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FULL THRUST THE STARSHIP COMBAT SYSTEM! FULL THRUST is a simple (yet not simplistic) set of generic rules for starship combat at a tactical level, with anything from a few ships to several dozen per side. In the ten years since its release, FULL THRUST has become immensely popular and widely played - in the last survey into space combat games held on The Miniatures Page web-zine (<www.theminiaturespage.com>), Full Thrust polled 47% of the total vote for Favourite Space Rules (the second-placed contender getting just 14%!). The system includes full construction rules to design your own ship classes, and can be easily adapted to fit almost any SF movie, TV series or other background you wish! FULL THRUST RULEBOOK Price £8.00 THE Starship Fleet Combat system - a fast-play simple rules set with loads of additional options including a full and easy to use ship design system. WINNER OF THE SFSFW AWARD FOR “BEST SF MINIATURES RULES” EVERY YEAR SINCE IT’S INCEPTION! A4 book, fully illustrated, full colour cover, 48 pages. NOTE: The currently available FULL THRUST rulebook is the Second Edition of the game, and is a stand-alone system that can be played straight from the book with a few starship miniatures (ours or anyone else’s!); adding the additional rules in Fleet Book 1 brings the game up to the latest “version 2.5”, and Fleet Book 2 brings in the Alien races. Neither of the Fleet Books are essential to play, but we think you will find they are well worth getting! FULL THRUST SUPPLEMENTS: Price £8.00 FLEET BOOK Volume 1: Warships of the Major Powers, 2183 A complete guide to the fleets of the four major Human powers in the GZG “Universe”. Full specs and game stats for the ships of the NAC, ESU, NSL and FSE Navies, plus a NEW, revised and improved ship-design system, an (optional) VECTOR MOVEMENT SYSTEM and other new rules that you can incorporate into your FT games. Whether or not you use “our” background for your FT games, you will find this book an invaluable resource of pre-generated starship designs. FLEET BOOK Volume 2: The Xeno Files - Alien Fleets of the First Xeno War Price £8.00 Full rules and ship design systems for THREE alien forces in the Full Thrust universe - the Kra’Vak, Sa’Vasku and Phalons, plus ship illustrations and stats for the navies of these three races. FB Vol. 2 also includes some additional rules and updates to the general Full Thrust game system. “FULL THRUST” STARSHIP MINIATURES GEO-HEX STARSCAPE MATS: On the next few pages you will find full details of our huge range of finely detailed metal starship miniatures. While the models are designed primarily for the FULL THRUST rules set, they are all equally usable with any other space combat game or rules. Most smaller classes are one-piece castings, while the larger ships are multi-part kits that require assembly - in many cases the designs are “modular” and may be assembled in a variety of different configurations to suit individual tastes and to customise your fleet. Prices shown below INCLUDE plastic stands for all ships (except fighter and small craft (eg: shuttles) packs). We usually stock a limited quantity of these superb heavy felt playing cloths, ideal for FULL THRUST and for any other space combat games. The heavy duty black felt cloths are 6' x 4' (ample to cover most gaming tables), imported directly from the manufacturer in the USA. The deep black felt is screenprinted with a fivecolour starfield, then airbrushed with gaseous “nebulas” in various colours. These beautiful playing surfaces are hardwearing, can be folded or rolled and stored away without creasing problems next time they are used. They are very effective, as shown at our many demonstration games round the shows. The mats are available either with or without a grey (dotted-line) hex grid overlay with 1.5" hexes, which makes them ideal for other games that use hex-based movement systems. FULL THRUST SPECIAL PACKS: All the packs shown here offer a considerable saving over the cost of buying the ships at individual prices; note that sometimes pack composition may vary slightly, but will always contain a balanced mix of ship classes. IMPORTANT: WHEN ORDERING PACKS, REMEMBER TO SPECIFY WHICH FLEET (OR FLEETS) YOU WANT - eg: NAC, ESU, KV, NSL, FSE, UNSC etc. FT PAK 1 DUE TO LIMITED STOCK AVAILABILITY AND EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS, PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL FOR CURRENT PRICES AND AVAILABILITY ON THE STAR MATS BEFORE ORDERING! BASIC STARTER PACK: contains FULL THRUST RULEBOOK plus two starter fleets of ships (6 ships per force, inc. stands); please specify which TWO forces you want - eg: NAC/ESU) ONLY £22.00 FT PAK 2 CARRIER GROUP: contains 1 Light Carrier with fighter complement plus five escort craft* and stands ONLY £15.00 FT PAK 3 BATTLE SQUADRON: contains 1 Battleship, 1 Battlecruiser, seven escort craft* plus stands ONLY £15.00 STARSHIP PLASTIC and METAL STANDS: Note that all FT and GF models INCLUDE plastic stands (except FIGHTER packs). Additional stands are also available separately in either black or clear plastic (please specify colour choice) at 10p EACH. METAL STAND POSTS are now supplied with most of the larger ship classes, and are also available separately at 30p each (complete stand with metal post plus plastic base). FT FIGHTER GROUP STANDS (metal): FT 001 Post/packing on special packs is at standard % rates. * Numbers and types of escort ships may vary according to fleet chosen. 1 Fighter Group Base - metal hexagonal stand with holes for up to 6 wiremounted FT or GF fighters (mounting wire not supplied), plus space to carry record-keeping die or counter on stand base. 75p each. NEW ANGLIAN CONFEDERATION (NAC) NEW ANGLIAN CONFEDERATION ROYAL SPACE NAVY: NEW ANGLIAN CONFEDERATION (NAC) SHIPS: The NAC Royal Navy is a direct descendant of the British RN, and proudly maintains many of the long-standing traditions of the Senior Service. The amalgamation of the British, Canadian and former US navies (that is, the Earthbound surface fleets) when the Anglian Confederation was formed in 2057 brought many American and Canadian naval practices into the new force, but the three nations’ long history of co-operation served to make the integration a relatively easy one. The US Military had operated primitive in-system space warships since the early 2020s, and the development of the Jump drive in the 2060s led the new NAC RN to start a programme of FTL warship construction to support and protect their colonial expansion. The first true combat starship was the HMS Thunderer, launched from the Lunar orbit shipyard on July 10th 2076. The Royal Navy in the 2180s is divided into Core Command, which operates the NAC fleet units still based within the Sol, Barnard and Centaurus systems, Defence Command (also known as the Home Fleet) that operates in the Inner Colonies and is tasked with protection of the NAC’s Capital on Albion, and Outworld Command that operates throughout the far-flung NAC colonial possessions. The ground-combat arm of the Navy is the Royal Marines, elements of which are divided between the three Space Commands. Training Command and the Royal Naval Reserve are run as separate organisational structures, with both contributing ships and manpower to any of the main active-duty Commands in times of need. Service in all branches of the NAC armed forces is on a volunteer basis except in the most extreme circumstances, and personnel morale is generally very high. The RN encourages pride in the history and traditions of the Navy, and conditions aboard NAC ships are are comfortable as possible within the constraints of warship design and function. FT 101 FT 121 FT 102 FT 103 FT 104 FT 124 FT 105 FT 106 FT 107 FT 108 FT 109 FT 110 FT 111 FT 112 FT 113 FT 114 Firestorm II class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Phantom class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Harrison class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) Arapaho class CORVETTES (pack of 3) Minerva class FRIGATES (pack of 2) Tacoma class HEAVY FRIGATES (pack of 2) Ticonderoga class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Huron class LIGHT CRUISER Furious class ESCORT CRUISER Vandenburg class HEAVY CRUISER Majestic class BATTLECRUISER Victoria class BATTLESHIP Excalibur class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT (Heavy Battleship) Valley Forge class SUPERDREADNOUGHT Inflexible class LIGHT FLEET CARRIER Ark Royal class FLEET SUPERCARRIER £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £5.00 £8.00 £6.00 £8.00 FT 101 FT 121 FT 102 SHIP DESIGN DOCTRINE: The Royal Navy employs largely general-purpose ships (with the exception of the Fighter Carrier classes), using a broad mix of weapons and systems - beam batteries, pulse torpedoes and some salvo missile systems. They have some specialised designs for duties such as minelaying and sweeping, planetary bombardment and such, but the majority of fleet units are versatile multi-role ships. Energy screens are the primary passive defence, though some hull armour is also employed especially on the heavier units. Mobility is generally average-to-good, with very few ships having less than thrust-4 drives. Fighter operations doctrine is to base them on specialised carriers which rely primarily on supporting escort ships for their defence. FT 104 FT 124 FT 103 FT 107 FT 105 FT 106 FT 111 FT 108 FT 109 FT 113 FT 110 FT 114 FT 112 FT 104 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 103 FT 107 FT 114 FT 111 FT 113 FT 112 FT 110 FT 124 FT 121 FT 108 FT 101 FT 102 FT 106 FT 105 2 FT 109 EURASIAN SOLAR UNION (ESU) THE EURASIAN SOLAR UNION STAR NAVY (VOYENNOKOSMICHESKIY FLOT): EURASIAN SOLAR UNION (ESU) SHIPS: FT 201A FT 201B FT 221 FT 202 FT 203 FT 204 FT 205 FT 205A FT 206 FT 207 FT 208 FT 208A FT 209 FT 210 FT 211 FT 212 FT 213 FT 214 The Voyenno-Kosmicheskiy Flot was formally created in 2079 with the launch of the first Eurasian FTL warships, a few years behind the NAC. Even during the period of Chinese domination of the ESU, up to the 2120s, most of the operation of the VKF was along Russian lines, as China had little more than coastal-defence navy traditions to draw on for experience. The VKF is divided into several Sector Fleets based in different “Military Districts”, each district being made up of a number of colonies. The Military Districts in the Core systems and Inner Worlds are relatively small, with a single well-developed Inner Colony often being a District in its own right, while in the Outworld posessions a single District might encompass as many as a dozen small, far-flung outposts and settlements. The main base for the bulk of the fleet is at the ESU Capital world of Nova Moskva, though the Chiang Military District also has extensive base and shipyard facilities. Many VKF personnel are conscripts, as they are in all the ESU armed forces, though others volunteer before being conscripted in the hope of a better career - a volunteer will generally rise through the ranks higher and faster than a conscript. Morale on board ship is not exactly high, but it is steady; ESU citizens are brought up to love the Motherland, and they feel a sense of honour in protecting it. VKF crew and officers, as in most navies, also feel that they are somewhat better than the other armed forces such as the ground troops (though they will make an exception for their own marines, the Naval Infantry). Conditions on board ESU warships are mediocre at best, and are certainly not up to the standard of NAC and FSE ships; accommodations are cramped (especially for the ratings), food is nutritious but unappetising, recreational facilities are very limited or non-existant and discipline is harsh. Kilo class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Katya class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Kisha class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Lenov class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) Nanuchka II class CORVETTES (pack of 3) Novgorod class FRIGATES (pack of 2) Warsaw class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Volga class SUPER DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Tibet class LIGHT CRUISER Beijing/B class ESCORT CRUISER Gorshkov class HEAVY CRUISER Voroshilev class HEAVY CRUISER Manchuria class BATTLECRUISER Petrograd class BATTLESHIP Rostov class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT (Heavy Battleship) Komarov class SUPERDREADNOUGHT Konstantin class ATTACK CARRIER Tsiolkovsky class LIGHT CARRIER £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £5.00 £9.00 £9.00 £7.00 FT 202 FT 221 SHIP DESIGN DOCTRINE: FT 203 FT 201B Most VKF ships are almost exclusively beam-armed (their superdreadnoughts mounting some of the largest beam systems ever installed on a mobile platform), with salvo missile systems used occasionally on a very few classes. Ships tend to be constructed with either inherently strong hulls, or have armour added over weaker basic construction; many classes carry screens as a further passive defence. Mobility is average for most ships, with some light classes being very fast but the big ships having drives of thrust-2 or 4. The majority of the VKF’s fighters are operated from specialised carriers, but these ships generally have more offensive armament and tougher defences than NAC counterparts in addition to their fighter complements. Many ESU ship designs, especially the Cruiser and small Capital types, are optimised for long-term independent operations. FT 201A FT 204 FT 205A FT 205 FT 206 FT 207 FT 208A FT 208 FT 212 FT 209 FT 214 FT 213 FT 210 FT 211 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 204 FT 201B FT 202 FT 208 FT 210 FT 213 FT 209 FT 214 FT 203 FT 207 FT 205A FT 212 FT 221 FT 211 FT 201A 3 FT 206 FT 205 NEU SWABIAN LEAGUE (NSL) NEU SWABIAN LEAGUE (NSL) SHIPS: THE NEU SWABIAN LEAGUE SPACE FLEET (KRIEGSRAUMFLOTTE): FT 501 FT 501A FT 521 FT 502 FT 503 FT 504 FT 505 FT 505A FT 506 FT 507 FT 508 FT 509 FT 509A FT 510 FT 511 FT 512 FT 513 FT 514 When the NSL was formed in 2101 following the split of the old European Union, the fledgling European Space Force was also divided - the NSL and FSE each appropriated what they could of the ESF ships and assets to create the beginnings of their own space navies. The Kriegsraumflotte was officially established in 2102 with a handful of primitive ex-ESF ships, comprising a very few newly-built FTL-capable vessels and a number of insystemers. The first purely NSL-designed warship was the FTL cruiser KRS Wien, launched in 2109, the first of a class that eventually numbered 23 vessels and served well until the late 2130s. Since then the KRF has rapidly expanded to become one of the four major Space Navies; it cannot yet rival the NAC or ESU fleets in terms of sheer tonnage, but it is still growing despite the attrition of the war years. The spirit and traditions of the KRF can be traced back past the German forces of the early and mid Twentieth Century, to the Austro-Hungarian Navy of the Nineteenth Century and earlier. The organisation of the KRF is similar to most other navies, in that it is structured as a number of Fleets with different areas of operation; First Fleet is the home defence force based in the Core and Inner worlds, Second Fleet the Outer Colony defence units and Third Fleet is considered the “Strike Fleet” - based at Neu Salzburg, it is kept as a ready reserve for major operations. Logistic support units are integral parts of each Fleet. Marine ground forces are provided from specially-trained units of the regular army seconded to Naval service as required. Like the NAC RN, most of the KRF personnel are volunteers who sign up for either a fiveyear term or a full career. Conscription has been used at times during the Solar Wars, but it has generally been found inefficient - good starship crew members require lengthy training and considerable dedication. Conditions on board KRF warships are not luxurious, but neither are they unpleasant; the ships are utilitarian in design, but reasonable attention has been paid to the effects of living conditions on crew morale. Many KRF officers, both senior and junior, come from the revived aristocratic families of the NSL member states which have a heritage of proud military service stretching back through many generations. Adler class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Wulf class INTERCEPTORS (pack of 6) Wespe class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Falke class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) Stroschen class CORVETTES (pack of 3) Ehrenhold class FRIGATES (pack of 2) Waldburg class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Waldburg/M class MISSILE DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Kronprinz Wilhelm class LIGHT CRUISER Radetzky class ESCORT CRUISER Markgraf class HEAVY CRUISER Maximilian class BATTLECRUISER Richthofen class BATTLECRUISER Maria Von Burgund class BATTLESHIP Szent Istvan class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT (Heavy Battleship) Von Tegetthoff class SUPERDREADNOUGHT Der Theuerdank class FIGHTER CARRIER (Modified Tegetthoff SDN) Kaiser Friedrich class LIGHT CARRIER £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.50 £5.00 £8.00 £8.00 £6.00 FT 503 FT 501 FT 501A FT 502 SHIP DESIGN DOCTRINE: FT 504 FT 521 The ships of the KRF are generally heavily armed with beam weapons, with other systems such as missiles or pulse torpedoes only being mounted on a very few classes. NSL doctrine is for powerful ships in offence and defence, with mobility a lower priority - thrust levels tend to be low, and most large classes have only thrust-2 drives. NSL military hulls are boxy and solid, and hull armour is used extensively, but energy screens are not carried. Active defences are seen as a priority, and most ships carry extensive point-defence installations. Fighter operations are based around small numbers carried on the large general combat ships rather than specific carrier designs. FT 505 FT 505A FT 506 FT508 FT 507 FT 511 FT 509 FT 509A FT 510 FT 512 FT 513 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 514 FT 510 FT 504 FT 507 FT 509 FT 509A FT 505 FT 513 FT 502 FT 512 NEW! FT 514 FT 503 FT 511 FT 505A FT 506 4 FT 501 FT 508 FT 521 FEDERAL STATS EUROPA (FSE) FEDERAL STATS EUROPA (FSE) SHIPS: THE FEDERAL STATS EUROPA SPACE NAVY (L’ASTROMARINE): FT 601 Mirage IX class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 621 Camerone class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 602 Mistral class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) FT 603 Athena class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 604 Ibiza class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 605 San Miguel II (modified) class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 605A Trieste class SUPER DESTROYER (pack of 2) FT 606 Suffren class LIGHT CRUISER FT 607 Milan class ESCORT CRUISER FT 608 Jerez class HEAVY CRUISER FT 609 Ypres class BATTLECRUISER FT 610 Roma class BATTLESHIP FT 611 Bonaparte class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT (Heavy Battleship) FT 612 Foch class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 613 Bologna class LIGHT CARRIER FT 614 Jeanne D’Arc class FLEET CARRIER FT 622 Requin class STRIKEBOAT (pack of 3) NEW! L’Astromarine was formed at the same time as the FSE, in 2101, from remnants of what was previously the European Space Force. The fleet has grown along with the FSE’s expanding colonisation programme, and is now roughly equivalent to the NSL Navy in terms of number of ships and personnel. Due to their design doctrine with its heavy reliance on expendable ordnance, the FSE fleet maintains a particularly large contingent of fleet tenders and replenishment vessels as well as an extensive network of naval bases and resupply outposts throughout their colonial regions. The organisation of L’Astromarine is divided into Home and Colonial Fleets, with the former serving in the Core and Inner worlds and the latter in the Outworld settlements. The training force is administered as part of the Home Fleet, while the logistical support force is split between the two main Fleets. There is a Reserve Fleet, units of which are commonly assigned to individual colony settlements in a system defence role. The FSE Colonial Legion acts as a Marine force for ground operations when required. FSE personnel are approximately 60% volunteers and 40% conscripts, with many colonial settlements having a conscription programme of national service to supply the fleet with manpower in exchange for their protection. Service on FSE vessels is comfortable (in relative terms - these are still warships, not cruise liners!), and broadly similar to the conditions aboard NAC ships; many of the classes are quite large, which permits spacious accommodations and facilities for both officers and ratings. Fleet morale is generally good, though the presence of a proportion of conscripted colonial ratings from different Gallic and Latin backgrounds can sometimes be a handful for the Petty Officers to keep in order. Partly for this reason and partly to ease any potential language problems, individual ships are often manned exclusively by crew from one particular nation within the FSE. £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £6.00 £9.00 £7.00 £10.00 £1.50 FT 621 FT 601 FT 602 FT 604 FT 603 SHIP DESIGN DOCTRINE: FSE ships make extensive use of salvo missiles as a primary weapon (with good magazine capacities where mass is available), with beam weapons seen as secondary systems. FSE ships are relatively fragile, with a lower priority on defences than, for example, the NSL, but this is partly offset by the fact that their large capital ships are VERY big and can absorb punishment that would cripple many other vessels. As with the ESU, fighter carriers are seen as multi-role ships and carry other offensive systems besides their fighter complement. Mobility is a priority, with most ships having good thrust levels, including some capital classes with immensely powerful drives generating thrust-6. FT 605A FT 605 FT 606 FT 607 FT 608 FT 612 FT 611 FT FT610 610 FT 609 FT 614 FT 613 FT 622 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 604 FT 606 FT 614 FT 607 FT 605 FT 608 FT 610 FT 603 FT 601 FT 602 FT 609 FT 621 5 FT 612 FT 611 KRA’VAK DOMINION (KV) THE KRA’VAK: The Kra’Vak (literal translation: “People of the Sorrow Killer “) are, like Humanity and the Phalons, anthropoid oxygen-breathing carbon based lifeforms. They are bipeds with bilateral symmetry, with dry skin that is scaly in some areas and leathery in others; skin colours vary between individuals and Clans, and can be anything from greenish-greys through shades of brown to almost black - some rare individuals exhibit a purplish colouration. They are hairless, but have a number of ropy tendrils that hang from a bony crown that circles their skull. Their jaws are slightly insectoid in appearance, with multiple mandibles that move in various directions, and their deep-set eyes have a much greater frequency range than human vision, allowing them to see quite a way into both the infra-red and ultra-violet bands. THE KRA’VAK DOMINION: The Dominion of the Kra’Vak is composed of a large number of Clans, each Clan being divided into many separate War Families. A Clan is a “nation” of Kra’Vak numbering from the hundreds of thousands to many millions, while a War Family is an extended tribal bloodline group of maybe several hundred members. The Kra’Vak homeworld is known as Zha’Vak (Literal translation: “World of the Sorrow Killer“). The other worlds of the Dominion include heavily settled colony worlds similar to the human Inner Colonies, populated by multiple Clans, and many smaller colonial outposts which are usually settled by members of single Clans. The Star Force of the Dominion (the Kra’Vaka’Kia’Kon - literally, Spear of War Host of the People of the Sorrow Killer), which comprises the space naval assets of the Kra’vak armed forces, is theoretically a homogenous single entity made up from the fleets of the various Clans under a unified command structure. In practice, the individual fleets and units are still primarily loyal to their own Clans and internal dissent (and even outright combat) is not unknown; mixing units from different clans is generally a bad idea and is avoided wherever possible except in the largest operations. KRA’VAK DOMINION STAR FORCES Kra’Vaka’Kia’Kon (Spear of War Host of the People of the Sorrow Killer) FT 401 Ra’San class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 421 Va’San class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 402 Lu’Dak class SCOUTSHIPS(pack of 3) FT 403 Ka’Tak class STRIKERS (pack of 3) FT 404 Da’Kak class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 405 Di’Tok class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 406 Vo’Bok class LIGHT CRUISER FT 407 Si’Tek class PATROL CRUISER FT 407A Ko’Tek class STRIKE CRUISER FT 408 Va’Dok class HEAVY CRUISER FT 409 Ti’Dak class BATTLECRUISER FT 410 Ko’Vol class BATTLESHIP FT 411 Lo’Vok class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 412 Yu’Kas class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 413 Ko’San class STRIKE CARRIER FT 414 Do’San class TACTICAL CARRIER FT 415 Sha’Ken class LIGHT TRANSPORT (pack of 2) FT 416 To’Rok class SURVEY/EXPLORER SHIP £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £5.00 £8.00 £8.00 £6.00 £2.50 £2.00 FT 403 FT 406 FT 421 FT 402 KRA’VAK WARSHIPS: The Kra’Vak are especially adept at gravitic manipulation technology, having developed it to a much higher degree than Humanity has. All their major weapon systems are grav-based, and rely heavily on kinetic projectile weapons rather than energy or particle beam technologies. The warships of the Kra’Vak Dominion are equipped with gravitic-accelerator kinetic projectile guns, known as K-guns, firing solid penetrators at incredibly high velocities. These kinetic penetrators cause massive damage when they impact their target; screens are of no use against them, and even heavy armour little more so - while armour will stop the smallest Kgun rounds from doing too much internal damage, the larger classes of K-gun will simply slice through the armour and rip into the ship’s internals. Normal Kra’Vak design practice is to mount a small number of the largest class of forwardmounted K-guns that the ship can carry, backed up by a one or more turretted K-1 systems as secondary weapons. This makes tactical manoeuvring and ship facing of primary importance to the Kra’Vak, and to this end all their ships are equipped with advanced gravdrives that give them much greater manoeuvrability than Human ships of the same basic thrust level. Kra’Vak warships do not carry energy screens or large amounts of hull armour. Instead, their ship hulls are built with a much higher degree of internal structural integrity than most Human designs, to withstand and absorb internal damage caused by penetrating weapon hits (which has an additional bonus of being better able to take the massive stresses imposed by the enhanced manoeuvring capabilities of their advanced grav drives). FT 405 FT 409 FT 407A FT 404 FT 416 FT 407 FT 411 FT 410 FT 408 FT 414 FT 413 FT 412 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 415 FT 411 FT 413 FT 410 FT 407 FT 403 FT 402 FT 408 FT 404 FT 409 FT 412 FT 405 FT 401 FT 406 6 THE SA’VASKU (SV) THE SA’VASKU: The Sa’vasku have been around for a long time, and have seen many younger starfaring civilisations rise, falter and die over the millennia. The Sa’Vasku themselves are huge, almost immobile creatures that live a semi-aquatic existence surrounded and tended by their myriad biotech constructs; they are not immortal, but are incredibly long-lived by human standards, with lifespans into thousands of years. There are only a small number of actual Sa’Vasku on each of the worlds that form their domain, and they seldom leave those worlds, carrying out almost all contact between their own worlds and with other races by proxy through their constructs. The almost simultaneous (in galactic terms) rise of three aggressive and expansionist young races - Humanity, the Phalons and the Kra’Vak - within the same smallish volume of space has been unprecendented in recent history (that is, in the last few hundred millennia!), and the Sa’Vasku find this highly disturbing - some of them believe it to be the result of genetic manipulation by races even older than themselves, known simply as the Old Ones, for reasons that even the Sa’Vasku do not understand. Above all, the Sa’Vasku wish to maintain a balance - they are quite happy for things to carry on as they have for many tens of thousands of years, and they fear change and instability. They have realised that a total victory by any one of the younger races over the others would leave the Sa’Vasku themselves at a disadvantage and open to attack. While they generally dislike open interference in the affairs of other races (and consider the younger races somewhat beneath their attention), in this case they have found themselves getting involved in effect, they wish to ensure that no-one actually wins the war, and ideally they would like to see all the protagonists wear themselves down through attrition until none of them are a further threat to the stability of the area. The Sa’Vasku will thus involve themselves (via their constructs) on any and all sides at different times, especially if one race appears to be gaining the upper hand on a strategic level, which makes their agenda less than comprehensible to the other races - if a Sa’Vasku force is encountered it is impossible to know whether it will act as friend or foe until it makes its intentions known (often by opening fire...) and reasoned communication is impossible unless the Sa’Vasku themselves initiate it. SA’VASKU SPACE COMBAT CONSTRUCTS Sa’Vasku starships are known as Sra’Kith’Aa (Far-Reacher War Entities), a term which has been used by their contact constructs during their limited communication with representatives of humanity. Throughout the period of the Xeno War, Humanity knows effectively nothing about the Sa’Vasku, or their motivations, beyond that little which the aliens themselves have deigned to tell them. Each Sa’Vasku “ship” is a single large bioconstruct, an artificial living entity in its own right. Where separate “crew” have been encountered from Sa’Vasku vessels, these have themselves been constructs engineered for specific functions, such as the terrifying biotech warriors used as boarding parties and ground assault forces. A Sa’Vasku ship-entity will carry many smaller constructs of almost limitless variety, each specialised for a particular task, and these constructs are generally divided into two types - Volitionals, which have their own individual intelligence and limited free will, and Non-Volitionals which are mindless, biorobotic worker constructs. The bulk of the main hull structure of a Sa’vasku ship is composed of living matter termed “biomass”, which serves both as structural integrity and to provide raw material for the construction (or growth) of their fighter-equivalent Drones and for other forms of expendable ordnance; raw biomass may also be used in attempts to repair and replace damaged systems lost in combat. Most Sa’Vasku ships other than the very smallest ones also carry an “armour” layer, termed a carapace, which is composed of dead biomass that may not be converted for other purposes. The mobility, offensive and defensive capabilities of Sa’Vasku ships are uniquely flexible they can reconfigure themselves at will to direct their available power to drives, screens, weapons etc. in any proportion, which makes them very unpredictable to fight against - a ship that exhibits phenomenal thrust levels at one moment may suddenly divert all power to its weapon nodes and unlease a hugely powerful energy blast at potentially enormous ranges. The Sa’Vasku are not invincible, however, and a ship that is using most of its power for thrust or weapons fire is in turn very vulnerable to attack, as it will not have enough power left over to put up its defences or to repair damage it sustains. SA’VASKU SPACE COMBAT CONSTRUCTS Sra’Kith’Aa (Far-Reacher War Entities) FT 701 Ku’Tho’Ra class DRONE FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 702A Sa’An’Tha class SCOUT SHIPS (pack of 3) FT 702B Sa’Kess’Tha class SCOUT SHIPS (pack of 3) FT 703 Fo’Kiir’Tha class YOUNGER ATTACK SHIP (Corvette) (pack of 3) FT 704 Fo’Sath’Aan class ATTACK SHIP (Frigate)(pack of 2) FT 705 Fo’Vur’Ath class ELDER ATTACK SHIP (Destroyer) (pack of 2) FT 706 Var’Arr’Sha class YOUNGER STRIKE SHIP (Light cruiser) FT 707A Var’Kiir’Sha class STRIKE SHIP ((Cruiser) FT 707B Var’Thee’Sha class STRIKE SHIP (Cruiser) FT 708 Thy’Sa’Teth class YOUNGER BROODSHIP (Escort carrier) FT 709 Shyy’Tha’Var class ELDER STRIKE SHIP (Battlecruiser) FT 710 Ann’Var’Teth class YOUNGER LEADER SHIP (Battleship) FT 711 Sla’Tha’Rosh class LEADER SHIP (Heavy battleship) FT 712 Vas’Sa’Rosh class ELDER LEADER SHIP (Dreadnought) FT 713 Vas’Sa’Teth class ELDER BROODSHIP (Heavy carrier) FT 703 FT 702B FT 702A FT 703 FT 705 FT 709 FT 706 FT 711 FT 708 FT 709 FT 706 FT 707A £1.00 £1.50 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £5.00 £6.00 £8.00 £8.00 FT 713 FT 707B FT 708 FT 712 FT 703 FT 707B FT 704 FT 702A FT 702B FT 705 FT 701 FT 712 FT 707A FT 713 FT 710 FT 710 7 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. PHALON CONGLOMERATE (PH) THE PHALONS: Phalon biology is quite similar to humans in many ways; they are carbon-based oxygen breathers, and though their ideal climate conditions are hotter and more humid than preferred human norms, each race can survive quite happily on each other’s worlds. The Phalons’ physical appearance is distinctly non-humanoid - they are bipeds with bilateral symmetry, but there the resemblance ends; their limbs each have one more joint than those of humans, their short and podlike bodies are protected by an exoskeletal carapace and their wide, flat heads are dominated by a single large tri-lensed optic. To human standards, the Phalons appear to be completely amoral. If they want something, they will take it; if opposed in any way, they will use force without a second thought - if this is impractical, they will negotiate to try and get what they desire. Any bargains or agreements with the Phalons are strictly temporary, however - they will renege on anything at a moment’s notice if they feel the balance of advantage has shifted. When questioned about this trait, their response is to the effect of “that was then, this is now” - they seem quite unable to grasp why humanity should see this as unreasonable. PHALON CONGLOMERATE GRAND FLEET Phey-aaksha-tath’a (The Grand Fleet of The Peoples) FT 801A Nith class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 801B Tuus class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 801C Vaan class INTERCEPTORS (pack of 6) FT 802A Phyaa class RECON SCOUTS (pack of 3) FT 802B Vlath class BATTLE SCOUTS (pack of 3) FT 803 Dorrth class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 804A Tyaph class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 804B Phuun class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 805 Dinth class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 806 Tsaara class LIGHT CRUISER FT 807 Huulth class MEDIUM CRUISER FT 808 Tuuloth class HEAVY CRUISER FT 809 Keraph class BATTLECRUISER FT 810 Ptath class BATTLESHIP FT 811 Saath class LIGHT DREADNOUGHT FT 812 Voth class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 813 Taanis class FIGHTER MOTHERSHIP (LIGHT) FT 814 Draath class FIGHTER MOTHERSHIP (HEAVY) THE PHALON CONGLOMERATE: The Phalon Conglomerate is a loose, highly balkanised federation of individual worlds, including the Homeworld (Cho-llon) and many colonial settlements. The various worlds of the Conglomerate are populated by many differing racial and tribal groupings of Phalons, exhibiting a cultural diversity almost as wide as that of humanity. Normal interrelations in Phalon society are complex and competitive, but when threatened by outside forces (such as the Human/Kra’Vak conflict) they will become remarkably co-operative with each other, as they all see the mutual benefit in it. The Phalons have been spacefaring for a while longer than Humanity or the Kra’Vak, but they are still one of the “younger” races in comparison with the Sa’Vasku. The Conglomerate has been aware of the Humans and the Kra’Vak for a considerable time, and has watched them fiercely expand their territories until the two met. The sudden escalation of Human/Kra’Vak hostilities to all-out war has inevitably dragged the Conglomerate into the fighting, though they resolutely refuse to commit themselves to one side or the other - as always with the Phalons, the only side they are on is their own. PHALON WARSHIPS: Phalon ships are snail-like constructions from organic materials; unlike the Sa’Vasku, whose ships are actual living creatures, the Phalons use advanced biotechnology in a similar way to that in which humans use metal and plastics based materials technology - Phalon ships are constructed with components manufactured from biotech materials, but are not living entities in their own right, any more than a human ship which is built of alloys and polymers. A Phalon hull is constructed with a relatively weak inner hull structure protected by a hardened outer “shell” which is composed of organic and crystalline materials and forms a very effective protection against even armour-penetrating weapons like the Kra’Vak kinetic guns. The most common Phalon antiship weapon is an energy projector known as a “pulser”, which is in many ways similar to the standard human beam weapons. Unlike human beams, however, the pulser is an adjustable weapon that may be “tuned” to give a very long-ranged but low power beam, a short-ranged but extremely lethal output or a mid-range setting that is a compromise between the two. The Phalons’ other primary offensive system is an area-effect weapon called a Plasma Bolt Launcher, normally mounted in the “head” of the Phalon ship’s long forward structure (though some of the very large classes carry additional launchers in dorsal-mounted pods). £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £6.00 £8.00 £6.00 £8.00 FT802A FT 810 FT 811 FT 808 FT 809 FT 801B FT 803 FT 801A FT 804B FT 814 FT 807 Note: drawings are APPROXIMATELY in scale with each other, and show ships around 75% of actual model size. FT 813 FT 801C FT 802B FT 804A FT 802B FT 806 FT 801B FT 812 FT 805 FT 801A FT 811 FT 814 FT 804B FT 806 FT 807 FT 804A FT 813 FT 802A FT 805 FT 803 8 FT 809 FT 810 FT 808 UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND (UNSC) UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND: From its early years as a peacekeeping and policing force in the Core Worlds and Inner Colonies of the human sphere, with ships and crews loaned from the various member states of the UN, the UN Space Command has grown into an autonomous force with its own fleet assets, ship designs and construction yards. By the time of the First Xeno War against the Kra’Vak, the UNSC fleet is as large as that of any of the main human power blocs and its command structure is completely independant of the navies of the member states, answering only to the UN Grand Council - which by this time is a Terran World Government in all but name. During the Xeno War and the ensuing Siege of Sol, the UNSC fleet forms a major part of the defensive forces protecting Earth and the Core Worlds from the alien advance. The ships of the UNSC fleet are powerful vessels designed with the cutting edge of human technology, and make wide use of modular designs to simplify construction and repair. FT-1110 FT-1106 FT-1108 UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND STARSHIPS: high-tech, modular designs with many interchangeable sections. FT 1101 FT 1121 FT 1102 FT 1103 FT 1104 FT 1104A FT 1105 FT 1106 FT 1107 FT 1107A FT 1108 FT 1109 FT 1110 FT 1111 FT 1112 FT 1112A FT 1113 FT 1114 FT 1115 FT 1116 Dauntless class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Defender class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) Hermes class DIPLOMATIC COURIER (pack of 3) Warrior class BATTLE CORVETTE (pack of 2 ) Hunter class FRIGATE (pack of 2) Lawkeeper class PATROL CUTTER (pack of 2) Lake class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Mountain class LIGHT CRUISER Bay class ESCORT CRUISER Bay class Mk.II ESCORT CRUISER (1107 variant) (not illus.) River class HEAVY CRUISER Point class BATTLECRUISER Luna class BATTLESHIP Sea class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT Gaia class SUPERDREADNOUGHT Sol class EXTENDED-RANGE SUPERDREADNOUGHT Star class LIGHT CARRIER Constellation class HEAVY CARRIER Visionary class DEEPRANGE EXPLORER FLEET REPLENISHMENT TENDER £1.00 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £2.50 £2.50 £3.00 £4.00 £4.50 £6.00 £8.00 £10.00 £7.00 £10.00 £5.00 £5.00 FT-1105 FT-1104 FT-1112A GF-022 FT-1102 FT-1103 FT-1104A FT-1112 FT-1101 FT-1121 FT-1114 FT-1107 FT-1109 FT-1116 FT-1111 FT-1115 9 FT-1113 ISLAMIC FEDERATION (IF) ISLAMIC FEDERATION STARSHIPS: very “arabic” in design, with forward-swept crescent fins... FT-1001 Djinn class LIGHT FIGHTERS (pack of 6) £1.00 FT-1021 Ghazi class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) £1.00 FT-1022 Al Shaulah class STRIKESHIPS (pack of 3) £1.50 FT-1003 Khabar class CORVETTES (pack of 3) £2.00 FT-1004 Al Hawar class FRIGATES (pack of 2) £2.00 FT-1005 Saladin class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) £2.50 FT-1010 Sword of Islam class BATTLESHIP £4.50 FT-1005 FT-1004 FT-1010 More Islamic Federation ship classes to follow - watch our update sheets for release information. FT-1021 FT-1022 FT-1001 OUT-RIM COALITION (ORC) 1204 1205 1206 FT1204 FT1205 FT1206 FT1208A FT1208B FT1208C FT1210 FT1220 1208A Outrim Coalition FRIGATES (pack of 2) Outrim Coalition DESTROYERS (pack of 2) Outrim Coalition LIGHT CRUISER Outrim Coalition HEAVY CRUISER type A Outrim Coalition HEAVY CRUISER type B Outrim Coalition HEAVY CRUISER type C Outrim Coalition BATTLESHIP Outrim Coalition DEFENCE OUTPOST (not illus.) £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.50 £5.00 More OutRim Coalition ship classes to follow - watch our update sheets for release information. 1208B 1208C 1210 MERCHANTS AND MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANT, SUPPORT and CIVILIAN SHIPS: OCEANIC UNION DEFENCE FORCES FT 302 FT 305 FT 306 FT 307 FT 308 FT 309 FT 311 FT 314 FT 309A FT 311A FT 314A FT 316 FT 317 FT 318A FT 318B FT 319 FT 320 Clarke class EXPLORATION/SURVEY CRUISER Hamburg class Heavy Modular Freighter Bustler class Deep Space Tug Antares class Inner-System Shuttle (interface capable) Medium Freighter Medium Freighter type B Bremen class Freighter Schwarzwald Heavy Freighter Medium Freighter (redesigned version of 309) Medium Freighter (redesigned version of 311) Heavy Freighter (redesigned version of 314) Short-haul light freighter Light tanker ship Medium freighter with cargo module (Type A bridge unit) Medium freighter with cargo module (Type B bridge unit) Heavy Modular Freighter (revised version of FT305) Light Personnel Shuttles (pack of 6) £5.00 £6.00 £2.50 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £1.50 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £6.00 £1.00 OCEANIC UNION DEFENCE FLEET: FT 901 FT 904 FT 905 FT 906 FT 908 FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FRIGATES (pack of 2) DESTROYERS (pack of 2) LIGHT CRUISER HEAVY CRUISER FT 318B £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £2.00 £3.00 FT 311 FT 316 FT 314 FT 309 FT 318A FT 906 CALL OR EMAIL US FOR LATEST PRICES AND AVAILABILITY ON GEO-HEX STAR MATS - IDEAL FOR YOUR FULL THRUST GAMES TABLE! FT 908 10 MERCHANTS AND MISCELLANEOUS The GF RANGE: GF 014 GF 010 A selection of miscellaneous craft and accessories: GF 001 “StarTruck” light space freighter £1.75 GF 005 Free Trader (light “tramp” freighter) pack of 2 £2.50 GF 006 UNSC “Star Tiger” class Heavy Fighters (pack of 6) £1.00 GF 007 VERY large Space Station - resin kit with whitemetal parts, cylindrical modular design with docking sphere at end and 4 solar vanes cast in metal - approx 300mm long!! £15.00 GF 007A Additional metal “vane” for conversions on GF-007 station kit (each) £1.00 GF 008 P’Taah Fighters (pack of 6) £1.00 GF 009 Mecha Fighters (pack of 6) - tiny “Mobile Suit” figures for Anime battles! £1.00 GF 010 UNSC “Hammer” class atmosphere-capable Fighters (pack of 6) £1.00 GF 011 System Patrol Cutter (pack of 2) £2.50 GF 012 ISSCV Interface Landing Shuttle (pack of 4) £1.00 GF 013 Kantauris Fighters (pack of 6) (crescent-winged fighter craft) £1.00 GF 014 Interface Lander - non-streamlined (pack of 3) £1.00 GF 015 Aerodyne (lifting body)Interface Lander (pack of 3) £1.00 GF 016 Kantauris Heavy Fighters (pack of 6) (crescent-winged fighter craft) £1.00 GF-017 UNSC Star Sabre fighters (2-man Star Tiger variant) - pack of 6 £1.00 GF-018 Mundani Tri-Lobe fighter (from Eureka Miniatures) - pack of 6 £1.00 GF-019 Pirate Raider fighters - pack of 6 £1.00 GF-020 JUMP GATE - a pair of vaned structures to generate a hyperspace gate; kit consists of 6 vane panels, two support struts and four plastic stands to build a complete gate assembly. £5.00 GF-021 STARBASE DEFENCE INSTALLATION - resin and metal kit, a re-release (in improved and modified form) of our old FT 304 model. £6.00 GF-022 Winged Interface Shuttle (x 3) (shown in photo on page 10) £1.00 GF 015 GF 013 GF 011 GF 008 GF 009 GF 012 GF 001 GF 006 GF 005 GF 014 GF 015 FT 311 GF 020 FT 307 FT 308 FT 306 GF 001 GF 005 GF 011 FT 309 GF 018 FT 421 GF 017 FT 302 FT 001 Fighter Stands GF 007 GF 021 GF 005 GF 001 GF 006 11 STARGRUNT STARGRUNT II RULEBOOK: Price £12.00 Ground Combat SF rules for 25mm and 15mm figures 72 PAGES packed with rules, information, the usual (optional) background, superb artwork, photos and loads more, complete with two full colour diecut counter sheets AND a quick-reference playsheet! A generic SF system for use with 25mm or 15mm troops, for games from Platoon right up to Company level, including full rules for vehicles, fire support, air support and much more. EXTRA COUNTER SETS FOR STARGRUNT II: We can supply spare sets of diecut counter sheets (2 sheets per set) for SGII; price £4.00 per set. Order as “SG counters”. Stocks of the DIRTSIDE II counter sheets are also still available, at the same price. STARGRUNT DICE SETS! £1.50 per set of five. After many requests, we now stock DICE - sets of five polyhedral dice for use with SGII; each die is the correct colour to correspond with the Unit Quality counters used in the games, which provides a very practical visual aid to the dice types, especially when introducing new players to the systems; the set consists of a yellow D4, green D6, blue D8, orange D10 and red D12. (Also suitable for Dirtside). OTHER USEFUL DICE: NOT specifically for SGII, but with many uses in all sorts of games - we now stock DIRECTION DICE, a D8 with the 8 main compass points on it, and the wonderful SMILEY DICE with 6 different “smiley” faces, from very happy to very pissed off! Great as an instant morale and reaction system, or just a novelty item that your dice bag can’t be without! Order ar DIRECTION DICE or SMILEY DICE - both types 30p each. STARGRUNT MINIATURES - 25mm scale A wide selection of superbly sculpted 25mm scale SF figures, ideal for use with our STARGRUNT II rules or any other good SF miniatures systems. Some figures (especially the Heavy Power Armour types) require some assembly. Please note that we have not illustrated every single figure, but instead have shown a selection of varied types from each range as examples. STARGRUNT FIGURE PRICES: All regular figures £1.00 each; POWER ARMOUR figures £1.25. “Special” items and packs as priced. For details of money-saving SQUAD and PLATOON pack offers, see box on facing page. NEW ANGLIAN (NAC) ROYAL MARINES: All £1.00 each unless marked otherwise. SGA-01A SGA-01E SGA-02A SGA-02B SGA-02C SGA-03A SGA-03B SGA-04A SGA-04B SGA-04C SGA-05A SGA-05B SGA-05C SGA-06A SGA-07A SGA-09B SGA-12A SGA-13B SGA-13D SGA-14B SGA-15A SGA-16A SGA-17A SGA-18A SGA-19C SGA-20C SGA-31 SGA-32 SGA-41 SGA-45 SGA-CH1 SGA-CH2 SGA-CH3 Marine standing with L7A3 Combat Rifle, closed visor. As 01A, but with full kit (backpack, pouches etc.) Marine with L7A3, advancing, closed visor. As 02A, but head variant with OPEN visor. Marine advancing with L7A3, in BERET and comm.set. Marine with L7A3, firing from hip, closed visor. Marine firing L7A3, in helmet with OPEN visor. Marine NCO/Squad Leader, closed visor. As 04A, open visor. NCO standing, in BERET, talking into headset comm. Marine Pointman with L7A3, advancing, closed visor. As 05A, open visor. Pointman in BERET, with L7A3, observing enemy. Marine with L5 Support Weapon on gyromount, closed visor. Marine (female) standing, with Infantry Plasma Gun (“PIG”) Sniper (helmet open) looking at wrist readout, carrying Pulse Laser. Marine with 3-round Missile Launcher, firing pose, closed visor. Female Marine walking, L7A3 at ready, in open-visor helmet. Female Marine walking, slung L7A3, bareheaded, carrying helmet. Female Marine walking, in helmet, carrying medpack or ammo box. Female Marine with L5 SAW on Gyromount, in helmet (closed visor). Female Sniper, kneeling withPulse laser, in helmet (closed visor). Female Comms/EW operator, kneeling, wrist keypad and VR helmet. Marine with laser designator, kneeling, in helmet (closed visor). Marine assault specialist with combat shotgun, in beret. Marine in beret, carrying wounded comrade over shoulder.. NAC casualty, lying dead. NAC casualty, sitting, wounded. NAC Rider on scout bike £2.50 RAM Mortar team, with ammo packs and 2 crew figures £2.75 Senior Officer in peaked cap, hands behind back Senior NCO (RSM), beret and combat rifle, shouting Female NCO, with combat rifle, carrying helmet SGA-22, 27, 26, 25 and 23 NAC POWER-ARMOURED HEAVY INFANTRY: £1.25 each. Superb figures in full Powered Combat Suits, all with separate arms, backpacks etc. SGA-21 Power Armour Trooper with anti-personnel weapon (APW). SGA-22 Power Armour Trooper with twin shoulder launcher packs & APW. SGA-23 Power Armour SupportTrooper with heavy point-fire railgun. SGA-24 Power Armour SupportTrooper with anti-vehicle missile launcher. SGA-25 Power Armour SupportTrooper with heavy squad support weapon. SGA-26 Power Armour Squad Leader with comms backpack & APW. SGA-27 Power Armour Support Trooper with Plasma Gun (PIG). All PA figures are supplied with a random mix of standing, walking, kneeling or running pose bodies. All body poses are fully interchangeable with all weapon arms/backpacks. INFANTRY SKIMMERS with NAC riders: £2.50 each. SGA-51A Infantry Skimmer with crouched rider (male), closed visor SGA-51B Infantry Skimmer with crouched rider (male), open visor SGA-52A Infantry Skimmer with standing rider (female), closed visor SGA-52B Infantry Skimmer with standing rider (female), open visor SGA-CH3 SGA-CH1 SGA-CH2 SGA-52B SGA-51A SGA-05C, 09B, 13D and 02B 12 EURASIAN UNION (ESU) NAVAL INFANTRY: SGE-01A SGE-01C SGE-02A SGE-02C SGE-03A SGE-03C SGE-04A SGE-04B SGE-04C SGE-05A SGE-05B SGE-05C SGE-07A SGE-08A SGE-09A SGE-10A SGE-10D SGE-11D SGE-12B SGE-13B SGE-14A SGE-41 SGE-42 Infantryman standing with KI-72 Combat Rifle, open-face helmet. Infantryman standing, in full coldweather Camo Cape Infantryman advancing with KI-72. Infantryman advancing with KI-72, in Camo Cape Infantryman firing KI-72 from hip. Infantryman firing KI-72 from hip, in Camo Cape NCO/Squad Leader, pointing, carrying KI-72. NCO/Squad Leader, pointing, in field cap. NCO/Squad Leader, in Camo Cape Pointman, advancing cautiously, with KI-72. Pointman, advancing cautiously, in field cap. Pointman, advancing cautiously, in Camo Cape Support Infantryman firing RK-80 machinegun on gyromount. Sniper with Kalyev HV Rifle. Support Infantryman firing AT-17 “Sandbox” Missile Launcher. Female trooper with RK-80 Support MG, firing pose (in helmet) Female trooper with RK-80 MG, standing at rest (bareheaded) Female sniper with Pulse Laser rifle (bareheaded) Female trooper with KI-72 rifle (in field cap) Communications trooper kneeling with comms pack (in field cap) Kneeling squad leader or crew no.2 Auto Grenade Launcher on groundmount, with separate gunner and spare ammo cassettes £2.50 Tribarrel Autocannon on groundmount, with separate gunner and spare ammo boxes £2.50 SGE-67 SGE-60 SGE-62 SGE-55 SGE-54 SGE-58 SGE-68 (base not included) SGE-56 ESU HEAVY INFANTRY: An all-new range - these are the regular footsloggers of the ESU ground forces, in flexible body armour and light helmets or field caps. Produced under licence from Eureka Miniatures. All £1.00 each except as marked. SGE-50 Trooper, firing from hip SGE-51 Trooper, running with assault rifle SGE-52 Trooper, standing with assault rifle SGE-53 Trooper, advancing at high porte SGE-54 Trooper, standing firing assault rifle SGE-55 Trooper, standing firing SAW SGE-56 Trooper in cap, carrying ammunition SGE-57 Trooper, standing, firing missile launcher SGE-58 Trooper, kneeling, firing missile launcher SGE-59 Trooper, kneeling, firing assault rifle SGE-60 Trooper, kneeling with assault rifle SGE-61 Trooper, kneeling with assault rifle at high porte SGE-62 Trooper, kneeling with monocular SGE-63 Officer in helmet, standing SGE-64 Officer in cap, standing SGE-65 Political Officer in peaked cap, standing SGE-66 Officer in cap,standing with machine pistol SGE-67 Political Officer in peaked cap, with machine pistol SGE-68 Trooper with Grenade Launcher on groundmount £2.00 SGE-69 Trooper, kneeling firing SAW SGE-70 Trooper, standing in communications helmet SGE-71 Dog for Political Officers 50p SGE-05A, 04B, 10D, 02C and 09A SGE-41 SGE-14A SGE-42 ESU POWER-ARMOURED INFANTRY: £1.25each. SGE-21 Power Armour Trooper with anti-personnel weapon (APW). SGE-22 Power Armour Trooper with twin rocket packs & APW. SGE-23 Power Armour Trooper with 20mm Autocannon. SGE-24 Power Armour Trooper with anti-vehicle missile launcher. SGE-25 Power Armour Trooper with heavy squad support weapon. SGE-26 Power Armour Squad Leader with APW and Comms systems. SGE-27 Power Armour Trooper with HAMR (Heavy Anti-Materiel Rifle) SGE-28 Power Armour Trooper with Rapid-Fire Gauss Autocannon SGE-29 Power Armour Trooper with Plasma Gun All PA figures are supplied with a random mix of standing, walking or running pose bodies. All body poses are fully interchangeable with all weapon arms/backpacks. UNSC (United Nations Space Command) The planetary combat troops of the UN military, using the cutting edge of arms technology. These troops are in full “hardsuits” light power armour. £1.00 each. SGU-01A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit armour with IPW 80, advancing. SGU-02A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit armour with IPW 80, running. SGU-03A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit armour with IPW 80, firing. SGU-04A UNSCM Trooper with IPW 80, standing with ammo or medpack. SGU-05B UNSCM NCO/Officer, standing, bareheaded and holding helmet. SGU-06A UNSCM Support Trooper in Hardsuit armour with SPW 82, firing. SGU-07A Female UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit armour with IPW, running. SGU-08A Female UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit armour with IPW, firing, helmet on. SGU-09B Female UNSCM NCO/Officer, standing, bareheaded, holding helmet. SGU-10A Female UNSCM Support Trooper with SPW 82, firing. SGU-11A UNSCM Trooper with MicroMissile launcher, standing firing. SGU-12A Female UNSCM Trooper with Sniping Laser, standing firing. SGU-13A Female UNSCM Trooper with RF auto grenade launcher, firing. SGU-14A UNSCM Squad leader in Hardsuit, pointing SGU-15A UNSCM Trooper (female) in Hardsuit, standing SGU-16A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit, walking SGU-17A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit, firing from shoulder SGU-18A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit, kneeling SGU-19A UNSCM Trooper in Hardsuit, firing Plasma SAW SGU-20A UNSCM Trooper (female) in Hardsuit, firing rocket launcher SGU-31 UNSCM Trooper casualty, lying dead. SGU-32 UNSCM Trooper casualty, wounded. SGE-23, 22, 25, 24 and 26 SGE-27, 29 and 28 STARGRUNT SQUAD or PLATOON PACKS SGU-01A, 11A, 04A, 06A and 13A You can order any of our STARGRUNT figure ranges in SQUAD PACKS (8 assorted figures) or PLATOON PACKS (24 assorted figures), both at a significant saving over the cost of individual figures. Please note that the choice of figures in the packs is to OUR specification, but we will always provide you with balanced units. Remember to specify the nationality of troops you want in the pack, eg: NAC Squad Pack or NSL Platoon Pack. POWER ARMOUR figures can also be ordered in packs, but in the case of PA troops a squad pack has 6 figures and a platoon pack 18. P&P is at normal % rates. Prices are: STARGRUNT SQUAD PACK (8 figures, or 6 PA) £7.00 STARGRUNT PLATOON PACK (24 figures, or 18 PA) £19.00 SGU-20A, 19A, 18A and 14A 13 NEU SWABIAN LEAGUE (NSL) ARMOURED TROOPS: FEDERAL STATS EUROPA (FSE) COLONIAL LEGION: SGN-01B SGN-02B SGN-03B SGN-04B SGN-05A SGN-06B SGN-07B SGN-08A SGN-09A SGN-10B SGN-10D SGN-11B SGN-12B SGN-13B SGN-14A SGN-15B SGN-16A SGN-17B SGN-18B SGN-18D SGN-31 SGN-32 SGF-01A SGF-01B SGF-01C SGF-02B SGF-03C SGF-04D SGF-04E SGF-05D SGF-06B SGF-06C SGF-07C SGF-08B SGF-09A SGF-10A SGF-10C SGF-11A SGF-11C SGF-12A SGF-41 NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, in battle armour, visor open, standing. NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, full armour, visor open, advancing. NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, visor open, firing from shoulder. NSL Squad Leader, visor open, observing sensor readout . NSL Pointman with Combat Rifle, visor closed, in “combat ready” pose. NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, visor open, firing from hip. NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, visor open, kneeling firing. NSL Support Trooper with Gyromount Rotary MG, standing. NSL Support Trooper with Gyromount Rotary MGr, firing. Female NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, in helmet. Female NSL Trooper with Combat Rifle, bareheaded (holding helmet). NSL Support Trooper with Point-fire Plasma Gun, kneeling firing. NSL Support Trooper with four-round Missile Launcher, advancing. NSL Support Trooper with four-round Missile Launcher, kneeling firing. Female NSL Trooper with Plasma Gun, full armour, in helmet. NSL Sniper with Pulse Laser rifle, full armour, advancing. Female NSL Trooper kneeling, with laser designator . NSL Comms/EW specialist with laptop keypad, kneeling. Female NSL trooper, in helmet, with RF antipersonnel plasma gun Female NSL trooper, bareheaded, with RF antipersonnel plasma gun NSL Trooper casualty, lying dead. NSL Trooper casualty, wounded. Legionnaire in helmet (visor lowered), with FA-75 combat rifle, at ready Legionnaire in helmet (visor raised), with FA-75 combat rifle, at ready Legionnaire in Kepi, with FA-75 combat rifle, at ready Legionnaire in helmet (visor raised), with FA-75, advancing/firing Legionnaire NCO in Kepi, with FA-75 combat rifle Legionnaire (female) bareheaded, with FA-75 combat rifle, advancing Legionnaire (female) bareheaded, FA-75 (variant, with headband) Legionnaire (female) bareheaded, with FA-75, (different pose to 04) Legionnaire in helmet (visor raised), with FA-75, firing from shoulder Legionnaire in Kepi, with FA-75, firing from shoulder Legionnaire NCO/Officer in Kepi, FA-75 slung Legionnaire Recon/Comms trooper, with FA-75 combat rifle Legionnaire in helmet, carrying Missile Launcher Legionnaire in helmet (visor lowered), with heavy machinegun Legionnaire in kepi, with heavy machinegun Legionnaire sniper, in helmet, with modified FA-75S Legionnaire sniper, in kepi, with modified FA-75S Legionnaire with Flamer, in helmet FSE Rider on scout bike £2.50 SGF-09A, 10A, 02B, 05D and 01C SGN-10D, 12B, 02B, 08A and 11B NSL POWER-ARMOURED HEAVY INFANTRY: £1.25 each. SGN-21 Power Armour Trooper with anti-personnel weapon (APW). SGN-22 Power Armour Support Trooper with twin missile packs & APW. SGN-23 Power Armour Support Trooper with heavy point-fire Plasma Gun. SGN-24 Power Armour Support Trooper with multishot SLAM rocket launcher. SGN-25 Power Armour Support Trooper with heavy squad support weapon. SGN-26 Power Armour Squad Leader with comms equipment & APW. SGN-27 Power Armour Support Trooper with anti-vehicle missile launcher. All PA figures are supplied with a random mix of standing, walking or running pose bodies. All body poses are fully interchangeable with all weapon arms/backpacks. FSE POWER-ARMOURED HEAVY INFANTRY: £1.25 each. SGF-21 FSE Power-Armour Trooper with antipersonnel gauss guns SGF-22 FSE Power-Armour Trooper with overshoulder rocket launchers SGF-23 FSE Power-Armour Trooper with heavy point-fire railgun SGF-24 FSE Power-Armour Trooper with antivehicle missile launcher SGF-25 FSE Power-Armour Trooper with support RF gauss gun SGF-26 FSE Power-Armour Squad Leader with command/comms pack All PA figures are supplied with a random mix of standing, walking or running pose bodies All body poses are fully interchangeable with all weapon arms/backpacks. SGF-23, 25, 26, 21 and 24 SGN-23, 22, 26, 27 and 25 SGA-41 SGF-41 NSL JAGERS (LIGHT INFANTRY): SGN-41 SGN-42 SGN-43 SGN-44 SGN-45 SGN-46 SGN-47 SGN-48 SGN-49 SGN-50 SGN-51 SGN-52 SGN-53 SGN-54 SGN-55 SGN-56 SGN-57 SGN-58 SGN-59 SGN-60 SGN-61 SGN-62 Jager trooper, standing with combat rifle Jager trooper, at ready with combat rifle Jager firing combat rifle from shoulder Jager firing combat rifle from hip Jager running with combat rifle Jager Squad leader advancing with combat rifle Female Jager standing with combat rifle Jager firing combat rifle one-handed Jager Officer in greatcoat, with combat rifle Jager firing Missile Launcher Jager firing Squad Support MG on gyromount Two-man HAMR (heavy sniping rifle) team £2.00 the set Jager kneeling, with combat rifle at ready Jager Squad Leader kneeling, with combat rifle, pointing Jager Mounted Scout (horse and rider) £2.50 Jager RAM Mortar team (3 crew, mortar and ammo) £4.00 the set Jager Scout Dirt-Trike & rider (multipart kit) £3.00 Jager Mounted Scout - variant of SGN-55 £2.50 Female Jager advancing with combat rifle Jager advancing with combat rifle Jager with RF Plasma Gun (standing) Jager with heavy point-fire Plasma Gun (kneeling) SGN-55 and 57 SGN-47, 51, 49, 50, 43 and 46 SGN-56 (set) and 52 (pair) 14 ISLAMIC FEDERATION INFANTRY: JAPANESE CORPORATE MERCENARIES: Troops in fatigues and clamshell torso armour, semi-visored combat helmets or traditional “Keffiyeh” headdress. SGI-01A Infantryman standing, rifle at ready, in helmet. SGI-01C Infantryman standing, rifle at ready, in Keffiyeh. SGI-02A Infantryman advancing, in helmet. SGI-02C Infantryman advancing, in Keffiyeh. SGI-03A NCO with command/communications helmet, standing. SGI-03C NCO in Keffiyeh, standing. SGI-04A Support Machinegunner, hip-firing, in helmet. SGI-05A Infantryman advancing, carrying Missile Launcher, in helmet. SGI-06A Missile man kneeling ready to fire, in helmet. SGI-07A Communications tech standing with comm. pack, in helmet. SGI-08A Sniper, HV rifle, advancing, in helmet (covered in camo and foliage!). SGI-09C Islamic Suicide Bomber - running, festooned with explosives! SGI-10C Infantryman in keffiyeh, with Flamer and breathing mask SGI-11C Trooper in Keffiyeh, advancing with rifle SGI-12C Trooper in Keffiyeh, standing with rifle SGI-13C Trooper in Keffiyeh, “celebrating” (firing rifle in air) In very Japanese-style armour, with flechette rifles: £1.00 each. SGJ-01A Officer/NCO standing with flechette rifle with ceremonial katana SGJ-02A Trooper kneeling, firing flechette rifle SGJ-03A Trooper standing with flechette rifle SGJ-04A Support Trooper kneeling with hypervelocity missile launcher SGJ-05B Female trooper walking, bareheaded (carrying helmet and rifle) SGJ-06A Female trooper walking, in helmet SGJ-07A Female Officer/NCO walking, with rifle and ceremonial katana SGJ-08A Support Trooper with tribarrel SAW, standing firing, in helmet. SGJ-08B Support Trooperwith tribarrel SAW, bareheaded SGJ-09A Trooper with flechette rifle, kneeling, in helmet. SGJ-10A Trooper with flechette rifle, standing firing, in helmet. SGJ-11B Support Trooperwith tribarrel SAW, kneeling, bareheaded NOTE: For ISLAMIC POWER ARMOUR troops, use the ESU OR FSE PA figures (SGE-21 to 26 or SGF-21 to 26)). SGJ-01A, 02A, 03A, 05B, 04A and 08B SGI-01A, 02C, 06A, 03C and 04A SGJ-08A SGJ-10A SGJ-11A SGJ-09A JAPANESE POWER ARMOUR: £1.25 each Ashigaru Powersuit with rotary cannon Ashigaru Powersuit with cannon and twin HV missile pods Ashigaru Powersuit with plasma cannon Ashigaru Powersuit with grenade launcher Samurai Command Powersuit with twin power swords SGJ-21 SGJ-22 SGJ-23 SGJ-24 SGJ-26 SGI-09C, 10C, 11C, 12C and 13C NEW ISRAELI ASSAULT TROOPS: Very high-tech troopers in hardsuit body armour, sculpted by Mike Broadbent; produced under licence from Eureka Miniatures. SGZ-01A Trooper in combat armour, walking with gauss rifle SGZ-02A Trooper in combat armour, firing gauss rifle from shoulder SGZ-03A Trooper in combat armour, standing with gauss rifle SGZ-04A Trooper in combat armour, at ready with gauss rifle SGZ-05A Female Trooper in combat armour, standing with gauss rifle SGZ-06A Support Trooper in combat armour, advancing with VRF gauss SAW SGZ-07A Sniper in combat armour, kneeling, firing gauss sniping rifle SGZ-08B Female Trooper, standing with gauss rifle, bareheaded SGZ-09A Support Trooper in combat armour, standing with VRF gauss SAW SGZ-10A Sniper in combat armour, standing, firing gauss sniping rifle SGZ-11A Trooper in combat armour, kneeling, firing gauss rifle SGZ-12A Trooper in combat armour, kneeling, with gauss rifle at ready SGZ-13A Support Trooper, gauss rifle and backpack-mounted missile launcher SGZ-14A Trooper in combat armour, standing with gauss rifle* SGZ-15A Trooper in combat armour, standing with gauss rifle* SGZ-16A Trooper in combat armour, standing with gauss rifle* SGZ-17A PIG trooper (plasma gunner) SGZ-18A Comms trooper SGZ-19B Squad leader (female) * These figures are all pose variants, to give variety to units. SGJ-21 SGZ-18A SGJ-26 SGJ-24 SGJ-23 FREE CAL-TEX (FCT) LIGHT INFANTRY: In partial body-armour and full-face helmets, with Combat Rifles or support weapons. SGT-01A FCT Trooper standing, firing rifle from hip SGT-02A FCT Trooper (female), advancing with rifle SGT-03A FCT Trooper standing with rifle at ready SGT-04A FCT Trooper (female), firing rifle from shoulder SGT-05A FCT Trooper (female), standing, reloading rifle SGT-06A FCT Trooper, kneeling, firing rifle SGT-07A FCT NCO/Squad Leader, advancing with rifle SGT-08A FCT Trooper with Portable Missile Launcher SGT-09A FCT Trooper (female), throwing grenade SGT-10A FCT Trooper with Squad Support Weapon SGT-11A FCT Trooper kneeling, with Sniper Rifle SGT-12A FCT Medic, kneeling, treating wounded trooper (2-fig set) £2.00 SGT-13A FCT Trooper running with ammo cases SGZ-13A, 01A, 08B, 06A and 07A SGZ-17A SGJ-22 SGZ-19B SGT-07A, 01A, 05A, 09A, 10A and 03A SGT-08A, 11A, 12A (2 figs) and 13A 15 SGO-08A, 05C, 09A, 14B and 04B. SGM-04B, 07A, 01D, 08B and 06C MERCENARY TROOPS: SGO-15A, 13A, 11A, 18B and 19C OCEANIC UNION DEFENCE FORCE (OUDF) These figures are designed by Mike Broadbent for Eureka Miniatures inAustralia. SGO-01A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, at ready SGO-01C OUDF trooper in bush hat, with assault rifle, at ready SGO-02A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, advancing SGO-03A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, kneeling firing SGO-04A OUDF support machinegunner, standing, in helmet SGO-04B OUDF Maori support machinegunner, standing, bareheaded SGO-05C OUDF Aboriginal scout, crouching, bush hat, with assault rifle SGO-06A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, kneeling at read SGO-07A OUDF Comms trooper in special comms helmet, with assault rifle SGO-08A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, standing firing SGO-09A OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, advancing (diff. fig to 02A) SGO-09C OUDF trooper in bush hat, with assault rifle, advancing SGO-10A OUDF pointman in helmet, with assault rifle, advancing SGO-11A OUDF trooper in helmet, firing IAVR (Infantry Anti-Vehicle Rocket) SGO-12* OUDF “Light Horse” trooper on Grav Bike (kit of bike and rider) £2.50 SGO-13A Female OUDF trooper in helmet, with assault rifle, running SGO-14B OUDF Papuan trooper, assault rifle, with “big hair” and nose-bone! SGO-15A OUDF NCO/Squad Leader in helmet, with assault rifle SGO-16B OUDF Papuan trooper (as O-14B), with assault rifle, advancing. SGO-17* OUDF “Harlequin” anti-air missile system with seated gunner £2.50 SGO-18B Female OUDF trooper, bareheaded, standing with keypad (may be used as additional crew for SGO-17) SGO-19C OUDF trooper, in bush hat, observing through vision enhancer (may be used as additional crew for SGO-17) SGO-20A Dismounted “Light Horse” scout trooper, with assault rifle, firing from hip SGO-21A Dismounted “Light Horse” scout trooper, with assault rifle, advancing SGO-22A Dismounted “Light Horse” scout trooper, with assault rifle, at the ready SGO-23* OUDF Trooper in combat helmet and shorts, riding surfboard! £1.25 SGO-24 OUDF Sniper in “Yowie Suit”, with sniping rifle (standing firing) SGO-25B Papuan Medic, running with aid kit SGO-26A OUDF Trooper standing, firing PIG (Plasma Gun) SGO-27A OUDF comms trooper (variant) Light infantry in assorted uniforms and kit, with mixed weaponry - ideal for raising your own Merc unit, or for rebel and resistance forces. SGM-01D Mercenary Recon/Pointman in bandanna, with assault rifle SGM-02C Mercenary Scout in bush hat, crouching, with combat rilfe SGM-03D Mercenary Sniper, bareheaded, standing with laser rifle SGM-04B Mercenary Squad Leader in beret, standing with combat rifle SGM-04C Mercenary Squad Leader in bush hat, standing with combat rifle SGM-05A Mercenary Trooper in helmet, carrying rifle SGM-05B Mercenary Trooper in beret, carrying rifle SGM-05C Mercenary Trooper in bush hat, carrying rifle SGM-06C Mercenary Sniper in bush hat, with gauss rifle SGM-07A Mercenary Trooper in helmet, carrying squad support MG SGM-07B Mercenary Trooper in beret, carrying squad support MG SGM-08A Mercenary Trooper in helmet, carrying missile launcher over shoulder SGM-08B Mercenary Trooper in beret, carrying missile launcher over shoulder SGM-09B Mercenary Trooper in beret, kneeling, with combat rifle SGM-10D Mercenary Senior Officer in peaked cap SGM-11B Mercenary Trooper in beret, standing with autoshotgun SGM-12B Mercenary Scout - Amerind features and ponytail, with assault shotgun SGM-13B Mercenary Combat Medic standing, in beret, with bag and slung rifle SGM-14C Mercenary in bush hat, advancing with rifle SGM-15A Mercenary in helmet, advancing with light machine gun SGM-16A Mercenary in helmet, standing with shotgun SGM-17B Mercenary in beret, with machine pistol and slung sniping rifle SGM-18D Female Mercenary trooper with grenade launcher DUTCH TROOPS: Dutch Army or Nieuw Friesland mercenary troopers (Special Note: the Dutch troops also make excellent POLICE and SECURITY figures for urban-style games): SGD-01A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, standing with rifle SGD-02A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, advancing with rifle SGD-03A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, standing with rifle at ready SGD-04A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, advancing with rifle SGD-05A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, running with rifle SGD-06A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, advancing with SAW SGD-07A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, firing Missile Launcher SGD-08A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, kneeling, firing rifle SGD-09A Trooper in helmet and partial armour, firing rifle one-handed SGD-09A, 07A, 02A, 03A, 06A and 01A SGO-21A, 22A, 20A and 23 OUDF POWER ARMOUR FIGURES (the “Eggs on Legs”...) : £1.10 each. SGO-30 OUDF Power Armour trooper with missile pack SGO-31 OUDF Power Armour trooper with comms/sensor package SGO-32 OUDF PA Trooper with quad-barrel support weapon SGO-33 OUDF PA Trooper with standard anti-personnel weapon Dutch Infantry painted as Security/Police troopers INDONESIAN COMMONWEALTH INFANTRY SGO-17, 30 and 12 (all in helmets and partial light armour): SGB-01A IC Trooper standing with rifle at ready SGB-02A IC Trooper firing rifle from shoulder SGB-03A IC Trooper running with rifle SGB-04A IC Squad Leader/NCO with rifle, pointing SGB-05A IC Trooper firing rifle from shoulder (different figure from SGB-02A) SGB-06A IC Squad Leader/NCO with rifle, pointing (different from SGB-04A) SGB-07A IC Trooper standing with SAW SGB-08A IC Trooper firing Missile Launcher SGB-09A Indonesian NCO (variant) SGO-25B, 26A and 24 SGB-08A, 03A, 06A, 07A and 05A 16 PAN AFRICAN UNION (PAU) Light Infantry: COLONIAL MILITIA troopers: Light troops in combat fatigues with bullpup automatic weapons and open-face helmets (or twin-peaked bush caps). SGP-01A NCO/Squad Leader in Helmet, standing with rifle and Vision Enhancer. SGP-01C NCO/Squad Leader in Bush Cap, standing with Vision Enhancer. SGP-02B Female trooper/combat medic, bareheaded, with rifle. SGP-03A Infantryman advancing, in Helmet, with rifle. SGP-03B Infantryman advancing, bareheaded, with rifle. SGP-03C Infantryman advancing, in Bush Cap, with rifle. SGP-04A Support Machinegunner, running, in Helmet. SGP-04B Support Machinegunner, running, bareheaded (with bandanna). SGP-04C Support Machinegunner, running, in Bush Cap. SGP-05B Sniper, advancing, bareheaded. SGP-06A Infantryman with Missile Launcher, in Helmet. SGP-07B Female trooper, bareheaded, advancing with combat rifle at ready. SGP-08C Communications tech kneeling, in bush cap. The “Home Guard” of the Human colony worlds. Sculpted by Martin Baker; (also ideal as ship’s crew figures, security troops etc.) SGC-01 Colonial Militia (male) in combat fatigues, soft cap, with assault rifle SGC-02 Colonial Militia (female) in combat fatigues, soft cap, with assault rifle SGC-03 Colonial Militia (female) in fatigues and cap, standing with assault rifle SGC-04 Colonial Militia (male), advancing with support machine gun SGC-05 Colonial Militia (male) in fatigues and cap, kneeling with assault rifle SGC-06 Colonial Militia (female), kneeling firing missile launcher SGC-07 Colonial Militia (female) sniper, lying prone, firing sniping rifle SGC-08 Colonial Militia (female) medic, kneeling with med-kit SGC-09 Colonial Militia Commander, standing with rifle and cigar butt... SGC-10 Colonial Militia (male), standing with communications pack SGC-11 Colonial Militia (male) scout/recon trooper, bareheaded, with rifle SGC-12 Colonial Militia Veteran (old ex-soldier), bearded, advancing with rifle SGC-13 Colonial Militia Veteran with rifle, standing smoking pipe... SGC-14 Colonial Militia mounted recon trooper on horseback (standard terrantype horse, with SF-style kit and tack). £2.50 NEW AFRICAN TROOPS: in different kit and weapons to the earlier PAU troops; usable as mercenaries or other national troops within PAU bloc: SGP-09A Zulu warrior, in regular combat kit with helmet and slung rifle, carrying Assegai and traditional shield! SGP-10A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, firing rifle from hip SGP-11A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, advancing with rifle SGP-12A Pointman in fatigues and helmet, with rifle SGP-13A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, standing firing 4-round rocket pack SGP-14B Afrikaner officer, with shades and big bush hat, standing with rifle SGP-15A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, kneeling, firing rifle SGP-16A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, advancing with Squad Support Weapon SGP-17A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, at ready with rifle SGP-18A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, kneeling, firing rifle (diff. from P-15A) SGP-19A Comms Trooper in fatigues and helmet, kneeling SGP-20A EW or PSYOPS Trooper in fatigues and helmet, walking SGP-21A Trooper in fatigues and helmet, advancing with rifle SGC-06, 04, 03 and 05 NOTE: For PAU POWER ARMOUR troops, use the ESU OR FSE PA figures (SGE-21 to 26 or SGF-21 to 26). SGC-09, 10, 11, 12 and 13 SGC-14 SGP-06A, 04B, 05B, 03A and 01C SGQ-08 SGQ-09 GENERIC STARGRUNT ITEMS: A range of generic items that can be used with almost ANY of the nationalities in the SG background: SGQ-01 Doorgunner, in flight helmet and body armour, with quad-barrel rotary cannon on mounting. £1.50 SGQ-02 Generic crewman, tech etc., in fatigues and cap, advancing with pistol and small case in left hand. £1.00 SGQ-03 BODY BAGS (filled...) - a great alternative to casualty markers! “Bag ‘em and tag ‘em.....” (Pack of THREE) £1.50 Infantry skimmers as used by the NAC forces, but with riders in “generic” helmet styles: SGQ-04 Infantry Skimmer with crouched rider (male), generic helmet £2.50 SGQ-05 Infantry Skimmer with standing rider (female), generic helmet £2.50 SGQ-06 Infantry Skimmer without rider £1.50 SGQ-07 COMMAND OFFICERS: two staff officers in generic uniforms, one in field cap and one in beret, in discussion over map table -includes 2 figures, table and accessories £3.00 the set. SGQ-08 Male MP in beret, with pistol and baton £1.00 SGQ-09 Female MP in beret, with pistol and baton £1.00 SGQ-10 P.O.W. walking with hands on back of head £1.00 SGQ-11 Male trooper in fatigues, sitting on crate with mug of tea. £1.25 SGQ-12 Female trooper seated on crate, eating from mess tin. £1.25 SGP-12A, 09A, 13A and 10A SGP-20A, 17A, 19A and 16A SCANDINAVIAN FEDERATION Arctic Combat Troops in full hooded parkas: SGW-01 Arctic Trooper advancing with combat rifle SGW-02 Arctic Trooper firing combat rifle SGW-03 Arctic Trooper Squad Leader (Parka hood down) SGW-04 Arctic Trooper (Female) with combat rifle and cap, standing SGW-05 Arctic Trooper (Female), standing with rifle (Parka hood down) SGW-06 Arctic Trooper (Female) with Squad Support Weapon (tribarrel rotary) SGW-07 Arctic Trooper kneeling with Missile Launcher SGW-08 Arctic Comms Trooper kneeling with uplink communicator pack SGQ-07 SET SGW-02, 05, 03, 04, 07 and 06 17 SGQ-01 ALIENS FOR STARGRUNT - 25mm scale PHALON GROUND TROOPS AND VEHICLES! The PHALON alien ground forces - a very “different” race of aliens getting away from the usual humanoid stereotypes - the Phalons have single three-lobed eyes, an extra joint in arms and legs and semi-biotech equipment. Nine poses of infantry, plus the first three 25mm resin vehicles (old customers may recognise the vehicles as part of the alien range we used to produce many years ago, which we have had many requests to re-release - so, here are the first!) Above: SGK-01, 02, 03, 04 and 05. Below: K-06, 07, 08, 09 Phalon Infantry: all £1.00 each. SGH-01 Phalon trooper standing with pulser SGH-02 Phalon trooper firing pulser SGH-03 Phalon trooper standing, pulser at side SGH-04 Phalon trooper running with pulser SGH-05 Phalon trooper advancing with pulser SGH-06 Phalon leader with pulser SGH-07 Phalon trooper firing pulser one-handed SGH-08 Phalon trooper with heavy support pulser SGH-09 Phalon trooper with heavy support pulser and helmet Phalon Vehicles (resin with metal accessories): SF25-901 Phalon Recon Pod SF25-902 Phalon GEV APC SF25-903 Phalon GEV Light Assault Tank £3.50 £7.00 £7.00 SGH-04, 05, 08, 01 and 03 KRA’VAK INFANTRY £1.00 each except where noted. SGK-01 Kra’Vak Trooper with Power Rifle, advancing. SGK-02 Kra’Vak Trooper with Power Rifle, firing. SGK-03 Kra’Vak Trooper with Power Rifle, advancing (pose variant of K-01). SGK-04 Kra’Vak Trooper with Support Power Gun. SGK-05 Kra’Vak Trooper with Missile Launcher, firing. SGK-06 Kra’Vak Sia’Na (moderator/controller). SGK-07 Kra’Vak Squad Leader, withPower Rifle, pointing. SGK-08 Kra’Vak Trooper, withPower Rifle, kneeling. SGK-09 Kra’Vak Trooper, withPower Rifle, running. SGK-10 Kra’Vak Mounted Trooper on Kr’Gak Riding Beast £2.50 SF25-902 SF25-903 SGK-10 SF25-901 KRA’VAK POWER ARMOUR! The alien nasties get some heavy support..... £1.25 each SGK-21 Kra’Vak PA standard suit with hand weapon SGK-22 Kra’Vak PA with hand weapon and missile pod SGK-25 Kra’Vak PA with support weapon SGK-26 Kra’Vak PA Leader with Power Axe SGK-22 SGK-21 SGK-25 SGK-26 SGV-04 SGV-05 SGV-01 ASSORTED ALIENS! A selection of nasty little beasties for giving your human infantry a hard time! SGV-01 Large semi-humanoid alien with tail and long, horizontal ears (looks like Yoda on steroids...) with Very Big Gun. £1.25 SGV-02 Bug type 1 (Standard Warrior Bug) £3.00 SGV-03 Bug Grub (larval form, little wormy thing on base) 50p SGV-04 Bug type 2 (“Slasher Bug” with blade claws) £3.00 SGV-05 Bug type 3 (“Gun Bug” with Bioweapons) £3.00 SGV-10 “Mikey”, Amphibioid alien £1.00 SGV-11 “Greybo”, the Grey with Attitude.... £1.00 SGV-12 Large Alien Primitive(Ape-like semi-humanoid) £1.25 EBH-1 EM-BUG ALIEN SPECIALS! From Eureka Miniatures, previously only available from us at shows - now available mail-order! EM-BUG Variant Bug design £3.50 EBH-1 Alien Bounty Hunter (waving spear) £1.00 EBH-2 Alien Bounty Hunter (crouched) £1.00 EBH-3 Alien Bounty Hunter (attacking) £1.00 SGV-12 EBH-2 SGV-10 SGV-11 EBH-3 18 STARGRUNT FIGURES IN 15mm SCALE By popular request, we are now producing many of our STARGRUNT forces in 15mm (approx. 1/100) scale, for those of you who wish to field larger forces in a smaller area that is possible with the 25mm figures. The infantry figures come in squad-size packs of 8, and the Power Armour figures in packs of 6. Most packs contain 4-5 different poses of figure, and include NCOs, support weapons etc. Now you can create games at Company or even Battalion level! All figures sculpted by Martin Baker. F1 F2 £ 2.50 per pack unless noted otherwise. SG15-A1 SG15-A2 SG15-A3 SG15-C1 SG15-E1 SG15-E2 SG15-E3 SG15-F1 SG15-F2 SG15-F3 SG15-J1 SG15-J3 SG15-K1 SG15-K2 SG15-K3 SG15-N1 SG15-N2 SG15-N3 SG15-U1 NAC Royal Marines in helmets (8 figs) NAC Royal Marines - berets etc (8 figs) NAC POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) Colonial Militia troops (8 figs) ESU Naval Infantry (8 figs) ESU Naval Infantry with camo capes (8 figs) ESU POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) FSE Colonial Legionnaires (8 figs) in helmets FSE Colonial Legionnaires (8 figs) in kepis FSE POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) Japanese Corporate Troops (8 figs) Japanese POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) Kra’Vak (alien) Infantry (8 figs) Kra’Vak Riding Beast “cavalry” (3 beasts + riders) Kra’Vak POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) NSL Armoured Infantry (8 figs) NSL Jager Light Infantry (8 figs) NSL POWER ARMOUR (6 figs) UNSC Hardsuit Marines (8 figs) F3 J1 J3 15mm special - (ex-CMD casting) SG15-VEH1 Light Infantry Combat Vehicle (metal kit) £4.00 K1 A1 K2 A2 A3 K3 C1 N1 E1 N2 E2 N3 E3 VEH1 (figures shown for scale only) U1 19 GPM (GENERAL PURPOSE MODULE) SECTIONAL 25mm BUILDINGS: GPM-C MODULE The GPM system consists of resin-cast sections (walls, corners, ends, roof panels etc) that can be assembled into a huge variety of structures for use in both miniatures skirmishes and role-playing games. The sections are all available separately, or as basic building packs to get you started (at a large saving over the individual prices!). All sections are fully detailed inside AND outside; the internal height of the sections is over 45mm, so they will take virtually any range of figures. GPM-A: SMALL MODULE (square building comprising 2 “end” sections - 1 with door - and square roof section). Overall size approx. 6.5" square, internal floor area 4"x4". £9.00 GPM-B: MEDIUM MODULE (2 end sections, 2 x 4" walls, plus roof panels). Overall size 6.5" x 10.5", internal floor area 4" x 8". £13.00 GPM-C: LARGE “L” SHAPE MODULE (2 end sections, 2 x 4" walls, 1 inside corner, 1 outside corner, plus roof panels). Overall size approx. 10.5" x 10.5". £19.00 Additionally, all sections are available individually as follows: GPM-1: “END” section (FLOOR AREA 4"x2" ) with external door GPM-2: “END” section with viewport GPM-3: Straight wall (4") with door GPM-4: Straight wall (4") with viewport GPM-5: Corner section (2" x 2" internal) GPM-6: “Inside” corner section (2" x 2") - to make L, T or X shaped structures. GPM-7: Small Corner section (1" x 1" internal) GPM-8: Short straight wall section (2") GPM-9: Roof Panel, 4" x 2" (with rooftop detail - ventilators, grilles etc) GPM-10: Roof panel, 4" x 4" with top detail GPM-11: Corridor Link Section, with roof and lift-out metal door; 2 of these needed to join 2 buildings. GPM-B MODULE (shown without roof) £5.00 £5.00 £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 £2.00 £2.00 £2.00 £2.50 £5.00 VERY IMPORTANT!! POSTAGE RATES ON GPM BUILDING SYSTEM: Due to the weight of the GPM range and the amount of packing necessary to protect them from the ravages of the Post Office, P&P charge on all GPM items is 20% of order value. (Figures shown for scale only) SF-A RANGE: SFA-28 25mm ACCESSORIES AND SCENICS: A wide range to complement our 25mm vehicles - accessory items, weapon emplacements, cargo pods and much more. SFA-7 SFA-10 SFA-11 SFA-12 SFA-14 SFA-16 SFA-20 SFA-21 SFA-22 SFA-23 SFA-24 SFA-25 SFA-26 SFA-27 SFA-28 Emplaced Turret with Plasma Gun Large Cargo Pods (pack of 2) Alien “fungoid growths” - pack A Alien “fungoid growths” - pack B Wierd alien “thing” (usable as scenery, creature, vehicle, starship etc!!) Single Large Cargo Module Dumpster Bins (rubbish skips) - pack of 2 different (small & large) Chemical Drums - assorted palletised and single drums (pack of 6 pieces) Wooden Crates - large and small, plus cargo pallets (5 assorted pieces)* Cryogenic Chambers and BioMed Tanks (2 of each)* New Cargo Modules - set of 3, small, medium, large (1 of each) Shell or Meteor Craters - set of 3, small, medium, large Large Chemical Drums and Tanks (2 different)* Cargo carrier - small flatbed Hover Truck* Large Freight Container* £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £5.00 £3.00 £5.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £5.00 £3.00 £3.00 £5.00 £6.00 (Figure shown for scale only) SFA-25 Items indicated with * were formerly part of the Creative Castings range, designed by Tony Crewdson, which are now being produced by GZG. SFA-24 SFA-21 SFA-22 SFA-26 SFA-27 SFA-23 20 25mm RESIN VEHICLE MODELS The SF-25 range covers all types of vehicles: AFVs, VTOLs, Civilian and Security vehicles and much more. All models are cast in polyester resin, and most are in simple kit form with whitemetal detail parts and fittings where appropriate. Some modelling skill and familiarity with resin/metal kits is helpful for assembly. SF25-11 Police Patrol Aircar SF25-14A Gladiator Mk.II Light Hover Tank SF25-15 Surveyor tracked All Terrain Vehicle SF25-26A Goliath Mk.II Heavy Hover Tank SF25-27 Light Hover-Jeep (Civil/Military Scout Vehicle) SF25-28 Wombat Medium Hover-APC SF25-29A Rangetruck II light wheeled off-road truck SF25-30 Rommel Medium Hover-Tank (with external main gun mount) SF25-35 AV-6 Assault VTOL (troop transport) SF25-41 Lawcruiser 8-wheel Urban Security Vehicle SF25-42 M37 Light 6-wheeled APC (4-6 man squad carrier) SF25-57 M38D LIPPC (6-wheel low profile light APC) SF25-58 M82 Slammer Heavy Hover Tank SF25-64 Gunspider/A (recon version) - six-legged Weapons Platform SF25-65 Gunspider/B (anti-personnel version with twin rotary cannon) SF25-66 Gunspider/C (anti-tank variant with HV Cannon and Missiles) SF25-67 M44 Coonhound Light Assault Combat Vehicle SF25-68 Maverick Police/Security Fancar SF25-69A Wheeled Flatbed Truck - Civilian full-cab style SF25-69B Wheeled Flatbed Truck - Civilian half-cab style SF25-69C Wheeled Flatbed Truck - Military armoured cab SF25-69D Wheeled Truck with civilian cab and Box Body SF25-69E Wheeled Truck with Command Post body SF25-70A, B or C As for 25-69 A,B,C but with HOVER chassis SF25-70D or E As for 25-69 D and E but with HOVER chassis SF25-75 AV-9A2 Gunship VTOL (whitemetal wings & weapons systems) SF25-85 Paladin 6-wheel Hi-Mobility Battletank with Laser Turret SF25-86 Phalanx 6-wheel heavy APC with twin multi-lens laser turrets SF25-88 “HOPLITE” APC/MICV MMRAV (MODULAR MULTI-ROLE ARMOURED VEHICLE) - Wheeled APC with remote turret: SF25-89 “HUNTER” MMRAV Tank-Killer variant SF25-90 “DEFENDER” MMRAV Anti-Air Weapons variant SF25-91 “STRIKER” MMRAV Multiple Rocket Artillery vehicle SF25-93 “GAUNTLET II” GEV (Hover) APC/MICV £3.50 £6.00 £9.00 £8.00 £3.50 £7.00 £4.00 £7.00 £7.00 £7.00 £6.00 £6.00 £10.00 £7.00 £7.00 SF25-15 SF25-29A £7.00 £6.00 £3.50 £6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £7.00 £7.00 £6.00 £7.00 £7.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £7.00 SF25-14A SF25-41 SF25-69E SF25-42 SF25-11 SFA-20 SF25-68 SF25-28 SF25-75 SF25-88 SF25-35 SF25-89 SF25-26A SF25-90 SF25-93 SF25-91 SF25-27 SF25-86 SF25-30 SF25-85 21 SF25-58 25mm RESIN VEHICLE MODELS SF25-101 Heavy “Blower” Hover Tank £15.00 Kit of 4 resin and 6 metal parts, with rotating turret, separate command cupola, separate driver’s and commander’s hatch covers (may be assembled open or closed), driver and commander figures and pintle-mount tribarrel. Length 180mm, width 90mm. SF25-102 Hover Combat Car SF25-102 £10.00 Kit of 1 resin and 11 metal parts, with detailed open rear fighting compartment, 3 pintlemount tribarrels with gunshields, separate driver’s hatch cover (may be assembled open or closed), driver figure and 3 standing gunner figures (all different). Length 115mm, width 60mm. NOTE: SF25-101 and 102 are supplied as standard with all crew figures wearing the same helmets as our NAC troopers (SGA range); as an alternative, we can supply variant crew with a “generic” helmet style as used on our SGQ-01 Door Gunner figure. Please indicate if you require the generic crew figures by ordering vehicles as codes SF25-101-G or 102-G. SF25-101 SF25-201 T-51 “LEVIATHAN” Heavy Tank Price £18.00 A gigantic kit of a tracked heavy tank with six independant tread units, hypervelocity main gun, co-axial autocannon, 2 turret-mounted 4-shot missile pods and an antipersonnel tribarrel on the command cupola! A truly awesome beast for your tabletop, consisting of 13 resin and 5 metal parts, measuring 220mm long (inc. gun - hull length 180mm) and 120mm wide and weighing in at not far short of 1 Kg of resin and metal! SF25-201 Note: The SF25-101, 102 and 103 were designed to a special commission from the South London Warlords, who put on a large demonstration game based on David Drake’s popular “HAMMER’S SLAMMERS” SF novels at SALUTE in 1999. The models are available for general sale; for a lot of fascinating details about how the Warlords built, painted and modified their vehicles for the display game, take a look at their website at <www.salute.co.uk> ! SF25-103 HOVER JEEP Price £5.00 open-topped jeep with fully detailed interior, single piece resin casting supplied with metal driver and gunner figures plus pintle-mount tribarrel gun. (NAC-style crew figures) SF25-103G HOVER JEEP As 103, but with generic-style crew figures. Price £5.00 SF25-103M MP HOVER JEEP Price £5.00 Military Police version of 103, with MP driver and passenger in berets (this version has no tribarrel). SF25-103G SF25-104 MISSILE DRONE Price £3.00 Resin kit of a small guided missile armed GEV drone platform (figure shown for scale - not included) SF25-104 STOWAGE AND ACCESSORY PACKS: SF25-202 K77 Halftrack APC Price £12.00 Large halftrack APC with tread units at rear and four heavy all-terrain wheels at front. Mounts a support RF plasma cannon in remote turret. Kit of 13 resin and 4 metal parts, approx. 135mm long x 85mm wide. SF25-202 Metal add-ons for our 25mm vehicle range, as used on the Warlords’ “Hammers Slammers” game vehicles! £2.50 per pack 25ACC-01 Crew Personal Stowage - packs, bedrolls, helmets, rifles etc. 25ACC-02 Vehicle Tools and Fittings - steps, handrails, lights, tools etc. 25ACC-03 Stowage Boxes and Cans - ammo boxes, jerrycans etc. 25ACC-04 Hatches and Weapons - assorted vehicle hatches, cupolas, pintle weapons etc. 25ACC-05 Infantry Weapons Pack - four sprues (16 individual weapons) of assorted rifles, pistols, support weapons and more (assortment may vary between packs). 25ACC-06 Remote Sentry Gun posts (pack of 2) - also suitable for 15mm scale. 25ACC-06 22 MICROTAC: 1/300 (6mm) SCALE BUILDINGS: A very wide range of items suitable for all SF wargaming in 1/300 scale (6mm); all cast in resin, some models with whitemetal accessories. Most items are single castings, while some are in kit form and require assembly. GENERAL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: MT-1 Small general-purpose buildings (pack of 3 different) MT-2 Medium general-purpose buildings (pack of 2 different) MT-6 Industrial factory unit MT-8 Military Command Post (armoured installation) MT-29 Air/Space Defence gun tower MT-30 Military Barracks Block MT-31 Refinery Complex MT-32 Large Storage Tank MT-46 Industrial complex unit A (factory block or warehouse) MT-47 Industrial complex unit B (production facility) MT-48 Industrial complex unit C (production facility or storage tank) MT-49 Fusion Power Generation plant MT-50 Industrial complex Admin office block MODULAR CITYBLOCK SYSTEM: (stackable module sections to make huge cityscapes) MT-33 Basic building: base module, extension module and top module £4.00 MT-33A Base unit only £2.00 MT-34 Extension modules (pack of 2) £3.00 MT-35 Alternative top module with Landing Pad £2.00 MT-36 Alternative top module with Communications systems £2.00 MT-37 Pack of Tower sections (4 parts) £3.00 MT-38 Top unit with Defence Turret £2.00 MT-39 Ground-level extension section £2.00 MT-42 Extension module with “bridge” (to link two blocks) £2.00 MT-43 Ground-level extension module (alternative design to MT-39) £2.00 MT-44 Top module with Penthouse Suite & Landing Pad £2.00 MT-45 Vehicle Garage Block (ground-level) £3.00 MT-CITYSET 1: Complete starter pack of modules (11 parts) £13.00 MT-CITYSET 2: Extension set of modules to allow greater variation of layouts £13.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £3.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 SPACEPORT BUILDINGS: MT-10 Fuel storage installation MT-11 Control Tower MT-13 Warehouse block MT-40 Aerospace defence fighter launch facility & hangar MT-41 Terminal reception building (also compatible with CityBlock system) VEHICLES, STARSHIPS AND INTERFACE CRAFT: MT-14 Light Space Freighter MT-15 Military Assault Lander (platoon dropship) MT-17 Orbital Defence Gunboat MT-18 Apache class Light Escort Corvette MT-20 Giant flatbed GEV loadcarrier MT-28 Superheavy “DROPSHIP” - huge (200mm long!) Interface Lander kit £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £4.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £3.00 £16.00 MT-8 MT-11 MT-10 MT-13 MT-31 MT-30 MT-2 MT-32 MT-6 MT-1 CITYBLOCK SET 2 CITYBLOCK SET 1 MT-33A+38 MT-48 MT-50 MT-47 MT-49 MT-46 MT-29 MT-41+ tower from MT-37 23 STREET LEVEL FIGURES A wide range of miscellaneous and unusual figures for any modern or near-future SF games: SL-12 A range of 25mm items, including CREW FIGURES to suit our vehicle ranges (or any other makes), PLUS the figures that everyone has been asking us for - Civilians, Colonists, Criminals, Emergency services etc. SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 SL-4 SL-5 SL-6 SL-7 SL-8 SL-9 SL-10 SL-11 SL-12 SL-13 SL-14 SL-15 SL-16 SL-17 SL-18 SL-19 SL-20 SL-21 SL-22 SL-23 SL-24 SL-25 SL-26 SL-27 VEHICLE CREW SET: Commander (standing), Female crew (standing), Engineer/ Driver with Toolbelt, Crewman sitting with map, Crewman sitting on box with laptop Computer. 5 figures, PLUS figure of head-and-shoulders commander £4.00 CIVILIANS & COLONISTS PACK A: Male in t-shirt, Male in padded jacket, Female in padded jacket (all in standing/walking poses). 3 figures: £3.00 PARAMEDIC RESPONSE TEAM: Doctor running, Nurse with medical kit, Driver/ Guard with shotgun. 3 figures: £3.00 COLONIAL SECURITY TEAM: 2 male, 1 female security officers in caps and jackets, with small arms. 3 figures: £3.00 SWAT SPECIAL UNIT: three troopers in ballistic vests and caps: Sniper with rifle, trooper with grenade launcher, officer with loudhailer. 3 figures: £3.00 CIVILIANS & COLONISTS PACK B: Frontiersman/Desert Farmer with rifle; Male & Female Teenagers in street clothes, male civilian thug. 4 figures: £3.50 PARTISANS/MILITIA: 4 citizens’ militia, freedom fighters, terrorists etc. (depending on your point of view!) in civilian/irregular clothes with rifles, MG and missile launcher. 4 figures: £3.50 RIOTERS AND DEMONSTRATORS: Someone for the Riot Cops to hit with their big sticks...Males with long pole (fit your own placard!), with molotov cocktail and with baseball bat; female shouting. 4 figures: £3.50 COLLATERAL DAMAGE PACK: 4 small children (!) - all those targets/hostages/ innocent bystanders you’ve always wanted for your modern/cyberpunk/SF style games! 4 figures: £3.50 RIOT COPS: 4 police troops in full riot gear, with big sticks; riot shield may be cut from any scrap clear plastic and affixed to moulded boss on arm of each figure. 4 figures: £3.50 STREET COPS: 2 figures, 1 male and 1 female, in regular police uniforms. 2 figures: £2.00 NEWS TEAM: Cameraman, a technician kneeling at an uplink terminal, plus two female reporters - a smartly-suited one for civilian reporting, and a combat zone reporter in fatigues and flak vest. £3.50 SECURITY VAN CREW: Two “Securicor” style personnel in helmets and body armour - one with strongbox, and one with shotgun and respirator. £2.00 PARAMEDIC TEAM (NEW VERSION) - 4 figures, consisting of male and female medics running, female medic kneeling with medicomp, male guard/vehicle driver with autoshotgun. Four figures: £3.50 CIVILIAN CASUALTIES - 4 figures, consisting of sitting wounded male, prone (wounded/dead) male and female, male casualty on stretcher. Four figures, ideal for use with SL-14: £3.50 “PROFESSIONAL LADIES AND BUSINESS MANAGER” - 3 figures, two “working girls” (one young, one not-so-young) and a dreadfully stereotypical “manager”..... just what the street corner of your urban terrain needs! £3.00 GANGLAND ENFORCERS - 3 figures: Boss, Thug with baseball bat and Hard Case with shotgun and long coat. £3.00 FIRE CREW - 4 figures: Fire Chief with radio, Fireman with axe, Fireman with extinguisher, Fireman with hose. £3.50 TRIAD GANGSTERS - 4 oriental-style thugs and assassins. £3.50 POLITICIANS (one with lady friend), plus 2 special agents £4.00 DEMONSTRATORS, RIOTERS AND LOOTERS pack 1 £4.00 DEMONSTRATORS, RIOTERS AND LOOTERS pack 2 £4.00 EVIL KULTISTS (4 armed figures in pointy bedsheets....) £4.00 NUNS (old and young) and seated BEGGAR WITH DOG £3.00 PARTISANS/RESISTANCE FIGHTERS (new version) (3 figures) £3.00 SCIENTISTS SET - elderly professor, plus male and female lab techs £3.00 SHERIFF AND DEPUTIES - modern US style in stetsons and shades; fat Sheriff plus male and female deputies with shotguns (3 figs) £3.00 SL-13 SL-14 SL-15 SL-16 SL-17 SL-1 SL-18 SL-5 SL-10 SL-3 SL-4 SL-19 SL-11 24 STREET LEVEL SINGLE FIGURES: £1.00 each. SL-20 More of the SL range of 25mm accessory figures, this time sold as single figures: SLS-01 SLS-02 SLS-03 SLS-04 SLS-05 SLS-06 SLS-07 SLS-08 SLS-09 SLS-10 SLS-11 SLS-12 SLS-13 SLS-15 SLS-16 SLS-17 SLS-18 SLS-19 SLS-20 SLS-21 SLS-22 SLS-23 SLS-24 SLS-25 SL-21 SL-22 Adventurer/character, with bullpup rifle and shades. Engineer/Tech, male, with large toolbox at feet, scratching head!. Male crew member or pilot. standing in flight suit. Female crew member or colonist, standing in jumpsuit/overalls. Detective/Investigator, in trenchcoat. Detective/Investigator, in casual jacket, with machine pistol. Terrorist in balaclava, with two machine pistols Terrorist in cap, with shotgun and grenade Female Terrorist in long coat, firing machine pistol Female Terrorist kneeling, in hooded jacket, with assault rifle Terrorist in bandanna, pulling pin from grenade with teeth Female Terrorist in mask and woolly hat, with shotgun Female Terrorist kneeling, setting explosives Businessman (“Suit”) with cellphone and briefcase Old man, walking with stick Old woman, standing Woman walking with shopping bags Woman with baby in backpack carrier Drunk with bottle, in baseball cap Teenage boy, walking (fits hand-in-hand with SLS-22) Teenage girl, walking (fits hand-in-hand with SLS-21) Priest with bible Evil Scientist, in surgical gown and rubber gloves Bounty Hunter (male) with two guns SLS-01 SLS-03 SLS-04 SLS-02 SLS-05 SLS-06 SL-23 SLS-07 SLS-10 SLS-09 SLS-21 SLS-20 SLS-11 SLS-12 SLS-08 SLS-18 SLS-23 SLS-16 SL-24 SLS-22 SLS-15 SLS-17 SLS-19 THE GAMERS These are part of the SL civilian range, but designed as cameos of the gamer sterotypes that we all know (or are!)..... £1.00 each. SL-25 SLG-1 SLG-2 SLG-3 SLG-4 SLG-5 SLG-6 SLG-7 The Roleplayer The Anorak The Punk The Trekkie The Goth Chick The Beardie The Large Girl SL-26 SLG-1 SLG-2 SLG-3 SLG-4 SLG-5 SLG-6 SLG-7 SL-27 Don’t forget our very popular ADULTS ONLY range of erotic miniatures, the GENTLEMENS’ COLLECTABLES, still available but now on their own separate listing! 25 NPC (NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT) RANGES ALL THE WEIRD STUFF YOU COULD EVER WANT....... THE GUN BUNNIES! £1.00 each. BUN-1 BUN-2 BUN-3 BUN-4 BUN-5 BUN-6 BUN-7 “THE SPICE MARINES”...... Candy, standing with combat rifle Trudy, standing with combat rifle Jenny, heavy bullpup rifle Vicky, firing assault shotgun Muffy, advancing with rotary support MG Sandy, with rocket launcher Debbie (Bunny Leader) with machine pistol BUN-1 BUN-2 BUN-3 A finely-crafted group of five attractive young ladies in form-fitting hardsuits. Supplied as a set, with separate mix-and-match arms (equipped with various ranged and close-combat weapons, including swords, shotguns and REALLY BIG BAZOOKAS.....). JD-SM JD-SMH Spice Marines set (5 figures, separate arms and backpacks) Same figures as JDSM Spice Marines but with helmets on! £7.00 £7.00 JD-SM SET BUN-4 BIKER BABES: BUN-5 Yet more gems from Kev, in the shapely forms of the first of the BIKER BABES - lots of leather, shotguns and big hair! Ideal opposition for the Nuns or Gun Bunnies! £1.00 each. BB-01 Biker Babe with shotgun BB-02 Biker Babe with assault rifle and HUGE hair... BB-03 Biker Babe with heavy pistol and chain BB-04 Biker Babe firing assault rifle BB-05 Biker Babe firing heavy machine gun BB-06 Biker Babe on wheeled motorcycle, with shotgun £2.50 BB-07 Biker Babe in cap and jacket, advancing with assault rifle BB-08 Biker Babe with rocket launcher (firing from shoulder) BUN-7 BUN-6 BB-01 BB-03 BB-02 BB-04 BB-05 NUNS WITH GUNS: £1.00 each. NN-01 NN-02 NN-03 NN-04 NN-05 NN-06 NN-07 NN-08 NN-09 NN-10 NN-11 NN-12 Battle Nun Sister standing with RF Plasma Gun Battle Nun Sister firing assault rifle Battle Nun Sister kneeling, firing assault rifle Mother Superior with sword and machine pistol Battle Nun with rotary support MG Battle Nun with rocket launcher (firing from shoulder) Battle Nun with rifle, advancing Battle Nun with flamethrower and breathing mask “Chosen” Mother Superior in Power Armour with Plasma Rifle + Power Sword “Chosen” Sister in Power Armour with Plasma Rifle, standing “Chosen” Sister in Power Armour with Plasma Rifle, advancing “Chosen” Sister in Power Armour with Missile Launcher, firing BB-08 NN-04 NN-02 NN-01 BB-07 NN-03 REDNECKS! £1.00 each: For your near-future or contemporary games: some “rednecks” (also great as SF colonists) - just what you need to chase them alien varmints through the backwoods... NN-05 NN-09 NN-06 NN-10 NN-07 NN-11 NN-08 RN-1 RN-2 RN-3 RN-4 RN-5 RN-6 RN-7 RN-8 RN-9 RN-10 Zeke, with stetson and assault rifle Bubba, with baseball cap, bodywarmer and shotgun Fat Billy, with shotgun, drinking from bottle Cousin Mary Lou, with shotgun Bobbie Jane, with autoshotgun Becky Mae, with rocket launcher Daisy, with heavy autopistol Granpa with shotgun Granma with double-barreled shotgun (old biddy with attitude.....) Lil’ Jim-Bob with shotgun (redneck kid) RN-1 RN-2 RN-3 RN-4 RN-5 RN-6 RN-7 RN-8 RN-9 RN-10 NN-12 26 NPC (NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT) RANGES CB 1-12 (left to right) COMBAT BABES: A delightful range of superbly sculpted female figures from Kev White All figures are £1.00 each; CB1,2,3,4,7,9 and 11 are all in the same basic outfit (bodysuit, combat boots and ribbed armour vest) while other figures are dressed in various styles. CB1 Sniper, firing from shoulder, bareheaded (helmet on ground at her feet). CB2 Girl Trooper in helmet, firing autorifle from hip. CB3 Advancing, firing autorifle (in helmet). CB4 Close-Combat specialist with helmet, heavy pistol and combat knife (sheathed). CB5 Adventuress standing, with autoshotgun. CB6 Adventuress standing, with heavy pistol. CB7 Girl Heavy Weapons Trooper with machinegun, firing, bareheaded. CB8 Adventuress in light armoursuit, holding helmet, standing with Gunblade CB9 Girl Trooper/Leader with Shotgun/Grenade Launcher, pointing. CB10 As CB8 but with Gunblade raised, wearing helmet. CB11 Girl Trooper firing heavy pistol. CB12 Adventuress standing, holding pump-action shotgun. CB13 Jen, standing with assault rifle* CB14 Bren, standing with combat shotgun* CAVEGIRLS! More Hollywood than Neanderthal - from a Stone Age of flint spears and hairspray.... £1.00 each. Weapons for most figures are cast separately, and supplied at random. CV-1 Cavegirl Chief in animal skin cloak, with spear CV-2 Cavegirl Warrior, standing (separate weapon) CV-3 Cavegirl Warrior, charging (separate weapon) CV-4 Cavegirl Warrior, crouching (separate weapon) CV-5 Cavegirl Archer, advancing with bow and arrows The HELL’S BELLES.... Another “faction” to go with our Nuns, Bunnies and Bikers - a bunch of really mean-looking and voluptuous demon girls with horns, tails (cast separately so you can twist ‘em about to individualise the figures). Great for all sorts of weird scenarios! WINGED figures are £1.50 each (wings cast separately), others are £1.00. HB-01 Hell’s Belle in shorts and thighboots, with assault rifle and hellblade £1.00 HB-02 Hell’s Belle in shorts and thighboots, with barbed stinger whip and pistol £1.00 HB-03 Hell’s Belle in studded leather outfit, with assault rifle £1.00 HB-04 Hell’s Belle in basque and boots, with rocket launcher £1.00 HB-05A Winged Hell’s Belle, gun and open wings £1.50 HB-05B Winged Hell’s Belle, gun and closed wings £1.50 HB-06A Winged Hell’s Belle, gun + sword and open wings £1.50 HB-06B Winged Hell’s Belle, as HB06A but closed wings £1.50 HB-07A Armoured Hell’s Belle with sword + whip - open wings £1.50 HB-07B As HB07A, but with furled wings £1.50 HB-01 HB-02 CV-3 CV-2 CV-5 Warrior Princess with sword and throwing ring, plus young female sidekick with staff (2 figs) £2.00 As FMJ-01, but both characters in different poses (2 figs) £2.00. FMJ-02 FMJ-01 FMJ-02 HB-07A HB-06B ADVENTURERS AND OTHER GENERAL FANTASY FIGURES - All £1.00 each JF-01 Female warrior in mail and helmet, with two-handed sword JF-02 Female warrior as JF-01, but in “adventuring” pose JF-03 Dwarf warrior with sword in fighting stance JF-04 Dwarf warrior as JF-03, but in “adventuring” pose JF-05 Crouching demon JF-06 Huge barbarian warrior, with very big sword JF-07 Halfling fighter/woodsman, with axe JF-08 Barbarian warrior wearing wolfskin The WARRIOR ANGELS.... Some delightful female ANGELS, each supplied with separately-cast feathered wings (choice of open or furled wings on most figures); clad in short (OK, very short...) greek style outfits and sandals. ANG-1A Angel Warrior Leader with sword - outstretched wings £1.50 ANG-1B Angel Warrior Leader with sword - furled wings £1.50 ANG-2A Angel Warrior with spear - outstretched wings £1.50 ANG-2B Angel Warrior with spear - furled wings £1.50 ANG-3A Angel Warrior with sword and gun - outstretched wings £1.50 ANG-3B Angel Warrior with sword and gun - furled wings £1.50 ANG-4A Armoured Angel Warrior with sword and metallic wings £1.50 ANG-01B CV-4 2-figure sets consisting of “Warrior Princess” and “Female Sidekick”. A gorgeous pair of figures that no fantasy gamer or collector should be without! (Subtext? What subtext...?) FMJ-01 HB-05A CV-1 FANTASY FIGURES HB-04 HB-03 CB14 CB13 *Note on CB13 and CB14: this pair are in matching jumpsuits, boots and shades; they are faithfully modelled on the delightful (and very real) Jennifer and Brenda from Sci-Fi Supply in Florida, USA (with their kind permission!), sculpted in the outfits that they wear when attending many US-based game and SF shows! The figures are sold singly, but are posed for display as a pair for best effect! ANG-02A JF-02 JF-03 ANG-03A ANG-04A 27 JF-06 JF-05 THE BUBBLEGUM CRISIS FIGURES! After a long absence, the OFFICIAL licensed BGC figures are back in production again! MVM Ltd. have now acquired the rights to produce both the videos and the miniatures, so by agreement with them we are casting them once again and can also supply them direct. Four packs of characters from the ever-popular cyberpunk anime; ALL PACKS £5.00 EACH. BGC-01 BGC-02 BGC-03 BGC-04 Knight Sabres (4 female figures in hardsuits, inc. sprue of etched brassparts) Boomers - the huge Combat Android “baddies” (3 figures) AD Police Troopers - some of the best “future cop” figures around! (4 figures) Genom Bosses - the real bad guys... (3 figures inc. 1 in powersuit) BGC-02 BGC-01 ANIMETALS: Anime-inspired miniatures for use with our Street Level lines and Stargrunt ranges: GZ-01 Pointman and First Marksman: Female SWAT trooper with machinepistol, and Cyborg partner with 20mm Autorifle - 2 figures £2.50 GZ-01A Same two characters as GZ-01, but as a single cameo figure with girl sitting on Cyborg’s shoulder - a seriously cute piece!! £2.50 GZ-03 “Suki & Yaki - the Trouble Consultants” - a pair of slightly underdressed female special agents...... pack of 2 figures £2.00 GZ-03A Trouble Consultants II - the same two characters as GZ-03, but in different poses and with different weapons £2.00 GZ-05A & B “Landmate” style Heavy Power Armour Suit - multi-part kit, approx. 50mm tall, with additional alternative arms.Available in two versions: GZ-05A in STANDING pose, GZ-05B in WALKING pose. £3.00 each GZ-01A GZ-01 BGC-04 BGC-03 GZ-03 GZ-03A MOBILE-SUIT GIRLS! Some VERY cute anime-style females in partial Mecha-armour. Multi-part figures with separate arms/weapons and backpacks, thruster units etc. £1.25 each. MSG-01A MSG-01B MSG-01C MSG-02A MSG-02B MSG-02C MSG-03A MSG-03B MSG-03C MSG-04A MSG-04B MSG-04C Mobile Suit Girl standing, with assault rifle Mobile Suit Girl standing, with rotary cannon Mobile Suit Girl standing, with force sword and powershield Mobile Suit Girl advancing, with assault rifle Mobile Suit Girl advancing, with rotary cannon Mobile Suit Girl advancing, with force sword and powershield Mobile Suit Girl in airborne mode (with flying stand), with assault rifle Mobile Suit Girl as 03A, with rotary cannon Mobile Suit Girl as 03A, with force sword and powershield Mobile Suit Girl standing (different from 01), with assault rifle Mobile Suit Girl standing, with rotary cannon Mobile Suit Girl standing, with force sword and powershield MSG-02C ROBOTS AND CYBORGS: The start of an ALL NEW range of 25mm robots, androids etc., with lots more to come! RB-01 Humanoid Servant Robots, male and female £2.00 RB-02 Battle Cyborg with antipersonnel cannon £2.50 RB-03 Battle Cyborg with close-combat claws £2.50 RB-04 Battle Cyborg with “Borgbuster” heavy rifle £2.50 RB-05 Battle Cyborg with plasma cannon £2.50 RB-02 to 05 are all variants of the same basic model - a huge (approx 50mm tall) Combat Robot or Cyborg with a very streamlined look - heavily inspired by the Sorayama designs in “Space Truckers”, as well as several anime sources. Each kit is composed of separate torso, head, legs and arms, all on ball-and-socket fittings so that the model has many possible pose variations. Two different leg poses are available - the “a” code of each figure has the legs in STANDING pose, while the “b” code is a RUNNING pose. If you don’t specify “a” or “b” choice when ordering (eg: RB-03a) then we’ll supply them at random. MSG-04B RB-04A MSG-01A RB-01 RB-03B MSG-03B RB-05A Don’t forget our huge PANDA-MONIUM, PANDA’S VIDEO FIGHTER and KAWAII 5-0 ranges of Anime style character figures, still available but now on their own separate listing! 28 RB-02A CHARACTERS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS STUFF! STATION AND SHIP CREW RANGE: £1.00 each MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERS A range of 25mm figures suitable for officers and crews of starships, space stations etc., or even as senior “staff officers” for Stargrunt units. CR-1A Senior Command Officer (male), walking CR-1B Senior Command Officer (male), with sidearm drawn (variant of CR-1A) CR-2A Senior Command Officer (female) standing, hands behind back CR-2B Senior Command Officer (female) with datapad (variant of CR-2A) CR-3A Crewman in heavy EVA Spacesuit with toolpack CR-3B Crewman in heavy EVA Spacesuit with plasma cutter/welder CR-3C Crewman in heavy EVA Spacesuit with laser CR-3D Crewman in heavy EVA Spacesuit with recoilless handgun Special character figures ideal for SF, near-future and modern games - £1.00 each! CM-1 Cybertech bounty hunter in breathing mask, with twin gauss guns CM-2 Blonde biker/mercenary in kinky leather outfit, crouching, firing heavy pistol CM-3 Treasure hunter/explorer in shorts and tight top, with backpack and pistol CM-4 Treasure Hunter (as CM-3), in after-battle pose with ripped clothing CM-5 Female VR Freedom Fighter in leather and shades, with machine pistols CM-6 Female Teenage Vampyre Hunter with stake and crucifix CM-7 Punk Tank Chick with big gun CM-8 British Intelligence Agent in silver minidress, with pistol CM-9 Terminator babe in combats, shades and shotgun CM-10 ‘Borg-ette in bodysuit CM-11 Mistress of the Night in long slit dress CM-12 Post-apocalyptic Warrior Woman in spiky outfit with multi-gun CM-13 Vampyre Couple (male and female) (£2.00 the pair) CM-14 Soulful male vampyre in long coat CM-15 Willowy young witch with books and schoolbag CM-16 Alice with Attitude - little girl in pinafore dress with big handgun CM-17 Occult researcher/librarian with big book CM-18 Vampyre Exterminator (female) with cruxifix, stake and stake-gun CR-1A & B CR-2A & B CR-3A & B BUG-EYED MARTIANS (BEMs): Little guys with huge brains and bulging eyes, in spacesuits with hairdryer rayguns very ‘50s B-movie style!! £1.00 each. CM-1 CM-3 CM-2 BEM-1 Martian standing with raygun BEM-2 Martian firing raygun BEM-3A Martian Officer in cloak, with sword BEM-3B Martian Officer in cloak, with raygun BEM-4 Martian with heavy ray rifle BEM-5 Martian Emperor in cape BEM-6 Martian running with raygun BEM-7 Martian Psi-Priest SPECIAL BEM PACK: 8 assorted BEMs for just £7.00! CM-5 CM-4 BEM-SS1 CM-6 CM-7 CM-8 BEM SCOUT SAUCER (resin kit with metal landing gear) - £10.00 CM-10 CM-9 BEM-1 BEM-4 CM-11 CM-12 BEM-2 BEM-5 BEM-3A BEM-6 BEM-3B BEM-7 CM-14 CM-13 THE MINIATURES ARE OUT THERE...... From GOMI DESIGNS, we have a very popular line for both gamers and UFO enthusiasts: the ABDUCTION ALIENS (“GREYS”) - you know, the little guys with big eyes that kidnap people do very odd things to them (bend over please, Mr. Streiber....). Great for X-Files type scenarios or anything just plain wierd! All at £1.00 each. CM-15 CM-17 CM-16 GD-01 GD-02 GD-03 GD-04 GD-05 GD-06 GD-07 CM-18 SAS - SPECIAL AMAZON SERVICE! The first figures in a NEW range of tough female mercenaries in jungle kit... £1.00 each! SAS-01A Squad leader with assault rifle, pointing SAS-02A Trooper with assault rifle, firing SAS-03A Support Gunner with rotary SAW, firing SAS-02A SAS-03A GD-08 GD-09 GD-10 GD-11 GD-12 GD-13 SAS-01A 29 Alien standing Alien standing with hand raised Alien with Power Sphere Alien with Paralysis Rod Alien pointing Paralysis Rod Female Alien/Human Crossbreed Alien Scientist/Examiner with “Medical Probe” Injured Alien, kneeling Injured Alien, sitting Dead Alien Male FBI agent with pistol Female FBI agent with torch Alien with “black box” GD-07 GD-02 DIRTSIDE MINIATURES 1/300 (6mm) SCALE A wide range of 1/300 (6mm) scale, suitable either for our DIRTSIDE games or any other SF microarmour rules. These models are exact miniaturised copies of our SF25 range models so that at last you can have the same forces in 6mm for DIRTSIDE as you have in 25mm. DSM-110 DSM-109 ALL DSM CODES £2.50 PER PACK unless noted otherwise. DSM 101 DSM 102 DSM 103 DSM 104 DSM 105 DSM 106 DSM 107 DSM 108 DSM 109 DSM 110 DSM 111 DSM 112 DSM 113 DSM 114 DSM 115 DSM 116 DSM 117 DSM 118 DSM 119 DSM 120 DSM 121 DSM 122 DSM 123 DSM 124 DSM 125 DSM 126 DSM 127 DSM-128 DSM-129 DSM-130 DSM-131 DSM-132 DSM-133 DSM-134 DSM-135 DSM-136 DSM-137 DSM-138 DSM-139 DSM-140 DSM-141 DSM-142 DSM-143 DSM-144 NEW! DSM-145 NEW! DSM-146 NEW! GAUNTLET hover APC - pack of 3 AV6 Troop Transport VTOL - pack of 3 PALADIN heavy hi-mobility wheeled battle tank - pack of 2 PHALANX heavy hi-mobility wheeled APC - pack of 2 HOPLITE MMRAV wheeled APC - pack of 2 HUNTER MMRAV tank destroyer - pack of 2 DEFENDER MMRAV AA vehicle- pack of 2 AV9 VTOL Gunship- pack of 3 SLAMMER heavy hover tank- pack of 2 ROMMEL light hover tank with external gun mount - pack of 3 KIVRUZH medium Grav tank - pack of 3 WOMBAT hover APC - pack of 3 LIGHT HOVER JEEP - pack of 5 AVRAZH medium Grav APC - pack of 3 STRIKER MMRAV Rocket Artillery vehicle (MRL) - pack of 2 PORUZH heavy Grav tank - pack of 2 M38D LIPPC light interface-portable APC - pack of 3 TACTICAL INTERFACE TRANSPORT dropship - (one) £4.00 each. M44 COONHOUND interface-portable fire support vehicle - pack of 3 GOLIATH medium hovertank (turretted) - pack of 3 GLADIATOR light hovertank (fixed-mount gun) - pack of 3 RANGETRUCK light wheeled transport vehicle - pack of 4 VIRNAZH medium Grav APC/MICV - pack of 3 NSL INFANTRY - 24 individual 6mm infantry, plus element bases GRAV VEHICLE STANDS (metal bases for “floating” effect) - pack of 6 INFANTRY ELEMENT STANDS (assortment of 2, 3 and 4-fig stands) NAC INFANTRY PACK - 24 individual 6mm infantry, plus element bases NAC POWER ARMOUR PACK (24 figures plus bases) NSL POWER ARMOUR PACK (24 figures plus bases) MINI-BUGS (6mm versions on SGV “Bugs”) - pack of 12 SA’VASKU GRAV COMBAT VEHICLE (Bio-Tank) - pack of 3 FSE LEGIONNAIRE INFANTRY PACK (24 figures plus bases) ISLAMIC FEDERATION INFANTRY PACK (24 figures plus bases) KRA’VAK INFANTRY PACK (24 figures plus bases) UNSC MARINES HARDSUIT INFANTRY PACK (24 figures plus bases) NEW ISRAELI LIGHT ARMOURED INFANTRY (24 figures plus bases) ESU NAVAL INFANTRY PACK (24 figures plus bases) JAPANESE CORPORATE TROOPS PACK (24 figures plus bases) AT-71 HOUND DOG INFANTRY WALKERS (pack of 6) AT-71B HOUND DOG SUPPORT WALKERS - heavy support versions of standard Hound Dog, with missiles and heavy cannon (pack of 6) VBP-2 “TORTOISE” INFANTRY WALKERS (pack of 6) K 56 “FAT BOY” INFANTRY WALKERS (pack of 6) PkZ VII STURMKAMPFER INFANTRY WALKERS (pack of 6) NAC “SKIMMERS” (one-man infantry sleds) with riders (pack of 12) Assorted turrets - medium/large types (for vehicle conversions) Assorted turrets - small types (for vehicle conversions) DSM-103 DSM-104 DSM-127 DSM-101 DSM-102 DSM-111 DSM-114 DSM-105 DIRTSIDE II RULES: DSM-120 DSM-123 DSM-116 DSM-106 DSM-107 DSM-108 DSM-115 DSM-121 DSM-112 DIRTSIDE II, our 6mm (1/300) SF ground combat rules system, is OUT OF PRINT at the time of writing (March 2001); it WILL be back, either as a straight reprint or as a revised edition, at some time during the life of this catalogue, but for the present it is unavailable. Please watch our adverts and regular update sheets for more news - as soon as reprint plans are finalised we’ll announce them. DSM-122 DSM-140 DSM-139 DSM-113 DSM-117 DSM-119 MECHA CARNAGE MINIATURES! These multi-part, multi-pose kits are designed for use as 6mm (1/300) scale figures (for Mecha Carnage games or any other good mecha-based games system), but may also be used for other scales (eg: 15mm or 25mm) to represent smaller mecha types. MC-01 MC-02 DSM-143 £4.00 £4.00 DSM-142 DSM-129 MC-02 DSM-141 DSM-131 (on DSM125 Grav Stand) Guardian class Heavy Combat Mecha Goliath class Heavy Assault Mecha DSM-130 30 MC-01 DF (ex-CMD “FUTURE WARS”) 1/300 MINIATURES Since taking over production of the ex-CMD Future Wars 1/300 (6mm) range, we have revised the range considerably. All items are now be supplied in packs, at a standard pack price of £2.50 each (unless otherwise noted) - most packs consist of 2 to 4 identical models, though some slight variants (eg: “camouflaged” versions) may be mixed into some packs to give your units variety. The number of models in each pack is indicated in the lists below. Please note that we have RE-NAMED many of the items as well as allocating new codes to them. ALL DF CODES £2.50 PER PACK unless noted otherwise. DF-T06 DF-T05 TANKS AND AIR-DEFENCE VEHICLES: DF-T03 DEIMOS Heavy GEV/Grav tank (pack of 2) DF-T04 GANYMEDE Superheavy GEV/Grav tank (pack of 2) DF-T05 JUPITER tracked battle tank (pack of 3) DF-T06 NOVA tracked battle tank (pack of 3) DF-T07 TALOS tracked ultraheavy tank (1) DF-T14 PUMA grav medium tank (pack of 4) DF-T20 GANYMEDE-EX GEV/Grav tank with twin-gun turret (pack of 2) DF-T21 ANDROMEDA Super heavy GEV/Grav tank(pack of 2) EM-1 OUDF Grav Tank (from Eureka Miniatures) (pack of 3) DF-T07 ARTILLERY VEHICLES: DF-A01 JUPITER tracked heavy SP artillery (pack of 2) DF-A02 NOVA tracked SP artillery (pack of 3) DF-A03 DEIMOS GEV/grav heavy SP artillery (pack of 2) DF-A04 PUMA grav SP artillery vehicle (pack of 3) DF-S06 DF-S08 APCs AND MICVs: DF-C01 COBRA standard tracked APC (pack of 4) DF-C07 AURORA light wheeled APC (pack of 4) DF-C11 COPPERHEAD tracked medium APC (pack of 4) DF-C12 ZETA-II grav medium APC (pack of 4) DF-S02 VTOLS AND AEROSPACE CRAFT: DF-V01 PISCES light scout VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V02 AV-72 anti-tank VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V03 AV-80 close support VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V04 VT-40 BOXCAR infantry transport VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V05 VT-51 SUPER BOXCAR heavy lift VTOL (1) DF-V06 ARIES attack VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V07 VT-36 “Flying Pig” transport VTOL with cargo pod (pack of 2) DF-V08 SV-12 scout/recon VTOL (pack of 2) DF-V09 VALDERIK ground-support fighter (with underwing stores) (1) DF-V10 PHOENIX aerospace strike fighter (with underwing stores) (1) DF-V11 AV-98 Scout/recon VTOL (pack of 2) SUPPORT AND MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES: DF-S02 Tracked ammunition carrier/supply vehicle (pack of 4) DF-S04 HEMTT heavy wheeled cargo truck (canvas top) (pack of 2) DF-S05 HEMTT heavy wheeled cargo truck (flatbed) (pack of 2) DF-S06 HEMTT heavy articulated transporter (1) DF-S07 Light GEV van (police/civilian)(pack of 4) DF-S08 Civilian vehicles pack (pack of approx. 8 assorted) DF-S09 Recovery truck (heavy wheeled) with crane (pack of 2) DF-S11 Cargo and Ammo Pods (pack of 4 assorted) DF-S13 Light wheeled scout/attack vehicle (pack of 5) DF-S14 Light GEV recon vehicle (pack of 5) KRA’VAK DF-K01 DF-K02 DF-K03 DF-K04 DF-K05 DF-K06 DF-K07 DF-K08 DF-K09 DF-K10 (ALIEN) COMBAT VEHICLES AND AEROSPACE CRAFT: Ha’Iv Light Grav Tank (pack of 4) Ki’Ca Heavy Grav Tank (pack of 3) Ki’Vas AA Grav Tank (pack of 3) Tu’Ha Grav Light Infantry Combat Vehicle (pack of 4) Ko’Ta Attack VTOL craft (pack of 2) Ko’Iv Scout VTOL (pack of 2) Ka’Ha Grav Heavy Infantry Combat Vehicle (pack of 3) Ki’Rok Grav Heavy Strike Vehicle (pack of 2) Ko’Sha Heavy Aerospace Combat Craft (pack of 2) Ki’Sho Grav Artillery Vehicle (pack of 3) DF-S04 DF-S07 DF-S09 DF-C11 DF-C07 DF-V05 DF-V04 DF-V02 DF-V03 DF-V01 DF-V07 DF-V11 DF-V08 DF-V10 DF-K10 DF-K03 DF-K02 DF-C01 DF-C12 DF-K04 31 DF-K01 DF-V06 There are many more items in the original CMD “Future Wars” range that we still have to remould and rerelease - watch our update sheets for news and availability information on the rest of this range! DO NOT DETACH THIS MASTER ORDER FORM FROM YOUR CATALOGUE - PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AS NECESSARY GROUND ZERO GAMES MAIL ORDER FORM PLEASE FILL IN ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS CLEARLY, IN BLOCK CAPITALS COMPLETE THIS BOX IF PAYING BY CARD: NAME .................................................... ADDRESS ............................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ POSTCODE ........................................... DATE .................................................... TYPE OF CARD (eg: VISA etc.) ........................ CARD EXPIRY DATE ....................... CARD START DATE (if given) ....................... ISSUE NUMBER (Switch cards only) ................... CARD SECURITY NUMBER: (Last three digits of number on BACK of card) .......................... 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surface is presented, with decadal stages plotted separately.