Fragrant telosma
Fragrant telosma
Fragrant telosma Telosma cordata Asclepiadaceae Common Names Fragrant telosma, Tonkin creeper, Pakalana vine (En); parfum nocturne (Fr); fragancia nocturna (Sp); hoa thiên lý (Vn); 夜香花, 香花菜 (Cn) Plant Distribution Southeast, East and South Asia, Europe, North and South America Botanical Features Woody vine, 3-6 m tall; stems yellowish green, hairy to nearly hairless; leaves opposite, blade ovate, 4-12 x 3-10 cm, base deeply cordate, with petioles 2-5 cm long; cymes with 15-30 flowers and 0.5-1.5 cm peduncles; flowers very fragrant that yield perfumed oil; sepals oblong-lanceolate; corolla yellowish green, tube 6-10 x 4-6 mm; pods 10-15 cm long; seeds broadly ovate, ca 1 x 1 cm, flat, apex slanting, margin membranous. Leaves 246 Environmental Factors Light requirement: full sun, partial sun; photoperiod: long-day; temperature requirement: warm; preferred soil type: well-drained sandy loam; optimum soil pH: 6.1-7.5; tolerance: drought, infertile soil; sensitivity: flooding, cold. Inflorescence (early stage) Inflorescence (ready for harvesting) 247 Production Methods System: as hedge in home gardens; planting material: cuttings; planting method: direct planting of cuttings; irrigation: moderate; priority fertilizer: potassium, organic matter; crop management: staking, trellis; planting to 1 st harvest: 150-180 days; harvesting: daily pinching of inflorescences with 50% of flower buds ready to open; yield: 15-25 t/ha. Open flower Field production 248 Edible Parts Flower buds are consumed stir-fried or boiled. Health Values Beta-carotene: low in flower buds; vitamin E: medium; folic acid: medium; ascorbic acid: high; calcium: low; iron: low; protein: 3.1%. Geraniol, beta-ionone, dihydrobeta-ionone, dihydro-beta-ionol, and cis- and trans-theaspirane are the ingredients for the characteristic scent of the flower. They are used in cooking and medicinally to treat conjunctivitis (pinkeye). Packing for marketing 249