Clay Classic Flyer - Simon Kenton Council Boy Scouts of America
Clay Classic Flyer - Simon Kenton Council Boy Scouts of America
You’re Invited! Friday, September 5, 2014 Black Wing Shooting Center • 3722 Marysville Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015 10th Annual clay target Classic W Benefiting the hether you are a first-time shooter or a seasoned pro, you will enjoy the competition and the feeling of knowing your sponsorship prepared a young person for life. So reward your employees, entertain clients or just bring some friends to the finest outdoor shooting sports venue in central Ohio and join me at the Clay Target Classic. Shooters will have the opportunity to choose to shoot Trap or Sporting Clays. You will also enjoy lunch, beverages, business networking and practice rounds. Kevin J. Lee General Manager, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. sponsorship levels REGISTRATION FORM RSVP by wednesday, August 27, 2014 Details on reverse side. Team Information We prefer to shoot: Sporting Clays-6 Shooters Sporting Clays limited to first 12 teams Trap-5 Shooters $10,000 Platinum Sponsor Sponsorship Information Please tell us about your team on the reverse side of this form. $5,000 Gold Sponsor $2,500 Silver Sponsor Team/Company Name $1,800 Sporting Clay Team Sponsor Team Captain $1,500 Trap Team Sponsor Address $300 Single Shooter Phone Email $500 Station Sponsor Signature Donation $ Does your team need to reserve shotguns? Yes City State Zip Number of guns needed Payment Method ad specs Please send invoice to address above Check enclosed Full page ad: 8.5”h x 5.5”w Half page ad: 4.25”h x 5.5”w Signature Send color artwork (jpeg or PDF files) by August 27, 2014 to Mail form to Simon Kenton Council, 807 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 or fax 614-436-7917. For more information contact Bridget Tharp at or call 614-310-1323. Credit Card # Exp. Date Sec Code Your contribution is tax deductible less $75 per Trap shooter and $85 per Sporting Clay shooter for benefits received. sponsorship levels event schedule Platinum Sponsor $10,000 • Three teams for Trap or Sporting Clays • Full-page advertisement in event program •R ecognition in The Scouter newsletter (mailed to 18,000 homes quarterly) • Sponsor signage throughout shooting field 10:00am-11:15am Check-In Opens, Side Games Open, Practice Rounds Available Please arrive before 11:15am to shoot practice rounds Gold Sponsor $5,000 • Two teams for Trap or Sporting Clays • Full-page advertisement in event program • Sponsor signage throughout shooting field 11:45am Welcome and Opening Remarks Silver Sponsor $2,500 • One team for Trap or Sporting Clays • Full-page advertisement in event program • Sponsor signage on shooting field 12:00pm Sporting Clay Team Sponsor $1,800 Competition Begins 6 Shooters Trap Team Sponsor $1,500 5 Shooters 2:30pm Single Shooter $300 Station Sponsor $500 Lunch and Awards Program • Marketing signage on shooting field About Simon Kenton Council The Simon Kenton Council is one of the largest Boy Scout councils in the nation serving 17 counties in central and southern Ohio, and Greenup County in northern Kentucky. The council is staffed by 22 professional Scouters with a team of 7,000 adult volunteers delivering the Scouting program to more than 22,000 youth. We are joined by more than 550 partnering organizations sponsoring more than 800 Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing and Exploring units in our council. We are a premier leader in youth development and deliver on the promise to provide character development, citizenship training, personal fitness and fun. The values we strive to instill are based on those found in the Scout Oath and Law and the Outdoor Code. Please tell us about your team Team Captain: Teammate 2: Teammate 4: Employer: Employer: Employer: I was a Scout: I was a Scout: I was a Scout: Yes Rank Achieved No Yes Rank Achieved No Yes Rank Achieved No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No Unit Type/Number: Unit Type/Number: Unit Type/Number: Teammate 1: Teammate 3: Teammate 5: Employer: Employer: Employer: I was a Scout: I was a Scout: I was a Scout: Yes Rank Achieved No Yes Rank Achieved No Yes Rank Achieved No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No I am a current Scout volunteer: Yes No Unit Type/Number: Unit Type/Number: Unit Type/Number: