Shrine Herald - National Shrine of the Little Flower


Shrine Herald - National Shrine of the Little Flower
September 6, 2015
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of the Little Flower Basilica
Shrine Herald
Shrine Parish Offices will be Closed
in Recognition of Labor Day
Monday, September 7, 2015
Morning Mass at 9:00 am
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Please pray for the
sick of our Parish
Marvin Bolton
Earl Bossenberry
Agnes Buhalski
Barbara Butash
Jeannette Butdher
Said Cholagh
Cathryn Ross Clark
Deanna Conway
Irene Cruzan
Marianne Dayton
Dolores Doman
Julie Dunn
Walter Ewell
Brian Freidman
Rick Ferguson
Carmella Gascon
Louie Giordano
Bill and Loraine Goretski
Kathy Guy
Jackie Hall
Melonee Hampton
Michael Ingram
William F. Janelle III
Irene Kay
Nick Kreinbrink
Mary Ann Kristopik
Lee Family
Dr. A. Martin Lerner
The Levitan Family
Allen Liggett
Kristy (Andrus) Lynch
Sam Lynch
Susan M.
Sheryl Tominac Machesky
Kate Mardone
Thomas McConnell
William McMullen
Charlotte Viviano-Miller
Vincent Frank Moncello
Kausha Muthukude
Michele Pearl
Jalal Poulis
Diane Puvalowski
Jim Rogers
Paul Romanowski
Lori Sanko
William Scarmeas
Vera Elliott Skinner
Blanche Marie Smith
Dennis Van Stednas
Trevor Sullivan
John Swartz
Deanna Swincicki
Karl Wolfe
Donald Younce
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
St. Therese Medal Found 70 Years Later
A silver medal (1 inch high) with a picture of St. Thérèse on one side and the Sacred
Heart of Jesus on the other side, was unearthed last week in a German POW camp
named “Stalag Luft III POW Camp”, in Zagan, Poland. It was found between huts 39
and 40 (Center Compound). On the St. Therese side it reads, “The Shrine – Royal
Oak, Michigan.” The medal was sold at the Shrine Gift Shop during the middle 1930’s.
This camp housed air crews, made up mostly of officers and sergeants from the various Allied forces.
The Polish recovery group that found this medal would like to reunite the medal with
its owner or the owner’s family. Anyone who has any knowledge of a relative or
friend that was an air crew member in this camp, please contact Jack Hoolehan at
the Shrine office 248.541.4122 x423.
National Day of
For Aborted
September 12
Priestly Vocations 8th Annual Vocations Convocation
All people interested in promoting vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life
are invited to attend the mission of the annual Vocation Convocation for the
Priesthood and Consecrated Life dedicated to bringing together all people in the
Archdiocese of Detroit who are working on behalf of vocation promotion ministry.
Our primary goal is to enliven, educate, and inspire the many efforts to establish a
Vocation Committee in every parish.
Does your parish have a Vocation Committee? If you answered no, please consider
this an invitation to send 2-5 parish members who are willing to form a Committee at
your parish.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary ~ September 12, 2015 9:30 – 11 a.m.
For more information or to register visit
Fulfilling Our Commitment ~ Renewing Our Mission Campaign Update
Parishioners, alumni, friends and guests have been asked to make a sacrificial
offering over a period of three to five years in support of this effort. Many have
already pledged very generously.
If you have not made your decision yet and are able to contribute with a one-time
donation or with a pledge for a period of three to five years, we would be most
grateful. Please contact Martin Alves in the Development Office at 248.541.4122 x
Total Amount Pledged:
Percent of Challenge Goal;
Number of Pledges/Gifts:
Paid Amount:
Percent of Pledge Amount Paid
Please contact us if you are interested in making the campaign part of your estate
September 6, 2015
The Center for Medical Progress continues to release under-cover
videos discussing the selling of baby parts from abortions. (See the
Priests for Life special website Each video
seems to be more disturbing than the previous one. On Saturday,
August 21st, thousands witnessed to the truth of the sanctity of life in the womb by
joining nationally in front of hundreds of Planned Parenthood facilities. While this
event drew supporters and dissenters alike, it put the spotlight on Planned
Parenthood, their major role in abortion and the need to stop funding this
organization with our tax dollars.
In a few weeks, we will have another opportunity to witness in front of Planned
Parenthood - this time by participating in the fall 40 Days for Life campaign
September 23 through November 1. As with the spring campaign, we will be praying
in front of the Ferndale Planned Parenthood. WomanCare of Southfield is still closed.
Please consider spending some time in prayer and witness to the holocaust of our
time ( )
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Baptized in
Ava Elizabeth
daughter of Brian
and Julie (Fons)
David Jesus son of
Jesus and Erika
(Gonzalez) Morones
Graham Patrick son
of Patrick and Stacie
(Johnson) Mulligan
Thank you to those who responded to our request for bicycles. We received
three bicycles and, in addition, a gift certificate to cover the cost of bike
helmets. Thank you for your generosity and kind thoughtfulness.
Thank you! Thank You! Last Sunday's retirement celebration was "over the top!"
Your prayers and good wishes and your love expressed in so many ways makes my
heart leap with joy. The Ladies Guild, including all the bakers, hosted us with such
wonderful hospitality. I know how much work goes before and after such events. I
thank God for you, my Shrine family. I truly love you and I will enjoy just being
“Sister" among you as the future unfolds.
~ Sister Noreen Ellison, SC
2015 Catholic Services Appeal – Bringing Jesus Christ to All
Our Parish Target: $236,257
Current Pledge Total: $194,669
Number of Pledges: 859
Number of New Pledges: 234
Percentage of Goal: 82%
The Archdiocese of Detroit is partnering with ChristLife for next
Saturday’s “Following Christ and Sharing Christ” training conference which will provide
discipleship and evangelization tools to those engaged in adult faith formation and
evangelization in our parishes.
Attendees will learn to more fully embrace the Church’s universal call to holiness and
evangelization; help others establish the spiritual disciplines of a Catholic disciple;
learn how to lead the Holy Spirit, forgiveness, and renunciation prayer sessions
presented in Following Christ; and discover how to follow and share Jesus Christ in
their ordinary daily lives and become more fully a parish of missionary disciples.
Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal help fund “Following Christ and Sharing
Christ,” to be led by ChristLife founder and director Dave Nodar at Sacred Heart
Major Seminary on September 12 so that those ministering in the Archdiocese can
attend for only $20 which includes training materials and meals.
For additional information about CSA-funded ministries, programs and services,
please go to or call Martin Alves, Shrine Director of Development at
248.541.4122 x 455.
Pray for our
Those we love
don’t go away,
they walk beside us
every day. Unseen,
unheard, but always
near, still loved,
still missed
and very dear.
Earl Beach ‘61
Robert Warchuck
Banns of
Bann I
Shannon Black and
Stephan Bell
Brittney Zeppa and
Zack Andreoni
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Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Mass Information
Monday, September 7
9:00 am Mass
Fr. Ryan Adams
Stephen Ruhle, Sam Owens
Tuesday, September 8
6:30 am Mass
Fr. Bob Fisher
Faustina Husaynu, Jean Simonson
8:30 am Mass
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
Beck Peaslee, Collin Buchanan
Wednesday, September 9
6:30 am Mass
Fr. Joe Lang Servers
Frank Vidosh, Ben Vidosh
8:30 am Mass
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
John Simonson, Erik Jenkins
Thursday, September 10
6:30 am
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
Mitchell Graveline, Dennis Graveline
8:30 am*
Fr. Bob Fisher
Joseph Mio, Jonah Cerone,
Danny Miller
Friday, September 11
6:30 am
Fr. Ryan Adams
Claire Leonard, Teagan Vaughan
8:30 am
Fr. Joe Lang
Lucas Maceroni, Nathaniel Schmidt
Fall Campaign Kickoff ~ September 16 @ 7 p.m.
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
2100 W Twelve Mile Road * Royal Oak
Join the FIVE metro Detroit 40 Days for Life teams in
kicking off the Fall 40 Day Prayer vigils outside
community abortion providers
Local Clergy Plus Guest Speaker, Shari Richard of
Sound Wave Images, an Obstetrical Ultrasound Expert
and Educator who pioneered US training for medical
staff at pregnancy centers. Shari will provide a
Window to the Womb and a Window to the Heart of a
Saturday, September 12
8:30 am Mass
Fr. Ryan Adams
Ellyanna Wills, Maggie Huber
Sunday, September 13
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Vigil Masses (on Saturday)
4:30 pm Mass
Fr. Bob Fisher
Kay Cyrek, Lisa Pickering
Alex Sobeck, Patrick Pullis,
Owen Pullis, Miguel Garcia
Mike Nagy, Team
6:30 pm Mass
Sunday Masses
7:30 am Mass
Fr. Joe Lang
Steve Utrep, Laura Salgado
Brandon Whitmore, Erik Faris,
Stephen Klimushyn, John Simonson
Gerald Schaffran, Team
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
Marjie Chouinard, Tedd Bratta
Anthony Turner, Adam Goller,
Jake Vogelheim, Oliver Marks
MaryAnn Skaggs, Team
9:00 am Mass
Fr. Bob Fisher
Angela Bonello, Elizabeth Warner,
Catherine Warner
Joe Arce, Marty Massucci, Dennis
Graveline, Mitchell Graveline, Joseph Mio
Tony Recchia, Team
10:45 am Mass
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
Ed Sulak, Don Erwin
Isaiah Thummel, Eli Thummel,
Ethan Cwiek, Manny Salas
Anthony Fisher
Wayne Friedman, Team
12:30 pm Mass
Fr. Joe Lang
Lectors Jacqueline Stagner, Rebecca Joseph
Audrey North, Clara North,
Isabelle Bepler, Teagan Vaughan
Hugh Brennan, Team
4:00 pm - Spanish Mass
Fr. Ryan Adams
Lectors Gonzalo Cisneros, Monica de Los Santos
Compassion – Not Judgment Hope – Not Despair 6:00 pm Mass
Fr. Bill Herman
Truth – not Deception
Lectors Gwendolyn Schmidt, Victor Carpenter
Southfield – Barb 248.703.3577
Sterling Heights – Paul 586.242.1178
Ferndale – Nancy 248-556-6895
West Bloomfield – Shawn 248.872.6735
Eastpointe – Ed 313.407.0444
- or –
Peter Chekal, Danny Chekal,
Jack Chekal, Duncan Donley, Danny Miller
Tom Torma, Team
* denotes school mass
September 6, 2015
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
"How much you must be alive to His Presence, if you really
believe what Jesus had said: 'You did it to Me.'"
- Mother Teresa
" 'The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the
Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize
Christ in the poorest, His brethren. ' This exhortation given by
the Church was particularly evident in Mother Teresa's
life. She often referred to Jesus' identification with the poor
and connected it with His Presence in the Eucharist. 'Never
separate Jesus in the Eucharist and Jesus in the poor.' Jesus is
present, truly and substantially , in the Eucharist under the
appearance of bread and wine and He is present in the
'distressing disguise' of the poorest of the poor. These two
forms of presence, both 'disguises', gave her the opportunity
to put her faith and love into action and she often
encouraged her sisters to 'keep the joy of loving Jesus in the
poor and in the Eucharist and share this joy with all you
- Where There is Love, There is God
edited by Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, PhD
Please call Marie Lama at 248.655.0309 if you are able to help
with any of the following open Holy Hours: Sunday, 12am,
noon; Monday, 5 am; Tuesday, 1am; Wednesday, 1,2 pm;
Thursday, 5 am; Friday, midnight, 2 am; Saturday, 4 pm.
The following Holy Hours have persons who desire partners
with whom to share their Holy Hours: Sunday, 9 am, 2pm;
Monday, 7 am, 6 pm; Tuesday, 3 pm; Wednesday, 1, 2, 3, 5
pm; Thursday, 8, 9 am; Friday, noon, 2, 3 pm; Saturday, 6, 9,
10 am, 4, 6, 8, 9 pm; Sunday-Tuesday, Friday, 1 pm.
Page 5
Mass Intentions
Monday, September 7
Labor Day
9:00 am
Tedd Tavis
Tuesday, September 8
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6:30 am
George and Rosemary Gilbert
8:30 am
Kenneth Kaiser
Wednesday, September 9
St. Peter Clover, priest
6: 30 am
Intentions of Joseph Rivera for
Complete Cure and Health Recovery
8:30 am
Special Intention
Thursday, September 10
6:30 am
Mr. And Mrs. James Harbour
8:30 am
Intentions of Harriette Batchik
Friday, September 11
6:30 am
Elizabeth Alent
8:30 am
All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday, September 12
Most Holy Name of Mary
8:30 am
Basim Sulaka
Sunday, September 13
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Vigil Masses (on Saturday)
4:30 pm
Barbara Ferris
6:30 pm
Veronica Agnes Zinger
Sunday Masses
7:30 am
Thomas Reaume
9:00 am
Intentions of Jerry and Coleen
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!!!.
Mansfield on their 42nd Anniversary
The seeds of vocations are sown in the family. Through the 10:45 am Living and Deceased Members of
the Shrine Ladies Guild
loving support of parents who nurture the love of God in their
Helen Hansen
children, young people see that serving god is an important
6:00 pm
Intentions of Shrine Parishioners
and satisfying lifestyle.
So that you, parents, can encourage your children to listen to
God’s call in their lives, the following might be one of your
prayers at home.
Lord, we thank you for our children.
Your are Father and Mother to us;
Help us to be good parents.
Make our home a place of life and love,
Where strangers are welcome and sins are forgiven.
Make us a family, Lord.
Whatever you may call our children to be,
Give us the grace to say ‘yes’ and let go of their lives.
May our family’s love extend beyond our table
And be a blessing for the whole world.
Help us to have a part in making your Kingdom come. Amen
God has the key to your life. Ask Him to show you how to be
the best parents.
Shrine Dream Cruise
Post-Event Drawing
August 31, 2015
Winner of $150!
Mr. Michael Laurencelle
Next Drawing
September 28, 2015!
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Shrine Herald
Please pray for our Military
Sgt. Daniel J. Allen, US Army
Maj. Eric Ansorge PhD, US Army
Patrick Paul Atallah, USMC
Christopher Babcock, USAF
Envin E. Billings, US Army
Corey Brady, US Navy
Capt. Matthew Cain, US Army
Pat Carroll, USAF, Shrine ‘61, MIA
Crisanto R. Delos, USCG
Col. Thomas M. Doman, USMC
Specialist Raymond Dorierty
PV2-E2 Melissa Ducastel, US Army
Capt. Elena Elwart, US Army
Capt. Jason D. Everts, US Army
Thomas Fern, USAF
LCpl. Sarah Fitzpatrick, USMC
1st Lt. Kristina Fleming RN Air Force ƌŝĂŶ&ƌĂŶĐĞ͕EĂǀLJ
LCpl. Helen Girardot, USMC
Lt. Cmdr. Troy Perry Glendye, USCG
Joseph Haddad, USMC
A1C Daniel Hagan, USAF
Maj. Richard Holt, USAF
SSgt. Philip Huber, USMC
Cpt. Kevin Joyce, US Army
Capt Justin Kuhlmann, US Army
2nd Lt. Nicholas Robert Langan, US Army
Peter Laperriere, US Navy
LCpl. Kyle Macey, USMC
SSgt. Brian MacKenzie, USAF Quinn Marquard, US Army Reserve
PFC Christopher Mastantuono, US Army Ranger
Sgt. Jonathan D. Maten, US Army
GS13 Dan Marem MI BN
Sgt. Ryan McWilliams, US Army Rangers
Capt. Christopher Mellon, USMC
Sgt. Beau G. Messer, US Army
Aaron Mingle, US Navy
Sgt. Alan Mullin, US Army
Lt. Cmdr. Peter T. Murphy
Airman Sean P. O’Dell, USAF SSGT Ryan W. Oke, USAF
Capt. Daniel P. Palmer, US Army
Capt. John F. Palmer, US Army
Capt. Martin J. Palmer, US Army
Lt. Col. Loren D. Penney, US Army
Sam Piontkowski, USMC
1st Capt. Johnny Pruitt, ASAF
Anthony Reynolds, USAF
Maj. David N. Roberts, USMC
Lt. Col. Eric J. Simpson, FA
Capt. Michael Szalma, US Army
Lt. Dan Totsch - National Guard
Seaman Cody Vitale, USCG
Spec. David Wittla, US Army
1st Private Wyatt Wray, USMC
Spc. Nathaniel C. Zyren
Please notify us when you have additions to the
Military prayer list or when one of our Military
members can be removed from the prayer list.
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
In the gospel today we see Jesus telling everyone to keep
the miracle they have seen quiet. He asked them to NOT spread the
good news about the miracle they just witnessed. Was he afraid others
would find out about him too soon? Hardly! He had no one to fear at
all did he?
He knew our fallen nature. He knew how people would react if they
saw miracle after miracle after miracle. Instead of people being able
to hear the message of love, mercy and forgiveness that he was
preaching, they would have simply continued to seek him out for his
miracles and only considered him a “wonder worker”.
Look into yourself this coming week. How do you share the Gospel
message with others? Do we talk up a good storm about our faith and
not really put it into action? Do we know enough about our faith that
we can do more than talk about Jesus’ miracles? Jesus calls us to
evangelize others by knowing him personally and understanding his
teachings. Can we commit to this “new evangelization” with all our
heart mind and strength?
~ In Christ, Deacon Tom
Join the Shrine Women’s
Ministry for fellowship and an in
-depth look at Pope St. John
Paul II’s ground breaking
work, Letter to Women, in which he upholds women’s special place in
the family, the Church and the world. Written for the United Nations in
1995, its timeless message of the dignity of all people, and the special
place of women in society resonates even more urgently today.
Wednesday Nights 7:00pm – 9:00pm ~ through November 26
Shrine Conference Center ~ Facilitator: Sue Piatak
Any Questions Contact Sue Piatak
email or 248.764.8449
Cost – $19.95 + shipping due at time
of on-line registration. Register On-Line at:
Manresa – Shrine Men’s Retreat ~ September 11-13
“Bring me your labored, and I will bring you peace,” the Lord called.
Have you ever thought that it just may be the call He has given to
you? We get so busy in our lives we sometimes forget the purpose of
why we are here. Each year, many of us from the parish take the time
to pause and listen for God in the serene beauty of Manresa Jesuit
Retreat House in Bloomfield Hills.
We arrive on Friday evening in time for a good meal and settle in for a
series of conferences, or reading or perhaps just some time to be
alone with God. By Sunday afternoon, we have found not only rest,
but often a whole new insight in who God is or, if we are blessed, who
we truly are.
Join us this year. You can make reservations through Gabe Nagy
(248.589.1162), Julius Tomaszewski (248.398.3779) or by calling Manresa
directly at 248.644.4933. Tell them you are calling about the men’s
retreat for September 11 – 13.
You can also visit the Manresa website at It will
be a time well spent and long remembered.
September 6, 2015
Readings of The Week
Monday, September 7
Col 1: 24 - 2: 3/Lk 6: 6 - 11
Tuesday, September 8
Mi 5: 1 - 4a or Rom 8: 28 - 30/Mt 1: 1 - 16,
18 - 23 or 1: 18 - 23
Wednesday, September 9
Col 3: 1 - 11/Lk 6: 20 - 26
Thursday, September 10
Col 3: 12 - 17/Lk 6: 27 - 38
Friday, September 11
1 Tm 1: 1 - 2, 12 - 14/Lk 6: 39 - 42
Saturday, September 12
1 Tm 1: 15 - 17/Lk 6: 43 - 49
Sunday, September 13
Is 50: 5 - 9a/Jas 2: 14 - 18/Mk 8: 27 - 35
Events Calendar Location Guide
Adoration Chapel,
Coughlin Building
CC-SH Conference Center, Seton Hall
Conference Center, Room A
Conference Center, Room B
Conference Center, Room C
Choir Loft
Choir Room
Grade School
Heritage Green
(behind garages)
Heritage Hall Board Room
Heritage Hall Mtg. Rm. B
HH-EW Heritage Hall East Wing
HH-WW Heritage Hall West Wing
HH-MF Heritage Hall Main Floor
High School
St. Thérèse Chapel
Youth Room
Shrine St. Vincent de Paul Plans Clothing Drive
Shrine St. Vincent de Paul will hold its Annual Clothing Bundle Drive Saturday
and Sunday, September 26 - 27. Tied bags of clean, gently used clothing
can be dropped off at the POD in the northeast corner of the grade school
parking lot before and after the weekend masses.
Black plastic bags are available in the church lobbies the
two weekends prior to the clothing drive but clothing may
be donated in any type of plastic bag. Receipts will be
available for those who need one.
Thank you for your help in making this collection a success.
Lending Library
The Lending Library will be closed on Friday, September 4 and Sunday,
September 6 due to the Labor Day weekend. Books and other items can be
returned to the office in Heritage Hall. Enjoy the last long
weekend of summer.
Regular library hours are Sundays 10 am to 2 pm and Fridays
9:15 am to noon, in the Conference Center, Room C (across
from the alley from the Northwood parking lot). For information call Kathy
McGuire at 248.541.6834 or JoAn Gilleran at 248.629.4045.
Rachel’s Vineyard
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats: Healing
the pain of abortion one weekend at a time
Retreat: September 11 - 13 (Spanish)
Experience the abundant compassion of
Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat.
Detroit Rachel’s Vineyard
Call: English 248.494.6363
or Spanish 248.296.9011
Problem Pregnancy?
Problem Pregnancy Center
can help. Call 248.559.7576
Hurting from an abortion
Call Rachel’s Vineyard
at 877.467.3463
Miscarriage Help?
Sin has increased but
grace has far surpassed it.”
Romans 5:20
Page 7
Events Calendar
Sunday, September 6
Twenty-third Sunday Ordinary Time
7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;
12:30, and 4:00 (Spanish)
6:00 pm Masses
Rosary for the Unborn
5:00 pm
Life Young Adult Group
CC-SH 6:00 pm
Monday, September 7
Masses 9:00 am
Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting
7:00 pm
Young Adult Women’s Bible Study
7:00 pm
Kindergarten Girl Scout Trp Parent Mtg
7:00 pm
Tuesday, September 8
6:30, 8:30 am
Knights of Columbus Meeting
7:00 pm
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions
6:40 pm
Finance Meeting
7:30 pm
Legion of Mary Meeting
7:00 pm
Worship Meeting
7:30 pm
Love of God Prayer Group
8:00 pm
Wednesday, September 9
6:30, 8:30 am
Thursday, September 10
6:30, 8:30 am
Catechist Retreat
CC-SH 1:00 pm
Serra Club Board Meeting
7:00 pm
Friday, September 11
6:30, 8:30 am
Women’s Group Study
CC-SH 9:00 am
Cub Scout Meeting
CC-SH 3:00 pm
Christmas Around the World Meeting
8:00 pm
Saturday, September 12
8:30 am
Sunday Liturgy
Vigil Mass 4:30, 6:30 pm
Market Day Pickup
GS Café 8:00 am
Shrine Parish Staff Retreat
CC-SH 9:00 am
Sunday, September 13
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;
12:30, 4:00 (Spanish),
6:00 pm Masses
CC-SH 10:30 am
Rosary for the Unborn
5:00 pm
Life Young Adult Group
CC-SH 6:00 pm
Page 8
Shrine Herald
Religious Formation
Preschool Religious Formation
Preschoolers gather and begin their
celebration with lively songs and prayer.
After hearing the Word of God proclaimed
to them at an appropriate age level, the
children will come to know more about the
God who loves and cares for them. They
are introduced in a very simple way to the
Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist by
using common responses and songs.
After hearing the Scripture passage, children will
engage in various activities such as skits, puppet
shows and echo pantomimes that break open the
Word of God. Crafts and other projects aid in their
understanding of the Liturgy.
As the larger assembly in the main Church gathers to
join in the Eucharistic Feast, children in the Preschool
Religious Formation classes will share in a simple
As a way of sending the children back out into the
world, renewed in God’s Love, they will gather for a
closing prayer and end with a joyful song.
To register or for questions, see article below.
Late Registrations being accepted now for Preschool
Religious Formation
We are now accepting late preschool registrations
for the upcoming fall for those potty trained children
who will be at least 3 by December 1 and will not be
starting kindergarten yet.
For more information or to get a registration form,
please contact Renee Cramer at or 248.541.5133.
Sacramental Preparation
Religious Formation Classes Start September 21
For Grades K - 8
Our parent meeting and first day of class is Monday,
September 21 for grades K through 8. All grades will
meet at Shrine Catholic Grade School for this day
only. Details will be mailed home this week to those
who have registered their children for 2015-2016.
If you have not registered your child(ren), please do
so ASAP as some sessions are full!
Questions? Contact Renee Cramer at or 248.541.5133.
Late Registrations Being Accepted Now!
The Religious Formation Office has been busily
planning, ordering supplies, and getting staff in place
for our upcoming formation year, based on our
current enrollment. Late registrations that include
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
$115 per child payment are being accepted and
processed at this time. (Please note that the tuition is
$230 per child for those not registered as Shrine
For grades K – 6, choice of session time cannot be
guaranteed for those registering after the August 15
due date. Do not delay as some sessions are almost
For a registration packet or for more information,
at or 248.541.5133.
Attention Parents of Incoming First Graders!
Did you know that two years of preparation is
required before receiving First Holy Communion? In
order for your child to receive the sacraments of
Reconciliation and Holy Communion at the traditional
time of second grade, he/she must attend Religious
Formation classes or Catholic school starting in the fall
of first grade.
at or 248.541.5133 for a new
student registration packet.
Late Enrollment Registrations Accepted Now
If you are new to the program or would like to register
a new sibling, please contact Renee Cramer at or 248.541.5133 to get a
registration form.
Programs meet the following days and times:
Preschool (ages 3 & 4), Sundays during 9 am Mass
in the Church Youth Room.
• Elementary (K - 6), Mondays from 4:30 - 5:35 pm or
6 – 7:05 pm at Shrine Catholic Grade School.
• Grades 7 & 8, Mondays 6:15 – 7:30 pm at Shrine
Catholic Academy.
• High School Youth Ministry (9 - 12), Sundays from
7 – 9 pm in the Church Youth Room.
• Religious Formation for Special Needs meets
Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm
New students older than grade two who have not
attended a Catholic school or Religious Formation
program for the 2014-2015 year may be placed in the
RCIA adapted for Children program.
The Preschool Religious Formation and High School
Youth Ministry programs are designed for all parish
families while the K-8 programs are geared
specifically to public school or home-schooled
Please note that during the late enrollment period,
your preference of time session for the elementary
program may not be available due to class size limits.
Contact Renee Cramer at 248.541.5133 of to check availability.
September 6, 2015
Page 9
Important Dates for 9th Grade Confirmation Candidates
Please note this VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE: It has become necessary for us to change the date of the 9th
Grade CONFIRMATION RETREAT from Saturday, September 19 to SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. We plan to begin at
NOON and conclude at 6:00 pm. A formal invitation is being prepared with important details and will soon be
sent to all Confirmation candidates.
Sunday, September 13 – attend 9 AM Mass and bring your 100% COMPLETED PORTFOLIO to turn in at Mass.
October 5 through October 24 – Confirmation Interviews (info regarding the on-line scheduling process will be
given closer to these dates).
Tuesday, October 13 – attend the P.R.E.P. Rally (final review and prep) in the High School Student Center 6:30
– 8:30 pm.
Sunday, September 27 – Confirmation Retreat 12 - 6 PM, invite and details to follow.
Sunday, October 18 – Confirmation rehearsal, immediately following the 6 pm parish Mass in the Basilica.
Sunday , November 1 - Bishop Reiss will confirm our candidates at the 12:30 pm Shrine parish Mass.
Other important information will continue to be sent to you via Mail Chimp so please be on the look-out. As
always, please email us at any time with questions. Hope your portfolios are coming together! God bless all of
you. Pray to the Holy Spirit daily as you continue to prepare for Confirmation.
~ Mr. Reece
Confirmation Servant Ministry Opportunities
Youth Lectors ~ National Shrine of the Little Flower
Teens in grade 7 through 12 are invited to become youth lectors, proclaiming God’s Word at Mass. Seventh
and eighth graders are scheduled for the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. High school stucents who are confirmed (or
about to be confirmed) are scheduled for the 6:00 pm Sunday Mass. Training will be provided. For more
information, please contact Janie Lynch at or 248.541.5133.
Grades 7/8 Religious Formation
Welcome to another year of faith formation! We are excited to have so many 7th and 8th grade students
involved in our faith formation program.
Please note the change in class time and location for the SEPTEMBER 21class ONLY! September 21 is the first
day of Monday evening classes for the new school year, however, CLASSES FOR SEPTEMBER 21 ONLY will be in
the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at 12 Mile Road beginning at 6 pm instead of 6:15 pm. STUDENT DISMISSAL FOR THE
**Parents of 7th and 8th grade Monday evening formation students need to attend an important PARENT
MEETING in the elementary school gym after the 6 pm drop-off on SEPTEMBER 21.
**A second meeting SPECIFIC TO CONFIRMATION will begin at 7:05 P.M., also in the grade school gym, with
parents of Academy Confirmation candidates joining us. We will do our best to be as informative and brief as
possible SINCE YOU WILL HAVE YOUR 7TH OR 8TH GRADE CHILD WITH YOU. After September 21st, classes will
resume in the High School and will be at the regularly scheduled time of 6:15 – 7:30 PM.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. God bless your family as we continue together on our faith
journey. Mike Reece and Gina Gray ~ ~ ~ 248.541.5133
Adult Faith Formation
Join us! Friday Morning Women’s Ministry ~ Growing in Prayer: Going Deep to Know God
Fridays ~ September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ~ 9:30 – 11:30 AM
RSVP no later than September 14 to reserve your set of materials
The cornerstone to any relationship is spending time with the one you love. The same is true for God. We grow
in intimacy with Our Lord through a rich prayer life that includes many facets. Join us as we explore the various
ways to pray, coming to know ourselves and God at a deeper level. We will be using the Growing in Prayer six
week program developed by Manresa Retreat Center, based in the prayer traditions of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Cost is $10 per person for cost of materials. Growing in Prayer will lay the foundation for our upcoming study
rooted in Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s Discernment of Spirits.
Growing in Prayer will be facilitated by Judy Maten. If you have any questions or would like to register, please
contact Judy at or call 313.268.1985.
Page 10
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Abandonment to the Holy Spirit
Dear Friends in Christ,
Preparing couples for the sacrament of marriage gives me the opportunity
to understand the presence of God in spousal love, i.e. love between man and
woman grounded in their marital vows. “Spousal” has roots in the Latin word
spondere which means to vow, to pledge. There are many types of love in our
lives: love that parents have for their children, love that children have for their
parents, friendship love; but, a specific and distinct love is spousal love. God
created man and woman to be together, as it says in Genesis, “the two of
them become one flesh.” This passage helps me understand the intuitions of
couples when they come in to see me. They have a sense of being made for one another. Man and woman
are distinct, yet have an innate complementarity physically and spiritually.
I like to ask couples, in order to help them grasp this intuition of exclusivity, “Why not add another person in
the mix?” They respond with a sense that this love they experience for one another excludes a third party; it is
truly a love of “I and Thou.” This is amazing because I will get couples who may not know scripture very well or
understand the Church’s teaching on marriage, yet, in their experience, they are aware of the Church’s
teaching that spousal love is necessarily exclusive (no third parties to the “I and Thou” relationship) and they
also know that this love includes permanency - “I am made for him for life and he is made for me for life” even though they cannot explicitly state God’s plan for marriage. Why is this?
The reason is that “God is love” and when there is this genuine love between man and woman, they start
to experience “God’s presence” even though they might not know it. I try to help them understand that this
experience of love only makes sense because there is a God who is Love and places between the couple a
special gift of “affinity,” that mysterious gift between a man and woman that says, “out of all the people in the
world, I am called to be with you; and you with me.” I like to think of “affinity” as the conductor of an
orchestra because the conductor is the chief organizer of the harmony of all the parts of the orchestra. This
“affinity” cannot be calculated. It only takes surrender to the beauty and preciousness of the other surrender that says “until death do we part”: and, nothing, “good or bad times,” will separate us. The affinity
between a couple is something that all third parties are excluded from (except God) - there is an intimacy
that only the man and woman in spousal love know, and its meaning is found in God. Once they grasp the
spirituality of this love. I then teach them God’s beautiful plan for spousal love.
Marriage in the Church’s wisdom has two ends: one is to express this love in the union of souls physically and
spiritually and also to receive the fruit of this love - children - and to educate the children. Matrimony comes
from the Latin words mater (mother) and munus (office or service), so it literally means the service of
motherhood. The Church teaches that both union of love and the gift of children are essential ends of
marriage according to God’s plan. One cannot seek only one of those goals without seeking the other,
otherwise it creates a disharmony in God’s plan for marriage.
What does this all say to couples today? That your marriage cannot survive without God’s love: That
couples must, necessarily, pray with each other; they must beg God for the grace to live out this vocation of
spousal love, especially when the spiritual winters come in, when love for the other is not felt. The Love of God
can melt the coldest winter. Let us pray to St. Thérèse’s parents, Blessed Zelie and Louis Martin, to show us the
beauty and awesome vocation of spousal love and to pray for all our couples here at the Shrine that they
may love as Christ loved - to the end!
God bless,
Fr. Ryan
September 6, 2015
Page 11
Catholic Alumni Club of Detroit
Last CACD Picnic of this summer:
Sunday, September 13, Starr Park, in
Royal Oak (13 Mile Road, east of
Enjoy an afternoon of
fun and fellowship. Lunch is around
1:00 p. m.
Admission is $8 for
members, $10 for non – members. For
more information and to RSVP by
September 11, 2015, contact
Kayaking and Biking on Belle Isle
Walk one mile. Run one, or run three. It’s up to you.
Rather exercise you vocal chords? Come cheer
from the sidelines. Then stick around and enjoy fruit,
bagels, coffee, and pigs in a blanket hot off the IHOP
griddle). Bring your family, friends, or just you!
Enjoy the renewed Belle Isle. Kayak/
Bike on Belle Isle this coming Saturday,
September 12, 11:00 am. Admittance
to the island is $11 unless you already
have the state park permit on your car
registration. Enjoy nature, a little
exercise, and fun. Rentals of bikes and
kayaks are $10 each. We will have
snacks and then go out to eat
afterwards. RSVP to Carol at
586.774.3144 by Friday, September 11.
2500 Kern Road, Lake Orion, MI 48360
Friends, family and supporters of Shrine are invited to compete for prizes, participate for fun or
simply observe, cheer and learn about the sport of clay shooting.
Your full ticket price includes: Admission to the event, targets for the Sporting Clays,
Ammunition for the Sporting Clays, casual dinner and drinks
Everyone is welcome! Purchase a ticket to attend as an “Observer” and stay for dinner and
enter prize drawings and raffles. Stay tuned for more information in upcoming bulletins or
contact Mike Maceroni, event co-coordinator and Shrine Dad:, or
Brad Cross ‘82, co-coordinator and Shrine Alumnus: 248.514.1379,
or Marty Alves, Shrine Director of Development: 248.541.4122 x 455
Page 12
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Teens in grade 7
through 12 are invited
to become youth
lectors, proclaiming
God’s Word at Mass.
Seventh and eighth
scheduled for the 9:00
am Sunday Mass.
High school students
who are confirmed
are scheduled for the
6:00 pm Sunday Mass.
provided. For more
contact Janie Lynch
com or 248.541.5133.
Employment Opportunity
Playground Supervisor:
School Days
from 10:45-12:45. Interested candidates
must love to be around children, be
enthusiastic, reliable and physically able
to supervise the children in playground. Must also be
able to brave the cold in the winter
months and enjoy the change of seasons
in fall and spring. If you are interested
please contact Mrs. Jennifer Bero at
dĂůďŽƚ ĨŽƌ broadcast on all Ave Maria Radio affiliate staons on Sunday, September 6, at 4:30pm; Wednesday,
^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϵ Ăƚ ϵ͗ϯϬƉŵ͖ ĂŶĚ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϭϮ Ăƚ ϴ͗ϬϬĂŵ͘ dŚĞ ŝŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ŚĞĂƌĚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ Ăƚ
September 6, 2015
Page 13
Rooted in the Catholic tradition, Shrine Catholic High School challenges students to integrate their academic,
athletic, and artistic potential as future Christian Leaders of tomorrow.
At Shrine Catholic Academy we cultivate the industry, integrity, and intellect of each student in a
Christ-centered middle school environment.
Shrine Catholic Grade School
At Shrine Catholic Grade School, we try to exemplify Christ by praying, learning, and growing together
Shrine Catholic Grade School Happenings
We’ve had a wonderful start to the beginning of the school year. Teachers and students are quickly
getting into the swing of things. We’ve spent our first days together getting re-acquainted, meeting new
friends, and following our motto, “Guided by faith in all we do and who we are.” We’re setting up classroom
rules and scheduling classroom meetings. We’re looking at the year ahead and at all of the new things we
are going to learn together.
It was good to see so many of our parents at “Back to School” Night. We continue to partner with our
parents as we strive to teach our children kindness, tolerance, and respect for all of God’s creation. This year
we will place special focus on the Theological Virtues of Charity, Faith, and Hope as well as the Cardinal
Virtues of Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, and Prudence as we grow in our relationship with Jesus.
We feel so blessed to be a part of an active parish with faith-filled parishioners who will pray with us
and for us and who are visible signs of what it means to exemplify Christ. Our pastor and associate priests
continue to be a blessing to us as they fully support us and guide us through our journey of faith. Thank you to
all! This year is going to be the best ever!
Great Things are Happening
at the Shrine!
Go to
Prayer for Catholic Schools
Dear Lord, bless those who work and learn
in our Catholic schools.
Give our teachers the grace every day
to be models of You to all they meet.
Give our students the desire to learn their lessons,
and also to grow closer to you through our Mother
and our older siblings, the Saints.
Give our administrators the guidance they need,
to balance the needs of the school with
a life modeled on You and Your compassion.
Give our school parents the understanding,
to make the most of a school based on You
for the academic and spiritual lives
of their children. Amen.
Page 14
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
At the NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE LITTLE FLOWER BASILICA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a sixmonth long religious instruction program and conversion process leading to full participation in the Catholic
Church for the non-baptized as well as those already validly baptized in separated Christian churches. It is
also a preparation for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed, and an excellent renewal experience
for Catholics returning to the Church. It is an exciting personal and communal journey leading to
transformation of mind and spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All adults who need one or all of the “Sacraments of Initiation” (Baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist) are
invited and encouraged to join this exciting program, which will begin this year on Sunday, September 13th.
We meet every Sunday Morning in the Parish Conference Center from 10:30-12:30 until Easter. Learning the
real facts about the Catholic Faith through the combined lenses of philosophy, theology, Scripture and history
is a most exciting and challenging experience and once begun, the thrill of discovery never stops. (Smile!
There are no exams.)
The RCIA is a friendly process that begins with a time of honest inquiry and review of topics like the existence
of God, nature of Man, mystery of creation, origin of evil and suffering, and the life of Jesus (Incarnation,
Passion & Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost). At the end of this period, if candidates for Baptism
express their intention to become Catholic, they are accepted into the order of Catechumens, anointed with
the Sign of the Cross, and receive special blessings and a Bible. This is a critical time of nurturing, deep spiritual
growth, and continuing personal conversion for all involved in the program.
On the First Sunday of Lent all participants visit the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral to appear before
Archbishop Vigneron as a formal expression of their intention to become full members of the Church. This
entire period of Lent will be filled with special blessings called scrutinies, and become a time of intense
personal reflection and prayer. At the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday evening, all will receive those sacraments
which will bring them into full communion with the Catholic Church. A final brief period immediately following
Easter provides an opportunity for shared reflections on the journey to faith and explores ways to help live as
an active Catholic.
If you have questions, call the rectory office at 248.541.4122, talk to one of our friendly priests, or call John
LaCroix directly at 248.374.9045. You may also simply come to the Parish Conference Center on any Sunday
Morning beginning September 13 at 10:15am. All are welcome. Bring a friend! Come see where time well
spent will lead. Saint John Paul II taught us well how to live and how to die: “Be not afraid!” While in this life,
we never walk alone. Come join us.
Help Sponsor Teen Evangelization Tools for NCYC
In November 2015, a National Shrine parish group of 72 youth and adult
chaperones will attend "Here I Am Lord · Aquí Estoy Señor" at the National
Catholic Youth Conference November 19-21 in Indianapolis. The NCYC is a
great experience for our youth because it allows them to meet thousands of
other Catholic youth from around the country at the largest gathering of
Catholic youth anywhere in the U.S! More than 23,000 attendees celebrate their
Catholic faith as they share in daily Mass, talks, and workshops on faith and
other topics that interest them.
Would you consider a donation of $25 to help equip our teens attending NCYC
with some evangelization tools to share with the youth they encounter?
If you are able to help Sponsor Teen Evangelization Tools for NCYC - please
send a check made out to Shrine Parish in the amount of $25. We will pool the
money collected and purchase evangelization items for our entire group. Please put your donation in an
envelope marked “Sponsor Teen Evangelization Tools for NCYC” and drop it off at the Shrine rectory office or
you can mail it to: The National Shrine Basilica, 2100 West Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073.
Thank you for your support. Any questions please contact Cindy Romano at
September 6, 2015
Page 15
Save the dates:
National Day of Remembrance - September 12
Assumption Grotto Parish Cemetery 1 p.m.
(13770 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit) (The aborted babies buried here were killed at Women’s Advisory Clinic,
Trimester II, Novi Physician Center, and other Michigan abortion clinics now closed)
White Chapel Cemetery 1 p.m.
(621 W. Long Lake Rd., Troy, MI) Right side of Garden of the Last Supper Section (The unborn babies
buried here were found tossed in an alley near an abortion clinic in Oakland County)
Holy Sepulcher Cemetery - Infant Section 2 p.m.
(25800 W. 10 Mile ROAd, Southfield, MI)
Holy Innocents Section 71S Special Guests: Archbishop Allen
Vigneron and Monica Migliorino Miller (The aborted babies buried at Holy Sepulchre were killed at the
Woman Care Clinic, Lathrup Village, MI, February and March 2008)
LIFESPAN’s Annual Breakfast - Saturday September 12
Livonia Holiday Inn on Laurel Park Dr at 8:30 a.m. Representative Tom Hooker (77th District) will tell about
steps that are being taken in the Michigan Legislature to protect human life and Rep. Tom Barrett (71st
District). For more information, please call the LIFESPAN office, 248.816.1546.
Fall 2015 40 Days for Life Kickoff - September 16
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica at 7:00 p.m.
(2100 W. Twelve Mile Road)
Michigan Nurses for Life Annual Conference - September 26
Franco Center of St Joseph’s Hospital in Pontiac. The keynote speaker will be noted author Wesley Smith
who will address the threat of assisted suicide in our medical community and Ed Rivet, Legislative Director
of Right to Life of Michigan will explain the legislative steps being taken to assure end of life wishes are
understood and followed by care givers. For more information, please call Michigan Nurses for Life,
LIFESPAN’s Cider Walk – September 27
Starr Jaycee Park on 13 Mile Road - Royal Oak (one block East of Crooks on 13 Mile Rd.)
Raise money for
LifeSpan Educational Fund which serves students through educational and civic participation and needy
Moms and their babies through Wee Care. For more information, please call the LIFESPAN office,
TIME 4:30 PM MASS / 6:00 PM Dinner
LOCATION Shrine Catholic Grade School Gym
TICKETS $60 per couple (sold in pairs only)
Seating is limited - purchase tickets early!
Menu for An Evening in Paris
Apple Tart with Goat Cheese and Honey
Beet, Pear and Apple Salad with
Champagne Vinaigrette Dressing
Châteaubriand-Roast Beef Tenderloin
with Wine Sauce
Roasted Red Potatoes with Fresh Herbs
French Green Beans with Shallots
French Baguettes and Butter
Croquembouche with Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Wine and Coffee
For questions, contact Janie Lynch
at 248.541.5133 or email
Purchase tickets now for this
wonderful dinner date with your
better half! After 4:30 pm Mass on
October 10, we move to the grade
school for dinner and a program,
which includes a Silent Auction for
paintings offered by a local Shrine
artist/iconographer. See our menu.
Bon appétit!
Page 16
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Maybe God is Calling You to be a Catechist! Here are some reasons to pray about it:
Top Reasons to Become a Catechist (from
You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your relationship with Jesus
Your baptism calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry
Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus
Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to encounter good role models of faith
You have much to share with those you’ll teach and have opportunities to share faith with other catechists
Today’s catechetical textbooks/resources offer outstanding support
You’ll be challenged, you’ll have fun, and you’ll make new friends
You’ll be helping people deepen their relationship with Jesus (you’ll be evangelizing!)
You’ll be handing on a 2000-year-old Tradition that changes lives
It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations”
For more information or for questions, contact Janie Lynch at or 248.541.5133.
Caregiver Seeks Employment
Barbara Natle, a Polish woman who immigrated
to the United States approximately seven years
ago and has experience as a caregiver seeks
Please call 586.292.2362 for
Many parishioners, alumni, friends and guests
have made a sacrificial offering over a period of
three to five years in support of Fulfilling our
Commitment ~ Renewing our Mission.
We understand that, for many reasons, some
have been unable to contribute financially. We
sincerely ask for your prayers for the success of this
campaign if you are in that position.
If you have not yet made a decision, we
encourage you to consider a one-time donation
of any amount or a donation for a period of three
to five years.
We have been blessed with two challenge grants.
The Steve Doman Challenge Grant is offered to all
alumni that have been inducted into the Shrine
Hall of Fame. Hall of fame members that make
their commitment between June 15, 2015 and
December 31, 2015, will have their gifts to the
campaign matched $1 for $1 up to $50,000.
The Fisher Family Challenge Grant is a $1 for $1
match up to $75,000 offered to all alumni that
have not made a gift to Shrine over the last six
years. Please contact the Development Office at
248.541.4122 x 455 with any questions or to confirm
We ask that you please prayerfully consider a
pledge to the campaign. If you are able to
contribute with a on-time donation of any
amount or with a donation for a period of three to
five years, we would be most grateful.
Guest House Presents
57th Annual Detroit Bishop’s Dinner
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Somerset Inn
Hosted by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
the evening begins with 4:30 p.m. Mass
at the Academy of the Sacred Heart,
reception and dinner follow at 5:30 p.m. at Somerset Inn
Tickets are $175 each or $300 per couple
This year, Guest House honors the following:
Monsignor Patrick F. Halfpenny
with the Edmund Cardinal Szoka Sensus Ecclesiae
Leadership Award
Terry and Betty Desmond
with the Bishop Kevin M. Britt Award
Sponsorship opportunities for this eagerly anticipated
yearly event are available. For information or for
reservations, please contact Lisa Drummond at or 248.393.8903.
Book a Tour of the
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Plan a trip with friends or relatives to visit the beautiful
complex of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Basilica. View the spectacular artistry of sculpture and
marble, the magnificent church in the round. During
warmer weather, see the beauty of the gardens or walk
the grounds to visit the peaceful surroundings near the St.
Thérèse Chapel. Docents will guide you on your way to
detail the extravagant history of the church.
Groups of all sizes are welcome, from as small as one or
two people to as large as busloads of up to 150 people.
Please call in advance so that preparations can be
made for your visit. To make arrangements, call Jack
Hoolehan at 248.541.4122 x 423.
September 6, 2015
Page 17
Shrine Ladies Guild
Seeks New Membership
An organization that serves the
receptions, spiritual programs,
outreach programs and
fundraising for particular parish
needs is a member organization of the
Detroit Council of Catholic Women (CCW).
Join Now
Name _______________________________
Address _____________________________
City, Zip _____________________________
Phone _______________________________
Email ________________________________
Please check one category:
_____ Supportive Membership $5 Dues
_____ Active Membership $5 Dues and
Willing to assist in one or more of
The following areas:
_____ Any area needed
_____ General baking as needed
_____ Contribute to parish bake sales
_____ Hostess at parish receptions
_____ Volunteer Recruiting Committee
_____ Donate dessert for funeral
_____ Work at a funeral luncheon
_____ Visit the homebound
_____ Join the Mission Ladies to quilt
and sew prayer blankets
Please detach this form and insert in an
envelope with $5 and place in collection
basket at Mass or bring to the Shrine office
or mail it to: Shrine Ladies Guild, 2100 West
Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073.
Thank you!
Page 18
Shrine Herald
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Coming October 19, 2015 to the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Matinee 1:45 pm (school children and guests); Evening Performance 7:00 pm
Thérèse: Story of a Soul is the Saint Luke Productions’ newest onewoman live performance to tour the nation, and is based on the
life and message of the beloved Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (18731897). This is the inspiring story of an ordinary girl who became an
extraordinary soul. At a time when our culture is attacking the
Faith, experience how this seemingly obscure, cloistered
Carmelite nun - by all appearances weak and struggling became a great and powerful Saint in the Church through a “little
way” with a childlike trust in the love and mercy of God. Starring
professional actress Audrey Ahern and now touring across the
For additional information,
call the Development Office at 248.541.4122 x455
Sponsored by Friends and Family of John and Aileen Sanders
in Honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary
“Safe Harbor”
Grief Support Group
A Free Bereavement
Summer Series
with the Opportunity to Share
Your Experience of Loss in a
Safe and Non-threatening
You will hear other people’s stories,
get information about
the grief process and
discover new ways to cope
with the way your life has changed.
Sessions held every other Thursday,
7 - 8:30 pm
3233 Coolidge Hwy in Berkley, MI
For more information,
call Susan Varady 248.591.7006
September 17: Memories
Sponsored by
Wm. Sullivan & Son Funeral Directors
led by Susan Varady. LMSW, who,
for more than 30 years, has helped
guide people through their
pain with respect and compassion.
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica and Schools
cordially invites you!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
(National Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak, Michigan)
With Featured Speakers:
Roy A. Luttmann of Frasco, Caponigro, Wineman & Scheible, PLLC
J Bradford Cross ‘82, CRPC, Senior Vice President-Wealth Management
UBS Financial Services; Cross & Vannelli Wealth Consulting
Daniel Granda ‘94, Financial Advisor, Betcher Financial
Know Your Health Now will be on site from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm
conducting Diagnostic Testing and Preventive Screening
(for more information and to schedule an appointment
contact Valerie Valentine at 248.761.2255
National Shrine of the
Little Flower Perpetual Mass
Enrollment Cards
The National Shrine of the Little Flower has
a beautiful six page perpetual Mass card
available at the Parish rectory office and
the National Shrine gift shop. With this
enrollment, the person or persons, living
or deceased, will be remembered in a
Mass once a month at the National
Shrine on or near the first Friday of each
month. The Masses will be celebrated
every month in perpetuity.
The suggested offering for the enrollment
card and a card suitable to be given to
family or individuals is $25 per card.
September 6, 2015
Page 19
NATIONAL SHRINE of the Little Flower
Parish Office
2100 West Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073-3910
Pastoral Staff
Parish Main Number.......................................................................................... 248.541.4122
Very Reverend Robert J. Fisher, Rector .............................................................. ext 415
Rev. Joseph Lang, Associate ................................................................................ ext 412
Rev. Ryan Adams, Associate ................................................................................ ext 419
Rev. Patrick Gonyeau, Associate ......................................................................... ext 416
Rev. Mr. Paul Graney, Deacon …………………………
Rev. Mr. Thomas R. Avery, Deacon ............................................................ 248.520.8795
Christian Service, Sister Noreen Ellison, SC ..........................................................ext 411
Director of Liturgical Music, Mr. Rob Abbott ....................................................... ext 442
Parish Education & Religious Formation Staff
Shrine Catholic High School and Academy, 3500 West 13 Mile Rd. Royal Oak 48073
Principal, Mr. Thomas Oppat ...................................................................... 248.549.2925
Shrine Catholic Grade School, 1621 Linwood, Royal Oak 48067
Principal, Mrs. Sharon Dixon ........................................................................248.541.4622
Director of Admissions, Mrs. Meg Armstrong ................................................. 248.549.2925
Religious Education
Office Coordinator, Mrs. Renee Cramer ................................................... 248.541.5133
Preschool & Elementary Coordinator, Mrs. Janie Lynch ......................... 248.541.5133
Youth Minister (9-12 grades), Mrs. Christine Wist....................................... 248.541.5133
Grades 7/8 Religious Formation, Mr. Michael Reece .............................. 248.541.5133
Director of RCIA and Adult Formation, Mr. John LaCroix ....................... 248.374.9045
Parish Staff
Chief Financial Officer, Mrs. Andrea Safranski ................................................... ext 432
Director of Development, Mr. Marty Alves ......................................................... ext 455
Director Annual Fund and Alumni Relations ............................................ 248.549.2925
ext 2506
Development Assistant, Ms. Brenda Braidwood ................................................ ext 420
Bookkeeper, Mrs. Tracy Vincent ........................................................................... ext 422
Parish Receptionist, Mrs. Charlene Lewandowski .............................................. ext 410
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Kathy Morris…………………………………………ext 448
National Shrine Director, Church Tours/Gift Shop, Mr. Jack Hoolehan .......... ext 423
Office Hours
Monday - Friday ............................................................................................ 9 am - 8:30 pm
.............................................................. Closed for Lunch between 12 Noon and 1 pm
Saturday ......................................................................................................... 9 am - 2:30 pm
Sunday ........................................................................................................... 9 am -12:30 pm
Emergencies handled any time. Please limit other visits/phone calls to the above times
Reporting Sexual Abuse
To inform the Archdiocese of Detroit
regarding the sexual abuse of minors by
priests, deacons, and other church personnel
and/or to speak to the Victim Assistance
Coordinator, contact 866-343-8055. A caller
will be requested to provide his or her name
and telephone number. All calls regarding
complaints of sexual abuse will be returned in
a timely manner. This toll–free telephone
number has been established as part of an
effort by the Detroit archdiocese to protect
children, young people, and other vulnerable
people in our schools, parishes, and ministries.
This line is for reporting suspected sexual
archdiocesan institutions and ministries only.
Persons with complaints not involving clergy
or church personnel should refer to the
archdiocesan web site at for
contact information for civil authorities.
Church Hours
Monday - Friday ............................................................................................ 5:30 am - 5 pm
Saturday .................................................................................7:30 am - after 6:30 pm Mass
Sunday ....................................................................................6:30 am - after 6:00 pm Mass
Gift Shop Hours (x423)
Monday - Friday ................................................................................................. 1 pm - 4 pm
Sunday ........................................................................ 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30, 6:00 pm
Saturday ..................................................................................... 8:30 am, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm
Weekday ........................................................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am
Holy Day ...................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
After 6:30 am Mass weekdays; Saturdays 3 - 4:30 pm and after the 4:30 pm Mass
Sacrament of Baptism
Sunday at 2 pm. Please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410
Sacrament of Marriage
Parish members, please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410 at
least six months in advance
Spiritual Care for the Sick and Homebound
Please notify the Parish Office or Sister Noreen at extension 411 if there is an illness,
hospitalization or need for homebound ministry. We will do our best to provide spiritual
support for our parishioners.
Parish Tours
Docents are on duty from 10 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday except during services. Groups of
10 or more call Jack Hoolehan at 248.541.4122, ext. 423 to schedule a time.
Shrine Herald
Submissions are due Monday by 1 pm. Articles should be emailed to to be considered for publication. For questions and/or
comments, please contact the Shrine Herald Editor.
While we urge our readers to consider patronizing our advertisers, we cannot and do not
endorse their conduct or performance. For information on advertising in the
Shrine Herald, please call 800.477.4574, ext. 6326.
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