Summer 2015 Class Schedule - Truckee Meadows Community
Summer 2015 Class Schedule - Truckee Meadows Community
Truckee Meadows Community College 2015 summer Class Schedule » View the most current class listings online. Classes are updated daily. Truckee Meadows Community College 7000 Dandini Boulevard Reno, Nevada 89512 775-673-7111 President’s Welcome I am pleased to welcome you to Truckee Meadows Community College. At TMCC, you will find many outstanding academic programs designed to prepare you for a successful career, transfer to a baccalaureate program, or explore lifelong learning opportunities. Our faculty and staff strive to provide the best possible learning experience for you, our student. Here you will find a welcoming and supportive college environment conducive to sharing, appreciating and respecting a wide range of ideas, backgrounds and cultures. Our instructors provide a personal touch, whether it is in small classes that allow discussion and interaction, or in online courses to accommodate your job schedule and family needs. I also want to challenge you as a student to become an active member of our college community. Get to know the faculty and staff. They have a wealth of knowledge, and their experiences will undoubtedly enrich your time with us. We are all here to help, and we welcome the opportunity to assist you in every way possible. We are very proud of our college, which includes five beautiful campuses and educational centers. We work continually to update our equipment and facilities to provide top notch learning tools and technology. We hope you’ll contact the college through our many online resources to get more information. If you need any further assistance, please contact us at 775-673-7111. Sincerely, Maria C. Sheehan Dr. Maria Sheehan TMCC President Please go online for the latest schedule – 1 Vision, Mission, Getting Started, & table of Contents Vision: Truckee Meadows Community College creates the future by changing lives. Mission: Truckee Meadows Community College promotes student success, academic excellence and access to lifelong learning by supporting high quality education and services within our diverse community. Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents Kevin Page, Chair Ron Knecht Rick Trachok, Vice Chair James Dean Leavitt Dr. Andrea Anderson Kevin C. Melcher Robert J. Blakely Dr. Jack Lund Schofield Cedric Crear Allison Stephens Michael Wixom Dr. Mark W. Doubrava Dr. Jason Geddes Daniel J. Klaich, NSHE Chancellor to get started at TMCC Apply online today at For help or more information, you can: • Live Chat online at with a TMCC representative • Call 775-673-7111 to talk with someone in our Welcome Center • Stop by Red Mountain Building, Dandini Campus, room 115 to get in-person assistance Table of Contents President’s Welcome................................................1 Vision, Mission, Getting Started, & Table of Contents...............................................2 Skills Certificates at TMCC.....................................3 Transfer Degrees..........................................................4 Occupational and/or Technological Degrees......................................5 Important Dates for 2015..................................6-7 How to Enroll in Classes (Returning)............8 2 College Resources and Web Links.................9 Policies.............................................................................. 10 Catalog..............................................................................11 Class Locations............................................................12 Site Location Map.....................................................13 Workforce Development and Continuing Education............................15 Tuition and Fees.........................................................15 Summer Semester Class Offerings.......17-31 Please go online for the latest schedule – Skills Certificates at TMCC Skills certificates at TMCC are designed to ensure that students completing all of the requirements are prepared to take state, national or industry recognized certification or licensing examinations. These programs provide training for entry level positions or career advancement instruction. As such, they are shorter and narrower in focus than Certificate of Achievement or Associate Degree programs. These programs are ideal for high school graduates, individuals exploring new career options or skills advancement. Please note that while Skills Certificate programs at TMCC provide the training and instruction for students, TMCC does not provide the certification nor does TMCC guarantee that a student will pass the certification/licensing exam. Please contact the appropriate department for information on TMCC Skills Certificates. TMCC PRIVACY NOTICE FOR PRINTED MATERIALS In accordance with institutional policy and the U.S. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Truckee Meadows Community College vigorously protects the privacy of student education records. The institution does not release private records of individual students, such as grades and class schedules, without prior written consent of the student. As permitted under federal law, the sole exception to the above practice is the release of “directory” information considered to be public in nature and not generally deemed to be an invasion of privacy. At Truckee Meadows Community College the following categories are defined as “directory” information: student name, address, telephone number, semesters of enrollment, full-time/ part-time status, degree(s) awarded, emphasis field(s) and date(s) of graduation. Students have the right to request non-disclosure of directory information. If they do not restrict release of this information, it is probable that the information will be released and disclosed. Truckee Meadows Community College uses directory information for non-commercial, educational purposes, such as to mail notices to students about changes in policies, services or opportunities. Directory information may also be provided by commercial purposes to businesses affiliated with the institution, honor societies, the alumni association and foundation, or other individuals for purposes that may be beneficial to students. The institution exercises discretion in responding to requests for directory information and may or may not provide such information when requested, depending on the intended purpose of the request. The institution does not sell or rent student information for a fee. It is important to consider carefully the potential consequences of restricting the release of directory information. If a student restricts release for non-commercial educational purposes, the institution will be unable to place the student’s name in publications such as honors and graduation programs; to confirm graduation and dates of attendance to potential employers; to verify enrollment with organizations such as insurance companies; or to send notifications about specialized scholarships without the express written authorization of the student. If, after due consideration, you wish to restrict the release of directory information, complete this form and submit it to the office of admissions and records. This directive will apply permanently to your record until you choose to reverse it by submitting a written authorization. Do not disclose my information for commercial purposes. Do not disclose my information for non-commercial, education purposes. Do not disclose my information for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. Printed name _____________________________________ Student ID________________________________________ Signature________________________________________Date_____________________________________________ I understand that this will apply permanently to my record until I choose to reverse it by submitting written authorization to the Registrar, Truckee Meadows Community College, 7000 Dandini Blvd., Reno, NV 89512. Please go online for the latest schedule – 3 Transfer Degrees Associate of Arts/Associate of Science The Associate of Arts (AA) and the Associate of Science (AS) degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university for a baccalaureate degree. Students planning to transfer prior to completing a transfer degree should refer to the catalog of the transfer institution or applicable transfer agreement. Satisfactory completion of the degree guarantees fulfillment of lower-division general education requirements at UNR, UNLV or NSC. Students who intend to transfer to other institutions should consult an advisor or follow the catalog of the transfer institution. Courses with a ”C” or “D” designator or courses with a number less than 100 are not applicable toward the degree. These degrees fulfill the first 2 years of Baccalaureate degrees at universities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Transfer degrees at TMCC are offered in the following academic areas: Associate of Arts Anthropology Architecture Art History Business Criminal Justice Dance Early Childhood Education English Entrepreneurship Fine Arts History Logistics Management Music Musical Theater Philosophy Psychology Secondary Education Theater Spanish 4 Associate of Science Biology Chemistry Community Health Science Computer Science Dental Hygiene Dietetics Integrated Elementary Education with Specializations Secondary Education Engineering Environmental Science Geoscience Mathematics Physics Please go online for the latest schedule – Occupational and/or Technological Degrees Occupational and/or Technological Degrees The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is a non-transfer degree designed for students who seek employment and/or certification in their chosen academic and/or career emphases. Student learning outcomes for specific degrees, emphases, and certificates of achievement are located on the corresponding worksheets within the catalog. For students desiring a shorter course of study, TMCC offers certificates of achievement in many occupational areas. The Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree at TMCC is designed as a non-transfer degree for students who desire a wellrounded education for personal interest or further academic and/or career goals. Associate of Applied Science degrees at TMCC are offered in the following academic areas: Associate of General Studies (AGS) Certificate of Achievement Administrative Professional Apprenticeship* Associate of Applied Science Automotive ASE Technician Administrative Professional Automotive General Service Technician Apprenticeship* Baking and Pastry Automotive Certified Technician Bookkeeping Business Business Civil Engineering Practitioner Computer Technologies Computer Programming Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machining Construction Management Culinary Arts Culinary Arts Dental Assisting, Full-time/Part-time Dental Assisting Diesel General Service Technician Diesel Technician Drafting Technology Dietetic Technician Entrepreneurship Drafting Early Childhood Education – Administration of Early Care Fire Science General Studies and Education Programs Geothermal Plant Operator Early Childhood Education – Infant/Toddler Graphic Communications Early Childhood Education – Preschool Health Sciences Fire Science Technology HVAC/R Food Processing Technology Industrial Systems Technology Geothermal Energy Logistics Graphic Communications Logistics Technician HVAC/R Medical Imaging for Re-Entry Radiographers Law Enforcement Music Logistics Management Paramedic Machining Theater Network and Server Technologies Web Design Fast-Track Nursing Welding Technology Paralegal/Law Production Systems *Apprenticeship Programs are available in the following fields: Bricklayers/Tilesetters, Production Technician Ironwork, Painting, Carpentry, Electrical, Operating Engineer, Plastering and cement Radiologic Technology mason, plumbers and pipefitters, sheet metal workers. Contact the department for Residential Design more information. Solar Energy Veterinary Technology Web Development Welding Wind Energy Please go online for the latest schedule – 5 Important Dates for 2015 March 2015 Deadline for students opting out of directory information.................................................................................................Sun, Mar. 1 TMCC Limited Services - Spring Break............................................................................................................... Sat, Mar. 14 - Fri, Mar 20 Registration for continuing students begins for 2015 Summer Session.....................................................................Mon, Mar. 30 April 2015 Applications for 2015 Spring graduation due in A&R........................................................................................................... Wed, Apr. 1 Registration for new students begins for 2015 Summer Session...................................................................................... Thu, Apr. 2 Last day to withdraw from a 2015 Spring Semester class................................................................................................... Wed, Apr. 8 Registration for 2015 Fall Semester begins for continuing students........................................................................... Mon, Apr. 27 Registration for 2015 Fall Semester begins for new students...........................................................................................Thu, Apr. 30 May 2015 2015 Spring Semester instruction ends................................................................................................................................... Sun, May 17 Fees due for 2015 Summer Session classes by 4 p.m......................................................................................................... Wed, May 20 Commencement.................................................................................................................................................................................. Fri, May 22 2015 Spring Semester grades available on MyTMCC............................................................................................................ Fri, May 22 April 2015 Applications for Spring 2015 graduation due in A&R........................................................................................................... Wed, Apr. 1 Registration for new students begins for Summer 2015...................................................................................................... Thu, Apr. 2 Last day to withdraw from a Spring 2015 class....................................................................................................................... Wed, Apr. 8 Last day to audit Spring 2015 classes......................................................................................................................................... Wed, Apr. 8 Registration for Fall 2015 begins for continuing students............................................................................................... Mon, Apr. 27 Registration for Fall 2015 begins for new students...............................................................................................................Thu, Apr. 30 May 2015 Spring 2015 instruction ends....................................................................................................................................................... Sun, May 17 Fees due for Summer 2015 classes by 4 p.m......................................................................................................................... Wed, May 20 Commencement.................................................................................................................................................................................. Fri, May 22 Spring 2015 grades available on MyTMCC................................................................................................................................ Fri, May 22 TMCC Closed - Memorial Day Holiday.....................................................................................................................................Mon, May 25 Summer 2015 first term classes begin.......................................................................................................................................Tue, May 26 Last day to Add for Summer 2015, first term classes............................................................................................................Tue, May 26 Last day for 100% refund for full semester classes for Summer 2015, first term; for non-full semester classes refer to refund policy..................................................................................................................................Tue, May 26 Last day to change degree emphasis for Summer 2015.....................................................................................................Tue, May 26 Last day to change to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for Summer 2015, first term classes...................................... Wed, June 15 June 2015 Applications for Summer graduation due in A&R..................................................................................................................Mon, Jun. 1 Last day to withdraw from a Summer Session first term class........................................................................................ Mon, Jun. 15 Last day to audit Summer 2015, first term classes.............................................................................................................. Mon, Jun. 15 Summer 2015 first term classes end..............................................................................................................................................Fri, Jun. 26 Summer 2015 second term classes begin.............................................................................................................................. Mon, Jun. 29 6 Please go online for the latest schedule – Important Dates for 2015 Last day to Add for Summer 2015 second term................................................................................................................... Mon, Jun. 29 Last day for 100% refund for full semester classes for Summer 2015, second term; for non-full semester classes refer to refund policy................................................................................................................................ Mon, Jun. 29 July 2015 TMCC Closed - Independence Day Holiday....................................................................................................................................Fri, Jul. 3 Summer 2015 first term grades available on MyTMCC.............................................................................................................Fri, Jul. 3 Last day to audit Summer 2015 second term classes..........................................................................................................Mon, Jul. 20 Last day to change to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for Summer 2015 second term classes...................................Mon, Jul. 20 Last day to withdraw from a Summer 2015 second term class........................................................................................Mon, Jul. 20 Last day to turn in Exception to Refund for Spring 2015..................................................................................................... Thu, Jul. 30 Summer 2015 second term classes end........................................................................................................................................ Fri, Jul. 31 August 2015 Summer 2015 second term grades available on MyTMCC...................................................................................................Fri, Aug. 7 Fees due for Fall 2015 registration by 4 p.m......................................................................................................................... Mon, Aug. 17 (Note: Students registering for classes after Aug. 17 have 48 hours to pay Fall fees upon registration.) Fall 2015 classes begin.................................................................................................................................................................... Sat, Aug. 22 In-state residency applications for continuing students due by 5 p.m. for Fall 2015 classes................................ Fri., Aug. 28 Last day for 100% refund for full semester classes for Fall 2015; for non-full semester classes refer to refund policy............................................................................................................... Fri, Aug. 28 Last day to add a class for Fall 2015............................................................................................................................................. Fri, Aug. 28 Last day change degree emphasis for Fall 2015..................................................................................................................... Fri, Aug. 28 September 2015 TMCC Closed – Labor Day Holiday.............................................................................................................................................Mon, Sept. 7 Last day for 50% refund for full semester classes for Fall 2015; for non-full semester classes refer to refund policy........................................................................................................... Fri, Sept. 11 Deadline for opting out of directory information disclosure............................................................................................ Fri, Sept. 23 October 2015 Last day to audit Fall 2015 classes............................................................................................................................................. Wed, Oct. 28 Last day to change to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for Fall 2015 classes...................................................................... Wed, Oct. 28 Last day to withdraw from a Fall 2015 class........................................................................................................................... Wed, Oct. 28 TMCC Closed – Nevada Day............................................................................................................................................................. Fri, Oct. 30 November 2015 Applications for Fall graduation due in A&R............................................................................................................................Mon, Nov. 2 TMCC Closed – Veterans Day.......................................................................................................................................................Wed, Nov. 11 Registration for Spring and Winter 2016 begins for continuing students................................................................. Mon, Nov. 16 Registration for Spring and Winter 2016 begins for new students................................................................................Thu, Nov. 19 TMCC Closed – Thanksgiving Holidays....................................................................................................... Thur, Nov. 26 - Sun, Nov. 29 December 2015 Fall instruction ends........................................................................................................................................................................ Sun, Dec. 13 Fall grades available on MyTMCC.................................................................................................................................................Fri, Dec. 18 TMCC Limited Services - Winter Break.................................................................................................... Fri, Dec. 25 – Sun, Jan 3, 2016 Please go online for the latest schedule – 7 How to Enroll in Classes (Returning) 1. Go to MyTMCC. 2. Enter your TMCC username and password. 3. Click on Student Center. 4. Click on Search for Classes, located in the upper right corner. 5. Select the correct term (e.g. Summer 2014). 6. Type the Prefix of the class that you are trying to find (e.g. ENG) or click Select Subject. 7. Type the number of the class you are trying to find (e.g. 101). 8. Click Search. 9. Click on the green triangle next to the course to expand the section list. 10.Review the days, locations and dates. 11.Click Select Class. 12.Click Next to add the class to your shopping cart. 13.Go to your Shopping Cart; select the courses you want, and click Enroll. 14.Click Finish Enrolling. 8 Please go online for the latest schedule – College Resources and Web Links Admissions & Records RDMT 319 673-7042 A-Z Site Index Adult Basic Education MDWS S220 829-9044 Academic Advising Academic Advisement RDMT 111 673-7062 Academic Calendar Book Store Student Center 673-7172 Aleks Career Services RDMT 325 673-7060 Canvas Child Care CCC 100 674-7515 Class Schedule Counseling RDMT 325 673-7060 Course Catalog Disability Resource Center RDMT 315 673-7277 Dates and Deadlines Financial Aid RDMT 315 673-7072 Faculty and Staff Directory Fitness Center RDMT 101 674-7974 Fees Library (Sturm) SIER 106 674-7600 Financial Aid Re-Entry Program RDMT 114 673-7170 Library Math Skills Center RDMT 124 674-7696 Online Student Support & Tutorials Student Government RDMT 122 673-7203 Math Skills Center Testing Services RDMT 121 673-8241 Student Government Association TMCC Police Department RDMT 241 674-7900 or 911 Tutoring and Learning Center Tutoring & Learning VSTA B106 674-7517 Username and Password Recovery Veteran’s Benefis RDMT 315 673-7045 WebCollege Veterans Upward Bound MDWS 303 829-9007 WebCollege SIER 104 Writing Center 673-7814 Please go online for the latest schedule – 9 Policies Remedial Policy All degree-seeking students who place into developmental/remedial coursework must take the prescribed sequence of courses until remediation is completed. Students requiring remediation must complete all required coursework prior to completion of 30 college-level credits unless otherwise authorized by the institution. Developmental/remedial coursework does not apply to degree requirements. Academic Standard Policy First-time degree-seeking students who score on the ACCUPLACER Exam below standards in reading or arithmetic will be limited to 9 credits or less per term. This policy is for your success. When you are proficient in Reading and Math, you will be more successful with college-level material. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grades Students may choose to take any course for S/U. “S” = “A, B, or C” “U” = “D or F” The course will not be calculated in the grade point average (GPA), but no course taken for a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade (except those offered S/U ONLY) may be used to satisfy any TMCC general education or division core requirement. A maximum of six elective credits graded S/U may be used to satisfy credit requirements for any degree or certificate earned at TMCC. FERPA Postsecondary officials are regularly asked to balance the interests of safety and privacy for individual students. While the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) generally requires institutions to ask for written consent before disclosing a student’s personally identifiable information, it also allows colleges and universities to take key steps to maintain college safety. Understanding the law empowers school officials to act decisively and quickly when issues arise. For more information about FERPA, please visit and search for “FERPA.” 10 Please go online for the latest schedule – Catalog The TMCC catalog is located at Bookmark and visit the site regularly to help stay on track for graduation. The TMCC Catalog houses all of the program worksheets which give you information on which classes to take to complete a degree or certificate. Catalog Year The catalog year selected may not be more than six years old. Choose from the following: 1. Matriculation: The catalog year in which you initially enroll at TMCC. 2. Degree Declaration: The catalog year in which you officially declare a degree, emphasis or certificate. 3. First Offered: If a degree or emphasis is offered for the first time after you have enrolled, you may follow the catalog year in which the degree or emphasis is first offered. 4. Graduation: The catalog year in which you will graduate. Notes: • Summer session is included in the previous course catalog year, i.e., summer 2014 would be under the 2013-2014 course catalog. • Some degrees require students to declare the current course catalog. For example, health science degrees require students to follow the catalog in which they are accepted to the program. Just recommended, not required Required Sample Degree Worksheet Suggested course sequence Please go online for the latest schedule – 11 Class Locations Class Locations Classes are held on the Dandini Campus (RDMT, SIER and VSTA buildings), the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center (EDSN), Meadowood Center (MDWS) and the High Tech Center at Redfield (HTCR). Others are held at various locations throughout the community. Check your class listing for location and verify the address on this page. Maps of the TMCC locations are available online at BTBA Building To Be Announced Campus Locations CCC E.L. Cord Foundation Child Care Center, TMCC Dandini Campus, Reno Dandini Campus EDSN TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center, 475 Edison Way, Reno 7000 Dandini Boulevard, Reno HHS Hug High School IGT Applied Tech Center HOSP A hospital location to be arranged 475 Edison Way, Reno HTCR Health Science Center (previously High Tech Center at Redfield), Health Science Center 18600 Wedge Parkway, Building B, Reno 18600 Wedge Parkway, Building B, Reno ICDA Charter High School (I Can Do Anything), 1195 Corporate Boulevard, Regional Pub Safety Train Center Suite C, Reno 5190 Spectrum Boulevard, Reno MDWS Meadowood Center (So. Building), 5270 Neil Road, Reno Meadowood Center (South) MQHS McQueen High School, 6055 Lancer Street, Reno 5270 Neil Road, Reno NVDA Nevada Dance Academy, 1790 West 4th Street, Suite B, Reno Redfield Performing Arts Center OFFCMPS Off Campus, Call Department 505 Keystone Avenue, Reno RC-A Redfield Center, UNR Building, 18600 Wedge Parkway, Building A, Reno RDMT Red Mountain Building, TMCC Dandini Campus, 7000 Dandini Boulevard, Reno RLGC Rosewood Lakes Golf Course, 6800 Pembroke Drive, Reno RPAC TMCC Nell J. Redfield Foundation Performing Arts Center, 505 Keystone Avenue, Reno RT Reno Taekwondo, 7689 South Virginia Street, Reno RTBA Room To Be Announced RTC Regional Public Safety Training Center, 5190 Spectrum Boulevard, Reno RTI Regional Technical Institute SHS Sparks High School, 820 15th Street, Sparks SIER Sierra Building, TMCC Dandini Campus, 7000 Dandini Boulevard, Reno SMRC St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, 235 West 6th Street, Reno SMRG Smithridge Elementary School, 4801 Neil Road, Reno TBA Location To Be Announced UNR University of Nevada, Reno UNR-USBM University of Nevada, Reno, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1664 North Virginia Street, Reno VSTA Vista Building, TMCC Dandini Campus, 7000 Dandini Boulevard, Reno WHS Wooster High School, 1331 East Plumb Lane, Reno WMC Renown Health (formerly Washoe Medical Center), 77 Pringle Way, Reno YOGA Yoga Loka, 6135 Lakeside Drive, Reno 12 Please go online for the latest schedule – Site Location Map HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER Please go online for the latest schedule – 13 How to Read the Class Schedule Department Department Phone # Class Prefix and # Department Location Class Title Credit # WEB/ONLINE COURSE WEB/ONLINE COURSE TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus Call # Section # Class Times Class Days Notes (or other important information) P = Traditional Course Campus Location Class Dates Please note: any of your traditional classes may require the use of an online component. Please make sure you activate your student e-mail account. Traditional classes involve traditional, in-person classroom instruction. HY = Hybrid Course Hybrid classes are a blend of both traditional, in-person classroom instruction as well as web-based instruction. IS = Independent Study Independent study classes are subject to special approval. See the department for details. WB = Web/Online Course You need access to a computer and to the Internet. Classes open to students the first Monday of the semester. You should complete an online tutorial prior to the start of classes. To access the tutorial, visit For additional information, call 775-673-7814. 14 Please go online for the latest schedule – Workforce Development and Continuing Education Non-credit professional classes start weekly Our courses are designed to give you a professional edge whether you’re strengthening your software skills or earning a career certificate. In addition, many of our programs qualify for financial assistance through Job Opportunities in Nevada (JOIN) and the Community Services Agency (CSA). Sampling of Summer 2015 Programs Grant Writing Certificate Massage Therapy Certificate Herbal Studies Certificate WordPress Webmaster Certificate Medical Transcription from Home Property Management Small Business Success Boot Camp Professional ESL Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile Facebook for Business Access Excel Quickbooks Word To view WDCE’s full lineup of career and professional courses, visit or call 775-829-9010 to have a course guide sent to you. Tuition and Fees Fees and tuition are set by the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents and are subject to change. Notwithstanding currently posted tuition and fees, all fees, tuition or other charges which students are required to pay each semester are subject to increase by action of the Board of Regents at any time before the commencement of classes (primarily due to budgetary shortfalls). The amount you are charged at the time of registration is not a final bill and may be increased. You will receive a supplemental invoice for any additional amounts which the Board of Regents may impose. Fee changes put in place less than 30 days before commencement of classes will not be subject late fee penalties. Tuition and Fee Schedule For the latest information about tuition and fees, please visit Please go online for the latest schedule – 15 Don’t Wait in Line, Buy Online! RTC Online Pass Store Now Open! •Fast •Easy •Secure •Convenient Visit to buy your transit passes. 16 Please go online for the latest schedule – Summer 2015 Class Schedule Accounting ACC 135 WB 50228 Bookkeeping I 3.00 Credits 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 Air Conditioning AC 102 WB 05/26/15-06/26/15 EDSN 200C 857-4943 Refrigeration Theory 53784 3.00 Credits 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 American Sign Language AM 145 P SIER 203 673-7132 05/26/15-06/26/15 RDMT 334 673-7945 American Sign Language I 50082 4.00 Credits 1001 9:20 - 12:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 Prerequisite: AM 145. P 50148 1001 9:20 - 12:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 AM 146 American Sign Language II Anthropology ANTH 101 673-7185 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 50083 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50153 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. ANTH 201 WB 50144 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3001 Art 50084 1001 WB 51790 3001 Lab Fee: $35.00 9:00 - 3.00 Credits 1:05 MTWTH 50129 1001 9:00 - 1:05 MTWTH 50131 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 Art Appreciation 3.00 Credits 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 Ceramics I 1001 Lab Fee: $50.00 ART 212 05/26/15-06/25/15 3.00 Credits Lab Fee: $20.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. ART 211 TMCC Dandini Campus Drawing II Lab Fee: $40.00 50137 06/29/15-07/31/15 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ART 100 and 101* (formerly ART 121). P 50130 1001 9:00 - 1:05 ART 160 05/26/15-06/25/15 Drawing I Lab Fee: $40.00 ART 102* TMCC Dandini Campus WEB/ONLINE COURSE Lab Fee: $35.00 Online $15.00 course fee ART 101* P RDMT 334 Visual Foundations P WB 06/29/15-07/31/15 673-7291 ART 100 P 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. 3.00 Credits 9:00 - 1:05 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 Ceramics II Prerequisite: ART 100 and 211. P 50132 1001 Lab Fee: $50.00 SIER 202 3.00 Credits WB Online Course Fee: $15.00. 4.00 Credits 3.00 Credits 9:00 - 1:05 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 17 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Art ART 263 WB RDMT 334 673-7291 50210 Survey of African, Oceanic, & Native American Art 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Lab fee $20.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Automotive AUTO 101 3.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 EDSN 119 857-4967 General Auto 4.00 Credits P 51758 8001 1:00 - 4:00 TWTH IGT Applied Tech Center 05/26/15-07/23/15 P 50253 8002 6:00 - 9:00 TWTH IGT Applied Tech Center 05/26/15-07/23/15 Lab Fee: $40 Lab Fee: $40 AUTO 205 Manual Drive Trains and Axles Prerequisite: AUTO 101 or instructor permission. P 51759 2001 5:30 - 9:00 Lab Fee: $40 TWTH 4.00 Credits IGT Applied Tech Center Biology BIOL 100 WB 51666 51693 General Biology for Non-Majors 3001 3.00 Credits Lab WEB/ONLINE COURSE 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE WEB/ONLINE COURSE Lab Online Course Fee: $15.00. BIOL 113 WB 51683 3001 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Life in the Ocean WEB/ONLINE COURSE Lab Online Course Fee: $15.00 BIOL 190 RDMT 331 673-8251 Online Course Fee: $15.00. WB 05/26/15-07/30/15 3.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 3.00 Credits MATH 120 or higher as a pre-requisite OR MATH 126 or higher as a co-requisite AND ENG 101 or 113 as a pre or co-requisite; OR qualifying Accuplacer, SAT or ACT scores for these courses. MATH 126 or higher is recommended for AS degrees. P 51668 1001 10:00 - 12:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 P 51694 1002 10:00 - 12:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 BIOL 190L Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory MATH 120 or higher as a pre-requisite OR MATH 126 or higher as a co-requisite AND ENG 101 or 113 as a pre or co-requisite; OR qualifying Accuplacer, SAT or ACT scores for these courses. MATH 126 or higher is recommended for AS degrees. P 51677 1001 Lab 12:40 - 3:30 MTW TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 P 51699 1002 Lab 12:40 - 3:30 MTW TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 BIOL 223 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Prerequisite: BIOL 190. Pre or co-requisite: BIOL 190L. P 51669 1001 9:30 - 11:30 Lab 12:15 - 2:30 P 51701 1003 12:30 - 2:30 Lab 9:30 - 11:45 MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Campus Campus Campus Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in BIOL 223. P 51676 1001 Lab 9:30 - 11:45 12:30 - 2:30 P 51698 1003 Lab 12:15 - 2:30 9:30 - 11:30 MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Campus Campus Campus Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 MTWTH MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 BIOL 224 BIOL 251 Human Anatomy and Physiology II General Microbiology Prerequisite: BIOL 190 and 190L. P 51689 1001 Lab 1:00 - 3:50 10:15 - 12:15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 18 Please go online for the latest schedule – 1.00 Credits 4.00 Credits 4.00 Credits 4.00 Credits Summer 2015 Class Schedule Biology BIOL 251 General Microbiology 4.00 Credits Prerequisite: BIOL 190 and 190L. P 51660 1003 10:15 - 12:15 Lab 1:00 - 3:50 BIOL 290 Internship in Biology MTWTH MTWTH Prerequisite: Instructor Approval P 52896 9001 P 52897 9002 Chemistry CHEM 100 RDMT 331 673-8251 TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 673-7183 Molecules and Life in the Modern World 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/29/15-06/19/15 Prerequisite: ENG 98R and MATH 120 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT scores. P 51780 8001 12:30 - 1:45 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus Lab 2:00 - 4:50 MW TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/16/15 05/27/15-07/15/15 General Chemistry I Communications COM 101 674-7945 Oral Communication 51755 1001 10:20 - 12:40 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 P HY 50092 51745 1001 1501 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 M M M M Fundamentals of Speech Communications - 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 Meadowood Meadowood Meadowood Meadowood Meadowood Center Center Center Center Center Community Health Sciences 673-8251 Introduction to Community Health Sciences 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 CHS 102 Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 06/29/15-07/31/15 52895 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 CHS 200 Introduction to Public Health Biology Prerequisite: CHS 101 or BIOL 100 or higher. WB 51705 3001 CHS 230 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 06/29/15-07/31/15 Introduction to Environmental Health 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: CHS 101 or BIOL 100 or higher, CHEM 100 or higher, or ENV 100 or higher. WB 51706 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 Computer and Office Technology RDMT 331 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 98R or higher and MATH 96 or higher, or equivalent placement scores. WB 51708 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 98R or higher and MATH 96 or higher, or equivalent placement scores. WB 51691 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 52894 RDMT 334 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/15/15-06/15/15 06/08/15-06/08/15 06/01/15-06/01/15 06/22/15-06/22/15 This is a HYBRID section: part IN-PERSON and part WEB-BASED. Students MUST ATTEND THE IN-PERSON MEETINGS AND SIGN INTO THE WEB-BASED PORTION ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS OR RISK BEING DROPPED FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. This course has mandatory meetings at the Health Sciences Center (HSC). These meetings will be held on the following Mondays from 12:00-4:00 PM on 6/1, 6/18, 6/15, and 6/22. Enrolled students must access Canvas on Tuesday, 05/26. Online $15 Course Fee CHS 101 4.00 Credits 3.00 Credits P COM 113 RDMT 321 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 98R and MATH 96 or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT scores. P 51778 1001 12:30 - 3:15 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus Lab 12:30 - 3:20 F TMCC Dandini Campus CHEM 121 1.00 - 8.00 Credits 06/29/15-07/31/15 829-9010 MDWS 216 For other computer classes, see also CIT, CS, CSCO and IS. P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 19 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Computer and Office Technology COT 290 IS 50217 For other computer classes, see also CIT, CS, CSCO and IS. Internship in Computer/Office Technology 9001 TMCC Dandini Campus Students must meet with Sidney Sullivan in Academic Advisement (RDMT 114 or 673-7062) to obtain permission to enroll in this section. Computer Information Technology CIT 106 WB CIT 108 WB Spreadsheets 51685 MDWS 216 829-9010 05/26/15-07/31/15 SIER 200V 673-7130 For other computer classes, see also COT, CS, CSCO and IS. 1001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE PowerPoint 1001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE CE 201 857-4967 Workplace Readiness 50261 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50265 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online $15.00 course fee. Online Course Fee: $15.00 Core Humanities RDMT 334 674-7945 Ancient and Medieval Cultures 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114; or completion of CH 202 or CH 203 with a 'D' or better. P 50135 1001 12:40 - 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus P 50128 1002 3:00 - 5:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus P 50085 1003 12:40 - 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 P 50086 1004 06/29/15-07/30/15 WB 51732 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51733 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51734 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51735 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online $15 Course Fee Online $15 Course Fee 3:00 - 5:10 MTWTH Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 CH 202 TMCC Dandini Campus The Modern World 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114; or completion of CH 201 or CH 203 with a 'D' or better. P 50087 1001 8:00 - 10:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P 50088 1002 P 50120 1003 WB 51736 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51737 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51738 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online $15.00 course fee. 10:20 - 12:30 This course requires on-site testing.Online $15 Course Fee 3:00 - 5:10 This course requires on-site testing.Online $15 Course Fee Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 20 EDSN 119 3.00 Credits WB CH 201 1.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 5/26-6/26. Online class will be available to access on 5/26/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft POWERPOINT 2013, a computer, internet, and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office 2013 installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109 or MDWS S124. Cooperative Education 1.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 5/26-6/26. Online class will be available to access on 5/26/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft EXCEL 2013, a computer, internet, and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office 2013 installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109 or MDWS S124. 51696 2.00 Credits Please go online for the latest schedule – Summer 2015 Class Schedule Core Humanities CH 202 RDMT 334 674-7945 The Modern World 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114; or completion of CH 201 or CH 203 with a 'D' or better. WB 51739 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 CH 203 06/29/15-07/31/15 American Experiences and Constitutional Change 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114; or completion of CH 201 or CH 202 with a 'D' or better. P 50090 1001 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus P 50091 1002 12:40 - 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus P 50121 1003 10:20 - 12:40 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus P 50138 1004 12:40 - 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus WB 51740 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51741 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51742 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51743 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51744 3005 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 This course requires on-site testing. Online Course Fee: $15.00 This course requires on-site testing. Online Course Fee: $15.00 This course requires on-site testing. Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Criminal Justice CRJ 101 RTC 219 789-5511 Introduction to Criminal Justice I 3.00 Credits WB 50257 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50256 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50262 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 CRJ 102 Introduction to Criminal Justice II 3.00 Credits WB 50258 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50263 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51729 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Online Course Fee: $15.00 CRJ 211 WB 50259 Police in America: An Introduction 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 CRJ 222 51730 WB 51731 WB 3001 50264 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 Introduction to Criminology 3001 Online Course Fee: $15.00 CRJ 289 05/26/15-06/26/15 Preventions and Control of Delinquency Online Course Fee: $15.00 CRJ 270 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00 WB 05/26/15-06/26/15 Criminal Law and Procedure Prerequisite: CRJ 101 and 102. WB 50260 3001 CRJ 226 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Law and Justice 3001 Online Course Fee: $15.00 Culinary Arts 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 674-4845 RDMT 324 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 21 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Culinary Arts CUL 100 P 51633 Sanitation/HACCP 1001 2.00 Credits 9:00 - 11:50 MW TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/29/15 Lab Fee: $50.REQUIRED FOR CULINARY DEGREE STUDENTS. This is a 2 credit course. Class meets twice a week. Passing this course and the National Registry Exam confers National and Washoe County Food Service Manager certification. Acceptable as the required course for American Culinary Federation certification. CUL 295 IS RDMT 324 674-4845 51632 Work Experience in Culinary Arts 7001 1.00 - 6.00 Credits TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 Students will apply knowledge and skills to real, on-the-job situations in a program designed by a company official and a faculty advisor to maximize learning experiences. Available to students who have completed most core and major requirements and have a 2.5 GPA. Contact Chef Karen Cannan for screening and required skills evaluation. Up to 6 credit hours may be earned on the basis of 75 hours of internship for one credit. Dental Assisting DA 135 673-7115 Supervised Clinical II 5.00 Credits Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Dental Assisting Program. HY 51664 8001 Lab Lab fees: $ 15.00. Labs are off campus Monday thru Friday DA 137 TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus 05/18/15-06/26/15 05/18/15-06/26/15 Specialized Dental Assisting Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Dental Assisting Program. HY 51658 8001 8:00 - 5:00 TWTH 1.00 Credits TMCC Dandini Campus Lab fees: $ 15.00. Students will meet on campus the first 3 days of class: May 19th, May 20th, & May 21st. Economics ECON 102 05/19/15-06/26/15 SIER 203 673-7132 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: BUS 117, MATH 120, MATH 126 or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT score. P 50221 1001 3:00 - 5:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 Prerequisite: BUS 117, MATH 120, MATH 126, or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT score. P 50222 1001 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 ECON 103 Principles of Macroeconomics Educ Leadership and Psychology EPY 101 WB 50142 3001 Emergency Medical Service EMS 108 673-7060 Educational, Career, and Personal Development Online Course Fee: $15.00 RDMT 418 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 3.00 Credits RDMT 202 3.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 789-5511 Emergency Medical Technician I Basic Training RTC-219 6.00 Credits Prerequisite: Current Healthcare Provider CPR card, proof of health insurance, MMR, TD, Hepatitis B, 2-step TB skin test and 18 years of age. P 51794 1002 6:00 - 10:00 F Regional Pub Safety Train Cntr 05/29/15-07/31/15 8:00 - 5:00 S Regional Pub Safety Train Cntr 05/30/15-07/25/15 Class requirements include current health care provider CPR card, Medical insurance, proof of two-step negative TB Skin test or negative chest X-ray, current Tetanus/Diptheria (TD), Hepatitis B (2nd in the series of 3), proof of 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), proof of Varicella (Chicken Pox). Acceptable background check receipt through and 5 panel drug testing through ARC. Students are required to purchase a uniform, this information is available at RTC 219. Lab Fee: $50 Students must at least 18 years of age. This course is held at the Regional Public Safety Training Center, no public transportation is available. Please plan accordingly. English ENG 98R 673-7092 The Millennium scholarship does not cover courses numbered under 100. Preparatory Composition VSTA B300 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ACCUPLACER Reading Comp of 76-85 and READ 135 (must be taken concurrently) -OR- ACCUPLACER Reading Comp 86+ and WritePlacer 1-4. ESL qualifying scores: Reading Comprehension of 76-85 and ESL WritePlacer score of 6. P 50094 1010 8:00 - 10:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P 50197 1011 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P 50174 1021 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 WB 50125 3010 05/26/15-06/26/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. ENG 101 Composition I 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: Grade of 'C-' or better in ENG 98R; Qualifying ACCUPLACER scores: Reading Comprehension of 86+ and WritePlacer of 5+; Qualifying ESL ACCUPLACER scores: Reading Comprehension of 86+ and LOEP WritePlacer of 6. P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 22 Please go online for the latest schedule – Summer 2015 Class Schedule English ENG 101 VSTA B300 673-7092 The Millennium scholarship does not cover courses numbered under 100. Composition I 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: Grade of 'C-' or better in ENG 98R; Qualifying ACCUPLACER scores: Reading Comprehension of 86+ and WritePlacer of 5+; Qualifying ESL ACCUPLACER scores: Reading Comprehension of 86+ and LOEP WritePlacer of 6. P 50095 1010 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 P 50096 1011 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P 50175 1020 8:00 - 10:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 P 50178 1021 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 P 50179 2020 5:20 - 7:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 WB 50097 3010 05/26/15-06/26/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. WB 50122 3011 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50126 3012 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50198 3013 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50180 3020 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51771 3021 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. ENG 102 Composition II 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalent or qualifying SAT/ACT score. P 50098 1010 8:00 - 10:10 MTWTH P 50099 1011 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH P 50158 1020 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH P 50159 2020 5:20 - 7:30 MTWTH WB 50100 3010 TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Campus Campus Campus Campus WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. WB 50101 3011 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50136 3012 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50160 3020 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 50161 3021 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. ENG 107 Technical Communications I 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 97 or ENG 98R or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT score. WB 50141 3010 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. ENG 112C 05/26/15-06/26/15 ESL Reading Skills 3.00 Units Prerequisite: ACCUPLACER test score; or UNR-IELC Bridge test; or 081-level courses (ENG 081A and 081C). P 51777 1020 12:40 - 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 Prerequisite: ACCUPLACER test score; or UNR-IELC Bridge test; or 081-level courses (ENG 081A and 081C). P 50195 1010 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 ENG 112D ENG 113 ESL Composition Composition I for International Students Prerequisite: ACCUPLACER test score; or UNR-IELC Bridge test; or C- or better in 112-level courses (ENG 112A, 112C, 112D); or C- or better in ENG 112D based on qualifying ACCUPLACER test score. P 50196 1020 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 ENG 114 Composition II For International Students Prerequisite: ENG 113 or equivalent. P 50078 1010 5:20 This course will be taught over both sessions. ENG 181 WB 50139 7:20 MW TMCC Dandini Campus 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits 05/26/15-07/30/15 Vocabulary and Meaning 3010 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. 05/26/15-06/26/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 23 Summer 2015 Class Schedule English ENG 221 The Millennium scholarship does not cover courses numbered under 100. Writing Fiction Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval. WB 50181 3020 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. ENG 230 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online classes can not be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Entrepreneurship P 52936 05/26/15-06/26/15 World Literature II Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval. WB 51775 3020 ENT 200 05/26/15-06/26/15 World Literature I Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval. WB 50102 3010 ENG 232 06/29/15-07/31/15 SIER 203 673-7132 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 8401 5:30 - 10:00 9:00 - 6:00 9:00 - 6:00 F S SU 3.00 Credits University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno 05/29/15-06/05/15 05/30/15-06/06/15 05/31/15-06/07/15 This is a joint class with UNR that is held in ANSARI Business Bldg., Room 108. This class meets two consecutive weekends, Friday through Sunday, 5/29/15--5/31/15 and 6/5/15--6/7/15. Environmental Science ENV 100 673-7183 Humans and the Environment P 51782 1001 WB 51784 3001 Lab Lab 9:00 - 12:00 9:00 - 12:00 MTWTH F TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/29/15-06/19/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Geography RDMT 321 673-7183 Introduction to Cultural Geography 3.00 Credits WB 51786 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51787 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Graphic Communications GRC 120 P 50079 GRC 127 P 51791 P Software Applications-Beginning Photoshop 8401 5:30 - 9:30 MTWTH 51792 8401 5:30 - 9:30 MTWTH 07/06/15-07/09/15 1.00 Credits TMCC Dandini Campus 06/08/15-06/11/15 Software Applications-Beginning Dreamweaver 8401 5:30 - 9:30 MTWTH Lab Fee $12.00. This class meets for four days only: June 22 - 25, 2015. History TMCC Dandini Campus 1.00 Credits Software Applications-Beginning InDesign Lab Fee $12.00. This class meets for four days only: June 08 - 11, 2015. GRC 129 RDMT 334 673-7291 Lab fee $12.00. This class meets for four days only: July 06 - 09, 2015 TMCC Dandini Campus 1.00 Credits 06/22/15-06/25/15 673-7825 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 24 RDMT 321 3.00 Credits Online Course Fee: $15.00. GEOG 106 3.00 Credits 06/29/15-07/30/15 Writing Creative Non-Fiction Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval. WB 50201 3010 ENG 231 VSTA B300 673-7092 Please go online for the latest schedule – SIER 202 Summer 2015 Class Schedule History HIST 101 US History I (to 1865) 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalency completed or concurrently enrolled. P 50237 1001 10:20 - 12:40 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus Online $15 Course Fee HIST 102 Online Course Fee: $15.00. WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 3.00 Credits Online Course Fee: $15.00. WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 European Civilization II 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalency completed or concurrently enrolled. WB 50248 3001 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Human Dev. and Family Studies HDFS 201 3.00 Credits European Civilization I Prerequisite: ENG 101 equivalency or completed or concurrently enrolled. WB 50238 3001 HIST 106 05/26/15-06/26/15 United States History II (Since 1865) Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalency completed or concurrently enrolled. WB 50244 3001 HIST 105 SIER 202 673-7825 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 SIER 202 673-7185 Lifespan Human Development 3.00 Credits WB 50103 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50104 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50150 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. HDFS 232 WB 50194 Diversity in Children 3.00 Credits 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Humanities HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities I 50105 50106 1001 1002 WB 51746 3001 WB Online Course Fee: $15.00 12:40 - 2:50 8:00 - 10:10 MTWTH MTWTH 3.00 Credits TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. 51747 RDMT 334 674-7945 P P HUM 102 06/29/15-07/31/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 Introduction to Humanities II 3001 Information Systems 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 673-7130 06/29/15-07/31/15 For other computer classes, see also CIT, COT, CS and CSCO. Introduction to Information Systems IS 101 WB 51673 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51674 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51697 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 SIER 200V 3.00 Credits Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 5/26-6/26. Online class will be available to access on 5/26/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft Office 2013 a computer, internet and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109,or MDWS S124. Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 5/26-6/26. Online class will be available to access on 5/26/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft Office 2013 a computer, internet and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109,or MDWS S124. Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 6/29-7/31. Online class will be available to access on 6/29/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft Office 2013, a computer, internet and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109,or MDWS S124. P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 25 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Information Systems For other computer classes, see also CIT, COT, CS and CSCO. Introduction to Information Systems IS 101 WB SIER 200V 673-7130 51703 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Lab Fee: $2.00. Online Fee: $15.00. Class Dates: 6/29-7/31. Online class will be available to access on 6/29/2015. Students need to have access to Microsoft Office 2013, a computer, internet and the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK to complete assignments. Students who do not have Microsoft Office installed on their home or office computers may use the following general access labs on any of the following TMCC campuses: SIER109,or MDWS S124. Law/Paralegal LAW 233 3.00 Credits 673-7825 Business Structures SIER 202 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: LAW 101 with a grade of "B" or better, 206, 259 and 261. This course can be taken concurrently with LAW 259. WB 50234 3001 05/26/15-07/31/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. LAW 251 Bankruptcy 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: LAW 101 with a grade of "B" or better, 206, 259 and 261. This course can be taken concurrently with LAW 259. WB 50236 3001 05/26/15-07/31/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. LAW 255 Probate Procedures 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: LAW 101 with a grade of "B" or better, 206, 259 and 261. This course can be taken concurrently with LAW 259. WB 50235 3001 05/26/15-07/31/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Massage/Body Work MASG 119C P 50225 Chair Massage 4001 Class fee: $69. MASG 128C P 50220 2001 Class Fee: $89. 50219 0.50 Units 9:00 - 5:00 S 06/06/15-06/06/15 5:30 - 9:30 0.50 Units M Meadowood Center 07/06/15-07/13/15 Ethics for Massage Therapists 4001 Class fee: $69. 9:00 - 5:00 S Mathematics MATH 95 Meadowood Center Acupressure Made Simple MASG 216C P MDWS S216 824-3830 0.50 Units Meadowood Center 05/30/15-05/30/15 VSTA B200 673-7181 The Millennium scholarship does not cover courses numbered under 100. Elementary Algebra Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in Math 93 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (taken within 2 years). P 51651 2001 5:30 - 7:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 P 51634 8002 11:30 - 1:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 P 51654 8003 1:15 - 2:45 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 P 51709 8004 3:00 - 4:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 MATH 96 Intermediate Algebra Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in Math 95 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (taken within 2 years). P 51646 2001 5:30 - 7:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 P 51638 2002 7:15 - 8:45 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 WB 51637 3001 05/26/15-07/10/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE This is a computer-based course using ALEKS. Online Course Fee: $15.00. WB 51639 3002 P P P P P P 51715 51716 51717 51712 51635 51636 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 This is a computer-based course using ALEKS. Online Course Fee: $15.00. 8:00 9:45 11:30 1:15 1:15 3:00 - 9:30 - 11:15 - 1:00 - 2:45 - 2:45 - 4:30 MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH WEB/ONLINE COURSE TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC TMCC Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Dandini Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus 05/26/15-07/10/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 26 Please go online for the latest schedule – 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits Summer 2015 Class Schedule Mathematics VSTA B200 673-7181 The Millennium scholarship does not cover courses numbered under 100. Intermediate Algebra MATH 96 Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in Math 95 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (taken within 2 years). P 51645 8007 3:00 - 4:30 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 MATH 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in MATH 96 or 97 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (within 2 years). A graphing calculator may be required. P 51641 8001 9:45 - 11:15 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 MATH 126 Pre-Calculus I 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in MATH 96 or 97 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (within 2 years). A graphing calculator may be required. WB 51649 3001 05/26/15-07/10/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. WB 51710 3002 P 51642 8001 Online Course Fee: $15.00. MATH 127 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 9:45 - 11:15 Pre-Calculus II MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/10/15 05/26/15-07/09/15 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in MATH 126 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (taken within 2 years). A graphing calculator may be required. WB 51713 3001 05/26/15-07/10/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE P Online Course Fee: $15.00. 51643 MATH 181 8001 Calculus I 11:30 - 1:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 4.00 Credits Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in MATH 127 or 128 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results (within 2 years). A graphing calculator may be required. WB 51774 3001 05/26/15-07/10/15 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. P 51773 8001 P 51692 1001 SKC 80 TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 Skills Center Mathematics Level II 51704 1001 1.50 Credits TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 College Transition Math 51722 1001 4.00 Credits 9:00 - 11:30 MTWTHF TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 Lab fee: $5.00. Please note that this is a multi-level, fast-paced, and very intense course with daily and weekly homework assignments throughout the semester. High motivation and dedication are expected and required to complete this course. Also, please note our strict attendance policy: Students with more than three absences will be asked to drop the class and a tardy will be counted as half an absence. For any questions or concerns, please contact Eriko Sakamura at 775-824-8628 or Each week at least 2 hours of class time will be spent in classroom clinical sessions. STAT 152 Introduction to Statistics Prerequisite: A grade of 'C' or better in MATH 126 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results. A graphing calculator may be required for this course. P 51772 8001 1:00 - 3:00 MTTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/09/15 Music 673-7291 MUS 121 P 1.50 Credits You must co-enroll with SKC 080-1001. Once enrolled, please visit the Skills Center website at for further instructions on beginning the course. SKC 86 P MTTH You must co-enroll with SKC 085-1001. Once enrolled, please visit the Skills Center website at for further instructions on beginning the course. SKC 85 P 9:00 - 11:45 Skills Center Mathematics Level I 50107 Music Appreciation 1001 Lab fee $25.00 12:40 - Nursing NURS 130 3.00 Credits RDMT 334U 3.00 Credits 2:50 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 673-7115 Nursing Assistant RDMT 417 6.00 Credits MANDATORY STEPS OF ENROLLMENT: Background check, Drug Test, HCP CPR card, Major Medical Insurance and Immunizations. See website for specifics. P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 27 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Nursing NURS 130 RDMT 417 673-7115 Nursing Assistant 6.00 Credits MANDATORY STEPS OF ENROLLMENT: Background check, Drug Test, HCP CPR card, Major Medical Insurance and Immunizations. See website for specifics. P 51650 8001 NURS 140 WB 51719 Medical Terminology 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online $15.00 Course Fee Nutrition NUTR 223 05/26/15-06/26/15 RDMT 324 674-7657 Principles of Nutrition 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: BIOL 190 and 190L or BIOL 141 or permission of instructor. WB 51688 3000 Class Dates: 5/26 thru 6/26 NUTR 291 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 Nutrition Internship-Food Service 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: Department Consent Required IS 51626 9001 TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 IS TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 51627 9002 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 NUTR 292 Nutrition Internship-Community 3.00 Credits Prerequisites: NUTR 223, NUTR 233 and approval of the instructor. IS 51628 9001 TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 IS TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 51629 9002 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 NUTR 293 Nutrition Internship-Clinical 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: Department Consent Required IS 51630 9001 TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 IS TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 51631 9002 10 week Internship; Class Dates 5/26 thru 7/31 Personal Trainer PT 250C P 50224 RDMT 101 674-7974 Internship in Personal Training 9001 2.00 Units TMCC Dandini Campus Class fee: $199. Philosophy PHIL 101 05/26/15-07/31/15 RDMT 334 674-7945 Introduction to Philosophy 3.00 Credits WB 51748 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51749 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. PHIL 210 World Religions P P WB 50109 50123 51750 1001 1002 3001 WB 51751 WB 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 51752 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51753 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51754 3005 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. 10:20 - 12:30 3:00 - 5:10 MTWTH MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 28 3.00 Credits Please go online for the latest schedule – Summer 2015 Class Schedule Physical Education PEX 169 P 50216 Yoga 2001 7:15 - 9:45 T 51796 Yoga Loka 3001 2.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Lab fee: $35. Class includes membership to the TMCC fitness center. This is an on-line class. 51795 05/26/15-07/28/15 Fitness Principles and Practices PEX 183 P 1.00 Credits Lab fee: $20. Class held at Yoga Loka, Lakeside Dr. Reno, NV. PEX 174 WB MDWS S216 829-9010 06/29/15-07/31/15 Weight Training 8401 1.00 Credits 8:30 - 10:00 MW Lab fee: $35. Class includes membership to the TMCC fitness center. PEX 199 TMCC Dandini Campus 06/01/15-07/01/15 Special Topics 1.00 Credits P 50226 1001 8:30 - 10:00 TTH TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/25/15 P 51721 1002 8:30 - 10:00 TTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/30/15-07/30/15 P 50227 8002 2:00 - MW TMCC Dandini Campus 06/01/15-07/22/15 Circuit Training - Lab fee: $35. Class includes membership to the TMCC fitness center. Circuit Training - Lab fee: $35. Class includes membership to the TMCC fitness center. Self Defense 4:00 - Lab fee: $10. Self Defense class. Physics PHYS 100 Introductory Physics 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: MATH 096 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results. P 51788 1001 10:00 - 12:10 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus Lab 12:30 - 3:20 W TMCC Dandini Campus Political Science PSC 100 RDMT 321 673-7183 673-7825 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/27/15-06/17/15 Nevada Constitution 1.00 Credits WB 50245 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50251 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online $15 Course Fee Online $15 Course Fee PSC 101 Introduction to American Politics P P WB 50239 50246 50240 1001 1002 3001 WB 50241 WB 8:00 - 10:10 10:20 - 12:40 MTWTH MTWTH 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 06/29/15-07/31/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 50242 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50247 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 50249 3005 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 50250 3006 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Psychology PSY 101 P P P WB 50177 50165 50110 50111 TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus SIER 202 673-7185 General Psychology 1001 1002 2001 3001 Online Course Fee: $15.00. SIER 202 3.00 Credits 10:20 - 12:30 10:20 - 12:30 5:20 - 7:30 MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/25/15 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 29 Summer 2015 Class Schedule Psychology PSY 101 SIER 202 673-7185 General Psychology 3.00 Credits WB 50112 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50127 3004 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 WB 51765 3005 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. PSY 102 Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment Prerequisite: PSY 101 or approval of instructor. WB 50167 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. PSY 233 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. WB 51756 05/26/15-06/26/15 Introduction to Social Psychology 3001 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE Online Course Fee: $15.00. Radiologic Technology RAD 220 06/29/15-07/31/15 Child Psychology Prerequisite: PSY 101 or approval of instructor. WB 50115 3001 PSY 261 3.00 Credits 05/26/15-06/26/15 RDMT 418 673-7115 Clinical Radiography II 3.00 Credits Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous Radiological Technology Program courses. P 51652 8001 Off Campus Consult Dept. 05/25/15-07/31/15 Special Fee: $7.50. Students will receive a letter identifying days, hours and clinical site assignments. NOTE: Clinical assignments MAY begin on Mon. May 25. This class is open to students in the 1st year of the RT Program only. Class Dates: 5/25 thru 7/31 RAD 250 Clinical Radiography V Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous Radiological Technology Program courses. P 51653 8001 Off Campus Consult Dept. 05/25/15-07/31/15 Special Fee: $7.50. Students will receive a letter identifying days, hours and clinical site assignments. NOTE: Clinical assignments MAY begin on Mon. May 25. This class is open to students in the last year of the RT Program only. Class Dates: 5/25 thru 7/31 RAD 259 3.00 Credits Seminar in Radiography 2.00 Credits Prerequisite: Current successful completion of all previous Radiological Technology Program courses or instructor approval. P 51644 1001 8:30 - 11:30 W TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-07/31/15 Lab Fee: $40.00. Enrollment limited to students in the last semester of the program or permission of the instructor. Class Date: 5/26 thru 7/31 Reading READ 135 673-7092 College Reading Strategies 3.00 Credits WB 50191 3010 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 51776 3020 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online classes cannot be accessed until the first Monday of the appropriate semester. Sociology SOC 101 50116 50124 1001 3001 WB 50168 WB 50169 WB 3.00 Credits 10:20 - 12:30 MTWTH WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/30/15 05/26/15-06/26/15 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 3003 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 06/29/15-07/31/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. SOC 261 51757 SIER 202 673-7185 Principles of Sociology P WB TMCC Dandini Campus Introduction to Social Psychology 3001 Online Course Fee: $15.00. 3.00 Credits WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC 30 VSTA B303 Please go online for the latest schedule – Summer 2015 Class Schedule Spanish SPAN 111 P P P 50117 50118 50119 RDMT 334 674-7945 First Year Spanish I TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus TMCC Dandini Campus 05/26/15-06/26/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 05/26/15-06/25/15 Prerequisite: SPAN 111 or a Spanish CAPE Placement score over 178. P 50170 1001 10:20 - 1:00 MTWTH TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/30/15 P TMCC Dandini Campus 06/29/15-07/31/15 SPAN 112 1001 1002 1003 4.00 Credits 10:00 - 12:40 1:30 - 4:10 5:30 - 8:10 First Year Spanish II MTWTH MTWTH MTWTH If there is a block when you attempt to register for this course please contact the Humanities Department at 674-7945. 50171 1002 5:20 - 8:00 MTWTH If there is a block when you attempt to register for this course please contact the Humanities Department at 674-7945. Theater THTR 210 RDMT 334U 673-7291 Theater: a Cultural Context 3.00 Credits WB 50133 3001 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 WB 50134 3002 WEB/ONLINE COURSE 05/26/15-06/26/15 Online Course Fee: $15.00. Online Course Fee: $15.00. 4.00 Credits P=In Person, HY=Hybrid, IS = Independent Study, WB=Web/Online = Night Classes Room assignments will be available two weeks prior to the start of instruction by logging in to MyTMCC Please go online for the latest schedule – 31 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit