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here - EAccess - English Schools Foundation
ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
Login to EAccess ...................................................................................... 3
Login ..................................................................................................... 3
First Time Login/ Forgot Password ........................................................ 5
Change Login ID and Password ............................................................ 5
EAccess - Personal Information and Self-Change Function ...................... 6
2.1 Personal Enquiry ................................................................................... 6
2.2 Job Enquiry ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Payroll Enquiry ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 Self Change .......................................................................................... 7
iLeave – Online Leave Profiles ................................................................. 8
3.1 Leave Application .................................................................................. 8
3.2 Leave Cancellation ................................................................................ 9
3.3 Annual Leave Balance ........................................................................ 10
3.4 Leave Approval (for Line Manager/Supervisor only) ............................ 10
3.4.1 Approve / Reject Leave (for Line Manager/Supervisor only) ....... 11
3.4.2 Delegate Authority (for Line Manager/Supervisor only) .............. 12
3.5 Reports ............................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Leave Application Check List...................................................... 14
3.5.2 Staff Leave Report ..................................................................... 15
3.5.3 Staff Leave Calendar .................................................................. 16
iPerform – online PM document filing system.......................................... 17
4.1 PM document upload .......................................................................... 18
4.2 Email notification ................................................................................. 19
4.3 Viewing / Downloading PM document .................................................... 20
EAccess Manual
Version 3.0
Date: August 2012
HRIS – ESF HR Projects: E:, T: 3762 2643 / 3762 2658
How to get assistance?
1. For enquiries regarding login and information stored on EAccess, change of such
information, etc., please contact your School Office / HR Manager.
2. For other enquiries on EAccess, please contact ESF Centre HR Projects Team E: or T: 3762 2643 / 3762 2658.
3. To retrieve the latest version of the User Manual and FAQ, please login to EAccess
and download an e-copy through the “HELP” link on the top-right screen.
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ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
What is EAccess and who can access the system?
1. Login to EAccess
EAccess is a self-service tool to access Personal Profiles online with four
main functions:
1.1 Login
1. EAccess Core
: viewing of personal (including dependants), job, salary and
benefits information.
2. iLeave
: viewing leave summary reports on all taken and schedule
leaves, and applying & approving for leave online.
3. iPerform
: online performance management filing system (only
applicable to the pilot schools at this stage).
4. iTraining
: training enrollment and approval online (rollout at a later
Staff members can access the system with Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.
Login to EAccess through any of the web links as shown below: or
Who can use EAccess?
All staff members whose contract are on regular basis for a year or above, and
receive a fixed monthly salary payment. Staff members including Senior Staff,
Principals, Senior Leadership Team members, Teachers, Support Staff, fulltime Educational Assistants can logon to EAccess.
School HR administrator will setup the Office Email Address, direct supervisor
and iLeave Path (to define school information) for new joined staff member in
order to activate their EAccess account. A copy of EAccess Manual and
EAccess training session shall be provided to new joined staff members
at School level.
Who cannot use EAccess?
All staff members who are employed on an irregular contract basis, such as
part-time (hourly) Educational Assistants, Supply Teachers, casual workers,
consultants etc.
How to retrieve login information?
Staff members can request the initial login and temporary password information
through the system login page (see “First Time Login/ Forgot Password”
function in section 1.2).
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“Internal Login” or “External Login” provides different level of information
details to the online profiles.
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Staff member can use “First Time Login/ Forgot Password” function on the
EAccess login page to retrieve his login details at any time, including login
password for first time login to EAccess.
1.2 First Time Login/ Forgot Password
Click on “Internal login” - when logging in from school campus/office
Login through a school/office network, staff member can access full functions of
EAccess: including viewing personal profile details (and simplified profiles of
direct report/s), downloading pay slips and tax return forms, and
applying/approving leave online.
Click on “External login” – when logging in outside school campus/office
Login EAccess outside school campus/office to access iLeave: viewing all the
taken and scheduled leave details.
Below provides an overview on different information which the “Internal” or
“External” login will provide:
Staff member can use “First time Login/ Forgot Password” function on the
EAccess login page to retrieve his EAccess account login details at
anytime, i.e. when first time logging in to EAccess, forgetting EAccess
password/login ID.
Click on the “First Time Login/ Forgot Password”, staff is required to enter
the following personal information for identification:
a) Staff ID (available from School Office) &
b) HKID Card No. (or Passport No. if no HKID Card) &
c) Date of Birth (as stated on HKID Card/Passport).
Then click on the “Submit” button to receive an email containing the temporary
login ID and password information. Such email will be sent to the staff
member’s office email account within a few minutes.
The office email address of the HR profile is entered and updated on the HRIS
by the School HR. Staff member should contact the School HR of his School
Office should he encounter any issues receiving the password email.
1.3 Change Login ID and Password
Staff member can change both his EAccess login ID and password by going to
Options Account Administration by clicking on either of the changing
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ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
2. EAccess - Personal Information and Self-Change Function
2.2 Job Enquiry
EAccess core currently can only be accessed within the school campus / office
network, as to protect the sensitive personal details of over 10,000 staff
members, including HKID, salary and bank account details.
Personal information online listed on “EAccess” page is categorized to
“Personal Enquiry”, “Job Enquiry” and “Payroll Enquiry”.
Under “Job Enquiry”, Line Manager / Supervisor can view his (and immediate
subordinate/s’) job related information and a list of company properties (such as
laptop, mobile phone, camera etc.) held by him and his immediate
Line Manager / Supervisor can only view his own dependant/s and their benefit
information but has no access to his subordinate(s)’ dependant/s and benefits
Staff member can update his “Vacation Emergency Contact” through “Self
2.1 Personal Enquiry
Under the “Personal Enquiry” link, Line Manager/Supervisor can view his own
personal information, and part of his immediate subordinate/s’ personal
information. Such profile access can be done in two steps:
2.3 Payroll Enquiry
Under “Payroll Enquiry”, staff member can view his payroll information (salary
slips and tax return forms). Salary slip is available on the pay date of each
month i.e. 20th of each month; past salary slips are also stored and can be
retrieved from the system. The annual tax return form is available in April of
each year.
1) Select an information category
2) Select a staff member’s name for whom’s information to display.
If staff member needs to update his own personal HR profile information, he
should print the respective page, indicate the change in writing on that page
and pass it on to the School HR Administrator to change the information on
Staff member may be required to submit supporting documents for certain
personal information update (e.g. copy of new visa sticker for work visa renewal
update; copy of new passport or HKID card for passport number or HKID card
change; copy of birth certificate and/or marriage certificate for dependant
enrollment etc).
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Line Manager / Supervisor cannot view his subordinate/s’ salary and benefits
information through EAccess.
2.4 Self Change
Under “Self Change”, staff member can change his Vacation Emergency
Contact information online. School Office will remind staff members to update
his emergency contact information during vacation on this page before long
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ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
double-check the “Duration” calculated by the system before submitting a
leave application.
3. iLeave – Online Leave Profiles
The “Remarks” field can be used for entering requests/remarks highlights
related to his leave application.
The iLeave module enables staff member to view his and his
subordinate/s’ leave summary, run leave reports on all scheduled and
taken leaves, apply and approve leave online.
When all the information is checked, clicks on the “OK” button to submit the
application to the approver. The approver will be immediately notified by
email of the leave application.
3.1 Leave Application
Online leave application can be done in four steps:
4. Leave application submitted needs to wait for approver’s response. Staff
member will receive an email notification immediately after his leave
application/s has been approved or rejected by his leave approver.
1. Click on “Application” Apply / Cancel Leave.
2. Select leave period, e.g. 11 May to 21 May, by clicking on the calendar date
11 May and date 21 May; the whole leave period will be automatically
To cancel the selected period, click on the start date e.g. 11 May, and the
selected period will be cancelled.
3. Complete the form as shown below. The leave period will be displayed and
calculated automatically in the below screen when staff member selects the
leave period as shown above.
3.2 Leave Cancellation
Online cancellation can be done in four steps:
1. Click on “Application” Apply / Cancel Leave.
2. Click on the highlighted leave period displayed in the calendar. If
cancel/change only part of the leave period is required, staff member needs
to cancel the whole period first and then re-apply for a new leave period.
Staff member cannot cancel part of a leave period.
3. Tick the “Cancel Leave” box and then click “OK” to cancel the selected
leave application.
Select the leave reason (e.g. Annual Leave) from the drop down list. Subject
to individual’s work schedule, and leave entitlement as listed on the
Conditions of Service, Public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays should be
excluded from the leave duration calculation. Staff member should always
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4. Cancellation of already approved leave needs again another approval by the
Leave Approver. The approver will be immediately notified by email once
the applicant has submitted the leave cancellation.
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However, a pending leave application can be cancelled without further approval
as the Leave Approver hasn’t yet approved the initial leave application.
ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
3.4.1 Approve / Reject Leave (for Line Manager/Supervisor only)
Leave Approver should login to EAccess and proceed with the following steps
to approve or reject a subordinate’s leave application after receiving notification
3.3 Annual Leave Balance
Staff member can check his Annual Leave balance on the right hand side of the
“Leave Application Screen”. Simply click on “Application” Apply / Cancel
1. Click on “Approval” “Approval / Reject Leave”, and select the staff
member’s name in order to browse his leave application(s).
Annual Entitlement: number of
annual leave days entitlement
for the current school year
Approved for extension B/F:
leave balance brought forward
from previous school year
Alternatively, the Leave Approver can click on the leave approval request
displayed on the “Reminder List” of EAccess’ iLeave homepage (shown in
the screen below).
Earned up-to-date: as of date
earned annual leave in the
current school year
Taken up-to-last approval:
number of days approved and
Applied: approved leave in the
future but not taken yet
Pending: applied and waiting
for approval
3.4 Leave Approval (for Line Manager/Supervisor only)
Detailed leave application or cancellation information will be displayed when
clicking on the link (see below):
A Line Manager / Supervisor can be a Leave Approver. School HR can set
different leave approval paths according to different leave application process
needs. Please contact the HR Manager at your school if you have question
regarding your leave application/approval path settings.
Leave Approver will be notified by email to his school email account whenever
any of his subordinates has submitted leave application or cancellation of an
already approved leave period online.
Meanwhile, Leave Approver can view a reminder list on the iLeave homepage
when he logons to EAccess, reminding his action towards the leave request.
Whenever a Leave Approver is unable to process leave applications online
(holidays or long sick leave), he should delegate his leave approval authority to
his respective colleague. For more details about leave approval delegation
process, please refer to section 3.4.2 Delegation Authority.
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The “Pending” status refers to application/s that is now pending upon leave
approver’s decision. Leave Approver has to click on the “Approve” or “Reject”
button to approve or reject the leave application accordingly.
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The Leave Approver can write comments in the “Remarks” field for the
applicant’s reference. The applicant will be notified by email of the leave
approval / rejection and can as well read the Leave Approver’s comment.
Before approving / rejecting an annual leave application, Leave Approver
can check his subordinate’s annual leave balance by clicking on the note
icon button “ ” located under the applicant’s name “Name”.
2. Clicks on the “Submit” button to confirm the approval / rejection. An email will
then automatically be sent to the leave applicant to inform him about the
leave approver’s decision.
School / Department can decide on a one or two steps leave approval process.
If necessary, due to internal workflows and School’s leave approval preference,
a two -step leave approval path may be required. Approved leave application
will be sent automatically from the first approver to the second level approver
for further approval. In the case of a two-step approval path, the leave
application process will not be completed until the second leave approver has
made his leave approval or rejection decision onto the system, i.e. iLeave EAccess.
3. Leave Approver clicks “Add” to complete and confirm his delegation
arrangement for the selected period. The delegation will automatically
become effective and end according to the effective period entered. During
the delegation period, all leave application submitted to the leave approver
will be automatically directed to the delegated approver.
Leave Approver can further modify the delegation setup anytime by clicking
on the list shown under step (1).
Leave Approver can delete the delegation setup by checking the “Delete”
check-box on first column and then clicking the “Delete” button at the bottom of
the “Delegation Setup” screen.
3.4.2 Delegate Authority (for Line Manager/Supervisor only)
Leave Approver can delegate the approval authority to another staff member
whenever he is not able to take up his leave approver duties.
The delegation can be done with the following steps:
1. Click on “Other” “Delegation Authority”
The past delegation setup records are displayed on a list. Leave Approver can
then add, modify or delete a delegation setup.
2. To add a delegation, Approver clicks on the “Add” button, and enters the
required information, e.g. name of staff member to whom leave approval has
been delegated, “Delegated Staff ID” and the delegation period.
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3.5 Reports
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3.5.2 Staff Leave Report
3.5.1 Leave Application Check List
This report shows the leave application details (leave of absence that has been
applied online and entered by School Office and ESF Centre HR Department)
for a selected period.
This report lists the annual leave plan entitlements (only applicable to ESF
Centre Senior Staff and all Support Staff) and the approved leave records (all
leave types) for a selected period. Staff member can enter the report period
(“Date From” – “To”) and click on a staff member’s name to run the report. A
Leave Approver can view all his and immediate subordinate/s’ leave records.
Leave Approver can view his own or his subordinate/s’ leave application
summary by entering the report period (“Date From” – “To”), and then clicking
on the name (“Staff Name”) to run the report. If staff member clicks on “ALL”,
system will list all staff’s leave application records; including his own and all his
subordinates’ leave application records.
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3.5.3 Staff Leave Calendar
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4. iPerform – online PM document filing system
(Applicable to pilot schools)
This report lists the leave schedule (including all approved scheduled leave
records) of all staff members of his/her School/Office.
Staff member is required to input the report period (“Date From” – “To”), the
period should be no longer than 2 months to achieve a quick server response
When clicking on “All” on the staff list, report will list all staff members’ leave
schedules; or click on an individual staff’s name to view selected staff member's
leave schedule.
iPerform creates the feasibility for line manager/s (PM Manager/s) and
staff members to access their performance management documents on
EAccess, through the iPerform page. Line manager/s uploads the PM
documents once they are complete.
Since iPerform can be accessed through either the “Internal” or “External”
login, PM documents uploaded on iPerform can be retrieved / downloaded
at anytime, anywhere.
This centralized uploading tool ensures a mutually agreed version control
of the PM document, by both the staff member and his PM Manager/s
E.g. the report indicates that Teh Suk Yee is on leave from 6 March to 11 March,
and is on a half day’s leave in the morning of 30 March.
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4.2 Email notification
4.1 PM document upload
After the completion of each stage of the performance management cycle, i.e.
Initial Goal Setting, Mid-year review, and Final review, PM Manager logons to
his EAccess account to upload the finalized PM document/s.
Click on “Upload PM Document” under the “My Appraisees” section on the left
PM document upload can be done in 3 steps:
A system auto-email notification approach is adopted to replace the hard-copy
PM form signature endorsement process.
An email notification will be sent to subordinate, and copied in (c.c.) all his
related PM and Viewing Manager/s once a PM document is uploaded to his/her
iPerform profile.
Staff members and the PM Managers are requested to login to their EAccess
profile to view the content of the uploaded PM documents each time an email
notification is received.
1. Click on the staff profile wish to upload PM document for
2. Select the PM “Year” and “Stage” of the document to be uploaded
3. Click on “Browse” to locate the file, and “Upload” to complete the file upload
If the PM Manager/s does not hear from the subordinate regarding the
uploaded document within 14 days of a document being uploaded, it will be
taken that both the staff member and PM Manager/s have agreed with the
content of the uploaded document.
Sample of the email notification:
The PM Manager can write highlights in the “Remarks” field for easy reference
An email notification will be sent to the subordinate and all his related PM
Managers once a PM document is uploaded to his iPerform profile.
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4.3 Viewing / Downloading PM document
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Staff members can view / download PM documents previously which are
uploaded by his PM Manager/s.
Click on “My iPerform History” to obtain a full list of his own PM document/s
which previously uploaded by his PM Manager. Select an individual document
record to download / view document content.
Line Manager (PM Manager or Viewing Manager) can view / download PM
documents of his subordinate/s.
Click on “My Appraisees - iPerform History” to obtain a full list of his
subordinate/s and choose “ALL” to obtain the summary of all the PM documents
for his subordinates which are available online, or click on an individual profile
to view the PM documents of the selected staff profile.
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ESF HRIS (ENet) - EAccess Manual v.3
ESF HR Projects : HRIS (ENet)
EAccess - Employee Self-Service
English Schools Foundation
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