January - February 2012 - ARE of New York Edgar Cayce Center
January - February 2012 - ARE of New York Edgar Cayce Center
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF NEW YORK “PSYCHIC OF THE SOUL” with Coni Buro Pg 14 DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE with Jack Rosen Pg 5 2012 MASSAGE WORKSHOP with Ann & James Carricato Pg 7 A.R.E. PREDICTIONS JANUARY 21, 12-6 PM: Sheryl Blumenthal & A.R.E. practitioners: Coni Buro, T.C. Eisele, Leonard Cassara 2012: THE ANGEL WITHIN YOU! With SHERYL BLUMENTHAL 2012 holds miraculous gifts and shifts for all of us! Join Sheryl in sharing messages that are direct, pure, and vital for this new cycle with the guidance and support of the Council of Elders. These angelic presences throughout history are revered sentinary beings of ‘the most high’ who lovingly assist the transformation of our earth towards her highest ascension. And yours! n For Sheryl Blumenthal’s bio see page 13 A.R.E. OF NY is a non-profit organization largely staffed by volunteers and supported by memberships and donations or email Info@edgarcaycenyc.org For Updates Check out www.edgarcaycenyc.org Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.) of New York, Inc. 241 West 30th Street, 2nd Floor (btw 7th & 8th Ave., next to Dental office) New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-691-7690 FAX: 646-861-0845 * An affiliate of the international Association for Research & Enlightenment NEW YORK, N.Y. PERMIT NO. 8994 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2012 Full Day Event: SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2012 See page 4 ! for more info 12-2pm Sheryl Blumenthal - 2012: The Angel Within You! 2:15-3:15pm Coni Buro - Psychic Predictions for 2012 3:30-4:30pm T.C. Eisele - Writing of the Wall, Countdown to 2012 4:45-5:45pm Leonard Cassara - Intuitive Tarot Reading for NYC Members $30 Non-Members $35 See page 4! EDGAR CAYCE’S ‘TO THE OTHER SIDE’ Anniversary Open House: SAT, JAN 21, 12-5 PM THE CAYCE CUBIT AND SACRED SITES With Don Carroll See page 11! Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org CAYCE ONGOING GROUPS MONDAYS CAYCE ONGOING GROUP DESCRIPTIONS A SEARCH FOR GOD STUDY GROUP: 7-9 PM Facilitator: Leonard Cassara BY Donation HATHA YOGA W/ BIJOY & SANJAY: 6-7:30 PM Facilitator: Bijoy George (1st & 3rd Mon) $10 Per class Facilitator: Sanjay Attada (2nd & 4th Mon) $10 Per class MEDITATION GROUP: 6-7 PM Facilitator: Randall Okey TUESDAYS BY Donation AFFORDABLE HEALINGS: 7-9 PM Support Marie Crosby Fund!! $35 Per hour TAROT PRACTICE CLASS: 5-7 PM Facilitator: Veronica Figueroa (Please register early!) $15 WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS REIKI CIRCLES: 7-9 PM (please see pull out calendar) Facilitator: Peter Goldbeck PSYCHIC ENHANCEMENT CIRCLES: 7-9 PM Facilitator: Peter Goldbeck $15 PRAYERS FOR HEALING: 7:30-9 PM Facilitators: Norman Curtis & Paul Dorogoff BY Donation GROUP READINGS: SATURDAYS $10 Facilitator: Milou Polycarpe 12-2 PM Members $10 Non-Members $15 REVELATION GROUP: 7 - 8:30 PM Facilitator: Elyse Curtis, Ph.D BY Donation SUNDAY MORNING AWAKENINGS: 11-12:30PM Facilitator: Reverend Kev O’Kane SUNDAYS BY Donation PROSPERITY SUPPORT GROUP: 1 - 2 PM Facilitator: Cathy Outeiral BY Donation DREAM STUDY CIRCLES: 2 - 4 PM Facilitator: Ken Klein and Paul Dorogoff BY Donation A COURSE IN MIRACLES: 4:30 - 6 PM Facilitator: Tom Carelli BY Donation UPCOMING A.R.E. PSYCHIC & HEALTH FAIRS W SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 W SATURDAY, MARCH 24/31 W SATURDAY, MAY 12 W S AT U R DAY, J U LY 7 = at ARE Picnic in Central Park W SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 = as part of ARE NYC 15th Anniversary W SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 = followed by the Holiday Party 2 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 SUNDAYS GOD, you find yourself.’ Using the text books Edgar Cayce put together Prosperity Support Group modcalled “A Search for God”, books I eled after the original Edgar Cayce and II. These two books are based Readings on Economic Healing on a series of Cayce readings. explores spiritual and practical prin- People interested in joining or ciples of abundance and prosperity starting a group can contact in a supportive group. Facilitated by Leonard Cassara or Norman Curtis, Catherine Outeiral, ceo.prospericoordinator of Small Groups, ARE/ tynabundance@gmail.com. NY at either 212-691-7690 or Norman: nac88@earthlink.net Dream Group applies Cayce’s Leonard: Spirit1270@aol.com principles to interpret your dream and those of others in a supportive TUESDAYS group. It meets to focus on dream interpretation and symbolism using A Meditation Practice Group So concepts from the Cayce Readings. many of us struggle to have greater Members are encouraged to keep a depth and discipline in our dream journal and discuss their experience with meditation. dreams with others in the group. Oftentimes having a group structure Lucid dreaming may also be and Instruction once a week helps explored. Facilitated by Ken Klein, to keep our Intention fresh and our kklein7@nyc.rr.com and Paul practice consistent. The Edgar Cayce Dorogoff. readings clearly present meditation as a foundation for spiritual growth A Course in Miracles Group and it is in fact the subject of the (ACIM) Most people are unaware of first chapter in the Search for God “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM) books upon which all the material connection with the A.R.E. Edgar following is built. The group will Cayce’s son Hugh Lynn was one of meditate together primarily using the few people shown the Course the methods described within the before it was published. He Cayce readings. This will be followed considered it to be a very important with a short session during which piece of work. For more particular issues and individual information, email Tom Carelli : problems associated with TheCourse@gmail.com. For class meditation can be brought forth and information and updates, Visit: discussed. We will also look at other http://tomaso21.com/ACIM.html diverse meditation methods that could be of assistance to particular individuals. Please note that we will begin promptly at 6pm. We trust you MONDAYS will understand that unfortunately, Facilitated by Leonardo Cassara, out of courtesy and respect for those A Search for God Study Group currently in meditation, we will not Participants study in a supportive be able to admit latecomers. group format, seeking step-by-step Facilitated by Randall Okey; self-transformation by applying the caycemeditation@earthlink.net spiritual principles in the Edgar THURSDAYS Cayce readings. “As you search for THURSDAYS A Prayers for Healing Group. Come for meditation and healing prayer or phone in to be placed on prayer list. Laying on of hands done on request. It meets to practice healing prayer, meditate, and study materials related to healing. The group devotes special attention to a “Prayer List.” Anyone can submit the name of any individual, living or dead, to be placed on the List. Listed names receive the focus of the group’s healing prayer and energy. Facilitated by Norman Curtis and Paul Dorogoff. SATURDAYS A Revelation Study Group On going group to research and study the Edgar Cayce information on how the Biblical Revelation of John to the seven churches in Asia relates to our seven spiritual centers in the body individually. Followed by meditation. Facilitated by Elyse Curtis, solministry@earthlink.net The Revelation: “For if you will read the Book of Revelation with the idea of the body as the interpretation, you will understand yourself and learn to really analyze, psychoanalyze, mentally analyze others. But you will have to learn to apply it in self first.” Cayce Reading: 4083-001 n K now the first principles: There is good in all that is alive. Reading 2537-1 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 3 CAYCE READINGS & REMEDIES CAYCE READINGS & REMEDIES SLUG 2012 A.R.E. Predictions - SATURDAY, JANUARY 7: 12-6PM - continued 2:15-3:15pm: Psychic Predictions for 2012 With Coni Buro Coni will utilize her spiritual/intuitive training to tap into the Creative Forces and share insights for 2012. She will also share how you can develop this knowledge to make your own spiritual/ intuitive connection. 3:30-4:30pm: The Writing on the Wall; Countdown to 12/21/12 With T.C. Eisele There is tremendous speculation regarding the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012. Despite all the New Age hyperbole, one verifiable fact is that an unusual and important Astrological alignment will be occurring on that day. Prior to the Solstice, beginning in February 2012, a series of five preliminary Astrological events will also take place during the year that could help us to put the symbolic 12/21/12 alignment into a more realistic perspective. T.C. Eisele is a Professional Astrologer and Psychic Counselor practicing in New York City at both the A.R.E of New York Holistic Center and Enchantments Occult Store. He is also the author of two books, “Modern Magickal Keys” and the recently released “Liber Quantum” from Rebel Satori Press. 4:45-5:45pm: Intuitive Tarot Reading for New York City With Leonard Cassara With his spiritual connection and the energy of the audience, Leonardo will give a reading for New York City for the year 2012. How will it change or remain the same? Knowing what may or may not take place can help you in making more conscious life affirming decisions. n EDGAR CAYCE’S ‘TO THE OTHER SIDE’ Anniversary Open House: SAT, JAN 21, 12-5 PM “Death is only passing through God’s other door.” - Edgar Cayce 4 12-2pm: Film Screening of “Beautiful Dreamer” 2:30-3:30pm: Cayce Diet/ Nutrition & Wholistic Health EDGAR CAYCE (1877-1945) has been called the “sleeping prophet,” the “father of holistic medicine,” and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious sate, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. But who, exactly, was Edgar Cayce? You are invited to join us and learn about this fascinating and generous entity that was Edgar Cayce. A question and answer period will follow the film. The film will be followed by the History of ARE and Q & A w. A.R.E NYC Director Leonard Cassara & Coni E. Buro. Also, Ongoing group facilitators will be present. With Jack Rosen & shweta parmar You will learn about: • Normal Diet according to Edgar Cayce • The importance of the acid-alkaline balance • Foods & food combinations to avoid & why? • Practical tips on how to improve digestion & assimilation • Specialized diets: Cleansing diet, Spiritual Diet, Diet for Weight Loss • Comparing the Cayce approach to cancer with other alternative approaches. Cayce’s Mummy Food will be served!!!! 3:30-5 pm: Overview of Cayce Remedies w. Jack Rosen Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 ”DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE” - A Comparison of the Edgar Cayce philosophy with that of Spiritism With Jack Rosen I will be comparing the Spiritist concepts of life after death with that of Edgar Cayce. * AFTERNOON WORKSHOP Sunday, January 15 Workshop: 1-4pm We will see a dramatization of the Overview of Cayce Remedies: 4-5pm book Nosso Lar which is an hour and a half long. Francisco Candido Xavier is the Members $15 Non-Members: $20 Edgar Cayce of Brazil. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. He wrote over 400 books through automatic writing and donated all the copyrights to charities. He is a Spiritist who follows the principles laid out in the book “The Spirits Book” by Allan Kardek which was written in 1856. The main concepts that I will discuss is that there is no death just a passing from one state of consciousness into another. We have all made some bad choices in other lives and now have an opportunity to correct them. Spiritists call this expiation, Edgar Cayce called it karma or sowing what one had reaped. With error entered that as called death, which is 154. Is the separation of the soul from the only a transition--or through God’s other door... body a painful process? For as we have given, that we see manifested in “No; the body often suffers more during life than the material plane is but a shadow of that in the at the moment of death, when the soul is usually spiritual plane. 5749-3 unconscious of what is occuring to the Death is but the beginning of another form body. The sensations experienced at the of phenomenized force in the earth’s plane, moment of death are often a source of and may not be understood by the third enjoyment for the spirit, who recognizes dimensional mind from third dimensional them as putting an end to the term of his analysis, but must be seen from the fourth exile.” n dimensional force... 136-18 Reading List: Learn to live! Then there is no death, “No Death God’s Other Door” by Hugh save the transition, when desired. See?... Lynn and Edgar Cayce Many live who have never died as yet! Edgar Cayces’s Story of the Soul by W.H. 900-465 Church From the Spirits Book: The Place We Call Home by Robert J. Grant 149. What becomes of the soul at the Nosso Lar by Francisco C. Xavier and Andre Luiz moment of death? The Spirits Book by Allan Kardec “It becomes again a spirit, that is to say, it returns into the world of spirits, which it had quitted for a short time.” Edgar Cayce on SOUL LESSONS & FORGIVENESS With Jack Rosen L earn how we can overcome our karma through love and forgiveness. how souls lose through anger, fear, selfishness and others and how they gain through love, forgiveness, patience and service. n * AFTERNOON WORKSHOP Recommended reading: Overview of Cayce Remedies: 4-5pm Members $15 Non-Members: $20 Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man by Lytle W. Robinson, Life Patterns by Henry Leo Bolduc, God at the Speed of Light by T. Lee Baumann M.D. Sunday, February 12 Workshop: 1-4pm Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 5 CAYCE READINGS& REMEDIES ONGOING PROGRAMS Edgar Cayce on PACKS & POULTICES & ELECTRICAL HEALING APPLIANCES With Jack Rosen M odern medical science offers limited help and * AFTERNOON WORKSHOP hope for the many people affected by neurological Sunday, February 5 syndromes such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Workshop: 1-4pm Sclerosis, “Lou Gherig’s Disease” (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), and others. But some of those who have used the Overview of Cayce Remedies: 4-5pm Edgar Cayce treatment plans for these conditions -- including Members $15 Non-Members: $20 Cayce’s mysterious “appliances” and packs/poultices -- have reported significant improvement and sometimes complete cures. Learn about the “Wet Cell” and “Radial Appliance”, which were recommended by Cayce for regenerating nerve function in these syndromes and for other uses such as spiritual attunement & overcoming possession -- and have recently proved useful for Lyme Disease. Rosen will also discuss the Violet Ray, another mysterious electrical apparatus recommended in over 900 Cayce readings. This high frequency appliance uses a sophisticated coil reportedly invented by the electrical genius, Nicola Tesla. Once in common use by physicians, it is virtually a forgotten tool of conventional health care. Learn about its use in treating nervous disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, hair and skin disorders, problems with digestion and elimination, possession and schizophrenia - and especially problems related to poor circulation. From ancient times people have used packs and poultices as natural healing aids. Edgar Cayce, known as “the father of holistic medicine,” recommended many kinds of packs in his approximately 8,000 medical readings. Learn how to make and use: • Glycothymoline packs for your sinuses • Apple cider vinegar and salt packs for arthritis • Grape, potato and crushed onion poultices • Castor oil packs for a multitude of uses. (They’re almost magic!) Take charge of your own wellness with this time-tested do-it-yourself healing lore. n JACK ROSEN, Cayce Method Educator, of West Nyack, N.Y., has been using the Cayce remedies for about 35 years. He has taught hundreds of people how to make and use them through his private practice and in workshops for the A.R.E. Center and the Wainwright House. He has freely donated his expertise and time at previous New Life Expos and other Center events. n C hange the body thoughts-we will change the effect upon those activities in the throat, in the eyes, in the ears, and the body forces... Remember the law-and the law of the Lord is perfect, in body, in mind, in spirit. And as laws of the physical, of the mental, of the spiritual are kept in unison of purpose, a more perfect balance is kept in the body. Reading 3246-2 6 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 VALENTINES CAYCE/REILLY MASSAGE WORKSHOP With Ann & James Carricato F inding new ways using Cayce/Reilly massage techniques to nurture and restore relaxation in your life and in your relationship. * 1 DAY WORKSHOP Saturday, February 11 10:30 am-5:30 pm Members $100 Non-Members $110 Space is limited!!! Preregistration required by Wednesday, February 1st. Today health care professions are acknowledging the benefits of massage: relaxing nerves, organs, and glands. Massage eliminates trapped toxins and emotions allowing us to unblock the flow of energy and refresh our being. Bring a partner or friend and learn how to give a massage. The Cayce/Reilly massage method gives a holistic approach that is unique and will be explained in this class. In this six hour workshop (there will be a 45 minute lunch break) you will receive hands on instruction, and give and receive a full body massage under professional guidance. You can be assured of the integrity and quality of this training. Our workshop classroom space is limited so enroll early. Who should attend this workshop? Any twosome interested in learning to provide the gift of therapeutic massage touch to loved ones. Enrollment is in pairs. What will you learn? A brief overview of a full body massage. Learn head and neck, extremities, and back massage techniques to gain understanding of this excellent therapy. What to wear: Loose clothing, or a bathing suit or similar attire for part of the workshop. What to bring: A sheet for your personal use, a snack and lunch. If you desire bring a notebook, hand outs will be distributed. What you will experience: Our day begins with a brief sharing and introduction followed by a 30 minute overview talk by James. Demonstrations will be followed by students alternately following James through massage techniques from effleurage, petrissage and nerve compression. Full body massage will be experienced by you and your partner. n JAMES CARRICATO, CMT, CHt trained at the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy, VA Bch, VA where he later taught massage for a decade, becoming the Senior Instructor in 1997. James trained in many modalities of body work including Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofacial Release, and Jin shin Do acupressure, Healing Touch, Manual Lymph Drainage, Geriatric Massage, and Visceral Release and is a Certified Hypnotherapist. After relocating to NJ in 2001 James took the role of Education Director of two Massage Training Institutes in Bergen and Mercer County. A 30 year member of ARE James travels extensively sharing his understanding and knowledge of the Edgar Cayce health information. James has appeared on the Wisdom Channel and can be seen on the ARE Video Health, Healing and Diet. n ANN CARRICATO, CHt: Encouraging others is part of Ann’s nature; Ann facilitates small groups including an ARE’s Search for God Study Group, New Moon Astrology and Abraham/Hicks material study group. Ann appreciates the growth and creative freedom people experience by sharing ideas and determined how small group work enriches the spiritual lives of those in the circle. Ann Carricato holds a Level Four Certification in Healing Touch, A Certification in Hypnotherapy, from EIH, Ann was a staff member of ARE, VA Bch, VA for nine years. A private counselor (Mindful Consultants.) Presently Ann is a staff member educator and therapist at Our Lady of Lourdes Wellness Center, Collingswood, NJ. Ann assists James as he educates students in massage and body work. n Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 7 A.R.E. PRACTITIONERS / AT A GLANCE ONGOING PROGRAMS HOLISTIC HEALTH PRACTITIONERS Health and Healing The Edgar Cayce Center, NEW YORK Call 212 691 7690 for appointments! MICHAEL EDAN Polarity Therapy ( 845-943-1879 PETER GOLDBECK Reconnective Healing ( 917-539-3001 MARK JOSEFSBERG Alexander Technique, Cranio Sacral ( 917-539-3001 DR. SCOTT KELLER, D.C. Caycean Chiropractor ( 212-691-7690 PAMELA MARKLEY, L.M.T. Swedish Massage, Shiatsu ( 212-691-7690 KENNY MATTHEWSON, L.M.T. Swedish Massage, Reiki ( 212-691-7690 KEV O’KANE Hypnosis, Past Life Regression ( 646-338-6715 TOSHI ENDO, L.M.T. Shiatsu Acupressure Massage, Posture Therapy ( 973-951-2939 CONI BURO, PhD, CHt Healing Touch, Hypnosis ( 212-691-7690 SHWETA PARMAR Cayce & Ayurvedic Diet & Nutrition, ( 212-691-7690 Home Detox, Ayurvedic Treatments with Marma Point Therapy FOREST GAMBLE Massage Therapist, Neuromuscular Therapy, Reflexology ( 212-691-7690 DAMON BARAM Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, massage, Qi-Gong, Herbal Medicine ( 212-691-7690 Readings CONI BURO, PhD, CHt LEONARD CASSARA T.C. EISELE MILOU POLYCARPE VERONICA FIGUEROA ANTOT MASUKA Psychic & Tarot Readings Tarot Readings Psychic, Astrology & Tarot Psychic, Clairvoyant Readings Channeled Tarot Readings, English & Spanish Astrology Readings ( 212-691-7690 ( 212-691-7690 ( 212-691-7690 ( 212-691-7690 ( 212-691-7690 ( 212-691-7690 OTHER 2012 PROGRAMS - AT A GLANCE In addition to the ARE Psychic & Health Fairs listed on page 1, here is a glimpse of other self-transformation programs coming up! SUNDAY, MARCH 11: Edgar Cayce on Eczema, Psoriasis and Scleroderma w. Jack Rosen SATURDAY, MARCH 17: Happy Birthday, Edgar!!! A comparison of the philosophy of Edgar Cayce with Ekhart Tolle w. Jack Rosen SUNDAY, MARCH 25: Reincarnation Unnecessary? w. Charles Thomas Cayce WEDS- MARCH 28-APRIL 25: Intuitive Tarot - The Next Step w. Coni Buro SATURDAY, APRIL 14 & 15: Akashic Records Level 1 Training w. Maureen St. Germain SATURDAY, APRIL 21: Edgar Cayce as Ra Ta in Egypt w. Jack Rosen SUNDAY, APRIL 29: Edgar Cayce on Jesus Christ w. Jack Rosen MAY 2012: Bioenergy Healing w. Master Gregory WEDNESDAYS, MAY 2, 9, 16: Energy for Prosperity & Healing w. Coni Buro SUNDAY, MAY 13: Death & Afterlife: Comparing Edgar Cayce & the Spiritists view w. Jack Rosen SATURDAY, MAY 19: Edgar Cayce on Atlantis w. Jack Rosen SATURDAY, JUNE 9: Quantum Physics, & The New Root Race according to Edgar Cayce w. Jack Rosen SUNDAY, JUNE 24: Edgar Cayce Remedies and Philosophy Overview w. Jack Rosen SATURDAY, JULY 7: Annual ARE Picnic @ Central Park Friday, Sept 21-23 : ARE NYC 15th Anniversary Weekend Oct 2012: Astrological Alignment of 12/21/12 w. T C Eisele Saturday, Dec 8: ARE Holiday Party 8 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org September October 2012 PAST LIFE GROUP REGRESSION With Rev Kev O’Kane Friday, January 20, 7-9 PM: NEW YEAR: How do your hopes, dreams or wishes for the new year relate to your past lives? Saturday, February 18, 12-3 PM: LOVE: Recapture the life with your greatest love experience. n * GROUP REGRESSION Friday, January 20 7-9 PM Saturday, February 18 12-3pm Members: $20; Non-Members: $25 REV. KEV O’KANE, C.M.Ht. is a highly respected Certified Clinical, Master, Ericksonian and Past-Life Regression Hypnotist who teaches and conducts workshops in Past-Life Regression for several national hypnosis organizations in New York City, his home, and throughout the United States. His experience and training make him uniquely qualified to lead this workshop. Kev is the Society of Applied Hypnosis’s legal advisor and attorney and also holds the distinction of being the only male presently doing Past-Life Regression full-time in NYC. He conducts a monthly group Past-Life Regression and offers private regressions at the A.R.E. of N.Y. Center. Call (646) 338-6715 for fees, appointment. n HATHA YOGA With Bijoy George & Sanjay Attada “Begin the day with love, spend the day with love, fill the day with love, end the day with love. That is the way to God.” * Hatha Yoga Every MONDAY 1st and 3rd Mondays With Bijoy M George 2nd and 4th Mondays With Sanjay Attada 6 - 7.30PM $10 per class HONORING THE NEW & FULL MOON January - February 2012 With Alexander D. Santiago T he New Moons & Full Moons are energetic astral portals that can facilitate powerful meditations. New Moons are ideal for planting the seeds of our heart felt intentions. These can grow and flourish as the Moon waxes. Each successive full moon reveals stages of culmination of the original intention planted on the New Moon. Together, we will unite our intention to energize and amplify this co-creative process of conscious manifestation realizing more of Heaven in our lives and eventually our world. We will use various tools such as Japa Yoga (Sanskrit mantram), affirmations, visualizations, chakra attunements, song and entering the silence. 2012 greets us with a Cancerian Full Moon on Sun, Jan 8th with full emotional energy as we explore ways to nurture our sense of security as change is what seems to be the only constant. On the Aquarian New Moon of Sun, Jan 22nd, we can ask how we collectively inspire the realization of * Evening Events Jan 8: Full Moon; Jan 22: New Moon Feb 8: Full Moon; Feb 21: New Moon; 7pm Suggested donation: Members: $15 Non-Members $20 our fondest hopes and dreams through the use of our inner genius. The Full Moon of Tues, Feb 8th in Leo expresses how our hearts can overflow with pure passion and creativity for what we love into all dimensions of our human experience. Pisces’ New Moon Tues, Feb 21st reveals how we can live our lives totally guided by what truly inspires us as we take consistent baby steps in faith until we’ve fully immersed ourselves into a “new normal” of inner peace and ever expanding joy. n ALEXANDER D. SANTIAGO is an astrologer of both the Western and East Indian (Jyoitish/Vedic) systems, a Natural Fragrance Alchemist and an ordained minister of Science of Light.. For more info, email Alex at mooninsag@hotmail.com Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 9 ONGOING PROGRAMS ONGOING PROGRAMS / CAYCE READINGS GROUP READINGS With Milou Every Saturday 3 - 5 PM Milou, a third generation clairvoyant and psychic shares his information and guidance from the world of spirit. Messages from departed loved ones, influences that lie ahead of you on your path, and other impressions from the world of spirit come through Milou for participants. Members $10 Non-Members $15 For personal consultations, please contact Milou at 201 264 4651 or psychmilou@aol.com SHAMANIC JOURNEYING CIRCLES with Manuel Peralta MONDAYS, JAN 30, FEB 27, MARCH 26 7:45-9 PM Come and practice the ancient knowledge of communication and walk in to the unknown world. The place where you dont need winds to fly, where you meet your ancestors. For more info: manper716@yahoo.com. Suggested Donation $15-$20 MARIE CROSBY PROGRAM: Affordable Healings! EVERY TUESDAY 7-9 PM Affordable readings and healings from ARE practitioners and advanced students of various healing modalities such as reiki, psychic readings, massage, chakra balancing etc... $35 - Only 2 spaces available. Advanced booking absolutely necessary. Check edgarcaycenyc.org for updated schedule of practitioners MALCOLM SMITH * PRIVATE HEALING With Malcolm Smith Internationally known and admired Wednesday to Sunday British “Spiritual Healer” returns to New January 4-8 10 am - 6 pm York City for private healing sessions Private Healing Session (30 min) $90 T he internationally known healer from Yorkshire, England, considers himself an ordinary person with an extraordinary gift — the ability to be a channel for healing energy from God: “It is God who does the healing, not me.” For over 25 years, he has used his gift to relieve the pain, disease and suffering of thousands. Sometimes, the healing he gives results in instant cures. Often, several sessions over several weeks are required for results to manifest physically. He has restored sight and hearing, cured “incurable” diseases including cancer, and changed hundreds of lives. He emphasizes that slow progress is the norm and Spiritual Healing should not replace orthodox medical treatment. www.malcolmsmithhealer.com n Upcoming Malcom Smith Dates: WEDS. MARCH 14- SUNDAY, MARCH 18 WEDS. MAY 30 - SUNDAY, JUNE 3 10 WEDS. AUG 15 - SUNDAY, AUG 19 WEDS. OCT 31 - SUNDAY, NOV 4 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 Movie Nights ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Friday, January 20 $5 7-9pm Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us? A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must pursue across, under and through the streets of modern-day New York the only woman he’s ever loved. On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) - a woman like none he’s ever known. But just as he realizes he’s falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself - the men of The Adjustment Bureau - who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path...or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her. Written by Universal Pictures n GODS MUST BE CRAZY Friday, February 17 $5 7-9pm A Sho in the Kalahari desert encounters technology for the first time--in the shape of a Coke bottle. He takes it back to his people, and they use it for many tasks. The people start to fight over it, so he decides to return it to the God--where he thinks it came from. Meanwhile, we are introduced to a school teacher assigned to a small village, a despotic revolutionary, and a clumsy biologist. Written by Colin Tinto. n ASTROLOGY CIRCLES with Annabel Gat & T.C. Eisele MONDAYS, JAN 9, 23, FEB 6, 20: 7:40-9 PM Join Annabel and Tom in a discussion of what to expect for January & February 2012. By looking at your personal horoscope chart, and the current planetary transits, we’ll discuss the best ways to work with the planetary energies. annabelgat@gmail.com Suggested Donation $15-$20 THE CAYCE CUBIT AND SACRED SITES - Correlations between Cultures and Continents With Don Carroll E dgar Cayce was an amazing * AFTERNOON WORKSHOP documented source of psychic information, amassing over Saturday, January 14 49,000 pages of transcripts and related 2-5pm correspondences. The spiritual philosophy Members $30 Non-Members: $35 and guidance from these readings alone are priceless. Yet there is still more, much more, valuable information that has been and is being mined. The readings’ description of the ancient Egyptian cubit (a unit of measure) is one such gold nugget. The value in this “Cayce cubit” is not only the academic validation uncovered for the psychic information in the reading, but the evidence it provides for a more ancient global unity towards Oneness and our higher selves. Strong evidence of this shared unity is demonstrated at three sacred sites; the Great Pyramid, the Kukulcan Pyramid and Stonehenge. n DON CARROLL, had a career of over 30 years in the Fire/Rescue service. While raising a family, he pursued the “greater meaning of life,” reading materials on Edgar Cayce and attending A.R.E. conferences, seminars, tours, and retreats. He has written for both the Venture Inward magazine and the A.R.E. online blog He also speaks on the Cayce cubit as part of the A.R.E. Survey Lecture program and has appeared on the A.R.E. “Reflections” internet radio show. For more info, email Don at carroll@cox.net. n Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 11 A.R.E. 51 / PSYCHIC & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT PSYCHIC & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT REMOTE VIEWING SERIES with Robert Morningstar JANUARY 10TH: Remote Viewing 1 Methods - From the Bible and Edgar Cayce to Project Stargate General introduction to Remote Viewing: Robert Morningstar (M*) recounts a short history of the development of Remote * AFTERNOON EVENT Tuesdays, January 10, 17, 24, 31 7:15-9:15 pm Members $100 Non-Members $110 Each class $30 Viewing from ancient accounts in the Bible to the rapid advances made during the 20th Century. M* will explain the importance of nutrition, “The 5 Elements,” the time of day, moon phases and alignment to Earth’s electromagnetic field to improve remote viewing experiences. JANUARY 17TH: Remote Viewing 2 - Egress/Ingress This RV/OOBE class teaches basic breath control and various sounds/tones, which can be used to induce or initiate remote viewing (RV) or out of body experiences (OOBE). Robert discusses how to prepare for RV;. Egress & Ingress, how to get out and how to get back into the body; What’s “The Buzz”? What’s “The Word” to break “sleep paralysis” instantly or terminate an RV session quickly and safely if it so happens? The second part of the class will be a remote viewing (RV) practice session . JANUARY 24TH: Remote Viewing 3 - Targeting (Internal External - Inside or Out?) This class will discuss how to choose different types of RV targets. RV targets can be basically described as internal or external (inside the body or out). Internal RV, for example, looking into one’s own or another person (or even an animal’s) body can be used in diagnosis of illness or injury, physical mental or spiritual. RV can be used in healing oneself or others (even at a distance). External targets may be specific locations, information regarding past or future events. JANUARY 31ST: Remote Viewing 4 - Target -> The Moon & Beyond DEEPEN INTO THE DIVINE! With Australian Power House Spiritual Teacher, Suzy Meszoly B e In Your Divine Heart through the * 5 WEDNESDAY SERIES Teachings & Energetic Activations of the Ascended Masters! Friday, January 6 7-9 pm Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Master Teachers who are Members $20 Non-Members: $25 Beings of Light. They offer deep spiritual guidance and physical attunements so that we may reconnect with our natural, powerful state as Beings of Light. The Master Teachers come from a higher dimension and provide information about our universe from their non-judgmental, expanded point of view. They offer guidance on how to deal with personal and global issues, and meditations, instruction and individual messages to those seeking to become more conscious and in tune with their life’s purpose. Through this extremely profound, yet incredibly graceful and subtle transmission, people become fearless, non-judgmental, blossom into their unique individuality and they bathe in unconditional love. The Master Teachers open our minds, and deepen our experience. They remind us that we are all powerful, that we are self-creating, and that we are One. n SUZY MESZOLY, is a spiritual teacher, an energetic channel, healer, psychic and professional homeopath. She is an ordained minister and teaches workshops worldwide. She recently published her first book, “Infinite Universe – A Simple Guide For Being Here Now” and has a CD of channeled meditations together with crystal singing bowl artist, Philippe Garnier. Suzy is the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency to participants allowing them to increase their vibration to their fullest potential, facilitating deep physical and emotional healing. Suzy’s teachings are grounding and practical, offered joyously with empathy and humor. For more info: SacredGatheringsAndEvents.com or call Mel (310) 710-8081. Watch Suzy channeling on You Tube – SuzyChannel. crystalclearmasterteachers.com. n Robert M* will show photos from his lunar archives as a prelude to a group RV practice using the Moon as the target: M* will also discuss lunar lore, Project Stargate and Ingo Swan’s penetration of the Moon through remote viewing. M* will expound on lunar lore related to remote viewing and will discuss the idea of contact with extraterrestrial beings and beyond. n ROBERT D. MORNINGSTAR is the Editor of UFO Digest and a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and Fordham University (B.Sc., Psychology, 1974). He is a Yang Family Tai Chi Master, acknowledged by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Master’s Association. Robert has taught at Hunter College (1995-96), Oberlin College 1980-81) and in the Behavioral Medicine Department at ICD (The International Center for the Disabled) 1991-1994. Robert Morningstar is an FAA Licensed Private Pilot, and Instrument Ground Instructor. For more info, email robert.morningstar@gmail.com n BACH FLOWERS FOR YOUR LIFE JOURNEY With Sarai Valenzuela, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4; 2PM - 4PM Please call ARE and/or check website for more information! Members $ 15 Non-members $ 20 12 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 I A SPECIAL GROUP CHANNELING/ PERSONAL SESSIONS WITH YOUR ANGELS With Sheryl Blumenthal magine an evening where like-minded souls gather in community while supportive teachings from the spiritual guides, our angels, as well as the rare and loving energies and light from this experience support all who attend. The messages for the entire group are of benefit to all who have the opportunity to “hear and feel” them. A group session is extremely powerful and transforming. The pure light channeled throughout this event is a gift and based on the remembrance of a commitment to our souls “on high”. n * AFTERNOON EVENT Saturdays, February 4, April 21 12-1:30pm Members 20 Non-Members $25 Personal Sessions from 2-5pm $85 for half hour; $125 for an hour SHERYL BLUMENTHAL is a pure vessel. This heartfelt messenger is divinely guided. She is lovingly referred to as, the Little One. Through rare abilities, her gifts offer love, healing, peace, and direct guidance through an extremely powerful and transforming unity with the Council of Elders. These angelic presences throughout history are revered sentient beings of ‘the most high’ who lovingly assist the transformation of our earth towards her highest ascension. The messages and the light that Sheryl brings forth are direct, vital, and pure. Her inner beauty and light will amaze you. Sheryl has remained an avid love of light and is passionate about helping people to journey towards achieving their soul’s quest and realizing their true gifts. Through years of counseling individuals and working with groups, Sheryl has remained a clear, strong channel for the Divine, witnessing many BECOME. www.littleone.us n Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 13 PSYCHIC & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT PSYCHIC & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT II “Psychic is of the Soul” E. Cayce With Coni Buro, Ph.D. C oni will lead you through * 5 WEEK SERIES advanced intuition development Wednesdays, Feb 1, 8, 15, 29, March 7 exercises that provide a safe, 7-9 pm practical and effective way to awaken your innate psychic and soul abilities. Pre-registration Special: In this five week course, she will cover $95 if registered by Wednesday, Jan 25 meditation for guidance and guided After Jan 25: imagery for accelerated problem Members $110 Non-Members $115 solving, making a psychic connection, balancing energy Each class: $25 centers for stress reduction and dream interpretation. She teaches practical applications of intuition designed to promote a greater understanding of self and others, relationship improvement, enhanced decision making and self healing techniques. Open to all who have some experience in psychic & intuition development. Limit: 20 Students. n CONI BURO, Ph.D., an ARE member for over 20 years, is trained as a Wayshower for ARE Headquarters by psychic authorities Carol Ann Liaros and Dr. Henry Reed according to the Edgar Cayce readings. Coni established the practice of working deeply with Meditation and Affirmation as a means of opening to our own psychic and intuitive faculties and attuning to Spirit. Her goal is to aid students’ growth and attainment to their own inner guidance. Coni is a certified Hypnotherapist and Energy healer and works with Guided Imagery for answers to present day questions. She is currently a practitioner at the ARE NY Center. For more info email CEBuro@aol.com. n PORTAL OF DIMENSIONAL DREAMING - A Shamanic Lucid Dream Series With Irma StarSpirit Woman W e will explore the multi* EVENING EVENT dimensional planes of Wednesdays, January 11, 18, 25 dreamtime, incorporating 7-9 pm uses of psychic dreams, understanding paranormal dream, we allow ourselves Members $75 Non-Members $85 Each class: $30 to enter a realm of the betwixt and between, what we call twilight dreaming. In shamanism we use our guides to enter a shamanic dream state. Our dream doubles help us enter a deepening meditative state which allows us to use our psychic abilities to assist each other and also help loved ones with long distant healing through dream. We will cover dream of manifestation, service dreams, expand into a transcendental dream state by the use of shamanic journeys, meditation, working together and building dream parties. We will also be using crystals to assist us in the dawning of the inner illumination and using creative expression as we enter the twilight zone of dreams. n IRMA STARSPIRIT WOMAN is a woman who walks the path of medicine, as a channel, and curandera, following the tradition of her descendants of her Mayan heritage who are healers from Yucatán, Mexico. She is also a Crystal Healer, through the Academy of Healing Arts. Since 1998 she has been part of the NY Shamanic Circle, and is the Co-founder of the NY Shamanic Healing Circle. For more information email Irma at starspiritwoman@yahoo.com n 14 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ROCK WHISPERER: Learning to Speak with Stones© with Krista N. Mitchell, BFA, RMT C urious about crystals? Learn the * 3 WEEK SERIES basics of working with crystals and Saturday, February 25 stones: How to care for them, how to choose the right ones for you, how 1 - 4 pm to attune to their particular frequencies, Members $35 Non-Members $40 and how to work with them for healing, manifestation, relaxation, and protection! Also learn how to do a basic chakrabalancing layout that you can practice on your own at home. Oftentimes the stones we are attracted to are just the ones we need for specific reasons; come and experience their magic, and hear what they have to say to you! ‘Rock Whisperer’ Krista N. Mitchell, is a healer, teacher, and creator of the Crystal Matrix Reiki™ system of energy therapy. She is certified as a Reiki Master-Teacher, as a Hypnotherapist and Past Life Reader by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and is an ordained inter-faith Minister with the Univeral Life Church. n A firm believer that we are all our own healers, KRISTA works with crystals & Reiki to help us tap into our own innate healing, intuitive, and transformative abilities. She teaches Crystal Matrix Reiki™ certification courses, Reiki Master-Teacher certification courses, crystal workshops, and maintains a private practice offering energy healing sessions, past life regression, and life path readings. She joyfully resides in NYC with her family. For more information, contact Krista at krista@ rockwhisperernyc.com, www.rockwhisperernyc.com. n PAUL SELIG CHANNELS THE ASCENSION ENERGY OF THE WORD I n his breakthrough work of * EVENING EVENT channeled literature I Am the Word Friday, January 27 (Tarcher/Penguin 2010), author and medium Paul Selig recorded an 7 - 9 pm extraordinary program for personal Members: $35 Non-Members: $40 and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. In this channeled workshop you will be introduced to and attuned to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action,” learn techniques for developing and sustaining higher levels of consciousness and move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own higher nature. Paul’s workshops are deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable and participants will be supported in moving to the next level of their spiritual evolution. n ******Stay tuned for a one-day gathering in Spring 2012!******* PAUL SELIG is a writer, teacher and conscious channel. Tarcher/Penguin published his channeled book, I Am the Word, in 2010. Paul has led channeled energy groups for nearly16 years and maintains a private practice as a psychic in New York City. Also a noted playwright, he directs the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Goddard College and serves on the faculty of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. Paul’s channeled workshops this year include the Esalen Institute in California, the Jungian Institute for the Spiritual Sciences in Vermont, and Earthgate Studios in Pennsylvania. He is the subject of the upcoming documentary film Paul and the Word. You can reach him online at www.paulselig.com.n Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 15 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SOUND HEALING MEDITATION & GROUP TONING With ROGER ANSANELLI Meditation connects us to the Heart of the Creator. ROGER will guide you through two meditations while playing crystal bowls and being sung by the higher realms. He will also walk around and direct dedicated Sound frequencies of Love into each participant as they meditate. The last 30 minutes are devoted to Group Toning; all participants tone together with a focused intention. “We each have a Brilliant spark and when we express it, and share it with the World, all in our presence Heal. We heal in the Giving… for it is then that We Vibrate The Gift We Are.” Evening Events Jan 4: Feb 1: Mar 7: Apr 4: May 1: June 6: 7-9 PM In the Beginning/ your Sacred Blueprint Love ..holding the Vibration you Are Preparation to receive, Comprehend what is, and Be in your Radiance Birth of the Divine Child/ Divine Light Grace and the Divine Mother Grace and the Divine Father Members $20 Non-Members $25 ROGER ANSANELLI is the creator and instructor of his own method of Sound Healing that incorporates Sound Frequency Work and dedicated toning. He is also a certified master practitioner and teacher of IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) and Advanced Pendulum Work both of which he regularly teaches. He is a practitioner of Matrix Energetics and a Spiritual Counselor in addition to running his own healing practice. For more information please go to www.rogeransanelli.com n THE HEART CHAKRA MATRIX Its Guidance in Healing yourself and others, and its Great Significance In Creating a New Earth With Roger Ansanelli I n tonight’s discussion/workshop we will be exploring the * EVENING EVENT following points: Friday, February 24 The Heart Chakra is a Super Chakra and living centered in it will heal all 7 - 9 pm that comes your way; it will not only clear obstacles, but lead you to the Members & Non-members: $20 life you came to live, which is the life you came to Give. Living from this chakra will move you into a state of wholeness which may heal you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Heart Chakra – what I call the super chakra – is our most significant gift, and living in the Matrix of your Heart Chakra is the key to the destiny of our planet. This evening’s discussion/workshop will incorporate: Sound Frequency Meditations and guidance to activate your Heart Chakra Matrix. n 16 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 UNFOLDING YOUR SOUL PROGRAM WITH HUMAN DESIGN SYSTEM 2 Workshops in One!! - Focus on your Sexual Signature!! With Peter Roth & Human Design System T he Human Design System is a * 4 WEEK SERIES synthesis of the Chinese I’Ching, Introduction to Human Design Series: chakras and astrology. It uses your Friday, January 13 birth data to explain why you are who you are and why your life has become what it is. 7-8:30 pm Peter Roth, a distinguished intuitive healer By Donation and certified Human Design analyst, will 4 Week Series: introduce a surprising new understanding of Tuesdays, February 7, 14, 21, 28 the mechanics of your unique personality. The first few hours of the 7:15-9:15 pm program will focus on your individual energies of sexuality and the Members $100 Non-Members $110 remaining 5 hours will look at the overall keynotes of the Human Each class $30 Design System, separate from your sexuality. There are many ways that we function differently in the world both emotionally and physically. Using your birth data, you can learn many unique traits of your personality. The sexual aspects of your Design is not about gender preference but how we understand and pursue our sexual energy in the world. It is about our unique sexual language & signature. The ways you experience and express sexuality is individual, especially to those you are in relationship with. In this workshop Peter will provide you with your own chart and another for your partner. Different from a basic Human Design chart reading it will show what energies come into play to define you sexually including how you are attracted to certain personalities and how they are attracted to you. The January 13th event will give you an overview of the whole system so you can have a better grasp of its nature. Then, in February, there will be 4 Tuesday evenings to understand your own chart and develop this new language about yourself. Human Design is a new (25 years old) combination of ancient systems that is sweeping the world due to the fascination of the new truths that it reveals. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about yourself and others. n PETER ROTH has amazed audiences with the depths of Human Design System and additionally a riveting explanation of this new language in terms of your sexuality. He is the founder of the Heart River Center for Intuitive Healing which began 1997. When you pre-register and contact Peter with your birth data ahead of time for the February classes, he’ll bring a copy of your chart that you can refer to during the classes...even for your partner or children if requested! Pre-registration necessary to receive your personal chart! Email your birthdate, time and location to peter@heartriver.org. n M uch might be said respecting the necessity of that union of influences or forces that are divided in the earth in sex. In the heavenly kingdom ye are neither married nor given in marriage; neither is there any such thing as sex; ye become as one--in the union of that from which, of which, ye have been the portion from the beginning. Cayce Reading 262-86 17 HEALTH & HEALING HEALTH & HEALING Workshops & Events with A.R.E. Reiki Master Peter Goldbeck • Pillars of Transformation Workshop NEW!! $20 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 7 - 9:30 PM Get a message, Send a message with a fun, different approach to Mediumship…… everyone is a channel!! • Healing Workshop - $20 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 7 - 9:30 PM Get rid of your old concepts of healing and your Limitations… serious stuff but also fun! • Healing Celebration - $15 SATURDAYS, JANUARY 14 AND FEBRUARY 11 7 - 9:30 PM C’mon down for a Group Healing as well as an Individual Healing. Plus Powerful Attunement /Activations for ALL!! • Prophecy Celebration - $15 FRIDAYS, JAN 6, FEB 3 AND 17; SATURDAY, JAN 21 7 - 9:30 PM Emphasis will then be centered on providing Prophetic Visions and Readings for all that are attending. • Reiki Circles - suggested donation $10 TUESDAYS, JAN 3, 31 WEDNESDAYS, JAN 18 AND FEB 15 7 - 9 PM Through the use of a unique energy attunement and reprogramming one can dramatically increase ones intuitive or “Psychic” abilities. • Psychic Enhancement Circles - suggested donation $15 TUESDAYS, JAN 10, 24 AND FEB 7 WEDNESDAY, FEB 22 7 - 9 PM Through the use of a unique energy attunement and reprogramming one can dramatically increase ones intuitive or “Psychic” abilities. Earn Your Reiki Mastership REIKI 1 Class Date: Sunday Jan 8 Sunday Feb 5 Time: 1-5pm REIKI 2 Class Date: Sunday Jan 22 Sunday Feb 19 Time: 1-5pm • The History of Reiki Healing • Reiki Ethics & Precepts • Healing Hand Positions • Disease cause/effect and treatment Students receive two attunements to increase energy flow and lots of practice opportunities! • Teaching of three symbols, their names, meanings and uses • A distance/absentee healing technique • A mental/emotional balancing technique A third dynamic attunement further enhances energy flow. TUITION: $125 early registration (2 weeks prior to date); $150 after. TUITION: $185, early registration (2 weeks prior to date); $200 after NEW!! Heal the Healers Series FINDING CENTER - A Healer’s Journey to Wholeness With Rev. Jude Smith W hat does it mean to be healed? Does it * EVENING EVENT mean the lessening of physical symptoms? Does it mean ceasing to struggle? Or does Friday, February 3 7-9 PM is simply mean connecting with unconditional love? Members $20 Non-Members $25 Healing is not contaminated by fear of death, and contains no blame or guilt. It Our experiential evening will explore: does not exclude any therapeutic • What does healing mean to you? approach, and may involve allopathic methods as • Why is personal healing a vital necessity for naturally as it does contemplation, meditation, or those who facilitate the healing of others? prayer. Healing rests in the understanding that one’s higher Self is immortal, eternal, and cannot • How may you contribute to your own healing? die. Healing results when we are able to find center • Creating a personal practice designed to – the place where the physical, etheric, astral, and nurture and empower the healer n soul bodies meet, affecting true and long-lasting experiences of being whole, healthy, and complete. REV. JUDE SMITH is an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Director and the Executive Director of the Center for Authentic Living, an organization committed to reminding people who they are, and to providing tools to live from that higher place. She is an authorized guide for trance healer John of God, and regularly leads group travel to Brazil, as well as facilitating healing retreats both locally and worldwide. An active wedding and ceremonies officiant, Jude captures life’s transitions in ways that are sacred, meaningful, and transformative. Prior to her ordination, Jude hosted the radio show, LIFE TALK, enjoyed by a weekly audience of over 300,000 listeners. For more info, contact Rev. Jude at Jude@TCFAL.org; www.CenterForAuthenticLiving.org n S AV E T HE F O L L OWI N G DAT E ! SUNDAY, MARCH 25: 2-4:30 PM Charles Thomas Cayce on: MASTERSHIP DEGREE LVL 3 Class Date: Sunday Jan 29 Sunday Feb 26 Time: 1-5pm • Teaching of an additional symbol, its name, meaning and use • Powerful self-empowerment techniques • Clinical applications of Reiki – traditional techniques • Clinical Applications – non-traditional techniques • Intuitive faculties in Reiki • How to do first, second and Master level initiations A third dynamic attunement further enhances energy flow TUITION: $450, early registration (2 weeks prior to date); $550 after. TO R E G I S T E R F O R R E I K I C L A S S E S C A L L 2 1 2 - 6 9 1 - 7 6 9 0 18 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 REINCARNATION UNNECESSARY? Cayce said ‘Yes” to 18 people: Find Out Why and What their Stories Hold for You CHARLES THOMAS CAYCE, PhD, trained as a psychologist, is a grandson of Edgar Cayce, and one of the A.R.E.’s most popular presenters. He was president of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) for many years where he worked to bring a holistic philosophy of management. He is president of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and a member of A.R.E.’s Board of Trustees. His expertise lies in the potential of our mind, relationships, meditation, dealing with stress creatively, and the integration of spirituality into our daily lives. Members $ 30 Non-members $35 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org January February 2012 19 JANUA RY SUN 1 A.R.E. Center is closed MON 2 A.R.E. Center is closed 2 012 PULL OUT AND KEEP TUE 3 WED Sound Healing Meditation & Group Toning w/ ROGER ANSANELLI 7-9pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 4 THU Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm 5 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm The Edgar Cayce ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF NEW YORK FRI 6 Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm Deepen into the Divine! w/ Suzy Meszoly 7-9:30pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 8 Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Level 1 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Full Moon Meditation w/ Alexander D. Santiago 7pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm 15 Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm “Death and the Afterlife” - A Comparison of the Edgar Cayce philosophy with that of Spiritism w/ Jack Rosen 1-4pm; overview of Cayce: 4-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm 9 Astrology Circles w/ Anabel Gat & Tom 7:40-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm New Moon Meditation w/ Alexander D. Santiago 7pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm 29 Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 11 Portal of Dimensional Dreaming: A Shamanic Lucid Dream Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 12 13 Introduction to Human Design Series w/ Peter Roth 7-8:30pm 7 Edgar Cayce’s ‘To the Other Side’ ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE 12-5pm Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm 14 The Cayce Cubit and Sacred Sites—Correlations between Cultures and Continents w/ Don Carroll 2-5pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Healing Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Revelations 7-8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm 16 17 Remote Viewing Series w/ Robert Morningstar 7:15-9:15pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Search for God 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Portal of Dimensional Dreaming: A Shamanic Lucid Dream Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 18 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 19 20 New Year: Past Life Regression w/ Rev. Kev 7-9pm Movie Night Adjustment Bureau 7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 21 2012 A.R.E. Predictions w/ Sheryl Blumenthal, Coni Buro, T.C. Eisele and Leonard Cassara 12-6 pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck, 7-9:30pm 23 22 Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Level 2 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm 10 Remote Viewing Series w/ Robert Morningstar 7:15-9:15pm SAT 24 Remote Viewing Series w/ Robert Morningstar 7:15-9:15pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Astrology Circles w/Anabel Gat 7:40-9pm 26 25 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 27 Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energy of the Word 7-9pm Healing Workshop w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 30 2-8pm 31 Shamanic Journeying Circles w/ Manuel Peralta 7:45-9pm Reiki Master Level 3 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm Remote Viewing Series w/ Robert Morningstar 7:15-9:15pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 28 A.R.E. Psychic/ Health Fair Affordable Healings 7-9pm Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Portal of Dimensional Dreaming: A Shamanic Lucid Dream Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm SAVE the date for Charles Thomas Cayce on: REINCARNATION UNNECESSARY? MARCH 25, 2012: 2-4:30PM Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org FEBRUA RY SUN MON TUE WED Every Monday Every Tuesday Psychic & Intuitive Development II Series w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm Sound Healing Meditation & Group Toning w/ ROGER ANSANELLI 7-9pm Psychic & Intuitive Development II Series w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm Full Moon Meditation w/ Alexander D. Santiago 7pm Every Sunday Sunday Morning Awakenings 11am-12:30pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2-4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30-6pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Tarot Practice Class 5-7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healing 7-9pm 5 Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Edgar Cayce on the Use of Packs & Poultices & Electrical Healing Appliances w/ Jack Rosen 1-4pm; overview of Cayce: 4-5pm Reiki Class Level 1 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm 6 Astrology Circles w/ Anabel Gat & Tom 7:40-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm 12 Edgar Cayce on Soul Lessons & Forgiveness w/ Jack Rosen 1-4pm; Overview of Cayce Remedies: 4-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm 26 Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Master Level 3 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 2 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF NEW YORK FRI 3 Finding Center – A Healer’s Journey to Wholeness w/ Rev. Jude Smith 7-9pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 8 10 9 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm 13 Human Design Series w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm 14 Psychic & Intuitive Development II Series w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 15 16 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 21 Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Astrology Circles w/ Anabel Gat & Tom 7:40-9pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 22 23 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm New Moon Meditation w/ Alexander D. Santiago 7pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Human Design Series w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 27 Human Design Series w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Search for God 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm A Special Group Channeling/ Personal Sessions with Your Angels w/ Sheryl Blumenthal 12-1:30pm Bach Flowers for your LIfe journey w/ Sarai Valenzuela 12-1:30pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm Valentines Cayce/Reilly Massage Workshop w/ Ann & James Carricato 10:30am-5:30pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Healing Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 4 11 28 Psychic & Intuitive Development II Series w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm 17 Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Love: Group Regressions w/ Rev. Kev 12-3pm 18 Revelations 7-8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm 24 The Heart Chakra Matrix: Its Guidance in Healing yourself and others, and its Great Significance In Creating a New Earth w/ Roger Ansanelli 7-9pm 25 Rock Whisperer: Learning to Speak with Stones w/ Krista Mitchell 1-4pm Gallery Readings w/ Milou 3-5pm Pillars of Transformation Workshop w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Revelations 7-8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Shamanic Journeying Circles w/ Manuel Peralta 7:45-9pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Movie Night Gods Must be Crazy 7pm Meditation Group 6-7pm 20 SAT Revelations 7-8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Search for God 7-9pm 19 Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Level 2 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm 7 Human Design Series w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm 1 THU The Edgar Cayce Affordable Healings 7-9pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm Sunday Morning Awakenings w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm 2 0 12 PULL OUT AND KEEP 29 Every Thursday Prayers for Healing 7-9pm Annual New Year’s Eve Party Midnight Meditation For World Peace Center opens at 10 PM on Dec. 31, 2012 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org
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