highlight of the month


highlight of the month
Volume 3, Issue 1 January 2016
big, small or random. Do you know why people call it a “bucket list”? “To kick the bucket”
is an English Idiom or slang which means
dying. Well, I guess instead of calling it “dying
Dear Scholars,
list” which may sound a bit demotivating,
Goodbye 2015 and wel- people prefer to use the word bucket list.
come 2016!! I guess it’s
I started having EYMIE’s BUCKET LIST (wrote
not too late to wish evethis in my Dear Diary) when I was in univerryone a Happy New
sity. The items in my bucket list kept changYear!
ing as I grew older and richer. As I LOVE
I used to look forward to travelling my list is full with places that I
1st January for the New Year Celebration want to visit. During my university days, I
(during my younger days of course!). Also the will have this big world map on my apartfact that it’s a new starting point to do some- ment wall with the “red thumb tacks” pinned
thing new, to re-energise yourself to meet to the map marking places that I have been.
that target that you have been aiming since Well, during those time we don’t have Facegazillion years back. It is also a time to reflect book to check-in whenever you go travel –
on the things you have or have not done in not like now.
From the Editor’s Desk
the previous year.
I don’t usually have a new year’s resolution –
but I have a long bucket list encompassing
things that I want to do, places that I want to
visit, and so much more!
It’s a great satisfaction being able to crossed
out items in the bucket list and adding on
other things as time goes by. Having those
target or dreams actually encouraged me to
work hard especially when I start working.
Since I know that at the end of a long hard
day I’m able to cash out and reward myself
with a dream holiday or splurge on things
that I have set my eyes on since day 1.
the other. It will be influence by the things
that you like to do and targets you want to
achieve in life. You might have a dream home
or a dream wedding in your bucket list! The
whole point of creating your list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live
our life to the fullest. If you don’t have a
bucket list, I highly recommend you to create
one. If you already have your list, take this
opportunity to review it. See if there are new
items you want to add-on. If so, add them in.
Check if all the items listed are still relevant.
If not, remove them.
So, good luck with your bucket list. Its never
too late to start one. And remember, LIVE LIFE
TO THE FULLEST! We only live once….. :)
If you haven’t heard about the term “bucket
list”, it is a list of all the goals you want to
achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life
experiences you desire to experience before
you die. It’s a forum to set anything and eve- I’m sure all of you have your own bucket list
rything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s as well and it varies between one person to
In This Issue
Scholar’s Studio
 Dania Irdina
 Nur Nabilah
 Mandalyn Tan
Activities & Happenings
YKPSP Corner
Bucket List:
Complete &
Don’t Just Wish. Do!
By Dania Irdina Azidi
Year 11,
Marlborough College Malaysia
Start dreaming and planning.
Then do.
New year, new me.
Hah, as if. I assure you, I’m still the same at 12:01 that I was at 11:59.
I’m not a keen person when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Some
common ones, which I’m sure everyone will recognise, are to lose
weight, spend less, exercise more, go to bed earlier and fall in love,
among others. However, the problem is right there right in front of
Process of Creativity—To Know or Ignore?
It’s a New Year’s resolution. People do it for a week or two and think
it’s going great, it’s getting easier and they’re doing such a good job…
until you slump for a day and everything goes down the drain. Many
break their resolutions by mid-January, and if you’re lucky, hopefully
by early February.
Ask any plain Jane or Jack about process of
creation and chances would be that they
perceive it as the process of getting the idea. Or some might start
chanting the charming old story of ‘Eureka’ by Archimedes. Indeed, it is a part of the idea, yet the process of creation spans beyond that and involves multifarious stages and tonnes of effort.
I’m not being a defeatist here. Goals are exceptional, but they should
not just be for the start of the year. Instead, set goals for everyday and
opt for a bucket list.
Looking up the definition of said ‘bucket list’, I honestly find it a little
depressing that they call it ‘the things you should do before you expire’. I like to think of it as ‘the things you would want to do during
your lifetime’. And for the sake of this article, I’ll just tell stick to the
theme we have: my 2016 bucket list.
A personal goal on my 2016 bucket list is to read 70 books this year.
No doubt that I will binge-read after exam week. Wish me luck.
In terms of behaviour, a habit that I am deeply guilty about is procrastination. This happens to everyone, no doubt. I have a tendency to
delay my tasks by five minutes, which carries on to ten minutes,
many more minutes and hours and days. Or I decide that I want to do
some other ‘productive’ thing, like finishing just one more chapter of
a good book before I do that homework. And… I end up questioning
my sanity when I realise it’s already 1 o’clock in the morning after
reading an entire paperback.
Adding to my list is to be more efficient. My new mantra this year
would be to ‘suck it up, buckle down, get it done’.
This year in May and June, I’ll be sitting my external examinations
and I obviously want to do the best I can and not say that I could have
done way better.
All in all, I’m sure everyone has his or her own dreams and purposes
in life, whether it’s to do with school, work or just for yourself. Having a bucket list is no less different. A lot of things happen to everyone all the time and you can’t always change the inevitable.
However, I always believe one thing: if you want a different result,
make a different choice. Years from now, you’ll be more disappointed
by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do.
By Nur Nabila Nasharuddin
International Medical University Malaysia
Five stages pertaining to the process of creation – preparation,
incubation, illumination, evaluation and elaboration – portray the
beauty and complexity of mankind’s greatest gift which is the
brain. Preparation process, for instance, manifests the brain’s ability to absorb the surrounding information and store it in the subconscious mind – ready to enter the second stage. During incubation, the brain will reason and justify new information received
during preparation process, demanding high analytical skill to
ensure whether the creative process is ‘creative’ enough or not.
Next, the illumination process will develop, and often this moment
take place in the weirdest place – parks, cinemas or even bathroom, like what happened to the great scholar Archimedes! This is
because when the brain is not too focused on something, it allows
the analysis during incubation period to resurface, providing an
enthralling idea to solve any predicament that is faced before. The
next process, evaluation is an arduous task where self criticism and
reflection are unequivocally significant to come out with the best
idea and finally, being implemented and carried out in the elaboration process.
The creative process, it sounds insanely complicated to comprehend, but we are executing it daily without realizing the wondrous
ability of our mind and brain. However, the process of creation,
despite all the hard work the brain and nerves put into it, would be
cluttered away meaninglessly without a proper execution.
“Success… “, as quoted by Edison, “ …is 1% inspiration and 99%
perspiration”, and this particularly highlight the importance of
completing any job or task not only at the surface, but delve into
the deepest bottom of it. At the end of the day, reflection ought to
be done to recognize any flaws in the idea and implementation to
guarantee the best repercussions in the upcoming task. Reflection
would also fortify the impact of the idea as more conclusions and
synthesis would be derived.
Continue to next page >>
To sum up, people now know the avenues or methods to perform bet- before. To learn or to ignore, one
ter in life, be it a common daily task or a head cracking algebraic should know better in making any
problem. This has afforded the society to create and invent better ide- decision in life.
as and products that resulted in better lifestyle. Yet, more discoveries
will be unveiled and it is up to us to choose to be better, hit a plateau
and remain the same or even worse, plummet to a lower point than
Create, Complete & Reflect
By Mandalyn Tan
“Eureka!” moment comes when you least expect it to. In my opinion,
creation occurs throughout this spectrum of possibilities; however, the
defining element is resilience to accomplish the task at hand.
Completing a task encompasses more than a label: it requires a level
of meticulousness and conscientiousness to truly perfect the art. Important examples to this are the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and
the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: both of which occurred due to inWe are all artists: gifted with the unique abil- completion of the most important element of creating: reflection.
ity to conceive ideas and to create well beyond the realms of human thought and imag- Reflection is what makes innovation possible. The most arduous task
ination, through words, images or our own bodies.
of the three, sometimes means having to go back to the drawing board
and start from scratch. How else did we transcend from the DynaTAC
The artist fears most the day when he stops creating.
to the smartphones that have become so common that we take for
granted today? Reflection is where most of the learning takes place;
Thoughts would have stayed merely as thoughts if it weren’t for the
and more often that not, it signifies the advent of a whole new journey
human nature of inquisitiveness and curiosity. It was mankind, who
of creation.
looked across the oceans and dreamt of excavating treasures beyond
their own land; it was mankind, who looked up to the sky and be- How will we create, complete and reflect?
lieved in exploration beyond. Some may argue that the art of creating
is a product of human laziness, while others contend that the
The very beginning of January witnessed the official transition of Yayasan Khazanah from its KLCC office to the new building at Level 27,
Mercu UEM. Therefore, from January 2016 onwards, all the business and corporate operations under the name of Yayasan Khazanah will
take place at the Mercu UEM office. The transition was initiated to better serve the purpose of Yayasan Khazanah that acts as value distribution agent for the nation’s growth. The new office is occupied by Yayasan Khazanah as well other entity such as Yayasan Hasanah and Think
City Sdn Bhd.
Some photos captured during the Khazanah Asia—Bangladesh Assessment 2016, which was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from
24th—30th January 2016. We would like to thank our Partner, Yunus Centre for their hospitality throughout the selection process. See you next year!
Onboarding session with our “Early Harvest” scholars. Wel-
Briefing by Axiom Learning to our scholars at KYUEM.
come to YK family!!
Visit by Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Deputy Chairman of Khazanah Nasional Berhad to our new office.
Saif Kenji Umemoto
Md Ruhul Quddus Rabbi
January Babies
Shahriar Mohsin Shohan
Nasri Hayima
Mosiur Rahman
Muhammad Farhan Bin Abdul Rahman
Nur Azhani Binti Lamry
Abul Munzeer Bin Mohamad Isa
Muhammad Qadri Hanafi Bin Ahmad
Theodorus Dwi Prasetyo Aji
Nicolette Monique Cross
Muhammad Darwiis Bin Mahadzir
Nor Adam Bin Adri Juhann
Muhammad Shahmy Hadi bin Hilmy
Nur Auni Khadijah
Kiew Khai Cheng
Nurul Iman Mohd Zaman
Nur Amirah Asfa Binti Adanan
Cross-Out Your Bucket List with Us!
YKPSP Challenges You
Bucket lists are usually framed in terms of personal interest evolving around adventures: climbing Mt.
Everest, Base Jumping from Burj Khalifa, wandering the galleries of Angkor Wat, and so forth.
But what if you came up with a 2016 Self-Discovery Bucket List, describing acts of self potentials which
you absolutely must try at least once? What would that be?
YKPSP SDL Resources
 READ This
The Moral Bucket List
 WATCH These
6 steps to crossing anything off your
Throughout our programmes, scholars went through an experience of a lifetime. Have you ever thought
that you would be in the middle of the sea without knowing how to swim in the first place? Have you ever
imagine yourself going to a house and cleaning up ‘cat litters’? Have you ever had a dream of changing
someone else’s life in a day? Have you ever thought that you could craft and deliver a speech within
Challenge yourself and put them on your 2016 Bucket List. And we’ll see how many you can cross out
during our YKPSP this year!
bucket list
The Moral Bucket List
YKPSP Announcement
 Attention to ALL Scholars
We have a NEW Email Address:
Upcoming YKPSP
 YKPSP Winning in The Job Market
(WiJM) May 2016
 YKPSP for UG: Series 2*NEW Date
(May 2016)
We are sending out invitations. Do
lookout for it in your inbox this week!