CAMH Foundation Annual Report
CAMH Foundation Annual Report
Now is the time for our breakthrough CAMH Foundation Annual Report 2013/14 A breakthrough for all of us What will a breakthrough in mental health look like to you? T hat’s the question we’re asking in the pages ahead as we embark on our most ambitious fundraising campaign to date. CAMH has launched the $200 million Breakthrough Campaign to transform mental health care in Canada and around the world. We have some big goals (see page 3), but we know the time is right to make meaningful change in mental health. And CAMH has the talent, the track record and the vision to lead that change. We now need people who believe in the Breakthrough Campaign enough to make its vision a reality. First, we know that a “breakthrough” means very different things to different people. For patients and clients like Noah, pictured on the cover, a breakthrough is in living healthier and achieving personal goals (see page 14). My breakthrough will be a world in which mental health receives the resources it needs for research and treatment, and our patients are free from discrimination and stigma. That is what I’m working for. Ana P. Lopes, CM | Chair, CAMH Foundation For Daniel O’Shaughnessy, an active member of CAMH Engage and the Michael Wilson Society, a breakthrough comes in helping people realize their true potential (see page 5). For our health-care professionals, breakthroughs come from helping more people recover, faster. Our researchers are making breakthroughs in understanding diagnoses, treatment and, ultimately, ways to prevent the ravages of full-blown illness. For our donors and families, your breakthrough is in knowing CAMH will be there when you need us, that your investment will help prevent other families from suffering—and that you are accelerating a new era of openness and innovation in brain-based illness. Few know better how far we’ve come and where the next breakthroughs in mental health will take us than the volunteers who serve on CAMH Foundation’s Board of Directors. In 2013/14, we offer our deepest thanks to retiring directors Ted Cadsby, Shelagh Godsoe and Valerie Pringle—all of whom are outstanding advocates for mental health. While their official roles with CAMH Foundation are ending, we know we will continue to turn to them for their expertise and energy. And we extend a sincere welcome to Susan Caskey, Dale Lastman and Sandi Treliving, new to the Foundation Board this year. It is truly an exciting time in mental health—and we’re thrilled to have you with us. Ana P. Lopes, CM Chair, CAMH Foundation Darrell Louise Gregersen President & CEO, CAMH Foundation Photo by Kevin Van Paassen Ana Lopes and Darrell Gregersen Now is the time for our breakthrough My breakthrough is a CAMH that’s building a future in which everyone believes that life is worth living. We’re committed to transforming mental health care and creating hope —across the lifespan and around the world. The $200 million Breakthrough Campaign goals reflect key priorities for mental health care: Helping more people recover, faster The CAMH vision has always been to transform the lives of people living with mental illness. In 2014, mental illness is becoming understood as the issue of our time. Complex mental illness shortens lives by 20 years. It devastates families and creates an annual cost to Canadian society of $51 billion. Mental health care is beginning to get the attention it deserves, but openness and understanding in society continue to be hard won. Dr. Catherine Zahn, President & CEO of CAMH, and her medical leadership team. From left, Drs. Stephen Sokolov, Kwame McKenzie, Peter Voore, and Tony George are working toward breakthroughs that will revolutionize mental health care. 2 CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Photo by Kevin Van Paassen The good news is that CAMH has a clear path forward as Canada’s leading hospital for mental health. We’re making it easier for patients and families to get the right care at the right time. We’re expanding and modernizing our hospital while creating and sharing new knowledge through our research and education. We envision a thrilling era of innovation where we will explore links between physical and mental health, understand the causes of mental illness and revolutionize care. With a fundraising goal of $200 million, the Breakthrough Campaign will provide the momentum we need to unlock our potential and maximize our impact. It’s the social return on investment where society will reap the greatest rewards. Our commitment to excellence will enable us to meet the challenge presented by mental illness as the cause of our time. We can’t do it without you. To our donors, volunteers and supporters, I offer my deepest respect and gratitude. The Transforming Lives Campaign was our awakening. Now is the time for our Breakthrough. Dr. Catherine Zahn President & CEO, CAMH CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • B uilding two patient care facilities that will replace cramped buildings and promote healing and recovery; this construction will include 240 beds focused on recovery • Improving access to emergency care • Identifying and treating mental illness earlier Inspiring hope through discovery • A dvancing brain science through the Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute • E xpanding research infrastructure with state-ofthe-art equipment and labs • R ecruiting and retaining top scientists Stopping mental illness from destroying lives • E ducating and inspiring the next generation of professionals and researchers • reating space for patient C and family learning, professional education and public programming • D riving change that will create comprehensive and coordinated mental health services 3 From left: Peter Van; Loan Van, Transforming Lives Award recipient; Dr. David Goldbloom, Transforming Lives Awards co-chair; and Valerie Pringle, Transforming Lives Awards co-chair. Working toward a win D aniel Transforming Lives Awards The 2014 Transforming Lives Awards recipients are: Stephen Emslie Ann Dowsett Johnston Paolo Scotti Loan Van We also honoured the Courtnall Family, including NHL alumni Russ and Geoff. Years after their father died by suicide, the family — along with siblings Bruce and Cheryl and mother Kathy— are dedicated to improving mental health services in Canada. The Harry & Shirley Young Corporate Award was presented to Tremco Roofing Canada, which has raised more than $550,000 for CAMH through its annual golf tournament over the past 19 years. 4 We are proud to recognize the resiliency of the human spirit and the remarkable power of hope through the 2014 Transforming Lives Awards. O the event raised more than $1 million in support of CAMH. n June 4, before a glittering crowd of 1,000 supporters, CAMH honoured extraordinary individuals who face mental illness and addiction with dignity and perseverance. By sharing their stories —their own remarkable personal breakthroughs — with the community, award recipients and nominees alike help break down the stigma that surrounds mental illness and addiction. By celebrating their courage, we join them in this effort. This year’s event was also host to the launch of CAMH’s Breakthrough Campaign, a $200-million fundraising effort through which CAMH will help more people recover, faster; inspire hope through discovery; and stop mental illness from destroying lives. The awards have been a signature fundraising event for CAMH since 1993. This year’s celebration—the 19th event—was sold to capacity. Set in a dazzling open courtyard amid CAMH’s ongoing Queen Street redevelopment, “I love being involved with the Transforming Lives Awards each year, and to play a role in honouring people with such powerful stories to tell,” says Valerie Pringle, who co-chairs the Transforming Lives Awards with Dr. David Goldbloom. “Their messages of recovery, personal breakthroughs and hope are an inspiration for all of us.” CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 O’Shaughnessy is a member of both the Michael Wilson Society (see page 7) and CAMH Engage, a dynamic group of young people focused on fundraising. Here, Daniel describes the personal connection that drives him to help CAMH create a better future for people with mental illness and addiction. My older brother Matt was a wonderful guy. He was one of my first rowing partners, and we played football together. He was a couple of years older, close enough in age to make it really fun. We were great rivals. He was always different, but he started showing symptoms of fullblown schizophrenia around 2001. He bumped around in the health-care system, dipped in and out of university, and continued playing rugby right up until the very end—which I thought was amazing. He was having full-on psychotic attacks, and then playing rugby that same afternoon. He struggled to stay healthy, but the support and care just wasn’t there for him. Matt committed suicide on Christmas Eve 2003. He was not a sharing and caring guy, but he’d bought presents for everyone that year. I think it was his way of trying to make it easier on us, which proved nearly impossible. I was in university then, and it derailed my life. My whole family worked really hard to get back on track. I’ve always felt like I carried this extra weight, and that I had to do something for mental health. Daniel O’Shaughnessy, left, and his brother Matt on the football field in 1998. I found the answer in CAMH Engage, and as an inaugural member of CAMH’s Michael Wilson Society. I’ve connected with people at CAMH who are definitely progressive-thinking people. When I work with CAMH Engage, I think about Matt. My brother was a super high-functioning and intelligent guy, and I would love to know the contributions he would have made if he had been able to stay healthy. My breakthrough? Not being afraid to have a child with mental illness. My breakthrough would be knowing that any issue would be identified early and managed as seamlessly as possible so kids could continue operating at a high level and achieving their goals — which is the opposite of what happened with my brother. That would be a win for everyone — a win for the country and a win for all families. It would create an environment where everyone would be doing better. If that could happen, it would be amazing. — Daniel O’Shaughnessy A transformation to be felt CAMH has undergone more change than any other hospital in Toronto, Michael Wilson says. The newly created Michael Wilson Society is a group of generous, forward-thinking people committed to supporting CAMH Foundation’s efforts to drive research, improve treatment and reduce stigma. Members are inspired by the work being done at CAMH, and they are inspiring others. The Honourable Michael Wilson, former Canadian Ambassador to the U.S., explains the value in what the society is working toward. Mental illness devastates far too many families. We must develop the tools to warn people early if they are prone to depression, bipolar disorder or any other mental illness, and tell them how to stave off that risk. We need to identify illnesses in their earliest stage, and treat them promptly so people recover quickly. It’s as simple as a bad spot on your skin; you can’t let it go. Get it checked out, treat it and you will be healthy. Families will avoid tragedy. That will be my breakthrough. CAMH scientists are committed to this breakthrough. They are working toward it through groundbreaking research in personalized medicine, genetic markers, imaging and so much more. They are “It is so important for CAMH’s supporters and friends to understand our transformation—to really feel it.” It’s an exciting story—and I’m delighted it’s being told through the Michael Wilson Society. No hospital has changed so much in such a short period of time as CAMH. If you had asked me 10 years ago, could I have predicted this transformation? No. We are making life-saving advances, always with an eye on the work that still must be done. It is so important for CAMH’s supporters and friends to understand this transformation — to really feel it. The Michael Wilson Society is a powerful way for them to make that connection. — The Honourable Michael Wilson For information and to join the Michael Wilson Society, visit michaelwilsonsociety. Photo by Kevin Van Paassen 6 developing better diagnostic tools and earlier interventions to help people around the world. CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 7 A crucial time for youth Thanks to a visionary gift from the Slaight Family, youth will get the life-saving care they need at the Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition. Dr. Catherine Zahn, left, and Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care “People with serious mental illness have lives that are 20 years shorter than those without. Finally, this inequity will be recognized — and corrected. Through the Medical Psychiatry Alliance, we will create a model of integrated and comprehensive care for our patients.” — Dr. Benoit Mulsant, CAMH Physician-in-Chief “For too long we’ve ignored all the pieces that contribute to a healthy life. The Medical Psychiatry Alliance will help patients access the care they need sooner — for all their health care needs. With this initiative, mental health will no longer take a back seat to physical health— a remarkable breakthrough for health care in Ontario.” — The Founding Donor to the Medical Psychiatry Alliance T Complete care for the whole person t’s impossible to separate mental health from physical health. Moreover, people with mental illness face a greater burden of physical illness than the general population and they experience additional barriers to receiving the care they need— and deserve. I and Trillium Health Partners. The partnership will actively work to integrate mental and physical care by revamping how doctors are trained in medical school through to how they diagnose and provide care in community doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals. Announced in January 2014, the Medical Psychiatry Alliance will ensure Ontarians get this complete care, thanks to an extraordinary $20-million gift from an anonymous donor, which has established a new partnership between CAMH, the Province of Ontario, the University of Toronto, the Hospital for Sick Children The alliance will also be funded through a commitment of $20 million from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and $20 million from the four founding institutions. hree-quarters of all mental illnesses begin by the mid-20s, a crucial stage in young adult development. With the right treatments, years of disability and wasted potential can be saved. One of the most exciting developments of the last year targets this vulnerable transitional age. A transformational $10-million gift from the Slaight Family Foundation has established the Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition at CAMH, Canada’s first centre dedicated to understanding and treating youth 18 to 25 with severe mental illness. The treatments developed at the Slaight Family Centre will help set young people around the world on a healthier path in life at a crucial time in their mental, physical and social development. The $10 million gift to CAMH was part of an outstanding $50 million commitment to five Toronto hospitals. “We feel profoundly grateful to be in a position to provide these hospital gifts, which we hope will benefit Torontonians for many years to come,” said Gary Slaight. “We hope our gifts will be an inspiration for others to support health care in their own communities.” “This gift is absolutely revolutionary. Today, life just got better for the one million kids in Canada with mental illness. Thanks to Donna and Gary Slaight, CAMH is one giant step closer to fulfilling our promise that every child will believe life is worth living.” — Dr. Catherine Zahn, President & CEO, CAMH From left: Donna Slaight, Gary Slaight and Ali Slaight To read more, visit CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 9 More than a space Dr. Brittany Poynter, clinical head of the Emergency Department at CAMH. Thanks to the invaluable support of our donors—including leadership gifts by Maxine Granovsky Gluskin and Ira Gluskin and Stephen Dent and Janet MacLaren—CAMH is moving toward its goal of raising $20 million to transform our emergency services. Through an expansion and upgrade of our current Emergency Department and construction of a new facility to open in 2020, we will help more people recover faster. Dr. Brittany Poynter, clinical head of the Emergency Department, explains that this urgent need is about so much more than physical space. I imagine any Emergency Department —but especially a psychiatric one—is the last place anyone wants to be. This is often a person’s first impression of CAMH, and even the mental health-care system as a whole. It sets the tone for the rest of the hospital experience, and for their overall recovery. The more calming and welcoming we can make this space, the better it will be for our patients. To be honest, we grew out of our current space many years ago. The Emergency Department was designed to accommodate about half the patients we see now. It just isn’t good enough anymore; it’s cramped, loud and run-down. “ The more accurately we can identify mental illness and direct people toward the best care for them, the better the chance they will recover more fully.” Photo by Kevin Van Paassen 10 So we’re transforming our Emergency Department into a bright, modern and welcoming environment that will demonstrate how important patientcentred care is to us. This space is about them. Here, we’ll lay the groundwork for a positive experience and a faster recovery. CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Waiting rooms will welcome family and friends—the supports so important to our patients. Better sightlines will optimize safety for both patients and staff. People in crisis will tell their story fewer times and staff will work in interdisciplinary teams to improve care. The transformation of our Emergency Department is about so much more than just a new space—it’s about a new, innovative model of care. Our goal is to get patients to the right care, at the right time, through an efficient, patient-centred approach. Ultimately, recovery will start the minute they walk through the door. I just can’t wait to get into this space, and start a new chapter in CAMH’s story. It’s my breakthrough—a breakthrough for all of us. — Dr. Brittany Poynter 11 Photo by Kevin Van Paassen A healthier mind and body In April 2014, NHL alumni and CAMH patients played a spirited game of ball hockey to officially open the Sandi and Jim Treliving Gymnasium, made possible in large part by a generous $1 million gift from Sandi and Jim Treliving. The event was emceed by Hockey Night in Canada’s Ron MacLean and attended by stars of the CBC’s Dragons’ Den, including Michael Wekerle, also a visionary donor at CAMH. Here, Sandi explains how much it means to her to be connected with this gymnasium. I have two heroes, and they’re both connected to mental health. One is my brother, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was just 10. Because of his illness, I’ve grown up seeing the impact mental illness can have on an individual, and on a family. While my family continues to learn and grow as a result, we’re enormously proud of my brother and his commitment to living a healthy life. He lives independently; he speed walks daily and golfs in the summer months. I truly believe that exercise has been a key factor to managing his illness. It is so meaningful for us to have played a role in the ongoing transformation here at CAMH, and to have helped create this spectacular space filled with natural light and positive energy. We love seeing the gym used by clients in their efforts to stay healthy. Much has changed since my father fought to find the best care for his son. We are able to talk about mental illness. We’re diagnosing people earlier. We’re treating humans as humans and working together. CAMH is doing amazing work and we are proud to share that message. My other hero is my father. When there was little help in the medical community for his son— my brother— he pushed through. His persistence, tenacity, strength and courage are the reasons for my brother’s diagnosis and subsequent treatment. But there is still a long, long road ahead. Diagnosis, treatments and attitudes — they must all continue to improve. We need to get people treated and recovering so their lives can be just like everyone else’s — so they can have the “normal” comforts of life, a career, a family. Because of these heroes, I always knew I wanted to support mental health, and the individuals and families who have fought the same fight we continue to face. That is the breakthrough I have always wished for when it comes to my brother, my hero. Sandi and Jim Treliving relax on the set of CBC’s Dragons’ Den. “The value of the CAMH gymnasium speaks to me on so many levels— as a huge hockey fan but also as a strong supporter of mental health in Canada. CAMH patients need a space like this to help them along in their recovery, and I’m enormously proud — Jim Treliving to be involved with it.” — Sandi Treliving 12 CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 13 The ‘seal’ of good health Since 2008, CAMH’s Gifts of Light program has provided the community with a powerful way to show CAMH patients they are not alone in their recovery. During the 2013 holiday season, more than 2,220 gifts were given to patients who may have otherwise not received anything at all, and the program greatly surpassed its annual goal of raising $500,000. Photo by Peyman Soheili “My breakthrough will be finishing high school this year, getting my mental health in check and just sticking to my program. My breakthrough will be having a healthier life.” — Noah is on track to graduate high school in 2014. This year, thanks to seed funding from an anonymous donor, we introduced the Gifts of Light Client Comfort Fund, which supports creative ideas from front-line staff for improving our patients’ lives. Dr. Simon Davies, a staff psychiatrist and clinical scientist with the Geriatric Mental Health program, describes how the Client Comfort Fund has helped his patients. The importance of monthly donors Paro—this fluffy, white robotic seal— is our new secret weapon in the treatment of dementia and depression. Paro bleats, stretches and interacts with people through baby seal-like movements and noises. If stroked on the back of the head, for example, it may lift its head and bleat in response. Tickle its whiskers and it purrs. CAMH Foundation monthly donors provide consistent and reliable funding toward the most urgent needs of the hospital. Last year, this group grew by 82 per cent, with 6,000 people donating close to $1 million to help more people recover faster. Here, Giacomo Ravina explains why he is one of those dedicated monthly supporters. 14 If we can find a way to deal with posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and any number of ailments without drugs and medications, that’s definitely a breakthrough in my books. — Giacomo Ravina, 25 years old CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 It’s early yet, but we feel really positive about having found such an unexpected tool to help calm agitated behaviour, and to ease the symptoms of depression. We’re always looking for creative and innovative treatment options, and it’s thanks to the CAMH Foundation — and its supporters—that we’ve been able to introduce Paro to our patients. — Dr. Simon Davies Geriatric Inpatient: “My breakthrough is being brought out of myself, if even just for a little bit. The thing is that Paro gives me something to concentrate on. When you have depression, you can’t concentrate and the days just drag. Paro gives me something to concentrate on and care for—and it’s not hard to concentrate on Paro. It’s easy.” — Paul, a geriatric patient at CAMH Give a gift year-round at Photo by Julie Rosenberg/CAMH I became a monthly donor to CAMH in November 2013. When I think of my support, I think about the kind of research that could bring us out of the last 100 years, and the way we approach mental illness. The immediate response for a lot of mental illness is some sort of drug, and I’m hoping research can steer us away from that immediate response. The evidence for Paro is accumulating. We’re already finding that, for some difficult cases of depression, this could really be the breakthrough for many people. It’s very therapeutic — another approach to use alongside regular treatments. People become quite moved with the joy of looking after something. 15 A day of healing T hird-party events provide important support to CAMH, and are a great way to spread CAMH’s message of hope throughout the community while supporting our hospital. The fifth annual Stretch the Soul is a fun-filled day of yoga and wellness— a unique event where fancy attire isn’t required. Participants spend four hours with four yoga instructors and re-energize with a delicious buffet — all in support of CAMH. Organizer Amanda DeGasperis explains what the event means to her family. It makes such perfect sense for Stretch the Soul to support CAMH. For me, yoga is far more than just physical movement. It’s great for the mind and spirit, and so greatly healing. While you’re practicing yoga, you’re healing yourself. Like millions of people around the world, my family has been deeply touched by mental illness. My grandfather was loving, generous, selfless, ambitious, playful and passionate, but he also suffered from chronic depression late in his life. We learned first-hand that this really needs to be brought out into the open. He is the reason we’ve chosen to be a powerful voice for awareness and for change; it’s for him and for everyone else touched by mental illness. The more we learn about CAMH— whether about its research or efforts to develop spaces that help lift patients’ spirits—the more we want to support CAMH in its journey. Through Stretch the Soul, we’ll continue this long-term relationship with CAMH; CAMH’s breakthroughs will be our breakthroughs. Our mission to raise awareness and end stigma around mental illness continues each year, because we want everyone to understand that CAMH is a healing centre, should they ever need one. — Amanda DeGasperis The right care for all families In October 2013, Ron and Barbara Besse made a generous $250,000 gift in support of the Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition. Here, they explain why developing the best treatments for this vulnerable age group is so important to them. Our daughter developed an eating disorder while in university about 20 years ago. At that time, there was little help for someone past the ‘children’s hospital’ age. Hospitals turned her away because she wasn’t ‘sick enough.’ We would think we’d found the right program, but the wait-list would be so long that we couldn’t get her in to see the best expert. As a family, we felt desperate that we couldn’t seem to just ‘push a button’ and get help. We were lucky to have been referred to a nurse psychologist who guided us to the right care for our daughter. (Unfortunately, that service was not covered by OHIP, and the cost would be prohibitive for many families needing help.) We were very touched by what she did for our family — and now we’re saying, ‘how can we help others?’ Family Centre for Youth in Transition will accomplish. We’ve toured the hospital, learned about the research, and are inspired by the treatments being developed at CAMH’s Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention. We’ve become such advocates for CAMH. And our enthusiasm is infectious. We have discussions with our friends about what we’ve learned, and they say, ‘You’re right. There is a need for better treatments for this population—for eating disorders, for depression, or for any disorder.’ They become as enthusiastic as we are, and they want to get involved. Our breakthrough? I would like to think a 20-year-old with an eating disorder could find immediate care without being turned away from a hospital. This is what our family needed, and what all families deserve. We’ve been so impressed by what CAMH is doing, and by what the Slaight 16 Ron and Barbara Besse believe all families deserve the care they need. CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 — Ron and Barbara Besse 17 Financial snapshot Return on Donor Investment Three-Year Snapshot New commitments $103,589,397 Expenses$19,663,828 Summary Statement of Revenue and Expenses For every dollar invested in CAMH Foundation $5.27 is generated in new commitments.* Year Ended March 31, 2014 Total Funds 20142013 Revenue Donations $$ 1,479,798 2,405,570 Investment income 2,216,377 1,354,249 25,808,514 30,958,720 Fundraising and administration 7,006,100 5,713,477 625,834 591,013 7,631,934 6,304,490 18,176,580 24,654,230 Special events Total Expenses Excess of revenue over expenses before grants 2013/14 Grants by Type Redevelopment & Infrastructure $1,447,543 Education & Public Awareness $4,989,961 18 CAMH Foundation Board 2013/14 As of April 22, 2014 Officers of the Board Expenses Research and Care *$5.27 Return on Investment is a 3-year average of new fundraising commitments divided by expenses **3-Year Average of Expenses divided by new fundraising commitments 79,015380,946 Special events $2,363,244 $0.19 22,033,32426,817,955 Bequests Total Revenue Cost Per Dollar Raised** Chair Ana P. Lopes Past-Chair Kelly E. D. Meighen Vice-Chair, Treasurer Peter W. Doyle Corporate Secretary Darrell Louise Gregersen Directors: Guy Pratte Valerie Pringle Donna Slaight Sandi Treliving Annette Verschuren The Honourable Michael Wilson Kaan Yigit Jamie Anderson Heather Beamish Bonnie Brooks Ted Cadsby Susan Caskey Tami Cope Shelagh Godsoe Dr. David S. Goldbloom Nadir Hirji John Hunkin Shanitha Kachan Dale Lastman Nancy Lockhart Michael H. McCain Thomas Milroy Ex-Officio Directors Bud Purves Dr. Catherine Zahn Dr. Benoit H. Mulsant Dev Chopra CAMH Foundation Board Administrator Michelle L. Christian CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 19 Thank you to our Donors Lifetime Donors (April 1, 1998 March 31, 2014) We are proud to recognize our most generous donors. These individuals and organizations have supported CAMH with gifts of $10,000 or more cumulatively. $30,000,000+ The Campbell Family $10,000,000+ Bell Let’s Talk Margaret & Wallace McCain Gary & Donna Slaight $5,000,000+ G. Raymond Chang FDC Foundation Sonia & Arthur Labatt Temerty Family Foundation Estate of Ken Thomson & Estate of Audrey Campbell The WB Family Foundation $1,000,000+ Jamie & Patsy Anderson The Associates at CAMH BMO Financial Group Canadian Health Services Research Foundation CGI Group Inc. CIBC Element Financial Corporation Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Mark Feldman & Alix Hoy The Firkin Group of Pubs Wayne & Isabel Fox Shelagh & Peter Godsoe Douglas & Ruth Grant Bill & Rennie Humphries The Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Charitable Foundation The Warren and Debbie Kimel Family Foundation Koerner Foundation Estate of Norman N. Kotani The Krembil Foundation John & Gail MacNaughton The McCain Family The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation T.R. Meighen Family Foundation Kelly & Michael Meighen Sarah & Tom Milroy David & Gail O’Brien Tim & Frances Price RBC Foundation The S. Schulich Foundation Scotiabank The Lawrence and Judith Tanenbaum Family Foundation 20 TD Bank Group Sandi & Jim Treliving Unifor Kim & Pat Ward Michael & Lea-Anne Wekerle The W. Garfield Weston Foundation David & Shelagh Wilson The Harry and Shirley Young Charitable Foundation The Younger Family Anonymous (1) $500,000+ The Bluma Appel Community Trust Ralph M. Barford Foundation and John & Jocelyn Barford Foundation The Ian Douglas Bebensee Foundation Estate of Rita Bourgard Compass Construction Resources Ltd. James & Mary Connacher George & Tami Cope George & Kathy Dembroski Janet MacLaren & Steve Dent Ernst & Young LLP John & Gay Evans Maxine Granovsky Gluskin & Ira Gluskin Howitt-Dunbar Foundation Susan Crocker & John Hunkin Janssen Inc. Toshio Kamiyama Carolyn Keystone & James Meekison KPMG LLP Manulife Financial Estate of Edward James McGrath Power Corporation of Canada Ellen & Martin Prosserman Foundation Inc. Darcy Rector Isadore & Rosalie Sharp SmartCentres Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance Annette Verschuren & Stan Shibinsky The Jilla and Robert Williams Foundation $250,000+ Man Jae Baek James Baillie Paul & Kaye Beeston Ronald & Barbara Besse In honour of Graeme Fletcher Bird Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Derek & Joan Burney Estate of Earl Glenwood Coulson Deloitte William & Barbara Etherington Estate of Clarence B. Farrar, Joan Farrar Trust Estate of Martha Elizabeth Feierabend Finnish Parkinson Association David Goodman Youth Community Trust Hats On for Awareness Donald K. Johnson & Ana McCowan Johnson The Henry White Kinnear Foundation The Lewin Family — In honour of Ryan Frank & Azniv Lochan Ana P. Lopes & Don Tapscott Lynda & Reay Mackay The McLean Foundation Valerie & Andrew Pringle Put Up Your Dukes Victoria Ross Ada Slaight Toronto Fire Services UBS Securities Canada Inc. George Weston Limited Margie & Michael Wilson The C. R. Younger Foundation Anonymous (2) $100,000+ Accenture Inc. Aimia Deborah M. Alexander Alva Foundation Amarna Associates Inc. The Appel Family in honour of Bluma and Bram Appel ARAMARK Canada Ltd. The Harold E. Ballard Foundation Barrick Heart of Gold Fund Bealight Foundation H. Thomas & Mary Beck The Bedolfe Foundation J. P. Bickell Foundation E. W. Bickle Foundation Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Margaret Botterell The Edward M. Bronfman Family Foundation/ Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation/ Canadian Institutes for Health Research Brookfield Arnie & Penny Cader Family Ted Cadsby on behalf of the Cadsby Foundation CN Canadian Pacific Charitable Foundation Roland & Sandra Cardy Celestica Inc. Valerie & David Christie John & Anne Clark The Ricky & Peter Cohen Family Foundation Barbara Crispo Ian W. Delaney & Catherine A. (Kiki) Delaney Dialog Donner Canadian Foundation Bob Dorrance & Gail Drummond The Duboc Family Enbridge Inc. Anthony & Shari Fell Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council Jean Fraser & Tom Rahilly The Frum Foundation Paul Garfinkel & Barbara Dorian Emmanuelle Gattuso Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Nancy & Richard Hamm The Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation David & Lenore Hawkey The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation Ernie & Rivette Herzig John Honderich Hope Charitable Foundation David & D. Elizabeth Howard Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Howitt Roland Keiper G. Edmund King Susie & Vahan Kololian Michael McCain Robert & Margaret MacLellan Michael MacMillan & Cathy Spoel Roger L. Martin Mental Wellness Network Merrill Lynch Canada Inc. George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation Office of the Fire Marshal, Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services The Minto Foundation Morguard Corporation / Rai Sahi Morneau Shepell Benoit & Sharon Mulsant National Bank Financial Group Gordon & Janet Nixon ONEX Ontario Mental Health Foundation Ontario Power Generation Inc. Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute — Vancouver Lou & Jennifer Pagnutti Partenariat Neuroscience Canada The Peterson Charitable Foundation Bruce G. Pollock & Judith I. Arluk Brian & Megan Porter Power Workers’ Union Rio Algom Limited Hoffmann-La Roche Rogers Harry & Evelyn Rosen The Ruby Family Jeffrey & Nancy Ryley William & Meredith Saunderson S.A. Armstrong Limited Shoppers Drug Mart Shorinji Kempo Toronto Branch Oskar T. Sigvaldason & Thor Sigvaldason Nathan and Lily Silver Family Foundation Sandra Simpson Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum Sokolowski Sun Life Financial Tippet Foundation The Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation Eric Tripp & Maria Smith University of Toronto Wallenstein Feed Charitable Foundation The Wolfond Family Joe & Betsy Wright Wyeth Canada Anonymous (4) $50,000+ Esther Abramowicz ACE Bakery AGF Management Limited Arrell Family Foundation Salah Bachir, Cineplex Media Matthew W. Barrett The Bay Gordon & Susan Bell Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP Birch Hill Equity Partners Management Inc. Monique & Bill Blundell BMO Nesbitt Burns Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Robert G. Boyd in memory of Gibson Boyd Brewers Association of Canada Burgundy Asset Management C-4 (Community Care Consortium) (Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc., Kearns Mancini Architects Inc.) + Cannon Design — In Joint Venture Barry Campbell & Debra Grobstein Campbell CARA Charity Golf Classic Austin M. Cooper David & Lynn Coriat James H. Cummings Foundation Inc. Daniels Capital Group DentsuBos Deutsche Bank AG, Canada Branch Dion, Durrell + Associates Inc. Bryce & Nicki Douglas Robert C. Dowsett Peter & Deborah Doyle The John C. and Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation Victor Ekaireb Fidelity Investments Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP The Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Lynn Francis & Mark Lecker Norman Fraser Rohan & Mary Ganguli Michael Garvey La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. David Goldbloom & Nancy Epstein Goodmans LLP Senator & Mrs. J.S. Grafstein Estelle Grant Foundation Kenneth G. Gray Foundation Darrell Louise & D. Brian Gregersen Stephen Gunn & Patti Bunston-Gunn Paul & Bonnie Haggis M. Elaine Hamilton Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP High Res. Inc. Stephen & Ilda Howard Hydro One Inc. J.D. Irving Limited Diana & Philip Jackson Patrick & Barbara Keenan Mary Jane Kelley Susan & Edward Keystone Donald & Marjorie Lenz George & Leanne Lewis Loblaw Companies Limited Mackenzie Financial Corporation Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Lloyd M. Martin Rick & Nancy Martin Doug McGregor & Janet Leitch MDS Inc. Ted & Julie Medland Miller Thomson LLP Bruce & Vladka Mitchell The Peter Munk Charitable Foundation Harold & Mary Agnes Murphy Paul & Elizabeth Murphy Sheila & Valentine O’Donovan Gayle & Philip Olsson Orlando Corporation Parkinson Society Canada Petro-Canada Susan Pigott Sandra & Jim Pitblado Pitblado Foundation The Polar Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Procter & Gamble Inc. Recochem Inc. Kenneth Rotenberg Joseph & Sandra Rotman Judy & Peter Russel Saatchi & Saatchi John Sartz & Mallory Morris-Sartz Sheena Macdonald & Phil Schmitt Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation Skoll Foundation Estate of Diane Marie Stevens The Belinda Stronach Foundation The Subak Family Foundation Louise & Bill Sutton Thomson Reuters Corporation The Toronto Star The Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltd. Edward & Diana Tremain Twenty-First Century Investments Inc. Vale Estate of Donald Jack Way Whitecastle Investments Limited Catherine & David Wilkes Chuck & Libby Winograd The Woodbridge Group Gregory Woynarski Winnington Capital Group Yaffe Feld Foundation Catherine & Jeffrey Zahn Anonymous (4) $25,000+ Jocelyn Allen William & Nancy Anderson W. Alfred Apps & Danielle French AstraZeneca Canada Atlas-Apex Roofing Inc. Annick Aubert Aurion Capital Management Inc. Ben Au-Yeung Karen Au-Yeung Kuen Eric Au-Yeung Aubrey & Marsha Baillie Daniel Barclay Karen & Bill Barnett BlackBerry BMO Fountain of Hope Borealis Capital Corporation Boston Pizza International Inc. Bowne of Canada Rita Briansky Helen Burstyn Caisse Centrale de Reassurance Law and Mental Health Program at CAMH Joanne Campbell & Gordon Cressy Canada Council for the Arts Canadian Real Estate Investment Trust Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited A. Gordon Cardy Chair-man Mills Inc. Estate of Ethel M. Charlton Mala & Dev Chopra Virginia Cirocco Cisco Canada City of Toronto Fran & Edmund Clark Coca-Cola Ltd. June & Ian Cockwell Cole & Partners Consumer-Response Marketing Ltd. Sydney and Florence Cooper Foundation Sharon Courrier Jim Coutts Bob & Gayle Cronin Bruce Croxon David Cunic & Maria Carinelli Gail Czukar Lindsay Dale-Harris & Rupert Field-Marsham Douglas J. Dales Estate of Marie Louise Daniels Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Mary Deacon The Estate of Alfredo DeGasperis Denton’s Canada LLP Desjardins Financial Security Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Andy & Suzanne Dickison Estate of Mildred Iona Dobbs Dofasco Inc. David & Ann Doritty Jerry Dubin Estate of Hazel Gertrude Elliott — James Elliott Trust Emmanuel Church (Evangelical) Lawrence Enkin Flynn Canada Ltd. Estate of Kathryn Forman Robert & Julia Foster Janice R. Fukakusa H. Roger Garland Kirby Gavelin & Louise Tymocko GE Canada General Motors of Canada Limited Goldcorp Inc. Goldman Sachs Canada Gorbay Properties Limited Joan Graham Estate of Murray Greenbloom Scott & Krystyne Griffin H.I. Next Inc. Wade Hall Hamilton Lane Advisors LLC Norman W. Hayman Anthony Hendrie Hockley Valley Resort David Honderich David & Susan Howard Francie Howard William T. Hunter Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation IBM Canada IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Invesco Richard & Donna Ivey The KPMG Foundation Laidlaw Foundation Estate of Alice Leon, Sr. Robert & Patricia Lord Bart H. MacDougall Estate of Louvain Mathieu Liza Mauer & Andrew Sheiner Richard H. McCoy McLean Smits Family Foundation McMillan LLP The Mendelson Family Foundation Mercer (Canada) Limited Microsoft Canada Co. Myles Mindham Donald & Debbie Morrison The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney Miles S. Nadal Norak Steel Construction Limited Northwater Foundation O & Y Foundation for Better Communities Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP PAL Insurance Services Limited The Printing House Limited Estate of L. Elizabeth Proctor Radisson Plaza Hotel Admiral Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd. REALTORS Care Foundation Paul Rivett Nick & Lynn Ross RP Investment Advisors Running Room Canada Inc. Estate of Alan Samuels Bernie & Mary Schneider The Schwartz/Reisman Foundation The Ruth Schwartz Foundation Peter Selby Neil & Chrisula Selfe CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Semple Gooder Roofing Corporation Estate of Harry Chantler Sharpe Estate of Elinor Elizabeth Shepherd Gary Shieck Slaight Communications Inc. The Philip Smith Foundation Herbert H. Solway Joseph S. Stauffer Foundation Stikeman Elliott LLP TELUS Teplitsky, Colson Theracor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Gordon & Susan Thompson Diane & Gerald Throop Estate of Allan E. Tiffin Toronto Hydro Torys LLP Diana Tremain The United Church of Canada Siim & Mary Vanaselja Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell Virgin Mobile Canada W. Ross Walker Phil & Dell Walton The Ward Family Foundation Gail & Glen Warnock WeirFoulds LLP Richard Wernham & Julia West Robert & Joan Wright Ron & Judy Yamada Kaan Yigit/Solutions Research Group Anonymous (9) $10,000+ 572982 Ontario Limited Aastra Technologies Ltd. ACI Brands Inc. Active America Corp. AGF Private Investment Management Inc. Alcan Inc. Alphora Research Inc. Ambrose Carr Linton Carroll Inc. (ACLC) James R. Anderson, Architech Ltd. Mark Caplan & Claire Angus-Caplan Anishnawbe Health Toronto Anixter Canada Inc. The Archway Incorporated Arizona Community Foundation The Atkinson Charitable Foundation Avison Young Mickey & Carol Baratz Robert M. Barbara Douglas & Susan Bassett Colum & Elizabeth Bastable Bayer Inc.-Bayer Material Science Division Baystock Foundation Georgiana Beal Heather Beamish Martitia Beaton Rhoda Beecher Max Bell Foundation Kim Bellissimo Avie Bennett Bennett Jones LLP Beqaj Family Philippe Bergeron Estate of Jeanette Bermingham Roland & Marie Bertin Nani & Austin Beutel Elisabetta Bigsby Charles & Edythe Birkett Yvonne Bland The BLG Foundation Howard Bloomberg The Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of Canada Bothwell-Accurate Co. Ltd. The Adolph and Klara Brettler Charitable Foundation John H. Bridgman Brimstone Holdings Buck Consultants Frank C. Buckley, C.M. Dan Burns Ed Burtynsky Peter & Martha Campbell Canada Colors and Chemicals Limited Canada Gives Department of Canadian Heritage Gordon Cardy The Caring Foundation Guy & Margaret Carr-Harris Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Julie Cays Cebra Inc. Clive & Mary Chamberlain The Change Foundation Janet Charlton CIBC Asset Management Inc. Clairvest Group Inc. Andrew Clarke & Marianne Anderson Jim & Edna Claydon Richard Clewes Cobalt Pharmaceuticals Mitchell Stuart Cohen Dan Coholan & Sarah Mills Susan Collett CompuCom Charles E. Coupal Ryan & Laura Couvrette CP+B Canada Crawford Roofing Corporation Credit Suisse First Boston Securities Canada Inc. Julie A. Crothers Jack Curtin & Beth Nowers Dominic D’Alessandro The Dalglish Family Foundation John and Myrna Daniels Charitable Foundation Robin Das DataMirror Davies Howe Partners Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Davis + Henderson Jim V. and Lina De Gasperis Foundation C.A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd. The Delaney Family Foundation Robert & Catherine Deluce Shirley Diamond Frederick and Douglas Dickson Memorial Foundation Direct Energy Peggy Dowdall-Logie & Don Logie Sarah Downey Dr. Scholl Foundation John & Merrilyn Driscoll DTZ Barnicke Limited Rupert Duchesne & Holly Coll-Black Estate of Henry Beecher Durost Joe C. Dwek The E & S Foundation ecentricarts inc. Edgestone Capital Partners L.P. EDS Canada Ltd. Edwards Charitable Foundation Egon Zehnder International Inc. EIPROC Mario & Karen Elia Julie A. Epplett Epstein Cole LLP Jim & Jacquie Estey Extendicare Inc. Falconbridge Limited Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Goldie Feldman Fiduciary Management, Inc. First Asset Investment Management Inc. First National Financial Corporation Jock & Sue Fleming Michel Fortier Pamela C. Fralick Douglas Frame Blair Franklin Asset Management Inc. David & Judy Galloway Estate of Robert James Gannon Helen & Paul Gareau GBC Asset Management Prempharm/Genpharm Genworth Financial Canada John Gleeson The Globe and Mail GMP Securities L.P. Gerald & Naomi Goldenberg Ned Goodman Family Crawford Gordon Douglas Gourlay Karen & Craig Graham Carol & Brian Grant Gray Matters Inc. Green Shield Canada Brian H. Greenspan & Marla Berger Moira A. Gribbin Lini Grol GRX Healthcare Inc. Neil Guthrie John Hall The Hand Family Moe & Cindy Hanley Harbourfront Centre Harco Publishing Stephen & Marion Hart William & Jan Hatanaka S. Mary Hatch Heenan Blaikie Joe Heffernan Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation Barbara Henderson Trent & Lisa Henry The Herjavec Group Hershey Canada Inc. Anissa & Michael Hilborn HMV Canada Inc. Anne Hogle Richard & Donna Holbrook William Hollings The Home Depot Canada Homewood Health Centre Inc. George & Margot Horhota Michael G. Horrocks Alec & Janice Howard Marion Howard Lisa & Mike Hudson The K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation IAMGOLD Corporation Imaginus Canada Limited Imperial Capital Limited Intact Foundation International Financial Data Services (Canada) Limited Kenneth C. Irving Heather-Anne Irwin & Scott Russell Ithaca Energy Inc. Rosamond Ivey & John Macfarlane Jackman Foundation Jackman Reinvention Inc. Jaeger Canada Ltd. Raymond James Ltd. The Jarislowsky Foundation Diljit Juneja & Champa Nambiar Shitij Kapur & Sharmistha Law David Keddy Jay Kellerman Akwatu Khenti KIK Custom Products Andy Kim Kingsway Financial Services Inc. Kinross Gold Corporation Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions Kodak Employee Chest Labatt Breweries of Ontario Lafleche Roofing (1992) Limited M.S. Lamont & Associates Nancy L. Lang Spencer Lanthier & Diana Bennett Brian & Joannah Lawson The Lawson Foundation Leila & Gary Lax Lax O’Sullivan Scott Lisus LLP Michael Lay 21 LCBO Estate of Kenneth Crosby Legge May & Chris Li Roy Linden Lionhart (Canada) Ltd Jim & Kathy Lisson Litchfield Capital Advisors Betsy & Anthony Little Steve Lurie Tracey MacArthur Bruce & Barbara MacGowan Audrey M. MacPherson Magna International Inc. Beth Malcolm Craig Malloy Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Limited The Maritime Life Assurance Company Christopher & Deborah Martin in honour of Jacob (Jake) Martin Murray L. Martin Sandra A. Mason Donald Matthews The McCain Foundation McCarthy Tétrault Foundation McCarthy Tétrault LLP Peter & Judith McCawley Estate of Katharine Cowan McCordic John McCulloch McGregor Socks McKenna Gale Capital Inc. Robert McKinnon McKinsey & Company John McLaughlin & Katherine Arthur Robin McLuskie Michael McMullen The Shane McMullen Legacy Foundation Medcan Health Management Inc. Patrick & Michelle Meneley Mercer Management Consulting Limited Merck Frosst Canada & Co. Ann Mills Peter Marrone & Mary Montanari Jeremy Morgan Charity Golf Classic Morgan Stanley Canada Ltd. Susan Mullin & Cathy Mann Michael Murphy Mylan Pharmaceuticals ULC The National Post New Paradigm Newport Investment Counsel Inc. Nexfor Inc. Michael Joseph Nobrega Noranda Inc. Oasis Technology Ltd. P. & L. Odette Charitable Foundation Robert & Robin Ogilvie Kevin & Linda O’Leary OLG Adrienne Oliver Edward & Karen O’Neill Ontario Arts Council Ontario Hospital Association Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences — Medical Staff Association Open Text Corporation Organon Canada Ltd. Dan O’Shaughnessy & Kate Pal Gilles & Julia Ouellette Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP Maureen & Roger Parkinson Peak Products Manufacturing John R. Pepperell Pilkington-Henniger Charitable Trust Wendy Pitblado Shayna Pitch Pneus Southward Ltee Porter Airlines Inc. Vivienne & Neville Poy Anne Ramsay Alan & Louise Redway 22 RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada David & Kathy Richardson The Ripple Effect Wellness Organization Tom Robson & Ruth Robson William & Lesley Rogan Greg A. Rogers David M. Ross Nick & Lynn Ross Charitable Foundation Royal Bank Financial Group Employees’ Charity Trust Sack Goldblatt Mitchell Isaac & Blume Sakinofsky Rustom & Zarina Satchu Andrew & Sandra Schafer & Family Tony Scherman & Margaret Priest Robert & Mary Schultz Scotia Capital Inc. Shared Medical Systems Corp. Sherritt International Corporation Estate of Morris Shiff Garnet & Evan Siddall Thor Sigvaldason Ivan & Lynda Silver Sim & McBurney Jean Simpson Judy & Hume Smith Lori Smith & Angelina Vaz Stephen T. H. Sokolov Tom’s Place Lori Spadorcia Wayne & Maureen Squibb Rani & Rajiv Srivastava The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada Ronald & Susan Starkman Jan J. Stewart Kate Subak Denis E. Sykora William & Gail Szego Teachers Life Insurance Society (Fraternal) Estate of Gaetano Terzo Stephen Thom Heather M. Thomson Tides Canada Foundation Judith Tompkins Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club Toronto Community Foundation Jean Trimnell Trinity Development Group Inc. TrizecHahn Corporation Mark R. Trueman Turnaround Management Association —Toronto Chapter UBS Bank (Canada) UBS Global Asset Management (Canada) Co. Clay & Linda Ullrich United Casualty Agencies Ltd. Anne & Timothy Unwin Patricia Urquhart Franco & Cosmina Vaccarino Valeant Canada Venture Communications Gary Vernon Viking Capital Corp. Visteon Canada Peter Voore Waddington Family Fund at the Toronto Community Foundation Walkaway Canada Incorporated West Face Capital Inc. Sara-Jane White William P. Wilder Mary Anne Wiley William and Robin Family Foundation George A. Wilson Winograd Capital Inc. Wintergreen Energy Corporation Rob & Nancy Wright The Wynford Group Inc. Joan York York University Development Corporation L. Trevor Young John & Annette Younger Steven A. Zakem & M. Anne Crisell Ron & Gail Zuker Karen & Richard Zurawski Anonymous (11) In Memory/ In Honour Michael Wilson Society We are grateful to our donors whose 2013/14 gifts honour or are in memory of the following individuals or organizations. CAMH deeply appreciates the commitment of those who have stepped forward as champions for mental health. With a minimum investment of $10,000, these inaugural members joined prior to May 2014. AGF Management Limited Robert M. Barbara Timothy Bates Kim Bellissimo Arnie & Penny Cader Family Celestica Inc. Jim & Edna Claydon Ryan & Laura Couvrette Julie A. Crothers Dominic D’Alessandro Ian W. Delaney & Catherine A. (Kiki) Delaney Robert & Catherine Deluce Andy & Suzanne Dickison Bryce & Nicki Douglas Sarah Downey Robert C. Dowsett The John C. and Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation Jim & Jacquie Estey Jean Fraser & Tom Rahilly John Gleeson David Goldbloom & Nancy Epstein Crawford Gordon Douglas & Ruth Grant Brian H. Greenspan & Marla Berger Jackman Foundation Spencer Lanthier & Diana Bennett Betsy & Anthony Little Robert & Patricia Lord Tracey MacArthur Christopher & Deborah Martin Liza Mauer & Andrew Sheiner Peter McCarter & Angie Hamilton Gerald McCaughey Kelly & Michael Meighen The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney Benoit & Sharon Mulsant The Peter Munk Charitable Foundation Gordon & Janet Nixon Adrienne Oliver Dan O’Shaughnessy & Kate Pal David & Shelley Peterson Bruce G. Pollock & Judith I. Arluk Guy & Mary Pratte John Sartz & Mallory Morris-Sartz Ivan & Lynda Silver Lori Smith & Angelina Vaz Lori Spadorcia Wayne & Maureen Squibb Heather Thomson Diana Tremain Benita Warmbold George A. Wilson Greg Woynarski Joe & Betsy Wright The Younger Family Steven A. Zakem & M. Anne Crisell Anonymous (1) Gaby Abraham Lenore Loftin Adamson Judy Adler John & Avelino Aguiar Peter Thomas Alexander Harry Alexandroff Rosa Ali Joan Carol Alspector Dee Amaral Jamie, Patsy, Jocelyn and Susan Anderson Jim Anderson Raymond Anderson Elijah Blu Andreason David Andrews Silvio Andrighetti Susan Anten Alanna Antrobus Carolyn Armstrong Tina Armstrong Melody Arnold Associations First Ltd. Leon Atteslander Jenny Au-Yeung Walter Valentine Ball John Ballentyne Benny & Victoria Bareffo Lindley Bassarath Brett Baumback Christopher Bayard Audrey Beattie James Beckley Paul Beeston Jeff Bell Michael Scott Belrose Justin Bender Mr. Benjamin Ron Benkendorf Tanner Bennett Sara Bergen Tony Berkers Ira & Harriet Bernstein John Bickell Catherine Biggs Michael Birley Valerie Black Doug Blackman Joseph Blazic Trevor Bolgan Joni Boon Caley Borden & Matthew McMullen Gibson Boyd Jean Lauretta Boyd Jo-Anne Boyes Graham Liberato Francis Bozzelli Robert Bradbury Gordon Bradley Robert Brady Joseph Robert Brawley Tyler McKenzie Brenneman Edward Bric Jim Brigger T. Connell Broden Dora Bromstein Zavie Brown Margaret Browne Carmine Daniel Bruno Daniel & Jill Buchman/Satin John Bullard Terry Burke T. Daniel Burns Ashley Butcher CAMH Cabinet Members' Assistants Arnie & Penny Cader Sandi Campbell Sarah Campbell Nicolò Carlino Catherine Carmichael Chuck Carrie Daphne Caruso Matthew Cassell Shawn Cavanagh Dr. & Mrs. Clive Chamberlain Linda Chamberlain G. Raymond Chang Enza Checchia Bill Chernin Paul Chivers-Herteis Nickolas Paul Chopty Virginia Cirocco Ryan James Clayton Nancy Cleary Tina Clement Dianna Cochrane Vincenzo Colarossi April A. Collins Kenneth Colson Alison Comrie Theresa Conforti Michael John Conrad Adam Cope Helen Rosemary Corbeau Melissa Corcoran Vito Cortese Ronald Reeve Crawford Michael Cull Michael Culotta Michael Currie Carlos DaEstrela Shannon Dalziel Jordi Danobeitia Mark Wayne Dasilva Anastasios Daskalakis Ziva Davis Brenda Day Alfredo De Gasperis Daniella De Stefanis Doreen Delany Albina Delle Fave Rachelle Denny & Jesse Hair Charles J. Deschamps Edith Devita Jack Di Carlo Patricia Di Marco Galen Anderson Dickie Owen Dickman Charlie Dipietro Lori Dixon Gerald George Dobbs Kathy A. Doherty Joanne Dolhanty Donald Owen Doritty Helen Douglas David Dunham David Dunlap & Pamela Brickenden Noemi Durante Michael Dyck Michael David Edwards Elevated Grounds Eva Erlich Barbara Farkas Jimmy Farnworth Randy Fata Allen Feldman Geoffrey & Martha Fell Allan Ferguson John Matthew Ferguson Matthew Ferguson Victoria Ferguson Helen Fillion Brian Foote Dave Foster Jo Foster Josephine Foster Mary Josephine Foster Charles H. Francis Kareem Francis Fedor Frastacky Hank Frazer Murray B. Frum Robyn Gale Nancy Gallacher Rohan Ganguli Paul Garfinkel Rosie Gawron Jean Gazey Tony P. George Harry Giddens Rochelle Gitlin MJ Giudron Erin Gladwell Jordana Glassman Julie Globus Robert and Riley Glover Samara Goldberg David S. Goldbloom Hilary Goldenberg Ronald & Hilary Goldenberg Gabriella Golea Grainne Goodwin Muriel Gorsky Alicia Goulter Allen Gour Kathleen Grace Jerry Grafstein David Michael Gray Erica Suzanne Gray John Walter Gray Marty Anne Green Richard & Vicki Green Duquesa Nazaren Greer Darrell Louise Gregersen Tamara Robbins Griffith and Edward Griffith Lisa Guirguis Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Gunn Neena Gupta Rajendra Prasad Hajela Marc Hall Margaret Halpenny John Hammond Adam Ryuichi Harada Steve Harju Janice Harris Marion Hart Thomas Hawkins Daniel Hayhurst Brenda Heathley Rodney Heffernan Melanie Heilbronn Hideyuki Henderson Joanna Henderson Devyn Lilah Henechowicz Vera Herczeg Jacqueline Yvonne Hick Pearl Hierlihy-Parker Jennifer Hill Jennifer Hinder Marni Hinton-Dry Michelle Hodgson Andy Holliday Kevin Ross “Cody” Holmes Andrew Charles Hood-Morris Barbara & Lee Horigan Davida Horsley John Howard Society Fund John Hudson Jonathan Huebsch George Huff & Margi Moores Colin John Kenneth Hull Catherine A. Hyde Violet Ingoldsby Nabil Abi Jaoude Alexia Jaouich Itha Jayasinghe William Jeakins Irene Joch Wing Joe Melanie Anne Joensuu-Fisk Janet & John Tyler Johnson Tuesday Johnson-MacDonald Therese Joyce Rebecca Kahn Stephen Paul Kandel Allan S. Kaplan Angelo Karras Agnes Kassa Kathy Keanie Margaret Elizabeth Keates Hugh M. Kelly Brandon Kennedy Colleen Kenny Teresa Kent Charles Kenwright Ruth Kerbel Noah Kishinevsky Oliver Konopacki Denise Koulis Brian Kozluk Matija Krizan Robert Kubiak Moonsuk Kwak Jack Kwinter Ryan L’Abbe Peter Lam Denise Lamure Darien Landreth John Lanktree Betty Lanz Vera Lanzara Joyce Lau Sandra Joan Lazaruk Linda Lazier Long Le Darin Dona LeBanc Leo Lederer Chris and Peter Leedham David Russell Glen Leeper Mel & Helen Leiderman Mark LeMessurier Andrew Lendway Colleen Lennon Millie Leung Lily Levstein Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Lewin Ryan Lewin James Harold Lewis Gabor Hercezg and Susan Liebel Ellen Lobu Ana P. Lopes Louise Love (nee Tavares) Patti Lovett-Reid Megan Lowe Susan Lumley Allison MacDuffee Robert Alan MacPherson Chris Maduri James Magee Sheila L. Malloch Sarah Malofsky Ivan Malogorski Donna Manning Christopher Dominic Martin Dorothy May Martin Yetta & Harold Martin Jennifer Frances Martin Roger L. Martin Anthony Mazzulli Michael H. McCain Joseph McCarthy Danny McColman Ian McCrindle Sharon McFarlance Dianne McGibbon Bernice McLean Sandi McLellan Jim McNamee Kelly & Michael Meighen Art Melack Barbara Esther Jordana Meltz Roy Melvin John Miller Larry Milligan Marilyn Milligan Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Millson Graeme Kenneth Moffat Scott Mogg Chloe Mondrow Karen Joy Monk Joshua Morden Dennis Morency Tim & Jill Morrison Marcia Moshe Ken Mossman Burke Mudge Rina Muir Cecil John Murphy CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Brian Murray Lois Murray Matthew (Matt) Thomas Murray Shaleem Nada Candace Necyk James Shannon Nelligan Heather Nelson David Dean Newman Kim Thi Nguyen Patrick Novelli Ken Oberle Con & Catherine O’Connell Sharon & Mary O’Connell John Olinoski Alex Oliver Sydney Morgan Osmond Devon Alexander Parker Jennifer Parnell (Dickinson) Claire Parrot Valentino Pascucci Alec Pathy Christopher Peloso Alison Peters Mitchell Pham Phelan Phelan Kenneth Picov Shelagh Pigeon Susan Pigott Steven Pollard Lisa Pont Debbie Ponts Brian J. Porter Martin Porter Debbie Pottens Tomas Pranaitis Brent Prawak Valerie Pringle Nigel Prust Ian Pryce Domenica Puopolo Rodolfo Ranalli Peter Andrew Scott Rattee Brandon Allison Read Nancy E. Redner Loren Regier Rowena Reimer Brenda Restoule Danette Restoule Ruby Reynolds Joan Riches Marc Ricketts Matthew J. Robak Roberta Robb Lois Roberts Tammy Robertson Chani Rootman & Family Annette Ross Tzvi Ross Linda Roth John Row Brendon Rowe William Rumfeldt Linda Rumi Angela Kelly Russell Marion Russell Sean Russell Scott C. Rutherford Danny Ryan Tania M. Saccoccio Harpreet Saini Anthony Felix Salwa Lynn Sampson Theresa Ann San Martin Kettrick Ravina Sanghera-Grewal Donna Marie Santagato Kai Saxell Greg Scala Cary Schneider Martin Scowcroft Susan Scowcroft Zindel Segal Barbara Mary Seitz Charles Serrao Jeremiah Shand Anuja Sharma Robert Sharwood Marisa Sheff Bronwyn Shepherd Nancy Shui Ha Shim Ivan Silver Marcy Silverberg Bill Simmons Browen Sims (A Peer Support Employee of Spectrum and Central Link Group) Christopher Skelly Kitt Skelly Agnes Skorochod Gary & Donna Slaight Morris Smilsky David Gregory Smith Debbie Smith Sharon Snitman Antonio Solano Eva Solmon Herbert H. Solway Stephen Sorolov Mary Beatrice Sparrer Michael Spensieri Randolph Spurrell Marcia Steele James Byron Stephens Athena L. Stevens Kirstine Stewart Nicholas Stewart Robert B. Stewart Boris Strasberg Lorraine Strashin Catherine Stringer Howard Strolight Augustine Suen Jack Svetco Linda & Jay Swartz Thomas Sydney Claire Tabak Lidia Tacconelli Halcyon Tan Jon Tan Josh Tan Joyce Tan Donald H. Tapscott The Tarczy Family Wendy Sue Taylor Cheri Temple Gayle Tester Jesse Thomas Heather Thompson Diane Throop Catherine Tierney Anne Tillmann Agnes Todd James Marshall Tory Diana Toy-Hewitt Sandi Treliving Daryl Tremain Edward W.H. Tremain Patricia Tremain Rob Tromp Alex Tughan Shane Leonard Daniel Tune David Turcke Nephew of Thomas and Barbara Tweedie Irene Patricia Ufer Your beloved Uncle Mike The Vallabh Family David Van Hout Selma Vaz Colleen Venema Monica Vermani Annette M. Verschuren Pietro Vettese Alan Paul D. Villanueva Robert Hamilton Vollum Theresa Wackerman Robert Wainwright Marlene Walsh Brian Wastle Robert John McGregor Webster Sheila Weinberg Carol Weiner Douglas Westlake Louis White Rachel and Zvi White/Gilbert Matthew Whittingham Katharine Williams Stephen Williams David Wilson Michael Holcombe Wilson Shelagh & David Wilson William R. Winston Emma Rose Winter Paul Erren Grey Wolf Nick Wong Joe Wright Vernon M. Yager Kaan Yigit Emma Your Granddaughter Catherine Zahn Sister Louise Zarnett Eugene Zbuda Rachel Zoutman Chris Zuliani Anonymous (1) Third-Party & Community Events A special thank you to all hosts and organizers of third-party and community events. Broken, But Not Destroyed Event Eddy Bric Golf Tournament CORE Fundraiser Chi Sigma Xi Sorority Garage and Bake Sale Clara’s Big Ride City of Toronto ‘Casual Month’ Sandy Casella Cruz Dinner Dialog Charity Golf Classic Dr. John Dental Halloween Candy Buy-Back David Ferretti Memorial Charity Golf Tournament Fraternal Order of Eagles Danielle Guzik Goodlife Marathon Hand in Hand Event Hats On For Awareness Incarnation’s Youth Group Bake-a-Thon Michael Lee’s Class Mississauga Marathon Alyssa Murphie Bake Sale Crown Jewels Pop with Brains Put Up your Dukes Questrade Staff Fundraiser RBC Quotes for Hope Rue Pigalle’s “Shop for the Cause” RBC Wealth Management— Office Fundraiser Salon Fortelli Fundraising Dinner Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Sentience Shoppers Drug Mart “Tree of Life” Shorinji Kempo Kickathon Toronto Branch Si Vous Play Sports Fundraiser Spread Love....Like Butter St. Joseph’s College Drama Club Stretch the Soul Tarragon Theatre —The Valley Tremco Golf Tournament Universal Music Canada Staff Holiday Party Walk for Mental Health WestCoast Swing Dance Tournament West Village Residents and Sandy Casella Cruz, Remax Garage Sale Woburn Collegiate Fundraiser 23 Inspiring hope With the opening of the Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute in 2012— thanks to a landmark $30 million gift from the Campbell Family—CAMH is making enormous strides in personalized medicine, early intervention and brain stimulation to help prevent debilitating illness in people with depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Now we’re taking on Alzheimer’s disease. In 2014, CAMH was awarded Canada’s largest ever grant to test new methods in Alzheimer’s disease prevention. Dr. Fang Liu “You can always gauge the promise of a place by the quality of the early career faculty. At CAMH there is a cohort of unusually gifted scientists who will do important research in the coming years. I’d say the next decade will be an exciting time at CAMH.” —Dr. Thomas R. Insel, Director, U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, keynote speaker, Campbell Symposium, November 2013. 24 Imagine if we were able to demonstrate a tangible approach to preventing Alzheimer’s disease? CAMH Physician-in-Chief and geriatric psychiatrist Dr. Benoit Mulsant— and co-investigators Drs. Bruce Pollock and Tarek Rajji— have earned a $10-million award from Brain Canada and the Chagnon Family to conduct a randomized controlled trial of pioneering brain stimulation and cognitive remediation techniques. Their study will involve 375 Toronto seniors with mild cognitive impairment or major depression, seniors who are also at high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Patients will be tracked for two to five years, and researchers will examine the effect of the intervention on improving cognition and preventing cognitive decline and dementia. “This study — including patients from Baycrest, St. Michael’s Hospital, Sunnybrook and UHN as well as CAMH— is a powerful example of the kind of integrated and collaborative approach we need to make a difference for seniors everywhere,” said Dr. Mulsant. Also working on prevention strategies is Dr. Romina Mizrahi. Supported by the Meighen Family Directorate for Ultra High-Risk Youth, Dr. Mizrahi uses innovative brain imaging techniques to understand what is happening in the brains of young people at highest risk for schizophrenia. The end goal is prevention. Prevention is a theme for senior CAMH scientist Dr. Robert Levitan, who is working toward better treatments for those with depression and depression alongside obesity, conditions that often devastate families. Ultimately, his work aims to prevent the onset of illness and break the cycle in which conditions can be passed down through generations. “That will be our breakthrough,” Dr. Levitan says. Through innovative thinking and more than a decade of hard work, Campbell scientist Dr. Fang Liu, Head of Molecular Neuroscience at CAMH, has developed a novel antidepressant that can be delivered as a nasal spray directly to the brain. This novel approach offers fastacting benefits with no side-effects. The breakthroughs our families and communities deserve are truly within reach, and I am inspired every single day by how much these breakthroughs will mean to them. Darrell Louise Gregersen | President & CEO, CAMH Foundation We will continue to inspire hope through discovery at the Campbell Research Institute. CAMH FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Annual report design: Mural by Jesse Harris Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation 100 Stokes Street, 5th Floor, Bell Gateway Building Toronto, ON Canada M6J 1H4 Charitable Registration No. 10693 2320 RR0001
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