELAY REF D60-9228-11-01 P2420 J2401 J2419 31036D22 TO AUX FUEL RELAY REF D60-9228-10-01 DWG.NO. 2 P2400 28012B22 P2419 J2400 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. P2811 P2810 77404C22 26103C22 26101C22 31022C22 31006C22 31037C22 5 10 31017C22N 31016C22 31200C22WH 31200C22BL 31034C22 28015C22 REF D60-9228-10-01 P2422 77403C22 26102C22 26100C22 31002C22 31004C22 31036C22 5 2 10 31019C22N 31018C22 31300C22WH 31300C22BL 31032C22 28012C22 REF D60-9228-10-01 P2421 3A 3A A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F 25 39 10 9 40 14 29 26 41 11 13 28 21 35 6 15 30 RS 485 IN A RS 485 IN B RS 232 OUT 2 MAGNETOMETER POWER OUT MAGNETOMETER GROUND ARINC 429 OUT 1 A ARINC 429 OUT 1 B RS 232 OUT 1 SIGNAL GROUND RS 232 IN 1 ARINC 429 OUT 2 A ARINC 429 OUT 2 B RS 232 OUT 4 SIGNAL GROUND RS 232 IN 4 ARINC 429 IN 1 A ARINC 429 IN 1 B 17 29 30 11 12 10 1 21 40 60 POWER GROUND ARINC 429 OUT 2 A ARINC 429 OUT 2 B RS 232 OUT 1 AIRCRAFT GROUND RS 232 IN 1 CONFIG MODULE GROUND CONFIG MODULE POWER CONFIG MODULE DATA CONFIG MODULE CLOCK 8 55 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 2 3 4 26 27 ARINC 429 OUT 1 A ARINC 429 OUT 1 B TEMP PROBE POWER OUT TEMP PROBE IN HI TEMP PROBE IN LO 42 41 ARINC 429 OUT 1 B ARINC 429 OUT 1 A P741 22 POWER GROUND GDC74 AIR DATA 18 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 P771 1 17 16 31 GRS77 AHRS 8 CONFIG MODULE GROUND CONFIG MODULE POWER CONFIG MODULE DATA CONFIG MODULE CLOCK Confidential BLK RED YEL WHT S S S S S S S S S S S S 34902E22 BLK RED YEL WHT 34902B22 34900A22 31203C24WH 31203C24BL 31203C24OR 34909B24WH 34909B24BL 34908B24BL 34908B24WH 34908A24WH 34908A24BL 34907A24OR 34907A24BL 34907A24WH 34906A24WH 34906A24BL 34905A24WH 34905A24BL 34905A24OR 34904A24WH 34904A24BL 1 4 3 2 GND VCC DATA CLK 7 34911B24OR 34911B24BL 34911B24WH 34910B24WH 34910B24BL GS IP-3 51 48 49 50 33 31 32 6 4 5 J2403 0,5Ω, 25W J2404 J2413 P2403 GS AVB 3.2 34700E24WH 34700E24OR 34700E24BL 34901A22N GND VCC DATA CLK 34903A22N 34701E24WH 34701E24BL 53V 0.499 Ω 20W 1 4 3 2 7 8 9 14 P2403 LH MAIN BUS 34911A24OR 34911A24BL 34911A24WH 34910A24WH 34910A24BL 5A ADC 31203B24WH 31203B24BL 31203B24OR 34909A24WH 34909A24BL 4 1 2 3 Industries GmbH Aircraft J3122 34700C24WH 34700C24OR 34700C24BL 34701C24WH 34701C24BL 8 9 6 15 21 16 5 23 17 22 MAIN ARINC 429 IN 5 A MAIN ARINC 429 IN 5 B 12 13 PROJECT MAIN RS 232 IN 6 SIGNAL GROUND MAIN RS 232 OUT 6 P2401 POWER SENSE LOW 34700A24WH 34700A24OR 34700A24BL 34701A24WH 34701A24BL 3 8 9 6 1 4 2 5 P441 GTP 59 OAT PROBE J441 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS MAIN ARINC 429 IN 6 A MAIN ARINC 429 IN 6 B 31203A24WH 31203A24BL 31203A24OR MAIN ARINC 429 IN 5 A MAIN ARINC 429 IN 5 B MAIN RS 232 IN 1 SIGNAL GROUND MAIN RS 232 OUT 1 MAIN RS 232 IN 6 SIGNAL GROUND MAIN RS 232 OUT 6 56 57 58 14 15 2P603 12 13 41 42 43 56 57 58 14 15 34700B24WH 34700B24OR 34700B24BL 34701B24WH 34701B24BL J2401 5 NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS MAIN ARINC 429 IN 6 A MAIN ARINC 429 IN 6 B P2428 LH MAIN BUS 1P603 7 4 6 3 12 P3122 J2428 Diamond P2416 5A AHRS Diamond Aircraft Industries 7 4 6 3 34700D24WH 34700D24OR 34700D24BL 34701D24WH 34701C24BL J2416 11 13 12 CONFIG MODULE 012-00605-00 24 23 22 21 20 18 19 34902A22 34903B22N GS IP-3 12 J2403 9 7 8 28 27 34900B22 P2404 P2413 J2403 P2403 CONFIG MODULE 012-00605-00 6 TITLE FAN FAIL 2 SAFE 128 MFD FAN FAN FAIL GDL69 DATA LINK ETHERNET IN A ETHERNET IN B ETHERNET OUT A ETHERNET OUT B OPTIONAL NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS ETHERNET OUT A ETHERNET OUT B ETHERNET IN A ETHERNET IN B REVERSIONARY MODE 2 REV MOD COMMON 2 GMA1347 AUDIO PANEL ARINC 429 OUT 3 A ARINC 429 OUT 3 B ARINC 429 OUT 3 A ARINC 429 OUT 3 B GRS77 AHRS ARINC 429 OUT 3 A ARINC 429 OUT 3 B GDC74 AIR DATA ARINC 429 OUT 3 A ARINC 429 OUT 3 B NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS ETHERNET IN B ETHERNET IN A ETHERNET OUT B ETHERNET OUT A 2 23 22 25 24 P691 2 3 76 77 2P603 56 57 P3472 33 19 12 27 P771 47 48 32 33 P741 77 76 3 2 1P603 GMA1347 P3472 AUDIO PANEL REVERSIONARY MODE 1 36 REV MOD COMMON 1 37 SAFE 128 PFD FAN 3 4 3 Schematic, G1000 RS 232 IN +12VDC POWER POWER GROUND RS 485 OUT B GMU44 MAGNETOMETER RS 485 OUT A RS 485 OUT B 4 S S S S S S S S S LH MAIN BUS 21006A22 5A 2 1 4 3 5 P2413 J2403 40 39 42 41 43 0,5Ω, 25W 710197 2 21006A22 31158B24WH 31158B24OR 31158B24GR 31158B24BL 31155A22 31156A22N GS IP-10 31150B24WH 31150B24OR 31150B24GR 31150B24BL 33002B22 31153A24WH 31153A24BL 1 4 3 2 31102A24WH 31102A24OR 31102A24GR 31102A24BL 31102A24BL 31102A24GR 31102A24OR 31102A24WH S S S S S S ETHERNET OUT 1 B ETHERNET OUT 1 A ETHERNET IN 1 B ETHERNET IN 1 A CONFIG MODULE GROUND CONFIG MODULE POWER CONFIG MODULE DATA CONFIG MODULE CLOCK ETHERNET OUT 2 A ETHERNET OUT 2 B ETHERNET IN 2 A ETHERNET IN 2 B ETHERNET OUT 2 B ETHERNET OUT 2 A ETHERNET IN 2 B ETHERNET IN 2 A ETHERNET IN 1 A ETHERNET IN 1 B ETHERNET OUT 1 A ETHERNET OUT 1 B ETHERNET OUT 3 A ETHERNET OUT 3 B ETHERNET IN 3 A ETHERNET IN 3 B SCALE SH 1 05 06 - REV Confidential OF 14 FAN MONITOR VALID 10 11 12 13 35 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 27 POWER GROUND 4 5 2 3 57 CDU ID PROG 3 59 LIGHTING BUS HI 58 REVERSIONARY MODE SEL 1 38 AIRCRAFT GROUND 17 ARINC 429 IN 2 B 16 ARINC 429 IN 2 A 7 6 9 8 18 ARINC 429 IN 1 A 19 ARINC 429 IN 1 B NO. 2 GDU1040 MFD 18 ARINC 429 IN 1 A 19 ARINC 429 IN 1 B 6 7 8 9 17 ARINC 429 IN 2 B 16 ARINC 429 IN 2 A 1 23 22 43 35 AIRCRAFT POWER 1 27 POWER GROUND 59 LIGHTING BUS HI 3 2 5 4 58 REVERSIONARY MODE SEL 1 38 AIRCRAFT GROUND 2P10001 S S S BLK RED YEL WHT S S NO. 1 GDU1040 PFD 1 14 FAN MONITOR VALID 1P10001 D64-9231-60-02 DWG.NO. J2413 2 1 4 3 5 J2414 REF D60-9233-10-07 31152A24BL 21 22 31151A24WH 31151A24BL 31152A24WH 31104B24WH 31104B24BL 31103A24WH 31103A24BL CONFIG MODULE 012-00605-00 GND VCC DATA CLK 31105A22 31106A22N 33000B22 31100B24WH 31100B24OR 31100B24GR 31100B24BL 31101A24WH 31101A24BL 21007A22 20 J2414 56 57 55 31155B22 P2414 P2414 P2403 REF D60-9233-10-07 DAIA CODE J2413 0,5Ω, 25W P2413 DWG.ORIG. 31158A24WH 31158A24OR 31158A24GR 31158A24BL RH MAIN BUS 31150A24WH 31150A24OR 31150A24GR 31150A24BL 31153A24WH 31153A24BL 31152A24WH 31152A24BL 31104A24WH 31104A24BL 31151A24WH 31151A24BL MFD GS IP-8 31105B22 31103A24WH 31103A24BL 5A PFD 31100A24WH 31100A24OR 31100A24GR 31100A24BL 31101A24WH 31101A24BL 21007A22 2 A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 23 24 25 26 MAIN VERT DEV +UP MAIN VERT DEV +DN MAIN VERTICAL +FLAG MAIN VERTICAL -FLAG 62 MAIN KING SERIAL DME REQ ANNUNCIATE* 15 NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS ANNUNCIATE* 15 71 70 MAIN ARINC 429 OUT 1 A MAIN ARINC 429 OUT 1 B 38 1P604 38 2P604 42 10 11 27 28 RS 485/422 IN A RS 485/422 IN B SIGNAL GROUND MAIN ARINC 429 IN 4 A MAIN ARINC 429 IN 4 B 36 37 RS 485/422 OUT A RS 485/422 OUT B 2P603 59 60 10 11 12 ADF X / COS ADF Y / COS ADF Z (GROUND) MAIN KING SERIAL DME CLK 48 46 47 49 COURSE DATUM HI HEADING DATUM HI HEADING DATUM LO COURSE DATUM LO MAIN KING SERIAL DME DATA 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 DISCRETE OUT *1B DISCRETE OUT *2B DISCRETE OUT *3B DISCRETE OUT *4B DISCRETE OUT *5B DISCRETE OUT *6B DISCRETE OUT *7B DISCRETE OUT *8B DISCRETE OUT *9B 2P606 68 DISCRETE OUT *2A 19 20 17 18 MAIN LATERAL +FLAG MAIN LATERAL -FLAG 2P605 7 27 25 2P604 MAIN LATERAL DEV +LEFT MAIN LATERAL DEV +RIGHT DISCRETE IN *1 ANNUNCIATE *4 ANNUNCIATE *2 NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS S S S S S S S S S 34426A22 P1 ANTENNA AVIDYNE 9900BX OPTIONAL 7 REMOTE MUTE 34302B22 P1 34390A142 34303B22N Industries GmbH Aircraft 34414A142 6 5 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG REF GTX 33 XPDR (COUPLER) AVIONICS BUS GS IP 3A TAS BOTTOM ANTENNA TOP ANTENNA REF D60-9232-00-01 REF D60-9230-30-01 PROJECT 34410A142 34412A142 J4 34413A142 J2 34411A142 J3 34427A22 34428A22 34420A22 34421A22N 2 10 34420B22 J2403 AVIONICS BUS GS IP-11 3A DME 5 34421B22N P2403 34302A22 34303A22N 13 J2413 BP 4 A1 A2 A4 B1 B2 B4 C1 C2 C4 CRS DATUM 2 HDG DATUM 27 HDG/CRS REF P1401 11 13 14 33 34 20 21 3 5 17 38 MIDDLE MARKER GAIN 9 G/S +UP 10 G/S +DN BP 1 31 G/S +FLAG 12 G/S -FLAG J1 Diamond COUPLER 11 COMPASS VALID P1402 14 P2413 ILS ENERGIZE 22 NAV +FLAG 23 NAV -FLAG BP 3 24 NAV +LEFT 25 NAV +RIGHT 7 P1401 44 TRIM FAIL ANNUN 26 GPS SELECT HONEYWELL KAP 140 AFCS P1402 REF D60-9222-10-01 Diamond Aircraft Industries RS-232 RX 2 RS-232 TX 2 RS-232 GROUND 2 5 19 17 18 34425A22 429 RX 1+ 429 RX 1SUPPRESSION 22 AWG N/C P632 2 3 1 A P1 REF SHEET 2 TAS +28 VDC POWER 1 RS-232 RX 3 RS-232 TX 3 +28 VDC POWER 2 RS-232 GROUND 3 POWER GROUND 14 POWER GROUND 15 RS-232 RX 4 POWER SWITCH 16 RS-232 TX 4 J1 RS-232 GROUND 4 NO RYAN DISPLAY 15 429 TX+ GEAR POSITION 11 429 TXWEIGHT ON WHEELS 14 7 2.2kΩ, 0.25W 25 23 24 8 9 N/C N/C 10 11 22 20 21 22 AWG N/C P1 12 TX-A 31 TX-B 27 GROUND P1 BECKER RA 3502-(01) ADF RECEIVER REF D60-9234-50-01 13 RX-A 14 RX-B OPTIONAL 11 DME ON 34424A22 REF KN 63 DME 34423A24OR 34423A24WH 34423A24BL 34422A24OR 34422A24WH 34422A24BL 34201A24WH 34201A24BL 34200A24WH 34200A24BL 34424A22 REF 9900BX TAS 34305A24 REF GTX 33 XPDR 34512A22 34307A24 34306A24 HONEYWELL KN 63 P1 DME A/C POWER 6 DATA BUS A/C POWER F CLOCK BUS A/C GROUND A/C GROUND D DME REQUEST 12 GROUND K SUPPRESSION 17 ADF COS 16 ADF SIN OPTIONAL BECKER AC 3504-(1) RMI CONVERTER REF D60-9234-50-01 22069B24WH 22069B24BL 22069B24OR 54 55 56 57 22069A24WH 22069A24BL 22069A24OR 22058B24WH 22058B24BL 22060B22 22061B22 22062B22 22063B22 22064B22 22065B22 22066B22 22067B22 22068B22 22058A24WH 22058A24BL 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 22056B22 33 34 22056A22 22060A22 22061A22 22062A22 22063A22 22064A22 22065A22 22066A22 22067A22 22068A22 22055B24WH 22055B24BL 31 32 22055A24WH 22055A24BL 22057B24WH 22057B24BL 22054B24WH 22054B24BL 28 29 30 22054A24WH 22054A24BL 35 36 37 38 39 40 22053B22 27 22053A22 REF D60-9222-10-01 22051B22 22052B22 J2414 25 26 P2414 22051A22 22052A22 6 22057A24WH 22057A24BL 34202A22 34203A22 7 G/S ANTENNA NAV ANTENNA DISCRETE IN* 12 CAN BUS 2 TERMINATION CAN BUS 2 LO CAN BUS 2 HI 24 22 2P604 47 49 48 2P603 1P611 2P612 53 55 54 32 30 34 22 20 2P603 2P613 2P614 1P614 1P613 24 1P604 39 30 32 21005A22 S S S 77401E22WH 77401E22BL Wx 500 21008A22 25 24 48 REF D60-9221-20-01 34404A24WH 34404A24BL 34404A24OR 33 31 32 J2413 J2414 J2403 34503A24WH 34503A24BL 34503A24OR P2413 34400B20WH 34400B20BL 34402A20N GS IP-2 77405E22WH 77405E22BL 77409A22WH 77409A22BL 77408A22BL 77408A22WH 34691B142 12 13 14 P2414 34502A24WH 34502A24BL 34502A24OR REF D60-9221-20-01 77409A22BL 77409A22WH 77408A22WH 77408A22BL 23390A400 34190A400 34191A400 34091A400 34090A400 S S S AVIONICS 3A BUS S S 34690B142 23290A400 3 4 3 Schematic, G1000 DISCRETE IN* 12 GIA SYS ID PROGRAM 1 MAIN RS 232 IN 3 MAIN RS 232 OUT 3 SIGNAL GROUND GPS ANTENNA COM ANTENNA MAIN RS 232 IN 5 MAIN RS 232 OUT 5 SIGNAL GROUND CAN BUS 2 HI CAN BUS 2 LO CAN BUS 1 LO CAN BUS 1 HI CAN BUS 1 TERMINATION NAV ANTENNA G/S ANTENNA NO. 2 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS TITLE 53 55 54 1P603 1P611 2P612 CAN BUS 1 HI 20 CAN BUS 1 LO 22 MAIN RS 232 IN 5 MAIN RS 232 OUT 5 SIGNAL GROUND GPS ANTENNA COM ANTENNA NO. 1 GIA63 INTEGRATED AVIONICS 4 P2403 REF. SHEET 3 1 5 OPTIONAL GOODRICH WX-500 STORMSCOPE CODE 2 34500A22 34501A22N ORANGE RED BROWN BLACK YELLOW GREEN BLUE DRAIN S S SCALE SH A H G F J B D C J3441 1 06 25 RS 232 OUT 2 24 RS 232 IN 2 58 SIGNAL GROUND AIRCRAFT POWER 1 POWER GROUND 21 SUPPRESSION 27 31 1 GTX33 MODE S XPDR ANTENNA 23 RS 232 OUT 1 22 RS 232 IN 1 51 SIGNAL GROUND P3301 P3302 D64-9231-60-02 34503A24WH 34503A24BL 34503A24OR P2413 34512A22 34502A24WH 34502A24BL 34502A24OR OPTIONAL XPDR COUPLER DWG.NO. 3 16 17 2 15 4 14 1 J2 34 35 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. 6 CONFIG. GROUND 5 RS 232 GROUND 22 INHIBIT J2 X LOOP +12V SENSE ANT REF -12V Y LOOP ANT TEST ANT COM AIRCRAFT POWER AIRCRAFT GROUND 20 RS 232 TX 8 RS 232 RX 3 TOP ANT. J3 J1 J2413 REF KN 63 DME 34500B22 34501B22N GS IP-11 REF D64-9277-40-03x01 5A XPDR REF D64-9277-40-02x01 LH MAIN BUS 34400A20WH 34400A20BL 77405C22WH 77405C22BL 77401C22WH 77401C22BL 34410A142 REF 9900BX TAS 34590A142 2 06 Confidential OF - REV A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 20 120Ω 7 DIAGNOSTIC 2 7 10 7 12 9 ON OFF 77401CC22BL 77401CC22WH 77401C22BL 77401C22WH REF D64-9231-60-02 24300A14 24360A20 ENGINE MASTER LH 22 AWG 11 8 VOTER LH 22 AWG INSTRUMENT PANEL 7 REF D64-9231-60-02 B U S E C U L H ECU A ECU TEST LH 5A 2A 2 1 3 DIMENSIONS J2402 2 5 1 4 2 6 3 5 6 2 DECIMAL 1DECIMAL DECIMAL ANGLE RAD u0,25 u0,5 u1 u1° u0,5 DIMENSION TOLERANCES FINISH IN MICROMETER 3.2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM A3 FORMAT METRIC 77401B22BL 77401B22WH 31005B22 24300B14 24361B22 24362B22 74010B22 24321B22WH 24321B22BL 1 1 4 2 6 3 5 2 1 3 GS-RP GS-RP CLASSIFICATION: 5 4 APPROVED: SYSTEM: MANUF.: STRESS: QA: CHECKED: DRAWN Aircraft Zeillinger N/A N/A N/A N/A Kowarsch Moise Industries GmbH Diamond 4.7kΩ 74011A16 74012A16 74013A16 74014A16 24342A20N 24343A20N 24344A20N 24345A20N 4.7kΩ 31005C22 24327A20 24328A20 24329A20 24361C22 24362C22 74010C22 32050B22 DEPARTMENT 74016A22N 77401A22BL 77401A22WH 50A GS-RP 74015A22N 1 24321C22WH 24321C22BL 77402A22OR 77402A22WH 77402A22BL 77420A22OR 77420A22WH 77420A22BL SOLID EDGE V18 D64-9277-40-02e.dft FILENAME SOFTWARE: THIS DRAWING WAS PRODUCED USING INTERCHANGEABLE PART NO DE-S-10-00003 NONE 4 ENGINE NACELLE REF D64-9224-30-01 24004B4 GS-RP 24300C14 IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS J2421 2 5 10 12 14 6 7 8 J2427 J3205 J2423 5 REF D64-9230-30-01 32050A22 77402B22OR 77402B22WH 77402B22BL 77420B22OR 77420B22WH 77420B22BL FUSELAGE FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION 31005A22 REF D64-9261-20-01 2A 24361A22 24362A22 74010A22 6 7 8 10 12 14 J2417 POWER LEVER SENSOR ECU A REF D64-9261-20-01 24321A22WH 24321A22BL 6 2 4 3 2 4 3 12 23 24 23 24 3 SIGN DATE 13.05.09 13.05.09 CPC 1 GPC Caution Lamp CAN Low CAN High GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply ECU A GND ECU A GND ECU A GND ECU A GND GPC Annun. Lamp ECU A Power Supply ECU A Power Supply ECU A Power Supply Engine Master Engine Master Glow Enable Selftest Signal Selftest GND A/C on Ground A/C on Ground Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND ENGINE HARNESS OÄM 42-171 FIRST RELEASE 2 SCALE NTS SH 1 01 Confidential OF - REV 02 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt D64-9277-40-02X01 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. CODE DA 42 NG APPROVAL 13.05.09 SEE TB DATE 1 Schematic, LH ECU PROJECT TITLE REVISION DESCRIPTION 2 Diamond Aircraft Industries 32 8 32 7 28 28 8 27 27 7 26 26 25 22 22 25 21 21 29 19 29 18 19 17 18 17 31 11 31 12 14 13 30 11 14 13 30 20 6 20 5 6 1 ZONE ALL ALL SH EMI FILTER (OPTIONAL WITH ADF) - REV 5 1 CPC 1 3 A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 B U S E C U L H 7.5 FUEL PUMP B 7.5 FUEL PUMP A 20 ECU B 7 4 1 6 3 GS-IP GS-IP-22 7 GS-IP-3 OFF ON ON OFF FUEL PUMPS LH 28036A22N 28032A20 GS-IP-17 28030A20 24301A14 24363A20 ENGINE MASTER LH 24325A22BL 24325A22WH 24322A22WH 24322A22BL INSTRUMENT PANEL VOTER LH 5 2 22 AWG 5A Aircraft Industries GmbH Diamond 4 27 28 21 22 9 16 17 PROJECT 28037B22 28032B20 28030B20 24301B14 24364B22 24365B22 24325B22BL 24325B22WH 24322B22WH 24322B22BL 77410B22OR 77410B22WH 77410B22BL 77421B22OR 77421B22WH 77421B22BL FUSELAGE 6 4 27 28 21 22 9 16 17 23 24 25 29 30 31 J2427 8 12 9 14 10 13 J2423 Diamond Aircraft Industries 28037A22 REF D64-9261-20-01 2A 24364A22 24365A22 2A REF D64-9261-20-01 1 4 2 6 3 5 23 24 25 29 30 31 J2417 POWER LEVER SENSOR ECU B 6 GS-RP 28037C22 28032C20 28030C20 GS-RP 5 85 86 30 TITLE 85 87 FUEL PUMP B RELAY LH 87A 86 87 FUEL PUMP A RELAY LH 87A 24346A20N 24347A20N 24348A20N 24349A20N 24301C14 51801A10 24364C22 24365C22 24325C22BL 24325C22WH 24322C22WH 24322C22BL 30 4 2 GS-RP 28033B20 28035B20N 1 28033A20 28035A20N J2806 2 GS-RP 28031B20 28034B20N 1 J2805 28039A22 28038A22 24333A20 24334A20 24335A20 28034A20N 2 51802A20 28031A20 5A 3 LH FUEL PUMP B LH FUEL PUMP A 4 3 Schematic, LH ECU ENGINE NACELLE 77410A22OR 77410A22WH 77410A22BL 77421A22OR 77421A22WH 77421A22BL N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG 5 DWG.ORIG. CODE 2 CPC 2 Fuel Pump Output B Fuel Pump Output A ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B Power Supply ECU B Power Supply ECU B Power Supply Engine Master Engine Master ECU A ECU B Voter Signal Input Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND ENGINE HARNESS 1 SCALE 1:1 SH 1 02 02 - REV Confidential OF D64-9277-40-02X01 710197 DAIA 2 DWG.NO. 3 2 30 3 30 28 29 27 29 28 25 24 23 27 25 24 23 18 14 14 17 13 13 18 16 17 15 16 9 9 15 8 10 8 10 12 12 7 11 CPC 2 11 7 EMI FILTER (OPTIONAL WITH ADF) 2 A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 20 ECU A 24302A14 120Ω 7 DIAGNOSTIC 2 7 10 7 12 9 ON OFF 77405CC22BL 77405CC22WH 77405C22BL 77405C22WH REF D64-9231-60-02 24370A20 ENGINE MASTER RH 22 AWG 11 8 VOTER RH 22 AWG INSTRUMENT PANEL 7 REF D64-9231-60-01 B U S E C U R H ECU TEST RH 5A 2A 2 1 3 DIMENSIONS J2404 2 1 26 32 33 1 4 2 6 3 5 6 2 DECIMAL 1DECIMAL DECIMAL ANGLE RAD u0,25 u0,5 u1 u1° u0,5 DIMENSION TOLERANCES FINISH IN MICROMETER 3.2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM A3 FORMAT METRIC 77405B22BL 77405B22WH 31007B22 24302B14 24371B22 24372B22 74020B22 24323B22WH 24323B22BL 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 6 3 5 GS-RP GS-RP CLASSIFICATION: SOLID EDGE V18 5 4 APPROVED: SYSTEM: MANUF.: STRESS: QA: CHECKED: DRAWN Aircraft Zeillinger N/A N/A N/A N/A Kowarsch Moise Industries GmbH Diamond 4.7kΩ 74021A16 74022A16 74023A16 74024A16 24350A20N 24351A20N 24352A20N 24353A20N 31007C22 24336A20 24337A20 24338A20 24371C22 24372C22 74020C22 32051B22 DEPARTMENT 74026A22N 77405A22BL 77405A22WH 50A GS-RP 74025A22N 1 24323C22WH 24323C22BL 77406A22OR 77406A22WH 77406A22BL 77422A22OR 77422A22WH 77422A22BL D64-9277-40-03X01.dft FILENAME SOFTWARE: THIS DRAWING WAS PRODUCED USING INTERCHANGEABLE PART NO DE-S-10-00003 NONE 4 ENGINE NACELLE REF D64-9224-30-01 24004B4 GS-RP 24302C14 IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS J2422 2 1 26 32 33 34 35 36 J2428 J3206 P2425 5 REF D64-9230-30-01 32051A22 77406B22OR 77406B22WH 77406B22BL 77422B22OR 77422B22WH 77422B22BL FUSELAGE FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION 31007A22 REF D64-9261-20-01 2A 24371A22 24372A22 74020A22 34 35 36 J2416 POWER LEVER SENSOR ECU A REF D64-9261-20-01 24323A22WH 24323A22BL 6 2 4 3 2 4 3 31 23 24 23 24 3 SIGN DATE 13.05.09 CPC 1 GPC Caution Lamp CAN Low CAN High GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply GPC Power Supply ECU A GND ECU A GND ECU A GND ECU A GND GPC Annun. Lamp ECU A Power Supply ECU A Power Supply ECU A Power Supply Engine Master Engine Master Glow Enable Selftest Signal Selftest GND A/C on Ground A/C on Ground Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND ENGINE HARNESS OÄM 42-171 FIRST RELEASE 2 SCALE 1:1 SH 1 01 Confidential OF - REV 02 N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt D64-9277-40-03X01 DWG.NO. 710197 DAIA DWG.ORIG. CODE DA 42 NG APPROVAL 13.05.09 SEE TB DATE 1 Schematic, RH ECU PROJECT TITLE REVISION DESCRIPTION 2 Diamond Aircraft Industries 32 8 32 7 28 28 8 27 27 7 26 26 25 22 22 25 21 21 29 19 19 29 18 18 17 12 31 17 11 12 14 13 30 11 14 13 30 20 6 20 5 6 1 ZONE ALL ALL SH EMI FILTER (OPTIONAL WITH ADF) - REV 5 1 CPC 1 3 A B C D E F ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHICH MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIAMOND AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES A B C D E F Confidential 8 8 B U S E C U R H 4 1 6 3 7.5 FUEL PUMP B 7.5 FUEL PUMP A 20 ECU B VOTER RH 5 2 22 AWG 5A GS-IP GS-IP-1 OFF ON ON OFF 7 FUEL PUMPS RH 28046A22N GS-IP-22 28042A20 GS-IP-11 28040A20 24303A14 24373A20 ENGINE MASTER RH 24326A22BL 24326A22WH 24324A22WH 24324A22BL INSTRUMENT PANEL 7 28047A22 20 27 28 21 22 14 16 17 Aircraft Industries GmbH Diamond 28047B22 28042B20 28040B20 24303B14 24374B22 24375B22 24326B22BL 24326B22WH 24324B22WH 24324B22BL 77407B22OR 77407B22WH 77407B22BL 77423B22OR 77423B22WH 77423B22BL FUSELAGE PROJECT 20 27 28 21 22 14 16 17 23 24 25 29 30 31 J2428 P2425 8 12 9 14 10 13 6 Diamond Aircraft Industries REF D64-9261-20-01 2A 24374A22 24375A22 2A REF D64-9261-20-01 23 24 25 29 30 31 J2416 POWER LEVER SENSOR ECU B 1 4 2 6 3 5 6 GS-RP 5 85 87 86 30 85 87 87A FUEL PUMP B RELAY RH 86 87A FUEL PUMP A RELAY RH 24354A20N 24355A20N 24356A20N 24357A20N 24303C14 51803A10 24374C22 24375C22 24326C22BL 24326C22WH 24324C22WH 24324C22BL 77407A22OR 77407A22WH 77407A22BL 77423A22OR 77423A22WH 77423A22BL 30 4 TITLE 2 GS-RP 28043B20 28045B20N 1 28043A20 J2808 28045A20N GS-RP 28041B20 28044B20N 2 28041A20 J2807 28049A22 28048A22 24339A20 24340A20 24341A20 28044A20N 2 51804A20 1 5A RH FUEL PUMP B RH FUEL PUMP A 3 4 3 Schematic, RH ECU ENGINE NACELLE N. A. Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt DA 42 NG 28047C22 28042C20 28040C20 GS-RP 5 DWG.ORIG. 13 CODE 2 Fuel Pump Output B Fuel Pump Output A ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B GND ECU B Power Supply ECU B Power Supply ECU B Power Supply Engine Master Engine Master ECU A ECU B Voter Signal Input Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND Sensor Supply Sensor Signal Sensor GND ENGINE HARNESS 1 SCALE 1:1 SH 1 02 02 - REV Confidential OF D64-9277-40-03X01 710197 DAIA 2 CPC 2 DWG.NO. 3 2 30 3 29 30 28 29 27 28 25 25 27 24 24 23 18 18 23 17 17 14 16 13 14 15 16 9 15 8 10 9 12 10 11 8 12 7 11 7 EMI FILTER (OPTIONAL WITH ADF) CPC 2 2 A B C D E F
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