Volume 1, No. 11


Volume 1, No. 11
April 11th, 2016
Ramsey Middle School Minneapolis, MN
Volume 1 No. 11
No Charges for Officers in Jamar Clark Case ARRANGED AND EDITED BY: Solveig J Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced on Wednesday that he would not charge two Minneapolis police officers in the shooting death of a 24-­‐year-­‐old Jamar Clark. In a mid-­‐morning news conference, Freeman outlined the events of the early moments of Nov. 15, 2015 that investigators had pieced together in their report. He would not charge police officers Dustin Schwarze and Mark Ringgenberg, Freeman said, because he found their use of force in Jamar Clark's death to be justified. Guatemala Interview with Srta. Borrell BY: Solveig J. SJ: What grades are you taking on this trip? SB: 7th and 8th grade SJ: What inspired you to go on this trip? SB: I traveled to Guatemala when I was 18 years old, and it was my first time going out of the United States, and when I heard from another Spanish teacher that they needed a chaperone, and this was the perfect opportunity to go back there because I always have wanted to go back! SJ: How many students [do you] estimate are coming? SB: 1 7th grader, 5 8th graders, two students from Southwest, one from California, and one from Florida. So 9 in total. SJ: How long is this trip? SB: It will be 3 full weeks. Almost a month SJ: What are you going to explore in Guatemala? SB: Lots of things. Climb a volcano, visit hot springs, go to a giant water park, make chocolate from the actual fruit, take dance classes, visit a school, and learn about the people a lot. SJ: Have you gone there before? SB: Yep, this will be my third time in Guatemala. SJ: Is this [going to] be something to remember? SB: Yes, this is an opportunity for students to live in another culture. Everything is different; clothes, food, houses, eating times. It's showing students a new way of life. Corn on the Combo BY: Chloe Bitney Have you ever come to the band room early on Tuesday and Thursday? Have you ever seen a band practicing? Well, that's Corn on the Combo. Corn on the Combo is a jazz group (or combo) that practices before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you want to see them perform, then you can go to Battle of the Bands on April 17 from 3 to 7 pm. Check out a couple rehearsal videos at http://rms.mpls.k12.mn.us/rhino_rep
ort_newscasts St. Paul's Ramsey Middle’s Student Comes Back for a Quick Visit RESEARCHED BY: Solveig J and Isabella Freeland St. Paul’s Ramsey Middle School spent the last half of its school day in lockdown after a former student entered the building without permission on Friday morning. The Police were told that a school-­‐aged girl went in the school around 11 a.m. and the officers understanding was that this person’s intent was to start a fight with a student at the school. Police were also told that there was a rumor that she may have had a weapon, but it was never confirmed whether she had one. The girl was gone when officers arrived. School district spokeswoman Toya Stewart Downey said there was no indication the girl had a weapon or posed a threat, but she said it’s “a standard precaution” to go into lockdown when an unauthorized person enters a school.
(Continued on page 5)
Rhino Response BY: Solveig J Ruby, I am not the editor, but I can speak for the newspaper team, and I saw your letter to the editor. (Sorry that we spelled your name wrong). I happen to also be on Green Team, and we have a lot on our hands right now. We are dealing with the lack of recycling at RMS, trying to do something about the rubber chips on the playground, and trying to learn about the rhino extinction. I think that this problem of gum in the sinks could easily be addressed by student council though . -­‐Solveig Bracket Update BY: Charlie Grimes The bracket I have attached is my bracket with the ones that I got wrong. My Favorite Sport My Favorite Sport BY: Jennifer Rojas Garcia My favorite sport is soccer. I love playing soccer, and it’s much more fun when you play with more people and you can make your own teams and you can play as long as you can. By: Diana Garcia I choose this topic because I wanted to talk about my favorite sport. My favorite sport is soccer because it fun to play and you could play with a lot of people. Hoverboard BY: Amal Sharif I choose this topic because I REALLY want a HOVERBOARD. I have been asking my parents like since it came out. Well, not when it literally came out, but like a little after it came out. I’ve heard from some people that hoverboards can explode when people charge it for too long and don’t take it out. And the whole house can go on fire or just the hoverboard. Confusing Days of the Week
BY: Solveig J. Do you ever wake up in the morning and think that it is a certain day of the week, but get to school or work and realize how totally wrong you are? Well some would just call that Déjà vu, but it is all a great lot of a confusing mess. There is also the possibility that you may wake up on time and on schedule just to find that by lunch time you are so tired that it already feels like it has been 3 days since the beginning of the week. And sometimes, like on Tuesday in the morning feels like Monday and in the afternoon it feels like Wednesday. Feeling like it is one day instead of another is especially true after long weekends. Technology Usage RESEARCHED BY: Isabella Freeland spend almost half our waking hours either online, on the phone, or watching television according We now to a survey. The average adult is awake for 15 hours and 45 minutes every day and 45 percent of that time is spent using a proliferation of technology. As a result many of us are increasingly adept at multi-­‐tasking -­‐ with computer users sending emails while listening to music or watching television, or texting and surfing the internet at the same time. As a result some can cram eight hours of media use into little more than seven hours a day. Peter Phillips said: 'For the first time we can see just how central media and communications are to our lives. On average we use them for nearly half our waking hours. Younger folk aged between 16 and 24 are the most adept at multi-­‐tasking, cramming nearly five hours of media usage into just under two hours a day. Adults watch 212 minutes of video -­‐ including television, online clips, on demand programming and DVDs -­‐ each peaks at 9pm, driven by prime-­‐time television. day. Media use On average we spend 91 minutes a day listening to the radio, while around 80 minutes a day are spent on text messaging, social networking and emailing. Meanwhile, the over 55s are increasingly using computers with more than half having access to broadband -­‐ mostly for emails. Their interest in social networking has doubled in the past two years, with 12 per cent of silver surfers now a member. Mr. Phillips said: 'Younger people have shown the biggest changes in how we use media. But the divide between younger and older people's use of technology is starting to narrow.' More than 70 percent of people have access to a computer at home, while just over a third use them at work. There has also been a boom in the numbers using their mobile phones to surf the internet, up from 9 million to 13.5 million in just a year, thanks to the increased popularity of smartphones such as the iPhone. However the survey contains good news for those who feared the death of traditional media at the hands of the internet. In the past year 24 million high definition TV sets were sold and 5 million homes now watch HD channels. The popularity of TV has been boosted by the strong growth of digital video recorders, with around 37 percent of households now owning one. Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-­‐1304266/We-­‐spend-­‐7-­‐hours-­‐day-­‐using-­‐technology-­‐computers-­‐
TV-­‐lives.html How many hours a day do you interact with technology? Let us know at rmsrhinoreport@gmail.com! Ode to friendship BY: Frances P-­‐G An ode to my very best friend, The one that will be there to eternal end. The one I trust my secrets to, The one I’ve shared so many laughs, The one whose love is off the graphs. The one who is my partner in crime, The one who is at my side, anytime. The one who is my very best buddy, The one who's there when I'm feeling cruddy The one who has that never-­‐ending smile, The one that shared my unique style. The one who knows me, inside and out, The one I know everything about. The one that will be there until eternal end, An ode to my very best friend. Cat Inventions BY: Chloe Bitney Clockwise L-­‐R: Play with your cat using this whack a mouse toy; its fun for you and you cat; Go mocking with your little cat buddy; Work from home and see your cat play The Pawcet RESEARCHED BY: Isabella Freeman 100 Books you should read BY: Solveig J and Rhini Report Staff 1. The Thing About Jellyfish 2. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 3. The Giver 4. The Fault in Our Stars 5. Wonderstruck 6. The Cabinet of Curiosities 7. Sugar and Ice 8. The Mysterious Benedict Society 9. The School for Good and Evil 10. The Candy Makers 11. Stardust 12. The Name of this Book is a Secret 13. Smiles to Go 14. Sunny Side Up 15. The Graveyard Book 16. Never Ware 17. American Gods 18. El Deafo 19. Little House in the Big Woods 20. The Secret Garden 21. The Phantom Tollbooth 22. Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret 23. Inside Out and Back Again 24. The Hunger Games 25. The Lightning Thief 26. Bridge to Terabithia 27. The Hobbit 28. Narnia 29. Matilda 30. Star girl 31. The Book Thief 32. The Babysitters Club 33. Hatchet 34. To Kill a Mockingbird 35. Uglies 36. Where the Sidewalk Ends 37. Walk Two Moons 38. Divergent 39. Where the Red Fern Grows 40. Hoot 41. A Wrinkle in Time 42. The Princess Bride 43. Esperanza Rising 44. Little Women 45. The Penderwicks 46. Out of My Mind 47. Princess Academy 48. Animal Farm 49. The City of Ember 50. Flipped 51. Skink No Surrender 52. My Side of the Mountain 53. The Land of Stories 54. Pennyroyal Academy 55. Betsy Tacy 56. Beswitched 57. President of the whole sixth grade Check back next edition for 58-­‐100! Funny Sayings and Phrases Ramsey St. Paul Lockdown CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Stewart Downey said a student allowed the girl in the building through a side door. The girl is a former St. Paul Public Schools student; it’s unclear if she used to attend Ramsey or some other district school. The school at 1700 Summit Ave. reported the girl’s presence to the district at 11:19 a.m. and determined by 11:51 a.m. that she had left the building, Stewart Downey said. Police did not find her, Linders said. During lockdown, classes continued as usual but student movement was limited and doors in and out of the building are watched more closely. That procedure was followed for the rest of the school day. In an email to parents, Principal Teresa Vibar reminded families that visitors should check in at the main office and warned against opening side doors. “We take situations like this seriously and regret any anxiety this situation may have caused,” she wrote. BY: Solveig J -­‐Life is like a box of chocolates -­‐S kiing is like a box of fast food -­‐It's like apples and oranges -­‐The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree -­‐The cheese doesn't fall far from the cracker -­‐The butter doesn't fall far from the toast -­‐The glass is half full -­‐The glass is half empty -­‐The tree house is halfway up the tree -­‐The tree house is halfway down the tree Find Your Rapper Name BY: Charlie Grimes What month were you born in? Jan-­‐ hood May-­‐ lil Feb-­‐ rocket June-­‐ tuff Mar-­‐ monsta July-­‐ docta Apr-­‐ big Aug-­‐ baby What day were you born on? 1-­‐bobz 2-­‐crunch 4-­‐nasty 5-­‐juice box 7-­‐cake 8-­‐gangsta 10-­‐dollaz 11-­‐child 13-­‐boss 14-­‐cheese 16-­‐munchkin 17-­‐kidd 19-­‐teddy 20-­‐nachos 22-­‐candy 23-­‐tyga 25-­‐mansion 26-­‐sparkle 28-­‐blowfish 29-­‐playa 31-­‐kickz Sept-­‐ young Oct-­‐ bobby Nov-­‐ bubble Dec-­‐ crispy 3-­‐shawty 6-­‐popcorn 9-­‐kat 12-­‐cheekz 15-­‐masta 18-­‐daddy 21-­‐momma 24-­‐pastrami 27-­‐pop 30-­‐boom Slow Melting Ice Cream RESEARCHED BY: Solveig J and Isabella F Ice cream is amazing during hot summer afternoons. The Problem is, you’ll also need to eat it amazingly fast, lest be forced to watch your sweet frozen treat turn into a milky slush. That could change soon with the discovery of a new protein called BsIA that makes ice cream more resistant to melting. In a study conducted by a joint team of researchers have discovered a naturally-­‐occurring protein that will allow it to better withstand warm temperatures. As such, it can melt at a far slower pace than ice cream normally does, ensuring you can enjoy every lick, nibble, or spoonful you plan to partake in. So, yay, we can finally enjoy our slow-­‐melting ice cream come 2020. SOURCE: http://www.coolthings.com/slow-­‐melting-­‐ice-­‐
cream-­‐scientists/ What’s For Lunch Contributors Chloe Bitney Isabella Freeman Diana Garcia Charlie Grimes Solveig J Frances P-­‐G Jennifer Rojas Amal Sharif Mr. K. IMPORTANT DATES April 11th – 6th grade Reading MCA begins
April 17th - Battle of the Bands
April 18th - 7th grade Math MCA begins
April 21st - All-school Picnic
April 25th - 8th grade Math MCA begins