Program Book
Program Book
11th International Conference on Advanced Materials VIII Encontro da SBPMat Scientific Program Rio de Janeiro – RJ September 20 - 25, 2009 1 Welcome Address The International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM) is one of the prestigious conferences of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) and is held on alternate years. The earlier conferences in this series were held in Beijing, China (1999), Cancun, Mexico (2001), Yokohama, Japan (2003), Singapore (2005) and Bangalore (2007). The ICAM 2009 is organized together with the VIII Brazilian MRS Meeting. This event is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 25 September 2009. Contents WELCOME ADDRESS 3 CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION 4 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE 6 SPONSORS 7 SYMPOSIA / ORAL PRESENTATIONS 8 GENERAL PROGRAM 10 SYMPOSIA AUDITORIUMS 12 PLENARY LECTURES 20 SPECIAL EVENTS 21 SYMPOSIUM AND ORGANIZERS 22 IUMRS ENERGY FORUM 228 AUTHOR INDEX 222 In this conference the Program includes nine plenary lectures, delivered by world class materials scientists, and twenty eight technical symposia. Each symposium will feature invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations. In addition, a special technical program will run in parallel involving an IUMRS energy forum, a Global Nanotechnology network workshop, an Innovation in Advanced Materials and Devices workshop and a Commercial Exhibition. The call for papers motivated an excellent response from the scientific community. The program committee has reviewed about 2000 abstracts submitted to the different symposia and all accepted abstracts are scheduled in this program. As a result of the scientific and technical program, a range of topics at the frontiers of material research and of contemporary importance for science, technology and engineering will be highlighted and discussed throughout the conference. A high concentration of ] Since the ICAM 2009 will be held in conjunction with the Brazilian MRS meeting an intensive interaction of distinguished scientists with Brazilian young researchers and students is expected, making this a memorable event for the material research community in our country. A conference of this magnitude could be accomplished because of the active involvement of the symposia organizers to whom we express our gratitude. We also acknowledge the financial support of our sponsors who made this event possible, namely the Brazilian funding agencies CAPES, CNPq, FINEP, FAPERJ, FAPESP, MCT, Petrobras and the two host institution PUC-Rio and CBPF. SBPMat provided important contribution for the final event accomplishment. Rio de Janeiro is an exuberant and cosmopolitan city with very pleasant weather in September. Easy access from all over the world, allows participation of delegates from all the IUMRS affiliate societies to come to friendly Rio. On behalf of the ICAM 2009 Organizing Committee, we would like to extend to all participants our wishes for a fruitful and innovative event and pleasant stay in Rio de Janeiro. 2 GUILLERMO SOLÓRZANO ELISA SAITOVITCH Chairman ICAM 2009 Program Chair 3 Conference Organization Honorary President Conference Chairman Program Chair Local Arrangements Committee Sergio M. Rezende (State Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazil) Guillermo Solórzano (PUC-Rio) Elisa Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF-Rio) Ana Maria Rocco (EQ, UFRJ) Andre Pinto (IME) Andrea Latge (IF, UFF) Ado Jorio de Vasconcelos (INMETRO/UFMG) Marcos Cremona (FIS, PUC-Rio) Patrícia Lustosa de Souza (CETUC, PUC-Rio) Sérgio de Souza Camargo Jr. (COPPE, UFRJ Brazilian MRS Executive Board President Administrative Director Financial Director Scientific Directors Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior ( PUC - Rio) Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior (USP Sao Carlos) Sérgio de Souza Camargo Junior ( UFRJ) Aldo Felix Craievich ( USP) Paulo Fernando Fichtner ( UFRGS) Margareth Spangler Andrade (CETEC) Antonio Eduardo Martinelli ( UFRN) 4 IUMRS International Advisory Committee National Advisory Committee Anthony K Cheetham (Cambridge, UK) BVR Chowdari (Singapore) Boyun Huang (C-MRS, China) Gan-Moog Chow (NUS, Singapore) Christian Colliex (Orsay, France) C. N. R. Rao (Bangalore, India) David Cockayne (Oxford, UK) David Wilckinson (McMaster, Canada) Ernesto Calvo (U. Buenos Aires, Argentina) Fernando Ponce (ASU, USA) Fernando Lund (U. Chile, Chile) Gema Gonzalez (IVIC, Venezuela) Giovanni Marletta (Catania, Italy) Hans Grimmeisn (Sweden) Howard Katz (Johns Hopkins, USA) In-Hoon Choi (South Korea) Jong-Min Liu (Taiwan) Jose Reyes-Gasga (UNAM, Mexico) Masao Doyama (Japan) Merrilea J. Mayo (The National Academies, USA) Miguel Jose-Yacaman (Texas, USA) Mildred Dresselhauss (MIT, USA) Paul Siffert (Strasburg, France) Peter A Glasow (Germany) Robert J. Nemanchi (ASU, USA) Subra Suresh (MIT, USA) S Somiya (Japan) Yafang Han (C-MRS, China) Aldo Craievich (USP) Aloísio Nelmo Klein (UFSC) Angelo Padilha (USP) Celso Mello (UFPE) Celso Santilli (UNESP) Cid B. Araujo (UFPE) Douglas Soares Galvão (Unicamp) Dulce Maria de Araújo Melo (UFRN) Edgar Zanotto (UFSCar) Elisa B. Saitovitch (CBPF) Elson Longo (Unesp) Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) Fernando Lázaro Freire Jr. (PUCRio) Henrique E. Toma (USP) José A. Eiras (UFSCar) Ivo A. Hummelgen (UFPR) João Jornada (INMETRO) José Arana Varela (UNESP) José A. M. Agnelli (UFSCar) Livio Amaral (UFRGS) Luis H. Capparelli Mattoso (EMBRAPA) Mario Norberto Baibich (MCT) Margareth Spangler Andrade (CETEC) Marília Caldas (USP) Oswaldo L. Alves (Unicamp) Paulo Fichtner (UFRGS) Paulo R. Rios (UFF) Renato F. Jardim (USP) Roberto Mendonça Faria (USP) Roberto Villas Boas (CETEM) Teresa D. Z. Atvars (Unicamp) Umbelino Gomes (UFRN) Walter J. Botta Jr. (UFSCar) Wander L. Vasconcelos (UFMG) Wido H. Schereiner (UFPR) Younes Messaddeq (UNESP 5 Scientific Program Committee Sponsors NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Ado Jorio (UFMG, Brazil) Alan Schwartzman (MIT, USA) David C. Bell (Harvard, USA) Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (EMAT - University of Antwerp, Belgium) Maria-Elena Gómez (CENM, Colombia) Paulo Ferreira (U. of Texas, USA) HEALTH AND BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS Gema Gonzalez (IVIC, Venezuela) Robert Sinclair (Stanford University, USA) Valtencir Zucolotto (USP, Brazil) ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Ali Sayir (NASA / Case Western, USA) Enrico Traversa (MANA - National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan) Fernando A. Ponce (Arizona State University, USA) Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp, Brazil) M. G. (Grace) Burke (Betis Atomic Power, USA) Paulo Roberto Bueno (UNESP, Brazil) FUNCTIONAL AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Alberto Salleo (Stanford University, USA) C. Barry Carter (U. of Connecticut, USA) Edwin L. Thomas (MIT, USA) Fernando Lázaro. Freire Jr. (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Roberto Mendonça Faria (USP, Brazil) Support STRUCTURAL MATERIALS Dachamir Hotza (UFSC, Brazil) Fernando Lund (U. of Chile, Chile) Leonardo Godefroid (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil) Walter José Botta Filho (UFSCar, Brazil) THEORY AND PHENOMENA Hélio Goldenstein (USP, Brazil) Krishna Rajan (Iowa State University, USA) GENERAL INTEREST Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF, Brazil) John E. E. Baglin (IBM Almaden, USA) 6 7 Symposia | Oral Presentations ICAM 2009 - Room Setup DAY / ROOM ALHAMBRA I e II ALHAMBRA I e II 8 9 General Program day / activities day / activities CLOSING WELCOME 20:30 - 21:00 h 21:00 - 22:00 h 10 RECEPTION 20:30 - 21:00 h 21:00 - 22:00 h 11 Ground Floor Poster Session, Secretariat & Exibition Area 12 13 Symposia Auditorium 1st floor ALVORADA II 3C / 4C / 5C CATETE 3AA / 4J / 5W ITAMARATY 2AA / 3K / 4K / 5Y / GY LIBERDADE 2Q / 3Q / 5Z 6Z BANDEIRANTES 2O / 3O / 5B / 6B PRAIA BEACH IMPERIAL 2G / 3G / 4M / 5M 6M ALVORADA I 3A / 4A / 5A * Tela de projeção - screen Code: DAY + SYMPOSIUM 2- Monday 3- Tuesday 4- Wednesday 5- Thursday 6- Friday Example: 6M = Friday, Symposium M 14 15 Symposia Auditorium 2nd floor SEGÓVIA I - Plenary 2BB / 3BB / 4BB / 6BB ALAMBRA I e II MAIN PLENARY EL PARDO II EL PARDO I 3L / 4L / 5H / 6H 2U / 3U / 5X / 6X ÁREA DESCOBERTA Outdoor Area ORIENTE SEGÓVIA II - Plenary 2S / 3S /4I /5I 6I 2F / 3F / 5R SEGÓVIA III - Plenary 2V / 3V / 4E / 5E1 / 6E TERRAÇO ORIENTE Outdoor Terrace PRAIA BEACH SEGÓVIA IV - Plenary 2T / 3T / 4T / 5D / 6D MIDIA DESK ARANJUEZ 2N / 3P / 4P 5E2 VIP ROOM * Tela de projeção - screen Code: DAY + SYMPOSIUM 2- Monday 3- Tuesday 4- Wednesday 5- Thursday 6- Friday Example: 2BB = Monday, Symposium BB 16 17 Presentation Directions to the Authors Poster Sessions Schedule POSTER Auditorium Louver I, II, III and IV All the Posters will be exhibit at Louvre Auditoriums I, II, III and IV, in the ground floor close to the Exhibitors area and the Registration Desk. Posters will have a maximum allocated space of 140cm (width) x 100cm (height); there will be a place to hang big poster and double face tapes will be given to fix the separate sheets. Morning Session: 11:30 to 13:30 Morning Poster Sessions: There will be 3 (three) sessions (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), starting at 11:30h. These sessions will occur in parallel with the Symposia. Authors are request to set up their posters before the morning Coffee Break (11h) on the assigned day, and to remove them before the afternoon Coffee Break (16:30h) in the same day. Symposium B Wednesday, September 23rd, Morning session Afternoon Poster Sessions: There will be 4 (four) sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), starting at 18:30h. Authors are request to set up their posters by the end of afternoon Coffee Break (17h) on the assigned day, and to remove them before 21h in the same day. Evening Session: 18:30 to 20:30 Symposium A Wednesday, September 23rd, Morning session Symposium C Monday, September 21st, Evening session Symposium D Thursday, September 24th,Evening session Symposium E Tuesday, September 22nd, Morning session Symposium F Monday, September 21st, Evening session Symposium G Monday, September 21st, Evening session Symposium H First half: Tuesday, September 22nd, Evening session Second half: Wednesday, September 23rd, Morning session ORAL Symposium I Tuesday, September 22nd, Morning session Plenary talks will have 40 minutes, plus 5 minutes for discussions, Invited talks will have 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions and Oral contributions will have 12 minutes, plus 3 minutes for questions. Desk, 2nd There will be a Media Floor, indicated in the map, near to Aranjues room, in front of the plenary lecture room. The authors can copy the presentation that will be forward directly to the conference room. Authors are also advised to check their presentations for computer compatibility. Speakers using their own Notebook should arrive in the schedule room 20 minutes before the start of the presentation, to connect the Notebook to the audio-visual equipment, in order to avoid unnecessary delays. Symposium J Tuesday, September 22nd, Morning session Symposium K Thursday, September 24th, Morning session Symposium L Thursday, September 24th, Morning session Symposium M Tuesday, September 22nd, Morning session Symposium N Monday, September 21st, Evening Session Symposium O Monday, September 21st, Evening Session Symposium P Thursday, September 24th, Morning session Symposium Q Tuesday, September 22nd, Evening session Symposium R Thursday, September 24th, Evening session Symposium S Tuesday, September 22nd, Evening session Symposium T Monday, September 21st, Evening session Symposium U Thursday, September 24th, Morning session Symposium V Monday, September 21st, Evening session Symposium W Wednesday, September 23rd, Morning session Symposium X Thursday, September 24th, Evening session Symposium Y Tuesday, September 22nd, Evening session Symposium Z Wednesday, September 23rd, Morning session Symposium BB First quarter: Monday, September 21st, Evening session Second quarter: Tuesday, September 22nd, Evening session Third quarter: Thursday, September 24th, Morning session Fourth quarter: Thursday, September 24th, Evening session 18 19 Plenary Lectures Special Events Sunday, September 20 Global Nanotechnologhy Network (GNN) Workshop 19h – Professor Sergio Rezende, Ministry for Science and Technology Tuesday, September 22 “Science, technology and innovation for national development“ Auditorium: Windsor - Top floor Monday, September 21 IUMRS Energy Forum 8 30h – Professor Subra Suresh (Dean, MIT School of Engineering, USA) Wednesday, September 23 “Nanotechnology and materials science perspectives to probe connections between human diseases and cell behavior” Auditorium: Alhambra 9:15h – Professor Akihisa Inoue (President, Tohoku University, Japan) “Recent Development and Applications of Bulk Glassy Alloys” Innovation Workshop on Advanced Materials and Devices 17:00h – Professor Miguel Jose Yacaman (U. Texas,USA) Thursday, September 24 “New insights on the physics and Chemistry of Nanocrystals“ Auditorium: Alhambra Tuesday, September 22 8:30h – Professor C.N.R. Rao, F.R.S. (Linus Pauling Professor & JNCASR President, India) “Graphene : The new nanocarbon” 17:00h – Professor Knut Urban (Forchungszentrum Julich, Germany) “Aberration-corrected electron microscopy – solving materials problems on the atomic level“ 17:45h – Somiya Award Wednesday, September 23 8:30h – Professor Jacques Amouroux (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) “Carbon dioxide: a New Material for Energy Storage” Thursday, September 24 17:00h– Professor Stuart S. P. Parkin (Director, IBM-Stanford SpinAps, USA) “The Spin on Electronics“ Friday, September 25 08:30h – Professor Henrique Toma (IQ - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) “Supramolecular Hetero-Hybrid Materials and Devices” 20 21 HEALTH AND BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS Symposia and Organizers G - Medical Applications of Nanotechnology Robert Sinclair (Stanford University, USA) Mark Welland (U. of Cambridge, UK) NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Vinayak Dravid (Northwestern University, USA) A - Advances on Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications Marcos Farina (UFRJ, Brazil) David C. Bell (Harvard, USA) H - New Developments in Biomaterials Wolfgang Jager (U. Kiel, Germany) Gema Gonzalez (IVIC, Venezuela) Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso (EMBRAPA, Brazil) Rudolf Reichelt (U. of Münster, Germany) Carlos Graeff (UNESP, Brazil) B - Mechanical Properties of Materials at the Nanometer Length Scales Yannis Missirlis (U. of Patras, Greece) Alan Schwartzman (MIT, USA) I - New Materials and Processes for Sensing and Biosensing Rodrigo Prioli (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Junya Inoue (U. of Tokyo, Japan) Jim Smith (Micro Materials, Ltd., UK) C - Carbon Nanostructures: From properties to Applications Valtencir Zucolotto (USP, Brazil) Santiago Sanchez-Cortes (CSIC, Spain) Sanjeev Manohar (U. of Massachusetts, USA) Lauro Tatsuo Kubota (Unicamp, Brazil) Ado Jorio (UFMG, Brazil) Mauricio Terrones (IPICYT, Mexico) ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Flávio Orlando Plentz Filho (UFMG, Brazil) J - Materials for Portable Energy Sources A. John Hart (U. of Michigan, USA) Paulo Roberto Bueno (UNESP, Brazil) Roberto Manuel Torresi (USP, Brazil) D - Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Inorganic Nanoparticles Claude Gabrielli (UPMC, France) José Mauricio Rosolen (USP, Brazil) Paulo Ferreira (U. of Texas, USA) Jeff de Hosson (U. of Groningen, Netherlands) K - Innovation in Fuel Cells: from Materials to Novel Devices Katsuhiro Sasaki (Nagoya University, Japan) Enrico Traversa (MANA - National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan) Dulce Araujo Melo (UFRN, Brazil) Marcelo Linardi (IPEN, Brazil) E - Magnetic Materials at the Nanoscale Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN, Brazil) Maria-Elena Gómez (CENM, Colombia) Eric D. Wachsman (U. of Florida, USA) Axel Hoffmann (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Ernesto R. Gonzalez (USP, Brazil) Elisa Saitovitch (CBPF, Brazil) L - Environmentally Benign Materials Jose Luis Vicent (U. Complutense, Spain) Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp, Brazil) Yvan Bruynseraede (K. U. Leuven, Belgium) Márcia Maria Rippel (Unicamp, Brazil) Khosrow Ghavami (PUC-Rio, Brazil) F - Solving Nanostructures through Electron Microscopy Alain Dufresne (INPG, France) Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (EMAT - University of Antwerp, Belgium) Guillermo Solórzano (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Uli Dahmen (NCEM, USA) Carla Bittencourt (University of Mons, Belgium) 22 23 M - Frontiers in Photonic and Photovoltaic Materials and Processes Fernando A. Ponce (Arizona State, USA) Hiroshi Amano (Meijo University, Japan) Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar, Brazil) Martha C. Lux-Steiner (Helmholtz Center, Germany) Ana Flávia Nogueira (Unicamp, Brazil) N - Materials for Nuclear Power Generation M. G. (Grace) Burke (Betis Atomic Power, USA) T - Functional Materials For Organic Electronic and Nanotechnology Roberto Mendonça Faria (USP, Brazil) Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Giovanni Marletta (U. of Catania, Italy) Marcel Mayor (University of Basel, Switzerland) Paolo Samorì (Université Louis Pasteur, France) STRUCTURAL MATERIALS Raul Versaci (CNEA, Argentina) U - Advances in Structural Ceramics – from Processing to Applications Andre Costa e Silva (IBQN/UFF, Brazil) Dachamir Hotza (UFSC, Brazil) Carlos P. Bergmann (UFRGS, Brazil) O - Materials for Direct Energy Conversion Systems Rolf Janssen (TUHH, Germany) Ali Sayir (NASA / Case Western, USA) Paolo Colombo (UNIPD, Italy) Thierry Caillat (Caltech, USA) Joao Labrincha (UA/CICECO, Portugal) Marie-Helene Berger (Centre des Materiaux, France) Carlos G. Levi (UCSB, USA) V - Structures and Properties of Metastable Materials Hugo Sandim (FAENQUIL, Brazil) Walter José Botta Filho (UFSCar, Brazil) Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ, Brazil) FUNCTIONAL AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Alain Reza Yavari (INPG, France) P - Designer Polymeric Nano and Micro-Structures Robert Schulz (Hydro-Québec, Canada) Edwin L. Thomas (MIT, USA) Maria do Carmo Gonçalves (Unicamp, Brazil) Christopher Ober (U. Cornell, USA) Julius Vancso (U. of Twente, Netherlands) Q - Materials and Processes for Large-Area Electronics Alberto Salleo (Stanford University, USA) W - New Developments in the Processing and Applications of Cu-ad Mo-Base Alloys Fernando Lund (U. of Chile, Chile) Luis Amestica (CIMAT, Chile) Eduardo Brocchi (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Hal Stillman (Int. Copper Association, USA) Nicole Kinsman (International Molybdenum Association, UK) Martin Heeney (Queen Mary, UK) Ana Claudia Arias (PARC, Palo Alto, USA) Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR, Brazil) X - Processing, structure and properties of advanced metallic materials Leonardo Godefroid (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil) R - Protective Coating: Advanced Surface Engineering Luiz Carlos Rolim Lopes (Federal University of Volta Redonda, Brazil) Fernando L. Freire Jr. (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Charles Martins (ArcelorMittal Tubarão, Brazil) Yip-Wah Chung (Northwestern, USA) Claudio Ruggieri (EPUSP – University of São Paulo, Brazil) Israel J. R. Baumvol (UFRGS, Brazil) Túlio Magno Füzessy de Melo (Usiminas, Brazil) Juan Perez Ipiña (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina) S - Current Trends in Oxide Materials C. Barry Carter (U. of Connecticut, USA) Giuseppina Padeletti (CNR, Italy) Hans-Ulrich Habermeier (Max- Planck, Germany) José Antonio Eiras (UFSCar, Brazil) 24 25 THEORY AND PHENOMENA Y - Computational Modeling and Data Driven Materials Discovery Krishna Rajan (Iowa State University, USA) Gonzalo Gutierrez (University of Chile, Chile) Priya Vashishta (U. of Southern California, USA) Humberto Terrones Maldonado (IPICYT, Mexico) Jose Pedro Rino (UFSCar, Brazil) Z - Phase Transformation in Metallic Systems: Current issues Hélio Goldenstein (USP, Brazil) Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech, USA) James Howe (U. of Virginia, USA) Yves Brechet (LTM, Grenoble, France) GENERAL INTEREST AA - Materials Education: Resources, Opportunities and Challenges John E. E. Baglin (IBM Almaden, USA) M. Grant Norton (Washington State U., USA) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Elizabete F. Lucas (UFRJ, Brazil) BB - From Theory to Experiment: Advances in engineering materials Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF, Brazil) William A. Lester, Jr. (U. of California, Berkeley, USA) Julio Ricardo Sambrano (UNESP, Brazil) SYMPOSIUM A Advances on Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications Valérie Bouquet (U. of Rennes, France) Armando Beltran (U. of Jaume, Spain) Auditorium: Alvorada I Simposium Organizers: David C. Bell (Harvard, USA) Wolfgang Jager (U. Kiel, Germany) Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso (EMBRAPA, Brazil) Nanoscience and nanotechnology 26 27 09:30 - 10:00 Session chair: David C. Bell and Wolfgang Jager Sci), Hiroshi Amekura (Nat Inst for Mater Sci), Bangke Zheng (Nat Inst for Mater Sci) and Naoki Kishimoto (Nat Inst for Mater Sci) 09:30 - 10:00 12:00 - 12:15 PA1 (invited) - Polymer Based NanoMaterials for Photonics and Phononics A551 - Nano-nanocomposites: An emerging class of materials Tuesday, September 22 10:00 - 10:15 12:30 - 12:45 A511 - Synthesis and characterization of organic acid doped poly(N-ethylaniline): A material for ammonia sensing application Vasant Vidyadhar Chabukswar , Sanjay Vijay Bhavsar and Aniruddha R Chabukswar 10:15 - 10:30 A546 - Nanostructured Epoxy Network Modified with Polybutadiene: Synthesis and Characterization Bluma Guenther Soares (UFRJ), Veronica Dionisio Lima (UFRJ) and Karim Dahmouche (UEZO) A509 - Quantum Dots Based Energy Transfer Amitava Patra 12:45 - 13:00 A574 - Enhancement of Energy Release Rate of NanoEnergetic Composite Materials by Controlling Their Nanostructures Juliano Marini (PPG-CEM/UFSCar), Cesar Augusto Gonçalves Beatrice (PPGCEM/UFSCar), Claudia Soares Isaac (PPG-CEM/UFSCar), Marcia Cristina Branciforti (DEMa/UFSCar), Rosa Maria Vercelino Alves (CETEA/ITAL) and Rosario Elida Suman Bretas (PPG-CEM/UFSCar) 10:45 - 11:00 A564 - Nanoindentation and Microscopic Studies of Calcium Silicate Hydrate-Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanocomposite Materials Fernando Pelisser (UNESC) and Philippe Jean Gleize (UFSC) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: David C. Bell and Wolfgang Jager Yoshihiko Takeda (Nat Inst for Mater 28 Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (UFMG), Leonardo Cristiano Campos (UFMG), Andre Santarosa Ferlauto (UFMG) and Rogerio Paniago (UFMG) 10:15 - 10:30 Soo Hyung Kim (Pusan National University) 13:00 - 14:30 Ricardo Schneider (UFPE) and Petrus Santa-Cruz (UFPE) Lunch Session chair: Wolfgang Jager and Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso 14:30 - 15:00 PA7 (invited) - Relationships Between Rheology and Structure in Clay Containing Polymer Nanocomposites Suprakas Sinha Ray (CSIR South Africa) 15:15 - 15:45 10:30 - 10:45 A587 - MoS2 hybride nanostructures Ales MRZEL (Jožef Stefan Institute, J), Maja REMŠKAR (Jožef Stefan Institute, J), Adolf JESIH (Jožef Stefan Institute, J), Marko VIRŠEK (Jožef Stefan Institute, J) and Mitjan KALIN (Center for tribology and) 10:45 - 11:00 PA9 (invited) - Nanocomposites for hydrogen storage: from synthesis to catalysis A554 - Synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles immersed in an organic matrix of Amylopectin by means of r.f. sputtering Robin Gremaud (Empa, Swiss Federal Labor), Andreas Borgschulte (Empa, Swiss Federal Labor) and Andreas Züttel (Empa) Enrqiue Campos Gonzalez (Cinvestav), Patricia Rodrigues Fragoso (Cinvestav), Gerardo Gonzalez de la cruz (Cinvestav) and Orlando Zelaya Angel (Cinvestav) 15:45 - 16:00 11:00 - 11:30 A502 - Removal of Pesticides from Water by Using Nanomagnetic filtration Coffee Break Sulaiman Alfadul (KACST), A Alabdulaaaly (KACST), M Khan (KACST) and M Abdalla (KSU) Session chair: Wolfgang Jager and Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso 11:30 - 12:00 in polymer based carbon nanotube composites. Benjamin Fragneaud (Columbia University) and Jeffrey W Kysar (Columbia University) 12:15 - 12:30 A602 - Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline / Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Composites Deposited onto ITO Substrates Fábio Ruiz Simões (UFSCar Sorocaba), Marystela Ferreira (UFSCar), Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP), Luis Fernando Pereira Quintino Marchesi (NANOFAEL - DQ - UFSCar) and Ernesto Chaves Pereira (UFSCar) 12:30 - 12:45 A529 - In-situ Synthesis of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on Portland Cement Clinker Péter Ludvig (UFMG), Luiz Orlando Ladeira (UFMG), José Márcio Calixto (UFMG), Ivan Cesar Pessoa Gaspar (UFMG) and Valquíria Silva Melo (UFMG) 12:45 - 13:00 A620 - Nonlinear optical responses of metallic nanoparticles dispersed in ionic liquids Cássio Eráclito Alves Santos (UFAL), Márcio André Rodrigues Cavalcanti Alencar (UFAL), Luciane França Oliveira (UFRGS), Carla Weber Scheeren (UFRGS), Jairton Dupont (UFRGS) and Jandir Miguel Hickmann (UFAL) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso and Wolfgang Jager 09:30 - 10:00 PA2 (invited) - Inorganic nanostructured solar cells Thomas Dittrich (Helmholtz-Centre Berlin) and Martha Lux-Steiner (Helmholtz-Centre Berlin) 10:00 - 10:15 A576 - Effect of titanium tetraisopropoxide flow rate on SiO2-TiO2 composite films by FHD Jaspal P Bange (Gunma University, Japan), Lalit S Patil (North Maharashtra Univ) and Dinesh K Gautam (North Maharashtra Univ) Wednesday, September 23 PA5 (invited) - Composition Measurements on the Atomic Scale: Complex Oxide Interfaces Session chair: David C. Bell and Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso Martina Luysberg (Research Center Jülich) A655 - HPHT Sintering of Nanostructured Diamond Composite 12:00 - 12:15 Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii (UENF), Ana Lucia Diegues Skury (UENF) and Romulo Crespo Tardim (UENF) 11:30 - 12:00 PA8 (invited) - Ion Beam Applications to Fabricate Nanocomposites for Optical Properties A583 - Insights on the low temperature growth mechanism ZnO Nanowires A641 - One step core-shell optical fiber obtained by bottom-up process: AFM analysis 10:30 - 10:45 A600 - Influence of lamellar nanoclays in the transport properties of blown films of semi-crystalline polymers Douglas Allen Blom (University of SC), William Pyrz (University of Delaware), Douglas Buttrey (University of Delaware), Thomas Vogt (University of SC), Masahiro Sadakane (Hiroshima University), Wataru Ueda (Hokkaide University) and Vadim Guliants (University of Cincinnati) Pushan Ayyub Edwin L . Thomas 10:00 - 10:15 PA3 (invited) - Structural Studies of M1 Selective Oxidation Catalyst via Aberration-corrected Scannning Transmission Electron Microscopy A559 - Opto-Mechanical coupling 10:15 - 10:30 29 10:30 - 11:00 PA4 (invited) - Visible light-active nanorod-based metal oxide nanocomposites for direct solar-tohydrogen generation Lionel Vayssieres (NIMS) Liliane Ferrareso Lona (UNICAMP) A512 - Reduction of iron oxides prepared by sol-gel method for the production of microscale and nanoscale metallic iron particles Rodrigues Guimarães (EEL/USP), Ana Maria Cenacchi Pereira (EEL/USP), Gizelda Maria Alves (EEL/USP), Elodie Bourgeat Lami (LCPP/CNRS) and Amilton Martins Santos (EEL/USP) Poster Session A Mauricio A . C . de Melo (UEM), Daniela M. Fernandes (UEM), Ana A Winkler Hechenleitner (UEM) and Edgardo Pineda A. Pineda (UEM) A524 - Antibacterial Property of the Chemically Adsorbed Monolayer Functionalized With Imidazole-Copper Complex Advances on Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications A513 - Nanostructured modified thin films for microhumidity measurements Yuki Asabe (Kagawa University), Yuji Ohkubo (Kagawa University), Shogo Onishi (Kagawa University) and Kazufumi Ogawa (Kagawa University) Room: Louvre Wednesday, September 23 Sergey Arkadievich Krutovertsev (Practic-NC), Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova (Practic-NC), Larisa Sergeevna Krutovertseva (Practic-NC), Alla Evgenievna Tarasova (Practic-NC) and Alexander Vasilievich Zorin (Practic-NC) 11:30 to 13:00 A501 - A Combined Electrochemical and Catalytic Study of The Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Ethyl Pyruvate at Supported Platinum Nanoparticles: Effects of Pd Adsorption Abdullah Mohammad Alabdulrahman (King Abdulaziz City for S) and Gary Antony Attard (Cardiff university) A503 - Optical and electrical properties of TeO2-ZnO insulators with silver nanoparticles for microelectronic applications Leonardo Bontempo (Fatec-SP), Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira (Fatec-SP) and Luciana Reyes Pires Kassab (FatecSP/EPUSP) A504 - Microstructure and Wear Properties of Pulsed Electrodeposited Ni-WC Nano Composite Coatings Hamed Akhiani and Ahmad Ali Amadeh A505 - Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene/Calcium Carbonate Naocomposites Daniel Eiras (UFSCar) and Luiz Antonio Pessan (UFSCar) A506 - Study of the point defects in Al2O3:Nd nano-strutured crystals through of analysis of impedance and luminescence results Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira (Fatec-SP), Katia Alessandra Gonçalves (EPUSP), José Francisco Sousa Bitencourt (EPUSP) and Sonia Hatsue Tatumi (Fatec-SP) A507 - In situ synthesis of poly(methyl methacrylate)/layered double hydroxides (LDHs) nanocomposites Telma Regina Nogueira (UNICAMP) and 30 A517 - Synthesized of Phosphonic Acid Based Amphiphilic Polymer Encapsulated Magnetite Nanoparticle via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization BABU KOTHANDAPANI (IIT MADRAS CHENNAI) and DHAMODHARAN RAGHAVACHARI (IIT MADRAS CHENNAI) A518 - Electrodeposition of Au Nanoparticles within Multilayered Films Rodrigo Michelin Iost (USP), Frank Nelson Crespilho (UFABC), Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) A520 - Tensile Properties of NBR with different types of Nanofillers Fabiula Danielli Bastos de Sousa (UFABC), Gerson Luiz Mantovani (UFABC) and Carlos Henrique Scuracchio (UFABC) A521 - Influence of porous dimension on template assisted Prussian Blue analogues platforms for choline biosensors. Vinicius Romero Gonçales (IQ-USP), Martín Hernan Gaitán (INQUIMAEUBA), Luis Maria Baraldo (INQUIMAEUBA) and Susana Inés Córdoba de Torresi (IQ-USP) A522 - Polyurethane nanocomposites with hydrophilic and organophilic clays Claudia Pacheco Garcia (UERJ), Márcia Cerqueira Delpech (UERJ), Fernanda Margarida Coutinho (UERJ) and Ivana Lourenço Mello (UERJ) A523 - Polystyrene/Laponite Nanocomposites by Emulsion Polymerization José Carlos Moreira (EEL/USP), Thiago A525 - Polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotubes films prepared by two-phase polymerization: synthesis and characterization Rodrigo Villegas Salvatierra (UFPR), Marcela Mohallem Oliveira (UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) A526 - Luminescent ZnO/Acrylic copolymer composites, prepared by in situ reduction of the ZnO precursor embedded in the copolymer matrix. Adley Forti Rubira (UEM), Marcos Roberto Maurício (UEM), Marcos Hiroiuqui Kunita (UEM), Daniel Soares Velasco (UEM), Antônio Carlos Bento (UEM), Maria Carmo Gonçalves (UNICAMP) and Gizilene Maria Carvalho (UEM) A527 - Preparation and morphological characterization of chitosan/clay nanocomposites Adriana Santos Ribeiro (UFAL), Marcelo Ramon da Silva Nunes (UFAL), Rosanny Christhinny Silva (UFAL), José Ginaldo da Silva Jr (UFAL) and Josealdo Tonholo (UFAL) A528 - Thermal behavior of silver nanoparticles in aluminosilicate glasses Pamella Elleng Rosa Sangy (UFJF), Zélia Maria da Costa Ludwig (UFJF), Valdemir Ludwig (UFJF), Maria José Valenzuella Bell (UFJF), Virgilio Carvalho dos Anjos (UFJF), Celia Regina da Costa (IFUSP) and Luiz Carlos Barbosa (UNICAMP) A530 - Investigation of a Novel Hybrid Material Comprising Hexaniobate and Chitosan Ana Lucia Shiguihara (IQ-USP), Fabrice Leroux (Université Blaise Pascal) and Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino (IQ-USP) A531 - Analysis by SEM of polymer membranes obtained from polyamide 6 nanocomposites Amanda M . D . Leite (UFCG), Edcleide Maria Araujo (UFCG) and Helio Lucena Lira (UFCG) A532 - Intercalation of polyelectrolytes into lamellar vanadium pentoxide fernando junior quites (UNICAMP) and heloise oliviera pastore (UNICAMP) A533 - Optical and Electrical Characterization of Nanocomposites Based on Conjugated Polymer and Nanoparticles or Nanotubes Carla Daniele Canestraro (DF-UFPR), Marcela Mohallem Oliveira (DQ-UFPR), Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (DQ-UFPR) and Lucimara Stolz Roman (DF-UFPR) A534 - The solvatothermal synthesis of copper nanoparticles: the role of different additives Fernando Bacci Effenberger (IQUSP), Giovanna Machado (Universidade de Caxias do) and Liane Marcia Rossi (IQUSP) A535 - Nanostructured Composites Using High-Energy Milling and Instrumented-HIP Deepak Kapoor (US Army), Christopher Haines (US Army), Joseph Para (US Army), Ryan Carpenter (US Army), Tony Zahrah (MATSYS) and Rod Rowland (MATSYS) A536 - A comparative study of the photocatalytic degradation of RB-19 dye on TiO2 nanoparticles and TiO2/C nanocomposites Elias da Costa (UFPR), Arlene Bispo dos Santos (UFPR), Patricio Peralta Zamora (UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) A537 - Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with both Gold Nanoparticles and Polythiophene: Influence of the Synthetic Variables, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties Marcela Mohallem Oliveira (DQ-UFPR), Kassia dos Santos (DQ-UFPR), Edson Nossol (DQ-UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (DQ-UFPR) A539 - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Ni-Al2O3 Compositesby Electrodeposition Hiroyuki Miyamoto (Doshisha University), Koshiro Ueda (Doshisha University) and Toshiyuki Uenoya (Doshisha University) A542 - Reduction of molecular 31 oxygen catalized by Fe and Co macrocyclic complexes confined on gold modified with self –assambled monolayers of thiols A553 - Nanoparticles prepared by Sol-Gel method Used in the formation of nanocomposites with nylon, 6,12 Ingrid Oriana Ponce (USACH) A544 - Barrier properties and morphology of cellulose acetate nanocomposites Antonio Hortencio Munhoz Jr (UPMackenzie), Renato Meneghetti Peres (UPMackenzie), Nelson Batista de Lima (IPEN) and Leila Figueiredo de Miranda (Mackenzie) Rafaelle Bonzanini Romero (UNICAMP), Rosa Maria Vercelino Alves (CETEAITAL) and Maria do Carmo Gonçalves (UNICAMP) A555 - Effect of ionizing radiation in nanocomposites of nylon 6,12 and pseudoboehmite A545 - Synthesis and characterization of copper and cobalt containing kanemite Antonio Hortencio Munhoz Jr (UPMackenzie), Leila Figueiredo de Miranda (Mackenzie), Marcela Nakashima (UPMackenzie) and Leonardo Gondim Andrade e Silva (IPEN) VAEUD VALDIMIRO DE OLIVEIRA (UNICAMP), RAMON KENNED SOUSA ALMEIDA (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) A547 - Preparation and Application of a Novel Hybrid Nanomaterial Based on Silsesquioxane Cubic Newton Luiz Dias Filho (UNESP), Carla D Nunes (UNIV LISBOA), Pedro D Vaz (UNiV Lisboa) and Maria José Calhorda (UNIV Lisboa) A548 - Synthesis and characterization of Cu- doped ceria nanopowders Branko Matovic (Vinca), Snezana Boskovic (Vinca), Marko Rosic (Vinca), Branka Babic (Vinca), Zorana D Dohcevic-Mitrovic (Institute of physics), Marko B Radovic (Institute of physics) and Zoran V Popovic (Institute of physics) A549 - Synthesis of Multifunctional Nanocomposite for Bioimaging and Cell Separation Shobhit Charan (Academia Sinica), Narendra Singh (Academia Sinica), Mark Griep (Academia Sinica) and Peilin Chen (Academia Sinica) A550 - Study of LbL films of natural rubber for biomaterials application Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC), Luiz Fernando Magri Dias Galdino (UFABC), Alessandra Rodrigues (UFABC), Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (IFSC-USP) and Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC) A552 - A multifunctional SBA-15 / P(N-iPAAm) / Fe3O4 hybrid system for biomedical application Edesia Martins Barros Sousa (CDTN), Karynne Cristina Souza (CDTN), Andreza Sousa (UFMG), Ricardo Geraldo Sousa (UFMG), José Domingos Ardisson (CDTN) and Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo (CDTN) 32 A556 - Organofuctionalized mesoporous silicas SBA-15 Ramon Kenned Sousa Almeida (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) A557 - Selective optical TiN(x) compounds obtained by RF magnetron sputtering Korneli Grigoriev Grigorov (ITA), Cicero Alves Cunha (ITA), Ivo de Castro Oliveira (ITA), Jayr Amorim Filho (ITA), Marcos Massi (ITA) and Homero Santiago Maciel (ITA) A558 - Study of Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Reinforced with 3wt%TaC Processed by Powder Metallurgy A568 - Use of poly(ethylene oxide) based macroRAFT agents as both stabilizer and control agent in the miniemulsion polymerization of styrene José Carlos Moreira (EEL/USP), Fábio Henrique Franco (EEL/USP), Gizelda Maria Alves (EEL/USP), Marli Luiza Tebaldi Sordi (EEL/USP), Franck DAgosto (LCPP/CNRS), Muriel Lansalot (LCPP/CNRS) and Amilton Martins Santos (EEL/USP) A569 - Growth Mechanism of Novel Sodium Carbonate RibbonLike Nanostructures Jacyra Valéria Dornelas da Silva Araújo (DQ/UFMG), Vânya Márcia Duarte Pasa (DQ/UFMG), Adão Aparecido Sabino (DQ/UFMG), Maria Irene Yoshida (DQ/ UFMG), Karla Balzuweit (DF/UFMG), Maria Sylvia Sílva Dantas (DEMET/ UFMG) and José Mário Carneiro Vilela (CETEC) A570 - Synthesis, characterization and properties of magnetic colloids supported on chitosan. Christian Américo Cruzat (U de Concepción), Galo Cárdenas (U de Concepción), Octavio Peña (U de Rennes 1), Judith Diaz (U de Concepción) and Manuel Francisco Melendrez (U de Concepción) A571 - Exfoliated graphite decorated with ZrO2 nanoparticles Leiliane Alves Oliveira (UFRN), Uílame Umbelino Gomes (UFRN), Carlson Pereira Souza (UFRN), Marciano Furukava (UFRN), Yuri Torres (UFRN) and Murillo Menna B Mello Jr (UFRN) Ivan Mikhailovich Afanasov (Moscow State University), Olga Nikolaevna Shornikova (Moscow State University) and Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp) A561 - Preparation of polyamide nanocomposites optimized based on the clay modifier structure and processing conditions A572 - Nanocomposites of polypropylene based on halogen free flame retardants for fire protection and safety Vivianne Nelly Dougnac (Universidad de Chile) and Raul Quijada (Universidad de Chile) Selma Barbosa Jaconis (Quattor Petroquimica SA), Antonio Carlos Quental (Quattor Petroquimica SA), Adair Rangel Oliveira Junior (Quattor Petroquimica SA), Regina Sandra Veiga Nascimento (UFRJ) and Simone Pereira da Silva Ribeiro (UFRJ) A562 - Synthesis of Silica Nanospheres of Differing Diameters and their Incorporation into Polypropylene Nanocomposites Brian Charles Peoples (Universidad de Chile), Ricardo Alamillo (Universidad de Chile), Nonoy Velasco (Universidad de Chile), Vivianne Nelly Dougnac (Universidad de Chile) and Raul Quijada (Universidad de Chile) A565 - Eletronic States of InAsP Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Graciely Elias dos Santos (UFPR), Igor Konieczniak (UFPR), Evaldo Ribeiro (UFPR) and Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro (LNLS) A573 - Study of Electrical and Optical Properties of PMMA filled with Indium Tin Oxide Nanobelts Elen Poliani Arlindo (UNESP - ISA), Juliana Aparecido Lucindo (UNESP - ISA), Hermes Adolfo Aquino (UNESP - ISA) and Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi (UNESP - Araraquara) A575 - Thermoluminencence using soda lime aluminosilicate glasses Pamella Elleng Rosa Sangy (UFJF), Zélia Maria da Costa Ludwig (UFJF), Linda Caldas (IPEN/IFUSP), Maria José Valenzuella Bell (UFJF), Virgilio Carvalho dos Anjos (UFJF) and Celia Regina da Costa (IFUSP) A577 - Thermal and Morphological Properties of SBS Nanocomposites Maria Jose de Oliveira C Guimaraes (EQ/UFRJ), Márcia Parente Melo da Costa (EQ/UFRJ), Tânia Mara Garcia (EQ/UFRJ), Maria Elizabeth Ferreira Garcia (COPPE/UFRJ) and Luis Claudio Mendes (IMA/UFRJ) A578 - Study of Molecular Dynamics of poly(ethylene glycol) inside Intercalated Nanocomposites by 13C Solid-State NMR Gerson Luiz Mantovani (UFABC), Roberto W A Franco (UENF), Carlos A Brasil (USP), Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo (USP) and Tito Jose Bonagamba (USP) A579 - Processing and Thermal and Morphological Properties of Metallocene LLDPE Nanocomposites Daniele Pereira da Silva Dalto (EQ/UFRJ), Maria Jose de Oliveira C Guimaraes (EQ/UFRJ), Maria Elizabeth Ferreira Garcia (COPPE/UFRJ) and Luis Claudio Mendes (IMA/UFRJ) A580 - Application of Nanocomposite and Stereolithography to Fabrication Medical Models Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa (UNICAMP), Maria Carolina Burgos Costa (UNICAMP), André Luiz Jardini (UNICAMP), Rodrigo Alvarenga Rezende (UNICAMP) and Rubens Maciel Filho (UNICAMP) A581 - Study of the structural and magnetic properties of the Ba2FeZrO6-x complex perovskite in nanosized form Laura Teresa Corredor Bohórquez (UFPE/Univ Nacional de Colombia), David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ Nacional de Colombia), Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ nacional de Colombia) and José Albino Oliveira de Aguiar (UFPE) A582 - Nano-Nb Precipitates in Cu matrix: Synthesis and Characterization Oscar Ferreira de Lima (IFGW-UNICAMP) and Rogério Lúcio de Almeida (IFGW-UNICAMP) A584 - FUNCTIONALIZED SILICA GEL WITH THIOURONIUM GROUPS 33 FOR RECOVERY PRECIOUS METALS: EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES Alexander Carreño (Universidad Andres Bello), Ivonne Chavez (Pontificia Universidad Ca), Juan Manuel Manriquez (Pontificia Universidad Ca), Ramiro Arratia Perez (Universidad Andrés Bello), Ximena Zarate (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Eduardo Shott (Universidad Andrés Bello) A585 - Resonant Raman of CdS nanoparticles synthesized by aqueous solution precipitation Patricia Rodrigues Fragoso (Cinvestav), Gerardo Gonzalez de la Cruz (Cinvestav), Sergio Tomas Velazquez (Cinvestav) and Orlando Zelaya Angel (Cinvestav) Nascimento (UFRJ - IMA) (UFABC) channels of MCM-41 A594 - Nanocomposites based on natural rubber and cellulose nanocrystals from coconut fibers. A603 - Mango Puree Edible Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanofibers Marcos Augusto Bizeto (UNIFESP), Roselena Faez (UNIFESP), Fernanda Ferraz Camilo (UNIFESP) and Marcelo Bruce (UNIFESP) Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa (Embrapa), Eliton Souto Medeiros (WRRC, ARSUSDA), José Antonio Malmonge (UNESP), Delilah Wood (WRRC, ARS-USDA), Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa), William John Orts (WRRC, ARS-USDA) and Syed Imam (WRRC, ARS-USDA) Henriette Monteiro Cordeiro de Azeredo (Embrapa), Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa), Roberto Jesus Avena-Bustillos (ARS/USDA) and Tara Habig McHugh (ARS/USDA) A613 - Preparation and Characterization of Bentonite Clays Modified with Vanadium Pentoxide A595 - Study of electrical conductivity of polythiophene/montmorillonite nanocomposites Luis Alfredo Rodriguez (Universidad del Valle), Wilmer Oswaldo Bucheli (ICMM - CSIC), Hernando Correa (Universidad del Quindío), Jesus Evelio Diosa (Universidad del Valle) and Ruben Antonio Vargas (Universidad del Valle) Juliana Castro Macêdo - Fonsêca (UFPE) and Rosa Maria Souto-Maior (UFPE) A588 - Quasicrystalline Phase Formation in the Mechanically Alloyed Al-Cu-Fe-Cr A596 - Synthesis and Characterization of cerium phosphate (CeP)-based nanocomposites Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros (DFTE-UFRN), Emilia Emiko Irikuchi (DFI- UEM), Andrea Paesano Junior (DFI-UEM) and Fernando Luiz de Araujo Machado (DF-UFPE) Rafaella Oliveira nascimento (UNICAMP), Carla Verissimo (UNICAMP), Bartolomeu Cruz Viana (UFC), Antonio Gomes Souza Filho (UFC), Josué Mendes Filho (UFC) and Oswaldo Luis Alves (UNICAMP) A590 - Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of NixCo1xAl2O4 Spinel Alexandre Fontes Carvalho (UFRN), José Antonio Barros Leal Reis Alves (UFRN), Rodrigo Cesar Santiago (UFRN), Danilo Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Joana Farias Barros (UFCG) and Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN) A591 - Preparation and Characterization of Nanocomposites Based on Colloidal Nickel and Laponite Clay Claudio Bonametti Olivato (UNICENTRO), Jose Batista de Camargo Júnior (UNICENTRO), Camila Alves de Lima (UNICENTRO), Fauze Jaco Anaissi (UNICENTRO), Michele Aparecida Rocha (IQ-USP) and Koiti Araki (IQ-USP) A592 - Application of Sol Gel Technology to Produce Aluminium Titanate Humberto Gracher Riella (UFSC), Elita Urano Frajndlich (IPEN), Nivaldo Cabral Kuhnen (UFSC) and Michelangelo Durazzo (IPEN) A593 - Production of new Ziegler-Natta catalyst with Clay for Propylene Polymerization by chemical activation Mônica Couto de Oliveira (UFRJ - IMA), Renata da Silva Cardoso (UFRJ - IMA), maria de Fátima Vieira Marques (UFRJ - IMA) and Rafaela da Conceição 34 A597 - Cellulose nanocrystals from coconut fiber: Preparation and Characterization Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa (Embrpa), Eliton Souto Medeiros (WRRC, ARSUSDA), José Antonio Malmonge (UNESP), Delilah Wood (WRRC, ARS-USDA), Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa), William John Orts (WRRC, ARS-USDA) and Syed Imam (WRRC, ARS-USDA) A598 - Polypropylene nanocomposites with UV light absorption properties Adair Rangel Oliveira Junior (Quattor Petroquimica), Selma Barbosa Jaconis (Quattor Petroquimica SA) and Antonio Carlos Quental (Quattor Petroquimica SA) A599 - Synthesis and Characterization of Starch-Layered Double Hydroxide hybrid films Gustavo Frigi Perotti (IQ-USP), Karen Tiemi Senoo (IQ-USP) and Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino (IQ-USP) A601 - Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoshells Segundo Nilo Mestanza Muñoz (UFABC), Mariana Theresa Barbosa Milesi (UFABC), Fabiana Duft (UFABC), Antonio Carlos Gomes Rocha (UFABC), Enver Fernandez Chillcce (IFGW/UNICAMP) and Anderson Orzani Ribeiro A604 - Low frequency dispersion in ionic conduction of (1-x)(NaI4AgI)-xAl2O3 A606 - In situ synthesis of conducting polymer blends by a novel double interfacial polymerization method Eliton Souto Medeiros (UFSCar), Marcelo Massayoshi Ueki (UFSCar), Rodrigo Andrade Martinez (UFSCar), Rinaldo Gregório Jr (UFSCar) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (EMBRAPA/CNPDIA) A607 - Nanocomposite of silica and acrylate as a platform for nanostructuring of materials Lucas Natálio Chavero (UFSC), Tatiana da Silva (UFSC) and Maria Luisa Sartorelli (UFSC) A608 - Morphological and structural effect of aluminum on Macroporous silicon layers Danilo Roque Huanca (Escola Politécnica da USP) and Walter Jaimes Salcedo (Escola Politécnica da USP) A609 - Mechanical Properties of Nanometric Powders of Sintered WC with 10%pCo Jose Batista de Camargo Júnior (UNICENTRO), Juan Carlo Villalba (UNICENTRO), Fauze Jaco Anaissi (UNICENTRO), Vitor de Moraes Zamarion (IQ-USP) and Henrique Eisi Toma (IQ-USP) A614 - Influence of concentration and electrical field in the morphological properties of polyamide 6, 6 / MWNT nanofibers Vitor Alexandre Garcia Godoy (PPGCEM/UFSCar), Rosario Elida Suman Bretas (PPG-CEM/UFSCar), Marcia Cristina Branciforti (DEMa/UFSCar) and Livio Jackes Bruno da Silva (UFMG) A615 - Adsorption of Benserazide by Aluminum Magnesium Layered Double Hydroxides: Hydrophobic Effect. José Francisco Naime Filho (FFCLRP-USP), Mariana Oliveira Ribeiro (FFCLRP-USP) and João Barros Valim (FFCLRP-USP) A616 - Designed Pendant Chain Covalently Bonded to Analogue of Heulandite for Removal Divalent Toxic Metals from Aqueous Solution: Thermodynamic and Equilibrium Study Denis Lima Guerra (UFMT), Rúbia Ribeiro Viana (UFMT), Alane Azevedo Pinto (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) A617 - Synthesis and characterization of the mesoporous AlMCM-41 as catalyst for biodiesel Hugo Millward Luna (UENF), Lidiane Hott de Fúcio Borges (UENF) and Marcello Filgueira (UENF) Francisco de Assis Rodrigues Pereira (UFPB), Maria Gardenia Fonseca (UFPB), Ana Elizabeth Silva (UEPB) and Maristela Alves da Silva (UEPB) A610 - Preparation and spectroscopic properties of PMMA/ GdAlO3:RE3+ (RE = Pr, Eu or Tb) composite films for application in scintillation devices A618 - Immobilization of 5amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-thiol onto kanemite for thorium(IV) removal: Thermodynamics and equilibrium study Higor Henrique de Souza Oliveira (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil), Alison Abreu da Silva (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil), Marco Aurélio Cebim (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil) and Marian Rosaly Davolos (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil) Denis Lima Guerra (UFMT), Marcos Carvalho (UFMT), Victor Luiz Leidens (UFMT), Alane Azevedo Pinto (UNICAMP), Rúbia Ribeiro Viana (UFMT) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) A611 - In-situ polymerization of aniline covalently bound in the A619 - Structural Charge Determination on Tartrated Magnetic Nanocolloids 35 Marcelo de Ataíde Ferreira (Universidade de Brasília), Epitácio Pinto Marinho (Universidade de Brasília), Fernanda do Nascimento Marques (Universidade de Brasília), Francisco Augusto Tourinho (Universidade de Brasília), Alex Fabiano Cortez Campos (FUP - UnB) and Jerome Depeyrot (Universidade de Bras?a) A621 - Controlling colloidal gold nanoparticles’ optical properties Márcio André Rodrigues Cavalcanti Alencar (UFAL), Eduardo Jorge da Silva Fonseca (UFAL), Cássio Eráclito Alves Santos (UFAL), Jandir Miguel Hickmann (UFAL), Sara Figueirêdo de Alcântara Morais (UFAL), Marcos Alexandre Gelesky (UFAL) and Mario Roberto Meneghetti (UFAL) A622 - Development of nanocomposites of polypropylene and polyethylene with chitosan Renata Cristina Gandolfi (UFABC), Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC), Sergio Paulo Campana-Filho (USP) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa) A623 - Composites of HDPE and MMT modified by species of different chemical nature. Synthesis and evaluation of transport properties to hydrocarbons. Fernanda Elena Monasterio (INIQUI-CONICET), María Antonia Toro (Facultad Cs Exactas-UNSa), Eleonora Erdmann (Facultad Ingeniería-UNSa), Victor Jayme Roget Rodriguez Pita (IMA-UFRJ), Marcos Lopes Dias (IMAUFRJ) and Hugo Alberto Destéfanis (UNSa/INIQUI-CONICET) A624 - The role of curing rate on the growth of percolated networks in epoxy/MWNT nanocomposites under an electrical field Sérgio Henrique Pezzin (UDESC), Celso Luiz Sigoli Risi (UDESC), Airton Ramos (UDESC), Irineu Hattenhauer (UDESC) and Luiz Antonio Ferreira Coelho (UDESC) A625 - Spectroscopy and electrical characterization of Polyaniline - Ag Composite Maria Elena Leyva González (UNIFEI), Filiberto González Garcia (UNIFEI), Alvaro Antonio Alencar de Queiroz (UNIFEI), Lúcio Flávio dos Santos Rosa (UNIFEI), Kássila Regina Faria Silva (UNIFEI) and Manoel Ribeiro da Silva (UNIFEI) A626 - Preparation and Characterization of Epoxy – Silver Composite 36 Maria Elena Leyva González (UNIFEI), Filiberto González Garcia (UNIFEI), Juvêncio Bezerra Loiola Junior (UNIFEI), Mateus Colli (UNIFEI) and Demétrio Artur Werner Soares (UNIFEI) A627 - Influence of the surface treatment on the local structure of magnetic nanoparticles Fernando Henrique Martins da silva (Universidade de Brasilia), Favio Oliveira de Paula (Universidade de Brasilia), Jerome Depeyrot (Universidade de Brasilia), Juliano Alves Gomes (Universidade de Brasilia), Francisco Augusto Tourinho (Universidade de Brasilia) and Renata Aquino de Sousa (Faculdade UnB Planaltina) A628 - Two-step sintering and dielectric properties of translucent nanocrystalline BaTiO3 ceramics Biomedical Engineering Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) and Alexandra A P Mansur (UFMG) A634 - Influence of preparation methodology on luminescent properties of the nanophosphor Y2O3: Er, Yb (2%, 1%) Sabrina Aléssio Camacho A635 - Synthesis and PTCR characterization of Ca-doped BaTiO3 ceramics by proteic sol-gel method David Vieira Sampaio (DFi - UFS), Ronaldo Santos da Silva (DFi - UFS), Zélia Soares Macedo (DFi - UFS), Jerre Cristiano Alves dos Santos (DFi - UFS), Eduardo Antonelli (IFSC - USP), Jean-Claude M´Peko (IFSC - USP) and Antonio Carlos Hernandes (IFSC - USP) Ronaldo Santos da Silva (DFi - UFS) and Antonio Carlos Hernandes (IFSC - USP) A637 - Nanocomposite Microreactor Fabricated by Indirect 3D Printing A629 - Current tunneling properties of anodized alumina André Luiz Jardini (FEQ/UNICAMP) Alexandre Da Cas Viegas (UFSC), Erildo Dorico (UFSC), Thaise Ramos Fernandes (UFSC), Rene Chagas da Silva (UFSC), Douglas Langie da Silva (UFSC) and Andre Avelino Pasa (UFSC) A630 - Stabilization of polypropylene with the addition of antioxidants in the polymerization reactor Renato Jonas Oliveira (IMA - UFRJ) and maria de Fátima Vieira Marques (UFRJ - IMA) A631 - Micronized talc-epoxy resin composites Cynthia Ferreira Alves (EEL USP), Simone dos Santos Afonso (EEL USP), Mariane Martim Sobrosa Passos de Abreu (EEL USP), Pedro Carlos de Oliveira (EEL USP), Carlos Alberto Baldan (EEL USP, FEG Unesp), Ernesto Ruppert Filho (FEEC Unicamp) and Carlos Yujiro Yujiro (EEL USP) A632 - Chemorheological behavior of organophilic clay-epoxy resin composites Rafaela Garcia Sansevero dos Santos (EEL USP), Mariane Martim Sobrosa Passos de Abreu (EEL USP), Amilton Martins Santos (EEL USP), Carlos Alberto Baldan (EEL USP, FEG Unesp), Ernesto Ruppert Filho (FEEC Unicamp) and Carlos Yujiro Yujiro (EEL USP) A633 - Characterization of Novel Hybrids based on Carbon Nanotubes and Polymer Blends for A639 - Preparation of polyurethane/montmorilonite polymeric nanocomposites by solution and characterization using low-field NMR Marcos Anacleto Silva (UFRJ) and Maria Inês Bruno Tavares (UFRJ) A640 - Gold nanoparticles colloids on natural rubber membranes Aldo Eloizo Job (UNESP/FCT), Nicholas Pieczonka (U WINDSOR), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente) and Flávio Camargo Cabrera (UNESP/FCT) A642 - Energy Gap Evolution in a ferroelectric oxide belonging to the tetragonal tungsten bronze family Felipe Silva Bellucci (FCT - UNESP), Gabriela Dias Silva (FCT - UNESP), Leandra Oliveira Salmazo (FCT - UNESP), Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) A643 - OBTAINING OF POLYCARBONETE/CLAY NANOCOMPOSITE AND CHARACTERIZATION BY NMR OF LOW-FIELD Pedro Paulo Merat (UFRJ) and Maria Inês Bruno Tavares (UFRJ) A644 - Modulation of Electrical Parameters of Multifunctional Nanofluids Based on the Control of the Fraction and of the Type of Nanoparticles Leandra Oliveira Salmazo (FCT - UNESP), Priscila Castro Souza (FCT - UNESP), Felipe Silva Bellucci (FCT UNESP), Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) A645 - Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Nanostructured Zn7Sb2O12 Semiconductor doped with Eu(III) (1- 5%) Andreza Cristina Souza Silva (FCT UNESP), Ana Maria Pires (FCT - UNESP), Glenda Gonçalves de Souza (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) A647 - Natural rubber membranes with gold nanoparticles for application as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate Flávio Camargo Cabrera (FCT - UNESP Presidente Pr), Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki (FCT-UNESP), Ricardo Flávio Aroca (University of Windsor - C), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (FCT - UNESP Presidente Pr) and Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) A648 - High pressure-high temperature sintering of nanostructured superhard material Ana Lucia Diegues Skury (UENF), Márcia Giardinieri Azevedo (UENF), Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii (UENF) and Sergio Neves Monteiro (UENF) A649 - NiO/MWNTs Composite as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar), Fabio Ricardo Bento (UFSCar), Ju Wang (ISEM) and Hu Liu (ISEM) A650 - Reactive Blending of PP/ POSS Nanocomposites: Morphology and Dynamic-Mechanical Behavior Sergio Graniero Echeverrigaray (UCS), Ricardo Vinicius Bof de Oliveira (UFRGS) and Robinson Carlos Dudley Cruz (UCS) A651 - Magnetron Sputtered Ti/ SiO2 Nanostructured Cermets for Selective Solar Absorbers - Optical Properties and AFM Images Moema Martins (PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ) and Renata Antoun Simão (PEMM/ COPPE/UFRJ) A652 - Utilization of silver nanoparticles as chemisensors of 5-fluorouracil José Elisandro de Andrade (Federal Univ of Sergipe) and Federico Guilherme de Carvalho Cunha (Federal Univ of Sergipe) 37 A653 - Characterization of high density polyethylene/organoclay nanocomposites by low - field nuclear relaxation study Tathiane C . Rodrigues F . Lessa (IMA UFRJ), Maria Inês Bruno Tavares (IMA UFRJ) and Victor Jayme Roget Rodriguez Pita (IMA UFRJ) A654 - Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of Epoxy Resin Containing Amorphous Co-B Particles Rodrigo de Farias Gomes (UFS), Fellipe Tavares Barreto (UFS), Marcelo Noboro Ralim Miyazaki (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) A656 - Production of Tri-component Composites (Carbon fiber/Epoxy/Carbon nanotubes) by Resin Transfer Molding Alexsandro Oliveira (UFRGS), Sandro Campos Amico (UFRGS), Celso Luiz Sigoli Risi (UDESC), Sérgio Henrique Pezzin (UDESC) and Luiz Antonio Ferreira Coelho (UDESC) A657 - Conductive composite obtained by mixture of residue industrial of leather and natural rubber with carbon black Elton Aparecido Prado dos Reis (FCT-UNESP), Aguinaldo Lenine Alves (FCT-UNESP) and Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) A659 - Agglomeration and aggregation study of hydrous alumina nanoparticles during calcination induced by microwave heating Silvelene Alessandra Silva (INPE), Maria do Carmo Andrade (INPE) and Sergio Luiz Mineiro (INPE) A660 - Influence of the organoclay addition system on the characteristics of the EVA/PS/SBS ternary blend nanocomposites. Victor Jayme Roget Rodriguez Pita (UFRJ), Flávio da Silva Francisco (UFRJ) and Ailton de Souza Gomes (UFRJ) Ana Cláudia Vaz de Araújo (UFP), Walter Mendes de Azevedo (Departamento de Química s), Severino Alves Junior (Departamento de Química s), Ricardo Bentes de Azevedo (Universidade de Brasília), Paulo Cesar Morais (Universidade de Brasília) and Jorge Luis Lopez (UFMG) A664 - Iron oxihidroxyde nanostructured in the clays montmorilonite Juan Carlo Villalba (UNICENTRO) and Fauze Anaissi (UNICENTRO) A665 - Polypropylene-Fatty Acid Functionalized Anionic Clay Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Characterization Renato Figueira da Silva (UFRGS), Ricardo Keitel Donato (UFRGS), Rafael Guzatto (UFRGS), Celso Camilo Moro (UFRGS), Dimitrios Samios (UFRGS) and Henri Stephan Schrekker (UFRGS) A666 - Effect of Organically Modified Silicate Layers on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of a Poly (Butylene Adipate-co-Terephthalate) and Poly (Lactic acid) Blend Mahin Shahlari (Missouri S&T) and Sunggyu Lee (Missouri S&T) A667 - Synthesis and characterization of nanoscale interstratified particles composed by layered hexaniobate intercalated with hexadecyltrimethylammonium cations Alfredo Duarte (IQ-USP) and Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino (IQ-USP) A668 - Uniaxial Self-assembled Mesoporous Silica Films Kelly Cristine Camargo (IF-UFRGS), Alexandre Fassini Michels (IF-UFRGS), Cesar Liberato Petzhold (IQ-UFRGS), Eduardo de Oliveira da Silva (IQUFRGS), Paula Poli Soares (IQ-UFRGS) and Flávio Horowitz (IF-UFRGS) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM B Mechanical Properties of Materials at the Nanometer Length Scales Auditorium: Bandeirantes Simposium Organizers: Alan Schwartzman (MIT, USA) Rodrigo Prioli (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Junya Inoue (U. of Tokyo, Japan) Jim Smith (Micro Materials, Ltd., UK) A662 - Porcelain tile surface modification with isocyanate coupling agent: interactions between EVA modified mortar and silane improving adherence Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) and Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) A663 - Synthesis and Characterization of the Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4/PANI Magnetic Nanocomposite Anselmo Furtado Ruiz Rodriguez (UFA), 38 Nanoscience and nanotechnology 39 binder by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: Alan Schwartzman 09:30 - 10:00 PB1 (invited) - SIZE MATTERS: Nano-scale Plasticity in Single Crystals, Nanocrystalline Metals, and Amorphous Metallic Glasses Julia R Greer (Caltech), Ju-Young Kim (Caltech), Dongchan Jang (Caltech) and Michael J Burek (University of Waterloo) 10:00 - 10:30 PB3 (invited) - Size effects on superelasticity in shape memory alloy submicron and micron-scale structures Ying Chen (MIT), Jose San Juan (University of the Basque) and Christopher A Schuh (MIT) 10:30 - 10:45 B515 - Nanomechanical properties of metallic thin-films reinforced by carbon nanotube network from flexural measurements Yun Daniel Park (Seoul National University), Young Duck Kim (eoul National University), Sung Wan Cho (eoul National University) and Myung Rae Cho (eoul National University) B511 - Nanoindentation-induced phase transformation versus shear plasticity in tetrahedral semiconductors David Oliver (McGill University), Jodie Bradby (ANU) and Jim Williams (ANU) B505 - Understanding phasetransformation-induced pop-out behaviour in Si under cyclic loading and elevated temperature indentation conditions James Stanislaus Williams 12:30 - 12:45 B525 - Fracture and remnant surface stress imaging of pointcontacts in Si Jeroen Schoenmaker (CECS-UFABC), Stephan J Stranick (SMSD-NIST), Robert F Cook (MSEL-NIST) and Yvonne B Gerbig (MSEL-NIST) 12:45 - 13:00 B544 - Effect of the native oxide mechanical deformation on GaAs nanoindentation Clara Muniz Almeida (Inmetro), Rodigo Prioli Menezes (PUC-Rio) and Fernando Agustin Ponce (ASU) B520 - Nanoindentation of Au(111) with atomically defined W(111) and (110) indenters using simultaneous Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Lunch Session chair: Junya Inoue 14:30 - 15:00 Session chair: Rodrigo Prioli 11:30 - 12:00 PB5 (invited) - Initial stages of nanoindentation in cubic semiconductors Fernando Agustin Ponce (ASU), Clara Muniz Almeida (Inmetro) Qiyuan Wei (ASU), and Rodigo Prioli Menezes (PUC-Rio) 40 15:30 - 15:45 10:30 - 10:45 B526 - Ultra low load indentation studies of creep and time-dependent properties of elastomers and polymers B510 - Measurement of the Elastic Properties and Intrinsic Strength of Monolayer Graphene Philippe Kempre (CSM Instruments) and Jiri Nohava (CSM Instruments) 15:45 - 16:00 B504 - Mechanical Performance of UV/Ozone-Treated PDMS by AFM and JKR Testing Across the Length Scales Jing Song (University of Twente), Davide Tranchida (University of Siegen) and Julius G Vancso (University of Twente) 16:00 - 16:15 B527 - Surface mechanical and time-dependent properties and tribological response of N2+ irradiated UHMWPE for medical applications Laura Alejandra Fasce (INTEMA), Mariela Del Grosso (TANDAR), Gerardo García Bermúdez (TANDAR) and Patricia María Frontini (INTEMA) 16:15 - 16:30 B536 - Thermo-mechanical properties of nanobiocomposites of Natural rubber and Starch Mayur Chintamani Valodkar (MS University) and Sonal Ishit Thakore (MS University) Friday, September 25 PB2 (invited) - Opto-Mechanical coupling in carbon nanotube: from experiment to a model Session chair: Rodrigo Prioli Benjamin Fragneaud (Columbia University) and Jeffrey w Kysar (Columbia University) PB6 (invited) - Nanomechanical Properties of Lamellar Materials 15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break David Torres Torres (CINVESTAV), J Muñoz Saldaña (CINVESTAV), A Hurtado Macías (CIMAV) and G Trápaga Martínez (CINVESTAV) 12:15 - 12:30 13:00 - 14:30 11:00 - 11:30 Érico Rodrigues Dourado (Coope - UFRJ) and Renata Auntoun Simão (Coope -UFRJ) 12:00 - 12:15 10:45 - 11:00 William Paul (Physics Dept, McGill U), Till Hagedorn (Physics Dept, McGill U), Mehdi El Ouali (Physics Dept, McGill U), David Oliver (McGill University), Yoichi Miyahara (Physics Dept, McGill U) and Peter Grutter (Physics Dept, McGill U) and FEM simulation B517 - Physical and Mechanical Properties of Lymphocyte Adhesive Biopolymer Multilayer Films Fernando da Cruz Vasconcellos (UNICAMP/MIT), Albert J Swiston (MIT), Adam S Zeiger (MIT), Krystyn J Van Vliet (MIT), Robert E Cohen (MIT), Marisa Masumi Beppu (UNICAMP) and Michael F Rubner (MIT) 15:15 - 15:30 B547 - Analysis of the asphaltic 09:30 - 10:00 Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) and Alexandre Mikowski (UFPR) 10:00 - 10:30 PB4 (invited) - Nanoindentation response of NiTi shape memory thin films Ainissa Ramirez (Yale University) 10:00 - 10:15 B534 - Geometry and bluntness tip effect on elastic-plastic behaviour during nanoindentation of reference materials: Experimental Xiaoding Wei (Columbia University), Changgu Lee (Columbia University), Benjamin Fragneaud (Columbia University), Jeffrey W Kysar (Columbia University) and James Hone (Columbia University) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Ainissa Ramirez 11:30 - 12:00 PB8 (invited) - Characterization of films, coatings and nanocomposite materials by nanoindentation Sergio de Souza Camargo Jr . (Uni Fed do Rio de Janeiro) 12:00 - 12:15 B530 - Estimation of Mechanical Properties of coatings Ni-B using Nanoindentation Carlos Dominguez - Rios (CIMAVChihuahua), Abel Hurtado-Macias (CIMAV-Chihuahua), Juan MuñozSaldaña (CINVESTAV-Querétaro) and Jesús González-Hernández (CIMAVChihuahua) 12:15 - 12:30 B502 - Enhancement of mechanical properties by using a [TiCN/ TiNbCN]n multilayer system Julio Cesar Caicedo (Universidad del Valle), cesar amaya (Univalle; Cali, Colombia), Maria Elena Gomez (Universidad del Valle), Gustavo Adolfo Zambrano (Universidad del Valle), Josefina Alvarado (Cinvestav México), Juan Muñoz (Cinvestav México) and Pedro Antonio Prieto (Centro de Excelencia en N) Poster Session B Mechanical Properties of Materials at the Nanometer Length Scales Room: Louvre 41 Wednesday, September 23 11:30 to 13:00 B503 - Stability Loss in Nanotube Reinforced Composites Vladimir Anatolievich Dekret and Alexander Nikolaevich Guz of Guelph), Stefan Walenty Kycia (University of Guelph), Alain André Quivy (Universidade de São Paulo) and Sérgio Luiz Morelhão (Universidade de São Paulo) B506 - A new acoustic microscope based on evanescent waves B521 - Study of fracture processes and structural properties of kyanite and kaolinite using instrumented indentation Raul José da Silva Camara Mauricio da Fonseca (Instituto de Fisica, UERJ), Jacques Attal (MIRA, IES, UM2), Gilles Despaux (MIRA, IES, UM2) and Bernard Cretin ((3) Institut FEMTO ST) Fabiana Cristina Nascimento (UEPG), Alexandre Mikowski (UFPR), Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR), Paulo Cesar Soares Junior (PUCPR) and Fernando Wypych (UFPR) B507 - Solvent Effect on the Morphology of the Bee - Structure Observed by AFM on Bitumen Sample B522 - Digital pulsed force mode (DPFM) used to probe local mechanical properties of graphene layers Bianca de Sousa Pizzorno (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM), Renata Antoun Simão (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM/) and Leni Mathias Leite (PETROBRAS/ CENPES) Clara Muniz Almeida (Inmetro), Erlon Henrique Martins Ferreira (Inmetro) and Carlos Alberto Achete (Inmetro/ Coppe) B508 - Surface displacement of indented thin films: Comparison study of TEM microstructure and tiangular dislocation loop model B523 - Mechanical Deformation of Gold Atomic-Size Wires Shinji Muraishi (Tokyo Tech), Naoya Kondo (Tokyo Tech) and Masaaki Takaya (Tokyo Tech) B509 - Fabrication, Mechanical Properties and Functionalization of Nanoporous Gold Films Oya Okman (Columbia University) and Jeffrey W Kysar (columbia University) B512 - Mechanical Properties of Nitrile Rubber (NBR)–Clay mixture obtained by Co-coagulation of the NBR Latex and Clay Aqueous Suspension Raquel Soares Reis (UFRJ - IMA e Nitriflex), Elisson Brum (Nitriflex), Diego Holanda Souza (UFRJ - IMA), Ailton de Souza Gomes (UFRJ - IMA) and Regina Célia Reis Nunes (UFRJ - IMA) B518 - Processing and mechanical characterization of Cu-Zr-Albulk glassy alloys Vanessa Motta Chad (DEMa-UFSCar), Cesar Luiz Aliaga (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMaUFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) B519 - Bragg Surface Diffraction as probe for studying surface/ interface defects in optoelectronic devices grown on GaAs(001) substrates Raul Oliveira Freitas (University 42 Maureen Joel Lagos (LNLS), Daniel Ugarte (Unicamp), Douglas Galvão (Unicamp) and Fernando Sato (Unicamp) B524 - The nature of plastic deformation of zincblend semiconductors resulting from AFM scratches Rodigo Prioli Menezes (PUC-Rio), Paula Galvao Caldas (PUC-Rio), Clara Muniz Almeida (Inmetro), Henrique Duarte Fonseca-Filho (UNIFAP) and Fernando Agustin Ponce (ASU) B528 - Comparative analysis of instrumented indentation hardness and viscoelastic behavior of different polymers after gamma radiation Elaine Cristina Azevedo (UTFPR), Salvador Claro Neto (USP), Gilberto Chierice (USP) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) B529 - Development of a tuning fork based sensor for in-situ force measurements during nanomanipulation inside a high resolution SEM. Vitor Toshiyuki Abrão Oiko (IFGW - UNICAMP/LNLS), Bruno Vieira da Cunha Martins (IFGW - UNICAMP), Varlei Rodrigues (IFGW - UNICAMP) and Daniel Mario Ugarte (IFGW - UNICAMP) B531 - Nanomechanical Surface Characterization using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with Berkovich Diamond Tip Oleg Lysenko (ISM), Athanasios Mamalis (NTU) and Nikolai Novikov (ISM) B532 - Mechanical and tribological properties of a DLC-coated aluminium-silicon alloy Marco Polo Agra Stamato Santos (UFRJ-DEMM), Marcia M Maru (INMETRO), Jailton C Damasceno (INMETRO) and Sérgio Álvaro de Souza Camargo Júnior (UFRJ-DEMM) B533 - Mechanical properties of Silicone/carbon nanotubes/carbon felt composite Elaine Yoshiko Matsubara (University of São Paulo), Maria Isabel Felisberti (UNICAMP) and José Maurício Rosolen (University of S. Paulo) B537 - Influence of the surface finishing of a stainless steel substrate on the hardness measurement of an oxide film deposited by electrochemical process José Mário Carneiro Vilela (CETEC), Célia Regina Oliveira Loureiro (CETEC), Margareth Spangler Andrade (CETEC), Rosa Maria Rabelo Junqueira (CETEC) and Ana Paula Andrade Manfridini (CETEC) B539 - Preparation and properties of nanocomposites based on Nitrile rubber and Acrylic rubber (NBR/ACM) blends micheli lucia celestino (UFRJ/IMA) and Bluma Guenther Soares (UFRJ/IMA) B540 - Influence of growing temperature of interference thin films on the mechanical properties of colored stainless steel evaluated by depth-sensing nanoindentation Ana Paula de Andrade Manfridini (CETEC), Célia Regina Oliveira Loureiro (CETEC), Margareth Spangler Andrade (CETEC) and Rosa Maria Rabelo Junqueira (CETEC) B541 - Relaxation of nanodeformations induced in polycarbonate thin films as a function of temperature: a comparative study Rafael Torres Leal (UFRGS), Cláudia Telles Souza (PUCRS), Marcos Rodrigo Silva (PUCRS), Ricardo Meurer Papaléo (PUCRS), Zahra Fakraai (Toronto) and James Forrest (Waterloo) B542 - Effects of nanodiamonds adittion on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond Ana Lucia Diegues Skury (UENF), Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii (UENF), Sergio Neves Monteiro (UENF) and Márcia Giardinieri Azevedo (UENF) 43 Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: R. Saito 11:30 - 12:00 09:30 - 10:00 PC9 (invited) - Nanotube and Graphene Based Polymer Optoelectronics PC6 (invited) - Mass Production, Applications and Safety Issue of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM C Carbon Nanostructures: From properties to Applications Auditorium: Alvorada II Simposium Organizers: Ado Jorio (UFMG, Brazil) Mauricio Terrones (IPICYT, Mexico) Flávio Orlando Plentz Filho (UFMG, Brazil) A. John Hart (U. of Michigan, USA) Session chair: A. G. Souza Filho Andrea C Ferrari Morinobu Endo (Shinshu University), Takuya Hayashi (Shinshu University) and Yoong Ahm Kim (Shinshu University) 12:00 - 12:30 10:00 - 10:15 Marcos Assuncao Pimenta (UFMG), Leandro Moreira Malard (UFMG) and Daniela Lopes Mafra (UFMG) C539 - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers: Similarities and Differences from Structural, Electronic and Chemical Concepts; Chemical Modification for New Materials Design Sergey V Savilov (MSU), Nikolay B Cherkasov (MSU), Valeria S Razina (MSU), Marina N Kirikova (MSU), Anton S Ivanov (MSU) and Valery V Lunin (MSU) 10:15 - 10:30 C505 - Nanoindentation Behavior of UV-Curable Epoxy/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Composites Luiz Antonio Ferreira Coelho (UDESC), Fernando Humel Lafratta (UDESC), Sérgio Henrique Pezzin (UDESC), Carlos Vinícius Opelt (UDESC), Marcos Nunes dos Santos (UDESC) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) 10:30 - 10:45 C504 - Influence of humidity on the tribological behaviour of Walloyed DLC:H coatings carlos wagner silva (REDEMAT), Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC), tomas polcar (University of Coimbra) and Albano Cavaleiro (University of Coimbra) PC4 (invited) - Resonance Raman studies in monolayer and bilayer graphene 12:30 - 12:45 C523 - Exfoliated graphite with a low thermal conductivity Ivan Mikhailovich Afanasov (Moscow State University), Olga Nikolaevna Shornikova (Moscow State University), Demid Aleksandrovich Kirilenko (University of Antwerp), Igor Ivanovich Vlasov (General Physics Institute), Liang Zhang (University of Antwerp) and Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp) 12:45 - 13:00 C530 - CHANGES IN THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF AMORPHOUS SiCx: H INTRINSIC AND PHOSPHORUSDOPED LAYERS BY ANNEALING AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. Ivaldo Torres Chavez (Universidad de Pamplona), Faruk Fonthal Rico (UniAutonoma de Oriente), Kelvin Beleño Saenz (Universidad de Pamplona) and Eduardo Pabon Vanegas (Universdidad de Pamplona) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: P. Ayala 10:45 - 11:00 Nanoscience and nanotechnology 44 C509 - Graphene From Two Chemical Routes: Synthesis and Characterization 14:30 - 14:45 Sergio Venturinelli Jannuzzi (University of Campinas), Sergey Dubin (University of California), Jonathan Wassei (University of California), Matthew James Allen (University of California), Stanislav A Moshkalev (University of Campinas) and Richard B Kaner (University of California) Alexandre Taschetto de Castro (CTEx), Luiz Depine de Castro (CTEx) and Cristina Tristão Andrade (UFRJ) 11:00 - 11:30 Xi Long , Chunxia Zhao and Wen Chen C508 - Synthesis of carbon nanospheres from petroleum residues 14:45 - 15:00 C517 - Mesoporous Carbon Electrode: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrical Properties Coffee Break 45 15:00 - 15:15 C531 - Carbon-nanostructures/ cadmium-sulphide Hybrid Heterostructures Formation Andrea Cortes (USM), ELDRID SVASAND (USM), Vladimir Lavayen (USM), RODRIGO SEGURA (UV) and Patricio Häberle (USM) 15:15 - 15:30 C553 - Influence of thermal treatment for porosity formation on carbon fiber Jossano Saldanha Marcuzzo (ITA), Choyu Otani (ITA), Heitor Aguiar Polidoro (Multi Vacuo) and satika Otani (Multi Vacuo) 15:30 - 15:45 C526 - Morphological Control of Aerosol Carbon Nanotubes Soo Hyung Kim (Pusan National University), Whidong Kim (Pusan National University) and Youngkyun Moon (Pusan National University) 15:45 - 16:00 C540 - Praseodymium-cerium oxide nanoparticles directly grown on CNTs walls: technological application in gas sensing Carla Verissimo (CCS-UNICAMP), Alireza Abbaspourrad (CCS-UNICAMP), Rogério V Gelamo (CCS-UNICAMP), Francisco P Rouxinol (CCS-UNICAMP), Oswaldo Luis Alves (IQ-UNICAMP) and Stanislav A Moshkalev (CCS-UNICAMP) 16:00 - 16:15 C544 - Defects in Inorganic Hybrid Nanostructures Vladimir Lavayen (USM), Colm O’Dwyer (UL), Guillermo Gonzalez (Uchile), Carlos Diaz (Uchile) and Oscar Rodrigues (UFSM) 16:15 - 16:30 C549 - Production of reactive oxygen species assisted by new [60]fullerenephotosensitizers Maurício Brant Pinheiro (UFMG) Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: M. A. Pimenta 09:30 - 10:00 PC5 (invited) - Exciton Environmetal effect on Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes Riichiro Saito (Tohoku University), Ahmad Ridwan Tresna Nugraha (Tohoku University), Kentaro Sato (The University of Tokyo), Ado Jorio (UFMG), Paulo 46 Araujo (UFMG), Gene Dresselhaus (MIT) and Mildred Dresselhaus (MIT) 10:00 - 10:15 James Moraes de Almeida (UFABC), Alexandre Reily Rocha (UFABC), Adalberto Fazzio (UFABC/USP) and Antônio José Roque da Silva (USP) C558 - Universal response of single-wall carbon nanotubes to radial compression Session chair: V. Meunier Ana Paula Moreira Barboza (UFMG), Helio Chacham (UFMG) and Bernardo Ruegger Almeida Neves (UFMG) 10:15 - 10:30 C559 - Natural Torsion in Small Diameter Carbon Nanotubes Eduardo Bedê Barros (UFC), Daniel Gomes Vercosa (UFC), Antonio Gomes Souza Filho (UFC), Georgy G Samsonidze (UC at Berkeley), Riichiro Saito (Tohoku University) and Mildred S Dresselhaus (MIT) 10:30 - 11:00 PC3 (invited) - Theoretical modeling of carbon nanostructure for energy storage and nanoelectronics applications Thursday, September 24 09:30 - 10:00 PC2 (invited) - Environmental Green Chemistry Applications of Nanoporous Carbons Juan Matos (IVIC), Andreína García (IVIC), Jean-Marc Chovelon (IRCELYON) and Corinne Ferronato (IRCELYON) 10:00 - 10:15 C542 - Improvement of DLC antibacterial activity by addition of TiO2 nanoparticles Fernanda Roberta Marciano (INPE/ITA), Deiler Antonio Lima-Oliveira (INPE), Newton Soares Da-Silva (Univap), Evaldo Jose Corat (INPE/ITA) and Vladimir Jesus Trava - Airoldi (INPE) Vincent Meunier (ORNL) 10:15 - 10:30 11:00 - 11:30 C503 - Hydrocarbons Gas Storage on Activated Carbon Coffee Break Session chair: A. Ferrari Sonia Ben Yahia (researcher doctorant) and Abdelmo Ttaleb Ouederni 11:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 10:45 PC1 (invited) - Accessing the electronic and optical properties of metallicity-selected and functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes C515 - Surface and Interface Properties of Carbon-Based Materials for Future Nanotechnologies Paola Ayala (University of Vienna) 12:00 - 12:30 PC7 (invited) - High pressure Raman scattering studies on doped double wall carbon nanotubes Antonio Gomes Souza Filho (Univ Fed Ceara), Eduardo Bedê Barros (Univ Fed Ceara), Acrisio Lins Aguiar (Univ Fed Ceara) and Alfonso San-Miguel (Univ Lyon 1) 12:30 - 12:45 Syed Imad-Uddin Ahmed (TU Ilmenau), Roland Joachim Koch (TU Ilmenau), Thomas Haensel (TU Ilmenau), Mikhail Kosinskiy (TU Ilmenau), Stefan Krischok (TU Ilmenau), Jing Kong (MIT) and Juergen Alois Schaefer (TU Ilmenau, MSU) 10:45 - 11:00 C510 - Characterization of Carbon Nanomaterials with Confocal Raman-AFM Fernando Vargas (WITec GmbH), Klaus Weishaupt (WITec GmbH), Ute Schmidt (WITec GmbH) and Olaf Hollricher (WITec GmbH) C511 - Study of doped carbon nanotubes by Raman spectroscopy Poster Session C Indhira Oliveira Maciel (UFMG), Neil Anderson (ROCHESTER), Jessica Campos-Delgado (IPICyT), Lukas Novotny (ROCHESTER), Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT), Apparao Rao (CLEMSON) and Ado Jorio (UFMG/INMETRO) Carbon Nanostructures: From properties to Applications 12:45 - 13:00 C556 - Heme B-like defects in N-doped carbon nanotubes. Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 C512 - Making and characterizing nanostructures on HOPG Márcia Maria Lucchese (Unipampa/ Inmetro), Suzana Bottega Peripolli (Inmetro), Carlos Alberto Achete (Inmetro/ Coppe) and Ado Jorio (UFMG) C513 - Multi-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with silver nanoparticles DUNIESKYS ROBERTO GONZALEZ LARRUDE (PUC-Rio), FERNANDO HENRIQUE MONTEIRO (PUC-Rio), MARCELO EDUARDO HUGUENIN MAIA DA COSTA (PUC-Rio) and FERNANDO LÁZARO FREIRE JUNIOR (PUC-Rio) C514 - Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotube serpentines Jaqueline dos Santos Soares (UFMG), Ana Paula Moreira Barboza (UFMG), Denise Basso Nakabayashi (UFMG), Bernardo Ruegger Almeida Neves (UFMG), Mario Sérgio de Carvalho Mazzoni (UFMG), Ernesto Joselevich (Weizmann Inst. of Science) and Ado Jorio (UFMG/INMETRO) C516 - The effect of different chemical treatment on the structure and dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes Eryza Guimarães Castro (UFPR), Rodrigo Alves Morais (UFPR), Kassia dos Santos (UFPR), Marcela Mohallem Oliveira (UFPR), Wido Herwing Schreiner (UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) C518 - Kohn anomaly near the K point of bilayer graphene Daniela Lopes Mafra (UFMG), Leandro Moreira Malard (UFMG), Johan Nilsson (Universiteit Leiden), Han Htoon (Los Alamos National Labor), Stephen Doorn (Los Alamos National Labor), Antonio Castro Neto (Boston University) and Marcos Assunção Pimenta (UFMG) C519 - Making Graphene and Graphene Layers Visible on ITO Victor Carozo (UFRJ/Inmetro), Erlon Henrique Martins Ferreira (Inmetro), Cristiano Legnani (Inmetro), Cecília Vilani (Inmetro), Fernando Stavale (UFRJ/Inmetro) and Carlos Alberto Achete (UFRJ/Inmetro) C520 - Alternative method for the production of Carbon nanoparticles by a Laser-furnace technique Carolina Macias (FEQ-UNICAMP), Carlos Alberto Gordillo (FEQ-UNICAMP), Robson Luiz Ferreira (FEQ-UNICAMP), Paula Sbaite (FEQ-UNICAMP), André Luiz Jardini (Unicamp) and Rubens 47 Maciel Filho (Unicamp) C521 - Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes By Arch Discharge: Optimization and Computational Simulation Jose Roberto Vega-Baudrit (Lanotec) C524 - Purification of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes based on Fenton’s Chemistry Sirlaine D F Brandão (CDTN/CNEN), Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira (CDTN/ CNEN), Daniel M Andrada (CDTN/ CNEN), Regis F Gontijo (CDTN/CNEN), Cristiano Fantini (CDTN/CNEN), Adelina Pinheiro Santos (CDTN/CNEN) and Clascídia Aparecida Furtado (CDTN/CNEN) C525 - Gap Opening by Asymmetric Doping in Graphene Bilayers Marcos G Menezes (UFRJ), Jorge L B Faria (UFMT) and Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz (UFRJ) C527 - Copper electrodeposition of on boron doped diamond by cyclic voltammetry Laura Camila Diniz Santos (INPE), Jorge Matsushima (INPE), Andréa Boldarini Couto (INPE), Maurício Ribeiro Baldan (INPE) and Naidenêi Gomes Ferreira (INPE) C528 - Carbon nanotubes synthesis on FeMoMgO catalysts monitored by a TPRe system Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira (CDTN/CNEN), Bruno Rocha Santos Lemos (UFMG), Leandro Assis Magalhães (CDTN), Rochel Monteiro Lago (UFMG), Clascidia Aparecida Furtado (CDTN/CNEN) and Adelina Pinheiro Santos (CDTN/CNEN) C529 - Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by CVD using Fe /MgO and Fe-Mo/MgO system as catalysts Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira (CDTN/ CNEN), José Domingos Ardisson (CDTN/ CNEN), Clascidia Aparecida Furtado (CDTN/CNEN), Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo (CDTN), Luiz Orlando Ladeira (UFMG) and Adelina Pinheiro Santos (CDTN/CNEN) C532 - A Phenomenological Model for the D-Band in Disordered Carbon Materials Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira Moutinho (UFRJ), Ado Jorio (UFMG) and Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz (UFRJ) C533 - Starch and Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite Thin Films ANDERSON MAIA PERES (UFMG), 48 TATIANA PENA FIGUEIREDO (UFMG), SERGIO DE OLIVEIRA (UFMG), RICARDO GERALDO SOUSA (UFMG) and ANDRE SANTAROSA FERLAUTO (UFMG) C534 - Growth and fabrication of devices based on carbon nanotubes and graphene for sensor applications Ive Silvestre Almeida (UFMG), rcos Henrique Diniz Guimaraes (UFMG), Além-Mar Bernardes Gonçalves (UFMG), Evandro Morais (UFMG), Leonardo Cristiano Campos (UFMG) and Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (UFMG) C535 - Nitrogen Incorporation to MWCNT Produced by Spray-Pyrolysis renato barbosa de oliveira (PUC-Rio) and FERNANDO Lázaro FREIRE JUNIOR (PUC-Rio) C536 - Control over the wettability of vertically-aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes films in a large range from hydrophilicity to super-hydrophobicity. Sandra Cristina Ramos (INPE), getulio vasconcelos (IEAv), Erica Freire Antunes (ITA/INPE), Anderson Oliveira Lobo (ITA/ INPE), Evaldo Jose Corat (INPE/ITA) and Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi (INPE) C537 - Growth of gold nanostructures inside carbon nanotubes Rodrigo Segura del Río (Universidad de Valparaíso), Andrea Cortes (USM), Carolina Garín (USM-UV) and Patricio Häberle (USM) C541 - Influence of experimental conditions on the CNTs nucleation process: multiple nucleation sites on the catalyst particle Celso Ricardo Nogueira Jesus (FFCLRPUSP) and Herenilton Paulino Oliveira (FFCLRP) C550 - Electronic Structure of Graphene Islands and Ribbons Embedded in Graphene Oxide Marcos Henrique Diniz Guimaraes (UFMG), Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (UFMG) and Mario Sérgio de Carvalho Mazzoni (UFMG) C551 - PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF WATERBORNE POLYURETHANE AND MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBE NANOCOMPOSITES Luciana Oliveira Melo (UFMG), Glaura Goulart Silva (UFMG) and Elisângela Silva Pinto (UFMG) C552 - Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Carbon Fibers for Gas Sensor Applications Evandro Augusto de Morais (UFMG), Diego Carvalho Barbosa Alves (UFMG), Viviany Geraldo de Morais (UFMG), Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (UFMG), Andre Santarosa Ferlauto (UFMG) and Luiz Orlando Ladeira (UFMG) C554 - The effect of different chemical treatment and presence of surfactant on the stability of multi-walled carbon nanotubes aqueous dispersion Carolina Ferreira de Matos (UFPR), Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) C555 - Application of the Keldysh formalism to heat pumping through nanostructures Carla Verissimo (CCS-UNICAMP) and Stanislav A Moshkalev (CCS-UNICAMP) Leandro Romão Fernandes Lima (IF - UFRJ), Caio Henrique Lewenkopf (IF - UERJ) and Francisco Piorino Neto (IF - UFRJ) C545 - Surfaces analysis of different carbon films using Wettability, AFM and Raman C557 - Modification of pyrolised oil shale to increase of phenol adsorption capacity Glauber Cruz (INPE), Divani Carvalho Barbosa (INPE), Evaldo Jose Corat (INPE/ITA), Adriana Faria Azevedo (INPE), Naidenêi Gomes Ferreira (INPE) and Maurício Ribeiro Baldan (INPE) Jardeylde Rosendo do Amaral (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcos Antônio Freitas Melo (UFRN), Ary Leonídio do Carmo Assunção (UFRN), Renata Martins Braga (UFRN), Rodrigo Cesar Santiago (UFRN) and Danilo Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN) C546 - Elastic, electronic and lattice dynamical properties of SiC Valdemir Ludwig (UFJF), Zélia Maria da Costa Ludwig (UFJF), Maria José Valenzuella Bell (UFJF) and Virgilio Carvalho dos Anjos (UFJF) C547 - Synthesis of Glassy Polymeric Carbon Modified with Metallic Ions Pinheiro Santos (CDTN/CNEN) C561 - Synthesis and characterization of fluid magnetic nanographite Nicolau Silva de Souza C563 - Functionalization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with alquilamines Kayo Oliveira Vieira (UFSJ), Poliana Lima da Silva (UFSJ), José Luiz Aarestrup Alves (UFSJ) and Marco Antonio Schiavon (UFSJ) C564 - MOLECULAR DYNAMICS STUDY OF METHANE AND HYDROGEN SULPHIDE IN Li+ DOPED SINGLE WALL CARBON NANOTUBE Gilmar Patrocínio Thim, Bruno Cecarelli (ITA), Flaviano Williams Fernandes (ITA), Deborah Brunelli (ITA) and Choyu Otani (ITA) C565 - Synthesis and characterization of composite adsorbent to removal of phenol in aqueous solutions Danilo Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Elida Natasche de Medeiros Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Rodrigo Cesar Santiago (UFRN), José Antonio Barros Leal Reis Alves (UFRN) and Alexandre Fontes Carvalho (UFRN) C566 - Bilayer graphene device: Fabrication and characterization of the electronic transport properties Jorge Leon Eras (UFMG), Elmo Salomão Alves (UFMG), Flavio Orlando Plentz (UFMG), Daniel Cunha Elias (UFMG), Leandro Moreira Malard (UFMG) and Beranardo Almeida Neves (UFMG) C567 - Synthesis and Characterization of carbon-sepiolite composite obtained by Pechini Method Ledjane Silva Barreto (UFS), Gabriela Borin Barin (UFS), Thalita Silva Bispo (UFS), Wilson Acchar (UFRN) and Carlos Alberto Paskocimas (UFRN) C560 - Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Xerogel with Nitrogen in a Carbon Matrix C568 - Longitudinal Cutting of Pure and Doped Carbon Nanotubes to Form Graphitic Nanoribbons Using Metal Clusters as Nanoscalpels Honória de Fátima Gorgulho (UFSJ), Mariana Botelho (UFSJ), Daniel M Andrada (CDTN/CNEN), Clascidia Aparecida Furtado (CDTN/CNEN), Patrícia Benedine Martelli (UFSJ) and Adelina Ana Laura Elias-Arriaga (Rice University/IPICyT), Daniel Ramírez González (IPICyT), Emilio Munoz-Sandoval (IPICYT), Lijie Ci (Rice University), Pulickel M Ajayan (Rice University), Humberto 49 Terrones (IPICYT) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT) C569 - Heat treated graphitic nanoribbons: electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy characterization Jessica Campos - Delgado (IPICyT, Mexico), Hootan Farhat (MIT, USA), Y A Kim (Shinshu University), Morinobu Endo (Shinshu University), Humberto Terrones (IPICYT), Mildred S Dresselhaus (MIT) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT) C570 - Spin polarized conductance due to arrays of defects in carbon nanoribbons for electronic applications Andres Rafael Botello - Mendez (IPICYT), Eduardo Cruz-Silva (ORNL), florentino López Urías (IPICYT), Bobby Sumpter (ORNL), Vincent Meunier (ORNL), Humberto Terrones (IPICYT) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICYT) C571 - Composite of epoxy and multi-walled carbon nanotubes produced from camphor/ferrocene pyrolisis: dynamic mechanical thermal properties Erica Freire Antunes (INPE/ITA), Elilton Rodrigues Edwards (Universidade Estadual Pau), Michel Milon (Instituto Nacional de Pes), Edson Cocchieri Botelho (Universidade Estadual Pau), Evaldo Jose Corat (Instituto Nacional de Pes) and Marcos Massi (Universidade Estadual Pau) C572 - Production of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by the Electrical Arc Method under Low Pressure Viviany Geraldo de Morais (UFMG), SERGIO DE OLIVEIRA (UFMG), Evandro Augusto de Morais (UFMG), Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (UFMG), Andre Santarosa Ferlauto (UFMG) and Luiz Orlando Ladeira (UFMG) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM D Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Inorganic Nanoparticles Auditorium: Segóvia IV Simposium Organizers: Paulo Ferreira (U. of Texas, USA) Jeff de Hosson (U. of Groningen, Netherlands) Katsuhiro Sasaki (Nagoya University, Japan) Dulce Araujo Melo (UFRN, Brazil) Nanoscience and nanotechnology 50 51 vation of electronic-excitationinduced structural changes in III-V compound nanoparticles Thursday, September 24 Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PD8 (invited) - Atomic Structure of Inorganic Nanoparticles: Challenges and Opportunities Jingyue Liu (University of Missouri) 10:00 - 10:30 PD10 (invited) - On the Shapes and Crystal Structure of Metal Nanoparticles: A New Vision Using Cs CorrectedTEM-STEM forming of methanol and dimethyl ether Kajornsak Faungnawakij , Nawin Viriya-empikul, Ryuji Kikuchi and Koichi Eguchi 12:00 - 12:30 PD5 (invited) - Pt/Pd core/shell nanoheterostructures Velimir Radmilovic (National Center for E), Susan Habas (Molecular Foundry, La) and Thomas Duden (National Center for E) 12:30 - 13:00 Hidehiro Yasuda (Kobe Univ), Masaki Imamura (Kobe Univ), Noriko Nitta (Kobe Univ) and Hirotaro Mori (Osaka Univ) Vigo), Marek Grzelczak (University of Vigo), Maria Fernanda Cardinal (University of Vigo), Enrique Carbo-Argibay (University of Vigo), Jorge Perez-Juste (University of Vigo), Isabel PastorizaSantos (University of Vigo) and Luis Manuel Liz-Marzan (University of Vigo) 15:30 - 15:45 10:30 - 10:45 D550 - Deformations in nanosized metallic glass systems D601 - Synthesis, characterization, and dynamic of formation of gold nanorods face to different amounts of surfactant Jeff T De Hosson (Un Groningen), ChangQiang Chen (Un Groningen) and YuTao Pei (Un Groningen) 15:45 - 16:00 D568 - Size Effects on Melting of Silver Nanoparticles: In-situ TEM Observations PD9 (invited) - Low Cost, Palladium-based Nanoalloy Catalysts for Fuel Cells Michael Asoro Adewunmi (U of Texas at Austin), John Damiano (Protochips Inc) and Paulo Ferreira (U of Texas at Austin) D525 - Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Site Occupancy in M1 Selective Oxidation Catalyst Arumugam Manthiram (Univ of Texas - Austin) 16:00 - 16:15 Douglas Allen Blom (University of SC), William Pyrz (University of Delaware), Thomas Vogt (University of SC), Douglas Buttrey (University of Delaware), Masahiro Sadakane (Hiroshima University), Wataru Ueda (Hokkaide University) and Vadim Guliants (University of Cincinnati) D570 - TiO2 Nanostructured materials: Synthesis and Characterization of new photocatalyst Miguel Yacaman (University of Texas) 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00 D579 - DSTEM: A Parallel Diffraction technique applied to Nanoparticles Jai Ganesh Kameswaran (UT-Austin), Masa Kawasaki (JEOL, USA), Jiping Zhou (UT-Austin) and Paulo Ferreira (U of Texas at Austin) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 11:45 D523 - Platinum nanoparticles obtained by two-phase method: synthesis, characterization and electro-catalytic properties. Eryza Guimarães Castro (UFPR), Rodrigo Villegas Salvatierra (UFPR), Marcela Mohallem Oliveira (UFPR), Wido Herwing Schreiner (UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) 12:30 - 12:45 Paulo dos Santos Batista (LAFOTUFU), Danielle Fernanda de Melo Oliveira (LAFOT-UFU), Valdemir Velani (NANOBRAX), Hosana Maciel Velani (NANOBRAX) and Antonio Eduardo da Hora Machado (LAFOT-UFU) 12:45 - 13:00 D502 - XDR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy characterization of gamma ray irradiated and non-irradiated quartz nanoparticles to be used in solar cells encapsulament Igor Alessandro Silva Carvalho (CETEC), Vitor Gouveia (CETEC), Belinazir do Espírito Santo (CETEC), Fernando Soares Lameiras (CDTN) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) D615 - Synthesis and characterization of Pb nanoislands at the SiO2/Si interfaces via ion implantation and high temperature annealing Felipe Kremer (IF - UFRGS), Shay Reboh (IF - UFRGS), Marcel Eduardo Staats (Escola de Eng - UFRGS), Fernando S Silva (Escola de Eng - UFRGS), Tierri Engel (Escola de Eng - UFRGS), Paulo Fernando Papaleo Fitchner (IF - UFRGS) and Fernando Claudio Zawislak (IF - UFRGS) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 11:45 Noemi Elisabeth Walsoe (CINSO) and Mario Bianchetti (CINSO) Walter Mendes de Azevedo (UFPE), Ana Cláudia Vaz de Araújo (UFPE) and Frederico Menezes (UFPE) 11:45 - 12:00 Friday, September 25 Session chair: To be informed PD1 (invited) - Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Liquid Crystals: Innovation towards “Suprahybrid Material” by Utilization of Size- and ShapeControlled Inorganic Nanoparticles Kiyoshi Kanie (Tohoku University) 10:00 - 10:30 11:45 - 12:00 Tadahiro KAWASAKI and Takayoshi TANJI D557 - Nanodeposit of metallic copper in spinel oxides and its catalytic behavior in steam re- 15:00 - 15:30 PD6 (invited) - Morphological Transformations of Gold Nanorods Morphological Transformations of Gold Nanorods PD3 (invited) - In-situ TEM obser- Jose Benito Rodriguez (University of 52 Kiyonobu Ida (Nagoya Unin), Katsuhiro Sasaki (Nagoya Univ), Yasuyuki Sugiyama (Nagoya Univ), Yuki Chujyo (Nagoya Univ), Masanori Tomonari (Ishahara Sangyo Kaisha), Tomharu Tokunaga (Nagoya Univ) and Kotaro Kuroda (Nagoya Univ) D566 - New And Straightforward Synthesis Route To Prepare Cds Quantum Dots 09:30 - 10:00 PD2 (invited) - In-situ TEM Observation of Nano-particulate Gold Catalysts under Reaction Gas and Non-reaction Gas Environments D545 - TEM Characterization of Oxidation-Resistant Copper Nanoparticles Covered by Biopolymer Nanoskin D503 - Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO nanotubes Lunch 14:30 - 15:00 10:45 - 11:00 16:15 - 16:30 13:00 - 14:30 Session chair: To be informed Mario Roberto Meneghetti (UFAL), Monique Angelo da Silva (UFAL), Fabio Vieira Junges (UFAL), Simoni Plentz Meneghetti (UFAL), Rusiene Monteiro de Almeida (UFAL) and Marcos Alexandre Gelesky (UFAL) D509 - Hydrothermal growth of Zirconia Nanostructures Victor Manuel Fuenzalida (U de Chile), Claudio Gonzalez (U de Chile), Donovan Enrique Díaz-Droguett (U de Chile) and Rodrigo Espinoza (U de Chile) 12:00 - 12:15 D616 - Doped assemblies of Au nanoparticles: structural and electronic properties Jonathan da Rocha Martins (UFMG), Ronaldo Junio Campos Batista (UFOP) and Helio Chacham (UFMG) 12:15 - 12:30 D576 - A Chemometric study of iron oxide nanoparticles synthesis ANA CLÁUDIA ARAÚJO (UFPE), Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE), Severino Alves 53 Junior (UFPE) and Walter Mendes de Azevedo (UFPE) M NAEEM KHAN (CAMP-NUST) and S Qaseem (FUUAST) 12:30 - 13:00 16:15 - 16:30 PD4 (invited) - Cu Nano- / Fineparticles Covered by Polymer Nanoskin: Material for MLCC D514 - Sol-gel Synthesis and Bifunctional Properties of TiO2/SnO2 Composite Nanopowders TETSU YONEZAWA Huaming Yang (Central South University), Aidong Tang (Central South University) and Jing Ouyang (Central South University) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: To be informed 14:30 - 15:00 PD7 (invited) - Simple Chemical Approaches for Luminescent Si Nanostructures Shirahata Naoto (NIMS) 15:00 - 15:15 D606 - Exciton dynamics in Silicon nanocrystals Luis José Borrero (IFSC-USP), Luiz Antônio de Oliveira Nunes (IFSC-USP), Marcello Rubens Barsi Andreeta (IFSC-USP), Iouri Poussep (IFSC-USP), Peter Mascher (McMaster University), David Comedi (LAFISO and CONICET) and Francisco Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC-USP) 15:15 - 15:30 D607 - Dopant influence on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 system Adriane Viana Rosario (UFSCar), Roberta Nogueira Barreto (UFSCar), Wania Aparecida Cristinelli (UFSCar) and Ernesto Chaves Pereira (UFSCar) 15:30 - 15:45 D636 - Synthesis and Characterization of water-soluble CdTe/CdS core/shell semiconductor nanocrystals Fernanda Oliveira Silva (DCNAT-UFSJ), Livia Cristina de Souza Viol (DCNATUFSJ), Diego Lourençoni Ferreira (DCNAT-UFSJ), José Luiz Aarestrup Alves (DCNAT-UFSJ) and Marco Antonio Schiavon (DCNAT-UFSJ) 15:45 - 16:00 D589 - A simple and fast synthesis route for preparing CdTe quantum dots in aqueous medium. Frederico Duarte de Menezes (UFPE), Walter Mendes de Azevedo (UFPE) and Severino Alves Junior (UFPE) 16:00 - 16:15 D510 - Study of Active Surface Defects in Ti Doped ZnO Nanoparticles 54 Poster Session D Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Inorganic Nanoparticles Room: Louvre Thursday, September 24 18:30 to 20:30 D501 - BiFeO3 multiferroic nano oxide: Synthesis and Characterization JAIRO ALBERTO GÓMEZ (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE C), JESÚS SIGIFREDO VALENCIA (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE C) and JUÁN BAUTISTA CARDA (UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I) D502 - XDR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy characterization of gamma ray irradiated and non-irradiated quartz nanoparticles to be used in solar cells encapsulament Igor Alessandro Silva Carvalho (CETEC), Vitor Gouveia (CETEC), Belinazir do Espírito Santo (CETEC), Fernando Soares Lameiras (CDTN) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) D513 - Evaluation of the Mn+2 concentrations in the structural and morphological characteristics of ZnO synthesized by the method of polymer precursors Maria Aparecida Ribeiro , Lucianna Gama Fernandes Vieira (UFCG), Alluska Nascimento Simões, Ruth H G A Kiminami, Maria Inês Basso Bernardi and Ana Cristina F Melo Costa D515 - Catalytic supports of CeO2 doping with copper: Synthesis and Evaluation Laédna Souto Neiva (UFCG), Ana Cristina F Melo Costa (UFCG), Artur José dos Santos Mascarenhas (UFBA) and Lucianna Gama Fernandes Vieira (UFCG) Maria Suely Costa da Câmara (UFRPE), Francisco José Santos Lima (UFRN), Roseane M Melo (UFRN), Kirian Pimenta Lopes (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (UFSCar) D519 - Study of the structural and magnetic properties of Co(1-x)ZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles in ferrofluids D529 - Ammonia as Moderator Agent for Growth Kinetics of Stable Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by the Turkevitch Method Javier Alonso Lopez (Universidad del Valle), Luis Ferney Gonzales (Universidad del Valle), Johan Emanuel Prado (Universidad del Valle), Gustavo Adolfo Zambrano (Universidad del Valle) and Maria Elena Gomez (Universidad del Valle) D520 - Effects of Nb on the TiO2 Nanopowders: Synthesis and Characterization Luís Fernando da Silva (IFSC/USP), Eduardo Antonelli (IFSC/USP), Vinicius Dantas Araujo (IFSC/USP), Maria Inês Basso Bernardi (IFSC/USP), Marcelo Rubens Barsi Andreeta (IFSC/USP), Charles Tandonnet (Université Paul Cezzanne) and Valmor Roberto Mastelaro (IFSC/USP) D521 - Synthesis and Characterization of VO2 nanocrystalline fernando junior quites (UNICAMP) and heloise oliviera pastore (UNICAMP) Luís Fernando da Silva (IFSC/USP), Eduardo Antonelli (IFSC/USP), Maria Inês Basso Bernardi (IFSC/USP), Lauro June Queiróz Maia (IF/UFG) and Valmor Roberto Mastelaro (IFSC/USP) D522 - Tungsten oxide nanoparticles grown by inert and reactive gas condensation Muntuwenkosi Chili (University of Zululand) and Neerish Revaprasadu (University of Zululand) D511 - Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticles from the System Ce1-xO2-MxO (M = Cu, Co) Vinicius Dantas Araujo (IFSC - USP) and Maria Inês Basso Bernardi (IFSC - USP) Maria Suely Costa da Câmara (UFRPE), Francisco das Chagas Dantas de Lemos (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Kirian Pimenta Lopes (UFSCar), Adaine Spinelli (UNIR) and Elson Longo (UFSCar) D527 - Effect of the temperature in optical parameters in the reflectance spectrum of the composition Li2Co(1-x)NixTi3O8 doped with nickel to 8% D505 - Structural and Electrical Characterization of Nanostructured SrTi1-xFexO3- D506 - Synthesis of Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles in a Watersoluble Polymer Li2-xZn1-xNdxTi3O8 : Effect of doping Luiz Fernando gorup (UFSCar), Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UNESP) and Emerson Rodrigues Camargo (UFSCar) D530 - Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of TiO2, SnO2 and ZnO Gabriela Santilli do Nascimento (UFSCar), Giovanni Pimenta Mambrini (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Guilherme Calmon Mantovanelli Monteiro (UFSCar), Luiz Alberto Colnago (Cnpdia-Embrapa) and Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (CnpdiaEmbrapa) D531 - Selective Self-Condensation of Acetone Over Nano Zinc Oxide/Ruthenium/Activated Charcoal Catalyst Abdulaziz Ahmed Bagabas , Vagif Malik Akhmedov, Mohamed Mokhtar Mostafa and Abdulaziz Fahad ALGhashem D532 - Raman analysis of CdTe nanopaticles embedded in a SnO2 Donovan Enrique Díaz - Droguett (Universidad de Chile), Daniel Guillermo Gálvez (Universidad de Chile) and Victor Manuel Fuenzalida (Universidad de Chile) Enrqiue Campos Gonzalez (Cinvestav), Marcelino Becerril (cinvestav) and Orlando Zelaya Angel (Cinvestav) D524 - Heterostructured Core@ shell Nanoparticles: PVG/TiO2@ MoO3 and PVG/MoO3@TiO2 Vagner Romito Mendonça (UFSCar) and Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (EMBRAPA-CNPDIA) Elias Barros Santos (Unicamp) and Italo Odone Mazali (Unicamp) D526 - Pigments Inorganic Of Li2Zn1-3X/2FeXTi3O8 e Li2Zn13XCrXTi3O8; Li2-xZn1-xPrxTi3O8 and D535 - TiO2 Nanocrystals: Synthesis Parameters and Photocatalysis D536 - Sintering study of ZnO nanoparticles obtained with different precursors Cristiana Perdigão Rezende (UFMG), Juliana Batista Silva (CDTN/CNEN) and 55 Nelcy Della Mohallem (UFMG) D537 - Nanoparticles of Copper Nitroprusside: A New route for obtaining electroactive nanocomposites Urquisa de Oliveira Bicalho (FEISUNESP), Devaney Ribeiro do Carmo (FEIS-UNESP), Marcelo Medina de Souza (FEIS-UNESP) and Suelino Gabriel Junior (FEIS-UNESP) D540 - Analysis of a new sunscreen active ingredient based on ß-FeTCP nanoparticles Tatiana Santos de Araujo (UFS), Susana Oliveira de Souza (UFS), Edesia Martins Barros Sousa (CDTN) and Walter Miyakawa (IEAV) D542 - Gold nanoparticles obtained in PAH/PAA-based multilayers: Synthesis and Characterization Nicolle Dal Acqua (UCS), Rosiana Boniatti (UCS), Janaina da Silva Crespo (UCS), Marcelo Giovanela (UCS), Sérgio Ribeiro Teixeira (UFRGS), Liane Marcia Rossi (IQUSP) and Giovanna Machado (UCS) D543 - Synthesis nano powder of Sm2Co17+α-Fe for nanocomposite magnet Eonbyeong Park (RIST), Jongil Park (RIST), Jong-ryol Kim (Hanyang University) and Soon-Ju Kwon (POSTECH) D544 - NANOCRYSTALLINE ZrO2 POWDERS PREPARED BY SOL-GEL METHOD: THE ROLE OF PYROLYTIC CARBON ON THE PHASE STABILIZATION José Renato Jurkevicz Delben (UFMS), Sérgio Marcondes (UFMS), Marlene de Barros Coelho (EMBRAPA), Fábio Simões de Vicente (LIEC) and Angela Sanches Tardivo Delben (UFMS) D546 - Hybrid circonia sol-gel filmes modified with silver nanoparticles and silver complexes: Antimicrobial activity comparison Esteban Vargas Rojas (USACh), Manuel Ignacio Azocar (USACh), Nicole Duran (USACh), Maritza Páez Collio (USACh), Abel Arrieta (USACh) and Leslie Diaz D547 - Correlation of magnetic properties, morphology and structural parameters in Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles Johan Emanuel Prado (Univalle), Javier Alonso Lopez (Universidad del Valle), Oscar Marin (UNL), Aminta Mendoza (UNAL), Maria Elena Gomez (Universi56 dad del Valle) and Pedro Prieto (CENM; Cali, Colombia) D548 - Synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanotubes and fullerenes-like nanoparticles Helder Jose Ceragioli (UNICAMP), Vitor Baranauskas (UNICAMP) and Alfredo Carlos Peterlevitz (UNICAMP) D551 - Gel-Combustion synthesis to obtain Co3O4 nanopowders for solar selective surfaces María Celeste Gardey Merino (CLIOPENTU,FRM), Rodrigo Belda (CLIOPENTU,FRM), Gustavo Enrique Lascalea (LISAMEN, CCT-CONICET), José Miguel Martín Martínez (A&A Lab, Univ of Alicante) and Patricia Vázquez (CINDECA, CCT-CONICET) D552 - Synthesis and characterization of HfO2:Eu3+ phosphor nanoparticles by polyol process Maricela Villanueva Ibáñez (UPP), María de los Angeles Hernández-Pérez (ESIQIE IPN) and Marco Antonio Flores González (UPP) D553 - UV-induced photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B by ZnO particles Georgia Virgina da Fonseca Santos (UFPE), Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (Embrapa), Tania Regina Giraldi (Embrapa) and Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) Gabriel Teixeira Landi (IFUSP), Antonio Domingues dos Santos (IFUSP), Sergio Antonio Romero (IFUSP) and André Hirata (IFUSP) D561 - MORPHOLOGIC PROPERTIES OF FERRITES NANOPARTICLES APPLIED TO HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSTS Cezar Carvalho Arruda (UFSCar), Tania Regina Giraldi (Embrapa) and Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (Cnpdia-Embrapa) D562 - A combined XPS and PA study of gold nanoparticles deposition on ceria/zirconia mixed oxides Hadma Sousa Ferreira (UFBA), Antônio Ferreira da Silva (UFBA), Iuri Pepe (UFBA), Alberto Albornoz (IVIC, Venezuela) and Maria do Carmo Rangel (UFBA) D563 - Synthesis, optical and structural characterization of fluorescent water soluble CdSe/CdS quantum dots Antonio Gomes de Castro Neto (UFPE), Adriana Fontes (UFPE), Beate Saegesser Santos (UFPE), Denise Patrícia Lins de Azevedo Tenório (UFPE), Jamil Saade (UFPE) and Patrícia Maria Albuquerque de Farias (UFPE) D564 - Evaluation of the photocatalytic property of flamesprayed ZnO powder D574 - Production and Characterization of Small Metallic Clusters Giulia Di Domenicantonio (IGFW UNICAMP), Artur Domingues and Varlei Rodrigues (IFGW - UNICAMP) D575 - Controlled Growth and Positioning of Metal Nanoparticles via Scanning Probe Microscopy Elisângela Silva Pinto (UFMG), Bernardo Ruegger Almeida Neves (UFMG), Ana Paula Gomes (UFMG), Marcos Assunção Pimenta (UFMG), Carlos Basílio Pinheiro (UFMG) and Luiz Orlando Ladeira (UFMG) D577 - Coalescence and Sintering of Platinum Nanoparticles: In-situ Observation by Aberration-Corrected HAADF STEM Michael Asoro Adewunmi (U of Texas at Austin), Desiderio Kovar (U of Texas at Austin), Yang Shao-Horn (MIT, Cambridge MA), Larry Allard (Oak Ridge National Lab) and Paulo Ferreira (U of Texas at Austin) D578 - Silica capped CdS/Cd(OH)2 Quantum dots for biological applications Claudilene Ribeiro Chaves (UFPE), Diogo Burigo Almeida (UNICAMP), Adriana Fontes (UFPE), Carlos Lenz Cesar (UNICAMP), Beate Saegesser Santos (UFPE) and Patrícia Albuquerque Farias (UFPE) D554 - The effect of chemical modifications of 1-D alkali titanate nanomaterials on their stability in acidic aqueous suspension Rafael Mello Trommer (UFRGS), Rafael Hubert Silva (UFRGS), Annelise kopp Alves (UFRGS) and Carlos Pérez Bergmann (UFRGS) Paula Mendes Jardim (PUC-Rio), Bojan A Marinkovic (PUC-Rio), Juliana Mesquita de Andrade (PUC-Rio), Fernando Rizzo (PUC-Rio), Marco Antonio S Abreu (Petrobras SA/CENPES) and Edisson Morgado Jr (Petrobras SA/CENPES) D567 - Monitoring the structural changes during stabilization of expansive nanoclay Silvania Lanfredi (FCT - UNESP), Samara Araújo Dantas (FCT - UNESP), Caroline Polini (FCT - UNESP), Alan Rogério Ferreira Lima (UEPG) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) Raafat Isaac Malek (Penn State Univ), Magda Salama (Penn State Univ), Russel Scharlin (ESSL, LLC) and Johnny Sherwwod (ESSL, LLC) D581 - Preparation of La-Ca-Mn polymeric resins to produce nanostructured perovskite oxides D558 - Sol-gel Nanostructured Titania: A Phase Transformation Study from beta-TiO2-AnataseRutile Javier Arturo Montes de Oca Valero (CICATA-IPN Unidad Qro), Antonieta García Murillo (CICATA-IPN Unidad Alt), Luis David Gómez Lerma (CICATAIPN Unidad Alt), Héctor Javier Dorantes Rosales (ESIQIE-IPN, D.F., MEXICO), Nicolas Cayetano (I.M.P., D.F., Mex.), Rosendo López (UAM-Iztapalapa, D.F., Mex) and Ricardo Gómez (UAM-Iztapalapa, D.F., Mex) D560 - High density gas aggregation nanoparticle gun applied to the production of SmCo clusters D571 - Enhancement of the Lattice Polarization by the NaSr2(NiNb4)O15-δ Solid-Solution Formation Silvania Lanfredi (FCT - UNESP), Samara Araújo Dantas (FCT - UNESP), Caroline Polini (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) D572 - Synthesis the Nanotubes of lanthanum-nickel oxid Alessandra Zenatti (UFABC), Alexandre Castro Lanfredi (UFABC), Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC), Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UFSCar), Renato Figueiredo Jardim (USP) and Marcia Tsuyama Escote (UFABC) D580 - Structural Characterization of Sr2NaNb5O15 Nanostructured Powders Marcia Tsuyama Escote (UFABC), Jacqueline Fernandes Pacheco (UFABC), Helmunt Vigo Cotrina (UFABC), Alessandra Zenatti (UFABC), Alexandre Castro Lanfredi (UFABC), José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC) and Renato Figueiredo Jardim (IFUSP) D582 - Transesterification of vegetal oils catalyzed by oxide nanoparticles. Giovanni Pimenta Mambrini (CNPDIA-Embrapa), Gabriela Santilli do Nascimento (DQ-UFSCar), Guilherme Calmon Mantovanelli Monteiro (UFSCar), Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (Cnpdia-Embrapa) and Luiz Alberto Colnago (Cnpdia-Embrapa) 57 D584 - Syntheses of nano-ZnO powders by different routes of Pechini method Renata Martins Braga (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Flavia de Medeiros Aquino (UFRN), Filipe Silva Oliveira (UFRN), Rodrigo Cesar Santiago (UFRN) and Gislane Pinto Oliveira (UFRN) D585 - Synthesis and characterization of MeFe2O4 (Me=Ni,Co) nanoparticles obtained by a gelatin-based sol-gel method Igor Frota Vasconcelos (UFC), Nizomar Souza Gonçalves (UFC), Manoel Ribeiro da Silva (UNIFEI) and José Marcos Sasaki (UFC) D586 - Ce ion-exchanged titanate nanotubes decorated with ceria nanoparticles Bartolomeu Cruz Viana (Univ Fed Ceará), Odair Pastor Ferreira (Unicamp), Antonio Gomes Souza Filho (Univ Fed Ceará), Carolina Martins Rodrigues (Unicamp), Josué Mendes Filho (Univ Fed Ceará) and Oswaldo Luis Alves (Unicamp) D587 - Hydrolysis of copper (II) ions inside natural chrysotile nanotubes Adriana Linhares Drummond (UnB), Ana Carolina Campos Santana (UnB), Maria José Araujo Sales (UnB), Marcelo Henrique Sousa (UnB) and Geraldo José da Silva (UnB) D588 - Influence of surfactants on the stability and physicochemical properties of nanofluids Eveline De Robertis (INMETRO), Isabele Bulhões Aranha (INMETRO), Andrea Porto Campos (INMETRO), Sandra Marcela Landi (INMETRO), Alexei Yu Kuznetsov (INMETRO), Rogerio Machado (INMETRO) and Carlos Alberto Achete (INMETRO) D592 - Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 nanotubes from electrochemical oxidation oftitanium substrate Ana María Rocco (EQ/UFRJ) and Jorge Trotta Filho (EQ/UFRJ) D593 - Synthesis of LnNiO3 (Ln = La and Pr) System for Catalytic Applications Filipe Silva Oliveira (UFRN), Flavia de Medeiros Aquino (UFRN), Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN), Renata Martins Braga (UFRN), Romero Gomes da Silva Araújo Filho (UFRN) and Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN) 58 D594 - Hydrothermal synthesis of 1-D layered titanate (A2TinO2n+1like) nanomaterials from natural ilmenite sand Paula Mendes Jardim (PUC-Rio), Bojan A Marinkovic (PUC-Rio), Lidija Mancic (Institute of Technical Sc), Olivera Milosevic (Institute of Technical Sc) and Fernando Rizzo (PUC-Rio) D596 - Nanostructured Ni/SiO2 Catalyst and its Activity for NonOxidative Methane Activation Silvia Fernanda Moya (PEQ/ COPPE, Universid), Ruth Leibsohn Martins (PEQ/ COPPE, Universid) and Martin Schmal (PEQ/ COPPE, Universid) D598 - A Study of the Radioluminescent Properties of ZnO Nanopowder Synthesized by Proteic Sol-Gel Process Nilson dos Santos Ferreira (UFS), Daniel Augusto de Andrade Santos (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) D599 - SiO2/Si interface nanostructuration by co-diffusion of Pb and Se Shay Reboh (EE-UFRGS), Flavia Piegas Luce (IF-UFRGS), Felipe Kremer (IF-UFRGS), Fernando Schaurich Silva (EE-UFRGS), Tierri Engel (EE-UFRGS), Fernando Claudio Zawislak (IF-UFRGS) and Paulo Fichtner (UFRGS) D600 - Characterization of nanocrystalline TiO2 powders for heterogenous photocatalytic degradation: surface charge and high surface area Klaus Wilhelm Krambrock (UFMG), E Morgado Jr (PETROBRAS), M A S de Abreu (PETROBRAS), J B Viol (UFRJ), Cristiano M S da Costa (UFMG), Ariete Righi (UFMG) and Maurício Veloso Brant Pinheiro (UFMG) D602 - Heating rate effect on the Synthesis of alumina nanoparticles Letícia de Oliveira Campos (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN) D603 - Fabrication of Ceria Nanowires by Inorganic hydrothermal growth Muhammad Anis - ur - Rehman (COMSATS I I T, Pakistan) and Ali Abdullah (COMSATS I I T, Pakistan) D605 - The template-guided synthesis of silica and organosilicate nanotubes obtained by the sol-gel process Sabrina Gomes Faria (UFSJ), Juliana Souza Silva (UFSJ), Ana Lucia Exner Godoy (IPEN), Patrícia Benedine Martelli (UFSJ) and Marco Antonio Schiavon (UFSJ) D608 - Preparation of stable dispersions of Co and Pd nanoparticles using an imidazolium ionic liquid Dagoberto de Oliveira Silva (UFRGS), Cristina de Garcia Venturini (UFRGS), Adriana Raffin Pohlmann (UFRGS) and Jairton Dupont (UFRGS) D610 - Small angle X-ray study of nanostructured samaria-doped ceria (Universidad del Cauca), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and Ruth H G A Kiminami (UFSCar) D620 - Hybrid materials composed by nanocrystalline ZSM-5 embedded into the MCM-41 mesoporous materials for cracking of vacuum gas oil Maria José Fonseca Costa (UFRN), Edjane Buriti Silva (UFRN), Larissa Luz Araujo (UFRN), José Geraldo Andrade Pacheco Filho (UFPE) and Antonio Souza Araujo (UFRN) D625 - Synthesis and Characterization of oxides of nickel and zinc obtained by sol-gel Eduardo Caetano Souza (IPEN), José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC) and Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN) Taynara Lima Valentim (UFPA), RENAN MENEZES QUEIROZ (UFPA), MELINA DANIELE PINHEIRO (UFPA), José Roberto Zamian (UFPA), Geraldo Narciso Rocha Filho (UFPA) and Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da Costa (UFPA) D611 - Synthesis and characterization of phosphate and carbonate nanoparticles doped with manganese for applications as active centers in sunscreens D626 - Preparation and Characterization of SnO2-F/TiO2 photoconductive film by Spray Pyrolysis Tatiana Santos de Araujo (UFS), Susana Oliveira de Souza (UFS), Edesia Martins Barros Sousa (CDTN) and Walter Miyakawa (IEAV) Victor Ciro Solano Reynoso (UNESPIlha Solteira), Anderson José Silva Maurity (UNESP-Ilha Solteira), Fabricia Roberta Lunas (UNESP-Ilha Solteira) and Claudio Luis Carvalho (UNESP-Ilha Solteira) D612 - Tin citrate particles as precursors for nanoparticles of SnO2: the study of Tin Citrate particles growing D630 - Effects of YDZ:SDC ratio on ionic conductivity of a solid electrolyte Hamilton Magalhães Viana (FAENG/ CUFSA), Douglas Gouvêa (POLI/USP), Daliana Gomes Borges (POLI/USP), Rafael Takabatake Gomes Costa (FAENG/CUFSA) and Carola Castilho Loschiavo D614 - Dielectric Loss Analysis of Nanoparticles of Zinc-Nickel Ferrite in a Polar Nanofluid Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP), Felipe Silva Bellucci (FCT UNESP), Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) and Leandra Oliveira Salmazo (FCT - UNESP) Mersha Elizabeth Campos (USB), Aurora Molina (USB), Angel Castro (USB), Jackelin Quiñones (UCV), Jesus Rodriguez (USR) and Adalberto Rosales (USB) D633 - characterization of nanoporous alumina films and photocatalytic properties Miriam Estrada (IPN - ESIQIE), Carmen Reza (IPN - ESIQIE) and Lucía Díaz Barriga (IPN) D634 - Photo-reactive surfactant mediated synthesis of nanoparticles D618 - Al2O3-based pigments synthesized by the proteic sol-gel method André Galembeck (UFPE) and Rodrigo José de Oliveira (CETENE) Ronaldo Santos da Silva (DFi-UFS), Michely Santos Araújo (DFi-UFS) and Zélia Soares Macedo (DFi-UFS) D635 - Raman Spectroscopy Properties of Layer by Layer Triruthenium Clusters and Gold D619 - Effect of BNT content on the properties of KNN-based nanopowders obtained by combustion reaction Claudia Fernanda Raigoza (Universidad del Cauca), Oscar Anacona Jonnatan Julival dos Santos (IQ-USP), Sergio Hiroshi Toma (IQ-USP), Henrique Eisi Toma (IQ-USP) and Koiti Araki (IQ-USP) D637 - Synthesis and Characterisation of Erbium Nano Particle 59 doped High k Dielectric Thin film for Novel device Applications vikram singh (CEERI, Pilani), Satinder Kumar (IIT, Kanpur), Dinesh Kumar (Kurukshetra University) and Rajender Kumar Nahar (CEERI, Pilani) D639 - Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO/CTAB Nanoflowers Juliana de Jesus Rocha Pardauil (UFPA), Luiz Kleber Carvalho de Souza (UFPA), José Roberto Zamian (UFPA), Geraldo Narciso da Rocha Filho (UFPA) and Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da Costa (UFPA) distribution in Eu3+-doped BaWO4 nanoparticles prepared by a wet chemical route João Henrique Saska Romero (UNESP, Araraquara), Gisele Fidelis Altoé (UNESP, Araraquara), Higor Henrique de Souza Oliveira (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil), Marco Aurélio Cebim (UNESP) and Marian Rosaly Davolos (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil) D647 - Characterization and Modeling of Silica Nanoparticles Transport Flow for Enhanced Oil Recovery D641 - Association of organic-inorganic filters and its potential as a hybrid sunscreen Cigdem Medim (Univ Texas at AustinUSA), Caetano Rodrigues Miranda (UFABC - Brazil) and Quoc P Nguyen (Univ Texas at Austin-USA) Sheila Pasqualotto (UNESP, Araraquara), Marian Rosaly Davolos (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil), Marco Aurélio Cebim (UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil) and Juliana Flor (natura) D648 - Free-standing, highly aligned and transparent sheets of Silicon Oxide and Silicon Nitrite Nanotubes D642 - A new hybrid organic-inorganic sunscreen filter with Uvinul A Plus and ZnO nanoparticles Mariana Bizari (UNESP), Sheila Pasqualotto (UNESP), Marco Aurélio Cebim (UNESP) and Marian Rosaly Davolos (UNESP) D643 - Study of the Thermal Properties Solution-Dissolved TiO2 Nanoparticles Gregório Mendoza Alvarez (UPIITAIPN), Jose Francisco Sanchez-Ramirez (CICATA-IPN), Alfredo Cruz-Orea (Cinvestav-IPN), Jose Angel PescadorRojas (CICATA-IPN), Carlos Jacinto da Silva (Univ Federal de Alagoas), Gregório Mendoza Alvarez (CinvestavIPN) and Feliciano Sanchez-Sinencio (CLAF/Cinvestav-IPN) D644 - Focused Ion Beam Templating and Doping of Si/Ge Quantum Dot Nanostructures Marcio Dias Lima (NanoTech Institute), Xavier Lepro (NanoTech Institute) and Ray H Baughman (NanoTech Institute) D649 - Rapid synthesis and characterization of CeMCM-41 Luiz Kleber Carvalho de Souza (UFPA), Juliana de Jesus Rocha Pardauil (UFPA), José Roberto Zamian (UFPA), Geraldo Narciso da Rocha Filho (UFPA) and Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da Costa (UFPA) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM E Magnetic Materials at the Nanoscale Auditorium: Segóvia III Simposium Organizers: Maria-Elena Gómez (CENM, Colombia) Axel Hoffmann (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Elisa Saitovitch (CBPF, Brazil) Jose Luis Vicent (U. Complutense, Spain) Yvan Bruynseraede (K. U. Leuven, Belgium) Jeremy Franklin Graham (University of Virginia), Copeland David Kell (University of Virginia), Jerry A Floro (University of Virginia) and Robert Hull (Rensselaer Polytech Inst) D645 - An X-ray diffraction study of the growth kinetics and structure of nanocrystalline ZnO particles synthesized by a newly modified proteic sol-gel process Nilson dos Santos Ferreira (UFS), Daniel Augusto de Andrade Santos (UFS), Jose Airton Paiva (UFC) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) D646 - Study of structural, optical properties and the Eu3+ site 60 Nanoscience and nanotechnology 61 Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: Seikanth 09:30 - 10:00 PE13 (invited) - Quantum control of spin qubits in silicon(1) Belita Koiller 10:00 - 10:30 PE9 (invited) - Get perpendicular: the spin microstructure in Fe-FePt bilayers Kristiaan Temst (KULeuven), Bart Laenens (KULeuven), Nikie Planckaert (KULeuven), Joost Demeter (KULeuven), Cornelius Strohm (ESRF), Rudolf Rueffer (ESRF) and Andre Vantomme (KULeuven) Thomas Gredig (CSU Long Beach), Paul K Gentry (CSU Long Beach), Corneliu N Colesniuc (UC San Diego) and Ivan K Schuller (UC San Diego) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: Fischer 09:30 - 10:00 PE6 (invited) - Vortex Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Nanodots Sang - Koog Kim (Seoul National University) 10:00 - 10:30 PE12 (invited) - Spin Torque Oscillators Johan Akerman (University of Gothenburg) 12:30 - 12:45 15:00 - 15:15 E619 - First-order-reversal-curve investigation of Pr-Fe-B-based exchange spring magnets E527 - Bulk and Interface Effects in Exchange Bias Systems Frank Patrick Missell (UCS), Daniel Reinaldo Cornejo (IFUSP), Thiago R F Peixoto (IFUSP), Paulo Fernando Papaleo Fitchner (UFRGS), Shay Reboh (UFRGS), Valquiria Villas-Boas (UCS) and Vinicius C de Franco (UCS) 12:45 - 13:00 E591 - Microstructure and highfrequency soft magnetic properties of nanocrystalline (Fe0.5Co0.5)73. 5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloys Yuxin Wang (Tongji University), xiang li (Tongji University), biao yan (Tongji University) and wei lu (Tongji University) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: Macedo - Sort 10:30 - 11:00 PE5 (invited) - Electric and magnetic properties of multiferroic BiFeO3, YMnO3 and BiMnO3 thin films Pedro Prieto (CENM; Cali, Colombia) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Temst 11:30 - 12:00 PE7 (invited) - Medical and environmental applications of magnetic nanomaterials Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB) 12:00 - 12:30 PE15 (invited) - Magnetic particles as labeling material for advanced biological applications Liesbet Lagae (IMEC), T Stakenborg (IMEC), J Trekker (IMEC), Jian Ye (IMEC), S Peeters (IMEC), C Liu (IMEC) and F Colle (IMEC) 10:30 - 10:45 14:30 - 14:45 E604 - Vortex-Antivortex Assisted Vortex Core Reversal in Magnetic Nano Dots E559 - Generation of Angular Momentum and Dynamical Coupling in Ferromagnetic Nanolayers Bartel Van Waeyenberge (Ghent University/MPI), Arne Vansteenkiste (Ghent University), Markus Weigand (Max Planck Institute), Michael Curcic (Max Planck Institute), Kang Wei Chou (Advanced Light Source), Georg Woltersdorf (Regensburg University) and Hermann Stoll (Max Planck Institute) Ali R Koymen (UTA), Sezen Demirtas (UTD) and Myron B Salamon (UTD) 10:45 - 11:00 Maria Luisa Sartorelli (UFSC), Edna Regina Spada (UFSC), Alexsandro Silvestre da Rocha (UFSC), Luzeli Moreira da Silva (Unicamp), Flavio César Guimarães Gandra (Unicamp), Alberto Passos Guimarães (CBPF) and João Paulo Sinnecker (CBPF) E556 - Zero field microwave emission in spin torque oscillators Mauricio Manfrini , Sven Cornelissen, Thibaut Devolder, Joo-Von Kim, Claude Chappert, Wim Van Roy and Liesbet Lagae 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Prieto 11:30 - 12:00 12:30 - 12:45 E530 - Biomimetic inertial sensor based on nanowires and magnetoresistance Hubert Brückl (AIT), Philipp Schroeder (AIT), Thomas Burchhart (VUT) and Alois Lugstein (VUT) 12:45 - 13:00 E581 - Control of Magnetic Properties in Metallo-Organic Thin Films 62 PE14 (invited) - Novel magnetic materials for energy efficient technologies Julia Lyubina (IFW Dresden) and Oliver Gutfleisch (IFW Dresden) 12:00 - 12:30 PE11 (invited) - Design and processing of nanoparticle ferrites for ultrahigh frequency applications Vincent G Harris (Northeastern University) 14:30 - 14:45 E602 - Differences between inplane and out-of-plane magnetoresistance: a texture or finite-size effect? 14:45 - 15:00 E539 - First-order reversal curves: a powerful characterization technique for magnetic nanostructures Fanny Béron (UNICAMP), Jose Marcelo Vargas (UNICAMP), Kleber Roberto Pirota (UNICAMP) and Marcelo Knobel (UNICAMP) 14:45 - 15:00 E566 - Magnetic properties and first-order magnetic phase transition in single crystal FeRh thin film Wei Lu (Tongji University), Yuxin Wang (Tongji University), Biao Yan (Tongji University) and Takao Suzuki (Toyota Technological Inst) Luis Eugenio Fernandez - Outon (CDTN), Gonzalo Vallejo-Fernandez (University of Glasgow) and Kevin O’Grady (The University of York) 15:00 - 15:15 E551 - Magnetization Reversal in Template-Grown [NiFe/Cu] x n Multilayered Nanowires Horia Chiriac (NIRDTP), Oana-Georgiana Dragos (NIRDTP), Marian Grigoras (NIRDTP), Gabriel Ababei (NIRDTP), Spyros Krimpalis (NIRDTP & UAIC) and Nicoleta Lupu (NIRDTP) 15:15 - 15:30 E508 - MAGNETISM OF DISORDERED NANOMATERIALS Mohammad Ghafari (FZK, Germany), Ajay Mishra (FZK, Germany), Richrad Brand (FZK, Germany) and Horst Hahn (FZK, Germany) 15:15 - 15:30 E560 - Dynamics of superconducting vortices in Nb/Co superlattices Julio Guimpel (Centro Atomico Bariloche), Gustavo Grinblat (Instituto Balseiro), Néstor Ghenzi (Instituto Balseiro) and Carlos Monton (Centro Atomico Bariloche) 15:30 - 15:45 E577 - Magnetic nanocomposite films of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and conducting polymers Gustavo Braga Alcântara (UnB), Leonardo Giordano Paterno (UnB), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (EPUSP), Emília Celma de Oliveira Lima (UFG), Sônia Nair Báo (UnB), Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB) and Maria Aparecida Godoy Soler (UnB) 15:30 - 15:45 E589 - Vortex velocity and vortex lattice configuration in nanostructured magnetic/superconducting hybrids. David Perez de Lara (Universidad Complutense), Elvira Maria Gonzalez (Universidad Complutense), Alejandro Alija (Universidad Oviedo), Jose Ignacio Martin (Universidad Oviedo), Maria Velez (Universidad Oviedo) and Jose Luis Vicent (Universidad Complutense) 15:45 - 16:00 E595 - Spontaneous vortex glass transition in Pb/Co nanocomposites 63 Yutao Xing (CBPF), Hans Micklitz (CBPF), Tatiana Rappoport (UFRJ), Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) 10:30 - 10:45 15:45 - 16:00 Willian Alayo Rodriguez (CBPF), Yutao Xing (CBPF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) E614 - Magnetic and Electric Properties of Non-Magnetic Metallic Films Containing Nanometer Size Clusters of Iron Jochen Litterst (TUBS), Wiliam Trujillo Herrera (CBPF), Sheila Ramos (CBPF), Yutao Xing (CBPF), Pablo Munayco (CBPF), Magda Bittencourt Fontes (CBPF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) 16:00 - 16:15 E515 - Ab initio study of TiO2/ LaAlO3 interfaces mariana weissmann E536 - Study of spin valve structures with weak and strong interlayer coupling 10:45 - 11:00 E567 - RESIDUAL GAS AND SELFBIAS VOLTAGE EFFECT IN MgO TUNNEL BARIERS IN BOTTOM SPIN VALVE SYSTEMS Session chair: Suescun 14:30 - 15:00 11:30 to 13:00 PE8 (invited) - Investigation of magnetic nanostructures fabricated by AFM lithography E501 - Methodology of Additive production in the Nanostructures NbXFe2-X04 Ferrite by Laser Ablation CuHBr Antonio Azevedo (UFPE), Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira (UFPE) and Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro (LNLS) 15:00 - 15:30 PE10 (invited) - MAGNETISM AT THE NANOSCALE Ramis Mustafa Oksuzoglu (Department of Material Sc), Mustafa Yildirim (Department of Material Sc) and Hakan Cinar (Department of Material Sc) Dan Dahlberg (University of Minnesota), George D Skidmore (Zyvex Engineering), Andrew Kunz (Marquette University) and Charles E Campbell (University of Minnesota) 11:00 - 11:30 15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break E520 - Nanoscale magnetic ordering in the 2D langasites 16:00 - 16:15 Session chair: Schuller E624 - A Comparative Study of Nanoferrites Particles Prepared by a Range of Wet Chemical Method 11:30 - 12:00 Jason Stewart Gardner , Chris R Wiebe and Haidong Zhou PE3 (invited) - Magnetic soft Xray microscopy: Towards imaging ultrafast spin dynamics on the nanoscale 15:45 - 16:00 Muhammad Anis - ur - Rehman (COMSATS I I T Pakistan) 16:15 - 16:30 Peter Fischer E649 - Complex magnetism in FePt nanostructures on Platinum surfaces 12:00 - 12:30 Hariharan Srikanth (USF) and M H Phan (USF) Jan Honolka (MPI-FKF), Tae-Yon Lee (MPI-FKF), Axel Enders (University of Nebraska), Kai Fauth (Universitaet Wuerzburg), Andreas Buchsbaum (TU Wien), Sven Bornemann (LMU Muenchen) and Klaus Kern (MPI-FKF) Friday, September 25 Session chair: Dahlberg 09:30 - 10:00 PE4 (invited) - Polarized neutrons for the analysis of magnetic thin films and superlattices Hartmut Zabel (Ruhr-University Bochum), Katharina Theis-Broehl (U Appl Sci Bremerhaven), Kirill Zhernenkov (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Boris P Toperverg (Ruhr-University Bochum) 10:00 - 10:30 PE16 (invited) - Pinning Effects by Arrays of Magnetic Dots on Superconductors Javier E Villegas (Universite de Paris Sud), Elvira Gonzalez (Universidad Complutense), Jose Luis Vicent (Universidad Complutense), Amos Sharoni (UCSD), D. Perez de Lara (Universidad Complutense), Ivan Kohn Schuller (UCSD) and Yaniv J Rosen (UCSD) 64 PE1 (invited) - Nanoscale Magnetic Lithography on FeAl alloys by ion irradiation and nanoindentation Jordi Sort (UAB) 12:30 - 12:45 E525 - Spin Dynamics in Nanoscale systems Bret Viktor Heinrich (Simon Frase University), Bartek Kardasz (Simon Fraser University), Oleksandr Mosendz (Argonne National Lab), Mark Freeman (University of Alberta), Georg Woltersdorf (University of Regensburg) and Christian Back (University of Regensburg) 12:45 - 13:00 E540 - Inverse spin Hall effect measurements in patterned Ni80Fe20/normal metal bilayers* Oleksandr Mosendz (Argonne National Laborato), John Pearson (Argonne National Laborato), Frank Fradin (Argonne National Laborato), Samuel Bader (Argonne National Laborato) and Axel Hoffmann (Argonne National Laborato) E585 - Spin frustration in nanostructured gadolinium iron garnets 16:00 - 16:15 E553 - Room-temperature ferromagnetism in pure and Fe2+( Fe3+) doped CeO2 nanocrystals Zorana D Dohcevic - Mitrovic (Institute of physics), Novica Paunovic (Institute of physics), Marko B Radovic (Institute of physics), Nenad Lazarevic (Institute of physics), Branko Matovic (Vinca) and Zoran V Popovic (Institute of physics) 16:15 - 16:30 E605 - Optical and magnetic properties of Ni doped ZnO nanorods using single-step aqueous approach Bharati Panigrahy (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India), M Aslam (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India), D S Misra (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India) and Dhirendra Bahadur (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India) Poster Session E Magnetic Materials at the Nanoscale Room: Louvre 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Tuesday, September 22 Carlos Alberto Reis de Freitas (IEAv), marcelo robert ferreira contijo (UNIFEI), getulio vasconcelos (IEAv), manoel ribeiro da silva (UNIFEI) and francisco cristovão lourenço de melo (IAE) E503 - Kondo Effect and Spin Glass Behavior of Dilute Iron Clusters in Silver Films Wiliam Trujillo Herrera (CBPF), Yutao Xing (CBPF), Scheilla Maria Ramos (CBPF), Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) and Frank Jochen Litterst (Universität Braunschweig) E512 - Nano-Scale Correlations in Geometrically Frustrated Magnets Jason Stewart Gardner (Indiana University), Georg Ehlers (Oak Ridge National Lab) and Amit Keren (Technion) E513 - ATTAINMENT OF BARIUM HEXAFERRITE NANOPARTICLES BY A PECHINI METHOD sheila bernhard galvão (UFRN), FLÁVIO TIMOTEO JUNIOR (UFRN), TÉRCIO GRACIANO MACHADO (UFRN), KÉSIA KARINA SOUTO (UFRN), NEYDE TOMAZIN FLOREOTO (UFRN) and CARLOS ALBERTO PASKOCIMAS (UFRN) E514 - Magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires and nanotubes Jia Lu (USC), Dong Li (USC), Gerd Bergmann (USC) and Richard Thompson (USC) E516 - STRUCTURAL, MAGNETIC, ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC BEHAVIOR OF Sr2ZrMnO6 DOUBLE PEROVSKITE Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ nacional de Colombia), Jairo Arbey Rodriguez (Univ nacional de Colombia), Fabio E Fajardo (Univ nacional de Colombia), Daniel Llamosa (Univ nacional de Colombia) and David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ nacional de Colombia) E518 - Thermoelectric properties of the CeCu4Ag compound Andrzej Kowalczyk (IFM PAN), Michal Falkowski (IFM PAN) and Tomasz Tolinski (IFM PAN) E519 - Inelastic neutron diffraction on the heavy fermion CeCu4Si compound Tomasz Tolinski (IFM PAN), Andreas Hoser (HZB) and Stephane Rols (ILL) 65 E521 - Magnetic ordering in the anion-deficient La0.70Sr0.30MnO3.00-γ manganites Sergei Valentinovich Trukhanov (Scientific-Practical Mate), Alexey Valentinovich Trukhanov (ScientificPractical Mate) and Anatoliy Ivanovich Beskrovniy (Joint Institute for Nucle) E522 - Phase transition of the Spin- 1/2 Ising Ferromagnetic Thin Films hamzeh nakhaee Motlagh (Ferdowsi University of Ma) E524 - Nature and enhancement of the magnetic surface contribution in model NiO nanoparticles Surender Kumar Sharma (unicamp, brazil), J M Vargas (unicamp,brazil), E de Biasi (CAB, Argentina), M Knobel (unicamp, brazil), C T Meneses (ufs,Itabaiana/SE), Pascoal G Pagliusol (unicamp,brazil) and Carlos Rettori (unicamp,brazil) E526 - Magnetic properties of single nanowires and nanodisks luiz sampaio (CBPF), Tiago Machado (CBPF), Alberto Passos Guimarães (CBPF), Tatiana Rappoport (UFRJ) and Renato Silva (CBPF) E528 - Magnetic domain crossover in FePt thin films Edwin Sallica Leva (Centro Atómico Bariloche), Sergio Roshdestwensky (UTN-Resistencia), Renato Valente (Centro Atómico Bariloche), Marcelo Vásquez Mansilla (Centro Atómico Bariloche) and Alejandro Butera (Centro Atómico Bariloche) E532 - Site specific magnetic frustration in oxygen vacancy ordered LaxSr1-xMnOy manganites. A neutron powder diffraction study. Leopoldo Suescun (Univ of Uruguay), Stanislaw Kolesnik (NIU) and Bogdan Dabrowski (NIU-Argonne Natl Lab) E534 - Perpendicularly oriented self-assembled L10-FePt nanorods directly synthesized Laudemir Carlos Varanda (IQSC-USP) and Miguel Jafelicci Jr (IQAr-UNESP) E535 - Magnetic anisotropy in hexagonal nanowire arrays. Eduardo Padrón Hernández (CETENE), Sergio Machado Rezende (UFPE) and Antonio Azevedo (UFPE) E537 - Synthesis and quantitative metal content by complexometric analysis and X ray diffraction in (Ni, Cu, Co)1+xMn2-xOy nanosize 66 samples Rafael Aparecido Ferreira (PosMat Unesp-Bauru), Cássio Morilla Santos (Posmat Unesp-Bauru) and Paulo Noronha Lisboa Filho (DF-FC-UnespBauru) E538 - Controlling the properties of magnetic vortices in nanostructures Flávio Garcia (LNLS), Érico Raimundo Pereira Novaes (CBPF), Jeroen Schoenmaker (UFABC), Antonio Domingues dos Santos (IFUSP), Édson José de Carvalho (LNLS), Antônio Carlos Seabra (Poli-USp) and Alberto Passos Guimarães (CBPF) E541 - Hysteresis loops shifts in magnetite nanoparticles Johan Mazo - Zuluaga (U de Antioquia, COL), Johans Restrepo (U de Antioquia, COL), José Mejía-López (Pontificia U Catolica,CHI) and Francisco Muñoz (Pontificia U Catolica,CHI) E542 - Two-magnon damping in thin films in the case of canted magnetization: Theory versus Experiment Jürgen Lindner (U Duisburg-Essen), Pedro Landeros (UTFSM) and Douglas L Mills (UC Irvine) E543 - Magnetic properties of ordered arrays of pseudo-onedimensional nanostructures with modulated diameters Juan Escrig (Universidad de Santiago), Cristopher Morales (Universidad de Santiago), Kristina Pitzschel (University of Hamburg), Josep Montero (University of Hamburg), Ole Albrecht (University of Hamburg), Julien Bachmann (University of Hamburg) and Kornelius Nielsch (University of Hamburg) E544 - Asymmetrical magnetic dots: A way to control chirality and coercivity Dora Altbir (Universidad de Santiago), Nicolás Vargas (Universidad de Santiago), Boris Leighton (Universidad de Santiago), Sebastián Allende (Universidad de Chile), Juan Escrig (Universidad de Santiago), José Mejía-López (P Universidad Católica) and Ivan K Schuller (University of California) PbxMnO3 perovskites x Long The Phan (Chungbuk National Univers), Kwang Kwyun You (Chungbuk National Univers), Jiang Bing Zhi (Chungbuk National Univers), Suhk Kun Oh (Chungbuk National Univers) and Seong Cho Yu (Chungbuk National Univers) E549 - Diameter influence on local and global in-plane magnetization of FePd antidot array Fanny Béron (UNICAMP), Kleber Roberto Pirota (UNICAMP), Víctor Vega (UNIOVI), Agustín Antonio Fernández (UNIOVI), Víctor Manuel Prida (UNIOVI), Blanca Hernando (UNIOVI) and Marcelo Knobel (UNICAMP) E550 - Collective magnetic behaviors in FexAg100-x granular thin films (20 < x < 50) Javier Alonso (Universidad de País Vasco), Maria Luisa Fernández-Gubieda (Universidad de País Vasco), José Manuel Barandiarán (Universidad de País Vasco), Luis Fernández Barquín (Universidad de Cantabria), Imanol de Pedro (Universidad de Cantabria), Iñaki Orue (Universidad de País Vasco) and Andrey Svalov (Universidad de País Vasco) E552 - The Characterization of Interaction Effects in Nd-Fe-Bbased Nanocomposite Hard Magnets Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Nicoleta Lupu (NIRDTP), Marian Grigoras (NIRDTP), Mihaela Lostun (NIRDTP) and Horia Chiriac (NIRDTP) E554 - Unraveling the Mechanism for Room Temperature Magnetism in V[TCNE]x~2 Jeffrey Barrett Kortright (LBNL), Derek L Lincoln (OSU), Ruth Shima Edelstein (OSU) and Arthur J Epstein (OSU) E557 - MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF MAGHEMITE/PANI COMPOSITES STUDIED USING PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior (IMA / UFRJ), Jéssica Alves Marins (IMA / UFRJ) and José Carlos Pinto (COPPE / UFRJ) Felipe Bohn (CBPF), Marcio Assolin Corrêa (EC&T/UFRN) and Rubem Luis Sommer (CBPF) E558 - Preparation and Characterization in vitro Toxicity Test of Magnetic Nanoparticle associate with microspheres biodegradable as Drug Delivery System to PDT and Hyperthermia E547 - Influence of Pb-doping on critical parameters in La1- Carolina Bortolatti Vaccari (Universidade de São Paulo), Marcilene Machado Rodrigues (Universidade E545 - Barkhausen noise in thin magnetic films de São Paulo), Paulo Cesar Morais (Universidade de Brasilia) and Antonio Claudio Tedesco (Universidade de São Paulo) E562 - Synthesis bulk material and Magnetic Properties of Tb1xAlxMnO3. Francisco Javier Bonilla (Universidad del Cauca), Oswaldo Moran (Universidad Nacional Mede) and Gilberto Bolaños (Universidad del Cauca) E563 - GROWTH AND MORPHOLOGIC, ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMETRIC IRON NITRIDE FILMS Noemi Raquel Checca (UFRN), Thatyara Freire de Souza (UFRN), Charlie Salvador Gonçalves (UFRN), José Americo de Sousa (UFRN), Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros (UFRN) and Carlos Chesman Feitosa (UFRN) E564 - Using Speciation Diagrams to Improve the Design of Magnetic Nanosorbents for Environmental Applications Alex Fabiano Cortez Campos (FUP UnB), Luiz Eduardo Celino Benedito (IQ - UnB), Francisco Augusto Tourinho (IQ - UnB) and Jerome Depeyrot (IF - UnB) E565 - Structure and magnetic analysis of chemically synthesized Bi12MnO20 nanoparticles. Luiz Augusto Sousa de Oliveira (IFUFRJ), João Paulo Sinnecker (CBPF), Méri Domingos Vieira (IQ-UFF) and Célia Machado Ronconi (IQ-UFRJ) E568 - BILINEAR AND BIQUADRATIC COUPLING IN Fe/Cr/Fe/ MgO (100) THIN FILMS GROWN BY DC-SPUTTERING Thatyara Freire de Souza (UFRN), Charlie Salvador Gonçalves (UFRN), Marcio Assolin Corrêa (EC), Claudionor Gomes Bezerra (UFRN) and Carlos Chesman Feitosa (UFRN) E569 - Structure and magnetism of Co films on MgO(100) Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo (CDTN), Manoel José Mendes Pires (INMETRO), Alexandre Alberto Chaves Cotta (CDTN) and Maximiliano Delany Martins (CDTN) E570 - Ab inito study of the magnetic stability of Mn nanostructures on Fe(001) Ricardo Noboru Igarashi (IFUSP - São Paulo), Angela Burlamaqui Klautau (UFPA - Belém) and Helena Maria Petrilli (IFUSP - São Paulo) 67 E571 - Raman characterization of bulk ferromagnetic nanostructured graphite Helena Pardo , Stanislaw Kolesnik, Ricardo Faccio (Facultad de Qu m UdelaR), Leopoldo Suescun (Univ of Uruguay), Cecilia Goyenola (Facultad de Qu m UdelaR), Luciana Fernandez (Facultad de Qu m UdelaR) and Alvaro Mombru (Facultad de Qu m UdelaR) E572 - Evaluation of colloidal stability of maghemite-based magnetic fluids for transformer application Wesley Renato Viali (UFG), Luiza Adriana Teles do Reino (UFG), Patricia Pomme Confessori Sartoratto (UFG) and Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB) E573 - Domain wall motion on ferromagnetic nanotubes Pedro Landeros (UTFSM) and Álvaro Sebastián Nuñez Vásquez (Universidad de Chile) E575 - Magnetic behavior of interacting nanoparticles in a face-centred cubic lattice MARQUINA (ICMA), GERARDO F GOYA (INA), TEOBALDO E TORRES (INA) and MANUEL R IBARRA (INA, ICMA) E583 - Effect of Fe Doping on Ferroelectric and FerromagneticProperties of SrxBa1-xNb2-yFeyO6 Ceramics Sonia Gaona Jurado (UdeC), William Arvey Molano (UdeC), José Rodrigo Muñoz (UdeC), Alberto Caneiro (CAB) and Aimé Pelaiz (UdeH) E584 - MAGNETOELECTRIC RESPONSE OF La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (LCMO) OBTAINED BY PECHINI METHOD Sandra Viviana Briceño (UdeC), Jorge Enrique rodriguez-Páez (UdeC), Sonia Gaona Jurado (UdeC), Gilberto Bolaños (UdeC), Álvaro Mariño Camargo (Unal) and Paula Andrea Garcés (Unal) E586 - Computational study of the magnetic behavior of metal DNA structures Marcos Brown Gonçalves (IF-USP Brasil), Rosa di Felice (INFM-CNR Italy) and Helena Maria Petrilli (IF-USP Brasil) Antonio Weizenmann (UFSC) and Wagner Figueiredo (UFSC) E587 - Oscillatory behavior of Exchange Bias Field in NiFe/IrMn/ Co System E578 - Fe-doping Effect on Morphologic and Magnetotransport Properties of La2/3Ca1/3Fe1-yMyO3 Thin Films Miguel Tafur (CBPF), Valberto Pedruzzi Nascimento (UFES) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) Oscar Luis Arnache Olmos (Universidad de Antioquia), Doris Amalia Giratá Lozano (Universidad de Antioquia), Axel Hoffmann (Argonne National Laborato) and Maria Elena Gomez (Universidad del Valle) E590 - Magnetic Interactions in Pulsed-DC Sputtered Specular Bottom Spin Valve with Cu-Oxide spacers E579 - Nano-Ni Addition to MgB2: Effects on the Superconducting Properties Oscar Ferreira de Lima (IFGWUNICAMP), Kleber Betini Vieira (FEEC-UNICAMP), Edson Moschim (FEEC-UNICAMP), Veer Pal Singh Awana (NPL-India) and Hari Kishan (NPL-India) E580 - Influence of the 3d-metal doping on the magnetic properties of SnO2 nanoparticles Ramis Mustafa Oksuzoglu (University Anadolu), Mustafa Yildirim (University Anadolu), Hakan Cinar (University Anadolu), Erwin Hildebrandt (University Darmstdadt), Lambert Wendelin Alff (University Darmstdadt) and Hartmut Fuess (University Darmstdadt) E592 - Corrosion of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe-based alloys on the synergistic effect of NaCl and H2SO4 xiang li (Tongji University), yuxin wang (Tongji University), wei lu (Tongji University) and biao yan (Tongji University) Jose A H Coaquira (IF/UnB), Fermin H Aragón (IF/UnB), Pilar Hidalgo (POLI/USP), S L M Brito (POLI/USP) and Douglas Gouvêa (POLI/USP) E593 - Microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe72.5Cu1M2V2Si13.5B9 (M=Nb Mo (NbMo) (MoW)) nanocrystalline alloys E582 - Structural and magnetic properties of the mixed oxide CoFe0.5Cr1.5O4 wei lu (Tongji University), xiang li (Tongji University), yuxin wang (Tongji University) and biao yan (Tongji University) VICENTE S SAGREDO (Universidad de Los Andes), GERSON MARQUEZ (Universidad de Los Andes), CLARA 68 E594 - PREPARATION OF A MAG- NETITE FERROFLUID STABILIZED WITH A NATURAL PoLYMER Jeaneth Patricia Urquijo (UdeA), Alvaro Luis Morales (UdeA), Herley Fernando Casanova (UdeA) and Javier Garces (UdeA) E596 - Resistivity anomaly near the superconducting transition temperature of Pb/Co nanocomposite Yutao Xing , Hans Micklitz (CBPF), Tatiana Rappoport (UFRJ) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) E597 - Effect of Ag and Cu spacers on the magnetoimpedance of permalloy-based multilayers Antonio Marcos Helgueira de Andrade (UFSM), Marcio Assolin Corrêa (UFRN), Alexandre Da Cas Viegas (UFSC) and Rubem Luis Sommer (CBPF) E598 - Structural and Magnetic properties of the Nanocrystalline Perovskites La1-xSrxFeO3-δ (0≤x≤0.5) Rodolfo Bezerra da Silva (UFRN), Armando Araújo (UFRN), Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros (UFRN), José Humberto de Araújo (UFRN), Francisco de Assis Olímpio Cabral (UFRN), Milton Morais Xavier Jr (UFERSA) and João Maria Soares (UERN) E599 - A.C- Susceptibility study of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 samples Javier Alberto Olarte (Universidad Distrital FJC) and Álvaro Mariño Camargo (Universidad Nacional) E600 - Rectifier Effects in Superconducting /Magnetic Hybrids Based on Ratchet Effects David Perez de Lara (Universidad Complutense), Elvira Maria Gonzalez (Universidad Complutense), Jose Virgilio Anguita and Jose Luis Vicent (Universidad Complutense) E601 - Magnetic Behavior of Cluster-Assembled Materials Artur Domingues (IGFW - UNICAMP), Giulia Di Domenicantonio (IGFW UNICAMP) and Varlei Rodrigues (IFGW - UNICAMP) E603 - Combustion synthesis route of manganite type Ca0.95Eu0.05MnO3-d: Effect of variation of urea/nitrate ratio on magnetic properties Marco Antonio Flores González (LNUPP), Felipe Legorreta Garcia (AACTyM-UAEH), Leticia E Hernandez Cruz (AACTyM-UAEH) and Francisco Javier Garcia Delgado (AACTyM-UAEH) E606 - CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC RESPONSEOF HoAXMn1-XOY (A = Ni, Co) Cássio Morilla Santos (PosMat UnespBauru), Rafael Aparecido Ferreira (PosMat Unesp-Bauru) and Paulo Noronha Lisboa Filho (DF-FC-Unesp-Bauru) E607 - Magnetic dopant atoms in ZnO powders prepared by mechanical work Laura Cristina Damonte (IFLP-FCE UNLP), Marcos Meyer (IFLP-FCE UNLP) and Luis Mendoza Zelis (IFLP-FCE UNLP) E608 - Magnetotransport in Bi nanowires: Evidence for surface carriers in bismuth. Tito E Huber (Howard University), Albina A Nikolaeva (ASM Moldova), Leonid Konopko (ASM Moldova) and Michael J Graf (Boston College) E609 - Magnetic and dielectric characteristics of CuxMg0.6xZn0.4Fe2O4 (x=0-5) thin films Ghasemi Ali (shinshu university) and Azadeh Ashrafizadeh (shinshu university) E610 - Current induced magnetic interactions on nanomagnets Álvaro Sebastián Nuñez Vásquez (Universidad de Chile) and Sebastián Diaz (Universidad de Chile) E611 - Study of dynamic magnetic susceptibility of strontium ferrite nanoparticles Ghasemi Ali E612 - Electrodeposition of Cu2O semiconducting oxide for spintronic applications Andre Avelino Pasa (UFSC), Iuri Stefani Brandt (UFSC), Vinicius Claudio Zoldan (UFSC), Douglas Langie da Silva (UFSC), Alexandre Da Cas Viegas (UFSC), Wagner Figueiredo (UFSC) and Andre Avelino Pasa (UFSC) E613 - Fe-DOPED SnO2 NANOPOWDERS OBTAINED BY MECHANOCHEMICAL ALLOYING AND THERMAL TREATMENT OF SnCl2 Luis Carlos Sanchez (Universidad de Antioquia), Jailes Joaquin Beltran Jimenez (Universidad de Antioquia), Jaime Alberto Osorio (Universidad de Antioquia), Liliana del Socorro TiradoMejía (Universidad del Quindio), Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) and Cesar Augusto Barrero (Universidad de Antioquia) 69 E615 - Domain wall narrowing in ferromagnetic bilayers of superparamagnetic CoFe2O4 nanoparticles Gladis Mendoza (U Nacional de Colombia), Octavio Guzmán (U Nacional de Colombia), Johan Prado (Universidad del Valle), Maria Elena Gomez (Universidad del Valle) and Pedro Prieto (CENM; Cali, Colombia) Jorge Luis Lopez (UFMG), Jose Higino Dias Filho (UNIMONTES), Hans Dieter Pfnnes (UFMG), Roberto Magalhaes Paniago (UFMG), Anselmo Ruiz Rodriguez (UFA), João Paulo Sinnecker (UFRJ) and Miguel Novak (UFRJ) E616 - Manganese and zinc ferrites: Synthesis and Characterization E625 - Exchange Bias Properties and Surface Disorder in Magnetic Nanoparticles Murillo Longo Martins (Unesp/Botucatu), Alberto Adriano Cavalheiro (UEMS/ Naviraí), Ariovaldo Oliveira Florentino (Unesp/Botucatu) and Margarida Juri Saeki (Unesp/Botucatu) Franciscarlos Gomes da Silva (Univesidade de Brasi¬lia), Renata Aquino (Faculdade da UnB Planalti), Vicent Dupuis (Universite Pierre et Mari), Jerome Depeyrot (Universidade de Brasi¬lia), Francisco Augusto Tourinho (Universieda de Brasilia), Regine Perzynski (Universite Pierre et Mari) and Cleilton Rocha Alves (Universidade de Brasi¬lia) E617 - Spin wave spectrum of ferromagnetic nanotubes Anibal Lautaro Gonzalez Oyarce (University of Chile), Álvaro Sebastian Núñez Vásquez (University of Chile) and Pedro Landeros (UTFSM) E618 - Magnetic nanofilms of maghemite nanoparticles hosted in polyaniline Leonardo Giordano Paterno (UnB), Maria Aparecida Godoy Soler (UnB), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (USP), João Paulo Sinnecker (UFRJ), Emilia Lima (UFG) and Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB) E620 - Origin of Vertical and Horizontal Shifts in Nanoferrites BRENO RODRIGUES SEGATTO (UFES), EDSON PASSAMANI CAETANO (UFES), ARMANDO TAKEUCHI (UFES), VALBERTO PEDRUZZI NASCIMENTO (UFES) and JOSÉ RAFAEL CÁPUA PROVETI (UFES) E621 - CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe-DOPED SnO2 NANOPARTICLES OBTAINED BY A SOL-GEL METHOD Jailes Joaquin Beltran Jimenez (Universidad de Antioquia), Luis Carlos Sanchez (Universidad de Antioquia), Jaime Alberto Osorio (Universidad de Antioquia), Liliana del Socorro TiradoMejía (Universidad del Quindio), Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) and Cesar Augusto Barrero (Universidad de Antioquia) E622 - Morphology, magnetic properties and magnetoresistance of as deposited and oxidized Fe thin films electrodeposited on Si Vinicius Claudio Zoldan (UFSC), Jose Santos Cruz (UFSC), Maximiliano Luis Munfurd (UFV), Giovanni Zangari (University of Virginia), Nicolas Garcia (CSIC) and Andre Avelino Pasa (UFSC) E623 - Static and dynamic study 70 E626 - Magnetic properties of nanostructured SnO2-FeO milled samples Vitaliy Bilovol (UNLP), Azucena Mudarra Navarro (UNLP), Claudia Rodriguez Torres (UNLP), Francisco Sánchez (UNLP) and Fabiana Cabrera (UNLP) E627 - Influence of the Fe2+ ions concentration on the magnetic behavior of (Ti,Fe)O2 samples Azucena Mudarra Navarro (UNLP), Vitaliy Bilovol (UNLP), Claudia Rodriguez Torres (UNLP), Francisco Sánchez (UNLP) and Fabiana Cabrera (UNLP) E628 - Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling effects on the conduction electronLandé g fator in a 2D cylindrical GaAs quantum dot under an axis-parallel appliedmagnetic field Julio Cesar Gonzalez (universidad del Valle) and Juan Carlos Granada (universidad del Valle) E629 - Magnetic interaction in exchange-biased bilayers: a firstorder reversal curves analysis Leonardo Alonso (IFUSP) and Daniel Reinaldo Cornejo (IFUSP) E630 - CaCO3 addition effects on the MgB2 superconducting properties German Dario Serrano (CABIB,CONICET, Argentina), German Bridoux (CAB-IB,CONICET, Argentina) and Adriana Cristina Serquis (CABIB,CONICET, Argentina) E633 - Thickness Dependence of the Magneto Electric Properties in BiFeO3 Thin Film Films: Monte Carlo Simulation john edward ordoñez (univalle), james arturo zapata (univalle), johan Emanuel Prado (univalle) and maria elena gomez (univalle) Elisabeth Restrepo (Universidad Nacional), Claudia Milena Bedoya (Universidad Nacional), Jesus Fabian Jurado (Universidad Naciona), Juan Carlos Riaño (Universidad Naciona) and Johans Restrepo (Universidad de Antioquia) E634 - Superconducting/Ferromagnetic Heterostructures Study Miguel Alejandro Zorro (PGMTR-UFPE) and Clecio Souza Silva (DF-UFPE) E635 - Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Zn1-xMxO (M=Co or Mn) by Proteic Sol-Gel Process Nilson dos Santos Ferreira (UFS), Daniel Augusto de Andrade Santos (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) E636 - Surface spin slips in thin dysprosium films Artur Silva Carriço (UFRN), Fábio Henrique Sales (IFMA), Ana Lúcia Dantas (UERN) and Vamberto Dias Mello (UERN) E637 - Study of Magnetic Properties on a Micromagnetic Object by Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy Mariana Pojar (EPUSP), Marcelo Lancarotte (IFUSP), Antônio Carlos Seabra (EPUSP) and Antonio Domingues dos Santos (IFUSP) E638 - Amorphization process by mechanical milling of the Fe2Zr alloy josé Medina Medina (UNMSM), Chachi Rojas Ayala (UNMSM), Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma (UNMSM) and Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez (FCFUNMSM) E639 - Structural and Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Co-Ni alloys Elizandra Martins Silva (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM), Luiz Carlos de Lima (CETEM/ UFRJ), Mateus VB Pinto (UFRJ/IF), Dominique Givord (Institut NÉEL), Renata Antoun Simão (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM/) and Vitória MTS Barthem (UFRJ/IF) E640 - Barrier potential and magnetic field confinement effects on the Landé g factor in a GaAs(Ga,Al)As cylindrical quantum well wires Diego Fernando Mulato Gómez (Universidad del Valle), Jorge Ricardo Mejía Salazar (Universidad del Valle) and Nelson Porras (Universidad del Valle) E641 - Critical Behavior of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Magnetic Thin E642 - Aluminum concentration and magnetic field effects on the Landé g factor in a GaAs-(Ga,Al)As cylindrical pillbox Jorge Ricardo Mejía Salazar (Universidad del Valle) and Nelson Porras (Universidad del Valle) E643 - Ralaxation in interacting NiFe2O4 nanoparticles Jorge Luis Lopez (UFMG), Roberto Magalhaes Paniago (UFMG), Anselmo Ruiz Rodriguez (UFA), João Paulo Sinnecker (UFRJ), Miguel A Novak (UFRJ), Adriana S Albuquerque (CDTN) and Waldemar A Macedo (CDTN) E644 - Interface bias vortex nucleation in magnetic nanoelements Ana Lúcia Dantas (UERN), Artur Silva Carriço (UFRN) and Gustavo Oliveira Rebouças (UFRN) E645 - DEVELOPMENT OF INSULATING MAGNETIC OIL FOR TRANSFORMERS Antonival Lima Albuquerque (Eletronorte), Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB) and José Aliésio Severo (Eletronorte) E646 - Interface Roughness influence on exchange bias behavior in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3/ La1/3Ca2/ 3MnO3 bilayers Elisabeth Restrepo (Universidad Nacional), Giovany Orozco (Universidad Nacional), Johans Restrepo (Universidad de Antioquia), Juan Carlos Riaño (Universidad Nacional de C) and Jesus Fabian Jurado (Universidad Nacional) E647 - Optical properties of GaAsMn Layers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Alvaro Pulzara Mora (U Nacional de Colombia), Monica Bernal Salamanca (U Nacional de Colombia), Miguel Melendez Lira (Cinvestav, Mexico D-F), Andres Rosales Rivera (U Nacional de Colombia) and Máximo Lopez Lopez (Cinvestav, Mexico D-F) E648 - The metric influence on magnetic and electrical transport properties of nanoparticles Juan Carlos Riaño (Universidad Nacional), Elisabeth Restrepo (Universidad 71 Nacional), Giovany Orozco (Universidad Nacional) and Johans Restrepo (Universidad Nacional de C) E650 - SAXS studies of phase separation induced by magnetic field in magnetic nanocolloids Anailde Ferreira da Silva (Universidade de Brasília), Fábio Luis de Oliveira Paula (Universidade de Brasília), Juliano de Andrade Gomes (Universidade de Brasília), Renata Aquino (Faculdade da UnB Planalti), Jerome Depeyrot (Universidade de Brasília), Francisco Augusto Tourinho (Universidade de Brasília) and Epitácio Pinto Marinho (Universidade de Brasília) E651 - Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles of iron oxide supported on aluminium and silicon oxide by polymeric precursor method. Tiago Pinheiro Braga and Wiliam Trujillo Herrera International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 E652 - Synthesis of spheres containing iron oxide superparamagnetic and aluminum oxide. Tiago Pinheiro Braga (UFC), Antoninho Valentini (UFC) and Wiliam Trujillo Herrera E653 - In situ Kerr magnetometry study of thin films of FexCo1x/Pd(100) Gustavo Fóscolo de Moura Gomes (UFMG), Roberto Magalhaes Paniago (UFMG) and Hans Dieter Pfnnes (UFMG) E654 - Imaging magnetic relaxation with elemental resolution in hard-soft-hard trilayered films Jesús Maria González (UA ICMM-CSIC/ IMA-UCM), Javier Palomares (ICMMCSIC), Elvira Paz (ICMM-CSIC), Tolek Tyliszczak (ALS) and Federico Cebollada (EUITT-UPM) E655 - Study of the exchange bias behavior on the applied field cooling in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers based La1xCaxMnO3 system SYMPOSIUM F Solving Nanostructures through Electron Microscopy Auditorium: Oriente Simposium Organizers: Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (EMAT – University of Antwerp, Belgium) Guillermo Solórzano (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Uli Dahmen (NCEM, USA) Carla Bittencourt (University of Mons, Belgium) Lorena Marin (Universidad del Valle), David Reyes (Universidad del Valle) and Maria Elena Gomez (Universidad del Valle) Nanoscience and nanotechnology 72 73 Monday, September 21 Session chair: Gustaaf Van Tendeloo 09:30 - 10:00 PF4 (invited) - Elongation and rupture of nanoscale metal wires 12:15 - 12:45 PF6 (invited) - Aberration Correction and Exit Wave Reconstruction of Metal and metal Oxide Nanoparticles. 15:15 - 15:30 11:00 - 11:30 F502 - In situ catalytic growth of Gallium Nitride Nanowires Coffee Break Rosa Estela Diaz (Arizona State University), Renu Sharma (Arizona State University), Karalee Jarvis (Arizona State University) and Subash Mahajan (Arizona State University) 15:30 - 15:45 Daniel Mario Ugarte (IFGW-UNICAMP) Angus Kirkland (Oxford University), Neil Young (Oxford University) and Sarah Haigh (Oxford University) 10:00 - 10:15 F526 - Micro & Nanostructural characterization of 2,25Cr1,6W(V) ASTM A213 T23 ferritic steels 12:45 - 13:00 F514 - The Smallest Silver AtomicSize Nanotube F515 - III-V Semiconductor Nanowires VLS Growth: Does Arsenic Diffuse Through the Catalytic Nanoparticle? Mauricio Barreto Lisboa (CEPEL), Luiz Henrique de Almeida (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM), Heloisa Cunha Furtado (CEPEL) and Glaucio Rigueira (CEPEL) Maureen Joel Lagos (LNLS), Daniel Ugarte (Unicamp), Fernando Sato (Unicamp), Varlei Rodrigues (Unicamp), Jefferson Bettini (LNLS) and Douglas Galvão (Unicamp) 10:15 - 10:45 PF5 (invited) - EELS mapping, a key component for the exploration of the nanoworld Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei (IFGWUNICAMP), Thalita Chiaramonte (IFGW-UNICAMP), Daniel Mario Ugarte (IFGW - UNICAMP) and Mônica Alonso Cotta (IFGW/UNICAMP) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Christian COLLIEX (LPS UPS/CNRS) Session chair: Carla Bittencourt 10:45 - 11:00 F527 - Ceria mixed oxides as Gold Species Support and their performance on the CO oxidation Ricardo Rangel (Universidad Michoacana) and Brenda Acosta (Universidad Michoacana) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 14:30 - 14:45 F516 - Characterization of Beam Sensitive Materials Using Low Loss EELS: Application to III-V (InP, InAs and alloys) Nanowires Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei (IFGWUNICAMP), Thalita Chiaramonte (IFGW-UNICAMP), Mônica Alonso Cotta (IFGW/UNICAMP) and Daniel Mario Ugarte (IFGW - UNICAMP) Session chair: Gustaaf Van Tendeloo 14:45 - 15:00 11:30 - 12:00 PF1 (invited) - Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and Near-Edge Structures with Aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscopes Gianluigi Andrea Botton (McMaster University), Sorin Lazar (FEI Company and McMaster), Martin Couillard (McMaster University), Lina Gunawan (McMaster University) and Yang Shao (McMaster University) 12:00 - 12:15 F505 - Analysis of Sb dopant influence on SnO2 nanoparticles morphology and growth mechanism Daniel Grando Stroppa (LNLS), Luciano Andrey Montoro (LNLS), Armando Beltran (UJI), Rafael Oliveira da Silva (UFSCar), Juan Andrés (UJI), Edson Leite (UFSCar) and Antonio Ramirez (LNLS) 74 F503 - HRTEM analysis of the crystallization process of calcium phosphate nanostructures Carlos Alberto Ospina Ramirez (CBPF), Andrea Machado Costa (CBPF), Jefferson Bettini (LNLS), Antonio Jose Ramirez (LNLS), Elena Mavropoulos Oliveira Tude (CBPF) and Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) 16:00 - 16:15 F504 - Crystallographic and Local Electronic Structures of Magnetic Nano-Checkerboards in Mn-Doped Cobalt Ferrite Chuan - Ming Tseng (National Taiwan Univ), Chenglin Zhang (Rutgers University), Sang-Wook Cheong (Rutgers University) and Cheng-Hsuan Chen Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Uli Dahmen 09:30 - 10:00 PF7 (invited) - Transmission Electron Microscopy of sp2-bonded Carbon and Boron Nitride Alex Zettl (University of California) 10:00 - 10:15 F529 - Graphene Structures, Fabrication and Characterization with Aberration Corrected Microscopy David C . Bell (Harvard University) and Wei Li Wang (Harvard University) 10:15 - 10:45 PF2 (invited) - Transmission Electron Microscopy : a tool for the direct determination of carbon nanotube structure 15:00 - 15:15 Annick Loiseau F530 - MICROSCOPY OF BIOFILMS FORMED ON A METALLIC SURFACE IN DYNAMIC AND STATIC SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENCE OF OILY FLUIDS 10:45 - 11:00 Karla de Avellar Mota (PUC-Rio), Walter Barreiro Cravo Jr (PUC-Rio), Maria Isabel Pais da Silva (PUC-rio), Monica de Oliveira Penna (Petrobras) and Ivani de Souza Bott (PUC-Rio) F508 - Analysis of the structure of nanorods with pentagonal crosssections by electron microscopy Jose Reyes - Gasga (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM), Jose Luis Elechiguerra (University of Texas), Juan Martin MontejanoCarrizales (Instituto de Fisica, UASL) and Miguel Jose-Yacaman (University of Texas) Session chair: Uli Dahmen 11:30 - 12:00 PF9 (invited) - Off-axis electron holography of magnetic nanoparticles, nanostructures and devices Rafal Dunin - Borkowski (TUD) 12:00 - 12:15 F528 - ANCHORAGE OF INORGANIC NANOPARTICLES ON NITROGEN DOPED MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES Alicia Rodriguez - Pulido (IPICYT), Aaron Morelos-Gomez (IPICYT), David Cullen (ASU), David Smith (ASU), Humberto Terrones (IPICYT) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT) 12:15 - 12:45 PF3 (invited) - Combined HRTEM and STXM-NEXAFS study of a patterned CNT Adam Hitchcock (McMaster University), Ebrahim Najafi (McMaster University), Xiaoxing Ke (University of Antwerp), Alexandre Felten (University of Namur), Carla Bittencourt (University of Mons) and Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp) Poster Session F Solving Nanostructures through Electron Microscopy Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 F501 - NANOOBJECT SIZES OF DEFECTS IN POROUS SYSTEMS AND DEFECTIVE MATERIALS ACCORDING ADAP METHOD Eugene Petrovich Prokopiev F507 - Method of convergence used for calculating electron transport described by 3D invariant imbedding differential equations. Carlos M Figueroa (LAFISO-UNT) and Silvia P Heluani (LAFISO-UNT) F509 - Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Influence of Catalyst Deposition Techniques on the State of Catalytic Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes 75 Igor Ivanovich Khodos (IMT RAS), Yusif Alekberovich Kasumov (IMT RAS), Vladimir Timofeevich Volkov (IMT RAS) and Viktor Nikolaevich Matveev (IMT RAS) F510 - Surfactant Self-Assembly on Substrates and the Dewetting Process layer zone of steel balls modified by wear Suzana Bottega Peripolli (INMETRO), Lincoln Silva Gomes (INMETRO), Marcia M Maru (INMETRO), Alexei Yu Kuznetsov (INMETRO), Adelci Menezes De Oliveira (PETROBRAS) and Carlos Alberto Achete (Inmetro/ Coppe) Juliana da Silva Bernardes (Unicamp) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) F523 - HRTEM and Molecular Simulation Analysis of e - Fe2-3N AND g’ - Fe4N Nitrides F511 - Phase Transition Induced on Ag/TiO2 Thin Films by Transmitted Electron Beam Ariosto Medina Flores (UMSNH), Luis Béjar Gómez (UMSNH), Héctor Carréon Garcideuñas (UMSNH), Salomon Borjas García (UMSNH) and Ismeli Alfonso López (UNAM) Marcelo Machado Viana (UFMG), Nelcy Della Mohallem (UFMG), Karla Balzuweit (DF/UFMG) and Douglas Rodrigues Miquita (UFMG) F512 - Environmental effects on chemical stability of Fe0.85Ni0.15 alloy studied at high pressures and high temperatures Suzana Bottega Peripolli (INMETRO), Alexei Yu Kuznetsov (INMETRO), Lincoln Silva Gomes (INMETRO), Anastasia Kantor (Universität Bayreuth), Leonid Dubronvinsky (Universität Bayreuth), Carlos Alberto Achete (Inmetro/ Coppe) and Vitali Prakapenka (University of Chicago) F517 - Synthesis processing and Characterization of Cu-CNT Nanocomposites MARTIN EMILIO MENDOZA (PUCRio), Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio), Eduardo Albuquerque Brocchi (PUC-RJ) and Célio Albano Costa (COPPE/UFRJ) F519 - Design and Construction of a STM oriented to the study of passivated metallic nanoparticles Bruno Vieira da Cunha Martins (IFGW - UNICAMP), Varlei Rodrigues (IFGW - UNICAMP) and Daniel Ugarte (Unicamp) F520 - Production of nanocrystalline Fe74,3Si14,2Cu1Nb3B7,5 alloy for magnetic sensors Geronimo Perez (PUC-Rio), Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio) and Luiz Carvalho Benyosef (ON-MCT) F524 - Determination of Ti(C,N) Nanoprecipitates in a Low-Carbon Microalloyed Steel by HRTEM analysis Ariosto Medina Flores (UMSNH), Luis Béjar Gómez (UMSNH), Héctor Carréon Garcideuñas (UMSNH), Jose Luis Bernal Ponce (Universidad Politécnica d) and Ismeli Alfonso López (UNAM) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 F525 - One-step CVD synthesis of nanometric carbon rings and junctions Nestor Perea - Lopez (IPICYT), Emilio Munoz-Sandoval (IPICYT), Ana Laura Elias-Arriaga (IPICYT), Humberto Terrones (IPICYT), Benji Maruyama (WPAFRL) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT) F531 - Synthesis and characterization of SnO2 sphere nanostructures Thiago Sequinel (UNESP), Sergio Mazurek Tebcherani (UEPG), Sergio Cava (Itajara Minérios), José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara), Sergio Ricardo de Lazaro (UEPG) and Juliana de Oliveira Pimenta (UEPG) F533 - Advanced Electron Microscopy Characterization of GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors David Cullen (Arizona State University), Lin Zhou (Arizona State University), Jacob Leach (Virginia Commonwealth), Hadis Morkoc (Virginia Commonwealth), Peter Fejes (Freescale Semiconductor), David Smith (Arizona State University) and Martha McCartney (Arizona State University) SYMPOSIUM G Medical Applications of Nanotechnology Auditorium: Imperial Simposium Organizers: Robert Sinclair (Stanford University, USA) Mark Welland (U. of Cambridge, UK) Vinayak Dravid (Northwestern University, USA) Marcos Farina (UFRJ, Brazil) F521 - Distribution of clay platelets in blend nanocomposites by molecular mapping in energyfiltered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) Elisangela Moura Linares (Unicamp), Marcia Maria Rippel (Unicamp) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) F522 - SEM analyses after FIB preparation of the subsurface 76 Health and biological materials 77 kant Koslover (Stanford University) Kuri (UFSCar) Tuesday, September 22 12:15 - 12:30 Session chair: Sarah Heilshorn Monday, September 21 Session chair: Robert Sinclair 09:30 - 10:00 PG4 (invited) - Towards Targeted In-Vivo Theranostics with Magnetic Nanostructures Vinayak P Dravid (Northwestern University) 10:00 - 10:15 G516 - Active Nanoparticles for Delivery of Antibiotics Biomaterials Hossein Hosseinkhani (Tokyo Women’s Med Univ) and Mohsen Hosseinkhani (Mount Sinai School of Me) 12:15 - 12:30 G506 - Specific affinity between hexokinase and carbohydrates studied by atomic force microscopy spectroscopy Denise Freitas Siqueira Petri (USP), Lizandra Belmonte Rodrigues Castro (USP) and Michael Kappl (MPI-P) 12:30 - 12:45 10:15 - 10:30 Session chair: Vinayak Dravid Antonio Teixeira de Sales Neto (UFPE), Aluizio G Brasil Junior (UFPE), Denise Azevedo Tenorio (UFPE), Rafael Bezerra Lira (UFPE), Patrícia Maria Albuquerque de Farias (UFPE), Adriana Fontes (UFPE) and Beate Saegesser Santos (UFPE) 10:30 - 10:45 G504 - Evaluation of the Efficacy of Topical Nanoparticulated Sparfloxacin and Plain Sparfloxacin in the Experimental Model of Corneal Ulcer NIHAR RANJAN BISWAS (All India Institute of Me), ALOK KUMAR RAVI (All India Institute of Me), TIRUMURTY VELPANDIAN (All India Institute of Me), SUPRIYO GHOSE (All India Institute of Me), SAVITA BISHT (Johns HopkinsUniversity S) and AMAR NATH MAITRA (University of Delhi , Del) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Robert Sinclair 11:30 - 12:00 PG1 (invited) - Institutional Financing Opportunities for Medical Applications of Nanotechnology Brian Kingston Morfitt (Frazier Healthcare) 12:00 - 12:15 G505 - Towards the Development Advanced Nanomedicine by new 78 PG2 (invited) - Electron Microscopy Investigations of Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnostic Applications Ai Leen Koh and Robert Sinclair 10:00 - 10:15 G502 - Study of cytotoxic and apoptogenic properties of nanoliposomes forms of crocin compared to crocin in various human cancer cell lines. Seyed Hadi Mousavi Kenneth E . Gonsalves (UNCC), Rajeev Raghvanpillai (UNCC) and Monica Miryam Rabinovich (UNCC) G542 - CdS/Cd(OH)2 Nanocrystals as New Biophotonic Tools to Investigate the Antigens A Expression in Red Blood Cells 09:30 - 10:00 13:00 - 14:30 10:15 - 10:30 Lunch G541 - Biocompatible Water Soluble Quantum Dots as Human Lymphocytes Cells Labels – Applications for Flow Cytometry 14:30 - 15:00 PG3 (invited) - Nanoscale Design of Protein Hydrogels for Stem Cell Transplantation Cheryl Wong Po Foo (Stanford University) and Sarah Christine Heilshorn (Stanford University) 15:00 - 15:15 G517 - PVP-Coated Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis and their Biological Activity Towards Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Matthias Epple (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Stefanie Kittler (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Christina Greulich (Univ Bochum) and Manfred Koeller (Univ Bochum) 12:30 - 12:45 G523 - Poli-ε-caprolactone nanospheres: development and characterization Cristiane da Silva Melo (UFMG), Thiago Silva Oliveira (UFMG), Roberta Márcia Marques Santos (FUNED), Armando Silva-Cunha (UFMG) and Sílvia Ligório Fialho (FUNED) Poster Session G Medical Applications of Nanotechnology 10:30 - 10:45 18:30 to 20:30 G547 - An optoactive polyglycerol dendrimer for enhanced tumor imaging G501 - Preparation, characterization and transfection efficiency of galactosylated nanolipoplexes as a gene carrier Alvaro Antonio Alencar De Queiroz (UNIFEI), Maria Aparecida Pires Camillo (IPEN) and Olga Zazuco Higa (IPEN) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Andrew Spakowitz G546 - Effect of Packing Density and Diameter of Fibers in 3-D Electrospun Scaffolds on Spreading, Proliferation, and Migration of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells 11:30 - 12:00 15:30 - 16:00 Muhammad Akram Randhawa (King Faisal University), Mohammad Ashraf Gondal (King Faisal University), Al-Hussain Jaber Al-Zahrani (King Fahd University) and Abdulaziz Ahmed Bagabas (National Nano Tech Center) Rafael Bezerra Lira (UFPE), Kilmara H G Carvalho (UFPE), Mariana Brayner Cavalcanti (UFPE), Ademir de Jesus Amaral (UFPE), Beate Saegesser Santos (UFPE), Patrícia Maria Albuquerque de Farias (UFPE) and Adriana Fontes (UFPE) 15:15 - 15:30 Sherif Soliman (Harvard-MIT Division), Shilpa Sant (Harvard-MIT Division), Enrico Traversa ((3) University of Rome To), Jason Nichol (Harvard-MIT Division) and Ali Khademhosseini (Harvard-MIT Division) G543 - An in vitro study for the antimicrobial activity of Nano ZnO and Pd loaded Nano ZnO PG5 (invited) - Analysis of the new bone tissue formed onto hydroxyapatite-alginate and sintered hydroxyapatite in vivo André Linhares Rossi (UFRJ - Brasil), Oscar Ledea Losano (UFRJ - Brasil), Isabela Cerqueira Barreto (UFB - Brasil), Maria Helena Miguez Rocha-Leao (CBPF - Brasil), Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF - Brasil), Fabiana Paim Rosa (UFB - Brasil) and Marcos Farina de Souza (UFRJ - Brasil) PG6 (invited) - Optimizing the Search for Target Sites within DNA: Inspiration from Gene Regulatory Proteins 12:00 - 12:15 Mario Diaz de la Rosa (Stanford University), Andrew James Spakowitz (Stanford University) and Elena Fabri- Thais Paula Busquim (UFSCar), Carlos Nelson Elias (IME) and sebastão Elias G557 - Surface Characterization of Titanium Oxide of Dental Implants Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 Bizhan Malaekeh - Nikouei (Mashhad Uni of Med Sci), Mohammad Ramezani (Mashhad Uni of Med Sci) and Mohammad Malaekeh-Nikouei (Mashhad Uni of Med Sci) G503 - Synthesis, characterization and transfection efficiency of artificial virus Nanoparticles Based on Modified Polyethylenimines as a Promising non-viral gene Carrier reza kazemi oskuee (Mashhad University of Med), mohammad ramezani (Mashhad University of Med), ali dehshahri (Mashhad University of Med) and wyne thomas shier (University of Minnesota-T) G507 - Lectins and/or Polysaccharide Layers as Supports for Immobilization of Dengue Virus Particles Denise Freitas Siqueira Petri (USP), Edla Moraes de Abreu Pereira (USP-SP), Maria Rita Sierakowski (UFPR), Tatiane Jo (UFPR), Renato Moreira (UNIFOR), Ana Cristina Moreira (UNIFOR) and Benedito Antonio Lopes Fonseca (USP-RP) 79 G509 - SILOXANE-POLYPROPYLENEOXIDE HYBRIDSUSED AS MATRIX FOR INCORPORATION AND RELEASEOF PROPRANOLOL CHLORIDE Juliana Henriques Pereira (Uezo), Karim Dahmouche (Uezo) and Carlos Eduardo Carvalho (Uezo) G510 - Novel pan-antiviral strategy and delivery using gold nanoparticles for inhibiting growth of all influenza viruses including the drug-resistant seasonal human, avian H5N1 viruses, and 1918 pandemic influenza virus Krishnan Chakravarthy (SUNY Buffalo), Adela Bonoiu (SUNY Buffalo), William Davis (CDC), Hong Ding (SUNY Buffalo), Paul Knight (SUNY Buffalo), Suryaprakash Sambhara (CDC) and Paras Prasad (SUNY Buffalo) G511 - Carboxymethyldextrancoated Fe3O4 biocompatible nanoparticles for biomedical applications by a new microemulsion route Watson Beck Jr (IQSC-USP), Miguel Jafelicci Jr (IQAr-UNESP) and Laudemir Carlos Varanda (IQSC-USP) G512 - Determining the thermodynamic parameters of dispersed systems by variable temperature multiple light scattering luana almeida fiel (UFRGS), marcia duarte adorne (UFRGS), marília rizzi (UFRGS), sílvia stanisçuaski guterres (UFRGS) and adriana raffin pohlmann (UFRGS) G513 - Nanocapsules prepared with sorbitan monostearate and polysorbate 80 are more effective in scatter the light than those prepared with phosphatidylcholine Samuel Luiz de Marco (UFRGS/Brazil), Fernanda Poletto (UFRGS/Brazil), Valéria Weiss-Angeli (UCS/Brazil), Nádya Pesce da Silveira (UFRGS/Brazil), Sílvia Stanisçuaski Guterres (UFRGS/ Brazil) and Adriana Raffin Pohlmann (UFRGS/Brazil) G518 - A release study of capsaicinoids from nanocapsules before and after the incorporation in hydrogels Renata Vidor Contri (UFRGS), Rafaela Peixoto Silva (UFRGS), Moacir Kaiser (UFRGS), Luana Almeida Fiel (UFRGS), Adriana Raffin Pohlmann (UFRGS) and Sílvia Stanisçuaski Guterres (UFRGS) G519 - SILOXANE-PMMA NANO80 COMPOSITES AS DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Nacional) Bianca Ferreira (UEZO), Karim Dahmouche (UEZO), Caio Paranhos (UFSCar) and Ailton de Souza Gomes (UFRJ) G529 - Preparation of PEGylated Green Fluorescent Protein for BioLuminescent Imaging G520 - Optimization of the nanocapsule formulation to provide a suspension containing exclusively one type of colloid with high physical stability Mehdi Cinna Hoorang (SUMS), Ali Mohammad Tamaddon (SUMS) and Gholam Hossien Yousefi (SUMS) G530 - Obtainment and Characterization of Nanocomposites for Pharmaceutical Applications Cristina de Garcia Venturini (UFRGS), Eliézer Jäger (UFRGS), Andressa Bernardi (UFRGS), Ana Maria Oliveira Battastini (UFRGS), Sílvia Stanisçuaski Guterres (UFRGS) and Adriana Raffin Pohlmann (UFRGS) Ana Paula de Oliveira Rodrigues (UFRJ), Maria Inês Bruno Tavares (UFRJ) and Lúcio Mendes Cabral (UFRJ) G521 - HER-2 Targeted PEG-PE Immuno-Micelle for Bioluminescent Imaging Ali Mohammad Tamaddon (SUMS), Nasim Golkar (SUMS) and Soleyman Mohammadi Samani (SUMS) Rafael Admar Bini (UNESP), Rodrigo Fernado Costa Marques (UNESP), Taciane Perreira da Costa (UNESP), Franscisco José dos Santos (UNESP), Juliano Alexandre Chaker (UNB) and Miguel Jafelicci Jr (UNESP) G522 - Cellular Pharmacokinetic of PEG-Stabilized Antisense Nanoliposomes G534 - Core-shell magnetic nanoparticles of La(1-x)SrxMnO3 / SiO2 Ali Mohammad Tamaddon (SUMS, SBMU), Samira Sadat Abolmaali (SUMS, SBMU), Farshad Hoseini Shirazi (SBMU) and Hamid Reza Moghimi (SBMU) Ana Gabriela Leyva (CNEA-UNSAM), Cecilia Andrea Albornoz (CNEA), Horacio E Troiani (CONICET-CNEA) and Mara Granada (CONICET-CNEA) G524 - Preparation techniques of poli-ε-caprolactone nanoparticles: influence on particles size and distribution G531 - Control of amine density onto SPION by the use of different alkoxysilanes G535 - Insulin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles: Cell viability and cytotoxicity studies trolled delivery vehicles of interest in dermatological and cosmetic products Paula Gimenes (IQ-USP), Claudia Pranuve Sanches (IQ-USP), André Rolim Baby (FCF-USP), Roy Edwards Bruns (IQ-UNICAMP) and Elizabeth P. G. Arêas (IQ-USP) G544 - Assessment of cytotoxic and apoptogenic properties of safranal and its nanoliposoms in various cancer cell lines. Seyed Hadi Mousavi G545 - Analysis of growth of calcium phosphate coating on Ti-7.5Mo alloy using AFM Ana Lúcia do Amaral Escada (UNESP), Maria Isabel Eboli Kimaid (UNESP), João Paulo Barros Machado (INPE), Maria Cristina Rosifini Alves Rezende (UNESP) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (Unesp) G548 - Preparation of magnetic β-glucan microspheres for MRIdetectable embolic materials Yangkyu Ahn (Konyang University) G549 - Biomimetic Surfaces Containing Phospholipid and Metallophthalocyanines: Application as Chemical Modified Electrodes Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes (USP), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP), Maria Luz Rodríguez Méndez (UVA), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (UVA) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) Cristiane da Silva Melo (UFMG), Thiago Silva Oliveira (UFMG), Roberta Márcia Marques Santos (FUNED), Armando Silva-Cunha (UFMG) and Sílvia Ligório Fialho (FUNED) Thiago Matos Araujo (UNICAMP), Luis Fernando Godoy Falco (UNICAMP), Zaine Teixeira (UNICAMP), Helena Cristina de Lima Barbosa (UNICAMP), Nelson Durán (UNICAMP), Antonio Carlos Boschero (UNICAMP) and Nelci Fenalti Höehr (UNICAMP) G525 - Nanocomposites formed by boron nitride sheets and Fe nanoparticles for biomedical applications: Synthesis and characterization G536 - Efficiency studies of DNA-conjugation/hybridization to magnetic silica nanosphere system designed as probes for genetic mutation Fábio Lima Leite (UFSCar), Eduardo de Faria Franca (USP/UFSCar), Eduardo Martins Lopes (UFSCar), Luiz Carlos Gomide Freitas (UFSCar), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) Tiago Hilário Ferreira (CDTN), Gracielle Ferreira Andrade (CDTN) and Edesia Martins Barros Sousa (CDTN) Giselda Maria Kalil de Cabello (FIOCRUZ), Kely Lopes Caiado (UFG), Debora de Oliveira Cintra e Silva (UnB), Paulo Cesar Morais (UnB), Patricia Pomme Confessori Sartoratto (UFG) and Zulmira Guerrero Marques Lacava (UnB) G551 - About Field- and Affinity Interactions of Piezoelectric GaPO4 (BAW) and ZnO Thin Film Transducers G526 - Protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles modulate uptake and antigen presentation of hen egg-white lysozyme by murine peritoneal macrophages. Jose Roberto Vega-Baudrit (Lanotec) G528 - Preparation and characterization of chitosan biomembranes loaded with natural polyphenols from fruit peels and waste steams Ximena Matamoros (Universidad G537 - Dye functionalized nanosized SiO2 for photodynamic therapy Sheila Southgate (UFRJ), Rodrigo José corrêa (UFRJ), Célia Ronconi (UFRJ) and Gleiciani Silveira (UFF) G538 - Nanoemulsions stabilized by caseinates as potential con- G550 - Elucidating the Action Mechanism of Herbicides using Chemical Force Microscopy and Molecular Modeling Jaroslav Nosek (TU Liberec), Jakub Stepanek (TU Liberec) and Lidmila Burianova (TU Liberec) G553 - Biomimetic Surfaces Built by Layer-by-Layer Films Containing Phospholipid and Metallophthalocyanine Applied as Chemical Modified Electrodes Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes (USP), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino 81 (UNESP), Maria Luz Rodríguez Méndez (UVA), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (UVA) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) G556 - Biomedical Application of Ferrofluids Containing Magnetite Nanoparticles - Based Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) Oil Using Mössbauer and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopies Anselmo Furtado Ruiz Rodriguez (Universidade Federal do A), Inês Sabioni Resck (Universidade de Brasilia), Claudia Jorge Nascimento (Universidade de Brasilia), Aderbal Carlos Oliveira (Universidade de Brasilia), Jorge Luis Lopez (Universidade Federal de M), Ricardo Bentes de Azevedo (Universidade de Brasilia) and Paulo Cesar Morais (Universidade de Brasilia) G559 - Porous Silicon for Biomedical Application Ennio Tasciotti (Institute for Molecular M) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 G560 - Biodistribution of radioactive gold nanoparticles in mice Maurício Brant Pinheiro (UFMG) G561 - Gold Nanorods as Potential Contrast Agents for Ocular Optical Coherence Tomography Michelle L Gabriele (University of Pittsburgh), Kyle C McKenna (University of Pittsburgh), Hiroshi Ishikawa (University of Pittsburgh), Larry Kagemann (University of Pittsburgh), Joel S Schuman (University of Pittsburgh) and Gadi Wollstein (University of Pittsburgh) G562 - Langmuir monolayers containing ibuprofen and phospholipids Vananélia Pereira Nunes Geraldo (USP), Adriana pavinatto (USP), Felippe José Pavinatto (USP), Thatyane Morimoto Nobre (USP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) SYMPOSIUM H New Developments in Biomaterials Auditorium: El Pardo II Simposium Organizers: Gema Gonzalez (IVIC, Venezuela) Rudolf Reichelt (U. of Münster, Germany) Carlos Graeff (UNESP, Brazil) Yannis Missirlis (U. of Patras, Greece) G539 - Protein Delivery through Enteric Nanoparticles: The Effect of the Matrix and the Surfactant Danay Rosa Dupeyrón Martell (IMRE), David Cruz Rodríguez (UH), Janette Cruz Rodríguez (CIM), Mayra González Hurtado (CIIQ), Jacques Rieumont Briones (UH) and Guillermo Solorzano (PUC) Health and biological materials 82 83 H607 - Macrophage Response to UHMWPE Submitted to Accelerated Ageing in Hydrogen Peroxide Thursday, September 24 12:15 - 12:30 Incidence X-ray Diffraction from Synchrotron Radiation Magda Francisca Rocha (UFMG/PUCMG), Alexandra A P Mansur (UFMG) and Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) Alexandre Mello (CBPF), Bermudez Rafael Pujada (CBPF), Elvis Elvis lopez (CBPF) and Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) Session chair: Gema Gonzales H570 - Hydroxyapatite of Bovine Origin Strengthened with Bioglass 15:45 - 16:00 10:30 - 10:45 09:30 - 10:00 Cilene Labre Alves Silva (IME), Luiz Eduardo Serra Carneiro Pinto (IME) and Marcelo Henrique Prado da Silva (IME) H612 - Cell-injected bacterial cellulose scaffolds for guided tissue regeneration H516 - THE EFFECT OF INJECTION OF ANTICOAGULANT DRUGS TO RATS WITH FRACTURED BONES ON THE TRANSITION OF PHASES ON INORGANIC PARTS OF BONE PH5 (invited) - Microengineered hydrogels for stem cell bioengineering and tissue regeneration Ali Khademhosseini 10:00 - 10:15 PH1 (invited) - Characterization of Hydrogels at the Micro- and Nanoscale by FESEM and SFM 12:30 - 12:45 H525 - Functionalized Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles: Applications for Gene Transfer Rudolf Reichelt Matthias Epple (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Anna Kovtun (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Sebastian Neumann (Univ Bochum) and Rolf Heumann (Univ Bochum) 10:15 - 10:30 12:45 - 13:00 H594 - THE MECHANICS OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS EPIDERMIDIS ADHESION TO VARIOUS CHEMICALLY FUNCTIONALIZED SURFACES H528 - Structural and thermal behavior of human tooth and synthetic hydroxyapatite Yannis F Missirlis (Univ Patras) and Maria Katsikogianni (Univ Patras) 10:30 - 11:00 PH4 (invited) - Fabrication of Nanobiomaterials though Molecular Self-assembling Peptides and Their Applications in Nanomedicine Xiaojun Zhao (Institute for Nanobiomedi) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Yannis Missirlis 11:30 - 12:00 PH7 (invited) - Nanostructured calcium phosphate apatites for biomedical applications: structure and properties. Alexandre Rossi (CBPF), A J Ramirez (LNLS), J Bettini (LNLS) and C A Ramirez (CBPF) 12:00 - 12:15 H568 - Zinc-containing hydroxyapatite: synthesis, physico-chemical characterization and in vivo behaviour Mônica Diuana Calasans - Maia (UFF), Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF), Inaya Correa Barbosa Lima (UFRJ), Ricardo Lopes (UFRJ), Jose Albuquerque Calasans-Maia (UFF) and Jose Mauro Granjeiro (UFF) 84 Jose Reyes - Gasga (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM), Ramiro Garcia-Garcia (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM), Gaby Esthela Tiznado-Orozco (F de Odontologia, UNAM), Elson Sanchez-Pastenes (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM) and Gabriela Gomez-Gasga (ESFM-IPN) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: Rudolf Reichelt 14:30 - 15:00 PH3 (invited) - Aragonite containing otolith: a hierarchical nanostructured biocomposite Madalena Martins Sant’Ana Barroso (UFRJ), Mair (UFRJ), André Linhares Rossi (UFRJ), Eleonora Kurtenbach (UFRJ) and Marcos Farina de Souza (UFRJ - Brasil) 15:00 - 15:15 H587 - Selection of a Ni-Ti Alloy and Designed of a Heat Treatment to Optimize a PDA Corrective Devices Andrés Julían Corzo (Universidad de Los Andes) and Wilson Alexander Hormaza (Universidad de Los Andes) 15:15 - 15:30 H613 - Hydroxyapatite Coating for Fixation of Biomedical Implants Kanhaiya Lal Yadav (IIT Roorkee) and Aarti Mehta (NPL New Delhi) 15:30 - 15:45 Fernanda Vieira Berti (UFSC/CTC/EQA), Derce de Oliveira Souza Recouvreux (UFSC/CTC/EQA), Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC/CTC/EQA), Rosa Maria Ribeirodo-Valle (UFSC/CCB/FMC), Paulo Fernando Dias (UFSC/CCB/BEG) and Luismar Marques Porto (UFSC/CTC/ EQA) AHMET HIKMET UCISIK (BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY), BURCU TUNC (BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY), EMIN MEHMET AKSOY (MINISTARY OF HEALTH), ISIL KUTBAY (GEBZE INST OF TECHN) and METIN USTA (GEBZE INST OF TECH) 16:00 - 16:15 10:45 - 11:00 H521 - High Performance ImpactTolerant and Abrasion-Resistant Materials: Lessons from Nature H517 - Optimization of Phospholipid-modified Metallic Surface Relative to Initial Osteogenic Responses David Kisailus (University of California), Qianqian Wang (University of California), James Weaver (University of California), Luke Chen (University of California) and Anthony Tantuccio (The Cooper Union) Rajiv Kumar Satsangi (RANN Res Corp San Antonio), Arpan Satsangi (U of Texas Hlth Sci Ctr), Joo Ong (U of Texas at San Antonio) and Neera Satsangi (U of Texas Hlth Sci Ctr) 16:15 - 16:30 11:00 - 11:30 H616 - Biomechanical analysis of new material applied to dental implants Coffee Break clara isabel lopez (U Industrial de Santander), luis emilio forero (U Industrial de Santander), jhon faber archila (U Industrial de Santander) and carlos galeano (U santo tomas de aquino) Friday, September 25 Session chair: Carlos Graeff 09:30 - 10:00 PH2 (invited) - Tuning Hierarchical Architectures of 3D Polymeric Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Session chair: Yannis Missirlis 11:30 - 12:00 PH8 (invited) - Towards the Development of Advanced Nanomedicine by new Biomaterials Hossein Hosseinkhani (1School of Biomedical Eng) and Mohsen Hosseinkhani (3Department of Cardiovasc) 12:00 - 12:15 H533 - Designing Dynamic Protein Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Enrico Traversa (MANA-NIMS) Karin Straley (Stanford University), Debanti Sengupta (Stanford University) and Sarah Christine Heilshorn (Stanford University) 10:00 - 10:15 12:15 - 12:30 H514 - Surfactant and acidity effects on nanofibers based on chitosan with different molecular weight H559 - Preparation and Characterization of Chitin Whiskers from Heterocarpus vicarius shrimp wastes KHALID ZIANI (ULg), Abdelhafid Aqil (ULg), Christine Jérôme (ULg), Catherine Henrist (ULg) and Rudi Cloots (Ulg) Ximena Matamoros (Universidad Nacional) 10:15 - 10:30 H624 - Nanometer Crystalline Coatings of Hydroxylapatite: Surface Characterization by Grazing 12:30 - 12:45 H560 - Composite PLLA-PCL Fibrous Scaffolds For Improved Mechanical Strength and Better Biological Performance 85 Sherif Soliman (Harvard-MIT Division), Francesca Pagliari (University of Tor Vergata), Antonio Rinaldi (University of Tor Vergata), Paolo Dinardo (University of Tor Vergata), Silvia Licoccia (University of Tor Vergata) and Enrico Traversa (University of Tor Vergata) 12:45 - 13:00 H590 - Anti-thrombogenic properties of blended Poly (vinyl alcohol)/chitosan film Maíra Martins de Souza Godoy Simões (University of Campinas), Rodrigo Silveira Vieira (Federal University of Cea) and Marcelo Ganzarolli de Oliveira (University of Campinas) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: To be informed 14:30 - 15:00 PH6 (invited) - Catalytic Nanomedicine: Particle size and support acidity effect in nanostructured biocatalysts to reduce brain glioblastoma multiforme tumors: Clinic Step. Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne (Health Department Univers) 15:00 - 15:15 H527 - Production of near-netshape implants with graded porosity by 2-C-MIM Ana Paula Cysne Barbosa (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Manuel Köhl (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Martin Bram (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Hans Peter Buchkremer (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and Detlev Stöver (Forschungszentrum Jülich) 15:15 - 15:30 H563 - Epoxy resin and hydroxyapatite based ink for coating the surface of metal implants. Ana Paula de Oliveira Moura (IME), Fernando de Loureiro Fragata (CEPEL) and Marcelo Henrique Prado da Silva (IME) Poster Session H New Developments in Biomaterials Room: Louvre Thursday, September 24 15:15 to 15:30 H592 - Solvent-free manufactur- 86 ing and sintering of PLLA/nanoHap and PLLA/Fiber-Hap scaffolds Korchemskaya ((4) Institute of Physics,) Ana Paula Marzagão Casadei (UFSC), Mauro Laranjeira (UFSC), Tatiane da Silva Eufrásio (UFSC), Fabrício Dingee (UFSC), Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC) and Márcio Celso Fredel (UFSC) H512 - Analysis of Bioceramic Coatings HA + ZrO2 Tuesday, September 22 18:30 to 20:30 H501 - A Surface Tension Measurement Method for Biomaterials Aplications using Digtal Imaging Analysis Norberto Mangiavacchi (UERJ), Marilia Garcia Diniz (UERJ), Francisco José Cunha Pires Soeiro (UERJ) and André Rocha Pimenta (UERJ) H502 - A novel chitosan/hydroxyapatite biocomposite for tissue engineering applications Geovanna Pires (UNICAMP), William Fernando Zambuzzi (UNICAMP), Carmem Verissima Ferreira (UNICAMP), Celso Bertran (UNICAMP) and Valeria Perna de Souza (UEA) H508 - Production of Titanium Alloys for Surgical Implants by Powder Metallurgy Vinícius Rodrigues Henriques (CTA), Sérgio Luis Petroni (CTA) and Matheus Modesto Paula (ITA-CTA) H509 - NANOSTRUCTURED SYNTHETIC HYDROXYAPATITE AND DENTAL ENAMEL HEATED E IRRADIATED BY ER,CR:YSGG CHARACTERIZED BY FTIR AND XRD Jose da Silva Rabelo Neto (IPENCNEN/USP), Thiago Martini Pereira (IPEN-CNEN/USP), Vera Lucia Mazzocchi (IPEN-CNEN/USP), Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (DFI/UFS) and Denise Maria Zezell (IPEN-CNEN/USP) Agata Katarzyna Dudek (Czestochowa Technical Un) H513 - Cytocompatibility studies of raw vertically-aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes and functionalizated by oxygen plasma Anderson Oliveira Lobo (ITA/INPE), Marcus A Finzi Corat (UNICAMP), Mariana B Silva Palma (INPE/UNIVAP), Erica Freire Antunes (ITA/INPE), Sandra Cristina Ramos (INPE), Cristina Pacheco Soares (UNIVAP) and Evaldo Jose Corat (INPE/ITA) H518 - Determination of material characteristics of polyethylene Tomas Navrat (FME BUT), Eduard Malenovsky (FME BUT) and Petr Vosynek (FME BUT) H519 - Determination of mechanical properties of the bone cement Petr Vosynek (FME BUT), Tomas Navrat (FME BUT) and Lubomir Houfek (FME BUT) H520 - In Vitro Silver Sulfadiazine Controlled Release from Chitosan Cross-linked Films MARIA GABRIELA NOGUEIRA CAMPOS (UNIFAL), NEERA SATSANGI (UTHSCSA), HENRY RALPH RAWLS (UTHSCSA) and LUCIA HELENA INNOCENTINI MEI (UNICAMP) H522 - BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF COLLAGEN matrices for equines abdominal wall repair valcinir aloisio scalla vulcani (UFRPE), Delphim da Graça Macoris (FCAV), Ana Maria de Guzzi Plepis (IQSC - USP) and Vanessa Sobue Franzo (UFT) H510 - Preparation and characterization of a lamotrigine imprinted polymer and its application for drug assay in human serum H523 - obtainment and CHARACTERIZATION OF COLLAGEN matrices for soft tissue uses Seyed Ahmad Mohajeri (School of pharmacy) and Soltan Ahmed Ebrahimi (School of medicine) valcinir aloisio scalla vulcani (UFRPE), Delphim da Graça Macoris (FCAV), Ana Maria de Guzzi Plepis (IQSC - USP) and Vanessa Sobue Franzo (UFT) H511 - Polymer films made with bacteriorhodopsin and its derivatives as an example of photosensitive material for recording, processing and storage of optical information. H529 - The influence of the composition of Ni and Cr in the resistance to the corrosion of NiCr-Mo alloys for dental prosthesis in NaF 0,05% solution. Anna B Druzhko (Institute of Theoreti), Sergey K Pirutin (Institute of Theoreti), Nikolay M Burykin (Institute of Applied), Dmitry A Stepanchikov ((3) Zhitomir State Univer) and Elena Ya Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio (UNESP), Hamilton de Felipe (UNESP) and Eduardo Noberto Codaro (UNESP) H530 - Biomaterial Based on pHEMA-co-MMA for Articular Cartilage Repairing: Kinetic Reaction Study. Ana Lívia Senedese (Unicamp), André Luiz Jardini (Unicamp), Vanessa Petrilli Bavaresco (Unicamp) and Rubens Maciel Filho (Unicamp) H531 - Nanostructured 3D collagen-nanotube biocomposite for future bone regeneration scaffolds Rodrigo Ribeiro Resende (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG), Edelma Eleto Silva (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG), Andre Santarosa Ferlauto (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG), Sergio de Oliveira (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG), Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG) and Luiz Orlando Ladeira (Dep of Physics, ICEx-UFMG) H532 - Molecular weight studies in biotechnologically PHB to develop a new PHB-PLA material Diana Marcela Vanegas (UPB), Carmen Boeriu (Wageningen UR), Margarita Enid Ramírez (UPB), David Habeych (Wageningen ur), Maria Isabel Giraldo (UPB), Piedad Gañan (UPB) and Gerrit Eggink (Wageningen UR) H535 - Myoglobin Attachment on Apatite Surface Elena Mavropoulos Oliveira Tude (CBPF), Nilce Carbonel Rocha (UFRJ), Andrea Machado Costa (CBPF), Euler Araujo dos Santos (CNRS), Amanda Tosi (CBPF) and Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) H536 - Production and Characterization of Composites PMMA/Zro2 and PMMA/TiO2 for use as bone cement Gabriel Augusto de Oliveira Lopes (CEFET-MG) and Sidney Nicodemos Silva (CEFET-MG) H537 - An ibuprofen/hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin hybrid material obtained by spray-drying organic solutions Rodrigo Luis Silva Ribeiro Santos (IQ-USP) and Denise de Oliveira Silva (IQ-USP) H538 - Characterization of collagen-chitosan scaffolds for skin tissue engineering Ligia Lopes Fernandes (UFRJ/PEMM), Cristiane Xavier Resende (UFRJ/PEMM) and Glória Almeida Soares (UFRJ) H539 - Preparation and Characterization of Crosslinked Chitosan Microspheres Impregnated with the Drug Ketoprofen 87 Douglas De Jesus Martins (IQ-USP) and Denise De Oliveira Silva (IQ-USP) H541 - Development of a new composite for endodontics cones Bárbara Moreira da Conceição (IMA/UFRJ/Dentsply), Leila Leia Yuan Visconte (IMA/UFRJ), Cristina Russi Guimarães Furtado (IQ/UERJ), Rodrigo Santanna Aguiar dos Reis (Dentsply) and Alexandre Sandri Câmara (Dentsply) H542 - Microstructure-Mechanical Properties Correlation in a Ti12Mo-13Nb Biocompatible Alloy Sinara Borborema Gabriel (UFRJ), Emanuel Santos Junior (UFRJ), Carlos Angelo Nunes (USP), Jean Dille (ULB) and Glória Almeida Soares (UFRJ) H543 - Laser Surface Modification of Biomedical Ti-Mo Alloys: an in vivo study Nilson Tadeu Camarinho de Oliveira (IQ-Unesp- Araraquara), Vittoria Perroti (Univ di Chieti-Italia), Hewerson Santos Tavares (IQ-Unesp- Araraquara), Fernando Pozzi Semeghini Guastaldi (IQ-Unesp- Araraquara), Giovanna Iezzi (Univ di Chieti-Italia), Adriano Piattelli (Univ di Chieti-Italia) and Antonio Carlos Guastaldi (IQ-Unesp- Araraquara) H544 - Study of apatite deposition on several silicon nitride substrates Juliana Marchi (UFABC), Cecilia Chaves Guedes e Silva (CTMSP), Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo (FZEA-USP), Ana Helena de Almeida Bressiani (IPEN) and José Carlos Bressiani (IPEN) (IFSC-USP), Sérgio Augusto Catanzaro Guimarães (USC-Bauru), Gustavo Campos Belmonte (USC-Bauru), Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte (USC-Bauru), Angela Kinoshita (USC-Bauru), Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (FC-UNESP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (IFSCUSP) H556 - Scaffolds of Poli (εcaprolactone) with whiskers of hydroxyapatite. H548 - TGA/DSC characterization and drug release studies for a biocompatible material containing the drug ibuprofen encapsulated into polymeric cellulose acetate H557 - Study of Surface Free Energy in Titanium Heart Treating Andrea Cristina Pio Santos (IQ-USP) and Denise de Oliveira Silva (IQ-USP) H549 - Preparation, characterization, and biocompatibility of Ti15Mo alloy used as biomaterial José Roberto Severino Martins Júnior (Unesp), Raul Oliveira Araújo (Unesp), Carlos Roberto Grandini (Unesp), Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato (Usp) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (Unesp) H550 - New possible candidate for use as a basis for dental cement and biomaterial Alexandre Cestari (Unifran), Katia Jorge Ciuffi (Unifran), Paulo Sérgio Calefi (Unifran) and Eduardo Jose Nassar (Unifran) H551 - Evaluation of setting time, ions release, sealing ability and adhesion of a novel experimental endodontic cement JOÃO CARLOS SILOS MORAES (UNESP - ILHA SOLTEIRA) and ALAILSON DOMINGOS SANTOS (UNESP - ILHA SOLTEIRA) H545 - Cells adhesion and proliferation in chitosan membranes with hydroxyapatite coating H552 - Investigation of the action of acetyl groups of chitosan on phospholipid membrane models Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo (FZEA/USP), Hewerson Santos Tavares (IQ-Unesp- Araraquara) and Alexandre Félix Fraga (DEMa/UFSCar) Adriana pavinatto (USP), Jorge Augusto Delezuk (USP), Felippe José Pavinatto (USP), Sergio Paulo Campana-Filho (USP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) H546 - Sustained delivery system for Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) using Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) as matrix Rondinelli Donizetti Herculano (IFSC-USP), Cibele Ereno (USC-Bauru), Sérgio Augusto Catanzaro Guimarães (USC-Bauru), Angela Kinoshita (USCBauru), Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (FC-UNESP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (IFSC-USP) H547 - Metronidazole release using Natural Rubber Latex as matrix Rondinelli Donizetti Herculano 88 H554 - Dynamic elasticity modulus measured by mechanical spectroscopy of the Ti-Mo system Guinéa Brasil Camargo Cardoso (UNICAMP), Sergio Lopes Ramos (UFSC), Cecília Amélia de Carvalho Zavaglia (UNICAMP) and Antônio Celso Fonseca Arruda (UNICAMP) Haroldo Reis Alves Macêdo (UFRN), Marina de Oliveira Cardoso Macêdo (UFRN) and Clodomiro Alves Jr (UFRN) H558 - Surface modification of chitosan membranes by CH4 plasma Marina de Oliveira Cardoso Macêdo (UFRN), Haroldo Reis Alves Macêdo (UFRN), Márcia Rodrigues Pereira (UFRN) and Clodomiro Alves Jr (UFRN) H562 - Preparation, structural, and elastic characterization and biocompatibility of Ti-Nb alloys used as biomaterial Luciano Monteiro da Silva (UNESP), Angélica Castilho Paes (UNESP), Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato (USP), Carlos Roberto Grandini (UNESP) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (UNESP) H564 - Preparation, structural characterization, and biocompatibility of Ti-Ta alloys used as biomaterial Samira Lea Medina Ruiz (UNESP), Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato (USP), Carlos Roberto Grandini (UNESP) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (UNESP) H565 - Calculation of the Ceramic Material Parameters from the Destructions of the Hip Joint Endoprostheses Heads Vladimir Fuis (Brno University of Techn) and Martin Houfek (Brno University of Techn) H566 - Differences between the Stress and Reliability Analyses of the Ceramic Head of the Total Hip Joint Endoprosthesis with the Shape Deviations Renata Abdallah Nogueira (Unesp), Carlos Roberto Grandini (Unesp) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (Unesp) Vladimir Fuis (Brno University of Techno) H555 - Preparation, characterization, and biocompatibility of Ti-Zr alloys for biomedical applications H567 - Test Device for Hip Joint Endoprosthesis Cups Abrasion Tests and Experimental Evaluation of the Polyethylene Abrasion Fábio Bossoi Vicente (Unesp), Diego Rafael Nespeque Correa (Unesp), Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato (Unesp), Carlos Roberto Grandini (Unesp) and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro (Unesp) Martin Houfek (Brno University of Techn), Vladimir Fuis (Brno University of Techn) and Lubomir Houfek (FME BUT) H569 - Characterization of Octacalcium Phosphate Powder and Octacalcium Phosphate - Chitosan Scaffolds Cristiane Xavier Resende (UFRJ/PEMM), Ligia Lopes Fernandes (UFRJ/PEMM) and Glória Almeida Soares (UFRJ) H571 - Long-term implantation of zinc containing hydroxyapatite microspheres in rabbit tibia Rodrigo Figueiredo de Brito Resende (UFF), Mônica Diuana Calasans-Maia (UFF), Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) and Jose Mauro Granjeiro (UFF) H573 - The comparison of the corrosion resistance of advanced ferritic stainless steels by MottSchottky approach Rogério Albuquerque Marques (IPEN), Maysa Terada (EPUSP), Adonis Marcelo Saliba-Silva (IPEN), Angelo Fernando Padilha (EPUSP) and Isolda Costa (IPEN) H574 - Synthesis of biodegradable amphiphilic copolymers and their application as drug carriers Walker Soares Drumond (Universidade de São Paulo), Lilian Lacerda Almeida (Universidade de São Paulo) and Wang Shu Hui (Universidade de São Paulo) H575 - Study of the interface of biomaterials in osteoblastic culture Rodney Nascimento H577 - Biological behavior of the castor oil polyurethane containing zirconia and silica nanoparticles as graft for bone defect in the femoral diaphysis of rats Angela Sanches Tardivo Delben (UFMS), Renato Silva Nacer (UFMS), Rodrigo Ré Poppi (UFMS), Alexandre Nakao Odashiro (UNIDERP), Iandara Schettert Silva (UNIDERP), Baldomero Kato da Silva (UNIDERP) and Paulo de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho (UFS) H579 - Pore structure study of powder metallurgy titanium for surgical implants Marize Varella de Oliveira (INT), Alexandre Antunes Ribeiro (INT), Andrezza Barbosa Ramos de Castro (INT) and Luiz Carlos Pereira (UFRJ) H580 - Characterization and evaluation of the compression and diametrical traction resistance of restorative dental cement modified with fibers Maria Helena Santos (UFVJM), Lucas 89 Bruce Souza (UFVJM), Paulo Henrique Neves Santos (UFVJM), Rafael Menezes Silva (UFVJM), Vitor Cesar Dumont (UFVJM), Jussara de Fatima Barbosa Fonseca (UFVJM) and Ana Marcia Macedo Ladeira Carvalho (UFV) Gabriel Goetten Lima (UFPR), Eduardo Mioduski Szesz (UFPR), Gelson Biscaia de Souza (UFPR), Vitoldo Swinka Filho (UFPR), Paulo Cesar Soares Junior (PUCPR) and Neide Kazue Kuromoto (UFPR) H581 -ε-policaprolactone as Biomaterial for 3D Scaffold Produced by Rapid Prototyping H589 - Microencapsulation of bovine hemoglobin: entrapment efficiency using W/O/W double emulsion technique Ana Lívia Senedese (Unicamp), Jorge Lopes Silva (CTI), Paulo Inforçatti Neto (CTI), Vanessa Petrilli Bavaresco (Unicamp), André Luiz Jardini (Unicamp) and Rubens Maciel Filho (Unicamp) Felipe Fortes Lima (UFRJ), Cristina Tristão Andrade (UFRJ), Wang Shu Hui (Universidade de São Paulo) and Walker Soares Drumond (Universidade de S. Paulo) Wednesday, September 23 11:30 to 13:00 H582 - Composition and compression influence in physical-mechanical and microstructural properties of niobium - hydroxyapatite based composites. William Junior Nascimento (UFSCar), Walter Moreira Lima (UEM), Mauro Luciano Baesso (UEM) and Wilson Ricardo Weinand (UEM) H583 - A copper-isophatalate-bipyridine polymer: thermal analysis (TGA/DSC/MS) and studies about the capacity for incorporation of drugs Joao Henrique Aduan (IQ-USP) and Denise de Oliveira Silva (IQ-USP) H584 - Preparation and Surface Characterization of TiO2 Layers on Ti-6Al-4V by Anodic Oxidation Technique Maria Laura Vera (CONICET - UNaM), Alicia Esther Ares (CONICET - UNaM), Diego Germán Lamas (CONICET - CITEFA) and Carlos Enrique Schvezov (CONICET - UNaM) H585 - Mechanical properties and electrochemical impedance of austenitic stainless steel ASTM F138 and Ti7Nb6Al alloy André Itman Filho (IFES), Rosana Vilarim Silva (IFES) and Viviane Monteiro Azambuja (IFES) H586 - Hardness and elastic modulus of castor oil polyurethanes after gamma irradiation Elaine Cristina Azevedo (UTFPR), Danyel Scheidegger Soboll (UTFPR/CPGEI), Salvador Claro Neto (USP) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) H588 - Nucleation kinectics of the TiO2 anodic films obtained with sulphuric acid under galvanostatic mode 90 H593 - Electronic and vibrational properties of complexes of (4E)4-(4-metoxibenzilidenoamino)1,2-dihidro-2,3-dimetil-1-fenilpirazol-5-ona with Cu(II) and Zn(II) with Antiprotozoal Activity. Fabrício Moraes de Almeida (IF/UFMT), Marcos Brown Gonçalves (NANOMOL/USP), Ricardo Rodrigues França Bento (IF/UFMT), Rogério Junqueira Prado (IF/UFMT), Romildo Jerônimo Ramos (IF/UFMT), Luiz Everson da Silva (IQ/UFMT) and Helena Maria Petrilli (NANOMOL/USP) H595 - Silk fibroin hydrogels formed by addition of ethanol Mariana Agostini de Moraes (Unicamp), Mariana Ferreira Silva (Unicamp), Grínia Michelle Nogueira (Unicamp) and Marisa Masumi Beppu (Unicamp) H596 - Bioblends of anionic collagen with hyaluronic acid as scaffold to mesenchimal stem cell culture for tissue engineering application Sergio Akinobu Yoshioka (IQSC- USP), Cyndia Lancelotti (IQSC-USP), João Ferreira (FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu), Thaila I Wodewotzk (FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu), OCM Pereira-Junior (FMVZ-UNESPBotucatu) and FCL Alvarenga (FMVZUNESP-Botucatu) H597 - New trend of epoxy polymers. An in vitro biological properties of epoxy polymers for medical applications Filiberto González Garcia (UNIFEI), Maria Elena Leyva González (UNIFEI), Alvaro Antonio Alencar de Queiroz (UNIFEI) and Olga Zazuco Higa (IPENUSP) H598 - Influence of sterilization methods on the properties of porous silk fibroin membranes Raquel Farias Weska (UNICAMP), Andrea Cecilia Dorión Rodas (IPEN), Grínia Michelle Nogueira (UNICAMP) and Marisa Masumi Beppu (UNICAMP) H606 - Nanofibrous electrical conductive polymer composites of bacterial cellulose and polypyrrole H599 - Thermomechanical and Biocompatibility Properties of PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) Forming Blends Containing Natural Polymers as Additives Daliana Müller (UFSC / CTC / EMC), Derce de Oliveira Souza Recouvreux (UFSC /CTC /EQA), Luismar Marques Porto (UFSC /CTC /EQA), Guilherme Mariz de Oliveira Barra (UFSC / CTC / EMC) and Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC / CTC / EQA) Rebeca Delatore Simões (FCT-UNESP), Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Perez (University of Valladolid), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (University of Valladolid), Leonardo Marques (USC-Bauru), Angela Kinoshita (USC-Bauru) and Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente) H600 - Tailoring PHBV using variable propionate-glucose media to produce high valerate content copolymers in Chromobacterium violaceum cultures Claudimir Antonio Carminatti (UFSC), Derce de Oliveira Souza Recouvreux (UFSC), Regina Vasconcellos Antonio (UFSC) and Luismar Marques Porto (UFSC) H601 - Biodegradation studies on blends of PDLLA and PVP Valdir Mano (UFSJ) and Everton Luiz de Paula (UFSJ) H602 - Hydrogel: the influence of oxygen on the properties of PVP membranes Mara Tânia Silva Alcântara H603 - Evaluation of Resveratrol Incorporation in Hydrogel Matrices Roberta Grazzielli Ramos Alves Passarelli Momesso (IPEN), Patrick Jack Spencer (IPEN), José Maria de Sousa (IPEN), José Roberto Rogero (IPEN), Sizue Ota Rogero (IPEN) and Ademar Benévolo Lugão (IPEN) H604 - FTIR and Swelling of Chemically Crosslinked Chitosan Films Viviane Mota Bispo (UFMG), Alexandra A P Mansur (UFMG) and Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) H605 - Endothelization of a multilayered bacterial cellulosehydroxyapatite tissue engineering scaffold DERCE DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA RECOUVREUX (UFSC/CTC/EQA), FERNANDA VIEIRA BERTI (UFSC/CTC/EQA), CARLOS RENATO RAMBO (UFSC/CTC/EQA), PAULO FERNANDO DIAS (UFSC / CCB /BEG), REGINA VASCONCELLOS ANTONIO (UFSC / CCB/ BQA) and LUISMAR MARQUES PORTO (UFSC / CTC/ EQA) H608 - Differences in the cellular dynamic of two types of mineralizing cells given by the genetic expression. IVET GIL CHAVARRIA (IFUNAM F ODONTOLOGIA), Jose Reyes-Gasga (IFUNAM), HIGINIO ARZATE (F ODONTOLOGIA UNAM) and LUIS FELIPE JUMENEZ GARCIA (F CIENCIAS UNAM) H609 - Wear of TiO2 thin films deposited on a Ti-6Al-4V alloy via sol-gel technique Miguel Angel Alterach (CONICETUNaM), Pablo Cesar Favilla (CEDITeCCEDIT-UNaM), Mario Roberto Rosenberger (Conicet- UNaM), Alicia Esther Ares (Conicet- UNaM) and Carlos Enrique Schvezov (Conicet- UNaM) H610 - Osteointegration of poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyvalerate) pharmacological scaffolds incorporated with violacein: an in vivo study Clayton Miguel Costa (UFSC), Claudimir Antonio Carminatti (UFSC), Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC), Derce de Oliveira Souza Recouvreux (UFSC), Armando Jose dAcampora (UNISUL) and Luismar Marques Porto (UFSC) H611 - Porous implants obtained using gelatin through powder metallurgy Tamiye Simone Goia (IPEN), José Hélio Duvaizem (IPEN), Hidetoshi Takiishi (IPEN), José Carlos Bressiani (IPEN) and Ana Helena de Almeida Bressiani (IPEN) H614 - Synthesis of polymer systems containing anionic polyelectrolites and HIV-1 gag matrix protein fragments Ekaterina Nickolaevna Karaseva (IPS RAS), Alexander Vladimirovich Serbin (IPS RAS) and Igor Leonidovich Rodionov (BIBC RAS) H617 - Structural analysis of failures in lame-femoral implants of ASTM F-138 austenitic stainless steel Suzanny Cristina Soares Martins (CEFET-MG), Aline Silva Magalhães 91 (CEFET-MG) and Sidney Nicodemos Silva (CEFET-MG) Bressiani (IPEN), José Carlos Bressiani (IPEN) and Marcia Marques (FOUSP) H618 - Physical-chemical analysis of failures in lame-femoral prostheses of ASTM F-138 austenitic stainless steel H627 - Surface Characterization of Ti Sand Blasted for Medical Applications Aline Silva Magalhães (CEFET-MG), Suzanny Cristina Soares Martins (CEFET-MG) and Sidney Nicodemos Silva (CEFET-MG) Eduardo Mioduski Szesz (UFPR), Vinnius Hirdes Krüger (UFPR), Gelson Biscaia de Souza (UFPR) and Neide Kazue Kuromoto (UFPR) H619 - Rat mesenchymal stem cells and human adipose tissuederived stem cells biocompatibility of bioactive glass/PVA H628 - Investigations on Polyester Fabric Coated With Silver Using the Hollow Cathode Discharge Technique With Regard To Their Anti-Microbial Properties Viviane Silva Gomide (UFMG), Alessandra Arcoverde Cavalcanti Zonari (UFMG), Silviene Novikoff (UFMG), Alfredo de Miranda Goes (UFMG) and Marivalda de Magalhaes Pereira (UFMG) Michelle Cequeira Feitor (IFPI), Thercio Henrique de Carvalho Costa (IFPI), Clodomiro Alves Jr (Labplasma/UFRN), Silvia Regina Batistuzo Medeiros (LGBM/UFRN) and Maria Beatriz Mesquita Cansanção Felipe (LGBM/UFRN) H620 - Evaluation of the stability of face coated molds for investment castings of titanium H629 - Scaffolds Based on SiDoped-Α-Tcp Cement for Tissue Engineering Applications Fabricated by Indirect 3D Printing Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMA-UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar), Regis Daniel Cava (DEMA-UFSCar) and Diego Pedreira Oliveira (PPGCEM - UFSCar) H621 - Failure Mechanisms in Adherence of Fiberglass Posts to Dentine Martina Cecilia Avalos (CONICET), Diana Medina (UNR) and Andrea Kaplan (UBA) H623 - Tissue behavior in response to alginate-hydroxyapatite-capsul containing membrane cristina jardelino lima (UFF), Driely Rodrigues Gomes (UFF), Igor Iuco CastroSilva (UFF), Maria Helena Rocha-Leão (UFRJ), Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) and Jose Mauro Granjeiro (UFF) André Luiz Jardini H630 - Soy Protein Isolate and Poly(lactide acid) Biodegradable Blends for Controlled Release of NPK Fertilizer Luciane Calabria (UCS), Vanessa Schmidt (UCS) and Irajá Nascimento Filho (UCS) H631 - Physico-chemical analyses of distintc chitosan and their potential as quantum dots biocompatibilization agents Thatiana Montenegro Stamford (UFPE), Denise Azevedo Tenorio (UFPE), Rebeca Moura Nascimento (UFPE), Thayza Montenegro Stamford (UFPB), Beate Saegesser Santos (UFPE), Adriana Fontes (UFPE) and Patrícia Albuquerque farias (UFPE) H625 - Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of pure hydroxyapatite and associated with gentamicin H632 - FTIR studies of Fluorapatite coatings produced by opposing magnetron sputtering Christiane Philippini Ferreira Borges (PPGQA/UEPG), Fernando Ribeiro Ferreira (PPGQA/UEPG), Fabiane S Santos (UEPG), Fabio André Santos (UEPG), Sandra Regina Masetto Antunes (PPGQA/UEPG), Augusto Celso Antunes (PPGQA/UEPG) and Andre Vitor Chaves Andrade (PPGQA/UEPG) H634 - Photo – Polimerizable and Injectable Polyurethanes for Biomedical Applications: In Vivo Tests H626 - Cell proliferation of human fibroblasts on calcium phosphate based ceramics Juliana Marchi (UFABC), Christiane Ribeiro (IPEN), Ana Helena de Almeida 92 Elvis Elvis lopez, Bermudez Rafael Pujada (CBPF) and Alexandre Mello (CBPF) Eliane Ayres (UFMG), Ildeu Lazarinni Pereira (UFMG) and Rodrigo Lambert Oréfice (UFMG) H635 - Characterization of a pulsed laser deposition Hydroxyapatite thin films grown, using a grazing incidence x-ray diffraction from synchrotron radiation. Hugo Millward Riani Luna (UFRJ), Gustavo Paganini Canal (CBPF), Alexandre Mello (CBPF), Alexandre Malta Rossi (CBPF) and Ricardo Magnus Galvao (CBPF) H636 - Mechanical Properties of Alginate Hydrogel for Biofabrication Rodrigo Alvarenga Rezende (UNICAMP-BRAZIL), Paulo Jorge Bártolo (IPL-PORTUGAL), Ausenda Mendes (IPL-PORTUGAL) and Rubens Maciel Filho (UNICAMP-BRAZIL) H638 - Hydroxyapatite precipitation on sand dollar skeleton coated by bacterial cellulose Aline Manteiga Barreiro (UFSC) and Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC) H639 - Nanoscale Structure of High Strength Poly(ethylene glycol)/Poly(acrylic acid) Interpenetrating Network Hydrogels from Small Angle Scattering Dale Waters (Stanford University), Kristin Engberg (Stanford University), Rachel Parke-Houben (Stanford University), Michael Toney (SSRL) and Curtis Frank (Stanford University) H640 - Synchrotron-based X-Ray Computed Tomography (SRµCT) imaging of Crack propagation in Human Cortical Bone Holly Dana Barth (UC Berkeley, LBNL), Alastair A MacDowell (LBNL) and Robert O Ritchie (UC Berkeley, LBNL) (SIN), Ariel Lenharo (SIN) and Jose Mauro Granjeiro (UFF) H644 - In vitro biocompatibility evaluation of Polyhydroxybutirate (PHB) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) nanofiber meshes using human adipose derived stem cells Alessandra Arcoverde Cavalcanti Zonari (UFMG), Silviene Novikoff (UFMG), Albino Martins (IBB), Rui Luís Reis (IBB) and Alfredo Miranda Góes (UFMG) H645 - Chitosan scaffold and mesenchymal stem cells: a tissue engineering purpose Natália Martins Breyner (UFMG) and Alfredo Miranda Góes (UFMG) H646 - Characterization of chitosan modification by hydrogen plasma Marina de Oliveira Cardoso Macêdo (UFRN), Haroldo Reis Alves Macêdo (UFRN), Zilvam Melo dos Santos (UFERSA), Márcia Rodrigues Pereira (UFRN) and Clodomiro Alves Jr (UFRN) H647 - Physico-chemical and cell adhesion and differentiation study of 3 coralline species partially transformed to hydroxyapatite Gema Gonzalez (IVIC), Rafael Villalba (IVIC), Karem Noris-Suarez (USB), Ana Hilda Marquez (USB), Alpidio Boada Sucre (USR) and Sonia Camero (UCV) H641 - Bioactive Molecule (Pravastatin) incorporated in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanomaterials Vanessa Rodrigues Cunha (IQ-USP) and Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino (IQ-USP) H642 - Polyurethanes obtained from Momonas (Ricinus communis) oil Arthur Francisco de Paiva Alcântara (UFPI), Germana Santos Paiva (UFPI), Fernando Matos Borges (UFPI), Nouga Cardoso Batista (UFPI), Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI), Sidney Gonçalo de Lima (UFPI) and José Milton Elias de matos (UFPI) H643 - Freeze-dried collagen membrane from porcine intestinal submucosa: a new promise of biological barrier for guided tissue regeneration cristina jardelino lima (UFF), Igor Iuco Castro-Silva (UFF), Driely Rodrigues Gomes (UFF), Esther Rieko Takamori 93 Session chair: Valtencir Zucolotto Hameed A Al Attar (OEM/University of Durham) and Andrew Monkman (OEM/University of Durham) 09:30 - 10:00 12:00 - 12:15 PI3 (invited) - Single molecule biodetection and multi-modality in single walled carbon nanotube optical sensors I515 - Novel multi-walled carbon nanotubes paste electrode modified with Prussian blue: spectroelectrochemical study and its application as a hydrogen peroxide biosensor Wednesday, September 23 Michael S . Strano (MIT) 10:00 - 10:15 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM I New Materials and Processes for Sensing and Biosensing I600 - Chemical Vapor Detection using Conducting Polymers S P Surwade (UMASS - Lowell), V Dua (UMASS - Lowell), S Agnihotra (UMASS - Lowell), S Ammu (UMASS Lowell) and Sanjeev Manohar (UMASS - Lowell) 10:15 - 10:30 I519 - Transport properties of nanoporous 1,2-PB membranes with tunable hydrophilicity for use in biosensors LI LI (DTU) and Sokol Ndoni (DTU) 10:30 - 10:45 Auditorium: Segóvia II Simposium Organizers: Valtencir Zucolotto (USP, Brazil) Santiago Sanchez-Cortes (CSIC, Spain) Sanjeev Manohar (U. of Massachusetts, USA) Lauro Tatsuo Kubota (Unicamp, Brazil) I571 - Spatial Organization of Peptide Nanotubes for Electrochemical Devices Thiago Carvalho Cipriano (UFABC), Rondes Ferreira Silva (UFABC), Wendel Andrade Alves (UFABC), Pedro Mitshuo Takahashi (UFABC) and Vani Oliveira Júnior (UFABC) 10:45 - 11:00 I575 - Towards structured-fibre based porphyrin gas sensors George Huyang (University of Sydney), Mattias L Aslund (University of Sydney), John Canning (University of Sydney), Tony Khoury (University of Sydney), Maxwell J Crossley (University of Sydney) and Cicero Martelli (Uni Cath Rio de Janeniro) I525 - Novel carbon-film-sputtercoated piezoelectric quartz crystals for electrochemical studies Edilson Moura Pinto (Universidade de Coimbra), Carla Gouveia-Caridade (Universidade de Coimbra), David Mendez Soares (IFGW-UNICAMP) and Christopher M A Brett (Universidade de Coimbra) 12:30 - 12:45 I535 - Effect of MgO nanotubes addition on oxygen sensing properties of hot-spot-based Ho123 ceramic rods Ahmad Kamal Yahya (Universiti Teknologi MARA) and Laila Hanim Idrus (Universiti Teknologi MARA) 12:45 - 13:00 I567 - Computational Investigation on the Carbohydrate Binding Site of Frutalin Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima (USP - São Paulo), Marcos Brown Gonçalves (USP - São Paulo), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP - São Carlos) and Helena Maria Petrilli (USP - São Paulo) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: Pierre Labbé 09:30 - 10:00 Coffee Break PI2 (invited) - SERS of Biological Materials. From Amino Acids to Human Tissues 11:30 - 12:00 94 12:15 - 12:30 11:00 - 11:30 Session chair: Sanjeev Manohar Health and biological materials Edson Nossol (UFPR) and Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR) PI4 (invited) - Single nucleotide polymorphism detection using conjugated polymer/surfactant system and peptide nucleic acid and the myriad excitation quenching channels. Marcelo M Campos - Vallette (University of Chile), Alvaro E Aliaga Ceron (University of Chile) and Ernesto R Clavijo (University of Chile) 10:00 - 10:15 I509 - Optically Trappable Nanoprobes for Surface Enhanced Ra- 95 man Scattering: Detection of Trace Quantities of Drugs in Cells Stefan Balint (Safarik Univ, Slovakia), Mark Kreuzer (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain), Satish Rao (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain), Goncal Badenes (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain), Pavol Miskovsky (P J Safarik University) and Dmitri Petrov (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) I529 - Magnetic nanoparticles as new labels for biosensing directly in living organisms Maxim Petrovich Nikitin (MIPT), Petr Mikhailovich Vetoshko (IRE RAS), Nikolay Antonovich Brusentsov (Oncocenter RAMS) and Petr Ivanovich Nikitin (GPI RAS) 12:15 - 12:30 10:15 - 10:30 I521 - Enhanced Raman and Fluorescence by Metal Nanostructures Vincenzo Giannini (IEM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain), Rogelio Rodriguez-Oliveros (IEM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain), Irene Izquierdo-Lorenzo (IEM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain), Jose Vicente Garcia-Ramos (IEM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain), Jose Antonio Sanchez-Gil (IEM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain), Otto Muskens (AMOLF, The Netherlands) and Jaime Gomez-Rivas (AMOLF, The Netherlands) 10:30 - 10:45 I526 - Characterization of the Magnitude Impedance of Ribbon-Shaped GMI Samples and their use in Transducers aimed at Biomedical Applications Eduardo Costa da Silva (PUC-Rio), Luiz Antônio Pereira de Gusmão (PUC-Rio), Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa (PUCRio) and Elisabeth Costa Monteiro (PUC-Rio) I594 - Synthesis and Characterization of Antibody Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles for Medical Applications Mayara Klimuk Uchiyama (IQ-USP), Koiti Araki (IQ-USP), Walter Colli (IQ-USP) and Maria Julia Manso Alves (IQ-USP) I508 - (Bio-)Chemical Sensors based on Field-Effect Devices Functionalized with Carbon Nanotubes José Roberto Siqueira Jr (USP), Arshak Poghossian (FH Aachen), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP), Michael J Schoening (FH Aachen) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) 12:30 - 12:45 I511 - Promising dendrimers for biosensors construction Alessandra Nogueira Santos (UFMG), Alvaro Antonio Alencar de Queiroz (UNIFEI) and Juan Pedro Bretas Roa (UFMG) 12:45 - 13:00 I597 - How does metallophthalocyanine molecule catalyze redox reaction at a supramolecular level? Frank Nelson Crespilho (UFABC) 13:00 - 14:30 I505 - Two-Photon Absorbing Nanocrystal Sensors for Ratiometric Detection of Oxygen Emily Jane McLaurin (MIT), Andrew B Greytak (MIT), Moungi G Bawendi (MIT) and Daniel G Nocera (MIT) Coffee Break I534 - Chalcogenide Glass Microlenses Fabrication for Sensing Devices PI1 (invited) - Biosensing applications of multifunctionnal nanosized biomolecular devices Eric Sanchez (The City College of NY) and Craig B Arnold (Princeton University) 15:15 - 15:30 labbe pierre andre (ujf-grenoble), basit hajra hajra (ujf-grenoble), sandrin ludivine ludivine (ujf-grenoble), murat pierre pierre (ujf-grenoble), guerente liliane liliane (ujf-grenoble), van der heyden angeline angeline (ujfgrenoble) and renaudet olivier olivier (ujf-grenoble) I536 - High refractive index silica-titania glass for optical fiber sensoring of liquid fuels 12:00 - 12:15 I570 - Reflection-based Au 96 I576 - Novel low-loss high-temperature stable strong fibre Bragg gratings Mattias L Aslund (University of Sydney), John Canning (University of Sydney), Michael Stevenson (University of Sydney), Mattias Cook (University of Sydney) and Cicero Martelli (Uni Cath Rio de Janeniro) I578 - Synchrotron radiation induced persistent luminescence of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,R3+ jorma P K Holsa (DQ/UTu), Hermi Felinto Brito (IQ/USP-SP), Lucas Carvalho Velozo Rodrigues (IQ/USP-SP), Mika Lastusaari (University of Turku) and Taneli Laamanen (University of Turku/GSMR) 16:15 - 16:30 I589 - Silicon Nano-tube fabrication by Using a Macroporous Silicon as Starting Material Walter Jaimes Salcedo (Escola Politécnica - USP) and Danilo Roque Huanca (Escola Politécnica da USP) Friday, September 25 14:45 - 15:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00 15:45 - 16:00 Rodrigues Lima (Unicamp) and Auro Atsuchi Tanaka (UFMA) 10:30 - 10:45 I587 - Carbon paste electrode modified with pine kernel peroxidase immobilized on pegylated polyurethane nanoparticles for dopamine detection Maurícia Bedin Fritzen-Garcia (UFSC), Inês Rosane Oliveira (UFSC), Betina Ghiel Zanetti-Ramos (UFSC), Orlando Fatibello-Filho (UFSCar), Valdir Soldi (UFSC), Andre Avelino Pasa (UFSC) and Tânia Beatriz Creczynski - Pasa 10:45 - 11:00 I595 - 3-n-propyl-1-azonia-4azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane silsesquioxane chloride: Simultaneous voltammetric determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid Jacqueline Arguello (UNICAMP), Hérica Aparecida Magosso (UNICAMP), Andre Ricardo Ramos (UNICAMP) and Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP) Poster Session I New Materials and Processes for Sensing and Biosensing Room: Louvre Session chair: Frank Crespilho 15:00 - 15:15 Session chair: Lauro Kubota Paula M P Gouvêa (PUC-Rio), Michael Fokine (KTH, Suécia), Isabel C S Carvalho (PUC-Rio), Marco Cremona (PUCRio) and Arthur M B Braga (PUC-Rio) 16:00 - 16:15 Lunch 10:45 - 11:00 surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor Eduardo Ono (Unicamp), Juliana Santiago dos Santos (Unicamp) and Carlos Kenichi Suzuki (Unicamp) 15:30 - 15:45 Session chair: Santiago Sanchez Cortez Tuesday, September 22 11:30 to 13:00 09:30 - 10:00 I501 - Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Material as a Diaphragm for Micropump Devices PI5 (invited) - Nanoparticles for DNA and protein analysis José Santos (IST), Bruno Lopes (IST) and Paulo Costa Branco (IST) Arben Merkoçi 10:00 - 10:15 I539 - Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(pyrrole) Nanopores and Nanowires and Application as Ammonia Sensors Mariana Pereira Massafera (IQUSP), Catherine Debiemme-Chouvy (LISE-UPR15-CNRS) and Susana Inés Córdoba de Torresi (IQ-USP) 10:15 - 10:30 I569 - Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Catalyst and its Application for Amperometric Sensor Lauro Tatsuo Kubota (Unicamp), José Ribamar Neto (UFMA), Wilney de Jesus Santos (Unicamp), Phabyanno I503 - Application of semiconductor sensors for noninvasive diagnostics Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova (PracticNC), Maxim Vasilievich Chuprin (Practic-NC), Sergey Arkadievich Krutovertsev (Practic-NC), Alexander Victorovich Pislyakov (Practic-NC), Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Shevchenko (Practic-NC), Vladimir Valentinovich Kalinovsky (VNIIEF) and Vladimir Vladimirovich Konovalov (VNIIEF) I504 - New polyphthalocyanines in medical diagnostics: development of H2O2 detection Sergey Arkadievich Krutovertsev (Practic-NC), Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova (Practic-NC), Maxim Vasilievich Chuprin (Practic-NC), Alla Ilinichna 97 methyl-chitosan nanowires arrays. I506 - SiO2/SnO2 Mixed Oxide: Characterization and Aplication in electrochemical sensor Celina Massumi Miyazaki (UFABC), Adriana Pavinatto (USP), Felippe José Pavinatto (USP), Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC), Carla Eiras (UFPI), Antonio Riul Jr (UFSCar) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) Cristian Vera Oyarce (USACH), Maritza Páez Collio (USACH), Jorge Pavez Irrazaval (USACH), Carlo Silva Molina (USACH) and Esteban Vargas Rojas (USACH) Lucas Samuel Soares dos Santos (UNICAMP) and Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP) I518 - Planar Hall Effect in amorphous ribbons of Co75Fe5Si15B10 Sherle (Institute of Chem Phys) and Eduard Federovich Oleinik (Institute of Chem Phys) I507 - Characterization of Encapsulated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Immunoassays by a Modular Hall Magnetometer Jefferson Ferraz Araújo (PUC-Rio), Antonio Carlos O Bruno (PUC-Rio) and Sonia Renaux Wanderley Louro (PUC-Rio) I510 - Active waveguides made from porous anodic alumina filled with luminescent polymer: an optical sensor proposition Francisco Trivinho Strixino (UFSCarSorocaba), Haroldo Guerra (IFSC-USP), Caroline Sanz Gomes (UFSCar), Ernesto Chaves Pereira (UFSCar) and Francisco Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC-USP) I512 - Electrochemical characterization of electroactive nanocomposites containing cashew gum (Anacardium occidentale L) and modified polyaniline Sergio Bitencourt Araújo Barros (UFPI), Cleide Maria Leite de Souza (UFPI), José Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior (UFPI), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Carla Eiras (UFPI) I513 - Evaluation of a Ni-Zn ferrite for use in temperature sensors Vera Lúcia Othéro de Brito (IEAv), Luis Fernando Alves de Almeida (UNIVAP), Anderson Kenji Hirata (IEAv) and Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano (IEAv) I514 - Complex permittivity and permeability of a Ni-Zn ferrite at different temperatures in the 501500-MHz range Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano (IEAv), André Luiz Côrtes (IEAv), Vera Lúcia Othéro de Brito (IEAv) and Ricardo Teixeira de Carvalho (IEAv) I516 - Characterization of Nanostructured Films to be Applied in Biosensors for Glucose and Sucrose Rafael Furlan Oliveira (UNESP), Marli Leite Moraes (UFSCar) and Marystela Ferreira (UFSCar) I517 - Layer-by-layer films of latex, natural gum and carboxy98 Lidice Pereira Gonçalves (DACI-IFPE) and Fernando Luiz de Araujo Machado (DF-UFPE) I520 - Ascorbic acid electro-oxidation by modified electrodes: Ppy and Ppy/Ni(OH)2 films Marcelo Rodrigues Da Silva (UNESP) I522 - Detection of Polychlorinated Pesticides by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Silver Nanoparticles Functionalized with a,ω-Aliphatic Diamines Santiago Sanchez - Cortes (IEM (CSIC)), Luca Guerrini (IEM(CSIC)), IRENE IZQUIERDO-LORENZO (IEM (CSIC)), Jose Vicente Garcia-Ramos (IEM (CSIC)) and Concepcion Domingo (IEM(CSIC)) I523 - Synthesis of SiO2/C-graphite mesoporous ceramic material and theirelectrochemical study Abdur Rahim (UNICAMP), Leliz Ticona Arenas (UNICAMP), Sergio Bitencourt Araújo Barros (UNICAMP) and Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP) I524 - Nanostructured hydroxyapataite coating on monocrystalline silicon for BioMEMS Luci Cristina de Oliveira Vercik (FEMUNICAMP), Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo (FZEA-USP), Andrés Vercik (FZEAUSP) and Cecília Amélia de Carvalho ZAvaglia (FEM-UNICAMP) I527 - Novel biosensor combining conductimetric technique with a MOSFET transducer Andrés Vercik (ZAB-FZEA-USP) I528 - Gelatin films crosslinking with glutaraldehyde for use in biosensors: influence of the concentration and the reticulation time Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo (FZEA/ USP), Andrezza Hércules Devitto (FZEA/ USP), Lucas Mira Buzone (FZEA/USP), Alessandro Granato (UNIVAP), Cristina Pacheco Soares (UNIVAP), Luci Cristina de Oliveira Vercik (FEM-UNICAMP) and Andrés Vercik (FZEA/USP) I530 - Transducers based on gold I531 - Low-cost biosensors based on tyrosinase for analyzing phenols in aqueous media elmer augusto cueva guevara (PUCRio), Cassia Ribeiro Ponciano (PUC-Rio) and Sonia Renaux Wanderley Louro (PUC-Rio) I542 - Equivalence of Native and Recombinant ArtinM-Carbohydrates Recognition Evaluated by Eletrogravimetric Technique I532 - Polypyrrole composite films prepared by Square Wave Cyclic Voltammetry Naira Canevarolo Pesquero (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Mariele Mucio Pedroso (UFSCar, São Carlos), Ronaldo Censi Faria (UFSCar, São Carlos) and Maria Cristina Roque Barreira (FMRP, USP) Nam-Thang Pham (INRS-EMT), Ana Correia Tavares (INRS-EMT) and Le Dao (INRS-EMT) I543 - Mercuric iodide crystals for X- and gamma- rays detectors. Rodrigo Lins Pagliai (IFSC-USP) and Débora Gonçalves (IFSC-USP) I533 - SiO2/Nb2O5/graphite carbon ceramic conducting material: preparation, characterization, and its use as electrochemical sensor for 4-aminophenol leliz Ticona Arenas (UNICAMP), Thiago da Cruz Canevari (UNICAMP) and Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP) I537 - Incorporation of Ag Nanoparticles into Membrane Mimetic Systems Composed by Phospholipid Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Films to Achieve Surfaceenhanced Raman Scattering as a Tool in Drug Interaction Studies Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki (FCTUNESP), Priscila Alessio (FCT-UNESP), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (University of Valladolid) and Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (FCT-UNESP) I538 - Taking the Advantage of Electrostatic Interactions to Grow Langmuir-Blodgett Films Containing Multilayers of DPPG Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki (FCTUNESP), Priscila Alessio (FCT-UNESP), Maria Luz Rodríguez Méndez (University of Valladolid), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (University of Valladolid) and Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (FCT-UNESP) I540 - Preparation of carbon ceramic electrodes using different carbon materials Christiana Andrade Pessoa (UEPG), Tatiane Skeika (UEPG), Cristiane Zuconelli (UEPG), Fernanda Moreira (UEPG) and Sérgio Toshio Fujiwara (UNICENTRO) I541 - Fluorescent photoproducts of phenothiazine derivatives: a possible application of oxygen sensing based on photodegradation Julio Cesar Ugucioni (FFCLRP-USP) and Marcelo Mulato (FFCLRP-USP) I545 - UV-Vis and QCM analyses of 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin and tetraphenylporphyrin cobalt LB films for chemosensing applications Nelicio Faria de Sales (UFMG) and Herman Sander Mansur (UFMG) I546 - Investigation on the Bactericidal Effects of Silver-Chitosan Nanobiocomposites Elias Berni (IFSC - USP), Valtencir Zucolotto (IFSC - USP) and Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (Cnpdia-Embrapa) I547 - Electric characterization by current-voltage curves in samples of human DNA with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Carlos Augusto Andrade (Universidad del Cauca), Carlos Andres Mendez (Universidad del Cauca), Leonardo Salazar (Universidad del Cauca), Gilberto Bolaños (Universidad del Cauca), Jesus Cabrera (Universidad de Nariño) and Patricia Velez (Universidad del Cauca) I548 - Design of a Nanobiosensor using Molecular Modeling Techniques Eduardo de Faria Franca (USP/UFSCar), Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP), Eduardo Martins Lopes (USCar), Luiz Carlos Gomide Freitas (UFSCar) and Fábio Lima Leite (UFSCar) I549 - Force spectroscopy for Citrus Tristeza Virus antigen/antibody immobilized at SiOx surface Alberto Luís Dario Moreau (IFGW/ UNICAMP), Luís Antônio Peroni (IB/UNICAMP), José Raimundo Ribeiro dos Reis (IB/UNICAMP), Dagmar Ruth Stach-Machado (IB/UNICAMP) and 99 Mônica Alonso Cotta (IFGW/UNICAMP) I550 - Influence of Polyelectrolyte on the Electrochemical Response of Single- Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Modified Electrodes for Biosensing Leonardo Eidi Okamoto Iwaki (USP), Juliano Elvis Oliveira (UFSCar), Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki (FCT-UNESP), Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) I551 - Immobilization of Single Walled carbon nanotubes on conducting polymers modified electrodes Juliano Elvis Oliveira (UFSCar), Leonardo Eidi Okamoto Iwaki (USP), Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki (FCT-UNESP), Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa) I552 - The interaction of water with Langmuir films of amphiphilic amines as a function of pH probed by π-A isotherms and SFG spectroscopy Thiers Massami Uehara (IFSC-USP) and Paulo Barbeitas Miranda (IFSCUSP) I553 - Microwave assisted synthesis of nanostructured oxides and their applications Ana Gabriela Leyva (CNEA-UNSAM), Joaquin Gonzalo Sacanell (CNEA-CONICET), Javier Curiale (CONICET-CNEA), Horacio E Troiani (CONICET-CNEA), Mara Granada (CONICET-CNEA), Rodolfo Daniel Sanchez (CONICET-CNEA) and Pablo LEVY (CNEA and CONICET) I554 - Structural Characterization of Cobalt Tetrasulfonated Phthalocyanine Immobilized in Nanostructured Thin Films Lilian Maria Pessôa da Cruz Centurion (USP), Wania da Conceição Moreira (UFSCar) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) I555 - Polyaniline nanofibers obtained by pressurized fluid toward gas sensors construction Clarice Steffens (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Alexandra Manzoli (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Rafaella T Paschoalin (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Elton Franceschi (URI - Campus de Erechim), Fernanda Castilhos Corazza (URI - Campus de Erechim), Jose Vladimir Oliveira (URI - Campus de Erechim) and Paulo Sergio de Paula Herrmann 100 (Cnpdia-Embrapa) I556 - Immobilization of Tyrosinase in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films for biosensing Felippe José Pavinatto (USP - IFSC), Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes (USP - IFSC), Maria Luz Rodríguez Méndez (UVa - ETSII), Jose Antonio de Saja Saez (UVa - FC), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP - IFSC) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP - IFSC) I557 - The substrate effect in the developing disposable sensor using line patterning technique of graphite Alexandra Manzoli (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Clarice Steffens (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Rafaella T Paschoalin (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Pedro Cezar Zavitoski (CnpdiaEmbrapa) and Paulo Sergio de Paula Herrmann (Cnpdia-Embrapa) I558 - Structural and Topographical Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Immobilized on Lipid Monolayers: Applications as Biomembrane Models Juliana Carlos Cancino (IQSC/IFSCUSP), Thatyane Morimoto Nobre (IFSC-USP), Sergio Spinola Machado (IQSC-USP) and Valtencir Zucolotto (IFSC-USP) I559 - Structural characteristics and properties of nanocrystalline WO3/TiO2-based powders and thin films for humidity sensors Sonia M Zanetti (Sencer Ltda), Mariane Santos do Carmo (LIEC/UFSCar), Adenilson José Chiquito (DF/UFSCar) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) I560 - Piezoresistive Response of ITO films deposited at room Temperature by Magnetron Sputtering Luiz Antonio Rasia (Escola Politécnica), Ronaldo Domingues Mansano (Escola Polit?ica - USP), Larissa Rodrigues Damiani (Escola Politécnica - USP) and Carlos Eduardo Viana (Escola politécnica) I562 - Multipolymeric planar optical waveguides for wavelength converters and biosensing application Francisco E Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC/ USP), Mike Melo do Vale (IFSC/USP), Nirton Cristi Vieira (IFSC/USP), José Roberto Tozoni (IFSC/USP) and Leni Campos Akcelrud (UFPR) I563 - Molecular Interactions and Assembly of the Antimicrobial Peptide Indolicidin in Layer-By- Layer Films Luiz Carlos Salay (USP) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) I564 - Study of polyaniline films morphological properties with AFM in optical pH sensors Rafaella T Paschoalin (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Clarice Steffens (Cnpdia-Embrapa), Alexandra Manzoli (Cnpdia-Embrapa) and Paulo Sergio de Paula Herrmann (Cnpdia-Embrapa) Mylena Pinto Nascimento (UFPE), Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE), Petrucio Barrozo da Silva (UFPE), Ana Augusta Mendonca Oliveira (UFPE) and José Albino Oliveira de Aguiar (UFPE) I579 - Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Stabilization, Characterizations and Applications Valéria Spolon Marangoni (IFSC-USP), Valtencir Zucolotto (IFSC-USP) and Frank Nelson Crespilho (UFABC) I565 - Synthesis, characterization and functionalization of magnetic nanoflowers I580 - Development of planar microfluxgates using FeNi and FeNiCo electrodeposited cores Paulina Elena Lloret (INTI), Carlos Moina (INTI), Gloria Longinotti (INTI), Gabriel Omar Ybarra (INTI) and Leandro Socolovsky (UBA) Tobias Heimfarth (FFCLRP-USP) and Marcelo Mulato (FFCLRP-USP) I566 - Stability study of conducting polymers as gas sensors John Paul Hempel Lima (EPUSP) and Adnei Melges Andrade (EPUSP, IEE-USP) I568 - The Relative Humidity and Electrical Field Effect in the Electrical Properties of Ceramic System SiO2-Fe2O3-MoO3 Added of Nb2O5 Mauro Miguel Costa (UFMT), Tatiana Sainara Maia Fernandes (UFC), Marcelo Antonio Silva (UFC), Antonio Sergio Bezerra Sombra (UFC) and Cléber Cândido Silva (UFC) I572 - Columnar structures of polypyrrole for solid-phase microextraction Éverton Fabian Jasinski (UFSC), Maria Luisa Sartorelli (UFSC), Eduardo Carasek (UFSC) and Kalya di Pietro Roux (UFSC) I573 - Polyaniline/Gold Nanoparticles: Assembly and Biological Applications Raimundo Rômulo Martins Júnior (UFPE), Cesar Augusto Sousa de Andrade (UFPE), Kleber Gonçalves Alves (UFPE) and Celso Pinto de Melo (UFPE) I574 - Titanium oxide films as sensitive membrane in field effect devices Angélica Denardi de Barros (UNICAMP), Juliana Miyoshi (UNICAMP), Kátia Franklin Albertin (USP) and José Alexandre Diniz (UNICAMP) I577 - Studies of structural, microstructural, electrical and magnetic properties of REFeO3 (RE = Gd, Eu, Sm) I581 - Kinetics and Stability Studies of PPID/NiTsPC LbL Films as pH Sensitive Membrane Nirton Cristi Vieira (IFSC-USP), Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes (IFSC-USP), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP), Alvaro Antonio Alencar de Queiroz (UNIFEI) and Francisco E Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC-USP) I582 - EGFET nanostructured manganase oxide and carbon nanotubes as pH sensors Gláucio Ribeiro Silva , Luciano Andrey Montoro (LNLS), José Maurício Rosolen and Marcelo Mulato I583 - A new chemical sensor for NADH based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes and xanthurenic acid Francisco de Assis dos Santos Silva (UFAL), Cleylton Bezerra Lopes (UFAL), Erivaldo Oliveira Costa (UFAl), paulo Rogério Miranda (UFAL), Marilia Oliveira Fonseca Goulart (UFAL), Phabyanno Rodrigues Lima (Unicamp) and Lauro Tatsuo Kubota (Unicamp) I584 - New nanostructured platforms based on niclosamide immobilized on multi-wall carbon-nanotubes for electrocatalytic NADH oxidation Francisco de Assis dos Santos Silva (UFAL), Cleylton Bezerra Lopes (UFAL), Fabiane Caxico Abreu (UFAL), Marilia Oliveira Fonseca Goulart (UFAL), Phabyanno Rodrigues Lima (Unicamp) and Lauro Tatsuo Kubota (Unicamp) I585 - Eletrodetection of oligonucleotide hybridization on poly(4-aminophenol) Cristina Honorato Castro (UFU), Alex Ander Oliveira (UFU), Erick Guimarães França (UFU), João Marcos Madurro (UFU) and Ana Graci Brito-Madurro 101 (UFU) I599 - Porous Silica for Proteomic Applications I586 - Immobilization of Carbon Nanotubes, Cobalt phthalocyanine and Chitosan in Layer-by-Layer Films: A Strategy for Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry Study Ennio Tasciotti (Institute for Molecular M) ROBERTO ALVES DE SOUSA LUZ (UFPI), WELTER CANTANHÊDE DA SILVA (UFPI), MARCCUS VICTOR ALMEIDA MARTINS (UFPI), FRANK NELSON CRESPILHO (UFABC), JOSÉ ROBERTO SIQUEIRA JR (USP), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) I602 - Microfabricated of polypyrrole biosensors based on immobilization of tyrosinase for phenolic compounds detection in strawberry André Brisolari (IFSC-USP), Valquiria Cruz Rodrigues (IFSC-USP), Juliana Coatrini Soares (IFSC-USP) and Débora Gonçalves (IFSC-USP) I588 - The Use of a PANI/CaraiaGum Composite in Electrochemical Sensor for Herbicide Quantifications I604 - Enzymatic activity of biosensors based on polypyrrole/ urease matrices for urea detection in milk samples Karen Wohnrath (UEPG), Dyovani Coelho (UEPG), Jarem Raul Garcia (UEPG), Christiana Andrade Pessoa (UEPG) and Carla Eiras (UFPI) Juliana Coatrini Soares (IFSC-USP), André Brisolari (IFSC-USP), Valquiria Cruz Rodrigues (IFSC-USP) and Débora Gonçalves (IFSC-USP) I590 - Array of Ion-Sensitive Field Effect Transistors based pH sensors using SiNx/SiOxNy Stacked Layer Gate Dielectric I605 - Physical characterization of tetraethylammonium [tris(1,3dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolato) stannate], [Et4N][Sn(dmit)3] thin film Jair Fernandes de Souza (CT-PIM/UNICAMP), Peter Jürgen Tatsch (UNICAMP) and José Alexandre Diniz (UNICAMP) I591 - Immobilization of Au Nanoparticles within Layered Nanoarchitectures for Application as Arsenic Sensor GUILHERME BUENO CHRISTOFOLETTI (USP), FRANK NELSON CRESPILHO (UFABC) and Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) I592 - Zirconia-titania porous ceramic as soil moisture sensor element in controlled environments Rodrigo de Matos Oliveira (LAS/INPE) and Maria do Carmo Andrade (LAS/INPE) I593 - Photonic Nanodevice for Monitoring of Potable Water Ana Clara Raposo Salazar (UFPE) and Petrus Santa-Cruz (UFPE) Ana María Rocco (EQ/UFRJ), Marcus Vinicius David (UFRJ) and Renata Antoun Simão (UFRJ) I606 - Photoluminescence and Photoacoustic Characterization of Ternary Alloys of InAsxSb1-x Grown by LPE for Medium IR Photodetectors Gregório Mendoza Alvarez (CinvestavIPN), Yolanda Elinor Bravo-Garcia (CICATA-IPN), Patricia Rodrigues Fragoso (Cinvestav-IPN), Maria Lucero Gomez-Herrera (UnivAutQueretaro), Jose Luis Herrera-Perez (ESFM-IPN), Alfredo Cruz-Orea (Cinvestav-IPN) and Feliciano Sanchez-Sinencio (CLAF/Cinvestav-IPN) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM J Materials for Portable Energy Sources Auditorium: Catete Simposium Organizers: Paulo Roberto Bueno (UNESP, Brazil) Roberto Manuel Torresi (USP, Brazil) B. V. R. Chowdari (U. of Singapore, Singapore) Claude Gabrielli (UPMC, France) José Mauricio Rosolen (USP, Brazil) I596 - Microstructure and crystalline phases characterization of multilayered ZrO2-TiO2 ceramic for applications as air humidity sensor Marina Côrtes Pires (INPE), Maria do Carmo Andrade (INPE), Rodrigo de Matos Oliveira (INPE) and Sergio Luiz Mineiro (INPE) I598 - Anchoring vesicles to form Tethered Bilayers; A facile approach to model cell membrane H Basit , A Van Der Heyden and Pierre Labbé Energy and environment 102 103 composite as matrix for electrodes of lithium ion batteries José Maurício Rosolen (University of São Paulo) and Elaine Yoshiko Matsubara (University of S?Paulo) Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: To be informed chemical studies of macroporous MnO2 films in hydrophobic and hydrophilic ionic liquids Arumugam Manthiram (Univ of Texas - Austin) Tania Machado Benedetti (IQ-USP), Vinicius Romero Gonçales (IQ-USP), Denise Freitas Siqueira Petri (IQ-USP), Susana Inés Córdoba de Torresi (IQ-USP) and Roberto Manuel Torresi (IQ-USP) 09:30 - 10:00 12:15 - 12:30 PJ1 (invited) - A challenging route towards 3D-integrated all-solidstate batteries PJ2 (invited) - Carbon nanotube/ polymeric electrolyte interface PJ4 (invited) - High Energy Density Cathodes for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries Peter HL Notten (Eindhoven University) Glaura Goulart Silva (UFMG) and Raquel Silveira Borges (UFMG) 10:00 - 10:30 12:30 - 13:00 PJ3 (invited) - Optimization of Electrodes for Portable Fuel Cells in relation to the nature of the fuel J521 - Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun WO3/PVA nanofibers on FTO and their use as hydrogen gas sensors Jean - Michel Leger (University of Poitiers), Christophe Coutanceau (University of Poitiers), Steve Baranton (University of Poitiers) and Teko Napporn (University of Poitiers) BERTRAND TUMBAIN SONE (iThemba LABS-South Africa) 10:30 - 10:45 J502 - Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production and Solar Energy Conversion by an Oxide Semiconductor Zou Zhigang Poster Session J Materials for Portable Energy Sources Room: Louvre Tuesday, September 22 10:45 - 11:00 11:30 to 13:00 J504 - A Versatile Electrode Technology for Energy Storage and Conversion J506 - Thick mesoporous TiO2 nanostructured films obtained by screen-printing for application in dye-sensitized solar cells Grant Norton (Washington State Universi), David McIlroy (University of Idaho), Giancarlo Corti (GoNano Technologies), Timothy Cantrell (GoNano Technologies), Miles Beaux (GoNano Technologies) and Tejasvi Prakash (GoNano Technologies) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Gláura Goulart Silva 11:30 - 12:00 PJ5 (invited) - In search of new cobalt conductive additives for the positive electrode of high power Ni-MH cells Liliane Guerlou - Dermougues (CNRS) Elaine Cristina Muniz (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Rodrigo Parra (INTEMA), Márcio de Sousa Góes (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Josiel José da Silva (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Ednan Joanni (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), José Arana Varela (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) and Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) J508 - Voltage-Composition profile and structural analysis of low and high temperature LixCoO2 cathodes Naira Canevarolo Pesquero (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Fábio Ferreira Furlan (LNLS) and Elisabete Inacio Santiago (IPEN) 12:00 - 12:15 J505 - Wettability and Electro104 J509 - Carbon Nanotube/felt J510 - Synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles for Dye-Sensitizer Solar Cells Josiel José da Silva (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Rodrigo Parra (INTEMA), Elaine Cristina Muniz (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Márcio de Sousa Góes (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Ednan Joanni (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) and Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQAraraquara, UNESP) J511 - Stabilization process of Prussian blue: A revised mechanism Grazielle de Oliveira Setti (UNESP) and Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) J512 - Development of Mg-alloy for hydrogen storage and processing by severe plastic deformation Gisele Ferreira de Lima (UFSCar), Gisele Ferreira de Lima (PPGCEM-UFSCAR), Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr (UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMA-UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) and Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMaUFSCar) J513 - Complex hydrides Mg2(Fe,Co)Hy for hydrogen storage materials Marcos Meyer (IFLP-FCE UNLP), Luis Mendoza Zelis (IFLP-FCE UNLP) and Lorena Baum (IFLP-FCE UNLP) J514 - Changes in the optical response of GaSb grown over GaInAsSb films and GaSb substrates Jhon Jairo Prías Barragán (Universidad del Quindío), Liliana del Socorro TiradoMejía (Universidad del Quindio), José Fernando Gómez Cortés (Universidad del Quindío), Ana Patricia Cardona Echeverri (Universidad del Quindío), Marianela de los Rios Londoño (Universidad del Quindío), Leonardo Torres Londoño (Universidad del Quindío) and Hernandoo Calderón Ariza (Universidad del Quindio) J515 - Synthesis and characterization of the composite La0.50Li0.50TiO3/PANI for application in lithium batteries Silvia Letícia Fernandes (UNESP/Bauru), Alejandra Hortencia Miranda González (UNESP/Bauru) and Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (FC-UNESP) J516 - Characterization of films Ni-electrodeposited on carbon flexivel mesh and stainless steel mesh for electrodes in Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell (AMFC) luciana schmidlin sanches (UFPR), Rafael Bertier Valentim (UFPR), Elise Meister Sommer (UFPR), Sandro Campos Amico (UFRGS), Haroldo Araujo Ponte (UFPR) and José Viriato Coelho Vargas (UFPR) J517 - Direct Synthesis of Nanostructured Oxides by Polyol-Mediated Method Dayse Iara dos Santos (UNESP/Bauru), See-How Ng (PSI/Switzerland), SauYen Chew (UOW/Australia), Camilla dos Santos Zanatta (UNESP/Bauru), Alejandra Hortencia Miranda González (UNESP/Bauru), Shi-Xue Dou (UOW/Australia) and Hua-Kun Liu (UOW/Australia) J519 - Structural and Physical Properties of the Double Layer Perovskite System ReBaFe2O5+w (Re=Rare Earth): Possible Application as Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - SOFC Rogério Lúcio Almeida (IFGW-UNICAMP), Mirellla Lorrayne Altoé (UnB) and Oscar Ferreira de Lima (IFGWUNICAMP) J520 - Characterization and study of the electrolyte’s solid base of Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell (AFMC) with C/Pt electrode Elise Meister Sommer (UFPR), luciana schmidlin sanches (UFPR), Rafael Bertier Valentim (UFPR) and José Viriato Coelho Vargas (UFPR) J522 - Bias-Assisted Sputtering of Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Interlayers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN), Sven Uhlenbruck (Forschungszentrum Juelich), Ronan Nedéléc (Forschungszentrum Juelich) and Hans Peter Buchkremer (Forschungszentrum Juelich) J523 - 2Mg-Fe alloys processed by hot-extrusion: Processing temperature influence in the hydrogenation properties Gisele Ferreira de Lima (UFSCar), Sebastiano Garroni (UAB), Maria Dolors Baró (UAB), Santiago Suriñach (UAB), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar) and Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr (UFSCar) J524 - Effect on heat transfer of surface modifications caused by pool boiling using -Al2O3-water 105 nanofluid Tamara Lehmkuhl Coelho (UFSC), Julio Cesar Passos (UFSC), Enio Pedone Bandarra Filho (UFU), Gherhardt Ribatski (USP-São Carlos), Helcio Rangel Barreto Orlande (UFRJ) and José Alberto dos Reis Parise (PUC-Rio) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM K Innovation in Fuel Cells: from Materials to Novel Devices Auditorium: Itamaraty Simposium Organizers: Enrico Traversa (MANA - National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan) Marcelo Linardi (IPEN, Brazil) Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN, Brazil) Eric D. Wachsman (U. of Florida, USA) Ernesto R. Gonzalez (USP, Brazil) Energy and environment 106 107 Pergolesi (MANA-NIMS), Alessandra D Epifanio (Tor Vergata), Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo (Tor Veragata), Silvia Licoccia (Tor Vergata) and Enrico Traversa (MANA-NIMS) Tuesday, September 22 Vania Caldas Sousa (UFRGS) Session chair: To be informed 12:15 - 12:30 09:30 - 10:00 K502 - Synthesis and Characterization of potential anodic materials for SOFC´s based on La0.80Sr0.20Cr0.80Fe0.20O3 system PK3 (invited) - Processing and Properties of Mixed Conductor Membranes for Oxygen Transport in Energy Systems D Stoever (Forschungszentrum Jülich) 10:00 - 10:15 K505 - Exploring Solvent-Free Citrate-Nitrate Auto-Combustion for the Synthesis of SOFC Electrocatalysts Francesca Satya Deganello (ISMN-CNR), Leonarda Francesca Liotta (ISMN-CNR), Giuseppe Pantaleo (ISMN-CNR), Giuseppe Marcì (DICPMUNIPA), Enrico Traversa (MANA-NIMS) and Edoardo Magnone (MANA-NIMS) JAIRO ALBERTO GÓMEZ (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE C), JESÚS SIGIFREDO VALENCIA (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE C) and JUÁN BAUTISTA CARDA (UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I) 12:30 - 13:00 PK8 (invited) - Electrochemical performances of nanostructured La-perovskites layers deposited by pulsed laser technique for IT-SOFC cathode applications V Eposito (Universita di Roma) 13:00 - 14:30 15:45 - 16:00 K514 - Fabrication of highly textured Y-doped barium zirconate thin films by pulsed laser deposition for bulk conductivity direct measurement Daniele Pergolesi (MANA-NIMS), Emiliana Fabbri (MANA-NIMS), Alessandra D Epifanio (University of Roma), Simone Sanna (University of Roma), Silvia Licoccia (University of Roma), Giuseppe Balestrino (University of Roma) and Enrico Traversa (MANA-NIMS) 10:00 - 10:30 Leandro Marcelo Acuña (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA), Joaquin Gonzalo Sacanell (CNEA-CONICET), Rodolfo oscar Fuentes (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA), Ana Gabriela Leyva (CNEA), Juan PeñaMartínez (ULL), Pedro Nuñez (ULL) and Diego Germán Lamas (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA) PK7 (invited) - Electrical conductivity in CeO2 based materials with extended interfaces PK10 (invited) - Nafion membrane water dynamics by in-situ time-resolved X-ray diffraction on running PEMFCs E Djurado (LEPMI) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 12:00 PK5 (invited) - Nanostructured Cobaltite Cathodes for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 10:30 - 11:00 PK1 (invited) - Nanostructured catalysts for fuel cell reactions: Effects of properties on activity H Mercedes Villullas (UNESP) Session chair: To be informed K501 - Synthesis and electrical characterization of Sm3+ doped ceria electrolytes 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:15 K512 - Playing with High Temperature Proton Conducting Materials for Application in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs) 108 V Rossi Albertini (ISM- C.N.R.) 15:15 - 15:30 15:30 - 15:45 Diego Pereira Tarragó (UFRGS) and Session chair: To be informed 11:00 - 11:30 A Serquis (CONICET) K527 - Characterization of La1xSrxMnO3 (x=0,1) powders for cathode application in SOFCs obtained by combustion synthesis Wednesday, September 23 Shidong Song (St Andrews), Rodolfo oscar Fuentes (St Andrews/CONICET) and Richard T Baker (St Andrews) MANGALARAJA Ramalinga Viswanathan , Ananthakumar Solaiappan, Rammsy Erazo Daniel A, Marta López, Carlos Camurri Porro and Ricardo E Avila Emiliana Fabbri (MANA-NIMS), Daniele Poster Session K Room: Louvre 14:30 - 15:00 PK2 (invited) - Innovative microstructures of MIEC cathode for IT-SOFCs Ganesan Selvarani (CECRI), Parthasarathi Sridhar (CECRI), Sethuraman Pitchumani (CECRI) and Ashok K Shukla (IISc) Hans Peter Buchkremer (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Session chair: To be informed 10:30 - 11:00 K552 - Anodic oxidation of hydrogen in PEFCs with varying platinum loading Innovation in Fuel Cells: from Materials to Novel Devices K561 - Performance of nanostructured perovskite-type cathodes for IT-SOFCs K513 - Application of doped CeO2 nanopowders as anode catalysts in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using hydrocarbon fuels 12:45 - 13:00 PK9 (invited) - ADVANCED MANUFACTURING METHODS OF CELLS AND STACK-COMPONENTS FOR SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 10:15 - 10:30 15:00 - 15:15 Md Shuhazlly Mamat (University of Nottingham), Sergei Grigoriev (Kurchatov Institute), Kirill Dzus (Kurchatov Institute) and Gavin Stuart Walker (University of Nottingham) 16:00 - 16:30 Lunch E Ruiz - Trejo (UNAM) radation of Pt electrocatalysts on novel carbon carriers for PEMFC applications Coffee Break PK6 (invited) - Novel composite membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells A C Tavares (INRS) 12:00 - 12:30 PK4 (invited) - Development of Nafion-based composite electrolytes for applications in PEMFC at high temperature F C Fonseca (IPEN) Thursday, September 24 11:30 to 13:00 K506 - Synthesis of La1-xSrxMnO3 powders via polymerizable complex process: effect of molar ratio of citric acid to metal oxides Mariana M V M Souza (UFRJ), Leandro Conceição (UFRJ), Camila R B Silva (UFRJ) and Nielson F P Ribeiro (UFRJ) K508 - Morphological properties of Nafion-TiO2 composites prepared by solgel and casting. Bruno Ribeiro de Matos (IPEN), Roberta Alvarenga Isidoro (IPEN), Elisabete Inacio Santiago (IPEN), Marcelo Linardi (IPEN), Enrico Traversa ((3) University of Rome To), José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC) and Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN) K511 - Lanthanum Strontium Chromites: Synthesis and Characterization Adney Luis Anjos da Silva (UFRJ), Mariana M V M Souza (UFRJ) and Ana María Rocco (UFRJ) K515 - Ordered intermetallic compounds: a multi-purpose electroactive anode material for fuel cell Marcelo Rodrigues Da Silva (UNESP) and Antonio Carlos Dias Ângelo (UNESP) 12:30 - 12:45 K510 - The performance and deg- K516 - Influence of the powder 109 synthesis route in the Microstructure and Electrical Conductivity of Yttria Doped Ceria Ariane dos Santos Melo (PPGCEM/ UFSCar) and Dulcina Maria Pinatti Ferreira de Souza (PPGCEM/DEMa/UFSCar) K517 - Co-firing of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Components Prepared by Direct Foaming and Tape Casting Elisângela Guzi de Moraes (UFSC), Sérgio Stein (UFSC), Hansu Birol (UFSC), Suelen Barg (Uni-Bremen), Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) and Márcio Celso Fredel (UFSC) K518 - Correlation between microstructure and thermodynamic stability of Y+3-doped BaCeO3 in water vapor and CO2-containing atmosphere Camila Martins Hosken (PPGCEM/UFSCar) and Dulcina Maria Pinatti Ferreira de Souza (PPGCEM/DEMa/UFSCar) K519 - Mesoporous ZrO2-CeO2 with SiO2 for Catalytic Applications Rebeca Bacani (USP), Marcia Carvalho de Abreu Fantini (USP), Tereza da Silva Martins (UNIFESP), Jivaldo do Rosário Matos (USP), Diego Germán Lamas (CONICET) and Rodolfo oscar Fuentes (CONICET) K521 - Synthesis and Microstructural Study on Lanthanum Chromite-Based Ceramics Rodrigo Dias (CEPEL), Cristiane Abrantes Silva (CEPEL) and José Geraldo de Melo Furtado (CEPEL) K522 - Development of Alternative Seal Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs): Li2O ZrO2 SiO2 Al2O3 (LZSA) Glass-ceramic Seal Prepared by Tape Casting Priscila Lemes Rachadel (UFSC), Guilherme Gregorio (UFSC), Hansu Birol (UFSC), Pedro Novaes (UFSC), Márcio Celso Fredel (UFSC) and Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) K524 - Hybrid Proton Conducting Membrane Based on SPEEK and Modified Silica Florêncio Gomes Ramos Filho (UFRJ and UEZO), Karim Dahmouche (UEZO), Patrick Judeinstein ((3) Institut de Chimie Mo) and Ailton de Souza Gomes (UFRJ) K526 - Rare earth doped SiO2containing ceria for solid oxid fuel cells applications 110 Guilherme Baltar Crochemore (PPGCEM/DEMa/UFSCar) and Dulcina Maria Pinatti Ferreira de Souza (PPGCEM/ DEMa/UFSCar) K528 - A Comparative Study of Ethanol Oxidation Using PtRu/C, PtCe/C, PtSn/C Electrocatalysts. Júlio César Martins Da Silva (UFABC), Adriane Elise de Assunção Flausino (UFABC), João Paulo Bianchi Ladeia (UFABC), Luanna Silveira Parreira (UFABC), Érico Teixeira Neto (UFABC), Marcelo Luiz Calegaro (USP São Carlos) and Mauro Coelho dos Santos (UFABC) K529 - A Pt3Sn/C Electrocatalyst with Superior Activity toward Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells Luanna Silveira Parreira (UFABC), Rodrigo Brambilla de Souza (UFABC), Daniel Campana Rascio (UFABC), Júlio César Martins da Silva (UFABC), Estevam Vitorio Spinacé (IPEN CNEN/SP), Almir Oliveira Neto (IPEN CNEN/SP) and Mauro Coelho dos Santos (UFABC) K531 - Effect of the Composition of Pt and Pb on the Oxidation of Formic Acid in Carbon Supported Electrocatalysts Hugo B Suffredini (UFABC), Guilherme Soares Buzzo (UFABC) and Maria J B Orlandi (UFABC) K532 - PtSn/C and PtRu/C electocalaysts for oxidation of methanol in DMFC Vera Lucia da Silva Marinho (UFAM), Elson Almeida Souza (UFAM), Cleuton de Souza Silva (UFAM), Jamal da Silva Chaar (UFAM) and Raimundo Ribeiro Passos (UFAM) K534 - Combustion synthesis of doped ceria based electrolyte Marcos AnTonio Coelho Berton (Lactec), Jéssica Rosa Silva (Lactec), Carlos Mario Garcia (Lactec), Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN) and Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN) K535 - Supported PtRu electrocatalysts for fuel cells of the DMFC type (UFRJ) and Ana María Rocco (UFRJ) cloth for biocell fuel K537 - New hybrid proton conducting zirconium oxide-SPEEK membranes for direct ethanol fuel cell Sergio Akinobu Yoshioka (IQSC - USP), Flavio Colmat (UFG), Ernesto Rafael Gonzalez (IQSC-USP), Cintia Tomasso (IQSC-USP) and Adriano Gomes (IQSCUSP) Carla Akimi Kawaguti (UEZO), Karim Dahmouche (UEZO) and Ailton de Souza Gomes (UFRJ) K538 - Study of stainless steel type 444 at high temperatures for SOFC applications Cláwsio Rogério Cruz de Sousa (UFRN), Wilson Acchar (UFRN), Herval Ramos Paes Junior (UENF), Edmar de Deus Vaz da Silva (UENF), Ledjane Silva Barreto (UFS) and Eduardo Etzberger Feistauer (UFS) K539 - Morphological Investigation of Nafion and Nafion-SiO2¬ hybrid membranes by SAXS analysis in dry and wet environments. Mauro André Dresch (IPEN), Bruno Ribeiro de Matos (IPEN), Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN), Marcelo Linardi (IPEN), José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC) and Elisabete Inacio Santiago (IPEN) K541 - Investigation on the influence of carbon nanotubes on the thermal behavior of graphite-PPS composites Renato Altobelli Antunes (UFABC), Mara Lopes Oliveira (Electrocell) and Gerhard Ett (Electrocell) K542 - Densification, Microstructure and Electrical Conductivity of Yttria - Stabilized Zirconia Containing Small NiO Additions Rafael Morgado Batista (IPEN) and Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN) K543 - Poly(ether imide)/Naphthalene-Sulfonated Formaldehyde Membranes: Morphology, Thermal and Proton Conducting Properties Marcos Lopes Dias (IMA-UFRJ), Andre L. S. Santos (IMNETRo) and David Antonelli (Windsor University) Elson Almeida Souza (UFAM), Raimundo Ribeiro Passos (UFAM), Vera Lucia da Silva Marinho (UFAM), cleuton de souza silva (UFAM) and Jamal da Silva Chaar (UFAM) K544 - An experimental setup to synthesize ceramic nanoparticles by the spray pyrolysis technique for electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells K536 - Polyacrylonitrile-based sulfonated membranes: synthesis and thermal analysis Renata Ayres Rocha (IPEN), Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN), Elisabeth Djurado (LEPMI, CNRS - Grenoble) and Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN) Robson Pacheco Pereira (GMCE / UEZO), Carolina Mariano da Silva (UFRJ), Adney Luis Anjos da Silva K545 - Development of biocathodes with immobilized enzymes on mediator carboxylated carbon K546 - Synthesis and Characterization of the TiO2-doped (CeO2)0,8(GdO1,5)0,2 Rafael Innocenti Vieira da Silva (UNESP/Botucatu), Sidney Domingues (UNESP/Botucatu), Alberto Adriano Cavalheiro (UEMS/Naviraí), Dayse Iara Dos Santos (Unesp/Bauru) and Margarida Juri Saeki (Unesp/Botucatu) K548 - Operation of barium zirconate-supported planar solid oxide fuel cells at 600°C with methane Olavo Rodrigues Oliveira (IPEN), Tiago Felipe Andrade (IPEN), Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN), Marcos AnTonio Coelho Berton (Lactec), Carlos Mario Garcia (Lactec) and Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN) K549 - ZrO2:In2O3 Solid Electrolytes Daniel Zanetti de Florio (UFABC), Mariana Maia Chams Eddine (UFABC), Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN) and José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC) K550 - Highly Proton Conducting Composite for Fuel Cell Applications Ruben Antonio Vargas (UNIVALLE), José Humberto Castillo (UNIQUINDIO), Jesús Roberto Castillo (UNIVALLE), Manuel Nohemio Chacón (UNIVALLE) and Elsa María Materón (UNIVALLE) K551 - Electrochemical applications of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering Marina Sparvoli (Escola Politécnica - USP), Ronaldo Domingues Mansano (Escola Politécnica - USP), Ana Paula Mousinho (Escola Politécnica - USP), Luís Silva Zambom (Fatec - SP), Maria Cacília Pisatti De Oliveira (Escola Politécnica - USP) and Nelson Ordonez (Escola Politécnica - USP) K553 - Ni-CGO composite for SOFC anode : Synthesis and Characterization Beatriz Cela (UFRN), Daniel de Araujo Macedo (UFRN), Graziele Lopes de Souza (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Rubens Maribondo do Nascimento (UFRN) and Carlos Alberto Paskocimas (UFRN) 111 K554 - Microemulsion synthesis of PtCo/C catalyst: electrochemical and morphologicalcharacterization. Felipe Augusto Moro Loureiro (UFRJ), Ana María Rocco (UFRJ) and Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio) K555 - PtCo/C electrocatalysts preparation and characterization: reduction with NaBH4 Felipe Augusto Moro Loureiro , Ana María Rocco (UFRJ) and Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio) K556 - Pt/ZSM-5/C electrocatalysts for PEMFC Isis Nunes de Souza (EQ/UFRJ) and Ana María Rocco (EQ/UFRJ) K557 - XRD and TPR Characterization of Fe-Ni/YSZ-GDC for Application as SOFC Anode RAIGENIS PAZ FIUZA (UFBA), MARCOS AURÉLIO SILVA (UFBA) and JAIME SOARES BOAVENTURA (UFBA) K558 - Ba2In2O5 Solid Electrolytes: pH controlled chemical Synthesis and Characterization José Fernando Queiruga Rey (UFABC), Eliana Arico (IPEN), Alexandre Castro Lanfredi (UFABC), Marcia Tsuyama Escote (UFABC), Marcelo Linardi (IPEN) and Daniel Zanetti de Florio (UFABC) K559 - Nanostructured ceriabased anodes for IT-SOFCs María Genoveva Zimicz (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA), Paula Macarena Abdala (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA), Marcelo Daniel Cabezas (CINSO, CONICETCITEFA), Ismael Oscar Fábregas (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA), Susana Adelina Larrondo (FI-UBA), Pedro Nuñez (ULL) and Diego Germán Lamas (CINSO, CONICET-CITEFA) K560 - Characterization of PtSnNi/C nanocatalysts obtained using alcohol reduction process zakarya ahmed (Universidade Federal ABC), Daniel Zanetti de Florio (UFABC), bruno ribeiro de matos (IPEN), Elisabete Inacio Santiago (IPEN) and Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN) K564 - Structural and Physical Properties of the Double Layer Perovskite System ReBaFe2O5+w (Re=Rare Earth): Possible Application as Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - SOFC Rogério Lúcio Almeida (Unicamp), Mirellla Lorrayne Altoé (UnB) and Oscar Ferreira de Lima (IFGW-UNICAMP) K567 - Preparation of LSM/SDC films by Spin Coating Moisés Rômolos Cesário (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN), Daniel de Araujo Macedo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Valeria Moraes Longo (UNESP) and Ana Paula Marques (UFSCar) K568 - Infrared spectroscopy, structural and morphological characterizations of LSM ceramics obtained by modified Pechini’s method Moisés Rômolos Cesário (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN), Daniel de Araujo Macedo (UFRN), Rosane Maria Pessoa Betânio Oliveira (UFRN) and Roberto Luiz Moreira (UFMG) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM L Environmentally Benign Materials Auditorium: El Pardo II Simposium Organizers: Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp, Brazil) Márcia Maria Rippel (Unicamp, Brazil) Khosrow Ghavami (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Alain Dufresne (INPG, France) Felipe Wu Tzong Yeh (UFRGS), Celia Fraga malfati (Universidade Federal do R), Claudio Radtke (UFRGS) and Ester Rieder (ULBRA) K562 - AFM studies of S-PEEK films for PEMFC electrolyte Raildo ALVES Fiúza (UFBA), Irani Santos (UFBA), Nádia MAMEDE José (UFBA) and JAIME SOARES BOAVENTURA (UFBA) K563 - Mesoporous silica with different surface area used as electrolyte’s fillers for ethanol fuel cells application 112 Energy and environment 113 Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: Alain Dufresne 09:30 - 10:00 Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Fernando Galembeck 09:30 - 10:00 PL1 (invited) - Application of cellulose to water purification Benjamin Chu (Stony Brook University) and Benjamin Hsiao (Stony Brook University) 10:00 - 10:15 L508 - POLYOLEFIN COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH CURAUÁ FIBERS PREPARED BY EXTRUSION: EFFECT OF SCREW ROTATION Barbara Mano (unicamp), Joyce Rodrigues Araujo (Unicamp), Marcia Silva Spinacé (Unicamp) and Marco Aurelio De Paoli (Unicamp) 10:15 - 10:30 L513 - Influence of wet and drying cycles on behaviour of cement composites reinforced cellulose pulps Hugo Resende Baêta Zille (CEFET-MG), Conrado Souza Rodrigues (CEFET-MG), Khosrow Ghavami (PUC-Rio) and Stefan Chaves Figueiredo (CEFET-MG) L570 - A classification system of bamboo based on the digital image processing of its mesostructure Conrado Souza Rodrigues (CEFET-MG), Otávio Martins Gomes (CETEM), Khosrow Ghavami (PUC-Rio) and Sidnei Paciornik (PUC-Rio) 12:30 - 12:45 L519 - Development of nanostructured photocatalysts and thin films for environmental application L547 - Stiffer Polyethylene Composites Reinforced with Jute Fabrics Sergio Neves Monteiro (UENF), Amanda Camerini Lima (UENF), Leandro Samary Marques (UENF) and Kestur Gundappa Satyanarayana (UFPR) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Benjamin Chu 11:30 - 12:00 PL2 (invited) - Fabrication of Porous 3-D Structure from Poly(Llactide)-based Nano-composite Foams Masami Okamoto (Toyota Technological Inst) 12:00 - 12:15 L503 - Shape memory material based on potato starch Denis Lourdin (INRA), Laurent Chaunier (INRA) and Cyril Véchambre (INRA) 09:30 - 09:45 Room: Louvre L569 - Behavior of concrete by steel slags aggregates Nilton Silva Maia (CEFET-MG), Júnia Nunes Paula Stief (CEFET-MG) and Ricardo André Fiorotti Peixoto (CEFETMG) 10:00 - 10:15 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Waleed Khaled El - Zawawy (National Research Center) and Maha Mohamed Ibrahim (National Research Center) Session chair: Massami Okamoto 10:15 - 10:30 14:30 - 15:00 L521 - Cassava starch/clay/natural rubber bionanocomposites Alain Dufresne (Grenoble INP) L536 - Surface Chemical Modification of Ramie Cellulose Nanocrystals Marcia Maria Rippel (Unicamp) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) 10:30 - 10:45 L548 - Polyester Composites Reinforced with the Highest Strength Curaua Fibers Aparecido Junior de Menezes (UFSCar/ Sorocaba) Sergio Neves Monteiro (UENF), Ailton Silva Ferreira (UENF), Felipe Perisse Duarte Lopes (UENF) and Kestur Gundappa Satyanarayana (UFPR) 15:15 - 15:30 11:00 - 11:30 L523 - Characterization of retorted shale for use in heavy metal removal Coffee Break Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN), Rosane Maria Pessoa Betânio Oliveira (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Christine Leroux (Université du Sud Toulon), Marcelino José Anjos (UFRJ), Gaspar González Maldonado (UFRJ) and Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) 15:15 - 15:30 L549 - New Melt Process Technique to Prepare Blends with Chitosan Rafael Grande (DEMa/UFSCar), Luiz Antonio Pessan (DEMa/UFSCar) and Antonio Jose Felix Carvalho (UFSCar/ Sorocaba) Poster Session L Environmentally Benign Materials L525 - Preparation and Characterization of Green Polymer from Industrial Waste PL4 (invited) - Processing of polymer nanocomposites using natural nanoparticles Rosane Michele Soares (UFRGS) and Valdir Soldi (UFSC) Suprakas Sinha Ray (CSIR) Gustavo Henrique Albuquerque (UFPE), Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) and Valdinete Lins da Silva (UFPE) 15:00 - 15:15 10:30 - 10:45 PL5 (invited) - Environmentally Benign Materials Based on Biodegradable Polymers and Clay erties of biobased gliadin films Session chair: Suprakas Sinha Ray 11:30 - 12:00 PL3 (invited) - Investigating methods for the compatibilization of thermoplastic starch blends Cristina Tristão Andrade (UFRJ) 12:00 - 12:15 L577 - Flax Reinforced Thermoset Composites from Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Rakesh Kumar Singh (CSIR) and Rajesh D Anandjiwala (CSIR/NMMU) 12:15 - 12:30 L538 - Effect of EDC/NHS and L-cysteine addition on mechanical, thermal and morphological prop- Thursday, September 24 11:30 to 13:00 L502 - Biosorption of chlorothalonil on fique fiber bagasse (Furcraea spp): Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies Adriana Maria Quinchia (EIA), Geovanna Tafurt (UPB) and Margarita Enid Ramírez (UPB) L505 - Variation of molar mass of natural rubber from new IAC clones Rogério Manoel Biagi Moreno (Embrapa/CNPDIA), Paulo de Souza Gonçalves (Agronomic Institute/IAC), Colleen Marie McMahan (WRRC/USDA-ARS) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa/CNPDIA) L506 - CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF CU2+ AND NI2+ BIOSORPTION ON ACIDIC ALGAE SARGASSUM FILIPENDULA. Sirlei Jaiana Kleinübing (Unicamp), Rodrigo Silveira Vieira (Unicamp), Marisa Masumi Beppu (Unicamp), Eric Guibal (Ema) and Meuris Gurgel Carlos da Silva (Unicamp) L509 - Modified Kenyaite With TPT Silane for Cadmium Adsorption from Aqueous Solution Alane Azevedo Pinto (UNICAMP), Denis Lima Guerra (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) L522 - Cotton Fibers and Cellulose Cotton Whiskers: Thermal Stability Eliângela de Morais Teixeira (Embrapa), Maria Alice Martins (UFABC), Ana Carolina Correa (Embrapa), Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa) L527 - Application of polymer nanocomposites in the treatment of oily water Claudia Regina Elias Mansur (IMA/ UFRJ), Vanessa Akeda (IMA/UFRJ), Luciana Spinelli (IMA/UFRJ) and Elizabete Fernandes Lucas (IMA/UFRJ) 12:15 - 12:30 114 115 L528 - Utilization of electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) as raw material for cement production Margarete Regina Freitas Gonçalves (UFPEL), Alice Gonçalves Osório (UFRGS), Juliane Vicenzi (UFRGS) and Carlos Pérez Bergmann (UFRGS) L529 - Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(butylene adipateco-terephthalate) Blend with Epoxy-functional styrene acrylic copolymer as Coupling Agent Prado da Silva (IME) L540 - Structural Analysis, Order Molecular and Composition of the Bumbou Angustifolia Kuntbi-colour variety Jose Israel Cardenas (UNAL de colombia), Carlos Vargas Hernandez (UNAL de Colombia) and Jesus Fabian Jurado (UNAL de Colombia) L542 - Soil degradation kinetics from PHB/PLLA and PHBV/PLLA blends L530 - Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Polyacrylamide and Methylcellulose Hydrogels Vitor Henrique Grigull (UNIVILLE), Luciana Prazeres Mazur (UNIVILLE), Michele Cristina Formolo Garcia (UNIVILLE), Andréa Lima dos Santos Schneider (UNIVILLE) and Ana Paula Testa Pezzin (UNIVILLE) Fauze Ahmad Aouada (UFSCar), Bor-Sen Chiou (USDA-ARS-WRRC), William John Orts (USDA-ARS-WRRC) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa) L543 - Evaluation of degrability of HDPE films containing pro-degradant additive in various environments Naiwen Zhang and Jie Ren L531 - Hydrogels as carriers for the controlled release of paraquat Fauze Ahmad Aouada (UFSCar), Marcia Regina de Moura (UFSCar), William John Orts (USDA-ARS-WRRC) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa) L532 - Ethanol from lignocellulosic residues of palm oil industry Leonard Guimarães Carvalho (UFRJ), Andréia de Moura Gomes (UFRJ), Michelle Mendes Gomes (UFRJ), Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) and Nei Pereira Jr (UFRJ) L533 - Oxides derived from hydrotalcite for the production of biodiesel from raw material of high acidity Carla Cristina Costa Macedo Silva (UFRJ), Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ), Mariana M V M Souza (UFRJ), Ana Paula Silva (UFRJ), Nelson C Furtado (UFRJ), Nielson F P Ribeiro (UFRJ) and Cristiane M Silva (UFRJ) L534 - Analysis of biodiesel produced from residual oil of fishing industry. Michelle mendes Gomes (UFRJ), Leonard Guimarães Carvalho (UFRJ), Nelson C Furtado (CBPF), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) Luciana Prazeres Mazur (UNIVILLE), Fernando de Amaral (UNIVILLE), Roseany de Vasconcelos Vieira Lopes (UnB), Andréa Lima dos Santos Schneider (UNIVILLE) and Ana Paula Testa Pezzin (UNIVILLE) L551 - Evaluation of additives content (natural filler, plasticizer and nucleating and compatibilizing agent) on the production of biodegradable PHB-based composite Jeremias De Souza Macedo (PEMM/ COPPE/UFRJ), Marysilvia Ferreira da Costa (PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ) and Rossana Mara da Silva Moreira Thiré (PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ) L552 - Obtaining nanofibers from sugarcane bagasse to reinforce nanocomposites biodegradable matrice L559 - Characterization of Treated Polyester Fabrics By Low Pressure Plasma Thercio Henrique de Carvalho Costa (IFPI), Michelle Cequeira Feitor (IFPI) and Clodomiro Alves Jr (Labplasma/ UFRN) L561 - Influence of lignin on thermo-mechanical behavior of modified novolac resins Piedad Gañan (UPB), Juan David Martínez (UPB) and Catalina Gómez (UPB) L563 - Characterization and uses of Bofe bentonite clay for adsorption of zinc (II). Ana Lucia Pereira de Araujo (UNICAMP), Caroline Bertagnolli (UNICAMP), Sirlei Jaiana Kleinübing (Unicamp) and Meuris Gurgel Carlos da Silva (Unicamp) L554 - Modified H-Kenyaite With TPT Silane for Cadmium Adsorptionfrom Aqueous Solution Delne Domingos da Silva (UNIVILLE), Fernanda Colpo de Melo (PUC/RS), Sandra Einloft (PUC/RS) and Ana Paula Testa Pezzin (UNIVILLE) Alane Azevedo Pinto (UNICAMP), Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) and Denis Lima Guerra (UNICAMP) Caroline Bertagnolli (FEQ/UNICAMP), Sirlei Jaiana Kleinübing (FEQ/UNICAMP), Ana Lucia Pereira de Araujo (FEQ/UNICAMP) and Meuris Gurgel Carlos da Silva (Unicamp) L555 - Morphological evaluation of catalytic filters produced by wet and dry Ni-deposition on natural silica fibers L545 - Preparation of solid acid catalysts from brazilian flint kaolin. (UFCG), Bruna Silveira Lira (UFCG) and Soraya Alves Morais (UEPB) Franciéli Borges de Oliveria (LNNA/ EMBRAPA), Eliângela de Morais Teixeira (Embrapa), Francys Klay Moreira (UFSCar/EMBRAPA), Thalita Jessica Bondancio (UFSCar/EMBRAPA), José Manoel Marconcini (LNNA/EMBRAPA) and Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (LNNA/EMBRAPA) L544 - Organoclay brazilian smectitic: synthesis and characterization Karina Donadel (UFSC), Vanessa Feliciano (UFSC) and Bianca Oliveira (UNIVILLe) L564 - Synthesis and soil biodegradability of PET-co-PLLA obtained by chemical way. L565 - Chemical and Physical Properties of a Liquid Crystal Polymer with mineral reinforcement S. B. Faldini, M. C. Terence, L. F. de Miranda, M.R.X. Bartholomei, A. H. Munhoz Jr. UPM, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, e-mail: Luís Adriano Santos do Nascimento (UFPA), Laura Madrigal Zúñiga Tito (UFPA), Rômulo Simões Angélica (UFPA), Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da Costa (UFPA), José Roberto Zamian (UFPA) and Geraldo Narciso da Rocha Filho (UFPA) L556 - Addition of Starch Nanocrystals as Filler to PHB Biodegradable Films Sonia Braunstein Faldini (Mackenzie), Mauro Cesar Terence (Mackenzie), Leila Figueiredo de Miranda (Mackenzie), Marcio Rubens Bartholomei and Antonio Hortencio Munhoz Jr (Mackenzie) Rossana Mara da Silva Moreira Thiré (COPPE/UFRJ), Diogo Yukio Fujimoto (COPPE/UFRJ) and Ana Paula da Silva Nascimento (COPPE/UFRJ) L566 - Synthesis and characterization of an urea functionalized nickel phyllosilicate L546 - Photocatalytic degradation of dyes with TiO2: efficiency studies L557 - Two step chitosan modification based on glycidylmethacrylate and triethylenetetramine - synthesis, characterization and cation removal André Pimenta Faria (CETEC), Milena Luz Sabino (CETEC), Willian Cirineu Ferreira (UFSJ), Ana Cláudia BernardesSilva (UFSJ) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) L537 - Soda-Lime Glasses from Residues of Ornamental Rocks L550 - Cellulose microfibrils and nanocrystals thin films deposited by drying- dewetting Michelle Pereira Babisk (IME), Luis Henrique Leme Louro (IME), José Carlos da Rocha (INT) and Marcelo Henrique Antonio João Fernandes Silva - Filho (UFSCar/Sorocaba), Débora de Paiva Magalhães (UFSCar), Marcelo As- 116 sumpção Pereira-da-Silva (IFSC/USP) and Antonio Jose Felix Carvalho (UFSCar/Sorocaba) adnan khan (UNICAMP), Syed Badshah (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) L558 - Ophthalmic Lenses Produced by Photopolymerization: Evaluation of Defects and Hardness Marina Elizabeth Dias Altidis (UFCG), Crislene Rodrigues da Silva Morais José Ricardo da Costa (UNICAMP), Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) and José de Alencar Simoni (UNICAMP) L567 - Inorganic-organic hybrids derived through grafting silane onto vermiculite leaching Francisco de Assis Rodrigues Pereira (UFPB), Ana Paula Melo Alves (UFPB), Maria Gardenia Fonseca (UFPB) and Maristela Alves da Silva (UEPB) L568 - Cellulose Nanowhiskers obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse: Influence of the Hydrolyze Process in the Nanowhiskers Size and 117 Suspension Stability. Adley Forti Rubira (UEM), Shirani Kaori Haraguchi (UEM), Rafael Silva (UEM) and Edvani Curti Muniz (UEM) L571 - Efficient Vapor Sensors Using Foils of Dispersed Nitrogen-Doped and Pure Carbon Multiwalled Nanotubes Bernabe Rebollo Plata (ipicyt), Emilio Munoz-Sandoval (IPICYT), florentino López Urías (ipicyt), Edson Hernández Cortina (ipicyt), Humberto Terrones (IPICYT) and Mauricio Terrones (IPICyT) L572 - Portland cement compositions with modified zeolite Gintautas Skripkiünas (Kaunas University of Tech), Vytautas Sasnauskas (Kaunas University of Tech), Danuté Palubinskaiké (Kaunas University of Tech) and Mindaugas Daukšys (Kaunas University of Tech) L574 - Gypsum hemihydrate-cement blends: are they possible? Gladis Camarini (UNICAMP) and José Antonio De Milito (FACENS) L575 - Study to reuse an industrial solid waste generated by foundry sands Javier Mazariegos Pablos (USP) and Eduvaldo Paulo Sichieri (USP) L576 - The analysis of Nb2O5doped ZrO2-TiO2 ceramic as soil water content sensor element in controlled environments Rodrigo de Matos Oliveira (INPE), Maria do Carmo Andrade (LAS/INPE) and Geraldo Pinto Britto Filho (USP) L578 - Preparation and characterization of cashew gum nanoparticles loaded with natural larvicide from Moringa Oleifera seeds Haroldo Cesar Beserra Paula (UFC), Maria LL Rodrigues (UFC), Wesley LC Ribeiro (UECE), Andre S Stadler (Col Christus), Flavia OMS Oliveira (UFC) and Regina CM de Paula (UFC) Cesar Beserra Paula (UFC) L580 - New copolymer used in PLEDs devices with ITO treated by UV-Ozone reactor with modified mercury HID lamp Emerson Roberto Santos (POLI-USP), Fábio Conte Correia (POLI-USP), Wang Shu Hui (POLI-USP), Elvo Calixto Burini Junior (IEE-USP), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (POLI-USP) and Adnei Melges Andrade (IEE-USP) L586 - Wettability changes and mass loss during heat treatment in Pinnus sp. and Hymenae sp. Analine Crespo Ziglio , André Brisolari, Andrey Coatrini Soares, Rodrigo Marques Oliveira and Débora Gonçalves (IFSC-USP) L588 - Effect of Bismuth and Sulfur addition in Mechanical properties, structure and Machinability of 1045 steel International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Rafael Vieira Silva Junior (Belgo), Dante Ribeiro (Açoespecial), Paulo Ribeiro (Açoespecial) and Waldemar Alfredo Monteiro (Mackenzie) L589 - Two new RBPV-DODM-PPV polymers used as active layer in PLEDs devices using ITO treated by UV-Ozone reactor with low cost Emerson Roberto Santos (Poli/USP), Tunísia Eufrausino Schuler (Poli/USP), Fábio Conte Correia (Poli/USP), Wang Shu Hui (Poli/USP), Elvo Calixto Burini Junior (IEE/USP), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (Poli/USP) and Adnei Melges Andrade (IEE/USP) L590 - Properties of coconut fibers reinforced polypropylene matrix Maria Virginia Gelfuso (UNIFOR), M B Cavalcante (UNIFOR) and D Thomazini (UNIFOR) SYMPOSIUM M Frontiers in Photonic and Photovoltaic Materials and Processes Auditorium: Imperial Simposium Organizers: Fernando A. Ponce (Arizona State, USA) Hiroshi Amano (Meijo University, Japan) Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar, Brazil) Martha C. Lux-Steiner (Helmholtz Center, Germany) Ana Flávia Nogueira (Unicamp, Brazil) L579 - Polysaccharide based nanoparticles formation by polyeletrolyte complexation of carboxymethylated cashew gum and chitosan. Polysaccharide based nanoparticles formation by polyeletrolyte complexation of carboxymethylated cashew gum and chitosan REGINA Célia Monteiro de Paula (UFC), Durcilene Alves Silva (UFC), Jeanny Silva Maciel (UFC), Judith Pessoa de Andrade Feitosa (UFC) and Haroldo Energy and environment 118 119 Coffee Break Session chair: Y-H. Zhang 11:30 - 12:00 Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: A. Khan 09:30 - 10:00 PM1 (invited) - Nitride-based nanocolumns and their application to light emitting Katsumi Kishino (Sophia University), Hiroto Sekiguchi (Sophia University), Akihiko Kikuchi (Sophia University) and Tetsuya Kouno (Sophia University) 10:00 - 10:30 PM8 (invited) - Proposal of III-Nbased Novel Next Generation Solar Cells and Novel Blue-Green Light Emitters Akihiko Yoshikawa (Chiba Univ), Yoshihiro Ishitani (Chiba Univ) and Kazuhide Kusakabe (Chiba Univ) 10:30 - 10:45 M534 - Macroporous Silicon: Efficient Antireflective Layer on Crystalline Silicon Faruk Fonthal Rico (U Autonoma de Occidente) and Ivaldo Torres Chavez (Universidad de Pamplona) 10:45 - 11:00 M516 - Study of Defects in Silicon by Photoluminescence for Development of Si-based Optoelectronic Applications Supakit Charnvanichborikarn (Research School of Physic), Byron John Villis (School of Physics), Jennifer Wong-Leung (Research School of Physic), Jeffrey Colin McCallum (School of Physics), Chennupati Jagadish (Research School of Physic) and James Stanislaus Williams (Research School of Physic) multijunction solar cell applications Yong - Hang Zhang (Arizona State University) 12:30 - 12:45 M524 - Spray deposition of CuInS2 on electrodeposited ZnO for low cost solar cells Mariana Berruet (INTEMA), Matías Valdes (CONICET), Albert Goossens (TUDelft) and Marcela Vazquez (UNMdP, CONICET) 12:45 - 13:00 M510 - Meyer-Neldel Rule in Cadmium Sulfide Fikry M El Akkad (Kuwait University) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: M. Iwaya 09:30 - 10:00 PM13 (invited) - GaInN-based LED structures on semi-polar crystal facets Ferdinand Scholz (Ulm University) PM5 (invited) - High-performance group-III-nitride-based lightemitting solar cells (LESCs) Motoaki Iwaya (Faculty of Science and Te), Yosuke Kuwahara (Faculty of Science and Te), Yasuharu Fujiyama (Faculty of Science and Te), Daisuke Iida (Faculty of Science and Te), Satoshi Kamiyama (Faculty of Science and Te), Hiroshi Amano (Faculty of Science and Te) and Isamu Akasaki (Faculty of Science and Te) PM6 (invited) - Room Temperature Epitaxial Growth of InGaN and its Application to Solar Cells Hiroshi Fujioka (The University of Tokyo) PM12 (invited) - Nanoscale electrical characterization of Oxide and II-VI semiconductors for optoelectronic applications PM10 (invited) - Charge photogeneration and recombination in dye sensitized and polymer / fullerene solar cells James Robert Durrant (Imperial College) PM11 (invited) - Photovoltaic Materials and Fiber Based Photovoltaics David Loren Carroll (Wake Forest University) M505 - Efficient bulk heterojunction organic solar cell: effect of the morphological stability on the device lifetime B R Mehta (Indian Institute of Techn) barbara paci, amanda generosi, valerio rossi albertini and remi de Bettignies 13:00 - 14:30 10:45 - 11:00 Lunch M512 - The performance of sulphurized TiO2/In2S3/CuInSe2 solar cells PM16 (invited) - High power IIINitride Deep UV LED Lamps 14:30 - 15:00 M508 - Study of optical and electrical properties of nanostructured indium nitride films 09:30 - 10:00 10:30 - 10:45 12:30 - 13:00 Session chair: D. Carroll 10:30 - 10:45 Friday, September 25 Session chair: G. A. J. Amaratunga 10:00 - 10:30 12:00 - 12:30 10:00 - 10:30 Asif Khan (University of South Carol) Romero Grova (UPFR), Bruno Nowacki (UFPR), Leni Campos Akcelrud (UFPR), Almantas Pivrikas (LIOS) and Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci (LIOS) PM14 (invited) - Green electronics for the future: paper-e Matías Valdes (CONICET), Albert Goossens (TUDelft) and Marcela Vazquez (UNMdP, CONICET) Elvira Fortunato (New University of Lisbon) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 15:00 - 15:30 Session chair: J. R. Durrant Marina Sparvoli (Escola Politécnica - USP), Ronaldo Domingues Mansano (Escola Politécnica - USP) and José Fernando Diniz Chubaci (Escola Politécnica - USP) PM9 (invited) - Order and Disorder in Multicomponent Passive and Active Oxides 11:30 - 12:00 Rodrigo Martins (New University of Lisbon) PM17 (invited) - Nanowire array PV cells for enhanced photonic and electronic performance 11:00 - 11:30 10:45 - 11:00 15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break M543 - CO2 laser annealing on Er3+/Yb3+-activated SiO2-SiC nanocomposites for photonics Gehan Amaratunga (University of Cambridge) M517 - Strain engineering as a tool for development of stretchable photonics 12:00 - 12:30 Clara Eugenia Goyes Lopez (Pontificia UniJaveriana), Pablo Cesar Morales (Pont Uni Javeriana-COL), Alessandro Chiasera (CNR-IFN-Trento-IT), Faruk Fonthal Rico (U Autónoma OccidenteCOL), Giancarlo Riguini (CNR-IFACFirenze-IT), Marianela de los Rios (U del Quindio-COL) and Maurizio Ferrari (CNR-IFN-Trento-IT) Branko Kolaric (UNI-Mons), Sylvain Desprez (UNI-Mons) and Pascal Damman (UNI-Mons) 11:00 - 11:30 Jilian Nei de Freitas (UNICAMP), Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP), Isabel Session chair: B. R. Mehta 11:30 - 12:00 PM2 (invited) - Nobel materials and structures for super high efficiency multi-junction solar cells Yoshio Ohshita , Hidetoshi Suzuki, Nobuaki Kojima and Masafumi Yamaguchi 12:00 - 12:30 PM15 (invited) - A latticematched material platform for 120 PM3 (invited) - Hybrid and tandem dye sensitized solar cells aiming at high efficiency Shuzi Hayase 15:45 - 16:00 12:30 - 12:45 M518 - New conducting polymers containing fluorene and thiophene units and their application in organic solar cells M530 - Degradation studies of rigid and flexible rr-P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells encapsulated with a parylene polymeric coating 121 Marco Roberto Cavallari (FBK, PovoTrento, Italia), Christine Marie Cuppoletti (FBK, Povo-Trento, Italia), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (LME, PSI, EPUSP, Brasil), Gianluigi Maggioni (UniPd, INFN-LNL, Italia), Marta Buffa (DIMTI, UniTn, Italia), Alberto Quaranta (DIMTI, UniTn, Italia) and Michele Tonezzer (DIMTI, UniTn, Italia) 12:45 - 13:00 M509 - Dependence of Fill Factor on Cathode Polymer Interface in Organic Solar Cells Ourahmoun Ourida Ourida and Belkaid Med Said 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: K. Kishino 14:30 - 15:00 PM7 (invited) - Nanostructured bulk heterojunction devices using donor-acceptor block copolymers Mukundan Thelakkat (University of Bayreuth), Michael Sommer (University of Bayreuth), Ruth Helga Lohwasser (University of Bayreuth), Sven Huettner (University of Bayreuth) and Sebastién Maria (University of Bayreuth) 11:30 to 13:00 M503 - Photoluminescence in silicon based multilayers grown by PECVD technique. Marcia Ribeiro (EPUSP) and Inès Pereyra (EPUSP) M504 - Explanation of optical shift on Ga1-xInxAsySb1-y/GaSb grown by Liquid- Phase Epitaxy Gerardo Fonthal (Universidad del Quindio), Robert Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma de O), Liliana del Socorro Tirado-Mejía (Universidad del Quindio), Hernandoo Calderón Ariza (Universidad del Quindio) and Nelson Porras (Universidad del Valle) M507 - Characterization of Cs3+ 2NaAlF6:Cr single crystals Lilian Pantoja Sosman (UERJ), Heloisa Nunes Bordallo (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) and Fabiano Yokaichiya (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) M511 - Chemometric Study of Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework Cristiane Kelly de Oliveira (UFPE), Ivani Malvestiti (UFPE), Severino Alves Junior (UFPE) and Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) 15:00 - 15:30 PM18 (invited) - Nanoscale Time Resolved Carrier Relaxation Phenomena in Highly Efficient Nitrides LED Structures M513 - Influence of Cr concentration and photon energy excitation on the photoluminescence of Ruby microcrystals Frank Bertram (Uni-Magdeburg) and Jürgen Christen Leiliane Cristina Cossolino (IFSC - Usp) and Antonio Ricardo Zanatta (IFSC - Usp) 15:30 - 15:45 M562 - Improving Light-harvesting of Nanocrystalline TiO2 in DSC John Noel Clifford (ICIQ) 15:45 - 16:00 M563 - Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes (HYLEDS): Relationship between charge carrier transport and efficiency Eugenia Martinez - Ferrero (ICIQ) Poster Session M Frontiers in Photonic and Photovoltaic Materials and Processes Room: Louvre Tuesday, September 22 122 M515 - Investigation of the Degenerate Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Section in all-trans Retinal: Nonlinear Spectrum and Molecular Structure Marcelo Gonçalves Vivas (IFSC-USP), Daniel Luiz Silva (IFSC-USP) and Cleber Renato Mendonca (IFSC-USP) M519 - Ultra-low birefringence silica glass synthesized by VAD method for photonic components for UV photolithography Juliana Santiago dos Santos (Unicamp), Eduardo Ono (Unicamp), Eric Fujiwara (Unicamp) and Carlos Kenichi Suzuki (Unicamp) M520 - Enhancement of the Photocurrent in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by the Incorporation of MWCNT Lívia Mesquita Loiola (UNICAMP), César Oropesa Avellaneda (UNICAMP) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP) M521 - Hydrostatic pressure and electric field effects on excitons in coupled double quantum wells Ricardo León Restrepo Arango (EIA), Walter Antonio Ospina Muñoz (EIA), Guilhermo León Miranda Pedraza (EIA), Eugenio Giraldo Tobón (EIA) and Carlos Alberto Duque Echeverri (UdeA) M522 - Photoelectrochemical studies of oriented 3D crystalline nanorod arrays of hematite Flavio Leandro Souza (UFABC), Bruno Henrique Ramos Lima (UFSCar), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) M523 - Important Parameters on Development of Nanostructured Films of Alpha-Hematite Bruno Henrique Ramos Lima (UFSCar), Flavio Leandro Souza (UFABC), Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) M525 - A Study of Characteristic of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell using the Recovery of Light with a Reflector of Micro Structures. Yongwoo Kim (Pusan National University), Indong Shin (Pusan National University), Soochang Choi (Pusan national University) and Deugwoo Lee (Pusan National University) M527 - Nonlinear optical absorption of doped and undoped polyaniline Leonardo De Boni (IFSC/USP), Daniel Souza Correa (USP), Debora Terezia Balogh (IFSC/USP) and Cleber Renato Mendonca (USP) M529 - Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on a Cross-Linked Gel Polymer Electrolyte Containing Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Joao Eduardo Benedetti (UNICAMP), Aline Alves Corrêa (UNICAMP), Mayara Carmello (UNICAMP) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP) M531 - Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polyaniline doped with H3PMo12O40 and its Application as Counter-Electrode in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Luiz Carlos Pimentel Almeida (UNICAMP), Agnaldo de Souza Gonçalves (UNICAMP), Paulo César Muniz de Lacerda Miranda (UNICAMP), Luís César Passoni (UENF) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP) M532 - Preparation and Charac- terization of Layer-by-Layer Films based on Poly(p-phenilenevinilene) and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Luiz Carlos Pimentel Almeida (UNICAMP), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP) M533 - Charge Transfer States in a polymerfullerene photovoltaic interface: A Density Functional Theory study Cleber Fabiano Marchiori (UFPR) and Marlus Koehler (UFPR) M535 - Organic Photovoltaic Devices Based on Polythiophene using Thin TiO2 Films as Intermediate Layer Rogerio Valaski (INMETRO) and N. A. D. Yamamoto (UFPR) M536 - Photonic Rectangular Slot Resonator with Four Dielectrics Layers HUMBERTO CESAR CHAVES FERNANDES (UFRN) and HUMBERTO DIONISIO ANDRADE (UFRN) M537 - Photoconductivity analysis of photovoltaic structures based on TiO2 and poly(3-hexylthiophene) Carlos Eduardo Zanetti (IFSC/USP), Adriana Pereira Ibaldo (IFSC/USP), Rogério Valaski (IFSC/USP) and Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) M538 - Photosensitive Devices Structures Based on Low Porosity Porous Silicon Faruk Fonthal Rico (U Autonoma de Occidente), Clara Eugenia Goyes Lopez (Pontificia UniJaveriana), Marialena de los Rios Londoño (Universidad del Quindio), Liliana del Socorro Tirado - Mejía (Universidad del Quindio) and Gerardo Fonthal (Universidad del Quindio) M540 - Optical studies of CdZnSe thin films Dinesh Patidar (University of Rajasthan) and NS Saxena (University of Rajasthan) M542 - Fabrication of luminescent optical quality Aluminosilicate Microtubes Joseph Edward McCarthy (Trinity College Dublin) and Yurii Gunko (Trinity College Dublin) M544 - A study of single phase formation, scintillation and optical properties of scheelite calcium 123 tungstate powders and high optical quality single crystal minirods Luciara Benedita Barbosa (UFS), Ronaldo Santos da Silva (UFS), Marcelo Souza Silva (UFS), Fernanda Rocha Cavalcante (UFS), Diógenes Reyes Ardila (UFS) and José Pedro Andreeta (USP) M545 - Doped ZnO powders for application in hybrid solar cells Laura Cristina Damonte (Dto de Física, UNLP), Vicente Donderis (Dto de Ing Eléctrica, UPV), Javier Orozco-Messana (Dto Ing Mec y Mat UPV) and Mariangeles Hernández-Fenollosa (Dto Física Aplicada UPV) M546 - Optical sensitization of TiO2 with modified Alq3 complexes Luis Guilherme C Rego (UFSC), Robson da Silva (UFSC), Jose Arruda Freire (UFPR) and Victor S Batista (Yale) M547 - Raman Spectroscopy Stress Measurements on Atmospheric Plasma Thermally Sprayed pc-Silicon Sheets for Use in Solar Cells Devices André Pimenta Faria (CETEC), Igor Silva Carvalho (CETEC), Ricardo Luiz Ribeiro (CEFET/MG), Saulo Alonso Rodrigues-Silva (CETEC) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) M548 - Influence of CN Moieties Linked to the Backbone on Kinetics of PPV-like Polymers Formation Karine Cristina Carrilho Weber dos Santos Klider (UEPG), Fábio Santana dos Santos (UEPG), Jacqueline Aparecida Marques (UEPG), Karen Wohnrath (UEPG), Laura Oliveira Péres (UNIFESP), Mauro Roberto Fernandes (USP) and Jarem Raul Garcia (UEPG) M550 - PbSe nanoprecipitates produced by ion implantation in Si (001) and SOI atomic charges in OPVs Járlesson Gama Amazonas (IFUSP), José Maximiano Fernandes Pinheiro Júnior (IFUSP) and Marília Junqueira Caldas (IFUSP) M553 - Photoluminescence from Ge nanocrystals produced by hot implantation into SiO2 Felipe Lipp Bregolin (UFRGS), Shay Reboh (UFRGS), Uilson Schwantz Sias (CEFET-RS), Moni Behar (UFRGS) and Eduardo Ceretta Moreira (UNIPAMPA) M554 - Photophysical Systems for Proton Coupled Electron Transfer Desmond Mac-Leod Carey (UNAB), Alvaro Rafael Muñoz - Castro (UNAB) and Ramiro Arratia Perez (UNAB) M561 - Electronic states in double quantum wells-wires with potential W-profile: Combined effects of the hydrostatic pressure an electric field Ricardo León Restrepo Arango (EIA), Guilhermo León Miranda Pedraza (EIA), Walter Antonio Ospina Muñoz (EIA), Carlos Alberto Duque Echeverri (UdeA) and Carlo Mario Duque Jiménez (UdeA) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM N Materials for Nuclear Power Generation Auditorium: Aranjuez Simposium Organizers: M. G. (Grace) Burke (Betis Atomic Power, USA) Raul Versaci (CNEA, Argentina) Andre Costa e Silva (IBQN/UFF, Brazil) Raul Versaci (CNEA, Argentina) Andre Costa e Silva (, ) Zacarias Eduardo Fabrim (UFRGS), Flavia Piegas Luce (UFRGS), Shay Reboh (UFRGS), Fernando Schaurich Silva (EE-UFRGS), Tierri Engel (EE-UFRGS) and Paulo Fernando Papaleo Fitchner (UFRGS) M551 - Luminescence Properties of Er3+ and Tm3+ Doped BaY2F8 Ana Carolina Santana de Mello (UFS), Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFS-Aracaju), Adriano Borges Andrade (UFS), Gerson Hiroshi de Godoy Nakamura (CLA/IPEN) and Sonia Licia Baldoch (CLA/IPEN) M552 - Torsion barriers and 124 Energy and environment 125 15:15 - 15:30 N521 - Kinetics Analysis of Zircaloy-4 Hydriding between 20 and 670C Monday, September 21 Session chair: Grace Burke and Luiz Henrique de Almeida 09:30 - 10:00 PN2 (invited) - Material Degradation and Aging Management of Primary Components in LWR Plants Kawaljit Ahluwalia (EPRI) 10:00 - 10:30 PN1 (invited) - Materials Selection and Validation for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electricity Generating Power Plants Claude Andre Degueldre (LNM, NES, PSI), Goutam Kuri (LNM, NES, PSI), Annick Froideval (LNM, NES, PSI), Sebastiano Cammelli (LNM, NES, PSI), Andrey Orlov (LNM, NES, PSI) and Fohannes Bertsch (LNM, NES, PSI) 12:15 - 12:30 N520 - Pb-Induced Transgranular SCC of Alloy 690 in a PbO + 10% NaOH Solution Mary Grace Burke (Bechtel Marine Propulsion), Robert E Hermer (Bechtel Marine Propulsion) and Michael W Phaneuf (Fibics, Inc) 12:30 - 12:45 Michael Anthony Burke (Westinghouse Electric Com) N504 - Glassy Polymer Carbon and Silicon Carbide to be used in the TRISO fuel 10:30 - 10:45 Malek Amir Abunaemeh (AAMU), Mohamad Seif (AAMU), Abdalla Elsamadicy (UAH), Ibidapo Ojo (AAMU), Kadus Ogbara (AAMU), Claudiu Muntele (AAMURI) and Daryush ILA (AAMURI) N517 - Materials concepts in steel containment for PWR Nuclear Power Plants Andre Luiz Vasconcellos da Costa e Silva (IBQN- EEIMVR-UFF), Luiz Mamede Gonzalez Magalhães (IBQN) and Raul Thonke Nicolescu (IBQN) 10:45 - 11:00 N509 - Fatigue Behavior of Ferritic/Martensitic Steels for Nuclear and Power Plant Applications Martina Cecilia Avalos (CONICET), Alberto Armas (CONICET) and Iris Alvarez-Armas (CONICET) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Andre Costa e Silva and Luciano Pagano Jr. 11:30 - 12:00 PN5 (invited) - Research in the UK into reactor structural materials degradation mechanisms Colin A English 11:30 - 12:00 PN5 (invited) - Research in the UK into reactor structural materials degradation mechanisms Colin A English 12:00 - 12:15 N505 - Nuclear material investigations by advanced analytical techniques 126 12:45 - 13:00 N518 - RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SINTESYS OF U-5%Zr-3,5%Nb ALLOYS BY PLASMA MELTING I S Dupim (UFABC), Joao Manoel Moreira (UFABC), S L Silva (CTMSP), C C G e Silva (CTMSP), O Nunes (CTMSP) and R G Gomide (CTMSP) 15:30 - 16:00 PN4 (invited) - Thermodynamic modelling of U-O-X systems with X=Pu,Zr,C - Application to nuclear fuel materials studies Christine Gueneau (CEA), Stephane Gpsse (CEA), Bo Sundman (CIRIMAT) and Christian Chatillon (SIMAP) Siqueira dos Santos (UFRJ), Andre Freitas Ribeiro (UFRJ), Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM) and Luiz Henrique de Almeida (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM) N512 - Nanoscopic study on the chemical species during uranium electrodeposition foralpha spectrometry Maria Elena Montero-Cabrera (CIMAV, Mexico), Carmen Grisel Mendez-Garcia (CIMAV, Mexico), Hilda Esperanza Esparza-Ponce (CIMAV, Mexico), Diana Cecilia Burciaga-Valencia (CIMAV, Mexico), Angela Medina Beesley (University of Manchester), Luis Edmundo Fuentes (CIMAV, Mexico) and Luis Fuentes-Montero (CIMAV, Mexico) 16:00 - 16:15 N503 - Experimental and thermodynamic description of the Er-Zr system Jean - Marc Joubert (CNRS), Julien Jourdan (CEA) and Caroline Toffolon (CEA) Poster Session N Materials for Nuclear Power Generation Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 N515 - Microstructural characterization of U02-Xwt%Gd203 fuel pellets obtained by AUC co-precipitation and mechanical mixing processes Margarida Márcia Fernandes Lima (CEFET-MG), Wilmar Barbosa Ferraz (CDTN/CNEN), Ana Maria Matildes dos Santos (CDTN/CNEN), Lúcio Carlos Martins Pinto (CDTN/CNEN) and Armindo Santos (CDTN/CNEN) N516 - A comparative study of UO2 ceramic pellets for nuclear applications made from different Wet process industrial manufacturing routes Oswaldo Nunes Júnior (CTMSP), Claudio Padovani (CTMSP), Ieda Souza Silva (CTMSP), Selma Luiza Silva (CTMSP) and Ricardo Ricardo Gonçalves Gomide (CTMSP) N501 - Synthesis and characterization of lithium silicates powders Franklin L Palheiros (INB), Reinaldo Gonzaga (INB) and Alexandre R Soares (INB) Tao Tang (CAEP), De-Li Luo (CAEP) and Zhi Zhang (CAEP) N519 - Irradiation-Induced Solute Clustering in 1 Ni – 1.3 Mn Welds 13:00 - 14:30 N502 - Mathematical Simulation of the Growth of the Interaction Layer Between UMo Fuels Dispersed in Aluminium and Other Metallic Matrices Lunch Session chair: Raul Versaci and José Augusto Perrota 14:30 - 15:00 PN3 (invited) - Zirconium Alloys in Nuclear Power Plants Arthur T . Motta 15:00 - 15:15 N511 - Hydride formation and effects of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of Zirconiumrich alloys Karla Roberta Freitas da Silva (UFRJ), Vincent Meyer (UFRJ), Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM) and Luiz Henrique de Almeida (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM) Mary Grace Burke (Bechtel Marine Propulsion), Jonathan M Hyde (NNL, UK) and Robin M Boothby (NNL, UK) Fábio Branco Vaz de Oliveira (IPEN/ CNEN) and Humberto Gracher Riella (UFSC) N508 - Sensibility of mechanical and electrochemical tests in detecting alpha prime phase in duplex stainless steels aged at 475 ºC Talita Filier Fontes (IPEN), Maysa Terada (EPUSP), Angelo Fernando Padilha (University of S Paulo), Rodrigo Magnabosco (FEI) and Isolda Costa (IPEN) N510 - Volumetric Gas Hydrogenation of a Nickel Alloy 718 Leonardo Sales Araujo (UFRJ), Tatiane 127 Monday, September 21 Session chair: Ali Sayir and Carlos Levi 09:30 - 10:00 PO8 (invited) - Ceramic composites with designed reinforcement architectures for hot structure Dave Marshall (Teledyne Scientific) 10:00 - 10:30 PO9 (invited) - Developments in fiber-reinforced oxide composites Frank W Zok (UC Santa Barbara) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Materials for Direct Energy Conversion Systems PO7 (invited) - LOW THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OXIDES David Clark (Harvard University, Cambr) Sanjay SAMPATH (State University of New Y) 11:00 - 11:30 15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break O529 - Thermal barrier coatings based on zirconia stabilized with charge compensating cations Session chair: Carlos Levi and F. Zok PO3 (invited) - Hafnium Carbidebased ceramics: processing and properties 12:00 - 12:30 PO5 (invited) - Superalloys: Evolution and Revolution for the Future K Kawagishi and Hiroshi HARADA (National Institute for Ma) 12:30 - 12:45 O512 - Nickel-based superalloys for advanced turbine engines Katharine M Flores (Ohio State University), Clarissa A Yablinsky (Ohio State University), Michael J Mills (Ohio State University) and James C Williams (Ohio State University) 12:45 - 13:00 O532 - A Coupled Thermodynamic-Kinetic Model for the Oxidation Kinetics of Ternary Nickel-Rich Alloys R T WU (ICYS), R C REED (University of Birmingham/), K KAWAGISHI (Uni- 128 14:30 - 15:00 PO6 (invited) - Advanced Concepts in Thermal Spray Processing of Materials: An Illustrative Discussion on YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings Simposium Organizers: Energy and environment Session chair: A. Bellosi and D. Marshall O524 - Scaled-Up Manufacturing of Nanostructured Refractory Ceramics for High-Temperature Applications Alida Bellosi (CNR-ISTEC, Faenza, Italy), Laura Silvestroni (CNR-ISTEC) and Diletta Sciti (CNR-ISTEC) Ali Sayir (NASA / Case Western, USA) Thierry Caillat (Caltech, USA) Marie-Helene Berger (Centre des Materiaux, France) Carlos G. Levi (UCSB, USA) Hugo Sandim (FAENQUIL, Brazil) Lunch 15:00 - 15:30 11:30 - 12:00 Auditorium: Bandeirantes 13:00 - 14:30 10:30 - 10:45 James Kelly (Alfred University), Raghunath Kanakala (Alfred University) and Olivia A Graeve (Alfred University) SYMPOSIUM O versity of Birmingham/) and Hiroshi Harada Rafael M Leckie (UCSB - USA), Yang Shen (UCSB - USA), David R Clark (UCSB - USA) and Carlos G Levi (UCSB - USA) 15:45 - 16:00 O530 - Microstructural Effects in the Fracture Toughness of Thermal Barrier Coatings EM DONOUE (UCSB - USA), NR PHILLIPS (UCSB - USA), DM LIPKIN (General Electric), CA JOHNSON (General Electric), W NELSON (General Electric_Energy), Carlos G LEVI (UCSB - USA) and AG G EVANS (UCSB - USA) 16:00 - 16:15 O539 - Nanoindentation study of zirconia with non-transormable tetragonal phase:experiments and simulation of elastic and plastic behavior David Torres - Torres (Centro de Investigacion Mexico), Juan Muñoz-Saldaña (Centro de Investigacion Mexico), Carlos Levi (UCSB), Robert McMeeking (University of California,), Anthony Evans (University of California,), Eduardo Jose Zuniga-Marquez (Centro de Investigacion Mexico) and Luis Gerardo Trapaga Martinez (Centro de Investigacion Mexico) 129 16:15 - 16:30 O511 - Optical/thermal properties of black alumina Katsunori Matsumura (The University of Tokyo), Yutaka Kagawa (The University of Tokyo) and Yukihiro Nakada (The University of Tokyo) James W Mitchell (Howard University) 11:45 - 12:00 O537 - Semiconducting behavior in Cr1-xAlx thin films Zoe Boekelheide (UC-Berkeley), Derek A Stewart (Cornell) and Frances Hellman (UC-Berkeley) Tuesday, September 22 12:00 - 12:30 Session chair: Ali Sayir and T. Caillat 09:30 - 10:00 PO1 (invited) - Skutterudite-based Thermoelectrics: Nano-composites and Device Development Lidong Chen (SICCAS) and Xiangyang Huang (SICCAS) PO2 (invited) - Oxide thermoelectric power generation Ryoji Funahashi (National Institute of Adv), Atsuko Kosuga (National Institute of Adv), Saori Urata (National Institute of Adv), Yoko Matsumura (National Institute of Adv), Tomoyuki Urata (CREST, Japan Science and) and Kanako Iwasaki (National Institute of Adv) 10:00 - 10:15 O516 - Thermoelectric Properties of Cu-Filled Chevrel-Phase Sulfides Michihiro Ohta (AIST), Atsushi Yamamoto (AIST) and Haruhiko Obara (AIST) 10:15 - 10:30 O502 - Thermoelectric figure of merit of Zn4Sb3 samples grown by mechanical alloying and subsequent sintering 12:30 - 12:45 O503 - Transport and thermoelectric properties of multi-phase LSCuO samples grown by citrate sol-gel method Julio E . Rodriguez (Unal Col), Luis Carlos Moreno-Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia) and Doris Cadavid (Unal Col) 12:45 - 13:00 Julio E . Rodriguez (Unal Col) and Doris Cadavid (Unal Col) O513 - Unconventional Reduction of Thermal Conductivity in Thermoelectric Oxides 10:30 - 10:45 Michitaka Ohtaki (Kyushu University), Tomohiro Masuda (Kyushu University), Shinobu Teraoka (Kyushu University) and Kiyoshi Yamamoto (Kyushu University) O515 - Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of p-type Mg2Sn prepared by RF induction melting Haiyan Chen (CSIRO, Australia), Nick Savvides (CSIRO, Australia), Christian Stiewe (DLR, Germany), Titas Dasgupta (DLR, Germany) and Eckhard Mueller (DLR, Germany) 10:45 - 11:00 Thermoelectric energy conversion in metal-semiconductor nanocomposites and multi layers Ali Shakouri (University of California) 11:00 - 11:30 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: R. Funahashi and L. Chen 14:30 - 15:00 PO4 (invited) - Thermoelectric Properties of Nanostructured TiO2/SnO2 Composites Fred W DYNYS (NASA), Marie Helene BERGER (Paris Tech), Ali SAYIR (NASA / CWRU) and Alp SEHIRLIOGLU (CWRU) Coffee Break 15:00 - 15:15 Session chair: T. Caillat and F. Dynys O519 - Thermal Transport Measurements of LaCoO3 and SrTiO3 11:30 - 11:45 Alexander Cortes (Universidad del valle), Juan Claudio Nino (University of Florida), Wilson lopera (Universidad del valle) and Pedro Prieto (CENM) O521 - Thermopower of Bismuth (Bi) Nanowire Arrays with wire diameters between 20 and 200 nm. Interplay of quantum confinement and surface effects. Tito E Huber (Howard University), Ajibola Adeyeye (Howard University) and 130 15:15 - 15:30 O508 - Modifications of the Bi2Ca2Co2O8-δ thermoelectric properties by controlling the microstructure Hervé Muguerra (LCIS), Beatriz RivasMurias (LCIS), Maria Traianidis (bcrc), Bénédicte Vertruyen (LCIS), Philippe Vanderbemden (Inst Montefiore) and Rudi Cloots (LCIS) O510 - Effects of stabilization time on microstructure of mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers with different diameters Gisele Fidelis Altoé (CTEx), Luiz Depine de Castro (CTEx) and Leonardo Bresciani Canto (UFRJ) 15:30 - 15:45 O507 - Porous S-doped ZnO electrode for application in solar energy conversion O514 - Self-assembled ultrathin films of cellulose nanofibrils and poly(o-ethoxyaniline) Everson Thiago Santos Gerôncio da Silva (UNICAMP), Gabriela Zanotto Bosshard (UNICAMP), Fernando Aparecido Sigoli (UNICAMP) and Cláudia Longo (UNICAMP) Eliton Souto Medeiros (UFSCar), Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso (Embrapa), Rubens Bernandes Filho (Embrapa) and William John Orts (USDA) 15:45 - 16:00 O526 - Role of the polymer thermal stability on the efficiency of compact layer-by-layer TiO2 films as blocking layers in dye-sensitized solar cells Neyde Y Murakami Iha (IQUSP), Antonio Otavio T Patrocinio (IQUSP) and Leonardo Giordano Paterno (IQUSP) 16:00 - 16:15 O517 - The development of selective surfaces of ni-nio by magnetron sputtering for photothermal applications Gilson Ronaldo Guimarães (CETEC/ MG), Wagner Sade (REDEMAT) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) O520 - Synthesis and Characterization of Coordination Polymers 2D with High Thermal Stability Marcella Auxiliadora de Melo Lucena (UFPE), Adenaule Geber Melo (UFPE), Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE), Severino Alves Junior (UFPE) and Marcelo Rodrigues (UFPE) O522 - Analysis of the behavior of mesoporous anatase nanocrystalline titania films applied to dye sensitized solar cells DJALMA ALBUQUERQUE BARROS (UNIBAN), César Avellaneda (UNICAMP), Tiago Tavares (UNIBAN), Thiago Palermo (UNIBAN) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP) 16:15 - 16:30 O523 - Unique Preparation of Hexaboride Nanocubes for Hydrogen Storage Applications O518 - Electrodeposition of black chromium thin films from trivalent chromium-ionic liquid solution Olivia A Graeve (Alfred University), Raghunath Kanakala (Alfred University) and Gabriel Rojas-George Sónia Eugénio (Demat-IST-UTL), Rui Vilar (Demat-IST-UTL), Carmen Mireya Rangel (UEQM- INETI) and Iruson Baskaran (Demat-IST-UTL) O525 - Microwave attenuation properties of CoTi substituted and La doped Ca hexaferrites Poster Session O Materials for Direct Energy Conversion Systems Valdirene Aparecida da Silva (ITA - CTA/IAE/AMR), José Jesus Pereira (ITA/ UNITAU), Regia Chacon Pessoa (UFRN), Marinalva Cerqueira Nasar (UFRN), Ricardo Silveira Nasar (UFRN), Evandro Luiz Nohara (UNITAU) and Mirabel Cerqueira Rezende (CTA/IAE) Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 O509 - Potential for generation of thermal and electrical energy from biomass of sugarcane: a exergetic analysis Djolse Nascimento Dantas (EESC - USP), Frederico Fabio Mauad (EESC - USP) and Aldo Roberto Ometto (EESC - USP) 131 Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Julius Vancso 09:30 - 10:00 PP4 (invited) - Self-Assembly of Soft Matter/Nanoparticle Hybrids Stephen Z . D . Cheng (University of Akron), Wen-Bin Zhang (University of Akron), Yingfeng Tu (University of Akron), Chun Ye (University of Akron), Ryan M Van Horn (University of Akron), Xinfei Yu (University of Akron) and Chien-Lung Wang (University of Akron) 10:00 - 10:15 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 P507 - Redox Responsive Poly(ferrocenylsilane) (PFS) Interfaces Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy Jing Song (University of Twente), Hong Jing Chung (University of Twente) and Julius G Vancso (University of Twente) Maria Rippel (Unicamp) and Maria do Carmo Vasconcelos da Silva (Unicamp) 12:00 - 12:15 P512 - Modelling of space charge density in polymeric insulating ourahmoun ourida ourida and belkaid Med said 12:15 - 12:30 P513 - Fluorinated Anionic Photoacid Generators(PAGs) & Super PAG Bound Polymer Resists for Nanolithography Kenneth E . Gonsalves (UNCC), Minxing Wang (UNCC), Venkat Reddy Vummadi (UNCC) and Monica Miryam Rabinovich (UNCC) 12:30 - 13:00 PP1 (invited) - Functional Polymeric Nanostructures Ming - Yong Han SYMPOSIUM P Designer Polymeric Nano and Micro-Structures Auditorium: Aranjuez 10:15 - 10:30 P510 - Stimulus Responsive Organometallic Nanostructures for Release of Molecular Payloads Julius G Vancso (University of Twente), Jing Song (University of Twente), Yujie Ma (University of Twente), Nayeli Arias-Lopez (University of Twente) and Mark Hempenius (University of Twente) 10:30 - 11:00 Simposium Organizers: Edwin L. Thomas (MIT, USA) Maria do Carmo Gonçalves (Unicamp, Brazil) Christopher Ober (U. Cornell, USA) Julius Vancso (U. of Twente, Netherlands) PP7 (invited) - Improved barrier, mechanical and thermal properties of hydrophilic edible films by incorporation of nanoparticles and nanofibers Luiz H C Mattoso (Embrapa/CNPDIA/ LNNA, BRA), Tara H McHugh (WRRC/ ARS/USDA, USA), Marcia R Moura (Embrapa/CNPDIA/LNNA, BRA), Henriette MC de Azeredo (Embrapa/CNPAT, Brazil), Nijan Dogan (Nestle, Switzerland) and Roberto J Avena-Bustillos Session chair: Rachel Segalman 14:30 - 15:00 PP3 (invited) - Rheology as a tool to characterize and control morphology of polymer blends and clay containing polymer nanocomposites Nicole Raymonde Demarquette 15:00 - 15:15 P511 - Polymeric Scaffolding based on polyisocyanopeptide based multi-chromophoric arrays: Unraveling the relationship between nanoscale architecture and function in materials for organic electronics Paolo Samorì 15:15 - 15:30 Coffee Break P527 - Hygrothermal Ageing of Polypropylene/Maleated PP/Glass Fiber Composites: Influence of Compatibilizer Content and Fiber Sizing 11:30 - 12:00 PP9 (invited) - Electrostatic adhesion in polymer nanocomposites and blends 132 Lunch 11:00 - 11:30 Session chair: Paul Braun Functional and electronic materials 13:00 - 14:30 Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp), Leonardo Fonseca Valadares (Unicamp), Fabio do Carmo Bragança (Unicamp), Elisângela Linares (Unicamp), Marcia José Alexandrino Sousa (DEMa-UFSCar) and Marcelo Henrique Motta Dias (DEMa-UFSCar) 15:30 - 15:45 P528 - Nanostructure of New 133 Epoxy-PMMA-Clay Composites Karim Dahmouche (UEZO), Soraia ZAIONCZ (IMA/UFRJ) and Bluma Guenther Soares (UFRJ) 15:45 - 16:00 P522 - Optical and Microstructural Studies on Chalcone Doped PMMA Ravindrachary Vasachar (Mangalore University), Praveena Sarve Dhola (Mangalore University), Rajashekar Fakeerappa Bhajantri (Mangalore University), Ismayil (Mangalore University), Seetharamappa jaldappa (Karnatak University) and Vincent Crasta (St. Joseph Engineering Co) 16:00 - 16:30 PP2 (invited) - Liquid crystal networks and self-organizing hydrogels: nanotechnology towards soft actuators and nanoporous systems Dirk J Broer (Eindhoven University) Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: Maria do Carmo Gonçalves 09:30 - 10:00 PP8 (invited) - Soft Carbon and Graphite Nanotubes for Electronic Applications Takuzo Aida (The University of Tokyo) tion of optically active microstructures for photonic applications Cleber Renato Mendonca (USP), Daniel Souza Correa (USP), Tobias Voss (Harvard), Prakriti Tayalia (Harvard) and Eric mazur (Harvard) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Edwin Thomas 11:30 - 12:00 PP5 (invited) - Self-Assembly of Rod-Coil Block Copolymers for Optoelectronics Rachel A Segalman (UC Berkeley), Bradley D Olsen (UC Berkeley), Victor Ho (UC Berkeley) and Bryan McCulloch (UC Berkeley) 12:00 - 12:30 PP6 (invited) - 3D Composite Structures for Storing, Generating, and Harvesting Photons and Electrons Paul V Braun Poster Session P Designer Polymeric Nano and MicroStructures Room: Louvre 10:00 - 10:15 P501 - Micoporous Polymers and Conjugated Polymer Networks Johannes Schmidt (Max Planck Institute), Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute) and Arne Thomas (Max Planck Institute) 10:15 - 10:30 P532 - Tuneable-refractive-index inorganic/organic hybrid systems for solution-fabrication of distributed all-dielectric Bragg reflectors Natalie Stingelin (Imperial College London), Manuela Russo (Imperial College London), Walter Caseri (ETH Zurich) and Mariano Campoy Quiles 10:30 - 10:45 P524 - Synthesis and characterization of PANI/ABS polymeric varistors Ciro Scheremeta Quintans (UFSCar), Fernando Henrique Cristovan (UFPA) and Ernesto Chaves Pereira (UFSCar) 10:45 - 11:00 P514 - Two-photon polymeriza134 Thursday, September 24 11:30 to 13:00 P502 - Preparation of functional environmentally responsive supports Alexandros Lamprou (ETH Zurich), Giuseppe Storti (ETH Zurich) and Massimo Morbidelli (ETH Zurich) P503 - Controlled Styrene Polymerization using Trifunctional Initiator Eduardo Galhardo (UNICAMP) and Liliane Ferrareso Lona (UNICAMP) P504 - Layer by Layer engineering of PLGA nanoparticles for control of surface properties, targeting and cellular uptake Sergio Enrique Moya (CIC biomaGUNE), Jie Shou (CIC biomaGUNE) and Changyou Gao (Zhejian University) P505 - Selective erasing of nanoscale Polyelectrolyte films by means of Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants tions Sergio Enrique Moya (CIC biomaGUNE), Jagoba Iturri (CIC biomaGUNE) and Irantzu Llarena (CIC biomaGUNE) Lilian Marques Silva (EPUSP), Eduardo Yoti Matsuy (FATEC-SP), Roberto da Rocha Lima (IFUSP), Esteban Fachini (UPR-USA) and Maria Lúcia Pereira da Silva (EPUSP) P506 - Preparation and characterization of capillary monolithic columns for nano-chromatography ZEID ABDULLAH ALOTHMAN (King Saud University), Yacine Badjah Hadj Ahmed (King Saud University), Metaab A Al Badrani (King Saud University) and Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al Warthan (King Saud University) P508 - Immobilization of an alternating copolymer containing fluorenyl groups in Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films Luciano Caseli (UNIFESP), Laura Oliveira Péres (UNIFESP), Shu H Wang (USP), Thays CF Santos (UNIFESP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) P518 - Preparation and characterization of PMMA based microstrutured polymer optical fibers Daniel Fonseca Segura (UNESP), Ferminio Cesar Polachini (UNESP), Sidney josé Lima Ribeiro (UNESP) and Younes Messaddeq (UENSP) P519 - Enhancement on the poly(p-phenylene vinylene) emission efficiency in the indium-tin oxide interface Luiz Carlos Poças (FACIP-UFU), Alexandre Marletta (UFU), Raigna Augusta Silva (UFU), Newton Martins Barbosa Neto (UFU), José Leonil Duarte (UEL), Ivan Frederico Lupiano Dias (UEL) and Edson Laureto (UEL) P520 - Highly polarized light emission from layer-by-layer PPV+CR films Luiz Carlos Poças (FACIP-UFU), Alexandre Marletta (UFU), Raigna Augusta Silva (UFU), Newton Martins Barbosa Neto (UFU), José Leonil Duarte (UEL), Ivan Frederico Lupiano Dias (UEL) and Edson Laureto (UEL) P523 - Effect of Alkali metal salt KCl Doping on Optical and Microstructural Properties of polymer PVA Rajashekar Fakeerappa Bhajantri (Mangalore University), Ravindrachary Vasachar (Mangalore University), Ismayil (Mangalore University), Harisha Arikady (Mangalore University) and Manjunatha Pattabi (Mangalore University) P530 - Effect of chitosan addition in polyhydroxybutyrate scaffolds properties. Roberta Helena Mendonça , Rossana Mara da Silva Moreira Thiré (Thiré) and Marysilvia Ferreira da Costa P531 - One-Step Synthesis of Polyaniline and Silver Particles Composites in Ionic Liquids Fernanda Ferraz Camilo (UNIFESP), Roselena Faez (UNIFESP), Marcos Augusto Bizeto (UNIFESP) and Cintia M Correa (UNIFESP) P533 - Electric charge partition in polymer latex blends Elisangela Moura Linares (Unicamp), Sergio Venturinelli Jannuzzi (University of Campinas) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) P534 - Polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) composite membrane characterized by AFM techniques Cecília Vilani (Inmetro), Monique Nonato Silva Petersem (UFRJ/Inmetro), Clara Muniz Almeida (Inmetro), Lidia Agata Sena (Inmetro), Indhira Oliveira Maciel (UFMG) and Carlos Alberto Achete (INMETRO) P535 - Au/Ag nanostructures on PMMA surface Paula Cristiane Andrade Brito (UFS), Thiago Xavier Rocha Souza (UFS), Rodrigo de Farias Gomes (UFS), Nilson dos Santos Ferreira (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) P536 - Analysis of Conductivity of the PUR/CB composites varying the amounts of polyol and carbon black. Michael Jones da Silva (UNESP - Ilha Solteira), Paulo Vinicius dos Santos Rebeque (UNESP - Ilha Solteira), José Antonio Malmonge (UNESP - Ilha Solteira), Haroldo Naoyuki Nagashima (UNESP - Ilha Solteira) and Darcy Hiroe Fujii Kanda (UNESP - Ilha Solteira) P537 - Degradation of Glass Fiber Renforced Polymer Rebars Fahad S Al - Mubaddel (King Saud University) P529 - Composite as a Selective Membrane for Electronic Applica- 135 Monday, September 21 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Lucimara Stolz Roman 11:30 - 11:45 Q519 - Interface effect of heat treatment on amorphous In-GaZn-O thin film transistor as a function of oxygen flow rate Chulho Jung , Kwang Ho Choi, Min Suk Choi and Dae Ho Yoon 11:45 - 12:00 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Q510 - Magnetostriction and substrate effect on microwave permeability of metal films Sergey Nickolaevitch Starostenko (ITAE RAS) and Konstantin Nickolaevitch Rozanov (ITAE RAS) heterostructures Michele Muccini (CNR), Raffaella Capelli (CNR), Stafano Toffanin (CNR), Gianluca generali (CNR) and Antonio facchetti (Polyera Co) 15:15 - 15:30 Q521 - Investigation of the bonding process of anisotropic conductive films joints Yong - Cheng Lin (Central South University) 15:30 - 16:00 PQ6 (invited) - Printing and Patterning for Plastic Electronics and Photonics Donal Donat Conor Bradley (Imperial College London) Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Martin Heeney SYMPOSIUM Q Materials and Processes for Large-Area Electronics Auditorium: Liberdade Simposium Organizers: Martin Heeney (Queen Mary, UK) Ana Claudia Arias (PARC, Palo Alto, USA) Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR, Brazil) 12:00 - 12:15 Q541 - Ferromagnetic, ferroelectric and magnetoelectric properties of PZT-CoFe2O4 multiferroic composite 09:30 - 10:00 Maria Eugenia Botello-Zubiate (CIMAV-Chihuahua), Abel Hurtado - Macias (CIMAV-Chihuahua), Carlos Roberto Santillán-Rodríguez (CIMAVChihuahua), José Andres MatutesAquino (CIMAV-Chihuahua) and Jesús González-Hernández (CIMAV-Chihuahua) leni campos akcelrud (UFPR) Q509 - Light-powered switching an entire monolayer: a switchable interface for organic electronics Paolo Samorì 10:15 - 10:30 Q522 - Electrical Characterization of Porous Silicon on p-Si Heterojunction Q537 - Charge-transfer excitons in lamellar organic semiconductors Mario Andres Chavarria (U Autonoma de Occidente) and Faruk Fonthal Rico (U Autonoma de Occidente) Carlos Silva (Université de Montréal), Jean-François Glowe (Université de Montréal), Simon Gélinas (Université de Montréal), Benoit Gosselin (Université de Montréal), Mathieu Perrin (Université de Montréal) and Richard Leonelli (Université de Montréal) Lunch Session chair: Ana Claudia Arias 14:30 - 15:00 PQ3 (invited) - Materials and designs for flexible and stretchable electronic surfaces Sigurd Wagner (Princeton University) 15:00 - 15:15 136 10:00 - 10:15 12:15 - 12:30 13:00 - 14:30 Functional and electronic materials PQ8 (invited) - Exploring the Opto electronic Properties of Polymers Containing Fluorene Moiety Q548 - Transparent ambipolar light-emitting field-effect transistors based on multilayer 10:30 - 11:00 PQ5 (invited) - Solution processable phosphorescent materials Paul Burn (Queensland), Jack Gunning (Oxford), Shih-Chun Lo (Queensland), Wen-Yong Lai (Queensland), Jack Levell (St Andrews) and Ifor Samuel (St Andrews) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 137 Session chair: Alberto Salleo 11:30 - 12:00 PQ1 (invited) - Compliant Organic Thin Film Transistors on Elastomeric Substrates Stephanie P Lacour (University of Cambridge) and Ingrid M Graz (University of Cambridge) 12:00 - 12:15 Q503 - Stabilized, Easily Processed Tetracarboxylic Diimides for Lowvoltage n-Channel Circuits and Sensors Howard Edan Katz (JHU), Byung Jun Jung (JHU), Qingdong Zheng (JHU) and Bal Mukund Dhar (JHU) 12:30 - 13:00 PQ4 (invited) - Thin Film Transistors of Liquid Crystalline Semiconducting Polymers 15:45 - 16:00 Q533 - Solvent-Free Processing of High-Mobility Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Structures Natalie Stingelin (Imperial College London) 16:00 - 16:30 PQ2 (invited) - Fabrication of submicrometric patterns from self-organized structures of block copolymers and transcription on solid surfaces Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP), Rafael Henrique Longaresi (IFSC/USP), Marcelo Assumpção Pereira-da-Silva (IFSC/USP) and Antonio J Felix Carvalho (UFSCar) Poster Session Q Michael Chabinyc (University of California) Materials and Processes for Large-Area Electronics 13:00 - 14:30 Room: Louvre Lunch Session chair: Lucimara Stolz Roman 14:30 - 15:00 PQ7 (invited) - The Design of High Performing Semiconducting Polymers Iain McCulloch and Martin Heeney 15:00 - 15:15 Q506 - Fluoropolymer Interlayer for Polymer LEDs Gianluca Latini (Imperial College London) 15:15 - 15:30 Q514 - Coadsorption of spectrally complimentary dyes in solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells: Observation of inter-dye energy transfer and enhanced photo-conversion efficiency Michael David Brown (University of Oxford) and Henry James Snaith (University of Oxford) 15:30 - 15:45 Q528 - Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Interfaces Scott Edward Watkins (CSIRO), Giovanni Fanchini (CSIRO), Katalin Hegedus (CSIRO), Peter Kempinnen (CSIRO), Th Birendra Singh (CSIRO), Mark Bown (CSIRO) and Kevin Winzenberg (CSIRO) 138 Tuesday, September 22 18:30 to 20:30 Q501 - Processing of a paint based in hybrid material for use as Radar Absorbing Material Luiza de Castro Folgueras (CTA/IAE) and Mirabel Cerqueira Rezende (CTA/IAE) Steinmayr (TU Wien), Christoph Henkel (TU Wien) and Emmerich Bertagnolli (TU Wien) Q513 - Electrical and Optical properties of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering Vinícius Zacarias Rizzo (Escola Polit?ica - USP) and Ronaldo Domingues Mansano (Escola Polit?ica - USP) Q515 - Tunnelling conduction process introduction during the degradation phenomena process in SnO2 and ZnO varistors Miguel Adolfo Ponce (INTEMA), Miguel Ramirez (UNESP), Miriam Susana Castro (INTEMA), Paulo Roberto Bueno (UNESP), Elson Longo (UNESP) and José Arana Varela (UNESP) Q516 - Scanning laser sintering: A two step sintering process? Eduardo Antonelli (USP - IFSC) and Antonio Carlos Hernandes (USP - IFSC) Q517 - STUDY OF CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY AND COMPOSITION OF THE α-MoO3 DOPED WITH NEODYMIUM, OBTAINED BY THERMAL PRECIPITATION. Rafael Eduardo Garzón (UnalColombia), José Edgar Alfonso (Unal Colombia), Nestor Jaime Torres (Unal Colombia) and Luis Carlos Moreno-Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia) Q502 - Reliability of Ag Ink Jet Printed Traces on Polyimide Substrate Q523 - Coulomb oscillations observed in organic junctions Renato Bonadiman (INdT), Marta Machado Pinheiro Salazar (UEA) and Ocileide Custodio Silva (INdT) Marcos Patrício dos Santos (UnB), Tiago da Silva Bonfim (UnB) and Artemis Marti Ceschin (UnB) Q504 - Binder-Free Silver Paste Using the Reactive Monomolecular Layer Q524 - Environmental and mechanics influence on functional behavior of electronics products with flexible printed circuit boards with embedded passive component Shogo Onishi (Kagawa University), Yuji Ohkubo (Kagawa University), Yuki Asabe (Kagawa University) and Kazufumi Ogawa (Kagawa University) Q507 - Exciton dynamics in polyfluorene containing endgroups with intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) state Emanuelle Reis Simas (IQSC) and Marcelo Henrique Gehlen (IQSC) Mangano (INTI), Miguel Adolfo Ponce (INTEMA), Celso Manuel Aldao (INTEMA), Cesare Adolf Malagù (UNIFE), Maria Cristina Carotta (UNIFE) and Giuliano Martinelli (UNIFE) Q531 - Study of optical and electrical properties of copolymers based on phenylene- thiophene for electronic devices Natasha Ariane Diniz Yamamoto (UFPR), Bruno Fernando Nowacki (UFPR), Leni Campos Akcelrud (UFPR) and Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR) Q534 - a-SiC:H thin films deposited by PECVD with very low silane flow Jones Wilian Soares de Queiroz (IF / UFMT), Evandro França (IF / UFMT), Marcus Pelegrini (LME / EPUSP), Inès Pereyra (LME / EPUSP) and Rogério Junqueira Prado (IF / UFMT) Q535 - Effects of the deposition pressure on the chemical and structural properties of a-SiC:H thin films deposited by PECVD Evandro França (IF / UFMT), Jones Wilian Soares de Queiroz (IF / UFMT), Marcus Pelegrini (LME / EPUSP), Inès Pereyra (LME / EPUSP) and Rogério Junqueira Prado (IF / UFMT) Q536 - Ion-induced epitaxy in Fe+ implanted SiO2/Si: synthesis and optical characterization of FeSi2 nanoparticles Rossano Lang Carvalho (UFRGS), Marcel Eduardo Staats (UFRGS), Shay Reboh (UFRGS), Eliermes Arraes Meneses (Unicamp) and Livio Amaral (UFRGS) Q542 - The use of a thermal-head inkjet printer to produce films of PEDOT and PAni Neri Alves (Unesp), Tiago Carneiro Gomes (Unesp), José Alberto Giacometti (Unesp) and Aldo Eloizo Job (Unesp) Josineto Leal da Costa (INdT) and Ocileide Custodio Silva (INdT) Q545 - Sr2YSbO6 as a Buffer Layer for YBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Films Q525 - Study of KDP Concentration in a PEDOT: PSS matrix at Voltage x Pressure Response David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ nacional de Colombia), Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ nacional de Colombia) and Omar Ortiz-Diaz (Univ nacional de Colombia) Felipe Azevedo Rios Silva , Artemis Marti Ceschin (UnB) and Maria José Araujo Sales (UnB) Q508 - In place growth of vertical Si nanowires for surround gated MOSFETs with self aligned contact formation Q530 - Electrical response analysis of doped tin oxide gas sensors under different gases atmospheres Alois Lugstein (TU Wien), Mathias Lialiana Fraigi (INTI), Eliana Gabriela Q546 - Charge Transport Studies on Poly(o-alkoxyanilines) Nanostructured Films: Formation of Conducting Islands Fábio Lima Leite (UFSCar), Edgar Sanches (USP-IFSC), Marcelo Luiz Simões (Embrapa), Pedro Nascente 139 (UFSCar), Carlos Jose Constantino (UNESP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) Q549 - Excimer Laser Wet Oxidisation of Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Saydulla Persheyev , Yongchang Fan and Mervyn John Rose Q550 - Carrier spectrum in CNT functionalized by molecules with conformation transition Victor Alexandrovich Lyakah (NTU Kharkov Polytechnic I) and Eugen Solomonovich Syrkin (Inst Low Temperature NASU) Q551 - Electrical and dielectrical properties of BaTiO and Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3 ceramics synthesized by the proteic sol-gel method Jerre Cristiano Alves dos Santos (DFi - UFS), Ronaldo Santos da Silva (DFi - UFS), David Vieira Sampaio (DFi - UFS), Zélia Soares Macedo (DFi - UFS), Eduardo Antonelli (IFSC - USP), Antonio Carlos Hernandes (IFSC - USP) and Jean-Claude M´Peko (IFSC - USP) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM R Protective Coating: Advanced Surface Engineering Auditorium: Oriente Simposium Organizers: Fernando L. Freire Jr. (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Yip-Wah Chung (Northwestern, USA) Israel J. R. Baumvol (UFRGS, Brazil) Functional and electronic materials 140 141 15:00 - 15:15 R570 - Friction Coefficient, Chemical Corrosion, and Wear of DLCH Films in Ethanol and Gasoline. Thursday, September 24 Session chair: Fernando L. Freire Jr. 09:30 - 10:00 PR1 (invited) - Quantitative Transmission Electron Microscopy of Multilayer Coatings for X-ray Optics Wolfgang Jager 10:00 - 10:15 R513 - Tailoring the mechanical and magnetic behavior of electrodeposited nanocrystalline CuNi thin films Eva Pellicer (UAB), Aida Varea (UAB), Salvador Pané (ETHZ), Bradley J Nelson (ETHZ), Maria Dolors Baró (UAB), Josep Nogués (ICREA) and Jordi Sort (ICREA) 10:15 - 10:30 R566 - Wear properties improved by laser surface melting in martensitic stainless steel Felipe Toloi Gastaldo (UNICAMP), Maria Aparecida Larosa (UNICAMP), Milton Sergio Fernandes Lima (IEAV), Rudimar Riva (IEAV), Amauri Garcia (UNICAMP) and Maria Clara Filippini Ierardi (UNICAMP) 10:30 - 10:45 R569 - Formation Study of Ag/TiO2 Thin Films Deposited in Stainless Steel by Sol-Gel Process Nelcy Della Mohallem (UFMG), Marcelo Machado Viana (UFMG), Sisenando Itabaiana Sobrinho (REDEMAT), Sebastiana Luiza Bragança Lana (REDEMAT) and Elisângela Silva Pinto (UFMG) 10:45 - 11:00 R510 - Conformational order of n-dodecanethiol and n-dodecaneselenol monolayers on polycrystalline copper investigated by PM-IRRAS and SFG spectroscopy Grégory Fonder , Francesca Cecchet, André Peremans, Paul Thiry, Joseph Delhalle and Zineb Mekhalif 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Techniques. Warren C . oliver (Agilent) 12:00 - 12:15 R507 - Enhancement of Corrosion, Mechanical, and Tribological Properties by Using a [CrN/AlN]n Multilayer System gerardo cabrera (Univalle; Cali, Colombia), felipe torres (Univalle; Cali, Colombia), cesar amaya (Univalle; Cali, Colombia), William aperador (Univalle; Cali, Colombia), Nelly Cecília de Sanchez (UAO; Cali, Colombia), Gladis Mendoza (UNAL; Bogota, Colombia) and Pedro Prieto (CENM; Cali, Colombia) 12:15 - 12:30 R531 - Physicochemical and tribological properties of Si3N4 thin films deposited on Si by D.C. reactive magnetron sputtering Cristiane Marin (UCS), Gabriel Vieira Soares (UCS), Cesar Aguzzoli (UFRGS), Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (UCS) and Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UFRGS) 12:30 - 12:45 R537 - Study of morphology of Cr/CrN nanometric multilayers grown at different periods Diana Maritza Marulanda Cardona (Universidad Nacional de C), Yuri Lizbeth Chipatecua Godoy (Universidad Nacional de C), Diego Fernando Arias Mateus (Universidad Nacional de C) and Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez (Universidad Nacional de C) 12:45 - 13:00 R533 - The Nano Modification of Hard Coatings with Nitrogen Ion Implantation Branko Skoric (Uni Novi Sad), Damir Kakas, Gregory Favaro (csm) and Aleksandar Miletic 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: Israel Baumvol 14:30 - 15:00 Session chair: Dante Franceschini PR2 (invited) - Effect of the substrate coating nanostructure on the carbon nanotubes growth 11:30 - 12:00 fernando Alvarez (UNICAMP) PR3 (invited) - New Nanoindentation and Scanning Probe Tools and 142 Lucia Vieira Santos (INPE), Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi (INPE), Romina Paula Statutti (INPE), Polyana Alves Radi (INPE) and Erica Cristina Almeida (INPE) 15:15 - 15:30 R504 - From the development to the final application of Wcontaining DLC nanocomposite coatings Albano Cavaleiro (University of Coimbra), Carlos Moura Silva (CETEC), Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC), Manuel Evaristo (University of Coimbra) and Tomas Polcar (Czech Tech Univ) 15:30 - 15:45 R565 - New framework for structural characterization of a-C: H films from single-wavelength optical constants Dante Ferreira Franceschini (IF-UFF), Fabiano Pinto Pereira (IF-UFF) and Dácio Moreira Souza (IF-UFF) 15:45 - 16:00 R522 - Low-Friction TiN/ MoS2 Nano-structured coatings investigated before and after tribological application Gilmara Strapasson (UCS) and Eduardo Kirinus Tentardini (UCS) 16:00 - 16:15 R517 - Mechanical behavior of diamond coated WC-Co submitted to high pressure and high temperature naira maria balzaretti (UFRGS), rafael vieira camerini (UFRGS), rodrigo buchfink souza (UFRGS), jesum alves fernandes (UFRGS), altair soria pereira (UFRGS), eduardo blando (PUCRS) and roberto hubler (PUCRS) 16:15 - 16:30 R535 - Growth of nanocomposite films: from dynamic roughening to dynamic smoothing Jeff T De Hosson (Un Groningen), YuTao Pei (Un Groningen), Kalpak Shaha (Un Groningen), Changqiang Chen (Un Groningen), Anatoly Turkin (Un Groningen) and David Vainshtein (Un Groningen) Poster Session R Protective Coating: Advanced Surface Engineering Room: Louvre Thursday, September 24 18:30 to 20:30 R501 - La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O protective coatings for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect deposited by screen printing Chu Chun Lin (Department of Mechanical), Lee Shyong (Department of Mechanical), Tsai Ming-Jui (Department of Mechanical) and Lee Jye (Department of Electrical) R502 - EB-PVD TiN coatings in titanium alloys produced by powder metallurgy Vinícius Rodrigues Henriques (CTA), Eduardo Tavares Galvani (ITA) and Thales Gorla Lemos (EEL-USP) R503 - Advanced Image Processing as a tool to identify sub-surface structural transformations of self-lubricant coatings Tomas Polcar (Czech Tech Univ), Ondrej Drbohlav (Czech Tech Univ) and Albano Cavaleiro (University of Coimbra) R506 - Au-Pd bilayered films deposited on Si(111) and GaAs(100) substrates Pedro Augusto de Paula Nascente (UFSCar), Aelison Conte Machado (UFSCar), Cleber Moreti (UFSCar), Angelo Luiz Gobbi (LNLS), Marcia Carvalho de Abreu Fantini (USP), Simoni Maria Gheno (UFSCar) and Pedro Iris Paulin-Filho (UFSCar) R508 - A qualitative study on wear behavior of Ti-doped carbon-based coatings by using ball-on-disk apparatus Emanuel Santos Junior (COPPE/UFRJ), Sérgio Álvaro de Souza Camargo Júnior (UFRJ), Marie-Paule DelplanckeOgletree (ULB) and Glória Almeida Soares (UFRJ) R509 - Enhancement of electrochemical and tribological properties by using a [BCN/h-BN]n/c-BN multilayer system Luis Henry Moreno (CDT ASTIN SENA), Cesar Andres Amaya (Universidad del Valle), Julio Cesar Caicedo (Universidad del Valle), William Aperador (Universidad del Valle), Nelly Alba (Univeridad Autonoma) and Pedro Prieto (CENM; Cali, Colombia) 143 R511 - Self-assembled Monolayers of Aliphatic Thiol, Dithiol and Dithiocarboxylic Acid on Electrochemically Reduced Polycrystalline Copper Substrates Jessica Denayer , Anthony Maho, Joseph Delhalle and Zineb Mekhalif R512 - Pre-Placed Laser Cladding of Al92Fe3Cr2Mn3 quasicrystals former alloy on 7021 aluminum alloy Piter Gargarella (PPGCEM-DEMA-UFSCar), Rui Vilar (Demat-IST-UTL), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMA-UFSCar), Carlos Triveño Rios (DEMA-UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) and Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMA-UFSCar) R514 - Study of CaCO3 Scale Formation on DLC coated steel Ricardo Assunção Santos (UFRJ) and Sérgio Álvaro de Souza Camargo Júnior (UFRJ) R515 - Plasma Nitriding of sintered unalloyed iron superficially enriched with Mo Tatiana Bendo (UFSC), Ana Maria Maliska (UFSC), Henrique Cesar Pavanati (IF-SC) and Aloísio Nelmo Klein (UFSC) R516 - Preparation and Characterization of Super-Hydrophobic Surface Yuji Ohkubo (Kagawa University), Shogo Onishi (Kagawa University), Yuki Asabe (Kagawa University), Hiroyuki Noriyasu (Kagawa University) and Kazufumi Ogawa (Kagawa University) R518 - Influence of temperature on erosive wear of Cr3C2 plasmasprayed coating Juliane Vicenzi (UFRGS), Caio Marcelo Marques (UFRGS) and Carlos Pérez Bergmann (UFRGS) R519 - AFM and XPS analyses of magnetron sputtered TiN functional films on AISI M2 and AISI D6 steel substrates Rogerio de Almeida Vieira (UDESC), Maria do Carmo de Andrade Nono (INPE) and Ivo de Castro Oliveira (ITA) R520 - Ultralow Friction System: Liquid Crystals onto Boron Nitride/Diamond-Like CarbonMultilayered Films Deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Vinicius Bossoni Amaral (UFSC) R523 - Gamma and ultraviolet effect on contact angle of polyurethane adhesive derivate from 144 castor oil Elaine Cristina Azevedo (UTFPR), Eduardo Mauro Nascimento (UTFPR), Salvador Claro Neto (USP), João Sinezio Campos (Unicamp) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) R524 - Adhesion measurement of Cu thin films on polyamide and polypropylene substrates Alexandre Luís Gasparin (UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UFRGS), Alexandre Perez Umpierre (UCS), Angela Elisa Crespi (UCS), Felipe Cemin (UCS), Regina Célia Reis Nunes (UCS) and Cristiano Giacomelli (UCS) R525 - Effect of Temperature on the Behaviour of Titanium Dioxide in Polyethylene Teraphthalate Protective Coatings on Electrolytic Chromium Coated Steels Ernesto Zumelzu R526 - Physicochemical and tribological investigations of TiC and VC thin films deposited on Si by DC reactive magnetron sputtering Cesar Aguzzoli (UFRGS), Gabriel Vieira Soares (UCS), Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (UCS) and Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS/UFRGS) R527 - Hysteresis effect and film characterization in DC reactive sputtering of titania and alumina Tatiana Weber (UFRGS), Rodrigo Leonardo de Oliveira Basso (UCS), Gabriel Vieira Soares (UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS/UFRGS), Marcos Antonio Zen Vasconcellos (UFRGS) and Cristiano Krug (UFRGS) R528 - Polystyrene surface modification by active screen plasma nitriding. Angela Elisa Crespi (UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS/UFRGS), Cristiano Giacomelli (UCS), Gabriel Vieira Soares (UCS), Alan Pereira Kauling (UCS), Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (UCS) and Alexandre Perez Umpierre (UCS) R529 - Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Carbon Nitride Coatings as Corrosion Protection MONTEMARTINI (INTEMA-UNMDPArgentina) and Patricia Angélica Oyanguren (INTEMA-UNMDP-Argentina) R532 - Surface properties of carbonic coatings developed on iron-based alloys by surface electrochemical engineering techniques Victor Aurel Andrei (INR), Cristian Lungu (INLPRP), Constantin Diaconu (INR), Gheorghe Oncioiu (INR) and Oana Alice Rusu (INR) R534 - Fracture and structural modifications induced by cathodic hydrogenation after nitriding on AISI 304 Fabiana Cristina Nascimento (UEPG), Elton Diniz Ferreira (UFPR), Juliana Fatima Souza (UFPR), Neide Kazue Kuromoto (UFPR), Carlos Eugenio Foerster (UEPG) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) R536 - Development of the Novel Technique with the Aqueous Solution for Preparing Hydrophobic Monolayers Hiroyuki Noriyasu (Kagawa University), Yuji Ohkubo, Yuki Asabe, Shogo Onishi and Kazufumi Ogawa R538 - High Hardness Coating on Yttria-Partially Stabilized Zirconia Cintia Lugnani Gomes de Amorim (UCS), Janete Eunice Zorzi (UCS), Raquel Milani (UCS), Renan Fidel de Lucena Lorenzi (UCS) and Claudio Antônio Perottoni (UCS) R539 - Hydrophobicity changes promoted by argon and CF4 plasma treatments on DLC films Danny Pilar Araucano Holgado (PUC-Rio), FERNANDO LáZARO FREIRE JUNIOR (PUC-Rio) and MARCELO EDUARDO HUGUENIN MAIA DA COSTA (PUC-Rio) R540 - CORROSION RESISTANCE OF AERONAUTICS ALLOYS TREATED BY PLASMA IMMERSION ION IMPLANTATION (PIII) sion Resistance of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Deposited on AISI 4340 Steel Ricardo de Padua Oliveira Sá Nery (UFRJ/Brazil), Ricardo Santo Bonelli (INT/Brazil) and Sérgio Álvaro de Souza Camargo Júnior (UFRJ/Brazil) R543 - THE EFFECT OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ON NANOSTRUCTURED Cr3C2-Ni20Cr and WC-4Co POWDER AND COATING CHARACTERISCTICS Lalgudi Venkataraman Ramanathan (IPEN), Armando Guilherme Padial (IPEN), Cecilio Alvares Cunha (IPEN), Nelson Batista de Lima (IPEN), Olandir Vercino Correa (IPEN) and Jose Roberto Martinelli (IPEN) R544 - Two-dimensional protective organic film formed on 11mercapto-1-undecanol self-assembled on electrodeposited zinc surfaces francois berger , Joseph Delhalle and Zineb Mekhalif R545 - Corrosion protection of stainless steel by organic-inorganic hybrid coatings Fábio Cesar Santos (IQ-UNESP), Mateus Geraldo Schiavetto (IQ-UNESP), Victor Vitorino Sarmento (IQ-UNESP), Peter Hammer (IQ-UNESP), Sandra Helena Pulcinelli (IQ-UNESP), Assis Vicente Benedetti (IQ-UNESP) and Celso Valentim Santilli (IQ-UNESP) R546 - Influence of the Time of Permanence in the Hydrolysed Solution of a Tetrasulfide Bissilane Dopped with Cerium (IV) on Corrosion Behaviour of Coated Galvannealed Steel. Vera Rosa Capelossi (USP), Patricia Hatsue Suegama (UNESP) and Idalina Vieira Aoki (USP) R547 - Effects of the pressure and the self-bias voltage on the doped and undoped amorphous hydrogenated carbon films properties Graziela da Silva (ITA/INPE), Mário Ueda (INPE), Choyu Otani (ITA) and Helfried Reuther (IIBPMR) Marcelo Eduardo Huguenin Maia da Costa (PUC-Rio), Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto (PUC-Rio) and Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior (PUC-Rio) R541 - Effect of non-ionic surfactant (EO)n chain size on poly(styrene-co-butyl- acrylateco-acrylic acid) latex properties R530 - Fluoropolymer Addition to an Epoxy-Amine System: Fluorinated Acids R548 - Electrochemical study of silane films and chromate conversion coatings applied on zinc coatings ziarat shah afridi (Unicamp), Maria do carmo V M da Silva (Unicamp) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) ALEJANDRO LUIS MICCIO (INTEMAUNMDP-Argentina), PABLO EZEQUIEL R542 - Evaluation of Corro- Marlla Vallerius da Costa (UFRGS), Cláudia Trindade Oliveira (Feevale), Tiago Lemos Meneses (UFRGS), Iduvirges Lourdes Muller (UFRGS) and Priscila Tamiasso Martinhon (CDTS-FIOCRUZ), Mai Tran (LISEUPR15-CNRS), Claude Gabrielli (LISEUPR15-CNRS) and Claude Deslouis (LISE-UPR15-CNRS) 145 Celia Fraga malfati (Universidade Federal do R) R555 - Characterization of the oxide layer on Ni based alloy coatings Everton Carlos Gomes (ITA) and Maria Auxiliadora Silva Oliveira (ITA) R549 - Influence of DLC coatings on the formation of paraffin surface deposits from crude oils Ana Sofia Clímaco Monteiro d´Oliveira (UFPR), Feliciano José Ricardo Cangue (UFPR), Elizabeth Clark (UCSB) and Carlos Levi (UCSB) R563 - Stress in thin films: Transition from spherical to cylindrical deformation Kelly Cristine Vieira da Cruz (UFRJ) and Sérgio Álvaro de Souza Camargo Júnior (UFRJ) R550 - Nanostructured surface pre-treatment based on Self-Assembled Molecules for corrosion protection of Alclad 7475-T761 aluminium alloy Solange de Souza (CCTM/IPEN), Daniel Sierra Yoshikawa (CCTM/IPEN), Wagner Izaltino Alves dos Santos (CCTM/IPEN), Sergio Luiz de Assis (CCTM/IPEN) and Isolda Costa (CCTM/IPEN) R551 - Tribological properties and Corrosion resistance enhancement of AISI H13 hot work steel by means of Chromium Nitride (CrN)/ Titanium Nitride (TiN) multilayers Gilberto Bejarano Gaitan (Universidad de Antioquia), Jaime Alberto Osorio (Universidad de Antioquia), Maryory Gomez Botero (Universidad de Antioquia), Julio Cesar Caicedo (Universidad del Valle) and William Aperador (Universidad del Valle) R556 - Deposition of CVD diamond films on WC-Co-TiC inserts for machining Raonei Alves Campos (INPE), Danilo Maciel Barquete (UESC), Elilton Rodrigues Edwards (INPE), Evaldo Jose Corat (INPE) and Vladimir Jesus TravaAiroldi (INPE) Matias De Angelis Korb (UFRGS), Marlla Vallerius da Costa (UFRGS), Celia Fraga malfati (UFRGS), Fernanda Pilla Coutinho (UFRGS), Julien Esteban (UPS), Florense Ansart (UPS) and Jean Pierre Bonino (UPS) Alan Pereira Kauling (UCS), Angela Elisa Crespi (UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS/UFRGS), Gabriel Vieira Soares (UCS), Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (UCS), Marcelo da Costa (PUC-RJ) and Cristiano Giacomelli (UCS) R558 - In-situ optical characterization of plasma deposited a-C: H films during deposition by CH4 plasmas and erosion by N2-H2 plasmas R568 - Plasma nitriding of quenched and tempered ductile cast iron without compound layer formation Monica de Mesquita Lacerda (UDESC), Leandro Lameirão Ferreira (UDESC), Muriel de Pauli (UDESC), Carlos Fernando da Silva (UDESC), Jose Fernando Fragalli (UDESC), Andre Luis de Oliverira (UDESC) and Ricardo Antonio de Simone Zanon (UDESC) R559 - THERMALLY SPRAYED HIGH ENTROPY STAINLESS STEEL COATINGS: MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTY EVALUATION R553 - Hydrophobicity of hydrogenated silicon films as a function of substrate temperature R560 - Pulsed Nd:YAG laser-deposition carbon thin films: Effect of the laser fluency Monica de Mesquita Lacerda (UDESC), Muriel de Pauli (UDESC), Carlos Fernando da Silva (UDESC), Leandro Lameirão Ferreira (UDESC), Jose Fernando Fragalli (UDESC), Andre Luis de Oliverira (UDESC) and Ricardo Antonio de Simone Zanon (UDESC) Carlos Manuel Sanchez Tasayco (IFUFF), MARCELO EDUARDO HUGUENIN MAIA DA COSTA (PUC-Rio) and Dante Ferreira Franceschini (IF-UFF) 146 Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez (Universidad Nacional), Andrrea Caceres (Universidad Nacional) and Edgar Alfonso (Universidad Nacional) R567 - Nanoindentation behavior and mechanical properties of active screen plasma-modified polypropylene Fabiano Pinto Pereira (IF-UFF), Dácio Moreira Souza (IF-UFF) and Dante Ferreira Franceschini (IF-UFF) Izaque Alves Maia (CTI Renato Archer), Marcelo Fernandes Oliveira (Renato Archer), Thebano Emílio de Almeida Santos (Renato Archer) and Jorge Vicente Lopes Silva (CTI Renato Archer) R564 - Corrosion - erosion behavior of magnetron sputtered NbN films in aqueous slurries R557 - Silane film with cerium obtained by sol-gel process for post-treatment on AA2024-T3 alloy: effect of corrosion inhibitor concentrations R552 - Hydrofobicity of Hydrogenated Carbon films as a function of substrate temperature and environment humidity R554 - Cyanoacrylate Infiltration of vacuum adapters built with selective laser sintering (SLS) - a rapid prototyping technology Julio Miranda Pureza (UDESC), Fabio Nery (UDESC) and Monica de Mesquita Lacerda (UDESC) Angeliki Lekatou (UOI), Dimitrios Zois (UOI) and Michail Vardavoulias (Pyrogenesis) R561 - Al2O3-TiN nanostructured multilayer thin films obtained by ion-plating Alexandre Perez Umpierre (UCS), Bernardo Eltz (UCS), Angela Crespi (UCS), Felipe Cemin (UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS) and Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (UCS) R562 - Electrochemical Studies of Ultrathin Films Deposited by SelfAssembly Technique Valle), Pedro Jose Arango (Universidad Nacional) and Juan Manuel Gonzales (Universidad Nacional) R574 - Study of optimized carbon fiber/PEEK adhesion by scanning electron microscope Mirabel Cerqueira Rezende (AMR/IAE/ CTA), Leandro Barretti Olivo (AMR/IAE/ CTA), Evandro Luiz Nohara (UNITAU) and Liliana Burakowski Nohara (CTA) R575 - Nitrogen Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) of nickel titanium shape memory alloy Silmara Cristina Baldissera (INPE), Mário Ueda (INPE), Leonardo Kyo Kabayama (ITA) and Jorge Otubo (ITA) Daniela Wollmann (UTFPR), Marina Cardozo Vasco (UTFPR) and Julio Klein Neves (UTFPR) R571 - Adhesion Evaluation of Carbon Fiber/PPS and Carbon Fiber/PI/PPS Composites by Using ILSS Test Mirabel Cerqueira Rezende (AMR/ IAE/CTA), Natassia Lona Batista (FEG/ UNESP), Liliana Burakowski Nohara (CTA/UNESP) and Edson Cocchieri Botelho (FEG/UNESP) R572 - Optical Microscopy and Profile techniques like approach to study the wear mechanics on Ti-Al-N Coatings Johans Steeven Restrepo (Universidad del Valle), Michel Felipe Cano (Universidad del Valle), Alexander Ruden (Universidad del Valle), Juan Manuel Muñoz (Universidad del Valle) and Federico Sequeda (Universidad del Valle) R573 - Study of Tribology parameters on Ti-Al-N coatings deposited by PAPVD Technique Johans Steeven Restrepo (Universidad del Valle), Diana Marcela Devia (Universidad Nacional), Alexander Ruden (Universidad del Valle), Juan Manuel Gonzales (Universidad del Valle), Federico Sequeda (Universidad del 147 Monday, September 21 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Hugo Bonette de Carvalho (UFABC), Vamir Antonio Chitta (USP), Angela María Ortiz de Zevallos Márquez (UNICAMP), Maria José Santos Pompeu Brasil (UNICAMP), Geraldo Magela da Costa (UFOP), Antonio Claret Soares Sabioni (UFOP) and Hugo Bonette de Carvalho (UFOP) Session chair: To be informed 16:15 - 16:30 14:30 - 15:00 PS1 (invited) - Computer modeling of ZnO-based optical multilayer coatings Paul David Bristowe (Cambridge University) and Zheshuai Lin (Cambridge University) International Conference of Advanced Materials 15:00 - 15:15 Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM S Current Trends in Oxide Materials Auditorium: Segóvia II S609 - PFCVAD GROWN n and pTYPE ZnO THIN FILMS FOR DEVICE APPLICATIONS Hamide Kavak (Physics Department, Cukur), Necdet Hakan Erdogan (Physics Department, Cukur), Kamuran Kara (Physics Department, Cukur), Havva Yanis (Physics Department, Cukur), Ilker Ozsahin (Physics Department, Cukur), Zeynep Baz (Physics Department, Cukur) and Ramazan Esen (Physics Department, Cukur) 15:15 - 15:30 Simposium Organizers: C. Barry Carter (U. of Connecticut, USA) Giuseppina Padeletti (CNR, Italy) Hans-Ulrich Habermeier (Max- Planck, Germany) José Antonio Eiras (UFSCar, Brazil) S551 - Synthesis and Characterization of Hierarchical ZnO Micro/Nano Structures Jingyue Liu S501 - Conduction Mechanisms in Undoped and Doped ZnO Nanowires 15:45 - 16:00 S506 - Variations in optical Constants in Ca doped ZnO thin films Kamakhya Prakash Misra (University of Lucknow), Sanjay Khare (University of Lucknow), Atul Srivastava (University of Lucknow), Rajesh Kumar Shukla (University of Lucknow) and Anchal Srivastava (University of Lucknow) 16:00 - 16:15 148 Hariharan Srikanth (USF) and M H Phan (USF) Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: George Rossetti 09:30 - 10:00 PS5 (invited) - Recent advances in synchrotron radiation investigation of ferroic materials Maria Elena Fuentes - Montero (Univ of Chihuahua, Mexico), Luis FuentesMontero (CIMAV, Mexico), Maria Elena Montero-Cabrera (CIMAV, Mexico) and Luis E. Fuentes-Cobas (CIMAV, Mexico) 10:00 - 10:30 PS4 (invited) - Synthesis and TEM characterization of ceria nanoparticles Joysurya Basu (Univ of Connecticut), Jonathan Paul Winterstein (Univ of Connecticut), N Ravishankar (IISc) and Barry Carter (University of Connecticut) 15:30 - 15:45 Jia Lu (USC), Dong Li (USC), Richard Thompson (USC) and Gerd Bergmann (USC) Functional and electronic materials S544 - Magnetic anisotropy and magnetocaloric effect in chargeordered Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 S527 - Absence of Magnetic Ordering in High Quality Bulk Codoped ZnO 10:30 - 10:45 S596 - Metastable phase diagram of nanocrystalline ZrO2-Sc2O3 solid solutions. Effect of varying average crystallite size Aldo Felix Craievich (IF-USP), Paula Abdala (CITEFA/CONICET), Diego Lamas (CITEFA/CONICET) and Marcia Carvalho de Abreu Fantini (IF-USP) 10:45 - 11:00 S509 - Synthesis and properties of Pd/CeO2-based nanotubes for catalysis Fernando F Muñoz (CONICET), Leandro Marcelo Acuña (CONICET), Marcelo Daniel Cabezas (CONICET), Diego Germán Lamas (CONICET), A Gabriela Leyva (CNEA), Rodolfo oscar Fuentes (CONICET) and Richard T Baker (St Andrews) 149 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: Paul Bristowe 11:30 - 11:45 S552 - Electrical Performance and Materials Aspects of Bi-2212 Superconducting Fault Current Limiters Alexander Polasek (CEPEL), Rodrigo Dias (CEPEL), Daniel Brito Niedu (CEPEL) and Orsino Borges de Oliveira Filho (CEPEL) 11:45 - 12:00 S526 - Elastic anomalies and electron-phonon coupling constant of Zn2+ substituted (Dy,Ca)Ba2Cu3O7-d superconducting ceramics Ahmad Kamal Yahya (Universiti Teknologi MARA) and Nor Ashikin Rasih (Universiti Teknologi MARA) (Physics Department, Feder), Denise de Jesus Santos (Physics Department, Feder), Zélia Soares Macedo (Physics Department, Feder), Robert Adam Jackson (School of Physical and Ge) and Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (Physics Department, Feder) 15:15 - 15:30 S532 - Physical properties of modified BaTiO3 thin films Ramana Venkata (Hankuk University of Fore), Park Hong Woo (Seoul National University), Kim Jaeyeong (Hankuk University of Fore), Kim MiYoung (Seoul National University), Lee Bo Wha (Hankuk University of Fore) and Jung Chang Uk (Seoul National University) 15:30 - 15:45 12:00 - 12:30 S531 - Oxygen Vacancies Diffusion Model for Electric Pulse Resistance Switching in Oxide Based Memory Devices PS3 (invited) - Oxide Interface Engineering - a Route towards Superconductivity? Maria Jose Sanchez (CAB-Instituto Balseiro), Marcelo Rozenberg (LPT and Depto Fisica UBA) and Ruben Weht (CNEA - CONICET) Hanns - Ulrich Habermeier (MPI-FKF) 15:45 - 16:00 12:30 - 12:45 S543 - Development of SnO2:Sb and SnO2:Nb films to obtain gas sensors. José Fernando Dagnone Figueiredo (UFPE), Nathália Carreira Alves (UFPE), Tania Regina Giraldi (Embrapa), Erika Pinto Marinho (UFPE) and Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) 12:45 - 13:00 S529 - High energy Oxygen ion irradiation effects on Sr[(Mg0.316Co0.016) Nb0.666O3 thin films Bhagwati S Bishnoi (Ms university, baroda) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: Hans-Ulrich Habermeier 14:30 - 15:00 PS2 (invited) - Physical Phenomena in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions George Andrew Rossetti , Jr . (University of Connecticut) 15:00 - 15:15 S601 - Intrinsic defects and charge transport mechanism in BTO Marcos Vinícius dos Santos Rezende 150 S522 - Resistive Switching at Reduced Stimulus Pablo LEVY (CNEA and CONICET), Néstor Ghenzi (CONICET) and Fernando Gomez Marlasca (CNEA) 16:00 - 16:15 S604 - Magnetic, structural and morphological characterization of Sr2GdRuO6 perovskite Laura Teresa Corredor Bohórquez (Univ Nacional de Colombia), David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ nacional de Colombia), Jorge Luiz Pimentel (Univ Fdral do Rio Grande), Paulo Pureur (Univ Fdral do Rio Grande) and Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ nacional de Colombia) Poster Session S Current Trends in Oxide Materials Room: Louvre Tuesday, September 22 18:30 to 20:30 S502 - Sintering Analysis of Chemical Synthesized Nanocrystalline 8YSZ Powders Cristiane Abrantes Silva (CEPEL), José Geraldo de Melo Furtado (CEPEL) and Paulo Emílio Valadão de Miranda (COPPE) Vladislav Kharton (University of Aveiro) S503 - Structural and electrical properties of Li-doped TiO2 rutile ceramics S516 - Study of the properties of magnetron sputtered indium-tin oxide thin films Román Alvarez Roca (UFSCar), Fidel Guerrero (Universidad de Oriente) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) Larissa Rodrigues Damiani (Escola Politécnica - USP) and Ronaldo Domingues Mansano (Escola Politécnica - USP) S504 - Y2Mo3O12: NEGATIVE THERMAL EXPANSION AND HEAT CAPACITY AT LOW TEMPERATURES Monica Ari (PUC-Rio), Bojan A Marinkovic (PUC-Rio), Paula Mendes Jardim (PUC-Rio), Roberto de Avillez (PUC-Rio), Fernando Rizzo (PUC-Rio), Fábio Ferreira Furlan (LNLS) and Mary Anne White (Dalhousie University) S505 - Synthesis and phase transition determination of R-doped BiFeO3 Julian Andres Munevar Cagigas (CBPF), Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela (UFF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) S507 - Effect of HF in the preparation of carbon-ceramic materials by sol-gel process Sergio Bitencourt Araújo Barros (UNICAMP), Leliz Ticona Arenas (UNICAMP), Abdur Rahim (UNICAMP) and Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP) S508 - Nano-enhanced Metal Oxide Varistor Ceramics for High Voltage Surge Arresters José Geraldo de Melo Furtado (CEPEL), Rodrigo Dias (CEPEL) and Maria Cecília de Souza Nóbrega (CEPEL) S510 - Structure, magnetic and transport properties of ferromagnetic/ferroelectric manganite based multilayers. Martin Sirena (CAB - CNEA, Argentina), Enrique Kaul (CAB - CNEA, Argentina), Julio Guimpel (CAB - CNEA, Argentina), Laura Beatriz Steren (CAB - CNEA, Argentina) and Giancarlo Faini (LPN - CNRS) S513 - First principles study of the effect of lanthanide substitutions on ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 S517 - LAYERD INORGANICORGANIC TALC LIKE HYBRID WITH HETEROCYCLIC CHELATING LIGAND INSIDE THE LAMELLAR SPACES - SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND CATION REMOVAL syed badshah (UNICAMP) and Claudio Airoldi (UNICAMP) S518 - ΩMoO3 Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Spray Using Ammonium Moybdate Nestor Jaime Torres (Universidad Nacional de C), Luis Demetrio López Carreño (Universidad Nacional de C), Luis Carlos Moreno-Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia), Hector Mauricio Martinez Camargo (Universidad Nacional de C), Angela Patricia Pardo Gonzales (Universidad Nacional de C) and José Edgar Alfonso (Universidad Nacional de C) S519 - Structural, Microstructural and Ferroic Characterizations of the BiFeO3 Multiferroic Magnetoelectric Compound Obtained by High-Energy Ball Milling Gustavo Sanguino Dias (UEM), Valdirlei Fernandes Freitas (UEM), Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) S520 - Structural phase relations and ferroic properties of (x)BiFeO3(1-x)BaTiO3 multiferroics ceramics Ricardo Augusto Mascarello Gotardo (UEM), Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM), Luiz Fernando Cótica (Unicentro), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) Paul David Bristowe (Cambridge University) and Shafqat Shah (Cambridge University) S521 - Synthesis, structural, microstructural and electrical properties of the TbMnO3 compound obtained by high-energy ball milling S515 - Spin-state ordering phenomenon in LBaCo2O5.5 cobalt oxides Ricardo Augusto Mascarello Gotardo , Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) Dmitry Khalyavin (ISIS, RAL), Dimitriy Argyriou (-Meitner-Institut), Uwe Amann (-Meitner-Institut), Aleksei Yaremchenko (University of Aveiro) and S523 - TiO2 coatings obtained by Cathodic Arc Deposition on silicon substrates 151 Ariel Javier Kleiman (INFIP), Adriana Beatriz Márquez (INFIP) and Diego Germán Lamas (CONICET) S524 - FeO(111) ULTRA-THIN FILM STRUCTURE INVESTIGATION Guilherme Jean Pereira Abreu (UFMG), Roberto Magalhaes Paniago (UFMG), Edmar Avellar Soares (UFMG), Hans Dieter Pfnnes (UFMG), Vagner Eustáquio de Carvalho (UFMG), Danilo Santos Cruz (UFBA) and Caio Mário Castro de Castilho (UFBA) S528 - PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MOLYBDENUM OXIDE AND NEODYMIUM THIN FILMS GROWN BY SPRAY PYROLISIS TECHNIQUE José Edgar Alfonso (Universidad Nacional), Luis Carlos Moreno-Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia) and Nestor Jaime Torres (Universidad Nacional de C) S530 - Structural and morphological study of the double perovskite Sr2DyRuO6 carlos augusto triana (U Nacional De Colombia), Laura Teresa Corredor Bohórquez (Univ Nacional de Colombia), David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (U nacional De Colombia), Jairo Roa Rojas (U nacional De Colombia), Fabio E Fajardo (U nacional De Colombia) and Jairo Arbey Rodriguez (U nacional De Colombia) S533 - Synthesis and Ferroic Properties of Rapid Sintered and Quenched BiFeO3 Magnetoelectric Ceramics Gustavo Sanguino Dias (UEM), Valdirlei Fernandes Freitas (UEM), Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) S534 - Hybrid Material Based on Colloidal Cerium Oxide and N,N’(N,N´-dimethylethylene-N´´-butyl)-1,4,5,8-di-naphthalimide Eduardo Rezende Triboni (IQ-USP), Mauro Francisco Da Silva (IQ-USP), Magali Rodrigues Aparecida (IQ-USP), Julio Cesar Artur (IQSC-USP), Paulo Celso Isolani (IQ-USP), Pedro Berci Filho (IQSC-USP) and Mário José Politi (IQ-USP) S535 - Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of ternary hybrid material based on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and n-hexadecylamine in WO3•H2O Aline Turini Bolsoni , Joicy Santamalvina Santos, Marilda Dores Assis 152 and Herenilton Paulino Oliveira S536 - Synthesis, characterization and properties of metastable lamellar MoO3 hydrate Thiago Ferreira Luz and Herenilton Paulino Oliveira S537 - Intercalation of lanthanide ions into vanadyl phosphate dihydrate João Paulo Ligabó Ferreira (USP-RP) and Herenilton Paulino Oliveira (USP-RP) S538 - A SEM Study on the Sintering and Densification of Doped Lanthanum Chromites José Geraldo de Melo Furtado (CEPEL), Cristiane Abrantes Silva (CEPEL) and Rodrigo Dias (CEPEL) S539 - Manganese Influence in the PLZT (9/65/35) relaxor. enrique Pérez Delfin (UFSCar), Robert González (Universidad de Oriente), Bárbara Maraston Fraygola (UFSCar), Fidel Guerrero (Universidad de Oriente) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) S540 - Influence of Sintering Condition on Electric and Dielectric Response of PFN Ceramics William Junior Nascimento (UFSCar), José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar), Bárbara Maraston Fraygola (UFSCar), Nayana Frizon (UFSCar) and Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) S541 - Unusually strong coherent response from grain-boundary Josephson network in polycrystalline PrxY1-xBa2Cu3O7-d Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera (DF-UFSCar), Cecilia Stari (DF-UFSCar), Claudio Antonio Cardoso (DF-UFSCar), Euclydes Marega (IFSC-USP), Sergei Sergeenkov (DF-UFSCar) and Fernando Manuel Araujo-Moreira (DF-UFSCar) S542 - Barium titanate thin films prepared by dip-coating process Helen Silva Andrade (UFMG), Nelcy Della Mohallem (UFMG), Marcelo Machado Viana (UFMG) and Luciana Moreira Seara (UNI-BH) S545 - Sintering Process and Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy of Ferroelectric Ceramics: Nanophase KSr2Nb5O15 – CuO Delia do Carmo Vieira (IEAV), Jossano Saldanha Marcuzzo (ITA) and Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano (IEAv) S546 - Sintering Process and Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy of Nanophase KSr2Nb5O15 – CuO:B2O3 Delia do Carmo Vieira (IEAv), Jossano Saldanha Marcuzzo (ITA) and Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano (IEAv) S547 - Growing and characterization of YBaCo4O7+δ thin films on (1022)-oriented sapphire substrates. Juan Fernando Montoya (Universidad Nacional), Jorge Luis Izquierdo (Universidad Nacional), Adrian Gomez (Universidad Nacional), Oscar Arnache (Universidad de Antioquia), Jaime Alberto Osorio (Universidad de Antioquia), Jairo Humberto Marin (Universidad Nacional) and Oswaldo Moran (Universidad Nacional) S548 - Influence of the grain size in the improvement of the crystalline quality of epitaxial Zn0.9Mn0.1O thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Jenny Mera (Universidad de Nariño), Jose Gregorio Doria (Universidad Nacional), Carlos Cordoba (Universidad de Nariño), Adrian Gomez (Universidad Nacional), Carlos Paucar (Universidad Nacional), Oswaldo Moran (Universidad Nacional) and D Fuchs (Institut für Festkörperph) S550 - Electrical Properties of Titanate Nanostructure Films DIEGO CARVALHO BARBOSA ALVES (UFMG), ERICO LUIZ MARTINS REIS (UFMG), LEONARDO CRISTIANO CAMPOS (UFMG), ERICK DE SOUZA AVILA (UFMG), ALÉM-MAR BERNARDES GONÇALVES (UFMG), RODRIGO GRIBEL LACERDA (UFMG) and ANDRE SANTAROSA FERLAUTO (UFMG) S553 - Experimental and theoretical studies of structural and electronic properties of perovskite Sr2SbMnO6 Omar Ortiz-Diaz (Universidad Pedagogica y), Carlos Arturo Parra Vargas (Universidad Pedagogica y), Fredy Gonzalez (Universidad Pedagogica yT), Jose Otalora Acevedo (UNiversidad Pedagogica y), Walter Oswaldo Sosa (Universidad Pedagogica yo), Rafael Julian Gonzalez Hernandez (Universidad Nacional de C) and Jairo Arbey Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de C) S554 - Sr2 YSbO6 as a buffer layer for YBa2Cu3 O7-δ superconducting films Omar Ortiz - Diaz (Universidad Nacional de C), Wilmer Saldarriaga (Universidad Nacional de C), David Reyes (Universidad del Valle), Alexander Cortes (Universidad del Valle), Jose Manuel Caicedo (Universidad del Valle), Jairo Roa-Rojas (Universidad Nacional de C) and David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Tellez) S555 - Effects of low energy ion sputtering on structure and microstructure of PbTiO3 thin films Eudes Borges Araújo (UNESP), Javier Olvera Cervantes (UAM), José Luis Plaza (UAM), Ernesto Diéguez (UAM) and Marcelo Rubens Barsi Andreeta (USP) S556 - Nano-powders of PZT obtained by high-energy ball milling. Yurimiler Leyet Ruiz (Universidad de Oriente), enrique Pérez Delfin (UFSCar), Fidel Guerrero (Universidad de Oriente) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) S557 - Photo-induced intrinsic defects in single crystalline TiO2 (rutile) Frederico Dias Brandão (UFMG), Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro (LNLS), Klaus Wilhelm Krambrock (UFMG) and Maurício Veloso Brant Pinheiro (UFMG) S558 - Weak ferromagnetism at room temperature in the novel cobaltite YBaCo4O7+δ Jorge Luis Izquierdo (Universidad Nacional), Juan Fernando Montoya (Universidad Nacional), Adrian Gomez (Universidad Nacional), Carlos Paucar (Universidad Nacional) and Oswaldo Moran (Universidad Nacional) S560 - Pr-123, superconductor or not? Cecilia Stari (DF-UFSCar), Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera (DF-UFSCar), Leonélio Cichetto Júnior (DF-UFSCar), Claudio Cardoso (DF-UFSCar), Euclydes Marega (IFSC-USP) and Fernando Manuel Araujo-Moreira (DF-UFSCar) S561 - First principles study of the electronic and magnetic properties of SnO2/CrO2 superlattices Pablo Damasceno Borges (USP), Luisa Maria Ribeiro Scolfaro (USP), Horacio Wagner Leite Alves (UFSJ), Eronides Felisberto Silva Jr (UFPE) and Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali (IF/USP) S562 - Behavior of the native defects and hydrogen impurities in SnO2 Pablo Damasceno Borges (USP), Luisa Maria Ribeiro Scolfaro (USP), Horacio Wagner Leite Alves (UFSJ), Eronides Felisberto Silva Jr (UFPE) and Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali (IF/USP) 153 S563 - Structural, microstructural, electrical and magnetic studies on La2CoMnO6 produced via combustion synthesis Rodrigo Dias (CEPEL), Sidnei Paciornik (PUC-Rio), Marcelo Azevedo Neves (UFRRJ), Alexander Polasek (CEPEL) and Fernando Rizzo (PUC-Rio) Petrucio Barrozo da Silva (UFPE), David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (UNAL), Renato Figueiredo Jardim (IFUSP), Petrucio Barrozo da Silva (UFPE), Ana Augusta Mendonca Oliveira (UFPE) and José Albino Oliveira de Aguiar (UFPE) S573 - Developing an experimental system to study the Magnetic Levitation Force of High-Temperature Superconductors (HTS) S564 - Structural, microstructural, electrical and magnetic characterization of Gd2-xMxRu2O7, where M = La or Ho Maria Danielle Rodrigues Marques (UFPE), Flavia Santos Portela (UFPE), Petrucio Barrozo da Silva (UFPE), Ana Augusta Mendonca Oliveira (UFPE) and José Albino Oliveira de Aguiar (UFPE) S565 - ZnO nanostructures grown by thermal CVD: Synthesis and Characterization José Roberto Ribeiro Bortoleto (Unesp), Selma Luiza Silva (Unesp), Maria Lucia Pereira Antunes (Unesp), Pedro Kunihiko Kiyohara (Usp), Humberto Rodriguez Gutierrez (Penn State) and Peter Eklund (Penn State) S566 - Structural and morphological characterization of LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 perovskites prepared by the citrate method Luis Carlos Moreno - Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia), Julian Mauricio Rendón (Laboratorio de catálisis) and Jesús Sigifredo Valencia (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE C) S567 - Plasma nitriding and postoxidation mechanisms in ferrous alloys Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (CCET-UCS), Ane Cheila Rovani (CCET-UCS), Felipe Cemin (CCET-UCS), Fernando Graniero Echeverrigaray (CCET-UCS), Rodrigo Leonardo de Oliveira Basso (CCET-UCS), Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UFRGS) and Ricardo Retenal Fischer (CCETUCS) S571 - Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured Zirconia functionalized with β-cyclodextrin Frederico Duarte de Menezes (UFPE), Ricardo Schneider (UFPE), Márcio Vilar França Lima (UFPE) and Rogério Tavares Ribeiro (UFPE) Elmer Saavedra (DF-UFSCar), Rafael Salla (DF-UFSCar), Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera (DF-UFSCar), Leonélio Cichetto Júnior (DF-UFSCar) and Fernando Manuel Araujo-Moreira (DF-UFSCar) S574 - Effects of DC and AC electric field on the dielectric properties of PZT thin films Elton Carvalho Lima (UNESP) and Eudes Borges Araújo (UNESP) S575 - In Search for Recrystalization of (Bi,PB)-22223 Phase after its Complete Melting Marcelo Azevedo Neves (DEFIS-ICE/ UFRRJ), Everton Rangel Bispo (DCMM/ PUC-RJ), George Gilberto Gomes Junior (PEMM/UFRJ), Alexander Polasek (DTECEPEL/ELETROBRAS) and Fernando Rizzo (DCMM/PUC-RJ) S576 - ZnO:Co Diluted magnetic Semiconductor or hybrid nanostructure for Spintronics? Silvia P Heluani (UNT), Manuel Villafuerte (CONICET), Federico Golmar (UBA), Azucena Mudarra Navarro (UNLP), Claudia Rodriguez Torres (UNLP), José Barzola-Quiquia (Leipzig Universität) and Pablo Esquinazi (Leipzig Universität) S577 - Spin, charge, and lattice coupling close to the colossal magnetoresistivity effect Fabian E N Ramirez (UFABC), Renato Figueiredo Jardim (IFUSP) and José Antonio Souza (UFABC) S579 - Zinc oxide coating of silicon substrates by means of plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition Maxson Souza Vieira (INPE) S580 - Effect of Co doping on structural and magnetic properties of ZnO S572 - Porososity Evaluation of Bi-2223 Hig-Tc Superconductor Samples via Digital Image Processing Shalendra Kumar (hangwon National Univ), Young Joo Kim (hangwon National Univ), S K Sharma (Universidade Estadual de), B H Koo (hangwon National Univ) and Chan Gyu Lee (hangwon National Univ) Everton Rangel Bispo (PUC-Rio), George Gilberto Gomes Junior (UFRJ), S581 - Solid-state reactions and 154 microstructure in the Ni-Ti-O system Jonathan Paul Winterstein (Univ of Connecticut), Sanjit Bhowmick (Univ of Connecticut), Jessica Lori Riesterer (Univ of Connecticut), Joysurya Basu (Univ of Connecticut) and Barry Carter (University of Connecticut) S583 - Structural magnetic characterization of Ca2xSrxRu0.99Sn0.01O4 compounds Ada López Giménez (UERJ), Jorge Luis González (PUC-Rio), Izabel Souza Azevedo (CBPF), Angelo Gomes (UFRJ), Hortencio Borges (PUC-Rio) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) S584 - Theoretical study of conductivity of ZnO through the hydrogenation of ZnO surfaces Andrea Dias Quintao (IFUSP/FSA), Marília Junqueira Caldas (IFUSP) and Regina Lélis de Sousa (IFUSP) S585 - Applicability of the polymeric precursor method to the synthesis of nanometric singleand multi-layers of Zn 1-xMnxO (x=0-0.3) single crystalline samples of the system YxPr1-xBa2Cu3O7-δ obtained by using the self-flux growth method Leonélio Cichetto Júnior (DF-UFSCar), Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera (DF-UFSCar), Cecilia Stari (DF-UFSCar), Euclydes Marega (IFSC-USP), Claudio Cardoso (DF-UFSCar) and Fernando Manuel Araujo-Moreira (DF-UFSCar) S590 - Piezoelectric Characterization of BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 Multiferroic Ceramics Valdirlei Fernandes Freitas , Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) S591 - Production and characterization of magnetic double perovskite Sr2HoRuO6 Javier Harley Velasco (Univ Nacional de Colombia), Laura Teresa Corredor Bohórquez (Univ Nacional de Colombia), Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ Nacional de Colombia), David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ nacional de Colombia), Jorge Luiz Pimentel (Univ Fdral do Rio Grande) and Paulo Pureur (Univ Fdral do Rio Grande) jenny Mera (Universidad de Nariño), Carlos Cordoba (Universidad de Nariño), Javier Benavides (Universidad de Nariño), Omar Paredes (Universidad de Nariño), Jose Gregorio Doria (Universidad Nacional), Carolina Sanchez (Universidad Nacional) and Oswaldo Moran (Universidad Nacional) S592 - Dielectric and electric proprieties of (1-x)(Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3)xPT-yMnO2 multiferroics ceramics at high temperatures S586 - Nanocrystalline CeO2-δ: M (M = Ni, Fe, Co) by the Proteic Sol-Gel Process: Synthesis and Characterization S593 - Emission of Light in Polycrystallines Matrixes of H3BO3 Paula Cristiane Andrade Brito (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) S587 - Interdependence between Pb content and annealing conditions in the preparation of BPSCCO superconducting films grown by spray pyrolysis technique ELVIA DIAZ (ESFM-IPN), CONCEPCIÓN MEJÍA (ESFM-IPN), JOSÉ LUIS LÓPEZ (ESFM-IPN) and ANA MARÍA PANIAGUA (ESFM-IPN) S588 - Structural study of the crystalline phase in Pb-Ca-Ba-CuO precursor films grown by spray pyrolysis technique Concepción Mejía (ESFM-IPN), José Luis López (ESFM-IPN), CLAUDIA VERÓNICA VÁZQUEZ (ESFM-IPN), ELVIA DIAZ (ESFM-IPN) and Ana María Paniagua Mercado (ESFM-IPN) S589 - Physical properties of Bárbara Maraston Fraygola (UFSCar), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) and José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar) Tamara Sibele Santos (UFS), Marcos Antonio Couto Santos (UFS), Maria Eliane Mesquita (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) S594 - Determination of the thermal coefficient of the optical path length change in the PLZT ceramic by optical interferometric method Evaristo Alexandre Falcão (UFGD), Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar), José Antônio Eiras (UFSCar), Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM) and Mauro Luciano Baesso (UEM) S595 - Anelastic parameters of MgB2 obtained by mechanical spectroscopy marcos ribeiro da silva and Carlos Roberto Grandini (Unesp) S597 - Structural Refinement in the Sol-Gel Processed Magnetoelectric Compounds 155 Luiz Fernando Cótica (UNICENTRO), Paulo Vitor Sochodolak (UNICENTRO), Márcia Ferreira Bini (UNICENTRO), Alan Bartoski (UNICENTRO), Ricardo Yoshimitsu Miyahara (UNICENTRO), Valdirlei Fernandes Freitas (UEM) and Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM) S598 - Thermal-Diffusivity and Heat Capacity of Iron- Phosphate Glasses Alexandre Pinheiro da Silva (UFJF) S599 - QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHASES PRESENT IN PARTIALLY MELT PROCESSED (Bi, Pb) - 2223 SUPERCONDUCTOR George Gilberto Gomes Junior (UFRJ/ CEPEL), Everton Rangel Bispo (PucRio/CEPEL), Alexander Polasek (CEPEL), Marcelo Azevedo Neves (UFRRJ), Fernando Rizzo (PUC-Rio), Hélio Salim Amorim (UFRJ) and Tsuneharu Ogasawara (COPPE/UFRJUFRJ) S600 - Synthesis of Aluminum Based Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Biodiesel Production Luiz Fernando Cótica (UNICENTRO), Rafael Francisco Kutkoski (UNICENTRO), Fernando José Rodrigues (UNICENTRO), Antonio Laverde Jr (UNIPAR), Nivaldo Eloi Souza (UEM) and Ivair Aparecido Santos (UEM) S602 - Mapping different vibrational modes of CM-βCD probe on polymorph of TiO2 by Confocal Raman Microscopy André Araújo Parussulo (IQ-USP), Juliano Alves Bonacin (IQ-USP), Koiti Araki (IQ-USP) and Henrique Eisi Toma (IQ-USP) S603 - Characterization of copper bismuth oxides synthesized by citrate and solvothermal methods Luis Carlos Moreno - Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia), Luis Carlos Moreno Aldana (Univ Nal de Colombia), Harold Ivan Lozano (Univ Nal de Colombia) and Jesús Sigifredo Valencia (Univ Nal de Colombia) Koiti Araki (IQ-USP) and Henrique Eisi Toma (IQ-USP) S612 - Capacitance Spectroscopy Analysis of Polaronic Relaxation in CaCu3Ti4O12 Polycrystalline Systems Willian Campos Ribeiro (IQAraraquara, UNESP), Ednan Joanni (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), Raluca Savu (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP), José Arana Varela (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) and Paulo Roberto Bueno (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) S613 - Electrical and dielectric properties of PZT based ferroelectric ceramics Carolina Hathenher Rodrigues (UFU, Uberlândia, BR) and José los Santos Guerra (UFU, Uberlândia, BR) S614 - Dual magnetron oblique sputtering of biaxially oriented ZnO thin films on amorphous substrates Blake LeRoy Stevens (Northwestern University) and Scott A Barnett (Northwestern University) S615 - Low temperature magnetoresistance in La1.32Sr1.68Mn2O7 layered manganite under hydrostatic pressure Kumaresavanji Malaivelusamy (CBPF) and Magda Bittencourt Fontes (CBPF) S616 - Formation of homometallic ludwigite Co3O2BO3 as a result of oxidation of amorphous Co-B powder Rodrigo de Farias Gomes (UFS) and Marcelo Andrade Macedo (UFS) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM T Functional Materials For Organic Electronic and Nanotechnology Auditorium: Segóvia IV Simposium Organizers: Roberto Mendonça Faria (USP, Brazil) Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Giovanni Marletta (U. of Catania, Italy) Marcel Mayor (University of Basel, Switzerland) Paolo Samorì (Université Louis Pasteur, France) S607 - Effect of ZnTe doping on the chromogenic properties of MoO3 thin films Sergio Tomas Velazquez (CINVESTAV), Miguel Aangel Arvizu (CINVESTAV), Orlando Zelaya Angel (Cinvestav), Aldo Luna (CINVESTAV) and Fabiola Azucena Gutiérrez (CINVESTAV) S608 - Confocal Raman Microscopy: a powerfull technique to characterize intercalated materials Manuel Fernando Gonzalez Huila (IQUSP), Ronaldo Adriano Timm (IQ-USP), 156 Functional and electronic materials 157 Monday, September 21 Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PT1 (invited) - Molecules, Surfaces and Symmetry: from Geometry to Nanoscience Denis Fichou 10:00 - 10:15 T521 - Atomic Force Microscope Direct Write of Inorganic Nanowires Mechanical Thermal Analysis and Wide Angle X- Ray Diffraction Gregório Couto Faria (USP), Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP), Heinz von Seggern (TU Darmstadt) and Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo (USP) PT13 (invited) - Complex magnetism in FePt nanostructures on Platinum surfaces Jan Honolka (MPI-FKF) 13:00 - 14:30 Session chair: To be informed 10:15 - 10:30 PT7 (invited) - Highly efficient organic devices using doped transport layers Lunch 14:30 - 15:00 Karl Leo Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz (UFRJ), Marcos G Menezes (UFRJ), Aldilene Saraiva-Souza (UFC) and Jordan Del Nero (UFPA) 15:00 - 15:15 10:30 - 11:00 PT2 (invited) - Exploring Molecular Assembly at the Nanoscale Federico Rosei (INRS) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 12:00 PT10 (invited) - Surface-Confined Organisation of Magnetic Nanostructures Mario Ruben (INT Karlsruhe) 12:00 - 12:15 T558 - Nanowire-like structures consisting of mesoporous molecular sieves doped with 3,4,9,10perylenediimide Sergio Brochsztain (UFABC), Fabiane Jesus Trindade (UFABC) and Daniel Zanetti de Florio (UFABC) 12:15 - 12:30 T562 - Structure and Dynamics of Poly(9,9 ‘-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole) (PF8BT) as revealed by Solid-State NMR, Dynamic 158 T542 - Substrate induced phase separation and crystals orientation in ultrathin polymeric films for photovoltaics Hisao Makino (Kochi Univ of Tech), Takahiro Yamada (Kochi Univ of Tech), Aki Miyake (Kochi Univ of Tech), Naoki Yamamoto (Kochi Univ of Tech) and Tetsuya Yamamoto (Kochi Univ of Tech) Giovanni Li Destri (University of Catania), Francesco Punzo (University of Catania), Thomas Keller (University of Jena), Klaus Jandt (University of Jena) and Giovanni Marletta (University of Catania) Tuesday, September 22 12:30 - 13:00 Marco Rolandi (University of Washington), Jessica Torrey (University of Washington), Stephanie Vasko (University of Washington) and Peter Morse (University of Washington) T513 - A Field-Effect Transistor for Phonons Based on a Single Molecule T522 - Optical absorption spectra of Ga-doped ZnO films affected by O2 flow rate and post-deposition thermal annealing Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PT12 (invited) - Liquid crystal columnar phases with multicolour tiled superlattices Martin A Bates (University of York), Benjamin Glettner (University of Halle), Robert Kieffer (University of Halle), Carsten Tschierske (University of Halle), Goran Ungar (University of Sheffield), Martin Walker (University of York) and Xianbing Zeng (University of Sheffield) 12:15 - 12:30 T502 - Novel Concepts in Solidstate dye-sensitized solar cells Mukundan Thelakkat (University of Bayreuth), Katja Willinger (University of Bayreuth), Johannes Brendel (University of Bayreuth) and Yan Lu (University of Bayreuth) 12:30 - 13:00 PT8 (invited) - Glycopolymer vesicles and tubes Helmut Schlaad (MPI-KG) 13:00 - 14:30 10:00 - 10:15 Lunch T518 - Probing Molecular Chirality via Electronic Transport Session chair: To be informed 14:30 - 15:00 Alberto Salleo (Stanford University) Francisco Piorino Neto (UFRJ), Shirsley dos Santos da Silva (UFPA), Ewerton Ramos Granhen (UFPA), Fabricio Macedo Souza (UFU) and Jordan Del Nero (UFPA) 15:15 - 15:30 10:15 - 10:30 Mukundan Thelakkat T537 - Stochastic Algorithms Applied to the Optimization of Multi-layer OLEDs T503 - Self-Assembly of Semiconductor Organogelator Nanowires for Photoinduced Charge Separation T530 - Transport at grain boundaries in polymeric and small molecule organic semiconductors Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio), Leandro Fontoura Cupertino (PUC-Rio), Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco (PUC-Rio), Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (PUC-Rio), Welber Gianini Quirino (Inmetro) and Cristiano Legnani (Inmetro) 15:30 - 16:00 PT5 (invited) - From Ambipolar to Unipolar Organic Field-Effect Transistors: A Strategy Towards CMOS Technology André Wicklein (MC1 Universität Bayreuth), Suhrit Ghosh (OC2 Universität Würzburg), Michael Sommer (University of Bayreuth), Frank Würthner (OC2 Universität Würzburg) and Mukundan Thelakkat (University of Bayreuth) 15:00 - 15:15 T517 - Influence of polymer structure over optical properties in different azo modified epoxy systems María José Galante (INTEMA), Patricia Angélica Oyanguren (INTEMA), Raquel Fernández (Universidad País vasco) and Iñaki Mondragon (Universidad País Vasco) 10:30 - 11:00 15:15 - 15:30 PT9 (invited) - Liquid crystalline phases by metal nanoparticles T504 - Utilizing metal-insulatorsemiconductor (MIS) capacitors to extract the temperature dependence of doping density and mobility for the semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT Heinz von Seggern (TU Darmstadt) ewa gorecka (Warsaw University) 16:00 - 16:15 11:00 - 11:30 T520 - Free-Carrier Scattering in Transparent Conducting ZnO Films: Grain Boundary Effect and Scattering in the Grain Bulk Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed Tetsuya Yamamoto (Kochi Univ Tech), Takahiro Yamada (Kochi Univ Tech), Hisao Makino (Kochi Univ Tech) and Naoki Yamamoto (Kochi Univ Tech) PT3 (invited) - Flexible Printed Sensor Tape to Diagnose Brain Injury 16:15 - 16:30 PT11 (invited) - Self-Organized Hybrid Devices for Electronic Applications- OLEDs and OPVs using organic-inorganic hybrid materials José Alberto Giacometti (UNESP) and David Martin Taylor (Bangor University) 11:30 - 12:00 Ana Claudia Arias (PARC) 12:00 - 12:15 15:30 - 15:45 T553 - Simulation of the Exciton directional migration in EnergyModulated Heterostructures made of Conjugated Polymers Angelo Danilo Faceto (IFSC-USP) 159 and Francisco Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC-USP) 15:45 - 16:00 T512 - Properties of Electronic Transport on Molecular Devices Jordan Del Nero (UFPA) 16:00 - 16:30 PT4 (invited) - Water-related defects in PPV: effects on electronic and transport properties Marília Junqueira Caldas Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PT6 (invited) - Threaded molecular wires as model conjugated polymers with controlled interstrand Franco Cacialli 10:00 - 10:15 T549 - Towards non-substituted blue emitting PPV: Experiments and Simulation Francisco E Gontijo Guimarães (IFSCUSP), Francisco Carlos Barbosa Maia (IFSC-USP) and Angelo Danilo Faceto (IFSC-USP) 10:15 - 10:30 T509 - Correlation between negative thermal expansion and polarity reduction in III-V semiconductor films Shaoqing Wang (Inst Met Res) Poster Session T Functional Materials For Organic Electronic and Nanotechnology Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 T506 - The mobility in molecular organic systems with energies given by a charge-induced dipoles interaction Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) (UFOP) T508 - Preparation of carboxylicand hydroxylated-functionalized polythiophenes and their VOCs sensing properties T527 - Miscibility studies of azopolymer /poly3-alkylthiophene mixtures in solution and on Langmuir films Vanessa Cristina Gonçalves (IFSC/USP) and Debora Terezia Balogh (IFSC/USP) Lucineia Ferreira Ceridório (USPInstituto de Física d), Vanessa Cristina Gonçalves (USP-Instituto de Física d), Felippe José Pavinatto (USP-Instituto de Física d), Tapani Viitala (KSV Instruments- Finland), Debora Terezia Balogh (USP) and Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (USP) T514 - Molecular Architecture, Photoluminescence, dc Electrical Characterization and Sensor Applications of Perylene Derivative Thin Films Thermally Evaporated Diogo Volpati (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente), Antonio Riul Jr (UFSCar/ Sorocaba), Clarissa Almeida Olivati (UNESP/IGCE - Rio Claro) and Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino (UNESP/FCT - Pres Prudente) T515 - Photophysic study in stretched polyfluorene thin films rafael henriques longaresi (IFSC-USP), gregório couto faria (IFSC-USP), Francisco E Gontijo Guimarães (IFSCUSP) and Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) T516 - Poly-3-thiophenes layerby-layer films: sensors applications Marystela Ferreira (UFSCar/Campus Sorocaba), Bruno Bassi (IFSC/USP), Anerise de Barros (UFSCar/Campus Sorocaba) and Debora Terezia Balogh (IFSC/USP) T523 - Energy Transfer between Au/Polyaniline Nanocomposite and Fluorenes Etelino José Monteiro Vera Cruz Feijó de Melo (UFPE), Clécio Gomes dos Santos (UFPE) and Celso Pinto de Melo (UFPE) T524 - Studies of the electric and morphologic properties of POMA/PMMA blends deposited by spin coating technique Nizamara Simenremis Pereira (UnB), Maria José Araujo Sales (UnB) and Artemis Marti Ceschin (UnB) T525 - Electrical characterization of polyaniline/poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) layer-by-layer films Mirela de Castro Santos (UFOP) and Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi (UFOP) T528 - Electrical biosensors for triglycerides based on lipase immobilization in layer-by-layer films Marli Leite Moraes (UFSCar/Sorocaba), William Mathiazzi Graciano (UFSCar/ Sorocaba), Clarissa Almeida Olivati (UNESP/IGCE - Rio Claro), Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr (IFSC/USP) and Marystela Ferreira (UFSCar/Sorocaba) T529 - Investigation of Polyfluorene Based Polymers-Regenerated Cellulose Interaction Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy Raquel Aparecida Domingues (UNICAMP) and Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars (UNICAMP) T531 - Non-Electroneutrality in Polyethylene Thiago Augusto Burgo (UNICAMP), Camila Alves Rezende (UNICAMP) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) T533 - Accessing 3D dimension on a wedding cake like SEBS block copolymer droplet Marcelo Assumpção Pereira-da-Silva (IFSC/USP-UNICEP), Antonio Jose Felix Carvalho (UFSCAR/Sorocaba), Debora Pereira Magalhaes (UFSCar) and Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) T534 - Irradiation of MEH-PPV with gamma rays in alkyl halide Erika Soares Bronze Uhle (UNESP), João Francisco Borin (USP), Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves Vismara (UNESP), Andrei Paulo de Assis (UNESP) and Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (FC-UNESP) T507 - Langmuir and langmuirblodgett (lb) films of hydrophobic azopolymers T526 - DESIGN OF A VERSATIBLE AND LOW COST ORGANIC DOSIMETER FOR USE IN NEONATAL PHOTOTHERAPHY T535 - Determination of Carrier Mobility in MEH-PPV by Time-of-Flight, Dark Injection SCLC and Charge Extraction in a Linearly Increasing Voltage (CELIV) techniques. Rafaela Cristina Sanfelice (USP), Felippe José PAvinatto (USP), Debora Terezia Balogh (USP) and Osvaldo Giovana Ribeiro Ferreira (UFOP), Cláudia Karina Barbosa de Vasconcelos (UFOP) and Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi Cleber Alexandre de Amorim (UFSCar), Fernando Bernardo Sousa (UFSCar), Marco Roberto Cavallari (EP-USP), CAMILA TONEZER (UFPR) and Jose Arruda Freire (UFPR) 160 Gerson dos Santos (EP-USP), Fernado Josepetti Fonseca (EP-USP), Adnei Andrade (IEE-USP) and Sérgio Mergulhão (UFSCar) T536 - Study of charge carriers mobility in poly (9, 9-dioctylfluorenyl-2, 7-diy) capped with N, N-Bis (4-methylphenyl)-4-aniline (PFO) Cleber Alexandre de Amorim (UFSCar), Gregório Couto Faria (IFSC-USP), Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC-USP) and Sérgio Mergulhão (UFSCar) T538 - Dielectric relaxation studies of ultrathin film of sulfonated polystyrene Washington da Silva Sousa (IFSC/USP), Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) and Antonio Jose Felix Carvalho (UFSCar/Sorocaba) T539 - Functionalized adamantane: fundamental building blocks for nanostructure self-assembly Joelson Cott Garcia (IF/USP), Joao Francisco Justo (EP/USP), Wanda Valle Marcondes Machado (IF/USP) and Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali (IF/USP) T540 - Hybrid photovoltaic devices using a carboxilated poly(3-hexyl thiophene) derivative Adriana Pereira Ibaldo (IFSC/USP), Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP), Helmut Neugebauer (LIOS/JKU) and Serdar Nyiazi Sariciftci (LIOS/JKU) T541 - Non-electroneutrality of silica surfaces: role of water adsorption Rubia Figueredo Gouveia (Unicamp) and Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) T543 - Micro-channel fabrication in an e-tongue system Antonio Riul Jr (UFSCar), Maria Helena Piazzetta (LNLS), Angelo Luiz Gobbi (LNLS) and Cleber Aparecido Rocha Dantas (FCT/UNESP) T544 - Theoretical-study on the contribution of oxygen and chloroform to the sensibility of organic dosimeter Cláudia Karina Barbosa de Vasconcelos (UFOP), Giovana Ribeiro Ferreira (UFOP), Pedro Alves da Silva Autreto (UNICAMP), Marcelo Zimmer Sampaio Flores (UNICAMP), Douglas Soares Galvão (UNICAMP), Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo (USP) and Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi (UFOP) T546 - Complex networks to simulate electrical properties in 161 disordered materials McGlennon da Rocha Régis (UFOP), Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi (UFOP) and Américo Tristão Bernardes (UFOP) T547 - Enhancement of the performance in organic solar cells through incorporation of gold nanoparticles. Giovanni de Lima Cabral Conturbia (IQ/UNICAMP), João Hermes Clerice (IFGW/UNICAMP), Mônica Alonso Cotta (IFGW/UNICAMP), Jilian Freitas (IQUNICAMP) and Ana Flavia Nogueira (IQ/UNICAMP) T548 - Characterization of antigenic peptide p17-1 from HIV-1 in nanostructured films Laís Petri (UFSCar), Marli Leite Moraes (UFSCar) and Marystela Ferreira (UFSCar) T550 - Investigation of Magnetoresistance in Europium Based Organic Devices Using Magnetic Field Modulation Technique Marcos Rafael Mendonça Chagas (UFS) Nunes (IFSC) T556 - Simulations of C-V and C-f curves for organic MIS capacitor: effects of accumulation layer width and front edge of depletion layer T566 - Influence of an electron transport layer of a White Polymer Light Emitting Diode José Alberto Giacometti (FCT - UNESP), Fernando Pereira Sabino (FCT - UNESP), Élder Mantovani (FCT - UNESP) and Neri Alves (FCT - UNESP) T557 - Controlling degradation process on thin layers of conjugated polymers Rawlinson Medeiros Ibiapina (DFCCN-UFPI), Maria Alexsandra Rios (DQ-CCN-UFPI), Ángel Alberto Hidalgo (DF-CCN-UFPI) and João Mariz Guimarães Neto (DF-CCN-UFPI) T559 - Transparent Nanocomposite Bacterial Cellulose Used as Flexible Substrate for OLED Gerson dos Santos (EPUSP), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (LME, PSI, EPUSP, Brasil), Jeferson De Deus (UFPR), Leni Campos Akcelrud (UFPR), Adnei Melges Andrade (EPUSP, IEE-USP) and Luiz Fernando Pereira (UA) T567 - Photo-physical properties of a new luminescent polymer Gerson dos Santos (EPUSP), Fernando Josepetti Fonseca (LME, PSI, EPUSP, Brasil), Isabel Romero Grova (UPFR), Leni Campos Akcelrud (UFPR), Adnei Melges Andrade (EPUSP, IEE-USP), Luis Rino (UA) and Luiz Fernando Pereira (UA) T568 - Effects of functionalization by carboxylic groups of carbon nanotubes on the formation of composites with MEHPPV Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio), Rafael MB dos Santos (PUC-Rio), Helio R Carvalho (PUC-Rio) and Antonio Carlos O Bruno (PUC-Rio) Cristiano Legnani (Inmetro/Dimat), Hernane da Silva Barud (Unesp/IQ), Welber Gianini Quirino (Inmetro), José Maurício Almeida Caiut (Unesp/IQ), Sidney josé Lima Ribeiro (UNESP), Carlos Alberto Achete (Inmetro/Coppe) and Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio) T551 - Study of Charge Transport in Polyvinyl Alcohol Organic Matrix/Cadmium Sulphide Particles Composite Material T560 - Light-emission simulation of organic light-emitting diodes by using discrete ray-trace optical computation HAROLDO NAOYUKI NAGASHIMA (UNESP - Ilha Solteira) and HERMES ADOLFO AQUINO (UNESP - Ilha Solteira) Lucas Fugikawa Santos (UNESP/SJRP) T569 - Bandgap in one thienylene-phenylene conjugated polymer T561 - Integration of PLED Structures to Microchannel Arrays for Analytical Systems Sandra Lúcia Nogueira (UFU), Hugo Santos Silva (UFU), Alexandre Marletta (UFU), Newton Martins Barbosa Neto (UFU) and Raigna Augusta Silva (UFU) T552 - Synthesis and characterization of new materials derived from 4-methoxy-aniline Tabata Vidal (UNESP/SJRP), Guilherme Oliveira Silva (UNESP/SJRP) and Lucas Fugikawa Santos (UNESP/SJRP) João Marcos Madurro (UFU), Ana Graci Brito-Madurro (UFU), Ana Consuelo Felipe (UFU) and Diego Leoni Franco (UFU) T563 - Optical characterization of phthalocyanine compounds at different pH T554 - MIS capacitor using polyaniline as semiconductor Neri Alves (Unesp), Efraim Antônio Caprioli (Unesp), Fernando Pereira Sabino (Unesp), Aldo Eloizo Job (Unesp), Donizete Aparecido Buscatti Junior (Unesp) and José Alberto Giacometti (Unesp) Luiz Pereira da Silva Neto (DF-CCNUFPI), Bruno de Jesus Oliveira (DFCCN-UFPI), Edgar Alves Araujo Junior (DQ-CCN-UFPI), Maria Alexsandra Rios (DQ-CCN-UFPI), Ángel Alberto Hidalgo (DF-CCN-UFPI), Helder Nunes da Cunha (DF-CCN-UFPI) and Maria Leticia Vega (DF-CCN-UFPI) T555 - Photodegradation of the Hole Transporting Layer by Synchrotron Radiation T564 - Luminescent properties of light emitting devices based on a new terbium b-diketonate complex gunar vingre da silva mota (UNIFAP), Maria Luiza de Miranda Rocco (UFRJ), Marco Cremona (PUC-RIO), Antônio Maia de Jesus chaves neto (UFPA), Welber Gianini Quirino (PUC-RIO), Erlandsson Anthony Sousa (UFRJ) and Alessandra Pereira (IF-UFSC), Gilmar Conte (IQ-UFSC), Hugo Gallardo (IQ-UFSC), Welber Gianini Quirino (Inmetro), Ivan Helmuth Bechtold (IF-UFSC), Francisco Gontijo Guimarães (IFSC) and Luiz Antônio de Oliveira 162 Sandra Lúcia Nogueira (UFU), Clascidia Aparecida Furtado (CDTN/CNEN), Newton Martins Barbosa Neto (UFU), Cristiano Fantini (UFMG), Adelina Pinheiro Santos (CDTN/CNEN), Alexandre Marletta (UFU) and Raigna Augusta Silva (UFU) T574 - Electrical Analysis of Polymer Luminescent Devices Having IZO as Cathode Gonçalo Pedro Gonçalves , Edivaldo Luiz Queiroz, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins and Roberto Mendonça Faria T575 - Photovoltaic effect observed in junctions based on Buriti oil Artemis Marti Ceschin (UnB) and Elizete Rocha da Silva (UnB) T576 - Structural and Molecular Dynamic Studies of Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) Crystalline Phases Gregório Couto Faria (IFSC/USP), Wesley de Souza Bezerra (IFSC/USP) and Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo (IFSC/USP) T577 - Aluminum doped ZnO thin films deposited by r.f. magnetron sputtering at low frequency and room temperature Nilson dos Santos Ferreira (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM/), Leandro José Raniero (UVP) and Renata Antoun Simão T570 - Impedance Spectroscopy of organic azo compound under pH variation Sheila Cristina Santos Costa (UFPI), Luana Alves de Souza Liberato (UFPI), Bruno de Jesus Oliveira (UFPI), Maria Leticia Vega (UFPI) and Ángel Alberto Hidalgo (UFPI) T571 - Negative Capacitance Effect on Metal/Pentacene/Metal Structures Françoise Toledo Reis , Lucas Fugikawa Santos (UNESP/SJRP) and Heinz von Seggern (TU Darmstadt) T572 - E.I.S evaluation of Chitosan- Polypyrrole Film Eduardo Etzberger Feistauer (UFS), Pilar Aranda (ICMM-CSIC-ES), Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky (ICMM-CSIC-ES), Oswaldo Luis Alves (IQ-UNICAMP), Iara de Fatima Gimenez (UFS) and Ledjane Silva Barreto (UFS) 163 (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM/) Monday, September 21 Session chair: Dachamir Hotza 09:30 - 10:00 PU5 (invited) - Fabrication of Ceramic Composites by Rapid Prototyping Techniques Nahum Travitzky (ZMP/UniErlangen) 10:00 - 10:15 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 U540 - Optimization of Sintering Conditions and Structural Characterization of Neodymium Doped SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) Ceramics Puja Goel (NPL INDIA), Ashok Manikrao Biradar (NPL INDIA) and Kanhaiya Lal Yadav (IIT Roorkee, INDIA) 10:15 - 10:30 SYMPOSIUM U Advances in Structural Ceramics – from Processing to Applications Auditorium: El Pardo I Simposium Organizers: Dachamir Hotza (UFSC, Brazil) Carlos P. Bergmann (UFRGS, Brazil) Rolf Janssen (TUHH, Germany) Paolo Colombo (UNIPD, Italy) Joao Labrincha (UA/CICECO, Portugal) U512 - Abrasive machining of advanced technical ceramics Eckart Uhlmann (Fraunhofer IPK and IWF), Tiago Borsoi Klein (Fraunhofer IPK), Tom Hoghé (IWF TU Berlin) and Christoph Sammler (IWF TU Berlin) 164 U575 - Thermal properties of SiC particle-dispersed ZrB2 matrix composites Katsunori Matsumura (The University of Tokyo), Masahide Ikegami (The University of Tokyo) and Yutaka Kagawa (The University of Tokyo) 12:15 - 12:30 U558 - Sintering by Activated Surface - A New Method for Cermet Consolidation Thomaz Augusto Guisard - Restivo (IPEN), Chieko Yamagata (IPEN) and Sonia Regina Homem Mello-Castanho (IPEN) 12:30 - 12:45 U562 - HPHT Sintering of Dual Bits Romulo Crespo Tardim (UENF), Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii (UENF), Ana Lucia Diegues Skury (UENF) and Marcello Filgueira (UENF) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 10:30 - 10:45 Session chair: Joe da Costa U563 - Thermo-stable Diamond Composite 14:30 - 15:00 Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii (UENF), Ana Lucia Diegues Skury (UENF), Marcello Filgueira (UENF) and Romulo Crespo Tardim (UENF) PU4 (invited) - Hot Gas Cleaning by Porous Ceramics; the Effect of Microstructures on Degradation and Durability 10:45 - 11:00 U521 - Influence of the scratching radius on the grinding process of glassy ceramics Fabio Jose Pinheiro Sousa (FBK), Jan Christian Aurich (FBK), Walter Lindolf Weingaertner (LMP) and Orestes Estevam Alarcon (UFSC) 11:00 - 11:30 Tapio Mäntylä and Pirjo Laurila 15:00 - 15:15 U531 - High temperature mechanical testing of cordierite porous ceramics ANALIA GLADYS TOMBA MARTINEZ (INTEMA), Laura Sandoval (INTEMA), MARIANO TALOU (INTEMA) and MARIA ANDREA CAMERUCCI (INTEMA) Coffee Break 15:15 - 15:30 Session chair: Carlos R. Rambo U535 - Effect of Additives on Manufacturing of Ceramic Foams 11:30 - 12:00 Sergio Yesid Gómez (Universidad de los Andes), Oscar Alberto Alvarez (Universidad de los Andes), Dachamir Hotza (UFSC), Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC) and Jairo Arturo Escobar (Universidad de los Andes) PU1 (invited) - Novel porous Metal@SiCN ceramics via molecular approach Structural materials 12:00 - 12:15 Günter Motz (Universität Bayreuth CME), Germund Glatz (Universität Bayreuth ACII), Thomas Schmalz (Universität Bayreuth CME) and Rhett Kempe (Universität Bayreuth ACII) 15:30 - 15:45 U543 - Gelcasting of alumina 165 and aluminum hydroxide using Chitosan as a binder agent Jamile Brandi (UFABC), Julio Ximenes (UFABC), Mariselma Ferreira (UFABC) and Rafael Salomão (UFABC) 15:45 - 16:00 U555 - Porous Silicon Carbide: Preliminary Results Claudio Vasconcelos Rocha (COPPE/ UFRJ), Caio P Chimelli (POLI/UFRJ), Aline Fernandes (COPPE/UFRJ) and Célio Albano Costa (COPPE/UFRJ) Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Tapio Mäntylä 09:30 - 10:00 PU3 (invited) - Ceramic Membranes in Carbon Capture Processes Joe da Costa (University of Queensland) porcelain tiles by the dry route Anselmo Ortega Boschi (UFSCar) (UFSC), Philippe Jean Gleize (UFSC) and Orestes Estevam Alarcon (UFSC) 12:30 - 12:45 16:00 - 16:15 U522 - Generation of texture on the surface of porcelain stoneware tiles during the polishing process U564 - PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NEW PORTLAND- LATEX COMPOSITE FOR CEMENTING OIL WELL SUBJECT THE STEAM INJECTION Fabio Jose Pinheiro Sousa (FBK), Jan Christian Aurich (FBK), Walter Lindolf Weingaertner (LMP) and Orestes Estevam Alarcon (UFSC) 12:45 - 13:00 U523 - Effects of Raw Material Contents on Technological Properties of Multicomponent Ceramic Bodies Sivaldo Leite Correia (UDESC), Edina Lurdes Bloot (UDESC), Marilena Valadares Folgueras (UDESC), Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) and Ana Maria Segadães (UA/Portugal) 13:00 - 14:30 Jose Heriberto O Nascimento (Universidade do Minho), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Daniele Henrique de Macedo Matinelli (UFRN), Jose Daniel Diniz Melo (UFRN) and Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN) Poster Session U Advances in Structural Ceramics – from Processing to Applications Room: Louvre 10:00 - 10:15 Lunch U574 - Optical Defects in Nd: YAG-Ceramics Session chair: Vicent Cantavella Soler Adam J Stevenson (PennState) 14:30 - 15:00 11:30 to 13:00 PU2 (invited) - NOVEL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDINGS: NEW CHALLENGES FOR CERAMIC MATERIALS U501 - Synthesis of Al/MoSi2 Cermet Foams under the Activated Combustion Mode Michele Dondi (CNR ISTEC) and Mariarosa Raimondo (CNR ISTEC) Hayk Khachatryan (YSU), Mkhitar Hobosyan (ICP), Anastasia Davidova (YSU) and Suren Kharatyan (ICP) 10:15 - 10:30 U577 - Extrusion of thin tubular membranes of BSCF Saulo Roca Bragança (UFRGS) 10:30 - 10:45 U520 - Cold roll pressing of thin ceramic substrates 15:00 - 15:15 Laís Koshimizu (PPGCEM/UFSCar) and Marcio Raymundo Morelli (UFSCar) U573 - STRESSES IN THE SYSTEM GLAZE–ENGOBE–SUPPORT AND THE CURVATURE OF CERAMIC TILES 11:00 - 11:30 Anselmo Ortega Boschi (UFSCar) Coffee Break Session chair: Michele Dondi 11:30 - 12:00 PU6 (invited) - Bioclimatic building envelope based on an active control system Thursday, September 24 U502 - Active metals for the mechanical metallization of oxide and non-oxide technical ceramics 15:15 - 15:30 Tarcisio Eloi de Andrade Junior (UFERSA), Sonja Michaela Gross (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN) and Rubens Maribondo do Nascimento (UFRN) U519 - Microscopic residual stresses on quartz particles in porcelain tile as a function of microstructure U503 - Thermal shock of Al2O3SiC ceramic material obtained by replication method Wilson Acchar Vicente Cantavella (ITC/UJI) Agenor De Noni Junior (IMG), Dachamir Hotza (UFSC), Enrique Sanchez (ITC) and Vicente Cantavella (ITC) 12:00 - 12:15 15:30 - 15:45 U507 - Innovative porcelain stoneware large slabs (LAMINA®) from processing to application U517 - Theoretical Analysis of Rectangular Clay Paste Extrusion Inacio Regiani (ITA) and Aureomar Ferreira Martins (ITA) Fernando Augusto Andrade (UFSC), Hazim Ali Al-Qureshi (UFSC) and Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) U506 - Chloride Diffusity in Red Mud added-Concretes Determined by Migration Tests 15:45 - 16:00 Daniel Veras Ribeiro (UFSCar / UA), João Labrincha (UA) and Marcio Raymundo Morelli (UFSCar) Mariarosa Raimondo (CNR ISTEC), Chiara Zanelli (CNR ISTEC), Guia Guarini (CNR ISTEC), Michele Dondi (CNR ISTEC), Fabrizio Marani (System Group) and Ludovica Fossa (System Group) 12:15 - 12:30 U572 - Viability of producing 166 U541 - Autoclaved pozolanic ceramic tile characterization Rafael Goncalves Souza (UFSC), Giovana Collodetti (UFSC), Fernanda Pirolla U504 - Fast carbon/carbon composite densification with vegetable oils U509 - SINTESIS SIMULTÁNEA DEL COMPOSITO SiC-Al2O3 MEDIANTE METALOTERMIA CON ASISTENCIA DEL ARCO ELÉCTRICO Jorge Luis Garcia Jacomino (UCLV), Idalia Gomez de la Fuente (UANL), Gema Gonzalez (IVIC), Rafael Quintana Puchol (UCLV) and Amado Cruz Crespo (UCLV) U510 - Heteromorphic Hematite Pigments for Porcelainized Stoneware Viviana Possamai Della (UFSC), Janaina Junkes (UFSC), Pedro Novaes (UFSC) and Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) U511 - Heteromorphic hematite pigments from steel scrap encapsulated in amorphous silica obtained from rice husk Viviana Possamai Della (UFSC), Janaina Junkes (UFSC), Pedro Novaes (UFSC) and Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) U514 - Optimization by the Taguchi Method of fabrication parameters of cellular ceramic structures in alumina to be used as diesel soot filters Ana María Montes (Universidad de los Andes) and Jairo Arturo Escobar (Universidad de los Andes) U515 - Optical properties in Pb(Zr 1-xTi x)1-y Nb yO3-y/2 ferroelectric ceramic system María Dolores Durruthy-Rodríguez (ICIMAF-CINVESTAV), Jacqueline Costa-Marrero (ICIMAF), Moises Hernandez-Garcia (ICIMAF), Francisco de Paula Calderon Piñar (IMRE), Jose Martin Yañez-Limóm (CINVESTAV) and Celia Fraga malfati (Universidade Federal do R) U516 - Formation and Structural Properties os MgB2 Anne Hitomi Yonamine (Unesp/Bauru), Dayse Iara Dos Santos (Unesp/Bauru) and Margarida Juri Saeki (Unesp/Botucatu) U518 - Ceramic composites derived from Ti/Al/Al2O3-filled polysiloxane FRANCISCO CANINDE CAMILO DA COSTA (UFRN), Wilson Acchar (UFRN) and Micheline Reis de Araújo (UFRN) U524 - Hierarchical properties of zirconia ceramic foams prepared by the sol-gel method in presence of different surfactants. Marinalva Aparecida Alves Rosa (IQ-UNESP), Celso Valentim Santilli (IQUNESP) and Sandra Helena Pulcinelli (IQ-UNESP) 167 U525 - Leucite Crystallization: Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth by employing liquid crystal as template Marta Duarte da Fonseca (COPPE/ UFRJ), Tsuneharu Ogasawara (COPPE/ UFRJ) and Flávio Teixeira da Silva (COPPE/UFRJ) Adriana Silva Pascoli (ITA) and Elizabete Yoshie Kawachi (ITA) U527 - Microstructural and mechanical study of ZrO2-Y2O3 sintered at different times and sintering temperatures Fabiana Ribeiro da Silva (UFRJ), Luiz Carlos Pereira (UFRJ), Rodrigo Reis (Unigranrio) and Wilson Acchar (UFRN) U528 - Synthesis and characterization of moldable electric conductive ceramic matrix composites Raphael Rodrigues Lage (UNICAMP), Fernando Aparecido Sigoli (UNICAMP) and Inez Valéria Pagotto Yoshida (UNICAMP) U529 - Properties of Mortars Containing Brick Manufacturing Clays Using Factorial Design Sivaldo Leite Correia (UDESC), Everton Pinto Rosa (UDESC), Juliano Pedro Scandolara (UDESC) and Ana Maria Segadães (UA/Portugal) U532 - Correlation between abrasive wear and microstructure of zirconia and alumina naira maria balzaretti (UFRGS), rodrigo buchfink souza (UFRGS), rafael vieira camerini (UFRGS), felipe vogt (UFRGS), altair soria pereira (UFRGS) and joão alziro jornada (INMETRO) U533 - Processing Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide - Preliminary Results Célio Albano Costa (COPPE/UFRJ), Rodrigo P Silva (EP/UFRJ) and Eduardo Albuquerque Brocchi (PUC-RJ) U534 - Evaluation of Flexure Strength of SiC Degraded in Acid and Base Media Célio Albano Costa (COPPE/UFRJ) and Maria G S Pereira (COPPE/UFRJ) U536 - Influence of Fabrication Parameters on Crystallization, Microstructure and Surface Composition of NbN Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering José Edgar Alfonso (Universidad Nacional de C), José Francisco Marco, Nestor Jaime Torres (Universidad Nacional de C), Jaime Buitrago Arrigui (Universidad nacional de C) and Benito Santos (Universidad Automa de Mad) U537 - Mullite nanostructured synthesis in thin film-like shape 168 U538 - Quantitative Determination of the Amorphous and Crystalline Phases of the Ceramic Materials Claudia Terezinha Kniess (UFSC/UNIB), Nivaldo Cabral Kuhnen (UFSC), Humberto Gracher Riella (UFSC), Patricia Bodanese Prates (UFSC), João Cardoso de Lima (UFSC) and Elita Urano Frajndlich (IPEN) U539 - Development of a System for Immersion Ultrasonic Analysis on UO2 Pellets Douglas Brandão Baroni (IEN), Marcelo Siqueira Bittencourt (IEN), Carla Souza Lucas (IEN) and Antônio Mario Costa (IEN) U542 - Synthesis, dielectric properties and structural characterization of Ba0,9Ca0,1Zr00,9XTi1-0,9XO3 ferroelectric ceramic system Synthesis, dielectric properties and structural characterization of Ba0,9Ca0,1Zr00,9XTi1-0,9XO3ferroelectric ceramic system Higor Rogerio Favarim (IFSC/USP), Valmor Roberto Mastelaro (IFSC/USP), Alain Michalowicz (ICMPE/Paris 12) and Person Pereira Neves (UNIFAL) U545 - Stereological Study of Whisker Reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics Célio Albano Costa (COPPE/UFRJ) and Claudio Vasconcelos Rocha (COPPE/UFRJ) U546 - Influence of load cycling in wet environment on the bending strength of 3Y-TZP three unit FPDs processed via CAD-CAM FLÁVIO TEIXEIRA DA SILVA (COPPE/ UFRJ) U547 - Short range investigation on A2Zr2O7 with A = Gd and Y synthesized by solid state reaction Maria Cristina Caracoche (UNLP), Jorge Alberto Martinez (UNLP), Patricia Claudia Rivas (UNLP) and Federica - Bondioli (UNIMORE) U548 - STUDY OF THE DEVEPMENT OF AN ULTRALOW CEMENT CORDIERITE CASTABLE MIX FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF CORDIERITE PLATES Ana María Paniagua Mercado (IPN), Paulino Estrada Díaz (Manuchar), Arturo Mendez Sanchez (IPN), Elvia Díaz Valdez (IPN), Leonor Perez Trejo (IPN), Lucía Díaz Barriga (IPN) and Concepción Mejía (IPN) U549 - Superconductor Substrate with Critical Temperature at 212 for Planar Antenna HUMBERTO CESAR CHAVES FERNANDES (UFRN), HUGO MICHEL MEDEIROS MAIA (UFRN) and LEONARDO MARTINS CAETANO (UFRN, ENGESET) U550 - Synthesis and characterization of CdS yellow ceramic pigment from Cd of Ni-Cd batteries Carlos Renato Rambo (UFSC), Sandriny Lacerda (UFSC), Ana Paula Margarido Menegazzo (CCB), Luciano Henrique Campestrini (UFSC), Dachamir Hotza (UFSC) and Orestes Estevam Alarcon (UFSC) U551 - Cement Slurry for cementation of wells subject to High Temperature with addition of Silica Flour and Metakaolin Marcos Alyssandro Anjos (IFRN), Tiago Renovato Santos (UFRN), Pablo Pinheiro Souza (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Julio Cesar Freitas (UFRN) U552 - Studies spectroscopy impedance of the Y-type Hexagonal Ferrite [Ba2Co2Fe12O22 (Co2Y)] Doped with PbO Mauro Miguel Costa (UFMT), Antonio Sergio Bezerra Sombra (UFC), Julio Cesar Goes (UFC) and Guilherme Francisco Morais Pires Jr (UFC) U553 - Preparation of alumina ceramic foam with low environmental impact for application in oil industry Luciara Benedita Barbosa (UFS), Ronaldo Santos da Silva (UFS), Lilian Menezes de Jesus (UFS), Silvaneide de Jesus Matos (UFS) and Zélia Soares Macedo (UFS) U554 - Property-Microstructure Relationship in Aluminous Porcelain Incorporated with Ornamental Rock Waste José Nilson França Holanda (UENF/ LAMAV), Myrian Aparecida Silva (UENF/PPGECM) and Herval Ramos Paes Junior (UENF/LAMAV) U557 - Effect of atmosphere on stability of PLMN-13PT powder Fernando Andres Londoño (UFSCar), Jose Eiras (UFSCar) and Ducinei Garcia (UFSCar) U559 - Mechanisms of Radioluminescence of Rare Earths doped SrAl2O4 and Ca12Al14O33 Excited by X-Ray Paulo Montes (UFS-Aracaju) and Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFS-Aracaju) U560 - The influence of nanoparticle agglomerates and aggregates on mechanical properties of CeTZP sintered ceramics Maria do Carmo Andrade (INPE) U561 - Synthesis and Characterization of Ca2Al2SiO7 co-doped with Ce3+ and Mn2+ via proteic sol-gel method VERÔNICA DE CARVALHO TEIXEIRA (UFS-ARACAJU), PAULO JORGE RIBEIRO MONTES (UFS-ARACAJU), LUÍS ANTONIO MENEZES TORRES (UFS-ARACAJU) and Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFS-Aracaju) U566 - Development of materials for turbine coatings. Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis (ITA), Daniel Soares de Almeida (IAE-CTA), Carlos Levi (UCA-EUA), Vinícius Rodrigues Henriques (IAE-CTA), Francisco Piorino Neto (IAE-CTA) and Rafael Leckie (UCA-EUA) U567 - Thermal Barrier Coatings by Electron Beam-Physical Vapor Deposition of Zirconia Co-Doped with Yttria and Niobia. Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis (ITA), Daniel Soares de Almeida (IAE-CTA), Carlos Alberto Alves Cairo (IAE-CTA), Vinícius Rodrigues Henriques (IAE-CTA), Francisco Piorino Neto (IAE-CTA) and Carlos de Moura Neto (ITA) U576 - BiNbO4 Ceramics in Microwaves: Synthesis and Characterization Tatiana Sainara Maia Fernandes (UFC), Antonio Jefferson Mangueira Sales (UFC), José Silva de Almeida (UFC), Marcelo Antonio Santos da Silva (UFC), Ana Carolina Fontinele Silva (UFC) and Antonio Sergio Bezerra Sombra (UFC) U556 - Effect of blast furnace waste addition on sintering kaolinitic clay Ricardo Neves Bedoya (IFMA) and Pedro Fautino Souza Jr (IFMA) 169 Monday, September 21 Session chair: Walter Jose Botta 09:30 - 10:00 PV3 (invited) - Critically-Percolated Cluster-Packed Structure in Zr-Al-Ni Bulk Metallic Glass Created with Molecular Dynamics Simulations Based on Plastic Crystal Model Akira Takeuchi (WPI, Tohoku University), Kunio Yubuta (IMR, Tohoku University) and Akihisa Inoue (WPI, Tohoku University) 12:00 - 12:30 PV5 (invited) - Comparative study of the thermal, elastic and mechanical properties of various families of metallic glasses Maria Dolors Baró (UAB) 12:30 - 13:00 PV18 (invited) - Malleable Hypoeutectic Zr-Ni-Cu-Al Bulk Glassy Alloys with Tensile Plastic Elongation at Room Temperature Alain Reza Yavari 13:00 - 14:30 10:00 - 10:30 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM V Structures and Properties of Metastable Materials Auditorium: Segóvia III Simposium Organizers: PV16 (invited) - The accuracy of the topological instability-electronegativity criterion in predicting the glass forming ability of alloys Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira (EESC-USP), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMAUFSCar) 10:30 - 10:45 V552 - Shear bands operation in metallic glasses Konstantinos Georgarakis (WPI-Tohoku University), Alain Reza Yavari (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Moustafa Aljerf (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Yan Li (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Dina Dudina (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Alain LeMoulec (SIMaP - INP Grenoble) and Akihisa Inoue (WPI-Tohoku University) 10:45 - 11:00 Walter José Botta Filho (UFSCar, Brazil) Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ, Brazil) Alain Reza Yavari (INPG, France) Robert Schulz (Hydro-Québec, Canada) V530 - Crystallization behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass at high heating rates 14:30 - 15:00 PV1 (invited) - Magnetic properties of FeCoBSiNb BMGs with Cu additions Mihai Stoica (IFW Dresden), Ran Li (IFW Dresden), Stefan Roth (IFW Dresden), Jürgen Eckert (IFW Dresden), Gavin Vaughan (ESRF Grenoble) and Alain Reza Yavari (INPG Grenoble) 15:00 - 15:30 PV10 (invited) - Glassy alloy composites for IT applications Nobuyuki Nishiyama (RIMCOF Tohoku University), Kana Takenaka (RIMCOF Tohoku University), Nozomu Togashi (RIMCOF Tohoku University), Noriko Saidoh (RIMCOF Tohoku University) and Akihisa Inoue (IMR Tohoku University) 15:30 - 16:00 PV12 (invited) - Efficient atomic packing and amorphous phase separation in Al-rare earth metallic glasses 11:00 - 11:30 Jerzy Antonowicz Session chair: Peter Svec 11:30 - 12:00 PV7 (invited) - Topological Instability and Glass Forming Ability in the Ti-Ni-Cu System 170 Session chair: Claudio Shyinti Kiminami Katharine M Flores (Ohio State University) and Honqing Sun (Ohio State University) Coffee Break Structural materials Lunch Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (UFSCar), Piter Gargarella (PPGCEM-UFSCar), Marcelo Falcão Oliveira (EESC-USP), Igor Pereira Franco (PPGCEM-UFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar) 16:00 - 16:15 V524 - Cu-NbC Nanocomposite Coatings Developed by Laser Cladding Amelia Almeida (Instituto Superior Tecnic), Sónia Eugénio (Instituto Superior Tecnic), Rui Vilar (Instituto Superior Tecnic), Teresa Marques (INETI) and Jose Brito Correia (INETI) 16:15 - 16:30 V510 - Influence of nitrogen 171 content on the stacking fault energy and twinning probability as a function of deformation in Hadfield steel Carlos Iglesias (U de Santiago de Chile), Claudio Eduardo Aguilar (UACH), Bernd Schulz (U de Santiago de Chile), Patricio Lara (U de Santiago de Chile), Guillermo Solorzano (PUC-Rio) and Ricaldo Leiva (ME Elecmetal) Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: Robert Schulz 09:30 - 10:00 PV17 (invited) - NANOSTRUCTURED MgH2 FOR HYDROGEN STORAGE APPLICATIONS V518 - Metastable Systems for Wettable Cathodes in the Aluminum Industry Robert Schulz (Hydro-Quebec) and Sylvio Savoie (Hydro-Quebec) 12:45 - 13:00 V521 - EBSP Analysis for Tensile Deformation Behavior of Martensitic Steel Masato Michiuchi (The University of Tokyo), Shoichi Nambu (The University of Tokyo), Junya Inoue (The University of Tokyo) and Toshihiko Koseki (The University of Tokyo) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Daniel FRUCHART (Institut Néel), Patricia DE RANGO (Institut Néel), Sylvain GARRIER (Institut Néel), Gregory GIRARD (Institut Néel), Salvatore MIRAGLIA (Institut Néel), Philippe MARTY (Université J Fourier) and Nataliya SKRYABINA (Perm State University) Session chair: Mihai Stoica 10:00 - 10:30 Hans Jorge Fecht (Ulm University) PV2 (invited) - Reaction mechanism and kinetics of MgH2/borohydrides based Reactive Hydride Composites Martin Dornheim (GKSS-Forschungszentrum) 10:30 - 11:00 PV11 (invited) - Hydride formation in mechanically-activated Mgbased systems 14:30 - 15:00 PV6 (invited) - Plasticity and Deformation Mechanisms of Fully Dense Bulk Nanocrystalline fcc and bcc Metals 15:00 - 15:30 PV14 (invited) - Physical processing of rapidly quenched alloys - the case of nanocrystalline Fe-B Peter Svec (Inst of Physics SAS), Ivan Skorvanek, Dusan Janickovic and Peter Svec Sr 15:30 - 16:00 Stefano Deledda (IFE) and Bjørn C Hauback (IFE) PV9 (invited) - The Ways to Synthesize Amorphous or Nanocrystalline material from a Vapor Phase 11:00 - 11:30 Elisabeth Blanquet (CNRS) Coffee Break Session chair: Dilson Silva dos Santos 11:30 - 12:00 PV13 (invited) - Effect of cold rolling on hydrogen storage behavior of BCC and Mg-based alloys Jacques Huot (UQTR), Sofiène Amira (Aluminium Technology, NRC), Sydney Ferrera Santos (CECS, Fed University ABC), Jean-Louis Bobet (ICMCB, Université Bordeau) and Etsuo Akiba (AIST) 12:00 - 12:30 PV8 (invited) - Graphite hydrogen storage properties in controlled reactive ball milling Zbigniew S . Wronski (CANMET Energy), Andrew Calka (U Wollongong) and D Wexler (U Wollongong) 12:30 - 12:45 172 16:00 - 16:30 PV4 (invited) - The Effect of Metastability on Room Temperature Deformation Behavior of Beta Titanium Alloys Sreeramamurthy Ankem (University of Maryland) and Zane W Wyatt (University of Maryland) Poster Session V Structures and Properties of Metastable Materials Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 V501 - Microstructural and magnetic characterization of metastable solid solutions in the Cu-Co-Ni system obtained by mechanical alloying MARTA LOPEZ JENSSEN (U de CONCEPCION CHILE), M ELENA GOMEZ (U del VALLE CALI COLOMBI), RAMAM KODURI (U de CONCEPCION), DAVID REYES (CENM COLOMBIA), Mangalaraja Ramalinga Viswanathan (U de CONCEPCION), Jose Jimenez (CENIM SPAIN) and PEDRO PRIETO (CENM COLOMBIA) V513 - WALL COVERING POZZOLANIC AUTOCLAVED FOR PASSIVE CONTROL OF ENVIRONMENTS Fabiano Raupp Pereira (UFSC/UA), Humberto Roman (UFSC), Orestes Estevam Alarcon (UFSC), Victor Ferreira (UA) and João Labrincha (UA) V522 - Glass forming ability of Al-Ni-Gd alloys Luis César Rodríguez Aliaga (DEMaUFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) V523 - Raman and structural studies on potassium-ammonium dehydrogenate phosphate system Jesus Fabian Jurado (UNAL de Colombia), Carlos Vargas Hernandez (UNAL de Colombia) and Jhon Eder Sanchez (UNAL de Colombia) V526 - Correlation between the topological instability-electronegativity criterion and the glass forming ability in the Zr-Cu-Al system Osman Adiguzel Luis César Rodríguez Aliaga (DEMaUFSCar), Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira (SMM - EESC), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) V516 - Laser Surface Cladding of Fe-based metallic glassy V527 - Crystallization kinetics of Cu-Zr-Al amorphous alloys Piter Gargarella (PPGCEM-DEMA-UFSCar), Rui Vilar (Demat-IST-UTL), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMA-UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar), Carlos Triveño Rios (DEMA-UFSCar) and Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMA-UFSCar) FLAVIO SALGADO POLITI (IFMA), Luis César Rodríguez Aliaga (DEMaUFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) V517 - Mg2FeH6-based nanocomposites for hydrogen storage containing different additives V528 - Mechanical Behavior of the Polycrystalline Cu-13.7%Al4%Ni Alloy Daniel Rodrigo Leiva (DEMa/UFSCar), André Castro Souza Villela (DEMa/UFSCar), Guilherme Zepon (DEMa/UFSCar), Daniel Fruchart (Institut Néel/CNRS et UJF), Salvatore Miraglia (Institut Néel/ CNRS et UJF), Tomaz Toshimi Ischikawa (DEMa/UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMa/UFSCar) Elaine Cristina Pereira (UENF), Anatoliy Nikolaevich Matlakhov (UENF), Carlos José Araújo (UFCG) and Lioudmila Aleksandrovna Matlakhova (UENF) V514 - Thermoelasticity - Superelasticity and Shape Memory Mechanism in Copper Based Shape Memory Alloys V519 - Structural and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe50Mn50 Kontan Tarigan (CBNU, Korea), Dong Seok Yang (CBNU, Korea), Suhk Kun Oh (CBNU, Korea) and Seong Cho Yu (CBNU, Korea) V520 - Sorption properties of the system NaBH4/MgH2 milled with different additives Santiago Suriñach (UAB), Chiara Milanese (UNIPV), Alessandro Girella (UNIPV), Amedeo Marini (UNIPV), Gabriele Mulas (UNISS), Sebastiano Garroni (UAB) and Maria Dolors Baró (UAB) V529 - MICROSTRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF Al-Fe-CrCe ALLOYS Ana Martha Branquinho Silva (DEMaUFSCar), Luis César Rodríguez Aliaga (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) V531 - Effect of High-Pressure on the Thermal Properties of a Li2O•2SiO2 glass Silvio Buchner (UFRGS), Paulo Cesar Soares Junior (PUCPR), Altair Soria Pereira (UFRGS), Eduardo Bellini Ferreira (UNESP) and Naira Maria Balzaretti (UFRGS) V532 - Experimental investigation of explosive welding of Ni3Al - based alloy 173 Pawel Jozwik (Military University of Te), Zbigniew Bojar (Military University of Te), Dariusz Zasada (Military University of Te) and Józef Paszula (Military University of Te) poldino Urtiga (Ufpe), Oscar Olimpio Araujo (Ufpe) and Carlos José Araújo (Ufcg) V533 - Structural changes and surface layer strengthening of the one-phase, fine-grained Ni3Al intermetallic compound during incubation period of cavitation Murilo Montesso (IQ - UNESP Araraquara), Danilo Manzani (IQ - UNESP Araraquara), Younes Messaddeq (IQ - UNESP Araraquara), Sidney José Lima Ribeiro (IQ - UNESP Araraquara) and Marcelo Nalin (UNESP - Bauru) Dariusz Zasada (Military University of Te), Zbigniew Zaranski (Military University of Te), Robert Jasionowski (Military University of Te), Pawel Jozwik (Military University of Te) and Zbigniew Bojar (Military University of Te) V534 - Desertion Influence of Water on Structural, Electrical Properties and Molecular Order of V2O5.nH2O films Jesus Fabian Jurado (UNAL-Colombia), Cesar Leandro Londoño (UNAL-Colombia) and Carlos Vargas Hernandez (UNAL de Colombia) V535 - Hydrogen diffusivity and solubility in Pd0.97Zr0.03 alloy Viviane Monteiro Azambuja (IFES), Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM) and Daniel Fruchart (Institut N el/CNRS et UJF) V536 - Synthesis, structural characterization and H-sorption properties of Mg2FeH6-based nanocomposites processed by reactive milling Alexandre Augusto Asselli (PPG-CEM/ UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMA-UFSCar), Tomaz Toshimi Ishikawa (DEMa/UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (DEMA-UFSCar) V537 - ORIENTED MESOPOROUS MATERIALS FROM LIQUID CRYSTAL TEMPLATES Fernanda Gabriel Freitas (Unesp), Sandra Helena Pulcinelli (Unesp) and Celso Valentim Santilli (Unesp) V539 - Conventional and Ultrarapid Microwave Sintering of Nanostructured ZnO: a Comparison Rodolfo Foster Klein - Gunnewiek (UFSCar) and Ruth H G A Kiminami (UFSCar) V540 - Effect of the Thermal Treatments in the Mechanical Behavior of the Ni-Ti wire with Shape Memory Effect Euclides Apolinário Pina (Ufpe), Cezar Henrique Gonzalez (Ufpe), Carlos Augusto Oliveira (Ufpe), Severino Leo- 174 V542 - STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF GLASSES NaPO3 - Sb2O3 V543 - Superelasticity Behaviour in Stress-Electrical ResistivityStrain Coupled Tests on Cu-Based Shape Memory Single Crystals Euclides Apolinário Pina (Ufpe), Cezar Henrique Gonzalez (Ufpe), Carlos Augusto Oliveira (Ufpe), Severino Leopoldino Urtiga (Ufpe), Oscar Olimpio Araujo (Ufpe) and Carlos José Araújo (ufcg) V544 - OPTICAL STUDY OF NOVEL HIGH NON LINEARITY PHOSPHATE GLASS Danilo Manzani (UNESP), Younes Messaddeq (UNESP), Sidney José Lima Ribeiro (UNESP) and Frederic Smektala (Université de Bourgogne) V545 - PRODUCTION OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER BASED ON HEAVY OXIDE GLASSES Danilo Manzani (UNESP), Younes Messaddeq (UNESP), Sidney José Lima Ribeiro (UNESP) and Frederic Smektala (Université de Bourgogne) V546 - Structural characterization of siloxane-POE hybrid matrix as controlled drug delivery devices Leandro Lopes (IQ-UNESP), Sandra Helena Pulcinelli (IQ-UNESP), Leila Aparecida Chiavacci (FCFAR-UNESP), Eduardo Ferreira Molina (IQ-UNESP) and Celso Valentim Santilli (IQ-UNESP) V549 - High-temperature Raman spectroscopy study of the amorphous-to-crystalline transition in zirconium tungstate Jadna Catafesta (UFRGS), Altair Soria Pereira (UFRGS), Gustavo Roberto Ramos (UCS) and Claudio Antônio Perottoni (UCS) V550 - The martensitic transformation as a complementary mechanism of plastic deformation in metallic materials: effects in mechanical properties. Arcelio Hernández Fereira (University of Cienfuegos) and Boris Alekseivich Potekhin (Ural State Forest Academy) V553 - Comparison of the atomic structure of Zr-Cu amorphous alloys and the effect of Al, Ti, and Ni addition using synchrotron radiation in transmission Konstantinos Georgarakis (WPI-Tohoku University), Alain Reza Yavari (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Dina Dudina (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Yan Li (SIMaP INP Grenoble), Moustafa Aljerf (SIMaP - INP Grenoble), Gavin Vaughan (ESRF - Grenoble) and Akihisa Inoue (WPITohoku University) V554 - Thermal and structural properties of 20Li2O-80TeO2 glasses Fausto Lopes Catto (UFSCar), Valdemar Leal (UEMa), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar) and Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) V562 - Characterization of VO2 Structures Performed by Electrodeposition Alex Boiarski Cezar (UFPR) and Ney Mattoso (UFPR) V565 - Ti34Cu36Ni8Zr22 and (TiZr)80Co12Fe8 Bulk Amorphous Alloys: Processing and Characterization V555 - Study of physical and structural properties of lead phosphate glasses Bruno Bellini Medeiros (DEMa-UFSCar), Marcia Moreira Medeiros (DEMaUFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (DEMaUFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMa-UFSCar), Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira (SMM - EESC) and Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar) Karina Almeida Rancan (UNESP), Danilo Manzani (UNESP), Sílvia Helena Santagneli (UNESP), Younes Messaddeq (UENSP) and Sidney José Lima Ribeiro (UNESP) V566 - Processing of bulk metallic glasses by injection and suction casting techniques – a comparative study Eudes Borges Araújo (UNESP) and Elio Idalgo (UNESP) V556 - Coarsening of Nanosized Polycrystalline Thin Films Zacarias Eduardo Fabrim (UFRGS), Flavia Piegas Luce (UFRGS), Paulo Fernando Papaleo Fitchner (UFRGS), Fernando Claudio Zawislak (UFRGS) and Gerson Feldmann (UTFPR) Fabricio Simão dos Santos (UFSCar), Igor Pareira Franco (UFSCar), Michel Issao Miyamoto (UFSCar), Claudemiro Bolfarini (UFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar) and Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (UFSCar) V567 - Processing of PVDF/PMMA blends by high-energy ball milling V557 - Local structure of magnetic fluids: from a dilute gas to a colloidal glass Estevão Freire (UCS), Tanise Camini (UCS) and Glaucio Almeida Carvalho (UCS) Fábio Luis de Oliveira Paula (UnB), Priscilla Coppola (UnB), Jerome Depeyrot (UnB), Juliano de Andrade Gomes (UnB), Renata Aquino (Faculdade da UnB Planalti) and Francisco Augusto Tourinho (UnB) V568 - Nanoscale grain refinement of commercial MgH2 powders using different mechanical processing routes V559 - “Hydrogen gas Permeation through Pd-Zr internally oxidized alloys” Daniel Rodrigo Leiva (UFSCar), Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ), Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr (UFSCar), Tomaz Toshimi Ischikawa (UFSCar) and Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar) Eduardo Ribeiro Lagreca (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM), Viviane Monteiro Azambuja (IFES) and Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM) V560 - Study of Hydrogen Sorption in Mg-Pd-Nb nano-oxide alloys Monique Osorio Talarico Conceição (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM), Eduardo Ribeiro Lagreca (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM) and Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM) V561 - Spray forming of glassy alloy Fe65B30Nb4Ti1 175 Thursday, September 24 Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PW4 (invited) - Alternative synthesis processes for molybdenum content compounds ricardo yoshima 10:00 - 10:15 W508 - OBTAINING MoO3 FOR THE MOLYBDENUM ALLOYS PRODUCTION International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM W New Developments in the Processing and Applications of Cu-ad Mo-Base Alloys Auditorium: Catete Eduardo Albuquerque Brocchi (PUC-Rio), Ana Cristina Nunes Vidal (PUC-Rio) and Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Queiroz (PUC-Rio) Fernando Lund (U. of Chile, Chile) Luis Amestica (CIMAT, Chile) Eduardo Brocchi (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Hal Stillman (Int. Copper Association, USA) Nicole Kinsman (International Molybdenum Association, UK) C William Keevil (University of Southampton), Sarah Warnes (University of Southampton) and Harold Michels (Copper Development Assoc) Poster Session W New Developments in the Processing and Applications of Cu-ad Mo-Base Alloys Room: Louvre Wednesday, September 23 10:15 - 10:45 11:30 to 13:00 PW3 (invited) - Increased Copper Surface Stability in Solutions W501 - Cu-Mo and Cr alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying Yair Ein - Eli (Technion) Claudio Eduardo Aguilar (UACh), Stella Ordoñez (USACh), Paula Rojas (PUCV), Danny Guzman (UDA) and Rolando Rios (UACh) 10:45 - 11:00 W503 - Evaluation of Cu-Ag-Ce Alloys used as Filler Metals in Al2O3 Brazed Joints Pre-Metallized with Ti Theophilo Moura Maciel (UFCG), Mary Roberta Meira Marinho (CEFET-PB), Edjalmy Almeida (UFRN), Clodomiro Alves Jr (UFRN) and Walman Benicio Castro (UFCG) 11:00 - 11:30 Simposium Organizers: the antimicrobial properties of copper alloy surfaces Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 12:00 PW1 (invited) - Cu-based shape memory strips elaborated by one-step rapid solidification techniques: structural and functional properties. Jorge Malarría (IFIR (CONICET-UNR)) W504 - Cyclic behavior of coldformed polycrystalline copper Andreia de Souza Martins Cardoso (EEL/USP), Gustavo Aristides Santana Martínez (EEL/USP) and Carlos Antonio Reis Pereira Baptista (EEL/USP) W506 - Influence of Co Addition to Fe-Cu Alloys Marcello Filgueira (UENF), Pedro Mendes Gomes (UENF), Anderson Paula Barbosa (UENF) and Hugo Millward Luna (UENF) W507 - Influence of processing on microstructure and properties of copper reinforced with ceramic particles MARTA LOPEZ JENSSEN (Universidad de Concepcion), Jose Jimenez (CENIMCSIC) and DERY CORREDOR PULIDO (Universidad LOS ANDES) 12:00 - 12:15 W509 - Characterisation of Rare Earth Doped Neodymium Cuprates for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications Mark Cassidy (University of St Andrews), Chami Patabendige (University of St Andrews) and John Irvine (University of St Andrews) 12:15 - 12:45 Structural materials 176 PW2 (invited) - New insights into W510 - Creep of Cu-V and Cu-Ti alloys, obtained by reactive milling. Rodrigo Herberto Palma (Universidad de Chile), Aquiles Horacio Sepúlveda (Universidad de Chile), Alejandro Zúñiga (Universidad de Chile), Eduardo Donoso (Universidad de Chile), Juan Pablo Lozano (Universidad de Chile) and Ricardo Ariel Ordenes (Universidad de Chile) 177 Thursday, September 24 Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 11:45 09:30 - 10:00 X535 - Enhancement of HighTemperature Oxidation Resistance of Cr-Steels by Applying Surface Modification Using Shot-Peening PX3 (invited) - Modelling Crack Closure and Damage In Variable Amplitude Fatigue Using Smooth Specimen Fatigue Test Data Timothy H Topper (University of Waterloo), Maria El-Zeghayar (University of Waterloo), F A Conle (AET Integration) and John JF Bonnen (Ford Motor Co) 10:00 - 10:15 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM X Processing, structure and properties of advanced metallic materials X520 - EVALUATION OF J-R CURVES FOR API 5L X70 PIPELINE STEELS USING SE(T) SPECIMENS Waldek Waldimir Bose Filho (EESC - USP), Cassius Olivio Figueiredo Terra Ruchert (EESC - USP) and Julio Cesar de Souza Francisco (EESC - USP) 10:15 - 10:30 X534 - Development of New Alloys for High-Temperature Applications Vicente Braz Trindade (UFOP / UniSiegen), Bronislava Gorr (Uni-Siegen), Stefan Burk (Uni-Siegen) and Hans Juergen Christ (Uni-Siegen) 10:30 - 10:45 Auditorium: El Pardo I Simposium Organizers: Leonardo Godefroid (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil) Luiz Carlos Rolim Lopes (Federal University of Volta Redonda, Brazil) Charles Martins (ArcelorMittal Tubarão, Brazil) Claudio Ruggieri (EPUSP – University of São Paulo, Brazil) Túlio Magno Füzessy de Melo (Usiminas, Brazil) Juan Perez Ipiña (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina) Session chair: To be informed X530 - DEVELOPMENT OF API 5L-X80 AS HOT STEEL COILS AT ARCELORMITTAL TUBARÃO Ricardo Porto (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Paulo de Tarso Lourenço (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Marden Valente de Souza (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Gleyson Marcos Barbosa (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Júlio Cezar Bellon (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Renato Diniz Carvalho (ArcelorMittal Tubarão) and Leonardo Barbosa Godefroid (leonardo@demet. 10:45 - 11:00 X512 - A note on the short crack behavior at elongated notch roots Jaime Tupiassú Pinho de Castro (PUC-Rio), Marco Antonio Meggioaro (PUC-Rio), Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Miranda (PUC-Rio), Hao Wu (USTL-France) and Abdelatiff Imad (USTL-France) 11:00 - 11:30 Vicente Braz Trindade (UFOP / Uni-Siegen), Naraparaju Ravisankar (Uni-Siegen), Adilson Rodrigures Costa (UFOP), Flávio Lays Cassino (UFOP) and Hans Juergen Christ (Uni-Siegen) 11:45 - 12:00 X536 - Controlled residual stresses introduction to improve fatigue resistance of rotary shouldered connections used in oil drilling industry Ivan Korin (Conicet/San Antonio Inter) and Juan Elias Perez Ipiña (Conicet / UN Comahue) 12:00 - 12:15 X549 - Friction Stir Welding of ISO 3183 X80M (API 5L X80) steel joints Tiago Felipe de Abreu Santos (LNLS), Davi Munhoz Benati (LNLS), Tahiana Francisca Conceição Hermenegildo (LNLS), Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso (LNLS), Ricardo Reppold Marinho (Petrobras), Marcelo Torres Pisa Paes (Petrobras) and Antonio Jose Ramirez (LNLS) 12:15 - 12:30 X553 - Oxidation and abrasive wear in Fe-Si and Fe-Al intermetallic alloys Artur Mariano de Sousa Malafaia (SMM - EESC - USP), Marcelo Tadeu Milan (Materials Inst of Brazil), Omar Maluf (Materials Inst of Brazil), Rosamel Melita Muñoz Riofano (Materials Inst of Brazil) and Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira (SMM - EESC - USP) 12:30 - 12:45 X571 - Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Zn-Al Alloys with Columnar, Equiaxed and Columnar-toEquiaxed Transition Structures Alicia Esther Ares (CONICET/FCEQyNUNaM), Liliana Mabel Gassa (CONICET/ INIFTA), Mario Roberto Rosenberger (CONICET/FCEyN-UNaM) and Carlos Enrique Schvezov (Conicet- UNaM) Coffee Break Structural materials 178 179 12:45 - 13:00 X523 - Hydrogen-Microstructure interaction of High Strength Low Alloy Steels (HSLA) used in the oil industry María José Cancio (Tenaris R), Pablo Bruzzoni (CNEA), Teresa Estela Perez (Tenaris R) and Juan Ramon Collet Lacoste (CNEA) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: To be informed 14:30 - 14:45 X580 - Direct Atomic Scale Observation of the Structure and Composition Across Order/Disorder Gamma Prime/Gamma Interfaces in Nickel Base Superalloys Srinivasan Rajagopalan (Ohio State Univ), Rajarshi Banerjee (Univ of North Texas), Junyeon Hwang (Univ of North Texas), Gopal Babu Viswanathan (Ohio State Univ), Jaimie Tiley (Air Force Research Lab), Dennis Dimiduk (Air Force Research Lab) and Hamish L Fraser (Ohio State Univ) 14:45 - 15:00 X526 - ANALYSIS OF THRESHOLDASSOCIATED SCREW DISLOCATION DISPLACEMENT IN POLYGONIZED ALUMINUM Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN), Pablo Samuel Schabes-Retchkiman (UNAM), Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN), Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN), Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN) and Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN) 15:00 - 15:15 X528 - Determination of optimal parameters in the hardening and tempering process of SAE 6150 steel as an alternative for the manufacturing of springs Nelly Cecília de Sanchez (Universidad Autonoma de O), Hector Enrique Jaramillo (Universidad Autonoma de O), Lyda Cielo Pantoja (Universidad Autonoma de O) and Julian Arnaldo Avila (Universidad Autonoma de O) 15:15 - 15:30 X540 - Analytical TEM characterization of nanometric carbides in a microalloyed (HSLA) steel replica Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso (LNLS), María José Cancio (Tenaris R), Antonio Jose Ramirez (LNLS) and Teresa Estela Perez (Tenaris R) 15:30 - 15:45 180 X542 - Hot Deformation and Processing Maps of a High Strength Alloy Steel Yong - Cheng Lin (Central South University) and Ge Liu (Central South University) of Ag nanostructures : Controlled Synthesis and Characterization nurul akmal chelah (University of Malaya) and mohd rafie johan (University of Malaya) 10:30 - 10:45 15:45 - 16:00 X561 - On Thermo-Mechanical Processing Interpretation by Introducing Microstructure Dependent Local Behavior X505 - Semi Quantitative Analysis of Oxygen to Silicon Ratio and Oxygen Content Determination in Thermally Sprayed pc-Si Sheet for Solar Cells Substrate Raúl Eduardo Bolmaro (Instituto Física Rosario), Analía Roatta (Instituto Física Rosario), Andrea Laura Fourty (Instituto Física Rosario), Pablo Andrés Turner (Instituto Física Rosario), Gladys Charca Ramos (Instituto Física Rosario), César Sobrero (IFIR, Instituto de F?ca) and Javier Walter Signorelli (Instituto Física Rosario) Igor Alessandro Silva Carvalho (CETEC), Ricardo Luiz Ribeiro (CETEC), Eduardo Perini Muniz (CEUNES) and Jose Tavares Branco (CETEC) 16:00 - 16:15 DEEPALI SHRIKANT KELKAR (INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE) and ASHISH BHUPATPRASAD CHOURASIA (INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE) X522 - Unconventional Thermomechanical Treatment of Advanced High Strength Low-Alloyed Steel Bohuslav Masek (University of West Bo), Hana Jirkova (University of West Bo), Danuse Klauberova (University of West Bo), Martin Petrenec (Institute of Physics) and Premysl Beran (Nuclear Physics Insti) 16:15 - 16:30 X519 - Improved Strength-Ductility Combination by Layer-Integrated Steels Shoichi Nambu (The University of Tokyo), Masato Michiuchi (The University of Tokyo), Junya Inoue (The University of Tokyo) and Toshihiko Koseki (The University of Tokyo) Friday, September 25 Session chair: To be informed 09:30 - 10:00 PX4 (invited) - The Tensile Response of an Al-Mg-Sc Alloy Chad Sinclair (Univ British Columbia), Reza Roumina (Univ British Columbia) and Fateh Fazeli (Univ British Columbia) 10:00 - 10:15 X504 - Nanostructural Materials: Production, Structure, High Strain Rate Superplasticity Mikhail Mikhailovich Myshlyaev (Baikov Institute of Metal) 10:45 - 11:00 X508 - D.C. Electrical Conductivity and Magnetic Susceptibility of Iodine Doped Polythiophene 11:00 - 11:30 Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF), Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela (UFF), Mariella Alzamora Camarena (CBPF), Sergey Budko (Ameslab), Paul Canfield (Ameslab) and Nan Lin Wang (BNLCMP) 12:45 - 13:00 X576 - Contribution of simultaneous SiC and TaB2 additions on the MgB2 superconducting properties Lucas Barboza Sarno da Silva (EEL, USP, Brazil), German Dario Serrano (CAB-IB,CONICET, Argentina), Adriana Cristina Serquis (CAB-IB,CONICET, Argentina), Maria Teresa Malachevsky (CAB-IB,CONICET, Argentina) and Durval Rodrigues Jr. (EEL, USP, Brazil) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: To be informed Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 11:45 X518 - Transient liquid phase bonding between Mg alloys and steels Toshio Araki (The University of Tokyo), Masaki Koba (The University of Tokyo), Junya Inoue (The University of Tokyo) and Toshihiko Koseki (The University of Tokyo) 11:45 - 12:00 X529 - Chloride Adsorption over Gold Surface: An Amperometric Sensor of ClFernando Luis de Almeida (LSI-USP) and Sebastião Gomes dos Santos Filho (LSI-USP) 12:00 - 12:15 X541 - Processing of electrolytic Cu metal foams by molten metal infiltration technique Enrique Mariano Castrodeza (Universidad de Concepción), Alfonso Oscar Viñas (Universidad de Concepción) and Carlo Mapelli (Politecnico di Milano) 12:15 - 12:30 X552 - Diffusion of non-magnetic impurities in ferromagnetic α-Fe Rodolfo Ariel PEREZ (CNEA) 10:15 - 10:30 X502 - Highly Potential properties X567 - First-order phase transitions in CaFe2As2 and phase separation in superconducting Ba0.5K0.5Fe2As2 and Sr0.5Na0.5Fe2As2 single crystals 12:30 - 12:45 14:30 - 14:45 X521 - Structural and Mechanical properties of open cell aluminum foams Gloria Patricia Fernandez (U Pontificia Bolivariana), Luis Javier Cruz (U Pontificia Bolivariana), Oscar Jaime Restrepo (U Nacional sede Medellin) and Marco Paniagua (U Eafit) Poster Session X Processing, structure and properties of advanced metallic materials Room: Louvre Thursday, September 24 18:30 to 20:30 X501 - Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Mg-Li Alloys Containing Sc and Be Chiang Chih - Te (Department of Mechanical), Chu Chun Lin (Department of Mechanical), Wang Jian-Yi (Department of Materials S) and Lee Shyong (Department of Mechanical) X503 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Cu-Sn hot pressed materials 181 Andrzej Romanski (AGH-UST), Janusz Konstanty (AGH-UST) and Wiktoria Ratuszek (AGH-UST) X506 - Addition of nano-Al2O3 effects on microstructures and properties of WC-8Co composites Lan Sun , Ji Xiong and Zhixing Guo X507 - Analysis of Sintered Materials Used for Low-temperature Fuel Cell Plates Agata Katarzyna Dudek (Czestochowa Technical Un), Zygmunt Nitkiewicz (Czestochowa Technical Un) and Renata Katarzyna Wlodarczyk (Czestochowa Univeristy of) X509 - RAPID SOLIDIFICATION OF Ni-49at.%Ti SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY George Carlos Anselmo (UFCG), Walman Benicio Castro (UFCG) and Carlos José Araújo (UFCG) X510 - Sono-electrolessplating of tin from acud bath Chiba Atsushi (Yokohama Nationa Universi), Hirano Natsuko and Wu Wen-Chang (Tainan University of Tech) X511 - Sono-electroplating of ZnNi alloy film from ammonia bath Chiba Atsushi (Yokohama National Univers), Matsutani Takahiro and Wu Wen-Chang (Tainan University of Tech) X513 - Selective laser sintering of magnesium powder for fabrication of porous structures NG CHI CHUNG (HKPOLYU) X514 - Weld pool microstructure in plasma pulsed welded supermartensitic stainless steel Sérgio Luiz Henke (LACTEC), Ramon Cortes Paredes (UFPR) and André Ricardo Capra (LACTEC) X515 - Characterization of copper-silicon nitride composite electrocoatings cal properties of 1CrMoV steel using neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction Noberto Codaro (UNESP) and Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein (UNESP) Alice Gonçalves Osório (PSI), Michael Weisser (PSI), Steven Van Petegem (PSI), Alexander Evans (PSI), Helena Van Swygenhoven (PSI), Stuart Richard Holdsworth (EMPA) and Edoardo Mazza (EMPA) X543 - MICROESTRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AA 2198-T8 FRICTION STIR WELDED X525 - Polyurethane Structural Adhesive Applied in Automotive Composite Joints X544 - Effect of retained austenite resulting from tempering of supermartensitics stainless steel welded Josue Garcia QUini (Masterpol) and Gerson Marinucci (IPEN) X527 - Microstructural Characterization of the Polycrystalline Cu-13.7%Al-4%Ni Alloy Elaine Cristina Pereira (UENF), Anatoliy Nikolaevich Matlakhov (UENF), Carlos José Araújo (UFCG) and Lioudmila Aleksandrovna Matlakhova (UENF) X531 - Creep behavior of plasma nitrided Ti-6Al-4V alloy Miguel Justino Ribeiro Barboza (EEL/USP), Verônica Mara Cortez Alves Oliveira (EEL/USP), Cátia Gisele Pinto (EEL/USP), Mariane Capellari Leite Silva (EEL/USP), João Paulo Barros Machado (LAS/INPE), Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis (ITA/CTA) and Francisco Piorino Neto (ITA/CTA) X532 - Creep properties of plasma carburized Ti-6Al-4V Miguel Justino Ribeiro Barboza (EEL/USP), Verônica Mara Cortez Alves Oliveira (EEL/USP), Mariane Capellari Leite Silva (EEL/USP), Cátia Gisele Pinto (EEL/USP), João Paulo Barros Machado (LAS/INPE), Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis (ITA/CTA) and Francisco Piorino Neto (ITA/CTA) João Luis Bilia Lopes (UFSCar) marcos alexandre fernandes (USF), neide aparecida mariano (USF) and conrado fantini (USF) X545 - High Strength and Ductility of DSR Processed Mg-Al-Zn Magnesium Alloys Ha - Guk Jeong (KITECH) X547 - Dynamic recrystallized grain size of the 38MnSiVS5 medium carbon microalloyed steel under hot working conditions RIALBERTH MATOS CUTRIM (UFSCar), EDEN SANTOS SILVA (UFSCar), Fabio Henrique Casarini Geronimo (UFSCar) and OSCAR BALANCIN (UFSCar) X548 - Annealing behavior of the AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel obtained by directional solidification Mírian de Lourdes Noronha Motta Melo (PUCC), Alexandra de Oliveira França Hayama (UNICAMP), Bruna Clarissa Guimarães (USF) and Neide Aparecida Mariano (USF) X550 - Earlier stages of erosive damage during cavitation of austenitic stainless steels:the role of the grain boundary character X556 - Effect of rolling conditions on the structure and shape memory properties in Fe-Mn-Si alloys Ana X558 - Comparison of the shape memory effect obtained from R and B19’ NiTi martensites using nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy MARGARETH SPANGLER ANDRADE (CETEC), José Mário Carneiro Vilela (CETEC) and Jardel Oliveira Magela (CETEC) X559 - Mechanical Behavior of Cobalt-Chromium Odontological Alloys after Successive Recasting Elisângela Barros Dantas (UFRN), Harrison Almeida Dantas (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Bruna Freitas Guedes (UFRN) X560 - Texture Development in CuAlNiTi Shape Memory Alloys Subject to Different Thermo- Mechanical Processes César Sobrero (IFIR, Instituto de Física), Paulo La Roca (IFIR, Instituto de Física), Jorge Malarría (IFIR, Instituto de Física), Jan Bonarsky (Polish Academy of Science) and Raúl Eduardo Bolmaro (IFIR, Instituto de Física) X562 - Fe-6.5wt%Si thin sheets obtained by spray forming and codeposition of Fe-Si particles Claudemiro Bolfarini (DEMa-UFSCar), Claudio Shyinti Kiminami (DEMaUFSCar), Walter Jose Botta (UFSCar), Regis Daniel Cava (UFSCar) and Diego Pedreira Oliveira (UFSCar) X537 - Study of the electrical properties of poly(p-phenylene sulfide) PPS doped with Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) Dairo Hernán Mesa (USP, UTPColômbia), Carlos Mario Garzón (UNAL-Colômbia) and André Paulo Tschiptschin (USP) X563 - Tribocorrosion of High Nitrogen 15-5PH Stainless Steel Obtained by Plasma Nitriding and Solution Heat Treatments Edinilton Morais Cavalcante (UNESP) X554 - Tensile properties of MARM247 superalloy Paulo César Borges (UTFPR), Luís Âugusto Sousa Marques da Rocha (UMINHO) and José Manoel Ramos Gomes (UMINHO) ALAIN ROBIN (EEL-USP), JULIO CESAR PINHEIRO DE SANTANA (EEL-USP) and ANTONIO FERNANDO SARTORI (EEL-USP) X538 - Effect of solution heat treatment in nanoscale mechanical properties of ASTM A 744Gr. CN3Mn superaustenitic stainless steel X516 - NANO-FRAGMENTATION TREATMENT OF THE STRUCTURE - BOOSTED MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN CARBON STEELS Fabiana Cristina Nascimento (UEPG), Emerson Carnielli (UEPG), M Ritoni (Sulser), Paulo Roberto Mei (Unicamp) and Carlos Mauricio Lepienski (UFPR) X555 - EVALUATION OF AN INCONEL 718 SUPERALLOY IN CREEP TESTS AFTER AGING TREATMENT Mariella Alzamora Camarena (CBPF), Magda Bittencourt Fontes (CBPF), Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela (UFF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) X539 - Effects of Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Dichromate and Benzoic Acid as Inhibitors in the Protection of Mild Steel in Water Ana Claudia Oliveira Hirschmann (ITA/CTA), Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis (ITA/CTA), Carlos Moura (ITA/CTA), Francisco Piorino Neto (CTA/IAE) and Antonio Couto (IPEN) X565 - Magnetoelastic Effects in DyNiBC and TbNiBC Studied by High Resolution Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Pedro Antonio Tamayo (IPN), Viacheslav Yermishkin (Russian Acad of Science) and Pablo Samuel SchabesRetchkiman (UNAM) X517 - In-situ study of mechani182 Renato Baldan (USP), Carlos Angelo Nunes (USP), Gilberto Carvalho Coelho (USP), Alex Matos Costa (USP), Rafael Bogado (USP) and Miguel Justino Ribeiro Barboza (USP) X564 - Structural effects on superconducting properties of Sn doped CaAlSi José Wilson Silva (UNESP), Eduardo 183 Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela (UFF), Mariella Alzamora Camarena (CBPF), Magda Bittencourt Fontes (CBPF), Kumaresavanji Malaivelusamy (CBPF), David Berthebaud (CBPF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) X566 - Oxides of UNS S30400 Stainless Steel Formed in Offshore Environment Maria Penha Cindra Fonseca (UFF), Ivan Napoleão Bastos (IPRJ/UERJ), Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela (UFF) and Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) X568 - Micro-Pattern Forming of Zr65Al10Ni10Cu15 BMG Alloy Ha - Guk Jeong (KITECH) X569 - Mechanical and atomic attrition effects on low temperature plasma nitriding of ferrous alloys Carlos Alejandro Figueroa (CCET-UCS), Felipe Cemin (CCET-UCS), Fernando Graniero Echeverrigaray (CCET-UCS), Cíntia Lugnani Gomes de Amorim (CCET-UCS), Rodrigo Leonardo de Oliveira Basso (CCET-UCS) and Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (CCET-UCS e IF-UFRGS) X570 - Electrochemical characteristics of Pd-P electroless thin films deposited on carbon steel Eveline De Robertis (INMETRO), Rodrigo de Santis Neves (IQSC-USP), Luísa Maria Abrantes (CQB-FCUL) and Artur de Jesus Motheo (IQSC-USP) X572 - Electrical Resistivity and DSC measurements of phase transformation temperatures in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys MARGARETH SPANGLER ANDRADE (CETEC), Jardel Oliveira Magela (CETEC), Maria Ivonete Nogueira da Silva (CETEC) and Geraldo Mathias Ribeiro (UFMG) X573 - Influence of deformation conditions on dynamically recrystallized grain size of ASTM F 138austenitic stainless steel biomaterial Fabio Henrique Casarini Geronimo (UFSCar), Rialberth Matos Cutrim (UFSCar), Eden Santos Silva (UFSCar) and Oscar Balancin (UFSCar) X574 - Structural Characterization and Magnetic Properties of LaMn0.5Fe0.5O3 Prepared by Different Methods Andreia Cavalcante Lima (UFRN), Ana Paula da Silva Peres (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN) and José Humberto de Araújo (UFRN) 184 X575 - Microstructural analysis of magnesium diboride (MgB2) doped with ZrB2 and TaB2 through high energy ball milling and heat treated using HIP Durval Rodrigues Jr . (EEL, USP, Brazil) and Durval Rodrigues Jr . (EEL, USP, Brazil) X577 - Preparation and characterization of low-carbon iron ultra thin films produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition Andrés Camilo García Castro (UTP Colombia), Beatriz Cruz Muñoz (UTP Colombia), Luis Alberto Cáceres Díaz (UTP Colombia), Juan Muñoz-Saldaña (Cinvestav-Qro), Liliana del Socorro Tirado-Mejía (Universidad del Quindio) and Henry Riascos Landazuri (UTP Colombia) X579 - Glow Discharge Surface Enrichment of Plain Sintered Iron International Conference of Advanced Materials Walter DalMaz Silva (UFSC), Daniel Pereira Goulart (UFSC), Thiago Souza (UFSC), Tatiana Bendo (UFSC) and Ana Maria Maliska (UFSC) Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 X582 - Active Glassy Substrate Optimized for Fast Self-growth of Metallic Nanofilms by Bottom-up Process Camila Afonso Ferreira Araújo (UFPE) and Petrus Santa-Cruz (UFPE) SYMPOSIUM Y Computational Modeling and Data Driven Materials Discovery X583 - CHARACTERIZATION OF PTA FE-AL COATINGS PROCESSED ON DIFFERENT SUBSTRATE STEELS Gessica Dias Bazzi (UFPR) and Ana Sofia Clímaco Monteiro d´Oliveira (UFP) Auditorium: Itamaraty X584 - Characterization of TiNi-Pt high temperature shape memory alloys Simposium Organizers: Grant A Hudish (Colorado School of Mines), Michael J Kaufman (Colorado School of Mines), Anita Garg (NASA Glenn Research Cntr) and Ronald D Noebe (NASA Glenn Research Cntr) X585 - Microestructure and luminescence of magnesium tungstate doped with La(III) Krishna Rajan (Iowa State University, USA) Gonzalo Gutierrez (University of Chile, Chile) Priya Vashishta (U. of Southern California, USA) Humberto Terrones Maldonado (IPICYT, Mexico) Jose Pedro Rino (UFSCar, Brazil) Andreia Cavalcante Lima (UFRN), Ana Paula da Silva Peres (UFRN), aline da Silva Santos (UFRN), Zelma Rocha da Silva (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel (UFRN) Theory and phenomena 185 Friday, September 25 Session chair: G. Gutierrez 09:45 - 10:15 Thursday, September 24 Session chair: K. Rajan 09:45 - 10:15 Y559 - New Perspectives in Efficient Large-Scale Modeling Volker Eyert (University of Augsburg) Y518 - Numerical Simulation of Solute Trapping using Phase-Field Model for Dilute Binary Alloys Solidification Henrique Silva Furtado (ArcelorMittal Tubarão), Américo Tristão Bernardes (DEFIS e REDEMAT/UFOP), Romuel Figueiredo Machado (DEFIS/UFOP) and Carlos Antônio Silva (REDEMAT/UFOP) 10:15 - 10:30 Y524 - Rational design of TiO2based anode materials using computer modeling Marina Vladimirovna Koudriachova (UCL) 10:30 - 10:45 Y537 - Surface Effects on the Electronic and Structural Properties of ZnO Nanocrystals Gustavo Martini Dalpian (UFABC), Aline L Schoenhalz (UFABC), Jeverson Teodoro Arantes Junior (UFABC) and Adalberto Fazzio (UFABC) 10:45 - 11:00 Y554 - Computer simulations of double-doped LiNbO3 ROMEL M ARAUJO (UFS-Aracaju), Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFSAracaju) and Robert Adam Jackson (KEELE UNIVERSITY-England) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: Jose Pedro Rino Marcos Vinícius dos Santos Rezende (UFS-Aracaju) and Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFS-Aracaju) Y505 - High-throughout Quantum Chemistry and Virtual Screening for Materials Solutions Mathew David Halls (Accelrys, Inc) 15:15 - 15:30 Y532 - Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the CeO2 Nanoparticle Aggregation 11:00 - 11:30 15:30 - 15:45 15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break Y508 - Serial Pushing Model for the Self-Assembly in Dip-Pen Nanolithography Session chair: Jose Pedro Rino Y520 - Modeling of the Growth of Quantum Dots by Neural Network Joonkyung Jang (Pusan National University), Hyojeong Kim (Pusan National University) and Leton Chandra Saha (Pusan National University) Y561 - How data mining can reduce computational complexity in the design of new materials 15:15 - 15:30 Y503 - First-principles calculation of P-T phase diagram of boron nitride Adalberto Picinin (UFU) and José Pedro Rino (UFSCar) 12:00 - 12:15 15:45 - 16:00 Y566 - Atomistic Simulation as a Predictive Tool: The Case of Gallium Y519 - Negative compressibility: mechanism in Platinum Sulfide 186 Y553 - Study of the reduction process of rare earth ions in BaAl2O4 hosts via computer simulations 15:00 - 15:15 Rajeev Ahuja (Uppsala University) SURENDRA SAXENA (FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNI) and ROSS HRUBIAK (FLORIDA INTL UNIV) Y511 - Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Indium Antimonite Under High Pressure 12:45 - 13:00 10:15 - 10:30 Y562 - A Mesoscale approach to structural transformations Osmair Vital Oliveira (UFSCar), Andre Farias Moura (UFSCar), Luiz Carlos Gomide Freitas (UFSCar), Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) and Cleocir Jose Dalmaschio (UFSCar) Y564 - The Hammond Postulate in the Theory of mechanical Behavior Luis Moraga (Universidad de Chile) Turab Lookman (Los Alamos Natl Lab) Y563 - Computational Materials Science for Hydrogen Storage Studies 15:30 - 15:45 Y565 - Energy Dissipation and Temperature Distribution in Materials Subjected to Repeated Stresses Walter Orellana (Universidad Andres Bello) 10:30 - 11:00 11:30 - 12:00 12:15 - 12:45 Session chair: G. Gutierrez 14:30 - 15:00 Y560 - Thermodynamic and physical databases and their combinatorial applications Shaoqing Wang Maurice de Koning (Universidade Campinas) Lunch PY1 (invited) - Hydrogen adsorption and storage in defective single-wall carbon nanotubes 14:30 - 15:00 Session chair: G. Gutierrez Mark E Eberhart (Colorado School of Mines) and Travis E Jones (Colorado School of Mines) 13:00 - 14:30 arnaud Marmier 16:00 - 16:30 Y569 - Metastable equilibria unveiled by DFT calculations and CALPHAD extrapolations used in phase field microstructure simulations Suzana Fries (Ruhr University) 11:45 - 12:15 Hafid Aourag (University of Tlemcen) and N Settouti (University of Tlemcen) Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (PUC-Rio), Anderson Pires Singulani (PUC-Rio), Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco (PUC-Rio), Marley Maria B Rebuzzi Vellasco (PUC-Rio), Maurício Pamplona Pires (UFRJ) and Patricia Lustoza de Souza (PUC-Rio) 15:45 - 16:00 12:15 - 12:30 Y514 - A Chemometric Study of Methane Adsorption in Model MOFs Diego de Paula Santos (UFPE), Ricardo Luiz Longo (UFPE) and Benício de Barros Neto (UFPE) 12:30 - 12:45 Y516 - The use of ANN technique to model the mechanical behavior of nanocomposites Leandro Fontoura Cupertino (PUCRio), Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (PUCRio), Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco (PUC-Rio), Marley Maria B Rebuzzi Vellasco (PUC-Rio) and José Roberto Moraes dAlmeida (PUC-Rio) Y541 - CdS/ZnS core shell nanocrystal Jeverson Teodoro Arantes Junior (UFABC) and Gustavo Martini Dalpian (UFABC) Poster Session Y Computational Modeling and Data Driven Materials Discovery Room: Louvre Tuesday, September 22 12:45 - 13:00 18:30 to 20:30 Y549 - Search of Transition Structures by means of Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms Y501 - MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SEAL ROCKS USING NITROGEN ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS Bruno Mattos Souza de Souza Melo (PUC-Rio), Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (PUC-Rio) and Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco (PUC-Rio) Mayka Schmitt (UFSC), Celso Peres Fernandes (UFSC), José Antônio Bellini Cunha Neto (UFSC), Fabiano Gilberto 187 Wolf (UFSC) and Rafael Carlos Pereira (UFSC) raga (UACH) and Eduardo MenéndezProupin (GNM (U de Chile)) Y506 - Models Analysis of the Hydrogenation Reaction of Sucrose for the Production of Sorbitol and Mannitol Y522 - Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of SrBi2Ta2O9 Leôncio Diógenes Tavares Câmara (IPRJ-UERJ), Leôncio Diógenes Tavares Câmara (IPRJ-UERJ) and Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) Rodrigo Machado (IFIR, Argentina), Marcelo Claudio Sepliarsky (IFIR, Argentina) and Marcelo Gabriel Stachiotti (IFIR, Argentina) Y523 - ZN SUBSTITUTION ON HYDROXYAPATITE 001 SURFACES Y507 - NUMERICAL MODELLING OF THE INTERACTION OF SPHERICAL PARTICLES WITH AN ADVANCING CONVEX SOLIDIFYING FRONT MARIA OSWALD MACHADO MATOS (PUC-Rio), JOICE TERRA (CBPF) and DONALD ELLIS (Northwestern University) Eliana Mabel Agaliotis (ConicetUNaM), Mario Roberto Rosenberger (Conicet- UNaM), Alicia Esther Ares (Conicet- UNaM) and Carlos Enrique Schvezov (Conicet- UNaM) Y525 - Structural and vibrational properties of amorphous GeO2 under pressure: a molecular dynamics study Y509 - Molecular dynamics calculations of InSb nanowires thermal conductivity Giovano de Oliveira Cardozo (UFSCar) and José Pedro Rino (UFSCar) Y510 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation in CaTiO3 James Alves Souza (UFSCar) and José Pedro Rino (UFSCar) Y512 - Computer Simulation of the Natural Gas Adsorption on New Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Porous Materials Ênio Dikran Vasconcelos Bruce (UFPE), Elisa Soares Leite (UFPE) and Ricardo Luiz Longo (UFPE) Y513 - Nernst-Planck-Poisson modelling of properties and electrochemical response of sensing materials Y535 - Corrosion Localized Study in ABNT 310S Stainless Steel Austenitic After Exposition in Salt Spray Felipe Bertelli (UNICAMP), Elisângela dos Santos Meza (UEPG), Moisés Meza Pariona (UEPG), Noé Cheung (UNICAMP), Rudimar Riva (IEAv-ITA) and Amauri Garcia (UNICAMP) Y545 - Adsorption of Gold on TiC (001) and ZrC (001) : Au-C interactions and charge polarizations Elizabeth Florez (Uniersidad de chile), Francesc Illas (UB) and Leticia Feria (UB) Y546 - Onset of spallation in solid argon by a shockwave: a molecular dynamics study Y536 - Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of (0001) RuN/GaN short-period superlattices Claudia Cristina Loyola (Universidad de Chile), Joaquín Andres Peralta (Universidad de Chile), Sergio Davis (Royal Institute of Techno) and Gonzalo Javier Gutierrez (Universidad de Chile) Y526 - Magnetic and electronic properties of V doped GaN: An ab initio study Rafael Julian Gonzalez Hernandez (Univ del Norte), Cesar Ortega (Univ de Cordoba), William Rafael Lopez (Univ del Norte) and Jairo Arbey Rodriguez (Univ nacional de Colombia) Y547 - On the track of nanovehicles: A Molecular Dynamics Approach Rafael Julian Gonzalez Hernandez (Univ del Norte), William Rafael Lopez (Univ del Norte), Fabio E Fajardo (Univ nacional de Colombia) and Jairo Arbey Rodriguez (Univ nacional de Colombia) Y538 - Theoretical Study of the Colloidal Stability of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles by means of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Joaquín Andrés Peralta (Universidad de Chile) and Gonzalo Javier Gutierrez (Universidad de Chile) Y527 - Water Influence in Fe(100) corrosion process using MD simulation Flaviano Williams Fernandes (ITA), Bruno Cecarelli (ITA), Choyu Otani (ITA) and Gilmar Patrocínio Thim (ITA) Y528 - Modeling of carbides precipitation during weld solidification of solid solution strengthened Ni-Cr-Fe alloys with Hf, Mo and Nb additions Jimy Unfried (LNLS - Unicamp), Eduardo Bertoni Fonseca (LNLS - Unicamp) and Antonio Jose Ramirez (LNLS) Y517 - Multi-coating inhomogeneities micromechanical model for the effective thermo-electro-mechanical properties of piezoelectric composite materials. Marcelo Claudio Sepliarsky (IFIR) and Ronald E Cohen (CIW) Y529 - First principle based phase stability in PMN-xPT Y530 - Theoretical Study of a Quantum Dot Interacting with Different Functionalizers elisa soares leite (ufpe) and jeanlex soares souza (ufce) Y521 - Composition of complex amorphous insulators from ab initio calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectra Y531 - Molecular and electronic structure of sulfonic acid/platinum cluster systems Alexis Adolfo Amézaga (UACH - GNM), Erik Holmstrom (UACH), Raquel Lizár- Robson Pacheco Pereira (GMCE / UEZO) and Ana María Rocco (UFRJ) 188 cleuton de souza silva (UFAM-Itacoatiara), Kelson Mota Teixeira Oliveira (UFAM), Moacyr Comar Jr (UFAM), Elson Almeida Souza (UFAM), Vera Lucia da Silva Marinho (UFAM) and Raimundo Ribeiro Passos (UFAM) remelting of Al-1.5wt%Fe alloy samples José Wilson Silva (UNESP), Rosinei Batista Ribeiro (UNESP), Eduardo Noberto Codaro (UNESP) and Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein (UNESP) Jerzy Janusz Jasielec (Åbo Akademi University), Tomasz Sokalski (Åbo Akademi University), Robert Filipek (AGH-UST) and Andrzej Lewenstam (Åbo Akademi University) Fabio Biscani (CRP-HT, POLITO) and Yao Koutsawa (CRP-HT) Y533 - Theoretical quantumchemical study of the interaction of Mo6+-porphyrin with O2 osmair vital oliveira (UFSCar), Andre Farias Moura (UFSCar) and Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) Y539 - Rodlike Electrolytes using Lattice Boltzmann Frank Rodolfo Fonseca Fonseca (Uni Nacional de Colombia) Y540 - Nonlinear diffusion equation using Lattice-Boltzmann Frank Rodolfo Fonseca Fonseca (Uni Nacional de Colombia) Y542 - Systematic study of the electronic and structural properties of two dimensional semiconductors with graphene-like structure Maria Isabel Almeida de Oliveira (UFABC) and Gustavo Martini Dalpian (UFABC) Y543 - Theoretical study of bonding and vibrational models of the ethoxy radical adsorbed on transition metal surfaces Juan Radilla (UAM-Azcapotzalco), Mercedes Boronat (UPV) and Francesc Illas (UB) Y544 - Numerical and experimental analisys of laser surface Marcelo Zimmer Sampaio Flores (UNICAMP), Gustavo Brunetto (UNICAMP) and Douglas Soares Galvão (UNICAMP) Y548 - Structure and Dynamics of Boron Nitride Nanoscrolls Eric Perim Martins (Unicamp) and Douglas Soares Galvão (UNICAMP) Y550 - Monte Carlo simulation of a mixture of carbon nanotubes and surfactants in aqueous solution Américo Tristão Bernardes (UFOP), Leandro Lopes Hermsdorff (UFOP) and Carlos Felipe Pinheiro (CDTN) Y551 - Electronic and Optical Characterization of Doped Al2O3 Composite: A Study of First Principles. Jeânderson Melo Dantas (UFS), Adilmo Francisco Lima (UFS) and Milan Lalic (UFS) Y552 - Ab-initial study of the electronic structure and optical properties of the BaY2F8 pure Jeânderson Melo Dantas (UFS) and Milan Lalic (UFS) Y555 - Fe-Porphyrin adsorbed and single-wall carbon nanotubes for heterogeneous catalysis Igor ruiz - tagle (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Walter Orellana (Universidad Andrés Bello) Y557 - Autometized Measure- 189 ments of parameters DLTS digital Armando Rojas Hernandez (UNISON), Jacobus Swart (UNICAMP), Wanderley Marzano (AEGIS), Peter Tatsch (UNICAMP) and Alicia Vera Marquina (UNISON) Y558 - Measurements method to obtain lifetime profile using OCVD Armando Rojas Hernandez (UNICAMP), Jacobus Swart (UNICAMP), Wanderley Marzano (AEGIS), Peter Tatsch (UNICAMP) and Alicia Vera Marquina (UNISON) Y567 - Atomistic study of vibrational properties of gama-Al2O3 Claudia Cristina Loyola (Universidad de Chile), Gonzalo Javier Gutierrez (Universidad de Chile) and Menendez Proupin Eduardo (Universidad de Chile) Y568 - Computer simulations study of amorphous compounds International Conference of Advanced Materials Gonzalo Javier Gutierrez (Universidad de Chile), Eduardo Menendez (U de Chile), Claudia Loyola (U de Chile) and Joaquin Peralta (U de Chile) THEORY AND PHENOMENA Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 SYMPOSIUM Z Phase Transformation in Metallic Systems: Current issues Auditorium: Liberdade Simposium Organizers: Hélio Goldenstein (USP, Brazil) Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech, USA) James Howe (U. of Virginia, USA) Yves Brechet (LTM, Grenoble, France) Theory and phenomena 190 191 To be informed Session chair: To be informed PZ2 (invited) - Small-Angle scattering techniques: tools for the understanding of the kinetics of complex precipitation phenomena in metallic alloys Alexis Deschamps (Grenoble INP) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: To be informed 09:45 - 10:15 PZ6 (invited) - Effects of Domain Structure on Diffraction from NiMnGa William Thomas Reynolds Jr (Virginia Tech), Mitsuhiro Murayama (Virginia Tech), Sengo Kobayashi (Ehime University) and Yu Wang (Michigan Tech) 10:15 - 10:30 Z502 - A New Model for the Critical Thickness of Metallic Amorphous Thin Films Jong Keel Lee (Michigan Tech Univ) 10:30 - 10:45 Z520 - Microstructure of Fe-based amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys investigated by Doppler broadening positron annihilation technique wei lu (Tongji University), yuxin wang (Tongji University), xiang li (Tongji University) and biao yan (Tongji University) 10:45 - 11:00 Z508 - Reverted austenite in a 18Ni 350 Maraging steel: influence on magnetic properties and texture aspects. Hamilton Ferreira Gomes de Abreu (UFC), Henrique Thiago Freire Menezes (UFC), manoel ribeiro da silva (UNIFEI), Marcelo Jose Gomes da Silva (UFC) and Sérgio Souto Maior Tavares (UFF) 11:00 - 11:30 Michel Perez (Univ Lyon - INSA - MATEIS) 12:00 - 12:15 Z501 - Microstructural evolution of cold-rolled Dual Phase steel with different initial microstructure Felipe Manuel Castro Cerda (U de Santiago de Chile), Alberto Monsalve (U de Santiago de Chile), Alfredo Artigas (U de Santiago de Chile), Bernd Schulz (U de Santiago de Chile), Yvan Houbaert (Ghent University) and Daniel Cabello (U de Santiago de Chile) 12:15 - 12:30 Z526 - Formation of Intragranular Austenite During Delta Ferrite Decomposition in a Duplex Stainless Steel Eduardo Franco de Monlevade (Universidade de São Paulo), Helio Goldenstein (Universidade de São Paulo) and Ivan Gilberto Sandoval Falleiros (Universidade de São PAulo) 12:30 - 12:45 Z529 - Microstructural Evolution of Cr-Mo Bainitic Steels During Tempering Luis Fernando Lemus Torres (UFRJ/ COPPE/PEMM), Janyne Rodrigues (CENPES-Petrobras), Dilson Silva dos Santos (UFRJ/COPPE/PEMM) and Luiz Henrique de Almeida (UFRJ/COPPE/ PEMM) Z505 - Damping behavior of a NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Z540 - Effect of Stress Relief on the Amount of Retained Austenite After Cryogenic Treatment and on the Wear Resistance of a Tool Steel Z544 - Characterization of the Precipitation Sequence of a ASTM A890M Grade E Duplex Stainless Steel Using Computation Thermodynamics and X-ray Diffraction of Extracted Precipitates Alexandre Bellegard Farina (Universidade de São Paulo), Marcelo Martins (Sulzer) and Helio Goldenstein (Universidade de São Paulo) 15:45 - 16:15 PZ4 (invited) - Formation of monodisperse Al3(Sc,Li) ordered precipitates in an Al-rich matrix Velimir Radmilovic (National Center for Elect), Marta Rossel (National Center for Elect), Emmanuelle Marquis (Department of Materials), Mark Asta (Department of Materials a) and Ulrich Dahmen Friday, September 25 PZ5 (invited) - Orthorhombic Martensite Decomposition and its Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of βTitanium Alloys Rubens Caram (University of Campinas) 10:00 - 10:15 Z535 - Lamellar Formation in Co-Cr-Mo Alloys by Discontinuous Reaction Arun Devaraj (Univ North Texas), Rob- 10:45 - 11:00 Niédson José da Silva (UFCG), Estephanie Nobre Dantas Grassi (UFCG) and Carlos José Araújo (UFCG) Lunch Z530 - Some New Insights into the Beta to Omega Solid State Phase Transformation in Titanium Alloys Niédson José da Silva (UFCG), Estephanie Nobre Dantas Grassi (UFCG) and Carlos José Araújo (UFCG) 15:30 - 15:45 13:00 - 14:30 15:00 - 15:15 10:30 - 10:45 Z506 - A comparative study of dynamic properties between NiTi SMA and classical structural materials 09:30 - 10:00 Sérgio Souto Maior Tavares (UFF), Juan Manuel Pardal (UFF), Gustavo Ferreira da Silva (UFF), Raissa Rodrigues Alves Corte (UFF) and Manoel Ribeiro da Silva (UNIFEI) Alexis Deschamps (Grenoble INP) Paula Fernanda da Silva Farina (EPUSP), Rafael Agnelli Mesquita (Villares Metals SA), Celso Antonio Barbosa (Villares Metals SA) and Helio Goldenstein (EPUSP) Z536 - Influence of previous deformation on the deleterious phases precipitation in duplex stainless steel UNS S31803 Session chair: To be informed 192 15:15 - 15:30 Session chair: To be informed Session chair: To be informed PZ3 (invited) - Global methods for characterizing phase transformations tation and plasticity in a precipitation hardening Aluminium alloy 12:45 - 13:00 Coffee Break 11:30 - 12:00 ert Williams (Ohio State Univ), Soumya Nag (Univ of North Texas), Srinivasan Rajagopalan (Ohio State Univ), Hamish L Fraser (Ohio State Univ) and Rajarshi Banerjee (Univ of North Texas) Ruben Rosenthal (UENF), Ivani de Souza Bott (PUC-Rio), Bruno Reis Cardoso (UENF) and Ronaldo Pinheiro da Rocha Paranhos (UENF) 10:15 - 10:30 Z546 - Coupling between precipi- 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: To be informed 11:30 - 11:45 Z522 - Twin emission and phase transformations in Zr crack tips Margarita Ruda (CNEA-CABUNComahue, Arg), Diana Farkas (VirginiaTech,US) and Graciela Bertolino (CONICET-CAB-Argentina) 11:45 - 12:00 Z525 - Calphad-simulated second-phase precipitation kinetics during welding of a Ni-30Cr-10Fe alloy modified with Ti and Nb additions Antonio Jose Ramirez (LNLS) and Carlos Mario Garzón (UNAL) 12:00 - 12:15 Z528 - Thermodynamic properties and phase transitions of metals at high temperatures Konstantin Vladimirovich Khishchenko (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia) 12:15 - 12:30 Z534 - Computational modelling of structural, electronic and thermodynamic properties of Cu-In intermetallic phases: ab-initio and phase diagram calculations Susana Beatriz Ramos de Debiaggi (UNComahue CONICET), Gabriela Fernanda Cabeza (UNSur-CONICET), Crispulo Enrique Deluque Toro (UNComahue), Margarita Ruda (CNEA-CABUNComahue, Arg), Ana María Monti (Instituto Sábato), Silvana Andrea Sommadossi (UNComahue) and Armando Jorge Fernandez-Guillermet (CONICET-CAB Argentina) 193 12:45 - 13:00 of Fe-27%Ni alloy at 600oC and 800oC Z521 - Ab-initio calculations of the BCC Mo-Fe Phase Diagram Cláudia Nazaré dos Santos (UNILESTE), Andersan S Paula (CSN) and Carlos Sérgio da Costa Viana (UFF) Sérgio Souto Maior Tavares (UFF), Elineudo Pinho de Moura (UFC), Vitor da Costa (UFF), Cherlio Scandian (UFES) and Flávio José da Silva (UFES) Ney Sodre (IFUSP), Pablo Guillermo Gonzales-Ormeño (CIBERTEC), Claudio Geraldo Schon (EPUSP) and Helena Maria Petrilli (IFUSP - São Paulo) Poster Session Z Phase Transformation in Metallic Systems: Current issues Room: Louvre Wednesday, September 23 11:30 to 13:00 Z507 - Crystallographic orientation relationships between precipitate austenite and ferrite matrix in Casting Duplex Stainless Steels Alex Maia do Nascimento (UFC) Z511 - Effect of Ag additions on the martensitic phase aging kinetics in the Cu-11wt.%Al Aroldo Geraldo Magdalena (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP), Antonio Tallarico Adorno (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP), Thaisa Mary Carvalho (IQ/UNESPAraraquara-SP) and Ricardo Alexandre Galdino Silva (Núcleo de Química/UFS) Z512 - phase formation in the Cu-11wt.%Al alloy with Ag additions Thaisa Mary Carvalho (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP), Antonio Tallarico Adorno (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP), Aroldo Geraldo Magdalena (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP) and Ricardo Alexandre Galdino Silva (Nucleo de Quimica/UFS) Z513 - Intermetallic Phases Precipitation in the Duplex Stainless Steels UNS S31803 and UNS S32520 after Aging Heat Treatment at 700 °C Doris Maribel Escriba (University of S Paulo), Edeltraud Materna Morris (Forschungszentrum Karlsru), Ronald Lesley Plaut (University of S Paulo) and Angelo Fernando Padilha (University of S Paulo) Z515 - Nanocrystallization kinetics of amorphous soft magnetic Fe84Nb7B9 alloy Wei Lu (Tongji University), Yuxin Wang (Tongji University) and Biao Yan (Tongji University) Z516 - Martensitic transformation 194 Z517 - Annealing behavior of Ti-35Nb alloy deformed by cold rolling Alexandra de Oliveira França Hayama (UNICAMP), Juliana Feletto Silveira Costa Lopes (UNICAMP) and Rubens Caram (UNICAMP) Z518 - Microstructural characterization of β Ti-35Nb alloy after cold rolling Juliana Feletto Silveira Costa Lopes (UNICAMP), Alexandra de Oliveira França Hayama (UNICAMP) and Rubens Caram (UNICAMP) Z519 - Effect of Hydrogen Release at Room Temperature on Ductility of a Steel Wire Rod for Pre-stressed Concrete Marcelo Borges Mansur (UFMG), Carlos José Carneiro (Gerdau Açominas), Paulo José Modenesi (UFMG) and Berenice Mendonça Gonzalez (UFMG) Z523 - Phase transformations in diffusion-reaction Cu/In couples Carlos Ararat-Ibarguren (UNComahue Arg), Jorge Galvis (UNComahue Ar), Silvana Andrea Sommadossi (UNComahue Ar), Susana Ramos de Debiaggi (COnicet-UNComahue, Ar), Margarita Ruda (CNEA-CAB-UNComahue, Arg), Marcelo Esquivel (CNEA-CAB-CONICET Argentin) and Armando Jorge Fernandez-Guillermet (CONICET-CAB Argentina) Z524 - Effect of milling process over the structural properties of Ni2Mn1.44Sn0.56 Heusler alloys André Luíz Alves (UFES) Z527 - Processing of hard white cast iron surfaces by PTA alloying Cristiano Brunetti (UFPR), Diogo Yano (UTFPR), Giuseppe Pintaúde (UTFPR) and Ana Sofia Clímaco Monteiro d´Oliveira (UFPR) Z532 - Heat Treatment and Eletrothermal annealing Effect on the R-phase Evolution in Ti-Ni Alloys Carlos Augusto Oliveira (UFPE), Cezar Henrique Gonzalez (UFPE), Carlos José Araújo (UFCG), Severino Leopoldino Urtiga (UFPE) and Pedro Igor Barbosa (UFPE) Z537 - Microstructural and properties changes observed in the AISI 310S steel during aging Z539 - Phase Transformations during Aging Heat Treatments in Ti-30Nb alloy Eder Najar Lopes (UNICAMP), Alessandra Cremasco (UNICAMP), Giorgia Aleixo Taiacol (UNICAMP), Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso (LNLS) and Rubens Caram (UNICAMP) Z541 - CONDUCTIVITY FLUCTUATIONS AND CRITICAL PARAMETERS OF CaLaBaCu3-xGaxO7-d SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIAL David Arsenio Landínez Téllez (Univ nacional de Colombia), Magda P Rojas sarmiento (Univ nacional de Colombia) and Jairo Roa Rojas (Univ nacional de Colombia) Z549 - Directional Solidification and Characterization of Zn-Al, Zn-Ag and Zn-Al-Ag Alloys Alicia Esther Ares (CONICET/FCEQyN-UNaM), Sergio Fabian Gueijman (FCEQyN-UNaM) and Carlos Enrique Schvezov (Conicet- UNaM) Z550 - Phase Transformations and Aging Heat Treatments of Ti-Mo-Sn Alloys for Biomedical Applications Flavia Farias Cardoso (UNICAMP), Cristiano Bronzoni (UNICAMP), Mariana Gerardi de Mello (UNICAMP) and Rubens Caram (UNICAMP) Z551 - EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HAFNIUM-SILICON PHASE DIAGRAM joão carlos jânio gigolotti (EEL/USP), Carlos Angelo Nunes (EEL/USP) and Gilberto Carvalho Coelho (EEL/USP) Z552 - Martensite decomposition in the Cu-22.55at.%Al alloy with Ag additions Ricardo Alexandre Galdino Silva (UFSItabaiana/SE), Antonio Tallarico Adorno (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP), Juliana Oyan Roque (IQ/UNESP-AraraquaraSP) and Aroldo Geraldo Magdalena (IQ/UNESP-Araraquara-SP) Z553 - HRTEM analysis related to the microstructure of Ti6Al4V alloy biomaterial Aparecido Edilson Morcelli (IPEN_CCTM), Arnaldo Homobono Paes de Andrade (IPEN_CCTM), Antonio Couto (IPEN_CCTM) and Raquel Lobo (IPEN_CCTM) 195 Session chair: J. Baglin Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp), José Humberto da Silva (Unesp) and João Carlos Angélico (Unesp) 09:30 - 10:15 12:30 - 13:00 PAA13 (invited) - Materials Education: Globalization opens new frontiers, opportunities and challenges PAA12 (invited) - Proposal of a new graduate course in Science and Technology of Polymer in Brazil Sérgio Mascarenhas (Univ Sao Paulo, SanCarlos) Andrea Medeiros Salgado (EQ/UFRJ), Elizabete Fernandes Lucas (IMA/UFRJ), Bluma Guenther Soares (IMA/UFRJ) and Luiz Antonio DAvila (EQ/UFRJ) Monday, September 21 10:15 - 10:45 International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 PAA4 (invited) - Incorporating Nanomaterials into a New Ceramics Textbook 13:00 - 14:00 Grant Norton (Washington State University) and Barry Carter (University of Connecticut) Claudio Moura Castro 14:00 - 14:30 10:45 - 11:00 SYMPOSIUM AA Materials Education: Resources, Opportunities and Challenges AA515 - Physics and Material Science: opportunities of the interdisciplinary link in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum. Arcelio Hernández Fereira (University of Cienfuegos) and Liubov Del Risco Cabrera (University of Cienfuegos) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: E. Lucas Auditorium: Itamaraty e Catete 11:30 - 12:00 PAA7 (invited) - The perception of nanoscience and nanotechnology by children and adolescents Simposium Organizers: John E. E. Baglin (IBM Almaden, USA) M. Grant Norton (Washington State U., USA) Elizabete F. Lucas (UFRJ, Brazil) PAA16 (invited) - The Choice of Educational Technology PAA6 (invited) - THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR ECONOMIC PROSPERITY IN EVELOPING AND EMERGING COUNTRIES Hanns - Ulrich Habermeier (MPI-FKF Stuttgart) 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch-box Forum: The Choice of Educational Technology Claudio Moura Castro 14:00 - 14:30 Marcelo Knobel (Unicamp), Sandra E Murriello (Labjor/Unicamp), Astrid Bengtsson (Instituto Balseiro) and Adriana Cascón (Instituto Balseiro) Lunch-Box Forum: The Importance of Science Education for Economic Prosperity in Developing and Emerging Countries 12:00 - 12:15 Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier (MPI-FKF Stuttgart) AA522 - Modeling of superconducting current limiter as an application of multiphysics finite element model Renata Pires Ferreira (EEL USP), Matheus Martini (EEL USP), Jérika Suely Lamas (EEL USP), Carlos Alberto Baldan (EEL USP, FEG Unesp), Ernesto Ruppert Filho (FEEC Unicamp) and Carlos Yujiro Yujiro (EEL USP) Session chair: M.G. Norton 14:30 - 15:15 PAA9 (invited) - The Need for New Educational International Institutes in nanomaterials. Globalisation of the European GENNESYS model Marcel Hubert Van de Voorde (Delft University) 12:15 - 12:30 196 AA506 - LEDs: A Paradigm for Chemistry Curriculum Modernization 15:15 - 15:45 This symposium is sponsered by Petrobras General interest Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza (Unesp), Robert P . H . Chang (Northwestern PAA5 (invited) - Teaching Nanoscale Science and Engineering 197 University) Scientists Federico Rosei (INRS) 15:45 - 16:00 AA521 - An Undergraduate Course in Nanotechnology Maria Inês Bruno Tavares (IMA/UFRJ), Jefferson Leixas Capitaneo (IMA/UFRJ), Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz (UFRJ), João Paulo Sinnecker (UFRJ), Renata Antoun Simão (UFRJ/ COPPE/ PEMM/), Gilberto Weissmüller (CCS/UFRJ) and Paulo M Bisch (CCS/UFRJ) 16:00 - 16:15 AA514 - Preparing Graduate Students to Make Oral Presentations Elizabete Fernandes Lucas (IMA/UFRJ) and Luis Claudio Mendes (IMA/UFRJ) 12:00 - 12:30 PAA8 (invited) - Materials Science Education: an Excellent Opportunity for Pan-American Cooperation Luis Fuentes - Cobas (CIMAV) 12:30 - 13:00 PAA14 (invited) - The Challenge of Materials Education for Medical Physics Students Adelaide de Almeida 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Tuesday, September 22 Session chair: E. Lucas 09:30 - 10:00 PAA11 (invited) - Development of Two Educational Web Games: Chemical Sudoku and Nanotechnology Puzzle Luanna Lopes Lobato (UFG UFPE), Thiago Jabur Bittar (ICMC-USP), Rodrigo Pedra Brum (USP ICMC), Danilo Augusto Peres (USP ICMC), André Ricardo Cintra (USP ICMC) and Elson Longo (UNESP) 10:00 - 10:15 AA516 - Polymer Week Claudia Regina Elias Mansur (IMA/UFRJ), Ricardo Cunha Michel (IMA/UFRJ), Luciana Spinelli (IMA/UFRJ) and Lea Maria de Almeida Lopes (IMA/UFRJ) 10:15 - 10:30 Session chair: M.G. Norton 14:30 - 15:00 PAA3 (invited) - AESTHETICS AS A DRIVING FORCE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: THE CASE OF THE NANOWORLD 15:00 - 15:15 SYMPOSIUM BB AA524 - Integration between Post-Graduation in Polymer Science and Technology (IMA/UFRJ) and High School From Theory to Experiment: Advances in engineering materials Elizabete Fernandes Lucas (UFRJ/IMA) and Esperanza Amelia Roldan (UFRJ/IMA) 15:15 - 15:45 PAA2 (invited) - Materials Science and Engineering research and Education at the Center for Irradiation of Materials of Alabama A&M University Daryush ILA (AAMU) Frank Patrick Missell (UCS), Valquiria Villas-Boas (UCS), Ana M C Grisa (UCS), Maria A R Pacheco (UCS), O I Rochefort (UCS) and Janete Eunice Zorzi (UCS) 15:45 - 16:00 PAA10 (invited) - Road-Mapping for Community Awareness of the Concepts of Science and Technology John E . E . Baglin (IBM Almaden Research Ctr) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: M.G. Norton Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Victor Castano AA519 - Taking materials engineering to high school 10:30 - 11:00 International Conference of Advanced Materials AA520 - The Fingernail Polish Solvent Sensor Ricardo Cunha Michel (IMA / UFRJ), Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior (IMA / UFRJ), Carla Silva de Matos (IMA / UFRJ), Diogo Leonardo Azevedo Ferreira (IMA / UFRJ) and Frederico Anderson Passos Schoene (IMA / UFRJ) Auditorium: Segóvia I Simposium Organizers: Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF, Brazil) William A. Lester, Jr. (U. of California, Berkeley, USA) Julio Ricardo Sambrano (UNESP, Brazil) Valérie Bouquet (U. of Rennes, France) Armando Beltran (U. of Jaume, Spain) 16:00 - 16:15 AA529 - City of Materials: Interacting in a Virtual World Jan Edwards (JE Consulting, USA), Sarah Lewis, Timothy J Boyle and Bernadette A Hernandez-Sanchez 11:30 - 12:00 PAA1 (invited) - Survival Skills for 198 199 method (alcoholic suspension and polymerization route) Paulo Roberto Baracho (UFPE), Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo (IPEN) and Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) Monday, September 21 Session chair: J. R. Sambrano 09:30 - 10:15 PBB12 (invited) - The modeling of materials ad of the formation of materials Marco Antonio Chaer (UFRJ) 10:15 - 10:30 BB560 - Adsorption and Catalysis within Porous Materials: A Computational Approach Ricardo Luiz Longo (UFPE), Diego de Paula Santos (UFPE), Ênio Dikran Vasconcelos Bruce (UFPE), Maria Carolina Pacheco Lima (UFPE) and Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos (UFPE) 10:30 - 10:45 BB651 - Microstructural and Electrochemistry Study of La0.50Li0.50TiO3 Beatriz Antoniassi (UNESP/Bauru), Alejandra Hortencia Miranda González (UNESP) and Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (UNESP) 10:45 - 11:00 BB555 - SnO2 Supported on Vermiculite for Biodiesel Production USP) and Paula Homem-de-Mello (CCNH/UFABC) 12:15 - 12:30 BB547 - Interactions of gases on the surface of carbon nanotubos of the armchair and zigzag type, using AM1, MNDO, HF and DFT methods with 3-21G, 6-31G and Huzinaga basis sets Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) 12:30 - 12:45 BB638 - Light grout compositions containing calcareous quarry and clay minerals for oilwell cementing Maria Luiza Lopes de Oliveira Santos (UFRN), Priscila Siqueira de Gouveia (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Kellyane Alves (UFRN) Raphaella Bahia Soares Cabral (UFSJ) and Horacio Wagner Leite Alves (UFSJ) 11:00 - 11:30 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break PBB10 (invited) - Switching Mode Infrared Pyroelectric Detection for Focal Plane Arrays Session chair: W. A. Lester Jr. 200 fernando Jose gomes Landgraf (USP), João Ricardo Filipini Silveira (USP), Danniely Melo Ribeiro (UFPB), Eric Seiji Yamasaki (USP) and Guilherme Daisuke Sato (USP) 16:00 - 16:30 PBB13 (invited) - New Catalytic Materials for Biodiesel Production donato aranda (UFRJ) Tuesday, September 22 09:30 - 10:15 PBB2 (invited) - Understanding the Formation Mechanism in Solution Crystallization of Mesocrystals. A Dialog of Theory with Experiment Juan Andres (Universitat Jaume I) BB556 - Persistent luminescence BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphor incorporated in silica: water resistance 15:00 - 15:15 Fernanda Bettanin (CCNH/UFABC), Janice Rodrigues Perussi (IQSC/USP), Albérico Borges Ferreira Da Silva (IQSC/ BB654 - Grain size and magnetic properties of steel Lunch Session chair: V. Bouquet PBB6 (invited) - Structural disorder and its effects on the electrical and optical properties of perovskite materials BB564 - Evaluation of densityfunctionals to study the emission spectra of cationic and anionic dyes 15:45 - 16:00 10:15 - 10:30 carlos Paz Araujo (Univ Colorado) and Ricardo Unglaub (Univ Colorado) 12:00 - 12:15 Claudio Geraldo Schon (EPUSP), Toru Miyazaki (Nagoya Inst Tech) and Silvio Roberto de Azevedo Salinas (IFUSP) 13:00 - 14:30 11:30 - 12:00 Jose A Varela (UNESP) BB576 - The non-extensive spinodal line: implications for the early stage solid-solid precipitation in alloys Session chair: R. Longo Herbet Bezerra Sales (UFPB), Francisco Savio Mendes Sinfronio (UFPB), Maria Gardenia Fonseca (UFPB), Danieli Gomes Lima Cavalcante (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB688 - Fractal Description of Fracture Surfaces of TiO2 Ceramic Materials by Digital Image Processing Ana Lúcia Horovistiz (UNESP), Sílvia Shibata (UNESP), Camila Cristina Silva Prado (UNESP) and Luis Rogerio Oliveira Hein (UNESP) Ana Valéria Santos de Lourenço (IQ/USP-SP), Lucas Carvalho Velozo Rodrigues (IQ/USP-SP), Cláudia Akemi Kodaira (IPEN), Roberval Stefani (IQ/ USP-SP), Hermi Felinto Brito (IQ/USPSP), Maria Cláudia França da Cunha Felinto (IPEN) and jorma P K Holsa (University of Turku) 10:30 - 10:45 BB627 - Photoluminescence in the SrTi1-xNdxO3 System Márcia Rejane Santos do Silva (UFPB), Elaine Cristina Paris (UFPB), Paulo Sérgio Pizani (UFSCar), Maximo Siu Li (IFSCUSP), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) 15:15 - 15:30 BB682 - Yttria-stabilized zirconia thick films prepared by mixed Paulo Fernando Almeida (UFBA) 11:00 - 11:30 15:30 - 15:45 12:45 - 13:00 BB514 - Time Dependent Density Functional Theory applied to study the optical absorption of PPP and PT oligomers and strategies to develop biotechnological processes in mature oil fields Coffee Break Session chair: C. Zicovich-Wilson 11:30 - 12:00 PBB14 (invited) - Semiempirical models: on the way tocombinatorial molecular design,large metal complexes architecture, and nanoscale bioassemblies Alfredo Mayall Simas (UFPe) 12:00 - 12:15 BB595 - Electronic properties of hydrazones: planning new complexes for spectrophotometric analysis Sana Abou Mrad (CCNH/UFABC), Bruno Caleffi (CCNH/UFABC), Ivanise Gaubeur (CCNH/UFABC) and Paula Homem - de - Mello (CCNH/UFABC) 12:15 - 12:30 BB551 - Energy density of the silicon ball-lightning-like luminous balls gerson silva paiva (CBPF), A C Pavao (UFPE), Yuhua Zhang (CBPF), Joacy Ferreira (UFPE), Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos (UFPE) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) 12:30 - 12:45 BB573 - Structural and electronic properties of aggregates and crystals formed from Ti@Si16, Sc@ Si16K, and V@Si16F super-molecular units: a first principles study María Begoña Torres (Universidad de Burgos), Eva María Fernández (ICMMMadrid CSIC) and Luis Carlos Balbás (Universidad de Valladolid) 12:45 - 13:00 BB594 - Color tuning systems of polymer doped with rare earth complexes Jiang Kai (IQ/USP-SP), Roberval Stefani (IQ/USP-SP), Maria Cláudia França da Cunha Felinto (IPEN) and Hermi Felinto Brito (IQ/USP-SP) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: J. D. Santos 10:45 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 BB600 - Expanding new materials PBB17 (invited) - Recent advances 201 in tunable materials development Danilo Suvorov (Jozef Stefan Institute) and Matjaz Spreitzer (Jozef Stefan Institute) 15:00 - 15:15 BB526 - Interaction of H2 and CO with zinc oxide nanotubes Eduardo Moraes (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) 15:15 - 15:30 BB513 - Theoretical study of the As surfactant effect on the nitridation of GaAs (001) surfaces Ranyele Amorim Martins (UFSJ), Alda de Paiva Castro (UFSJ) and Horacio Wagner Leite Alves (UFSJ) the behavior of Niobia species in oxidation reaction probedby theoretical calculations and experimental techniques Teodorico Castro Ramalho (UFLA), Luiz C A Oliveira (UFLA), Kele T G Carvalho (UFLA), Eugenio F Souza (UFLA) and Elaine F F da Cunha (UFLA) 10:45 - 11:00 BB620 - Photoluminescence in the SrSnO3:Nd3+ perovskite Soraia Carvalho de Souza (UFPB), Fagner T Gomes Vieira (UFPB), Elaine Cristina Paris (LIEC - UFSCar), Maximo Siu Li (USP-São Carlos), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) Divino dos Santos (UEG), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB) Thursday, September 24 Session chair: F. Illas 09:30 - 10:15 PBB3 (invited) - The special properties of oxide ultrathin films on metals Gianfranco Pacchioni (Unimib) 10:15 - 10:30 BB703 - New Technologies Based on Biological Catalysis 15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break BB516 - Electronic structure calculations for Pt-Sn intermetallic phases Session chair: A. C. Pavao Diego Barreto Gomes (UFRJ), Arlan da Silva Gonçalves (UFRJ), Rafael Cássio Bernardi (UFRJ), Pedro Lapido Loureiro (UFRJ), Chenghong Lei, Thereza Amélia Soares (PNL) and Pedro Geraldo Pascutti (UFRJ) 11:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 10:45 Leandro Moreira de Campos Pinto (UNESP), Vinícius Bertuzzo Lima (UNESP) and Antonio Carlos Dias Ângelo (UNESP) PBB15 (invited) - The roles of fluoride in the synthesis of silica zeolites: Periodic quantum chemical studies BB681 - Theoretical and experimental analysis of Jatropha oil transesterification by Heterogeneous Basic Catalysts 15:45 - 16:00 Claudio M Zicovich-Wilson (Univ. Cuernavaca) Neyda Om Tapanes (UFRJ), Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) and José Walkimar de Mesquita Carneiro (UFF) BB567 - Broken symmetry calculations of magnetic coupling constants in complexes of [M(PHTFAC)2(NITpPy)] (M=Co, Mn, Cu) Antonio da Silva Florencio (UFF), Denise Almeida Souza (UFF), Maria das Graças Fialho Vaz (UFF) and José Walkimar de Mesquita Carneiro (UFF) 16:00 - 16:30 PBB4 (invited) - Energy density calculations of the silicon balllightning-like Antonio Carlos Pavão (UFPE) Wednesday, September 23 Session chair: V. Bouquet 09:30 - 10:15 PBB16 (invited) - Computer Modelling as a Tool in the Chemistry of Materials Richard Catlow (U C London) 10:15 - 10:30 BB618 - Theorectical study of FeO2 Nelson H Morgon (UNICAMP) 10:30 - 10:45 BB550 - The molecular basis for 202 11:00 - 11:30 12:00 - 12:15 BB512 - Gas separation unit: simulation and characterization of the adsorbent Gisele Souza Alves (Unicamp) and Antonio Carlos Luz Lisbôa (Unicamp) 12:15 - 12:30 BB609 - Synthesis of Ca1-xSrxSnO3 thin films by Pulsed Laser Deposition Mary Cristina Ferreira Alves (Université Rennes1/UFPB), Stephanie Boursicot (Université Rennes1), Valerie Bouquet (Université Rennes1), Stephanie Deputier (Université Rennes1), Maryline Guilloux-Viry (Université Rennes1), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) 10:45 - 11:00 BB583 - Aluminosilicate Nanotubes - Imogolite and Halloysite Luciana Guimarães (UFMG), Andrey N Enyashin (Russia), Gotthard Seifert (TU-Dresden) and Hélio Anderson Duarte (UFMG) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Session chair: J. W. Carneiro 11:30 - 12:00 PBB9 (invited) - Mechanism of Surface Reactions: Insights from First Principles Calculations Javier F Sanz (Universidad de Sevilla) 12:30 - 12:45 BB504 - A Theoretical investigation of magnetic, optical and electron-conduction properties of transition metal nanowires 12:00 - 12:15 Yuhua Zhang , X Q Zhang, H Li and Carlton Anthony Taft Alvaro Rafael Muñoz - Castro (UNAB), Desmond Mac-Leod Carey (UNAB) and Ramiro Arratia-Perez (UNAB) BB699 - Relativistic Electronic Structure of Tantalum Metallocavitands 12:45 - 13:00 BB538 - Modification of the rutile plane of [(SnO2)n]m to a nanotube Marcio Douvel Ferreira (UEG), José 12:15 - 12:30 BB648 - Adsorption of CO molecules on MAunO2+ oxidized doped gold clusters (M = Ti, Fe; n = 1, 4-7). A theoretical DFT study. Eva María Fernández (ICMM, Madrid (CSIC)), María Begoña Torres (Universidad de Burgos) and Luis Carlos Balbás (Universidad de Valladolid) 12:30 - 12:45 BB534 - Interaction of BUCKYBALLS in (100) planes of FULLERITES [C60]5, [C70]5, [C80]5 and [C96]5: Analysis of the HOMOLUMO, charges, distances, dipoles, using the MNDO, HF and DFT methods with Huzinaga 6-31G basis set Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) 12:45 - 13:00 BB646 - Tailoring Microcellular Biomorphic Ceramic Composites: a Computational Fluid Dynamic Approach CÍNTIA SOARES (UFSC / CTC / EQA), LUISMAR MARQUES PORTO (UFSC / CTC / EQA), DACHAMIR HOTZA (UFSC / CTC / EQA) and CARLOS RENATO RAMBO (UFSC / CTC / EQA) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Session chair: W. A. Lester Jr. 14:30 - 15:00 PBB11 (invited) - The Influence of Biaxial Strain Ratio and Strain Range on Crack Growth Mode and Crack Shape Timothy H Topper (University of Waterloo), John JF Bonnen (Ford Motor Company), Mohamed Khalil (Bombardier) and Ahmad Varvani-Faharani (Ryerson University) 15:00 - 15:15 BB579 - Influence of the modifier cation in the photoluminescent emission of Zn1-XCoXWO4 Jailson Machado Ferreira (IFPB), José Waldo Martinez Espinoza (UFSCar), Maria Aldeiza Meireles Almeida Maurera (UFPB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Paulo Sérgio Pizani (UFSCar), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) 15:15 - 15:30 BB683 - Influence of the Fiber Mat Compaction on the Perme- 203 ability of Hybrid Composites Sandro Campos Amico (UFRGS), Tiago de M Schmidt (UFRGS), Rafael DS Silva (UFRGS) and Thiago M Goss (UFRGS) 15:45 - 16:00 BB621 - Orientation, morphology and photocatalytic properties of ZnO thin films grown by PLD with or without oxygen on various substrates Vanessa Farias Silva (Université Rennes1/UFPE), Stephanie Deputier (Université Rennes1), Valerie Bouquet (Université Rennes1), Sophie Ollivier (Université Rennes1), Maryline Guilloux-Viry (Université Rennes1), Valdinete Lins da Silva (UFPE) and Ingrid Távora Weber (UFPE) Coffee Break Session chair: J. R. Sambrano 11:30 - 12:00 PBB5 (invited) - Theoretical study of adsorbed molecules over ZnO surfaces. João B . L . Martins (UnB) BB619 - Determination of the optimal factors for the process of contraction obtained for ceramic electrical insulation way conventional and microwave Natalia Isabel Jaramillo (Universidad Nacional), Juan Fernando Montoya (Universidad Nacional) and Jairo Humberto Marin (Universidad Nacional) PBB7 (invited) - SIMULATING ADSORPTION PHENOMENA ON SMALL CLUSTERS 12:15 - 12:30 Jose W Carneiro (UFF) Juan Pablo Casas (Uniandes), I A Ashcroft (Lboro) and V V Silberschmidt (Lboro) BB666 - Damage in adhesive joints during Impact fatigue Session chair: J. Sanz 12:30 - 12:45 09:30 - 10:15 BB690 - Gelatin and DNA-based ionic conducting membranes PBB1 (invited) - Electronic and magnetic structure of LaOAsFe: similarities and differences between pnictides and cuprate superconducting parent compounds Francesc Illas (Universitat de Barcelona) 10:15 - 10:30 BB704 - The Use of Polyester/ Glass Fiber Residues as Fillers for Composites Sandro Campos Amico (UFRGS), Lais S Vasconcelos (UFRN), Clarissa C Angrizani (UFRGS), J R Souza (UFRN) and J TN Medeiros (UFRN) Agnieszka Pawlicka (IQSC-USP) and Alessandra Firmino (IQSC-USP) 12:45 - 13:00 BB518 - Catalytic Ammoxidation of o-Xylene to Phthalonitrile in Vapour Phase Prem Nath Tiwari (BHU), Priyank Maheshwari (BHU) and Jitendra Kumar (BHU) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch BB707 - Ultrasound as a Probe of Plasticity? Theory PBB8 (invited) - DFT calculations of isotopic (including Ps) effects in water clusters Fernando Lund , Agnes Maurel, Vincent Pagneux and Felipe Barra José Rachid Mohallem (UFMG) 10:45 - 11:00 Poster Session BB BB708 - Ultrasound as a Probe of Plasticity? Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy Measurements with Aluminum Fernando Lund , Felipe Barra, Maria Teresa Cerda, Andres Caru, Rodrigo Espinoza, Alejandro Jara and Nicolas Mujica From Theory to Experiment: Advances in engineering materials Room: Louvre Monday, September 21 18:30 to 20:30 11:00 - 11:30 204 BB503 - The use of atomic-chain scaled Si nanowires to detect molecules Yuhua Zhang , X Q Zhang, H Li, Carlton Anthony Taft and G Paiva BB505 - Electronic, structural, optical and pressure effects of Sin@SWCNTs Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), J Meng (CAC), X Q Zhang (OUC), H Li (OUC) and Yuhua Zhang (CBPF) BB506 - An investigation of the electronic and magnetic structure of LiV2O4 Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), J Meng (CAC) and Yuhua Zhang (CBPF) BB507 - A comparison between different data reduction schemes to evaluate the mode I fracture toughness in carbon-epoxy composite laminates Diogo Jundi Toyoda (ITA), Mauricio Vicente Donadon (ITA) and Sérgio Frascino Almeida (ITA) BB508 - Influence of spins on the electronic transport coefficients of the icosahedral Al64Cu23Fe13 quasicrystal Robert Marino Espinoza Bernardo (UNMSM) and Carlos Vladimir Landauro Saenz (UNMSM) Session chair: J. D. Santos 14:30 - 15:00 10:30 - 10:45 TANIA BRITO SILVA (UESC/BA), MARIANO ALVES PEREIRA (UFAL/AL), VALEIRA SANTOS MALTA (UFAL/AL), SILVANIA MARQUES RODRIGUES (UESB/BA) and ROBERTA LOURENÇO ZIOLI (PUC/RJ) 12:00 - 12:15 16:00 - 16:30 Friday, September 25 BB502 - Theoretical study in the differentiations of psychoactivity in biological active cannabinoids compounds and its metabolites BB509 - A comparative study of energy density (ED) due to silicon oxidation and black body radiation in silicon ball-lightning-like luminous balls gerson silva paiva (CBPF) and A C Pavao (UFPE) BB510 - An experimental study of the nanostructured i-Al64Cu23Fe13 quasicrystal produced by arc-furnace and mechanical-alloying Manolo Marcial Taquire De la Cruz (UNMSM), Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma (UNMSM), Carlos Vladimir Landauro Saenz (UNMSM), Alfredo Tolley (CAB) and Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez (FCF-UNMSM) BB511 - Atomic and electronic properties of copper nano-particles: theoretical and experimental results Juan José Torres Vega (UNMSM), Carlos Landauro Saenz (UNMSM), Justo Rojas (UNMSM), Scila Reategui (UNMSM), Aldo Gúzman (UNMSM), Leonardo Medrano (UNMSM) and Juan Arroyo (UNMSM) BB515 - Controlled free radical copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene by bimolecular NMRP using TEMPO Telma Regina Nogueira (UNICAMP), Liliane Ferrareso Lona (UNICAMP), Neil McManus (University of Waterloo), Eduardo Vivaldo Lima (UNAM) and Alex Penlidis (University of Waterloo) BB517 - Thermal stability of hydroxyapatite prepared by mechano-chemical reaction Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma (FCFUNMSM), Maximiliano Moreno Zapata (FCF-UNMSM), Mirtha Pillaca Quispe (FCF-UNMSM), Rosa Julia Medina Sandoval (FIGMMG-UNMSM) and Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez (FCF-UNMSM) BB520 - Theoretical study of the interaction between O2 and cation exchanged Chabazite MCHA (M = H+, Na+ or Cu+ ) Yoana Pérez - Badell (Universidad de La Habana), Xavier Solans-Monfort (Universitat Autònoma Barc), Mariona Sodupe (Universitat Autònoma Barc) and Luis Alberto Montero (Universidad de La Habana) BB521 - Model Aluminosilicate sites on nanowires stabilize singlet O2 state Yoana Pérez - Badell (Universidad de La Habana), Rachel Crespo-Otero (Universidad de La Habana) and Luis Alberto Montero (Universidad de La Habana) BB522 - ADSORPTION OF WATER ON MgO NANO-STRUCTURED SURFACES IN THE PRESENCE OF DEFECTS, DOPANTS AND VACANCIES Neil De La Cruz Centeno (PUC_RIO) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB523 - DISSOCIATION OF WATER ON MgO NANO-STRUCTURED SURFACES IN THE PRESENCE OF DEFECTS, DOPANTS AND VACANCIES Neil De La Cruz Centeno (PUC-Rio) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB524 - An investigation of ZrO2 205 doped with Ca and Sc Jose Gabriel Solano (Univ Ros), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Arles Gil Rebaza (Univ Plata) BB525 - An investigation of the effects of oxidation and reduction on the energy gaps of C60 and C70 fulerenes Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma (UNMSM), Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) and Edson Passamani Caetano (UFES) BB536 - EXAFS analysis of local environments around Fe and Co sites in Fe-Co alloys José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Gerson Silva Paiva (CBPF) Chachi Rojas Ayala (UNMSM), Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez (UNMSM), Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma (UNMSM), Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch (CBPF) and Edson Passamani Caetano (UFES) BB527 - Theoretical models of zinc oxide nanotubes BB537 - Carbide and Nitride nanotubes Eduardo Moraes (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) Marcio Douvel Ferreira (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB) BB528 - Diversity of the nanotubes, which are possible? José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Eduardo Moraes (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB529 - Slab Plane wave model for the adsorption of Pt on cubic and tetragonal ZrO2 (001) Jose Gabriel Solano (Univ Ros), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Arles Gil Rebaza (Univ Plata) BB531 - A theoretical study of PbWO4 disordered models and their electronic levels into a band gap. Rafael Luiz Erlo (UFSCar), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB532 - The Effect of the dn/dc parameter in Free Radical Polymerization using a Multifunctional Initiator Paula Forte de Magalhães Pinheiro Bonassi Machado (UNICAMP) and Liliane Ferrareso Lona (UNICAMP) BB533 - Semiempirical strain energy for nanotubes João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Eduardo Moraes (UEG), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) and Elson Longo (Unesp) BB535 - Study of the local environments of iron sites in nanostructured (FeCo)75Si15B10 powders obtained by MechanicalAlloying Chachi Rojas Ayala (UNMSM), Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez (UNMSM), 206 BB539 - Zigzag and armchair nanotubes interacting in the forms { [ (XY)n]m .... [ (XY)n]m }k, using molecular mechanics, quantum mechanics semi-empirical as well as Ab-initio, HF and DFT methods, with k = 2,...,5; X e Y: B, Al, C, Si, Ge, N, P, O, S Elson Longo (UNESP-Araraquara), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB541 - Oxi-reduction of nanotube structures of the form [(XY)n]m, with ARMCHAIR and ZIGZAG configurations, +1, 0, -1 charges, using both semiempírical, Ab-initio HF, and DFT methods with 3-21G, 6-31G and Huzinaga basis sets, whereas X, Y: B, Al, C, Si, Ge, N, P, O, S; n, m = 4, ..., 10 Elson Longo (Unesp), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB544 - Luminescent BaMoO4: Eu3+ thin films ANA PAULA DE AZEVEDO MARQUES (UFSCar-São Carlos), Mariana de Abreu Cruz (UFSCar-São Carlos), Fabiana Villela Motta (Unesp-Araraquara), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSCar-São Carlos) BB545 - Microwave-hydrothermal method used to prepare molybdates nanostructures ANA PAULA DE AZEVEDO MARQUES (UFSCar-São Carlos), Maria Fernanda Cagnin Abreu (UFSCar-São Carlos), Fabiana Villela Motta (Unesp-Araraquara), Renata Cristina Lima (UFU-Uberlândia), Elson Longo (UnespAraraquara) and Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSCar-São Carlos) BB546 - An investigation of magnetism in ZrO2 with low doping of transition metals Arles Gil Rebaza (Univ Plata), Jose Gabriel Solano (Univ Ros) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB548 - 1,3-Butadiene polymerization by Ziegler-Natta catalyst containing fluorine atoms as halogenating agent Cintia Nogueira Ferreira (UERJ), Ivana Lourenço Mello (UERJ), Washington Formiga Fernandes (UERJ) and Fernanda Margarida Coutinho (UERJ) BB549 - Nb-doped nano-hematites (Fe2-xNbxO3): theoretical and empirical evidence ofsurface reactivity by in situ CO adsorption Teodorico Castro Ramalho (UFLA), Luiz C A Oliveira (UFLA), Adílson Cândido Silva (UFLA) and Francisco Zaera (University of California,) BB552 - The free-energy profile of a fullerene molecule crossing a bio-membrane Rafael Cássio Bernardi (UFRJ), Pedro Geraldo Pascutti (UFRJ) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB554 - Photoluminescent study of Y2O3: Eu3+ powder prepared by Microwave-Hydrothermal Method Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSCar), Ana Paula de Moura (UFSCar), Larissa Helena Oliveira (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB557 - Structural study ofí-TeO3 : Raman Spectrum Interpretation by Quantum Chemistry emmanuelle orhan (Université de Limoges), therese merle-mejean (Université de Limoges), andrei mirgorodski (Université de Limoges), maggy colas (Université de Limoges), emmanuelle orhan (Université de Limoges), olivier masson (Université de Limoges) and philippe thomas (Université de Limoges) BB558 - Three- and Four-Fort Integrated Optical Circulators Based on Photonic Crystals: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations Victor Alexandrovich Dmitriev (UFPA), Francisco Mota Souza (UFPA), Marcos Caldas Costa (UFPA) and Gianni Tanaka Portela (UFPA) BB559 - Nonlinear Optical Properties of TeO2 Crystals from First Principles nabil berkaine (Université de Limoges), mouna ben yahia (Université de Montpellier), emmanuelle orhan (Université de Limoges), javier junquera (Universidad de Cantabria), olivier masson (Université de Limoges) and philippe thomas (Université de Limoges) BB561 - Synthesis of SrSnO3: Cu by the polymeric precursor method Danniely Melo Ribeiro (UFPB), Rosa Medeiros Marinho (UFPB), Manoel Silva Jr (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Elson Longo (UnespAraraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB562 - Growth mechanism of BaMoO4 microcrystals processed in microwave-hydrothermal: Experimental observations and computational modeling Ricardo Luis Tranquilin (Unesp), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (Unesp), Elson Longo (Unesp) and Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi (Unesp) BB563 - Synthesis of CaTiO3 nanoparticles using Hydrothermal Microwave Method Ranilson Angelo Silva (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Agda Eunice Souza (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Gleyson Tadeu Almeida Santos (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar), Diogo Paschoaline Volanti (UNESP-Araraquara), Silvio Rainho Teixeira (UNESP-Presidente Prudente) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) Thursday, September 24 11:30 to 13:00 BB622 - Acid leaching resistance of composite Portland-polymeric oilwell slurries Maria Roseane Pontes Fernandes (UFRN), Petrúcia Duarte Silva (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcos Antônio Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Júlio Cesar Oliveira Freitas (UFRN) BB623 - Thermoluminescence and synchrotron radiation studies on the persistent luminescence of BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ Lucas Carvalho Velozo Rodrigues (IQUSP / UTU), Roberval Stefani (IQ/USP- 207 SP), Hermi Felinto Brito (IQ/USP-SP), Maria Cláudia França da Cunha Felinto (IPEN), jorma P K Holsa (University of Turku), Mika Lastusaari (University of Turku) and Taneli Laamanen (University of Turku/GSMR) BB624 - Lithium lanthanum titanate thin films prepared through polymeric precursor method Alejandra Hortencia Miranda González (UNESP/Bauru), Silvia Letícia Fernandes (UNESP/Bauru), Beatriz Antoniassi (UNESP/Bauru), Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (FC-UNESP), José Arana Varela (UNESP/Araraquara) and Elson Longo (UNESP/Araraquara) BB625 - Theorectical Study of Germanium Alkoxides Nelson H Morgon (UNICAMP) BB626 - SrTiO3 with cubic and tetragonal phases at room temperature Márcia Rejane Santos do Silva (UFPB), Elaine Cristina Paris (LIEC - UFSCar), Máximo Siu Li (IFSC-USP), Carlos Alberto Paskocimas (UFRN), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB628 - An Assessment of the Permoporosity of Composite Cement-Silica-Polymer Oilwell Slurries Bárbara Taciana Vasconcelos Cavalcanti (UFRN), Petrúcia Duarte Silva (UFRN), Maria Roseane Pontes Fernandes (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcos Antônio Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Maria Luiza Lopes (UFRN) BB629 - Ceramic catalysts based on SnO2:Ni2+ for biodiesel synthesis Vítor Rodrigo Melo Melo (UFPB), Natan Pires Sa (UFPB), Luiz Edmundo Bastos Soledade (UFPB), Raul Rosenhaim (UFPB), Adriana Almeida Silva (BENTONISA), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB630 - The use of photoluminescence as a tool to investigate the nature of disorder degree at CaTiO3 compounds. Tatiana Martelli Mazzo (UnespAraraquara), Leilane Roberta Macário (Unesp-Araraquara), Gabriela Santilli dos Santos (UFSCar), Leinig Antonio Perazolli (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) 208 BB631 - An Efficient Synthetic Route towards Sea Urchin-like CuO Mesocrystals Diogo Paschoaline Volanti (UNESPAraraquara), Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi (UNESP-Araraquara), Juan Andrés (Universitat Jaime I), José Arana Varela and Elson Longo (UNESP-Araraquara) BB632 - Thermal characterization of two-layer systems by means of periodic and pulsed laser heating Gerardo Gonzalez de la Cruz (Cinvestav) and Yuri Gurevich (Cinvestav) BB633 - Electronic, Magnetic Structure and Orbital Ordering in CdV2O4 from First Principles zhang xue qing, Yuhua Zhang (CBPF) and Carlton Anthony Taft BB634 - Influence of Fe3+ doping in the crystallization behavior of SrSnO3 perovskite Fagner T Gomes Vieira (UFPB), Soraia Carvalho de Souza (UFPB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Tiberio Andrade Passos (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB635 - Growth and investigations of BaZrO3 mesocrystals under different reaction conditions Leilane Roberta Macário (Unesp-Araraquara), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB636 - Synthesis and photoluminescent proprieties of barium zirconate doped with Eu3+ Leilane Roberta Macário (UnespAraraquara), Tatiana Martelli Mazzo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB637 - Metal-insulator transition induced by a spin-state transition in TbBaCo2O5.5 from first-principles zhang xue qing, Yuhua Zhang (CBPF) and Carlton Anthony Taft BB639 - Nanoparticles remotion using fibrous filters Juliana Steffens (UFSCar), José Renato Coury (UFSCar) and Clarice Steffens (Cnpdia-Embrapa) BB641 - Influence of the amorphous-crystalline interface on the dielectric and ferroelectric polarization of í-PVDF Aline Bruna da Silva (UFSCar), Rinaldo Gregório Jr (UFSCar), João Vitor Esteves (UFSCar) and Célio Wisniewski (UNIFAl) BB642 - Hydrothermal Microwave synthesis of PZT 52/48 powders with addition of PVA Guilhermina Ferreira Teixeira (UNESP IQ Araraquara), Nathalia Abe Santos (UNESP IQ Araraquara), Gisele Gasparotto (UNESP IQ Araraquara) and José Arana Varela (UNESPIQ Araraquara) BB643 - Synthesis and characterization of NiO plates through thermal decomposition of Ni(OH)2 precursors by microwave heating Ana Paula de Moura (UFSCar), Renata Cristina Lima (UFU), Edilene Deise da Silva (UFSCar), Cristiane Alves Sierra Pereira (UFSCar), Ernesto Antonio Urquieta-Gonzalez (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (Unesp-araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB644 - Theoretical Studies on the Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of a Series of Dioxoosmium (VI) Complex Liying Liu, Yuhua Zhang (CBPF), Jianzhong Qiao and Carlton Anthony Taft BB645 - Theoretical investigation on the structural and optical properties of a series of pyridylsubstitutes Os (II) complexes Liying Liu, Yuhua Zhang (CBPF), Jianzhong Qiao and Carlton Anthony Taft BB647 - Ionic conductivity relaxation studies in RbAg4I5 crystal with nano-sized AgI particles Diego Peña (Universidad del Valle), Ruben Antonio Vargas (Universidad del Valle) and Hernando Correa (Universidad del Quindío) BB649 - Fractal analysis of stretch zone behavior for AA 7475 aluminum alloy Pietro Carelli Reis de Oliveira Caltabiano (UNESP - Guaratinguetá), Kamila Amato Campos (UNESP - Guaratinguetá), Paulo Henrique Santos Rosa (UNESP - Guaratinguetá) and Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein (UNESP) BB650 - CuO Synthesized by Microwave Hydrothermal method at different conditions Jefferson Maul (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Manoel Silva Jr (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB), Maria Aldeiza Meireles Almeida Maurera (UFPB) and Dawy Keyson (UFPB) BB652 - Photoluminescence Prop- erty of CaZn2(OH)6.2H2O Processed by Microwave-Hydrothermal Method Camila Soares Xavier (UNESP), Sayonara Andrade Eliziário (UNESP), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Maximo Siu Li (usUSP-S?Carlos), José Arana Varela (UNESP) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB653 - An investigations of kinetics for 304 austenitic stainless steel eva paganini martins (mackenzie), jan vatavuk (mackenzie) and antonio augusto couto (mackenzie) BB655 - Stability of MgO nanowires Leonardo Sabino dos Santos (IF/USP), Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali (IF/USP) and Joao Francisco Justo (EP/USP) BB656 - PET waste depolymerization with multifunctional alcohol: FT-IR characterization Tathiane C . Rodrigues F . Lessa (IMA/ UFRJ), Luis Claudio Mendes (IMA/UFRJ) and Marcos Lopes Dias (IMA-UFRJ) BB657 - Oxidative Cracking of Linear Hydrocarbons at Low Temperatures Leôncio Diógenes Tavares Câmara (IPRJ-UERJ), Rafael Souza Monteiro (UFRJ), Alex Miranda Constantino (UFRJ), Julio Carlos Afonso (UFRJ) and Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) BB658 - Origin of Photoluminescence of Samarium_Doped Strontium Titanate Nanostructure Under UV Light Valeria Moraes Longo (UNESP), maria Graça Costa (UNESP), Carlos Paiva Santos (UNESP), Elson Longo (UnespAraraquara) and José Arana Varela (UNESP) BB659 - Radioluminescence and Photoluminescence Properties of BaZrO3 Decaoctahedrons obtained by Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar-São Carlos), Diogo Paschoaline Volanti (UNESP-Araraquara), Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio (UFS-Aracaju), Paulo Montes (UFS-Aracaju), Juan Manuel Andrés (Universitat Jaume I), José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB660 - Density-functional studies of PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3: Monoclinic, 209 Cubic and Tetragonal Nélio Henrique Nicoleti (Unesp) and Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp) BB661 - Synthesis of BaxSr1xTiO3 nanoparticles obtained by Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method Gleyson Tadeu Almeida Santos (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Agda Eunice Souza (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Ranilson Angelo Silva (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar), Diogo Paschoaline Volanti (UNESP-Araraquara), Silvio Rainho Teixeira (UNESP-Presidente Prudente) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB662 - Influence of the growth process on the photoluminescence behavior of BaWO4 Márcia Valéria Silva Lima (UFSCar), Ana Paula de Moura (UFSCar), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (Unesp-araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB663 - Synthesis of BaxCa1xTiO3 Nanoparticles using Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Method Agda Eunice Souza (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Ranilson Angelo Silva (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Gleyson Tadeu Almeida Santos (UNESP-Presidente Prudente), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar), Diogo Paschoaline Volanti (UNESP-Araraquara), Silvio Rainho Teixeira (UNESP-Presidente Prudente) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB664 - Glucose adsorption on gold surface Priscila Castilho Palazzo (Universidade Federal ABC), Ronei Miotto (Universidade Federal ABC), Maurício Silva Baptista (Universidade de São Paulo) and Tathyana Tumolo (Universidade de São Paulo) BB665 - Theoretical Framework for Modeling Soot Oxidation Dmitry Y Zubarev (UCB, LBNL), Xiaoqing You (UCB), Michael Frenklach (UCB, LBNL), Jarrod McClean (UCB), Dominik Domin (UCB), Brian Austin (UCB) and William Lester (UCB, LBNL) BB668 - Crystalline SrTiO3 nanoparticles obtained by Hydrothermal Microwave synthesis Guilhermina Ferreira Teixeira (IQUNESP ARARAQUARA), maria Graça Costa (IQ-UNESP ARARAQUARA), Maria Aparecida Zaghete (IQ-UNESP ARARAQUARA), Elson Longo (IQ-UNESP ARARAQUARA) and José Arana Varela (IQ- UNESP ARARAQUARA) BB669 - An optical setup for monitoring the gypsum hardening-time ANDREA DE VASCONCELOS FERRAZ (UNIVASF), ISNALDO JOSE DE SOUZA COELHO (UNIVASF), RODRIGO PEREIRA RAMOS (UNIVASF), RICARDO MENEZES PRATES (UNIVASF) and GUILHERME MOREIRA FARIAS (UNIVASF) BB671 - CaTiO3:Eu powders: synthesis and morphology approaches Ivo Mateus Pinatti (UFSCar), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar), Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSUFSCar-S?Carlos), Tatiana Martelli Mazzo (UNESP), José Arana Varela (UNESP) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) Thursday, September 24 18:30 to 20:30 BB543 - The role of hydrogen multicenter bond in transport properties of materials Daniele Stradi (UNITS), Stefan Thomas Bromley (ICREA) and Francesc Illas (Universitat de Barcelona) BB672 - Theoretical study of the composites CNTs/ polyaniline Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), Eduardo Moraes (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Taciano Peres Ferreira (UEG), Olacir Alves Araújo (UEG), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB673 - Phase transition study in the AgI - Al2O3 system Maria Elena Fernández (Universidad del Valle), Diego Peña (Universidad del Valle), Ruben Antonio Vargas (Universidad del Valle), Carlos Alberto Lozano (Universidad Javeriana) and Julian Andres Angel (Universidad del Valle) BB667 - Molecular Dynamics simulations on stretching of amorphous PPV films BB674 - Electronic and optical properties and hyperfine fields of nickel-related complexes in diamond Melissa Fabíola Siqueira Pinto (IFSC/ USP), Rodrigo Ramos (IF/USP), Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) and Marília Junqueira Caldas (IF/USP) Rolando Larico Mamani (UFABC), Joao Francisco Justo (EP/USP), Wanda Valle Marcondes Machado (IF/USP) and Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali (IF/USP) 210 BB675 - Deposition of controlled ultrathin SnO2:Sb films by self-assembly of Nanocrystals in Organic Solvents Cauê Favero Ferreira (UFSCar), Rafael Nicolosi Libanori (UFSCar), Tiago de Góes Conti (UFSCar), Marcelo Assumpção Pereira-da-Silva (IFSC/USP-UNICEP) and Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) BB676 - Reaction Pathways of Soot Oxidation: Simple Models Sinisa Vukovic (UCB, LBNL), Russell Whitesides (UCB), Neil Neil Robertson (UCB), Michael Frenklach (UCB), Jinhua Wang (UCB), Brian Austin (UCB) and William A Lester Jr (UCB, LBNL) BB677 - Critical Micellar Surfactants Concentration by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Maelyson Rolim Fonseca dos Santos (UFPE), Raimundo Rômulo Martins Júnior (UFPE) and Celso Pinto de Melo (UFPE) BB678 - INTERLAMINAR SHEAR STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE MANUFACTURED BY RESIN TRANSFER MOLDING Wanderley Amorim Júnior (UFRJ), Gustavo Queiroz Chaves (CTEx), Veronica Araujo Calado (UFRJ) and Fernando Luiz Bastian (UFRJ) BB679 - Heterogeneous Catalyst applied in esterification reactions Nelson C Furtado (CBPF), Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB680 - Quantum chemistry calculations of activation energies for oxidative cracking and reutilization of heavy organic materials Nelson C Furtado (UFRJ), Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda (UFRJ), Leoncia Camara (UFRJ) and Rafael S Monteiro (UFRJ) BB684 - LIGHT SLURRIES FOR COILED TUBING OILWELL CEMENTING Irantécio Mendonça Ferreira (UFRN), Marco Antonio Lima (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN) and Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) BB685 - Eu-doped hydroxyapatite obtained by hydrothermal-microwave method Rafaela da Silveira André (LIEC - UFSCar), Elaine Cristina Paris (LIEC - UFSCar), Ieda Viana Rosa (LIEC - UFSCar), Fernanda Gurgel (LIEC - UFSCar), Maximo Siu Li (USP-S?o Carlos), José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB686 - Synthesis and Characterization of SrWO4:Eu3+ by Microwave-Hydrothermal (MH) Paula Fabiana Santos Pereira (UFSCarSão Carlos), Ana Paula de Moura (UFSCar-São Carlos), Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar-São Carlos), Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSCar-São Carlos), José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB687 - Structural and optical properties of SrWO4 powders prepared by the microwave-hydrothermal and polymeric precursor methods Francini Cristiani Picon (UFSCar), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UNESP) and José Arana Varela (UNESP) BB689 - Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm applied to the optimization of Basis Functions Iury Steiner Bezerra (PUC-Rio), Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (PUC-Rio) and Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco (PUC-Rio) BB691 - The influence of metakaulinite crystallinity on the properties of a geopolymer Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Diego Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Júlio Cesar Oliveira Freitas (UFRN) BB692 - The influence of cation polymerization Na/K in the properties of a geopolymer Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Diego Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Júlio Cesar Oliveira Freitas (UFRN) BB693 - Geopolymerics pastes with sodium tetraborate: study of the thickness for cementation of oilwells Diego Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN) and Romero Gomes (Petrobras) BB694 - A study of compressive 211 strength of the geopolymerics pastes additivated with non-ionic latex Diego Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN), Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN) and Romero Gomes (Petrobras) BB695 - SnO2:Ni supported on bentonite for biodiesel synthesis Natan Pires Sa (UFPB), Luiz Edmundo Bastos Soledade (UFPB), jailson alexandre carvalho (UFPB), Herbet Bezerra Sales (UFPB), Adriana Almeida Silva (BENTONISA), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) HfO2 rice-like. Sayonara Andrade Eliziário (UnespAraraquara), Camila Soares Xavier (Unesp-Araraquara), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) BB705 - CaSnO3:Ni2+ synthesized by the polymeric precursor method Gibran Balder Menezes (UFPB), S J G Lima (UFPB), M Q Silva Júnior (UFPB), L E B Soledade (UFPB), A G Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and M R Nascimento (IFET) BB706 - Dielectric Permittivity Analysis of Mixtures of Polar Liquids by Impedance Spectroscopy BB696 - Photoluminescent behavior of PbTi0.8O2.6 system obtained by microwave assisted hydrothermal method Leandra Oliveira Salmazo (FCT-UNESP), Felipe Silva Bellucci (FCT - UNESP), Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) Elaine Cristina Paris (UNESP), Rafaela Silveira André (UFSCar), Miryam Ricon Joya (USP), Maximo Siu Li (USPUSPSaoCarlos), José Arana Varela (UNESP) and Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) BB709 - SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SnO2 THIN FILMS DEPOSITED ON STAINLESS STEEL AISI 304 SUBSTRATE BB697 - Influence of solution concentration on the structural and electronic properties of PbI2 films Paulo Goncalves Junior (IFMA), Mario Lucio Moreira (UFSCar), Marcelo Moizinho Oliveira (IFMA), Presley Serejo Santos (IFMA), Hilton Gomes Rangel (IFMA) and Elson Longo (UNESP) José Fernando Condeles (UFTM) and Marcelo Mulato (FFCLRP-USP) BB698 - Effect of microwave-hydrothermal rapid treatment in the ZnO nanostructures Renata Cristina Lima (UFU), Leilane Roberta Macário (UNESP), José Waldo Martinez Espinoza (UFG), Elson Longo (UNESP) and José Arana Varela (UNESP) BB700 - Influence of particle size on electrical properties of Nanofluids oxide niobates Felipe Silva Bellucci (FCT - UNESP), Leandra Oliveira Salmazo (FCT - UNESP), Aldo Eloizo Job (FCT - UNESP) and Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre (FCT - UNESP) BB701 - The effect of Pb on the growth mechanism of CaTiO3 mesocrystals by template-free Sayonara Andrade Eliziário (UnespAraraquara), Camila Soares Xavier (Unesp-Araraquara), Thiago Sequinel (Unesp-Araraquara), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and José Arana Varela (Unesp-Araraquara) BB702 - Microwave Hydrothermal Synthesis and Optical Properties of 212 BB710 - Ethylene and isoprene copolymerization by homogeneous metallocene catalysts Luanda Silva de Moraes (UFRJ - IMA) and maria de Fátima Vieira Marques (UFRJ - IMA) BB711 - Effect of the addition of biopolymer on the rheological behavior of Portland oilwell cement slurries Andreza Kelly Costa Nóbrega (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Elisângela Barros Dantas (UFRN) and Ulisses Bezerra (CEFETPB) BB712 - Photoluminescence of CaMoO4 powder processed in a microwave-hydrothermal Vicente Sousa Marques (UFPI), Arthur Francisco de Paiva Alcântara (UFPI), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UFSCar), Luiz de Sousa Santos Junior (UFPI) and Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI) BB714 - Comparison between the properties of husk green coconut and curaua cellulose fibers chemi- cally treated for compatibility with polypropylene matrix maria de Fátima Vieira Marques BB715 - Investigation of ethylene glycolon the photoluminescence behavior of PbWO4 powders processed in microwave-hydrothermal Arthur Francisco de Paiva Alcântara (UFPI), Vicente Sousa Marques (UFPI), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Júlio César Sczancoski (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UNESP), Luís de Souza Santos Júnior (UFPI) and Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI) BB716 - Influence of temperature in the mechanical properties of high performance PA 6.6 synthetic fiber after dipping process SERGIO GOMES CARDOSO (IPEN_ CCTM) and Arnaldo Homobono Paes de Andrade (IPEN_CCTM) BB717 - Study of Fracture Mechanisms of High Performance Polyester Synthetic Fibers SERGIO GOMES CARDOSO (IPEN_ CCTM) and Arnaldo Homobono Paes de Andrade (IPEN_CCTM) BB718 - Annealing temperature effect on the optical and photoluminescent properties of Sr0.97Eu0.03MoO4 powders Marcos Takashi Santos Tanaka (UFSCar), Ana Paula de Azevedo Marques (UFSCar), Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (Unesp) BB719 - DFT study of magnetic coupling in Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes with nitronyl nitroxide radical Álvaro Santos Alves (IF-UFF) and Pedro Venezuela (IF-UFF) BB720 - The Influence of the Air Flow Injected on the Process of FlotationUsing a Demulsifier Based on Castor Oil (UFPI), Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI) and Luiz de Sousa Santos Junior (UFPI) BB723 - Effects of the Chemical Composition of Ethanol Fuel on Carbon Steel Pipelines Lindsey R Goodman (Georgia Tech) and Preet M Singh (Georgia Tech) BB724 - Concrete electrical resistivity as a simple and rapid method to assess concrete resistance to chloride penetration Adriana Santos Ribeiro (UFAL), Silvia Beatriz Beger Uchoa (UFAL), Josealdo Tonholo (UFAL), T F de Amorim (UFAL) and I Ray (West Virginia University) Tuesday, September 22 18:30 to 20:30 BB565 - Structural, electronic properties and elastic constants of ZnO Naiara Letícia Marana (Unesp), Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza (Unesp) and Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp) BB566 - A density functional pseudopotential and Monte Carlo investigation of the thermodynamics of the adsorption of Pt on ZrO2 Arles Gil Rebaza (UNIV Plata), Jose Gabriel Solano (Univ Ros) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB568 - Photoluminescence in the ZnO synthesized by the Domestic Microwave Hydrothermal Method Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira (UFPB), Maximo Siu Li (USP-São Carlos), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara), Elaine Cristina Paris (UFSCar), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Dawy Keyson (UFPB) BB569 - Influence of the solvent in the morphology of ZnO Elida Natasche de Medeiros Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Auristela Carla de Miranda (UFRN), Elania Maria Fernandes Silva (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN) and João Marconi de Andrade (UFRN) Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira (UFPB), Jefferson Maul (UFPB), Elaine Cristina Paris (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UnespAraraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Dawy Keyson (UFPB) BB722 - Synthesis and Characterization of BaZrO3 Pr-doped by Pechinni Method Carlos Cristiano Lima (UFPB), jailson alexandre carvalho (UFPB), Anderson Reis Albuquerque (UFPB), Luis Fernando Godoy Falco (UNICAMP), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) Égil de Brito Sá (UFPI), Vicente Sousa Marques (UFPI), Maria Fernanda do Carmo Gurgel (UFPI), Elson Longo (UFSCar), José Milton Elias de Matos BB570 - Catalysts for biodiesel based on Zn2-xCoxTiO4 213 BB571 - Influence of the alkaline chemical precursor in the morphologies of the ZnO particles synthesized by the Domestic Microwave Hydrothermal Method dos Santos (UFPB) Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira (UFPB), Jefferson Maul (UFPB), Elaine Cristina Paris (UFSCar), Elson Longo (UnespAraraquara), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Dawy Keyson (UFPB) Paulo César Correia Gomes (UFAL), Paulo César Correia Gomes (UFAL) and Aline Ramos Barboza (UFAL) BB574 - Application of the generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics to NiTi catheter Lubomir Houfek (BUT), Jan Klusak (IPM ASCR), Tomas Profant (BUT), Michal Kotoul (BUT) and Zdenek Knesl (IPM ASCR) BB575 - THERMAL GRADIENT IN SOLIDS IMMERSED IN PLASMA Nierlly Karinni de Almeida Maribondo Galvão (UFRN), Julio César Pereira Barbosa (UFRN), Marcio Willians Duarte Mendes (UFRN), Bruno Leonardo de Sena Costa (UFRN), Caubi Ferreira de Souza Jr (IFRN) and Clodomiro Alves Jr (UFRN) BB577 - Structural and photoluminescent properties of lead zirconate powders Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal (UFPI), Joelma Abreu Nunes (UFPI), Maria Fernanda do Carmo Gurgel (UFPI), Viviane Cristina Albarici (UFSCar), José Milton Elias de Matos (UFPI), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI) BB578 - Theoretical Study on the Electronic Properties Responsible for the Interaction between Some Substances and PPAR receptor Kathia Maria Honório (USP), Paula Homem-de-Mello (UFABC) and Vinicius Maltarollo (UFABC) BB580 - STRUCTURAL CHANGES ON CITRONELLOL INDUCED BY GAMMA RADIATION Rodríguez - Linares Diana (InSTEC), Codorniu-Hernández Edelsys (InSTEC), Aguilera-Corrales Yuri (InSTEC), QuertAlvarez Rolando (InSTEC) and Ferro Noel (Institute Plant Genetic) BB581 - Porous ceramic applied as catalytic support for SrSnO3 for NO reduction Rosa Medeiros Marinho (UFPB), Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira (UFPB), Jefferson Maul (UFPB), Danniely Melo Ribeiro (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia 214 BB582 - Evaluation of the behavior of self-compacting concrete beams reinforced with steel fibers BB584 - Stiffness evaluation of the oligofluorene chains Melissa Fabíola Siqueira Pinto (IFSC/ USP) and Roberto Mendonça Faria (IFSC/USP) BB585 - Catalytic activity of commercial oxides for the synthesis of corn biodiesel jailson alexandre carvalho (UFPB), Herbet Bezerra Sales (UFPB), Natan Pires Sa (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Francisco Savio Mendes Sinfronio (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) BB587 - Electronic structure of Mn-doped GaN Melânia Cristina Mazini (UNESP), Douglas Marcel Gonçalves Leite (UNESP), José Humberto Dias da Silva (UNESP) and Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp) BB588 - Effect of curing temperature on the mechanical behavior of oilwell cementing composites Maria Roseane Pontes Fernandes (UFRN), Petrúcia Duarte Silva (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN), Diego Brasil Ribeiro (UFRN) and Elisângela Barros Dantas (UFRN) radation process Sergio Ricardo de Lazaro (UEPG), Danielle Berger (UEPG), Luiz Ângelo Moraes Cury (UEPG), Sergio Mazurek Tebcherani (UEPG), Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira (Embrapa), Karine Cristina Carrilho Weber dos Santos Klider (UEPG) and Elson Longo (UNESP) BB592 - Reflux synthesis and hydrothermal processing of ZrO2 nanopowders at low temperature José Milton Elias de Matos (UFPI), Laécio Santos Cavalcante (UFSCar), Valdemir Santos (UFSCar), Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal (UFPI), Luiz de Sousa Santos Junior (UFPI), Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI) and Elson Longo (UFSCar) BB601 - Study of the new structures of nanotubes [(XY)n]m with the armchair and CHIRAL forms, according to the folding of planes, using the quantum theoretical methods of AM1, MNDO, HF and DFT with the 3-21G, 6-31G and Huzinaga basis sets Rodrigo da Silva (UEG), Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB593 - Microwave synthesis of single-crystalline perovskite BiFeO3 BB602 - Interaction between the Li and planes (100) of FULLERITES of the form [C60]5, [C70]5, [C80]5 e [C96]5, with analysis of the HOMO-LUMO, charges, distances, dipoles, using MNDO, HF and DFT methods Glenda Biasotto (Unesp), Alexandre Zirpoli Simoes (Unifei), Maria Aparecida Zaghete (Unesp), Elson Longo (Unesp) and José Arana Varela (IQ-Araraquara, UNESP) Rodrigo da Silva (UEG), Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF) BB596 - Electroactives nanocomposites containing calcium titanate immobilized with cashew gum and polyaniline: synthesis and electrochemical characterization BB603 - GridUNESP: The Emergence of a Virtual Organization. Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal (UFPI), Clicia Barroso Bittencourt (UFPI), Arthur Francisco de Paiva Alcântara (UFPI), Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos (UFPI), José Roberto de Souza Almeida Leite (UFPI), Valtencir Zucolotto (USP) and Carla Eiras (UFPI) BB597 - Atomic-scale structure of zirconia-supported on alumina BB589 - Thermomechanical Behavior of Cement Slurries for HPHT Oilwells Cleocir Jose Dalmaschio (UFSCar), Edison Roberto Leite (UFSCar) and Elson Longo (UFSCar) Petrúcia Duarte Silva (UFRN), Maria Roseane Pontes Fernandes (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Daniel Victor Amaral Silva (UFRN) BB598 - Analysis of nanotube p-n doping of [(CC)n]m, [(GeGe)n]m, and [(SiSi)n]m using semiempirical, HF, and DFT methods BB590 - Experimental variables in the synthesis of anatase phase TiO2 nanoparticles João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB), Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF), José Divino dos Santos (UEG), Marcos dos Reis vargas (UEG), Elson Longo (Unesp-Araraquara) and Eduardo Moraes (UEG) José Milton Elias de Matos (UFPI), Juliana Sousa Gonçalves (UFPI), Valdemir Santos (UFSCar), Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal (UFPI), Luiz de Sousa Santos Junior (UFPI), Maria Rita santos (UFPI) and Elson Longo (UFSCar) BB599 - Discovering Potent Inhibitors Against the Reductase of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria to Control biosulfide Generation by Docking and Virtual Screening BB591 - Influence of the interface STO in the Rodamine B photodeg- Souza (IFBA) Paulo Fernando Almeida (UFBA), Elias Silva Santos (UFBA) and Elias Ramos Julio Ricardo Sambrano (UnespBauru), Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza (Unesp-Bauru) and Daniel Buzo de Lima (Unesp-Bauru) BB604 - Molecular modeling of organically modified layered silicates Itamara Farias Leite (UFPE), Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos (UFPE), Ricardo Longo (UFPE), Suédina Maria Lima da Silva (UFPE) and Oscar Manoel Loureiro Malta (UFPE) BB605 - Structural and optical properties of MgTiO3 powders based on the vacancy/distorted clusters and octahedral tilting Elídia Vetter Ferri (LIEC - UFSCar), Elaine Cristina Paris (LIEC - UFSCar), José Waldo Martinez Espinoza (LIEC - UNESP), Paulo Sérgio Pizani (DF - UFSCAR), Valmor Roberto Mastelaro (DF - USP), José Arana Varela (LIEC - UNESP) and Elson Longo (LIEC - UNESP) BB606 - Preparation of In(OH)3 and In2O3 by the Microwave-Hydrothermal Method Fabiana Villela Motta (UNESP), Ana Paula de Azevedo marques (UFSCar), Renata Cristina Lima (UFU-Uberlândia), Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (UNESP) and Elson Longo (UNESP) 215 BB607 - Synthesis, characterization and photoluminescent property of In2O3:Eu Fabiana Villela Motta (UNESP), Ana Paula de Azevedo marques (UFSCar), Máximo Siu Li (USP), Edson Roberto Leite (UFSCar), José Arana Varela (UNESP) and Elson Longo (UNESP) BB610 - Synthesis of CaSnO3SrSnO3 thin films by Chemical Solution Deposition Mary Cristina Ferreira Alves (Université Rennes1/UFPB), Stephanie Boursicot (Université Rennes1), Valerie Bouquet (Université Rennes1), Maryline Guilloux-Viry (Université Rennes1), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB) and Luiz Edmundo Bastos Soledade (UFPB) BB611 - Investigation of Thermal Properties for Nylon-6 Obtained in a Polymerization Experimental Unit of a Batch Reactor Priscila Siqueira de Gouveia (UFRN), Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto (UFRN), Dulce Maria Araujo Melo (UFRN), Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN), Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo (UFRN) and Eduardo Raimundo Dias Nunes (UFRN) BB617 - Microwave hydrothermal synthesis of í-Fe2O3 Arnayra Sonayra Brito (UFPB), Jefferson Maul (UFPB), Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira (UFPB), Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima (UFPB), Antonio Gouveia Souza (UFPB), Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB) and Dawy Keyson (UFPB) International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Maria Carolina Burgos Costa (UNICAMP), Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa (UNICAMP), André Luiz Jardini (UNICAMP) and Rubens Maciel Filho (Unicamp) GLOBAL NANOTECHNOLOGY NETWORK BB612 - Electronic properties of ABO3: Periodic Density Functional Study 9:30-13:00h Amanda Fernandes Gouveia (Unesp) and Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp) BB613 - Density Functional Theory Study Electronic and Structural Properties of (001) Surface for SrZrO3/SrTiO3/SrZrO3 and SrTiO3/ SrZrO3/SrTiO3 Interface Systems Amanda Fernandes Gouveia (Unesp) and Julio Ricardo Sambrano (Unesp) BB614 - Thermal stability of undercooled amorphous silver nanoparticles Justo Rojas Tapia (UNMSM), Carlos Vladimir Landauro Saenz (UNMSM), Ivan Pedro Lobato Hoyos (IPEN) and Chachi Rojas Ayala (UNMSM) BB615 - Simulation of Protein Folding in the square lattice: number of monomer-monomer contacts. Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza (UNESP), Paula Martins da Silva (UNESP), Julio Ricardo Sambrano (UNESP) and Antonio Caliri (USP) Envisioning a Pan-American Nanotechnology Network of the GNN Session Co-Chairs: Jesus Gonzalez Hernandez, Director, CIMAV, Mexico and R.P.H. Chang, Director, Materials Research Institute, Northwestern University, US 9:30h Introduction to the GNN and overview of workshop goals (Chang) 10:00 Reports on Nanotechnology Capacities and Programs from: Argentina (Ernesto Calvo), Brazil (Mario Baibich), Chile (Victor Fuenzalida), 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Reports on Nanotechnology Capacities and Programs from: Mexico (Jesus Gonzalez), Venezuela (Gema Gonzalez), US (R.P.H. Chang), Uruguay (Helena Pardo) 13:00h Lunch After lunch the GNN workshop will be by invitation only BB616 - Effect of vermiculite hydrophobization and mixing order on the mechanical properties of cement slurries 216 217 Materials Needs for Alternative Energy Sources. Securing a viable energy future for humankind will require an effort of gargantuan proportions. One aspect of meeting the energy challenge that is particularly important is the development of carbon-neutral energy sources, including renewable sources. Fundamental advances in scientific understanding are needed to broadly implement many of the technologies that are held out as promising options to meet future energy needs. Materials challenges abound, ranging from the need for specific combinations of properties to reliability and cost effectiveness. I will discuss some recent results and new directions in the search for viable alternative energy sources from around the world, emphasizing the multidisciplinary, team nature of the endeavor. I will also offer some thoughts about how to encourage translation of science into pervasive technologies. 1 Fernando Galembeck, and Márcia M. Rippel, University of Campinas, Brazil International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 IUMRS ENERGY FORUM Program Listing Intended start time, 9:30 AM Wednesday, September 23 (or immediately after the plenary session) Sponsors: IUMRS, MRS Biofuel, food and materials production: synergy rather than conflict Materials production became largely dependent on oil during the past century but the importance of biomass raw materials increased recently, parallel to biofuels. Debate on conflicts between energy, materials and food production has increased but there is also much opportunity for synergy. Ethanol output in Brazilian southeast is now concurrent with the production of kraft and white office paper, sucrose and cellulose from bagasse, lysine, vitamin B-12, proteinrich yeast for human and animal food, polyester and more than 7 GW power capacity are other by-products. Soybeans and eucalyptus product chains offer other impressive examples, creating opportunities for cooperation between researchers and professionals from many different areas. 1 John Sarrao 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory 3 Los Alamos, NM 87545 Organizer: Howard Katz, Chair, Department of Materials Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 1 Enrico Traversa, Principal Investigator, Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Group, World Premier International Research Center for Materials (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044 Japan Fuel Cells for Sustainable Energy Production: With or Without Hydrogen Increasing world population and the need for improving the quality of life of a still large percentage of human beings are (and should be) the driving forces for the search of sustainable energy production systems, alternative to fossil fuel combustion. Among the various types of alternative energy production technologies, fuel cells show the advantage of possible use both for stationary and mobile energy productions. Fuel versatility is another advantage of fuel cells, especially for those operating at higher temperatures, such as solid oxide fuel cells. Therefore, fuel cells are not tightly connected with hydrogen as a fuel and their development should be independent from the advent of hydrogen economy. Nonetheless, the latest development of US energy policies somewhat penalized fuel cells by considering their development bound to using only hydrogen as a fuel. As a matter of fact, sadly, energy policies in the world are strongly affected by politics and economical factors. Role of researchers should be keeping balance towards objective facts for a sustainable development. 1 Julia M. Phillips, Director, Physical, Chemical, and Nano Sciences Center Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87185-1427 218 Facing our energy challenges in a new era of science: examples from superconductivity and materials in extremes Meeting the demand for double the current global energy use in the next 50 years without damaging our economy, security, environment or climate requires finding alternative sources of energy that are clean, abundant, accessible and sustainable. The transition to greater sustainability involves tapping unused energy flows such as sunlight and wind, producing electricity without carbon emissions from clean coal and high efficiency nuclear power plants, and using energy more efficiently in solid-state lighting, fuel cells and transportation based on plug-in hybrid and electric cars. Achieving these goals requires control at the nanoscale, creating materials of increasing complexity and functionality to direct the transformation of energy between light, electrons and chemical bonds. Fortunately, materials research is on the brink of a new era - a transition from observation and validation of materials performance to prediction and control of materials properties – that holds great promise for meeting these challenges [i]. In this talk, I describe the nature of the current challenge and the prospects for success with a particular focus on superconductivity and advanced materials in extreme environments. Superconductors provide dramatically higher current carrying capacity, greater reliability through unique power control devices that are fast, smart and self-healing, and significant increases in efficiency in urban areas where most electricity is used. Finally, I discuss a specific facility concept, MaRIE, that will provide needed capabilities to meet these challenges, especially 219 for materials in extreme environments. MaRIE, for Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes, is Los Alamos’ concept to realize this vision of 21st [i] “New Science for a Secure and Sustainable Energy Future” gov/bes/reports/list.html Materials Science for High Penetration Renewables and Large Scale Energy Storage 1 David Ginley, NREL, 1617 Cole Blvd, Golden, CO 80401 For renewable energy to make an impact on the terrawatt scale will require production of energy generation technologies on an unprecedented scale and rate. We will look at the prospects for the direct generation of electricity from solar resources. What technologies can contribute to achieving power generation on this scale and what new materials science is needed to achieve this will be the primary topic of the talk. In addition, more broadly as intermittent renewables (solar and wind for example) reach large scale power production then energy storage will be required. This can take the form of virtual storage on a smart grid, large scale technologies like CAES and Pumped-hydro and of batteries and ultracapacitors in the form of plug in hybrid fleets. We will discuss the materials challenges to integrating large scale energy storage with renewables and the potential impact on. International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 INNOVATION WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES This workshop will take place in the Plenary Room (Alhambra I & II) on Thursday from 9:30 to 17:45 Workshop Chair: Fernando Galembeck, Unicamp, Brazil Round Table Chair: Fernando Ponce, Arizona State University, USA This workshop will have in the morning invited lectures and in the afternoon a round table followed by Stuart Parkin plenary lecture at 17:00 h. Speakers in this symposium are invited to share their experience concerning various aspects of the innovation process, through its various steps. Presentations and discussion in this symposium are expected to attract a large audience eager to learn from accomplished researchers. This workshop is sponsored by FINEP/MCT 220 221 A International Conference of Advanced Materials Rio de Janeiro, 20-25 September 2009 Author Index Rio de Janeiro – RJ September 20 - 25, 2009 222 A Alabdulaaaly A C Pavao A C Tavares A G Souza A Gabriela Leyva A J Ramirez A Serquis A Van Der Heyden Aaron Morelos-Gomez Aarti Mehta Abdalla Elsamadicy Abdelatiff Imad Abdelhafid Aqil Abdelmo Ttaleb Ouederni Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al Warthan Abdulaziz Ahmed Bagabas Abdulaziz Fahad AL-Ghashem Abdullah Mohammad Alabdulrahman Abdur Rahim Abel Arrieta Abel Hurtado-Macias Acrisio Lins Aguiar Ada López Giménez Adaine Spinelli Adair Rangel Oliveira Junior Adalberto Fazzio Adalberto Picinin Adalberto Rosales Adam Hitchcock Adam J Stevenson Adam S Zeiger Adão Aparecido Sabino Adela Bonoiu Adelaide de Almeida Adelci Menezes De Oliveira Adelina Pinheiro Santos A502 BB509 BB551 PK6 BB705 S509 PH7 PK5 I598 F528 H613 N504 X512 H514 C503 P506 D531 G543 D531 A501 S507 I523 D546 B530 Q541 PC7 S583 D526 A572 A598 Y537 C556 Y511 D630 PF3 U574 B517 A569 G510 PAA14 F522 C524 C560 T568 C528 C529 223 Ademar Benévolo Lugão Ademir de Jesus Amaral Adenaule Geber Melo Adenilson José Chiquito Aderbal Carlos Oliveira Adilmo Francisco Lima Adílson Cândido Silva Adilson Rodrigures Costa Adley Forti Rubira Adnan Khan Adnei Andrade Adnei Melges Andrade Adney Luis Anjos da Silva Ado Jorio Adolf JESIH Adonis Marcelo Saliba-Silva Adrian Gomez Adriana Almeida Silva Adriana Beatriz Márquez Adriana Cascón Adriana Cristina Serquis Adriana Faria Azevedo Adriana Fontes Adriana Linhares Drummond Adriana Maria Quinchia Adriana Pavinatto Adriana Pereira Ibaldo Adriana Raffin Pohlmann Adriana S Albuquerque Adriana Santos Ribeiro Adriana Silva Pascoli Adriane Elise de Assunção Flausino Adriane Viana Rosario Adriano Borges Andrade Adriano Gomes Adriano Piattelli Aelison Conte Machado Ag G Evans Agata Katarzyna Dudek Agda Eunice Souza Agenor De Noni Junior Agnaldo de Souza Gonçalves Agnes Maurel Agnieszka Pawlicka Aguilera-Corrales Yuri Aguinaldo Lenine Alves Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza 224 H603 G541 O520 I559 G556 Y551 BB549 X535 A526 L568 L557 T535 L580 I566 T566 T567 L589 K511 K536 C512 C511 C532 C514 PC5 A587 H573 S547 S548 S558 BB629 BB695 S523 PAA7 X576 E630 C545 D563 D578 H631 G541 G542 D587 L502 G562 I517 H552 T540 M537 G512 G513 G518 D608 G520 E643 A527 BB724 U537 K528 D607 M551 K545 H543 R506 O530 H512 X507 BB563 BB661 BB663 U519 M531 BB707 BB690 BB580 A657 BB565 AA506 BB603 BB615 Agustín Antonio Fernández Ahmad Ali Amadeh Ahmad Kamal Yahya Ahmad Ridwan Tresna Nugraha Ahmad Varvani-Faharani Ahmet Hikmet Ucisik Ai Leen Koh Aida Varea Aidong Tang Ailton de Souza Gomes Ailton Silva Ferreira Aimé Pelaiz Ainissa Ramirez Airton Ramos Ajay Mishra Ajibola Adeyeye Aki Miyake Akihiko Kikuchi Akihiko Yoshikawa Akihisa Inoue Akira Takeuchi Al-Hussain Jaber Al-Zahrani Alailson Domingos Santos Alain André Quivy Alain Dufresne Alain LeMoulec Alain Michalowicz Alain Reza Yavari Alain Robin Alan Bartoski Alan Pereira Kauling Alan Rogério Ferreira Lima Alane Azevedo Pinto Alastair A MacDowell Albano Cavaleiro Albérico Borges Ferreira Da Silva Albert Goossens Albert J Swiston Alberto Adriano Cavalheiro Alberto Albornoz Alberto Armas Alberto Caneiro Alberto Luís Dario Moreau Alberto Monsalve Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr Alberto Passos Guimarães E549 A504 S526 I535 PC5 PBB11 H516 PG2 R513 D514 G519 B512 K524 K537 A660 L548 E583 PB4 A624 E508 O521 T522 PM1 PM8 V506 V502 V552 V553 PV3 PV10 PV3 G543 H551 B519 PL4 V552 U542 V502 V552 V553 PV1 X515 S597 R528 R567 D580 L509 A616 A618 L554 H640 R503 R504 C504 BB564 M512 M524 B517 K546 E616 D562 N509 E583 I549 Z501 V568 J512 J523 E526 E538 E602 225 Alberto Quaranta Alberto Salleo Albina A Nikolaeva Albino Martins Alda de Paiva Castro Aldilene Saraiva-Souza Aldo Eloizo Job Aldo Felix Craievich Aldo Gúzman Aldo José Gorgatti Zarbin Aldo Luna Aldo Roberto Ometto Alejandra Hortencia Miranda González Alejandro Alija Alejandro Butera Alejandro Jara Alejandro Luis Miccio Alejandro Zúñiga Aleksandar Miletic Aleksei Yaremchenko Além-Mar Bernardes Gonçalves Ales MRZEL Alessandra Arcoverde C. Zonari Alessandra Cremasco Alessandra D Epifanio Alessandra Firmino Alessandra Nogueira Santos Alessandra Pereira Alessandra Rodrigues Alessandra Zenatti Alessandro Chiasera Alessandro Girella Alessandro Granato Alex Ander Oliveira Alex Boiarski Cezar Alex Fabiano Cortez Campos Alex Maia do Nascimento Alex Matos Costa Alex Miranda Constantino Alex Penlidis Alex Zettl Alexander Carreño Alexander Cortes Alexander Evans 226 M530 T530 E608 H644 BB513 T513 Q542 T554 D614 A640 A642 BB700 A644 A647 BB706 A657 S596 BB511 A533 I515 D523 C516 A536 A537 C554 A525 S607 O509 BB624 BB651 J515 J517 E589 E528 BB708 R530 W510 R533 S515 C534 S550 A587 H619 H644 Z539 K512 K514 BB690 I511 T564 A550 D572 D581 M543 V520 I528 I585 V562 E564 A619 Z507 X554 BB657 BB515 PF7 A584 S554 O519 X517 Alexander Nikolaevich Guz Alexander Polasek Alexander Ruden Alexander Vasilievich Zorin Alexander Victorovich Pislyakov Alexander Vladimirovich Serbin Alexandra A P Mansur Alexandra de Oliveira França Hayama Alexandra Manzoli Alexandre Alberto Chaves Cotta Alexandre Antunes Ribeiro Alexandre Augusto Asselli Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira Alexandre Bellegard Farina Alexandre Castro Lanfredi Alexandre Cestari Alexandre Da Cas Viegas Alexandre Fassini Michels Alexandre Félix Fraga Alexandre Felten Alexandre Fontes Carvalho Alexandre Luís Gasparin Alexandre Malta Rossi Alexandre Marletta Alexandre Mello Alexandre Mikowski Alexandre Nakao Odashiro Alexandre Perez Umpierre Alexandre Pinheiro da Silva Alexandre R Soares Alexandre Reily Rocha Alexandre Rossi Alexandre Sandri Câmara Alexandre Taschetto de Castro Alexandre Vargas Grillo Alexandre Zirpoli Simoes Alexandros Lamprou Alexei Yu Kuznetsov Alexey Valentinovich Trukhanov Alexis Adolfo Amézaga Alexis Deschamps Alexsandro Oliveira Alexsandro Silvestre da Rocha Alfonso Oscar Viñas Alfonso San-Miguel Alfredo Artigas B503 S552 S599 S575 S572 R572 R573 A513 I503 H614 H604 H607 A633 Z517 X548 Z518 I555 I557 I564 E569 H579 V536 PE8 Z544 D572 D581 K558 H550 E597 E612 A629 A668 H545 PF3 C565 A590 R524 F503 H535 H568 H571 H624 H623 H635 PG5 P519 P520 T568 T569 H624 H632 H635 B521 PB6 H577 R524 R528 R561 S598 N516 C556 PH7 H541 C508 D573 BB593 P502 F512 D588 F522 E521 Y521 Z546 PZ2 A656 E602 X541 PC7 Z501 227 Alfredo Carlos Peterlevitz Alfredo Cruz-Orea Alfredo de Miranda Goes Alfredo Duarte Alfredo Mayall Simas Alfredo Miranda Góes Alfredo Tolley Ali Abdullah Ali Dehshahri Ali Khademhosseini Ali Mohammad Tamaddon Ali R Koymen Ali Sayir Alice Gonçalves Osório Alicia Esther Ares Alicia Rodriguez-Pulido Alicia Vera Marquina Alida Bellosi Aline Alves Corrêa Aline Bruna da Silva aline da Silva Santos Aline Fernandes Aline L Schoenhalz Aline Manteiga Barreiro Aline Ramos Barboza Aline Silva Magalhães Aline Turini Bolsoni Alireza Abbaspourrad Alison Abreu da Silva Alla Evgenievna Tarasova Alla Ilinichna Sherle Alluska Nascimento Simões Almantas Pivrikas Almir Oliveira Neto Alois Lugstein Aloísio Nelmo Klein Alok Kumar Ravi Alp Sehirlioglu Alpidio Boada Sucre Altair Soria Pereira Aluizio G Brasil Junior Alvaro Antonio Alencar de Queiroz Alvaro E Aliaga Ceron Alvaro Luis Morales Álvaro Mariño Camargo Alvaro Mombru Alvaro Pulzara Mora 228 D548 D643 I606 H619 A667 PBB14 H644 H645 BB510 D603 G503 G546 PH5 G521 G522 G529 E559 O527 PO4 L528 X517 Y507 H584 H609 X571 Z549 F528 Y557 Y558 PO3 M529 BB641 X585 U555 Y537 H638 BB582 H617 H618 S535 C540 A610 A513 I504 D513 M518 K529 E530 Q508 R515 G504 O527 PO4 H647 R517 V531 U532 V549 G542 I511 H597 I581 A625 G547 PI2 E594 E584 E599 E571 E647 Alvaro Rafael Muñoz-Castro Álvaro Santos Alves Álvaro Sebastián Nuñez Vásquez Álvaro Sebastian Núñez Vásquez Amado Cruz Crespo Amanda Camerini Lima Amanda Fernandes Gouveia Amanda Generosi Amanda M. D. Leite Amanda Tosi Amar Nath Maitra Amauri Garcia Amedeo Marini Amelia Almeida Américo Tristão Bernardes Amilton Martins Santos Aminta Mendoza Amit Keren Amitava Patra Amos Sharoni Ana Ana A Winkler Hechenleitner Ana Augusta Mendonca Oliveira Ana Carolina Campos Santana Ana Carolina Correa Ana Carolina Fontinele Silva Ana Carolina Santana de Mello Ana Clara Raposo Salazar Ana ClÁudia AraÚjo Ana Claudia Arias Ana Cláudia Bernardes-Silva Ana Claudia Oliveira Hirschmann Ana Cláudia Vaz de Araújo Ana Consuelo Felipe Ana Correia Tavares Ana Cristina F Melo Costa Ana Cristina Moreira Ana Cristina Nunes Vidal Ana Elizabeth Silva Ana Flavia Nogueira Ana Gabriela Leyva Ana Graci Brito-Madurro Ana Helena de Almeida Bressiani Ana Hilda Marquez Ana Laura Elias-Arriaga Ana Lívia Senedese BB699 M554 BB719 E573 E610 E617 U509 L547 BB613 BB612 M505 A531 H535 G504 Y544 R566 V520 V524 Y518 T546 Y550 A523 A568 A632 D547 E512 A509 PE16 X556 A512 S563 S564 I577 D587 L522 U576 M551 I593 D576 PT3 L546 X555 D566 A663 T552 I532 D515 D513 G507 W508 A617 M518 M520 M531 M532 M529 T547 O522 G534 I553 K561 T552 I585 H544 H611 H626 H647 F525 C568 H530 H581 229 Ana Lúcia Dantas Ana Lucia Diegues Skury Ana Lúcia do Amaral Escada Ana Lucia Exner Godoy Ana Lúcia Horovistiz Ana Lucia Pereira de Araujo Ana Lucia Shiguihara Ana M C Grisa Ana Marcia Macedo Ladeira Carvalho Ana Maria Cenacchi Pereira Ana Maria de Guzzi Plepis Ana Maria Maliska Ana Maria Matildes dos Santos Ana María Montes Ana María Monti Ana Maria Oliveira Battastini Ana MarÍa Paniagua Ana María Paniagua Mercado Ana Maria Pires Ana María Rocco Ana Maria Segadães Ana Martha Branquinho Silva Ana Patricia Cardona Echeverri Ana Paula Andrade Manfridini Ana Paula Cysne Barbosa Ana Paula da Silva Nascimento Ana Paula da Silva Peres Ana Paula de Andrade Manfridini Ana Paula de Azevedo Marques Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira Ana Paula de Moura Ana Paula de Oliveira Moura Ana Paula de Oliveira Rodrigues Ana Paula Gomes Ana Paula Margarido Menegazzo Ana Paula Marques Ana Paula Marzagão Casadei Ana Paula Melo Alves Ana Paula Moreira Barboza Ana Paula Mousinho Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro Ana Paula Silva 230 E636 E644 U563 A648 U562 A655 B542 G545 D605 BB688 L544 L563 A530 AA519 H580 A523 H522 H523 R515 X579 N515 U514 Z534 G520 S587 U548 S588 A645 K511 Y531 K536 I605 D592 K554 K555 K556 U523 U529 V529 J514 B537 H527 L556 X574 X585 B540 BB718 BB544 BB545 BB606 BB607 C524 C528 C529 BB554 BB662 BB643 BB686 H563 G530 D575 U550 K567 H592 L567 C514 C558 K551 H549 H554 H555 H562 H564 G545 L533 Ana Paula Testa Pezzin Ana Sofia Clímaco Monteiro d´Oliveira Ana Valéria Santos de Lourenço Anailde Ferreira da Silva Analia Gladys Tomba Martinez Analía Roatta Analine Crespo Ziglio Ananthakumar Solaiappan Anastasia Davidova Anastasia Kantor Anatoliy Ivanovich Beskrovniy Anatoliy Nikolaevich Matlakhov Anatoly Turkin Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Shevchenko Anchal Srivastava Andersan S Paula Anderson José Silva Maurity Anderson Kenji Hirata Anderson Maia Peres Anderson Oliveira Lobo Anderson Orzani Ribeiro Anderson Paula Barbosa Anderson Pires Singulani Anderson Reis Albuquerque André Araújo Parussulo Andre Avelino Pasa André Brisolari André Castro Souza Villela Andre Farias Moura Andre Freitas Ribeiro André Galembeck André Hirata André Itman Filho Andre L. S. Santos André Linhares Rossi Andre Luis de Oliverira André Luíz Alves André Luiz Côrtes André Luiz Jardini Andre Luiz Menezes de Oliveira Andre Luiz Vasconcellos da Costa e Silva André Paulo Tschiptschin André Peremans André Pimenta Faria André Ricardo Capra L542 L543 L564 R555 Z527 X583 BB556 E650 U531 X561 L586 K501 U501 F512 E521 V528 X527 R535 I503 S506 Z516 D626 I513 C533 H513 C536 A601 W506 Y520 BB570 S602 E612 A629 I587 E622 L586 I602 I604 V517 Y532 Y538 N510 D634 D560 H585 K543 PG5 PH3 R552 R553 Z524 I514 H530 C520 BB611 H581 A580 H629 A637 BB568 BB569 BB581 BB617 BB571 N517 X550 R510 L546 M547 X514 231 André Ricardo Cintra Andre Ricardo Ramos André Rocha Pimenta André Rolim Baby Andre S Stadler Andre Santarosa Ferlauto Andre Vantomme Andre Vitor Chaves Andrade André Wicklein Andréa Boldarini Couto Andrea C Ferrari Andrea Cecilia Dorión Rodas Andrea Cortes Andrea Cristina Pio Santos Andrea de Vasconcelos Ferraz Andrea Dias Quintao Andrea Kaplan Andrea Laura Fourty Andréa Lima dos Santos Schneider Andrea Machado Costa Andrea Medeiros Salgado Andrea Paesano Junior Andrea Porto Campos Andreas Borgschulte Andreas Buchsbaum Andreas Hoser Andreas Züttel Andrei Mirgorodski Andrei Paulo de Assis Andreia Cavalcante Lima Andréia de Moura Gomes Andreia de Souza Martins Cardoso Andreína García Andrés Camilo García Castro Andres Caru Andrés Julían Corzo Andres Rafael Botello-Mendez Andres Rosales Rivera Andrés Vercik Andressa Bernardi Andrew B Greytak Andrew Calka Andrew James Spakowitz Andrew Kunz Andrew Monkman Andrey Coatrini Soares Andrey N Enyashin 232 PAA11 I595 H501 G538 L578 H531 A583 C533 S550 C552 C572 PE9 H625 T503 C527 PC9 H598 C531 C537 H548 BB669 S584 H621 X561 L542 L543 F503 H535 PAA12 A588 D588 PA9 E649 E519 PA9 BB557 T534 X574 X585 L532 W504 PC2 X577 BB708 H587 C570 E647 I524 I527 I528 G520 I505 PV8 PG6 PE10 PI4 L586 BB583 Andrey Orlov Andrey Svalov Andreza Cristina Souza Silva Andreza Kelly Costa Nóbrega Andreza Sousa Andrezza Barbosa Ramos de Castro Andrezza Hércules Devitto Andrrea Caceres Andrzej Kowalczyk Andrzej Lewenstam Andrzej Romanski Ane Cheila Rovani Anerise de Barros Ángel Alberto Hidalgo Angel Castro Angela Burlamaqui Klautau Angela Crespi Angela Elisa Crespi Angela Kinoshita Angela María Ortiz de Zevallos Márquez Angela Medina Beesley Angela Patricia Pardo Gonzales Angela Sanches Tardivo Delben Angélica Castilho Paes Angélica Denardi de Barros Angeliki Lekatou Angelo Danilo Faceto Angelo Fernando Padilha Angelo Gomes Angelo Luiz Gobbi Angus Kirkland Anibal Lautaro Gonzalez Oyarce Aniruddha R Chabukswar Anita Garg Anna B Druzhko Anna Kovtun Anne Hitomi Yonamine Annelise kopp Alves Annick Froideval Annick Loiseau Anselmo Furtado Ruiz Rodriguez Anselmo Ortega Boschi Anselmo Ruiz Rodriguez Anthony Evans Anthony Maho Anthony Tantuccio Anton S Ivanov N505 E550 A645 BB711 A552 H579 I528 R564 E518 Y513 X503 S567 T516 T570 T557 T563 D630 E570 R561 R524 R528 R567 H546 H547 H599 S527 N512 S518 D544 H577 H562 I574 R559 T549 T553 Z513 H573 N508 S583 R506 T543 PF6 E617 A511 X584 H511 H525 U516 D564 N505 PF2 A663 G556 U573 U572 E623 E643 O539 R511 H521 C539 233 Antonieta García Murillo Antoninho Valentini Antonio Augusto Couto Antonio Azevedo Antonio Caliri Antônio Carlos Bento Antonio Carlos Boschero Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Miranda Antonio Carlos Dias Ângelo Antonio Carlos Gomes Rocha Antonio Carlos Guastaldi Antonio Carlos Hernandes Antonio Carlos Luz Lisbôa Antonio Carlos O Bruno Antonio Carlos Pavão Antonio Carlos Quental Antônio Carlos Seabra Antonio Castro Neto Antônio Celso Fonseca Arruda Antonio Claret Soares Sabioni Antonio Claudio Tedesco Antonio Couto Antonio da Silva Florencio Antonio Domingues dos Santos Antonio Eduardo da Hora Machado Antonio Eduardo Martinelli Antonio facchetti Antonio Fernando Sartori Antônio Ferreira da Silva Antonio Gomes de Castro Neto Antonio Gomes Souza Filho Antonio Gouveia Souza Antonio Hortencio Munhoz Jr Antonio J Felix Carvalho Antonio Jefferson Mangueira Sales Antonio João Fernandes Silva-Filho Antonio Jose Felix Carvalho Antonio Jose Ramirez 234 D558 E652 BB653 E535 PE8 BB615 A526 G535 I513 I514 S545 S546 X512 BB516 K515 A601 H543 Q516 Q551 A628 A635 BB512 I507 T550 PBB4 A572 A598 E538 E637 C518 H556 S527 E558 Z553 X555 BB567 E538 D560 E637 D570 U502 BB588 BB589 BB720 BB616 BB622 BB628 BB638 X559 K553 BB684 D602 BB691 BB692 BB693 BB694 U564 BB711 Q548 X515 D562 D563 A596 D586 C559 PC7 BB579 BB561 BB569 BB570 BB629 BB585 BB627 BB617 BB620 BB634 BB650 BB695 BB571 BB568 BB610 BB555 BB581 BB609 BB626 A553 A555 L565 PQ2 U576 L550 L550 T533 T538 L549 F503 Y528 X540 X549 Z525 Antônio José Roque da Silva Antonio Laverde Jr Antônio Maia de Jesus chaves neto Antonio Marcos Helgueira de Andrade Antônio Mario Costa Antonio Otavio T Patrocinio Antonio Ramirez Antonio Ricardo Zanatta Antonio Rinaldi Antonio Riul Jr Antonio Sergio Bezerra Sombra Antonio Souza Araujo Antonio Tallarico Adorno Antonio Teixeira de Sales Neto Antonio Weizenmann Antonival Lima Albuquerque Aparecido Edilson Morcelli Aparecido Junior de Menezes Apparao Rao Aquiles Horacio Sepúlveda Arben Merkoçi Arcelio Hernández Fereira Ariane dos Santos Melo Ariel Javier Kleiman Ariel Lenharo Ariete Righi Ariosto Medina Flores Ariovaldo Oliveira Florentino Arlan da Silva Gonçalves Arlene Bispo dos Santos Arles Gil Rebaza Armando Araújo Armando Beltran Armando Guilherme Padial Armando Jorge Fernandez-Guillermet Armando Jose dAcampora Armando Rojas Hernandez Armando Silva-Cunha Armando Takeuchi Armindo Santos Arnaldo Homobono Paes de Andrade arnaud Marmier Arnayra Sonayra Brito Arne Thomas Arne Vansteenkiste Aroldo Geraldo Magdalena Arpan Satsangi C556 S600 T555 E597 U539 O526 F505 M513 H560 T514 T543 I517 U576 I568 U552 D620 Z511 Z512 Z552 G542 E575 E645 Z553 L536 C511 W510 PI5 AA515 V550 K516 S523 H643 D600 F523 F524 E616 BB703 A536 BB524 BB529 BB546 BB566 E598 F505 R543 Z523 Z534 H610 Y557 Y558 G523 G524 E620 N515 BB717 BB716 Z553 Y519 BB617 P501 E604 Z511 Z512 Z552 H517 235 Arshak Poghossian Artemis Marti Ceschin Arthur Francisco de Paiva Alcântara Arthur J Epstein Arthur M B Braga Arthur T. Motta Artur de Jesus Motheo Artur Domingues Artur José dos Santos Mascarenhas Artur Mariano de Sousa Malafaia Artur Silva Carriço Arturo Mendez Sanchez Arumugam Manthiram Arun Devaraj Ary Leonídio do Carmo Assunção Ashish Bhupatprasad Chourasia Ashok K Shukla Ashok Manikrao Biradar Asif Khan Assis Vicente Benedetti Astrid Bengtsson Athanasios Mamalis Atsuko Kosuga Atsushi Yamamoto Atul Srivastava Augusto Celso Antunes Aureomar Ferreira Martins Auristela Carla de Miranda Auro Atsuchi Tanaka Aurora Molina Ausenda Mendes Axel Enders Axel Hoffmann Azadeh Ashrafizadeh Azucena Mudarra Navarro 236 I508 T524 T575 Q523 Q525 BB715 BB712 BB596 H642 E554 I570 PN3 X570 D574 E601 D515 X553 E644 E636 U548 PD9 PJ4 Z530 C557 X508 K552 U540 PM16 R545 PAA7 B531 PO2 O516 S506 H625 U504 BB720 I569 D630 H636 E649 E540 E578 E609 S576 E626 E627 B B H Koo B R Mehta Babu Kothandapani Bal Mukund Dhar Baldomero Kato da Silva Bangke Zheng Barbara Mano Bárbara Maraston Fraygola Bárbara Moreira da Conceição Barbara Paci Bárbara Taciana Vasconcelos Cavalcanti Barry Carter Bart Laenens Bartek Kardasz Bartel Van Waeyenberge Bartolomeu Cruz Viana Basit Hajra Hajra Beate Saegesser Santos Beatriz Antoniassi Beatriz Cela Beatriz Cruz Muñoz Beatriz Rivas-Murias Belinazir do Espírito Santo Belita Koiller Belkaid Med Said Bénédicte Vertruyen Benedito Antonio Lopes Fonseca Benício de Barros Neto Benito Santos Benjamin Chu Benjamin Fragneaud Benjamin Glettner Benjamin Hsiao Benji Maruyama Benoit Gosselin Beranardo Almeida Neves S580 PM12 A517 Q503 H577 PA8 L508 S539 S540 S592 H541 M505 BB628 S581 PAA4 PS4 PE9 E525 E604 D586 A596 PI1 D563 D578 G541 H631 G542 BB624 BB651 K553 X577 O508 D502 PE13 M509 P512 O508 G507 Y514 U536 PL1 B510 A559 PB2 PT12 PL1 F525 Q537 C566 237 Berenice Mendonça Gonzalez Bermudez Rafael Pujada Bernabe Rebollo Plata Bernadette A Hernandez-Sanchez Bernard Cretin Bernardo Eltz Bernardo Ruegger Almeida Neves Bernd Schulz Bertrand Tumbain Sone Betina Ghiel Zanetti-Ramos Bhagwati S Bishnoi Bharati Panigrahy Bianca de Sousa Pizzorno Bianca Ferreira Bianca Oliveira Biao Yan Bizhan Malaekeh-Nikouei Bjørn C Hauback Blake LeRoy Stevens Blanca Hernando Bluma Guenther Soares Bo Sundman Bobby Sumpter Bogdan Dabrowski Bohuslav Masek Bojan A Marinkovic Bor-Sen Chiou Boris Alekseivich Potekhin Boris Leighton Boris P Toperverg Bradley D Olsen Bradley J Nelson Branka Babic Branko Kolaric Branko Matovic Branko Skoric Brenda Acosta Breno Rodrigues Segatto Bret Viktor Heinrich Brian Austin Brian Charles Peoples Brian Kingston Morfitt Bronislava Gorr Bruna Clarissa Guimarães Bruna Freitas Guedes Bruna Silveira Lira 238 Z519 H624 H632 L571 AA529 B506 R561 C514 D575 C558 Z501 V510 J521 I587 S529 E605 B507 G519 L555 E566 Z515 E591 Z520 E592 E593 G501 PV11 S614 E549 A546 P528 B539 PAA12 PN4 C570 E532 X522 S504 D554 D594 L530 V550 E544 PE4 PP5 R513 A548 M517 A548 E553 R533 F527 E620 E525 BB665 BB676 A562 PG1 X534 X548 X559 L558 Bruno Bassi Bruno Bellini Medeiros Bruno Caleffi Bruno Cecarelli Bruno de Jesus Oliveira Bruno Di Lello Bruno Fernando Nowacki Bruno Henrique Ramos Lima Bruno Leonardo de Sena Costa Bruno Lopes Bruno Mattos Souza de Souza Melo Bruno Nowacki Bruno Reis Cardoso Bruno Ribeiro de Matos Bruno Rocha Santos Lemos Bruno Vieira da Cunha Martins Bryan McCulloch Burcu Tunc Byron John Villis Byung Jun Jung T516 V565 BB595 Y527 C564 T563 T570 D573 Q531 M522 M523 BB575 I501 Y549 M518 Z535 K508 K539 K563 C528 B529 F519 PP5 H516 M516 Q503 239 Carlos Alberto Achete C C A Ramirez C C G e Silva C Liu C T Meneses C William Keevil Ca Johnson Caetano Rodrigues Miranda Caio Henrique Lewenkopf Caio Marcelo Marques Caio Mário Castro de Castilho Caio P Chimelli Caio Paranhos Camila Afonso Ferreira Araújo Camila Alves de Lima Camila Alves Rezende Camila Cristina Silva Prado Camila Martins Hosken Camila R B Silva Camila Soares Xavier Camila Tonezer Camilla dos Santos Zanatta Carla Akimi Kawaguti Carla Bittencourt Carla Cristina Costa Macedo Silva Carla D Nunes Carla Daniele Canestraro Carla Eiras Carla Gouveia-Caridade Carla Silva de Matos Carla Souza Lucas Carla Verissimo Carla Weber Scheeren Carlo Mapelli Carlo Mario Duque Jiménez Carlo Silva Molina Carlos A Brasil 240 PH7 N521 PE15 E524 PW2 O530 D647 C555 R518 S524 U555 G519 X582 A591 T531 BB688 K518 K506 BB652 BB701 BB702 T506 J517 K537 PF3 L533 A547 A533 I512 I517 BB596 I588 I525 AA520 U539 C540 C541 A596 A620 X541 M561 I530 A578 Carlos Alberto Alves Cairo Carlos Alberto Baldan Carlos Alberto Duque Echeverri Carlos Alberto Gordillo Carlos Alberto Lozano Carlos Alberto Ospina Ramirez Carlos Alberto Paskocimas Carlos Alberto Reis de Freitas Carlos Alejandro Figueroa Carlos Andres Mendez Carlos Angelo Nunes Carlos Antonio Reis Pereira Baptista Carlos Antônio Silva Carlos Ararat-Ibarguren Carlos Arturo Parra Vargas Carlos Augusto Andrade Carlos Augusto Oliveira Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Queiroz Carlos Augusto Triana Carlos Basílio Pinheiro Carlos Camurri Porro Carlos Chesman Feitosa Carlos Cordoba Carlos Cristiano Lima Carlos de Moura Neto Carlos Diaz Carlos Dominguez-Rios Carlos Eduardo Carvalho Carlos Eduardo Viana Carlos Eduardo Zanetti Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da Costa Carlos Enrique Schvezov Carlos Eugenio Foerster Carlos Felipe Pinheiro Carlos Fernando da Silva Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff Carlos G Levi Carlos Galeano Carlos Henrique Scuracchio Carlos Iglesias Carlos Jacinto da Silva Carlos José Araújo C519 C512 B522 F512 P534 F522 T559 D588 U567 A631 A632 AA522 M521 M561 C520 BB673 F503 E513 BB626 K553 C567 E501 R526 R528 R531 X569 R561 S567 R567 I547 H542 X554 Z551 W504 Y518 Z523 S553 I547 V540 V543 Z532 W508 S530 D575 K501 E563 E568 S548 S585 BB570 U567 C544 B530 G509 I560 M537 D649 L545 D639 D625 Y507 Z549 H584 H609 X571 R534 Y550 R552 R553 H546 H547 BB624 T534 BB651 J515 O529 O530 H616 A520 V510 D643 X509 Z505 Z506 V528 X527 V540 V543 Z532 241 Carlos José Carneiro Carlos Jose Constantino Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino Carlos Kenichi Suzuki Carlos Landauro Saenz Carlos Lenz Cesar Carlos Levi Carlos M Figueroa Carlos Manuel Sanchez Tasayco Carlos Mario Garcia Carlos Mario Garzón Carlos Mauricio Lepienski Carlos Moina Carlos Monton Carlos Moura Carlos Moura Silva Carlos Nelson Elias Carlos Paiva Santos Carlos Paucar carlos Paz Araujo Carlos Pérez Bergmann Carlos Renato Rambo Carlos Rettori Carlos Roberto Grandini Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa Carlos Roberto Santillán-Rodríguez Carlos Sérgio da Costa Viana Carlos Silva Carlos Triveño Rios Carlos Vargas Hernandez Carlos Vinícius Opelt Carlos Vladimir Landauro Saenz Carlos Wagner Silva Carlos Yujiro Yujiro Carlson Pereira Souza Carlton Anthony Taft 242 Z519 Q546 T514 I538 I551 A640 A647 G553 I550 G549 H599 I537 M519 I536 BB511 D578 R555 O539 U566 F507 R560 K534 K548 X550 Z525 R523 X538 B521 R534 H586 B528 C505 PB6 I565 E560 X555 R504 G557 BB658 S548 S558 PBB10 R518 L528 D564 U535 H592 BB646 H605 H606 U550 H610 H612 H638 E524 H549 H554 H555 H562 H564 S595 I526 Q541 Z516 Q537 R512 V516 V523 V534 L540 C505 BB508 BB510 BB614 C504 AA522 A631 A632 A558 BB503 BB504 BB506 BB505 BB522 BB523 BB525 BB527 BB528 BB529 BB533 BB534 BB537 BB538 BB546 BB547 BB566 BB598 BB602 BB633 BB637 BB644 BB645 L534 Carmem Verissima Ferreira Carmen Boeriu Carmen Grisel Mendez-Garcia Carmen Mireya Rangel Carmen Reza Carola Castilho Loschiavo Carolina Bortolatti Vaccari Carolina Ferreira de Matos Carolina Garín Carolina Hathenher Rodrigues Carolina Macias Carolina Mariano da Silva Carolina Martins Rodrigues Carolina Sanchez Caroline Bertagnolli Caroline Polini Caroline Sanz Gomes Caroline Toffolon Carsten Tschierske Cassia Ribeiro Ponciano Cássio Eráclito Alves Santos Cássio Morilla Santos Cassius Olivio Figueiredo Terra Ruchert Catalina Gómez Catherine Debiemme-Chouvy Catherine Henrist Cátia Gisele Pinto Caubi Ferreira de Souza Jr Cauê Favero Ferreira Cauê Ribeiro de Oliveira Cecília Amélia de Carvalho ZAvaglia Cecilia Andrea Albornoz Cecilia Chaves Guedes e Silva Cecilia Goyenola Cecilia Stari Cecília Vilani Cecilio Alvares Cunha Celia Fraga malfati Célia Machado Ronconi Celia Regina da Costa Célia Regina Oliveira Loureiro Célia Ronconi Celina Massumi Miyazaki BB672 BB679 BB601 BB552 BB524 BB526 BB551 BB539 BB541 H502 H532 N512 O518 D633 D612 E558 C554 C537 S613 C520 K536 D586 S585 L544 L563 D571 D580 I510 N503 PT12 I541 A620 A621 E537 E606 X520 L561 I539 H514 X531 X532 BB575 BB675 D530 D535 BB591 D553 D582 D561 I546 I524 H556 G534 H544 E571 S541 S560 S589 C519 P534 R543 U515 R548 R557 K560 E565 A528 A575 B537 B540 G537 I517 243 Célio Albano Costa Célio Wisniewski Celso Antonio Barbosa Celso Bertran Celso Camilo Moro Celso Luiz Sigoli Risi Celso Manuel Aldao Celso Peres Fernandes Celso Pinto de Melo Celso Ricardo Nogueira Jesus Celso Valentim Santilli Cesar Aguzzoli Cesar Amaya Cesar Andres Amaya Cesar Augusto Barrero Cesar Augusto Gonçalves Beatrice Cesar Augusto Sousa de Andrade César Avellaneda Cesar Leandro Londoño Cesar Liberato Petzhold Cesar Luiz Aliaga César Oropesa Avellaneda Cesar Ortega César Sobrero Cesare Adolf Malagù Cezar Carvalho Arruda Cezar Henrique Gonzalez Chachi Rojas Ayala Chad Sinclair Chami Patabendige Chan Gyu Lee Changgu Lee ChangQiang Chen Changyou Gao Charles E Campbell Charles Tandonnet Charlie Salvador Gonçalves Cheng-Hsuan Chen Chenghong Lei Chenglin Zhang Chennupati Jagadish Cherlio Scandian Cheryl Wong Po Foo Chiang Chih-Te Chiara Milanese Chiara Zanelli Chiba Atsushi 244 U533 U534 F517 U545 U555 BB641 Z540 H502 A665 A624 A656 Q530 Y501 T523 I573 BB677 C547 U524 V537 R545 V546 R526 R531 R507 B502 R509 E621 E613 A600 I573 O522 V534 A668 B518 M520 Y536 X560 X561 Q530 D561 V540 V543 Z532 BB535 BB536 BB614 E638 PX4 W509 S580 B510 D550 R535 P504 PE10 D520 E563 E568 F504 BB703 F504 M516 Z537 PG3 X501 V520 U507 X510 X511 Chieko Yamagata Chien-Lung Wang Choyu Otani Chris R Wiebe Christian Américo Cruzat Christian Back Christian Chatillon Christian COLLIEX Christian Stiewe Christiana Andrade Pessoa Christiane Philippini Ferreira Borges Christiane Ribeiro Christina Greulich Christine Gueneau Christine Jérôme Christine Leroux Christine Marie Cuppoletti Christoph Henkel Christoph Sammler Christophe Coutanceau Christopher A Schuh Christopher Haines Christopher M A Brett Chu Chun Lin Chuan-Ming Tseng Chulho Jung Chun Ye Chunxia Zhao Cibele Ereno Cicero Alves Cunha Cicero Martelli Cigdem Medim Cilene Labre Alves Silva Cintia Lugnani Gomes de Amorim Cíntia Lugnani Gomes de Amorim Cintia M Correa Cintia Nogueira Ferreira CÍntia Soares Cintia Tomasso Ciro Scheremeta Quintans Clara Eugenia Goyes Lopez Clara Isabel Lopez Clara Marquina Clara Muniz Almeida Clarice Steffens Clarissa A Yablinsky Clarissa Almeida Olivati U558 PP4 Y527 R540 C553 C564 E520 A570 E525 PN4 PF5 O515 I540 I588 H625 H626 G517 PN4 H514 L523 M530 Q508 U512 PJ3 PB3 A535 I525 R501 X501 F504 Q519 PP4 C517 H546 A557 I575 I576 D647 H570 R538 X569 P531 BB548 BB646 K545 P524 M538 M543 H616 E582 B522 B524 P534 B544 PB5 I555 BB639 I557 I564 O512 T514 T528 245 Clarissa C Angrizani Clascidia Aparecida Furtado Clascídia Aparecida Furtado Claude Andre Degueldre Claude Chappert Claude Deslouis Claude Gabrielli Claudemiro Bolfarini Cláudia Akemi Kodaira Claudia Cristina Loyola Claudia Fernanda Raigoza Claudia Jorge Nascimento Cláudia Karina Barbosa de Vasconcelos Cláudia Longo Claudia Loyola Claudia Milena Bedoya Cláudia Nazaré dos Santos Claudia Pacheco Garcia Claudia Pranuve Sanches Claudia Regina Elias Mansur Claudia Rodriguez Torres Claudia Soares Isaac Cláudia Telles Souza Claudia Terezinha Kniess Cláudia Trindade Oliveira Claudia VerÓnica VÁzquez Claudilene Ribeiro Chaves Claudimir Antonio Carminatti Claudio Airoldi Claudio Antonio Cardoso Claudio Antônio Perottoni Claudio Bonametti Olivato Claudio Cardoso Claudio Eduardo Aguilar Claudio Geraldo Schon Claudio Gonzalez Claudio Luis Carvalho Claudio Moura Castro Claudio Padovani Claudio Radtke Claudio Shyinti Kiminami 246 BB704 C529 C560 T568 C528 C524 N505 E556 R529 R529 V565 R512 V516 V522 V526 V527 V529 V561 B518 H620 V566 X562 J512 PV7 PV16 BB556 Y546 Y567 D619 G556 T526 T544 O507 Y568 E641 Z516 A522 G538 AA516 L527 S576 E626 E627 A600 B541 U538 R548 S588 D578 H600 H610 L509 A545 A616 A618 L554 L557 L566 A556 S517 S541 R538 V549 A591 S560 S589 V510 W501 BB576 Z521 D509 D626 PAA15 N518 K560 R512 V516 V522 V526 V527 V529 B518 V536 Claudio Vasconcelos Rocha Claudionor Gomes Bezerra Claudiu Muntele Claudo M Zicovich-Wilson Cláwsio Rogério Cruz de Sousa Clayton Miguel Costa Cleber Alexandre de Amorim Cleber Aparecido Rocha Dantas Cléber Cândido Silva Cleber Fabiano Marchiori Cleber Moreti Cleber Renato Mendonca Clécio Gomes dos Santos Clecio Souza Silva Cleide Maria Leite de Souza Cleilton Rocha Alves Cleocir Jose Dalmaschio Cleuton de Souza Silva Cleylton Bezerra Lopes Clicia Barroso Bittencourt Clodomiro Alves Jr Codorniu-Hernández Edelsys Colleen Marie McMahan Colm O’Dwyer Concepcion Domingo Concepción Mejía Conrado Fantini Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso Conrado Souza Rodrigues Constantin Diaconu Copeland David Kell Corinne Ferronato Corneliu N Colesniuc Cornelius Strohm Craig B Arnold Crislene Rodrigues da Silva Morais Crispulo Enrique Deluque Toro Cristian Lungu Cristian Vera Oyarce Cristiana Perdigão Rezende Cristiane Abrantes Silva Cristiane Alves Sierra Pereira J512 X562 H620 V561 V565 V566 J523 PV7 PV16 U545 U555 E568 N504 PBB15 K538 H610 T535 T536 T543 I568 M533 R506 P514 M515 M527 T523 E634 I512 E625 BB597 Y532 K532 Y533 K535 I583 I584 BB596 BB575 W503 H557 H558 H628 H646 L559 BB580 L505 C544 I522 U548 S587 S588 X544 X540 X549 Z539 L513 L570 R532 D644 PC2 E581 PE9 I534 L558 Z534 R532 I530 D536 S502 K521 S538 BB643 247 Cristiane da Silva Melo Cristiane Kelly de Oliveira Cristiane M Silva Cristiane Marin Cristiane Xavier Resende Cristiane Zuconelli Cristiano Bronzoni Cristiano Brunetti Cristiano Fantini Cristiano Giacomelli Cristiano Krug Cristiano Legnani Cristiano M S da Costa Cristina de Garcia Venturini Cristina Honorato Castro Cristina Jardelino Lima Cristina Pacheco Soares Cristina Russi Guimarães Furtado Cristina Tristão Andrade Cristopher Morales Curtis Frank Cyndia Lancelotti Cynthia Ferreira Alves Cyril Véchambre G523 G524 M511 L533 R531 H538 H569 I540 Z550 Z527 C524 T568 R524 R528 R567 R527 C519 T537 T559 D600 G520 D608 I585 H623 H643 H513 I528 H541 C508 H589 PL3 E543 H639 H596 A631 L503 D D Fuchs D S Misra D Stoever D Thomazini D Wexler D. Perez de Lara Dachamir Hotza Dácio Moreira Souza Dae Ho Yoon Dagmar Ruth Stach-Machado Dagoberto de Oliveira Silva Dairo Hernán Mesa Daisuke Iida Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela Dale Waters Daliana Gomes Borges Daliana Müller Damir Kakas Dan Dahlberg Danay Rosa Dupeyrón Martell Daniel Augusto de Andrade Santos Daniel Brito Niedu Daniel Buzo de Lima Daniel Cabello Daniel Campana Rascio Daniel Cunha Elias Daniel de Araujo Macedo Daniel Eiras Daniel Fonseca Segura Daniel Fruchart Daniel G Nocera Daniel Gomes Vercosa Daniel Grando Stroppa 248 S548 E605 PK3 L590 PV8 PE16 U517 U519 K517 U523 K522 U535 BB646 U550 U511 U510 R558 R565 Q519 I549 D608 X550 PM5 S505 X566 X564 X565 X567 H639 D612 H606 R533 PE10 G539 D598 E635 D645 S552 BB603 Z501 K529 C566 K567 K553 K568 A505 P518 V517 V535 PV17 I505 C559 F505 249 Daniel Guillermo Gálvez Daniel Llamosa Daniel Luiz Silva Daniel M Andrada Daniel Mario Ugarte Daniel Pereira Goulart Daniel Ramírez González Daniel Reinaldo Cornejo Daniel Rodrigo Leiva Daniel Sierra Yoshikawa Daniel Soares de Almeida Daniel Soares Velasco Daniel Souza Correa Daniel Ugarte Daniel Veras Ribeiro Daniel Victor Amaral Silva Daniel Zanetti de Florio Daniela Lopes Mafra Daniela M. Fernandes Daniela Wollmann Daniele Aparecida Pereira Reis Daniele Henrique de Macedo Matinelli Daniele Pereira da Silva Dalto Daniele Pergolesi Daniele Stradi Danieli Gomes Lima Cavalcante Danielle Berger Danielle Fernanda de Melo Oliveira Danilo Augusto Peres Danilo Brasil Ribeiro Danilo Maciel Barquete Danilo Manzani Danilo Roque Huanca Danilo Santos Cruz Danilo Suvorov Danniely Melo Ribeiro Danny Guzman Danny Pilar Araucano Holgado Dante Ferreira Franceschini Dante Ribeiro Danuse Klauberova Danut Palubinskaik Danyel Scheidegger Soboll Darcy Hiroe Fujii Kanda Dariusz Zasada Daryush ILA 250 D522 E516 M515 C524 C560 B529 F515 F516 PF4 X579 C568 E619 E629 V517 V568 R550 U567 U566 A526 P514 M527 F514 B523 F519 U506 BB589 K549 T558 K558 K563 C518 PC4 A512 R568 X531 X532 X555 U567 U566 U564 A579 K512 K514 BB543 BB555 BB591 D570 PAA11 A590 C557 C565 R556 V542 V544 V545 V555 A608 I589 S524 PBB17 BB581 BB654 BB561 W501 R539 R558 R560 R565 L588 X522 L572 H586 P536 V532 V533 N504 PAA2 Dave Marshall Davi Munhoz Benati David Antonelli David Arsenio Landínez Téllez David Berthebaud David C. Bell David Clark David Comedi David Cruz Rodríguez David Cullen David Habeych David Kisailus David Loren Carroll David Martin Taylor David McIlroy David Mendez Soares David Oliver David Perez de Lara David R Clark David Reyes David Smith David Torres-Torres David Vainshtein David Vieira Sampaio Davide Tranchida Dawy Keyson Dayse Iara Dos Santos De-Li Luo Debanti Sengupta Debora de Oliveira Cintra e Silva Débora de Paiva Magalhães Débora Gonçalves Debora Pereira Magalhaes Debora Terezia Balogh Deborah Brunelli Deepak Kapoor Deepali Shrikant Kelkar Deiler Antonio Lima-Oliveira Delia do Carmo Vieira Delilah Wood Delne Domingos da Silva Delphim da Graça Macoris Demétrio Artur Werner Soares Demid Aleksandrovich Kirilenko Denis Fichou PO8 X549 K543 E516 S530 A581 S563 S591 S604 Z541 S554 Q545 X565 F529 PO7 D606 G539 F528 F533 H532 H521 PM11 T504 J504 I525 B511 B520 E589 E600 O529 V501 S554 E655 F528 F533 O539 R535 Q551 A635 B504 BB571 BB568 BB569 BB617 BB650 U516 K546 J517 N501 H533 G536 L550 L586 I531 I602 I604 T533 T507 T508 T516 M527 T527 C564 A535 X508 C542 S545 S546 A594 A597 L564 H522 H523 A626 C523 PT1 251 Denis Lima Guerra Denis Lourdin Denise Almeida Souza Denise Azevedo Tenorio Denise Basso Nakabayashi Denise de Jesus Santos Denise de Oliveira Silva Denise Freitas Siqueira Petri Denise Maria Zezell Denise Patrícia Lins de Azevedo Tenório Dennis Dimiduk Derce de Oliveira Souza Recouvreux Derek A Stewart Derek L Lincoln Dery Corredor Pulido Desiderio Kovar Desmond Mac-Leod Carey Detlev Stöver Deugwoo Lee Devaney Ribeiro do Carmo Dhamodharan Raghavachari Dhirendra Bahadur Diana Cecilia Burciaga-Valencia Diana Farkas Diana Marcela Devia Diana Marcela Vanegas Diana Maritza Marulanda Cardona Diana Medina Diego Barreto Gomes Diego Brasil Ribeiro Diego Carvalho Barbosa Alves Diego de Paula Santos Diego Fernando Arias Mateus Diego Fernando Mulato Gómez Diego Germán Lamas Diego Holanda Souza Diego Lamas Diego Leoni Franco Diego Lourençoni Ferreira Diego Pedreira Oliveira Diego Peña Diego Pereira Tarragó Diego Rafael Nespeque Correa Diletta Sciti 252 L509 A616 A618 L554 L503 BB567 G542 H631 C514 S601 H537 H539 H548 H583 G506 G507 J505 H509 D563 X580 H600 H605 H606 H610 H612 O537 E554 W507 D577 BB699 M554 H527 M525 D537 A517 E605 N512 Z522 R573 H532 R537 H621 BB703 BB588 BB691 BB692 BB693 BB694 S550 C552 BB560 Y514 R537 E640 S509 K519 S523 H584 K559 K561 B512 S596 T552 D636 X562 H620 BB647 BB673 K527 H555 PO3 Dilson Silva dos Santos Dimitrios Samios Dimitrios Zois Dimitriy Argyriou Dina Dudina Dinesh K Gautam Dinesh Kumar Dinesh Patidar Diógenes Reyes Ardila Diogo Burigo Almeida Diogo Jundi Toyoda Diogo Leonardo Azevedo Ferreira Diogo Paschoaline Volanti Diogo Volpati Diogo Yano Diogo Yukio Fujimoto Dirk J Broer Divani Carvalho Barbosa Djalma Albuquerque Barros Djolse Nascimento Dantas Dm Lipkin Dmitri Petrov Dmitry A Stepanchikov Dmitry Khalyavin Dmitry Y Zubarev Dominik Domin Dominique Givord Donal Donat Conor Bradley Donald Ellis Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda Donato Aranda Dong Li Dong Seok Yang Dongchan Jang Donizete Aparecido Buscatti Junior Donovan Enrique Díaz-Droguett Dora Altbir Doris Amalia Giratá Lozano Doris Cadavid Doris Maribel Escriba Douglas Allen Blom Douglas Brandão Baroni Douglas Buttrey Douglas De Jesus Martins V535 V568 N510 Z529 V559 V560 N511 A665 R559 S515 V552 V553 A576 D637 M540 M544 D578 BB507 AA520 BB563 BB661 BB663 BB631 BB659 T514 Z527 L556 PP2 C545 O522 O509 O530 I509 H511 S515 BB665 BB665 E639 PQ6 Y523 Y506 L533 L534 BB657 BB680 BB681 BB679 L532 PBB13 E514 S501 V519 PB1 T554 D509 D522 E544 E578 O502 O503 Z513 D525 PA3 U539 D525 PA3 H539 253 Douglas Galvão Douglas Gouvêa Douglas L Mills Douglas Langie da Silva Douglas Marcel Gonçalves Leite Douglas Rodrigues Miquita Douglas Soares Galvão Driely Rodrigues Gomes Ducinei Garcia Dulce Maria Araujo Melo Dulcina Maria Pinatti Ferreira de Souza Dunieskys Roberto Gonzalez Larrude Durcilene Alves Silva Durval Rodrigues Jr. Dusan Janickovic Dyovani Coelho F514 B523 E580 D612 E542 E612 A629 BB587 F511 T544 Y547 Y548 H623 H643 S519 S521 S533 S590 U557 S592 S594 D619 S520 S540 D526 BB588 BB589 K567 L523 BB616 BB622 BB720 BB628 BB638 X559 U551 D584 C557 BB684 D602 X574 BB691 BB692 BB693 BB694 C565 U564 BB711 K568 D593 A590 K516 K518 K526 C513 L579 X575 X576 PV14 I588 E E de Biasi E Djurado E Morgado Jr E Ruiz-Trejo Ebrahim Najafi Eckart Uhlmann Eckhard Mueller Edcleide Maria Araujo Edelma Eleto Silva Edeltraud Materna Morris Eden Santos Silva Eder Najar Lopes Edesia Martins Barros Sousa Edgar Alfonso Edgar Alves Araujo Junior Edgar Sanches Edgardo Pineda A. Pineda Edilene Deise da Silva Edilson Moura Pinto Edina Lurdes Bloot Edinilton Morais Cavalcante Edison Roberto Leite Edisson Morgado Jr Edivaldo Luiz Queiroz Edjalmy Almeida Edjane Buriti Silva Edla Moraes de Abreu Pereira Edmar Avellar Soares Edmar de Deus Vaz da Silva Edna Regina Spada Ednan Joanni Edoardo Magnone Edoardo Mazza Edson Cocchieri Botelho 254 E524 PK2 D600 PK7 PF3 U512 O515 A531 H531 Z513 X547 X573 Z539 A552 G525 D540 D611 R564 T563 Q546 A512 BB643 I525 U523 X537 D529 M522 M523 BB597 Y532 Y538 BB675 D554 T574 W503 D620 G507 S524 K538 E602 J506 S612 J510 K505 X517 C571 R571 255 Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes Edson Hernández Cortina Édson José de Carvalho Edson Laureto Edson Leite Edson Moschim Edson Nossol Edson Passamani Caetano Edson Roberto Leite Eduard Federovich Oleinik Eduard Malenovsky Eduardo Albuquerque Brocchi Eduardo Antonelli Eduardo Bedê Barros Eduardo Bellini Ferreira Eduardo Bertoni Fonseca Eduardo Blando Eduardo Caetano Souza Eduardo Carasek Eduardo Ceretta Moreira Eduardo Costa da Silva Eduardo Cruz-Silva Eduardo de Faria Franca Eduardo de Oliveira da Silva Eduardo Donoso Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira Eduardo Etzberger Feistauer Eduardo Ferreira Molina Eduardo Franco de Monlevade Eduardo Galhardo Eduardo Jorge da Silva Fonseca Eduardo Jose Nassar Eduardo Jose Zuniga-Marquez Eduardo Kirinus Tentardini Eduardo Martins Lopes Eduardo Mauro Nascimento Eduardo Menendez Eduardo Menéndez-Proupin Eduardo Mioduski Szesz Eduardo Moraes Eduardo Noberto Codaro Eduardo Ono Eduardo Pabon Vanegas Eduardo Padrón Hernández Eduardo Perini Muniz Eduardo Raimundo Dias Nunes 256 I581 I556 G549 G553 L571 E538 P519 P520 F505 E579 I515 A537 BB536 BB535 E620 BB606 BB607 D572 BB686 I504 H518 U533 F517 W508 D505 D520 Q516 Q551 A635 C559 PC7 V531 Y528 R517 D610 I572 M553 I526 C570 I548 G550 A668 W510 A503 A506 K538 T572 V546 Z526 P503 A621 H550 O539 R522 I548 G550 R523 Y568 Y521 H588 H627 BB527 BB528 BB533 BB672 BB526 BB598 H529 X539 Y535 M519 I536 C530 E535 X505 BB616 Eduardo Rezende Triboni Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo Eduardo Ribeiro Lagreca Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky Eduardo Shott Eduardo Tavares Galvani Eduardo Vivaldo Lima Eduardo Yoti Matsuy Eduvaldo Paulo Sichieri Edvani Curti Muniz Edwin L. Thomas Edwin Sallica Leva Efraim Antônio Caprioli Égil de Brito Sá Ekaterina Nickolaevna Karaseva Elaine Cristina Azevedo Elaine Cristina Muniz Elaine Cristina Paris Elaine Cristina Pereira Elaine F F da Cunha Elaine Yoshiko Matsubara Elania Maria Fernandes Silva Élder Mantovani Eldrid Svasand Elen Poliani Arlindo Elena Fabrikant Koslover Elena Mavropoulos Oliveira Tude Elena Ya Korchemskaya Eleonora Erdmann Eleonora Kurtenbach Eliana Arico Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo Eliana Gabriela Mangano Eliana Mabel Agaliotis Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo Eliane Ayres Eliângela de Morais Teixeira Elias Barros Santos Elias Berni Elias da Costa Elias Ramos Souza Elias Silva Santos Elida Natasche de Medeiros Gurgel Pinto Elídia Vetter Ferri S534 T544 T562 T576 A578 V559 V560 T572 A584 R502 BB515 P529 L575 L568 PA1 E528 T554 BB722 H614 R523 H586 B528 J506 J510 BB568 BB569 BB571 BB605 BB620 BB626 BB627 BB685 BB696 V528 X527 BB550 B533 J509 BB720 T556 C531 A573 PG6 F503 H535 H511 A623 PH3 K558 I524 H544 I528 H545 Q530 Y507 K534 K542 K544 K548 BB682 D610 H634 L522 L552 D524 I546 A536 BB599 BB599 BB720 C565 BB605 257 Eliermes Arraes Meneses Eliézer Jäger Elilton Rodrigues Edwards Elineudo Pinho de Moura Elio Idalgo Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch Elisa Soares Leite Elisabete Inacio Santiago Elisabeth Blanquet Elisabeth Costa Monteiro Elisabeth Djurado Elisabeth Restrepo Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo Elisângela Barros Dantas Elisângela dos Santos Meza Elisângela Guzi de Moraes Elisângela Linares Elisangela Moura Linares Elisângela Silva Pinto Elise Meister Sommer Elisson Brum Elita Urano Frajndlich Eliton Souto Medeiros Elizabete Fernandes Lucas Elizabete Yoshie Kawachi Elizabeth Clark Elizabeth Florez Elizabeth P. G. Arêas Elizandra Martins Silva Elizete Rocha da Silva Elmer Augusto Cueva Guevara Elmer Saavedra Elmo Salomão Alves Elodie Bourgeat Lami Elsa María Materón Elson Almeida Souza Elson Longo 258 Q536 G520 C571 R556 Z537 V554 E503 E536 BB535 S505 BB536 E621 E587 E595 E596 X566 X564 X565 X567 E613 E614 S583 Y512 Y530 K508 K563 J508 K539 PV9 I526 K544 E641 E646 E648 K512 BB711 X559 BB588 Y544 K517 PP9 F521 P533 R569 D575 C551 J516 J520 B512 U538 A592 A594 A597 A606 O514 AA514 L527 AA524 PAA12 U537 R555 Y545 G538 E639 T575 I541 S573 C566 A523 K550 Y533 K535 K532 BB718 BB715 BB525 BB526 BB528 BB531 BB533 BB534 BB537 BB538 BB539 BB541 BB544 BB545 BB547 BB554 BB561 BB563 BB568 BB569 BB571 D527 BB577 D529 BB579 Q515 BB696 BB712 M522 M523 BB590 BB591 Elson Sanchez-Pastenes Elton Aparecido Prado dos Reis Elton Carvalho Lima Elton Diniz Ferreira Elton Franceschi Elvia Diaz Elvia Díaz Valdez Elvira Fortunato Elvira Gonzalez Elvira Maria Gonzalez Elvira Paz Elvis Elvis lopez Elvo Calixto Burini Junior Em Donoue Emanuel Santos Junior Emanuelle Reis Simas Emerson Carnielli Emerson Roberto Santos Emerson Rodrigues Camargo Emília Celma de Oliveira Lima Emilia Emiko Irikuchi Emilia Lima Emiliana Fabbri Emilio Munoz-Sandoval Emily Jane McLaurin Emin Mehmet Aksoy Emmanuelle Marquis Emmanuelle Orhan Emmerich Bertagnolli Ênio Dikran Vasconcelos Bruce Enio Pedone Bandarra Filho Ennio Tasciotti Enrico Traversa Enrique Carbo-Argibay Enrique Kaul BB627 BB593 BB597 BB598 BB601 BB602 BB605 BB620 BB626 BB630 BB635 BB636 BB643 I559 D572 BB658 BB659 BB661 BB662 BB663 BB668 BB671 BB672 BB685 BB686 BB698 BB701 BB702 BB709 BB722 D526 BB631 BB606 BB607 BB634 BB624 BB652 BB527 BB562 BB687 BB592 PAA11 H528 A657 S574 R534 I555 S587 S588 U548 T574 PM14 PE16 E589 E600 E654 H624 H632 L580 L589 O530 R508 H542 Q507 X538 L580 L589 D529 E577 A588 E618 K512 K514 F525 L571 C568 I505 H516 PZ4 BB557 BB559 Q508 Y512 BB560 J524 G559 I599 K505 K508 K512 K514 H560 G546 PH2 PD6 S510 259 Enrique Mariano Castrodeza enrique Pérez Delfin Enrique Sanchez Enrqiue Campos Gonzalez Enver Fernandez Chillcce Eonbyeong Park Epitácio Pinto Marinho Eric Fujiwara Eric Guibal Eric mazur Eric Perim Martins Eric Sanchez Eric Seiji Yamasaki Erica Cristina Almeida Erica Freire Antunes Erica Natasche de Medeiro Gurgel Pinto Erick de Souza Avila Erick Guimarães França Erico Luiz Martins Reis Érico Raimundo Pereira Novaes Érico Rodrigues Dourado Érico Teixeira Neto Erik Holmstrom Erika Pinto Marinho Erika Soares Bronze Uhle Erildo Dorico Erivaldo Oliveira Costa Erlandsson Anthony Sousa Erlon Henrique Martins Ferreira Ernesto Antonio Urquieta-Gonzalez Ernesto Chaves Pereira Ernesto Diéguez Ernesto Joselevich Ernesto R Clavijo Ernesto Rafael Gonzalez Ernesto Ruppert Filho Ernesto Zumelzu Eronides Felisberto Silva Jr Erwin Hildebrandt Eryza Guimarães Castro Esperanza Amelia Roldan Esteban Fachini Esteban Vargas Rojas Estephanie Nobre Dantas Grassi Ester Rieder Estevam Vitorio Spinacé 260 X541 S539 S556 U519 A554 D532 A601 D543 E650 A619 M519 L506 P514 Y548 I534 BB654 R570 H513 C536 C571 BB616 BB693 BB694 BB691 BB692 S550 I585 S550 E538 B547 K528 Y521 S543 T534 A629 I583 T555 C519 B522 BB643 I510 P524 A602 D607 S555 C514 PI2 K545 A631 A632 AA522 R525 S561 S562 E590 D523 C516 AA524 P529 I530 D546 Z505 Z506 K560 K529 Estevão Freire Esther Rieko Takamori Etelino José Monteiro Vera Cruz Feijó de Melo Etsuo Akiba Euclides Apolinário Pina Euclydes Marega Eudes Borges Araújo Eugen Solomonovich Syrkin Eugene Petrovich Prokopiev Eugenia Martinez-Ferrero Eugenio F Souza Eugenio Giraldo Tobón Euler Araujo dos Santos Eva María Fernández Eva Paganini Martins Eva Pellicer Evaldo Jose Corat Evaldo Ribeiro Evandro Augusto de Morais Evandro França Evandro Luiz Nohara Evandro Morais Evaristo Alexandre Falcão Eveline De Robertis Everson Thiago Santos Gerôncio da Silva Everton Carlos Gomes Éverton Fabian Jasinski Everton Luiz de Paula Everton Pinto Rosa Everton Rangel Bispo Ewa Gorecka Ewerton Ramos Granhen V567 H643 T523 PV13 V540 V543 S541 S560 S589 S555 S574 V554 Q550 F501 M563 BB550 M521 H535 BB648 BB573 BB653 R513 H513 C571 C536 C542 C545 R556 A565 C552 C572 Q534 Q535 R574 O525 C534 S594 D588 X570 O507 R562 I572 H601 U529 S572 S575 S599 PT9 T518 261 F F A Conle F C Fonseca F Colle Fabian E N Ramirez Fabiana Cabrera Fabiana Cristina Nascimento Fabiana Duft Fabiana Paim Rosa Fabiana Ribeiro da Silva Fabiana Villela Motta Fabiane Caxico Abreu Fabiane Jesus Trindade Fabiane S Santos Fabiano Gilberto Wolf Fabiano Pinto Pereira Fabiano Raupp Pereira Fabiano Yokaichiya Fabio André Santos Fabio Biscani Fábio Bossoi Vicente Fábio Branco Vaz de Oliveira Fábio Cesar Santos Fábio Conte Correia Fabio Coral Fonseca Fabio do Carmo Bragança Fabio E Fajardo Fábio Ferreira Furlan Fabio Henrique Casarini Geronimo Fábio Henrique Franco Fábio Henrique Sales Fabio Jose Pinheiro Sousa Fábio Lima Leite Fábio Luis de Oliveira Paula Fabio Nery 262 PX3 PK4 PE15 S577 E626 E627 X538 B521 R534 A601 PG5 U527 BB544 BB545 BB607 BB606 I584 T558 H625 Y501 R558 R565 V513 M507 H625 Y517 H555 N502 R545 L580 L589 K508 K539 K549 K563 J522 PP9 E516 Y526 S530 S504 J508 X547 X573 A568 E636 U521 U522 I548 Q546 G550 E650 V557 R563 Fabio Ricardo Bento Fábio Ruiz Simões Fábio Santana dos Santos Fábio Simões de Vicente Fabio Vieira Junges Fabiola Azucena Gutiérrez Fabiula Danielli Bastos de Sousa Fabrice Leroux Fabricia Roberta Lunas Fabrício Dingee Fabricio Macedo Souza Fabrício Moraes de Almeida Fabricio Simão dos Santos Fabrizio Marani Fagner T Gomes Vieira Fahad S Al-Mubaddel Fanny Béron Farshad Hoseini Shirazi Faruk Fonthal Rico Fateh Fazeli Fausto Lopes Catto Fauze Ahmad Aouada Fauze Anaissi Fauze Jaco Anaissi Favio Oliveira de Paula FCL Alvarenga Federica - Bondioli Federico Cebollada Federico Golmar Federico Guilherme de Carvalho Cunha Federico Rosei Federico Sequeda Feliciano José Ricardo Cangue Feliciano Sanchez-Sinencio Felipe Augusto Moro Loureiro Felipe Azevedo Rios Silva Felipe Barra Felipe Bertelli Felipe Bohn Felipe Cemin Felipe Fortes Lima Felipe Kremer Felipe Legorreta Garcia Felipe Lipp Bregolin Felipe Manuel Castro Cerda Felipe Perisse Duarte Lopes A649 A602 M548 D544 D601 S607 A520 A530 D626 H592 T518 H593 V566 U507 BB620 BB634 P537 E539 E549 G522 C530 Q522 M534 M538 M543 PX4 V561 L530 L531 A664 A591 A613 A627 H596 U547 E654 S576 A652 PT2 PAA1 R572 R573 R555 D643 I606 K554 K555 Q525 BB707 BB708 Y544 E545 R524 X569 R561 S567 H589 D599 D615 E603 M553 Z501 L548 263 Felipe Silva Bellucci Felipe Toloi Gastaldo Felipe Torres Felipe Vogt Felipe Wu Tzong Yeh Felippe José Pavinatto Fellipe Tavares Barreto Ferdinand Scholz Fermin H Aragón Ferminio Cesar Polachini Fernado Josepetti Fonseca Fernanda Bettanin Fernanda Castilhos Corazza Fernanda Colpo de Melo Fernanda do Nascimento Marques Fernanda Elena Monasterio Fernanda Ferraz Camilo Fernanda Gabriel Freitas Fernanda Gurgel Fernanda Margarida Coutinho Fernanda Moreira Fernanda Oliveira Silva Fernanda Pilla Coutinho Fernanda Pirolla Fernanda Poletto Fernanda Roberta Marciano Fernanda Rocha Cavalcante Fernanda Vieira Berti Fernando Agustin Ponce fernando Alvarez Fernando Andres Londoño Fernando Aparecido Sigoli Fernando Augusto Andrade Fernando Bacci Effenberger Fernando Bernardo Sousa Fernando Claudio Zawislak Fernando da Cruz Vasconcellos Fernando de Amaral Fernando de Loureiro Fragata Fernando F Muñoz Fernando Galembeck Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior Fernando Gomez Marlasca Fernando Graniero Echeverrigaray 264 D614 A642 BB700 A644 BB706 R566 R507 U532 K560 G562 T507 I517 H552 T527 I556 A654 PM13 E580 P518 T535 BB564 I555 L564 A619 A623 P531 A611 V537 BB685 A522 BB548 I540 D636 R557 U541 G513 C542 M544 H605 H612 B524 B544 PB5 PR2 U557 O507 U528 U517 A534 T535 D599 V556 D615 B517 L543 H563 S509 F510 R541 L521 T531 T541 C554 F521 P533 PP9 E557 AA520 S522 X569 S567 Fernando Henrique Cristovan Fernando Henrique Martins da silva Fernando Henrique Monteiro Fernando Humel Lafratta fernando Jose gomes Landgraf Fernando José Rodrigues Fernando Josepetti Fonseca Fernando Junior Quites Fernando LÁzaro Freire Junior Fernando Luis de Almeida Fernando Luiz Bastian Fernando Luiz de Araujo Machado Fernando Lund Fernando Manuel Araujo-Moreira Fernando Matos Borges Fernando Pelisser Fernando Pereira Sabino Fernando Pozzi Semeghini Guastaldi Fernando Queiruga Rey Fernando Ribeiro Ferreira Fernando Rizzo Fernando S Silva Fernando Sato Fernando Schaurich Silva Fernando Soares Lameiras Fernando Stavale Fernando Vargas Fernando Wypych Ferro Noel Fidel Guerrero Fikry M El Akkad Filiberto González Garcia Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima Filipe Silva Oliveira Flavia de Medeiros Aquino Flavia Farias Cardoso Flavia OMS Oliveira Flavia Piegas Luce Flavia Santos Portela Flaviano Williams Fernandes Flávio Camargo Cabrera Flavio César Guimarães Gandra Flavio Colmat Flávio da Silva Francisco Flávio Garcia P524 A627 C513 C505 BB654 S600 M530 E577 L580 E618 T566 T567 L589 A532 D521 C513 R539 C535 R547 X529 BB678 I518 A588 BB707 BB708 S541 S560 S573 S589 H642 A564 T554 T556 H543 D572 H625 S504 D554 D594 S599 S575 S572 D615 F514 B523 D599 M550 D502 C519 C510 B521 BB580 S503 S539 S556 M510 H597 A625 A626 I567 D584 D593 D584 D593 Z550 L578 D599 V556 M550 S564 Y527 C564 A647 A640 E602 K545 A660 E538 265 Flávio Horowitz Flávio José da Silva Flávio Lays Cassino Flavio Leandro Souza Flavio Orlando Plentz Flavio Salgado Politi Flávio Teixeira da Silva FlÁvio Timoteo Junior Florêncio Gomes Ramos Filho Florense Ansart florentino López Urías Fohannes Bertsch Frances Hellman Francesc Illas Francesca Cecchet Francesca Pagliari Francesca Satya Deganello Francesco Punzo Franciéli Borges de Oliveria Francini Cristiani Picon Franciscarlos Gomes da Silva Francisco Augusto Tourinho Francisco Caninde Camilo da Costa Francisco Carlos Barbosa Maia Francisco Cristovão L. de Melo Francisco das Chagas D. de Lemos Francisco de Assis dos Santos Silva Francisco de Assis Olímpio Cabral Francisco de Assis Rodrigues Pereira Francisco de Paula Calderon Piñar Francisco E Gontijo Guimarães Francisco Gontijo Guimarães Francisco Javier Bonilla Francisco Javier Garcia Delgado Francisco José Cunha Pires Soeiro Francisco José Moura Francisco José Santos Lima Francisco Mota Souza Francisco Muñoz Francisco P Rouxinol Francisco Piorino Neto Francisco Sánchez Francisco Savio Mendes Sinfronio Francisco Trivinho Strixino Francisco Zaera 266 A668 Z537 X535 M522 M523 C566 V527 U525 U546 E513 K524 R557 L571 C570 N505 O537 BB543 Y543 Y545 PBB1 R510 H560 K505 T542 L552 BB687 E625 E564 A619 V557 A627 E625 E650 U518 T549 E501 D526 I584 I583 E598 A617 L567 U515 T515 I562 T549 I581 I510 T553 D606 T564 E562 E603 H501 D573 D527 BB558 E541 C540 T518 X531 C555 U567 U566 X532 X555 E626 E627 BB555 BB585 I510 BB549 Franck DAgosto Franco Cacialli Francois Berger Françoise Toledo Reis Francys Klay Moreira Frank Fradin Frank Jochen Litterst Frank Nelson Crespilho Frank Patrick Missell Frank Rodolfo Fonseca Fonseca Frank W Zok Frank Würthner Franklin L Palheiros Franscisco José dos Santos Fred W Dynys Frederic Smektala Frederico Anderson Passos Schoene Frederico Dias Brandão Frederico Duarte de Menezes Frederico Fabio Mauad Frederico Menezes Fredy Gonzalez A568 PT6 R544 T571 L552 E540 E503 A518 I579 I586 I591 I597 AA519 E619 Y539 Y540 PO9 T503 N516 G531 O527 PO4 V544 V545 AA520 S557 D589 S571 O509 D566 S553 267 G G Paiva Gabriel Ababei Gabriel Augusto de Oliveira Lopes Gabriel Goetten Lima Gabriel Omar Ybarra Gabriel Rojas-George Gabriel Teixeira Landi Gabriel Vieira Soares Gabriela Borin Barin Gabriela Dias Silva Gabriela Fernanda Cabeza Gabriela Gomez-Gasga Gabriela Santilli do Nascimento Gabriela Santilli dos Santos Gabriela Zanotto Bosshard Gabriele Mulas Gaby Esthela Tiznado-Orozco Gadi Wollstein Galo Cárdenas Ganesan Selvarani Gary Antony Attard Gaspar González Maldonado Gavin Stuart Walker Gavin Vaughan Ge Liu Gehan Amaratunga Gelson Biscaia de Souza Gema Gonzalez Gene Dresselhaus Georg Ehlers Georg Woltersdorf George Andrew Rossetti, Jr. George Carlos Anselmo George D Skidmore George Gilberto Gomes Junior George Huyang 268 BB503 E551 H536 H588 I565 O523 D560 R526 R527 R528 R531 R567 C567 A642 Z534 H528 D530 D582 BB630 O507 V520 H528 G561 A570 K552 A501 L523 K510 V553 PV1 X542 PM17 H588 H627 U509 H647 PC5 E512 E525 E604 PS2 X509 PE10 S572 S575 S599 I575 Georgia Virgina da Fonseca Santos Georgy G Samsonidze Geovanna Pires Geovanna Tafurt Geraldo José da Silva Geraldo Magela da Costa Geraldo Mathias Ribeiro Geraldo Narciso da Rocha Filho Geraldo Narciso Rocha Filho Geraldo Pinto Britto Filho Gerardo Cabrera Gerardo F Goya Gerardo Fonthal Gerardo García Bermúdez Gerardo Gonzalez de la cruz Gerd Bergmann Gerhard Ett German Bridoux German Dario Serrano Germana Santos Paiva Germund Glatz Geronimo Perez Gerrit Eggink Gerson dos Santos Gerson Feldmann Gerson Hiroshi de Godoy Nakamura Gerson Luiz Mantovani Gerson Marinucci Gerson Marquez Gerson Silva Paiva Gessica Dias Bazzi Getulio Vasconcelos Ghasemi Ali Gheorghe Oncioiu Gherhardt Ribatski Gholam Hossien Yousefi Giancarlo Corti Giancarlo Faini Giancarlo Riguini Gianfranco Pacchioni Gianluca generali Gianluca Latini Gianluigi Andrea Botton Gianluigi Maggioni Gianni Tanaka Portela Gibran Balder Menezes Gilberto Bejarano Gaitan D553 C559 H502 L502 D587 S527 X572 D649 L545 D639 D625 L576 R507 E582 M504 M538 B527 A554 BB632 A585 E514 S501 K541 E630 X576 E630 H642 PU1 F520 H532 T535 T566 T567 V556 M551 A520 A578 X525 E582 BB509 BB551 BB525 X583 E501 C536 E609 E611 R532 J524 G529 J504 S510 M543 PBB3 Q548 Q506 PF1 M530 BB558 BB705 R551 269 Gilberto Bolaños Gilberto Carvalho Coelho Gilberto Chierice Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro Gilberto Weissmüller Gilles Despaux Gilmar Conte Gilmar Patrocínio Thim Gilmara Strapasson Gilson Ronaldo Guimarães Gintautas Skripki nas Giorgia Aleixo Taiacol Giovana Collodetti Giovana Ribeiro Ferreira Giovanna Iezzi Giovanna Machado Giovanni de Lima Cabral Conturbia Giovanni Fanchini Giovanni Li Destri Giovanni Marletta Giovanni Pimenta Mambrini Giovanni Zangari Giovano de Oliveira Cardozo Giovany Orozco Giselda Maria Kalil de Cabello Gisele Ferreira de Lima Gisele Fidelis Altoé Gisele Gasparotto Gisele Souza Alves Gislane Pinto Oliveira Giulia Di Domenicantonio Giuliano Martinelli Giuseppe Balestrino Giuseppe Marcì Giuseppe Pantaleo Giuseppe Pintaúde Giuseppe Storti Gizelda Maria Alves Gizilene Maria Carvalho Gladis Camarini Gladis Mendoza Gladys Charca Ramos Glauber Cruz Glaucio Almeida Carvalho Gláucio Ribeiro Silva Glaucio Rigueira Glaura Goulart Silva 270 E562 I547 E584 X554 Z551 B528 S557 A565 PE8 AA521 B506 T564 Y527 C564 R522 O517 L572 Z539 U541 T526 T544 H543 A534 D542 T547 Q528 T542 T542 D530 D582 E622 Y509 E646 E648 G536 J512 J523 O510 D646 BB642 BB512 D584 D574 E601 Q530 K514 K505 K505 Z527 P502 A523 A568 A526 L574 R507 E615 X561 C545 V567 I582 F526 C551 PJ2 Gleiciani Silveira Glenda Biasotto Glenda Gonçalves de Souza Gleyson Marcos Barbosa Gleyson Tadeu Almeida Santos Glória Almeida Soares Gloria Longinotti Gloria Patricia Fernandez Goncal Badenes Gonçalo Pedro Gonçalves Gonzalo Javier Gutierrez Gonzalo Vallejo-Fernandez Gopal Babu Viswanathan Goran Ungar Gotthard Seifert Goutam Kuri Graciela Bertolino Gracielle Ferreira Andrade Graciely Elias dos Santos Grant A Hudish Grant Norton Graziela da Silva Graziele Lopes de Souza Grazielle de Oliveira Setti Gregório Couto Faria Gregório Mendoza Alvarez Gregory Favaro Grégory Fonder Gregory GIRARD Grínia Michelle Nogueira Günter Motz Guerente Liliane Liliane Guerold Sergueevitch Bobrovnitchii Guia Guarini Guilherme Baltar Crochemore Guilherme Bueno Christofoletti Guilherme Calmon Mantovanelli Monteiro Guilherme Daisuke Sato Guilherme Francisco Morais Pires Jr Guilherme Gregorio Guilherme Jean Pereira Abreu Guilherme Mariz de Oliveira Barra Guilherme Moreira Farias Guilherme Oliveira Silva Guilherme Soares Buzzo Guilherme Zepon Guilhermina Ferreira Teixeira G537 BB593 A645 X530 BB563 BB661 BB663 R508 H538 H542 H569 I565 X521 I509 T574 Y525 Y546 Y567 Y568 E527 X580 PT12 BB583 N505 Z522 G525 A565 X584 J504 PAA4 R540 K553 J511 T515 T536 T562 T576 I606 D643 R533 R510 PV17 H595 H598 PU1 PI1 U563 A648 B542 U562 A655 U507 K526 I591 D530 D582 BB654 U552 K522 S524 H606 BB669 T561 K531 V517 BB668 BB642 271 Guilhermo León Miranda Pedraza Guillermo Gonzalez Guillermo Solorzano Guinéa Brasil Camargo Cardoso Gunar Vingre da Silva Mota Gustaaf Van Tendeloo Gustavo Adolfo Zambrano Gustavo Aristides Santana Martínez Gustavo Braga Alcântara Gustavo Brunetto Gustavo Campos Belmonte Gustavo Enrique Lascalea Gustavo Ferreira da Silva Gustavo Fóscolo de Moura Gomes Gustavo Frigi Perotti Gustavo Grinblat Gustavo Henrique Albuquerque Gustavo Martini Dalpian Gustavo Oliveira Rebouças Gustavo Paganini Canal Gustavo Queiroz Chaves Gustavo Roberto Ramos Gustavo Sanguino Dias 272 M521 M561 C544 V510 F517 E595 F520 K554 K555 G539 H556 T555 A571 C523 PF3 B502 D519 W504 E577 Y547 H547 D551 Z536 E653 A599 E560 L519 Y537 Y541 Y542 E644 H635 BB678 V549 S519 S533 H H Basit H Li H Mercedes Villullas Ha-Guk Jeong Hadis Morkoc Hadma Sousa Ferreira Hafid Aourag Haidong Zhou Haiyan Chen Hakan Cinar Hamed Akhiani Hameed A Al Attar Hamid Reza Moghimi Hamide Kavak Hamilton de Felipe Hamilton Ferreira Gomes de Abreu Hamilton Magalhães Viana Hamish L Fraser hamzeh nakhaee Motlagh Han Htoon Hana Jirkova Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier Hans Dieter Pfnnes Hans Jorge Fecht Hans Juergen Christ Hans Micklitz Hans Peter Buchkremer Hansu Birol Hao Wu Hari Kishan Hariharan Srikanth Harisha Arikady Harold Ivan Lozano Harold Michels Haroldo Araujo Ponte Haroldo Cesar Beserra Paula I598 BB503 BB504 BB505 PK1 X545 X568 F533 D562 Y561 E520 O515 E567 E590 A504 PI4 G522 S609 H529 Z508 D612 Z530 X580 E522 C518 X522 PAA6 PS3 S524 E623 E653 PV6 X534 X535 E595 E596 H527 J522 PK9 K522 K517 X512 E579 E585 S544 P523 S603 PW2 J516 L578 L579 273 Haroldo Guerra Haroldo Naoyuki Nagashima Haroldo Reis Alves Macêdo Harrison Almeida Dantas Hartmut Fuess Hartmut Zabel Haruhiko Obara Haruko Miura Havva Yanis Hayk Khachatryan Hazim Ali Al-Qureshi Héctor Carréon Garcideuñas Hector Enrique Jaramillo Héctor Javier Dorantes Rosales Hector Mauricio Martinez Camargo Heinz von Seggern Heitor Aguiar Polidoro Helcio Rangel Barreto Orlande Helder Jose Ceragioli Helder Nunes da Cunha Helen Silva Andrade Helena Cristina de Lima Barbosa Helena Maria Petrilli Helena Pardo Helena Van Swygenhoven Helfried Reuther Hélio Anderson Duarte Helio Chacham Helio Goldenstein Helio Lucena Lira Helio R Carvalho Hélio Salim Amorim Helmunt Vigo Cotrina Helmut Neugebauer Helmut Schlaad Heloisa Cunha Furtado Heloisa Nunes Bordallo Heloise Oliviera Pastore Henri Stephan Schrekker Henriette MC de Azeredo Henriette Monteiro Cordeiro de Azeredo Henrique Cesar Pavanati Henrique Duarte Fonseca-Filho Henrique Eisi Toma Henrique Silva Furtado Henrique Thiago Freire Menezes Henry James Snaith 274 I510 T551 P536 H557 H646 H558 X559 E590 PE4 O516 V506 S609 U501 U517 F523 F524 X528 D558 S518 T562 T571 PT5 C553 J524 D548 T563 S542 G535 E570 E586 Z521 I567 H593 E571 X517 R540 BB583 C558 D616 Z526 Z544 Z540 A531 T550 S599 D581 T540 PT8 F526 M507 A532 D521 A665 PP7 A603 R515 B524 S602 A613 D635 S608 Y518 Z508 Q514 Henry Ralph Rawls Henry Riascos Landazuri Herbet Bezerra Sales Herenilton Paulino Oliveira Hérica Aparecida Magosso Herley Fernando Casanova Herman Sander Mansur Hermann Stoll Hermes Adolfo Aquino Hermi Felinto Brito Hernando Correa Hernandoo Calderón Ariza Hernane da Silva Barud Herval Ramos Paes Junior Hervé Muguerra Hewerson Santos Tavares Hidehiro Yasuda Hidetoshi Suzuki Hidetoshi Takiishi Higinio Arzate Higor Henrique de Souza Oliveira Higor Rogerio Favarim Hilda Esperanza Esparza-Ponce Hilton Gomes Rangel Hirano Natsuko Hiroshi Amano Hiroshi Amekura Hiroshi Fujioka Hiroshi Harada Hiroshi Ishikawa Hirotaro Mori Hiroto Sekiguchi Hiroyuki Miyamoto Hiroyuki Noriyasu Hisamichi Kimura Hisao Makino Holly Dana Barth Homero Santiago Maciel Hong Ding Hong Jing Chung Honória de Fátima Gorgulho Honqing Sun Hootan Farhat Horacio E Troiani Horacio Wagner Leite Alves Horia Chiriac Horst Hahn H520 X577 BB555 BB585 BB695 S535 S536 S537 C547 I595 E594 I545 H604 H607 A633 A662 E604 A573 T551 BB556 BB623 I578 BB594 BB647 A604 M504 J514 T559 K538 U554 O508 H543 H545 PD3 PM2 H611 H608 A610 D646 U542 N512 BB709 X510 PM5 PA8 PM6 O532 PO5 G561 PD3 PM1 A539 R516 R536 V506 T520 T522 H640 A557 G510 P507 C560 V530 C569 G534 I553 BB513 BB514 S561 S562 E551 E552 E508 275 Hortencio Borges Hosana Maciel Velani Hossein Hosseinkhani Howard Edan Katz Hu Liu Hua-Kun Liu Huaming Yang Hubert Brückl Hugo Alberto Destéfanis Hugo B Suffredini Hugo Bonette de Carvalho Hugo Gallardo Hugo Michel Medeiros Maia Hugo Millward Luna Hugo Millward Riani Luna Hugo Resende Baêta Zille Hugo Santos Silva Humberto Cesar Chaves Fernandes Humberto Dionisio Andrade Humberto Gracher Riella Humberto Rodriguez Gutierrez Humberto Roman Humberto Terrones Hyojeong Kim S583 D570 G505 PH8 Q503 A649 J517 D514 E530 A623 K531 S527 T564 U549 W506 A609 H635 L513 T569 U549 M536 M536 N502 U538 A592 S565 V513 C568 F525 L571 F528 C569 C570 Y508 I I A Ashcroft I Ray I S Dupim Iain McCulloch Iandara Schettert Silva Iara de Fatima Gimenez Ibidapo Ojo Idalia Gomez de la Fuente Idalina Vieira Aoki Iduvirges Lourdes Muller Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos Ieda Souza Silva Ieda Viana Rosa Ifor Samuel Igor Alessandro Silva Carvalho Igor Frota Vasconcelos Igor Iuco Castro-Silva Igor Ivanovich Khodos Igor Ivanovich Vlasov Igor Konieczniak Igor Leonidovich Rodionov Igor Pareira Franco Igor Pereira Franco Igor ruiz-tagle Igor Silva Carvalho Ildeu Lazarinni Pereira Ilker Ozsahin Imanol de Pedro 276 BB666 BB724 N521 PQ7 H577 T572 N504 U509 R546 R548 BB718 BB544 BB545 BB554 BB671 BB686 BB620 BB561 BB579 BB609 BB610 BB650 BB569 BB634 BB571 BB555 BB568 BB570 BB581 BB585 BB617 BB627 BB626 BB695 BB629 BB705 N518 BB685 PQ5 D502 X505 D585 H623 H643 F509 C523 A565 H614 V566 PV7 Y555 M547 H634 S609 E550 277 Inacio Regiani Iñaki Mondragon Iñaki Orue Inaya Correa Barbosa Lima Indhira Oliveira Maciel Indong Shin Inès Pereyra Inês Rosane Oliveira Inês Sabioni Resck Inez Valéria Pagotto Yoshida Ingrid M Graz Ingrid Oriana Ponce Ingrid Távora Weber Iouri Poussep Irajá Nascimento Filho Irani Santos Irantécio Mendonça Ferreira Irantzu Llarena Irene Izquierdo-Lorenzo Irineu Hattenhauer Iris Alvarez-Armas Iruson Baskaran Isabel C S Carvalho Isabel Pastoriza-Santos Isabel Romero Grova Isabela Cerqueira Barreto Isabele Bulhões Aranha Isamu Akasaki Isil Kutbay Isis Nunes de Souza Ismael Oscar Fábregas Ismayil Ismeli Alfonso López Isnaldo Jose de Souza Coelho Isolda Costa Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol Italo Odone Mazali Itamara Farias Leite Iuri Pepe Iuri Stefani Brandt Iury Steiner Bezerra Ivair Aparecido Santos Ivaldo Torres Chavez 278 U504 T517 E550 H568 C511 P534 M525 Q534 Q535 M503 I587 G556 U528 PQ1 A542 D553 S543 D576 L519 I577 BB682 O520 M511 BB621 D606 H630 K562 BB684 P505 I521 I522 A624 N509 O518 I570 PD6 M518 T567 PG5 D588 PM5 H516 K556 K559 P522 P523 F523 F524 BB669 H573 N508 R550 R527 R526 R528 R524 R531 X569 R561 S567 R567 D524 BB604 D562 E612 BB689 S519 S520 S521 S533 S594 S600 S597 S590 C530 M534 Ivan Cesar Pessoa Gaspar Ivan Frederico Lupiano Dias Ivan Gilberto Sandoval Falleiros Ivan Guillermo Solorzano Ivan Helmuth Bechtold Ivan K Schuller Ivan Kohn Schuller Ivan Korin Ivan Mikhailovich Afanasov Ivan Napoleão Bastos Ivan Pedro Lobato Hoyos Ivan Skorvanek Ivana Lourenço Mello Ivani de Souza Bott Ivani Malvestiti Ivanise Gaubeur Ive Silvestre Almeida Ivet Gil Chavarria Ivo de Castro Oliveira Ivo Mateus Pinatti Ivonne Chavez Izabel Souza Azevedo Izaque Alves Maia A529 P519 P520 Z526 D573 T564 E581 E544 PE16 X536 A571 C523 X566 BB614 PV14 A522 BB548 Z535 F530 M511 BB595 C534 H608 R519 A557 BB671 A584 S583 R554 279 Jairo Humberto Marin Jairo Roa Rojas J J B Viol J Bettini J M Vargas J Meng J R Souza J TN Medeiros J Trekker Jack Gunning Jack Levell Jackelin Quiñones Jacob Leach Jacobus Swart Jacqueline Aparecida Marques Jacqueline Arguello Jacqueline Costa-Marrero Jacqueline Fernandes Pacheco Jacques Attal Jacques Huot Jacques Rieumont Briones Jacyra Valéria Dornelas da Silva Araújo Jadna Catafesta Jagoba Iturri Jai Ganesh Kameswaran Jailes Joaquin Beltran Jimenez Jailson Alexandre Carvalho Jailson Machado Ferreira Jailton C Damasceno Jaime Alberto Osorio Jaime Buitrago Arrigui Jaime Gomez-Rivas Jaime Soares Boaventura Jaime Tupiassú Pinho de Castro Jaimie Tiley Jair Fernandes de Souza Jairo Alberto GÓmez Jairo Arbey Rodriguez Jairo Arturo Escobar 280 D600 PH7 E524 BB505 BB506 BB704 BB704 PE15 PQ5 PQ5 D630 F533 Y557 Y558 M548 I595 U515 D581 B506 PV13 G539 A569 V549 P505 D579 E613 E621 BB570 BB695 BB585 BB579 B532 R551 S547 E613 E621 U536 I521 K557 K562 X512 X580 I590 D501 K502 E516 Y526 Y536 S553 S530 U514 U535 Jairo Roa-Rojas Jairton Dupont Jakub Stepanek Jamal da Silva Chaar James Alves Souza James Arturo Zapata James C Williams James Forrest James Hone James Kelly James Moraes de Almeida James Robert Durrant James Stanislaus Williams James W Mitchell James Weaver Jamil Saade Jamile Brandi Jan Bonarsky Jan Christian Aurich Jan Edwards Jan Honolka Jan Klusak Jan Vatavuk Janaina da Silva Crespo Janaina Junkes Jandir Miguel Hickmann Janete Eunice Zorzi Janette Cruz Rodríguez Janice Rodrigues Perussi Janusz Konstanty Janyne Rodrigues Jaqueline dos Santos Soares Jardel Oliveira Magela Jardeylde Rosendo do Amaral Jarem Raul Garcia Járlesson Gama Amazonas Jaroslav Nosek Jarrod McClean Jason Nichol Jason Stewart Gardner Jaspal P Bange Javier Alberto Olarte Javier Alonso Javier Alonso Lopez BB619 S547 E516 S530 A581 S591 Q545 Z541 S604 S554 A620 D608 G551 K535 K532 Y510 E633 O512 B541 B510 O524 C556 PM10 B505 M516 O521 H521 D563 U543 X560 U521 U522 AA529 E649 PT13 BB574 BB653 D542 U510 U511 A620 A621 R538 AA519 G539 BB564 X503 Z529 C514 X558 X572 C557 M548 I588 M552 G551 BB665 G546 E512 E520 A576 E599 E550 D519 D547 281 Javier Arturo Montes de Oca Valero Javier Benavides Javier Curiale Javier E Villegas javier F Sanz Javier Garces Javier Harley Velasco Javier Junquera Javier Mazariegos Pablos Javier Olvera Cervantes Javier Orozco-Messana Javier Palomares Javier Walter Signorelli Jayr Amorim Filho Jean Dille Jean Pierre Bonino Jean-Claude M´Peko Jean-François Glowe Jean-Louis Bobet Jean-Marc Chovelon Jean-Marc Joubert Jean-Michel Leger Jeânderson Melo Dantas Jeaneth Patricia Urquijo Jeanlex Soares Souza Jeanny Silva Maciel Jeferson De Deus Jeff T De Hosson Jefferson Bettini Jefferson Ferraz Araújo Jefferson Leixas Capitaneo Jefferson Maul Jeffrey Barrett Kortright Jeffrey Colin McCallum Jeffrey W Kysar Jennifer Wong-Leung Jenny Mera Jeremias De Souza Macedo Jeremy Franklin Graham Jérika Suely Lamas Jeroen Schoenmaker Jerome Depeyrot Jerre Cristiano Alves dos Santos Jerry A Floro Jerzy Antonowicz 282 D558 S585 I553 PE16 PBB9 E594 S591 BB559 L575 S555 M545 E654 X561 A557 H542 R557 Q551 A635 Q537 PV13 PC2 N503 PJ3 Y551 Y552 E594 Y530 L579 T566 D550 R535 F503 F514 I507 AA521 BB569 BB581 BB617 BB571 BB650 E554 M516 B509 B510 A559 PB2 M516 S548 S585 L551 D644 AA522 E538 B525 E650 E564 A619 A627 E625 V557 Q551 A635 D644 PV12 Jerzy Janusz Jasielec Jéssica Alves Marins Jessica Campos-Delgado Jessica Denayer Jessica Lori Riesterer Jéssica Rosa Silva Jessica Torrey Jesum Alves Fernandes Jesus Cabrera Jesus Evelio Diosa Jesus Fabian Jurado Jesús González-Hernández Jesús Maria González Jesús Roberto Castillo Jesus Rodriguez JesÚs Sigifredo Valencia Jeverson Teodoro Arantes Junior Jhon Eder Sanchez Jhon Faber Archila Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez Jhon Jairo Prías Barragán Ji Xiong Jia Lu Jian Ye Jiang Bing Zhi Jiang Kai Jianzhong Qiao Jie Ren Jie Shou Jilian Freitas Jilian Nei de Freitas Jim Williams Jimy Unfried Jing Kong Jing Ouyang Jing Song Jingyue Liu Jinhua Wang Jiping Zhou Jiri Nohava Jitendra Kumar Jivaldo do Rosário Matos Joacy Ferreira Joana Farias Barros João Alziro Jornada João B.L. Martins Y513 E557 C511 C569 R511 S581 K534 T521 R517 I547 A604 V523 V534 L540 E641 E646 B530 Q541 E654 K550 D630 D501 K502 S603 S566 Y537 Y541 V523 H616 R537 R564 J514 X506 E514 S501 PE15 E547 BB594 BB644 BB645 L529 P504 T547 M518 B511 Y528 C515 D514 B504 P507 P510 S551 PD8 BB676 D579 B526 BB518 K519 BB551 A590 U532 PBB5 283 João Barros Valim João Batista Lopes Martins João Cardoso de Lima João Carlos Angélico João Carlos Jânio Gigolotti JoÃo Carlos Silos Moraes Joao Eduardo Benedetti João Ferreira João Francisco Borin Joao Francisco Justo Joao Henrique Aduan João Henrique Saska Romero João Hermes Clerice João Labrincha João Luis Bilia Lopes Joao Manoel Moreira João Marconi de Andrade João Marcos Madurro João Maria Soares João Mariz Guimarães Neto João Paulo Barros Machado João Paulo Bianchi Ladeia João Paulo Ligabó Ferreira João Paulo Sinnecker João Ricardo Filipini Silveira João Sinezio Campos João Vitor Esteves Joaquín Andrés Peralta Joaquín Andres Peralta Joaquin Gonzalo Sacanell Joaquin Peralta Jochen Litterst Jodie Bradby Joe da Costa Joel S Schuman Joelma Abreu Nunes Joelson Cott Garcia Johan Akerman Johan Emanuel Prado Johan Mazo-Zuluaga Johan Nilsson Johan Prado 284 A615 BB525 BB526 BB527 BB528 BB534 BB539 BB541 BB547 BB601 BB602 BB533 BB537 BB598 BB538 U538 AA506 Z551 H551 M529 H596 T534 BB655 T539 BB674 H583 D646 T547 U506 V513 X543 N521 BB720 T552 I585 E598 T557 X531 X532 G545 K528 S537 E565 E602 E618 E623 AA521 E643 BB654 R523 BB641 Y525 Y546 I553 K561 Y568 E614 B511 PU3 G561 BB577 T539 PE12 D519 D547 E633 E541 C518 E615 Johannes Brendel Johannes Schmidt Johans Restrepo Johans Steeven Restrepo John Canning John Damiano John E. E. Baglin John Edward Ordoñez John Irvine John JF Bonnen John Noel Clifford John Paul Hempel Lima John Pearson Johnny Sherwwod Joice Terra Joicy Santamalvina Santos Jonathan da Rocha Martins Jonathan M Hyde Jonathan Paul Winterstein Jonathan Wassei Jones Wilian Soares de Queiroz Jong Keel Lee Jong-ryol Kim Jongil Park Jonnatan Julival dos Santos Joo Ong Joo-Von Kim Joonkyung Jang Joost Demeter Jordan Del Nero Jordi Sort Jorge Alberto Martinez Jorge Augusto Delezuk Jorge Enrique rodriguez-Páez Jorge Galvis Jorge L B Faria Jorge Leon Eras Jorge Lopes Silva Jorge Luis Garcia Jacomino Jorge Luis González Jorge Luis Izquierdo Jorge Luis Lopez Jorge Luiz Pimentel Jorge Malarría Jorge Matsushima Jorge Otubo Jorge Pavez Irrazaval T502 P501 E541 E641 E646 E648 R572 R573 I575 I576 D568 PAA10 E633 W509 PBB11 PX3 M562 I566 E540 D567 Y523 S535 D616 N519 S581 PS4 C509 Q534 Q535 Z502 D543 D543 D635 H517 E556 Y508 PE9 T512 T513 T518 R513 PE1 U547 H552 E584 Z523 C525 C566 H581 U509 S583 S547 S558 E643 G556 E623 A663 S591 S604 X560 PW1 C527 R575 I530 285 Jorge Perez-Juste Jorge Ricardo Mejía Salazar Jorge Trotta Filho Jorge Vicente Lopes Silva jorma P K Holsa Jose A H Coaquira Jose A Varela Jose Airton Paiva José Alberto dos Reis Parise José Alberto Giacometti José Albino Oliveira de Aguiar Jose Albuquerque Calasans-Maia José Alexandre Diniz José Alexandrino Sousa José Aliésio Severo José Americo de Sousa José Andres Matutes-Aquino Jose Angel Pescador-Rojas José Antonio Barros Leal Reis Alves José Antônio Bellini Cunha Neto José Antonio De Milito Jose Antonio de Saja Saez José Antônio Eiras José Antonio Malmonge Jose Antonio Sanchez-Gil José Antonio Souza José Arana Varela Jose Arruda Freire José Barzola-Quiquia Jose Batista de Camargo Júnior Jose Benito Rodriguez Jose Brito Correia José Carlos Bressiani José Carlos da Rocha José Carlos Moreira José Carlos Pinto Jose da Silva Rabelo Neto Jose Daniel Diniz Melo 286 PD6 E640 E642 D592 R554 BB556 BB623 I578 E580 PBB6 D645 J524 T504 Q542 T554 T556 A581 I577 S564 S563 H568 I574 I590 P527 E645 E563 Q541 D643 A590 C565 Y501 L574 I537 I538 I556 H599 G549 G553 S503 S519 S533 S539 S540 S556 S592 S594 S520 S521 S590 A594 A597 P536 I521 S577 BB554 BB562 J506 F531 S612 BB605 BB606 BB631 BB642 BB643 BB652 BB658 BB659 BB662 BB668 BB671 BB685 BB686 BB696 BB698 BB701 BB702 BB607 BB624 BB593 Q515 BB687 T506 M546 S576 A591 A613 PD6 V524 H544 H611 H626 L537 A523 A568 E557 H509 U564 José de Alencar Simoni José Divino dos Santos José Domingos Ardisson José Edgar Alfonso Jose Eiras José Elisandro de Andrade José Fernando Condeles José Fernando Dagnone Figueiredo José Fernando Diniz Chubaci Jose Fernando Fragalli José Fernando Gómez Cortés José Fernando Queiruga Rey José Francisco Marco José Francisco Naime Filho Jose Francisco Sanchez-Ramirez José Francisco Sousa Bitencourt Jose Gabriel Solano José Geraldo Andrade Pacheco Filho José Geraldo de Melo Furtado José Ginaldo da Silva Jr Jose Gregorio Doria José Hélio Duvaizem Jose Heriberto O Nascimento Jose Higino Dias Filho José Humberto Castillo José Humberto da Silva José Humberto de Araújo José Humberto Dias da Silva Jose Ignacio Martin Jose Israel Cardenas José Jesus Pereira Jose Jimenez José Leonil Duarte José los Santos Guerra Jose Luis Bernal Ponce Jose Luis Elechiguerra Jose Luis Herrera-Perez JosÉ Luis LÓpez José Luis Plaza Jose Luis Vicent José Luiz Aarestrup Alves José Manoel Marconcini José Manoel Ramos Gomes L566 BB525 BB526 BB527 BB533 BB534 BB537 BB538 BB539 BB541 BB547 BB598 BB601 BB602 BB528 BB672 A552 C529 S518 Q517 S528 U536 U557 A652 BB697 S543 M508 R552 R553 J514 K508 K539 K549 D610 K558 D581 U536 A615 D643 A506 BB546 BB566 BB524 BB529 D620 S502 S508 K521 S538 A527 S548 S585 H611 U564 E623 K550 AA506 X574 E598 BB587 E589 L540 O525 V501 W507 P519 P520 S613 F524 F508 I606 S587 S588 S555 E589 E600 PE16 C563 D636 L552 X563 287 José Manuel Barandiarán Jose Manuel Caicedo Jose Marcelo Vargas José Márcio Calixto José Marcos Sasaki José Maria de Sousa José Mário Carneiro Vilela Jose Martin Yañez-Limóm José Maurício Almeida Caiut José Maurício Rosolen Jose Mauro Granjeiro José Maximiano Fernandes Pinheiro Júnior josé Medina Medina José Mejía-López José Miguel Martín Martínez José Milton Elias de Matos José Nilson França Holanda Jose Otalora Acevedo José Pedro Andreeta José Pedro Rino José Rachid Mohallem JosÉ Rafael CÁpua Proveti José Raimundo Ribeiro dos Reis José Renato Coury José Renato Jurkevicz Delben Jose Reyes-Gasga José Ribamar Neto José Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior José Ricardo da Costa José Roberto de Souza Almeida Leite Jose Roberto Martinelli José Roberto Moraes dAlmeida José Roberto Ribeiro Bortoleto José Roberto Rogero José Roberto Severino Martins Júnior José Roberto Siqueira Jr José Roberto Tozoni Jose Roberto Vega-Baudrit José Roberto Zamian José Rodrigo Muñoz Jose San Juan José Santos Jose Santos Cruz José Silva de Almeida Jose Tavares Branco 288 E550 S554 E539 A529 D585 H603 A569 X558 B537 U515 T559 B533 J509 I582 H568 H623 H643 H571 M552 E638 E541 E544 D551 BB577 BB592 BB722 H642 BB590 U554 S553 M544 Y509 Y510 Y511 PBB8 E620 I549 BB639 D544 H528 H608 F508 I569 I512 L566 BB596 R543 Y516 S565 H603 H549 I508 I586 I562 G526 C521 D649 L545 D625 D639 E583 PB3 I501 E622 U576 R504 C504 D502 L546 O517 M547 X505 Jose Vicente Garcia-Ramos Jose Virgilio Anguita José Viriato Coelho Vargas Jose Vladimir Oliveira Jose W Carneiro José Waldo Martinez Espinoza José Walkimar de Mesquita Carneiro José Wilson Silva Josealdo Tonholo Josefina Alvarado Josep Montero Josep Nogués Joseph Delhalle Joseph Edward McCarthy Joseph Para Josiel José da Silva Josineto Leal da Costa Jossano Saldanha Marcuzzo Josue Garcia QUini Josué Mendes Filho Joyce Rodrigues Araujo Joysurya Basu Józef Paszula Ju Wang Ju-Young Kim Juan Andrés Juan Andres Juan Arroyo JuÁn Bautista Carda Juan Carlo Villalba Juan Carlos Granada Juan Carlos Riaño Juan Claudio Nino Juan David Martínez Juan Elias Perez Ipiña Juan Escrig Juan Fernando Montoya Juan José Torres Vega Juan Manuel Andrés Juan Manuel Gonzales Juan Manuel Manriquez Juan Manuel Muñoz Juan Manuel Pardal Juan Martin Montejano-Carrizales Juan Matos Juan Muñoz Juan Muñoz-Saldaña I521 I522 E600 J516 J520 I555 PBB7 BB579 BB605 BB698 BB567 BB681 Y535 X539 A527 BB724 B502 E543 R513 R510 R511 R544 M542 A535 J506 J510 Q524 S545 S546 C553 X525 A596 D586 L508 S581 PS4 V532 A649 PB1 BB631 F505 PBB2 BB511 D501 K502 A664 A613 E628 E641 E646 E648 O519 L561 X536 E543 E544 BB619 S547 S558 BB511 BB659 R573 A584 R572 Z536 F508 PC2 B502 B530 X577 O539 289 Juan Pablo Casas Juan Pablo Lozano Juan Pedro Bretas Roa Juan Peña-Martínez Juan Radilla Juan Ramon Collet Lacoste Judith Diaz Judith Pessoa de Andrade Feitosa Juergen Alois Schaefer Jürgen Eckert Jürgen Lindner Julia Lyubina Julia R Greer Julian Andres Angel Julian Andres Munevar Cagigas Julian Arnaldo Avila Julian Mauricio Rendón Juliana Aparecido Lucindo Juliana Batista Silva Juliana Carlos Cancino Juliana Castro Macêdo-Fonsêca Juliana Coatrini Soares Juliana da Silva Bernardes Juliana de Jesus Rocha Pardauil Juliana de Oliveira Pimenta Juliana Fatima Souza Juliana Feletto Silveira Costa Lopes Juliana Flor Juliana Henriques Pereira Juliana Marchi Juliana Mesquita de Andrade Juliana Miyoshi Juliana Oyan Roque Juliana Santiago dos Santos Juliana Sousa Gonçalves Juliana Souza Silva Juliana Steffens Juliane Vicenzi Juliano Alexandre Chaker Juliano Alves Bonacin Juliano Alves Gomes Juliano de Andrade Gomes Juliano Elvis Oliveira Juliano Marini Juliano Pedro Scandolara Julien Bachmann Julien Esteban 290 BB666 W510 I511 K561 Y543 X523 A570 L579 C515 PV1 E542 PE14 PB1 BB673 S505 X528 S566 A573 D536 I558 A595 I602 I604 F510 D649 D639 F531 R534 Z517 Z518 D641 G509 H544 H626 D554 I574 Z552 M519 I536 BB590 D605 BB639 R518 L528 G531 S602 A627 E650 V557 I550 I551 A600 U529 E543 R557 Julien Jourdan Julio Carlos Afonso Julio Cesar Artur Julio Cesar Caicedo Julio Cesar de Souza Francisco Julio Cesar Freitas Julio Cesar Goes Julio Cesar Gonzalez Júlio César Martins Da Silva Júlio Cesar Oliveira Freitas Julio Cesar Passos Julio César Pereira Barbosa Julio Cesar Pinheiro de Santana Júlio César Sczancoski Julio Cesar Ugucioni Júlio Cezar Bellon Julio E. Rodriguez Julio Guimpel Julio Klein Neves Julio Martins Ximenes Julio Miranda Pureza Julio Ricardo Sambrano Julio Ximenes Julius G Vancso Jung Chang Uk Júnia Nunes Paula Stief Junya Inoue Junyeon Hwang Jussara de Fatima Barbosa Fonseca Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma Justo Rojas Justo Rojas Tapia Juvêncio Bezerra Loiola Junior N503 BB657 S534 B502 R509 R551 X520 U551 U552 E628 K528 K529 BB622 BB691 BB692 J524 BB575 X515 BB715 BB562 BB712 BB652 BB662 BB687 I543 X530 O502 O503 S510 E560 R568 A538 R563 BB565 AA506 BB587 BB603 BB613 BB612 BB615 BB660 U543 B504 P507 P510 S532 L569 X518 V521 X519 X580 H580 BB510 BB517 BB535 BB536 E638 BB511 BB614 A626 291 K K Kawagishi K Matsumura Kadus Ogbara Kai Fauth Kajornsak Faungnawakij Kalpak Shaha Kalya di Pietro Roux Kamakhya Prakash Misra Kamila Amato Campos Kamuran Kara Kana Takenaka Kanako Iwasaki Kang Wei Chou Kanhaiya Lal Yadav Karalee Jarvis Karem Noris-Suarez Karen Tiemi Senoo Karen Wohnrath Karim Dahmouche Karin Straley Karina Almeida Rancan Karina Donadel Karine Cristina C. W. dos Santos Klider Karl Leo Karla Balzuweit Karla de Avellar Mota Karla Roberta Freitas da Silva Karynne Cristina Souza Kassia dos Santos Kássila Regina Faria Silva Katalin Hegedus Katharina Theis-Broehl Katharine M Flores Kathia Maria Honório Katia Alessandra Gonçalves 292 O532 PO5 O536 N504 E649 D557 R535 I572 S506 BB649 S609 PV10 PO2 E604 U540 H613 F502 H647 A599 M548 I588 G509 G519 A546 K524 K537 P528 H533 V555 L555 BB591 M548 PT7 A569 F511 F530 N511 A552 C516 A537 A625 Q528 PE4 O512 V530 BB578 A506 Kátia Franklin Albertin Katia Jorge Ciuffi Katja Willinger Katsuhiro Sasaki Katsumi Kishino Katsunori Matsumura Kawaljit Ahluwalia Kayo Oliveira Vieira Kazufumi Ogawa Kazuhide Kusakabe Kazutaka Fujita Kele T G Carvalho Kelly Cristine Camargo Kelly Cristine Vieira da Cruz Kellyane Alves Kelson Mota Teixeira Oliveira Kelvin Beleño Saenz Kely Lopes Caiado Kenneth E. Gonsalves Kentaro Sato KÉsia Karina Souto Kestur Gundappa Satyanarayana Kevin O’Grady Kevin Winzenberg Khalid Ziani Khosrow Ghavami Kilmara H G Carvalho Kim Jaeyeong Kim Mi-Young Kirian Pimenta Lopes Kirill Dzus Kirill Zhernenkov Kiyonobu Ida Kiyoshi Kanie Kiyoshi Yamamoto Klaus Jandt Klaus Kern Klaus Weishaupt Klaus Wilhelm Krambrock Kleber Betini Vieira Kleber Gonçalves Alves Kleber Roberto Pirota Koichi Eguchi Koiti Araki Konstantin Nickolaevitch Rozanov Konstantin Vladimirovich Khishchenko Konstantinos Georgarakis I574 H550 T502 D545 PM1 O511 U575 PN2 C563 Q504 A524 R516 R536 PM8 V502 BB550 A668 R549 BB638 Y533 C530 G536 G516 P513 PC5 E513 L547 L548 E527 Q528 H514 L513 L570 G541 S532 S532 D526 D527 K510 PE4 D545 PD1 O513 T542 E649 C510 S557 D600 E579 I573 E539 E549 D557 A591 S602 I594 S608 D635 Q510 Z528 V553 V552 293 Kontan Tarigan Korneli Grigoriev Grigorov Kornelius Nielsch Koshiro Ueda Kotaro Kuroda Krishnan Chakravarthy Kristiaan Temst Kristin Engberg Kristina Pitzschel Krystyn J Van Vliet Kumaresavanji Malaivelusamy Kunio Yubuta Kwang Ho Choi Kwang Kwyun You Kyle C McKenna V519 A557 E543 A539 D545 G510 PE9 H639 E543 B517 X565 S615 PV3 Q519 E547 G561 L L E B Soledade Labbe Pierre Andre Laécio Santos Cavalcante Laédna Souto Neiva Laila Hanim Idrus Laís Koshimizu Laís Petri Lais S Vasconcelos Lalgudi Venkataraman Ramanathan Lalit S Patil Lambert Wendelin Alff Lan Sun Larisa Sergeevna Krutovertseva Larissa Helena Oliveira Larissa Luz Araujo Larissa Rodrigues Damiani Larry Allard Larry Kagemann Laudemir Carlos Varanda Laura Alejandra Fasce Laura Beatriz Steren Laura Camila Diniz Santos Laura Cristina Damonte Laura Madrigal Zúñiga Tito Laura Oliveira Péres Laura Sandoval Laura Silvestroni Laura Teresa Corredor Bohórquez Laurent Chaunier Lauro June Queiróz Maia Lauro Tatsuo Kubota Le Dao Lea Maria de Almeida Lopes Leandra Oliveira Salmazo 294 BB705 PI1 BB715 BB531 BB562 BB712 BB592 BB652 BB662 BB687 D515 I535 U520 T548 BB704 R543 A576 E590 X506 A513 BB554 D620 S516 I560 D577 G561 E534 G511 B527 S510 C527 M545 E607 L545 P508 M548 U531 PO3 S530 A581 S591 S604 L503 D505 I569 I583 I584 I532 AA516 D614 A642 BB700 A644 BB706 295 Leandro Assis Magalhães Leandro Barretti Olivo Leandro Conceição Leandro Fontoura Cupertino Leandro José Raniero Leandro Lameirão Ferreira Leandro Lopes Leandro Lopes Hermsdorff Leandro Marcelo Acuña Leandro Moreira de Campos Pinto Leandro Moreira Malard Leandro Romão Fernandes Lima Leandro Samary Marques Leandro Socolovsky Ledjane Silva Barreto Lee Bo Wha Lee Jye Lee Shyong Leila Aparecida Chiavacci Leila Figueiredo de Miranda Leila Leia Yuan Visconte Leilane Roberta Macário Leiliane Alves Oliveira Leiliane Cristina Cossolino Leinig Antonio Perazolli Leliz Ticona Arenas Leni Campos Akcelrud Leni Mathias Leite Leonard Guimarães Carvalho Leonarda Francesca Liotta Leonardo Alonso Leonardo Barbosa Godefroid Leonardo Bontempo Leonardo Bresciani Canto Leonardo Cristiano Campos Leonardo De Boni Leonardo Eidi Okamoto Iwaki Leonardo Fonseca Valadares Leonardo Giordano Paterno Leonardo Gondim Andrade e Silva Leonardo Kyo Kabayama Leonardo Marques Leonardo Martins Caetano Leonardo Medrano Leonardo Sabino dos Santos Leonardo Salazar 296 C528 R574 K506 Y516 T537 T577 R552 R553 V546 Y550 S509 K561 BB516 C518 C566 PC4 C555 L547 I565 K538 C567 T572 S532 R501 R501 X501 V546 A553 A555 L565 H541 BB630 BB635 BB636 BB698 A558 M513 BB630 S507 I523 I533 M518 I562 Q531 T566 T567 PQ8 B507 L534 L532 K505 E629 X530 A503 O510 A583 C534 S550 M527 I550 I551 PP9 E577 E618 O526 A555 R575 H599 U549 BB511 BB655 I547 Leonardo Sales Araujo Leonardo Torres Londoño Leoncia Camara Leôncio Diógenes Tavares Câmara Leonélio Cichetto Júnior Leonid Dubronvinsky Leonid Konopko Leonor Perez Trejo Leopoldo Suescun Leslie Diaz Letícia de Oliveira Campos Leticia E Hernandez Cruz Leticia Feria Leton Chandra Saha Li Li Lialiana Fraigi Liane Marcia Rossi Liang Zhang Lidia Agata Sena Lidiane Hott de Fúcio Borges Lidice Pereira Gonçalves Lidija Mancic Lidmila Burianova Lidong Chen Liesbet Lagae Ligia Lopes Fernandes Lijie Ci Lilian Lacerda Almeida Lilian Maria Pessôa da Cruz Centurion Lilian Marques Silva Lilian Menezes de Jesus Lilian Pantoja Sosman Liliana Burakowski Nohara Liliana del Socorro Tirado-Mejía Liliana Mabel Gassa Liliane Ferrareso Lona Liliane Guerlou-Dermougues Lin Zhou Lina Gunawan Lincoln Silva Gomes Linda Caldas Lindsey R Goodman Lionel Vayssieres Lioudmila Aleksandrovna Matlakhova Liubov Del Risco Cabrera Livia Cristina de Souza Viol N510 J514 BB680 Y506 BB657 S560 S573 S589 F512 E608 U548 E532 E571 D546 D602 E603 Y545 Y508 I519 Q530 A534 D542 C523 P534 A609 I518 D594 G551 PO1 E556 PE15 H538 H569 C568 H574 I554 P529 U553 M507 R571 R574 M504 E621 J514 M538 E613 X577 X571 A507 BB515 P503 BB532 PJ5 F533 PF1 F512 F522 A575 BB723 PA4 V528 X527 AA515 D636 297 Lívia Mesquita Loiola Livio Amaral Livio Jackes Bruno da Silva Liying Liu Lizandra Belmonte Rodrigues Castro Long The Phan Lorena Baum Lorena Marin Luana Almeida Fiel Luana Alves de Souza Liberato Luanda Silva de Moraes Luanna Lopes Lobato Luanna Silveira Parreira Lubomir Houfek Luca Guerrini Lucas Barboza Sarno da Silva Lucas Bruce Souza Lucas Carvalho Velozo Rodrigues Lucas Fugikawa Santos Lucas Mira Buzone Lucas Natálio Chavero Lucas Samuel Soares dos Santos Luci Cristina de Oliveira Vercik Lucía Díaz Barriga Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei Lucia Helena Mascaro Lucia Vieira Santos Luciana Fernandez Luciana Guimarães Luciana Moreira Seara Luciana Oliveira Melo Luciana Prazeres Mazur Luciana Reyes Pires Kassab Luciana Schmidlin Sanches Luciana Spinelli Luciane Calabria Luciane França Oliveira Lucianna Gama Fernandes Vieira Luciano Andrey Montoro Luciano Caseli Luciano Henrique Campestrini Luciano Monteiro da Silva Luciara Benedita Barbosa Lucimara Stolz Roman Lucineia Ferreira Ceridório Lúcio Carlos Martins Pinto Lúcio Flávio dos Santos Rosa 298 M520 Q536 A614 BB644 BB645 G506 E547 J513 E655 G512 G518 T570 BB710 PAA11 K528 K529 H519 BB574 H567 I522 X576 H580 BB556 BB623 I578 T560 T561 T571 I528 A607 I506 I524 I528 U548 D633 H520 A649 R570 E571 BB583 S542 C551 L542 L543 A503 J516 J520 AA516 L527 H630 A620 D513 D515 F505 I582 P508 U550 H562 U553 M544 Q531 A533 T527 N515 A625 Lúcio Mendes Cabral Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali Ludovica Fossa Luís Adriano Santos do Nascimento Luis Alberto Cáceres Díaz Luis Alberto Montero Luis Alfredo Rodriguez LuÍs Antonio Menezes Torres Luís Antônio Peroni Luís Âugusto Sousa Marques da Rocha Luis Béjar Gómez Luis Carlos Balbás Luis Carlos Moreno-Aldana Luis Carlos Sanchez Luís César Passoni Luis César Rodríguez Aliaga Luis Claudio Mendes Luis David Gómez Lerma Luís de Souza Santos Júnior Luis Demetrio López Carreño Luis E. Fuentes-Cobas Luis Edmundo Fuentes Luis Emilio Forero Luis Eugenio Fernandez-Outon Luis Felipe Jumenez Garcia Luis Fernández Barquín Luis Fernando Alves de Almeida Luís Fernando da Silva Luis Fernando Godoy Falco Luis Fernando Lemus Torres Luis Fernando Pereira Quintino Marchesi Luis Ferney Gonzales Luis Fuentes-Cobas Luis Fuentes-Montero Luis Gerardo Trapaga Martinez Luis Guilherme C Rego Luis Henrique Leme Louro Luis Henry Moreno Luis Javier Cruz Luis José Borrero Luis Manuel Liz-Marzan Luis Maria Baraldo Luis Mendoza Zelis Luis Moraga Luis Rino G530 BB655 T539 BB674 S561 S562 U507 L545 X577 BB520 BB521 A604 U561 I549 X563 F523 F524 BB648 BB573 O503 S518 S528 S566 S603 Q517 E613 E621 M531 V522 V526 V527 V529 AA514 A579 BB656 A577 D558 BB715 S518 PS5 N512 H616 E527 H608 E550 I513 D505 D520 BB570 G535 Z529 A602 D519 PAA8 N512 PS5 O539 M546 L537 R509 X521 D606 PD6 A521 J513 E607 Y565 T567 299 Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein Luis Rogerio Oliveira Hein Luís Silva Zambom Luísa Maria Abrantes Luisa Maria Ribeiro Scolfaro Luismar Marques Porto Luiz Alberto Colnago Luiz Ângelo Moraes Cury Luiz Antonio DAvila Luiz Antônio de Oliveira Nunes Luiz Antonio Ferreira Coelho Luiz Antônio Pereira de Gusmão Luiz Antonio Pessan Luiz Antonio Rasia Luiz Augusto Sousa de Oliveira Luiz C A Oliveira Luiz Carlos Barbosa Luiz Carlos de Lima Luiz Carlos Gomide Freitas Luiz Carlos Pereira Luiz Carlos Pimentel Almeida Luiz Carlos Poças Luiz Carlos Salay Luiz Carvalho Benyosef Luiz de Sousa Santos Junior Luiz Depine de Castro Luiz Edmundo Bastos Soledade Luiz Eduardo Celino Benedito Luiz Eduardo Serra Carneiro Pinto Luiz Everson da Silva Luiz Fernando Cótica Luiz Fernando gorup Luiz Fernando Magri Dias Galdino Luiz Fernando Pereira Luiz H C Mattoso Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso Luiz Henrique de Almeida Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei Luiz Kleber Carvalho de Souza Luiz Mamede Gonzalez Magalhães Luiz Orlando Ladeira Luiz Pereira da Silva Neto Luiz Sampaio 300 X539 Y535 BB649 BB688 K551 X570 S561 S562 H600 BB646 H605 H606 H610 H612 D530 D582 BB591 PAA12 D606 T564 C505 A656 A624 I526 A505 L549 I560 E565 BB549 BB550 A528 E639 Y532 I548 G550 U527 H579 M532 M531 P519 P520 I563 F520 BB712 BB590 BB592 BB722 C508 O510 BB629 BB695 BB610 E564 H570 H593 S520 S597 S600 D529 A550 T566 T567 PP7 L531 L505 I550 I551 L522 L530 A594 A597 A603 O514 A622 L552 A606 N510 N511 Z529 F526 F515 F516 D649 D639 N517 A529 C529 D575 H531 C552 C572 T563 E526 Luiza Adriana Teles do Reino Luiza de Castro Folgueras Lukas Novotny Luke Chen Luzeli Moreira da Silva Lyda Cielo Pantoja E572 Q501 C511 H521 E602 X528 301 M M A S de Abreu M Abdalla M Aslam M B Cavalcante M Elena Gomez M H Phan M Ikegami M Khan M Knobel M Naeem Khan M Q Silva Júnior M R Nascimento M Ritoni Madalena Martins Sant’Ana Barroso Maelyson Rolim Fonseca dos Santos Magali Rodrigues Aparecida Magda Bittencourt Fontes Magda Francisca Rocha Magda P Rojas sarmiento Magda Salama Maggy Colas Maha Mohamed Ibrahim Mahin Shahlari Mai Tran Mair Maíra Martins de Souza Godoy Simões Maja REMŠKAR Malek Amir Abunaemeh Manfred Koeller MANGALARAJA Ramalinga Viswanathan Manjunatha Pattabi Manoel José Mendes Pires Manoel Ribeiro da Silva Manoel Silva Jr Manolo Marcial Taquire De la Cruz Manuel Evaristo Manuel Fernando Gonzalez Huila 302 D600 A502 E605 L590 V501 E585 S544 O536 A502 E524 D510 BB705 BB705 X538 PH3 BB677 S534 X564 X565 E614 S615 H607 Z541 D567 BB557 L525 A666 R529 PH3 H590 A587 N504 G517 K501 V501 P523 E569 E501 Z508 D585 Z536 A625 BB561 BB650 BB510 R504 S608 Manuel Francisco Melendrez Manuel Ignacio Azocar Manuel Köhl Manuel Nohemio Chacón Manuel R Ibarra Manuel Villafuerte Manuela Russo Mara Granada Mara Lopes Oliveira Mara Tânia Silva Alcântara Marccus Victor Almeida Martins Marcel Eduardo Staats Marcel Hubert Van de Voorde Marcela Mohallem Oliveira Marcela Nakashima Marcela Vazquez Marcelino Becerril Marcelino José Anjos Marcella Auxiliadora de Melo Lucena Marcello Filgueira Marcello Rubens Barsi Andreeta Marcelo Andrade Macedo Marcelo Antonio Santos da Silva Marcelo Antonio Silva Marcelo Assumpção Pereira-da-Silva Marcelo Azevedo Neves Marcelo Borges Mansur Marcelo Bruce Marcelo Claudio Sepliarsky Marcelo da Costa Marcelo Daniel Cabezas Marcelo de Ataíde Ferreira Marcelo Eduardo Huguenin Maia da Costa Marcelo Esquivel Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira Marcelo Falcão Oliveira Marcelo Fernandes Oliveira Marcelo Gabriel Stachiotti Marcelo Ganzarolli de Oliveira Marcelo Giovanela Marcelo Gonçalves Vivas Marcelo Henrique Gehlen Marcelo Henrique Motta Dias Marcelo Henrique Prado da Silva Marcelo Henrique Sousa Marcelo Jose Gomes da Silva A570 D546 H527 K550 E582 S576 P532 G534 I553 K541 H602 I586 Q536 D615 PAA9 A525 A533 D523 C516 A537 A555 M512 M524 D532 L523 O520 W506 U563 A609 U562 D606 S586 S593 E635 D598 A654 D645 S616 P535 U576 I568 BB675 L550 T533 PQ2 S572 S575 S599 Z519 A611 Y522 Y529 R567 S509 K559 A619 C513 R539 R547 R560 Z523 V526 X553 V565 PV16 PV7 R554 Y522 H590 D542 M515 Q507 P527 H563 H570 L537 D587 Z508 303 Marcelo Knobel Marcelo Lancarotte Marcelo Linardi Marcelo Luiz Calegaro Marcelo Luiz Simões Marcelo M Campos-Vallette Marcelo Machado Viana Marcelo Martins Marcelo Massayoshi Ueki Marcelo Medina de Souza Marcelo Moizinho Oliveira Marcelo Mulato Marcelo Nalin Marcelo Noboro Ralim Miyazaki Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi Marcelo Ramon da Silva Nunes Marcelo Robert Ferreira Contijo Marcelo Rodrigues Marcelo Rodrigues Da Silva Marcelo Rozenberg Marcelo Rubens Barsi Andreeta Marcelo Siqueira Bittencourt Marcelo Souza Silva Marcelo Tadeu Milan Marcelo Torres Pisa Paes Marcelo Vásquez Mansilla Marcelo Zimmer Sampaio Flores Marcia Carvalho de Abreu Fantini Márcia Cerqueira Delpech Marcia Cristina Branciforti Marcia Duarte Adorne Márcia Ferreira Bini Márcia Giardinieri Azevedo Marcia M Maru Márcia Maria Lucchese Marcia Maria Rippel Marcia Marques Marcia Moreira Medeiros Márcia Parente Melo da Costa Marcia R Moura Marcia Regina de Moura Márcia Rejane Santos do Silva Marcia Ribeiro Márcia Rodrigues Pereira Marcia Silva Spinacé Marcia Tsuyama Escote Márcia Valéria Silva Lima 304 E539 E549 PAA7 E637 K508 K539 K558 K528 Q546 PI2 F511 S542 R569 Z544 A606 D537 BB709 I543 I580 I582 BB697 V542 A654 A573 BB631 BB562 A527 E501 O520 I520 K515 S531 D520 S555 U539 M544 X553 X549 E528 T544 Y547 R506 K519 S596 A522 A600 A614 G512 S597 A648 B542 B532 F522 C512 L521 F521 PP9 H626 V565 A577 PP7 L531 BB627 BB626 M503 H558 H646 L508 D572 D581 K558 BB662 Marciano Furukava Marcilene Machado Rodrigues Márcio André Rodrigues Cavalcanti Alencar Marcio Assolin Corrêa Márcio Celso Fredel Márcio de Sousa Góes Marcio Dias Lima Marcio Douvel Ferreira Marcio Raymundo Morelli Marcio Rubens Bartholomei Márcio Vilar França Lima Marcio Willians Duarte Mendes Marco Antonio Chaer Marco Antonio Flores González Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte Marco Antonio Lima Marco Antonio Meggioaro Marco Antonio S Abreu Marco Antonio Schiavon Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco Marco Aurélio Cebim Marco Aurelio De Paoli Marco Cremona Marco Paniagua Marco Polo Agra Stamato Santos Marco Roberto Cavallari Marco Rolandi Marcos Alexandre Fernandes Marcos Alexandre Gelesky Marcos Alyssandro Anjos Marcos Anacleto Silva Marcos AnTonio Coelho Berton Marcos Antonio Couto Santos Marcos Antônio Freitas Melo Marcos Antonio Zen Vasconcellos Marcos Assunção Pimenta Marcos Assuncao Pimenta Marcos Augusto Bizeto Marcos Augusto Lima Nobre Marcos AurÉlio Silva Marcos Brown Gonçalves Marcos Caldas Costa Marcos Carvalho Marcos dos Reis vargas Marcos Farina de Souza A558 E558 A620 A621 E545 E568 E597 K522 H592 K517 J506 J510 D648 BB537 BB538 U520 U506 L565 S571 BB575 PBB12 D552 E603 H547 BB684 X512 D554 C563 D605 D636 Y516 Y520 T537 BB689 Y549 A610 D641 D642 D646 L508 I570 T550 T555 T559 T537 X521 B532 M530 T535 T521 X544 A621 D601 U551 A639 K534 K548 S593 BB622 C557 BB628 R527 D575 C518 PC4 P531 A611 D571 D580 D614 A642 BB700 A644 A645 BB706 K557 H593 E586 I567 BB558 A618 BB525 BB547 BB534 BB598 BB602 BB601 BB672 PG5 PH3 305 Marcos G Menezes Marcos Henrique Diniz Guimaraes Marcos Hiroiuqui Kunita Marcos Lopes Dias Marcos Massi Marcos Meyer Marcos Nunes dos Santos Marcos Patrício dos Santos Marcos Rafael Mendonça Chagas Marcos Ribeiro da Silva Marcos Roberto Maurício Marcos Rodrigo Silva Marcos Takashi Santos Tanaka Marcos Vinícius dos Santos Rezende Marcus A Finzi Corat Marcus Antonio de Freitas Melo Marcus Pelegrini Marcus Vinicius David Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira Moutinho Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves Vismara Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos Marden Valente de Souza Marek Grzelczak Margarete Regina Freitas Gonçalves Margareth Spangler Andrade Margarida Juri Saeki Margarida Márcia Fernandes Lima Margarita Enid Ramírez Margarita Ruda Maria A R Pacheco Maria Aldeiza Meireles Almeida Maurera Maria Alexsandra Rios Maria Alice Martins Maria Andrea Camerucci María Antonia Toro Maria Aparecida Godoy Soler Maria Aparecida Larosa Maria Aparecida Pires Camillo Maria Aparecida Ribeiro Maria Aparecida Zaghete Maria Auxiliadora Silva Oliveira Maria Beatriz Mesquita Cansanção Felipe María Begoña Torres 306 T513 C525 C550 A526 K543 BB656 A623 A557 C571 J513 E607 C505 Q523 T555 S595 A526 B541 BB718 Y553 S601 H513 X559 BB588 BB589 K567 BB720 BB616 BB638 BB711 U551 D584 D602 X585 BB691 BB692 BB693 BB694 C565 L523 BB684 Q534 Q535 I605 C532 T534 BB551 BB604 BB560 X530 PD6 L528 X558 X572 B537 B540 U516 K546 E616 N515 L502 H532 Z522 Z523 Z534 AA519 BB579 BB650 T557 T563 L522 U531 A623 E577 E618 R566 G547 D513 BB593 BB668 R562 H628 BB573 BB648 Maria Cacília Pisatti De Oliveira Maria Carmo Gonçalves Maria Carolina Burgos Costa Maria Carolina Pacheco Lima Maria Cecília de Souza Nóbrega María Celeste Gardey Merino Maria Clara Filippini Ierardi Maria Cláudia França da Cunha Felinto Maria Cristina Caracoche Maria Cristina Carotta Maria Cristina Roque Barreira Maria Cristina Rosifini Alves Rezende Maria Danielle Rodrigues Marques Maria das Graças Fialho Vaz maria de Fátima Vieira Marques María de los Angeles Hernández-Pérez Maria do Carmo Andrade Maria do Carmo de Andrade Nono Maria do Carmo Gonçalves Maria do Carmo Rangel Maria do carmo V M da Silva Maria do Carmo Vasconcelos da Silva María Dolores Durruthy-Rodríguez Maria Dolors Baró Maria El-Zeghayar Maria Elena Fernández Maria Elena Fuentes-Montero Maria Elena Gomez Maria Elena Leyva González Maria Elena Montero-Cabrera Maria Eliane Mesquita Maria Elizabeth Ferreira Garcia Maria Eugenia Botello-Zubiate Maria Fernanda Cagnin Abreu Maria Fernanda Cardinal Maria Fernanda do Carmo Gurgel Maria G S Pereira Maria Gabriela Nogueira Campos Maria Gardenia Fonseca María Genoveva Zimicz maria Graça Costa Maria Helena Miguez Rocha-Leao Maria Helena Piazzetta Maria Helena Rocha-Leão Maria Helena Santos Maria Inês Basso Bernardi K551 A526 BB611 A580 BB560 S508 D551 R566 BB556 BB594 BB623 U547 Q530 I542 G545 S564 BB567 A593 A630 BB710 BB714 D552 I592 L576 U560 A659 I596 R519 A544 D562 R541 PP9 U515 R513 J523 V520 PV5 PX3 BB673 PS5 B502 D519 D547 E615 E633 E655 E578 H597 A625 A626 N512 PS5 S593 A579 A577 Q541 BB545 PD6 BB577 BB722 U534 H520 BB555 A617 L567 K559 BB658 BB668 PG5 T543 H623 H580 D505 D511 D513 D520 307 Maria Inês Bruno Tavares Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Maria Irene Yoshida Maria Isabel Almeida de Oliveira Maria Isabel Eboli Kimaid Maria Isabel Felisberti Maria Isabel Giraldo Maria Isabel Pais da Silva Maria Ivonete Nogueira da Silva Maria J B Orlandi Maria José Araujo Sales Maria José Calhorda María José Cancio Maria Jose de Oliveira C Guimaraes Maria José Fonseca Costa María José Galante Maria Jose Sanchez Maria José Santos Pompeu Brasil Maria José Valenzuella Bell Maria Julia Manso Alves Maria Katsikogianni Maria Laura Vera Maria Leticia Vega Maria LL Rodrigues Maria Lucero Gomez-Herrera Maria Lucia Pereira Antunes Maria Lúcia Pereira da Silva Maria Luisa Fernández-Gubieda Maria Luisa Sartorelli Maria Luiza de Miranda Rocco Maria Luiza Lopes Maria Luiza Lopes de Oliveira Santos Maria Luz Rodríguez Méndez Maria Oswald Machado Matos Maria Penha Cindra Fonseca Maria Rita de Morais Chaves Santos Maria Rita santos Maria Rita Sierakowski Maria Roseane Pontes Fernandes Maria Suely Costa da Câmara Maria Sylvia Sílva Dantas Maria Teresa Cerda Maria Teresa Malachevsky Maria Traianidis Maria Velez 308 G530 AA521 A639 A643 A653 BB611 A580 A569 Y542 G545 B533 H532 F530 X572 K531 T524 Q525 D587 A547 X523 X540 A579 A577 D620 T517 S531 S527 A528 A575 C546 I594 H594 H584 T570 T563 L578 I606 S565 P529 E550 I572 A607 E602 T555 BB628 BB638 I538 I556 G549 G553 Y523 X566 BB715 BB577 BB712 BB596 BB722 H642 BB592 BB590 G507 BB589 BB622 BB628 BB588 D526 D527 A569 BB708 X576 O508 E589 Maria Virginia Gelfuso Marialena de los Rios Londoño Marian Grigoras Marian Rosaly Davolos Mariana Agostini de Moraes Mariana B Silva Palma Mariana Berruet Mariana Bizari Mariana Botelho Mariana Brayner Cavalcanti Mariana de Abreu Cruz Mariana Ferreira Silva Mariana Gerardi de Mello Mariana M V M Souza Mariana Maia Chams Eddine Mariana Oliveira Ribeiro Mariana Pereira Massafera Mariana Pojar Mariana Theresa Barbosa Milesi Mariana Weissmann Mariane Capellari Leite Silva Mariane Martim Sobrosa Passos de Abreu Mariane Santos do Carmo Marianela de los Rios Marianela de los Rios Londoño Mariangeles Hernández-Fenollosa Mariano Alves Pereira Mariano Campoy Quiles Mariano Talou Mariarosa Raimondo Maricela Villanueva Ibáñez Marie Helene Berger Marie-Paule Delplancke-Ogletree Mariela Del Grosso Mariele Mucio Pedroso Mariella Alzamora Camarena Marilda Dores Assis Marilena Valadares Folgueras Marilia Garcia Diniz Marília Junqueira Caldas Marilia Oliveira Fonseca Goulart Marília Rizzi Marina Cardozo Vasco Marina Côrtes Pires Marina de Oliveira Cardoso Macêdo Marina Elizabeth Dias Altidis Marina N Kirikova L590 M538 E552 E551 A610 D641 D642 D646 H595 H513 M524 D642 C560 G541 BB544 H595 Z550 K506 K511 L533 K549 A615 I539 E637 A601 E515 X531 X532 A631 A632 I559 M543 J514 M545 BB502 P532 U531 U507 PU2 D552 O527 PO4 R508 B527 I542 X564 X565 X567 S535 U523 H501 BB667 S584 M552 PT4 I583 I584 G512 R568 I596 H557 H558 H646 L558 C539 309 Marina Sparvoli Marina Vladimirovna Koudriachova Marinalva Aparecida Alves Rosa Marinalva Cerqueira Nasar Mario Andres Chavarria Mario Bianchetti Mario Diaz de la Rosa Mario Ernesto Giroldo Valerio Mário José Politi Mario Lucio Moreira Mario Roberto Meneghetti Mario Roberto Rosenberger Mario Ruben Mario Sérgio de Carvalho Mazzoni Mário Ueda Mariona Sodupe Marisa Masumi Beppu Mariselma Ferreira Maristela Alves da Silva Maritza Páez Collio Marivalda de Magalhaes Pereira Marize Varella de Oliveira Mark Asta Mark Bown Mark Cassidy Mark E Eberhart Mark Freeman Mark Griep Mark Hempenius Mark Kreuzer Marko B Radovic Marko Rosic Marko VIRŠEK Markus Antonietti Markus Weigand Marlene de Barros Coelho Marley Maria B Rebuzzi Vellasco Marli Leite Moraes Marli Luiza Tebaldi Sordi Marlla Vallerius da Costa Marlus Koehler Marta Buffa Marta Duarte da Fonseca Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto 310 M508 K551 Y524 U524 O525 Q522 D503 PG6 H509 BB659 Y553 M551 Y554 S601 U561 U559 S534 BB563 BB635 BB661 BB663 BB671 BB709 BB659 A621 D601 Y507 H609 X571 PT10 C514 C550 R540 R575 BB520 L506 H598 B517 H595 I517 A538 A550 L522 U543 A622 A617 L567 I530 D546 H619 H579 PZ4 Q528 W509 Y564 E525 A549 P510 I509 A548 E553 A548 A587 P501 E604 D544 Y516 Y520 I516 T528 T548 A568 R548 R557 M533 M530 U525 R547 Marta López Marta Lopez Jenssen Marta Machado Pinheiro Salazar Marta Rossel Martha Lux-Steiner Martha McCartney Martin A Bates Martin Bram Martin Couillard Martin Dornheim Martin Emilio Mendoza Martin Heeney Martín Hernan Gaitán Martin Houfek Martin Petrenec Martin Schmal Martin Sirena Martin Walker Martina Cecilia Avalos Martina Luysberg Mary Anne White Mary Cristina Ferreira Alves Mary Grace Burke Mary Roberta Meira Marinho Maryline Guilloux-Viry Maryory Gomez Botero Marysilvia Ferreira da Costa Marystela Ferreira Masa Kawasaki Masaaki Takaya Masafumi Yamaguchi Masahide Ikegami Masahiro Sadakane Masaki Imamura Masaki Koba Masami Okamoto Masanori Tomonari Masato Michiuchi Massimo Morbidelli Mateus Colli Mateus Geraldo Schiavetto Mateus VB Pinto Matheus Martini Matheus Modesto Paula Mathew David Halls Mathias Steinmayr Mathieu Perrin K501 W507 V501 Q502 PZ4 PA2 F533 PT12 H527 PF1 PV2 F517 PQ7 A521 H565 H567 X522 D596 S510 PT12 H621 N509 PA5 S504 BB609 BB610 N519 N520 W503 BB609 BB610 BB621 R551 P530 L551 I516 T516 A602 T548 T528 D579 B508 PM2 U575 D525 PA3 PD3 X518 PL2 D545 V521 X519 P502 A626 R545 E639 AA522 H508 Y505 Q508 Q537 311 Matias De Angelis Korb Matías Valdes Matjaz Spreitzer Matsutani Takahiro Matthew James Allen Matthias Epple Mattias Cook Mattias L Aslund Maureen Joel Lagos Maurice de Koning Maurícia Bedin Fritzen-Garcia Mauricio A.C. de Melo Mauricio Barreto Lisboa Maurício Brant Pinheiro Mauricio Manfrini Maurício Pamplona Pires Maurício Ribeiro Baldan Maurício Silva Baptista Mauricio Terrones Maurício Veloso Brant Pinheiro Mauricio Vicente Donadon Maurizio Ferrari Mauro André Dresch Mauro Cesar Terence Mauro Coelho dos Santos Mauro Francisco Da Silva Mauro Laranjeira Mauro Luciano Baesso Mauro Miguel Costa Mauro Roberto Fernandes Maxim Petrovich Nikitin Maxim Vasilievich Chuprin Maximiliano Delany Martins Maximiliano Luis Munfurd Maximiliano Moreno Zapata Máximo Lopez Lopez Maximo Siu Li Máximo Siu Li Maxson Souza Vieira Maxwell J Crossley Mayara Carmello Mayara Klimuk Uchiyama Mayka Schmitt Mayra González Hurtado Maysa Terada 312 R557 M512 M524 PBB17 X511 C509 H525 G517 I576 I575 I576 F514 B523 Y566 I587 A512 F526 G560 C549 E556 Y520 C527 C545 BB664 C511 C568 F525 L571 F528 C570 C569 S557 D600 BB507 M543 K539 L565 K528 K529 S534 H592 H582 S594 I568 U552 M548 I529 I503 I504 E569 E622 BB517 E647 BB568 BB620 BB627 BB652 BB685 BB696 BB607 BB626 S579 I575 M529 I594 Y501 G539 H573 N508 Mayur Chintamani Valodkar McGlennon da Rocha Régis Md Shuhazlly Mamat Mehdi Cinna Hoorang Mehdi El Ouali Melânia Cristina Mazini Melina Daniele Pinheiro Melissa Fabíola Siqueira Pinto Menendez Proupin Eduardo Mercedes Boronat Méri Domingos Vieira Mersha Elizabeth Campos Mervyn John Rose Metaab A Al Badrani Metin Usta Meuris Gurgel Carlos da Silva Michael Anthony Burke Michael Asoro Adewunmi Michael Chabinyc Michael Curcic Michael David Brown Michael F Rubner Michael Fokine Michael Frenklach Michael J Burek Michael J Graf Michael J Kaufman Michael J Mills Michael J Schoening Michael Jones da Silva Michael Kappl Michael S. Strano Michael Sommer Michael Stevenson Michael Toney Michael W Phaneuf Michael Weisser Michail Vardavoulias Michal Falkowski Michal Kotoul Michel Felipe Cano Michel Issao Miyamoto Michel Milon Michel Perez Michelangelo Durazzo Michele Aparecida Rocha Michele Cristina Formolo Garcia B536 T546 K510 G529 B520 BB587 D625 BB584 BB667 Y567 Y543 E565 D630 Q549 P506 H516 L506 L544 L563 PN1 D568 D577 PQ4 E604 Q514 B517 I570 BB665 BB676 PB1 E608 X584 O512 I508 P536 G506 PI3 T503 PM7 I576 H639 N520 X517 R559 E518 BB574 R572 V566 C571 PZ3 A592 A591 L542 313 Michele Dondi Michele Muccini Michele Tonezzer Micheli Lucia Celestino Micheline Reis de Araújo Michelle Cequeira Feitor Michelle L Gabriele Michelle Mendes Gomes Michelle Pereira Babisk Michely Santos Araújo Michihiro Ohta Michitaka Ohtaki Miguel A Novak Miguel Aangel Arvizu Miguel Adolfo Ponce Miguel Alejandro Zorro Miguel Angel Alterach Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Perez Miguel Jafelicci Jr Miguel Jose-Yacaman Miguel Justino Ribeiro Barboza Miguel Melendez Lira Miguel Novak Miguel Ramirez Miguel Tafur Miguel Yacaman Mihaela Lostun Mihai Stoica Mika Lastusaari Mike Melo do Vale Mikhail Kosinskiy Mikhail Mikhailovich Myshlyaev Milan Lalic Mildred Dresselhaus Mildred S Dresselhaus Milena Luz Sabino Miles Beaux Milton Morais Xavier Jr Milton Sergio Fernandes Lima Min Suk Choi Mindaugas Daukšys Ming-Yong Han Minxing Wang Mirabel Cerqueira Rezende Mirela de Castro Santos Mirellla Lorrayne Altoé Miriam Estrada 314 U507 PU2 Q548 M530 B539 U518 H628 L559 G561 L532 L534 L537 D618 O516 O513 E643 S607 Q530 Q515 E634 H609 H599 E534 G511 G531 F508 X554 X531 X532 E647 E623 Q515 E587 PD10 E552 PV1 BB623 I578 I562 C515 X504 Y551 Y552 PC5 C569 C559 L546 J504 E598 R566 Q519 L572 PP1 P513 Q501 R571 R574 O525 T525 K564 J519 D633 Miriam Susana Castro Mírian de Lourdes Noronha Motta Melo Mirtha Pillaca Quispe Miryam Ricon Joya Mitjan KALIN Mitsuhiro Murayama Mkhitar Hobosyan Moacir Kaiser Moacyr Comar Jr Moema Martins Mohamad Seif Mohamed Khalil Mohamed Mokhtar Mostafa Mohammad Ashraf Gondal Mohammad Ghafari Mohammad Malaekeh-Nikouei Mohammad Ramezani Mohd Rafie Johan Mohsen Hosseinkhani Moises Hernandez-Garcia Moisés Meza Pariona Moisés Rômolos Cesário Moni Behar Mônica Alonso Cotta Monica Ari Monica Bernal Salamanca Mônica Couto de Oliveira Monica de Mesquita Lacerda Monica de Oliveira Penna Mônica Diuana Calasans-Maia Monica Miryam Rabinovich Monique Angelo da Silva Monique Nonato Silva Petersem Monique Osorio Talarico Conceição Morinobu Endo Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa Motoaki Iwaya Motonori Nishida Mouna Ben Yahia Moungi G Bawendi Moustafa Aljerf Muhammad Akram Randhawa Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman Mukundan Thelakkat Muntuwenkosi Chili Murat Pierre Pierre Muriel de Pauli Q515 X548 BB517 BB696 A587 PZ6 U501 G518 Y533 A651 N504 PBB11 D531 G543 E508 G501 G501 G503 X502 G505 PH8 U515 Y544 K567 K568 M553 I549 F516 T547 F515 S504 E647 A593 R552 R553 R563 F530 H568 H571 G516 P513 D601 P534 V560 C569 PC6 A594 A597 PM5 V506 BB559 I505 V552 V553 G543 D603 E624 T502 T503 PM7 PT11 D506 PI1 R552 R553 315 Muriel Lansalot Murillo Longo Martins Murillo Menna B Mello Jr Murilo Montesso Mustafa Yildirim Mylena Pinto Nascimento Myrian Aparecida Silva Myron B Salamon Myung Rae Cho A568 E616 A558 V542 E567 E590 I577 U554 E559 B515 N N Ravishankar N Settouti N. A. D. Yamamoto Nabil Berkaine Nádia MAMEDE José Nádya Pesce da Silveira Nahum Travitzky Naiara Letícia Marana Naidenêi Gomes Ferreira Naira Canevarolo Pesquero Naira Maria Balzaretti Naiwen Zhang Nam-Thang Pham Nan Lin Wang Naoki Kishimoto Naoki Yamamoto Naoya Kondo Naraparaju Ravisankar Narendra Singh Nasim Golkar Natalia Isabel Jaramillo Natália Martins Breyner Natalie Stingelin Nataliya SKRYABINA Natan Pires Sa Natasha Ariane Diniz Yamamoto Natassia Lona Batista Nathalia Abe Santos Nathália Carreira Alves Nawin Viriya-empikul Nayana Frizon Nayeli Arias-Lopez Necdet Hakan Erdogan Neera Satsangi Neerish Revaprasadu Nei Pereira Jr Neide Aparecida Mariano 316 PS4 Y561 M535 BB559 K562 G513 PU5 BB565 C527 C545 J508 I542 R517 V531 U532 L529 I532 X567 PA8 T520 T522 B508 X535 A549 G521 BB619 H645 Q533 P532 PV17 BB585 BB629 BB695 Q531 R571 BB642 S543 D557 S540 P510 S609 H517 H520 D506 L532 X544 X548 317 Neide Kazue Kuromoto Neil Anderson Neil De La Cruz Centeno Neil McManus Neil Neil Robertson Neil Young Nelci Fenalti Höehr Nelcy Della Mohallem Nelicio Faria de Sales Nélio Henrique Nicoleti Nelly Alba Nelly Cecília de Sanchez Nelson Batista de Lima Nelson C Furtado Nelson Durán Nelson H Morgon Nelson Ordonez Nelson Porras Nenad Lazarevic Neri Alves Néstor Ghenzi Nestor Jaime Torres Nestor Perea-Lopez Newton Luiz Dias Filho Newton Martins Barbosa Neto Newton Soares Da-Silva Ney Mattoso Ney Sodre Neyda Om Tapanes Neyde Tomazin Floreoto Neyde Y Murakami Iha Ng Chi Chung Nicholas Pieczonka Nick Savvides Nicolas Cayetano Nicolas Garcia Nicolas Mujica Nicolás Vargas Nicolau Silva de Souza Nicole Duran Nicole Raymonde Demarquette Nicoleta Lupu Nicolle Dal Acqua Niédson José da Silva Nielson F P Ribeiro Nierlly Karinni de Almeida Maribondo Galvão Nihar Ranjan Biswas 318 R534 H588 H627 C511 BB523 BB522 BB515 BB676 PF6 G535 D536 F511 S542 R569 I545 BB660 R509 X528 R507 A553 R543 L533 L534 BB680 BB679 G535 BB618 BB625 K551 E640 E642 M504 E553 Q542 T554 T556 S522 E560 Q517 S528 U536 S518 F525 A547 P519 P520 T568 T569 C542 V562 Z521 BB681 E513 O526 X513 A640 O515 D558 E622 BB708 E544 C561 D546 PP3 E552 E551 D542 Z505 Z506 K506 L533 BB575 G504 Nijan Dogan Nikie Planckaert Nikolai Novikov Nikolay Antonovich Brusentsov Nikolay B Cherkasov Nikolay M Burykin Nilce Carbonel Rocha Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio Nilson dos Santos Ferreira Nilson Tadeu Camarinho de Oliveira Nilton Silva Maia Nirton Cristi Vieira Nivaldo Cabral Kuhnen Nivaldo Eloi Souza Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci Nizamara Simenremis Pereira Nizomar Souza Gonçalves Nobuaki Kojima Nobuyuki Nishiyama Noé Cheung Noemi Elisabeth Walsoe Noemi Raquel Checca Nonoy Velasco Nor Ashikin Rasih Norberto Mangiavacchi Noriko Nitta Noriko Saidoh Nouga Cardoso Batista Novica Paunovic Nozomu Togashi Nr Phillips NS Saxena Nurul Akmal Chelah PP7 PE9 B531 I529 C539 H511 H535 H529 D598 P535 E635 T577 D645 H543 L569 I562 I581 U538 A592 S600 M518 T524 D585 PM2 V506 PV10 Y544 D503 E563 A562 S526 H501 PD3 PV10 H642 E553 PV10 O530 M540 X502 319 O O I Rochefort O Nunes Oana Alice Rusu Oana-Georgiana Dragos Ocileide Custodio Silva OCM Pereira-Junior Octavio Guzmán Octavio Peña Odair Pastor Ferreira Olacir Alves Araújo Olaf Hollricher Olandir Vercino Correa Olavo Rodrigues Oliveira Ole Albrecht Oleg Lysenko Oleksandr Mosendz Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova Olga Nikolaevna Shornikova Olga Zazuco Higa Oliver Gutfleisch Olivera Milosevic Olivia A Graeve Olivier Masson Omar Maluf Omar Ortiz-Diaz Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto Omar Paredes Ondrej Drbohlav Orestes Estevam Alarcon Orlando Fatibello-Filho Orlando Zelaya Angel Orsino Borges de Oliveira Filho Oscar Alberto Alvarez Oscar Anacona Oscar Arnache Oscar Balancin Oscar Ferreira de Lima 320 AA519 N521 R532 E551 Q502 Q524 H596 E615 A570 D586 BB672 C510 R543 K548 E543 B531 E525 E540 I503 A513 I504 A571 C523 H597 G547 PE14 D594 O523 O524 BB557 BB559 X553 S553 S554 Q545 Y516 Y520 T537 BB689 Y549 S585 R503 V513 U521 U522 U550 U541 I587 A554 D532 S607 A585 S552 U535 D619 S547 X573 X547 A582 E579 K564 J519 Oscar Jaime Restrepo Oscar Ledea Losano Oscar Luis Arnache Olmos Oscar Manoel Loureiro Malta Oscar Marin Oscar Olimpio Araujo Oscar Rodrigues Osmair Vital Oliveira Osman Adiguzel Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr Oswaldo Luis Alves Oswaldo Moran Oswaldo Nunes Júnior Otávio Martins Gomes Otto Muskens Ourahmoun Ourida Ourida Oya Okman X521 PG5 E578 BB604 D547 V540 V543 C544 Y532 Y538 V514 G562 A518 P508 T507 A550 H546 H547 H552 T527 T528 I548 A602 Q546 G550 I517 I508 I586 I556 C540 A596 D586 T572 E562 S547 S548 S558 S585 N518 L570 I521 P512 M509 B509 321 P Pablo Andrés Turner Pablo Bruzzoni Pablo Cesar Favilla Pablo Cesar Morales Pablo Damasceno Borges Pablo Esquinazi Pablo Ezequiel Montemartini Pablo Guillermo Gonzales-Ormeño Pablo LEVY Pablo Munayco Pablo Pinheiro Souza Pablo Samuel Schabes-Retchkiman Pamella Elleng Rosa Sangy Paola Ayala Paolo Dinardo Paolo Samorì Paras Prasad Park Hong Woo Parthasarathi Sridhar Pascal Damman Pascoal G Pagliusol Patrícia Albuquerque Farias Patricia Angélica Oyanguren Patrícia Benedine Martelli Patricia Bodanese Prates Patricia Claudia Rivas Patricia DE RANGO Patricia Hatsue Suegama Patricia Lustoza de Souza Patrícia Maria Albuquerque de Farias Patricia María Frontini Patrícia Mendonça Pimentel Patricia Pomme Confessori Sartoratto Patricia Rodrigues Fragoso Patricia Vázquez Patricia Velez 322 X561 X523 H609 M543 S561 S562 S576 R530 Z521 S522 I553 E614 U551 X516 X526 A528 A575 PC1 H560 Q509 P511 G510 S532 K552 M517 E524 D578 H631 R530 T517 C560 D605 U538 U547 PV17 R546 Y520 D563 G542 G541 B527 K567 L523 D593 D602 X585 K568 E572 G536 A554 A585 I606 D551 I547 Patricio Häberle Patricio Lara Patricio Peralta Zamora Patrick Jack Spencer Patrick Judeinstein Paul Burn Paul Canfield Paul David Bristowe Paul K Gentry Paul Knight Paul Thiry Paul V Braun Paula Abdala Paula Andrea Garcés Paula Cristiane Andrade Brito Paula Fabiana Santos Pereira Paula Fernanda da Silva Farina Paula Forte de M P Bonassi Machado Paula Galvao Caldas Paula Gimenes Paula Homem-de-Mello Paula M P Gouvêa Paula Macarena Abdala Paula Martins da Silva Paula Mendes Jardim Paula Poli Soares Paula Rojas Paula Sbaite Paulina Elena Lloret Paulino Estrada Díaz Paulo Araujo Paulo Barbeitas Miranda Paulo Celso Isolani Paulo César Borges Paulo César Correia Gomes Paulo Cesar Morais Paulo César Muniz de Lacerda Miranda Paulo Cesar Soares Junior Paulo Costa Branco Paulo de Souza Gonçalves Paulo de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho Paulo de Tarso Lourenço Paulo dos Santos Batista Paulo Emílio Valadão de Miranda Paulo Fernando Almeida Paulo Fernando Dias C537 C531 V510 A536 H603 K524 PQ5 X567 S513 PS1 E581 G510 R510 PP6 S596 E584 S586 P535 BB686 Z540 BB532 B524 G538 BB595 BB578 BB564 I570 K559 BB615 S504 D554 D594 A668 W501 C520 I565 U548 PC5 I552 S534 X563 BB582 E558 E572 E577 G536 E618 E645 G556 A663 PE7 M531 B521 V531 H588 I501 L505 H577 X530 D570 S502 BB599 BB600 H605 H612 323 Paulo Fernando Papaleo Fitchner Paulo Ferreira Paulo Fichtner Paulo Goncalves Junior Paulo Henrique Neves Santos Paulo Henrique Santos Rosa Paulo Inforçatti Neto Paulo Jorge Bártolo Paulo Jorge Ribeiro Montes Paulo José Modenesi Paulo La Roca Paulo M Bisch Paulo Montes Paulo Noronha Lisboa Filho Paulo Pureur Paulo Ribeiro Paulo Roberto Baracho Paulo Roberto Bueno Paulo Roberto Mei paulo Rogério Miranda Paulo Sérgio Calefi Paulo Sergio de Paula Herrmann Paulo Sérgio Pizani Paulo Vinicius dos Santos Rebeque Paulo Vitor Sochodolak Pavol Miskovsky Pawel Jozwik Pedro Alves da Silva Autreto Pedro Antonio Prieto Pedro Antonio Tamayo Pedro Augusto de Paula Nascente Pedro Berci Filho Pedro Carlos de Oliveira Pedro Cezar Zavitoski Pedro D Vaz Pedro Fautino Souza Jr Pedro Geraldo Pascutti Pedro Henrique Benites Aoki Pedro Igor Barbosa Pedro Iris Paulin-Filho Pedro Jose Arango Pedro Kunihiko Kiyohara Pedro Landeros Pedro Lapido Loureiro Pedro Mendes Gomes Pedro Mitshuo Takahashi 324 E619 V556 M550 D615 D568 D577 D579 D599 BB709 H580 BB649 H581 H636 U561 Z519 X560 AA521 BB659 U559 E537 E606 S604 S591 L588 BB682 S612 Q515 J506 J508 I542 J510 J511 X538 I583 H550 I555 I557 I564 BB579 BB605 BB627 P536 S597 I509 V532 V533 T544 B502 X516 X526 R506 S534 A631 I557 A547 U556 BB552 BB703 I537 I550 I551 A647 I538 Z532 R506 R573 S565 E542 E573 E617 BB703 W506 I571 Pedro Nascente Pedro Novaes Pedro Nuñez Pedro Paulo Merat Pedro Prieto Pedro Venezuela Peilin Chen Person Pereira Neves Peter Eklund Peter Fejes Peter Fischer Peter Grutter Peter Hammer Peter HL Notten Peter Jürgen Tatsch Peter Kempinnen Péter Ludvig Peter Mascher Peter Morse Peter Svec Peter Svec Sr Peter Tatsch Petr Ivanovich Nikitin Petr Mikhailovich Vetoshko Petr Vosynek Petrúcia Duarte Silva Petrucio Barrozo da Silva Petrus Santa-Cruz Phabyanno Rodrigues Lima Philipp Schroeder Philippe Jean Gleize Philippe Kempre Philippe MARTY Philippe Thomas Philippe Vanderbemden Piedad Gañan Pierre Labbé Pietro Carelli Reis de Oliveira Caltabiano Pilar Aranda Pilar Hidalgo Pirjo Laurila Piter Gargarella Poliana Lima da Silva Polyana Alves Radi Prakriti Tayalia Praveena Sarve Dhola Q546 U510 U511 K522 K559 K561 A643 R509 E615 O519 D547 V501 R507 PE5 BB719 A549 U542 S565 F533 PE3 B520 R545 PJ1 I590 Q528 A529 D606 T521 PV14 PV14 Y557 Y558 I529 I529 H518 H519 BB588 BB622 BB628 BB589 S563 S564 I577 A641 I593 X582 I569 I583 I584 E530 A564 U541 B526 PV17 BB557 BB559 O508 H532 L561 I598 BB649 T572 E580 PU4 V516 R512 PV7 C563 R570 P514 P522 325 Preet M Singh Prem Nath Tiwari Premysl Beran Presley Serejo Santos Priscila Alessio Priscila Castilho Palazzo Priscila Castro Souza Priscila Lemes Rachadel Priscila Siqueira de Gouveia Priscila Tamiasso Martinhon Priscilla Coppola Priyank Maheshwari Puja Goel Pulickel M Ajayan Pushan Ayyub 326 BB723 BB518 X522 BB709 I537 I538 BB664 A644 K522 BB616 BB638 R529 V557 BB518 U540 C568 A551 Q Qianqian Wang Qingdong Zheng Qiyuan Wei Quert-Alvarez Rolando Quoc P Nguyen H521 Q503 PB5 BB580 D647 327 R R C Reed R G Gomide R T Wu Raafat Isaac Malek Rachel A Segalman Rachel Crespo-Otero Rachel Parke-Houben Rafael Admar Bini Rafael Agnelli Mesquita Rafael Aparecido Ferreira Rafael Bertier Valentim Rafael Bezerra Lira Rafael Bogado Rafael Carlos Pereira Rafael Cássio Bernardi Rafael DS Silva Rafael Eduardo Garzón Rafael Francisco Kutkoski Rafael Furlan Oliveira Rafael Goncalves Souza Rafael Grande Rafael Guzatto Rafael Henrique Longaresi Rafael Henriques Longaresi Rafael Hubert Silva Rafael Innocenti Vieira da Silva Rafael Julian Gonzalez Hernandez Rafael Leckie Rafael Luiz Erlo Rafael M Leckie Rafael MB dos Santos Rafael Mello Trommer Rafael Menezes Silva Rafael Morgado Batista Rafael Nicolosi Libanori Rafael Oliveira da Silva Rafael Quintana Puchol 328 O532 N521 O532 D567 PP5 BB521 H639 G531 Z540 E537 E606 J516 J520 G541 G542 X554 Y501 BB552 BB703 BB683 Q517 S600 I516 U541 L549 A665 PQ2 T515 D564 K546 S553 Y526 Y536 U566 BB531 O529 T550 D564 H580 K542 BB675 F505 U509 Rafael S Monteiro Rafael Salla Rafael Salomão Rafael Silva Rafael Souza Monteiro Rafael Takabatake Gomes Costa Rafael Torres Leal Rafael Vieira Camerini Rafael Vieira Silva Junior Rafael Villalba Rafaela Cristina Sanfelice Rafaela da Conceição Nascimento Rafaela da Silveira André Rafaela Garcia Sansevero dos Santos Rafaela Peixoto Silva Rafaela Silveira André Rafaella Oliveira nascimento Rafaella T Paschoalin Rafaelle Bonzanini Romero Rafal Dunin-Borkowski Raffaella Capelli Raghunath Kanakala Raigenis Paz Fiuza Raigna Augusta Silva Raildo ALVES Fiúza Raimundo Ribeiro Passos Raimundo Rômulo Martins Júnior Raissa Rodrigues Alves Corte Rajarshi Banerjee Rajashekar Fakeerappa Bhajantri Rajeev Ahuja Rajeev Raghvanpillai Rajender Kumar Nahar Rajesh D Anandjiwala Rajesh Kumar Shukla Rajiv Kumar Satsangi Rakesh Kumar Singh Raluca Savu Ramam Koduri Ramana Venkata Ramazan Esen Ramiro Arratia Perez Ramiro Arratia-Perez Ramiro Garcia-Garcia Ramis Mustafa Oksuzoglu Rammsy Erazo Daniel A Ramon Cortes Paredes BB680 S573 A538 U543 L568 BB657 D612 B541 R517 U532 L588 H647 T507 A593 BB685 A632 G518 BB696 A596 I555 I557 I564 A544 PF9 Q548 O523 O524 K557 P519 P520 T568 T569 K562 K535 Y533 K532 I573 BB677 Z536 Z530 X580 P522 P523 Y563 G516 D637 L577 S506 H517 L577 S612 V501 S532 S609 A584 M554 BB699 H528 E567 E590 K501 X514 329 Ramon Kenned Sousa Almeida Ran Li Ranilson Angelo Silva Ranyele Amorim Martins Raonei Alves Campos Raphael Rodrigues Lage Raphaella Bahia Soares Cabral Raquel Aparecida Domingues Raquel Farias Weska Raquel Fernández Raquel Lizárraga Raquel Lobo Raquel Milani Raquel Silveira Borges Raquel Soares Reis Raúl Eduardo Bolmaro Raul José da S C Mauricio da Fonseca Raul Oliveira Araújo Raul Oliveira Freitas Raul Quijada Raul Rosenhaim Raul Thonke Nicolescu Ravindrachary Vasachar Rawlinson Medeiros Ibiapina Ray H Baughman rcos Henrique Diniz Guimaraes Rebeca Bacani Rebeca Delatore Simões Rebeca Moura Nascimento Regia Chacon Pessoa REGINA Célia Monteiro de Paula Regina Célia Reis Nunes Regina CM de Paula Regina Lélis de Sousa Regina Sandra Veiga Nascimento Regina Vasconcellos Antonio Reginaldo Muccillo Regine Perzynski Regis Daniel Cava Regis F Gontijo Reinaldo Gonzaga remi de Bettignies Renan Fidel de Lucena Lorenzi Renan Menezes Queiroz Renata Abdallah Nogueira Renata Antoun Simão 330 A545 A556 PV1 BB563 BB661 BB663 BB513 R556 U528 BB514 T529 H598 T517 Y521 Z553 R538 PJ2 B512 X560 X561 B506 H549 B519 A561 A562 BB629 N517 P522 P523 T557 D648 C534 K519 H599 H631 O525 L579 R524 B512 L578 S584 A572 H600 H605 K534 K544 K548 E625 X562 H620 C524 N516 M505 R538 D625 H554 B507 AA521 E639 T577 A651 I605 Renata Aquino Renata Aquino de Sousa Renata Auntoun Simão Renata Ayres Rocha Renata Cristina Gandolfi Renata Cristina Lima Renata da Silva Cardoso Renata Katarzyna Wlodarczyk Renata Martins Braga Renata Pires Ferreira Renata Vidor Contri Renato Altobelli Antunes Renato Baldan Renato Barbosa de Oliveira Renato Bonadiman Renato Diniz Carvalho Renato Figueira da Silva Renato Figueiredo Jardim Renato Jonas Oliveira Renato Meneghetti Peres Renato Moreira Renato Silva Renato Silva Nacer Renato Valente Renaudet Olivier Olivier Rene Chagas da Silva Renu Sharma Reza Kazemi Oskuee Reza Roumina Rhett Kempe Rialberth Matos Cutrim Ricaldo Leiva Ricardo Alamillo Ricardo Alexandre Galdino Silva Ricardo André Fiorotti Peixoto Ricardo Antonio de Simone Zanon Ricardo Ariel Ordenes Ricardo Assunção Santos Ricardo Augusto Mascarello Gotardo Ricardo Bentes de Azevedo Ricardo Cunha Michel Ricardo de Padua Oliveira Sá Nery Ricardo E Avila Ricardo Faccio Ricardo Flávio Aroca Ricardo Geraldo Sousa Ricardo Gómez E650 V557 E625 A627 B547 K544 A622 BB545 BB606 BB643 BB698 A593 X507 D584 C557 D593 AA522 G518 K541 X554 C535 Q502 X530 A665 D572 S563 S577 D581 A630 A553 G507 E526 H577 E528 PI1 A629 F502 G503 PX4 PU1 X547 X573 V510 A562 Z511 Z512 Z552 L569 R552 R553 W510 R514 S520 S521 A663 G556 AA516 AA520 R542 K501 E571 A647 A552 C533 D558 331 Ricardo Keitel Donato Ricardo León Restrepo Arango Ricardo Longo Ricardo Lopes Ricardo Luis Tranquilin Ricardo Luiz Longo Ricardo Luiz Ribeiro Ricardo Magnus Galvao Ricardo Menezes Prates Ricardo Meurer Papaléo Ricardo Neves Bedoya Ricardo Noboru Igarashi Ricardo Porto Ricardo Rangel Ricardo Reppold Marinho Ricardo Retenal Fischer Ricardo Ricardo Gonçalves Gomide Ricardo Rodrigues França Bento Ricardo Santo Bonelli Ricardo Schneider Ricardo Silveira Nasar Ricardo Teixeira de Carvalho Ricardo Unglaub Ricardo Vinicius Bof de Oliveira Ricardo Yoshima Ricardo Yoshimitsu Miyahara Richard B Kaner Richard Catlow Richard Leonelli Richard T Baker Richard Thompson Richrad Brand Riichiro Saito Rinaldo Gregório Jr Robert Adam Jackson Robert E Cohen Robert E Hermer Robert F Cook Robert Filipek Robert González Robert Hull Robert Jasionowski Robert Kieffer Robert Marino Espinoza Bernardo Robert McMeeking Robert O Ritchie Robert P.H. Chang 332 A665 M521 M561 BB604 H568 BB562 Y512 BB560 Y514 X505 M547 H635 BB669 B541 U556 E570 X530 F527 X549 S567 N518 H593 R542 S571 A641 O525 I514 PBB10 A650 PW4 S597 C509 PBB16 Q537 K513 S509 E514 S501 E508 C559 PC5 BB641 A606 Y554 S601 B517 N520 B525 Y513 S539 D644 V533 PT12 BB508 O539 H640 PAA5 Robert Sánchez Robert Schulz Robert Sinclair Robert Williams Roberta Alvarenga Isidoro Roberta Grazzielli R A Passarelli Momesso Roberta Helena Mendonça Roberta Lourenço Zioli Roberta Márcia Marques Santos Roberta Nogueira Barreto Roberto Alves de Sousa Luz Roberto da Rocha Lima Roberto de Avillez Roberto Hubler Roberto J Avena-Bustillos Roberto Jesus Avena-Bustillos Roberto Luiz Moreira Roberto Magalhaes Paniago Roberto Manuel Torresi Roberto Mendonça Faria Roberto W A Franco Roberval Stefani Robin Gremaud Robin M Boothby Robinson Carlos Dudley Cruz Robson da Silva Robson Luiz Ferreira Robson Pacheco Pereira Rochel Monteiro Lago Rod Rowland Rodigo Prioli Menezes Rodney Nascimento Rodolfo Ariel PEREZ Rodolfo Bezerra da Silva Rodolfo Daniel Sanchez Rodolfo Foster Klein-Gunnewiek Rodolfo oscar Fuentes Rodrigo Alvarenga Rezende Rodrigo Alves Morais Rodrigo Andrade Martinez Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz Rodrigo Belda Rodrigo Brambilla de Souza Rodrigo Buchfink Souza Rodrigo Cesar Santiago M504 V518 PG2 Z530 K508 H603 P530 BB502 G523 G524 D607 I586 P529 S504 R517 PP7 A603 K568 S524 E623 E643 E653 J505 T574 BB584 T515 T533 T536 T540 BB667 M537 T562 T538 PQ2 A578 BB556 BB594 BB623 PA9 N519 A650 M546 C520 K536 Y531 C528 A535 B524 B544 PB5 H575 X552 E598 I553 V539 K513 S509 K561 K519 A580 H636 C516 A606 T513 C525 C532 AA521 D551 K529 R517 U532 A590 D584 C557 C565 333 Rodrigo da Silva Rodrigo de Farias Gomes Rodrigo de Matos Oliveira Rodrigo de Santis Neves Rodrigo Dias Rodrigo Espinoza Rodrigo Fernado Costa Marques Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi Rodrigo Figueiredo de Brito Resende Rodrigo Gribel Lacerda Rodrigo Herberto Palma Rodrigo José corrêa Rodrigo José de Oliveira Rodrigo Lambert Oréfice Rodrigo Leonardo de Oliveira Basso Rodrigo Lins Pagliai Rodrigo Luis Silva Ribeiro Santos Rodrigo Machado Rodrigo Magnabosco Rodrigo Marques Oliveira Rodrigo Martins Rodrigo Michelin Iost Rodrigo P Silva Rodrigo Parra Rodrigo Pedra Brum Rodrigo Pereira Ramos Rodrigo Ramos Rodrigo Ré Poppi Rodrigo Reis Rodrigo Ribeiro Resende Rodrigo Santanna Aguiar dos Reis Rodrigo Segura Rodrigo Segura del Río Rodrigo Silveira Vieira Rodrigo Villegas Salvatierra Rodríguez-Linares Diana Rogelio Rodriguez-Oliveros Rogério Albuquerque Marques Rogerio de Almeida Vieira Rogério Junqueira Prado Rogério Lúcio Almeida Rogério Lúcio de Almeida Rogerio Machado Rogério Manoel Biagi Moreno Rogerio Paniago Rogério Tavares Ribeiro 334 BB602 BB601 P535 A654 S616 I592 L576 I596 X570 S508 K521 S538 S552 S572 BB708 D509 G531 T526 T525 T544 T546 H571 H531 A583 S550 C550 C552 C572 C534 W510 G537 D634 H634 R527 X569 S567 I531 H537 Y522 N508 L586 T574 PM9 A518 U533 J506 J510 PAA11 BB669 BB667 H577 U527 H531 H541 C531 C537 H590 L506 A525 D523 BB580 I521 H573 R519 H593 Q535 Q534 K564 J519 A582 D588 L505 A583 S571 Rogério V Gelamo Rogerio Valaski Rogério Valaski Roland Joachim Koch Rolando Larico Mamani Rolando Rios Rolf Heumann Román Alvarez Roca Romel M Araujo Romero Gomes Romero Gomes da Silva Araújo Filho Romildo Jerônimo Ramos Romina Paula Statutti Romuel Figueiredo Machado Romulo Crespo Tardim Rômulo Simões Angélica Ronald D Noebe Ronald E Cohen Ronald Lesley Plaut Ronaldo Adriano Timm Ronaldo Censi Faria Ronaldo Domingues Mansano Ronaldo Junio Campos Batista Ronaldo Pinheiro da Rocha Paranhos Ronaldo Santos da Silva Ronan Nedéléc Rondes Ferreira Silva Rondinelli Donizetti Herculano Ronei Miotto Rosa di Felice Rosa Estela Diaz Rosa Julia Medina Sandoval Rosa Maria Rabelo Junqueira Rosa Maria Ribeiro-do-Valle Rosa Maria Souto-Maior Rosa Maria Vercelino Alves Rosa Medeiros Marinho Rosamel Melita Muñoz Riofano Rosana Vilarim Silva Rosane Maria Pessoa Betânio Oliveira Rosane Michele Soares Rosanny Christhinny Silva Rosario Elida Suman Bretas Roseane M Melo Roseany de Vasconcelos Vieira Lopes Roselena Faez C540 M535 M537 C515 BB674 W501 H525 S503 Y554 BB693 BB694 D593 H593 R570 Y518 U563 U562 A655 L545 X584 Y529 Z513 S608 I542 M508 Q513 S516 I560 K551 D616 Z535 Q551 U553 M544 A628 A635 D618 J522 I571 H547 H546 BB664 E586 F502 BB517 B537 B540 H612 A595 A544 A600 BB581 BB561 X553 H585 L523 K568 L538 A527 A600 A614 D527 L543 P531 A611 335 Rosendo López Rosiana Boniatti Rosinei Batista Ribeiro Ross Hrubiak Rossana Mara da Silva Moreira Thiré Rossano Lang Carvalho Roy Edwards Bruns Rubem Luis Sommer Ruben Antonio Vargas Ruben Rosenthal Ruben Weht Rubens Bernandes Filho Rubens Caram Rubens Maciel Filho Rubens Maribondo do Nascimento Rubia Figueredo Gouveia Rúbia Ribeiro Viana Rudi Cloots Rudimar Riva Rudolf Reichelt Rudolf Rueffer Rui Luís Reis Rui Vilar Rusiene Monteiro de Almeida Russel Scharlin Russell Whitesides Ruth H G A Kiminami Ruth Helga Lohwasser Ruth Leibsohn Martins Ruth Shima Edelstein Ryan Carpenter Ryan M Van Horn Ryoji Funahashi Ryuji Kikuchi 336 D558 D542 Y535 Y560 P530 L551 L556 Q536 G538 E545 E597 BB647 K550 A604 BB673 Z535 S531 O514 Z517 Z518 Z539 Z550 PZ5 H530 BB611 H581 A580 H636 C520 U502 K553 T541 A616 A618 H514 O508 Y544 R566 PH1 PE9 H644 R512 V516 V524 O518 D601 D567 BB676 D513 V539 D619 PM7 D596 E554 A535 PP4 PO2 D557 S S Agnihotra S Ammu S J G Lima S K Sharma S L M Brito S L Silva S P Surwade S Peeters S Qaseem Sabrina Aléssio Camacho Sabrina Gomes Faria Salomon Borjas García Salvador Claro Neto Salvador Pané Salvatore Miraglia Samara Araújo Dantas Samira Lea Medina Ruiz Samira Sadat Abolmaali Samuel Bader Samuel Luiz de Marco Sana Abou Mrad Sandra Cristina Ramos Sandra E Murriello Sandra Einloft Sandra Helena Pulcinelli Sandra Lúcia Nogueira Sandra Marcela Landi Sandra Regina Masetto Antunes Sandra Viviana Briceño Sandrin Ludivine Ludivine Sandriny Lacerda Sandro Campos Amico Sang-Koog Kim Sang-Wook Cheong Sanjay Khare Sanjay SAMPATH Sanjay Vijay Bhavsar I600 I600 BB705 S580 E580 N521 I600 PE15 D510 A634 D605 F523 R523 H586 B528 R513 V517 PV17 D571 D580 H564 G522 E540 G513 BB595 H513 C536 PAA7 L564 U524 V537 R545 V546 T568 T569 D588 H625 E584 PI1 U550 BB683 J516 BB704 A656 PE6 F504 S506 PO6 A511 337 Sanjeev Manohar Sanjit Bhowmick Santiago Sanchez-Cortes Santiago Suriñach Saori Urata Sara Figueirêdo de Alcântara Morais Sarah Christine Heilshorn Sarah Haigh Sarah Lewis Sarah Warnes satika Otani Satinder Kumar Satish Rao Satoshi Kamiyama Sau-Yen Chew Saulo Alonso Rodrigues-Silva Saulo Roca Bragança Savita Bisht Saydulla Persheyev Sayonara Andrade Eliziário Scheilla Maria Ramos Scila Reategui Scott A Barnett Scott Edward Watkins sebastão Elias Kuri Sebastián Allende Sebastián Diaz Sebastian Neumann Sebastiana Luiza Bragança Lana Sebastiano Cammelli Sebastiano Garroni Sebastião Gomes dos Santos Filho Sebastién Maria See-How Ng Seetharamappa jaldappa Segundo Nilo Mestanza Muñoz Selma Barbosa Jaconis Selma Luiza Silva Sengo Kobayashi Seong Cho Yu Serdar Nyiazi Sariciftci Sergei Grigoriev Sergei Sergeenkov Sergei Valentinovich Trukhanov Sergey Arkadievich Krutovertsev Sergey Budko Sergey Dubin 338 I600 S581 I522 V520 J523 PO2 A621 H533 PG3 PF6 AA529 PW2 C553 D637 I509 PM5 J517 M547 U577 G504 Q549 BB652 BB701 BB702 E503 BB511 S614 Q528 G557 E544 E610 H525 R569 N505 V520 J523 X529 PM7 J517 P522 A601 A598 A572 S565 N518 PZ6 V519 E547 T540 K510 S541 E521 I503 A513 I504 X567 C509 Sergey K Pirutin Sergey Nickolaevitch Starostenko Sergey V Savilov Sergio Akinobu Yoshioka Sérgio Álvaro de S Camargo Júnior Sergio Antonio Romero Sérgio Augusto Catanzaro Guimarães Sergio Bitencourt Araújo Barros Sergio Brochsztain Sergio Cava Sergio Davis Sergio de Oliveira Sergio de Souza Camargo Jr. Sergio Enrique Moya Sergio Fabian Gueijman Sérgio Frascino Almeida Sergio Gomes Cardoso Sergio Graniero Echeverrigaray Sérgio Henrique B de Sousa Leal Sérgio Henrique Pezzin Sergio Hiroshi Toma Sergio Lopes Ramos Sérgio Luis Petroni Sergio Luiz de Assis Sérgio Luiz Henke Sergio Luiz Mineiro Sérgio Luiz Morelhão Sergio Machado Rezende Sérgio Marcondes Sérgio Mascarenhas Sergio Mazurek Tebcherani Sérgio Mergulhão Sergio Neves Monteiro Sergio Paulo Campana-Filho Sérgio Ribeiro Teixeira Sergio Ricardo de Lazaro Sergio Roshdestwensky Sérgio Souto Maior Tavares Sergio Spinola Machado Sérgio Stein Sergio Tomas Velazquez Sérgio Toshio Fujiwara Sergio Venturinelli Jannuzzi Sergio Yesid Gómez Sethuraman Pitchumani Severino Alves Junior Severino Jackoson Gomes Lima H511 Q510 C539 K545 H596 R508 R514 R542 B532 R549 D560 H546 H547 S507 I512 I523 T558 F531 Y546 H531 C533 C572 PB8 P504 P505 Z549 BB507 BB717 BB716 A650 BB577 BB590 BB592 BB596 C505 A624 A656 D635 H556 H508 R550 X514 A659 I596 B519 E535 D544 PAA13 BB591 F531 T535 T536 L547 L548 B542 A648 H552 A622 D542 BB591 F531 E528 Z536 Z537 Z508 I558 K517 A585 S607 I540 C509 P533 U535 K552 M511 A663 D576 D589 O520 BB555 BB561 BB570 BB581 BB585 BB617 BB634 BB650 339 Severino Leopoldino Urtiga Seyed Ahmad Mohajeri Seyed Hadi Mousavi Sezen Demirtas Shafqat Shah Shalendra Kumar Shaoqing Wang Shay Reboh Sheila Bernhard Galvão Sheila Cristina Santos Costa Sheila Pasqualotto Sheila Ramos Sheila Southgate Sherif Soliman Shi-Xue Dou Shidong Song Shih-Chun Lo Shilpa Sant Shinji Muraishi Shinobu Teraoka Shirahata Naoto Shirani Kaori Haraguchi Shirsley dos Santos da Silva Shobhit Charan Shogo Onishi Shoichi Nambu Shu H Wang Shuzi Hayase Sidnei Paciornik Sidney Domingues Sidney Gonçalo de Lima Sidney José Lima Ribeiro Sidney Nicodemos Silva Sigurd Wagner Silmara Cristina Baldissera Silvana Andrea Sommadossi Silvaneide de Jesus Matos Silvania Lanfredi Silvania Marques Rodrigues Silvelene Alessandra Silva Silvia Beatriz Beger Uchoa Silvia Fernanda Moya Sílvia Helena Santagneli Silvia Letícia Fernandes Silvia Licoccia 340 V540 V543 Z532 H510 G502 G544 E559 S513 S580 Y503 T509 Q536 D599 E619 M550 M553 D615 E513 T570 D641 D642 E614 G537 H560 G546 J517 K513 PQ5 G546 B508 O513 PD7 L568 T518 A549 Q504 A524 R516 R536 V521 X519 P508 PM3 S572 L570 K546 H642 V555 P518 V542 V544 V545 T559 H536 H617 H618 PQ3 R575 Z523 Z534 U553 D571 D580 BB502 A659 BB724 D596 V555 BB624 J515 K512 K514 H560 Sílvia Ligório Fialho Silvia P Heluani Silvia Regina Batistuzo Medeiros Sílvia Shibata Sílvia Stanisçuaski Guterres Silviene Novikoff Silvio Buchner Silvio Rainho Teixeira Silvio Roberto de Azevedo Salinas Simon Gélinas Simone dos Santos Afonso Simone Pereira da Silva Ribeiro Simone Sanna Simoni Maria Gheno Simoni Plentz Meneghetti Sinara Borborema Gabriel Sinisa Vukovic Sirlaine D F Brandão Sirlei Jaiana Kleinübing Sisenando Itabaiana Sobrinho Sivaldo Leite Correia Sizue Ota Rogero Snezana Boskovic Sofiène Amira Sokol Ndoni Solange de Souza Soleyman Mohammadi Samani Soltan Ahmed Ebrahimi Sonal Ishit Thakore Sonia Ben Yahia Sonia Braunstein Faldini Sonia Camero Sónia Eugénio Sonia Gaona Jurado Sonia Hatsue Tatumi Sonia Licia Baldoch Sonia M Zanetti Sônia Nair Báo Sonia Regina Homem Mello-Castanho Sonia Renaux Wanderley Louro Sonja Michaela Gross Soo Hyung Kim Soochang Choi Soon-Ju Kwon Sophie Ollivier Soraia Carvalho de Souza Soraia ZAIONCZ G524 G523 F507 S576 H628 BB688 G512 G513 G520 G518 H619 H644 V531 BB563 BB661 BB663 BB576 Q537 A631 A572 K514 R506 D601 H542 BB676 C524 L544 L563 L506 R569 U523 U529 H603 A548 PV13 I519 R550 G521 H510 B536 C503 L565 H647 V524 O518 E583 E584 A506 M551 I559 E577 U558 I507 I541 U502 A574 C526 M525 D543 BB621 BB634 BB620 P528 341 Soraya Alves Morais Sorin Lazar Soumya Nag Spyros Krimpalis Sreeramamurthy Ankem Srinivasan Rajagopalan Stafano Toffanin Stanislav A Moshkalev Stanislaw Kolesnik Stefan Balint Stefan Burk Stefan Chaves Figueiredo Stefan Krischok Stefan Roth Stefan Thomas Bromley Stefan Walenty Kycia Stefanie Kittler Stefano Deledda Stella Ordoñez Stephan J Stranick Stephane Gpsse Stephane Rols Stephanie Boursicot Stephanie Deputier Stephanie P Lacour Stephanie Vasko Stephen Doorn Stephen Z.D. Cheng Steve Baranton Steven Van Petegem Stuart Richard Holdsworth Subash Mahajan Suédina Maria Lima da Silva Suelen Barg Suelino Gabriel Junior Suhk Kun Oh Suhrit Ghosh Sulaiman Alfadul Sung Wan Cho Sunggyu Lee Supakit Charnvanichborikarn Suprakas Sinha Ray Supriyo Ghose Suren Kharatyan Surender Kumar Sharma Surendra Saxena Suryaprakash Sambhara 342 L558 PF1 Z530 E551 PV4 Z530 X580 Q548 C509 C541 C540 E532 E571 I509 X534 L513 C515 PV1 BB543 B519 G517 PV11 W501 B525 PN4 E519 BB609 BB610 BB609 BB621 PQ1 T521 C518 PP4 PJ3 X517 X517 F502 BB604 K517 D537 V519 E547 T503 A502 B515 A666 M516 PL5 PA7 G504 U501 E524 Y560 G510 Susan Habas Susana Adelina Larrondo Susana Beatriz Ramos de Debiaggi Susana Inés Córdoba de Torresi Susana Oliveira de Souza Susana Ramos de Debiaggi Suzana Bottega Peripolli Suzana Fries Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros Suzanny Cristina Soares Martins Sven Bornemann Sven Cornelissen Sven Huettner Sven Uhlenbruck Sydney Ferrera Santos Syed Badshah Syed Imad-Uddin Ahmed Syed Imam Sylvain Desprez Sylvain GARRIER Sylvio Savoie PD5 K559 Z534 A521 J505 I539 D540 D611 Z523 C512 F512 F522 Y569 E563 A588 E598 H617 H618 E649 E556 PM7 J522 PV13 S517 L557 C515 A597 A594 M517 PV17 V518 343 T T F de Amorim T Stakenborg Tabata Vidal Taciane Perreira da Costa Taciano Peres Ferreira Tadahiro KAWASAKI Tae-Yon Lee Tahiana F Conceição Hermenegildo Takahiro Yamada Takao Suzuki Takayoshi TANJI Takuya Hayashi Takuzo Aida Talita Filier Fontes Tamara Lehmkuhl Coelho Tamara Sibele Santos Tamiye Simone Goia Taneli Laamanen Tânia Beatriz Creczynski-Pasa Tania Brito Silva Tania Machado Benedetti Tânia Mara Garcia Tania Regina Giraldi Tanise Camini Tao Tang Tapani Viitala Tapio Mäntylä Tara H McHugh Tara Habig McHugh Tarcisio Eloi de Andrade Junior Tathiane C. Rodrigues F. Lessa Tathyana Tumolo Tatiana Bendo Tatiana da Silva Tatiana Martelli Mazzo Tatiana Pena Figueiredo Tatiana Rappoport 344 BB724 PE15 T561 G531 BB672 PD2 E649 X549 T520 T522 E566 PD2 PC6 PP8 N508 J524 S593 H611 BB623 I578 I587 BB502 J505 A577 D553 S543 D561 V567 N501 T527 PU4 PP7 A603 U502 BB656 A653 BB664 R515 X579 A607 BB630 BB636 BB671 C533 E526 E595 E596 Tatiana Sainara Maia Fernandes Tatiana Santos de Araujo Tatiana Weber Tatiane da Silva Eufrásio Tatiane Jo Tatiane Siqueira dos Santos Tatiane Skeika Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato Taynara Lima Valentim Tejasvi Prakash Teko Napporn Telma Regina Nogueira Teobaldo e Torres Teodorico Castro Ramalho TÉrcio Graciano Machado Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars Teresa Estela Perez Teresa Marques Tereza da Silva Martins Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne Tetsu Yonezawa Tetsuya Kouno Tetsuya Yamamoto Th Birendra Singh Thaila I Wodewotzk Thais Paula Busquim Thaisa Mary Carvalho Thaise Ramos Fernandes Thales Gorla Lemos Thalita Chiaramonte Thalita Jessica Bondancio Thalita Silva Bispo Thatiana Montenegro Stamford Thatyane Morimoto Nobre Thatyara Freire de Souza Thays CF Santos Thayza Montenegro Stamford Thebano Emílio de Almeida Santos Theophilo Moura Maciel Thercio Henrique de Carvalho Costa Therese Merle-mejean Thereza Amélia Soares Thiago Augusto Burgo Thiago Carvalho Cipriano Thiago da Cruz Canevari Thiago Ferreira Luz Thiago Jabur Bittar Thiago M Goss I568 U576 D540 D611 R527 H592 G507 N510 I540 H549 H555 H562 H564 D625 J504 PJ3 A507 BB515 E582 BB549 BB550 E513 T529 X523 X540 V524 K519 PH6 PD4 PM1 T520 T522 Q528 H596 G557 Z511 Z512 A629 R502 F515 F516 L552 C567 H631 G562 I558 E563 E568 P508 H631 R554 W503 H628 L559 BB557 BB703 T531 I571 I533 S536 PAA11 BB683 345 Thiago Martini Pereira Thiago Matos Araujo Thiago Palermo Thiago R F Peixoto Thiago Rodrigues Guimarães Thiago Sequinel Thiago Silva Oliveira Thiago Souza Thiago Xavier Rocha Souza Thibaut Devolder Thiers Massami Uehara Thomas Burchhart Thomas Dittrich Thomas Duden Thomas Gredig Thomas Haensel Thomas Keller Thomas Schmalz Thomas Vogt Thomaz Augusto Guisard-Restivo Tiago Borsoi Klein Tiago Carneiro Gomes Tiago da Silva Bonfim Tiago de Góes Conti Tiago de M Schmidt Tiago Felipe Andrade Tiago Felipe de Abreu Santos Tiago Hilário Ferreira Tiago Lemos Meneses Tiago Machado Tiago Pinheiro Braga Tiago Renovato Santos Tiago Tavares Tiberio Andrade Passos Tierri Engel Till Hagedorn Timothy Cantrell Timothy H Topper Timothy J Boyle Tirumurty Velpandian Titas Dasgupta Tito E Huber Tito Jose Bonagamba Tobias Heimfarth Tobias Voss Tolek Tyliszczak Tom Hoghé 346 H509 G535 O522 E619 A523 F531 BB701 G523 G524 X579 P535 E556 I552 E530 PA2 PD5 E581 C515 T542 PU1 D525 PA3 U558 U512 Q542 Q523 BB675 BB683 K548 X549 G525 R548 E526 E652 E651 U551 O522 BB634 D599 M550 D615 B520 J504 PBB11 PX3 AA529 G504 O515 E608 O521 A578 I580 P514 E654 U512 Tomas Navrat Tomas Polcar Tomas Profant Tomasz Sokalski Tomasz Tolinski Tomaz Toshimi Ischikawa Tomaz Toshimi Ishikawa Tomharu Tokunaga Tomohiro Masuda Tomoyuki Urata Tony Khoury Tony Zahrah Toru Miyazaki Toshihiko Koseki Toshio Araki Toshiyuki Uenoya Travis E Jones Tsai Ming-Jui Tsuneharu Ogasawara Tunísia Eufrausino Schuler Turab Lookman H518 H519 R503 R504 C504 BB574 Y513 E518 E519 V517 V568 V536 D545 O513 PO2 I575 A535 BB576 X518 V521 X519 X518 A539 Y564 R501 U525 S599 L589 Y562 347 U Uílame Umbelino Gomes Uilson Schwantz Sias Ulisses Bezerra Ulrich Dahmen Urquisa de Oliveira Bicalho Ute Schmidt Uwe Amann 348 V A558 M553 BB711 PZ4 D537 C510 S515 V Dua V Eposito V Rossi Albertini V V Silberschmidt Vadim Guliants Vaeud Valdimiro de Oliveira Vagif Malik Akhmedov Vagner Eustáquio de Carvalho Vagner Romito Mendonça Valberto Pedruzzi Nascimento Valcinir Aloisio Scalla Vulcani Valdemar Leal Valdemir Ludwig Valdemir Santos Valdemir Velani Valdinete Lins da Silva Valdir Mano Valdir Soldi Valdirene Aparecida da Silva Valdirlei Fernandes Freitas Valeira Santos Malta Valeria Moraes Longo Valeria Perna de Souza Valeria S Razina Valéria Spolon Marangoni Valéria Weiss-Angeli Valerie Bouquet Valerio Rossi Albertini Valery V Lunin Valmor Roberto Mastelaro Valquiria Cruz Rodrigues Valquíria Silva Melo Valquiria Villas-Boas Valtencir Zucolotto I600 PK8 PK10 BB666 D525 PA3 A545 D531 S524 D535 E587 E620 H522 H523 V561 A528 C546 BB590 BB592 D570 BB621 L519 H601 L538 I587 O525 S519 S533 S597 S590 BB502 K567 BB658 H502 C539 I579 G513 BB609 BB610 BB621 M505 C539 D505 BB605 U542 D520 I602 I604 A529 AA519 E619 A518 I508 I512 BB596 I546 I551 I554 M532 I556 I558 I563 I567 I579 I581 I591 G550 I550 G549 G553 I586 349 Vamberto Dias Mello Vamir Antonio Chitta Van Der Heyden Angeline Angeline Vananélia Pereira Nunes Geraldo Vanessa Akeda Vanessa Cristina Gonçalves Vanessa Farias Silva Vanessa Feliciano Vanessa Motta Chad Vanessa Petrilli Bavaresco Vanessa Rodrigues Cunha Vanessa Schmidt Vanessa Sobue Franzo Vani Oliveira Júnior Vania Caldas Sousa Vânya Márcia Duarte Pasa Varlei Rodrigues Vasant Vidyadhar Chabukswar Veer Pal Singh Awana Velimir Radmilovic Venkat Reddy Vummadi Vera Lucia da Silva Marinho Vera Lucia Mazzocchi Vera Lúcia Othéro de Brito Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino Vera Rosa Capelossi Veronica Araujo Calado VerÔnica de Carvalho Teixeira Veronica Dionisio Lima Verônica Mara Cortez Alves Oliveira Viacheslav Yermishkin Vicent Dupuis Vicente Braz Trindade Vicente Cantavella Vicente Donderis Vicente S Sagredo Vicente Sousa Marques Victor Alexandrovich Dmitriev Victor Alexandrovich Lyakah Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera Victor Antonio Peña Rodriguez Victor Aurel Andrei Victor Carozo Victor Castano Victor Ciro Solano Reynoso Victor Ferreira 350 E636 S527 PI1 G562 L527 T508 T527 BB621 L555 B518 H530 H581 H641 H630 H522 H523 I571 K527 A569 F514 B529 F519 D574 E601 A511 E579 PZ4 PD5 P513 Y533 K535 K532 H509 I513 I514 A530 A599 H641 A667 R546 BB678 U561 A546 X531 X532 X516 E625 X534 X535 U519 PU6 M545 E582 BB715 BB712 BB722 BB558 Q550 S541 S560 S573 S589 BB510 BB517 BB535 BB536 E638 R532 C519 PAA3 D626 V513 Victor Ho Victor Jayme Roget Rodriguez Pita Victor Luiz Leidens Victor Manuel Fuenzalida Víctor Manuel Prida Victor S Batista Víctor Vega Victor Vitorino Sarmento Vikram Singh Viktor Nikolaevich Matveev Vinayak P Dravid Vincent Crasta Vincent G Harris Vincent Meunier Vincent Meyer Vincent Pagneux Vincenzo Giannini Vinícius Bertuzzo Lima Vinicius Bossoni Amaral Vinicius C de Franco Vinicius Claudio Zoldan Vinicius Dantas Araujo Vinicius Maltarollo Vinícius Rodrigues Henriques Vinicius Romero Gonçales Vinícius Zacarias Rizzo Vinnius Hirdes Krüger Virgilio Carvalho dos Anjos Vitali Prakapenka Vitaliy Bilovol Vitoldo Swinka Filho Vitor Alexandre Garcia Godoy Vitor Baranauskas Vitor Cesar Dumont Vitor da Costa Vitor de Moraes Zamarion Vitor Gouveia Vitor Henrique Grigull Vítor Rodrigo Melo Melo Vitor Toshiyuki Abrão Oiko Vitória MTS Barthem Vittoria Perroti Viviana Possamai Della Viviane Cristina Albarici Viviane Monteiro Azambuja Viviane Mota Bispo Viviane Silva Gomide PP5 A623 A660 A653 A618 D509 D522 E549 M546 E549 R545 D637 F509 PG4 P522 PE11 C570 PC3 N511 BB707 I521 BB516 R520 E619 E612 E622 D511 D520 BB578 R502 H508 U567 U566 A521 J505 Q513 H627 A528 A575 C546 F512 E626 E627 H588 A614 D548 H580 Z537 A613 D502 L542 BB629 B529 E639 H543 U510 U511 BB577 V535 H585 V559 H604 H619 351 Vivianne Nelly Dougnac Viviany Geraldo de Morais Vladimir Anatolievich Dekret Vladimir Fuis Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi Vladimir Lavayen Vladimir Timofeevich Volkov Vladimir Valentinovich Kalinovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich Konovalov Vladislav Kharton Volker Eyert Vytautas Sasnauskas A561 A562 C552 C572 B503 H565 H566 H567 C536 C542 R556 R570 C531 C544 F509 I503 I503 S515 Y559 L572 W W Nelson Wagner Figueiredo Wagner Izaltino Alves dos Santos Wagner Sade Waldek Waldimir Bose Filho Waldemar A Macedo Waldemar Alfredo Monteiro Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo Waleed Khaled El-Zawawy Walker Soares Drumond Walman Benicio Castro Walter Antonio Ospina Muñoz Walter Barreiro Cravo Jr Walter Caseri Walter Colli Walter DalMaz Silva Walter Jaimes Salcedo Walter Jose Botta Walter Lindolf Weingaertner Walter Mendes de Azevedo Walter Miyakawa Walter Moreira Lima Walter Orellana Walter Oswaldo Sosa Wanda Valle Marcondes Machado Wanderley Amorim Júnior Wanderley Marzano Wang Jian-Yi Wang Shu Hui Wania Aparecida Cristinelli Wania da Conceição Moreira Warren C. oliver Washington da Silva Sousa Washington Formiga Fernandes 352 O530 E575 E612 R550 O517 X520 E643 L588 E569 C529 A552 L525 H574 H589 X509 W503 M521 M561 F530 P532 I594 X579 A608 I589 R512 V516 V517 V522 V526 V527 V529 V536 V568 X562 H620 V561 V565 V566 J523 J512 B518 PV7 PV16 U521 U522 D566 D576 A663 D589 D611 D540 H582 Y555 PY1 S553 T539 BB674 BB678 Y557 Y558 X501 H574 H589 L580 L589 D607 I554 PR3 T538 BB548 353 Wataru Ueda Watson Beck Jr Wei Li Wang Wei Lu Welber Gianini Quirino Welter CantanhÊde da Silva Wen Chen Wen-Bin Zhang Wen-Yong Lai Wendel Andrade Alves Wesley de Souza Bezerra Wesley LC Ribeiro Wesley Renato Viali Whidong Kim Wido Herwing Schreiner Wiktoria Ratuszek Wiliam Trujillo Herrera William A Lester Jr William aperador William Arvey Molano William Davis William Fernando Zambuzzi William John Orts William Junior Nascimento William Lester William Mathiazzi Graciano William Paul William Pyrz William Rafael Lopez William Thomas Reynolds Jr Willian Alayo Rodriguez Willian Campos Ribeiro Willian Cirineu Ferreira Wilmar Barbosa Ferraz Wilmer Oswaldo Bucheli Wilmer Saldarriaga Wilney de Jesus Santos Wilson Acchar Wilson Alexander Hormaza Wilson lopera Wilson Ricardo Weinand Wim Van Roy Wolfgang Jager Wu Wen-Chang Wyne Thomas Shier 354 D525 PA3 G511 F529 E566 Z515 E591 Z520 E592 E593 T537 T555 T559 T564 I586 C517 PP4 PQ5 I571 T576 L578 E572 C526 D523 C516 X503 E503 E614 E651 E652 BB676 R507 R509 R551 E583 G510 H502 A594 L530 L531 A597 O514 H582 S540 BB665 T528 B520 D525 PA3 Y526 Y536 PZ6 E536 S612 L546 N515 A604 S554 I569 U503 U518 U527 K538 C567 H587 O519 H582 E556 PR1 X510 X511 G503 X X Q Zhang Xavier Lepro Xavier Solans-Monfort Xi Long Xianbing Zeng Xiang Li Xiangyang Huang Xiaoding Wei Xiaojun Zhao Xiaoqing You Xiaoxing Ke Ximena Matamoros Ximena Zarate Xinfei Yu BB504 BB505 BB503 D648 BB520 C517 PT12 E591 Z520 E592 E593 PO1 B510 PH4 BB665 PF3 G528 H559 A584 PP4 355 Yuhua Zhang Y Y A Kim Y Kagawa Yacine Badjah Hadj Ahmed Yair Ein-Eli Yan Li Yan Lu Yang Shao Yang Shao-Horn Yang Shen Yangkyu Ahn Yaniv J Rosen Yannis F Missirlis Yao Koutsawa Yasuharu Fujiyama Yasuyuki Sugiyama Ying Chen Yingfeng Tu Yoana Pérez-Badell Yoichi Miyahara Yoko Matsumura Yolanda Elinor Bravo-Garcia Yong-Cheng Lin Yong-Hang Zhang Yongchang Fan Yongwoo Kim Yoong Ahm Kim Yoshihiko Takeda Yoshihiko Yokoyama Yoshihiro Ishitani Yoshio Ohshita Yoshitaka Gushikem Yosuke Kuwahara Younes Messaddeq Young Duck Kim Young Joo Kim Youngkyun Moon Yu Wang 356 C569 O536 P506 PW3 V552 V553 T502 PF1 D577 O529 G548 PE16 H594 Y517 PM5 D545 PB3 PP4 BB520 BB521 B520 PO2 I606 X542 Q521 PM15 Q549 M525 PC6 PA8 V502 PM8 PM2 I506 S507 I523 I533 I595 PM5 P518 V542 V544 V545 V555 B515 S580 C526 PZ6 Yuji Ohkubo Yujie Ma Yuki Asabe Yuki Chujyo Yukihiro Nakada Yun Daniel Park Yuri Gurevich Yuri Lizbeth Chipatecua Godoy Yuri Torres Yurii Gunko Yurimiler Leyet Ruiz Yusif Alekberovich Kasumov Yutaka Kagawa YuTao Pei Yutao Xing Yuxin Wang Yvan Houbaert Yvonne B Gerbig BB506 BB504 BB551 BB505 BB633 BB637 BB644 BB645 BB503 Q504 A524 R516 R536 P510 Q504 A524 R516 R536 D545 O511 B515 BB632 R537 A558 M542 S556 F509 O511 U575 D550 R535 E503 E536 E596 E614 E595 E566 Z515 E591 Z520 E592 E593 Z501 B525 357 Z Zacarias Eduardo Fabrim Zahra Fakraai Zaine Teixeira Zakarya Ahmed Zane W Wyatt Zbigniew Bojar Zbigniew S. Wronski Zbigniew Zaranski Zdenek Knesl Zeid Abdullah Alothman Zélia Maria da Costa Ludwig Zélia Soares Macedo Zelma Rocha da Silva Zeynep Baz Zhang Xue Qing Zheshuai Lin Zhi Zhang Zhixing Guo Ziarat Shah Afridi Zilvam Melo dos Santos Zineb Mekhalif Zoe Boekelheide Zoran V Popovic Zorana D Dohcevic-Mitrovic Zou Zhigang Zulmira Guerrero Marques Lacava Zygmunt Nitkiewicz 358 V556 M550 B541 G535 K563 PV4 V532 V533 PV8 V533 BB574 P506 A528 A575 C546 Q551 U553 A635 S601 D618 X585 S609 BB633 BB637 PS1 N501 X506 R541 H646 R510 R511 R544 O537 E553 A548 A548 E553 J502 G536 X507 359 360