GROUND CONTROL ® - plants prevent erosion and weeds
GROUND CONTROL ® - plants prevent erosion and weeds
!"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+#(,-./01,+-#. 234(56557 8+9#0/:+75 0 0 ;<-5=0&>?0 $>@A0 !B>!@A C(<659,-40D,'5=0E+F>G3-5 An excellent ground cover featuring deep blue flower spikes and attractive bronzy-blue foliage. Deer resistant. 34-#%)%%$ Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ H5I<''5-7570J/5/= Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+#(,-./01,+-#. 234(565570 4 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 4 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%$& '($)* +,($-, '($.!%/0 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()$*+% %&'()*'+,./*$01002 4'5637('20 3 3 8)+093":;3 :<=3 >?:><= @$)105A+*3BA#093&',:C/+0 Lush, almost black-burgundy colored leaves with stunning, bright blue flowers. Deer resistant. 34-#%)%%$ D0E)##0+2023F7079 Ajuga reptans ‘Mahogany’ Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. !"#$ !"# !"#$%&'()$*+%%&'()*'+,./*$010023 5 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 5 Also a CLIFF HANGER® plant Cotoneaster dammeri Bearberry Sun Zone: 4-9 Part shade 30” 6’ Flowering Time: May-June Bearberry Cotoneaster dammeri Evergreen, dark green foliage will become purplish in winter. Small, white flowers are followed by coralred berries. Attracts birds. This is an excellent ground cover plant. Deer resistant. Recommended Uses: Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. 473ml 1pt Cotoneaster dammeri Bearberry 20 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 20 Also a CLIFF HANGER® plant Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’ Bearberry Sun Zone: 4-9 Part shade 20” 6’ Flowering Time: May-June Bearberry Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’ Evergreen, small light green leaves that turn yellowish in fall. Small, white flowers are followed by persistent, orange-red berries in fall. Attracts birds. This is an excellent ground cover plant. Deer resistant. Recommended Uses: Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. 473ml 1pt Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’ Bearberry 21 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 21 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'()** +!,-./0%1"&23 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#"$%&'#%()*&++%(,) )*++,-.//"/.0 1/2.3/..4 5 8+,/95$:;5 5 67, <=5 >0 ?(+@/.A,B5CA'/95*24:D7,/ !"#$%"$$& Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Mooncreeper’ Evergreen, dark green leaves. Large, white flowers are followed by persistent red berries in fall. Attracts birds. This is an excellent ground cover plant. Deer resistant. E/-+''/,F/F5GH/H9 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#"$%&'#%()*&++%(,) )*++,-.//"/.0 1/2.3/..45 22 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 22 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()"*+(,-#./'01 )*+#,-.-,,+ / / 01-#/2314, 67+,8/&9%/ / :;/ 5314, / !<; =(7>,-*+./?*',8/@A+, !"#$%&'&%%# Gaultheria procumbens This evergreen ground cover has the true wintergreen fragrance when crushed. Pinkish-white flowers. Reddish berries in fall persist through winter. Deer resistant. B,C7'',+4,4/D2,28 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&'()"*+(,-#./'01 )*+#,-.-,,+/ 37 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 37 !"#$%&' ()**+,%-!)$.,%"/ 0!,1"$%23!4,!' 53!"!67%08%9:;;< !"" #$%!&'#()(%#*(&+'(, !"##"$%&'()!*+'#'( ()*+&,',-./ )*+&,',-.01'+." 0 0 23. 5-.,607890 0 2*+4, 0 :;0 <; ='->,?@.A0B@&,60C3.,8D3A3E" !"#$%$&'()%"'* Houttuynia cordata ‘Chameleon’ Excellent groundcover with green leaves splashed with white, pink and red. The white flowers are fragrant. Very aggressive. Deer resistant. F,G-&&,.4,40HE,E6 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. #$%&' !" !"##"$%&'()!*+'#'( ()*+&,',-./ )*+&,',-.01'+."0 46 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 46 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.& )*"*+,-,./"012, . . 3*1#.-4*5, 67+,8.&9:. . ;<. /4*5, . !=< >(7?,1@+2.A@',8.B*C9)0+, Very attractive foliage is dark green and somewhat shiny. Creamy-white flowers. Evergreen ground cover. Deer resistant. 1*2*#"&"'32405" D,E7'',+5,5.F-,-8 Pachysandra terminalis Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.& )*"*+,-,./"012,. 71 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 71 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= 0RODUCES "ERRIES !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"##$%$&'('"#)*#")+*% )'*+,-./01+./2*++3 0 67/*809:;0 0 45/ <=0 9$= >(7?*+,/@0A,'*80B.3:C5/* !"#$%&'()*$'(+#$$, Vaccinium macrocarpon This plant is the source of the cranberries used in cooking. It is a low, spreading evergreen with a fine texture. Pink flowers followed by red fruit in fall. Small leaves turn purplish in winter. Deer resistant. D*-7''*/E*E0FG*G8 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"##$%$&'('"#)*#")+*% )'*+,-./01+./2*++30 109 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 109 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= 0RODUCES "ERRIES !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"##$%$&'()$*$+,$-"."( )*+,-.+/0(1 2345647+008 - - 9:4 =64+>-?@A- - ./0#-;</,+ - !?@!BC- ?$C D(6E+0345-F3'+>-G/8@H:4+ -%(./(+#$$, Vaccinium vitis-idaea ‘Red Pearl’ Vigorous and productive shrub with nice tiny, pink flowers. Berries are similar to cranberries for their taste and their use. Deer resistant. *+I6''+4,+,-J;+;> Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"##$%$&'()$*$+,$-"."( )*+,-.+/0(1 2345647+008110 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 110 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= &ALL #OLOR !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'('!)*+!,!+'-'#&$ %&''()*+,'&-.(''/ * * +0) * 56)(7* 8!* 1&',*23&4( * 9:* ;<: =$6-('>)?*@>#(7*AB'>$8C&/ Mat forming plant with evergreen, light green foliage turning bronze in winter. Yellow flowers. Deer resistant. 5'$$#()67$'2+#$$, D(E6##()4(4*F2(27 Waldsteinia fragarioides Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. !"#$ !"# !"#$%&'('!)*+!,!+'-'#&$ %&''()*+,'&-.(''/* 113 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 113 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'()** +!,-./0%1"&23 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*+,,+-./,0##,1 20+34033567689::9;9::9-; 6 6 </: 6 ?@:0A6B7C6 =+3#6<.+>0 6 !BD6 !E7!F1 G(@H039:I6J9'0A6*+5 .*'-/*--$%0%1(++(2(++(32 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Massachusetts’ Evergreen foliage becomes red-gold in winter. Clusters of pale pink, bell-shaped flowers. Red berries persist into winter. Bearberry can be a suitable ground cover. Best growth occurs in acid soils. Deer resistant. K0-@''0:>0>6L,0,A Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*+,,+-./,0##,1 20+34033567689::9;9::9-;6 115 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 115 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'()** +!,-./0%1"&23 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*++,-./0+'"12#341564557/8/9:;;:<:;;:2< / / =>; / A+;4B/C8D/ ?15#/=@1,4 / C8&E/ &8$- F(+G45:;H/I:'4B/J17 .*'-/*--$%0%1(++(2(++(32 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Wood’s Compact’ Evergreen foliage becomes red in winter. Pinkish-white flowers. Bright red berries persist into winter. Bearberry can be a suitable ground cover. Best growth occurs in acid soils. Deer resistant. K42+''4;,4,/L.4.B Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*++,-./0+'"12#341564557/8/9:;;:<:;;:2< 116 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 116 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= 7INTER #OLOR !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#"$%&'()*+,#"$ )*+,*-./011"+-2.31004 . . 56- . ;<-1=.%>?. 7*0#.89*:1 . !@AB. !B C(<,10+-2.)+'1=.D6-1>D6(4 -&).&'*/0""1)'2*3"00, Rubus pentalobus Ground cover with deep green, coarsetextured, lobed leaves. Some leaves turn bronze or red in winter. White flowers, are sometimes followed by red berries. Deer resistant. E1F<''1-:1:.G818= Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#"$%&'()*+,#"$ )*+,*-./011"+-2.31004. 126 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 126 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"##$%$&'(')&*$%+%,+ )*'+(+,+-./(012133, . 56-17.89:. . 40- !9;<. !9;< =(6>13*-?.@*'17.A+,9B0-1 !),-.-/-#%0.1"2"33/ Vaccinium moupinense This evergreen mounded shrub is valued for its reddish-brown flowers followed by attractive purple-black berries. Excellent burgundy-red winter color. Deer resistant. C1D6''1-E1E.FG1G7 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"##$%$&'(')&*$%+%,+ )*'+(+,+-./(012133,. 136 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 136 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+,-./0*/12#34 *25(/6//7 81+#09:17/ 0 0 ;,-/<0&=>0 $=?@0 !A=!?@ B(,6/+C-50DC'/<0E13=F2-/ Attractive reddish-bronze foliage makes an excellent contrast with the intense purple-blue flowers. Deer resistant. 014."5""6 Ajuga reptans ‘Bronze Beauty’ G/H,''/-7/70I9/9< Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+,-./0*/12#34 *25(/6//70 137 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 137 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%$& '($)* +,($-, '($.!%/0 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()$*+% %&'()'*+,-.$/01 &')$2022+ 34(5-674+2 - - 8/*29- :;- :<=- >?:><= @$/02(A*)-BA#29-C4,:D'*2 014."5""6 Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ Beautiful tricolored foliage in shades of creamy-white, rose-burgundy, and dark green. In the fall, the mature leaves turn a deep bronze while the newer growth takes on a rose tone. Deer resistant. E2F/##2*+2+-G6269 Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. This plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. !"#$ !"# !"#$%&'()$*+% %&'()'*+,-.$/01 &')$2022+138 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 138 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+#,((-.,/01-2",3 456(+7++8 9,1#/2:,8+ / / ;<=+>/&?@/ $?AB/ !C?!AB D(<7+1-=6/E-'+>/*,F?G5=+ !"#$%&%%' Ajuga reptans ‘Metallica Crispa’ A unique selection with deep bronze-purple foliage with a metallic finish. This color is most pronounced in late summer. Produces short, upright blue flower spikes. Deer resistant. H+.<''+=8+8/I2+2> Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&'()*%+,& )*+#,((-.,/01-2",3 456(+7++8/ 139 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 139 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'()** +!,-./0%1"&23 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*+,-./01234+516 71+2812293:3;<,,<=<,,<-= 3 3 >/, 3 A.,1B3C:D3 ?+2#3>@+51 3 E:CFG3 E:D6 H(.I12<,J3K<'1B3L+9 !%()*%))+,-,./00/1/00/21 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Vancouver Jade’ Shiny, green evergreen foliage becomes reddish-green in winter. Pinkish-white flowers. Red berries persist into winter. Bearberry can be a suitable ground cover. Best growth occurs in acid soils. Deer resistant. M1-.''1,5153NO1OB Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&$'()*+%&,-.'/-"&0, )*+,-./01234+516 71+2812293:3;<,,<=<,,<-= 141 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 141 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'()** +!,-./0%1"&23 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#"$%&'#%()*&++%(,) )*+,-./#0 12.342335 6 :+92;6$<=6 6 789 >?6 @0 A(+,23B9C6DB'2;6E.5<F892 !"#$%"$$& Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Lowfast’ Evergreen, dark green leaves. White flowers are followed by persistent dark red berries in fall. Attracts birds. This is an excellent ground cover plant. Deer resistant. G2H+''29I2I6J/2/; Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#"$%&'#%()*&++%(,) )*+,-./#0 12.3423356 154 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 154 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= 7INTER #OLOR !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&"'()#*+"$,-( )*+(+,-#./0 1.,"(2342-533678#2,9,22"2, 3 3 :.8 3 =+82>3?@A3 1-,#3/;-<2 3 BC3 D0 E(+F2,78G3H7'2>3I.82 !"#$%&'(&)*'+,-.&#/#&&$&# Euonymus fortunei ‘Coloratus’ Dark green summer foliage turns deep purple in winter. Evergreen ground cover. Greenish-white flowers. Deer resistant. J29+''28<2<3K/2/> Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&"'()#*+"$,-()*+(+,-#./0 1.,"(2342-53678#2,9,22"2,3 159 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 159 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= %VERGREEN 0ERENNIAL !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$#"%#&)*+",#+-./ 0#12345116 7 7 089 7 =>95?7&@A7 :21#7,;2<5 7 BC7 !DC E(>351+9F7G+'5?7H26@05"#5'451 1.#)23&##4 Easy care ground cover. It has deep, pink-red flowers. This plant is one of the best perennials to plant for borders and containers. Deer resistant. Fragaria ‘Lipstick’ I5->''59<5<7J,5,? Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$#"%#&)*+",#+-./ 0#123451167 161 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 161 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= &ALL #OLOR !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&'()*'+,"'&-() )#*+,-./012,3# 1 1 )4. 1 9,.8:1$;<1 563#10-678 1 !=>1 !?> @(,A83B.C1DB'8:1+4(E;)8"#8'F83 !"#$%&'()*+%," Yellow, rose-like flowers contrast with the dark green foliage. Burgundy fall foliage. A quick cover for steep slopes. Deer resistant. Hypericum calycinum G8H,''8.7871I080: Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&'()*'+,"'&-() )#*+,-./012,3#1 174 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 174 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&"'"()&*$+&),' )*+'",-#,. *+'",-#/0123+4/51,"2 / / 674 / <+42=/>?@/ 8,1#/9:,;2 / A?&./ &?$. B(+C21D43/ED'2=/F,G !"#$%&'()*+,"-(.*%$+ Mahonia aquifolium ‘Compacta’ A more compact version of the species. Lustrous holly-like, deep green foliage turning purplish-red in winter. New growth has bronze-red coloring. Yellow flowers followed by small clusters of blue berries in fall. Deer resistant. H2-+''24;2;/I929= Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&"'"()&*$+&),' )*+'",-#,. *+'",-#/0123+4/51,"2/ 179 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 179 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.&* )*+,,-./0,,-1 23"3-,4,./"5+6, . . 73+#.4038, 9:-,;.&<=. . !>?. /038, . !@? A(:B,+C-6.DC',;.E3F<25-, Very attractive foliage is dark green and extra glossy. White flowers. Evergreen ground cover. Deer resistant. ,+-+&%.%'/-0)*% Pachysandra terminalis ‘Green Sheen’ G,H:'',-8,8.I4,4; Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.&* )*+,,-./0,,-1 23"3-,4,./"5+6,. 185 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 185 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.&* )*+(,-./012-3 45"56-7-/*"8.2/ / 95.#/7:51- ;<6-=/&>?/ *:51- / / @A/ @A B(<C-.+62/D+'-=/E5F>486- ,+-+&%.%'/-0)*% Pachysandra terminalis ‘Silver Edge’ Variegated form of this popular ground cover. Foliage is dark green with a narrow, silvery-white edge. Creamywhite flowers. Deer resistant. G-H<''-61-1/I7-7= Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%&"'()"*+,)-.'"/.&* )*+(,-./012-3 45"56-7-/*"8.2-/ 186 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 186 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= !"#$%&%'!()%*+ ,-)%.-!()%/"&01 !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"#$%$%$$"&'%%()#*"+" )*+,-./'0(01 20'*(*3*4-5677#-89: - - ;*+#-1.*<7 =947>-?@A- - 5.*<7 - !B@C$D- BE F(967+04G-H0'7>-F7I+/*+3@J*+K. 5%62+272&(./##8(9,Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Excellent ground cover with dark green leaves. Fragrant, white flowers are followed by blue-black berries. Deer resistant. L7K9''74<7<-M171> Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. This plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"#$%$%$$"&'%%()#*"+" )*+,-./'0(01 20'*(*3*4-5677#-89:192 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 192 !"#$%&'( )*++,-&."*%/-� 1"-2#%&34"5-"( 64"#"78&19&:;<<= 0RODUCES "ERRIES !"##!$%&"'($)*)&$+)',()- !"##$%$&'(#)"**$+,-$&'( )*+((,-./+(012#, 34++"051.6(7+8+449 . ;<5+=.>?@. . :75 @A. B$A C(<D+4051.E0'+=.FG9?H75+ *+"",-%.&/01"2"++) Vaccinium crassifolium ‘Well’s Delight’ Mat forming shrub with thick leathery, glossy, dark green leaves. White to rose-red flowers are followed by edible, blue-black berries. Deer resistant. I+J<''+5K+K.L-+-= Thrives in any type of soil but not too dry. The plant is often used as a ground cover and is also useful for erosion control. Excellent for edging and rock gardens. $%&'( !"# !"##$%$&'(#)"**$+,-$&'( )*+((,-./+(012#, 34++"051.6(7+8+449. 199 © 2009 HORTICOLOR ® 199