F - Parts Pronto
F - Parts Pronto
KEEP THIS HANDBOOK FOR FUTURE INFORMATION BESIDES IT SHALL ALWAYS BE WITH THE MACHINE. EN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE cl.A CSA Type Model T 110 NOVA T110 NOVA SPINDLE MOULDER 0000571539F00 GENERAL INFORMATION With this handbook we wish to give you all information regarding to the use and maintenance of the machine: in this way you are sure to protect the production as well as the equipments. SCM sales organization is always at your disposal for any technical problem (reparation, spare part delivery etc.) and to emprove your business. Keep this handbook for future information besides it shall always be with the machine. SCM is not responsible for damages caused by wrong use or maintenance of the machine . Some images in this handbook not always correspond to the real machine version on condition that the information is always valid and the safe use of the machine is ensured. For any technical problem aplly to SCM dealer: Pagine totali compresa copertina e retro: vedi indice paragraf i CF3 N° Bolla Data LIBRETTO USO E MANUTENZIONE T 110 NOVA B05067 CSA-CLA INGLESE 12/04/2005 Firma SIT/RB/ip/03 T 110 NOVA N° 0000571539F00 Modifica FZ_NGB1 N° Bolla Data N° 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION SYMBOLS ON THE MACHINE Indicates the point where you have to insert the hooks for lifting the machine Indicates the weight of the machine parts which may be removed Locking symbol WARNING PLATES: Danger: amputation of upper limbs (tools in motion ) Danger due to electric current AVVERTENZE DI SICUREZZA 1. Questa macchina pericolosa - Attenzione! Solo operatori preparati possono impiegare la macchina. 2. Leggere attentamente il "MANUALE ISTRUZIONI" prima di iniziare a lavorare. Il "MANUALE ISTRUZIONI" sempre fornito con la macchina e contiene informazioni ed avvertimenti di estrema importanza riguardanti l'utilizzo della medesima. Un uso improprio della macchina potrebbe provocare danni alle persone. 3. Non utilizzare mai la macchina senza che le protezioni di sicurezza siano al loro posto. Usarla solamente quando gli sportelli e le protezioni sono nella giusta posizione di protezione. 4. Prima di eseguire operazioni di lubrificazione, pulizia, registrazione, manutenzione o riparazioni, spegnere la macchina ed isolarla elettricamente. 5. Tenere lontane tutte le parti del corpo dalle parti mobili della macchina, sia quando essa in funzione che quando si ferma. 6. Accertarsi che sulla macchina sia stato effettuato il collegamento a terra prima di utilizzarla. 7. Non mettere mai le mani o dita tra il pezzo di legno da lavorare e la cinghia di avanzamento o vicino le lame, frese o nastri abrasivi. 8. Non indossare guanti, gioielli o abiti slacciati (come maglioni, giacche, ecc.) mentre si lavora o si vicini alla macchina in funzione. 9. Assicurarsi che tutti gli utensili rotanti siano perfettamente equilibrati, affilati ed accuratamen- Warning plate te serrati. Non impiegare mai lame o utensili incrinati, deformati ed oltre il limite di velocit indicato su di essi. 10.Indossare sempre occhiali protettivi quando si lavora o si sta vicino alla macchina in funzione. 11.Non sovraccaricare la potenzialit utilizzo che ne pu della macchina; ricordarsi sempre di regolarla per il normale essere fatto. 12.Non lavorare materiali che provocano scintille (come acciaio) con materiali combustibili (come polveri di alluminio e magnesio) perch c' il rischio che si sviluppi un incendio. 13.Tenere sempre pulito e mordinato lo spazio circostante la macchina. Una scarsa manutenzione potrebbe generare scivoloni, cadute ed altri danni. 14. La concentrazione d'obbligo in ogni momento. La mancanza di attenzione al movimento della mano causa di molti incidenti. 15. NONTOGLIERE MAI QUESTA TARGHETTA "AVVERTENZE DI SICUREZZA", che deve essere fissata in modo permanente sulla macchina. La rimozione di questa targa potrebbe causare danni a Lei e ad altri, rendendoLa responsabile. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE HANDBOOK fig. par. chap. i.e. Ref. 1.2 = figure = paragraph = chapter = example = reference FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION SYMBOLS USED IN THIS HANDBOOK NOTE: as this handbook includes the cl.A CSA versions of machine, you have to consider the notes or symbols identifying the versions. All parts not identified by notes and/or symbols are valid for all versions of the machine. ( cl.A Machine not in accordance with 89/392/CEE directive CSA Machines in accordance with CANADA and USA prescriptions OPT OPTIONAL = devices indicated in list price available only upon request OPT special for ...) Optional device for ..... Special devices not indicated in the price list, available only upon request and after technical check. Operator position Symbol for safety notes: read these safety notes with peculiar attention. If such safety instructions are not kept, there is the injury danger for you and other persons. AIM OF THE HANDBOOK This handbook has been written by the machine manufacturer(1) and is an integrating part of the machine. (2). The information serves for qualified technicians. (3). The handbook defines the proper use of the machine and gives all information necessary for: - right use of the machine - working economy - long operation life If the instructions are always kept, it is possible to guaranty safety conditions for the operator , safe machine operation, service economy and a loger life of the machine. To make the easier , the handbbok is divided in proper sections. To quickly find the subject, see the Contents. (1) The defintions manufacturer and SCM replace the complte denomination SCM GRUOP S.p.A. (2) The definition "machine " replaces T110 NOVA machine name. (3) Technicians who, thanks to their technical background and experience, are able to move, to install, to use the machine and to carry out maintenance operations in order to avoid any danger T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.3 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................. SECTION 1 Page AIM OF THE HANDBOOK ........................................................................................................................ 1.3 1-1 Mail contact ...................................................................................................................................... 1.9 1-2 Notes for the user............................................................................................................................... 1.9 1-3 Machine identification ....................................................................................................................... 1.10 1-4 Conditions foreseen for the use ......................................................................................................... 1.10 1-5 Use prohibitions ......................................................................................................................... 1.11 1-6 Residual risks ............................................................................................................................ 1.12 1-7 Operator's training ............................................................................................................................ 1.12 1-8 Safety notes ............................................................................................................................ 1.13 1-9 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 1.16 1-9A Standard equipment .......................................................................................................... 1.17 1-9B Optionals ......................................................................................................................... 1.18 1-10 Noise level ....................................................................................................................................... 1.20 1-11 Safe working practise ....................................................................................................................... 1.21 1-12 Overall dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 1.24 SAFETY DEVICES .................................................................................... SECTION 1A INSTALLATION............................................................................................. SECTION 2 Page Machine Lifting and unloading ............................................................................................................. 2.2 Machine positioning ............................................................................................................................ 2.2 Fitting the parts removed .................................................................................................................... 2.6 2-3.1 Fitting the additional tables OPT ........................................................................................ 2.6 2-3.2 Fitting the front rest rod OPT ............................................................................................ 2.8 2-3.3 Fitting the telescopic rule ( OPT T - TL) .......................................................................... 2.10 2-3.4 Fitting the chipbreaker ( OPT T - TL ................................................................................ 2.10 2-3.5 Fitting the bridge presser ( OPT TL)................................................................................. 2.12 2-3.6 Fitting the revolver head for tenons ( OPT TL)................................................................... 2.12 2-3.7 Fitting the carriage for small tenons OPT ........................................................................ 2.14 2-3.8 Fitting the rest rule OPT .................................................................................................. 2.14 2-3.9 Fitting the arm guard ( OPT TL) ........................................................................................ 2.14 Electric connection and grounding .................................................................................................... 2.16 Connection to the suction system ...................................................................................................... 2.20 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 1.4 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION CONTROLS .................................................................................................... SECTION 3 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-25 Page Control board .................................................................................................................................... 3.2 Emergency buttons ............................................................................................................................ 3.4 Electric cubicle ................................................................................................................................... 3.4 General checks before the machine starting ........................................................................................ 3.6 Machine start-stop ............................................................................................................................. 3.8 Machine start with rotation direction reversal OPT .............................................................................. 3.8 Auto-brake motor .............................................................................................................................. 3.9 MOULDER ...................................................................................................... SECTION 7 7-1 7-2 7-13 7-24 7-27 7.34 7-45 7-46 7-47 7-57 Page Tool fitting .......................................................................................................................................... 7.2 Interchangeable spindle OPT .............................................................................................................. 7.4 Spindle height adjusting..................................................................................................................... 7.6 Spindle speed selection....................................................................................................................... 7.8 speed change ................................................................................................................................... 7.10 Use of tenoning table OPT .............................................................................................................. 7.12 7-34.1 Tenoning .......................................................................................................................... 7.14 7-34.2 Use of revolver head OPT .............................................................................................. 7.14 7-34.3 Execution of oblique tenons .............................................................................................. 7.14 7-34.4 Rule adjusting from 0° to - 45° ....................................................................................... 7.16 Use of carriage for execution of small tenons OPT for cl.A ........................................................... 7.20 7-45 .1 Straight tenons .................................................................................................................. 7.20 7-45.2 Oblique tenons ................................................................................................................. 7.22 Use of sliding table for execution of small tenons OPT for CSA ..................................................... 7.24 Mitre gauge use CSA ...................................................................................................................... 7.24 Fitting the adjustable hood-fence unit ................................................................................................ 7.26 7-57.1 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with aligned fence halves .............................................. 7.28 7-57.2 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with not aligned fence halves ....................................... 7.30 Use of hood-fence for small pieces ............................................................................ 7.32 7.32 7-57.4 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with rotation direction reversal OPT ............................ 7.34 Tenoning hood OPT ........................................................................................................................ 7.36 Guard for milling at the spindle special ................................................................................................ 7.38 Interrupted milling ............................................................................................................................. 7.46 7.57.3 7-66 7-74 7-76 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.5 GENERAL INFORMATION MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................... SECTION 20 Page Machine cleaning .............................................................................................................................. 20.2 Periodical Lubrification ................................................................................................................... 20.4 Checking the safety devices ......................................................................................................... 20.6 Machine removal - Storing - Demolition .......................................................................................... 20.7 Emergency conditions ....................................................................................................................... 20.7 Auto-brake motor OPT ................................................................................................................. 20.8 Belt replacing ................................................................................................................................. 20.10 Belt stretching ................................................................................................................................. 20.10 20-32.1 Chip breaker ................................................................................................................ 20.12 20-32.2 Jointing element for hood-fence unit ............................................................................... 20.12 20-32.3 Wood ledge of tenoning hood ........................................................................................ 20.12 20-37 Troubles - causes - What-to-do ..................................................................................................... 20.14 20-1 20-2 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-14 20-22 1.6 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 MAIL CONTACT Writing or telephoning to the dealer or to SCM for problems concerning your machine, always specify the following information: 1) Machine model 2) Serial number 3) Voltage and frequency 4) Purchase date 5) Name of the dealer where the machine was bought 6) Detailed information about the trouble 7) Detailed information about the working to be carried out 8) Period of use - number of working hours Manufacturer’s address: SCM Group S.p.A. Via Casale, 450 47827 - VILLA VERUCCHIO - ITALY Tel. 0541-674111/674218 — Fax. 0541-674274 E-mail: scm@scmgroup.com web-site: www.scmgroup.com 1-2 NOTES FOR USER The handbook describes all operations required for the normal maintenance of the machine. do not carry out any operation not described in this handbook. All operations which require to demount machine members as well as maintenance operations shall be carried out only by authorized technicians. For the correct use of the machine carry out the proper instructions given in this handbook. Only trained and authorized technicians may use the machine and carry out maintenance operations. Keep the sfety norms , the regulations of general safety and of industrial medecine. Keep this handbook for future necessity. Note: Use only SCM original parts with features equal to the ones of the parts to be replaced. The manufacturer is not responsible for damages due to the use of not original parts. For information concerning the electric system always specify the data indicated on the plate (fig.1.1) arranged in the inside of the door for access to the electric housing. FORNIT. DATA CODICE DISTINTA N. VOLT RETE VOLT AUX VOLT FRENO Hz kW MACCH. Company that made the electric system Date of power unit manufacturing Number of electric components bill Wiring diagram number Mains voltage for machine supply (V) Voltage for auxiliary circuits supply (V) Voltage for motor brake supply (V) Frequency (Hz) Absorbed power Machine type 1.1 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.7 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-3 MACHINE IDENTIFICATION Machine data are punched on the metallic plate applied to the side of the machine frame Marca Tipo Anno N° Serie kg Un ~ In F Icc. w.d. Mod. Comp. Ref. V A Hz kA Marchio commerciale Tipo macchina Anno di produzione Numero di serie Peso in kilogrammi Tensione nominale in volt Numero fasi (corrente alternata) Corrente nominale in ampere Frequenza elettrica in hertz Potere di interruzione di corto circuito del dispositivo di protezione in kiloampere Numero schema elettrico Modello macchina Composizione macchina Riferimento interno SCM GROUP spa Via Casale, 450 I - 47827 Villa Verucchio (RN) - ITALY MARCA MAKE TIPO TYPE Nß SERIE SERIAL Nß ANNO YEAR Kg Un V I cc kA MOD. In A F Hz w.d. REF. COMP. 1-4 CONDITIONS FORESEEN FOR THE USE AND FOR THE USE AND PROIBITIONS Working permitted: tenoning, profiling, interrupted milling, shaping. Material which may be milled:solid wood, plywood, chipboards, fiber panels; the panels may be coated with laminate or finishing material and eventually strips are glued to their edges. It is forbidden to mill materials different from the ones indicated by the machine manufacturer . DIMENSIONS OF WORKPIECE TO BE MILLED Min. piece size in case of profiling operation: Thickness 8 mm - Width 8 mm - Length 220 mm Max. size of solid wood piece in case of profiling operation: Thickness 155 mm - Width 250 mm - Length 1000 mm In case of longer pieces use rest tables Min. size of solid wood piece in case of tenoning: Thickness 20 mm - Width 20 mm - Length 220 mm Max. size of solid wood piece in case of tenoning: Thickness 100 mm - Width 140 mm - Length 2500 mm in case of longer pieces use rest tables Max. slot depth: 100 mm (uprated motor power recommended) 1.8 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION TOOLS WHICH MAY BE USED The machine has been designed to use only tools proper for the material used and for manual feed. By manual feed we mean the piece guidance by means of: - the hand - the sliding table pushed by hand - the feeder. Features of the tools required for manual feed : - max. chip thickness 1.1 mm - tool shape round - chip exhaust space narrow. As to the relation between tool and rotation speed see par.7-5. WORKING ENVIRONMENT The machine can work under these conditions: - Max. humidity 90% - Temperature: min. + 1° C max. +40° C - Max. altitudine sea level : 1000 m (in case of higher altitude apply to the machine manufacturer) Always connect the machine to the suction system (see par. 2-5). The machine may not be used in the open air. The machine was designed for industrial use. The machine may not operate in explosive rooms. 1-5 • • • • • PROIBITIONS A different use of the machine is not permitted. The machine may not operate without the proper guards foreseen for that working; never remove parts of the guards! Never machine pieces of material and dimensions different from the ones mentioned above. Tools of dimensions not proper for the spindle diameter may not be used. Modifications on the machine are not permitted. The user is responsible for the damages caused by the worng use of the machine. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.9 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-6 RESIDUAL RISKS Any machine tool may be potentially dangerous, do not forget it. The final safety depends on you. The machine is equipped with proper guards to ensure the safe machine operation. Such guards are efficient if they are properly used and kept. Even if the safety prescriptions are kept and the machine use occurs in accordance with the rules described in this handbook, the following risks may rise: - Contact of the tool with the tenoning table Contact with the standstill or rotating tool Contact with the rotating spindle Contact with rotating members (belts, pulleys, chains ...) Kickback of the workpiece or of its parts (splits) : never stop in the position corresponding to the trajectory of possible split ejection. Ejection of tool inserts: never stop in the position corresponding to the trajectory of possibile split ejection Dust inhalation in case of working without suction. Fulguration caused by contact with hot parts. Contrary direction of tool rotation due to wrong electric connection. Danger due to wrong working position of the operator. Danger caused by the wrong tool fittig. 1-7 OPERATOR'S TRAINING It is compulsory that the machine operator is trained for the machine set up and operation . The operators shall carefully read this handbook and consider the safety rules. In particular the training shall include: a) The principles of the right use and operation of the machine, the adjustment of the fence and guards and the use of devices for special working. b) the correct handling of the pieces during the working. c) the right position of the hands to the tools, befire, during and after the cutting. d) the selection of the proper tool for each working. e) the workpiece feed to the direction opposite to the tool rotation direction. f) the selection of the right tool speed according to the tool use. The operators are to be informed about the dangers due to the machine operation and about the precautions to be taken; besides the operator shall be able to carry out periodical tests on guards and safety devices. IMPORTANT A padlock for locking the main switch of the power supply is required. The authorized operator shall keep the key. 1.10 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION SAFETY OVER ALL 1-8 SAFETY RULES 1- Carefully read this handbook before starting the machine. 2- Carefully read the warning plates arranged on the machine. 3- Only trained operators shall use the machine. 4- The training shall include the information concerning the risks due to the machine use and the precautions ....... to be taken. 5- The operator shall be trained for the use of guards and safety devices as well as for their periodical check. 6- The operator shall never leave the machine during its operation. 7- The machine was designed to be used only by one operator. 8- This machine has been built to ensure the highest safety degree as well as the best performance. 9- The manufacturer is not responsible for damages caused by modifications carried out on the machine. 10- Do not use the machine if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicine. THE SAFETY DEPENDS ON YOU, ANY MACHINE TOOL MAY BE POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS, DO NOT FORGET IT. PERSONAL SAFETY 1- Before starting the machine the operator shall already have read the handbook. Your eyes are the best safety device you have: carefully look before moving. 2- Experience teaches that there are various objects on a person that can cause injuries; take off rings, watches, bracelets; button your sleeves tightly around yuor wrists, take off ties that could be caught in tight places, keep hair gathered underneath proper nets (cap, elastics, hair pins). Use prescribed footwear usually recommended by all countries. BEFORE STARTING THE WORKING YOU MUST HAVE ON THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE MEANS: A - Leather aprons to protect yourself against eventual split ejection. B- Glasses or protective shields for your eyes. C- Proper means for ear protection. D- Proper means against dust inhalation (masks). E- Gloves for handling the blades. F- Shoes with steel reinforced point and rubber soles. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.11 GENERAL INFORMATION MACHINE SAFETY 1- Be extremely careful when starting any working and periodically check the shields and safety devices. 2- Never start the machine without having properly closed the covers for the spindle and the belts. 3- Before starting the machine make sure that the worktable is free from parts which do not relate to the working. 4- Do not machine workpieces too small or too big for the machine. See relative paragraph DIMENSIONS OF WORKPIECE TO BE MILLED. 5- Do not machine pieces with defects (deflections, clefts, knots, metallic parts, ...) 6- Before fitting the tools to the spindle, make sure that that each support surface isclean, free from dents and perfectly flat. 7- The tools shall be fitted and set when the machine is off. 8- The guards and fence halves are to be fitted and set when the machine is off. 9- Make sure that the tools is perfectly balanced, sharp and well clamped. Not sharp tools reduce not only the quality of the finished piece but they increase the piece kickback danger. 10- Fit the tools in the right working direction. 11- For fastening the tools to the spindle , the use of rings or bushes not prescribed by SCM is forbidden. 12- Never use deformed tools and do not exceed the speed limit indicated on them and prescribed by the tool manufacturer or by SCM. 13- Use only tools suitable for manual feed. 14- The use of circular blades fitted to the spindle is not permitted. 15- It is forbidden to insert shims between the spacer rings to willingly unbalance the tools. 16- Before starting the working make sure that the tools do not touch any fixed parts of the machine. 17- Work only with all guards properly fitted and efficient. Before starting the machine make sure that the tools do not touch the fixed parts of the machine. The use of the machine is not permitted if such conditions are not kept. 18- Start working only when the tools have reached the right cutting speed. 19- In case of long pieces use roller tables or table extensions. 20- It is necessary to connect all suction hoods to the suction system. Before starting the working make sure that the suction system is switched on. 21- Test workings to check the tool adjusting, may not be carried out without the required guards. 22- Never try to remove the wastes or other parts of the workpiece from the working area when the machine is in operation. 23- Push the workpiece forwards by using a proper pusher or feeder. 24- After a given working period the transmission belts get slack: this may cause an increase of the time required to stop the tools: in that case immediately stretch the belts, see chapter 7.6 25- Periodically remove chips and dust to avoid fire risk: carry out this operation always with the machine off. 26- Always fasten the machine to the floor. 1.12 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION WORKING AREA SAFETY The working area shall have a good lighting and a sufficient room so that the operator is always out of a dangerous area. The floor shall be well leveled to avoid slipping danger and also free from loose material (e.g. waste, chips). Only the authorized operator may stay in the working area. The operator shall never stay in the trajectory where eventual splits or tool inserts are ejected. If along this trajectory there is another work station (that is another machine) or a passage for persons, immediately install proper protective barriers. MAINTENANCE SAFETY DO NOT THINK THAT THE ELECTRIC CURRENT IS SWITCHED OFF DURING THE MAINTENANCE .... CHECK IT PERSONALLY! 1- Stop the machine to carry out adjustments or to demount any machine, turn the main switch to zero and lock it, then indicate it by a sign. The operator who carries out the machine set up, maintenance and cleaning shall keep the only key. 2- Completely stop the machine before cleaning operations and before removing any guard to carry out the maintenance.. 3- The general cleaning of the machine (in particular of worktable) and of the surrounding floor is an important safety factor. 4- Regularly carry out cleaning and maintenance operations : remove chips and dust to avoid fire risk. 5- Use proper gloves for handling the tools . 6- The tools require a regular maintenance : when necessary replace them. 7- In case of any trouble concerning the machine, the guards and the tools , it is necessary to immediately take the the proper measures. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.13 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-9 SPECIFICATIONS Worktable size ............................................................................................................................ 1200x730 mm Worktable height from the floor .............................................................................................................. 925 mm cl.A Working height of Ø 30 ÷ 35 mm spindle ................................................................................... 140 mm cl.A Working height of Ø 40 .............................................................................................................. 180 mm cl.A Working height of Ø 50 .............................................................................................................. 150 mm CSA Working height of Ø 1" 1/4 ......................................................................................................... 170 mm Max. tool diameter: for profiling ................................................................................................ 250 mm OPT for tenoning with 30-35 mm spindle .................................................... 300 mm OPT for tenoning with 40-50 mm spindle .................................................... 350 mm special for shaping with guard for the spindle ................................................. 160 mm Vertical spindle adjusting .......................................................................................................................... 90 mm Spindle speed .......................................................................................... 3000/4500/6000/8000/10000 RPM Time required to stop the spindle ......................................................................................... less than 10 seconds Max. size of the tool disappearing under the table .......................................................................... 320 x 85 mm Number of rings on the table ............................................................................................................................ 5 Internal diameter of the rings on the table ........................................................................... 72-117-152-260 mm cl.A Main motor power ............................................................................................................... 4 kW (50 Hz) Main motor power .................................................................................................................... 4.8 kW (60 Hz) Basic machine weight .............................................................................................................................. 440 kg Working voltage and frequency ........................................................................ see plate of machine identification External diameter of suction pipes ......................................................................................................... 120 mm The suction system at air speed of 20 m/s and air consumption of 1700 m3/h shall ensure the following vacuum values: Vacuum during profiling inside the top hood ........................................................................................... 460 Pa Vacuum during profiling inside the bottom hood ..................................................................................... 715 Pa Vacuum during tenoning inside the top hood .......................................................................................... 460 Pa Vacuum during tenoning inside the bottom hood ..................................................................................... 715 Pa Vacuum inside the guard for milling at the spindle (shaping) special .......................................................... 360 Pa Vacuum inside the bottom suction hood during (shaping) ....................................................................... 715 Pa 1.14 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION 1-9A STANDARD EQUIPMENT Mechanic numerical display of spindle height (vertical spindle adjustment). Pedal for mechanic locking of the spindle for tool change. * Adjustable hood-fence unit with: - micrometric adjustment - wood fence- halves and jointing element for fence halves - 120 mm suction pipe Suction hood of 120 mm diameter in the rear side of the machine frame Set of spacing rings for moulding spindle. Tool fastening device cl.A Spindle speed display Direct motor starting Set of wrenches * Accessories supplied to be fitted according to the working T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.15 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-9B OPTIONALS 2 extensions for fixed table with rest bar (for profiling operations): total length: 250 mm Sliding table for tenoning with manual feed with 120 mm suction hood, and revolver head with 4 adjustable stops Carriage for small tenons (max. tool diameter: 250 mm) Aluminium fence halves and rules between the fence halves Interchangeable spindle MK4 Available spindles: 30-35-40-50 mm diameter in order to fit the different tool bores Spindle rotation reversal cl.A cl.A CSA 5.5 kW (7.5 HP) (50 Hz) motor with manual 0-star-delta starting 6.6 kW (9 Hp) (60 Hz ) motor with manual 0-star-delta starting 6.6 kW (9 Hp) (60 Hz ) direct motor starting Automatic motor brake special 1.16 Guard for milling at the spindle FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION Moulder : T 110 NOVA Working: Profiling Reference norm: ISO 3744 + ISO/DIS 7960 /D Idle working without suction In operation Sound power level 87.2 [ 0.5] 96.0 [3,98] dB W (A) [mW (A)] LW Sound pressure level at operator place 78.8 90.1 dB (A) [dB max] K Constant = 2 [dB] according to EN 848-1 The values refer to the "free field" conditions in accordance with the test modalities foreseen by the reference norm. Moulder : T 110 NOVA Working:Tenoning Reference norm: ISO 3744 + ISO/DIS 7960 /K Idle working without suction In operation Sound power level 82,7 [ 0,2] 95,2 [8,3] dB W (A) [mW (A)] LW Sound pressure level at operator place 74,0 85,2 dB (A) [dB max] K Constant = 2 [dB] according to EN 848-1 The values refer to the "free field" conditions in accordance with the test modalities foreseen by the reference norm. 1-10 NOISE LEVEL ATTENTION: The noise levels which have been measured are emission levels and not levels of safe working. The relation between emission levels and exposure levels may not be used to determine whether further precautions are required. Factors which influence the real exposure level for the operator include the exposure time, the room features, further sound sources (as for example number of the adjacent working machines). Also the exposure levels permitted are not the same for all countries. Thank to this information the operator to evaluate the risks and the dangers. Here are some factors which reduce the exposure to the noise: - right tool selection, - right rotation speed selection - machine and tool maintenance, - proper use of ear protective means. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.17 GENERAL INFORMATION 11-11 SAFE WORKING PRACTISE C.1 GENERAL These notes are given as examples for the safe operation of the machine. C.2 OPERATOR TRAINING It is necessary that all operators of vertical spindle moulding machines are properly trained in the use, adjustment and operation of the machine, in particular: a) The principles of the correct operation and use of the machine, adjustment of the fence, safeguards as well as the use of devices for special working. b) The right selection of tools for each working. c) The safe handling of the workpiece during milling operations. d) The position of the hands relative to the tool before, during and after working. C.3 STABILITY To ensure the correct and safe operation of the machine, it shall be stable and and securely fixed to the floor (see SECTION 2) C.4 MACHINE AND SET UP a) The machine shall be isolated from the power source before carrying out any adjustment. b) For clamping and setting the tools refer to the tool manufacturer’s instructions. The force applied for locking the tips shall be the same force specified by the tool manufacturer. c) For safe and efficient operation use balanced tools and supports. C.5 PIECE GUIDANCE It is important to use: a) the hood-fence unit to ensure during the milling the proper piece guidance. b) when possible a proper element joining the fence halves in order to minimise the gap between the tool and the fence halves. c) a pusher for the manual piece feed or when possible a feeder which may be switched off when it shall not be used. d) roller tables or table extensions shall be used to support long pieces. 1.18 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION C.6 DIRECTION OF ROTATION AND ROTATION SPEED SELECTION C.6.1 DIRECTION OF ROTATION It is very important that the tool rotates in the correct direction.and that the piece feed occurs in the direction contrary to direction of the spindle rotation. C.6.2 SPEED SELECTION The operator must ensure that the right rotation speed has been selected and that the speed selected is proper for the tool fitted to the spindle. C.7 MACHINE OPERATION, GUARD SELECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Because of the variety of workings which can be carried out on vertical spindle moulding machines by using different spindles, toolholders and tools , no safeguard can be considered effective for all conditions. Each working should be considered separately and the best practicable safeguard selected for that particolar job. The cutter type, the tips projection and the height at which the tool is set, will determine the minimum diameter of the hole on the table. This may be obtained by using the reducing rings supplied, thus reducing the risk that the workpiece oscillates or fits into the tools . The guard shall enclose the tools to the greatest extent according to the working. The distance between the fence halves shall be so large only to permit the tool rotation without contact. If you use a removable feeder on the machine with straight fence, it can be used to cover the tools to the greatest extent possible and often represents the best method of guarding on these machines. Such feeders shall be easly adjustable to suit different size of workpiece and should not create a trapping hazard. If no feeder is used, pressers forming a tunnel, through which the workpiece can be fed, may be properly used; they fit for working at the fence on the entire piece length if they are used with an element joining the fence halves or other means to close the gap between fence halves. C.8 MILLING AT THE HOOD -FENCE UNIT ; WORKING ON THE ENTIRE PIECE LENGTH To hinder the access to the tool during the milling at the hood-fence unit, it is necessary to use together with the fence a removale feeder or guards equipped with proper pressers according to the piece dimensions. The following piece may be used to push the previous one; the last piece is milled at the end with the aid of a pusher. In case of thin pieces only the vertical presser may be used if its thickness is proper. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.19 GENERAL INFORMATION C.9 INTERRUPTED MILLING To hinder the access to the tool during the not-through milling (interrupted milling) it is necessary to use together with the hood-fence unit a removable feeder or guards equipped with proper pressers according to the piece dimensions. To hinder kickback of the piece use front and rear stops which are fastened to the fence, to the table or to the table extension. We recommend to use a clamping template unless the piece may be hold in a safe way by the hands. For clamping the piece use fast locking devices which operate with levers or cams. C.10 MILLING AT THE SPINDLE To hinder the access to the tool during the milling at the spindle use the proper guard and a clamping template. C.11 CHAMFERING To hinder the access to the tool during the oblique milling, besides the hood-fence unit use a special template or an auxiliary stop. C.12 CLIMB MILLING When possible it is necessary to avoid the clim milling. C.13 TENONING To ensure a safe piece guidance to the tool, it is necessary to use the proper additional table foreseen by the manufacturer as well as the tenoning hood. 1.20 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION Ø 120 1-12 DOVERALL DIMENSIONS 0 I (( (( FUSIBILI FUSES FUSIBLES SICHERUNGEN 925 0 RPM 1200 Y I 992 730 1200 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.21 GENERAL INFORMATION 1250 800 LL VERSION 2560 1250 2170 800 1270 TL VERSION 3150 1.22 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA GENERAL INFORMATION 700 S T S 2500 2500 W X X 3000 X T 2000 S T 2500 W X 2500 X X 3000 S T The measures indicated are to be considered as the free space of the working area T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB1 1.23 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.24 FZ_NGB1 T 110 NOVA SAFETY DEVICES SECTION 1A SAFETY DEVICES T 110 NOVA FZ_CNGB1A 1A.1 SAFETY DEVICES The machine is equipped with the following devices which shall not be removed or switched off . Limit switch fitted to the motor housing door Emergency button on the control board Emergency button fitted to sliding table (when tenoning table is present OPT Emergency button fitted to the widening rod (when widening rod is present ) OPT ) Hood-fence unit for profiling operations Guard for tenoning operations (with Guard for shaping at the spindle OPT tenoning table) special Suction hood under the worktable PERIODICALLY MAKE SURE THAT THESE SAFETY DEVICES ARE EFFICIENT 1A.2 FZ_NGB1A T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION SECTION 2 INSTALLATION 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 Page Machine Lifting and unloading ............................................................................................................. 2.2 Machine positioning ............................................................................................................................ 2.2 Fitting the parts removed .................................................................................................................... 2.6 2-3.1 Fitting the additional tables OPT ........................................................................................ 2.6 2-3.2 Fitting the front rest rod OPT ............................................................................................ 2.8 2-3.3 Fitting the telescopic rule ( OPT T - TL) .......................................................................... 2.10 2-3.4 Fitting the chipbreaker ( OPT T - TL ................................................................................ 2.10 2-3.5 Fitting the bridge presser ( OPT TL)................................................................................. 2.12 2-3.6 Fitting the revolver head for tenons ( OPT TL)................................................................... 2.12 2-3.7 Fitting the carriage for small tenons OPT ........................................................................ 2.14 2-3.8 Fitting the rest rule OPT .................................................................................................. 2.14 2-3.9 Fitting the arm guard ( OPT TL) ........................................................................................ 2.14 Electric connection and grounding .................................................................................................... 2.16 Connection to the suction system ...................................................................................................... 2.20 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.1 INSTALLATION The packing of the machine indicates the weight to be raised and the hooking areas. 2-1 MACHINE LIFTING AND UNLOADING Before unloading th machine take off all parts rested on it for packing and transport reasons. The machine shall be lifted by crane or other raising means by hooking the slings as shown in fig. 2.1 - 2.1a Make sure that the crane, the slings as well as the fork truck are proper for lifting the machine. During the lifting avoid sudden motions. Als an alternative the machine (when equipped with sockels or pallets) may be lifted by means of lift truck: in that case insert the forks under the machine frame see fig.2.1B; carefully raise the machine to avoid any possible turnover of the machine. 2-2 MACHINE POSITIONING Before positioning the machine take off the wood sockels from the machine feet. The position where to install the machine shall be well lightened (at least 500 LUX), proper for the connection to the power line, to the suction system and for maintenance operations. During the machine positioningyou have to consider that the in case of longer pieces a sufficient room is required to avoid squashing points towards the fixed parts of the working envinronment as walls, columns etc. see figure on page 1.23). Check that the floor is firm in order to ensure a uniform rest of the machine. A concrete floor is recommended: an asphalt floor is not proper. We recommend to insert steel plates between machine feet and floor eventually with vibration- dumping material. Always fasten the machine to the floor . For transport reasons the some machine parts are greased and oiled. Before starting working carefully degrease the working areas as well as the guards with not dangerous solvent. cinghiel.cgm 2.2 2.1 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION 2.1A cinghie.cgm carrello.cgm T 110 NOVA 2.1B FZ_NGB2 2.3 INSTALLATION 2-3 FITTING THE PARTS REMOVED For transport or packing reasons some machine members are demounted. For fitting these parts proper equipment and 2 persons are required 2-3.1 FITTING THE ADDITIONAL TABLES OPT They are used for profiling and rabbeting also large pieces. 1) Lift each additional table by a crane or hoisting device and set it to the position corresponding to the threaded holes (F fig.2.3A). 2) Tighten the 4 screws (B fig.2.3B) when the additional table is aligned with the machine table (check the alignment by using a proper rule). 2.4 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION F F FA-1124A FA-1123A 2.3A B G2_12_L 2.3B T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.5 INSTALLATION 2-3.2 FITTING THE FRONT REST ROD OPT 1) Fit supports (S-S1 fig.2.3C) under the additional tables with screws (P fig.2.3D) 2) Insert round bars (Z fig.2.3C) into supports (S fig.2.3D) 3) Fit limit switches (X fig.2.3C) 4) Fit the 2 brackets (B fig.2.3C) to the front end of round bars (Z) and at the same time insert bracket (H fig.2.3C) of emergency button (Q), tighten proper screws. 5) Tighten knob (Y fig.2.3D supplied in accessories bag) 6) Fit rules (C fig.2.3D) to the front end of brackets (T fig.2.3D) without tightening screws (D). 7) Take off plug (L fig.2.3C) arranged on the front end of rest rod. 8) Fit rest bar (R fig.2.3C) by inserting rules (C fig.2.3D) into groove (E fig.2.3D) and move the rod until wheel (G fig.2.3C) is aligned with the roller of additional table (F fig.2.3C). 9) Tighten screws (D fig.2.3C) 10) Fit plug (L fig.2.3C) to the front end of the rod. L B R Z F Q G H S1 S X 2.3C 2.6 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION P P S S1 Y cq2_12c.jpg cq2_12b.jpg R C E T D cq2_12a.jpg 2.3D T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.7 INSTALLATION NOTE: For packing reasons rest bar (R fig.2.3C) may be divided in 2 parts (A and U fig.2.3E). Before fitting it to the round rods proceed as follows: Insert bracket (M) inside part (A). Screw down screws (N) without tightening them. Insert the other part of the bracket into part (H) and screw down screws (O) Insert grub screws (P) into the holes under the rod Tighten screws (N and O) 2-3.3 FITTING THE TELESCOPIC RULE ( OPT T - TL) - Fit telescopic rule so that the gib placed on the support (B fig.2.3F) fits into slot (A). - Tighten the 2 screws (C fig.2.3F). 2-3.4 FITTING THE CHIPBREAKER ( OPT T - TL - Insert dovetail slot (D) into rule (E fig.2.3G) - Lock chip breaker in the right position by means of handle (F) . NOTE: it is possible to use the other end of the chip breaker for a new profile. In this case loosen handle (F), take off chip breaker and turn it 180°, then insert chip breaker into the fence, tighten handle (F). When you have to replace the end (D) apply to SCM dealer or to SCM Spare Parts Department ; To make it : see par. 20 -32.1. A N M O U P 2.3E 2.8 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION A B C FA-2196A 2.3F F D E FA-1129A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.3G 2.9 INSTALLATION 2-3.5 FITTING THE BRIDGE PRESSER ( OPT TL) - Fit rod (G fig.2.3L) of the presser and fasten it by means of screws (H fig.2.3L) to the tenoning table. - Screw down plate (L supplied in bag accessories) to handle (M fig.2.3L) - Insert plate (L) into groove (N) of support (G) and at the same time fit pivot (P) into hole of bridge (O fig.2.3L). - Move the bridge to the height desired, then tighten handles (Q e R). 2-3.6 FITTING THE REVOLVER HEAD FOR TENONS ( OPT TL) Rest the revolver head (fig. 2.3H) on table by inserting pin (O fig.2.3H) into the table hole, then fasten the revolver head by means of lever (N). This device is useful to obtain mortises with the same depth on pieces of different length. N O 2.3H 2.10 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION L M G H ponte2.cgm ponte 1.cgm O Q P G R N ponte3.cgm 2.3L T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.11 INSTALLATION 2-3.7 FITTING THE CARRIAGE FOR SMALL TENONS OPT Rest the sliding table with slots (A fig.2.3M) in position corresponding to holes (B - B1) on the table and fasten it by the 2 screws with washers (D - D1). 2-3.8 FITTING THE REST RULE OPT Insert pivot (C fig.2.3M) into mitre gauge (L) then screw down it into hole (H fig.2.3M). Insert gib (T) of mitre gauge into groove (S) of rule (R fig.2.3N) , then tighten handles (M fig.2.3N). 2-3.9 FITTING THE MITRE GAUGE Fit gib (P fig.2.13A) of the mitre gauge into groove (Q); move it to the desired position, tighten handle (R fig.2.13B). For use see paragraph 7-47 P Q 2.13A R 2.13B 2.12 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION C D1 L H D A B1 B 2.3M R dce7_17a.cgm S M T 2.3N T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.13 INSTALLATION 2-4 ELECTRIC CONNECTION AND GROUNDING The electric connection as well as the check required shall be carried out by a skilled electrician. Make sure that the main electric system of the factory can absorb the machine power and that the grounding system meets the norm in form. In the connection point of the machine the presumed short-circuit current shall be lower than 10 kA. Make sure that mains voltage corresponds to the machine one. NOTE: the right working voltage is indicated on the plate (fig.2.4A); tolerance range: +/- 5%. For voltage values out of this range you have to set the mains voltage. Read out the value of the total absorbed current (Ampere) on the machine identification plate (fig.2.4A). By using the table indicated below select the cable section and the “delayed-action” fuses to fit ahead of the machine. AMPERE ASSORBITI ELECTRICAL INPUT (AMPERE) AMPERES ABSORBES STROMAUFNAHME (AMPERE) AMPERE ABSORBIDOS fino a/up to/ jusqu'à /bis 10. da/from/de/von 10 a/to/à/bis 14 da/from/de/von 14 a/to/à/bis 18 da/from/de/von 18 a/to/à/bis 22 da/from/de/von 22 a/to/à/bis 28 da/from/de/von 28 a/to/à/bis 36 da/from/de/von 36 a/to/à/bis 46 da/from/de/von 46 a/to/à/bis 54 da/from/de/von 54 a/to/à/bis 76 da/from/de/von 76 a/to/à/bis 92 da/from/de/von 92 a/to/à/bis 110 SEZIONE CAVI mm² CABLE SECTION mm² SECTION CABLE mm² KABELQUERSCHNITT mm² SECCION CABLES mm² 2,5 4,0 6,0 6,0 10,0 10,0 16,0 16,0 25,0 35,0 50,0 FUSIBILI AM AM FUSE FUSIBLE AM SICHERUNGEN FUSIBLES AM 12 A AM 16 A AM 20 A AM 25 A AM 32 A AM 40 A AM 50 A AM 63 A AM 80 A AM 100 A AM 125 A AM Shut off the power, then connect the 3 cables to terminals L1-L2-L3 (fig.2.4B). Connect the ground cable (yellow-green) to terminal (PE or ); if necessary connect neutral cable to terminal (N). Tighten terminal screw (P fig.2.4B). After putting the machine under voltage , check whether the spindle rotation direction is right, otherwise proceed as follows: - shut off the power - interchange 2 phases on the terminal board. - switch on the power - check the rotation direction again. NOTE: A set of fuses and the documentation with wiring diagram are inside the accessories case. 2.14 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION SCM GROUP spa Via Casale, 450 I - 47827 Villa Verucchio (RN) - ITALY MARCA MAKE TIPO TYPE Nß SERIE SERIAL Nß ANNO YEAR Kg Un V I cc kA MOD. In A F Hz w.d. REF. COMP. 2.4A L1 L2 L3 N PE P MORSE1 T 110 NOVA 2.4B FZ_NGB2 2.15 INSTALLATION 2-5 CONNECTION TO THE SUCTION SYSTEM The connection to the suction system is necessary for the right operation of the machine. Always work with the suction system in operation. Connect the suction hoods to the suction system with hoses of proper diameter. In case of plastic hoses the material shall be hardly inflammable. As suction hood (B fig.2.5A) is not fitted, for safety reasons fit it by means of the 4 screws. Connect 2 hoses of 120 mm diameter to : - suction hood (A fig.2.5A) of hood-fence unit - suction hood (B) under the table Clamp them with proper metallic band clip to ensure the contact between pipe and hose. When you use the guard for shaping operations connect it to hood (C) of the guard. special , disconnect the suction hose from suction hood (A) and When the guard is used for tenoning operations, disconnect the suction hose from suction hood (A) and connect it to hood (D) of the guard . Required flow of the suction system: 1700 m3/h. This value shall be checked before starting the working. If further machines are connected to central suction system carry out a test when all suction systems are in operation. A good operation of the suction system reduces the risks due to the dust inhalation . Further factors which reduce the dust emission in the working environment: - maintenance of the tools, machine and suction system - right relation between cutting speed and feed speed - correct adjustment of hoods/screens/deflectors - right use of the protective screens againt dust 2.16 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA INSTALLATION A B C special D 2.5A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB2 2.17 INSTALLATION 2.18 FZ_NGB2 T 110 NOVA CONTROLS SECTION 3 CONTROLS 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-25 Page Control board .................................................................................................................................... 3.2 Emergency buttons ............................................................................................................................ 3.4 Electric cubicle ................................................................................................................................... 3.4 General checks before the machine starting ........................................................................................ 3.6 Machine start-stop ............................................................................................................................. 3.8 Machine start with rotation direction reversal OPT .............................................................................. 3.8 Auto-brake motor .............................................................................................................................. 3.9 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB3 3.1 CONTROLS 3-1 CONTROL BOARD The control board depends on the machine version ; the components may be: Ref. 1 Image Function Padlockable main switch arranged on electric cubicle To swirch on/off the power supply for the machine. It may be locked to "0" by padlock O OFF Emergency button To switch off the motor supply voltage: interventions of the brakes if present . 2 OPT 0 0- motor 3 starter for starting the spindle Use and/or explanation I ON O OFF = on = off Pressed: machine under emergency condition. To reset the button turn it to the arrow direction. Turn the starter to , after some seconds turn it to for starting the motor. Turn the starter to 0 for stopping the motor 0 4 I I Buttons for starting and stopping the spindle Press it to start the spindle: pilot lamp lit. 0 Press it to stop the spindle OPT 2-position selector to lock and to release the auto-brake motor = Motor brake locked: pilot lamp off 5 = Motor brake released: pilot lamp lit 3.2 FZ_NGB3 T 110 NOVA CONTROLS Ref. Image Function 0 6 I OPT I 3000 3- position selector to select the spindle rotation direction cl.A 4500 7 6000 8000 10000 T 110 NOVA Lamps corresponding to the selected speed for the spindle FZ_NGB3 Use and/or explanation For selecting the spindle counterclockwise rotation (normal rotation direction) For selecting the spindle clockwise rotation (pilotlamp lit) dangerous rotation To select the speed move the belt into the race corresponding to the speed required. 3.3 CONTROLS 3-2 EMERGENCY BUTTONS In case of danger by pressing the emergency button all functions of the machine are switched off. Emergency buttons arranged on the machine: - Standard machine: emergency button (P fig.3.2A) arranged on control board. - Machine with OPT widening rod: emergency button (Q fig.3.2B) - Machine with OPT tenoning table: emergency button (S fig.3.2C) Periodically press the emergency button to check if they are efficient. 3-3 ELECTRIC CUBICLE Only a skilled electrician may reach the electric cubicle. - Shut off the power supply - Turn main switch (1) to 0 (OFF) . - Unscrew the 4 screws (B fig.3.2A) on the top side of the control board. B 1 P B 3.2A 3.4 FZ_NGB3 T 110 NOVA CONTROLS Q 3.2B T110N-3997 S FA1144A T 110 NOVA 3.2C FZ_NGB3 3.5 CONTROLS 3-4 GENERAL CHECKS BEFORE THE MACHINE STARTING Before starting the machine make sure that: - the emergency buttons are released (otherwise turn them to the arrow direction) - selector (E fig.3.4A OPT ) is turned to (brake locked, pilot lamp off) - the motor housing door is closed - the suction system is in operation - main switch (A fig.3.4A) is turned to I (ON) 1) Profiling - Hood-fence unit (fig.3.4B) is in the right position and clamped by handles (H-L) Set pressures (F fig.7.57C)in order to ensure the constant pressure on the workpiece. cl.A the speed on the display is proper for the tool (see par.7-24). (never exceed the max. rotation speed indicated on the tool). 2) Milling at the spindle (shaping) special - guard (fig.3.4D) is in right position and clamped with handles (M). cl.A the speed indicated on the proper display is right for the tool (see par.7-24) (never exceed the max. rotation speed indicated on tool). 3) Tenoning (with OPT tenoning table ) - tenoning hood (fig.3.4E) is in the right position and clamped by knobs (S) - the max. spindle speed is 4500 rpm and that it does not excede the max. speed permitted for the used tool. (otherwise see paragraph SPINDLE SPEED 7-27). 5 O OFF 1 3.6 3.4A FZ_NGB3 T 110 NOVA CONTROLS H F FW-NON-5193 3.4B S special M T 110 NOVA M 3.4D 3.4E FZ_NGB3 3.7 CONTROLS 3-5 MACHINE START-STOP Carry out the tests of par. 3-4 MACHINE START - Press button (4 fig.3.5A) - OPT Turn starter (3 fig.3.5A) to star (Y) position, then when the spindle motor has reached the right working speed turn the starter to delta position. MACHINE STOP - Press button (4 fig.3.5A) -Turn starter (3 fig.3.5A) to 0. It is forbidden to stop the motor by turning selector (5 OPT ) to 3-6 MACHINE START WITH ROTATION DIRECTION REVERSAL OPT Before selecting the spindle rotation direction carry out the checks indicated in par. 3-4 MACHINE START WITH COUNTERCLOCKWISE SPINDLE ROTATION ( AGAINST FEED DIRECTION) When possible always use this direction of rotation as it is the normal direction of the spindle rotation direction. - Turn selector (6 fig.3.5A) to (the selector remains in position) - Press button (4 fig.3.5A) OPT Turn starter (3 fig.3.5A) to star (Y) position, then after some seconds turn it to delta position. NOTE: If you stop the machine, it is necessary to repeat the same operations to start again with counterclockwise spindle rotation. MACHINE START WITH CLOCKWISE SPINDLE ROTATION (FEED DIRECTION) Avoid this direction of rotation as much as possible: as the cutter rotates "in feed direction "there is the risk that the cutter withdraws the piece from the compression springs: pay attention!. Set the pressure shoes (see par. 7-71) so that they exert a stronger pressure on the workpiece - Turn selector (6 fig.3.5A) to the right and keep it in position (pilot lamp L lights up). - Press button (4 fig.3.5A) OPT Turn starter (3 fig.3.5A) to star (Y) position, then after some seconds turn it to delta position. Release selector (6 ): it will reach the central position. NOTE: This operation is to be carried out every time you stop the machine and when you want to start the machine with clockwise spindle rotation . MACHINE STOP - Press button (4A fig.3.5A) OPT Turn starter (3 fig.3.5A) to 0 (OFF) It is forbidden to stop the motor by turning selector (5) 3.8 OPT FZ_NGB3 to T 110 NOVA CONTROLS 0 0 I O OFF 1 3 4A 4 0 I 5 I 6 3.5A 3-25 AUTO-BRAKE MOTOR OPT The spindle rotation occurs by means of autobrake motor. Under normal working condition selector (5 fig.3.5A) is turned to . When you shut off the power by pressing button (4A) or by turning starter (3) to 0 (OFF), the motor automatically brakes and remains braked until the next spindle start. In case of adjustment as cutter fitting etc. for which the spindle shall turn freely, turn selector (5) to : the pilot lamp lights up at the same time. The motor may be started only when selector (5) is turned to . NOTE: the material used for auto-brake motors does not contain any cancerous components. T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB3 3.9 CONTROLS 3.10 FZ_NGB3 T 110 NOVA MOULDER SECTION 7 MOULDER 7-1 7-2 7-13 7-24 7-27 7.34 7-45 7-46 7-47 7-57 Page Tool fitting .......................................................................................................................................... 7.2 Interchangeable spindle OPT .............................................................................................................. 7.4 Spindle height adjusting ..................................................................................................................... 7.6 Spindle speed selection ....................................................................................................................... 7.8 speed change ................................................................................................................................... 7.10 Use of tenoning table OPT .............................................................................................................. 7.12 7-34.1 Tenoning .......................................................................................................................... 7.14 7-34.2 Use of revolver head OPT .............................................................................................. 7.14 7-34.3 Execution of oblique tenons .............................................................................................. 7.14 7-34.4 Rule adjusting from 0° to - 45° ....................................................................................... 7.16 Use of carriage for execution of small tenons OPT for cl.A ........................................................... 7.20 7-45 .1 Straight tenons .................................................................................................................. 7.20 7-45.2 Oblique tenons ................................................................................................................. 7.22 Use of sliding table for execution of small tenons OPT for CSA ..................................................... 7.24 Mitre gauge use CSA ...................................................................................................................... 7.24 Fitting the adjustable hood-fence unit ................................................................................................ 7.26 7-57.1 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with aligned fence halves .............................................. 7.28 7-57.2 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with not aligned fence halves ....................................... 7.30 7.57.3 7-66 7-74 7-76 Use of hood-fence for small pieces ............................................................................ 7.32 7.32 7-57.4 Hood-fence adjusting for profiling with rotation direction reversal OPT ............................ 7.34 Tenoning hood OPT ........................................................................................................................ 7.36 Guard for milling at the spindle special ................................................................................................ 7.38 Interrupted milling ............................................................................................................................. 7.46 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB7 7 .1 MOULDER 7-1 TOOL FITTING - NOTE: use proper gloves for handling the tools. Turn handwheel (A fig.7.1A) after loosening knob (C) in order to bring the spindle to the max. height. Press the emergency button Move fence halves (G fig.7.1B) backwards Open cover (F fig.7.1B) Turn selector (5 fig.7.1C OPT ) to ( brake release). Hold pedal (P fig.7.1A) pressed for locking the spindle, at the same time turn the spindle so that the bracket fits into the spindle Take off nut (D fig.7.1C) or the screw. Take off spacer rings (B fig.7.1C). Clean the spindle and flange (Z fig.7.1C). If required take off rings (T fig.7.1C) Fit the tools to the spindle by using spacer rings between two tools. For the correct use of the machine fit the tool as low as possible to the spindle to avoid possible vibrations. Tighten nut (A fig.7.1C) or the screw. After fitting the tool release pedal (P) (spindle loosening) then manually turn the tool in order to check whether there are contacts with the fence halves and guards. Fit the spacer rings again Fit the hood-fence unit and the fence halves according to the working to be carried out with the tool you have fitted (see par.7-57). Close cover (F fig..7.1B) Set the fence halves to initial position Release the emergency button Turn selector (5 OPT ) to (brake locking). ATTENTION: with selector (5 OPT ) turned to ( pilot lamp D lit) the machine is in safe condition. . Do not forget that the motor may be started only if you turn selector (5 OPT ) to In case of spindle with slot, it is possible to fit tools with knife (M fig.7.1D) (with 6 mm thickness) as follows: - fit the tool with top safety recess (L fig.7.1D) or bottom safety recess (G) into the slot with proper screw (V) or counternut (N). IMPORTANT The operator may use both set of tools and single cutters. In that case it is convenient to number the single cutters. Each number indicates a measure corresponding to the tool height from the worktable . SAFETY NOTES: - Circular blades may not be fitted to the spindle. It is not permitted to insert shims between the spacing rings of the spindle to willigly unbalance the tools. Each working shall be separately considered and you have to fit the proper guard. The min. hole diameter on the table depends on the tool and the height at which the cutter is set. To get the hole as small as possible use the supplied rings (T fig.7.1C). In this way you reduce the risk that the workpiece oscillates and fits into the cutters during its passage on the hole. Make sure that the last ring with screw or nut for tool locking (untiunscrewing device) has a sufficient grip on the spindle, then clamp. Adjust the hood - fence unit in order to reduce the opening between fence halves and tool to a minimum. Before working make sure that the tools do not touch the machine parts. The tool adjustment shall be carried out with the machine off and with proper instruments (gauge, comparator). 7.2 FZ_NGB7 T 110 NOVA MOULDER C A P FZ-4006 7.1A F G G 5 7.1B D V B N L G Z M 7.1D T 7.1C T 110 NOVA FZ-_NGB7 7 .3 MOULDER 7-2 INTERCHANGEABLE SPINDLE OPT Take off or fit the interchangeable spindle when no tools are fitted to the spindle. - Turn handwheel (A fig.7.2A) after loosening knob (C) in order to bring the spindle to the max. height. - Press the emergency button. - Move fence halves (G fig.7.2B) backwards - Lift cover (F fig.7.2B) - If necessary, take off rings (T fig.7.2C) - Turn selector (5 OPT ) to (brake release) - Hold pedal (P fig.7.2A) (spindle locking) pressed and at the same time turn the spindle so that the bracket fits. - Unscrew ring nut (H fig.7.2C) counterclockwise by wrench (B fig.7.2C) in order to take off spindle. - Manually unscrew the ring nut from the spindle and screw it down to the new spindle so that it touches the rubber ring , then tighten the ring nut half turn. - Make sure that taper shanks and the threads of the spindle and of the chuck are clean, free from dents and flat. - Fit the new spindle by screwing it down to the rubber ring , clamp it by half turn, then tighten ring nut (H fig.7.2C) by turning wrench (B fig.7.2C) clockwise. - Leave the pedal (P fig.7.2A) (spindle release) - Fit the spacer rings again - Close cover (F fig.7.2B) - Set the fence halves (G) to initial position - Release the emergency button - Turn selector (5 OPT ) to (brake locking). SAFETY NOTE: with selector (5 OPT ) turned to (pilot lamp D lit) the machine is in safe condition. The motor may be started only if you turn selector (5 OPT ) to WARNING: At the end of the working before replacing the spindle, let it cool. 7.4 FZ_NGB7 T 110 NOVA MOULDER C A 5 P FW-5187 7.2A F G G 7.2B D S H B T 7.2C t120n-4101 T 110 NOVA FZ-_NGB7 7 .5 MOULDER 7-13 SPINDLE HEIGHT ADJUSTING It serves for adjusting the tool to the worktable. The tool adjusting shall be carried out with machine off. Make sure that during the spindle adjustment ther is no contact with the machine parts Loosen knob (B) For adjusting the spindle height turn handwheel (A fig.7.13A) After any adjusting tighten knob (B). Read out the height measure on display (I fig.7.13A). NOTE: when rest plane (1 fig.7.13A) of the tool of the spindle without rings is at the height of worktable (2 fig.7.13B ), display (I fig.7.13A) shows 0. IMPORTANT To take up slack you have to reach the right height always with motion upwards. 7.6 FZ_NGB7 T 110 NOVA MOULDER I B A 7.13A 1 2 0 7.13B T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB7 7 .7 MOULDER 7-24 SPINDLE SPEED SELECTION Select the spindle speed according to the tool, the wood and the working. Diagram (fig.7.24A present also on the front side of the machine) indicates how to select the speed according to the rim speed and the tool diameter. Do not select values different from the ones indicated in diagramm 7.24A or rotation speed higher than the speed indicated on the tool. There is the risk of piece kickback or tool rupture. In case of more tools fitted to the spindle is to be considered as a reference tool (e.g. never exceed 6000rpm, if you use 2 tools, one tool with max. speed 8000 rpm the other tool with max. speed 6000 rpm). Diagrams (7.24C/ 7.24D/ 7.24E) give the speed selection according to: - spindle diameter d1 fig.7.24B - max. spindle length available for tool fitting l1 fig.7.24B - cutting height b fig.7.24B - tool cutting edge diameter d2 fig.7.24B The table gives the approximate values of the rim speed according to the material to be milled. HSS m/s 50/70 42/60 HM m/s 50/70 45/70 50/70 m /s MATERIAL Hard wood Soft wood Chipboard veloc-1 7.24A 7.8 FZ_NGB7 7.24B T 110 NOVA MOULDER 7.24C 7.24D 7.24E T 110 NOVA FZ-_NGB7 7 .9 MOULDER 7-27 SPEED CHANGE The spindle speeds are: 3000/4500/600/8000/10.000 rpm Positions and relative speed are given on a plate arranged inside the front door. To select the speed move the motor belt into the proper race corresponding to the speed desired. Proceed as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Press the emergency button Release the brake by turning selector (E OPT ) to . Open the front door by pulling the proper knob Pull lever (L fig.7.27A) forward: the belt is slack. Move belt (C ) to race (G) corresponding to the speed selected; at the same time move fork (F fig.7.26B) by turning knob (D fig.7.27B): pilot lamp lights up on the speed display and indicates the speed selected. Push lever (L fig.7.27A) back. Close the front door. Release the emergency button . Lock the brake by turning selector (E OPT ) to With selector (5 sicurezza OPT ) turned to (lampada spia accesa) la macchina è in condizione di Before starting the machine make sure that the spindle speed is proper for the working , the wood type as well as for the tool you have fitted. 3000 4500 6000 8000 10000 M 7.10 FZ_NGB7 T 110 NOVA MOULDER 5 L C G e6763 7.27A F D 7.27B T 110 NOVA FZ-_NGB7 7 .11 MOULDER 7.34 USE OF TENONING TABLE OPT Tenoning table (D fig.7.34A) is equipped with: - handle (A fig.7.34A) for locking the table sliding on beam (B) - handle (H fig.7.34B) for locking the sliding of beam (B) - telescopic rule (R fig.7.34C) with independent stops (Q). - table (P fig.7.34A) with end stop (E) to avoid the contact between table and tool. The table motion is locked by lever (F fig.7.34B). - Sliding element (N fig.7.34C) with 2 programmable stops (L fig.7.34C) is useful in case of pieces of different length. - To move the stops loosen screw (V fig.7.34C): read out the measure on scale (T). - The complete motion of sliding element (N) occurs after loosening handles (C). Before carrying out any working fit the tenoning hood (see par.7-66) . Make sure that no contact with tenoning table is possible Check that the max. spindle speed is 4500 rpm and in any case it may not exceed the max. speed permitted by the tool; otherwise see par.7-27. P A E B D FA-1191A 7.12 7.34A FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER C L Q V T L N F R C H FA-1126A 7.34B T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.34C 7.13 MOULDER 7-34.1 TENONING - Fit the tenoning hood and set it as described in par.7-66. - Telescopic rule (G fig.7.34E) is joined to support (L fig.7.34E) by gib; the support is fixed to additional table by screwing down pivot (A). Rule (G) is in the right position to get straight tenons when it is against pivot (R). To move the rule loosen screws (M fig.7.34E). - Rest the workpiece against rule (G fig.7.34E) so that its projection to the tool is larger than the tenoning depth. - If a further adjustment of the workpiece to the tool is necessary, move tenoning table (O fig.7.34F) forward after loosening lever (F). Make sure that the tool does not touch the tenoning table - After adjusting tighten lever (F fig.7.34F). Clamp the piece by foot (P fig.7.34E) CLAMPING ARM USE - for height adjusting loosen handles (C fig.7.34E). for width adjusting loosen knob (E). by means of lever (D) lower foot (P) to clamp the piece. NOTE :to ensure an efficient workpiece clamping foot (P) shall be 2 mm from the piece surface before lowering lever (D). 7-34.2 USE OF REVOLVER HEAD OPT This device is useful to obtain the same tenoning depth on pieces of different length. The revolver head is equipped with 4 stops, the length of which may be adjusted by means relative counternut. To use this device proceed as follows: - turn revolver head by means of knob (S fig.7.34G) so that the desired stop in totally up. - the number of the selected stop is indicated by pointer (I fig.7.34G). - rest the workpiece on the tenoning table and against the rule. - move the workpiece against the revolver stop. - if it is necessary to adjust the revolver stops operate on stop screw and its nut. After adjusting, carry out the tenoning operation as previuosly described. 7-34.3 EXECUTION OF OBLIQUE TENONS RULE ADJUSTING FROM 0° TO + 45°. - After loosening screw (H fig.7.34E) and pivot (A) adjust the rule according to the angle desired (read out the angle on the scale applied on the table). Tighten pivot (A fig.7.34E) and screw (H fig.7.34E). Adjust arm guard (Z fig.7.34E). FOR ADJUSTING THE TENONING TABLE STROKE: - Loosen lever (N fig.7.34F). With grip (V fig.7.34F) move beam (B) to position required. Tighten lever (N fig.7.34F). Rest the workpiece against rule (G fig.7.34E) so that its projection to the tool is larger than the tenoning depth. When a further adjustment of the piece to the tool is necessary move the tenoning table (O fig.7.34F) forward after loosening lever (F fig.7.34F). After adjusting, tighten lever (F fig.7.34F). Clamp the workpiece by clamping arm (P fig.7.34E) by lowering lever (D). 7.14 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER E D C C A P H G M L R 7.34E FA-2196 O V S F B N I FA-1126A 7.34F T 110 NOVA cuften_09 7.34G FZ_NGB71 7.15 MOULDER 7-34.4 RULE ADJUSTING FROM 0° TO - 45° Fit additional table (C fig.7.34L supplied in accessories bag) , then for negative cuts proceed as follows: - Insert additional table (C) into the tenoning table side which has 2 threaded holes (A fig.7.34H) and 2 holes (B) for pins (B1) of additional table. - Tighten the supplied screws (V fig.7.34L). RULE ADJUSTING FROM 0° TO - 20° - Screw down small block (F fig.7.34P supplied in accessories bag) to support (L) with proper screws. With one hand unscrew and take off pivot (H fig.7.34P) by proper wrench and with the other hand under additional table (C) take threaded plate (E fig.7.34P). - Adjust the rule to the desired angle - After inserting pivot (H fig.7.34P) into the hole of small block (F) screw it down to threaded plate (E) you have set under the additional table. - Tighten pivot (D fig.7.34P). RULE ADJUSTING FROM -20° TO - 45° - Loosen pivot (D fig.7.34M). Totally loosen pivot (H fig 7.34M) to remove threaded plate (E fig.7.34N) under the table in position corresponding to pivot (H). Fit plate (E fig.7.34P) under slot (R fig.7.34P) of additional table (C). Screw down pivot (H fig.7.34M) to threaded plate (E). Lock the rule in the oblique position desired by tightening pivots (H and D fig.7.34M). C A B B1 V B1 FA-1131A FA-1132B 7.34L 7.34H 7.16 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER H D E C R FA-1136A FA-1134A 7.34N 7.34M H D F R E L C 7.34P FA-1135A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.17 MOULDER ADDITIONAL LOCKING FOR RULE If a further rule locking is necessary, fit bracket (A fig.7.34Q) into bottom groove (B fig.7.34R) of the rule. Rest the bracket against additional table (C fig.7.34Q) then tighten screw (F fig.7.34R) A C 7.34Q 7.18 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER B A F 7.34R T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.19 MOULDER 7-45 USE OF CARRIAGE FOR EXECUTION OF SMALL TENONS OPT FOR cl.A N.B. Before using the sliding table remove screw (Z fig.7.45A) Before carrying out any working fit the tenoning hood (see par.7-66). Make sure that no contact with tenoning table is possible Check that the max. spindle speed is 4500 rpm and in any case it may not exceed the max. speed permitted by the tool; otherwise see par.7-27. 7-45 .1 STRAIGHT TENONS - Lightly loosen column (C fig.7.45A) - Loosen handle (E fig.7.45A) and turn the mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.45A) indicates 0 on mitre gauge (A). - Tighten handle (E fig.7.45A) and screw down column (C fig.7.45A) - Rest the workpiece against rule (G fig.7.45B) so that its projection from the additional table to the tool is longer than the tenoning depth. Make sure that there is no contact between carriage and tool - Loosen screws (B - B1 fig.7.45B), move the support of additional table to the tool; after adjusting tighten the screws. Loosen handles (W fig.7.45A) to move the rule close to the tool. Lock the workpiece with foot (P fig.7.45B) by lowering lever (D fig.7.45B) Loosen handle (H fig.7.45B), rest stop (M fig.7.45B) against workpiece , tighten handle. CLAMPING ARM USE: - For height adjustment loosen handle (L fig.7.45B) For width adjustment loosen knob (F fig.7.45B) By means of lever (D fig. 7.45B) lower foot (P fig.7.45B) for clamping the workpiece. to ensure the efficient piece clamping foot (P fig.7.45B) shall be 2 mm over the piece surface before lowering lever (D fig.7.45B). 7.20 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA TOUPIE C E W A I W Z N7_17A 7.45A F L D B B1 H P M N7_17C T 110 NOVA G 7.45B FZ_NGB71 7.21 MOULDER 7-45.2 OBLIQUE TENONS - Ligtly loosen pivot (C fig.7.45C) - Loosen handle (E fig.7.45C), turn mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.45C) indicates the angle required on mitre gauge (A fig.45C). - Tighten handle (E fig.7.45C) , screw down pivot (C fig.7.45C). - Rest the workpiece against rule (G fig.745D) so that its projection from the sliding table to the tool is longer than the tenoning depth. - Make sure that there is no contact between carriage and tool Loosen screws (B - B1 fig. 7.45C), move the support of the sliding table to the tool after adjusting tighten the screws. Loosen handles (W fig.7.45C) to move the rule close to the tool. Clamp the workpiece with foot (P fig.7.45D) by lowering lever (D). Loosen handle (H fig.7.45D), rest stop (M fig.7.45D) against the workpiece, tighten handle. CLAMPING ARM USE: - for height adjustment loosen handle (L fig.7.45D) for width adjustment loosen knob (F fig.7.45D) By means of lever (D fig.7.45D) lower foot (P fig.7.45D) for clamping the workpiece. NOTE: to ensure the efficient workpiece clamping, foot (P fig.7.45D) shall be 2 mm over the workpiece surface before lowering lever (D fig.7.45D). 7.22 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA TOUPIE C B1 E W A I W B N7_17A 7.45C F L D H P M N7_18 T 110 NOVA G 7.45D FZ_NGB71 7.23 MOULDER 7-46 USE OF SLIDING TABLE FOR EXECUTION OF SMALL TENONS FOR CSA OPT NOTE: Before using the additional table take off screw (Z fig.7.46A) STRAIGHT TENONS - Lightly loosen pivot (C fig.7.46A) Loosen handle (E ) and turn the mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.46A) indicates 0 on mitre gauge (A). Tighten handle (E ) and screw down pivot (C ) Rest the workpiece against mitre gauge (A fig.7.46A) so that its projection from the additional table to the tool is longer than the tenoning depth. Loosen screws (B - B1 fig.7.46A), move the support of additional table to the tool; after adjusting tighten the screws. Clamp the workpiece with foot (P) by lowering lever (D) USE OF THE CLAMPING ARM: - For height adjustment loosen handle (L fig.7.46A) For width adjustment loosen knob (F fig.7.46A) With lever (D fig.7.46A) lower foot (P fig.7.46A) for clamping the workpiece. NOTE: to ensure the efficient piece clamping, foot (P fig.7.46A) shall be 2 mm over the piece surface before lowering lever (D). OBLIQUE TENONS - Ligtly loosen pivot (C ) Loosen handle (E), turn mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.46A) indicates the desired angle on mitre gauge (A). Tighten handle (E) , screw down pivot (C). Rest the workpiece against mitre gauge (A fig.7.46A) so that its projection from the additional table to the tool is longer than the tenoning depth. Loosen screws (B - B1 fig. 7.46A), move the support of the additional table to the tool after adjusting tighten the screws. Clamp the workpiece with foot (P) by lowering lever (D). 7-47 MITRE GAUGE USE CSA STRAIGHT CUTTING-OFF - Loosen handle (E) and turn the mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.47A) indicates 0 on mitre gauge (A). Tighten handle (E) For adjusting stop (G) operate on knobs (H) Rest the workpiece against mitre gauge (A fig.7.47A) and stop (G) . OBLIQUE CUTTING-OFF - Loosen handle (E), turn mitre gauge until pointer (I fig.7.47A) indicates the desired angle on mitre gauge (A). Tighten handle (E). Rest the workpiece against mitre gauge (A fig.7.47A) and stop (G) . 7.24 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER L P D C F A B1 E I H B G Z 7.46A E A H G I 7.47A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.25 MOULDER 7-57 FITTING THE ADJUSTABLE HOOD-FENCE UNIT To rest the hood- fence unit on the table another person is required. - Lift the hood-fence unit with grips (A fig.7.57D) (as an alternative rest it on a carriage) then slide it on the worktable to the position proper for the profiling depth desired. Tighten handles (L -H fig. 7.57C) Set pressures (S fig.7.57C)in order to ensure the constant pressure on the workpiece. Adjust cover (G fig.7.57C) in order to cover the spindle and tool and to prevent the ejection of chips or splinters which will be sucked by the suction hood. The adjustment of fence halves (P and M fig.7.57C) occurs with knobs (F fig.7.57D) behind the fence halves. IMPORTANT: Release the spindle motor brake. OPT Turn the tool after carrying out all adjustments in order to avoid any contact with machine parts or with the guard. Lock the motor brake. OPT NOTE: In case of interrupted milling with aluminium fence halves OPT , fit two M8 nuts (C see example fig.7.57A) into top groove (E) to fasten stops (Z not supplied by SCM) proper for the working with screws (D): in this way the workpiece ejection is not possible. D E C Z 7.57A 7.26 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER L H G M P S 7.57C F F A A 7.57D fw-non-5196 T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.27 MOULDER 7-57.1 HOOD-FENCE ADJUSTING FOR PROFILING WITH ALIGNED FENCE HALVES SAFETY NOTES Carry out all adjusting operations with standstill tool. Check that the spindle speed does not excede the max. speed permitted for the used tool. (otherwise see paragraph SPINDLE CHANGE ) The tool shall turn in the right direction. When the machine is equipped with spindle rotation reversal ( OPT ) a pilot lamp on the control board lights up when the tool turns clockwise. The operator shall make sure that the spindle can rotate in the direction desired and that the piece feed occurs in the direction contrary to the spindle rotation one. In case of very long pieces use roller tables or table extensions. Before working always adjust vertical and horizontal pressure shoe to form a protection of the hands and against eventual ejection of splits and tool parts (see par.7-71). Before starting the machine make sure that the tools do not touch the parts of the machine. After every adjustment always close the top cover of moulder hood. After loosening handles (L and H fig.7.57E) move the entire hood- fence unit to the most suitable position for the depth of cut required then tighten the handles. The fence halves (M and P fig.7.57E) must be as near the tool as possible ( min. distance : 2-3 mm), to make this adjustment loosen knobs (F fig.7.57E) behind the fence halves NOTE: For this operation the fence halves shall be aligned with one another and pointer (I fig.7.57E) shall indicate 0 on graduated scale (T fig.7.57E). 7.28 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER L H G M P T I F F R 7.57E T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.29 MOULDER 7-57.2 HOOD-FENCE ADJUSTING FOR PROFILING WITH NOT ALIGNED FENCE HALVES SAFETY NOTES Carry out all adjusting operations with standstill tool. Check that the spindle speed does not excede the max. speed permitted for the used tool. (otherwise see paragraph SPINDLE CHANGE ) The tool shall turn in the right direction. When the machine is equipped with spindle rotation reversal ( OPT ) a pilot lamp on the control board lights up when the tool turns clockwise. The operator shall make sure that the spindle can rotate in the direction desired and that the piece feed occurs in the direction contrary to the spindle rotation one. In case of very long pieces use roller tables or table extensions. Before working always adjust vertical and horizontal pressure shoe to form a protection of the hands and against eventual ejection of splits and tool parts (see par.7-71). Before starting the machine make sure that the tools do not touch the parts of the machine. After every adjustment always close the top cover of moulder hood. After loosening handles (L and H fig.7.57F) move the entire hood- fence unit to the most suitable position for the depth of cut required (fence halves M and P aligned one with the other) then tighten the handles. The fence halves (M and P fig.7.57F) must be as near the tool as possible ( min. distance : 2-3 mm), to make this adjustment loosen knobs (F fig.7.57F) behind the fence halves. For further micrometric adjustment of the depth of cut set the fence half (P) as follows: - Hold handle (L fig.7.57F) tight. - Loosen handle (H fig.7.57F) M - Turn knob (R fig.7.57F) to find the correct position: pointer (I) indicates the adjusting measure on graduated scale (T fig.7.57F). - Tighten handle (H fig.7.57F). P For micrometric adjustment of fence half (M): - Hold handle (H fig.7.57F) tight. - Loosen handle (L fig.7.57F) - Turn knob (R fig.7.57F) and with a bar check the alignment of the fence half with the tool. - Tighten handle (L fig.7.57F). 7.30 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER L H G M P T I F F R 7.57F T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.31 MOULDER 7.57.3 USE OF HOOD-FENCE FOR SMALL PIECES If the machine is equipped with wood fences, fit wood insert (M fig.7.57G) supplied in the accessory kit) between the two fence halves which serves also as a guard for the operator’s hands. To mill the passage opening proceed in this way: - Set horizontal pressure shoe ( C fig.7.57G) in order to protect the operator against eventual ejection of splits and tool parts. - Move the entire hood-fence unit backwards very slowly. If it is necessary to make the wood insert see the measures given in par. 20-32.2. Do not use inserts with openings larger than the tool thickness. If the machine is supplied with aluminium fence halves OPT - remove inserts (A fig.7.57A) by unscrewing the relative screws - screw down bars (B fig.7.57G supplied in the accessory kit) in their place to ensure the continuity of the fence halves and to protect the hands. After each adjustment, always remember to close the upper cover on the moulder hood. 7.32 FZ_NGB71 T 110 NOVA MOULDER M A B 7.57G T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB71 7.33 TOUPIE 7-57.4 HOOD-FENCE ADJUSTING FOR PROFILING WITH ROTATION DIRECTION REVERSAL OPT Upon request the machine may be equipped with spindle rotation reversal (spindle rotation clockwise) When the machine is equipped with rotation reversal the tool rotates clockwise (that is in feed direction) OPT the pilot lamp on the control board lights up when WARNING: this rotation direction is to be avoided as much as possible; as the cutter rotates in "feed direction". Make sure that the workpiece feed occurs in the direction opposite to the cutter rotation direction. P M Never make the workpiece feed in the tool rotation direction because there is the risk that the workpiece is withdrawn by the pressure shoe. All adjusting operations are to be carried out with standstill spindle Set the pressure shoes (see par. 7-71). After loosening handles (L and H fig.7.57H) move the entire hood- fence unit to the most suitable position for the depth of cut, then tighten the handles. The fence halves (M and P) shall be as near the tool as possible (min. distance of 2-3 mm), to carry out this adjustment operate on both knobs (F fig.7.57H) behind the fence halves. For a further micrometric adjustment of the depth of cut, set fence half (M) as follows: - Hold handle (H fig.7.57H) tight - Loosen handle (L fig.7.57H) - Turn knob (R fig.7.57H) to find the correct position: pointer (I) indicates the adjusting measure on graduated scale (T fig.7.57H). - Tighten handle (L fig.7.57H). For micrometric adjustment of fence half (P fig.7.57H): - Hold handle (L fig.7.57H) tight. - Loosen handle (H fig.7.57H) - Turn knob (R fig.7.57H) and with a bar check the alignment of the fence with the tool. - Tighten handle (H fig.7.57H). As regards the machine start see SECTION 3. 7.34 FZ_NGB72 T 110 NOVA MOULDER L H G M P T I F F R 7.57H T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB72 7.35 TOUPIE 7-66 TENONING HOOD OPT 2 persons are required for lifting the hood COMPONENTS 1-1A) Knobs for locking the hood on the table 2) Knobs for locking the shield 3) Knob for adusting the brush (exit side) 4) Knobs for adusting the chip conveyor (entry side) 5) Lever for unlocking the cover 6) Cover with automatic locking 7) 120 mm suction hood 8) Transparent shield 9) Brush (exit side) 10) Chip conveyor (entry side) 11) Wood ledge NOTE: Take off the hood-fence unt (we recommend the aid of another person) FITTING - Rest the hood on the table in the position proper for the milling depth required, the fasten it by tightening knobs (1 -1A fig.7.66A). All adjusting operations are to be carried out with standstill spindle ADJUSTING - Adjust the height of shield (8 fig.7.66A) according to the workpiece thickness after loosening knobs (2 fig.7.66A). Adjust chip conveyor (10 fig .7.66A) and brush (9) after loosening knobs (4 and 3 fig.7.66A) according to the mortise length desired. To change tool open cover (6) after loosening lever (5). Before starting the machine close cover (6). Make sure that the tool do not touch any machine parts To replace wood ledge (11 fig.7.66A) see par. 20-32.3. 7.36 FZ_NGB72 T 110 NOVA MOULDER 6 2 3 5 7 9 1A 8 10 11 4 1 7.66A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB72 7.37 MOULDER 7-74 GUARD FOR MILLING AT THE SPINDLE special Components (fig.7.74A) 1) Stops 2) Pressure shoe with coverage 3) Knob for micrometric adjusting 4) Suction pipe: diameter 120 mm 5) Workpiece guiding device 6) Brushes 7) Levers for vertical adjusting of pad 2 8) Lever for stop locking 9) Bracket 10) Lever 11) Levers for guard locking 12) Slots 13) Knobs for horizontal adjusting of pad 2 14) Locking lever for vertical adjustment of workpiece guide device SPECIFICATIONS Min. working radius .............................................................................................................................220 mm Min. working radius with tenoning table (optional) .............................................................................280 mm Max. cutter diameter .............................................................................................................................160 mm Guard size ...................................................................................................................... 300x370x290 mm Vertical stroke of the pressure shoe .....................................................................................................130 mm Horizontal stroke (milling depth) ........................................... 60 mm (30 mm with knob) + (30 mm with slot) Max. piece thickness ............................................................................................................................140 mm Weight ......................................................................................................................................... 5,5 kg This device (supplied as a standard accessory) is used for milling pieces with shaped, curved edges or ring-shaped edges. The right use permits shaping operations in safe conditions. The dust suction by means of fitting (4) (120 mm coupling) is optimized by lateral brushes (6) and top covering of the pressure shoe. The brushes of different height may be interchanged from the right to the left to optimize the suction in case of peculiar working und/or the use of templates or jigs. The guard is equipped with 2 stops for cutters of diameter between 120 and 150 mm. BEFORE WORKING : A - Wear leather aprons as an efficient protection against eventual ejection of splits or tool parts B - Put on spectacles or proper shields to protect yours eyes. 7.38 FG_NGB73 T 110 NOVA MOULDER 13 6 2 1 5 09-04-2320 12 8 7 14 8 11 10 11 10 4 9 3 7.74A 09-04-2316 T 110 NOVA FG_NGB73 7 .39 MOULDER FITTING Fit: - the spindle with the proper tool - the rings on the table proper for the tool diameter. - guard (P) to the machine table by tightening handles (M fig.7.74B) - stops (1) according to the tool position in order to have the best rest for the workpiece. All adjusting operations are to be carried out with standstill spindle Adjust pressure shoe with coverage (2) so that it lightly presses the workpiece. Important: Before starting working manually turn the tool to make sure that there is no contact with the fixed parts. Connect the suction pipe (4) (120 mm diameter) to the centralized suction system by using an antistatic and not inflammable hose of proper diameter. 7.40 FG_NGB73 T 110 NOVA MOULDER P 10 10 09-04-2316 6 2 1 09-04-2320 7.74B T 110 NOVA FG_NGB73 7 .41 MOULDER OPERATION All adjusting operations are to be carried out with standstill spindle - Loosen handles (10 fig.7.74D) for adjusting the stock removal depth; tighten handles (10). By means of knob (3) it is possible to carry out micrometric adjusting of the guard. Adjust the 2 stops (1) over or under the tool. The min. and max. cutter diameter (fig.7.74C) are marked on the right side and on the left side of each stop. In this way it is possible to work in the best conditions by using only one stop for tools of different diameter. Example: with 120-150 mm cutters you have to fit the stop so that the diameter stamped on the entry side that is the side against which the entering piece rests, is the diameter of the cutter fitted (e.g: with standard stop, if you use a 150 mm cutter you have to set the stop with the side marked 150 at the entry side and not with the side marked 120 mm see fig.7.74C). If it is necessary to invert the stop position, that is to set the right part to the left and viceversa you have to take it off from its supports. To demount pressure shoe (2 fig.7.74D) loosen the handles by some turn, then let them pass through slots (12). Loosen levers (8), lift the stop as much as possible, tighten levers. Loosen the 4 screws fixing the stop, turn the stop, then tighten the screws. Set the stop to the working height. Fit pressure shoe (2) again and adjust it so that it holds the piece pressed on the table and protects the tool. Line (P fig.7.74C) engraved on the stops indicates the point of max. stock removal depth. P CLASS3 7.42 FG_NGB73 7.74C T 110 NOVA MOULDER 2 1 09-04-2320 12 8 8 10 10 3 09-04-2316 7.74D T 110 NOVA FG_NGB73 7 .43 MOULDER WORKING EXAMPLES Rest the workpiece against the rectilinear part of the stops and push it to the curved part of the stops in order that the tool can gradually intervene for the max. stock removal indicated by line (P fig.7.74C). When possible use fence (5 fig.7.74E) firmly fixed to support. The fence may be fixed to the support both on the right side and on the left side of the operator according to the spindle rotation direction and may be set to the right height and locked by lever (14). The slots in the fence and in the support permit the easy adjustment of the fence to its support according to the stock removal depth. MILLING WITHOUT TEMPLATE Connect fitting (4 fig.7.74E) to the suction system Fit the bearing to the spindle and workpiece guiding device (5) or stops (1) if possible over the cutter to ensure the safe piece feed. Figure 7-74F shows examples of how to arrange one stop or more stops for milling at the spindle. Set pressure shoe (2 fig.7.74E) at the same height of the workpiece and move it by knobs (13) so that the pressure shoe is at a distance at least of 15 mm from the circle described by the cutting edges of the cutter. Set the clenched fists flat on the piece and push it forward by resting it against fence (5) or against the straight part of the stop. In case of milling against the wood grain or in tranverse direction to the wood grain, you have to reduce the feed motion to avoid the wood fiber rupture. MILLING WITH TEMPLATE Connect fitting (4 fig.7.74E) to the suction system Fit the bearing to the spindle and workpiece guiding device (5) or stops (1) under the cutter in case of clamping templates or over the cutter in case of templates with pins to ensure the safe piece feed. Set pressure shoe (2 fig.7.74E ) at the same height of the piece and move the entire the guard on the table so that the pressure shoe is at a distance at least of 15 mm from the circle described by the cutting edges of the cutter. Set the clenched fists flat on the piece and push it forward by resting it against the fence or the straight part of the stop. In case of milling against the wood grain or in tranverse direction to the wood grain, you have to reduce the feed motion to avoid the wood fibers rupture. We recommend to avoid climb milling as it is very dangerous due to the pice rejection risk. Fig.7.74F shows examples for setting the stops according to the working. We recommend, if possible, to keep the stop under the tool. MAINTENANCE Replace the worn or damaged parts. Keep the guard always clean and check it is in good conditions. Lubricate the threaded pivot of knob (3 fig.7.74E) which adjustes the depth of cut. 7.44 FG_NGB73 T 110 NOVA MOULDER 13 4 14 3 2 1 5 7.74E 09-04-2322 7.74F T 110 NOVA FG_NGB73 7 .45 MOULDER 7-76 INTERRUPTED MILLING It is a dangerous working due to the possible kickback of the piece. This operation may not be carried out without the proper anti-kickback guard. For small pieces always request aluminium fence halves Insert M8 nuts (B see example fig.7.76A) into top groove (F) to fasten stops (G not supplied by SCM) with M8 screws (H) to avoid the piece ejection. H F B G 7.76A 7.46 FG_NGB73 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE SECTION 20 MAINTENANCE Page Machine cleaning .............................................................................................................................. 20.2 Periodical Lubrification ................................................................................................................... 20.4 Checking the safety devices ......................................................................................................... 20.6 Machine removal - Storing - Demolition .......................................................................................... 20.7 Emergency conditions ....................................................................................................................... 20.7 Auto-brake motor OPT ................................................................................................................. 20.8 Belt replacing ................................................................................................................................. 20.10 Belt stretching ................................................................................................................................. 20.10 20-32.1 Chip breaker ................................................................................................................ 20.12 20-32.2 Jointing element for hood-fence unit ............................................................................... 20.12 20-32.3 Wood ledge of tenoning hood ........................................................................................ 20.12 20-37 Troubles - causes - What-to-do ..................................................................................................... 20.14 20-1 20-2 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-14 20-22 T 110 NOVA FZ_nGB20 20.1 MAINTENANCE Before carrying out cleaning, maintenance , adjustment operations and/ or before replacing any machine member, turn the main switch to 0, lock it then indicate so with a sign . 20-1 MACHINE CLEANING The machine cleaning is not only an important safety factor but it ensures the long life and the best performance of the machine. Hier are some rules: Every evening by using an aspirator : - remove chips or dust from inside part of the machine. - clean sliding cylinder (A) of the spindle With a cloth drunken with a not dangerous solvent clean : - sliding bar (B) of - sliding bars (D) of front rest bar - guides (G) of - slides and dovetail elements (H) of OPT OPT tenoning table by removing eventual resin incrustations OPT additional table for small tenons OPT tenoning table A 20.2 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE G D B H H T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB20 20.3 MAINTENANCE 20-2 PERIODICAL LUBRIFICATION The accurate lubrication ensures the long life and the best performance of the machine. Weekly lubricate by using grease indicated in the table: AGIP GR MU EP1 : ARAL BP ESSO KLÜBER MOBIL SHELL - ARALUB HL1 GREASE LTX1 BEACON EP0 CENTOPLEX 1 MOBILPLEX 46 SUPER GREASE EP1 worm (C) for spindle height adjusting worm (D) Fill Stauffer lubricator (E) on fixed cylinder with grease and let the spindle slide up and down over and over again The top bearings of the spindle are special. As all bearings are sealed and lubrificated- for life , they do not reqire any maintenance. When you have to replace these bearings directly apply to SCM Ufficio Ricambi. Bearings of other makes with corresponding names are NOT suitable. 20.4 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE D C E T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB20 20.5 MAINTENANCE 20-5 CHECKING THE SAFETY DEVICES The safety devices described in SECTION 1A ensure the safe use of the machine. Every 2 weeks check the controls of the emergency stops by proper tests: with the machine under normal operating conditions press all emergency buttons one button at a time: make sure that the motor stops. Every 2 week: 1) check that the microswitches are efficient: with the machine under normal operating conditions, by opening the door of the motor housing the spindle motor shall stop. Note: when the belts get slack the braking time may increase, then make sure that the belts are stretched and in good condition (see par.20-22). OPT Every 2 months or 500 brakings (approx.) check the motor braking time (max. time required to stop the motor 10 sec) : in case of brake adjusting see par.20-8. At the beginning of each working shift make sure that the guards on all sides of the machine are efficient and ensure a valid protection. Periodically check that the plates are in good state . The responsible technician shall be promptly informed about the troubles : in that case he shall stop the machine and apply the Technical Service of SCM Dealer. 20.6 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE 20-6 MACHINE REMOVAL - STORING - DEMOLITION To remove the machine: disconnect it from the electrical and pneumatic system. Follow the instructions in SECTION 2. In case of extended inactivity of the machine, disconnect it from the electrical and pneumatic system. Thoroughly clean it as already described for ordinary cleaning and cover the work and sliding tables and the tool holder spindles with antirust protection. Do not store the machine in humid environments and protect it from atmospheric agents. The machine is constructed in non-toxic unharmful materials. In case of demolition, separate the ferrous material from the plastic materials and send them to the respective scrap yards. 20-7 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS In case of flooding of the room where the machine is housed, immediately shut off the electrical and pneumatic power supply. Before starting work, have the machine checked by a specialised technician. In case of fire, immediately disconnect the electrical power supply and intervene using suitable fire extinguishers directing the jets at the base of the flames. Even if the machine has suffered no apparent damage, before restarting work have the machine checked by a specialised technician. It is neccessary to have a working area free around the machine as already mentioned in par.1-8 to permit a quick moving away in case of danger. This machine must not be operated in explosive environments T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB20 20.7 MAINTENANCE 20-8 AUTO-BRAKE MOTOR OPT At least every 2 months or 500 stops, check and adjust the electromechanic braking device illustrated in figure Before carrying out any intervention on the motor, shut off the power by turning the padlockable main switch to 0 (OFF). Electromagnet brake clearance Distance between electromagnet and mobile core is called “air gap” and is adjusted during device construction. Adjustment is required only in case of replacement of mobile core having glued to its surface a brake disk of friction material being subject to wear . Wear limit of friction disk is 3 mm. Replacement is to be carried out only by technicians of SCM dealer. Adjustment of braking unit Braking efficacy reduction can be noticed by the increase of the time required to fully stop the cutterblock/spindle (max. time 10 seconds) in case of tool of max. size and at the maximal permitted speed. To reset the best braking torque proceed as follows: - insert an Allen wrench into the hole on cover for the fan in order ot reach the adjusting screw. - progressively screw down screw in order to join the mobile elements and to eliminate distance (brake clearance). - unscrew screw by min. 1/4 turn (max. 1/3 turn) (corresponding to about 0.4mm air gap) - start and stop the motor a few times to check the correct running. 20.8 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE T 110 NOVA FZ_nGB20 20.9 MAINTENANCE 20-14 1) 2) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) BELT REPLACING Stop the machine see SECTION 3; turn main switch to 0 and lock it, then indicate it by a sign. Open the front door. Pull lever (L fig.20.14A) forward: the belt is slack Demount fork (F fig.20.2 cl.A ) after unscrewing the 2 screws (V) Replace the belt Fit the fork Screw down the 2 screws (V fig.20.14A) Push lever (L fig.20.14A) back Stretch the belt (see par.20-22) Close the front door. After the first period of use or after many working hours the belts get slack: in that case the time required for the spindle stop increases. 20-22 BELT STRETCHING After the first period of use or after many working hours the belts get slack: in that case the time required for the spindle stop increases - Stop the machine see SECTION 3 ; turn main switch to 0 and lock it, then indicate it by a sign. Open door (S fig.20.14A) . To get the best belt stretching operate on the 2 nuts (A-B fig.7.14A) with belt slack . Push lever (L) back The belt tension is right when by applying a 3 kg force in the belt centre you get a flexion of about 5 mm. - Close door (S). Periodically every 6 months check the belt tension. With selector (5 OPT ) turned to (pilot lamp lit) the machine is under safe condition Before starting the machine make sure that the rotation speed you have selected is proper for the working, the wood type and for the tool used on the machine.20-32Making the parts which get worn 20.10 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE A B C L G e6763 F V 20.14A T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB20 20.11 MAINTENANCE 20-32.1 CHIP BREAKER To make chipbreaker (A fig. 20.32B) use beech : see measures indicated in figure. 20-32.2 JOINTING ELEMENT FOR HOOD-FENCE UNIT Make insert (M fig. 20.32A) by using beech multilayer panel: see measures indicated in figure. 20-32.3 WOOD LEDGE OF TENONING HOOD To make ledge (11 fig.20.32C) use beech wood according to the measures indicated in figure. A B 1 10 mm 20 mm 2 10 mm 30 mm 3 10 mm 40 mm 4 10 mm 50 mm 5 20 mm 70 mm M 20.32A 20.12 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE A 2.32B 11 7.32C T 110 NOVA FZ_NGB20 20.13 MAINTENANCE 20-37 TROUBLES - CAUSES - WHAT-TO-DO The machine has been tested at SCM factory, therefore it shall ensure a perfect working. This section indicates some of the solutions to faults which may occur during machine operation. Before you attempt to repair an operating fault, read the fault finding guide and the relevant part of the manual. For any faults not covered in this section, contact the SCM Service Centre. TROUBLE The moulding spindle does not start CAUSE WHAT TO DO Lack of voltage on the machine Check that the 3 phases are live Fuses of auxiliary circuit interrupted or housing of fuses carriers open 1- Close the housing; if the machine does not start 2- Open the housing 3- Check the fuses if necessary replace them. (a set of fuses is supplied in accessory bag) Front door open Shut the door so that it is in contact with the microswitch. Emergency button on Switch off the emergency button by turning it. Motor brake off Turn selector to Selector for rotation reversal turned to 0 Turn selector to Motor overload cutout Reset the motor overload cutout (arranged inside the control board ). 20.14 FZ_NGB20 (brake locking) . or T 110 NOVA MAINTENANCE TROUBLE The machine stops during the working CAUSE WHAT TO DO Lack of voltage on one phase or more phases. Fuses of auxiliary circuit interrupted or housing of fuse carriers open Check that all phases are live. Too heavy working for the motor power Wait for the cooling of the overload cutout inside the control board. 1- Close the housing; if the machine does not start: 2- Open the housing 3- Check the fuses, if necessary replace them. (a set of fuses is supplied) TROUBLE The motor operates but the tool stops when it is in contact with the workpiece. CAUSE The belt is slack T 110 NOVA WHAT TO DO Stretch the belt see par.20-22 FZ_NGB20 20.15 MAINTENANCE 20.16 FZ_NGB20 T 110 NOVA