2007 Annual Report - Headwaters School
2007 Annual Report - Headwaters School
ANNUAL REPORT 20 07 from our board chair 2007 was a year of expanding and solidifying the foundation of the vibrant community of The Khabele School. The Board of Directors was particularly concerned with ensuring that Khabele remained fiscally strong following the large expansion in 2006. The Board of Directors conscientiously tracked the school’s progress and fiscal soundness. The Khabele School is going into 2008 with a foundation of continued excellence and fiscal responsibility. On behalf of the board, I am happy to report that through strong fundraising, which included the inspiring and fun One World fundraiser in April, acquiring important grants and the 90% participation of The Khabele School families in a parent-led matching donation, the financial foundation of The Khabele School remains strong. We want to thank each and every person in The Khabele School Community who participated in any way – every contribution made a difference. Not only did the school get through the challenges posed by the expansion, but The Khabele School offered substantial scholarships for students for the fall 2007 semester. The acquisition and creation of the studio in November of 2007 added new dimensions and opportunities for the school. Students attend dance, martial arts, yoga, and music classes there. The studio has also served as a place for art exhibits and dance workshops. We are proud of all of these accomplishments. Sincerely, Cathy Benouis, Board Chair This 2007 edition of our Annual Report is designed to thank and acknowledge our donors, volunteers, staff, and board. Thank you to all of you. Without you, the Khabele School would not be possible. Please accept our apologies if anyone is missing from this Annual Report. Please e-mail any corrections or additions to Development Director Moya Khabele at moya@khabele.org. All acknowledgements and financial reports are for the fiscal calendar year of January 2007 through December 2007. Thank you to Cate Tschumy for annual report editing, and to the KhabeleYearbook Staff for the photography. As a community, we have had an exciting, significant and successful year. The most notable aspect of the past year is that we effectively went through a large expansion of the physical space and community. Going through this process while providing scholarships and maintaining fiscal responsibility was not a small feat. There were times when it was tempting to become overwhelmed by the minutia of our daily work and get sidetracked by merely trying to make it to the end of the year. As is the case when any organization that goes through substantial change, our mission and vision were tested and even reevaluated. Standing on the other side of this change affords us a more objective viewpoint. It allows us to get present to what all the work was for. It is though this objectivity that we can remind ourselves of our true purpose. As a community, we share an aspiration to make the mission of the school available to as many people as possible. This mission is to cultivate learning communities in which every person realizes their profound beauty, falls in love with learning and lives with courage and authenticity. As powerful as this intention is, it is made possible only through each person contributing something valuable. Whether you have contributed your time, your insight, your expertise, or your money, we want to acknowledge that it has made a real difference in the lives of the young people in our community. As you consider your contribution for the future, we invite you to keep the mission of the school in mind. Please enjoy this year’s Annual Report. We are thanking over 200 donors, over 70 volunteers, and almost 30 staff and board members. Their dedication, hard work, and generosity have made the fulfillment of our unique mission possible for our 150 students. We appreciate your support and we invite you to share this Annual Report with friends, family, and colleagues. As the school has grown, so should our network of supporters. Thank you. With appreciation, Khotso Khabele, Director our mission To cultivate learning communities in which each and every student, parent, and staff member realizes their profound beauty, falls in love with learning, and lives with courage and authenticity Our vision is that very person throughout the world has access to an inspiring, enlivening, and open learning community. School is regarded as a profound opportunity for self-discovery and selfmastery. Schools are community centers, in which people of all ages evolve in their relationship to themselves, each other, and the world. our vision 2007 financial report 2007 Income Income: Tuition and Fees...................................................................................................................$1,568,780 Fundraising, Donations, and Grants....................................................................................$185,281 Other Income........................................................................................................................... $13,249 Total Income............................................................................................................................$1,767,310 2007 Expenses Expenses: Salaries, Benefits, and Staff Development.......................................................................... $873,630 Building, Occupancy, and Maintenance (includes studio remodeling)........................... $429,163 Student Benefits...................................................................................................................... $132,709 Textbooks and Supplies......................................................................................................... $117,790 Utilities, Insurance, Administrative Costs, and Operations.............................................. $111,873 Furniture, Equipment, and Technology.............................................................................. $102,181 Total Expenses.........................................................................................................................$1,767,310 What has Khabele accomplished or acquired with the support of donors in previous years? ✓ Three beautifully remodeled Victorian school buildings with a robust wireless network, sun-lit classrooms, and comfortable student lounges ✓ A new community deck that features a stage for concerts and student performances ✓ A fully stocked arts studio that includes a 2-person darkroom ✓ A high school science lab with a wide range of supplies and equipment for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics labs ✓ A highly qualified and competitivelycompensated teaching staff that enjoys quality benefits ✓ A wide variety of classes including athletics programs, leadership courses, college preparation programs, music classes, and certified AP course options What will Khabele accomplish or acquire with the support of donors this coming year? ✓ A newly remodeled 2,000 square foot dance, martial arts, yoga, and music studio ✓ A new school van for transporting students to academic competitions, performances, athletics programs, and field trips ✓ A well-funded scholarship program that will help Khabele increase economic and ethnic diversity 2007 donors The quality of the education and capital infrastructure of Khabele would simply not be possible without the generous support of our donors. Thank you to all of you who donated to Khabele in 2007. Groundwork Donor, $25 - $99 Lexi Wall and James Bautista Joe and Thelma Bonzek Martin Boozer Eric Brown Kelly and Linda Dickens Valerie Chaussonnet and Norman Dorsett Scott Claver and Ritamarie Loscalzo Mark and Valerie Cline Kelley Collier Lynn Connelle and Noel Rodriguez Jason Daniel Judy Dauterive Marshall Escamilla Ryka George Nikki George A.J. Gerstenhaber, class of 2013 Nathan Hardee and Sandra White Ellen Hickman Beth Howe Brian Johnson Patrick Keenan Randy Linder and Debbie VanRyn Reena Luera Theresa MacLean Eric and Laurie Mann Yolanda Manzano Doug Matus Mike McIntosh Elena Michaelson and Eli Sutton Steve and Esther Moritz Richard and Nancy Neavel Robert and Molly Orgozaly Justin Bendich and Janie Sarason John Schultz Zilmon and Lisa Smith Emily Summerfield Gary Thomas Michael and Melinda von Ohlen Dylan Winters, class of 2012 Robert and Melissa Whatley Development Donor, $100 - $999 Steven and Kathy Albert Sergio and Carolina Alcocer Gene and Kathy Ashlock Emily Ashlock, class of 2008 Toni Berry Mike and Suzanne Black Esther Bramlett, class of 2008 Jeff Bronez and Alicia Browner Eric Brown Bruce Byron John and Kathy Carlson Sandy Cary Kim Caroland and Brigitte Edery Glenda Chamberlain Kim Coffin Charles Daily and Sherrie Sanet Kelly and Linda Dickens Nicole Duarte Paul and Susan Dubois Matthew and Carol Fagan Dana Ferris Janie Fleming Leila Levinson and Burke Fort John and Michael Fortkort Trey and Cary Fyfe John and Cyd Gallimore Anonymous Donor Priscilla Glover Mark and Marie Grace Greg and Laura Grimes Jack and Pamela Harper Bobby Heine Tom Herod Emily Hooks Ron and Deborah Horne Jody and Ellen Hunt IT Freedom Sara Jensen Bill and Julie Johnson Bryan and Sheryl Johnson Alex and Jennifer Keller Paseka and Joan Khabele Kruger Jewelry of Austin Doug and Sue Leininger Cynthia Locke Jerry Lopez Rey Madalora Jim Young and Vivian Mahlab Keith Maples Bruce and Cheryl Martin Kenny and Penny McLeskey Tom Morgan and Sheila Lummis Don and Mary Morgan Carl and Donna Morris Reuel and Liz Nash Manny and Caryn Newburger Victor Palma Peter and Stella Patton Deb Pearson Gary and Dianna Pharr Hazel Segrest Lois Richwine and Jesse Sublett T.R. and L. Sullivan Hector Rivera Steve and Mary Ann Robalino Kelly Rodgers Ty and Shelly Runyan David and Lin Russinoff Elizabeth Sander Sammuel and Janet Scott Peter Steinhardt Michael Strong Jim Summers and Susan Lippman Rodney Susholtz Roland Swenson Mark Thomas Theresa and Hank Thompson Bill and Cate Tschumy Jennifer Tull William and Laura Walsh Craig Washington Alan and Kathy Watts Camille Webre, class of 2013 Charles Webre Jim and Vida Witcher Alison Young and Clif Wright Lorraine Wulfe Establishment Donor, $1000 - $4999 Webber Foundation Anonymous Donor Austin Cab Company Cathy Benouis David Berry Mark and Paige Blake Robert Blodgett and Janet Hickerson Lee and Helena Bomblatus Cascade Custom Pools Dell Open Grant Foundation Christopher and Diana Fritz Khotso and Moya Khabele Brian and Sabrina Kindell Bertha Means Larry Peel Kerry and Carole Price Rudy and Ana Rivera Anonymous Donor Carolena Schuette James Tai and Diana Weihs Wahoo’s Fish Taco and Austin Wine Merchant Marc and Suzanne Winkelman Fred and Jodi Zipp Margaret Zipp Anonymous Donor March 2007 Fundraiser Sponsors Breakthrough Donor, $5000 and up Gerald and Paula Bramlett Paul and Mary Ann Howell Stillwater Foundation Austin Cab Company Cathy Benouis Gerald and Paula Bramlett Cascade Custom Pools Paul and Mary Ann Howell Kerry and Carole Price Wahoo’s Fish Taco and Austin Wine Merchant Marc and Suzanne Winkelman March 2007 Live Auction Winners Joey and Mary Alack David Berry Lee and Helena Bomblatus Gerald and Paula Bramlett John Carlson Janie Fleming Joseph and Ellen Hunt Khotso and Moya Khabele Bertha Means Anonymous Donor Jennifer Tull September 2007 Silent Auction Winners Steven and Kathy Albert Robert Blodgett and Janet Hickerson Paula Bramlett Brigitte Edery Valerie Chaussonnet Elizabeth Crinejo Judy Dauterive Cameron and Debbie Day Kelly and Linda Dickens Paul and Susan Dubois Bobby and Susan Epstein Matthew and Carol Fagan Jim and Caroline Foley John and Michael Fortkort Jeffrey Fry and Janet St. Michael Theresa Fulton Gary and Karin Gerstenhaber Cyndi Goodson David and Rhonda Grover Tommy and Martha Hancock Paul and Mary Ann Howell Michael and Teri Hubbeling Brian and Sheryl Josserand Renee Kaplowitz Khotso and Moya Khabele Brian and Sabrina Kindell Leila Levinson Cynthia Locke Lisa McCafferty Debby McCray Ray McMackin Gail Norman Molly Ogorzaly Victor Palma Peter Patton Rudy and Ana Rivera Melissa Segrest James Tai and Diana Weihs Theresa Thompson Alan and Kathy Watts Sandra White Theresa Woodsong Alison Young Foundation Grants December 2007 Art Opening Buyers Alison Young Dan Winters Jeff Wilson Bear Guerra Ellen Hunt Emily’s Catering F.T.K. Partners Jesse Bloom Plant Management Prism Development Rudy Rivera Tao of Aiki Jonathan Beall Judy Carr Debix, Inc. Fernando Guerra Khotso and Moya Khabele Carlos Martinez Stella Patton Taylor Jones Images James Tai and Diana Weihs James Wilson Cassandra Wilson Anonymous Buyer Dell Open Grant Foundation, $1,000 National Foundation for Philanthropy, $2,000 Stillwater Foundation, $25,000 Webber Foundation, $50,000 Corporate Employee Matching Donations Dell Computer Corp., $2,500 Dell Foundation, $1,000 Centennial Holdings, LLC, $2,000 Sun Microsystems, $200 Graves, Dougherty, Hearon, and Moody, $250 In-kind Donors our volunteers, staff, and board Volunteers Carolina Alcocer Kathy Ashlock Suzanne Black Helena Bomblatus Paula Bramlett James Bryce Valerie Chaussonnet Scott Claver Linda Dickens Kelly Dickens Norman Dorsett Stephanie Driggers Carol Fagan Michael Fortkort Jeffrey Fry Karin Gerstenhaber Priscilla Glover Tommy Hancock Janet Hickerson Emily Hooks Debbie Horne Teri Hubbeling Ellen Hunt Jody Hunt Brian Johnson Carla Jung Renee Kaplowitz Sue Leininger Leila Levinson Sheila Lummis Cheryl Martin Elena Michaelson Gail Norman Molly Ogorzaly Victor Palma Carole Price Shelly Runyan Lois Richwine Rudy Rivera Mary Ann Robalino Lin Russinoff Janet St. Michael Shelley Seale Melissa Segrest Charles Skiera Jesse Sublett Gary Thomas Michael von Ohlen Alan and Kathy Watts Genesis Webb Charles Webre Suzanne Winkelman Dan Winters Kathryn Winters Theresa Woodsong Alison Young ebbie Horne Kathy Ashlock Leila Levinson-Fort Paula Bramlett Helena Bomblatus Theresa Woodsong Alison Young Ellen Hunt Linda Dickens Kelly Dickens Karin Gerstenhaber Teri Hubbeling Scott Claver Michael Von Ohlen Charles Webre Sheila Lummis Shelley Runyan Kathryn Winters Rudy Rivera Carla Jung Molly Orgozaly Genesis Webb Shelley Seale Cheryl Martin Elena Michaelson Suzanne Winkelman Gail Norman Emily Hooks Brian Johnson Carol Fagan James Bryce Jeffrey Fry Janet St. Michel Alan and Kathy Watts Lois Richwine Jesse Sublett Melissa Seagrest Michael Fortkort MaryAnne Robalino Norman Dorsett Valerie Chaussonnett Suzanne Black Victor Palma Priscilla Glover Carolina Alcocer Renee Kaplowitz Charles Skiera Janet Hickerson Stephanie Driggers Dan Winters Gary Thomas Jody Hunt Sue Leininger Lin Russinoff Carole Price Joaquin Hancock Jody Hunt Jack Harper Kathryn Winters Kim Caroland Stephanie Driggers Michael Fortkort Ellen Hickman Charles Skiera Kelley Sadowski Sherrie Sanet Marty Hancock Judy Dauterive Sheila Lummis Sabrina Kindell Sara Jensen Salvador Flores Moya Khabele Khotso Khabele Julie McClure Staff Board of Directors Melissa Andrews Kim Caroland Kelley Collier Jason Daniel Kelly Dickens Marshall Escamilla Alix Evans Eric Mann Yolanda Manzano Tara Mason Doug Matus Chelsey Moore Oliver Rajamani Joe Sokolik Heather Campbell Lisa Dubuque Cathy Benouis, Board Chair Rey Madalora, Treasurer Linda Dickens, Secretary Michael Strong Roberta Lang Janie Fleming Moya Khabele Khotso Khabele khabele 801 Rio Grande Austin, TX 78701 www.khabele.org US Postage Paid Austin, TX Nonprofit Org Permit No. 641
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