Ancestral Ceremonies: Entering the Fire


Ancestral Ceremonies: Entering the Fire
Ancestral Ceremonies:
Entering the Fire
a workshop with Myron Eshowsky
October 25-26, 2008
Nazareth College
Rochester, NY
Ancestral wisdom and the healing of ancestral lines are powerful healing tools in shamanism.
This workshop provides teachings of how ancestral family patterns exist in our present day lives,
the process of unburdening the soul of ancestral wounds, and bringing healing to the ancestors.
Included in this exploration of ancestral wounds will be teachings of how physical sickness may
reflect these imbalances and ways to approach one’s own healing. We will also look at how the
ancestors communicate with us to provide help and guidance, as well as the ways they call to us
for help.
Primary focus will be on ceremony and rituals for honoring the ancestors and for bringing healing
to ourselves, our families, and to Mother Earth. Elementally, the ashes of the fire are often
associated with the ancestors, and we will be working with this directly in our ceremonial work.
Participants should bring a change of clothes and towels, as it is likely in some of the ceremony
that people will either get wet or ash-covered.
Myron Eshowsky, M.S., taught for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for 2 decades.
He has worked extensively on the bridging of shamanism to the concerns of our times,
including working as a shamanic practitioner in a community mental health center for 6
years; work with inmates in prisons; work with inner city gangs and youth at risk;
community peacemaking; and international peace work. He is author of a recently
published book “Where are the Dreamers? Restoring Shamanic Practice to Community
CONTACT: Cecile Carson MD . Integrated Health Institute . 7982
Williams Road . Honeoye, NY 14471 . . 585-271-5650
FEE: $225 for the training, which includes catered lunches both days
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRATION: (a $75 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space in the group)
Name ___________________________________________________________
Phone & email ___________________________________________________
___ any special dietary needs
_____ can house an out-of-towner