25c - Sadie Pope Dowdell Public Library
25c - Sadie Pope Dowdell Public Library
t> }J • • VOLUME 4 6 No 9 v South Amboy, N. J., Friday, June 4, 1926 PROGRESSIVES ANNUAL CAKNJVAL TO PASSES OPEN WEEK'S RUN MONDAY NIGHT Price Four Cents. AWAY TAG DAY SOON RUMORED COUNCIL PLANS TO APPOINT FOR HOSPITAL UNEXPECTEDLY Saturday, June 19th Date Selected. DEMOCRATIC SUCCESSOR TO KVIST John Olsen Died at Home Saturday Workers Wanted. in 77th Year. Saturday, June 13th has been des- Action Expected To Be Taken At Next Meeting—John F. (Affair Bigger And Belter Than Ever To Occupy All.Of Death last Saturday morning came ignated as Tag Day for the benefit to John Olsen at his home 224 So. of the South Amboy Memorial Hos< Gordon Street—Free Stunts To Attract Crowds—Man Broadway in his seventy-seventh pital. McGuire, of Boxing Referee Fame, Slated For Appoint'Mrs. J. Arthur Applegate, year. Mr. Olsen although he had To Jump Off High Pole Nightly not been in the best of health for chairman of the Ways and Means ment, Political Gossip Predicts. the past several months, had been Committee of the Woman's Auxiliary to the local institution has issued able to be about and only the evenThere is a persistent rumor abroad ing before he died, stated that he a call for volunteer workers among in the city that the Democratic madesired to attend the funeral of a the older girls of the local schools, jority of the Common Council at ita near neighbor the next day. Mr. Ol- and from the ladies of all parts of next meeting on June 16th will take sen was born in Norway, December the city. Headquarters will be esadvantage of the resignation of Coun18, 1849 and had been a resident of talblished in the city hall on the day Thomas C. Gel^irnon |Pa»»fd Away cilman Kvist and appoint a Democrat strTetlo b e k ^ P i n e avenue will pa this city for the ipast thirty-seven of the drive, and workers are asked ?-_.:L d (by the group for the dis- Saturday. years, having located in South Am- to report there between the hours of J. H. Cozzens Elected to Head Next to fill out the year 1926 as a represenative of the Fourth Ward. John eight and nine o'clock in the mornSeason. Picnic Soon. of tKeir shows and On last Friday evening, Thomas C. iboy in 1889. McGuire, of Pine avenue, is said ing. They may also call at MTB. 'Sse A nightly feature will be In Gelsinon, of 227 David street, deThe final meeting of the South F. Mr. Olsen during his residence here the form of a free act, which has for parted this life at the age of sljcty- had worked for the Pennsylvania Applegate's home, 268 John street, Amboy Harmony Club was held on to be slated for the position and will te a & i o n a hair breadth jump five after an illness of six months. Railroad, having been employed at on Friday aftennoon, June 18th, if Tuesday evening at the Christ Church also make the contest against Walter candidate, in NovHis kind nature and pleasant man- the old ship yards here and later at more convenient. Parish House and the outstanding Inman, Republican , For the past four years the Wo- features were the financial report ember. ner were well attested to by the large the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Olsen was well One of the majority members of man's Auxiliary has held a bazaar numbers who paid their respects nt De 1 throughout the city and leaves each Fall in the high school auditor- rendered by the treasurer, James the council stated last night that it pr esfd°entSof the Progressive Fire his home and, in the church at the known Kea, a discussion on the coming ana host o.f sorrowing Iriends and relarnmoanv J. E. Coogan, who is m- funeral services. His loss will be ium to raise funds for the local hos- nual picnic and a few remarks re- has been agreed that Mr. McGuiro c S t l y chairman of this year's event rreatly felt by his friends and fam- tives. pital, but this year it 'was decided the very successful musical will receive the appointment which Funeral services were held from upon to hold » Tag Day, and every- garding development during the past year and can be made under existing- laws. He ily. his late home Tuesday afternoon at The deceased was born in this city three o'clock, Rev. D. E. Clair and one is asked to givo what they can the complete co-operation of the ex- said that the law prohibiting thfl when approached by the workers. ecutive stuff and all members by Mr. Perth Amboy Board of Aldermen ^BucU k ' s Empire Shows, who are to and for the past 47 years was emRev E. A. Mell officiating. InterSeFn entirecUe of the staging of ployed by the Pennsylvania Railroad ment was made in Christ Church This yeur's drive for funds will be II. W. Dillon, the retiring president. ,from filling a vacancy does not apply This councilman said he felt the marvelous show. A miniature Company here, where he worked hard cemotery under the direction of E. S. centered chiefly upon local residents, Following the election of officers here. . 4 . ere it was entirely within the province of and not passing nutoisU) and it is Coney Island will be perfected in the and faithfully. Mason & Son. The .pull bearers wore hoped by those in chance that the for the year 1920-1927 took placo the local body to make the substituMaxville section of the city before During the existence of the Liberty Walter Mundy, Guwtave Gnlley, Alwith Mr. Herbert Bicknell, of the tion and that instead of playing poliCornet Band of this city, he was a bert Wabcr, J. Alfred Johnson, Peter response will lie. most generous. the opening gong on Monday. nominating committee in charge. The tics by the selection of a Democrat following officers were elected: PresA merry go :round, ferns wheel and member, and at one timo leader. He Peterson and John Johnson. fill a Republican vacancy he said it bo found in was a member of the St. Mary's ident, Mr. J. II. Cozzens; Vice prcsi- to Venetian Besides the widow, Christine, the V e n e t i a n swings BWWIBO will ••••- , , . was really Councilman Kvist who Holy Name Society, the A. 0. H. and •; Secretary dent, Miss Hazel deceased is survived by two daughideal places along Gordon street and has been playing politics by providing o>f Columbus and served ns ters, Mrs. Senie Johnson, of Port .surer, Miss for Mr. L. E. iStulta; thirty other attractions will be plac- Knights election of his successor to •ector, Mrs. servethe Margaret Campbell) ed in advantageous positions in or- treasurer of the A. 0 . H. for several Richmond, S. I., and Mrs. Louise out 1927 should he be beaten Peterson, of Norway; and two sons, Memorial Day Specchmaking Held In Ada Piersol Cozzcns; x'ianist, Mrs. for the mayorship and also paving der to attract the hundreds of people For the past twenty-five years, Mr. Mathais, »f Brooklyn and Olaf, of Fannie Pariaen; Chnirman Music the way to put a Republican in office High School Auditorium who are expected out nightly. Every Committee, J. M. Parker; Chnirman to aid him if elected Mayor. effort is to be made not to »>«""? Gelsinon had been president of the this city. Star Building and Loan Association The heavy downpour of rain on Social Committee, Mrs. C. T. Mason; inconvenience the residents ofleGori n l h is the first time in many years This Decoration Day upset the plans of Chairman .Membership Committee, ^ we nrst time in many years don street. Thousands of e ?tr>= of this city,, during which time this A. M. Luke A. Lovely Post to curry out an A. M. Coin: Cole; Chairman Chairman KntprtainmRnt Entertainment tnatsucn a decision has been before lights will be strung in and about •organization has multiplied rapidly, the local body and it is said that when elaborate program in honor of the Committee, John Ellams; Business the street, the reflection of which will and become one of the foremost IT dead veterans of former wars. It Manager, Arthur Ingraham; Adver- Councilman Hackett resigned some be readily seen for miles. Every the State, as well as one of the largyears ago it was too near Election mddern device to attract large est 'financial institutions of this city, From Here and March on Memorinl was intended to hold the speech mak- tising, Oliver Lockhart. Day and the end of the year to make ing from a specially constructed crowds will be used by the company and may well be accredited with havThe Harmony Club will hold its Bridge. ing helped to build a considerable stand on the city hall grounds, but annual picnic at Perrine's Grove, the appointment of a successor of in charge of the production. any value, the weather necessitated the securThe members of the Progressive part of it. He was also in the genFinal plans have been perfected ing of the high school auditorium East Spotewood, on Saturday, June Mr. McGuire, who is an engineer Company are highly enthused over eral insurance business. for the Victory Memorial Bridge for this part of the work. John A 19th, eaving the City Hall at 2 P. M. on the Raritan River Railroad, is exthe prospects of a weeks big doings The funeral took plate from St. Cele!br,ation parade on Thursday, All members and friends are invited and a large profit to their company. Mary's Church on Tuesday morning June 24th, the line of march to start Coan was the principal speaker at to join us and we can assure you all tremely popular and has a wide acThese fire laddies that have disting- at nine o'clock, Solemn High Mass of on Stevens avenue, this city. Lewis this meeting. that a splendid time will be had by quaintance. He has lived here all his life and is now a licensed referee uished themselves on many occasions Requiem being. offered by the Rev. Compton, chairman of the committee The Columbus Italian Union Band all. in the few short years of their exist- E. c; Grififin, assisted by the Rev. in charge, has announced the forma- of Perth" Amboy furnished musii for Each person supplies their own °'f the State Boxing Commission and ence, as a fire department, are de- Father Lannery as deacon, and Rev. tion time as two o'clock, and the start he march from the Legion homa to box lunch and we will furnish trans-' r e c e n % conducted several boxing serving of encouragement, from the Father Faber as sub-deacon. Inter- as three o'clock. The parado will go he auditorium where tho speaking portation. All persons desiring to at- ! tournaments in Sacred Heart Audipeople of this city. One way to en- ment, was made in St. Mary's Ceme- west on Stevens avanue ;\o Main ras .held. After the meeting, the tend please notify Mr. Dillon, phone torium. courage them is to patronize their tery.'' •••• , .• "• , It is known that the resignation of street;' down Main street to the P. R. .narch was resumed to the City Hall 58-J, or Mr. Rea, phone 134. entertainment next week liberally. The Harmony Club has not taken ?"'• Kvist some weeks ago, following The pall b e a r e r s were Thomas F . E. right of way, thence to the Vic- %rounds where a wreath was placed The proceeds will be used by y the com- Burke a n d John Riley, of P e r t h A m - tory Bridge and on across to Perth over the cannon there:and a volley on.any concert engagements since it I irrunediately on the heels of the antheir equipment boy; Capt. John J . oFrd, of N e w a r k ; Amboy. jfire.d... ;3?he march was then resum- broadcasted from Station WGBS in! nouncement of his candidacy for the P n e JP klh ancTmakelhem reaSs *°r ^^f^ff? •Edward •JV; O'Connor, D a n i e l i K e g a n , ,*jiTHf parade is a part of the big [e'di'ticrdsi, Stevens avenue, down Main December, but decided to apply its mayorship, came as somewhat of a to locally prominent Repubgency they are called upon' to acfr in J o h n ' B f S p ' h y and Thomas Lovely,''of celebration to take place onjjhe new str'eettaJjijfaioe. s t r e t ^ J i e across s Broadway Bd t entire time to better development of surprise to d b t d l realized lid arrangements •bridge. The oM bridge .will be t h e L e g i o n ' ' H o m e . ' ' ' " - • • " • " • - ~--•--»*<-*»» iiamnony, In bther words the money given to this city. Funeral ™ „ . . torial „ „ „ . effects ^ ^ o and „„„ cenuncia,. u l l l ; l B - 'licans ' c a " s / , uIt w a ? undoubtedly t h a t th e the company next week will be re- were under the direction of Michael thrown open on this occasion to take vacancy opened1.a The graves of all former veterans tion, which has been done during the u n e 'r a 1 ,I eResulting turned to the p people of the city in a J. Scully, of this city. °. s P o t i n t h e Republican decare of the traffic. Reviewing offi- were decorated at the different cem- fore part'of this year and with this, Y t d d i f f t He is survived by his wife, TCath- cials will include such outstanding eteries on Saturday and Sunday by accomplished we can look for a r e a l : l e n s e s , m the Fourth Ward, which thousand different ways. erine, four sons, Alfred, Francis, officials as Governor A. Harry Moore, members of the local Legion Post. musical achievement during the com- ward has not had a Democratic representative for many, many years. George and William; and one daugh- Ex. Governor George S. Silzer, Gen. Cheesequake Services Sunday ing year. The appointment of a Democratic ter, Mrs. J. A. McDonnell,'all of this Hugh X. Scott, the Highway CornThe annual memorial services at successor is expected to result in a city. Cheesequake were conducted on Sunmissionaries and other dignataries. great deal of activity nnd no doubt As announced in last week's issue day by members of the local Post, and j attention and efforts will be centerAlpine's Department Store Pride of Luke A. Lovely Post of this city will a large number of cars made the trip A FINE SUCCESS'ed there as the day for the holding . Pine Avenue. to that place. Flowers were placed (Continued on Page 8) oi the elections draws nearer. on the graves of all veterans there, Greater Sum Realized Than Last Alpine's Department Store on Pine and speeches were made by Paul avenue, corner Henry street, has just Year. Case, of Asbury Park, Mayor Harold completed its fifteenth successful G. Hoffman, of this city, and Rev. Tonight in the high school auditorThe American Legion Poppy Sale year in South Amboy. Mr. Alpine ium members and friends of the Hummer, of Cliffwood. A gathering drive under the direction of Mrs. said, when interviewed, "In order to South Amboy High School Alumni of over three hundred people wit- Russell Hardy, of the local unit, was remain in business for such a length Association will make merry at a nessed the services at that place. Legion Getting Ready for Annual very successful last Saturday. The of time in a home-town such as South dance to be held by that organizaDr. Edward C. Grftfin, pastor of July Affair. returns have been slow to come in St. Mary's church hns announced that Amboy is, a merchnnt must be pre- tion. Excellent music has been seHarry A. Leonard, general chairfor tabulation but at the, home of the proposed $30,000 addition to St. pared to give his customers the best cured, The Collegiate Country Club Mrs. Anna K. Stults, president of the Mary's school will be started within of everything at the lowest prices orchestra being engaged to entertain man of the American Ldgion Carnival this year, is about ready to comAuxiliary it wns said last night that a short time and will be completed compatible with good business. Lo- those who attend. The proceeds a greater amount has been realized in time for the fall opening of the cal merchants must depend on the from this dance will be used to help plete his plans and submit them . to this year than the past,year. same trade bo return time and defray the expenses of the annual his committee. This years' event will school term. The addition is demanAn entertainment will be given in surpass in splendor anything as yet again. In other words, the customer banquet of the association. The local corps of workers which ded at this time in order to cope with the South Amboy High School Audiattempted in this city, the chairman must b.e pleased. It is on this idea congested condition in the high Raymond Perkins is chairman of on Monday evening, June 14, included for the greater part child- the that we have built up the good will the committee in charge assisted by has announced. No pains have been torium ren of the schools, were active and on school and other departmtents. • under the auspices of the Woman's spared to make the event attractive that is ours today. Another idea Howard Lamibertson, Arthur James, •St. Mary's school is a high school Auxiliary_to the South Amboy Hos- the job early for the campaigin to. we have followed out is 'truth in ad- William Brown, Floyd MeKenna, An- to people from this city as well as pital, place a popipy in every home and on center and is recognized as one of the the proceeds to go to that inthose from outside the city. vertising'. Our friends and custo- drew Dill, Edward Kirk and LeRoy stitution. A fine program is being every lapel. The workers, judging leading high schools iil the Trenton mers know that when we advertise a Bennett. Mr. Leonard has issued invitations prepared at the- present time by a from the returns, were very success- Diocese. Of late years there has thing it is just as advertised and this throughout the Sta^e to all active committee headed by Mrs. J. Arthur fuL JWayor Harold G. Hoffman pur- been a considerable influx of pupils 'fact has brought, overwhelming res- VICE CHANCELLOR posts to be in this city on Wednes- Applegate and Mrs. Charlos Steuer- chased the first poppy at the official from other towns in this vicinity and ponse to our Citizen advertising and day evening of the event. An effort wald, Jr. Dancing numbers and other opening of the drive which took place this has crowded the present school DECIDES LOCAL CASE circularizing. We extend our hearty to induce a number of the stabe offi- entertaining features will be presen- in the Empire theatre on Friday night beyond its capacity. thanks to all our friends for their The case of Mrs. Armenia Quack- cers to be in South Amboy on this ted. The committee is now busy pre- of last week. The new structure will be of brick (patronage and hope to merit their enbush, of Marlboro, vs. Mrs. Luella date is being arranged. The Society paring The Mayor urged the people to and will have a total of aix rooms. attractive advertising, profurther friendship by giving still Morgan, of Portia street, this city, of the Forty et Eight will visit the gram. an Further announcements in get behind the poppy drive an'd to Four of these will be large class greater values and still better service regarding a disputed claim on a cer- local post on Friday evening of the regard to and one an office for the this entertainment will be wear the symbol as a memorial to srooms in the future." Carnival. A box car typical of those tain property located at Marlboro," those who made the supreme sacri- u P e n n tend€nt. A science room will made in next week's issue. occ used on the French railroads will be which was sold by Mrs. Quackonibush fice. As usual the Mayor was given! upy a large space in the new part Alpine's Store has been located on brought to this city (luring the week ACCIDENT NEAR CEMETERY a great ovation upon the completion! and °tner smaller rooms will be ar< Pino avenue for the past fifteen to her daughter Mrs. Morgan on Jan.in an effort to create interest. 11th, 1024, was won by Mrs. Morof his appeal. The work of complet- r a n £ e d for in the annex. years, nnd although it is not on the Officer Maliszewski investigated ing the tabulation will be finished after Vice Chancellor Barry, of main thoroughfare, a great mnny gan an accident between two automobiles within the next few days, it is unFIND ABANDONED CAR Long Branch, exnmined the deed and AUTOS CRASH TOGETHER people have found it worth their declared the transaction free from which occurred on Pino avenue near while to go a few steps out of their fraud. The case was heard on May Local police found a Chevrolet Christ Church cemetery last Saturday derstood. An automobile coming down Main way to buy their necessities. 28th nnd tho decision immediately coupe apparently abandoned on the afternoon. One driver, John Basstreet and one turning from the conSAMPLE BALLOTS READY upT)er end of Bordentown avenue late nor, of Newark, claimed that E. J. rendered, tinuation of Main street below BroadMORE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Tuesday night and had it towed to Donahue, also of Newark, ran into The election boards of this city way into Broadway came together GIVEN THIS LOCALITY the Apex Garage on Pine avenue. The the rear end of his machine, damag- will have cause to be thankful to with considerable damage to both PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TO car owner, Frank Roth, of Fords At a mooting of tho Board of CELEBRATE 60TH ANNIV. came to the City Hall after two ing it considerably. An agreement City Clerk Disbrow this year. By about three o'clock last Saturday afwas finally reached between the special offorts iput forth by that city ternoon. Emil P. Dannegger, of Long Freeholders held yesterday in New o'clock in the morning to get help in respective drivers as to the respon- official the requisite data for the Branch, was driving down Main st. The First Presbyterian Church ia Brunswick, Director William S. Dey finding his car. After proving ownsibility, etc., and no arrests were Sample Primary Ballots was gotten Andrew F. Spearing, of Newark, was introduced a resolution bringing fur- preparing to celebrate its Sixtieth he was given permission to made. together and into the hands of the coming up the hill nnd swung into ther improvements to this section Anniversary in the very near future ership take the car. Running out of gasoprinter several days earlier than is Brondway. To avoid a hend on colwhen bids were authorized to bo ad- and is arranging a very elaborate line he is said to have .left the car to ENJOY JUNE RIDE Several usually the case. As a result the lusion, Dnnetrger nlso turned into vertised for for the ipaving of upper program for the occasion. fulfill an engagement intending to The children of Sacred Heart sample bnllots are now in the hands Broadway but the enrs came together Earitan street from the end of the out of toWn men of prominence will return later and get his machine. school onjoyod a June, ride yesterday of the city clerk . and the election wtih resultant damage to mudguards. present pavement as far as the Say- be present as speakers and the local which included an outing nt Union clerks can probably have two days iixlcs, steering gears and running reville road. Previously the bids Clergy will be invited to participate Beach. Few of the children missed extra upon which to work on them bonrds. No arrests were made by the had been received and rejected for in the services. Further announce- "ARTHUR HENRY CAMPBELL the opportunity the good time af- so that they will not have to work local police howiVer. the paving of this street as far as ment will be made nnd the public will be most cordially invited. Arthur Henry Cnnvpbell, 185 Codifnrded in yesterday's trip. so hard nor fust in order to get them the Raritan River Railroad bridge. wise avenue, New Brunswick, died nt Shortly after nine o'clock several into the mails as required by law. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This will indeed be a great relief St. Peter's Hospital, yesterday. Mr. truck londs of the children were e n win SPECIAL "MEETING ,,,. . . . 8 money to the .to motorists who tnko the short cut r ^ " P ;"° ' ? Campbell wns born in South Amboy loaded up nnd closely followed by —-o— James Wullis, across the hill to Sayreville arid So. I honing Menchanl, Estate of Gottlob Straub for meat A special meeting of Luke A. Love- June 1G, 1889. Services Monday, touring, cars and sedans with sisters Donald Rceil, John nI , „„, „„,„,.,„ „ River. 1 Fitzmorris, 15d- "i provisions can pay same to South ly Post of tho American Legion will June 7, from his lnte residonce nt and relatives, the trip was uneventful ward Wallis, Joseph Ward, Joseph & Peterson's Market, corner Brood. Win. H. Bnllmnn as no accidents marred tho diiy. Now Mruldk'k nnd Dnn A. Pholrin, of this wny nnd Dnvid Street or to Cnrrie BLUE RIBBON BUTTER mako« be held Monday night at eight o'clock 2:110 P. M. Rev. Interment In Christ the children arc looking forward to ciyt, were among those who enjoyed Kcrr or Antoinette Fur every meal a better menl. Its ap at thp Legion rooms on Dnvid street officiating, lubittChurch cemetery, this city. for tho purpose of making preparanext years outing already promised tho Junior Urom at Georgian Court lute Administrators. petizing qualities bring the Full fla 6-4-tf them. College, Lukcwood, lust Friday vor to all foods. Get a carton from tions for the Victory Bridge celebraMrs, C. Leon Cozzons h spending tion pnrndu. All members of tho i your dealer today. CARD PARTY JUNE 11TH Adv. Post nrc nskod to bo present at this tho week end in Atlantic City. ED'S FISH MARKET —O—• meeting. Fresh Sea Food of All Kinds Restricted lots for sale on WhileA curd party will ]j« hold Juno See T. F. Sullivan 265 David St. Insure with Willinm J. O'Brien, 212 John Street hend trnct. Inquire T. F. Sullivan, j 51' tth_ " in PrntcirMiin IYtdi H Hull l l under tho for restricted lots on Whitelioad Bnltimoro Life Insurance Co. Adv. Telephone 74 CORRESPONDENT WANTED 2 0 5 Dnvid Street. Adv. wiHplces of tlic Lndii-s Auxiliary, with i r» tract. Adv. Citizen wanli Correspondent living Ton 42 foot Residential lots on Whitehend i. i ir'nv' 1 '"'.' 1 0 " ( '* t "" "Mclmii> ''"'y- A FOR S A L E ! Do Laurenc H b t co»er h g Whitohcnd tract. restricted lots on Laurence Harbor to that On terms to suit, tract. Bordentowni Avenue. Terms a half of g r o u n d , Insure with William J. O'Brien, sec Ion USD, l o t nnci 'pn.uu r "• ~ Inquire Citizen n, 265 Dnvid to suit. Inquire T. Ft Sullivan, 26S Baltimore Life Insurance CoJ Adv. First Si. at 4 0 7 Dav- 1 nt Hut WO I street. Adv. D«vld St. > Adv. Apply Win.j thin times KurrcBlinftrfita will tilao O nerved ut this time. J. O Toole, 341 Second st. BUILDING LOAN PRESENT DEAD HARMONY CLUB HAS NEWPRESIDENT SERVICESIARRED BY BA5 WEATHER BRIDGE PARADE. PLANSJERFECTED POPPY SALE IS ALUMNI ASSN. DANCE TONIGHT CARNIVAL PLANS PROGRESSING TO ADDTO. MARY'S SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT FOR HOSPITAL j ' T i £? I 2, THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, JUKE 4, 192G WILL THE ELECTRIC APARTMENT SOLVE THE SERVANT PROBLEM? "Ye«," >ay» Mr». Mary Hope Norris, Leading Authority On Home Management. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who assisted in any way during our recent bereavement. Especially thanking the Rev. D. E. Clair, Rev. E. A. Mell, friends who sent flowers and coaches and to E. S. MaSon and Son for services rendered. Mrs. Christine Olsen and Family. COMMITTEE FOR CARD PARTY The committee selected to serve at the regular Monday night card party of the Catholic Daughters of America are: Mrs. Rosalie Linke, Miss Madge Mahoney, Mrs. Mary Mary Minnick, Mrs. Mary Mazzio, Mrs. Mary Moran, Mrs. Nellie Mullane, Mrs. Catherine Mullen, Mrs. Ellen Maher, Miss Anna Munn; Mrs. M'argaret McCarthy, Mrs. Winifred McCarthy, Miss Helen Monaghan. Is a servant-less six-room apartment with a full sized family really compatible with an eight hour day for the modern housewife? Mary FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Hope Norris, national authority on D. E. Clair, Pastor home planning says it is. And in a 10:30 A. M. "The Breaking of new "Apartment Electric" in Jack- Bread." The Holy Communion will son Heights, Long Island, she is show- be observed. to Beautiful special anthem by ing hundreds of women what a home the choir. WeAurge every member really can be where electricity not to be present. only does the bulk of the housework, 2:30 P. M. Sunday School session. but also has its part in malting the Classes for all. "play" hours more enjoyable. 7:00 o'clock Epworth League serSUNDAY, JUNE 13 Next Thursday afternoon, June 10th, at 2 P. M., Mife. Norris will vice. 7:30 P. M, Sermon, subject, "The Tickets good only give a Demonstration Lecture on return of departed power." Home Economics at the Surf Theatre on special train leavLet's all keep in mind, Sunday, Keyport, At that time she will un- June 9th, Children's Day. All day a ing South Amboy Hound fold for the benefit of housewives of special program of music and pa7:28 A. M. ReturnTrip the community, her own myriad ex- geant by school in the evening. BapFaro ing leave Delaware periences in home planning and man- tism of babes, children and adults in Water Gap, 4:15 P. agement, and her many successful M. morning. Watch for special anexperiments in applying electricity to the the home. After the demonstration nouncement, later. Eastern Standard Time Shown which will be under the auspices of John Lueitt, of Fourth street, is the Jersey Central Power & Light Co., the Westinghouse Electric & making improvements to his homo Manufacturing Co., and local mer- •at this time. chants of Keyport, many valuable door prizes, including a Westinghouse Electric Range will be given away fro" to the holders of lucky number tickets. I Tickets for Mrs. Norris' demonstration lecture at the theatre, entitling the holder to draw for the many valuable door prizes may be obtiiined without enrage from the office of the Jersey Central Power & Light Go. and from the following Koyport merchants: Wollworth 3, 9 and 19c store, Keyport Dry Goods Co., West Furniture Co., Keyport BIG THREE COMBINATION FOR THIS WEEK Furniture Co., J. Leon Schanck and G. W. Jacobs. Remember the time 2:00. P. M. Thursday, June 10th at . the Sunf Theatre, Keyiport. Pleasure Outing Delaware Water Gap, Pa. $1.80 2 NEW JERSEY CENTRAL THREE POUNDS 9 9 c MAY HONOR ROLL FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL NO. 1 Fourth Grade: Martin Howard, John Van Clcaf, June Richmond, Margaret Slover, Dorothy Steg-way. (Fourth Year: Edna Henry, Mary Pizzillo, Grace Sahb, Dorothy Showers, Pauline Vevurka, Joseph ' Bowman, Donald Campbell, Harry Dieker, .Emmet Ford, Theodore Franklin, Howard Littell, John Nehrlander, George Nelson, Fred Rehfus. • Third Grade: Michael Colucci, Anton Kmtel, Jonas Letts, Ada Batchelor, Dorothy Brunt, Jean Dowling. Joseph Klegman, Edward Kosovich, Leon Loichle, Harvey Nau, John Roga_!L-Marie Grover, Lillian Nau, Madeline Rathburn, Marie Thomson, Rose Vanni, Emima Stegway. Second Grade: Martin Bberle, George Goldsmith, Donald Howard, Neil Johnson, Thomas Pizillo, Ernest Read Frank Stegway, Eugene Hulse, MarSon Bowman, Marv Buckalew, Lorraine Dufford, Eileen Ford, Emma Johnson, Mary Mehrlander, Albert Grover, Bertram Nowmark, Robert Stegway, Esther Bloodgood, Doria •Cady, Charlotte Grover, Dork Lounsburv, Olive Pierson. First Grade; Grace Morgan, Lucille Trowibridge, Walter Bodziak, Pasqualino Colucci, Billy Letts, Bobby Maxfield, Billy Max-field, Herbert Showers, Tim Sullivan, John Probasco. Leonard Maxfield, John Hendy. Charles Johnson, Raymond Mundy Pasquale* Pizzillo. Lenoir Applegate, Gertrude Bberle, Ethel Lauer, Mary Rogan. EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS Printing and Developing COSTA'S ICE CREAM Special Spumoni and Bisque Tortoni You will want to see THE NEW JERSEY Peterson's Pharmacy 132 North Broadway CLEANUP SALE Reconditioned Ford Cars Honestly Guaranteed 1925—Ford Coupe $325. 1924—Ford Coupes, $225 to $300. 1924—Ford Tudor, $250 to $300. 1924—Ford Tourings, $150 to $175. 1924—Ford Runabouts $125 to $175 Early Model—Coupes, Runabouts, etc. $50 to $125. One Ton Trucks, $75 to $200. y 2 ton Deliveries $75 to $225. One Week Exchange Privilege Liberal Time Payments DORSEY MOTORS, INC. Ford Dealers Perth Amboy, N. J. Maple and Fayette Sts. , Phone 366-673 Open Evenings ROTOGRAVURE PICTURE SECTION —now a regular part of The New ilTork Times every Sunday. JThe pictures in this 16-page section are all of New Jersey—news, sports, society, town events, interesting personalities. Order The New York Times delivered to your home. ' ' You Are Invited To Attend The Household Economics Demonstration under the auspices of the Jersey Central Power & Light Comp ny, the Westinghouse Company and local merchants to be given by Mrs* Mary Hope Norris AT THE today! There's no message of greater importance that we could give you than to urge you, without delay, to aee The Greater Hoover. For it revolutionizes home-cleaning methods! It makes possible the POSITIVE AGITATION of floor coirerings, for the first time in electric cleaner history! Come in and see The Greater Hoover today!. Sold on easy terms! S628 Jo\m; balance monthly Complain with lituting tools Dolan Bros. ' .130 N. Broadway Tel. 294 At The Empire SUNDAY AND MONDAY WEST FRONT STREET KEYPORT, N. J. THURSDAY JUNE 10 2.00 P. M. JUNE 6 and 7 Doors Open at 6:30 Each Night Surf Theatre j Electric Range Given Away Free Each admission ticket entitles the holder to a chance in the drawing for a number of valuable prizes. The main door prize is . a Westinghouse Console Electric Range. Among the other prizes will be a Westinghouse Pcrcolater, Waffle Iron, Toaster, and a Westinghouse Automatic Iron. Mary Hope Norris A national authority on home making, writer and lecturer, designer of modern homes and model kitchens. Her lectures are always filled with suggestions for labor-saving. Plan to come. You will be repaid for the time. Tickets from These Merchants or from Offices of the Jersey Central Power & Light Co. WELJLWORTH 3, 9 & 10c STORE KEYPORT DRY GOODS CO. WEST FURNITURE CO. KEYPORT FURNITURE CO. J. LEON SCHANCK GEO. W. JACOBS PAGE THRBH THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1926N MAY HONOR ROLL FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL/NO. 2 Sixth Year: Gordon Clair/- Mary Cziel Mildred Davis, Caroline EberJe Edwinu Jaques, Tunis Johnson, Ruth Kamps, Jean Spice, Max Stettner, Mary Sullivan. Sixth Year William ColuclChw. Henry, Donald Masterson, William Shand Vernon Slover, Bernard StetIola r T C e Grover, ' Marie M * D Kaup, H Elizabeth Myrtle Letts, Anita Steuber. BUILDING AGREEMENT A building agreement has been filed in, the County Clerk's office in New Brunswick for the house being constructed on Bordentown avenue for William H. Parisen, . . of this city. Anthony Stankewicz is the contractor. the work is to be completed by ;>W2 O ' h . «nd the price mentioned is ^4,100, _ _ _ ^ _ ^ M j \ d Mrs.wiIliam j . o>Toole and cHIdi m o t o r e d t o Camden on Mond whv th visited S r M BngeniuB, at S e Immaculate Conception Convent. Sister Eugenius was formerly Miss Mary p'Toole, daugh- dred Emmons, Mary Nicorvo, Marjorie Oliver, Elizabeth Bastedo,'Shel- of Pine avenue. don Bowen, Charles Hamilton, Geo. Morgan, Joseph Nobock, Fred Rose, Ralph Steiner, Carl Straub. Fifth Year, Frances Bloodgood, •Edith Letts, Violet Phillips, Ruth Richmond, Anna Senape, Leslie Batehelor, Roibert Bungay, Edward Galley, William Grover, Joseph Herr.<me.ii, Wilson Mundy. Fifth Year, John Dill, William Johnson, Joseph Lawrence, Carl Newmark, Joseph , Primka, Fred Render, Edward Spiaiiford, Anthony Woznica, Joseph Zega, Harry Stettner, Gertrude Colucci, Mildred Grpver, Marie Nelson. • ** /Fourth Year, Alfred Johnson, Jouis Kryger, Frank Morgan, Chris Jullivan, May Domke, Emilie Herb e r t , Anna Nobock, Henrietta San!;••••• ders, Margaret Schultz, Doris Shep' ipard, Jennie Tanbox. Third Year, Adelaide Bowen, NorFeltus and man Morgan, Roibert Straub, Anita Kasprzak, Sophie Baker, Cecelia Morgan. Second Year: Fred Lonseth, Evel,yn Hendrieks, Louise Weiber, George Harris, Kenneth Bergen, Jule Croddick, Edith Bergen, Florence Harris, Stephen Estelle, Arthur Jensen, Jack Rose. First Year: Leola Bartz, Modesta Casey, Alice Herbert, Lena Musolino, Florence Wortley, Francis Briieyj Frederick Hoover, Joseph Kasprzk, Lawrence Schaefer. First Year: Joseph Croe, Frederick Dicker, Sylvester Lotkowitz, Philip Steigway, Douglas Whittaker, Bcrnice Bloodgood, Kathcrine Batchalor. George. Rubright, of Augusta street, with a party of friends made •a splendid catch at the Long Branch fishing pier on Tuesday night. DEUTSCHES RE1SE — BUREAU F. GORCHESS Schiff»karlcn Geldsendungen Einwanderur^sschriften fur Ihre Verwandten von Deutichlt. i\ Visa gegenwartig schnell ausgeatellt. Den Reisenden wird jede moglicke Beihilfe geleistet, Reduzierte Rucdreise—Rate dritter Klasse Hamburg und zuruck $175.00. Zuzuglicb U. S. Steuer. Wiedereinreise-Certifikate betorgt. Geschaftsstunden 9 bis 8 uhr abends, NATURAL ICE COAL AND WOOD Telephone 695-R JACOB GOLDBERGER, Banker South Amboy, N. J. 432 State Street corner Washington LOCAL AGENTS FOR PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens I I . Wolff & Co. Phone 112 When "coats off" is the order of the day—these small shirts are dou* bly attractive. They set right across the shoulders! They're full enough and long enough. Several sleeve lengths are carried. LOCAL AGENTS FOR Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens Washington Sts. Perth Amboy, N. J, The colors are there to stay—tho patterns are pleasing. And moderate prices make them still more attractive. NEW MANHATTAN SHIRTS plain or fancy E. S. Mason & Son 210-212 N. Broadway Phone 36 Collar Band or Collar Attached $2 to $5 BRIEGS MEN'S STORE 91 SMITH ST. COR.K1NO PERTH AMBOY3 Latest Perfection Cookstoves Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education of the City of South Amboy, N. J. for the erection and completion of alteration and repairs to the High School Building, John Street, South Amboy, N. J. Bids shall be made out on the forms supplied for that purpose land shall be delivered to the Secretary of „ the Board nt his residence, South "}A*yf\>ay, >>'. J., .or presented in person. at the meeting to be held in the High School Building, John Street, on the evening of June 23, l!)2(i, at eight o'clock, Daylight Saving Time. The names of the proposed sub. contractors shall accompany the bids made out on the fonns provided for : . that purpose; shall be enclosed in " ' the proper envelopes. No bid will be considered complete without the list ; of subcontractors. AH work sh'all be done in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by John Noble Pierson & Son, Architects and Enpiireers, 198 Jefferson St., Perth • Amboy, N. J. ;• For the convenience and use of intending bidders plans will be loaned to then! on and after. June 4, upon a deposit of cash or certified check to the order of John Noble Pierson and Son, in the amount of .$25.00. j^^^Plans are to be obtained from the Architects at their office 108 Jefferson St., Perth Am'boy, N. J. Plans : will be issued until the supply is exhausted, but at nil times n set of plans nnd specifications will be open for inspection nt the office of the Architects. Contractors who arc unable to obtain a set of pinna mid specifications may nvnil themselves of the privilege of estimating on ;, these plans and specifications during business hours on any business day. Deposit will be returned when tho plans nre returned. Before the deposit is returned, a forfeit of 50% of tho samo will be required of any bidder or bidders • who fnil to submit an estimate after receiving plans and specifications for this purpose. Bids may bo rendered separately for nny or nil branches as follows: iQENBRAL CONSTRUCTION including nil Mnsonry, Steel nnd Iron, Roofing nnd Sheet Metal Work, Carpentry nnd Painting. HEATING AND VENTILATING WORK. PLUMBING WORK. ELECTRICAL WORK. Bids must be acoempaniod by cash or a certified check upon a Nntionnl or State Bank, drawn to the order of the Board of Education of the City of South Amboy, in the various amounts as •follows: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION $3000 HEATING AND VENTILATING ..._ _ $1000 PLUMBING WORK $200 ELECTRIC WORK $100 binding tho successful bidder or bidders to cxecuto a contract if awarded to him or them. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to furnish a satisfactory bond in the full amount of the contract price. Contractor may submit a bid bond from a properly qualified Surety Company in lieu of certified check, r Said bond shall be for same liabilities as tho check. THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. (Signed) BOARD OF EDUCATION, CITY OF SOUTH AM'BOY, N. J. By: R, U. Ruo, Pro«ldi*it, South AnVboy, N> J. By: WUllnm Rmmonn, Swretnry, South Aniboy, N. J. i „ . ' M-2t in store windows Look for this sign NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SOUTH AMBOY HIGH SCHOOL tion Demonstration Crop Insurance is a Sensible Safeguard All this week you can see practical demonstrations of the Perfection Stove six famous cooks have tested and endorsed. Look for above sign iii store windows. See the stove today and judge for yourself what the experts approve. Prices a n d sizes to suit every need. Insure your crops and stop worrying whether a hail-storm or a tornado is going to rob you of the fruits of your investment and toil. We will issue you a policy that is complete protection. Add variety by broiling mcut» in a Perfection. Broiler. Cook) on both sides nt same time due to special construction. Turning unnecessary. No juice can drip into flame. Easily oleaned. HIS PERFECTION U the model tho six Tfamous oouks used in their tests. It Is Glass door oven. Baking alwaVB visiblo. Drowns both top and bottom due to rapid "live heat" circulation from 103 holes. Speoial oatch seals door perfectly, eaving heat far baking. Get a Perfection oven heat indicator, also. D-jn't guess at oven temperatures. being demonstrated today at all dealer's.) along with other Perfection models. See its aofual performance with your own eyes. "Vou'11 bo convinced the experts are right in endorsing Perfection Stoves! Cooking begins when you touch n match to tho wiok. No time lost in heat generation. Clean, inrenso heat flows up the long obimneys direct to your cooking. Every drop of oil is completely burned beforo the heat reaches utensils so they are kept clean and unstained. Bach burner is independently operated and eapable of every range ofheut. You can bake, boll, broil, fry and simmer on a Perfection— all at one time. Adjust the flume for sny cooking process nnd it remains as you set it. Be sure to see the Perfection demonstrated today* In sizo from two to nvo burners. Ideal stove (or camping. Fast Perfection burner, protecting wind-shield, ever cool handle. Stands firm on ciroular base. Won't tip easily. GENUINE STANDARD GARDEN Superfex range with fa«t-a»-gai burners and built-in oven. The stove for those who want tliD beBt. Warming cabinet easy to oleon and prevents grease spattering wnll«. One ol monf Perfections being demonstrated today. Pour pieces ol tempting brown toast quickly made at one time on this Toaster. Handle is always oool. € SPECIAL Manu/aclurtd by PllIU'rsCTION STOYK COMPANY, Chveland. Ohio STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY Distributors « 26 Broadway * New York ECT Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens HOSE, regular price 25c 1 Jd. a foot, our special sales price.-.. •*• » This hose is full molded, woven in. terlined nnd mnde to stand pressure of 150 lbs. to the square inch. It will not kink or crack. This hose is guaranteed for one yenr nnd is not Uy b<S confused with the ordirmry hose selling nt this price. 25 Ft. Lengths with Couplings..$3.7S 60 Ft. Lengths with Couplings $7.2S BRASS HOSE NOZZLES For Spray, Straight Stream or O(Ve Shut,off, reg. price 7Bc ..•"•/ STANDARD KEROSENE Times Square Radio-Auto Supply Co., Inc. 204 Smith Straot M FOR BEST RESULTS USE STANDARD"KEROSENE fur tlio OJUMU. Perth Pajye Four THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN LADIES AID TO MEET The Pooler family have moved reguar monthly meeting of from their Main street address in MADISON TOWNSHIP theTheLadies FUNERAL OF MRS. Aid Society of the Presthe Burke flat to one on David st. The services on Sunday held ;n byterian Church will be held at the conjunction with Memorial Day by SAMUEL LOCKER the American Legion Post Df South home MEETING DATES of Mrs. W. T. Hammell at 8 Luke A. Lovely Post American Leo'clock on Thursday, June 10th. Week-End Specials at Last Saturday Afternoon—Many At- Amboy, was another delightful event test to Esteem Held For Deceased. in Cheesequake. N. Paul Case, of It is requested that every member gion meets every Thursday evening 8 o'clock, Legion Building, David The funeral services for Mrs. Asbury Park,, and Mayor Harold G. be present and bring their five dol- at Street. J. C. Boll, Commander; H. Samuel Locker were hold from her Hoffman, of South Amboy, were the lars and tell how it was earned. A J. Leonard, Adjutant. late home, 24G South Broadway, on speakers of the day. School child- very pleasant time is anticipated. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ren contributed to the program durTheJlLev. D. E. Clair, pastor of the ing the afternoon. Methodist Episcopal church, assisted • As is the custom the band formed by the Rev. A. C. Brady, of Burling- at the school house and ^jgith the ton, a former pastor of the M. K. children and the American Legion church here, conducted the service visited the two cemeteries. The Rev. Bt the home. Harry D. Hummer, pastor of the M. • "Lead Kindly Light" was very im- E. church, addressed the gathering. pressively sung by Mr. Robert Mn- A large number of persons from Bon, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stults Keyport, Matawan, Asbury Park, sang very sweetly the hymn "Abide Newark and South Amboy brought •With Me". Miss Elisabeth D. Day- parties here in cars for the after,ton was accompanist at the piano. noon of festivities. The band selecThe burial service was read by the tions were greatly enjoyed. Rev. D. E. Clair and the principal Mr, and Mrs. Peter Bennetts enaddres3 was made by the Rev. A. C. their grand daughter, Ora LADIES HOUSE DRESSES, $1.50 value. Your Bra'dy, in the course of which the tertained speaker made mention of some of the Mae Tice, over the week end. Mrs. Herman Gluer is recovering outstanding characteristics of the depick of sizes at 99c ceased, referring to the leading facts from a severe illness of two weeks. dn Mrs. Locker's history during her Dr. J. F. Weber was in attendance. The cold waves are hard on the many years of residence in this city, and of her connection with the Meth- tomato plants at Cheesequake. LADIESDRESSES for nice wear, $3.00 value. Mrs. Erwin Tice attended the odfet Episcopal Church in its various Memorial Day services and was greetsocial and benevolent activities, statAll sizes at .. $1.75 ing thait the deceased was born in ed by many past acquaintances.' The Rev. p. A. Fielder, of AdelNew York, city, and at an early age moved with her parents to Minnesota, phia, past preacher of 1896, is still spending the formative years of her alive and his wife Sarah. BABY'S SHOES, sizes 3 to 8, for boys and girls. The officers of the American Lehistory on the praries at a time when pioneer, life on the western borders gion at South Amboy have requested The kind you pay nearly $2.00 for at $1.09 involved dangers and privatations, the names of all those whose graves until the Red Men had been forced are decorated here annually for their further back , from the advancing record book. lines of the oncoming western civiliFull line of bathing suits for the whole famzation. During this period Mr3. Locker acquired habits of strenuous ily going at fifty cents on the dollar of regular valexertion and strong determination. Sunday School classes will close Inheriting from a long line of hardy after Sunday, June Cth, this last SunScotch decendants on the one side, day being observed ns Children's Day, ues. Sweaters and lumberjack bargains too. jand Irish lineage on the other prin- Parents of the children are asked to C.ples of strict integrity, and a per- attend. severance that never fell short of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmeis Elms, of success. As a worker in the church Philadelphia spent the week end with she possessed admirable qualities. Mr. nnil Mrs. Norwake, of Spruce As a neighbor she was highly res- street William Schwab, of Doerfield Road pected for her kindly worth. As a Mother, she held high her responsi- has bought a new sedan. The Du Pont baseball team will bilities to her family, at the same 114 North Broadway South Amboy, N. J. time she was generous in her allow- (ilay the South Amboy Terra Cotta team this Saturday afternoon on tho ances for the buoyant spirits of youth.' Many today pleasantly recall local field. The DuPont team deher generous help in giving shape and feated the Matawan team last Saturinterest to their social ocasions, that day 8 to G. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Lowe and fammade those occasions both helpful and entertajning. Mrs. Locker was ily will sail today to their old homo rigid in her adherance to truth, her in England and spend throe months word could be taken at full face val- touring the country. ue, and she had small sympathy for Matt Denning was in town this excuses for laipses from the . exact week. .facts. iShe had a helpful disposi- Many employees at the DuPont tion, never considering herself in her plant are already enjoying their annual vacations. purposes along this line. Forty years ago the coming Octo- Messrs. Joseph Ward, Joseph Madber, Mrs, Locker came to South Amand Dan A. Phelan, students at Iboy as a bride, and at race identified chek Villa Nova College, sp«pt the week herself with the local ehuroh, moving end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. (from the city of Elizabeth in which J. M.here Walhs, of Pine avenue. her parents had settled after their return from the West, and sh« has re- Mr. R. F. Carroll, of George street, sided here ever since, placing her has purchased a new Big Six Nash irame among the oldest members of sedan through the Thompson Auto her church. . Company, Perth Amboy distributors QUALITY FIRST—ECONOMY ALWAYS Interment was made in Christ for this territoijy. Church cemetery. The Rev.. D. E. Clair read the commital service at Gundrum and Kcnah will complete the grave, Rev. A. C. Brady made the the alterations to the Fourth street "SERVICE AT CHAIN STORE PRICES" prayer, and Rev. George W. Abel side-walk within a short time, the pronouncing the benediction. work being rushed at that place now. The bearers were: H. C. Perrine, Richard C. Stephenson, Harold Hoffman, Jesse M. Kugler, of Camden; William S. Dey, and Albert M. Cole. E. S. Mason and Son wer the funeral directors. Offerings for §ummer! PARLINJVEWS S. lerner's General Store CROWNING FILLS SPACIOUS CHURCH St. Mary'* Packed Sunday Evening— , Costumes Gorgeous. The magnificent services in connection with the crowning exercises a t St, Mary's Church on Sunday night'' attracted hundreds of persons!, who found it difficult to get inside •ot the spacious church. The splendor of tho whole program seemed to inspire those fortunate enough to secure seats nnd standing room, the latter being at a premium long before t h e scheduled times of the exercises. ' Miss Annn Mnlloy, selected na the honor member this year, was charmingly attired in white, as were htr .attendanta. .Her littlo company of flower girls, and pages, attructed no •end of comment. The procession •started from St. Mary's school with inoro tlton three hundred youns ladioa nnd school childfen taking part. It was necessary to stop traffic at tho corner of Stevens avpnuu anil Augusta street to allow the procession to cross. Tlie nltnr hoys as well as tho choir boys took part 'in the march, that hotadod for the rear of the church, and th'd socristy,' thence to the front of the church, down the center aisle, up the night side of tho church, ami down the ieft hand side, nnd up , the center nislo to the main altur of the church. Eaich.of the young lady speakers wore attended by two flower girls, onch of tho speakers carried huge (bouquets of roses, while tho little tots enrried baskets of roaoa, which When tho speakers finished, were laid nt tho foot of the nltnr of the Bless. ed Virgin Mary. Aiftor the speaking tho crowning took place. A long white ladder was placed in front of the altar, and reached to the head of the Btatuo of tho Queen, Mii&s Mlulloy was crowning. Hundreds o'f dollar* are spent annually for this exorcise that attracts many to St. Mary's church, nnd thia year was not without its oxpenaivo and beautiful clothing ami flowers. The Kov. Prnnols Ui V<>i|iio, rhixplain of Fort Hancock, giimly Hook, doHvornd t.ho address of thn ovening. The girl speakers of the Young Iiadioa Modality wuru the Misses Melon Quintan, Holon Lovely, IIUIDM Parkw, Oathenlno Cucniey, 'IV'rcsa Dcliincy, Irono Smith. Hpecini nuiftlc wiaH furiiishod for tho licciiNlon. 'AUVITIIW iii iin' quistm. MICHAEL PHILLIPS HOT SHOTSPECIALS SLATE AND ASBESTOS PHONE FOR FOOD—206 "ITS THE BETTER WAY" ill's At Lowest Prices! NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS The merchandise that we advertise is guaranteed standard quality. If found otherwise money will be refunded. Dave Greenspan, Prop. 126 IN. Broadway Telephone 19 SUNKIST ORANGES sweet and juicy 14 for 25c RITTER'S CATSUP 2 bottles 25c Cliquot Club Pale Dry GINGER ALE 2 bottles 25c 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH all colors, can PURE LARD 2 lbs. 35c o . Fancy Plantation COFFEE pound 39c Delicious Fig Bars 2 lbs. 25c Best Elgin Creamery BUTTER 49 c 10c Fould's Macaroni Spaghetti or Noodles 3 pkgs. Japanese Toilet Paper 1000 sheet rolls 4-10c rolls 29c 25c WAX PAPER 4 reg. 10c rolls Sweet Mixed KeOKuk Pickles, quart jar 25c 39c ROOFING REPAIRING Of All Kinds To Roofs Tel. 682 388 RnriUn St. ESTIMATES FURNISHED "HELLO JIM" "HELLO JACK" "Where did you get her classy bob—at the Modern Barber Shop, on Broadway, corner of I know that place too. One thing I like about them is that they have a private room where the girls get prettied up." "There's no bluffing there either." and they make appointments by telephone, too," THE MODERN BARBER SHOP VINCRNT DIMICIOLi, Prop. Tel. 411 49c P. & G. SOAP . 4 cakes Kellogg's Corn Flakes package 19c 9c PALM OLIVE SOAP 3 cakes Strawberry or Raspberry Preserves large jar SUGAR CORN Sweet and Tender can lie PREMIER COCOA 2 large boxes John Street." 130 Broadway White Rose Coffee 1 lb. box 25c that ' hair- "Why at the same place my sister jot "No, No. 2 Tomatoes 3 cans 2 2c cut?" "Yes, SATURDA Y—MONDA Y—TUESDA Y 29 c PINEAPPLE No. 2 can 19c Japanese Toilet Paper 4-10c rolls 29c \ Start Today! THINK HOW EASY IT WOULD BE TO WALK INTO THIS BANK ' TODAY AND START AN INTEREST ACCOUNT BY DEPOSITING : ING ONE DOLLAR OR MORE. Large Size CHIPSO 22c BON AMI POWDER Can lie PEACHES Ryerson Brand large can 21c 25c White Rose Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles 3 packages Vfjnilla or Lemon Silver's or Bon Ton 2 bottles PYROXIDE 3 bottles South Amboy, N. J. 25c 25c We Pay 4 Per Co.nl on Savings 25c THE SOUTH AMBOY TRUST CO. "V Page Nin« THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, JUNE MECHANICSVL THAT HAIRCUT \ raised by general taxation. Section 4 That this ordinance shall take effect when passed, approved and published in the manner prescribed by law. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 'foregoing ordinance was passed on its first reading at a meeting of the Common Council held on June 1st, 1926j and that it will be taken up on its second and third reading and final passage at a regular meeting of said Common Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall on Wednesday night, June ,16th, 1926 at eight o'clock at which time and place any person interested therein or affected thereby will have an opportunity to be heard. G. FRANK DISBROW, City Clerk. June 7, 1926. Despite the heavy rainfall Memorial Day, it found a great number of persons from this vicinity away and enjoying themselves at various shore and mountain resorts*. A number of automobile parties left-fllonday morning for Atlantic City Vand vicinity. The Jolly Boys, are leaving nothing undone toward making their auto excursiion to Coney Island a success. Tickets for the event are selling rapidly and the committee is nowengaged in the work of guessing just THE BEST YOU GEORGE'S TIRE SHOP how many buses.to use on the trip. Why experiment with patches or EVER HAD It is going to be a jolly event the I so called vulcanizers, when George'* boys say. That's what they'll say reputation proves good work can be The business place of Bolger and done. when we cut it. We know Forman on the new state bridge apORDINANCE Steam Vulcanizing proach is said to be one of the most 1 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY how. Good hair cutting and "LET GEORGE DO IT" up-to-date roadside stands in this of South Amboy providing for the Best and Cheapest in the Stata bobbing are our specialties laying section of the state. Hundreds visitof a concrete sidewalk and ed there over the week end. It will bluestone cunb on South side of PRIVATE LADIES PARLOR be open for inspection to the pubJohn Street from the New York and lic next week. Long Branch Railroad to Rosewell Phone 1473 P. A. A. B. BUSH Street. 172 New Brunswick Ave. The week end found a great many 133 South Broadway Be it ordained fey the Common Perth Am boy, N. J. motorists using this section. The of the City of South Amboy. (Southeast cor. John St.) Council congestion, however, was slight comSection 1. That the South side of pared to previous years. The incleJohn Street from the New York and ment weather, of course, is believed Long Branch Railroad to Rosewell be ORDINANCE to have been responsible for the by the laying of a concrete AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY improved and Short tie:ups. blue stone curb thereof South Amboy providing for th sidewalk on, according to the plans and speciThe recent dance held by the Lapavement at Augusta Street from fications prepared for the said work dies Auxiliary to the Mechanicsvillo Broadway to Stevens Avenue. by John A. Conlogue, City Engineer, Hose Company was a marked sucBe it ordained by the Common and on file in the office of said Ence.ss Mrs. Richard S. Neiltopp Jr. Council of the City of South Amboy gineer, which said plans and speciwas the chairlady in charge of the Section 1. That Augusta Stree fications are hereby adopted and apevent. from Broadway to Stevens Avenue in proved. tho City of South Amboy be paved Section 2. That the sum of Three Miss Margaret Mnlvey of Wilmot with [i concrete pavement according Thousand Dollars bo estimated as tho street was a Milltown visitor with to the plans and specifications pre cost af the work and hereby friends during the week. pared by John A. Conlogue, City En. appropriated said thprefor. Pfineor and on filo in the office o James Creed, of Raritan street, Section 3. Tjiat bonds in tho said City Engineer, which suid plan sum of Three Thousand and Master John Creed, of Conover Dollars bo nnd specifications uru hereby adopt street, were at the Yankee Stadium issued and sold for the-covering of, od nnd approved. the aforesaid appropriation nnil cost on Monday. You can get the best food Section 2. That the sum of Fif- of said work. j teen Thousniwl Dollars is hereby Alfred Clark, of the Molrose secSection 4. Thnt this improvement tion of the city, was also a specta- served anywhere in the city timatcd and appropriated as tho cos bo deemed to be a local improvement of said work, for which said Bum of •and the cost thereof be assessed tor at the Yankee Stadium during Fifteen Thousand Dollars bonds shall against the property benefited therethe past week. ivhen you eat at the be issued and sold. by and tho balance of said cost if Mr. and Mrs. John Charlotta and Section 8. That this improve- any be paid by the City at large and ment is a local improvement and th< raised by general taxation. family motored to the home of relacost thereof shall be assessed on tin Section 5. Thia ordinance shall tives at Trenton during the week. land and premises benefited thereby take when approved and pub225 Smith Street FLIES CLUB SCORE ANOTHER to tho extent of the cost of the said lishedeffect in the manner provided by law. improvement, and the balance of thi VICTORY LAST SUNDAY, NOTICE Perth Amboy cost if any shall be charged and as Notice is hereby given that the The Chamlberstourj? Giants were sessed agninst tho City at large and iforegoing Near Railroad Station ordinance was passed on the fifth victims of the Plies Club its first reading at a meeting of the at the regular attraction atWhite-| Common Council held on June 1st, head's Oval Sunday afternon. The 1U2G, and that it will be taken up on score at the end of the game was 8 its second and third reading and •to 4. The locals collected a total of You Can Save by Using final passage at a regular meeting of ten hits, while the visitors were consaid Common Council to be held in tent with eight. the Council Chamber in the City Hall Staraton, Hyson and Dane collected on Wednesday night, June ICth, circuit drives during the game. Save Time 11)28 at eight o'clock at which time Dane's clout came with three on the Batteries left before 10 A. M. and place any person interested bags in the third inniing, and with therein or affected thereby will have two out. The game was one of the ready at 6 P. M. the same day. an opportunity to be heard. most pleasing exhibitions seen on the G. FRANK DISBROW, local lot in a number of weeks. The Save Money visitors loaded the bags in the first City Clerk, 8 Hour Charging practically •t iflpng and gave the local aggregaune 7, 1S26. | itj6ii*a s'care for a few minutes but eliminates cost of rental batterBilby found things a little better, and ies saving 50c to 76c on chargworked himself out of a tight place. ing. Reyno, the visiting pitcher was able to retire seven of the Flies via Bring your battery in TODAY the strikeout route, and seemed very for 8 Hour Charging Servic*. effective at times. Bilby struck out NATIONAL LEAD four of the visitors, but held them down on the safeties like a Major. | Coleman, a local chap, was sent BATTERIES to second for Sunday's game and per204 S. Stevaat AT*. formed in brilliant manner. Coleman' Ford and Chevrolet Batteries Guaranteed One Year $11.93 has been out of the game for nearly: two years^ but with a little polishing should be able to make the Flies j grade. He has performed with the best clubs in Newark and East Orange. I Stanton, Gotch and French divided th« hitting honors, each getting two safeties, while Bilby, Dnne, Coleman, and Hyson hit on« safety. BOILERS-FURNACES-RANGES Convenience generations, house-wives cj have known that the word "Thatcher" on a stove stood for good -workmanship, good materials and reliability. Today the modern house-wife t?kes pride in exhibiting (and joy in using) themf"nylabor-savingconren» iences or" the Thatcher "Twin-Fire" JiArciiu^ —a combination coal and gas range, which is as efficient as it is attractive. GEORGE'S TIRE SHOP Mail coupon below and literature will be sent you describing in detail the many unusual features of the "Twin-Fire. £7"°HEThatcher"Twin-Fire"while compactl y ly built has very spacious ovens and broiling compartments. The handincssofthe "pull-down broiler rack" as shown above, is just one of the exclusive features which will immediately appeal to the house-wife. Write today. THE THATCHER COMPANY Since 1H50 CHICAGO NEWARK, N. J. NEW YORK 3flN.Cl.irk St. 39-41 St. Francis St. 21 W.-MthSt. R ented echarged epaired' CENTRAL LUNCH 8 HOUR BATTERY CHARGING SERVICE 24 Hour R0VCE AT Y Service 1> SHOP ™ We Call For and Deliver Telephone 3G2 370 Prospoct Street Anderson's Garage INTEREST IN TRAINING CAMP New Brunswick, June 7, 1926— Charles A. McCormick, County Chair.pan of the Citizen's Military Training Camp Committee for Middlesex iCounty, is gratified at the interest that is being displayed in the county. There is no question that the quota for this year will be attained before .the camp opens, Already, Mr. Mcormick hns been advised, the July infantry enmp at Plattaburg has been filled. This is the adrvice of Major Henry W. Fleet, C. M. T. C. affjoor on the staff of General Summerall. However, there is n plnn for the conduct of a camp at Platteturg in the month of August nnd this, too, it is expected will be tfilled in a short time. There is room at (present for students who wish to take the popular radio and signal corps course at the camp at Port Monmouth, Monmouth County. Also, in the field artillery at oFrt Hancock on Sandy Hook. Advortiso in the Citizen. Increasing or Continued dosing iioooas ary w i t h NATURE'S It K I l l i D V (NR Tablets). Thero Is no griping, sickening or weakening BonnationB, for Nnturo'n Remedy produces a natural action,without perturbing or stlrriiiR up tho intestinal content before elimination, preventing tho absorption of the toxins by tbo Circulation—that Is the reason why you feel Btronger, brighter, animated nnd rejuvenated. % PROVE IT—Make the Test Tonight—take one NR, drink n iull glass of water. Tomorrow you will know what It means to be f r e e from Constipation, Biliousness, Sick lic/ulmlio. TOMiGHT TOMORROW ALRIGHT SOLD BY YOUH UH JGGIBI R. A. JAQUE:5 The Paulus Dairy JOHN PAULUS, Prop. will be known as NA ESTABLISHED 1890 Main Office: 189-105 New Street, New Brunswick, N. J., Phone 2400. Protect The Babies Our Motto Cleanli ness Important! The phenomenal success of the Ajax Six and die great size the business has attained in less than a year, with well over$27,000,OOOworth of cars already •hipped, has made advisable a closer consolidation of Nash and Ajax manufacturing operations. With this In view the Ajax Motors Company,till now a subsidiary of The Nash Motors Company, has been entirely absorbed bydieparentCompanf. And inaccotdancewith this procedure Don't Be Misled—Be Sure it is Paulus' Milk Use AULUS' OSITIVELY ERFECT ASTEURIZED P Milk Placed In thoroughly cleaned and sterile bottles, nntonched by human hands. Walker-Gordon Certified Milk. Suydam's Special Raw Tuberculin Tested Milk. BRANCH: MUTUAL GROCERY CO. New Brunswick, Highland Park, South River, SajrraTllts, P»rlln, South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, Fordl and MttaciKn, J N. J. the name of the product, Ajax Six, is herewith changed to Nash Light Six. So that Nash models are now available In 3 Series—differing as to wheelbase b%U identical in t/icir high standards of workmanship— - t h e NEW Light Six series (formerly the Ajax Six); the Special Six series, and Advanced Six series;—embracing 16 different models with a price range from $865 to $2090 £. o. b. factory. This announcement of the change in name from Ajax Six to Nash light Six also marks the greatest five month period of business in Nash history. The upward soaring demand daring January, February, March, April and May drove total sales and production to a figure approximating 70% of the total sales for the whole of last year. 114 South Broadway South Amboy, N. J. Telephone 596 DISTRIBUTION COVERS Hereafter THOMPSON AUTO COMPANY HBBVIOBl W omttr Krart PnrM •» SAlAiH 287 8TATK ST Phone HM.1 riOHTII AMDOT, N. J. Clins. I<nlalile, \ S I X / THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Page Ten FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1926 A. G. NEBUS GARDEN AND POULTRY HINTS By Orley G. Bowcn, Middlesex County Agricultural Agent PLUMBING AND HEATING The seed of beets, radishes, turnips, parsnip's, arrotso, rutabagas, and onions must be sown rather thickly, because many of the seeds will not germinate. However, when the plants are 2 to 4 inches * in height, pull out the small ones, leav< ing only the larger and and best pants every 2 to 3 inches in the row. Proper thinning gives the plants a hanec to grow large roots, enables the sunlight to get to the base of the plants, and allows room for a free circulation of air which will tend to ward off certain stem diseases. Instead of throwing away your thinned planta, replant them carefully ;.n another,part of the ' garden. They will grow and give you very good results. There are several good reasons why cultivation is one oi the essential requisites for success in the garden: Cultivation destroys the weeds, thus allowing so much more plantfood for the good crops. Cultivation allows "the air to get into the soil for the propogation the friendly bacteria. Cultivation prevents excessive evaporation of moisture from the soil. Stepping Out a conversation with a friend or customer in a nearby townts merely a matter of stepping up to one of those convenient public telephones you see as you move along through the day. "you're here and yet you're there as far as transacting business is concerned. Tor the public telephone reaches out of town telephones just as well as those near by. I t will carry a message to a customer or an inquiry to the home office. I t will convey your congratulations or your sympathy. I t will help you buy or sell. tOhenever you want to be in another town without the trouble of going there use Poultry Notes t>he 'Public telephone There's a Tdtpltau tear you N E W Y O R K T E L E P H O N E n SPEEDWAYS WIN AGAIN The Speedways di'fcuU'd the fast going FVogs of ditherlne strpot in n recent contest played on Dnvis Oynl to tho tune of 0 to 8, the game lasting ,tcm innings. 116 N. Broadway Trust Co. Building South Amboy 1-15-41 X-RAY l-22-4t Office Supplies mni c ' GAS FRANK WOGLOM 197 Smith St. Subscribe (or the ClUzen. Perth Amb*r Suit or Overcoat MADE TO ORDER Alex, Your Tailor Established Since*, 1899 Correct lit, reliable workmanship and desirable all wool fabrics are to be had here, and they are most important factors to consider when ordering your new Spring s it. The cost for the best is surprisingly low. An early call will be ap predated. Yours for best service. Alex Giaquinto "Shop Here and Save" CuSlom Tailor STRAUB BROS. John St. and Broadway CHOICE MEATS 110 N. BROADWAY PHONE 140 South Amboy, N. J. C O M P A N Y for Che OitlK-n. The South Amboy Business Directory MRS. GRIEBEL'S WEEKLY LETTER TO WOMEN . New Brunswick, N. J., May 17, 26. To the hundreds of women in NeV Jersey interested in our permanent pattern and to those wro contompla+.e .making thorn, I want to explain my . stand in this matter. First of all I do not—I never eh'm«d magiic in its use. I know that making such a pattern is not goina; to make a dressmaker out of a woman who has never sewed anything more difficult than hemming'dish towels or darning socks. I have said and I repeat now that the only way to learn to 3<sw is to sew and sew and sew. Some learn more quickly than others just as some learn to swim while others are still thinking about doing it. And *f you belong to that class of women who have lived to midde age without acquiring a certain technique in handling material, cutting, sewing by machine or by hand neatly—then the pattern may not be just what you need in the way of help. In many, cases, however, it has proved an incentive to the woman who has sewed liitle because it has been the means of getting her started on her first dress. Encouraged by the fair results of her efforts, she has made another and another until she finds that she really does so well that she dares a bettre frock. On the other hand, we find those who make' patterns ony to put them away on a shelf to forget all about them. They are the sort who expect that someway or other—they themselves do not know just how—the pattern should bring forth dresses without effort on their part. . "It sounds ao easy when you tell about it", they say. And they forget that I work html on every dress I make and that the only thing I ever try to prove to them ia this: that a pattern that fits snvea much time and fuss and worry .and, used properly, insures a well-flitting dress. That our pattern c-rni dii more than that is asking to much of any bits of cambric; ibut those some bits of camlbric in the hands of a woman with pcrserveranco will prove indispensable, as no one knows hotter than I do. When I think of the hours I have spent in fitting, nltofling and trying on to see if this nnd that lifctlo thine1 wore right— then I'm glad I have my pattern ar.ywiay. I'm sure there are very many wowon who feul this way, but I'm sure, too, thnt there are others who foel ,that Romowny or other they Jiave been cheated because their clothes do not njupear as if by magic whenever their pattern is brought to light—and in such cases it does not see the light often. I class the permanent pattern with the lnlbor-saving devices ono uses for other housftkeepiing; tasks—the vacuum cleaner,Velectric washer nnd bread mixer. All these need the judgmant of the woman who u«m them, there is no magic in them. You cannot put flour and yeast and milk into your bread mixer in any proportion and expect good bread. You niust know how to make bread—the ingredients,, the length of time and the temperature for proper .-nislng, kneading, baking, etc. And there nre just <is many bread mixers put on the top shelf of tho pantry to collect tho dust of yoara as there are permanent patterns put awny in the sewing room catch-all and they belong to the same woma'ii too. Cordinnlly yours. CATHERINE CrlUEBEL, Extension Clothing Specialist. DENTIST 235 Cedar Street South Amboy, N. J Telephone 239-J NG FOR THE WRITES DR. F. BURLEW Estimates Given All Work Guaranteed Garden Hints Most poultrymen will remember the hot spell early last June and what it dSd to his birds/ Many of them stopped laying and did not begin again for several months. The good poultryman will be on the watch for such conditions and make his birds comfortable as possible. W. H. Allen, head of the poultry department at the State Agricultural College, suggests the following treatment, during very hot weather: (1) cut down on grain to some extent; (2) provide penty of oool drinking water; (3) ventilate the houses as much as possible; (4) if,at all possible provide shade. The poultryman who gives a little attention to his birds during ?. very hot spell will be amply repaid. EVER1* Telephone 402 Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MARKETS COAL AND WOOD RICHARD McCLOUD. Jr. ICC - - COAL REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE SPECIAL Tempting! A golden brew of pure malt and hops. Blends wonderfully with food. Makes every bite taste better. Cooling in h o t weather — delightful any~ time — relieves thirst—costs so little. Try a bottle today. FREDERICK H. LEAR REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE B.ef, L«mb. Veal and Pork 210 George St. SMOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS C. T. MASON EXPLOSION INSURANCE Tuning and Repairing at Right Prices 231 First Street South Amboy Insurance of All Kinds FERD D. TEDESCO minr ST. *«CTH Representing the Best lamrance Companies* Explosion, Liability, Autoxnoblk and Plate Glass Insurance When Seeking Insurance, Ask Ut NOTARY^UBLIC 312 David St. South Amboy MILK AND CREAM John D. Rockefeller who turned his opportunity into a fortune says there nre a hundred opportunities now to every one that existed when he was young. • If you are alert and ready to answer the knock, you will succeed IF—you are prepared financially to step in and seize it. Our savings department offers you a great opportunity to save. Just a little now and then, will build tUe foundation of your future, plan the way to financial independenco and mako you ready to take advantage of the big opportunity. R. A. CASEY MILK Phone 267 CREAM 347 Catherine S t PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 157 Bordentown Avenue Phen* 578 (JuRtncroHHrallrond br JOHN C. THOM Jobbing of All Kinds Promptly Attended To Z46 Bortlantown Arena* First National Bank BealEstate/Insirace JUSTICE OF THB PEACE South Amboy, N. J. Member of Federal Reserve Bank Thye are real bargains in these columns. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Phon« 316-J "BOOST SOUTH AMBOY" I'ropnrty Untight, MoJd nmf Kxi'hftiiKoH. Monov Limned on Bond mid Morttfinco. Kit r inn A ml Fiictur.v Nl ten Our Specialty REUBEN FORGOTSON Tel. 282 611 Washington Ave 128 David St. ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS EDWARD McDONOUGlT COAL COMPANY COAL 214 Pine Avenue South Amboy, N. J. 211 AncoiU 8 t CONSULT Sullivan & Wilhelm,ln* FOR LOWEST PRICKS OH PUJJTBIlItt ASH HRATllMJ PAUL BRYL1NSRI CONCRETE BLOCKS PORTLAND CEMENT. Old Lfhigh andtWill«s-Fairc COAL Estimates! QlTen. All Work G u a r a n t y 1W SOUTH 8TBVBH8 ATI. M. J. SCULLY FUNERAL DIRECTOR 316 George Street South Amboy, N. J. Phono 661 FRANK NELSON Carpenter and Plumber SAVE AND HAVE! Pk*>»» 1O*-M CONTRACTORS i. c.BIRMINGHAM It is little wonder that some people never forge ahead. Content to ait in a rut they have worn (or themselves-^-they are deaf, dump and blind to opportunity. HARRY PARISEN 327 Dsmd Street J. M. PARSER, CM Telephone 159-R McDONOUGH Reliable UNITED STATES Companies — IN — firs. AmtomoW* Liability. Ounultr. ma. fturatr «n4 fMriJty BoasU T«l*»h0M M4-J Wake Up! 135 N. Broadway WE SELL RADIO, PLAYER PIANOS AND PIANOS NOTARY PUBLIC D. & S. BOTTLING CO. 151 David Street South Amboy, N. J. 'Phone South Amboy 550 Telephone 146 (Mucoeuorto U. P. Mason) 1 BAG OR I TON Wood By The Barrel Phone7 Center and flm Sis. ICE-COAL-WOOD Prompt Delivery SWAN HILL ICE CO. Yard and Office, 146 Henry S i Phone 340. TRUCKING AND MOVING A. MEDIA EVERITT ELMER F. PARISEN REAL ESTATE BROKER NOTARY PUBLIC C a r t i n g of A n y Kind General Insurance 719 Bordentown Ave. So. Amboj 313 David St. South Amboy WI. H. MARTIN u. PLAYER PIANOS REPAIRED AND TUNED 254 First St. South Amboy, N. Telephone 138-M JOHN DI SANTIS Telephone 1O9-M ALBERT JEROME Mfimifiu'tiirer o) High Grade Granite and Marbie 177 North Broadway FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES, CLAMS AND ALL KINDS OF SEA 2(57 FOOD Telephone 473 Telephone F i r s t Htr«»«»t 260 South Amboy THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Page Eleven feet east of School No. 4 in the Bor- | be issued and sold to pay for said N. J.," owned by the Biondi Realty evening (Standard Time) for thethence (3) southerly along the center Co., made August 5, 1910 by Rich- purpose of electing j line of Feltus street to the center ough of Sayreville, will be opened fire apparatus. ONE—Member of the House of Rep- line of Main street; thence (4) eastand read in public at the County ReSection 3. That this ordinance ard Heuser, Keyport, N. J. BEGINNING at a point on the resentatives for the Third Con- erly along: the center line of Main cord Building, New Brunswick, N. J. shall take effect on its approval and gressional District. southerly side of Columbus avenue street to-the center line of Thompon June 17th, 1926 at 2:30 P. M.publication as provided by law. P distant three hundred and forty (340) THREE—Members of the General son street; thence (5) southerly Standard Time NOTICE Assembly. along the center line of Thompson' Drawings, specifications and form Notice is hereby given that the feet easterly from the easterly side of bid, contract and bond for the pro- foregoing ordinance was passed on of Gordon street; thence (1) south- ONE—Sheriff for the County of Mid- '• street to the northerly line of'Block dlesex for the term of three years. erly and parallel with Gordon street posed work have been filed in theits first reading at a meeting of the fifty-one; thence (6) easterly along office of Engineer at 175 Smith Common Council held on June 1st, one hundred (100) feet; thence TWO—Coroners for the County of the northerly line of Block fifty-one Middlesex for a term of three to the center line of Second street; Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. and may 1926, and that it will be taken up on (2) easterly and parallel with years, avenue forty (40) Issue of June 8, 1901 l*e inspected by prospective bidders its second and third reading and Columbus thence (7) easterly along tho center par- THREE—Freeholders for a term of line of Second street to the easterly _. , XJ>bac , c l ' nushine during business hours. Bidders will final passage at a regular meeting of feet; thence (3) northerly and three years. allel with Gordon street, one huns v a said Common Council to be held in Disbrow and l ° « « pusn ng s And the following city offices: extremity of Second street; thence the Council Chamber in the City Hall dred (100) feet to the southerly by the same course produced in the work on the Betgcn Hill *- n k lne i f i c a t i o n s a n d b l u e £* intg o f & 6 on Wednesday night, June 16th, side of Columbus avenue; thence (4) A Mayor; A Councilman-at-Large; a(8)straight line to the shore of the A City Clerk; A Councilman from westerly and along the southerly side House. | drawings by the Engineer on proper li)26 at eight o'clock at which time Raritan Bay; thence (9) northerly the Second Ward; A Councilman of Columbus avenue, forty (40) feet Thp South Amboy Yacht Club has notice and payment of cost of prepar- and place any person interested from the Third Ward; a Councilman along the shore of the Raritan Bay J" „,! „ ,,iano and on Wednesday ation. Bids must be made on the therein or affected thereby will have to the point or place of BEGINNING. from to the place of beginning. tho Fourth Ward. Decree amounting to approximatepurchased a piano. a » a ™ e i . u i n t h o s e s t a n d a r d P r o p o s a i forms i n t h e m an- an opportunity to be heard. Fir«t District—Second Ward The aforesaid Primary and Regis' -evemngs tnc w , n e r d < , s i g n a t e d therein and required $27,100. G. FRANK DISBROW, at a point in the center present with dehghtiui ^ ^ deifications, must be eneloswith all and singular tration and General Election will be lineBeginning Together City Clerk, of Main street, and the westerly While Freheolder Cox of South <>d in sealed envelopes bearing the the rights, privileges, hereditament* held in the following places: ck was in Jamesburg Ia3t na me and address of the bidder and June 7, 1926. and appurtenances thereunto be- First Ward—First and Second dis- City line, thence (1) easterly along the center line of Main street to the his horses ran away, throw- the name of road on the outside, adlonging or in anywise appertaining. tricts at School No. 2. of dressed to the Board of Chosen Free. Second Ward—First District at center line of Thompson street; FREDERICK GO WEN, SHERIFF'S SALE l£ S ^ a ^, rKim i r f aind l t a ghis^ rmother r C o x 'out a leg holders of Middlesex County and Sheriff. Protection Engine house; Second thence (2) southerly along the cenhroken I m u s t b e accompanied by a certificate IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY— HARRY S. MEDINETS, district at New Broadway Fire ter line of Thompson street to the Between Potts & Kauffman, Inc., northerly line of Block 51; thence .-•was uro • „ » » * * I of a Bonding Company agreeing to a corporation, Complainant and $32.76 House, 127-129 Broadway. Solicitor. Third Ward—First and Second (3) easterly along the northerly line The small pox scare has greatly f urn j s h bond in the amount of 100% Arica Chemical Co., a corporation, District at School No. 1, George of Block 51 to the center line of »nhaided and it is thought that there o f t h e contract, and certified check et. al., Defendants. Fi Fa for sale NOTICE OF will be no further spread of the f o r n o t] e g s t h a n t e n (io) per cent Second street; thence (4) easterly of mortgaged premises dated May REGISTRATION, PRIMARY ELEC- Street. Fourth Ward—First and Second along the center line of Second street ^Uonse It is to be hoped that uhe , of t ] l ea m o u n t bid, provided said 4, 1926. TION AND GENERAL ELECTION •mall IO'OX has ended its career in the c h e c k 8ha ]j n o tb e I e s s t h a n $500.00 By virtue of the above stated of Registration and Primary District at Sohool No. 1, George to the center line of Stockton street; Crough. The Board of Health isnor m o r e than $20,000.00 and shall writ to me directed and delivered, andNotice thonce (5) southerly along the center General Election in and for the Street. following is a description of line of Stockton street to the northstill continuing its vigilance. t e delivered at the place and on the I will expose to sale at public City of South Amboy, Middlesex theThe m boundary lines of the election ••**• . . hour above named. The standard vondue on erly line of .Block 28; thence (6) New Jersey. districts in the City of South Am- westerly along the northerly line of Boys are often very anxious io ,prapasai form ; s attached to the spe- WEDNESDAY, JUNE SIXTEENTH, county, Notice is hereby given that the boy. leave school and get to work where c i f i c a t i o n s > COpie9 of which will be Block 28 to the center line of StevNINETEEN HUNDRED AND Boards of Registry and Election of First District—First Ward they may earn something and parents furnished o n application to the Enens avenue; thence (7) southerly TWENTY-SIX ench of the Election Districts,in tho 1 unwisely are apt to be too wmin»., g i n G e r j Beginning at »t a * point P«mt in in the the shore shore along tho center line of Stevens avetw.o o'clock daylight saving time, City of South Amboy, Middlesex .. Beginning A good education ought to be insist- T1]e B o a r t l r e s e rves tht right to at in the afternoon of said day at the nnuntv. n t line of Rantort Bay near the Pennsyl- nue to the center line of David street; county, Now New Jcrsev. Jersey, will meet at •ed upon. The one who enters upon, r o j e c t a n y o r a l l biis if>i n t n e j n ter- Sheriffs vania Railroad Station and running thence (8) westerly along the center in tho City of New their respective polling iplaces on the struggle of life without it is ser-. e s t of ^ g Board, it is deemed advis- Brunswick,Offieo thence- (1) Westerly to a point in line of David street to its westerly N. J. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1926 iouslv handicapped anu ui^j «"••' »••-" and they and ""-"^aMe , j , to 0 SOi center line of Stevens avenue and extremity; thence (9) by the same the following tract or parcel between between tho tho hours hours of of 77 o'clock oclock in in the the dependent suffer B y o r d e r a f t h g B o a r d o f c h 0 B e n of All •>. . families .....=,! continually *in,iniw suffer land and premises hereinafter morning nnd 9 o'clock in tho evening Fifth street; thence (2) along tho course produced to a point 150 feet the inconvenience^ofJ Freeholders of Middlesex County. , particularly described, situate, lying (Standard Time) for the purpose of center lino of Fifth street to the cen- southerly from the - center line of ^ ^ THOMAS J. MULVIHILL, and toeing in the Township of Mndi- electinR members of the County and tcr line of Feltus street; thonce (3) Main street; thenco (10) westerly 6-7-2t Clerk. son, in tho County of Middlesex, State Committees of political parties, southerly along the center line of and parallel with the center line of Bicycle repairing done by J. H. and State of New Jersey. 1 nnd of making nominations for the Feltus street to the center line of Main street and 150 feet distant MADISON TOWNSHIP FIRST TRACT: Showing and des- several county, State, national" and Main street; thence (4) westerly therefrom to a point in the westerly HONOR iffnatod as lots Numbers thirty- city offices; also during the afore- along the center line of Main street line of the City; thence (11) northNotice of Election /•>i u j n , Affnn Char- Notice is hereby given that there nine (39) to fifty-six (J>fi) inclusive, Hai(l hours for the purpose of making to the westerly boundary line of the erly along the City's westerly line to , t f e T u i r h e a T eJennie Kingham will be heldd a Primary Election in i E lti t in Block' "M" on a certain map en- registration of voters for the Gen- City of South Amboy; thence (5) the place of beginning. lotte Muirhead, J ™™?. Thomas, Madison Township on Tuesday, June titled "Map of Genoa, Addition 'A', neral Second District—Second Ward Election to be held Tuesday, northerly along the westerly boundTheodore de Graw,Nellie 1"°™^ 1 B - 1 D 2 6 f r o m T A . M . t o g p. M .f o r Madison Township, Middlesex CounBeginning at a point in the center ! ary line of tho City to the intersecBertha Fulton, Richard MUCK, =>aai (th< ; p u r p ; g o o f n o m i n a t i n g c a n ( i i d a t e s ty, N. J.", owned by Biondi Realty November 2, 1926. Notice is hereby given that the tion of the westerly boundary with line of Stockton street and the center Brumagin, to be voted for at a General Election Co., made August 20, 1010, by Boards of Registry nnd Election for tho northerly boundary line of theline of Second street; thence (1) Ninth G f ade ; How to be held on Tuesday, Novembor Richard Heuser, C. E., Keyport, N. J. the City of South Amboy will meet city; thence (C) easterly along the easterly along the center line of SecBounded by Columbus avenue on in their several polling places from northerly boundary line to the shore for the following public street to its easterly extremity; the north; by Biondi avenue on the 1 p. m. to 9 ip. m. (Standard Time) jof the Rnritnn Bay; thence (7) along ond thence (2) by the same course pro011 south; by Strachtin street on tho One Member of the House of the shore of the Raritan Bay to the _ e: Irene Bogart, Hoy duced to the shore of the Raritan east, and the property of Biondi TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1926 Bay; thence (3) southerly along Bergeiir Ellender Emmtons, Helen Representatives. Realty Co. on the w'est through for tho purpose of revising and cor- place of beginning. Three Members of tho General Raritan Bay to the center line oi Holton, Emma Compton, Maua Assembly. Second District—Fint Ward which tho said Columbus and Biondi recting their registers. David street; thence (4) westerly Adams, Edna Deitrick, Edwin bculiy avenues are a continuation. Block „. .„ „.„ j *..„.. .„„„ „,, Beginning at a point in the shore A Sheriff. Notice is also hereby given that a Esie Steins, Lulu Inman. , "M" herein referred to is a contin- General Election will be held at the |]'™ o f Raritan Bay near the Penn- along the center line of David street Two Coroners. Fourth Grade: Theressa Kvist, uation of Block "M" of the property various polling places in the City of sylvania Railroad Station and running to the center line of Stevens avenue; for tho i Hardy, Ada Ervin, Jessie Winof the Biondi Realty Co. South Amboy, Middlesex county, thence (1) westerly to a point in the thence (5) northerly along the cenMary Woodward, Inllian center line of Stevens avenue and ter line of Stevens avenue to a point SECOND TRACT: Being lots 23 New Jersey, on One Township Committeeman for ..... Frank Ritter, Arthur Allen, the Term of Three Years. and 24 in block "M" on a certain TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1926 Fifth street; thence (2) westerly opposite the northerly line of Block Edwin Tice, Samuel Arose, Lydia Further notice is hereby given that map entitled "Map of Genoa, Madi- between the hours of six o'clock in along the center line of Fifth street 28; thence (6) easterly along the Heath. the Board of Registry will meet be- son Township, Middlesex County, the morning and seven o'clock in the to the center line of Feltus street; northerly line of Block 28 to the center line of Stockton street; thence Third Grade: Raymond Chasey, tween the hours of 1 P. M. and 9 (7) northerly along1 the center line Edward Ritter, Florence Parisen, P. M. on Tuesday, June 1st, 1926, of Stockton street to the place of Margaretha Stumpf, Frederick Lear, and on June 15th, 1926, between the beginning. Anna Arose, Mary Neiltopp, Robert hours of T A . M. and 9 P. M. for the purpose of registering legal voters of Fint District—Third W«rd •Chapman. i Beginning at a point \n the center Second Grade: Edwin Aken, Char Madison Township. District^-Zeigler Hall, line of Stevens avenue and David lie Heath, Horace LeNaire, Elfrieda First street, thence (1) westerly along the Neiltopp. _ , Browntown. Second District—South Old Bridge center line of David street to its westFirst Grade: Carl Anderson, Joale School. •Gominger, Charlie Magnuson, Walter erly extremity; thence (2) by the Thomas, Holmes Cliver, Ruth Strat- First District includes a", South of same course produced to a point 150 Deep Run Brook. | feet distant southerly from the center / • • • « • -. Second District includes all North westerly line of Block 60; thence (5) j Corner Loafing Muit Cean of lieep Run Brook. and parallel with the center line of \ Many complaints about men loiTHOS. L. WOOTON, Main street and 150 feet distant tering on the street corners have I Township Clerk. H E R E are more than 40,000 New Jersey people therofrom to the westerly City Line; Tb«en made to Chief Minnick of late 5:21-28; 6:4-11. thence (4) easterly to a point in the *nd he intends to keep the corners who are owners of the Preferred Stock of Public easterly and along the said line of •clear hereafter if it takes the entire Block 60 and 100 feet southerly Service Corporation of New Jersey, and this number is ORDINANCE police force to do it. A large num-' from the southerly line of John street l>er of young men, who appear to AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY increasingdaily—WHY? and parallel thereto to a point in tha "have nothing beter to do than to of South Araboy providing for the center line of Stevens avenue; thenca •exhibit themselves on the corners and laying of A concrete sidewalk, curb (6) northerly along said center lin« blocking up the sidewalks, have caus- and gutter on Second Street from • i. Because thrifty people have found the stock of Stevens avenue to the beginning. ed am odium to be cast upon them , Potter Street to Pine Avenue. j Second District—Third Ward selves by the public, and now if they Be it ordained by the Common a safe investment, paying an attractive rate do not desire to be approached by an Council of the Oity of South Amboy: Beginning at a point in the cenof return. officer it would be well for them to Section 1. That both sides of Seter line of Stevens avenue and David eeek some other quarters where they comTStreet in the City of South Amstreet; thence (1) easterly along the •wall not annoy the traveling publci. boy from. Pine Avenue to Potter 2. Because the plan under which it is sold percenter line of David street to low water mark in Raritan Bay; thence Street be improved by the laying of mits them to invest their savings as they a concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter (2) southerly along said low water The Fellow Who Win* mark to a point in the center ot accumulate. Sooner or later llfnV bntllee are on said street according to the plans.' and specifications made by John A. Block 1, said point being distant 100 won, not HIWH.VN liv rht» fuster or Conlogue, City Engineer and now on feet southerly from the southerly (tronifer rinm Inn t-\ ihc ti'ilnw who file in the office of the said City' 3. Because a high grade security is placed line of John street; thence (3) west'thl: hllik* ' " ' " ••••r»Ir(» Engineer, which said plans and spe-' erly and parallel with John street and within the reach of the small as .well as cificationa are hereby adopted and • 100 feet distant therefrom to the the large investor. approved. I center line of Stevens avenue; thence Section 2. That the sum of Two (4) northerly along the center line Thousand Three Hundred Dollars be • 4. Because the record of Public Service Corporof Stevens avenue to the beginning. estimated and appropriated as and: Firtt Di.trict—Fourth Ward ation of New Jersey over a period of twentyfor the cost of said wrok. Beginning at a point in the center Section 3. That bonds in the sum . three years shows it to be a successful,, • • line of Pine avenue and midway beof THvo Thousand Three Hundred' tween John and George streets; growing business enterprise. . Dollars be issued and sold to pay the thence (1) southerly along the cenfor the cost of said work. ter line of Pine avenue to Portia Section 4. That this improvement 5. Because the Corporation's Preferred Stock street; thence (2) westerly along be deemed to be a local improvement center line of Portia street to the cenhas established itself in the confidence of and the coat thereof he assessed ter line of Pine avenue; thence (3) npiinat tho property benefited therethe investing public. of Main street; thence (3) westerly by nnd the balance if any be paid by to its squtherly extremity; thence the City at large and raised by taxaalong the center line of Pine avenue tion. (4) easterly to the easterly line of Section 6. That this ordinance the Morgan Road; thence (6) southnhall take effect when approved and erly along the easterly slda of Morpublished in the manner prescribed gan Road to the City Line; thence by law. (6) along said southerly City Line to NOTICE its intersection with the westerly Notice is hereby given that the boundary line of the city; thence (7) 'foregoing ordinance was passed on northerly along said westerly boundits first reading at a meeting of the ary line to a point 150 feet southCommon Council held on June 1st, erly from the center line of Main 1!)2G, and that it will be taken up on street; thence (8) easterly to the its second and third residing nnd middle of the western extremity of final passage at a regular meeting of Block 60, said point being distant said ComnroTT Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall 100 feet southerly from the southerly on Wednesday night, Juno 16th, line of John street; thence (9) eastli)2C at eight o'clock at .which timo erly nnd 100 feet southerly from the and place .any person interested southerly lino of John street and partherein or aiffeoted thereby will have allel thereto to the point or place of an opportunity to bo heard. beginning. G. FRANK DISBROW, Second Diitrict—Fourth Ward City Clerk Beginning at a point in the center June 7, 192C. line of Pine avenue and midway beJ. W. OLSEN CO. tween John and George streets; . T«l»phon* 3361 thence (1) easterly and parallel with ORDINANCE John street and distant 100 feet Perth Amboy! The price per share is $100 nnd accrued dividend. The terms are Be it ordained by the Common southerly from the southerly lino of Council of the City of South Amboy: $10 a niontfi per share, with interest at the rate of G% per annum paid John street to low water mark in Section 1, That the City of South Raritan Bay; thenco (2) southerly you on installments. Amboy purchase two Stoughton 500 along said low water mark to the gallon community combination pump southerly boundary of tho city; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The fullest information is available to you concerning Public and booster fire nppnrotus nt a price thence (3) westerly along said bouni NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN not bo exceed $7600 each not, proService Corporation of New Jersey, its operating companies, their dary line to the center line of Pine :that sealed bids will bo received by vided however that four thousand avenue; thence (J) northerly alongpresent business and their future prospects — 'the Board of Chosen Freeholders of dollnrs oif tho fiald sum bo donated center lino of Portia' street; thence Middlesex County for tho construc- by the Progressive Fire Company of tion of n section of the South Am- the City of South Amiboy, N. J., and (5) onsterly along tho center lino of boy^Sayrevillo Ito«d in tho Borough that said sum of Fifteen Tlinusnnd Portin street to the center lino of ASK ANY PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYE of Snyrevlllc, County of Middlesex Dollars be nnd tho same Is hereby Pino avenue; thonco (6) northerly with n sheet asphalt surface on n aivpropriatcil for tho said purpose nlong the center line of Pine avenue seven (7) Inch concrete biiHu, bo«in to the plnco of beginning, Section 2. That bonds in the sum riltiRT ftt the end of present asphalt nl Vltleun Thousand Dollars or sucht G. PKANK DISBKOW nurfnco anil extending to n point 300 sum o» la necessary for tho purpose City ^lork. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Looking Bacjk 25 Years Question? and Answer! T 6% C^umulativeireierred >3tock iCk3ervice oi INlew is sold under Our Popular Ownership Plan THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FEIDAY, JUNE 4, 1926 FRIDAY CHAT By G. L. Guinand CONGRESSMAN AND MRS. Burnt Utensils APPLEBY TO TOUR ORIENT Washington, D. C, June 7, 1920: T h e m a r k s o f M i n i nr.i.v h e r e m o v e d Congressman and Mrs. Appleby of e a s i l y if tlu> nri'iisll is tilled ivlth c o l d Asbury Park, are sailing next month w a t e r c o n t u i n l n n s m n c sixlu u m l Is from San Francisco for Honolulu, t h e n Bet o v e r tlic tin* mill) Hie w u t e r Guam, Manila, Shanghia, Chefoo and boils. Honolulu. A special passport was issued by the State Department and has been vised by the different Governments. Late Hon. T. Frank A/ppleby and Mrs. Appleby took a similar trip to the Orient three years ago and while Gas pressure in the abdomen causon the trip, Congressman Appleby will look into the anti-oil pollution es a restless, nervous feeling and prevents sleep. Adlerika removes situation, as he has been assured of a hearing on the anti-ail pollution gas in TEN minutes and brings out bill when Congres opens again, in the surprising amounts of old waste matter you never thought was in Fall. . * system. This excellent intestiDuring the Congressman's absence your evacuant is wonderful for consti the Washington office , room 143, nal pation or allied stomach trouble. House Office Building will ' remain Don't waste time with pills or tabopen and all matters will be taken lets but REAL Adlerika action! care of by Donald S. Bowie, Secre- Peterson'sget Pharmacy, 132 N. Broadtary of Long Branch, and Miss Dora way. Adv. Megiill of Allenwood. PRINCE OF WALES IN SOUTH AMBOY It "was a beautiful morning, the sky was a royal blue and there was just enough haze to make one remember that it was the quiet month of October. The masses of crimson among the dark shades of green mingled with splashes of rich browns on the hill sides of South Amboy. The Raritan was bathed in a glory of burnished gold—Jit was the morning of the 18th day of October 18C0. The Harriet Lane, a government boat, which was named after President James Buchanan's niece, was moored to the docks of South Amboy. The Prince of Wales, who many years after was King Edward, the VII. had visited eight principal cities of the United States and was now on his way ovre the Camden & Amboy K. R. from Philadelphia to South Amboy and then by the boat Harriat Lane to New York City and thence to Portland, Maine, from which ha sailed on October 20, 1860, homeward bound. Gas Makes People Nervous and Restless You, warm in the hay Twtinddling your toes Dont give a tinker's darn How cruel the wind blows The fear of yeggs Never enter your head After you've locked up •Gone to your bed You know there is A guy outside Who is on the alert For what ere may betido He's just a cop. Taking a chance with, his Life for you Give him a show and He'll come through Of course you know and Have often read That every cop don't Die in bed • So step oh the soft pedal On'the kndckiut stuff You know in his business He can't be a bluff HS's just a cop. , HISS Iliss'n. The sound made by propelling the breath between the .tongue and the upper teeth; the noise of a serpent, a goose, etc.— Noah Webster. • No.w the question is,_ "do ladies . really hiss?" Ha, hah I we'll take this opportunity to answer that question ourselves, and, we will soar to a great height ond from our altitude, will in a stentorian voiec roar down to the multitude below,—Never. We have never as. yet heart! a lady hiss, but we have .heard a serpent, a goose and will go Noah Webster one better. We've heard a broken winded horse hiss, wheeze and whistle, but charming ladies, never. No brother, a pretty woman (all women ore pretty to us) will not pucker up her klssalble lips and distrot her dear little nose in an effort to hiss, Just try it yourself brother, that is, if you have no whiskers or like the ventriloquist no mustache to decoive with. Just try it before a glass and 3ee what n funny facial expression -will spread over your face. The old Adam and tho old Eve, will persist und ortisrt aa Jong aa the human rnco (Sndures, because • God made 'em so and nothing else matters. Matured men and experienced women may havo beautiful thoughts and splendid ideas, but they will never measure, upto or fit into tho red rose time of lilt, Youth mu3t and will be BOrved and then youth will arrive, even as you and I. The best substitute for coal that has as yet been found will soon be with us—"Summer." It is said that it takes nine tailors to make a man. What that means we •don t know, but w do know that one good tailor can't do much for a fellow who won't place his wisdom-piece In the ftarber's chair regularly. If all the automobiles were bought on a cash basis how much safer our streets would be for the fellow on the hoof. To Beautify the Home Bittersweet, which . can be found along the country road, brightens the drabbest home when bnnked on u mantel, stuck In a plnln stone Jar or crock, or burning like flame from a copper or brass bowl. George M. Mortensoo Telephone 435 Plumbing1 and Heating1 Estimates Furnished o ^-nw 321 MAIN STREET Tei. 246 BOTJTH A V B O T , H. • EUGENE A. MORRIS < .NERAL HARDWARE 8*wa, Planes, Hammers, H«taWt» LoTelD, Braces, Blti, CW»«U, Drills, ,* Tool! tor all Mechanics, Torches, Soldtrlax Iron. Grinders. (Successor to A. T. Korr) Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Brushes, Glass, Bronzes, A0BNT SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Whltq Lead, Enamels.. Staloa, Putty, am! Glass WALL PAPER G. I. Bergen, 17S Stereos a r t 238 First Street South Amboj corner First street Gold Leaf, Stains, E t c NONOX "Pwas only eleven years ago today, June 4, 1915, the Directors of the Ford Motor Company increased the capital Stock from $2,000,000 to $100,000,000. The Ford Motor Company was organized Juno 1 16, 1903, "The tin wo love to touch. .' HE'S JUST A COP When the mercury's down to zero On bleak bitter nights And everything frozen stiff iBirt the electric lights. Who is it turns out At eleven o'clock And crunches thrown the1 snow Block after block With never a whimper nor A word of complaint With a song in his heart • Though he isn't a saint, He's just a cop. No Waste in Nature Despise not nny in:in. and do not spuru anytliinK. fen iliere Is no man that has not h|j> Imur nor Is there anything Hint tins not its place.— Kabhl lien Azh- MOTOR Urns Mountains into Mole hilts OR many years mechanical engineers struggled to build automobile engines of higher compression. As compression is increased the power line goes up and the fuel consumption line goes down —ordinary gasolines would not withstand this higher compression without knocks, clicks, or detonations—accumulated carbon deposits increased this compression by decreasing thesize of the combustion chamber —and the audible sounds of the engine distress grew louder. It has been our good fortune to produce a gasoline that positively eliminates clicks, pings, and knocks. Gulf No-Nox and Carbon are Power Twins Motor Fuel withstands compression to a high degree; carbon, increasing the compression of the engine, ceases to be a nightmare as long as it does not interfere with valve action. In other words, it puts carbon to work. More power and greater efficiency is thereby accomplished, resulting in greater mileage. GULF NO-NOX With GULF NO-NOX Motor Fuel in your tank—step on it—you will get the story better than we can tell it This Guarantee goes with it Motor Fuel is Non-Noxious, Non-Poisonous and no more harmful to man or motor than ordinary gasoline—that it contains no dope of any kind—that the color is for identification only—that it positively will not heat the motor summer or winter. GULF NO-NOX Motor Fuel is priced three cents per gallon higher than ordinary gasoline—and is worth it. GULF NO-NOX Sign on a Ford: This is a pie-wagon. So's your old man. Here is an essay of a schoolgirl, which was tnken from the Morning Post: • Todny I havo seen a most wonderful sight—n pond whose shallows nre full of black tndpoloB. Just Cany, socme day everyone of those horrid, •wriRjfing things will be a beautiful butterfly," "Mn, did you and Pa have n big wedding?" "No my son, wo eloped mncl saxed expense." Pa: "Yes, my son, your Ma wns afrnid that I might Clwnge my tnind." The Orange Gas—At the Sign of the Orange Disc GULF REFINING COMPANY Page Flv« THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Harry Leonard is enjoying his anMr. and Mrs, Frank Kabosky, of Pine avenue, entertained friends nual vacation from duties with the from Conning, N. Y., over the week Pennsylvania Railroad here. OPOPRTUNIT1ES FOR A L end. Mr. and Mrs. James Creed, of RarMiss Beatrice Sprague, of Portia itan street, have moved to a new adFOR RENT street, is confined to her home with dress on Conover street. Patrick McDonnell, of Second. an attack of measles. Mrs. E. Snyder, of Broadway, has street, spent the week end at Worcester,"" Mass., where he visited Joseph A card party will be held in Welsh's returned to this city after a six weeks Phippips, of Conover street, a stu- Hall on First street, on June 22nd visit with relatives at Sayre, Pa. dent at Holy Cross College. under the auspices of the Ladies Miss Evelyn Coats, of Morgan, moAuxiliary to the Brotherhood of tored with a party of friends to A card party is to be held at the Railroad Trainmen. Nya.ck, N. Y. over the week end and Mechanicsville fire house tonight Tables will be arranged for all of the Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Pitt, for- holiday. popular games and prizes will be merly of this -city, and now of PrinceMr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk, of awarded to the winners. ton, visited with relatives on Main Montclair, visited with Mrs. Leo A. street the past week. Coats, at oMrgan on Tuesday. Miss Regina Dooling, of King's County Hospital, Brooklyn, N. x. Fred Maxwell, of Fourth street, Miss Anna Malloy of Second returned to that institution after en- has returned to this city after a visit street, entertained relatives and FOR RENT—Private Garages. In- joying several days with her parents, with relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y. friends from New York City over the quire The Gundrum Service, South Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dooling Sr. end. James Hennessey, of New Bruns- week en ~ ORIENT—Three rooms, suit- . The card party held at the city hall wick, visited with relatives on Cath- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Emmons, of , for offices, with running water i Wednesday evening under the aus- erine street over the week end. David street, motored to Atlantic and toilet in South Atnboy ^ r u " i.pices of the Woman's Auxiliary to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger, of City over the week end and holiday. Company Building.. Apply to U.^ the South Amiboy Hospital was a Raritan street, are entertaining relaThe Misses Lorettu and Elizabeth complete success. tives Jrom Texas at their homo this Conwuy, of tSockton street, wore Miss Mary Kath of Sewarwen was week. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the guest of Miss Catherine Cooney a Keenan, at South River on Sunday. to H. G. Hoffman, * Edward Pooling, of Henry street, of Main street over the week end. has resumed his duties with the and Mrs. George Duggun, of Dolan and Sullivan are building a S * Spit Department after several Mr. «£««. " ^ ^ ^ X FOR SALE now bungalow on Dayton street or days illness. .jtives on Pine avenue over thu week investment purposes. SALE—Valuable property Miss Mildred Allen, a teacher in end. Mr. Thomns Howley has purchased the the local local schools, schools, sp spent the week end Mra. Henry Ueiker, of Hunyon, is a new bungalow on Feltus street any holiday with her sister at Cape spending u vacation at Niagara Fulls. from A .Stankowitz, of Henry street, E * For'terms see A. M. EvenU May, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roddy, o£ <71 Mr. Edward Sager, of Broadway, Mr. and Mra. John Hanaway, of 2.^ rd SS e ALE-7 Boom House, all Henry street, spent the weko end in now ranks among the motorists. Stockton street, entertained relatives tSove ent , .2 lots earrn m S Washington, D. C. Reasonable. Inquire l ^ S e Examinations are now in full sway from Brooklyn, N. Y. over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Isulcy Jr., spent _8 Lots on Louisa St. at St. Mary's School. the week end and holiday in Allan Mr. and Mrs. Wlilliaim Hines, of between tfettus St. ancI Pta.= Ave InMiss Helen Mullen and John Dwyhave returned home after tic City. quire John Quinlan, 523 Main Bi.g ^ er were among those who took tho Broadway, spending'a vacation with relatives in Mra. Morris Lucitt and daughter entrance examinations at Trenton TOR SALE—4 lots on Louisa st.! Normal School at Tremton on Tues New York State. Mndie, of Augusta atrcet, enjoyed un efw°eenPine ave. and Feltus . £ * automobile trip to Pottsyille, I'a. h Miss Evelyn Blow, of New York City, spent the week end and holi- over the week end and holiday. /ill OC' day with'relatives in this city. FOE SALE Property cor. O H « « " Willinm O'Brion of Augusta struct avenue and George st. P. J. M ° " a ; cupy their now home on David street gh n D d Daniel Birmingham of David street spent the week- end holiday with his in a few days. F dR sl LE-Lot S on Bordento'wn p u r ^ W d d u r i n gh^ weeka k S^d-" S t d mother enjoying the sights of AtlanMrs. Charles Travfnsky is able to ard Six Studebaker from the J. Ar-|«c Uty. a venue fwMtehead tract). Apply to ^ T F Sullivan, 265 David st. 2-12-tf be about after a serious illness. thur Applcgate agency at Perth Am-| A r ( ! K U , n r m c c t l n g s of t n l ! Board TOR SALE—Four corner lots | of Public Works will be held imxl Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming and boy. 100 x 100 Bay View Manor (corner The boys from this city who are! Thursday evening at tho City Hull. woodland M e ^ n d ^ a n o ^ S t r e e t ) children, of David street, motored . Antoinette Gordon, of Scran'South Amhov. 1-29-tf with relatives. coster, Mass., are expected homo wck end and holion Church street. .. has purcha, summer vacations. ' Rev. G. E. Sehlbredo has returned visitors from this city have to .tbjs city after attending the Pres, Edward Mills, of Ferris street, i3 Several South Amboy. at Worcester the past week, byterian Assembly at Baltimore, Md. the proud owner of a Pontaic six. been among them being Councilman John "MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Michael McCarthy, of Raritan •Edward Primpka, of John street, a' D, Mullane, and Patrick McDonnell. Street, who has been confined to the pupil of the local high school, is imCharles Brinamen and Miss Sylvia FOR SALE—1 bureau; 1 bed; 1 Perth Amboy City Hospital where he « t spring* 2 mattress. Inquire proving from an operation for ap- Brinamen motored with friends to underwent two serious operations at Hopatcong an Monday. the hands of Drs. F. C. Henry, Sr., 21 FORTALE-Chic k en^ouse, first Hospital on Monday of this week. and Jr., is now able to be aboflt s, Richard S. Neiltopp, Sr., and ^class condition. Twin be'as, enamel Mr. McCarthy wishes to exTuesday evening next will he the Saunders, of Raritan again. «d steel, mattress and springs, bu regular meeting night of the Ladies this glad news to his kind and week in tend are spending the thoughtful friends. 2 rocking chairs. Apply £04 Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Rail- Philadelphia, Pa. road Trainmen. Business of importance will be transacted at this meet- Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara. and • Louis Bloodgood, of the local poing if enough members turn out. family have moved into their recent- lice-force is enjoying his annual va '^imr 'Tnduire Citizen ly completed home on Second street. cation. Patrolman Edward O'Leary tl0 Miss Mary Healy, of this city, athas returned to his duties on the FOR SALE-Piano. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire Willard Al- tended the funeral of her cousin, Jo- A3 yet nothing has been done force after enjoying his annua leave •• "- Second St. T A seph Healy, of Jersey City, on Mon- toward cutting1 down the old trees bond «nd day last. Mr. Healy was in nis fifty in St. Mary's school yard. It was ru- Mr. Harold Semoneit, of Pine avesecond year and was interred in Ar- mored several weeks ago that the nne, is reported recovering nicely an operation for appendicitis lington cemetery. grounds would be put in first class from was performed by Dr. J. F, condition for hte staging of the var- which Weiber on Wednesday afternoon. FRIDAY,'JUNE 4, 1. nished a delightful program of music • It has been announced that ap- Local election boards have been at the Keasbey firehouse on Satur- proximately seven thousand dollars making the usual spring house to day evening last. was realized by the members of St. house canvas during this week. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE; Mary's Rosary Society during the Dr. E. H. Eulner has changed cars Mrs, Maurice Lucitt, of Augusta past Winter months from the proand may now be seen driving a new FOK BAL.E—7 Passenger Jordan street, spent the holidays with her ceeds of card parties. Chrysler roadster. brother, Mr. Michael Gilmartin, in Sedan. BARGAIN. Inquire 5John Theodore Stolte Sr. of Conover! Miss Irene Meinzer, chairman of A. Coan. , T 6 t Pottsville, Pa. is making extensive improve- the Catholic Daughters of America Mrs. Elizabeth Triggs, of David street, ments to the ground adjoining his banquet to be held at the Shrewsbury street, is able to be about again af- property. LOST AND FOUND Club, has announced that reserva1 ter her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. I. Waidell and fam- tions would be received for the af i FOUND—Large bunch of keys. Richard Powers, of Pine avenue, ily of Long Branch motored' to the fair up to and including the evening attended the ordination of Rev. Fr. •Owner may have same on .proper iden , home of Mr. and Mra. William J. of June 10th. ^tification. Keys were found on Bor i Clifford Sinith at Dunwooddie on O'Toole, on Second street, on WedA regular meeting of the Flie dentown Avenue. See Chief Gloa- Sunday last. nesday evening. Club will be held in their rooms on aon, City Hall. 6-4-tt iMisa Alice Duggan, of Augusta st., Miss Rose Dewan of Raritan street, Tuesday night. Plans for the balreturned on Tuesday last after hav- student of the State Normal School, ance of the summer nfonths are to b ing Spent the holidays with her sis- aTrenton, spent the week end and discussed. ter Mrs. Frank Brennan, of Brook- holiday with her parents, Mr. and lyn'. John Connors, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Edward Dewan. John Connors, of Augusta st., is enMrs. James Cheary, Mra. John Cosjoying several days vacation from hii Rrovfi, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien aro Mr. and Mr3. H. Deifendorfer and studies at Holy Cross College, Woramong the nunVber to attend the daughter Edwinna, of White Horse, cester, Mass. Euchariatic Co'nference in .Chicago visited with friends in this city this from June 10th to 24th. They have week. Mrs. James Dawson and Miss Sam secured accommodations at the HoDeibert were New York visitors Wed Mrs. Eugene S. Heston^has been tel Imperial. nesday. appointed chairlady of a monster Mrs. Mary Meinzer and daughte: Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Dey, of Phila- card party to be held June 11th undelphia, spent the week end nnd holi der the auspices of the Protection Irene, of Broadway, motored througl Engine Company Ladies Auxiliary. New York State over Decoration Day day with relatives on Main street. ——I I WINDOW SHADES Made to Order AWNFNGS Amlioy Shade and D. Co. EMMET MAHONEY Perth Amboy FOR SALE \ One house, 6 rooms, improvements, 2 loU, corner Portia St. mid Parker Ave., price reasonable. • One House, 6 rooms j m p r w ; menta, 4 lots, right in tho heart of Wain St., price moderate. Special Snle—One house, B rooms, two lots, partly improved, nnd barn, between Stewns and Pine Aves. on Henry St. Hand me $3500 and tuko 'One double house, 11 rooms, two lots, on lower Augusta St. Hand me $2600.00 and take it. WTBR J. COAKLEY '*"" Jijin St. South Amboy Phono 64 n-1 Mrs. Francis P. Hennessey, ..fine street, togothur with ilfhtor, were Mntuwnn viBitIjtM. for tho Citizen. Polly Prim Cleanser, large cans, 3 for.. WHITE ROSE TEA, . 3 packages HEINZ PICKLED ONIONS, Best Elgin Creamery Butter 25c 25c PET MILK, Saturday only, per dozen $1.25 jar %HITE ROSE DATES, pound package 25c Saturday ,only, lb. MIXED NUTS, pound r_... SOAPINE POWDER, 15c 3 boxes 47i 25 25 Our Eggs are direct from Monmoutb County farms, the freshest you can buy. Cash Specials for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday Only FOR SOUTH AMBOY, MECHANICSVILLE, MORGAN, a n d LAURENCE HAKUOK NAVICOAL CORPORATION 305 State Street Phone P. A. 2781 Perth Amboy, N. J. Cut Price Grocery Sale! All Goods Guaranteed or Your Money Back Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday g m Quick Mothers Oats package Lifebuoy Soap 4 cakes 10c 25c SHREDDED WHEAT package No. 3 Tomatoes 2 cans 10c 25c White Rose Corn can RITTER'S CATSUP . 2 bottles 18c 25c NEW POTATOES 3 lbs. for Fresh Asparagus No. 1 35c; No. 2 25c 19c Olives, plain or stuffed 2 jars SUNSET MATCHES 6 boxes 25c 25c Samuel Sudalter Successor to American and Royal Food Stores Full Line of Fruit* and Vegwtablei in Season TWO STORES 101 N. Stevens Ave. 121 N. Broadway Tel. 454 Tel. 606 Borak's Meat Market Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday Small Legs Lamb, lb 37c FRESH HAMS, % or 1, lb.. SIRLOIN ROAST, lb 29c CUCUMBERS, 6 for. VEAL CUTLETS, lb 40c jAunt Jemima <p c flour, 3 for25c Pork Crops & Cuts...._ ..25c Telephone 149 LEGS VEAL, lb 25c _28c Egg Noodles, 3 boxes, 25c PEAS, per can 10c Switzer Cheese, Imp., lb. 65c Best Creamery Butter, lb._45c PRESTO Flour, 10c Catsup, 2 bottles CHOPPED BEEF, lb. ISc S'LOIN or P'HOUSE ST'K 29c Lge. Can Tomatoes, 2 for.-.25c RIB ROAST, per pound 25c First Prize Butter, lb 25c 18c String BEANS, 3 cans 25c Good Luck Butter, lb.. 29c LARGE CAN PEARS . 15c POT ROAST, all meat- 22c JAM, QUART JAR, 35c COFFEE, pound 39c PRUNES, 2 pound box 25c pickled I'IGS FEET, lb. 10c DILL PICKLES, Qt. Jar. ... 25c Shoulder VEAL, lb- VEAL STEW, lb.... -15c Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb....22c ROAST VEAL, lb _23c Corned Spare Ribs, lb 15c CHUCK STEAK, lb. 18c SPAGHETTI, 4 boxes 25c Rump for Roast, lb 18c SOUR KROUT, 5 lbs. 25c Chuck Pot Roast, lb 14c Pork Loins, rib ends, lb 29c RUMP VEAL, pound 27c P. & G. Soap, 0 cako»_. -25c Plato Corn Beef, 3 lbs -2Bc Boneless BACON, RAISINS, 3 boxes, 2Sc MOTHEItS OATS, plcg. . LAMB STEW, pound 15c CHICKENS, pound Ln-rge Box Washing Powdor 20c lleekorsi Flour 12 W lb. 122 North Broadway Free Deliveries Anywhere IMHITIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII $11.00 Per Net Ton> Delivered $10.50 p er Net Ton, in 5 Ton Lots LIVER, per lb._ CASH GROCER Telephone 82!) .287 Prospect St. TiMmnniiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMilliiMiiiCTMiiiiiiiiiii 18c 9 65c Telephone 261 Page Six THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN When Penn. R. R. is Electrified to Philadelphia and New Brunswick, N. J. is 2O Minutes Closer to New Fork You will be glad to own a few lots on and near the LINCOLN HIGHWAY * • * - Close to the Penn. R. R.Station at Stelton. This side of New Brunswick and the Raritan River At the prices that obtain TODAY! Buy Now, in advance of this Big Improvement The New York-New Jersey "Vehicular Tunnel From Canal St., Manhattan to Jersey City IS NOW NEARING COMPLETION This Great Vehicular Tunnel means the elimination of the Hudson River as a barrier to the free and uninterrupted course of vehicular traffic between New York and New. Jersey. It means the greater development of nearby New Jersey from both the Residential and Industrial standpoint. Lincoln Highway is the most direct route from the Tunnel Approach and Hudson Boulevard, in Jersey City, to and through Newark, Metuchen, Stelton, New Brunswick, and all points beyond Philadelphia. ' • The New Hudson River Bridge, which is now assured by reason of the Bridge Building Bill having been signed by the Governors of New York and New Jersey, is another epochial improvement that will be of the greatest possible benefit to New Jersey. Z ' • , ' * LOTS NEW BRUNSWICK N J, STELTON, N . J. on and adjacent to Lincoln Highway and only two miles from In the Metuchen-Raritan River District—At Yo ur Own Price Tonight, Friday, Jane 4 AT 7:30 P.M., and on • Tomorrow, Saturday, June & AT 2:30 P. M., ON PREMISES, UNDER TENT, RAIN OR SHINE BUY NOW IN ADVANCE OF THESE MOMENTOUS IMPROVEMENTS A. C. STREITWOLF, Atty. 143 Albany St. (Railroad Plaza), New Brunswick, N. J. on £ \ j /O Mortgage SEND FOR BOOKMAP HOW TO GO—Take Penn. R. R. to Stelton Station, a few minutes' walk from property. By auto, follow Lincoln Highway to Stelton and property. 67 LIBERTY STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone Gortlandt 0744 Auctioneer /in* THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Page S«ven are being made to A new fire hydrant is to be installContractor Ferd Tedesco has comONE-DAT PLEASURE OUTING theImprovements building at the corneT of Broad- ed on Ward avenue shortly, it is un-pleted the construction of a new con- FRIDAY, JUNE way and Ftirst stret, belonging to Mayor Harold Hoffman. An entire new store front is being erected by Lambertson and Reese. derstood. There is quite a long stretch on that street between Bordentovm avenue and Portia street that has no hydrant and in case of a Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Peterstm, of, From all stations fire in the locality nearly a thousand Henry street, gave a surprise miscel- j Freehold to „ _ feet of hose would be required to PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION reach certain buildings, it is said. •on Thursday in South Amboy (incl.) Hound Trip Faro lan.eous sho\erevening, to Miss May Mary27th, South OF NEW JERSEY honor of her approaching marriage Subscribe for the Citizen. Dividend No. 76 on Common Stock SUNDAY, JUNE 6 'to Mr. Andrew Thompson, of Perth MISCELLANEOUS SHOV> GIVEN MISS MARY —TO- ,TH N E W YORK Dividend No. 30 on 8% Cumulative .Amboy. Music and dancing were enleaving good South only Amboy on 7:16 specialA Preferred Stock joyed during the evening, music be- train Tickets leave New Yoik, Dividend No. 14 on 7% Cumulative InBjurnjfhed i f i h d by b Mr,.Conley, M C l Mi Mis3 M ^ KetarntaS M Preferred Stock Evelyn Williams, William J'ohnsom " " " " ' - ~ " ^'uL?" c' ^ r ^ o f C «nd Winifred Ryan gave exhibitions s t - 8ea: n0 d° u*-.f; i ' , / |f"a r ef y e a r S ° f Dividend No. 3 on 6% Cumulative 1 22 halt nder 1 Preferred Stock of the Charleston. Tasty refresh- »S ' Eastern Standard Time Shown wents were served during the evenThe Board of Directors of Public Service Corporation of New Jersey 5:g. has declared dividends at the rate of Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 8% per annum on the 8 per cent CuAlbert South, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus mulative Preferred Stock, being $2.Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Neil John.00 per share, at the rate of 7 per son, Mrs. M. Ware, Mrs. Lund, Mrs. cent per annum on the 7 per cent Joseph Quinlan, Mrs. Louis Nelson, Cumulative Preferred Stock, being Mrs. John Frimpka, Mrs. Peterson, $1.75 per share, at the rate of 6 per Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Mrs. C. cent per annum on the 6 per cent Young, Mrs. Rosing, Mrs. Samue'.son, Cumulative Preferred Stock, being Mrs. W. Lounsbury, Mary South, $1.50 per share, and $1.25 per share Helen Johnson, Evelyn Williams AnWORK CALLED FOR on the non par value Common Stock ma McCormick, Elizabeth McCorfor the quarter ending June 30, AND DELIVERED imick, Marcella Ryan, Anna, Veron1926. Divtidends are payable June ica and Elizabeth Marcey, Ellen Pe30, 1926, to stockholders of record Phone 72 terson, Mary and Winifred Ryan, at the close of business Jun« 4, 1026. •Grace Henry, Catherine Zepka, Rose T. W. Van Mliddlesworth, Treasurer. 103 South Broadway Zepka, Irene and Margaret Hess, :Staaia Hooley, M\ Mary McCormick, Pauline Durskey, Josie Young, Alice South Amboy TCeays, Ethel Lauer, Elizabeth Bon is, PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND Certrude I>wyer> Katherine Subjack, GAS COMPANY Frank Potts, A. Thompson, Bdward NOTICE TO CREDITORS South, Andrew Peterson, W. JohnDividend No. 8 on 7% Cumulative son, John Cooley, E. Bright and Mrs. Albert Jerome, administrator of Preferred Stock I/auer. the estate of Joseph. Jerome Sr., de-Dividend No. 6 on 6% % Cumulative .Many beautiful and useful pre-' ceased, hereby gives notice to the f k Preferred Stock «ents were received by Miss South ' creditors of. the said Joseph Jerome Another Shower to Mis South | Sr. to bring-their debts, demands and Thee Board of Directors of Public Another miscellaneous surprise claims against the estate of the said Service Electric nnd Gas Company «hower was tendered Miss South last' deceased, under oath or affirmation, has declared the regular quarterly Friday evening by Irene and Margar-j within six months from this date or dividend on the 7 per cent nnd (i per et Hess of Broadway. During the they will be forever barred of anycent Preferred Stock of thnt Comevening Margaret Connors delighted action therefor against the said ad- pany. Dividends are payable June 30, those present with an exhibition of ministrator. 1 !>26, to stockholders of rtcnrd at the the Charleston. ALBERT JEROME, close of business June 4, 1928. Those present were: Grace, Susan Dated May 18, 1926. 5-21-flt T. W. Van MiiddlcRvvorth, Treasurer. »n<3 Jessie Kidd, Emma Wortley, Margaret Kidd, Nellie Smith, Cather ine, Margaret and Julia Conmors Mrs. Charles Hess, Mary and Cather ine O'Leary, Margaret and Irene Hess. LIBRARY NOTES Circulation 'for,month ending May '31, 1926: adult circulation 726; ju•venile circulation 516: total 1.242. The following new books will be placed on Jhe one cent per day shelf Saturday, June 5th, 1926: "The Bleeping Cat", Isalbel Ostrander; "The Blue Window", Temple Baily; "The Blind Goddess", Arthur Train; "Pig Iran", Charles Norris; "The Man Under Authority", Ethel M. Dell; "The Vanishing American", Zane Grey; "Child of the Wild", Edison Marshall; "Fire Brain", Max Brand; "High Adventure", Jeffery Farnol; "The Painted Stallion", Hal Evarts; "The Lion's Skin", Raefael SaJbatini; "The Dice of God", Cynthia Stockley; "Gentlemen Prefer .Blondes", Anita Loos. i O'Brien, loal insarcance -man, attended a banquet in Newark last week. The affair was given in "honor of leading insurance agents of th« Baltimore Life Insurance Company. Mr. O'Brien was the state leader, which speaks well for the local roan. , Augustus Hamilton, of Broadway, "Was a Newark visitor Monday. Dr. E. H. Eulner, of Henry street, "has purchased a new Chrysler roadster from the East Jersey Auto Com•pany of Perth Antboy. MEAT SUEPEISE T MARKE 125 Pine Avenue Charlie sells you the best quality at a very low ^price. Delivered to Your Door Just Call 498 Interesting items taken from various departments. Lily Cups, 100 in pkg. ." 65c Shade Covers for bridge lamps 39c Sayfd;d Napkins, 100 tea size 65c Shade Covers for junior lamps 59c Sayfoi Napkins, 100 dinner size,.85c Colors, gold, rose, blue. Doylies, per box 85c (3 sizes, 100 each, 12 centers). Colgate Rapid Shaving Cream 35c f Lily Picnic Package, 35 pieces 25c Giant tube of shaving cream free. Just the tiling to take with you on outings, etc. Royal Society Package plcte Bon Ami Powder . ,. i Bros. 'roudway .lie Campbell's Beans, 3 cans 25c P. & G. White Naptha Soap, 4 cakes 19c Sugar Corn, can lie 01.1 Fashioned Cookies, lb. 25c 25c Puffed Wlieat, 2 ]>kgs Fresh Berries and Vegetables every day. O. WOLFF X CO. Feltus and Washington Sts. Chuck Roast 19c Telephone 112 Rib Roast 29c Boiling Beef 10c NECESSITIES FOR YOUR CAR Veal Chops 28c AT BIG REDUCTIONS Bolognas and FrankChopped Beef furters Nothing but Pure Fresh 24c Fresh Beef Stewing Beef and Veal 18c 19c Salt Pork 29c AC 'All sixes. All size*—Limit 6 to Customer EXTRA HEAVY •'••*•' $1.29 right in your home. The temperature ia always bolow 50 degrees F. all over he refrigerator and is kept ?re automatically. It's •e economical, cleaner, ' convenient. The cool, '* without a trace of preserves the , too. Ask us to about it. Children's White Canvas Pumps. L.35, $1.75, and $2.00 Grocery §pecial§ CUT Refrigeration 35c Rivoli Silk Hose, all new shades....1.45 GLASS FLOWER VASE Socold 59c outfits, corn- Milton C. Works new book on Auction Bridge, reg. price $2.00 $1.85 Large Bottle Bath Salts Plate. Install a Valet Auto Strop Razor $1.00 regular $1.00 value. 81x90 Seamless Sheets ALUMINUM STEP 1 AQ Certainly! You can have it and do away forever with dependence on the iceman. u-6-m SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A selected line of fine groceries at cost price. A Cool Ice Chest Without Ice? It kills the germs South Amboy, N. J . Rumps of Milk Fed Veal 29c what's that? A committee from the Knights of Columbus, headed by John Vail, are contemplating staging a moonlight dance at Laurence Harbor within the course of several weeks. ii a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. H. WOI^FF & CO. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL LROSENTHAL Tatfor crete driveway at the entrance oi the lumber yard of Miller, Bergen and Welsh on Broadway. More and More Popular— Butter Horns On Wednesday we will bake Butter Horns, the best we know how, made with rich, pure butter and baked to a turn. Butter Horns have gained great popularity because of their delicate taste and creamy richness. Give your family tins treat. A- HESS BAKERY 134 So. Broadway South Amboy Telephone 195-R Emergency Gas Tank No fear of running out of gas. You can carry this tank in your car. Guaranteed ngainst leakage and evaporation. One gallon capacity. Valuo QOc $1.50 49" Balloon Tire Jack Specially designed to be med for balloon tires. Capacity 3000 lbi. Hot or Cold JUGS Keeps food* or liquids hot or cold. Full gallon capacity, alum i n u m drinking cup. Odorless, ssnitary and indestructible. Value $5.00 $4.45 MIRROLIKE AUTO POLISH 1 Reg. Price 60c 49' 2.95 TIKI: V\I.I:: Complete Set of 6 TEMPERED STEEL 4Q C Famous Ensign Cord Tires W Wrenches Never before have strictly guaranteed firat grade Reg. price $1.00 high pressure cord tires been offered at such low prices. We have been very fortunate in securTIRE ing these tires far below market prices, and are giving you the benefit of our remarkable purPUMP chase. This sale is limited to the quantities on hand and the sizes listed below. 30x3& Cl 7.95 33x4 ..._ ..—14.95 Solid brass cylinder 1 }£ inches in 30x3% S. S 8.9S diameter; reg. Balloon Cords 31x4 .._ 12.95 32x4 13.95 29x4.40 12.95 price $3.00. 1.98 HIGHEST QUALITY INNER TUBES Gray Tube 32x4 —2.90 3Ox3*£ 1.79 33x4 2.95 Heavy Red Tubes 29x4.40 3.65 30x3 }£ GENUINE PERFECT HANDLE SCREW DRIVERS __ ..$1.95 Large Tire. Patching Outfit, reg. 75c 49c 4 for -VO TWIN MIRROR Cushions E. Z. Back W e d g e d •h&ped, adds to the comfort of driving, size 14x14 n. Vll- 7 Q c Latest type of mirror for closed u o $1.50.'«* enrs. Adjustable to any an- 1 CQ gle. Vnlue $2.50 X.UiJ LUGGAGE CARRIERS 1.39 Gate type with adjustable centre brnce. Made of extra heavy steel. Block Japan. Will not rattle or become loose. Adjustable to 60 inches. Vnlue $2.50. TIMES SQUARE W SURPLYCO.. c. N 304 Smith Street OPEN EVENINGS . Perth Amboy, N. J. PHONE 2123 Page Eight THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN 211-213 FIRST STREET (Near Broadway) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING COMPANY SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. TEL. 4 J. MELFORD ROLL, EDITOR Subscription rates: In advance, zones 1 and 2, $1.50; zones 3 to 8, $2.00 Entered in the Post Office at South Amboy, N. J. as second class matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1926 information being available as to whether or not they could they did anyhow. Formal bids for the two fire trucks were opened and the bid of the Stoughton Company accepted by the presentation of an ordinance covering the contract and the authorizing the sale of bonds to provide the necessary funds. The bid amounted to $16,000 less $1,000 for old equipment and the ordinance also provided that the Progressive Fire Company contribute four thousand dollars to the purchase of the machines. There were no other bids than that of the Stoughton Company, none being expected. A contract for the two fire engines was executed by the fire committee some time ago and it 13 understood that the machines are now nearly ready for shipment from the plant in Wisconsin. A series of resolutions was introduced by Councilman Downs as chairman of the tax committee. Theso inion among the members of the common council, that this city has'all the bus service it needs or desires right now. This indication is taken from Bill O'Toole, who has been manag- the action of the governing body at ing the local semi professions^ base- the Tuesday night meeting when an ball aggregation since the opening of the baseball season—the Flies Club— resigned his office as the actual manager of the club last Sunday. This action on the part of O'Toole was no news to the baseiball committee of the Flies for it is understood he had notified the committee on other occasions of his intention. This action on the part of the Plies Whether the new line, if it manager does not mean that there has been any friction between he and the club officials or members of the a competitor of the local bus oper the team. Mr. O'Toole announced yeslargo terday that his association with the use five hundbaseball committee and the players seemed to indicate the of current a has been very agreeable. O'Toole opinion that present bus service was uld receive a material refeels that he could not give the base- adequate and satisfactory and thus Tho action of the council ball game the consideration it needs -warranted some measure of protcc throughout the season and that somo tion, a motion was adopted authoriz was to receive and file the communicone who can spare the time is needed ing and instructing City Clerk D'<s ation and the attached schedule. for the job. ibrow to ascertain the exact inteu FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Plies Club thus far has met tions of the Newark concenn. with but one set back and with five The application really rocuived a Rev. G. E. Sehlbrode, D. D., Pastor wins already made the club has a little more consideration than one re- Sabbath School, 10 A. M. fair chance for county honors. cetyjul some weeks ago for osrmis-' Adult Bible Class, 10:20. All adults O'Toole points out that what the sion to make a stop in this city on a attending Bible Class olauwhere baseball players need is the co-operr line operated between Jersey City an roet cordially invited to joiftwith this ation of the baseball fans. The club and Keansburfr with stops at nil in- class. is making an effort to satisfy the termodiate points, which still \waits Church Services, 11 A. M. "Mismost critical but can only supply the favorable action an the part of the understandings," class of attraction the fans pay to local governing body. This linn, too, Evening Worship, 7:45 P. M. "Persee. lt is considered probable, would an- eistoncy." 1 < This Sunday, afternoon the Flies tomatically become, a competitor of Junior Services as usual. ' will battle with one of the strongest the local buses if permission to mako Y. P. S. C. E. meeting 7 P. M. All colored attractions in the immediate a local stop were granted. momlbers are urged to be present. 1 Vicinity of New York City. Colored Ordinances were introduced and Prayer mooting Wednesday 7:45 clubs are in demand and the Mies carried over on first reading provid, p. M. At this meeting a new course are anxious to meet the demands of ing for improvements to three local of Bible study will begin and discuathe fans whenever possible. It is streets, Augusta street is to bo pav- sion will be a part of the program, for this reason that a colored club ed with concrete between Broadway'The topic for Wednesday will be: has been booked. and Stevens avenue; Jonn street is "The Garden of Eden; Where -and to have concrete sidewalks and blue- Why?" stone curbing laid between the rail0—•— road and Rosewell strcet^and Second JOSEPH QUINLAN TO HEAD street between Pine avenue and Pot-1 v i n r r Cr AARsDn PPADTV H ARTY ter street is to have, sidewalks and' ^l£5 At.a special meeting of the Catho- curbing of concrete put down. At a joint meeting of the memlic Daughters of America held last Speaking of the Joiwi street im- hers of Protection Engine Company night names were submitted to the provement Councilman Mullane said and its Ladies Auxiliary held in ProGrand Kegent of those who intend tnat he thought the property owners-tection Hall on Monday evening last, attending the Eucharist Conference were making a mistake in not hav- it was decided upon to hold a large to.be neld. in Chicago from June 19 ing gutters put in with the curbwg. card party on Wednesday, evening, to June 24. Any person who intends •Because of, the h-eavy flow of water June 23rd in Protection Hall on Felto make the trip will do well to com- tnere wvas a possibility ibilit tthat h t the h curbb tus street. Joseph Quinlan i of Henry R Dr. E. C. Griffin mg woulfl be undermined and require street and Mrs. James Quinlan of j-munieate with Rev. 'sis soon as possible. (frequent resetting. It was decide'd John street were selected to act as On Thursday evening next the t o bring this matter to the attention chairman and chair lady. It is: exnseeting will be called to order at ofc the interested owners at the pub peeted that every member of both eight o'clock. The degree te.anv is l' hearing which is to be held on all organizations will work together and to be ,present at 7:30 sharp. Miss three improvements in connection do their utmost to put the affair over Mary Nickerson has been appointed •wiith '"""' the "-- business ' • •• •• • • -has , meeting of- the the top. A• handsome door prize chairiady on refreshments • assisted council to be held in the City Hal already been awarded and a $5 gold by the following committee: Mrs. K. on,Friday evening, June 11th. piece will be awarded to the holder Gilfedder, Mrs. E. Defort, Isabella The ordinances will come up' for of the_ lucky.. ticket. Refreshments Farrell, Mrs. W. McCarthy, Mrs. Eo- a second reading and final passage on will also be served. gina McGovern, Mrs. Mary Travas- Wednesday evening, June 16th. Th The kiss, Mrs. Mary Domzal, Mrs. Mary meeting is to be held on this date BRIDGE PARADE McDonnell, Mrs. Helen Meinzer, Mrs. because of Primary Day falling on PLANS PERFECTED Maud Leary, Mrs. Edna Leonard. the same day as the usual date for (Continued from P«B« 1) the usual date for the regular council session, At that time the ordi/n- act as guard of honor to the Govances may be amended and properti ' ermor and other officials. i ""'""~ -' •'-- *•>---•—" The divisions and the place of forowners may also voice their senti ments regarding the new work too. mation in tne parade has been given The council granted the applicn out as follows: Council Members Believe—Part Of „ Firs* Divisions, Military Organization of Mr. Peter J. Coakley for li Augutta Street To Be Paved. cense as an auctioneer. There was a tions: Major J. K. Powell, U. S. A. .._,.,.„„ accord-; question raised __ .. -whether the R. in charge. Forms on Augusta street There ia reason to suppose, as to ing to the apparent consensus of op- council could do th'is or not but no between Stevens and Pine avenues, " facing Stevens avenue. Second Division, Veterans Organizations: Lieut. John Cbnlogue, U. S. j A. R. in charge. Forms on David street, between Stevens and Pine avenues, facing Stevens avenue. Third Division, Welfare and Juvenile Organizations: Captain Charles Reid, V. S. A. R. in charge. Forms on Henry street, between Stevens and Pine avenues, facing Stevens avenue. Fourth Division, Fraternal OrganTEL. NO. 1 104 NO. PINE AVE. izations: Major J. C. Williams, U. S. A. R. in charge. Forms on John street between Stevens and Pine avenues. WEEKLY SPECIALS Fifth Division, Civic Organizations: Lieut. Jos, Edgar, U. S. A. R. in charge. Forms on George street. . THURSDAY-, JUNE 3RD TO 9TH The order of formation by divisions nnd organizations has been given out as follows: Grand Marshal. Campbell's Beans Fels Naplha Soap Governor and Staff including Highwny Commissioners and honor-1 3 for 5 for ed guests. Guard of Homor, Luke A. | Lovely Post, of this city. Evaporated Milk, Jap. Toilet Paper, Military Division, Band No. 1: Regular Army, Regular Navy, NaSheffield's 1000 sheet rolls tional Guard, Naval Militia. Vetornns Division, Band No. 2: 3 for 3 for Members of the Grand Army in cars, American Legion and Society of 40 Old Dutch Cleanser 7c Blue Tip Matches Qc and 8, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Army and Navy Union, Reserve Of2 for Can r tficors Association. Welfnre and Juvenile Division, Choice String Beans' Band No. 3, American Red Cross, Just Right Corn Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Camp 2 for Fire Girls, De Molay, Girl Scouts, Y. Can M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Y. M. H. A., Safety Patrol. Bon Ami Powder Tomatoes Fraternal Division, Band No. 4: Can Elks, Commandnry nnd Masons, No. 2 Can Knights of Pythias, Fourth Degree nnd Knights of Columbus, Tall CeWhite Rose Spinach 1 EJc White Rose Beats rlnr , Junior Order American Meehnni , Red Men, Moose, Foresters, Can _•_ Can .. Woujmen. Civic Division, Band No. 5: County White Rose Pineapple, Officials, Mayors nnd City Officials, White Rose Egg Plums Police, Firemen and other Civic OrCrushed, 01c Large ganizations. /-i fall °™ LER «NAGER 3£iffl« CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA NOTES CITY HAS ENOUGH BUS SERVICE NOW SUTLIFF'S STORE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING SPRING CARNIVAL auspices Progressive Fire Go. SOUTH AMBOY Bordentown Ave. & Gordon St. Attractions furnished by Bnck§ Empire Shows MERRY GO HOUND FERRIS WHEEL SWINGS 30 Other Attractions 30 See Dare Devi! Worley Dive from JlO-ft. Ladder! ALPINE'S Fifteenth Anniversary Sale ITEMS YOU NEED AT SACRIFICE PRICES m, MEN'S GENUINE ENGLISH BROAD- Guaranteed Alarm Clocks, nickelegood time keepers, .Special 85 CLOTH SHIRTS r--.89c Well made of good mercerized broad- Blonde Kid Pumps, neat style, good quality, medium heel. Worth $4.00, cloth, formerly sold for $1.50, collar C Special $2.95 attached. Saturday bnly 89 25' Men's Moccasin Work Shoes, composition soles that wear for 5 to 6 mos.— black or brown elk uppers, storm welt that keeps out moisture. Leath2a/2 Quart White Enameled Sauce Pans. er insoles. Worth $3.98, Special Worth 39c...Special 25c per pair $2.79 28' Japanese Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c NOW \Y 11' Can EREE! FREE! fREE! Can FREE DELIVERIES Mfr'i Helen Sullivan,'of Broadway, entertained Mi.«s Peggy Blake, Miss Nan Lundy, Miss Viola Kro'ohl, all of CJcorgia Court College, Lnkowoocl, nnd Miss Edna Cha.sc of this city, over the week end holiday. ••-'•< *he Citizen. 3 Quart Enameled Coffee Pots, heavily enameled >. 39c regular 5c roll 5 Quart White Enameled Tea Kettles, •very good grade — Special 98c Your Last Chance to Get CHILDREN'S SANDALS And Play Oxfords 79« U. 13. Muslin, yard wide, heavy quality, Brown, Smoke, Elk, Patent Leather. guaranteed starchless, worth 18c, Sizes 5 to 8—8V2 to 1 1 — l i y 2 to 2 Special price per yard 12X/2C All leather construction, values up to Limit 10 yards. $1.98, Special per pair _. 7<)c LPINE'S FOR ECONOMY %J Pine Avenue Tel. 81 Cor. Henry St. J THK SOUTH AMB0Y CITIZEN 211-213 FIRST STREET (Near Broadway) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE' SOUTH AMBOY POINTING COMPANY SOUTH AMBOY, N> J. TEL. 4 1 . J. MELFORD ROLL, EDITOR Subscription rates: In advance, zones 1 and 2, $1.50; zones 3 to 8, $2.00 Entered in the Post Office at South Amboy, N. J. as second class matter. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927 HITS PARKED CAR OWNER CLAIMS CAR FOUND HERE While the automobile of Thomas Sauhders, of Raritan street, was parked on Stevens avenue between A Studebaker touring car automoHenry and David streets on Tuesday bile found by local police abandoned night an automobile bound toward on Second street in July was claimed Newark struck it and did a great dual by the owner on Wednesday night. of damage to the left hand side of The car belonged to Carlmian Haincs, the oar, including the front wheel. of Wilmington, Del., and had been When the culprit car did not stop, a stolen in that city on the night of by-stander noted the license number. July 20th. Two days later it wa« noThe local police headquarters repor- ticed here. Ownership was establishted the nuniber.ito the Trenton motor ed through the license number on the Tehicle authorises and it was ijund car by local police. the car belonged to John J. Martin, otf Elizabeth. A summons has been issued for the owner to <"^pear here next Tuesday night to ...plain. On Tuesday nipht, John Hagerstrom), dt Lowelton, N. J., appeared STAPLETON PREACHER AT in the local police court on a charge FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CH. of reckless driving, complaint being In the absence of Rev. George H, entered by A. J. Fenzel, of Prospect 'Sehlbrede, who is now spending his street, this city. The complaint was annual vacation at Chautauqua, N. Y. the outcome of ia-n accident on BorRev. Bebane Ramsey, D. D., pastor dentown avenue near Prospect 3treet of the First Presbyterian church of one night last week in whicn the comStapleton, S. I., will preach at the plainant's car was damaged, it is aleleven o'docik servke at bhie First leged, to the extent of about $300. Prcslbyterian Church here Sunday Leo J. Coakley represented Fenzel. morning. There will be no other ser- A nn« o£ $25.00 and costs of $3.00 was imposed which the defendant vices uring the day. On -Sunday Aujrust 14th at the could not pay, according to local poname service, Rev. Mr. Dare, of >New lice. York City, will preach. LETTERS ISSUED PIE SALE Letters of administration wero^ is1 Group No. 1 *>£ the Ladies Aid So- sued on Tuesday by SurnwiU l'orman to Stella Na-lwodny, of this city «iety of the First Presbyterian church •wfll hold a home made pie sale to- on the esinte of her husband. Tiiomns, morrow afternoon in Straub Bros, who died middonly on July 20th. The frtore on Broadway. The sale will estate U valued at $200.00. start at two o'clock. OUTING TO CLIFFWOOD BEACH GEORGE DELANEY DELEGATE The Ladies Aid Society of • ; ' ; TO WATERWAY CONVENTION Presbyterian Church is to have ..n George R. Delnney, of this city, a outin^tD have nn outinR to Cliffwood member of the Port Raritan Commis- E-rich nc->:t afternoon. sion, has been named as representa- The affair is Wednesday nnnunl outing held tive of th« Now Jersey Rivers and every summer the buses to the nearHarbors Congress at the Atlantic by resort will and the vicinity ol Deeper Waterways Convention to be the church at leave two A very held at Baltimore September 9th to largo attendance is o'clock. anticipated. 15th. UNABLETOPAY FINE ave you compared today's low price on all Studebaker new models with 1925 prices THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN (••- lib Outlook Promising f ^ For Summertime Listeners Broadcasters and Engineers Have Collaborated to Provide for the Continued Enjoyment of Radio During »•!«%» the Summer Months, We're Moving By DR. ALFRED N. GOLDSMITH * Chief Broadcast Engineer of thi Radio Corporation of America Once more summertime- rolls around with portable microphone and wire and In the eventful career of radio broad- in soino instances with shortwave racasting. Yet Its advent this year goes dio relay transmitters, aro sent out by hardly noticed, in contrast with into the field in search of stirring the earlier years of the young art events for the radio public. when the first signs o£ warm weather Network broadcasting has done as sounded the etirfew for radio enter- much to raise the level of broadcasttainment. Radio broadcasting then ing as any other single factor, first, had not >et become as indispensable by making the same fine programs a pnrt of modern life as it is today. available to whole portions of the The whole picture lias changed in country and to a collective audience this, the sixth summer of radio running into the tons of millions; and broadcasting. The high standard of secondly by warranting the exbroadcast entertainment is not low- {fcnses of any program feature no matered with the advent of spring and ter how elaborate. No individual the early approach of summer. Pro- broadcasting station could for a mo grams continue in full force, provid- ment consider tbo tremendous costs ing the highest type of entertainment of providing the professional enteraii'l enlightenment. Outdoor life, while tainment features which are now usual beckoning with its muny new pastimes In network broadcasting for this after the long winter, need not inter- young art, as in the case of the newsfere with radio's enjoymoiilu. Indeed, paper, depends on the filzo of its audithere is every Indication that radio ence for the ni!if?nllud»i of Its efforts •will occupy its jtist place In summerDefeating Static at Its Own Game time activity through Its addition to Yet the finest of programs would cumpliiK and .vactUlnnlng parnphor- bo of little avail If garbled as the nallu in the form of the small and result of Htutlc Interference. This compact siiperhcterodyno portable phouomanou of nature Is no more set. avoidable than rain or snow or wind; Clearing the Summertime Air and at tho present utato of the radio No bettor impotuB to radio this art, there is no such dovlco as a static summer could bo wished for than the eliminator. Ilcnco the only weapon activities of the Federal Radio Com- against static Is brute force, or outmission, whoso Rood work Is already doing Htalic with Increased signal beginning to be folt. In a methodical strength at tlio receiving end. Broadand judicious manner thin new Gov- casting power mtiHt be Increased sttlll ernmental body IIIIH made commend- clontly to break IIH way through atalilo progreM in liiituiiKlliiK t h e wave,- mospherical interference and trium- To Better j Serve Our Trade, the Gent's Furnishi "^will be moved back into our Big Stor ~ " ^ ^ i w . An exclusive gent's furnisj ^f-drtment will be established thei^'i*. , Meanwhile Our Annual Clearance Sale will a£/ord customers worthwhile savings. ! • TENENBAUM'S Known For Good Service, Low Prices, Relij>bla» Merchandise i 110 So. Broadway Wo Give and Redeem S. & H. Green Phone 511 ring Stamp* SALE! Tliis is good news to the man who knows Florsheim Shoes—a saving that in too good to pass up—your style and size Add ng Radio to the Pleasures of the Picnic length snarl of nrlio broadcasting. plixnlly over-rido its disturbing noises. Already trw lntei'1'ur-nco which was I This competition of nature's broadNOW $8.85 ' ..'.-: •:••£ ri-, ' experienced in some uivas duo to un- j casting forces uus been met by uroadregulated mid misguided broadcasting I casters through the steady increase activities, lias been eliminated in laree I of their transmitting power. In fact, A twice yearly $ale—for a short time only. „'!.-/ measuro. by greater separation be- It is generally ngreol today Unit tween broadcast frequencies in con- broadcasting began with an altoAlso Good " ^ gested radio districts. Instead of the gether too limited conception of the entire broadcasting establishment of ai.iounl of power nvilrcrt for reliable WORKING SHOES ' the nation operating at one time, with service, just as niodc-i-n illuminntion a resultant confusion -. ijiiip:ii-ablo with began with the c n.ie ,i.i the lusis oi' nt $2.50 and $3.00 the Tower of liabel of biblical renown, 'house lighting, \.: ic'i feeble illumi- ! i n the Federal Radio Coi :tn'fKlon has nnnt voi:!(l to *;•> b • h .pi-lcscly invery wisely sought to reduce the num- adequate for uiir more brilliantly Get a Fn'sh die ber of broadcasters operating at one lighted homes ami streets. Prom 500 time to proportions in keeping with watts as the standard for good broadthe limited though adequate traflic casting service, wo have gone to facilities of our broadcasting wave- 5,(100 watts In the rase of ninny leadlengths- Througlioni : heir work the ing stntions. and even to higher pow2.50 to S3.50 hals now/only rights of the radio listener as the er in the cu a of a few broadcasting prime consideration have been re- stations, notai'lv \V,I5i of New York $1.50 and $2.00 spected, whHo broadcasters hnve been (owned by the Kid o for;iornliou of assured better conditions for the Ameriiii with 4"i.)«-i wntta, WOT of transmission and reception of their Schencciadv wi:ii a ratine cif 5CO0O efforts. waits, uiul Kl.lvA OL iJittt.burgh with Big Reductions on Summer Merchandise The beneficial effects of the now 50,000 watts (owned by the General Electric and Westinsliouse Compabroadcasting regulations will become In All Departments niop'o and more evident riurhifi tho nit is tcspeciivr>Jy). next few months. Ratlin fans in tlie 'I'oilay. in tlio linrls of the United congested centers are again experi- States whoro most people aro found, encing the tin-Ills of clean-cut recep- there is ,nr.p!<? signal strength from our tion. LojiK-cIir.liincQ or "DX" recep- or more broadcasting stations to corn104 South Uroadwav South Amboy, N. J. tion which, during the usual hours hat Riii'rcM'fifully i'.verat'i- summertime of listenlnj.Mii hnd become almost a conditions. Radio engineers hare lost art, is now being reinstated with. mea.surt-il the average strength of IHo elimination of tlio thluk fog of static tlirou:;hmit the year, and presInterference her' 'oforo enshrouding ent-day hrondcuHtlii.!; stations aro protlio air. flnod tcm> citiailty, the ulti- viding local fir-rvi'-e fully onpnblc of mate aim of nil bnadenst reception, coping with it. has now lieuli mad-..: possible to a Higher power broadcasting, morefuller extfiit. thti'i any other fi'.-.''or, hr.n couvei'tcl i'a<'lo broadcji'iiiig fi'om a ^eaHoiial enBetter Programs fcr E '".imcrtime tsrtaiuiucut to an nll-yenr-rotinil servListeilLi-s On tho other hand, there need In ice. Espoclally is this fell in rural disno fear Hint tho wo.k vt Hi' "radii) tricts, far removed from the centers PHOHE 31 traiiic olllcors" will lV-iiuce the volumo of population, which could bo reached SOUTH AMBOY or tlio rjmillty of radio entei'tahv innt. on a daily IHIKIS only during a few Far frmii being tho i::i;-.e, this work months of the yclir, with the low pow actually aims at the <ncottrngonn :t or formerly employed. At the Receiving End SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY of good progniniH by n!!oting cxclitHiw 1 wavelengths and more time to organiYet the broadcaster alone cannot enzations In a position to provldo Ilio liroly overcome summertime interJohnny Hines in highest typo of entertainment. After fer-neo Binglo-liiimled. It must hnvo "WHITE PANTS WILLIE" nil, no It is realized more and nioru, co-n|i"i'nt.lnn at the receiving end us radio !>ron<U::i:Jl Ing Is a public forum well. Tho radio enthusiast enn, with—Al»o— 1 of vast, proportion. ;, and only thusi.- in ri-iiMHi, contribute his share by soJimmy Adnnu in "No Sparking" with Kiunclliiiig worthy of the. atten- lectliiK in-igrnniB from local and powAlso Aesop Fables tion of tho vast Kntlierl.'iK It com- erful sinuous thai provide ample sigmands should be permitted to take nal Blrciiutb lo over-ride tlio Interthis Invisible Bingo nml. mslnnu. In ference h• v• • 1 and by being content SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY , broadcasting, wu have tho koy to with fair volann; from tho loudspeaksome six million homes. Surely this er, so us to enjoy the rudlo entertainNorma Shearer in great opportunity must not bo mlmisod. ment without, brining up the objocDuo in largo measure to the steady tlonablo undorriirrcut of diBlurbanco "THE DEMI BRIDE" expansion of tho ousldo pick-up sys- to a degree where it impresses Itself —AUo— tem of broadcasting stations, whereby on the listeners' coiisi'iouanesB. PlacThe Seventh Slory of "The Wire Crackers" program material may bo gathered ing the loudspeaker at n roasoniiblo With Al Coolce nnd Kit Guard outHlde the studio, summer programs (llRtnnco from tho I'lBti-m-r ImlpR someComins Soom—"The Sunset D*rbj"t Milton Sills in "Framed"; aro certain to be on n par with those what, Rin-Tiin-Tin of the indoor season. For the outConsidering all the contributing door Bcason provides the program di- helpful factoru, It Is nun: tluit this rector with opportunities to gather ex- summer will BOO the continue! tnjojUntil Furtlwr Notice The Empire Will Be ci ptlonnl program material In tho ment of radio broiidcuntlni: by thono form of outdoor concerts, aportlng whose IIVOB huvo been brlKbttuicd \>T Saturday find Sunday Nights Only. er«ntB, giant public rneetlnRB and na- the many good tbluga which this new tional celebrations, Radio "reporters," art brings int« UJO horn*. STRAW HATS! j. Studebaker Distributor Perth Arnbov New Brunswick 363 Division Street 280 George Street South River Corner Main and Water Streets IB I SECOND ANNUAL Rhode Island Clam Bake I l i i i i N E AVENUE BOYS • SUNDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 1927 Kt Bank's Farm—2:30 P. M. TICKETS: , TicketB on Sale by General Comtanittee mmmm^^^ $4,00 i % i E n THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FOR 1928 SHOW STYLE AND LUXURY ID Beauty, styfle -and luxury whict ite a newvogue in unobordom dis.uiah the «ntiw> lino of Buiicks for 8. Low-swung and rakish, the Butosk elicits g&apa oi admiration -". glance, and the. deeper the inttron, iSnv warmer the response. f the models which Buick is ipreA 'number oi men trom this section Jnjr today, it seta a .precedent, «f the city were laid off at the Pennry mod<ed of itlh* 16 compromising IBuick line is us luxurious as a «yivqania Railroad «ar alhops the past i drawing room—as tastefully ap, week. '• ^Jed, as painstakingly executed, /Charles Watson, of •Cohover street, •(fa coiwfortabl«. v few contracted 'to paint the exterior it cushions and tbacks have been \4t a. number a!, homes in txe McLrose »-d with the same regard for com'iection of tlie city. i o « as makers of high grade furnibestow upon their finest offer" Friends from New York city visitjs. The upholstering is selected by id with Mr, and Mrs. Michael Mc> world's (foremost body engineers, Carthy on Sunday. keeping with the highest dictates modern interior decoration, and is Miss Kose Dewtan of Raritorv, 'Jlicd in a manner of which the itntertaiined friends tfrom Militowi. >st fastidious owner may well be Monday. A zrtxiking improvement in the genjMlr. and Mrs. Edward Dewan and eon Joseph spent Sunday with rela- eral Appearance of every Buick inthe new color tives at Mt. St. Mary's Novitiate, No. tenor' results from schemie'ijrHdopted -for the Buick line iPJainfield; ' •' for 192fJ^, Contrasting colors art usJohn O'Neil, of Raxiitan street, has ed, tha septs taking- a different shade joonipleted the interior decorating' of than the&ide walls r.nd head lininc. 'Ids home at the corner of Alpine and The material used ;a a special fine quality r/ifohair plush, wltn short and Itdrltan streets. very durable close-woven uap. All closed Jnodala are fitted witih arm ' I IMT. and Mrs. Joseph p Gregor and rests which add to the car s comfort Ul i h d f Conover t U y ihave moved froun as well as to its «onrp!eteneyrf. etreet to Alpine street. Harmoniously combined Duco coli , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zentek, have ors, emphasizing the stylish low conirf Raritan street to Wilmot tour of the cars, and resplendent with heavy nickle on radiator, bumpers, (Street. lamps and trim,—this is the exterior Mrs. Mary D7 of Wihnot street of the Buick for 1928. Greeny, blues cnteTtaiined frit ''ram Newark at tans, gray, ibrown and maroon, all lUer home over,' e«k end. used in ooai'binaition with blut'k, and set oiflf tastefully with brightly- stripRelatives 'fro, ridge visite-d ed moulding, make up the Buick col•with Mr. and IV lore Stolte or list. Jr. of Conover s;oc Monday. A now development, adding to tohe beauty of the .new Buieks is the handQUIT D. some top .material, of lig.ht ENJOY YOURSELF rotor, washable applied to several of the de By Erwin Greer luxe imodiJs. One <if .the [pleasing ;foatures of the After eleven (months of work and •worryy conies the auto tour which is new sedan (bodies is the elimination of vertical moulding at dither •to iput us back on our physical and sideitlie of the rear body i»:incl. This It mental hoofs as good as new. j its new. xo , * caution* ' 0 t-limbuUe causes of worry. The most, common worries that "keep a tourist'? face as Ion;; u*. a pump hami;.- riAiilv tu hi* home |if»pn-ty. Will' t a . IUIUJI- i.urti V'ew frtim any 'ancle, Buick-for H2S displays a brauty, Krat-e mid u.Mtifhjm'.r.f? lux'-ir;1 destined to es•rici Hs ali-catj.y rfmack'i'ila eomittMl Will" burglars work it over? Will fi»< " f t h ' - ""'-'"U'w:- >'?' ^eufii--Jv'pnW • • •' • •• • one of the new Buick a, outstanding JTjO^t? l.hil 1 Jt'iH'c STUDEBAKER Automobiles dropped <s J. ARTHUR APPLEGATE Sludebaker Distributor Perth Amboy New Brunswick 363 Division Street 280 George Street South River Corner Main and Water Streets lw the " p h & i u A 1»? «-' : ' PorfowwiweT - , ... , . -. ,Um% v',ie'' wounJ up coo titrht? MM I liwve' the• and VUIJUK. eainCort entirely consist•gai'bago in the kitchun? , ent vr.tii'"tiiis boanty giv-.i Buick a' .'than • * * O [ * u o t u ' i e , b y ' i « a v i i i ! r U i i ! w i f e ^ a t ! r.-;tr&'isi"ci'. " t , . . •. jSrOutul , . , 1 1 . ~v\nr 1 fur home suuh worries cpuld be uliwiiral- f •?.'•"?/Ul ^ 9 - ; ! ; : _ i i ^ ! i - l ' n l i l a s ' e - . but the worry of wonuarhia' what BETTER LAWNS she 'inigiit by doiiiK wsmlcl cuuu'.eTuaiance it. • •i JTany a homo owner, whether farThere is oniv one line uf action to< take: Fully insure fho house, jt.iraKo'°,ncr> t o w " m u n ? r suburbanite, has iuul furnittUB mid se* that Vacancy:["?«" Intending all through the spring Pe'rin.it~ urn :itt<sc."..-it !,-» nil fire p.iii-'*°L nun x "P.lK>m s bla wn, utit he did not •H>S. Cut the w»t.r( off at thu hour,?-) A•"c >' -.<?l n f n "- J? 'K" Kotn around lo it. •ill, shutthppras off atho mt-ter. uiiMii ^'"« -. »•• - " ^, extension sill »w,ich of the tl.ctric cir- ^I'Mial'St iniyrrononiy, at the State thhe .main eiiit. Put all valuable psipws in n «.irn<-i'r.urajH:->iicKe. the best time to lockbox in >:t bank vault, Bulkier val-'. I?h !1e °)htia,tfte » ! a w n o' f; »> ' " ' " summer, liable' objects should be b.ixod and' | , ! ' 'I'"'','. August or early Ihl<v Uft with a bank for jreneml storafre.' f,('i>tc',!11'ni-'L'' . There f ^ ample time, Pay up all current bills, .Hop tht ^ore-fon... lo 'irnvko the nwesaary 1 newspapers, mow the 'lawn anil hide '"VP^-'fV.?.! ,!'. tho lawnmower under tKe house. " "' which are not satisfacW a v i i i K d o n e t h e s e t . i i n ^ s 1 -ip i n t o tory are in need of soil improvement.. The addition cf sonic form of organthe car and hie away. Ii" anything u happens you are not to blame. This ic matter, ndi u as well rotted matiis aibout all a man can do unless he urj, mushroom oil nr woods mold, is hires a policeman to watch the prem- much needed. Also an application of will he on value. Where ises and a detective to watch the poln.'.T'1 lira cure patches, ri'seedimr is iceman. f|UPS tl V y Leave •unnwessary at honu-. suedina: 'VIM'';'"'a lawn ^ " ^"v" V ny • items • ].* discuosed ^ in °\ a bulYou don't need a crowbar, un arm- !»tin fvoi.ii (.h(> A'vriiHiltnral College chair, a radio or a piano. All you entitled "Better Lawns" which may n<id is a tent, eots, blankets, stove he secured from the County Exten and dishes. A tlircc-frallou iire.scrvinj; sion Service, Room 04, Post Office kettle is a fine thing to take. It e"n Bldp., Nstt' Brunswick, N. J, be used to carry water, to wash tlish•es it or to put i»p fruit. Original "Sarcophagus" Road worries can be avoided in a Tl«' (ireeU ttunl "siirriipliiijiua" larffc ipni't by ijirupur anU'-nioi'lcn! horse sensi'. ( Wntrih the ntliei'ifeHow—reiv.cn. ii.'i' Klvcn II.V I In- niu'ii'iii ( i n - i - k s I n n k i u i l it's nil In n lifetime—and )iy« ciml Of IIIIICSlDlll* USI'll fill' fulfills. K WHS byo you will foi'irul to worry on your untilmsril In ruii-.iinii- ;|II> ili'sli n l ' [lie trips. What's the use anyway? lli'llll. ll '• llu' lillllli i-liuil- In |n> lip stun-' rln-i fur :i IviiiL' Aloiizo Grace, of Stevens uv.an.ue, plicil I n a ili'iu! I has (purchased 11 new Bulek ear. SALES AND SERVICE Telephone Perth Ambor 3500 Maple and Fayette Sli. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. TENDER FRESH MEATS OR SMOKED MEATS A s (MMHI o r U c t t c r T h a n ^ o n C a n (»<•! A n \ - n| II'r Can Supply Yon il lay Time V J. NEBUS Free Delivery Telephone 226 !| Pi' D o u b l e S. & IT. a n d E l k Stamps Given Saturdays %< Only The -Willard Standard of Service Thoughtful motorists go out oifW their way to get o .but they don't to f § "STANDARD" GASOLINE First:—Meeting every customer more than half way, being really glad to see him, ami glad to help him. Second:—Being properly equipped to help— thoroughly traim d and experienced in battery care, construction and repair. Third:—Maintaining a real station in a good location, with space in_which to do business properly. Fourth:—Showing the car owner how to care for his battery and how to avoid things that will injure it and shoi'ten its life. Fifth:—iBdinE businesslike, to base1 fair and just charges on knowledge of actual costs, to give good returns for every penny, «nd to carry an adequate stock of new batteries, rental batteries, and reipair [parts. Of course we're human, and we're not all of us 100 per cent all of the time, but we are hon'estly and sincerely striving to live up to our standard. We bylieve Willard Service is the .most reliable :battery service in America and we're making It better every day. We welcome your suggestions. Cinderella and Her Prince AUTHORIZED Y a at 236 Fellus St. i DORSEY MOTORS INC. duality Meats of * • ; hM d h iis noth- c l !'* n P Proifices a sweeping effort rihould do i it b because there ing else under the sun that gives 11!w l u cceh emphasizes tho car s low swung person such a complete change. The' oth «™c r - a rcf"!t ' t o ) v - h l c h rfilpcatitm oi air. water, sky, scenery, people undi AA' U mouldings also eoi.tnbutos. food—all are different. Any change , Buick .miidels • or JiUK »re wi60 radical must have an immediate 'l^y',».<' 11 present roof linosroomier, which anil help »» to aecount new for eff«?ot. their stylish appearance. All have h w c u ' r , if ,the tourist continues clear vision fronts, achieved by nar•to lug .ilong his worries, a large part niwinj* the u'iml.shir-ld tido -plJlnVs a'xl of the benefit 01 tnuriug in nullified. the hnriaontil top bar. A.' with its W Worrv U'harded to stuyy than v.'urk. T-h'"1 ° " ! c r 'iiipro\("ii\enty. IIMick !:;is t'ninSom p v/urr>' ijatur.iily. worrv if they find thomsi'lvcs • not rl in'i(",. vision w'lliuut .••:ici':(i •(• .it" The pillars nrn j • worrying up to their imiul »tundurd. Sueli iiyijplf >'hotinl tuKc extra pre- still of the famous Fi»!ier wood ami Jvater pipes break Do you know how much the price of BOYCE RADIO & BATTERY SERVICE Phone S. A. 362 204 N. Broadway THE WILBERT COAL COMPANY H. J. Wilbei-t, Prop. "Lehigh Valley Anthracite, The Coal That Satisfies" Thorough Preparation. Efficient delivery to Pertli Amboy, So,ubh Alrtboy, Woodbridge, Fords, Metuchen, Highland Park and New Brunswick. YARDS—BERTRAND AVE., PERTH A1WBOY, PHONE 33S, MAIN STREET, METUCHEN, PHONE 190 Sonlli Ani'bov Tempting! A Rolden brew of pure malt and hops. Blends wonderfully with food. Makes every bite taste better. Cooling in hot weather — delightful anytime — relieves thirst—costs so little. Try bottle toe/ay. One rjf llu; blc^i-Hl wvddliiKu th.» SI. M a u i l c r river coinitiy of QUO' bi>r,ovar bus k n o w n took |>liui> n-ronlly when J a m e s " U m l " SUllmnn, nan of I ha New Y o r k flnnaclf'i anil HOCIP'.V IIUIII, JUIIII>H SI illmn.ii, a n d Luna Wllmiti, "Cltitlsr^Ua of KID Woo^la," woio marclvd, l-iflna, In liur wuddlliK d r e s s , a n d "lluil ' 111 I ho c.ijt m i l KOWn lio W0I0 whan giuduuled trom I'tlucutou, aru jilutured »bovn. 151 David Street D. & S. BOTTLING CO. South Amboy, N. J, CHOICE MEATS BKOADWAY PHONE THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Thursday evening next August 11, Mrs. Ward and Mrs, Mount, of will 'be tne (regular meeting' nignt o: 157 Georgia street, were recent guests FIUDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927 •Me Lutaauc uAUgAlurs oi America. OPOPRTUNITIES FOR ALL FOR RENT Flats and Apartments to Rent Jonnson, 324 Main St., Phone 21. 3-18-t; FOR KENT—House, 6 rooms an bath on Second street above Stovciii Ai-e Newly renovated. Furnishec or unfurnished. Inquire Citizen Office. 8-5-.21 FOR RENT—5 Room House o; Bordentown Aye. All improvements Inquire R. Romeo, 359 Bordentow A o 0"i FOR RENT:—House,, at 259 Firs: street. 6 rooms and hath, all improve merits. Inquire John Connors, Carpentar and Builder, 263 Augusta street, FOR RENT:—A 5-ro<*m apartmeni all improvements, at 615 Augusta st Inquire John Dugan, 528 Henry st. Tel. 258-W. o o J-8-ti FOR RENT—House at 348 Henry St., 5 rooms, part improvements. Inquire 356 Henry St. 7-22-tiE FOR RENT—4 rooms, for light Housekeeping. Also use of sanage. 344 Fourth Street. 7-15-tt FOR RENT—Store at corner of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Temple and child ran, of Elizabeth were week end visi tors a t the nome of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Lounsbury, of Stockton st. Jerome Newmsrk is enjoying his annual two weeks vacation from au ties at the DuPont plant. He has ju.-il returned from a week's visit at Bay Ion, L. I. Word was received during tlit pat week by Mrs. Wimifred Bohan, o Stockton street, that her nu>oo had been drowned a t Bay Ridge, N. Y., while trying to save .her baby which had fallen into the water. Willard Alcott, Walter Petursoi and Adolf Steiner motored to Lib : n y , M. i. list Sunday. Mary Ellis, of Augusta street, is confined to her room this week or account of illness. Wm. J. Hoskiins, superintendent of the Baltimore Life Insurance Co., of Newark, visited the company's agent here, Mr. Wm. J. O'Brien, in t'jM city during the week. Mr. O'Rrien, who has not bean feeling well of late, expects to take a vacation shortly. This vill be his first vacation dur.r.j? the fjur years Jie has worked for that company. Augusta St. and Broadway. Inquire 6-24-tf Straub Bros., Broadway. FOR RENT—7 Room Flat, part improvements. Rent Reasonable. In 6-24-tf litre 143 Augusta St. FOR RENT—Flat at 249 Catherine street. Five rooms and bath. Inquire Oscar Mundy, 229 Bordentown 5-13-tf Ave. Mrs. Elizabeth Triggs is malting FOR RENT—Garage. Inquire 227 alterations to her home on David st. John St. , 6-6-tf FOR RENT:—Modern flat,,5 rooms Miss Li Ulan Cook is visiting her all improvements. Inquire P. J. Mon- aunt in Iteyport during the. summer ahan, 218 David street. months. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS—One large room suitable for two, also small room. Central location, convenient to station, bus and curs. Reasonable, 7-22-tf Inquire 145 John 'St. Ui ne Ellis, Bobby and Betty Ust wew Atkntic City visitors over t!»i week ciid, Mrs. Elizabeth Botts, of D-vfld St., ., still confined to her home, suffering frum irjuries while riding on a l o l at the Cairo Hotel, Washington, D. C. Tuesday evening next will be the A regular meeting of the Common regular meeting night for the Ladies Council will be (held next Tuesday Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Rail- evening at the City Hall. road Trainmen. j . , ,. , , „' M r s - Eugene Munn, of Portia St., Mrs. Daniel Cronin and children, of enjoyed a motor trip to Washington, Brooklyn, former residents of this D. C , over the week end. city, spent Sunday last with Miss Mairgaret Bailty, of Pine avenue. | Miss Regina Dooling, nurse at the _ _ Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, a 'Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stanton, of daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward David street, are spending a few days Dooling, of Henry street, is spending in Canada. two weeks vacation with friends ' .,. _ , „. , „ ' the Adirondack Mountains. Miss Sarah Walsh of Henry street, has secured a position as stenographer and offiice assistant with the Prudential Insurance Co., of Newark. Miss Walsh is a recent graduate of St. Mary's High School. , —«St. Mary'* Hai Hard Schedule fo Rev. Joseph Sutliff, son of Mr. and Coming Season. Mrs. John Sutliff, of Pine avenue, Candidates for the football team o FOR FOOTBALL TEAM visited his .parents on Tuesday last. I St. Mary's High School this year hav Mr. anil Ms. John Gatz, of David, been ordered to report to CoacK street, have rawed to the Leonard Charles Eppinger next week, Thii fiat on Stevens avenue. I early call is being made in an effor! [to have at least fifteen players or Mr. John Connolly will leave short-, hand at the start of a strenuous sea ly for a ten day trip to South Bend, son who will 'be able to stand the schedule. Indiana. Previoiis to this year, candidate: Mrs. Wm, Campbell,, of Main st, have no't been culled_ until _ the _. is improving nicely fom her recent Ch Coach Bi Bppinger that this early star illness. ivf September and it is hoped bj ! will- prove an advantage to the team A daughter was born on Tuesday Tho -present outlook is that the teair to Mrs. Simon Sisola'k. will be very light unless some henvie. 'boys continue their studies here froi Mr. and Mrs, John A. Coan of Da-surrounding U»wis. vid Street, have returned ham*! rfter In the track and field work of th enjoying several days vacation at local school this season, Coach. Eppln Spring Luke. ger will be assisted by "Bill" Ken,, , . , Qulnlan, r, , , of-Kiirituu i. i> •< street,! i. i I netly. It is expected that the sdioo Patrick. t h i / y . e i l l . w i l l b e Me t o b o a s t o £ has coiniiplutud improvements to his) very jyood truck team. property, und has materially added to its npipcaraace. SALE OF LOTS REPORTED HERE Contractor James Wallis has completed the exterior painting of St. Mary's school, .j; Sullivan and Dolan Tract Proving Very Popular. Peter T. Hanson, at' Perth Amiboy, has purchased a new, Chrysler " 0 2 " Sales of u number of restricted lots bedun thruiiffh tlvu Ohui'liat F. St on Whiteheud Terrace have recently ujroncy of this city,; 1.1ns u r Eugene Duggan, of Forris liuen reported by Sullivan and Dolun FOR SALE OR RENT street, is confined to his home on acCarl C. kow*i o"f M8 Rosewoll tlie ownei'K and dev.eloiper3. The prop count cf illness, street, was a visitor at Flint, Mich., erty, winch is the last remaining large FOR SALE OR RENT—2 houses, list week, and while there visited the tract in tho city, loft for development, Master Binersoii Appleifute, s.m of factory i»f thy.Buiek Motor Co. all improvements at 205 and 207 tins ipoven very 'populur <i those conBroadway. Inquire Charles T. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Applet;Ue, of boinlphitiiig building honiua and l'or MTS. An't<tiYiette Gordon and daugh- speoulutive purposes. anan, G'ranhury, N. J. 7-22-tf •wan Hill, is spending his vacation at ,nmp Wilson, along the Delaware ter .lane of; Church street, are visitThe property is located on one of iiui reports it a fino pluee. US ifriunds in Sernnton, Pa. the highest points in thu city from FOR SALE which ii splendid view may be had Mrs. ittf. Neiltopp and daughter Anyone wishing to purchase lots in Miss Miargaret C»ni|pbell is enjoyFOB SALE—A new 7 room house ng her vacation from her duties at lOirmil'i.^M Henry street, have return- this tract should g^t in touch with ed home after spending two weeks the owner* at once, as it appears that with tail improvements. Two lots ,he South Arnlboy Trust Company. 50x100. At a reasonable price. In- Miss Campbell with a party is visit- vacation in the Adironduck Moun- the property will not be on the marquire at Anton Stankiewlcz, 514 ng places of interest, in Massiiehu- tains; ket very lone before nil the lots are sold. Catherine St., City. 7-22-4t ietts, Maine and Canada. Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Davis of FOR SALE—5 Room House, gjas ijiurth stret arc the parents of a and electricity, now garage at No. Miss Norma G'assidy and Mrs. W.Ua'by son, born last week, weighing Edwards were recent visitors at 340 David St. Price $2,000. Inquire fan pounds. Wm. Whalen, 342 Darid St. 7-22-4t /fount Holly. IMPROVEMENTS * Mr. suv\ Mrs. Bennie Kubisiak, of AJ ST. MARY'S eltus Street, aire the proud parents - FOR SALE—On Henry St. New Mrs. Fred WiWeoler of Main strtretf 6 roam house and bath, all improveReinforced—Exterior entertained friends from Euston, Pa. of atenpound ba'by boy born last School Stairs ments. Inquire Citizen Office. Woodwork Re-decorated. 7-8-lt ver the week end. Saturday. ' I Adding to the already large list FOR SALE—House, 7 rooms, ' i George-L. Hei-zog,' r«f Chcesequake, o'f improvements to St. Mary's church ,,,., c l D.»vid ^....v. street. <,.... ,---•. , Moe Rosenb.ws, of Broadway, Tias lower Part Impruv m e n u $2 000. Apply P. J. Coakly has returned home after spending a has purchased from Charles F. property, St. Mary's school is now in - - - -George ' - 552-M. ' -6-24tf " " - ueation at Liberty, N. Y. the course of .more improvements, Straub, n Chrysler "G2" roadster. 239 street.• Tel. which will not only add to its1 beauFOR SALE—Bordentown avenue, Rev. George Sehlbrede is spending and daughter, ty but will add to its condition. The ohn Ratigan g , y Mrs. John 13 room brick building, garage far month at his suni/mer home at k end dwith ith front f lh been b reinforced i stairi cases lhav.» d spent the h 'last,week l one car, lot about 40x100 feet. Price the tigan's suiter, Mrs. J. Pren- with iron castings, am!' rub'btr mats Mrs. JRatigan and terms very attractive. Charles L. Chautauqua, N. Y. have be-en placed on the stejps. The 'dergast, of Long IsJand. Steuerwald, 216 Bordentown ave. I t John French of Fourth street is landings are being reinforced in .i 1 enjoying his annual vacation from his Margaret and Marion Campbell, specially prepared cement ' mixturi , duties the Pennsylvania Rail- and Raymond Davis loft Sunday for which when finished will have the1 apHOUSES WANTED Mrs. Monday he and road. a motor trip to Canada and points of pearance of til the Hud8on James Wallis, local painting' coninterest Have Buyers for several houses, has.finished the;painting of ranging in price- from $2,600 to Mr . W. Hasslacher, ot tractor I . Mr. anil $3,500. ^Wlmfc have you to offer? t h e woodwork on the exterior of the •Mr. and Mrs. Jahies Holton, of jtihis city, recent guests at t h e s c f , o o l , and is now doing- some interWm. H. Pai'isen, 105 No. Broadway. Pittsburg, Pa., ajo enjoyinu- two C a i r , 0 Jlbtel, Washington ' '---'•-- D. C. j o r decorating."' Contractor Thomas . _ _ 7-15-tf weeks vacation with relatives in this e Rev. Joseph-Sergei, of Hutkets- Downs has been engaged '" ^ work city. rear o,f town, yirf.twl with his mother Mrs. of makinj? additions to the U 1 P other Mi . u:id Mrs. Howard Dillon of Nora Sergc-1, of Feltu* street, on the school and touching work. have returned from a Monday. FOR SALE:—Victrola. Selling Main street weeks vacation spent in New SERVICE AT. BAPTIST CHURCH reasonable. Inquire 150 Augusta st. throe Mrs. C. W. Barnes and son Robert 8-6-lt York state and -Culver Lake. <ii Panama are spending j i vacation The usual service will be held at MONEY TO L6AN on bond and James Tedesco, of Hidgewny aveMr. and Mre. A.' Sterner -of t (,e First BaiptistMJhurch, on Sunday mortgage in sums of $100, $200, ?300 nue, is enjoying his annual two with Church. They arrived from Panama at the conclusion of the morning: |400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office weeks vacation from his duties with morning serviced the Lord's Supper hours from 8:20 a. m. to 8:20 p. m.the Pennsylvania Kuilroad. He is at on Mondny; will be served.-Wednesdays and Saturdays from present, on u motor tour to Camidn. Miss Ruth Samuelson of Henry St. There will bo no erening service; 8:20 a. m. to 6 p. m. Inquire John is visiting her uncle in Rochester, IN. as at conclusion oif the CommunA. Lovely, Trust Company Building Elmer Manners, of .Second street, Y. * ' ion service, the church will disconhas auotiptcd a position with the tinue all of its services until P.oyco Battery Service of Brunilwny. II. Furmnn x11th. Mr. and vn WANTED and daughter Elanor and Margaret of ~--=s=^. f j- - ===-— Thu Sunshine Spwlal, comiposcd of Elizabeth, sspent p e t Sunday y with Mr.| ._';.„ „ Cash Paid for Dental Gold, Old about two .hundred and fifty automo- Furmlan's sister, Mrs. James T . Yet.Tawdry, Bridges, Platinum, Diamonds biles and'currying almost fifteen hun- man of Portia street. Etc. Goods returned if not satisfied. dred children, under the 'auspices of Miss Miriam Aipiplegnte of. Swan REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE M»U to Robert Uhler, •12T7 S t e r l i n g thu" Exchange Club of Perth Ambiiy, 107 S. Pine Avenue (i-17-tf passed throujfli this citiy on Monday Mill has just returned home from St., Brooklyn, N. Y. morning shortly bi'foi'o ten o'clock Camp Tinicum, Pa. Telephone 178 uurcHitti tn Cli'f'fwood Uo.-ich. Tin. WORK WANTED Amboy Miss Miriam Apiplefvrite of Swan outiiif; was ;he-l<l under l\u> direction of Joiin P. Mi'Guiri!, of this city, who Hill has returned home after visiting Woman wishes to do washing at is president of Uie cross-river club. relatives at Trenton,' N. .1. home, Cnllixl fur and dellvei'eil. InCiti/yn Office. 7-2JJ-It Miss Elizabeth Duftgan, of Newi1 Tlii sins D;>:)liii.'», of Rnilronil iivoCARTING OF ANr KIND iiiie. i.i c ..lin.uui IM' ilir i ;ir<l p a r t y tn York city, spent the weak end with 1 CRATING AND SHIPPING in: lulil tmiiKht >:il tin ivioulinnii'svilk' Mr, anil Mrs. Richard S. Powers of' HOUSE WANTED fire hiiu:<' mi Ii'irif'.Mi slnuM.. Many Pine-avenue. .. I 313 David St. South Amboy will he nwnrilod nnd tables Will lake ten year lease on ijirizus William Envin and Albert Coinyay! will be a r r a n g e i l if o r all of Hit' popuTelephone 109-M spent tho week vnA at Scnmton, Pa. six room house willi all im-lar Kami's. CHEVROLET PRICES - I E L I O T AT YOUR HOME bib Lntinm MMtklrFirwx COACH _ $662.00 /$222.00 $40.92 SEDAN $764.00 / $285.00 $47.25 COUPE $692.00 ' $230.00 ?42.92 Cabriolet (4 pass.) $785.00 $263.00 $48.34 LANDAU SBDAN.-$815.0li $272.00 $50.34 TOURING OR ROADSTER $580.00 $195.00 $35.84 Tin* price includes 80% fire and theft insurance and all interest charges. These prices do not include bumlpers or extra tire. r BRIGGS GARAGE Corner Broadway & Main St. Tel. 322 PERHAPS YOU'RE PERSPIRING NOWt}ut Remember— You Can Always Depend on Kingston Coal Just one try and you'll know why. Better iroake it a point to get your Winter supply right now and get the dread of Winer troubles oifif your mind. SWAN HILL ICE & COAL CO. Office & Yard, 146 Henry St. Tel. 340 Ready Aim fire FOR YOU TO OWN'YOUR OWN HOME J- , Away Your Rent Receipts Forever At President Park 5 and 6 Rooms—All Improvements / 2 Full Lots—Sidewalk and Curb • Small Amount Cash Down—Balance Like Rent $4,790 $4,990 $5,290 $5,490 $5,590 $6,590 Inspection Invited Reitihardt & Kurowsky REAL ESTATE OPERATORS 145-A North Broadway PHONE 545 PHONE 574 MISCELLANEOUS FRANK S. KABOSKI ELMER S. PARISEN provements; two or move, acres: within walking distance depol. Stale lull particulars. (J. cure of lloefelin. 4 4 0 E. 156th Street New York Cilv ICE AND TRUCKING FORD DUMP TRUCKS FOR HIRE FRANK GORCHESS 609 BORDENTOWN AVE. South Ambny, N. J. Telephone 695-R fl-10-61 Continents Not Far Apart Mi', unit Mrs. H c u r y MvhrliimlKi* of Duvid Htrcul, spimt Sunday with fi'ii'iula a t S i l l . ,(nm« JlniuU'U. of Troy, N. Y., u former local resident, 'visited with friends on First street on Monday pvening. Mi', anil Mrs. Fraivk M t i n z o r a n d Mis.s II'L'IH." Miiinzcr have ri-iiirnud home a f t e r unjoying a motor tour t h r o u g h N o w York s t a l e mid Ciuradu, The reet-nt heavy wiins hud Ihtvr tulliiiK effect in the Mi-chiiiiicsvil!'-' si-fllnn. especially nt the southerly eiitianee to the lliile-iii-Uie-^'llll, where tuns of *iiml have lien washKt,i'i!et Commissiloner J o h n .J. Connnrs nnd a fori'o of nii'ti havi.1 been ed onto thi! rumlway, which only rcrepnirintr t h e <I;vniatre d o n e by the r e - I'ently vvii'i elenreil of almost < three le ccmt s t o r m s to t h e sti'cetH In t h e Muoh- 'feet of saml. The building 'ji( 'unicsviliesection. Wilmot s t r e e t retaininp wall by tlie enmity is exKii'fi'ei'i'd worst i»f tho s t r e e t s in this pei'Otil 1tn di) away for nil tj'rne the wushiiifi nf fliilKl into the j "Hole. Mection. -s May Miss I r e n e Mehizer. clerk til t h e Mi.x« Mubt'l Waits ami ! lncul post nfl'lci' has rcsunicd h e r d u - Puggim nre speniling th ,1lliitl<:ll of ! lies, aftor enjoying h u r minuiil vai'it- August nt Lnkc (ji'di'Kc N. Y. York tlon which she s|)L'iil Rev. Williiim Lnnnery,! rwvnlo nt S t n t e and Cnivmln. St. Marys' church, is nctliiB'«» I'ustor Thu Kov. llwiry Fiihev, eui'sUu nt iliirinj? the B'bstrneu of pt. E. C. Grif•St. Mary's 'Churcli, has returned to fin, who is «|)t'iidin(,' t>vi) months in this city after wnjoyinK scvom! dnys Europe, with wflattves-in Ciuiiuia. The Liulios Aid Society <tf the William B. Ryan, local lo-ttcr car- Pi'oshyteriiiTi chtirch'Vill hold ii home rier, will resume hiis duties at the mude ipie siilu tomorrow at the store Post Office tumnrrow ufte'r onjoylng belonging to Strmib \\rn». 'i\\ the corhis annual leivve of o'bfienco, ner of Augusta street nn<l Broutlwuy. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scully »i First Mr. and Mrs. itnrry Strnlton »nd KmtirWn 1H a«|iai'iilwt from AHI» by street htive moVied to an nddt'OMii at daughter Onthertni' Mv f»l>ondln»? SL>VM l j 37 rnllM »t Ui'lriiig sirult. Newark. orul wetisk at I'lttiimn, N. J, WORRY? NO! Worry is as deadly as poison. Slowly a n d surely il weakens health —saps slrtMigth. eventually kills, Let mi' tell you of a plan I know of for putt in; \our worries for your loved ones or yourself away for all time. Borak's Meat Market Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday Hvy. Hndqts. LAMB, 1b . 3Zc 3 cans of Creinn _ 29c BACON, •/.; Strip, lb. 22c Fresh Jersey Ham, whl VEAL CUTLETS, Ib 40c Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb l CUCUMBERS, 0 for ..._ .25c Skinned Back HAMS, 11.,. . 28c AI'PLKS, •! pounds 25c ASPARAGUS, 2 cans, 2Sc MIXED CAKES, lb. GELATINE, Pkg I-KC. TOILET PAPEK, 4 for25c CHOPPED I3EEF, lb 27c iOc 25c Catsup, 2 bottles. _ _.25c 15e R O U N I 7 K J R A K , chopped Life. Can Tomatoes, 2 for ...3oi- SOUTH AMUOV. N. j . . VEAL S'/KW, a pound 2 s l KIBROAST, per pound 22c CLOVKI^BLOOM Butter, .__.49C VEAL, all meat, per'lb 24c S()i;j; lAiOUT, 2 can" 25c "••"l"1"" • " ' ' — " - f — POT ROAST, all moat 22o I.KOS p.-VL, pound LEMONS, the dozen 35c Xiu;,\rt7, ) o l , m | RUMP CpRNED BEEF, lb. 20c DRY SALT PORK, lb. EACLE MILK, can ROAST VEAL, Hi. STEAK, lb. C-'huck Pot, RniiHt, Ib... RUMP VEAL^pound Plate Corn Beef, lb. i 25c Un-^n^^'s^T"""^ 22c Shoii/ler VEAL, pound 15c ...15c LuWBot. Mixed Picklus, 35c 15c Ji'i'/i'y CABBAGE, 0 lbs. .... 25c .22c ...20c 1 HI,), 1MCKLKS, Ii for .2Sc J ™ R Be J^'IMZ' COFFEE, enn 45c BEANS, Larjre, 2 25c KINKS I'^RANKS, small, lb.. CORN FLAKES, bo* Ltirire Box Wnahing Powder 20c y UAliY CHICK FEED, l L . 122 North Broadwaj 10c I'PKK L O I N , r i b ends, lb. . . 2 7 c BONELESS HAMS, ib. .... 20c /••AAIM C H O I ' S . Ib. A. STEINER 7 e 35c So Telephone 261 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, The average battery, a pitcher an< Telephone 6S4 P. A. :: c-3t"h6r w'll cost, if any good at Ret. Phone 536-W Metuchen all, fifty dollars.1 Men in thte infield today are asking in the neighborhood 61 fifteen dollars per game, which would be another sixty dollars, and FLORISTS three outfielders at thirty dollars, Floral Designs a Specialty makes the total cost of a local tcan: Greenhouses: 355 Laurie Street almost one hundred and fifty dollars and then substitutes must be held or Perth Amboy, N. J. the bench, and these boys need soni change at times. Travelling clubs, o course, could not resist if they weri called upon to pay th'eir lnkmiber PAINTER AND DECORATOR that amount of money und very raw 117 North Broadway ly get half that amount. South Amboy, N. J. Unless players spring up within c Estimates Free— vary .short time who are willing tc City or Country play for the sport of trie frame, tht Phone 653 So. Amboy "c-msprcs will be a thing of the past 4-8-3 moE. pretty soon, The best bei for th £'..r,s is> the twilight encounters, where the traveling teams work on a ?iite ipercontage. This insures them a ;rmjd gamo and give tliem an opportunity to fee rt-fil teams in action, because on Su'ndnys and holidays these eluibs demand high prices and appear Candy—-Ice Cream—Soda Lo gel it in some places. WM. STRUVE & SONS SPORTS By "BILL" O'TOOLE TERRA COTTA DROPS TWO The South Amboy Terra Cotta • baseball team was forced back into itha cellar position in the Middlesex County Baseball League as the result of its two last games. ,\ DuPont Tu««le ^-Playing oif u postponed encounter with the DuPont nine, Thursday evening, July 28th, the local athletes were trounced to the tune of 10 to 1. The locals put up stiff resistance tout were easily beaten. Manaker aiid McCarthy divided the pHelihiK for the locals, the former yielding '.) hits and the latter 7.' Dustal twirled (for DuPont and gave but 3 hits, 2 of which Were bunched in the third for the locals only encounter. Andy Kane waa the batting star of the affray, getting 4 hits in 5 times up. Avenel Game Corker Not until the last half o'f .the 9th . inning of a thrilling- game was the, Steel Equipment Company of avenc; iJble to ibeut the locals in a game play' ed on the A v.enel diamond. Satnrony, July 30th., the score 'being 2 to 1. This'loss iput the locals back in lust iplaJco In the 'pennant race. Avenel scored first in the 1st inning when Powers walked. On an attempted steal, the ball got away 1 Ssrtmi McCarthy, the runner continuing to third, and scored when JlunaIter's throw eluded R. Letts. .The Terra Cottas c-ivened the count in the sixth when, with two out, Manaker singled and raced ail the way home whon Kara and Redmond collided lri-jgoing after Frazcr's high tfly. Beamond dropped the ball and While they talked it over Manaker had scored. In their h'alf o>f the sixth, Avenel filled the bag's with none out, but starling .playing held thorn scoreless. The finish came in the .ninth when Bonier, first man up, was safe on er's fumble. Kara and Stephen ipinglod filling the bags and Pomeroy rove in the winning run whan Fr.v ater held the ball too long before the tejiirow. Kara, pitching 'for Avenel,, yield6 hits, struck out 8 and walked 2. ricki twirled tfor the locals and 'but 5 hits, struck out 1.0, and iked 3. He held the upper hand throughout the game and with fewer erroirs 'behind him, would have turni p a shut-out victory, box score: Terra Cotta R. H. E. 1 1 MeCaVthy, 2b, cf _ 0 G. -Letts, lb 0 1 1 R. Lstts, 3b ..._ 0 2 1 0 1 Manakbr, cf, 2b ~1 0 . 2 FraaerA ss 0, 0 Sharo, W -~.O 0 0 0 Clark, M 0 1 2 K<a:boski\ c 0 0 0 Chlebick\i, p .._...0 GEO.A.ASHMEAD ONE-DAT PLEASURE OUTING —TO— NKW YORK F r o m all stations Freeho!d to South Amboy (incl.) Hotinil rrip Fare SUNDAY, AUG. 7 Tickets good only on tjieeinl train leaving South Amboy 7:1G A. M. Rttumiiif,' U'are Sew York West 23rd St. 9:22 P. M., Liberty St., 9:35 P. 31. Children 5 years of age ami under 12 half fare. Eastern Standard Time Shown NEW JERSEY CENTRAL CAMPION'S NO INTER-CITY GAME ii , With no local baseball combina tiofi to match with tho- Perth Amhuy ."itipln.ll club, there appears to be in siiyht a substantial deficit in tihe coffers of tho cross river promoters. The beat bet tor local managers is uhvoys the "KO" 'between the Perth and the South toll tossers. The completion of St. Mary's schoo grounds lit the corner of Stevens avenue and Second street has been delayed and in all'probability nothing will be done until the Fall wf tin year. The lack of a suitable playing fisld for baseball has put a dumper on thie national pastime a3 far as this city is conccrni'il this year. Many were under the impression that the sch'ool grounds would !b« randy for tho icurly baseball season, and mix ious eyes awaited the move to .put the finishing touches to the ground, iam were disappointed. Somu aimlbitious baseball promoters of this city had iplanned long before the grounds were started to form i baseball nine that would be a credit to 'the city, us well as one that wuuli be a piiying proposition. In all base bull has suffered becnuse of the want o'f a field. Now those who lean lowan track events and football are convinced that the Fall months wlil not slip by -without seeing action on the grounds. Tho grounds thus far have boon fenced in with the. exception oif that section paralleling Augusta street and which separates the school,(property from residents on Augusta street. It is rumored about the city that Jo-hn French, popular umpire of a number of years ago, ihas been given a nice offer to officiated on Saturday afternoons for a popular shore team. Stanton Ryan, popular manager of the Tuscon baseball nine, will shortly 7 turn his attention to court activities. Steel Equipment Tho local youth who had a try at K. H. E. semi-pro basketball last campaign 0 may secure 'a permanent berth this 0 Pomeroy, 3b „ 0 0 season with a ifast going local com0 •Powers, If 1 0 0 bination. Pender, c 0 1 0 Prion, o£ , 0 1 0 Kedmond, lb 0 0 LUGGAGE SPACE IN 0 Kilrain, lb .'. :..O FORD COUPE LARGE 1 0 Holland, 2b 0 0 0 Bauer, rf :—1 "One of the things that -helps make 0 2 Kara, p ,0 1 0 the Ford Coupe, so attractive as a Stephen, ss 0 (business car is the large luggage com2 5 1 partment in th» rear deck," Dorsey Toiriorrow, Saturday, Aug. Gth, on Motors, Fore] dealer hero said the the local diamond, the Terra Cotta other day. "Salesmen who are compelled to warriors will cross bats with the Perth Amlboy Bat Co. nine. This carry samples especially armreciate this," .he continued. "This Coupe is will 'bo the third encounter for these teams, the Hatters having won 2. The probably the 'most attractive indiviloeol boys will fight grimly to annex dual car in the- Ford line, yet in dethis game and jump out of last place. signdng it the engineers left unusual room for the carrying of luggage. A largo crowd is expected out. "The rear deck cffniipartnicnt is the SECOND RATE TEAMS BEING ifull width of the oar and slopes graceBROUGHT TO THIS COUNTY fully downward fromthe level of the hood and cowl. The double steel The noticeable lack o'f interest in panel lid affords an extremely wide tho soinli-iprofessionnl baseball activity oipuning to the rear deck compartin thia county has promoters in this ment nml extends backward, followvicinity wearing a look of depression ing the lines of the deck almost to the that only time wiil wt'itr oft. The ovnl of thi> compartment floor; perreal venison bohiivl the whole condi- mitting easy loading. The comparttion si'ums to be Unit clubs are be- ment is co'iniplclidy ilust proof. The ing booked at sutli a small figure interior is protected from moisture by that first elnss towns cannot com- channels under the lid which carry l>f>U> mill must decline the offers. To off tiny water that might seep in durbring Lo this city or any community ing a hoavy ruin. Tiher.e> is also a roin Middlesex Cnnnly. « twni of u(|iinl riss shelf ill the buck oif the sent BtrcMiitlh In Hi1 linn I'nnil'iiii. iv wi'll wh'ch i.-- I'iuuU' fur siimll 'inrcels. . nitfli impossi'dr, I" .M-I1 I I.I>I;I'H .cannot afford lo pir. 'hi' citi'.to. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Frederick G. Rehfuss, administrator of Chrihtian ltohi'uss, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of the County )f Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the creditors of the saki Christian Rehfuss to bring in their debts, di-'inaiids and claims against Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco the pstnta of ti'.io said deceased, under oath or affirmation, within six month.nvrn this date or they will bo forever School Supplies, Notions, Etc. barnul of any action therefor against '.ho sai<l administrator. Branch of Hess's Bakery Dated July 2, 1927. FJIEDEKICK C. HKHFUSS, formerly on Pino Avo, Now Located 7-tE-0t • Administrator. 629 Borclentown Avo. Next to A. & P. Store You can get the best food served anywhere in the city when you eat at the CENTRAL LUNCH 225 Smith Street Perth Amhoy Near Railroad Station IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY To Mary Dincsen and her heirs, devisees tine] personal representatives and their or any of their lieii\s, devisees, ex»ciitni-s, administrator!!, grantees, assigns or .successors in pht, title or interest: Uy virtus of un order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey mii<li» the I8t.li day ol" July, 1OU7 in a muse wherein Isiuliir Itzkowite and Koso It/.kovvitz are comiplninantR and Mitry Dineson and others are, duf^ndants, you ;iro ri'«iui>'cd to tupipeiir and answer tlic bill nf siiid c'(inii)lain;uit on or-before tho litth day of Si"|>tcm)ber next, or the Hiiiil bill will bo taken us conl'cssi'd iigniiisl; yen. The said bill U riled to riuiet tlrtitle of tin! saiil Isador ll/.kowitis and Hose Itxknwitz t'o certain binds and promises more particularly described an follows:— Ail those lands and prcmisvK in the ('ity of I'erLh Amboy, Middluso-x ('niiiit^"- New Jersey. BEGINNING at a point in the northerly side of Lewis Street (formerly known as Maple Avenue) distant easterly eighty four and sixty-three one hundredths (R-lfili) feet .from tho north"ait corner of Catalpa Avcnuo. and Lewis Street ((formerly Maplo Avenue) ; thence runnintc northerly parallel with Cnttilnn Avpnuc nnci hundi'(;d ten and forty-fonr one hundredths (110.441 [Vet; thence 1 ciisier'v twi':il.y-c-::ght (2S feet t h o i u - i ' ^ ' i . i ; . ' ' ) . . - l \ . r^-if. J T I P W I I - P I f-np-- teen (114) feet to the northerly side, oi' Lewis Street (formerly Maple Avenue); thence westerly along ther northerly side of Lewis Street (formerly Mapls> Avenue) twontv-eifjht ami twenty-one one hundredtli's (28.21) Ifeet to the point or place of Beginning, 'vhicli premises are known snd numbrrod as Lot No. 4 in Block 21 on the assessment map of the CHy of Perth Amboy and described as follows:— EEGINMING at a point in the northerly side of Lewis Street (formerly known as Maplo. Avenue) distant easterly eighty-four and sixty-three one hundredth'! (S4.63) feet from the northeast, corner of Catalpa Avenue and Lewis Street (formerly Mnple Avenue) ; thence running northerly parallel with Catalpa Avenue on"hundred twelve and forty-four one hundredths (112.-U) feet: thoneo easterly lwrnty-e'.«ht OR) feet; thence southerly one 'r,>undred sixteen (110) feet to the northerly side of L;wis Street (formerly Maple Avenue); thence westerly aloner tho northerly side of said Lewis Street (formerly Maple Avenue) twenty-eis;ht and twentyore one hundrfdths feet to thp pivnt or iilacfi of Bcirinniii'" iint] you are made defendants bwaus" you claim to own WHIP pfu't thereof, nr snmc Interest therein, nr tn hold son'( lien or piinunibrp.nep thereon. And if you claim any title to, intorept in or pneumbran'CPs upon the said; Innds a^d promises, you nrc rc(iil t'ed tn answer t."w said bill, but not ntherwlse. Dated Jul" <WV 1027. JOSBPH B. SCHWARTZ, Solifito'" of Cnmnlninnnt, 281 Madison Ave., Perth Amlboy, N. J. 7-2n-4t MIDDLESEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT the court can attend to th« sam«, U show cause why so tnuoh of the said lands, tenements, hereditaim-ints and real estate of the said Catherine Howley, docflas&d, should not be sold as will be sufficient to pay her dchte. JOHN P. KIRKPATHICK, Judfre, CHARLES FORMAN, Surrogate. 7-29-6t 64-389 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY . TO VITTORIA TERRANOVA and, ORAZTO TEBRANOVA; By virtue "of *n oixlw of the Co.urt" of Chancery made on the day of the" date hereof, in a c;ui5« wherein' Henry Wolff is complainant, "and, you and others are defendants, you/ .re required to appear and answer fch<i bill at said complainant on or be-., fore tho 31st day of August, next, or. the said bill will be taken as confess- " ed sjraiust you. :, The said bill is filed to foreclose a certain' mortgage mad,e by Vittoria T&rranova and Orazio Terranova to Henry Wclff, dated the 17th day of Soptombev, 1924, on lands in the City of South Amboy, County .of Middlesex r.ml State of New Jersey, described :is follows : "FIRST TRACT—Known and designated on the recorded map of South Amboy made by John Perrina, Jr. in June 1835, as lot 58 in Block 23, said lot is 25 feet in 'from and rear and 100 feet in depth and is bounded as follows: Northerly by and fronting on George St. on the east by lot 59,'on the south by lot formerly owned by James C. Fagan, and on the west by lot formerly owned ty ,Tonn Leary.. now by Catherine Cooney. SECOND TRACT:—Known and designated on the recorded map O'f South Amboy made by John Perrine Jr. Surveyor, in June 1835 as lot 5!) in Block 23, said lot is 25 feet front and rear and 100 fe-nt deep ,aml is bounded as follows: viz—on the north by George St. on which street it fronts, on the east by lot 60, on the south by lot 18 and on the west by lot 58," and you, Vittoria Terranova are made a party defendant because you are or claim to be tire owner of the lands and premises described in said mortgage; and you, Orazio Tcrranova, are ma<le defendant because you are the husband of the said Vittoria Terranova and as such have or claim to hav* sonrc ripht to, interest in, or lien on the lands described in said mortgage. In the matter ot\ On Petition for the Estate of / sale of lands to CATTIKIUNE } pay debts, HOWLEY, I ORDER TO dec'<l. 'SHOW CAUSK NICHOLAS J. HOWLEY, Executor of the Estate of CATHERINE HOWLEY, deceased, havoiiR exhibited under onth, a true account of the personal estate and debts of said testate., whereby it appears that the •personal estate of the said Catherine Howley, deceased, is insufficient to pay her debts and requesting the aid of the. court in the premises: It is thereupon on th!s 25th day of July 1027, ORDERED that all persons interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments ami real estate Dated June 30th, 1027. of the said Catherine Howley, deRespeotifuUy, ceased, appear before this court at the Court House in the City of New JOHN A. COAN, Brunswick, on the 7th day of OctoSolicitor of Complainant, ber, )!>27, at 10:,'!0 o'clock in the Post Office Buildinjj, for«nnoii, or as soon thereafter as 7-8-!H Suuti Amboy, N. J. 6 Their Goal Won, After Smashup now- "will ll save a few IONS next winter The men listed below can save you many dollars this winter. Have the one nearest you inspect your heating plant now. If you used too much coal last season, he can probably adjust your boiler at very small cost. Even if the heating system seemed to be in fair condition, he might discover some defective part that wasted a portion of every shovelful of coal. A minor adjxist•ment may stop this drain. A few dollars for repairs now will save a lot of worry, inconvenience and coal next winter. By going to one of these dealers you are assured of a square deal. They are heating experts—not salesmen. They are your neighbors, know your problems, and are anxious to keep your patronage. Look for your dealer in the list below and write or phone him today! After a thorough examination yout dealer might decide Hint the best economy lies in o now boiler. In inntnlling a Richardson &Boynton boiler, henasurca you ofthautmost comfort and economy. It will b« just large enough to heat every part of the house with a minimum ofcoul —and It will be guaranteed to live up to Its rated capacity by the Ridinrchoji As, Boyntbn Co. Convenient payments can be arranged if desired. ft *1. xo if^0?r\ •v LOCAL HEATING EXPERTS WHO ARE WAITING TO SBRVfl YOU G e o r g e ' M . Mortens?)'.?, 3 2 \ M<\ ; ;? '•'• r ^ \ f l I I ) - . 1 ! •. •."- '.. •*»• -.> •it Vv'j /J.'JUJ. 1 - 3 S. Stevens Avenue A. Nehus, 235 W a r Sir*,-! RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO. .3 ' Manufacturers of "Richurdsun" "Perfect" Heating and Cooking Apparatus since 1837 Emory nronto (loft) ana &„„ " S m | U cMmn •cfliity How from Oakland, Cain to Hownll. nyera, who toThe two aviators 260 Fif\h Ave. NEW YORK ' NIIWARK - PHILADELPHIA ' New York City ' BOSTON - CHICAGO < DUFFALO ' MINNEAPOLIS Page Fir* THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN 31, 1925, an increase of $2,70U,578.- FKIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 OPOPRTUNITIES FOR ALL FOR RENT I NET EARNINGS OF INVESTIGATING IOFFER MAIN ST. PUEL1C SERVICE CQRP. Gross earnings,for the month of A eomparaitve statement of cxim- December 11)20 were $9,897,1)44.57 DUCO ROBBERIES TO FREEHOLDERS ned results of operation for the as against ?9,003,579.29 for De-ce.niLocal Men Among Those Arrested Council' Acts Petition—Other velve months ending December 31, ber 1U25, an increase of $834,305.28. For DuPont Stealings. . | Councl New. 926 issued by Public Service Cor- Operating expenses, maintenance, oration of New Jersey shows groas taxes and depreciation were $7,05 i,S n i its intersection arnings of ?106,303,209.54 as 524.14 an increase of ?807,712.78. FOR RENT—3 rooms with im' Officials of tihe Du Pont Company Main str provements. Apply 351 John st. 1-lt A chicken supper will be served by at Purlin are still investigating the- w;,tjn Thon •eel to the city line gainst $9-1,715,525.20 for the 12 Not income from operations was $2,FOR RENT—Five room house, all the Board of Trustees of .the First series of thefts in their Puco plant. ; s to be t over to the Board of lonths ending December 31, 1926, an 843,421).43, an increase over Dec&mmodern improvements, heat furnish- Presbyterian Church on Thursday Detectives of the DuPout Protective Freeholder, il that body will accept crease of $11,587,684.34. ber, 1925, of $26,052.50. Other net ed. Inquire 319 Henry St. 1-28-lt k Association are working in the mat- jt according to actiion taken by the Operating expenses, maintenance, income was $370,708.49, a decrease lter l m d cstercia al1e s a i d t 0 h a v e FOR RENT—Flat at 12G Stevens xes and depreciation for the period of $333,333.03 over.December, 1025, A i ^ MTI U M • ii, y -y Common Council at a busy and lengAve., 5 rooms, all improvements. InA card party will be held in the obtained valuable information from t hy session .held Tuesday evening of ere $76,850,986.81 an increase of making the total net income $3,214,ieveiwng, iefcruary Jrd, tram 5:30 to the receivers of the stolen product t h i 3 week. The adoption of an apquire R. Leonard, 359 Henry St. ,175,342.38, leaving a net income 188.92, a decrease over December, hih l d t f t h i hdh t rom operations of $29,452,222.73 as 1925 of $300,681.43. Income deduc1-28-tf K f P Hall on Thursday evening gainst $25,039,880.77 for the twelve tions were $1,046,185.G5 or $250,FOR RENT:—5 room flat with sun I'onths ending December 31, 1925,131.45 more than for December, parlor, downstairs, all improvements. n increase of $4,412,341.96. Steam heat 'furnished, rent very rea... ,. , , . Uhe governing body . .. . ,1925, leaving the balance available Other net income amounted to $1,fOr dividends and surplus $1,568,00'!. sonable at 258 Henry St. Apply on] the allair. whidh^came to ) light during^ the^ past m o n t which is expected to maisult in 80,512.35 and income d'eductions to promises or Telephone 23. l-iH-3t 1 27 as against $2,124,816.15 for De18,027,830.67, the balance for divi- t w n b e r , l'J25, a decrcaes of $566,FLAT FOR RENT—Apply M. ends and surplus being $12,704,904. g^2 88 Waitr, 400 Henry St. 1-14-tf 1 as compared to $9,095,325.42 for FOJR RENT—Garage. Inquire P. Malloy and met lie twelve months ending December S l I t a c r l l M . for t t u F. Kenan, 128 No. Broadway. 1-14-tf Mr, M a r y H u e and Mr, G e o r g e c X S g X S ^ l ^ ^ ^ F R a ^ i d FOR RENT—Garage. Inquire Harvey ot Main street Wiere Newark Robert Van Dus«n, 235 First St. ... , . sion among the council members. The tn . visitors on Tuesday. Ilhia officers conducting the investi- action .is apparently the result of a 1-14-tf FOR RENT—Furnished Room Puffer, of Pine avenue, avenu gati-on Abraham PWfer, &•""'" "are " said to ihave promised the p o t i o n submitted to Tihe council at of a- *« previous meeting wlhich requested with board if desired. Private fam- :ias ?l1!J . ,• .•, .a purchased two lots on Henry ™ "0,, 1 u p- oi^other^peraons,^sarnie u street, known at the Farrell prope.-T " are 'believed to have been pur' " t h u i t ^' street be turned ov over to the ily, central location. Inquire Citiaen ty chasers ot the Unco, m i tlieir deiwch c o u l v ty authorities because of itho adOffice. 1-9-tf _ for the ring leaders responsible for van . t ages that would accrue both to FOR RENT:—Modern flat, 5 rooms Powers Plaiyiera of thus city will tille P l a n Itho county, to the city, and to the all improvements. Inquire P. J. Monfurnish .music for 'the Valentine ,, Dmro is u product.manufactured by re.udenLs aio'ng the street in question, aham, 218 David Street. the D u l 1(t ,°'! concern at the Purlin FOR RENT—House, $20,00 per Dante to be held at the South Amboy T n o C0UWCil dooMtKl to accept the All Goods Guaranteed or Your Money Back 1 a m l ls USL 1 m ^ "nishintf autoniu- ,invit,ait)iion of S. II. Pinney, secretary month. Inquire 211 Henry Street. High School Auditorium on Feb. 11th. I™" lles e l c l s s iurf t o b e " . ' ^ , • ' ' ' <iuit|e ex- o l l ) l 0 N C W Jersey SUIWJ League of 12-24-tf Miss Eoinn ,Ohase is chairman of the pensive and its popularity as a ivuw Mumcii/iilities" aiVd'atVond lihe FOR RENT—6 Room Apartment, affair. and superior lundh 'has orewtcd a ( i i m i o l . illK j cwivantiou of tluaiL body all improvements on David St. Apply Mrs. Edward Dukes and son ot considerable demand l'or reliniMhiiiiiK t_0 i|)(J ],,.||| It(, ijliti Robert Treat Hotel, Mrs. James Nichols, 415 Bordentown Now Brunswick are spending sojiw UHt-'(i automobiles among both^irivali! Nmviwk, e g p i a Nl>Wu,rk tl'Vlmiary eb pg y 4th. Because of Avenue. 12-17-tf PURE LARD Campbell's) Tomato s, owners mul among au torn obi lie deal- t l l c likelihoodd of the council -memibci's at Uho hame of Mr. and Mi's, FOR RENT—Five room apartment era. As a r e s u l t « inumb'ur of o .riMini.shn i h 1(Ui 1 ( U i,nnrr l l l u ,bl e to get bauk hero in tim. with all improvements at 202 John Philip Pureell of Pine avenue. pound SOUP ,. ... „ : „ ,., , „ '"Kpl'in'ts K.p have sjumng in this .stale t l r u r ^^hti uiiuii[ [ .business session sched St. Inquire J. Arthur Applegate, Mrs. R. R| hvM-M, Mrs. F. Fwrrell (lunntf Uie -past year or HO. It was u l c l l Lu fbe held that same eviiiving in 3 cans 363 Division St., Perth Amboy. and Mrs. Jas. Dwyer attiMided a mat- amoing tin esc |>l>auuUt that a nmrket (,|,j ,|,y n as urruingcii U> l>Ovstpotie 11-5-tf iiieo perfoimwi-ce of "Honeymoon was sought by Dlu; perpotuatorM 01 H' c,i ,J i,ngWto Uli-e iollowing Monday m sI c U FOR RENT—Six room flat, on Lane" iat the Kinkkb-ocfecr Theatre, the Dul'ont ])lant robberlf.s. A.mong Levitving l''eo 7th Stevens Ave., all improvements. In- Now York city, on Wodmesday. t h o s e hniplii-utp-d -^o Cur in it Inn i m n . " a cuni'inuniuubioii tlie Shade Tra. DILL PICKLES quire T. F. Sullivan, 2G5 David St. — ucLions nr< council to 12-17-U Franco-American quart jar Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulvey of Mech- employees IUS lust FOR RENT—Garage in rear of tnicsville are the proud parents of a is alleged. year for iits .use, also Mint tne unused Spaghetti, can No. 258 John Street, South Amboy. ) u b y b o y ., Vho mMesLiKaU)i>s .lvav« learned that "u"v'pmamt,au of Mist year be Apply J. Arthur Applegate, 3G3 Dicl 1 l!ruI| L k Mrs Lee Thump™.! at Pino -IVM ,., £"'"" ",, i° TZ" « " y » av«ilu.olo u r n yen,.-. It was uxplwnbd 1 vision St., Perth Amboy, N. J. 1 lf r 11-20-tf ..„ ^ . . ^ ^ ' ' " ' ^ ' ^ ' ' V . V ^ ^ : ?," . ""» H"i.I>.l«nt tlhi-o.ugh k.lcfl in that the money laid nut be«n u*cd hidt Delmontc Sliced FOR RENT—Flat, 5 rooms, bath, all improvements. Has just been rePeaches Florida Oranges ,• decorated. Trolleys and buses puss can by door. Rent reasonable. Inquire sweet and juicy, doz. J. L. Bundesen, 339 Main St. 9-10-tf Uie're/l FOR RENT—House, 5 rooms, all nor honw on Broadway for several pi-ico was •considciM.bly below" e tLM mst ( ) f ] ) m ( l u c t i o l l ^m" improvements -""* •»«»•««»« nn Bor uays on account ot illness. dentown Ave. <!cn an attractive Cornelius Ryan, of Main street, entown Ave. or ij>. jad ine woman's -Club, through Hecker's Farina FOR RENT—New House, seven tertained relatives from Brooklyn P.&G. SOAP •way. miK.tf riisspoiwing secretary, Mra. . rooms, all improvements. Rent rea- over I'ne week end. e said to have begun 2 pkgs. n..t., avtu^ca LuaL uie 6 cakes sonable. Sec J. J- Alpine, 023 Bor- Jack Kennedy, of Broadway, has ago, the quantities a unauruaiujn \ii\u tuiupbion oi a (tentown Ave. 12-17-ti purcnased a new Nash sedan. constantly larger as lVolM . i uipu'uii aiiu tn'a, IO supFOR RENT—Furnished Room. guilty ones became bolder when 1,,,,,t Inquire 339 Main St. 9-17-tf FOR RENT—Private Garage. In- visited relatives in Aabury Park quire P. J. Monaghan, David st. 3-25 1'uesday. PINK SALMON FAIRY SOAP loi, . . „ . „ , amount tto over thirty thousand" doican 5 cakes Miss Irene Meinzer, of Broadway, lars. " appointing the various FOR SALE spent tne weeK Actual roundup of the sohomers Brooklyn, N. Y.end witn relatiiv.es at bega, .a St Sunday night'whenT'^ • FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. Six room house with aP improvements. The dance held at Seacroft Saturllu 0rav.1i.net applying to Can be bought with little cash. In day eveiuig oy tae newly formed quite Frederick H. Lear, 210 George ent was a big St. 10-1-lt from this city t Uy IUIV nie -sb-cu'uu FOR SALE—4 lots -on Louisa st. between Pine ave. and Feltus st. P. of J. Monaghan, David st. 3-26 addition is being made to the ioimorly occupied by James FOR SALE—Property cor. Stevens on Main street, and owned by avenue and George st. P. J. MonaPull Line of Fruiti and Vegetables in Season •n Strasser. Whseier Bros. ghan, David street. 3-26 Ui/Uttcmnan Maliuy . i n tfcta thefts are said ,, FOR SALE—Lots on Bordentown nave charge of the work. touiMViiiig l-esoiuuioi Tel. 454 to Ihave been discharged by tihe Duavenue (Whitehead tract). Apply to adopwa tiy The American Legion minstrels Pont concern during the past week. ,whu' T. F. Sullivan. 265 David st. 2-12-tf will, in all probability, not be put Some of those taken into custody by ., 101 N. Stevens Ave. South Amboy, N. J. the P w t Raritun. OomFOR SALE nvLv until alter itne Lenten season, the police have experienced difficulty IS .making a survey ot tne Two family house. 5 rooms and l>nth each apartment. 2 lots, garage John St. $7000. Two lots on Feiltus St., between Bordentown Ave. and Portia St. ed witn relatives at Vine land JII Sun- The organization of" "the thieves is Una iu.ay,or aiwi •Uouracil o i me .$600 each. said to Ihave beeji quite and K>ouun Aimooy <io recoru xnemseives 8 room house, nil improvements, 4 day. „ ,. worked up and to have "included a s b e l n g n e a i t i l y i n la>vor oi s , uo | 1 ' lMs, six small outbuildings. Upper Miss Margaret iveinvin, of Fourth several g, r a ( ] e s o f n UlOj mM Main St., $7000. ^' ^ ^ t 0 /" e ^V street, .entertained iriends fromFourth Key sevt.ral w.udcl ()f , ^ , k X m the " 4 lots corner Rosewell and David port at her no.me Tuesday evening. ^e man.ui'acturer ^u^u^d uTIiuve lUiUitan L.oiiiinaddiun tneu- lull coSt., $700 each. mis -.n the payroll of some oporacion nn__. oruigmg' A contract to produce a musical i'uiitte-ii- resolved: Tha 7 lots on Henry St. below the railco.m;jdy has been entered into betho i'ort loaritan Commission be re road. A bargain at $500 each. tween the John U. Rotlgers Producque*xeu a t the earliest possible op Two plots on Prospect St. G quantapontuniiity to present to tne 'City t e n or, ecweirs, electric Ji^ht, sidewalk ing Company and the Knights of ColFrancis P. Coan plot 65x100, ^ $550 uin'bus of tnis city. 'lauve drawings sinewing •• 1 rcuruins. One plot$500. G'JxlOO, ^ d H Lot ValuaMe n w T e e n named" " chairman of the ™ ^ ">«»uwlValuable infarmahouse on Second .St. •Uiuii access to Uiu water LEGS OF LAMB, lb . Large Potatoes, Basket $1.00 8 !.:!1V which w h J t . wwill i l l be be held held on on St. Pat- t.I°1!,,lha-1 .«•'«? bec '> secured from some means under which t n e public will re. . All improvements. event, iue Ln tlle Recorder V n ' K ' sense oi .this oody tluat sevRAISINS, 2 few 25c Fresh Jersey Hams, by whl..30c l Uleecs o r a stri Rcataiiit am! rooming house. Al March lath. Ordon a t South" River bail was fixed e m " m c l o r a P a0± ' Mnii l sou tWh i( l 1; 1Kl l kw filled. A od chance for married .mnde a t $1,000 euoh for the men broucht °' ' >' ^ P ' a y Tho Pennsylvauwv Railroad :L Wltter fponta c couple, '. him to .answer the chami-Ps S > a h a l 1 b e l'^^ 111 * 11 i o bofore_ him charges of Easy conaiderab'ie"'*onanKC3 to its police before VEAL CUTLETS, lb _40c MIXED CAKES, lb._ 25e Lots in Opl'tll Terrace. tno use of tne puolic. lorco the past week, in the way ot being implicated in the robberies, payments. $!V,jmd up. ••'And 'be it runther resolved: Thai c H R v T ^SELL l ^ T TFAST ^*^ Two of tlic;\('st lots on Borden- demotions. The entire local system CHEVIES th'ei Ci'ty of Sou'Uh Amboy, in the even VJ HAMS, String Ends, lb. 33c Sw«ot CIDER, new gal. ...30c the move town Ave. runttt .through to Calli- wus effected by b th —«— ' uiait private property rights can bi i«'in<! St. Just f Stevens Av«. "lMggs Garage reports the sale of acquired a t a cost that will permit th. win Mr. and Mrs, Churles Studhnlte:- n u.su on Main St, CHICKENS, pound, - 3 7 c PEPPER, 3 box 25c avenue, visited number of csu-s during the past Commission to proceed with the im New Gofroom Bordentown WulsSt. All improve- of lliver over the week week, deliveries of which have been provemen't, will require no financial corner liicnus in Switzcr Cheese, Imp., lb 65c Aunt Jenii. P. e. Flour 2 for25c made of the new mod'el Chevrolet: remuneration lot its rights t o watei ments. Ensy terni end. JOHNSN John Nejbus, of Augusta, street, a i'rouitafja. Rcnl E.Utc nnln.un.nce Master Jackie Vogel of Jo.hn street sedan; C. Dufford, of Liberty street, "And be it further Tosajved: T h a PRESTO FLOUR, Pkg I5c Catsup, 2 bottles 25c 324 Main St., SoutlV-boy, N. J. is cammed t o Ws home with -an n sedan;; Ji-ancis Winslow of Mech-' copies of this resolution be forward List Your PropcrtVV.th M<= ubscess on the eye. . 'ttmcsville,_ n sedan; George Hnlouth, ed to tine Port Ranitan Commissior CHOPPED BEEF, lb 15c S'LOIN or P'HOUSE ST'K 29c o i uitliei-uie street, a sedan; and C. and .to t h o public press." The Rev. Albert P. Mack, Rector L.eo.n Gosszcns, of Broadway, a coach.: MISCELLANEi u L[fe. Can Tomatoes, 2 for -30c First Prize Butter, lb... 30c cif St. St M Mi'irv's o •, of a r y s P. E. Church, Keypovt, y p , MhertlK' In lie Gltlwn. ys will be 'the pranehur a t Christ Church ' " . ? . • . . ' . . . . . i . ... ... r-wLf nhnroh CARD O F THANKS EGGS POH SALK RIB ROAST, per pound 18c Pips Liver, 2 lbs. 25c bunday morning a t the 10:45 A M. Wo wiish to take (this means of ex!rvlCE> Cliuroh St. . pressing publieally our appreciation Corned Spiire Ribs, lb. 24c APPLES, basket 50c FOR SALE GIIKAPMrs P C Lwtlham, Miss Annie fo1". tao <l«*ck responso and efficient 1 und .pump, 375 jjaHmi 22o LARGE CAN PEARS . r s ' j i m e s Hapenstoll a n d . " " ' l earof.ul service rendered by the POT ROAST, all meat ..15c quire Eagle Tea Co., and Mrs. Roy Lahhlm md two ™ » b e r a ° £ '»e local fire deportment wiay, Oilty. S Holla Wax Paper ... 10c LIVER, PP,T lh. s,o, S C f p a IB* FOR SALE—Dining R _ - wi.li Mr. ,n,i M r , W,,, Hines of trie nnd gas dome combine"lBnquire MILLER 23c PRUNICS, 2 pound box . Lai-jjo ORANGES, doz. . .. 35c 121 John St. 1824-tf MR. ROBERT MILLER MONKV TO LOAN on A .regular .hiiet.ting <ot St. Martha's _ . If you arc interestet! Lai-Re DILL Pickles, 3 for 10c Shoulder VEAL, pound .... 15 C HLRCH mortntige in s-nw of $10(1. if friiilil will be hold next Wednesday l ™ p P (j $400, $r>00 nmi Up to $10,0 Pastor in any kind of Insur.voning, F<-b. 2nd nt Ohrist G'huivh ' t hoi.rs from 8:20 a. in. to ' Hrenst Veal, 2 lbs. ..... 25c Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb. 24c 'ai-jrili House a.'t eilpht o'clock. Sabbath Scihool 10 A M. Adult \Wedhosdnys and Satunl ance, consult me and I Bible Glass 10:20. Services, ^:20 a. m. to fi p. m. Iri ROAST VEAL, lb...... _ 23c PORK KIDNEYS, pounil- ...15c Thnro will b,e a social »nd <la,nco will lie glad to give you ' Lovely, Trust Compnn«uildinB full details without any ..10c CHUCK STEAK, lb. 18c SliT'eddetl \V,heat, box : Cut Price Grocery Sale! Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday 18c 25c 25c 10c 17c 25c 25c • 25c 15c 25c Samuel Sudalter Borak's. Meat Market Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday res 1 .- 'zt&xfj*. ^Jasrsisr^ COST OF INSURANCE REDUCED WARD J. 0 A O R REAL EST^f Of All Ki,ji Notary PII 123 N; 1 "OB Thc-re Is n» o lonu nx n n •If cli'vor: mi inn, tliinl;u ! ' vny (« YO am MM, Elmiii' Coward and Miw, Ho-o Iilnke mul (ln'U(rl«t)i>.r Ro«p and John Ruiih vlsBtod witii Mm. Kstellu H. Ragan 'tut I'utcrnun on Sunduiy. . si ii|il<llty.—; , Miss Susan Kiilid of Roswell streuv, Tnio leads,"is i l l * to be out aKwin after on op- Junior Htirvidc* as usual. r,Ui<7n for the ,ronioval of tonsils at Ohilda-en's llible Class Wednestlay the Perth Amiboy Hospital. niteinoo.,, A:A». 1 . Wc-dnesday evening service 7:,'iO Mrs. Ohark'« Heath nnd childrci continuing ttie study c»f Ewingulism. Ki'!UiecK and Jaimes «f tiulmar spent The Young Men's Brotherhood will the week Mill wi'tlh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. miont imnicd'intply nflor Prayer me«tIlinen of Broadway. "'"If Wednewlay^ovoning. Undeserved Reputation " M i m v u m n n , " sulil I ' I H ' I C rch»»n "gltH ilk" r c p t l t i i l l n n "till h e l i i ' itlnft liKiirtcd. i v l ^ n UP'M Mlinply ' o n liixy t « gH m i l d . " — W u s H t i R t u n H t n r . obligation to yon. t will also be glad to give full particulars in regard to the lower cost of Insurance. A. STEI.NER ""' "T Chuck Pot Roast, lb RUMP VEAL, lb. Plate Corn Beef, 3 lbs. CALI HAMS, pound .Uc - Pork Loins, rib ends, l b . - ..29c 23c SWEET POTATOES, 5 lbs 25c 25c LooHe Fresh Sausage, lb.... ..30c .190 LAMB CHOPS, pound IRr CORN FLAKES, LAMH STEW, pound ,... Large Box WaBhing Powder 2Oc SMOKED BLOATERS, '.! North Broadway Telepho* 2. r THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 pnoach, the beginning of salesman- Telephone 402 •—• ship, ability to influence others, and CIRCULATE PETITION FAVORkindred subjects. At the end of the Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 P. M ING WATERFRONT PLAN course, an examination will be of- EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT —°— fer-ed, which is .optional. Those passDiscussion of the water front de- ing it with a mark of 70 per cent envelopment project under investigation better will be awarded a certificate 'by the. Port Karitan Commission at by the university, DENTIST the me«tin£ of the local Business It is expected that the class ;n 3/Lan's Association last Monday night, New Brunswick will be the largest of 116 N. Broadway indicated that other municipalities its kind ever held in New Jersey as were anxious to secure th-e attention students hare already registered 'not , Trust Co. Building of the Commission. This effort to only from New Brunswick itself but South Amboy secure for ihemselvws the benefits from many neighboring cities. Local GAS that mlight come, because of What the workers interested may receive full X-RAY Commission might lio for them might information by writing to Professor 1-22-41 result to the disadvantage of this city N. C. Miller, Industrial Extension if succetesul. Ami .these .efforts might Division, Rutgers University. be furthered, it was pointed out, af .._ the loll and hearty cooperation oi "' — -local (Jitizens and city representatives NOTICE were.'not unhesitatingly and promptly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Plumbing and iortticonung. To iiwura . the main- that a hearing on a resolution to ostenanee oi interest in the plans of tabllsh a LIGHTING DISTRICT at Heating the Commission for bhe beneiit of this GENOA SECTION of MADISONj* city and to assist the city authonitius TOWNSHIP to be known as LIGHT m securing some intimation of tha ING DISTRICT NO, 1. Said hearEltimates Furnished on Reque«t opmions of various residents of So. ing will be held on Thursday Jan. Amboy.it was deckled to circulate pe- 10 1927 at 2 P. M., Zeingler's Hall, 321 MAIN ST. titione •endorsing the project and .wg- Browntown. Telephone 245 ing the immediate rendition of whatTHOMAS L. W00T0N ever service might be needed upon Township Clerk, South Amboy, N. J. the part of the City Council. The 1-28-lt petition and its accompanying recita- — — ; tion of the 'advantages <of the project " are as follows: " To th« Mayor and Council of the City of South Amboy: We, the undersigned, hereby petition your Honorable Body that you do all within your power to help proALL FIRSTS—NO SECONDS cure the improvement proposed to be done by the Port Raritan Commis» U»co Royal Cord Grey sion at South Amboy. We ratify and Tubes subscribe to the sentiments express30x3 V4 Keg $6.60 $7.20 $1.50 ed in the sheet attached to this petition and request your honorable body S0x3% Oversize 7.40 8.75 to take such action as will result in 30x3 &_S. S. ----- 8.40 10.95 conveying or transferring to the Port 31x4 10.60 13.75 2.05 Raritan Commission the lands owned £2x4 11.15 14.50 2.15 by the city, retaining access to the deep watetr as indicatted in the at33x4 11.75 1S.25 2.25 tached sheet. S2x4% 15.20 19.75 2.60 MR. SOUTH AMBOYAN 33x4% * . 15.80 20.50 2.70 The Port Raritan Commission, ex34x4 % -~ 16.40 21.25 2.80 ercising the powers vested in it by the Legislature of the State .of New 30x5 -... 23.85 3.00 1 Jersey, proposes to reclaim the South 33x5 _.. ,—,19,30 26.85 3.30 Amboy water front from the Penn85x5 20.55 28.85 3.55 sylvania Railroad docks to .Morgun. The benefits to be derived by the city BALLOON TIRES are as fiollaws: 29x4.40 7.55 9.65 1.95 By bul'kheading and filling in about . 2600 feet «ast of the present high 29x4.76 .. 9.45 12.25 2.15 waiter mark opposite the city's water 30x4.75 9.85 12.75 2.30 plant, thereby doubling the capacity 29x4.95 13.75 2.35 of the water shed, the city will ac30x4.95 11.00 14.25 2.40 quire about 1,000,000 galjons of water iper day thereby doubling its 31x4.95 _ 15.75 2.45 •present capacity. 30x5.25 12.30 15.95 2.70 The oity will also acquire approxi31x5.25 12.80 16.45 2.80 mately 200 acres of land wow non3*1x6.25 Extra Heavy 19.25 2.80 productive tin a financial sense. The locoition of industries on this 30x5.77 . 14.45 18.75 3.20 reclaimed land (there being suffiS0x5.77 Extra heavy 21.95 3.20 cient room upon the said reclaimed •°2x8.77 ....;_-20.75 3.40 land for the location of four .indus32x6.77 Extra heavy 23.95 3.40 tries similar to the Raritan Copper WoTks ab Perth Amboy) should 83x5.77 Extfa heavy . 24.95 create taxable values that will equal 32x6.00 19.25 3.30 or exceed the present total valuation 33xG.O0 . 15.30 19.90 3.50 of the city and provide employment 33x0.00 Extra heavy 22.95 • 3.50 for all. our citizens who at present art compelled to seek occupation 32x6.20 : 22.95 3.70 elsewhere. ' S2xC.20~Extra heavy 26.75 3.70 An increase in population which S3x6.20 , _-'23.45 3.95 this condition should .bring about will mean unprecedented prosperity to OUT •business and professional men. !j Other Prices on Request The fact that the city may obtain all the foregoing advantages at no; 'cost to itself or any individual taxpayer, except that the city donate some land which at present is a liability instead of an asset ( is reason enough that the city council should heartily approve of the project. It is .not proposed that the' city entirely cut itself off from its water204 So. Stevens Are. front but that it retain an entrance to the bulkhead and sufficient room Telephone 392 thereat for ithe erection of >a municipal .marine terminal thereby guaranBatteries Called for and Delivered. teeing to itself the ability to provide facilities for water transportation to any person or industry which might at some future time desire to locate anywheire in the upland. Another reason why the city should iwaike every effort to further this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL project is that the ratafees previous- Budget and Tax Ordinance'-wore approved by the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE ly spoken of will bo obtained as it of MADISON TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX on JAN. 13, 1927. were, omt of the air and not by inA hearing on the budget and Tax Ordinance will be held at ZEIGLER'S creasing present valuations. . It will HALL, BROWNTOWN, on February 9th, 1927, at two o'clock at which consequently and in proportion- to time and place objections to said Budget and Tax Ordinance of the TOWNthe increase, lower everyones taxes, SHIP 'Of MADISON dor the ycter 1927 may be presented by any tax payer This petition was to have been tenTownship. "3»red to council members at a meet- of said Liocal Budget of the Township of Madison,' County of Middlesex, for ing held Wednesday night. Due to the fwet 'that there ware only a few tne fiscal year 1927. 0THEE THAN SCHOOLS. This Budget shall also constitute the Tax Ordinance, an ordinance reof the copies (returned in time to get them .inibo *ho hands of Mr. Delaney, ating to Taxes for the Year 1927. Bo it ordained >by the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE of tine TOWNSHIP chritntnan of n committee for the Cammlission, in time or the meeting of MADISON, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, that there dliall be assessed, with tiho council, tihey wore not pre- raised by Taxa/bion arad Collected ifor the fiscal year 1927 the sum of sented at all. It is likely that they $10,593.04, for the purpose of meeting the appropriations set forth in the will ha tomleried to the council at a 'ollowing statement <rf Resources and Appropriations for the Year 1927. BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1927 later 'diato us a miuuf eatafalon of local Anticipated Revenues lintorest and opinon. 1927 1926 $ 36.88 $ 569.31 RUTGERS OFFERS SPL. COURSE Surplus Revenue Appropriated FOR INDUSTRIAL WORKERS Miscellaneous Revenue: None Licenses c_ None None None It is expected tihat a number of 'ines and Penalties None None business men nnd industrial workers Fees and Permits None None -_ in South Amboy will attend the spec- Interest and Coat 1,000.00 1,000,00 ial intensive course in Business Psy- Franchise Tax 300.00 150.00 chology and Salesmanship whkh will Iross Receipts Tax 150.00 150.00 be givwn at Rutgers University, <at Poll Tax None None Now Brunswick, beginning February Fire Warden — — 10,593.00 8,447.71 7. The course, conducted under the Amount to bo raised by Taxation . direction of -the Industrial Extension Division, will 'be of three weeks dura?12,612,35 $9,783.59 tion, with classes hold in the CihomisAppropriation* try Building of Oho University on 1926 1027 Monday and Thursday evenings of Govennrneivfc— each week, beginning at 7:45. -41,300.00 $1,200.00 Administrative and executive 150.00 150,00 The loader in charge will be Mr. Audit 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 C. P. Brewer, business analyst con- Assessment amd Collection of Taxes 125.00 125.00 nected with tone Division, who has Department ol Finance 600.00 • 600.00 •had wide •experience in his particular Interest and Cost 4,000.00 4,000.00 field and who recently concluded a Roads, _. I20.0O 20.00 similar «lass at Plainfield which was Police) 450.00 400.00 Forest Fire attended 'by over 250 students. Mr. 4 200.00 ~ has recently joined the Rut- Fire Prc - < jion (L. H. F. Co.) ( 0 . B. V. F. C'o.)_.... 400.00 200.00 200.00 gers staff after experience with seven! Health 1,200.00 other stato uirVersities, including Poor 2|soo!oo Kentucky, Virgi)/ia, Colorado, Utah, For bhe Erection of Town Hall 17.59 Montana and Washington. He is a Overexipendiitune 1923 _ 25.00 rceful and ©lt/quent speaker and n|Overoxpondtture 1926 ... 246.00 "-her of high order of merit, Contingent 367.35 isooifttod with him in this spocinl i $17,012.85 $0,788.60 • will be President John M. Duan Fraser Motzger, and Anticipated Revenue from Tax ion Dogs,' $16Q.'J0, to be used for the q. C. Miller, of the Rutgers payment erf ckiims foT damages ito Domestic Ajdnuils, Sheep or Poultry by he couree will bo mainly Dogffl, pursuant to the .provisions of Chapter 14fc, P, L. 1922. "roe and -will include such Tiiis Orddmancs shall take effect as >provld|jd by law, -rv development, conTHOMAS h. W O O T 0 v ', methods of ap- l-21-2t • Town' Clerk, Madia •-v>lti. DR. F. BURLEW GEORGE M. MORTENSON UNITED STATES TIRES AND TUBES Anderson's Garage and Battery Service isTOTICB The committee in charge of thvj The debating team of St. Mary's kitchen shower to be given jointly by High School will meet (the debaters the members of the K. of C. and the I from St. Mary's of Perth Amboy C. I), of A. are working out a pro- so m e time ; n March. Whether the OMF-DAYPLEA^DRi CBTIK6 —TO— NKW YORK which is to be held within a short' d e b a t i e w U 1 b e h c l d l n t h i s c i t y o r From all stations rf» "11 WP* itime. John J. Trig-gs is in charge of Perth Amboy has not as yet been de- Freehold to <jj Jf, •> f < J the committee from the K. of C. 'cided. South Amboy (incl.) Kuiiml Trl|> Fnro PERTH AMBOY BUSINESS DIRECTORY ROOFING AND SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor Distributor: Johns-Manville Roofing Products 575 Sayre Avenue Perth Amboy Telephone 1249 FLORISTS SUNDAY, FEB. 6TH Tickets good only on specia train leaving South Amboy 8:1C A H. Keturninfj: leave New York West 23rd St. 8:47 P. M., Liberty St. 0:00 P. M Children 5 years of age uiui uniiur lli half fare. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL EVERYTHING FOR THE WRITES BODY AND RADIATOR WORKS Telephone 684 P. A. Re.. Phone 536-W Metuchcn WM. STMJVE & SONS FLORISTS Floral Designs a Specialty Greenhouses: 355 Laurie Street Perth Amboy, N. J. G. & A. AUTO RADIATOR Office Supplies and r >*rf & BODY WORKS Auto Radiators, Bodies and Fenders FRANK WOOLOM AM Work Guaranteed 197 Smith St. Perth Aoibx 208 New Brunswick Avenue Perth Amboy Bus. Phone 2970 Reo. Phone 2758 Actvcrlluc tu Hie Cltlien. ATEST VIALUE CABINETS EVKR OFFERED IN (; EN DINE MAHOGANY OR WALNUT REGULAR PRICE $30.00 A useful piece of furniture that will meet many requirements other than Radio BEAUTIFY YOUR PRESENT AMPLE SPACE PROVIDED RADJO SET BY PLACING FOR ALL BATTERIES in the spacious compartment of it iin one of these cabinets this cabinet—"A" battery, " B " htereby making your set a conbatteries or electrifteaibion sole model. When cabinet is units can ba easily concealed. closed batteries and all wirsa We promise that when you see are concealed, a feature thnt this cabinet for yourself you will impress the neat housewill marvel at the value it represents. keeper. A MAGNIFICENT PIECE OF FURNITURE Made by one of the largest manufacturers of fine furniture is 25 in. high, 17 in. deep and 34 in. wide. These cabinets are of genuine mahogany or fianuine antique walnut and tlioir fine veneer finish makes tham <a truly beautiful piece of fine furniture. Established 23 Years Our Guarantee of Money Back Is Your Guarantee of Satisfaction RADIO-AUTO ta^UPPLY CO. INC 204 Smith Street Open Evenings ' Perth Amtoy, N. J. Telephone 3183 New Brunswick Branch: George and Albany Streets *THE SUNKEN GRAVE Nothing can bo sadder than a grravc that Is no longer a mound. The inevitable has com« to pass—the weight of the sodden earth has crushed In the last protection. It helpi nothing to close th« imagination to what happens then! Yet there is not the slightest necessity for this old-fashioned, barbarouB, unsanitary method o«f burial. Tho Norwalk Vault—at little cost—will protect absolutely an forovor. Moulded granite and steel, waterproof and airtight, it is sealed by hand In your preset, and becomes one solid piece of masonry that literally "Lasts through the Ages." Th« best undertaken insist on its use. They make the Norwolk Valut the foundation of every first-class funeral. The Norwalk Vault Company PLAINFIELD, N. J. \ i m «, 192. JHAT ., . )NOK ROLL PUBLIC SCHOOL NO. 2 ixth Year, Robert Bungay, Gerle Colucei, Mildred Grover, Ruth . chmond, George Schnable, Irene fc;euerwald, Olive Ward, Robert Wcl- den. •i^iinanci Sixth Year, Charles Hamilton, Charles Henry, Arthur Johnson, Carl Newmark, Joseiph N-obock, Charles Pillar, Walter banders, Ralph SteiaU MON.TH is is February—the Sun er, Garl Strn.ub, Anthony Woznica, sn't long coming around, lhuwl iiai'unowska, Mililied Bright, Celia Cohen, Katherine Connors, Mil-' the canopy—of heaven dred Envmons, Marie Nelson, Mary :d here below we feel tlio Nicorvo, Marjorie Oliver, Ebhel Sanv'-mth o«f*the good old ders, Margaret Sisoiak, Theresa SisoThe sun having now lak, iitella Staehowska. I'iith Year, Emilie Herbert, Doris its lower pathwuy to Shepjpard, Leona Grant, Ella Jenc , se .i"e your cabbages, ar« they sun, Anna Nobock, Alfred Johnson, (Juris ijullivau, Frank Morgan, Harry . uting? The ancient Saxons also called this Heruert, John Hardy, Elliot Chapmonth Sprout-Ka:lc. Their cabbages man, unarles Levand-osky, filth iear, Elizabeth Babic'h, Claxa sprouted at this season. Hoffman, Anna Jacobson, Helen Johnson, Dorothy Stcgway, John Imagination is the most powerful, potent .faculty given to man. We must Adams, Sidney 1'affer, Martin Howall have, it in a greater or lesser de- ard, Chester Meinzer, Adrian Snyj gree of quality. The finer in qual- der, Louis Wisniewski ity, the higher and higher we go up- Filth Xear: Donald Campbell, Howward and onward to better and better ard Littell, John Mehrlantier, Francis things. Funk and Wagnall, in part, Munuy, G-e;orge Nelson, Raymond defines it as: "The .picturing power iJloa:ionka, Fred Rehfuss, Leo Staek- or act of the mind." owski, Kdna Henry, Khoda Jaques, The civil engineer may stand up onMargaret Johnson, Mary Fizzillo, the high hill and look down to tho Natalie Reese, Grace Sabb, Dorothy virgin tangled wilds below and dream tjnowers, Mary Vanni, Pauline Vevurof Che possible town of the future, He sees it $11 in a mental picture. | Fourth Year: Arthur Domke, ElBefore ground is broken, the arc-ki- mer Ehrlich, Andrew Lijana, Norman iect sees his big building looming Morgan, Jonn Kasmussen, Peter San.skyward and finished. lie sees it inders, 'Joseph Sdhultz, Anthony Shia.a mental picture. arsky, Robert Straub, Adelaide BowThe general at th,e seat of waren, Elizabeth Colvilie, Kleiuior J a plans his campaign for the coming eoJbsen, Anita Kasprzak, Audrey; battle. He sees every phase ol hisMathis, Cecelia Morgan, Nora MunCn, Wans in a mental picture. Kuth Nichols, IVlary itauscnei't, iieien T The prize fighter gasping and heav- Seib, Margare't Snyder ng in his corner after a battering 'mini leav: Rose Ooughlin, Maround ha&< his imagination appealed tha Wojaczyk, Edward Wcrenczyk, > by his seconds-.tell.ng him how to Frances Bedell, Fred Lonseth. <rhyn the next round. He sees it all second and Third Years: William .•jffmental picture Cox, Fred Dicker, Stephen Estellu, W orator sees his speech in . Philip Faft'er, Charles (rewenua, John - • • - • - • E U S . Win- rss The Paulus Dairy JOHN PAULUS, Prop. YOUR MICHAEL CUSTOM TAIL Yei—Here you can get meaiure hand tailored pet >uit or overcoat in the late eluding the beat of workm very moderate co»t. SLATE AND ASBESTOS ROOFING ESTABLISHED 1890 Dry Cleaning REPAIRING Main Office: 189-195 New Street, New Brunswick, N. J.. Phone 2400. Don't Be Misled—Be Sure it is Paulus' Milk ALEX GIAQUINTO Of All Kinds To Roofs Tel. 682 Ett. Since 1899 John St., Corner Broadway 38S Raritan St ESTIMATES AULUS' OSITIVELY ERFECT ASTEURIZED Use P Milk Placed in thoroughly cleaned and sterile bottles, untouched by human hands. PLUMBING ind— FURNISHED HEATING SUPPLIES Pyrex Ware— Wear Ever Aluminum —Griswold Ware GENERAL HARDWARE flaw*, Plane*, Hammer* n m f c t i Urals, Brace*, Bita, CblMla, CpUta Tooli tor all MaeliaaleB, Mo* TorcbM, 8ol4«riu iron, tan Qrtnden. Paulus' Pasteurized Select Milk Walker-Gordon Certified Milk. Wendmere Farms Raw Golden Guernsey Milk DANIEL J. DONLIN 104 N. Stevens Ave. Telephone 412 Suydam's and Rutger's Special Raw Tuberculin Tested Milk rom SHERWiN-WILUAMH PAINTS DISTRIBUTION COVERS New Brun»wick, Highland Park, South River, Sayravllle, P»rlln, South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge. Ford* and Mttaohtn, N. J. Pressing Paints, Oils, Varntahea, WhnLead. Knameto, Stalnss l*ntty, n- it •G. I. Bergen, 178 St«*«na mv* comur Mrs* atrmt CAMPION'S CONFECTIONERY . Candy—Ice Cream—Soda Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco The South Amboy Business Directory School Supplies, Notions, Etc. Branch of Hess's Bakery MARKETS COAL AND WOOD Formerly on Pine Ave, Now Located RICHARD McCLOUD. Jr. ICE - -COAL 629 Bordentown Ave. REAL ESTA.TE—INSURANCE^ —at— FREDERICK H. LEAR C0 n d Ye m M a l i o n Faf£ An Some may snoreIna • i( LSchira ,. TArthur, . ?3'.' : T " u REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE Joseph Michael While others think Babich, Jofin CotigMm. Senna will swim Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork 1 BAG OR 1 TON 210 George St. Whilej others sink. Uhl, Douglas Whittaker, Doris RuthWood By The Barrel SMOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS bun. • A FANTASY This is just a simple little fantasy Telephone 159-R 5ind,like all fantasies is more or less Telephone 146 135 N. Broadway r to K. P. Musotl) i wdunnor caprice O'f the imagination. ' Don't Get Up Nights ! While -'Bill" Briggs was filling the Danger Signal Relieved by Term. thirsty gasoline tank of a car, in front Nature's Man. Wants Othors To Know. WE SELL of his garage; the owner of the car 128 David St. IN J. L. Church, Doeville, Tenn. auysi stood idly bye and read the monster "Had RADIO, PLAYER PIANOS to get up 10 to 12 timci •eueh night. , sign-board which stood on the roadAND PIANOS s.ue opposite. It was an attractive S ^ M ' j r . "ef'rfaJnr^ Reliable UNITED STATES Companies sign. This is what ;he read: 1 b U ANTHRACITE BITUMINOU ^ ,Xt EXPLOSION IN8UR ANCE Tuning ami ItcpuirlngfttlUtihl I'rlccH '•This is South Amlboy. You areSfVArW ^, « j tiiyintn any uuw iiutuu ut' L Lef you My friends say 'How much bcttw you ~ -welcome. We are a friendly people. HARRY PARISEN will tell or write my experience! This is a good place to build a home look. fiatS" Buchu clcanBe8 t h e vllMm 327 David Street Phone 109-M as epaora salts ilo the bowels. It is not ^nd locate a manufactory in. ReSouth 4rabn» a Potent medicine. Tho formula is on231 First Street jnemiber the automobile annihilates •»« bottle. The tablets coat 2c each at distance." , drug gtores. .Keller Laboratory, MeohiuCONTRACTORS The stranger read the last two lines Icaburn. Ohio. J. M. PARSER, aloud and said: "Yes, the automobile L ^,, D store_ aroniMlates distance, you can ride right into helenblazes in two secI f nut;. Notice is hereby given that tin 214 Pine Avenue "Not here my ifriemd, you've got 1o Council of the City of Fire. Automobile, LlibllltT. drive north about thirty miles from Common CONTEACT0B AND BUILDER South Amboy, N. J. will consider the the other side of tha bridge, before South Amboy, N. J. OMtutO. « c you'll get there," said Briggs. ^ report of the Commissioners of Phone 316-J 211 AoffusU S t Assessment on he 8ur«ty « B 4 rvj«lity Bonds The stranger winked and said, "I ST. IMPROVEMENT •>-ucss you're rigflit." New York li- AUGUSTA T«l»{>boD« 144-J at a regular ^meeting of he CommM •nse plates were on his car. Council to be held in the Council 00N8UI.T , 841 MAIH 8T. lust remember: The Part Itantan chamber at City Hall, Tuesday evenFebruary 8th, 1927, at eight ing> -nission are high class men. remember: that a water front o ' c i w k p, JJ. at which time and place liible asset to any town and a n y v e r s o n interested therein or afCONCRETE BLOCKS —ron— y to bhis town, wh\ch is with- fecte(| thereby will sbo given the opheard. p o r u n i t y t o b e . / miles of the greatest metroPORTLAND CEMENT LOWEST PRICES OR S«.id report and cost sheet is nw Representing; the. Bert Flw .is in the world. Just reimemlber: This town s sate- ( m ( i i s p i a y j nt h e office of the City PLOVBINU Aim HRATINU Insurance Companies. iy is tihe- southern terminus oi a c l e r k , u t n c c i t y I I a l l f o rt h ( J p e r u s a l Old Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre of ^ p u b l i c ur million dollar bridge. Explosion, Liability, AutoraoWk Just romomber: South Amboy is G FRANK DISBROW, Qty i Bstlaiatw Olven All Work QuMrt and Plate Glass Insurance so ^o big citica and via all -water t« after development of ho* wa-g 0 UTH AMBOY CITIZEN, When Seeking Irtiuranee, Ask ISSUE OF Phon«7 Center and Elm Sis. )#J 8AFTTR FEBRUARY 4, 1927. C.T. MASON McDONOUGH Next to A. & P. Store L. ROSENTHAL Tailor WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phone 72 103 South BroadwaJ EDWARD McDOMKJGH CCAL COMPANY Insurance of AH Kinds .c. BIRMING FERD D. TEDESCO Sullivan S Wilhelmjnt South Amboy THAI PAUL BRYL1NSR! oun COAL COAL ' E FOR THE WHISKERS NOTARY^PUBUC c:e how the sight of some NOTICE -hing—'like a little bottle— 312 David S t Sontll Notice is hereby given that tho llaie n train of thought und of .the "days when yo^u and Common Cooincil of the City of "MILK AND CREAM uing Maggie." The little South Amboy, N. J. will consider the h made nil this fuss WHS report of tho Commissioners of m's Dye for the Whiskers Assuameant for the 7 IMPROVEMENT a.i,, Bo!—to kceji tho JOHN STREET urniiig ijr' twl thus at a regular meeting of the Common CREAM Council t o be held in tho Council MILK pciiran," 'i-i, use ivo u' iakera, Chamber at City Hall, Tuesday even- Phone 207 347 Catherine St February 8th, 1927 at 'eight •• u p - ing, o'clock P. M. a t which time and place ( ors, IP any person %interested therein or affected th(?.i'< i:vj will be given the op- i'AiNTING AND PAPER portur -• ihenrd. HANGING Si1' a n d cost sheet is now the office of the City ity Hall for the perusal R. A. CASEY FRANK NELSON .}'. FRANK DISBROW, * City Clerk ..IBOY CITIZEN, '4,1927. Telephone 435 EUGENE A. MORRIS (.Successor to A. T, Kerr) Paints, Gold Leaf, Staiiw, Etc WALL PAPER 238 First Street South Ambo MOVEMENT •he Common1 ne Counqi REAL ESTATE BROKER NOTARY PUBLIC Gcnoral Insufance '1 plllC •ir u f 0\l- 719 Bordentown Avc. So. Ambo) M. H. 246 Bardentawn Avena* ft Insurance JUSTICE OF THE PBACB PLAYER PIANOS REPAIRED AND TUNED 254 Firit St, South Amboy, N. J. Telephone 138-M Oiir Motto: "BOOST SOUTH AIBOY" ?roporty nought. Hold ivnri KxclmiiKsd. Mimov Lnnned on lloiul nntl MortgBBB. Kftnn« »nd Factory HIteH OurHpocUlt; REUBEN fORG^TSON «2 611 We J. W. OLSEN CO.| Telophon* 3361 SWAN HILL ICE CO. Yard apd Office, 146 Henry St Phone 340. Perth Amboy K A. MEDIA EVER1TT Phcne 575 ND Prompt Delivery TRUCKING AND MOVING 157 Bordentown Avenue Carpenlcr and Plumber Jobbing of All Kinds Promptly Attended To and Varniahe* Brushes, Glass, Bronzes, ' NOTICE by niivon thnt tlie 1 o l the City of will consider the nwnissioneri of Oils ICE-COAL- JOHN DI SANTIS ELMER F. PARISEN Carting of A n y Kind 313 David SI. South Amb(M Telephone 109-M ALBERT JEROME You can get the best food High Grade Granite and served anywhere in the city Marble when you eat at the ; i \ ! a n u f ) n l u i e l tit HEADSTONES 177 North Broadway FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES, CLAMS AND ALL KINDS OF SEA 2(i7 First Street FOOD •Telephone 473 Telephone 260 South Amboy CENTRAL LUNCH i 225 Smith Street Perth Amboy Nor StatUa ' THE SOUTH A»» CITIZEN 213 FIRST STRt^ .ar Broadway) RED MEN HOLD / liA'ALLATION/ George Banks How Sachem; And/ ilALS HERE FUNERAL SERIVr MRS. , Funeral services* for Mrs. J c. Mary's .. I a.f s»t,,»j Whalen, wife of Xeo Whalen, •* j n traveled .ce La,t Saturday d ; e d T h u r s d a V j J a l ) , 2 7th, wore hi /iilay and wen •»v...t rropnet 01 Seneca lribe. I *"» St. Mary's church Mond j p i r jtAcademy , in g a t nine o'clock, when a Sol 2 5 to 22 in a The semi-annual installation of 1 Jacobs of Bordentown " ^ n m g n mass of requiem was saio.' , emn high Miss Anna ofucers was me outstanding daughter oof\Mr. and Mrs. uutstanumg feature leatu.e avenue, 1:™" mass .oi-requiem was saw Xvo oth-r game-. of the. regular meelin meeting of Seneca John Jacobs Sr., became the happy wrUM, repose of her soul. Dr. E . C . ' 0 I i e a t Atlantic City i/i ri In Tribe No.'2,'d,Improved jroved Order of Keel bride of Mr. William EWlish of tins p jes "1 was. celebrant, Rev. Zenon o f t e a t Camden on Si v j . MELFORD ROLL, EDITOR Kjopt ,at at St. St ft*" * " °wsKi, Men on Thursuay evening, Jan. 27ta, city on Saturday eveningNlast "™ ' 1aeacon, T®,acon' °and ? i . ^ Rev. ' _ i ^ ' n l " p b u t both of these gan. La ne when District Jjeputy fcumon N. rikov Mary's Kectory. Rev. Dr. &,t$Grif^ •<»•»«»" " ^ . subndenoon. Interment was c e ) l l l d b y t h c h o m o t e a a n S Subscription rates: In advance, zones 1 and'2, $1.50; zones 8 to 8, $2.00 n performed pefmed the the recmony. iujovwng niemoers oo oi- fin recemony. \ !|V j . m ?*•• M'f'Zl ce i ne ' 1 - er y u " d u r t n e flee: in a c t i o n of The .U-uitdrum Ser- - I -• The bride looked charming • in • A • the The 6 direction of r e r s Guridrum SerAndrew N. Kvist. Entered in the Post Office at South Amboy, N. J. as second class matter. le of t;r. -corgette, 'T I ? r1- b0 fnlo! were: James H A I R DRESSING 'costume fV t wearing i haA™ ia ai n l n > J o h steve ippers to"mateh. . John" Con-logue, O'Can-..„,., , t,at-i.em, Ueorge Banks. 'and tomatch. She was a at -t >- r" ° ?n 9 , ?"?'Steve O.Can'and slippers slipper dam s FACIAL MASSAt J if. Bollenback. tended ijenior oageraore, J. ' , ^ yumlan, Thos. Lyons and t d d bby Miss Margaret Noble, ™ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1927 brank Junior sageinore, John,K.vist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. No- • Cheeseman. •% MA' Cmei lieorge ti. M Me- bl ble of Augusta street. Miss NoDle Cmi of f K-eeorus, K u G a f A t Mi N l ~ °~ / By Appointr ."ecfsarv yesterday Kenna. looked very striking in a costume of ±a MISS A. LEN/ ^tc^ier of Wampum, Christ John- salmon colored canton with silver *f son. trimming. She wore hat and slip- „ Phone 45 \ th \ " collector of Wampum, Samuel pcrs to match. 247 So. Fine Avenue Mathis. , John Jacobs, a brother of the bridr;, Mr». F. Beauregard, nee Sue Burke- Finds no Cause for Action in First jv^-itsentative to the Great Coun- was best man. •on Honored Last Week. Case Heard. cil, N. P. Stavener. " . After the ceremony, a wedding to tne Great' Council, supp&r was served at tlje ho^me of the • A miscellaneous shower was given _ The newly appointed Police JusA. N. Kvist. groom's mother. Mr. and Mrs, Englast week at t h e homo of Mr. and-Mrs. tice, Lenwood Van Cleaf, took oyei Abe Bloodgood, of Bordentown ave- the duties of that office officially on 'i-.asi.dd ior 18 months, Collin Jish ura very popular iimong lilt younger set. Alter the serving of nue in honor of Miss S u e Burkeson, Tuesday, F e b . lsts. The first case Stratton, xi,.v>ii4 with deep regret that the the supper, the young copule left on of lower Mwin street, Sayreville, W'IO 'brought before him was dismissed acept the .resigna- a honeymoon trip to Washington, D. became t h e bride of Fred Beauregard when t h e evidence failed to disclose tribe was forced to tiou ol ivlr. &te.plnen n . ivilller, cui- C. and points South. They were the ' also of Sayrsville last Wednesday any cause 'for action. ne ' night. ' ' • ' ' ^ complainant in t h e case inlector of Wampum ol Seneca 'x'ri'ue recipients of many useful gifts. Ujpon for more tnan 2Y years. . their return, they will reside with The Bloodgood home was beauti- question was,.Mrs. Margaret Walling, lNo. 23 in..1. jii,'i»c»- s laiung heaan prevent- the groom's mother for Dhe babniiu 'fully decorated .for t h e occasion. J . of Augusta street, who charged that 1 ed him from accepting a ru-nonunaof-the Winter, >W. Thistle of Keypqrtjacted a8 toast- on J a n u a r y 28th, Babe Salvador MarREAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ' master. "During t h e evening F r a n k eella had beaten a n d ill treated her, tion to tne office in wiucn liu nus uu.' Bissaft gave a Charleston-exhibition-.also taking by foi'ce $25.00 in cash. Oingui»iicd Di'inseil in tnis worlj, .and PA'PS^Alf M^ i\i WHO gavy many striking instances oi :>'and t h e Misses Madeline Wedell and Roundsman McCormack had brought t\'i( AI'MtjjVi - A n n Gadambwitz sang some of the Marcella to tiie City Hall to answer .his devotion to tne HILCUIM of tne1 'iviuu, an well us tne. niciiTuers WJIO " rtluilii latest song hits. A t t e n o'clock a tine complaint. ' •have known him lor even a brief -TJ 10 spt»fitil .meotin^Sf the Cath.'"( supper was served and everyone pro- The story, long drawn o u t an-J sent received a favor. . full of detail, told .seemed to deal spaue oi tlinu, lie will beigroatly inias- o n c Daughters of America hold lUon—Agent for— Mrs. 'Beourcgaril has been in the with intoxication, a t r i p out of tofr.'i, oa. toany or tue.ni cuiisiueruu nun to ,j t t J f .ovC,nin«r, Jan. 31«t was tn further •employ of tjie> .DuPqnt Pathe _ Film t m c a r r i v u l buck again, «. visit t o a bu one oj. tne auiest anu ino.-st con- ,,i1(Ilh( ,|'(,r the monster motion picture soiuutiims Collectors of Wiun.pum in heneflt to bu .held at the Kmpire Thua• Co. foi' the past two years and is well local home) a walk from there, mi and Thursday known in Suyreville and this commu- automobile ride, torn clothing, miss- 'tne htaiu or New uorsdy. i'or many u . e ,„, VVoilntsday j ulty. • . • ing jewelry. Under questioning how- yeans HIM aLioiwuin;e a t tne rugur.u- ,UVi!n,iM«:s, l 'ub. 2;lrd -mid iMbh. A -inut1 to be j, 1 L .,. pc.i-.f(ii-nM-ii.c(! will be jjivon on .Those who attended t h e shower over, there was'confusion, contradie-meetiiifc'a ut-, the 'nyy,-wus Twere Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Thistle, Mr. tions,. retractions, eitc. I t became •UOUI1U.-II upun-aa M I ^ ^ , \ tho oc- Wednusduy afternlxm. Miss Ik-Jen .. tieinselvea. Mona^'nan, Court Jlislorian, is in and Mrs. Jesse Damp and Daniel Ma- evident t h a t the comiplainunt wus curanco oi une- meet. '' son of Keyporit; Miss Louise Fur-slew, doubtful a s to wlhon, where or howHis recorus were al«uy\s UJJOII l o r cJianfo of the benefit, inspection, UTHL his outias, were Uw- x h o feature picture to be shown Margaret a n d Grace McCarthy, Mrs. she lost h e r money and suffered ill x clnirguu with a faiUiluinc&s and pro- w ill ho Uohoen Alooro in "Twinkle Ratherino Dahlgren, Mr. a n d Mrs. treatment, of winich even thait tharu 1 oision. whicli won ftie udmiration uf Toes". This is the lirat time that this Fred Beauregard, George Marks, was .somewhat of a doubt. au ins co-workcra. picture has 'been shown in this s e c F r a n k Bisset, and Oliver Burkeson of xoiuimitu, uo-wuvor, M e th'eJimom-~ t - l0tli A , I Andy Gumip comedy and a MAJORITY FAVORS PORT Sayreville. bera of the Lodge in having JVtr.NBam- ],' o li x t h e Cat Cartoon will also be George Dicen.ta, of South Ewer, COMMISSION'S PLAN uel Aiatnis as ivir. Miller's successor, shown. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bloodgoo.d, Hazel Mr. MaUhis has been Unancial secr^ : ' i n j S is a very new production and Bloodgood, Mary Dooling, Beatrice • iu»ntinuwi (mm i>age u tary of several lraternal organissa- w u i ,m tiou'bt 'be ably patronized, • Bloodgoo'd Mary Moran, Madeline perty lying in between. Notwith- tions, und is rtigardcd <as a nian of Delicious homo made candy will be Wedell. Katfherine Kurtz, Mrs. L. standing explanations to t h e t o n - marked ability in his line. I t is u oHored for sale a t all p<Mtfo-rimineoa. Lyons M l i a n Harris, A n n a Gadamo- trar.y there seemed to be a n Idea o l keen gratification to Sen- A committee of the younger memwitz, Helen Wortley, Ruth Nioltopp, among m a n y t h a i tlhe counter pnopo- source T n b e t o have secured a man of bora will ioct a s ushei-s. A .block Harold Bloodgood, Clifford Bray, sitiion demanded a water frontage of eca M*this' wide experience and in- system f o r the distribution of tlckJohn Dooling, George Croncc and two acres in addition to t h e e x t r a Mr. o t a will be used, that is, thc dKferMilton Ervin of South Amboy. iwide atrip. This would give a front- t e g n t y to fill this important post. jjiswvct uq>uty ibkov and a large O n t blocks of tho city will be cano age of over sev&n hundred feet, or ST. MARY'S ANNUAL 'more t h a n half .of what t h e city is delegation of members from Seneca vassed by a committee t o be selected FINANCIAL S T A T E M E N T asked to t u r n over to t h e Com-mia- Tribe also officiated a t the installa- by Miss Monughan. A t the next regution of officers of Seminole i,o<lgo i u l . meeting of the Court which will •— sio-n. (Continued from Page 1.) I " I ' d b e more than glad to accept No. 234 in Saynoville on Monday be hold F e b . 10th a Valentine social Stevens Avenue near Main St. Tel. 128 w ill be held under the direction of ;he Holv Land - — 75.00 such a proposition myself," said for- even-ing, J a n . 17th. Plans for social gatherings* a t Sen- p ^ t Grand Regent, Mrs. Clana Conmer city engineer A. T. McMichael, $933.50 in voicing his opposition' to .the aug- oca Lodge this season include a kurgo n o r s . A n entireily different program SPECIAL CHARITABLE Igestion. He went on to s a y t h a t the card party a t which it is expected a w ill be prepared and presented. Mrs. Home for Aged <-- ' 226.00 advocates of the plan were offering large number of members will be Connors has so f a r secured a number St Mic'ha.el's Mite Boxes .... 266.00 the commission waterfront now iprac- presemt. According o t Mr Thomas af specialities, among them a renown• 395.00 tically -useless, asking them to spend Kvist, who is chairman of t h e com- e , l eloeutionest, a Miss Virginia LorSt. Michael's Union ..., 650.00 a great deal of money on it, iand then mittee on social affairs, this party kin of Mountclair. I t will be r e '•.' St. Vincent de Paul Society will toe a big success. TicKets m a y momibered that Miss Larkin was t h e M^ . 323.00 give (back more than half of i t . ' African Missions 319.00 i The supporters of t h e two plans now bo procured either from the guest of honor a t the tesimonial din•'New Brunswick O. A or members of this commit- r .er held a t the Robert Treat Hotel in 460,00 appeared t o hold differing ideas ' a s cluainnan ' 'Conservation 'of Faith Qe Newark in November. A speaker of 83.00 to 'where t h e greater value of the re- ^ ''- Propagation of Faith — A t t h e first meeting of Seneca high repute is listed on the program. ' Hopewell 'O. A X 395.00 claimed a r e a would lie, whether along Tribo which is scheduled for March Mrs. Connors desires every member the deep water side, or back in "the $3,017.80 created acreage. Opinion on thess 10th, a very large class will be ready t o attend. A supper will be served, Tuesday evening will be the regu. • "•• — . v i e w s appeared to be quite equally for -initiation. I n fact, every effort . o Total Receipts —r~ $63',315.57 divided although there seemed t o b eis being made t o have twenty-live palefaces ready for membership. The AUTO ACCIDENT , Borrowed on Notes 17,000.00 no question but .that the improvement NEAR SUCH'S *',,..,••; • • .i would be t h e biggest kind of a ben- degree team from Milltown will be! —»— j '••.*^V,/'. $80,315.67 elit for t h e city a t large. The nuani- present a t this meeting and will conLARGE POTATO DISHES ': ' -Oil- tlie First Day of F e b r u a r y , we fold advantages and betterments it f er t h e degrees. I t is .hoped that ell'n Alex Bomanski, ,of W'hitehead ave- • members of Seneca Tribe will attend " e , Parlin ^vas injured in an auto > .'tiave examined the above accounts, would bring were mentioned by var-this imeeiting and give t h e incoming accident on t h e Parlin road late Sat-, (minus covers) Worth 49c 'i-edk-'have found them correct. ious speakers. urday night. Tho accident happened JOHN A: 'COAN, Councilman-at-Large J. Raymond .members a hearty o.reception. ge J. near Such's and was caused, accordMalloy, who tod called the meeting, p. EUGENE A. MEACHAM, EXTRA SPECIAL, 2 for 25c ' n S t o the report of the Sayreville k acted as chairman of it. Council-men ."BOOKKEEPING" IS "''"' "EDWARD C. GRIFFIN, Pastor. INTERESTING TO ROTARIANS police, by one c a r skidding into anoRichard Neiltopp and Marshal Magee EXPENDITURES —o_ . ^ther. After t h e accident the injuv; ware .present as were also various cjty '' . ORDINARY H. R. Long, of Long's System, ed man was taken to the office of Dr. : l th Clergy Salaries 52,700.00 jofficials .officials. Besides Mr Mr. D Delaney, the Somerville, was t h e speaker a t the Beekm'an, in Sayreville, where -it was Extira Services (Clergy) 800.00 Port Karitan Commission wus repre- Rotary Club, on 'Tuesday, J a n . 25. found necessary t o take six stitches Chfrir _ » 1,147.70 sented by Commissioner McGuire, uf The speaker gave .a very interesting ' n his face. i »Sexton"and Assistants 2,267.00 Perth Amboy. talk on bookkeeping and t h e proper! Romanski was riding in a car own-| Among those who spoke regarding .•- ;' MEN'S Insurance 68,0.33 method of installation. He told of the ed by Eugene Vagar of New Bruns-' Altar Requisites r - 1,517.03 tha development, besides those al- very cumbersome methods used by wick, which • was struck by a c a r Water,.Fuel, »,«,rel-, ^ — , —*.. Light 3.527.S0 , ready mentioned were: John Conlo- some concerns, and what a good sys- owned by Bolewskov . Dztelak, of "Roots" Pure Wool Ordiwary-Repairs —- 522.25'gue, former city engineer; Congress- tern should be able' t o accomplish. Perth Amboy. Both cars were badly ; Church Extension 75.00 man-elect Harold Hoffman; Leo J.He advised a number of things, that damaged in the crash. SHIRT/'f DRAPERS ClericM Fund * 75.00 'Coa-kley, Charles S. Buckalew, Simon should be taken into consideration be- i ° Cathodratocum _ — ~ - 250.00 N. Skow, Thomas Downs, R. C. Ste-fore a system is installed, and a t t h e ' F I R S T M. E . CHURCH - Incidentals -1,013.10 •pnenson, John l'errine and Charles termination of his address was rou'ndWortli $2 Pastor <» ' ^ . «• . Safran. ly applauded by members of the cluo. 10:30 A. M. Sermon, subject, " H e *• . ' ' ' • " • • • • • $14,575.90: -l^y common consent there was no SPECIAL $1.59 Shall Not Fail." , ORDINARY G'HAJUTABLE (decision y e t as to just where the CONTINUES PATENING 2:30 P . M., Sunday School session, Seminary .i _.„__..—' ' 350.00 means of acocas t o the waterfront 1 7: B wortn the 'Dooula' ?° P ' League Devotional''Holy Father 1-300.00 for the city should bo located. SmneTheoclore Wilhelm, .u., a i memL,,^' Service. Indlan & Negro ^.^~~ - 150.00 where ibetween Bonlentown avonue. young linventor of this city, 7:30 Song Service. CaAholic University 1— 50.00 ™ul Augusta street would be accept- ber of th'a plumbing firm of Sullivan Sermon, "Tho Heavenly Call' Holy Land —--• 75.00 ""lo, it setaiied. Below Bordentown & Wilhelm, of Stevens avenue, is now , ,7:45 , " .,. ' •••• '• ,iivunue was eliminated because the vorking on another .piece of n p p a r a - . e l \ . Boy's Well Made . $'J25.00|"ty streets do not cross thu railroad tus which promises to be an even i Special anthems by elioir a t both "LINENE" SPJBCIAL CHARITABLE tracks. greater contribution to the .plumbing- morning and evening service. BLOUSES Prayer ancl praise meeting on AVedHome 1'or Agod —-.: 230.00! It'was nut until the meeting had business than the one recently patenDouble yokes and cuffs. CRASH TOWEL' S<y. Amboy llosinital -..:.2..~ 25.(10 j-bcen in .session for a long time with ed by him. Since filing the necessary lesday evening. Conversation of FatBh —.:.-,' 000.001 apparently no progress a t .all being papers covering his claim On the in- .„„„, _ _ _ , llllKUVilJ1,lllli Fancy .Washable PerJ W n g n t i o n of Faith .--. 100.00 made that Mr. Delaney oi'tor several J ;al patent, Mr Wilhelm has been s p e n t s e V eral days .the post week with l.'f.. China Missions — 130.00 to attempts had been made by speakers leseiged with offers of purchase hut Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Dey of Main cales. Worth 75c obtain a commitment as to what African Missions - 325.00 is yet has not sold out his interest. I s t r e c t, • • 0 5 0 . 0 0 the Commission .proposed, reluctantly St. Vincent do l'«ul• -Society SPECIAL 45c S t M'ary's Oliphnn Asylum 325.00, told what the Cam-mission thought the St Michael's O. A 400.00 city should be willing to accept. Evan St Michael's Mite Boxes _ 100.00 then he carefully explained that they St Michael's Union - . 305.(10 did n o t .think they Should tell tho . city what it ought to do. A remark ' $3190.00 tmnaud e lutci- from the nudience that EXTRAORDINARY suggestion might be just a .feeler Repairs ' ——- 34,709.42 and was perhaps subject to dickering, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY IE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING COMPANY SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. TEL. 4 SHOWER HERE FOR NEW POLICE JUSTICE SAYREVILLE BRIDE; UEARSFIKSTCASE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY \ Fire, Compensation, Automobile, Plate Glass, etc. ^ FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH ME Our Annual furniture" ". '. . Roforiniajl.ory ~~ iponscs . Houso Allowance ...— 1,023.52 was abruptly disposed of by Mr. Dolaney. . 1,200.00 -Councilman Malloy, in thanking 390.00 the audience for its manifestation of interest, promised to call a special $37,412.91 .meeting ol' the council to consider an .,„„. , , ordinance covering the matter. TJiis SCHOOL Salaries .i.._—_l— 8,492.00 onlimmco will probably include a Other Exponsos . « 2,B97.00 proviso that the transfer is in the School Books ———— 2,8Gl.t7 form of an option running for six . • . ,—_ -months or so and If the Conmrlstuo/i , , $13,951.13 does nothing in that time the whole Interest & Discount 4,905.02 deal will be off. Private (property Pnid on Note 4,250.00 owners, it is -understood, will also i limit options to a like period. OLD HOME TICKETS Total $79,200.00 Bnlonce on 'hand — 1,105.58 Tickets are now being sold for a Grand Total ._. —.$80,315.67 card party for the benefit of the Old. 1 Miss Grwice Oliver, of Vlneland, Homo Celebration committee. The spent Tuesday evendng with her pa-<Jard pnrty is to be held at the Broadway Fire House on Tuesdny evoninjr, I rents on Second street. February 15. The off air is (being Tho Ladies Aid Socioty of tho First given under the auspices of the local Baptist Church will hold a supper oni flro department. Maiich 17th In the lecture room of the/) AdterUH ID tho Oltlf h I Clearance Sale now going on offers you worthwhile savings " TENEIVBAUIVS'S T Known For Good Service, Low Prices, Reliable Merchandise 108-110 So. Broadway Phone 511 W« Give and Redeem S. & H. Green Wading Stamp* A /.-<• *' . *•*> ~Si'i< Page Ftr« THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN INVESTIGATING iOFFER MAIN ST. !Local Men DUCO ROBBERIES TO FREEHOLDERS Among Tho«e Arrested Council Acti on Petition—Other FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 OPOPRTUNITIES FOR ALL FOR RENT For DuPont Stealings. . Council News. 3], 1925, an increase of $2,709,578.ET EARNINGS OF PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. 99. Gross earnings for the jnonth of A comparaitve statement of com- December 1920 were $9,897,944.57 ned results of operation for the as against $9,003,579.29 for Decem••eive months ending December 31. ber 1925, an incr.em.se of $834,365.28. 926 issued by Public Service Cor- Operating expenses, maintenance, oration of New Jersey shows gro3s taxes and depreciation were $7,051,rmngs of $106,^03,209.54 as 524.14 an increase of $807,712.78. ainst $94,715,525.20 for the 12 Net income from operations was $2,lonths ending December 31, 1925, an 843,420.43, an increase over Decenicrease of ¥11,587,684.34. iber, 1925, of $26,652.50. Other net Operating expenses, maintenance, income was $370,768.49, a decrease ,xes and depreciation for the period of $333,333.93 over December, 1925, ere $76,850,986.81 an increase of making the total net income $3,214,r,j.7b,342.38, leaving a net incom's 188.92, a decrease over December, om operations of $29,452,222.73 us 1925, of $306,681.43. Income deducjainst $25,039,880.77 for the twelve tions were $1,640,185.65 or $250,wnths ending December 31, 1925, 131.46 imore than for December, increase of $4,412,341.96. i 1925, leaving the balance available Other net income amounted to $1, for dividends and surplus $1,568,003. ;80,512.35 and income deductions to 27 as against $2,124,816.15 for De118,027,830.67, the balance for divi- cember, 1925, a decreaes of $556,lends and surplus being $12,704,904. 812.88. 1 as compared to $9,995,325.42 for tie twelve months ending December KubscrilH1 for tbn OlUzcu. Official* of the Du Pont Company FOR RENT—3 rooms with imMaiin street from its intersection provements. Apply 35X John st. 1-lt A chicken supper will be served by at Parlin are still investigating the with Thompson street to the city line FOR RENT—Five room house, all :he Board of Trustees of ithe First series of thefts dn their Duco plant. is to be turned .over to the Board of ' modern improvements, h«at furnish- •"resbyiterian Church on Thursday Detectives of the DuPont Protective Freeholders, if that body will accept Association are working in tlhe -mat- it, according to action .taken by the ed. Inquire 31'J Henry St. 1-28-lt o'clock. ter and yesterday ore said to have Common Council at a busy and lengFOR RENT—Flat at 126 Stevens Ave.,. 5 .rooms, all improvements. In- A card party will be held in the obtained valuable 'information from thy seission .held Tuesday evening of veniing, February 3rd, from 5:30 to the receivers of tiie stolen product this week. The adoption of an apquire R. Leonard, 35!) Henry St. i. of P. Hall on Thursday evening, which may lead to further arrests in propriate resolution, to which was at1-28-tf Feb. under the auspices of Sen- the case, tached a .m!ap showing the! layout and Fpit RENT:—5 room .Hat "with sun ieca 24th Tribe, Improved Order of Red The .fflieft of Duco from the DuPont extent of the street in question, by yarlor, downstairs, all improvements. ilen. Thomas Kvist is chairman of plant at Parlin on a wholesale scale the governing body initiated the move Steam heat furnished, rent very reawhidh came to light during tftie past ment which is expected to nefeult in sonable at 258 Henry St. Apply on •he affair. has startled the people1 of this the street being paved and probably premises or Telephone 23. l-21-3t Mr. ami Mrs. Elmer Pariae.n, of week city by reason of a number of local included in the secondary highway FLAT FOR RENT—Apply M. Catherine street, are the parents ot a plersoins [included in the police round- system of '%h.e state. The resolution Waitr, 400 Henry St. 1-14-tf iaby girl, born this week. up already made. It promises to, be ™*i« introduced toy Cowicilman-atFOR RENT—Garage. Inquire P. even more sensational before the speJ. Raymond Malloy and met F. Kenah, 128 No. Broadway. 1-14-tif .Mvs. Mary Rue and Mrs. George cial investigators sent to Parlin are neither opposition nor discusFOR RENT—Garage. Inquire finished with iSheiv work, it .is said. -.v.. among the council members: The Were 3 Robert Van Dusen, 235 First St. Tihie officers conducting the investi- suction .is apparently the result of a 1-14-tf gation are said to 'have promised the submitted to the council at Paiffer, of Pine avenue, round up of other persons, sonne of pstnbion FOR RENT—Furnished Room a previous meeting which requested •with .board if desired. Private fam- las purchased two lots on Henry wlhom are 'believed to have been pur- thait t!ve street be turned over to tiie ily, central location. Inquire Citizen treat, .known at the Farrell proper- chasers of the Duco, in ttieir deareh county ^authorities ibecause of 'the adOfffioe. 1-9-tf for the ring leaders responsible for vantages that would accrue both to FOE RENT -.—Modern llat, 5 rooms the plan. i the 'county, to the city, and to the all dm-provemveoits. Inquire P. J. Mon- Powers Playjars of 'this city will Duico is a product manufactured by residents along •Che street in question. umish .music for Ithe Valentine aham, 218 David street. to be held at the South Amboy the DuPoimt concerni at the Parlin The council dooidield to accept the FOR RENT—House, $20.00 per DanceSchool Auditorium on Feb. 11th. plant and is used in finishing automo- dnvibaiUion of S. H. Finney, secretary month. Inquire 211 Henry Street. High Miss Edna .Chase is chairman of the biles etc. It is said ito be quilfc ox- of oho New Jersey State League of pensive aind its 'popularity as a new Municipalities au'd attend tlhe unnur.l 12-24-tf and superior (inWh ihns areatod a diinnor and conviantion of thtat body FOR RENT—6 Room Apartment, all improvements on David St. Apply Mrs. Edward Dukes and son of considerable demand l'or retvnishisng to 'bo held at the .Robert Treat Hotel, Mrs. James Nichols, 415 Bordentown Now Brunswick are spending some used aut(wnobiik>8 among both private Newark, February 4th. Because of Avenue. 12-17-tf at tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. owners and among automobile deal- the likelihood of the council members ers. As a result « ixuinb'cr of irofinish- tocii'iig unable to get back here in time FOR RENT—Five room apartment hhilip Pureell of Pine avenue, ing plants have sprung in this state i'or .the usual (business session schedwith all improvements at 262 John St. Inquire 1. Arthur Applegate, Mrs. R. R| EwriilA, Mrs. F. Fairrell (luring the past year or so. It was uled to be held that samu evening in 363 Division St., Perth Amboy. iuvd Mrs. Jas. Dwyer attend'ed a mut- among tihesu plaints that a market this c.iy, it was arnwvgcd to postpone 11-B-tf ineo performance of "Honeymoon wins soug'ht by tlhe uigrpctwitors of tnis meeting to title following Monday the DuPont plaint robberies. Amiong owning, Feu. 7th. FOR RENT—Six room flat, on Lane" iat the Kinkkbocloer Theatre, those implicated so far in the trans- In a commtiuniiontiiO'n the Shade Trso Stevens Ave., all improvements. In- New York city, on Wednesday. actions uiris several ipropi'ietoj's and ConHui.jsion urged the council to quire T. F. Sullivan, 265 David St. employees of .refinlis'liirig concerns, it nia'Ke the stome appropriation as last Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulvoy of M'ocli12-17-tf aksville^re the •proud parents of a is alleged. year forri'Li>usu, also tnat tnu unused FOR RENT—Garage in rear of oaby 'boy. lino iimestigators have learned that uppiioiwiiaitioii of wist yeur be maiM No. 258 John Street, South Amboy. tho cans of Duco were 'generally takyeiur. it was expluimwt Apply J. Arthur Applegate, 303 Di- May. Lee Thompson of Pino avu- en 'from the plant Dhrough 'luolea jn j huii uot been uaed last vision St., Perth Amboy, N. J. uue, apjeint tlio fore part of the week the fence- which surrounds it iby em._ ol tne txotttsivu cost OJ. er nroth'eir, Mrs. M. ltyan of •pfoyeics on d'uty. Later they or othlers ll-2C-tf i, dt buuiB hupud Uiuut ulna Cilty. FOR RENT—Flat, 5 rooms, bath, Would come up with autonwMles and j _ ,...JUC wouiu be normal ugau. all improvements. Has just been rebo *>ld or put Attisnltwn WiW aiso cwuuu to o decorated. Trolleys and buses pass Miss Norma by door. Rent reasonable. Inquire ubtiut again after J. L. Bundesen, 339 Main St. 9-10-tf FOR RENT—House, 5 rooms, all uns iruieweu to UM COWIWI improvements and garage on Bor wuuw. •Coi-neliua Ryan, of Main street, endentown Ave. Inquire 731 Bni'den 'I tie woman's Club, too ugh too town Ave. or Lernor's, 114 Broad ;erfcained relatives from Brooklyn oofrtapoiwi-ng secretary, ivliv. Jea.n way. 1015-tf ivcr tiie week end. 11L llhe hctts «u|e said to have begun «u| e ^ onsawwn UJ aMJal tnsii me FOR RENT—New House, soven O the th quunticiiis J1UIU u,lm.eruaK*(n wiu iwiopwon oi u •momflna ngpO, rooms, all improvements. Rent rea- Jack Kennedy, of Broadway, has n ^ growing constantly larger as ,. y^ o-uiiMu aim inUi w supsonable. See J. J. Alpine, 023 Bor- purcnaseU a new.Nash sedan. ttio guilty o,ne.s became bolder whoa ^ ^ 0 ^ f p dwntown Ave. 12-17-tt Mrs. J. II. Roll, of Church street, success sie«med to follow *"£.' ",^ w u loowing to FOR RENT—Furnished Room. isited relatives in Asibury Park on continued t h w activities. It is estimated Dhat * vaiwus eivuircliies ana « i u the va ue Inquire 339 Main St. 9-17-tf °* 'the i>ueo stolen will "~ , mc FOR RENT—Private Garage. Inquire P. J. Monaghan, David st. 3-25 Jliss Irene' Meimer, of Broadway, amoumt to « ' « , thirty thousand dol- Tnk?,vl^lars. • unoici UKiii FOR SALE FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. Six room house with al! improvements. The dance held U Seacroft SaturCan bo bought with little cash. In ay evening Jy tiw irewly formed uo quire Frederick H. Lear, 210 George lo.^n *«e Jepurtment was a bi S 01 we flux St. 10-1-lt u c ^ many pc^pie from this city FOR SALE—4 lots on Louisa st. between Pine ave. and Feltua St. P. p 1 - ^ *• ^ ^**** that k was »n o,der J. Monaghan, David st. 3-25 An addition is being made to the Police Eberwein, of llMii 1 1 W J ,°,B,JH, o e n 0 lumiwr >nv.sduring which several u,,^ formerly occupied by Jamua FOR SALE—Property cor, Stevens I U U J l l A l i B O i Ou« posiwon ox me on Main street, and owned by avenue and George st, P. J. Monaghan, David street. 3-26 FOR SALE—Lots, on Bordentown avenue (Whitohead tract). Apply to The A f r i c a n ^ i o n n.in.tre, T. P. Sullivan. 265 David st. 2-12-tf FOR SALE Two family house. 5 rooms and •bath each apartment. 2 lots, garage, John St. $7000. some favorable comment. Two lots on Feiltus St., between Bordentown Ave. and Portia St. John Oliver, of Second street, visit- „ ed with relatives at.Vineland on Sun- 'i>he 0 ^ ^ ^ ' olf"tht $600 each. 8 room house, all improvements, 4 lots, six small outbuildings. Upper Misa Margaret K-erwin, of Fourth ... „ of workmlen in the Main St., $7000. atiifet, entertained friends frojn KeyOthers not in the employ of 4 lots corner Rosewell and David port at her tame Tuesday evening. plant. the manufacturer ar? reputed to have .St., $700 each. 'been on Bhe private. payroll of some ._ __ resolved; That A contract to produce a musical 7 lots on Henry St. below the railof th"ose accused of the robberies. comiipdy has been entered into bethe t w t K&riitan Commission be re road. A bargain at $500 each. At Red Baink, Keyport, Perth AmTwo iplots on Prospect St. Gas, tween the John Ii. Rodgers Produc- boy, DeaJ Beach and this city quanti- quested at the earliest possible op water, sewea-s, electric light, sidewalk ing Company and the Knights of Col- tii«s of ,the Duco utere found or pur- pontuiMty to present to toe cicy ten and curbing. One plot 69x100, $550 umbus of this city. Francis P. Coan chasers lo«abed. Valuable informa- 'taitive ai'awings ^ftowing 'tne proposed uas been n«med chairman of th» tion 'has also been secured from some .uiiui aiceeas to tne water trontage, it and on« plot 65x100, $500. means under which the public will re"• 8 room house on Second St. • Lot event, which will be held an St. Pat- of t h e ' ' Night, and the following night, Doing the sense of tnis Dotiy thlat sev Recorder Van eiial 50x145. Gnrgnre. All improvements. neks March "'""'" streets or a str.ip of iiaind suffi at Scuth River bail was fixed $8500. for a parkway to 000 eaah for the men brought Restiiurnnt and rooming house. All filled. A good chance for married couple. thd City of So'u'tih Amboy, in the even Lota in Campbell Terrace. Easy FAST was effected by the move. i/tuic privinte property rights can b pnyimonts. $350 and up. Two of the finest lots on Borden- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Studhalter a Bmgp Garage rejwrts the sale of acquired at a cost that will permit th. number of oars during the past Cannmissilon to proceed with the im town Ave. running through to Cath- Mr. ami mrs. ^n,n,t= ^..-«. m week of which have been provemertt, will require no financin erine St. Just off Stevens Ave. of Bordentown avenue;, visited m n d e- o•dehverUs f t h e n<_w m o d l e ] _ o h € v r o ! o ; . : remuneration for its rights to wate New G room house on Main St. iiieinds in South River ov«r the week J ohn Nobus, of Augusto street, a frantaig'd. corner of Welsh 'St. All improve- end. sedan; C. Duffqrd, of Liberty street, "Ati'U be it funtiher T«salved: Tha' munU. Easy terms. Master Jackie Vogel of John street a *™nn; Francis VVwsloiv of Mcch- oopies iof this resolution be forward JOHNSON 'ivmcsville, a sedan; George Halout.h, ed to the Poa-t Ranitan Comraissio'n ..., conlined to his home with an Rcnl Estate and Inaurnnee ^ f o ^ , . ^ strMtj () s(,(|un. ^^ c> 324 Main St., South Amhoy, N. J. abscess on the eye. The Rev Albeirt P. Mack, Rector Leon Cozzcns, of Broadway, a coach. List Your Property With Me MISCELLANEOUS EGGS .FOR SAiLE—Stnwtly fresh etfgti dirily. M. D. Urymit, 2 l'J Suiuiay morning at the 10 :45 A. M. We w i g h fco toko b h i s ^ ^ ^ ^ .Church .St." 1-28-U service. ..., ^ pressing piiblioa.lly our appreciation FOR SALE CHEAP—Bowser tank Mrs. J. C. UaUham, Miss An.nJc J « tti^quick.rejpanto and efficient and .pump, 375 gallon capacity. InMi*. Jflitnos Hapensta.ll and ™ n ^ ! "*™i quire Eagle Ten Co., South Broadand Mrs. Roy Latham amil _two ™Z?Z* way.' Oty. 1-7-tf ;, of iligi FOR SALK—Dining Room, elecMrs. Win. Hines of wit'h Mr. tric and gas dome combined. Inquire MISS" HENRIETTA MILLER 121 John St. 924-tf Kriwildway. MR, ROBERT MILLER MONEY TO LOAN on bond and St. Martha's If you arc interested FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH worteoHP In EZm> of 5100, $200, $300 A 'regiiilai' G, E. Sohlbrede, D. D., Pn»tor ! in any kind of Insur$4fl0. SHOO nnd up to $10,000. Office- lilil will b l''«b. "•••• -•- --, hours from 8-20 n. m. to 8:20 p. m. ...unuiK, SitMmtli School 10 A. M. Adult Wednesdays and Saturdays from Varisih 'House aft eivgilvt o'clock. ance, consult me and I Chits 10:20. Church Services, 8:20 in. ii. to 0 p. in. Inquire .Inbn Tliore will ble a social 'and dartice Bible 11:00 A. M. "Tho Christian's jrrowwill he glad to give you A. Lovnly, Trust Compnny Building Wt'diicsday even ing, Feb. 2nd at the injr l'ealiziitiffn, vursim the Si'iner'a Episcopal Church, Ch-ceseciuakcu Mu- growing deliuiion. full details without any sic will be fiu'iiis-nt'icl by S. C. Ilerg's. 7:.'i() P. M., "The lnl.se, and the obligation to you. Mt.-is Susan Kidkl of Roswell atreoi:, True loads." .lunioj' Mta^vicio as usual. REAL ESTATE is ttbfe to be nut tvgailn after tin upI will also he glad to Ohiildircri'H Bible Class Wednesday Of All Kinds ciitaion for the irwnovnl of ton»ii» ut fifternooii I'r.'l'). give full particulars in the PenUh Amiboy Hospital. Notary Public Wediii'sdny evening sorvico 7:30 regard to the lower cost 123 N. Broadwny • ui.ti. Ohavk'B Heath and chiklrci continuing Olio study «C Evangelism. The Ytvung Men's Brotlivrhoud will Frances and JnimcR of Bclmnr spent Telephone G74-W of Insurance, thi' week end wiUh Mir. and Mrs. Wm. nueict iiniincd'iatoly after Pniyer mcet•iiiK Wtdiiowday evening. i Hinra of Broaihv'ny. S ' COST OF INSURANCE REDUCED EDWARD l o ' "Be Yourself" 'Xhiiro 1« no linrni In Ixiinn stupid, (to IOIIK nn n mull d'M's n o t U i i n k h l m •i", mi L'I'III) hi h i m : I'ICVCI 1 , If .itiikw h h i H i ' l f ?<{>, fur Unit IN a my In 'the worst stupidity.— ..».„. Elmer Oo>wurd and Mi*. Row Lliiike and dautrhrtii'.r ROKC and John Rush visited with Mm. Estolla U. «it Pivterson on Sunday. tlm In Uia atlcok Undeserved Reputation' "MIIII.V n man," «nlil HtH'lo Klu'ti "IIKH IU> rfimlnilon fnh hclir kind l i c i i r M . wlwn tofc'n simply too ln»y t« DM nmO."—W hlnstou Star. A. STEINER 225 Church St., City Cut Price Grocery Sale! All Goods Guaranteed or Your^Money Back Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday PURE LARD pound Campbell's^ Tomato SOUP 3 cans 18c 25c DILL PICKLES quart jar Franco-American Spaghetti, can 25c 10c Delmonle Sliced Peaches can Florida Oranges sweet and juicy, doz. 17c 25c Hccker's Farina 2 pkgs. P. & G. SOAP 6 cakes 25c 25c PINK SALMON can FAIRY SOAP 5 cakes 15c 25c Samuel Sudalter Fi.ll Line of FruiU and Vegetables in Seaion Tel. 454 • 101 N. Stevens Ave. " South Amboy, N. J. Borak's Meat Market" Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday LEGS OF LAMB, lb Large Potatoes, Basket RAISINS, 2 for ~ -$l.o- 2Sc Fresh Jersey Hams, by whl_30t VEAL CUTLETS, lb _40c MIXED CAKES, lb._ 2Sc % HAMS, String Ends, Ib. 33c Sweet CIDER, new gal. CHICKENS, pound, ..._ 37c PEPPER, 3 box Switzer Cheese, Imp., lb PRESTO FLOUR, Pkg. CHOPPED BEEF, lb _.30c _ 25c 6Sc Aunt Jemi. P. c. Flour 2 foir2Sc 15c Cntsup, 2 bottles... -.15c S'LOIN or P'HOUSE ST'K 29c Lpe. din Tomatoes, 2 for -30c First Pxiize Butter, lb'.i^ RIB ROAST, per pound 18c Pig-s Liver, 2 lbs. Corned Spare Ribs, lb. 24c APPLES, basket POT ROAST, all meat 22c LARGE CAN PEARS IS Rolls Wax Puper 10c LIVER, per lb._ PRUNES, 2 pound box ... 23c Larco DILL Pickles, 3 for....10c 2Sc 30c -15c ORANGES, doz. ...... 35c Shoulder VEAL, pound 15 livtnst Veul, 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb. 24c ROAST VEAL, lb _.23c PORK KIDNEYS, pound —15c CHUCK STEAK, lb. 18c Shredded Wheat, box 10c Chuck Pot Roast, lb 14c Pork Loins, rib ends, lb. 29c RUMP VEAL, lb. 23c SWEET POTATOES, 5 lbs..25c Plifte Corn Boef, 3 lbs. 25e Loose FreahiiinusnKe, lb, CALI HAMS, pound 19c LAMB CHOP LAMB STEW, pound -13c CORN FL/" Large Box Washing Powder 20c SMOKED 122 North Broadway 30 r THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, JAiWABY 28. 1027 proaeh, the beginning of salctnia.i-j Telephone 40z The committee in charge of tb* The debating team of St, Mary's ftKF-ftAT PTPA^IIRJ VRt ship, ability to influence other*, a n d ' kitchen shower to be given jointly by;High School will meet .the debaters w i * u a l rl>s>n' CIRCULATE PETITION FAVOR, kindred subjects. At the end of the Office Hour* 9 to 12—1 to S P . M the members of the K. of C. and the • from St. Mary's of Perth Amboy : ING WATERFRONT PLAN course, " "" an examination ~ " " - w i l 1b * °f"l EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT C. D. of A. are working- out a pro- s o m e t i m e i n M a r c h . whether the —°— fered, which is optional. Those passeram in connection with the event;,d e ,b i i .t e Wl11 •,,b, e h,e l d, l n t n l s C l t o r which is to be held within a s h o r t ' y Discussion of the water front de- ing i t with a mark of 70 per cent or From all stations itime. John J. Triggs is in charge of \ Perth Amboy has not as yet been de- Freehold to velopment project under investigation better will be awarded a certificate . the committee from the K. of C. Icided. 'by the Port KariOan Commission at by the university, South Amboy (incl.) ii»iiiulTrl|i I'aro DENTIST the meeting of the local Business It is expected that t h e class in Man's Association last Monday night, New Brunswick will be'the largest of SUNDAY. FEB. 6TH 116 N. Broadway indicated _ that other municipalities its kind ever held in New Jersey, as w«re anxious to secure the attention students have already registered 'not Tickets good only on specia Trust Co. Building of the Commission. This effort to only from New Brunswick itself but train leaving South Amboy 8:10 A South Amboy ROOFING AND SHEET METAL secure for themselves the benrfi'S fronn many neighboring cities. Local M. Returning leave Now York GAS CONTRACTOR West 23rd St. 8:47 P. M., Liberty •that might come because of what the workers interested may receive full X-RAY St. 9:00 V. M Children 5 years of Commission might do for them might information by writing to Professor l-22-4t a^e uiid.uuuci' 1- half fare. result to the disadvantage of this city N. C. Miller, Industrial Extension if suecetesul. And these efforts might Division, Kutgers University. CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN be furthered, it was pointed out, nt' ..... _ the full and hearty cooperation " Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor local ditizens and city representatives NOTICE were not unhesitatingly and promptly NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN Plumbing and EVERYTHING FOR THE WRITLM Distributor: Johns-Maiwille Roofing Products forthcoming. To insura the main- that a hearing on a resolution to estonaiice of interest in the plans of biblish a LIGHTING DISTRICT a t Heating bho Commission, tor the benefit of this GENOA SECTION of MADISON 575 Sayre Avenue Perth Amboy city and to assist the city authorities TOWNSHIP to bo known as LIGHT in securing some intimation of th* IKG DISTRICT NO. 1. Said hearEstimates Furnished on Request Telephone 1249 ojMnions of various residents of So. ing will be held on Thursday Jan Aanfooy I t was decided to circulate pe- 10 1927 a t 2 P. M., Zeingler's Hail' 321 MAIN ST. fations endorsing the project and .urg- Browntown. Telephone 245 ing the immediate rendition of whatTHOMAS L. W O 0 T 0 N FLORISTS BODY AND RADIATOR WORKS e,ver service might be needed upon Township Clerk South Amboy, N. J. tho< part of the City Council. 'The 1-28-lt Telephone 684 P. A. G. & A. AUTO RADIATOR petition and its accompanying recita- . Office SuppHe* and *" i»* Res. Phone 536-W Metuchen tion of the 'advantages of the project ' '" & BODY WORKS are as follows: Auto Radiators, Bodies and Fenders FRANK W00I.0M To the Mayor and Council of the City AM Work Guaranteed 197 Smith St. Perth Amb*r of South Amboy: FLORISTS 208 New Brunswick Avenue We, the undersigned, hereby petiFloral Designs a Specialty Perth Amboy tion your Honorable Body that you Greenhouses: 355 Laurie Street Bu«. Phone 2970 Ren. Phone 27S8 Advprtlw in the Citizen. do all within your power to >help proPorth Amboy, N. J. AtL FIRSTS—NO SECONDS cure the improvement proposed to be done by the Port Raritan CommisUnco Royal Cord Grey sion a t South Amboy. We ratify and Tubes subscribe to the sentiments express$1.50 ed in tho sheet attached to this peti30x3 V& Reg. $6.60 $7.20 tion and request your honorable body 8.75 30x3% Oversize 7.40 to take such action as will result in 30x3%_S. S 8.40 10.95 conveying or transferring to the Port 2.05 31x4 10.60 13.75 Raritan Commission the lands owned by the city, retaining access to the 2.15 £2x4 '. _- 11.15 14.50 EVKR OFFERED IN GENUINE MAITOCAW OR WALNUT deep watetr as indicatted in the at2.25 15.25 33x4 . 11.75 tached sheet. 2.60 19.75 S2x4 % ..-..._. 15.20 Mlt. SOUTH AMBOYAN 2.70 20.50 83x4 % 15.80 The Port Raritan Commission, ex2.80 21.25 34x4 Mi 16.40 ercising the powers vested in it by 3.00 the Legislature of the State of New 23.85 3 0x5 Jersey, proposes to reclaim the South 3.30 26.85 33x5 19.30 Aimboy water front from the Penn3.55 28.85 3 5x5 20.55 sylvania Railroad docks t o Morgan. The ibenefits to be derived by the city BALLOON TIRES are as follows: 9.65 .. 7.55 1.95 29x4 By bulkiheading and filling iin about 2500 feet east of the present high 12.25 - 9.4S 2.15 29x4 water mark opposite the city's water 12.75 .. 9.8S 2.30 20x4, plant, thereby doubling the capacity 13.75 2.35 29x4, of the water shed, the city will ac14.25 2.40 ..11.00 quire about 1,000,000 gallons of wa30x4, ter per day thereby doubling its 15.75 2.45 31x4 present capacity. 15.95 2.70 12.30 80x5, The city will also acquire approxi16.45 2.80 ..12.80 31X5, mately 200 acres of land now non19.25 2.80 Extra Heavy 31x5, productive iin a financial sense. 18.75 3.20 The localtion of industries on this 14.45 30x5, reclaimed land (there being suffi21.95 3.20 30x5, Extra heavy cient room upon tihe said reclaimed 20.75 3.40 1 ?2x5. land for the location of four indus23.95 3.40 32x5. tries similar to the Raritan Copper Extra heavy . 24.95 Works a t Perth Amboy) should 33x5. Extra heavy — create taxable values that will equal 19.25 3.30 32x6, or exceed the present total valuation 19.90 3.50 ....15.30 33x6. ' of the city and provide employment 22.95 3.50 for all our citizens who at present 33x6. Extra heavy ... 22.95 a r t compelled to seek occupation 3.70 32x6.' elsewhere. 26.75 3.70 32x0. Extra heavy ... 23.45 An increase in population which 3.95 33x6. this condition should .bring about will mean unprecedented prosperity to our business and professional men. Other Price* on Request The fact that the city may obtain all the foregoing advantages a t no cost *o itself or any individual taxpayer, except that the city donate some land which a t present i s a liability instead of an asset( is reason enough that the city council should heartily approve of the project. REGULAR PRICE $30.00 It is .not proposed that the city entirely Cut itself off from its waterA useful piece of furniture that will meet many requirement! other than Radio 204 So. Stevens Are. front (but that i t retain an entrance A MAGNIFICENT BEAUTIFY YOUR PRESENT AMPLE SPACE PROVIDED to the bulkhead and sufficient room Telephone 392 ' thereat for ithe erection of >a municiPIECE OF FURNITURE RADIO SET BY PLACING FOR ALL BATTERIES pal marine terminal thereby guaranMade (by one of the largest Batteries Called for and Delivered. in the spacious comportment of teeing to itself the ability to provide it iin one of these cabinets manufacturers of fine furniture this cabinet—"A" battery, " B " facilities for water transportation to Mereby making' your set a conis 25 in. high, 17 in. de^p and \ny person or industry which might batteries or electrifitaaibion 34 in. wide. These cabinets sole model. When cabinet is '•. some future time desire to locate units can be easily concealed. are of genuine mahogany or closed batteries mid all wires We promise that when you see vwhere in the upland. genuine antique walnut and ara concealed, a feature that ' nothor'reason why the city sihould their fine veneer finish mokes this cabinet for yourself you will impress the neat housethem 'a truly beautiful piece of will marvel a t the value i t repNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT T l i E FOLLOWING LOCAL •> every •effort to further this fine furniture. keeper. ot if that the ratabes previous- Budget and Tax Ordinance, -were approved by the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE resents. ker of will bo obtained as it of MADISON TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OP MIDDLESEX on JAN. 13, 1927. Established 23 Years •iV of the air and not by inA hearing on the budget omd Tax Ordinance will be held at ZEIGLER'S .-..ngxpresent valuations. I t vnll HAiLL, BROWNTOWN, on February 9th, 1927, a t two o'clock a t which Our Guarantee of Money Back Is Your Guarantee of Satisfaction , Consequently and dn proportion to time and place objections to said Budget and Tax Ordinance of the TOWNthe increase, lower eveiyones taxes. SHIP 'of MADISON for the ydar 1927 may .be prese/nited by any tax payer Tfhis petition was to have been ton- of said Township. dieted t o council members a t a meetLocal Budget of the Township of Madison, County of Middlesex, for ing held Wednesday night. Due t o the fiscal year 1927. OTHER THAN SCHOOLS. t W fact 'thait there wore only a few This Budget shall also constitute the Tax Ordinance, an ordinance reof tho copies returned in time to get lating <to Taxes for the Y«ar 1927. thorn itabo i'he hiuvds of Mr. Delaney, Bo i t ordained *by bhe TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE of tflie TOWNSHIP chdinman of a committee for t h e of MADISON, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, that there stti&ll be assessed, Coimmlission, in time or the meeting raised by Tnxatdon and Collc-cted cEor the fiscal year 1927 the sum of with tilio council, they were not pre- $10,593,04, for the purpose of m«ietiin<g the appropriations set forth i n the sented at all. I t is likely that they following abatement of Resources and Appropriations for the Year 1927. will ba 'tendeaieid t o the council a t a BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1927 later 'dftto as a •manifestutiom of local Anticipated Revenues iintca-cat and opinon. 1927 1926 $ 569.31 $ 35.88 RUTGERS OFFERS SPL. COURSE Surplus Revenue Appropriated FOR INDUSTRIAL WORKERS Miscellaneous Revenue: None , None Licenses None None It is expected tfhat n number of Fines and Penalties None None and Permits 'lusiness men nnd industrial workers None Nono a South .Amboy will attend the spec- Interest and Coat New Brunswick Branch: George and Albany Streets 1,000.00 1,000.00 il intensive course in Business Psy- Franchise Tax 300.00 150.00 >olugy and Salesmanship which will Gross Receipts Tax 160.00 150.00 givcm a t Rutgers University, a t Poll Tax ...... None None ow Brunswick, beginning February Fire Warden — 10,593.00 8,447.71 • Tho course, conducted under the Amount t o bo raised by Taxation .... lireetion of tho Industrial Extension $12,612.36 $9,783.59 ilivision, will 'be of three weeks duration, with classes he-Id in the OiemisAppropriation* try Building of tilic University on 1926 1927 Monday and Thursday .evenings of !on«ral Government— each week, beginning; nt 7:45. .,$1,300.00 $1,200.00 AdminisWaitive and executive -. 160.00 160.00 __ The leader in charge will be Mr. Audit ...: 1,500.00 1,500.00 Nothing can bo sadder than a grave that IB no longer a mound. The Inevitable has come to 0. P. Brewer, business analyst con- Assessment «und Collection of Taxes 125.00 125.00 nected "with the Division,, who has Department of Finance pass—the weight of the sodden earth has crushed In the laat protection. It helps nothing to close the GOO.OO 600.00 Interestv and Cost i i his hi rtil ..«.,.. had wide eAp^nciM.^ nau WlUe mo [laiuiviuu. in particular 4,000.00 4,000.00 Imagination to what happens then 1 Yet thor« is not the slightest necessity for this old-fashioned, barfield1 and who recently concluded a'Roads _ '.20.00 20.00 ehnikr .class a t Plainneld which was Polioei "-"-barous, unsanitary method ot burial. Tho Norwolk Vault—ot little cost—will protect absolutely and 460.00 400.00 attended by over 260 students. Mr. Forest Fire forever. Moulded granite and steel, waterproof and airtight, it is sealed by hand in your presence 200.00 Fire Protection (L. H. F. Co.) ( 0 . BV. F . Co.) 400.00 Brewer has recently joined t)he Rut200.00 200.00 gers stuff after experience'with seven Health and becomes one solid plec« of masonry thnt literally "Lasts through the Ages." The best undertakers 1,200.00 1,000.00 otn'or state universities, including Poor insist on its use, They make the Norwalk Valut the foundation of evory first-class f unernl. For the Erection of Town Hall 2,500.00 Kentucky, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, 17.59 .~ Montana anjd1- Washington. He is a Overexjpendibure 1923 25.00 ?. ' ' ifnl ana etoqutjlit speaker and a Overexpenditure 1025 Contingent 367.36 246.00 ' *"'ier of merit. •n in thla specinl $12,812.35 $0,783.50 'lent John M. Anticipated Rev«avue from Tax on Dogs, $150.00, totoeused for tho Metzgery, and NKW YORK R. F. BURLEW $1.75 PERTH AMBOY BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEW JERSEY CENTRAL GEORGE M. MORTENSON UNITED STATES TIRES AND TUBES WM. STRUVE & SONS ST TJALUE Anderson's Garage and Battery Service KTOTIOB CTicUn RADIO-AUTO i^UPPLY CO. INC 204 Smith Street Open Evenings ' Perth Amboy, N. J. Telephone 3183 THE SUNKEN GRAVE The Norwalk Vault Company payment of claims for damages ito Domestic Animals, Sheep or Poultry by Dogs, pursuant to the provisions at Chapter 149, P. L. 1822. This Ordinance, ehall take effect as provided by law. ) THOMAS L. WO0T0N, nt, cori , ' . Township Clerk, Madison Township. nt ap< ,t-*ty-2t be ma! 'ido su PLAINFIELD, N. J. THE SOUTH AJUiiOY CITIZEN have charge of and conduct the law pointing a Collector of Taxes, and boy, New Jersey, held on January Be it ordained by the Common businese of the city, and all other law fixing her teran of office. 25to, 1927, the above ordinance was Council of the City of South Am•business in which the city is interest- Be it ordained by the Common adopted on Second and Third read- boy: "'THE HOUSE WITHOUT A KEY" ' ed, when so ordered by the Common Council of the City of South Am- ings and final passage. .Section 1. The Police Justice sha.l ii a prescription for FIRST CHAPTER FEB. 4TH Council. G. FRANK DISBROW, City Clerk. devote all the time and attention to By J. I. Stone, Manager, Empire Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Section 2. He shall from time to boy: Section 1. The Collector of Taxes First Reading—Jan. 11th, 1927. the duties of his office necessary to Tneatre time wh«n required or requested ad- shall .perform such duties as are now Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1927. transact such business as may be Bilious Fever and Malaria. vise the Mayor, the Common Council, or (hereafter may be imposed upon Advertised—January 21st, 1927. brought before him during the time The Saturday Evening Post serial and *he committees and offic-jrs ap- her by law, or by the ordinances of Second and Third Reading Jan. that be imay continue in office. •"The House Without a h.ey" starring ll-5-17t It kilU the eormi pointed by the Common Council on thia city in (relation to tha collection 25th, 1927. Section 2. He shall keep a docket Walter Miller and Allen-ei Ray beall mlatters which may be submitted of taxes, assesments, 'and oiher mon- Advertised—January 28, 1927. in which he shall record all actions gins a ten week engagement at The to him f-or his opinion. He shall draw eys due and payalble to the City. Approved January 25, 1927. instituted before him and what proEmpire Theatre starting Friday night HAIR DRESSING such ordinances as shall be required ANDREW N. KVIST, Mayor. ceedinga were had thereon, and the Section 2. All moneys belonging Feb. 4th. by the Canrmion Council, or any comjudgments therein with particular to the City and .paid to the Collector SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, FACIAL MASSAGE This serial has much to interest the mittee thereof, or by the Mayor. He items of costs, and whether the Taxes or coming into her hands ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1927. adults as well as the children. Earl MANICURING shall, when directed by the Common of amount, of the judgment was paid, shall be paid by the Collector to the •Dorr Biggers, who wrote "The House Council, or by the Mayor, prepare the City Treasurer without delay. For By Appointment and by whose advice' or direction any ORDINANCE Without a Key" has woven into this tlrafit of any 'bill to be presented by all moneys paid by her to the City action may 'be settled or discontinued, MISS A. LENAHAN all absorbing serial all the talent he the city to the Legislature for pas- Treasurer, the Collector of Taxes AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Section 3. He shall keep a reis famed for. Mystery upon mystery of South Amboy appointing a City Phone 43 sage, with a proper memorial for the shall taka a receipt, which shall be cord in his docket of all written combaffling situations, tense moments, Engineer, fixing his term of office piassage thereof if the same in the filed by her in her office. 247 So. Pine Avenue action and stunts outdoing Fairbanks and salary and defining and setting plaints of a criminal nature brought judgment of the Coimmon Council or Section 3. The Collector of Taxes forth the duties of said City Engi- before him, with a statement of the plus 1001 thrills, is just a brief sumthe Mayor it be required. He shall nature of the offence, the i:ames> of shall be in attendance at her office mary of what you may expect ;n RADIO BATTERIES draw the deeds, leases, conveyance3, in the City Hall daily, except Sun- neer. "The House Without a Key". ReCommon the complainant and defendant, dato Charged and RentaU Furnished obligations, bonds, contracts and of complaint and what subsequent days and holidays, during such hour? member th« storting date, Friday Be it «if ordained by the the City of South Am- action other legal instruments relating to as tba Committee on Taxes Shall de- Council was taken thereon, and said Called for and Delivered night, Feb. 4th. boy tHait the duties of thc City Engithe business jnteirpste of the city, tenmine and fix: docket shall at all times be open to The .program of the week you will $1.25 ncer be, as follows: which may be required of him by any the inspection of the Mayor, and be Section 4. The salary and comiind as usual on page three. Section 1. The City Engineer produced 'before the Common Council AMBOY BATTERY AND AUTO city ordiinauce, or. by order of the pensation of the Collector of Taxes shad Herewith we list a number of our perform the duties prescribed of the City of South Amboy at any Mayor, the Common Council, or any SUPPLY shall ibe the sum of Eighteen Hundred by law and ordinances and such coming attractions: "Three Bad Men" Dollars per annum, which shall be otter dutie3 as may be required by regular or special meeting when the Perth Amboy committee thereof. witfll George O'Brien, conceded to 414 Amboy Ave. Section 3. Ho shall attend all the paid in equal half monthly install- him by the City Council or other Common Council im'ay require thc be better than "The Iron Horse"; Telephone 770 same, said docket Shall be and remain regular Council .meetings, he shall moints or payments of Seventy Five municipal board of the City. Percy Marks sensational novel of colthe sole property of the City of South lege life "The Plastic Age" with Cla- MIDDLESEX COUNTY COURT OF prosecute and defend all actions Dollars on the first and fifteenth day Section 2. He shall have tho cuswhich may be brought by or against af each and every month, ar.d shall be tody of and charge of *nd sHa'U l:«ep Amboy. The Police Justice shall ra Bow and Donald Keith; "The Lats COMMON PLEAS the city, or Iby cr agaiinst any officer in lieu, plai'o and stead of all other in the place provided by tho City make a report as every regular (meetFrontier" bigger than "The Covered of Uha city, for or by reason of any salaries and fees, iperquisitcti and Council all tlw maps, plans of Streets ing during his term of office, of all Wagon; "Mare Nostrum (Our Sea);In the matter of the' fines and costs received by him; and matter or duty connected with or emoluments whatsoever which are "Sweet Rosie O'Grady" with Shirley application highways, seiwers and sue1.-, other shall pay over weekly to the City growing out of their respective of- now or hereafiter may be allowed by and JMasonJ Corrinne 'Griffith in "Syncomaps or plans as may belong to the Treasurer of the City of South Amfices, or in wnich the city is interest- law. pating .Sue"; John Gilbert in "Bard- | JOHN SUTLIFF, for city. He shall perform Engineering ley's the Magnificent"; Buster Kea- ' cancellation of record _ On Petition ed, in any count in this sttate, includ- •Section 5. That May Bowcn be services in connection with streets, boy, fcxr the ,use oif the city, all ing actions for violation of the orditon in "Battling Butler"; Rex Ing- , of a certain mortgage r and hereby is appointed Collector of nwads, (highways, public lanes, nllcys fees, fines, penalties and costs which may receive for the violation of ram's "The Magnieian" and many ; made by Patrick FarNOTICE, nances of the city, or arising under Taxes to hold office for the full term; to <hafliaidout, opened, widened, or he tho law af this state, in which thc city olf three years from l!u flrsr day of altered in thc City nml make plans ordinances and other offenses whereothers too numerous bo mention. rell and Catherine of complaint is made belore him, and is interested. January 1927, and until her success- and profiles off the s.iniu, lie shall Tho Empire will consistenly show F>anrell, 'his wi!fle>, to Section 4. He «h«U institute an or has iin like manner been .appoint- prepare all plans and specifications thq receipt olf such treasurer thereday in and day out nothing but the Abraham Eveiritt. J for, shall on the payimen; thereof, be biggest and best attractions made. TO ABRAHAM EVERITT, and his action in any of the cases in this or- ed and qualifies. under the direction of the City Coundischarge for the same. Section 0. Thai all ordinances or cil or other .municipal board and per-aHesufficient "Watch The Empire announcements. umkn'owm hctirs, devisees and repre- dinanco mentioned when 'instructed shall give a receipt for each and sentatives, WILLIAM C. EVERITT, to do so by the Cammion Council or pant's of ordinances inconsistent here- form such engineering services as every fine collected by him to each ST. MARY'S PARISH NOTES MARGARET EVERITT, CAROLINE any committeo thereof, or by ,th« with are hereby repealel. may be required by the City Council Mayor, Ho shall .prosecute any iac- Section 7. Thais. ordinance shall or other municipal boards of the City. •person fined by him, anid file a duplicate olf each receipt with the Com$k>n or suit instituted upon the com- take effect immediately on its appro- Section 3. Ho shall keep a ct.mplaint vt uny (person, wlwm in hia val wnd publication in the manner pleite record of all the dtruets, roads, mon Council on making his report. He shall file and safe;y keep (all papers judgment, the public interest requires prescribed by law, public lanes and alleys, pertaining to any action instituted t)he saiiiio to bo prosecuted, lie nhall Public notice is herby given that hig'hwaya, public pmrks and squares and other before him, and ait the expiration of j i u d g o o f t ho Mid- not take lui appeal or irulo to show at a .regular meeting of the Common public places, hereafter laid nut op- his term of office shall deliver to the KIRKPATRIGK t o -tins s y s t e m . Games.will csiuso in any suit or action in which Council of the City of South Am- ened or altered in the City in'ia suitl a t 8 : 1 5 P . M. a n d all Court of G a judgment or decree shall havo been boy, New Jersey, held on January a'Ul'o book to 'be provided for that City Clerk of the City of South Amboy said docket and papers and doinfoldc or rend-ercd agaiimt the city ex- 25th, 1927, the above ordinance was wherein shall be entered the cuments filed by him or in his posscept by direction of the Common adopted on Second and Third read- purpose, true and lawful survey and the des-ession, relating to actions for the Council, or by onltir of the Mayor, or ings 'and final passage. cription thereof, specifying in each violation of ordinances of the City unless in hte opinion immediaite acJ . J - . . «..~. Richard _ G. FRANK DISBROW, City Clerk. ,_..„ ..._ 11th dsvy **$ February, 1927. tion is required to preserve the rights case tho d'atm of tjio sr.'veyy or the oif South Amboy, and shall transmit Geo. Stolte, Mrs. F. Thompson, First Reading—Jan, 11th, 1927. at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of d und d to the Prosecutor of the plens of the time when the same was made Frederick Isley, Mrs. Kuhn, Mrs. said day, or as scon thereafter as the of the city. Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1927. County of Middlci-ex, before ihe laid our., opened .j-r iilNirec.1, ac- sitting James Alongahan Sr., Mrs. Thomas ; matter can coime oin to be heard, for Seotioin 6. The salary and com- Advertised—January 21st, 1927. duly of each Grand Jury for said to law. Downs Sr., Mrs. Theo. Armstrong, an order to cancel of record a certain pensation of the City Solicitor shall Second and Third Reading Jan. cording He shall keep an accurate and county, adl complaints, warrants, Mrs. Edward Price, Mrs. Moran, Pine mortgage made by Patrick Fairnell be the sum of Flifteten Hundred Dol- 25th, 1027. evidence and other papers relating complete record of all gnad«s of avenue, Mrs. M'artin Keays, Mrs. C.and Catherine FarreH, his wife, lo lars per year which shall be paid in Advelrbiscd—January 28, 1927. streets to the .criminal matters ami comand highways established by McGonigle, Mrs. Franklin Parkes, Abraham Everibt, dated February equal Half monthly installments or Approved January 25, 1927. order of City Council and furnish a plaints which have come before him. .Miss Irene Meinaer, Miss Mary DelaANDREW" N. KVIST, Mayor. complete and recorded in the of- payments of §ixty Two and 50/100 and accurate map in each mey, Miss Anrta Coakley, Mary MaDollars on the first and fifteenth of SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, Section 4. The Salary and comnf of said cases. each and every month, and the actual ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1927^ pensation of the Police Justice oif the I Section 4. It shall be his duty to taxed costs and expenses in proceedCity of South Amboy, shall be the 'give at suitlable times root imorc than sum ings in any court, and has expenses in O'Leary, John Lucitt, Fourth street, of Four Hundred and Twenty ORDINANCE JOHN A. COAN, all once in «'ach case and in proper manmatters referred to him requirThos. Vail Jr., Thomas McKeon Sr.. Dollars per annum, payable in equal Attorney for Petitioner. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ner to contractors and others, their ing his services and presence beyond John De Santis, Michael O'Bnien, half monthly payments of Seventeen P. 0. Building, the limits of the City of South Atn- )f South AmVboy prescribing and de-agents and worTcmen when employ- and Mrs. Michael Leonard, Rosw.e'11 St., 50/100 DolJaira on the first and South Amboy, N. J. boy. fining the duties of City Treasurer, ed in the fulfillment oif any contract ftffieemth JUrs. Joseph Quinlan, Mrs. Thomas fixing his compensation, appointing a for streeit improvement or for .the month. day of each and every Wallace and Miiss Margaret KeenaM. 1 . . .. Section 6. That John A. Lovely City Treasurer, and fixing his term construction of sewers or drain or On Wednesday, Feb. 9th, Mrs. be and he hereiby is appointed City of office. for other public improvements, in- 'Section 5. That Linwood Van NOTICE Hose MciN«al will be in charge. Solicitor to hold his office for the Cleaf be and hereby is appointed Be it ordained by the Common cluding the grading, paving, curbing, Police The party on Wednesday, t>b. 1G, Notice is hereby given that the full term of three years from the first Council Justice oif the City of South guttering and explanations thereof of the City oi South Amboy: , -will be under the direction of Mrs. Common Council of the City of day olf January 1927, and until his Section 1. All moneys belonging necessary (to the, proper fulfillment Aimboy, to hold his office fo:- the South Amboy, N. J. will consider the successor 'has been in like manner .Francis Monaghan. .term of two years from tha first to the City olf South Amboy, from of such contract as may properly ap- full report of the Commissioners of appointed a>nd qualifies. pertain to the duties of his oiffice and day oif January 1927, and until his whatever source received, which shall JIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT Assessment for the • Section 7. That all ordinances or to furnish and put up suitable and successor has been in like manntr CHURCH FE-RRIS STREET IMPROVEMENT parts of ondinances inconsistent here- lave been paid, >or which shall here- proper monuments for the direction appointed and qualifies. after be paid to the City Treasurer, Rev. Geo. H. Naylor, Pastor at a regular meeting of the Common1 with are •heireby repealed. Seotion 6. That all ordinances or or shall com© into his possession, of said work. Sunday, Jan. 30th, 1927 Council to be held in the Counci >Sectiom 8. This ordinance shall parts oif ordinances inconsistent with 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship. Chamber at City Hall, Tuesday even- take effect immediately on its ap- shall be deposited by him in such Section 6. It ahall be his duty to this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sermon by pastor. Subject "Man's ing, February 8th, 1827 at eight proval and publication in the manner jank or banks a3 may be selooted by inspect all work done for said City Section 7. This ordinance shall he Common Council. Great Ideal." o'clock P. M. at which time and plage prescribed by law. upon wry contract for street paving, t a k e S e t immediatley' on its ap Section 2. He shall pay all war- constructing sewers, ffradine __J _.. .V. .;,"-"y °n l l s apgrading streets. streets, •_r:r..i 1:45 t. M. Jr. C. E. Mr. F. R. any person interested therein or af- Public notice is herby given that p and publication in the manner rants and shall accept oil drafts or 'any other public improvement fected thereby will be given the opXieontod, Supt. at a regular meeting of the Common drawn on or against the treasury of which may be required by the City prescribed by law. 2:30 P. M. Sabbath School. Mr. portunity to be heard. of the City of South Am- the City'of South Aimboy, when the Council or other municipal board of Public notice is herby given that Howard iiioodgood., Supt Lesson, Said report (and cost sheet U nowCouncil New Jersey, held on January samo are lawfully issued and signed, the City, and no payment or pay- at a regular meeting of the Common "The Christian Overcoming Tempta- on displlay in thc office of the City boy, 25th, 1927, the above ordinance -was Council of the City of South Amfrom any moneys in his hands out of ments shall be .made to any contractmon by pastor. Subject "The Way of Clerk at the City Hall for the perusal adopted on Second and Third (readChe funds deposited to the credit oi or for any work done under his di- boy, New Jersey, held on January of the public. tion." ings 'and final passage. the city, charging tho same to the rection until he has filed a report with 25th, 1927, the above ordinance was G. FRANK DISBROW, 7:30 P. M. Evening Service. SerCity Clerk. G. PRANK DISBROW, City Clerk. account .upon which the warrant or the City Council or otter municipal adopted on Second and Third readjnon by pastor. Subject "The Way of First Reading—Jan, 11th, 1927. draft is drawn; moneys received by Board certifying that the same has ings and final passage. Salvation." Special singing. This is SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1927. him for fines, penalties, licenses or been done in accordance with the G. FRANK DISBROW, City Cleric the beginning- of special evangelistic ISSUE OF Advertised—January 21st, 1927. from any other Source or sources, •contract and specifications for said First Reading—Jan. 11th, 1927. services. Services each night ex- JANUARY 28, 1927. Second and • Third Reading Jan. other than for .taxes, assessments and work. Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1927. oe.pt Saturday. Different speaker 26th, 1927. water TOnts, and which may not be Section 6. It shall be his duty to Advertised—January 21st, 1927. each night. You are invited to these designated for any particular fund, NOTICE Advertised—January 28, 1927. furnish upon .the request of the own- Second and Third Reading Jan. cervices. Bring a friend. shall be placed to thie geriera'. credit er or by direction of the Committee 25th, 1927. Notice is hereby given that tho Approved January 25, 1927. oi the city unless otherwise directed ANDRfcW N. KVIST, Mayor. Common Council of the City of on Streets and Sewers the correct Advertised—January 28, 1927. FIRST M. E. CHURCH by the Common Council or otherwise number of any flot in order that all Approved January 25, 1927. South Araboy, N. J. will consider the SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, ' Rev. D. E, Clair, Pastor required by law homes may be numbered more uniANDREW N. KVIST, Mayor. 10:30 A. M. "The Christian's Vic- report of the Commissioners of ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1927. Seotion 3. He shall (furnish the formly. SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, tory." Short talk to Junior Church. Assessment on he AUGUSTA ST. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE Common Council, at each regular Section 7. The salary and com- ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1927. 2:30 P. M. Sunday School. 7:00 P. M. Epworth League Devo- nt n regular ^meeting of he Common ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY meeting ian itemized statement of pensation of the City Engineer shall Council to bo held in the Council of South Amboy appointing an the financial condition of ithe city "be the sum of Eighteen Hundred tional Service. ORDINANCE Chamber at City Hall, Tuesday even- Overseer of the Po.or, fixitiff her term sotting forth thOTehr all moineys re- Dollars ($1800.00) per year 7:30 Song Service. 7:45 "Waiting Outside the Door". ing, February 8th, 1927, at eight »f olffice and fixing her c Mnpeinsp ceived by Urn for any purpose what- and shall be paid in equal half month- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY soever and from what source or ly instalments or payments of Sev- of South Amboy, appointing a City Special anthams by choir iit both ser- o'clock P. M. at which time and place tion. any person interested therein or af- Be it ordained by the Common sources the same harve been received enty Five Dollars on the first and fif- Marshall, defining his duties, fixing vices. iPrnycr and Praise Service Wed- fected thereby will bo given thc op- Council of the City of South Am- and all moneys .paid out by hiir un- teenth d«y of each and every month; his compensation amd term of Oiftfice. porunity to be heard. der warrants or drafts issued or provided, however, that if and whan boy: Be it ordained by the Common nesday evening at 7:46. •Said report and cost sheet is nw Section 1. That Mary Price be drawn in the manner (aforesaid. On the amount oi (engineering work in Council of the City olf South AmCHRIST CHURCH PARISH on display in the office of the.City and she hereby is appointed Overseer the firsit day of January in each year any one year shall equal or exceed boy: Clerk at the City Hall for the perusal of the Poor of the City of South Am- he shall (furnish to the Common Coun- $36,000.00 the City Engineer shall Rev. Charles E, Kennedy, Rector Section 1. The City Marshall of the public. Fourth Sunday After Epiphany boy, to hold said office [for the term cil a complete statement of all (be entitled to, and shall be paid a shall perform t'.ia duties imposed moneys received by him, and from (fete of 4% on such excess o < f $36,7:30 A. M. Holy Communion. G. FRANK DISBROW, of live years froim the first day of upon him by the Statutes of the State what source oir sources the same 000.00. 9:30 A. M. Church School. City Clerk. January 1927. of New Jersey, laind the ordinances of shall have been (received, and aill 10:45 A. M, Morning Prayer and SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, 8. That Harold Filskov the City of South Amboy governing SeotioTi 2. That the sui'ary and paid out by him om warrents be Section and is hereby appointed City En- said office. •Sonmoin. The Rev. Albert P. Mack, ISSUE OF compensation of said Overseer of the moneys or drafts as a'foresaiid, and to what JANUARY 28TH, 1927. . gineer, to hold office for the full Iteotor of St. Mary's, Kcyport, will Poor be Four Hundred antl Twenty account the sum so paid shall have Section 2. He shall receive for ipreaoh. Dollars pet annum, which shall be been charged since the ftrst day of term af three yews'from the Hirst day such work such Miusonable fees as of January 1B27, and until his suc- the Coimmon Council of the City of 7:30 P. M. Choral Evensong and paid in equal half monthly installNOTICE cessor shall 'have 'been in like man- South Amboy imay by ordinance diAddress. ments or payments cuf Seventeen and Xamiairy next preceding. Notice ia hereby given that the EO/100 Dollars on the Hrst and fifSection 4. The City Treasurer ner appointed and qualifies. •, Common Council of the City of teenth day of each raid every month shall have and maintain his office at Section 9. That all ordinances or rect. Section 3. That William O'Brien ;.-,<. n> t.vkifu South Amboy, N. J. will consider the during her term of office. such place and shall be in attendance parts of ordinances inconsistent herec be and hereby is appointed City of the Commissioners of A froi! IIHH ii«|n|iifi| II fiimllv o f or- rcpont Section 3. That all ordinances or nt lids office at suclh times as the with are hereby repeaed. Marshall of the City of South Am! parts phitn n i h l n s iicnr U i u i h r l r n s . V V U I M . Assesm«snt for the of ordinances inconsiite.nt here- Committee oin Taxes shall determine, (Section 10. 'That this ordinance boy to hold office until January, IMPROVEMENT i with are S h e s p o n i l s liiHh iln.vs biiHlly Keiirirlilng JOHN STREET Sundays and HoUidays cxicoptedi shall take effect imuneditttely on its 'hereby repealed. first, nineteen hundred and twenty a regular meeting of the Common! for (lies iinil worms fur her foster chil- at Section 6. Tihe salary and co.m- approval and publication in tho man- nitre, nnd until his successor has in Council to bo held in the Council Section 4. This oAlinani-e shall like manner been nprointed and dren, says the Dem-born Independent Chamber at City Hall, Tuesday even- •ta'ko offeat immediately on_ita appro- poneutiom of tine City Tineasurer shall ner prescribed by law. ing, February 8th, 1927 at 'eight val and publication in tlie man nor be the sum of Nine Hunvdned Dollnrs Public notice is herby given that qualifies, per amiuim, which shall bo paid m ot a regailar meeting of the Common by law. Slection 4. All ordinances and Futility of thc Right bf Way o'clock P. M. at which time and place prescribed oif ordinances inconsistent hereany person interested therein or af- Public notice is herby given that equal hijf nioai/tUy Installliments or Council of the City of South AmI ' d l r s l r i i i l l s a r crclui;,ij.i] ,liut wlill ut a regular meeting of the Common payments af Thirty Seven and 50'100 boy, New Jersey, held on January with are hereby repealed ithey have tin1 loi'tinlnil rlj,'lil of way fected thereby will be given the op-| Council Dif the City of South Am- Dollars on tlve first ond fifteenth diay 25th, 1927, th« above ordinance was Section 5. Thin ordinance shall portunity to be heard. It Is of lltlle use nftrr II «M-ICIIIH en1 New Jersey, hold on January of each laind wery .month, and shall adopted on Second and Third (read- take effect iiminwdtately on its approSaid report land cost sheet is now boy, IIRIOII wltli ii fool mntnrlM.—Wiislilm bo in lieu, place and stead of all other ings and final passage. 1927, tho above ordinance was val and publication in the manner on display'in the office of the Oity 25th, salaries and fees, perquisites and iotl Slur. G. FRANK DISBROW, City Clerk. prescribed by law. Clerk at the City Hall for the perusal adopted on Second and Third (read- emoluments which nro now or hereings tind final passage. First Reading—Jan. 11th, 1027. Public notice is herby giv«n that of the public. Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1027. G. FRANK DISBROW, City Cleric. ladfter mnvy bo allowed by law. nt a .regular meeting of the Common G, PRANK DISBROW, BROKEN REST "' S«c*ion 6. That Goonge A. Kress Advertised—January 21st. 1927. First Reading—Jan. 11th, 1927. Council of the City of South AmCity Cleric be and lie hereby is appointed City Adv«rtised—Jan. 14th, 1927. Second nnd Third Heading 'Jan. boy, New Jersey, held on January «auaau by Dl«dil«r Irrilallon It Nalurt'i SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, Advertised—January 21»t, 1927. Treasurer to hold otffiie for thc full 25th, 1027. 26th, 1927, the above ordinance WH» ISSUE OF Danger Signal. 'jn orf three years from the first Advontilsed—Jniumry 28, 1927. adopted on Second and Third (readSecond and Third Reading Jan. JANUARY 28TH, 1927. O. K. Kldni-T, Ontario, 1 N. T , l a j n i day of January 1927, and until his Approved Jnnunry 25, 1027. 20*1, 1927. ings und final passage, "Ijlthiatcd ftucnu tion dune mnro for riM ANDRHVV N. KVIST, Mayor. •Advartiised—January 28, 1927. successor has been In like manner O. FRANK DISB110W, City Clwli. -than (til other rntncilicD fM>nihln(u). 5om* ORDINANCE appointed arod qualifies. SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, Approved January 25, 1927. (d/iyn I hnd nlrnOHt n cfinptlint. clonlro with First Reading—Jan. 11th, 1927. A Uirrlblfl burning HcuRtiMutt, Would bfl AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ANDREW N. KVIST, Mayor. Section 7. Thwt nil ordinances sr ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1927. Advertised—Jan. 14th, 1927. iKilhiTi'd about «lx IIMH'B ul nlclit. Will of Sotrtih Aniuboy prescribing avnd de- SOUTH AMBOY C1TIZPJN, piarts of ord'taainces inconsistent hereAidvertlscd—January 21st, 1027. tell or write rnv c*!imlence to an,T one," Solicitor, ISSUE OF JANUARY 28, 1827. with are hereby .repealed. Pnn't tuVn (ti'trliigciil^ for Oil*. You mny fining tiro duUea of Oifcy Second and Third Reading Jun. ORDINANCE pel. t h f I'liblt. or b« forced rOftMnuiLlly l o fixln# Ms compensation, eg. Mnitlnp Section 8. This ordinance Khali 2Bth, 1027. r .[till nni'.tirn, Mthlafrt] btirhti, (KtlUr B City Solicitor ttnd txing his \ of tukfl effect tmmv»dl<it*lj on its appro- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITST Adviirljin«i—January 28, 027. TornmliL) ttrtn "n (hi> hinrliW'r nit e p w i n ORDINANCE val mud publ lent ton in thc manner oK South Amtooy prescribing imd de- Approved January 26, If Mite ilo "n t h * tMiwrli. DrlvM nut f a r u t a offlw. riin,tl'f*r, ^Nitoiifw Mc^iidTr **-MB, thrvoy, nning the duties of Police Juntico, pr*rcrib«d by Utr. Ik) it orduln«4 by the Common AN ORDINANCE OF-TH.B CITT ANDREW N. KVU i-olicvlmc IriltiiUon, fill tiff Ills voraipemtuvtlon, appointing * , Tim ,t»t>M« i'»«t SKI nuih BI, d r u i itofy*. Council ot Ui« OK? of South Am- of South Am hoy praKribing and d»- Public nottoe it h«rby giren thdt - orraK flninf Ufa* duttai at Collector of at a fctrufor niMtlngf at tin Centime Volte* Justio* ftixl fixliw ma terra of .<"•""•" • ' Knller Utbtirttorr. MtchtnloBkum Okt* boy: T txtym tw ctmwm*iiim, ap- Council at tt» d V ot South A » SacUo.nl, Th Print Storo. VRY 98 Ii*cnUy »t FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 as sre £ ? s; S THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN DRUNK WITH FATIGUE By Erwin Greer COUNCIL CALLS PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY EVE. MM^ 211-213 FIRST STREET (Near Broadway) (UoDtinued from Tuirt !• You wouldn't penmit a drunken person to drive your automobile, which expectation is approved of by PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY •would you? And yet intoxication of the CoromiiSsioJi. W'ith the situation thus clarified any sort makes a person unfit to THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING COMPANY Handle a motor car. A fatigued per- there remained only the question of SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. TEL. 4 son is just as drunk as if ue had been the manner in which this means oi • imbibing alcoholic poisons. In both access was to be gueranteed. The cases the vison is blurred, the senses width of this access, area along the dulled and the will and muscles re- bulkhead, -whether one or more strips J. MELFORD ROLL, EDITOR are to be retained, where to locaw; ;t fuse to co-ordinate. or them, are some of the phases oi An automobile is a very nearly |' .. .. Subscription rates: In advance, zones 1 and 2, $1.BO; zones 3 to 8, $2.00 perfect piece of mechanism. It h a s ;ot nnl s , a 1 1 important question. Decision endurance that is truly remarkable. this pna*e o l .the matter is to bs Entered in the Post Office a t South Amboy, N. J . as second class matter. Yet no automobile will keep going reserved fcr .,., ::;l,ebeo;uig, the pror ss m a d e 1 ' unless it is supplied with gas, oil a n d ' ^ u?l t e ^ * " ' , «S considered FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 water and electric current is fed to « sausiactary to all concerned. the spark plugs to ignite the com- Mayor ivvist, in addressing the meeting, said he was 'heartily in favor pressed mixture in the cylinders. p Man can accomplish some amazing ? f $ development, had advocated it inh a n ual x,afe, but ™ess?£\ an<* , c o u l d « " fe b t no -man nor no woman can i n l ! " , keep going .for long without food,' " i a " l l ° H benefits that wight accrue water and sleep. Food is to hi m to the c ty th.o jgh tne imprc-voment. e Terrace Sliders Not Wanted by Discuss Project and Plan on Coop- what gas and oil are to the automo- ifO T disclaimed having meant to ask eration. bife engine. It is the material from fwlormaltaon as to what the city School Board. o ud which the power and the lubrication w S^n hnancia ly at a previous me The South Amboy Business Men's Members of the Board of Educacomes. Water is us nee W r y to t e n«tW'g-, it having ibee-n only .Ins ,nt l o n t 0 n n d o u t wha Association went on record a t a tion decided on Wednesday evening man as it is to an automobile radia- w ' }> >f anything meeting Monday niig'ht as favoring tor. Without water, he dries up,, be- m .« commission spoaUically ted in that drastic action was necessary in ln * 0 1 \ a n instance, he asked what •order to cope with the vandalism of I the plan of the Port Raritan Commis- comes overheated and dies. Sleep is w u lf. d b thc sion for the development of the local the charging of the battery used to « attitude of the Coonmisyouths, -who aro continually wrecking waterfront. A>t t h e meeting it was supply the sparks, without which s l o n m r e » a r f J° * n(> ^tension of the school .buildings and the grounds jalso sawli1 im ulns decided to sponsor petitions to s a w l 'i 1 i m u l n s now to tha there can be no real exertion. ^ • ' adjoining. y bo presented to the city authorities Let a person go without food, let m ; , l h tenPrcsen'c enua would be covThe action came after a lengthy I urging crt<J e the cooperation of thc city in ^ P™P«s«<« »'"; ^ extended hiim go without water, let him go discussion by meimb&rs of the Board, the project .under way as soon without sleep for a long enough per- u n a l " o r ? w » s " 0 L sulticicnt tall .u> as well as Superintendent Barr and getting l c as possible. It seemed to be the coniod, let him BO without any one of " "ew locaUion, wno would have to Principal Dawson over the breaking .of opoulon that in vieiw of the these things for any grout period and ' ^ u " d :}h° c x I ) B i ' f ol relaying the of windows, netting and the destroy- sensus s ]t h l l d to b project 'having been talked of for 1ihe ^ ? " w e d indiore ing of .the terrace adjoining the school last half century and it -now appearing fatigue results. If he is driving a M* Klvu t h e u t e r rar it is a death dealing fatigue. ,'f" ° end enough slope. on John street. It was pointed out tliat it was a little too big t o be unOne reason why some drivers b o . ' l * wua suwi tlrings us this Uiul he Had that the terrace was used as a sh-.le by thc city alone, i t was y by children after; school hours, und dertaken ' " "md>>8 t t t ( i t l l u ^ ^uyor - .. come fatigued so soon a.4 .they rto rto , f timo to get something done of a more MUi W u i t t h c o a t o f that the breakage about the building practical nature than mere discus- Vhilc because , ? Vhil ttouring o u i n g is b u tthey h ynot t only! nly! **'• "*"•»«»* MU wwould ul<1 bu bu •was done mostly at times when the sion. get too little sleep, * ^ ^ ^ V J^f» p, but they d'o not «"'* and that auditorium was being used for dances d do d not eat thei h prop- cc uu rr <<! eivl onoughh and I 'iherc was quite a large attendance would fie included in >Uiv> i n basketball games and other functions. cr food, and they do not drink enough » tor 'tile entire project, lie A letter penned >at the instigation of local business men who listened water. They are trying to keep K o - "f1 it reasonable lor such questof D. W. Reed was addressed to Chief with interest to the explanations oE mg on an empty t gas tank, k a half h l f fillfill tho of Police Thomas Gleason, asking co- George R. Delanoy dealing with the ed radiator and a run down battery. „",™, *" entcr into the .consideration Mr. DeUiney Is it (my wonder that they arc in i v e n D project idea by various inoperation by the police department in development plan. « persons. this matter. The letters tells of the heads a commlibtoo. of inveistigaiion serious accidents? for the Pout Rarfitan ComiraUttion, jf Councilman Mnlloy thatmischief done in the past, and sugTlie only way to make touring or t h<-•>»««>">"«> ^niioy suggested s u g g e s t mate gests that the entire outside of thewlhich.he is also a member RH the lo- any long trips safe is to avoid facommission suon.it a uiuml .plan building be guarded closely, for cal representative. The .plan in brief, tigue, and it can be avoided only by ?»»«!"« f w >t Proposed to assure youngsters who take delight in this he said, wan t o bnrild a bulkhead along eating sufficient .mid proper food, b y U l < ! f t y o t "iving access Ui.tho buik, the flats {rant the local docks here ID drlnk'ing enough pure water and get- '^<1 Hii«, wi.ere t, 10 ocaition wouiJ sort of mischief. l o thl f Mr IJehmey repl.ed It is expected that in the future ' Cheesequiike Creek at Morgan. The ting enough sleep that is sound and •"«•1 «*«• ,.' 4 £ a s "?t .within the province persons, who have no desire to gobulkhead wouM be quito straight «ml restful. In obhe'r words the driver "I" bh<) Oomwisawn to tell the cityy into the auditorium, will be forced to •located somewhere aiear the end ofhas to give us much attention and °{ what lit city dock a t this end, l a stay away from the vicinity of the uso as much good judgment in keep, .° '°. ;9,r s l l ™ M , h / ' ; . somo twenty-five hundred school, and school children will not ing himself in good driving condition {'ul<J.d t o . ^ ^ 4 feet from the 'shore lino about opthu m sa be tolerated about the grounds after l nwn Wwould not permit a posito the water plant. Filling in bo-as ,hc does in keeping the car in good B U a v•^<"™ e 0 Uld re ui (1 t o school hours. running condition Failure to do this ' ^ •««« « , P , « « bulkhead would reclaim apReferring to the organization of a eovw all the diftaiU which would en;ly four hundred acres of is surely playing witth death. Parent-Teachers Association here th» „ tcr into such a plan, i h e appropria1, of which about half would be ; of Supt. Barr says: " l a t i ( m 01 t h e U S o CHARLES iF. REA -f " ^ 'U^ b o < l v w u s °nly would be F. Rea, sixty-one years old, five luintan iuve-r dollars and Kanitan Hay disthousand for the whoie en in the community for the formato aceomodate four plants of 272 Maple street, Perth A.mboy,! triot. llhis lack of means iniade it very tion of a Parent-Teachers Association the Raritan Copper Works passed away at tihe Perth Amboy Hos- impracticable to prepare drawings of and an initial meeting will be held on at Perth Araboy, which concern pital last Saturday night. Funeral "the kind desired, .oven if the GonimisThursday afternoon, Jan. 227th in about thirty-five, acres of servi«es were, .held from St. Mary's sion knew where the access location the high school auditorium. The church, Perth Amboy, Tuesday morn- would be or what .it would be. He exneed for such an organization has ing ait teji o'clock, and interment was planned that he thought it should bo of ,this . , =ground been felt lfor sometime'and am Deem leic o r soiiieiiMit:u.im am pleasyitaa-: , „_._., , ---—made in St. Mary's cemetery, this made subject to later decision a s to ed to say that the..initiative for this ^rit-m r u n d . e r ^ k e n . , h? t h ( i loi* city. . ,the exact location, iarea, etc., depenmovement came from the parents in- j ^ ' J ^ " <#mmt*>™> ."«« "'tehod ,,f de(1 The deceased was well known in ding upon the developments that stead dX the teachers. I am quite, " X r ? r ' t f l , t o ^ <ie<i' «P°«i V later 1 ch this city, having iat one tim.a made wight arise as Who project advanced sure that this ,movo will bring forth'£ * ° * ^ " J E T E ? , 3 i» l .i! his hoimla here. He had been in illa I l d locating a n industry on the sit? better cooperation and understaivdEventually there would he health for some time. Besides a wife, reached a imore definite stage. This • between the school and the home. Mr. Rea. is survived by two brothers suggestion seemed to .be quite agreeand ome sister* all of .this city, they a'bte to the couneilmen. i are James and Adam Rea, and Mrs.) 'Councilman Neiltopp urged the exThomas Lovely. THe pall bearers ecution of t h e project a t as early a arenx-ieacners Jissociaiion. tions of were Theodore Stolte, Thomas L o v e - jwd aa tse as possible. The property a s it would bring to ithe resi- ly, Thomas Lovely, Johm Conmors, l A communication from ^ c - lwaterfront u w was useless t o the city, he t » man's Club relative to theirthe appeal sa) d in behalf of the Near East Fund was dents of this city benefits of many James Barr, George Davis and John' i . a^d the city apparently had kindte. There would be, for instance, Deitz. .everything to gain and but little to received and asked the Bpard to colose in the plan. Therefore everything operate by having each of the school possibilities for jobs right here a t home for those who now must go afar . -— „„ u i . ^ Tickets for tihe Mazola luncheon tdno ant e tlttloe et council could do should be children subscribe to the extent of . f t n e P r "joot started, one cent in the drive. The idea was im their search for a means of livli- to be served om Feb. 17th under th'e 1 ' ' hood. Increased population would auspices of St. Martha's GuliJd are Councilman Miagec in concurring considered an excellent one and the Board directed that the appeal in bring new business here, create ..•.-, niow on sale, and may be had from!" 1 t n o remarks expressed by other demands for dwellings, enhance the Mrs. B. H. Bennett, of 135 John I speakers also remarked that the counthe school be made. of real estate holdings and nro- atreet, or from a/ny member. The af- c i l wouldn't want to do anything to Ch&cks from Edward Farrell for value n/vi*fif A . . . I 4-U- ; increasedi tax* valfair will be Held at the Parish House.! n o l d th« proposition up. $25.00, Woman's Club, $15.00, and which wo'uld conie the Big Fiv«, $100.00, were received j would for rental of the auditorium. Thej money was ordered turned over to „ an th-e the Custodian of School Moneys. tax rates for South Amboy, he added The present holdings of the city Dr. J. P. Weber told of the needed repairs to .tine several school build- and present water front was a good deal of a liability to the city, the ings, and asked that the budget be prepared with the expenditures in speaker continued to point out Sowers mt various street ends frequently mind. Tlio report of the Attendance Of- became .blocked off by mud and silt ficer, William J. Naglo, showed that thrown inshore by the river. When he had made 2'J visits, the imajority this occurred mwin must be sent there being on account of sickness. .Bight to Ciena- ,the sewer outlet into the rivvisits to continuation students wera «r. At other points the street ends made, and three live day notices were washed away by storms and were sonwi on parents ol children again idxpense was entailed in repairabsent from their studies. T.he re-ing thorn so that traffic along .them port also stated that it was not nec- would .not be endangered. The secretary of the Business essnry to serve the final notices on Metis Association, Frederick Kurowthe parents. Permission to allow tine South Am- sky, sakl that if .the proposed devel'boy AUhletics Kino .use of the Juuditor- opment w:is a certainty as to whin duim om Moinkiy night was grunted to it was to be completed, or if the land were now uviuilable, a concern could the .mnningcir, Edward Farrell. bo Io-caled themes -at once. KepresenKichard U. Rue, retiring member tativM of this concern, he siiid, were of the Hoard, anil president of theinvestignfiing this section in search for body for five years, tihanked the mem- a suitable site for a plant which bers on Wednesday night for their would cimploy about one hundred loyalty .and support during his reign. The end of this great sale is only a few Ho asked that the same loyalty mark workmen within th<j plant and drivers LOT (two shifts at least on about sixtv days away—-8 P. M. Monday. the reign of thc new president. Mr. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE —Agent for— COPS TO CHASE BUSINESS MEN NOW ALL PANTS RIDERS WANT PORT PLAN TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY Fire, Compensation, Automobile, Plate Glass, etc. FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH ME Stevens Avenue near Main St. Tel. 128 •I. Wolff & Co. Seasonable Merchandise at Greatly Reduced Prices Women's Warm Lined Shoes Reduced from $3.75 and $3.25. $2.00 Youth's High Top Shoes Reduced from $4.25. ..$2.00 Boy's High Top Shoes Reduced from $5.50. $2.50 Men's High Top Shoes Reduced from $6.00. $4.00 Men's High Top Shoes Reduced from' $7.50. . .....$5.00 Menis Warm Lined Shoes Reduced from $4.50. .....$2.50 Children's 2 Buckle Arctics...-. $1.00 Small sizes only. Reduced prices on all Arctics and Zippers. 25% off on Auto Robes. fll. Wolff &/C©. Feltus and Washington Sts. Phone 112 This is the Last Saturday p t required ac-cess to ings 'and referred tu it as an *nviablo dice]) water. A piece of the local derecord. At the next meeting, the Board velopment would be almost madie to Im this concern, he concluded will reorganize and the work of com- order Messrs. Housoll, Silvers, Brown, pleting the annual budget will be Van Pelt, McCloud and Ramhardt up. Leslie- L. Shcppiml, the appointed mtMnbur, will join 's Associaat .; or joint meeting of the Port Ani'itnn Commission wioh SARAH KENNY propcMfty owners and city officials to by held probably on Monday, Feb. 7. Mi's. SiiL'sili Keiwiy, iifty two years •old, .diiod wt heir home, 21!i \Vater HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY street, Perth Aimiboy, Wednesday i afU'J 'ii lingering illn<>ss. Saturday afternoon last, Miss services will he held from Jeanno Corbin entertained u numher late 'home tomorrow mwniing nt bed' of her little friends at her homo 8:30 o'clock .ami at nine o'clock from on Broadway in honor of her fifth St. Mary's church, Perth Amboy. In- birthday. The afternoon was spent, itermeiH will be inmle in St. Mary's in playing games, and refreshments cemetery, this city. The Gundrum were served. The ta'ble decorations Service ilias charge of the n/nwige- were pink and blue, and a cake with inewts. five candles adorned the center of the The (U'coascd .is survived by her ,tivble. Latn in the afternoon the JiuslMind, 'Lawrence; and a daughter, guests departed wishing Jeanne many Miss Lorotta Kenny, of Perth Amiboy; happy birthdays. two Boms, LawtieiiKie, Jr., .and Jamos, Those present were: Beatrice Poof tlhia ciity; and two sisters, Mrs. K Gladys y Brown,, Florence Harvey Einni'Oiiia, of-this city ami (Mrs. Worthy, Ada Hoffman, Louise Potty, W i l l i i B l k , icxf Brooklyn. Margaret Cox, Marion Dill, Civ raidino White, Anita Studjcr, Milton John Maloney of John Bloodgood, BoM)io Hawcs. onfincd to his home with Hul»ortb« t»r IM O1UM. at this t i w You can't pvit off coming any longer. This sale ends Monday. That means only two days to clean up what's left of winter stocks. If low prices and hig savings mtean anything, these last days are going to be thc busiest of the month. , $33 & $30 NOW $38 & $35 NOW $42 & $40 NOW $55 & $50 NOW 1 „ $23.95 $29.95 $34.95 $39.95 - High Gradeftilk Mufflers at Big Savings $2.50 & $3 Values $1.85 $3.50 & $5 ValucB..... ., ..$2.45 Big Reductions! LUMBERJACKS Special Moleskin for Boys and Men_.....$1.50-1.75 Pure Wool $2.00 and up BOY'S BLOUSES In Broadcloth and Flannels, assorted colors 75c up Very Big Line of Boy's and Men's Pants You should see our line of Infant's Wear, Ladicfs, Silk Stockings and Silk Underwear. OTHER WORTH WHILE GOODS AT WORTH WHILE SAVINGS BRIEGS M. TRASKA 139 NORTH BROADWAY 91 SMITH ST- COR.KINQ • PERTH AMBOyTAILORSCLOTHIERS-HABERDASHERS\ THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN 30Y CITIZEN (Near Broadway) SKLY BY *TING COMPANY J. TEL. 4 PORT RARITAN COMMISSION SAY FIRE ALARM PLANS WATERFRONT DEV. (Continued from Page 1.) SYSTEM WORN OUT Council May Consider New Equip-John A. Lovely, ruewly appointed city solicitor, Director Dey, of the Board ment—Other Council Newt. of Freeholders, also a m-tmber of the With the fire aianm system practi- Commission, Charles Safran and A. cally useless as tne result of worn T. MeMichael were among those who out ba.tter.es; <no supplies on hand -addressed the gathering. There for renewal; estimates of the life of seemed to b<i a 'urianimity among ,h, EDITOR thla toattenes .piuced at two ho-urs them in the tlioug-ht that the project to two weeks; future prospects o£ the was a very worth while one if some renewal of the compete toatteiy sys- way of carrying it out to the mutual id 2, $1.50; zones 3 to 8, $2.00 tern at frequent intervals in ,th.« IU- advantage of all concerned could be y, N. J. as second class matter. tiurg and the conviction that the com- found. nion battery system was an exp«m««* execution o>f the -orojoct would sive and out ot date method growing double the size of South Amboy, ac. 14, 1927 stronger, the council Tuesday night cording to •Chairman Delaiwy and decided to have a representative of * e assessed valuation of tne re,the Gamewedl Company come here to claimed area would be much greater >OY QUESTION &&'M could be done. The Game- than the present valuations of this well" people are the makers of the t«>ty. The commission had plans for system in use and of the new sys- t ha « dejvcfopjr.cnt of the entire RariL b( *ijg scarce, and may become as tem that was a va n d contemplated by thet h on B Rantan River area and 1<>cal as side4.t_ ~rcc$, according to some pessimist old council. It is considered litoely f e r development seemed to ofthat the action taken will lead to a the best place to start acute! opwho deplore the errors of modern youth. rescindinff of the action taken by the torations. But it was first ewntial council on New Years Day when the h a t t h « °°s^ oif the work be closely Those well acquainted with the hoys do not seem to eounicil took action to request the «at>nmted for /the commission had no think so. There is, Cameron Beck, for instance, personne company named to takfc back equip- m e i i n s a t present for financing a •rnent shipped here for the renovation scheme of this size. director of the New York stock exchange, who should of the fire and police alarm systems. ltUiroUaVusr a recent act of the Legisla1'no number of alarms turned in as t l i e B a^l e«oCommisaion may authorize f know. He said in a recent address that the present gen- a result of a lire during the preceedbonds for development ing night on Prospect street hadtpurposes, somewhat <<n the onle.- of eration of boys is the finest in history, and exceptionally worn <iown the batteries to such an l h « Greater New York Port Authorextent that the alarm failed oomple*y Comrmsston which has sold bonds honest. tely at th)o teats at seven o'clock on tortne 1cwi8tructio<n of vehicular lunOf course there are smart youths who get out with Tuesday -nig-t, it was brought out. {l"-u"'n"-™ bndjfea over the Stated lsguns and take our money away on dark streets. Many ofThe police system was in such shape T h" sound. that there wtire practically only two * P™b*le inteit df the Port them are half wits, unable to comprehend that jails and call ibexes that .could be used now, it nlfi0 lawitam •Commission is to secure prualao developed. The discussion of options on the riparian rights ot prisons are not considered desirable as permanent board- the .ma.tt|er also brought out that the n n Jt'Li<M waterfmnt properly now llt!c bv council had properly provided 'n h nwweral individual*. With ing places. Their number is far too lage, yet in propor- old tho funds for the new equipment ul ! l ; ''' i m P ,>[1 "" olt'-T mi K ht b u m n ( J e e tion to the total boy population it is rather trifling. needed to put the systems iin proper. ' *'' ""^ulry to undertake tho condition, which funds were nowt"itire prrcet for ;••> own b»neU or * The business men of South Amboy and elsewhere ovailmbk' for the purpose. T>.,,t it h e Cowimissieri m'rtfV undertake it vrcre would be much cheaper to s:rnj) tho •' " to com sacjre iuicuijlc us would be apt to say that the average boy is as honest now )ld imethod and .put in the new equip- » u «"'« 1 l.,ha"ble 1w , ' ° " .1)1'n< J xi w o u ! d b. ucoptui by somt lacgu industry. as formerly, and probably more so. These boys have ment was also imlicated. h r<1 ;l 'Hie «.inliti<m «r the systunus was / ': ™"'y J'""lie'1 llel<1 t i t l c t()l l u ; lll heard too many talds of men who were invited to resign first bromght up by Councilman Neil- '" lls n<*<led it would be very diffi0 and when the proposals ..f the- UI""u1t' ?;. ^pnucr i deal 01 any Kind, because they were a little too smart for their jobs. There bopp l£ tllUu a w w t o ( l w l i h t h e Com iiwnewell cojnpaiiy were procured by ' " ' seems no special reason now why the men should worry Uiity Clerk Diabrow it wait found the •"''«'<'".« rnpofwtion w.,uld he very 1 11 s l pl lleU< were ion th<;i»iaUiUd bask.. ""-I ; T, ' , „„ . .about the dishonest boys, but the boys may well feel alarm luotatiiona Councilman lnmiin then offered a ccli Council-ium-at-Urge Malloy cvm-1 which was carried thut the *»^*" "> tlw question of what on accounf of the many men who turn yellow and swindle rnouion J0,mpa,iy * n d a representutive as owwo un lodd. llimid ^ ' f "stre<! ° oL f thln ?da Mo, ,t() "'.V gullible people out of their savings. awn as possiblo to confer with the ur ttn ,, , « , ""dtho.r nhairman of the lire committee P, ' I""?1"? ' ^ d t l , t l e s "! l h ( ; c ;' t!lt Oouncilman Inman, as chairman of ^ ^ t e r hlavung 'Iwen invested in he eoinvmitteo on streets also told the th ,° CommussKMi, the Co^mniLssron failST. MARY'S PARISH NOTES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH council .there would be no appiop.-ia- e°,d ! n ^y»'« ^ a ".icces^il ennG. E. Sehlbrede, D. D., Pastor The Card Party in St. Mary's Hall ion llor wateNim the street., in the . ' f °". th<! P™J0(;t n - ) w u ' 1 ; l w c!m; ldell x tlon T h l a <iu«etiom provoked . 10 A. M., Sabbath School. 10:20 on Wednesday, January 19th-will bu leiw budget. Last year the-p had « :' 1 - , the direction of Mrs. Edward een an appropriation ot .u-.ucihii.B ^.•latderable .discussion m which -rvAdult Bible Class. Mr. Funman Shep- Sunder oth el 1)cslde! Mullen. Mrs. Mullen will 'be ably 5 tll« touncilinah, pard, 'Superintendent. Mr. Russell j assisted by the following ladles and ver three tihous-n:! AolUra for such %?. ' 'v iirpo.se, which sum was turned over SCtewman Uelancy Uoiifius Ilirks. Mathia Secretary. d Mrs. Edward Mullen, o the Board of Public Works. The 5" Solicitor Lovely took part - lhe Church Services, 11. Celebration I gentleman: Mrs. O. Welsh, Mrs. P. :ity •u.-led a salt of some kind U keep d ' s c u s i " 0 " 1 h»;ough, an admi.«»on that of the Lord's Supper. 7:30 P. M. IChairliady; ;Quinlan, Mrs. John Grimley, Mrs. own the dust • • :hciy"ofu Was always tiio faint poasil.il"Opening Eyes and Setting Prisoners 'Samuel Keegan, Mrs. f a , ffa ii ii" r - '» any vMideavor, alWin. Munn, Inman broM-nt up ji Councilman also j hj i u ^, ^ ew d l Free." This service will be intersper- IMrs. John PurcoH, Mrs. Joseph g that -the city install a ' , f£ ,; . hesKafu on that account, sed with songs. « O'Brien, Mrs. Hanson, George St.; iisoline- storage tank and uil storage l',ut th?~.™ lJ>e exijix-tutnns of t);e The meeting Wednesday at 7:30Mrs. Spina, Mrs. J. J. Dwycr, Mrs. irums from which the cdtv -it tlvs ^<"j™^^onivl not matcnali/c, then P. M. will be 'Under the direction of Thomas Kilcomins, Mrs. John An- ncluding the fire trucks," could be vr !?r,,f"' d t l U ;, w""fd' "^ <->uul*e. r e - . Rev. Marshall Harrington, D. D., ofderson, Miss Ernstinc Spiecker, Miss upplied with and lubrication. ert'Wack to the original owner. | Trenton, who will lead in the study Anna Guerin, Miss Margaret Gil- lo argued thatfuel over a thousand dol- U ^8 ^ ^ to. ^e the general coll1 nil 1 uha 1 t h e The Children's Bible Study Class christ, Miss Catherine Gereghty, Miss ars had been splerrt for oil and gas T ? ! " '? ,°P ' °' , , Pr-Jtct of Evangelism. Julia Hackett, Mr. Pierre Malloy, Mr. 'or the Jiffy track and tractor in the h e l d out about the on y hope for a will meet in the Lecture Room on Albert Jerome, Mr. John Segrare, ast year and he thought there would o X T T ° n a m l d ' ! v e l o l M T l l i n ; c!Wednesday afternoon at 3:45. Mr. Paul Lochs. e an appreciable saving if the city d*J?»ith. Amboy. it pi-.ivi ..is so many fc b it supplies li wholesale. h l l ?l ^?™ benefits to vere to to buy its ^nenis to the me city city and its 111Advertise In the Citizen. Suliflerllw* for the Cltlwn. t t b it? progg The suggestion'was left to bo inve*- ^1***^, owners its businesses t h n spa and it? pro -igated *nd report thereon made at pruhibita «imimoratyn evmi. ••he next •meeting. Councilman Inman also brought up i , p r j r c =•>= he mmtter of furnishing the mayor U R G E S PART OF MAIN STREET ind the Chief .of Police with a priate office in *Ha , . City Hall. This ,was (CbutlDiicil from rage 11 ' ft with ith th it bbut a Migges- ifrom Freehold to Perth Amhoy via eit the committe ion dealing with tutting down ex- Old Bridge and South River was reJensss was acted 'upon. City Clerk coiVed from the Public Utilities CnmJiSbrow was authorized to getJ in mission. The City Solicitor -win »uAT ouch with the agent of tho S. 1 . C. thorized to attend this hearing in the k., to have this horse put out of the interests of this city. Lust yea? the *yapplicant was refused, a local permit. City Solicitor Jolin Lovely rep >rt- Gouncilraan Connors spoke in a" -'omhis investigation of the Nelson- me-ndatory way about the bus wr(iffy truck accident indicated that vice the city now has, th-o benefits ;he citizen namied held the blami for that have come from single ownerhe accident restjed elsewhere than ship and responsibility. i lpon hia machine. The investiga- Keport x>f the Free Public Library We're not a bank, hut we can save mtoney for tion as to an inmate of the IPoo.r showing a balance of sixty-two cents House Jailed to disclose where the for the year's operations was read you. Let us convince you. man had come from and it 'Was sug- and ordered received and referred rested that the -man b|a transferred to the finance -committee, o some other institution better Resolutions accepting the. report of Full Size BED SHEETS, one piece, no seams, made quipped to take care of him. the Commissioners of Assessment on The City Solicitor also offered his several local streets weiro taken up of a good quality white- muslin, worth ervices to nuiy official of the city, February &th was the date set for a any board or .body at any time thiey final hearing tin these improvements $1.39, Special : 89c might find themselves in need of the -before the Council. The streets were >enefit of his advice or knowledge. Ferris, John and Augusta. i )uring the meeting there were several Eight ordinances appointing variMEN'S WORK SOCKS, heavy wool-mixed, worth nstances of •tfh-e mldtiyity of the new ous officers of the city, fixing their solicitor in aiding in getting- the terms, salaries and duties were taken 25c, now 3 pairs for 50c machinery of the ,new boverr.ing body up on first reading and laid ovu! u-ifunctioning smoothly, dor the rules. The ordinances anAt hia suggestion th|e council act- pear elsewhere in this issue, printed "La Mode" Brand LADIES SILK HOSE, all latest 3d to have the insurance company in their entirety in accordance with rolding City 'Hall policies notified of ithe legal requirements." Briefly the colors, high sillc boot, a regular 75c stocking for lie repairs that a/re being made to appointments were as followsiho hall. The City Clerk was in- Mary E. Price, Overseer of the •___ A S c itructed to report as to the insurance Poor, five year term; $420 p** year i airried so that whether full amount Lenwood Van Cleaf, Police Justice >r only partial coverage was carried, two year term, $420 per year i City (Solicitor Lovely also advised Wm. O'Brien, City Marshal two VACUUM BOTTLES, guaranteed perfect, just the ho .council that the sum of five hun- year term, .fees and emoluments I Ired dollars was the limit that could George A. Kress, three year term thing for these cold winter days, worth 98c, ourK spent without advertising. When it City Treasurer; $900 per year vas remarked by a council member Edward Dewan, -Chas. Bloom Loprice 75c •hat the sum «f one thousand dollars roy Bennett, Tnx Assessors* first inder a recent act of'the legislature, second and third districts respectiveno solicitor explained that it wa.* a ly; three year terms, $250 per year ' MEN'S WORK SHOES, moccasin style, with that" nisundlexstanding of the application May Bowon, City Collector, three ' DP the Jaws in. question. Under cer- year term, $1,800 per year I . good wearing composition sole, regular tain emergency circumstances the exII. Filnkov, City Engineer three Jondituro of one thousand dollars or yewr .tteUttn, $1,800 per year ' $3.50. Today only $2.79 ess might he legally made. These John Lovely, City Solicitor three "mergences were quite likely to be year term, $$1,500 ,per year •aro, however, and the fivfc hundred Councilman 'Connors "brought up We have a complete line of RUBBER FOOTlollar limit should be ndhorpd to. tfho question of store* lights being City bolicitor Lovely also urged turned off enrly in the morninsr AoWEAR at lower prices. Get yours before the he .council to gjet in touch with tho cording to Wm tho lights were turnlounty tax board nnd explain that the ed oiff «,t six o'clock although it was storm and avoid the rush. •o-orffimizntion of the city govern- still dark at that hour. In view of SAVE MONEY ALPINE'S ALPINE'S FOR ECONOMY ^0 "jnue Tel. 81 Cor. Henry S t . I 3, Dry Goo(?3 and House Furnishings. '•- mppointlng of new iicsesaors, the .number of people that use thp was the reason for fmluro »r the streets before sunrise he thnuffht tho .ux duplicates to-be filed wtt.l. that lights should be Icdpt on until later. )ody hy tihe -local nssessors. In this The matter was referred to the Bourd vivy, ho wud, tho penalty that a/ttach- of nubile Works for attention, is to failure to file the. duplicate pte b by y a nniinry 10th would bo lavolded. The uggestion brought on n lengthy <li.«UEHIOII of tax mattoitt and it was nnlly docidod to hnve p <•. ng of thi- . - •-" •-,' , « , the '?'{!• Day in History Mini II mnrlii-ii » new epoch mnrltlmn pr«Kri"H(( of lh» In t!ii> United e .iy <n assesara, Oho .meetll. n:id the It irnt nn thin il».' thiu rti» scheduled to b« held lsrt „ , " Stntpn frlgnt" Pultoi vrmi l»»nc«ed. Thin wan «io «r»l friif«lr of IU triad. for ike num. George R. Maney REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE —Agent for— . TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY Fire, Compensation, Automobile, Plate Glass; etc. FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH ME Tel. 128 Stevens Avenue near Main St. ^ CLEARANCE SALE 54 In. JERSEY CLOTH, Special yard 59c LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE, jn grey, nude and black, Special per pair 45c 27 Inch WHITE OUTING FLANNEL, Special per yard __* 12c 36 Inch MUSLIN, Bleached and Unbleached, Special per yard 12c Large Heavy BATH TOWELS, Special 5 for_._.$l Extra Good Quality PILLOW CASES, value 29c, Special ....i ..._.19c Boys' Suits, tweed, serge, flannel and corduroy values up to $1.50, Special . 69c Other Bargains Not Listed Here May Be Found in ' This Store TENENBAUM'S Known For Good Service, Low Prices, Reliable Merchandise 108-110 So. Broadway Phone 511 W* Give and Redeem S. 4 H. Green Trading Stamp* i? RESOLUTION AND Resolution to )wn Home? hesitating about irtcnihor! The First Cost fe the Whole Cost in this Progressive and Restricted Com- ' munitf—"in the Building Now." At your invitation details will he sent you. * Call 545 On Your Telephone Reinhardt & Kurowsky 145-A North Broadway Telephone 515 ; THE SOUTH AMJBOY CITIZEN iY, JAMJAR? 14, 1927 • ing the fams with the manner in which he Kxfficilates, and seems to have a g r e a t many admirers. .' I ' Many local people attended the first 'boxing tooiut of- 1927 in Perth By "BItL" OTOOI.E Amb&y Monday night. Ed Poulsen rection until h e lias filed a report with the funds deposited t o t h e credit of pointed by the Common Counc the City Council or ether municipal the city, charging t h e same t o the all matters which may be aubm Board certifying that t h e same has account upon whioh the warrant or to him f o r his opinion. He shall b^en done in accordance -with t h e draft is drawn; moneys received by such ordinances as shall be rea contract and specifications for said him for Hnes, penalties, licenses or by th<> Common Council, or any 1 work. . from any ouier Source or iourced, mitlee thereof, or by the Mayi Section 6. I t shall be his duty to other than for taxes, assessments and shall, when directed by the. Co ' ich may not be Council, or by t h e Mayor, prepa. S. A. H. S. TO PLAY particular lundi draft of any bill t o be presentei The general credit the city t o the Legislature for stack forces •ise directed sage, with a proper memorial for Miration tonight on the John street CARD PARTY TONIGHT horhes may Ixi numbered more u n i - by .the Common Council or otherwise passage thereof if the same in court. This game promises to be —n— formly. required by law. judgment of the Common Coun< amced with a great deal .of "fight" The ljadies' Auxiliary to the Pro- . • Section 7. The salary and com- Section 3. He shall furnish the the Mayor it bn required. He for the locals ara anxious to dispose tection Engine Company will hold pensation of the City Engineer shall Common Council, at each regular draw the deeds, leases, convey of -the Monmouith courtsters at any a card party tonight at the! Bergen Ue the SIMYU of Eighteen Hundred meeting an itemized statement of obligations, bonds, contracts cdst. ' _ , Hill fire house. Tables for aB of Dollars ($1800.00) Dollars pur year the financial condition of the city other legal instruments reiatii Morris, Kurtz, Barcmowski, Primp- the popular gsmles will be arranged and shall he paid in equal nail month- setting forth therein all .moneys re- the business 'interests of the i a , Domrenski, Lawrence and Fergu- and some beautiful prizes will be ly instalments or payments of Sev- ceived by him for ainy purpose what- which .may be required o'f him by Bon n will represent remvwfint, the local iteam in awarded nwnivM to tn the fhn wir,r, winners. what source or city ordinance, or by order of i m.a e t v t v jj-; Ye Dollars on the first and fif- soever and from the contest. , • teenth day of each land every month; sources the same have been received Mayor, the Common Council, or w. iau , ipravicted, however, that if and when 'am! all moneys paid »ut by him un- committee thereof, vjuent COOD BOUTS MONDAY GETTING UP NIGH. tiio amount af tj-ngineering work in der warrants or drafts issued or Section 3. He shall attend all the ti .nd said any one year shall eijual or exceed drawn in the manner aioresaid. On regular Council .meetings, he shall QiJl tar. _ , j e ope.n t o A t PERTH AMBOY Kenny Banks, the popular Rahway Fur Bladuer Cotumbus Relief, Is Minister vtDanger $3G,000.00 .tihe City Engineer shall the first day of Jamuar.y in each year piosecute and defend all actions the i. ,. >f the Mayor, and be n« fighter again demonstrated his cleSignal. Relates —•••-•—Experienoc. bo entieled to, and shall be paid a he shall 'furnish to the Common Coun- which may be brought by or against produced io«fore <ths Common Council verness on Monday night at the New Polo A. A. at Per.th Amboy, when he Itev. W. H. Mitchell, 824 Nn. Park St., lfe>e of 4% on such excess of $3(i,- cil a complete statement of all -'he city, or Iby or agaiinst any officer of the City of South Amboy at any moneys received toy him, and from »f tho city, for or oy reason of any regular or special meeting when the i n~\,,±A n,,f Al W-jMiFimnn in t h « + h i r j Columbun, Ohio eayat "My wife was trou- 000,00. section 8. That Harold Filskov what source o,r sources the same matter or duty connected -with or Common Council imay require the Juiocked out Al Aauilman in tne tniru b , d f , w i t l l h\aiAer | n itati,m until roudn of a scheduled six round .bout. . . . . . . respective of- same, said docket shall be and remain Kaufman was intcreat- the sole property of the City of South the count of nine includ- Amboy. The Police Justice shall final blow was the ordi- make a report ac every regular meet•at Highland ing during his texm of office, of all . „ _ . Ki-d Karalick of South River in -tffo ^ S v r ^ v l n l f imitation! "Thi ner appointed .and qualifies. January next preceding;. " the law oif this state, in which the city lines and costs received by him; and •what appears to be a grudge affair, tablets cost 2c each ut oil drue »to«*. Section i> That all oriiina BS or Section 4. Tho City Treasurer '"> interested, shall pay over weekly to the City Action aplenty featured all the Keller Laboratory. Meoh»nio»burif. Ohio. parts _^.J?"j!: of!..l..^ ordinances .•„„..".:.!.!! inconsistent herer shtiJl h a w and maintain his office at -SeeMon 4. He shall institute an Treasurer of the O y ot Soubh AmLocally at Jaques Drug Store, bouts at the Now Auditorium. with arc hureby repeaed. such place and'shall he in atiumdfuic; nctkm in any of tJho cases in this or- boy, fotr the ivtse af the city, all Jacingo Valdes of Cuba got the _ ..Section 10. 'Tnut this ordinance at has office at suclh t fanes as the dinaneo mentioned whofe instructed fees, fines, penalties and costs which decision over Joey Daidone, substitut- MIDDLESEX COUNTY COURT Ol- s h a l i ^ e e ff e c t immedjiatcily, on its Cornimittee mi Taxes shall determine, *° << ' > so by the Camnwn Council or he may receive for thu violation of ing Ifcxr Jimmy Reid, of State.n Island, COMMON PLEAS approval and publication in tho man- Sundays and Hdlklnvs excepted. "wvy committee' thereof, or by the ordinances and other offenses wherein their six round event. Both boys . ,, , ner prescribed by Jaw. KooUiim 5. 'line uuln/ry iind com- Mayor. He shall prosecute nny i»c- of complaint is made before him, p,nd •were, well .miatched and furnished ac- In the .matter of 1/iio"| NOTICE .peiisatioin of tto'Oity Treasurer shall ' tio11 » r s u i t instituted upo.n the com- thiq receipt oif such treasurer theretion for the fans. • apP^c™"™ Nc-lioo ia hereby given that the bo the -sum of Nine Hundred DoLurs 1'lai'nt of any iperwon, whan in hi3 for, shall on the payrment thereof, be Vincent Delio of Jersey City add^1^77™? fnr foregoing ordinance ,wo» passed on per nimum,. which shall be paid ;n JUd-ffment, the public interest requires a sufficient discharge for the &ame. «d another win to his list of victor- JOHN SUTLIM«, for On Petition "** '• r s l ' readiine Utt li nveetinj; of thu equal hall', .momitlhly iiistaililment.s or "«e sumo to be proHtcuted. He shall lie shall, give a receipt for each and Sea, when he defeated Special Deliv- cancellation of record Coinumwi Cqiunorl heid on January payments oif llhiily Sevon and 50/ J 00 " o t Uikc lm appeal or jiulo to show every fine collected by him to each 111J 1 l u 2 7 «ry Dorval of Newark. It is under- of a certato mortgage MflTTPF ' ' > a l "i that it will he Lai'em 'Oolhira .on.the fnist «nd ftfteenth -lui' wuso in any suit or iiobion in which person fined by him, and fille a duplistood that Delio will appear in Perth made by Patrick barNOTICE. up on ito secoindnnwi third reaJangs of each wnd 'tfvery momUi, iind shall " judgmond or decree .*all have been cate olf each receipt with the ComAimlbo-y again in the near future. Jf»- nn& Catherme and linn'l pasSiigo at u regulut' unset- 'be in lieu, piuice ntul' stoud Of' nil other 'n^'l* or rendered-aKainat the city ex- mon Council on making: Ms report. He Mickey Jones 61 Nowar'k ami Ray PanrcTl, his wnie-, to ' - - of said Comnwm 'Counicil to be salaries and fees, pei-iiuis.tua and c°!^ 'J7 dire-ction of the Common shtall file and safely keep 'all papers v Cumanings of Staten Island, played *» »™_ ' « " • •£,„.„<„,< , h j held in tlii-o Council Chamber, in the emoluments which 'oro n o w o r here- CoiUncil > « r ljy "«"(iar "f the Mayor, or pertaining to any action insf.tuted an important part in the action bouts 1 0 ABRAHAM EVERHI, nnU nis ^ ^ South l l n l c s 3 .;i h j s i n i ( m ill]medli t before him, a,nd art; the expiration of of the evening. This was a six round unknown h . w , d . e ^ s « s p v R l f f i *>•>* »" J^uany 26th, 1927, at «i«ht Seabian «. That Geoo^o A. Kress f*'<>•» » required to preserve the rightshis term of offico ahall deliver to the encounter m d Jones appeared to se-nit.it.ves WILLIAML-C. -KVEM1 , * * ^ ^ City Clerk of the City of South Amy i appealed appointed City City « ^ ^ «ity. y have an edge over his rival. MABCrARt, 1' LVfcU"T, CAKC)UML interested therein or af- Treasurer Troaaurer to bo hold hold office oliffe . for for the th- full fnll ' "Section 5. 'The salary and com- boy said docket and papers and doMike .Semon, of Linden',-weighing I3BUTELL, MERiCi t V t H U l , Ai.A toum olf three years from the first Pensation of tho City Solicitor shali cuments filed by him or in his poss200 pounds put his opponent, Art MEDIA EVEIUTT, aind GEJOKGhi h. <luy of January 1927, and until hi» "° t n '° s l v m °f Wiftaen Hundred Dol- ession, relating to actions for the tot 3>e Phew of TottcnVlile in the clear EVERTTT:stjejeessar has been in like rmuirver ' " r a P e r y e a r w hk'h shall be paid in violation of ordinances of the City in the second round. The weight TAKE NOTICE, that application City Clarik of the City of So. AmL.oy. mppoinited and qualifies. i equal Half monthly installments or oil South Amboy, and shall transmit .advantage of the Linden man was will bo made to his Honor, JOHN 1. AMBOY CITIZEN, Scctiom V. That all ordinances ;>r W m c n t < l ot Sixty 1>o and 50/100 to the Prosecutor Of the ple,is of the oo much ffor his opponent. pp too KIRKPATRICK,, _Judgo of the Mill)F JANUARY 14, 1927. parts 7>f oa'dinnineea inconsistent here- "°'« a ra on the first and fifteenth of County of Middlc-ex, before ;he c a i c n anc Joe Nago, weighing 151" pounds of dlceex County Court af Common with are hereby 1repeaJe4. l ove'ry month, and the actual sitting of each Grand Jury for said Fords was dropped in the second Pleas, or such ether Jvidge asahnll warrants Sveution 8. This ordiimince shall t n x e d c o s t a imd expenses in proceed- county, all complaints, evidence and o<thcr papers relating to the criminal matters anil complaints which have come before him Section 4. The Salary and compensation of the Police Justice off the It is understood that the new Polo said day, or as soon thereafter as the a Collector of Taxes, C«ty of South Amboy, shall be the passed on Section 6. That John A. Lovely A. A. will carry oh for the "balance matter can come an to b« heard, for her term of office. a meeting of the "* a n < 1 h e hereby ia appointed City sum of Four H-undred and Twenty of the season. The attendance Men- an order to ca-rtcel of record a certain Be it ordained by the Common held on January S o l i o i t o r to hold his office for the Dollars per annum, payable in equal ot South ooun c t n a UIc 0I ou n e!rm oi half monthly payments of Seventeen it ititwill will fw fie taken I -"u u"xerm ui«6i"K ™ ii«>i'i«<w .IKH«I_ » j if vTf—• " <» y & >> ''•'"11th, 1927, and ithat > taken three y< Ed boy. and 50/100 DoMara on the first and „_ up on on ^ite sesecond ' and •CatherineKparrell, his wlie, »o b o y . eo.nd 1 and third readings d a y ^ J a nuary li>! An elimination contest for county ftfDe.emth day of each and every Section 1. The Collector ofTaxcs and'3(ln«l passage „_ „... , Section 1. ' The Collector of'Taxcs andiRnal Dassase' at a reffulnr m*.^ successor has been boxers would undoubtedlyfor county Abraham Jtfveribt, Ufttea reoruary month. _,,...,_. _..,.... » ' ' dud qualifies. teresting to the fans, and prove w- 27th, / f T S , and recorded in the ot- s h a l l p e r f o n m s u o h d u t i e s j , . s ttre now i n K o f ^ dommon Council to be "Pointed dud qual Section 5. That Linwood Van That all ordinances or jsibly bring a number af might pos- Ree of the Clerk Cil the County ot 0I hcre&neT be imjrased upon' h e i,j i r l m CouacU Chamber in thl ^oct-Km 7.7. That may Cleef be and hereby is appointed . ,OT. ..b y t h e o rta,i l i n n C,,e 3• of . c i—., — ™™ -w, uu .,„,,„, « „ , . - . , ordinances inconsistent to Perth Amboy. at page 14. in Book 75 of Mortgage h ,e r. b -y .tow> new faces Middlesex, t y H J l j n ^ " d City S*South Am- P ^ ^ «* ordinances Pohce Justice oif the City of South this city in (relation to tha collection k a y o n j a n u a x y 25th 1927 -it eight W l t h a ^ e 'h«reby repealed. JOHN A. COAN, Aimboy, to hold his office for the o f t a l e s a s s a m e n wn<i 8 6 1 S. A. H. S. WINS . # m „ fox - „ PetlUo p^itunoii ' « ^' oiher mon- o'clock P. M. at which time and placo ^ i - ' ^ 8. This ordinance shall full teran of two years from tho fi>*t effect The Carteret High School combiday of January 1927, and until his AttorneyJoT^PetitbonoK e y 3 d u < , a n d payeSbl^ immediately on its apto t h j City. a n y pe^on interested therein or af- ^ ^ Sorrth Ami>ov N J ' f nation were badly beaten dn their go r o v a l md bectton 2. All montys belonging f ec ted thereby will hav« an opportu-i- P publication in the manner successor has been in like mani.tr against the bouth Amboy High l-14-4t botith Amtjoy, IN. J . t o appointed and qualifies. .. - City -and ,paid to the Ci'.lector j ^ y to .^ e ^ ^ . ( j , prescribed by law. School combij nation on Tuesday af, Section 6. That all ordinances or O i? T ^ 3 -or comingr into her hands NOTICE ternoon. The final score was b'O to G F R A , N K DISBUOW, parts af ordinances inconsistent with ORDINANCE 16. shall be paid by the Collector to -the city Clonk of the City of So. Amboy, Notice is hereby given that the this ordinance are hereby repealed its first reading iat a meeting of the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY City Treasurer withnu1. delay. For SOUTH AMBOY PITI^PM The box score: i ", inxvuy heJd fcivt.ii me Section 7. This ordinance stall Coimlmion Council on tnat January of South Amboy appointing a City s h a l l Uak{J a i w South Amboy f „„„. which shall City i s S u E o p J A N U A R Y ' ? • ' • • • •• • " lo the fo-^omg ordinance was passed on taJce .effect immediatley on its apORDINANCE lUh, 1927, and ithat it will he. take-n F. Tl. Engineer, fixing his term of office ff , G. fi]ed b y h e r i n h e r o ice proval and publication in the manner be ~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY u p o n i t e s e c i »"i and thud readings prescribed by law. 2 18 and salary and defining; ana setting Section 3. ' The Collector of Taxes Primpka, f 8 24 forth the duties of said City bngi- ....... at her offiee JPerguson, f .12 »w«.™. Sou,1* Aimboy appointing three tax ?™ ™ f Pasaage at a regular meets h a n b„„ e i ... n ^tendance NOTrCE in Sun- cnss**xrs, and fixing their term of of- C3? ,1 °m. ^ ^oramon Council to be 1 neer. ^ i n the City Hall daily, except SunDorxretnsky, f 3 fico ' - -a y g| during • '•' such" hours • - oand andsaJiary. saJiary. J" " ^ Council Cham Dor, in the Notice is hereby given that the 7 Bei it ordained by the Ocmmon d a y 3 a n { -i no- ij(j Bajaotowslci, c 3 4 Council .oif the City of .South Am- a s ^ Cammittec en Taxes shall de- nBe ~ : it " —••-•ordained by Uhe Common 9*ty HlaIT1 l n s a i d o i t y « f So-uth Am- foregoing ordinance was passed on Xurtz, g ^ 1 0 boy ,tHat the duties of the City Lngi- Pennine and -fix: .Lawrence, g : 0 Council of tha City of South Am- h?* °.n January 25th, 1927, at edglit •its first reading iat a nveeting of the Gomlmloin Council hold on January mea n d ; 0 neer be, as follows: Ho>ro-han, g _ 0 Section 4. The salary and com- boy: ^ c i M k _ P ' . . M : .interested * * whtc1} H P^.<= therein or af- 11th, 1927, and that it will be taken _ _ _ Section 1. The City Engineer p e r , s a . t i o n o f the Collector of Taxes HedtAon 1. That Edward Dewan thereby will have an opportun- up on its second and third readings 27 6' GO shalll perform the duties prescribed and he hereby is appointed tax sum of Eighteen Hundred be heard. and final passage at a regular meet;by law anid ordinances and such r_)ojiar3 ,p e r anaum, whioh shall be fl®3 sor of the first assessing district, Carteret ing of said Common Council to be G. FRANK DISBROW, G. F. Tl. othejr duties as may be required by paj^j j n e q u a i j,a|,f monthly install- amd ttha,t Charles Bloom be and hereheld in the Council Chamber, in tho Calver, f 2 1 o him by the City Council or other , miein ts or payments of Seventy Five ^y is appointed tnx assesor of the Citby Ball in said City oif South AmJtfullen, f .2 1 6 municipal board of the City. DoJairs on the first and fifteenth day second assessing district, and that boy on January 25th, 1927, at eight JANUARY 14, 10K7. Harris, c 0 . 0 0 'Section 2. He shall have the cus- ^ e!ich a n < j mi>ry m o n t h , ar.d shall be Leroy Bennett be and he hereby is •0 clock P. M. at which time and placa Jtliaidewkk, g 3 0 6 tody of and charge of *nd shlaill l:eep ; n ij e U i , p i a ; . e a i u i s tcad of all other appointed tax assessor of the fhud any person interested therein or afORDINANCE Blankoph, g , _ 0 0 0 .in the place provided by th« City salaries and fees, perquisites' and assessing district. fected thereby will have an opportunJBodosn, g _ u 0 0 Council all the maps, plans of Streets emoluments whatsoever which are Seation 2, That said Tax Assess. . . . ORDINANCE „. AN OF THE CIT\'ity .to .be heard. — and highways, sowers nnd sue; other u o w o r herea'fite.r may be allowed by arsishall each hold office, for the of South Aimboy appointing an ~ , G - FRANK DISBKOW, 16 maps or plans as may belong to the ] a w teiim o-f three years if roirn the first day Overseer of the Poor, ifixinu her term ' 0 2 of Wle C i t of Referee—.Comptan. city. He shall perform Engineering Section 5. Thait May Bowen be of January, 1927. yt <oJffke and fixing her cMnpense S & S L * • y So- Amboy. SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, services in connection with streets, a m j herdby is appointed Collector .if Seoblon 3. That the salary ar.d tion. ST. MARY'S BADLY ncads,. highways, _ . . .public Unes, ntti-yi Taxes to hold offiee for the full term compensation of said Tax Assessors Bo it orriain»d by the Common ISSUE OF JANUARY 14 1907 or nr three y^-ars from thi first day of be the sum of Two Hundred and Council of the City of South A.mBEATEN BY ST. BENEDICT'S to iba Hnid out, opened, widened, The strong bt. liencdicts live of altere«d in the City nnd make plans January 1927, and until her success- Fifty Diollars, for each tax assessor, boy: ORDINANCE •Jersey City, badly def-etited . St. nnd profiles oif the s.inns. lie shall o r n n 3 j n jji^ m , a n n e r been appoint- payable in equlal semi-annual pinysection 1. That Wary Price be AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY Alary's Hign Sohool team Tuesday prepare all plans and specifications ^ am\ qualifies. merits of One Hundred and Twenty and she hereby is appointed Overseer evening on the buvrcd Heart court, under the direction of the, City CounSection 6. That all ordinances or Five Dollars on th« first day of June of the Poor of the City oi South Am- of South Amboy, appointing a City 05 U> 22. Junkoiwaki was Ji'igh scoi1- cil or other municipal iboard and per- |>ur|.s of ordinances inconsistent here- a n | d December of each year during boy, to hold said office ifor the term Marshall, defining his duties, fixing ed ior tl\a llodal t.eum, he tallying tfor.ni such engineering services as w ith are hewiby repeale:'. '"heir terim of of'fiice. of rive years from the first day of his compeinsation and term of Oiflfice Be it ordained by the Common may bo required by the City Council Section 1. This" ordinance shall 'Section 4.- That all ordinances or January"l927. or other municipal boards of the City, tnke effect iiromictllately t'.i its appro- parts of ordinances inconsisteni b«ation 2. That the aa'ary and .ouncJ of the City olf South AmThe 'box acorcl: boy: Section 3. Ho shall keep a ci.ni- v a | ia,,1(| publication ;n the manner herewith are hereby repealed. compensation of said Overseer of the bt. oenedict't Section 1. The City Marshall record of all the streets, ruad«, prescribed by law. Section 6. Tlra ordinance shall Poor ibe Four Hundred and Twenty o. V. Tl.6 plflte imposed highways, public livn«s nnd alleys, NOTICE 'take effect immediately on its ap- Dollars' per annum, which shall be shall perform the duties t JMiCA«nmi, f 5 10 public parks nnd squares and other No.tieo is hereby given that the proval aind publication in the manner paid in equal half monthly install- upon hum by the Statutes of the Stat" u X c o n i u r d , t' •._ .. 1 places, hereafter laid n-ut op- foregoing ordinance was passed on prescrtJbed by law. nien.ts or payments af' Seventeen and of New Jersey, tend the ordinances o£ u 214 public c _ lu ened or tillered in the City in u suit- its first re-ad'inj; wt a-meeting of the NOTICE 50/100 Dol'.ais on the first and fif- tho Grty of South Amboy governing b 1 ' Notice is-hereby given that the teenth day of each iamd everv month said offiee. u 12 a'bto book to 'be proviilu-.i for that Goiinimloni Coiunoil held on January Section 2. Ho shall receive for (j purpose, wherein shall be entered the 11th, 11)27, ami itHiat it will be taken foregoing ordinance was passed on during- her term of office'. 2 JViice-i, g X 'I true and lawful surrey uiul the lies- Up o n fl5 second ami (jhird readings its ftrst reading Iat a meeting of the Section 3. That all ordinances or such work such reasonable lees as U the Common Council of the City of POCK, g ...1 4 cription thervo'f, specify,;IK in each and final passage at a regular meet- Coiirtofon Council held on January pazita of ordinances inconsistent h«re- South 2 Amboy ,may by ordinance dicnf.e tha .ilia.',i!'i of t,V>o sf.'vey or the ing of said Conimon Co-urxsii to be Utihj 1927, and that it will be ta'Voii with are hereby repeaJed. rect. tj a time w-jifon the same WHB made nnd 'held in the Counci'l Chamber, in the UP on ite second and third readings Section -I. This or'dinani'.e shall Section 3. Thut William O'Brien St. Mary't duly laid our, opened >r :i!S;rei!, a> city Hall in said Oity of South Am- a " d "nal passage ot a regular meet- take. affe-Qt immediately on Us approCity Tl. cording .to law. boy on January 2fith, 1027, at eight iife' of said Common'Council to be val and publication in the manner be and hereby is appointed G. Maiishu'11 of the City jf South Amr 0 Zdanowitcz, t 2 lie shnll keep an ucsurato anil ti'cloclt P. M. at which time aind place n°W in tho Council Chamber, in the .prescribed by law. ..1 c i t boy to hold office until January, 1 Alb-ba-tifllo, f ]u y complete, rccoi'd of all grades of r . n y P'cteoin interested therein or afy Hall in said City of South AmNOTICE 0 X4 streets uiid highways established by footed thereby will haye nu oppoi-Lun- boy on January 25t.h, 1027, at eight "Notice is horelby given that the first, nineteen hundred and twenty JianJtoski, c ..Y nme, and until his successor in 0 Muii.n, c 0 0 order of City Council and furnish a jty io k 0 heard. o'clock P. M. at which time and p'lace foregoing ordinance wns passtid on like manner been aprointcd has and nn 0 Mcnaghttn, g .2 4 complete and act-unite map in each Q, FRANK DISBIIOV/, y pcinsooi interestod therein or r.f- its first reading iat a nTCOting of tha qunlifiea. y 0 ot' said cases. City Clonk of Uhe City tit So. Ambiy. feated (thereby will have nn opporttin- Comilmloin Counoil hald on ,/anunry lill g U Ste'cUon 4. All (irdinniu-es and 1 Section 4. It shall be his duty to SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN, * ity 'to be heiir.il. 11th, 1927, amd that it will ij.> 'taken g 0 give nt suitable tiimeis not .more than ISSUK OK JANUARY 14, l!)«7. " FRANK D IS BROW. (J. up on ite second and third readings .parts of ordinances inconsistent hereCity Clerk of lilie City of So. Amboy. nnd finul passage at a rcEtilar m<:et- with are hereby repealed 10' 2 22 "nee in 'euch case and in proper miin, Section 5. This ordinance shall Rciteroei—Baldwin. SOUTH .AMBOY CITIZEN, ing of said Common Council to be ner to contractors nnd othe.ra, their nnniNANrF ISSUE OF JANUARY 14, li)27. held in Uho Council Chamber in the take effect immeidiaitely o n jt,g n p p r o . agents and woi'kmen when employORDINANCE .I'Perth Amboy dans tire awaiting ed in the fulfillment at' any contract City Hlall in soiiA Oity «f South Am- val and publication in the mniiner AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY prescribed by law. h y on Jnnuar wtJth keen interest the naming: o'f the , . i>re,scribiii.g . _ mnd dennniN&NrF ?, y 2 5 t n . 1 9 2 7 , nt ciatlit stre-at imiprovtMiient 'or for .the of South Aimhoy NOTICE su»C.cesstul bidder for tho Ruritan construction «f acwers or drain or fixing his compensation, appointing n ORDINANCE o'clock V. M.-jit which time mud piiice Notiuo is horelby given thut tli Copper Works Fi'cttd for baseball ttiis for otheir public improvements, in- City Treasurer, mid fixing his term AN OHDINANCK OK THE CITY any pwwn interestod therein or i.f- fri'ftiiing ordinnnce wns passed summer.. It is understood bh'iit n eluding the grading, paving, curbing, of office. of South Ainvbuy pa-escribing mid de- fcabed ithoreby will have an oiporlun- iLs first rcailinig iat u ni'M'ting of numoeir i»f sjuirt loudens iiru anxious guttering and cxptiunation.s thereof _ Be it ordained by the C onimun flnijig tiro duties of City Solicitor, ity to bo hoard. CoiTOnlO'U Co'iinwl heild on Jam1 to a*uro th« Hold, including Armund necessary ito the proper fulfillment Cimncil of the City of South Amboy; llxing nis c:i»ni.pcnsiitl'i>n, ciiini.pensaiiiin, iiippoiiiitinir U. KltANK KltANK DISHKOW, DISHKOW, iiippoliiiting ' G. Nntaro, who .niaimg-oil the ceum last <>f such contract 'as .may properly np- Seetiun 1. AH .moneys baking ing n City SiJieitor mini fixing his term nf City Clonk of the Citv (if So A in bo v 1 lth, IHL'7, and that it will 'be t ii']i mi iits Hecoml and third rer 8oa«di>ii. iluny fans are cluiiuiiig tlwit pcrUiin to the dutivs of his office and to the City r>if, South Amboy, from o-fl'ieo. SOUTH AMBOY C1TIZUN and final passajte at si regular a club 'With all 1'ei'lm Annxiy payers to furnish and put tip suitable and whatever source received, which shall lie it nrdained by the Cominon ISSUE OK JANUARY M, l'(.i27 1 iiiK of .said Comnion Cr'-'it1'-! would do n lot fur the nport in 'tmnt H>r<'l'er .ninmiments I'or the direction lave been paid, in which shall here- Council of Ohe City of South Am- . h'.-ld in the Council Cb city. of isiild wtork. ufter be jwiid .ti> 'Uhe City Ti'unturt'r, buy: nimiWAwrr Oily Il'ii.U In said Oit,' • Section B. It Hlinll be his duty to nr shall eonw ini'to hi.s pnsses.sion, SeetiUm 1. The City SnUc'tnr shall ORDINANCE The ringHide lit the two county fU- inspect nil work done for siiicl City Hhiill be deposited by him in men have ehivrge of nnd conduct the law AN ORIMNANCK OK 'I'll 10 ClTi' boy cm January Ufitl •tiic bnttllcliylils limls niany local I ol- upon inny contniet for Mreet imving, V.-mk en- li.-uilis us miiy bo Heloclod by biiHincs of tho city, anil nil (Mlier law »T •Snuth Ainboy jirosiM-iliing nnd du- o'clock 1', AI. at whi' lowwH in tho thronir, In nil proliu- I'DHHLriu'ting sewers, gnuling streei.s, lit' Comnnni CuuneM. buxini:s.H i)n which tin.' city i.< inleri'st- lining the iltitii'S of Police Justice, liny I'IIMDII in'tei-i"-'Jjlljty u curd 'for thin eiit.y woulil be MI' »ny other public improvement Nei'Linn 2. He .shall pay all war- i>d, when so onloi-eil by tHe Conimmi Hxiiig his einn|n nsiitiuii, ii])|ii>iniHng n I'I-OUMI ithi'i'eby w just rijrht 'lit this liimu. which •inny be reiitlired by the City ninU nnd HIPHIII neeept all di-uft-H ('uuricil. ' I'ollco Justii'r.' and lixing km term of It.y >to lm liwird. —__ Council or othor iiHinii-ipul board of diviwn on or njrarnst tho treasury oi ,Siw:t,ion 2, lie shall from time In office. li. FK. J-o-o McNudty, llici <poj>uiar t'e-l'uro<! Uie'Clty, niii\ ti« imminent or pay- the Oily of Snuth Amboy, when th(! Lime whem rwiuirod or i't"i'ii.':tteil ad'*« It "rdnined by tlic Common C:ili,v Clerk of the of Perth Anilboy is meeting with sue- mont.s siinll he iniade to nny contract- WUIK' are lawfully Iwtued iind !<iiriiud, visi< tiho Muyoi1, th« (Jominn'ti Cuuncil, Ootiiicll of tho CiLy of South Am- SOUTH AMltOV cesfi in Ills town ot late. Jou ia pleas- ur Hiii" nny wilfk ilone under hia ili- fnmi nny moneys In his IWUHI.H uin. ut' HIUI -tine committees anil officrs ap- l»iy: I.SSUK OI-1 JAN SPORTS" THE SOUTH AlfBOT CITIZEN REPORT xi CONDITION OF THE IS BELi. fH A&iBOY TRUST COMPANY ne, Manage 0*. SOUTH AMBOY, N. 3. at - the ByJ. Theatre close of business December 31st, 1926. . hat the eyes see, the 1. t must RESOURCES .relieve", so runs an cild ladag— When Bonds and mortgages —.$173,965.00 your eyiels behold tihe feast CK£ enter- Stocks and bonds.—.. 138,856.73 taiame'nt scheduled for the coming Time loans on' coBatweek, yau will 'be both thrilled and 100,891.46 letrals entertain'ed. Standing with the show Demand loans on collattonight, one picture after another is erals 38,237.50, real ptaasure. A great railroad Loans t o cities and towns 11,364.43 story "The Block Signail" with Ralph Notes and bills purLewis is a tihriller and more excitchased . ., 656,863.91 ing than a b i g fire. This picture is Overdrafts 138.84 shown tonight. . . . , Due- from <• «..»..«,». banks, etc 73,493.32 TamtM-rcxw matinee and night pre-' Bamlcm-hause furniture pare for a big treat. For Lon Cha-, a n d fixtures 80,115.06 "~" appears in "The Penalty , his ( j a s h m j_aiKj 34,255.16 role, that at a cripple. Chedcs and cash items-... 973.95 The comedy riot of the season Other assets _ 4,286.30 Sunday and Monday. "Tin Hats" with Oonnad Nagel and Claire Wind$1,313,441.65 sor is the picture. Do not miss "Tiji I LIABILITIES Hate" for iauglhs galore, o1=^ K i f stock paiid in $100,000.00 Guard aiid Ail 'Cooko in Bill Surplus fund _ 35,000.00 ProgTess. ( n e t ) . . 40,835.42 " is "Barrel of Fun".night!"™" 535,394.89 The tfejalture picture brings together three stairs. Gareth Hughes, Wanda Time ©ertifieartes o>£ 'deposit _ 36,200.00 Hawley and Henbert Rawlinston, iaW 506,058.48 appear dn a g r e a t crook drama "Men Demand deposits Certified checks 8,963.60 •of t h e Night". Another big laugh special for Wed- Treasurer's checks outstanding 260.00 meBday. Marie Prevost stars in "Up in Mdbal's Room", a hilarious howl of Bills payable 50,000,00 laiugfoter dn 7 big reals. _:...... 563.00 W. C. Fields in " I t ' s t h e Old Army Other liabilities Game" and Katherine McDonald in $1,313,441. <•><; "The Nnnamed Woman" is the double Statia of New Jemsoy, County of feature show for Thursday. Middlesex, ss. Donald W. Reed, Plrcsidcnt and PLAN TO PRESENT COMEDY HaroW G. . Hoiffmla'n, Treasurer, of Dr. E. C. .Griffin, pastor of St.! the above named company, bein't each for for himMary's church, is planning on pre-| S"e"l ^f rda l l y d u I y f ™ - each him senting a musical comedy for t h e e . « P ° f s *"><» .says that the forebenefit of the church immediately °."}? statement is true, to _the best following the Lenten season. The of his knowledge and belief. DONALD W. REED, comedy will no douot be one of tha President. stecent Broadway succeses, and furHAROLD G. HOFFMAN, ther announcement wiM be made in Treasurer. a short time. Subscribed wnd swoa-n to befon; mo this 7th day of January A. D. MEMORIAM 1927. In sad and loving memory of our GEORGE A. KRESS, dear husband and father, Elmer CowNotary Public. ard, who was biltod three years ago> CORRECT—^V TTEST. -today, January 14th. WILLIAM S. DEY, WIFE AND CHILDREN. JOHN A. COAN, * PATRICK F . KENAH, Adrertluo in ttw Oltlnm. Directors. 23rd Anniversary Sait TIRES-AUTO SUPPLIES-TUBES Special Reduced Prices! Standard Cord Tires Theac Reduced Price* Effective Darin* Thu Sale Only Qiacher Overt la* Cllnehrr 8-*5 .95 33.4 22 g.45 12« 5*4 J5 34i4 28 55 Y»»r M . » y Back If Not SalUfied A Small Down Payment Place* It in Your Home J5«S 30 .9$ STANDARD BALLOON CORD TIRES FLORISTS NEW Electrified LOW PRICES ON CORD TIRES 7.95 Strmifkl Siit ENSIGN BALLOON TIRES Res. FLORISTS Floral Designs a Specialty Greenhouses: 35S Laurie Street Perth Amboy, N. J. What torn tupply tar SS9.9S M.4H 2.95 3.55 29,4.40 Mi4.75 3US.2S 32x5.77 4 . 5 5 33xCJW $5 Automatic Windshield Cleaner ALL FIRSTS—NO SECONDS U»co 30x3% Reg 30x3% Oversize 00x3%_S. S 31x4 S2x4 33x4 82x4% 33x4% 34x4% 30x5 33x5 35x5 29x4.40 29x4.75 20x4.75 20x4.95 30x4.95 31x4.95 30x5.25 313E5.25 .?lx5.25 30x5.77 :)0x5.77 ?2x5.77 32x5.77 33x5.77 . r. : $6.60 7.40 8.40 10.60. 11.15 11.75 15.20 15.80 16.40 19.30 2O.S5 BALLOON TIRES 7.55 9.45 —.'- — 9.85 .' _ - _ -.11.00 12.30 12.80 Extra Heavy 14.45 Extra heavy _ ; Extra heavy „ Extrn heavy _ 32x0.00 Royal Cord $7.20 8.75 10.95 13.75 14.50 15.25 19.75 20.50 21.25 23.85 26.85 28.85 9.65 12.25 12.75 13.75 14.25 ,15.75 15.95 16.45 19.25 18.75 21.95 20.75 23.95 24.95 Grey Tubes $1.50 19.25 3.30 33x0.00 .'.— 15J30 33xG.OO Extra heavy 32x8.20 -L .12x0.20 Extra heavy 33x0.20 1. - - 19.90 3.50 22.95 22.95 3.50 3.70 26.75 23.45 3.70 3.95 3kS.T7 3.45 4.45 4.95 Genuine Thermo* Bottles. Pine Size. 98c 68c STORAGE BATTERIES in hard rubber cases. Guaranteed for one year. These Batteries arc of superfine construction and have extra strong plates, which make them exceptionally durable and rugged. S F E C I A L 13PLATE, 6-VOLT IOR FORDS . . . $10-95 6 volt, 11 plate.. .$10.95 6 Yolt, 13 plate. . . 13.95 12 volt, for Dodge 15.95 RADIO 6-Volt 60 Amp,.$8.95 6-Volt 90 Amp. .10,95 6-Volt 120 Amp. 13.95 SPECIAL 6-VOLT, 40-AMP. l a t r t i runtttuntly charifng butter7. Cm. b*- u»cd If cunjliBction with itnj liMdln Set usinn Slonice "A" RattwUn and ktvpi It constantly ut its full rfii Lightening Arrester . . Value $1.00. Window Lead-in Reg. 25c. inn .at r s for 45 Volt Large Heavy Duty 45 Volt Take the Chll Oat of the Room Dittorr t> ba uiul with Trickla Cbarwr n.-.i hcrcw -j.... ^jtf "B" Batteries 39c N«tion«Ur known. Rci. 60c V * « • n 95 Sli/ tt^/iiMmi'iit 49c g-J [>r : *' l CO flra V.'' fiRY^CELLS $00 3 FOR 20 7t. Extcnsirn *• *. CO P H O N E CORD <>•> ELECTRIC TABLE GRILL R*|. $5.00 •LECTJISC HEATERS «TT.P-«P<. •_• your Battery Cable Reg. 60c. $25 L.B. Cone S'erxkerrf>-|r GLYCERINE mrtt, Ml to guaruitud 1.95 2.15 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.70 2.80 2.80 3.20 3.20 3.40 3.40 30x4^5 'X" LIQUID Stop. Radiator Leak. Itf. 7Sc S i n . . . '*>.—». 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.60 2.70 2.80 3.00 3.30 3.55 3.25 3.95 4-65 rr •» SM.33 Nothino' More to Euy Cone Speakers $10 Trickle Charger BALLOON INNER TUBES AUTO UNITED STATES TIRES AND TUBES CQMPLETii B OcaalM ». » . C. Ai.TakMi S) lMr*c lMr* 40-Tolt II B a t U r i n ; 1 O .i%ntM4 . r t 4 t*o-Amp. Umir Siure Siureip) B«t4tT7, I . m h u r . . *r « . . . [ 11 LmiMtL L i L T T 7 H CC.n*l . t * n k C to CUT. G. & A. AUTO RADIATOR & BODY WORKS Auto Radiators, Bodies and Fenders All Work Guaranteed 208 New Brunswick Avenue Perth Amboy Bus. Phone 2970 Res. Phone 2758 WM. STRUVE & SONS 5 Days' Free Trial Free Installation Oaly $M D.wa. Bakac* ia Eaiy •ontlly FtyawaU. BODY AND RADIATOR WORKS Telephone 684 P. A. Phone 536-W Metuchen 5-Tube Radio Receiver Tbii Set Caa Be U.4H 3.45 CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor Distributor: Johns-Manville Roofing Products 575 Sayre Avenue -Perth Amboy Telephone 1249 1 CatraalM. *V Batttrjr Bma-tt, »ia( Ik* lUytkn TaW, rate, M blag 1M% WHcMat • tMthf kuWalatU*. 1 Triekk Ckar(«, rak. *1M». 1 Jback CMtrefit, Tala. $*M. The BVfltch on the liadio bet controls everything. Works from your light socket. No more Batterle» to tray. No mor« trouble, fuBi or muss. Come In and let us explain it to yoa. That will receive a* many ttationt and gio* at goad reception at PERTH AMBOY BUSINESS DIRECTORY ROOFING AND SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR Operate Your Radio Set from Your Light Socket with This Guaranteed Equipment Tor Tntlnir Storace Batlrrlm. val. $1 t\ no Reflex V . 9 8 Non Skid Chains tor. $3.50 DUPLEX MARCEL WAVER Dim-A-Lite TarM down jour «Wetrie lijht •• weD ai chai(e> y.ar Efht. 29x4-40 BUck No Glare Mirrors; Saf» for Night D«y Driving. . . . Spcdal Spark P l o p for Fortl.. 4 f o r . . DaPoot ( W o Polish, No. 7 R ^ . $ 1 . 0 0 . . With d«ta nluj, tilk cord Electrc Bauer 45 Bell Ringing Transformers. .05 Flip-Flop Elec tric Toasters ELECTRIC HORN fl.SO Hand Drills Torpedo typ« b«H loud •i C n.l. $3 Talus Electric 1 Wafflt Iron iturdj in<J , efficicat. AOTOMOBILK 6-LB. ELECTRIC HAND IRON 3-45 wool Imported lrl*h Slmwl full Ui«, [ ui rvffrjr robfl on both «nd». CThoXti Other Prices on Request Anderson's Garage and Battery Service 204 So. Stevens Ave. Telephone 392 Batteries Called for and Delivered. RADIO AUTO 204 Smith Street Open Evenings Perth Amboy, N. J. Telephone 3138 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN f Mr. and Mrs. John Kerwin, of RARITAN COUNCIL BOY Hindoo* Well Advam.. .ar Sin*. .« Fourth street, entertained friends SCOUTS DINNER TUESDAY Vneclnntion. anesthesia nnd .JCI" Is a slaiiK .. used bi fro«n Brooklyn over the week end. —— nnd In the United P* . OPRTUNIT) FOR ALL —— Plans for the seventh annual dm- septic surgery are supimsed to have In . >i If unknown, 'ffher Mr. Fred Deibert, of this city, ner meeting of the Raritan Council, been practiced by ihe Hindoos cen- Its sailed last Saturday, from Philadel- Boy Scouts of Ajmerica, which is to turies ago. cays the Dp«rliorn Inde three .epted spullUijis of rhe ».., FOR Iphia, on the SS Altleghany, of the be held next Tuesday eyeuing, are peadeot. "MonlRfr," innmilkpf" niiii "monicker ' Merchants & Miners Line, -enroute b,eing put into operation as rapidly "TAT FOR RENT—Apply M. 'for Jacksonville, Fla. as possiDje, Throug-h the courtesy •vaitr, 400 Henry bt. • 1-14-tf John Juliano, of Long Branch, visof the First Presbyterian Church of FOR RENT—Garage. Inquire I', ted his> brother Joseph 'Juliano, bf A regular meetiing of thei Board Perth Amboy, the scout council is to P. K«nah, 128 No. Broadway. 1-14-tf Henry street, the pest w«ek. * of. Public Works wiil be held in th-e use tih« Presbyterian Chapel on RccFOR RENT—Garage. Inquire tor street, for the dinner and has scMrs. Surah Duggam, of Henry st., City Hall next Thursday evening. ito-bent Van Dusen, 235 First St. cured the services of Mrs. Iver Laris ill at her (home at -this tian-e. Mir. and Mrs. J. Edward Coogan uf sen to eater and who needs no intro1-14-tf p Portia street, attended the •autom.'oduction to the scout council and i •v^ ^t i , , , . t . „'• FOR RENT: 6 room House with all show at Grand Central Palace, leaders for the splendid meals served roiod^m improvements. Rent reason^n Ne'w York Citv the bile New York City, last Saturday. jon many past occasions. Mrs. Fritz able". Apply 319 Henry st. X-Il-lt mst week. Per in New lorK Wty tne ! , „ „.' ", „,, , , Aibegg has ibeen appointed by the POK RENT—Furnished Room with board if desirad. Private fam- Albert • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson of committee to secure the services of ily, central location. Inquire Citizen For South Amboy, Mechaniciville, Morgan and Laurence-Harbor been done in past years. OMoe. 1-9-tf ;i/ves from Brooklyn on Sunday. Scout Executive Herbert W. Lunn NAVICOAL CORPORATION FOR RENT:—Modern flat, 5 rooms Kathrym Stolte and son J'ohn Dr. George J. Fisher, Deputy Chief all dmpiwenrante. Inquire V. J. Mon- Mrs. Anna Harris and Miss Mar- f Mrs. 305 State St. Phone P. A. 2781 Perth Amboy, N. J. Raritan street, attended the has made the final arrangements wibh ahan, 218 David Street. ;aret Dugg-an, of Greenville, Conn., Scout Executive of the National FOR RENT-—House, $20.00 per •isited with Mrs. Mary McConmick, 1 rf a friend at Newark during Council, who will arrive in P-erth Ammonth. Inquire 211 Henry Street. f'Pine avienue, on Wednesday. Mrs. boy on Tuesday afternon and: be the 12-24-fcf Ianris is a sister of Mrs. McCor- Mary Prinika, fourteen years old, guest o,f honor and speaker at is treated at the local hospital evening's FOR RENT—6 Room Apartment, mkk's. ^meeting. Dr. Fisher is a ._„ afternoon for a dislocated man of national all improvements on David St. Apply prominence in scoutreceived in a basketball Mrs. James Nichols, 415 Bordentowr. Rev. Father William Haaley, of ing circles and is acclaimed whereAvenue. .12-17-tf oint Pleasant, visited with Thomas he goes for >Ms wonderful and FOR RENT—Five room apartment I-Folton on Main street, Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Danser, of Granbury, evor inspiring addresses in the interests of with ail improvements at 262 John 'athe>r Healey is well known here, is spending some time with her moth- the boys, of America. Dr. Fisher is 1 St. Inquire J. Arthur Applegate, it onto time having been a curate! at er, Mrs. J. B, S'chuyler, of Second eom'ing to Perth Aniboy on this ocit. Mary's church. street. . 363 Division St., Perth Amboy. casion at the request of the local Exn-5-ti Richard Lewis, of Broadway, while Thle Sacred Heart Athletic Asso- ecutive iioaiid so iis to give leadership All, Goods Guaranteed or Your Money Back FOR RENT—Six room flat, on ittompting to board <a. car in Perth ciation will hold a dance in Satred at the iinnual mie-oting to the new; Stevens Ave., all improvements. In- Amboy ilast Friday, slipped and in Heart Auditorium next Tuesday even- council spirit which 'has come into! quire T. F. Sullivan, 205 David St. he fall received a broken rib. ing. .The proctleda willl be turned existence within the la«t three months. The soout leaddrship trainover to Sacred Heart Parish. 12-17-tf ing course conducted in the fall and Richard Masters™, o-f Wilmot St., FOR RENT—Garage in rear of the adoption uf the national standard No. 258 John Street, South Amboy. s visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miss Elisabeth Duggan, of Pine constiLutjion PURE LARD CURTICE JAMS and 'by-tewn suid the Burns of Flint, Mich., former resinyeiiu|e, ©nitortained relatives from Apply J. Arthur Applegate, 363 Dichaiigijig of (/he council name of the dents of this city. pound Connecticut on Tuesday. vision St., Perth Amboy, N. J. assorted, per jar RariUui Council, hiav,t' been three im11-26-tf Mi^s Elizabeth Campbell, of Mr. and Mrs. George Rubright of portant steps towards Uiis new counFOR RENT—Flat, 5 rooms, bath, Broadway, has returnled to her home Augusta .streut, spent the we<ik cud cil oonsciosness *nu Dr. Fisher will all improvements. Has just been re- after spending <i week "with relatives with 'relatives chnllenge' all jircsent 7iext Tuesday at Rending, Pa. decorated. Trolleys and buses ppss n Philadelphia. eveninH with the »ppxn'tu-nitica that by door. Rent reasonable. Inquire Sweet Mixed Pickles exist to train the youth of tlie counArthur Parker, of Augusta street, J. L. Bundesen, 339 Main St. 9-10-tf LUX Miss Ennma Longstreet, of Cono- spent .Sunday \viih friends «vt Sehuy- cil territory in citizlenship and charquart jar FOR RENT—A 6. room, flat and ocr street entertained a number ort | kilhaven, acter building. Pa. bath, all improvements, including Hands from Keyport at her hum?, 3 pkgs. At this meeting Exe-cutive Board stationary gas range. Apply 534 Tuesday evening. Mrs. John L. Oliver of Main street nwinbc-rs, troop CMniimittunien, scoutWashington Ave. 10-22-lt FOR RENT—House, 5 rooms, all Frank Brennan, of David street, htis been confined -to her home with masters and nssintants, and oth-cr joouncil office™ as well as jiiany improvements and garage on Bor ,vho recently underwent an operation illndss the past week. Large Cali Prunes dentown Ave. Inquire 731 Burden s limproving nicely a t the present Mrs. Rcubert P. Mason has been •others will be present front this city, ; PierLh Antboy, Woodbridge TOWTIT town Ave. or Lerner's, 114 Broad ime. F. A. B. 'named chaiirhidy of the South Am2 lbs. ' ship, Curtcrut <imd wiJl be the bijrgeal; way. , 1016-tf I boy High School Alumni card party and ibciat meeting ever held in the FOR RENT—New House, seven large package Miller, Bergen aind Welsh of to be held at the high school auditor- history of the Uoy Scouta o£ Amerrooms, all improvements. Rent rea- Broadway, ium on Feb. 10th. have purchased a new ica in this district. sonable. See J. J. Alpine, 623 Bor-Chevrolet coach firom Briggs Gardiemtown Ave. 12-17-tt age. John Cosgrove, Sr., is still confined ENTERTAINED SUNDAY FOR RENT—Furnished Room. D. & C.,Self Raising to his home on account of Tllneera but Inquire 339 Main St. 9-17-tt is improving at Wm time. Sevenal breaks in the water mains Dr. 'and Mrs, L. F. Meinzei' enterFlour LIFE BUOY SOAP FOR RENT—Private Garage. In- ihroughout the city has kept fch« waqnire P. 3. Monaghan. David St. 3-25 ter department busy the past week. Wm. J. O'Brien, local insurance tained Sunday at their honw- ?.ll 2 pkgs. i Bord-untown avenue, Mr. and Mrs. 4 cakes man, will spend the week end- with Abija'h Applegate of Prospect Plains; FOR SALE , \ On Monday, -the United States his mother in Philadelphia, Pa. Asseonlblyman Wilton Applegate, Dr. FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. . Six Senate confirmed the name of Roband Mrs. M. S. M'einzcr, of Perth room house with all improvements. ert B. Chapman, as the appointee to Amboy; M>r. Nelson Quackenbush, of Foolish Sale* Talk Can be bought with little cash. In '.he Postmastership in this city. Brooklyn; Miss Louise Mundy, ol Culli'ifi' Siurtenl (Hi l>usy filmier)— Wiilkes Bame, Pa.; Mir. Rowland F. CRISCO quire Frederick H. Lear, 210 George RITTEIBS CATSUP St. • 10-1-lt Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly 'have mov- Can 1 Hi'll you » s<'l of books to help Meinzcr, Mr. Augustus L. MeiniHjr, pound can 2 bottles FOR' SALE—1 lots on Louisa at. d from Main street to a new address you while nway the long laxy dnyi p< Miss Shirley Spice and Edward Meinbetween Pine ave. and Feltus st. P. >n John street. summer?—Detroit News. ' zcr, all of this city. J. Monaghan, David st. 8-25 FOR SALE—Property cor. Stevens nvenue and George st. P. J. Monaghan, David street. 3-26 FOR SALE—Lots on Bordentown avenue (Whitehead tract). Apply to T. F. Sullivan, 265 David st. 2-12-tf RY 14, 1927 "LOCAL * Nut EiA ¥11311A t stove $11.00 er Net Ton, Delivered $10.50 Net Ton, in 5 Ton Lots m Cut Price Grocery Salef Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday 18c 23c 39c 25c 25c EXCLUSIVE "PRACTICAL" FASHIONS MISCELLANEOUS Samuel Sudalter South Amboy, N. J. Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday MIXED CANDIES, lb LEGS OP LAMB, U>.. _.15c RAISIN'S, 2 for ...25c FRESH HAMS, pound ._ 30c VEAL CUTLETS, lb _40e FLOUR, 25 lbs. -.$1.19 Vi HAMS, String Ends, lb. 33c Sw«et CIDER, new gal 30c CHICKENS, pound, 25c ..37c PEPPER, 3 box Switzer Cheese, Imp., lb._..65c OCTAGON SOAP, «a. ..._ 6c If you arc i in any kind of Insurance, consult me ami [ will lie glatl to jjftve you full details without any obligation to you. 'Win Mifsen Kntliryn mul Aniwi (irhnloy of linnitim street »pen' ay cvuuing i/i New York city, 25c Borak's Meat Market COST OF INSURANCE REDUCED A regular itnccittni; of the Kniuhfc of Columbus will be hold in their Too^s >cm David street, Wednesday evening. Grand Knight Prank llni'ltott has a special mumiKe fur tlu imtmbure ut this tiimti nnd n tariff at 1*nt!iinc0 is desired. At tin; following m-ce-tiiiK, a national officer wii' he th-c (rutftt of tihe Uiciil council. 25c 101 N. Stevens Ave. WOOD FOR SALE—Firewood, $5 per Ford truck load. Elmer C. Applegate, It. F. D. No. 1, Matawan, N. J. ll-26-8t K. OF C. TO MEET , WEDNESDAY NIGHT 25c Tel. 454 WOOD FOR SALE A. STEINER 225 Church St., City 25c Pull Line of Fruit, and Vegetables in Season FOR SALE OHEAP—•Bowser tank and ipump, 375 gallon capacity. Inquire Eagle Tea Co., South Broad•way, ODty. 1-7-tf FOR SALE—Chevrolet Qoupe in good condition. Make an offer. In quire Howard Littell Coal Yard, Da vid St. 10-15-tf FOR SALE—Dining Room, olectric and gas dome combined, Inquire - 121 John St. 924-tf •MONEY TO LOAN on bond and mortgage in eumn of $100. $200, $30n $400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office hours from 8:20 a/m. to 8:20 p. m Wednesdays and Snturdnys from 8:20 a. m. to fi p tn. Inquire John A. Lovely, Trust Company Building I will also IM* {ilad to gixv full [tartirnlarn in regard to I lie lower cost of Insurance. 23c 9i8—Afternoon Drens miide of clnth or siitln. Hcqulros for fllxe 311, ono and ono-luilf ydp. 54 In. iniitfirial. l''or addltloniil size add oneuuurtor yd. Sizes 16 to 44. 986—Chllds cont mnde of slllc or clotli with novelty i>atch pockets. Uequlres for elze 4, one and throo-quftrter yd, 40 In. rmit«r!al. Kor «nch additional Blze add onu-elghth yil. Sizes 2 to 8. 970—Novel Suit mado of cloth. Requires for size 30, rtwo sum onp-liaH yds. &4 in. material. l or enuh additional Bizo add one-quarter yd. SIECU 16 to 44. 969— Street DreB8 mtide of cloth or satin. Requires for 3G, two nnd ono-half yda. 54 In. mfttortnl. l r or each additional size ndd oncauartfr yd. Slices 16 to 44. Youtlifulnesa 1B the koyuoto or the mode. The matron must forgot her years; tho maid rorel In thsm. Tho slenderising slialglit lino, unbroken from shoulder to toe, despite tho changes that each season brings, still I10UU supremacy over the style. Two ot the Practical Pottorua prenentod herowlth offer tho unbroken ntrnlKbt lino In drosses for street and afternoon wear. Ono of tlioao Is.Numbor 003, a utroot frock with "PRACTICAL" PATTERN ORDER COUPON a front panel like au elongated apron. The iiioN KDITOII: dress effect Is perfectly tailored, with a RncloAed pleaao find twenty-flve cents, together with two centa ? straight buck. Two iin!<[ue poclceta ara lor mailing, for which pleaBe acnil mo thtj (ollowtuis "Practical" i Patterns: tucked Into llio eoniora of_thu pandl. Bizo , Stylo Numbur Kvon th<! sinalliiHt girl In the family eomes Numo I'lcasa Print in for attention, anil Number DUG 1H a clilld'n Strnot nnd Number \ Name and Aildri'sn. fj| l y a n ( ] S l n t o coat which ctin lie maila ot Bilk or light welgllt cloth by 1I10 motlior who In looking If more than one pattern Is desired, onclonu 25 cents plus post- i ago fur each pnUnrn. ahead lowurd Sprlug, or of heavier maturlal for p'ouimt wwir. PRESTO FLOUR, Pkg 15c Catsup, 2 bottles 25c CHOPPED BEEF, lb 15c S'LOIN or P'HOUSE ST'K 29c Lee. Can Tnniatoes, 2 for ..30c First Prize Butter, lb 30c RIB ROAST, per pound 18c Pigs Liver, 2 lbs 25c Corned Spare Ribs, lb. 24c Large Apples, C lbs. for 25c POT ROAST, nil meat___22c LARGE CAN PEARS .'J Rolls Wax Paper. LIVER, per lb._ 10c ... 15c PRUNKS, 2 pound box . . 23c Potatoes, 5 lbs. Large DILL Pickles, 3 for. 10c Shoulder VKAL, Breast Veal, 2 lbs. Fresh Pork Shoulders, lb. 24c pound 2Dc 15 ROAST VEAL, lb. 23c PORK KIDNEYS, pound 15c CHUCK STEAK, lb. 18c Shredded Wheat, box 10c Chuck Pot Roast, lb .lie Pork Loins, rib ends, lb. 29c RUMP VEAL, lb. 23c -Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. ...25c Plate Corn Hoof, 3 lbB. 25c Loose Fresh Sausage, lb. 30c CALI HAMS, pound 19c LAMB CHOPS, pound 25c 25c LAMB STEW, pound" ISc !i Stalks "celery Hackers Flour 12 M s lb. 65c Largo Eox Washing Powder 20o 122 Broadway Telephone 261
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