NEW - Big bioreactor BREAKTHROUGH
NEW - Big bioreactor BREAKTHROUGH DECEMBER 2011 • VOLUME 41 • NO. 7 FOOD SCIENCES STARTS ON PAGE 8 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: ESBE Brochure English ESBE Brochure French Mottlab product card Pittcon Brochure Water disinfection system uses UV-LED technology PAGE 21 EDXRF spectrometer is fast, easy to use PAGE 25 Lab platform automates multiple processes PAGE 30 LPN Digital Ad 2/17/10 11:04 AM Page 1 Introducing Digital Editions Providing Readers with an Interactive Version of the Magazine ● ● ● ● Choose Digital, Print or Both Keyword Searches of Digital Edition Archives Quick Easy Links to Advertisements Instant Online Access GO TO: LPN_1211 g LPN_1211_Layout 1 11/17/11 11:58 AM Page 1 Instruments for the Field, Laboratory & Industrial Applications Instruments pour applications en chantier, en laboratoire et industrielles Toroidal Conductivity or Concentration Analyzer Analyseur de conductivité/ concentration à sonde toroïdale • NEMA 4X (IP68) • 2 x 16 Digit LCD Readout • NEMA 4X (IP68) • ACL 2 x 16 chiffres CDCN442 $925 Visit/Visitez ©Kakarlapudi Venkata Sivanaga Raju/ OMEGAFLEX® Peristaltic Pump and Pump Motor Pompe péristaltique OMEGAFLEXMC et moteur de pompe pH/mV Benchtop Meter pH/mV-mètre pour l’établi PHB21 $660 FPU500 $125 FPU5-MT Series/Seríe Starts at À partir de $975 Visit/Visitez Visit/Visitez MD N° 112 No. 112 976 Bergar Laval, Québec Canada H7L 5A1 ® Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen Kit Indicateur d’oxygène dissout pour l’établi DOB21 $1005 Visit/Visitez MD © COPYRIGHT 2011 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DECEMBER 2011 • VOLUME 41 • NO. 7 Leslie Burt ART DIRECTOR Lisa Zambri CIRCULATION MANAGER Anita Madden PRODUCTION MANAGER Cathy Li READER SERVICE Elizabeth Callaghan ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Anita Havas-Stainton EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Tim Dimopoulos PUBLISHER/EDITOR VICE-PRESIDENT, CANADIAN PUBLISHING Alex Papanou PRESIDENT, BUSINESS INFORMATION GROUP Bruce Creighton HEAD OFFICE: 80 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 Fax (416)510-5140. Telephone direct (416)510-6835. Email: LAB PRODUCT NEWS is published by BIG Magazines LP, a div. of Glacier BIG Holdings Company Ltd. BIG Magazines LP is a leading Canadian information company with interests in daily and community newspapers and business-to-business information services. EDITORIAL PURPOSE: To provide concise product data for buyers, specifiers and users of laboratory equipment. Readers in industry, hospital, university, private and government laboratories are informed about the latest equipment suitable for their particular branch of science. 28 MEDICA 2011 As 134,500 visitors converged on the Messe Düsseldorf trade fair grounds in mid-November for the annual MEDICA trade show, Lab Product News was there to see what’s new in clinical/diagnostic products. 5 INDUSTRY NEWS & EVENTS 8 FOOD SCIENCES 17 INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT 23 TESTING & QA/QC 26 NEW TECHNOLOGY 28 MEDICA 2011 products 30 AD INDEX 31 LITERATURE REVIEWS Phone: 1-800-668-2374; Fax: 416-442-2191; feature and products products feature and products feature ON THE COVER: Optical sensors provide real-time monitoring in food testing. See page 14. IMAGE COURTESY OF OCEAN OPTICS. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please call (416) 442-5600, ext 3548 or email for changes and updates to your subscription. Laboratory Product News assumes no responsibility for validity of claims in items reported. From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose products or services may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: contents CIRCULATION: This publication is mailed to eligible recipients in Canada who work in these Laboratory Classifications: Industrial labs (Quality Control & Research/ Development); University labs; Community College & High School labs; Hospital & Medical labs; Government labs; Private (independent) labs. Subscription rate in Canada: $35.95/year; $57.95 for two years; USA $65.95/year; other countries, $104.95/year. E-Mail:; Mail to: Privacy Officer, Business Information Group, 80 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 Printed in Canada. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40069240 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: CIRCULATION DEPT. — LAB PRODUCT NEWS, 80 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 USPS 764-030. US office of publication: 2424 Niagara Falls Blvd, Niagara Falls, NY 14304-0357. Periodicals Postage Paid at Niagara Falls, NY. US postmaster: Send address changes to Lab Product News, PO Box 1118, Niagara Falls, NY 14304-7118 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Audit Bureau of Circulations Member of the Member/Canadian Canadian Business Business Press Press Print edition: ISSN 1923-3035 Digital edition: ISSN 1923-3043 28 INDUSTRY NEWS LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • Canadian Light Source study shows positive impacts T he Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron is making a strong contribution to the country’s economies, and has a positive effect on academic and industrial research. These are some of the findings of an economic impact study conducted by Insightrix Research for the CLS. “It is apparent that the contribution of the CLS to the Canadian economy extends beyond economic impact data with the potential for a large impact in the years to come,” says Larry Goodfellow, partner with Insightrix Research. The study, conducted between June and August, consisted of surveys and in-depth interviews of the synchrotron’s academic and government users and industrial clients. It found that CLS operations directly contributed almost $90 million to Canadian GDP during the study period, with over $33 million in GDP for Saskatchewan. Academic research done at the CLS in 2010 contributed to the publication of over 130 scientific articles to date, and the training of 500 highly qualified personnel (such as A CLS scientist examines the defractometer in the hard x-ray microanalysis beamline endstation. IMAGE COURTESY OF CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE. graduate students). Respondents among academic users estimated the commercial value of the research they did at the CLS during 2010 at $28 million, with an additional $2.5 million related to the training of students and postdocs. This includes the commercial value of new inventions of over $12 million, and new or improved products and processes at $15.5 million. Finally, 97 percent of academic respondents indicated that some part of their research depends on synchrotron data and over 98 percent of the researchers surveyed intend to return to the CLS to do future research. Canada’s top supercomputer According to the international ranking Top 500 Supercomputers list (, the Université de Sherbrooke hosts the most powerful computer in Canada, and the 41st most powerful in the world. Called Mammouth (French for mammoth), it has the combined memory and speed of approximately 20,000 top-ofline personal computers. The world’s most powerful supercomputer is Japan’s K Computer which is four times more powerful than its nearest competitor. Installed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Kobe, the K Computer is followed by China’s Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin. The largest US system, a Cray XT5 system called Jaguar which is installed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is in third place. With Sherbrooke’s Mammouth, scientists from several Canadian universities perform numerical simulations essential to their research in various branches of engineering, science, medicine, as well as economics and linguistics. The Top 500 has been published twice yearly since 1993. The overall goal of the list is to facilitate collaborations, exchange of data and software, and provide a better understanding of the highperformance computer market. 5 6 INDUSTRY NEWS • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS $65M research centres open T The Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics. Photo courtesy of Ryan Blau, Concordia University. Perform Centre. Photo courtesy of Ryan Blau, Concordia University. wo new research institutes have opened at Concordia University – the Perform Centre and the Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics. Located in Montreal’s west end, the facilities received a total $65 million in funding from the provincial and federal governments. “These new research facilities are transformational for our university,” says Louise Dandurand, Concordia vice-president, research and graduate studies. “They are the culmination of a dream to house top researchers in innovative laboratory settings and to give them access to the best equipment and personnel. They also exemplify a new approach to fostering interdisciplinary scientific collaboration and to bringing that expertise from the laboratory into the wider community.” The Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics includes the latest in genomics, biotechnology and bioinformatics laboratories. The institute’s ultimate goal is to produce breakthroughs in genomics research that will transform green waste – stalks, twigs, agricultural straws and leaves – into renewable and alternative chemicals and fuels. The Perform Centre – which stands for Prevention, Evaluation, Rehabilitation, FORMation – will merge behavioural research, nutrition, athletic therapy, exercise science, psychology and physiology. Its scientists will collaborate with doctors from hospitals and university health centres from around the world. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INCOME GROWS TO $6.5B T otal research income for Canada’s top 50 universities was $6.5 billion in 2010, an increase of 3.6% over 2009. According to Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities List 2011, released by Research Infosource, research income includes all internal and external government and non-government sources. Thirty-three universities posted increases in their research income in 2010, compared with 17 universities that posted a decrease. “The 2010 result caps a decade in which university research income rose by 134%,” said Ron Freedman, CEO, Research Infosource. “To illustrate, total research income in 2000 was $2.76 billion, which indicates how strongly the sector has grown.” Sixteen universities recorded research income of $100 million or more in 2010. “Research income growth actually outstripped overall economic growth in 2010, which is an encouraging sign,” added Freedman. “Canada’s leading universities are powerful research engines that rely on a continuous stream of funding. Since government sources account for 68% of the total … unless university research is singled out for special attention it is hard to see how the sector will escape some cutbacks.” This year’s spotlight examined the 5-year growth in publication output. The top institutions in each category are University of Toronto (medical/doctoral), York University (comprehensive) and Ryerson University (undergraduate). The full list is available at COMING EVENTS February 4-8 - SLAS 2012, San Diego, Society for Laboratory Automation and March 11-15 - Corrosion 2012, Salt Lake City, NACE International - The Corrosion Screening, T: 630-256-7527, F: 630-741-7527,, Society, T: 281-228-6200, F: 281-228-6300,, February 16-20 - AAAS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, American Association March 25-29 - 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, American Chemical for the Advancement of Science, T: 202-326-6400, F: 202-842-1065,, Society, T: 202-872-6061,, March 11-16 - PITTCON 2012, Orlando, Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical April 1-5 - AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, T: 203-702-7660, F: 203-775-5177,, Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, T: 412-825-3220, F: 412-825-3224,, April 9-13 - 2012 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, Materials Research Society, T: 724-779-3003, F: 724-779-8313,, INDUSTRY NEWS LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • IN BRIEF Cardiologist receives scientific honour Olympus America and Andor Technology have joined forces to offer Andor’s cameras and spinning-disk laser confocal microscope systems built around Olympus microscopes. Analytical instruments and consumables manufacturer PerkinElmer has acquired Caliper Life Sciences, a provider of imaging and detection products, for a net purchase price of around $600 million. Laboratory instrument manufacturer Sartorius is acquiring the liquid-handling business of the Finnish laboratory supplier Biohit, which produces mechanical and electronic pipettes. The segment generated net sales of around 38 million euros in 2010. The deal is expected to close at the end of 2011. D r Jean-Claude Tardif, cardiologist, clinician, director of the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) Research Centre, professor of medicine at Université de Montréal, and Pfizer research chair in atherosclerosis at Université de Montréal, has been awarded the Prix Armand-Frappier as part of the 2011 Prix du Québec. The prize is the highest distinction awarded by the province of Quebec to a scientist who has contributed to the development of a research institution. Since 2004, Dr Tardif has directed the MHI Research Centre, where he heads up a team of more than 600 people. He Dr Jean-Claude Tardif. IMAGE COURTESY OF MONTREAL spearheaded the creation of the first GLP-grade (good laboHEART INSTITUTE. ratory practice) pharmacogenomics centre in Canada as well as that of the Centre for Excellence in Personalized Medicine at the MHI. In the past few years, he has supervised the deployment of new international research infrastructure, for which he has received more than $120 million in funding. These networks and centres include the Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network (CAIN), the MHI Biobank, and the Montreal Heart Institute Coordinating Centre. $50M innovation fund launches G Paul Lucas, GlaxoSmithKline president & CEO, and Dr Moncef Slaoui, the company’s global chairman of research & development, launch the GSK Canada Life Sciences Innovation Fund. (CNW Group/GlaxoSmithKline) laxoSmithKline (GSK) has launched a new $50-million national fund, called the GSK Canada Life Sciences Innovation Fund, which will be focussed on advancing the commercialization of scientific innovation in Canada by investing in early-stage research. The fund will identify strategic investment opportunities within Canada’s life sciences industry including academic and health institutions, translational research centres and start-up companies. “Canada’s life sciences industry is respected around the world with many innovative companies and organizations engaged in high-potential research,” said Dr Moncef Slaoui, global chairman of research and development at GlaxoSmithKline. “The establishment of this fund demonstrates GSK’s confidence in Canada to continue to be an important source of development for medicines of value for patients.” The fund will be managed by GlaxoSmithKline in Canada and GSK’s global corporate venture capital arm SR One. April 14-17 - ACRP 2012, Houston, Association of Clinical Research Professionals, T: 703-254-8100, F: 703-254-8101,, May 20-24 - 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Vancouver, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, T: 505-989-4517, F: 505-989-1073,, April 17-20 - Analytica 2012, Munich, Germany, Munich Trade Fairs Canada, T: 416-237-9939, F: 416-237-9920,, www. June 2-4 - LABCON 2012, Gatineau, Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, T: 905-667-8688, F: 905-528-4968,, April 21-25 - Experimental Biology 2012, San Diego, Federation of American Societies June 18-22 - ACHEMA 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, T: +49 69 75 64 0, for Experimental Biology, T: 301-634-7075, F: 301-634-7008,, F: +49 69 75 64 201,, 7 8 FOOD SCIENCES • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS QUALITY CONTROL IN THE FOOD LAB Instituting quality control programs in food labs ultimately yields safer food on the table. In this article, the Standards Council of Canada explains why acquiring accreditation has multiple benefits for labs. T he testing of food products requires that everything be put on the table. Any discrepancies or ‘findings’ related to food tests, if left uncorrected, could potentially harm millions of Canadians. Because there is no acceptable margin of error when it comes to food inspection, most laboratories in Canada strive to adhere to national and international standards as a means of establishing consistent, quality results. An upward swing in consumer confidence has many taking notice. According to results from a 2011 survey conducted by Leger Marketing, 68 percent of Canadians gave Canada’s food safety system a favourable confidence rating. This confidence is directly tied to the stringent L LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • FOOD SCIENCES According to McDonagh, achieving and is producing trusted data for customquality control methods that many Canaand maintaining accreditation to the ISO/ ers. Accuracy and precision of each test dian food testing laboratories follow. IEC 17025 standard can be a challenge for method are frequently monitored by pro“It should give Canadians a sense of smaller laboratories. However, McDonagh fessional lab personnel to help ensure propconfidence in the products that are comadds that the standard sells itself and is er quality procedures are being followed. ing out,” said Shelagh McDonagh, nationMaple Leaf Foods’ Courtland Laboratory necessary to establish proper operating al manager for lab quality assurance and has seen several benefits to having their inand quality procedures for food testing accreditation of the sciences branch at the house laboratory located in Kitchener, ON, laboratories. Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) accredited by SCC to the ISO/IEC 17025 “It [ISO/IEC 17025] gives you all the in Ottawa. “Labs can use [accreditation] standard. guidance you need because if you’re a new to market their services and defend them“There are dollar-savings [because] selves if they are challenged…it has a lot lab coming in and you don’t really know rather than sending the products out for what’s expected, it covers everything,” she of power.” testing, you can do them in-house,” said said, referring to the step-by-step guidThrough its food, animal and plant inDianne Culley, quality assurance specialist ance for senior management as well as to spection programs and services, CFIA contributes to safeguarding the health and the guidance for technical staff handling of accreditation. This particular Maple Leaf Foods lab does well-being of Canada’s people, environment samples in an actual laboratory. The main and economy. The agency is dedicated to reason why many companies involved in mostly environmental testing, but also tests protecting Canadians from preventable food testing make a point of using laborato- ready-to-eat meats and some raw meats as food safety hazards, and to ensuring that ries that meet the international laboratory well. In addition to the financial benefits, acfood safety emergencies are effectively accreditation requirements (set out in the cording to Culley, accreditation was acquired in order to increase opmanaged through portunities for trade, public awareness and and that accreditation food safety campaigns. will “in part make it Competent food NEXT STEPS easier to export to the testing begins with The Standards Council of Canada’s accreditation programs are the proper personUnited States, because based on internationally recognized standards and guides. This nel training, which accredited labs can alis why the renowned so be recognized interapplies to the accreditation of standards development organizainternational standard nationally as meeting tions (SDOs) as well as conformity assessment organizations. ISO/IEC 17025:2005 – a particular standard,” To obtain more information about accreditation programs and General requirements she said. for the competence of “If you’re an acservices, or to learn how to apply for accreditation, please visit testing and calibracredited facility then tion laboratories is so the testing is meeting widely used. “If you a certain standard and wish to conform to the it’s reliable, reproducstandard, you have to ible, accurate and detrain and you also have to verify the effec- international standard, ISO/IEC 17025) is pendable,” she said, adding that the overall tiveness of that training by monitoring the to prepare to address a range of technical image of a food testing laboratory increases performance. It’s just good practice,” said problems that may arise during testing. significantly when accredited to produce Among the common issues faced by food competent data. McDonagh. “Every element you need to deliver a solid quality result has been covered testing laboratories are some that relate Through quality control procedures directly to quality control. Any number of that enable laboratories to identify and prein that standard.” In Canada, the Standards Council of Cana- factors could affect the integrity of testing vent commonly encountered testing issues, da (SCC) evaluates the competence of Canadi- samples, data records and the accuracy of these laboratories are better able to deliver an laboratories to the international standard testing results, including the methods used quality results. Training for laboratory per(ISO/IEC 17025). By issuing accreditation to for handling and analysis. Having quality sonnel on the requirements, in combinathis standard, SCC provides assurance to cus- procedures that address the collection of tion with accreditation to the international tomers and clients of accredited laboratories samples, transportation of those samples, standard (ISO/IEC 17025), helps ensure that they have the competence to perform evaluations and reporting all contribute to that Canadian food testing laboratories testing and laboratory work in a particular a laboratory’s competence. Each procedure have what it takes to bring safe food into has an important impact on food testing our kitchens and onto our tables. LABPN field, such as food testing. 9 10 FOOD SCIENCES • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS S unland, a maker of peanut products in New Mexico, needed to ensure consistency of colour in its peanut butter. An essential factor in the ultimate determination of the peanut butter’s final grade, colour accounts for twenty percent of the total score when establishing the grade. For the past 50 years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued standards for grading peanut butter. Factors for defining the different qualities of peanut butter include the specific peanut type, texture and style. The product is also sorted into three different grades, which are established with scientific testing. The USDA established colour standards to enable the visual establishment of peanut butter that classifies as Grade A or Grade B or substandard. The process involves setting up specific lighting and viewing conditions, and product application and preparation method. Sunland was formed in 1988 by a group of peanut farmers in New Mexico to market the Valencia peanuts they grew. The company’s market reaches from a retail store in Portales, NM, to around the world. In addi- tion to processing raw, roasted, salted and unsalted peanuts, Sunland manufactures peanut butter. Like all peanuts, Valencias are legumes, more closely related to peas and beans with one important difference: they grow beneath the ground. Valencias are smaller, sweeter and have more intense flavor than other varieties of peanuts. Each peanut contains three to five kernels. The peanuts destined for the peanut butter plant are shelled and roasted, and most of the red skins removed. Then the peanuts go through several grinding and mixing areas. Colour quality control “The USDA provides four colour chips for peanut butter and we try to match our peanut butter colour to chip number three, with a plus or minus tolerance of .5,” said Samantha Rector, quality control supervisor with Sunland. “The private label peanut butter we make for other companies may require a different colour match. We needed a way to take the subjectivity out of colour matching, which was done visually according to USDA standards. I may see a batch of peanut butter colour as too dark, while someone else may see it as too light.” “We learned of a new and more reliable method that had been developed by Konica Minolta to speed up the colour evaluation process on peanut butter while at the same time making the process more consistent and less subjective,” she added. The Konica Minolta CR400/410 series of colorimeters have the ability to program the USDA grades and colour-matching data of peanut butter into the instrument. “Now we can take a measurement of either roasted peanuts or peanut butter in seconds, rather than relying on time-consuming visual evaluation,” she said. “We have eliminated the need for special sample LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • preparation to colour standards and for special lighting and viewing conditions required to evaluate peanut butter visually.” Consistency is the goal The colour measurement instrument can be held in just one hand, and is capable of measuring, comparing, and pass/failing up to 100 targets and 1,000 samples. Available in a choice of apertures (8mm or 50mm), the series is suitable for measuring reflected colour and colour difference of ingredients, raw materials, finished products, powders, pastes and opaque liquids. The CR-410 used by Sunland can accurately and consistently measure peanut butter in a standard attachment and report a single number corresponding to the established USDA peanut butter standard colour chips. The reported colour number will indicate whether the product is USDA grade A, grade B or substandard grade, and, in the case of Sunland, report a variance from the programmed colour requirement for their peanut butter. The peanut butter colour index meter comes with software that stores data from every batch and allows them to keep track of product statistics from batch to batch. A custom output report can be printed for every batch. Sunland measures the colour of peanuts at the grinding stage and at the final peanut butter stage just before it is put into jars. “Measuring ground peanuts helps us know where the colour is before processing into peanut butter,” said Samantha Rector. Samples are put into Petri dishes and placed on top of the colorimeter and measured. Colour is adjusted by controlling the temperature at the roaster, according to the results of the measurement. “Colourants are never used to adjust colour; it’s all pure Valencia peanuts,” said Rector. “The Konica Minolta CR-410 colorimeter has definitely saved us a lot of time and cost by eliminating trial and error and increased our productivity too.” LABPN For more information, circle reply card # 15, or request online at FOOD SCIENCES 11 12 FOOD SCIENCES • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS DEVICE AUTOMATES ROUTINE ANALYSIS BY TERI THEORET, MARKETING MANAGER, CANADAWIDE SCIENTIFIC I n today’s busy laboratories, technical staff are often subjected to intense time and work pressures as they monitor multiple analysis systems and evaluate results simultaneously. The automation of daily analyses can represent an important opportunity for valuable time savings. The determination of dry mass and ash – one of the most important parameters in the analysis of many materials and substances – is an area in which automation can effectively increase sample throughput and reduce stress on technical staff. Moisture has a direct effect on the shelf life of foodstuffs, while ash content provides information about mineral content. Moisture and ash are thus parameters for the quality of foodstuffs, the determination of which is prescribed for all product groups in food registers. For example, the ash content correlates with the extraction rate of grain and serves to directly typify flour. With meat products, moisture and ash content is included in the calculation of carbohydrates. For milk, “traditionally, ash determination is done … to verify it has not been watered down,” says Monika Roth-Blum of Precisa Gravimetrics’ application laboratory. To determine the ash content manually, the sample is first weighed, burned in a muffle furnace or a microwave at approximately 550°C, cooled and weighed. This process is repeated until the values remain stable. “Normally, this means several hours’ work, as every analysis step has to be done by hand,” says Roth-Blum. To prevent the samples from re-absorbing moisture before back weighing, they must be placed in a dessicator to cool off. The draining agent it contains generally ensures that moisture is not re-absorbed. Despite this, this coolingdown phase is prone to error so the draining agent must be changed regularly to ensure the samples really do not re-absorb moisture and falsify the result. Coolingdown times must also be precisely adhered to, which makes the parallel working with other analyses more difficult. Although these analyses are important they do not count as highly qualified tasks. “Due to the time-consuming work steps, technical staff are tied up with these parameters for too long, so that the analysis costs are usually significantly higher than the calculated values,” says Roth-Blum. To simplify and optimize processes for determining ash content, laboratory staff can have the determination of moisture and ash done by an analysis device. Precisa Gravimetrics’ prepASH® automatic ashing and drying system, for example, combines the function of a drying oven, a muffle furnace, an analysis scale and an evaluation unit in one system. It permits the determination of dry mass and ash in up to 29 samples at a time, depending on the model. The West Yorkshire Analytical Services in the UK recently began working with a prepASH system in its food testing laboratory. Moisture and ash determination form a part of one of the most common suites for nutritional and meat content analysis at the lab, says Dr Duncan Campbell, BSc, DPhil, MChemA, CChem, FRSC, registered analytical chemist, public analyst and agricultural analyst at West Yorkshire. He explains, “Our analysis is very wide ranging: foreign bodies, nutritional analysis, additives, contaminants, authenticity, health claims etc. We use a wide range of classical and instrumental techniques. Our instruments range from flame photometers and simple spectrophotometers, through cryoscopes, Dumas nitrogen analyzer, HPLC and GC to LS-MS-MS and PCR techniques.” A temperature profile and process gases are specified in the method used by the lab. A built-in balance permits the recording of the weight progression for every sample, automatic end-point recognition and result calculation without the samples having to cool down. The device is set up on two levels. A muffle furnace and sample dish for 29 samples and reference crucible are built into the upper level and the analytical balance and all electronics are fitted in the lower level. For the analysis, the samples simply have to be weighed by laboratory staff. “For this, a turntable moves into position and places the crucible on the balance. After precise weighing the dish rotates again and offers up the next crucible until all 29 samples have been weighed,” says RothBlum. The turntable on which the crucibles are arranged in two circles lowers itself for the weighing process and places every single sample on the balance. The balance can be moved so that all samples in both circles can be weighed. After selecting the analysis method, all further steps run automatically. During drying and ash determination, the samples are repeatedly weighed until they all exhibit a stable weight. In addition, cooling phases in the dessicator are eliminated as the samples do not have to leave the device during the entire analysis. Handling the red-hot crucibles when they have to be removed from the furnace – as is done with the manual method – is also unnecessary. The results are displayed automatically after the analysis is finished and can either be printed out FOOD SCIENCES LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • directly or further processed on a computer. Method settings, temperature and weight changes, relevant weighing values such as initial and back weighing as well as the calculated results (eg, moisture and ash content in %) are logged. Unlike the manual method, the analysis processes are monitored and logged continuously, which is a prerequisite for making quality assurance possible in a certified laboratory. “The device thus makes manual processes such as back weighing of the samples and sample handling (pre-ash determination, loading or removal from the drying cabinet, muffle furnace, dessicators) superfluous, and reduces time and effort by up to 80 percent,” says Roth-Blum. Dr Campbell says the main factor for his lab choosing the prepASH was “its small amount of operator input.” Beyond that, he also offers a perspective on today’s food safety testing: “During my career, the modernization of laboratories with an increase in automated sample-handling techniques and information technology means that we can analyze many more samples than even ten years ago,” he says. “However, particularly in my line of work, there is still a need to understand the chemistry behind what we do and to realize that a sophisticated hyphen- ated technique may not provide the answer to a problem which is best solved by careful observation, simple tests and expert use of an optical microscope.” LABPN PRECISE FLOW CONTROL MAINTAINS PRODUCT QUALITY Mass flow controller provides precision gas flow control for a variety of food and beverage processes. The unit accurately regulates flow of process gases, attaining and maintaining flow setpoints in less than 100ms. The controller can be used in sparging, blanketing, filling and injection processes in food and beverage production, and is calibrated for 30 inert gases and a number of corrosive gases to measure pressure, temperature and volumetric flow in addition to mass flow. Laminar flow differential pressure technology delivers highly accurate results with a fast response time of less than 10ms and control time of 100ms. Alicat Reply card # 38 or For more details, circle reply card # 17 or request online at CIRCULATING BATH OPTIMIZES ACCELERATED BEVERAGE AGING STUDIES Large-capacity circulating bath is designed to replicate the temperature fluctuations associated with beverage packaging, transportation, and storage. Suitable for performing accelerated aging studies, the 75-L unit features a -20° to +100°C working temperature range and ±0.005°C temperature stability. A touch-screen temperature controller displays temperature to 1/1000th of a degree and allows multiple thermal cycling options and programs. A swivelling control head permits viewing of the temperature display anywhere within a 180° viewing radius, a corrosion and chemical resistant top plate remains cooler at high temperatures, and special environmental control technology reduces operational noise and energy consumption. PolyScience Reply card # 34 or 13 14 FOOD SCIENCES • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS OPTICAL SENSORS PROVIDE REAL-TIME MONITORING Advances in high-performance sensor materials and optoelectronics have enabled the development of fibre optic sensors for use in life sciences, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage processing and more. The optical sensors can be made in small and customizable form factors, allow non-intrusive measurements and do not consume the sample. The O2 and pH sensors are designed for accurate, real-time, in situ measurements in various media. The sensor coating materials can be applied to substrates such as probes, self-adhesive acrylic patches and microtitre wells. Coating options are available for general lab use, food processing lines and hydrocarbon-rich environments. Depending on the application, oxygen presence or pH can be visually determined by colour change with a handheld LED, or a fluorometer can be used to make exact measurements. The principle of operation is to trap an oxygen-sensitive fluorophore or pH indicator dye in a sol-gel host matrix that can be applied to the tip of a fibre, an adhesive membrane such as a patch or a flat substrate such as a cuvette. The indicator materials change optical properties in response to specific analytes in their immediate environment and electronics then measure the response. For oxygen, a fluorometer measures the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen; for pH, a miniature fibre optic spectrometer measures the colorimetric (absorbance) response of the pH dye. Ocean Optics Reply card # 23 or SALT ANALYSIS WITHIN 20 SECONDS Analyzer achieves speedy and accurate determination of chloride ions by coulometric titration method. Measurement occurs when silver ions produced from the silver wire by electrical oxidization in a special electrolyte react with chloride ions in the samples. The concentration of Cl or NaCl is calculated from the quantity of electricity required to produce silver ions. Easy maintenance means no standardization of reagent is required in coulometry. Operation is simple with an injection of the sample solution into the electrolytefilled measuring vessel to obtain rapid and accurate results. Small footprint design (310mm W x 270mm D) saves bench space. JM Science Reply card # 26 or STAND-ALONE FT-NIR HAS HYGIENIC DESIGN Intended for routine quality control work in harsh environments, Fournier Transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectrometer was designed with hygiene in mind for the food and feed industries. The instrument is available in food-grade polymer and stainless steel housings (both in protection class IP54 and IP65). Its polarization interferometer not only provides the instrument with high sensitivity, ensuring accurate and reliable results, but also a high degree of robustness. The stand-alone unit includes a built-in PC, as well as ready-to-use calibrations for the food, feed, dairy, and meat and bakery industries. Buchi Reply card # 25 or BIOCHIP PLATFORM ALLOWS MULTI-ANALYTE FOOD TESTING Screening platform detects antimicrobials, growth promoting hormones and drugs of abuse in animal and foodstuffs. The biochip testing system uses a multi-analyte semi-quantitative drug residue analyzer and allows simultaneous detection of an extensive list of compounds using sample matrices including muscle, liver/kidney, seafood, milk, honey, urine and animal feed. The analyzer reduces costs, run time and labour requirements. Manufacturer says it guarantees faster turnaround time for results and a higher throughput (675 tests in under 2 hours). Based on ELISA technology, the analyzer eliminates the need for labour-intensive qualitative dipstick methods which test only one sample at a time. Randox Reply card # 30 or MOISTURE ANALYZER OFFERS FAST, ACCURATE RESULTS Incorporating smart features that enable simple operation and bring fast results, moisture balance comes in two models. One model provides moisture determination results at 0.01%/1mg with a capacity of 50g, while the other provides results at 0.1%/10mg with a capacity of 200g. With multiple samples and repetitive tests being standard in most applications, both models allow use of a USB memory card to store a large number of results and test programs. Tests can be run at virtually any location and results stored on the spot. Data can be uploaded for further analysis. Adam Equipment Reply card # 24 or FOOD SCIENCES LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • HIGH-RES IMAGER ENABLES AUTOMATED COLONY COUNTING Imaging station is configured with multiple light sources for illuminating colonies. An integrated digital colour camera captures high-resolution colony images. The easy-to-use process enables accurate and automated colony counting. Manufacturer says users can quickly and easily accelerate research, quality documentation and clinical studies while ensuring accurate colony counting results. The white light and fluorescent sources visualize a wide array of bacterial, yeast and mould colonies with samples found in air, water, food and cosmetics. The blue light is used for colonies stained with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Instrument’s doors create a darkroom environment when imaging colonies with GFP. UVP Reply card # 27 or LIMS SOLUTION FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE PRODUCERS Risks and costs associated with quality and safety have risen dramatically in recent years, requiring manufacturers to make sure supply chain operations are in compliance with industry regulations and standards. The goals of most food and beverage manufacturers are driven by these demands. Frequent product changeovers, mega-retailer pressure, product variability and increasing regulatory demands dominate the industry. All while intense competition applies pressure to lower costs and increase throughput across organizations. Because emphasis is on regulatory compliance, a laboratory information management system (LIMS) can securely provide an audit trail for regulators that documents instrument validation status, traceability, sample identification and tracking, as well as any documented and insured corrective actions, or established and controlled methodologies. Thermo Scientific Reply card # 28 or METER MEETS FOOD INDUSTRY PH NEEDS Handheld meter has a simple layout and is durable. When paired with the manufacturer’s new pH sensor, which is especially focused on food industry needs, the user receives fast, accurate measurement of pH. The new sensor has a hardened point for easy penetration of soft meats and all cheeses. The probe uses manual temperature compensation to allow for fast pH measurement, so there is no waiting for an internal temperature sensor to reach operating temperature. The unit provides ±0.03 pH accuracy over the full range of 0-14 pH. Comes with factory traceable calibration certificate. Ebro Reply card # 29 or EASY SAMPLING AND DILUTION IN MICROBIOLOGY TESTS Manual dilution pipette is designed to handle critical sampling and dilution steps when performing bacteriology or analytical routine tests. The pipette fits sterilized polypropylene straws (190- or 240-mm long) which help reach the sample without contact between instrument and container. The 4-mm straw diameter prevents blockage when liquid contains particles in suspension. The pipette includes an interchangeable PE nozzle filter to protect the instrument from liquid intrusion. Two pre-calibrated fixed volumes (no setting required) allow consecutive aspiration and subsequent pipetting of 1 mL and 0.1 mL of the same liquid. Socorex Reply card # 36 or REPRODUCIBLE SAMPLE PREPARATION OF FOOD AND FEED Cyclone Mill TWISTER Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 300 If you are looking for a complete line of products for sample preparation, look no further than RETSCH. ■ Mills for all sample types ■ Fast, reproducible results every time ■ Wide variety of grinding tools ■ German engineered for many years of reliable service ■ Easy to use, clean and maintain 74 Walker Lane Newtown, PA 18940 1-866-4-RETSCH Reply card # 113 or request online at 15 16 FOOD SCIENCES • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS CIRCULATOR USED IN E COLI 0157 FOOD SAFETY STUDY VALIDATING THE CLAIMS OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS Functional foods are products that individuals may consume to increase their health or reduce their disease burden. To generate accurate analytical results with food and beverage materials, careful sample preparation is critical, especially when the analyte of interest is volatile. The concentration technology in the manufacturer’s evaporator systems has been developed with leading analytical laboratories around the world, ensuring that food and beverage samples are concentrated safely, rapidly, and with a very high degree of reproducibility. The manufacturer says its evaporators are increasingly used by researchers seeking to extract functional molecules from natural sources. Typically researchers take a tissue (or micro-organism broth) sample and perform a primary solvent extraction resulting in a large volume of crude extract. The crude extract then requires concentration, before being fractionated to isolate each component. These samples then need to be evaporated before storage or analysis which may require lyophilization. The manufacturer’s different evaporator models are suitable for each of these tasks. Genevac Reply card # 35 or Circulator was recently used as part of a reference method for the assessment of E coli 0157 rapid testing protocols. In a recently published food safety study,1 enzyme-linked fluorescent assays (ELFA) and PCR were compared with the standard culture technique applying ISO 16654:2001 for E coli 0157 detection in raw and cooked meat samples. The circulator was used to prepare and homogenize samples in tryptic soy broth with novobiocin for all testing protocols. The study revealed that the new rapid methods are equivalent to the original direct culture technique. The team at the Rome-based facility concluded that the speed of testing of the rapid methods over the culturing techniques will be of great benefit to the public. Several days can be saved between sampling and detection, allowing a quick response to outbreaks. Manufacturer says the circulator provides excellent organism recovery from meat samples, with reduced sample debris ensuring minimal interference with subsequent sample processes. Seward Reference: 1) Detection of E Coli 0157 in raw and cooked: comparison of conventional direct culture method and enzyme linked fluorescent assay (ELFA). Maria De Giusti, Daniela Tufi, Caterina Aurigemma, Angela Del Cimmuto, Federica Trinti, Alice Mannocci, Antonio Boccia. Hygiene Unit, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome. Italian Journal of Public Health (2011), Vol 8, Number 1. Reply card # 37 or SYSTEM COMPLETES DIGESTIONS IN 10 MINUTES Bench-top digester performs acid digestion for trace metals analysis in 10 minutes, including cool down. The instrument features full pressure and temperature control for every sample. Choice of Pyrex® or quartz vials come with easy-to-use, disposable, snap-on caps. Teflon® liners are also available. Typical sample sizes up to 0.3 g are comparable to those run in much larger vessels due to special system that safely vents any excess gaseous by-products without loss of analytes while allowing the digestion program to continue uninterrupted. Individual sample programming allows samples with different parameters, methodologies, and vial types to be run in any sequence. CEM Reply card # 31 or TITRATOR SUITED FOR HIGHLY REGULATED LABS Stand-alone titrator features an audit trail, making it suitable for pharmaceutical and food and beverage testing labs. Titration is fully automated, including sample prep. A self-test of the working electrode, titrant, application parameters helps to ensure reliable and reproducible results. Smart data chips in the electrode and dosing unit alert the user to any issues, such as an out-of-spec electrode or expired titrant, before the program can run. And if something is wrong, the instrument identifies the problem and tells the user how to fix it. Metrohm Reply card # 33 or www. INSTRUMENT HELPS DETECT ADULTERATED OLIVE OIL Spectrophotometer/fluorometer has been proven in a method comparing the absorbance spectra and fluorescence of olive oils, giving immediate test results of purity all along the supply chain. Using this method, even non-chemists receive additional assurance that the expensive extra virgin olive oil they are receiving has not been adulterated with lower cost grades or other oils. The instrument can be used to measure absorbance, percent transmittance, emissions spectra, or fluorescence; conduct Beer’s law determinations of concentrations; conduct kinetic studies of absorbance vs time; and perform equilibrium studies of absorbance vs time or absorbance vs concentration, along with other tests. Forston Labs Reply card # 32 or INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • REGULATOR HOLDS PRECISION DOWN TO ZERO FLOW Back-pressure regulator is designed to hold precision down to the zero flow range. The regulator is targeted at research applications with intermittent and ultra low gas flows, such as oil reservoir core analysis. Standard pressure range is between 50 psig and 1500 psig. It can also be used for certain corrosive and high-temperature applications. According to one researcher at an East Coast energy development corporation: “This regulator is allowing us to measure (core) samples that were thought impossible with steady state techniques.” Equilibar Reply card # 39 or DIGITAL ULTRASONIC CLEANER SOLVES SAMPLE PREP CHALLENGES Versatile ultrasonic cleaner helps researchers ferret out the most efficient processes for mixing, dissolving and dispersing operations where procedures have yet to be developed. The cleaner is designed for time-consuming trial and error process development that otherwise could involve several ultrasonic units. The unit provides researchers with multiple options for sample preparation and equipment cleaning as they seek standard operating procedures for a particular product. It Offers dual-frequency operation and variable power controls together with normal, pulse, sweep, and degas functions. Tovatech Reply card # 41 or PULTRUDED FUME HOOD PANELS COME IN CUSTOM LENGTHS Available for both OEMs and end-users, pultruded laboratory fume hood panels come in custom-length sheets. Key applications are laboratory fume hood liners used in schools, dedicated test facilities, and all public and private entities with lab/R&D facilities. The fibreglass reinforced thermoset polyester sheets deliver corrosion resistance to numerous acids and alkalies, and passed the SEFA (Scientific Equipment Furniture Association) forty-nine chemical drop test. Manufacturer says extensive independent test results exhibited high levels of flame retardancy and low smoke generation properties. Aesthetically pleasing smooth white surface is durable, easy to clean, and provides high light reflectivity. Haysite Reply card # 42 or UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER HAS HIGH ABSORBANCE LEVEL Compact UV-Vis spectrophotometer features an advanced optical system. The instrument substantially reduces stray light, enabling confident and convenient use for routine analysis and demanding research applications. Available in two models, one has a double monochromator design and diffraction gratings. It achieves ultra-low stray light of 0.00005 %T at 220 nm, and allows the measurement of low transmittance samples. Equipped with a single monochromator, the other model features a measurement wavelength range to 1400 nm, using a two-detector integrating sphere. The ultra-wide range permits measurements in the near-infrared region, and expanded research of photovoltaics and other materials. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Reply card # 40 or BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINET HAS ZERO LEAK AIRFLOW Laminar flow class II, type A2 biological safety cabinet has a zero leak airflow system that eliminates leaks and guards against HEPA filter failure. Air turbulence is minimized within the work-zone, creating an ISO class 5 sterile environment. Electronic airflow control system monitors and performs a variety of diagnostic functions. An optimum balance between the supply and exhaust air systems is maintained through constant monitoring with dual thermistor airflow sensors. User comfort and adjustability are maximized with a 10-degree sloped frameless polished edge window for greater visibility and better sight lines. A special decontamination process inactivates, destroys and neutralizes toxic and infectious agents. NuAire Reply card # 44 or STATIC HEADSPACE SYSTEM IS AUTOMATED Automated 20-position headspace analyzer incorporates a traditional static headspace at an affordable price. Suitable for labs with smaller sampling requirements. Features include built-in pressure control to assure consistent volume regardless of external conditions for all samples, automated benchmark and leak check, simple method development with a special method optimization mode, and sample heating to 200°C throughout the pathway. Footprint is small at just 12-in wide. Teledyne Tekmar Reply card # 43 or 17 18 INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS A NEW TAKE ON THE PHASE PLATE T he idea of a microscope phase plate is not new – it was first developed and demonstrated for light microscopes around 1940 by Dutch scientist Frits Zernike, who was rewarded with a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1953 for his work in this area. But phase plates are still evolving after a long history of trial and error by many scientists. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), phase plates improve contrast transfer and lower the dose needed to acquire images, which has proved to be an important development for imaging of organic materials. TEM phase plate development was extensively pursued by Prof Nagayama’s lab in Japan for over ten years. Prof Chiu of Baylor College of Medicine has successfully applied the phase plate system on his Omega filtered TEM (JEM-2200FS) to the molecular structure characterization for proteins. TEM phase plates are difficult to produce, however, as the fabrication process is rather complicated and delicate. Today, the most successful phase plate is made of a uniform and contamination-free carbon thin film of precise thickness with a one micron hole drilled into it. The most difficult aspect is the need to prevent charging of the carbon phase plate film while in use. Alternatively, a micro-machined electrostatic lens is being tested, potentially offering an additional degree of freedom of the contrast enhancement by controlling the amount of phase shift. Both designs require precise (less than one tenth of micrometre) mechanical alignment of the device in the back focal plane of the objective lens, a difficult requirement in practical alignment of the microscope electron optics. A new approach offers a potential solution. Holefree phase plates have been co-developed and patented by a team composed of Dr Marek Malac, a principal investigator at Canada’s National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), JEOL’s Dr Masa Kawasaki, TEM apThe JEOL JEM-2200FS (also known as Momiji-san), one of two core instruments at NINT. Equipped with cryo-pole piece the instrument is used primarily for electron tomography, cryo microscopy, and development and application of new phase imaging methods. INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • Marek Malac, Masa Kawasaki, Julie Qian, Hiromitsu Furukawa, Miyoko Shimizu, Brian Legg. plications scientist, Prof Ray Egerton from NINT and Physics University of Alberta and Dr Marco Beleggia from Denmark Technical University while visiting NINT. NINT is a government lab, a partnership between Canada’s National Research Council, the University of Alberta and the Government of Alberta. The research team is investigating hole-free phase plates with the JEOL JEM-2200FS Field Emission TEM with an Omega filter. The team has discovered that Zernikelike phase contrast imaging is easily achieved using a uniform thin film placed in the back focal plane. Using their design, the phase plates are remarkably simple to fabricate and operate. Once installed in the TEM column, the incident electron beam locally charges the carbon film, leading to phase plate-like effect. Since the electron beam itself is used to charge the carbon film, the centre of the phase plate is determined by the nearly arbitrary position of the electron beam, eliminating the need for precise alignment. Alternatively, the strong primary electron beam can be used to fabricate the hole in situ. This eliminates the expense of pre-fabrication, and replaces the need for precise alignment by much less stringent requirement of low drift of the phase plate mechanism. The work is a fresh approach to a painstaking technique that has long plagued researchers. “We have been involved with phase plates for just about two years so we are pretty much newcomers. There are groups that have been doing this for a long time and doing very well, but we got success by simplifying the technology and making it somewhat easier to set up and use. Simplification of operation is a major driver for widespread use of the phase plate,” said Dr Malac, who heads a team of about 10 members, and continues to work with his advisor, Prof Ray Egerton, a renowned expert on electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Essentially, the simplified phase plate hardware can easily be inserted to optimize the electron optics of the TEM, according to Dr Kawasaki. “It’s very easy to operate compared to other designs where you have to put the beam onto a centre of a 1 micron hole,” he said. “This phase plate has no hole so the beam can be anywhere around the centre of a phase plate. There are two places in the column where phase plates can be positioned. One is the objective lens area with the specimen just above. The other area is the selected area aperture (SAA) position which allows more freedom. At NINT, the hole-free phase plates are installed at this position which is much easier to implement and may avoid a contamination issue that may occur under the environment near the specimen.” “You just put the phase plate in the back focal plane and wait for charge to settle down, then take the data,” Dr Malac added. Next challenge for the team: investigating how to control the amount of charge and resulting phase shift. The two men met in 1999 at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and have worked closely together on developing applications with the TEM at University of Alberta/NINT. Dr Kawasaki consults with advanced researchers using the TEM at labs around the world. As an expert in imaging and analysis, he developed the first S/TEM application for the JEOL TEM in the early 1990s. The function has been essential in nano materials characterization. Dr Malac is a graduate of Charles University in Prague and received his PhD at the University of Alberta. This article is reprinted from JEOLink Newsletter, September 2011, Pam Mansfield, Editor. For more information, circle reply card # 19, or request online at Elk fibrils imaged at liquid nitrogen temperature (left) in standard bright field TEM imaging and (right) with hole-free phase plate. Sample courtesy of H Young and JP Glaves (biochemistry, University of Alberta), data was taken by Julie Qian, NINT Electron Microscopy. 19 20 INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS SYSTEM SEAMLESSLY INTEGRATES SAMPLE HANDLING H amilton Storage Technologies and Robotics has delivered and successfully installed an integrated compound management system at Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada)’s Research and Development Centre in Laval. Over 140 scientists are involved in developing new antiviral therapeutic agents at this facility. The Hamilton system provides seamless integration of compound library storage with an automated liquid-handling platform for compound dilution and delivery of samples for biological and in vitro ADME assays. The complex system integrates a Hamilton ASM active sample management system with a Microlab® Star liquid-handling workstation equipped with eight independent channels, a CO-RE (Compressed O-Ring Expansion) 384 probe head and grippers. The workstation includes a plate barcode labeler and sealer, a centrifuge, a 2-D barcode reader and a decapper. A robot rapidly transfers the tube racks and plates between the liquid handling platform, assay workstations and storage. The system is also integrated with Boehringer’s LIMS. Incoming compounds are registered and diluted to 384-well plates for assays, while the original tube is delivered to storage. The ASM system will provide the company with vastly improved control over sample storage conditions to ensure sample integrity and traceability. “This is the most complex and extensive system we have installed to date,” commented Matt Hamilton, vice president of Hamilton Storage Technologies. “We expect that it will significantly improve throughput, capacity and accuracy. Sample preparation time will be decreased and more compounds will be moved through the screening process.” For more information, circle reply card # 20 or request online at www. ELN HAS 100 GB OF INCREASED STORAGE New version of the developer’s flagship web-based electronic lab notebook (ELN) has enhancements including 100 GB of storage per user for subscribers to the professional edition, up from the previous limitation of 5 GB. Developer says this addresses concerns about the potential long-term cost of storage, which is a key component in information management. The browser-based application can be used on the developer’s secure servers or can be locally installed. As a web-based application, all changes are instantly available to the full community of users. The latest release also contains a number of new features, including enhanced notebook management and a special module for those teaching courses. LabArchives Reply card # 45 or PORTABLE COUNTER DETECTS RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION Single-well counter offers liquid scintillation counting, gamma counting and detecting luminescence as standard, and can be used for a wide range of niche lab-based applications using the appropriate optional accessories. The sodium iodide system, for example – which includes an external 2-in x 2-in well-type detector – achieves good counting efficiency for gamma isotopes; suitable for measuring radiopharmaceuticals from PET laboratories and environmental samples. Also available is a becquerel finder for measuring radioactive contamination in food, which has a multi-channel analyzer that allows for isotope separation and spill-over correction. LabLogic Systems Reply card # 46 or INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • 21 PRESS COMES IN NEW 48-TON MODEL A new 48 ton lab press has been added to the manufacturer’s press line. The new press is offered in three platen sizes, and comes with heated and/or cooled platen packages. It has a 650°F maximum operating temperature. Features include self-contained hydraulic system, programmable control system with full touch-screen interface and two hand “anti-tiedown” close buttons for operator safety. A wide variety of accessories is available, suited for materials research in pharmaceuticals, analytical chemistry, plastics, elastomers, lab testing, liquid extraction, cell disruption, laminating and other applications, including specimen preparation. Carver Reply card # 48 or DUCTLESS FUME HOOD WON’T RUST Polypropylene sliding-sash ductless fume hood is available in 30-in and 36-in deep models with more options that help to avoid the need for costly customization. Has a special gas-phase bonded carbon filter that eliminates filter dusting and dead zones associated with granular carbon filters. Automatic safety controller constantly checks airflow and filter quality, alerting the operator in the event of filter saturation. Features include those found on traditional total exhaust hoods, such as dual-wall construction for plumbing and mounting fixtures, and vertical sliding safety glass sash. The seamless polypropylene construction is chemically resistant and will not rust. AirClean Systems Reply card # 49 or WATER DISINFECTION SYSTEM USES UV-LED TECHNOLOGY Commercial UV-LED disinfection system is designed for use with high-quality water sources where using mercury-based UV lamps could pose a risk. System offers a large number of start-stop cycles as needed during the day. Provides instant-on at full power as needed. The process is mercury free, activated and deactivated in only 9 nanoseconds, and operates using low voltage sources. Suitable for use with laboratory supply water. Recent studies by University of North Carolina and University of Colorado showed more than a 3 log reduction of E coli at an optical power efficiency exceeding 10 gpm/watt. Aquionics Reply card # 47 or CONCENTRATOR/AUTOSAMPLER HANDLES ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES New system is designed to perform TO-15 method and soil gas analysis for environmental laboratories. The concentrator and autosampler offers full automation for summa canister or Tedlar bag analysis. Packaged with Windows software, the system allows the user to perform automatic leak checks, and diagnostics of all functions, simply and easily. Also available is a full line of field samplers, canister cleaning systems and auto-dilution systems to provide a full solution for TO-15 analysis. EST Analytical Reply card # 54 or Reply card # 114 or request online at Pickering_Freestyle_LabCanada.indd 1 9/19/11 10:11 AM 22 INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS ULTRACENTRIFUGE SAVES TIME, REDUCES COSTS Preparative ultracentrifuge comes with numerous technical features that enhance the user experience, increase productivity and reduce costs. A large touch-screen display offers a choice of nine languages. The screen is large enough to be visible from across the lab and is easy to operate, even with gloved hands. Real-time graphing plots speed and temperature over time as a run progresses. Enhanced remote control capabilities allow the ultracentrifuge to be monitored from a personal computer or a smart phone. Should on-board diagnostics sense a problem or out-of-parameter condition, an email can be sent to the user as an alert. Beckman Coulter Reply card # 50 or SAFETY CABINET HAS READY-SAFE MODE ROCKER IS COLD-ROOM AND INCUBATOR SAFE Variable-speed rocker comes with a powerful motor and heavy-duty construction. It is designed to be reliable, consistent and dependable even under extreme use conditions. Suitable for heavy-use bench-top applications as well as constant usage in a cold room or incubator. Comes standard with an extra-large (16 in x 12 in) stainless steel platform and non-slip rubber mat. Features variable speeds (3-80rpm), easily adjustable tilt angle (0-20º) and 16-lb load capacity, making it suitable for many mixing, staining and blotting applications. An optional stacking platform effectively doubles the work surface. Benchmark Scientific Reply card # 53 or ELECTRONIC CONTROLS PROVIDE ACCURATE GAS MONITORING Mass flowmeters and controllers for scientific research gas systems use electronics to accurately monitor and control the flow of a wide range of gases. The versatile instruments are easy to use even for beginners to this type of flow monitoring and control technology. They have a standard maximum working pressure of 500 psig and are supplied standard with correction factors for air, helium hydrogen and carbon dioxide, with other factors available on request. Made from 316L stainless steel bar stock, units are available in flows from 0-10 sccm to 0-20 lpm. Accuracy is +1% of full scale. Concoa Reply card # 52 or Class II B2, vertical laminar flow biological safety cabinet comes with a telescopic stand. It has ready safe mode which goes into bypass when the sash is closed, which the manufacturer says provides a 50% reduction in power. A special exhaust filter exchange system allows for rapid exchange within the work area. A new motor control system results in lower noise levels. The hood comes with high velocity return air slots along the top and side edges of the view screen access opening. The hood has double-wall, all-metal, negative pressure plenums that completely surround work area to prevent contaminated air from entering the lab. The Baker Company Reply card # 51 or OVEN TEMPERATURE RECORDER IS PORTABLE Temperature recorder system is designed to measure and save object and air temperature during the curing process. Data logger comes in two configurations, with 12 temperature probe connections or 6 probe connections. Comes with a large colour graphics display and USB memory stick connection for easy data transfer in the field or in the plant. Provides high accuracy and long-term reliable results. Documentation and analysis of temperature profiles is made easy with the recorder’s software. Unit has a robust thermal barrier made of stainless steel with safe high-temperature insulation. Comes with a lightweight, easy-to-carry thermal barrier. BYK Gardner Reply card # 62 or www. TESTING & QA/QC LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • CAMERA AIDS IN SOLAR CELL TESTING W ith demand for photovoltaic panels more than doubling year on year, manufacturers are under pressure to increase solar cell efficiency, improve production yields and build capacity. A joint team from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore recently demonstrated a novel technique to non-destructively test silicon wafer solar cells. In their research, PhD student Matthew Peloso and his colleagues are developing methods of characterizing solar cells based on luminescence detection and relating this to the electrical properties of the devices. They use an Andor Luca-R electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera to image the solar cells and believe the process may be integrated into the production process, helping manufacturers to improve yields and ramp up volume. “We have shown that by controlling the applied voltage inducing electroluminescence in solar cells, the observed spectrum of emitted radiation may be used to identify particular performancereducing defects,” said Peloso. “Detection of these changes can be used to understand the electrical properties of defects in the wafers and, potentially, to study their origin, which may lead to lowercost, higher-quality materials for production.” He also said that the method has proven useful at the module as well as the cell level. They demonstrated that breakdown luminescence – which they believe is associated with metallic impurities – does not show a one-to-one relationship with other defectrelated luminescence signals detected at energies below the silicon Mottlab_gm2753.qxd 12/5/05 12:46 PM Page 1 bandgap. Moreover, certain defects did not lead to electrical shunts, which may cause irreversible destruction of PV modules and cells. He added that his team chose the camera because of its high red to NIR sensitivity and linear response to intensities, which allows more quantitative data acquisition. “The electron multiplying [EM] gain control allowed us to enhance signal to noise Picture shows an entire solar when necessary, although we module (1000 x 450 mm) imaged operated much of the time in with the camera. Image courtesy non-EM gain mode,” he said. of Andor. “The Luca-R also provides a good balance of attractive features, including the ability to achieve high integration times and binning, at a lower price compared to other available scientific cameras, such as deep depletion CCD cameras.” LABPN For more information, circle rely card # 21, or request online at www. Reply card # 115 or request online at 23 24 TESTING & QA/QC • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS CHARACTERIZING RENEWABLE BUILDING MATERIALS W ith over 23,000 students from 120 countries worldwide, the University of East London (UEL) is located at the heart of Europe’s largest regeneration area. Within the university’s Sustainability Research Institute, the Environmental Research Group (ERG) embraces research across a wide range of environmental issues, including peatland, insect and freshwater ecology, botany and ethnobotany, carbon budgeting, nature conservation, environmental quality, sus- tainability and quality of life. The institute recently installed a Model 440 CHN analyzer from Exeter Analytical to help characterize renewable building materials. “The impetus to investing in a CHN microanalysis system was brought about by the university receiving funding to develop a renewable aggregates test centre for green roof growth aggregates,” said Stuart Connop, a researcher at the ERG. “After reviewing commercially available CHN analyzers, we selected the Model 440 from Exeter Analytical due to its unique horizontal furnace design which made it ideal for high throughput analysis of our soil, peat, air and water filter sample types,” he added. Exeter is very pleased that one of their CHN analyzers is part of the ongoing programme of sustainable building research at UEL, says Paul Hemming, the company’s European sales manager. With its wide linear range, proprietary combustion technology and horizontal furnace design allowing for removal of residues between runs, he says the analyzer is well suited to providing accurate analysis of complex materials such as soils and filtered air and water samples. LABPN For more information, circle reply card # 22, or request online at DIGITAL DENSITY METER IS EASY TO USE, RELIABLE SOFTWARE SIMPLIFIES SOUND, VIBRATION MEASUREMENT Sound and vibration measurement software provides a comprehensive collection of analysis and signal processing tools for noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) testing, machine condition monitoring (MCM) and audio test applications. Engineers can use the suite as stand-alone software or combine it with the manufacturer’s hardware and LabVIEW system design software to simplify test system development and control. With its new vibration data-logging functionality and other enhancements, the software helps engineers to more easily customize and automate any MCM or NVH test or monitoring application. National Instruments Reply card # 60 or Fully automated density analysis meter offers a very simple and easy approach to obtaining highly reliable density measurements of many different fluids from industrial to food and beverage and pharmaceutical/ medical products. The instrument is easy to set up and has simple one-push-button operation, so doesn’t require a highly trained operator. Automated operation ensures highly reliable results. Instrument uses an oscillating U-tube method and ensures compliance with ASTM D4052, ASTM D5002, IP 365 (ISO 12185) and DIN 51757. The entire test cycle involves non-assisted operation, reducing the operator’s workload and freeing them up to attend to other tasks. PAC Reply card # 64 or TESTING & QA/QC LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • NMR ANALYZER OFFERS FAST, RELIABLE QC MEASUREMENTS EDXRF SPECTROMETER IS FAST, EASY TO USE Hand-held energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer comes in a small, lightweight package with improved analytical performance over previous generations. Designed for high-throughput field elemental testing and spectro-chemical analysis of many metals and other materials, it is available with an integrated video camera for precise spot testing and visual memory storage. An integrated global positioning system allows users to return quickly to previously checked locations. For metals and most alloys, it delivers grade identification and material verification within two seconds of clicking the trigger. Even light-metal alloys require only 12 seconds to process. Pre-installed grade libraries cover common alloys used in industry. Spectro Reply card # 55 or Made with a compact magnet for minimum bench-top footprint, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyzer has a modular design for easy serviceability and upgradeable firmware. It comes with software self-diagnostics to aid servicing. The software enables simple calibration and measurement of up to four constituents in samples. Each system is supplied complete with all software, hardware and sampling accessories required for the user’s application. Packaged application methods provide ease of set up and use to optimize results. Suitable for quality control (QC) measurements, applications include oil in oilseeds, for food and biofuels applications; spin finish levels on artificial fibres and more. Oxford Instruments Reply card # 57 or INSTRUMENT BRINGS CHEMICAL ID TO THE MICROSCOPE High-performance, lower cost Raman microscope combines microscopy with chemical analysis. The instrument retains the full functionality of a microscope and couples it with high-performance Raman spectroscopy. Compact and rugged in design, it is easy to use and transport, making it suitable for R&D, QA/QC and forensic labs. It offers rapid compound identification and chemical imaging, with no sample preparation, at atmospheric conditions. New fully compliant software modules include a guided operation wizard, which gets the user up to full speed immediately. Horiba Scientific Reply card # 58 or CONTROLLER SYSTEM HANDLES WATER TREATMENT High-accuracy water treatment controller system has NEMA 4X wall mount enclosures, with features including: conductivity/TDS control with choice of bleed programs, temperature monitoring, make up and bleed water meter totalizers, a Langelier saturation index, six feed programs for four chemical additives and a probe failure indication alarm. The instrument is a fully programmable controller designed for complete chemical automation and can easily handle cooling tower, boiler water, industrial process water, food processing, drinking water and wastewater treatment applications. Omega Reply card # 59 or BENCH-TOP METERS BRING INCREASED PH EFFICIENCY Two new meters fulfill analytical requirements in any industry. One is for pH/ORP/ion measurements and offers five-point calibration, while the other is for conductivity/salinity/ TDS/resistivity/conductivity ash. Both meters come with intelligent sensor management systems. Easy to operate, they have menu guidance in 10 different languages. An electrode arm operates with one hand and has complete vertical movement, bringing the electrode into the position it works best for sample measurement. This allows for faster measurements and reduces the risk of the sample vessel tipping over and/or damage to the sensor. Mettler Toledo Reply card # 56 or 25 26 NEW TECHNOLOGY • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS Bio-chemical FUTURES Finland is home to one of Europe’s largest chemical industries, but the country is putting huge resources into R&D that will steer it away from a future dependent on fossil fuels. Here are some examples of innovation that are moving the country in the direction of a bioeconomy. T he non-profit VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the biggest multi-technological applied research organization in Northern Europe. With 3,000 researchers on staff, it provides a variety of high-end technology solutions and innovation services across different disciplines and technologies. It collaborates closely with universities and industry and sometimes acts as a contract researcher for industry. The organization’s work is international in scope, and it maintains offices in China and Japan, and recently opened one in Berkeley, CA. VTT has positioned itself as a key provider of bioeconomy-related research. It defines a bioeconomy as the continued development and application of biotechnology to foster the development of bio-based economy to an economically feasible level, and its goal is to move society away from a reliance on fossil fuels. Some 500 of the organization’s researchers are working on developing Finland’s bioeconomy sector. Its researchers work in multi-disciplinary environments so they can combine key enabling technologies to pulp and paper, food, energy, chemical and material production competencies. For Finland, the challenges facing its chemical industry are significant for its economy. The industry’s annual output is worth 16 billion euros and it employs 35,000 workers in the country – 10% of its manufacturing workforce. The changes facing the chemical industry include a move from a petroleum-based platform to a biomass-derived biochemical platform. In addition, the pulp and paper industry is struggling to compete with competitors in developing countries. The VTT’s goal is to use biomass in their processes, and is developing biorefinery products, biotech and bio-enabled products. In its research, it uses mainly forest-derived biomass feedstock and to a lesser extent, agricultural, according to Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT’s executive vice president. For example, the organization is working with Finnish oil company Neste in a demo plant to produce electricity with biomass. In another project, its researchers are taking wood pulp feedstock and reducing it to nanoscale fibres. These can be used to produce extremely thin but strong sheets for audio products. Cellulose-based textile fibres Avilon is a Finnish company that specializes in making viscose, which is a cellulosebased textile fibre. The company’s production includes specialty fibres such as a nontoxic fire-resistant viscose. Heikki Hassi, Avilon’s CEO, explains that although viscose has been around for more than 100 years, it is receiving new attention as the availability of cotton declines, due to reduction in suitable arable land with plenty of water and continued rises in price. In addition, the cost of other man-made fibres, such as polyester, is rising due to petroleum price inflation. Driven by the cost of cotton, the price of high purity dissolving pulp for viscose has also been rising due to its use as a cotton substitute, so Avilon has developed a highly efficient new technology that converts paper-grade pulp into viscose-grade pulp. The company has its own R&D labs and trial production facilities, but also worked with research institutes and universities in Finland in developing this technology, mainly VTT and Tampere University. “It’s a very important new technology, and highly efficient,” says Mr Hassi. NEW TECHNOLOGY LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • 1 3 2 4 1:One of ST1’s ethanol facilities. IMAGE COURTESY OF ST1 2: Diagram shows Dispersed Bioethanol Production Concept. IMAGE COURTESY OF ST1. 3: ST1 is developing technology to use leftover bread and other grain-based food waste as a bio-feedstock. 4: Avilon’s viscose production facility. IMAGE COURTESY OF AVILON. Bioethanol from waste ST1, a Finnish energy company. researches and develops economically viable and environmentally sustainable energy solutions. A major initiative has been to process bioethanol from waste. Using technology originally developed with VTT, the company is philosophically opposed to using food as a feedstock for energy, according to the company’s managing director, Mika Wiljanen. The company has developed an awardwinning process called Etanolix™ for making ethanol. The method uses waste food products, such as waste from bakery manufacturing, as a raw material. The production facility is a small scale, easy-tobuild, modular production unit that can be built near the waste source (such as a large bakery) to minimize transportation. The product is transferred to a nearby dehydration plant while leftover product is sent for agricultural use. After dehydration, the finished product is sent for storage and to the pump for retail sale. The company owns a chain of gas stations across Finland, and their ethanol will be available nationwide at the end of this year. The ethanol is optimized to function in all environments and operates at -25ºC. The Etanolix method makes makes ethanol production profitable even on a small scale, and by 2020, the company plans to have 300 million litres of capacity, says Mr Wiljanen. In addition, the production process, logistics relating to fuel deliveries and the use of ethanol in fuels will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and environmental load- ing. At the same time, the process offers a new solution for dealing with waste from the food processing industry and helps to significantly cut down the amount of waste. The company is also currently working on moving into using other raw materials such as straw, and later forest industry waste products, Mr Wiljanen adds. As a driver of innovation in Finland, VTT will continue in its mission to help the country’s industry move toward a bioeconomy. “We want to achieve a society not totally dependent on fossil fuels,” says the organization’s Anne-Christine Ritschkoff. “We are facing the biggest reorientation of industry since World War Two.” LABPN BY LESLIE BURT, EDITOR, LAB PRODUCT NEWS 27 28 MEDICA 2011 • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS MEDICA, the world’s largest annual medical trade fair, was held MEDICA November 16-19, 2011 Düsseldorf, Germany CUSTOM FLUID-HANDLING SYSTEMS FOR DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS Manufacturer specializes in critical fluid-handling systems for clinical diagnostic instruments. Capabilities include probe design, fabrication and assembly, as well as fluid system development, quick-turn production, in-house custom extrusion and a proprietary system for probe finishing. Products include precision fluid heaters which are designed with a chemically inert fluid path, and many models have level sensing capabilities. Level sensors use new continuous level sensor technology. An open-platform policy allows custom design of level sensors specific to each application. Custom precision probes handle the most demanding microfluidic applications. Diba Reply card # 66 or recently at the Messe Düsseldorf trade fair grounds in Germany. Drawing both exhibitors and attendees from around the world, the show attracted some 5,198 exhibitors this year – up from 4,400 last year, and 134,500 visitors. While covering all aspects of the medical industry, the show includes a significant focus on clinical laboratory science. Again this year, the show included a strong contingency from Canada with 56 exhibitors from across the country, setting a new record. The Canadian contingency included a special pavilion in the laboratory equipment/diagnostics hall with 16 exhibitors. “MEDICA 2012 has seen a new Canadian benchmark in the history of the event,” says Stefan Egge, Messe Düsseldorf’s permanent representative in Canada. “Canadians took more space than ever before to highlight their latest in product know-how and service capabilities to the rest of the world. They effectively used the world’s largest medical technology trade show to build on their existing networks and grow new distribution agreements and partnerships around the world. “This is especially true for the diagnostic and laboratory section of the show (halls 1 – 3) which has seen a year-over increase of well over 40% of Canadian exhibitors, among them a large number of first timers,” he adds. “MEDICA is the pre-eminent marketing platform for the international medical technology industries and Canadians have not only come to realize it but also take full advantage of it. This is reflected in new distribution agreements signed at the show but also an expected sales volume of over $2 million as a direct consequence of their participation in the show.” Next year’s show takes place on November 14-17, 2012. Following is a selection of lab-related products seen by Lab Product News at the show. INSTRUMENT PROVIDES QUICK ANALYSES Automatic analyzer is designed for both clinical chemistry and turbidimetric immunochemistry tests. The compact and versatile instrument is especially suited for use by medium-and small-sized laboratories, and can perform 125 tests per hour. Software provides a user-friendly interface. Optimized random access approach permits the user to work in an extremely time-efficient manner. The design and configuration of the command structure, controlled by a hierarchy of easily identified icons, allows the user to understand working functions at a glance and permits the operator to activate and employ the analyzer quickly and efficiently. Gesan Reply card # 65 or MEDICA 2011 LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • SYSTEM PROVIDES POINT-OFCARE BLOOD ANALYSIS FILTERS AID ADVANCES IN MEDICAL DEVICE TECHNOLOGY Blood analysis system is a cost-effective, point-ofcare testing solution that makes use of smartcard technology and wireless connectivity. It provides real-time, lab-quality blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite results at the patient’s bedside. Testing run through a central lab can typically take up to 40 minutes to complete, but with this platform, clinicians are able to access results immediately and make vital treatment decisions, all while minimizing operational costs. Hosted on a new handset, the system has more functionality than its predecessor. Platform enhancements include a built-in 2D barcode, alpha-numeric keyboard and improved connectivity. Alere Reply card # 68 or Regulatory approved materials are based on the manufacturer’s proprietary sintered porous plastic technology and are suitable for in vitro filtration, separation, venting and wicking applications within the medical industry. The sintered porous plastic materials and products are manufactured to current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), in ISO-accredited clean rooms. The materials exhibit very low particle shedding, ultra-low extractable levels and low bio-burden to meet the demanding regulatory standards required by the WRAS, FDA and USP. The materials and applications are continuously expanding and are available to both OEM and end-user customers. Porvair Filtration Group Reply card # 67 or CLINICAL CENTRIFUGE HAS HORIZONTAL ROTOR INNOVATIONS IMPROVE DIAPHRAGM PUMP’S PERFORMANCE Manufacturer says this pump is the world’s smallest diaphragm pump. Featuring numerous high-tech innovations, the pump uses minimal current consumption, making it suited to portable analysis systems as well as any application where compact and lightweight design is important. Apart from the classic single-head version, a dual pump is also available. Boxer principle design is compact, allowing two pumps to be used in very small spaces. No turbulence technology provides maximum flow rates through flow-optimized delivery channels in the pump head. Individually balanced eccentric active-balancing system provides very quiet operation. Schwarzer Precision Reply card # 71 29 Compact tabletop centrifuge is designed for the clinical laboratory. It comes pre-packaged with a built-in 90° swing-out rotor for blood and round-bottom tubes up to 15 mL. Brushless motor is maintenance-free, and offers very quiet operation (<60dB). Comes with two sets of six tube carriers, for small and larger tubes. Unit is reliable, economical and safe. The control panel has an adjustable quick-entry foil keypad, and is easy to read with a multi-view digital display. The metal lid has a metal lid lock for added safety. The surgical stainless steel chamber is easy to clean and decontaminate. Hettich Reply card # 69 or LABWARE IS MADE FROM HIGH-QUALITY PLASTICS A wide variety of the manufacturer’s high-quality, technical labware is available, made from polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene for a wide range of lightweight, highly resistant and economical products, an alternative to glass. New on show at MEDICA were sterile microtitration plates and lids, and high-density polyethylene, plus a heavy-walled carboy and aspirator. The carboy is available with wide or narrow neck and the neck was recently modified to allow for a deeper enclosure and increased leakproof performance. Both are suitable for foodstuff contact. Kartell Labware Reply card # 70 or CONTAINERS PROTECT SAMPLE INTEGRITY Especially designed for collection, transport and storage of specimens, shatter-resistant containers eliminate most problems of leakage and evaporation. The containers are manufactured from virgin, high-clarity polypropylene. Magenta-coloured lids are ribbed for easy opening when hands are wet or gloved, while the jars are stackable for easy, safe storage and translucent to allow specimens to be viewed without opening. A tamper-evident screw cap shows clearly if the container has been opened, which ensures peace of mind during transport or storage. Both containers and caps are manufactured without the use of plasticisers or mould-release agents and all material are latex-free. Simport Reply card # 72 or 30 MEDICA 2011 • 12/11 • LAB PRODUCT NEWS HYBRID TECHNOLOGY POWERS NEW INTEGRATED CONNECTORS Mini connector integrates air lines and electronics into a compact, single connection point for remote tools on medical devices and analytical instruments, reducing misconnections. The valved connector has a smaller form factor and is suitable for use in low-pressure applications where ease of use and ergonomics are important. The connector technology eliminates the need for multiple connections and allows users to quickly and easily change or replace modular tools or hand pieces that require power, signal and gases. Colder Products Reply card # 74 or LAB PLATFORM AUTOMATES MULTIPLE PROCESSES BENCH-TOP ANALYZER OFFERS HIGH PERFORMANCE Clinical chemistry analyzer is the smallest in its product family, and is suitable for both routine and STAT testing in clinical and veterinary laboratories. Embedded software provides maximum efficiency and simplicity in operation. A true random access analyzer, it incorporates the latest in smart technology. Suitable for small- or medium-sized laboratories. Features throughput of 150 chemistry tests per hour, independent of method, and is priced to be affordable. Crony Reply card # 77 or Fully automated and modular laboratory platform allows multiple processes to run in parallel and independently. While the sample holders are in motion, there is only minimal vertical movement of the handling modules. The overall sequence of individual steps is perfectly coordinated and automated. Handles both serial and parallel processes. Using a new technical approach, manufacturer says the benefits include shorter supply lines, less risk of contamination and high positioning precision. The compact platform can be adapted for new processes without major further investment. The planar tables can be extended on a modular basis, while the aluminum ring includes slots for the easy integration of liquid-handling modules. This allows the working area to be enlarged and the implementation of additional processing steps. Festo Reply card # 75 or KITS ARE DESIGNED FOR ENDOCRINOLOGY TESTING High-quality enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) and chemiluminescent (CLIA) diagnostic kits are available to test for a growing list of diseases. The Canadian manufacturer, at MEDICA for the first time, says its main focus is on kits for endocrinology testing, but will soon also offer kits for use in other medical fields such as cardiac health and cancer. In addition, kits are available for testing in oncology, cardiology, and diabetes/metabolism. Diagnostics Biochem Canada Reply card # 73 or Advertisers’ Index RC# Company Page 150...............Genevac............................... 31 112...............Omega...................................3 153................Omega................................. 31 115................Mottlab................................23 151................Mottlab................................ 31 RC# Company Page 116...............Nuaire..................................32 152...............Nuaire.................................. 31 114...............Pickering..............................21 154...............Pickering.............................. 31 155................Pittcon.................................. 31 RC# Company Page 113................Retsch.................................. 15 156...............Retsch.................................. 31 Also in this issue: ESBE Brochure Mottlab product card Pittcon Brochure TECHNICAL LITERATURE LAB PRODUCT NEWS • 12/11 • 31 LABORATORY LITERATURE REVIEWS EXPANDED EZ-2 PERSONAL SOLVENT EVAPORATOR RANGE NEW LINE OF WOOD LAB CASEWORK FROM MOTTLAB Mottlab’s great, new line of wood lab casework offers a wide range of sustainability options, extensive custom options and very competitive pricing. This product can be seamlessly integrated with our fume hoods and mobile lab solutions. For more information visit: MOTTLAB Genevac has expanded its iconic EZ-2 personal evaporator range with the new Elite model, which is designed to work with high boiling point solvents and stubborn samples. The latest, fully updated, EZ-2 brochure is available now. Circle Reply Card no. 151 GENEVAC LTD Circle Reply Card No. 150 ENERGY SAVING TECHNOLOGY NuAire’s® CellGardES™ (Energy Saving) Class II, Type A2, BSC’s are ergonomically designed featuring the TouchLink™ LCD Control Center, energy-saving DC-ECM motor, 10 degree sloped window, and longer HEPA filter life. The CellGardES ensures low operational cost and exceptional product life. biological-safety-cabinets/class2/type-a2/ NUAIRE, INC. NEW HORIZONS® IN TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, FLOW AND MORE! DILBERT™ CONTROLCAT NEW HORIZONS® Version No. 28 Contains over 150 full color pages of state-of-the art products separated into 7 sections: Automation, Sanitary, Temperature, Electric Heaters, Wireless/Data Acquisition, Pressure/Strain/ Force, and Flow/Level/Environmental. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: controlcat28/ OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. Circle Reply Card No.152 Circle Reply Card No. 153 AMINO ACID ANALYSIS EXPLAINED Pickering Laboratories is a pioneer in the Analysis of free Amino Acids in complex Matrices. This document describes 16 examples of Amino Acid analysis in different matrices including physiological fluids, food and feeds. PICKERING LABORATORIES Circle Reply Card No. 154 GET CONNECTED TO LABORATORY SCIENCE AT PITTCON 2012 If you are a scientist or researcher looking for the latest innovations in laboratory equipment—then Pittcon 2012, the world’s largest annual conference and exposition for laboratory science, is a must attend event. Register now at PITTCON 2012 Circle Reply Card No. 155 NEW CYCLONE MILL TWISTER FOR NIR ANALYSIS: The NEW Cyclone Mill TWISTER is designed for processing forage and feed samples for NIR analysis. The TWISTER generates a stream of air carrying the ground sample through its integrated cyclone and into a 250 ml collection bottle. RETSCH, INC. Circle Reply Card No. 156 lab SPRING 2011 • $80 BUYERS’ GUIDE lab BUYERS’ GUIDE CANADIAN SOURCES OF LABORATORY SUPPLIES The Lab Buyers’ Guide is now available. For information please go to: Circle Reply Card No. 157 more under the hood [ Over 100,000 Located Worldwide ] ™ Class II Biological Safety Cabinets Save 40% off your total operating costs over a 15 year lifetime of your biological safety cabinet. Experience increased user ergonomics. Superior construction improves user, product, and environmental safety. HEPEX™ Zero Leak Airflow system ensures correct filter loading and true laminar airflow. Three models provide your choice of Control Systems TouchLink™ FlowGard™ Essentials Have a smartphone? Check out the CellGard™ ES video presentation. 1. Open a ‘barcode scanner’ application on your Smartphone (such as neoreader, Mobiletag, ScanLife, etc.) US & CA 2. Point your phones camera at the code and scan 3. The code will bring you to a mobile site where you can find out more information about .5 0 1.0 1.5 NuAire CellGard™, right from your Smartphone! 2.0 year warranty Find - Follow - Enjoy: 2100 Fernbrook Lane | Plymouth, MN 55447 | U.S.A. | 763.553.1270 | WWW.NUAIRE.COM © 2011 NuAire, Inc. CellGardES_40_Year_Ad.indd 1 Reply card # 116 or request online at 10/31/2011 10:46:55 AM FREE INFORMATION! FREE SUBSCRIPTION!! To receive FREE information, circle the numbers on the card below that correspond to the number found on the products/services that interest you. To submit your request ... 1. Go online to for the fastest service or 2. Fax us your completed card to 416 510 6875 or 3. Mail your completed card to us at the address below Also, be sure to take advantage of this FREE subscription offer! READER REPLY CARD E-Mail Address ________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________ Title __________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________________________ Please sign here if you wish to receive/continue to receive Lab Product News free of charge. Select your format: n Digital n Print n Digital & Print Address ______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ Province ______ Postal Code ___________________ Telephone #: ( )____________________ Fax #: ( ) _________________________ PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION # of employees at this location: n 1-9 n 10-19 n 20-49 n 50-99 n 100-249 n 250-499 n 500-999 n 1000+ PLEASE INDICATE WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS YOU ARE PLANNING TO PURCHASE IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS: Info wanted for: n Immediate purchase n Future purchase n Reference n Please have salesperson call me MAIN TYPE OF LABORATORY AT THIS LOCATION: n Industrial Lab (main product of company) ____________________________________ n University Lab n Community College Lab n High School Lab n Hospital/Medical Lab (Clinical/Research) n Government Lab n Private (Independent) Lab n Public Utilities n Other (please specify) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ PLEASE SEND ME FREE INFORMATION ON THE ITEMS I HAVE CIRCLED BELOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Write in #’s greater than 198: MAIL OR FAX TODAY: Signature ___________________ Date _____________ WW Z AB AC N Y M UU LL L H T U S X AA JA NN AG BB F KK W Q MM AE EE AD n Autoclave n Balance n Baths n Biological Safety Cabinet n Blood cell Analyzer/Counter n Centrifuge n Clinical Chemistry Analyzer n Cryostat n DNA Research Equipment n Electrophoresis Apparatus n Elemental Analyzer n Freeze Dryer n Freezer n Fermentation Equipment n Filtration Equipment n Fume Hood n Furnaces n Furniture (Benches, Cabinets) n Gas Generators n Gas Handling Equipment n GC/MS System n Image Analysis Equipment n Incubator n Microscope n Microtome n Mill/Grinder n Mixer/Shaker n Moisture Analyzer CC JJ DD V II BK J AL AN VV GG n Oven n Particle Size Analyzer n Recorder n Refrigerator n Robotic System n Thermal Cyclers n Titrator n Safety Equipment n Software n Washer n Water Purification System Chromatographs: A n Gas C n Ion B n Liquid D n Supercritical Fluid Spectroscopy: OO n Atomic Absorption AH n Fluorescence QQ n Mass G n N.M.R. PP n Infra-Red RR n Near Infra-Red SS n Plasma (DCP or ICP) TT n UV-Vis ZZ n X-ray 416-510-6875 Laboratory Product News Reader Enquiry Department 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 2011 L K J I H G F E D C B A NEW! Nothing Beats 100% Protection. Except 200% !!! SANYO Biomedical Refrigerator with Freezer Combo SANYO -86 Dual°Cool FREEZERS TwinGuard Series BONUS 2 INDEPENDENT Compressors. FLU SEASON Is your Facility properly prepared? With every purchase receive: 1 FREE Built in LN2 or CO2 Back-Up System (value up to $3500) or 1 FREE Full Rack System* (value of $3511). Promotion applicable for: SAN-MDFU500VXC (18.3cu.ft.) SAN-MDFU700VXC (25cu.ft.) Proper Vaccine Storage is Critical * Dividers and boxes not included. Accurate and uniform temperature distribution in a refrigerator plays a key role in ensuring the life of your vaccines, reagents and other biologicals. 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ESBE Congratulates You on Your New Lab Let’s get you started! NO PLUMBING REQUIRED!!! NEW! Designed for individual lab use and can conveniently be moved from one lab to another. •Sterilization temp.: +115 to 135°C •Small footprint with swing-up door •Voice notification of the system process •Chamber and open/close hand-pull lever are controlled by a double interlock system dependent on temperature and pressure sensors BONUS •Offers unsurpassed accuracy and reliability in temperature, humidity and lighting control •Available with up to 5 lit shelves •Shelves can easily be added or removed by the user •Growth area up to 3.4m2 •Maximum growth height 1,275mm •Optional humidity up to 80%RH Models: SAN-SGC120AUXE SAN-SGC120BUXE SAN-SGC120CUXEC SAN-SGC120EUXE NEW! With every purchase receive: 1 FREE Printer (value up to $1,802). STRATEC Nucleic Acid Purification Kits for Plants Promotion applicable for: SAN-MLS3751L (50L) SAN-MLS3781L (75L) Purchase a VIP® Ultra-Low Freezer Double Stack CO2 Incubator Lab Refrigerator AND RECEIVE: •Special Pricing (up to $3,000 value) •6 FREE Standard Racks for a total ($878 value) value up to •FREE Roller Base ($513 value) register your new lab at $4,391! Promotion applicable for: MDFU76V, MDFU56V, MDFU53VA, MDFU7486SC, MDFU5486SC, MCO18AC, MCO18ACUV, MCO18AIC, MCO19AICUV, MCO19AICUVH, MCO19M, MCO19MUV, MCO19MUVH, MCO5M, MCO5MUV, MPR1411/R, MPR721/R, SRR23GDMED, SRR49GDMED, SRR72GDMED NEW DESIGN SPY RF Data Recorders and SIRIUS Software Isothermal Carousel Liquid Nitrogen FREEZERS How VALUABLE are your specimens, enzymes and other products? How will you KNOW if your fridge or freezer fails? SPY on them with a JRI Maxant Data Recorder • Long-distance communications (up to 1 km free-field) with intelligent data transfer protocols to prevent data loss • Data recording archived in each individual recorder & in central computer • Wireless design allowing for quick installation times • Measure in: Temperature, CO2, O2, RH%, Pressure, 4-20mA input signals • Real time alarms and notifications via optional audible alarm, e-mail, text message, or voice message t. 800.268.3477 Vapour storage New smaller opening Interior rotating carousel Eliminate the risk of CROSS-CONTAMINATION! Promotion applicable for: CBS-V3000ABC BONUS NEW! PRECELLYS Tissue HOMOGENIZERS Sample Preparation & Cell Lysis With every purchase receive: 1 FREE Full Racking System for 2mL vials (value of $1,300-$3,000). 3 25 % INTRODUCING THE NEW HYPOXIA Cell Biology System. OFF BAKER BioChemGARD® e3 Class II, B2 Energy-Efficient Total Exhaust Cabinets •Optimum balance of performance and energy efficiency •Enhance your lab’s productivity and reduce it’s energy consumption Revolutionary •Quieter, cooler, and SILENT! less expensive to operate WOW! Promotion applicable for: BKR-BCG401 (4 ft) BKR-BCG601 (6 ft) * All BioChemGARD e3 and SterilGARD e3 models carry a 6-year warranty, while an additional 3 years can be purchased. BAKER SterilGARD® e3 Class II, A2 Energy-Efficient Biosafety Cabinets The better choice for an optimum balance of ENERGY EFFICIENCY with PERFORMANCE. Invivo2 400 Hypoxia WORKSTATION •Replicate low oxygen ‘In-Vivo’ physiology •Direct hand access with Ezee Sleeve™ •Rapid sample transfer •Accurate 02 control 0.0% to 20.9% in 0.1% increments •Accurate CO2 control 0.0% to 30.0% in 0.1% increments •Accurate temperature control ambient +5°C to +45°C ANAEROBIC Microbiology System. Save ENERGY & FILTER Costs! Promotion applicable for: BKR-SG403AHEUVSP (4 ft) BKR-SG503AHEUVSP (5 ft) BKR-SG603AHEUVSP (6 ft) UP TO 15% OFF Promotion applicable for: ARG-EV300 3L Glass Bottle (quick release) ARG-EV310 4L PP Bottle (quick release) ARG-EV320 4L PP Bottle (barbed fitting) Concept 400 Microbiology WORKSTATION ARGOS E-VAC Self-Contained Aspiration System •Level detection system prevents bottle overfill •Control knob for infinite vacuum setting from -250 mbar to -650 mbar •Includes Hand E-VAC hand operator with singlechannel plastic adapter •All wetted parts such as bottle, lid, tubing, connectors and hand operator are autoclavable •Capacity, speed and innovation! •500 plate capacity •Stress-free cell manipulation, stable O2, CO2, pH, temperature and humidity •VOC and HEPA filtration means a biologically safe working environment •Reduces need for laminar air flow cabinets and CO2 incubators Randox Life Sciences is a recognized primary manufacturer of high quality costeffective human recombinant proteins, polyclonal/monoclonal antibodies and conjugates for a variety of research and development applications. DoA / Therapeutic Antibodies Drug Residue Antibodies Recombinant Proteins Carbamazepine Amoxicillin/Ampicillin/Penicillin FABP (brain) Diazepam/Nordiazepam Chloramphenical FABP (liver) Fentanyl Leucomalacite Green GST01 Wild Type Haloperidol Monensin IL-6 Methadone Nitrophenyl (SEM) Inhibin A Morphine Nitrophenyl (AOZ) Inhibin ba Norescitalopram Nitrophenyl (AHD) Paraoxonase Oxazepam Streptomycin PCT Tramadol Tetracycline S100A10 Highly concentrated, diagnostic grade antibodies, ideal for the development of a full range of immunoassay applications. All Antibodies exhibit excellent specificity and sensitivity for target compounds. 4 ESBE Scientific visit us at NEW! Small Centrifuge EBA 270 •With swing-out rotor especially designed for medial practices •Delivers optimal separation results and a horizontal layer of the separating gel that is identical to that achieved with a larger centrifuge •Accepts common blood or urine tubes up to a volume of 15 mL •Accelerates to a maximum speed of 4,000 RPM, 2,254 RCF Unit includes: HET-230001 HET-2315 HET-23316 HET-23336 EBA 270 Centrifuge 6-Place Swing-out Rotor Small Insert (6) Large Insert (6) SAVE package $ $ $ $ DEAL OFF MIKRO 120 Centrifuge Package •Basic micro rotor •Impulse key ideal for short runs •Optional biocontainment screw-on lid PACKAGE includes: HET-120401A HET-1242 HET-2024 (x 24) HET-2023 (x 24) HET-2031 (x 24) MIKRO 120 Centrifuge 24-Place Angle Rotor 0.2-0.4 mL Microtube Insert 0.5-0.8 mL Microtube Insert 1.5 mL Microtube Insert SAVE package $ $ $ $ DEAL 30 % OFF MIKRO 200 Centrifuge Package Effect of the gravitational field in a swing-out rotor OVER 15 % •4 memory program •RPM and RCF displays •Double lid locks ARGOS FlexiFuge™ Mini CENTRIFUGE PACKAGE I includes: •Whisper quiet motor offers two speeds (2000/5000 x g, 6000/9200 RPM) •Versatile, personal micro-centrifuge for quick, low speed centrifugation •Supplied with an 8-Place fixed angle rotor for 1.5mL tubes, a rotor for (4), 8 x 0.2mL PCR tube strips, 8 adapters for 0.5mL tubes and a 4-place rotor to spin 5mL micro-centrifuge tubes Promotion applicable for: ARG-C1000 PACKAGE II includes: OFF HET-240001 HET-2430 MIKRO 200 Centrifuge 30-Place Angle Rotor HET-240001 HET-2427 HET-2024 (x 24) HET-2023 (x 24) HET-2031 (x 24) MIKRO 200 Centrifuge 30-Place Angle Rotor 0.2-0.4 mL Microtube Insert 0.5-0.8 mL Microtube Insert 1.5 mL Microtube Insert 2430 Rotor 2427 Rotor Contact your ESBE Scientific Sales Representative for more HETTICH package deals. NEW! Y-Unit for transfection of ADHERENT NEURAL CELLS LONZA 4D-Nucleofector™ System BONUS 30 % Core – Controls the 4D-Nucleofector™ System X-unit – Supports Nucleofection™ of various cell numbers in different formats Y-unit – Enables adherent Nucleofection™ in 24well culture plates With every purchase receive: 1 FREE 25-Reaction Kit AND 1 FREE Demo Mycoalert Detection Kit (value up to $409). Model: AMA-AAF1001B/X/Y NEW! NEXCELOM Cellometer® Auto 2000 CELL COUNTER Automatic Cell Viability Counter with Dual Fluorescence • 20 μL sample volume • Viability by AO/PI , PI or trypan blue • Dual fluorescence plus bright field imaging • Disposable counting chamber • All-in-one design including computer and touch screen Model: NEX-AUTO2000 Includes slides for 150 counts! Contact your ESBE Scientific Sales Representative for a FREE DEMONSTRATION t. 800.268.3477 5 INTRODUCING THE ORION Star A100 & A200 TECAN Infinite® 200 PRO Gas Control Module (GCM™) Enabling long-term cell-based assays with eukaryotic cells via controlled CO2 partial pressure inside the reader NEW Star A111 •LCD display shows pH, mV and °C/F •Range: -2.00 to 16.00 pH, ±1600.0 mV, -5 to 105°C Ask your ESBE Scientific Sales Rep for more information or a DEMO today! Star A211 •LCD display shows pH, mV, RmV, °C/F, and calibration points •Range: -2.000 to 20.000 pH, ±2000.0 mV, -5 to 105°C WITHIN Detection CO2/O2 ControlChamber! (patent pending) TECAN HydroSpeed™ PLATE WASHER ARE YOU WASHING AWAY YOUR CELLS? ARE YOUR MAGNETIC BEADS BEING WASHED AWAY? NEW FEATURES Series pH Benchtop METERS 30 % OFF NEW Introductory Pricing! Promotion applicable for ALL ORION models. 30 % ALL OFF OHAUS MODELS! OHAUS Explorer® Pro Series BALANCES Are you suffering from needle clogging during ELISA washing? Touch Screen Technology More Accurate strong vacuum level Faster Than Ever gentle aspiration settings Extra gentle wash settings for loosely adherent cells Optimized dispense position via Move function Efficient bead settling via powerful magnets DEMO the HydroSpeed plate washer today: Call 1-800-268-3477 or email INTRODUCING THE NEW SORENSON BenchTop PIPETTOR Accelerate Liquid Transfers •Aspirates and dispenses liquid samples with the touch of a button •Precision: <2% @ 25-250 µL; <10% @ 5-20 µL •Accuracy: ±4% @ 25-250 µL; ±6% @ 5-20 µL •Pipette volume: 1.0 - 250 µL •96/384 semi-automated pipettor •Calibrates to different fluid viscosities •Height adjustment settings over plate or reservoir 15 % OFF Model: SRS-73960 6 ENGAGING ASPIRATING DISPENSING ESBE Scientific Category A Category B Exempt Patient Specimens Saf-T-Temp PCM ARE YOU CERTIFIED? Training schedule available at: The World Leader in Certified Packaging and Compliance Training visit us at UP TO 25 % OFF UP TO 15 HAMILTON SoftGrip Adjustable Volume PIPETTORS ™ % ALL THESE HIGH QUALITY CONSUMABLES UltraFlux® PCR Plates • Filter plug • Permanent markings with negative graduations ARG-PM • MINI format • Natural and white plates unskirted available • Autoclavable semi-skirted • Sealing films sold seperately full skirt ARG-PS Promotion applicable for: HAM-5501930 . . . . . . 0.2 - 2 µL HAM-5501932 . . . . . . . 1 - 10 µL HAM-5501934 . . . . . . 2.5 - 25 µL HAM-5501936 . . . . . . 10 - 100 µL HAM-5501938 . . . . . . 30 - 300 µL HAM-5501940 . . . . . 100 µL - 1 mL HAM-5501950 . . . 5 - 50 µL 8-Channel HAM-5501952 . . . 30-300 µL 8-Channel HAM-5501954 . . . 5 -50 µL 12-Channel HAM-5501956 . . 30-300 µL 12-Channel UP TO CryoFreeze™ Storage Racks 4-Way Flipper® Racks % OFF CBS Inventory Control Supplies • For all models of upright freezers, fridges • Recycled paper products • For all standard microtubes and cryovials Revolver - the Ultimate Workstation • Expandable interlocking racks • Autoclavable • Suitable for -80°C use SSP-54xxxx BetaShield® Racks •Maximum chemical and thermal resistance with ceramic plunger •Fast and accurate micrometer volume adjustment •Graduated gauge offers reproducible volume delivery •Aluminum oxide ceramic plunger, no chance of abrasions, scratching, swelling, or flaking of a coating layer Promotion applicable for: HAM-5124901 . . . . HAM-5124920 . . . . HAM-5124950 . . . . HAM-5124910 . . . . HAM-5124930 . . . . HAM-5124960 . . . . • Indexed grid on racks; robust and durable • Sterile, screw cap tubes • Tubes in bulk or recyclable card racks • Available in 25-, 81-, 81-deep, and 100-place • Vented base/lid for rapid draining SSP-57xxxx 20 HAMILTON SofTop™ Quik Reagent DISPENSERS Microcentrifuge Tubes Centrifuge Tubes and Racks • Variety of microcentrifuge tubes available • Featuring SnapSeal and EasyOpen caps •Wide selection of ergonomic pipettors •Easily adjusts for left-hand operation •Completely autoclavable •Guaranteed accuracy and precision • Add or subtract rack units to suit your needs • PCR plate configuration • Rotate and lock mechanism SSP-540559 IsoFreeze™ Colour Change Racks • Maintains sample temp. of less than 4°C for up to 4 hours • Dramatic change in colour at 7°C SSP-56xxxx • Blocks ß-radiation on the bench 8-position SSP-500000 24-position SSP-501000 Pipette Tips . . . . . . . 0.2 - 1.0 mL . 0.4 - 2.0 mL . 1 - 5.0 mL . 2.0 - 10 mL . 5.0 - 30 mL . 10 - 60 mL t. 800.268.3477 NEW! • Shatter resistant • 2.0mL graduated skirted tube • Secure O-ring screw cap SSP-26410B OFF Serological Pipettes HIGHEST USER SATISFACTION on 11 different aspects of a pipettor, including plunger and eject forces, weight, diameter and texture. DuraTube™ for bead-beating GripSeal™ Screw Cap applications Microtubes Exam Gloves • Unique tip packaging ranging from TipStations to OneTouch™ technology • High quality designs featuring low protein and DNA binding • NEW! EcoPac® tips for Biomek® FX • Unique built-in grips • Secure seal moulded to the cap - no O-ring! • Available in 8 colours; 0.5-, 1.5-, 2.0-mL tubes UltraFlux® i PCR Tubes • 8 individually capped thin wall tubes • Standard and low profile • Ideal for real-time PCR SSP-324700 • Flat, clear caps SSP-324800 LiteSafe™ Tubes and Freezer Racks • Light sensative: completely opaque • Ideal for use with fluorescent probes or ethidium bromide • Autoclavable OMEGA Serological Pipettors • Ergonomically designed • Easy to read LED display • Glass or plastic pipets from 1 to 100 mL SlipLock Flipper® Racks • Unique! SLIP and LOCK rack units together • Expandable mini workstation • Fits into standard freezer racking SSP-530559 Bottle Top Aspirators and Syringe Filters • Designed to provide higher flow rates and filtration capacity • Aspirators: PES and PVDF • Filters: PES, PTFE, NCE, Nylon Micryo Cryoware Labelling • Pink Pearl™ raises funds for cancer research • Venom™ black gloves quickly identifies potentially unsafe light-coloured substances • Wide assortment of gloves featuring Aloetouch® for the soothing comfort of an organic aloe lining • Dots and strips available in 6 colours • Rolls and laser printer sheets • Temperature range: -196°C to +120°C Find these and much more at ... 7 Original warranty applies. All sales are final. Subject to prior sale. While quantities last. LIFE SCIENCES EQUIPMENT CONSUMABLES Description Order # CLB transfection device for cell lines AMA-AAE1001 LUCETTA Luminometer AMA-AAL1001 AUTOT4PLUS with Netbook, software, 100 slides CLEARANCE CLEARANCE NEX-AUTOT4PLUSPROMO1050 Blood Bank Refrigerator, 617L (21.8 cu.ft) SAN-MBR704GR Incubator CO2 InCu-Safe, IR, SafeCell-UV 195L (6.9 cu.ft) SAN-MCO20AIC Upright VIP® -86°C Freezer, 333L (11.8 cu.ft) SAN-MDFU33V Upright -40°C Freezer, 482L (17.0 cu.ft) SAN-MDFU5411 Heated Incubator, +5°C to +80°C, 93L (3.3 cu.ft) SAN-MIR162 Heated Incubator, +5°C to +80°C, 153L (5.4 cu.ft) SAN-MIR262 Cooled Incubator, -10°C to +50°C, 406L (14.4 cu.ft) SAN-MIR553 Cooled Incubator, -10°C to +50°C, 406L (14.4 cu.ft) SAN-MIR554 Environmental Chamber, 294L (10.2 cu.ft) SAN-MLR351H $4,732 $6,209 $5,995 $5,545 $4,995 $7,444 $3,269 $1,180 $2,042 $3,755 $5,708 $8,747 List Description $6,427 Bottle Top Aspirator, PES Membrane, .22µm, 250mL, 12/CS ARG-BPE2225 $8,435 Bottle Top Aspirator, PES Membrane, .22µm, 500mL, 12/CS ARG-BPE2250 $9,875 Bottle Top Aspirator, PES Membrane, .45µm, 250mL, 12/CS ARG-BPE4525 $10,219 Bottle Top Aspirator, PES Membrane, .45µm, 500mL, 12/CS ARG-BPE4550 $8,873 100-place LiteSafe™ Cryo Box, Black, 5/PK Order # 96-Well Plate, .39ml Max Well Volume, Sterile, 100/CS ARG-P0096 6-Well Plate, 17.0ml Max Well Volume, Sterile, 100/CS ARG-P1006 12-Well Plate, 6.8ml Max Well Volume, Sterile, 100/CS ARG-P1012 24-Well Plate, 3.5ml Max Well Volume, Sterile, 100/CS ARG-P1024 96-Well Plate, 0.39ml Max Well Volume, Sterile, 100/CS ARG-P1096 Disposable Serological Mini Pipette 10ml, 150/CS ARG-PM10 Disposable Serological Mini Pipette 25ml, 100/CS ARG-PM25 Disposable Serological Mini Pipette 5ml, 200/CS ARG-PM5 Disposable Serological Pipette 1ml (0.01), 500/CS ARG-PS01 Disposable Serological Pipette 1ml, 500/CS ARG-PS1 Disposable Serological Pipette 10ml, 200/CS ARG-PS10 Disposable Serological Pipette 2ml, 500/CS ARG-PS2 Disposable Serological Pipette 25ml, 150/CS ARG-PS25 Disposable Serological Pipette 5ml, 250/CS ARG-PS5 Disposable Serological Pipette 50ml, 100/CS ARG-PS50 MONTRÉAL $5,335 Tissue Grinders, 30mL, Free-Standing, 10/CS BMP-TG702 $2,579 Wintrobe Tubes, Yellow, 3x115mm, 200/PK, 10/CS CHA-64FR828B $3,426 Sperian Glove, 7 Cut Resistance Heavy SS, Large ESB-SPPF7GYLSS $9,045 Sperian Glove, 7 Cut Resistance Heavy SS, Medium ESB-SPPF7GYMSS $9,045 Tip Eppendorf Natural 101-1000µL, 1000/BG PRX-111N PRX-A22051PRX Tip Pipet ART 200G Barrier, 10 Trays of 96/PK MBP-2069G Tip Pipet ART 10µL Barrier, Sterile, 10 Trays of 96/PK MBP-213905 List Tip Pipet ART 20µL Barrier, Sterile, 10 Trays of 96/PK MBP-2149 $179.91 Tip Pipet ART Micropoint 20µL Barrier, Sterile, 10x96/PK MBP-2149P $213.76 Tip Pipet ART Gel 100µL, Barrier, Sterile, 10x96/PK MBP-2155 $228.61 Tip Pipet ART 1000µL, 8 Trays of 100/PK MBP-2279 $228.61 Tip Pipet ART 1000µL, Barrier, 8 Trays of 96/PK MBP-227905 $213.76 Tip Pipet REACH 10µL, Black, 1000/BG MBP-3510 $66.49 PCR Tube 0.2mL, Flat Top, 1000/BG MBP-3412 $109.98 DNA Away Surface Decontaminant, 250mL Bottle $86.99 Reversable Microtube Rack, Blue MBP-7010 MBP-8630 $121.24 FlipStrip Microtube Rack with Lid, Blue MBP-8638 $83.79 FlipStrip Microtube Rack with Lid, Yellow MBP-8658 $82.09 4-Way Flipper Rack with Lid, Fluorescent Orange MBP-8860 $151.23 MicroFlex Evolution ONE Exam Gloves, X-Large, 100/BX MEM-EV2050XL $139.43 MOPEC Bucket Holder MOP-HO003 $79.08 Urine Tubes 15ml Polystyrene Bulk, 1000/CS NAT-TUC1535 $267.79 Caps for 15ml Urine Tube Bulk, 1000/CS ESBE Scientific TORONTO BMP-CYTODB25 $14,608 Tip Natural 0-200µL, 10 Trays of 96/PK CLEARANCE CLEARANCE $134.97 $160.37 $171.47 $171.47 $160.37 $49.87 $82.47 $65.27 $90.97 $62.87 $61.57 $113.47 $104.57 $59.37 $200.87 ARG-R3121 $11,796 Double Cytology Funnel with Filter Card, 25/PK CONSUMABLES Description Order # NAT-TUN1512 CLEARANCE CLEARANCE List $77.07 $85.47 $77.07 $85.47 $23.47 $72.07 $71.67 $500.07 $18.07 $18.07 $17.47 $26.17 $89.47 $98.37 $89.47 $89.47 $110.87 $89.47 $98.37 $21.67 $52.67 $18.17 $14.47 $14.47 $14.47 $16.27 $10.97 $232.07 $54.27 $28.57 $102.66 $113.91 $102.66 $113.91 $31.21 $96.08 $95.56 $666.69 $24.03 $24.03 $23.26 $34.91 $119.23 $131.16 $119.23 $119.23 $147.86 $119.23 $131.16 $28.94 $70.19 $24.23 $19.38 $19.26 $19.26 $21.66 $19.91 $310.35 $72.44 $38.13 FLYER CODE: W12 PRICES VALID UNTIL MARCH 31, 2012 unless otherwise stated. For sale in CANADA only. 80 McPherson Street, Markham ON L3R 3V6 5657 chemin St-François, St-Laurent QC H4S 1W6 Prices & specifications are current at the time of printing, subject to change without Tel 800.268.3477 Fax 800.387.0476 Tel800.542.4818 Fax 514.335.1901 notice and are not to be combined with other offers/discounts or contract pricing. While quantities last. Products must be purchased and special offers redeemed by Mar. 31, 2012. Rien ne vaut une protection à 100%. Excepté à 200% !!! SANYO Réfrigérateur biomédical avec section congélateur SANYO -86 Dual°Cool CONGÉLATEURS série TwinGuard BONUS 2 Compresseurs INDÉPENDANTS. ÊTES VOUS PRÊTS POUR LA SAISON DE LA GRIPPE? Avec chaque achat recevez GRATUITEMENT: 1 système de support à l’azote ou au CO2 (valeur jusqu’à 3 500$) ou 1 ensemble complet d’entreposage (valeur de 3 511$). Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MDFU500VXC (18.3 SAN-MDFU700VXC (25.7 IL EST CRITIQUE DE MAINTENIR LA CHAÎNE DE FROID POUR LES VACCINS Une température précise et uniforme est essentielle dans un réfrigérateur destiné à conserver des vaccins, réactifs ou autres produits biologiques. Des études ont démontrées que même de faibles variations de température peuvent compromettre l’efficacité des produits biologiques, ce qui vous expose à des pertes financières majeures qui pourraient atteindre plusieurs milliers de dollars. * Boîtes & diviseurs non compris. Qui comprend le tout nouveau système de refroidissement en cascade! BONUS NOUVEAU MODÈLE Avec chaque achat, recevez 1 moniteur de température de vaccin (valeur jusqu’à 150$). Promotion valide pour: SAN-MPR715F (20.9 SANYO Congélateurs à -86 série VIP™ FAIBLE ENCOMBREMENT BONUS Achetez deux incubateurs Sterisonic avec UV empilables et recevez: Un rehaussement au modèle supérieur UVH GRATUIT (MCOHL) ainsi qu’un atomiseur à H2O2 et sa trousse de réactifs GRATUITS (une valeur totale de 4 233$). BONUS SANYO Incubateurs à CO2 Modèles Sterisonic 2 Sterisonic Série GxP Série GxP avec H2O2 Avec chaque achat, recevez GRATUITEMENT: 1 atomiseur de H2O2 ainsi qu’une trousse de réactifs de décontamination (valeur de 1 036$) ou 1 base à roulettes (valeur de 513$). Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MCO19AICUVH SAN-MCO19MUVH SANYO Incubateurs à CO2 Modèles Sterisonic Série GxP Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MCO38AICUV SAN-MCO38MUV 2 Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MCO19AIC/UV SAN-MCO19M/UV SAN-MCO20AIC SAN-MCO5M/UV BONUS Le système de décontamination unique au H2O2 du Sterisonic GxP permet de diminuer le temps d’indisponibilité à moins de trois heures lorsqu’on souhaite effectuer une décontamination complète de l’appareil. BONUS * Boîtes & diviseurs non compris. SANYO Incubateurs ÉCONOMISEZ SUR LA CONFIGURATION à CO UV Modèles SUPÉRIEURE Avec chaque achat recevez GRATUITEMENT: un système d’inventaire complet pour vials de 2mL (valeur de 1 905$). * Boîtes & Promotion valide pour les modèles: diviseurs non compris. SAN-MDFC2156VAN (8.2 Avec chaque achat, obtenez une lampe UV GRATUITE (valeur de 1 131$) ou 1 base à roulettes (valeur de 513$) ou 1 Interchangeur de bonbonne (valeur de 627$). SANYO Incubateur à CO2 de type armoire L’environnement de croissance IDÉAL! BONUS Le plus éconergétique sur le marché; seulement 15.1 kwh/jour SANYO VIP® PLUS Congélateur cryogénique à -150° Avec chaque achat recevez: 6 râteliers d’entreposage GRATUITS (valeur de 878$). Avec chaque achat, obtenez une lampe UV GRATUITE (valeur de 1 170$). Promotion valide pour le modèle: SAN-MCO80IC SANYO Incubateurs à CO2 Modèles CytoGROW Série GLP BONUS BONUS Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MDFU76V (25.7 SAN-MDFU54V (18.6 SAN-MDFU53VA (18.3 SAN-MDFU33V (11.8 NOUVEAU! Avec chaque achat, obtenez un base à roulettes GRATUITE (valeur de 513$). Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MCO18AC SAN-MCO18ACUV SAN-MCO5AC Les Produits Scientifiques ESBE visitez nous à Faites vous des extractions & purifications d’ADN/ARN sur des plantes? L’homogénéiseur de tissus PRECELLYS Préparation d’échantillons & Lyse cellulaire À l’achat d’un homogénéisateur • RAPIDE - Homogénéisez jusqu’à 24 échantillons en quelques PRECELLYS DE secondes BERTIN recevez une • EFFICACE - Maintenez l’intégrité de toute molécule biologique; trousse d’échantillon ADN, ARN, protéines, médicaments etc. GRATUITE de purification d’acides • POLYVALENT - Modifiez les protocoles pour traiter différents types nucléiques de de tissus mous ou durs (micro-organismes, tissus animal ou végétal) plantes Invisorb® • PAS DE CONTAMINATION CROISÉE - Tubes jetables de 2mL Spin Plant Mini Kit • REPRODUCTIBLE - Protocoles standardisés ou Invitrap® Spin Plant RNA Mini Kit MINILYS L’homogénéisateur personel •Traitez trois échantillons simultanément dans des tubes de 0,5 ou 1 mL, ou un échantillon dans un tube de 7 mL Trousse d’évaluation GRATUITE offerte au •Idéal pour des types de plantes variés: feuilles, racines, fruits, fleurs, bois, etc. •Pas de dégradation de l’ADN grâce à l’utilisation d’un tampon doux à faible concentration en sels •Rendement élevés et grande pureté finale •De l’ARN pur sans digestion par DNase Trousses de plantes: INV-1037100200/300 •Traitement optimal en fonction du type INV-1064100200/300 d’échantillon PROGRAMME DE DÉMARRAGE DE LABO! SANYO Autoclave mobile à chargement par le haut Chambre de croissance SANYO modèle SGC120 ESBE vous félicite pour l’ouverture de votre nouveau labo On peut vous aider à commencer! NI DRAIN NI VAPEUR!!! Conçu pour un usage personnel au laboratoire, il peut être facilement déplacé d’un endroit à l’autre. •La meilleure précision et reproductibilité en termes de contrôle de température, d’humidité et d’éclairage •Offerte avec jusqu’à 5 tablettes •Configuration intérieure modifiable par l’utilisateur •Surface de croissance allant jusqu’à 3.4m2 •Hauteur de croissance maximale de 1,275mm •Contrôle optionel d’humidité permettant d’atteindre 80%RH Modèles: SAN-SGC120AUXE SAN-SGC120BUXE SAN-SGC120CUXEC SAN-SGC120EUXE NOUVEAU! •Temp. ajustable de +115 à 135°C •Avis vocal en cours de fonctionnement •Faible emprise grâce à la porte qui bascule vers le haut •Dispositif de verouillage double empêchant l’ouverture du couvercle si la température ou la pression ne le permettent pas BONUS NOUVEAU! Avec chaque achat recevez GRATUITEMENT: 1 imprimante interne (valeur jusqu’à 1 802$). Promotion valide pour les modèles: SAN-MLS3751L (50L) SAN-MLS3781L (75L) Achetez un congélateur à ultra-basse température série VIP® deux incubateurs à CO2 empilables ainsi qu’un réfrigérateur scientifique ET RECEVEZ: Pour une •Escompte spécial valeur (valeur jusqu’au 3 000$) totale •6 râteliers d’entreposage GRATUITS jusqu’à (valeur de 878$) •Une base à roulette GRATUITE ($513 value) inscrivez-vous au 4 361$! Promotion valide pour les modèles: MDFU76V, MDFU56V, MDFU53VA, MDFU7486SC, MDFU5486SC, MCO18AC, MCO18ACUV, MCO18AIC, MCO19AICUV, MCO19AICUVH, MCO19M, MCO19MUV, MCO19MUVH, MCO5M, MCO5MUV, MPR1411/R, MPR721/R, SRR23GDMED, SRR49GDMED, SRR72GDMED NOUVEAU Enregistreurs de données SPY RF et logiciel SIRIUS DESIGN CONGÉLATEUR Isothermal à azote liquide muni d’un plateau circulaire Conaissez-vous LA VALEUR des produits conservés dans votre réfrigérateur ou congélateur? Comment SEREZ-VOUS AVISÉ en cas de bris d’un instrument? ESPIONNEZ-LES à distance avec un enregistreur SPY de JRI Maxant • Communication sur de longues distances (jusqu’à 1 km sans obstacle) et échange informatique avancé afin d’éviter les pertes de données • Enregistrement conservé localement sur chaque enregistreur ainsi que sur un ordinateur central • Grande variété de paramètres mesurables: température, CO2, O2, RH%, pression, & signal électrique 4-20mA • Alarmes en temps réel et notification sonore, par courriel, texto ou message vocal optionnels t. 800.542.4818 STRATEC Trousse de purification d’acides nucléiques pour plantes Entreposage en phase vapeur Ouverture plus petite Plateau rotatif à l’intérieur Éliminez le risque de CONTAMINATION CROISÉE! Promotion valide pour le modèle: CBS-V3000ABC BONUS NOUVEAU! BONUS Avec chaque achat recevez GRATUITEMENT: 1 système d’entreposage complet pour vials de 2mL (valeur de 1 300$-3 000$). 3 ÉCONOMISEZ 25 % NOUVEAU Incroyablement SILENCIEUSE! Culture cellulaire en HYPOXIE BAKER BioChemGARD® e3 Enceinte de biosécurité Classe II Type B2 à évacuation totale éconergétique MODÈLE WOW! •L’équilibre optimal entre efficacité énergétique et performance •Réduisez votre empreinte énergétique tout en augmentant la productivité •Moins de bruit, de production de chaleur et de coûts pour l’opérer Promotion valide pour les modèles: BKR-BCG401 (4 pi.) BKR-BCG601 (6 pi.) * Les BioChemGARD et les SterilGARD e3 sont couvertes par une garantie de 6 ans incluant les filtres et une extension de garantie de 3 autres années est offerte en option. BAKER SterilGARD® e3 Enceinte de biosécurité classe II type A2 Le meilleur choix pour obtenir l’équilibre parfait entre la PERFORMANCE et L’EFFICACITÉ ÉNÉRGÉTIQUE. ÉCONOMISEZ sur l’électricité et sur les remplacements de filtres! STATION D’HYPOXIE Invivo2 400 •Reproduisez des conditions d’hypoxie semblables à celles retrouvées “in vivo” •Accès direct avec les Ezee Sleeve™ •Contrôle précis du niveau de CO2 de 0.0% à 30.0% en pas de 0.1% •Contrôle précis du niveau de 02 de 0.0% à 20.9% en pas de 0.1% •Contrôle de température ambiante +5°C à 45°C Station de travail en microbiologie Promotion valide pour les modèles: BKR-SG403AHEUVSP (4 pi.) BKR-SG503AHEUVSP (5 pi.) BKR-SG603AHEUVSP (6 pi.) ÉCONOMISEZ 15 JUSQU’À % ARGOS Système d’Aspiration Autonome E-VAC •Système de détection du niveau permettant d’éviter le débordement •Ajustement de l’intensité de l’aspiration de -250 à -650 mbar •Comprend l’adaptateur Hand E-Vac à embout simple Promotion valide pour les modèles: ARG-EV300 Bouteille de verre, 3L, raccord rapide •Toutes les parties qui peuvent être mise en ARG-EV310 Bouteille de PP, 4L, raccord rapide contact avec les liquides (bouteille, couvercle, ARG-EV320 Bouteille de PP, 4L, raccord cannelé tubulures etc.) sont autoclavables Concept 400 Chambre ANAÉROBIE •Grande capacité dans un cadre novateur •Filtration HEPA et pour les composés organiques volatils pour un environnement sûr •Permet de diminuer les besoins en enceintes de biosécurité et incubateurs externes •Peut accomoder 500 pétris •Paramètres de croissance stables (O2, CO2, pH et température) Contact your ESBE Scientific Sales Representative for more HETTICH package deals. Randox Life Sciences est un fabricant reconnu mondialement de réactifs de haute qualité incluant des protéines recombinées, anticorps monoclonaux/polyclonaux et conjugués pour une variété de techniques en recherche comme l’ELISA, les buvardages western, l’immunofluorescence et l’immunohistochimie. Drogues de rues / Anticorps cible Anticorps résidus médicaments Protéines recombinées thérapeutique Amoxicilline/Ampicilline/Penicilline FABP (cerveau) Carbamazepine Chloramphenicol FABP (foie) Diazepam/Nordiazepam Leucomalacite Green GST01 Wild Type Fentanyl Monensin IL-6 Haloperidol Nitrophenyl (SEM) Inhibine A Methadone Nitrophenyl (AOZ) Inhibine ba Morphine Nitrophenyl (AHD) Paraoxonase Norescitalopram Streptomycine PCT Oxazepam Tetracycline S100A10 Tramadol Anticorps de grade diagnostic super concentrés, idéals pour le développement de nouvelles utilisations immunologiques. Tous les anticorps offerts démontrent d’excellentes qualités en termes de spécificité et sensibilité pour les cibles. 4 Les Produits Scientifiques ESBE visitez nous à NOUVEAU! Centrifugeuse compacte EBA 270 •Rotor horizontal compact spécialement conçu de manière à produire un culot plat •Permet d’obtenir la séparation claire entre les cellules et le plasma dans les tubes à gel, comme dans un appareil de grande taille •Adaptable à tous les tubes de sang et jusqu’aux 15 ml coniques pour l’urine •Performance: 4,000RPM, 2,254 x g $ $ $ $ $ GLOBALE Ensemble MIKRO 120 ÉCONOMISEZ PLUS DE 15 % Microcentrifugeuse FlexiFuge™ ARGOS •Moteur à deux vitesses très silencieux (2000/5000 x g, 6000/9200 RPM) •Microcentrifugeuse personnelle polyvalente pour des centrifugations rapides à basse vitesse •COMPREND: un rotor à 8 places pour microtubes de 1,5 ml, un rotor de 4 places pour bandes de 8 tubes de PCR de 0,2 ml, 8 adaptateur réducteurs pour tubes de 0,5 ml et un rotor 4 places pour microtubes de 5 ml Promotion valide pour les modèles: ARG-C1000 HET-120401A Centrifugeuse MIKRO 120 HET-1242 Rotor à angle fixe à 24 places HET-2024 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 0.2-0.4 mL HET-2023 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 0.5-0.8 mL HET-2031 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 1.5 mL offre ÉCONOMISEZ ÉCONOMISEZ 30 % L’ENSEMBLE I comprend: HET-240001 HET-2430 Centrifugeuse MIKRO 200 Rotor à angle fixe à 30 places L’ENSEMBLE II comprend: HET-240001 Centrifugeuse MIKRO 200 HET-2427 Rotor à angle fixe à 30 places HET-2024 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 0.2-0.4 mL HET-2023 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 0.5-0.8 mL HET-2031 (x 24) Adaptateur pour tubes de 1.5 mL Rotor 2430 Rotor 2427 Communiquez avec votre représentant pour d’autres excellentes offres de centrifugeuses HETTICH. NOUVEAU! Module Y Compteur de cellules automatiques Cellometer® Auto 2000 qui permet la transfection de CELLULES NEURALES ADHÉRENTES Compteur automatique Analyseur de viabilité en fluorescence à double longueur d’ondes Nucleofector™ 4D de LONZA Noyau – Module de contrôle du Nucleofector™ 4D Module X – Nucleofection™ de divers types/quantités de cellules en cuvettes ou en bandes Module Y – Permet de transfecter des cellules adhérentes dans des plaques à 24 puits BONUS •Mémoire de 4 programmes •Affichage numérique des RPM/RCF •Couvercle à loquet double MAINTENANT OFFERT • Instrument intégré comprenant ordinateur et écran tactile • Détermination de la viabilité par AO, PI ou Bleu de Trypan • Détection en fond clair ou par fluorescence à 2 longueurs d’ondes • Seulement 20 μL d’échantillon requis • Lame de décompte jetable Avec chaque achat recevez GRATUITEMENT: 1 trousse Mycoalert de 25 tests (valeur de 409$). Modèle: AMA-AAF1001B/X/Y 30 % L’ENSEMBLE comprend: Ensemble MIKRO 200 Effet de la force gravitationnelle dans un rotor horizontal ÉCONOMISEZ •Mode de centrifugation momentanée •Couvercle de bioconfinement disponible en option •Rotor universel $ $ $ $ $ GLOBALE Module comprend: HET-230001 Centrifugeuse EBA 270 HET-2315 Rotor horizontal à 6 places HET-23316 Nacelles pour petits tubes (6) HET-23336 Nacelles pour grand tubes (6) offre ÉCONOMISEZ Modèle: NEX-AUTO2000 Comprend suffisamment de lames pour 150 décomptes! Communiquez avec votre représentant pour une démonstration aujourd’hui! t. 800.542.4818 5 TECAN Infinite® 200 PRO Module de contrôle atmosphérique (GCM™) LANCEMENT Il est maintenant possible d’effectuer de longues analyses avec des cellules eucaryotes grâce à l’atmosphère de CO2 contrôlée à l’intérieur du lecteur. Demandez un complément d’information ou réservez une démonstration auprès de votre représentant aujourd’hui! NOUVELLE Star A111 •Affichage à ACl du pH, mV, °C/F & points d’étalonnage •Gamme: -2.00 à 16.00 pH, ±1600.0 mV, -5 à 105°C Star A211 •Affichage à ACl du pH, mV, RmV, °C/F & points d’étalonnage •Gamme: -2.000 à 20.000 pH, ±2000.0 mV, -5 à 105°C Contrôle de CO2/O2 à L’INTÉRIEUR de la chambre de détection! (brevet en instance) LAVEUR de microplaques HydroSpeed™ ÉCONOMISEZ 30 % ARRACHEZ-VOUS VOS CELLULES PRÉSENTEMENT? Accélérer le pipettage •Aspire et délivre des liquides en pressant une touche •Précision: <2% @ 25-250 µL; <10% @ 5-20 µL •Exactitude: ±4% @ 25-250 µL; ±6% @ 5-20 µL •Volume: 1.0 - 250 µL •Pipetteur semi-automatique à 96/384 puits •Étalonnable en fonction de la viscosité des liquides aspirés •Ajustement en hauteur pour accomoder des réservoirs ou plaques 15 ASPIRER 30 modèles OHAUS! BALANCES OHAUS Série Explorer® Pro Écran tactile Plus rapide que jamais gentle aspiration settings Réglage de lavage super doux pour cellules faiblement adhérentes PIPETTEUR de comptoir SORENSON ENCLENCHER ÉCONOMISEZ sur Plus précise Position des aiguilles optimisée PRODUIT % Promotion valide pour toutes les modèles ORION! strong NOUVEAU ÉCONOMISEZ PRIX DE LANCEMENT! VOS AIGUILLES SE BLOQUENT-ELLES PENDANT VOS LAVAGES? vacuum level Téléphonez-nous pour réservez une démonstration du Hydrospeed dans votre laboratoire! 1-800-542-4818. % TOUS les EST-CE QUE VOS BILLES MAGNÉTIQUES DISPARAISSENT AU LAVAGE? NOUVELLES caractéristiques pH mètres ORION série Star A100 & A200 Fixation efficace des billes grâce aux puissants aimants Catégorie A Catégorie B Échantillons exemptés Saf-T-Temp PCM ÊTES-VOUS CERTIFIÉ? Le calendrier des sessions de formation est disponible au: Le chef de file mondial en Emballages certifiés et la formation de conformité Modèle: SRS-73960 DÉLIVRER 6 Les Produits Scientifiques ESBE visitez nous à ÉCONOMIZEZ ÉCONOMISEZ JUSQU’À 25 % JUSQU’À 15 Pipette à volume ajustable SoftGrip™ de HAMILTON • Un vrai filtre, pas de coton • Identification permanente et graduations ARG-PM négatives ARG-PS Promotion valide pour les modèles: HAM-5501930 . . . . . . 0.2 - 2 µL HAM-5501932 . . . . . . . 1 - 10 µL HAM-5501934 . . . . . . 2.5 - 25 µL HAM-5501936 . . . . . . 10 - 100 µL HAM-5501938 . . . . . . 30 - 300 µL HAM-5501940 . . . . . 100 µL - 1 mL HAM-5501950 . . . 5 - 50 µL 8-canaux HAM-5501952 . . . 30-300 µL 8-canaux HAM-5501954 . . . 5 -50 µL 12-canaux HAM-5501956 . . . 30-300 µL 12-canaux Promotion valide pour les modèles: HAM-5124901 . . . . . . 0.2 - 1.0 mL HAM-5124920 . . . . . . 0.4 - 2.0 mL HAM-5124950 . . . . . . 1.0 - 5.0 mL HAM-5124910 . . . . . . 2.0 - 10 mL HAM-5124930 . . . . . . 5.0 - 30 mL HAM-5124960 . . . . . . 10 - 60 mL t. 800.542.4818 • Grille d’identification • Tubes coniques stériles à bouchon vissé • Offerts en vrac ou en portoir de carton facilement recyclables • Pour tous les modèles de congélateurs et réfrigérateurs • Fabriqué de matière recyclée Portoirs 4-Way Flipper® Revolver - LE portoir polyvalent % Microtubes à bouchons vissés GripSeal™ • Rainures uniques pour une bonne prise • Sceau intégré, pas de o-ring perdus! • tubes de .5, 1.5, 2.0mL Tubes pour PCR UltraFlux® i • 8 tubes à parois minces à bouchons individuels • Profil bas ou standard • Meilleur rendement en SSP-324700 temps réel SSP-324800 Microtubes à centrifuger Tubes coniques et boîtes d’entreposage Tubes et boîtes LiteSafe™ • Offertes en 25, 81, HAUTE 81, et 100 places • Le design FastVent permet un drainage rapide 20 •Très résistant grâce au piston de céramique •Sélection du volume rapide et facile •Construction d’oxyde d’aluminium prévenant l’écaillage du revêtement • Offertes en naturel et blanc sans bordure pour PCR en temps réel mi-bordure • Scellants vendus séparément pleine bordure Boîtes d’entreposage Fournitures d’entreposage cryogénique CBS Cryofreeze™ ÉCONOMISEZ Dispensateur de bouteille SofTop™ de HAMILTON Plaques pour PCR UltraFlux® • Grande varieté de microtubes offerte • Bouchons SnapSeal et EasyOpen •Vaste sélection de différents modèles •Facilement utilisable par les gauchers •Autoclavable sans la démonter •Précision et exactitude garanties PLUS DE NOUVEAU! • Ultra résistants • Tube autoporteur de 2.0mL gradué • Bouchon étanche à joint d’étanchéité SSP-26410B SUR CES FOURNITURES DE QUALITÉ Pipettes sérologiques et format MINI LE PLUS HAUT NIVEAU DE SATISFACTION dans 11 aspects différents incluant; force requise pour pipetter et éjecter, poids, diamètre & texture. % DuraTube™ pour homogénéiser • Portoir extensible interverrouillable • Ils supportent jusqu’à -80°C • Possibilité d’ajouter ou d’enlever un bloc pour s’adapter à tous les usages • Mécanisme tourne-etbarre SSP-540559 SSP-54xxxx Portoirs BetaShield® • Produits uniques et novateurs offerts comme les embouts TipStations ou les OneTouch™ • Caractéristiques de qualité avec faible adhérence et rétention des protéines et de l’ADN • NOUVEAU! Embouts pour Biomek® FX OMEGA Assistant pipetteur • Conception ergonomique • Affichage DEL clair • Pour pipettes de verre ou de plastique de 1 à 100 mL Portoirs SlipLock Flipper® • Unique! Portoirs SLIP&LOCK adaptables • Mini station de travail • Adaptable aux râteliers d’entreposage SSP-530559 IsoFreeze™ Portoirs Réfrigérants qui Unités de filtration & Changent de Couleur filtres de seringue • Gardent les échantillons sous les 4°C pour jusqu’à 4 heures • Changement dramatique à +7°C SSP-56xxxx • Protection efficace des radiations de type ß au labo 8 places SSP-500000 24 places SSP-501000 Embouts de pipette • Complètement opaques • Ideal pour les sondes fluorescentes ou le bromure d’éthidium • Autoclavable Gants d’examen • Les gants roses PinkPearl™ permettent d’amasser des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer • Les gants noirs Venom™ permettent de voir mmédiatement les substances pâles • Vaste choix de gants incluant les fameux gants Aloetouch® qui procurent toute la protection souhaitée tout en adoucissant les mains • Conçus de manière à procurer des filtrations rapides avec peu de rétention • Membranes de PES ou de PVDF • Filtres: choix de PES,PTFE,NCE ou Nylon Étiquettage cryogénique Micryo • Pastilles et bandes offerts en 6 couleurs • Rouleaux ou feuilles pour imprimante • Utilisable de -196°C à +120°C Vous trouverez tous ces spéciaux et d’autres au ... 7 VENTE Quantités limitées. Sujet à toute vente préalable. Les SCIENCES de la VIE Seule la garantie du manufacturier s’applique. Toutes les ventes sont finales. Description # d’item Appareil à transfection pour lignées cellulaires CLB AMA-AAE1001 Luminomètre LUCETTA AMA-AAL1001 Ensemble de compteur de cellules, 1050 comptes Réfrigérateur de banque de sang, 617L (21.8 NEX-AUTOT4PLUSPROMO1050 SAN-MBR704GR Incubateur CO2 InCu-Safe, IR, SafeCell-UV 195L (6.9 SAN-MCO20AIC Congélateur vertical ultra-basse -86°C, 333L (11.8 SAN-MDFU33V Congélateur vertical -40°C, 482L (17.0 SAN-MDFU5411 Incubateur, +5°C à +80°C, 93L (3.3 SAN-MIR162 Incubateur, +5°C à +80°C, 153L (5.4 SAN-MIR262 Incubateur réfrigéré , -10°C à +50°C, 406L (14.4 SAN-MIR553 Incubateur réfrigéré, -10°C à +50°C, 406L (14.4 SAN-MIR554 Chambre environnementale, 294L (10.2 SAN-MLR351H VENTE Liste Description # d’item $4,732 $6,427 Unité de filtration, membrane PES, .22µm, 250mL, 12/Cse ARG-BPE2225 $6,209 $8,435 Unité de filtration, membrane PES, .22µm, 500mL, 12/Cse ARG-BPE2250 $5,995 $9,875 Unité de filtration, membrane PES, .45µm, 250mL, 12/Cse ARG-BPE4525 $5,545 $10,219 Unité de filtration, membrane PES, .45µm, 500mL, 12/Cse ARG-BPE4550 $4,995 $8,873 Boîte d’entreposage 100 places LiteSafe™, Noir, 5/Pqt ARG-R3121 $7,444 $11,796 Entonnoir double pour cytocentrifugeuse avec filtre, 25/Pqt BMP-CYTODB25 $3,269 $5,335 Broyeur à tissus, 30mL, autoporteur, 10/Csee BMP-TG702 $1,180 $2,579 Tubes à sédimentation Wintrobe, grad. Jaunes, 10x200/PqtCHA-64FR828B $2,042 $3,426 Sperian Glove, 7 Cut Resistance Heavy SS, Large ESB-SPPF7GYLSS $3,755 $9,045 Sperian Glove, 7 Cut Resistance Heavy SS, Medium ESB-SPPF7GYMSS $5,708 $9,045 Embouts naturel type Eppendorf 100-1000µL, 1000/Sac PRX-111N $8,747 $14,608 Embout universel gradué 0 à 200µL, naturel, 10x96/Pqt PRX-A22051PRX FOURNITURES de LABORATOIRE Description # d’item Plaque à 96 puits, non traitée, stérile, 100/Cse ARG-P0096 Plaque à 6 puits, surface traitée, stérile, 100/Cse ARG-P1006 Plaque à 12 puits, surface traitée, stérile, 100/Cse ARG-P1012 Plaque à 24 puits, surface traitée, stérile, 100/Cse ARG-P1024 Plaque à 96 puits, surface traitée, stérile, 100/Cse ARG-P1096 Mini pipette sérologique 10ml, 150/Csee ARG-PM10 Mini pipette sérologique 25ml, 100/Cse ARG-PM25 Mini pipette sérologique 5ml, 200/Cse ARG-PM5 Pipette sérologique 1ml (0.01), 500/Cse ARG-PS01 Pipette sérologique 1ml, 500/Cse ARG-PS1 Pipette sérologique 10ml, 200/Cse ARG-PS10 Pipette sérologique 2ml, 500/Cse ARG-PS2 Pipette sérologique 25ml, 150/Cse ARG-PS25 Pipette sérologique 5ml, 250/Cse ARG-PS5 Pipette sérologique 50ml, 100/Cse ARG-PS50 FOURNITURES de LABORATOIRE VENTE Liste $134.97 $179.91 $160.37 $213.76 $171.47 $228.61 $171.47 $228.61 $160.37 $213.76 $49.87 $66.49 $82.47 $109.98 $65.27 $86.99 $90.97 $121.24 $62.87 $83.79 $61.57 $82.09 $113.47 $151.23 $104.57 $139.43 $59.37 $79.08 $200.87 $267.79 Embouts à filtre ART 200µL stériles, 10x96/Pqt MBP-2069G Embouts à filtre ART 10µL stériles, 10x96/Pqt MBP-213905 Embouts à filtre ART 20µL stériles, 10x96/Pqt MBP-2149 Embouts à filtre ART 20P stériles, 10x96/Pqt MBP-2149P Embouts à filtre ART 20µL gels stériles, 10x96/Pqt MBP-2155 Embouts à filtre ART 1000µL stériles, 8x100/Pqt MBP-2279 Embouts à filtre ART 1000µL stériles, 8x96/Pqt MBP-227905 Embouts REACH 10µL, noirs, 1000/Sac MBP-3510 Tubes pour amplification 0,2mL, capuchon plat, 1000/Sac MBP-3412 Décontaminant de surface dna away, bouteille de 250mL MBP-7010 Râtelier FlipStrip bleu MBP-8630 Râtelier FlipStrip bleu avec couvercle MBP-8638 Râtelier FlipStrip jaune avec couvercle MBP-8658 Portoir 4-Way Flipper avec couvercle, fluo orange MBP-8860 Gants d’examen Evolution ONE sans poudre TG, 100/Bte MEM-EV2050XL Support à seau de MOPEC MOP-HO003 Tubes de 15ml, polystyrène, 1000/Cse NAT-TUC1535 Capouchon pour tubes de 15mL, 1000/Cse NAT-TUN1512 VENTE Liste $77.07 $102.66 $85.47 $113.91 $77.07 $102.66 $85.47 $113.91 $23.47 $31.21 $72.07 $96.08 $71.67 $95.56 $500.07 $666.69 $18.07 $24.03 $18.07 $24.03 $17.47 $23.26 $26.17 $34.91 $89.47 $119.23 $98.37 $131.16 $89.47 $119.23 $89.47 $119.23 $110.87 $147.86 $89.47 $119.23 $98.37 $131.16 $21.67 $28.94 $52.67 $70.19 $18.17 $24.23 $14.47 $19.38 $14.47 $19.26 $14.47 $19.26 $16.27 $21.66 $10.97 $19.91 $232.07 $310.35 $54.27 $72.44 $28.57 $38.13 CODE de spéciaux: W12 Les Produits Scientifiques ESBE TORONTO MONTRÉAL 80 McPherson Street, Markham ON L3R 3V6 5657 chemin St-François, St-Laurent QC H4S 1W6 Tel 800.268.3477 Fax 800.387.0476 Tel800.542.4818 Fax 514.335.1901 OFFRES VALIDES JUSQU’AU 31 MARS 2012 à moins d’avis contraire. Valide seulement au CANADA. Les informations concernant les prix et les caractéristiques sont exactes au moment de la production de cette brochure et peuvent être sujettes à des changements sans préavis. Les promotions ne peuvent être combinées avec aucune autre offre, escompte ou entente contractuelle. Les quantités sont limitées. Les produits doivent être achetés et les promotions et offres spéciales réclamées avant le 31 mars 2012. GET Connected Atten d pittcon Expo si ti o n date s: Ma rch 12 – 15 thE world’s largEst annual confErEncE and Exposition for laboratory sciEncE. Orange County Convention Center • Orlando, Florida • USA 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 3 Visit 7/12/11 9:29 AM Get connected to innovations, science, and colleagues. pittcon, the world’s largest annual conference and exposition for laboratory science, offers a unique opportunity to get a hands-on look at the newest instrumentation and technology while connecting with members of the scientific community. having grown beyond its roots in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, pittcon now serves a diverse constituency of all laboratory scientists—anyone who identifies, quantifies, analyzes or tests the chemical or biological properties of compounds or molecules—encompassing life sciences, pharmaceutical discovery and Qa, food safety, environmental and bioterrorism markets. pittcon creates the perfect environment to learn, discuss and discover. 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 4 7/12/11 9:29 AM EXPOSITION GET Connected Connect with Exhibitors Connect with nearly 1,000 leading exhibitors from 30 countries offering the latest innovations in laboratory products and services. Get a hands-on look at equipment, including live demonstrations, see the latest in instrumentation and solutions to improve laboratory efficiency, and connect with technical personnel for answers to your most pressing questions in these— and other—categories: HPLC, ICP, GC, MS, FTIR • Laboratory Apparatus, Chemicals, and Supplies • Analytical Instrumentation • Informatics and Analytical Software • Green Chemistry Solutions • OEM Parts and Dealers International Representatives • Scientific Publishers • Professional Societies • Contract Laboratory Services • • Quickly and easily find the professionals, equipment and services you need most by visiting the following specialized sections on the exposition floor: • Life Science area • New Exhibitor area • LIMS area n ifies, and For more information, Visit 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 5 7/12/11 9:29 AM TECHNICAL PROGRAM Get Connected to Scientific Discovery Th lim sci With more than 2,000 technical sessions, Pittcon makes it easy for you to get connected to the latest research and developments in your field and gain a global perspective from leading scientists from around the world. Ins Pittcon’s comprehensive and diverse Technical Program includes, but is not limited to, sessions such as: Symposia • Biomedical Nanotechnology • Hyphenated Techniques for Peptidomics: Bridging the Gap Between Proteomics and Metabolomics by Mass Spectrometry • LC/MS Quantification of Protein Therapeutics in Drug Discovery and Development • Mass Spectrometry Advances Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels • New Alternatives in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry • New Developments in Forensic Chemistry for Use at the Crime Scene and in the Laboratory 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 6 Organized Contributed • Analytical Techniques for Nanotoxicology • Elemental Speciation in the Real World: Clinical, Industrial and Environmental Applications • High Throughput Analysis for Food Safety • Non-invasive Biomedical Analysis • Recent Advances in Capillary Scale Ion Chromatography Workshops • Addressing Challenges in Dietary Supplement Analysis • Analytical and Spectroscopic Advances and Their Impact on Biofuel Analysis • GC-on-a-Chip: The Next Generation • Implementation of Analytical Curriculum Reform: Solving Problems and Making Gains • Industry, Academic, and Government Responses to Emerging Food Contaminants • Unleashing AnIML 1.0: Adoption Strategies for the New ASTM Data Standards for more detailed information on our extensive technical program, Visit 7/12/11 9:29 AM • • • • • • No • • • • • • • • • • • TECHNICAL PROGRAM Get Connected to Scientific Discovery The 2012 comprehensive Technical Program includes, but is not limited to, areas of analytical chemistry, applied spectroscopy, life sciences, bioanalysis, food sciences, and related disciplines such as: With more than 2,000 technical sessions, Pittcon makes it easy for you to get connected to the latest research and developments in your field and gain a global perspective from leading scientists from around the world. Instrumental Analysis Pittcon’s comprehensive and diverse Technical Program includes, but is not limited to, sessions such as: Symposia • Biomedical Nanotechnology • Hyphenated Techniques for Peptidomics: Bridging the Gap Between Proteomics and Metabolomics by Mass Spectrometry • LC/MS Quantification of Protein Therapeutics in Drug Discovery and Development • Mass Spectrometry Advances Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels • New Alternatives in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry • New Developments in Forensic Chemistry for Use at the Crime Scene and in the Laboratory Organized Contributed • Analytical Techniques for Nanotoxicology • Elemental Speciation in the Real World: Clinical, Industrial and Environmental Applications • High Throughput Analysis for Food Safety • Non-invasive Biomedical Analysis • Recent Advances in Capillary Scale Ion Chromatography Workshops • Addressing Challenges in Dietary Supplement Analysis • Analytical and Spectroscopic Advances and Their Impact on Biofuel Analysis • GC-on-a-Chip: The Next Generation • Implementation of Analytical Curriculum Reform: Solving Problems and Making Gains • Industry, Academic, and Government Responses to Emerging Food Contaminants • Unleashing AnIML 1.0: Adoption Strategies for the New ASTM Data Standards For more detailed information on our extensive Technical Program, Visit • • • • • • Chromatography Molecular and atomic spectroscopy Portable/Hand-held Instruments Electrochemistry Mass spectrometry Lab-on-a-Chip technology Novel Application of Measurement Science • • • • • • • • • • • Nanotechnology Biomedicine Neurochemistry Genomics, Proteomics Metabolomics, Metabonomics Forensics Informatics Pharmaceutical Environmental Polymer Food Science Ambient Ionization and Mini Mass Spectrometers: In situ MS for Everyone Sunday, March 11, 2012 – 4:30 p.m. Chapin Theater Orange County Convention Center R. Graham Cooks, Henry B. Hass Distinguished Professor—Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, received Ph.D. degrees from the University of Natal and Cambridge University. He is involved in the construction of mass spectrometers and their use in fundamental studies and applications. He is also interested in the fundamentals of ion chemistry, including chiral analysis and spontaneous chiral resolution in clusters and the possible role of the amino acid serine in the biochemical origins of life. R. Graham Cooks Guest Plenary Speaker His work in minimizing sample work-up and avoiding chromatography contributed to the development of the ambient ionization methods, including desorption electrospray ionization (DESI). Applications of this method in tissue imaging, forensics and pharmaceutics are in progress. These same interests also led to the construction of miniature ion trap mass spectrometers and their application to problems of trace chemical detection. Plenary Lecture NETWORKING SHORT COURSES Connect with Colleagues from Around the World Connect to Educational Opportunities Conferee Networking Sessions, free to all registered attendees, offer an open forum to connect and network with colleagues from all over the world. Participants will have the opportunity to interact, discuss, share experiences, and solve problems during these informal 2-hour facilitated sessions. Pittcon’s Short Courses offer an excellent—and affordable— way to enhance your professional development. With seemingly unlimited topic choices in half-day, full-day, or 2-day sessions, ranging from beginner to advanced, the opportunities for your personal career growth are endless. General discussion topics include: • LC-MS, ICP-MS, SFC, IC • High Throughput Pharmaceutical Purification • Process Analytical Technology • Forensics • Food Quality/Safety Here is a sampling of our Short Course topics: • • • • • • Microfluidics Lab-on-a-Chip Food Safety Thermal Analysis Lab Data Management Environmental Impact Beginner: • Professional Analytical Chemists in Industry • Managerial Effectiveness: Setting Clear Expectations • LC/MS Strategies for the Identification of Impurities, Degradants and Metabolites • Lab-on-a-Chip Devices Intermediate: • Statistically Sound Calibration Studies– with computer workshop • Raman and IR Spectroscopy: Basic Theory, Instrumentation and Applications • HPLC Method Development for LC/MS Advanced: • LC-MS-MS Analysis of Endocrine Disruptors, Pharmaceuticals, and Nanomaterials Pit can ou ea rep of For more detailed information about our Short Courses or Free Networking Sessions: Visit 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 8 Ge 7/12/11 9:29 AM CONNECTIONS... High Level Connections, Small Level Investment All the connections you need, all in one place—and for a relatively small investment. Register before February 13, 2012, and pay only $115—a 50% savings! This small investment gives you unlimited weeklong access to the exposition floor and all components of the Technical Program. Get connected to the best rates for Orlando’s most popular hotels. Book through GET Connected at Get Connected with Our New Mobile App Pittcon gets—and keeps—you connected anytime, anywhere with our new Pittcon 2012 mobile app. Get ready for Pittcon with many functions that can help you efficiently plan your show path. View a complete list of exhibitors, plot your course with the interactive floor plan, and search through our complete list of technical sessions and short courses. Then use the agenda building function to create a plan that works for you—quickly and easily and always at your fingertips. While at Pittcon, stay connected with onsite alerts and access to Twitter. Then after the show, get post-show reports sent directly to your email. Pittcon 2012 app will be available before, during and after the event. Stay tuned for the official launch date of this free download at 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 9 7/12/11 9:29 AM GET Connected Register... Before 2/13/12 and save 50% off the registration fee! Scan this code with your smartphone to register now. 0054_2012_Conferee_Brochure_v12_FINAL.indd 2 7/12/11 9:29 AM