microscopic investigation of curcuma petiolata roxb. rhizome


microscopic investigation of curcuma petiolata roxb. rhizome
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
Bulletin of Health,
Science and Technology
ISSN 0858-7531
Volume 14, Number 1, 2016 : 01-09
Thatree Phadungcharoen* and Orawan Theanphong
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Rangsit University, Pathumthani 12000, Thailand
*Corresponding author : E-mail : thatree.p@chula.ac.th
Abstract: Curcuma petiolata Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) is used in ethnomedicine in many countries.
According to morphological similarities and the processing of medicinal plants into powder for
preparation in several dosage forms changing morphological characters, it causes difficulty to
identify species. Microscopic examination is a conventional method for identification crude
drugs. In this study, transverse and longitudinal sections of the fresh and rhizomes powdered of
C. petiolata were investigated under microscope. The results showed the presence of epidermis,
cork, parenchyma containing simple starch grains or some yellowish oil and scattered vascular
bundles. The study of powder rhizome showed very abundant flattened-rounded to oval simple
starch grains and oil droplets, very occasional pale brown cork, occasional non-lignified spiral
and scalariform vessels, parenchyma, yellowish septate fiber and rarely seen epidermis.
The diagnostic character of the rhizome of C. petiolata was yellowish septate fiber.
Keywords: Curcuma petiolata, microscopic, Zingiberaceae
บทคัดย่ อ: บัวชั้น (Curcuma petiolata Roxb.) มีการนามาใช้ประโยชน์ทางยาพื้นบ้านในหลายประเทศ แต่เนื่ องจากพืชในสกุลนี้ มีลกั ษณะ
ทางพฤกษศาสตร์ที่คล้ายคลึงกันมาก รวมถึงการแปรรู ปเป็ นผงเพื่อผลิตยาเตรี ยมในรู ปแบบต่างๆ ทาให้ลกั ษะทางสัณฐานวิทยาเปลี่ยนแปลงไป ดังนั้น
การจาแนกโดยอาศัยลักษณะทางพฤกษศาสตร์เพียงอย่างเดียวอาจทาได้ยาก การศึกษาทางจุลทรรศน์ลกั ษณะเป็ นวิธีการศึกษาเนื้อเยื่อพืชภายใต้กล้อง
จุลทรรศน์ ในการศึกษาครั้งนี้เหง้าสดของบัวชั้นที่ตดั ตามขวางและตัดตามยาว รวมถึงผงเหง้าถูกนามาศึกษาภายใต้กล้องจุลทรรศน์ ผลการศึกษาที่ได้
พบว่าเหง้าสดของบัวชั้นที่ตดั ตามขวางและตัดตามยาวพบเนื้ อเยื่อ คอร์ก พาเรงคิมาที่มีเมล็ดแป้งแบบเดี่ยว และหยดน้ ามันสี เหลืองสะสม และมัดท่อ
ลาเลียงกระจัดกระจายอยูท่ วั่ ไป ในขณะที่ผงเหง้าพบเม็ดแป้งแบบเดี่ยว รู ปกลมถึงรู ปไข่ แบน หยดน้ ามัน และ คอร์กสี น้ าตาลอ่อนได้มาก ท่อลาเลียง
ชนิ ด spiral และ scalariform ที่ไม่มีลิกนิ นสะสมที่ผนัง พาเรงคิมาและ ไฟเบอร์สีเหลืองชนิ ดมีผนังกั้น พบได้ทวั่ ไป ส่ วนเนื้ อเยื่อชั้นผิวพบได้นอ้ ย
เนื้อเยือ่ ที่เป็ นลักษณะเฉพาะของเหง้าบัวชั้นสี ชมพูได้แก่ไฟเบอร์สีเหลืองชนิดมีผนังกั้น
คำสำคัญ: บัวชั้นสี ชมพู, จุลทรรศน์ลกั ษณะ, Zingiberaceae
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
The genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) are an important source of food, food
colourings, herb and spices, flavouring agents, medicinal and ornamental plants (LeongSkornickova and Newman, 2015).
Curcuma petiolata Roxb. is herbaceous plant with short rhizome and tuberous root.
The rhizome of this plant was use as ethnomedicine for wound healing, treatment of stomach
ache, colic, anorexia and puerperal fever (Wardini and Prakoso, 1999; Prasad et al., 2008;
Samuel et al., 2010).
Microscopic examination, a conventional method for identification of crude drugs, is
the oldest, simplest and cheapest method for plant characterization (Amel, 2015). However,
there is no data available on the microscopic examination of C. petiolata and therefore the aim
of this study was to investigate microscopic characters of the rhizome of this plant.
Plant material
Fresh rhizomes of C. petiolata were collected in November 2015 from Prachin Buri
province, Thailand.
The plant sample was identified by Assoc. Prof. Thatree
Phadungcharoen. The voucher specimen, RSU 0023, of this plant was deposited at Faculty of
Pharmacy, Rangsit University, Thailand.
Sample preparation
The fresh rhizomes of C. petiolata were cut in to small pieces and dried at 50C by the
oven until dryness. The dried rhizomes were ground with mortar and pestle and then through
a sieve number 60.
Macroscopic examination
Histological characters of transverse and longitudinal sections of the fresh and the
examination of powdered drug of rhizome of C. petiolata were investigated under the light
microscope (Motic BA 300).
Transverse and longitudinal sections of the fresh rhizome of C. petiolata showed one
epidermal layer and 5-9 layers of thin wall, pale brown cork, the layer of endodermis between
cortex and stele of rhizome together with scattered yellowish oil cells and parenchymatous
cells some containing simple starch grains and scattered vascular bundles. In addition, the
longitudinal section showed spiral and scalariform vessels. Transverse and longitudinal
sections of the fresh rhizome of C. petiolata were showed in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
The examination of powdered drug of rhizome showed epidermis, cork, parenchyma,
spiral and scalariform vessels, septate fibers, simple starch grains and oil droplets (Figure 3).
The results were similar from previously reported. The fresh rhizome of C. amada,
C. aromatica, C. longa, C. neilgherrensis, C. pseudomontana and C. zedoaria showed one
epidermal layer (Remashree, Balachandran and Ravidran, 2003; Paliwal, Pancholi and Patel,
2011; Hiremath and Kaliwal, 2014; Yasodamma, Chaithra and Alekhya, 2014). However, our
experimental results were different from previously reported. The powdered drug of rhizome
of C. petiolata showed septate fibers whereas the powdered drug of rhizome of C. aeruginasa,
C. longa and C. pseudomontana showed non-septate fibers (Hiremath and Kaliwal, 2014;
Amel, 2015; Murthy et al., 2015).
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
Vascular bundles
200 m
Vascular bundles
Oil cell
200 m
Parenchymatous cells,
some containing
simple starch grains
200 m
Figure 1. Transverse section of the fresh rhizome of C. petiolata.
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
Oil cell
200 m
Parenchymatous cells
some containing
simple starch grains
Parenchymatous cells
containing simple
starch grains
Scalariform vessels
200 m
Parenchymatous cells
containing simple
starch grains
Spiral vessels
200 m
Oil cell
Figure 2. Longitudinal section of the fresh rhizome of C. petiolata.
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
100 m
100 m
100 m
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Phadungcharoen et al.
100 m
100 m
100 m
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Phadungcharoen et al.
100 m
100 m
100 m
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
100 m
Figure 3. Powdered drug of rhizome of C. petiolata.
a: Epidermis in surface view
b: Cork in surface view
c: Cork in sectional view
d: Parenchyma containing simple starch grains
e: Parenchyma
f: Spiral vessels
g: Scalariform vessels
h: Simple starch grains
i: Numerous oil droplets and underlining starch grains
j: Septate Fibers
The powdered drug of rhizome of C. petiolata is creamy yellow with characteristic
odour. The diagnostic characters include the very abundant flattened rounded to oval, 27-60
mm long simple starch grains and oil droplets which were found scattered. The very
occasional 5-9 layers of thin wall, polygonal pale brown cork together with the occasional
lignified spiral and scalariform vessel associated with parenchyma containing simple starch
grains. In addition, the scarcely epidermis and occasional yellowish septate fiber were also
This is the first report on microscopic characters of the fresh rhizome and powdered
drug of rhizome of C. petiolata. The results indicated that the diagnostic character of the
rhizome of C. petiolata was yellowish septate fiber.
In conclusion, the microscopic characters of C. petiolata rhizome and its powder
revealed the different diagnostic characters, which help identification of this plant.
The authors acknowledged the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Rangsit University for equipment support.
BHST. 2016, 14 (1) : 01-09
Phadungcharoen et al.
Amel B. 2015. Microscopic analysis of Curcuma longa L. using multivariate test. International Journal of
Pharmacognosy. 2(4): 173-177.
Hiremath GB and Kaliwal BB. 2014. Pharmacognostic evaluation of rhizome of Curcuma pseudomontana J.
Graham. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 5: 242-250.
Leong-Skornikova J. and Newman, M. 2015. Gingers of Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam. Singapore: Oxford
Graphic Printers Pte Ltd.
Murthy SS, Sharath R, Sujan Ganapathy PS, Sivakamisundari P, Preetham J. 2015. Pharmacognostic and
Phytochemical Evaluation of Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. (Rhizome) Indigenous Ethno-Medicinal Plant
Used by Tribal Soliga Community of Biligirirangana Hills. International Journal of Pharmacognosy
and Phytochemical Research. 7: 820-824.
Paliwal P, Pancholi SS and Patel RK. 2011. Pharmacognostic parameters for evaluation of the rhizomes of
Curcuma caesia. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. 2: 56-61.
Prasad PRC, Reddy S, Raza SH and Dutt CBS. 2008. Folklore medicinal plants of North Andaman Islands,
India. Fitoterapia. 79: 458-464.
Remashree AB, Balachandran I and Ravidran PN. 2003. Pharmacognostic studies in four species of Curcuma.
Proc 12th Swadeshi Science Congress. November 6-9.
Samuel AJSJ, Kalusalingam A, Chellappan DK, Gopinath R, Radhamani S, Husain HA, Muruganandham V and
Promwichit P. 2010. Ethnomedical survey of plants used by the Orang Asli in Kampung Bawong,
Perak, West Malaysia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 6:5. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-6-5
Wardini TH and Prakoso B. 1999. Curcuma petiolata Roxb. In: de Padua LS, Bunyapraphatsara N. and
Lemmens RHMJ (Editors). Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12(1): Medicinal and poisonous
plants 1. Leiden: Backhuys Publisher.
Yasodamma N, Chaithra D and Alekhya C. 2014. Pharmacognostic evaluation of Curcuma neilgherrensis WT.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6: 159-168.

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