C-Bus Connectivity Kit Quick Guide


C-Bus Connectivity Kit Quick Guide
C-Bus Connectivity Kit
by Neopsis GmbH
C-Bus Connectivity Kit
by Neopsis GmbH
Version 1.0.0
Trademark Acknowledgement
Windows® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation
EXCEL® 5000 OPEN system is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
ExcelTM 10, 50 and 500 are trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.
Tridium, JACE, Niagara Framework, NiagaraAX are registered trademarks, and Workbench,
WorkPlaceAX, and AX Supervisor, are trademarks of Tridium Inc.
OPC is a registered trademark of the OPC Foundation
All other product names and services mentioned in this publication that is known to be trademarks,
registered trademarks, or service marks are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................ v
Changelog ........................................................................................................... v
1. Overview ................................................................................................................. 6
Intelligent External Converter ................................................................................. 6
Niagara Driver ..................................................................................................... 6
Architecture ......................................................................................................... 7
2. Intelligent External Converter - IEC ............................................................................. 9
Preparing the IEC Unit .......................................................................................... 9
Mounting and Wiring ........................................................................................... 10
DIN rail mounted device .............................................................................. 10
Embedded Option Card ................................................................................ 11
Setting the IEC IP Address and Port ....................................................................... 11
3. Driver Quick Start ................................................................................................... 13
Set up Network ................................................................................................... 13
Configure XL5000 controllers ............................................................................... 14
Configure C-Bus Data Points ................................................................................ 15
Manually Add New Data Point ...................................................................... 15
Add Data Points Using CSV File ................................................................... 15
Point Autodiscovery .................................................................................... 17
4. Advanced Tasks ...................................................................................................... 19
Alarm Integration ................................................................................................ 19
Alarm Log ................................................................................................. 19
Point Alarms .............................................................................................. 19
Time Programs ................................................................................................... 20
Configuration .............................................................................................. 20
Time Program Manager ................................................................................ 21
Point Attributes ................................................................................................... 23
Attribute Editor ........................................................................................... 23
Attribute Point Extension .............................................................................. 23
List of Figures
Hardware Architecture ............................................................................................. 7
Concept ................................................................................................................. 8
Ethernet Module Installation ..................................................................................... 9
Ethernet Module Settings ........................................................................................ 10
IEC wiring ........................................................................................................... 10
Option card wiring ................................................................................................ 11
Setting IEC IP Address .......................................................................................... 11
Setting IEC IP Port ............................................................................................... 12
CARE Report Generator ......................................................................................... 16
Daily Schedule View ............................................................................................. 21
Time Program Manager Installation .......................................................................... 22
Time Program Manager View ................................................................................. 22
List of Tables
3.1. Point Type Mapping .............................................................................................. 16
Updates (changes/additions) to this document are listed below.
• Update: 1.12.2010
Update driver version 4.x, embedded option card
• Draft: 10.12.2009
Added section about the IEC mounting and wiring
• Release: 10.3.2009
Version 1.0.0
• Draft: 10.8.2008
English version
• Draft: 25.7.2008
(Initial change log) First document draft (German)
Chapter 1. Overview
The C-Bus Connectivity Kit is the solution for all Tridium partners looking to integrate the Honeywell
Excel controllers with other standard building automation protocols. The Excel IRC can be made
available via the Excel 5000 controllers (e.g. XL500, XL100 and XL80) by generating remote points
in these controllers. The Niagara driver links to the C-Bus via the Intelligent External Converter (IEC).
This converter is a microprocessor based device used for the physical connection to the C-Bus. There
are serial and TCP/IP versions of the IEC. Both are supported by the driver.
Intelligent External Converter
The Intelligent External Converter (IEC) device handles all C-Bus events and provides a change
notification service for the Niagara driver. The change of state notification guarantees very short
response times. IEC can connect with up to 29 Excel controllers with max. 3’000 data points. The IEC
communicates with the Niagara station either over a serial line or a TCP/IP connection. The IEC is
manufactured by the Czech company KZK Ltd. (www.softyon.com). In addition to the Niagara driver
they offer an OPC server. The OPC server is not a subject of this guide.
The IEC is available as a DIN rail mounted box or as Jace option card. Both converters have same
functionality and use same Niagara driver.
Niagara Driver
The driver runs on all Tridium stations such as Jace or Supervisor and perfectly integrates into the
Niagara Workbench. Seamless integration into the framework, device and point discovery, alarm
integration and time program maintenance lower the engineering costs, minimize the learning curve
and provide an efficient way to integrate the C-Bus with other protocols supported by Niagara.
• In combination with the IEC the driver can control up to 29 Excel 5000 controllers
• The driver communicates with the IEC using either a serial port (RS-232, RS-485) or TCP/IP
• The driver can read and write the following C-Bus point types:
Digital Input, Digital Output
Analog Input, Analog Output
Pseudo Digital (Virtual) and Pseudo Analog (Virtual)
Totalizer (Slow & Fast)
Pulse, Multistate
• The driver supports reading and writing of the extended attributes mode, inAlarm,
HighLimit1, HighLimit2, LowLimit1, LowLimit2, AlarmDelay, SensorOffset, AccumulatedRuntime,
ServiceInterval, TimeSinceServiced, SuppressAlarm, PointEnabled, RuntimeEnable, ActiveState,
AlarmType, AlarmStatus, TrendHysteresis and AlarmHysteresis
• The driver supports editing of daily, weekly and yearly (daily exceptions) time programs
• The driver supports writing C-Bus alarms into the Niagara history table
• The driver supports device and point autodiscovery, import of engineering units and point
The hardware architecture is shown in Figure 1.1, “Hardware Architecture”. The Niagara driver does
not communicate directly with the C-Bus, it uses a piece of hardware called Intelligent External
Converter (IEC). This converter acts on the C-Bus as a standard XL5000 controller, has its unique
name and unique address. The converter maintains its own database of all C-Bus data points monitored
by the driver and maintains a cache for data and commands. One IEC can connect with up to 29
XL5000 controllers (IEC itself needs one C-Bus address) and can control up to 3000 data points. You
can connect multiple IEC's to one C-Bus where each IEC maintains unique set of data points. The real
maximal installation size depends on the Niagara station resources and application characteristics.
Figure 1.1. Hardware Architecture
The communication between the Jace and the IEC is implemented either over a serial line or a TCP/
IP network. The communication protocol is proprietary. The driver interprets this protocol and maps
the IEC data structures and events into Niagara objects.
Figure 1.2, “Concept” shows the basic concept of the driver.
Figure 1.2. Concept
Starting with driver version 4.0, the driver takes advantage of Niagara subscribe/unsubscribe
mechanism. If any data point is subscribed in the Niagara driver, the point in XL5000 controller is set
into the refresh mode and starts to report values by exception - [1]. Normally only value changes (CoV
- change of value) are sent to the IEC - [2a]. The IEC manages the bus communication and caches the
changes. The key component of the driver - the IEC Monitor - polls the IEC for changes with high
frequency, typically 1-2 seconds [2b] and imports the changes into the Niagara framework. When the
data point is unsubscribed in the Niagara driver, the point in the XL5000 controller is removed from
refresh mode and stops to report by exception.
If you are runing the IEC and a Honeywell station (XBS, EBI, SymmetrE) on one C-Bus
in paralell, you probably can not configure the IEC to use CoV mode. When removing the
point from the CoV mode the driver has no chance to check if any other station on the bus
still expects the point is reporting it's changes by exception. Point unsubscribe action in the
Niagara driver can cause stale data in the Honeywell station!
If for any reason the CoV mode is not possible or acceptable, the driver can use Niagara polling
mechanism to communicate with Excel controllers. Even the mixed mode is supported, where a part
of data points runs in polling mode and another part reports values by exception. This allows fine
tuning of the C-Bus.
Chapter 2. Intelligent External
Converter - IEC
Preparing the IEC Unit
Normally the IEC unit is pre-configured according to the customer order. If you upgrade from the serial
to the Ethernet version or if you have the Ethernet version of the IEC and you plan to use the serial
communication between the Jace and the IEC, you need to read the following instruction carefully.
Otherwise you can skip this section.
Only one type of the communication can be activated on the IEC. To switch between Ethernet
and serial communication, the Ethernet module on the IEC mainboard (Lantronix Cobox) must be
physically installed/uninstalled. Figure 2.1, “Ethernet Module Installation” shows the installation of
the Ethernet module (Lantronix Cobox).
Figure 2.1. Ethernet Module Installation
Please pay attention to the DIP switch settings when installing/uninstalling the Ethernet module, see
Figure 2.2, “Ethernet Module Settings” for details.
Intelligent External Converter - IEC
Figure 2.2. Ethernet Module Settings
Mounting and Wiring
DIN rail mounted device
Connect the C-Bus and the Jace as shown in Figure 2.3, “IEC wiring”. If you are using the serial
line for the communication between the Jace and the IEC, you can use either RS-232 or RS-485. For
Ethernet based connection use the RJ-45 connector. IEC must be powered by a 15-24V DC power
source. DC polarity is not critical. Do not apply 24V power until all other wiring is completed.
Figure 2.3. IEC wiring
Intelligent External Converter - IEC
Embedded Option Card
For option card mounting follow the instructions attached to the package. Notice that you can install
only one option card per Jace due to the fact the card uses the serial port COM1. The option card uses
3-position connector to connect to the C-Bus. Because the option card has no bus terminator installed,
it should be connected in the middle of the C-Bus.
Figure 2.4. Option card wiring
Setting the IEC IP Address and Port
If you are using the Ethernet version of the IEC, you must first configure the IP address. The IEC is
delivered with the IP address set to and port 10001. Use your preferred web browser
to set up the IEC TCP/IP parameters. Java must be enabled.
2. Connect to the HTTP interface on the IEC. Default password is 4444
3. To change the IP address, select the Menu Server Properties and modify the IP connection
parameters. (IP address, subnet mask and default gateway) - Figure 2.5, “Setting IEC IP Address”
Figure 2.5. Setting IEC IP Address
4. To change the IP port, select the Menu Channel2 and modify the field Dedicated Connection Local Port. You can use any port number except the range 14000 - 14100 - Figure 2.6, “Setting
IEC IP Port”
5. To make your settings persistent use the Menu Update Settings.
Intelligent External Converter - IEC
Figure 2.6. Setting IEC IP Port
Chapter 3. Driver Quick Start
In order to install the driver, you need a Niagara station version 3.2.xx or later with a valid driver
license. The driver supports the Tridium Jace and compatible devices running Niagara framework.
On the Supervisor only the Ethernet version of the driver is supported. For historical reason, based on
the original IEC name, the driver is called SoftYon Driver. This Quick Guide describes the SoftYon
Driver version 4.0.0 and higher. Before you start the installation, you should always check the Neopsis
support web site for the latest driver release.
From your PC, use the Niagara Workbench 3.2.xx or later installed with the installation tool option
(checkbox “This instance of Workbench will be used as an installation tool”).
Use the Software Manager to install the softYonDriver base module on the Niagara
station. Depending on the communication mode between the IEC and the Jace install either
softYonSerialDriver or softYonTcpDriver module. Insert the softYonDriver into your workbench
This section provides a collection of procedures to configure the SoftYon driver. Like other Niagara
drivers, you can do most configuration tasks using Manager Views and Property Sheets.
Set up Network
Depending on the type of communication mode between the IEC and the Niagara station use the
following procedure in order to set up the driver Network.
1. Double click the folder Drivers.
2. Press the button New, select Soft Yon TCP Network or Soft Serial Network. Choose "1" for
number of networks.
3. (optional) Rename the network in the following New Dialog.
4. Press OK to save the new network object.
In the folder Drivers you should now see a network component with the name SoftYonTcpNetwork,
SoftYonSerialNetwork or the name you have entered in step 3.
5. Double click the new network and modify properties in the dialog:
• Serial number - optional entry, notice the serial number of your IEC here. This may help you
later to quickly find the answer when asked by Neopsis support for the IEC serial number.
Driver Quick Start
• Name - enter the name of the IEC device in the Niagara hierarchy tree
• IP address - enter the IP address of the devide defined in previous step (only for TCP/IP device)
• COM Port Name - enter the name of Jace serial port (only for serial device). Note - for embedded
option card always enter COM1.
• C-Bus name - enter the name the IEC device should have on the C-Bus
• C-Bus address - entre the C-Bus address of the IEC on your C-Bus. This address must be unique
• Enabled - let the device enabled
6. Press Save to save the settings. After few seconds you should see the status {ok}.
Configure XL5000 controllers
A XL5000 controller is modeled in the Niagara component model as a Point Device Extension. In
order to add a XL5000 controller, follow these steps:
1. Double click your SoftYonIecDevice, the Soft Yon C-Bus Device Manager opens.
2. Click on the Discover button and let the manager listen for devices on the C-Bus.
3. After the discovery process finishes, all found XL5000 controllers will be listed in the upper table
(discovery table). The bottom table (database table) shows all devices already added to the station.
This table should be empty when discovering the first time.
4. There are several ways to add the desired XL5000 controller to the station:
• Drag & Drop from the discovery table to the database table.
• Double click a row in the discovery table.
• Select the desired rows in the discovery table and press the Add button.
For all of these methods, an Add Dialog appears in a popup window. There is also a faster method
that does not involve the dialog:
• Select the desired rows in the discovery table and press button a on your keyboard.
• Name - name of the component in the Niagara navigation tree. Defaults to the controller name
Driver Quick Start
• C Bus Address - controller address on the bus, do not change the discovered address!
• C Bus Name - discovered controller name
• Program Name - discovered program name
• Firmware version - discovered controller firmware release
• C Bus Device Type - optional memo field used to store additional user info
Configure C-Bus Data Points
You can add new data points either manually or by using the point discovery function. You find the
correct names of data points in CARE Printout Tool, XI584 software terminal, XI581/XI582 terminals,
XL50 MMI panel or you can also use tools for downloading the data points database directly from
the controller. The name of the data point is an 18 character case-sensitive ASCII string. Each data
point on the C-Bus must have a unique name. Use the Soft Yon Point Manager to add new data
points into the driver.
Manually Add New Data Point
In order to manually add points, follow these steps:
1. Double click the C-Bus Device object in the driver navigation tree, the SoftYon Point Manager
2. Press New, select the desired point type and number of points you wish to add. The following point
types can be selected:
• SoftYon Boolean Point
• SoftYon Boolean Writable Point
• SoftYon Numeric Point
• SoftYon Numeric Writable Point
• SoftYon Enumeration Point
• SoftYon Enumeration Writable Point
3. In the following New Dialog, set the point names. Use exactly the same name as defined in the
XL5000 controller. Optionally, you can also set other properties such as facets or conversion. Press
Save to save the settings.
4. The new points will be shown in the SoftYon Point Manager table. After several seconds, the
status will change from {stale} to {ok} and the current values will update the point out properties.
Add Data Points Using CSV File
You can import the point definitions from a CSV (comma separated) UTF-8 file where each line is
written as pair POINT_NAME, POINT_TYPE. Example of a CSV file :
AHU1_SaTmpSp, AI
Driver Quick Start
For point types use the shortcuts from the Table 3.1, “Point Type Mapping”. Most of them
are compatible with the CARE printed documentation shortcuts. Global points and the points
STARTUP, SHUTDOWN AND EXECUTING_STOPPED are automatically excluded by the
discovery process, even if they are in the CSV file. Although these points can be entered manually,
we do not recommend to do so, it is to dangerous for operational stuff.
Table 3.1. Point Type Mapping
Point Type
Default Niagara Mapping
Analog Input
Analog Input Slow
Analog Input Fast
Analog Output
Numeric Writable
Digital Input
DigitalInput (NO)
Digital Input (NC-C/O)
Digital Output
Boolean Writable
Digital Output (NO)
Boolean Writable
Digital Output (NC-C/O)
Boolean Writable
DO Feedback DI
Boolean Writable
Pseudo Analog
Pseudo Digital
Analog Input Fast
Totalizer Fast
Totalizer Slow
You can easily prepare your CSV file if you have access to the CARE programming tool. Start the
project documentation generator and select the option Short Format as shown in Figure 3.1, “CARE
Report Generator”.
Figure 3.1. CARE Report Generator
Driver Quick Start
When your RTF report is generated, copy & paste the first (UserAddress) and third (PointType)
columns into a spreadsheet program (MS Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Mac Numbers) and save the data
in comma separated format on your engineering host.
In order to import points from a CSV file, follow these steps:
1. Double click the C-Bus Device in the driver navigation tree and open the SoftYon Point Manager.
2. Press the Discover button. In the Discovery Option dialog select File Discovery.
3. In the File Open Dialog select your prepared CSV file. Press OK.
4. In the discovery pane select all points you wish to add to the driver. Press the Add button and
optionally modify the Niagara point types if the default mappings does not match your needs. Press
OK to commit the selection into the station database. After several seconds, you should see that
the driver starts to put the subscribed points into the CoV mode and the point status will change
from {stale} to {ok}. The speed of this process is about 2 points/second if the C-Bus speed is 9'600
baud. So be patient.
Point Autodiscovery
Direct point discovery is another way how to import point definitions into the station database. In
order to discover points, follow these steps:
1. Double click the C-Bus Device in the driver navigation tree and open the SoftYon Point Manager.
2. Press the Discover button. In the Discovery Option dialog select Direct Discovery. Optionally you
can import point descriptors and engineering units while discovering points. However you can
Driver Quick Start
let the check boxes unchecked and import this details later. Discovering without Descriptors and
Facets speeds up the process.
3. In the discovery pane select all points you wish to add to the driver. Press the Add button and
optionally modify the Niagara point types if the default mappings does not match your needs. Press
OK to commit the selection into the station database. After several seconds, you should see that
the driver starts to put the points into the CoV mode and the point status will change from {stale}
to {ok}. The speed of this process is about 2 points/second if the C-Bus speed is 9'600 baud. So
be patient.
Default point type mapping defines all input/output points as writable points and all virtual
points as readonly points. If you plan virtual setpoints to be writable, you have to change the
point type in the Add Dialog. You can not change the point type later without deleting the
point first. This is the Niagara issue.
Chapter 4. Advanced Tasks
Alarm Integration
Alarm Log
You can enable the logging of all C-Bus alarms into the Niagara history table, similar to the log
in the MMI panel. Per default the logging is disabled. To enable the alarm logging, navigate to the
component Alarm Log, located under the IEC Device. Change the Enabled property to true and
optionally change the history table name. Then press the Save button. New local history object appears
in the stations history database.
Because the alarm time reported by XL5000 controller usually does not match the time when the
alarm event has been inserted into the station history table, there are two timestamp columns logged
in the alarm log. Alarm timestamp reported by XL5000 controller is logged in the column Event
Point Alarms
If you need to integrate point alarms into the Niagara alarm subsystem, the InAlarmExtension is
available for the AX Notification Class. XL5000 controllers are sending every alarm to the C-Bus
instantly. The AX C-Bus Driver is monitoring the bus traffic for the following attributes: PointValue,
PointMode and PointInAlarm. When alarm occurs on a particular point, In Alarm parameter will
indicate the Fault Status. When the Extension is added to the Point definition, it will allow the exposure
of the Alarm Flag to the AX Alarm Notification Class. After adding new InAlarmExtension the alarm
text from the XL5000 controller, if exists, will be written as To Offnormal Text.
In this way you even do not have to know the alarm algorithm defined in the XL5000 controller.
However you can adjust alarm ranges for Low, LL, High, HH from the AX Driver on the Analog
Advanced Tasks
Additionally SoftYon driver provides alternatives to the standard Niagara alarm point
extensions. All SoftYon driver alarm extensions - InAlarmExtension, OutOfRangeAlarmExt,
BooleanChangeOfStateAlarmExt, BooleanCommandFailureAlarmExt are working on the C-Bus
data points in the same way as their Niagara counterparts but can be inserted using Program Batch
Editor. This feature makes the alarm extension maintenance more easier.
Time Programs
The driver provides full implementation of the XL5000 Local Time Schedule. Native Daily, Weekly
and Yearly XL5000 C-Bus Schedules are supported. The driver provides a Time Program Manager
implemented as Workbench PxView.
If you are running SoftYon Driver and Honeywell station (XBS, SymmetrE, EBI) on one
C-Bus in parallel, you should decide which technology is responsible for time schedule
maintenance. Never mix both systems for time schedule updates. Disable time programs if
you do not plan to maintain the schedules in the driver. See the section called “Configuration”
how to enable/disable this feature.
Time Schedules are normaly disabled. To enable time schedules, navigate to the component Time
Programs located under the C-Bus Device. In the property sheet change the Enabled property to true
and press the Save button.
In the next step you have to synchronize the schedule definitions between the XL5000 controller
and the driver. To do it manually use the action Synchronize on the Time Program component. The
Trigger property helps you to automate the synchronization process. There is a unique identifier in
every XL5000 controller that determines a change of the local schedule. The trigger checks the UID
in the controller and when the UID is changed, the time schedule definitions are synchronized. We
prefer on schedule daily, or on a periodic interval.
Advanced Tasks
Only Daily and Weekly Schedule definitions are synchronized. Yearly Schedules are always
fetched directly from the XL5000 controller. The action Synchronize on the Time Program
component starts the synchronization process even if there are no differences between the
schedule definitions in the driver and in the XL5000 controller. The action Fire Trigger on the
Trigger component first checks the UID and starts the synchronization process only if there
is any difference between the schedule definitions in the driver and in the XL5000 controller.
Time Program Manager
SoftYon driver provides a customized set of PxViews for time program editing. For example the
figure Figure 4.1, “Daily Schedule View” shows the Daily Schedule Editor View, which is the default
view on Daily Schedule component in the navigation tree. You can use this view to insert, update or
delete daily schedules in the XL5000 controller. If you modify the data in the view, the changes in the
controller are executed in the background task.
Figure 4.1. Daily Schedule View
Additionaly the driver provides more complex Time Program Manager view attached to the IEC
Device and the C-Bus Device objects. Time Program manager is all-in-one PxView component with
it's own navigation tree and editor panes. To place the Time Program Manager on your custom PxView,
follow this procedure ( see Figure 4.2, “Time Program Manager Installation” )
• Create a new PxView. Consult the Niagara guide how to create custom views.
Advanced Tasks
• Drag the IEC Device or the C-Bus Device component from the navigation tree on your new PxView.
• In the Make Widget dialog select Workbench View and SoftYon Time Program Manager.
• Press OK. Change the widget size to match your needs.
Figure 4.2. Time Program Manager Installation
The Figure 4.3, “Time Program Manager View” shows a PxView with the installed Time Program
Figure 4.3. Time Program Manager View
Advanced Tasks
Point Attributes
The driver supports reading and writing of most common C-Bus Point Attributes. In case of special
requirements, the attribute list can be expanded. Normally only attributes PointValue, PointMode
and InAlarm are reported continuously. All other attributes are maintained on demand. The driver
provides methods for onetime reading and writing attributes and methods for attribute integration into
the Niagara component model.
Attribute Editor
If you need only onetime read or write attribute, you will use the SoftYon Point Property Sheet
view, which is the default PxView on the C-Bus Control Point. You open this view by double clicking
the control point. Point Property Sheet displays current values of all point attributes. If an attribute is
writable, you can change it and save the new value into the XL5000 controller. If an attribute is not
defined on the particular control point type, the field editor will be empty.
Attribute Point Extension
If you need the attribute value to be displayed or modified in a custom PxView or an attribute value
shoud be integrated into a wire sheet, you have to add the attribute object from the driver palette as
control point extension. Properties of such an extension are Status Values, which can be wired with
other components in the station or placed in the custom view. For example you need to display the
value of Accumulated Runtime on your custom view, select the attribute Accumulated Runtime in the
driver palette and add this object to the control point.
Advanced Tasks
In the next step open the property sheet of the new installed extension and change the value of the
property Refresh On Change to true.
• Refresh On Change - when true, the attribute value will be read from the XL5000 controller
whenever the point value changes. When false, the attribute value will be read from the controller
only when the driver initializes. False is typical for writable attributes like alarm ranges, where the
value is modified in the workbench.
• Attribute Value - if the attribute is readable, the field editor allows value updates.
Additionally the driver provides the action Refresh on each attribute extension. You can execute this
action to retrieve the current attribute value from the XL5000 controller.