Newsletter Template May 2013


Newsletter Template May 2013
In this issue:
Emerald City Changes Hands
From South Dakota
From Alan Brandt
Cluster Ballooning / BFA Radio Freq.
BFA Youth Summer Camps
More BFA Summer Camp Info
Kamma Kissack / Mark Your Calendars
Dawn Patrol in Ohio
Sunrise Calendar
For Sale - From Bob Schaible and Larry Houska
Flying Reports
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Club Information/Membership
Volume 4, Issue 5
May 2013
DownWind Chase
The Official Newsletter for the Pacific Coast Aeronauts
Coming into Spring and the winds are here,
though we are getting some really nice flying
days between the systems. Russ James reports
things over in Napa have been busy....when
they could fly. Many cancelled flights lately due
to wind. Jeanne Anson says Winter is still hanging on up north...Snow.
There have been two flight event cancellations in
the past month. The April 6th event that Scorch
put together at Children’s Hospital Central California had to be cancelled as a storm came
through and left us with high winds in its wake.
The Great Lake County Balloon Adventure, a
first year event in Lake County which was
scheduled for the first weekend in May has been
cancelled as several sponsors pulled out on or
about April 15th (wonder if the date was a factor).
A non-flight event was also cancelled. The Public
Relations seminar being hosted by Napa Valley
Balloons and scheduled for Saturday Apr. 20th
was cancelled. The speaker Jeff Chatterton was
ill and will have to reschedule. Gabe will be updating us about rescheduling a future date.
SKYPE Membership Meeting: Scheduled for
Wed. May 1st at 7:00pm Pacific. Please try to
join in. Contact me if you need info on Skype.
David Wakefield
As I said last month, I’m working on compiling a
list of annual regional events covering the states
of California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Coming soon?
If you have suggestions or comments I would be
happy to hear them.
Safety Seminar Presentations:
We are listing the 2013 Safety Seminar topics on
the PCA website and a number of the presentations will be linked for download.
You can find them at:
If you’re getting some flights in send me some
pics and I’ll get them in the newsletter.
© Pacific Coast Aeronauts, May 2013
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From Dale Stroble:
Well, its official. Gayle & I are no longer aircraft owners. Jacob
Molnar took over the care of Emerald City yesterday. As his mother
reminded me, he first met EC as a baby -- now he's her pilot.
Jacob, we're hoping that when you turn 18 next year and get your
Commercial Pilot's license you'll keep up the tradition of Emerald City
being a teaching balloon.
Congratulations to a very deserving young man!
From Jeanne Anson:
Wish I could send you something...tomorrow's forecast is for snow...there are still 6' high icebergs in
parking lots and piles of tree limbs on the parking strips all around the city from last week's ice/snow
storm. Spring isn't in SD this year.
Note: Jeanne sent me the above note on April 21st. She sent the following update on April 23rd.
Ha, all the song birds and robins are here… along with starlings… I sure wish they would get lost. We
had a lovely walk in the local nature area … under sunny skies and snowy covered trails. it was 29…
nothing was melting then… got to 35… melting like crazy. roads and driveways are clear. Yesterday AM
there were 100 accidents during the snow time… today there were 34 in the ice. It is so funny to watch
the locals slide all over the roads.
Here a couple photos…the new camera takes huge
photos. Let me know if they are too big.
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From Alan Brandt:
Hello from Nevada...yep we're almost home. Attached is the ONLY balloon we saw on the entire trip
which will be over 9500 miles in both the RV and Jeep.
We saw this balloon flying just north of Moab, UT. near Canyonlands National Park. It was probably the
ride balloon which we saw advertised as we drove past the local airport. Would certainly be an interesting and colorful place to fly.
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Man flies from Robben Island to Cape Town using helium balloons
From the Telegraph
This cluster pilot had zero experience and ran into a few problems...but got down safe. Sorry, couldn’t
get permission to reprint. The entire story complete with video can be seen at:
Matt Silver-Vallance flies from Robben Island to Cape Town using helium balloons
(Photo: @Balloonbloke)
More Cluster Ballooning:
Jonathan Trappe is planning to attempt an Atlantic crossing with a balloon cluster in the summer. For
more information about the Atlantic Crossing visit Jonathan’s website at:
BFA Radio License Update
The BFA's application for a FCC group radio license is still pending before the FCC. Our frequency coordinator indicates it may yet be another couple of months before the license is officially granted and we receive the paper work. (That's supposing that the sequestration forced budget cuts don't cause additional
delay. Our application was filed on December 7, 2012. Average approval time is 3-4 months).
In the interim we are allowed to operate on the allotted frequencies under FCC Rules 90.159 - Temporary
and Conditional Permits. Once the license is awarded we will post a PDF form on whereby
each BFA member can add their name and BFA# to the form and download a copy of the license. In order to use the BFA license your radios must be narrow banded otherwise you and the BFA could be fined
$8,000 per offense.
The frequencies allocated to the BFA are:
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BFA Youth Summer Camp
From Jeff Haliczer 04/22/2013:
OK, if you missed the RGJ ad it looked good, it really looked to be the most exciting in the lot.
I think this is the e-blast that went out today or yesterday, not sure but if it is out I hope it pulls in the
campers, if it is going out I hope it pulls in the campers.
We are at 13 not all signed and sealed, but sort of at 13.
So keep hitting any areas where we have not hit for teens, and of course keep doing the follow up on the
fundraising letters that went out.
Have a great day,
Clip from RGJ:
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BFA Youth Summer Camp - More from Jeff Haliczer:
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013
Things are looking really good for the camp, still trying to recruit a few more campers, sitting at 13
campers, 4 junior counselors, and 4 pilots. My goal is 20/5/5 not counting me as one of the pilots (I get
the week off).
Campers coming in from California, Nevada, Washington, Texas, Michigan and Colorado. Pilots from California, Colorado, Nevada and New Jersey (thanks Gene).
Junior Counselors from California, Arizona and Nevada.
Program is pretty well set, schedule is done (may change) but minor stuff.
Looking for more campers, and of course looking for financial support. The tuition covers about 87.3% (I
made that number up, but you get my meaning) of the total costs of the camp. So talk it up and cough
some up to support the balloon camp. Donations can be sent to the BFA tagged for the High Sierra Balloon Camp. Tax deductible too.
Of course balloon card, pins, temp tattoos, or even extra shirts are appreciated too. Wanna have the pilot packs filled with lots of goodies from the area. If you work for a business that has odd SWAG grab 30
and send them along, anything goes and everything will be used for the camp.
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2013
We will be getting a camper from Winnemucca, the small event over there has its heart in the right
place. Put on a good show, put on a good event for pilots, and keep enough money for start-up the next
year and donate the rest, this year it is to send a camper to the High Sierra Balloon Camp. I met the boy
and he was out Saturday to help with the set up, crew and again on Sunday, eager and hard worker.
I also got paper work on another boy from Oregon so as of now with papers in hand we have 13 campers, 4 junior counselors, 4 pilots (5th on the way, Chuck who will be a day person not staying at UNR) so
until we get a few more I am not going to push for the last Junior Counselor.
Barb did the gig at the Big Rig thing at the Montessori School and felt it was a huge success and handed
out tons of brochures and cards and beyond. She did post something on the Facebook page with photos,
over 1000 people and well worth the time spent.
Balloon Camp & the Winnemucca Balloon Festival
Just got home yesterday from the 2nd Winnemucca Balloon Festival, can't really say annual since the
first one was in October 2012 (I did not attend that one had other commitments), but the 2nd was a
great weekend, got in three wonderful flights with the event staff and organizers on Friday AM and sponsors and crew the rest of the weekend, including my oldest passenger (so far) at 94. Weather was near
perfect, the cool mornings warmed up and the sun was high in the sky all day, looking out at the wide
open spaces of central Nevada, snow on the hills and smell of sage in the air. 5 balloons attended this
years activities, but a fun time by everyone that attended.
I am sure some of you are wondering where Winnemucca is, it is 168 miles East of Reno in the middle of
the great American outback of Nevada's Great Basin.
The event was put together by a local who loves balloons and his team of dedicated helpers (also nonballoonists) that wanted something different for his community, they worked with a pilot from Lovelock
and organized a great event, enough activities to keep busy but not over doing it to where we did not
have time to enjoy the community. They were not trying to make a bunch of money, they were not trying to build a huge bank account, they were trying to promote there town and give the people something
fun and exciting.
Well they did that and more, on Saturday the organizer came to me and asked if they (the event) could
sponsor a camper to the balloon camp, I told him of course and on Sunday he was ready to give me the
money and had selected a teen to be the recipient of the funds to pay for his full tuition to the High Sierra Balloon Camp.
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Update: Kamma Kissack
Email to SCBA provided by Mary Adalsberger
Dear Southern California Balloon Association,
Don and I had the surprise of our life this week when Anya came to visit during my last treatment and
presented us with an envelope full of cash donated by our wonderful SCBA friends at the safety seminar.
This was completely unexpected and most timely. Our swamp air cooler went out at the end of summer
last year. The refrigerated air is so expensive we would not have been able to afford to just be comfortable this summer. Now, summer will be at least tolerable. Not looking forward to the heat.
My condition is this, I have bladder cancer that spread to my spine, ribs, lungs skull and right hip. I am
in no pain but the chemo leaves me very tired. As you all know I don't like to just sit around so this is
particularly difficult. The out come is less than optimistic, but I have decided to give it hell and prove
them all wrong. I'm not ready to quit living, loving or ballooning for that matter. With the bone issues I
am unable to balloon bur plan to come out and visit when I can.
I believe with all the love, support and kindness you have all shown us will help and has. My attitude is
good and God willing there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Don has taken this especially hard, your support has meant the world to him. We have been together for
over 27 years and have shared many wonderful times and are not ready to stop.
You all are the best! Our SCBA friends are family and very, very special to us. I have known some of you
for over 30 years and watched many have children, grow, marry and have families of their own. This is
very difficult to write because words can not truly express our feelings.
Love you all,
Mark Your Calendars!
The following PCA events are currently on the 2012 Calendar. Please contact me with dates and information for missing events.
ABRESCO 2013 - May 3-5, 2013
Wings of History - May 18, 2013 San Martin AP
Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic - June 15-16, 2013 Windsor, CA
BFA Youth Balloon Camp - July 20-25, 2013 Reno, NV
Great Reno Balloon Race - September 6-8, 2013
ClovisFest - Sep 21-22, 2013 Clovis, CA
Montague Balloon Fair - Sep 21-22, 2013 Montague, CA
WHAMOBASS - October 26-27, 2013 Coalinga, CA
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‘Dawn Patrol’ new event at 2013 VW Hot Air Festival
DAVE MOSIER/Independent Editor - Reprinted with permission
This photo shows a "Dawn Patrol" balloon launch. (photo submitted)
Dawn Patrol. The name evokes thoughts of military pilots taking off at first light to engage the enemy on
some distant battlefield.
This year, the term gets a new meaning as the 2013 edition of the Van Wert Hot Air Festival has its own
interpretation of Dawn Patrol via early-morning hot air balloon launches during the second edition of the
festival, to be held September 6-8 at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds.
The spectacular new feature will include six balloons first performing a “glow” about an hour prior to daylight and then taking off from the fairgrounds before the sun comes up. By the time the balloons are
ready to land, it will be light enough for them to do so.
“We’re excited about this,” said Jerry Mazur, organizer of the hot air balloon festival. “The Dawn Patrol
will be an amazing sight you don’t want to miss!”
Mazur noted that, normally, hot air balloons can’t fly when it’s dark, but can only do “glows” on the
ground. However, special lighting systems, custom-built by members of the Dawn Patrol at their own expense, are FAA-approved for conducting pre-sunrise flights, while balloonists also have radios to communicate while in the air (check out a YouTube video on a Dawn Patrol by accessing the festival’s website
at: ).
Although Dawn Patrol events are common in cities like Albuquerque, N.M., and Reno, Nev., Mazur said
it’s something new for Van Wert – and even Ohio.
“I don’t think it’s ever been done in Ohio, to my knowledge,” he added, noting that rides will also be offered on at least one of the Dawn Patrol balloons during the festival.
(Continued on page 9)
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(Continued from page 8)
The Dawn Patrol launches will be held Saturday and Sunday mornings, while there will also be balloon
launches Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening and “glows” on Friday and Saturday night.
Two commercial balloons will also be at this year’s festival, Mazur said. The Touch Tone-Midwest balloon
and a POW/MIA Freedom Flight Five balloon will be featured during the festival.
Mazur also talked about some of the other features of this year’s Van Wert Hot Air Festival during an interview held earlier this week.
This year’s festival will include new amusement rides, as well as two trains that will take kids of all ages
around the festival area at the fairgrounds.
Veteran entertainer Todd Allen Herendeen will perform in front of the grandstand on Saturday, right after
that evening’s balloon glow, while other activities planned this year include a beer tent, a basketball
clinic, a polka band, church services on Sunday and a motorcycle light parade and fireworks on Saturday
The success of last year’s festival has also brought more food and drink vendors to this year’s festival,
Mazur said.
Another new event for this year will be bed races, which will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday during the festival.
Mazur said this year’s festival will have a much simplified admission system, with tickets for adults $10
per day, but that price is all-inclusive and allows people access to the Herendeen concert and the various
balloon events during each day of the festival. Parking will also be free this year, Mazur noted.
For more information on this year’s Van Wert Hot Air Festival, access the event’s website listed above.
Sunrise Chart for Tracy, Ca. (Morgan Hill will be approximately 1 minute later)
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For Sale
From Bob Schaible:
Still have two balloons for sale at a reduced price.
Firefly 8B, 90,000 was listed at $18,500 now $12,500:
4.9 gondola excellent condition, has been kept in a heavy duty metal
trailer with water proof canvas top for easy refueling and everything
has been kept in a hanger out of the weather, trailer w/spare tire
included, four 10-gallon tanks with tank heater covers....T-3 burner,
instruments, flytec system, turning vents, parachute top, kevlar
cables, nomax skirt...Firefly quick release...drop rope w/bag.....never
been temped.....annual good thru May 2013, total hours
297....excellent condition...rainbow colors zig zag pattern....log book,
airworthiness certificate and original manual included...complete
Make Offer!
Contact Bob at: 209-815-6260
From Larry Houska:
I am listing the fabulous dawn patrol light set, the large NEW, plastic tarp, and availability of Balloon Pins
for sale. I decided to reduce my collection and wanted to offer the PCA members first opportunity before
I list online.
For more information about these items contact Larry at:
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Flying Reports:
From Jeff Haliczer 21 April 2013
Flew OtW over my spring break, just to take it out and make sure all the rigging and everything was
good after his trip to the Philippines. . ."my balloon went to the Philippines and all I got were a couple
'cheap' t-shirts." but my friend from Little Rock and his Dad had a great time, maybe next year.
My flight was in Spanish Springs north of Reno and it is one of my usual flying locations only a slightly
different direction from my usual, went south east and out into the Wingfield Springs area, landing in an
area that will eventually be build up, streets in, lights in and about 12 or so empty lots.
Everything checked out good, two of the ropes are not right in the skirt area (had to re-rig it for the 4
point) but hey not bad, considering we were doing it at the gym at my school.
It brought out some of the folks in the neighborhood, and since it was a week day got to go back to the
day care where I pull through to get to the soccer fields and handed out a bunch of temp tattoos and
stickers. Gave them a 1/2 dozen of the brochures for the camp and may have recruited a camper, the
directors daughter 13 going on 16.
Great flight, great crew and Spyder had to have his i-thing in the basket to 'track' the flight, I am not
into the electronics, but
it was to get materials
for the High Sierra
Balloon Camp and I was
willing to lower my
standards and take it
Photos attached launch
and landing.
Flying tomorrow in
Carson City, some ride
winners from one of my
From David Wakefield
Flew from private property in Wilton, CA and landed on a street in front of the most incredible home.
The owner came out and was as nice as could be. He said his only disappointment was he didn’t see us
land. In the picture below, the “house” on the right is actually the barn, built to look like a house. We
saw balloons to the north and Greg Taggart called later to say it was him, making his first flight with his
new balloon “Coyote Moon.”
© Pacific Coast Aeronauts, May 2013
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Meeting Minutes for April 3, 2013
Minutes recorded by Jeanne Anson
1. President Dave Wakefield called the meeting to order at 7:05 PDT
2. Meeting Minutes for March meeting.
a. Dave Called for Approval, Approved by all present
<Pat on an iPad…SKYPE not working – Jeanne to finish minutes>
3. Treasurers Report:
The total amount of income from the safety seminar was $1900. Linda reports she is missing 2 checks
but will go by the mailbox tomorrow to see if they are there. Dues accounted for $360. Does not have
the food total at this time but will email the board when the final totals are available.
4. Review of Future Flying Events:
Children’s Hospital
Winds predicted to be 5 to 9
Don’t want to deal with tethering among the buildings with high wi
Will call off the race will if wind continues to be high. Will plan for March next year.
5. Flying Reports:
No one has been doing any flying.
6. Old Business: NONE
7. New Business: None
8. Committees Reports:
Dave Wakefield – For Your Relentless Enthusiasm and Prolific Involvement in keeping The Pacific
Coast Aeronauts & the sport of ballooning successful. March 2013
Laurie Pownall – Won the Crew Award. Question was asked if this award included a BFA
membership also. Dave to confirm with the PCA Board.
Crew – No report.
Jr. Balloonists/Youth Camp/Education
Don Heisig
- 2 campers who are being sponsored by Jessica Coleman
The PCA has one Camper they are sponsoring, awaiting confirmation from camper.
Montgolfier Dinner - Jeanne will talk Kathy Terry.
Safety Seminar - Successful event.
Website and Internet: Jeanne to put all the Seminar presentations up on the
site. Two are there now. Jeanne to work on getting more photos up.
WHAMOBASS – CHANGED – October 25, 26 & 27
Crew – No action on the committee.
Winter Party - No report
9. Open Discussion topics
Dexter commented that the Safety Seminar was superb and one of the best he’s attended in a
long time. Kudos to all the speakers: a real treat to have Deke Sonnichsen, Tim Brady was
fantastic and Pat Moore’s weather was great also.
10. Guest Speaker – No Program
11. Adjourn Meeting 7:55 pm
© Pacific Coast Aeronauts, May 2013
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PCA Board Members and Officers
2012 Committee Chairs:
Education: Jeanne Anson
David Wakefield: President/Board Member
Tom Sharpee: Chairman of the Board
Pat Moore: Secretary/Board Member
Linda Walton: Treasurer/Board Member
Orval Choate: Vice President/Board Member
Awards: “Magic” Bob Locklin
Montgolfier Dinner: Kathleen Terry
Safety Seminar: Linda Walton/David Wakefield
Junior Balloonist: Jeanne Anson/David Wakefield
Website: Jeanne Anson
Newsletter/Facebook: David Wakefield
Winter Party: Volunteer Needed
Pilot Briefing: Tools to Plan Your Flight
Information contained within this issue of
Tracy AWOS
Mt. Diablo Robot
Morgan Hill AWOS
the time this newsletter was issued. The
Flight Service
PCA, its Officers and Directors are not
the Downwind Chase is the most up-todate and correct information available at
If you have your favorite flight planning resource, send
responsible for the accuracy of the
us a note at and we’ll publish it
material enclosed herein. Opinions
expressed in the Downwind Chase are
solely those of the individual authors and
should not be perceived to be those of the
PCA, the Editor, Publisher, or its
Membership & Shirts:
Mail to:
Pilot or crew:
$ 20.00
Linda Walton—Treasurer
Family Membership:
$ 30.00
For Postal Delivery of the Newsletter
$ 5.00
Grey Polo w/PCA logo (sm—xl)
$ 20.00
Long Sleeved Denim (sm—xl)
$ 20.00
2xl—4xl add:
$ 2.00
$ 4.00
Pacific Coast Aeronauts
14938 Camden Ave. Suite 76
San Jose, CA. 95124
Name (s): ________________________________
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