Annual report - Konto BARIÉRY


Annual report - Konto BARIÉRY
Annual report
Annual report 2012
1] Our supporters
2] The Barriers Account
Taking stock
of the year in the life of the project
Neuro-Euro Scholarship
Norway Grants
Endowment Investment Fund
11th Artists’ Auction Show
A New Start
Sport Without Barriers
The Czech Internet Helps
Reading Helps
Small Projects
Employer Without Barriers
Bank Without Barriers
Culture Fund
Retailer Without Barriers
Human Rights Fund
iDNES Auctions and Fundraisers
Elekta Instruments Fund
Postcards and calendars
House of the Four Muses
Artis Pictus
President’s Fund
3] Help With A Smile
4] Funds belonging
to the Barriers Account
Jaroslav Seifert Award
Tom Stoppard Award
František Kriegel Award
Josef Vavroušek Award
8] Financial chapter
Charitable contributions made
Donations received
Value of artwork donated
RWE Fund
for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
PRE Fund
Endowment Investment Fund –
Grant Rules
Donations in kind
Vpohybu (On the move)
Financial performance
Auditor’s report
Auditor’s report –
Endowment Investment Fund
Statutory bodies
Czech Post Fund
Contact details
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
Air Traffic Controller Fund
AB Facility Fund
5] PCs Against Barriers
Vodafone Foundation Funds
(Sensational Senior Citizens)
ČEZ Making Wishes Come True 38
Healthcare-related Projects
The financial statements as at 12/31/2012 are
an integral part of this Annual Report; we will
make them available upon request.
Dear faithful Donors, Supporters,
and Friends of our Foundation,
Every year around this time we have the pleasure of looking back
on the previous year as we put together our annual report. We
are happy to lay bare our records to you. Here you can see how we
managed the funds with which you entrusted us, and read about
our successes, our future plans, and the things which fill us with
special pride.
If you look at the figures in the accounting charts, you’ll see that we
have again done very well. We take pleasure in the fact that behind
every number, there is a human fate changed for the better, a great
idea made reality, or an exceptional sports, cultural, or social event
with a charitable side to it.
Our core project, our flagship – the Barriers Account – has been very
successful, losing neither donors, nor luster and prestige, nor its
reputation of trustworthiness. One well-known Czech professor, a
pediatrician, confided to me that he considers the Barriers Account
the stronghold of Czech charity. What more could we wish for? To
keep this reputation.
We have been waiting for years, but in 2012, a dream project of
ours came to fruition: in cooperation with Czech Television, we
created a charity show, “Možná přijde i charita” (Maybe We’ll
See Some Charity). By design, it ran against the grain of viewers’
preconceptions. Each participant put in a special effort and went
out of their comfort zone for the Barriers Account. A show full of
laughter, but not without its provocative moments. We want to make
this kind of charity work an annual occurrence, with the help of
Czech Television.
The Artists’ Auction Show, whose 11th installment took place last
year, is a peerless project – no copycat has ever come close. There
are in fact dozens, if not hundreds, of charitable auctions, but none
can boast the works of almost 400 Czech artists (donated by the
esteemed benefactors of the Barriers Account), auctioned off in the
course of a single afternoon. No less stunning are the proceeds:
on 9 December 2012, we raised five million crowns for the Barriers
Account and for our students.
The number of partners who collaborate with us in the field of
charity continues to grow. We are proud that leading Czech firms
are creating their CSR projects in close cooperation with us. This may
sound somewhat pompous, but in plain terms, it simply means that
we have gained further partners who are willing to help where help
is needed, and who have turned to our Foundation for professional
All other barrier-breaking projects are described in detail on the
following pages. But before you turn the page, I need to share one
special piece of news with you.
The Foundation keeps alive the legacy established by its founders
during their exile. Our traditional prizes are not easy to finance,
but we do not want to compromise. What we do want is to honor
history, and to honor one of our closest friends who stood by us
at the beginnings of our Foundation’s work – both in Sweden and,
after 1989, here in Prague – Václav Havel. Throughout 2012, we
were engaged in negotiations – in fact, at times, a tug-of-war –
over a Václav Havel Award. We prevailed, which is why we have the
pleasure to announce that the International Václav Havel Award for
Human Rights will be awarded for the first time in 2013. The Charta
77 Foundation will be one of the awarding authorities for this award,
alongside the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and the Václav Havel
We’ve put a great deal of rewarding work behind us, and are looking
forward to an equally promising future.
Prague, 10 June 2013
Charta 77 Foundation, Executive Director
Charta 77 Foundation, President of the Administrative Board
Zdeněk Sýkora, Colored Flatline
Our Supporters
It is a time-honored tradition that the
opening section of our Annual Report is
devoted to our sponsors and supporters.
After all, we have few opportunities to
thank them and to tell them how dear and
important they are to us, and to express
how much we appreciate their friendship,
their support, and their help.
Our partnership with GLOBUS Česká republika, k.s. is entering its second decade. The
fantastic idea of donating one crown per
shopping bag sold in any of their hypermarket stores has generated many millions for
our Foundation, which translates into more
than thirty spacious cars for our clients.
A change in management at the company
made me worry whether their approach to
charity work and CSR would change. It did
not. The cooperation works like a breeze,
and we may in fact soon announce some
surprising new projects.
For ten years, our Foundation has been
working with RWE Transgas. We greatly
appreciate having the trust of this large
sponsor and donor, and the opportunity to
work with them on the efficient deployment
of the funds which the company sets aside
for their CSR program. All told, we have
jointly distributed tens of millions of crowns
within the RWE Fund program. I greatly
appreciate the fact that we have their trust,
that they treat us like equal partners and
professionals in the area of charity work
and CSR. Thank you so much for the awesome cooperation!
Our cooperation with Microsoft spans
a history of 18 years already. It represents
a unique partnership in the Czech non-profit sector. Thanks to Microsoft, we were able
to distribute legal Microsoft product licens-
es worth tens of millions of crowns among
our clients and in the “non-profit world”.
Back in the day, we began our collaboration
with a nifty little firm of 30 people. Today,
our partner is a huge company which has to
meet performance targets and where business comes first. However, the support of
those who are less fortunate is an integral
part of their corporate culture. Our joint
project – PCs Against Barriers – remains the
flagship of Microsoft’s charity work.
For the second year now, we cooperate with
the AVAST Endowment Fund, which was
founded by the successful IT visionaries and
founders of AVAST Software, Eduard Kučera
and Pavel Baudiš. Both have their feet firmly
planted on the ground, and wish to share
their success with those in need. I am very
grateful to be among their trusted partners,
and for being able to devise projects that
entail our close cooperation.
Only in the last quarter of 2012 was this new
corporate fund created. We agreed on this
collaboration with the management of the
economically strong and successful energy
company Pražská energetika, a.s. I appreciate that the active cooperation with the
management, headed by CEO Pavel Elis, and
the support of the supervisory board will
allow us to participate in designing a longterm CSR strategy for the firm, and building
a tangible road for them towards helping
people with disabilities.
Our cooperation with Tipsport goes back no
less than eight years. We have been managing the funds set aside by the company for
charitable purposes. A new legal measure
put an end to these opportunities in 2012,
which prompted several betting companies
to discontinue the cooperation altogether.
We are in luck, though: the work of our
Foundation has the support of a key player
in the firm’s management, Vratislav Randa.
He found a way to continue our cooperation
on the same terms. Thank you so much!
The state-controlled Air Traffic Controllers
(Řízení letového provozu České republiky)
are among our stable partners. Whenever
the company’s good results allow for it, they
do not hesitate to support charity projects
asking for their help. CEO Jan Klas has trust
in our work, and is interested in our views
and opinions.
Our Foundation has a partnership of many
years with the largest betting agency, Fortuna. We have excellent relationships with
the shareholders, financial holding Penta
Investments, and in particular with one of
their co-owners, Marek Dospiva. Our cooperation will likely be brought to an end by
new legislation which abolished the option
to contribute to charitable causes. Even so,
we thank them for the generous support in
previous years, in the order of tens of millions of crowns.
ČSOB, a.s., ERA, and Poštovní spořitelna are
among our partners with an exceptionally
well-designed CSR concept. Our cooperation and partnership continues to grow. We
have the opportunity to administer our joint
Support Fund, a unique project with which
the Bank turned to its own employees. We
are happy to see the enormous positive
response of this project among staff. The
project surely also fulfills the bank’s main
objective, i.e., to send a signal to their employees that they work for a firm with social
responsibility, for a firm that is not indifferent to people’s ordinary problems and fates.
Middle management is actively involved in
the project and has a say in the decision on
incoming requests; this provides them with
insights into charity they would otherwise
not have.
Martin Roman and the project
Reading Helps
I get to meet a lot of people in my line of
work, and I am happy to have met benefactors who want to share their success, their
money, and their happiness with those in
need. Among them is surely Martin Roman.
I had the opportunity to be there and watch
from afar as he taught corporate social
responsibility to one of the largest companies in the Czech Republic. At ČEZ, he leaves
behind a well-working foundation, and an
atmosphere conducive to the thought that
the fortunate must aid the weaker. His personal charity project, “Čtení pomáhá” (Reading Helps), which goes into its third year, is
in my view one of the brightest stars the sky
of charity work!
We at the Foundation have tremendous
appreciation for our long-term relationship
with the financial group Pioneer Investments, our partner for the largest non-state
literary prize in this country: the Jaroslav
Seifert Prize. We are well aware that some
foundation projects easily find their sponsor, and that literary prizes, and culture on
the whole, are not among them. For this
reason, we especially value how this financial group has stood by us over many years
– a favor which we cannot repay by promising billboards at sports stadiums, or advertising spots on television. What we can offer
are beautiful photographs capturing the
laureates, and great memories of meeting
them. I believe that our relationship with
the members of the company’s management – let me name Roman Pospíšil, chairman of the board, and Petr Šimčák, board
member, in particular – may be now be
called a very personal relationship, a friendship in fact, and that we try to enrich each
other through our cooperation.
AGROFERT HOLDING, a.s. is a donor with
special charisma. The company’s owner,
Andrej Babiš, is a rational person. He knows
how hard it is to earn money, and he is
certainly not one to get involved in charity
work just to put on a show. We look back
on a relationship of several years with this
man – a relationship somewhat different
from what you would expect in the case of
someone who holds one of the top positions on the list of the wealthiest Czechs.
I am grateful for this fact, which I do not
take for granted, and I do not dare to abuse
it. But when it comes to it, I know how
to win Andrej Babiš over, in the name of
interesting projects. He is the competitive
type, which is why I almost always get him
to participate in our internet auctions (and
thus donate significant amounts to the
Barriers Account).
In 2012, Andrej Babiš established the AGROFERT HOLDING Foundation, which is our
new partner.
The Vodafone Foundation is the partner of
a project initiated by the company’s own
employees, who also play a major role in
it. This is our first experience with volunteering by young people, which has for the
second year now yielded substantial financial backing for handicapped cyclists who
ride under the Redbikes label).
In 2012, we became a major partner of the
Foundation, having won their tender, and
now administer their project “Vpohybu” (On
the move). This is a new experience for us,
and a new way of cooperation. We greatly
appreciate it.
It would probably be a stretch to speak
of “friendship” with those who do the indepth audit of our financial statements
and our annual report, and in so doing ask
tricky, probing questions. And yet, I dare say
that I feel comfortable, and also very safe,
in the hands of our long-term partners, the
auditing firm KPMG Česká republika Audit.
These professionals in the world of numbers and their correct interpretation are the
safeguard of transparency of our accounting, our records, and our use of donations.
I know that having our books in good order
is an important part of our Foundation,
and so are our partners at KPMG – Milan
Bláha, Lenka Velehradská, Martin Kořistka,
and others on the sizable team of experts
who have been safely leading us through
the thicket of figures and regulations for an
unbelievable sixteen years.
This is one of the most recent funds under
the management of our Foundation. Lumius is an energy company focusing on the
electricity and gas trade. The young management behind it, which is based in North
Moravia, decided to share their success and
their great economic performance with
those who were less fortunate. They wanted
to engage in charity work and identified us
as a suitable partner. It is our pleasure to be
at their side and guide them through the
sometimes bewildering thicket of philanthropy! We’ll work out the details so that
the project will focus in particular on the
region where the company does business.
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s. has
traditionally supported our Artists’ Auction
Show, and did so again on the occasion of
its 11th installment – we are very grateful for
that. It is thanks to this support that we are
able to use every single crown raised in the
auction towards supporting students with
One of the largest facility management
service providers in our country, employing
a staff of more than 2,000 people, to whom
they want to demonstrate their corporate
social responsibility. We are happy that they
chose us as their partner.
This company, which is at home in the municipality of Slapy, not far from Tábor, created a unique fund with us. They specialize in
car conversions – accessibility adjustments
– and are in fact the market leader. From
every order 5% goes to the Barriers Account. Through us, this money flows back to
petitioners who need support with anything
car-related. A great way of helping – we say
Thank You to the Bartoš family!
In the second half of the year, the successful
firm Linet decided to begin their cooperation with the Barriers Account. Linet is
probably the best domestic manufacturer of
hospital and nursing home beds. They want
to make their entry into the world of charity
through a Linet corporate fund. The first
year was a pilot year: we want to design
a program that reflects the manufacturing
portfolio of the firm.
Raiffeisenbank a.s. and the Barriers Account
share an indestructible friendship. The bank
has been administering the account of our
highly successful public fundraiser for twenty years. The bank has continued to pursue
a project in which it refers its clients to its
preferred charity organizations that carry
the bank’s seal of approval. The Barriers
Account is among these. For each client
who decides to support one of these charity organizations, the foundation receives
a financial bonus. In 2012, this made for
a handsome sum of CZK 221 760.
Ogilvy Group and their people. In the
non-profit sector, jealousy is frowned
upon, as we take pride in our good mutual
relationships – but when my colleagues
occasionally turn to talking about what
they miss and what they envy us for, it is
this relationship with Ogilvy of twenty years
standing. Behind us is a mountain of work
that cannot be expressed in numbers –
whether in terms of the fictitious volume of
fees which we would owe Ogilvy Group for
their pro bono work on dozens of advertising campaigns, unique visuals, TV or radio
spots, or in terms of their inimitable ideas.
We continue to have the trust of the large
media empire Mafra. In these troubled
times in the media market, it has been
a safe harbor for us, and we are very grateful for the sympathies extended to us by
the daily paper MF DNES, but above all the
internet portal iDNES. What a pleasure to
work on charity projects with young people who must be profit-oriented and success-oriented, and still are eager to come
up with ideas how to help those in need.
We have a shoulder to lean on in their
marketing director, Aleš Pýcha, who never
turns us down, but always comes up with
ideas how to help the Barriers Account.
By his side, we had the support in 2012
of Jaroslav Kábele, Michal Hanák, Ondřej
Tolar, Iva Melagová-Janoušková, Martina
Riebauerová, and many more – the creators
and authors of our highly successful joint
projects. Thanks to their efforts, the readers of iDNES have become accustomed to
our fundraising events which promote the
Barriers Account and its clients, and bring
in welcome financial aid – auctions, “yard
sales”, fund raisers.
As in every Annual Report, I return to our
cooperation with ČEZ. We have long been
following the work of the ČEZ Foundation,
and are always on the lookout for joint projects. In 2012, we were invited to collaborate
on the project Making Dreams Come True.
I am confident we will continue to cooperate in the future.
Global Wines, s.r.o. offers more than 500
varieties of quality wine on their internet
portal, and has for several years been giving
lovers of fine wine the opportunity to par-
ticipate in charity work. Anyone who buys
a bottle of wine from them contributes one
crown to the Barriers Account. Yet another
example of what a great partnership might
look like!
Our partners NEOLUXOR, s.r.o.
and BONTONland, a.s. continue to sell
our clown noses with success. At Neoluxor
bookstores, you can also get our lapel pin.
Buy them, and contribute to a good cause!
Our partner of many years, the paper
wholesaler Igepa, velkoobchod papírem
spol. s.r.o., has been especially generous
to the Foundation this year. They donated
paper for all catalogues and other print
material on the occasion of the 11th Artists’
Auction Salon for the Barriers Account.
Thanks to Igepa’s donation, not only do you
hold this Annual Report in your hands,
but you also get to read each and every
of our invitations. The firm also continues
the project “Paper Helps”: 50 hellers of the
revenues from each package of “Maestro
standard” office paper goes to help disabled
children. The firm will carry on with this
charity project until mid-2013.
Barriers Account
Taking stock of the year in the life of the project
Endowment Investment Fund
11th Artists’ Auction Show
A New Start
Sport Without Barriers
The Czech Internet Helps
Reading Helps
Employer Without Barriers
Bank Without Barriers
Retailer Without Barriers
iDNES Auctions and Fundraisers
Postcards and calendars
Artis Pictus
Stanislav Libenský, Jaroslava Brychtová, Ball Head
The Barriers
Account / Taking stock
of one year in the
life of the project
The Barriers account awards the new
Retailer Without Barriers Prize, one among
several categories of the prestigious TOP
RETAILER Prize. The prize was awarded
based upon a review of questionnaires
prepared in cooperation with INCOMA GfK.
In the direct comparison of retailers, the
Tesco hypermarket chain carried the day.
free supply of Banua coffee. The coffeemaker, which changed hands for a bid of
CZK 42 333, bears the signature of Lucie Bílá.
23 May: On premises of the National
Museum (the Czech Museum of Music,
to be specific), our new project: SENSEN
– Sensational Senior Citizens is publicly
announced: it promotes an active lifestyle
among our elderly citizens.
he Barriers Account acts as patron for the
seventh disabled football league SENI CUP.
It takes place on 23 May in Havlíčkův Brod.
2012 was a successful year for our
Foundation, which turned twenty this year.
Around CZK 11 000 000 were contributed
in our public fundraiser by our regular
donors. Our direct-mail campaigns were
also highly successful; in 2012 we reached
more than 380 000 people. Every crown
invested yielded more than three crowns in
revenues, and we gained thousands of new
The Barriers Account Council is the project
body in charge of reviewing all incoming
applications and deciding on the amount
of support for each. In 2012, several
hundred petitioners turned to us with a
request for assistance. We were able to
accommodate almost 600 of them. The
approved payout amounted to almost CZK
9 000 000.
The Barriers Account also decides on
the allocation of revenues from the
Endowment Investment Fund (NIF). These
monies are earmarked for the support of
non-profit organizations. We distributed
an amount of CZK 1 000 000 crowns
among the nine winners of the tender.
The Barriers Account calendar in 2012
Searching one’s identity: the topic of the
film “Do dna” (To The Bottom), starring
wheelchaired actors exclusively. It premiers
on 2 January in Brno, having been made
with the financial support of the Barriers
In cooperation with LMC s.r.o., the
Barriers Account organizes a workshop:
“Don’t be afraid to hire disabled persons”,
for recruiters and HR managers of Česká
spořitelna a.s.
The organizers of the traditional carnival
in Běchovice support the Barriers Account
by selling clown’s noses.
On 17 March, the Barriers Account
participates in the 12th INSPO Conference –
Internet and Information Systems for People
with Special Needs, of which it is a partner.
On 19 March, we kick off the second year
of the project The Czech Internet Helps. It
went on to raise more than CZK 350 000.
Between 13 April and 6 May, an exhibition
of large-format photographs showing child
cancer patients is open to the public at Old
Town Hall in Prague, as a side event of the
My New Life” project, which was initiated
by MUDr. Lucie Cingrošová, a physician at
the Child Oncology Ward of Motol Hospital.
The Barriers Account supported the project
by taking care of the organizational aspects,
and by acting as guarantor for the small
fundraiser associated with it.
The Arco dance ensemble supports the
Barriers Account by selling clown’s noses at
their ball in Pardubice.
14 May: The unique online auction of a
Jura Impressa coffee-maker draws to an end.
This luxury device comes with a year-long
* 17 June: A charity golf tournament takes
place in Beřovice near Slaný, raising CZK
40 600. The Barriers Account helped
the do-good golfers identify a suitable
recipient: 31-year old David Pfeffer, who
used the money to purchase a rehabilitative
device – a “motomed”.
17–19 June: The Barriers Account cohosts the second International Disabled
Golf Tournament at the Darovanský dvůr
golf resort. The proceeds of the event
go towards the Sports Without Barriers
project, and towards the golfing activities of
disabled athletes.
The pupils in grade 9A at Burešova High
School, Prague 8, raise CZK 8 264 between
them, and donate it to Tomík, an extremely
seriously disabled boy, whom they found on
the Barriers Account’s website.
From 30 June through 6 July, visitors of the
47th International Film Festival in Karlovy
Vary have the opportunity to support the
Barriers Account by buying a special filmthemed picture postcard at the stand of
RWE, partner and sponsor of the Barriers
Account, and of the festival project Cinema
Without Barriers. Visitors can also try out
a special buggy for disabled golfers – the
In June, a half-year review of wheelchairs
is being completed, which was initiated
by the Council of the Barriers Account
and organized by the editorial board of
“Můžeš” (You Can) magazine. The three
most popular types of wheelchair available
in the Czech market were supplemented
with a wheelchair imported from Slovakia
which costs about a fifth as much as the
others. The independent test revealed
that the most expensive wheelchair is not
necessarily the best one.
Bára Špotáková gum boot
12 July: the 6th Tomas Golf Cup takes
place, whose motto is “Thomases help
Thomases”. The Barriers Account receives a
cheque made out for CZK 30 000, for Tomáš
Červinka from Svídnice.
socha: PANTONE 300 CVC
text: PANTONE 281 CVC
21 August: a charity auction takes place on, with items donated by all Czech
medal winners from the London Olympics.
The proceeds amount to CZK 576 000, and
are shared equally between the Barriers
Account and the “Rakovina věc veřejná”
cancer foundation.
25 August: the owners of the Beřovice
golf club near Slaný organize an Open Day
21 August: a charity auction
takes place on,
with items donated by all
Czech medal winners from
the London Olympics. The
proceeds amount to CZK
576 000, and are shared
equally between the Barriers
Account and the “Rakovina věc
veřejná” cancer foundation.
in cooperation with the Barriers Account
and the Czech Disabled Golf Association.
With the aid of a “paragolfer”, wheelchaired
hobby golfers try their hands at driving the
ball and getting around on the green.
5 September: we attend the “birthday
party” of the mega bookstore Palác knih
Luxor, which has been in existence on
Wenceslas Square for 10 years. On that day,
patrons of the store have the opportunity to
support us by buying books – whose price
they could determine themselves (as well
as the proportion of the price flowing into
the Barriers Account). We raised a total of
CZK 20 000.
9 September: On Prague’s Old Town
Square, Božena Jirků, the Director of the
Barriers Account, and Honzík Čermák, a
six-year old wheelchaired boy, receive a
cheque from the hands of Andrej Babiš,
who actively participated in the auction
of Olympic items on the iDNES portal.
Also present was Bára Špotáková, whose
opening-ceremony rubber boots raised
another CZK 100 000 for the Barriers
18 September: the third Job Fair Without
Barriers takes place – i.e., a job fair for
disabled people. The venue this time was
the University of Economics, Prague, and 14
potential employers strutted their stuff.
24 September: the creative contest Artis
Pictus, which pits art schools against each
other, takes place on Náměstí Republiky in
Prague. In total 400 students from 25 art
schools take part.
At the end of September we launch a new
way to contribute to the Barriers Account.
The payment system is called Mobito, and
is based on mobile phone payments. The
Barriers Account receives the full amount
of any donation made to the Barriers
Account’s “mobito account” No. 10001760
(after registering with Mobito on www.
29 September: Marek Eben hosts the
charity entertainment show “Možná přijde
i charita” (Maybe We’ll See Some Charity)
on Czech Television, which raises more than
CZK 11 000 000 for the Barriers Account.
8 October: Even Jára Cimrman (the
mythical Czech polymath) supports the
Barriers Account! The Jára Cimrman Theater
celebrated the 45th year of its existence,
and the Česká mincovna, a.s. mint honored
the occasion by issuing memorial coins
in gold, silver, and bronze. Part of the
proceeds is used to support the project
House of the Four Muses.
11 October: Božena Jirků handed over a car
to the clients of the day-care facility Arkadie
in Teplice, a donation by the company Het,
based in Ohníč.
The Barriers Account became a partner to
the international project “We are not afraid
of challenges” for people recovering from
spinal injuries. The goal of this project is to
improve the employment situation of this
particular target group. The first working
meeting took place from 17 to 19 October
in Brno.
22 October: The ambassadors of the
Sensational Senior Citizens clubs meet for
the first time at the Evald cinema in Prague.
8 November: The iDNES portal hosts
an auction of t-shirts adorned with the
signatures of the Fed Cup winners. More
than CZK 100 000 crowns are raised for
Eliška Zámečníková, a 25-year old confined
to a wheelchair.
12 November / 29 November: The La
Femme / Černá labuť galleries in Prague
hold festive openings for the sales
exhibition “Czech Advent”. Part of the
proceeds was transferred to the Barriers
13 November: As part of the Bank of
the Year contest, we presented the Bank
Without Barriers award 2012. It was a close
call, but ČSOB, a.s. defended the top spot.
20 November: A festive opening in the
cloisters of the Carolinum marks the
beginning of the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
for the Barriers Account.
The magazine “Můžeš” (You Can) received
the OKD Foundation’s award in the category
“Positive News of the Year”, in recognition
of an article on an independent wheelchair
1 December: on the occasion of their
Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the
municipality Skorkov donate the proceeds
of a public fundraiser among their citizens
to the Barriers Account: an amount of CZK
11 000.
5 December: we participate in the
traditional St. Nicholas Day bazaar at
Pražská křižovatka.
Beginning 5 December, our traditional
Christmas fundraiser takes place on the web
portal of our co-organizer
9 December marks the high point of the
11th Artists’ Auction Show for the Barriers
Account: the auction of artwork, which
raised CZK 4 986 000 used for scholarships
for disabled students.
How does
the Barriers
Account operate?
This project is supported by API CZ,
a renowned player in the market for
specialized car conversions. From each
order, 5% of the price goes to the Barriers
In 2012, we supported 19 applicants, and
released more than CZK 320 000 crowns to
finance their requests.
The Barriers Account Council convenes
on regular dates – nine times in 2012.
In the financial part of this Annual Report, you will find a detailed breakdown
of payouts made. More than two thirds
of beneficiaries are private individuals; in
these cases, we have of course complied
with the Data Protection Act and refrained
from providing particulars. At this point, we
would merely like to give a broad overview
of the categories within which the Barriers
Account provides financial aid.
Rehabilitative and compensatory aids
This is the Barriers Account’s basic fund for
contributions towards all types of rehabilitative and compensatory aids (mechanical
and electrical wheelchairs and accessories,
walking aids, rehabilitative perambulators,
cycling wheelchairs, tricycles, lifting equipment, ceiling systems, rehab beds, and
In 2012, the Barriers Account drew upon this
fund to accommodate more than 350 applicants, approving payouts in an amount of
approx. CZK 4 000 000.
Disability-friendly conversions
In 2012, we accommodated more than
70 applicants (including the retrofitting
of schools). The amount released to finance such projects was more than CZK
2 600 000, of which more than CZK
1 300 000 was earmarked for the disability-friendly conversion of eleven schools
across the country. The money may be
drawn upon the completion of the actual
structural measures and construction work,
either during the same year or the following year.
BARRIERS Scholarships
As every year, for the academic year
2012/2013 students of secondary schools,
colleges, and universities applied for this
scholarship in an open tender. This project
is financed from the proceeds of the
auctions-and-exhibitions organized by the
Barriers Account. As of September 2012, 63
Cultural activities, sports activities
The Barriers Account supports events aimed
at actively involving disabled people in
special projects – corporate funds, Sports
Without Barriers and, in rare cases, the
Culture Fund. For this reason, the number
of petitions of this kind within the context
of the Barriers Account is minimal. In 2012,
we accommodated only three requests,
releasing CZK 50 000 for financing them.
students receive scholarship funds.
Most of our scholarship students – i.e.,
altogether eight individuals – are enrolled
at Masaryk University in Brno. Six students
study at Charles University in Prague, and
another six at the Metropolitan University
in Prague.
A total amount of CZK 1 286 000 was set
aside for the on-going monthly payments
under these scholarships in the academic
year 2012/2013.
Financial Support for Hearing-Impaired
Fellow Citizens
The Foundation has made a tradition of
supporting the purchase of state-of-theart hearing aids for the hearing-impaired,
contributing to digital hearing devices, FM
systems, and the latest generation of the
Nucleus Freedom speech processor. Faced
with a burgeoning number of petitions, the
Council has decided to no longer contribute
towards accessories (i.e., chiefly, chargers
and remote controls).
The overall amount released for financing
petitions in this category amounted to more
than CZK 950 000 crowns.
Traveling Without Barriers
We use this fund to make limited
contributions towards the purchase of
passenger cars by organizations who use
them to provide services to their disabled
clients. We also contribute to the repair
or disability-friendly conversion of cars
to the extent that the costs exceed the
government aid for which our applicants
are eligible.
People in Need
The Barriers Account entertains a long-term
special fund from which to support people
in dire straits, for many of whom a small
monetary contribution can make all the
In 2012, we approved payouts of approx.
CZK 27 000 crowns to help 4 applicants
from the People in Need fund.
Personal Assistance
The Barriers Account created this fund in
the early days of its existence. In the past
two years, the Avast Endowment Fund
has been co-financing this fund; it does
not support requests made by individuals,
but instead refers them to the Barriers
account. We remain firm in our approach to
always review the personal situation of the
petitioner and their needs on a case-by-case
basis. We have however been encountering
cases in which families are simply unable to
finance personal assistance, e.g. in schools
which do not themselves provide such a
service. The number of this kind of petitions
has grown substantially, and so has the
amount of payouts released by us.
In 2012, the Barriers Account supported
seven petitioners, setting aside an amount
of almost CZK 100 000 for them. From the
fund created thanks to the donation by
the Avast Endowment Fund, we supported
another ten petitioners who received more
than CZK 250 000 crowns.
Educational fund, educational aids
The Barriers Accounts has for years been
contributing towards such requests,
using the proceeds from the sale of desk
calendars. For instance, we co-funded
special mouthpiece computer controllers,
equipment needed for simultaneous
transcriptions, or communication tools for
children suffering from autistic-spectrum
In 2012, we approved financial support in an
amount of more than CZK 45 000 crowns
for six petitioners.
payments to support social participation, or
furnishings for a toy-lending service.
Luboš Beniak, Martin Bojar, Běla Hejná, Jan
Kačer, Martin Kovář, Jan Marušiak, Jiří Lábus,
Jiří Soukup, Jiřina Šiklová, Dana Štěrbová,
Jindřich Štěpánek, Jaroslav Šturma, Gita
Equipment for improving welfare services
In this category, we primarily provide
financial assistance to facilities providing
care to disabled clients, sick people and
senior citizens. In 2012, nine petitioners
received support amounting to almost
CZK 200 000 crowns.
40 000 donors who support the Barriers
Account with a regular contribution each
The Čadík Brothers and their Traveling
Movie Theater
Brothers Josef and Pavel Čadík have a
tradition of donating the voluntary entry
fees of their traveling movie theater to
the accounts of charitable organizations
– and thus, since 2008, the visitors of
the open-air screenings in summer have
been contributing to the Barriers Account.
In 2012, PaedDr. Josef Čadík decided to
rededicate the purpose of the fundraiser.
Even so, we had a sizable account balance
to distribute in 2012. In this manner, for
instance, we contributed to an adjustable
recliner for the Jedlička Institute in
Prague, medical aids for the Association
of Individuals Afflicted with Civilization
Diseases, and others. All told, we
distributed more than CZK 130 000 crowns
among seven petitioners.
Our reader, pocket calculator at the ready,
might find that the number of supported
petitioners mentioned this far falls short of
the total amount. These are petitions which
do not fit into any of the above categories,
but are instead labeled “Miscellaneous”.
They bear testimony to the fact that the
Barriers Account Council takes a personal
approach to each individual request. This
category includes e.g. support for an
organization that lends compensatory aids,
Investment Fund
In May 2012, the Foundation organized a tender procedure to distribute
the proceeds from the Endowment
Investment Fund (NIF) for 2011. The
amount earmarked for distribution was
CZK 1 000 000.
The topic in 2011
Our tender was aimed at non-government,
non-profit organizations which are registered as charities, citizens’ associations,
sheltered workshops, municipal and
regional NPOs, and church institutions
which offer job opportunities to people
with disabilities.
Altogether 29 organizations submitted
applications. The Council of the Barriers
Account announced the final results at
its June meeting. The ranking of projects
to receive funding was determined by
the number of credit points awarded
by the Council members. An amount of
CZK 1 000 000 crowns was approved for
payout among the nine winners (see chart
below). The five organizations with the
best rating, which shared the top position,
received the full amount that had been
requested. The other four organizations,
which also tied, received grants of half the
requested amount.
Name of the
budget, in
payout, in
Všude dobře,
1 700 000
320 000
Expenses associated with the operation of the Za/Ná/
hradní café, which employs people with disabilities
Welfare service
center Slunce
všem, o.p.s.
524 000
250 000
“Employed with the Sun” – labor costs of employees
with mental, psychological, and combined handicaps
disabilities who work as bakers, cleaners, waiters, etc.
association Život
bez bariér
1 188 276
50 000
Labor costs of employees holding positions in
a sheltered (e.g. ceramics and textile) workshop
daycare center
84 000
50 000
Labor costs for (cerebral palsy sufferer) Lenka Loudová,
who works as cleaner and kitchen staff.
70 000
40 000
Purchase of lockers for work clothes and washing
machines for staff with disabilities at the sheltered
4 165 000
140 000
Expansion of operation of the Modrý domeček café
Barevný svět,
280 000
50 000
Labor costs for the head of the sewing room, and a
therapy worker at the same workshop.
association Kafira
318 307
50 000
Labor costs for visually impaired employees who are in
direct client care.
100 000
50 000
Expenses in connection with a pay rise for disabled
employees of ParaCentrum Fenix.
1 000 000
11th Artists’ Auction
Show for the
Barriers Account
An incredible nineteen years have passed
since our first combined auction-exhibition for the Barriers Account. We can now
look back on eleven successful exhibitions
and auctions. We’ve auctioned off Czech
visual art to the value of tens of millions of
crowns. Throughout this entire period, this
money has secured financing for projects
of the Barriers Account – in recent years,
this has most often meant scholarships for
high school and university students with
In terms of the number of participating
artists and works of art, the 11th installment
of the Auction Show broke records.
Altogether 437 works by 383 artists went
under the hammer, including works by
Adriena Šimotová, Karel Malich, Jiří Anderle
and Jaroslava Brychtová. The exhibition was
installed in the cloisters of the Carolinum
from 21 November through 7 December.
Michael Rittstein, Man and Two Birds
On 9 December, the Auction Show
culminated in the charity auction itself.
Many artifacts became the subject of
serious bidding contests. The highest price
– CZK 310 000 – was paid for “Kulová hlava”
(Spherical Head), a sculpture of molten
and polished glass by the artistic duo
Libenský – Brychtová. The total proceeds
of the one-day auction amount to an
impressive CZK 4 986 000 crowns. Aftersales had generated CZK 5 202 307 for us by
Architektonický ateliér Petr Keil
Gabriel Urbánek
Galerie La Femme, Miroslav Lipina
Prague Museum of Decorative Arts
Rámování Čvančara a Houska
top vision s.r.o.
DANA JODASOVÁ, pasparty a rámy
Galerie Pokorná, s.r.o.
Charles University in Prague
AUTO JAROV, s.r.o.
Vinařství LAHOFER, a.s.
of the
A New Start
We founded the project A New Start in
2008. It is aimed at helping people who
suffered an irreversible deterioration of
their health during the past 12–18 months,
due to accident, injury, or other causes (of
course, there may be exceptions to these
limiting criteria, as we approach each
application on a case-by-case basis), seeking
to “kick-start” the return to life of these
often very young people. Our project helps
to overcome purely practical issues. Many
barriers must be removed and investments
must be made towards a car conversion,
the purchase of a wheelchair, and other
indispensable aids. A computer often
becomes a necessity. Of course, everyone
is entitled to government welfare after
sustaining an accident, but many things
will still have to be resolved by the person’s
own ingenuity and resourcefulness. Our
project facilitates an easier start, but doesn’t
provide for a carefree life.
We raised the funds for “A new Start”
by auctioning off, in three auctions,
a collection of paintings, drawings,
graphical works, and sculptures that was
compiled by Středočeská energetická
společnost. The collection had remained an
organic whole, and the supervisory board of
ČEZ, a.s. decided to donate it in its entirety
for charitable purposes. In this manner,
Charta 77 Foundation received a substantial
gift for the welfare of the Barriers Account.
Jitka Válová, Shock
The project lies outside the usual
boundaries of the Barriers Account’s
work, not only because of the particularly
fastidious selection of potential
beneficiaries, but also in terms of the
amount and breadth of the support which
they are afforded. The maximum amount of
funds released to resolve the problems of
an individual applicant is CZK 100 000.
In 2012, the commission convened on
three different occasions to hear and
approve 27 requests. In nine cases, we
made a contribution towards the purchase
of passenger cars, in three cases towards
the disability-friendly retrofitting of houses
and apartments, as well as for special
vehicles, driver’s licenses, devices designed
to provide intensive rehab care, and other
expensive compensatory aids.
Opening of the Exhibition
Photo Archive
Gita Tučná, Martin Kovář,
Jaroslav Šturma, Zuzana Špitálská,
Božena Jirků
Photo Archive
Sport Without Barriers
This sports-related project for people with
disabilities has been in operation at our
Foundation since 2006. It is alive and well
in 2012, the seventh year of its existence,
and again it primarily supported “sport for
sport’s sake”, sports activities pursued during people’s leisure time, and competitive
sport at the level of regular competitions.
On these various levels, sport is of importance to handicapped people because
of its rehabilitative effects and its social
aspect, because it gives them self-confidence, and because it extends the limits of
their abilities.
In order to draw attention to the issues
surrounding the financing of sporting
activities by physically disabled athletes and
their disadvantaged position within the
community, we created this project many
years ago, and organize various events to
raise funds for this target group.
Golfers Help Sport Without Barriers
In Beřovice near Slaný, a charity golf
tournament took place on 17 June where
participants donated CZK 40 600 (twice the
amount raised the year before) to 32-year
old David Pfeffer from Český Krumlov.
The sixth Tomas Cup charity golf
tournament was held on the green of the
Black Bridge Golf Resort in Prague, under
its traditional motto “Thomases helping
Thomases”, and with all participants
being named Tomáš. The date is the same
every year: 12 July. The proceeds of the
tournament – CZK 30 000 – helped Tomáš
Červinek from Svídnice.
Back to Beřovice: around eighty people with
disabilities, physical therapists, and trainers
gathered here on 25 August for an Open
Day organized by the Golf Club Beřovice
in cooperation with the Barriers Account
and the Czech Disabled Golf Association.
Those who followed the invitation had the
opportunity to see how well amputees and
wheelchaired persons can tee off or drive
the ball perfectly. A number of disabled
visitors, but also physical therapists, gave
the game a try, on the two paragolfers
available on the green (paragolfers are
special golf carts that have been modified
to safely accommodate a paraplegic, lift
them into upright position, and allow them
to then swing the club, with one or both
For the second time already, the
Barriers Account acted as co-host of the
International Disabled Golf Tournament,
which took place on 17 June at Darovanský
dvůr. The main organizer was the Czech
Disabled Golf Association. We support this
sport because we like the idea that disabled
and able-bodied players meet on the green
on completely equal terms. Our sponsors
at the Pro-Am tournament stood by us also
in 2012. Marek Eben, who says he loves the
atmosphere of the tournament, acted as the
master of ceremonies during the event.
The Project Council convened altogether
three times in the course of the year. We
paid out financial support to 74 petitioners,
distributing CZK 1 706 610 crowns among
Božena Jirků, Dana Štěrbová, Běla Hejná,
Martin Kovář, Alena Kábrtová, Pavel Kolář
The Czech
Internet Helps
We embarked on this unconventional
charity fundraiser for the second time in
2012. Starting 19 March, partners across the
Czech internet provided ten days of support
for three stories of clients of the Barriers
Account and for three stories of a fellow
NPO – this time, the Bílý kruh bezpečí (the
White Ring of Safety, a victims’ support organization). The fundraiser met with great
interest and generated funds in excess of
CZK 350 000. On the website, visitors could pick which of
these stories they wished to support.
The Barriers Account gave room to the
stories of Boris, Hanka, and Bětuška. Boris
is a thirteen-year old teenager, confined
to the wheelchair after a spinal injury
but nonetheless a passionate athlete.
Thanks to the fundraiser, he was able to
purchase a hand-bike. Hanka’s life was
turned upside down because of a collapsed
spinal disk. The funds raised for her
covered the necessary modifications of her
apartment and the remaining installment
on a wheelchair. Likewise, the parents
of seven-year old Bětuška, who was born
with developmental defects, bought a
wheelchair for their daughter. The sheer
number and the generosity of donors
allowed us to accommodate additional
Boris Trávníček
requests from among the ranks of those
who turn to the Barriers Account in need.
Our partner of many years, GlobalWines,
added a special touch to the final gala
dinner held for everyone involved in the
project, in the form of three interesting
“liquid gifts”. During the ensuing wine
auction, the presenter Jan Pokorný pulled
the heartstrings so masterfully that
another CZK 27 300 could be added to the
fundraiser’s account.
Babička restaurant, GlobalWines,
Commservis, ICT manažer, SPIR, and the
following internet portals:,, Centrum Holdings,,, Fashion Days, Geewa,
iDNES, Impression Media, K Media, Mall.
cz,,,,,,,,, Ž, to name only
a few.
The fundraiser met with
great interest and generated
funds in excess of CZK 350 000.
On the website,
visitors could pick which
of these stories they wished
to support.
Reading Helps
In 2012, we got involved for the second
time in a charity project organized by
a philanthropist with whom we have
a long history of cooperation. In 2011, Martin Roman established a project designed
to motivate pupils and students to read selected valuable literature, with the added
incentive of allowing them to contribute
to a variety of charity initiatives presented
on the project’s website.
ticipating in a short test. If they pass, they
receive a notional reward of fifty crowns,
and may choose one of several charity fundraisers to which to donate “their” reward.
In reality, the money for the projects supported by the young readers is supplied by
Martin Roman.
In 2012, the young readers sent a total
amount of more than CZK 600 000 to ten
people chosen by the Barriers Account.
Employer Without
In 2012, we awarded the Employer Without Barriers prize in the traditional, renowned contest “Employer of the Year” for
the seventh time already – and for the first
time in cooperation with the Employers’
Martin Roman
This category, which gauges the preparedness of companies to hire a disabled
person, is an extremely important and
worthwhile endeavor. Even well-educated
and well-qualified disabled individuals are
in a precarious situation in the job market.
They need to find a good job, not only to
improve their material situation, but also to
improve their sense of self-worth.
How does the project work?
Each reader under 18 years of age who registers with the website www.ctenipomaha.
cz is expected to read one piece of recommended literature, confirms this by par-
The jury reviews submissions in terms of the
number of disabled employees in executive
positions, the positions held by disabled
employees overall, flextime options (to
allow adjustments depending on the condition of the worker), and other criteria.
In 2012, the Employer Without Barriers
award went to Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Reading Helps
In 2012, the young
readers sent a total amount
of more than CZK 600 000 to ten
people chosen by the Barriers
Without Barriers
As a new category within the prestigious
Top Retailer Award, the special Retailer
Without Barriers Award was announced
for the first time in 2012. We very much
appreciate that this category was added,
as it allows us to highlight the issues
people with disabilities face when they go
Bank without Barriers
Bank Without Barriers
In 2012, the Barriers Account acted for the
third time as patron, awarding authority,
and professional guarantor for the
category “Bank Without Barriers” within
the traditional, prestigious Bank of the
Year contest.
We began by taking a look at banks and
their products through the eyes of our
wheelchaired clients and, as of 2012, clients
with hearing impairments. In all fourteen
regions, one wheelchaired person and one
deaf person put the six largest retail banks
to the test.
apparent that banks are working on making
their services available to, and easy to use
for, disabled people among their clients.
Even so, we still find the occasional heavy
entrance door, or ATM installed high above
the ground. What is important, however,
is that the approach of staff towards
people with disabilities is friendly and
accommodating across all banks, and that
there is a sincere effort towards removing
The winner in the first year was the
hypermarket chain Tesco.
The results for 2012:
1. ČSOB, a.s.
2. Česká spořitelna, a.s.
3. Komerční banka, a.s.
The evaluators focused on architectural
barriers and barriers to communication,
on the option to use the services on offer
via internet banking, the accessibility of
the banks’ websites and, last but not least,
the professionalism of staff, and their
willingness to assist disabled clients.
Looking back on the three years of the
Bank Without Barriers award, we find
that the situation in the domestic banking
market has greatly improved. It has become
The prize was awarded based on a survey
conducted by the INCOMA GfK agency in
cooperation with the Barriers Account.
A questionnaire devised by these two
institutions was used to identify retailers
that make it the easiest for disabled people
to frequent their premises, but also those
where our clients face the biggest obstacles
(regarding e.g. parking space near the sales
floor, the absence of special shopping carts,
iDNES Auctions
and Fundraisers
Charity auctions and fundraisers are a
popular way of generating cash for charitable purposes. But the technical aspects
of organizing them are far from straightforward – especially online. All the more,
we appreciate the long-term cooperation
with the portal, which avails of
the technical means to hold such auctions
and is willing to put them into the services
of the Barriers Account. Of course, we also
greatly appreciate all athletes and other
public personalities who of their own
account approach us to donate one artifact
or another for our charity auctions.
Auction of sporting memorabilia of our
medalists at the London Olympics.
A charity auction of sporting gifts donated
by the ten Czech medalists who participated
in the London Olympics generated exactly
CZK 576 000.
Donors: Mirka Knapková, Vavřinec Hradilek,
Bára Špotáková, David Svoboda, Jaroslav
Kulhavý, Lucie Hradecká and Andrea
Hlaváčková, Ondřej Synek, Zuzana Hejnová,
Adéla Sýkorová, and the bronze-winning
kayak four (Havel, Trefil, Dostál, Štěrba).
All donated items found a buyer. The
proceeds were divided equally among the
Barriers Account and the foundation Rakovina Věc Veřejná (Cancer – A Public Affair).
The Barriers Account chose Honzík, Jakub,
Lukáš, Petr, and Jaroslav as the recipients of
these funds, which allowed them to purchase special sporting aids, a handbike, a floorball wheelchair, and a rugby wheelchair.
Jersey of the Fed Cup Winning Team
A white commemorative jersey of Czech
tennis player Andrea Hlaváčková, signed by
all winners’ of this year’s Fed Cup, found a
new owner during another charity auction
held on 8 November. At first, this exclusive
keepsake had been pocketed in the auction by the staff of the Kabir webzine, for
CZK 51,000 – a thousand crowns more than
Andrej Babiš’s bid. They suggested he donate his own bid, CZK 50,000 crowns, to the
Barriers Account, whereupon they would let
him have the jersey. The owner of Agrofert
accepted. Tennis player Andrea Hlaváčková
responded by donating another item from
her collection, so that both generous donors could take home a valuable keepsake.
This means that the Barriers Account received donations from two winners – and that
Eliška Zámečníková, the 24-year old ultimate
beneficiary, received a total amount of
CZK 101 000.
Christmas Fundraiser and its stories
Every year, we run a Christmas fundraiser in
collaboration with the editorial boards of
Honzík Čermák
We appreciate the long-term
cooperation with the
portal, which avails
of the technical means
to hold such auctions and is
willing to put them into the
services of the Barriers Account.
MF DNES and iDNES. Readers of these publications are presented with the story of a client of the Barriers Account, and learn about
his or her specific financial needs. The Christmas fundraiser began on 5 December 2012
and lasted for less than a month, generating
altogether CZK 315 000. Aside from Andrea,
the heroine of this particular fundraiser, this
money went to help another five families.
Two years ago, Andrea Brzobohatá came
down with a meningococcal infection.
Doctors had to amputate both legs, and
gave her a meager four per cent chance of
survival. But Andrea prevailed. Mother to a
three-year old son, this 41-year old woman
is able to walk on prosthetic legs. The fundraiser helped her make her kitchen disability-friendly, and enough money was raised
to help another six disabled people.
Picture Postcards
and Calendars of the
Barriers Account
Picture Postcards
and New Year’s Greeting Cards
In 2012, we confined ourselves to a
Christmas postcard, authored by Petr Sís.
The authors of our ever more popular
New Year’s greeting cards are Alena
Mazochová, Markéta Podhůrská, Barbara
Issa Wagnerová, Kristýna Mothejzíková,
Naděžda Kotrčová, Oldřich Jelen, Jana
Predikantová, Tomáš Bím, Jana Roselli, Josef
Čapek, Zdeněk Miler, Karel Franta, Břetislav
Kovařík, Pavel Piekar, Vojtěch Domlátil,
Anna Pleštilová, Tereza Šedivá, Jiří Svoboda,
the stock repository of Czech Press Agency
ČTK, and the children of the Pre-School and
Elementary School in Lišov.
For seventeen years now, the Opavabased company Model Obaly a.s. has
been contributing to the success of our
fundraiser in the form of sales of all-season
and Christmas postcards, in that they print
these postcards for us free of charge as a
sponsoring gift. For just as long, we have
been cooperating with Czech Post, which
acts as the official seller of the postcards.
Supplementary sales were again in the
reliable hands of BONTONland, a.s.
Espresso, s.r.o., through their brand Dilmah,
acted as sponsor in the preparatory stage
and during the promotional campaign
aimed at boosting sales.
The revenues generated by selling postcards
and New Year’s greeting cards were
earmarked, as always, for retrofitting all
kinds of schools in the Czech Republic to
make them disability-friendly.
Christmas Postcard by Petr Sís
Desk Calendars
In 2012, we published a calendar that was
primarily designed for businesses. The
pictures in this calendar represent the top
works sent in to national art contests for
children organized by the Children and
Youth Center in Znojmo.
Helma 365, s.r.o. acted as sponsor for the
design and distribution of the calendars
and as sales guarantor. Preparation
and implementation of the advertising
campaign in support of calendar sales were
sponsored by Crystalex CZ and Zámecké
vinařství Bzenec s.r.o.
The proceeds from the sale of desk
calendars went towards the purchase of
educational aids and material for disabled
The public preferred Kateřina Růžičková, the
curators’ jury chose Petra Vávrová, and the
teachers’ jury liked Anna Bydžovská best.
The first rank among schools was taken by
the Václav Hollar College and Secondary
School of Fine Arts in Prague.
The paintings were on display at the Archa
Palace in Prague, from 26 September 2012
until 10 October 2012, when the winners
of the Artis Pictus competition were announced in a festive ceremony.
24the September
Artis Pictus
2011 saw the inception of a novel kind of
project – an open-air painters’ happening:
Artis Pictus.
Young artists crossed their brushes in contest on
24 September on Náměstí Republiky in Prague.
During the day, over 400 students from 25 art
schools took turns at the easels.
Young artists crossed their brushes in
contest on 24 September on Náměstí Republiky in Prague. During the day, over 400
students from 25 art schools took turns
at the easels. Renowned personalities of
the Czech art scene, such as Mirek Pošvic,
Zdeněk Netopil and Eva Vlasáková, also
followed the call of the Barriers Account.
The decision on who should win rested with
the general public, who could vote on the
website, and two juries
composed of representatives of the professional community – curators and teachers
from the participating art schools.
24the September
With A Smile
Stanislav Kolíbal, Three Perpendicular Lines and Three Squares
Maybe We’ll See
Some Charity – Help
With A Smile
In the fall of 2012, we were given the
opportunity to stage a charity show under the banner of the Barriers Account
that was broadcast on Czech TV, in whom
we gained a fantastic partner who was
amenable to our quirky ideas and unusual
concept (unusual for a charity show,
that is).
The cooperation culminated in a pilot
entitled Maybe We’ll See Some Charity –
Help With A Smile (Možná přijde i charita
– Pomáhej s humorem). On Saturday, 29
September, host Marek Eben welcomed
viewers to this show. How did this show
differ from others? We aimed to create
a TV format that approached charity work
with humor and comic hyperbole – and we
demonstrated to ourselves, to the management of Czech TV, and to the viewers that
this was possible. We believe the result was
a huge success, judging (not only) from the
response among friends, acquaintances,
or fellow NPO workers – a success also in
financial terms, in that we enticed sponsors
and the audience of Czech TV alike, who
supported us through charity text messages
and by calling in during the telethon.
That it all went so well is due in large part
to the top-notch cast of performers, among
them Jiří Bartoška, Karel Gott, Oldřich
Kaiser, Jiří Lábus, Jiří Korn, Bolek Polívka,
Arnošt Goldflam, Eva Holubová, Milan
Šteindler, David Vávra, Tomáš Hanák, Jan
Potměšil, Petr Čtvrtníček, Pavel Liška, Josef
Polášek, Tomáš Matonoha, Marek Taclík, Jan
Budař, Lukáš Pavlásek, Barbora Poláková,
Roman Holý and Matěj Ruppert, to name
but a few. All of them appeared without
accepting any pay.
With the money raised, the Barriers Account
was able to create a fund called “Help With
A Smile”. Also flowing into the fund are the
proceeds from selling lapel pins and candles
specially designed by the fantastic graphic
artist and designer Aleš Najbrt. The following businesses took it upon themselves
to sell these charity items on our behalf:
Benzina, a.s., Czech Post (our partner of
many years), the hypermarket chain Albert
and the coffee shop chain Costa Coffee,
the web portal and the Neoluxor.
cz chain. The Barriers Account will use this
special fund to support the non-profit sector. The topic of each tender will always be
proposed and voted upon by the Council of
the Barriers Account, and will reflect current
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
That it all went so well is due in
large part to the top-notch cast
of performers, among them
Jiří Bartoška, Karel Gott,
Oldřich Kaiser, Jiří Lábus, Jiří Korn,
Bolek Polívka, Arnošt Goldflam,
Eva Holubová, Milan Šteindler,
David Vávra, Tomáš Hanák,
Jan Potměšil, Petr Čtvrtníček,
Pavel Liška, Josef Polášek,
Tomáš Matonoha, Marek Taclík,
Jan Budař, Lukáš Pavlásek,
Barbora Poláková, Roman Holý
and Matěj Ruppert, to name but
a few. All of them appeared
without accepting any pay.
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
Czech TV, 29th september 2012
belonging to the Barriers Account
RWE Fund
PRE Fund
Vodafone Foundation Funds /Redbikes/Vpohybu (On the move)
Czech Post Fund
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
Air Traffic Controller Fund
AB Facility Fund
Jan Exnar, Crete Woman
RWE Fund
Photo Archive
RWE has earned a place of honor even
among our most important partners. The
firm’s humanitarian assistance focuses
on children, senior citizens, and people
with disabilities. In social and health
issues, RWE decided to team up with our
Foundation, as we are a reliable partner
with uncontested professional authority
who guarantees the transparency of
operations. Thus the RWE Fund was born.
All requests for assistance are passed on to
the Foundation, which takes an active role
in administering the fund.
the “paragolfer”, a unique aid which allows
wheelchaired people to play golf alongside
able-bodied players.
In 2012, the Fund supported 13 petitioners
with a total amount of CZK 1 702 000.
RWE sets great store in the professional
expertise of the Barriers Account’s team and
accepts our recommendations. The list of supported organizations
includes citizens’ associations, endowment
funds, special-needs schools, social
welfare institutions, and disabled sports
organizations. Similarly varied are the
purposes for which the fund’s payouts are
earmarked: from cultural and educational
activities, to restorative and rehabilitative
stays, interesting employment programs,
new crisis centers and info centers, to
disability-friendly conversions of buildings,
sheltered living and halfway houses, to the
financing of hotlines offering psychological
When it comes to individual petitioners, the
general purpose of the granted support is
to improve their quality of life and their full
integration into society. We used this Fund
to finance personal assistance, the costs of
individual training of Paralympic athletes,
expensive rehabilitative and compensatory
aids, transportation to and from school,
the outstanding payment on an expensive
medical devices, etc.
The RWE Fund has also been supporting
the Cinema Without Barriers project at the
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, and
the Barriers Account has become a partner
of this well-established project. At the RWE
stand on the colonnade, we demonstrated
socha: PANTONE 300 CVC
text: PANTONE 281 CVC
PRE Fund
Only in the last quarter of 2012 did this
new corporate fund come into existence.
The statutes of the PRE Fund stipulates
that financial contributions may be
granted to resolve the medical or social
needs of people with disabilities; it
supports the acquisition of rehabilitative
and compensatory medical aids, the
removal of barriers (i.e., disabled-friendly
conversions), the financing of therapeutic
stays or of special sports gear.
The fund took up work only at the end of
2012, yet was already able to distribute
CZK 830 033 among 10 petitioners.
The remaining balance may be distributed
in the following calendar year. In the first
year of its operation, the fund supported
the following organizations: the Jedlička
Institute in Prague, the Sue Ryder Home,
the citizens’ association Kvadru, the citizens’
association Adrenalin – and six young
Pavel Elis, Eva Čančíková, Božena Jirků
Fondy Nadace
This project, now in its second year, was
initiated by young staff members at Vodafone who took an ardent interest in the
fate of a group of eight enthusiastic disabled athletes for whom sports and their
bicycles (or, more precisely, hand-bikes)
are an integral part of life.
It all began with the organization of various events aimed at raising funds for the
athletes – who took on the moniker “Redbikes”. In 2012, the Vodafone Foundation
supported the project with a donation of
CZK 472 631. About half that amount was
used to support team members at races and
training camps at home and abroad. The
other half went towards the purchase of
cycling equipment, cycle repairs, and direct
costs associated with participation in events
(i.e. accommodation and travel costs).
How does the team measure up to the competition? Its members have achieved excellent rankings in the Czech and European
Cups 2012 and in a prestigious race in Antwerp, came third in the New York triathlon,
and scored in the top of the field in a variety
of other competitions.
Petr Boháček, Ivan Dvořák, Pavel Foltýn,
Patrik Jahoda, Jiří Kadeřávek, Martin Kovář,
Jiří Kuchta, Zbyněk Švehla
/On The Move/
In May 2012, our Foundation won a closed
tender for the position of administrator
of the “Vpohybu” (On The Move) grant
program announced by the Vodafone
Foundation in the Czech Republic. It is an
honor for us to have won this tender, and
to be given the opportunity to collaborate
with a large foundation – all the more
since we now know that the Vodafone
Foundation had previously narrowed
down the field of potential partners and
approached four hand-picked, renowned
entities in the charity sector.
The intended target of On The Move are
informal groups of young people up to
26 years of age, as well as non-government/
non-profit organizations managed by young
people up to 30 years of age. The program
was designed to help develop the proactive
spirit, creativity, and organizational and
communication skills of project managers,
whereas the projects implemented by them
largely have to do with cultural, ecological,
or social topics, leisure-time activities, or
the revitalization of public space. We are
very excited by the project, as it promotes
similar principles as two of our “small
projects”: the Cultural Fund, and Human
Day Festival „Down to Earth“
Projects are eligible for support for
a maximum period of twelve months; the
grant is paid out in two installments, with
80% being transferred upon execution of
the contract, and a second 20% installment
after the event is completed; Vodafone
Foundation has received the final report
and the billing of the grant has been
Our role is that of administrative support
(review of incoming applications;
coordination of the evaluation procedure;
coordination and implementation of
interviews and training; contract drafting,
negotiation, and execution; monitoring
the billing of grant payouts; deadline
management); we also take care of
handling all financial aspects of the project
vis-a-vis the grant recipient.
On The Move 2012/2013 announced two
rounds of grants: a summer round for which
applications were received until 30 June
2012, and a winter round with 31 October
2012 as the deadline.
In the summer round, a total amount of
CZK 2 539 416 was in the end distributed
among 32 projects. In the winter round, 22
projects shared CZK 2 309 370 among them.
The Avast Endowment Fund has been a
partner of the Foundation since 2011. It is
a key partner of the SENSEN project, the
Sports Without Barriers project, it co-funds
personal assistants, and has agreed to create a small fund – a pilot project scheduled
for 2013 – to support immigrants...
September 2012 marked the tenth
anniversary of the beginning of
cooperation between the Barriers Account
and GLOBUS. For each plastic bag bought
at the checkout of Globus hypermarkets,
one crown goes to the Barriers Account.
Altogether, this long-term project has
yielded more than fourteen million
crowns, which allowed us to purchase and
distribute sixteen large-capacity nine-seat
vehicles that now serve across the country
as “Cars Without Barriers”.
In cooperation with the Avast Endowment
Fund, we created a fund in 2012 that is peerless in the Czech NPO sphere. It provides
assistance to parents of disabled children
and young people affected by injury or
accident, whose most urgent – and at the
same time most inaccessible – need is the
purchase of a passenger car. The pilot project made payouts to seven petitioners in an
amount of more than CZK 650 000. The way
in which this project played out also inspired
us to create a web portal, “Cars Without
Barriers”, which summarizes in one spot lots
of information that is usually hard to research. We intend to provide timely updates
on all changes of legislation, new forms of
government support, but also the latest developments regarding the medical aids that
are available in the market, car modifications
and conversions, insurance products, etc.
The website will also provide information
about the car purchase financing offers of
banks and leasing companies.
Avast is a partner on whom we can fully
rely. Without them, we would not be able to
finance certain activities, and we are lucky
to have this young, go-getting endowment
fund at our side, taking interest in new projects and exploring also the lesser travelled
roads with us.
In 2012, the fund accommodated 61 requests and distributed CZK 1 588 505. PROJECT COUNCIL
Jarmila Baudišová, Martina Břeňová,
Božena Jirků, Gita Tučná
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of
Globus’ presence in the Czech market, we
jointly developed and presented the project
ROADS TO PEOPLE. The objective was to
raise enough money within 15 weeks to
purchase 15 special-purpose vehicles for 15
organizations that provide care to disabled
clients. This we achieved: we raised almost
CZK 11 000 000 and jointly handed over
the car keys on 23 November 2011, during
a festive event at Žofín Palace – including
a sixteenth car, which was a surprise gift
courtesy of Globus.
The total balance of our cooperation has
already exceeded the hard-to-believe
amount of CZK 25 000 000.
The terms of cooperation
Applicants submit their projects and requests
directly to the betting company, which passes
them on to the Foundation, along with their
proposed support recipients. Tipsport draws
on the Foundation’s expertise in charity work
and accepts our recommendations and opinions in making the final decision on whom
to support, and how. The Foundation is in
charge of all administrative aspects of the
In 2012, the project supported athletes with
disabilities from the Hobit Brno Sports Club,
the Czech Sports Organization for the Physically Disabled, the Kontakt Praha Sports Club,
the Czech Spastic Handicap Federation, or
the Czech Wheelchair Rugby Association. The
resources pooled within the TIPFOND were
used, among other things, to purchase working aids for the Czech Association of the Deaf
and Hearing-Impaired, or for the transportation of children to the rehabilitative summer
camp organized by the
company E. Over the course of the year, TIPFOND
payouts were granted to 26 petitioners.
In 2012, the Globus Fund returned to its
standard mode of operation. Over the year,
its coffers were replenished by about one
and a half million crowns, and its inbox was
filled with new petitions. After ten years, we
decided to switch suppliers and approached
a number of importers of large-capacity
vehicles. The winner was FORD MOTOR
COMPANY, s.r.o. Česká republika.
Roads to people
2012 marks the eighth year of cooperation
between the Barriers Account and the
major betting agency Tipsport. Over
the years of our cooperation, we have
distributed approximately CZK 8 700 000
among petitioners.
Chance FUND
2012 saw the continuation of cooperation
with this partner, who is required by law
to allocate a portion of their revenues to
charitable causes. They chose to team up
with our Foundation, and for five years we
have been accommodating requests from
the area of healthcare, education, and aid
in situations of immediate distress.
Terms of cooperation
Petitioners send their requests to the
Foundation, which reviews them for
eligibility and then puts them on the agenda
of the project council, which is appointed by
the Administrative Board. The Foundation
takes care of the entire administrative side
of the project, and annually reports on the
usage of funds that were donated.
For example, we purchased a rehabilitative
“motomed” for 4-year old Tobiášek from
Volduchy, a walking aid for 5-year old Karin
from Studénka, a medical suction device
for 16-year old Ivana from Ostrava, and an
adjustable recliner for 6-year old Denisa
from Loštice. Several petitioners received
a financial contribution towards an iPad or
tablet. We helped pay tuition fees or stays at
speech therapy camps. We also contributed
towards a personal assistant so as to allow
one client to continue his studies.
We also included six disabled petitioners
who had fallen on hard times in their
personal and financial lives. All were
awarded financial support, which they used
e.g. to pay for the repair of their wheelchair,
for transportation of their children to school,
or for dental surgery.
Czech Post Fund
Czech Post has been a partner of the
Foundation for many years. Way back
in 1992 we were the first non-profit
organization to be given the opportunity
to sell at all post offices our decals for the
MÍŠA Account fundraiser, which have since
become legendary. For sixteen years, we
have been offering picture postcards for the
welfare of the Barriers Account, and in 2012
we added yet another product. Around the
time of screening of our charity show on
Czech Television, we tried to sell a charity
lapel pin, designed by Aleš Najbrt for our
Foundation. Within a short period of less
than three months, these sales managed to
raise CZK 100 000!
In 2012, our cooperation with Czech Post in
the field of charity work proper goes into its
fourth year. Thanks to them, we were able to
raise funds to accommodate the requests of
clients of the Barriers Account.
Again, we could meet the rather financially
demanding requests of individuals who were
able, thanks to the donation from Czech
Post, to purchase various indispensable
medical aids, as the payout from this
fund is somewhat higher than what is
typically provided by the Barriers Account –
mechanical wheelchairs, rehabilitative prams
and bicycle trailers, as well as high-quality
hearing aids.
In 2012, 11 applicants were granted financial
support from the Czech Post Fund.
In 2012, the CHANCE Fund approved
payouts for 50 petitioners.
Anna Veverková, Martin Kolouch,
Božena Jirků
ČSOB and ERA Support
Fund and Corporate
Social Responsibility
Our cooperation with Československá
obchodní banka, manifesting itself in the
“ČSOB and ERA Support Fund”, continued
in its second year. This charity project is
a bit different: a request for support by the
Fund may be submitted by any employee
of the bank who knows of a family
member or person close to them in need
of assistance.
The maximum payout is CZK 30 000, which
goes towards the purchase of rehabilitative
and compensatory aids, personal assistance
for children and students with disabilities,
and the education of disabled children.
The majority of donations granted from the
fund went into co-financing the acquisition
costs of basic aids needed by disabled
children. Other contributions went into the
purchase of wheelchair accessories, special
educational software, personal assistants, or
rehabilitative stays. (A list of the approved
requests can be found in the financial part
of this Annual Report.)
How does the project work?
Employees submit requests within
previously announced deadlines, which
are then assessed by the project council,
composed of experienced co-workers of our
Foundation and of the bank. This council
convened four times in 2012. All told, the
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund paid out CZK
795 274 to 46 petitioners.
Air Traffic
Controller Fund
Our cooperation with the state enterprise
“Řízení letového provozu” (Air Traffic Control) is a long-term affair. The management
of this important organization provides
us with funding under Czech government
resolution No. 334 of 14 April 1999. Side
by side, we thus assist people with disabilities with donations towards the purchase
of expensive rehabilitative and compensatory aids. Within the context of our cooperation, the enterprise also consults the
Barriers Account to discuss the legitimacy
of requests brought directly before the
management of Air Traffic Control.
This fund allows us to accommodate applications by individuals for rather substantial
financial support, endowing them with such
sums as to put them into a position to resolve their issues in a fundamental manner.
We choose primarily from among those
requests which would normally not be eligible for support by the Barriers Account.
The most pressing issue for families with
a disabled child or adult family member
remains the passenger car. Thanks to Air
Traffic Control, we co-funded the purchase
of a car for seven families in 2012. Five additional petitioners were granted a co-payment towards a special wheelchair, and for
mechanical wheelchairs with add-ons. We
also contributed towards a speech processor.
In 2012, the Air Traffic Controller Fund
allowed us to support 15 individual applicants.
construction company. This successful
construction business receives a lot of
calls for help during the year, passing on
to us those which are related to social and
health issues. The Foundation is in charge
of the administrative side of our joint
In 2012, we used this fund to support
4 petitioners, contributing towards
a passenger car, a rehabilitative stay, a trip
to a spa, and Babysense monitoring devices
(A list of all projects which received support
can be found in the financial section of this
Annual Report).
In the second half of the year, the successful firm Linet – probably the best domestic manufacturer of hospital and nursing-home beds (and of hospital equipment
in general) – decided to strike up a cooperation with the Barriers Account. Our aim
is to design a program that is specific in
that it reflects the production portfolio of
the company.
In 2012, financial assistance from this fund
was devoted primarily to the purchase of rehabilitative and compensatory medical aids.
Romana Loumová, Pavlína Horová,
Božena Jirků
This is one of the most recent funds managed by the Foundation, as it is the first
year of our cooperation with Lumius.
Even so, organizations and people from
among the fund’s intended target group
in the region where the firm pursues its
business have come to notice that a local
company is taking an interest in those in
need. In the first year of cooperation, we
agreed to support young people affected
by injury or accident, and families and
organizations taking care of the disabled,
though the firm also set aside a portion of
the fund money to support senior citizens’
In 2012, the half-million fund approved the
distribution of CZK 349 575 among 11 petitioners, four of them private individuals.
Seven organizations – service providers to
disabled clients – received financial assistance e.g. for a nursing/daycare bed, arts
& crafts supplies, sports gear, rehabilitative
and compensatory medical aids, or a personal assistant for clients.
The balance of funds has been carried forward to the beginning of 2013. PROJECT COUNCIL
Miloň Vojnar, Martin Kročil, Božena Jirků
Fond AB Facility
As of 2012, AB Facility joins the ranks of
the Foundation’s supporters as a new partner. They created a small corporate fund
at the Foundation, wanting to explore how
to do charity, how best to approach the
issue of helping those in need.
The AB Facility Fund was seeded with an
amount of CZK 130 000 as the year was
already underway, and only became fully
functional in summer, which is why we accommodated only an initial three requests
in 2012. A special-needs primary school in
Chomutov will be able to buy a wheelchair,
the mother of siblings Jiří and Julia receives
a contribution towards a rehabilitative stay
for these children, and Viktorie will be able
to buy a speech processor. PROJECT COUNCIL
Zuzana Wobořilová, Božena Jirků,
Martina Potomová
For six years now, the Barriers Account
has been cooperating with this major
Against Barriers
Adreiena Šimotová, From the Cycle: Hand (VII.)
PCs Against Barriers
proti bariérám
In this vein, the project continued in 2012.
Thanks to the support of our long-term
partner Microsoft, we were able to focus
on educational activities and support
organizations that offer various types
and levels of training – from the basics of
operating a computer, to the digital manipulation of photographs, the creation
of websites, or foreign language tuition.
Our partner training facilities and libraries
across the country taught more than 40
individual and group classes to more than
300 disabled people.
Another significant group of recipients
are senior citizens. Thanks to our support,
more than 200 have learned how to operate
a computer, and also got involved in foreign
language classes.
Regarding the procurement of employment, we’ve noticed a change in the past
year: companies are increasingly showing
interest in hiring disabled applicants, not
least because of changes in the law which
impose a quota obligation on employers.
In cooperation with LMC, we participated
in the organization of several special workshops for employers on these topics.
Emloyment of Disabled, Job Fair
The Job Fair Without Barriers, which took
place for the third time this year, saw a record number of participating employers: we
welcomed 14 exhibitors from their ranks.
These firms advertised vacant positions
within their organizations; in various workshops, we offered job seekers professional
assistance regarding certain aspects of the
hunt for a job, and additional lectures on
specific topics were geared towards applicants and employers. More than 120 job
seekers attended the Job Fair. In 2012 we
were able to procure employment for more
than 60 individuals with disabilities.
This year, the Job Fair Without Barriers
took place on the premises of the University
of Economics (VŠE) in Prague. Members of
the Center for Handicapped VŠE Students
participated in the preparation of the job
Internship and Executive Piggybacking
Since the beginning of this project in 2011,
43 young people with disabilities – high
school and college students with disabilities
– signed up for internships. This year, we
were able to arrange internships for three
college students; for 2013, we already have
21 new applications lined up. This year, internships took place at Microsoft s.r.o., Softcom Group, spol. s r.o., and St Ann’s Faculty
Hospital in Brno.
TechSoup Czech Republic Donorship
TechSoup Czech Republic is the Czech partner of the TechSoup Global organization,
which focuses on ensuring the technological capacity of NPOs. Since its inception in
1987, TechSoup global has secured access
to software and hardware donated by leading IT businesses for more than 183,000
non-profit organizations in 40 countries
around the world. Our Foundation is one
of only two organizations running this program in the Czech Republic.
44 items were made available
to private petitioners and 478
to organizations. We could
afford to be so generous
thanks to our reliable partners,
the Vodafone Foundation and
Martin Bojar, Jiří Devát, Dagmar Havlová,
Božena Jirků, Martin Kovář, Rudolf Kubík,
Jana Majerová, Petra Mašínová, Vlastimil
Palata, Gita Tučná
2012, the second year of the project, was
again very successful. 285 libraries and
NPOs signed up, and we thus already
account for more than 650 organizations
partaking in the project. We processed 509
orders, asking for 3 553 licenses. The market value of these donations is more than
26.5 million crowns.
Quality refurbished technology for workplaces in private homes and for non-profit
In 2012, we again distributed a sizable
number of refurbished technology among
individual applicants and organizations. 44
items were made available to private petitioners and 478 to organizations. We could
afford to be so generous thanks to our
reliable partners, the Vodafone Foundation
and ČSOB.
Emloyment of Disabled, Job Fair
(Sensational Senior Citizens)
ČEZ Making Wishes Come True
Healthcare-related Projects
Jaromír Rybák, Blue Fish Vase
Project SENSEN saw its inception in spring
2012. It is designed for those of our fellow
citizens who have left the middle years
behind them but still wish to live an active
and fulfilling life. It reaches out to those
who are not indifferent to life, with all its
problems, open questions and big topics
(both public and private). We want to
close ranks with them, with the aim of
countering the growing problem of miscommunication and lack of understanding
between senior citizens and the rest of society. At the same time, we intend to make
a serious and sustained effort towards
overcoming inter-generational barriers
and the most serious and hurtful problems
of ripe age – isolation and loneliness.
In the first active year of the project, forty
SENSEN clubs sprang up across the country,
and thousands of “sensational senior citizens”
signed up for our projects.
The Association of Friends of the Barriers
Account kindly contributed to bringing the
project to life and shaping its goals. Through
the Association, we took the opportunity to
obtain a government grant from the Ministry
of Labor and Social Affairs, which allowed us
to support particular activities of 19 specific
clubs across the nation.
The Foundation successfully participated in
a tender for the supply with second-hand,
overhauled computer technology from our
partner organization TechSoup in the U.S.
Because of this, we were able to rent out 89
computers for newly-created computer skills
A National Chronicle
This project aims at inspiring senior citizens
– and, eventually, as broad a cross-section
of society as possible – to create a National
Chronicle: the largest electronic archive of current and recent events and contemporaries’
oral history in the country. It will be curated
by the National Museum (which will also use
the contents of the National Chronicle for its
own scholarly work).
A second life for children’s books
This project, which is about gathering “abandoned” children’s book, responds to the
dramatic drop in demand for children’s literature, and draws upon the initiative of senior
citizens in order to organize collections of
children’s and young adult literature. In 2012,
around one thousand well-preserved quality
children’s books were collected and found
new readers in socially challenged families,
asylum-seekers’ hostels, and orphanages.
An Active Lifestyle
An important part of the project is the promotion of a holistic healthy lifestyle – not
only in physical and mental terms, but also in
social terms. Within the context of our Active
Lifestyle project, we kicked off a number of
individual programs. In cooperation with
the IKEM Pharmacy, we launched a unique
on-line consultancy on medical products.
SENSEN is also one of the main partners of
the campaign ACT FAST TO SAVE LIVES, which
familiarizes people with the first signs of heart attacks, the administration of first aid, and
the required regimen to treat those who have
suffered a heart attack.
The SENSEN project’s communication medium
is the website, which provides
all the necessary information for supporting
our core projects, and for providing senior
citizens with guidance in the areas which
interest (or bother) them most. SENSEN successfully participated in the contest “To Be
Seen 2012”, coming third in the category Best
Internet Project.
On 2 April, the Charta 77 Foundation received
the 2012 Special Award of the Ministry of
Interior for promoting information and communication technology. The minister praised
our decision to use information technology
in our Sensational Senior Citizens (SENSEN)
project in order to promote an active life for
senior citizens.
ČEZ Making Wishes
Come True
In June 2012, the Foundation and its
partners ČEZ, a.s. and the ČEZ Foundation
agreed on a joint project named “Making
Wishes Come True 2012”. The project
responds to the demographic changes in
an aging society, and the consequences
of this process for society. Within the
context of this project, we support senior
citizens’ organizations and elderly people
from across the entire country. The goal
was to make a contribution towards various compensatory and rehabilitative aids,
cultural activities, sports, and other activities which help improve the lives of senior
In total 28 petitioners (both organizations
and individuals) from various places within
the Czech Republic were chosen to participate in the project, with the Charta 77
Foundation/Barriers Account nominating 9
petitioners, the ČEZ Foundation nominating
7 petitioners, and the staff of ČEZ, a.s. nominating 11 petitioners. The chosen projects
were published on the intranet of ČEZ, a.s.,
and the employees of this company donated money into a special bank account. The
support from among the staff was truly
enormous, and the ČEZ Foundation topped
it up by matching their combined contributions.
In addition, the Foundation played a role in
providing administrative support. The project paid out a total amount of CZK 893 949
to the 28 petitioners.
Scholarship Program
Norway Grants
The Neuro-Euro scholarship program
came into existence as a part of the MÍŠA
Account, which was the oldest project of
our Foundation, established right after its
foundation in 1990.
norwegian financial mechanism
After seventeen years of work, the MÍŠA
Account project was brought to a close
upon the sale of the Leksell gamma knife.
What remained is the Neuro–Euro scholarship program. This educational project,
which helps finance professional internships
of young neuroscientists at premier clinical
workplaces within the EU and supports
scientific and clinical interaction of experts
at the European level. Scholarships are
financed from the interest and principal
generated by the MÍŠA Account.
In January 2012, the twelfth annual round
of this scholarship project was announced.
Young professionals especially in the neurosciences, but also in related fields – college
and secondary school students of age
35 years or younger – may sign up for the
The scholarship is endowed with
a EUR 1 300 stipend per applicant.
The selection board was presented with
nine applications; all applicants met the
criteria and became eligible for scholarship
Martin Bojar, Roman Liščák, Evžen Růžička,
Jiří Votava, Eduard Zvěřina
The Foundation was successful in the
second call for bids of the EEA (European
Economic Area) / Norwegian Financial
Mechanism and in 2008 secured a grant in
the amount of EUR 761 651 to finance the
project “Reduction of neonatal mortality
through improving the quality of the national system of care for extremely premature infants”.
The project objective was to purchase 12
complete sets of equipment – a heated
resuscitation cot, a device to provide artificial lung ventilation to newborns, and
a pulse oximeter – to furnish 12 perinatology centers across the Czech Republic with
this technology. In the course of 2009 and
2010, we faced and resolved the rather demanding administrative tasks posed by this
project. The equipment was delivered to the
various perinatology centers, and financial
settlement took place. In October 2010, the
project was brought to an official close.
2012 was the second year of a five-year follow-up period during which the Foundation
has ensured the sustainability of the project
by reviewing whether the subsidization
criteria continue to be honored.
Motol Faculty Hospital, General Faculty
Hospital in Prague, Thomayer Hospital in
Prague, Institute for the Care of Mother and
Child in Prague, Faculty Hospitals in Hradec
Králové, Pilsen, Olomouc, Ostrava, and
Brno, a Hospital in České Budějovice, Krajská
zdravotní a.s. and its hospitals in Most and
in Ústí nad Labem
In 2012, the Charta 77 Foundation
continued a project to respond to the
dismal financial conditions during young
physicians’ pre-licensing training, in
collaboration with the Czech Medical
The project is aimed at sponsoring the
mandatory pre-licensing training of young
doctors. Their average starting salary is
about CZK 16 000 before taxes, whereas
the price for professional literature and
pre-licensing courses (which are necessary
to prepare for and successfully pass the
approbation exam) is easily in the range of
several tens of thousands of crowns.
In order to receive a financial contribution,
the applicant must provide proof of their
costs in connection with their preparation
for approbation – this will usually include
the costs for professional literature and fees
for courses and internships. The subsidy
amount is capped at CZK 7 000.
In the period January – May 2012, we took
care of the administrative aspects of the
third year of the project (for applicants
signing up in 2011). We supported
157 physicians with a total payout of
CZK 1 023 531.
In spring 2012, we approached the current
partners, inviting them to continue our
joint project. We also tried to identify new
sponsors, but were unsuccessful; for the
time being, no new round of the project has
been announced.
Prof. František Janouch,
Mgr. Anna Veverková, JUDr. Robert Bezděk
(Charta 77 Foundation), MUDr. Milan Kubek
(Czech Medical Chamber),
Ing. Martin Pospíšil (AIFP – Association of
Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry)
Photo Archive
Jaroslav Seifert Award
Tom Stoppard Award
František Kriegel Award
Josef Vavroušek Award
Small Projects
Culture Fund
Human Rights Fund
Elekta Instruments Fund
House of the Four Muses
President’s Fund
Vladimír Kopecký, Obelisk II.
Jaroslav Seifert
The Jaroslav Seifert Award was founded by
the Charta 77 Foundation in Stockholm in
January 1986. This literary prize is awarded in recognition of an outstanding work
of poetry or fiction published or otherwise
disseminated in the Czech Republic or
abroad in the past three years. It is awarded annually on September 22, on the eve
of the poet’s birthday.
Jaroslav Seifert Award,
Vladimír Binar Laureate
Tom Stoppard
The Tom Stoppard Award was founded in
Stockholm in 1983. It is awarded annually
in May to authors of Czech origin for important work (preferentially of an essayistic bent) that inspires through the depth
of its intellectual contribution. The prize
is sponsored by its namesake, an English
playwright with Czech roots.
The laureate for the 2012 Jaroslav Seifert
Prize is Vladimír Binar. The jury awarded
the prize to him for his three-novel omnibus, “Číňanova pěna” (The Chinaman’s
Foam), which represents the pinnacle of the
author’s artistic efforts.
Vladimír Binar pursued Czech studies and
philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty of
Charles University in Prague, also as a lecturer in the years 1969 – 1975 (before he
was sacked for political reasons; he would
eventually return after the revolutionary
events of November 1989). During the “normalization” era, he made a living as translator and editor, contributing in substantial
ways to various samizdat projects (in particular the fourteen-volume Works of Jakub
Deml and the six-volume Works of Bedřich
Fučík). The award ceremony took place on
16 October 2012 at the Residence of the
Lord Mayor of Prague. At the close of the
ceremony, all guests received a commemorative certificate and the award-winning
triptych of novels.
For nine years, the Pioneer Investments
Group in the Czech Republic has acted as
the general sponsor of the Seifert Prize.
The prize money amounts to CZK 250 000.
In addition, the laureate also received
a marble sculpture – the Foundation’s symbol – and a certificate.
The Tom Stoppard Award 2012 went to
Martin C. Putna for his book Václav Havel
– A Spiritual Portrait, Framed by 20th Century Czech Culture (Prague, Václav Havel
Library, 2011). The award ceremony took
place on 17 May 2012 at the Residence of
the Lord Mayor of Prague. The jury recognized Martin Putna’s portrait as an exceptional important work on an exceptionally
important figure of modern Czech history.
Michal Bauer (chairman of the jury),
Pavel Dominik, Libuše Heczková,
František Janouch (observer without vote),
Marie Jirásková, Jiří Peňás, Michael Špirit,
Daniel Vojtěch, Jiří Zizler
Aside from the prize money, the laureate
also received a gift sponsored by the company Moser: “Perla”, a drinking set made
from crystal glass, as well as a marble cube
– the Foundation’s symbol – and a certificate.
Miroslav Balaštík, Jitka Bednářová,
Aleš Haman, František Janouch,
Anna Kareninová (chairwoman of the jury),
Martin Pilař, and Petr Šrámek
František Kriegel
The František Kriegel Award was founded
in 1987 in Stockholm; the laureate is announced every year on April 10 – Kriegel’s
birthday. The mission of the award is to
highlight exemplary courage shown in the
previous year by individuals who strive to
preserve adherence to human rights, civil
liberties, and political tolerance.
In 2012, the František Kriegel Award went
to laureate Vladimíra Dvořáková, in recognition of her exemplary display of civic values
and courage, particularly in her role as the
chairwoman of the Czech Accreditation
Commission. With dogged determination,
she has ensured that this body remains
beyond reproach as the safeguard of the
quality of higher education in the Czech
Republic. Ms. Dvořáková was, and is, never
afraid to do what it takes to protect the
Commission’s independence.
The award ceremony took place on 17 May
2012 at the Residence of the Lord Mayor
of Prague. Aside from the prize money, the
laureate also received a marble sculpture –
the Foundation’s symbol – and a certificate.
Jan Dus, Martin Groman, František Janouch,
Jana Horváthová, Miloš Rejchrt (chairman
of the jury), Břetislav Rychlík, Jiřina Šiklová,
Jaroslav Veis
Josef Vavroušek
The Josef Vavroušek Award was founded
by the Charta 77 Foundation in 1996 to
commemorate the eponymous leading
ecologist and former minister of the environment, who was also a Czech advocate
of and campaigner for the idea of sustainable development; his life was cut short by
his tragic death in 1995.
Since 2004, the Charta 77 Foundation has
been awarding this prize in cooperation
with the Partnership Foundation. The prize
is awarded for the active promotion of sustainable development and for work towards
a positive solution to interrelated ecological, social, and economic problems.
Antonín Buček, Roman Haken,
Blažena Hušková, František Janouch,
Monika Kašparová, Miroslava Knotková, Jiří
Kulich, Jan Květ, Pavel Nováček
(chairman of the jury), and Eva Vavroušková
In 2012, the Prize went to Martin Bursík and
Pavel Šremer.
Martin Bursík received the Josef Vavroušek
Prize in recognition of his authorship of,
and advocacy for, modern environmental
politics, and the promotion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy sources
in the Czech Republic.
The biologist Pavel Šremer, former environmental advisor to President Václav Havel
and a close co-worker of Josef Vavroušek,
received the Josef Vavroušek Prize in recognition of his lifelong work in nature and
landscape conservation and his promotion
of the principles of sustainable development.
The award ceremony took place on 7 June
2012, on occasion of the World Environment Day, at the Residence of the Lord
Mayor of Prague. Aside from prize money,
laureates also receives a certificate and
a glass sculpture – a gift sponsored by the
Nižbor-based glassworks
Small Projects
Culture Fund
Human Rights Fund
As in previous years, in 2012 the Foundation
paid out small grants to support interesting
cultural projects.
Among them was “My New Life”, an initiative by Lucie Cingrošová, a young physician
at the Child Oncology Ward of the Motol
Faculty Hospital, who set up an exhibition
of large-scale photography at the Old Town
Hall. The Foundation also contributed to
a project by Jiří Sozanský, a Czech painter
and sculptor – specifically, his project for
a soldier’s memorial in Příbram. We paid
out a grant to support the publication of Miloš Doležal’s “Jak bychom dnes zemřít měli”
(How We Should Die Today), describing the
life, priesthood, and martyr’s death of Jan
Toufar. This work received an award as the
most beautiful book of the year. Small financial contributions also went to a number of
other projects.
In 2012, the Foundation used this fund to
co-finance, for example, an exhibition on
political dissent before the Velvet Revolution at the National Gallery, which was
a part of a memorial week in March on the
occasion of the 35th anniversary of Charta
77. Also, following a dear tradition, it supported the seventh installment of the multi-cultural happening REFUFEST. Additional
financial support went towards the activities
surrounding the 25-year anniversary of the
legendary archive of Vilém Prečan and his
Czechoslovak Documentation Center, aside
from other beneficiaries.
As a part of this project, we also distributed about CZK 150 000 made available by
the Avast Endowment Fund for the families of immigrants who found a new home
in the Czech Republic and are struggling
because they lack the funds to cover their
basic needs.
Elekta Instruments
of the Four Muses
The Foundation’s President, František
Janouch, oversees the administration of
a small fund sponsored by the Swedish
company Elekta Instruments. In 2012, as
always in recent years, this fund was used to
finance the František Kriegel Award for Civil
In January 2012, we signed up for a tender
by the Prague 4 Municipal District for proposals on how to use the baroque Dominican manor Branický dvůr.
The Foundation won this tender; since April
2012, we have been negotiating the terms
of a future lease with Municipal District
representatives. These talks are far from
easy, and we were unable to reach a conclusion by the end of 2012. The Administrative
Council returned on repeated occasions to
the issues of the lease agreement, the cooperation with the Prague 4 Municipal District,
and the financing of this project. It commissioned an agency with raising funds from
various sources to secure project financing.
At this point in time, we have detailed
blueprints of the premises, and we have
started to discuss the actual outlines of the
future charity project with professionals, so
as to be able to organize a tender for the
architectural design in 2013 (upon signing
the lease).
The partners of the Charta 77 Foundation
with respect to this project are (newly) the
Actors’ Association, the Artist’s Life Foundation, the Schock Agency, and SEA Studio.
Actors’ Association, Artist’s Life Foundation,
Schock Agency, Petr Suske (SEA Studio)
President’s Fund
In 2011, the Administrative Council of the
Charta 77 Foundation decided to establish
a “President’s Fund”, aimed at resolving the
difficult social situation of former dissidents.
At its meeting on 14 March 2011, the Council
agreed that the project should continue in
2012, in the same scope and pursuing the
same objective.
In the second year of its operation, the
Foundation again set aside an amount of
CZK 150 000 for this purpose. As in the
previous year, in 2012 the project met with
an enthusiastic response from its intended
František Janouch, Libuše Šilhánová,
Kamila Bendová
Charitable contributions made
Donations received
Value of artwork donated for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
Endowment Investment Fund – Grant Rules
Donations in kind
Financial performance
Auditor’s report
Auditor’s report – Endowment Investment
Statutory bodies
Contact details
Jan Kubíček, Separated Elements, Two Dimensions
Charitable contributions made
Endowment Investment Fund
281 946,00
250 000,00
140 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
40 000,00
Všude dobře, Praha
Centrum služeb Slunce všem, Unhošť
Občanské sdružení Náruč, Řevnice
Denní centrum Barevný svět, Třebíč
Denní stacionář Akord, Praha
Kafira, Opava
ParaCentrum Fenix, Brno
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Sdružení Tulipan, Liberec
Repayable charitable contribution
350 000,00
110 000,00
20 000,00
Škola SPMP Modrý klíč, Praha
Jiří K., Praha
Pavel F., Plzeň
The Barriers Account
500 000,00
96 351,00
85 000,00
78 100,00
77 673,00
55 000,00
54 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
47 780,00
46 076,00
45 797,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
39 925,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
34 410,00
34 000,00
31 034,00
30 670,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
Sdružení přátel Konta BARIÉRY, Praha
Petr T., Rousínov u Vyškova
ParaCentrum Fenix, Brno
Hana V., Valašské Meziříčí
Hana D., Vrchlabí
Společenství Dobromysl, Srbeč
3 P, o.s., Praha
„Handicap (?)“, Zlín
Diakonie ČCE středisko, Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Diakonie ČCE středisko, Myslibořice
Diakonie ČCE středisko, Praha
Eva M., Říčany
Speciální pečovatelská služba, Kladno
Středisko ranné péče, Olomouc
Město Ledeč nad Sázavou
Sdružení vozíčkářů, Hrabyně
Slezská diakonie, Český Těšín
Dětské centrum PAPRSEK, Praha
Elpida, Praha
Farní sbor Českobratské církve evangelické, Horní Krupá
Hospic sv. Štěpána, o.s., Litoměřice
Nazaret, Trhové Sviny
Občanské sdružení Oáza, Hodonín
Občanské sdružení Salinger, Hradec Králové
Sdružení Sraz Společně za radostí a zdravím, Praha
Tyfloservis, Praha
Česká unie neslyšících, Praha
Iveta K., Trnávka
Zájmové sdružení Toulcův dvůr, Praha
Veronika D., Praha
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Nadace Národ dětem, Praha
Centrum pro ZP Moravskoslezského kraje, Ostrava
CEREBRUM sdružení pro poranění mozku, Praha
Česká katolická charita, Praha
Diakonie ČCE středisko, Čáslav
Eduard P., Bystřice pod Hostýnem
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 640,00
29 520,00
28 840,00
27 900,00
27 655,00
26 904,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
24 000,00
23 510,00
22 248,00
Martin W., Odry
Milan N., Praha
TJ Monty DS, Kunovice
Základní škola praktická, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Základní škola speciální a mateřská škola, Chomutov
Monika H., Ostrava
Fokus Vysočina, Havlíčkův Brod
Liga vozíčkářů, Brno
Petr H., Holice
Renata M., Zlín
Antonín S., Most
Jan H., Praha
Jasněna R., Děčín
Karel B., Štětí
Oblastní charita, Červený Kostelec
Oblastní charita, Znojmo
Iva G., Plzeň
Václav R., Horní Bříza
Společnost pro podporu lidí s mentálním postižením,
22 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 880,00
19 601,00
19 174,00
18 000,00
17 705,00
16 103,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
Daniela B., Praha
Anna L., Skvrňany
Dětská psychiatrická léčebna, Louny
Farní sbor ČCE, Lysá nad Labem
Hana B., Vysoké Mýto
Hana N., Pacov
Jana K., Dolní Bousov
Jana S., Stvolínky
Jitka H., Žďár nad Sázavou
JITRO, Olomouc
Karel M., Liberec
Klára Z., Jablonec nad Nisou
Kristýna W., Kdyně
Lucie K., Ostrava
Lukáš G., Ostrava
Magdalena Š., Chudobín
Milada B., Úsov
Moravskoslezský kruh, Brno
Naděje, Praha
Pavla V., Praha
Pohybové studio Cyranovy boty, Brno
Richard B., Ratíškovice
Sbor Bratrské jednoty Baptistů, Ostrava
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Pardubice
Vladimíra S., Ostrava
Výcvikové canisterapeutické sdružení HAFÍK, Třeboň
Zdeněk N., Chomutov
Miroslava Č., Strakonice
Diecézní charita, České Budějovice
Hana K., Praha
Dětský ranč, Hlučín
Helena J., Vysoké Mýto
Česká asociace paraplegiků, Praha
Eliška V., Praha
Jan P., Kamenný Přívoz
Jana V., Luže
Jiří Ch., Solnice
Charitable contributions made
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
15 429,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 950,00
13 700,00
13 479,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
Jitka H., Praha
Kateřina D., Velké Hamry
Marie P., Brno
Martin M., Moravské Málkovice
Pavel O., Praha
Petr D., Sokolov
Zbyšek L., Praha
Zdeňka V., Brno
Kamila G., Břeclav
Dagmar K., Chotusice
Daniela B., Ústí nad Orlicí
Hana B., Hrabyně
Hana B., Sandra Zábřeh
Helena H., Vracov
Helena Z., Praha 6
Jan B., Sedlčany
Jana K., Praha
Jana M., Brno
Jitka Š., Votice
Karel Š., Heřmaničky
Ludmila K., Plaňany
Magdalena D., Pardubice
Magdaléna V., Roztoky
Marcela H., Výškovice
Marie H., Příbram
Martina H., Praha
Martina J., Praha
Milada M., Klenovice
Milan T., Vysoké Veselí
Miroslav S., Dvůr Králové
Občanské sdružení Borůvka, Borovany
Občanské sdružení Okna, Jindřichův Hradec
Pavel B., Staré Město
Radim B., Frýdek-Místek
Stanislav S., Písek
Svaz tělesně postižených v ČR, Beroun
Sylva H., Holice
Tomáš U., Praha
Xenie K., Havířov
Zdeněk J., Otrokovice
Otto P., Litultovice
Radek K., Hrádek nad Nisou
Oblastní charita, Kutná Hora
Aleš M., Nepomuk
Antonín D., Polešovice
Bohuslav H., Praha
Dana H., Loket
Danuše H., Tábor
David S., Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Emílie Š., Jilemnice
Helena M., Hranice na Moravě
Heřman V., Praha
Irena H., Praha
Ivan G., Přeštice
Ivan K., Brumov
Ivan V., Brno
Jakub Č., Dolní Třebonín
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
Jan H., Praha
Jan H., Strakonice
Jana H., Štěpánov
Jana P., Benešov
Jana S., Zlín
Jaromír T., Lovosice
Jaroslav K., Mutěnice
Jaroslav R., Mimoň
Jaroslav T., Odolena Voda
Jaroslav V., Břeclav
Jiří B., Znojmo
Jiří F., Beroun
Jiří J., Praha
Jiří T., Studénka
Jitka P., Karlovy Vary
Jitka P., Uherský Ostroh
Josef Š., Ostrava - Zábřeh
Jozef L., Hrabyně
Karel., Praha
Kateřina H., Přerov
Kristýna M., Praha
Lenka S., Kročehlavy
Lenka V., Hlušovice
Liduše F., Ostravice
Lubomír N., Cheb
Ludmila U., Popice
Martin I., Pardubice
Martin M., Smilovice
Martin Š., Ostrava
Michal C., Unhošť
Michal H., Pardubice
Michal J., Zruč - Senec
Michal S., Hrabyně
Miloslava P., Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
Miroslav B., Brno
Miroslav R., Viničné Šumice
Miroslav T., Praha
Oldřich N., Bílovec
Oldřich S., Boskovice
Pavel S., Brno
Pavel S., Česká Lípa
Pavel Š., Sedlčany
Pavlína K., Uherské Hradiště
Pavlína V., Mníšek pod Brdy
Petr A., Ratiboř
Petr B., Břasy
Petr Š., Mladějov
Petr V., Liptál
Petra F., Praha
Renáta B., Uničov
René M., Brno
Richard H., Sloup
Roman C., Rychvald
Roman K., Brno
Romana R., Praha
Romana Š., Ostrava
Rostislav P., Litovel
Charitable contributions made
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
12 840,00
12 744,00
12 500,00
12 350,00
12 042,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
Stanislav K., Praha
Štěpán B., Praha
Štěpánka K., Plzeň
Štěpánka R., České Budějovice
Tomáš H., Praha
Tomáš K., Brno
Tomáš K., Praha
Tomáš N., Jiříkovice
Vanda H., Ostrava
Věnceslava K., Praha
Věra J., Janské Lázně
Veronika O., Veverská Bítýška
Vít V., Nový Jičín
Vladimír B., Borohrádek
Vladimír Ř., Praha
Vratislav H., Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Zdeněk B., Přerov
Zdeněk K., Olomouc
Zdeněk Š., Brumovice
Zdeněk Š., Fryšták
Zuzana Č., Pardubice
Zuzana M., Trutnov
Jan V., Hrádek
Tomasz J., Brno
Pavlína K., Liberec
Daniela V., Praha
Miroslav P., Kolín
Alena T., Praha
Alena V., Chyše
Andrea P., Horní Město
Barbora P., Punge Přerov
Dana K., Úsov
Eva D., Třeboň
Eva M., Miličín
Eva O., Brno
Gabriela K., Šumperk
Hana J., Chomutov
Hana K., Ústí nad Labem
Charita, Šternberk
Irena F., Počátky
Jan K., Bohuslavice
Jana S., Znojmo
Jaroslav M., Holice
Jaroslava V., Kravaře
Jiří B., Brno
Jiřina H., Staré Město
Judita F., Martínkovice
Kateřina Š., Krupka
Lada V., Kolín
Lubomír T., Velké Opatovice
Marie D., Hrabyně
Marie V., Karviná
Martin W., Svidanov
Miroslava Z., Krnov
Monika R., Pecka
Petr B., Ostrava
Simona V., Praha
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
11 939,00
11 920,00
11 660,00
11 508,00
11 446,00
11 311,00
11 111,00
11 070,00
11 067,00
10 835,00
10 829,00
10 800,00
10 500,00
10 318,00
10 200,00
10 088,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Stanislava H., Sezimovo Ústí
Svaz tělesně postižených v ČR, Hořovice
Vendula D., Hradec Králové
Věra V., Kolín
Veronika Ch., Praha
Marcela J., Rožmitál pod Třemšínem
Dušan V., Petřvald
Gabriela H., Králíky
Lubomír T., Otrokovice
Jitka N., Znojmo
Eva R., Teplice
Romana F., Hostim
Žaneta P., Přerov
Martin K., Příbram
Tomáš M., Habartov
Dagmar B., Chvalčov
Dílny tvořivosti, Praha
Ilona V., Praha
Hana J., Nové Syrovice
Jarmila B., Jeseník
Marie S., Dlouhá Loučka
Adolf G., Hronov
ALKA, Příbram
Andrea K., Nová Ves v Horách
Dana K., Nové Město pod Smrkem
Denisa Z., Dolní Němčí
Dita Š., Děčín
Eva S., Stříbro
Hana K., Olomouc
Hana Š., Provodov
Irena R., Praha
Irena S., Jihlava
Ivana K., Zlín
Ivana L., Praha
Jana L., Strmilov
Jana M., Pacov
Jana P., Uničov
Jana W., Kravaře
Jaroslav K., Bravantice
Jiřina P., Hlubočky
Jitka M., Šumperk
Josef P., České Budějovice
Josef W., Žatec
Kamil V., Blansko
Karla V., Zlín
Kateřina P., Broumov
Kateřina Š., Čkyně
Kristýna S., Blažkovice
Lékořice, Praha
Lenka M., Uherský Brod
Lenka S., Kojetín
Ludmila R., Veselí nad Lužnicí
Marie S., Šternberk
Markéta D., Domašov
Markéta H., Jinonačany
Markéta V., Lhota pod Libčany
Martin F., Tlumačov
Charitable contributions made
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Martin G., Šternberk
Martin J., Vysoké Mýto
Martina B., Budiměřice
Martina B., Plzeň
Matúš G., Šternberk
Michaela B., Teplice
Michaela C., Rychvald
Michaela G., Mikulov
Michaela Z., Ostrava
Miloslav F., Česká Skalice
Monika G., Staré Město
Nataša H., Praha
Nikola P., Hradec Králové
Oblastní charita, Uherský Brod
Olga M., Praha
Petr K., Česká Třebová
Petr N., Krásné Březno
Petra N., Hronov
Petra V., Benešov u Prahy
Podkrkonošská společnost přátel dětí ZP, Semily
Racek CB, České Budějovice
Romana M., Vysoké Mýto
Růžena B., Kolín
Silvie T., Letovice
Simona H., Tlumačov
Soňa L., Březová
Šárka R., Frýdek-Místek
Tereza K., Kralupy nad Vltavou
Václav V., Praha
Věra K., Velké Meziříčí
Věra P., Horní Lideč
Veronika Š., Chrastava
Základní škola praktická a speciální, mateřská škola
speciální, Kladno
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 983,00
9 960,00
9 940,00
9 820,00
9 820,00
9 811,00
9 750,00
9 723,00
9 723,00
9 460,00
9 200,00
9 000,00
8 860,00
8 645,00
8 645,00
8 500,00
8 490,00
8 180,00
8 060,00
8 000,00
Zdena P., Desná
Zdenka K., Postřelmov
Zoo, Liberec
Marie T., Štíty
Gabriela G., Písek
Milan M., Krupka
Marcela P., Olomouc
Martina Z., Přerov
Lukáš H., Rudník u Vrchlabí
Luboš N., Železná Ruda
Ilona N., Plzeň
Jana Š., Nepomuk
Václava K., Praha
Zdeněk Č., Olomouc
Jiří Š., Zlín
Gabriela B., Hradec Králové
Marie K., Mělník
Michal Ch., Zámostí
Aleš S., Hněvošice
Spolu, Olomouc
Klára Č., Hostivice
Nejste sami o.s., Karlovy Vary
Adéla F., Kroměříž
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
7 927,00
7 755,00
7 684,00
7 393,00
7 390,00
7 370,00
7 333,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
6 800,00
6 764,00
6 586,00
6 539,00
6 500,00
6 331,00
6 273,00
6 273,00
6 004,00
6 004,00
6 004,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
5 952,00
5 699,00
5 600,00
5 500,00
5 500,00
5 441,00
5 317,00
Helena R., Příbram
Jan P., Rochlice - Liberec
Jana Z., Verneřice
Jaroslav F., Prlov
Jiří M., Velim
Karel M., Hrušovany
Katarína T., Praha
Ladislav P., Louny
Lucie B., Vřesina
Martin Z., Vrchlabí
Miroslava O.,, Vsetín
Pavel H., Ostrava
Petr H., Vnorovy
Radka V., Nová Včelnice
Sylva W., Karviná
Věra S., Olomouc
Petra K., Lom u Mostu
Jaroslav T., Javorník u Jeseníku
Lenka H., Horní Cerekev
Diakonie ČCE středisko, Stodůlky Praha
Martina K., Holubice
Zuzana R., Praha
Svaz postižených civilizačními chorobami, Opava
Eva H., Nové Sedlo
Jana J., Uherské Hradiště
Pavla B., Hořice
Petra N., Neratovice
Irena B., Česká Třebová
Lukáš P., Mladá Boleslav
Jana S., Zbýšov
Kateřina S., Plzeň
Alena K., Sopotnice
Josef S., Dolní Rychnov
Jitka G., Kladno
Soňa Š., Mladá Bleslav
Dagmar Š., Pohořelice
Klára K., Praha
Saskia S., Šumná
Asociace pomáhající lidem s autismem Jižní Čechy, Tábor
Ivana Š., Mladá Boleslav
Jana J., Most
Jiří P., Ostrava
Kateřina J., Ostrava
Marek B., Břeclav
Martin V., Praha
Miloslava S., Lipová - Lázně
Pavel J., Liberec
Pavla S., Bakov nad Jizerou
Petra H., Ostrava
Silvie B., Brno
Alena H., Netolice
Dolmen agentura pro chráněné bydlení, Liberec
Občanské sdružení Trojrozměr, Brno
Ivana D., Olomouc
Jolana L., Karviná
Petr B., Praha
Josef P., Praha
Charitable contributions made
5 290,00
5 020,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
4 622,00
4 252,00
4 147,00
4 020,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
4 000,00
3 829,00
3 655,00
Sociální služby pro seniory, Olomouc
Simona M., Rakovník
Alžběta R., Jablunkov
Andrea K., Čížová
Barbora Ch., Hradec Králové
Barbora M., Náchod
Centrum pro ZP Pardubického kraje, Pardubice
Dana H., Jindřichův Hradec
Dana Š., Pelhřimov
Eva R., Smilovice
Hana B., Plzeň
Ilona V., Neratovice
Ilonka Č., Jablonec nad Nisou
Ivana D., Opava
Ivo H., Sezemice
Jana T., Náchod
Janeta S., Červený Kostelec
Jaroslava O., Brno
Jiří T., Frýdek - Místek
Jolana H., Velké Popovice
Karel P., Chlistov,
Kateřina B., Zábřeh na Moravě
Kateřina M., Mladá Boleslav
Ladislav K., Nové Strašecí
Lucie B., Bavorov
Ludmila K., Vsetín
Marie D., Hlinsko
Matěj G., Praha
Michaela Č., Veselí nad Lužnicí
Michaela K., Sokolov
Milada K., Strážek
Milena F., Hudlice
Milena N., Liberec
Miluše Z., Choceň
Nina V., Benešov nad Ploučnicí
Pavlína Ch., Žďárky
Roman H., Dobrá Voda
Stanislav R., Strakonice
Václav J., Kamenice
Veronika P., Slaný
Vlasta Ch., Liptál
Vzájemné soužití, Moravská Ostrava
Zdeněk M., Plaňany
Helena K., Praha
Lucia U., Praha
Martina P., Benešov
Ivan D., Liberec
Andrea S., Mořkov
Daniela N., Městec Králové
Eva Z., Olešnice
Jana M., Písek
Lucie M., Úpice
Miroslava K., Jeřmanice
Pavlína N., Jeseník
Yevheniya T., Hradec Králové
František P., Uničov
Renata Z., Ostrava
3 600,00
3 500,00
3 330,00
3 163,00
3 000,00
3 000,00
3 000,00
3 000,00
3 000,00
2 995,00
2 975,00
2 930,00
2 860,00
2 500,00
2 500,00
2 187,00
2 000,00
2 000,00
1 957,00
1 500,00
1 451,00
1 350,00
Klára P., Zlín
Doris F., Praha
Ladislav V., Žamberk
Julie B., Praha
Asociace rodičů a přátel ZP dětí, Klub Úsměv, Žďár n.Sázavou
Dagmar P., Zábřeh
Iveta Š., Žirovnice
Mateřská školka speciální, Louny
Renata S., Olomouc
Stáj Rozárka, Kutná Hora
Kateřina P., Staré Město
Lucie M., Svatobořice
Marta H., Javorník
Kateřina H., Oskořínek
Zuzana D., Příbor
Monika F., Prachovice
Anna U., Olomouc
Jan B., Stará Paka
Pavla K., Olšany
Michaela P., Orlické Záhoří
Martina A., Ostrava
Ludmila Z., Trhové Sviny
Člověk v nouzi (People in Distress) Fund
10 000,00
5 200,00
4 019,00
Petra Č., Praha
Martin Š., Litvínov
Josef K., Čechtice
Personal Assistance Fund
10 330,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 000,00
8 000,00
7 500,00
7 180,00
7 000,00
6 000,00
5 649,00
4 710,00
3 240,00
3 000,00
2 000,00
2 000,00
2 000,00
1 192,00
1 000,00
1 000,00
Cesta slunce, Praha
Hana B., Vysoké Mýto
Petra T., Měšice
Radoslava V., Nové Město nad Metují
Integrované centrum služeb, Odlochovice
Olga M., Znojmo
Anna S., Znojmo
Vendula H., Český Krumlov
Věra F., Lázně Bohdaneč
Jana K., Ledeč nad Sázavou
Martina Š., Praha
Lenka K., Dolní Bojanovice
Vladimíra V., Praha Praha 6
Veronika S., Heřmanice
Ivan J., Praha
Jitka F., Česká Třebová
Kateřina S., Jablonec nad Nisou
Ivana N., Praha
Marek F., Brno
Romana T., Liberec
Disability-friendly conversion of schools
200 000,00
150 000,00
150 000,00
Základní škola Sedmikráska, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Mateřská škola Pivovarská, Králíky
SOŠ a SOU Jindřichův Hradec
Charitable contributions made
150 000,00
100 000,00
50 000,00
Základní škola a mateřská škola, Třinec
Mateřská škola a základní škola speciální Diakonie ČCE,
Základní škola a mateřská škola, Dušejov
148 683,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
99 811,00
92 282,00
87 001,00
70 000,00
59 650,00
59 545,00
49 859,00
44 040,00
40 200,00
32 159,00
25 000,00
12 440,00
7 827,00
Veronika D., Praha
Aleš A., Ostrava
Daniel P., Tanvald
Daniela K., Mnichovo Hradiště
Jan K., Planá
Jiří P., Skotnice
Ladislav T., Luhačovice
Martin B., Liberec
Martin M., Moravské Málkovice
Michal Ch., Zámostí
Patrik N., Jalubí
Petr K., Žďár nad Sázavou
Přemysl Ch. Havířov
Radek P., Prostějov
Richard H., Sloup
Rudolf G., Praha
Tomáš N., Jiříkovice
Tomáš P., Příbram
Václav T., Petřvald
Veronika O., Veverská Bítýška
Petr V., Liptál
Jaroslav R., Mimoň
Barbora K., Stochov
Petr H., Holice
Pavlína V., Mníšek pod Brdy
David P., Český Krumlov
Jan H., Strakonice
Jiří B., Veselí nad Moravou
Pavel K., Židlochovice
David J., Olomouc
Vladimír B., Kolín
Lada E., Lovosice
Ondřej P., Sluštice
Sport Without Barriers
80 000,00
65 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
40 600,00
40 005,00
40 000,00
35 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 839,00
ASK ELNA, Počerady
Wheelchair basket Studánka, Pardubice
Kontakt bB, Praha
Michal H., České Budějovice
Pavel K., Dačice
David P., Český Krumlov
Jaroslav J., Písek
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Praha
Česká asociace paraplegiků, Praha
Sportovní klub stolního tenisu, Jánské Lázně
Tomáš Č., Kostelec nad Orlicí
Vratislav H., Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Sportovní sdružení vozíčkářů, Most
25 700,00
25 000,00
24 414,00
21 000,00
20 400,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 989,00
19 960,00
Jakub D., Sázava
Jan H., Pardubice
Český svaz transplatovaných, Praha
Sportovní club obchodní akademie, Jánská Lázně
Občanské sdružení Kolečka na cestách, Praha
Bohuslav D., Velké Hamry
František P., Lišov
Jan M., Bruntál
Jan N., Praha
Jan T., Toužim
Jiří T., Praha
Karel D., Velká Hleďsebe
Karla V., Zlín
Lukáš K., Klatovy
Markéta P., Praha
Martin Ch., Jičín
Michal D., Otice
Miloslav B., Kladno
Pavel D., Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
Petr A., Janské Lázně
Petr B., Litoměřice
Petr F., Blansko
Petr N., Plzeň
Petr V., Zlín
Petra Č., Praha
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů Králové, České Budějovice
Zbyněk S., Český Krumlov
Zdeněk Č., Netolice
Zlínské aplikované sporty, Zlín
Pavel F., Plzeň
Společnost pro podporu lidí s mentálním postižením,
15 160,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
SK Ostrava, Vřesina
Centrum Paraple, Praha
Lucie P., Liberec
Milan K., Hradec Králové
Radomír K., Baška
Rehabilitačně sportovní centrum TJ Respekt,
Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
SK stolního tenisu ČSAD, Hodonín
Štefan P., Slavkov u Brna
Dalibor S., Valašské Meziříčí
Aleš H., Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí
Jitka D., Holice
TyfloCentrum, Olomouc
Užitečný život, Praha
Octopus, Praha
Martin F., Habrovany
SK Kontakt, Praha
Bulldogs, Brno
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
12 550,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 852,00
8 500,00
2 550,00
2 000,00
PCs Against Barriers
114 600,00
90 000,00
90 000,00
Krajská knihovna, Karlovy Vary
Elpida plus, Praha
Elpida, Praha
Charitable contributions made
35 400,00
33 000,00
31 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
28 300,00
25 000,00
24 120,00
23 400,00
21 453,00
20 764,00
20 587,00
20 000,00
17 000,00
16 000,00
13 970,00
11 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
7 000,00
6 500,00
6 000,00
5 700,00
5 000,00
4 990,00
4 790,00
3 847,00
3 500,00
3 000,00
2 590,00
1 890,00
1 000,00
Sdružení občanů Exokus, Třemošná
Krajská vědecká knihovna, Liberec
Centrum služeb pro ZP, Strakonice
BMI sdružení, Praha
Jan N., Prostějov
Vialin, Karlovy Vary
Studnice, Plzeň
Sociální agentura o.s., Ústí nad Labem
ParaCentrum Fenix, Brno
Středočeská vědecká knihovna, Kladno
Sdružení ZP v ČR, Česká Lípa
Tomáš W., Praha
PONTIS, Šumperk
Úhlava o.p.s., Klatovy
Kolpingova rodina, Smečno
Zuzana M., Trutnov
Marek B., Břeclav
Irena S., Praha
Jana N., Zbraslav
Sdružení klubů neslyšících, Praha
Inka D., Sokolov
Marcela P., Teplice nad Metují
Martina P., Jirkov
Miroslav S., Hrabyně
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Patrik Š., Praha
Roska, Praha
Ondřej S., Lanškroun
Martin I., Pardubice
OASA, Nový Jičín
Naděžda P., Oslavany
Jakub P., Plzeň
Nikola N., Jablonec nad Nisou
Martin G., Šternberk
Marie S., Šternberk
Zdeněk Š., Praha
Pavel M., Lesonice
Jaroslav Seifert Award
250 000,00
Vladimír B., Praha
17 443,00
10 000,00
Lenka Š., Praha
Občanské sdružení Hendaver, Praha
Human Rights Fund
34 734,00
29 960,00
24 000,00
14 547,00
13 503,00
10 000,00
3 170,00
Gabdullina R., Ústí nad Labem
Misgurnus, Praha
Československé dokumentační středisko, Praha
Ali K., Ústí nad Labem
Hasanat K., Ústí nad Labem
InBáze Berkat, Praha
Lazzat Ch., Ústí nad Labem
President ´s Fund
14 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
8 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
Zdenka T., Londýn
Blanka C., Praha
Dana N., Praha
František K., Praha
Ladislav H., Písek
Marie Rút K., Praha
Václav V., Praha
Vlastimil T., Praha
Zbyněk B., Praha
Zbyněk H., Praha
Zina F., Praha
Jiří V., Praha
Jan D., Praha
Jan Š., Brno
Jarmila J., Praha
MÍŠA Account/Neuro-Euro Scholarship
33 508,00
33 507,00
33 007,00
32 926,00
32 864,00
32 769,00
32 383,00
32 227,00
31 960,00
Martin B., Ústí nad Labem
Tomáš N., Praha
Tomáš R., Ústí n. Labem
Eva P., Ústí nad Labem
Martin Ch., Praha
Lukáš T., Praha
Radek K., Praha
Michal O., Ústí nad Labem
Ota G., Praha
Tom Stoppard Award
30 000,00
Martin P., Praha
1 023 531,00
Příspěvky na předatestační vzdělání lékařů
Františea Kriegel Award
Roads to People
30 000,00
Vladimíra D., Praha
Culture Fund
40 000,00
40 000,00
25 000,00
22 000,00
22 000,00
Jiří S., Praha
Nová tiskárna, Pelhřimov
Jana B., Myjava
Nadace Národ dětem, Praha
Portus, Praha
140 000,00
140 000,00
140 000,00
140 000,00
140 000,00
140 000,00
140 000,00
138 364,00
Arpida, České Budějovice
Centrum pro ZP, Liberec
DC 90 o.s., Olomouc
Diakonie ČCE středisko Radost, Merklín
Charita, Javorník
Chráněné bydlení, Sokolov
PZP Merlin, Hlinsko v Čechách
Dětské centrum, Kopřivnice
Charitable contributions made
138 364,00
135 850,00
110 966,00
82 440,00
72 324,00
54 120,00
4 990,00
3 000,00
Základní škola Pomněnka, Šumperk
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Svaz paraplegiků, Praha
Santé, Havířov
Liga vozíčkářů, Brno
OS Svítání, Pardubice
Škola SPMP Modrý klíč, Praha
Domov Krajánek, Jesenice u Rakovníka
Reading Helps
100 000,00
100 000,00
90 750,00
80 000,00
69 965,00
55 000,00
52 800,00
48 750,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
36 071,00
21 319,00
13 253,00
Adéla U., Ústí nad Labem
Jakub N., Praha
Klára A., Hradec Králové
Lukáš B., Bohušovice nad Ohří
Nikola H., Horní Pěna
Matěj Š., Valašská Pohanka
Jakub D., Praha
Jakub M., Klenovice na Hané
František Š., České Budějovice
Kateřina H., Oskořínek
Radana B., Králíky
Michal Č., Králíky
Filip G., Opava
RWE Fund
500 000,00
423 802,00
180 000,00
120 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
90 000,00
70 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
Film Servis festival, Karlovy Vary
Centrum handicapovaných lyžařů, Jánské Lázně
Bicykle help, Praha
Dětský ranč, Hlučín
Občanské sdružení Sluneční domov, Praha
Společnost rodičů s Downovým syndromem, Praha
Bílá Hůl, Praha
Green Doors, Praha
Martin S., Praha
Občanské sdružení Aladin, Kladno
100 000,00
50 000,00
44 400,00
31 351,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 322,00
25 900,00
25 000,00
20 811,00
20 697,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
Česká sledge hokejová asociace, Dalovice
Společnost DUHA, Trutnov
SK Kontakt, Praha
Martin K., Praha
Česká federace Spastic Handicap, Teplice
Český svaz tělěsně postižených sportovců, Praha
Oblastní charita, Červený Kostelec
Nemocnice Vyškov
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Praha
Tomáš N., Hradec Králové
Daniela B., Ústí nad Orlicí
Jakub L., Kroměříž
ALKA, Příbram
Ivana K., Praha
Josef B., Praha
Kateřina P., Praha
Marián P., Karviná
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 788,00
18 050,00
16 583,00
15 000,00
13 794,00
12 755,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
7 656,00
7 000,00
Martin O., Brno
Petra M., Ústí nad Orlicí
Sportovní kub Hobit, Brno
Václav V., Opočno
Festina Lente, Ledce
Tomáš N., Česká Třebová
Silvia Š., Vamberk
Společnost E, Czech Epilepsy Association, Praha
Centrum handicapovaných lékařů, Janské Lázně
Michaela L., Luhy
Jedličkův ústav, Praha
Michal Š., Havlíčkův Brod
Sportovní klub Spastic Tricykl, Blatná
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Ostrava
Vratislav H., Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Svaz tělesně postižených v ČR, Teplice
Svaz neslyšících a nedoslýchavých v ČR, Beroun
Czech Post Fund
45 000,00
45 000,00
44 752,00
30 000,00
25 000,00
20 150,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
18 738,00
16 360,00
15 000,00
Anna M., Plzeň
Jiří Č., Dačice
Jana V., Ostrava
Kateřina K., Předměřice
Petra H., Česká Lípa
Yuliya P., Praha
Eva P., Břeclav
Ursula M., Josefův Důl
Markéta M., Jablůnka
Alena B., Most
Petr J., Hranice na Moravě
Skanska Fund
15 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 925,00
Nadace Křižovatka, Brno
DMO POBYTY, Mladá Boleslav
Petra M., Ústí nad Orlicí
Sdružení rodičů a přátel Střediska DAR, Praha
Lydie Ř., Hradec Králové
Chance Fund
100 540,00
70 000,00
50 000,00
49 999,00
38 981,00
35 000,00
34 146,00
30 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
22 000,00
20 500,00
20 290,00
20 000,00
19 500,00
Domov pro seniory Elišky Purkyňové, Praha
Život 90, Jihlava
Radka R., Karlovy Vary
Hospicové hnutí Vysočina, Nové Město na Moravě
Cesta slunce, Praha
Krajská knihovna Karlovy Vary
Eliška V., Praha
KŘIŽOVATKA handicap centrum, Pardubice
Anna K., Železná Ruda
Oto K., Nepomuk
Libor N., Bystré
Marcela P., Kozojedy
Kateřina N., Nový Bor
Michal Ch. Zámostí
Charitable contributions made
18 000,00
17 000,00
16 000,00
15 890,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 997,00
14 970,00
12 880,00
12 100,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 999,00
9 147,00
9 000,00
8 550,00
8 500,00
8 042,00
8 000,00
7 840,00
6 802,00
4 942,00
2 530,00
2 432,00
2 150,00
1 529,00
1 500,00
Čeněk N., Praha
Anna V., Litomyšl
Lucie V., Líně
Jana K., Horní Lideč
Kolpingova rodina, Smečno
Ladislav L., Znojmo
Monika G., Praha
A Kluby České republiky, Krasová
Elen S., Louny
Nadační fond Klíček, Praha
Romana D., Tábor
Barbora A., Brno
Gabriela P., Svitavy
Jana B., Rapotice
Michal H., Vratislavice nad Nisou
Pavla S., Zbůch
Mariana Š., Libětice
Hana K., Libavské Údolí
Petra T., Přerov
Marie M., Český Brod
Martin O., Praha
Kateřina V., Dvůr Králové
Petra R., Nový Malín
Griffiths, Liberec
Jana P., Uničov
Dětský domov, Hamr na Jezeře
Ivana K., Ostrava
Alena B., Praha
Hospicové o.s. Cesta domů, Praha
Základní škola Trutnov
Alena M., Cheb
Jitka H., Blansko
52 000,00
48 000,00
48 000,00
48 000,00
48 000,00
42 851,00
41 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
37 296,00
37 200,00
35 626,00
32 168,00
32 000,00
23 038,00
5 499,00
Air Traffic Controller Fund
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
15 185,00
15 000,00
9 815,00
Vodafone Foundation Funds
196 460,00
138 000,00
119 600,00
96 000,00
92 448,00
90 304,00
90 000,00
85 240,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
76 413,00
72 000,00
68 000,00
64 000,00
63 000,00
61 600,00
61 205,00
61 040,00
60 000,00
57 600,00
Hana O., Hanušovice
Futra, Orlová
Pozdní sběr, Řevnice
Štěpánka H., Praha
Tomáš B., Most
Karel S., Červený Kostelec
Daniel Č., Telč
Petr A., Ostrava
Symbio, Praha
Vít G., Opava
Nikola J., Ostrava
Divadlo poPUD, Rousínov
Pavel F., Plzeň
Jiří K., Praha
Julie V., Brno
Petr B., Žďár nad Sázavou
Jiří K., Praha
Redbikes, Praha
Lukáš P., Hluboká nad Vltavou
Boii, o.s., Nasavrky
Sdružení přátel Jaroslava Foglara, Brno
Česká komora tlumočníků znakového jazyka, Praha
Ondřej Š., Česká Lípa
Tereza F., Praha
NaZemi, Brno
Aleš P., Rudná u Prahy
Jakub P., Litoměřice
Jazz Off, Kostelec nad Ohří
Kadet - klub žonglování Magnis, Želetava
Martin K., Praha
Anuma Iuventutis, Ostrava
Oblastní spolek Českého červeného kříže, Praha
Veronika P., Mělník
Karolína V., Sezemice
Hnutí Brontosaurus, Brno
Kateřina S., Všenory
Roman D., Zlín
Lunaria, Jindřichovice pod Smrkem
Knoflík, sdr. pro mimoškolní vzdělávání mládeže, Plzeň
Libuše D., Liberec
Martin O., Brno
Petra M., Ústí nad Orlicí
Renata F., Brno
Václav V., Opočno
Ivo K., Jihlava
Jarmila H., Most
Jana H., Nový Jičín
Karel B., Štětí
Jan B., Jiřetín pod Bukovou
Kateřina P., Praha
Romana Š., Ostrava
Kateřina Š., Týn nad Vltavou
Vít P., Ostrožská Nová Ves
Lukáš K., Hradec Králové
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
30 000,00
30 000,00
21 940,00
20 330,00
20 280,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 980,00
19 809,00
18 074,00
18 000,00
18 000,00
16 947,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Denisa K., Teplice
Zuzana M., Trutnov
Jan M., Votice
Adam P., Liberec
Vladimíra V., Praha
Adéla V., Říčany
Alexandra L., Praha
Dana K., Třinec
Hana D., Vrchlabí
Helena K., Zlín
Markéta R., Nasavrky
Jana S., Náměšť nad Oslavou
Kateřina D., Hradec Králové
Jiřina J., Sokolov
Kateřina H., Vestec
Zdeňka Š., Moravská Třebová
Hana K., Chomutov
Alena P., Proboštov
Hana H., Mladá Boleslav
Charitable contributions made
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 977,00
14 497,00
11 734,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 000,00
5 000,00
4 725,00
4 460,00
1 120,00
Marcela K., Teplice
Markéta J., Dolní Kounice
Pavla H., Jesenice
Alena K., Lovosice
Josef M., Praha
Daniela S., Děčín
Libuše O., Prácheň
Miloš D., Nový Bor
Petra K., Havlíčkův Brod
Matyáš B., Dobšice
Marie D., Slaný
Eva O., Brno
Život bez bariér, Nová Paka
Filip H., Praha
ČEZ Foundation Fund
39 000,00
2 680,00
2 180,00
Michal E., Kadaň
Michal H., Benátky nad Jizerou
Jarmila V., Praha
Zdeněk M., Habartov
Earmarked grants paid out through
the Barriers Account
715 754,00
600 517,00
338 652,00
285 100,00
242 224,00
238 000,00
227 000,00
213 479,00
213 164,00
185 700,00
167 653,00
167 050,00
163 000,00
162 000,00
155 702,00
154 119,00
152 633,00
140 764,00
139 500,00
134 443,00
129 625,00
127 500,00
125 200,00
115 258,00
114 438,00
111 979,00
105 183,00
103 829,00
101 130,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
98 992,00
František H., Rynárec
Marián P., Karviná
Josefína R., Křtiny
Daniel Č., Praha
Michaela D., Červená Voda
Martin O., Brno
Martin K., Praha
Petr K., Žďár nad Sázavou
David Š., Smolnice
Jakub M., Dubá
Libor N., Česká Třebová
David N., Velké Hoštice
Jan H., Ústí nad Orlicí
Ondřej M., Šachov
Daniel K., Písečná
Zdeňka H., Praha
David S., Příbram
Sára K., Týnec u Břeclavi
Pavel K., Ostrov nad Ohří
Tereza V., České Budějovice
Vojtěch F., Praha
Ivana K., Praha
Erika T., Beroun
Nikola H., Horní Pěna
Štěpán K., Jablonec nad Nisou
Daniel V., České Budějovice
Lucie S., Praha
Jakub Š., Praha
Matěj G., Praha
Šárka T., Praha
Základní škola a mateřská škola Prointepo, Hradec Králové
Nikola H., Volenice
96 000,00
95 508,00
93 943,00
93 681,00
86 650,00
82 300,00
80 639,00
80 000,00
78 804,00
76 100,00
74 155,00
74 205,00
71 868,00
70 000,00
68 223,00
67 420,00
67 000,00
65 049,00
65 000,00
65 000,00
61 500,00
60 361,00
60 000,00
60 000,00
59 658,00
59 632,00
59 615,00
57 759,00
54 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
49 400,00
48 150,00
48 000,00
46 770,00
44 032,00
41 851,00
41 000,00
40 641,00
40 620,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
38 171,00
33 800,00
33 400,00
33 000,00
32 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
25 800,00
23 500,00
23 112,00
22 700,00
22 652,00
21 166,00
21 000,00
20 991,00
Danuše H., Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí
František Z., Luhačovice
Michal F., Všetaty
Ondřej P., Olomouc
Kristina B., Jasenice
Natálie D., Most
Markéta M., Praha
Pavel S., Brno
Karel K., Praha
Petra M., Ústí nad Orlicí
Daniel T., Jablonec nad Nisou
Michaela L., Luhy
Filip Č., Přibyslav
Jitka M., Ostrava
Štěpán K., Nové Strašecí
Stanislav M., Tábor
Jana S., Střítež
Jiří J., Praha
Josef B., Praha
Tomáš V., Praha
Jaroslav J., Písek
Bohumil D., Hodkovice nad Mohelkou
Jana P., Levín
Štěpán H., Mělník
Karolína K., Syrovice
Magdalena D., Pardubice
Tomáš H., Bílovice
Vlasta H., České Budějovice
Jiří S., Stolany
Elpida Plus, Praha
Ivo K., Jihlava
Jitka H., Jimlín Louny
Petr C., Praha
Dominik B., Praha
Jan N., Praha
Renata P., Ostrava
Adam J., Třebenice
Václav V., Opočno
Ondřej H., Vidče
Marek B., Zvole
Helena Z., Praha
Jitka P., Karlovy Vary
Timoteus K., Jindřichův Hradec
Roman H., Velká Polom
Karel P., Ostrava
Ladislav R., Jaroměř
Antonín Ř., Příbor
Jiří Z., Louny
Richard H., Sloup
Renata V., Kounov
Monika B., Zlín
Matěj F., Bílý Újezd
Jiřina H., Zlín
Monika Z., Lipůvka
Kateřina Z., Praha
Tomáš P., Přerov
Český ragbyový svaz vozíčkářů, Praha
Charitable contributions made
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 911,00
18 970,00
18 238,00
17 800,00
17 216,00
16 595,00
16 448,00
16 200,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 500,00
14 486,00
14 399,00
13 000,00
12 925,00
11 660,00
10 500,00
10 410,00
10 359,00
10 300,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 213,00
8 357,00
7 394,00
7 073,00
6 720,00
6 134,00
6 032,00
6 000,00
5 896,00
5 000,00
4 625,00
4 620,00
4 596,00
4 562,00
4 561,00
2 520,00
1 134,00
Pavlína K., Zábřeh
Robert P., Děčín
Věra S., Praha
Viktor L., Český Krumlov
Marie B., Praha
Jarmila H., Most
Lukáš B., Bohušovice nad Ohří
Natálie W., Chodov
Tomáš L., Praha
Středočeský kraj, Rybka, Neratovice
Nikol Z., Nová Role
Věra V., Kolín
Jana H., Řevničov
Lenka B., Raspenava
Martin Z., Vrchlabí
Andrea P., Brno
Tomáš D., Ostrava
Daniela K., Ostrava
Patrik P., Praha
Alena Š., Veselí nad Moravou
Martin K., Hlučany
Jarmila V., Praha
Silvia Š., Vamberk
Lukáš M., Liberec
Dana H., Loket
Jakub R., Sokolov
Josef D., Konice
Lubomír K., Brno
Martin T., Soběslav
Krysztof M., Trutnov
Petra N., Neratovice
Jan B., Mohelnice
Inka D., Sokolov
Bořek Š., Dolany
Marie B., Praha
Pavel H., Milevsko
Tomáš Z., Chomutov
Josef K., Hroznová Lhota
Petr D., Sokolov
Karolína S., Praha
Romana R., Přelouč
Ondřej F., Ústí nad Labem
Ondřej J., Karviná
Kateřina P., Praha
Jan P., Praha
Adéla L., Pelhřimov
List of scholarship students supported
by the Barriers Account
Andrea K.
Andrea Z.
Barbora S.
Dagmar M.
Daniel S.
Dominik B.
Eliška J.
Technická univerzita, Liberec
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
Odborné učeliště při JÚŠ, Praha
Moravská vysoká škola, Olomouc
Univerzita J.A. Komenského, Praha
Eliška Š.
Eva S.
Eva W.
Filip H.
Filip J.
Gabriela Č.
Gabriela S.
Ivana V.
Jakub F.
Jakub G.
Jakub P.
Jan B.
Jan K.
Jan S.
Jana N.
Jaroslav K.
Jiří K.
Jiří Ž.
Jitka O.
Kamila Š.
Karolína Š.
Kateřina Š.
Kateřina Š.
Kristýna H.
Kristýna V.
Ladislav L.
Lenka D.
Lubomír H.
Lucie B.
Lucie K.
Lukáš S.
Magdaléna D.
Marie M.
Martin G.
Milan F.
Ondřej V.
Patrik P.
Pavel B.
Pavel M.
Petr K.
Petr K.
Petr M.
Petr S.
Petra Č.
Petra H.
Radek N.
Radek P.
Romana J.
Šárka K.
Tomáš Ch.
Tomáš K.
Tomáš Ž.
Veronika V.
Vít F.
Vladimíra Č.
Zdeněk H.
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
SOŠ sociální u matky boží, Jihlava
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesné postižené, Jánské Lázně
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
Univerzita Tomáše Bati, Zlín
Gymnázium Františka Křižíka, Plzeň
Gymnázium a SOŠ dr. V. Šmejkala, Ústí nad Labem
Vysoká škola obchodní, Praha
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Praktická škola Karla Herforta, Praha
Gymnázium Hády, Brno
Evangelická akademie a VOŠ sociálně právní, Brno
Obchodní škola při JÚŠ, Praha
Gymnázium, Velké Meziříčí
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
VOŠ sociálně právní, Praha
Pražská vysoká škola psychosociálních studií, Praha
Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
VŠ finanční a správní, Praha
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
VOŠ sociálně právní, Praha
SŠ F.D. Roosevelta pro tělesně postižené, Brno
Soukromá SOŠ a Gymnázium Bean, Staňkov
Gymnázium, Pradubice
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
SŠ pro sluchově postižené, Valašské Meziříčí
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
LYNN University, Boca Raton, Florida
Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
SOŠ, Starý Plzenec
Akademie STING, soukromá VŠ, Brno
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesné postižené, Jánské Lázně
SOŠ, Frýdek-Místek
Technická univerzita, Liberec
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
Karlova Univerzita, Praha
Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha
Mendelova univerzita, Praha
Univerzita, Hradec Králové
SŠ, ZŠ, MŠ pro sluchově postižené, Praha
Jazyková škola, Brno
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
Technická univerzita, Liberec
SŠ Aloyse Klára, Praha
Metropolitní univerzita, Praha
SŠ sociálně správní při JÚŠ, Praha
Charitable contributions made
AB Facility Fund
15 000,00
14 941,00
Základní škola, Chomutov
Pavel Z., Most
Artis Pictus
100 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
15 000,00
8 000,00
Sjednocená organizace nevidomých ČR, Praha
Jaroslava D., České Budějovice
Žaneta S., Praha
Vladimír F., Praha
Tereza K., Praha
Global Wines Fund
25 000,00
12 100,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Andrea B., Brno
Vojtěch T., Praha
Irena P., Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Miroslav R., Viničné Šumice
Natalja B., Praha
Petr Š., Brno
Ghassan B., Praha
Jarmila J., Ostrava
Ladislav B., Čestice
Linet Fund
3 000,00
Petra M., Ústí nad Orlicí
Lumius Fund
60 000,00
51 301,00
39 642,00
31 649,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
18 000,00
10 015,00
5 223,00
5 000,00
Vratislav H., Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Naděje, Vysoké Mýto
Nikola H., Horní Pěna
KŘIŽOVATKA handicap centrum, Pardubice
ADRA, Praha
P+P, Děčín
Anica D., Praha
Lenka M., Ostrava
Vysokomýtská nemocnice, Vysoké Mýto
Klub Hvězdička, České Budějovice
Avast Endowment Fund
100 000,00
71 800,00
Gabriela G., Moravská Třebová
Marcela K., Zlín
Donations received
výtěžek aukce konta Bariéry
Nadace Vodafone Česká republika
Nadační fond Avast
Pražská energetika, a.s.
RWE Gas Storage, s.r.o.
Výtěžek DMS
Globus ČR, k.s.
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
Nadace ČEZ
Výtěžek z prodeje špendlíků
Hrdá Marcela
Lumius, spol. s r.o.
Roman Martin
Řízení letového provozu
České republiky, státní podnik
API CZ s.r.o.
Česká pošta, s.p.
Pioneer Asset Management, a.s.
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
výtěžek z prodeje pohlednic Česká pošta
Raiffeisenbank a.s. - příspěvky za klienty
ČEPS, a.s.
Oční klinika JL, s.r.o.
AUTO JAROV, s.r.o.
Fincentrum a.s.
Metrostav a.s.
Global Wines, s.r.o.
gpa s.r.o.
AB Facility a.s.
igepa velkoobchod papírem spol. s r.o.
město Lovosice
Czaban Jiří
Nohejl Karel
Helma 365, s.r.o.
město Dubá s.r.o.
MONTAKO s.r.o.
CHARVÁT Group s.r.o.
EBM system s.r.o.
FERRING Pharmaceuticals CZ s.r.o.
MÉDEA, a.s.
Pollmann CZ s.r.o.
statutární město Karviná
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Advanced World Transport a.s.
ROCHE s.r.o.
Skanska a.s.
Egger Walter
Home town Amount in CZK
Praha 10
Praha 4
Praha 10
Praha 9
Praha 9
Praha 5
Česká Kubice
Praha 4
Frýdek - Místek
Praha 5
Praha 4
5 202 307,00
2 680 000,00
2 600 000,00
2 203 100,00
2 000 000,00
1 448 442,00
1 378 748,00
1 165 000,00
1 100 000,00
963 949,00
642 379,00
516 181,00
500 000,00
443 621,00
415 000,00
410 000,00
Slapy u Tábora
Praha 1
Praha 4
Praha 4
338 789,00
300 000,00
300 000,00
250 000,00
250 000,00
247 285,00
221 760,00
200 000,00
200 000,00
195 507,00
180 000,00
170 000,00
155 000,00
150 000,00
145 000,00
140 000,00
130 800,00
122 949,00
120 000,00
120 000,00
120 000,00
117 666,00
116 800,00
116 650,00
110 000,00
103 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
90 000,00
86 000,00
78 990,00
75 000,00
75 000,00
72 500,00
Praha 4
Praha 10
Praha 13
Praha 3
Praha 8
Praha 8
Praha 1
Praha 8
Praha 10
Odolena Voda
Praha 1
Praha 8
Praha 6
Praha 1
Kralupy nad Vltavou
Praha 4
Jesenice u Prahy
Praha 4
Jindřichův Hradec
Karviná - Fryštát
Praha 4
Praha 4 - Nusle
Praha 7
Praha 4
Seeboden Rakousko
Rodinný pivovar BERNARD a.s.
Stoppard Thomas
Maxpharma servis s.r.o.
L I N E T spol. s r.o.
Schwarzenberg Karel
výtěžek Allegro Group systém Payu
Muchna Václav
Sbor Bratrské jednoty baptistů v Lovosicích
Janeček Karel
Charčenko Galina
Městské divadlo Brno
ALMEX, spol. s r.o.
ACI - AUTO Components International, s.r.o.
Alfasys One, a.s.
Borovka Pavel
CLOSER s.r.o.
ERTL GLAS, s.r.o.
Ferona, a.s.
HV SYS s.r.o.
Jansa Pavel
Kubánek Vladimír
MAREK Industrial a.s.
MSV elektronika s.r.o.
Nadační fond VEOLIA
Pavlin Stanislav
Půček Ladislav
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
ROMAX produkce - Roman Minařík
Cigler Marani Architects, a.s.
ALIAZ - ocelové konstrukce, spol. s r.o.
AZ FLEX, a.s.
SLOT Group, a.s.
Steiner Karel
Sdružení pro internetovou reklamu v ČR
JABLUM Czech s.r.o.
Fortuna Loterie
Crazy production s.r.o.
Factum Invenio, s.r.o.
Myslbek a.s.
Golf Club Beřovice o.s.
Medicentrum Beroun, spol. s.r.o.
Očka Dušan
R4U s.r.o.
Sysel Milan
Česká mincovna, a.s.
výtěžek Artis Pictus
Štádler Michal
Mlenská Dana
Mališ Daniel
RM Investing Group s.r.o.
Chateau Mcely s.r.o.
Lhota Pavel
Rahma Reda
Praha 9 - Čakovice
Praha 3
Praha 6
České Budějovice
Praha 5
Praha 6 - Střešovice
Praha 4
Praha 2
Říčany - Jažlovice
Praha 1
Praha 3
Karlova Studánka
Studénka - Butovice
Praha 1
Praha 4
Praha 8
Praha 5
Liberec 8
Praha 4
Karlovy Vary
Praha 3
Bakov nad Jizerou
Praha 1
Ústí nad Labem
Praha 5
Praha 1
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 2 - Vinohrady
Jablonec nad Nisou
Kladno - Dubí
Praha 4
Praha 5 - Košíře
Praha 5
Mcely 61
Praha 8
Praha 5
71 490,00
70 958,25
65 330,00
65 000,00
65 000,00
64 797,00
60 000,00
57 800,00
55 000,00
54 000,00
53 146,00
51 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
48 150,00
48 000,00
48 000,00
47 867,00
47 600,00
45 000,00
42 333,00
41 865,00
41 650,00
40 800,00
40 800,00
40 600,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
39 765,00
38 500,00
38 110,00
37 200,00
36 321,00
36 000,00
36 000,00
36 000,00
35 566,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
Donations received
VECOM zdvihací zařízení s.r.o.
ELGAS, s.r.o.
Šlezinger Vladek
4Progress, s.r.o.
AMO, spol. s r.o.
DOSTING, spol. s r.o.
Fond Jana Kubaty pro olympijské naděje
KNAUF INSULATION, spol. s.r.o.
Koulovic s.r.o.
Město Třebenice
Obrtelová A.
Palata Vlastimil
Pinnacle Central & Eastern Europe, s.r.o.
Soudská Eva
Tomáš Ševčík - SPRINTSPORT
Žaluda Petr
Kusýn Michal
Polák Petr
Hanousek Martin
Škoda Bohdan
BENU s.r.o.
Bláha Radim
Březina Jan
Erat Roman
Isolit - Bravo, spol. s r.o.
Kalina Václav
Kamitz Jan
Lions Club Olomouc
NaturaMed Pharmaceuticals s.r.o.
Pleskačová Ivana
Týč Daniel
Okresní soud Karlovy Vary ČR
PARIO s.r.o.
Dubec Rudolf
iStyle CZ, s.r.o.
FAST ČR, a.s.
Lhota David
Štěpánek Petr
Vobořilová Alena
AGADOS, spol. s r.o.
AZ - Jeřáby, s.r.o.
Čejchan Miroslav
Černovský Radek
Eliáš Patrik
ELKO EP, s.r.o.
Energy produkt plus s.r.o.
Eris, s.r.o.
Exekutorský úřad Přerov
GNB chem, a.s.
Gymnázium Žďár nad Sázavou
H R U Š K A, spol. s r.o.
Haimová Věra
HAK velkoobchod s.r.o.
Velká Losenice
Praha 7
Praha 2
Praha 7
Praha 6 - Řepy
Brno - Město
Ústí nad Labem
Praha 5
Praha 1
Praha 1
Veselí nad Lužnicí
Praha 4 - Krč
Jablonné nad Orlicí
České Budějovice
Praha 6
Mladá Boleslav
Karlovy Vary
Hradec Králové
Karlovy Vary
Praha 1
Praha 10
Praha 5
Velké Meziříčí
Dubí - Pozorka
Liberec 8
Karlovy Vary
Holešov - Všetuly
Světlá nad Sázavou
Nový Bor
Praha 1
Žďár nad Sázavou
31 683,00
31 640,00
31 000,00
30 750,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 700,00
29 669,00
28 000,00
27 260,00
26 150,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
24 000,00
24 000,00
23 000,00
23 000,00
21 000,00
20 800,00
20 500,00
20 107,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
Havlát Martin
Hella Corporate Center
Central & Eastern Europe, s.r.o.
20 000,00
20 000,00
I.T.A.-Intertact s.r.o.
Kamenická stavební s.r.o.
Kopecká Dita
LADOS, a.s.
Letiště Praha, a.s.
Nadace Jana Anderse Sládka
Nadační fond Českého rozhlasu
Nedvěd Jaroslav
ORRY - Aero Fun
Peleška Luděk
Pleskač Filip
Procházková Jitka
REAL BOX PÍSEK, spol. s r.o.
Schinko Tomáš
Stavební firma Vymětal s.r.o.
Šamánek Milan
ŠkoFIN s.r.o.
Tousková Martina
Trčka Pavel
Vacek Bohumil
Východočeská plynárenská, a.s.
Zapletal Petr
Zemědělská a.s. Horní Bradlo
Židlická Karina
Šostý Libor
Siemens, s.r.o.
Welser profile s.r.o.
Coufal Jan
Čermák a Hrachovec a.s.
(ZO OS UNIOS, Čechofracht a.s.)
Praha 1
Praha 8
Lípa 276
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 2
Praha 4
Praha 13
Praha 4
Praha 9
Praha 5 - Řeporyje
Praha 3
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 500,00
19 200,00
18 700,00
18 000,00
18 000,00
17 000,00
16 651,00
Praha 1
16 510,00
Cato, spol. s r.o.
CDS CARS s.r.o.
Cmíral Miloš
Červenka Josef
Hakr Eduard
Hulinský Petr
Charvátová Kateřina
Chládek Stanislav
Kalhous Richard
Klement Jiří
Kopřiva Matěj
Kubát Jan
Kusý Petr
Linhartová Zuzana
Momentive Speciality Chemicals, a.s.
MORAVO trading spol. s r.o.
Motyka Tomáš
Mrňous Petr
Praha 10
Praha 7
Praha 8
15 720,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Praha 10
Praha 6
Uherský Brod
Praha 5
Praha 5
Praha 4
Praha 6
Hradec Králové
Horní Bradlo
Praha 5
Praha 10
Praha 5
Frýdek - Místek
Dolní Rožínka
Donations received
Nadace České pojišťovny
Olejníček Ivan
OLZA, spol. s r.o.
OSEV jih s.r.o.
OSIVA BORŠOV, spol. s r.o.
Primusová Markéta
Špadrna Josef
Traplová Jarmila
Ungerman Jan
Vránová Daniela
Pačinková Jarmila
Švestka Jiří
Švestka Martin
CS CABOT, spol. s r.o.
Potměšilová Hana
REPROSAM, s.r.o.
ADEON CZ s.r.o.
Bednář Tomáš
Bendík Radoslav
Beran Tomáš
Bumbálková Dagmar
Čupič Břetislav
Eurofit Trading a.s.
EuroPartners Consulting, s.r.o.
Evan Jan
Hrabovská Gabriela
Jeřábková Lucie
Karpíšek Václav
Klíma Jan
Malý Boris
Malý Libor
Moutvičková Alena
Nekula Petr
Paclt Adam
Perry Lucie
Pils Jan
Polanský Marián
Primus Lukáš
Průcha Jan
Hasičská vzájemná pojišťovna, a.s.
AZ Products s.r.o.
Lisý Zdeněk
Techni Trade s.r.o.
Drahoš Jiří
Hromíř Petr
Jirásková Ivana
Jírovec Jaroslav
Wíttková Jitka
ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL s.r.o. - zaměstnanci
Šaršonová Marie
Andrlová Martina
ASPERA, spol. s r.o.
Praha 4
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Boršov nad Vltavou
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Praha 7
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Uherský Brod - Újezdec 13 800,00
13 500,00
13 500,00
Praha 1
13 335,00
Valašské Meziříčí
13 000,00
13 000,00
Říčany - Jažlovice
12 500,00
12 000,00
Ústí nad Labem
12 000,00
12 000,00
Praha 10
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
Praha 2
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
Praha 5
12 000,00
12 000,00
Praha 4
12 000,00
Praha 5
12 000,00
12 000,00
Praha 5
12 000,00
Praha 4
12 000,00
Praha 2
11 921,00
11 500,00
11 220,00
Praha 5 - Smíchov
11 208,00
Praha 6
11 000,00
Praha 6
11 000,00
11 000,00
11 000,00
11 000,00
10 951,00
Praha 1
10 695,00
10 500,00
10 000,00
České Budějovice
10 000,00
Bednář Pavel
Beránek Pavel
Bernertová Sylva
Boš Pavel
Bronco, s. r. o
Bulín Miroslav
Buriánová Jarmila
Civín Petr
ČD Cargo, a.s.
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Plzeň-jih
Česká lékařská komora Pelhřimov
Česká zbrojovka a.s.
Diagnostica, a.s.
Doubrava Ivan
Drobil Pavel
EDTS spol. s r.o.
ELOTEX, spol. s r.o.
Fenclová Eva
FINEX Corp., s.r.o.
Galerie Kodl, s.r.o.
Gali spol. s r.o.
GASPED spol. s.r.o.
Grinevová Zuzana
GUARANT International spol. s.r.o.
GYNEKOLOGIE Pařízková s.r.o.
Hájek Martin
Holasová Marie
Holeinová Zuzana
Horňácká farma s.r.o.
Hořejší Josef
Hromíř Vojtěch
Hubáčková Dagmar
Chour Martin
Chvojka Ludvík
IT CONsult Solution s.r.o.
Jerie Jan
Jesenia Consulting, spol. s.r.o.
Jíra Jaroslav
Jugmann Martin
Karous Miloš
Klíma Jan
Klíma Martin
KOMO mark s.r.o.
Kratěna Ondřej
Kress Zuzana
Krupka Jaroslav
Křesťanské společenství
Lebriez Jerome
Lékárna SALVIA spol. s.r.o.
Létal Radek
Hradec Králové
Praha 7
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Stod u Plzně
10 000,00
Hradec nad Moravicí
Uherský Brod
Praha 9 - Čakovice
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 10
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 6
10 000,00
Semily - Podmoklice
10 000,00
Český Krumlov
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 4
10 000,00
Okrouhlo 119
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 2
10 000,00
Hrubá Vrbka 120
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Chlumec nad Cidlinou 10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5 - Radlice
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 8 - Libeň
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 7
10 000,00
Praha - východ
10 000,00
10 000,00
Nový Bor
10 000,00
10 000,00
Bystřice pod Hostýnem 10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Donations received
Ležal Frentišek
Lukeš Jaroslav
Machej Jaroslav
Machytková, Sedláček, Vaca & spol.,
advokátní kancelář
Maranatha Enterprises s.r.o.
Matějovic Přemysl
Morávková Jana
Mrázková Ria
Mrázová Jaroslava
MS HAUS s.r.o.
MSV & spol., advokátní kancelář
Nadace pojišťovny Generali
Niederlová Jindra
Nováková Marta
Novotný Viktor
OKD, a.s., Důl Paskov
Parisch Jan
Pašek Zdeněk
Pavlík Jan
Petřivý Daniel
PFelektro spol. s r.o.
Plekanec Tomáš
Pochyla Ladislav
Poličské strojírny a.s.
Příhodová Marie
RETRY s.r.o.
Rodinné centrum Čtyřlístek, s.r.o.
Ryss Jiří
Řápková Ivana
Savov František
Schöck - Wittek s.r.o.
Spojené kartáčovny a.s. Pelhřimov
Staněk Petr
Stehlík Evžen
Strnadová Vladimíra
Strojírna TEDESCO, a.s.
Šinágl Roman
Štolbová Martina
T E C O M Analytical Systems CS spol. s.r.o.
Talacko Petr
Technodat, CAE - systémy, s.r.o
Tomala Jaroslaw
Vařechová Zdeňka
Vlášková Marie
Vodovody a kanalizace Trutnov, a.s.
Voldánová Zdeňka
Vrbata Radim
Zima Daniel
Zívalová Věra
ZŠ a MŠ J.A.Komenského
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 1
10 000,00
Praha 9 - Újezd nad Lesy10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Hradec Králové
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 2
10 000,00
Praha 5
10 000,00
Žďár nad Sázavou
10 000,00
Nový Bor
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 8
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5 - Zbraslav
10 000,00
Praha 9 - Prosek
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 3 - Vinohrady
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 4
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Opava - Předměstí
10 000,00
Praha 4
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 4
10 000,00
Praha 6 - Břevnov
10 000,00
10 000,00
okres Trutnov
Rudná u Prahy
Praha 5
Nové Strašecí
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Žemlička Jiří
Žídková Alena
Žluté střevíčky a.s.
AWT Rekultivace a.s.
Kasková Alexandra
Kolátorová Alena
Minář Antonín
obec Větřní
Pačinek Ivo
Knoblauchová Lucie
Kompresory PEMA, s.r.o.
Machač Martin
Měřínská Eva
Sormová Věra
Šesták Martin
Vavřincová Martina
Musilová Blanka
Ondráčková Michaela
Čermák Zdeněk
Formánek Antonín
Halens Service s.r.o.
Martínková Ludmila
Brunhofer Jaromír
Holínka Pavel
Hrochová Miloslava
Kováč Ivo
MATAMI s.r.o.
obec Velké Hoštice
Portaflex s.r.o.
Procházková Eugenia
Zaoralová Eva
Dvořáková Jana
Bláhová Andrea
Brtníková Lucie
Cieslar Michal
Coca-Cola HBC Česká Republika, s.r.o.
Derma Plus s.r.o.
Goldschmied Jan
HK Stavební Real, s.r.o.
Charvát Michal
Javorská Hana
Kloubek Matěj
Kopečný Jan
Kotalová Eva
Kršek Ivan
Matajsová Magdalena
Mík Jakub
MILENIUM 3000 spol. s.r.o.
Procházka Daniel
Sassmann Vladimír
SIDAT, spol. s.r.o.
Slancová Dita
SmithNovak, s.r.o.
Šnobl Jiří
Šnobrová Ivana
TROJEK, a.s.
Praha 8 - Karlín
Karlovy vary
Praha - Radotín
Praha 7
Hradec Králové
Praha 8 - Libeň
Horní Slavkov
Praha 4
Velké Hoštice
Moravská Ostrava
Praha 9
Praha 10
Praha 7
Praha 4
Praha 5
České Budějovice
Praha 8
Praha 6
Praha 6
Praha 6
Praha 1
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 890,00
9 000,00
9 000,00
9 000,00
9 000,00
8 300,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
7 800,00
7 792,00
7 777,00
7 500,00
7 090,00
7 080,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
6 500,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
Donations received
Tůma Milan
Urbánková Hana
Vrnata Marek
WH Optimum s.r.o.
Žák Ondřej
Čížek Jan
Brouček Jan
Laštůvka David
Heřmanová Marie
Lemon Petr
Kadlec Václav
Procházka Radek
A G R O P, spol. s.r.o.
Adametz s.r.o.
Almásyová Blanka
AutoSystem s.r.o.
Bartošová Ivana
Bezděk Robert
Bojar Martin
Branyik Alexander
Brokešová Dagmar
Burdová Ester
Centrum zubní péče s.r.o.
Cizner Radek
Czernik Adrian
Čáp Petr
Černý Dušan
Černý Jan
Darániová Yvona
Doležal Igor
Dorazil Tomáš
Drábek Jaromír
Drmla Miroslav
Družstvo Plehřimov
Dvořáková Monika
Ekomplex marketing s.r.o.
EUCOM s.r.o.
Fabiánek Jiří
Faltysová Taťána
Forsapi s.r.o.
Furch František
Gabrhelík Emil
GASCONTROL, společnost s.r.o.
Gerbrichová Ludmila
Grund a.s.
Grygárek Petr
Gumotex Automotive, s.r.o.
Hallada Bohdan
Halouzková Pavla
Hauerová Milena
Havlík Samuel
Hejral Milan
Hejtmánek Petr
Praha 1
Rudná u Prahy
Čeké Budějovice
p. Syrovice
Praha 5
Orlová - Poruba
Praha 5
Praha 10
Jablonec nad Nisou
Moravská Ostrava
Hradec Králové
Praha 6
Mladé Buky
Most - Velebudice
Praha 1
Praha 1
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
5 800,00
5 730,04
5 600,00
5 520,00
5 500,00
5 500,00
5 400,00
5 300,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Hendrich Vladimír
Herzan Zdeněk
Hlava Miroslav
Hnídek Milan
Holečková Alena
Holíková Romana
Hopianová Ludmila
Horák Pavel
Horáková Jana
HORFA s.r.o.
Horníček Roman
Hradilková Klára
Hubínková Vanda
Chodura Leszek
J U B A R , spol. s r.o.
Jedlička Tomáš
Jiříček Karel
Kadaně Štěpán
Kadaňová Eva
Kantor Roman
KAREL HOLOUBEK - Trade Group a.s.
Kerner Jan
KH-Cetto s.r.o.
Klučáková Martina
Klupáková Venuše
Kmec Jaroslav
Kneiflová Karolína
Kolařík Jaroslav
Konderla Jan
Kopa Lukáš
Kovářová Iva
Kozák Dobroslav
Krákorová Marcela
Král Miroslav
Kroupa Radim
Kuba Marcel
Kubáč Lubomír
Kučera Havel
Kyselová Erika
Laptěvová Ljuba
MA - Real a.s.
Majvald Jan
Matějec Vlastimil
Minx Aleš
Moidlová Marta
Mordinská Hana
Muchna Václav
Müller Bedřich
NOREST s.r.o.
Novák Tomáš
Novák Václav - stave
Nováková Blanka
Nováková Hana
Novoveselský Karel
Praha 7
Slavkov 4
Horní Suchá
Stonava 842
Praha 1
Praha 3
Praha 6
Český Brod
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Donations received
Help with us!
Novoveský Karel
Obec Mysletín
Ochranek Marian
OKD, HBZS, a.s.
Osička Tomáš
Peřinová Milada
Pětioký Jakub
Picek Stanislav
Pick Štěpán
Plessingerová Alena
Portychová Pavlína
Poslušný Gustav
Pospíšil Radek
PPP, spol. s.r.o.
Rajnoha Oldřich
RODA spol. s r.o.
Růžička Jaroslav
Ryšavý David
Řepková Marcela
S pro S cz, spol. s.r.o.
Sazovská Alena
Sedláček Jiří
Seidlová Blanka
Sellner Martin
SILNICE.CZ s. r. o.
Sklopísek Střeleč, a.s.
Praha 7
Praha 5
Stráž nad Nisou
Bohušovice nad Ohří
Benešov u Semil
Praha 9 - Libeň
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Skřeček Pavel
Stami Hranice s.r.o.
Staněk Petr
Susak Michal
Šafrata Karel
Šilhánek Ivo
Šimánek Lubomír
Špingl Jan
Švidrnoh Vladimír
Tancer Karel
T-CLUB, s.r.o.
TOPTHERM, s.r.o.
Tumova Jitka
TyfloCentrum Olomouc, o.p.s.
Urbančíková Alice
Vančurová Zora
Vašíček Radek
Vlach Petr
Vymyslická Martina
Wéber Pavel
Worthington Cylinders a.s.
Zachariášová Alice
ZEAS Podorlicko a.s.
ZEZ SILKO, s.r.o.
Žabka Petr
Sezimovo Ústí
Ústí nad Labem
Kamenice na Lipou
Praha 4
Trnov 99
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Value of artwork donated for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
Ambrosová Helena
Anderle Jiří
Aubrechtová Pavla
Augustin Richard
Axmann Mikoláš
Balabán Daniel
Balcar Martin
Bartáková Libuše
Bednářová Ivana
Beldová Alena
Benedikt Václav
Beneš Karel
Benešová Daniela
Benetka Karel
Bičovská Jaroslava
Bím Tomáš
Blabolilová Marie
Bláha Václav
Blažíček František
Bohdanová Blanka
Bolf Josef
Born Adolf
Boška Jindřich
Bouda Jiří
Brabenec Jaromír E.
Bradáček Lukáš
Brančovský Rudolf
Brázda Pavel
Brejcha Šimon
Brichcín Roman
Brunton Vladimír
Brychtová Jaroslava
Budíková Jana
Cajthaml David
Cilková Zuzana
Císařovská Vendula
Císařovský Petr
Císařovský Tomáš
Crocro Lucie
Čech František Ringo
Čermáková Sára
Černá Kateřina
Černý Dušan
Černý Filip
Demel Karel
Djakovič Pedja
Doležal Jindřich
Dostál Ivo
Dostálová Dagmar
Drahotová Veronika
Dvořák Jan
Ehret Andrea
Eliáš Bohumil jr.
Eremiášová Milča
Value of Artwork
40 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
7 500,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
59 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
150 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
8 700,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
23 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
16 500,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
13 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
Erlebach Vladimír
Exnar Jan
Exner Ivan
Fárka Lubomír
Fidlerová Markéta
Filip T.A.K.
Franta Roman
Gabriel Michal
Gabrielová Milada
Galerie Kodl, s.r.o.
Galerie La Femme
Galerie U Zlatého kohouta
Gargulák Jaromír
Gebauer Kurt
Gebauer Vladimír
Georgiadu Anna
Grosseová Elzbieta
Halata Dobroslav
Halberštát Eduard
Hanuš Jan
Hanuš Jiří
Harcuba Jiří
Hašková Eva
Hauschka Jiří
Hejl Alexandr
Hejlová Natálie
Herynek Pavel
Hilská Jitka
Hísek Jan
Hnízdil Aleš
Hodný Ladislav ml.
Hodonský František
Hoffmeisterová Xénia
Höhmová Zdena
Holeka Pavel
Honetschläger Jakub
Horáčková Jana
Horálek Vojtěch
Horálková Helena
Hošek Jakub
Hošková Anežka
Houska Jiří
Hrubeš Karel
Hrubý Jan
Hrušková-Štefková Helena
Hřivnáč Tomáš
Hřivnáčová Petra
Hubatková Jana
Hudeček Otakar
Hůla Jiří
Hůla Zdenek
Husák Milivoj
Hüttnerová Iva
Chabera Milan
Charwot Břetislav
Chatrný Dalibor
Chromek Miloš
Chudomel Jaroslav
40 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
3 500,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
13 000,00 Kč
1 500,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
70 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
7 500,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
Jahodová Merlin
Janatková Milli (Milada)
Janda Jiří
Janečka Petr
Janíčková Olga
Jankovič Jozef
Janoušek Karel
Janůjová Jarmila
Jelen Oldřich
Jelínková Barbora
Jemelka Jan
Jilemnická Ellen
Jirků Boris
Josífková Tereza
Kaloč Jiří
Kaloč Otakar
Kaloč Robin
Kanyza Jan
Karlík Viktor
Karpíšek Jan
Kašpar Jaroslav
Kaufman Mirek
Kavan Jan
Kintera Krištof
Kitzberger Igor
Kleprlík Slavomír
Klimešová Bára
Knotek Aleš
Koblasa Jan
Kočí Richard
Kodet Kristian
Kodl Martin
Kodlová Jitka
Kokolia Vladimír
Kolíbal Stanislav
Komárek Ivan
Konvička Richard
Kopecký Vladimír
Kornatovský Jiří
Kořistková Zuzana
Kotrčová Naděžda
Kotýnková Ivana
Kovářík Vojtěch
Kožíšek Petr
Králová Markéta
Kraus Pavel
Krejbich Daniel
Kroča Antonín
Krotký Svatoslav
Krumphanzlová Věra
Krupičková Věra
Křen Ivo
Kříž Daniel
Kříž Ivan
Kříž Jaroslav
Kubíček Jan
Kubínová Lucie
15 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
2 500,00 Kč
27 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
6 500,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
138 000,00 Kč
2 500,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
2 800,00 Kč
3 500,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
28 000,00 Kč
65 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
66 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
3 500,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
4 500,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
120 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
80 000,00 Kč
1 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
48 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
36 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
Value of artwork donated for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
Kučerová Alena
Kudrnáč Filip
Kuklík Ladislav
Kulman Tomáš
Kvíčala Petr
Lamr Aleš
Lanz Monika
Laryszová Renáta
Laub Tomáš
Laufrová Alena
Leszczynski Radomír
Levinská-Borecká Marcela
Lhotský Zdeněk
Lindovský Jiří
Lipinová Alena
Lipinová Monika
Lokšová Irena
Lomová Ivana
Lörinczová Pavlína
Macháčková Klára
Mainer Martin
Malich Karel
Malina Petr
Mandát Luboš
Mansfeldová Eva
Manto-Mrnka Antonín
Marčík Jan
Marčík Zdeněk
Mareš Dominik
Maršálek Marian
Martin Ivan
Martinková Věra
Másler Jaromír
Matoušek František
Matzenauer Michal
Mazochová Alena
Mědílek Jiří
Měřička Jan
Michálek Miloš
Mitášová Karolína
Mocek Jiří
Moser, a.s.
Mrázová-Cagliero Šárka
Mudroch Marián
Mžyk Josef
Najbrtová Kamila
Neborová Anna
Nemoudry Ewa
Nepasický Jiří
Nesázal Michal
Neugebauerová Alice
Nievaldová Miloslava
Novák Vladimír
Nováková Nikola
Nováková Věra
Novotná Klára
70 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
2 500,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
80 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
60 000,00 Kč
28 000,00 Kč
7 140,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
17 000,00 Kč
36 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
32 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
45 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
25 700,00 Kč
28 000,00 Kč
17 500,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
13 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
Olešová Bohuslava
Ondroušková Zuzana
Orlita Lukáš
Ouhel Ivan
Ovčáček Eduard
Ovčáčková Berenika
Pacáková Jana
Pacner Miroslav
Pacovská Květa
Palečková Veronika
Pastrňák Petr
Paštéková Dominika
Patřičný Martin
Pavlovský Michael
Pavlovský Tomáš
Pažoutová Kateřina
Pěchouček Michal
Perič Milan
Petrbok Jiří
Pfeffer Michaela P.
Piekar Pavel
Pobříslo Karel
Podhůrská Markéta
Polívková Zdenka
Pošva Jiří
Pošvic Miroslav
Pouba Petr
Pražan Oldřich
Price-Dvořáková Kamila
Příhoda Stanislav
Puchnarová Dana
Purkrábková Hana
Radová Šárka
Ranný Emanuel
Richterová Marina
Rittstein Michael
Róna Jaroslav
Roučka Pavel
Růtová Eva
Rybák Jaromír
Řeháková Šafka Zdena
Řičica Michal
Řízek Tomáš
Sakuma Eva
Samec Jan
Samek Jiří
Samek Petr
Saraah Satin
Sedláček Ondřej
Sedláček Pavel
Sikora Rudolf
Sion Zbyšek
Sládek Karel
Sládek Petr
Sláma Miloš
Slíva Jiří
Smejkal Václav
17 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
19 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
120 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
17 000,00 Kč
4 500,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
7 500,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
5 500,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
2 500,00 Kč
5 400,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
4 500,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
13 500,00 Kč
120 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
60 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
Soukup Pavel
Soukupová Pavla
Sozanský Jiří
Spurný Josef
Srncová Emma
Stejskalová Michaela
Stodolová Klára
Střížek Antonín
Suchánek Vladimír
Suchý Jiří
Sukdolák Pavel
Surůvka Jiří
Suška Čestmír
Svatošová Táňa
Svoboda Jaroslav
Svoboda Vladimír (Praha)
Svoboda Vladimír (Brno)
Sýkora Ladislav
Sýkorová Lenka
Synecká Naděžda
Synková Eva
Šabóková Gizela
Šafáriková Markéta
Šafář Karel
Šafránková Daniela
Šalamoun Jiří
Ščigol Michail
Šebesta Dalibor
Šebíková Eva
Ševčík Petr
Šimek Jiří
Šimorda Miroslav
Šimotová Adriena
Škapík Štefan ml.
Šmaha Petr
Šnokhausová Petra
Šolc Jaroslav
Špaňhel Jakub
Šrámková Ivana
Štědra Jaroslav
Štědrý Karel
Šťepánová Taťána
Štenclová Jitka
Šuhájek Jiří
Švarcová Lupačová Martina
Švéda Jakub
Tabery Marta
Taberyová Marta
Tataro Věra
Tefr Vilém
Tefrová Marie
Tesařová Hana
Tobola Jan
Tomek Eduard
Trčková Šárka
Trefilová Irena
Ulrich Jindřich
Umělecká sklárna HVH, s.r.o.
10 000,00 Kč
27 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
2 500,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
11 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
7 500,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
22 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
200 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
31 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
110 000,00 Kč
33 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
100 000,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
67 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
18 500,00 Kč
4 500,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
14 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
15 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
9 500,00 Kč
5 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
Value of artwork donated for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
Uždilová Bedřiška
Valečka Jaroslav
Válek Jaroslav
Váradiová Markéta
Varmuža Vratislav
Vašíček Aleš
Vávra David
Vejvoda Radim
Vejvodová Eva
Velčovský Josef
Vichrová Marcela
Viková Jindra
Vilhelmová Lenka
Vivot Lea
Vítečková Kateřina
Vlasáková Eva
Vlček Petr
Voldřichová Blanka
Votruba Jiří
Vožniaková Ivana
Vydrová Marie
Vyleťalová Olga
Vysušil Karel
Waageová Bohunka
Wagner Ladislav Maria
Wagnerová Barbara Issa
Welberts Inga
Zábranský Vlastimil
Zajacová Jana
Zálešák Martin
Zámečníková Dana
Zeman Bořek
Zeman Petr
Zemanová-Blahová Alena
Zoubek Olbram
Zoubek Václav
Ženatá Kamila
Žertová Jiřina
60 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
150 000,00 Kč
10 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
9 000,00 Kč
7 000,00 Kč
2 000,00 Kč
25 000,00 Kč
250 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
24 000,00 Kč
16 000,00 Kč
12 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
35 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
30 000,00 Kč
40 000,00 Kč
4 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
8 000,00 Kč
6 000,00 Kč
3 000,00 Kč
17 000,00 Kč
18 000,00 Kč
20 000,00 Kč
50 000,00 Kč
60 000,00 Kč
Opening of the Exhibition
Opening of the Exhibition
Investment Fund
– Grant Rules
The Foundation publishes the topic of the
award procedure for the year and the general requirements (qualification criteria)
which potential recipients must meet to
participate in the tender.
Preference is given to projects which introduce new approaches and solutions – dayto-day operating expenses are not covered
from the NIF proceeds. To a limited degree,
and subject to the announcement of a specific tender of this kind, the payout of grant
money may be used for investment activities. In such a case, the organization must
provide evidence of ownership or a similar
title to the property in which the project is
to be implemented, and a guarantee of multi-source financing. The application must in
any case be furnished with a statement by
the representatives of the municipality or
region, or other irreproachable guarantors
of the project’s quality who vouch for its necessity and for its integration into the social
welfare structures in the target region.
The Foundation gives grants to citizens’
associations, special purpose institutions
of the church, charitable organizations,
schools, and municipalities to help them
fund projects which are in line with the
Foundation’s mission and goals.
The Czech Internet Helps, Hanka Wolfová
Main evaluation criteria
Quality of the submitted project
Track record of the given organization
Professional qualification and financial
backing that make implementation of the
project appear feasible
Positive contribution to the given area,
region; integration within regional development efforts
Tenders are announced publicly
on the Foundation’s website –
in two national newspapers – industry
General requirements for participation
in the tender
Detailed project proposal
Specific request for assistance
Detailed budget
Recommendation by two independent
Copy of the organization’s foundation
charter, registration certificate, and full
wording of the statutes
Extract from last year’s financial statements
All documents must be submitted in nine
Photo Archive
No later than by the end of April, the Barriers Account Council decides in a two-tier
evaluation procedure on the recipients of
charitable contributions. All participants
are notified of the results by the end of
May. A grant contract is made with those
applicants who receive a charitable contribution to ensure that the grant is used
in an efficient and cost-conscious manner;
this contract meets the requirements of the
National Property Fund. It specifies precisely
the final beneficiary of the grant money
and restricts any further appropriation and
distribution of payouts. If the contract’s
basic provisions are not observed, the Foundation may withdraw from the contract and
demand that the grant be repaid. Funds
that are not utilized by a specific drawdown
date are made available to the next eligible
project (according to the score of points
attained in the tender procedure).
Donations in kind
On an on-going basis, the agency Ogilvy
Group creates all print communication, TV
and radio spots, banners, and other material in connection with the promotion of the
Barriers Account and other projects of the
Foundation. This year, this included the following projects: Retailer Without Barriers,
The Czech Internet Helps, SENSEN, Darovanský dvůr golf tournament, 42th International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary, Artis Pictus,
Barriers Account scholarships, Czech PR
Prize – submission of the Roads to People
project, Bank Without Barriers, communication campaign concerning the sale of lapel
pins and candles, the 11th Artists’ Auction
Show, and our Christmas postcards.
Monetary value: CZK 629 010
Agentura RMP s.r.o. provided their services
in the form of creating an advertising campaign which accompanied the sale of lapel
pins and candles (as a part of the Helping
With A Smile project.
Monetary value: CZK 240 000
KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o. / this
firm audits our books for a notional fee of
CZK 1 000 crowns
Monetary value: CZK 700 000
Studio Najbrt s.r.o. / created the logo and
visuals for the project “Pomáhej s humorem” (Help With A Smile), designed the
lapel pin (and card) and the promotional
visuals for their sale.
Monetary value: CZK 100 000, a.s. / advertising space for the
fundraiser “The Czech Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 444 000
The Barriers Account had the friendly support of actors who appeared in the TV show
“Možná přijde i charita” (Maybe We’ll See
Some Charity) without claiming royalties/
Jiří Bartoška, Jan Budař, Petr Čtvrtníček,
Marek Eben, Arnošt Goldflam, Karel Gott,
Ladislav Hampl, Tomáš Hanák, Eva Holubová, Oldřich Kaiser, Jan Kašpar, Jiří Korn,
Jiří Lábus, Eva Leinweberová, Pavel Liška,
Tomáš Matonoha, Lukáš Pavlásek, Josef
Polášek, Boleslav Polívka, Ondřej Pavelka,
Jan Potměšil, Jana Stryková, Milan Šteidler,
Marek Taclík, Pavla Tomicová, David Vávra,
Jan Vlas, Lenka Zahradnická.
Closer s.r.o. / overall production of the TV
show “Možná přijde i charita” (Maybe We’ll
See Some Charity)
Monetary value: CZK 300 000
Jiří Kratěna: concept work on the charitable
TV show “Možná přijde i charita” (Maybe
We’ll See Some Charity) on behalf of the
Barriers Account.
Ludvík Mareček acted as executive producer for the TV show “Možná přijde i charita”
(Maybe We’ll See Some Charity).
Monetary value: CZK 200 000
Marek Eben acted as presenter and collaborated on the script, set design, and acting
for the TV show “Možná přijde i charita”
(Maybe We’ll See Some Charity).
Monetary value: CZK 150 000
HET spol. s r.o. donated a Ford C Max DXA
to Arkádia, a provider of comprehensive
care to people with disabilities.
Production sound mixer and Sound designer / provided the sound equipment
needed to shoot the “Pomáhej s humorem”
(Help With A Smile) show
Monetary value: CZK 53 200
Reader´s Digest VÝBĚR, s.r.o. / one print-page sized ad in the Reader´s Digest magazine, graphical design, layout, and proofs,
including all preparatory work for printing
the auction catalogue on occasion of the
11th Artists’ Auction Show
Monetary value: CZK 131 000 (advertisement)
Allegro Group CZ, s.r.o. media campaign in
support of the charity fundraiser “The Czech
Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 133 000
Pricetown, s.r.o. / media campaign in support of the charity fundraiser “The Czech
Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 48 000
Model Obaly a.s. / production of 40 000
Christmas postcards for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: CZK 80 000
Vinařství LAHOFER, a.s. / wine served at a
special performance at Divadlo v Dlouhé for
the Foundation, during the award ceremony
for the Tom Stoppard Prize, František Kriegl
Award, Josef Vavroušek Award, and Jaroslav
Seifert Prize, and at the opening reception for the exhibition on occasion of the
11th Artists’ Auction Show for the Barriers
Monetary value: CZK 62 200
igepa velkoobchod papírem spol. s r.o. /
exclusive supplier of the paper on which the
Foundation’s Annual Report and the exhibition and auction catalogue for the 11th
Artists’ Auction Show are printed
Monetary value: CZK 58 625.71
ASTRON studio CZ, a.s. / creating the print
master of the exhibition and auction catalogue for the 11th Artists’ Auction Show for
the Barriers Account
Monetary value: CZK 18 600
Gabriel Urbánek shot pictures of 20 glass
sculptures donated for the 11th Artists’
Auction Show
Monetary value: CZK 30 000
Architektonický ateliér Petr Keil, Prague /
services in connection with the installation
of the 11th Artists’ Auction Show
Monetary value: CZK 20 000
Prague Museum of Decorative Arts / procurement of the transport of glass sculptures donated for the 11th Artists’ Auction
Show for the Barriers Account
Media Partners who supported our Christmas postcards / Právo, Učitelské noviny,
TV pohoda, TV magazín, TV expres, History
revue, Rytmus života, Katka
Readership: 2 000 140 copies
Monetary value: CZK 741 160
Media Partners who supported our desk
calendar / Učitelské noviny, Bankovnictví,
Finanční bankovnictví, Právo, Dáša
Readership: 267 800 copies
Monetary value: CZK 272 160
Helma 365, s.r.o. / production and distribution of the desk calendar Children Draw for
the Barriers Account
Monetary value: CZK 69 125
Donations in kind
Crystalex CZ / sponsor of an ad campaign
to promote the sales of the desk calendar
Children Draw for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: CZK 50 000
Espresso s.r.o. / advertising campaign to
promote the sale of the Christmas postcard
Monetary value: CZK 70 000
Zámecké vinařství Bzenec s.r.o. / sponsor
of an ad campaign to promote the sales
of the desk calendar Children Draw for the
Barriers Account
Monetary value: CZK 50 000
ACTIVA spol. s r.o. / procurement of office
supplies needed to operate the Foundation’s office
Monetary value: CZK 46 093.83
University of Economics, Prague / providing premises on which to hold the Job Fair
Without Barriers
HOTEL.CZ a.s. / media campaign in support
of the charity fundraiser “The Czech Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 15 000
Galerie La Femme / 10 easels on which to
display artwork
Monetary value: CZK 10 000
Monetary value: CZK 1 650
Nadace Vodafone Česká republika / 286
PC workstations, 42 LCD displays, 214 notebooks
Monetary value: CZK 239 900
Vladimír Dlouhý / multipurpose laser
Monetary value: CZK 1 200
Československá obchodní banka, a. s. / 300
LCD displays
Monetary value: CZK 105 000
OKD, a.s. / 9 PCs and 15 LCD displays, 14
notebooks, laser printer, scanner
BXR Partners a.s. / personal computer,
multipurpose laser printer, computer and
Monetary value: CZK 7 000
RPG RE Management, s.r.o. / multipurpose
laser printer
Monetary value: CZK 3 500
Jakub Kovařík / notebook
Monetary value: CZK 2 000
Miton Media, a.s. / media campaign in
support of the charity fundraiser “The Czech
Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 102 000
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. / mobile
cell phone services
Monetary value: CZK 15 000
Equica, a.s. / creation of database and information software for the Foundation and
its administration
HOTEL.CZ a.s. / media campaign in support
of the charity fundraiser “The Czech Internet Helps”
Monetary value: CZK 15 000
EMWAC Group s.r.o. / design and administration of the Foundation’s website
RÜCKL CRYSTAL a.s. / two glass sculptures
for the Josef Vavroušek Award winners
Monetary value: CZK 9 600
Visual artist Petr Sís donated his design
of a Christmas postcard to the Barriers
Transmission car in Arkádie Teplice
Jan Kačer / personal computer
Monetary value: CZK 1 000
JUDr. Jan Grosam / 5 LCD displays
Monetary value: CZK 1 000
Petr Jonák / personal computer
Monetary value: CZK 500
Maria Molchan / notebook
MEGAFLEX, spol. s r.o. / creation of the
commemorative stamp for the Jaroslav
Seifert Award
Ing. Vladimír Krigl / 20 copies of Martin
Patřičny’s book “Jako v nebi”
Financial performance
Donations from individual donors
Institutional cash donations
Net revenues of NIF
(Endowment Investment Fund)
Revenues of the Foundation
Interest on cash deposits
and term deposits
Other revenues
Sales of own products
Exchange rate gains
Revenues from financial investments
Sales of goods
Sales of services
Sales of securities
Settlement of reserve funds
18 164 554,00
41 181 489,00
18 697 837,00
37 592 320,00
986 421,00
60 332 464,00
771 628,00
57 061 785,00
294 064,00
31 205,00
1 648,00
399 898,00
1 151 208,00
894 572,00
1 276 786,00
14 364 327,00
10 885 492,00
29 299 200,00
206 751,00
965 600,00
1 170 204,00
702 525,00
1 750 514,00
54 172 105,00
17 630 127,00
76 598 424,00
The endowment capital of the Foundation registered
as at 31 Dec 2012 is CZK 76,616,350.
Costs of the Foundation
Project management costs
Exchange rate losses
Sold securities
8 675 370,00
6 052 287,00
16 738,00
14 527 800,00
27 006,00
29 299 201,00
17 164 688,00
6 141 562,00
69 176,00
53 188 519,00
34 479,00
76 598 424,00
Expenses of the Foundation
Acquisition of fixed assets
Payout of charitable contributions
45 972 986,00
45 972 986,00
87 058,00
37 377 751,00
37 464 809,00
Breakdown of overhead expenses
Repair and maintenance
Travel expenses
Costs of entertainment
Phone bills
Social and health insurance
Bank fees
Other fees
Translations, legal advice
Other services and expenses
260 112,00
41 991,00
246 758,00
53 638,00
231 682,00
57 162,00
144 496,00
2 475 962,00
786 225,00
120 435,00
1 740,00
35 889,00
19 680,00
32 029,00
1 544 488,00
6 052 287,00
126 365,00
99 912,00
9 066,00
66 422,00
226 175,00
73 392,00
157 610,00
2 872 850,00
987 915,00
124 619,00
6 500,00
58 132,00
30 058,00
1 302 546,00
6 141 562,00
In 2012, the ratio of administrative costs to registered endowment capital did not exceed
the maximum ratio set out in the Foundation‘s statutes in accordance with the applicable
laws. In 2012, this ratio was 8.02%.
Auditor’s report
Auditor’s report – Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor’s report – Endowment Investment Fund
Statutory bodies
Members of the Administrative Board
František Janouch,
President, physicist, Stockholm
Gita Tučná,
Deputy President, economist, Prague
Evžen Hart,
Deputy President, manager, Prague
Andrea Bartoňová,
manager, Prague
Robert Bezděk,
attorney-at-law, Prague
Martin Bojar,
physician, Prague
Jiří Fárek,
economist, Prague
Petra Mašínová,
manager, Prague
Anna Veverková,
journalist, Prague
Iveta Štamposká, Barriers Account (project
Soňa Formanová, communication and
marketing (contract-based cooperation until
January 2013)
Martina Potomová, A New Start, Sports
Without Barriers, Reading Helps, corporate
Romana Junková, SENSEN
Veronika Sutnarová, Vodafone Foundation
funds, NIF, sponsoring accounts (as of April
Indira Bornová, Foundation Awards, Artists’
Auction Shows
Bronislava Krausová, PCs Against Barriers,
Barriers Scholarships
Petr Hazuza, PCs Against Barriers
Members of the Supervisory Board
Jan Beroun, PCs Against Barriers
Petr Šimčák,
manager, Prague
Patrik Zalmay, PCs Against Barriers
Jan Mühlfeit,
manager, Prague
Marie Kousalíková,
economist, Prague
Patricie Jirků, Norwegian Funds, Iuventus
Medica, President’s Fund, Neuro-Euro
Office of the Foundation
Blanka Loužecká, accountant
Božena Jirků, Executive Director of the
Charta 77 Foundation, Director of the
Barriers Account
Eva Křížová, junior accountant (until
December 2012)
Martin Kolouch, financial advisor
Petra Chudobová, junior accountant (as of
January 2013)
Věra Lošťáková, operational support (until
March 2013)
Eva Ksiazczak, PR and marketing manager
(until June 2012)
Hana Beníšková, operational support (as of
March 2013)
Kateřina Štěpánková, communication and
marketing (as of June 2012)
Dagmar Babková, Barriers Account
Kristina Jakubcová, communication and
marketing, website editor
Zdeněk Procházka, SENSEN
Jan Šilpoch, photo reporter
Petra Schmalzová, communication and
marketing (from September through
November 2012)
Zdena Potměšilová, Zuzana Divišová,
Barbora, Monika and Vojta Sommer,
Veronika Vojtíková, Matěj Vlášánek,
Jan Dotřel, David Svoboda, Tereza Mašitová,
Marie Miková, Anna Tětková, Tomáš Houra,
Šimon Haas, Matyáš Borna, Jakub Matějíček,
Martina Pošvicová, Anežka Rašovská,
Alice Hadrbolcová, František Veis,
Tomáš Javůrek, Max Hutar,
Antonín Šnajberk, Jan Babka, Marek Racik
Contact details
Foundation headquarters:
“Nadace Charty 77
Melantrichova 5, 110 00 Praha 1”
(Charta 77 Foundation, Melantrichova 5,
110 00 Prague 1)
Identification No.: 00417904
VAT No.: CZ00417904
Phone: 224 230 216, 224 214 452, 224
225 092
Fax: 224 213 647
Bank details
Charta 77 Foundation
ČSOB, Na Příkopě 14, Prague 1
Account No.: 478436313/0300 (CZK)
189385441/0300 (EUR)
IBAN: CZ15 0300 0000 0004 7843 6313
Barriers Account
Raiffeisenbank, Václavské nám. 43, Prague 1
Account No.: 17111444/5500 (public
IBAN: CZ03 5500 0000 0000 1711 1444
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Prague 4
Account No.: 777777222/0800
IBAN: CZ94 0800 0000 0007 7777 7222
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Prague 4
Account No.: 555111222/0800 (direct
PCs Against Barriers
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Prague 4
Account No.: 666444222/0800
Charity texting
Donor SMS: Send a text message in the
format DMS KONTOBARIERY to 87777
Year-long donor SMS: Send a text
message in the format DMS ROK
For one year, you will automatically be
charged CZK 30 per month for each donor
The Charta 77 Foundation is entered in the register of foundations kept by the Prague
Municipal Court in Section N, File No. 21. The Charta 77 Foundation is a founding member
of the “Donors’ Forum”, an association of charitable foundations.
As of press time of this Annual Report, the Foundation has no knowledge of material events
after the balance sheet date which could have impact on the financial statements as at
12 December 2012. The Foundation observes the applicable laws and regulations of the
Czech Republic in the areas of employment and protection of the environment; it makes no
expenditures in the area of research and development. The Foundation does not operate any
branch offices outside the Czech Republic.
A Word of Thanks to our Partners and Donors
A Word of Thanks to our Partners and Donors
Texts: Charta 77 Foundation
Graphic and typography: Jiří Bušek
Photo: Miroslav Feszanicz, Gabriel Urbánek, Jan Šilpoch and archive