VENDOR 20(n t'dl!1t~l(1gy Purchase Order No. PURCHASE ORDER Order Dale TEXAS A&i\1 FOREST SERVICE 06/14/2016 PERCI-L\SlNG DEN RTI\(ENT Way, S\.ile 1 120, ('(' liege Sl(lliun. T / 778-15-3424; Phune 979-458-7380. FAX 97 1)-458-71H6 - IllIdLllh! .hi, II umber nil ,,11 u'lCc,.pumkut: allll p,u.J;,tgc' I 1----------------------\ P600359 • r 17527487081 NORTEX MODULAR SPACE DBA BOXX MODULAR 555 JUBILEE LN LEWISVILLE, TX 75056 TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE FIAD--PURCHASING 200 TECHNOLOGY WAY, SUITE 1120 COLLEGE STATION TX 77845-3424 All TERMS "NO CONDIllONS SET FORTH N OUR BID INVITATION BECOME A PART OF THIS ORDER SHIP TO; TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE VARIOUS LOCATIONS- SEE QUOTE/BELOW 999999 TX 99999 ANY EXCEPTIONS TO PRICING OR DESCRIPT ION CONTAINW HEREIN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE 1 EXPoS MM FOREST SER ICE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRlOR TO SHIP ING litem Description 01 INVOICE TO: VENDOR GUARANTEES MERCH"NDISE DElIVERED or; THIS ORD ER WILL MEET OR EXCEED SPE'C":IFIt::ATIONS IN THE BID INVITJI,n ON VENDOR 1-------------------------1 Page PLEASE NOTE IF YOUR INVOICE IS NO- ADORES ED AS INSTRUCTED PAYMENT WILL BE DElAYE Quantity UOM u.nIt Price Ext Price I STATE REQ: 644165 STATE ORDER: 108641 USER REF: OOOOOO-JAP 1 DELIVERY: 6 to MCGregor, TX--18 to Hudson, TX 3 to Brownwood, TX--6 to Fredericksburg, TX based on 15 ' -2" building heights maximum Qty- 33 total 1 LOT 134,700.000 134,700.00 2 DISMANTLE: (9) triplewides 36x62 each and (3) doublewide 24x62 (attached clarifications for dismantle). TXMAS SIN361-32=teardown charges @3.70sf. All units equal 24,696 sf x 3.70=$91,375.00 Qty - 12 total 1 LOT 91,375.000 91,375.00 3 ADDITIONAL DISMANTLE WORK: l LOT 8,460.000 8,460.00 (open market) --See clarification page 4 PROVIDE: 171 tires, manufacture and weld 33 hitches, provide 99 axles/leaf springs & hubs 1 LOT 55,926.000 55,926.00 5 INSTALL: TXMAS SIN361-32= install charges are $3.70 sf. 24,696 sf x 3.70=$91,375.00 (Discounted to $82,876.00) See Install clarifications page 1 LOT 82,876.000 82,876.00 6 Project management--discounted Note: Decks & Ramps re-install is by owner. 1 LOT 5,000 . 000 5,000.00 TOTAL 378,337 . 00 ***** NET 30 ***** JAP Ta.as A&M Foresl SOrvlCO cannot ac.;eplcnllf!Ct freight shipments. FOB DESTINATION FRT INCLUDED Terms: fAILURE TO OEWVER It tnt: vell~jal f~lis to OO~VIItf IPlftSp. lilllJU&es toy 1tl flf'DmlS& delt~'e'" date. 'I' a ~a5ona!)ae.;nne mef~"er ,·,;tooul gIVIng aec:eptYtltill reasons II}! :.leHr1 0 1 It SUPplies are rete'(;lOd k:I' tal ure 10 me91 ~1'.c:nllQf1~ Ihe S1Jlle 185~r,.'~:; ItlIF' nIOllO PU{ctl.A.>~ -speelfled s;.;Pp4I.s tfl5eWhere ~11r,l d'1.:t.rga 1M Ifll'na.se n Pf1r.:!1 lind cost ot nanallng .t 1:U'1y 101M YlJnoor r"-Io- SOOOltbJ:lQf">s flOr L.al'O!lldtlor:$ permrttet:l ....llttOUllJoor approval at PurchasmQ Oeptlrtmt"t STATE ~rID ('lTY SALES TAX EXE=.MPTtON CERTIFICATE Tno UMtfrt'lql16Cl cJ,'tIm$ BI1l! ...." . peLon !:om t.ru::e-s UI"o<JIJI 7~ ), T.,..: Ct: , SecIOf' t51 '309(,1) h4f p.,lll:habe' (;t I f1ij{).ljo\ ~'6I"1(]naJ proptlrty d";CIl[l'!tO II' Ifl: nU I,'b@'~ ord'!'l~ ptJrchas.ei:l f,om COIlfr3;:;tDI Cind/or 1JiIppot il$1&d atlwl!', as lr-tS Dfcoelly 18 t.elnq .se'::urfMjlcr lhe . :.dus-'.() tJ:!.(l iJ! 111(1: Stale 01Te:ki'" Tht: fltrf1,.. ec.n.11111.)01;. oI.t~ <5.1Mlf fd T II p.,..,.... ,N ..cCORDANCE Will-I YOUR BID, SUpp .tSEOUIP'-IENT MUST 9E PLACFD DEPARTI.\ENf RECEIVI"G ROOM ev THE PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR Orde r nak 06/14/2016 TEXM, A&M FOREST SERV1CI~ PURCHASlNG DEPARnlR'H ::!oo T~.:hrH)lugy W;\~ . Suite 112(), College Swt ion. TX 77R4:i ,424: Pllone ilndUlj ~ Ihl\ IIllmo. lin all " Om:' IXlIIII III" anJ p.;"I>.I';,,'1 Purchase Order No. EXCEED SPEC IFI CATIONS IN THE BID INVITAI"ION. VENDOR ~--------~-------------------------------------i 17527487081 NORTEX MODULAR SPACE DBA BOXX MODULAR 555 JUBILEE LN LEWISVILLE, TX 75056 ALL TERMS AND CONDrnONSSET FORTtiIN OUR BID INVITATION BECOME A PARi OF THIS ORDER ANY EXCEPTIONS TO PRICING OR DESCR IPTION ONTAI , ED HE REIN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE TE XAS MM FOREST SERVICE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ~ TO SHIPPING DescriptIon litem 02 979-45 1'\- 7186 - INVOICE TO: VENDOR GUARANTEES 1----------------------------------------\ MEf'CHANDISE DELIVERED ON THIS ORDER Will MEET OR P600359 Page 979-4~8-7180. FAX - TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE FIAD--PURCHASING 200 TECHNOLOGY WAY, SUITE 1120 COLLEGE STATION TX 77845-3424 SHIP TO: TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE VARIOUS LOCATIONS- SEE QUOTE/BELOW 999999 TX 99999 PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR INVOICE IS NOT ADDRESSED PAYMENT WILL BE DELAYED. Quanllly UOM Unit Price "INSTF1UGTEO Ext Plice I NOTE TO VENDOR: "SHIP TO" AND "INVOICE TO" ADDRESSES MAY DIFFER. FAILURE TO SUBMIT INVOICE TO PROPER ADDRESS MAY RESULT IN DELAYED PAYMENT. REFERENCE TXMAS CONTRACT #TXMAS-4-56060 FOR PRICING, TERMS & CONDITIONS AS PER QUOTE DATED 06/13/2016 REPRESENTED BY MIKE LODES. VENDOR QUOTE: 06/13/2016 VENDOR REF: MIKE LODES JAP -r;axas A&M ForeSI Sorvlce canno! ,,(cap! C<JlIaCI frslgh! .h'pmonis. FOB: DESTINATI ON FRT INCLUDED Te rm",' FAILUAE TO OEUVEA - 11 !he 'I!!I1uor I~Js to uetlWlI thnl'!" '~lJfJ~lre!.lI'j Itle prom~ ~!tV~ry d"nfl or a rnsonabla tilT'll! lf1ereatt&r. Wllhout OWing OCCt:'pl.1bIIJ rt'!ne~ tor detay. Of .t S"Wb6S arB relcQ~d for IaJlu!e II.) meet speclhcallons the SUle fl!SetVfi f'~nt to lIUf";hase S~rIAd suppjle~ fiilS.&wlitNtHli. arlll cNIrge Itu~ rct.ea$l~ Itt pn(@'1IIIIdW5t al handlJr.tl ,f any, II1l It-a \o91dor No substJrutiOI!:i flO' ~3t1\>11$ perrTl11 tEKi VI t1)Ou1 poor apprtYval 01 P\.I!Ct-.ui~ Dwoa"1meOl t"'" The Slelte of Toxa.~ I:\' exemp1 hom dft FadtfC' II [ XCls",T, ~ . STATE ANO '1l Y SAl.ES iA X EXEM tl0~ CERTIFICATE Tl1e Ufld9t'1OigMd clams an exc~'.on lrom I,;})(~s I..mdm ialo, T",x COd... . S~to()f 1:'1.JOg 14) ~"nurtl-ta.-.f' '0' hm~ifll Pt!.!~ mC)p~fI)I dRiCTit.ed ~ n ttl18 fbtnoored order f!LJrrI1~ Imm conhDC~1 IiJ1d,.cr $I1'Wl'!' hSlBU aOOI6, ilS 11118 prop_my II r.om·'1 secured ror !tlil ekcl:.1StV1!l U~ 01 Ute StaiR c::IT~.il~ . The Tr'ljf"! .. ~\(j Cand l;on. 01 ttH3 "iIttlU o! rttL.t. 'i..~11 p . ' 11 IN ACCORDANCE WI rH YOUR BID. SUPPLlES;EOIJIPMENT MUST BE PUICEO IN n<E ff'ARTMEN'T RECEIVING ROOM BY Purchase Order PO No. 16108641 Order Date: 06/14/2016 Internal Tracking No. : P600359 Contractor Info Nortex Modular Space 17527487080 555 ,Iubilee Lane Lewisville, TX 75056 Jeff Gilbertson (469) 568-2123 ShipTo Alan Degelman (979) 458-7381 See PO/Quote 9999999 TX 99999 8illTo Alan Degelman 200 Technology Way Suite 1120 College Station TX 778453424 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: Standard 30 day delivery (7/14/16) does not apply to this PO. Custom quote for relocating buildings as agreed/scheduled no later than 7/22116. Disclaimer The State ofTexas is exempt from all Federal Excise Taxes except as noted in each contract. STATE AND CITY SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE: The undersigned claims an exemption from taxes under Texas Tax Code, Section 151 .309(4), for purchase of tangible personal property described in this numbered order, purchased from contractor andlor shipper listed above, as this property is being secured for the exclusive use of the State of Texas, or a Texas County, City, Special District, or Other Political Subdivision. TEXAS COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS - CTPM Agency Purchaser Email Texas A&m Forest Service - 576 JAMES POLASEK jpolasek@tfs.tamu .edu Line # NIGP Code Phone (979) 458-7383 Commodity Codel Supplier Item QTY UOM Unit Price Extended Price $1 .00 $378,337 .00 Part # 15500 378 ,337 EACH Contract: TXMAS-4-56060 Contract Type: TXMAS Delivery ARO (days): 30 Delivery Date: 7/14/2016 Notes: Reference TXMAS-4-56060 quote from Mike Lodes dated 6/10/2016 --12 modular relocate from Ft Bliss to various TFS locations (quote attached) Total $378,337.00 - III TXMAS Sale Proposal B~XX ~~ II ..,!; MODULAR "'"'-" "'"' NORTEX MODULAR SPACE " lib Customer Texas A&M Forest Service ~ .r-lDi:~ . 555 Jubilee Lane Lewisville, Texas 75056 972-492-4040 Fax 972-492-2134 www.boxxmodularus.com (Seller) Represented by: Mike Lodes Phone (214) 534-5105 "mlodes@boxxmodular.com" www.boxxmodularus.com , Attn: Alan Degelman E-mail Phone Cell Fax adegelman@tfs.tamu.edu (979) 968-5556 Project Name and Site Address Project Name: Ft. Bliss - 12 modular relocate Site Location Address: City/State: Texas Zip Code : 6/13/2016 TXMAS Contract TXMAS-4-56060 Terms of Payment: per TXMAS Size of Building vanes Unit # DescrilJtion 12 modular relocate QTY Total Delivery: 6 to McGregor, Tx . 18 to Hudson, Tx. - 3 to Brownwood, Tx. - 6 to Fredericksburg, Tx.-- based on 15'-2" building heights maximum. Dismantle: (9) triplewides 36x62 each and (3) Doublewide 24x62. (see attached clarifications for dismantle). TXMAS SfN361-32 = teardown charges @ 3.70sf. All units equal 24,696 sf x 3.70 = $91,375.00 Additional Dismantle work: (open market) See clarification page 33 $134,700.00 12 $91,375.00 1 $8,460.00 Provide: 171 tires, manufacture and weld 33 hitches, yrovide 99 axles/leaf syrings and hubs, 1 $55,926.00 Install: TXMAS SIN361-32 = install charges are $3.70 sf. 24,696sf x 3.70= $91,375.00 12 $82,876.00 0 1 $0.00 $5,000.00 (Disco ul l J [0 $82.876 .( 0) See Install clarifications page. Decks and Ramps re-install is by owner Project management--discounted Other: Other: Additional charges may apply if: site is not clear, level, and truck accessible; access is limited to less than 7 day 7am-7pm work hours; all information is not provided prior to job in order to get onto the site and/or we are not able to get on a gated site within 15 minutes; additional trip is needed due to lack of contact person available for final walk through and sign-off of work. Quote does not include: cost of certified payroll, prevailing wage, permits, drug testing, background checks , safety training , downtime, and any rolling more than 5. Sales tax will be charged unless certificate has been provided. All permits are to be obtained by others, Applicable plans/codes/regulations shall be provided by custom, Utility locations must be clearly marked , Utilities must be disconnected by others prior to dismantle, Other: Other: Other: Other: I TOTAL $378,337.00 Nortex Representative's Signature: Date: Attached scope of work and terms and conditions apply to this order. Prices quoted exclude all taxes, licenses, permits and fees. Delivery and installation prices are based on the site being accessible, level, and having adequate drainage. Government is responsible for obtaining any building permits and securing local installation and foundation approvals. Quote valid for 30 days. Scope of Work Customer and Government and are all the same entity. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13 , 14. IS. 1.6. 17. 18 . 19. Floor plan Foundation Pad -minimum 2500 PSF recommended Thirdparty certification of drawings of building Delivery to customers sites - McGegor-Hudson-BrownwoodFredericksburg, Tx. Site access including al/ weather road (Nortex does not restore access wheel ruts and damaged grass, landscaping and trees) Site leveling, compaction and drainage (note positive drainage is required from foundation pad) Stake location (all four corners) and site plan showing building layout Site utilities (electrical, water, sewer, and telcom including crawl space harnessing) Provide pier (dry stack CMU) foundation plans (above grade only) Permits and fees (other than delivery) Set buildings on foundation pad provided by customer Provide concrete piers (dry stacked piers using 8 x 8 x 16 CMU blocks) on precast concrete jJads 16" x 16" x 4" or equal Remove tires only -hitches to remain as they will be welded on. Provide temporary power for hand tools if required Provide dumpster service for trash removal at the jobsite if required Provide bathroom facilities at jobsite for setup crews if re..guired Anchor building - type of site (check one) Dirt_ Gravel _ Rock Concrete Install skirting to match siding - type NONE per addendum I Install interior and exterior finishes - best match possible using Customer Not Applicable Nortex X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20. 21. 22 . 23 . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 . 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33 . 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. existing material from dismantle. Weathertite roof Site adjustment of all doors after setup (related to site settlement) Level floor during setup SllflI'ly/instail electrical panel box (es) Engineer, supply and install electrical distribution system, and sub feed to electricaljJanel box(es) Supply/install transformer, if needed install existing aluminum Step and Landings - 8 sets Broom sweep of interior floors- all other cleaning by customer Re-install old awning if condition of awning is acceptable Hookup HV AC to electrical panel box or boxes (by factory) Balance HV AC system SllflI'lylinstall miniblinds Re-install existing guttering and downspouts---I f gutters have to be cut during dismantle then resplicing Su2fllylinstall fire alarm system, if needed Supply/install fire sprinkler system ifrequired Supply/install emergency lighting Supply/install telephone J-boxes and computer J-boxes Supply/install telephone and communication wiring ConnectjJower during set-up X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FOR LEED PROJECTS ONLY This is a LEED project and requires you to document the following to us : Any waste to landfills by date, hauler, item and weight. Any item that can be recycled has to be recycled and documented (such as the track material), again by date, hauler, item and weight. Any items being furnished by you that have recycle content (steel is default 25% without documentation) must have the cut sheets supplied concerning recycle content. There will be recycling dumpsters/Bins onsite and they must be used properly. All efforts must be made to divert construction waste away from landfills. Any items that are supplied that have been harvested and manufactured within 500 miles of site will require a document submitted. Any item that you are supplying that is reused from locally needs documented . TXMAS Contract TXMAS-4-56060 Terms and Conditions All structures offered shall be new or used unless specifled in the contract. A one year limited warranty is included on all purchases. Door adjustments, HV AC filter changes, cleaning, maintenance of telcom systems, fire alarm systems and fire sprinkler systems and other maintenance is the responsibility of the Government and is not considered warranty. Unless otherwise stated in a the contract or delivery order, the Government is responsible for site access, leveling, compaction (to 2,500 psf), drainage, site utilities, footings (if required), staking of the location, temporary power during setup, trash dumpster, bathroom facilities for setup crew, utility connection s during the setup including utility harnessing in the crawl space, electrical connections to sub-panels and related electrical harness ing, decks, ramps and landings, skirting, fire alarm system (if required), fire sprinkler system (if required), telephone wiring, and site restoration if damage such as ruts in grass surfaces etc caused during the delivery process . These items may be added to the purchase order or delivery order upon joint agreement. The completion date shall be the date that the Nortex Modular Space scope of work is substantially completed and the project can be occupied and used by the Government. If, on that date, the Government has not fulfilled its scope of work (such as delay in electrical, water and sewer utility connections) and the building cannot be occupied due to such circumstances beyond the control of Norte x Modular Space, then the acceptance date in any case shall be on that date, and the Government shall commence with payment of one time charges and progress payments reflecting the cost of the work that has been substantially completed, and shall immediately provide a punch list of the existing condition of the project. If Nortex Modular Space has an added travel expense or other expense to return to the project at a later date due to these circumstances, then this additional cost shall be borne by the Government. If delivery to the jobsite is held up due to circumstances in control by the Government, then the Government shall immediately take steps to pay a progress payment equal to 100% of the value of the building components as manufactured and stored at the factory and, if the building components are held for longer than 30 days, the warranty period shall commence at that time and storage charges of $100.00 per building component (or unit) shall apply ITom that date forward until such a time as the delivery to the jobsite is completed. Progress billings are allowed under this GSA proposal and the Government shall approve and pay progress payments on a monthly basis, based on 90% of the completed work at the end of each month. Progress payments and any other one-time charges shall be paid within 30 days of invoice. Progress payments will also be made on charges related to government or weather caused delays. The Government is relieved from all risk of loss or damage to the structures during periods of transportation, installation, and during the entire time the structures are in possession of Nortex Modular Space, except when loss or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the Government. The Government shall assume risk of loss or damage to the structures upon the date of substantial completion. The Government is responsible for any applicable state, local and other taxes . Mike Lodes/Boxx Modular confirmed to Alan Degelman that this revision schedule was fine: From: Wall, John Sent: Monday, June 13,20161:42 PM To: DeWitt, Robby <rdewitt@tfs. tam u.edu>; Goodman, Jared <jgoodman@ ' fs.tamu .ed u> Subject: RE: FtBliss teardown schedule and reset schedule at various locations For foundation purposes I am requesting that building 455 goes to Brownwood. I would then like building 443, 453, 466, and 467 go to McGregor and Fredericksburg. Doesn't really matter which to which. Let me know if this thoroughly confused things and messed up the planned deliveries below. John Wall Logistics Coordinator Incident Response Department Cell: 936-546-3109