Fourth Quarter Report - Southwest Virginia EMS Council
Fourth Quarter Report - Southwest Virginia EMS Council
Fourth Quarter Report Fiscal Year Ended June 31, 2010 Southwest Virginia EMS Council, Inc. 1000 West Main Street Abingdon, VA 24210 (276) 628-4151 PHONE (276) 676-0800 FAX Section 1: Meeting Agenda BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 6:30 P.M.—June 17, 2010 Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, Abingdon, VA PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call to Order A. Approval of June 17, 2010 Meeting Agenda B. Approval of March 18, 2010 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Financial Statements – 4th Quarter FY2010 II. Reports and Action: A. President and Executive Officers—Lonny Gay, President B. Executive Director—Gregory Woods 1. Activity Report 2. Third Quarter FY 2010 Deliverable Report (OEMS) 3. OEMS 4th Quarter 2010 Quarterly Report C. Regional Medical Director—Dr. Norman Rexrode/Dr. Paul Phillips D. EMS Advisory Board Representative—L.V. Pokey Harris E. OEMS Program Representative(s)—Ron Kendrick/Paul Fleenor F. Committees 1. Training and Education 2. Public Information & Education 3. Performance Improvement 4. Critical Incident Stress Management Team 5. Communications & Transportation 6. Medical Direction Committee 7. Emergency Planning & Preparedness III. Public Comment IV. Unfinished Business A. Vacant Board Positions V. New Business A. Review/Revision of regional protocols B. Review/Revision of hospital diversion plan C. Personnel Issues VI. Adjournment Section 2: Meeting Minutes Southwest Virginia EMS Council, Inc. Board of Directors Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center March 18, 2010 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Lonny Gay – President J.C. Bolling – Vice-President Maxie Skeen – Secretary Delilah Long – Treasurer Roger Burke William Dub Ford Dr. French Moore, Jr. Pokey Harris Freda Ayers Lynn Weaks Paul Phillips Doug Testerman- Call In Carol Barr Dreama Chandler Ron Kendrick Topic/Subject Call to Order Approval of March 18, 2010 Meeting Agenda Approval of December 17, 2009 Draft Minutes Approval of Financial Statements – 2rd Quarter 2010 Reports and Actions: Members Absent: Dr. Norman Rexrode Earl Carter Steve Wallace Bryan Saunders David Brash Joe Roma Dr. Gary Williams Rhudy Keith Jerry Bledsoe Ronald Sexton Rusty Osborne Junior Keene Ron Passmore Todd Lagow Charlie Smith Staff: Gregory Woods – Exe. Director Theresa Kingsley – Lead Field Co. Others: Steve Harris Discussion Recommendations, Action/Followup; Responsible Person The Treasurer, Delilah Long, called the meeting to order at 6:44 p.m. A motion was made and carried to approve the March 18, 2010 meeting agenda as presented. A motion was made and carried to approve the December 17, 2009 meeting minutes as presented. A motion was made and carried to approve the Second Quarter 2010 financial statements as presented. A. President and Executive Officers – President, Lonny Gay, informed the Board of Directors that the Executive Officers had nothing to report at this time. B. Executive Director- Gregory Woods provided the Board with his report. He indicated that 2nd quarter feedback has not been received, but he anticipates no deficiencies. He informed the Board that the Council is on track with all the Contract Deliverables for the third quarter. Also, Mr. Woods discussed the Non-Contract Items – EMS Council Designation, 3rd Annual EMS and Fire Symposium and the Office Relocation. 1 Topic/Subject Discussion C. Regional Medical Director Dr. Norman Rexrode was absent from the meeting but Dr. Paul Phillips reported that the Regional Medical Directors continues to work on updating protocols and drug box wish list for the southwest region. D. EMS Advisory Board Representative Pokey Harris discussed with the Board of Directors the EMS System Funding, the Governor’s proposal to reallocate EMS funding to the State Police, and the Amendments that saved the funding. Also, she informed the Board that she was unable to attend the EMS Advisory Board meeting due to her job obligations and that FARC will be testing a new VETA grading system. E. OEMS Program Representative(s) Ron Kendrick informed the Board that this region had no enforcement actions to report. Also, he informed the Board that the Roll Out of the VPHIB will need a lot of assistance. F. Committees 1. Training and Education Theresa Kingsley discussed with the Board all the training opportunities in the region and that this committee continues to work to provide the region with the most update training possible. 2. Public Information and Education Mr. Woods informed the Board of the EMS Regional Awards program and asked for assistance in advertising the program and getting nominations. Deadline will be May 7. 3. Performance Improvement The Committee is scheduled to meet next week. 4. Critical Incident Stress Management Team No report was given due to Clinical Coordinator Charlie Smith’s absence. 5. Communications & Transportation RSAF reviews will likely be held on April 15, which is the regular date of the Executive Committee meeting, depending on the number of applications received. 6. Medical Direction Committee The Committee did not meet this quarter. 7. Emergency Planning & Preparedness The Committee did not meet this quarter. Recommendations, Action/Followup; Responsible Person 2 Topic/Subject III. Public Comment IV. Unfinished Business V. New Business A. Election of Board of Directors B. Review/Revision of Regional Plans 1. Strategic EMS Plan 2. WMD/MCI Plan 3. Medication and EMS Supplies/Medication Kit Exchange VI. Other Adjournment Discussion Recommendations, Action/Followup; Responsible Person No public comment was given. A motion was made to appoint Lynn Meaks and David Brash to the vacant Hospital Administrator director positions. The motion was approved. The PD-2 at large position and emergency nurse position will be voted on at the next meeting. Woods reviewed the three plans due this quarter. Staff member Theresa Kingsley had contacted Jim Nogle at OEMS concerning the WMD/MCI Plan that was revised during the fourth quarter 2009 to see if any items needed to be changed and if the format was acceptable. No comments were received from OEMS. Woods commented that the EMS Kit and Supplies restocking programs within the region are unchanged, but with protocol revisions it is likely that changes will be made. A motion was made to accept these two plans as presented without any changes. The motion carried. Woods discussed the regional EMS plan that had been distributed with the meeting notice. The floor was opened to discuss changes to the plan and/or the SWOT analysis conducted earlier. Minor changes were made to the SWOT analysis. A motion was made to approve the Strategic Plan with suggested changes to the SWOT. The motion carried. A motion was made to schedule future separate work sessions for more detailed planning. The motion carried. No other business was discussed. The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. 3 Section 3: Financial Reports 11:24 AM Southwest Virginia EMS Council, Inc. 06/15/10 Profit & Loss April 1 through June 15, 2010 Accrual Basis Apr 1 - Jun 15, 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 401 · Interest Income 420 · Contributions-Local Government 430 · Contributions-Other 445 · State Inc-Consolidated Testing 447 · Other Inc.-Consolidated Testing 450 · State Operating Income 472 · State Training Inc.-ALS 475 · Training Inc.-Registration Fees 480 · Training Income-Textbooks 485 · United Way Revenue Total Income Gross Profit Expense 501 · Salaries & Wages 505 · Fringe Benefits 506 · Rent-Office 508 · Telephone 510 · Supplies 511 · Equipment Purchased 512 · Travel 514 · Other Training Expense 516 · Training Expense-ALS 520 · Repairs & Main-Svc. Contracts 521 · Insurance 522 · Subscriptions/Dues 526 · Payroll Taxes 527 · Miscellaneous Expense 533 · Cell Phone 545 · Bank/Card Fees 550 · Consolid. Test Expense 800 · Paramedic Expenses 801 · Paramedic Supplies 802 · Misc. Expense 800 · Paramedic Expenses - Other Total 800 · Paramedic Expenses 1.57 1,260.00 100.00 1,555.00 2,130.00 70,984.94 1,890.00 5,552.10 164.50 575.00 84,213.11 84,213.11 44,815.05 112.12 2,000.00 452.61 123.62 125.76 314.69 8,896.99 7,620.00 105.00 586.00 675.00 3,428.38 -431.01 742.62 13.06 4,275.00 12,081.65 2,059.50 -7,240.00 6,901.15 Total Expense 80,756.04 Net Ordinary Income 3,457.07 Net Income 3,457.07 Section 4: 3rd Quarter Deliverables Feedback Virginia Office of EMS Subcontractor Deliverables Review Form Subcontractor Agency: Southwest Virginia EMS Council Contract Quarter: Third Quarter FY 2010 Contract Contract Deliverable Meets Deliverable Comments Section III A – Regional Infrastructure Yes No N/A None reported in Quarterly Report Position Vacancy Documentation & Reporting Yes No N/A Quarterly Report Posted to LN Yes No N/A Minutes of Board Meeting Mar minutes posted to LN Yes No N/A Minutes of Subcommittee Meetings Posted to LN Yes No N/A Quarterly Financial Statements Posted to LN Fees For Service Yes No N/A Reported in Quarterly Report State Committee Responsibilities Yes No N/A Reported in Quarterly Report Section III B – Regional Medical Direction Regional Medication & Supplies Exchange Yes No N/A Posted to LN Program Regional Medication Kit Exchange Program Yes No N/A Posted to LN Section III C – Regional Planning Regional EMS Plan Yes No N/A Posted to LN Yes No N/A Review of mandates Yes No N/A SWOT Analysis Yes No N/A Planning Committee Yes No N/A Mission Statement Yes No N/A 4 Core Strategies/Initiatives Yes No N/A Documented review by Board/Cmte. Reported in Quarterly Report Yes No N/A Post to web Reported in Quarterly Report Yes No N/A Distribution of Plan Reported in Quarterly Report to be th completed in 4 quarter. Regional MCI Plan Yes No N/A Posted to LN Pandemic & Continuity of Operations Planning Yes No N/A Proof of assistance to agencies related to Reported in Quarterly Report pandemic planning, conduit of information related to pandemic event. Section III D – Regional Coordination Regional Information & Referral Yes No N/A Proof of assistance regarding EMS issues. Reported in Quarterly Report Yes No N/A Maintain an interactive website Reported in Quarterly Report Regional PI Program Yes No N/A Agenda/Mins/Rosters of PI Mtgs. Posted to LN No N/A Yes Reported in Quarterly Report Technical Asst. Provided Regional TPI Program No N/A Yes Agenda/Mins/Rosters of PI Mtgs. Posted to LN No N/A Yes Reported in Quarterly Report Technical Asst. Provided RSAF Grant Program (All Items) Yes No N/A Reported in Quarterly Report Regional EMS Instructor Network Yes No N/A Extension requested & granted Agenda/Mins/Rosters of Meetings Section III E – BLS CTS Administration Yes No N/A Submit CTS Schedule to OEMS Reported in Quarterly Report Yes No N/A Publish CTS Schedule to Web Reported in Quarterly Report Yes No N/A Distribute CTS Schedule to Instructors Reported in Quarterly Report Section III F – Regional Category 1 CE Program No contract requirements for 3rd quarter. Section 5: 4th Quarter Report Regional Council Quarterly Reporting As based on the Scope of Services contract between each Regional EMS Council in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services, each Regional EMS Council is required to submit a Program Report, reflecting progress on the annual work plan. For the remaining quarterly reports for the 2010 Contract Year, the following format will be followed, regardless of the method of reporting (Lotus Notes, e-mail, hard copy): The following items will be reported upon, in the following order: A. Regional Infrastructure 1. Regional EMS Council Office Hours The Southwest Virginia EMS Council maintains a business office currently at 1000 West Main Street, Abingdon, VA. The office is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. 2. Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) A Continuity of Operations Plan was developed in FY2008 in accordance with Council’s contract with OEMS and remains in effect. The plan was, reviewed, revised, and approved by our Board of Directors at their December 2009 meeting. 3. Employee Qualifications and Performance Copies of position descriptions for all positions funded by the Office of EMS were included in the first quarter report. a. Position Title b. Responsibilities/Duties c. Number of hours per week worked d. Percentage of work time allocated to contractual duties e. Line of Supervision f. Education/Training Requirements g. Work Experience/Qualifications 4. Notification of position vacancy. The Office of Emergency Medical Services was advised that Administrative Assistant Kathy White is no longer employed by the Southwest Virginia EMS Council. The position will be filled within the next 90 days. 5. Organizational Information Organizational information was submitted with the first quarter report including: a. Agency wide organizational chart, including all employees/staff. b. Names of all the members of the Board of Directors c. List of Board Members paid through contract funds (not applicable). d. Disclosure of board members, employees and/or staff relationships with service or entity regulated by OEMS 6. Documentation and Reporting a. Inclusion of appropriate parties in mailings The OEMS EMS Systems Planner and regional Program Representatives are included in all electronic correspondence sent from the Council to EMS agencies, providers, hospitals, or localities within the service area. The Council has been asked not to include OEMS staff in postal mailings and to reduce postal mailings to reduce costs and environmental impact. b. Annual financial report by 12/31 This item is not required to be reported this quarter. The Council has contracted with SS & Company, CPA, to conduct our yearly financial audit. The completed financial report was provided to OEMS on December 29, 2009. c. Program reports Program reports are developed quarterly and submitted to OEMS no later than 30 days after the last day of each quarter. d. Final annual report A final annual report was approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors at their January 28, 2010 meeting and included with the second quarter report. e. Meeting minutes Final approved minutes from every meeting of the governing board and committees will be posted to the Council website within 30 days. OEMS will be provided meeting minutes using the OEMS computer system “Lotus Notes” in the appropriate quarterly report. f. Roster of all subcommittee members A current roster of all committees was updated in September 2009 using the OEMS computer system “Lotus Notes.” Committee structure will be updated quarterly as needed. g. Regional policies, bylaws, procedures and protocols Current regional policies, by-laws, procedures and protocols were submitted in the second quarter report. h. Three copies of educational materials purchased with state funds Any information or educational materials developed in whole or in part with state funds will be identified and copies provided. No such materials were developed this quarter. i. Financial statements of revenue and expenditures A quarterly financial statement is included in this report as Attachment A. 7. Fees The Council charges a $50 registration fee for all candidates completing initial practical testing at a regional Consolidated Test Site and $25 for retests. 8. State Committee Responsibilities a. Directors Committee b. Advisory Board c. Assigned committees Advisory Board representative Pokey Harris attended the EMS Advisory Board meeting on May 14, 2010. Lead Field Coordinator Theresa Kingsley attended the FARC review meetings on June 3 and 4. Executive Director Woods was unable to attend the RDG and Advisory Board meetings due to his wife’s college graduation. B. Regional Medical Direction 1. Regional Medical Director a. Scope of Services The Scope of Services was submitted to OEMS on July 1, 2008. This was a two-year agreement. b. Signed contract A two-year RMD contract was submitted electronically and via hard copy to OEMS on July 1, 2008. Secondary RMD contract with Dr. Paul Phillips was submitted with the first quarter report. c. RMD compliance with Virginia EMS Regulations The RMD complies with the Virginia EMS Regulations. 2. Regional Medical Protocols Ongoing reviews of regional patient care protocols have been conducted throughout the fiscal year. The Medical Direction Committee last met on May 27 and approved several changes to regional medical protocols including the addition of specific triage protocols in the beginning section and referral to the appropriate ACLS cardiac protocol instead of insertion of a region protocol. These changes are included in this report as Attachment C. Realizing that AHA guidelines will change in the near future, it is anticipated that further changes will occur at that time as well. The protocol revisions were approved at the June 17, 2010 Board of Directors meeting, and the changes were distributed electronically to all licensed EMS agencies and OMDs. Protocols are available for download on the Council’s interactive website. a. Revision of BLS and ALS medical protocols, post to website, proof of approval by Board. b. Electronic copies of protocol revisions to OEMS c. Proof of notification of protocol posting to regional stakeholders d. Proof of distribution of Protocols to stakeholders and OEMS 3. Regional Medication and EMS Supplies Restocking Program This item was reported in the Third Quarter. The Regional medication and EMS supplies restocking plan was reviewed by the Board of Directors at their March 18 meeting. Due to ongoing protocol revisions and possible impact on medication, no changes were recommended at this time. a. Update and revise medication and supplies restocking plan. b. Provide OEMS with copy of plan, and supporting documentation of approval by Board. 4. Regional Medication Kit Exchange Program This item was reported in the Third Quarter Report. The Regional medication kit exchange program was reviewed by the Board of Directors at their March 18 meeting. Due to ongoing protocol revisions and possible impact on medication kit contents, no changes were recommended at this time. a. Review, revise and coordinate exchange program for hospitals and agencies. b. Provide OEMS with copy of plan, and supporting documentation of approval by Board C. Regional Planning 1. Regional EMS Plan This item was reported in the Third Quarter Report. A survey related to regional EMS system strategic planning was distributed to EMS agencies and local governments as part of the comprehensive review process. The Council Board of Directors reviewed feedback from the survey at their March 18 meeting and discussed changes. The previous SWOT analysis was reviewed, and changes to that analysis were made. The plan was approved with these changes. a. Review and revise the Regional Strategic EMS Plan by 2/1. 1. Review of council mandates (Code of Virginia) 2. SWOT Analysis 3. Planning Committee work to vision for region. 4. Mission Statement 5. Core strategies, with strategic initiatives 6. If no changes, proof of review and approval of existing plan by Board. b. Provide OEMS with copy of plan c. Proof of notification of plan posting to web to regional stakeholders. d. Proof of distribution of plan to stakeholders and OEMS. 2. Trauma Triage Plan (TTP) This item was reported in the Second Quarter report. The trauma-triage plan was approved by the Board of Directors at their December meeting and submitted with the second quarter report. The plan was posted to the Council website and agencies notified of its posting. a. Triennial review of TTP b. Committee Composition c. Submission of TTP to OEMS d. Proof of notification of plan posting to web to regional stakeholders. 3. Regional MCI Plan This item was reported in the Third Quarter Report. The MCI plan underwent comprehensive revisions during the 2009 contract year. The revised plan was approved at the Board of Director June 2009 meeting. OEMS Emergency Operations manager Jim Nogle was contacted by Council staff for recommended updates. No suggestions were received from OEMS. Due to the recent and extensive revision, the Board of Directors recommended no changes and approved the plan at their March 18 meeting. a. Option chosen by respective council. a1. Primary – responsible for all aspects of plan – facilitates participation in review process among stakeholders. a2. Secondary – Shared partnership with other entity a3. Attendance – no responsibility – collects and shares information. b. Copies of agendas, attendance records, minutes and other documentation as proof of participation and accomplishments. c. Provide OEMS with copy of plan, and supporting documentation of approval by Board. d. Proof of notification of plan posting to web to regional stakeholders. e. Proof of distribution of plan to stakeholders and OEMS. 4. Hospital Diversion Plan The Hospital Diversion Plan was reviewed during the fourth quarter. The draft plan was submitted to EMS agencies and hospitals for review. A brief survey was created and a link sent to stakeholders to foster involvement and feedback. The Board of Directors reviewed and approved the draft plan at their June 17 meeting. The approved plan is included in Attachment C. a. Review/revise hospital diversion plan b. Provide OEMS with copy of plan, and supporting documentation of approval by Board. c. Notification of plan posting to web to regional stakeholders by 6/1. d. Proof of notification of plan posting to web to regional stakeholders. e. Proof of distribution of plan to stakeholders and OEMS. 5. Surge Capacity Plan Council staff members routinely attend meetings of the Far Southwest Hospital Preparedness Alliance. The Council was notified of no meetings of the group this quarter. No event required activation of the EMS MCI plan or Regional Surge Plan this quarter; therefore, no after action reports were required. a. Provide OEMS with copy of plan, & documentation of participation in plan development, and an after action report in event of activation of MCI or Surge Plan. 6. Pandemic and Continuity of Operations Planning The Council has established and publicized a link on its website to information concerning H1N1. The link also offers to assist EMS agencies with H1N1 planning activities. The Council has acted as an information conduit distributing information from the VDH and OEMS concerning H1N1 planning and preparedness activities. Council staff members are available to assist agencies with planning activities, but no requests for assistance were received this quarter. The Council distributed N95 fit test training session information to EMS stakeholders via our listserv. In addition, fit test sessions are planned during the months of June and July. a. Evidence of assistance to EMS Agencies in developing plan of action for H1N1, reporting of unmet needs, planning activities, incidents and responses (if applicable). Evidence of assistance to EMS agencies in developing plan/procedure for continuation of operations in the event of a reduction or cessation of activities by that EMS agency. D. Regional Coordination 1. Regional Information and Referral a. Evidence of assistance regarding EMS issues to stakeholders. The Council provides assistance to EMS agencies, providers, and stakeholders daily upon request. Assistance is provided via telephone, email, or in person. b. Maintaining website, posting of documents as required in the contract. The Council maintains an interactive website that is updated routinely. 2. Regional PI Program a. Develop/Revise/Maintain Regional PI Plan (PIP). The regional Performance Improvement Committee met on September 17 and made revisions to the EMS PI Plan. The plan and template (unchanged) were approved by the Board of Directors on September 17. The plan is posted on the Council’s website and was distributed to EMS agencies. PIP Includes: 1. PI Program outline development 2. Schedule and Topics 3. Method of reporting significant events, including action plan, and resolution plan. 4. PIP includes regional PI committee membership, objectives and rules of committee meetings. b. Coordination of PI program The regional PI Template was approved by OEMS during the FY2008. The template was reviewed by the PI committee as part of the EMS PI plan revision process and approved by the Board of Directors at their September 17 meeting. Performance indicators for the year were defined as outlined in the plan. Quarterly PI Tracking forms and topics were distributed to EMS agencies in June 2009 and upon any changes. A PI Referral Form is included in the PI Plan (which was distributed to EMS agencies) and is available from the Performance Improvement section of the Council’s website. An agency address list was included in the second quarter report. 1. Development of regional PI template, including: a. Schedule and Topics b. Method of submitting quarterly PI project results to committee. c. Method of reporting significant events to regional PI committee. c. Evidence of provision of technical assistance to agencies to comply with State regs related to reporting. Encourage all agencies to submit data for regional PI initiatives, and to meet requirements. Reminders of Quarterly PI submission and data submission forms are placed on the Council’s website and distributed via email. Technical assistance is provided as needed. Field Coordinator Bryan Kimberlin assisted Glade Spring Lifesaving Crew, St. Charles Fire Rescue, Washington County Fire Rescue, Damascus Rescue, Highlands Ambulance Svc., and Lifecare Medical Transports with regional PI submission. Executive Director Woods assisted Independence Rescue, Washington County Lifesaving Crew, and Carroll Co. EMS with regional PI submission. d. Conduct quarterly regional PI specific meetings, as defined in regional PI plans. The regional Performance Improvement Committee met on ________________, with the purpose of reviewing regional PI data and King Airway data received for the second quarter 2010. A quorum was not present to conduct business. __ EMS agencies submitted PI data. Meeting documents are submitted as Attachment B. Due to attendance issues, a second meeting will be scheduled, and the committee will be restructured to eliminate members who have not actively participated in the PI process. 1. Committee should review findings of agency PI programs, and address significant events. 2. Develop action plans to improve identified issues (e.g. training specific to issue). 3. Develop a method of evaluating an action plan. 4. Demonstrate resolution of identified issues. e. Submission of PI items for FY 10: Meeting documents are included in this report in Attachment B. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the PI Committee will be _______________ subject to change. 1. Agenda, rosters of attendees, and minutes for all quarterly PI meetings. 2. Copy of the PIP 3. Copy of the template PIP plan provided to EMS Agencies in the region. 4. Evidence of EMS Agency involvement in the PIP. a. If agenda and minutes of meetings don’t reflect ID of PI issues, then evidence of plans to correct the issues and resolution shall be submitted. 3. Regional Trauma Performance Improvement (TPI) Program Meeting documents and the approved plan is submitted as Attachment E. a. Develop/revise/maintain region wide TPI Plan (TPIP) for trauma related responses. Plan to include the following: The regional Trauma Performance Improvement Committee met on September 17 and made revisions to the Trauma PI Plan. Performance indicators for the year were defined as outlined in the plan. The plan and template (unchanged) were approved by the Board of Directors on September 17. The plan is posted on the Council’s website and was distributed to EMS agencies. 1. Outline of organized TPI program to examine triage and care of trauma patients, including: a. Monitoring/assessing adherence to patient care protocols b. Monitoring/assessing compliance with trauma triage plans. c. Monitoring/assessing system issues d. Identifying educational needs e. Identifying methods of resolving issues f. Report how identified issues were resolved or improved. 2. Schedule and topics for quarterly region wide PI project to be conducted by contractor and individual EMS agencies 3. PI based method of reporting trauma related significant events. Includes method of reporting to TPI committee, method of developing an action plan, and a method of resolving the event. 4. TPIP to include the regional TPI committee membership, objectives of the committee and rules for participation in meetings. Committee composition should include representation from OMD’s, designated trauma centers, non-designated hospitals and a diverse representation of EMS agencies in the region. b. Coordinate a TPI program. The regional PI Template was approved by OEMS during the FY2008. The template was reviewed by the TPI committee as part of the EMS TPI plan revision process and approved by the Board of Directors at their September 17 meeting. Performance indicators for the year were defined as outlined in the plan. Quarterly PI Tracking forms and topics were distributed to EMS agencies in June 2009 and will be distributed again in October 2009. A PI Referral Form is included in the PI Plan (which was distributed to EMS agencies) and is available from the Performance Improvement section of the Council’s website. 1. Develop and distribute a TPI template for agencies to use to establish or maintain their own PI programs for trauma responses with OEMS approval for template. Template includes: a. Schedule and topic for TPI project each quarter b. Method to submit quarterly results to regional TPI committee c. Method of reporting significant events to TPI committee c. Provide technical assistance to agencies to comply with State regs related to QI reporting. Encourage all agencies to submit data for regional PI initiatives, and to meet requirements. d. Conduct quarterly TPI specific meeting, as defined in TPI The regional TPI Committee met on _______________, with the purpose of reviewing regional TPI data and King Airway data received for the second quarter 2010. A quorum was not present to conduct business. __EMS agencies submitted TPI data. Meeting documents are submitted as Attachment B. Due to attendance issues, a second meeting will be scheduled, and the committee will be restructured to eliminate members who have not actively participated in the PI process. 1. Regional TPI committee should review the findings of individual agency trauma related PI programs, as well as address any significant events that have occurred. 2. Develop action plans to improve identified issues 3. Develop method of evaluating action plan 4. Demonstrate resolution of identified issues. e. Submission of TPI related items: Meeting documents are included in this report in Attachment B. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the TPI Committee will be ________________. 1. Agenda, rosters of attendees, and minutes for all quarterly TPI meetings. 2. Copy of the TPIP 3. Copy of the template TPIP plan provided to EMS Agencies in the region. 4. Evidence of EMS Agency involvement in the TPIP. a. If agenda and minutes of meetings don’t reflect ID of TPI issues, then evidence of plans to correct the issues and resolution shall be submitted. f. Regional PI/TPI may be addressed by the separate or combined committees. 4. RSAF Program a. Promote grant writing and review assistance services to agencies one month prior to submission deadline with electronic/hard copy notifications. Assist agencies to review and write RSAF grant applications upon request, and request assistance from grants administrator when appropriate. Notices of the upcoming RSAF cycle deadline and offers of assistance were distributed by mail to all EMS agencies in the region in February 2010. Notices were also placed on the Council website and distributed via email. A regional Grant Review meeting was held on April 15, 2010, at the American Red Cross building in Bristol, VA. The committee ranked the top grant requests, and the committee recommendations were approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Grades and rankings were submitted to OEMS on April 25. b. Promote services to assist agencies to submit grants electronically. Notice of the upcoming grant cycle and assistance offered by the Council was mailed to EMS agencies in February 2010, with additional notices being sent via our email distribution list and posted on our website on February 15. c. Conduct regional reviews and grading of grants as per regulations and policies governing the RSAF program. 1. Conduct two review and grading sessions during the contract period, and submit grades 2. Notify submitting agencies of review meeting time and agenda a. Meeting is open to public Grant reviews were held on April 15, 2010, at the American Red Cross in Bristol, VA. b. Minutes recorded and kept on file for 5 years. 3. Ensure that each application is reviewed consistently by grant review committee and assigned grade, using OEMS criteria. 4. Rank no less than top 3 applications in order of priority for each regional council area, and submit by e-mail to grants administrator. Grades, comments, and regional priorities were submitted to OEMS on April 25, 2010. Theresa Kingsley attended RSAF review meeting in Richmond on June 3-4. Advisory Board member Pokey Harris represents our region on that committee and attended meetings on those dates as well. 5. CISM Program a. Maintain an OEMS accredited regional CISM team as per policy manual guidelines by 10/1 The CISM Team regular meeting was held on June 22, 2010. Meeting minutes are included in Attachment B. b. Statistical reports: 1. 1/1 to 6/30 to OEMS by 7/31 No statistical reports were required to be submitted during this quarter. The Team held a quarterly meeting on March 23, 2010. 2. 7/1 to 12/31 to OEMS by 1/31 c. Updated CISM team operating policy to OEMS by 10/1, using OEMS approved template. The CISM Team met on September 22, 2009 and reviewed the team operating guidelines. The revised CISM Team Operating Policy and draft minutes were submitted with the 1st Quarter report. 6. Regional EMS Awards Program a. Conduct Regional EMS Awards Program Notice of the 2010 Awards Program was distributed by mail during February 2010. Notice of the awards nomination deadline was posted on the website along with a web-based submission form, and email reminders are being distributed. The anticipated nomination deadline, subject to change, is May 7 with the awards banquet being held in July. 1. Title is Southwest Virginia EMS Awards Program. 2. Regional Awards Program has same 11 categories and criteria as Governor’s Awards, including scholarship. 3. Use of OEMS nomination form. 4. Schedule and publicize the awards program. 5. Award to each first place winner. b. Assure that regional nominations are judged and forward first place winners information to OEMS by 8/2. Regional nominations will be judged and submitted to OEMS by 8/2. 1. Appoint a committee to select regional winners. 2. Provide information to Advisory Board Selection Committee. 3. Submit news release to local media and OEMS within one week of ceremony, using format provided by OEMS. 7. Regional EMS Instructor Network A request to extend this item into the fourth quarter in order to allow us to incorporate review/discussion/demo of the new state online CTS registration system was made to OEMS. Tim Perkins approved this request. Instructor meetings are scheduled for day and evening on June 30, and EMS stakeholders and instructors have been notified of these meeting dates. a. Conduct a minimum of two meetings to discuss educational performance improvement, issues surrounding educational aspect of training, instructor administrative requirements, and CTS concerns. b. Notify all EMT instructors, ALS Coordinators, OEMS DED Staff, OEMS Program Reps, and Emergency Operations Instructors of the meetings. Meeting notice distribution 20 days prior with agenda. c. Meeting should be set up for face to face networking, but shall be conducted in a format allowing for feedback. d. Agenda, roster and minutes to OEMS E. BLS-CTS Administration This item was reported in the second quarter report. The Council has established six consolidated testing facilities within our serve delivery area which have been approved by OEMS. The CTS consolidated testing schedule was submitted to OEMS on January 27 and was approved by OEMS Program Representative Ron Kendrick. The Schedule was published on our website in February 2010. A copy of the testing schedule was distributed to all EMT-Instructors the beginning of March 2010. CTS registration is conducted by staff as needed. 1. Establish at least one OEMS approved CTS facility within its service delivery area. 2. CTS schedule for FY 11. 3. Publish CTS schedule on web. 4. Provide CTS schedule to EMT-Instructors. 5. Register testing candidates. 6. Ensure CTS Evaluator compliance with P&P Manual 7. Maintain list of current approved CTS Evaluators, and submit to OEMS 8. Fee for initial testing. 9. Fee for retest. 10. No fees for written examination 11. Adherence to guidelines of CTS P&P Manual F. Regional Category One CE Program The council promotes BLS and ALS Continuing Education opportunities on our website and through email distribution. The Council coordinates multiple ALS and BLS training programs each year to satisfy category 1 CE requirements. A current schedule of CE programs was posted to our website on July 1, 2009. 1. Promote ALS and BLS CE that satisfies Category 1 requirements in each planning district. 2. Submit the website address of the CE program schedule within region. Section 6: Patient Care Protocols Section 7: Diversion Plan Southwest Virginia EMS Council Ambulance Diversion Plan FY2010 Southwest Virginia EMS Council 1000 West Main Street Abingdon, Virginia 24210 (276) 628-4151 REVISED JUNE 2010 A. PURPOSE: This policy is intended to provide guidance for EMS agencies in the Southwest region resulting from hospital diversions. A goal of this policy is to insure the prompt and efficient delivery of emergency medical care to the citizens of this region in a manner that prevents unnecessary delays and/or overburdening of portions of the system when EMS services and/or hospitals are temporarily overwhelmed with patient volume. Patient care, safety, and outcome will be the central consideration in all diversion decisions. B. SCOPE: This policy pertains to all acute care hospitals and all licensed EMS agencies as defined in Virginia Department of Health regulations. The policy will have the highest impact on the hospitals and agencies of planning district 1, planning district 2, and planning district 3; however, it is recognized that diversion status of the hospitals within these areas can have a significant impact on neighboring hospitals in surrounding areas and states. C. POLICY ELEMENTS: 1. INDICATIONS: Acute care hospitals (those with emergency departments) occasionally become overwhelmed by excessive patient volume, which exceeds the capacity for medical staff to adequately treat and monitor patients. This may be due to a lack of hospital resources, inability to provide patient specific services, or a shortage of qualified healthcare providers. To alleviate this temporary situation and insure optimal care for all patients, a receiving hospital— after completing a process established by the medical facility—may declare a diversion of acute patients, whereby ambulances are diverted to other area hospitals. a) Diversion criteria should be based on the defined capacities or services of the hospital. b) When the entire healthcare system is overloaded, all hospitals should open. When all area trauma centers are on total/ED divert, all trauma centers should be re-opened. c) Divert status should be declared only after the hospital has exhausted all internal resources to meet the current patient load, including any necessary call-backs of staff, step-downs, expedited discharges, opening of "virtual" beds, and similar mechanisms to address the patient load. d) Hospital diversions should not be based on financial decisions. Hospitals should not go on divert status to hold available bed space for anticipated elective admissions or withhold call-backs or delay opening additional resources due to cost considerations. While on diversion, hospitals must make every attempt to maximize bed space, screen and defer elective admissions or procedure, and use all SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 2—Revised June 2010 available personnel and facility resources to minimize the length of divert status. Hospital medical staff will cooperate in promptly assessing all current admissions for appropriate early discharge. e) Diversion is temporary and the hospital must return to open status as quickly as possible 2. CONTRAINDICATIONS: a) Final determination of the patient’s destination must rest with the provider actually caring for the patient. Emergency Medical Technicians may by-pass the hospital on diversion and transport to the next closest facility that is staffed and equipped to receive the patient if, in the judgment of the EMT, the patient is stable to the extent that extra transport time will not negatively impact or cause harm to the patient. If uncertain as to the stability of the patient, an EMT may seek advice from the on-line medical control physician. b) Unstable patients and/or patients with airway obstruction, uncontrollable airway, uncontrollable bleeding, shock, who are in extremis, or with CPR in progress should be taken immediately to the closest appropriate hospital without regard to the hospital’s diversion status. Under no circumstances should an ambulance with a cardiac arrest patient be diverted from the closest facility. c) An EMS provider who believes acute decompensation is likely to occur if the patient is diverted to a more distant hospital ALWAYS has the option to take the patient to the closest Emergency Department regardless of the diversion status. The Attendant-inCharge also has the option to ask via radio or phone to speak directly to an Emergency Department Physician and request online medical direction in determining the most appropriate receiving facility. Good clinical sense and optimal patient care are the ultimate considerations. d) Prehospital EMS providers may disregard diversion if there are significant weather/traffic delays or if experiencing a mechanical problem. e) Certain hospitals and EMS agencies may have internal policies/agreements that supersede diversion status. These policies should be in writing and provided to all affected EMS agencies. The EMS agency should contact their primary transport hospital(s) to determine what internal policies concerning diversion exist. SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 3—Revised June 2010 f) An agency may also disregard diversion in order to insure that a locality does not have a lapse in public safety availability. g) When a mass casualty incident has occurred and overwhelms the entire EMS system, possibly resulting in multiple diversions of local healthcare facilities, EMS agencies should disregard diversion status and transport to the closest appropriate facility. Decisions to disregard a hospital’s diversion status may be referred for review by the Regional Medical Direction committee and the provider’s agency by the receiving hospital. 3. LEGAL RESTRICTIONS: When following these guidelines for the direction of patients during periods of diversion, it is recognized that hospitals within the region are regulated by state and federal laws and regulations regarding care and transport of patients including the federal EMTALA law that may not be modified by this policy. Specifically, this policy does not modify the obligation of hospitals to comply with one or more of the following EMTALA requirements: a) Hospital-owned ambulances/air medical services are required to transport from the scene of an accident, injury or illness to the hospital which owns the ambulance unless operating under a central community plan for ambulance destinations that determine the destination hospital for the patient in the field or unless the patient or person acting on behalf of the patient formally requests transport to another destination. b) Hospital-owned ambulances/air medical services may not be diverted by their home hospital. c) Once a patient presents on the campus (as defined by EMTALA) the hospital may not divert the ambulance or refuse the patient regardless of diversion status. d) Hospitals are required to accept transfers of patients under EMTALA when they possess greater capabilities than the hospital seeking to transfer the patient and the requested destination has available space and personnel or the capability of providing care, even if that exceeds licensed beds. Beds may not be held open for anticipated elective admissions or contingent in-house use. All unassigned beds are deemed available. e) Once a patient presents to a hospital via EMS or other means seeking emergency evaluation and care, the hospital is required to provide care and appropriate documentation within its capabilities, including SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 4—Revised June 2010 medical screening, additional care, stabilizing care and/or transfer in compliance with EMTALA standards. f) In-bound EMS units/air medical units may not be re-directed to another facility if the hospital is not formally on divert status consistent with these guidelines. 4. CATEGORIES/CRITERIA OF HOSPITAL DIVERSION a) Open: Available to receive all in-bound ambulance traffic b) ED Divert: The Emergency Department of the hospital is unable to safely accept any in-bound EMS ambulance traffic c) Critical care/Specialty Divert: If a facility has utilized all house monitor beds, it may be necessary to declare Critical Care Diversion, thereby ceasing to accept inter-facility transfers. In-bound EMS units with probable critical patients may be diverted to other facilities. Hospitals should not hold Critical Care or Specialty beds for elective procedure patients. Also, due to unusual circumstances, the hospital may be unable to care for patients requiring specialty care (i.e., neuro, OR, or trauma, etc.) that would normally be within the hospital's capability; therefore, declaring Specialty Divert (i.e., CICU Divert, PICU Divert, NICU, TRAUMA Divert, OR, Neurosurgery). Ambulances are cautioned to consider this in dealing with patients who may be better served by another location. Patient/Department specific inter-facility transfers should not be accepted while on Critical Care/Specialty divert. d) Disaster Status/Closed to Ambulance The facility is currently involved in a mass casualty incident (MCI), and the hospital has instituted its internal/external disaster plan. All in-bound EMS units not involved in the current MCI are to be diverted to other locations. 5. PROCEDURE a) Diversion should only be declared after the hospital has exhausted all internal resources to meet the current patient load, including any necessary call-backs of staff, step-downs, expedited discharges, opening of “virtual” beds, and similar mechanisms to address the patient load. b) The emergency room physician, department supervision, and hospital administration should make the decision for diversion jointly. Appropriate hospital representatives should be notified as soon as possible of the diversion status. All personnel with diversion SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 5—Revised June 2010 decision power must be identified and titles prospectively documented for reference. Diversion policies and protocols are established by the individual medical facility. c) Once a decision to go on diversion has been made, the hospital should contact the dispatch centers in the areas likely affected by the diversion and ask that a general alert be issued to notify affected EMS agencies. d) Hospitals should notify surrounding area hospitals that will be impacted due to the diversion. e) Hospitals shall notify EMS agencies, including commercial ambulance services and agencies located outside the immediate area that routinely transport to the facility, that will be impacted due to the diversion. f) Immediately upon cancellation of diversion status, surrounding hospitals and EMS agencies should be notified. Dispatch centers should also be contacted and asked to issue a general announcement that the hospital is no longer on diversion. g) The Council has established a calling service that may be utilized by area hospitals to announce changes in diversion status. Access to the system will be granted by the Southwest Virginia EMS Council Executive Director upon written request of the medical facility. Hospitals wishing to use the calling system will be required to supply information necessary to create a user account. h) Diversion status throughout the region can be monitored on VHAAS (the Virginia Hospital Advanced Alerting System), a web-based hospital communication and diversion status board system owned and operated by the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association and the Virginia Department of Health as part of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). Hospitals in the region should participate and can view the diversion status of all other hospitals in the region. VHAAS is also available to all public safety dispatch centers in the region to assist in directing each ambulance patient to the appropriate hospital able to accept that patient. D. QUALITY MONITORING 1. All hospitals shall keep a diversion record on each instance. The record should include the administrative clearance process followed for declaring a diversion, the type of diversion, and facts supporting the decision to declare the diversion. SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 6—Revised June 2010 2. This policy will be reviewed annually. Efforts will be made to involve representatives of hospitals, EMS agencies, and Council staff. E. PLAN UPDATE AND REVIEW The Regional Hospital Diversion Plan is reviewed annually and updated annually to address any identified regional needs. The plan is annually distributed to all licensed EMS agencies and hospitals serving the region. Comments and suggestions are collected, and the plan is approved by the Southwest Virginia EMS Council Board of Directors at their regularly-scheduled meeting. Comments and suggestions concerning this plan or regional hospital diversion policies are accepted on a continuous basis and should be submitted in writing to the Southwest Virginia EMS Council. SVEMS Hospital Diversion Plan Page 7—Revised June 2010
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